#were cofronting now
arolove-system-blog · 19 days
well i open discord and immediately tommy becomes MUCH more present
well. okay this is interesting.
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nexus-nebulae · 1 month
suddenly remembering how we used to write down conversations between our old host and their "ocs" (see: headmates) during school when we were super stressed out. hmm.
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aropride · 1 year
guy with 13 ao3 tabs open voice Yeah i think i cope with stress pretty well
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loyalhorror · 2 years
tonight on "I feel like shit at 3am": I feel like shit and it's 3am
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3rrorsnas · 5 months
i think this is actually my first new year here. I don't remember celebrating much of it before/gen pos(?)
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wanderingpeonies · 7 months
i know i'm not fusing with tori. like i'm not, that doesnt rly happen in our system and its just not how we work. but like. tori is our identity holder. we're partially median and every little facet or connection we collectively felt towards an animal or character or smthn needed to go somewhere . it went to tori since it was previously host/my shell for a long time. but now that i exist and have comfortably been host, those facets of identity aren't as comfortable because they're with a part of the brain that no longer conducts daily living & cant absorb it when we come into contact with those identities. and so like. now i'm getting them. they're either being transferred or shared with me in some way, which tbh is weird??? and makes me feel a little weird. because its eerily close to feeling like i'm merging with tori, even though i am definitely not. anyways
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thecataclysmic6 · 2 years
It's our host's Day of Birth! 🎂
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richierambles · 1 month
Cartman's system: headmate list 2.0
Been thinking thoughts idk
This list would be their alters when their body's 15yo (sorry it's long I might make a shorter one later-)
Thanks to @mischieviousmusic and @everythingwasnormalhere for standing my infodumping about this au XD
6 yo
Loves playing tea party (main fronter during it)
When it's the other littles playing, she mainly roleplays as the Polly Prissipants doll
Sometimes cofronts when they're at class, but isn't allowed to talk to their classmates
Almost always at cofront when Love's fronting
After they come out, she's closest to Stan and Butters
They're not out to Karen, but Anne's spent time with her too
Whenever she talks to Kenny she asks him how she's doing<3
Ginger in headspace (it felt important to mention this don't ask why)
Main fronter almost all the time they're playing
Roleplays as most of the other toys when they're playing tea party though
Loves playing cowboys
Frienemies with Artemis, they'll either hate each other or be best friends all the time
After they come out, he's closest to Kenny (but will much rather hang out with his sysmates)
Looks and acts like a Typical White Boy™
Introjected from Artemis Clyde Frog (the stuffed animal), but lost almost all his connection to it since the day it died (and exclusively goes by Artemis, hates his other names)
Roleplays himself when playing with the other syskids, never a main fronter while playing
Spent a long while (2-3 years) dormant, only came back after they came out, one day when the system was hanging out with their friends
The gang were all like "wtf who's this idk this alter-" but finally figured it out (mainly Kyle did)
SUPER close to Kyle
Actually whenever Artemis fronts they'll text Kyle first thing no matter what
Also close-ish to Butters
Has dark skin in the innerworld, his iw appearance is human but he always wears a frog hat
The meaner, stronger Cartman
Is also a protector besides a host
Split from Collins on the Kenny Dies episode
He's the one who used fetuses to built the pizza place because otherwise the guys would've thought he was weak (his thought process is fucking crazy)
One of the few alters who remembers Kenny's deaths
He also knows there's something weird going on in their brain, but has no idea what
Used to cleaning up after everyone else's messes (like acting as if Jenni was Mitch Conners and as if all the Henniffer Lopez thing was just a joke (which backfired so bad...))
After they come out, he hangs out with everyone the same way they always do
Insys, he's trying to get close to 8
^ completely idolatrizes Hitler
Huge on the antisemitism (and general bigotry tbh)
Split from Sam on the Kenny dies episode
He did want to use the fetuses to save Kenny, and he does consider Kenny his best friend
But he switched out when they got the news Kenny was dead (he was unable to cope with that) and so that's why Sam did what he did
Acts much more like a normal kid than Sam
Actually he's pretty normal for South Park standards
After they come out, he's best friends with Kenny but still friends with the rest of the gang as usual
Not as bad as Sam but definitely not good either
Kyle doesn't hate him as much as he hates Sam (but he'd never say this)
Cartman-sonas (idk how else to call this category):
Grand Wizard King
Fronts mainly while playing SoT (but not every time they do)
Definitely their most responsible alter
^ the others often ask him for advice and stuff
Mildly connected to source
The first time he fronted it was during a SoT game, he found all of it normal (his memories are of the SoT universe) but when they stopped playing he was so weirded out by everything since he's used to a fantasy world
"Cartman stop rping we finished 2 hours ago" "who trapped those guys inside that box 😰" (they were watching TV 💀)
Now (after they came out) they don't play SoT as much, so he only takes full control on special occasions or when Kenny is on a Princess shift (otherkin Kenny 💯)
Only actually close to Kenny because of that, doesn't talk much to anyone else
it/raccoon neos/he
The Coon
Physical protector
Formed because of Cartman's hero persona, but that was long before they started going out as The Coon (they made the first concept for that sona when they were around 4-5yo)
But one day it fronted and decided why not go out fight crime
The others didn't know about this at first
They just knew they had a weird fixation on that "Coon" hero (which, they didn't know where they saw him either but wtv)
But one day Sam decided to go out as Coon (in a rp manner) and found he looked exactly like him
Grim fronted in the middle of it and yk Coon'd for a bit
And Sam did remember that time
So what made more sense is that he'd been The Coon since the beginning
(which wasn't exactly a lie-)
After their syscovery, they assumed Grim formed after they started going out as The Coon
Grim has never confirmed nor denied this
Every single time Kenny's in his Mysterion shift fur gets yeeted to front just so they can argue for a while 💀
Talks to pretty much all the gang but mainly Mysterion'd Kenny
Gets called a furry 24/7 by both his headmates and Kenny (and the rest of the gang sometimes, not as much tho). He fucking hates it.
S3xual protector
Metrosexual Cartman
But he's a full-on homosexual
Cartman's metrosexual phase lasted longer than anyone else's because "it's not a phase mom it's who I am 🙄💅"
It was a phase for everyone but Adrian
He's still in that phase
Has hooked up with half the system and even a couple guys out of it
Nothing serious though
Before they came out he respected Cartman's image and didn't flirt with their friends, but after they did there's not a conversation in which he's not telling them the gayest most explicit shit ever
The gang are between confidence boost and absolute utter cringe fucking kill me pls
Persecutor (misguided protector) + academic
Formed during Tsst, he's the nice submissive version of Cartman
Would let basically anyone boss him around
Good intentions all the time
Won't do anything bad on purpose
All his submissiveness has gotten them in trouble though
To the point the others try to avoid him fronting as much as they can
He switched in when they were going to kill Liane though, that's good
Goes exclusively by Theodore, some people have tried to call him Theo but he hates that
After they come out, the gang are kinda uncomfortable with him, but Butters warms up to him eventually
(the reason why they're uncomfortable is because Theodore has such a Not Cartman way to act, and also because he's kinda really fucking lame)
(also a bit because Sam has told them all about the times Theodore has messed up)
love-related neos
Cupid Me
S3xual protector
When heart's at front, heart'll flirt with Kyle so much it's insane
Is it because fluff's in love with him? Is it because fluff ships kyman? Is it because of a secret third reason? Who knows
Btw everyone else (/sys) was so confused about it at first, like, "...wdym I was acting weird yesterday? I was flirting with you?? And calling you Ky-boo??? Good one dude but quit the bullshit I never did that"
Then when they had the syscovery nobody associated that with some alter doing it
Until a few months after they came out Kyle connected the dots and almost instantly told Sam (who was so pissed off at Sunny 😭)
Love's mostly close to the girls (Nichole, Bebe, even Wendy), but a lot closer to Collins and Anne
Also 💘's never stopped flirting with Kyle, and will never stop (slay)
Hitler factive, really connected to source
Protector + Prosecutor
Formed soon after they learnt about Hitler's existence
Fronts at times in which they have to act commanding, such as The Passion Of The Jew or Ginger Kids
Also fronted during some of Tsst, and was who planned (and tried) to kill Liane
After they came out, he didn't front much in front of their friends (he found them lame)
But one day something Bad happened when they woke up and he got triggered to front, so he had to go to school
When the gang noticed he was acting different, they asked who he was
Well, Kyle did, but Eight refused to answer
Stan asked again and H told them his name was Adolf Hitler
Kyle refused to even look at him the rest of that day (and rightfully so)
When someone else switched in, Kyle told them that if 8 didn't at least change his name he'd never talk to any of them ever again, so that's why he goes by Eight/8/H (that was the most he'd accept to change it)
When he's at front (not often) Kyle has to resist the urge to beat him up (he doesn't wanna hurt some of the others), but to find them both in the same room is practically imposible
Jenniffer Lopez fictive
Talks in spanish sometimes, it's horribly incorrect but she doesn't care
She's the one who does most of the drag
Also the other one (besides Adrian) who hooks up with random guys
She's mostly at cofront rather than full front (talking with the hand because it "looks less weird"), but she's been at full front sometimes too :3
Fucking hates Mitch
After they come out, she hangs out with Bebe sometimes (but not really too often, she'll much rather go with celebrities)
Mitch Conner:
Sam first made him up so he could "get rid of" Jenni without looking too insane
But then they actually split
Jenni and Mitch fucking hate each other, Jenni because he steals her identity and Mitch because he thinks she's annoying
Whenever they front they'll find out everything they can about the other alters (and everyone in general) just so they can get stuff from them later
Kyle is so annoyed by his existence for some reason
Other (idk where else to put her soo):
Originally split when they were a little kid (3-5), to take care of them when Liane didn't (she was kinda neglectful back then)
Also to have them grow up in a hopefully healthier environment
But she started obsessing over growing up and maturing to the point she actually made them unsafe
Such as in 1%, when she mutilated their stuffed animals and almost killed them (by burning down their house) in the process
Now she almost never fronts, and only Irick knows where she is and is allowed to talk to her
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pluralcultureis · 7 months
System culture is looking at tumblr and going who reblogged that just. Immediately.
System culture is also saying things you normally wouldnt say and realise youve been cofronting for most of the day now.
-🐲 (<- tag cause were here a lot cause we really like this blog)
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may I ask what fusion looks like? we have headmates who want to fuse with others, but are scared ths will mean that they will cease to exist. they're also scared that fusing will make inner world interaction and imposition useless, like iw "physical" touch and intimacy. so I wanted to ask your experiences with it! absolutely no pressure to reply if you're uncomfortable of course, thank you for this blog 💛
Hey, we have had two successful fusions in our system as far as we know. We are happy to talk about our experience with this.
This post got really long, so we’re putting it under a cut. We’re not sure how to write a TLDR for this post in particular since it’s so complex, sorry.
First of all, in any system, fusion does not kill headmates or cause them to cease to exist. The parts who have fused in our system are still very much here. Also, fusion might look very different for other systems - we can only talk about what fusion has been like for us, but fusion for us might not look the same as fusion for someone else.
It’s kind of like mint chocolate chip ice cream. You can have mint ice cream on its own, and you can have chocolate chips on their own, but combined, they become something new. The ice cream and the chocolate chips don’t vanish or disappear, they’re still there. They just work together to become one cohesive thing.
We have had one unintentional fusion. I fused with an alter after that part’s role was no longer needed in our system. He’s still here. He is me, and I am him. After learning more and more about our system and each other, we blended together and haven’t separated since. It was so subtle and quick that it took a while for us to notice that a fusion had taken place. There was a time when we had two parts that looked similar and shared the same name. Now there’s just one, as we have permanently joined forces.
We’ve also had a purposeful fusion that took some planning and collaboration. My parts, Margo and Cecil, came together because they wanted to fuse. Our system is really prone to blending and cofronting. Often when we cofront, we’ll temporarily blend to become one for a while before splitting apart again. So for Margo and Cecil to fuse, it looked sort of like this:
Step one: Lots of communication between the two. Discussing what fusion might look like for them, what they hoped to gain out of fusion, how a fusion might affect our system and themselves, etc.
Step two: Sticking together. Always. They got our gatekeeper to help ensure that when one of them fronted, both of them did. Even inside the headspace they went everywhere together. This took some getting used to, as Margo was our work part which meant she sometimes had to front with Cecil outside of work, which was tough for her at first.
Step three: Settling on a new name, new pronouns, and thinking about themselves as a collective self. They asked us to start referring to them collectively as one part, even before they fused. They picked the name Coriander (nn Corrie) and decided they could be bigender with he/she pronouns.
Step four: Waiting it out. Once they settled on their collective identity, we all just kind of waited to see what would happen. Of course, they were in touch with our therapist a bunch during this time, and he really helped them to come together. At some point, they were able to remain blended even outside of the fronting space. And now, it’s like they’ve been blended nonstop for a few weeks now. They might still split apart later, but we’re of the opinion that they’ve successfully fused.
So for Corrie, it took lots of communication, a mutual understanding, sticking together constantly, forming a collective identity, and patience in order for that fusion to happen, along with lots of support from folks both inside and outside the system.
Now, it is true that they don’t interact with each other in the headspace/inner world in the same way that they used to. Inside, they look, act, and function as one. However, they might still be interacting in their own way in their own consciousness? From what we understand, people (even singlets) are multifaceted and can feel conflicted or have internal conversations. Also, we think inner worlds are imagined visualizations. So if they wanted, theoretically they could imagine themselves as separate again without necessarily splitting apart if that’s something they wanted. Like I could imagine myself as Parker and P2 and imagine interactions between them if I wanted. Personally, I don’t, really. But maybe this could happen? Honestly we don’t know what our headspace is going to look like as more and more of us fuse in the future. Sorry about this.
We’d like to include a graphic on fusion by @/clever-and-unique-name that’s helped us in the past.
This ^ is how we understand fusion, and how it’s felt for us so far. No one is gone, we’re just together. From what we understand it’s been an amazing and liberating experience for Corrie. And we truly hope we’ll be able to have more fusions in our system in the future. Many of us are actually hoping for final fusion as a recovery goal.
So there you have it. Many parts in our system have been scared of fusion in the past, but witnessing it happen with Corrie has been really beneficial for us. It gives us hope that one day we can all work, function, and collaborate together as one. Even after we’ve fused, I believe we’ll still be multifaceted with different parts. We’ll just have an easier time understanding each other and existing in the world without dissociative barriers breaking up our consciousness.
We hope this helps. Sorry it was so long, and our apologies if it doesn’t make much sense. This post was typed by me, Parker, but it was co-written by quite a few of us over the course of a couple weeks. Our system has really complex feelings about fusion and lots of parts wanted to share their thoughts.
💫 Parker, 🌷 Corrie, 🐢 Kip, 🦇 Alucard, and 🐺 Toby
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nexus-nebulae · 4 months
wait i just realised something i think we defeated our self-fakeclaiming finally
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lilguiguinevere · 11 months
today on ena and cater's ramblings and character analyses: david chiem's system coding!
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as a system ourselves, we've managed to pick up on some of his behaviors, which are, if you look deep enough, symptoms of did and/or osdd. so we're gonna talk about that now!
the layout of what we're going to talk about: his "facade" slipping (masking), his possible memory issues, him pausing before doing stuff, his tumblr page quote, and just going over his entire reveal (since it shows a lot).
1: facade/mask slips
several times in drdt, david's facade will slip when he thinks no one's looking, or if he's stressed. the first example is in the prologue itself, during his introduction:
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and then he panics and asks teruko to forget what he said right after:
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thats the first instance.
there was also before the first trial, when david snaps at teruko to shut up and leave him alone before immediately correcting himself and apologizing, along with several others.
during trial 2, david rambles on about arei being tricked, spewing out derogatory adjectives, and nobody really questions it?
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this can be seen as both masking (pretending to be a different alter/one person, essentially) and cofronting (when there are 2 or more alters fronting at once).
the first instance in the prologue seems more like masking, as do most of his slip-ups. the one before the first trial seems like cofronting because of how quick the correction was.
otherwise, he's good at maintaining his mask.
2: memory issues
...it's clear he has memory issues, and they're very apparent in trial 2.
we'll talk about him forgetting the conversation with are in the last section. for now, we're focusing on this:
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david doesn't remember going to the relaxation room at first, and he goes along with it because if they're saying it happened, it had to have. and teruko points out his confusion.
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but the topic is changed after.
before the breakdown, he said "i was wrong, i think," as if he didn't really know what he did and what he was taking accountability for.
memory issues and amnesia are a big part of systemhood, especially if you have DID. if there are any other mentions of david forgetting things, someone let us know so we can add them! because we forgot. very ironic, i know.
3: pauses
before doing a lot of things, whether it's acting or responding to someone, he pauses for a second, or ignores someone.
like, when he's asked for his alibi pre-trial 1:
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of course, he could just be ignoring teruko, since xander just died. but.. he does this a lot.
he hesitated before running after arei. and. well. we'll talk about the rest at the end.
this can be seen as switching (which we'll talk about with the breakdown), or dissociation. mostly dissociation, though? i don't know how to elaborate, but he just seems more distant than one would during this. shrug.
4: quote
this isn't concrete in the slightest, but the source code quote on david's tumblr page is "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i wish you would just die."
we know that most people will likely say their quotes in some canon media, like min and arei have. and the quotes, i think, can be up to interpretation on who they were about. arei's doesn't count, but min's has both first and second person pronouns ("i wanted to save you.") honestly? in canon context, this can be seen as her telling teruko she was trying to save her, and her trying to save herself from execution.
david's also uses first and second person pronouns, which we don't believe any other quotes do. obviously, he hasn't said it (yet), so we don't know who it's directed at, but since most quotes are somewhat directed at the owners, it's clear it'll be somewhat about himself.
this completely diverges, but we think it could be "pre-reveal" david directed at "post-reveal" david. since... it doesn't seem like the two like each other, based on how relieved post-reveal david felt after dropping the facade (even though i don't think that's what happened), and pre-reveal david's panic over being called a manipulator.
5: chapter two, episode eleven
alright, this'll be the longest section, but it covers a lot of stuff.
first: david didn't remember the conversation with arei at first.
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second: at first, he was panicking over being called a manipulator (he panicked twice! first with arei, second right before he broke down).
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first instance ^ here, we don't know what happened after yet, but he was extremely quiet, like mentioned before.
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second instance ^ right here, he clams up real bad, as teruko points out.
and what happens right after?
he breaks down. the way we saw it was him switching out with the post-reveal david, but it can also be seen as him giving up on masking. with the long pause, it feels like a switch, though.
and suddenly, after the breakdown, he remembers everything, from meeting arei to going to the relaxation room, and has zero problems with being called a manipulator. he doesn't pause that much anymore, and just takes it all with zero issue.
he did a complete 180. two very different personalities.
now, we hit the image limit, so it's hard to elaborate further. we'll close the post off here:
tl;dr: david is incredibly system-coded, whether it be on purpose or not. he dissociates, has moments that can be described as switches, struggles to mask sometimes, and has bad memory issues.
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pluralquotebook · 2 months
Unknown: "someone tell those two to start dating already"
🐾: "wh-were literally cofronting right now what" (as in why are you talking as if we werent)
-🐾🐬kokorou (aka kokomi and gorou/ace) (via @cloverstarsys)
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
yesterday you got an anon suggesting the minecraft server double life might have some connections to plurality, and while i personally dont see it, that does remind me of something that happened in one of the sequel seasons, limited life.
(double life is part of a (as of now) 5 season series generally called the life series. double life is season 3. limited life is season 4.)
in session 6 of limited life, 2 players were unable to play (one was sick, the other was away from home).
in previous seasons it would be fine to just be absent for that day, but because limited life's life mechanic was time based, absentees would have a three hour time advantage.
in an earlier episode the solution to this for one player was just to leave rheir character online while they were afk (grian ep 3)
but zombiecleo and pearlescentmoon instead had other people play on their accounts for them (geminitay and ldshadowlady)
in both cases the swap in player had little to no knowledge on what was going on and had to pretend to be the host player. while the host player had occasional commentary that was added in post production, that vaguely reminds me of someone cofronting.
there was so a similar thing done for a one off challenge by other members of that series. where grian, goodtimeswithscar, jimmy solidartygaming, and joel smallishbeans: all posted videos where they competed as 2 teams to beat minecraft, but they swapped accounts with their teammate when they died, and had to rely exclusively on ingame communication to get things done.
they're both fun watches (though the former is perhaps a bit more of a commitment if you want to get the full context) and they both immediately felt very plural to me.
That's some pretty cool accidental plural-coding!
Also, on the subject of the previous ask, it was kind of old and I wonder if that might have come in around the time we were discussing hiveminds as plural-related.
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honeysuckle-venom · 6 months
Long DID post, lots of inner world stuff
Kind of want to talk about something that's been going on internally, but it requires a lot of background that I haven't bothered to give for several months. But whatever, I'll try to give an abridged version with enough information that things make sense.
Most of us have fused, but it's not...the same as never having had parts. And we haven't all fused. Last February I discovered a part, I don't know that I've ever talked about her on main and she doesn't have a name I'm willing to share here, but I'm going to call her C. She was around when we were a kid (in fact, I have good reason to believe she's the core/original part. I know not everyone has one of those but I think we do). She went dormant when we were 11, and woke up last spring. When she woke up, it was accompanied by a strong internal knowledge that she had been dead and buried in an internal grave the whole time, and that her coming out of dormancy was her crawling out of her grave and taking breath for the first time in 15 years. But although she's no longer presenting internally as dead like she did when she was dormant, she still stays internal and very rarely fronts. She kind of came along with an internal world, and we did some work in therapy to discover it more clearly, but it felt like discovering rather than creating for the most part. Before she woke up I didn't think the main system had an internal world, but we do now. She lives there, and although Cypher and I have fused, Cypher is kind of...pulling double duty? She's fused with me, but she also lives with C in a cottage in our internal world, acting as C's...bodyguard? Knight? Whatever, her protector. C needs a lot of protection. She's extremely vulnerable and extremely important to me/all of us. Most of why she doesn't front is because she's too fragile still, she's recovering, and she's easily wounded, and it's very very important that she not be wounded. When she's wounded things go very badly. Because of that she mostly stays internal, deep in a cottage in the woods. She very occasionally cofronts, and it's always a wonderful feeling when she does, but it never ever happens unless we're alone or in therapy, and even then it's rare. It takes a lot of effort to communicate with her/get her towards the front, and if anything makes us feel at all unsafe she immediate goes back away and it becomes almost impossible for me to feel her/get in touch with her. I spend a lot of time and effort making things feel soft and gentle and safe enough for her to come forward, because it feels so wonderful and whole and hopeful when I can feel her/cofront with her. But it's hard and when she's gone it's hard to bring myself to do the things that will bring her forward again. But that's an issue for a different post.
Anyway. I fucked up last week. I didn't take appropriate care of C, of making sure she was safe and protected and barricaded before going to see our mom. Of course she wasn't fronting or as far as I know even conscious when we saw mom, but we should have done some special internal visualizations and stuff to keep her extra safe, and we didn't. And now Cypher is furious at me for letting C get hurt. I'd been trying to figure out for days why I was decompensating to this extent and why I was so incredibly angry 24/7, and today in therapy we realized it's because of that. I can't apologize directly to C, or well, I can but the message won't get through the protective layers, and I live internally in a castle very far away from the cottage where she is. My inner world self isn't currently even allowed to know the route to the cottage, it's magically disguised. But I can get a messenger bird to carry a letter to the post office in the village right outside of the woods that Cypher checks every so often, apologizing and promising to do it differently next time. It's funny, because Cypher is both living in the cottage with C and still fused with me, so I can feel the acknowledgement as I'm writing this that the intention to apologize has been heard, but I still need to internally go through the process of visualizing writing the note and tying it to a bird and waiting for it to arrive. Internal worlds are fucking bizarre apparently. Or possibly Cypher split into two so that one version could stay separate to stay inside with C? Unclear. Anyway, I'm going to do that and hopefully it will help us all calm down some.
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earhartsease · 1 year
we may have said this before, but as a multiple who's been in the closet for over half a century and is only now coming out to ourselves and others about it, we're just starting to feel more comfortable using we/us/our publicly - something we've been quietly doing since we were six and talking to ourselves and writing poetry (and coincidentally always being fascinated when people in fiction called themselves "we" - and weren't royalty because fuck that)
so anyway, you're likely to see us flickering between we and I on tunglr because sometimes one makes more sense to us in context than the other - we're a fluid cofronting collective of several alters (out of over two dozen very diverse beings) so sometimes it's me who's writing and sometimes it's us and there you go, hi from the emerald forest ecosystem ☀️🌿
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