lilguiguinevere · 11 months
today on ena and cater's ramblings and character analyses: david chiem's system coding!
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as a system ourselves, we've managed to pick up on some of his behaviors, which are, if you look deep enough, symptoms of did and/or osdd. so we're gonna talk about that now!
the layout of what we're going to talk about: his "facade" slipping (masking), his possible memory issues, him pausing before doing stuff, his tumblr page quote, and just going over his entire reveal (since it shows a lot).
1: facade/mask slips
several times in drdt, david's facade will slip when he thinks no one's looking, or if he's stressed. the first example is in the prologue itself, during his introduction:
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and then he panics and asks teruko to forget what he said right after:
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thats the first instance.
there was also before the first trial, when david snaps at teruko to shut up and leave him alone before immediately correcting himself and apologizing, along with several others.
during trial 2, david rambles on about arei being tricked, spewing out derogatory adjectives, and nobody really questions it?
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this can be seen as both masking (pretending to be a different alter/one person, essentially) and cofronting (when there are 2 or more alters fronting at once).
the first instance in the prologue seems more like masking, as do most of his slip-ups. the one before the first trial seems like cofronting because of how quick the correction was.
otherwise, he's good at maintaining his mask.
2: memory issues
...it's clear he has memory issues, and they're very apparent in trial 2.
we'll talk about him forgetting the conversation with are in the last section. for now, we're focusing on this:
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david doesn't remember going to the relaxation room at first, and he goes along with it because if they're saying it happened, it had to have. and teruko points out his confusion.
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but the topic is changed after.
before the breakdown, he said "i was wrong, i think," as if he didn't really know what he did and what he was taking accountability for.
memory issues and amnesia are a big part of systemhood, especially if you have DID. if there are any other mentions of david forgetting things, someone let us know so we can add them! because we forgot. very ironic, i know.
3: pauses
before doing a lot of things, whether it's acting or responding to someone, he pauses for a second, or ignores someone.
like, when he's asked for his alibi pre-trial 1:
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of course, he could just be ignoring teruko, since xander just died. but.. he does this a lot.
he hesitated before running after arei. and. well. we'll talk about the rest at the end.
this can be seen as switching (which we'll talk about with the breakdown), or dissociation. mostly dissociation, though? i don't know how to elaborate, but he just seems more distant than one would during this. shrug.
4: quote
this isn't concrete in the slightest, but the source code quote on david's tumblr page is "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i wish you would just die."
we know that most people will likely say their quotes in some canon media, like min and arei have. and the quotes, i think, can be up to interpretation on who they were about. arei's doesn't count, but min's has both first and second person pronouns ("i wanted to save you.") honestly? in canon context, this can be seen as her telling teruko she was trying to save her, and her trying to save herself from execution.
david's also uses first and second person pronouns, which we don't believe any other quotes do. obviously, he hasn't said it (yet), so we don't know who it's directed at, but since most quotes are somewhat directed at the owners, it's clear it'll be somewhat about himself.
this completely diverges, but we think it could be "pre-reveal" david directed at "post-reveal" david. since... it doesn't seem like the two like each other, based on how relieved post-reveal david felt after dropping the facade (even though i don't think that's what happened), and pre-reveal david's panic over being called a manipulator.
5: chapter two, episode eleven
alright, this'll be the longest section, but it covers a lot of stuff.
first: david didn't remember the conversation with arei at first.
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second: at first, he was panicking over being called a manipulator (he panicked twice! first with arei, second right before he broke down).
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first instance ^ here, we don't know what happened after yet, but he was extremely quiet, like mentioned before.
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second instance ^ right here, he clams up real bad, as teruko points out.
and what happens right after?
he breaks down. the way we saw it was him switching out with the post-reveal david, but it can also be seen as him giving up on masking. with the long pause, it feels like a switch, though.
and suddenly, after the breakdown, he remembers everything, from meeting arei to going to the relaxation room, and has zero problems with being called a manipulator. he doesn't pause that much anymore, and just takes it all with zero issue.
he did a complete 180. two very different personalities.
now, we hit the image limit, so it's hard to elaborate further. we'll close the post off here:
tl;dr: david is incredibly system-coded, whether it be on purpose or not. he dissociates, has moments that can be described as switches, struggles to mask sometimes, and has bad memory issues.
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sansofficial · 2 years
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carrotkicks · 8 months
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blue sky sunny day
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rad-is-more · 21 days
Ruki calling out Reita's name for his bass solos in The DECADE (YOUR BASS! REI-CHAN! RRRRRRRREITA!)
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itzrhymesgamers · 2 months
I hate you/hj
Fuses impure vanilla with polivine
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Impure vanilla belongs to @silly-vanilla
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taiso · 21 days
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jarvis cocker (pulp) trading card from melody maker magazine (1995)
scanned from my personal collection ^^
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rubiisun · 11 months
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minhosblr · 1 year
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A cat!
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silvadour · 9 months
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sistamajor · 6 months
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spotforme · 2 months
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i am studying these religiously. ooooooh!!! a bit of the canon construction of my favourite little spacecrafts!isn't it interesting!! isn't it interesting?! it still doesn't lend much to my understanding of the inside of the thing but it's still so cool, what!
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greenscreen-dress · 1 year
Hhheeeeheheh I love these skins so much I CANNOT wait to see them in-video... But until then here's my ranking of them, long rambly full thoughts below.
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Also here's the tierlist!
Ultimate Slayage: no discussion these 2 are the best. Every single one of Sausage's skins are a smash hit & this one is no exception, it's just so well done. The eye make-up the little tied shirt thing the HUGE extravagant sunflower, contrasted by those big clomping boots... The GENDER of it all aough I love him.
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& Pix of course. Pix my guy just STUNNING. Idk about the other skins but this one is very likely made by Pix himself (bc of a thing he tweeted) & that makes it all the more impressive bc it's just?? So good??? The floor-length the off-the-shoulder sleeves leading into long gloves(?), the corset-y bits with golden buttons or lacing up the front, the BRIGHT BLUE bodice bits which (based off the colour) are definitely Ancient Capitollian Dodo feathers or inspired by them at least... It's just a masterpiece. The only comment I might have is maybe make sure you match your foundation right, Pix... But I've also decided he's in a full white lace/mesh bodysuit under the dress so. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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Surprised &/or Delighted: honestly this category fits all of them purely bc I don't think anyone expected these ^^. Oli & Jimmy are in here specifically because, while they're not my ultimate brain-frothing faves, these dresses are extremely good adaptations/elevations of their regular skins— Oli's especially looks so natural on him bc it's in exactly the same glitzy faux-medieval style as his bard outfit. The purple is a staple colour with him, fits the royalty theme, & somehow looks both elegant and like a Halloween costume with its bright shade & tinsel-like gold trims. It's silly and fantastic and VERY Oli Orionsound. Cannot wait for him to play the fainting damsel-in-distress at every occasion <3
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Jimmy's is plainer but just as faithful to his sheriff skin: off-the-shoulder sleeves appear to be a theme with these skins and they look amazing on everyone, Katherine is so epic if this was her Royal doing. Jimmy looks AMAZING in a long jean(?) skirt & the slit just elevates it even more... I am beginning to notice I have a Thing for long skirts and big boots ^^;. This is going to look stunning with the hat, and just plain adorable at Jimmy's current height.
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Fits the brief: ok so these skins are fantastic and I LOVE the colour on both of them, but there's not as much tying them to their Empires... fWhip's goblin skin is so intricate with that embroidered waistcoat & bright primary colours so it's a shame to lose that, though the plain red looks very elegant on him & the shape of the dress stands out from the other skins in a very fun way. It's definitely between the 2 categories and I will likely be swayed by the first bit of fanart I come across for it, but for now: yeah.
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Joey's is the opposite case, where it fits the brief and the simplicity of it not only looks good but makes some sense (semi-broke pirate usually wearing tattered sailor's garb). I just wish it had gone a bit further to match Joey's big personality. The slit and shape is lovely (as is the neckliiii— wait where does that neckline end? /pos), but what about some more gold, or prismarine accents? Fishnet gloves, or stockings striped like his shirt? It just feels like it could go much further, & maybe fanart will push it there for me. Also I'm removing points for no dress + epic pirate boots /j
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Expected more: oh this skin... Yeah I'm not blown away by it. The colours that are present are very nice but there just aren't enough of them, and the shape... The cutaways at the hip are very nice, but Girl. That is a tank top. & for some reason the skirt refuses to register as one in my brain despite the pretty gradient. With the vibes of Chromia I'm picturing Scott in something shorter and frillier, high-heeled boots, feathered hat and cape— real Barbie and the 3 Musketeers kind of vibe basically. I need to draw that. Definitely more colours though, that's the first step. Bi-coloured bodice, tie-dye skirt with petticoats, a flower crown, something!! Maybe there's custom items involved to accessorise, maybe this is a temporary self-made dress while waiting on a commission, idk but I'm going to need to see some out-of-this world fanart to salvage this skin as it is. :/ Sorry Scott, sashay away.
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And finally...
Joel: Joel. Joel Smallish "Massive" Beans that is a recycled MCC skin I am SURE of it. Joel this is so lazy and stupid and perfectly on-brand I love it I hate it this is peak Wish/Aliexpress cosplay. Keep it up you bastard (I still want to see / draw him in proper femme greek garb. But alas).
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Big long ramble, thankye for reading this whole thing & feel free to make your own lists / yell at me for interpreting these pixels wrong. No matter my minor gripes the fact we have these looks at all and go insane over them is so so SO fun ^^
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dragonskulls · 1 year
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you're eating away at me
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caedi · 8 months
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littencloud9 · 5 days
okay slams fist on desk kunikidazai… what about them + choosing a kitten to adopt (the thought of them getting a cat together is so dear to me idk why)
slams fist with you anon!! knkdz kitties…
“There’s so many,” Dazai says to Kunikida as they walk into the adoption centre. “I think we should get them all.”
“We’re here to get one only,” Kunikida reminds him. He hooks their arms together as they trudge through the centre, looking at cages upon cages of cats.
Dazai’s cane makes a sharp clicking sound against these tiled floors. Some of the cats jump and hiss in surprise while others reach out, attempting to swat at his cane. He tears his eyes away from them, trying to focus on picking just one cat.
“That one’s particularly quiet, isn’t it?” Kunikida points to one of the cages at the very back of the centre.
Inside it resides a cat with fur as dark as midnight and pale green eyes. It’s pressed against the corner of its cage. It casts them an uncaring look before turning away, tail curled around its body.
“Cute,” Dazai mutters. However, when he looks closer, he sees something wrong. “Hey… it only has three legs.”
Kunikida nods. The shop owner comes up to them at that exact moment, gesturing to the cat. “She was rescued after a car accidentally ran her over, permanently injuring her. Her left hind leg was amputated, and she’s also blind in her right eye.”
Dazai tightens his grip on his cane as the shop owner continues speaking, “Some have tried to adopt her, but she scratches and hisses and refuses to leave her cage. It’s sad.”
Kunikida and Dazai share a glance. When Kunikida gestures towards the cage, Dazai puts his hand out. He slides a few fingers in between the bars and they wait with bated breath.
Slowly but surely, the cat crawls over and nudges against Dazai’s fingers. He swallows back the lump in his throat, turning a shaky smile towards the shop owner. “We’ll take her.”
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hychlorions · 11 days
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how i feel when i talk about klapollo
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