#well good thing it broke while im at the parking
miutonium · 2 months
My car broke down again wee!!!
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
🍁˖࿐ Artist! S/O - Isagi, Bachira, Reo, Sae
╰┈➤Hcs of them with an Artistic S/O!! Genre: Fluff and crack Gn!reader or Any gender Warnings: Swearing, Not proof read bcs im lazy, idk wat else but lmk if theres anything else Waiter's Note: OH LOOK WHO FINALLY PULLED THIS OUTTA THEIR DRAFTS AFTER A WHOLE ASS 5 MONTHS LMAOO I HOPE U GUYS ENJOY <33 Reqs Open as usual!! Masterlists
Now Playing: An Art Gallery Could Never Be As Unique As You
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Very VERY VERYYYY fascinated on what you do, he thinks it's really cool
He canonly likes art too so let him join in!!
Draw him in any way like even a small doodle and he WILL COMBUST
He decorated his wall infront of his desk with your drawings and doodles, other things like custom keychains, origami, glass paintings are on his desk so he can see it everyday when he wakes up 🥹🥹
Study dates with you two often end up in drawing-cuddling sessions
Starting with studying so you can both pass your exams to you two beside eachother, legs tangled under the kotatsu table while you both lay on your stomachs, drawing whatever you felt like drawing 🫶
Let's just hope that you both pass your exams 😭😭
When you have art block or you feel stressed, he offers to take you out to a walk (yk he loves those esp with you)
It may seem kinda annoying at first but trust me, it does WONDERS
His parents like your creations too but they ALWAYS remind you whenever you come over that it's okay to take breaks and do other things 🥹💖
He's not rich by all means, but he's willing to spend his money to get you supplies u want
When he got the letter for blue lock, you both agreed to meet at a park at night and you talked things through, promising to work hard and improve while you both are separated
Whenever the topic of art or s/o comes in, he just ends up talking everyones ear off in blue lock and the question was just from a truth or dare game😭
Whether or not you got recognized for your art and got more commissions/promotions or quit art to start something new that interests you, he's supportive just as you are for him 🫶
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Introduces you to his mom <33 you both share tips and tricks and now she's like your teacher ITS SO CUTE
But Meguru gets pretty pouty if you just sit there beside his mom talking about art related things all day 😭
If you let him lay down on your lap and give him occasional kisses then he'll be able to sit still for a while longer
You gave him a bee-themed soccer ball you painted once and he ALWAYS has it on his bed so he can fall asleep hugging it 🥹
He doesn't play with it tho, atleast not outdoors bcs he doesn't wanna ruin it 😭💖
Painting with him and his mom if she isn't busy!!
He always plays around and puts paint on your face, his mom scolds him for it LMAOO
Don't take him to art museums pls 😭😭 HAVE YOU SEEN HOW HE WAS IN THE LIGHT NOVEL?? you both would get in trouble just because he was bored 💀
Has tried to eat paint before 🧍‍♂️Much worse if you paint food then bro might try it again 💀💀💀
You sit on a bench nearby and draw while he practices, it's relaxing, just watch out for the ball 😭💀
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Oh boy
Id say for a FACT that you were broke until you started dating him unless you have really cheap materials or you're just really good at saving
Yk how art materials and art school is so ridiculously expensive?? Well, your LOVELY boyfriend here has it all covered
Mans literally already bought a whole art shop 💀
Its not like it's anything new *looks at art big art studio*
PLEASE get a frying pan and smack some sense into this man's head bcs he was just about to buy his way into getting your art showcased in an art gallery/convention
He might, MIGHT stop if you use his own words against him. Like the whole 'i want to carve my own future' thing
Lets be fr, he won't stop, the most he could do is stop bribing his way to get your art showcased
Bby supports you alot tho :((
He just admires how much effort you're able to put in each work
When art block kicks in, he'll take you to go to expensive art galleries or to wherever the Mona Lisa is currently being showcased at
Just drag him out and tell him u wanna learn soccer 😭 it's honestly more fun than roaming around an art gallery
Paint him with his parents and they'll already start planning your marriage 💀😭
Bro when collage comes along, then your tuition fees and apartment bills are already paid like??? I wonder how 🤔
He DEFINITELY frames all the drawings/paintings you give him. No buts
Let's be fr, he probably has a room in his house filled with your creations 🧍‍♂️
I'm pretty sure that blue lock allows anything to be brought unless it's a phone or something (because they'll have to earn it back) so Reo brought this photo album/journal decorated by you and/or your drawings
Talks Nagi's ear off every time 💀
Supportive bank in general 👍 jkjk pls don't use him just for money or I will come for your eyeballs 🤗
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Sae is pretty chill compared to his hardcore emo brother like did you see that one panel where he wanted to go home in the middle of a game while applying lotion???
He doesn't seem like the type to check social media often too so I hc that he draws after practices when he gets home to cool down for the night yk
I can definitely see him drawing his favorite characters from Chibi Maruko-chan whenever he feels stressed or has a bad day because of his stupid teammates who play like headless chickens 🙄(his words not mine)
So like when YOU came in, it's like he's surrounded by comfort when you two draw in silence while listening to your shared playlist 🌼
drawing fanarts for him that you wanna show off to everyone since he's beautiful and he's even more beautiful in your artstyle <33
he doesnt know about it tho because thats too embarrassing
rin follows you on that account with his private acc LMAOOOOOO
you secretly sent one to Rin for funsies once and he sent you a pic of Sae when he was young back, now you both have this sketchy deal thing going on that Sae doesnt know SHIT about
dw tho, both your mouths are sealed because now you got Rin to approve of you
If you live with him abroad, then your apartment/house is FILLED with notes/drawings/sketches/paintings/origamis, etc. im not exaggerating at ALL.
Imagine those cute and decorated fridges but make it the ENTIRE house
You both just slap some sticky note on walls, tables, chairs, cabinets, shelves, counters and draw on it,and neither of you clean them up, you just leave it there 😭😭
it comes off when it comes off ig 🤷
If you dont live with him abroad, then you guys have a minecraft server you both share thats literally FILLED with builds. Somehow, Sae's RIDICULOUSLY fast at learning these things and now hes an architect 🧍‍♂️
Also those cooperative drawing websites/games?? yeah, you both have them OFTEN, like, every night other than when hes like SUPER tired
just stick to screenshoting him and drawing on his face
He buys you anything you need/want too and theres basically no stopping him 🤷🤷
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Tagging: @inariezaki
[1341 words]
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roryslut · 2 months
skater boy prt 1-clyde x skatergirl!reader
friendstolovers‼️ you run into a cute guy at the skatepark and get more than you intended…
warnings‼️ drinking, mention of weed, making out, one mention of kinda grinding
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it was a normal day like any, i had gotten of of school, came home, ate, spun some vinyls, and then drove the the skatepark. it was around six and the park was a little busy. i am always nervous when i go to the skatepark but i feel like i am getting better so i decided to roll in.
i set my things down like my water and coat and i started just making laps around the skatepark. there were a lot of people around but i decided to drop into the bowl. i have done this for a while now and I just skated around, feeling the wind hit my face. it went on for a little until it was time for me to dismount, but i must have gotten a bit too much speed because when i came up the ramp the board flew out from under me and i made a harsh landing on the cement.
“fuck” i mustered, it’s not like i’ve never fallen before but, i felt especially embarrassed when i hear someone ask, “hey are you okay?”
i peel myself off the pavement, i look at the man’s face, he was around my age and pretty cute with his long wavy hair. he had a kind face and was smiling when he handed me my skateboard back. “yeah…” i said, a little shaken, rubbing my head and checking i didn’t rip my jeans.
“i’m not worried about the jeans,” the man laughed, looking me up and down, “i mean your head, you took a slam.”
“oh, yeah, shit happens, it’s cool.” i shrugged off, as my head cleared i started to blush realizing how nice he was being to me. i held out my hand, introducing myself and he responded with a beam, “my name is clyde, it’s nice to meet you too.”
we kept talking and learned we had a lot in common, we both liked skating and music and had a similar style and humor. i started telling him about some of the shows i had been to in the area, some of the local bands i thought were good.
things went on like this for a while, we chatted a lot at the skatepark while we were resting and sometimes even got food together after. we exchanged numbers and kept chatting. i learned he was deaf and we both smoked weed, and… we were both single.
a couple weeks later, we were talking more about local bands and i mentioned one i thought broke up and i hadn’t seen them in a year, but i loved their music and shows. “damn, when was the last time i saw them?” i questioned to myself.
“no way!” he blurted, snapping me out of thought, “they are playing tonight at the venue down the road, i was going to go with johnny but he didn’t seem very excited.”
“what! really! i haven’t seen them in like a year.” i say obviously excited. “yeah so i have two tickets, you know.” i felt confident and asked, “is this your way of asking me to come with you?”
clyde blushed and turned away, “yeah if you want.” he stated. i also nodded, “what time are you going?” i asked, he responded around 8.
“okay, well how about i skate home and you pick me up when im ready?” i asked, “why do you need to go home?” he asked tilting his head. “well i have to shower and change clothes.” i said. “well…” he paused, “i have a shower and clothes at my house??”
i laughed, “wow, i mean if you insist, i mean, i guess i don’t expect a deaf guy to be a kidnapper.”
he chuckled and lead me to his van, when we arrived at the house i took a quick shower and changed into my skating pants and one of clyde’s t-shirts. i looked a little silly, especially with my hair still wet, but i didn’t care. “clyyddee, how will i do my makeup??” i complained.
he walked into the steamy bathroom, “you don’t need makeup, doll. you always took great.” clyde said with a genuine smile. i blushed a little at his charming words and kept drying my hair. “i’m just saying, it’s a show- even a concert, and i look like i’m going back out skating.” i frowned.
clyde smiled, “well i guess since you are dressed for the occasion… we could skate there.” i looked at him confused, “really?”
“yeah, it’s close by and i’m sure snow could give us a ride home, or you know a taxi or something.” i nodded and packed my things to go to the show.
when we got there, clyde gave the tickets to the bouncers who looked at him suspiciously but we got inside and met snow. she was very nice and pulled me close to talk in my ear over the loud music. she smelled like good perfume and hairspray.
i returned to clyde’s side counting the seconds till the band came out, until the drums rolled and the curtains opened and the flashing lights blinded me. i was so excited i couldn’t help but scream with the crowd and grab onto clyde’s arm. he tensed a little and looked at me but then relaxed and headbanged to the music with me.
the night was really fun, we recited the lyrics and i danced with snow. me and clyde downed drinks at the bar and stumbled around, holding onto eachother and giggling. it was really fun and towards the end of the set i grabbed tight onto clyde’s hand and pulled him through the crowd the the front of the venue.
you could feel the bass in the speakers in your feet and smell the sweat of the band and people in the crowd. clyde was surprised at the action and looked a little rustled. i turned around to face him, we were very close and almost pushed together in the large mass of people. i fixed his hair that was slightly disheveled and he slowly brought his hands to my waist. it almost felt like an instinct at this point, he was a little nervous but the action was comfortable.
i fixed his hair and looked at him under the flashing stage lights with the music blaring in my ears. i was staring right into his eyes, seeing his whole face at once, which wasn’t often since his shaggy hair always hung in front of it. i admired him, my eyes flicking from his eyes to his eyebrows, his straight nose, his strong cheekbones, his chiseled jaw. i knew it from the moment i met him that he was just my type.
my eyes quickly flashed to his lips, he seemed to notice and i swiftly turned back around. his hands stayed planted on the sides of my hips and i held them around my waist. i liked it. the music started playing and i kept having fun and spinning around with clyde, and i would be lying if i said i didn’t grind on him a little.
it wasn’t crazy, but i made sure that even though my jeans were baggy, he could feel my ass pressed against him.
when the show was over i suggested we skate to the skate park and my car was still there. he agreed and we quickly skated down the road. it was inclined and we flew through the empty street together, laughing. the dim street lights and the bright moon was the only light source and we watched our shadows disappear and reappear underneath us. i was so surprised we had this much energy, but it wasn’t a long skate when we arrived.
we were both really tired, clyde sat down on his board and i tried to do some new tricks. i could flip the board right but i couldn’t seem to land my two feet on the board. “what’s going on, doll?” he smirked.
“i don’t know you tell me!” i said a little frustrated. he just laughed and stood from his board. “well first you are still probably a little drunk, and well-you got the first part down, you are just scared to land.”
i nodded and stood back on my board, he grabbed both my hands and told me to try again. i jumped and tried, but my feet slipped of the board a little.
he laughed as he held me up and i got back on the board again, but this time i landed but lost my balance and the board flew out from under my feet. i yelped quickly but clyde held me tight, setting me back of my feet. he went to retrieve my skateboard setting it by my feet. “wait,” he said. i look down confused. “your shoe is untied.” he laughed and looked up at me with his icy blue eyes almost glowing in the dark. he continues to tie my laces and then stands up, offering his hands again.
this time, i jumped and landed successfully, clyde gave me a lot of support for balance, but i didn’t fall off! i was so excited and smiled really hard, i looked at clyde who’s face was also grinning and he said, “yes! i knew you could do it!”
it got quiet for a second, i had stepped off my board and was looking up at him in the windy night, our hands still interlocked. i started, “listen, clyde, thank you so much for tonight, i have appreciated it more—“
clyde quickly cut me off my pressing his face to mine. i couldn’t believe it, it was so soon and sudden and i wan not expecting it. i immediately melted into his mouth, my hands fell to wrap around him and his hands rested on me. one behind me, slightly grazing my ass and the other one behind my neck to pull me into his mouth.
we finally pulled away to catch our breath. “wow” was all i said. “please tell me you feel the same way i feel about you.” was all clyde said with his eyebrows furrowed. i smiled “well,” i said, “tell me how you feel about me.”
he paused and caught his breath, “well, ever since i met you i feel like my life is better.” he laughed, “i know it seems strange but even our small conversations at the skatepark kept me coming here like every single day.” he said. “i know you are a really kind and genuine person, aswell as a drop-dead gorgeous girl…” he said tucking some hair behind my ear. i blushed harshly but gained my composure, “wow,” was all i felt like i could say again. “i like you too clyde,” his face eased, “like really, really, really like you.” i giggled playfully and fell into his arms. he smiled and hugged me tight. he tucked his face in my hair and whispered slightly in my ear. “so does that mean you can be the skater girl to this skater boy?” he asked.
i cringed a little, but laughed, “i guess so,” i laughed, “i haven’t ever had a boyfriend like you, but i like it, you make me feel different then i ever have before. i feel heard and understood around you. we vibe.” i said simply. he smiled lovingly and picked up my skate board to pack it into my car. “okay, i’ll see you another day at the skatepark i guess…” he stood next to my car and kissed me slightly though the window before leaning away and letting me back out and drive home.
i’m assuming he went back to the show and went back with snow, but i guess i won’t know until i see him again. but let me tell you, i can’t wait to see that skater boy again.
part 2 here
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luvanniiee · 9 months
Hey dear, i would like to request a slight angst, fluff , poly. twice NaSaHyo×fem reader.
R and Nayeon where dating for years, they been happy and all but one night
While Nayeon and R where laying down on their bed, Nayeon confessed that she cheated on her and she's pregnant, using the excuse of " i wanted kids and he seems nice"
R won't overreact and just ask Nayeon to break up with them, so she won't have to lie about their break up. And just say that they broke up mutually.
(The reader is a KG teacher along with Sana, and Jihyo has a Daughter from a failed marriage. )
The R losses her sparkles and becomes less energetic, forgets everything easily, ends up not feeling a live, just a walking object.
Jihyo's 5yrs old daughter notices the changes in the R and starts to give her alot of attention. Asking her how she's Daily and ofc tells her mom about the changes she noticed in her teacher.
Sana have been crushing on R for as long as she remembers so when she sees the R recent change, she tries her very best to know what happened but R is very secretive.
Jihyo also likes R, but is afraid to confess for her failed marriage hunts her 'till this very day.
I hope that makes sense and i expressed my request in a understanding way.
Thanks for your time and
Can i be 🪷 Anon!!!???
feel a way
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• pairings : nayeon x fem! reader , sana x jihyo, sana x jihyo x fem!reader
• synopsis : your long time girlfriend , nayeon, confessed to cheating on you and getting pregnant. it broke your heart. even though you never openly said anything about to anyone, it was apparent. Park Heiran, the daughter of Park Jihyo and step child of Sana Minatozaki , witnessed this and told her moms. Sana had already been crushing on you for a while. so was Jihyo. can the help bring the light back in your eyes?
• warnings : angst , mentions of cheating , pregnancy , slight toxicity , fluff at the end , heartbreak , mentions of food , mentions of crying, its sad but has good moments, mentions of divorced parents.
• a/n : okay so i was writing this yesterday, but the app crashed and i lost all of that work. but i was thinking about making it a mini series because why not. also anon if you are seeing this: of course you can be 🪷 anon!! but yeah anyways i hope you all enjoy this!!
• story under the cut ;)
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you had just come home from work. youre a kindergarten teacher. you love your students like your own children. and they were part of the reason why you wanted kids. nayeon, your longtime girlfriend, was laying in bed. she has been sick for the past couple months. you wanted her to go to the doctor but she always refuses. normally she would have no objections but you decided not to upset her and stopped asking her. she had her fingers in her mouth biting on her nails and had tears falling from her eyes.
nayeon? whats the matter sweetheart? i asked gently. shes also been very moody lately. ever since she came back from her friends house a couple months back , shes been a mess. she sniffled and looked at you. i need to tell you something y/n. she spoke softly. i approached the bed and laid next to her. whats up? i asked. she was trembling softly but it was still noticeable. y/n, do you remember when i went to my friends house? she inquired. yeah. uh Haneul, right? you replied. well hes not just my friend. she spoke.
you blinked a couple times trying to process this information. hes my boyfriend. and we talked about having kids. you know how much i want kids of my own, and he seemed nice. so one thing led to another and now im pregnant. she confessed. your mind went blank for a second. then the reality hit you like a ton of bricks. your longtime girlfriend of 5 years, confessing how she has a boyfriend and is now pregnant with his child. nayeon, i know i cant give you kids, but we talked about having kids when we got married. you said you could wait until then. you spoke, hurt and betrayal now apparent in your voice.
she looked at you. i know y/n, im sorry i hurt you like this. but please, stay here with me. she said. you stood up and started to pack your bags. please y/n. she begged. no nayeon, what the fuck did you think was gonna happen huh? you think im stupid enough to stay here and provide for you when you have a whole ass boyfriend who obviously is more than capable of taking care of you and that child? did you think i was gonna stay here and let you run over me? you paused to see her reaction. she only hing her head low. you must think im dumb. you must think im that fucking naive. well news flash , your wrong and just as stupid if you actually think im gonna sit here and be your puppet.
you huffed as you kept packing. nayeon staying silent. honestly nayeon, i thought you loved me. i thought you cared. you said as tears started coming down. she looked at you, she was hurt too. goodbye nayeon. you said and you picked up your bag. as you started to walk out, you looked at her one more time, tears falling from her eyes. you turned around and walked out. the feeling of leaving her made you sick to your stomach. you felt yourself about to breakdown. you were leaving the woman of your dreams , but you kept walking. you got in your car and drove to the nearest hotel. were you spent the night crying.
luckily, it was friday. so you had the whole weekend to cry. you decided to call one of your friends and you told her what happened. when you asked if you could stay until you got back on your feet , she was more than happy to have you home with her.
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today is monday. youve spent the weekend crying. you cried so much, it looked like youve been beat up except your eyes were red. but by monday most of the puffiness was gone. you got ready to set everything up. you got your notes and things ready to present today. the bell rang for the students to come from in from breakfast. you wanted to smile but you were still hurting too much. you put on a mask so that only your eyes were showing. you spoke in your usual tone with the kids.
goodmorning class! how was your weekend? you said cheerfully. you were getting different replies from the kids. some said they went out of town, some said they hung out with eachother, some even said they did nothing. but one student, her name is Heiran, she just stared at you. she was looking in your dark eyes. she noticed that the sparkle that was normally there was replaced by grey skies. Heiran, what did you do? you asked her . oh i hung out with my mommies! she said cheerfully. you smiled softly at her and she smiled back.
you admired Heiran. her biological mother had a failed marriage. they got divorced when Heiran was just a baby. and she had to grow up with a single parent who wasnt making a lot but sure made sure that she had everything she needed. then she told you that her mother found a girlfriend and they were happy. she really didnt fit in with everyone but she didnt seem to care. you admired her because she always smiled even if her feelings were hurt. she was raised well.
it was now lunchtime. all students went to the cafeteria to eat their lunch. you opened your bag and took out a sandwich. normally with nayeon, she would pack you a homecooked meal, and even put a note in there to encourage you throughout the day. your eyes started to well up again until your favorite teacher friend , Sana, walked in. hey honey! she said. oh hey sana! you greeted back. you alright? you look like youve been crying. sana said, concern in her tone. yeah im fine, allergies. you spoke back. she side eyed you. y/n i have been around you long enough to know that allergies dont make you cry over a sandwhich. sana said. just leave it alone sana. you spoke a little harsh. hurt was becoming apparent in your tone.
alright. she said. then she took her lunchbox out and pulled her meal out. hers looked so good. it looked way better than the sorry sandwich you had in your hands. she noticed you staring at it. do you want some? she asked. no. im fine with this. i just wanted to see what you had. you said in a monotone voice. she only huffed out and started eating with you. she always did that. ever since you started working here, she always made sure to sit and eat with you. you looked at sana. her mouth was full, but you thought she looked cute. you always thought she was cute.
the bell snapped you out of your thoughts. sana hurried and finished her bite before she cleaned up. bye y/n. sana said. and she walked towards the door but turned around to look at you. she flashed the warmest smile ever. and walked away. the kids were quick to pile in after that. sanas smile seemed to make you feel slightly better. but you didnt give it much thought.
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the bell rang for the last time today. it was dismissal. everyones parents were there to pick there kids up. the small children running into their parents arms. it made you think of nayeon. soon she will be of those moms with the man she cheated on you with. snapping you out of your thoughts, you felt someone tug on your hand. you looked and saw little heiran there. she looked up at you with a bright smile. you keep flashing that bright smile honey, youll outshine the sun! you told her. she giggled. uh, ms y/n? heiran asked. yes? you answered. um…nothing. she said. you only giggled at her.
whats your moms name? you asked her. my mommas name is Jihyo, and her girlfriend is Sama! she answered. Sama? that sounds kinda like sana. then the mom honked her horn. Heiran gave you one last hug before running off and getting in the car. her mom rolled down the window and waved. you waved back. and they drove off
[Jihyos Pov]
how was school today? did you make friends? i asked my daughter. shes had a hard time fitting in. i think its because she has two moms instead of one mom and one dad. no, but mommy, i think ms y/n is sad. Heiran said. oh? whats wrong with her? i asked. i knew Heiran loved her teacher. she always talked about her. and Sana too. and from all ive been hearing, ive seemed to have fallen in love with y/n. even if i havent spoken to her directly. i dont know mommy. Heiran said. i looked in the rear view mirror at her, she smiled and looked out the window.
soon we arrive home. i get dinner started and wait for my girlfriend to get home. and two hours later, she came home. hey honey! i greet her as i kissed her cheek. hi baby! she said and kissed me back. hi heiran! sana said. and heiran ran into her arms. after sana puts her coat down and gets comfy, i set the table and server dinner. we all ate and heiran went to her room and played with her toys. so uh heiran said that y/n was sad today. oh yeah. she was missing her usual spark. she was about to cry over a sandwich. she was staring at my food. she was just very dismissive which isnt normally like her. so i decided to call her girlfriend nayeon. and nayeon said that they broke up last friday. so i think shes just going through a tough breakup. sana and i conversed.
[end of jihyos pov] [first person pov]
the next day you went to work, you saw a box. it was on your desk, you furrowed your brow and walked over to it. there was a note on top of it. ‘im jihyo! heirans mom. please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx! enjoy your meal’ is what it read. you opened the box and there was a nice meal in there. you smiled and set it aside for lunchtime. y/n? sana called. it startled you from the sudden voice. uh yes sana? you answered.
you and i need to talk… sana said
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this is part one. there will probably be two parts but i had to end it here cuz im exhausted babes !! anyways i hope. you enjoyed this so far ! i have a surprise for my ateez lovers after this story is done. but anyways i hope you stick around to the next story. it gets juicier than kylie jenners lips. anyways love all!! even my new mootie ;)
©️luvanniiee on tumblr !!
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k4g3hika · 2 years
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WELCOME HOME ━ imagine!
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eddie munson x fem! reader
summary: eddie’s life is stressful, and then there’s you to fix it all.
genre: fluff
wc: 752
note: i’ve been writing sm fluff and im pretty sure it’s because i’m in my feels.
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Eddie closes the van door and groans while rubbing his neck. Everything was piling up for him. All he wanted to do was finally graduate this year, but it seems that everything was trying to block him from doing so. Hawkins High seems to love him so much that it would never want him to leave. 
Lucky enough for you however, you already graduated the previous year. And by already scoring a job in the local grocery store, you’re just waiting for Eddie to be done with school so that the both of you can finally move to your cousin’s rental in California. That sounds easy enough. 
If it wasn’t for Eddie’s horrible, terrible, and drastic grades. 
Sighing out of frustration, Eddie started up his van, beginning his journey home. Fortunately, he had more things to think about other than school, because his campaign went great. Though you weren’t there to see it, Eddie completely smashed the club with his campaign that he was planning all week for, so he was at least feeling good about that. 
To top off this night, all he wanted to do was eat some junk in his cupboards, and watch a garbage movie, with you. After convincing his uncle, you moved in with him a couple months ago. It’s not like Eddie expected you to be a housewife or anything, but ever since then, the trailer was cleaner and the aroma was better since in your free time, you either baked or cooked. It was also great for Eddie since he can now branch out to different ways to sell and eat his weed. 
He finally pulled into the trailer park and turned off his van. Jumping out excitedly, Eddie fumbles with his keys before gently, pushing open the door. The smell of different sauces and spices infiltrated his head, and his happiness only began to increase. 
“Eddie! Welcome home!” You smile at him, going up to kiss him. 
“Hey sweetheart,” He wraps his arms around your waist, “how was your day?”
“Oh my god, it was great! Let me tell you all about it. Today, we got a new shipment at the store…” you pull away from him, rambling on and on about your day. All Eddie could do was smile. It wasn’t like he was annoyed at you, it’s just you talking and him listening was something he looked forward to everytime he came home. “And yeah! Then Luke came and my shift was over. Anyway, I cooked some spaghetti. Let me prepare your plate and you can talk about your campaign. Did it go well?”
“Y’know it did.” Closing the pot, you take the two plates into your hands and put them onto the little table to eat. After sitting down and him talking about his great campaign, the night was filled with your laughs and gasps. Nights like these were his absolute favourite. 
But throughout the whole time, Eddie couldn’t stop looking at your eyes and the smile that broke out on your face. Dungeons and Dragons wasn’t all that appealing to most, as everybody in Hawkins called it the ‘devil’s game’, but to the club, him, and especially you, it was the most fascinating thing to ever exist. Even though you didn’t play the game, you were just as interested as anybody else. 
“Y/N?” You look up from your plate and smile.
“I love you.” You stop chewing, making eye-contact with him and tilting your head. 
“I love you too…but where is this coming from Eds?” He reaches over, wiping sauce from the corner of our lips, leaving his hand there to hold it. Staring lovingly into your eyes, you can only continue smiling, but stay confused at his words. 
“Thank you, for being my home. You’re the one thing I look forward to when I sleep and when I wake up.”
“Eddie! That’s so cheesy.”
“I know. And I know this doesn’t sound like me at all, but you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Silence ensues between you both. Until, you start to cry and reach over to him to sit on his lap. You hug each other tightly and he buries his nose into your neck. 
“I love you Eddie. Thank you for everything. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
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heesblanket · 1 year
hii! can I request a Zhanghao enemies to lovers? 👀 maybe oneshot, please? 🙏🏼
thought all day about how i'm gonna write this one so i hope you enjoy it 🤭
genre: enemies to lovers - Zhang Hao
characters: Zhang Hao, Hanbin, Jiwoong, Gyuvin, Ricky
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School just ended meaning summer is coming. Hanging out with my friends and doing the most random stuff like always.
Beefing with Gyuvin every second I get, Ricky buying me anything just to shut me up, Hanbin finally not getting stressed over exams and Jiwoong having the urge to tell us the most random stuff he learned about the day before. Awww how much i missed this.
Ohh and also Zhang Hao. We are not on good terms. No one knows why, nor do I but it has been like this for 2 years now. Not talking with each other, and if we do, well... let's just say it's not good idea. We don't have much to talk about anyway, we have the same friends so the tension between us is usually broke down by Gyuvins rapid mood outbursts or Jiwoongs random scientific facts.
"Heyy y/n" Gyuvin screaming at me as i was approaching them. Greeting my friends like usual, giving little nod to Zhang Hao in front of me, him not returning this action. I dont even know why im greeting him today as we don't greet each other.
"Soo, i was thinking" Hanbin starting off his sentence. I didnt really pay attention to him as i noticed Zhang Hao intensely staring at me. Or so i thought. People behind me kicked a ball and was now flying right into me. Getting grabbed and pushed to the side by Zhang Hao so the ball wouldn't hit me. Somehow his arm ended around my waist, my whole back pressed against his chest.
"HEY, WATCH IT" Gyuvin already ready to fight anyone that tries to hurt me. Even though Gyuvin isn't the quietest person his actions speaks louder than him. And that's what i appreciate about him the most. He really acts like i'm his younger sister he needs to protect even though i'm older than him.
While I was still trying to understand what happened i was being pushed again. Zhang Hao letting of me from this awkward position, clearing his throat and that's when i realised in what position we were just now.
Trying not to be even more awkward i went to Gyuvin trying to calm him down. Yes, he was still yelling about "how they dare to kick a ball into me". This is what i mean when i say he is extra.
Of course my friends saw this whole interaction between us. They act like there's nothing between me and Zhang Hao even though it's the most oblivious thing ever.
When we were leaving to whatever place Hanbin mentioned while i was starting back at Zhang Hao, Ricky walked to me to walked with me. He obviously knows about this situation so i hope he won’t bring it up with what ever he is gonna say.
“soo- you and Zhang Hao will be on good terms soon?” aghh, how i hate his teasing voice.
“THAT was nothing, he just pushed me, nothing else” trying to lie to make me feel better.
“ohh, since when is being ‘pushed’ almost hugging huh?” i couldn’t bear to looks at him. You can hear his smirk already.
But i couldn’t answer him. Not that i didn’t want to but i genuinely didn’t know what to say. Zhang Hao was acting different this past few weeks when i look at it. Bringing me water to lunch, leaving doors open for me, there’s just something i didnt understood till now.
My thoughts were cut off when we arrived at our favourite park. The sun was setting down already making the sky all orangish-yellowish. I couldn’t look at the sky better as the others were already running towards ice cream shop. How did I forget. This is our tradition on the first day of summer.
We were walking away from the ice cream shop with our ice cream. Looking for free benches where we could sit. While we were walking towards them Hanbin dropped his ice cream. Normally, he wouldn’t care about it but Ricky insisted on buying him new one. Looking around me i realised, Jiwoong and Gyuvin aren’t here with us. They must have stayed in the ice cream shop. Hanbin, Ricky and his sneaky little smile leaving. Me and Zhang Hao sitting down on the benches.
The weird tension building up again. We knew that we had to talk about the stuff that happened lately. I wanted to speak up but Zhang Hao beat me to it.
“i don’t know what came over me but i always act in the moment, just letting you know”
silence. I didnt know what to answer so the most simple thing came out of me.
“it’s okay”
Now this was evern more awkward. I had this weird courage to talk to him so i went for it.
“why do you treat me differently from others?” If you couldn’t tell Zhang Hao is everyone’s crush. He is the sweetest person towards them but somehow not to me. It did hurt a lot the first few weeks.
“huh? wdym, you acted all sassy towards me? i won’t be surprised if you hate”
“hate you? no no, YOU hate me! every since the first day”
“what, NO? you hate me! i wanted to talk to you cuz you seemed nice but you we’re acting all sassy” Nice? Did he just called me nice? To be honest that’s the only thing I caught.
“you think i’m nice?”
“well, i used to, but you are proving yourself wrong. But what about you and your sassy attitude towards me, huh?”
Here comes the problem. His so called “sassy” was me trying to impress him. I thought he would want to talk to me more if i was more confident, i guess not. Now i’m thinking, do i say the truth or do i think of something real quick? OH no, he is starting at me, come one y/n, THINK.
“ohh that, i was just trying to impress you, nothing else”
silence. Realisation hitting us both. We both tried to impress each other but we made hate ourselves. What a coincidence.
“well, these are news” Zhang Hao finally relaxing while finishing his ice cream.
We now sat in another silence. Not uncomfortable one, but i couldn’t help to ask him.
“do you want to start all over again?” Zhang Hao smiling at my idea. Damn, this is my first time seeing him smiling this close.
Zhang Hao already pulling out his hand for me to shake it
“Hi, nice to meet you, Im Zhang Hao
—————————————— cut
i hope you enjoy this one 🙈
i can do 2nd part if there is interest for it ^^
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onlyonetifosi · 2 years
Why me? How you dare?
-> Word Count: 1950
->Author note: 2nd part? And I would appreciate some ideas to write . English is not my first language so sorry for mistakes
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Pierre Galsy, love of my life or that what i tougth only a month ago . It's been a little over a month since Pierre and I broke up, and I still can't understand why it happened. My twin brother Arthur was the one who found out first. He came into my room, sat down on my bed, and just looked at me. I could tell something was wrong. "What is it?" I asked him. "Pierre broke up with you," he said simply showing me a letter.
I couldn't believe it. I had thought things were going so well between us. We had been together for almost two years, and I had never been happier. But apparently, Pierre didn't feel the same way. He told in the letter that he didn't think we were compatible anymore and that he needed some time to be alone. I was heartbroken. I cried for days and refused to leave my room.
My older brother Charles tried to comfort me, but I just couldn't seem to snap out of it. Finally, after about a week, I decided to get out of bed and face the world again. But even though I'm slowly moving on, I can't help but wonder what went wrong. Why did Pierre break up with me? Was there something I did wrong?
I spend my nights crying for him, we were so happy for years but he decided out of nothing to cut laces with me and he was gone when i came home from work one night. Its heartbreaking only knowing about him from his bestfriend, the problem is that his bestfriend is my older brother Charles, Charles Leclerc, the one that said years ago that his friends where forbidden, but i didn't listen to him and now im facing the consequences.
Why I had to be so stubborn, I wish I had listened to him.
-Allez princesse, lève-toi, on dîne avec maman- Charles says entering in my room and opening the curtains for the sun to enter in my room, I cover myself with my duvets but he rip them of me as I growl at him .
-Allez! Je sais que tu ne veux pas parler, mais on doit dîner avec ma femme- he says to me as I roll my eyes and groan in displeased, today im having dinner at Charles house with all our family and his girlfriend, Charlotte,don't get me wrong Ilike her a lot but Im not in the mood to talk to anyone. I dont know why Charles dragged me here, but it seems like he wants to talk to me about something. I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth while glancing myself in the mirror and i notice that im really skinny now that im not eating that much ever since Pierre left. "Im sorry for what happened two years ago" Charles says as he enters in the bathroom "I should have listened to you when you said no guy was allowed around here" I say as we sit down on the floor of my room while we watch TV. "Pierre is a good guy" he says as he changes the channel "You two were perfect for each other, you just need to let go and move on" he says as he changes the channel again. "Im sorry" I say as I look down. "How about a big plate of ice cream?" Charles says as he gets up from the floor. "No thank you, its alright" I say while keeping my head down. "I'm going to get one anyway" Charles says before he leaves my room.
I turn off the TV before laying down on my bed with my box of tissues. I take out a tissue before wiping some tears away and start looking at old pictures of Pierre and me when we were together for two years that were in a photo album that my mom gave to me after he left me. The first picture was taken on our first date when we went on a picnic at Central Park in New York City when it was warm outside but then it started to rain so we had to grab our stuff quickly and ran towards the street where we took a cab home since it was getting cold out . The second picture was taken on Valentine's Day last year where we went to an expensive restaurant for dinner then later walked around town a bit before heading back home.
Photos that remembered our good old days where we were so happy together, even though there were some days where things didnt seem right between us which happens sometimes between couples, not all days are perfect or happy days but what matters is how you make them right or happy again after feeling upset, unhappy or angry towards each other which is what we used to do when there were problems between us until Pierre broke up with over something so stupid that could have been fixed if only hed listen to me instead of running away, making me hate myself because I thought nothing was wrong between us at first thinking everything was fine like usual but then things started changing slowly over time which made my heart ache more knowing that id never be able to see him again.
I wasnt aware that Pierre was feeling miserable about us because I never gave him a chance to tell me what was wrong thinking he would just be able to talk to me about it at any second if something was wrong when usually we had no secrets between us but then he told me everything in a letter after breaking up with me explaining why he broke up with me and how unhappy he felt thinking I didnt care about him anymore since I was never home, that we stopped communicating like we used to because things got difficult between us over time.
But Pierre made the biggest mistake of his life by breaking up with me because he thought Id get over him easily which is far from it instead of getting over him id lost interest in guys since hes the only one I ever loved and dating someone else would feel weird knowing they are not Pierre, its been months without hearing from each other and without telling anyone about my breakup. If youre wondering how Im feeling now or how's my life going then I'm fine for now Im working on not thinking about Pierre every 5 minutes but its pretty hard considering how much Id loved him, how close we were and all the great times we had together as friends before dating and as couple.
-Maman, je ne veux pas aller demain, il sera là, je vais pleurer ou le tuer quand je le verrai (mum, i don't want to go tomorrow, he is gonna be there, i will cry or kill him)- I plead my mum, who came to visit me.
-Caroline Éve-Marie Leclerc, lève-toi maintenant même (get up now)- she forces me and I don't have another option than oblie her.
When we arrived to the Gasly's home, the one I had been so many times before in my childhood, I see my 2 older brothers and my twin brother alongside their girlfirends.
-Carla, I missed you- I hug my twin's girlfriend who I couldn't see for months.
-Allons tous à l'intérieur ils nous attendent (let's go in, they are waiting for us) - my mum says and we follow her.
When we enter to the house, I see him with a beautiful girl. -Oups désolée je ne savais pas que vous seriez là (oops, i'm sorry i didn't know you were going to be here) -says his girl who looks so many times like any model he was before I was with him- Well, I didn't know you would be here too -he retorts. We were about to start with this argument when my mum comes and says: -Arrêtez de faire l'idiot, tous les deux, c'est Noël après tout! (stop doing the idiot the 2 of you, its Christmas)- We shut up and go sit down at the table where the dinner was ready.
After eating and chatting for a while we started playing some games. I was playing Monopoly with my brothers and their girlfirends while my ex was flirting with that girl. I tried not to care but inside I felt hurt because he had chosen her over me even though I had been the one who loved him so much. When it got late, we all went to sleep in our rooms. The next morning, I woke up early and went downstairs to get something to eat. When I got there, I saw my ex and that girl kissing under the mistletoe. I couldn't help but feel jealous and hurt all over again. I went back upstairs and cried myself to sleep.
I enter into my brother room, he was there still in bed while his girlfriend was showering.
-Artie, why does it hurts so much, I hate him- I start crying. -It hurts because you still have feelings for him, after everything he did to you. You need to move on and stop thinking about him- he said. I nodded my head and went back to my room. I get ready, and I go down to see his mum and mine chatting and I decide to join them.
-Oh Carol, how pretty are you- his mum, Pascale tells me while sehe gets up to hug me- Do you want to make some Christmas cookies like we did when you were petitte?(little) -I would love to!- I say with a smile. After we made the cookies, we sat down and talked for a while. His mum told me that she was sorry for what happened between us and that she hoped we could be friends again. I told her that I forgave her and that I missed her too. Then there he was entering the kitchen kissing his girlfriend like a horny teenager. It hurted so much, his mum realised and hugged me.
-What are you doing?- the girl asks- Some cookies- i explain her trying not to be rude. He barely looked at me and i could see in his eyes that he still loved me. I wanted to leave but his mum insisted on us spending Christmas together like we used to.
Once they leave the kitchen, his mum made my sit with her. We talked a little bit before going to sleep and she told me that i should give him another chance because he was really miserable without me. I didn’t want to do that so i refused but she kept insisting. Later that night, he came over to my room and kissed me. I immediately pushed him away and told him that we were not together anymore. He screamed at me and left the room in a hurry. Next day, he didn’t even look at me and ignored my texts. I was devastated and his mother was mad at him for doing that. it killed me inside, like if i just ruined Christmas for them all. They never mentioned it again after that but i could tell they felt bad about it.
My brothers were there to support me along the way, and his mum was there too. She was angry at his son to doing that to me and she speek to him barely during the holidays. it wasn’t the best Christmas after all due to this. With all of it said, I still miss him and care about him.
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Don't be a ghost even we are in halloween :)) Reblog, like or something <3
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sunsetrubdowns · 6 months
Also. Hi. I remembered I can talk as much as I want to on here. Do you want to hear about this guy I kind of broke up with but kind of wasnt really dating to begin with and will probably have to break up with again for good measure. This actually turned into an insanely long post because it's an insane situation so I'm putting it under a cut because I love you and your scrolling experience and it's probably incoherent anyways
So. Well you may or may not be aware but I was couch surfing for like 3 weeks in September and a friend of mine who I met through work helped me out a lot with moving my stuff out of my apartment and into storage and helping me get my shit together. And in the weeks leading up to me moving out/while I was homeless we spent a lot of time together (like. Pretty much every day LOL) because I needed to be constantly distracted and he apparently had all the free time in the world. Cool!
Now it's important to give the context that he had asked me out back in like June and I said no because not only did I think we had very little chemistry and he was very needy but ALSO I was going through one of the worst depressive periods in my life. Really just was not the vibe at the time. Also my read on the situation was 100% correct like I was right about everything lol.
So you know obviously I'm aware that he has a little crush on me this whole time but I'm in a truly delusional headspace where I'm like well this is not so bad :) I'm having fun hanging out with him so whatever happens, happens :). And what happens is that WHILE I am still homeless we end up having a little feelings talk where I'm like well this is nice but I've kind of got a lot going on right now and I need to settle my life situation out before I'm comfortable getting into anything official or serious. And he's like yeah I totally understand that. But then maybe a week later after I secure and move into my place he IMMEDIATELY. And I mean like immediately. Starts calling me his girlfriend. Not to me but to other people. Like going around to my coworkers and people at work to be like btw we're together now :). Which made me kind of uncomfortable but I just brushed it off because I am a huuuuuge pushover and I was like, sure I guess we're together. Even though I'm very private about my personal life and it took me like a good month to refer to him as my boyfriend out loud and I didn't even MENTION him to my best friends (hi besties) for a couple weeks after that. Because I was like damn I don't even know what to say. Also he never even attempted to do anything more than hold my hand a few times so we were still just hanging out the way we had been to begin with.
And THEN he started coming to the bowling alley where I work every single night and just like.... hanging around for hours and hours until we closed to drive me home (6 blocks away) and to talk to me while I'm working and on my breaks. And when he drove me home after work every SINGLE night he would park and walk me to my door and unless I was very clearly like yeahhh I'm exhausted Goodnight Bye :) he would often invite himself into my apartment just to hang around until I was like. Okay I have to go to bed because it's after 1am please leave. And it got to the point where I felt like I never had any time to myself and my social battery was constantly at 0 and I was also spending way more money than was within my budget because he was dragging me out to eat and do things constantly and to go to Disneyland and shit and also at the place where I work every single day and not leaving no matter how clearly Im like hey sorry I'm just. soooo tired right now and work is so busy etc. There were only THREE days in October that I had totally to myself. I could barely even find time to spend with my roommate I had just moved in with and he also was not really seeming to spend time with any of his own friends when he'd had an incredibly active social life like, just a month ago.
It was starting to really freak me out that I felt like he was trying to replace not only his previous long term girlfriend who broke up with him earlier this year but also his entire social circle. With lil old me. And I felt like he was trying to force a level of familiarity with me that simply was not there like... man you don't even KNOW me like that don't talk to me like you know me. Don't talk to me like you know me when you're also trying so hard all the time to like, impress me and prove something to me.
It got to the point by mid October that I was like desperate for time to myself to decompress and process things and most of my mental energy was going to trying to find ways to avoid him and scripting a breakup speech in my head. And instead of trying to talk to ME he would go into my workplace and try to ask my work friends. While they were working. For advice on what to do when I seemed distant or unhappy. And even though they really only ever told him to just communicate with me he decided to wait until the day before Halloween to be like "I realized that I was maybe doing to much by going to hang around your workplace every day and also it's been a month and a half but I want to officially ask you to be my girlfriend now :)" and was somehow genuinely shocked when I said no. And basically outlined everything I've said here to be like I need to be left alone or I'm going to kill myself a little bit so please leave me alone.
But it seems like what he took out of the conversation was "I need to take some naps and then I'll feel better and then we can go back to normal :)" because he just kept being like "how do you feel how are you doing you look better are you feeling rested" and continuing to go to my coworkers and my roommate at work and asking about me and show up at the bowling alley frequently and text me continually as I just brushed him off over and over and eventually stopped replying to his messages. Until finally last week I was working on a day I normally don't work and he came in and I, again, kind of brushed him off when he came to just like do small talk with me. So he went to my roommate who was also working to be like "oh I think I'm going to talk to them today we need to talk but I don't know if they just want to be left alone or not..." while she (blessed angel that she is) just refused to give him any real information. But then he just kept like, trying to chitchat with me while I was working so I started brushing him off again and he ended up going to my roommate AGAIN to vent about me. And then left and texted her all this stuff about how he doesn't know if I like him anymore but he's just going to leave me alone and try to get over me etc and how he's been so stressed over stuff with his parents etc etc and framing it as if HE is breaking things off with ME. But since then has continued to go to her to ask about me and talk about how he's trying to get over me and heartbreak and whatever and etc. But has not expressed anything at all to me personally in any capacity since I told him I needed space.
Meanwhile I've gone on multiple dates with someone I genuinely really like and who has slept over at my apartment multiple times LOL. And there are so many little details of weird shit that I've had to cut for time here but like genuinely what the hell man
Anyways have I mentioned that this man is 34 years old. Because he's 34 years old. And if you've read all this you are so cordially invited to share your thoughts and/or guess his chart placements in the replies. Funny as fuck situation that I'm in
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crqizzart · 1 year
﹒ " sometimes, love hurts you. "
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synopsis; ❝aether has liked you for quite a while now, he prepares to confess to you in a amusement park. WITHOUT having one of his friends ruin it all for him.❞
× parings; aether x gn!reader
feat; mentions of child(e), zhongli peepaw, raiden ei, venti, albedo, rubedo
warnings; slight angst, small crack, fluff, 2nd pov, modern college au, ooc aether,
notes; ❝oh no!!…. i wanna make this fully angst but grgrgrggrg i have to make it fluff… also please i beg you to skip some parts pls omg.. like the beginning is just an introduction.. or something but pls enjoy it tho.. ALSO HELPP IM CRYING BRO this is just p.1 because this author is lazy as hell❞
word count; 477
fujoshi’s dni
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sometimes, aether was afraid of himself for having so many chaotic friends that were so so different and unique in their own ways.
first was childe being the rich friend of the friendgroup, and someones wallet (cough cough zhongli) he was also quite a battle addicted person, starting fights every now and then.
zhongli was the one friend that forgets their money almost every single time so people think hes broke (i bet hes rich by how much he forgets his money and use’s other people instead) he would also be the friend that tells tales to the others.
raiden ei is the bad cook, she may probably be the worst cook alive ever, as ei has burnt down the kitchen not once, not twice, not thrice, but i cannot count. she has burnt the food enough too. oh and did i mention that ei is quite obsessed with the idea of eternity (dont say eternity is stupid she’ll electrify you..)
venti, or should i say.. barbatos. is quite a heavy drinker, be careful to store your wine somewhere safe (tip for diluc) but its not like it could escape the nose of this drunkard. he is quite a goofball at times, but he can get serious. be careful of this drunkard so called drunken bard of the college.
albedo, (the love of my life.) the class scientist, he was known as chalk prince though. his intelligence exceeds some of the teachers, even if he can graduate already he stays in college for a little while. (to see me ofc..) he says its for experiments and because he thinks its quite unfair if he graduated.
rubedo (my love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) was often called the imperfect version of albedo, he gets quite annoyed whenever people called him that, so aether has to step in. just in case he made another student go to the hospital again.
they all (i’m too lazy to do the other characters ok.. shut ur mouth) caused quite a bit of trouble, expect for the good boys (razor, bennet, thoma🫶🫶)
anyways— to meet or die a lonely death, was your moto, (wym its o u r s) and you met aether exactly the same time you’ve said that, causing him to be quite concerned for your well being and confused as well. meet who?— that was what he wondered the most, though he never said it out-loud.
seeing your eyes shimmering with such hope, made him— feel things.. he didnt know what to say to it— it felt so new yet so familiar at the same time.
he could only watch you as you smile so happily talking about if you ever ended up with someone. his heart aches at the thought of you loving other people, but he cannot do anything about it. after who is HE to do anything in your love life?
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xamvjay · 2 years
Can you maybe do Toji x f!reader riding him? It's fine if not btw :D (I'M 19 BTW)
|Ride me - Toji x afab!reader|
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**WARNINGS: contains smut, explicit language, and sexual themes. MINORS DNI although I know yall horny out there reading it**
The picture above is NOT MINE and goes to the rightful credited owner.
All characters mentioned below are NOT MINE and belong to the Original Creator/Author/Illustrator.
This piece is a work of fiction and is pure imagination and is not real and does not involve in the original story/timeline.
Genre: smut, romance
cw: switchTOJI!?, switch afab!READER?!, fem!reader, exhibitionist, voyeurism, PDA, not proofread sorry folks
A/N: first ever req im getting (and i'm thrilled af pls) – thanks anon <3, i'm assuming yall loves dilfs huhhuh. and YES absolutely! AND WHYD THIS TAKE ME 4HRS LMAO IM SO BAD WITH THIS buttt here ya goo and enjoyy ~
wc: 3.3k sheesh -----------------------------------------------------------
‘And I’m done!’ I thought happily, appreciating the way I looked, shown by the reflection. Twirling a bit as I spritz some of the DIOR J'adore Eau De Parfum on myself and sigh happily at myself. Today was a special day. Today was the day when I finally got hold of my boyfriend, Toji who seemed way too busy with the odd job that he never told in detail. We planned a date after struggling to match with our hectic schedule giving no chance and decided that today was the day. Smoothing little unnoticeable wrinkles from my satin, black skater dress I slipped inside my cheetah print full sleeve jacket. A beautiful, plain diamond jewelry settled nicely on the base of my neck which was paired with a pair of simple dangling earrings.  
Combing through my hair that I styled with my utmost effort, I reached out the lip gloss in the shade of power red and swiped another coat on my lip and correcting the smudges and maintaining a gradient look. My eye makeup was rather done simply allowing my bright eyes to be the star of the show. Grabbing the purse that was sitting idly on my bed, I slipped my phone in but not before I checked the time. 6:55 PM – it read. I had a couple of minutes before I head out. Going to the small walk-in closet I turned over to choose what footwear will it be today. ‘I’ll just match with my jacket’ I thought mindlessly and bent over to take the high-block heel. Switching off the lights that were open, I took a glance once more at my well-maintained apartment and decided it was time. Today’s venue happened to be the cinema and it was perfect because I was able to get hold of the tickets for the most anticipated movie in my opinion – Top Gun – Maverick. Locking my apartment, I trotted over to the elevator and entered it while humming away at a random tune. A familiar ding was heard, and the doors slid, either way, revealing the exit/entrance of the building. Greeting a ‘have a good evening’ to the nearby staff I walked over to my car and revved up the engine.
Today Toji had some personal things to deal with so he said he wouldn’t be able to join me on the ride on the way to the cinema and said he would reach there on his way. Shrugging the sadness away as nothing when I heard that since he never broke any promises and always showed up one way or another was reassuring. A podcast played in the background from my open radio as I drove to the cinema. Today the city looked incredible. It could just be my happy mood, or it was always this extraordinary. The city lights blared from all directions, blinding your eyes in a good way. The level of serotonin I got from the view of the bustling people carrying out different activities was really thrilling. A group of musicians cheerfully played their best tunes while the crowd formed praised away. Smiling slightly, I focused on my driving.
Today’s gonna be good.
Parking my car at an empty spot I found I climbed out of my car, making sure I collected my belongings and switched off the engine, and locked the car. Checking the time once again it read 7:22 PM. ‘Oh great, I’m not late.’ I thought and strolled into the cinema and was introduced to a large hall filled with full of movie posters and stations packed with various flavoured popcorns and different soda machines all lined up. This time, the cinema was quite packed compared to other days. Families, couples, friends, and numerous groups of people were scattered around the place. Drifting my eyes from the crowd I performed a slow 360o spin and admired the neon lights that were running across the walls giving it a bit of a club vibe. Whilst spinning I accidentally bumped into someone but not too harshly but rather a soft one. Without looking I apologized several times and was ready to walk away until that person spoke with a hot breath next to the shell of my ear. “God was definitely showing off when He created you huh.” That voice. It was a perfect balance of clear but rough pure masculinity tone. I whipped my head immediately to that person and engulfed him in a big hug. “TOJI!” I squealed in happiness as I looked up, peeking through my lashes while his towering figure looked down on me. “Hey, babe.” There was a soft smirk drawn on his lips while that scar was stretched ever so slightly due to that motion. His black hair was shaggy as usual covering his eyes a bit. I stepped back and looked up and down at his attire. And boy did he look SEXY.
A black full-sleeved dress shirt was worn paired with black slacks. The first couple of buttons were undone from his shirt and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. A hand was tucked inside his dress pant pocket while the other was brushing on his hair. There was a black band ring that sat comfortably on the index finger of his right hand. Flustered slightly at the way his strong muscles were hugged by the black shirt. It was evident he was a built man. Every move he did there was a slight ripple and strain in those carved muscles I’ve witnessed under that shirt. It almost felt like the clothes he wore was just a second layer of skin. Going closer to him I whispered enough for him to hear. “You look really good tonight, a little too good.” I stated humorously giggling in the process and to hold of his free hand and dragged him into the cinema hall #4 where the promotions and advertisements were playing already.
The room was completely dimmed down while there was in built small circular lights on the stairs giving a nice relaxing illuminating glow. I choose the furthest row at the back so we can comfortably have a view of the full screen. There were very few people at that row, only two people were sat at the very far end from our seat. The below row was also empty to an extent as well. sitting in our respectable places I told Toji I was to collect the snacks, but he urged that he would do so. After exchanging few words of who should go, he won and left the room before I could argue anymore. Huffing slightly at his sweet acts, I sat rather graciously and settled my items, so I was relaxed. Few minutes passed and Toji appeared cradling a large popcorn bucket alongside with two cups of cold drinks, one being my favourite and a bag of other snacks hanging off his elbow. Helping to keep the items safely and not creating a mess, he soon joined me, and the movie finally started.
Around sometime in the movie I felt Toji excuse himself to the restroom which I nodded unconsciously since I was so focused on the movie. Few minutes passed and soon I realized he still hadn’t appeared. I decided not to give too much thought too it and opted to hang around for some time before I gave him a call. Few moments passed he came back looking rather disoriented. The light from the large, displayed screen showed how his shirt was more undone. There was a layer of sheen sweat on his Godly built chest. He plopped down on the seat and manspread-ed, occupying the entirety of his seat. He was slightly more slumped against the chair and his right hand was placed lightly on his finger; his expression tells me he’s in some deep thought.
“Babe? You alright? You don’t look too good.” I spoke out with great concern. Lifting my hand, I pressed against his forehead was felt extremely hot. Snatching my hand away I glanced at him with worry. “You are developing a fever!” I quickly got up only to be pulled down immediately with his arm wrapped on my arm. I fell atop him, my chest near his vision. Blushing at the odd position I was in, I wriggled from his grip. “Toji, what’re you doing!?” I exclaimed quietly. “I got this fever because of you.” He spoke lowly. What? I caused his upcoming fever? Impossible. “You’re gonna have to elaborate more on that but do that later when we bring that fever down.” I said sternly, trying my best to break free from his grasp but no luck. Couple of seconds passed and he gave no response but just staggering breathes were heard. “Toji, darling what’s wrong?” I muttered out softly. I brought my hand after gently convincing him that I’m not getting up and caressed his face. “Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I got so fucking hard it was unbearable.”  I gasped at his confession and locked eyes with him. “Darling, you were so focused in your movie I couldn’t disturb you. So, I thought I could take care of it myself.” Poor him. He was dealing with all this all alone without me knowing.
“Babe, you should’ve told me. I could’ve helped you; you know.” I spoke sweetly whilst my hands slid down his chest ever so slowly until it reached the problem. I softly caressed his hard on and kept a fixed stare on his face. “Babe– fuck, please help me…” He gently pleaded. How could I not help him when he laid there in front of me, looking so helpless. How sweet it was of him to not disturb me when watching the movie not knowing I’d drop anything to help him. Grabbing his large rough hands, I led them to run my hair over and hold a makeshift ponytail. I settled on the carpeted ground and unzipped his pants and stared at it. There was a wet patch on the dark, tight boxers he wore that hugged onto his pure thick muscular thighs. Freeing the hard dick from the strains, there it stood proudly. The tip had an angry shade of red – thanks to the light coming from the screen I was able to appreciate his dick properly.
The cockhead was leaking generous amount of pre-cum which dribbled down uncaringly. A thick vein ran underneath the shaft and made its way to the thick, large fat balls. Licking my lips at the delicious sight, I looked up at him once more only to find him looking back at me with such intensity in his green eyes. He bit his lip as he let out a low groan. “Fuck, you look so good down there.” The grip he had on my ponytail was tightened and pushing my face to his hard cock. Preparing my mouth for the abuse I kitty licked the tip and kissed the sides. Sucking the tip like a candy I stuck my tongue out and allowed myself to wrap the tip carelessly. I slipped the cock to entire my hot cavern and the part that didn’t fit I wrapped it with my hands. Pumping with my hands and I bobbed my head up and down I fought back the gag-reflex. I looked at him through my lashes as I kept my cheek hallowed and kissed the tip several times. Spitting the built of drool on the head, I kept pumping his cock and once again swallowed his dick.
“You look so fucking hot right now.” He spoke with a low pitch and letting occasional groans. Thank goodness to the blaring speakers of the movie hall, it masked the erotic sounds we were producing. Suddenly my head was yanked back harshly as he came closer to my face. A finger was stuck in my wet mouth, and I sucked it, swirling my tongue. Toji tightened his jaw when he saw how obedient I was being. A smirk broke out as my eyes land on those pink lips of his that was adorned with that scar. “As much as I’d like to fill your mouth with my cum and have you kept it till the movie’s finished, I think I’ll use that pussy of yours instead.” His voice was rough and hoarse but had a hint of degradation.
His hand motioned towards his thick thighs, and I gulped at the sight. “Get on my lap, now.” He ordered with a gravely tone. Nodding I sat immediately on hard thighs. His right hand that was in my mouth was now removing my panty and was completely removed. Feeling the cool air hit my bare cunt I gripped onto the arm rest wondering what he’ll do. “Don’t make a fucking noise, got it?” He spoke right next to my ear as I nodded. His free hand wrapped around my neck and had a slight tight grip, enough to cut out a bit of oxygen. “Where’s your manners? Hm?” He questioned threateningly. Nervously I answered “Y-yes sir.” A satisfied hum was heard, and my underwear was now a small ball and was near my mouth. Getting the idea, I opened my mouth, and the panty was shoved inside. “Very good.” His voice so husky, his tongue licked my jawline as he brought my back against his hard, chiseled chest.
The finger with the ring was wet presumably from his spit and now made his way to my cunt. His thighs nudged my thighs to open up more. His hands were carrassing my inner thigh as he teased my pussy but not quite relieving any pressure.  All of a sudden, he stopped his actions and moved around a bit, most likely removing something from his pocket. “Open it.” He whispered hotly and gave it to me, which I obeyed and opened the black case. There it was a purple clit vibrator. I gasped at what I opened but that went unnoticed as I had a makeshift gag ball in my mouth. He then took it from me and then placed it on my clit., nestling it and making it fit right. Squirming on his thighs at this foreign object contacting my pussy was kind of exciting.
“Relax darling, it’s just a vibrator.” He reassured and kept it there for some time while he held it. Few minutes later he proceeded to whip out the remote and there he played with the controls going from low to high intensity. Immediately I thrashed a bit at the random, sudden sensation I was dealing with, but Toji was quick to stop my movements and had me attached to his back. His free hand roamed around my torso until he it massaged my covered breasts. He slipped his hands under the dress and then tugged the bra under and kept teasing my tits. He flicked, pinched, rubbed circles and pressed on the hard nubs of mine. He did the same with my other boob switching hands and felt the cold ring tease my hard ass nipples. Moans were escaping my mouth but were muffled by the gag. My hand went to his cock that was right under my pussy, which was rubbing it, making it hard as fuck.
“Shit, if you keep that up, I’ll fuck you right here, right now.” He stated with few light groans releasing into the warm air. I moaned at his words and pushed my hands to have a faster pace. I want him to fuck me right here. Having a hundred or two sitting in the same room, shrouded with darkness with nothing but just the projector as our light. Anyone could catch us. We could get caught. We could deal with the securities but that’s what made my pussy clenching on nothing. I let out some words but were intelligible. “What d’ya say sweetheart? You wanna get fucked right here? Like a dirty slut? Hmm?” He questioned one after another, his tone had a patrionising tone. I nodded as fast as I could and urged his hand from my breast to go to my gushing cunt. A deep chuckled reverberated from his chest. “Well, do it yourself then. Use me while fucking me. C’mon darling ride me.” He spoke lazily as he flipped through the intensities making me groan and break out into tears. The thought just past my head. Riding him in a public place, sitting innocently on my boyfriend’s lap while no one knows what was actually going on. That he was practically rearranging my guts.
I lifted my hip and used my hand to align his hard leaking cock into my fluttering hole. Going down I felt him practically rip me open. He was so fucking big it hurt deliciously. Once he was fully inside me, barely sat comfortably as I felt his cockhead kiss the opening of my cervix. Looking down there was a bulge formed on my tummy where my uterus would be. “I filled you up so good, didn’t I?” He spoke to himself and tapped on my thighs to start moving. I slid up and down much with all the energy I had. This kept going on for maybe around ten minutes and Toji just sat there, doing nothing, his eyes were on the movie while he mindlessly switched intensities. Letting out a whine and tears of frustration came out as I couldn’t reach the high that was seconds of breaking open but not quite there yet. “What’s wrong baby? Can’t cum? Need my help?” I nodded but he still sat there looking at me deeply. Soon he removed the gag from my mouth. “Use your words.” He spoke with a bored expression while his face rest on his palm whilst his elbow rested on the armrest.
“Y-yes sir, p-please mmmhm I wanna cum so badly.” I pouted as I squirmed once again. His hands than held onto my hip and helped me to move up and down while simultaneously he pistoned his hips inside me deeply and accurately managing to hit that favourite spot of mines. My gummy wet walls wrapped around my cock as I felt my high coming closer. He set the vibrator at a high setting and alongside with him brutally hammering inside me was really pushing it. Groans and moans escaped quietly from both of us and mingled together. The slapping noise was there but thanks to the climatic scene that was playing, the speakers were blaring with all sorts of loud noises. Few more thrusts what caused the tight knot to snap and caused me to squeal out loud. The dress had already fallen back, concealing everything while couple of people below us had turned around, trying to find where the noise had come from. His warm cum painting my walls white as the remote was switched off to stop me from overstimulating. I rolled my hips, grinding and milking the remaining cum of from his shaft and squeezed Toji’s balls. “Fuck, you better keep quiet if you don’t want to get caught.” He snapped while tugging my hair making me fall backwards.
After two or three minutes of cockwarming and him softening up, still semi-hard he removed himself and helped me sit by the near seat. The soaked panty that was held in front of me and Toji, he smirked and assisted me in slipping it back on. “Don’t want that precious cum leaking out now, do we?” He spoke smugly, his vibrant green eyes were clouded with various emotions and one being is lust mixed with affection. It was slightly shroud with his jagged hair that stuck to his forehead due to the sweat. He tucked himself in and got up disposing the waste in the spare bag he brought. He enclosed the vibrator and slipped it back on his pocket. The movie ended alongside, and the lights returned, brightening up the place. As he stood up, totally towering me he leaned down and stole a wet kiss from me, his gorgeous veiny hard hands swiped away presumably the smudged lipstick from my cheeks and chin.
“Get your ass up, I’m not done with you yet.”
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chubote · 1 year
Currently obsessed with the idea of you working from home long enough, stuffing your face day in and day out, only getting up to waddle to and from the front door for your fastfood deliveries, that it becomes a struggle to do anything besides sit and eat and type. You just keep gaining until youre spilling out of your gamer chair, having to rest the keyboard on your tummy just to reach it. Maybe your work is even starting to slow down because of how fat your little fingers are getting. Eventually, your boss asks you to come in to the office for a performance review. You make a valiant effort to rise, but its seems to get harder and harder every day. You fall back, winded, and end up snapping your chair right in two. Poor thing, too heavy for his own good, splayed out on the floor with the remains of the chair scattered around, panting and wheezing for help. Youve really gotten so big you cant even get up on your own, and you certainly wont be making it in to the office. Dont worry though, we can just turn that webcam on and your boss will get to see what a bloated little tub of lard youve become. Theyll still have to let you go, but Im sure youll get a nice severance package for your... disability. Anyway, we might as well get you hauled into bed, its almost time for your dinner. Be a good boy and eat up 💕
I'm sure this will become my reality before long.
I already spend my entire day with my fat ass parked at my desk, whether I'm working or gaming after my shift. And of course, I keep my home office very well stocked with snacks that are within arm's reach. Not to mention I always keep a box of boost by my desk too, and I have a mini fridge to keep my soda cold. I'm already at the point where the most exercise I get in a day is waddling down the stairs to the kitchen or the front door to fetch any food I get delivered...
I already outgrew and broke my last chair a while back. And the extra-wide, reinforced once I have is already starting to strain under my eight. Not to mention how I already entirely fill it, and my ass/thighs are starting to overflow the sides...
So yeah, this may be a fantasy look into my future. But it's a future that doesn't seem all that far away at the rate I'm going 😇
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jaytmann2 · 1 month
How I discovered sex true story part 59.
Nothing happened for a couple of days, it was early Saturday morning when I woke up, Emma was rushing around gathering stuff and mum was on the phone, Brad said "don't go anywhere please so I sat on one of our dining chairs and waited. Mum got off the phone and sat near me. She told me Aunty Julie had falling very sick and we needed to go help her. She said Aunty Julie was going to be ok but needs us there. I made it clear how concerned I was her Aunty Julie but "how can I help and that I had all my mid year exams coming up and things so would we be back in time?" Mum looked at me with an understanding look and said "fuck I didn't think about that" and "I'm honestly not sure how long we'd be there cos Aunty Julie would need treatment and be in and out of hospital and I might also be very boring at times so and stressful" Brad piped in and said "Jay can stay here with me, his old enough to look after himself and get himself to and from school and I'll be home as I normally am so he won't be all alone" mum stopped, thought and asked "How do you feel about that Jay?" I said "I was ok with it if Dad and her were?" Mum looked at Brad and said "im ok if you are?" Brad said "I think us boys will do just fine, you go help Julie, you're a phone call away if we need you" mum said ok and got up to get herself ready to go. Emma got herself and Sarah ready and mum was ready in record time and we loaded Brad's work Ute up, Emma strapped Sarah in and got in, I jumped in and we all headed off to the airport, shortly after mum, Emma and the baby were giving us kisses goodbye and headed to the boarding gate in only minutes to spare. We watched them take off and headed back to the Ute and headed home. Brad pulled thru the maccas drive thru and bought a heap of food as we sat there stuffing our faces before we headed home.
Over the next week, Brad and I got a great routine going, I went to school each day, we kept the house spotless and I did a lot of cooking. Brad made sure I had plenty of money (more then I needed). The next Saturday rolled in and Brad had the day off. We both slept in, I woke to Brad making us a big bacon and egg brunch. I opened him a beer and handed it to him, he said "it's a bit early" I pointed out it was nearly 1pm and he deserved a few drinks. It was a dark rainy day outside so we sat in the lounge room watching Action movies and Brad was being kept with a steady supply of beer thanks to my assistance.
Brad was not pissed but very tipsy and in a really good mellow mood. Mum called and we spoke to her for a while and watch cool Bruce Willis action movie. Brad said how good things were going and what a good job of been doing but he missed mum and "really missed mum's pussy and arse!" We laughed and I said "sorry but I can't help" and Brad said "nah you're my boy, I could never and I'm not into guys anyway" we laughed and I said "who knows what you're into?" Brad laughed and said "Nothing outta the norm" but "I do love to watch people have sex and have sex while people watch me" this honestly surprised me and I said "yeah I can understand, it'd be pretty cool" he told me about him and mum doing it in front of friends doing it and how he used to watch people in a remote parking lot before he met mum. I asked about the parking lot, he told me he would see girls masturbating, guys masturbating, guys and girls having sex, girls and girls having sex, guys and guys having sex etc. I was getting turned on. I jokingly said "oh so you liked seeing Danny and me doing it did you?" Brad said calmly and matter or factly "well you two did look good even tho I didn't look for very long" I said "oh really?" He said "yeah but you're my boy and I also didn't want to freak you out" I said "fair enough, maybe next time you'll just have to hide" as I broke out laughing and Brad said "maybe I will" and he laughed too. It got late and we both went to bed. I jerked off to the thought of people in a parking lot all having sex. After Cumming I went to sleep. Brad was already at work the next day and we didn't see much of eachother for the next week.
The next Saturday came around, it was a nice day out and pretty warm out. Danny came over and Brad made us all lunch and about 5 mins later the phone rang, it was his work, he needed to drop his Ute in as one of the other utes got damaged and Brad had the next 4 days off so they were going to use the Ute. Brad got his keys and said "ill be back in an hour and I'll be getting driven back and I'm going out with my mates later so if you need anything I'll have to get it before I go out tonight. He said "ill see you boys in an hour" and left. Danny was in the toilet and didn't hear nearly all of the conversation. Danny asked where Brad was and I explained he had to go to work but I didn't say when he would be back. I had an idea floating around in my head. I thought Danny would have no part in it so I kept it to myself. About 40 or so minutes had passed so I had to decide if I'd go thru with my plan! I decided I would so I went to my room and got the tube of lube out of my draw (the tube Emma put in there) put it in my pocket and said to Danny let's go out on the back deck. He gladly got up and we went outside. I told him to sit down on the couch, he did as I stood in front of him about 4 foot away and I started to slowly strip my t-shirt off, took my shoes and socks off, took my trackies off and pulled my underwear off and stood in front of him naked and hard. Danny smiled as I walked over to him, bent over grabbing the bottom of his t-shirt pulling it off him, help him get undressed and started to suck him slowly. After a few minutes I took his cock out of my mouth. I crawled over, got the lube out from my pocket and lubed my hole up. Danny was sitting there, cock hard as a rock as I rubbed lube into me in front of him, I also squirted some out and rubbed some around his cock head and I stood up wiped my hand on my t-shirt and walked toward him, my hard cock bobbing along. I could hear a car driving up our street that sounded like Brad's Ute, Danny mustn't have heard it as I turned facing away from him as I bent over lowering my butt down, Danny aimed his cock at my hole and I slowly lowered myself onto his cock. Once he was all the way inside me one at a time I put my feet on the edge of the couch each side of Danny's legs and stretched my arms out on top of the top of the couch leaving the front of my naked body fully exposed my legs were spread wide and my cock was standing straight up against my stomach. Danny's legs were spread a fair bit so from front on you should have easily seen me fully naked and Danny's cock up my arse.
I heard a car door close in the distance, I thought Danny might have heard it but I started to slowly ride his cock and deliberately moan loudly enough not so the neighbours would hear but to drown out any noises and to turn Danny on. I was slowly riding him making sure not to obstruct any view. I was leaning against Danny and his head was to my left so he couldn't see the stairs to the deck. With my eyes barely open I saw a figure round the corner of the house and walk the path toward the stairs. I was deliberately moaning to hide any footsteps but also to alert the approaching figure that Danny and I were there. I saw Brad's baseball cap near the stairs but moving really slowly. Squinting I saw Brad look up toward us as he try'd to stay out of sight. I rode Danny's cock, my heart was pounding so dam hard. My moaning was getting louder. I opened my eyes a little more, I could see Brad's eyes fixed on us as Danny and I were having sex. I started riding harder and faster, my arse slapping into his lap and my cock slapping against my tummy with each thrust. I was now at a medium pace bouncing on Danny's cock, Brad's head was bobbing and I could tell he was pulling on his cock.
I opened my eyes and Brad's eyes and mine made contact before his eyes went back to my cock and Danny's cock in my arse, I grabbed my cock and quickly stroked it just before I shot jet after jet of cum over my chest and some getting on my chin. I now started to rock my hips and grind my arse into Danny's cock and in moments Danny said he was Cumming so I slammed down on his cock making him cum deep in me! I then got off his cock and copied what Emma did to me! As I got off his cock I felt some cum escape from my hole. I got onto my knees and took hold of his still hard cock, some of his cum was dripping down his shaft and I took him into my mouth. I could taste his cum, the lube and the tangy taste of my arse on his cock. I bobbed my head on his cock, I pushed my arse muscles pushing some of his cum out of my hole and felt it dribble down toward my balls, I pushed more cum out of me as Danny's cock started going soft in my mouth. I sucked upwards as his cock popped out of my mouth and moved up and kissed him deeply before I straightened my back. I felt cum run out of my crack and fall hitting the deck. I stood up and stretched my hands helping Danny stand up. I kissed him again as I turned around to see Brad's head disappear.
We picked up our cloths, and headed inside, I looked back at the blobs of cum on the deck as I had cum running down my legs. Danny and I jumped in the shower and cleaned ourselves up and got dressed. I'd left my shoes outside so I ran out to get them, I picked my shoes up and looked at the deck at where the blobs of cum were to see it was all gone and it looked like fresh lick marks on the deck where the cum used to be!
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onthejadedjournal · 2 months
after i broke down school (the day of the deadline) because of how anxious i was about this whole ordeal - my best friend immediately tried to figure a way around the issue and told me he'll try to coax the teacher into listening to him which was so daring because that teacher is very true to her words and she had really high standards for all of us
it was so hard to talk that day. my head hung so low and i couldn't even hear the lessons because of how mentally distraught i was that day - i had to use my notebook to talk to him because if i talked, i know my sobs and hiccups will be heard and i hate attracting attention. he immediately noticed how distant i acted and it i quickly clicked back to the comic i made back then and. idk. I'm just surprised how accurate that was. i dunno. self projection works ig
either way. at the end of the day - my teacher acknowledged the concern and extended it up to sunday this week
i'm happy but i'm still really. not happy. happy because im given one more chance to work on it but unhappy because - i feel that this could've been worked out much better. or better yet. not a fucking animation
and. im also pissed. really pissed
the trailer wasn't mandatory.
the trailer wasn't mandatory.
i could've been. working on the story a week before if it werent for the fucking trailer
but. i cant even be too mad about it because at at least the trailer gave me insight on how i feel about animation?
well for one. im not taking the multimedia art course anymore in college. eye opening moment for me
and two - thanks to many people telling me this; you don't have to make it high effort just to please everyone. its okay to dumb it down because an artist's eyes isnt the same as a normal one. another eye opening moment to me
and i guess the trailer was only good for getting everyone to buy our movie tickets. idk
but. the trailer wasnt mandatory. i just learned that and i was really upset.
again. should i be mad or not? I don't know but it just happens. its a double edged sword
another thing that really made me angry was how everyone thinks this is going to be a walk in the park for me. its not. it's not. "she'll do okay because she can draw" "we're going to win some awards thanks to her" god i wish i never heard those i don't even know the first thing about animation im just really lucky to have nicole help me as she's a genuine aspiring animator.
either way im just so ready to forget all of this when im done. i don't want to share this project to friends because i'm more or less traumatized mentally and physically about this and I don't want to recall it again and i'm dead serious about it.
it also doesnt help that i keep getting called a slacker at home for not doing the animation. if only you understand what im feeling. did you not take the hint when i slept early twice? yeah. yeah maybe you should get it next time. just got told that while i was typing this . hahhah
i've lost my energy to be happy and even to selfship (but with one exception i guess) because the last 2 days i just find myself crying to sleep over how angry i am and it sucks because i cant catch up to what my friends are doing and I don't want to be the lump of coal that opposes their energy everytime i come to them which is why i'm just here to rot and complain about it. i know they're willing to be there to help me destress. i know they're worried about me. but i have to consider the external factors (which is. being accused of being a slacker when im in need of comfort from my friends). if i was the only person in the house then i would've done it in a heartbeat
i don't sound the same right now and it all culminates to this. it's almost a month and this is eating me alive consistently to no end. i get bursts of joy here and there but it doesn't outweigh how tired i am
but thankfully i'm given another chance to work on it so.
now im just praying i can make it. im praying
and leave this fucking school soon
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5tr4ylov35t4y · 1 year
Dont get over me, Im here
pairing: chan x fem!reader genre: angst in the start,fluff,smut
Tumblr media
warning: sadness, clingy chan, SEX...... sweet affirmations reader is scared of thunder
notes:my first real fan fic that i haven't deleted, havent checked my grammar
It's been a week since Chan and I broke up.He has been too busy to be with me, so i started feel lonely and depressed. i couldn't handle it so i broke up with him thinking it was for the better. But damn, do I miss those eyes of his. They used to hold so much adoration for me, but now they're just filled with sadness during his lives that I still watch to help me sleep. I didn't even realize how much he was doing for me until he was gone. He would always be up before me, leaving me a note to start my day with a smile, and he would come to bed after me because he was working on his new track. I miss our happy comforting dinners that we had once in awhile. Now I'm just eating dinner in silence.
For Chan, it was not doing him any good either. The bed would be cold, the apartment would always feel too empty… what was he supposed to do when all his jokes didn't make sense to other people because his other half was not there to laugh? Why did it have to happen so suddenly? Would it not have been easier, fairer for them to both fall out of love at the same time? (At least he thought you fell out of love.) That wasn't how it worked, of course, that would have been far too easy. For it to be mutual and comfortable. Chan had been hurt immeasurably. He did not argue and merely agreed that if y/n was not happy, then it would be best for them to end their relationship. But this was the end he thought, and it fucking hurt. He couldn't cooperate with life as well as he did when you were still together. He never went to sleep now, no matter how hard he did. He would reach over for you, but it was empty.
He didn’t get around to dropping your things off until the next weekend and you hadn’t messaged him asking what the hold up was, he likely didn’t dare The last thing you needed was to sound like his ex nagging him about shit.It was Saturday night, 9pm by the time Chan got away from work and it was pouring with rain. The typical cliche weather for dropping off personal items to someone who broke your heart, The boxes were going to be left on the porch and Chan was going to ring the doorbell and then bail. He wasn’t going to hang around hoping you would talk to him begging him to come inside because the weather was getting harsher.
Chan sat parked outside y/n's place with the engine off listening to the rain splattering hard on the roof of the car. he forced himself out of the car lugging a box through the torrential rain towards the white door. Setting the box down under the porch roof,A rumble of thunder growled above before a flash of lightning lit up the street, just as chan ringed the door bell the light died and the power failed. "fuck," chan said pushing back his hair he knocked on the door and went back to his car trying to start it but it didnt turn on.
chan went back to the door and knocked on the door His knock was near drowned out by the rain and thunder, but he pounded the door until it shook and just when he thought it was better to give up the door swung open and y/n threw herself into chan's arms, her face buried in his shoulder. crying as she said "chan im so scared please stay with me" his heart broke even more, he picked y/n up and walked in closing the door behind them. chan walked to y/n's room with her in his arms the bed was all messy and the sheets were tangled but he still sat on the bed while cuddling y/n when he spoke “I’ll be honest, I thought you already had someone else here with you.” Sure it might have upset y/n for chan to admit such a thing but it would, at least, take her mind off the storm. “I always knew you were one hundred per cent honest with me so I don’t know why I figured you were leaving me for someone else. You’d have told me if you were, I know that.” chan honestly told you
“I love you, chan. I can’t switch that off, I made the decision to leave because I was so lonely. I missed being with you, I missed us being together.” you told him Without thinking, chan leaned down and kissed you softly.“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I made you miserable. I’m sorry that it’s too late to realise it and fix it. I’ll stay until the storm is over and I promise you won’t hear from me again.” chan softly said into your hair “channnnn-, you’re so stupid. I love you so much.” you said right before you assaulted chan with kisses pressed all over his cheeks and forehead until chan had dissolved into laughter and you were just lying against him with your head in the crook of chan's shoulder.
While everything seemed to be genuinely perfect at that moment, chan still needed to know what was going on because it felt the same way as it had when they first got together.
Unfortunately, his question went unasked as the storm, which had seemed to calm for a moment, picked up with renewed energy and the rain battered the windows, the glass rattling from the force and y/n tensed in his arms.
“Stay, stay with me until the storm blows over.”
“Then what?”
“Stay until the next one.”
“What if the next one never comes?”
“Then you can never leave.”
chan started to leave kisses on your face as his hand went to your hip" are we back together/" he asked softly 'there has to be some ground rules first chan"
His glossy eyes stared into yours. His eyes were filled with hope. “yes love tell me."
Placing your hand on top of his, you began to speak.
“You need to come home every night. You can’t continue to be at work 24/7. You’re already exhausted and you’re just hurting yourself. I’d also like to see you. I don’t want to keep coming home to an empty house.”
Chan nodded, the ghost of a smile could be seen on his lips.
“H-how about…” He began to say.
“Hm, what is it?” You asked.
“How about I try to make up a little for the time I missed out with you tonight?”
You looked at him with curious eyes, “Yeah, and how are you going to do that?” A smile was heard in your voice.
Chan showed you what he meant the moment his hands began to slide down the waistline of your pants. He looked at you with big eyes.
“I know it’s not much but I want to do something at least. If it’s ok with you, of course.”
Rotating your neck, you leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I would love that.”
With your permission, Chan slid off your joggers, followed by your panties. He grabbed them and tossed them near the foot of the bed.
You spread your legs open wider to give him better access. His warm hand traveled down your mound. You always melted at his very touch. His touch was safe and warm. Each time he touched you it sent shivers down your spine.
Dipping his fingers past your slit, he sought out your clit. Placing a gentle touch onto it, he began to move his finger causing you to whine.
“Does it feel alright baby?” He asked as he continued to tease your sensitive bud.
Softly squirming, you responded in a breathy tone, “Mm it’s so nice Channie. F-feels good.”
“Good.” He breathed out in relief. All he wanted to do was pleasure you, to make you feel his love from his touch. He softly attached his mouth to your neck as he continued to play with you. Starting from your earlobe, he began peppering soft kisses down your neck. He could hear the soft breaths you let out at every kiss. Chan continued to plant kisses slowly down your shoulder.
“Whatever my baby wants.” He stuck a second finger into you causing you to mewl.
“Fucking love your fingers Channie! They’re so t-thick.”
Moving his fingers, he began to fuck them in and out of you, “Yeah baby? You like my fingers?”
“Mhm!” you nodded, your head already going hazy.
“You’re just sucking them in, aren’t you?” He said, teasing you.
“Yes!” You cried out.
“Good girl.”
Chan simultaneously fucked his fingers in you as he sucked on your neck. His touch felt amazing, absolutely loving that all his attention was on you and making you feel good.
“Chan.” You breathed out, “I’m almost there!”
“Mm, come on baby, come for me.”
You let go the moment you heard his words, keening as he fucked you through your orgasm. Your muscles clenched as you split all over his fingers.
“You did so good.” Chan whispered into your ear as you fell onto the pillow.
Laying down beside you, you were both face to face with each other. Chan looked at you, smiling at your sleepy expression.
“I love you so much.” Chan said as he raked his fingers through your hair once.
“I love you too Channie.” You whispered out before you fell to sleep.
Chan stared at you for a bit, he admired how beautiful you were. He was so lucky to be loved by someone like you. you have no idea just how much he's head over heels for you. It's like he's under your spell or something.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
(this is just some stupid idea I had where Dude is Beats Dad 💀 this is my first time putting a fic anywhere and it’s not done bc idk if it’s even good/worth continuing. Please don’t be too mean!! I know it sucks)
There are a few things Beat prides himself on; his ability to problem solve, think fast on his feet and his can-do attitude but somehow, right now as he skates through the small town named Paradise, as a few odd stares are thrown his way, it just now occurred to him he really should have called first.
During all the chaos and last minute planning back in Tokyo-to, he’d managed to forget his father is a bit of a traveler and or is always on the move. Whenever if he just didn’t like to stay in one place for long like he’d said in the past or for other reasons…couldn’t, Beat didn’t really know and wouldn’t dig for a answer. They don’t talk as much as it was already, their last call being maybe a year or two ago, which also happened to be around the same time Dude had told him he finally left his ‘bitch’ of a ex wife. Damn it- now Beat was even more willing to bet Dude might not be here not having that ‘anchor’ with him anymore. Who the hell knows where he left to or is doing right now. Either way, he came all this way and was here now so he had to at least check through that old trailer park Dude had lived in for years upon years now and plan accordingly after.
Walking up to the small era of trailers on the side of town, a wave of relief washed over as the old beat up trailer house and crudely thrown together dog house and shed came into view. While it wasn’t the most sightly view- it did make him grin a bit to see not much has changed and pretty much everything was how he remembered it. He couldn’t talk about the living area himself that much anyways- having been living in a old garage that had only been renovated somewhat himself. Just another way they are similar he supposed- but no matter that right now, Beat still wasn’t used to the usual heat in this town yet and today in particular seemed worse than he remembered it getting ever. So with only just a bit of nervousness slowly developing as he walked up to the door, he breathed out before knocking.
Expecting he’d have to wait a moment for any reply, he was taken aback when as soon as he knocked a loud yell came from within. “I ALREADY SAID IM FUCKING SORRY MAN- I DONT-” followed by the sound of shuffling and something knocking over. Before Beat had the time to perhaps slowly walk backwards or decide this would be the last time he’d ever come back to Paradise, the door opened revealing who else but his slightly disheveled and irritated looking father, stood there huffing.
Though he was wearing his sunglasses as usual, Beat could tell when Dudes huffing stopped- and he froze that he definitely was trying to decide if he is actually seeing things or was his 17 year old son, who hadn’t called or visited in forever, standing in front of him. Even despite what had just happened a minute ago, a smile couldn’t help but tug it’s way to Beats face seeing his old man trying to process what the hell was going on- perhaps the good ol’ usual smile Dude was used to seeing in those old photos he got sent or took way back when helped him finally get a grip. “I- kiddo..is that you- what the fuck are you…” before he could go on anymore Dude suddenly got huge grin himself before hugging the little twerp a lot stronger than he needed to while a chuckle broke out. Beat couldn’t help from chuckling too with a “Hey dad” even though man…it really wouldn’t have hurt Dude to go take a shower. He couldn’t even pin point the smell or maybe it was coming from inside, from what he saw for a split second, the inside of the trailer looked rough though again, he did show up unannounced.
Once Dude finally let up some. Beat stood up straight, still grinning but looking away when explaining. “Well uhm…back home- well ‘home home’ me and my..pals kinda ran into some trouble.. and I was maybe wondering if I could just lay low here with you for a bit. Not for long if that’s a problem”. He knew his father doesn’t have a exactly clean record or is perfect himself either so it was his best bet coming to seek help here…he knew if he went to ask his mom for help he’d be ratted out in a second. And like he expected, Dude only kept smiling to himself before shaking his head in ‘disbelief’. “Still just like your old man huh?” He asked before moving some to the side to invite him in. In reality, Dude only knew a few things about Beats day to day life. The most he knew was spray paint and a ‘gang’ of teens of some sort was involved. He wouldn’t dig for answers like Beat didn’t either. Sure he was worried for his kid, who wouldn’t be? But he didn’t have much room to talk about life choices and vice versa. He supposed the most each other could hope for was that the other was alive and in some variation of ‘okay’.
“I guess. But what was going on with you?” Beat asked as he finally walked into the trashed up house and sat his bag on a spot not littered with trash or clothes. It seemed like Dude only realized how bad of a condition his place was in when he had watched Beat try to find a spot to set it. “Ah shit-” he began once he saw his ‘health’ pipes were just laying around..for anyone to see. He started to put those away first. “Well some douche bag I owe something to won’t stop showing up. You’d think people would keep work and home life separate.” He joked as he slid some pipes back into a drawer near by. Beat only watched for a minute before laughing a little. “Dad I’m 17. You don’t have to hide that shit. I’ve kinda seen it all anyways..”
“You have have ya? Well I hope it’s only the healthy stuff you’re getting into..otherwise..” Dude couldn’t really think of a otherwise. He could threaten to kick him out as a joke but yknow, other than that. A father you’ve only remember being around like maybe four times while not being a baby doesn’t have much power over you but a man can worry over his kid. It’s natural. Beat chuckled again while walking over to the old sofa that sat in the middle of the room and plopped down. “I’m good I’m good. I’ve got too much going on to mess with anything crazy nowadays anyways.” He explained, once again taking a look around the place from where he was. That’s when he finally noticed a dog food bowl with half the food ate on the table. “Hey where’s Champ by the way?”
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tvsiredx · 2 years
Spill on aisle 5
Just an fyi I don’t own tvd or the originals (one because I’m broke) and (two because I don’t live I California/ Virginia) the people who own it are on Netflix or hbo max so yea just saying so DONT SUE ME IM TO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL,thank you and good day.
Picture from Pinterest!
Requested: anonymously
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Klaus + caroline
※♡・° Milk, cheese, bread, eggs, oatmeal, almond milk, yogurt, diapers, filtered water. Those were the things on Caroline’s list of things that she needed before the babies came. 9 months pregnant by none other than Klaus Mikaelson.
She still hasn’t told him about the pregnancy or about almost being ready to pop, she wants to but she doesn’t know how to explain it. With her being a witch and her friends always needing her she didn’t really have the time to call him.
Caroline had other worries and doubts about how klaus would react to the babies, she didn’t know if he would want to be apart of the twins lives or if he would tell her to do it alone. But knowing klaus he would be there for her no matter what.
Making it down aisle five for her last item, which was baby diapers. She looks through the options of diapers, but settled with Huggies. Seeing a cute baby onesie she had to refrain from buying more. Her babies weren’t even born yet and they already have two closet’s full of clothes.
Rubbing her belly as she felt the babies start to kick and move around, “calm down little ones, I know you’re ready to come out!” She cooed to them ‘I’m just as ready for you both to come out’ she thought sarcastically. Maybe they noticed the sarcasm because she felt a gush of water hit her shoes.
Looking down as she pushed her dress back slightly, staring at the pile of water that just came out of her body. Caroline didn’t know if it was just shock or fear but she panicked and wattled to the self checkout line. Frantically scanning her items, before paying and rushing back to her car.
She climbs into her white Range Rover, nearly throwing her groceries in the trunk. Climbing into the front seat just barley getting her seatbelt on, a heavy contraction hit her. She gripped onto the steering wheel, breathing in and out deeply.
The contraction passes as she puts her seat belt on and pulling out of the parking lot. Driving towards her house to grab what she needed before it was too late. Speeding into the driveway as she hopped out of the car, leaving it running before waddling into the house.
Going into the twins room grabbing their Dior diaper bags, along with their matching car seats. Pushing them towards the front door, she rushed into the kitchen to grab her lunch bag that had her sandwich, chips, oatmeal cookie, and water.
Placing the lunch bag in one of the car seats she pulls them outside, muttering a spell to make them float to the car because she was in no shape to carry them and the bags. Clicking them into the back seat before shutting the door, she puts the diaper bags in the trunk before taking her lunch box with her to the drivers seat.
Taking a bite of her turkey club sandwich, she pulls out of the driveway. Rushing towards the hospital, nearly speeding into the emergency parking lot. But while trying to get out of the car another contraction hit, she gripped onto the door tighter than ever.
A part of her wishes he was here, to hold her hand, to tell her to breath through it, that she can do this, but he’s not so she has to do it alone. She would call her friends but she was hiding the pregnancy from them as well. The only one who might have sensed it would have been Bonnie but she’s to wrapped up in kol to pay attention.
The contraction subsided as she grabbed their car seats with the diaper bags inside the seat as she wattled into the emergency room. A nurse seen an rushed to her as she grabbed one of the car seats, they immediately had her roomed. Her contractions were coming like a storm and going like rain.
She was in pain and right at this moment regretted not telling klaus about the babies. She didn’t care if he didn’t want them, she just needed him to be here to hold her hand. The nurses noticed that she was in distress so they went to call someone for her.
Going through her emergency contact, they were happy that their was one man on the list. Calling his phone number as it rung about 3 times before he answered the call.
(N=Nurse- K=klaus)
N: Hi is this Klaus…klaus Mikaelson?
K: Yes, how can I help you
N: I’m here at Mystic Falls hospital with a Caroline Forbes.
K: what happened to Caroline??!
N: Nothing bad sir, she had went into labor and we see that she’s in distress. You were listed as her emergency contact, we wanted to know if you could come here to help her?!
K: Yes I’ll be there in 5 minutes.
N:Ok thank you have a good day!
Klaus was frantically getting ready to go to the hospital, still trying to wonder what they lady on the phone meant by ‘she’s went Into labor’. Leaving his house in a rush as he jumped into his black Range Rover and sped off. Making it to the hospital in record time he parked and flashed into the hospital.
Making it to the front desk they directed him to room 168, he walked in to see a His lovely Witch sweating and panting as she stood leant over the end of the bed. Klaus walked closer to her getting a closer look at her current state.
She was panting, sweaty, a pinkish red color in the face, she had hair matted to her forehead, gripping the sheets as she groaned. Caroline looked up ahead of her to see the one man she wished was here with her. She smiled to him but a contraction hit her again.
She let out a throaty groan as she cried out in pain, shutting her eyes tightly. Klaus had snapped out of his shock when she groaned out in pain, he took of his jacket and walked over to the side that she was on. Standing behind her as he pulled her up into his chest.
Placing both of his hands on her very swollen and hard belly, rubbing it in circles, she relaxed a bit as she started to take deep breath’s. Laying her head on his shoulder while he rocked her back and forth gently, Caroline placed her hands over his as the contraction came down.
A thousand questions running through his head at this second, but he knew she would tell him when the time was right. The nurse came to check Caroline’s cervix, klaus just stood there rubbing her belly “well looks like baby wants out now!” She sounded shocked about the babies crowning.
She called in the other nurses and had Caroline sit up on the bed, klaus was beside her holding her hand. Nurses came flooding in with everything she needed for the babies, two of everything when a doctor came over to Caroline propping her feet up.
“Alright Caroline first one is already crowning, so when I say push…” the lady doctor said as she put gloves on, Caroline nodded before the pain of the tiny head between her legs came shooting up her spine. The scream that came out of her throat only made klaus realize that this was really happening.
After about 30 minutes of screaming and crying out in pain, her little Elizabeth and Little Henry were born. Klaus looked at the twins and it’s almost like the love he had always had for Caroline went to the twins now. The doctor let him cut the cords then he held Henry while Caroline held Elizabeth.
They both sat there admiring the twin baby’s, he never thought he could be as happy as he was right now. “So you wanna explain how they happened” the smirk on his face made it sound like a joke but Caroline knew he wanted to know.
“Well after my graduation….”
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