#well baking- but you get the gits
solarockk · 1 month
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designs // first meeting // 13 years old tea // Legacy
shiny duo pokemon au "Pokémon Shiny Jewels Sun&Moonstone" by @wyvernspiritit and I
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madammalkins23 · 8 months
Her Brother
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Things were easier with Ron around, almost back to normal. She just needed to ignore the big clock at the back of the room, with its missing hand.
Read here or on AO3
It was a cold morning. Summer was late this year and you could still be surprised by a freezing breeze when taking a stroll outside. The sun was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds and everything in the Burrow was quiet.
When Ron entered the kitchen to get a cup of tea, he spotted the dishes waiting in the sink and the discarded tissues spread all over the table. The teapot was cold and the tea, long forgotten, had turned a rich brown. With a slow wave of his wand, he mumbled the right spells and things began to clean themselves. Ginny shuffled into the kitchen and joined him at the table. She sat in front of him, half awake and yawning widely, dark circles under her eyes. His insides twisted at the sight of his sister's misery. He made a fresh pot of tea and offered to degnome the garden together.
"Some time outside the house could do us some good, yeah?" Ron smiled at her.
"I think the orchard hasn't be degnomed since last summer for Bill's and Fleur's wedding," Ginny said with a frown.
"I bet we could bake some nice macarons too afterwards if you’d like, for old time's sake.” Her brother winked at her.
"You couldn't even bake a cake if you wanted to, you git." She snorted into her cup of tea.
"Hey! I made you a nice tea didn't I?"
"Yeah… it's all right Ron. Thanks." She smiled back. 
Things were easier with Ron around, almost back to normal. She just needed to ignore the big clock at the back of the room, with its missing hand.
They drank tea in comfortable silence and headed outside, old wellies on their feet. Ginny always chose a pair too big for her - probably one of her brother's - an old habit from childhood when she used to rush outside, eager to join her twin brothers messing around in the garden, and she didn't care enough to find her own shoes. 
They decided to start from the end of the orchard. The little creatures could be spotted eating the youngest leaves of the hazel trees and escaped on their little legs when they heard them approaching. They had to trot after the gnomes to catch them by their feet and then swing them above their heads a good few times before throwing them far away. Soon they were out of breath, hands on their hips, wiping at their forehead. 
"Did you and Harry talk lately?" Ron suddenly asked, not meeting her gaze. 
"No." Her lips were pursed and she crossed her arms. "Why do you care? We don't see much of him down here anyway," she added with bitterness.
"You know… he's been through a lot, you should take it easy on him."
"What do you mean?" The gnome she just threw was staggering towards them in slow pace, it looked like a weird potato long forgotten in the garden. Her gaze stayed focused on it. She felt like she couldn't hold Ron's gaze anymore.
"I mean... well - the surrender thing", Ron looked down, his hand running on the back of his neck.
"The forest, Ron?" She paused, breathing hard."You mean him walking to the forest? Him choosing to walk through the forest and give up on us! Him choosing to-"
"No!" Ron interrupted her, "No, Ginny. You don't understand."
 There was something hard in his tone. 
"Then tell me!" she roared, anger flushing down her neck and her cheeks, her arms thrown in the air. "No one has told me anything since you guys came back, this is so infuriating! It's still the three of you with your secrets and dark magic, I-"
"Ginny!" he stopped her, putting both his hands on her shoulders and looking right into her eyes. Ron wanted to get a grip on something and steady himself as much as he wanted to support his sister for whatever harrowing things he was about to tell her. 
 "Harry was not supposed to come back from the Forest”, Ron explained. "He knew what he was doing. He knew Voldemort couldn't be killed if Harry didn't surrender himself. So he went anyway. He died there, I think."
She blinked twice, heart pounding in her chest, feeling all the blood leave her face at once. A light buzz rang in her left ear and it tuned out any other noise around them.
The large hands of her brother on her, anchoring her to the ground, brought her back to reality. 
"But - but… he was there." She breathed, her glare far away. "Everyone saw him in Hagrid's arms but then he was there, alive, defending me against Bellatrix! How could he … how -" Ginny gulps, eyes watering. "He didn't know how to… What about Fred?" She eyed Ron with something like hope, tears now falling freely down her cheeks. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. She didn't even think she still had tears to cry today.
"I don't know." Ron pulled a face, "Honestly I have no idea what happened in that bloody forest. But you should talk to him, ask him."
Ron hugged her tight, surprising her, and it felt so good to finally have him here safe with them. She thought about the days back at Muriel's and wished he'd been there with them, he always knew how to cheer her up. Her face pressed on his shirt, his familiar scent soothed her.
"You know Harry cares about you. He's still a stubborn and brooding git, but, you know, that's what we like 'bout him, isn't it?" Ron mumbled against her. 
Ginny let out a watery chuckle. He broke the embrace and held her at arm's length to study her expression. 
"You should go easy on him, that's all I'm saying. We're all grieving here. You know, you got me, and Mum and Dad, but you're the one he needs, I think." 
She nodded, a silent understanding passing between them. Her brother, her own brother Ron talking to her about feelings? Somehow those months apart felt like years had passed, turning him into a mature young man. He was still the same lanky guy with as many freckles splattered across his nose as she did, but there was something more self-assured about him. 
"I get that you want me to spend more time with Harry as an excuse so you can spend more time alone with your girlfriend, Ron." She winked, poking his biceps lightly. He rolled his eyes, blushing furiously, and walked away grumbling something about little sisters and minding their own business.
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mahi-does-some-art · 6 months
Tell me about your servamp AUs... All of them...
ok this is going to be a long list tho so buckle up:
Succubus Mahiru AU, inspired by @yarrayora 's bc i love it and would love to hear theirs. plz. I wanna hear about it so bad.
Kuro Has Too Many Exes AU, where the usual "Mahiru drags home a human!kuro" and gets into a situationship that turns into a relationship with him and he meets all of kuro's exes (the other servamps, gear, germaine) and helps him deal with all of that.
The Game (i havent figured out a cool name for this au yet) AU where there is this huge reality tv show that doubles as a romance/job hunting thing where people or companies will hunt someone of their choosing for either romance or to recruit. The people chasing are hunters and the people running are prey and the goal of the prey is to run around the country to avoid getting caught by the hunters for as long as they can for a guarantied better life and a heafty cash prize. The goal of the hunters is to try and capture their desired prey and if they succeed, they date or recruit them. Mahiru finds himself nominated by japan internet to be prey and he does it.
"Haunted House" Au where the Servamps arent vampires but still immortal and they get sentient houses out of it. I love this one.
Mahiru And The Witch's Broom Au, based off the movie Mary and the Witches Flower. An Au where Mahiru breaks his broom so he buys another that turns out to be a magic broom that broomnaps him into the magical world hidden from non-magic humans. He had picked up a normal "cat" the same day and the cat, Kuro, got broomnapped with him. Mahiru becomes a witch and its chaos, I love it.
There's also my Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-Kun au for Servamp. Akira made a deal with a demon, Tooru, when Mahiru was born in order to help take care of him and give him a family, Tooru gets attached to Akira and they both end up concidering themselves siblings and so obviously he loves his sister very much as well as his adorable nephew Mahiru. Akira dies and their both heartbroken, Tooru doesnt let go of the Shirota Visage and stays in the human world (illegally) to care for Mahiru. Shit happens and Mahiru gets sucked into the demon world and he isnt able to go back. There starts his new school life!
My clown au that is so for me specifically and i love love love LOVE IT.
My Au based off of the Lotus Flower Casino from the Percy Jackson movie specifically. Please ask about this one.
Mine and @pinkestlittlebutterfly 's Candy House au, which is a more mafia setting post-Tsubaki defeating that has all the demons being human apart from their servamps and each respective demon-servamp has History with each other. Sloth, named Rowan here, ends up falling in love with Mahiru in an attempt to steal away the thing Kuro loves the most. No, they are not related here but everything is great and Fibi's ideas are *mwah* CHEF'S KISS.
We also made a Fae Au together that i adore just as much.
My self-indulgent Sloth Pair move-out au where they get a really nice but trashed house they renovate and its very lovey dovey and domestic and a bit angsty bc Mahiru's never really been anywhere but Tooru's apartment and also Touma makes Tooru miss Mahiru's move-out day when they finally fix their house up. Also they somehow swindle C3 into paying their bills for saving japan.
The Bakery Au where Mahiru opens his own small bakery/resturaunt and takes in Kuro and attracts very annoying people because of it. They all love his cooking. Kuro ends up learning and helping Mahi along with Sakuya. Tho I admit that this au is a little half-baked..... ;3
The Au where Mahiru takes Sakuya up on his request to start a band together and their love gets stronger and stronger with each song and mishap they make and get into.
Love Is Stored In The Cat AU, where Kuro gets moved into the apartment next to Mahiru by a worried Lily, finds a random cat in his apartment one day that got into his house through the faulty balcony door, ends up meeting mahiru because thats his cat and they start talking and its really cute. This is a Kuro healing au.
That Au where C3 buys a place to make all of the Pairs + Team M live in together. Its a very big, nice, high tech house with more than enough space for all of them and their individual preferences but we all know thats not going to stop any chaos and sibling drama. It has a huge, high tech kitchen that I swear Mahiru is in love with. Hed marry it, theres so much space. Also there are a lot of other rooms for activities! Team M has a room dedicated to their game nights.
My IB au, following the game, Mahiru goes on a school field trip to a new museum and gets sucked in to the world of Germaine's paintings. In this au, Germaine immortalizes the servamps through art.
And there's of course the AU where Germaine gets a body of his very own and due to very tough and unfortunate circumstances, Mahiru makes a contract with him! Kuro is not happy.
Then there's the Merfolk Au i have where all the Eves are merfolk instead of the other way around.
Thaaaaaaaat's all I can think of rn. So yeah. Also GET THE HELL OFF MY TUMBLR NICCOLO!!! WE WERE IN CLASS SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER WHEN U SENT ME THIS STHAP. cant believe i didnt see you do that.
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bluepeachstudios · 11 months
GitS Asks!
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Ohhh yeah you KNOW that man is panicking and his boys are trying their best to calm him down and force him to relax.
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I cannot answer this because spoilers, but my god I want to. I want to gush about the movie stuff so badly. I can say that Ghost would definitely prefer to be taken instead of Raph. He thinks the boys should stick together.
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Oh boy, yeah it do! (:
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Oof you're torturing my boy here, I see. I think after very emotional words and feelings turmoil he would stay. He feels like the boys need protecting at this moment. He wants to keep them safe, and... Well. He just doesn't know what's happening with his brothers.
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Ghost likes that when Splinter spends time with the kids, the kids are super happy about it. He likes watching them watch Lou Jitsu movies. He likes that Splinter uses nicknames instead of their full names all the time. He likes that Splinter makes them soup when they feel bad. He likes that when the kids talk about their childhood, Splinter is a constant. He likes that the boys love him, and he loves the boys.
Ghost doesn't hate Splinter. He just hates that he's not his dad.
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I won't give spoilers if it's something that hasn't already been covered. Sometimes I'll go off about what's going on in Ghost's head, but that's because that's already going on. ;)
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Ough Ghost would hate that. He doesn't want them to see that.
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Yes to both! Meditating is something that's been ingrained into him since he was little, so he hasn't stopped now. From best to worst, Raph is the best. Mikey is second best, if he's moving while he meditates. Donnie's... Decent. Leo's horrible at it. He can't stay focused.
Ghost did find that directing them through certain katas and letting them do those motions on repeat is a good way to let them meditate. They do a much better job when they're moving.
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Ghost does seem to be getting hurt a lot....... Wonder what that's about. (:
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It's a little of both! Ghost wasn't mutated on purpose, and the mutagen itself wasn't meant to make soldiers of any kind, so his mutation doesn't make him as sturdy as genetically engineered weapons of war. On the other hand, Ghost also is still working off the physics of his universe, at least somewhat. It means getting hit hurts. there's no "comedic effect" going on with Ghost. He gets hit, he gets hit.
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Yup! Ghost can cook! He especially likes baking. Ell and Mike can as well. Spirit... Eugh... Let's just say he survived with a rice cooker, takeout, and a healthy fear of anything that produces heat.
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Ghost has already fought these particular Foot, when they first showed up in the Rise series! He asked Splinter about them, and he confirmed they were in fact THE Foot. Ghost has them burned into his mind now.
He also has no idea they run a shoe shop. He will eventually find out, yes, and the story is about Ghost, so also yes!
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Yes. It worked very well.
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There was a stray cat he fed when he went to the surface to get food. He looked like Klunk. Donnie thought about taking him back to the hideaway, but started thinking about having to clean out the litter box, worrying about the cat knocking things over or chewing on wires, feeding him every day, giving him attention, and he just... Couldn't handle all of that at the time.
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Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head? Ghost was building trucks with dozens of missiles in it by the time he was 15. He likes to encourage Donnie's creativity.
Uranium is just a no-go because they don't have a way to safely contain it and use it. And Donnie's 14.
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Donnie has theories. This is actually a spoiler, because Donnie's whole theory is a spoiler! Don't worry, we'll see Donnie's theory soon (;
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Honestly, Ghost is a little worried about that. He's hoping that the kid won't turn out like the fucked up man that's in his universe. Like, he's still a kid! If Splinter can be how he is, and Leo can be so different from his Leonardo, what's to say that this kid isn't also different?
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First round, babey!! It's my headcanon that 03 Donnie was subconsciously more interested in watching than he was in participating. It wasn't a life-threatening event or anything, it was a fun warrior vs warrior, honorable battle. He was in another dimension, of course he was excited and wanted to see things!!
In Big Mama's Battle Nexus, things were to the death. Nothing to poof you away if it would hurt you too much. He had to take every hit and feel it. He won out of necessity. He didn't enjoy a second of it.
Ghost probably would get further than he did in the last one, but I don't think he'd win. For him, fun fighting is sparring with the kids. His heart wouldn't be in it.
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mentallyshattered · 6 months
This is part 14 of the "What if Yuu didn't want to go back?" Series!
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
"A nightmare? Both of them? I've heard of familiars having similar dreams, given how common it is, but it's generally accepted that having a familiar is a nightmare deterrent." Vil pauses, his face pensive. "Generally, though, having a familiar means you won't have any nightmare you can't be woken from. And you're sure it was a bad dream?"
"Positive. He kept begging some unknown figure for help; it was something like 'please, make this stop' over and over again, quietly."
"Hmm. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll see what I can do."
"You know, Roi de Poison, I have seen Monseur Smoke go and punch trees quite often, until he bleeds. Every time, his attacks last one half-hour, if uninterrupted."
"That does sound like it could be related." Vil turns his head towards me and Grim rather suddenly, as though he forgot we were there. "Yuu, Grim, go and eat. You need the energy, and you've already done enough here. Make sure to drink some water; you two haven't been drinking enough."
Grim and I follow Vil's instruction and leave. Breakfast is avocado toast, which I'm pretty sure is our housewarden's way of making sure everybody eats a decent amout of something green instead of living on fish like the whole dorm seems to try.
While the ice water is nice, I can't bring myself to enjoy it. What of my friends? What of Ace and Deuce, with their tyrant housewarden? What of Korrak and Mandible, with their unknown nightmares?
"H-Hey, Yuu."
"Hi, Korrak! What's up?" Looking into his smokey grey eyes, I can understand why Rook calls him 'Monseur Smoke.'
"Not much, but I'm p-p-pretty sure we have t-t-t-t-to join a club. What club are you joining?"
"Myeh? We have to join a club?"
"Yeah, by the end of the week," Mandible adds, "have you seen the options?"
"Uhh, nope." Grim and I speak in unison this time.
"Well, w-w-we can all g-go and look at the opt-t-t-tions lat-t-t- Mandible, you know what I was g-g-going t-t-t-"
"Sure do. Anyway, do you two wanna go to the courtyard later today and look at the options?"
"Sure! Sounds fun."
Korrak looks relived. "Thanks, bud. You've always b-b-been there f-for me." Korrak turns to Grim and I. "Th-th-the speech issue is w-w-w-worse when I haven't eat-t-t-en."
Grim and I nod. "Isn't everything?"
"Fair point." Mandible seems to share Grim's sentiment. I hand Korrak a piece of toast, and he starts adding butter and avocado almost immediately.
When Grim and I get to class, we discover a well-rested Ace with no collar on.
"Yeah, housewarden Riddle must've had a change of heart or something. He's stopped enforcing most of the rules, and now Ace's punishment for stealing is helping Trey bake the tarts for the party. We still can't play croquet after 5:00pm, though."
I smile. Grim and I were right. Riddle did just need a hug and some time to himself.
The rest of class goes by without incident. It would be boring if I weren't learning the history of an entirely new world, but, hey, I'm in luck!
Alchemy sees me successfully using magic to catch a glass jar that got knocked off of a shelf. It "certainly would've shattered" on the stone floor if not for my "catlike reflexes-" or so Crewel says, anyway.
To be honest, I didn't even realize I knew a spell that could save that jar. I just panicked and attempted one I've read about. Good for me!
P.E. sucks, as usual. Ace stays conscious, though! Not without a bad sunburn that got him sent to the nurse anyway, but baby steps.
Lunch is tomato soup, which is the first time the main dish of a Pomefiore meal does not and cannot include fish. Even this morning, there were pieces of salmon for the avocado toast.
"So, Epel, w-what club are you in?"
"Spelldrive. Cain't wait fer practice t' start up, lemme tell ya! Hopefully I'll git bigger an' stop lookin' so-"
"Epel, Vil's in the room." Epel, despite having just been interrupted by four people, one of whom is a cat and another of whom is an opossum, does not delay his speaking. That's gotten pretty normal, after all.
"Whoop, sorry. Thanks, y'all. 'Nyway, I'd jus' like t' be a little less girly, y'know?"
"I g-get that. I got mist-t-t-aken for a girl all the t-t-t-"
"Take another bite of your soup, Korrak."
"Thanks, Mandible." He obeys. "Anyway, people u-used t-t-to think I was a girl all the t-t-time. They'd p-pick on me 'cause of that- you should've seen th-the looks on their faces when I beat the shit out of them."
Korrak laughs. I recall what I heard Rook say about Korrak punching trees until he bleeds, and spilling no blood for half an hour every time. Guess that's just what he's like.
Korrak doesn't strike me as a violent person so much as the retalliative sort. Why would he be violent? He doesn't start fights, he doesn't bully people, and he doesn't tolerate bullshit.
"It was always real f-funny, watching them s-s-suff-"
"Korrak." Our housewarden now stands tall behind the Korrak's confident figure.
"Uh, when I beat the bully out o-of them."
"Perfect." With that, Vil walks off. I wonder, why did it take him so long to react? Then again, this room is full of teens. Epel can't be the only potty mouth.
Korrak watches Vil go and shrugs. "That's life, I s-suppose." His stutter has noticeably improved since eating more of his soup, but is still present.
"Do you fight often, Korrak?"
"Only when I g-gotta. Kids back a-at my elementary school called me th-the gas st-t-t-ation, cuz I w-was nice t-t-to have around unt-il there were s-sparks."
Yeah, that makes sense. It's a little hard to imagine people pissing him off at all, but especially recalling the tree-punching thing. After all, Korrak stands tall and confident, with square shoulders and a smirk that suggests anyone who goes looking for trouble with him will find more of it than they bargained for. There's a spark in his eyes, like the sun peaking out from smoke, that makes it obvious: you fuck with Korrak, you've fucked up.
He's not shy, that's my point. He is kinda cute though, what with the hair- ashy purple and super fluffy. Combine that with his beautiful eyes and some teenage jealousy, and you've probably got at least one kid challenging him to make sure he stays away from their lover.
"Myah, we have class!"
Everybody's eyes widen. Evidently, the whole room forgot we aren't eating dinner.
Then, from various voices accross the room: "run!"
Luckily, Grim and I make it to class on time. Biology class is about morays today- specifically, the differences between cold sea morays and warm sea morays.
According to Trein, there's a trench that separates the sea. Morays who lay eggs on the south side lay two connected egg sacks. One side only has babies with magical left eyes, and the other only has babies with magical right eyes. The babies in each side fight until only one is left, and the survivors are twins.
Warm sea morays have nothing of the sort. Eggs can't be carried over the trench because the temperature change kills them, and keeping them on the side they weren't laid on requires keeping them at the temperature of the other side.
Cold sea morays can lay warm sea eggs, and vice versa. It's all location, and it's all very facinating. But, alas, class cannot go on forever.
MacGyvering shows us using drills as motors for fans, boats, and a variety of other things. Not really, though- we're making blueprints. Reasonable enough, if you ask me.
Finally, class is over. I hold Grim and carry him to the courtyard so he can sleep on the way. Korrak and Mandible are already waiting.
They wave. I wave back. Korrak motions to me to stand over by him, and I follow his lead. Beside him is a big list of all the clubs, pinned to the wall.
"I was thinking of joining the track and field club, but I'm not really sure. What do you think?"
"Well... what kind of stuff do you like?"
"The science club sounds fascinating. I've always liked all of it, anyway, but..."
"But what?"
"Well, I want to be more physical."
"You don't have to be in a club to use the gymnasium, Korrak."
"Yeah, great point. Science Club it is!" With that, he starts filling out an application that apparently just needed a few more fields to be filled in.
"Myeh?.. what time is... oh, I took a nap." Grim yawns, putting his, frankly, adorable little teeth on display. "What club are we joining?"
"I don't know yet. That's why we're here, Grim."
Grim hops onto the ground, does the iconic kitty stretch, and hops onto the bench. Before I can wonder why, he jumps onto Korrak's shoulder- the one that doesn't have Mandible on it- and onto my shoulder from there.
"You can just ask me to pick you up, Grim."
"Where's the fun in that?"
I sigh and roll my eyes. What clubs are there? Board Games, Mountain Lovers, Gargoyle Studies... out of those, Board Games seem like the best option.
"Where are the applications?" Korrak hands me one.
"Hey, you didn't even tell me what club you picked! We're both going, so we both need to approve!"
"I picked the board games club, Grim."
"Ooh. Sounds fun, I'm in!"
I grin. "We sure are!"
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Martin Evershed x reader - a little magic
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For Halloween, could we have Evershed with Saul and Reader and Evershed creates pumpkins using his magic? - Anon💜
After learning that Martin had magic, you decided to at having him at Alfea would be the best thing for everyone.
So with the help from Saul, the pair of you had been teaching Martin the ins and outs of this world, and teaching him all he needed to know.
“You know the students are just going to keep asking for pumpkins right?” You asked.
“Well Alfea doesn’t have any.” Farah sighed.
“So why can’t we just get some?” You asked.
Saul smacked the back of your head.
“We’re on the brink of war with the burned ones, we are not taking a trip to the first world just to get some pumpkins.” He said.
You raised your hands, and you carried on creating ideas with them.
Since the children of Alfea caught wind of the first worlds traditions to carve pumpkins and dress in silly costumes, attend parties and eat sweets they’ve been begging to do it.
Coming from the first world, you thought it was a great idea. Farah agreed with you.
Saul on the other hand thought it was a waste of time.
“Martin what’s your say?” Saul asked.
You all turned to the ex English teacher who was standing in the corner of the room, hands around a plant as he practiced growing a sun flower.
“I think it would be great for the students morale.” He said.
You looked at him, then to Farah who was already looking at you.
“How many plants can you grow?” Farah asked.
Martin was knocked back by a surge of sunflowers spouting from the flowerpot and you laughed a little.
Walking over you crouched in front of him, brushing some dirt from his shirt, and wiping some from his face, sweeping petals out of his hair.
“Are you alright?” You asked gently.
“Yes, sorry.”
You smiled, helping him stand up, and he turned around to Farah.
“I don’t know, apparently I can grow too many but can’t focus on a single one.” He sighed.
“Perfect we can use that!” You beamed.
You were excited, you loved carving pumpkins as a child, and you really wanted to do it again.
It took a lot of planning, with the help of soul sacrificing part of his training ground. Not that you gave your friend much choice in the matter.
The younger fairies helping Martin direct his magic at the soil, and some very hyperactive specialists running around throwing seeds all over the ground.
You had finally created a pumpkin patch that would grow enough pumpkins for all sorts of activities, from carving them, baking, games with them.
All that was left to do was grow them.
And that’s where Martin came in.
His magic was raw and untrained, and it was the only source of magic that was strong enough to grow all at once.
“I still don’t understand why I have to do this.” He said.
“You’ve git a knack for over growing things.” Saul said.
You nodded your head.
“Your magic is unpredictable and therefore the best source of magic to grow this whole area in one go.” You explained.
“Is that really a good thing?” He asked.
You grinned a little at him.
“For this it is.”
Laughing a little, Martin walked over the edge of the pumpkin patch and crouched down, placing his hands on it.
He focused all his energy and magic into the ground, and it began to shake.
Soon they began to grow, and you placed your hand on his shoulder to tell him to stop.
He stood up, and you beamed brightly up at him.
“Thank you!”
Jumping up, you hugged him tightly and began to run through the pumpkins with the students and Martin and Saul laughed at you
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alexr-fightgames · 1 month
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Little bit more ranked progress in Tekken 8 with Kazuya.
... I honestly don't think Kazuya is great in the current patch; I think he needs some buffs. So many characters have absurd strong tools, or just work well with the T8 mechanics, and Kazuya isn't one of them. The meme is like, Kazuya is playing Tekken 7 still.
Except they've nerfed a few of his strong-in-Tekken-7 tools! ss3 doesn't launch on normal hit, twin pistons gives you an insta-screw, and you don't get anything guaranteed off any of the df+1 strings, so no df+1,2 into punt for an easy 15f launcher. I mean, git gud, you've gotta EWGF at 15 frames if you want any big damage, or even to have a guaranteed kill on a blocked rage art. db2 doesn't knock down into punt on normal hit anymore either.
Electrics are now easier to step and easier to whiff punish, so they're not as good of a keepout tool.
I don't wanna doom about Kazuya, he's still... OK. You can still do Kazuya things. And maybe I just haven't found the good (cheap) juice with him yet. Having a demon paw is kinda nice, but you can't really build a Kazuya gameplan around it...
Give him back the full launch on ss3 and twin pistons and the punt on db2, and make his electric wider (and have better recovery), and give him better combos where you can 3xEWGF into stuff.
Tekken 8 is still baking, y'know? We'll be getting balance tweaks for years and years.
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quackquackcey · 1 year
Ch. 3: Hedgehogs, Honey, & Hazelnut-Covered Strawberries
Written for @hdcandyheartsfest day 3 prompt: handmade. Many thanks to my beta @wqtson​! 💛  
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Start from beginning on AO3 here, or click the #fic: HHHS tag.
A chance meeting—or is it a setup?—leads to the start of a relationship filled with buttery baked goods, sweet smelling flowers, and hedgehogs.~ 🌹🦔
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“I am not filling in for one of your hedgehogs again!” Draco pointed his whisk at Luna. “You set me up last time!”
Luna gave a little shrug like it didn’t matter. “I’m simply telling you that Harry’s coming to visit solely for you. If you don’t want to fill in again, shall I tell Harry that Ormr’s had an unfortunate accident?”
“You— What?!” Draco spluttered. “You can’t just tell him that I bloody croaked! Just say…just say Ormr’s feeling under the weather or something.”
“But if Ormr won’t be making an appearance again, then I should just say he’s gone,” Luna told him as she walked out of Draco’s patisserie-bakery kitchen. “It’s not good to lead people on.” She paused for a moment, blue eyes piercing through Draco. “And, you know, Harry’s glamour—he’s set it so only people he trusts to some extent can see through it.”
And then she left.
Draco just stood there for a moment, dumbfounded, until he concluded Luna was just screwing with him, which then made him want to scream in frustration, but instead he muttered so many curses under his breath that Greg, in charge of the bread products, peered over from where he was baking the bread and suggested he take a break.
So Draco did.
And ended up spending the rest of the day across the street nibbling on fruits and being petted by Potter. 
He was in too deep, despite it being only the second time Potter had visited him, and the proof of that lay in the little gift Potter had brought him today—a tiny, knitted hedgehog sweater.
By Potter.
Because apparently Potter knew to knit.
Draco would’ve thought this sort of thing wasn’t allowed in a hedgehog café, but Luna, that git—“Normally I don’t allow gifts for the hedgehogs, but seeing as you’re Ormr’s only visitor and I know you don’t have ill intentions, I’ll let it slide,” she said.
And to make matters worse, when Harry asked her what ‘Ormr’ meant, the conversation topic somehow fell on him.
“Hm, so it means ‘dragon’ in Old Norse?” mused Harry. “Like Draco. I bet he and Ormr would get along.”
“His patisserie-bakery’s right across the street,” said Luna. “Have you been? His baked goods and pastries are simply delicious.”
Harry paused his petting, and Draco looked up at him to see, to his surprise, a conflicted, somewhat disappointed expression. 
“I’ve heard. I want to visit, but….” Harry sighed and stirred his coffee. “Well, we didn’t part on great terms after the trial.”
Luna pulled up a chair, as if they weren’t discussing him right in front of him. “What happened? That was years ago, Harry. Surely the grudge between you two wouldn’t last that long.”
“It’s not that— It’s just, I asked him if he needed any help, erm, financial-wise or job-wise, because, well, you know—”
“Oh, Harry,” said Luna in an amused, knowing tone. “Did you tell him why you were offering help?”
“I thought it was obvious,” muttered Harry. “But he said ‘thank you for defending me, but I’m not a charity project,’ and that I didn’t need to keep an eye on him in case he turns Death Eater again because ‘the Ministry’s already doing that, thank you very much,’ and he looked hurt, and that was the end of that.”
Luna looked at Potter in that oddly penetrating gaze that Draco knew well, like she was staring into their soul. “Why did you ask him that?” she asked. “You two were never on good terms in your school years, and I’ve never heard you offer help to anyone else after the war, not like that.”
Draco startled—from the way everyone talked about Potter and all the charities Potter donated to, he’d thought Potter would be helping people left and right.
“…It just seemed like the odds were stacked against him,” said Potter after a moment. “So I thought I could help even those odds. He…” Potter hesitated. “You know what he went through in that manor.”
“You saw, didn’t you?” asked Luna. It was more a statement than a question. “Through your link with Voldemort.”
It was the first Draco had heard of Potter being linked with Voldemort, and he couldn’t help but wonder how much the wizarding world was kept in the dark regarding what exactly Potter had gone through during the war.
For one, the fact that Potter had sacrificed himself to save everyone, and died. Actually died.
And he sounded like he knew what Draco had done in that manor…. But that was impossible. He’d never told anyone, and even Luna only knew because she’d been on the receiving end once—
“I saw Voldemort Crucio-ing him,” Potter said softly. “Forcing him to Crucio others.”
Draco’s breath choked in his throat.
“It’s not something like pity, or charity,” continued Potter. “I just…. He wasn’t a Death Eater, Luna. He was a prisoner. And I guess I felt like he understood what it was like to have Voldemort in your head, and, I don’t know, I thought maybe we could go for drinks and be friends or something….” He trailed off and huffed out a wry laugh. “It sounds dumb saying it out loud. But I feel like if I walked into his shop, he might misunderstand and think I’m there to check in on him, so I get Dean and Seamus to buy me stuff when they go sometimes.” He grinned, eyes sparkling. “I like his tiramisu the most. Oh, and those dome-shaped white chocolate and caramel tarts with piping on the edge. Do you know what I’m talking about?”
And then Luna replied with her favourites, and it just devolved into a conversation about all of Draco’s desserts that they liked, and Draco just sat there in a daze, overwhelmed by the surreal scene playing in front of him. 
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Gaming While Disabled
Pretty sure Goblin gave me her cold. Also still in exceptional pain from two consecutive days’ commute. Cold-achy plus fibromyalgia-achy is ... not fun at all and I didn’t sleep overly well because I kept having stabs and spasms.
On one hand, I kind of want to give Code Vein a proper try. Bestie got it for me as a part of a replacement birthday present when the Trinket slippers didn’t work out.
(Note to prospective buyers of the Trinket slippers on the Critical Role store - CHECK THE SIZES. They say One Size Fits Most, and there is zero wiggle room in their size range because my big-ass feet are a half-size or so larger than the upper limit on the slippers and they just will not fit on my feet. Also I kind of feel bad for any guys that want the Trinket slippers because my feet are large for ‘women’s sizes’ but about average in ‘men’s sizes’ so ... yeah.)
(Further note: the Trinket slippers are getting a good home with my friend in France as soon as I can figure out how best to seal and label an appropriate box, and I have Code Vein, and also a pre-ordered copy of B Dylan Hollis’ Baking Yesteryear, so nobody loses out on this; Bestie gets to make two people happy, friend in France gets slippers, I get cookbook and ARG. Speaking of; back to ARG talk.)
I mean, seriously, I do want to try this game. I’ve basically discovered that my predominant issue with ARGs is keybinds. As in, it feels like they’re usually designed for console and expect someone to be able to plug a controller in and appropriately use it. Fuck that; I could barely hold up my phone last night, and my phone’s way lighter than today’s controllers. Thing is, people more comfortable with a keyboard can apparently eat shit because people dealing with the keyboard controls appear to have gone about assigning keybinds the way I used to play Pin The Tail On The Donkey as a kid. I’m pretty sure the “git gud” crowd would probably say I’m overreacting about this and I just need to figure it out ... except for one thing.
To paraphrase Keanu Reeves as Neo: “I know Google-Fu”.
It’s easy to believe that whatever condition or problem you’re having, you’re the only one having it. Especially when the loudest and most annoying voices involved are the people who belittle and bitch at you about not being able to do exactly what they can, and how you should either cope with how it is or accept that it’s not “for you” and howl like they’re having their human rights violated when you ask politely for accessibility options that they don’t even have to use. I think the best lesson I ever learned - from therapy, from my friends, from Tumblr, which feels like a stupid place to learn a valuable life lesson but Tumblr Be Like That - is that there is always someone who has been where you are, who has gone through what you’re experiencing, and who might be able to help make it easier for you to go through it. All you have to do most of the time is find the right search terms, and advice will be there.
So I Googled “Code Vein Keybinds”. And what do you know? A whole, if short, Reddit thread where people are basically going, “The keybinds on Code Vein are dogshit; any advice for how to set them better?” The only reason the thread is so short is that a couple of people had what appears from the reactions to be an ideal set-up that I’m actually entirely keen to try.
The problem is the OW. Lotta OW. So much OW. I’m not sure I could manage that amount of frenetic activity in the state I’m currently in. I need something that’ll let me hyperfocus past the pain, yes, but adding a learning curve is probably not it. I suppose the thing to do is to go through the character creation thing (because seriously, it has the most fun character creation menu I’ve ever seen; almost makes up for the fact that there’s an awful lot of Big-Tittied Anime Girl With Minimal Clothing right in your face as soon as you get out of the tutorial), see if the new keybinds get me through the tutorial section any easier, get through the opening cutscene, and then stop there and do something a little less ... intensive. Not that my current thing isn’t kind of intensive in its way - I’m trying to finish my Meep!Herald’s run through Inquisition and am in the middle of Jaws of Hakkon, and still noticing that its response to the complaints of “too much running around through too much empty scenery” was “throw in respawning monsters too high level to simply blow through easily”, which is not the point but never mind. Just the controls are somewhat simpler; just a lot of pressing R interspersed with number keys. That’s a lot easier to manage than “parry”, “block”, “dodge”, “drain attack”, “variety of Gift keys”, etc.
I’m probably never going to be good at ARGs, but I dislike there being a whole kind of video game I can’t play because disability. I already have the whole thing where I can’t play most first person perspective games because I get migraines; if the ARG route is also blocked to me ... well. There are fewer and fewer games that don’t fall into those two categories, and I’m starting to feel shut out of the entire hobby. I mean, there are the indies - thank the gods for the indies - but still.
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Minty Python's House of Horsefeathers sketch #69320139459302111111111111111
“Oh! Of course! You’ve come to the right place! Our bakery is the best in Ponyville, rated a whole six super-duper teevee stars out of five! No other bakery around has as many nummy treats for ponies to eat sweetly!”
Pinkie ducked down in front of them and appeared behind the counter. Graham Chapman really wished he had a pipe to make the situation more silly, but for now he could only smile silly-ly to achieve that effect.
Pinkie Pie’s expectant wide grin caught John Cleese rather unawares, but he ventured forth. “Ah, yes, well,” he glanced at Graham, who nodded, and turned back to Pinkie, “we’re rather peckish for some scones, I think.”
“Peck-ish? What the heck is that s’posed to mean?” Pinkie gasped and crossed her heart with her hoof. “You don’t want me to bake birds into pies, do you? I swear, I’ve stopped doing that ever since that one time it made Fluttershy cry! Pinkie promise!”
“Er… rather, we’re hungry for scones,” John explained slowly. “Tea, too.”
“Well why didn’t you say so you silly fillyfooler?” Pinkie giggled, “We’ve got the bestest scones no matter what Donut Joe says!”
“Very nice. We’ll take some blueberry scones.”
“I’m afraid,” Pinkie unravelled, “we’re out of that kind. Sorry worry!”
“Oh, um, very well. What kind would you want, Graham?”
“Got any dragon fruit scones?”
Pinkie craned her ears towards Graham. “What was that?”
“You loony git, Graham,” Cleese admonished, “they wouldn’t make dragon fruit scones if they don’t even have an organised motorised transport infrastructure system to ship it here!”
Graham just ignored him. “Oh, sorry, Pinkie. My Equestrian accent is rather atrocious. Let me try that again” He cleared his throat.
“Oi, lass,” he intoned blandly, “ave ye gotten any uvva wee summat draggin’ fruities fer I could of et-en a pint uv sconce?”
That got John to chuckle, since he’s heavily prejudiced against the Scottish.
“Oh! Dragon fruit scones! Those’re our specialty!”
“You really have some?” John asked seriously now, his eyes wide. “You know, I’ve never tried dragon fruit before, but I think I’d love to right now…”
“Sorry, Sourpuss! We never get it at the end of the weak,” Pinkie roared while lifting a two tonne barbell, “only on Mondays! (Those are our wing days! Leg day’s on Tuesday!)”
“Bugger!” John hemmed and hawed. “Orange scones?”
“They’ve been in order from a gang by the West Side for two weeks now,” Pinkie decreed, “but they were lost when Screwball ratcheted them,” she whinged.
“Hmm!” Chapman took up the mantle. “Huckleberry?”
“Sorry! A wacky magistrate relative of mine outlawed them,” Pinkie related judgementally with a guilty look.
“Strawberry?” John replied incredulously.
“Nope. We lost them in a telephone miscommunication accident,” Pinkie recalled fitfully.
Graham was starting to like this. “Peach?”
“Lost when an experimental airplane delivering them crashed,” she explained.
“All smashed!” she whined.
“Stampededed by a cow—from Denmark! A young prince in line for the throne!” she gave a little moue of disdain.
“Yes!” Pinkie exclaimed.
“Wait, really?” John pried.
“No, not really. Sorry. They got demolished by a convict with a crowbar. I just remembered he lied to me about it.”
“Oatmeal raisin?” Graham ventured.
“Blown up on an adventure spaceship,” Pinkie vented.
John and Graham looked at each other at that one.
“Surely you must have some traditional English scones in stock!”
“Yeppers! Trottingham-tested scones! The best in the business!”
“Great! Graham and I will take some,” John demanded it.
Pinkie Pie just balked at that. “... They’re rather flaky.”
“That’s fine, we’ll take them anyway.”
“They’re a bit too flaky for the customers to eat…”
“We happen to like them like that. We’ll take them.”
“In fact, oopsie poopsie, they might be too flaky to sell…”
“Look, I don’t care how excrementally flaky they are, just give them to me!”
“Oh, wait, silly me,” Pinkie giggled, “I forgot Mr. Cake bought them all up for his family! I can be such a doofus!” she sighed in contentment. “I guess you could say de man ded it!”
“Look, I’m starting to work up a cold sweat at this—” which was true, since he was panicking for a reason he did not know out of pocket, “—so, so do you or do you not, in fact, have any scones in stock at all, or are you just, just—oh god!”
John Cleese collapsed into the nearest chair, wiping his brow with his hoof.
“John! Are you alright mate?”
“Graham, do you realise, we’re in the bloody Cheese Shop sketch!
Chapman sat down. “I’ve had a feeling. Intercoursingly good, isn’t it?”
“Easy for you to fucking say since you’ve missed the last fourty years. I’ve only had to go through it ten thousand times, suffering through morons reciting it from memory like our show still stands as a bastion of what is right in comedy as opposed to a big imaginative gutter that we just pissed the night away in half-assing for fun in the seventies! Honestly, can you even comprehend such a hell?”
“Well, there was this one time while I was laying on the hospital bed—but I see you are getting tired of those death gags and so I will stop with them,” he hastily assured his friend at the sight of John’s wild face.
“I’ll tell you my full thoughts on the Cheese Shop sketch, and in being true to form, I shall do so as long-windedly as I wish, which is to say, straight.”
Pinkie Pie’s hoof came up with a pipe, which Graham accepted graciously.
“Anyway. Yes, I have had fans of our show recite it to me quite a few times over the years after that episode aired, but I really don’t mind it. Oh, sure, it could be a bit repetitive at times, but the sketch really means something to them on a subconscious level, which is why it enjoys the lasting power it has.”
“But,” John sputtered, “you’re missing the point! I don’t want this to just be how people remember me, by a bloody stupid sketch I didn’t even like performing!” John pointed his hoof accusingly at Graham, his energy coming back. “Don’t you remember what that Twilight woman just told us a few moments ago? She said that the most significant objects and events from our lives would cross over to this universe first.”
John gestured wildly to the entire world at his table in Sugarcube Corner. “But why in the pissing, bloody, hell would the ancient Cheese Shop sketch be considered so damn meaningful by the fabric of reality that it would be the first thing we get? Not my recent lectures at various colleges, not Terry’s Wallace and Gromit thing, not even your autobiography,” John stressed, “get so much as a bleeding hippie’s glance in all this!”
Graham forgot to take a draw from his pipe in his concern. He drew closer to John, his forehead wrinkled and his eyebrows closing together.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
John’s muzzle muscles unclenched. His eyes grew dull. He talked in a low whisper.
“I just don’t get what it all means. Just… why? Is the universe just doing this to spite me? To punish me for not acting as I should have? I mean, if the universe itself is saying that’s the most significant event of our lives…”
“Then it bloody well ought to be!”
John looked up at the blonde stallion’s outburst. He could see Pinkie just standing there behind the counter, whistling and nonchalantly cleaning the inside of a ketchup bottle with a rag.
Graham merely took a drag of his pipe. A couple of bubbles came out.
“Now I know you were the one to always push for something better in our writing,” he expanded calmly, “to push for something more original, or more intelligent in our sketches. To try to make it something you could be proud of, as it were.”
Graham contemplated the pony sitting position he took on the chair for a moment.
“But I just had fun writing it. I wrote the Cheese Shop sketch, you know. You remember that? Just having a good time writing some jolly old scenes for a show we wouldn’t have ever expected to get funded in centuries?” Graham cracked a smile and caught a fleeting glimpse of a grin on his good friend’s face.
“You remember? You said you didn’t get the humour, that we should scrap it—right up until Michael read it and he—he…snrk ! !”
That got a good laugh out of John. “Oh, god! He was laughing so hard he fell on the floor and drenched his face in that awful writer’s rum! He should have been here; he would have loved this!”
They spent just a minute reminiscing before Graham got back to topic.
“Heh heh… Well, that’s all I have to say about that, I suppose. Y’know… that we were just bonding over being silly with all of it. Still a pretty good philosophy for a cold, uncaring world, yeah?” 
“Not the worst I’ve heard,” John demurred.
“Well, good, and, er…”Graham looked pretty awkward, eyes down cast. ”Sorry about getting cross.”
“It’s all right. I forgive you, you old puppy-eyed widowmaker.” John sniffed into his chest, his muzzle feeling rather pleasantly warm on his brown fur. “I still would’ve liked to have a more positive influence, to have a legacy that would let others be just as creative as we were,” he muttered.
At that moment, out of nowhere, Vinyl Scratch’s Wubmobile just sped down the road in front of the bakery. The ponies inside Sugarcube Corner ignored it, even though it might have possibly been connected to the conversation at hand.
“C’est la vie,” Graham got up from the table, “now let’s get out of here and find a good pub to drown our putrid spinal columns in.”
“Hold it right there!”
Pinkie Pie was in their faces again.
“Now, I didn’t hear anything about what you two were chatting about but I did hear you say the name Twilight! Are you friends with her?”
John went with it. “Well, yeah, it’s rather a long and horrifying story, but we know her.”
“Oh goody goody goody gumdrops with chocolate whipped cream on top! Now that I know you’re good ponies, I can give you this!”
The this! was a full, round, luscious, chocolate chip scone.
“I was saving this for Twilight today when I was gonna prank her by saying I didn’t have any scones left,” the two stallions looked at each other, “but I thought you should have it, Sourpuss! Oh, and don’t worry about payment! It’s on the house! Not literally, though, because that’s just plain silly.”
“Why, thank you so very much, Pinkie Pie! Oh, and if it’s not much trouble,” Graham conspiratorially lowered his voice and put up his hoof to whisper to her, “could you teach me that teleportation thing sometime?”
“Sure thing! Now, see ya later!” 
John Cleese and Graham Chapman thanked the pink ponking pony, and then they went on their merry way through the sleepless streets of peculiar Ponyville.
[A/N I loved writing this in the last 2 1/2 hours! also hot damn! almost 2000 words! gonna have to publish this one if I can...]
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gleeandshame · 2 years
Gbbo 2022 ep 4 blogging, spoilers obvi
Mexican week 😬😬😬 so a culture week is the new trend. I only noticed the last couple years
Syabira I hope she knows about Mexican bakes
Oh I want Matt’s shirt…
You know I haven’t been to Mexico but I feel like my family would not go anywhere that isn’t a tourist city anyway…..
Mmmm love street corn
Yeah it seems I really haven’t had Mexican bakes, like I’ve seen some but
The cracking on top of the concha remind me of Hong Kong pineapple buns, but you know different
Okay, just say weird stuff about Mexico….. 😬
A lot of these look nice
Well Abdul isn’t gonna change his recipe after Paul made a face, wish we could try the foood :’)
Not that I know how to judge properly but
Go maxy
Stingy git, lol
Tacos? Uhhhhhhhhhhhjhjhhh
Weird…. Weird
I never make tortillas either
Did Paul sal “pico de gal-lo”
Gay abandon. Is she that old it means happy lol
Bless you, Syabira
Pico is easy
Janusz has the soap gene lol
I can’t make refried beans, I have heard of the concept but then always forget about it and also I can’t cook
I can make guac
This is more a cooking challenge unless they really weigh it on the tortilla
My sister apparently has made tortillas, good for her
I want some steak
I would want to judge the tacos…
They keep calling the tortilla the taco, hmmmm
Get it Maxy
I know Syabira can cook so getting second on taco makes sense
Mmmm I’ve had Tres Leches
Fiesta kind of cake
So the theming of these cakes, probably will be iffy
I am trusting Syabira
Good luck Rebs, that’s an idea
Oh I didn’t know dragon fruit was native to central and South America, the branding of it all….. Even though all cultures have dragons
Queen of cutting the tops off (the cakes)
Sandro has a soak bottle like Mr Squeeze (how to cake it)
Syabira, noooo don’t cry :’’’’’’(
Sandro stepping away and still throwing decoration looooool
Carole pulled off a good look anyway
Janusz pretty cake
A lot of people in trouble I feel
Goooo Maxy!
Yeah knew rebs was going home early. Sorry James, he’s fun but can’t finish up all his big ideas
In other news, Derry girls is out and Halloween season of Nailed it, nice
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bluepeachstudios · 10 months
GitS Asks
(These are from before Chapter 30 came out)
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They're unprepared but they make up for it in their tenacity and flexibility!
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You. Are you spying on me? Squints
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OUGH </3
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Yeah, Don will make friends with anyone! He's often torn up over them leaving, as well. Ghost just lost too much. He's scared to get close to people because they might leave, or he might leave, but the kids kind of kidnapped him, so.
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Spirit thinks that Leo's unfocused but he definitely doesn't mind it. He does think a lot about "is this how I would have been had I not been the leader?" He loves Leo, though. He loves that he gets to be silly goofy and a kid.
Spirit thinks Raph makes a good leader when he's not panicking over his little brothers. He's got a bit of learning to do, and some helicopter brothering going on, but Spirit gets it. This Raph isn't as angry. He can't afford to be as angry and reckless as Spirit's Raphael.
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Probably Splinter, considering he's more skilled as a ninja but also incredibly used to Rise logic fhgkdjfhg
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Oh yeah Mike would have a GRAND old time with the villains. He'd love the banter, love the theming. God he'd be delighted. All the villains are confused because he always gets so excited to see them.
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Yup! One way or another, Don gets mutated.
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The TV shows, movies, books, songs, entertainment media. There might be equivalents in this dimension, but not all of them exist. He wishes he could read Justice Force stuff because that's what his Mikey was most into, but it doesn't exist in the Rise Dimension. There are songs he can't quite remember the lyrics to but the melodies are stuck in his head. Some stuff just. Doesn't exist here.
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Bringing back the Michelangelo saying "So THAT'S where you've been you WHORE" joke for this one
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Arguably yes. In another dimension, Splinter lost his son the same way Rise Splinter lost his mother. It makes him worry that he's going to lose his sons again, so he withdraws further, which only worsens his depression. When Ghost withdraws, the kids go and drag him out, because they know that they can. They probably tried, when they were younger, to spend time with Splinter even when he felt bad, but he snapped at them sometimes. They would leave, and he'd feel even worse about himself.
Ghost being around means he doesn't have to worry about them as much. Ghost can do that for him. Ghost is a better father than him. Like Ghost said, he's a terrible father. So why bother trying?
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I feel like I've definitely answered this before or it's in the fic, but he likes to bake with Mikey and do drawing stuff with him. Ghost only does blueprints, so his drawings are all very technical, but Mikey likes to do this thing where he takes Ghost's technical drawings and paints them all wild and colorful and it's a very nice juxtaposition.
With Leo, Ghost geeks out with him. They read Jupiter Jim comics together, they watch Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim movies, Leo will infodump about theories and headcanons and basically fanfic ideas he has, and Ghost will happily listen. His big brother used to listen to is infodumps, so this feels like repaying him, somehow.
Raph and Ghost usually train, or Ghost shows Raph how to build things. Raph's a big guy, he's a bit clumsy, he's never felt like he could build or make anything before, not like Mikey or Donnie, who are creative as all get out. But Ghost shows him he just needs the right medium. Metal is good for Raph because he can bend it easily, and he starts enjoying welding. He helps Ghost with a lot of the bigger repairs around the lair. Otherwise, they'll sit and read next to each other. They get cozy.
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Yeah. That's why during "Same As It Never Was" short story, when Ghost intercepted Freshly Mutated Lou, they both kinda just. Broke down to each other and then. Y'know. Raised the kids together. Co-parenting. Generally much better off than Ghost continuing to isolate himself.
Anonymous asked: I really do love how you make a point to emphasize that mutated Ghost is a scared animal more than a monster. 03 didn’t really give the time or depth to explore Ghost’s psyche as much. (Not that it’s a bad thing! It’s my favorite arc for a reason and part of it is just the nature of a visual and auditory medium rather than a written one, plus the nature of weekly episodes and the audience being a bunch of kids who are freaking out over their favorite character, it simply makes sense why they didn’t dwell on that and instead focused on his brothers’ reactions to it instead.) As a complete animal nerd to the point where animals and animal behavior is basically a special interest of mine though, it REALLY scratches an itch when writers actually take how animals actually think and behave into account rather than just defaulting to stereotypical monster behavior. An injured animal IS the most dangerous thing you can encounter in the wild for a reason. They’re scared. They’re in pain. They’re worried you want to kill them and therefore think they have nothing left to lose and will fight with everything they have to get you away from them. On top of it all, Ghost has just enough of his mind left to seek stuff out but not know /why/ he does the things he does. He follows scents that are familiar. He didn’t chase the boys or lunge until they got too close. He still tries to hide. Leo’s right when he says Ghost still doesn’t want to hurt them, it’s just that for once animal panic and self preservation instincts are making him forget everything else. He doesn’t understand that they’re trying to help him. A scared animal doesn’t want to fight, it just wants to be safe. -- (Keep Scrolling Anon)
This is a very good analysis on what I wanted Ghost to feel like. He's in a massive amount of pain. He's scared. He wants it to stop, but there are things reaching for him. He doesn't know that he's hurting the people he cares about, he just knows that he's being hurt.
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@hrshlandturtles Yup! Fridays seem to be a good day to do stuff. A lot of other fics update on Saturday or Sunday and Friday is a good time for people who were busy with school or work to read the chapter after getting back for the weekend.
-------- The following ask happened after Chapter 30 released!
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:') I'm very sorry for everyone's pain. I tried to warn people.
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I don't suppose you've previously known a skeleton known as Mortimer? One who has recently been in a fire-related accident that costed him his afterlife? Well, uhhh... how should I put this... I still haven't learned how to control my fireball spells.
I have known many Mortimers, but that was long ago. I pray your Mortimer find a more glorious death in his New Afterlife+
For your fireballs I can suggest one or both of the following:
1. Studying
I know it's in poor taste to tell a caster to "git gud", but spellcraft is like baking in that you'll need to get at least some parameters nailed down before anything cool happens. If you wish to truly master your fireballs, you will need to track down an (Intermediate Pyromancer's Tome) or (Screaming Flaming Skull of Secrets) with which to shed some light on the secrets of [The Flame™].
Alternatively you could attempt to manually ponder [The Flame™], but many an eager wizard has been lost that way.
2. Cheating
To bring it back to baking, sometimes store-bought is fine. You're not going to be metaphorically knocking anyone's hat off this way, but you can still literally knock someone's hat off. Acquiring a pre-enchanted (Ring of Fireballs) or (Staff of Fireballs) can bring you all the warmth and/or screaming you desire, at the cost of the customization manual casting allows for.
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can dogs eat Mac and Cheese? No A heavy amount of butter, salt, and spices like pepper, oregano, and red chili flakes can result in stomach ache, indigestion, and vomiting. How mac was first prepared and detailed historical facts about Mac and cheese: When looking for a quick and simple recipe to make in a short amount of time, mac and cheese is a great choice. Buttery macaroni baked in cheese, flavored with oregano, is hot and tempting. The pleasant aroma of this mouth-watering meal recipe also tempts your four-legged little munchkin. Although Mac and Cheese have lots of protein and carbs, the dairy and gluten in them might harm your dog's digestive system. Especially for a pup with insufficient digestive enzymes to break down the lactose in its stomach. The famous 14th-century Italian cuisine? Mac History in the United States James Hemings was the chef of the 3rd U.S. president Thomas Jefferson. When working as a chef in Paris during his early years, he learned how to prepare macaroni and later introduced it to Americans. Mac and cheese cooked in American homes is a dish of boiled pasta prepared with different sauces. It is made in a saucepan. The sauces can be soya sauce, red chili and tomato sauce, or cheese sauce depending upon the flavor of choice of a person. Some people also add veggies and meat to the dish for extra taste. Canadian History Macaroni and cheese were brought to Canada by some immigrants. The first macaroni and cheese recipes in Canadian cookery books dating back to 1845. The dish is prepared with eggs yolk, a mixture of sauces, exotic spices, and meat stuffed inside a puff pastry. Cheddar is the country's most famous cheese when preparing Mac and Cheese. The Canadian people became accustomed to the meal, quickly becoming a favorite. Interesting facts about Dog meals? Dogs are considered one of the most energetic animals that guard, assist in investigations, and provide companionship to humans, among other things. Due to this, keeping the nutritional level of this animal in check is a prime concern amongst owners. Dogs come in the category of carnivores, meaning that even domesticated dogs love the presence of meat in their meal. Dogs have sharp, long pointed teeth and smaller GIT tracts which is better suitable for a non-veg diet than a vegetarian diet. Canine food should be prepared by keeping the dog’s nutrition level to maintain a healthy heart, hair, mind, and body. Preparing a timetable of when the dog should be provided with food is also essential. Giving them a meal twice a day is the best choice for them. It will not make them feel hungry all day. For dogs to get the proper nutrition, they must be fed at the right time, with the right portion of food and the right choice of meals. Providing your dog at the correct time allows his body to be well prepared for processing the food he will receive. Please remember that you don’t own the bowl filled and allow them to eat the same food the whole day. It will be very unhygienic and causes bacterial growth inside the food. What is the proper process for feeding your dog? A very pro tip is always to check your dog’s mood, whether he is happy or aggressive. You’ll need two different bowls of the exact sizes and two types of food that are the same in shape and size. It's incredible how good dogs are at smelling. Cover the bowl with a lid so the dog can sniff and choose their favorite food by themselves. Dogs love playing games. Put the bowl away from the dog at exactly equal distance. Observe which bowl your dog prefers. Change the position of the bowl occasionally, and over time, you will get to know which food the dog prefers, and then you can feed them their choice of food. Can dogs eat Mac and Cheese? Is it harmful to them? A heavy amount of butter, salt, and spices like pepper, oregano, and red chili flakes can result in stomach ache, indigestion, and vomiting. Lactose Intolerance: Just like human, animals such as dogs also suffers from lactose intolerance.
Sometimes their body might not have the required digestive enzyme to break down the lactose in cheese, causing gastrointestinal issues. Gluten Intolerance: As lactose intolerance, dogs can also have gluten intolerance because the pasta is made from different wheat varieties. The processing method also can result in gluten allergy. A lot of artificial colors and sugar are added to boxed pasta. Dogs and humans should not consume this because it harms their digestive systems. Puppies fed cooked boxed pasta might suffer more because their bodies aren't accustomed to it. Allergic reactions like skin irritation, rashes swelling can also occur after feeding dogs eats Mac and Cheese. It contains onions, garlic, canned sauces, and spices that are highly risky for dogs with allergies. Emergency Steps to undertake if the dog has consumed too much Mac and Cheese? There is no need to be alarmed if your pooch has only eaten a mouthful of pasta. They usually will not experience any discomfort. However, feeding them a full bowl may upset their stomach. If that happens, then don’t get tensed. Try to keep them properly hydrated. Pay attention to the dog’s body movement. If his behavior is aggressive or the dog faces gastric problems like vomiting and diarrhea, immediately contact your veterinarian. Conclusion Dogs have different digestive systems than humans, so simply because a meal is healthy for you does not mean it is fit for them. Try to give him another healthy option. Put some fruits and carrots on their diet. If you want your dog to have a great energy level and a happy, healthy stomach, then be conscious of their diet. It is always wise to consult your veterinarian before giving your dog a new kind of meal. Dogs with happy stomachs have a more optimistic mood.
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motleybirdbones · 1 year
Art Goals for 2023
(Or whenever I get around to them in the Ever Changing and somewhat Tangible Future)
I’ll try to keep this list updated - the ones that I’ve Crossed Off are what I’ve seen fit to Accomplished
Work on Backgrounds
Including but not limited to: Establishing Shots, Cluttered and Non Cluttered areas, Natural and Man Made environments, Extreme Weather conditions, various Renders ect
Including basic shapes, rendering different materials, Weaponry, Machinery, stationary, electronics ect
Food items
I have drawn food once, but for the Studio Ghibli vibe I wish to continue to attempt to draw Any and All different types of culinary dishes - of course practicing Rendering and also including Cooking Utensils, Crockery, bake ware etc
And other different facets of Nature
P e r s p e c ti v e s
I want to be able to draw a Fisheye perspective for Buffoonery purposes
Learn how to use Watercolours and/or how to paint with Gauche
The Effects of the medium look Rather Attractive, yet are apparently temperamental. How Quaint
Hands. They Need Work.
ESPECIALLY when hands are Using Things (see above categories: Holding a Spoon, typing on a keyboard, just holding objects and interacting with something other than The Air, pockets and gestures lol)
Different articles of clothing (hell, all of them- fabric weights and behaviours while interacting with the objects around them)
Shoes especially
More dynamic Poses and building structure within a gesture
Maybe do a few studies in Sports poses? (For dramatic effect - a Baseball bat can turn into a Sword if I really wanted to)
Get better at forms and shapes overall
Learn a couple of different Art Styles (I’m looking at the Disney/Pixar Concepts style, a comic book/analogue style and a Semi-Realistic style (mostly for portraits/big Pieces)
Also do more studies based on looking at Other Artist’s work to figure out What I can Incorporate into my own stuff
Lineart probably needs some work as well (digitally)
Pick. A Git Dang. Colour (this applies to digital art)
Speaking of which: do more digital Art
Try out different softwares (looking at you, Krita Animate. And maybe Clip Studio Paint, if my Broke Hoona can afford it)
Practice Animation
By the end of the year I would like to be able to animate a walk cycle that is Smoother than a Baby’s Bottom
Complete at least One AMV (either a short or the whole song) -
I’ve a running file of about 15 different ideas since 2019, so if I don’t have at least one done by the end of this year Then We’ll I Guess I’ll try Again Next Year
Do more Storyboards
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Chapter 7: A Truth and a Lie
‘Care to tell us,’ says Dua Lia before pushing her sunglasses down her nose, and concludes with ‘who, or what, are Russians?’
‘They're from Russia, sweetheart,’ says Sally, with more edge than Conrad thinks is necessary right now.
‘How did you get to Russia?’ says Tessa, confused.
‘I’ve never been to Russia,’ says Conrad.
‘No, I mean how did you get from Liz Truss to Russia?’
‘Firstly, Joanna Harrison was sent by the government,’ begins Conrad. ‘we know this. We can presume this is because they don’t want opposition or chaffing with anyone else, so are trying to get eyes and ears on what we’re doing. From this moment, we should consider Joanna Harrison an enemy asset.’
‘But Joanna’s not Russian,’ grunts Mike.
‘No, she’s not. The had set Liz Truss as a puppet, a Trojan horse into being Prime Minister without her realising. But the King asked me to form this group, side-lining Truss, and The Russians have cancelled their stake in the game by killing her.
‘Half a fortune is fairer than a third,’ says Shakespeare wistfully.
‘The question is who they will get behind now, Rishi or Cartwright.’
‘Well if the Russians are bribing with money then then it’ll be Sunak for sure,’ says Keegan. ‘He’s a posh git, isn’t he?’
‘When I worked with Priti Patel, he was known as birthday boy,’ says Sally. ‘Rumour had it that for his fortieth birthday he had a bouncy castle party with a harem of Parisian hookers.’
‘You worked for Priti Patel?’ asks Conrad. She should have told him this when they spoke earlier.
‘Yeah. Snotty cow. You know she once stapled the travel minister to a bus stop?’
Conrad thinks, or at least someone else thinks through Conrad with only a laptop, that he should get to know his new team.
‘Okay, listen up,’ he says, standing up. ‘Before we continue, we should find out what our strengths are. I want each of us, one by one, to tell a truth and a lie. We all have to work out which is which.’
‘For fucks sake,’ says Mike, with an exhausted grunt. ‘Let’s just find the fucking Russians and shoot them dead.’
‘Think of it as a writing exercise’ says Conrad. ‘I’ll go first. I’m undefeated in hand-to-had combat and my favourite drink is a dry whiskey.’
‘Bullshit, it’s the whiskey,’ grunts Mike. ‘You can’t stand whiskey. You never drink straight.’
‘Then you’ve never been defeated in hand-to-hand combat?’ says Tessa, completing the puzzle with her father.
‘Correct. Your turn, Tessa.’
She doesn’t move. Then she thinks of something, rubbing her wrist. She quickly looks to Mike, then back to Conrad, before realising that she’s being weird, and she doesn’t want to be weird because she wants these people to like her, and then everyone else. She decides to start with a lie.
‘I prefer can assemble an AK47 in thirty seconds, and I had cornflakes for breakfast.’
Mike tries to mentally reconstruct his morning all he can remember is the tin of baked beans he couldn’t find.
‘Bullshit that you can assemble an AK47 in thirty seconds,’ says Sally. ‘You had cornflakes.’
‘Wrong,’ Tessa says, enjoying herself, ‘I had cornflakes and I can assemble an AK47 in twenty-nine seconds.’
‘That’s my girl,’ declares Mike, gently rocking her shoulder.
‘I need to see that,’ says Sally, chin jutting out.
‘Sally, you’re turn,’ says Conrad.
‘Okay. I’ve got a bullet wound on my right arm and I can mimic the sound of a phone vibrating.’
Conrad knows the bullet wound is on her left arm, and expects a phantom text message any moment now.
‘Do it, make the sound of a phone vibrating,’ says Keegan, folding his arms.
A phone vibrates from somewhere in the room. Sally’s face is completely still, but then she breaks out into a smirk.
‘No way,’ Keegan says. ‘Do it again.’
The phone vibrates again.
‘The wound is in your left arm, not your right,’ says Conrad. ‘Shakespeare.’
‘Alas. The first truth is that had a KFC for lunch with my friend Charlotte,’ said the temporally-digitised bard.
Shakespeare’s blue ring points towards Dua Lipa, and Conrad wonders if the esteemed bard using his digital nervous system to access social media posts. But Dua Lipa doesn’t react, which makes Conrad follows up his initial thought with an additional thought. If William Shakespeare is lying and didn’t have KFC for lunch, then Dua Lipa must be a bloody good spy.
‘My second truth is that I can freely access any nuclear access code and deployment systems.’
‘What, so you can bomb anyone? With anyone?’ grunts Mike.
‘Work out the truth from the lie, Michael.’
‘Yes, he can,’ says Tessa.
Mike looks to his daughter, then back to the black column. Tessa continues rubbing her wrist. She doesn’t want to embarrass her father, doesn’t want to give him a reason to get angry with her.
‘He can’t eat,’ said Keegan. ‘He’s got no mouth. Duh.’
Tessa looks to Keegan and slightly narrows her eyes. He smiles goofishly at her, and although a small part of wants to send a goofy smile back, a larger part of her is overcome with awkwardness. When he looks away, Tessa’s smile slightly, punctuated with a flush.
Mike, meanwhile, also narrows his eyes. But when Keegan looks from his daughter to him, he returns with a gaze so heavy that his clothes sag. Keegan quickly looks away, blushing.
‘Alas, it is true. I am already death, destroyer of worlds.’
Sally imagines a world in which an enraged Shakespeare reigned nuclear havoc on mankind, a story of destruction and chaos told in radioactive iambic pentameter, which brings a smile to her face.
Elsewhere, the silence in the room is pointed, the conversation having left for the air raid shelter upon Shakespeare’s revelation.
‘Let’s hope it never comes to that,’ says Conrad under his breath.
‘Fuck this,’ grunts Mike. ‘When do we get to shooting?’
Mike is clearly on-board now, completing the team. Everyone had been given an opportunity to leave, but chose to stay. Now they only need a plan.
‘We need to sort out two things before we start shooting,’ says Conrad. ‘We need to find out own base with our own security, and we need to get Willomy Beacons.’
Tessa turns to her father upon hearing the name, but everyone else looks around for a brief explanation. Everyone but Keegan.
‘We need someone to help us move around. Dua Lipa, do you have any shows coming up soon?’ says Conrad.
She nods ‘I’ve got a gig at the Conservative leadership hustings tomorrow evening.’
‘Okay, give them a fantastic show. You always do.’ says Conrad. She winks back at him ‘Sally, Shakespeare, I want you to get us new digs. Shakespeare, focus on the property. Sally, focus on the logistics.’
‘Yes, boss,’ they say together.
Tessa’s skills deserve room to blossom, so Conrad adds ‘and make sure there’s a decent workshop.’
He casts a knowing look at Tessa, which bounces off her onto Mike, who bounces it back to Conrad.
‘I’m staying with my daughter,’ he grunts.
‘I know Willomy Beacons,’ says Keegan, in no way related to the pace of the conversation. But despite this, Mike and Conrad turn to him. He catches their questioning looks and says ‘I’ve seen his name at work. He’s an uber driver. Really small eyes, glasses that make him look like a mole.’
At first, Conrad and Mike thought that Keegan must have been talking about a different Willomy Beacons than the inventor they knew, but now they were Conrad was talking about the same man.
‘Yeah, he kinda does look like a mole,’ nods Mike.
What was he doing working as an Uber driver, wonders Conrad. Willomy’s inventions were game-changing, game-winning. Game-making. What happened for him to have fallen into the trap of zero-hour quasi-employment? And who’d be stupid enough to order extortionary-priced service station food through Uber?
The question sat there like burnt food’ undesired yet immediate.
‘We can go to Shoreditch. If he’s not there, he’ll be in Blagdon,’ says Keegan. A good spy always thinks about what to do next.
But a better spy think about what do after that. ‘Mike, I’m going to need you with me,’ says Conrad.
‘I’m not leaving my daughter,’ says the hard man, leaning back in his chair.
‘Why not?’ asked Conrad. He sees the obvious insecurity, but decides it’s a blister best broken sooner rather than later.  
Mike can’t think of an answer that doesn’t make Tessa sound like a little girl. Because she’s not a little girl anymore. But she’s not a woman, either. Nor is she a young lady, makes her sound like the recipient of a reprimand from an estrogenically-engorged nannie. And she is not a young woman, which is ignorant of her sensitivity. But then, nor is she a child. She knows how to do too much to be considered a child.
‘I need you, Mike. We need to get Willomy. And I don’t want to risk taking Tessa,’ says Conrad.
When Mike doesn’t answer, Sally says ‘do you want me to come?’ going off the conclusion that Mike’s silence means he’s not willing to go with Conrad.
��You don’t know Beacons like I do,’ says Mike, leaning forward. He looks to Conrad.
‘Then that settles it,’ says Conrad.
He takes a look at his team. He’d brought them together in less than a day.
‘Sally, Tessa and Shakespeare, you get a new base sorted.’ Sally nods tightly, Tessa pulls in her lips, and Shakespeare glows glowingly.
‘Dua Lipa, you work the conservatives and try find out who the Russians are backing.’ The pop star nods, raising her hand to her forehead as if she were tipping a hat.
‘Mike, Keegan, your with me. We’re going to get Beacons.’
‘Oh yeah,’ says Keegan proudly, nodding, ‘we’re going to get ourselves delivered by Uber. Or deliver ourselves to Uber.’
‘That didn’t go as well as you thought it would, did it?’ says Sally un-un-sympathetically.
Conrad plows on. ‘Let’s go. Sally, I want an address go return to by ten,’ in four hours. ‘We’re making a special delivery.’
Keegan shakes his head in frustration.
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