#we're a slow burn too so have fun crying
toxinoire · 1 year
Dukesaw workplace/superhero x villain AU
(To the people who know where this is from I salute you)
Context: Veronica is the hero but no one either than Martha and Betty know, Duke is the villain but she doesn't exactly know she is because it's not her consciousness.
Veronica is at work and she should be working, but she keeps remembering the villain from last night. The woman is terrifying as it is, but her eyes are creepier.
Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She flinches then sighs in relief that it's just her boss, Heather Duke. 'It's just me.'
Duke sits on the seat across her. 'What's wrong?'
'Ah, nothing.' Answered Veronica.
Heather rolls her eyes. 'You aren't fooling anyone. Seriously , what's wrong?'
Veronica sighs. Might as well tell her. 'I keep remembering the villain from last night. Her eyes scare me...' She trailed off, and before she could stop herself 'But when I looked into yours I felt a little better.' Shit 'You uh, have a calming gaze.' She chuckled a bit.
Duke for some reason smiled wider. 'Ok how about this? Whenever you remember the villain, just think of me.' Veronica furrows her brows. 'Think that she can't bother you cause I'm around.' Duke stands up. 'Wait.' She does a little "superhero pose" getting questioning looks from Veronica's co-workers. 'I can already be a superhero right?' Veronica just laughed at Duke's silliness.
She stood up as well. 'Thank you Miss Heather.'
Duke scoffed. 'Don't call me "Miss". We're friends. Just call me Heather.'
Veronica almost short circuited. 'Sure H-Heather.'
'Or, Super Heather.' Duke winks playfully. 'Anyway, whenever you remember the villain, just look into my eyes.' She then playfully flutters her eyes making Veronica laugh again.
'The hell just happened?'
'I don't know but that was not straight.'
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.1 K Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence. (Reader discretion is advised). Basically, it's a rough night. Prompt: Time to use the last trick you've got This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 21: Fox On The Run
2:00 AM, 23rd of November, 1976
Moony’s claws dug deeper, and you emitted a cry, Prongs tensed as if he was preparing to gore the wolf. And that’s when it downed you: Werewolves don’t attack animals, and clearly, they didn’t attack animagus either. Finally, you smiled, recalling one last trick you had under your sleeve. 
The next couple of seconds went by too fast for you to process, but your actions had been almost instinctive, as if time had slowed down. You started shrinking, becoming smaller and smaller until you managed to free your shoulder from the wolf’s claws. Your skin turned into red furr, your nose grew into a snout, and once you had fully transformed into a fox –your animagus– you rolled around on the floor and scattered away towards Sirius’ direction, your fluffy tail waving behind you as you did. 
The wolf was confused at first, as if it didn’t comprehend what had happened as you nestled between the huge dog’s legs, he looked even bigger and more imposing to you now, since you were so small. Your arm, which had now become your leg, hurt massively as you ran his way, especially since you were now using it to walk. Sirius, or rather, Padfoot, had kept his eyes on you as you did and instantly placed himself over you in a protective stance. You were still pretty alert, now your own hair standing on end as you looked at the wolf, he was staring at you, and he looked pissed, as if the fact that you had gone and hide under the dog made him angry; because he did look angry. More so now than when you had used the stupefy charm on him, even more than when he howled at the moon after being hit by the whomping willow. 
In fact, you’d go as far as to say he was having fun hunting you, playing a sadistic game only he could enjoy, toying with his prey before ending with its life. But now, he was pissed. You could feel it, maybe in the way he breathed, or in the way it was growling at you, or perhaps it was because you were canine now, your senses enhanced potentially by your animagus form. The wolf bared his teeth, Padfoot flinched but held his stance, instinctively you leaned towards one of its pows, rubbing your snout softly, reassuringly. He seemed to feel better after that, leaning closer to you too while he still held his protective stance, so close you could feel the way he breathed. That only irked the wolf further.
Padfoot stared at the wolf attentively, and then he barked at you, you instantly knew what it meant, and you turned around and took off running. The wolf had jumped over Padofoot, but Prongs had been quicker, and he had gored him on the side. The wolf cried out in pain as it was pushed to one of the trees, the deer’s antlers had struck the same spot the Whomping Willow, causing its already broken rib to move around. You turned when you heard the wolf’s cries, he was still staring at you attentively, even as he struggled back to his feet. 
The dog turned back, barking at you again, stronger, more desperate, he wasn’t sure how much longer they’d manage to keep the wolf in check since it seemed absolutely result in his commitment to get to you. You stared at him still, like a deer trapped in headlights, and then you felt a nudge at your paw, it was Wormtail, urging you to move. One last look and Padfoot barked again, so you finally turned your head and ran. The small brown rat was falling behind, so you used your snout to grab it, careful not to hurt him, and kept running. 
The wolf had finally gotten up, and he had managed to pass through both Padfoot and Prongs, running straight in your direction. They were trailing behind, trying to keep up with the wolf, the deer did it first, catching up with him and pushing him with his body, trying to coerce him off track. But his efforts were futile, the wolf was deadset on getting to you. You ran as fast as your paws allowed you to, breath heavy as you skipped through branches and rocks. 
The wolf was catching up, and you were starting to run out of ideas, that was until you found a small creek, and a big holed-out rock on the other side of the stream. You Jumped straight to the water and almost dropped Wormy (still in your snout) from the hiss your body instantly emitted. The water wasn’t cold, it was freezing. You swam through the small stream, shivering as you felt your limbs start to go numb. At least your arm injury didn’t hurt as much. But the cold water, attempting to size your movements was much worse. Not even your thick fox fur was enough to keep you from trembling as you fought to reach the hole in the rock. 
Once you reached the other side, you went straight inside the rock. The hole was barely big enough for you to fit inside, so you had to squeeze in, crying out as the cold stone rubbed onto the gush the wolf’s claws had created when he had you pinned down on the ground. The cry caused Peter to fall from your snout, and he scrambled inside as fast as he could, looking at you pityingly as you continued trying to squeeze yourself inside. 
And then you felt it, a sharp pang, clawing at the end of your now wet tail, pulling the part of your tail that you hadn’t yet managed to get inside the rock and dragging you out, even as you struggled, claws digging on the wet ground. You turned, shivering as the wolf stared at you. There was bood staining his fur, just as much staining yours, where his claws had been mere minutes ago. The wolf was leaning down on you, looking at you angrily when prongs appeared out of nowhere, jumping over the stream and goring him on the side yet again. Padfoot was just above you, shielding you as you scurried back to the hole. 
This time around you pushed harder, taking the pain of the stone peeling your open wound with nothing more than tightened jaws. Somehow, you’d managed to squeeze in and walked as deep inside the rocky side as possible. Not that there was much space inside either. Wormtail was there, looking at you preoccupied, your wound was bleeding now, staining your entire leg with I. You looked at it, and let yourself fall on the ground. Safe, you thought, for the first time tonight. 
Peter dragged himself closer as you placed your snout over the cold rocks, wincing as the sharp pain from your arm returned with the movement. You were shivering, you realised, as you tried to wrap your tail around your body for warmth. The rat –Peter– got just close enough to place its small little hand over one of your paws, giving you a look that you could only interpret as pitiful, perhaps worried. The wolf was still outside, you could hear him growling and pacing. You could also listen to the hooves of the deer, hitting the floor every now and then, and even the faint sound of Padfoot’s breathing. He was still tense. Both animals watching the wolf pace around as if waiting for you to get out. Because you would have to get out at some point. 
You had already closed your eyes when you felt a desperate little hand over your snout. You opened your eyes lazily, and saw the rat again, looking preoccupied. Peter knew you weren’t supposed to fall asleep. Probably because of the amount of bIood that was stuck to your fur, already getting sticky and starting to dry. You shook your head and stared at it. And he started to do a little dance, attempting to entertain you. You stared at him for a while, and it worked, you were laughing in your head as the rat continued to tumble around. Whenever your eyes started to close again, Peter would gently tap on your snout, keeping you awake throughout the night. 
After a couple of hours had gone by, Peter finally allowed you to fall asleep, keeping a close eye on you to make sure your breathing wasn’t ragged or your heart beat too fast. Eventually, a low grunt woke you up, you squinted to find Wormtail sleeping, lying on his back with his mouth wide open, you looked to the side, there was a little light coming from the hole that led outside, so you leaned in and nudged the little rat with your snout, first it only stirred a little, still in deep sleep, and after the second nudge, he woke up, looking around panicked. You tilted your head to the side pointing at the opening, a bit of a worried expression showing on your fox features as another grunt came from the outside, this time accompanied by a wail. 
Peter knew those sounds well, Remus was turning back. He gave you a warning look and slowly walked outside, peering through the hole for a second before going back inside. Motioning for you to get out. When you peeked your head out, snout and eyes barely out of the hole. You saw Peter turn back, and James, who was already himself again, drop a cloak over a shivering mass on the floor. When you realised the wails and cries were actually coming from Remus you panicked, trying to fight your way out only to feel an extremely sharp pain over your arm. Now it was you who emitted a sharp high-pitched whimper. 
Then, out of nowhere, Sirius appeared in front of you, a soft look on his face as he placed his hands over your paws “Hey Starshine,” he said kindly “It’s ok,” he reassured “Remus is all right. We’re all okay, James and Peter are going to take him back to the shack before anybody notices he was out.” 
You struggled to get out again, only to whimper as the rock graced your injured arm. For some reason, it felt just as fresh as it did yesterday. 
“Easy there,” he said, “I’m gonna lift the rock and help you out, ok?” You nodded, Sirius took out his wand and performed a spell wordlessly, lifting the rock from its spot. Once the space was high enough, you stumbled out, limping as you walked closer to him. You completely missed the horror in his expression when he realised the bIood clinging to the fur on your leg, but you were still trying to walk towards Remus, needing to make sure he was all right. Desperate to make sure he wasn’t hurt because of you.
“Wait luv!” you heard Sirius say as you scurried away towards the boy, using your snout to lift the cloak James had thrown over him, getting out as fast as you’d gotten in when you realised Remus had no clothes under the cloak, you should’ve known. Sirius shook his head with a bit of a diverted smile. And leaned in closer to lift the cloak off of Remus’ head. “He’s all right, see?” He told you as you used your head to nudge the passed-out boy. 
“It often happens when he’s had a rough night,” Added James, “And yesterday was pretty bad, you know.” 
You winced at that statement “But it wasn’t your fault sweetheart,” Sirius added, “Pads and Wormy will be taking Remus back now, I’ll stay with you, try and find a good reason to give when I take you to the infirmary.” Just like Sirius explained, both Peter and James lifted Remus’ arms over their shoulder and started dragging him through the forest. Finally, you leaned towards the small stream, and dipped your paw, attempting to wash the wound before turning back, since you knew it’d be easier. Sirius leaned over beside you, sitting over his shins as he placed a hand over your back, stroking gently before leaning over just a little and pouring water over your leg. You let him, Sirius’ hands over your animagus form felt just as nice as they felt over your human self. 
He accidentally let some cold water fall over your wound and you winced, “Sorry sweetheart.” He said as he continued, now carefully rubbing his thumb over your paw, making sure to unstick the thick clogs of fur the bIood had caused. “So… you did it as well,” he said “Turned into an animagus, just like us.” 
You just let your head fall on the ground comfortably, enjoying the way Sirius continued washing you up “And you ended up a vixen of all things,” he said with a laugh, “fitting.” 
Shut it Puppy, you thought as you turned to nudge his hand in protest, which just made him laugh more, in turn you gave him a small soft bite. 
“Hey! I didn’t bite you when you were helping me a couple of moons ago, huh?” He told you, and you remembered the way the big black dog had only placed his head over your lap and urged you to pet him; like Sirius sometimes did. I really should have known. 
“All right sweetheart, you’re done.” He said with a light scratch over your ear that had you almost melt. “I need you to turn back so I can get a closer at that shoulder.” 
You did not want to turn back, the bruises from last night would probably be a lot more noticeable in human form, but the sharp pain on your shoulder blade as you tried to pull back made you figure it really wasn’t an option at this point. 
So slowly, you went back to your human form, ending up in a sitting position just in front of Sirius. His face, which had looked diverted until that point, teasing and playing with the fox, turned into one of absolute dread when he realised the state your face was actually in. 
He placed both hands around it, which had you wince when his thumb accidentally brushed over a section Evan had grabbed onto a little too harshly earlier, “Sweetheart look at you.” 
“‘m fine,” you managed to muster, the pain on your parted lip stinging as your lips stretched to talk. 
Sirius sighed, his frown only deepening as he brushed his hand lightly over some of the bruises, small dots, forming the shape of thick fingers, a thicker one on your left side, two over your right cheek and the rest going down your neck, “Who was it?” he asked bitterly. 
You shrugged, “Evan,” you told him simply “I probably fought back too much.” 
Sirius rubbed your cheek softly, “He’ll pay for this,” he said darkly, as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket dipping it in the cold stream, before bringing it to your face, cleaning off the dirt that had stuck to it when you fell to the ground due to Barty’s spell. “Just you wait, we’ll tell Dumbledore and–“ 
“–We can’t.” 
“What are you talking about? We can–“ 
“–Sirius. Why are we here and not at the infirmary?” You asked, grabbing onto his wrist, holding back a wince as a peeled part of your palm graced over his soft skin.
“Well, I have to tend your wounds because we can’t let people know you were out, let alone about Moony being the one to–“ 
“–Exactly,” you nodded “If we tell Dumbledore they will tell him it all happened in the Forbidden Forest, they can even say they held me down because I refused to listen when they told me not to walk inside–“ 
“–Dumbledore wouldn’t believe them.” 
“Either way it won’t matter,” you told him as you shook your head lightly, “If we were to tell him I’d have to explain why I was in the forest in the first place, and then he’ll find out I know about Remus and he’ll probably wonder how the hell I survived the night and I won’t be able to explain it without telling him I’m an illegal animagus and that my other illegal animagus friends helped me.” 
Sirius’ face fell, you were right, you couldn’t tell the teachers, “But Starshine, if you were looking at the same thing I’m looking at right now–“
You let a dry laugh out “–I look like shit, don’t I?” 
Sirius shook his head and leaned over to place a soft kiss on your temple “You look like you’re about to break apart. And I haven’t even seen your arm yet.” 
You turned towards it, wincing as you saw the way the fluff of the sweater had stuck to the dry bIood “That’s gonna hurt.” 
“Can I?” Sirius asked as he toyed with the hem of the sweater, you nodded, and he slowly lifted it off your body, you hissed as he started to slowly peel the last bit off, the fabric had actually stuck to the wound, so he was essentially reopening it as he tried to take the sweater off. 
“Why were you in the forest anyway? We told you it wasn’t safe.” You winced, you probably deserved that “I told you so” but it’s not like you liked it anyway, especially since the reason you were there had come from truly good intentions.
“I wanted to get Moonflower… ouch,” you complained as he removed a particularly stuck bit. 
“Moonflower? For the herbology project you were talking about with Moony?” 
You shook your head “That was a lie,” you admitted “It’s for a potion’s project. I accidentally met Damocles Belby a couple of weeks ago, he thinks a bit of Moonflower may aid him develop a potion that will help werewolves remember who they are once they transform… I– I was trying to help Remus.” 
“Ah…” he said in realisation “How did you find out about him? There’s no way Damocles knows.” 
“No, he’s clueless, he thinks I’m obsessed with werewolves…aaaaah Sirius!“ you trailed off, when he peeled a particularly stuck bit. 
“Sorry love,” he said, “we’re almost getting it completely unstuck.” 
You bit your lip to try and hold back a cry as he continued “I found out on the last moon,” you admitted, “did some research too.” 
“Is that why you were at the library that day?” You nodded “I knew you were off for some reason.” 
“For coming to the forest?” 
“For lying,” you added “I should have told you when I found out… I didn’t want you to think I was butting in your already-established dynamics.” 
“You could only make things better by butting in Starshine, you were reckless last night though. I was barking and you just kept staring at Moony like you weren’t scared of him.” 
“I was worried, he had already been hit by the Whomping Willow because of me, and then Prongs was goring him, I– his cries Sirius…” 
The boy nodded, he knew exactly what that worry felt like, he had felt it before, several times for Remus. And last night, he felt it for you.  
“Remus is strong,” he reassured “He’ll be like new soon enough.” 
You sighed “I just hope I didn’t hurt him too much.” 
Sirius let out a breathy laugh, “Knowing him, he’s probably thinking the same thing right now. And he’ll probably be angry too. Why did you drop the wand?” 
“You saw that?” you asked with a gasp. By now Sirius had managed to remove the sweater and started to pull on the seams of your already tattered shirt sleeve to try and break it apart to remove it, to make it easier, and hopefully less painful for you. 
“Of course I did, James and I were thinking of a plan of action when you did that.” 
“Remus told me to use it against him. I wasn’t planning to hurt him, no matter what.” 
“That was dumb.” 
“You would’ve done the same.” 
“Yeah, but I’m the reckless one in the relationship.” 
You turned to him with a raised eyebrow, wincing when his hands brushed against the cut “You sure about that?” 
He finally ripped the shirt off, which had you digging your nails into your leg to hold back a cry, your entire arm was bare, the sharp marks of the claws visible, along with deeply scraped sections caused by the harsh way you had squeezed yourself inside the rock. Sirius was the one to wince this time, not even sure how to approach the tattered skin, the worst part was that it still looked way too fresh, “Maybe we’re both the reckless ones in the relationship.” 
He dipped his handkerchief in the water again and washed it out lightly before letting it saturate in water again and squeezing it over your wound, you hissed when the cold water first landed upon your warm skin, but then you sighed, it was numbing and that felt nice, you then laughed breathily “We’d need someone like Remus to join our relationship to keep us in check,” you joked. 
“Remus would just let us be reckless and watch.” 
“Nah, he’s got a bit of common sense, he’d stop us before it got too dangerous,” you countered. 
“Yeah, probably, but only when it’s really dangerous,” Sirius agreed, now lightly cleaning the wound.
He moved his wand closer and placed it just above it, whispering something, but only half the wound got better, the scratches healed, but the section where Moony’s claws had dug into was still open. Sirius frowned and tried again. 
“It’s not working.” 
You looked at the side, and remembered your notes again “Dittany…” you added. 
“What?” Sirius asked with a frown. 
“Silver and dittany, that helps with werewolf wounds,” you added “…read it in a book.” 
“I’ll get some and–” he said, you placed your hand over his forearm, pulling him. 
“Please don’t leave me,” you said, almost in a whisper, you hated being so clingy, but after the night you’d had, the last thing you wanted was to be alone again.  
Sirius’ expression softened, “We can’t go in the castle with you like this,” he told you “and we can’t use Honey Duke’s passage either, they’re already open…” There’s a secret passage at Honeydukes? you thought, “…maybe I can send a message to James so he brings over the cloak or we could do some spell to…” 
“Take me as a fox,” you suggested. 
“What?” Sirius asked, confused. 
“Take me as a fox, tell Pomfrey you found me in the forest when you went out flying in the morning, and that I was hurt. While she’s distracted, get some dittany from her supplies and then we can find somewhere else to use it. Foxes are common enough in this region for them to believe you.” 
“Wouldn’t it make more sense to take you to Kettleburn?” 
“If you were actually helping a fox, would you take them to him?” He shook his head, “Exactly, the plan will work.” 
He seemed to think about it for a second and then nodded, “All right, let’s go then, little vixen.” You rolled your eyes but turned back into a fox. He seemed hesitant at first, not knowing exactly how to pick you up before placing his hand under your belly and pulling you up, almost like you would hold a cat. “Is that alright luv?” You rubbed your head over his chest, as an answer. “Great, I’m gonna start walking to the castle, if you feel any sort of pain, wave our tail.” 
Sirius started to walk then, still cradling you in his hands, he kept whispering things at you as he continued walking through the Forbidden Forest, “We’re about to reach the grounds,” he informed “We’ll be there soon, just hang on,” he told you, when you finally reached the edge of the forest you dug your head deeper on Sirius’ chest. He was warm, and the way he was holding you made you feel at peace, safe, safer than you’d felt the entire night, safer than the rock. 
Eventually, the two reached the castle, and he walked in through the side gates, walking in and carrying you along with him, people were looking at him weird. You heard a couple of younger girls say things like “Awwww…” and “Look at Sirius, he cares for animals, that’s so hot.”
You wondered if he was used to girls acting like that all the time, of course he is, this is Sirius we’re talking about, he probably basks on the attention.  
You half dug your head deeper into him when you heard them, which just had him chuckle slightly, “What is it Starshine? You jealous?” You nibbled on his shirt in response but whined when you realised the movement had been too harsh, straining your arm and therefore causing you pain.
Sirius frowned then, looking at you with worry and picking up the pace “‘m sorry love,” he mumbled. 
Even if people kept staring at him, no one dared to approach him, not until you were already a couple of halls away from the library and Lily pretty much stopped him dеad in his tracks “Where is she?” she asked, panic edging on her voice. Sirius looked over her shoulder, he wanted to just skip past her to get the dittany, but she wouldn’t budge. “Sirius!” 
“She’s ok,” he said, “We’re taking care of her.”
“We who? I saw Peter and James earlier, and you’re here running to the infirmary with a fox!”
“She needs help!” he said, still trying to avoid the redhead. 
“I don’t care if your fox is a girl Sirius! You either tell me where she is or I swear–“ 
You nudged the boy with your snout, nodding slightly. He understood, you were giving him permission, “She’s here.” 
“Where?” she asked looking around, “Does she have the cloak?” 
Sirius shook his head, capturing Lily’s attention again “Here,” he said, moving you up just slightly, you hissed from the strain in your arm “Sorry love,” he whispered. 
“You turned her into a fox?!” Lily said with a gasp, straight up covering her mouth from shock. 
“She kind of did it herself,” Sirius explained. 
“Wait does that mean she’s an a–“ 
“–Evans! If you keep shouting the entire school will know, now help me get some dittany.” 
She looked shocked, and terrified all at the same time “Did he… did he bite her?” She stammered.
Sirius shook his head,  “He scratched her, but it’s not healing.” 
She took a deep breath, calming herself down “Ok, you take her in, I’ll raid the cupboard for some dittany and silver essence, and maybe some Mugwort, or comfrey root, whichever I find first. If you can, sneak out some beeswax,  do it. She does not keep it in the cupboard. And Sirius, one last thing. We need to be fast. Werewolf scratches are harder to heal the more time goes by without treatment.” 
Sirius nodded, you were impressed by the way Lily had taken control of the situation, but mostly by how willing she was to break the rules and steal ingredients from the school in order to help you. Your mood, however, dropped to the ground the moment you heard Remus’ wails as you entered the infirmary. Your hair stood on end and you attempted to wiggle out of Sirius’ grasp but he grabbed on to you tighter, planting his own feet on the floor. You turned to him exasperated as you continued to wiggle, but he knew Madam Pomfrey was busy with Remus, so he went to the other side and started looking for the beeswax. 
You managed to escape his grasp and limped your way to the curtains separating the room. Leaning close to a corner and only dipping your head inside, Remus had half of his body covered by the white sheets, the rest of him was in full view, and you finally saw how much damage you had done to him.  His wails were because Madam Pomfrey was accommodating some of his ribs in place with her hands. You winced, almost pulling back completely just from the way it creaked. 
He had a few scratches and a slightly deep cut, probably from Prong’s strong antlers. But the worst part was probably how bruised he was, there were bruises going down his back, already turning a dark purple from when you had used stupefy and his left side, where the Willow had struck, was even worse.
You winced when he cried again, you wanted to reach out for him, but you knew you could not let Pomfrey see you, so you stayed there, watching quietly. At some point, Pomfrey turned Remus around and he spotted you, you gave him a look, but he just dropped his gaze, avoiding you entirely while clenching his jaw, to avoid crying in front of you. You were about to lose all prudence left and jump all the way inside when you felt Sirius pull you back again, holding you just like before. You didn’t try to fight him this time, allowing him to drag you outside the infirmary, both trailing behind Lily. 
He caught up with her after a few long strides. “Where are we going?” he asked in a low tone. 
“Common room, she’ll stay with me, in your room so Mary and Marlene don’t notice, you’ll have to get to class.” 
Sirius shook his head “No way in hell I’m leaving her,” that made you feel at ease, nuzzling into him a little. 
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea you stay, you’ve been missing a lot of classes lately.” 
“Don’t care about classes,” he insisted. 
“Sirius, it’s not about that, we don’t want to raise more suspicion, don’t you get it?” 
“She asked me not to leave her,” he admitted, almost reluctantly, as if he knew how hard it had been for you to ask. 
Lily sighed, “We’ll talk about it later.” 
Eventually, the two of them arrived at the common room, Sirius taking the lead and opening his room, letting Lily walk in. “Do you have a mortar?” she asked as she started taking things out from her pockets and placing them on a trunk. 
Sirius had already walked all the way to his bed and gently laid you down there, “There should be one on  James’ dresser,” he said pointing at it without really turning to look. “All right love, we’re here, you can turn back.” 
You hesitated for a second, looking at Lily before finally turning back, you were sitting on your shins when you turned so you had to accommodate yourself, to sit properly. Sirius was sitting just on the edge of the bed, looking at you with a bit of a worried expression. He was not expecting the first time he had you on his bed to be like this. 
Lily, who was a little surprised at how neat James’ stuff had been arranged, found the mortar in about half a minute, turning to look at you and almost letting it completely fall on the ground after that, her expression turning into one of absolute worry now “Look at what those stupid boys did to you luv,” she said as she fastly approached. 
“Should’ve seen the other guy,” you joked. Even if the other guys were pretty much perfectly fine, probably. Lily sighed in response, and walked to the trunk, right in front of her, grabbing some of the ingredients she had gathered, and started to crunch them inside the mortar. “How did you find out?” you asked, you had been curious about that since she stopped Sirius in the hall, in fact, you were still a little confused of how Sirius, James and Peter had found you. 
“Severus,” she said bitterly. 
“He tried to warn us, we didn’t care to listen to what he wanted to say and he went to Lily instead.” 
“He told me Barty had locked you up in the Shrieking Shack, he already knew the place was Remus’ hideout. And he also knew it was full moon.” 
“He knew about Remus?” You asked shocked. 
“Found out last year, it was my fault,” Sirius admitted, dropping his face as shame filled his delicate features. In fact, it had taken a good deal of time and effort for the two of them to make up after that time, “We should’ve listened to him, perhaps we would’ve gotten there earlier.” 
You shook your head “Severus could’ve been setting up a trap for you, it was wiser to ignore him,” you responded simply, “Stupid slime head, didn’t do anything when they were locking me up in the Shack, had it not been because Remus hadn’t turn yet, and because he gave me his wand–” 
“–You used his wand?” Lily asked, turning to you a little amused. You nodded in response, “She’s never been too keen on working when I’ve tried.” 
“Yeah, his wand’s picky,” added Sirius, “it’s wonky when James and Peter try to use it too.” 
“Not with you?” Lily asked, looking at Sirius, still shaking her hand furiously to crumble the ingredients into a paste. 
“No, I thought I was the only one,” he admitted, turning to you. 
“Looks like Remus’ wand likes us very much,” you said with a shrug and winced when you felt the sharp pain again, at this point, it was becoming as painful as it was annoying. 
“It’s ready,” Lily said, standing up from the floor and walking towards the bed, Sirius moved slightly to the side, and you tilted your head so your hair wouldn’t fall on the wound as she applied it. But Lily didn’t place the mixture yet. And she instead looked at your shirt, tattered, broken and a little dirty, “I– I think it’d be best if you took the shirt off entirely,” she said, “to work on the wound better and make sure it doesn’t get infected or anything like that.” 
“Oh, right,” you said as you went for the hem of the shirt. As you attempted to take the shirt off with one hand, Lily gave Sirius a look, who turned slightly red before he turned around, eyes facing the wall. 
“Here, lemme help,” Lily said, as she helped you pull the shirt off. The moonflower that you had hidden during the night, fell to the bed. You gasped, a huge smile appearing on your face.
Lily looked at it with a frown, “Why did you–“ she started, not quite understanding why you were so happy
In the end, the whole ordeal hadn’t been for nothing, the Moonflower survived! “–I thought I’d lost her, or perhaps she had been crushed when Moony… Either way, it doesn’t matter, this is great!” 
She looked at you, still confused,  “But… why do you need Moonflower?” 
You gave her another smile “I’ll tell you all about it! I promise, but for now, would you mind taking it to Damocles Belby when you go back to classes? He needs it.” 
Lily nodded and took the flower in her hands before carefully sitting it down on the side table.  Finally, she placed her hand on your cheek, gently moving her hands to have a good look at your face as she directed where she wanted you to tilt it towards, “I’ll bring you something for those bruises too, luv…” 
“I see why you wanted me gone,” Sirius said in a tone you knew all too well, “you wanted to have my girlfriend all to yourself.” 
“Well, she did say I’m a great kisser,” Lily added as she finished pulling the shirt over your head, leaving you in a simple sports bra… Sirius turned his head around to look at her, completely surprised by her teasing, but she threw your shirt straight as his face “Don’t turn you perv!” 
“She’s my girlfriend!” Sirius said, turning back and slowly taking the shirt off his face, it smelled like you.
“Yeah, that doesn’t make you less of a perv,” she retorted, and finally leaned in closer to you, looking at you attentively “This might hurt,” she warned, to which you nodded. If it didn’t you’d be more surprised. 
She brought her hand to the paste and took a good amount in between her fingers, bringing it straight to the sharp claw lines on your arm. Your breath hitched in your throat and your jaw clenched with the contact, you blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the tears. 
“Sorry,” she said as she noticed your stance “It won’t take too long, I promise,” Lily was being honest, she took another bunch of the paste, and swiftly went over the other opening, working light and fast as you held your breath. She did it one more time and then she was done “There we go,” she told you with a smile “You’re done.” 
You let a deep breath out and used your hands to wipe some of the tears that had stubbornly fallen from your face, “Thanks,” you told her as you sniffed “for helping me, even if you had to steal ingredients from the infirmary.” 
“That’s what friends are for,” she told you with a wink as she wiped her fingers on the mortar. “You should probably rest. I can keep the girls out of our room for the day if you–“
“–She can stay here,” Sirius interrupted, “The boys won’t mind.” He was still looking at the wall. 
“Will you be comfortable?” she asked with a little frown. 
You nodded, “I’ll just steal one of their sweaters when it’s time to go back,” you added, “since my shirt is all tattered now.” 
“I can bring you some clothes later,” she responded “So you can take off those,” she said, looking at your mud-stained jeans. 
“I can borrow her some pyjamas for now,” Sirius added. 
Lily nodded, “I’ll come back in a couple of hours to check up on it,” she said pointing at your arm “I’m sure I can whip something up in potions to help with the pain too. Sirius, keep a close eye on her, if she falls asleep, monitor her temperature. It doesn’t look infected but it’s always a possibility.” Sirius nodded, which got Lily to nod herself, bobbing her head up and down almost nervously as he gave one last look at you, “take care, Luv,” she said, placing a hand on your shoulder before turning to pick the mortar up and walking to the bathroom to do some cleanup, giving you one last look before looking at the clock and rushing out. 
You sighed as you saw her red hair disappear, you wondered how it was possible you’d gotten so lucky that you got to have Lily Evans as your close friend. Eventually, you let yourself fall on the bed, carefully keeping your arm over your stomach as you did. Sirius stood up from the bed and walked towards his dresser, pulling out the same pyjama pants you’d seen him wear when James had brought you to their room before the quidditch match. 
“These ones might fit,” he said, handing them over. 
“Thanks,” you said as you went to unbutton your pants, managing to do it without much fuzz and then going for the zipper, struggling just a little then. Sirius turned around when he realised he was actually looking at the colour of your undies now. That made you raise an eyebrow “Sirius, you’ve seen me in a swimsuit,” you said as you struggled to take the pants off with one hand. 
“That was two years ago,” he said, sitting down on the bed with his back towards you, “you’ve changed.” 
“Not that much,” you retorted, finally getting the pants halfway down your tights. 
Sirius shook his head “Very much,” he insisted, while he cleared his throat “your, erm… proportions are different.” 
You laughed at that, it was always surprising to see Sirius’ shyer side. Eventually, you managed to take them completely off.  “And you’ve touched too.” 
He nodded “Yeah, in broom closets and forbidden sections, that’s how I know you’ve changed a lot. But you know what those have in common? They’re dark.” You laughed again, pulling the pyjama pants up and standing on the bed to press a soft kiss to the boy’s neck, which had him perk up from surprise “Lily said you should rest.” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, leaning into him “I’m resting.” 
Sirius let out a diverted huff in response, “Aren’t you tired?” 
“Very,” you admitted “but you’re warm… and comfortable.” 
Sirius smiled, shaking his head as he did. Most of the time he felt like the needy one, leaning into you, asking you to play with his hair, or even reaching for your hand, it was nice to know you enjoyed the contact as much as he did. Even nicer that you’d ask for it. 
“Wouldn’t it be better to lay down on the bed?” he asked, finally tilting his head to look at you, cheek squeezed a little on his shoulder, the soft skin of your neck completely visible. He almost hated how thrilled the sight made him feel, knowing full well –since he could see the bruises still– the reason you didn’t have a shirt was because you were hurt and scratched and all banged up, on what had probably been the worst night of your life. 
You smiled, looking up at the boy, prettiest boy in the world, you thought, before nodding and leaning back, slowly moving in the bed till you accommodated yourself. “You want a blanket?” he asked, turning his head just a little. You nodded and he opened one of the drawers from his side table, pulling out a fluffy red blanket and carefully placing it on top of you. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled, and he sat on the bed again. You looked at him, as if you wanted to ask him something. 
“What is it, Starshine?” You made a small frown, Sirius couldn’t think of anything other than how adorable it looked, “Whatever you want, just tell me.” 
You looked to the side “Would you mind cuddling?” you ended up asking, mushing the words together from how fast you had actually spoken. 
Sirius smiled, and leaned closer to you, levelling himself to lay his head on the pillow beside yours “You can cuddle me whenever you want,” he responded simply. 
You instantly leaned into him, a contented sigh escaping your lips “You’re really warm,” you whispered as you hugged him, leaning on your good arm and letting the one with the wound and paste lay over his torso. Sirius adjusted himself, accommodating his arm under your head and bringing you even closer to him. 
You nodded, way too much, “Yes.”
He smiled, placing a soft kiss to your forehead, at some point he started rubbing soft circles to your back, soothing you to sleep. 
Sirius and Vix after the bad moon
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06
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A/N: Some people are so going to be really happy about this chapter. We've had theories about this for weeks, and guys, you're all Sherlock Holmes, brilliant!
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pajarinwrites · 9 months
Seventeen Recs
directory | svt masterlist | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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ice-cold, cabin fever (2) ft. mingyu ✨ @smileysuh 25.8k you're skiing with your new step siblings JiHan (Shua + Han that is such a stupid ship name) and their bffs Cheol and Gyu. Cheol pretends he doesn't like you and Gyu is a softie. slow burn. smut. all the best shit. i love smileysuh's writing style!
inflection point ft. jeonghan ✨ @lovelyhan 21.6k (three parts) your boss jeonghan asks you to become the third party in an exclusive relationship, turns out his loving boyfriend is your terrible ex. but, surprise surprise, turns out he's not all that terrible.
obvious @leejungchans 0.9k short little cute thingie, baker!cheol, we're at a wedding
what a bore ft. chan @hwanghyunjinenthusiast 12.3k a night out with your co-workers leads to chan, cheol, and you having to book a hotel room
anything for you ft. seokmin @/hwanghyunjinenthusiast 0.8k short but sweet, your loving boyfriend seokmin would do literally anything for you, even if it means letting his leader split you open while seokmin himself merely gets to watch hehehehehe
babymaker @onlyseokmins 7.9k i felt crazy, unhinged, and depraved reading this, i am scared to recommend this, but i'm not about to deprive anyone else of this ff's version of cheol, lord have mercy
let me... @seungkwansphd 1.2k the concept of this has been flying around in my own brain for so long but i never considered writing it down and it's good, too, because it never could've gotten close to this masterpiece, this is my favourite smut in a while, i read this at work yesterday when my boss wasn't looking because i couldn't wait
have my baby @seokgyuu 4.3k pwp, rich!reader, PT!cheol, breeding kink go brrrrrrrrr
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inflection point ft. cheol ✨ @lovelyhan 21.6k (three parts) your boss jeonghan asks you to become the third party in an exclusive relationship, turns out his loving boyfriend is your terrible ex. but, surprise surprise, turns out he's not all that terrible.
electric @/miraclewoozi 6.3k this was kinda cute, particular highlight to me was the characterisation of hannie, felt very on brand, i just wished the smut would have been longer TT
3,2,1... and we're live @strawberryya 1.7k obsessed with news anchor hannie, i wish this was longer
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virgin killer @wonusite 7.2k college! virgin!josh, you're a popular cheerleader with your sights set on nerd!josh, this is literally just smut, it's like 500 words plot and 6.7k words smut; don't read this if you're in the mood for a story, read this if you're horny
burnin' up @miraclewoozi 3.1k no plot just smut, big dick!josh, i live for big dick!josh agenda, anyway, y'all are at the pool and you decide to tease gentleman josh a little, turns out he has a mean mode hihihi
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after dark @onlyhuis 2k somnophilia, established relationship, one time you're needy in the middle of the night, and two times jun can't wait to get himself off
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audio ✨ @smileysuh 2.9k hoshi sends you a voice msg from the gym, v nice
be sweet @heartkyeom 18.7k arranged marriage! royalty! hoshi is being a playboy menace but not really and suddenly he's in love with you hehe
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game over ft. gyu ✨ @lovelyhan 41.6k (three parts, ongoing) enemies to lovers with wonwoo, and later his bestie gyu gets to join in on the fun; maybe my all time fave
meet-cute of the century ✨ @lovelyhan 25.4k wonwoo has a crush on you, a stranger, which we only find out at the end; you meet at a cat-shelter, he's a simp, he's shy, he's adorable, he has a motorcycle <33333
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between glitz and glamour ✨ @himbocoups 15k crying, screaming, throwing up over this; 20s!au, jihoon runs a speakeasy and you're an aspiring actress who can't take his no for an answer, you fall in love, things happen, smut, angst, i can't do this anymore, pls
don't sweat it ✨ @miraclewoozi 18k strangers to lovers, gym-themed; this is literally so good i can't even (woops, the millenial jumped out, sorry) woozi is so hot and SUCH A SIMP! just how i like my men, srsly do yourself a favour read this right now, this is my new favourite TT
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DK / Dokyeom
sweet, sweeter, seokmin's kisses @seokgyuu 1.4k frat!dk, you go to a SVT frat party, DK gets dared to kiss you, this gem of a sentence is said: "It didn’t matter that he was in a bitchless fraternity. From now on you could be his bitch."
anything for you ft. cheol @/hwanghyunjinenthusiast 0.8k short but sweet, your loving boyfriend seokmin would do literally anything for you, even if it means letting his leader split you open while seokmin himself merely gets to watch hehehehehe
yuck! [pt.2] @/himbocoups i read this before and loved it and forgot about it and then i stumbled across it again last night, i have never been more excited to read something and never happier to have read something, seokmin's characterisation in this is just *chef's kiss*
hands of a god @/seokgyuu 2.6k what can i say? the title is true. and very relevant for the plot. i love seokmin's fingers.
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ice-cold, cabin fever (2) ft. cheol ✨ @smileysuh 25.8k you're skiing with your new step siblings JiHan (Shua + Han that is such a stupid ship name) and their bffs Cheol and Gyu. Cheol pretends he doesn't like you and Gyu is a softie. slow burn. smut. all the best shit. i love smileysuh's writing style!
again and again ✨ @lovelyhan 15.7k idol!gyu, exes to fake dating to lovers, you're visiting your fam over the holidays and you haven't told them yet that you and mingyu broke up bc they loved him. so he helps you out. smut. honestly just read anything and everything by lovelyhan TT
game over ft. wonwoo ✨ @lovelyhan 41.6k (three parts, ongoing) enemies to lovers with wonwoo, and later his bestie gyu gets to join in on the fun; maybe my all time fave
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glacial pace @wonusite 5.3k fake dating! bff2l! idiots2lovers!, minghao needs you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the holidays hahahah yey, smut
fixer-upper @/seungkwansphd 9.5k ahhh finally i found another good minghao fic, the premise of this was so good, the execution was incredible, i loved this, i think my favourite was actually the entire lead-up, idiots to lovers adjacent, so it obviously tickles my brain, i wanna re-read it kind of immediately, minghao is so perfect in this
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voice @cheolism 2.3k seungkwan's away for work and he calls you while you're busy thinking about his fingers in places
how flowers bloom ✨ @cheolism 3.2k gods!, the change of seasons is battled out each year by the seasonal lords, you've defeated the lord of the spring for the past few weeks, but Seungkwan's had enough, smutsmutsmutsmutsmut (apparently if you want good seungkwan content you have to go to cheolism, ma'am (gender-neutral) i'm on my knees in awe)
drabble @hannieehaee 1.6k softdom!kwan, semi-public, i love softdom kwannie indescribably much, he's so cute in this TTT
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you get me so high @cheolhub 6.2k you get high with best friend vernon on his birthday and things lead to things, dubcon
can't get you out of my head @/onlyhuis finally an outstanding vernon fic!! i've been waiting for this for all my life! the relationship and its development are so perfect, the smut is one of the best i have ever read, this has been sent by the gods to bring peace to human kind
new boyfriend ✨ @/hannieehaee 1.8k new bf!vernon, the others don't believe you two until dino walks in on a rather... compromising positon, i'm always looking for new vernon fics, there is never enough vernon
love and lacrosse jackets @junrenjun 3k teacher!vernon and teacher!reader, this is so cuuuuute, no students would behave like this irl, but i'm still completely here for it
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promise ring ✨ @lovelyhan 21k fantasy!au childhood best friend chan, yearning, both of you are idiots, you are betrothed to prince joshua for quite a bit before you stop being idiots too
what a bore ft. cheol @hwanghyunjinenthusiast 12.3k a night out with your co-workers leads to chan, cheol, and you having to book a hotel room
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
the tyrant (vii)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 4,101 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: old time period, mention of arranged marriage, polygamous marriages, slow-burn yandere, power imbalances, peer pressure, political, mentions of infertility, infant death, etc. 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  "you were the apple of Sukuna’s eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wished to spoil like he did to you." 𝐚/𝐧: know y'all been waiting for this, got writer's block mid way too. Been seeing y'all wondering who got sacrifice too, and it shall be reveal 🤭. Thank you for all the support, lovely comments, and engagements too, it was fun seeing your guys reaction. Please like ❤️, comment in the "comment" section for tagging 📝, and reblogged too if you wish. Have a nice day lovelies! 💖
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The moment you fell was the moment you couldn't tell if you were alive or not; your whole body was numb for a second then it was blown hot like a furnace in pain. Yumi searched for help as Asuna was cradling you in her arms; you were fine just seconds ago. You couldn't move your body; it weighs like lead. The heavy pressure on your abdomen, especially where your womb lays, was excruciating. Everything inside there felt like it was being cut open and rearranged.
What's happening to you?
"Grab her and take her to her room! Bring a physician and fetch a pail along with a towel!" Uraume shouts, and everyone rushes. Even the slightest movement hurts you as you let out a low disgruntled moan when being lifted away by a guard. Asuna stood up, but Uraume raised a hand to stop her. "It would be best to retire to your chamber for the evening; what just occurred might affect heir Danzo."
"Will she be alright?" Asuna was concerned for your well-being.
"I don't know for sure," Uraume curtly told her. They don't; they were tasked to keep an eye on you. If Sukuna learns that you have fallen, Uraume will get reprimanded for failing to do something so simple.
[another side of the castle]
A maid checked up on their Mistress' baby to ensure they slept correctly and were warm. It was quiet when the maid arrived; they peered into the crib; the baby should be up and crying for its feeding time or at least coo. But it still slept peacefully. What threw them off was the child's complexion, pale and unearthly, like it was dead. They feared for the worst and curled a finger and set it underneath the baby's nose, and there wasn't a single breath when she waited for another few seconds.
"Mistress! The baby isn't breathing!" They shout and take the infant from the crib and huddle them into their chest.
[your bedroom]
Your servants set out your futon for you and usher to cool you before you even make it to bed. All the men in the room were escorted out. Your women retainers remained by your side and stripped you until nothing remained. They brought damp, wet, cold cloths to wipe away your sweats and set one on your forehead; Uraume remained outside your door. They were waiting patiently for the physician to arrive.
Uraume overlapped their arms one over the other and could hear the commotion on the other side.
[shaman's place]
"It is done," the shaman said; there was a quirked smile on their lips, "I reckoned you to take care of your wife, for this will be with pain." This time it was Sukuna's turn to throw a disparity watch, and the shaman had to reassure the man sitting across from him that is ready to strike him down. "Please don't be alarmed; what I mean is nothing comes free. What's taken is given, and this is a painful process, considering we're doing years of reversing any damages it might have caused her in an instant."
"What can you prove to me that this is true but not a hoax?" Sukuna inquiries and the shaman only laugh at those words.
"You did say 'yes' without doubt or conviction, did you not? Or did you only say the answer was out of sheer desperation and to test me?" Sukuna remains unmoving and unanswered, which confirms the shaman, "I can promise you I am the real deal; if you don't trust me, you can come back and slay me."
"By the time I get here, you'll be gone." The pink hair man pointed out, and the shaman could only throw their hand up and dismiss it with a wave on the side.
"I already accumulated too much bad karma, so meeting and being ended by you would be my fortune or not, by the fate above." Looking at Sukuna, he remains the same. What a tough nut to crack. "Each time I do a terrible deed, it will add to my bad points, and I will also take the other person's evil act with me. The reason why I am doing this is also a counteract those evil deeds as they can turn into good karmic until the day I die since I was willing."
So this man is playing a God and a Saint? How funny. Even though Sukuna was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, "Then, I'll take your word."
"That's all I'm asking for," the shaman grins.
Sukuna entered his apparel and threw three satchels of yen onto the table. "For your service." He gets off the ground and exits the building to return home.
The shaman waits and patiently listens until he can't hear Sukuna or his horse anymore. They took the cup Sukuna had drunk and looked at the leftover tea leaves inside. Every person who came to him; he made them drink a brewery that could determine either their or another's fate. What he didn't tell Sukuna was that it was for you since you're the primary target. The shaman only needs a connection, and Sukuna is perfect for that.
Studying the inside, this was a rare message.
Divine Retribution has intervened.
Whoever has wronged you got the message of the heavens from above. The shaman wasn't the one who directly took and gave it this time. They had happened to open the door simply for something else to do it for him. It was nothing but a coincidence.
The ride took a few hours to get back to, and once he made it back to his Castle ground, no one dared to look at him. Everyone was afraid, and Sukuna could feel the thick tension. "What is happening?" He got off of his steed and handed the reins to someone else.
"Your Lordship, Lady (Name) has suddenly fallen ill; her temperature kept rising, and we had managed to calm it down..." The mere mention of you had Sukuna almost bolting toward your chamber in haste, but the servant had another thing to say as they took a deep breath. "T-There is something else too, Your Lordship, Concubine Sena, and your child have passed away in their sleep."
Sukuna paused in his step, and the silence was deafening; the servant was ready to be slain, but they couldn't believe what came out of their Master's mouth next. "I see." The answer was curt and cold. Not even in their life could they stomach their master attitude of brushing the death of their child away that quickly again. Especially when this isn't the first death of Sukuna's child, they thought their master would at least acknowledge or show panic on their face for maybe once. They knew he was heartless, but to this degree, he was considered a monstrosity.
Sukuna: "Anything else you have to say?"
"No." Sukuna, rush off to your location.
[Hanami's room]
The news of one of her grandchildren passing away again was a surprise, considering this was Sena's second child, and it took her a while to conceive. Hanami wondered if this woman was just unlucky to lose both children. Sena lost her first child at three months of infancy, about two years ago, and now lost another that's only a month old, a few weeks shy away from being two.
Maybe the stigma of the Hanamiya's women was true. If she wasn't able to preserve life, then how could she keep her position? Sena's road could only end here.
But then her thoughts traveled to you; you fell into a fever haze not long before the death of Sena's child.
[your room]
Sukuna made their way inside and sat down next to you. You were slick in sweat, lips pale, and breath ragged. "You are all dismissed." Everyone single file out of the room and wait outside until further notice. The windows to your room are open as breezy airbrushes by and flutters a few of your things around. Your shoulders peak out from under the covers, and Sukuna grabs the basin and wet towel; he squeezes the excess out and cleans around your neck first and then any exposed skin.
You look peaceful but are in pain. Sukuna thought the shaman was drolling around, yet it was happening. Sukuna, once again, was a man who valued logic and statistics, not a man run by emotions or the whims of it; he even hardly believed in things tied to fate. This triumph his way views of superstitions and their forces by a fraction.
As a self-serving man, he got a taste of it.
"Bring in the physician." Sukuna summon.
"Surely, I thought you and the shaman claimed to be a sham, but it seems true," Sukuna said from across the room; he took a calligraphy brush and wrote a banknote. "What will happen to her now?" He picks up the note and gives it to the doctor, who hesitantly accepts it. They know this is nothing but hush money. The doctor looked at the amount; their mouth fell open a wide gape. "That's enough to start your clinic, no?"
They stutter to answer Sukuna, "No, this is fine, My Lord!" Throwing their body to the ground, the physician bowed shallowly until their forehead touched their fingers out of bursting respect. "Lady (Name) will be fine, considering your request was granted. Until Her Lady's fever subsides, I need to reexamine her."
[Sena's quarter]
Sena stopped sobbing an hour hysterically ago when her lifeless child was placed inside her arms, her eyes were blotch red and swollen, and her clothes were unkempt. Even if she wasn't loud now, her eyes still produced hot tears.
"Why did it have to be my son?" She asked no one in particular. Sena brought the child closer to her chest and caressed the backside of their head, swaddled up by a thick blanket.
The physician, who was Sena's doctor, stood by the side. They were waiting for her to give up the child to them when they were ready. Servants under Sena could feel their Mistress' sentiment of losing their child, not once, but twice. Two children who didn't experience the world yet were ripped away. They truly pity her.
"What's happening? Why can't I see them?" Someone cries out in suffering. "Are they okay? Please tell me!" They begged, but the person only let their head droop solemnly and shook their head.
That answer was enough for the person to be in more anguish than before. They tried violently fighting off the person holding them to keep them in place.
You slowly open your eyes and feel a throbbing pain behind them and hiss when the brightness of candlelight comes into your field vision for turning your head in that direction. You immediately close your sight and grit your jaws together and wait for the discomfort to subside.
"Yumi?" Weakly croaking out, you wait and see if there is anyone inside the room, but you are met with silence. Your throat felt parch and dry. Opening your bleary orbs, you finally notice how dark your room is, and daybreak is over. With a fragile left turn of your head, out through the open windows, the colors of numerous stars hung in the night sky with a few nimbus clouds adorning the vast space. Some stars were even hiding shyly behind it.
Flexing your body underneath the sheets, your whole body ache from the movements. The pain in your womb still lingers. However, it shouldn't be bad enough to cripple you in bed again. You thought you were passing through a nexus point of life and death. It was intolerable.
The door to your room opens, and Sukuna trails in; he sees you are awake. He was surprised. You went through a lot; he was expecting you to be still asleep, if not longer. "You're awake."
"Obviously." You were cranky on seeing Sukuna; it wasn't until he settled down sitting next to you, you caught a whiff of two different scents mixing into one, and you know it very well. "You smell of burning paper and incense sticks," pointing out, Sukuna grabbed the collar of his clothing and sniffed, and there were traces of it.
Readjusting his collar, Sukuna shrugged, "I was burning it for the child of Concubine Sena and me," shock ran across your face. "The child passed away in their sleep, peacefully." The words roll off his tongue like water; you can't believe he would say something so casually. Even his face says it all too.
"You should care more and stay until the funeral is over," you told him, annoyed that he would run over to you first. "It is your child."
"Do I have to care for every single one I've sowed?" He bites back. Sukuna does care, not in the way one would expect their father to. He manages for them through the mothers of his children; they do the rearing/ upbringing, and Sukuna does the providing by giving them pocket money. If he were to interact with his children, it would rather be very brief and barely acknowledged; he views them as nothing more than just extensions of him. Pieces that live for him and his causes.
Although you can't believe this is your first conversation waking up. His cruelty knows no bounds. "You could at least respect the life you brought into this world," your annoyance quickly turns to anger, "somehow, I'm glad to have never had your children if this is how you're going to treat them."
"Mind your words," Sukuna warns with a quick sheer. "You don't know what I went through for you." You raise a brow and give him a questioning gaze, but he wouldn't indulge you more. It's not like you expect him to. "You're being delirious upon waking up." Sukuna crosses his arms. "I would never treat the ones I have with you like that."
And that's the truth.
'He's so funny. Haha.' You sarcastically thought and rolled your eyes, but forgot there was still wavering pain and regret it as your face scrunched up. Arguing with him flew out of your mind.
It didn't evade the man's eyes, "Still hurt?" Sukuna didn't wait for your answer and grabbed the basin from above your head, which you didn't even notice. He dampens the cloth, "Close your eyes," he sets it above your lids. "I'll tell the kitchen staff to prepare your meal."
[funeral hall]
Sena burns paper and holds tightly onto her child's mitten in one hand. On the altar was their cremated ashes in a tightly sealed jar with their name labeled on the front. Sena didn't have time to mourn them for seven days; Sukuna had insisted the child be burned immediately (a day later) and sent the child's ashes to the family memorial ground in a tomb for placement.
It was just like the first child she had. Only she was mourning; she had never seen Sukuna weep for them. His face was stone cold like today. Yet, he had abandoned her for you. Sukuna should be here with her and grieving for the children they had lost together.
"How long have you been wanting him but still haven't got it? We both arrived and married Sukuna at the same time at the tender age of eighteen, and his eyes are always on me." Those words impulsively invade her mind, reminding her that her place is beneath you.
But there were whispering behind her from other Concubines, "Do you think it was a curse or fate? Lady (Name) and the child fell the same day yesterday."
"I don't think so; I mean, Lady (Name) has been working nonstop to welcome our mother-in-law's niece." They refuted, but Sena's mind couldn't let the grasp go. You and her child. Sena balled her fists ever tighter, evident anger painting her face as she forced herself to look ahead at the alter.
When it was time to retire for the night, after kneeling so long for the day, Sena made a beeline for your chambers. She rushes and pushes anyone who gets in her way. Sena grabs the slits of your screen doors and forces them open. They saunter inside like they own your place.
You, who were busy eating, looked up from your food bowl and set your spoon down. You made a gesture by pushing the food tray away, indicating you were done eating. Yumi, who gingerly took it with nimble hands, glanced at Sena and then looked back at you with a knowing look, 'Will you be alright?' A quick nod from you, and she exits.
"It is quite late, Concubine Sena; what brought you here?" Your lips form a Cheshire smile. Oh, how much Sena wants to rip that expression off your face. You were so vexatious. If a cat and fox were to have a child, the result would be you. You think you're so coy.
"It was because of you! You, that my child died!" She points the finger at you.
"Me? I am a sick person who happens to have frail health," you mock her, throwing the blanket off you; you stand up despite the ache of your muscles and joint. "Care to elaborate on how your child and I are correlated to this?" Taking steps closer to her, Sena didn't falter. "If you can't, then you're just a fool who tried to guilt me into feeling bad since you're incapable of preserving their life."
You then grab her by the throat; Sena didn't expect you to take action, "I won't take slanders from anyone, especially you, of all people. You had it coming; I suggest this is not foul play but fate." Your fingers dig into her vocal cords as Sena chokes. The person who was supposed to be angry is her, not you! She grabbed your wrist to loosen it, and it was impossible. For a sick person like you, you had such strengths.
"I am not slandering you; it's the truth! All my children died because of you!" She wheezes.
"You think you're so self-righteous for barging into my room? Think however you want; feed your delusional mind that I am the bad guy!" Your eyes burn with rage, "Go find someone who cares enough to punish me if you think I'm wrong." Sena's lavender eyes began to be misty, and she saw the conviction of you wanting to murder her right there and then. "Trust me, even if I were to kill you right here and then, it would be too kind of me."
You loosen your grip and toss her, and Sena stumbles back into her steps. She rubs a hand on her throat.
"Go and mourn your child." It wasn't a command or anything; it was a simple fact of 'get out.'
Sena glared at you and stormed out of your room with thunderous steps. Two angry people, but you were the one that was the most furious. It would help if you could calm your temper; pushing it would render you back to square one, lying in bed.
You pinch the nose of your bridge and massage it.
Another few days passed by, and you were recovering nicely; the chills in your body were gone, and the ache lessened. You heard that today Hanami's niece would be coming, and she would be the one welcoming her since you're left in bed too. While you wait for your physical examination to be over, Sukuna's looming presence in the room is stifling.
The physician made eye contact with Sukuna, and you were left wondering what's their relationship now. You remember how passive-aggressive the man is toward the doctor, and it's a surprise that the relationship is amicable where Sukuna wouldn't try tearing their head apart.
"Everything seems to be okay, you still have a slight fever, but the chilling is gone. Another day or two of bed rest should be fine." They explained, and before you could speak and ask for further details, the doors opened and trotted in Danzo, who came full speed at you.
They throw themselves into your lap, and everyone is surprised; Asuna, who tried to stop Danzo, pauses at your doorstep and sees Sukuna. She timidly greets Sukuna and then the doctor too. "I wanted to stop him, but he's too much for me to catch up," Asuna explained.
"Is child rearing that difficult?" Sukuna spoke up; aspersion bleeds through his voice. Asuna knows it was criticism against her, and she winced.
You notice how Asuna deflated by that remark. "Have one yourself." Throwing a quick wit at Sukuna, the man didn't flinch, "Besides, I adore Danzo." You settle a hand on top of the child's head and run your fingers through them, and Danzo, oblivious to the tension in the room, soaks up your affection. "Most children would run at the sight of me." You challenged Sukuna to go against you, "Having one that isn't afraid and do what their mother told them is refreshing."
Standing up for Asuna, she gathers how Sukuna quietens; her fear heightens that you would be next to be told off. Sukuna pursues his lips into a thin line; then, it turns into amusement. "Have what you want; I won't stop you if that makes you happy." Asuna then saw how fast the situation was diffused in a mere moment. She sincerely thought you would get hash but didn't; her heart calmed down.
Asuna noticed a particular fondness flickering around Sukuna's eyes that was never granted to any of them and the concubines. She heard about it all, how it was reserved for you, but was never one to witness until now. It was noted how easy he seemed to be in your presence and how he observed you and Danzo.
"Danzo, it would be wise if you don't stick too close, or you will get sick." The boy in your lap reluctantly pushes himself away and sits beside you like an obedient child. Asuna, whose child never really listened and would constantly rebel against her, did something he was told for once.
Sukuna heard your voice softening at the sight of the Danzo; it was quiet yet soothing. It was the tone he had never been able to listen to before besides your scorn and flippant attitude of indifference towards him. A peaking smile graces your lips when your fingers brush the boy's chubby cheeks to flick away a rice grain stuck to his face.
If you were this lovely to a child, what about your own when you have them? You would be perfect. He couldn't see why you would be redundant of remaining adamant about being child-free. He has healed your womb, after all. "I have a business to attend to; it seems like I can hear the carriage of my annoying cousin arriving in."
You didn't bid him farewell; your attention was on the child. You could still trace his back leaving without lifting your eyes from your peripheral view. Asuna sidesteps for Sukuna and the physician to go, and you usher the woman to come inside.
Once Sukuna was far enough from prying ears and eyes, he asked the doctor. "She well enough?"
"As well as she can be, her body is avail again now. Everything is flowing perfectly, no more coldness lingering, pulse running strong, and vitality too." The doctor confirms next to Sukuna.
"Hurry up!" The woman ushered the coach; she wanted to get out of to carriage since she hated being seated for so long. It was when the castle was in view, and the horses stop she flung the door open and rushed head-in first.
"Auntie!" She called out to Hanami, who graciously opened her arms and hugged her niece.
"How nice of you to visit me, my lovely niece; how is your travel so far?" Hanami inquires; her niece starts to bounce everywhere. She wasn't able to contain her excitement.
The young girl then goes into a barrel of animated talk, "It was beautiful, better than the barren, dry lands where I reside. Here it is so much more arable and fun." The next thing the woman wanted to say got her gushing, "Auntie~ I met a handsome man, their face is so pretty that I believe the Gods had taken their time to make them perfect. Can you please find them for me? I want to marry them by the time I go back home."
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@sukunasobject @lilliansstuff @lucyrocks86 @ladywolf44005 @watyousayin @sandronebabyy @pinkrose1422 @skepticalleo @please-help-therapy-needed @whatsonthemirror @krispsprite @loser-alert @saturnknows @samdric @littlemochi @akigoat @mxghostbee @rose4958 @shadowywizardarcade @huicitawrites @baji-keisukes-wife @choso-wifey @jovialeggsbailiffsoul @sanderaen @peonnnny @tiredlattes @waytomanyhusbands @whatamidoing89 @utena-akashiya @outrofenty @welcometodemonschoolfan @im-a-killer-queen @loverisa @bubera974 @sashaphantomhive @chaoticstrawberryland @onetwo123three @sxftiebee @bbrrose @gretel-gravain @slasherflickchick @floraroselaughter @kikis-art @21yumna @lifegosoana @sob4 @unknown-204 @dathoe @devilsbooksworld @guccirosegold
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kitkatscabinet · 8 months
Whumptober 02 - Blood loss
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John Mactavish x f! reader
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The metallic stench of blood filled the air, soaking into your nasal passages and staining your tongue. It’s cold, the dampness of the cement wall you’d propped yourself against soaking into the back of your vest and shirt. Your wheezing breaths the only sound present in the dark hallway you’d stumbled into. The radio attached to you crackles but you already know it won’t work. The spray of bullets you hadn’t managed to avoid having rendered the damn thing inoperable.
Another rattling cough shakes your frame, your torso lighting up in pain as your injuries were forcefully jostled. Throwing your head back against the wall you glared at the ceiling, trying to prevent the tears from overflowing. Tears of pain accumulate as you forcefully press down against the bloody hole in your right collarbone. Gritted teeth prevented you from crying out but it was a close thing. It was becoming harder and harder to retain consciousness but you were stubborn. Someone would come for you, you just had to hold on until then.
At some point, you must have closed your eyes because the next thing you knew there was a frantic voice pulling you awake. Blinking, you're greeted with the furrowed brows and concerned blue eyes of your Scottish teammate.
"Soap?" your confusion is blatantly apparent, eyes squinting as you blink sweat and black spots away.
“Aye lass, there’s my good girl. Keep those beautiful eyes open for me, okay?” As much as he's trying to hide his concern, you aren't so far gone that you don't notice the waver in his voice or his mechanical movements. Any wisecrack you had in reply to his flirtation dies on your tongue as he presses down on your wound. You're unable to stop the pained cry his actions draw from your lips, tears sliding down your cheeks in earnest.
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry, it’ll be over soon.” You know he's trying to reassure you, but you honestly think his words are more to comfort himself.
"It'll be over 'cause I'm dead." You wheezed humorlessly, frantically blinking the sweat from your eyes. Soap seems to find your remark as funny as a funeral as he practically snarls at you.
"You're not dying on me. That's an order, you hear?" Despite the blood that has started to coat the inside of your throat, your mouth runs dry at his sudden ferocity. Too stunned to do anything but let yourself be manhandled into standing, Soap practically holding up your entire weight.
“Order me? We’re the same rank dickhead” you snorted, instantly regretting the motion as pain lit up your nerves like fireworks. Your knees buckled briefly, but Soap was a solid wall of muscle that kept you upright.
It's a slow and rough process, with Soap having to practically drag you from the building towards the extraction point.
Maybe it's the delirium brought on by blood loss, or it's the looming reality of your imminent demise but just before you make it to the medics your mouth slips.
“You know, it's usually a lot more fun in my dreams when we're this close.” His eyes burn holes into the side of your face, jaw slackened in your peripheral vision as his grip slackened slightly and you tipped forward for a few seconds. Laughter burns in your chest, as you lose the last of your strength to look into his pretty eyes one last time, the three words you'd been aching to say for months tumbling forth as your breath slowed.
Eyes shuttering closed and body lurching, you don't notice Soap lunge to catch you. Holding you close against his chest as he swore at you to wake up.
That he'd say it back if you listened.
His hands clutched your face, marring your skin with your own blood as his tears painted your brow. "Please lass, wake up so I can say it back" he begged, burying his face into the skin of your still warm neck.
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Broken Will - Samuel Lafferty x fem!reader
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warning : smut (handjob), angst/hurt/comfort, emotional breakdown, emotional, Sam getting beaten by his father, wounds, some blood play
Summary : His father's punishments were always harsh, but this time he had gone too far. As hard as Samuel's pain and suffering is, his wife takes care of him… he just needs his Ma'm to be good to her, to be good and not disappoint his Mommy.
Info : So I'm back again with Sam this time a more soft one he just needs a Mommy who takes care of him...I mean I volunter so yeah Have fun reading ;)
°Like his brothers, Sam was firm in his faith, a man of God - he wasn't emotional, he was a believer. At least that's what he always told himself. But deep down, he was scared, overwhelmed and no longer knew what was right and wrong. He was a good man and yet his father had beaten him when he had brought a woman home. A nice woman, pretty young, she was good to him but she was not Mormon.
°In his father's eyes, it was a mistake, a disgrace to bring something like that home. Ever since she had heard her husband's pained voice from his father's office. When he came out again hours later, his hair in disarray, tears in his eyes and his hands clenched into fists. She saw the blood running between his fingers, the red handprint on his cheek seemed to glow and burn. His father had once again left marks on his son.
°It was a sight that stung her heart as she carefully pulled him close, trying not to look weak. ,,You are a cruel man!" she had warned his father before gently pulling Samuel by the arm behind him away from his father who had been punishing him for as long as he could remember. Himself and his brothers he got goose bumps when he heard the sound of the belt opening and closing.
°In the car on the way back, she saw how tense he was, his hands clutching his pants. His breathing was shaky and he tried not to lose his dignity, wincing as if his father was hollering at him when she put her hand on his. ,,Sam...it's all right, it's over...we're not coming back," she said, looking at him briefly, trying to reassure him with her gentle smile that it was really over.
She only saw his slow nod as he looked out the window, trying to distract himself. She knew exactly what he needed, that she had to replace his pain with love, that she had to re-educate him in a way that required motherly love and devotion. ,,I know you're good, right?" She asked as they drove up the driveway to the house they shared and she saw a stirring in him. 
°His gaze went from the window to her, his eyes widening in an almost shocked look, as if he were weighing up what she wanted. Whether she would hurt him like his father. He nodded when she noticed the first tear flowing down his cheek and she lovingly wiped it away. ,,Y-yes, of course...I-I've always been good," he stammered, trying to right himself, to defend himself as he never could. The image of his father beating him even more when he had insulted his wife. ,,A whore Samuel, you brought a whore, a street woman, a non-morom here!" his father had shouted at him and raised his belt, the cold material had almost torn his back open.
°It was the worst hurt he had received until now when he had introduced his wife to his family only to end the day sitting on the floor in his room crying. But now it didn't matter as they both got out of the car his gaze went to the ground and she pulled him after me gently through the front door locking it and feeling the pain in her heart as he stood lost in the hallway. ,,You've always been good for me Sam, always...your father doesn't deserve you" she began and with a simple wave of her hand she let him know where to go.
°He knew where to go and his gaze did not resist her as he walked towards the bedroom. The bedroom where they had spent nights of lust, where she was his first. She had shown him what it meant to be in control when she gave herself to him and the other way around. She showed him that despite the fact that he was a man, he was not degraded when he begged her. It was a relationship in which they both got what they needed.
°Looking after him, she knew he would be sitting on the bed in the bedroom with his head in his hands, tears running down her cheeks. I'll make you whole again, she thought and grabbed the first aid kit from the kitchen drawer before heading into the bedroom, closing the door slowly behind her just as she had thought she would.
°She went to him, put the suitcase next to him on the bed, knelt down in front of him and slowly lowered her hands to his knees. She saw him slowly lift his eyes and look at her, tears covering his shirt as she slowly took his hands. ,,Shhh it's all right Baby it'll be better in a minute" she said quietly despite the fact that he didn't answer her she knew he had heard. That he agreed, he had to.
°He averted his gaze, a pitiful whimper coming from his lips, ,,I'm...sorry," he mumbled as she turned his hands to show her the injury. She suppressed a gasp when she saw the extent of the injury. The skin that had not been broken open showed the dark stains in the blood.
°She had seen it since he had clenched his hands into fists as the blood trickled between his fingers. She shook her head and placed her hand on his cheek, gently commanding him to look at her. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead, ,,Samuel it was never your fault...your father is a cruel man but don't you understand?" she asked him giving him another kiss as he shed more tears.
°She knelt down in front of him again and took out the disinfectant. ,,This will sting for a moment," she murmured, knowing he knew, gripping the bottle a little tighter and about to spray it on his injuries when he used his hand to grip her wrist. Looking up at him, she saw that something was wrong, saw his blue eyes searching desperately for something as he looked down at her, the pain having become secondary. He was breaking.
°He would break without her even starting to care for him. ,,Please, I-I just need you," he said, but it didn't come out like a plea when she saw him pull away. The years with his father had left their mental traces. ,,Are you sure?" she asked uncertainly, reluctantly setting aside the bandages and medical supplies as he nodded. She saw exactly how the mirror of his soul cracked more and more as she looked at him.
°She stood up without a word and unbuttoned her blouse. Sex was something intimate between them, something they both cherished. But it was also a way to make him forget everything for a moment, to exist only for her and forget the world around him. They had only done it once before, after his sister-in-law had been brutally murdered by his brother. The sight had disturbed him so much that he had fallen over.
°They both never thought they would need this remedy again. ,,I'll be good to you...promise," he murmured as she gently stroked his head and slowly lay down on the bed, her bra off on top of the small pile of her remaining clothes. She knew he would be good, he always was when he needed her like this. She just let him do it-she let him use her for a moment. ,,I know," she returned an understanding smile on her lips and felt his cold hands, slightly wet with blood, on her hips.
°As he came over to her, he positioned himself between her thighs and began to kiss her. She let him take control while she was just there for him, ,,Mommy's here," she mumbled between kisses and gently stroked his cheek as he kissed her hand. Slowly taking his time to show her that he was good and not a sinner.
°But he never dared to leave marks on her, didn't want to soil her until now. She sighed with pleasure as he began to suck the colorful marks on her neck and she slowly felt his arousal on her thigh as he moved his hands to her breasts. Kneading the soft skin and searching for her gaze every now and then to know that he was doing everything right. She always agreed with him, he never did anything wrong, he was too good for that. He was always good, he was perfect.
°She stretched slightly towards him as he kissed her breasts and sucked lightly on them, his muffled moans reaching her ears as she shifted her position slightly. He pulled her onto her shaft as he leaned against her, holding on to her and running her hands to his balls. ,,Mommy, please," came a whimper from his lips as he laid his head against her shoulder, almost trying to hide in the crook of her neck.
°The moment when he had her to himself was over and nothing was left but the tearful wreck of his suffering. But she knew the look and knew what he needed as she opened his pants slightly and began to stroke him. His sighs and whimpers became sentences of forgiveness, giving that he was suffering while she continued to praise him. Telling him that he was enough, that he was all he needed not to break.
°His hands began to tremble slightly as he pressed closer to her wanting more of her she ran her other hand over his body again and again soothingly trying to calm the trembling and kissing his bloody palms that had left stains and marks of blood. It wasn't disgust she felt, she knew he would need it. The feel of the cold blood on her warm skin.
°He groaned and bit her shoulder, apologizing for it. When she had removed the blood, her hand went from his cock to his bruised one to use the blood as a lubricant. It was unhygenic but they could take care of that afterwards. There was always a warm bath afterwards, cuddling up with tea and a blanket, which had always been enough until now...would be enough now.
°Would it be enough as she felt him approaching his climax with the blood making everything easier. When he started crying again and pressed himself against her, moaning her name into her hand. And although he was breathing heavily, his eyes half open and visibly shaken, he licked the mixture from her hand. ,,You were so good for me," she praised him, suppressing her own tears and pulling him close, wrapping him in a hug, giving him warmth and security and staying like that for a moment. She knew that it always took a moment for him to let go, to calm down again, to become normal and to look at her gratefully. It was the moment when she saw that he had slowly put himself back together...but only up to the point where it would become too much again.
@angelsanarchy , @icarus-star , @roryculkinsgf , @shady-the-simp , @romanroyapoligist , @madamemaximoff06 , @bibliophile221b , @oceansrose2002
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masterqwertster · 9 months
Put That Guy In A Situation Prompt:
Ashton roleswap with Laudna or Chetney? i feel like they've got the most interesting similarities :D
Prompt The fun thing about roleswap is that there's a lot of different roles any one person fills. I think this is a fun/heartbreaking go at a Laudna/Ashton roleswap.
"We have to bring him back!" Laudna cries, spidery hands clasping around a stone hand.
It’s terrible to be on the other side of being alive when your friend has been killed. To know they died fighting for you, protecting you.
At least Otohan Thull is dead too this time.
"We're gonna try. Hopefully with the Solstice finally over it'll be possible," Imogen promises, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Yeah. Like Ashton says, we don't leave anyone behind," Fearne tearily reassures as she settles in on Laudna’s other side for a side-hug.
"Not disagreeing with you ladies, but unless we can get them back up right now, we gotta pack 'em up and get out of here," Chetney growls, wolven ears flickering around. "FCG, Fearne?"
"I'm tapped," FCG whines, hands wringing as their eyes flicker red for a flash.
"Me too," Fearne sadly agrees.
"Alright. Let's get them packed up," Orym sighs, weary.
"Packed up?" Laudna asks, voice shaking.
"Ashton's too heavy to carry without seriously slowing us down. Even for me. He's got to go in the Hole," Chetney sadly explains.
"We can't leave them alone!" Laudna exclaims, FCG crying the same thing alongside her.
"I'll go with him," FCG immediately volunteers. "I don't need to breathe, and I can cast Gentle Repose while y'all are getting us out of here."
"I'll carry the Hole!" Laudna quickly pipes up. She can’t carry the earthkin, not with her brittle limbs, but she can carry a bit of cloth connecting to the pocket dimension that holds his body. It’s the least she could do to repay him for carrying her wrapped body everywhere the others went to resurrect her.
"Yeah. You do that," Orym agrees, a knowing look in his eyes. Too observant sometimes, that one.
They move quickly after that. Chetney hauls Ashton’s lifeless body into the Hole to rest gently at the bottom. FCG follows them down to begin his ritual to preserve the barbarian until life can be breathed back into them. Laudna folds the fabric circle up and tucks it into her meager cleavage, keeping her friends close to her barely beating heart.
Then they run, a desperate escape from the not-so-Red-anymore Center.
Thankfully, helpers from All Minds Burn are waiting for them, ready to quickly spirit them back to the safety of their palace in Bassuras. There Bells Hells can rest, gather the magic and strength they need to bring back a fallen Titan (of blood).
Ashton takes a breath and the world shakes and bends.
Another breath. They're alive. Their soul settles back into their body from that infinite star-scape. The world, their magic, settles with it.
He blinks mismatched eyes open, blurry world coming into focus. A stone ceiling, familiar mold in the corners–
That's all he has the time to take in before there's bodies slamming into him, hands patting at him, words echoing around him.
…Fuck. Laudna was right. This is the best thing ever. To come back to everyone you love fussing over you. Just here.
He can’t hold back the tears. Not that there’s really a reason to. These people care. They'll fucking wipe them away and hold him all the closer for it.
Ashton loves this fucking crew.
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 16 days
Playlist: Professor Ransom Kitwell
Alternate Title: She Took My Morals in the Divorce
Into the Fog by The Budos Band
An instrumental to kick things off. The slow build up, the heavy drum beats that sound like footsteps, the way each added instrument builds on the introduction until it kicks off into the real melody, it's so GOOD. And then the horns!! They're loud and on the edge of blaring, at times almost discordant, it's SO Ransom. And the obnoxious trill at 3:15 with what sounds like maybe a cup mute, that leads into such a fun solo that's So different from the rest of the piece!! It's so good. Very Ransom to me. Also, the title works as a joke about Curse of Strahd kjghdk
Don't Sing the Blues by Bohnes
I was ridiculous, young Icarus, I flew too close to the sun But when I reminisce that wickedness was the shit that kept me young And every choice I made, I wouldn't trade all that for anyone So don't you cry, cry, cry for me
This one's about young Ransom being an absolute shithead and having the time of her life. Having all kinds of adventures, getting into all kinds of trouble, and not regretting a moment of it. She firmly believes that the only bad experiences are the ones you chicken out of having. She doesn't want to have any regrets at the end of her life, and she's lived her life in way to make sure she gets to See and Do and Learn everything the world has to offer
Leader of the Pack by Wunderhorse
Some people have a special kinda knack Getting what they wanted just to stab you in the back Nine times out of ten it's the leader of the pack
Ransom is a shithead in a lovable scoundrel kind of way, but also in a, uh. In a shithead kind of way. Ransom is ambitious and driven, and she's not the kind of person to let anything get in the way of a goal she's pursuing. She'll say or do whatever she has to in order to get what she wants, consequences be damned. Or, at least, deferred. Sometimes this is a good thing, because it means she's willing to step up and problem solve when other people are hesitant or overwhelmed. But sometime it can add... tension, to relationships that matter.
Brighter Than the Sun by Brick + Mortar
I'm brighter than the sun, but I can't wait You're asking me to stay, I can't escape I'm staying up all night to sleep all day I'm brighter than the sun, but then one day
This song is mostly for Vibes, with the heavy guitar and drums and the vocalist who almost blends in with the instruments. It's also like, Ransom does have a huge ego and a lot of pride. But behind it is a kind of darkness, an edge of unhappiness. It's walled up tight, hidden largely even from Ransom herself, but it's there and it colors a lot of her actions in times of stress.
Two Letters by Bayside
Ex sounds dirty I can't say it, sounds so final and I'm still prayin' For the worst for the better, we're nothing now we're just two letters Hope you understand I'm not prepared to call you just a friend
The divorce soooooong. Ransom didn't change! She stayed exactly the same, and Hugh left her. She wasn't ready for their relationship to end, didn't even know it was something that was at risk of happening until it was too late. Without saying a word to her about it, Hugh had decided what she was wasn't enough for him anymore, took the life they'd built together, and left. "How to leave the past behind when it's around all of the time"? "I'm not prepared to call you just a friend"? Easy solution: don't. Go scorched earth, burn him entirely out of your life. It'll hurt a lot in one big burst, and then you'll be done with it and over it -over him- for the rest of your life.
Snitches and Talkers get Stitches and Walkers by Fall Out Boy
And haven't you heard, the word on the street is "I lost it, called it quits," get out into the sun Out from behind the gossip
I'll be sooo honest, I initially put this song on the playlist as a way to help set the tone for the kind of songs I was looking for and fully expected to take it off once I got the ball rolling. But like. It's a good song and ALSO. It's fast and loud and almost frenetic, like it's angry and trying to stay ahead of something. I feel like it encapsulates the anger of post-divorce Ransom, her lashing out and putting up walls that are there to this day. Big "I'll give 'em something to talk about. Something that I've done, not something I'm the victim of" type energy.
A Weak Ago by letlive.
I'm not feeling the way No, I'm not feeling the way they expect me to I'm not pulling away See, I'm just pulling the same shit on a different day
This is the last song I added to the playlist, and I actually subbed it in for another song (Devil On My Shoulder, if you were curious) after I'd sent the playlist to the server. This song is about Ransom unraveling after Allie's death, about how she became curt and blunt and - honestly?- mean in her grief. She'd been on her best behavior before because she'd wanted the party to like her more than they liked Allie, but when Allie was killed that motivation no longer existed. Ransom seemed to become an entirely different person overnight. This song is Ransom saying, no, I'm who I've always been. I'm doing the same shit, prioritizing the same way. You just don't like it anymore, because now it's getting in your way. Because you don't care about me, and you certainly don't care about Allie. (Please note, she is wrong about this. The party cares a lot, and Ransom was just too blinded by her anger and grief to see it. But that didn't change how she felt at the time, you know?)
Don't Walk, Run! by The Park Hill Romance
'Cause I've been on the run for a while But the runnin' ain't a friend of mine Oh ain't it fun With the fire back in your lungs tonight
Another song with Vibes (the same loud guitar and drums, the vocalist who blends with the music and sorta slides around instead of hitting notes precisely), another song about Ransom dealing with (read: ignoring entirely) the fact that "fuck everybody but me" isn't a long term solution and is, in fact, having an incredibly detrimental long term effect on her ability to make friends and empathize with other people. After getting in a nasty fight with one of her party members Ransom said something to the effect of "I'm out of practice having friends. I'd like to get back to it, though, if you'll let me." She's trying. She's getting better. But she's not quite there yet.
Every You Every Me by Placebo
Like the naked leads the blind I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind Sucker love I always find Someone to bruise and leave behind
I was very judicious with my use of Rallie songs; this is only the second one. It's about how, despite the fact that they treated each other SO poorly at the end, they're Ransom and Allie are the only people they could possibly fit together with. It's like that post about the fucked up charger and charging port that have warped each other so that they can only work together. That's Rallie. It's ALSO about the inevitability of coming back together, of ending up wrapped up in each other again. Hopefully, it will work out better this time. But regardless, no matter what they may tell themselves and the world at large, they're never going to be over each other or free from the other person's influence. Every time, every me, every you, we'll end up here.
Who is She ? by I Monster
Somewhere across the sea of time A love immortal such as mine Will come to me Eternally Immortal she Return to me
This is the "dealing with Allie's murder and the single-minded quest to resurrect her" song. It's spooky, a little unnerving, it's discordant in a way that's reminiscent of the first song on the playlist. It's about an obsession with a memory, a dream, and letting that obsession drag you down to the point that you can't distinguish reality anymore. And after Allie's death Ransom sorta, well... I also think the "Immortal she / Return to me" is haunting and is SUCH a strong way to end a playlist that started with loud horns and shouting and drums. Look how far we've come. Look how far she'll continue to go to fix what terrible wrong was done.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 7 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: They're so cute I wanna cry -Danny Words: 2,304 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Alone Together' -by Fall Out Boy
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XXXIII: The Slowest Slow-burn Becomes a Wild-fire
It's been a while since Janus visited my dreams, so I can't help but groan in annoyance when I see him in the Empire State lobby.
"Can't a girl mourn in peace?" I complain.
"We're happy to see you too," the right head replies.
"What do you want?"
"Your crossroad is approaching, demigod," he says. "We have a present for you."
"I didn't know you gave presents to go along with the existential crisis!" I cross my arms.
"Funny," the left head sneers.
"We're here to talk to you one last time..."
"For now," Leftie adds.
"Let me finish!" says Right. "Arae Jackson. You have to choose."
"I choose to wake up!" 
"War is coming," Right ignores me. "The end of a story."
"The start of another," Leftie continues.
"A chance for a good life. A short one."
"But happy," counts Left. "As happy as it can be."
"Or..." Right grins wickedly.
"Or!" Leftie exclaims with delight.
"Or?" I ask impatiently.
"An opportunity to fix your mistakes!" 
"Though no good deed goes unpunished. Meddling is pricey, Jackson."
"Small cost for greatness," Right sighs. "And a child of Olympus doesn't dwell on sacrifice."
"All gods are flawed anyway," Leftie chuckles. "You'll fit right in!"
I feel something cold run down my spine. "I-I don't understand..."
"We know," they reply.
"That's the fun of it!" Left cackles.
"One thing's for sure," Right smirks. "If you choose wrong, everyone dies!"
The dream goes away, and the floor with it. Everything around me is pitch-black but I can hear the roaring of a creature—A sulfuric smell burns my nose, and I start choking.
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Ara gives most of her food as an offering to the gods—her stomach feels the size of a walnut—then takes little sips from her goblet before abandoning the table. She leaves without even glancing at Cabin Nine's table. 
She doesn't want to see  Leo; if he looks normal, or if he looks even worse than she does, neither of those is going to make her feel better. Ara wishes she had someone to talk to who could give her all the answers. But alas, the more she grows, the more she realizes just how tragically lonely life is.
"Hi, beautiful. I saw you and thought—'Wow, I should follow her to a secluded area, that'll make her like me'," Leo speaks behind her as soon as she reaches the beach.
He's more nervous than he'd like to admit, but his hands betray him, fidgeting nonstop. He's wearing a clean pair of cargo pants and a camp shirt, he also tried to brush his hair but the wind is making it messy again.
"I, er..." Ara can't help feeling dizzy knowing Leo took his time to get clean and look nice just for her.
"Hang on," he's got a blanket over his shoulder, the boy holds it and walks past her. "You're always giving orders, let me give it a try..." he places the fabric over the sand. "Sit."
Ara doesn't know what to expect from Leo, he picks up a little basket that she hadn't noticed a moment ago, and her body lights up when she realizes he's prepared a picnic.
"You didn't eat," he sits next to her. "Me neither. Jason said you get hungry during the date anyway, so I thought it'd be a good idea to eat while we talk and..." he clears his throat, trying not to feel self-conscious. "It's cheesy but—"
"It's perfect," Ara hugs her knees. "I've never done anything like this, but cheesy's a good way to start, I think."
"I'm counting on it, 'cause that's all I've got," Leo mimics her pose in a more relaxed way. "But if you end up not liking it, we can try something else."
Ara can't make eye contact yet, so she keeps her gaze on the food. "So uhm... what's in the basket?"
"Double-stuffed Oreos and a six-pack of cokes," the boy rubs his neck. "That's all Travis Stoll could get me on short notice."
Ara's faced armies of monsters without flinching, but a first date stresses her beyond belief. "I like Oreos."
Leo moves the basket closer to her. "Help yourself."
She opens a package. "When I first got here, I asked for a stuffed cookie the size of my palm. Silena wanted me to eat healthier, she said I wouldn't grow otherwise, but I didn't grow either way. I blame the orphanage, didn't give me enough formula when I was little."
Leo chuckles. "Well, girls stop growing until they're like, twenty-one. You've still got time."
Ara laughs too, she glances at him afterwards. "You lived in an orphanage too, right?"
"Sorta," he makes a face. "Foster homes."
"I was always running away. They would move me around, hoping I'd stop."
"Maybe if I'd stayed in the orphanage, we would've met. If it weren't for Hedge, I would've stayed in that place... for too long."
Leo knows that isn't true. Most people would adopt someone like Ara right away: Intelligent, polite, and with the face of an angel. That is exactly what happened when the Jacksons met her, they fell in love.
She's the kind of girl Leo would've avoided because they made him uncomfortable. It was pure luck that they met when Ara was in a horrible mood, Leo had been able to act somewhat normal (his normal) around her, which then caused Ara to give him a chance.
"I'm glad Hedge found you," he admits.
"Me too," the girl shrugs. "Even if people still think I'm a problem, at least I've got some friends here."
"Yeah, know what you mean," Leo grabs an Oreo. "I have an aunt—still out there probably—she loved saying that I was wicked..." he laughs dryly. "She's the reason I ended up in foster homes—The rest of my relatives turned their backs on me thanks to her."
Ara doesn't want the conversation to be so heavy, they're supposed to be sorting out their... whatever they have going on, so she tries to lighten up the mood. 
"Hey, I just realized... I don't think we know each other well. We should do something about that if we're going to... date."
Leo smiles a little. "You're right. How do we fix it? D'you want to play twenty questions?"
Ara nods. "You're Mexican-American, right? Do you speak Spanish fluently?" 
She's aware that is a stupid question, but it's all she can come up with. Fortunately, Leo finds it amusing. "'Course I do! Want me to teach you some curse words?"
"Sure," she grins. "I can teach you how to swear in French and Italian, though sometimes I still get the Italian wrong, but maybe you'll find that one easy, I've heard is similar to Spanish."
"Wow," Leo leans back and smiles. "You're so smart."
It's weird to be on the receiving end of flirty behavior. Most people assume Ara can't be flirted with, fearing Percy or Lily will step in to murder them, so they never try. It's a bummer, she's still Aphrodite at the core and wants all the compliments, and she loves that Leo is so willing to deliver.
"So what's your favorite food? And you can't say tacos, I already know that one."
Leo grins, it's nice to know Ara pays attention to him. "Enchiladas with arrachera—and I know what you're thinking, but enchiladas are not tacos. My mom used to make a salsa with habaneros, she was always shocked to see I could eat a whole plate without sweating."
Ara smiles. "You were close to your mom?"
"Yup. She was the best."
"You were a mama's boy?" The girl teases him.
Leo snorts. "Maybe. My kid self would've kicked your kid self's butt all the same."
"Is that how you decide to approach this?" She giggles. "I'm your crush!" 
"You started it!" He replies, also grinning. "And I was a tougher kid than you ever were."
"I was good at exploding things, I could've blasted your butt into space."
Leo smirks. "Would've been worth it." He lies on the blanket, both hands behind his head. "So... you ever met your mortal parent? The one who fell for Aphrodite?"
Ara makes a face. "That jerk abandoned me as soon as I was born," she says, playing with the sand around her feet. "He didn't want to be a dad."
That's not so hard to believe, what's hard to believe is that it happened to Ara. The beautiful, intelligent girl sitting next to him. "Why would he do that?" It surprises her just how stunned he sounds. "Did you look for him?"
"What for?" She wrinkles her nose. "He named me with the sole purpose of insulting my mother, can't be clearer than that."
Leo stares at her. "But it's a compliment, you know that, right?"
Despite the topic, Ara feels like laughing. "How is that a compliment? He called me a curse!"
"Well, it's a curse to the world that you're so pretty."
Ara blushes and laughs. "You're an idiot."
Leo grabs another Oreo, looking proud of himself. "Yeah, I can be your idiot anytime, just say the word."
"I'll keep that in mind."
The girl watches the sun sink under the sealine. Slowly, the moonlight illuminates their features, and there is an orange tint to it coming from the distant campfire. Ara feels at ease for the first time in months.
"I like this a lot," she says. "A solid first date."
"M'glad," Leo sits up to face her, but she's not ready to look at him. "I wanted you to feel comfortable. Like when I'm with you... I don't have to keep my hands busy."
"I'd like to keep your hands busy, though..." Ara replies quietly.
The boy inhales so sharply he chokes. "W-What?"
"See that constellation?" She changes the subject, too flustered to keep the other going. "I met her."
"What?" Leo repeats, even more confused. 
Her heart is pounding and she's sure he can hear it. She's terrified, but she has to be brave. Ara reaches for his hand and holds it firmly. "She was a hunter of Artemis, died while saving Annabeth... Her name was Zoë."
Leo's skin glows golden, but it's flickering like he's fighting it back. "Ara, I'll burn through the blanket if you don't let go of me."
She tries to take her hand back. "Sorry—"
Leo tightens his grip. "The way you... all I've ever..." he takes a deep breath and stares at Zoë's constellation. "I'm not good with words."
"I know."
He shakes his head. "And you like me anyway? I don't understand, you should be with someone like Jason."
The girl frowns. "Says who?"
"You can have anyone you want... are you sure you want me?"
Ara's chest tightens at his words. "I don't think I'm worth many things, Leo, but I got them. Because I asked for them."
"Yeah, but—"
"You're the first person that's ever asked me out," she laughs. "You're the only one who cares about me this way. You said I didn't have to be alone, and that you could be whatever I needed. You didn't mean that?"
"I did," Leo replies quickly, but his grip is loosening. "But—"
"Shouldn't I be with the boy who wants to look after me?"
"It's just..." he scowls at the sand, kicking it lightly. "You're one of the highlights of my entire life. I don't wanna mess it up."
"I want you to hug me sometimes," she scoots closer to him, nudging his shoulder. "I'm not asking you to bring me the moon!"
"I know, Ara," Leo hugs his knees again and supports his head on them, pouting like a little kid. "But being myself isn't good enough."
Ara tries not to smile, but she fails. "I know how that feels..."
"No, doll. I mean, I don't know if you've noticed, but people don't fawn over me. Not even you."
She snorts. "I can change the way I show my affection if you need me to."
"I'm talking about a real problem here: the genetics I was born with." 
"You do remember you're half god, right?"
"You do remember how Hephaestus looks, right?" He asks in the same tone.
Ara wants to laugh. She also wants to never talk to boys again for the rest of her life. "I'm not enjoying the anticipation as much as I thought I would."
"That makes two of us..." he sighs. "I warn you, this might happen way too often. I overthink and spiral, I regret saying things as soon as they leave my mouth, and sometimes I don't even realize I've said something wrong until hours or days later."
"Very ADHD of you," she muses.
The way the moonlight falls on her face makes it look like she's also a constellation. Ara is as attractive as she is unsettling, and it's only making Leo like her more.
"So what do we do?" The girl asks. "Should we take it slow?"
Leo purses his lips. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and no matter how much it frightens him, he's desperate to hold her close once more. "I don't do slow."
Leo kisses her. His lips fit hers like they were meant for this, and her heart has never beaten as fast as it does now. Leo glows to his total capacity, and Ara closes her eyes so the light doesn't hurt her. Every bad thing that's ever happened to them suddenly is not such a big deal after all.
Leo's hand settles on her waist as he moves forward, he's never kissed anyone like this, but he can't get enough of her. Everywhere he touches feels like fire on her skin—and it could be—but she's too delighted to care. 
When the kiss ends, Leo stares at her like he can't believe she's welcoming his touch, that she wants it. Ara runs a hand through his hair, and that causes his breath to hitch. He pushes himself away, cheeks flushed and nose very much on fire. Ara bursts out laughing at the sight. 
"Calm down!"
He scowls and it's like she can hear him say: "Do you think I can do that right now?" Leo shakes his head in disbelief, leaning in to kiss her a second time. Ara tries to keep the flames under control and the boy chuckles at her actions, but he doesn't stop kissing her. 
"You'll burn me!" She giggles.
In response, Leo just wraps his arms tighter around her.
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Next Chapter ->
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Time for a new pinned post!
Hi, everyone, this is Becca or Ori! Those in the Mechs fandom might know me for the recent Mechs Ships Tournament (all tagged as "#mechs ships tournament" on here), my Mechs and TMA themed knit dolls (all tagged "#stargazer's four inch friends"), or the TMA and Mechs fics I write (see below). I'm in my early twenties, am currently a graduate student in psych-related fields, and live in the eastern time zone.
If you're interested in my fics, promo for that under the cut. Otherwise, enjoy the chaos!
Why should you read what I mentally call the booty shorts saga, actually known as "The Semi-Annual Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Gift Swap"?
Have you ever wondered what gift swaps might look like in the Magnus Institute?
Do you need to imagine Certain Characters (Jon) receiving so many pairs of booty shorts?
This sticks close to canon, so. . . do you want a story about booty shorts and nonsense to suddenly give you So Many Feels?
This is a collaboration between the amazing @ladydragonkiller and myself, and it was our first foray into writing and posting fanfic. I love it. Go read LadyDragonKiller's other stuff if you're a Mechs fan.
Why should you read The Stars Claim Them?
I started this series with imagining Lyfrassir Edda surviving the Bifrost Incident, and then ending up at the Magnus Institute, so it is a TMA/Mechs crossover.
I've been consistently posting for over a year. Two years as of this March, and I am so excited for that :) Currently, we're nearly 100,000 words in and going, posting right now is concurrent with TMA season 2, and I've had so much fun.
This is the fic where I stare canon in the eye, say "coward", and save every single character I can manage.
Be prepared for a very slow burn indeed, but the Violinspector element is certainly Very Much There.
We've had road trips, heists, blood snakes, rubber ducks, far too many Michaels, and more. I did a whole Peter Pan arc. It's nonsensical and amazing and I love it.
We've got a discord, where we have Very Normal Conversations about the fic, the Mechs, the Magnus Archives, and more. If you like the fic series, you're more than welcome to join!
If you enjoyed LadyDragonKiller's Raphaella backstory, I have some Easter egg references to it scattered throughout, because we brainstorm together. I consider it canon to this series, as far as that goes, and I have fun planting those :)
Why should you read anything from Corner of Dreams?
Those were oneshots I wrote last year as a part of a challenge to myself!
The first one is the angstiest Toy Soldier thing I could manage without crying. Have fun! Bring tissues!
The second is a fun little Violinspector thing that I really enjoyed writing. It just amused me so much to think about. And that ending. . . I like to think it ended happily, but there's no guarantee, is there?
The third is a Brian/Galahad oneshot. It could go so many different directions after the ending, most of which would absolutely change up canon. I like to think it wouldn't end sadly. Probably.
If there's enough enjoyment of these, there's two more I might add one day, based on Alice and on Gunpowder Tim vs the Moon Kaiser.
Also, if you're trying to get a taste of what I've written, one of these is probably a lot easier to start with than TSCT. These are each under 5,000 words.
Why should you read I Got You, Babe?
It's now four chapters in and we already have the start of some fun stuff going on. We've got Violinspector angst, Nastya doing interesting stuff post-Out. . . Why wouldn't you?
Also, I'm having far too much fun whenever I get the time to write on it. It's going to be interesting. I can't wait to share more.
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quietbluejay · 2 months
I didn't take a lot of notes this time because I was reading it during a chronic pain flare up, alas.
Eldar fan, actually reading an Eldar book? Shocking.
He landed lightly upon the gory corpse of a fallen giant. Before him the swarmlord loomed, taller than a wraithknight and greatly more massive. Its eyes glittered at him with malign intelligence. ‘Great Dragon!’ Yriel called, holding aloft the Spear of Twilight. ‘I come to slay you, as my forefather Ulthanash slew the wyrm Draoch-var with this very blade!’ Three huge creatures lumbered at Yriel, directed by the psychic command of the leader-beast, but he leapt aside from their swipes, the spear granting him unparalleled reflexes. One and then another fell, pierced by the pin point lance beams of the prince’s followers as he bounded closer to his prey. Roaring, the swarmlord attacked, driving down a claw twelve paces long at Yriel. He back-flipped, the wind of its passing stirring his hair. The tip of the claw slammed down into a carcass, slowing the hive tyrant for the merest heartbeat as it tugged it free, but it was enough. The prince landed on his feet. Smoothly he drew back his arm and cast the spear of Ulthanash at the creature.
Yriel: I do backflips every day of my life
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Not to once again relate everything back to Four Quartets but
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But also this is like the quintessential choice in wh40k Do you choose to die or to turn into a worse version and maybe save yourself and others, and maybe eventually lose who you are?
This is fine, I'm fine. I'm gnawing on his head
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The chronic pain rep we needed
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Shakily drinking medicine and spilling a bit
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He's just like me fr fr
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Local elf eats fruit while the world begins to burn
Iyanna ;-; I'm not going to quote the whole thing because it's long but, I want a novel about her.
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but it's still standing
Drukhari dude is a horrible person but a very fun character
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I did, in fact, cry at Taec's death. Sacrificing himself for everyone else.
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well that's a tone shift
local gladiator woman deals with mime jumpscares RIP Lelith
and then...
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Anyways I very much enjoyed it!
Also it had well written female characters and actually a decent split in POVs? Refreshing!
also I mean I like my villainous characters but I do need a break from time to time and it was nice to have main characters where the worst things they did were basically "snap at people" "make a girl who wanted to write poetry become a soldier" and "agree to accept help from the most evil faction in the setting" (unless we're counting Lelith but I wouldn't really call her a main character in the book) unless you count necromancy but the dead people were (mostly) cool with it sooo
I'm sad Haley didn't write any more books about these guys but apparently he didn't enjoy it, so, fair. I'm not going to say it was a perfect novel (some of the wording needed work, let's just say that, it was kind of disjointed and needed more meat on its bones, and the in media res opening was a bit too in media res), but it had heart, and honestly that's the most important thing.
This book is the entire reason I made my arms worse and started embroidering Eldritch Raiders + Biel-Tan sigils
Next up: Dark Imperium!
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allig8er · 1 year
Well, since it’s official we’re not getting KP S2, I present to you, my post-cannon KimChay fix-it!!
At the time, it was supposed to tide us over, but now I think it’ll have to serve as a better ending for our boys.
I hope it heals you as it healed me!!
Chapters: 13/13
Fandom: รักโคตรร้ายสุดท้ายโคตรรัก | KinnPorsche: The Series (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat/Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun
Characters: Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat, Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Various background bodyguards
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Canon Fix-It, because i can't sleep if these two don't KISS, Friends to Lovers, well friends to lovers to enemies to lovers I guess, kiss kiss, Getting Back Together, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Crying, but also kiss kiss, we're pretending these two have a single brain cell, getting advice from their older brothers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, they're gonna grow and learn y'all, Music!, Thailand, I've never burned slow in my life but I think this is a slow burn?, Slow for me at least, beta read by the Elizabeth to my Sebastian, Eventual Smut
Porchay took the guitar down from where he'd stashed it in the top of his too-large closet. He sat in the corner, flexed his right hand gently fingering the frets before testing a gentle strum. The guitar was out of tune from disuse, but not so badly as he had expected. Maybe he was like this guitar. He hoped he was. That he was out of tune but...with time - and a little tuning - he would play alright again.
What happened after Chay watched Kim's video?
Kim and Chay slowly but surely figure their shit out with the help of their (idiot) brothers.
This was supposed to be a fun short fix-it to help with my brainrot, but almost 12,000 words later here we are. Takes place post-canon since our boys were left in disarray. POV switches back and forth between Kim and Chay Enjoy :)
Title and chapter titles are from the song Overloved by Greyson Chance
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I'm a little late sending you this sorry. I know you got an ask a while ago about Buddie and the 911 show.
I am a Buddie fan and a 911 fan. I can tell you 100% that we do not want hellers in our orbit. They're the ones that always make up the drama and spread their toxicity throughout the Buddie fandom. They're the ones that constantly make the BNF's have to constantly reassure and soothe and try to calm the drama that they've stirred up. They're constantly crying queerbaiting and prove that they don't understand the word they're throwing around because this show has excellent queer representation already. They constantly hate on both actors that play Buck and Eddie, claiming that if the actors don't whole-heartedly embrace Buddie going canon then they're homophobic. I cannot tell you many times Ryan Guzman who plays Eddie has been labeled as homophobic by this group because he has called Buck and Eddie brothers. Which if you watch the show, they have become that. While both actors are okay with the show making Buddie go canon if that's how the cookie crumbles, it isn't enough for hellers. They're the ones that hate the slow burn route the show has taken and even forced the other actor, Oliver Stark, to remove all of his posts from social media about an episode that revolved around his character about a month ago. He was so excited for this episode and shared that excitement with fans via social media. After he got such an overwhelming negative response, he removed it. The episode got tanked on IMDB at first even though it was one of the most beautiful episodes they had done this season, especially for his character. The drama reached a boiling point. And it continues to because the show has Buck and Eddie casually dating women again.
It's just insane. Hellers are the worst. Trust me when I tell you, we don't want them in our fandom. Normal destiel fans checking out the show, sure, but not hellers. Anytime I see someone like Alyssa or Nat tweeting about Buddie, I cringe. Because they don't understand the show they're watching, how the writers work and how hard they are actually working to try to give them what we all want when it comes to these two guys, and they spread all of that misinformation and toxicity that some people actually take as gospel. And then we're left to deal with all of it as are the actors and writers. It has been an exhausting past few years, I'll tell you that.
Hellers shouldn't be allowed in any fandoms honestly. Not if they can't behave.
Hellers being assholes is always a current topic (they never stop).
I'm sorry they've infected the 911 fandom. It's one thing to be disappointed if a ship you like never happens, but to bully and harass not only other fans, but the actual creatives themselves is absolutely abhorrent behavior. I recommend (if you aren't already) using the block button liberally.
As a larger point, the desire to see two fictional characters get together to the point of bullying baffles me. Like... what benefit do fans receive if it happens? Bragging rights? Personal validation? A boost of serotonin? What benefit do they get by harassing others, especially the actors? It just makes the actors and others involved hate them and their ship, thus opening the doors for the creatives to actually go the opposite direction and avoid giving them what they want.
They certainly can't claim representation, because like you said, 911 already has it, and so do many other shows whose fandoms they infect. They did the same thing with Supergirl - it ended with a gay wedding, but because it wasn't the gay ship they wanted, suddenly the show's homophobic. Make it make sense!
Fandoms are supposed to be fun places where shipping is a hobby, not a knives-out cause. There are far too many entitled idiots who think the world must revolve around them and what they want.
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degreeofdisorder · 2 years
young royals s2e6 live reaction
lisa's been all about the parallels so if the second I press play I do not get them lying in bed together being cute I will throw my laptop out the window
well okay
I will be having so much fun with the gifset parallels
now wille is the one who stays in bed and watches simon walk away
"can't you stay a little while then?" you shouldaaaaaa
(and the curtains are closed I'm so happy)
also "I have to make things right" it's been nice (not) marcus but you gotta go
I don't even dislike him I just really want him gone I fucking hate love triangles
simon really tried to resist him tho but like. he can't. he straight up can't. I love it when two people can't resist each other
jan-olof truly dropped the ball thinking august would be better than wille to represent the crown lmfao
august knowing the only way he can get wille to talk to him is through mentioning simon
baby of course simon wasn't gonna pick up his phone he was out there the crown prince of sweden's dick in his mouth do you really think you're a priority?
marcus honey may I recommend folklore by taylor swift there's quite a few songs I know you'd enjoy.
"but not compared to a prince" okay hoo slow down and he graceful about it
"I've been trying to tell you that I'm not ready for a serious relationship and you haven't been listening to me" YEAH BITCH YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY "OK IT WAS NICE" AND MOVE TF ON!!!!
like ngl marcus you kinda brought this upon yourself
and he had to go and be a little bitch about it
you know what marcus? you're on my shit list now. fuck you.
not that simon was any kinder with the whole you know. cheating thing. but alas I did very much say I didn't give a shit if they cheated bc I personally like it so
okay. chin up and forget about it.
"erik wouldn't have let simon go to the police" TAKE HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY ASS MOUTH AUGUST
alexander needs to get the fuck out of hillerska
there is a witness however
oh my god
god i fucking hate august
stab him!!!!
oh wait no one's pointed a gun at august yet oh that's gonna be fun
I can't believe alexander would do that just to fuck with wille
sara kisses that horse w more passion than she kisses august lmfao
oh my god felice baby
okay now you tell her about august
"you have nothing to apologize for" haha well about That...
okay this is not the point of it
but they look so fucking sexy being a couple
I love how simon straight up didn't even try to intervene lmfao he was like "ok if he shoots him then he shoots him"
I'm glad this one went off on sara too lmfao like I'm sorry but 🤷🏽
sara honey you're an idiot
"we're the same you and me" okay but like... he's got a point
"i just wanna go home" sobbing
oh he's just a baby he just wants his parents I'm crying
I'm gonna cry
oh my god just talk to him you're HIS PARENTS
"you can talk to us about absolutely anything" CAN HE REALLY YOU FUCKING BITCH
and YOU [points at ludwig]
"why are you two even here?" because it's their business too
you know what? I guess for the drama I can deal with all the shit she's done. but STELLA? SHE DID NOTHING WRONG WHY ARE YOU DRAGGING HER INTO THIS.
"you're so fucking full of shit" HONESTLY??? like bitch fuck that this isn't about being in love or the sex or whatever it's about the fact that HE RELEASED A SEX TAPE INVOLVING YOUR UNDERAGE BROTHER
wille playing w a lighter? he's gonna burn his hoooouse to the ground
ayub is a fuckin real one. ayub and rosh both. I'm so glad simon has them
[maddie voice] FUCK YOU AUGUST
love it when august is reminded of his place
oh the electronic tune playing, you know shit's gonna go down
oh my god
oh my god
oh my god oh my godoh my god
not the HAND
Tumblr media
[wilhelm's breath trembling softly] WELL I AM SCREAMING
I have rewatch ed that scene like 3 times I can't believe this I'm sobbing and screaming and crying
jan-olof just found them basically inhaling each other lmfao
I can't
no I'm serious I can't
I wish jan-olof a very death
I'm kinda hoping for an "i...... am iron man" thing with wille
please wille pull an I am iron man thing
lmfao august's face
oh and he's a fucking amazing public speaker
that's ur future king @ sweden
oh everything in this season was so worth it it was so worth it
I hated everything until episode 4 but I will be playing it in the background the rest of the month because if this show doesn't get renewed I will kill a bitch
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reverie-starlight · 11 months
i could've sworn you had a self ship for kuroo! tell me about how you started liking him teehee,, also care to share some relationship thoughts between the two of you? 🤭
~ nessa ♡
okay so full backstory: watched hq in 2020, got to the first nekoma episodes and immediately decided he was gonna be one of my favourites. then i got more into the fandom and saw the edits, read more fanfics and stuff and he was like, my ultimate favourite, my actual husband for so long (then he shared top spot with akaashi for a long time, then atsumu came along and now kuroo is back sharing the top spot with him) ((in terms of like, simping, cause my all time fav hq character is oikawa, I think he's so well written, but he's only top 10 for hq simp list yk? but that's a story for another day)) (((do people still use the term simping?? I genuinely don't know what else to use to explain this)))
I feel like these will read more as like, general replationship HCs cause when I usually think abt the self ship, nothing is actually like??? super me specific??? but we'll give it a try!
spider killer: him. i refuse to go near them. will definitely be calling him on his lunch break to tell him about the spider over the bed I saw before I left for work that he needs to get when he gets home.
better cook: i feel like we're equally bad but we have our strengths too. like he can't bake, but i'm slightly better at the measurements for it. i slightly burn our food in the pan but he's better at not forgetting there's actually something on the stove or in the oven.
wake up time: we're both night-owls, but I feel like he's also super good at waking up early after a long night. me on the other hand? I could get a full 8 hours but if you try to wake me up early I will cry.
flirting: I am embarrassingly easy to fluster. i have zero rizz. no game. my "flirting" is either genuine compliments and endless praise that somehow end up being enough to fluster him or what comes naturally after a very very long conversation where I've gotten in the groove. and, now, I don't think he's like, amazing at flirting or all that smooth either, but he's definitely better at it that I am. and like I said, I get extremely flustered so easily, so he doesn't even need to be good at it to get a reaction out of me tbh.
I am definitely the more physically affectionate out of the two of us, not to say that he isn't, bc he always happily reciprocates, but I probably just initiate it more.
neither of us enjoy heavy PDA. ick, gross, ew.
equally chaotic, equally playful
i'm the impatient one, he's the one who purposefully goes really slow when we're walking or when he's helping me with something to test my patience because he knows it annoys me
sososo much comfort between the two of us <3
we prefer staying in to going out but when we do we're likely the best dressed people there hehe
ty again for the ask this was sm fun!!!
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
This is one of my hypotheticals, with the caveat that the thought of Jaune and Cinder with anybody else makes me cry and throw things - but I can put it aside for a moment.
So you all don't see the sort of stuff I get in my inbox, and before Tumblr changed its rules there was someone who left a lot of spam about Jaune/Ruby. I hope he's okay after Volume 9. But the irony of it, of course, is that he viewed me as an enemy when Jaune/Ruby - with the stipulation of developing the Penny Problem properly, which they didn't (for the purposes of romance, I mean) - is the only other plausible Jaune ship I think I could tolerate in canon.
That's partly because Cinder-Ruby and Jaune-Oscar are twinned already - the first two even more prominently, but Jaune/Cinder and Ruby/Oscar are effectively edgy and light versions of each other as pairings - and partly because it avoids that gross replacement goldfish implication of Pyrrha warming Weiss' spot. I also like the development of their interactions generally, and if you leant in a much darker direction (like the Ruby/Oscar relationship necessitates at some point) with Jaune in particular then it could be made to work.
It wouldn't and couldn't be classic guy-gets-girl, foregone conclusion from the minute they meet type stuff - I think to be tonally true it has to be playful like the other canon pairings, in a bittersweet fashion. Blake/Yang and Ren/Nora both go in unlikely directions; Jaune/Ruby would need to be a similar case. But the interesting thing is that as much as I'm attached to Jaune/Cinder (OTP for life, my favouritest ship to ever ship, the ship I have been searching for all of my life), I am partly attached to it because of the way R/WBY conceives of romance, and I'm making an argument for it on the basis of R/WBY, not on the sole basis of my personal desires and preferences. That would mean that if they wrote Jaune/Ruby well, it's probably the only other pairing for them both that could actually be done... well, without completely losing the plot tonally and thematically. But then you start crunching the numbers with both Oscar and Cinder and we're kind of up shit creek structurally. But if you went into writing R/WBY with the intention of keeping the character arcs for both Jaune and Ruby mostly as-is, it's almost applicable. Almost!
But it's not really because it's cute or because it meets the bland conception of romance which is guy and girl look at each other and boink. It actually has to be an actual experience of romantic love and realise their character arcs and narrative role in the story.... similarly to Jaune/Cinder and Ruby/Oscar, it would have to be a slow-burn and basically seem impossible for a long time, especially with The Penny Problem. Actually, when you think about it, The Penny Problem basically had the potential to be what The Pyrrha Problem was for Jaune/Cinder, but if you're rewriting this for Jaune/Ruby you'd have to rewrite that, too. But it does tickle me that Jaune and Cinder are alike that way.
Now - spitting the dummy aside about the implication of Jaune and Cinder not ending up together - I do find it funny that I had so many asks about Jaune/Ruby (there were legions of them in response to multiple posts I had made about Knightfall, suggesting somebody was very upset and anxiously awaiting my response) when like, yeah I think if you tilted your head it might have once been possible. I don't think it is at all or was ever intended as such - and certainly not for the reasons this aggrieved individual believed - but don't ever think I'm not trying to give credit where it's due. I'm willing to entertain the other side... on my own terms when people aren't being annoying. (:
But ironically the similarities of Jaune/Ruby to Jaune/Cinder (and Ruby/Oscar by extension) actually kind of justifies by extension the reading of those pairings. Because Jaune/Cinder is on crack and edgy and fun and the Jaune-Ruby friendship clearly sets up part of its drama (and emotion). Which is why I love making a case like this, because it makes me reconsider canon and reconsider my position on the pairings I think are going to be canon. I don't ship Ruby/Oscar (not yet at least) and I think considering why Jaune/Ruby could conceivably work teases out why Ruby/Oscar conceivably can work - if it goes the direction Penny couldn't - and that Jaune and Oscar are similar in that the romance with either of them, and especially the latter, has to be divorced from the schools in some way, and Ruby's sense of Huntressing and related to something deeply personal.
Anyway Jaune/Cinder 4 lyfe.
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