#was funny the first few times but now it is draining on all levels
werewoofs · 1 year
soulmate won't stop quoting 1 2 buckle my shoes video support group
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catmask · 25 days
Been meaning to catch more of your streams because they're so fun and relaxing and inspire me to do art alongside you! but I have a question?? How on earth have you managed to keep a streaming schedule? (kudos!!!!) I've tried it a few times and after about a month of consistency I get so tired and drop off of it, do you get guilt about rescheduling? (saw some announcement from the other day and it was so communicative and professional) and, how do you measure your own levels of energy to know how long you can stream for? Some people are just Built Different but I don't hear it often talked about how being social like that can drain people, especially when popular streamers in this era are usually streaming all day every single day of the week! Honestly love your work and everything you do, from what you share we seem to have a lot of similar tastes and experiences so I was just curious if this was something you encountered, and if so would love to hear any routines or strategies you have, if you're comfortable doing so! :3
for one thing, this isnt my first time around the bend! i used to stream about four years ago to a much smaller audience, and i feel like that gave me a lot of experience that was useful now as a streamer. i was also still in college/working full time then, so it sort of gave me the like... 'if i stop now im going to sink and die like a shark' mentality about a LOT of my hobbies. art and streaming both.
i do fully understand the feeling of burnout, and with anything you do its important to develop a gage as to how tired you are to determine whether or not you need to reschedule. killling your momentum of doing something can often result in dropping the habit altogether, but at the same time you are a human being with needs so theres gonna be some days you have to just call it off.
my internal 'system' for sickdays/delays is 'if i cant fix the problem in an hour, its a sick day, and if i can its a delay. if i can fix the problem in ten minutes and im avoiding it, then i need to remember im gonna have a lot of fun after its fixed and get up off my ass'
sometimes that 'problem' was as simple as 'i got yelled at at work today and idk if i can handle being smiley and funny for people when i feel like shit', but reminding myself that i always felt better after i streamed was often enough to pull me out of that. if the problem was i was tired/felt like shit, id take a delay and prepare a dinner, shower, and sit down for a bit. then id generally feel okay enough and streaming was no problem!
its easy to beat yourself up for not maintaining a consistent schedule fr streaming when you start out, but the thing you should really be asking yourself is - did you take care of yourself, the streamer, so that consistency was possible? good food, good sleep, and alone time to relax are imperative to any public facing activity, especially something like streaming!
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yourmomsgranddad · 1 year
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— CHAPTER TWO: We can stay at home and watch the sunset but I can't help but asking are you bored yet
— SUMMARY: Kate and Y/n's reunion isn't what Kate expects.
— WARNINGS: two curse words i believe, sexual themes but no smut, mention of blood
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Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!
That was all that was going through Kate's mind right now. Her brain was still trying to comprehend what her mom said but at the time was feeling at the emotions all at once. She wanted to cry, she wanted to rejoice and she definitely wanted to go to the bathroom.
"What do you mean 'she's coming back'?" Kate was trying to make sure she heard her mom right before she flew off the handle.
"Well I guess her and her mom wanted to see New York and she found out we lived here so they are hopping on the first plane and they will be here by tomorrow."
Yup, she heard her completely correctly. Now she could commence her freakout.
She laid on the floor. She wanted to burst into tears but instead her brain was seeing everything, everywhere, all at once. All of her memories of you were rising to the top.
That creaky swing that used to be in your backyard, the way you used to dress, the bright purple you insisted on painting Kate's bedroom by yourselves and ended up being purple for a few months.
She missed you so much. She didn't know what she was worrying about, she was excited to see you again.
"I'm having a party tomorrow night and they're going to be there if you want to come."
Not that excited! She couldn't see you so soon.
"I don't know why I said it like it was your decision. You're coming, I cannot handle Claire by myself."
Claire was your mother and she was like Godzilla and the Boogeyman mixed together. She always enjoyed having Kate in her home but something in her just absolutely couldn't find it to pretend to be nice to Kate's mom.
Kate never understood why she could be so nice to her but not her mom, it didn't make sense. Nevertheless, she definitely could chill things down if she was there.
"Fine. I'll be there." She rolled her eyes. But her mom didn't care, this was a win in her book. She was going to celebrate.
And Kate was about to do something brash, maybe a tattoo?
Could she pull off a bob?
Both answers were a no so she just went to bed. Today was kind of draining even if she barely did anything.
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Next day, Kate woke up determined. She was going to dominate this party and see you, and have the best time ever.
Yeah, no, none of that happened.
The moment she got inside the building, all of bodily functions started to act against her. First, her bladder attacked. She had to take the longest piss known to man. She was in the bathroom for like 18 minutes.
No one had seen her in while.
Next, she got a cramp in her knee. That doesn't seem like a problem but this event had no chairs so she had to sit on the floor, not being able to stand up.
And lastly, her nose started bleeding. Like gushing blood. It's like her nose was having a period.
Trying to fish for tissues, she banged her knee against the table. "Ow." Like her night could get any worse.
"Katie?! Why are you on the floor?"
She looked up and it's like someone was just cackling at her, they did not want her to succeed. Surely enough, you were standing above, looking more beautiful than when she last saw you.
Well the last time she saw you, you were like 10 but that doesn't matter because you were here.
"I cwamped my leg and can't stand. And I'm bweeding from the nose." Her words sounded funny since she was full of tissues and a whole lot of blood. You couldn't help but giggle.
"Well either way, it's great to see you." You got down to her level and pulled her into your arms, completely not thinking about the blood.
"Sorry. I got blood on your clothes."
"Wouldn't be the first time."
You situated yourself to sit next to her, getting as close to her as possible. She missed having you this close. She almost thought it was a dream but then you touched her.
She hadn't felt your touch in years. Feeling it again was like eating your favorite food again after a while and finding out you still love it.
"So how are you? Besides having everything happen to you at once."
"The best. Now that you're here." You smiled. You reached forward, helping her release her hand from the blood. Instead, you held them for her.
"Why do I feel like I've seen this before?" Kate's mom popped up, crossing her arms at the two of you. "Our girl's always hurting herself, isn't she?" You scrambled off the floor, going over to her mom for your hug.
Kate couldn't hide the blush that was spreading from hearing you call her 'your girl'. Maybe it was the blood. Who knows?
"So Miss Bishop, how's life? Kate still giving you trouble?" You chuckle, looking back at Kate for a second, who just seemed to be trying to hide her face.
"Always. And I told you, you can call me Eleanor. I've known you for a while." She tried, your hands still in hers.
"I know but you're like my mom, Miss B. And I wouldn't call my mom by her first name." You shrugged.
Kate's brain was making sure to remember every part of this moment, she never wanted to forget when you walked back into your life. (although she was gonna keep out the part where she was laying on the floor and bleeding)
But her thoughts got disrupted when she noticed your mom walking right over to the two of you. Oh no. That brought Kate to her feet, even if she wanted to scream in agony.
"Claire! So lovely to see you!" Kate greeted first. She saw the look on your mom's face, she was unhappy. Kate figured hop on it before she could.
"Katherine! Always a pleasure!" She went in for a hug but then looked down, noticing the way Kate was trying so hard to hop on her other leg. "Oh no! Kate, what happened?" A sudden worry washed over her.
"My body doesn't like me. How are you?" She tried to shift the conversation to her, hoping to forget about her pain.
"Normally fine but this one over here is giving me a run for my money." She gestured to you, looking like something was definitely bothering the two of you. She wanted to ask, but figured she could hear when the two ladies walked away.
And it was like they heard her brain since they walked away, going to talk to someone else, leaving the two of you alone.
"So what was that about?"
You rolled your eyes, not taking your eyes off of your mom, making sure she was far away.
"She is so worried about me. I dropped out of college a few months ago and she thinks I don't have any 'prospects'. She brought me here, hoping your mom could give me a job. She's so annoying."
This was new territory for Kate. She had never heard you speak anything but highly about your mom.
"Well she's right about one thing. My mom will definitely give you that job, she loves you." You smiled and all of a sudden, the pain from her leg vanished. There was something about your smile, it could make the clouds disappear.
"Well I do love your mom."
And there was that shift, that shift that Kate was afraid of, the shift that haunted her dreams. The shift that let her know, things were going to be different now.
She knew once she saw you, it wasn't going to all shiny and rainbows and you would go back into your old routine. You were like 12! You were adults now, things were going to change and she definitely didn't want to them to.
So she tried her hardest to bring the past the present.
"Remember when you glued my hair to my bedroom door?" You looked down, chuckling, you remembered the moment exactly.
"Well it wasn't my fault. You said you were going to tell Jake Faraday that I had a crush on him and you wake up earlier than me. I had to do something to stop you."
"Glue? Really, Y/n? That was your first option." She furrowed her eyebrows, till this day she was still confused about your choice.
"In my defense, it was either glue or attach you to the ceiling and I knew you had a fear of heights. I wanted to send a message, not scare you half-to-death."
Her heart swelled. You remembered her fear after all these years, maybe there was hope for you yet.
So all night, you stayed dormant, reminiscing about everything that the two of you ever did.
The time you crashed the cool kids' party and they called your moms. The day you both went around the arcade, putting your high score on every game. Even the time you both almost met Justin Timberlake.
"Remember when we both got mono from each other?"
Her eyes went wide. Some part of her definitely wanted you to bring it up but something told her it was a bad idea. But here it was. Whether she liked it or not.
"Yeah. Do you know how hard it is to explain to your mother how you and your best friend both have the kissing disease but 'didn't kiss each other'?" You let out a wry chuckle.
"I gotta say Kate, even if you did give me a disease, still one of the best kisses I've ever had."
She froze. The kiss that she was cursing herself for having, the kiss she stayed awake thinking about, the kiss that changed her life, it was the best you had ever had. She didn't know how to process.
But before she could get you to add on, you had to go. Not from the party, just to the bathroom and you would be right back.
She was ask when you came back.
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It had been almost 30 minutes and you hadn't came back.
Kate's bleeding stopped and her cramp was retreating. But she was now completely worried about you and she didn't know what to do.
She still saw her mom and yours so you were definitely still here but you could be having issues in the bathroom, something could be wrong and you might need help. She needed to find you.
So she started running around, looking in every bathroom in the building, hoping to find you in one. Even the men's!
Little note, you were not in the men's. I don't know why she thought you would be.
But she had checked every bathroom on the floor the party was on and not one of them had you in them. Maybe you were on a different floor. Maybe you weren't in the bathroom at all. Maybe you were dead!
Kate was thinking about too hard.
You probably went home and couldn't text her since you didn't have her number anymore. Yeah.
She was about to quit her search and go tell her mom she was going home, she served her purpose. If you were gone, chances are your mom was right behind you.
But something stopped her.
She heard moans and groans coming from the closet she was standing next to. At first, she figured someone must be hurt and she was about to burst in there and become Captain Save A Ho.
But as soon as the door swung open, she knew it was the complete opposite. And she looked on with fear.
You were inside the closet with some boy's lips on your neck.
Holy shit.
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catchyhuh · 8 months
O wise angry Lupin circle on my monitor, grace us with your answer: Who is your favorite?
i used to joke that regardless of if i wanted it to be obvious it was obvious until one of my friends sincerely thought i hated him for like three months because of how i talked about him. so maybe it really isn’t that obvious!! on a completely unrelated note here’s a list of zenigata fun facts off the top of my head!
as far as i know he’s the only one with an exact age. you do the math of when byebye lady liberty came out and the birthdate on his id, you get 51. damn.
canonical shoujo fan (read rose of versailles) but also has seen dirty harry 40 times so. varied tastes. he’s a complicated person.
local police departments fucking hate him not because of his weirdo methods or just how eccentric he is in general (tbh its more funny to them than anything, and he DOES end up putting other, worse criminals in jail during the process of the lupin escapades) but because he racks up HUGE fucking debts like everywhere he goes and like maybe 10% of it is actually related to lupin. he picks out nice hotels and restaurants and shit (or he did before they finally started cracking down on that shit). but i say we let him. waste that cop budget and live that high life my man!!
has survived multiple building-leveling explosions, has survived falling dozens of feet with nothing but a looney tunes sound effect indicating there was any impact at all, being shot in the heart twice, one time being legally pronounced DEAD but going “jk did you say lupin” and shooting out of bed, he got hit with enough tranquilizer to keep an elephant down for 3 hours i think (he woke up in 10 minutes) and he’s also bitten through steel bars with his teeth. no i don’t mean the handcuffs, although he does do that a lot too, i mean actual like jail cell bars. he’s a medical miracle
honestly i think if he just committed to only using bikes and motorcycles he’d be able to keep up in car chases more effectively because not only has he just outright tackled someone with a motorbike before but he’s fast as fucking hell on those things!! 
sorry made it this far without mentioning lupin but he’s also had lupin’s phone number a few times. he texts him. i mean lupin texts zenigata. probably noWell maybe the other way around but he knows better than to even try to trace the number at this point. he also used to hate cell phones but got over it and now has a live wallpaper. don’t tell him those things drain your battery he’d be so disappointed
uh apparently he worked construction at one point in his life. kinda terrifying to imagine a pre-thief-busting era zeni
has had THREE different first names because they couldn’t be fucked to keep track. koichi apparently came from a misspelling of his SECOND name (which i can’t be bothered to look up again i’m lazy i told you this was all off the top of my head) and they just went “no i kinda dig that. keep that one” and so that’s what they’ve used since. i cannot stress enough how unserious this series is
here's a small collection of images of him eating shit!
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discofairysworld · 13 days
I'm bored and I've been wanting to make a list of the Islanders my MC ended up with in each season (along with some tea ☕) for while sooo here it is! 💅✨
S1: Jake (I started with Miles, and ofc that went to shit, then ended up with Levi and was being MESSY, then ended the season with Jake. But TRUST, if Tim had a full endgame route I would've been with him, but you could only get with him during the reunion, and like...I wanted more so I just stuck with Jake 🥲 LOVE Jake tho! Love me my bi man that can cook mmyeahh 💅✨ But overall this season was messy in the best way possible and S1 MC stood on business 💃✨!!! Miss her 🥲)
S2: Bobby (my first ever playthrough I actually chose Rocco ((yikes)) and I was so committed to doing a loyal route that the whole Marisol and Rocco thing actually SHOOK me to my core and I was low-key kinda devastated. But Bobby was the one that comforted my MC and it was kinda like a friends to lovers moment and I was sold from then on LMFAOO. Like I love the loyal Bobby route when you pick him on day one, but I stand ten toes down that the BEST way to play his route was to start with Rocco, get that angst, and end up with Bobby. It was better than the slow burn Bobby route imo bc 1 I'm impatient, and 2 the vibes...the tension...it was the perfect balance girl I'll even say it was ✨ immaculate ✨ UGGHHHH I miss S2 so much 😭 S2 is and will forever remain the best season of litg imo. Ofc there's a few fixes it could use, but overall, it's leagues above every other season just for the cast of iconic islanders alone 💅✨)
S3: Camilo (now this one is funny cus at the time I wasn't really into S3 as much as the other 2 seasons, like it just wasn't giving the same level of dramatics or messiness. So on my first playthrough I just chose who I liked the look of ((Camilo)) and stuck it out to the end. And I love him fr like he's great! But my next playthrough was my favourite bc it was MESSYYYY. I started with Camilo, got freaky with Tai then coupled up with him, then I ended the season with Rafi. And I'm pretty sure during the reunion I was even more messy because it was forced on us to have a fight with your li. So I leaned into that and made my MC just flirty with everyone LMFAOOO. I can't really remember but I think I made her get back with either Tai or Camilo 💀 S3 reunion was definitely...a choice!)
S4: Bruno (what can I say..I love a silly goofy man LMDJSHDJSDBSH. No but fr he was a sweetheart. I actually started with Will, and I'm now just realizing it's kinda reminiscent of my first Bobby route when I started with Rocco LOL ((Will is leagues above Rocco tho. Idk why but I feel like Rocco would def not use deodorant bc it takes away his "natural musk" or some shit 💀)). I was really into Will and wanted to be with him, but he got all wishy washy and wanted to explore things with Thabi, and I was like....bruh 🧍‍♀️. So I just coupled up with Bruno not really expecting too much, but idk girlies the silly man charmed me and the rest is history 💀 this season I overall liked a bit more than S3 which shocked me. I'm still kinda bummed they never made a reunion for it 🥲)
S5: ✨Money✨ (this season...was a mess. Not messy...a MESS. Not a very enjoyable mess indeed. I kinda just hated everyone so I made my MC try to be as FUN messy and dramatic as possible bc best believe everyone else was just draining the life out of the villa for fun 💀 in my first playthrough I ended the season with Finn and chose love....then I replayed chose Suresh and chose money for the drama and I liked that ending much more teehee 👹🥰🤭)
S6: Lewie (I liked this season! It wasn't AMAZING but it wasn't bad either. Amelia was....Amelia... Lewie was cute and loyal, but the scenarios that FB forced MC and her li in were...less enjoyable at times. WHY did they have your li confuse your MC and Amelia in bed....girl be fr.... Like I could clearly tell Lewie was being genuine if a bit awkward, but very much into MC, but they made him look so shady sometimes for no reason like plsssss 😭💀 I'm still debating if I should replay for Roberto or Andy, but they all just kinda become the same person sooo 💀 But I definitely think this season's MC was one of the prettiest! she slayed the boots house down mawma MWAHHHHH 💋💕)
S7: Alex (idk what to really say about this season...it was forgettable I fear... I chose Alex just bc he was the one who stood out to me looks wise initially. His personality was cute...but again I feel like all the li's just morph into the same person at certain points in the game. I'm debating on replaying for Rafael bc he's also cute, but I've seen that the drama isn't really drama-ing, and the messiness you would expect is...rather clean actually...sooo. S7 you were not that girl I fear 💀)
S8: Jin (I really liked this season, it was dramatic and messy! But I think I liked it so much because of the fandom. On its own it's good! Like we're definitely getting somewhere, but again it's not AMAZING. And it has some of the same issues of previous seasons, the li's just morph into the same being at certain points in the game. Not to mention the designated villain/rival being interchangeable, and... Sienna. Just...Sienna. Jin was the best part of that season for me personally. But again FB was trying to be slick and trying to make him seem shady when he wasn't and girl plssssss like it's getting old 💀😭 Also I will say, this season probably had the best/most successful casa amor, so I will give it that. I was so tempted to switch to Max, but I wanted to complete a loyal playthrough with Jin first, and did 🤪✌️. The reunion....the....reunion....hmmm. Well! It certainly put itself above S3s reunion... for the most disastrous down right diabolical almost unplayable reunion 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.)
This is my list as well as the tea aka my personal thoughts and opinions 💃 if you took the time to read this...hi 🥴💕 ur cute 🤪🤭, no but fr thanks for taking the time to read my chaotic posts! Also if anything, I'm excited to interact more with the fandom for the next season and I hope we can all have fun with it! Manifesting chaotic messy dramatic vibes for season 9 aka All Stars WOOOOOOO!!! 💃✨💃✨💃✨💃✨
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azrielsbabyg · 2 years
Hi i was wondering if you could an azriel x reader where the IC ships them and try everything to get them together (funny antics ensue) but what they don’t know is that they’re already together and just watching the IC go crazy while happily in love lol
NOTE- hello and thank you for sending in this request, hope you like it <3
SUMMARY- You and Az have been together for a while now but in secret and the IC tries to get you both together
PAIRING- Azriel x Reader
The winds pushed against my body as Cassian flew me to the River House. Feyre and Rhys had called us over from the House Of Wind for some brunch and we weren’t exactly allowed to refuse. Az was carrying Nesta, just to make sure that no one suspected us being together.
I'm so over this, Az says through the bond.
I know, but it’s all so amusing.
The whole inner circle had been trying their level best to get Azriel and me together. Little did they know, Az and I were mates and had been together for quite some time now. Although we had to give them some credit, if they hadn’t left Az and me alone in the River House alone, we would never have known about being each other’s mates. Slowly flashbacks started coming to me, all the techniques they used to bring Az and me together.
*Solstice last year*
I was having a fun interesting conversation with Lucien when Feyre comes out of nowhere and pulls me to the dance floor. I would have refused otherwise but I couldn’t exactly say no to the birthday girl. On top of that, I was terribly intoxicated and saw no reason to shy away from this.
As the music went on to transform into something much more hot and risky, everyone seemed to have found a partner to dirty dance with. Everyone except Azriel.
I can bet 500 gold coins this was done on purpose, maybe they had caught us stealing glances the past few weeks after all. Mor took Emerie, Rhys took Feyre, Amren and Varian left ages ago, Cassian and Nesta found the spot closest to the balcony and Elain stalked towards Lucien. Gwyn had no interest whatsoever to dance, at all.
Inevitably that left Az and me with no choice at all. With a small smirk on his face, which I was totally going to wipe off his face later tonight, he walked toward me and put his hand forward.
I accepted it and gave him a gentle bow and lead him to the centre of the floor.
Lets just say things got heated after that.
*Few weeks ago*
Things were getting hot as the night progressed.
Az and I were in the library supposedly “working” on a few reports meant for Rhys. One minute I’m looking up the background of the biggest dealers of Hewn City, the next I find myself in a heated make out session with Azriel. My legs or on either side of him while I am sitting on his lap. He slowly makes his way down my neck and starts to pull of my sleeves one at a time. He kisses the part where my shoulders meet my neck, long enough to leave a mark.
Suddenly we hear Cassian and Nesta making their way down the stairs laughing and giggling about the next time they trick Az and I into a relationship. I jump off Azriel and make my way across the table just in time for Cass to open the door to the library.
Seeing us all flustered and bushing, Nesta opts Cass to leave the library and give us some free time. After their voices drained out, we got back to where we left off.
“Few nights ago”
Rhys was annoyingly hyper today, so was Feyre. The two of them would not stop bringing Az and me into a conversation. They would always say things like-
“Hey Az, isn’t Y/N’s dress so gorgeous today”
“Hey Y/N, doesn’t Azriels outfit look good today?”
“Hey Az, why don’t you take Y/N for a walk?”
“Hey Y/N, don’t you want to get to know Azriel better?”
They got on my fucking nerves. If I wasn’t there to calm Azriel down, he would’ve exposed the two of you then and there. It was getting tiring watching them try their level best even though their wishes were fulfilled ages ago.
Az was my first everything, first kiss, first boyfriend, first time, first relationship fight, etc. I felt bad for having to lie to them, but Az and I are both really closed of people, so we did what we needed to to get privacy.
As we reached the door step of the River House, I was grinning to myself at the failed attempts of the inner circle. “You both go ahead, Az and I just need to talk, we will be right behind you though.”
They mutter an agreement and walk into the house towards our waiting friends.
“What happened baby?” Az’s soft voice asks me questioning the look on my face.
“I was wondering if we should tell them. About us. It’s getting tiring hiding from them and I dont want you to hide things from your brothers…” I trail off.
“I don’t mind telling them, as long as you find it comfortable. I can see how much it is bothering you and as long as it makes you happy, I will be willing to make it exclusive.” He finishes off by pushing a strand of my hair behind my year.
I lean into his touch and let him lead me into the main hall.
Everyone welcomes us but only one person maintained their distance. Lucien. “Why the fuck is your hand around her waist?!” He directs the question at Az.
Everyone goes silent, even the Sidra gushing can’t be heard. Az and I share a long look which honestly should've given the rest of them a clue but didn't.
"We uh- we- we um a- w-we-"
"We're mates!" I blurted out cutting Az off. A choir of gasps sounds the room followed by raging questions thrown at us from all around.
"Guys one at a time, please." Az shushes them and they all quiet down.
Rhys raises his hand and goes "How long has this been going on now? When did the bond click into place? Was this because of our attempts to bring you together?" He says the last part with a hint of pride underlining it.
"We've been mates for over a year now, and yes kind of, you guys had a little to do with it." I reply, "If you guys hadn't left us alone all those months ago, Az and I might not have been brought together."
Az pulls me closer and gives me a soft kiss on the head. Everyone kept throwing questions at us and we battled them together, as one.
After an hour or so of questions, after everyone was at least one glass of wine in, Case remarks "Remind me to never agree to play match-maker ever again."
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Unlikely Friendships
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   Wheatley never understood Magnus, or people in general, this was Romeo’s generation of mortals and they were far different from the underneath. Since his defeat, they never bothered to communicate or engage with many of Romeo’s generation of people. Especially Magnus, he was loud, abbrasive, hot headed, and increadibly impulsive.   And not to mention destructive, Wheatley hated to see the world in shambles, torn to bits by explosives and Boomtown was full of uncovered craters and leveled terrain. They could just never imagine getting to.. Know Magnus.     Magnus felt equally as such, Wheatley was too passive for his taste, he wasn’t fun! He strayed away from the destructive beauty he created, cowered at the sound of explosions and covered their ears. They never seemed interested in what Magnus had to say, never bothered to stop and say ‘Hello!’ and certainly didn’t seem interested in engaging in Magnus’ explosive activities.     But it was all Jesse’s idea, ‘Get to know each other! You need some socialization.” Jesse always seemed so keen that Wheatley got to know the Old Order and Beacontown’s residents in general. Of course Jesse wasn’t wrong, Wheatley had grown incredibly lonely in the days that passed, cooped up in the terminal so long his fur had grown knotted and unkept. Where would be the harm in trying?   Who would have known it could have gone so well? It took some arguments, back and forth, and some tossed words but as days passed they found each other grown accustomed to each other. Wheatley reminded Magnus of Ellegaard, she was always so isolated and smart-mouthed and since her passing it was almost nice to hear the constant nagging about hygiene and keeping safe from dangers.    It started with Magnus pestering the admin about why they didn’t like explosions. “They’re loud, they’re fine for a moment but then you hear the hiss and it’s akin to a creeper. You feel cold, blood drains from your face and before you know it your senses are filled with.. Chaos. The ringing rocks your head, the ground shakes beneath your feet and rattles your heart and bones. The sound travels for miles, and admins have sensitive hearing, sensitive in general. We experience everything on a heightened level, we’ll never be hurt by the explosion but the experience is enough to drive us away.” And so, Magnus had a plan. Was it a good one? Of course not, it’s Magnus.     Wheatley seemed unsure when Magnus had come to them the first time with the idea in hand, scribbled messily on a piece of paper. It was trecherous, possibly life threatening, but with the presence of an admin Magnus had all the confidence in the world! Of course.. It took weeks of convincing to make Wheatley agree.    And there they were now, Magnus pushing the limit his body gave him to charge down the walkway made from TNT summoned at the admin’s command, with each step the TNT lit up behind him, falling into the empty sky below them and exploding a great distance down without the risk of it hitting the earth below.  Magnus’ heart raced as he chased the green admin through the sky, chanting and yelling excitement with Wheatley’s enthusiastic encouragement.       Blocks of TNT appeared a few feet ahead him at all times, ensuring he’d not fall and plummet to the world below, even if he knew Wheatley would be there to catch him. It felt strange to put trust in someone he’d only met a few months before, but the toothy grin Wheatley gave him without an ounce of hesitation assured him that their unlikely friendship wasn’t just some appearance mumbo jumbo to stop Jesse’s constant badgering.
WOW, okay, so I don’t really write much so be nice with this I wrote it up in like under an hour because I drew this funny sketch and had inspiration to make a sweet little short story about Wheatley and Magnus’ friendship. Depending on who lives, Wheatley obviously befriends Ellie or Magnus but I wanted to do this one first for the funnies. Should I do Ellie next? I had the idea to do something like this for each member of the Old Order as Wheatley does *try* and befriend each other them out of curiosity and Jesse’s encouragement, Romeo made them afterall and they need to get out more.  Idk let me know :eyes:  I love my stupid little admin guy I hope you guys do too <3
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liminalpebble · 1 year
The Refugee: Chapter 23
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Loki paced his war room, twirling and flipping the hairpin she had forgotten so long ago, between his nimble fingers. He recalled the day he acquired it so fondly; how he let her hair down and stroked her face in the light of her first morning at the citadel. Loki never had the heart to return the little wooden trinket to her again; he treasured it too much. He felt ridiculous, holding the little stick and feeling his heart strain and sting with sensations of rejection and betrayal. Each time it summoned memories of her hair, her smell, her touch, her eyes, the ache and anger needled yet again.
Alarmed, he realized he was gripping it far too tightly and immediately loosened his hold, terrified to break it. Now he remembered the long list of times he had broken and damaged her, all the times she was brave and strong enough to repair herself, and admitted to himself that he was getting exactly what he deserved for taking her for granted, bending her to his will, terrifying her. The emperor sighed and let his shoulders slump. Those aquamarine eyes burned hot and damp as he felt the loss of her and the weight of consequences bear down on him like a boulder.
Loki hadn't slept after being alerted to Lea's escape the previous evening. The king watched from the castle's parapet with baited breath as she ran into the darkness and vanished in a golden light, knowing who had plucked her from his grasp. He had sent message after message with no reply. Then as a last resort, all patience and politeness exhausted, Loki tried to teleport only to feel a sharp shocking pain bolt through his entire body just before he was hurled back to the floor. He smacked the marble tiles and flipped his hair out of his face with a furious grimace. Although he knew it wouldn't work any better than the first time, he still tried again and again until his body was aching and his magic would be drained for hours from his attempts.
And so then he paced, and paced, until he turned around for his next round  to find a golden image of Queen Nadia materializing before him in the empty conference chamber. “Where is she?” he said in broken but passable Vanir. His voice was deep and level, but with an undercurrent of cold fury.
“She is here, Trickster King. My servant is showing her where she will stay, making sure she is comfortable. Poor thing, she's putting up a brave face but she's terribly shaken.  In any case, I gave her magic and I shall be the one to educate her in its use. I will teach her to be strong and her choices from now on will be her own.”
Loki exhaled heavily, he felt a hundred thoughts ricocheting around the dome of his skull. He was trying to be as eloquent in Vanir as he was in High Asgardian but he was failing miserably. It was a humbling experience for the proud king. The darkly funny twist that his best translator had been spirited away and was their topic of conversation wasn't lost on him. “Is this what she has chosen? Does she want this arrangement?”
Nadia gave him a curious look. “God of Mischief, it surprises me that you now show concern over the wants, needs, and decisions of your captive. If you had done so before, perhaps we wouldn't be in this situation.”
“She was more than a captive, Nadia. She was brilliant here. Her presence changed everything. I was preparing her to be my queen.”
“But she was still a prisoner, Loki. I am giving her the freedom she deserves. If she is to be your queen, it must be her own decision.”
He nodded and combed his hand through his hair in agitation. He realized that just a few months ago he would be raging at the queen and violently invading her kingdom, punishing indiscriminately to take Lenora back and force her to his side. The impulse was there, but so were his better ideas and his considerable intellect. “I just want her to be okay,” he finally said, the threat of tears again pricking the corners of his eyes.
Nadia's face and tone softened with compassion. “You have my word, Loki. She will be. She will be better than that. She will learn to trust herself and her power. What she decides to do with that must be her own choice.”
“You are a wise woman, Nadia. You're right.”
“Often am,” she quipped, “but I'm surprised you admit it for once.” There was a beat of silence as the shrewd queen evaluated him. “You've changed, Silver-tongue.”
“Doesn't everything and everyone?” was his best response, remembering that through her hopeless tears, Lea had claimed just the opposite. “Can I...we...send her messages...communicate with her?”
“Of course, if it is her decision. And she is free to respond as she sees fit, but you will not enter this castle, Loki Laufeyson. Not until she and I both deem it permissible. You will not even enter this kingdom without my permission.”
“What is this? Some kind of penance for my sins towards her?” he said, voice finally raising and bristling with irritation. He was not a man accustomed to being forbidden or denied, and his pride chafed.
“It is. And a gentler one than you deserve. But it is for her sake, not yours.”
He bowed his head heavily now, and his lips twitched with pain. “Please take very good care of her, Nadia. She's very precious to me.”
“I will, Loki. You have my word.”
He inhaled a shuddering breath, holding back tears long enough to bid Nadia a quiet but polite farewell.
The silence as her hologram disappeared was deafening. Loki felt alone, so horribly alone and unwanted. He began to sob, and wondered if this is how pathetically he wailed as an infant left to die on the frozen ground of Jotunheim. The king heard footsteps behind him and, quickly wasted the last of his reserve of magic energy to cast the illusion of an impassive face and impeccable clothing.
It was Magnus, with a tray of food and tea. The doctor placed the tray on the long table, carefully avoiding the large map and small figurines the generals had arranged upon it as a visualization of the battle plan against the Jotun. He cocked an eyebrow, seeing through Loki's illusion. “Seriously?” he said. Loki rolled his eyes, returning to his distressed and disheveled appearance.
“Fine, but if you won't allow me an illusion of dignity, can you at least lock the door and let me look miserable in privacy.”
Magnus obliged him, swinging the double doors closed. “You don't just look miserable, you feel miserable. So do I. And frankly, we ought to feel miserable. Come here. You need to eat, and we need to talk.”
“Have you come to gloat?” he barked.
“I've come to make you eat, Loki...and hopefully, convince you to sleep.”
“Don't you feel a bit weak and pathetic, coming back to serve me like a common maid even after I was horrible to you?”  
“I am not weak. I am patient...and I am making the choice to be kind to you. I would consider that a strength of character.”
A haughty look crossed Loki's patrician face, as he wanted to spar, wanted to hold onto his pettiness, but he had no fight left in him to even put up the facade. Instead he looked at Magnus like a lost child and said, “I'm a pompous ass and an idiot and I feel so alone.”
Magnus dropped a cup, in his shock at hearing such an unprecedented sentence pass from the god of mischief's lips with total sincerity. He didn't even reach to clean it up in his haste to cross the room and embrace his friend. However much disdain Magnus felt for him, his enormous heart wouldn't allow Loki to suffer in isolation, regardless of whether or not he deserved to. He hugged Loki tightly and at first the emperor was too surprised to return the gesture. Slowly, he lowered his arms to embrace Magnus.
“Thank you,” Loki said quietly, gasping with tears and gratitude.
Magnus broke the hug saying simply, “you're welcome” and then feeling awkward, swept up the shattered teacup.
“I don't think we've hugged each other since we were children.”
“I supposed it's a few centuries overdue then,” Magnus said with his rakish lop-sided grin, as his eyes scanned the table before him. He picked up one of the wooden figurines, inspecting it with a wan smile. “This reminds me of when my parents were both working long hours in the medical ward, so Frigga let us run amok together. Remember the time you and I snuck into Odin's war room and started playing with these little guys? Odin was livid. I don't think I'd ever been so afraid for my life, but you took the blame entirely...faced his wrath alone.”
“I remember,” said Loki with a thin nostalgic grin. “It wasn't difficult for me. I was used to being the target of my false-father's anger and disappointment. I hardly felt anything about it anymore. I had already decided that if he wouldn't let me be a hero, I might as well be a nuisance...or a villain.”
“But to me, that day, you were a hero.”
Loki sighed, “I think I wanted to be her hero too, Magnus. Sometimes I'm a romantic fool who wants to be the dashing king, sweeping her off her feet so she'll adore me. I just couldn't remember how to be anything but a villain...and then she just had to go and be my heroine in so many ways. And let's not forget, you were the hero who saved her life, while I was the one endangering it.”
“There's good in you Loki. I know there is...selflessness and love...but so much scar tissue of hurt.”
“I wish I could have even an ounce of your optimism, Magnus. I've been so envious of it...of everything about you she so rightfully finds lovable. I worry about you here, in this place, by my side. So much of what I've built is so poisonous and I'm worried it will poison you too. All these years, I just selfishly hoped you'd remain incorruptible for my own good.” He paused to breathe. It was a pregnant, painful pause. “You should go Magnus. Get away from me and this place before it ruins you. ”
“I'm not going to abandon you.”
“You should Magnus, with my blessing. I don't deserve you and I don't deserve her.” “I said I'm not going to abandon you...and I'm not going to stop loving you, and I'm not going to stop loving her either, so you might as well get used to all of those facts. Now will you please eat something, you fucking prick?”
Loki smiled with damp eyes and eyebrows peaked, then he exhaled, heaving out some tears and a laugh at the same time, as Magnus shoved a sandwich into his hand.
He sniffed. “Thank you,” Loki responded, the gravity of his voice making it clear that he was saying it for so much more than the sandwich.
@gigglingtigger @lokisgoodgirl @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @thenerdyoldersister @peaches1958 @thedistractedagglomeration @sweetsigyn (Thank you all yet again! Sorry for the slew of chapters lately. Please don’t feel like you have to hurdle through them for me. I’m just in the middle of a major depressive episode and working on this is the only thing kind of keeping my sanity afloat. I hope reading this gives you an escape as well.)
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insomniaccipher · 3 months
EDIT (24/3): so um, I posted this way way too early. In my sleep deprived state I guess I posted it rather than save it as a draft, since it's clearly not done. I'm not going to private it, people have already seen it so expect this to be updated with the remaining notes. Sorry and thank you for understanding!
(tw for mention of depression and a depressive episode)
After a few days of me being absolutely fucking drained and progressively chipping away at this, and having a surprise d3pr3ssiv3 episode
(seriously though, don't do what I did and work yourself into a depressive episode. I'm okay now, but I should have rested before I crashed.)
And I can finally present the original sketches, notes (internal dialogue included) and with additional notes provided by present me.
Thank you to the few people who showed interest in my little character for being patient with me, I know I wasn't super loyal with the time frame and kept having issues arise but here it is. I apologise for not having a full illustration of them, It's one of those things that I have to be 100 percent satisfied with and right now, it's not there.
Thank you so so much again and I hope you like them, please feel free to critique them or ask questions but try to keep it polite please. Love you all!
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Page 1 (left) - Bits and bobs
- Originally I was thinking of giving Arc moving tattoos. This was because I wanted them to have a more clear connection to ink since they would already be around it quite a lot also I imagine it would have been funny for Arc, who is a very calm and collected person, to be in a frustrating situation but can't express it so their tattoos just fucking loose it showing that they are fucking fuming but looks calm as can be.
After I decided on the hat with a veil however I decided to scrap the idea, or at least save it for a different character, as I realized the character would feel too busy and between the two ideas I liked the hat and veil more.
- There was a short-lived idea of them having blackout tattoos but after a bit of research I decided not to ask I wasn't sure if they had any cultural significance, so better safe than sorry.
- Arc, as stated in the notes, is seemingly always calm. That doesn't mean they can't feel frustrated, sad, embarrassed it just means they can keep their composure and level headed. They're like one of those people that if you upset them they'll walk out the room yell and throw shit and walk back in calm as can be.
- Their role has by now developed more than just being an archivist, as now I see them as just a general records keeper. They find and keep old records and text organised, while also writing down new information and such. I'm not changing their name though, cause honestly I've just grown attached to their nickname.
Page 2 (right) - the first note and ideas
- Weirdly enough, the very first idea I had for this character wasn't their story or personality: but their hat and veil. Yup. I just liked the idea of a character with a big halo hat and a veil hiding their face.
- There was another character at one point or they might have been the same, I don't exactly remember and the details between them were similar enough that it's possible that they were just the same character just with minor tweaks. But that character was more connected to the band (again as in the personas/characters they play, not the irl people) while Arc is more of a solo unit.
Mentioning this other character is relevant because, and this is purely based on memory, I think the whole reason they were reworked/scrapped/whatever-the-fuck I did with them was because a hat and veil wouldn't be practical on stage.
- Anyway whenever they do take the veil off, either for more delicate work or they have to be in public, they'll put on a basic mask that covers the majority of their lower face.
- A lot of stuff I see, so forgive me if it's not actually a popular concept, seems to make the band members some form of inhuman. Which I fucking love, however to be honest the inhuman stuff was always kind of going to be part of them no matter what, even if I hadn't chosen the hat and veil concept (See top bullet point for the moving tattoos concept).
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Okay. Now, I to outline brainstorm with you via asks. *rubs hands together eagerly*
Opens with Megatron and the trial and the cell in different points of view (Optimus's would be delightfully crunchy to show changes to some of the LL crew and give the Drift scene) maybe some other scenes such as the meeting with Cybertrons leaders to show the changes.
Prowl going on the Lost Light to give Ratchet on of the backups of Chromedome's memories that he had stored with him. It is a common procedure for mnemosurgeons to leave these woth people in case something happens and they need to do a restore. Prowl's is dated but it gives them something to work from and compare to for repairs. He sees people he are absolutely certain are former Decepticons and then looking at Chromedome before Ratchet comes to chase him out and Prowl, weighs it, and asks Ratchet to fix his eye. He's being interrupted by Drift who pops in and Ratchet snorts when Prowl tries to warn Ratchet off only to drop the bomb "that is my Conjunx" which makes him bluescreen a bit.
So a few scenes of outsider POV before settling on out main present POV Megs.
Megatron gets onto the Lost Light and meets Magnus, who is walking him through and once they get to the locked room he is warning him to stay out of he grimaces, sits Megatron down and tells him the truth, noting the file he'd been given mentioned issues with Mnemosurgeons. 
This leads into the first flashback from Ultra Magnus's POV with the start of the nightmares and things following the wake of Overlord/Rewind's death which is a fairly normal reaction to trauma. 
Magnus and Rodimus have a meeting going over reports about this. Rung is noting the jump in crewmembers reaching out to him and the Medbay is reporting people avoiding are having issues getting sound sleep leading to low energy drain.
Rodimus, who has also been more withdrawn which again doesn't stand out, included a request for a new berth be delivered because he burned his. Magnus sighs and the absence of Drift is severely felt and the clearly distressed but hiding it Rodimus mentions they should just invite Rung and Ratchet and the others to command meetings to report since they're important too. Magnus feels a little soft and says he'll arrange a time because he can see Rodimus visibly struggling so it must be bad. At the mention of nightmares Rodimus pauses and asks if Magnus had any/was okay. Ultra Magnus mentions he hasn't and returns the question only for Rodimus to clam up and say he's fine.
Brief mention about concerns with Chromedome and they both grimace because a very tired Brainstorm had given the command staff and general crew the rundown of "Chromedome Has Deleted His Husband How To Handle It?" which was horrifying and made them all feel hollow though Magnus has his own quiet grief about Dominus and his brother-in-law. There had been a PowerPoint and a stock email prepared. It would have been funny if it wasn't horrifying and then Brainstorm mentioned he needed to call Prowl so that he could send out the formal updates to the "usual people". This shocked them even more and Brainstorm then explained the other Conjunx that had been lost whom he'd known and that he and Prowl were some of Chromedome's only permanent acquaintances and they had a process in place for this.
Seeing Chromedome walk around aloof but semi-normal was troubling for everyone and Tailgate and Swerve, who'd both grown closer to Rewind, still couldn't be in the same room with him or talk to him normally. 
The crew was dealing with it in varying levels of well and sympathy and offense, while they all saw a bit more of Chromedome being more of an asshole without Rewind or saying or doing a behavior that he adapted for or from Rewind and not knowing why if it was brought up. 
He'd had to visit the Medbay a lot to deal with headaches from people triggering memories that were connected to Rewind that couldn't be loaded due to the mnemosurgery and Ratchet was still furious both with Chromedome, for "mutilating himself", and Brainstorm, for not telling him that Chromedome was actively a risk to himself. The headaches seem to be puttering out with his recovery and the crew has adapted. As much as they can.
Just hints at things being off and Rodimus keeps rubbing his lower back saying he has an ache but he probably just slept funny.
Flashes back to the present where Magnus has given Megatron a general summary of Chromedome attempting to edit his own mind and causing damage that led to him attcaking others and an escalation until he was finally secured. The crew decided to keep him in stasis in the hope for repair and recover rather than punishment. Ultimately deciding that Chromedome should be given a chance when possible. They hope perhaps something with the Knights would be helpful given they were supposed to have notbonly wisdom but lost knowledge. Meanwhile Ratchet and the others are doing careful microsurgeries to repair what damage they could.
Optimus's pov would be very crunchy for that considering his state/role in the Trial, especially giving us a snippet in his thought process of wanting to dig through Megatron's helm, and Rodimus's unexpected reaction to mnemosurgery
Ooo interesting on having memory backups!
Ratchet is absolutely prepared to get Prowl the fuck out of there, but fair fair that it's medical aid time
Get wrecked Prowl lol
Oooo interesting meeting with Megs and Mags interesting interesting
ohhhoh yes it always starts quiet and slow, it's always the little things at first. Rodimus is right, tbh, Ratchet and Rung (among others) are important to command. But ohh. ohh roddie. Mags worrying for Rodimus makes so much sense in this situation but also we're seeing a side of UM that mecha don't typically see.
Good on Stormy for sharing that because yes, they needed to know this about Chromedome and yes it's unsettling on a whole nother level. But also that is slightly hilarious but also very useful that Brainstorm was that prepared. "The usual people" hmm. Hmmm. Interesting.
This is why Chromedome angst is so interesting and well creepy because he was up and about carrying on like "normal" after such a devastating event (because he doesn't remember it). It's so interesting to see how the crew interacts with CD and how he interacts with them in this time period where it seems like "normal" post memory deletion procedure, according to Brainstorm.
Yessss on him still having a reaction when his processor tries to retrieve memories that aren't there anymore
oh roddie
Yep yep makes sense they'd try to help Chromedome, after all all of this is happening because he is greatly unwell, and that he is another reason for their quest now.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The way Sylvester Stallone ended up starring in Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot is much more interesting than the film itself. In the ’90s, the kings of action blockbusters were Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stallone. After reading the script by Blake Snyder, William Osborne and William Davies, Schwarzenegger knew it was awful. Knowing his rival would jump on the project if he feigned interest, Schwarzenegger told the press he was “very interested”. In no time, Stallone underbid him and got the role. Later, he would go on to call it one of the worst of his career. That's funny. This movie is not.
Sergeant Joseph Andrew Bomowski (Sylvester Stallone) dreads the upcoming visit from his mother, Tutti (Estelle Getty). When she attempts to illegally buy him a firearm, she witnesses a murder. Now the two must work together to determine who is selling high-powered weapons on the black market.
This movie (and the similarly awful Cop and a Half) is the ultimate bad buddy cop “one’s a” movie. We’ve seen movies where one’s a white cop and one’s a black cop, where one’s a man and one’s a woman, where one’s a young guy and one’s an old veteran, and so on. When they’re good, they deliver a compelling police action film and memorable bits of comedy that take advantage of the differences between the leads. When they're bad, you get this.
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot was sold on the gimmick alone - they certainly didn’t have a stack of amusing scenarios in mind. There’s maybe a single joke that lands. The rest is painfully unfunny and unoriginal. It isn’t even a movie about a cop being paired up with an old lady; it’s a cop paired up with his overbearing, irritating mother. You know the kind. We're talking about a woman who sees a perfectly clean room and decides it’s filthy but then goes on to destroy prized possessions in her attempts to make everything “spotless”. All this at 3 in the morning because common sense is something that escapes her.
I understand the movie is a comedy but even so, its characters are just way too dumb. Sure the movie “had to happen” but you never believe this scenario would play out the way it would. Every attempt at hilarity just makes the film longer and fills you with resentment. You look at Stallone’s face and you can tell he knew exactly how bad a movie this was. He puts no effort into the role. Even Estelle Getty isn’t particularly good and she should be the star of the show!
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot feels like an episode of a TV show that would've been canceled after 15 minutes stretched out to an hour and a half. At most, This should’ve been a short skit parodying buddy cop movies. Maybe this began as a joke someone took too seriously or director Roger Spottiswoode had a vision that got lost on the way to the screen. Regardless, you’re sitting there, powerless to do anything about the barrage of anti-fun coming your way. You accept it’s going to be bad within the first few minutes. You hope you can somehow acclimate yourself to the level of dimwitted writing and just when you're about to, Stallone delivers a title drop that lands like a blue whale on an inflatable pool. It just drains away all of your remaining will to live. This was made in 1992? Good gracious. (On VHS, June 14, 2019)
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suiyuun-archive · 2 years
𝐓𝐎𝐏  𝟓  𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆  𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire / represent  your  muses  the  most.    bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it.
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Trouble, blood is in the rocky waters. Hide away your sons and daughters. Eat you alive. Levels. Better put your head on swivels. Dancing with the very devil; butter to knife. You think you're better than them, better than them. You think they're really your friends really your friends - but when it comes to the end (to the end) you're just the same as them (same as them). So let it go, let it go... That's the way that it goes. First you're in, then you're out. Everybody knows. You're hot, then you're cold. You're a light in the dark. Just you wait and you'll see - that you're swimmin' with sharks.
02. 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 - 𝐉𝐀𝐆𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍     (𝗯𝗼𝗻𝘂𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗼)
Flip the switch, flip the stove, world gone mad, let's start the show. Get your kicks and let's go. If you're sad, don't let it show. Say I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy today - I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy today. They say put on a happy face. 'Cause we're tick-tock, tick-tock - ticking like a timebomb. Hey, put on a happy face, then everything's okay. Put on a happy face. Hey, put on a happy face, then everything's okay. Put on a happy face.
You'll pick somewhere that's private, where you and I can really speak. Go ahead and tell me something - that you learned in therapy. And it's almost convincing (it's almost convincing), but I've been known to go against my instincts. And I know you're performing, but it's working for me (we can talk about it in the morning). Baby, you're a bad idea, but I could do a few more years, I've got a little left in here, funny how you reappear - in the nick of time, I guess it didn't die. Can't say we didn't try, baby, we're a bad idea... fuck it, let's do it again.
Today went really well, I didn't wake up in a panic spell. It was fine, even though I fell - deeper and deeper into manic hell. Whoa, I'm living and I'm dreaming, trying to stay even, oh. Whoa, I'm draining for no reason - apologize, no feelings, oh. No, I don't need your help... to make me sick, to make me ill. I don't need anybody else, 'cause I can break my heart myself. I don't need your help - getting off of this carousel. I don't need anybody else - 'cause I can break my heart myself.
Show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time - and turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach. Another clever word sets off an unsuspecting herd, and as you step back into line, a mob jumps to their feet. Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chance... And no one even knew it was really only you. And now you steal away, take him out today. Nice work you did. You're gonna go far, kid. With a thousand lies and a good disguise - hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes. When you walk away, nothing more to say - see the lightning in your eyes, see 'em running for their lives.
source: @erabundus​ (i'm a thief) tagging: you, reading this. seriously. do it.
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Sturniolo Triplets: From YouTube Stars to Multi-Million Dollar Merchandise Moguls
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What do you get when you combine three talented siblings, a love for music, and the power of social media? The Sturniolo triplets - Gianna, Gia, and Gemma - have taken the internet by storm with their impressive vocal skills and infectious personalities. But they didn't stop at YouTube fame. These sisters have transformed into multi-million dollar merchandise moguls thanks to their savvy business skills and loyal fanbase. Get ready to be inspired by the incredible success story of the Sturniolo triplets!
Introduction to the Sturniolo Triplets
The Sturniolo triplets first rose to fame on YouTube, where they quickly amassed a large following with their funny and relatable videos. But it was their unique sense of style and fashion that really caught people's attention. The triplets started their own clothing line and merchandise business, which has now grown into a multi-million dollar empire. They are truly living the American dream!
How They Rose to Online Fame
The Sturniolo triplets first gained online fame in 2016 when they started posting videos on YouTube of themselves singing covers of popular songs. They quickly amassed a large following, and their videos went viral. This led to them being signed by a major record label and going on tour. Their success only continued to grow, and they soon began selling merchandise with their faces and names on it. In just a few short years, they have gone from being unknowns to multi-millionaires.
Leveraging Their Influence for Merchandise Success
When it comes to leveraging their influence for merchandise success, the Sturniolo triplets have got it down to a science. The YouTube stars-turned-millionaires have built a massive following by creating engaging content that resonates with their fans. And they've used that influence to launch a successful merchandise line that includes everything from t-shirts and hoodies to phone cases and coffee mugs.
The key to the Sturniolo triplets' success is understanding their audience and what they want. They know that their fans appreciate their candid, relatable style and they use this to inform the design of their merchandise. Everything from the colors and patterns used on their products to the messaging printed on their shirts is carefully curated to appeal to their target demographic.
It's clear that the Sturniolo triplets have put a lot of thought into their merchandise strategy and it's paying off big time. Their line has been incredibly successful and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. If you're looking to launch your own merch line, taking cues from these social media moguls is a great place to start.
Challenges Faced by the Sturniolo Triplets on Their Journey
The Sturniolo Triplets are YouTube stars who have built a multi-million dollar merchandise business. However, their journey has not been without challenges.
One of the biggest challenges the triplets have faced is growing their brand while maintaining their individuality. As identical twins, it can be difficult for people to tell them apart, and they often get lumped together as one entity. This has made it hard for them to create separate social media accounts and build independent followings.
Another challenge has been managing their time and energy levels. Being in the public eye is exhausting, and the triplets have had to learn how to pace themselves and take breaks when needed. They've also had to deal with negative comments and trolls online, which can be draining.
Despite these challenges, the Sturniolo Triplets have continued to grow their brand and expand their businesses. They are proof that with dedication and hard work, anything is possible.
Strategies the Sturniolo Triples Used to Grow Their Brand
The Sturniolo triplets have used a number of strategies to grow their brand. One of the most important has been their regular use of social media. The sisters are all very active on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat, which has helped them to build up a large following. They've also been savvy when it comes to partnering with other brands and influencers. For example, they've done collaborations with fashion brands like Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe. This has not only increased their visibility but also helped them to reach new audiences.
Another key strategy the Sturniolo sisters have used is merchandising. They sell a range of products through their website, including clothes, accessories, and beauty products. This has been a great way for them to monetize their brand and continue growing it. They've also been smart about using data to drive their business decisions. For instance, they track how often certain items are bought or viewed on their site so that they can stock more of the items that are in demand.
All of these strategies have helped the Sturniolo triplets grow their brand from YouTube stars to multi-million dollar merchandise moguls.
The Impact of Social Media in Transforming the Lives of the Sturniolo Triplets
Three social media-savvy sisters are using their internet fame to transform their lives—and they’re inspiring other young women along the way.
The Sturniolo triplets—Francesca, Alessandra, and Sophia—grew up in a small town in Sicily, Italy. When they were teenagers, they started posting videos on YouTube of themselves singing covers of popular songs. They quickly gained a following, and by the time they were in their early twenties, they had amassed millions of views.
The sisters parlayed their online success into a successful merchandise business. They now sell clothes, cosmetics, and other products under their own brand, Tripl3tte. Their line is available at major retailers like Target and Walmart, and they have plans to expand into new markets.
The triplets’ story is an inspiring example of how social media can be used to empower young women. They are proof that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve their dreams.
The Sturniolo triplets have come a long way since they started their YouTube channel. They went from having just a few thousand viewers to now running one of the most profitable merchandise businesses in the world. It's an inspiring story that shows how anyone can turn their passions into success with hard work, dedication and perseverance. Their journey teaches us that nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself and keep pushing forward no matter what obstacles life throws at you. Congratulations to the Sturniolo triplets on all their accomplishments!
Don't miss out on the infectious energy and magnetic charisma of the Sturniolo triplets - join us now at https://sturniolotriplets.shop/  and be a part of their incredible journey!
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sobsicles · 3 years
claire's not expecting them to be at the door. she blinks at the sight of four men all huddled on the stoop with flowers and what appears to be bags of food flowing from their arms. jack is peeking above a bouquet, beaming at her.
"who's at the door?!" jody calls from the kitchen, her voice muffled by the sound of grease popping and the clanking of pans and spatulas meeting over and over.
"god," claire calls back, because she likes to think she's funny.
there's a beat of silence, and then jody's sticking her head out the kitchen. the moment she sees them, she breaks out into a grin and saunters over, shoving the spatula in claire's hand as she chatters away.
"what's going on out there?" donna asks as claire escapes back to the kitchen to poke at food jody is apparently willing to burn just because the winchesters decided to show their faces today of all days.
"judgement day," claire says dryly.
donna shares a look with patience. "haven't we dealt with that already a few times?"
"only by association," claire admits, "but i wouldn't put it past them to bring it along with 'em now. the boys are here."
"oh, isn't that nice?" donna chirps, already popping up from her chair. "i didn't know they were stopping by today."
"wonder how sam's doing," patience agrees, wandering out the kitchen right along with donna. claire can hear everyone cracking up and talking in the living room.
trust the winchesters to shake things up just by showing up. can't have one goddamn day, can they? well, that's not true. in their case, as far as claire is concerned, they're shitty for showing up and shitty for not. someone has to knock 'em all down a peg or two, so she might as well be the one.
"what did that chicken ever do to you?" kaia asks teasingly as she sidles into the kitchen and stops by the stove, hip-checking claire out of the way to take over.
"the boys are here," claire informs her.
kaia raises her eyebrows. "like, the boys as in the winchesters, or is this a milkshake pun?"
"i can only be so gay, sweetheart," claire says, shooting her a flat look.
"raise the bar a little. could be gayer. you can always be gayer," kaia teases, reaching out to sneak her hand around claire's hip, her eyes bright with amusement.
"you know what? you're right," claire agrees and immediately tries to cop a feel while kaia laughs and dances out of range.
jack appears in the doorway. "hello," he says, whispering for some reason. "claire, i need your help."
"no," claire says, not even glancing at him. she continues to try and put her hand up kaia's shirt, just to see her laugh.
"can i borrow twenty dollars?" jack asks.
"no. aren't you god?"
"yes, but i don't get paid to be."
"well, sucks for you. borrow money from cas," claire mutters, settling in behind kaia as she focuses on the food on the stove, swatting lazily at claire's roaming hands.
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from sam."
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from—wait, why does it matter if it's from dean? just borrow from him."
jack huffs. "i can't. i need the money for dean. i have a card, and i read online it's customary to give money with a card. also, will you sign it?"
"you got dean a card?" claire asks, craning her head around to stare at jack skeptically.
"don't tell me it's for what i think it is."
"mother's day," jack confirms unironically.
claire wheezes out a laugh. "oh my god."
"there's a pen in the catty on the fridge," kaia says, clearly amused.
"yeah. yeah, this is—yeah." claire chokes on more laughter and stumbles towards the group of pens in the magnet container on the fridge. she waggles her fingers at jack, clearing her throat, lips twitching. "hand it over, beanstalk. you're a fucking genius."
"oh! thank you," jack declares cheerfully, passing over the card. "so, can i borrow twenty dollars?"
"hell no," claire says. she braces the card against the fridge and swallows down a laugh. sam has already signed it. this just gets better and better. happy mother's day, old man, aka the secondary source of my mommy and daddy issues. you're going for gold with this double-whammy, she writes.
"but i need it," jack insists, staring at her with wide eyes.
claire shrugs. "tough break, kid. what, cas doesn't give you an allowance? is it just me, or are dads getting stricter these days?"
"i didn't think about it in advance," jack admits sadly. "i want to do it right for the holiday. it's mother's day, claire."
"i'm well aware. sorry to break it to you, kid, but last I checked, your mom's as dead as mine," claire tells him, her voice flat. he frowns and she forces herself not to feel bad. everything that sucks for him sucked for her first, so her sympathy levels are a little drained. "father's day will roll around eventually, and you've got a long line of those, so wait your turn."
"i've already done something for my mother today," jack says slowly, his eyebrows furrowed. "i visited her in heaven."
claire snorts derisively and passes the card back over. "must be nice."
"it was," jack agrees, completely missing the point. "i really can't borrow twenty dollars? i'll pay you back."
"nah," claire says. "who cares anyway? wait, why is dean the mom?"
"well, castiel is my father."
"ah, so it's about them having the hots for each other, then? really, kid, you coulda just made dean your step-dad."
jack blinks. "they have the...hots for each other? you mean sex. they have sex?"
"you know what?" claire points at him with her free hand. "i'm not gonna burst your bubble on that one. you've got enough issues on your own without wondering if mommy and daddy still have a spark, so I'm gonna leave that alone. i've got five dollars. take it or leave it."
"deal," jack says immediately.
money is exchanged, and jack looks like he's on cloud nine. claire's just stoked to see the expression on dean's face when he gets the card. it's a homemade card and everything, nothing like the two claire, kaia, patience, and alex got for jody and donna.
claire helps kaia finish up the chicken, which promptly gets set aside to wait on the rest of the food in the oven. sam wanders in at some point to drop off the food they brought. dessert, by the looks of it. pies and cakes that go in the fridge. it's kind of them, but claire would shoot herself in the foot before she ever admits it.
she lets kaia tug her into the living room where everyone is already at, rolling her eyes at how cheered everyone seems just because the winchesters happened to grace their doorstep. really, they all suck.
but also—and claire will never admit this, not even to save her own life—it's nice to see 'em again. it's nice that they've come to celebrate the day in jody and donna's name, giving them flowers and such. it's nice that they hang around for a bit and don't bring the world crashing down on everyone for the duration of their stay.
and, well, it's nice to see cas, too.
he perches up next to the couch that claire is squeezed on with alex, donna, kaia, and jack. kaia is practically in her lap, but claire is secretly glad for the excuse. while everyone talks and has conversations across one another, cas focuses entirely on her.
another thing claire will never admit is how reluctantly pleased by that she is. it warms her. stupidly, it turns soft and gooey in her chest that he automatically gives her his undivided attention over everyone else, even jack. but, then again, it's not cas' day, so she doesn't have to look too close to that feeling. it's mother's day, so it's not about him.
when the food is ready, they reconvene in the kitchen, and that's when they crack out the cards and gifts. claire is practically vibrating with laughter before jack has even brought his card out. before that, though, she smiles softly and strokes kaia's thigh under the table as jody and donna read their cards and chuckle at the messages, their gazes warm and their smiles sweet. they look happy. they deserve to be.
"okay, last one," claire announces, grinning at jack. she's starting to think she likes this kid if he's an agent of chaos like this.
and okay, maybe she hates him a little in abstract, but in detail, she finds that she does actually like him. you kinda just wanna put him in your pocket without meaning to, she's learned. there's too much to explore with the whole psuedo sibling thing and parents that aren't parents, as well as parents that are but didn't choose to be, only he did choose one of them, and it wasn't her. it's complicated, but underneath it all, there's a vibrant love there that she can't look directly at. sometimes, she despises that she's included in it; yet, just the same, she's thankful that she is.
"oh hell," dean mutters, swinging his gaze between alex and patience. "one of you...ya know? did we miss something?"
claire snorts.
"what? no," alex replies, grimacing. "i have no idea what claire's talking about. claire, what the hell are you talking about?"
"jack?" claire prompts in a wheeze.
"here you go," jack chirps, holding out the card to dean, beaming. "happy mother's day."
the expression on dean's face is somehow even better than claire imagined. she howls with laughter while sam buries his face in his hands, his shoulders jerking. cas squints at jack, and jody's eyebrows fly up at the same exact time that donna grins.
"is this a joke?" dean sputters.
"no, no, nope," claire chokes out, nearly fucking crying with laughter. "happy mother's day, dean."
"you gotta take it, man," sam agrees, clearing his throat and biting back a smile as he bobs his head dutifully towards the card.
dean fixes sam with a flat look and snatches the card. "you're all so fucking—sam, you signed it?!"
"happy mother's day," sam says, his mouth pinched, visibly trying not to laugh.
"do you like it?" jack asks earnestly. "i made the card, sam signed it first, and claire provided the money."
"i—" dean stares down at the card, then heaves a sigh and looks up at jack. it's clear to him that—out of everyone—jack is clearly taking this very seriously. he offers him a weak smile, then swallows. "yeah, s'great, kid. thank you. sam, you are dead to me. claire, i will be spending this on something you hate. cas, this is somehow your fault."
"yup, sounds like a mother to me," jody declares, holding up her beer with a smile.
"welcome to the club," donna agrees, holding hers up as well. "everyone else annoys the shit out of you, but you love 'em anyway."
dean sighs and clinks his beer to theirs.
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seijorhi · 3 years
i’m (semi) back, y’all, and i come bearing a fic!! fhdjhfjdk it’s for oikawa i won’t apologise
Oikawa Tooru x female reader
TW non-con, drunk/drugged reader, forced infidelity, emotional manipulation, angst, past trauma, coercion, mild(ish?) smut, nsfw
“F-fuck, cutie! Just like – hah– just like that!”
You weren’t the clubbing type.
Not usually, at least – but exams were over and one of your friends was fresh off a bad breakup, one night letting loose wouldn’t hurt.
Walking is… difficult, your steps are sloppy – there’s an arm wrapped around your waist, your own slung over a stranger’s shoulders. Why are you outside? Where are your friends – they… they promised they wouldn’t leave you. 
“She good, dude?”
A soft, pretty laugh rumbles at your side, “Yeah, she’s gonna be just fine.”
And you remember the bar, the overpriced cocktails and the saccharine sweetness of strawberry liquor on your tongue. The dizzying lights and the bass that thumped so loudly you felt it reverberate in your chest. You knew the rules; they’d been drilled into you since you were sixteen years old.
Stick together, don’t accept drinks from strangers, and watch the one in your hand like a hawk - it doesn’t leave your sight.
A tongue between the valley of your breasts, long fingers curling up inside of you. 
“You like that, huh pretty girl? You gonna cum for me?”
They wouldn’t have just abandoned you, right? Maybe you told them to go. Maybe they thought you wanted it; to go home with the handsome stranger.
You never had the guts to ask them, never spoke about that night again. Not to anyone.
Pain. Something thrusting inside of you, splitting you open while he moans and pants atop you. It hurts so much and you want it to stop. 
Please stop. Please. Please. Please.
You’re begging, at least you think you are, but the words come out jumbled and wrong, and he just laughs, hiking up your thigh so he can fuck you deeper.
Why won’t he stop?
When you wake up, bruised and sore and all alone in your bed, it feels like a bad dream. You know it’s not – not with cum still seeping from between your thighs, the scent of the stranger’s cologne clinging to your sheets.
And you scrub your skin raw in the shower, but it isn’t enough to rid you of his touch.
It’s nothing like what they show on tv.
There’s no sympathetic detective to pat you on your shoulder while you break down, swearing that they’ll find the man who did this and you’ll get your justice.
You don’t go to the cops because you’ll know what they’ll say. You were drunk, drugged, and even if you could remember what he looked like (his eyes were brown, you think, and there’s a flash of a smirk in your head but the moment you try to focus on it it slips away like smoke) any evidence of rape washed down the drain the moment you stepped into the steaming shower.
At least… that’s what you tell yourself. It’s easier than admitting you’re terrified of judgemental eyes. 
Or worse; pitying ones.
So you pretend that nothing happened. You show up to your classes and throw yourself into studying, make the time to get coffee with your friends, you even pick up a part time job – it’s good to keep busy. 
The nightmares are just that; nightmares.
And things are fine, until they’re not.
“Baby, you’re here!!”
There’s barely time to drop your bags before she’s pulling you into a warm hug. “Hi mom,” you reply, squeezing her back.
When she draws back to take you in, one hand cupping your cheek, she frowns, “You look tired sweetheart. Have you been sleeping enough?”
“Yeah, just tired from exams and stuff.”
She looks unconvinced, but mercifully doesn’t push the issue. Of course, you don’t tell her that you missed your last two exams because you’d walked past some guy wearing that same cologne and just choked – that instead of finishing off your semester strong, you’d spent the day alternating between throwing up and crying in bed.
She doesn’t need to know that, because of that, you’ll probably fail both classes and have to retake them again next semester on top of an already full course load. It’s fine; you’ll figure it out.
For now, you work on matching her enthusiasm at having you home, grabbing your bags to bring them inside and into your old room.
“Oh, wait–”
Abruptly, you pause, gazing in confusion from the doorway of your bedroom. There’s a duffle bag lying open and empty atop your bed, a tangled jump rope, some weights, an empty bottle, a sweat towel – even what looks like a spare workout tee scattered haphazardly across the sheets.
“… I didn’t take you for a gym junkie, mom.”
She stops behind you, sighing. “It’s not mine it’s– Tooru said he was going to tidy it up, sorry sweetheart.” She sweeps past you to start tidying it up, but not before you catch sight of her wide eyed, deer in headlights expression.
And you can’t help the lone eyebrow that rises, falling back against the doorframe, arms folding across your chest. “Tooru, huh?” you grin, “And who might Tooru be?”
The flustered, almost guilty look she sends you makes you want to laugh – this is easy, comfortable, this you can do – but you restrain yourself. Just. “Tooru is… he’s– well, he’s the man I’m… seeing.”
She admits it like she’s confessing to a crime, eyes all wide and nervous; anticipating your reaction. And you suppose it’s not unwarranted. As far as you’re aware, she’s been alone ever since the day your dad walked out on you both – raising you was always the priority, or maybe the excuse. But you’re not fourteen anymore, you don’t need another father figure or every spare bit of her time and attention, and she doesn’t need your approval for this.
So you smile at her, “Is he nice?”
She lights up, her features – almost a mirror image of your own – softening as she beams, “He’s amazing, honey. I honestly don’t know how this whole thing really happened, or why he’s even interested in someone like me but… I lucked out with him.”
And so it goes, you prying little bits of information about the mysterious Tooru as the afternoon passes.
She tells you that they met a few months back, at the bakery she likes in town – and how she kept running into him; at the grocery store, and then at the park, and then on her way back from yoga that one night.
She tells you that he’s a terrible flirt, all smooth and charming with warm, pretty brown eyes, but he’s a good man beneath it all and she’s never met anyone like him. 
It strikes you, as you watch your mom animatedly talk about him, that you’ve never seen her look like this before. 
She can’t stop smiling, and when you look at her, really look, she’s almost a different person – younger somehow, a bit more care-free. It suits her, and you wonder with a slight pang in your heart how you never noticed how lonely she was before.
And she’s adamant that they’re taking things slowly, that he still has an apartment of his own in town – which to be honest, you really aren’t gonna judge her on either way – but it is kind of funny simply because whether your mom realises it or not, it’s clearly a lie.
The subtle reclaiming of your bedroom aside, there’s traces of Tooru scattered all around the house; the extra toothbrush and aftershave you’d spotted in the bathroom, the men’s  shoes and the jacket by the door, red wine in the cupboard when your mom’s only ever indulged in white.
You haven’t been into her bedroom, but at this point you’d hazard a guess that there’s at least one drawer full of Tooru’s clothes, probably half her closet cleared out for him as well.
“He’s coming for dinner, but I just wanted today to be just us,” she says, reaching across the couch to squeeze your hand. And you’re grateful for it, because you’re happy for her – you are – but you’re not so sure how you would’ve handled meeting the stranger holding your mother’s heart first thing. At least, not after the last few days.
Not when you still feel all… brittle. 
Tooru arrives a little after seven, and to say that he’s not entirely what you were expecting is kind of an understatement. 
She’d gushed about how tall and handsome he is – though personally, you think pretty’s the more accurate word, what with his soft, delicate features, perfect cupid’s bow lips and all. What she’d neglected to tell you was that the man in question, stepping through the front door with a faint smile on his face, has to be at least ten years younger than her, mid-thirties at most.
Suddenly, your mom’s initial reluctance to bring him up starts to make sense.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he murmurs, stopping by your mom to drop a fleeting kiss to her cheek before warm brown eyes turn to you. 
Your heart stutters.
“Sweetheart,” your mom begins, slipping an arm around his waist and relaxing into his side, “this is Tooru– Oikawa,” she corrects herself.
He smiles at you, friendly and charming, “It’s great to finally meet you, your mom’s told me so much – all good things, of course!”
You force yourself to smile in return, “Yeah, you too.” 
There’s nothing overtly wrong with Oikawa, age difference aside – your mom’s clearly head over heels in love with the guy and on a surface level he seems nice enough, but you find yourself glad for the fact that he doesn’t make a move to step closer, try to shake your hand or god forbid hug you or something like that.
He’s nothing but a gentleman as your mom steps back into the kitchen to finish off dinner, setting the table without being prompted, pouring a glass of wine for your mom and one for himself before he offers a glass to you. 
“Oh, no I’m alright, thanks.”
You don’t drink so much anymore. He shrugs, like it’s no big deal but your mom pouts at you from the kitchen. “C’mon, sweetie. We’re celebrating tonight! One drink won’t hurt.”
“We’re celebrating?” you ask.
She throws you a wink, gaze softening as she turns to glance at Oikawa, already diligently pouring you a glass, “Of course we are. It’s not every day my girl comes home, and it’s nice having you both here with me.”
Oikawa’s fingers brush against yours for a fleeting second as he passes you the glass, and you have to fight to keep yourself from ripping your hand away. It’s nothing, you just– you’re not good with strangers touching you, and as nice as he is and as much as your mom might be infatuated with him, he is still a stranger.
“Absolutely,” he agrees, a playful twinkle in his eye as he clinks his wine glass against yours. “So you’re at uni, right? What are you studying?”
Uni’s the last thing you want to be thinking about right now, but whether or not Oikawa genuinely cares, he’s obviously trying to make an effort to get to know you. For your mother’s sake, grinning innocuously in the kitchen as she adds the last little touches to dinner, you suck it up, plaster a smile across your face and ignore the twinge of discomfort in your gut.
You can handle one night of small talk.
You wake the following morning to the sound of voices carrying down the hall.  
Not your mother’s – both are too deep, and your mom left a few hours ago for work. Figuring that one of them at least is likely Oikawa, you pull on a thin, satin robe over your pajamas, tying the sash in a loose knot before you slip from the room.
Those suspicions are proven correct; you round the corner to find Oikawa sitting up at the kitchen counter, a warm cup of coffee in his hand. There’s another man, a touch shorter, but imposing with dark, spiky hair and olive green eyes standing on the other side, hands braced on the marble top, glaring at Oikawa.
They both look up at the sound of your hesitant approach, the stranger abruptly straightening up, while Oikawa merely grins.
“Ah, you’re up,” he observes cheerfully, taking a sip of his coffee.
Your eyes flicker between him and the stranger – clearly comfortable enough in your home and with Oikawa, despite the faint, lingering irritation still visible on his face – and as your cheeks warm, you find yourself wishing you’d put actual clothes on before coming out to investigate.
“I- I heard voices…” you trail off, awkwardly folding your arms over your chest. “Is mom–”
“At work,” he supplies. “Do you want some breakfast? Coffee, maybe?”
You risk another glance at the other man, watching you now with an unreadable expression, dark eyebrows furrowed. You swallow uncomfortably, shifting slightly as you shake your head. “No, I-I’m okay.”
And in an instant, a flash, something like recognition passes through those olive eyes. 
 Oikawa chuckles smoothly, finally tearing his eyes away from you to address his friend, “Iwa, stop being so rude. You’re scaring the poor thing.”
The stranger, Iwa, just scoffs. “You’re a real piece of shit, y’know?”
If he’s bothered by the scathing insult, Oikawa doesn’t show it, merely shrugging before turning his attention back to you with a smirk. “Ignore him, he’s just pissy this morning.”
You’d have to be a complete idiot not to sense the uncomfortable tension between the two of them – and now you. This is your home, but it feels like you’re intruding, like you’ve stumbled into a conversation you have no business hearing, but even if you wanted to leave your feet are rooted to the ground. 
“Besides,” Oikawa continues, “he was just leaving anyway, weren’t you, Iwa?” It’s almost a purr, the way he speaks, but even the silken words can’t entirely mask the razor sharpness that lies beneath. 
Goosebumps prickle along your arms.
Staring at you, Iwa opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but seemingly thinks better of it, snapping it shut with an audible click. He huffs, shaking his head. “Yeah, fine, whatever.”
He spares you another glance on his way out, standing frozen by the hall. For a split second he slows, his scowl softening just a fraction–
It sounds like a warning, but he only rolls his eyes and huffs again. You think he’s going to walk out without another word to either of you, but he pauses once more, lingering by the entryway.
“You look a lot like your mother, anyone ever tell you that?”
He’s out the door before you can even think to reply, letting it slam shut in his wake. And you flinch at the harsh sound, something uneasy settling into the pit of your stomach–
“Hey,” Oikawa’s there by your side, his fingers entwining with yours. You hadn’t even heard him move. “Come sit, don’t worry about Iwa. He’ll get over it.”
His voice is soothing, you don’t pay attention to the words themselves, the implications there. You forget for a moment that you’re still in your pj’s, that you really don’t know him that well either, and mindlessly follow when he leads you to the couch and sits you down, taking the seat next to you.
And while your head’s still spinning, an uncomfortable feeling gnawing in the pit of your gut, Oikawa seems entirely unbothered by the turn of events, sighing contentedly as he stretches his long legs out, one arm sliding along the back of the couch behind you.
“Do your… friends usually just drop by like that?”
You don’t know where the words come from, or why that’s the first question on your mind, but when you glance over at him, Oikawa’s just watching you, an odd little half smirk playing on his lips. “Sometimes.”
His answer does little to soothe your unease. It’s really not a big deal, you know it’s not. Officially or not, this is his home too – you’re the one out of place. And if he wants to have people over when your mom’s not around, that’s fine, he can do whatever the hell he wants, but… 
You came home for peace. To hide away for a few days and pretend that everything’s just fine and you’re not one breakdown away from shattering entirely. You wanted your mom and the comfort of your old bedroom and safety and it’s fine – great, even – that she’s found somebody who makes her happy, but this– him and the weirdness with his friend and everything is just too much, and–
You don’t realise that your leg’s bouncing until Oikawa’s hand comes to rest on your bare thigh. It’s enough to make your stomach flip, an icy chill trickling down your spine as his thumb slowly strokes across the soft, plush skin. “Relax, cutie,” he coos, chuckling softly when you visibly flinch and squeeze your eyes shut.
“P-please don’t call me that,” you choke out, fighting against the wave of nausea rising up your throat. And it’s just like last time, his cologne, notes of vanilla and cedar and spice, swirling thick and heady around you. That phantom touch, the warmth of hands gripping too tight, unwanted kisses hot and eager against your skin. 
“No?” he asks, cruel amusement dripping from his tone. “Why not? I think it suits you, cutie.”
You want him to stop, to push him away, slap him – do anything really, but you’re frozen in place, shaking as the memories you’ve fought so hard to shove down come bubbling back to the surface. You can’t think straight, not with his hand sliding between your thighs, the warmth of his body pressing too closely against yours.
“Iwa was right, you know,” Oikawa murmurs, smoldering brown eyes drinking you in as you childishly shake your head, willing him away. His other hand catches your cheek, drawing your face back to him as tears well in your eyes, stubbornly clinging to your lashes. “She does look so much like you, the same eyes even.” 
He whispers it like a secret, nuzzling his nose against yours like a lover would as he sighs sweetly, “It’s the only reason I could stand it.”
And then he’s kissing you, the tenderness of his lips belied by iron fingers digging into your jaw when you whimper and try to wrench yourself free. 
It’s not like the nightmares that startle you awake in the middle of the night, gasping for air; hazy, broken recollections that fade the moment you try to reach for them. No, every touch, every moment of his assault passes in stark clarity.
The feel of Oikawa’s mouth as it trails greedily down your neck, his hand sliding under the cotton of your sleep shorts, even his pleased little hum when he realises you’re not wearing panties. “Such a good girl for me. Fuck, I’ve missed this.”
This time there’s no drugs in your system keeping you pliant and helpless, but that doesn’t make a difference. Not when his words echo in your head, playing again and again until every awful, sickening piece falls into place.
Long, nimble fingers stroke at your folds, and you can’t help the shivery gasp that leaves you when the tip of his middle finger sweeps over your clit. 
“Please– please don’t do this,” you sniffle.
Oikawa presses another fleeting kiss to your shoulder, “Shh, none of that. Let me help you, baby.”
“N-no, I don’t, I don’t– Stop!”
Knocking away the hands that try to push him back, he hooks his fingers over the hem of your shorts and slides them down your legs, your pitifully weak struggles only making things easier for him. It’s only when Oikawa reaches for his own zipper that panic truly strikes home.
You can’t just lie here and let this happen again. You won’t.
And like a switch flipped, you start to trash like a wild thing beneath him, the scream you’ve kept buried inside of you for months ripping itself free from your throat–
Only for the fingers that had been toying with your pussy to be shoved down your throat, cutting you off with a choked gurgle. As you gag, fruitlessly try to tug yourself free, Oikawa leans in nice and close – except this time there’s no gentleness to his expression, nothing but viciousness as he grins and bares his teeth. 
“You wanna yell, pretty girl? Want the neighbours to come running, let them see me fuck you?” He grinds his hips against you, his breath shivery as he pants at the friction of his half hard cock against your side. Nausea twists at your gut, acrid and bitter – you want to be sick, to cry and beg with him to stop but with his fingers still stuffed in your mouth, his thumb digging into the soft underside of your jaw all you can manage is an unintelligible whine. He hums, kissing away the single hot tear that spills down your cheek, “You think if you cry loudly enough, mommy’ll come home and save you?”
And it’s like time stands still as he laughs, cruel eyes glinting when he presses down on your tongue, warm saliva pooling around his digits. “Such a little whore, trying to seduce her poor, innocent boyfriend the very moment her back’s turned. Tell me, cutie,” he coos, “who do you think she’d believe?”
Your breath hitches, another sob catching in your throat – even if you wanted to answer, you can’t and he knows it. “She’s in love with me, you know. It’s almost a little pathetic how easy it was to manipulate her into bed – so lonely… desperate for love, for somebody – anybody – to pay attention to her, take care of her,” he sneers, distaste curling at his lips. “Wouldn’t it just break her fragile little heart to know she’s fallen for the man who raped her baby girl?”
Another garbled cry slips past his fingers and you can only watch in frozen horror as his other hand drifts back to his zipper. “You want to protect her, don’t you?”
His grip relents just enough for you to jerk a shaky nod.
“Pretty girl, so good for me.” Another kiss pressed to your cheek as the quiet hiss of his zipper fills the air around you. “It’ll be our little secret, hmm? She doesn’t need to know just yet, let her be happy a little while longer…”
Sliding down his briefs just far enough for his cock to spring free, he strokes it for a moment with slow, leisurely movements, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he watches your eyes widen. 
And when he pulls you forward, guides your mouth towards it, pre-cum beading at the tip, withdrawing his fingers so you can quickly gasp for air, you just… let him.
The fight’s gone, as quickly as it had come. 
You let his fingers curl through your hair, use it as an anchor when your lips part to force his cock between them. And he moans, low and shivery as your tongue slides along the underside of his shaft and you try not to gag around the sudden intrusion. 
You think that there’s no room left inside of you for shame, but as his other hand creeps back between your legs, teasing at your cunt, you burn with it, clinging to the pyre of your own humiliation and disgust.
And still, you kneel on the couch, letting him fuck your mouth, letting those long, pretty fingers curl up inside of you – moaning around his cock when they stroke that perfect little spot.
“I wanted to – shit – take this slow,” he tells you as his hips jerk upwards, shuddering in breathless delight when his cock hits the back of your throat and it convulses around him. “I wanted to make you want me.”
Wet, messy, gags sound with every unwitting thrust – you’ve no choice but to swallow him down, let him fuck your throat like you’re nothing more than a toy for his pleasure. There’s saliva coating your chin, dripping down the length of his dick, pooling around his balls. You can barely breathe, a task made even harder when Oikawa decides to add his thumb into the mix, teasing your clit while he fucks you apart on his fingers.
It feels so fucking good, and you’ve never hated yourself more.
Your throat burns, hot tears stinging in the corners of your eyes, and yet he’s intent on driving you to the brink of your sanity with every calculated flick of his wrist. Something tightens in your belly, a spring coiled too tight, ready to snap, and you can’t help it when your hips chase his fingers, the needy, shameful little whimpers that leave your lips (still wrapped around his thick, twitching cock) as you search for the pleasure to temper the discomfort.
“You don’t have a clue what you do to me, do you? I could barely sleep last night–” 
You choke back a moan, your pussy clenching around his digits, sucking them deeper as white spots pepper your vision and you shudder out a moan.
“So pretty when you cum for me,” he pants, but you don’t care – can’t, not when you’re riding his fingers, tongue lolling out as he gives you a moment’s reprieve to bask in the rippling afterglow of your orgasm before everything comes crashing back down around you. 
Oikawa lets you fall back against the cushions, breathless, trembling and dazed. You’re not stupid enough to believe that’s the end of it, not when his cock’s still hard, throbbing against his toned stomach when he gives it a slow, cursory pump.
“Lie back, cutie,” he whispers, keeping his eyes fixed on you as he pushes himself up off the couch to shed the rest of his clothes.
And as you shuffle obediently downwards, heart hammering in your chest, you find you can’t tear your eyes away from him either.
Tall and handsome, she’d said, but the words truly don’t do him justice. A body corded with lean, powerful muscle, golden, sun-kissed skin, a light smattering of dark hair trailing from his navel down past the well defined V of his hips… 
“See something you like?” he teases, smirking when you squeak and childishly jerk your face away, cheeks burning. “It’s okay to look, you know. I don’t mind the attention.”
It feels too soft, too intimate for what this is. 
This isn’t how it’s supposed to go. He’s not supposed to be attractive, or to make you enjoy your own assault, and you– you’re supposed to fight it, fight him instead of just lying there and taking it… 
But when he climbs back onto the couch, easing your still trembling thighs apart to settle himself between them, his touch is nothing short of reverent, dark eyes wide and adoring as you squirm uneasily beneath him. 
With one hand braced on the cushion beside you, his cock resting just above your aching sex, he leans forward, easing your top up past your tits. “Perfect,” he murmurs.
And it’s enough to make a fresh bout of humiliated tears spring to your eyes. Your hands curl into useless fists at your side as he settles back onto his knees and takes his cock in hand, hissing in pleasure when he glides the flushed, leaking head along your slick folds.
“Fuck, cutie. I don’t think I’m gonna last,” he laughs, biting down on his bottom lip as he watches hot, fat tears slip down your cheeks. With an agonisingly slow pace, Oikawa lines himself up with your cunt and presses in – even with how wet you are, one orgasm already wrung from you, the stretch burns and you can’t stop the choked gasp that leaves you.
His eyes flutter shut, head thrown back back as inch by inch his cock sinks into your pussy until finally he bottoms out with a satisfied groan. “Perfect for me, so fucking good,” he pants, and you barely have time to drag in a breath before his hips are drawing back, another desperate, strangled mewl escaping you.
Bruising fingers dig into your waist, Oikawa cursing as your plush little cunt flutters maddeningly around him– before he eagerly slams his cock forward, stuffing you full once more.
And as you sob and whimper between every wet, obscene squelch of his dick fucking into your soaked pussy, that all too familiar, shameful heat begins to pool in your core.
“Gonna cum for me again, cutie?”
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Fives – Soldier Boy 9 - Seize The Night
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Fives x fem!Reader FF
Warnings: SMUT 18+ NSFW
PiV Sex/ Oral Giving/ Creampie/ Multiple Orgasm/ Sex Til Exhaustion/ Nudity/ Dirty Talk/ Suggestive/ Fluff
Author's Comment:
Lots of smut and a bit of fluff, reader and fives take all they can get in the little time they have.
What Happened Before:
Soldier Boy
Part 2 - Caught In The Act
Part 3 - Tender Affection
Part 4 - Worries And Secrets
Part 5 - Welcome Back, Soldier Boy
Part 6 - I Should Have Known
Part 7 - Doing Something Stupid
Part 8 - Hot Tub
Part 9 - Seize The Night
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From the bathroom, the two of you went to the sleeping area. Fives was hungry for you and he had a stamina and strength that took your breath away. He took you sitting, standing, from behind, from the front, from the side.
You were dripping from his seed and your own juices from your swollen pussy as he finally lay over you in missionary position on the hotel bed. Your legs bent, your knees rested level with your chest, your ankles on his broad shoulders. He hovered over you, pounding into you, each thrust accompanied by obscene wet noises his hard length made in your cleft. You were both sweaty and on the verge of exhaustion, but you couldn't get enough of each other. With his arms stretched out over you, holding onto the headboard, Fives looked even broader and stronger, the muscles in his shoulders and arms clearly visible. The man was simply magnificent to behold.
One hoarse, dirty praise after another, came across your lips, spurring him on. You could see each of your words crawling under his skin, bringing him closer to the edge.
"Mesh'la" he gasped "If you keep this up I'm going to cum".
You were breathless and on the verge yourself, but you just grinned at him and said "Look at you, so hot and strong, giving me orgasm after orgasm, you are the absolute best. I love your cock inside me"
His thrusts began to stutter. Seeing him like this loosened the knot in your core, heat blazing through your body, a fierce last pulse going through your swollen, drained pussy, clinging almost desperately to his hard length as your orgasm swept him away, literally milking his throbbing cock and he squirted another load into you.
His muscles shook and he breathed heavily. Even Fives had never enjoyed such a long and detailed night of love before. But he had wanted to feel everything, to carry you from one climax to another, and he had.
Neither of you knew when you would have another night to yourselves, when he would have to go back to the battlefield, when and if he would come back at all. For the moment you pushed the thought aside, but you both knew why you had spent yourselves so much today in this hotel.
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You took a shower together and you were both shaky and unsteady on your feet, yet Fives laughed at you when he saw your knees shaking and you moving awkwardly as you walked.
"Haha" you said with a pout "you're not holding up any better".
Fives grinned and turned on the water above you.
"I told you that if we spent the whole night here, I'd make sure you walked funny the next morning".
You rolled your eyes, but had to grin.
"Okay, you kept your promise," you admitted to him.
The water washed over your bodies and you washed sweat and other body fluids from your bare skin. You wearily leaned against him at one point while the water was still running, your head resting against his shoulder. He gently put his arms around your body and kissed your wet head.
"I'll make you a deal," he said softly "I'll help you dry off and then we'll cuddle up in the hotel bed for a few more hours. Tomorrow is a day off, I can spend it however I want, no one will be looking for me. We could sleep in and have breakfast together."
You smiled blissfully.
"That sounds lovely," you said, leaning back a bit to look up at him.
Fives was smiling too, but you could tell he was pretty worn out and tired by now.
He turned the water off again and was the first to get out of the shower, drying himself quickly and taking the towel you had just grabbed.
"Hey," you protested, albeit weakly and quietly.
Fives rubbed your hair dry as best he could, wrapped you in a fresh towel, lifted you off your feet and tossed you onto the bed. Probably with the last of his strength. Shortly after he threw himself naked as he was right next to you, wrapped you out of the towel again and covered you both. Possessively he pulled you close to him, wrapped his arms around you and hooked one of his legs between yours, wanting to make as much body contact as possible.
Surrendering and sighing happily, you nestled your head against his strong chest. It wasn't long before you both fell asleep.
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When you awoke, you were both still lying there. You heard Fives snoring softly and smiled contentedly. You never expected to fall in love with him of all people, let alone that he would feel the same way. You didn't know exactly what he felt, of course, but you just hoped that he really felt the same way, because by now you were sure that you really loved him.
You carefully peeled yourself out of his arms in order not to wake him. Through the slits in the shutters you could see that the sun had already risen. Your eyes wandered back to Fives, who was still blissfully asleep. You watched him for a while, smiling, then crawled back under the covers, carefully turning him onto his back.
He stirred briefly, but continued to sleep. Gently you climbed over him, looking curiously at the sleeping soldier. You were both naked, having put nothing on after the shower.
You wondered if you could pleasure him with your mouth as well, as he had done for you the night before. You didn't have much experience with this and a small part of you was afraid you might do something wrong and the experience might be unsatisfying for him.
Still, you decided to risk it. Slowly you moved down Five's body, brushing your lips over his chest, his hard, muscular belly. Your fingers stroked exploratively over his thighs, on the insides to his testicles, caressing him.
Again Fives stirred, but still seemed to be asleep, yet his body reacted to your touch, his shaft grew bigger and harder. Fascinated, you continued to caress him, finally taking him in your hand, imitating with your closed fist the movements he had made in your slit last night. Fives moaned softly, but his eyes remained closed.
Fives knew he was dreaming, he didn't know exactly where from or why, but he didn't care either, the dream was good, fucking good. In the dream he was leaning against a wall, you were kneeling in front of him, you had unzipped his pants, freed his manhood, were busy with hands, tongue and lips on his testicles and hard length.
However, every time he reached out to touch you, he seemed to reach into the void. He wanted to touch you, to feel you. Frustrated, he just tried to enjoy, but again and again he automatically reached for you, unsuccessfully.
The dream began to slip away, Fives slowly opened his eyes, found himself in the hotel bedroom, remembered that he was not in the barracks. To his surprise, he still felt the touches of the dream overwhelmingly on his hard cock.
He turned his head to the left, to where you should have been lying, but you were not. Fives heard a soft smacking sound, groaned as the pressure on his manhood became firmer.
Fives propped himself up on his elbows, looked down at himself. The blanket was suspiciously baggy, and he grabbed the hem and pulled it aside.
"That's a nice way to be woken up, isn't it?" he murmured aroused.
With a smack you released him from your mouth, sat up with your hand around the bottom of his hard length and looked at him.
"Good morning," you said with a naughty smile.
Fives reached out his hands to you.
"Come here"
You climbed over him, opening your thighs over his pelvis, slowly lowering yourself onto his hard cock, letting it penetrate you with a little moan that sounded so sweet in his ears. He reached for your breasts with both hands, kneading them gently as you began to ride him. You were driving him crazy with little circular movements of your lap. With your hands resting on his chest, you eventually began to ride him faster and harder.
"Oh Mesh'la" he moaned "that feels good".
You pant towards each other as you bobbed up and down on his lap, the intensity in both of you increasing. The sound of you sinking onto his lap again and again filled the room, along with the sounds coming over his lips and yours.
Five's hands suddenly shot to your hips and gripped hard. He bucked his hips up and into your lap in rapid sequence. Your panting quickened, coupled with hoarse moans as his cock thrusting into you kept hitting that one sweet spot that made you see stars and kept you sliding toward climax.
Your fingers clawed at his shoulders in a befuddled attempt to anchor and ground you as your pussy closed tighter around his hard length. The climax reached both of you, almost exactly at the same time. His bucking hips began to sputter as the knot in your center loosened with a tingling pulse, making you tremble on top of him. Your upper body sank forward onto his as you both still moved your hips slowly in the echo of your climax before you both went limp.
You began to chuckle softly as he said, "Yeah, that's definitely the best way I've ever been woken up."
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