#wish it could be consistently funny but they are sucking the humor of it dry
werewoofs · 1 year
soulmate won't stop quoting 1 2 buckle my shoes video support group
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zombiepirates · 2 years
For the thing you are logged: Tom? 👀
YES i love this dude
favorite thing about them:
just like his whole personality but especially his dry humor
least favorite thing about them:
idk if this really counts cuz this is just an issue i have with the writing in eddsworld in general, but i wish monster tom was like. more elaborated on. what do you MEAN he just fell into an alleyway and turned into a monster, plus tord was somehow involved. ??????
favorite line:
"scrooge you" from the snogre is so fucking funny to me plus the "screw you asshole!" in the bg of tord's interview in behind the scenes '05
tom and larry OR tom and yanov . tom and larry are just pretty similar and i think especially after tom joins the red army they would relate to eachother quite a lot and love to complain together. i hc yanov to be the main red army medic as well as a scientist so he's with tom a lot when they test out/experiment with monster dna. they have a goofy and casual friendship
obviously polyworld but aside from that i am unfortunately so weak for tomtord. i think they could have so many fun dynamics since theirs has changed in eddsworld multiple times. only thing that sucks is i get such an ick when people hyper feminize one of them for fanart or fics which happens more often than not
^ tomtord when ppl ship them in That Specific Way
random headcanon:
my bf said this and i can't stop thinking abt it
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unpopular opinion:
tbh i think this may be popular but i've never seen anyone actually say it. tom is the most consistently written and funniest character in eddsworld
song i associate with them:
here's my whole playlist for them, but especially this christmas (i'll burn it to the ground) by set it off OR stay away from my friends by pierce the veil . obviously pork soda by glass animals too cuz of that one animation meme but
favorite picture of them:
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The Love Potion
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I had accepted that I was gay around freshman year of high school but had never come out. Now a Junior in college, the only sexual experience I had with a man was letting a guy blow me drunkenly at a random house party. Luckily none of our friends overlapped and a word of the encounter was never uttered. However, it made me crave a man that much more. All that to say, I was a convincing straight guy. Most of my friends were guys, and my closest friends were all guys from my high school football team. Most of them stayed in town to go to the local university like myself, so we stayed close. There were pros and cons to that but the major con was losing the ability to experiment and find my true sexuality without the fear of being rejected by my previous 'life.' My risk aversion was subsiding though. Partly due to the blowjob I got a couple months ago, but mainly due to Ben.
After dorms, a few of my friends got a house together near campus. It was a 5 bedroom house and worked perfectly for us. That is until one of our buddies, for a few personal reasons, dropped out and moved back home with his parents. Luckily we were able to find a couple dudes via craigslist that needed a room for the rest of the year, Ben being one of them. There was another guy that was actually the better candidate between the two, but I had pushed that we give the room to Ben. My friends didn't put up too much of a fuss or pry as to why I think he was the right choice, which I'm grateful for. I don't know how they would have taken my rationale being he was incredibly hot. When I first met Ben that day he was wearing khaki shorts that hugged his thighs and huge bubble butt and a varsity T that molded around his rounded, muscular body. Ben was short, maybe 5'8" or so. Definitely the stocky-muscle type of guy, but had maybe been drinking a little more than he should and going to the gym less. What it created was a slightly curvy but still very attractive body, from what I could tell. His face was his best quality though. Everything about him was puppy dog. He had doughy eyes, pouty lips, and an adorable button nose. Short crew cut and the hint of a shoulder tattoo later, I was lusting for him hard. After he moved in, my fantasies didn't exactly come to fruition as I had imagined. The "bump into him after a shower and his towel falls" scenario didn't happen, and he unfortunately wasn't a guy that liked to get naked for the humor factor as some of my other friends were. He did drink a lot which was maybe a gateway opportunity, but our friend circles were different. I tried to make connections but due to my hidden motives, I would always second guess myself or get too nervous. He was becoming more and more a roommate, and less and less a sex toy. And then one day, during lunch with another one of our roommates, he shared that he was super superstitious. He believed in a natural medicines too. His mom was apparently Wiccan, and although he didn't latch on to the religious side of his mother's beliefs he did believe in 'herbal magic' as he called it. We made fun of him a bit and the three of us laughed it off. The cogs had begun to wirr in my mind though. I could use this, but how? A week of googling and research led me to the idea of a love potion. There were a few different recipes or 'spells' or whatever online, and the lust was clouding my judgement as to whether this was a sound idea or not. There was a moment of doubt during the week but after Ben came in from a run, sweaty and shirtless, his round pecs and keg-abs in perfect view, I was able to wave away any hesitation. It took another week for Ben and I to be the only guys in the house for the evening, and it was now or never. I knocked on his door. There was some rustling, but opened it shortly after. He was already in 'pajamas' which consisted of loose basketball shorts and a tight t-shirt with the words "All American" written on them. "Hey, Matt. What's up?" He asked, leaning on his door frame. I was nervous, but needed to be the perfect actor tonight. "I have a.. er.. well a really random question. And it's kind of stupid." He chuckled a bit. "Okay, shoot." "You mentioned your mom the other week, and it got me curious." "Oh god," he started, rolling his eyes, "I promise I'm not a crazy person." I quickly stopped him. "No, no! That's not what I meant. See, there's this girl in my finance course that I've been crushing on hard. We've talked a few times but I don't know if she's interested. I did some googling and it looks like there's this... Wiccan love potion.." Ben's eyebrows raised, he was curious and amused. "Go on..." I felt like he was just looking for the opportunity to call me the crazy one and laugh this all off, but I continued. "Well, I'm desperate and thought I'd give it a try but could use your help. I know it's stupid, but what's a little science experiment anyway?" I laughed it off, trying to pretend I didn't really believe it would work. Which I didn't, for the record. "Well I wholly believe in that stuff, man. Herbs can be a powerful thing. They can release all sorts of chemicals in your mind to mimic emotions like love, fear, happiness, yadda yadda. Did you get a recipe for it?" I mocked a bit, "Wait, you don't have a family secret there?" We both laughed. "I do actually, and I think I have all I need but wanted you to sanity check it. See if it seems bogus." He agreed, and we went up to my room. I closed the door behind us, while unnecessary it seemed more intimate for me and try my plan. So far it was working, but the real test was yet to come. I shared the ingredients and steps I found online, and he agreed with what it was saying. Rosemary brings out this feeling, and this herb reduces inhibitions, and blah blah crazy person talk. It could have actually been a turn off, but even if I didn't believe an ounce of what was coming out of Ben's mouth he sure did know a lot about this voodoo science. And that was impressive on it's own. We worked the next 20 minutes or so creating this 'love potion.' There were a few electric moments for me like when he would help me grind an herb down and our hands would touch, or he would read out the next step and layer in his own 'professional' opinion. At one point, when he was sitting on the ground with his knees up, his shorts slid up his thigh so much that I wondered if he was even wearing underwear. The thoughts were setting me ablaze inside. When it was finally done, he explained the last steps. "So, you basically just need to add a piece of your hair to some of this, and then somehow get her to drink it." "And then what?" "I guess just wait? I'm not really sure how this concoction will work, it could affect anyone differently." Now to setup my plan. "Now I just need to find a clever way to get her to drink some random, greenish liquid. And it won't even work anyway." "Don't question the juice man, this stuff has enough herbs to turn her on to a cactus." He seemed so serious. "I just wish there was a way to test it. Well, you believe it will work so strongly how about you drink a swig. If you try and kiss me after then I'll know it's legit." Ben just laughed. "If only you could be so lucky!" I pushed it, "No really. You can prove to me that it's real. The effect is only supposed to be temporary right?" Ben got a tad more serious. "Matt, I know it will work. You're the one doubting my skills man." "Okay, you're right. I don't think this can work. I hoped it would, but this shit would be in stores everywhere if it really did." I started to ham up my disappointment. "I don't think the FDA would let it get to there. Plus most people are huge skeptics like you, so no one would buy into it." I looked into his eyes to hold a stare for a beat. "You really do believe in this stuff don't you?" "I do. Well, not all of the Wiccan stuff, but herbs and spices are just science. No need to believe anything." I got some confidence up, acting of course, and wagered with him. "Okay fine, I'll test it out." "With who?" Ben asked, admittedly he actually looked confused. Adorable. "You." He furrowed his eyebrows. "That's not funny, Matt." "No, really. No offense, I don't think I'm going to suck your face after taking a swig of this but I'm willing to take that chance." He chuckled, "that's a risky bet." "I don't think we're eye-to-eye on the odds here Ben." I chuckled back to him. He sighed. "Okay, well don't blame me when you think I'm a total hottie." "Don't worry," I sarcastically retorted, "I won't." Ben took a tiny scoop of the liquid into a measuring cup and plucked out a hair from his head. "You want me to drink your hair?!" I feigned minor disgust. "It need's some DNA. I could put some earwax in there if you'd prefer." I stuck my tongue out and agreed that the hair would suffice. "On second thought..." Ben put the cup down and stood up. He reached into his shorts, to my excitement but composed an expression of confusion, and winced a bit. Removing his hand from his crotch region, he held onto a single pube. He grinned. "Seriously dude, fuck you! I'm not eating your pube. Now I know this is a crock of shit." I didn't know how far to push my aversion but was still afraid of being outed by not having a big enough reaction. "This potion is rooted in sexual urges, and so a hair more closely rooted to sexual connotations should be more potent. You're not scared now are you?" Ben teased. "Scared of choking to death on one of your smelly pubes? Yeah." He held the hair up to his nose and took an exaggerated inhale. "It's not smelly." "Ugh." I rolled my eyes and pretended to dry heave. "You better not tell a soul about this." He mimed his other hand zipping his lips. I sighed, "fine give me your damn pube water potion." "Let me remind you this was your idea." "yeah, yeah yeah..." He added the tiny dark blonde hair into the cup and swirled it around a bit then handed it to me. "Bon appetite," he cheerfully said as he handed me the cup. I took it down in one quick gulp and followed with a few swigs of water we had nearby. It tasted like old rainwater some leaves have been decaying in. "Did it taste romantic?" Ben asked. "It tasted like dead raccoon, but that probably just your pube." We both laughed at the situation. The next minute we sat silently waiting for something to happen. I asked when I would feel this magical urge to kiss him and he shrugged. Works different on every person he said again. "Well, I don't think I find you super sexy. Sorry to ruin your night Ben." "Oh shut up, it's only been a minute. Let's play a game. Simon says." "Seriously?" he lost me. "One of the effects of the potion is that you should be willing to be persuaded by me much easier. What's one thing you would never do, even if I asked you to?" "Ben, I'm not sucking your dick. Sorry bud." Again we both laughed. He continued. "I'm not thinking anything that extreme, but good to know. Me either. Try this, stand up." I got up while acting like I was being pulled up by some ghost. "Oh my god Ben, you're a voodoo god!" "I really am," he said, amused. "Now spin around." I did as was told, still hamming it up. "Jump. Touch your toes. Blink your eyes. Pinch yourself." He had me do routine, mundane tasks for a couple minutes. I stopped pretending a ghost was manipulating me at some point and just did as I was told, kind of forgetting what was going on. Then finally he told me to take off my pants. It snapped me back to consciousness. I pushed back against the command accusing him of just wanting to see my dick and called him a perv. He said, "no, no. Just your sweatpants, you goof." Somehow this made it much more palatable and the pants dropped immediately. I stood there in my t-shirt and boxer briefs staring at Ben for my next move. He stood up, walked over to my bed and plopped down face first. He told me to give him a back massage. I no longer really knew what was me and what was the potion, but I honestly didn't care. I got up on the bed and straddled him. After a few minutes of massaging his back he told me to take off his shirt. I did, then continued the massage. His skin was so smooth and soft under my hands. My own butt resting on his was starting to pool blood to my crotch. "Massage my ass" and I did. I shifted down lower and began to knead his huge bubble butt through his shorts. A minute of this and he told me to strip him completely. He helped a little by arching his back, but the shorts quickly peeled down off his legs revealing his succulent globes just asking for my hands. The massage continued and I enjoyed every second of it. His ass was so warm to my cool hands. It was lightly dusted in dark blond hair but not really hairy like some of the guys I'd see in the locker room. It was definitely the biggest though. As I kneaded his butt, I would get more daring with my movements. I would get closer to his crack but the move away. Timid. I began to turn my kneading movements into spreading ones, exposing his hole a little more each time. My thumbs would rub inward towards his hole when I spread his cheeks. It started subtle, I think, but at some point became very deliberately sexual. I had almost touched his little dark rosebud when he said, "Yep, you're gay for me right now." Startled, I jumped off him and stammered my protest. He rolled his head over and laughed. "It's okay dude, it's the potion. I won't tell anyone." I reiterated, "I"m not gay for you dude. I was just giving you a massage, that's not gay." He looked down, "Your boner begs to differ." I followed his eyes and saw my cock stretching against the elastic of my boxer briefs, slightly peeking above the band. I covered up my shame. "I"m not gay" I said again. "I know, Matt. But for the sake of our deal, I've gotta do this." I was about to ask “do what?” but he beat me to it. He turned over to reveal his semi-hard cock and balls, nestled in a light patch of dark blonde hair. "Suck my dick." I instantly remembered that when I drank the potion this is exactly what I said I wouldn't do. However at this point Ben seemed confident that the potion was in complete control and I could finally live out my fantasy without any repercussion. I didn't hesitate. I got back on the bed and shoved my face into his crotch. I hadn't sucked a cock before, and honestly hadn't even been this close to another dick in my life. Ben wasn't fully hard yet, but I could already tell he was bigger than me. Probably only about 6 or 7 inches long like me but much thicker. His balls were larger too. I wondered how I would fit it in my mouth if it kept growing but accepted the challenge. I used one hand to guide his member into my mouth. I only took a couple inches in to wet it with saliva. He tasted so good. Slightly salty but a pretty neutral flavor overall. For some reason I had imagined a cock would taste just like what cum smelled like. I was happy to see it was far less extreme. As I whetted him fully and began to pump him while I swirled my tongue around his head, Ben began to get audible. He started with just some sighs and moans, but quickly began to give me specific directions. "Jack me harder, lick my shaft, suck my balls, swirl your tongue, deep throat me." His hands began to guide my head as well. I gladly took the direction. He had gotten fully erect by now. I came up for air to admire his cock. I was right about it's size. It may even be a bit shorter than mine, but boy was it thick. Although it realistically couldn't have been as thick as a soda can, it looked like it without a direct comparison. "Don't stop Matt!" Ben looked down at me during my break and quickly got me back on task. I sucked and pumped him but I wanted a little more. I took a creative liberty and started to trail my mouth downward. I had seen in hundreds of porn clips guys eating out another guy's ass. I'd never had it done to me to validate if it felt as good as porn made it seem, but wanted to test it out on Ben. I don't think the thought would have crossed his mind, but once I began sucking on his taint and still moved south he got the hint and silently complied. Ben arched back and raised his legs and ass up into the air. I kept one hand firmly around his cock and jacked him off as my tongue made it's fast approach to Ben's virgin asshole. The taste was unique. He had clearly showered some point in the evening, but still I thought it would taste a little like, well, shit. I was delighted to discover it didn't. It almost tasted like a sweet cologne. There was a musky quality but also a sweet aroma. I mimicked all the actions I'd seen in porn. I licked his hole, spat on it, sucked on it. Ben seemed to like just the simple lick the most, and so I focused on that. It didn't take long into this new experience for him to reach climax. His breathing began to speed up and he breathed/growled, "I'm gonna cum." I had a conflict of interest. I had never seen another guy cum in real life, and wanted to watch him erupt all over himself for my viewing pleasure. I also had never tasted another man's cum before, and the thought of taking his explosion into my mouth was incredibly hot too. It was a split second decision, but I threw his hips back down to the bed and wrapped my lips around his cock. Ben tried to push my head off him and breathed a "no, you don't have.." but I swatted him away and brought him to the point of orgasm. He went past the moan decibel and actually yelled in pleasure as he erupted into the back of my throat. The warm, sticky liquid shot ribbon after ribbon against the back of my mouth. I attempted to swallow between bursts but turns out swallowing when there's a cock in your mouth is hard or at least it was for me, so some of his seed dripped out of my mouth and down his shaft. I milked every ounce out of him, and even squeezed his cock like a toothpaste tube to get the last few drops. Ben's intensely tense, and sweaty body turned to putty after a few shudders. I sucked on his cock for another minute or so as it waned in my mouth. Finally accepting that my fun was done for the night, I let it pop out of my mouth. Ben arched up on his elbows. "You have a nice dick." I said, smiling. He chuckled, "that's the potion talking, but thanks." The potion. I had forgotten. Ben read the look but mistook it for more of a panic. He leaned up and grabbed his shorts from the floor, quickly slipping them on. Grabbing his shirt he said, "I should go take a shower. I'm really sorry about this." I tried to stop him but he was out my door and down the stairs in a blink. I just laid there on my bed staring up at the ceiling. My first time sucking a cock was amazing, and of all people it was with Ben: my ultimate fantasy man. I heard the water turn on from the shower the floor below, and took the opportunity to finally pleasure myself. I imagined Ben in the shower and replayed the last hour in my head. I came with more force and volume than I had, maybe ever. I cleaned myself and my room up, and waited to walk down and approach Ben. I finally got the courage a couple hours later but when I approached his room I could tell the lights were off and turned back. I'm not sure if I'd ever get that chance again with Ben. One thing for sure though, I was 100% addicted to dick and needed more. I had lived 21 years without it and had all that time to make up for. How I was going to get it, would be another adventure.
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for-fucks-sake-h · 5 years
Smooth Operator: Part Two
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Word Count: 6.7k // Rated: M, mature // Story Page
*Y/N’s texts are in italics. Harry’s texts are in bold.*  
The oc version of this story can be found on Wattpad. 
“I’ll do the chicken tostadas, thanks.” Y/N spoke as she handed the waitress her menu.  
“I don’t think we’ve been out like this in months,” Bec said with a smile.  
The girls had reservations at a mexican spot they loved, skipping their usual Saturday brunch for a late Saturday dinner. The restaurant had great food, even better margaritas, and a really cool, eclectic atmosphere.  
“Cheers!” El raised her drink to the center of the table, “To us, and finally being done with this bloody case!”  
They were all smiling as they clinked their glasses.  They just finished a huge case that they had been working on for weeks now. It had Y/N super stressed and high strung for a while, but paid off in the end with a positive outcome for them.  
They were joking and laughing until their eyes were watering while they waited for their food. Y/N felt good being out for a change. Enjoying a nice dinner with her friends, being able to unwind a bit. It was good for her. She always felt like she was in work mode but she needed to have time to just enjoy the moment like this. Going out to dinner didn’t seem like much but it was for her.  
They thanked their waitress when she brought their entrees out and ordered another round of drinks. The table was quiet for a few moments as they dug into their food as if they had each been starving for days.  
Y/N’s phone suddenly lit up on the table with a soft ping, making all three of their eyes flick over to it but not thinking much of it. Until it did the same thing again less than a minute later.
“Alright, what happened to the no phone policy while we’re eating?” El said with a smile. “You guys nearly ripped my head off last time.”
“That’s because you’re always on yours. We made the rule for you,” Bec says with a mouthful of her taco.  
El gives Bec the side eye before jutting her chin out quickly in the direction of where the phone was sitting, “Is that him?”  
Y/N was quiet as a small smile pulled at her lips, leaning forward to read the messages on her lock screen.  
Enjoy your night out  
Hopefully we can talk later if you’re not too tired x   
She really tried to fight the insistent smile that was forming as she slid her phone into her purse with a quick “mhm” as a response to her friends.  
Y/N had been texting Harry consistently for a few weeks now. They have some sort of exchange nearly every day. Sometimes it’s just a few quick messages back a forth wishing each other a good day. Other times she’s telling him a full blown story of chasing Rocco down the street when his leash slipped out of her hand. Or Harry is complaining about a miserable customer that doesn't understand why he can’t fix their laptop after it fell in the bathtub.   
A couple days have passed here and there when they haven’t texted and she finds herself wondering what he’s doing. Just as quickly as a thought of him snuggled up on his couch forms a picture in her mind, she dismisses it. She has no idea what he looks like and she certainly has no idea how he cuddles on a couch.
But she likes talking to him. Their conversations are easy and he’s funny with his dry humor and corny jokes. It’s hard not to like him and his company. But again, whenever she starts to think like that she shakes her head at herself. She doesn’t have his company. Texting can hardly equate to that and she thinks the more she focuses on that fact, the better off she’ll be.
She finds herself battling with this a lot though. She feels like she’s getting to know Harry but also feels like she doesn’t know him at all. Not really. How much could she possibly get to know him in this capacity? How much would she want to? How would she feel if she gets too attached? This is his job. He does this with plenty of other people. What makes her think that the way they talk is so special?
She can’t deny the little sliver of happiness she feels when she gets a message from him though.
“So you’ve been talking a lot, huh?” Bec asks.
“Yeah, we have. He’s really nice.”
“Nice?” El replies, one of her eyebrows raising in question.   
“Yup,” Y/N confirms, popping the end of the word dramatically.
“Alright, spill bitch!” El said with a smile.  
Y/N chuckled, “There isn’t much to spill. He’s nice. I like talking to him.”
“Okay so why do you seem so solemn about it then?” Bec questioned.  
Y/N stuffed a bite of food into her mouth to give herself a second to think before answering. “I’m not. I’m just… cautious. I like talking to him, maybe a little too much for my own good.”
“You’re worried about getting attached?” El asked.  
“Well, yeah. You’re suppose to make connections, right? Well it’s kind of hard to know where to draw the line of how connected you get. Like, I want to get to know him but I feel I should also keep my guard up.”
“Nothing wrong with that. I just want you to have fun. It’s supposed to be fun. Enjoy yourself! Try not to worry so much.” El spoke with a smile. She had a way of comforting Y/N, confirming the things she already knows but lets her brain worry herself too much anyway.  
She knows El is right. She definitely worries about things that she has no control over, things that are so far down the line that they shouldn’t even be a focus yet. She has no reason to be worrying about getting close to Harry. Is she really going to hold herself back when she hasn’t even really given herself a chance to experience him?
“Hard to shut my brain off,” Y/N smiled. She felt lucky to have friends that she could talk to about anything and never worry about them judging her or thinking differently of her. “But you’re right.”  
“Of course she is,” Bec says over a mouth full of food. “So have you talked on the phone with him yet?”
“Not yet. Honestly he hasn’t really tried to initiate it. He seems fine with texting.” Y/N says with a furrowed brow. She did think it was a little odd that Harry was so willing to text her. He never asked her to call him and never turned the conversation sexual unless she gave the opening.
When she gave it though, he jumped. He excited her, just his messages made her skin tingle. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little antsy to know what it would be like to actually talk to him. To hear him say the filthy things he texted her. To know what his voice sounded like when he told her how bad he wanted her or what a moan sounded like when he was so turned on he couldn’t keep it in. She’s listened to his voice memo more times than she would ever admit.   
“You probably have to call him. Wait, you aren’t getting charged for the texting, are you?” Bec asks with wide eyes.
“No no, you only get charged for the calls.” Y/N laughed. “Maybe you’re right. I don’t know, there’s still a little part of me that is weirded out by it. I think he likes texting me and that doesn’t cost anything. But calling him, having to pay for it, feels a bit sleazy if I’m honest.”
“Please, it’s no different than buying porn. If he felt exploited in any way he wouldn’t be doing it.” El brushes off quickly.  
Y/N shrugs at the thought. “Yeah, true.”
“Are you still nervous to talk to him?” Bec asks.  
“A little. Just the unknown, you know? I want him to like it too. I think that’s why it feels sleezy, the thought of him doing it and not being into it is just, bleh.” Y/N gags onto her finger for the extra effect, making her friends laugh with her.  
“I get that. But you’re a smart girl, Y/N. I think you would be able to tell if he was into it or not.” El laughs.  
“Or he’s just really good at his job,” Y/N challenged with one lifted brow.  
“Are you looking for excuses?” Bec laughs.  
“Maybe…” Y/N smiles down at her plate.  
She could admit that she may have been looking for every reason not to call Harry. She felt like she was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t. They could talk and she could love it. Scary. They could talk and not really have a connection over the phone. Boo, that sucks. It’s over as quickly as it started.  
“I think you need to stop worrying and go for it. What’s the worst that could happen?” Bec says, quickly adding, “Don’t answer that,” when she sees Y/N open her mouth to list all the negative outcomes.  
Y/N laughs before changing the subject to a guy Bec is currently talking to, immediately getting a full blown story of how she’s over him already because she heard he’s a player. They enjoy the rest of the night without any more talk of Harry, finishing off two more margaritas before they call it a night after being there for nearly four hours.   
On the car ride home, Y/N stared down at her phone. Specifically her text thread with Harry. She wants to talk to him even though the thought has her heart beating wildly. If her heart beats like this just thinking about it what is it going to be like if she actually talks to him. But she has to know. She needs to experience it, even if it’s only once. Even if she’s playing it up in her head and it’s nothing how she thinks it will be. She thinks that would be better than her continuing to wonder.
I’m in the uber now. Maybe I can call you once I’m home… if you’re up to it?
Harry glanced at his phone on the couch cushion next to him when he heard the ping, his heart dropping to his stomach. He quickly sent back “of course” before tossing his phone back to the couch and running his hands through his hair.  He leaned back, pushing his head back to the top of the cushion and stretching his legs out as he combed through his hair repeatedly.
Relax, he thought.
He lifted his head slowly before whispering, “relax,” down to the organ that was already pulling blood from the rest of his body in need.   
He had to calm down but he was so excited. He’s been thinking about this since he first talked to Y/N. Every time they talk and she puts an lol in her message he wonders what her laugh sounds like. He wonders how she says words like water and caramel. If her voice is high and sweet or low and raspy. Every time she replies with a mmm fuck to some filthy thought he shares with her, he feels like he’s in pain with how much he wants to actually hear her say it. 
He stands quickly from the couch, jumping up and down as if he’s getting ready for a boxing match. Shaking his arms out as if that could possibly help loosen him up. His cock was twitching in his pants at the possibilities this call held. He reaches down to smooth his hand over himself, foolishly thinking that if he gave the pulsing some attention it would calm down.  
He leaned down to check his phone again, seeing that Y/N read his reply but hasn’t answered yet. He turned his tv off, flicked his front hall lights off before going to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and head upstairs.  
He stood in his bathroom looking at himself in the mirror as he gulped down half the bottle. Breathing heavily when he pulled it away from his lips, a mixture of how quickly he sucked the water down and how the anticipation pulsed through his veins.  
He washed his face and rubbed some face cream into his skin with shaky hands. Quickly finishing up in the bathroom and heading to his room. He stood at the foot of his bed as he checked his phone again. Still nothing.
He walked to the side of his bed, placing his phone on the nightstand before turning on the tv that was mounted on the wall across from the bed.  He pulled his t shirt over his head and removed his joggers before slipping into bed. What’s taking her so long?  
His cheeks already felt warm, making him shake his head at himself as he sunk down further in the bed. He flicked through the channels to try to distract himself. Minutes passing like hours as he waited, finally hearing a ping twenty minutes later.  
I’m nervous lol
He smiled at her message, his brain conjuring up the laugh he pretended he knew every time she wrote lol.  
It’s okay. I am too
Definitely. But I’m excited too.
How excited??  
He let out a deep breath followed by a soft chuckle.
Gotta call me to find out xx  
He watched the message turn to read and waited.  A few minutes passed with him just staring at the phone until he realized he was whispering a quiet “come on” to the screen.
And then it lit up, causing the warmth of his skin to ignite as well. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled before accepting the call.  
“Hiii,” he spoke quietly, extending the greeting.    
It was quiet for a second before he heard a low hum followed by an even lower, “Hey,” come through the receiver.  
His heart was already racing but somehow picked up speed at that one word. He was way more nervous then he let on. Maybe even more then he even realized himself.  
“Alright?” he asked with a small laugh.  
“I was wondering what you would sound like when you say that.” Y/N replied with a laugh of her own.
“How I say alright?”  
“Yeah, you say it a lot.” She chuckles softly, the sound making his heart flutter all over again.  
“Wanna make sure you’re alright,” he replies lowly.  
“I know. Always checking on me. I like it,” she finished softly.  
“Good.” The line is quiet for a few seconds before he continues, “How was dinner?”
“Great, had three margaritas,” she laughed. “Think they gave me the balls I needed to finally call you.”  
He laughed, liking the way she talked quickly, ignoring how the way she said balls made his cock twitch again.  
He hummed before answering, “’m glad you called. You’re not drunk?”  
“No, I’m… happy.”  
“Didn’t know happy was a drinking level. Sober, buzzed, drunk, they’re the usual ones,” he teased.  
She laughed, “Yeah of course. Happy is around buzzed, like when you’re just starting to feel good and warm.”  
“Ahh, I see,” he says with a chuckle. “Tha’s good t’know.”    
The line goes quiet for another few seconds before Y/N huffs, “I’m sorry I’m being weird.”  
“You’re not being weird. This is a weird situation. Jus’ gotta relax,” He assures her. “Tell me where you are. Or what you’re wearing.”
“Really,” she giggles. “I didn’t know you were so cliche,” she says through a laugh.  
He chuckles, smiling goofily at the way she teases, “Come on, it’ll help. Get you in the moment.”  
“Hmm okay,” she says.  He can hear shuffling before she continues, “I’m in bed.”  
“Sexy,” he interupts, making her bark out a laugh. His pulse quickens at the sound, smiling at the way she giggles around an apology. “And what are you wearing?”  
“A tee shirt,” she says softly before it’s quiet again.
“Tha’s it?”  His heart beat picks up at the thought of her in laying in bed with her phone pressed to her ear in nothing but a shirt. He has no idea what she looks like but it doesn’t matter, his brain forms the picture in his head and his cock pulses at the thought.  
She confirmed with a quiet “mhm” that makes his pulse pick up even more. He could hear his heart beating it was so hard.     
“Fuck,” he whispered.  
“What?” She questioned and the way she sounded so innocent, like she had no idea what he was thinking made his cock jump.  
“That is… so sexy,” he says as he mutes the tv, wanting to only hear her voice.  
“Is it?” She whispers, her pulse racing, the tingles between her thighs becoming stronger with every word he says.  
“I think so. Do you always sleep like that?” He asks, his voice lowering an octave with the question.  
Y/N swallows thickly before answering, “Usually.”  
She can hear his breathing and the way he whispers, “You’re killing me” makes her cheeks burn.  
The line is quiet again apart for the sound of each other’s breathing. Harry knows she’s nervous but he wants to be sure this is actually what she wants before he goes any further with the conversation.  
“Love, if you’re not comfortable with this yet just say the word.”
“No, no, I am,” she says quickly.  
“You sure? I don’t wan’ you to feel like we have to do this now. ’m perfectly fine with texting you. Textin’ is free,” he trails off.  
He hates the thought of her even remotely feeling forced into anything. She’s being charged for every minute of this call, and he knows it’s a pretty penny. If she’s even the slightest bit uncomfortable it’s not worth her time or money.  
“No I want to,” she says. “I want you,” she says in a soft tone.
Harry exhales deeply, “Fuck, good. Want you too. ‘m so hard,” he says lowly.  
His admission has her pressing her thighs together more. She knows she’s soaked already and he’s barely said anything, the anticipation of it all getting her wound up.  
“Really?” she whispers.  
“So hard. You had my cock twitching when you first asked to call.” He speaks honestly as he slips his hand into his boxers, the contact making him swallow thickly and suck in a breath.    
“God,” she moans quietly. The sound makes Harry’s stomach clench deeply, a soft moan of his own following. “Are you gonna touch it?”
He smiles at how she avoids the word, “Touch what, love?”
“Your cock,” she says softly.  
“Mhm, already am. Wish I wasn’t though. Would much rather be touching you,” he says, his breathing picking up as he strokes his hand from his base to his tip. 
“Oh my god,” Y/N whispers, finally reaching down to slip her fingers through her wet folds. Her clit is swollen, sending tingles throughout her body as she grazes her middle finger down the length of it before circling her entrance. “Shit,” she gasps quietly.  
“Yeah, touch yourself for me love,” Harry says in a strained voice. He sweeps his thumb over his tip, circling his precum over his head, making him release a breathy moan. He pulls the phone away from his mouth as he collects some spit before wrapping his hand around himself again, pumping his cock slowly.   
“Fuck,” she moans quietly as she pulls her wetness up to her clit.  
“Gonna rub your clit ‘til you come?” His voice is so deep, even deeper than it was when he first answered and definitely deeper than the voice memo she listened to repeatedly. His voice was having the same effect on her that she thinks his breath fanning across her skin would as it caused goosebumps to raise and her stomach to clench.  
“Yes,” she moans. “Oh my god.”
“That’s it,” he encourages, the rhythm of his strokes increasing with her pants. She sounds so good, breathing heavily with quiet moans and whines gracing his ears periodically. Everything she says is breathy with a small whine at the end and it makes Harry’s cock throb with every word.  
She’s rubbing small circles into her clit as she listens to him moan on the other line, each moan making her core clench with need. She hasn’t been this wet in ages, her fingers easily slipping over her skin and making her body go warm as she brings her orgasm to the surface with every flick.  
“Fuck,” Harry gasps. “‘m so close, love.”  
His words spur Y/N on, wanting to hear him come. She rocks her hips up to her hand as if he was there, as if he was between her legs and pushing into her over and over again.
“Yes, yes,” she chants softly, making Harry’s cock pulse and a groan come from deep in his chest as he pumps himself faster.  
“Play with your nipples, Y/N. Need you to come for me. Come on,” he urges lowly, knowing from previous texts that her nipples are sensitive, hoping it’ll push her over the edge.
“Fuck, oh my god,” she moans deeply. She does as she’s told, tucking her phone between her shoulder and ear so that she can snake her hand under the hem of her shirt. Her cold fingers flick her nipple quickly, sending chills down her spine. A stark contrast to the warm fingers that rub her clit. “Fuck, I... Harry,” she gasps his name before another moan falls from her lips as she squeezes her eyes shut, her core clenching rapidly as she comes.    
“Shit. Yes, that’s it,” Harry breathes out as he listens to beautiful moans fall from her mouth. He pumps his hand quickly until a low “fuck” and guttural moan comes from his chest and he’s painting his stomach with his release.
They both pant harshly as they come down. Y/N stretches across her bed as she chuckles with a quiet, “Shit,” gasped into the phone that gets Harry laughing.  
“Y‘alright?” He asks with a smile.  
She hums in response, “Are you?”
“Fuckin’ great,” he chuckles. “You’re amazing.”  His heart flutters from his admission, feeling a warm blush travel up his neck and onto his cheeks.  
“So are you,” she says softly. “I hate to just end this but… you know...”  
“No, I totally understand,” he interupts. “I really enjoyed it. Hope you did too.”
“I definitely did.”
He speaks then in a low, almost somber tone, “Night, love.”  
“Goodnight, Harry.” She whispers softly.   
Harry tosses his phone onto the other pillow as he gets out of bed to clean up. This is new. He wanted to keep talking to her. Usually, he’s perfectly fine with getting off the phone once he finished and passing out quickly after. But he feels like he could have stayed on the phone with her for another hour just listening to her talk in that post-orgasm voice.  
As he got back into bed with a low groan he noticed a message.  
We can still text, right?
Fuck, how did such a simple message like that make his heart race?
Good. I like texting you.  
Me too
And I like getting off with you
God I like getting off with you
So you’re happy with your service? :)
Narcissist lol  
Ha! Just making sure my customer is happy love  
Your customer is very happy
And still soaked    
Harry groaned at her message, his cock twitching at the thought of her being soaked from him.  
They texted until the late hours of the night, coaxing each other to another orgasm. Messages talking about everything they liked from the phone call. Harry telling Y/N that her moans made his dick throb just thinking about them and her telling him that the way he says fuck makes her pussy clench. Their messages were even more intense now that they could use things the other person does to rile them up more.  
It was nearly 3am when they said their real good nights with promises to talk tomorrow. Harry layed in bed staring at his ceiling willing sleep to come but feeling so wired still from the last few hours he spent with Y/N. Her voice was just as warm as he expected and it turned him on more than he imagined it could.  
He turned over to try to get comfortable, hearing a ping come from his nightstand. He leaned up on his elbow, pressing the home button to light up the screen.
Thank you xxx  
A smile curled the left side of his mouth up as warmth spread across his cheeks.  
Thank you love xx  
Y/N sent Harry the text on her train ride home from the office.  She couldn’t believe how long of a week she had.  She loves her job but she often wonders if it will ever not be like this. If she will ever end her week with a little extra energy to actually do something on a Friday night instead of going home to take a really long bath and cuddle her dog.  
She and Harry have been consistently talking for two months. More often than not she wakes up to a reply from him from their conversation the night before. The night before, when he would talk slowly in his deep voice, telling her all the ways he wanted to fuck her. When he’s moaning from the hand he has wrapped around his cock, begging her to come.  
She has a tendency to fall asleep not long after he helps her orgasm, making their conversation spill into the next day.  They never really end though.  Sure, there are lulls when either are busy.  Hours, sometimes a full day could pass and the conversation would just pick up where they left off.
Y/N liked that about them. Their conversations were easy and could range on the topic throughout any given day.  Like the day they started the conversation off with how much Harry came the night before and ended late that night with a deep discussion of whether they believed there was life on other planets.
Lol long day?
Longest. Do you have plans tonight?   
Yeah I do
Y/N frowned down at her phone.  Damn, she thought.  
Oh okay, have fun. We can talk tomorrow. 
Plans with my bed and you ;)  
Haha why are you like this  
Cause it’s fun  
For who?
Never mind don’t answer that
I’ll be home in 10 :)
Y/N smiled down to her phone before locking it. She couldn’t deny that he made her smile. He was funny, and charming. They got on really well. And they just clicked when it came to the phone sex. He always seemed to know what she needed in the moment to get off.
They’ve spent every Friday night just like this for weeks now. Y/N would get home late from work, eat something quickly, take the fastest shower of her life and get into bed to call Harry. He was always there, ready and waiting for her. There have been nights when they would talk for hours. Her credit card knows that better than anyone.  
It always started out with sex but ended with them talking about something random.  They would catch their breath together, giggle as they came down and then the conversation would shift until one of them found themselves dozing off.  
I’m home. If you’re ready, I was thinking I could take you in the bath with me.  
Love that idea. I’m ready when you are love.
One sec
Y/N started her bath, threw in the epsom salt and bubble bath she always used and took her work clothes off, throwing piece after piece of clothing into her hamper. She had the lights dimmed and lit a candle that she kept on her counter. She pulled her hair up into a bun on the top of her head before stepping into the tub, hissing as she eased into the hot water.   
Once she was settled and the tub was filled she quickly turned the water off, dried her hands on her towel and grabbed her phone to click Harry’s contact.
Setting it down on the ledge and sinking further into the water as it rang, waiting for his voice to grace her ears.
“Hi, love,” he greeted softly.
“Hey! How are you?”
“M’good. You in the bath already?”
“Yes thank god. I’ve missed my baths,” she chuckled softly.
“Missed them?” Harry laughed.
“I use to take a bath every Friday after work but ever since we started talking I’ve taken showers.”
“Is that because you can’t wait to get on the phone with me?”
She could hear the smile in his voice and let her own lips curl slightly.
“Yeah, well, I found that an orgasm relaxes me more than a bath.”  
“Could have been taking baths this whole time, love. I have no problem with making you come while you’re in there.”  
“Yeah?” She asks breathily, her skin tingling with his promise.
“Yeah, can’t help but think about being sat behind you.”
“Gonna rub my shoulders?” She teases.
“Was thinking more that I could rub your clit,” Harry’s voice drops lower as he speaks. “Would you like that?”
“Yes,” Y/N says on an exhale with her knees pressed together.
“Can you do it for me?”
Harry’s laying in his bed with his phone held up to his ear. His other hand is rubbing his cock over is boxers as he listens to her moan softly, imagining her spreading her legs in the tub to tease her clit.
“Do you know how hard you make me?” He asks, his voice strained as he pulls his cock from his boxers and strokes from his tip to the base.
“No,” Y/N breathes.  
“You don’t?” He moans, both from the way her voice sounds soft and breathy and from his thumb rubbing over his tip.
“Nuh-uh,” she breathes again, her head tilting back to rest on the tub as she rubs slow circles on her clit.  
Harry’s cock pulses at her tone. He loves when she’s unassuming like this, especially since he knows that she knows exactly how hard she makes him. They’ve been doing this long enough to know what gets the other person off and although Y/N likes to play innocent, he knows better. She likes his reactions. She likes hearing him moan and tell her how turned on he is.  
“Fuck,” he groans out slowly as he pumps his cock, his hips pushing up to meet his hand the tiniest bit. “I’m throbbin’ for you. Got me so hard, feels like it has its own pulse.”  
“Shit,” she moaned, her imagination conjuring the image of him stroking his cock. Imagining how his skin moves over his hard length. “Are you in bed?”  
He smiled at her inquiry. She did this every night; asked where he was in his house and what he was wearing. She wanted details ever since their first phone call when he told her it would get her in the moment. If they couldn’t see each other then they at least needed to be able to let their minds come up with an image of what the other person might look like while they touched themselves.  
“Yeah love,” he sighed as he stretched his toes towards the end of the bed. “Have my cock pulled out of my boxers. Couldn’t wait,” he blushed at the admission. Even though she couldn’t see him, he still felt embarrassed. He was needy for her. Just her text that she was almost home made him antsy.  
“Will you take them off?” She asked quietly, her cheeks burning from the tingles shooting up her spine and the way she immediately heard the ruffling coming through the phone from him moving around to remove his boxers.  
“Better?” he asked, the smile evident in his tone.  
“Would be better if you were here,” she mumbled with a light laugh, her cheeks warm with desire.    
“As much as I like when you touch yourself, I would much rather be the one touching you,” Harry spoke softly.  
“Yeah,” she encouraged softly, her fingers putting more pressure on her clit. Her legs widened at his words as if she was making room for him.  
“Wanna fuck you with my fingers. Push two in to press against that spot that’ll have your legs shaking f’me.”  
“Sat behind you so I can kiss your neck. So you can feel how hard I am against you. Want you to feel how much watching you come from my fingers turns me on.” Harry’s voice is low as he tells her what he knows she wants to hear. His cock is leaking from the thought of feeling her clench around his fingers as she moans his name softly through the phone.
“Oh my god, I want you,” she moans, the words coming out all in one breath. Her core is clenching, begging to have his fingers fill her.    
Harry’s heart flutters at the same time his stomach clenches from her words. She’s said things like that before. That she needed him, wanted him, begged for him even, and every single time his reaction is the same. His face and neck get even warmer and his arousal pools in his belly, swirling with need to actually have her.  
“Give yourself two. Slide two fingers in, just like I fuckin’ would,” Harry instructs her, his voice gravelly as he pumps his cock faster, his wrist twisting around his tip repeatedly.  
“Fuck Harry,” she moans quietly as she pushes her fingers into herself, immediately pumping them slowly, curling them on every deep push.    
“That’s it, love. Now use your other hand to rub your clit until you come for me.” 
Y/N’s moan was strangled, her pleasure falling from her lips as she swirled two fingers over her clit in time with her other hand. Her core was clenching with every pump and every moan Harry let travel through the phone made her stomach twist.
Harry chanted a quiet “yes, yes,” as he stroked his cock faster. He couldn’t keep his own moans at bay even if he tried. Between the throbbing of his cock as he fucked himself and the sounds Y/N made when she was close made it impossible for him to be quiet. “Gonna make me come,” he spoke slowly into the phone.
“Yeah, please,” she moaned at his words as her fingers sped up, her orgasm ready to burst.
“Shit,” he extended the word with a groan as he pumped his cock until he held himself still at his base and his orgasm coated his fingers and stomach. He was quiet for a few seconds, Y/N holding her breath until she heard him gasp once he was finished. She pictured what she envisioned him to look like with his head thrown back and his neck extended as he came all over himself, moaning at the image her mind created for her.
Her neck extended back as the first sparks of her orgasm hit her, slowing her fingers to let the tingles wash over her. “Harry,” she whispered as her core clenched and pulsed around the fingers she held deep inside herself.
“Fuck baby,” his voice was pure gravel, a small moan escaping his throat as he listened to her come. Her moans were wanton and full and instantly made him think of how well she would squeeze his cock if it was inside her.
They were quiet for a moment as they both caught their breath. Y/N’s knees extended back into the water as the rest of her body went lax. “How’s it always so good?” she asks, her voice breathy and slow.
“We’re just fuckin’ good together,” he laughed, shuffling to grab the tee shirt that happened to be beside his bed to clean himself up.
“We really are,” she giggled. “It’s kind of crazy though.”
“Is it?”
“Well yeah, I get off better with you and you’re not even here.” Her voice had that soft post orgasm tone that he loved. The one that made her words sort of mumble together and her volume lower a few decibels. Her gentle tone making the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
“I’ve never gotten off this good,” he admits quietly.
“Yeah. I mean, I’ve met people I really click with but we’re… different. Don’t you think?” His hair stood up for a different reasons now, his heartbeat prominently making itself heard in his ears.
“I’m definitely comfortable with you,” she chuckled in reply.
Harry was quiet for a few seconds as his mind fought over what he wanted to say next. “Makes you wonder what’d we really be like together..” he trailed off, feeling his cheeks warming from his suggestion.
“Right,” she giggled softly.
They were quiet again. Harry was willing her to say something else, anything. To give him any indication that maybe she was curious about what he was really like too.
“Oh,” she finally spoke up, making his pulse pick up again. “You called me baby.”
His pulse remained quick even with his disappointment. She was hard to read, her tone didn’t give any indication of how she felt about him calling her that, making him nervous and unsure how to reply.
“Do you like being called that?” He took a shot in the dark. Hoping she did.
“I love it,” she spoke softly.
“S’okay if I call you it sometimes?”  He asked, trying to control his breathing. That simple question making butterflies erupt in his stomach, hoping she’d allow that bit of intimacy.  
“Of course.”
He could hear her smile, causing more butterflies as heat crawled up his neck. “Good,” he murmured, stretching his body across his bed, willing his pulse to relax.
She hummed as she moved, the sound of the water swishing coming through his speaker. “God, I have to get out of here,” she muttered with what he imagined was a pout on her face. “Don’t wanna,” she sounded even more pouty and it made his lips curl into a smile.
“Just add more hot water,” he suggested with a laugh only to hear her whine in response.
“No then I’ll fall asleep and get a stiff neck,” she chuckled. “Hold on.”
He could hear the water fall off her body as she stood. He pretended he knew what she looked like as she stood in her tub, her skin glistening from the water sticking to it. He pictured her wrapping herself in a fluffy towel and carefully stepping out of tub to hopefully get into her bed, warm and naked.
“Do you have guitar lessons tomorrow?” She asked as she dried herself off.
“Yeah first one’s at 7:30.”
“I don’t know how you do it. I would be exhausted if I stayed up this late when I have work in the morning,” she laughed, flicking her bathroom light off before she padded across the room to crawl into her bed.
“I’m used to it,” he laughed softly.
“Well I’m gonna let you go since you won’t do it,” she teased. “Plus I know as soon as my head hits this pillow I’ll pass out.”
“Sure, love. Sleep tight.”
“Night, Harry.”  
She watched the call end, falling back to her pillow as she sprawled her arms and legs out, dropping her phone onto the bed. Normally the mixture of Harry’s voice and an intense orgasm lulled her right to sleep. But tonight? Tonight she stared at her ceiling for a while with thoughts of what her and Harry could be like if she allowed them to get together.    
masterlist || talk to me
(Part Three)
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
As Usual
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Baron Corbin/Unnamed OFC
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Business!Baron, what's not to love? Tagging our usual suspects of @tox-moxley and @oraclegazes, as well as the head of the Baron's Bitches Pack, @writergrrrl29 and but of course it would not be Thirst Party Saturday without our Steerforth, @hardcorewwetrash! Enjoy!
Baron Corbin didn't like to think of himself as boring. Sure, he worked in an office, and yeah, he wasn't exactly at the head of the excitement parade, but boring? He and his girlfriend worked long days, wasn't much they could do when they got off of their respective shifts. Normally once Baron escaped his soul-sucking cubicle and fought through the traffic to get home he was more than ready to throw on some sweatpants, cuddle with his already-sleeping girl and conk the fuck out until six the next morning  when he had to wake up and do it all over again.
“Dude, face it. You're the most boring guy I know. Boring Corbin.” Jack snorted, leaning over Baron's cubicle. “You come here early, you work late because everyone else is slacking off...obviously you have no life if you're willing to devote that kind of time consistently to your job.”
“I don't recall asking, Swagger.” Corbin drawled, turning his chair around to give the tall blond a long-suffering look. “Speaking of me working while everyone else is slacking off, shouldn't you be making copies or something?”
“Fair enough.” Jack held up his hands in surrender. “Look I'm only thaying...saying something because I'm worried, alright? You're one of the few people I can actually joke with around here and you've been burning the candle at both ends for so long, man.” Baron grimaced. Jack, seeming to sense his weakness, carried on eagerly. “You don't take sick days, you don't take vacations. What the hell do you do for fun?”
“I definitely do take vacations, I took one last...” Baron paused, doing the mental math. “...two years ago.”
“Oh whoop-dee-do, the two days you took off for that concert. What, did you have fun and hate every second of it?” Jack needled, making Corbin laugh a little ruefully.
“Far from it, man. I could barely peel myself out of bed afterwards, even with the extra day off. Hell of a time in the pit, you know how it is.”
“So what's the deal, man? Take a day off. Call in thick. Fucking...sick.” Jack tended to speak slowly. When he got excited his lisp flared up more often, which seemed to frustrate him. “Take your girl on vacation. I'm sure she could use a break too. From what you've told me she's just as crazy as you are.”
“You're not wrong there.” The long hours she was spending in her own office came to mind and Corbin's brow furrowed. “I'll think about it, Swagger.”
Jack looked relieved, leaning over the cubicle to whack a large hand down on Baron's shoulder. “You're a good man, Charlie Brown.”
Baron snorted, waving him off and returning to his work. He couldn't seem to focus though, his thoughts drifting to his girlfriend. Today was her one day off a week. Hope she's doing something fun and not working from home again. Her boss was so hard on her. Baron knew he was lucky because he answered to a variety of individuals and he was up there on the authority ladder. His girlfriend's office was arranged a little differently where everyone only answered to one man, and he didn't seem the lenient sort.
I'll call her on my lunch break. Baron decided. Excitement flooded him, the feeling foreign. God, it had been a while since he'd relaxed. We're going to get away. A few days, a week. Something like that. Maybe go someplace new. Anything. I’m so tired of this, Baron realized. Working and working and working because I don’t think I have any other options. Well, not anymore! He shoved his chair back from his desk, got to his feet and headed for HR. A good starting point would be finding out how much leeway he had. Plus, it wasn’t like he couldn’t manage his workload for the day.
Baron was in a daze after finishing with Bayley in HR. Apparently he’d accrued over two months of vacation time, and since he’d never opted into the program of having them take eighty hours of it and put it into his check every New Years it had kind of just…sat there, not doing anything.
Miscommunication on his part, no doubt. Bayley’s sunshine-y attitude could be exhausting on a good day, so he tended to avoid HR like the plague and he usually deleted the emails without reading them. He wasn’t an “Ice Cream Social” or “Ugly Sweater Party” kind of guy. But the distress on Bayley’s face when she realized he was uninformed on their vacation time policy made him feel…just a little guilty. Maybe Baron would humor her more in the future. Once he’d recovered from the information overload of I have free time holy shit I have free time.
Corbin sat down heavily in his office chair, leafing through the packet Bayley had printed off for him. Yeah, he definitely needed to start paying attention to those emails. Most of this information was stuff he’d never seen before. Of course, he’d started working here back when Vickie was in charge of HR. Baron still couldn’t help his cringe whenever anyone said, “excuse me!” near him. He’d never been more eager to escape from an orientation in his life.
The excitement he’d felt before going to HR was multiplying. Baron could hardly believe this. Now all he would need to do is figure out when his girlfriend would be able to get time off as well. They could go camping, maybe see a concert! Or visit Florida, she loved warm places. What about an island? Bermuda? Hawaii? His mind ran rampant, ideas quickly filling his memo pad. How's that for boring, huh? If Baron was being honest he barely cared what they did, as long as he did it with her. She had been down for a while as much as she denied it, and Baron had been at his wit’s end for a solution. But here, here it was, staring him in the face. A vacation, a real one, with hotel rooms, phones turned off and shit like that. It was foolproof.
Instead of eating his lunch in his cubicle like he usually did, Baron picked up his bag and headed for the elevator. He’d call her on his lunch break and hopefully get a little input. Upon sliding his phone out of his pocket though, he was confused to see that he’d missed a call from her at some point. There were the usual texts from her in the morning, hey Beast, hope work is going okay. You left even earlier today, I hope everything is alright. Baron winced. Then came the funny ones, Sasha and I have decided we’re killing Enzo and dumping his body in the river. Oh whoops, I think that counts as premeditated. You won’t tell, right Beast?
She’d left a voicemail when she called, she never did that. It must be important. Corbin worriedly pressed the phone to his ear, hitting the elevator button for the street level.
“--miss you, Beast...” The message began in the middle of a sentence, a gasping plea following her usage of the teasing pet name she'd given him. Baron’s mouth went dry. There was a quiet whimper, rustling, a low, static buzz that settled in Baron’s bones like fucking liquid heat. He was pretty sure his face was neon. This was…
This was something new.
“God I wish you could touch me like this more.” Her voice was breathless, “Baron please, please, I need you-”
Baron had all but forgotten he was in an elevator, jumping when the doors rolled open. He hastily scrambled across the foyer and burst through the doors to the parking lot, phone still vised to his ear via his shoulder. He felt clumsy, like he was in a dream, loosening his tie as he walked to his car and unlocked it.
She wasn’t talking anymore, just softly moaning and it was way more arousing than it should have been to hear the quiet buzzing in the background. He knew exactly what she was fucking doing to herself. She was always so sensitive when it came to him touching her, squirming underneath his mouth or hands, and it had been a thousand times more intense when he'd used the wand on her. She'd come fucking screaming his name, her nails cutting into the skin on his shoulders and drawing blood. It had been one of the hottest things Baron had ever experienced, watching her lose control, coaxing multiple orgasms out of her with the toy and his body working in sync.
That was a distant (if incredibly pleasant) memory, though. They hadn’t had sex in almost a month, their schedules too chaotic and both of them exhausted when they were together. They slept in the same bed every night, sometimes they showered together in the morning. Slow, sleepy kisses in between yawns underneath the too-cool-to-be-comfortable shower spray, husky mumbles of “how’d you sleep?” over cups of coffee.
It was the little things that had kept them going even after the exciting newness of the relationship had worn off, Corbin was sure. She’d slip notes into his bag when she made their lunches (made your favorite, for my favorite Beast!) and he always made sure there was enough hazelnut coffee in the morning for her to fill her travel mug for work. On Baron’s one day off a week, if they needed it, he would go out and get groceries, do laundry. He was still abysmal at folding shirts so they wouldn’t wrinkle, but for her it seemed to be the thought that counted. On her one day off a week she would give the house a once-over, maybe change the sheets. Baron always felt the need to apologize for his shedding, although she said she liked his hair long because it was easier--
Baron shook himself. Shit, he’d almost started stroking his cock over his pants. Easy boy. This was a treat, definitely. One that he wasn’t going to waste on a fucking parking lot. Corbin took a deep breath to steady himself and then saved the message.
A couple more breaths, inhale, exhale.
Her call had been preceded by a text that was just a jumble of letters, like she’d laid on her phone. It had been accidental.
Baron didn’t know what the hell to do with that information. Should he delete the message? It wasn’t something she’d intended for him to hear. But it sounded amazing. He decided, after a few more deep breaths, that calling her back was the best course of action. If she brought it up…
Well, he’d burn that bridge when he got to it.
“Hi Beast! How’s work?” She seemed okay. Cars in the background. She was probably working in her little garden. Baron wanted to be suspicious, but the mental image of her with dirt smudged on her nose sparked that weird domestic part of him and he found himself relaxing.
“It’s pretty good, honestly. I um, I talked with HR, baby girl. I have a lot of vacation time saved up and I was just…well, I was wondering if you’d like to do something?” Corbin wasn’t sure why the hell he was having such a hard time being articulate. “You wanna’ go on a trip with me?”
“Really?!” She sounded thrilled. It lit a fire in Baron’s stomach and he only barely kept from fucking growling in satisfaction. “That’s--I mean yeah! Absolutely! Where do you think we should go? When?”
“I know you like the warm places. I was thinking maybe...Bermuda, something like that.” Baron paused. “I’m tired of not seeing you, or only getting to hold you when you’re asleep. I miss you, baby girl.” He didn't mean for it to sound so fucking mushy, what the hell was wrong with him?
“I was just thinking about you earlier. I worry about you. You work too hard, Baron.”
Baron barely kept from saying you’d better have been thinking about me earlier, biting his lip. “I know baby. I’m finally going to have some time off, though. This means you do as well. Pot, kettle.”
She laughed. “I was that obvious, huh? It’s been tough at work. I’ve needed this day off like you wouldn’t believe. Wow, a real vacation though! I can’t wait to get everything all planned. Are you excited?”
“You bet your ass. I love…spending time with you, baby girl.” Shit, shit. They’d been dating for over a year but they had yet to say the words that everyone put such gravity on. It was simpler that way. She’d moved in with him six months ago when he’d offered. That was like saying it without having to, right? He was just…leery of fucking everything up with his big mouth.
Even with all the time they spent apart she was the best part of his day. God forbid he say those words and have shit go sideways.
It was simpler that way. I'm already her Beast. It's enough.
She didn’t have to know that he loved her, didn’t have to know about all the times he said it quietly when she was asleep. It hurt less when he did that, breathed it into her hair while she curled up in his arms like she would be his forever. It's simpler that way, he told himself. Hurts less that way. God, he was too sentimental.
She’d gone quiet and Baron became nervous. “You okay, baby girl?” She knows, I’m so fucked.
“I’m thinking, Beast! Just…all the stuff we can do! Anything, everything!” She practically exploded, making him laugh in relief. “I’m so excited I could scream, I can’t wait until you get home tonight! I’m--I’m gonna’ stay up late so I can see you and we can plan stuff out!” She made a squealing noise and Baron grinned.
“Alright baby girl. What time do you need to work tomorrow? I’ll see if I can get out a bit earlier tonight.” Like maybe on fucking time at five, instead of at nine because everyone else is slacking off.
“Fuck what time I work tomorrow! You’re threatening me with a vacation!”
Baron was reminded all over again of why he was hopelessly, ridiculously in love.
Swagger of all people offered to finish his work for him so Baron could leave at four. “I’m just glad you listened to me, man.” Jack had said with his usual whack on the shoulder. “Go make her happy, tiger.”
Baron was home by five, the traffic a bit more manageable at this hour. She actually met him at his car, bounding to her feet from her spot in the dirt out front. Shortly after she'd moved in with him she had hesitantly asked about the bare 'problem' patch practically in the middle of the lawn. Baron had willingly handed it over. Shit, he scolded her for asking. “What’s mine is yours, baby girl.” There, she had started her little garden, which was jam-packed with a variety of flowers he couldn't remember the names of and bordered with hosta. He only remembered the hosta because she made a point to tell him it was the 'wolverine' variety. “It's the best there is at what it does, Beast.” She had said with a big goofy grin. Baron recalled rumpling her hair and affectionately referring to her as his 'fucking nerd'.
That naked area had been there since before he’d bought this house, a ‘fixer-upper special’. He had more important things to worry about than proper grass coverage, like the pipes that leaked in the basement or the faulty wiring in the kitchen. After a particularly exciting microwave experience, he’d taken to YouTube and managed to fix the wiring himself. He’d thought the smell of burnt plastic would never leave him, but a few bracing shots of whiskey had finally put it to rest.
He ended up calling a professional for the leaky pipes. No sense in flooding his basement on top of nearly electrocuting himself.
She poked her upper body through the window of his car before he could even cut the engine, wrapping her arms around his neck as best as she could. “Mm, hey baby girl.” Baron mumbled contentedly into her chest. It had been ages since he’d seen her awake, really awake. He had missed it more than he thought he would.
“I missed you.” She said, kissing his forehead and smiling down at him. “How did you get out so early? The sun's still up! I guess I have to rethink my suspicion that you're secretly a vampire instead of a prince in disguise, huh?”
“Swagger practically threw me out, said I needed to get the hell home.” Baron laughed, giving her a gentle push back so he could actually roll up the window and open the car door. “So let’s make some sandwiches for dinner, then I can sit on the steps while you do your plant thing.”
She nodded rapidly, moving in for another hug and then squeaking in surprise when Baron hefted her up in his arms. “H-Hey!”
“Shh, I haven’t carried you in ages.” Corbin nuzzled his nose against hers, making her giggle. “What’d you do today, baby girl? Anything fun?” Baron only just kept from snickering when she went bright red.
“Nope! I mean, just uh, picked up, gardening stuff. Boring stuff. You wouldn’t be interested.”
Boring? “Mm, I dunno’ about all that.” Baron couldn’t help the way his voice dropped lower. “You sure I wouldn’t be interested, baby girl?”
He’d listened to the full message she’d left on his ride home, slacking the fabric of his tie when he couldn’t take it strangling his throat anymore. God, the way that she sounded had him growling and tightening his grip on the steering wheel, more than eager to get back home. But just because she’d been in the mood earlier didn’t mean she was in the mood now. If anything, because of how sensitive she was she might not be able to handle him at this point.
So Baron waited, luxuriating in the way that she stammered and fluttered her hands over his shirt and suit coat while he shouldered open the front door. Felt like it had been forever since she’d touched him. “I’m hungry, baby girl.” He said quietly, interrupting her half-words.
“Baron I can’t make sandwiches unless-”
“Mm, not for food.” Today was just a growling kind of day, apparently. “I’ve missed you, baby girl. Do you have any idea what your little voicemail did to me for the rest of the day?”
“Voicemail?” She looked confused.
Baron was going to fucking die. He kissed her forehead and set her down on her feet, patting her ass as an afterthought. She yelped, swatting his arm. “Baby girl, baby girl.” Corbin cupped her jaw, thumbs stroking her soft skin. “You left me a surprise. A teasing, wonderful fucking surprise. I haven’t been able to focus for most of the day, all I could think about was you fucking yourself and begging for me.”
“Oh no, no I didn’t--” Her face heated beneath his hands. “I couldn’t have.”
“Check your call log, baby girl, because you definitely did.” Baron affirmed, grinning. “I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you. Our schedules have just been so hectic…”
“I didn’t want to ask because I know you’ve been working hard.” Her voice was small. “I can take care of myself.”
Baron’s smile faded. “Baby girl, I don’t work harder than you. You have needs just like I do, and as your boyfriend it’s kind of part of my job to try and help take care of them. Because I--“ He paused. “I uh. I...you being happy means a lot to me.”
“I know that, you know? I think the guilt is just hardwired in. I really...a voicemail?” She covered her face with her hands when he nodded, groaning. “How embarrassing. Did I say something dumb? Oh God I bet I did, shit--”
“You kept begging for me to touch you.” Just thinking about her voice cracking with need was enough to get Corbin’s motor running all over again. “I’ve never heard you beg like that before, baby girl.”
She made another distressed noise, peeking out from between her fingers up at him. “I…”
Baron knew he was definitely treading on thin ice here, advancing on her and making her back up until she hit the kitchen counter. He trapped her with an arm on either side, resting his hands on the counter and knocking his forehead gently against her own. She refused to make eye contact, staring at his chest like she was trying to burn a hole through his dress shirt. “Baby girl I loved it. Please don't be embarrassed.” Corbin begged. “I'll delete the message, I just-” His hands clenched into fists. “Fuck, I need to know whether you want more. I need you to tell me whether you want more. Please.”
“I...” She looked like she was going to cry and Baron couldn't fucking handle that, wrapping her in a fierce hug and burying his face in her hair.
“I'm sorry, shit, I'm sorry, baby girl I-” Her fingers tugged at his phone in his pocket and Baron flinched back, startled. “Baby?”
“Let me hear the message.” It wasn't a suggestion.
Baron fought with the phone for a second, the thick rubber casing preventing him from easily getting it out of his pocket. He unlocked it and then handed it over wordlessly.
“Voicemail password.” She said after a second of holding the phone to her ear. Baron, once again, cursed himself for being so fucking incredibly sentimental. It killed him to admit it, even to her. He mumbled out the date that they had met and was greeted with a soft smile. Then, her eyes went wide and she quickly pulled the phone away from her ear. “Yeah okay, yikes. That's me alright.”
“Toldja'.” Baron said weakly.
“I jacked the thing up to high and it made me fucking spasm. I'm not as good with it as you are yet. Have to get the hang of it.” She said. Baron noticed her press her thighs together.
“Do you...” Corbin swallowed. “Do you want more? Was earlier not enough, baby girl?”
��I don't want to be greedy, Baron.” She huffed in reply.
Corbin had officially had enough, scooping her up and sitting her on the counter. “If you want more, you get more. Simple as that.” One large hand cupped her mound over her leggings and he felt the heat of her core even through the material. “Christ, baby girl.”
“So I...might not have come earlier.” She admitted after a few breathless seconds of Baron stroking her lightly through the fabric. “I tried, but I'm...I'm not as good as you yet and then I was just all numb but too sensitive to try anymore, so--”
“Baby girl.” Baron snarled, settling in between her legs. “That's not fucking acceptable. Do you hear me? Not. Fucking. Acceptable.” Her fingers dug into his hair, pulling out the elastic and tossing it aside. Baron's growl was inevitable when she started running her fingers through his long locks. He always felt more like an animal when he was framed by her thighs with her hands in his hair. Corbin peeled her leggings off, leaving them in a tangled mess around her ankles. She hadn't been kidding about not coming earlier, her panties were fucking soaked through. “Baby girl, Christ, these can't be comfortable.” Baron protested, easing them down her body.
She just whimpered, her grip tightening on his hair and dragging him back down. Her slick had coated her thighs and Baron took his time cleaning it off with his tongue, tender strokes that had her panting and wriggling underneath him while his facial hair tickled her skin.
Boring, huh? I'll show you boring.
He was flooded with satisfaction at her lively response, spreading her cunt open with his fingers. She'd said she was too sensitive to try more with the vibrator. The heat alone of Baron's mouth startled a full-body shiver out of her, the large man gently licking his way across trembling, too-hot skin. He knew he had to be careful but shit, the way she moved made him want to pin her hips to the counter and fucking devour her until she screamed. She always tasted so fucking good. Her pussy spasmed in little pulses underneath his mouth, her arousal coating his chin and facial hair where she bumped against him.
“Is that okay? Too much?” Baron finally asked, making her whine out when he paused his long, flat-tongued caresses.
“No, nonono don't stop Beast please--” She begged, fingers fucking twisting in his hair.
“Baby girl, fuck. Look at you, my little flower opening up for me. God I've fucking missed you.” In their most intimate of moments Baron would usually end up growling animalistic nonsense whether he wanted to or not, unfocused on holding the noises back while he worked her over. “Mine.” The sound she made when he circled his tongue around her clit was one that he hadn't heard in ages and Baron repeated the motion. He was unable to keep from smirking against her when she grabbed his hair and fucking yanked it, pulling him to the side that she preferred him on. “Yeah, put me where you need me baby girl, put me where you fucking need me.” Baron ordered. He loved it when she took control of her own release, loved it when she would manhandle him a bit.
“Baron, m' gonna' come, oh fuck, Baron I can't-” Her hips jerked up against his face and Corbin urged her even closer.
“That's right baby, that's right, come on my tongue, come on my fucking tongue.” He demanded, snarling it against her. “Soak my fucking face baby girl, fucking do it, do it, do it--” Something about his fever-pitch repetition always seemed to do it for her, his words no longer a command but softening to a chant of adoration as he felt her come. “That's right, that's right, Jesus fucking Christ baby girl, that's right.” Corbin crooned, her pelvis rocking lazily back and forth while he ghosted his tongue over her clit in barely-there flicks. “Better than the vibrator? Or could I use some work?” He asked after a few seconds, laughing breathlessly when she gave him an open-handed swat on his cheek. “Ow, yikes baby girl.”
“You're ridiculous. I'm not done with you yet.” She panted, taking a handful of his hair and wrapping it around her palm. “I need you in me.”
Baron grunted when she tried to pull him to a standing position with just his hair. “Easy, easy. You just came, don't you want to-”
“I have been waiting, Beast.” Her voice cracked. “Dealing with all kinds of shit at work, falling asleep before you even get home at night because of how done I am. I shower with you in the mornings and I miss you the whole day but by the time I get home it's all I can do just to unlock the door and-”
Baron fucking rumbled, feeling the noise in his chest as he nodded. “I know, baby girl. We're gonna' take a vacation. I promise. Just you...” He kissed her stomach. “...and me...” Another kiss. “...someplace warm and sunny.”
“P-Please--” There she was again, there was his sweet little flower. Legs falling open on either side of him, begging, welcoming him home.
The rush of affection that hit Baron at the sight threatened to overwhelm him, and-- “I fucking love you.” Baron blurted out before he could stop himself. He froze, feeling her grip on his hair slack off to nothing. No, no God dammit. Baron closed his eyes and dropped his forehead to rest on her stomach, feeling like the world's biggest idiot.
Her hands cupped his jaw.
“M' sorry.” Corbin mumbled against her stomach, mentally bracing himself for the impact.
“Fuck I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby girl let me explain, I-” His words clipped off into a confused grunt as she held his mouth shut, one hand beneath his chin and the other on the top of his head as she forced him to look up at her.
Her face was deadly serious. It would have been comical at any other time, her body still shining with sweat and eyes half-lidded from coming. “Did you mean it?”
Baron shut his eyes again, wishing more than anything that he wasn't so fucking sentimental.
“Answer me, Beast.” She released his jaw.
“Yeah.” He muttered after a few shaky breaths. “I did. I meant it. I...I mean it every time I say it, baby girl.”
“Thought so.” She replied simply.
Baron blinked. Thought so?
“I hear you at night sometimes. You thought I didn't know?”
“Well, I-”
“Your voice is kind of deep, Baron. Tends to at least wake me up a little bit.”
“-I thought-”
“Mmhm, I'll bet you did. I bet you thought too much is what you did.” She'd hit the nail on the head there, Baron realized with regret. “You've been all wrapped up in worrying about this and work, haven't you?”
“...yeah.” He admitted quietly. “I didn't-I didn't want to ruin...look, I don't know, some people aren't comfortable with saying that kind of thing and just because I am doesn't mean that you are and--”
“Baron, Baron.” She tugged him up a little, smiling as she pressed her forehead to his own. “My big, strong Beast. Even if you didn't say it out loud, I heard it every time. I hear it when you try to fold my shirts, I hear it when you get my favorite food, I hear it when you hold me after a long day at work and just let me sleep against you instead of making me talk about it. You're the best thing in my life, Beast. I love you, too.”
She was saying it the whole time. Understanding dawned on the large man. Her garden. The little things she's done to the house. Her notes, her texts. “Baby girl, I'm...shit, I'm dumb.”
“Yeah, maybe a little.” Her smile was smug. “But you're very poetic about it. Very...'Dread Pirate Roberts' or 'As You Wish' about it. Makes it more manageable.” She slid his zipper down. “I think you were about to do something for me, yeah?”
“Oh Christ, definitely.” Baron pulled her off the counter and turned her around, her ass slotting into his hips damn near perfectly while he struggled out of his suit coat. “Fuck, hopefully you'll be able to handle this, you need to tell me if you're too sensitive, okay?” Her reply was a haughty look over her shoulder and a wiggle of her hips, making Corbin swear and abandon trying to get his shirt off. “Baby girl, I'm not gonna' hurt you so knock it off with the tough kid shit.”
“I know you're not going to hurt me. I just want you to hurry up. I've been waiting for a little while.”
“Yeah? Waiting for this?” Baron's slacks and boxers got caught around his thighs but he didn't fucking care, palming his shaft and feeling his cock twitch heavily in his hand when she sighed. “I've been waiting all day for you, baby girl, dying to fill you right the fuck up. That what you want?” He knew the answer already but still waited until she nodded rapidly before pressing the head of his cock into her slick entrance. “Yeah, that's what you want, that's what you've been fucking waiting for.”
She arched her back, taking every inch of him as she bent over the counter and whined his name helplessly. Baron felt her cunt clench down on him, the realization that she was already coming knocking the wind out of his lungs. He rested his forehead in the space between her shoulder blades and focused on his breathing for a second, not moving as she bucked on his cock.
“Easy, baby girl, easy.” Baron gasped, realizing after a second that she wasn't planning on slowing down. He quickly wrapped his arms around her stomach, hoisting her just high enough so that her feet couldn't touch the floor. She made a noise of protest that went straight to his cock and Baron groaned, sliding one arm up between her ribs and the hard counter before starting to fuck into her mercilessly. “This what you fucking need, huh? Me just fucking hammering you? Take it then, fucking take it, take it, take it-” He snarled in her ear, his voice low and gravelly. “You're going to come again, baby girl. You're going to come and then I'm going to fill you fucking deep, got it? Beg me for it. Beg me.”
She started chanting his name and pleading, hips rolling as best as she could with her feet fucking dangling in midair, sneakers bumping the cabinets with every move he made. This was what Baron lived for, being bigger and stronger and able to get her off even without her help, better than anyone else ever had.
Boring? Fuck you.
“I love you Baron, God I love you so much.” She choked out, “Missed you, Beast-”
“I missed you too baby girl. I just...” Baron gritted his teeth against the growl that built in his chest to no avail. She fucking quaked at the noise, leaning up and wrapping an arm around his neck. Her fingers desperately grabbed a handful of his hair at the nape of his neck, making Baron keen at the sharp shock of pain. “Baby girl I fuckin'...Christ, I love you, I love you so fuckin' much baby girl--” His words dissolved and he resorted to groaning loud while she came around him. He barely kept from snapping his teeth into the soft skin of her shoulder, shit he hadn't marked her in a fucking month.
“Do it, please, please Beast.” Shaky fingers forced his mouth down into the perfect spot where her neck and shoulder joined. He tongued the area, tasting the salt-sweet of her skin before he sank his teeth in. A claiming bite, not to punish but to remind, more lips and tongue than sharp canines. Her pulse slammed under the surface beneath his mouth, still racing from her orgasm and Corbin snarled, losing his battle with his own release and sheathing himself as deeply as he could before coming. The whole while she kept breathing praises and how much she'd missed him into the side of his neck and Baron wasn't sure if he would be able to keep himself under control, hips twitching much longer than usual.
Boring. Heh. He could tell his voice was shot to shit before he even spoke. “You okay?” He managed to say, swallowing hard. The growling always left him completely shredded.
She nodded, nuzzling her face into his neck and sighing softly. “Tired. I love you.”
Baron felt his stomach twist at her words, unable to keep the dumb smile off his face. “I love you too, baby girl.”
“Mm, carry me to bed. We're officially sick and calling in tomorrow. I'm not fucking done with you yet, Beast.” She said firmly after a minute, making Baron chuckle at how adamant she sounded.
“I think that's a great idea, baby girl. After all, we have a vacation to plan.”
“I forgot, oh my God!” She started squirming in his grip and Baron quickly set her on the floor, giving her hips a worried once-over with his fingers. No bruises from the counter, just a mark where his watch had dug into her skin.
“I'm sorry, I should have--”
“Baron. Did you hear me complaining?”
“Well no, but-”
“Then it obviously didn't bother me. Where did my bag go, where is...” Watching her scramble around the kitchen half-naked was oddly soothing. Baron dragged his pants up and leaned back on the counter, more than content to enjoy the show. She finally located her datebook, opening it and laying it flat on the table. She started pointing to different weeks, going on about how this might work and I'll need Sasha to cover this. Baron just let her talk, busying himself with tugging her hair to the side and kissing up her neck. “Beast, hey, you're supposed to-” Her protest died when his teeth grazed the shell of her ear.
“I know. Tomorrow, okay baby girl? Tonight, though, I think I need to taste you again. If you're...amenable, that is.” Baron smirked into her neck.
“You're really going to call in?”
“If you do, absolutely.”
Her reply was yanking her phone out of her bag and firing off a quick text. “Done.” Her mouth was eager, arms flinging around Baron's neck and fingers tangling his dark hair as they kissed. “Now take me to fucking bed, Beast.” She breathed in between kisses.
“Whatever you want, baby girl.” Baron whispered back.
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