#wanting to do better for your current and future pets does jack all for the dead
healingheartdogs · 10 months
I'll tell ya what though, nothing makes you want to get out of dog stuff for a while quite like your childhood dog passing traumatically in your arms
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 278: MOMO IN CHARGE
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Kacchan were all “SIR, THAT’S OUR EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SENSEI” and got really ferocious and made a very passionate attempt to blow Tomura up and it was great. It basically did nothing, but it was still great. AFO was all “COME HERE LIL BRO”, and Tomura was all “silly Sensei, you can’t just take over my mind and body just like that”, and he was very confident of this despite there really being no evidence to back it up, but okay! Gran was all “time to make the fandom mad at me” and grabbed Tomura by the collar and yelled at him about Nana a bit, and then Bakugou and Endeavor made an even MORE passionate attempt to blow up Tomura, which may or may not have done some actual damage. The chapter ended with Gigantomachia battling Mt. Lady, just kinda out of the blue, which is FINE, but she had better be all right, though!
Today on BnHA: Everyone is all “WAUGHH IT’S GIGANTOMACHIA” and running around freaking out about it. The U.A. alums all kick some ass, and pretty much everyone else not from U.A. does jack fucking shit. Mt. Lady, who I plan on naming all of my future children after, does her best to stop Machia but he keeps flinging her aside. Kamui Woods is all “here I come with Midnight to put Gigantomachia to sleep!” and is PROMPTLY FUCKING MURDERED!? by Dabi because he’s a flammable tree man, and so Midnight falls all the way to the ground and is badly injured. So then she’s all “well I better call the most competent person I can think of to fix this mess” and dials up YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO, who proceeds to take charge LIKE THE BOSS SHE IS, and mobilizes the rest of the kids. And honestly I have more faith in them than in any of the adults at this point, so yeah, you know what? Let’s do this.
so I am possibly a bit spoiled on this chapter because I did a “top five predictions” post earlier this week, and someone replied to that yesterday on Thursday saying that they were mostly correct. I don’t know exactly how close to the mark I was though, and in any case most of the predictions were just “so-and-so shows up, probably”, so it’s not too bad. we’ll see how it goes!
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I mean, CLEARLY they’re all about to be in horrible danger, seeing as Jirou is about to inform them of the whole “THE BIG GUY EVERYONE WAS AFRAID ABOUT WAKING UP WOKE UP” thing, but in the meantime at least Kami and Toadette and Honenuki made it back to the group safely
also Kaminari’s use of “Jirou-Jack” here is fucking inspired and I want him to teach a class on nicknames. isn’t he the one who coined “Yaomomo” as well? this boy has a gift and it needs to be appreciated
so Jirou is all “SOMETHING REALLY BIG IS COMING”, and actually she says “INSANELY HUGE”, which if anything is still an understatement, hard as it is to believe
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“A BAD GUY IS HEADING THIS WAY?? SOUNDS LIKE IT’S TIME TO ABANDON THE CHILDREN IN THE WOODS” kjlfakh okay you know what?? fine!! you weren’t even going to do anything anyway so let’s not pretend!!
holy shit it’s like Mt. Lady isn’t even there
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look at those speed lines!! goddamn. I just felt this huge rush of empathy for Mt. Lady though. like can you imagine growing up with this super-destructive quirk, and managing to become a hero with it against all odds, and having to put up with the manga making fun of you all the time just because sometimes you have a tendency to DESTROY A LOT OF STUFF, but it’s not like you can help it!! but the upside has always been that when your quirk is on, you are fucking UNSTOPPABLE though. so even though it’s been a hell of a rough ride for you, it’s worth it because you’re a complete badass and the number of people who can beat you out in terms of sheer physical strength is probably in the single digits. and you’re working really hard too, and lately you’ve been moving up through the ranks and actually becoming a damn fine hero if I do say so myself (and I do), and it’s like, about time though?? like finally, finally it is all starting to come together for you. and then this snarling trashrock person suddenly comes stampeding along and you put your all into trying to stop him, and it doesn’t even do a damn thing. like, holy shit. that’s just not fucking fair and YOU DESERVE BETTER, MT. LADY
anyway so she’s still hanging in there for now though so let’s check in with our villain squad riding on his back
lmaooo they’re all “I don’t even understand what is going on here”
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YOU GUYS, THIS IMPLIES THAT THEY WERE ALL PLUCKED OFF THE GROUND BY THE SCRUFFS OF THEIR NECKS AND THEY HAD ABSOLUTELY NO SAY IN THE MATTER OMG. like I’m picturing Spinner being held by his cape pinched in between Machia’s thumb and forefinger, and awkwardly trying to lecture him like a mom with his hands on his hips all, “BAD GIGANTOMACHIA! NO! NOOOUAGH -- !” and cutting off with a yelp as he’s dropped onto his back
and I am glad they got Toga some clothes! I like to think Gigantomachia grabbed those for her as well. so thoughtful
wow Skeptic actually wants to go back to Re-Destro??
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color me legit impressed. I underestimated your loyalty my dude. and let me also just take this moment to extend my gratitude toward Horikoshi for leaving the rest of the MLA out of it because good fucking riddance to them, goodbye forever hopefully!!
I guess they’ll be needing Skeptic’s quirk down the line for some reason? maybe he is meant to be like a new, less out-of-control Twice. smdh y’all out here trying to replace your dead buddy like a pet goldfish
who is this “they” Dabi is referring to
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do you mean the heroes? lol yeah I guess they’re pretty distracted by the literal fucking kaijuu you’re currently piggybacking on
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“the Jakku team must’ve made a mistake” BOY, I’LL SAY. you know what, don’t even talk to me about that yet. it’s still too fresh. suffice it to say that your suspicions are correct and things in Jakku are not very daijobu right about now
anyway here’s a closeup of this bubble person just cuz
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they are everything and I want them to be my friend. also there’s a squid person a few paces behind them who can probably do anything a squid can do. or they might actually be a shark person, actually. I don’t know. either way I love them
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1) hey so Cementoss is legit terrifying who’d’ve thought
and 2), did Cementoss always have a mouthful of gigantic perfect teeth each the size of a slice of bread, or is this just something I’m only noticing now because I’m behind the curve. either way, let me just say sincerely, DKJDLKFJLSKJG
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@waywardfacegarden​ you asked the other day which are the characters I actually dislike, and this is one of them lol. he’s just a big ol’ prick, and on top of that has the audacity to not even be interesting in any way so as to balance it out. anyway so apologies to any Re-Destro stans out there but I basically spend every panel he’s in hoping that someone will punch him in the face hard enough to finally make him shut up
anyway so my man Edgeshot is here though, finally!! but of all the people for him to fight! this is a real predicament for me. the most soothing character in the series contrasted with the character who grates my nerves the most. Edgeshot’s sexy ASMR voice is gonna be drowned out by all of RD’s punching and self-important ranting in the anime and I’m lowkey devastated but I’m gonna pull myself together and read on
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Edge, if you can liberate us from having to put up with his insufferable ass once and for all I will be so grateful to you. can you do this. please. for me
and it looks like some other boring MLA villains are following along behind Machia so I’m gonna need someone to kick their asses as well. please
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okay so now I see what that comment on my prediction post was referring to lol. I did indeed have my fingers crossed that these two would show up again, and sure enough! THE GANG’S ALL HERE YAY
and Mt. Lady is being sumoed aside!
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anyone want tonight’s lotto numbers. during this brief fleeting moment of having my predictions be actually credible, I would just like to say that Hagakure is the U.A. traitor. thank you and goodnight
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HE LOOKS SO PANICKED?? OUT OF THE BLUE I SHIP IT SO MUCH?? I keep forgetting they’re on the same team and stuff and wow, I need to calm down
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I wonder if her quirk will actually be enough to take him down? this is something I’ve been itching to see for a long time, actually. just how powerful is she? we know her quirk is more effective on males than females, but is anyone actually capable of resisting it? imagine if she really did just knock Gigantomachia out after all of this buildup. that would be some god-tier shit omg, DO IT
(ETA: I am just going to assume that since Horikoshi had to go to elaborate lengths to take her out of the fight, this means that her quirk really was capable of knocking them all out. another tragic case of Too Badass For The Plot. y’all better respect Midnight.)
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is she stripping. you know what -- don’t think about it. I won’t let you ruin this for me Horikoshi. Midnight’s gonna be a badass because the ladies are fucking ruling this arc and that’s all there is to it
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oh thank god, she’s all right. BUT KAMUI ISN’T THOUGH DLKJSFLKSJDG??!
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did Kamui Woods just... die
(ETA: okay but for real, is there an actual curse in effect on the Billboard Top Ten right now, though?? did one of them accidentally disturb the tomb of some ancient king??)
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( ・ั﹏・ั)
oH MY GOD!?!
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(ETA: Horikoshi is seriously just yanking our chain at this point. when Majestic finally does show up, he or she better have the coolest fucking quirk of all time, that’s all I’m saying.)
okay how badly injured is Midnight here, though?? she just fell all that way?? DO I NEED TO BE REALLY MAD. I CAN WORK MY WAY UP TO IT PRETTY QUICKLY, JUST SAY THE WORD. I’M ALREADY HALFWAY THERE HONESTLY. WHERE’S KAMUI WOODS
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holy shit. “a quirk that can stop that thing,” she says. and goes and calls YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO y’all I am barely holding myself back from SCREAMING right now I...
you guys
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you guys. if Midnight and Yaomomo team up to take down Gigantofuckingmachia using some sort of MOMO MADE A MACHINE TO SPREAD MIDNIGHT’S QUIRK strategy, or whatnot?? I will fucking die on the spot. you can end the manga right there. Kacchan you can keep your quirk I don’t even care
“IT MIGHT BE AGAINST THE LAW” lmaooooo insert John Mulaney “WE’RE WELL PAST THAT” gif here. holy shit. listen, that is fine. if anything it’s even better
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(((( ;°Д°))))
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[GRABS HORIKOSHI BY THE COLLAR] listen, you. if you only just now, for the first time ever, gave us a lady hero actually mentoring another lady hero, which we have somehow NEVER HAD BEFORE in almost three hundred chapters, only for you to then KILL OFF THE MENTOR IN THE MIDDLE OF HER GODDAMN SPEECH TO THE MENTOREE, I will... there’s... I’ll... okay, listen. DON’T. THERE WILL BE A RECKONING. CAPSLOCK SUCH AS THIS WORLD HAS NEVER WITNESSED!!
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so the other kids are all “what the fuck” and “so Momo’s in charge??” which, YES!!! IT’S THE ONE GOOD PART ABOUT ALL THIS SO DON’T YOU DARE QUESTION IT
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hell, it’s not even just an “I believe in you” thing, because it’s not just belief, it’s fact. you motherfucking can do this, you are the most capable and brilliant student in 1-A, you just gotta have faith and let yourself shine!!
so now there are some more panels of Machia running and the villains and heroes fighting, blah blah blah. and Momo screwing up her face as she makes her decision...
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lol she’s all “Jirou use your ears and scientifically calculate how long it’ll take him to get here”, and Jirou is all “I can literally fucking see him, he’s gonna be on top of us in like two seconds” WELL OKAY THEN
thank god there are no adult pros left to fuck this up. is that weird that this is a real and honest and completely sincere thought that just ran through my head? like, at this point if any of the adults were around I’d just be afraid of them dying honestly. but with the kids I actually feel real hope that they’re somehow gonna do this. of course it helps that unlike the adults they’re pretty safe from being killed off
also! way to represent the entirety of class 1-B there Honenuki lulz. sorry, The Rest of Class 1-B
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lmao at Shouji using his power of “putting some extra eyeballs on my arms” to inform everyone that Gigantomachia is Right Over There and Very Big
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good job Shouji
oh my glob I have so much love for Momo right now that it can’t even fucking be contained. brb wildly flailing my hands around a little to try and release some of this excess excitement
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maybe Momo can be president instead and Mt. Lady can be the vice president
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Kaminari is so fucking brave right now I just want to crush him in a hug?! we know he’s still scared!! look at his eyes!! and he was freaking the hell out earlier too, and now the situation is much worse! but he doesn’t give a fuck because his friends need him! he is ready to be a hero, my little baby boy is all grown up and I’m so proud??
Mineta’s face in the bottom right corner is everything. I know, I know, boooo Mineta, but that’s still the best face anyone has made in the entirety of this manga
Tetsutetsu’s out here all “I humbly request to also represent class 1-B” and Momo is all “okay fine I guess we can have two of you guys”
can we all just stop for a moment to appreciate how KamiJirouMomo is alive and well. like, we had interactions between all three of them in this chapter, in all possible permutations? do you know how happy this makes me?? I am vibrating with joy??!
I really can’t stress this enough -- I have no clue at all what these little soda can things are (anesthetic, I guess??? you know, like how you sometimes buy cans of anesthetic at the supermarket?? what do you mean you don’t do that??), or what they’re gonna do with them. I have like negative clues. but DAMNED IF I GIVE ONE SINGLE FUCK. the next chapter can be them all fucking hurling them at his face for all I care. THE DETAILS OF HOW SHE KICKS HIS ASS DO NOT MATTER!! GOOD MORNING TO YAOMOMO AND YAOMOMO ONLY!! MY MOMO ACADEMIA
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touchstarvedsam · 3 years
I was really gonna ignore that "superior"natural thing but I saw that they seem to have some talented artists. So I thought maybe they are doing something interesting (even if it's destiel) so I checked out their Google doc and omg I'm HOWLING! Eileen calls Sam moosie, Cas calls Dean squirrel. Dean calls Cas kitten, Sam calls Eileen otter. They say it's just a incollection of ideas that might not make it into the project, but you get a sense of what you're dealing with there. And this is from1/?
A brief perusal to see how much attention Sam gets compared to Dean & Cas (a word search gave 27/87/100 results for each respectively, so not too much attention to Sam. But sure, Sam is the favorite character of some of their writers). I'm sure a deeper reading will unearth more (like, Dean saying you are home to Cas, who says we're not at the bunker, Dean replies but you are home. That sounds like something Dean would say. And Dean wishes a tulpa into existence 'cause he misses Cas too much)2/?
They say they want to eliminate plot holes but it seems what's a plot hole depends on whether it serves their ship: purgatory stays (we know they love that arc) even if it makes no sense for Crowley and Cas to go through that much in S6 when apparently there are many ways in and out. Cas, the guy who failed at almost everything he's done, is a "master strategist". Every other retcon of later seasons stays as long as it serves ship purposes. Sam gets his fair share of attention but Dean is the3/?
One who teaches Cas about being human including the textures of food (Sam and Cas pbj moment erasure) and Cas should be the one to teach Jack about his powers (no mention of Sam and Jack's relationship). Other ooc things: Cas rides a bike and when Dean asks says it reminds him of flying. After Cain, Dean takes Cas to the farm for bees (?). Cas and Dean snuggle. Knowing Cas is alive gives demon Dean strength to fight to be cured? Dean speaks enochian to Cas. Cas making a mixtape for Dean. 4/?
Cas being in regarding Dean. "Baby jack walking around in cas’s trench coat going “I’m an angel”." Home alone type ep with Jack. Dean kissing cas's forehead when he's dead in 13.01. Crowley is Jack's godfather and gets him a hellhound pet. Sam has a pet fish? Dean sings you're my sunshine to Cas as he sleeps. "Uncle Gabe". Apparently John dropped Sam and Dean off at Bobby's all the time? I don't think this is canon? Keep 15.18 but change 19&20 (of course). There's no drama or angst like 5/?
Kevin's death or Crowley's death or anything that might add tension to the story. Unless of course it serves the ship so plenty of trauma for Cas including darkness (from the empty) and sharp objects (from Naomi). A small mention of Sam's trauma with Lucifer, thank God, but it's interesting that they have so little Sam. They can say they'll flesh out more arcs for Sam but it's clear he's not a priority from how he's not present where he should be. For example, Dean will explain everything 6/?
To Mary and break her out of her brainwashing. But where's Sam? She's his mother too. Other than Eileen Sam's most meaningful relationship seems to be with his pet fish (still confused about that). Even if this project gets better in the future, which I doubt, it's clear what the direction here is. It baffles me that they think this is superior to the show we have, as problematic as the show is. I wish them best of luck but I don't have any high hopes for this. Thanks for the laughs though. 7/7
Sorry for that long ass rant in your inbox. It's in the middle of the night but I'm cackling after reading their doc and I had to share it with someone. I thought you might find it amusing as well. Hopefully all my asks go through. On the one hand, I feel bad hating on a fan project. But the way they've positioned it ("superior"), the blatant disrespect to Sam, and all the shit their side has pulled since the finale (and long before that) has really irked me. Again, sorry.
I just- this whole thing was a whirlwind of nonsense, it took me a whole week to process it. I don’t even know where to start here, or if I want to just yeet my laptop out my bedroom window into the snow. They really consider their ideas superior to the original show? More like Inferiornatural, to be honest. Superinferiornatural? They can’t even seem to characterize them correctly, let alone come up with a decent plotline or idea.
So we’ll start with the nicknames, since that is where you started. The whole thing is painfully out of character, but the worst (and funniest) of them all is Dean calling Cas “kitten,” I might actually laugh myself into an early grave with that one. Dean gives nicknames to shorten people’s names (besides Sam; Sammy is the only person who gets an extended nickname). He’s not going to give someone a longer nickname than the original nickname he uses for them! And Cas wouldn’t actually give nicknames, especially not giving Dean the nickname Crowley gave him??? Otter?! Moosie?!  W H A T. Can we move on from grade school kiddie crush nicknames?
I’m currently manifesting Dean saying “kitten” in his gruff voice with that lip curl he does sometimes and I’m cracking up about it. Thanks for the amusement, heIIers.
Of course Sam would only be mentioned 27 times to Cas’ 100 because Sam means nothing to them. He’s only ever either been in their way or a cheerleader for that horribly characterized ship of theirs. I just love how, in order to make DestieI, they have to butcher the characters so irreparably that they’re unrecognizable. Good for them, they can’t even have fanfiction of their ship where the characters keep their canon personalities. 10/10 would laugh at again.
I love the Sam erasure. It’s true to the heIIers’ character at least. They’re a one-trick pony. I’m so used to it by now that I’m totally desensitized to their bullshit. But Dean speaking Enochian? What? When and how did he learn that? I can’t see Dean in his 30s sitting there willingly to learn the language of the angels. Not even if his “kitten” is the one to teach him. Dean doesn’t give a fuck about that. If any of them is going to learn Enochian, it’ll be Sam, and they can fight me on that. I will kick anyone’s ass that argues.
I hope the mixtape Cas makes for Dean is just 4 hours of that Spaghetti song by The Wiggles because Cas sucks at doing human things.
I’d love to see the Sam erasure in the Regarding Dean one. Just swap Sam out for Cas? So Cas is the only one Dean recognizes? Hmm. Where would Sam go? A smoothie place? Yeah, as if Dean would remember the angel who he’d barely known for 8 years at that time over Sam who he’d known since he was 4 years old, lol. Sure, Jan.
The entire 5th ask is WILD, nonnie. A pet fish? Dean singing you are my sunshine? Dean kissing Cas’ forehead? LMFAO. Crowley is Jack’s godfather. The KING OF HELL is Jack’s GODfather. I’m- hgfjdksl I’m sure Dean who was ripped apart by hellhounds would love for Jack to have a pet hellhound. Yeah. Absolutely. “Uncle Gabe” yeah, fuck that guy in particular. Honestly, I’m surprised they haven’t erased Eileen to make SabrieI endgame in their fic. SabrieI is the Sam version of DestieI. It’s just as nasty and abusive :) which was why the heIIers ship it. They’re into abuse. It’s their shtick.
I do wonder what the point of the fish is... Sam has always loved and wanted a dog... you’d think they’d give Sam a dog... but I forgot they don’t pay attention to the show unless the episode has Mushy in the credits. I literally saw a heIIer say they skipped episodes if Mushy wasn’t in the credits... so they don’t know how to characterize Sam or Dean, but from this message they don’t even know how to characterize Cas who seems to be their precious uwu baby angel so I’m not surprised. I can’t wait for them to start releasing this shitshow. It makes for good fodder to make fun of them all over again. They really watched a grand total of 146 out of 327 episodes and thought, “Yeah, my opinion about the show definitely matters,” and I think that’s fucking hilarious.
Sorry for taking so long to respond! Hope I did a good job, nonnie. <3
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I’ll Be Ready
Summary: You’re tired of living with the ghost of Hannibal Lecter between you and Will after the infamous cannibal killed Abigail Hobbs and almost killed Alana and him, disappearing afterwards. Will sees some of the darkness he brought in you, and he couldn't help to think maybe it's his fault.
 Pairing: Will Graham x reader
 Warnings: angst, pregnant!Reader
 Word count: 2375
I entered the kitchen, my baby bump heavy as an anvil. I held the bottom of the bump while I poured myself some coffee with the other hand, breathing hard. It wasn't far, now. Two more weeks. Two more weeks to see the apple of my eye, the little person I already loved the most. It was a strong connection, so strong it scared me sometimes, to love someone I hadn't even seen yet. I carefully drank a few sips of the strong, black and hot liquid, moaning low in pleasure. Damn, good coffee. Will makes the best coffee. Strong, tasteful. Just as I liked. 
He was sitting in his armchair, his eyes blank while he drank his coffee. I sighed, walking to the living room and avoiding the dogs so I wouldn't step in any of them since I could barely see the floor because of the bump. 
“A penny for your thoughts?” I asked, bringing him back of his reverie, sitting at the arm of the armchair. He caressed my bump, still a little drifted away. 
I knew what he was thinking about. He had that look on his face. The blank, empty look that made shivers bite the back of my neck.
He was thinking about Hannibal Lecter.
“Will…” I lifted his chin with my finger so he could stare at me. Every time I realized the glow in his eyes no longer existed, that made me want to cry. His eyes seemed opaque, cold. “Please, stop thinking about him. You promised you would let him go. We can't live our lives with the ghost of Hannibal Lecter among us.”
There were no words to define and describe how much I hated Hannibal Lecter. How much I loathed him for what he put Will through in the last months, the prison, the trials. How it hurt to see Will behind those bars as if he was some cold-blooded murderer. In addition of all that, Hannibal killed Abigail Hobbs and almost killed him and Alana. I almost had a miscarriage when I found out, and all because of him. All because of that monster. Will took a lot of time to recover, could barely enjoy the pregnancy. Every time I thought about that man near my daughter, I felt so much ire that my face would turn hot and bright red, I would close my hands so hard my nails would hurt my palms and I just didn't feel like myself. That was the most animalistic feeling I've ever experienced in my whole life, and I… Truth is, I wanted Hannibal Lecter gone. Because he wasn't gone yet. Not with Will keeping him present with his thoughts. I could feel his presence, a black aura making the air cold and heavy. Sometimes when I was alone in my room and thought about Lecter coming back to hurt us, I would gasp for air, I would try to cry, but I couldn't bring up any tears. I didn't cry anymore. Something in me was different. Something broke that night Will almost died. I wouldn't let that monster near my baby. Ever.
Will seemed surprised, and looked at me, trying to read my face. Currently, every time he would try to read me he showed this confused and sad look on his eyes, but soon tried to hide it, like I was a damaged doll that could never be mended. That would break my heart even more. To think I was so damaged I was beyond repair. 
“You know I couldn't do that even if I wanted to” Will said in a husky voice, avoiding my eyes. “I feel like… I'm Janus and Hannibal is my other face. He's my past, my present…”
He stopped talking, and I felt my mouth dry. I couldn't believe it.
“And your future?” I asked abruptly, getting up and standing in front of him “Is that what you want to say to me? He's your future?”
He didn't answer, clenching his jaw. I covered my face with my hands for a few seconds, and he might have thought I was crying, but I started to laugh. A creepy, cold laugh that made my chest vibrate.
“I have to find him, Y/n. It's up to me. I have to end this.”
“What do you have to end, Will? Him? Or us?” I felt my nails hurting inside my hands again, but I didn't stop pushing them. “It's what you've always wanted. Him. You've always wanted to go with him.”
“You don't understand. No one does.” He replied, his eyes staring at the floor. 
“You better have the guts to look me in the eyes while you say you're leaving me to play serial killer with that, that… That thing.” I snorted, pulling my hair back. Will slowly raised his eyes to look at me, as if he had all the time in the world to do so. He got off the armchair, staring at me, so close he could kiss me. I could feel his breath touching my mouth, but I didn't back down, I kept staring at him. I felt hurt. Betrayed. And I wanted him to see that. All that heartache. How much it was tearing me apart. I felt the baby move in my bump; certainly, she was feeling something was wrong. I took his hand, putting in my bump so he could feel it. 
“If you leave, Will… If you leave to find that monster, I assure you, you will never see us again. And if somehow you find us, if you bring that thing with you, if you dare to put my daughter at risk… I will…”
I couldn't say the words. I knew I was crossing a line that had no point of return. I could see in his eyes he was heartbroken as well, all the coldness vanishing. 
“What are you going to do, Y/n?” He held my shoulders, his touch so soft I sighed. “What?”
I clenched my jaw, staring so deep in his eyes he might had thought I was staring at his soul. 
“I will kill him. If you bring that monster near my daughter, I will kill him and whoever dares to try to stop me. Because I won't allow him to hurt anyone I love anymore. You want to go after him, follow him like a pet?” I practically spitted the last word in a sarcastic tone “Be my guest. Leaving us is your choice. But I'll be gone, Will. I'll disappear from the face of the earth. You will never see us again. And I will repeat, if in any case you find us, and you bring that thing near my daughter, I'll bring hell to him. I'll do what you couldn't, what Jack couldn't, what Alana couldn't. I will kill him.”
I felt my lips retracted, showing my teeth in a savage look. And at that moment, I knew he could see it. The void. The rage. The black spot Hannibal left in me. He thought he could keep me away from all that darkness, but it found a home in me as well. I knew I would do anything in my power to protect my child, and he knew that too, now. 
“I love you, Will. Madly. Deeply. But I can't watch you destroy yourself. I won't. I won't allow that darkness to steal my baby's innocence. She will know only kindness and protection. Always. As much as I can provide her.” My voice was cracking as I said those words, knowing they wouldn't make him stay. Will's eyes were filled with tears.
“I can't give you what you need right now, Y/n. There isn't much left for me to reach.” He kissed my forehead, stepping away from me. I knew he didn't love me enough to stay. And that hurt more than anything at that moment.
An excruciating pain in my womb made me curve my body, holding my bump. Shit. 
“Y/n?” Will helped me, holding me by the waist. I stepped away, getting rid of his touch, touching the wall to sustain myself. I started to breathe hard. It wasn't the time yet! I still had two more weeks.
“It's the baby.” I said, holding the bottom of my bump. The pain stopped for a few seconds, coming back in a moment seeming to be even worse. I growled, clenching my teeth “The baby is coming. The baby.”
Will didn't even hesitated, taking the car keys from the table. My suitcase was already packed for the hospital, so I just put it in the car, waiting for him. I was wearing a dress, thank God, and he went inside to grab me a coat.
One more wave of pain, and this time, I felt a warm liquid run through my legs. I cursed in a low voice as Will left the house, closing the door with my coat in his shoulder. 
“Hurry, I think my water just broke” I said. “We might need a towel or something so I won't mess the car up.”
He stopped walking when he looked down my legs, his eyes wide. 
“No time for that, Y/n. You're bleeding.” He rushed me to get inside the car, and I felt my heart skip a few beats. No. No, please God, don't let me lose my baby. I tried to stay calm because I knew it would be worse for her if I didn't but, after a long time, I felt my eyes wet. I closed them for a few seconds, and tears wet my face.
Will drove like the wind, and after a few minutes, we were almost there. I was still bleeding, it wasn't much, mostly a pink color in the amniotic fluid, but I was desperate. I tried to hold my breath so Will wouldn't realize I was crying, hiding my face while I stared at the window, but he knew. He always knew. 
“Everything will be fine” He tried to calm me down, holding my hand. I pulled mine away, turning to face him.
“If something happens to her, I will never forgive you” I replied with coldness in my voice, cleaning my face with my hands. He didn't answer, but I saw how much it hurt him.
Finally, we arrived, and we rushed to the reception desk. A nurse sat me in a wheelchair, and I was directly to the labor room.
I was thrilled. Five days passed since the meaning of my life had changed entirely. She was a healthy baby girl and, despite the bleeding I had, everything went relatively well. We just had to stay a few more days in observation, because I've had preeclampsia and had a cesarean. I was breastfeeding her, looking at those dark blue eyes, her daddy's eyes. She looked so much like him. 
Will didn't leave me for a minute. He was there from the moment I went in labor, until he saw her for the first time. His eyes glowed, and suddenly, just for a moment, he looked like the man he used to be before Hannibal Lecter. The man I loved. He stared at us in awe, making me feel like a madonna with her baby. 
The phone rang. Will got up to answer it, allowing the call. 
“Who is it?” I inquired, seeing his smile disappear. I felt like I was being punched in the stomach. That face. Would he dare?
I quickly gave the baby to the nurse, getting up the bed with enough care to avoid breaking my stitches. 
“Give me the phone.” I practically commanded, taking advantage of the element of surprise, pulling the phone from his hand. “Of course you had the nerve to reach us in a happy moment like this. You're used to misery and you want to make everyone as miserable as you can.”
“Ah, Y/n. I wanted to congratulate both of you. A baby is always a blessing” I realized how much his voice tone had changed, simply because he didn't had to pretend anymore. He sounded malicious, cold. That was the real Hannibal Lecter. How the fuck did he know? My mouth felt dry all of a sudden. “I've sent a gift for her. I'm sure it will arrive in no time.”
“A gift?” I practically yelled, holding the phone so hard my fingers started to hurt “We don't want anything from you, Hannibal. We want you to leave us alone. We want you to disappear for real. That's all we want.”
“Ah, Y/n. That's very rude.” He said in a cynical voice, making me blush in anger. “How is Will? You barely let me speak to him. He's always in my thoughts, you know. Such as all of you.”
“He's fine. We're all fine. Living our lives without you to feed on our anguishes and torments.”
“Tell me, Y/n. Are you nursering your little one yourself?” He asked calmly. I was took by surprise, my face turning pale.
“Excuse me?”
“Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, Y/n, if someday your little girl disappears, where will it tickle you?”
My eyes filled with tears, and I felt like something was pressuring my chest. For a few seconds, I couldn't breathe, but my voice was still cold, even though it trembled a little.
“If you ever come near my daughter, you'll regret it. I assure you, Lecter. I'll make sure you never harm anyone else again. If I see you again, be sure, I will kill you.” I replied, the tears wetting my face.
“Y/n. How pleasant to see how I've changed you. We will meet again. Be sure of that.” The line turned mute.
I kept holding the phone, a little shocked from what I just heard. Will took it off my hand, hugging me and kissing my forehead. I hugged him back, hiding my face in his chest. I felt protected, despite everything. 
“You shouldn't have said those things. He won't forgive it, and certainly won't forget.” He said, caressing my hair.
“Let him come.” I replied, my voice tone cold and empty. “I'll be ready.”
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Your DR magic AU, hand it over 🤲
Okay I have two other anons and I’m just gonna split the character ideas among the three asks. I don’t quite have a plot thought out, and most of these characters’ concepts have only existed in my head up until now...bare with me skdjksjfkd
Mm I talked about them briefly in Prom’s ask? But here’s a more in-depth thing of the THH fighting styles.
Makoto is a mage-type. (I used fighter, support, and mage to describe the various adventurer types it’s temporary just roll with it) Again, he can’t really hold magic for very long? He’s got a large mana reserve but it’s hard to activate and harder to control, so he’s currently working on mastering the little bullets. In the future, I imagine large barrages of bullets would sort of circle around him like they would in the barrel of a gun.
He probably got in accidentally? I’m not entirely sure about this, but I think there’s an entrance exam for Reserve Courses and he was probably forced in on Komaru’s behalf for some reason.
He was basically running the entire time until the very end when he panicked and suddenly the entire field was wiped clean from him waving his arm. HPA saw that, decided that he was worth training, and put him into the Main Course. He doesn’t feel very good about getting in that way, but HPA isn’t exactly empathetic like he is. Again this is like one of three ways I think he could’ve gotten in with the rest of the cast because I’m indecisive skdjsjf
Kyoko is another mage-type, in general the Main Gangs of each game have various themes. THH’s trio has a magic theme, they all use magic. She doesn’t use a weapon, though I’m thinking her gloves act as a limiter of sorts?
As a general rule, more mana means less control, and being half-demon gives her a lot of it. Her gloves help her regulate her mana output so that she doesn’t use too much of it when attacking and tire herself out. Later in the timeline, I imagine there might be a scene where she takes them off and fights off some enemies to buy the rest of the class time to escape something? She would get trapped in the process, but I think this would happen after she’s worked with Makoto for a while and she would trust him enough to believe he would come back for her if she didn’t return.
Oh this isn’t related to her fighting style but on the topic of her being half-demon, that’s mainly because I thought it was boring for everyone to be human and I’m a big sucker for fantasy species so yeah. She’s a cambion.
She has purple-tinted skin, horns that curl up and are fairly close to her head, a thin pointed tail, pointed ears, her pupils are slitted, she’s got carnivore-style teeth, her nails are longer and sharper by default. Whenever she uses the full extent of her magic, her scleras turn dark purple and her irises turn white. Oh yeah her scars came from an accident she had when she was young where her magic got out of control and burned her hands. Her mom’s the demon by the way, for no particular reason, I just thought that the Kirigiris would stay human in this and I don’t know anything about her mom’s side of the family.
I just realized I never said Makoto’s race skdjks he’s human!! He and Komaru just happen to be a special case and have a lot of mana. Most other humans in this AU aren’t so lucky. (cough hinata cough cough)
Byakuya, again, uses magic. He’s the only one who uses a weapon in the Trio, he uses a staff specially made by the Togami family. He also knows how to use a sword and a bow.
I haven’t put too much thought into him, but I know for a fact that his adventuring outfit would have a big sweeping cape later in the timeline. In the beginning though, he just has a stupid expensive suit. The cape comes in later as he, Kyoko, and Makoto start to group up more and more.
I’ve decided that adventurers in this AU group up just as often as they go solo, and while Byakuya would initially be solo, he would deem Makoto and Kyoko strong enough to work with whenever they’re taking on a difficult job.
Groups would change to have matching designs the longer they’re partnered up, and capes/cloaks happen to be the THH Trio’s Thing, as in all three of them would have a cape/cloak of some sort. Byakuya because he’s pretentious, Makoto because he thinks it looks cool, and Kyoko because she uses the cloak for practical reasons like storing things and keeping a low profile when needed. Oh and Byakuya’s bloodline is of royal elven descent, their business is selling spellbooks, runestones, potions, reagents, any magical item you could think of.
Sayaka is a half-siren mage! She mostly uses charm and illusionary magic, as well as healing so that she can support her allies. Later on, she might learn water magic so she can actually deal damage as well. I haven’t decided on her weapon of choice, perhaps she uses a lyre or casts spells from a book. I’m also debating having her learn hand-to-hand combat instead of water magic?
I just like the idea of someone coming up and trying to challenge her, thinking they’ll beat her easily, and barely getting a hit in before she kicks their legs out from under them and tosses them over her shoulder like they weigh nothing. She deserves to take out people twice her size and be menacing, as a treat for the amount of disrespect she gets in the fandom. And I want her to take Leon down a peg because he definitely acts a little like a cocky frat boy sometimes.
Speaking of Leon, we’ve got our first fighter-type!!! I could have him use a baseball bat but that’s boring so I’m thinking he might utilize items as well as a weapon? Bombs or grenades that look like a baseball and explode on impact, baseballs that ignite when thrown and act as fire balls. Alas, I don’t think about him much so this is all just me throwing ideas to see what sticks.
Whatever the case, the main thing I know would happen is that he frequently gets help from Kazuichi and Miu because he just cannot for the life of him stop breaking his equipment. He’s reckless and rushes into battle and now that he doesn’t have Kanon to stop him from setting stuff on fire all the time, he gets detention a lot. (And no she isn’t into him like in canon, I refuse to acknowledge that she ever was.)
Chihiro......they can’t fight djfjsjfjjf. They specialize in making tech and weapons, and in the beginning, would mainly use robots that they programmed to support their allies. Though, they do end up training with Mondo, Sakura, and Aoi to help them become better at combat, and eventually they join everyone else on the front lines as a ranged fighter/support type.
Also, the robots would kinda follow them around like pets. Cute little guys that can also shoot lasers. The robots are powered by mana crystals and each one has a different personality and magic type! Sometimes they follow around different people, the electric one took a liking to Mondo and you’ll see it floating around while he works out. They’re buds.
On the topic of Mondo, he’s another fighter-type! He’s more hand-to-hand combat. A controlled berserker, if you will. Probably started out fighting guys in his hometown and progressed to clearing out monsters when Daiya got concerned about his temper? Perhaps. Maybe. I do not think about Daiya I apologize.
Oh wait hold on. I’m looking at his character art and he’s got a hammer.........it’s decided he uses a warhammer, the biggest one they’ve got, and it’s probably a mana-based weapon. Specifically electric. He and that lil robot wipe the battlefield with their opponents >:D
Taka is probably a fighter-type? I can’t for the life of me find where I read this, but apparently he’s really good at self-defense so I imagine he does hand-to-hand combat as well as sword-fighting for the Noble Paladin Aesthetic.
Hifumi was originally a mage-type, but upon second thought, I’m making him a support-type who uses items and potions and stuff! I like the idea of him making fun little bottles and potions themed after his favorite animes and mangas..........he also definitely helped everyone design their adventurer outfits. He’s the only reason that Makoto’s outfit isn’t boring as hell.
Celeste is, of course, a mage-type. She’s Miss Lolita of course I have to make her an ethereal magic user alright also I love her and I love mages let me have this skfjdkjf. As for her weapon, my first thought was her having playing cards that she throws HxH style?
Or she could summon goons to fight for her, playing into the whole loyal servant dream she has. They would be vaguely themed after the cards, so there would be a jack, king, queen, and joker, all of different magic types depending on the suit of the card she throws. Electric for a spade, fire for a heart, ice for a diamond, something along those lines.
I’m also considering having her little...finger armor thing? I’m thinking of having that cross into her magic, where she attacks with claw-like things formed out of mana. Of course she could also just. Use the cards to cast spells directly skdjksjfkhf
Sakura is definitely a fighter-type. Again, hand-to-hand style, but I imagine she’s more controlled and strategic than Mondo. I can’t see her using a weapon, so I guess she’s like one of the only characters to fight exclusively with fists.
Mukuro’s a ranged fighter-type, but she can also do melee. She uses magic-based guns, ones that shoot mana infused bullets. They have a variety of effects depending on the type of bullet and magic. (I’m not a gun person so take this with a grain of salt.)
Bullets that break apart might be laced with electric magic so that they can shock a target from several points, or fire magic if she’s aiming to start a fire quickly. Exploding bullets are usually used with fire magic, but she might switch to ice if she wants to create a barrage of ice shards for...some reason, I don’t know. There’s more combinations I could probably make, but I’m. Not here to spend an hour researching guns. Not right now at least, who knows what I’ll want info on in the future.
Mmmmmm I’m starting to lose patience here so forgive me for the shorter explanations. I might throw in a fun fact about them for ✨ flavor ✨
Junko’s a fighter/mage-type! She uses a scythe and laces the blade with magic. She could combine it with fire magic to create a flaming scythe and go nuts with it, or she could just channel general mana and slam the blade into the ground to create a big crack in the ground.
There’s about an 80% chance she gets several weapons later in the timeline. Her scythe, a spear, possibly a gun. Monokuma probably exists, I like to think Junko ran into a smarter monster and tamed it and kept it as a slightly feral pet.
Also, yes, she’s still a big adrenaline junkie who gets off on despair. If you see her fighting things she knows are out of her league, mind your business.....actually, call someone to help before she gets herself killed. Please.
I haven’t decided what Aoi will be just yet? I’m veering towards fighter/mage-type, she could use water magic and maybe a leg-based fighting style. Possibly judo or taekwondo. I.....do not have any ideas for her. However I do know that she and Sakura would have a bunch of combo moves together dkfjkejfkdjjd
Toko is a mage-type! She probably uses a book to cast spells from. Or just uses her hands. She would fight ranged, I don’t think she’d want to be up in the action. Too much stress for her, y’know? I
As for Syo, she fight differently than Toko! She technically uses dual swords, but the swords can also connect to create a giant pair of scissors. Again, this is just sort of a fun character thing, but she gets to hate Byakuya in this AU. They have arguments and get on each other’s nerves a lot, but I think the rest of the class usually separates them before anything serious happens.
At some point after Toko befriends Komaru, I like to think that Syo gets a proper fight scene with Byakuya where she rips into him. I don’t think Toko would want to hurt anyone though, even him, so Syo would probably leave him with a few minor cuts at most.
Afterwards, I think Byakuya would quiet down with the insults with Naegi and Kyoko’s requests. (Well. Naegi asked him to try and be nicer because he was worried that they might fight again. Kyoko just bluntly told him that he needed to stop being a jerk and start considering everyone else’s feelings.)
Skfksjfkdh ah. I also like to think Komaru and Toko were initially partnered up by HPA for a job. They were assigned to deal with a couple of school kids wreaking havoc on a nearby city with some monsters they semi-tamed?
But after finishing the job, they decided to partner up permanently on their own. They probably have a few combo moves that Komaru came up with, Toko tweaked them to make them actually possible with their skill set and weapons.
Hiro is...possibly a mage/support-type? He’s probably a bit cowardly and freaks out when on the front lines, but he can use a crystal ball to attack from afar. I’m also considering giving him tarot cards so that he can toss them and attack from several points at once?
Or the ball could shatter at some point during the story and he could just roll with it and spread the shards out during battle to attack from several points at once. They could also be used to create a magic cage of sorts, like electric fence but only electricity.
Okay that’s everybody oh my god. I have plenty more stuff about this au, this isn’t even half of it trust me lmao. I’m sorry about this being so long I didn’t realize it’d be this wordy!!!!!
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
Beautiful Stranger (Chris Evans x OFC) -- part eight
Warnings: teeth-rotting fluff
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After eating dinner, Chris and I move to the living room, keeping up the idle chat. We talk about everything, small things, things that would normally make me want to pull my hair out, but with him I don’t even notice it.
He talks about being on set with some of his best friends, how the cast have become like a big family after doing so many of these movies, and how weird he feels being labeled as a “ladies man” in the press -- and of course, how his friends (particularly Robert) play into it during interviews just to get him riled up.
I tell him more about my mundane job, ranting a little about some of the obscure things my boss asks me to do, and a couple of times I catch an uneasy look cross Chris’s features that I try to ignore. I tell him more about Camile and Jack, confessing to him that before Camile met Jack, I really did think soulmates were a complete myth and that I’d never find mine. I tell him about how I didn’t know I missed the dog I had as a kid until today when I met Dodger, who is currently asleep in my lap. 
“I don’t know what he’s going to do tomorrow while you’re at work,” Chris chuckles, reaching over to scratch Dodger behind his ears. 
“I hope you’ll be here with him,” I tease, but this is my sly way of wondering if he’ll be on set.
“Oh, I will,” he breathes. “The weather stalled filming so I’m staying in.”
I nod slowly, focusing again on Dodger’s steady breathing while speaking to Chris. “Does it ever get to be too much?”
“The fame,” I clarify. “I mean, Camile wanted me to look at the news when I told her how you were on house arrest. Isn’t it weird that people can just...Google you and know what’s going on?”
“It is weird,” he admits. “But most of the stuff they write isn’t true. I keep my personal life pretty private for that reason. Shit gets twisted in the media really fast.”
I steal a glance out of the corner of my eyes, seeing that he’s just staring down at his hands. “I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head. “It comes with the job. And I can’t complain, I love what I do, I really do.”
“You’re still allowed to complain,” I chuckle, petting Dodger softly. “Just because you love it doesn’t mean some things about it can’t irritate you.”
“I just feel like an asshole if I complain.”
“Well, you can complain to me,” I shrug. “I know you love it. But I also know I wouldn’t exactly love it if I couldn’t go outside because everyone’s watching.”
“Yeah…” His voice fades away. “Would you wanna stay to watch a movie?”
I look at the clock, seeing that it’s nearing nine. I sigh, giving him an apologetic look. “I’d love to, but I really shouldn’t.”
“It’s okay, I know you have to work,” he smiles. “I just wanted to ask.”
“How about a raincheck?”
His smile turns into a grin within a second. “Dinner tomorrow? And then a movie?”
“Deal,” I nod, sticking my hand out to shake on it. I’m not entirely sure why I’ve done that, but Chris erases my embarrassment by shaking my hand. 
I let out a bit of nervous laughter as Chris moves Dodger off my lap, waking the small puppy up in the process, earning Chris a glare. He scoffs, tossing Dodger his favorite toy, and just like that, he’s happy again. 
“Here you go,” Chris hands me my purse, which is good because I honestly might’ve forgotten it if he hadn’t.
“Thank you,” I smile, pulling the strap over my shoulder. “Same time tomorrow?”
“If that works for you,” Chris nods in agreement, walking with me (very slowly, might I add) to his door. “Any preferences on the movie?”
“What about Captain America?” I tease.
Chris gives me a look.
“I’m kidding, I promise,” I shove his arm lightly. “I get it. It’d probably be way too weird.”
“It would,” he shrugs. “But if you really want to watch it…”
“Chris,” I shake my head. “You really are way too kind for your own good.”
“Thank you?” He furrows his eyebrows, opening his door.
“You’re welcome,” I reply, watching in surprise as he follows me out into the hallway. I raise my eyebrows. “You live here.”
“That I do,” he laughs, shoving his hands in his pockets. “But what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t walk a lady to her door?”
“And here I thought chivalry was dead,” I snicker, walking down the hall to the elevator, biting back a grin the entire time.
He presses the down arrow and steps back, waiting. “Chivalry will never be dead. Not if I can help it.”
“Are you going to single-handedly revive the practice?” I ask.
“Maybe,” he teases back, looking over at me with a grin. It takes everything in me to pretend I don’t see him out of the corner of my eyes. And it’s especially harder when I see his smile soften, his eyes still lingering on my face.
The elevator doors open, both of us stepping inside and standing awkwardly away from each other. It’s like we’ve been dancing around each other all night. Which could, in part, be my fault because I am… Well, I can probably be a little off-putting at times. I’ve always got a guard up, I can’t help it. So if he’s acting distant, it’s my doing.
Chris keeps his promise and walks me all the way to my door. If it wasn’t so late, if I didn’t have work tomorrow, if I didn’t have such a wall up inside my mind, I probably would let him inside.
But I don’t.
He asks again if he can hug me, and once again I say he can.
I wrap my arms around his neck this time, loving the way his fit around my waist, and the way I feel like I’m floating when he gently lifts me up as he squeezes me tightly. 
I knew-- Or I heard stories from Camile, at least, that hugging your soulmate -- touching them in general -- feels much different, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the overwhelming feeling of home I get when I’m in his arms.
And he’s only hugged me twice now. Does it get better than this? Does it get worse?
The next day at work passes slowly. I find myself wanting to text Chris -- or really, just to talk with him, and it’s then that I realize we have yet to exchange phone numbers.
The mere thought of wanting to be on my phone to text my soulmate while I’m at work is as thrilling as it is terrifying. I’m never on my phone; it’s a rule. I’m also just too busy. I’m busy today, too, and yet my mind keeps wandering to Chris. The blue eyes, the blinding smile, the melodic laughter.
The laughter that I haven’t heard much of today.
The thought makes me frown. I wonder what he’s up to. He’s always laughing. It’s rare that there’s a quiet day like this. But I know I’ve also been quiet because I’m at work, and because my boss has been in a particularly bad mood today.
Speak of the devil himself, and he shall call out to you.
Chris has been worrying all day.
Well, not all day, but a significant part of the day. He tries not to, wondering if Eva can feel the way he is worrying. He’s heard stories -- his parents specifically -- of soulmates being able to feel each others emotions, outside of the joy that comes from laughter. He wonders if it’s a hereditary thing -- if since his parents could sense other emotions, that he and Eva will be able to do that, too.
Which, of course, only sends Chris down a further hole, wondering if she’s felt all of his previous heartaches. And he wonders then, too, if that’s why he would often find himself feeling down out of nowhere -- because she’s told him some things about her troubled past.
And that’s the thing: Eva has told her about her rough past. She told him the way her parents would scream, but he could tell there was more to the story that she wasn’t ready to share just yet -- but he got the gist. 
Chris understood the point of her telling him this. To explain why she hid herself away, why she avoided anything to possibly help her meet her soulmate sooner, why she was convinced that there wasn’t a soulmate out there for her.
She’s already had a hard life. He doesn’t want to make it harder.
But he knows he will. He’s famous. He hates using that term, but it’s true. He is, whether he likes it or not, and it’s baggage he carries around. He just doesn’t know if he wants her to have the burden of this baggage, too. She doesn’t need it.
But Chris has heard horror stories about soulmates who try to fight back against their biology. Who try to distance themselves for the better -- or for what they think is better. And every single time, they never make it. Death, in some cases, is a possibility, caused by a severe depression spurred by the loneliness and longing. Other times, in most cases, the couple finds their way back to each other and they make it work. They realize in the end that while it will be hard, it can be done, and they’re much more willing to put in the work than they are to risk a life without their soulmate.
Chris has always liked the second ending. He doesn’t know that he’d ever be able to spend a day without her now, and he’s only known her two days. With that thought already in his mind now after forty-eight hours, Chris knows distancing himself from her won’t work. He’ll cave way too easily, and he can’t do that to her -- abandon her like that. What message would that send her?
He’ll just have to stop thinking so far ahead. And he’ll have to let things happen how they’re supposed to happen. Naturally, organically.
They can cross the bridge of the rest of the world knowing about them when the time comes. Whenever that may be, but not soon, not in the near future.
Chris wants to keep her to himself for right now. For as long as he can. He wants to love her before letting the rest of the world in.
Chris’s eyes widen. Does he love Eva already? It’s not unheard of for soulmates to feel that instant connection. He’s positive she doesn’t feel it, but he doesn’t expect her to. If he’s honest, he’s surprised she was the one to suggest a raincheck for a movie -- but he’s so glad she did.
He misses her. He started missing her on the elevator after he walked her to her room. And he’s missed her since.
He loves her. Already. He doesn’t know what it is, but he can feel it. The same way his dad said he felt when he met Chris’s mom. Chris feels it now. He understands.
And he can’t wipe the smile off his face.
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Written for @azulaweek​. Prompt - Training. (Image Source)
Summary: Azula doesn't understand why Zuko won't just focus on his firebending. Lu Ten doesn't understand why she doesn't understand.
“I don’t understand why Zuzu likes swords so much.”
Lu Ten looked up from the knife he was turning over in his hands. “...Why?”
“It’s swords. He’s a Firebender.”
“I’m still confused, kid.”
Azula crossed her arms and huffed. She glared at the teakettle and tried to explain. “He’s got fire. He shouldn’t need anything else.”
Lu Ten laughed. “Our family is full of people who have more weapons than just their fire. Your mom has swords. My mom threw knives. Grandmother was a Yu Yan archer!”
“That doesn’t mean Zuko needs something else. Father doesn’t use weapons, neither does Uncle.”
“Eh,” Lu Ten shrugged. “True. Must be a Sozin’s line thing. I’m the only one of us who bothered learning anything else.” He tapped the knife and grinned. “Until now.”
Lu Ten liked the fact that Zuko was using swords? “But Zuko doesn’t need swords!” Unless it really did turn out that Zuko was as disappointing a Firebender as Father thought.
“No, but they could still come in handy. I don’t need knives, but I’m pretty good at throwing them.” Lu Ten twirled the one he held around his finger a few times.
“But you’re good at throwing knives,” Azula said. “Zuko isn’t good with swords.”
“Well of course he’s not good with swords, Zuli, he only just started learning. It’ll be a while before he’s good at them.”
That sounded stupid. Why waste time working on something that you weren’t good at when there was something else that needed your attention? “He should just stick with his firebending,” she muttered. “He isn’t good at that either.”
“Whoa - hey. None of that now. Zuko’s firebending is just fine.”
“Mine’s better.”
“That’s because you’re gifted. Zuko is...average. His firebending skills are good enough for his age.”
But good enough wasn’t good enough. “He should spend more time practicing his firebending and less time playing with swords,” she said. “Maybe then he’d learn more.”
Lu Ten frowned. For a long moment it was silent in the garden while he fiddled with his knife. Then the teakettle started making noise - not whistling, Lu Ten never let it get to whistling when he was making green tea. He said you should never boil green tea. But the water inside was starting to bubble. He took the kettle off the fire, took the lid off the waiting teapot, and poured the hot water in. He plunked the lid back on when the pot was filled to the point of overflowing, and some of the displaced water splashed out. Then Lu Ten poured more hot water over the top of the teapot, letting it run over the clay surface to warm it up.
“Does your father say stuff like that?” Lu Ten asked gently.
“No,” Azula huffed. Father didn’t need to say anything. She could just tell. “But Zuko needs to get better at firebending.”
Lu Ten poured the hot water out of the teapot and into a little pitcher sitting to the side. When the teapot was empty, he took the pitcher and poured the water into two tiny teacups, filling them to the brim. “He will get better. As he grows older and gets more experienced. That’s how it works.”
“He needs to get better now. I’m better than him!”
“And that’s not his fault,” Lu Ten said firmly. “Zuko works very hard, and he’s doing perfectly fine for his age. You’re the exception here, and it isn’t fair to compare him to you.”
Well that certainly wasn’t how Father seemed to think.
Lu Ten removed the lid from the warmed-up teapot. “Tea leaves, please.”
Azula handed him the little bowl containing the leaves he’d selected. He took it from her hand and held it up to her nose. “What do you think?”
She sniffed. “Jasmine.”
“I like jasmine,” she said. “It’s kind of sweet.”
“Floral,” he agreed. He placed the leaves in the pot and retrieved the kettle again. For the second time, the teapot was filled with hot water, more poured over the sides for good measure. “So tell me,” he said, “if you think Zuko shouldn’t bother with swords because he’s not good with them yet, does that mean that you shouldn’t ever learn...hm. Lightning? Because you definitely won’t be good at it right away.”
“That’s different,” she insisted.
“How so?”
“Because I’m a Firebender. I’ll be able to figure lightning out!” Lu Ten looked amused at that declaration, so she clarified, “Zuko’s not a sword master.”
“No one’s ever a master, when they start,” Lu Ten said. “I’m not even an expert knife thrower.” He turned around and frowned at the apple tree behind them. There was a knot a few feet up the trunk, where a branch had been pruned away recently, leaving a little circle of trimmed wood behind. Lu Ten picked his knife up again and peered at the tree trunk carefully as his arm went through some practice motions. Then the knife was flying, and with a thunk it hit the wood two inches to the right of the knot. Lu Ten grinned at Azula. “See? I’m not bad, but I’m nowhere near as good as some of my cousins. My aim’s better with fire.” He lifted his hand again, and a little fire dart sparked to life above his fingers. It flew through the air and hit the knot dead-on, leaving a scorched spot behind when it fizzled out. “See?”
“You should stick to fire darts, then,” Azula said. “If you’re better at that.”
Lu Ten looked at her. “Zuli, if we only ever stuck with what we’re good at, we’d never accomplish anything.” He turned his attention to the teapot, which had apparently been steeping the leaves long enough because he poured the tea into the little pitcher. Then he dumped the water that was still sitting in the cups. Now that the cups were warm and empty, he poured the tea into them. There was still some left in the pitcher. “Here,” he said, handing it to her. “Want to do the honors?”
Azula grinned, took the pitcher, and dumped the dregs over the turtleduck tea pet sitting on the side of the tray.
“Good job,” Lu Ten said, and he presented her with one of the tiny teacups. “Enjoy.”
She took it and had a careful sip. The jasmine was delicious. “How do you make such good tea, Lu?”
He gave her an amused look before sipping from his own cup. “Practice.”
Author’s Notes
Thank you for reading! Kudos and comments are always appreciated.
Uh, let's see, notes...
*shrugs* This one came out kinda funny? There's no actual training in it, lol, but they discuss it I guess. Once again, we are taking a look at Azula's giftedness - coupled with her father's demanding personality - and how it affects her mentality when it comes to how people spend their time. The line in Zuko Alone, where she tells Zuko "You waste all your time playing with knives. You're not even good." was an inspiration.
Title comes from the old idiom "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."
My Lu Ten is semi-competent at knife-throwing because even though he never knew his mom, his maternal grandparents were like "THIS IS A FUN FAMILY BONDING ACTIVITY." He does prefer fire, but knives can come in handy.
Lu Ten is also starting to....pick up on some things regarding Uncle Ozai at this point. He still thinks the man is just a hopelessly awkward or disinterested father. He's also going to ship out to Ba Sing Se in the not-too-distant future, so he won't have the opportunity to see that Ozai is worse than that. I think that Ozai didn't ramp up his abuse until after Lu Ten - the family member most involved with the kids besides Ursa - was out of the way. For now it's just words and statements he makes to his children that could be taken many ways, and he's reaping so much benefit from that doubt.
Regarding Azula, she just...does not understand why Zuko won't stick to what he's good (or at least semi-decent) at. In her opinion, the point isn't to learn different things - the point is to be good at what she knows. Zuko keeps trying to learn other stuff and looking dumb as a result. That's not how you keep Ozai happy. Lu Ten is kind of seeing her thought process but doesn't quite comprehend it, and he's trying to explain how her current worldview is a little skewed, but it's not really working. Have you ever had a conversation with a young child where you try to explain something, and they come away with the completely wrong understanding of it and there's nothing you can do and you just stand there staring at them as they accept this new fact and refuse to listen to your clarifications? Yeah that's what's going on here, basically.
And I based Lu Ten's tea brewing motions on this tea ceremony video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3tA3fFCP34&feature=emb_title
Confession time: Tomorrow's prompt has been fighting me A LOT, so it probably will not be posted in the morning. I'm hoping to have it up in the evening, but failing that I'll shoot for sometime on Sunday or next week. *shrugs*
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oldjocklowden · 4 years
ooc meme
Tumblr media
How long have you been roleplaying?
I had a brief Sherlock RP blog way back in late 2010/early 2011 with my friend RPing as John, but that was short-lived. I didn’t properly start until December 2013. So... been a while now. 
What are your hobbies outside of writing?
I’ve really gotten back into watch movies recently, especially foreign language films. Other than that, I play video games, and mess about on my piano and ukulele and do a bit of singing alongside.
Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
I do! We’ve always had cats, and we currently have two. There’s Darwin, who was named after the scientist for being seemingly intelligent at a week old, but his intelligence hasn’t improved much since - he can just about catch a leaf in the garden and that’s it. Then there’s Oliver, who despite being four years old, still looks like a big kitten and acts like it, too. He’s very sweet, loves attention, and is basically the cat version of my niece, who is only two weeks older than him. We also legally still own a cat called Lily (Darwin’s mum) but she abandoned us after we got Oliver because she hates boy cats (despite having two litters in very quick succession hmmm). I also have two tortoises called Tiberius and Tarquin, and they are hysterical, and even fussier eaters than me, which is saying a lot.
If you had a month of free time to learn to do something new, what would you choose?
There’s a few songs I want to learn on piano, so I’d probably focus a lot of time on that. Maybe learn how to edit videos better, too. 
Do you listen to music while you write? What are three songs on your playlist?
Sometimes. Most days, I have youtube videos on in the background, but occasionally I’ll have a music day. I have a playlist (called the Trash List) of Jaoirse songs for whenever I’m doing posts relating to them especially, but sometimes other stuff too. Songs include: Take My Hand by Skerryvore (their wedding song), Tell Me sung by Saoirse, and Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran, because of course. Are we surprised by any of these??
What’s a favorite recent youtube video/channel?
Oh christ, I spend so much time watching youtube videos. But some of my fave creators at the moment are: Markiplier (including Unus Annus with Ethan), PewDiePie, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner, Cody Ko, and Noel Miller. (Hit me up if you like any of these dudes so we can chat about em all day k thx.)
Tell us one random fact about you!
I studied history at university (although I had to dropout due to ill health), and I have a bunch of weird history books that I will happily talk to you about if you want me to. Just brace yourself. 
Who is an FC you’ve always wanted to use but haven’t yet?
Oof don’t open that can of worms! I’d quite like to play a YouTuber at some point, since I love watching their videos so much. Mark or Felix especially, love those dorks. 
What’s a plot you’ve always wanted to write but haven’t yet?
Uhhh Jack and Gigi makeout? @itsgenevievegnt​
Do you have a favorite plot you’ve seen someone else in the group do
Everything Harry and Fionn. @hcurly​ @tommyboyfionn​
Who on the dash makes you smile?
Everybodyyyyyy. I love seeing people I’ve known for half a decade, and people I haven’t had the chance to get to know yet, and everybody in between. Except @emwatsonx​ obviously. 
What is your favorite memory in the group?
Jaoirse wedding was a masterpiece, if I do say so myself. And it was so much fun seeing all the threads going on on the dash and people having a good time ic and ooc. That was pretty special. @irishxseahorse​
What’s your favorite thing about your celeb(s)?
Jack: he’s so unashamedly himself - one minute he’s all cool and suave, and the next he’s making himself laugh and being ridiculous. He and I also have the exact same sense of humour.
Zac: I love how untouched by fame he seems to be. He’s still best friends with people he’s known since he was young, and doesn’t really care much about being in the spotlight unless it’s on his own terms, and he just seems so down to earth and curious about everybody around him, whilst also being amazed that people are interested in him and his life. All that despite being in the public eye for half his life.
Timmy: he’s so weird and wonderful - doesn’t care about societal norms, does his own thing, embraces that he isn’t perfect, and loves messing with people for a laugh. 
George: he is the sweetest guy ever. Every time I read a new article or story about him, it’s somebody saying how kind he is to literally everybody. He knows everybody he works with’s name and takes the time to get to know them between takes. 
What’s a plot you miss?
Just from this group? First thing that comes to mind is always Tomily, because we all know I’m Tomily trash forever. But honestly just any plot involving Tom I miss, because I played him for such a long time. 
What would you love to see this group do in the future?
OOC barbecue yeah?? At mine. Nah, honestly, just more of the same - group trips, events, but not being bombarded with that kind of thing all the time. I like that it’s not overwhelming.
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some very random questions
I know this isn’t the way it’s “done” but Im in an almost writing mood and no one ever asks the ones I want to answer. 
1. how many pillows do you sleep with? I currently have seven pillows on my bed but I can have up to ten at a time. Minimum requirement is two but i won’t be happy about it, I’ll usually grab a hoodie for extra comfort. - EIGHT. I forgot Eeyore
2. do you believe in soulmates? Maybe? Do I think it’s all about romance.. no. 
3. would you ever kiss a stranger? I think I have... But define stranger. Walk up to a random in the street? Probs not. Someone I’ve known for a week but hardly know anything about and we got drunk and we kissed.. yes. 
4. describe your dream house - I have man a dream house, cabin in the woods on a lake, tiny house, massive yacht, treehouse... mansion with like seven levels and one level is just a pool. Take your pick. Oh, shack on the beach. 
5. do you usually use cash or card? Card. Cash is disgusting! Think about how many hands it’s passed through. Bleh
6. do you enjoy driving in general? Yes! Until some idiot does something stupid. Driving the back roads through the mountains or bush. Yes please with the tunes pumping! Mooing at the cows as I drive past. Tmi lol
7. do you like your name? if not, what would you change your name to? Yes? Sometimes I wish is was spelt differently but I’ve never really wanted to fully change it. I do prefer my shortened name though. 
8. what’s your favorite cuisine? FOOD! Italian. Pizza, Pasta and Pastries. 
9. how often do you get massages? Not enough. I need a partner so I can have massages again. 
10. do you play video games? if so, what games? I use to be obsessed with Guitar Heroes III but on the controller (DONT @ me!!) but since getting a switch I’ve played Legends of Zelda Breath of the Wild over and over and over. It has cut into many a writing time. Soz. 
11. do you prefer to color with colored pencils, crayons, or markers? Markers, so satisfying. 
12. what other fandoms are you in? Unsure if im in ANY fandom at this point. But ill contribute to TV Shows such as NCIS, NCISLA, The Bold Type, Arrow and Doctor Who.. 
13. do you have a signature in your style/everyday outfits? No? I do like hats, beanies, short brimmed fedoras, snapbacks... I’m most comfy in jeans and tees/hoodies. 
14. do you have any pets? if not, do you want some in the future? A small doggo and two fishies. Numerous friends and family dogs/ pets that I love. I’m known for going over peoples houses and interacting with the dog before the human. 
15. do you give objects you own a name? (car, house, plants, etc) If you dont. Byeee. 
16. do you like the weather where you live? As I prefer to live in a cooler climate but also swim. It makes life hard. Australia has a good winter down south which I would love to live there one day. 
17. if you could wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be? No. 
18. do you like making small talk? Depends on the person and my mood. 
19. what’s your favorite social media platform? Instagram.
20. have you ever been to hawaii? Yes. Twice. 
21. name a fashion trend that you absolutely hate - I have many and all of which I can’t think of right now. 
22. name a fashion trend that you absolutely love - Again my mind is blank. If you really want to know suggest some and I’ll answer yes or no.  
23. what was the last text you sent? To my friend “You need to get Netflix and watch Shine on Me w/ Reece, episode 3 P!nk”
24. when making plans, do you like to organize or go with the flow when the time comes? More towards the organise.
25. what do you want to name your future kids? NOPE
26. do you have a type? I use to think no. But i definitely lean more towards brunettes (Jack Sloane is ONE BIG FUCKING EXCEPTION TO THIS), glasses <3 and they need to have similar interests and opinions etc. tmi? ahaha 
27. when was the last time you kissed someone? I’m assuming we are meaning on the lips, as in a person I was dating? So in that case last year? Time is a fucking blur right now. 
28. how often do you cook? As often as I can/want. 
29. do you think __x__ is overrated or underrated?
30. do you always remember your dreams? Depends. Ill remember most immediately after I wake up but then some disappear. Nightmares are more likely to remain. 
31. do you believe in ghosts? Yes, the good kind? 
32. would you ever want to move outside of your country? Yes, did and done it. I recommend it. 
33. describe your first love - childish, complicated and friendship. 
34. more peanut butter or more jelly? Equal!
35. do your irls know about your tumblr account? They know about it but they dont KNOW KNOW about it. >.< 
36. do you prefer hot or cold beverages? I swing both ways.
37. when was the last time you finished a book? Earlier this year. 
38. what would you want your wedding colors to be? Pizza and Donuts. My partner can pick the rest. 
39. how long do you let your nails grow? I don’t. Barely a nail really... but i’ve heard that’s a good thing in some areas
40. if you could stay at a certain age, what age would you pick? 25?
41. who do you think has it easiest: older siblings or younger siblings? Younger i think.
42. how often do you post on social media? Too often. 
43. do you enjoy big groups? Eh. Take it or leave it. Of dogs? Yes. 
44. do you like it when you’re awaken by the sounds of birds chirping? No. I’ve had pidgeons living in the roof above my room for too long. GO AWAY BIRDS! There are much better ways to be woken up tbh. 
45. which hand is your favorite? Left?
46. how many people do you follow? Stalking is illegal..
47. how many followers do you have? Enough :)
48. how many drafts do you have? None on here.. in my stories, too much. 
49. do you hang or fold your sweaters? both. 
50. even numbers or odd? Both, even for volume on tv, odd for favourite numbers... I’m weird. I know. 
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runathepianist · 4 years
A Quick Checklist on Self Exploration
Hello everyone! Today I’m going to write down some of a quick checklist of my own self exploration based on question provided by ELE on this twitter link! (https://twitter.com/xlittle_ele/status/1275847156629475328) 
I will write things here in order not to spam your Twitter Timeline too much.
1. First of all, introduce yourself! What’s your name? My name is Runa. People usually call me by that name, but some others call me Ruru, Na-chan, some call me by the name of Xiao Wei and some other more.
2. Where are you from? From this universe; specifically, my mother’s womb. 
3. Do you have any hobbies? If so, which one? I have plenty of things that I could call as my hobbies.  I do music, specifically piano, but lately I’m trying out some other instrument as well, like kalimba/ ukulele. I like to write stories/ letters to friends/ daily journal, I like to re-arranged my room when I got the mood and time to do it, I love to watch some movies/ series and read stories/ manga as well. 
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where will you go? Hhm...Lemme see...I think I would love to go to Tasmania.  I personally loves to go to those minor places that people are not really put an eye to. Rather than going to those mainstream places. Partially, I want to go to Tasmania ever since I watch a Singapore drama series [Sudden] and part of the scenery in that series was taken at Tasmania. It makes me want to go there and visit the real place someday.
5. Do you believe in love at the first sight? Hmm...Not really, actually. Maybe because I’m a person who usually fall in love after I have interacted with the person for quite some time. Maybe because I rarely deeply attracted with how someone’s physical looks, but more into the personality they have within them.
6. What’s your favourite song at the moment? If you don’t have one, what’s the last song you listened to? I’m listening to quite a lot of Hiroyuki Sawano’s composed OST songs these days lately and also currently re-listen to Rachmaninoff piano concerto in C minor. 
7. What’s your favourite food? A lot (?) But mostly I love those salty food rather than sweet stuffs.  
8. What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? It is either I’m trying to remember about the dream I dream of last night, or I feel grateful that I’m still be able to stay alive today. Sometimes, I could think of some random stuffs that suddenly struck me when I’m awake in the morning.
9. Do you believe in soulmates? Not really, but I believe that people are attracting people with the same/ similar frequencies with them, so if I want to see how my future soulmates is, I just need to mirror on myself and see how I’m living my life so far and how’s my true personality is. 
10. What do you want to become in the future? A wonderful lady artist (musician) for myself, wife for my husband and an awesome mother of two or three. 
11. What’s your favorite book? Kate DiCamillo’s The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane All poetry books by Lang Leav Le petite prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery Steal like an artist  - Austin Kleon 
12. Favorite Season? Hmm...Spring time?
13. What’s the best memory you have with your friends? Hmm..Actually I couldn’t really recall any. Maybe there was, but I’m a forgetful person, really. 
14. What’s your biggest dream? To have a peaceful and healthy (both physically and mentally) life with my beloved family and dearest people. 15. If you could change one thing about yourself, what it’ll be? I wonder...Maybe my cowardness? 
16. What’s your favorite movie? Hmm...There are a lot too, but lemme spell out some that I could still remember the title. It’s kinda hard to name, since I’m usually more into series than movie. The Devil wears prada, Up in the air, Habibie & Ainun, Yes Man, How to train your dragon 1 & 2,  Finding Mr. Right.
17. Do you have a crush on someone? Hmm...I currently have a fiance. Does this count as one?
18. If you knew you were gonna die tomorrow, what will you do? Write a letter and prepare parting gift for everyone. Have a good talk and convey everything that I would love to tell to my beloved dearest people surround me. 
19. Do you feel proud of yourself? Yes I do
20. What do you think is your safe place? Y’know, that place/ thing that helps you feel better when you need it the most? Bathroom, because it gives you privacy though you are surrounded by people. I mean, it’s rare to see other people following you into bathroom right? So the sense of personal space is there in the bathroom. At least, for me personally. 
21. Do you believe in ghosts? I believe it exist in terms of frequencies. This universe is filled by various frequencies and they are unseen, but you could sometimes feel it. That’s how I define feelings, and ghosts. 
22. Do you miss someone? I miss myself, sometimes, and some people that have passed away, sometimes.
23. Do you have any pets? What are their names? I used to have hedgehogs, but I don’t have any with me now after their death.
24. Are you a night person or a morning one? I could say I’m a night owl. Morning doesn’t really work well for me. 
25. Are you part of the LGBT community? Nope, but I’m okay with being friend with people who are part of the LGBT community.
26. What’s your favorite video game? Hmm...Those old games, like Fatal Frame series, La pucelle, phantom brave, disgaea, some otome games like amnesia series/ hakuoki. 
27. What’s the reason you wake up every morning? Life goes on, so yeah.
28. Do you look up to someone? Hmm...it’s a yes and a no. 
29. What’s something you’ve wanted to try for a while, but haven’t done it yet? Go somewhere far away, enjoy tranquility and the nature, alone. 
30. What’s the meaning of life for you? It’s an endless journey of finding oneself and spreading positivity and love to people surround us. 
31. Do you play any instruments?  I play mostly piano and those instruments within the same family like keyboard, electone, pianika, etc. Side: I tried ukulele, kalimba, recorder, etc.
32. What’s the most annoying thing you had to deal with? The battle within myself,  How to deal with the society surrounds me. 
33. How would you define “art”? Wabisabi - the beauty in imperfection.
34. Do you think you’re a different person now because of quarantine and everything that happened in the world? Not really, but I do find out how lazy I actually am after this quarantine.  How I am really a jak-of-all-trades; well, it just some self-exploration,  but to say that I’m a different person now? Nah, no! I’m still me. 
35. Name one thing you hate that others love? Those material related stuffs.
36. What do you think that happens after we die? My soul with emerge with this universe and my physical body will blend into one to the soil. I will become frequencies and when the right moment comes, I will be born again in this universe in a different form.
37. Do you have any regrets? I do, but I don’t want to dwell into things in the past too much as there is no way we could change the past, but I’m striving to change now to change the future instead.
38. Love or being loved? Being loved is awesome. 
39. What’s the best advice someone has ever given to you? Marriage is not about love, because love won’t last for years,  but please keep enhancing yourself to be the best version of yourself and never forget to build consciousness within yourself. Based on that, you support each other, appreciate each other and trust each other as couple.  (Advice given by Nichiren Daishonin Buddha to his disciple, Shijo Kingo)
I really like this a lot when I stumble on this, and apparently it’s one of advice that I took dearly within my heart until now as a guidance.
40. What are you afraid of? When I make my family upset/ something bad happen to them
41. Describe yourself in 5 words Simplicated Jack of all trades
42. How’s your relationship with your parents/ siblings? Very good. We never really have any toxic relationship with each other though of course we are all not perfect and there are things that we should work on for each of us. 
43. Would you rather live in a big city or in a small town? Hmm...A small town that is able to travel to a big city for a travel distance less than an hour by train. I miss my time spent when I was in Diemen. It was a nice small city near Amsterdam. 
44. Have you ever been on a relationship? Yes
45. What’s the happiest memory that comes to your mind right now? I’m actually pretty sleepy and zombie mode right now, so I couldn’t think off any specific moment, but I think most of moments in my life is a bit bitter with lots of sweetness on it, so yeah! Those moments spent with my family are the best.
46. Do you easily trust others? Nope. I usually have minus trust with other people other than my own core family. Even I couldn’t trust my extended family too much. 
47. Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope, but I usually try some wigs instead. 
48. What’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone new? Of course, it’s physical appearance (though I should say I don’t put much attention on physical thing) since it’s the first thing that we could see with bare eyes.
49. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, which one it’ll be?  I’ll just pick one from KOKIA album. I love her so much. Any album could do, but maybe I’ll choose the best collection album since it contains more songs there LMAO
50. Tag someone to remind them how much you love and care about them... Hmm..I will tag my sister perhaps XD The other family members of mine don’t have twitter.
51. What was your favourite toy when you were a kid? Dolls? I forgot. ahahaha. 
52. What’s your biggest pet peeve? When people in society only judge people based on material possession they have rather than by their hearts. It annoys me so much when I encounter one.
53. If you could change one thing in the world to make it a better place, what will you do? I don’t have any idea right now. Writer’s block.
54. Have you ever got involved with drugs/ alcohol? Nope. Never.
55. What do you think is your aesthetic? Hmm... All of me?
56. Do you enjoy traveling? Yes, but sometimes not really since traveling is tiring, but it’s good to see a different scenery once in a while. 
57. What’s your favorite show? Hmm...I don’t really have one maybe? Is anime consider as show? I don’t think so huh.
58. Are you into witchcraft? Nope.
59. What would be your ideal gift? Hmm...I never really have any specific desire in life, but usually I love letterset/ notebook/ fluffy stuffs/ tea/ coffee/ any aesthetic/ vintage stuffs around. I usually treasure more intangible things than tangible one, so yea. 
60. Do you think you’re a good person? It depends on how you define a good person is.
61. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? I’m introvert.
62. Have you ever gone to a concert? Yes, I did. Some classical concert and Kingdom Heart orchestra tour concert. 
63. How will your ideal first date be? When there is no drama occurs and compatibility is there, ah, with good food and tea as well.
64. Do you think there’s life in others planets? Mayhap. Why not? I’m open to any possibilities.
65. What do you do when you feel sad? I play/ listen to music, watch something, write something, take a good shower with favorite scented soap.
66. If you could travel back in time to another century, which one will you pick? Hmm....The year where I’m born. 
67. Do you often remember your dreams? Yes, I do!
68. Name one thing you hate about your country I don’t really have one.
69. If you won the lottery, what will you do with all the money? I’ll buy a house for myself (and my future family) and another one to build a public library/ an orphanage. 
70. Any guilty pleasure? Quite a lot, actually. 
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Aric/Aedan Vernersson Character Survey
Basic Character Questions
First name? Aric. Psuedoname is Aedan 
Surname? Vernersson 
Middle names? Axel 
Nicknames? Brother 
Date of birth? September 23rd 
Age? Early to mid-twenties (died around his 25th birthday), but he's quite responsible for a young man. 
 Physical / Appearance
Height? 6'3
Weight? 240
Build? Buff but still soft. 
Hair color? Pale yellow/white. 
Hairstyle? Long, thick and wavy hair that is usually pulled back 
Eye color? Silver 
Glasses or contact lenses?: He wears glasses when he has to do a lot of writing or reading for eyestrain, but other than that, he has excellent vision. 
Distinguishing facial features? He's not big on shaving, so he generally has some form of facial hair. 
Which facial feature is most prominent? His jawline. 
Which bodily feature is most prominent? His arms or his monster hands. 
Other distinguishing features? Bright silver eyes. 
Skin? Tawny brown, like his mother's. 
Hands? Ginormous meat hooks. 
Makeup? Not his thing. Lucio made him put on his eyeliner once. It melted in the sun, and he swore it off because it burned his eyes. 
Scars? His hands are a little rough, and he's got a few cuts up his arms, but nothing too pronounced. 
Birthmarks? Some darker brown pigmentation on the back of his arms. Pretty faint. 
Tattoos? He has some sun paintings (one on each pec) reminiscent of the rock art from his village on his chest in a dark sienna color.
Physical handicaps? Bone spurs on his heels, but that's just an annoyance. 
Type of clothes?: It depends on what he's doing. In the palace, he wears grey and charcoal with red and gold accents. When he's just going about his day, he wears lightweight linens in a rainbow of colors. 
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc.) Like I said, the boy has bone spurs on his heels, so they were already giant monster feet, but that just adds to their length. He takes good care of his feet. He likes high-quality boots and shoes. (Unlike his sister who would go barefoot everywhere.)
Race / Ethnicity?: His father is from Lucio and Morga's tribe, and his mother is one of the southern tribes on the frozen sea. (A/N: for all intents and purposes, I write them as Swedes/Post-Spanish Mission  Chumash Indians because...that's what Kristen (Celeste) and Erik (Aric) are.) 
Are they in good health? Aric was always in generally good health. Until he wasn't... 
Do they have any disabilities? None to speak of. 
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(image of Chumash Rock art for tattoo reference) 
What words or phrases do they overuse? "Yeah, Bud!" 
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic 
Are they introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs? Nope. You won't find a more chill, friendly guy. 
What bad habits do they have? Nail-biting and hair pulling (trichotillomania, but he has to be very, very anxious) 
What makes them laugh out loud?: So many things. And at inappropriate times. 
How do they display affection? Gifts, acts of service. 
How do they want to be seen by others? Reliable, approachable, trustworthy.
Strongest character trait? Seeing the best in others. 
Weakest character trait? Blind loyalty. 
How competitive are they? Very. 
How do they react to praise? He loves hearing praise and being told he's doing a good job. It gives him warm fuzzies. 
How do they react to criticism? He is very open to criticism as long as it's constructive. 
What is their greatest fear? Not being able to save his loved ones. 
What are their biggest secrets? He's an open book. Except for that whole...fake name-Lucio is my cousin thing. (Which he is not terribly good at hiding) 
What is their philosophy of life? How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
What haunts them? His mother's face when he left home. 
What will they stand up for? Anyone, anytime. 
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Outdoorsy. 
What is their sinful little habit? He wouldn't consider it immoral, but he does indulge in some of the magician's...herbal remedies. 
What sense do they most rely on? Sight. 
How do they treat people better than them? As equals
How do they treat people worse than them? As equals
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Temperance.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?   Probably would do better to realize that some people just can't be reached, but damned if he doesn't try. 
What is their obsession? Fishing and his dog. 
What are their pet peeves? People that touch his food without permission. Aedan doesn't share food! He will buy your food! NO TOUCH. (Though Celeste will note that he has no compunction about stealing her food.) 
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Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?: Small. Mama, Papa, Sister, and Him. There is, of course, the extended family and his tribe, but the core group was relatively small. 
What is their perception of a family? Family is the most important thing. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?: One sister. Same age. 
Describe their best friend. Bit of a ditz. Funny (though it's unclear if he means to be). Dog lover. Drinking buddy. 
Ideal best friend? Someone not afraid to throw their stuff in a satchel and get lost for a day. Bonfire under the stars. Loves dogs. Not scared of touching fish. 
Do they have any pets? Ebba! Borzoi like M & M but with big brown patches and knows how to mind. 
 Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?: He was a happy, inquisitive baby. He was rough and tumble, always on the go. Occasionally he’d scare himself (falling) but he only needed to be told that he was okay and he’d keep on going. 
Did they grow up rich or poor? They had no real need for money unless they were traveling, and then they mostly traded for what they needed.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured. 
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Left them. Wasn't his idea, though. Still feels terrible.
What are their ambitions? Getting to be free and live his own life. 
What smells remind them of their childhood? Woodfire. Briny seawater. Spice. 
What was their childhood ambition? Be the head of the rowers that went out to the islands. 
What is their best childhood memory? Traveling with dad to the surrounding tribes and making friends with other kids. 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No. He had so many friends he didn't have time for imaginary ones. 
Do they believe in love at first sight? Maybe? His parents had an arranged marriage, and he thinks that's pretty fine.  He likes getting to know people to make sure that what he's feeling is real. 
How do they behave in a relationship? He's all about making his partner feel cherished and comfortable. He likes to move slow...ish. 
What sort of sex do they have? He's not exactly wild. But, he's open-minded. 
Has your character ever been in love? Sure. 
Have they ever had their heart broken? Nah. If he parts with people, it's amicable. 
How do they respond to a threat? Try to reason. If not, try to subdue with as little injury as possible. 
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists, honestly. If it comes to that. Even then, he'd probably just try to wrestle and pin them. 
What is your character's kryptonite? The concept of someone he cares about being hurt. 
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? His dog. Not an object, but things aren't that important. 
How do they perceive strangers? Never met one. 
What are their phobias? Ophidiophobia, so it's probably good that he never really got to know Asra because Faust would have scared him to death. 
What is their choice of weapon? If he had to really fight, he'd use a one-handed battle-ax. 
What living person do they most despise? Valdemar, but living and person are both kinda uncertain terms. 
Have they ever been bullied or teased? No. Even if he was, it wouldn't bother him. 
Where do they go when they're angry? For a walk. 
 Work, Education, and Hobbies
What is their current job? Head guard of the palace. 
What do they think about their current job? Get to hang out with his bud most of the time, so that's pretty neat. Could do with less having to enforce his stupid decrees (which he finds ways around if he can.) 
What are some of their past jobs? Fisherman and hunter. 
What are their hobbies? Fishing, hunting, falconry, reading. 
Educational background? No formal education. Dad taught him how to read and write, but he didn't have much use for either of those skills until he came to Vesuvia. 
Intelligence level? Himbo-lite. 
Do they have any specialist training? Jack of all trades, master of none. 
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? Rowing and wrestling. 
What is their socioeconomic status? Upper class? Lucio pays well. 
What is their favorite animal? Ebba. 
Which animal to they dislike the most? Snakes. 
What place would they most like to visit? He'd like to travel like his dad did before his parents got married, but he's not picky. 
What is the most beautiful thing they've ever seen? Poppy fields! 
What is their favorite song? No Hurry - Zac Brown Band
Music, art, reading preferred? Reading but music is a close second. 
What is their favorite color? Green or blue. 
Favorite food: Grilled stuffed portobello mushrooms with bleu cheese. 
What is in their fridge: Beer, red wine (that hefty stuff that leaves long tendrils when you swirl it. he likes to chew his wine). Meat, cheese, mushrooms, bread, a lot of veggies. 
What is on their bedside table? Reading glasses and a book. 
What is in their pockets? Money. 
What is their most treasured possession? His dog. But calling her a possession feels terrible. 
Do they believe in the afterlife? Sure. 
What are their religious views? He believes in spiritual guides, and he believes in magic. Though he is sadly more like his father than his mother in that he really can't cast.
Are they superstitious? He's a little 'stitious. 
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A peregrine falcon. 
How would they like to die? Not the way he did, that's for sure. That sucked. 
What is your character's spirit guide? Duckhawk! 
What is their zodiac sign? Libra. 
 Daily life
What are their eating habits? An army marches on their stomach. He always makes sure to have a decent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
Do they have any allergies? Just pollen. 
Describe their home. The palace. His room is pretty spartan. Bed, dresser, desk, couple side tables, mirror. 
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist. 
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Try to get to the bath before everyone else does. 
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Nap or go for a hike out in the woods. 
What do they do on a Friday night? Drink with Lou. 
What is the soft drink of choice? If such a thing existed, it would be original Coke. 
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? He's an appreciator of fine whiskey and wine. But, he won't turn his nose up at a good ale or cider. 
What is their character archetype? The hunter. 
Who is their hero? His dad. 
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? Thor. 
Are they comfortable with technology? Ehhhh. Not really. He can use it but would rather not. 
If they could save one person, who would it be? He couldn't pick. 
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Linnea. 
What is their favorite proverb? Friendship is love with understanding. 
What is their greatest extravagance? Gifts. He buys gifts like the world will end tomorrow. 
Do they believe in happy endings? Sure. 
What would they ask a fortune-teller? Am I doing the right thing?
@vesuviasfastestcourier​ Will this help until I can write more Aedan fic? :)
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nottheripperjack · 4 years
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Still rising towards the dark, don't care what's down below 'Cause no one can see me and no one has to know The atmosphere is lonely and beautiful I don't miss a thing I used to know, I used to know
What words or phrases do they overuse? 
Jack fucking uses ellipses in texts like her life depends on it. She also swears a lot. Probably too much.
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?
Jack is pessimistic by nature after her sister’s death. She’s striving to get better but that’s a bitter pill to swallow. 
What bad habits do they have?
What bad habits DON’T they have? She drinks a lot, or rather, she used to. She’s trying to overcome her alcohol addiction but that will... Take a lot of heavy lifting.
What makes them laugh out loud?
Honestly? It could be literally anything. Whatever it is, it has to be her type of humor. Which, let’s be real honest, is all over the place. Just like her. 
How do they display affection?
Jack is a very touchy-feely person. She calls people ‘babe’ no matter who they are. She’ll hold your hand or hug you. Hell, she’ll even snuggle her friends.
Do they make snap judgments or take time to consider?
Snap judgments only happen when its matters of herself or the lack of self-worth she believes she has. When it comes to anyone else? Hell no, you better sit down and think about all the pros and cons. 
How do they react to praise?
Cockily on the outside, not believing it on the inside. 
How do they react to criticism?
Taking it to heart and working on how to irradiate that behavior or thing that is being critiqued. 
What is their philosophy of life?
Life’s short, go fuck someone. (This has since changed).
When was the last time they cried?
When they realized their addiction had gotten the better of them. 
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Ask her on a good day, Jack would say something about her addictive behaviors. Ask her on a bad day? Jack would say that she wishes she could have taken Vic’s place.
What is their obsession?
At the current moment? Animal Crossing.
What are their pet peeves?
Snoring, loud chewing, people butting into the conversation, the list could go on. She has a lot.
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?
Her family is that stereotypical American family. Consisting of her mom, dad, younger adopted brother, and herself. Extended family is all on the east coast so she doesn’t see them much. Her father is Adrian Novak, a well-known author for his mystery crime novels. Her mother is Katrina Novak, a high-school English teacher.
What is their perception of family?
She maintains constant communication with her parents and brother. Unfortunately, she doesn’t talk about her sister much at all. Jack sadly thinks her family blame her for her sister’s death but in reality, its just been her blaming herself for all these years. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? 
Her late sister, Victoria, was her best friend growing up until she died in a car accident when Jack was fifteen and Victoria was seventeen. She has a younger adopted brother named Bryan, who is just now entering the fifth grade. He has CP. 
Describe their best friend.
Jack has several best friends but the one she considers to be her closest confidante just so happens to be Tara Chapman. She’s her kindred spirit, her better half, and someone that she looks up to in all of the ways that she still wishes she could do with Victoria. She’s not a replacement for her late sister by any means but... She means a lot more to her than Tara probably fully realizes.
Do they have any pets?
No but they want to get a corgi and name it Bread Loaf. 
What was your character like as a teen?
Before shit hit the fan? Jack was in sports. Volleyball and martial arts took up the majority of her time when she wasn’t trying to focus on school. And she really, really hated school. 
Did they grow up rich or poor?
Due to her father being on the New York Times Best Seller’s list... She grew up in a pretty good financially stable home. 
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?
Jack definitely came from a nurturing and loving home. After Victoria she disconnected with her family more than she’d admit. She mentally distanced herself from them and shut down. 
What is their greatest achievement?
Becoming a paramedic.
What was their first kiss like?
Jack was kissed by a boy named Stephen in seventh grade. Let’s just say that the second his lips landed on hers, she slapped him so hard he fell into her parent’s swimming pool.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?
Jack believes that it’s her being responsible for Victoria’s death since it was her volleyball game that she was driving towards. However, the worst thing they’ve probably done to someone they loved was let their own shit get in the way of their happiness. It happened with Ben when she didn’t believe her about the drunken kiss. And it almost happened with Riley when she chose to ignore her feelings and pretend like she didn’t care about her more than that for four years. 
What are their ambitions?
Be a mom one day. Own a corgi. Build her own home. 
What advice would they give their younger self?
Don’t go to that damned volleyball game.
What smells remind them of their childhood?
Campfire smoke, cinnamon, and Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume.
What was their childhood ambition?
They wanted to own a video game store. 
What does their five-year plan look like?
They don’t have one. Other than don’t be dead from a work-related incident.
Do they believe in love at first sight?
No. Jack’s far too cynical for that. She believes in lust at first sight. Or rather, she did. 
Are they in a relationship? Are they in love?
Yes, to both. Jack is in a committed relationship with Riley Sawyer, a highway patrol cop. They’d been friends for four years and finally decided to bite the bullet they’ve been dodging for that whole time.
How do they behave in a relationship?
Previously? Not well. She didn’t do relationships and the one that she had in high school wasn’t remotely healthy. Now, Jack is learning how to relationship. 
When did your character last have sex?
Last night.
Has your character ever been in love?
Twice. Once with Ben, her first love. Second time is now with Riley. 
Have they ever had their heart broken?
Three times. First was Victoria, second was Ben, and third was by herself.
Are they crushing on anyone now?
I mean. Hey boo @sonderbound​
What is their current job?
Paramedic at Los Angeles Fire Department
What do they think about their current job?
They love it. They are currently on suspension from March 27th to April 27th due to alcohol abuse. 
What are some of their past jobs?
Barista, pizza delivery girl, EMT. 
What are their hobbies?
Dungeons and Dragons, video games, playing guitar and singing, sketching out her future home.
Educational background?
Associates Degree. Jack tried college but it wasn’t for her.
Do they have a natural talent for something?
Helping others.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good?
Volleyball. Yeah they went to state four years in a row and won. 
What is in their fridge?
Well, used to be alcohol. Now it’s full of food and coca cola. 
What is on their bedside table?
Alarm clock, watch, iPhone charger, change.
What kinda car do they drive, and is their car messy or clean?
Her name is Lyla and she’s a Kawasaki Ninja Crotch Rocket. So uh... She keeps that motorcycle very clean.
Do they carry a purse? What is in their purse or wallet?
They carry a wallet. It’s a tyvek Mighty Wallet that’s got a bisexual colored symbol of Wonder Woman on it.
What is in their pockets?
iPhone, gum, keys.
What is their most treasured possession?
Her sister’s silver snowflake necklace. 
~~Jack’s Jams~~ FOUND HERE
In A Nutshell
Work Out, Sweat It Out
Time to Feel Like Shit
Good Times Gonna Come
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charliesshitposts · 5 years
Supernatural Omens (part three)
The nice and inaccurate prophecies of someone.somewhere about something that never happened. A fan fiction.
Warnings: None (: Feel free to read this in front of your parents and pets.
Word count: it’s short (I think). This might be the shortest chapter I’ve written. And the thought of that is honestly bothering me.
Authors note:I’ll be adding and editing to make it longer when I get the chance to do so. This week is honestly hectic which is why it’s not my best chapter. I’m real sorry about that.
  Castiel stood confused next to Aziraphale. The angel paged rapidly through the book Jack had given him. He didn’t speak. He just stared  at each page with wide eyes and an equally wide smile. This crept the Seraph out.
  “All our answers are in here. This book,The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnus Nutter, this was written by a witch who could see way into the future. Maybe..just maybe..she saw...oh dear lord here it is!” 
  The angel got closer to show the seraph what he was looking at. Castiel read quietly. Aziraphale handed him the book without a word and went back to where the boys were asleep. He came back with a notepad and a pen.
“Let me see something.” He said whilst taking the book back from Castiel.
“What’s happening?” Asked Cas.
“Hang on my friend.” He said. Aziraphale grabbed his phone off the receiver and dialed. Cas watched as the angel talked for a split second over the phone before rapidly hanging up.
“We’ve got him.” Aziraphale muttered.
“We’ve got him! We’ve got the boy! I mean,obviously we don’t have him. I know where he is though. Number 4 Hogback Lane,Tadfield.”
“Well alright then,let’s go.”
Aziraphale put his hand against Castiels chest to stop him.”It’s not that easy. We can’t go personally. Well have to send someone to keep an eye on him.”
Cas breathed out through his nose.”But..” he saw the look in Aziraphales eyes and sighed.”Alright fine.”
“I’ll have to report to Crowley in a few hours.” It seemed as though Aziraphale was going to add something to his sentence. He was,but he quickly stopped himself. Instead he said “Would to come with me?”
“Well..” Castiel thought.”If you go then the boys have to go.”
Again Aziraphale took a moments pause to think it through. Finally he nodded.”Okay..How’s your cocoa?”
Cas looked down at his still full cup. It warmed his his palms.”I haven’t had a sip yet. How did you get so used to eating and drinking?”
The angel smiled.”One gets used to human traits after a while of being around them. Let’s sit down by the window and wait for sun rise. I’d love to hear about your life back in your universe.”
The Seraph was led to a small round table. A cinnamon scented candle burned on top of it. Next to the candle was a plate of oatmeal cookies. They sat across from one another. Unlike Aziraphale,who looked more awake and livelier than ever,Castiel looked exhausted and run down. Cas had never known what rest was because his body and mind were constantly on alert,fearing for the next threat. He low key envied the angel,who’s life up until that point seemed better than his.
“So tell me about yourself.” Aziraphale said.
Cas brought the mug away from his lips. He liked the cocoa.”About myself or about my life with the boys?”
“Let’s start off with your life.”
“Alright. Life up in heaven was strictly based on following orders with no questions asked. I have to give credit to the Winchester’s. If it hadn’t been for them I’d still be a tight ass. I was given the order to pull Dean out of Hell,which I did. But first I needed a vessel to inhabit during my time on earth. A devoted man named a Jimmy Novak prayed for this,and well.you’re looking at him. His body,that is. He died a long ago and I kept living in here.Dean was skeptical about angels and other celestial beings at first but that gradually changed over time. Sam thought I’d be different because I was kind of a dick to him when we first met. But he changed his mind once he got to know me.Over time I grew fond of humans,and the angels running heaven didn’t like that.Then when the time came to choose between the order or my human friends I didn’t hesitate for a second in choosing them. I’ve ‘died’ and came back many times.”
Aziraphale had the rim of his cup pressed to his lips but he had yet taken a sip. His hand and the rest of his body had frozen with hearing Castiels story. He couldn’t believe what he had heard. And yet he wanted to hear more of the Seraphs life.
“Fascinating.” Aziraphale breathed out. He took his sip and set the cup down.”Tell me about your life with the boys. What’s your daily routine with them?”
“My daily routine is hectic. Sam,Dean,Jack and I are always on the go. Sometimes the Archangel Gabriel tags along.Solving cases take up to two weeks to do. If the case is important or life threatening it takes more time. We had just finished our biggest one,killing the devil,weeks ago. But then the Archangel Micheal,who had killed the devil whilst wearing Dean as a vessel,took off with Dean. He had broken the deal they had made prior.So then we had to search for them. Thankfully he found us first. It was just Dean. Micheal had been there briefly but he was killed.We then felt it was time for a much needed break. But then you and Crowley popped up in our library and here we are.”
The angel frowned.”I didn’t know that.Im so sorry we ruined it for you guys.”
Castiel smiled.”It’s alright. There’s no need to apologize. I’ll admit i was upset at first but I’m not anymore. Your a pretty nice angel, Aziraphale. Much more nicer than the ones back in our world.”
Aziraphales eyes widened.”That can’t be possible. All angels are nice.”
“No.” Castiel shook his head.”Not where I’m from. Everyone is uptight,righteous and always wanting to follow their given orders word for word. Nobody questions their orders.Nobody thinks about the consequences those orders could have on others. I was like that before I met Dean. He’s the reason why I am the way I am now,and I’m eternally greatful. The only angels that are easy to get along with are the ones that have been living with humans for a long time. The only other one besides myself is Gabriel. But he wasn’t easy going at first.”
“What do you mean?”
“Gabriel didn’t tell us at first that he was an archangel. He said he was a trickster and,before joining us,messed with Sam and Dean numerous times. It took a time of talking and making him see what he was doing was wrong before he stopped. It also took a long time for Sam and Dean to trust him.In fact he’s back in our world house sitting for us.”
Aziraphale smiled.”Would you like to call him to see how everything is going?”
Cas nodded.”That be nice. Could I get more cocoa please?”
“Yes you most certainly can.” Aziraphale set the phone in front of Cas. He retrieved both his and the seraphs cup and left to refill them.
Cas dialed the long distance number,followed by the international number,followed by the area code then finally the 7 numbers to the housephone in the bunker. It rang,and rang,and rang until finally Gabe picked up.
“Who are you and how did you get this number?”
“It’s me you flip flop.” Cas said.
“Cas!” Gabriel exclaimed.”How’ve you been buddy? It feels like it’s been years since we’ve spoken. Where are you guys at? How’s Sammy?”
“I’ve been good,thank you for asking. We are in London. It’s very pretty over here. The people are really nice. Sams doing fine. He’s sleeping. How are you doing? How’s the bunker?”
“That’s good to hear. I’m doing great. I’ve spent this whole time doing a massive clean up around here,your rooms included. I’ve dusted,wiped down,moped,swept and washed everything around the house. I’m currently doing a load of laundry and I’ve got popcorn popping in the kettle.”
Castiel smiled big.”Thats great Gabe. Thank you so much for taking care of the place. I’m sure the boys will appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem at all. Oh! Now that I have you on the line. Are those cats yours? The ones that have been hanging around the bunkers garden and like to eat all the plants?”
“No.They aren’t. Jacks been feeding them but we’ve been telling him not to. If you feed them they won’t leave.”
“........Well it looks like you’re going to have to buy a scratch post.”
“...........I let them in.”
“Gabriel!! Why would you do that??”
“I thought they were yours!”
“Why on earth would you think they’d be ours!? Dean could barley take care of that goldfish he won at the fair. Poor thing died after 3 days.Sam’s allergic to cats,which you should know! And Jack,although he says he can take care of them and go to school ,can’t take care of them!”
“What about you?!”
“I’ve got my hands full with other things!”
Gabriel chuckled.”Well..you should of thought of that before you decided to get six cats.”
“Hey my popcorns done. Gotta go. Buy me a souvenir.Like a hat or a postcard or a fridge magnet! Oh! Oh! Buy me a fridge magnet!! Say hi to Sam for me. Bye Cas!”
“GABRIEL DONT YOU DARE HANG UP ON ME!” Cas shouted. But the line was already dead.
Aziraphale set three cups down at the table. A sleepy eyed Dean approached Cas,who was staring at the phone receiver with a blank face. He had gotten up when he overheard that Cas was talking to Gabriel.
“What’s the matter Cas?” He asked in his groggily morning voice.
“Apparently we have six cats.”
Dean closed his eyes tightly. His head fell back.”Dammit! Gabe let them in?!”
Cas nodded.”Yes. He thought they were ours.”
“Darn it Gabe. He’s going to have to get rid of them before we get home. Jack can’t know. It’ll be harder to get rid of them if he does.” Aziraphale came into Dean’s peripheral vision. He looked over at the angel and smiled.”Good morning.”
“Good morning Dean. Congratulations on your cats.”
Dean chuckled.”Thank you. Do you have any cookies to go along with this cocoa?”
“I do. They’re on the table.” While Dean ate Cas and Aziraphale brought him up to date with what had happened while he was asleep. The finding of the antichrists address and the book with prophecies that Aziraphale was more than likely not to give back.
Dean immediately stood up.”Well let’s quit wasting time and get going.I’ll wake up Sam and I’ll leave a note for Jack.”
“Hang on.” Cas said,standing up too.”It’s not that easy.”
“Why not? We know where the kid is,let’s go and talk him out doing what he’s doing to do before he does it.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“Seems pretty easy to me.”
Aziraphale checked his watch.”Actually fellas,it’s time to report to Crowley. You and Cas are more than welcome to come with me.”
“Jack and Sam have to come too.” Dean said.
“Fine.” Aziraphale said. “But please hurry.”
In the taxi on the way to the spot where they were supposed to meet Sam was anxious. He had a sixth sense his brother didn’t have. The sense of impending problems. He didn’t say anything. It was a Winchester trait not to say when something was bothering them. But Dean knew his brother. He take it out of Sam wether or not he wanted too.
While Castiel and Jack talked about nonrelated things,Dean leaned in to whisper to his brother.”What’s wrong?”
Sam furrowed his eyebrows.”Nothing. Why do you ask?”
Dean rolled his eyes.”Come on man. Clearly somethings wrong. Just look at how tense you are.”
Sams eyes trailed down to his hands which were clasped tightly together. He sighed.”Alright,your right. I can’t help but get a feeling that something is going to happen very soon.”
“You mean like the apocalypse?”
“No,something between all of us. Aziraphale and Crowley included.”
Dean looked over at where Aziraphale sat,in front with the driver.”What kind of something?”
“I don’t know. But be prepared for whatever might happen. I could be wrong though. It could just be my head playing games with me.”
The oldest Winchester leaned back in his seat. “Let’s hope so.”
Just like when they arrived at the ex convent, they were the first ones to arrive at the bandstand where the demon and the angel had agreed to meet.. Jack went to explore the surrounding areas but he promised he’d be back soon. Aziraphale looked at Sam quizzically.
“You have a tense nerve in your neck.”
Sam chuckled.” I do not.”
With a small hand motion Sams neck twisted involuntary. He let out a gasp followed by an exhale.”I guess i did.” He laughed,his hand rubbing his neck.”Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Dean came trotting over towards them excitedly.” Hey Aziraphale,can you crack my back for me?!”
Cas looked at him sternly.”Dean-“But before he could continue,Crowley arrived.
He talked to the three as he approached them.”Good morning to you all! Great to see the band back together. How did everyone sleep?”
“Great!” Jack greeted. He had appeared out of nowhere right beside Dean. “How did you sleep?”
Crowley laughed.”Great. I slept great kid. Thanks for asking. So- any word on the antichrists location?”
Sam spoke up.”Castiel and Aziraphale we’re working on that all night and-“
Aziraphale cut in quickly.” We found nothing.” The four outsiders stared at the angel in shock. The angel didn’t notice. Or rather he did but he didn’t acknowledge it.”Sadly we’ve found nothing.”
“Oh great.” Crowley said.”That’s just bloody dandy isn’t it!!”
“Crowley..it’s all part of the Great Plan.”
“Screw all of this! Screw the damn plan.”
“You’re forgiven for that remark.”
“I can’t be forgiven you lopsided boob!” Crowley took three long strides to stand directly in front of Aziraphales. Their faces touching at the nose.”Forgiveness isn’t part of a demons job description. I’m eternally unforgivable.”
Aziraphale looked up to meet Crowley’s stare.”You mustn’t forget you were once an angel.”
“I know but that was a long time ago.”
“Aziraphale-“ Castiel said. With a snap of the angels fingers the seraph went mute. As if Aziraphale had pulled out his voice box.
“Cas!” Dean rushed over to help his friend who desperately tried to find his voice. Sam grabbed Jack by the shoulder and pulled him a few inches back. It’s what he had feared.
Aziraphale went back to talking to Crowley.”The angels can find the boy.”
“Alright so they find them. And then what?!” Crowley growled.”We kill him??”
“No..not them.”
Crowley looked incredulous at the angel. He took a few steps back.”You’re seriously not suggesting that I do it.”
“Angels don’t kill kids. Angels don’t kill anyone. If you do it then it will look as though heaven didn’t have anything to do with this.”
“So your wanting to dump it all on hell?” Crowley mock Aziraphale .”’Oh I’m a dumb bum angel! I don’t do wrong! I just sit up here on my cloud making good choices.Not like those dirty demons who lurk around creating havoc everywhere they go!!’””
“That’s not what I said Crowley and you know it!” Aziraphale exclaimed.
“Whatever. Alright whatever! But you bet your fluffy ass I’m not going to kill him. If there’s anybody here who should be chosen to kill him it should be you.”
“I’m doing no such thing.”
“Fine then you know what? I’m leaving. I quit,im leaving. Good day to you sir...sirs.”
Aziraphale followed him to the entrance of the bandstand.”Where?? There’s no where else to go.”
“It’s a big ass word i can go wherever I please. We can go wherever we please.” Crowley ran back to Aziraphale. Both of the demons hands pressed the angels shoulder. “You and me. Let’s run away. We can leave the apocalypse behind. We can go wherever we want. You and me. We’ve been friends since since the beginning of the universe. Let’s pull a Bonnie and Clyde and ditch everything and everyone. What do you say?”
If Aziraphale wasn’t who he was,he would have said yes in a heartbeat. He would have apologized to the four outsiders for bringing them here and wasting their time.He’d suggest that if they wanted to stay and stop the apocalypse themselves then he and Crowley would give them all the information gathered up until that point. But unfortunately or fortunately Aziraphale was who he was,an angel. A rival of the demon.
“You can’t be serious.” Said the angel.”We are a demon and an angel. You and me were never friends. We can never be friends. Not in this life time,not in the next life time. I never even liked you.”
“Oh come on. You love me.”
“We’re on opposing sides.”
“We are on the same side.”
“No Crowley.”
“No.” Aziraphale said sternly.”For the last time no.”
“FINE!” Crowley choked (screamed) out,clearly hurt.”Fine! Have it your way..but If you think you’re going to stay with all four outsiders then you’ve got another thing coming. We both get an even custody.”
“Even custody? We aren’t married. They aren’t our children.”
“I get the humans! Dibs on the humans. The humans are mine.” Crowley marched over towards Dean and Sam. He grabbed them both by the collar and pulled them away. It looked as easy as pulling a shoe string.He talked over his shoulder as he dragged them away.”You can stay with the angels. Your all the same. A bunch of soul crushing leavers who don’t care about anyone else but yourselves..”Dean and Sam watched in silence as Aziraphale,Cas and Jack grew tiny with the distance. Sam could clearly see that Aziraphale was hurt. He was crying. Dean heard sniffles coming from Crowley. He was crying too.
“Crowley bring them back!” Shouted Aziraphale “You’re being ridiculous!”
But Crowley didn’t hear him. He pulled the Winchester’s towards his Bentley,quietly crying the whole way there.
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deathclawforcuties · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview!
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
@abigatorex, @tea-petty, @nukagalreacts . Unleash thy OC's upon the world!
1. What is your name?
Celestine O'Kelley-Hancock
2. How old are you?
Technically 233, give or take a year...
3. What do you look like?
Short, chubby, pale, long ash brown hair. I mean, I'm not likely to win any beauty pageants, that's for sure.
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now?
I'm originally from the midwest, but I currently live in Goodneighbor, and sometimes the Slog.
5. What was your childhood like?
Crazy! My family wasn't large, but we were close and very, very silly. My adopted cousin is Jack Daniel O'Kelley. Love that silly bastard 😊.
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
Currently with the Minutemen, as I serve in their ranks as General (STILL trying to convince my hubby to change our last name to Misconduct...you get the GENERAL idea. LOL). On barely neutral terms with the Brotherhood of Steel. They may have started off nobly enough, but this current generation has strayed from its original mission of helping humanity, and their blatant discrimination of ghouls and synths is deplorable; the world isn't black and white. Allied with the Railroad, and outright hostile towards the Institute.
7. Tell me about your best friend.
Who, Jack? Or Hancock? Or MacCready? Jack is a member of my family and Hancock is my hubby. We, along with Jack's hubby Danse (who keeps an eye on our antics) will meet up a couple times a year to do holiday stuff, as well as get stoned. I grow the best rad weed...MacCready is my brother from another mother, and he can't stand the fact that I shoot better. Every time we visit each other, he has to shoot a couple rounds off with me. Wait...that sounds wrong....IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
With the exception of Jack, my prewar family is...gone. My adopted family lives up at the Slog, however. Wiseman and Deirdre took me in when I temporarily lost my memory, and treated me like I was their own. I love them dearly. I help them grow rad weed for extra income, and Deirdre and I make salves out of it for achy joints. Good shit.
9. What about a partner or partners?
My partner is John Hancock, mayor of Goodneighbor (and apparently my pants...o///o).
10. Who are your enemies, and why?
I don't have enemies, because anybody stupid enough to call themselves that winds up getting stoned with me...Wonder Weed, man. I'm tellin' ya!
11. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
Didn't...didn't I just go over this? Or did I hallucinate that? Damn I want some Dandy Boy apples right now...
12. What about The Enclave?
Thewhatnow? That some kind of cult? I mean, I'm not judging you...buuuut.....whatever rows your boat I guess?
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants?
Jolly Green Giant on crack is usually the first thing that comes to mind...(shrugs).
14. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
Ok, so, I know you're going to think I was stoned out of my gourd for this but it legit happened! I fought a fucking alien! No, seriously!
15. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
Define 'Fought'.....Now, if you were to ask me if I've ever attempted to ride a deathclaw: 6 times. Surprised I'm not dead yet, to be honest...
16. Do you like fighting?
I prefer sniping...does that count?
17. What’s your weapon of choice?
Brotherhood of Steel standard issue sniper rifle with a long-distance scope, modified silenced snout, and an extended attached ammunitions slot. If the Brotherhood is good at anything, it would be it's weaponry.
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
I rely mostly on my wit and sharpshooting skills, though Hancock tells me I also have a way with words.
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
I came out of one. It. Sucked. Ass.
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
With a stick until it cries. Kidding! Good old radaway and radX does the trick for me, that and using my power armor in bad areas.
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
I want a pet deathclaw, but I keep getting lectured from Danse and Mac about how they're not safe and all that. John only tells me that if I can successfully snatch an egg and NOT have Mommy hunt me down, he's game.
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
Rad Roaches and Rad Scorps. EVERY SHADE OF NOPE!
23. How do you feel about robots?
24. How many caps do you have on you right now?
....Uuuuuuuh.....I forgot.
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
Nuka Cola! What kind of heathen do you take me for? LOL!
26. Do you do chems?
Mentats, MedX, and weed baby.
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
I have no regrets. No use wasting time on how you coulda-woulda-shoulda. Life's too short for that shit.
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
I helped make the Slog the best place to grow rad weed! So proud! What I would like to achieve next will most likely get me shot, as it involves me punching a certain bigot in the nuts... *COUGH*MAXSON*COUGH* Sorry. Too hard of a hit on my blunt.
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
I want to keep living life, man. I want my friends, my family, and our people to not just survive, but to THRIVE. Maybe then the world could take a note from us.
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mmoozzee · 5 years
Thanks to @lesliealiceinwonderland for Venmoing me $1.00
Q&A beneath the tab
1. What is your middle name? I have two! Robert after my father's best friend and Belew which is my grandmother's maiden name 2. How old are you? 20 3. When is your birthday? April 21st, 1999 4. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus, people tell me this is accurate but I think horoscopes are dumb 5. What is your favorite color? Like a silvery grey. I like certain accent colors at different times, but grey is consistent to me 6. What’s your lucky number? My old dorm room number: 213 7. Do you have any pets? My parents have a cat but I don't really think she counts as mine anymore 8. Where are you from? Orange, Texas, a town I am very proud of despite how much I complain. 9. How tall are you? 6'3" 10. What shoe size are you? An 11.5, but I can fit a Nike 11 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Six, consisting of three sandals, two Brooks tennis shoes, my grandfather's oxfords, and a pair Nike gave to me for reasons 12. What was your last dream about? Clothes that I could never wear or afford 13. What talents do you have? I can make friends with almost anyone very quickly. 14. Are you psychic in any way? I'm just gonna guess No 15. Favorite song? Right now? I Got The by Labi Siffre 16. Favorite movie? Either The Martin or The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 17. Who would be your ideal partner? This question deserves its own post, remind me later. 18. Do you want children? I'd probably adopt if I did 19. Do you want a church wedding? I want a small wedding with a few choice friends 20. Are you religious? I am very spiritual but less religious. I am a Christian but have many issues with the Church and the current Christian movement 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Not as an adult besides check-ups 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Not Yet 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? I once got pushed by Alex Jones 24. Baths or showers? Showers, I don't have the attention span for a bath. 25. What color socks are you wearing? Knee-high black socks, like always. some habits die hard 26. Have you ever been famous? I'm trying. 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? That's the goal. I'm working on it, but I want to become a person that inspires people to strive to become a better person. 28. What type of music do you like? I have no idea how to tl;dr my music taste. I like what I like, I don't what I don't 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No, but it sounds so relaxing 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two. One for my head and one between my legs 31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my side with my legs bent because I'm tall 32. How big is your house? I'm in an apartment with two others and a loft 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Nothing 34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes, a pump-action twelve gauge is my weapon of choice 35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes, I'm okay at best 36. Favorite clean word? llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch or defenestration 37. Favorite swear word? Fuck. It's definitely the easiest to go to. 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Two days? I can't remember. 39. Do you have any scars? Yes. A few accidental, some not so accidental. 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? If so, I'd like them to come out and say it. 41. Are you a good liar? Depends on how important it is that they believe me. 42. Are you a good judge of character? I'd like to think I am 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I'd like to think I can 44. Do you have a strong accent? Only if I'm talking about East Texas, then it hits hard. 45. What is your favorite accent? Whatever David Tennant has. 46. What is your personality type? INTP-t apparently 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? My navy suit. that's a 3-figure number. 48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 50. Left or right-handed? Ambisinister 51. Are you scared of spiders? No, they're lovely! I just don't like if they sneak up on me 52. Favorite food? Raising Cane's chicken, not sure if it's really my "favorite" but it is my most eaten meal for this summer 53. Favorite foreign food? Takoyaki 54. Are you a clean or messy person? Messy, my floor is currently covered in clothes. I want to be clean, but ugh 55. Most used phrase? "Fun Fact" followed by a piece of information I find really cool. 56. Most used word? "Nice", it's a useful adjective 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Depends, to go get food? 10 minutes. To hang out with friends? 30. 58. Do you have much of an ego? Only about being right. I get super ashamed to be wrong about something. 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck, biting cuts the experience short. 60. Do you talk to yourself? All the time! It's both one of my biggest distractions and ways of focusing. 61. Do you sing to yourself? Sometimes when walking. 62. Are you a good singer? No 63. Biggest Fear? Failure 64. Are you a gossip? I prefer "Information Broker" 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Interstellar is the most dramatic I remember. Love that film. 66. Do you like long or short hair? On me? I think I can only pull off short, but on others either is great. 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? I think I can name most of their capitals too. 68. Favorite school subject? History 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert with the face of an extrovert. 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Yes 71. What makes you nervous? Money/Crowds/Authority Figures/My Future 72. Are you scared of the dark? Only in places where I haven't been before 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Only if it would be beneficial. 74. Are you ticklish? Unfortunately 75. Have you ever started a rumor? I'm sure I must have. 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Yes, but mostly as a second-in-command 77. Have you ever drank underage? Yes, Jack Daniel's Honey-Whiskey is my favorite, but I don't drink often. 78. Have you ever done drugs? Other than some weird hormonal herbs I got from Asia? No, well weed once but nothing happened so I think I did it wrong. 79. Who was your first real crush? Our resident horse girl, but my first Real crush was this cute guy from colorguard who I occasionally dreamed of sleeping with. 80. How many piercings do you have? Zero. Believe, I'd change that, but my current career path doesn't let me have any fun with my body. Got to look like a cis straight dude in this economy and I loathe the very notion that I don't get to break out of that box without losing political capital in the eyes of strangers that I'd be working for. 81. Can you roll your Rs? Yes 82. How fast can you type? Decently fast 83. How fast can you run? Decently slow, like a 10-11 minutes mile 84. What color is your hair? Brown, not that I want it to stay that way. See: Q80 85. What color are your eyes? Brown with a tint of green 86. What are you allergic to? Nothing I think 87. Do you keep a journal? I should. Life gets better when I write things down. 88. What do your parents do? Father teaches biology and is the energy specialist for the district. Mom is a principal. 89. Do you like your age? I'm ok with being 20, sure beats 90, but I feel like I slept through junior high. Love to try again. 90. What makes you angry? People who litter. The love of money. and Tribalism. 91. Do you like your own name? It's ok. Don't think I would have chosen it, maybe Kyle instead, I'd have to think about that more. I do like my Surname. 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Not really. Sasha or Alexander perhaps. 93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I just want them to live well and live with ambition. I don't care what their birth certificate says. 94. What are your strengths? Ambition, hard-working, out-of-the-box thinking. 95. What are your weaknesses? I'm nervous, I procrastinate, and I am SUPER distractable 96. How did you get your name? It's biblical 97. Were your ancestors royalty? If they were, I revoke my claim to the throne. This nation doesn't stand for a monarchy, or at least it shouldn't 98. Do you have any scars? Yes. A few accidental, some not so accidental. 99. Color of your bedspread? Black, but I have a green quilt and this wonderful Minecraft fleece 100. Color of your room? Beige, I f#cking hate beige
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bookaddict24-7 · 6 years
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This week’s picks had a lot more success than the previous weeks. Not all books were unhauled, and I finished and loved one of the three. I’m a little worried because I’ve started to wane on this challenge and I want to keep going. So, I’m pushing myself through! If you’re doing this challenge too and you’re finding that you’re experiencing the same thing, either take a brief break, or go through your shelves and decide if there are any titles you want to unhaul without even reading the first chapter. 
A gentle reminder: Just because I’ve unhauled the books in this post and in future posts, it doesn’t mean that they’re books not worth reading. They’re just not right for me. This is more of an incentive for me to free up space and give these books better homes than my basement.
Read my original post and how I’m going about this challenge here.
Have any of you practiced this challenge this past week?
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Places No One Knows by Brenna Yovanoff
Decision: Currently Reading!
I’m really enjoying this one so far. The writing has me curious and the main character’s personality is both kind of intriguing and creepy. The story is told in two different perspectives, making this even more interesting to me (I love multiple perspectives). 
“Waverly Camdenmar spends her nights running until she can’t even think. Then the sun comes up, life goes on, and Waverly goes back to her perfectly hateful best friend, her perfectly dull classes, and the tiny, nagging suspicion that there’s more to life than student council and GPAs.
Marshall Holt is a loser. He drinks on school nights and gets stoned in the park. He is at risk of not graduating, he does not care, he is no one. He is not even close to being in Waverly’s world.
But then one night Waverly falls asleep and dreams herself into Marshall’s bedroom—and when the sun comes up, nothing in her life can ever be the same. In Waverly’s dreams, the rules have changed. But in her days, she’ll have to decide if it’s worth losing everything for a boy who barely exists.”
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The Ruinous Sweep by Tim Wynne-Jones 
Decision: Unhauled
I will admit that by halfway through the first chapter I was already disinterested. The synopsis shows a lot of promise, it just didn’t grip me. I think this might also be a strong case of a type of story not meant for me. 
“A rainy night. An empty highway. And no memory. From award-winning author Tim Wynne-Jones comes a riveting murder mystery that will keep readers enthralled until the last page.
On the night Donovan Turner is thrown out of a car on a highway in the middle of nowhere, he can barely remember his own name, let alone the past twenty-four hours. Where is he? Where is his girlfriend, Bee? In an attempt to flag down the next passing car, he startles the driver, causing a fatal accident. 
With sirens in the distance and the lingering feeling that he’s running from something — or someone — Donovan grabs the dead driver’s briefcase and flees. Meanwhile, Bee is fighting for Dono’s life every bit as much as he is. But when the police show up and hint that he is the prime suspect in a murder, Bee is determined to put together the pieces of what happened and clear his name.”
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The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brallier & Douglas Holgate 
Decision: Read & Loved!
I thought this would be a fun, but silly read and I wasn’t wrong. This was probably one of the most fun books I’ve read in the last few months. I’d strongly recommend this book for any reader looking for a quirky main character and hilarious illustrations. 
“Ever since the monster apocalypse hit town, average thirteen year old Jack Sullivan has been living in his tree house, which he's armed to the teeth with catapults and a moat, not to mention video games and an endless supply of Oreos and Mountain Dew scavenged from abandoned stores. 
But Jack alone is no match for the hoards of Zombies and Winged Wretches and Vine Thingies, and especially not for the eerily intelligent monster known only as Blarg. So Jack builds a team: his dorky best friend, Quint; the reformed middle school bully, Dirk; Jack's loyal pet monster, Rover; and Jack's crush, June. With their help, Jack is going to slay Blarg, achieve the ultimate Feat of Apocalyptic Success, and be average no longer! 
Can he do it?”
Have you read any of these three books? What were your experiences with them?
I’ll be back next week with another three picks!
Happy reading!
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