#wanted to draw him in a bunch of different styles
Revolutionary Army Punk AU
Ft: Luffy (not punk)
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Steampunk is cool but i think just straight up punk would be cooler. I just think what they stand for lines up a lot better
Design notes:
I did some research and talked to a punk friend of mine for these as i am not a punk, myself, and I dont want to look like a poser. I think i did a really good job translating them and i want to explain my thoughts!
Sabo was first, of course.
I not only wanted to make the characters punk, but i also wanted to crank their designs up about 20 notches, so i gave Sabo’s scar one hell of an upgrade. In this version I tried to make it very clear that that cannon ball hit him head-on. I think it works really well with his punk vibes because under-cuts and shaved parts of the head in general are very popular in punk culture.
I largely tried to keep the silhouettes the same with this au, and It was really easy to keep it with Sabo because of the fact that he already has a lot of design elements that translate well to punk. His big pants into tall boots were perfect to translate, crust pants and steel toed boots fits him well. Trench coats arent a staple in Punk, but i couldnt take the coats away from him… him or Belo. They deserve it…
I threw away his cravat for a choker, i replaced his vest with a red tank top and his undershirt for fishnets, Patches up the wazoo, he looks very cool.
Belo Betty was next, she was super easy to translate. She’s already in the punk spirit with her tits out, we love to see it. Her hat was really difficult to translate, along with all the other hats, but a red knitted hat that has those two points cuz it’s essentially a scarf sewed together looks nice on her.
My punk friend suggested i give her a bunch of nets and harnesses and i really agreed that was her style, so i gave her red tie to Morley, slapped some harnesses on her and just overall just turned her sexy up like 50 notches. I think i was clever how i adapted her striped stockings here with how they have runs in them.
Karasu is almost the exact same. I just threw out his dinky little cravat and gave him a bandana and harness. I also gave him piercings. That’s the only difference. In the words of my Punk friend “hes naked and wearing a spiked mask, He can hang���
Speaking of what my punk friend said, he said that Lindbergh would get “demolished” in the pit, and that he looks like he’s scared of bees. The consensus was that he couldn’t hang. But also i still had to make him punk, so then he suggested CBGB punks:
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Redneck, bluegrass, southern american punks. I was really in a rut with his design, I didn’t know what to do to keep the silhouette of his backpack. But everything changed when I chance got the idea of a guitar. And then everything flowed from there
Morley was really really fun. Punk friend suggested i make him Pop Punk, inspired by this pic
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Mainly Lindsey way with this plaid skirt and tie
He was so so fun to draw, i love his fucked up eyes.
For dragon, i didnt change much at all, even though it’s only his bust that’s shown. Imagine everything is the same, except now he has piercings. Dragon isnt concerned with the punk fashion, but the punk cause.
For Luffy, I wasnt trying to make him punk, but he felt a bit plain looking like base Luffy next to punk Sabo, so i just did the “turn design up 20 notches”, and just gave him a more visibly tattered hat, bangles and waist beads.
That’s about it! Ive been getting a lot of comments and asks lately saying that you guys like when i go on my design explanations, and i realized that i didnt do that for the last few AU’s, so i thought id type this up :)
Thank you for reading!
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djpachipikachu · 2 days
doodle dump of unreleased aus that r still actively in my Brain Often but i dont post shit about them
⚠️warning for old art and blood and injury drawn and death mentions⚠️
magic lily au:
main theme -
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summary is that leo is transported to the samurai rabbit universe instead of his family’s arms through a trifecta of his ninpo, mikey’s mystics that begged for him to be safe, and the ki stone sensing a hero in need
when leo lands in the world, he doesnt know any japanese aside from simple phrases he grew up with; “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, “help me”, “i love you”, etc
him and yuichi fall in love and he remains there for a few years ! however . theyve all known since the beginning that the ki stone would take leo back once he was healed. she was clear on the fact he was only there to be helped , not to live there . so yuichi and leo hold off the inevitable, despite leo missing his family horribly and knowinf they think hes dead , despite knowing how selfish it was to have one more day with each other , they avoided the ki stone until they go to the temple together and leo is ripped from the world without even a chance to reallt say goodbye to everyone
uhhh etc etc they were their first and last loves as they were both on the aro spec and didnt have a need to find that kinda love again they just . wanted each other and blehhh
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i have a playlist for it as well ! my oldest au , started since i got into the fandom
[temp name]
my original usagi/tmnt iteration with miyamoto usagi as the main protag ! i still want to create a comic and really officially send this out so i wont spoil a lot, but !
the basis is that usagi lives in a post apocolyptic solarpunk society and is forcibly sent back in time to a cyberpunk city where the seeds of a war have begun to sprout, dropped in the middle of the highest tensions between three turtles and their eldest brother who is on the enemy side
doomed siblings, doomed toxic yaoi, doomed Everything, its inspired by idw and 2003 so what else is there to expect
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only showing the beta design for usagi ! i have a lot of other drawings for this but again, spoilers
historical graves au:
this one is the most recent of the bunch, just putting my version of yuichi for rise into a more usagi yojimbo styled setting ! the story is entirely different from the fanfic and im still working on it But
yuichi is the great grandchild of miyamoto usagi instead of a distant ancestor , so the debt of the shogun’s assassination is that much heavier and Far more dangerous to hold. yuichi and his adoptive little sister, hana, have recently escaped the mass murder and pillaging of their rabbit village (the same one that mariko and kenichi and usagi grew up in) and are on a journey to find their aunt for sanctuary
along the way, they run into a lot of familiar faces, such as the hamato clan , who has karai as their jōnin ! also yuichi gets possessed by jei at some point
hes trans too so he “disguises” himself as a boy to be more hidden as they travel
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ive got one more original iteration but theres like . nothing i want to share from it rn lmao
SOOO THATS IT basicallt !!umm if anyone wants to know more about any of these aus id be happy to answer ! u can request doodles of them too !
if u read this far ily and im kissing you
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inkonssstantgeissst · 11 months
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glorious bastard
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herearedragons · 22 hours
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study of this guy based on his poe1 portrait
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faesystem · 6 months
As an ambulatory wheelchair user I have so many thoughts about how people draw/write disabled!Scar. This is sort of a guide/insight from a disabled person about writing/drawing disabled people.
Specifically in regards to wheelchair users.
Do not get me wrong, this fandom is genuinely probably the best group of people I have ever seen when it comes to drawing wheelchairs. I do not believe I have ever seen Scar fanart where he is in a completely unusable, horrible, hospital chair. It is so clear people have taken the time and energy to research into wheelchairs and I love it. I am in no way saying stop that.
I just think people could maybe put a little bit more consideration into him being disabled beyond visual appearance.
I saw a really amazing artwork of SL!Scar and he is in a sports chair. Which is really cool, in many ways, as it shows some thought being put into the setting. If I were in combat, I would in fact like to not be knocked from my chair or have my chair tipped over.
Yet, you have very limited mobility in a sports chair. It is, by design, made to prevent you from tipping over. Which means that you are incapable of going over bumps, really, let alone natural terrain.
Just in general, there really is not any wheelchair that exists in our world that would allow wheelchair users to exist in a setting like the life series.
So, I have some ideas:
- Horses. Hands down my biggest suggestion. Especially with Secret Life they fit in very well with the setting, everyone uses them, and it fits the bill perfectly for what he would need. Especially considering Scar is an archer, it makes a lot of sense for him to be on horseback. It suits him and his style of fighting so well.
- Some sort of redstone power chair. There are all sorts of ways you could design something like this. Perhaps with pistons that push down against the ground, allowing for jumps. Perhaps just a series of pistions functioning as like a bunch of little spider legs. There are a lot of things you can do with that, you can get very creative.
- For my Vex!Scar lovers, you could have magic be used as a mobility aid. Perhaps a magic wheelchair, or perhaps a magic exoskeleton.
And with all of the ideas, considering how they fit into the setting really changes everything. What are the strengths? What are the draw backs?
With horses, they are strong and fast and agile. But they are big, it is hard to fit into small spaces, and they can be killed.
With some sort of redstone chair, I feel as though it would make sense for it to be robust and strong. Depending on how it is constructed, something fast and agile or perhaps something a bit slower and more clunky. Is it loud? How would stealth work in something like that?
When it comes to any sort of magic you do not want it to fix the disability. It is a mobility aid like any other. Not perfect, not the same as not being disabled, just another tool with its own unique draw backs. Perhaps magic is draining or it takes concentration. Would he tire quicker than others? Would he require food quicker than others? Is it possible for him to lose focus on it in a stressful situation, leaving him stuck until he can calm himself down?
Other things to consider are really specifically the setting as well as what disability you are giving him.
I feel as though on Hermitcraft an option like a redstone chair just makes a lot of sense. Multiple redstone chairs, even, all constructed differently for different uses. Such as ones for building. How does long distance travel work with the chair and how you lore your setting? Is it something he can put in his inventory? Is it something he remains in when using an elytra? Does that have any draw backs, such as being slower or needing more rockets or being less coordinated in the air?
I feel as though in the life series a mix of vex magic and horses makes a lot of sense. The magic is good for small spaces and short trips and emergencies, but it is too tiring to travel across the map with and too much effort to maintain when he needs to concentrate on battles. That would be where the horse comes into play.
As for what disability, well, it truly depends. Most of my rambles here have been based upon paraplegia, because I often times see people making him an ambulatory wheelchair user just because they do not know what to do otherwise.
Not that making him an ambulatory wheelchair user is a bad thing by any means. I am one and I adore reading stories like that. It is just a bit clear that a lot of you are quite lost as to how to navigate hurdles disabled people face, so you make it so he can walk over those hurdles. Which, once again, I am not shaming you for! This post is just to show there are other options
But in the case of him being an ambulatory wheelchair user: why is he one?
Mobilities aids are disabling unless you need them. You cannot access spaces or you do not have hands free or any number of things. What to the Scar you are writing makes using mobility aids helpful instead of a hindrance? What times are they more trouble than help, and what cost is there for not using it?
A good example is if Scar can walk around short distances with minimal difficulty/drawback, but long distances are painful or physically not possible.
Look into different disabilities and consider it. A lot of people tend to default to chronic pain because that tends to be quite a common one across a lot of disabled people, but there are a lot more different reasons why.
It could also be that he is very slow because of his disabilities. I have muscle weakness sometimes because of my FND, and it is like moving through sludge whenever I try and move.
It could also be that the mobility aids are a preventative measure. He does not need to use his wheelchair, unless he has done too much walking and then his body refuses to support his weight. He does not need to use his wheelchair, but when he does not he is a lot more likely to dislocate something and then yeah he can't walk. He does not need to use his wheelchair, but he is a fall risk especially after a lot of walking or running. Him being in his wheelchair prevents him from falling! (And if he's a fall risk, maybe he's strapped in too!)
I just have so many thoughts and I wanted to share them.
I see so many of you putting in effort already and it warms my heart. It is why I feel comfortable enough to make this post, because clearly you all care a lot about representing disabled people well.
If you have read this far thank you so much. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.
Edit: I made a rough redstone wheelchair design. It is one of the few reblogs that has comments, if you filter for that you should be able to find it. If not, reply to the post and I can send you the link to it. :]
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lu-sn · 1 year
i am here today to talk about HORRIBLE OVERSIGHT in the pete fandom we NEED to correct our ways and see the light
but it is ok i will Explain
ok do u see this
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this is a pha khao ma (spelling up for debate). it's a waistcloth commonly worn in south and southeast asia — you may have heard of it as a lungi / longyi. it's a rectangular, light, soft piece of cloth that (mostly) men tie around their (mostly) waists to wear in hot humid climates because it's very comfy and breezy and dries fast.
some fun facts:
it's very common to wear right out of the bath / shower because the dampness stays on your skin for a while after so this helps air it out
underwear is ✨ optional ✨ (although really mostly only at home. the fear of being pantsed in public is universal, after all)
it's often worn at home, but people wear it out as well and it is especially common in rural communities. if you've got a bunch of old uncles sitting outside on a veranda in a small town, they're all maybe sitting around in pha khao mas
(let me follow this up with: while it is common in rural regions, people in rural areas all over thailand do also just wear shirts and shorts and pants 😂 it is merely an option, not a rule)
what you see is the casual version. there are much more formal versions, and fashionable versions, and they are apparently having a resurgence with the thailand youth rn
the plaid-like patterning is a specific design that has centuries of history in thailand! different regions produce styles of designs with vibrantly different colors and dyes, and they're very proud of it
there's many ways to tie it: in these pictures, pete has it tied so that it hangs down well past his knees, but you can hoist them up to mostly be around your upper legs (leaving the knees showing). this gives you a TON more mobility to, say, run around or climb trees or beat up people
here is a reference of real people wearing pha khao mas. as you can see they are chilling
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and the most important fun fact of all:
post-canon pete wears it ALL. THE. TIME.
we know pete wears these in the privacy of his home! they're his comfy post-shower post-workout jammies! every time we see him with one he has a different one! HE HAS LIKE SIX MORE OF THESE TUCKED AWAY.
he probably wore them a lot around his yaai. and now, at home, vegas sees him in them CONSTANTLY.
you may be looking at me, and then looking at these photos, and then looking again at me, and going, lu, noooooooo, this ruins the post-canon pete being unbearably cute and stylish and hot agenda!!! to which i say
it ENHANCES IT. it's about the DICHOTOMY
vegas watches as pete walks out of the bathroom wearing one of these and nothing else, and they're riding real low on his hips, and vegas chokes out a "what the hell are you wearing" and pete leans against the doorframe and wiggles his eyebrows and puts on his thickest northern accent and says "you wanna fuck me so bad city boy" and he's RIGHT OKAY VEGAS HATES THEM AND VEGAS DOES WANT TO FUCK HIM SO BAD ANYWAYS
macau gives pete sooo much shit for it but then he watches pete kick ass in one during training one day and pete looks like some rural film movie star in his tank top and pha khao ma and his fists of fury and macau goes, huh, actually, phi looks fucking cool, can i have one
when they visit yaai pete basically forgoes pants and just wears these all the time and blends in with all the old grandpas who pat pete on the back and ask him for his opinions on politics and vegas is so fucking confused and totally in love do you UNDERSTAND
anyway. all of this to say, if you were to write fics where pete wears a pha khao ma and/or draw him in one it would be HIGHLY CANONICALLY ACCURATE. and i would love you. thank u for coming to my ted talk.
(and thanks to @minorfamilysupremacy for being the first victim of said ted talk)
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soft-opening requests/asks, more info below cut
i want to test out accepting requests geared towards spamton, or at least towards ut/dr. ive drawn him with a bunch of different designs/styles, so if there's a specific one you want to see, you can specify & i should be able to mimic any of my older art (or maybe your own design/style of spamton?)
you can either just request a drawing, or phrase it like youre asking spamton something. i think writing his dialogue is fun
there's no guarantee i'll get to your ask in a timely manner, (or get to it at all), & there's a chance i'll intentionally misinterpret whatever you've sent for my own evil purposes, but i'll try my best to answer as many as i can
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shuenkio · 26 days
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Pov: Tsundere 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ Enhypen ᯓᡣ𐭩
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Genre: Fluffy
Pov: Tsundere enhypen
Paring: Enha X male!reader
Do not copy my works (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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Heeseung: In the third pov, he's the type of secret admirer, who's possessive, very jealous, and wants you to look at him only. whenever a guy or girl is near you, he's always at the crime scene, standing towering behind you, giving your friends a free dead stare, watching you closely while you are talking to your bff, And you don't even know about his presence in your shadow. He likes to walk you home even when you don't need him to and often gives you a strange signal every time. When you ask him, did he has a feeling toward you he just replies with a simple "Nope" However his actions speak in a different language as away the next day after you ask him. "No one can have you when I'm still breathing yeobo :) "
Jay: The principal's son is a walking fire in the school. He's cocky, flirty, hot temper and loves bully to those who are bad talk about him, only an appropriate is a pass. As soon as you transfer to this school, you draw his attention very quickly, because as the bully he is, he already got bored with the same victims and decided to give you some warm love instead. On the other hand, he's walking to his trap, he realizes that the moment you greet him with a short "hello" his heart almost gets shattered by your soothing voice. Your energy just brings him inside out, even though you're a guy but just by your existence alone, cast an unknown spell on him. Which makes him look awkward-cack-handed handed everytime he sees your face. "S-shut up! You failed the experiment who said I like some poor thing like you...or did i? "
Jake: The nerd guy who likes sports might be talkative to his friends but for you, it's different. Sometimes he likes to give you a hard time while sometimes he gives you a butterfly in your stomach. So confused yet so adorable. Over time, when it's a sports exam day, your p.e teacher assigns you to his team since you're bad at sports. Luckily you know how to play basketball too but not very good at it that much. It's the last match of the basketball game, sweaty, hot, and exhausted but you still keep your head on. This is the only chance to prove to Jake that you're useful too. The ball then passes to you, and you quickly run to the other team's goal, aiming for the net, with a piece of blessed luck you make it but during that time you're knocked by the other team member accidentally. You fall to the ground, slightly nosebleed, before blacking out on the spot. Jake saw you're blackout on the floor, immediately ran to you before lifting you in a bridal style, and sprinted to the nurse's office. later on, when you're awake with a band-aid on your face, you see Jake sitting beside you, watching you sleep. You're about to ask him what happened but he cuts you with "Do not try to impress me again like that, you're weak and y'know it. Just show your face every day is e-enough >:( "
Sunghoon: Laterally he enemies with you, all you do is breathe, still he got those headaches whenever you stand in his shadow. Try to act all cool and mysterious every day so you'd think he doesn't want to talk to you and avoid it at all costs. However deep down, he's watching your every move, secretly taking care of you, giving you the answers during the exam on purpose, nevertheless, you never knew he was doing it on purpose, he's more than happy that you never found out about his suspicious behavior. One day when walking back home, you got bullied by some bunch of bullies, boy didn't spare more time before jumping on them one by one, leaving them on the ground, blacked out. You were scared, bleeding and scratching your face. He then leans closer on his knee to check on you. You asked, your voice is shaking. "Wh-what are you doing here?" - "Shhh everything is okay now, let me take you home!" He ruffles your hair gently before giving you a piggyback to take you home.
Sunoo: This boy is so bad at acting all tough and mean, you know he's just doing it because you thought he wanted to look cool. However, he's still didn't treat you the same as his friend. He hates it when you're in a group project with him, talking to his friends, Don't fear him, and treat him as one of your friends when he does it opposite which somehow makes him feel slightly guilty. This action of his got the best of him when you're not in the class he'd put a snack under your desk almost every single day because he was scared to talk to you, too scared to say sorry and wanna be your friend or even more than a friend? During one fine evening, he asked you to meet him at the school's garden for some serious discussion about a project you both needed to do, it's sound not like a joke to you so you went right away. Once you arrived, you asked him what was wrong. He turns to face you with his tears streaming down his cheeks. He got on his knee and asked for your forgiveness out of a sudden. "Please M/n, I can't take it anymore, let's be friends again no-- I want MORE THAN A FRIEND THIS TIME, I LIKE YOU ALL ALONG-- why don't you know about it?"
Jungwon: A really hot temper one, can't say if both of you are friends or not because sometimes he's sweet and sometimes he's harsh as hell. Randomly staring at you in class non-stop which makes you very uncomfortable. One time during lunch break, when you were going to buy the strawberry milk, it was out of stock the moment you were about to buy it. you've been craving for those the whole day but now it's out? Ruin your lunch mood for real. He saw you wanted that strawberry milk so bad, he decided to walk to you and give you by himself and leave the canteen unspoken any words. Give you a dumbfounded moment. Your friends started to tease you after this scene happened from this day. As the day went on, he started to act more nice and lovely to you, as if he never shouted at you back then. You were stressing out that it could burn your brain until you chose to ask him the moment you saw him somewhere. "Why did I act all nice to you? Are you dumb or an idiot? Do you think I put zero effort before I make you mine?"
Ni-ki: Can't describe this boy how much he hated you the moment you walked into the classroom and introduced yourself. What's worse is the teacher assigned you to sit next to him, he just wants to murder someone on the spot but he can't do anything about it. Time is walking, he hated you but now, after spending some time observing you, he realizes you're just a shy person, everything you do is so soft and gentle, making him wanna swallow you and hide you inside his pocket. It's a pepero day, the day everyone exchanges the chocolate-coated cookie sticks with their friends or loved ones. The whole school is full of students who exchange chocolate together, even the teachers do this. Ni-ki get this opportunity to tell you his true feelings today after he developed a crush on you for a long time, so he decided to give you one while you talking to your friend. "Aww the bad boy give me a pepero, what's makes you want to do this?" You asked while giggling in a good way ofc. He stays silent for a second before finally speaking his mind. "Be my boyfriend dumbass, I can't stand seeing everyone having a crush on you from now on"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
Please do not copy my works (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)
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zy4nyaa · 6 months
Random Chuuya headcanons
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I honestly feel like he wouldn’t date anybody since he is in the mafia and he wouldn’t want anybody to be in danger because of that, he would probably date someone if they’re in the mafia with him
But if he were to date somebody then he would most definitely keep his eyes on his significant other, like he would stay loyal to that person and make them his top priority
Even though he is rich, I don’t think he would be buying unnecessary things, like I just feel like he wouldn’t go around buying hundreds of things just bc he’s rich
He has a YouTube channel of him doing skincare and hauls and a bunch of other stuff
He DEFINITELY knows how to cook and draw/paint😍😍
He hates when other people struggle, he feels like he struggled a lot and went through so much pain and he doesn’t want anybody else to experience that either. As soon as someone opens up to him he’s right by their side
Even after that if the person is doing fine he would still keep an eye out and look out for that person to make sure that they’re actually okay
He’s insecure about himself so he absolutely loves when other people compliment him even if it’s a small one
Even though he is insecure about himself people still come up with him, he doesn’t know how attractive he really is. He doesn’t realize when people are trying to flirt with him he just thinks they’re complimenting them or referring to something else
I feel like since he works at the mafia that he wakes up early for work, he either wakes up at 5:00 or 5:30. He is probably won’t get a chance to sleep sometimes since he works late
If you’re his lover, be prepared because you won’t really see him that much since he has a strict schedule and will mostly come home at midnight, even then he would still find time to spend with you
He has social media like TikTok and instagram but he doesn’t post that much, the least that he would post is a picture of wine on his story
I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like he has Heterochromia since his eyes are blue in the anime but brown in the manga.
He knows multiple languages like Japanese, English, French, Italian, and Spanish. He is fluent in Japanese (obviously) and Spanish, probably French too because of Verlaine.
He also likes to curse in French
Sometimes he paints his nails red or black if he’s bored
He definitely has light freckles on his face that are too light to see, he also has 2-3 scars from fighting.
He probably has piercings like his lip or eyebrow, maybe even his nose
His style is soo good, I picture him most likely wearing black, red, gray, white, or just any colors that go good with each other.
Along with the hat and wine collection, he also loves to collect shoes and gloves although he will continue to wear the same pair of shoes and gloves even if he has hundreds of them in different colors
Whenever he tries to put his hair in a ponytail he can NEVER get it right, it’s either too far up, too far back, not straight, or there’s a huge lump
His hands are so freaking nice, and they are literally bigger than dazais (this isn’t a headcanon this is true look it up)
Absolutely LOVESS music, In my opinion I think he listens to a lot of bands and hard rock. He is over 10 hours on Spotify and has playlists for different purposes
If he has a crush and they mention their favorite music artist or song he will go home and listen to that all day
Whenever a person betrays him I feel like he wouldn’t hate that person completely, he would still care about them but not as much as he used to
He likes hot showers especially if he is stressed out, he loves the feeling of it on his scalp
He has a few bottles of cologne but he wears one specific one most of the time, it’s like his signature smell
Since he is insecure about his appearance he wears like makeup like concealer on his scars and marks
He likes to invite some of the other pm members to the bar every Friday if he has free time
There was one time where he got so sad to the point where he didn’t want to do anything, he didn’t feel like getting out of bed, eating, or cleaning his room
He did really well in school, he didn’t have a big friend group he really only had 2-3 close friends and the rest were people he just talks too
Everyday before going to work he looks in the mirror and winks at himself and does random cringey poses
If he catches you staying up too late on your phone he will snatch it away from you and cuddle you to sleep
He likes to buy his friends things, like if they’re at a coffee shop then he will buy them something or pay for their coffee
He would genuinely love his significant other a lot, he’d call them when he has time to at work and text them just to check up on them
He sometimes takes a trip to the store after work to buy unnecessary snacks that he won’t eat
He REALLY cares about his hygiene, he always smells good even without cologne. You will never catch this man stinking
He has a few posters of dogs on his wall, when he was OBSESSED with dogs he bought a lapel pin with a brown chihuahua on it and he would wear it to work every single day
His sleep schedule is kind of messed up since of his work but it’s not as bad as Dazai’s
His body is soo AJAKSSHSJHS like his waist is snatched and his legs are muscular like omg😍
He either types with a bunch of emojis or is just dry, it depends on the person because he could be like “Ok!😜💕❤️😘😁☺️😍🥳🐒🦅🎣😍📝” or he could be like “k”. It depends on his mood and who he’s texting
On mondays he would telll himself that he only has to make to Friday (he’s been telling himself that for years, he honestly never makes it to Friday)
That’s all for now but I will most likely be adding more headcanons to this list :D
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kenshimybeloved · 7 months
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Part 3 of rambling !
The next time we see Johnny record something it’s Raiden using the amulet given to him by Liu Kang, and he’s finally excited to film. As things start to get significantly more interesting (considering they’re about to enter another realm through a fiery portal), we’ll see him pull his phone out more. But even with all of this going on around him, you’ll notice his facial expressions still aren’t exactly ecstatic. Impressed? Absolutely. Mesmerized? Not quite yet. However, we see him look over towards Kenshi while still recording the fiery portal, implying he didn’t have the conscious thought ‘I should get Kenshis reaction to this’- rather, he knows he should be paying attention to what’s happening in front of him, but he can’t help but look at the sexy swordsman. It’s then that he smiles and makes the decision to record him, maybe wanting to have a permanent reminder of what he looked like in this moment (who could blame him?). I also wanna point out real quick that Johnnys smile isn’t smug- it’s genuine. He’s not shoving the phone in Kenshis face to be purposely obnoxious, he just really likes him- even if he knows the feeling isn’t mutual (allegedly). It’s confirmed at the end of the game that Johnnys already decided Kenshi would be a main character of one or more of his films (he offers Kenshi to play himself at the end of the campaign, and in Johnnys tower ending as he’s saying he’s going to tell a bunch of mini stories we see Kenshi as one of the protags on his slideshow), so we can safely assume he’s recording Kenshi for the sake of his films, right? WRONG! That’s too easy. We also know he’s written Kung Lao and Raiden into his films, and he doesn’t make a point to shove his phone in their faces in this scene. There’s something special about Kenshi. Something intriguing. He’s so much more stoic and mysterious than the other two earth realmers he’s with, and quite the opposite of himself. When Kenshi notices Johnnys phone, he immediately pushes his hand away, clearly upset. Outside of their initial fight, this is the first time we see the two physically interact.
Edit: I forgot to add that while Kenshis reaction is definitely partly due to the fact that he finds Johnny to be annoying and disrespectful, I also think he’s uncomfortable with the idea of being seen. Throughout the story you’ll see Kenshi being his usual quiet self and nobody else really bats an eye- and I think he prefers it this way, it’s what he’s used to. When nobody’s looking at you there aren’t any expectations. But here comes Johnny, eager to make him more open. If I were Kenshi, this would definitely add to my apprehensions about Johnny. Why does he care so much? Why can’t he just let Kenshi be Kenshi? Not only do I think he’s uncomfortable being seen, I think it’s upsetting to him when Johnny pokes at him in front of others. It’s one thing to slowly open up to someone one-on-one, but in front of a bunch of strangers who’s opinions you highly value? What would they think if he started openly associating with Johnny? Would they lose respect for him? But again, I don’t even think Johnny was doing this intentionally this time. But Kenshi doesn’t know that, and I don’t think he even cares. It’s almost like Kenshi is also equally interested in Johnny, but because their personalities are so different they express it in different ways. Johnnys used to being in the spotlight and having zero privacy, trying to hide his feelings is just a waste of time. Kenshi is used to be reserved and unseen, the thought of openly liking someone is scary, especially someone like Johnny who draws a lot of attention. I also can’t really imagine it’s easy to form connections with people when you’ve been in a gang for such a long time. Anyways y’all know that song Golden by Harry Styles?
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mumms-the-word · 2 months
The Shadow Curse Events
If you haven’t already, please enjoy my unnecessarily long totally not me avoiding writing an actual dissertation irl thorough deep dives into Ketheric Thorm and the Shadow Curse!
They are…well, very long, but I wanted to incorporate in-game texts and conversations to give an overall “lore-finding” feel to each post as I was working my way through theories and ideas about how these events unfolded in more or less chronological order.
Each post is written with an attempt to combine elements of in-game books, letters, and conversations with my reasonable(?) conjectures about how things might have happened and an occasional foray into stylistic nonfiction-style writing (which, you know, is interesting when you’re writing about things that didn't actually happen in real life). Basically this started as something I thought was cool and ended with me having, perhaps, a bit too much fun in the nerdiest possible way.
Maybe you’re into that and maybe not. But if you are, then welcome! Please enjoy these deep dives, all of which are linked below c:
Shadow Curse Events Part 1
Ketheric, Selûne, Shar, and Aylin
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This first part covers Ketheric's descent from Selûnite devotee to Sharran general following the death of his daughter Isobel. Not only does it touch on him building and training a Sharran army, it also goes over the Selûnite resistance building against him, including one desperate mason named Morfred who makes a deal with a certain devil.
Shadow Curse Events Part 2
Harpers, druids, and the battle against Ketheric
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The second post is all about the Harper/Druid war waged against Ketheric and the days involved in the battle itself. I present this idea that the Harpers and druids sieged Reithwin for several days without attacking and then launched a three-day battle against Ketheric. But a lot of this is conjecture since I'm trying to piece together a bunch of differing accounts about the actual days devoted to fighting and surviving the brief war between the two armies.
Shadow Curse Events Part 3
The first 40 days
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The final post is a kind of walkthrough of the first 40 days of the shadow curse from the moment Ketheric dies to about 40 days later. I chose 40 only because it's vaguely symbolic in various cultures, but also because one diary I used to construct the timeline here ends on day 35, and that felt like a weird number to end on too, so...I added a few days. Anyway, this might be the most experimental of the posts, but it was fun(?) to try and place myself in these past events to imagine how the landscape changed into what we see 100+ years later walking into this area with our Tavs and companions.
In the end, these posts were just for fun and are not meant to try and convince anybody that my theories are absolutely 100% the way things happened. What I find interesting about this little deep dive journey is that it mimics trying to piece together actual history too. Everyone will have a different account or perspective on historical events, so trying to stitch together a narrative 100+ years later becomes an exercise in drawing sensible conclusions and admitting you can't fill all the gaps.
I could very well be wrong in my theories, and someone else could come up with a way better logical conclusion than I did. That's awesome! Maybe these posts will help others come up with cool theories too.
But anyway. Enjoy my long-winded ramblings about fictional events in a video game that I have put way too many hours into :)
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splitster · 9 months
answering more asks!!
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featuring pom wraith, pingo, ocs?!, and older art check it out (three's some art 💖)↓↓
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THANK you!! ohhh i do have old pikmin ocs... i actually revamped my old captain a while back, i can share him:
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i had a whole crew of pikmin ocs who were a part of the S.S. Harmony, they were gonna be SUCH a nuisance to everyone they ran into...
i thought about making a rescue corps oc for fun. hrmm! maybe...
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AHHH thank you!! i've seen a shocking number tags and asks from people saying that I'm apparently the reason they like Dingo now? and i have to say that is so mind boggling to me, because when i first played Pikmin 4 I didn't care about him at all!! he was a nothing sandwich to me... but then i drew him a few times... and started thinking... and then things went downhill and now i REALLY like him...
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(referring to this post) i think dingo is better when he's withered
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(referring to this comic) I HEAR YOU... I HEAR YOU... but if any tear at all would cause oxygen poisoning, i wouldn't be able to draw them all battered and cool :(
i imagine that there's a seal around the neck in case there's a breach in the suit's lining. so as long as their backpack (life-support) works and is connected to their helmets, then they can breathe✨
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(referring to this post) Olimar would be horrified because he knows Louie, and if he sees that note there's only one thing it could mean! his coworker tried to eat pom!! if pom hasn't been outed as wraith and Olimar is questioning her, she'd just say Louie bit her and then refuse to answer any follow up questions 💖
Shepherd would be... concerned. she might think they have a weird fling going on and louie's talking about a kiss? she probably wouldn't realize Louie quite literally means he ate something from pom. oops!
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that's a really good question... I'll be honest, with a lot of the "when and how did x happen" questions, there's not an official timeline or anything; the pom wraith au is sort of an umbrella with a bunch of different stories and what-ifs underneath it. although there was one story where louie does find out her secret!
louie and pom end up bridging their differences (with the help of olimar), and become good friends while pom is continuing the rescue effort. then there's a very unfortunate incident where pom and louie are away from the base and they're attacked... pom has to reveal herself to defend them and she accidentally hurts louie :(
its fine though, louie doesn't care what pom is. they're both freaks in his mind and that's all that really matters. he does end up having to defend pom from olimar (who's been made vindictive through his trauma with the plasm wraith) sometime later!! here's some older art:
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me too! they do NOT get along... louie's kinda pissed at her for chasing him around on PNF404 and beating him in dandori battles when he just wants to stay there and vibe. pom meanwhile doesn't understand him, he pisses her off too! she likes olimar a lot, and as an outsider it looks like louie doesn't appreciate the friendship olimar offers him. to someone who's trying to understand and participate in this whole friendship business, she thinks he's ungrateful and weird. they do not get along!! at the beginning at least...
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AHHHH!!! THANK YOU!!! WAHH...🥺💖💖 i'm very glad you enjoy my silly little art style!! i want to make things very squishy so i appreciate that 💖
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i don't think that man is going to live!
wait actually if you eat enough maybe you just turn into a wraith. that'd be scary! hopefully olimar's there to stop him
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that's a fun thought! he would probably be able to sense that something is off about her. but he'd also probably just think "she's weird like me." honestly, the whole wraith thing doesn't really matter much to him -- the only thing it changes is that pom can now offer her tendrils as a skewer for his cooking at any time and location!
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i think i'm gonna call her rose wraith!! and ohh, i didn't know that... i was just gonna call her rose wraith since she has a rose head. i'm creative i promise
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(referring to this post i think) AHHH hehe... honestly, when Pom first learns about Dingo's fear of blood, she only tries to keep him from it because it's really annoying dealing with your coworker when they faint. he's like a sack of potatoes when he's knocked out. but yes, as they become actual friends pom will (subtly) do her best to keep blood away from dingo. it's fortunate she doesn't have any!
she might not get phobias, but she understands what its like to have a crippling fear, so she's empathetic!
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THANK you. he has sunglasses. he's pretty cool
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AHH THANK YOU... i like them a lot... 👉👈
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let the marching pikmin give you the energy you need to practice🫡
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missmoonfrost · 4 months
A nudge from James - a wolfstar microfic
February 9 - heart - 487 words
Remus came in the door to their dorm. “James, I need that Potions book you borrowed.”
“It’s over there, by your stuff.”
Sirius and Remus both looked puzzledly at him. That pile of things was Sirius'. James knew that.
Sirius saw it just as Remus went to grab his book. On top of the pile was a bunch of parchments he was sure he had buried at the bottom of his trunk.
“No, wait!”
It was too late. Remus was already staring at the pages.
“You fucker!” Sirius threw a book after James who was already halfway out the door.
Sirius didn’t like to call himself talented. But the sketches were good enough that anyone could see who they portrayed. Remus. Remus in all kinds of cute poses. There was even one with the two of them kissing, the supposed to be him could pass for someone else, but that hardly made any difference as almost every page was scattered with silly hearts.
Still staring, Remus put one hand to his mouth, loosening his grip on his returned Potions book resulting in some handwritten parchments falling out and landing on the floor. Sirius caught a glimpse of his own name before Remus began hurriedly gathering the pages.
“Don’t read that!”
Of course not. He must be too creeped out to want anything to do with Sirius now.
“I’m sorry, Remus. I didn’t mean for you to see that. I know it’s weird. I…”
“Sirius, stop.”
“Because you’re too creeped out to listen to me?”
He gave a short burst of laughter. “I could listen to you all day. But I’d rather kiss you if that’s an option.”
“I… What?”
“You know what, do read this. I don't know how James found it, but after I've seen your drawings it's only fair.”
He held out one of the earlier dropped pages.
There is one star in the sky that outshines the moon, and its name is Sirius.
Sirius felt his jaw dropp. It all continued in the same style. Poetry. About him.
When he looked up Remus' cheeks were bright pink and his eyes intently studying Sirius' response. Sirius did not wait for another invitation. With a gasp, he threw himself around the neck of Remus and kissed him right on the mouth. Strong arms grabbed him and drew him closer. Remus kissed him back with an eagerness and a passion that made the world stop spinning.
Half an hour later when James cautiously opened the door, Sirius hit him in the head with a pillow. “You did that on purpose!”
Seeing Sirius and Remus with their arms around each other, his face relaxed.
“You think?” James rolled his eyes. “I was tired of seeing you two dance around each other.”
Sirius looked at Remus who huffed at James with pretended irritation and then smiled lovingly right back at him. Yeah, maybe they had needed a little nudge.
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skittlewaffle · 10 months
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DCA style experiment !! (ft. Lunar)
I tried to draw the DCA in a bunch of different styles, and I may KEEP doing that just for fun. Does anyone agree with me that the DCA can only have SO MANY cute features, but we just can’t fit all of them in? I want my boys to have freckles and more eyelashes SOOO BADDD 😭😭😭
Not gonna lie guys, I love cartoony styles ,, I am but a silly cartoonist that likes to keep my characters simple … but there’s just something I absolutely LOVE about the DCA artists that draw him closer to biblically accurate . So much so that I am being tempted towards their side … GRRRR
tHis will be a debate in my head for a while :] change my style for him, or only draw him partially biblically accurate whenever I feel like it / think it’s right for the piece? we shall find out
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
I know it's just a number but you're the eighth wonder
Buggy loves that you have a pair of glasses for every day of the week. Rating: R because hints at sexy times. Warning: None. Don't take glasses off someone's face or you'll definitely see hands coming atcha. (Buggy doesn't do such a thing but it's hinted). A/N: Request from an Anon! I wear glasses myself so this gave me a reason to go on Warby Parker's site to get some inspiration for frames. Also having your glasses fog up when you talk to someone is the most embarrassing and obnoxious thing I've ever had happen to me with glasses.
Title comes from "Wilson (Expensive Mistake)" by Fall Out Boy.
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One of Buggy’s favorite things about you was the fact that you wore glasses. He knew it was something that some people were embarrassed by, not wanting something on their face that would draw attention to them (a topic he knew a lot about), but you didn’t care. One thing he loved was the fact that you didn’t have one pair of glasses, you actually had seven pairs, all different colors and styles depending on your mood and how you were feeling that day. 
Your thick black rimmed ones were the ones you did wear the most when you were working. He invited you onto the crew to do carpentry, and while he knew you wore those black rimmed glasses the most, he often saw you working in a pair of safety glasses that protected your eyes from splinters and other dangerous things. Your regular pair would be kept in a case for safety and in your tool box, away from curious pirate captains who just wanted to try them on and see how they felt on his face with his nose. 
When you had down time you loved cooking and baking, recipe books stacked everywhere while you stumbled about the kitchen. You had a pair of thin frames in rose gold that when you cooked they would sit on the edge of your nose so you could see over the top of them while you read the recipes. Buggy saw that once and was confused. Didn’t you need them to see? Why did it look like you weren’t using them?
“I’m nearsighted, Captain.” You told him after he called you out on it. “I can’t see things far away but up close I’m fine.”
“So why do you wear them all the time then?” He asked as he looked over your shoulder to see what you were making. It looked like chocolate frosting. Without warning, he reached down and dipped his finger into the bowl, scooping up some to pop into his mouth. “Betcha didn’t see that comin’ and it was right in front of you.”
You grinned at him and pointed to a small bowl on the counter. “Maybe you need glasses. I set that bowl aside for sneaky pirates looking to taste test.”
Well, he didn’t like being called sneaky or you insinuating he couldn’t see, so he poked your cheek gently with his chocolatey finger before grabbing the small bowl and retreating to the table, leaving you to bake in peace for a little bit.
And it was always a nice little surprise when he got to see what pair you chose for the day. Sometimes he tried guessing before he saw you in the morning, wondering if you’d wear green frames or maybe those blue frames that matched his hair color. You had another pair of wired rim glasses in black, but those were probably his least favorite of the bunch because he didn’t think they were flashy enough for you, and when you took them off your face when you did some tasks, he wondered if he could hide them away so you would go get a different pair to put on.
He actually attempted it once when you set your glasses on your tool box, but you caught him so he pretended he was cleaning the lenses for you. While you appreciated the gesture, his dirty shirt just left smudge marks all over the lenses. He didn’t try again after that.
The cat-eyed frames were a shape he was definitely intrigued by, but when he compared them to Richie’s eyes, he wasn’t sure which was correct (they looked nothing like the lion’s large eyes). He liked them on you when you would dress up, like when he took you out drinking one night and your cheeks were pink from the alcohol, and he definitely noticed how your lenses fogged up when you were talking to him, asking questions and getting to know your captain. They were a pair that when he knocked them off your face when he kissed you, he wasn’t sorry if they got a little crooked.
However, one of his favorite things was when the two of you would be in bed and relaxing. Buggy would be laying across the bed, using your lap as a pillow while you read a book and played with his hair,  your glasses sitting on top of your head and pushing your hair back out of your face. It was something simple, not very flashy, and he liked to see it because he thought maybe you felt safe enough to do it around him. 
The rest of the crew rarely saw you without glasses on your face, but he was blessed with it, that you trusted him to keep your frames safe, like when you’d fall asleep wearing them after a long day, he’d remove them from your face and set them aside with the lenses up, knowing they could be scratched if he wasn’t careful. Or how you’d hand them to him to set aside before you’d start making out with him on his throne or in bed or anywhere where he could use his Chop Chop ability to get them out of harm’s way when you’d start kissing him.
And once you showed him how to properly clean the lenses, he would do it in the morning for you after you picked out the ones you would wear for the day. It was a sweet gesture, one you weren’t expecting, but you appreciated it. 
It also took a few months before he felt brave to ask that one simple question of, “Can I try a pair on? I want to see what they look like on my face.”
He thought maybe you were insulted by the way you looked at him, but then you bounced off the bed to where you kept them, bringing six pairs back for him to choose from. Honestly, you were waiting for him to ask, and you appreciated that he didn’t just take them off your face to see, though there were times it was obvious he wanted to with the way he’d reach up to touch your face, only to pull his hand back at the last second. 
“Pick one!” You said as you set them down in front of him. “Or do you want to try the ones I’m wearing now?”
“Eager to see me wear’em, aren’t you?” He grinned as he picked up the blue pair. You took them out of his hands, carefully unfolding the arms of the frames before placing them on his face. You were mindful of his nose, making sure the bridge didn’t bump it, pleased that they seemed to sit just fine. “Holy shit, this is how you see the world? It’s…weird.”
“Well, they will be weird for you because they are made for my eyes, not yours.” You chuckled as you leaned over to adjust them on his face just a bit. “Don’t look through them for too long or you may get a headache, Buggy.”
He squinted at you through the lenses for a moment, trying to get you into focus, but it was no use. You appeared distorted to him as he looked through them, but he didn’t mind because when he pushed the frames down a bit to look over the top of them as he had seen you do many times, he was surprised by how you were looking at him. 
It was the same way you looked at him every time you started to take your clothes off, and well, this time was no different, except you were removing the glasses from his face to keep them safe, setting them aside with the rest before you kissed him. 
“Maybe we see about getting you a pair, Buggy.” You murmured against his lips as you started to unbutton his shirt. He fumbled with your shirt, cursing that you wore a pullover top today instead of something with buttons. He didn’t want to stop kissing you. “A pair with fake lenses.”
“They make those?” Was his muffled response as you finally slipped your shirt off, tossing it aside. “Won’t it be weird?”
“It’s our little secret.” You promised him as you started to take your glasses off, but he stopped you, pushing your hands away from your face.
“No, no, leave them on.” He told you with a smirk. “Need to be sure you’ll see everything I’m gonna do to ya, y’know.”
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arthurianlegend144 · 4 months
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I have never draw so many faces digitally before, I usually just draw a bunch of faces in traditional media. And I realize my art style isn't that different from Hima's, but I really wanted to draw more Francis :)
My favourite is the last one, because I think I gave him this dreamy vibe.
Here is the template that I used.
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