#chuuya scenarios
chuuyrr · 1 month
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ᡣ𐭩 CW(s): f! reader, possessive behavior, implied stalking, manipulation, suggestive theme (middle part), not proofread
ᡣ𐭩 SYNOPSIS: in which you have no idea just how far a lovesick man like him would go for someone like you
ᡣ𐭩 NOW PLAYING: diet mountain dew by lana del rey
A.N.: this is my first time writing with um, a yandere concept, especially for chuuya. so i hope it's ok ( ՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞ )
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from across the bustling cafe, chuuya's gaze fixates on you, his heart quickening with every laugh that escapes your lips. the way you carry yourself, with an effortless grace that seems to defy gravity, it's mesmerizing.
he can't help but feel drawn to you, as if you possess some magnetic pull that tugs at his very soul.
as he watches you, a pang of guilt gnaws at chuuya's conscience. what started as innocent admiration now feels tainted, as if he's crossed some unseen boundary.
the realization dawns on him like a sudden storm, crashing down with the force of a revelation: he's been... stalking you.
he tries to shake off the feeling, to convince himself that he's simply infatuated with your beauty, but deep down, he knows the truth. his feelings for you have crossed the line into obsession, a love that knows no bounds.
as he sits there, pretending to be just another face in the crowded cafe, chuuya can't help but wonder what he's capable of in the name of love. the line between admiration and obsession blurs, and he finds himself teetering on the edge.
chuuya lets out a sigh, a mixture of longing and guilt swirling in his chest. he knows he shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be indulging in his obsession, but he can't help himself. with a shaky hand, he pulls out his phone, fingers trembling as he unlocks the screen.
a soft chuckle escapes his lips as he scrolls through the gallery, each image a testament to his infatuation. there you are, captured in various moments of joy and serenity, each picture a precious memento of his secret admiration. he traces his thumb over the screen, memorizing every curve of your smile, every glimmer in your eyes.
but even as he admires the images, a pang of guilt washes over him like a tidal wave. what right does he have to invade your privacy like this, to capture moments that were never meant for his eyes?
he knows he's crossing a line, but in this twisted game of love, there's no turning back.
he knows that he can't escape the truth: he's fallen too far, too deep, into the abyss of his own obsession.
after you finish your iced coffee, chuuya's gaze lingers on you for a moment longer, committing every detail of your departure to memory. he watches as you rise from your seat, the movements of your body graceful and fluid, like a dancer on stage.
with practiced precision, chuuya slips out of his seat, blending seamlessly into the crowd as he follows you from a safe distance. his steps are silent, his presence nothing more than a whisper in the bustling cafe.
as you make your way down the street, chuuya matches your pace, his heart pounding in his chest with each beat. he knows where you're headed, knows the path you'll take like the back of his hand. after all, he's studied you for so long, memorized every detail of your routine.
but as he follows you, a sense of unease washes over him, a nagging voice in the back of his mind warning him of the dangers that lie ahead. he knows he should turn back, should leave you be and forget about his foolish obsession.
his knowledge of your exact routines and favorites guides his every move. he knows which streets you prefer to walk down, which cafes you frequent, and even your favorite spots to linger in the afternoon sun.
with each step, chuuya's mind replays the countless hours he's spent observing you, studying your habits like a scientist with their most precious specimen. he knows the way you take your coffee, the exact temperature you prefer, and the subtle nuances of your smile when you're lost in thought.
it's both exhilarating and terrifying, this intimate knowledge he holds of you. exhilarating because it makes him feel closer to you than anyone else, as if he's unlocked the secrets to your heart, and terrifying because it's a reminder of just how deeply his obsession runs, how far he's willing to go to make you his own.
memories of the lives he's taken, not just for the port mafia, but for you, flood his thoughts. he recalls the faces of those who dared to look at you the wrong way, the ones who tried to get too close, and the ones who posed even the slightest threat to your safety.
each life taken weighs heavily on his conscience, a burden he carries with him every moment of every day. but for chuuya, it's all been worth it, if only to ensure your safety, to keep you by his side, where he believes you belong.
but despite the turmoil raging within him, chuuya remains steadfast in his pursuit. he tells himself that it's all for love, that his actions are justified in the name of his undying devotion to you.
with your routines and preferences meticulously mapped out in his mind, chuuya takes a calculated step forward in his plan. his fingers trace over the smooth surface of your wallet, a small but crucial piece in his elaborate scheme. he holds it delicately, as if it were a precious treasure, knowing that it holds the key to unlocking a world of possibilities.
in his mind, he's already orchestrated every detail, every move carefully choreographed to bring his vision to life. he knows just how to use your wallet to his advantage, to create the perfect opportunity to insert himself into your life in ways you could never have imagined.
as he stands there, clutching your wallet in his hand, chuuya can't help but feel a sense of exhilaration coursing through his veins. this is his moment, his chance to finally make his mark on your world, to become an indispensable part of your life.
with a sly smile playing on his lips, chuuya sets the stage, laying the groundwork for his grand plan to unfold. and as he looks ahead to the future—you.
and so, with a sense of anticipation building within him, chuuya carefully approaches you, your wallet held securely in his hand. he waits for the perfect moment, when you're distracted by the hustle and bustle of the street, before making his move.
with a practiced ease, chuuya feigns surprise, his voice carrying a sense of urgency as he calls out to you. "excuse me, miss! you dropped your wallet!" he exclaims, his tone laced with concern as he holds out the wallet for you to see.
you turn to face him, a look of confusion flashing across your features before recognition dawns in your eyes, "oh, thank you so much!" you reply, relief evident in your voice as you reach out to take the wallet from his outstretched hand.
but before you can grasp it, huuya's eyes flicker down to the ID nestled inside, a triumphant smile playing on his lips as he takes note of your name. "i just happened to see your ID inside," he says smoothly, his tone casual as he returns the wallet to you.
as you take the wallet from him, chuuya can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over him. his plan is in motion, and soon, you'll be drawn into his world in ways you never thought possible.
a genuine smile brightens your face as you accept the wallet from chuuya's hand, gratitude evident in your every word, "thank you so much! i can't believe i almost lost it," you exclaim, your voice filled with relief as you carefully tuck the wallet back into your bag.
you continue to thank chuuya repeatedly, your words tumbling out in a rush as you express just how much the wallet means to you, "i have all my important cards and money in here, so it really means a lot," you explain, your tone sincere as you glance down at the wallet nestled safely in your possession.
chuuya listens to your ramblings with a sense of satisfaction, his heart swelling with pride at the thought of being able to help you in your time of need. he nods along, offering a reassuring smile as he basks in the warmth of your gratitude.
but beneath the facade of kindness lies a darker truth, a truth that chuuya dare not speak aloud. for in the depths of his obsession, there lies a hunger, a craving to possess you entirely. and as he watches you walk away, a sense of determination fills him, driving him ever closer to his ultimate goal.
with a silent vow, chuuya sets his sights on the future, his mind already spinning with plans to ensure that you'll never slip through his fingers again. and as he disappears into the crowd, a twisted smile plays on his lips, a silent promise of things to come.
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in the days that follow, chuuya orchestrates his encounters with you with meticulous precision, each bump, each touch carefully calculated to bring him closer to you. he knows your favorite spots, your daily routines, and he uses this knowledge to his advantage.
with a seemingly innocent smile, chuuya "accidentally" brushes past you on the bustling streets, his heart racing with anticipation as he feels the warmth of your presence. he apologizes profusely, his tone genuine but his intentions hidden beneath layers of charm.
to any onlookers, it appears as though these encounters are nothing more than chance, mere coincidences in the chaos of everyday life. but to chuuya, each moment shared with you is a precious opportunity, a chance to inch closer to the object of his obsession.
as he continues to bump into you, chuuya finds himself drawn deeper into your world, his desire to be a part of your life growing with each passing day. he savors the fleeting moments of connection, each touch, each glance igniting a fire within him that refuses to be extinguished.
but behind the facade of innocence lies a darker truth, a truth that chuuya dare not confront. for in his quest to make you his own, he's willing to blur the lines between coincidence and manipulation, all in the name of love.
and as he walks away from each encounter, a sense of determination fills him, driving him ever closer to his ultimate goal. for chuuya knows that one day, he will no longer be a stranger in your life, but a permanent fixture, a part of your world in ways you could never have imagined.
as chuuya continues to orchestrate his encounters with you, he finds himself drawn deeper into the web of his own making. each "accidental" bump, each fleeting touch only serves to fuel his desire to be a part of your life.
one day, as he brushes past you on the crowded street, he can't help but let out a soft chuckle. "oops, my apologies," he says with a charming smile, his heart pounding with excitement at the closeness of your presence.
you offer a polite smile in return, but chuuya can see the curiosity in your eyes. "seems like we keep running into each other," you remark, a hint of amusement in your voice.
chuuya nods, playing along with the charade. "yes, it's quite the coincidence, isn't it?" he replies, his tone casual but his mind racing with thoughts of you.
you nod in agreement as well, a small smile playing on your lips as you acknowledge the repeated encounters. "yes, it does seem like fate keeps bringing us together," you say, your voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.
chuuya's heart skips a beat at your words, his excitement bubbling beneath the surface as he struggles to contain his emotions. "perhaps it does," he replies, his voice smooth and reassuring, masking the turmoil brewing within him.
as days turn into weeks, chuuya finds himself unable to shake the desire to be closer to you.with each passing encounter, his longing only grows stronger, his need to unravel the mysteries of your life consuming him.
and so, when you cross paths once again, chuuya seizes the opportunity to take the next step, "say, how about we grab a coffee together?" he suggests, his voice casual but his eyes betraying a hint of eagerness.
you pause, considering his offer for a moment before nodding with a smile, "sure, i'd like that," you reply, your curiosity piqued by the prospect of getting to know him better.
chuuya's heart skips a beat at your acceptance, a surge of excitement coursing through him at the thought of spending more time with you. "great, i know a charming little cafe nearby," he says, his tone warm and inviting as he gestures for you to follow.
as you walk together, chuuya can't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at the prospect of getting to know you better. with each step, he finds himself growing more captivated by your presence, more determined to make you his own.
you enter the cozy cafe together, and chuuya can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him.
as you sit across from chuuya in the quaint cafe, sipping your coffee, a sense of unease begins to gnaw at the edges of your mind. it's subtle at first, a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right, but as the conversation progresses, it grows stronger.
you can't help but notice how chuuya seems to know things about you before you even have a chance to tell him. he mentions your favorite coffee order, the book you're currently reading, even the name of your childhood pet.
it's all too familiar, too intimate for someone you've just met.
as the realization dawns on you, a chill runs down your spine. how could chuuya possibly know these things about you unless... unless he's been watching you, studying you in secret?
your heart pounds in your chest as you struggle to maintain your composure, your mind racing with questions and doubts. could it be possible that chuuya has been following you, observing you from afar, all this time?
the thought sends a shiver down your spine, and suddenly, the warm atmosphere of the cafe feels suffocating. tou find yourself growing wary of chuuya, his charming smile now tinged with a hint of menace in your eyes.
“oh, leaving so soon?” chuuya asks in a joking manner, yet you couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine as you crack a smile.
“mhm, i need to go now. let's see each other sometime again.. maybe..” you trail the last part in a soft murmur as you get up and take your bag with you.
as you excuse yourself from the table, promising to meet again soon, you can't help but feel a sense of relief at the prospect of escaping his presence.
however, as days pass, and days turn into weeks, the feeling of being watched weighs heavy on your mind. you notice chuuya lingering nearby whenever you leave your apartment, his presence a constant reminder of the unease that gnaws at you.
at first, you try to brush off your paranoia as mere coincidence. perhaps chuuya lives nearby, you tell yourself, or maybe he just happens to frequent the same places as you. but deep down, you know that something isn't right.
one evening, as you return home from work, you catch a glimpse of chuuya standing across the street from your apartment building. his eyes meet yours for a brief moment before he quickly looks away, but the intensity of his gaze sends a chill down your spine.
you try to shake off the feeling of dread that settles over you, telling yourself that you're being irrational. but as time go by and chuuya's presence becomes increasingly frequent, you can't help but feel like you're being watched, like every move you make is being scrutinized.
your once peaceful walks through the neighborhood now feel like a game of cat and mouse, with chuuya always lurking just out of sight. you find yourself constantly looking over your shoulder, jumping at every sound, every shadow that crosses your path.
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chuuya curses himself for allowing his obsession to spiral out of control, for letting his actions make you grow increasingly paranoid. he knows he's been too showy, too careless in his pursuit of you, and now he's paying the price for his recklessness.
as he sits alone in his room, surrounded by the polaroid pictures he's taken of you, chuuya can't help but feel a sense of shame wash over him. each image serves as a painful reminder of his misguided attempts to win your affection, to make you see him as more than just a stranger.
he sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration as he stares at the photographs strewn across his bed. some are neatly arranged on his nightstand, next to a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues, a stark reminder of the fantasies he's indulged in when he's alone.
as chuuya gazes at the polaroid pictures scattered across his bed, a mixture of longing and guilt washes over him. each image is a precious memento of his obsession, a snapshot of the moments he's stolen from you, captured forever in his memory.
he traces his fingers over the glossy surface of the photographs, his heart aching with desire as he recalls the stolen glances, the secret moments he's shared with you. there's one picture in particular that catches his eye, a snapshot of you in a cute sleepwear, your hair tousled and a peaceful expression on your face as you sleep.
chuuya's breath catches in his throat as he stares at the image, his mind flooded with forbidden fantasies of what he wishes he could do to you. he imagines himself by your side, his hands trailing over your soft skin, his lips leaving a trail of kisses along your neck.
as chuuya sits alone in his room, the desire to possess you consumes him like a raging inferno. he can't help but imagine what it would be like to touch you, to caress your skin and hold you close, to shower you with all the love and affection he's been harboring inside.
his hands tremble with the intensity of his longing, his heart pounding in his chest as he pictures himself by your side, lost in a world of ecstasy. he can almost feel the warmth of your body pressed against his, hear the soft sighs of pleasure escaping your lips as he showers you with kisses.
he wanted you so bad, his longing bold,
to have and hold, his heart untold.
in his silent whispers, his desires unfold,
for you, his love, forever enfold.
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you go about your daily routine, an unsettling feeling creeps over you, a sense of being watched that sends a chill down your spine. you glance around nervously, but there's nothing out of the ordinary—just the bustling city streets and the familiar faces of passersby.
but the feeling persists, growing stronger with each passing moment, until you can't shake the sensation that someone is following you, lurking in the shadows just out of sight. panic begins to rise within you, and without thinking, you break into a run, desperate to escape whoever—or whatever—is trailing after you.
your heart pounds in your chest as you dart down alleyways and side streets, your footsteps echoing in the empty night. every shadow seems to conceal a threat, every sound sending shivers down your spine as you try to outrun the invisible predator that hunts you.
but no matter how fast you run, you can't shake the feeling that you're being followed, that whoever is stalking you is always one step behind. It's a game of cat and mouse, predator and prey, and you're the unwitting victim caught in the crosshairs.
with each passing moment, the fear threatens to consume you, until you're left gasping for breath, your legs burning with exertion as you finally come to a stop, your back pressed against a cold brick wall. and as you glance around frantically, searching for any sign of your pursuer, a sinking feeling washes over you—you're trapped, with nowhere left to run.
you bolt off once more to run but you collide with someone in your frantic attempt to escape, panic courses through you like a bolt of lightning.
before you can react, strong arms wrap around you, pulling you close, and a hand clamps over your mouth, muffling any cries for help.
“no! m-mmph!” your muffled cries echoes.
your heart hammers in your chest as you struggle against your captor, but their grip is ironclad, unyielding in its hold. you thrash and kick, desperate to break free, but it's no use. whoever has you is stronger, more determined, and you're powerless to stop them.
"it's okay. come on, now," he hushes.
and then, as the initial shock begins to fade, a sense of dread washes over you as you realize the truth—you know this person.
it's chuuya, the very man you've been trying to escape from, the one who's been stalking you, hunting you like prey.
terror grips you like a vice as you meet chuuya's gray blue eyes, seeing the twisted desire burning within them. he's been watching you, following you, and now he's finally caught you, trapped you in his web of obsession.
you struggle to break free, to scream for help, but chuuya's hold on you is unrelenting. his grip tightens, his eyes blazing with a mixture of hunger and triumph, and you know that you're at his mercy, that there's no escape from the darkness that surrounds you.
chuuya's lips brush against the top of your head, his touch strangely tender despite the fear coursing through your veins, "shh, it's okay," he murmurs soothingly, his voice a soft whisper against your ear. "you're safe with me."
but his words offer little comfort as you continue to struggle against him, your cries muffled by his hand pressed firmly over your mouth. tears stream down your cheeks as you plead with him to let you go, your voice a desperate whimper in the darkness.
chuuya's grip tightens around you, his hold unyielding as he buries his face into your hair, inhaling your scent with a hunger that sends a shiver down your spine. "god, you smell so sweet," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "i've been waiting so long for this moment, for the chance to finally be with you, [name],"
your pleas fall on deaf ears as chuuya continues to hold you tightly, his grip unyielding despite your frantic struggles. tears blur your vision as you beg him to release you, your voice trembling with fear and desperation.
"please," you whimper, your words muffled by his hand over your mouth, "let me go, please..."
but chuuya only hushes you sweetly, his touch surprisingly gentle against your skin, "shh, my love," he murmurs, his voice laced with a twisted affection. "don't be afraid. i'm here for you."
his words send a shiver down your spine, a chill of dread creeping into your heart. you know that you're in danger, that chuuya's intentions are far from pure, but you're powerless to stop him, trapped in his embrace with no hope of escape.
as you continue to struggle against him, chuuya's grip tightens, his hold becoming more possessive with each passing moment, "there's no need to be afraid," he whispers, his voice soft and soothing. "i'll take care of you, my darling. you'll see."
chuuya's lips brush against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine as he whispers softly, his voice tinged with a hint of madness, "do you think we'll be in love forever, my dear?"
he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin, "now that i finally have you in my arms?"
"what the hell, chuuya!" was all you manage to say out as you squirm and thrash around.
you can feel his lips curve into a twisted smile as he speaks, his chuckle sending a chill down your spine. despite the fear coursing through your veins, you can't help but feel a sense of despair at his words, the realization sinking in that you're trapped in the clutches of a man consumed by his own obsession.
chuuya's grip tightens around you, his hold possessive as he continues to hold you close, "i know I'm no good for you," he admits with a gentle sigh, his voice filled with self-loathing, "and you're no good for me. but i can't help it—i love you too much to let go.”
chuuya's grip tightens around you as he senses your growing panic, his fingers pressing against your lips to silence any protest that threatens to escape, "hush now, my love," he whispers, his voice a soft murmur in the darkness, "there's no need to be afraid. i'll take care of everything, and that's a promise."
your thrashing and squirming only seem to amuse chuuya, his grip tightening around you as he watches your futile struggles with a twisted grin, "oh, my dear, you're so feisty," he chuckles softly, his voice sending shivers down your spine, "but i wouldn't recommend trying to escape. it would only make things... unpleasant."
his words are laced with a thinly veiled threat, and a chill runs down your spine as you realize the depths of his madness.
"you wouldn't want me to use gravity on you, baby? yeah?" he says, his voice still dripping with a promised threat, and for a second, you see a faint red glow surround his body.
you know that you're in grave danger, that chuuya's obsession has driven him to the brink of insanity, and now you're at his mercy, with no hope of escape.
as you continue to struggle against him, chuuya's grip tightens even further, his fingers digging into your flesh with a painful intensity, "you belong to me now," he whispers, his voice cold and menacing, "and if you try to fight me, i'll make sure you regret it."
tears stream down your cheeks as you apologize tearfully, the weight of chuuya's threats bearing down on you like a leaden weight.
"i-i'm sorry," you whimper, your voice trembling with fear and desperation. "please, i didn't mean to... i'll do whatever you want, just please don't hurt me..."
your words seem to have the desired effect on chuuya, his expression softening as he watches your tears fall, "there, there, my dear," he coos, his voice dripping with false sympathy. "no need to cry. everything will be alright, i promise."
but despite his soothing words, you can't shake the feeling of dread that lingers in the pit of your stomach. you know that chuuya's promises are empty, that his love is nothing more than a twisted obsession, and now you're trapped in his web, with no hope of escape.
as he continues to hold you close, you can't help but wonder—will you ever find a way to break free from his clutches, or are you doomed to be lost to his madness forever? only time will tell, but for now, all you can do is pray for a miracle to save you from the darkness that surrounds you.
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you continue to find yourself trembling in fear, tears streaming down your cheeks as you lie beside chuuya in his bed after he had successfully kidnapped you, even with a bit of resistance from you. his arms wrap around you possessively, holding you close as if you were a prized possession.
your tearful eyes drift to the polaroid pictures scattered around the room, each one a haunting reminder of chuuya's twisted obsession with you. images of yourself captured in moments of vulnerability, stolen from your life without your knowledge or consent.
the realization hits you like a ton of bricks—chuuya has been stalking you for months, watching your every move, studying your habits and routines. the thought sends a shiver down your spine, the full extent of his obsession finally sinking in.
feeling your trembling form beside him, chuuya's expression softens with a mixture of concern and twisted affection. gently, he brushes his lips against your tears, kissing them away with a tenderness that belies the darkness lurking within him.
as he holds you close, his arms wrapped around you firmly, chuuya presses you closer to him, seeking to soothe your fear with his presence. he buries his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent with a hunger that sends a shiver down your spine.
"shh, my love," he murmurs softly, his voice a whispered promise in the darkness, "you're safe with me. i'll never let anything happen to you."
as chuuya's lips graze your neck in a twisted attempt at comfort, you can't help but shudder at his touch, the conflicting sensations of fear and longing warring within you.
tears continue to trickle down your cheeks as he trails kisses along your skin, his hands caressing your waist and back with a possessiveness that sends a chill down your spine.
you suppress a sob, the overwhelming sense of helplessness washing over you as you realize the depth of chuuya's obsession. despite the terror coursing through your veins, a part of you can't deny the twisted desire that stirs within you at his touch.
but as chuuya holds you close, his touch both comforting and suffocating, you can't help but wonder—how did it come to this? how did you become the victim in his twisted game of love and obsession? and as you lie there, tears staining your cheeks, you know that there are no easy answers, no simple explanations for the nightmare that has become your reality.
all you can do is pray for a miracle to save you from the darkness that surrounds you, to find a way to break free from chuuya's clutches before it's too late. but for now, all you can do is endure, as his kisses and caresses serve as a cruel reminder of the nightmare from which you may never wake.
chuuya's whispers of eternal love send a shiver down your spine, his words both comforting and chilling in their intensity, "we'll be in love forever, my dear," he murmurs softly, his voice tinged with a hint of madness, "even if i know you were no good for me, even if you've made me into someone i never thought i could be."
chuuya's voice breaks the silence once more, soft and earnest as he whispers those three words that hold so much weight.
"i love you," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion, his gaze searching yours for any sign of reciprocation.
for a moment, the words hang in the air, heavy with meaning, and somehow, they stir something within you. despite the fear and uncertainty that grips your heart, a small spark of something akin to warmth begins to flicker deep inside.
you find yourself drawn to chuuya's sincerity, his vulnerability laid bare before you, and against your better judgment, you feel a glimmer of something stir within you—a faint echo of the love he professes.
chuuya's eyes search yours, a hint of desperation mingling with hope as he waits for your response, "do you love me back?" he asks, his voice trembling with anticipation, his heart hanging in the balance.
caught off guard by his question, you feel a surge of conflicting emotions swirling within you. fear and uncertainty vie for dominance, but deep down, there's a part of you that longs for the safety and security that chuuya offers, twisted though it may be.
and so, despite the doubts that linger in the depths of your mind, you find yourself nodding in agreement, your voice barely above a whisper as you reply, "yes, i do."
chuuya's lips curl into a tender smile as he hears your response, a sense of relief washing over him at your agreement, "you're such a good girl," he murmurs softly, his voice filled with affection as he continues to hold you close to his chest.
he brushes a strand of hair away from your face with tender eyes as he kisses your cheek this time before he rests his forehead against yours.
as you lie together in his bed, the tension that had gripped you beginning to ease, chuuya hums softly, the sound soothing and melodic. it's as if he's trying to lull you to sleep, to erase the fear and uncertainty that still linger in the air.
it's a strange sensation, given the circumstances, but somehow, you can't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence.
you listen to the sound of his voice, the rise and fall of each note, and with each passing moment, the fear and uncertainty that had gripped you begin to fade away, replaced by a strange sense of tranquility.
as the background noise seems to fade into the distance, you find yourself drawn to the steady rhythm of chuuya's humming, the sound wrapping around you like a warm embrace. with each note, you feel yourself sinking deeper into a sense of calm, your mind finally quieting after hours of turmoil.
closing your eyes, you lean into chuuya's touch, feeling the warmth of his forehead against yours, a silent reassurance of his presence. in this moment, it's as if you've accepted your fate.
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ᡣ𐭩 TAGGING: @cheriiyaya @aureatchi @little-miss-chaoss @narosick
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allisonlol · 10 months
HII !! could you do dazai, chuuya and fyodor with a s/o that forgot pretty much everything from their past/forgets a lot in the present due to trauma? if possible male reader, and if not gn works aswell! thank you :))
a/n: felt this req hard LOL
warnings: memory loss, past trauma (not elaborated on)
(Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor) With a S/O with Memory Loss From Trauma
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i feel like dazai can relate in some ways because he too has immense trauma but instead of forgetting it, he remembers it too well
therefore in a way he's grateful that ur brain is blocking those memories so u don't have to remember the pain
dazai had noticed your forgetful behavior the second he met you, and had already categorized it as due to trauma in your past
honestly finds your forgetfulness adorable but it also enrages him bc someone hurt you enough to cause it
simply does not comment on any of this though. if you mention that you forgot something that happened literally yesterday he'll simply smile at you (is that a hint of sadness in his expression?) and reassure u that it's okay
will text u updates throughout the day to make sure u aren't forgetting anything
pictures pictures pictures!!!! literally photographs everything u guys do together so you can always look back to remember :)
but unbeknownst to you, dazai will secretly do some deep digging into your past to find out exactly what happened and who to get revenge on <3
^trust me when i say they will deeply regret everything they had ever done to you
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it's canon that chuuya can't remember what... the first 7 years of his life? so he totally understands
he won't question u at all abt the reasonings for your memory loss unless u wanted to talk abt it
does get worried abt your current forgetfulness though. with a job as strenuous as being in the mafia, having a good memory is important
^if any of the higher ups knew you weren't "sufficient enough" in that department, despite your other strengths, you would be disposed of
this added stress doesn't help you at all but chuuya does his best to keep you safe
^having a boyfriend who is also your executive is very useful in this aspect
leaves little notes and reminders on your desk so u won't forget anything important
hell, chuuya will even fill out reports for you if u were having trouble remembering the events that took place
i feel like he would also pay very close attention to everything u guys do together so, if you forgot, he would be able to tell you all about it
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another one who categorized your memory loss as due to trauma the second he met you
unlike the others tho, he will question u about it
if you’re honest with him & say that it’s due to traumatic events, he’ll ask if you want him to do anything about it for you (in other words, find and eliminate the ones who caused it 😊)
^if you say no to this, he’ll nod and agree with u but secretly hunt them down on his own
however if you lie to fyodor and say that you’re just forgetful (not due to trauma) he’ll frown & keep asking probing questions until he gets the truth out of u
has he heard of privacy? like damn
^its out of love tho. not saying it’s right but fyodor shows his care by learning as much abt u as possible. he needs to know everything, good or bad
finds your current forgetfulness adorable, albeit irritating at times (remember who we’re talking abt here)
if you forgot an event or important piece of information he will get slightly annoyed with you & might say some insensitive things 😬
^tho once he sees that he’s upset you, fyodor will usually sigh and apologize
recommends u keep a journal for reminders, however he also logs all events that u do alone or together so you won’t forget in the future
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @creamygojo @disa-ster
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mvniro · 4 months
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 . . . (🍷) ֶָ֢ 𔓘 RIDE IT, FOLLOW MY LEAD ; a nakahara chuuya fic.❞
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . here, a chu fic.. in my defense, i blame my upcoming exams and busy schedule for posting so late.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . tw ; older brother's bestfriend!chuuya, fem!reader, nsfw, mutual pinning but confessions aren't direct, riding, cowgirl, virginity loss, mentions of consensual prostitution, spitting (not in mouth), angst and yeah that's all i can remember.
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many things are kept away or hidden from children. drugs and intoxicated substances are usually tried to keep away from the reach of addicts and the lust for blood and itching for violence is desperately being avoided by a one time murderer with crooked morals.
yet the outcome remains the same most of the time with the forbidden being taken by the one it was supposedly kept away from is the one they acquire. it's a given in due course of time.
yet still chuuya watched for years as your brother tried to play the role of a protective brother and keep you away from most of his friends and social circle, the amount of his friends you met could be pathetically counted on one hand and even they haven't met you many times to actually put an identity and persona to your face except the title of being their 'friend's little sister.'
all but one.
"shit." your brother curses lowly, closing his eyes as he tried to find a way out of this sudden complication. he opened his eyes again and glared at you who showed up unannounced.
"i-i just wanted to surprise you -- i --"
and even now the ends of chuuya's lips quirk up when he saw you standing while gulping, cowering under your brother's glare.
"it's not about coming here unannounced or announced, it's about what would have happened if you didn't know your way? you would have been lost here and i wouldn't have a clue because i would be drunk out of my mind! you hear me?" your brother exclaimed loudly yet you don't fight like you usually do for each syllable he spoke, he raised the frequency of his voice to get his words across your brain.
"i am sorry --"
"i am not angry." your brother intrupted your apology but with the way imaginary annoyance dripped down his eyes as he continued to glower down at you told you anything but that.
"i can stay at a hotel or --"
"nonsense. i am not letting my sister stay at a cheap hotel when her brother has a good enough place for her to stay." your brother once again intrupted you, he glanced at the clock and furrowed his eyebrows.
"not good, there is an hour we have left to think of some solution." your brother muttered before he turned to look up at the second floor where the two rooms are -- one belonging to him and one to chuuya.
"well the solution is standing infront of you bastard." the boastful voice belongs to the red haired who spreaded his arms and looked at your brother with eyebrows cocked, faux offense painted all over the preety features which michelangelo would be in awe of and be inspired by.
your brother mimicked his best friend by raising his own eyebrows as he demanded the man before him to answer and make his point clear and maybe this is why he turned a blind eye to the way your eyes sparkles as you stare at the red haired man who you always favored over any other man.
"she can stay with me in my room till your party is finished, no?"
"you won't be attending?" your brother furrowed his eyebrows but didn't bother saying anything as he saw chuuya walk towards you and sling an arm over your shoulder.
"i rather not have iguana cling onto me. plus it's been so long since i last saw doll, let me catch up with her?" chuuya looked at you with the same gentleness which could be found in your brother's eyes when you aren't looking at him and your brother's eyes soften.
he is staring at the man who he could trust his life with, you with.
"iguana?" you repeat, a smile threatening to break onto your face at the joy of knowing chuuya and your brother still hold onto their silly habit of giving nicknames to people so they can shit on them later 
"yeah doll, iguana is a verrrrry mean and bitchy girl." chuuya widened his eyes playfully to faux seriousness, comfortingly squeezing your forearm as he joked with you.
the tragedy started when the poverty ridden man found illegal means to acquire quick cash to fill his stomach.
and tragedy began when your brother, a man of looks and a bad personality which rich girls usually swoon over met his pandora's box and never closed it for what easy way to make money then to be the fantasy of girls who eat french cuisine for breakfast, italian for lunch and japanese for dinners? and who can make him experience success better then those boys who drives ferraris in the day and spend the nights in bmw's with a girl on their laps?
prostitution on his own will where he is the abuser and he is the abused. he is the hopeless in a situation fabricated by your parents but you don't need to know it. any of it. for he would prefer if you still saw him as the brother you always knew, he is enough to feel disgusted by himself and chuuya is enough to have sympathy for him.
that exchange took place fifty five minutes ago and so this was why you are now laying on chuuya's bed after taking a shower, arms and legs spread as you stared up at the ceiling, basking in the silence of the room and the giddiness of your heart of being in the room of the one who first made you swallow the innocent drink of a crush which stirred into a drug of love.
the door to the room opened to pull you out of your lovesick and teenage girl like thoughts, you leaned your head up to see chuuya enter, half body inside the room while the other remained outside in a very obvious way to tell you that he had been stopped by someone on his way to the room.
you sat up, leaned a bit forwards to hear the voice of the man who made goosebumps to litter your skin,
"yeah man, kinda don't feel good today or i would've joined the party for sure." chuuya chuckled and exchanged a few more short words with whoever he is talking to before he turned around to face you, closing the door and locking it as well.
you tilt your head as you hear the click indicating the door is locked and safe from outside intruptions and chuuya grins, the same boyish grin which promised nothing but thrill and excitement from all those years ago and it sturred the same feeling of being smitten with the man infront of you who now stood right infront of you, hands on his knees as he leaned to be on the same eye level as you.
"just making sure no drunk bastard barges here doll. can't i be protective of the precious doll in my room?" chuuya is a big tease. a very big and mean tease for if not then why would he play with the fire that is your heart by caressing your cheek with his knuckles.
you immediately look away to distance yourself from the addicting touch of the attractive and fanciable man, eyes falling on the skateboard leaning against the wall instead.
"you still skate?" you ask as you try to change the topic but chuuya had never been one to be easily stirred away from his goals, his knuckles still felt the smoothness and roughness of your skin. his eyes were still trained on your face as he stared, earnestly.
"gotta have something up my sleeve to impress you, no? my doll is getting prettier every time i see her, i gotta work to maintain my position as your favorite, yeah? am i still your favorite?" he teases you and it's at moments like this which makes you be aware of the tease which he is, his words which drips with playful flirtation. oh shit, you feel your heart beating quicker.
chuuya nakahara is the type of guy daughters are kept away from. older, a tease, someone who isn't afraid to talk using their fists when words fail to make a point clear and a foul mouth to combine with his devilish features.
the devil may wear prada but chuuya nakahara wears a leather jacket and choker.
yet he is also the same boy who you met all those years ago when he first moved to your area, the guy you introduced your brother to and watched them clicking instantly to even watching them leaving together for university.
"you were and will always be my favorite." you mumble and nearly feel the charms of the man named chuuya choking you when he tilts his head as he heard you before he grinned, reassurance and confidence flowing through his veins and mixing with his blood.
"you are my favorite girl too, doll. my only girl." chuuya whispered in a tone which can be imagined to be close to a murmur and a whisper, as his words were meant only for you to hear.
he relished in seeing you squirm under his intense gaze as you looked away and chuuya furrowed his eyebrows in amusement as he saw your lingering stares at his skateboard increase, he asked,
"wanna try it?" gently oh gently did the wind blow through the garden you sat alone in or is it chuuya's loving voice that is stirring emotions in the garden of feelings of your heart?
you shake your head softly but he pouts, he saw the intrest glinting in your eyes.
so he does what he does best. making girls fall for him and his charms but there is only one he will catch from falling into the abyss of heartbreak.
"come on, i am gonna be there to catch you. trust me doll." why is he suddenly being so adamant, he doesn't know. but he does know that he should be viewing you as the little sister of his bestfriend and not as an insanely preety woman in his room.
the woman infront of him right now was previously the girl he used to carry on his back whenever he and your older brother used to go out and took you with them.
chuuya's eyes trail down your neck to your collarbones to those two sinful mounds on your chest which makes it very evident that you aren't the pubescent girl anymore but an actual grown woman.
and what better way to greet himself with this better reminder that the woman infront of him is the sister of his best friend than to indulge in innocent activities with her like he used to?
but your stubbornness to remain seated and not cause any noise which could possibly ruin whatever party your brother is having downstairs is being a big hindrance in this self realization trip chuuya wants to take his heart on.
for would he really break his bestfriend's trust like this even after knowing he is the only person your brother could blindly trust you with?
no, he can't.
chuuya playfully rolls his eyes to make it seem as if his inner self isn't torn between choosing what's right for his heart or what's right for his conscience, he extended his arm as if reaching for a decision but what good is it when both include you?
chuuya's hand wraps around your wrist as he pulled you to stand up and when you widen your eyes in surprise at his action, he wonders if you are walking on the same thin rope of desire and conscience.
"i will catch you from falling." chuuya muttered but the way his voice is low, his usual teasing and playful tone absent, can one really be ignorant to think he is still talking about the skateboard?
"always?" you whisper out and isn't it great that you two have a skateboard to use as a decoy for speaking about matters much deeper then the wood the said skateboard was craved from?
"i'll be damned if i don't." chuuya whispered and smiled before his smile faltered a bit and he chuckled nervously, this chain reaction of emotions within him made you feel as if you are the only one who wants to push the boundaries to the point of no return while he is comfortable with where you two stand right now.
you nod, not as excited as chuuya hoped to see but he doesn't let this bring his mood down, instead, he releases his grip on your forearm to hold your hand instead, leading you towards his skateboard which was proped against the wall.
chuuya leaned down to pick it up and as he did so, his hand brushed against your knee which made you gulp the shaky breath which were to leave your mouth to let chuuya know the effect of his touch on your body, trapping the breath inside your chest forever.
"i never tried skateboarding." you feel it's appropriate to let him know in advance of what an immature and inexperienced student he will be dealing with but chuuya stood straight after placing the skateboard on the ground, one leg on the skateboard while the other was on the floor, he waves his hand.
"this is why i want to be the one to teach you doll. trust me, yeah? i'll catch you before you fall."
and what could you do except nod, trusting the man as you grabbed his hand which he offered, you looked down at the skateboard and with a uncomfortable feeling gnawing at your heart, you slowly raised to place one of your feets on it, going for the centre of the board till chuuya stopped you,
"not here, near the ends. if you stand on the centre then you will loose your balance." he guided you as your heart felt a violent flutter when you noticed his leg which was still planted on top of on the skateboard to offer you stability on this otherwise unstable object of joy and amusement.
you nod and tightened your grip on his palm as you placed your leg on the end of the skateboard while his remained on the other end and he stood behind you, the free hand of his itching to close the distance between his palm and the curve of your waist.
"good, now try to lift your second leg up as well, put the weight on this one." he pats your thigh of the leg planted on the skateboard and you gulp, out of fear or out of desire?
chuuya didn't notice you biting your bottom lip for he was looking down at your shaky leg with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he muttered next to your ear,
"come on, try it." the gravel and low tone one of the man had you nearly closing your eyes but you resisted, the grip on his hand tightened even more as you lifted your leg from the ground for the slightest second before yelping, grabbing onto chuuya's arm with both hands as you felt your body shake due to the rawest taste of feeling the control you have over your body leave you as gravity plays a little trick on you to take advantage of the instability of your body.
but chuuya has always been the one to have an effect more stronger then gravity on you, it's like gravity bends to his will.
so it isn't a shock when chuuya's arm is wrapped around your waist as he pulls your body towards his, chuckling breathlessly as if he just recovered from being taken aback,
"easy there doll, i got you." he whispers, you nod.
he makes you regain your balance and you allow him to lead, his hand on your hip while you remained clasping one of his hands with your own to have support.
the hand on your hip tightened its hold and you wonder if it's how it would feel to have him grip you while your naked bodies laid sprawled with each other's?
"slowly . . . slowly, yeah, that's it . . . right there, such a good girl." chuuya guided you but your brain is salacious or why would your thoughts revolving your older brother's bestfriend be filled with concupiscence?
but alas, had the heart not been strong to a fault, would the humankind have gone through the many tragedies and achievements it did?
and chuuya's heart always had a hold on his brain so when he spoke the next sentence, it is utmost important to know his intentions behind it, he does when he does in a spur of emotions, of his desires which tickled him whenever he looked down to see his hand grabbing your hip and he almost had a urge to lift the cloth of your loose t-shirt up to see the skin his hands are on top of.
"did you kiss anyone while i was away?" he rapsed out and gulped thickly when he realised his words but what is giving him confidence to keep going on is the way he heard your breath hitch despite the blaring music from downstairs. and so he did.
"pardon?" you breath out and blinked.
"i will pardon you, no doubt in that." chuuya smirked, once he saw you purse your lips with no signs of discomfort or anything related to it on your face, "eyes on the skateboard doll." he tsked.
"right, right." you breath out as if being shaken awake from whatever daze you went in after listening to his words. now that chuuya's feet wasn't on the skateboard any longer, you felt even more nervous and scared.
"so did you? you know it's not nice to not answer someone." he mumbled, using his leg to guide your other leg on top of the skateboard.
his knee is pressed against the back of your's as he moves your leg sideways to find the perfect position for you to stand in without wobbling constantly, all while the other hand gripped and gripped your hip more tightly and the thought that it would be sure to leave a mark, his mark, is making his breathing pattern to be disturbed, hastening it's pace.
"no." you shakily breath out before repeating yourself in a more presentable and audible tone, "no i didn't, did you?"
you screwed your eyes shut, the instinct to show the same curiosity he did took the best of you and once the words were spoken, you were left all alone with your embarrassment in your body.
chuuya scooted a bit closer to you as if he wasn't already way too close then needed but who were you to point it out when you liked the body heat he radiated and the smell of his cologne faintly hitting your nose, but this step closer to you made his crotch to brush against the plush of your ass and you did everything to not grind against him or try to feel his crotch again.
"i didn't as well." he whispers, head dipped to such an angle that when he spoke, his breath hitted your jaw and is this how consuming cocaine for the first time feels like as well?
no wonder they are taboo and kept away from the curious minds.
"why? you are such a preety guy, don't you have girls begging to fall on your lap?" your curiosity couldn't be stopped now once it flowed out of the chambers of your brain. now, this curiosity flowed out and wrapped around chuuya's heart to make it feel giddy to know you care enough to be this invested in his personal affairs.
"ah," you exclaim as he makes you stand on the skateboard, your imbalance leading you to grabbing his shirt but as he stood behind you and you grabbed the nearest support you could find, you did not realize your grip was painfully near the waistband of his sweatpants because what need is there for you to look back when you were able to feel the faint outlines of his abs through the fabric of his cloth?
he helped you to stand on the skateboard and when he moved back to make you stand without his support, your knees wobbled and you widened your eyes as you were to fall backwards if it wasn't for chuuya to wrap his arms around your hips.
"got the girl i wanted to have on my lap finally." chuuya mused before helping you stand again, his hands on your hips as he stares down at your legs before he leaned down a bit to place his hand on top of your knee and your eyes widened for why would they not when your drug is flowing though your veins and into your kidney?
chuuya guided you to the position he deemed right before he stood up straight and as he did, so did the impure blood which was now once again filtered yet why did the drug still flow with it? why did it not get filtered?
you exhale a shaky breath as chuuya takes a step back after and you wobble on your feet but remain standing in place.
lines are being blurred. drugs are being inhaled and their intake is high. sin is in the air and chuuya is behind you. you are on a thin line and you loose or win is up to you. whether you fall or not is something only time will tell.
sin didn't just randomly appear, no, but it was excreted out by chuuya's brain and now the same sin of concupiscence was being felt by you too but the only difference is that chuuya has the confidence to act upon it and you don't.
"what? cat got your tongue all of a sudden?" chuuya mocked and oh, the words of mockery went straight to your cunt. "you used to talk a lot when we were kids, it was honestly so cute."
chuuya saw from his peripheral vision how his words resulted in you to bite your bottom lip to not release a breath which would come out a bit too shaky, he sucked in his inner cheek for he wanted you to react to his words and you weren't so he guesses he would need to push you a bit more.
chuuya lightly pushed the skateboard with his heel and you squealed. chuuya immediately wrapped his hands around you again but this time his hands were on your upper abdomen, just a bit from grabbing your boobs.
"easy there, doll." chuuya released a breathy laugh and you suck in air and your annoyance for how is it fair for you to be this hot and bothered by his teasing while he looks like he is having the time of his life?
"perhaps you aren't doing a good job at teaching me chu." you mumble only for the purpose to earn a reaction from him which you do but not in the way you wanted but you aren't one to complain for his cocky attitude as chuuya cocked his eyebrows in amusement at your words, is something no one could deny from finding attractive.
"i think so too, maybe i am being a bit too soft with you?" chuuya played along with your pathetic attempt as he finds areas of concern within himself, he helped you stand again and the sight of your figure shaking as you tried to stand steadily on the object is cute in his eyes.
"please hold me." your request is not innocent at all, or well, that's what chuuya thinks when your tone used is breathy and low but nevertheless, the cocaine in your blood does it work to strip away your troubles, chuuya's hands once again find their favorite spot ; your hips as he stands in a proximity so close that your heart busted with joy when you felt the outline of his chest on your back.
"what a greedy girl, aren't you a bit too demanding?" chuuya smirked and you could feel it in that cocky tone of his.
"you made me like this by giving into my every need." you whisper out as his voice is doing wonders on you, stimulating and making you shy but where rationality surrenders, arousal takes over.
this is why you placed your hand on top of his under the disguise of being 'scared' as you tilted your head back to rest it on his shoulder and looked up at him, whispering, "what should i do now?"
with a gulp, chuuya's faltered smirk returned as he rubbed his nose against your cheek, "the hardest thing when riding a skateboard -- for me -- was to stop. so let's teach you that first? hm?"
closing your eyes for the way he hums has you going crazy, you aren't sure if you want him to see your eyes exposing your true feelings for him but chuuya did, anyways, he knew it the second he had slinged his arm over your shoulder and watched you become the schoolgirl you once were as you shyly stood beside him.
chuuya is smart. and for a certain pair of siblings, he had always been the most observant and always on his heels if they needed help.
like a dance, chuuya pushed the skateboard gently with his heel while his hands remained on your hips and your's on top of his, now chuuya and you both knew this wasn't actually how one was supposed to ride a skateboard but it served as a good disguise to keep on feeling each other up.
"i don't want to do this anymore." you sigh, craning your neck to look at him with a pout on your lips, you temptress, you were just begging for chuuys to let go of his rationality and lean down to kiss you, weren't you?
"come on, don't give me that. you were looking at the skateboard so much and you used to always accompany us when we went skateboarding back then as well." chuuya tells as he takes a strand of your hair and twirls it on his index finger but bites off a smile when you shake your head.
"i don't really care much about skateboarding. i just liked looking at you riding it." you had confessed your childhood long secret of accompanying them with the purpose of letting your eyes drink in the sight of the then teenager who laughed cockily at your brother who gaped at him and another one of his tricks he performed on the skateboard, chuuya would laugh only louder when his eyes would trail towards you to see you looking at him the same way your brother would but the only difference would be that your stare would stir a feeling in him which would end with blush on his ear shells and cheeks.
now chuuya knew of your 'admiration' and 'fondness' for him. hell, he even knew of your feelings for him but what he did not know was how deeply and far back were they rooted into your heart. so he blinked.
you sighed as you saw his baffled expression and raised your head to stop resting it on his shoulder and if chuuya wasn't busy in repeating your words over and over again, he would've whined.
he froze, sure, but your thinking of the reason being awkwardness and utter surprise at your confession is not correct even in the slightest, he is frozen due to how the scene is playing out. chuuya knew of your feelings towards him as stated before and he had, ever since your brother broke the news of you coming to live with them to him, been imagining different ways of how the confession from both sides would go.
what he never thought was it happening during a moment of utter lust and attempts of breaking confinements, which, in this case happens to be their own conscience.
you run a hand through your hair, "well the cat is out of the bag." you shrug, disappointment is way too close to find a home inside your body. you smile helplessly as you look down at how you are standing steadily on top of the skateboard before muttering so only chuuya could hear though maybe it would've been better if he didn't, "i am helplessly in love with you, always were. i don't have intrest in skateboarding -- i just liked seeing you on it. i got offered to stay at the dorms near the university but i declined because i wanted to stay under the same roof as you . . . " you trail off, getting off the skateboard before turning around to face him.
your action is useless if you aren't actually going to look into his eyes and continue to stand with your head dropped low.
"i was excited. till i came here. chu . . ." you look up at him, eyes which he once dreamt of staring into his in classes he found boring, now stared at him but his dream didn't come true for your eyes didn't hold the spark he wanted to see in them, " . . what are you and my brother hiding? why are you so hesitant?"
you looked at the skateboard which served as a small beacon of the line you wanted to cross but couldn't.
you took a step forwards and tried to take a step past chuuya who snapped put of his frozen state, immediately clasping his hand around your wrist to stop you and pulled you back infront of him. he placed his arm on your shoulder as he leaned near you, smiling in defeat.
"the girl i desired is the sister of the man i consider my bestfriend, who stayed with me in my thick and thin moments. must i choose between love and loyalty? i am torn doll, oh so torn." he confessed too. not in the way he or you (in your dreams) could ever imagine.
so please, you begged yourself to not focus on how close his face is to your's and how if you tipped your head forwards, you could place your lips against his.
"you can't choose?" you asked as you stared up at eyes so filled with life that you could mock the oceans for not even their beauty could be compared to the pigment of the man's eyes in your opinion. "i kinda get it though. i knew this would never work. this is why i never wanted to confess but you made me." your smile gave it away that you are still stuck on the same rope.
"i made you confess?" chuuya grinned and clasped his hands behind your head, he leaned forwards even more to ruse his brain into being satisfied with him brushing his nose against your's though what his brain itched for was to have his hands on your ass or on your back or on any part of your body as long as he could feel your skin on his.
"mhm, you did." you continue to play with your teasing accusation as chuuya took a step back and as his arms were around you, you were forced to take a step forwards too to maintain the close proximity between you two.
there is a voice hammering in the back of chuuya's head which is telling him to stop before he does something which will give arousal a upper hand on him but when he looked at the smile playing on your lips, chuuya felt the urge to break free from his confinement.
"wow, this is what i get for trying to teach you how to stand on a skateboard? what a ungrateful girl." chuuya teased, his own grin making you gulp and he watched how you swallowed your saliva and how the lump flowed down your throat before his eyes rested on your breasts covered by the fabric of your shirt and how his hands shook as he tried to ignore the urge to pry your shirt off of you. he continued to walk back and make you walk alongside him.
"i didn't ask you to teach me, you did it yourself chu." you point out, licking your lips as you tried not to focus on his hands on you by staring at his face which he tilted to the side to let his eyes to trail even lower and oh, he smirked arrogantly and raised his eyes in amusement.
the confinements couldn't hold the man named chuuya nakahara who felt something snap in him when he stared at your legs clenching together and your hand twirling the end of your shirt as if the fabric is annoying you as much as he is.
"yet you followed my instructions like a good girl." chuuya raised his eyebrow in amusement and the excitement almost made his heart bust when he felt the under of his knee hitting the bed and chuuya fell on it and of course, you found yourself falling on top of him with your arms on either side of him to support yourself.
"i like being praised. especially if the praises are from you." what shame remains when everything else is being kept in the open? you do not fear the outcome for once chuuya had reciprocated with confessions of his own, your mind circulated and worshipped only one thought ; to lay it all bare infront of him and let time and luck decides what happens next.
the words you uttered sounded like mirth to chuuya but your body being pressed on his, thighs brushing against his inner thigh and the lower part of your stomach being right on top of his crotch told chuuya this situation is very much serious and not a product of his desires forging into a very real life daydream. chuuya raised his eyebrows and decided to take one step forwards which would decide the course of the night.
"now follow my new instructions doll." chuuya's hands landed on the ends of your shirt as he hooked his fingers on the fabric, his heart beated but not as much in excitement as it did in anticipation.
chuuya licked his lips as he felt them drying while waiting and analyzing the expression you wore and he wondered for the hidden meaning behind you simply blinking but perhaps there wasn't any meaning behind them and you were just as eager as him to proceed with this situation, chuuya came to know so when you lifted your body a bit to help him take off your shirt with ease.
looking at the surprise flashing through his pupils for its rather rare for the tease to be caught off guard, you knew you would not miss this opportunity,
"what? am i not following your instructions correctly?" your grin faltered when chuuya pulled the shirt over your head before using it to tie your hands together behind your back, the action was carried with such precise and swift movements that you didn't realize it until he had done it.
"you look so adorable when you are at a loss of words." chuuya sighed fondly, grinning at your choice of wearing a lacy baby pink bra and suddenly you felt hot.
if you were feeling hot before then you are burning right now under the scorching stare of chuuya whose eyes frantically looked over each inch of your skin and those covered mounds you were unexpectedly testing his patience with.
chuuya extended his hand towards one of your boobs and he rubbed his thumb over your nipple to watch it perk up under his finger.
maybe it's the thrill of finally living the scenario you imagine on many nights when your fingers are knuckle deep in your core and you are a moaning mess for the guy who you weren't supposed to crush on because he is your brother's best friend but you did, or maybe it's the foreign simulation of a real touch of another other then yourself on your inexperienced body but whatever it may be, the pool of your own slick on your underwear wasn't something you could ignore and especially not when chuuya moved his knee so that it could be right below your wet and clothed core.
"chuuy --"
"tell me to stop and i will but if you don't, i'll make sure no other man could satisfy you like i do." he muttered in absolute seriousness as if he meant every single touch and caress on the curves of your waist and you shook your head and for emphasis, you humped against his knee to let him feel the wetness he caused.
"don't stop, please chuuya. choose me for once -- for my body, doesn't matter. i know you won't betray my brother by dating me, i never expected you to, but please. just be mine tonigh --"
your words didn't get the freedom to be spilt out into the atmosphere as chuuya shuts you by tugging at the restraint on your hand to pull you down and kissing you, his hand came to find its place on the curve of your jaw which he carassed as if to soothe your nerves or to control himself from pouncing at you at the moment.
"shut the fuck up." he gritted as soon as the short kiss shared between you two were over but looking at your glossed lips and flushed face as you tried to grasp your breath stolen by him and his kiss and chuuya pulled your face down using the hold he had on your jaw.
your eyes immediately screwed shut at the feeling of his soft lips moving on your's before he tilted your head to acquire an angle which would make it easy for him to push his tongue into your mouth, at that your heart began beating fast again while your cells celebrated that its finally happening.
maybe this is why you began taking ragged breaths which lead chuuya to increase the passion he excreted in this make out session. his free hand went down and towards your shorts after which he teasingly pulled them down only to abandon them and watch it smack your skin, the hiss that left your lips gave chuuya the opportunity to push his tongue deeper into your mouth.
you wanted to caress his cheek, touch his abs and run your hand through his hair but due to the restraints on your hands, all you could do was whine in the kiss, chuuya pushed his knee up a bit to hit it against your wet core and you immediately lost any energy you had. this one touch from him had you going limp as your body leaned on his.
chuuya pulled back from the kiss to look at your eyes still closed with his own eyes glazed with arousal which broke through every confinement and restraints.
chuuya's both hands landed on either of your hips and he lifted you up before turning you both around so you would be the one lying on his bed and suddenly the way his smell infiltrated your nose had you gulping thickly. in excitement, in anticipation.
chuuya planted one hand beside your head as with the other, he pulled down his sweatpants before cursing under his breath. sweat dribbled down his temple and all the way from his cheek to his neck to his collarbone before disappearing beneath his shirt.
and when you raised your eyes again, you saw the man already staring at you as he smiled in what seemed like embarrassment.
but can a man like him even have something to be embarrassed about? oh, don't you know, chuuya? you make others embarrassed with just how ethereal and angel like you look.
he isn't the angel though.
the way his lips parted to let his tongue out to moisten his bottom lip made it clear so or else why would you release a shaky breath suppressing desire?
"give me a minute doll?" he muttered so lazily but just as energetically did his hands pinch your nipples again.
you nodded and chuuya raised to his feet to lean towards the nightstand as he opened the drawer and began to shuffle through the many objects placed in it.
"fuck, where . . . is it . . .?" you heard chuuya mutter under his breath and you raised your feet to trace it along his waist to tease him and rile him up.
"you keep condoms so casually chu?" your voice was purposely toned to sound pouty as chuuya spared you a glance over his shoulder and he grinned before looking back at the task in hand and a sigh of relief left him when he found the packet he was looking for.
"i do not fuck around like it's second nature for me doll. when you have a house which is the usual spot for any parties, you better keep condoms." vaguely he answered but the way he winked gave you the reassurance that you won't be tossed aside after being used even if that was what you originally were ready to accept if it meant he would give in to his and your urges.
"virgin?"is the only word you mutter as you watch the process of chuuya slowly pulling down and removing his sweatpants and boxers away from his body before he ripped the condom package off and he looks at you while not stopping with his actions.
chuuya tilted his head to the side with a smirk, "why don't you tell me that."
and as chuuya approached you again, he raised the ends of his shirt over his head before tossing it to the side and leaning over you again, "tell me if i am a virgin or not doll," he cooed, alright, but his words and their loving tone was a very big contrast to the way his hands greedily raised one of your legs up to pull your shorts and underwear down in one go.
you sinked into the mattress even more as chuuya parted your legs apart, hissing at the sight of your wet core which glistened as the dim lights of his room fell on them.
chuuya raised his hand to trace over your folds and relished at how his finger got coated with your wetness, chuuya looked up as your thigh had twitched at this action of his.
"first time?" he asked and when you nodded a bit awkwardly, chuuya had this sudden urge to go on his knees and kiss his way up your inner thigh towards your cunt before ravishing it -- but he would get another day to do it. right now, if his angry dick doesn't enter you, he will go insane.
so he rather leans down to plant a kiss on the tip of your nose before making his way down and at the same time he taps on your stomach to let you know to lift yourself for him which you do, arching your back so chuuya could put his hand on your back before his hand trailed upwards to unclasp your bra.
chuuya leaned back and pulled you along by pulling on your tied hands, he sat on the bed and pulled you on his lap a bit harshly before immediately sucking on your nipple while his one hand remained to hold your hands over your head and the other carassed your hip.
the latter hand then began to travel downwards and you would've loved to focus on his touch if it wasn't for the way he nibbled on your nipple lightly before beginning to suck on it. his hand began to rub your clit teasingly with nothing but the tip of his fingernail -- all while he ignored his hard dick throbbing for attention.
"fuck, what a good girl." chuuya hissed under his breath as if the man could not physically stop himself from admiring you and if one thinks so, then let's also know the fact that mentally, chuuya couldn't even look away for even a fraction of a second.
to control himself is like controlling a starving beast with a fawn left unsupervised and unattended infront of him and the only thing restricting the beast was the pathetic chain on it's collar.
you whine, raise your eyes to look into chuuya's before you lean near him to capture his lips in a kiss which soon is being led by him.
the chain snaps and the beast pounced on the fawn.
chuuya falls down on the bed as his hands reach to grope your ass, your hands are still behind your back as you try to match his pace in the messy kiss and it is when you separated to take a breath that chuuya mumbled,
"ride me, doll? go at your pace, i just want your first time to feel good since it's with me --" the smirk and the tone made it clear how cocky and proud he is of himself. " -- come on, don't you want to feel good and make me feel good too? what are you hesitating for dear? i'll be here to guide you." he coos. the way how confidence sprouts from each pore of his body is something only he could pull off for he has the skills to back up every claim yet with a man like him, one would clearly not imagine him to be gentle.
he isn't but that's something you came to know only after you had gulped nervously before sinking down on his dick slowly as he advised you to take him inch by inch. the foreign intrusion burned and with each inch of him sinking into you, you could feel your walls stretching and it felt as if they were almost being ripped apart.
chuuya isn't a man of gentleness in bed usually but seeing you bite your lip as you screwed your eyes shut thinking it would help you tolerate the pain, chuuya wanted to be nothing but be tender with you who is acting so docile. but chuuya can't help but snicker, he can't help but be mean and with the way your walls are suffocating his cock, he is sure you like this behavior a bit too much as well.
his hands are on your hips to be the only source of stability for your hands are behind your back, tied and even if chuuya knew you needed time to get used to the foreign feeling of his dick inside you, he couldn't stop from pulling his hand away from your hip and smacking it lightly to watch you yelp in surprise.
"don't be mean chu." you stutter, eyes opening to glare lightly at him without holding any negative emotions, you could feel the pain fading away.
"just because you are sitting on my dick and on top of me doesn't mean you are in charge." chuuya smirked and when your glare didn't falter and you continued doing so, chuuya snickered before humming lazily.
"fine, if you think you are such a big girl, go on and fuck yourself on my cock." he emphasized his words by thrusting upwards into you and the new, first time feeling along with the way it was done so suddenly had you moaning in pleasure, body leaning to fall forwards on chuuya's chest.
chuuya peeked down at you to make sure his thrust didn't hurt you but when he saw you staring at him with half lidded eyes, he couldn't help but laugh mockingly, bringing his hand to pinch your cheek.
"not glaring anymore, are we? was this it? you needed to be fucked to be put in your place?" chuuya patted your cheek and smirked, "ride me."
it wasn't a suggestion or a loving and thoughtful gesture of him like it was before but a demand which left no room for argument, not that you would be trying to do so as you wanted to feel more of him, the warm dick between your walls and the way his thrust made you almost close your eyes felt nice, felt addicting and you grew greedy to want more.
chuuya grabs your hips again to pull you back in a sitting position on his dick and waited before you finally began to move up and down his dick. sure, the rhythm was off beat and the movements you made were slow and not precise but it didn't matter for the euphoria settling in him is something he felt before only once maybe -- the first time he had shifted to the area you lived in and befriended you, at that time he felt satisfied with himself to know he isn't going to be a sore thumb or an outcast, that he has a cute girl and her brother his age to keep him company and help him get familiar with the area. but the satisfaction now is not of the same category except the fact that both these feelings were stimulated when you were near him.
right now, the way your walls are squeezing his dick and suffocating it makes up for your sloppy movements, the epiphany of being this intimate with the girl who he once only touched in his dreams is making this way more satisfying then any of the other nights he had with anyone else.
you moaning his name is what snapped him out of his daze, he looked down at you to smile to see that you found the pace which you are the most comfortable in and it's way better then what you were doing in the beginning.
a moan left your lips and got tangled with the groan that chuuya released as he continued to look up at you, cheeks blushing, eyes wide and taking in every inch of your tits jiggling and the way he had to tighten his grip on your hips to stabilize you on him.
as you went up and down on him, your slick coated his length more and more made it easier to move but the burn on your thighs after some time couldn't be ignored, you weren't used to this and chuuya decided to take matters into his hands when he felt your pace slowing down.
"can't even trust you to fuck yourself. guess i have to teach you how to ride a dick huh, oh what a cutie." chuuya cooed as he found himself filled to the brim with adoration but when he felt it overflowing, the adoration transformed into lust.
you closed your eyes as chuuya grabbed you by your curves, lifting you up a bit as he adjusted himself beneath you to be in a position where he could look at you without having to lift his head much (he had placed two pillows beneath his head to do so) and began to thrust upwards into you after immediately making you take all of him.
you moaned out loud as you digged your nails into your palms as chuuya's pace seemed to increase with each passing second and you felt as if there is not even as much as a second for you to breath.
your lower abdomen is where the pleasure started before it surged through your entire body, chuuya's hands on your waist were sure to leave bruises but it didn't matter at the moment when he kept on trying to grope the flesh his greedy fingers could find.
chuuya had you sitting on him with his knees behind to support you from falling, the wetness only seemed to make the sound of his balls slapping against your asscheeks reverberate in the room. chuua grabbed your thigh before parting your leg a bit so he could hit more precisely.
you looked at chuuya to see him glaring down at your jiggling tits with narrowed eyes as he tried to find something -- you don't know what but he looked focused on whatever he is trying to do. you looked over your shoulder at your tied up hands and when you looked back at chuuya again, he flicked your clit which made you moan loudly.
chuuya placed his hand on your back, just barely above your ass as he pushed you forward so you could be laying on him.
chuuya looked down to see your tits squeezed against his chest and he gathered a glob of saliva before spitting it on your chest, a breathless moan left his mouth when he saw his saliva trail down the valley of your breasts. he pressed his hands on your asscheeks to push you against him and raised one of his hands to grab the back of your thigh to push your leg apart and as he thrusted after doing so, you felt his tip graze the spongy wall that had you crying out in pleasure.
the thrust which follows the first one had more impact as it made sure to hit against your spot, making you curl your toes and arch your back. your tits pressed against his chest more in the process of doing so and so did your walls which clenched his dick, chuuya moaned closing his eyes and thrusting again.
you are the one having your first time with him yet why does he feel as if it's the opposite? he never felt like so.
chuuya slowly opened his eyes and what greeted his sight is a picture he will keep alive in his head till the next time he gets to have his hands on you -- your eyes closed as you laid on his chest, lips parted and he could see you drooling a bit and oh, chuuya felt his breath getting stuck in his throat.
he raised his hand to caress your cheek before pinching it and pulling you towards him using it, kissing the tip of your nose. this gesture made you clench around him and chuuya's eyes rolled to the back of his head.
he was pounding into you roughly, mercilessly and being animalistic, he used your shirt tied on your wrists to control you, pushing and pulling you to find all the different angles that'll have you milking his cock.
as he pulled you back to sit on him with the help of your shirt, you leaned a bit so your clit could be pressing against his pubis, your head tilted back and oh, chuuya widened his eyes, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he only increased his pace to feel his cock struggle with the way your walls are clenching so hard around it, your body shakes and even with chuuya's hands around your waist, he can't help but grin at your unstable state.
"chuuya, chuuya, let me touch you -- ah, chuuya!" you cry out his name desperately as his abuse to your cunt continued before you finally released a high pitched moan while experiencing your very first orgasm due to something which aren't your fingers but your fingers don't feel so good and if it weren't chuuya, you are sure this orgasm wouldn't feel so good as well.
you breath heavily before feeling your breath hitching, eyes opening wide when chuuya who had slowed down his pace while you were coming off your high, increases it suddenly again, his balls tightening and so was his grip on your waist, he is close too, your cum is definitely being a additional yet very much appreciated lube.
so this is maybe why he didn't pick up his ringing phone from the nightstand as he pounded into you, moaning and running a hand through your hair as he whispered praises to you.
"y-your pho --" you weren't able to complete your sentence when chuuya pushed you back to sit on him using the restraint on your wrist, his other hand raised to harshly squeeze your tit between his fingers.
"who cares? whoever is calling can wait, fuck, doll." chuuya hissed as ropes of white shooted out of his cock and creamed your walls, his thrusts turned sloppy but didn't stop.
and when they did, chuuya raised himself on his elbows to check who called him but he stopped midway, his hand hovered just above his phone when you grinded against him shakily, panting and body trembling.
"chuuya." your half lidded eyes stared at him and this was all chuuya needed before he is abandoning his phone to flip you on the bed, getting on top of you.
"spread your legs wide doll, let me see my pussy."
━━━━━━━ 💋 part two.
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rusmii · 7 months
excerpt from the hcs
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ – NOTE♡: here's a fic for the hcs from the post 'deep' except I go into more detail. forgot to include the tit milking but it's alr
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ – paring: incubus!chuuya x fem!reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ – tw//: NSFW, dom chuuya, service top chuuya, cunnilingous/oral (f. receiving), praising/degrading, big d chu!!, drunk sex (reader is drunk but consents), overstim, mean chuuya but he takes care of reader, spanking/slapping(on the ass), mentions of punishments/rewards, hair pulling, condom breaking, morning pills, marathon sex, pet names, cervix touching(rubbing?), womb fucking, breeding kink, mentions of ownership(of tha pussay)
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"Hold still."
chuuya warns as he holds down your thighs, " 'm not gonna say it again..-" the words slur on his tongue as his lips ghost against your exposed self. you moaned as he dips his tongue between your folds, "chuu- hgnnnghh!!~", white clouds your vision as your hips tremble, your back arching off the bed. you hear the man below you make a noise of annoyance before feeling his tongue inside you once more. "chuuya!~♡" you pant out, "not yet darlin'," he mutters and squeezes your thigh a bit. tears prickled the corners of your eyes, your chest heaving heavily as you roll your eyes back from the overstimulation. it was too much; too much but you loved it. your eyes squint shut, squealing while cumming for who knows how many times. your thighs threatening to snap shut and encage chuuya's head; scratch that, you did just that.
chuuya let out a little hmph as your thighs clamped together, not that he was mad, he was enjoying himself throughly. just as he was about to scold you, call you a bad girl for disobeying his order; you suddenly let out a loud and strained moan. your juices unexpectedly spewing right onto face. your whole body went stiff, arching off the bed, thighs;hips;your whole body rocked and swayed. "atta girl." he gently pats your thigh, rubbing soothing circles against it. "I got you; I got you, I knew you could it; that's my good girl, so good, f'me." his soft whispers of praise left your mind feeling numb, you whined as you settled down from your orgasm. the post orgasm hit hard, you didn't realize how long you were holding your breath for; chuuya did take your breath away after all. you pant trying to regain oxygen again, feeling him shift a little, you let out a surprised gasped- feeling something foreign inside you.
"shh; shh, let me take care of you." he interrupts you, his fingers now working their magic. "gh-ah..~" you moaned out, now feeling yourself being stretched out. "ho-how many?" you manged through your hiccups, and chuuya looks up with a devilish grin, "give me five more." your eyes widened like saucers, no way he was making you cum this much after going into town on you like a madman. "no!" you say, trying to get out of his grasp; from the overstimulation. "yes; yes you can love, you can do it," you hear him quip from beneath you. just as you were about to protest even more, chuuya thumbs your clit in gentle circles all the while pumping his fingers in and out of you; courtesy of a fourth finger already added unbeknownst to you. you shook, crying from the overwhelming amount of pleasure and pain coursing your body. "!!!♡~" without even a peep coming out, your mouth gaped open; which looked pretty lewd to chuuya, eyes in a hex; you couldn't even process what he said next properly. "so good for me- damn." he hissed out the last part, feeling his already tight slacks straining even more. he sighs, palming himself through his jeans, his voice just loud enough for it to be audible, "you're so good for me, aren't ya' pretty?" you could only whine as a response, and he lets out a small laugh, "c'mon dolly, few more- kay?"
"no moreee!!" you cried out, your entire body thrashed, clear juices squirting onto the man's face. riding out your orgasm, you felt yourself being readjusting by him; now feeling himself in between your thighs;ass pressed against his crotch, he furrows his brows in frustration. his boner now more evident than ever. "you're doing so well love, you handled all five; a fisting." he, now hovered above your trembling figure, leaned down to kiss away your pretty tears; how priceless those tears are. in his eyes, nothing could put a price on those. "for being so good for me, does my good girl want a reward?" he gently thumbs your bottom lip, rubbing a bit of the inside, "uhhuhh.." you mumbled out, but he tsked;his annoyance more prominent on his face. he just wanted to plunge himself deep inside of you until you both break the bed, until sunrise, until you'd need an actual wheelchair because he fucked you so good you became handicapped for the next few weeks. "nuhuh- words doll." his thumb now invading the front of your mouth. you mumbled something out but he couldn't quite make it out, "words," no answer, "words." silence again, "I said words." and finally, you spoke, " 'm don' know!!" he let out a sound of annoyance. "bad girl." a slap; the left side of your ass now tingling as a warning. "I'll give you one more chance..," he leans down next to your ear, "use your words or you'll be punished instead." you cried at the pressure, feeling overwhelmed, " 'm soorrryyy!!!" you plead; anything; anything but a punishment! you wanted him to fuck you into your sheets so hard but he was denying you. you could hear him click his tongue three times, "bad girl." he says before you felt a slap strike the other side of your ass. you cry out and start to thrash around, " m' sorry!; m'sorry!!!I im sorryyyy!!!!" slap;slap;slap, "not what I asked for deary."
you hiccup, "pleassseeee!!!- gah!!!" slap, "wait!-" slap, "no! please!!!-" slap, "fuck me!!!" you scream one last time. snot running down your nose, tears wetting your entire face as you thrashed around; being pinned by the muscular man. "oh?- did this bad girl finally learn her lesson? does this bad girl deserve her reward? did she earn her reward?" his teasing questions only made you cry harder. you started thrashing around again before you felt a hand squeeze your thigh; a warning. finally relenting, you breathe in and out heavily; your eyes glistened with tears, "y-yes," hiccup, "I'm sorry. m'sorry, please fuck me- please chuuya!" you start begging, hands starting to reach for his body; he holds your hand, "atta girl," he smiles, "I knew it; I knew you could do it, see- my precious, my lovely, my pretty; could do it." he plants kisses on different areas of your face with each compliment. you whined from the sudden affection, not complaining, surprised. he notices your quietness and gives you one last big smooch on the lips. he rubs against your cunt, his jeans now getting soaked by the second, "mm, pretty baby making me all wet?" not expecting a response he moves up, giving you a moments clarity of rest; kicking off his slacks and damn near tearing his shirt off. "fuck." he mutters, "finally-" he sighs in relief, his dick springs up; red tip; about to explode. before returning to you he grabs a condom from his wallet and rips it open; puts it on his dick in a hurry. he feels his body breathing in all the cool air around you both and he places himself back in between your legs. then you feel it, his cock dragging across your folds, tip barely pushing in. pre cum leaking over. "y'know," he starts grinding slowly, "i could just get myself off here and leave you be, unsatisfied." he whispers the last part to you. you shook your head, "please- no. need you; need you, please! chuuya! pleaseplease! chuuya! pleasepleaseplease!!!"
"shhh..." he shushes you, "let me take care of you; you've been so good, so good for me." he kisses you one last time before finally pushing in. he was finally able to enjoy the main course after feasting on the appetizer, his sexual hunger only being half satisfied is now being fulfilled. "uhgnn.." he groans, his tip slowly pushing inside as his lubrication seaps inside you, oozing deeper inside your tight hole. his natural lubricant aka precum was now being smeared all over your walls by the tip of his dick. now already pushed pass the ring of muscle chuuya could feel the spasm of your pussy wrapped tight around him. a quiet moan escaped from him as he now reached your cervix. "wait thats-!" you gasped at the intense feeling. normally it was supposed to hurt. that's what everybody who ever had sex says; that it was not recommended to penetrate so deep that you hit the end. "don't worry," chuuya reassures you as he starts rubbing the tip of his dick against your cervix; your walls clenching tightly around him as you felt him grind into you. You moaned out loud, the feeling of your pussy being tore open by a big fat cock that's also somehow making the brush of your cervix really pleasurable. "Ah- hn.. ee!~ AH!~♡" little noises escaped from your mouth as your pussy was being molded for the man shoved inside you. you yelp as you felt him start pushing against your cervix, "what- what are you doing?!", he gave you a quick kiss on the lips to quiet you down, "don't worry about it, I got a magic dick." he winks at you before forcing himself inside your womb slowly, groaning as the intense clamping was weighing him down. you squealed as you came, your juices flying straight up and into chuuya's abdomen, eyes crossed eyed into a hex, whole body shaking; giving you time to breath, chuuya's dick finally reached its hilt and he moans out as he bottoms out. he panted heavily, giving your clit a quick slap before positioning himself; he thrusts inside so quick and deep that you've forgotten what you were even moping around in the bar for. "AAHNNN!!~♡" moan after moan, thrust after thrust, he was restless. after holding himself back for hours on end, he could no longer push down his sexual desires and hunger. "shit- fuucck~♡" he moans out, "pussy s'good," he moans again; skin slapping against you; balls to pussy, "feels sooo goooooddd...~♡" he slurs his words together and moans when you clench down, you on the other hand? you were such a moaning mess that even the loud bed creak couldn't outdo you. "CHUUYAAAA!!~♡" another orgasm was pulled out of you, " s'kay- another. for me." he kisses your temple, "fuckfuckfuckfuck-" he says in a mantra but at the same time, you were repeating his name, "chuuyachuuyachuuya-". sighing into the crook of your neck, chuuya's thrusts start to become more erratic. "chu-chuuya!" you scream, "slow, down-GHHH!!~♡" your vision went white again as chuuya kept thrusting inside you, despite your intense orgasm. it took a while, maybe about twenty minutes before he finally slows to a stop, his dick stilling inside your womb, cum oozing inside the condom. "shiiiiiittttt~♡" he moans, "it's only an hour after midnight," he pulls you in for a passionate kiss, "let's keep it up, yeah dollface?"
"t-the condom!!~♡" you moan through your sentence as you feel him fill you up again, you haven't realized that chuuya never changed the condom after every round and that it's been building up since the first round. you don't know what round it is now but you know for damn sure that it had to have been many if the condom was ripped due to the pressure of weight; or it could just be the fact he cums a lot, either way you're gonna worry because you're not on the pill or anything that'll protect you from getting pregnant. "I'll buy you morning pills," chuuya plants a kiss on your neck, "promise?" you ask, "promise." he strokes your thigh. you pull him in for a kiss and you two have a steamy makeout session. You soon feel yourself being stretched wide open by his dick and you fall back as he catches you. "who's my good girl?" he whispers into your ear from behind as you push your hips back, "m-meEe!!~♡," still leaning over your back he thrusts in hard, "and whose pussy does this belong to?" you squealed as he started rubbing your clit, "y-yours..!~♡" you could hear him tsk, "couldn't hear ya' over your loud moaning. so I'll ask again," now thrusting in at an inhuman pace, he pulls your hair back until you're both on your knees, him still thrusting inside you, "whose pussy does this belong to?" he says on time with every thrust to your cunt, "whose the owner of this sloppy, loose cunt that's wrapped so beautifully around me?" you came; and was now being tugged on by your hair, "YOURS!~♡ OH- GO- CU-CUMM-~♡♡♡GHNNNN!!! YOURS...!!!!~~~♡♡♡" you yell as you cum, hard. "atta girl." he says, "that's right, this pussy is mine." he bites your neck as he came, hard and deep inside your womb; groaning as he does so. "PLEASSEEE!!!~~♡♡♡♡" you beg, you don't know how many rounds it's been;how many hours; or hell what time it is, all you know was that it was early into the morning as you glance at the rising sun. as of now, chuuya was thrusting into you like a rabbit in heat and you were taking it like the whore he molded you to be. "FUCK!!~♡' he suddenly yells; all night he's been mostly quiet but guess now he's nearing his end, "take it all!!-" his breath hitched, his thrusts start to become sloppier as your cunt gushes from the loads of cum and your slick. "HGNNGG- OOHGGG!!~♡♡♡" you moaned out, eyes rolling back, mouth gaped open, back arching impossibly high, both of your hips;legs;thighs;and body tremble from your final orgasm. it was deep and rough, but also soft and gentle. as you both calmed down from your high, staring at each other, chuuya leans down and pushes his lips onto yours slowly, despite you both being out of breath you're still sucking each other; too attached to let go now. eventually chuuya pulls out and carries you to the bathroom to wash up; placing you down on the cleaned and replaced sheets, chuuya tells you to wait there as he whips up something for the both of you, he comes back into the room to find you sleeping and gently wakes you up to eat. he notices your sleepiness is disturbing your function to chew and swallow so he has the courtesy do to it himself. picking you up and placing you on his lap, faced foward, chuuya picks up the utensil and urges you to be his good girl and eat. took a few tries and a couple of minutes on each bite, he eventually got you to finish most of your food and tilted your head back as he pours in water into your mouth. he waits to pour water until he's sure that you've swallowed all the water; he doesn't want you to choke and die after all. chuuya, after successfully completing his aftercare, tucks you back into bed and leaves a kiss on your forehead; you wake up in the morning to find morning pills, a glass of water, and a note with a number written on it; txt me l8r, ###-###-####<3.
hearing a buzz coming from his phone, chuuya pauses his workout to check and upon reading the first notification he smiles; saving your contact as '<3' as he rereads your message once more; heyyy this is y/n, is this chuuya?
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made by ©churuai pls don't steal
rbs and comments appreciated <3
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angelltheninth · 1 year
Could I request Chuuya railing his s/o from behind until the poor girl is in tears and passes out from exhaustion?
Chuuya Railing You From Behind
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Chuuya can rarely hold himself back when it comes to having sex with you. It doesn't matter where you are, as soon as you tease him he will fight back. By fight back he of course means rail you so hard you can't walk or talk when he finishes.
Asking Chuuya to hold back is a futile effort, you wouldn't even dream of it despite how it almost hurts at this point. Your pussy feels sensitive and abused by the sheer force of his relentless, ruthless thrusts. He's not trying to hold you back, he wants you to snap your hips back at him, to see his cum dripping from you at every slap of your hips together. He uses his still gloved hands to rub your clit to here the tiniest touch makes your hips jump towards his hand and your pussy tighten up.
Because he has a lot more stamina then you when he's so pent up Chuuya will fuck you to the point of exhaustion almost as a bragging tactic. Watching as you go limp against the wall and slide off his still hard cock only to have his cum painting your shaking back while you whimper and sob from how you got your brains fucked out of you is one of the most attractive sights he's ever seen so of course he wants to see it as often as possible, it never gets old seeing you in that state.
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
omg you're taking requests uhm, can i request for dazai and/or chuuya where he overheard his co-worker confide to kunikida or to yosano (in chuuya's case, it's tachihara or anyone in the port mafia lol) about her feelings towards him? like, she really went into detail as to why she loves him and wants to be there for him but she's scared that dazai doesn't feel the same way or she thinks he doesn't find her attractive esp when she did attempt to confess but they were too dense to put two and two together lmao im in the mood for angst and fluff so feel free to go wild with this one haha thank you~!
— dazai and chuuya hearing you talk about them
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“I don’t know, yosano; it’s hopeless.”
“are you serious right now?” yosano deadpans as you frown at her.
you get up, exasperated, “I have tried to confess twice! twice! and he either doesn’t get it or can’t find it in him to outright reject me!”
“you think dazai wouldn’t be able to figure something out?” she questions.
you sigh, “that means that it is the other option so I should probably stop liking him,” accepting defeat after god knows how long.
“you know it isn’t that easy; you can’t just stop feeling for someone, y/n.”
you look at her before finally bursting, “obviously it isn’t! I have spent the majority of my time either thinking about how much I love the idiot or how I want to be by his side and be there for him!”
“with a side of solving crime and saving the world.”
“yes and that too, but honestly I have gotten to the point that I NEED him to reject me so I can move on with my life and be a normal single person!”
yosano catches a figure standing outside the door and smirks lightly before speaking up, “say y/n, why do you like dazai so much?”
“first of all, I am wayyyyy past ‘like’; second of all, I like him because he is funny, cute, charming, smart, caring when he wants, observant and most importantly, he, deep inside, wants to do good.”
“oh?” she perks up at that, “why?”
“I…dont know much about his past with the mafia, but if he left then there has to be at least a part of him that is good,” you smile softly as you gaze into the ground, “I also don’t know much does he actually trust me, but if we ever have a chance, I would like to tell him that I am willing to shoulder his pains because he doesn’t deserve to go all of that alone.”
“and all of that because you love him?” she smiles and stands up then walks to the door.
“uhh, yeah? that was literally the introduction of my monologue,” you say, watching her walking.
“well, it’s a good thing that he heard all of that,” she announces before slamming the door open, “eavesdropping is a bad trait, dazai.”
he raises his hand up in mock-surrender, “I would never do such thing.”
she rolls her eyes and ruffles your hair, “I will let you two be,” then she closes the door behind her after she leaves.
you can see dazai processing things, and soon you and dazai stare into each other for a while, but a smirk settles on his lips, “so you love me, huh?—“
“if you’re going to reject me then do it quickly please,” you hurriedly say before looking away, not being to handle looking at him.
“hey now, I never said that I was going to reject you,” he points out, softly, but you merely side-eye him so he continues, “neither am I joking.”
he pouts and mumbles, “you really have no faith in me.”
you look away once again and fail to see the small smile that makes its way to his face; however, you hear his light footsteps as he approaches you.
he takes a hold of your hand and rubs it gently with his thumb, “I am going to be honest with you,” he notices how you tense up and kisses the back of your hand to calm you down, “I was going to say that I love you too, silly.”
“are you…sure?” you ask softly and gently bumps your foreheads and hums.
“never been more sure in my life,” he admits.
he smiles teasingly, “in fact, my honesty was going to be about how much I do and why; it’s only fair if I ramble about my love for you as well, no?”
“I am going to throw myself off a bridge.”
“oh no, not this again,” tachihara cowers.
“oh it’s this again!” you admit before freaking out, “did you see how good he looked getting off that motorcycle?!”
“how is he so attractive?!” you screech and he shrugs making you pout, “tachihara, cooperate!”
“I don’t see what is attractive about him!”
you take a breath and hear a small ‘what have I done’ from tachihara but start either ways, “first, his voice; holy crap his voice is so hot like yes sir please do talk more, let me listen to you talk about every single type of wine in the industry.”
“second, his eyes, they are so HEHEE! I can barely keep eye contact with him,” you fangirl and continue doing so, “and bro his entire physique honestly! I can’t think of a man that’s better than him in literally ANY category, sorry tachihara.”
he waves you off, but puts out another question, “what about his personality? what makes you so in love with him?”
“well,” you shyly start off, “he is a gentleman, he is nice, respectful, very kind and compassionate, trustworthy and overall an amazing person. I really can’t put it into words.”
“what about his anger issues?”
“oh no, he has every right to get angry at you people; everyone here is insufferable,” you say and tachihara huffs.
“but,” and the sadness in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed by your best friend, “i don’t think he feels the same.”
“why??” he asks, memory flashing back to every single time chuuya came to freak out about something cute you did and how much you fluster him, visibly so.
literally everyone can see it, except you.
“I don’t know; it’s just a feeling,” you murmur sitting down, “I am pretty obvious with my feelings and don’t necessarily hide it that much.”
that as well is true, which leads to only once conclusion that tachihara can think of: you both are undeniably stupid, clueless and are a pain in the ass to everyone around you because of how clueless you both are.
“well it’s a stupid damn feeling alright,” he quips and quickly gets a pack of tissues thrown at him.
however, he quickly recovers and with a smile and teases you, “sooo it’s safe to say that you love chuuya, right?”
“I have said that I love chuuya at least 4 times today; what’s wrong with you?”
you hear the sound of a glass breaking and turn around to see a red-faced chuuya who, for the life of him, can’t look you in the eye right now.
“oh shit,” you mumble and notice tachihara, sneaking out giggling. the bastard.
amidst the wine on the floor, the ticking of the clock and the blowing of the wind, chuuya barely mumbles out a sentence, “i l…v you… too.”
but you, obviously, didn’t hear anything, “what?”
he grumbles and walks closer to you, “i love you too.”
“chuuya, i really can’t hear you,” you say.
“I SAID I LOVE YOU TOO, YOU FREAKING IDIOT!” he yells and crosses his arms.
“jeez okay, no need to yell!” you shout back and he raises an eyebrow before sighing.
his arms wrap around your waist and he presses a kiss to your cheek, “you’re a handful, y’know.”
“already?” you giggle and he nods.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @waosobii
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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Getting to be your first time
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: Dazai, Chuuya X Fem!Reader
Request: "Chuuya and Dazai with a fem reader that’s a shy virgin that has never managed to pleasure herself, that’s what’s on my filthy mind rn" ◜By lovely anon!!◞
Genre: Smut
Format: Drabble
Warnings: NSFW! content, Pet names (Doll), Vaginal penetration, Cunnilingus, Oral (F receiving), etc
Word Count: 0.7K
A/n: Eye eye captain!
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↳Osamu Dazai
The way you try to hide your face as his tongue goes deeper inside you has him losing his fucking mind. Dazai has taken a lot of virginities, he's been lots of people's "first time"; but not once he had ever felt special, not like how he feels now.
He's amused with how sensitive you are, and how you refuse to let go of his hand despite facing the need to squirm around. He's told you to let go and don't hold yourself back multiple times, but you just don't listen;
it's like you're asking him to take the lead and show you how loud he can make you become, without actually saying it.
Dazai is having the time of his life down there. He loves it when no matter how much he eats you out, your pussy still gets wet with even more arousal.
He decides to be gentle with you, to not rush anything and go on slowly. He takes his time, leaning closer to bask you with euphoria as he makes out with your cunt, delighted by the way you moan whenever he pokes your clit with his tongue.
"O-Osamu... I- I think I'm..."
No. He can't hold back anymore. Not when you call out for him this prettily.
Dazai Osamu is one greedy man, and he does not hesitates to show it off. He slowly rubs your entrance with one digit while focusing on the sensitive spot on your clit, and spares no pain to suck on the tender flesh to earn louder whines from you. Maybe you're just as greedy as he is; or else you wouldn't throw your head back and push his head further to your core, making the poor man suffocate between your thighs. But he is not irritated even one bit; Running out of breath while he has you screaming for him in his last moments are a dream he lives to see it becoming true.
He will try to be good for you, and maybe you will let him take his frustration out on your tight little pussy tonight,
and for many more nights to come.
↳Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya can't decide if his pleased with the current situation, or annoyed.
Of course he's happy that he finally gets to have you all to himself, hell he will even refer to his current mood as "head over heels"; but it's not gonna work out if you keep hiding your face with your hands.
He gently grasps your hands and pulls them aside, revealing your gorgeous flushed face and an innocent look in your eyes that drives him insane. He just can't understand why you try so hard to keep him from seeing your pretty face and your cute little whimpers.
"Do you trust me, doll?"
"Then stop holding back, ok? I wanna see you baby. All of you. You're so gorgeous sweetheart. Fucking breathtaking for me. So don't shy away anymore, alright?"
After seeing your nod of approval, he smirks and kisses your jawline as he starts rocking his hips back and forth again, satisfied when he finally hears your moans clearly. He hisses when he feels your hand approaching your mouth to cover it again, so he suddenly bites your neck.
Your loud whimper definitely fueled his ego, more than he expected.
Needy lips targeting the sensitive spot on your neck, attacking the warm skin with kitty licks and kisses are not exactly helping. You can't hold yourself from giving in anymore; digging your nails in his back while wrapping your legs around him are just making it more obvious.
Chuuya can clearly feel you getting closer to your release as your moans become louder and your grasp around him tightens, and he can't wait to feel your walls squeeze around him as you hide your face in the crook of his neck.
He would have told you that this was not going to be the end of the night, but the fun must be saved from ruining, right?
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All rights reserved © 2022 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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stqrbxy · 1 year
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[ 中也 ] chuuya hand hcs + scenario . gn! attention-starved shy s/o.
genre : fluff, smut.
t.w : hand kink, suggestive themes. 
synopsis : chuuya deepthroating you with his fingers. 
author’s note : this was so fun to write ngl, but, i hope you enjoy this ! <3
word count : 180 (hcs) , 720 (scnrio) .
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— i swear to god. he would be so confused, flustered and pleased by the amount of control he has over you. 
— like you all in absolute awe of his hand purely? it’s absolutely arousing to him 
— he’d just be sitting on his chair with his desk in front of him, and he would be just writing papers and stuff, and then he’d look over to see you beside him, staring at his hands with pure awe. 
— he would simply just smirk at your state and then bore daggers into your eyes until you realize he was looking at you.
— and, oh gosh, when you do realise and turn flustered, he would literally be the biggest tease on the planet.
— “you seem to like my hands a lot, doll.” “enjoying the view, doll?” with a smirk plastered on his face while he watches you blush furiously and look anywhere except his eyes.
— oh, but, chuuya will not take any of that and will stand up, and MAKE you look at him.
— probably will shove a finger or two down your throat just to see your reactions. maybe, his entire hand.
— and, that does not stop there…
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chuuya was busy as usual, scribbling out signatures and alphabets into what seemed to be the 30th paper today, sitting at his desk. you let out a quiet sigh and held your head in your hand as your elbow rested on the office armchair. you moved your gaze from his eyes to his paper, to his hand which held the expensive fountain pen in place.
his hands. you thought as you zoned out to space, looking at his hand movements, not realising that he had already noticed you. five minutes had passed and you noticed that finally, as his hand movements decelerated. you looked up to see a cocky smirk plastered over his face which widened more after he saw your eyes dilated. before you could reply, an equally cocky reply fell out of chuuya’s lips. “never thought you liked staring into my hand, [ name ] or, is that a kink of yours i’m unfamiliar with?” definitely the second one.
you blushed deeply, and lowered your head, muttering out a small “sorry, i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” you guessed chuuya wasn’t happy with this response, as he pulled your chair closer and pulled you onto his lap so that you were straddling him. This made you gasp softly and chuuya chuckle. 
“you’re avoiding the question, doll. answer me.” he whispered, this time with a darker and more demanding tone. your heartbeat quickened as you felt his warm, no, hot breath fanning your ear shell.
“do you enjoy looking at my hands? because you sure did look like it.” chuuya chuckled darkly as you nodded, gazing at the floor instead of into his eyes. oh but, he was going to make sure that you follow what he wants. 
he pushed your chin up, caressing your jawline carefully as if it was a delicacy, making you look straight at him and nowhere else. 
“d-don’t, you have work to do?” chuuya simply replied with a closed-eye snarky smile, “no, i don’t, i already finished all of the papers as you can see if you were not too busy boring daggers into my hand?” he smirked and pulled you into a warm, passionate kiss, surprising you once again.
you moaned quietly into his mouth, making chuuya more aroused and allowing him to slide his tongue into your mouth and explore every inch of it. only breaking apart for a second of breathing, and then continuing with the rough make out session.
you gently pushed him away with your hands resting on the junction of his collarbone and his shoulders. after being left breathless and saliva dripping from your lips, chuuya merely smiled with a dark glimpse in his eyes as he observed your state. you looked up back at him as he shot you a devilish smirk, “that was just a kiss, darling, we’ve barely even started yet.” with that, he placed his right index finger on your lips “take it off for me, doll?”, you nodded and cautiously took off his glove, feeling your heart melt when he gently smiles and takes the glove from you, placing it on his desk with the same amount of care. 
but, his gentle demeanour changed when he shoved two fingers inside of your mouth just when you were about to speak, making you gag in the process. “suck.” and you complied, sucking on his fingers with caution, making sure not to graze them with your teeth. as much as chuuya was enjoying this, he was getting impatient, so he decided to shove another finger in, as well as push it deeper.
now you were being deepthroated with his fingers, as you squirmed and held onto his chair tightly. chuuya noticed this and snaked his free arm over your waist to hold you in place. 
you started choking a bit when he added the last finger, making it so that his entire hand was inside of your mouth. and you were incredibly aroused by it. chuuya smirked when he felt his entire hand soaked in your saliva and started to unzip your pants with his free hand as he took out the one which was in your mouth, you gasped at this which made chuuya plant a small kiss on your cheek and chuckle darkly.
“don’t worry, i won’t hurt you, are you ready for more, doll?”
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zy4nyaa · 5 months
Random Chuuya headcanons
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I honestly feel like he wouldn’t date anybody since he is in the mafia and he wouldn’t want anybody to be in danger because of that, he would probably date someone if they’re in the mafia with him
But if he were to date somebody then he would most definitely keep his eyes on his significant other, like he would stay loyal to that person and make them his top priority
Even though he is rich, I don’t think he would be buying unnecessary things, like I just feel like he wouldn’t go around buying hundreds of things just bc he’s rich
He has a YouTube channel of him doing skincare and hauls and a bunch of other stuff
He DEFINITELY knows how to cook and draw/paint😍😍
He hates when other people struggle, he feels like he struggled a lot and went through so much pain and he doesn’t want anybody else to experience that either. As soon as someone opens up to him he’s right by their side
Even after that if the person is doing fine he would still keep an eye out and look out for that person to make sure that they’re actually okay
He’s insecure about himself so he absolutely loves when other people compliment him even if it’s a small one
Even though he is insecure about himself people still come up with him, he doesn’t know how attractive he really is. He doesn’t realize when people are trying to flirt with him he just thinks they’re complimenting them or referring to something else
I feel like since he works at the mafia that he wakes up early for work, he either wakes up at 5:00 or 5:30. He is probably won’t get a chance to sleep sometimes since he works late
If you’re his lover, be prepared because you won’t really see him that much since he has a strict schedule and will mostly come home at midnight, even then he would still find time to spend with you
He has social media like TikTok and instagram but he doesn’t post that much, the least that he would post is a picture of wine on his story
I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like he has Heterochromia since his eyes are blue in the anime but brown in the manga.
He knows multiple languages like Japanese, English, French, Italian, and Spanish. He is fluent in Japanese (obviously) and Spanish, probably French too because of Verlaine.
He also likes to curse in French
Sometimes he paints his nails red or black if he’s bored
He definitely has light freckles on his face that are too light to see, he also has 2-3 scars from fighting.
He probably has piercings like his lip or eyebrow, maybe even his nose
His style is soo good, I picture him most likely wearing black, red, gray, white, or just any colors that go good with each other.
Along with the hat and wine collection, he also loves to collect shoes and gloves although he will continue to wear the same pair of shoes and gloves even if he has hundreds of them in different colors
Whenever he tries to put his hair in a ponytail he can NEVER get it right, it’s either too far up, too far back, not straight, or there’s a huge lump
His hands are so freaking nice, and they are literally bigger than dazais (this isn’t a headcanon this is true look it up)
Absolutely LOVESS music, In my opinion I think he listens to a lot of bands and hard rock. He is over 10 hours on Spotify and has playlists for different purposes
If he has a crush and they mention their favorite music artist or song he will go home and listen to that all day
Whenever a person betrays him I feel like he wouldn’t hate that person completely, he would still care about them but not as much as he used to
He likes hot showers especially if he is stressed out, he loves the feeling of it on his scalp
He has a few bottles of cologne but he wears one specific one most of the time, it’s like his signature smell
Since he is insecure about his appearance he wears like makeup like concealer on his scars and marks
He likes to invite some of the other pm members to the bar every Friday if he has free time
There was one time where he got so sad to the point where he didn’t want to do anything, he didn’t feel like getting out of bed, eating, or cleaning his room
He did really well in school, he didn’t have a big friend group he really only had 2-3 close friends and the rest were people he just talks too
Everyday before going to work he looks in the mirror and winks at himself and does random cringey poses
If he catches you staying up too late on your phone he will snatch it away from you and cuddle you to sleep
He likes to buy his friends things, like if they’re at a coffee shop then he will buy them something or pay for their coffee
He would genuinely love his significant other a lot, he’d call them when he has time to at work and text them just to check up on them
He sometimes takes a trip to the store after work to buy unnecessary snacks that he won’t eat
He REALLY cares about his hygiene, he always smells good even without cologne. You will never catch this man stinking
He has a few posters of dogs on his wall, when he was OBSESSED with dogs he bought a lapel pin with a brown chihuahua on it and he would wear it to work every single day
His sleep schedule is kind of messed up since of his work but it’s not as bad as Dazai’s
His body is soo AJAKSSHSJHS like his waist is snatched and his legs are muscular like omg😍
He either types with a bunch of emojis or is just dry, it depends on the person because he could be like “Ok!😜💕❤️😘😁☺️😍🥳🐒🦅🎣😍📝” or he could be like “k”. It depends on his mood and who he’s texting
On mondays he would telll himself that he only has to make to Friday (he’s been telling himself that for years, he honestly never makes it to Friday)
That’s all for now but I will most likely be adding more headcanons to this list :D
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hopelessdazai · 7 months
I just saw the soft sex with dazai can you made a soft sex with Chuuya too? Pretty please.
Take your time answering this tho, I don't want to pressure you ><
YEAAAAAAA CHUUYAAAAA RAAAAAA 🗣🗣🗣🗣❗️⁉️⁉️🔊🔥 I think the only reason I'm actually doing requests is bc I have college work to write erm.
Soft sex with chuuya
contents; chuuya x reader, soft sex, chuuya loves u so bad, praise, oral, gender neutral reader, crying during sex,
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oh how to even begin. the nights don't go how they usually do, which if you're unaware usually begins with you pinned to a wall while chuuya takes what he wants in the moment.
he wants you to feel appreciated tonight, loved !! adored !! maybe you'd had a bad time at work recently and he knew you wouldn't be in the mood for the roughness he's usually on. or maybe he just wants to show you exactly how much you mean to him.
but whatever the reason is, chuuyas whispering praise in your ear while he gently kisses you. it's not his usual sloppy makeout, where it feels like more teeth then tongue. he's gently peppering kisses around the places on you he absolutely adores.
and that's a lot of places.
he'll carry you into bed if you aren't already there, always. laying you down on the sheets and taking a good minute to truly appriciate your beauty. not to say he usually doesn't, but tonight is different. try not to get embarrassed while he's obviously ogling at your body.
he goes down on you, he usually does. no teasing tonight and barely edging unless you insist upon it. he's getting you to the goal immediately and making you feel good, you deserve it.
chuuya doesn't request anything of you directly, if you pick up on his subtle hints on wanting you to return the favour, he'll gladly let you. his usual methods of fucking your throat until he's crying out and tearing up is no good though. even if he gets frustrated, he let's you go at your own pace.
and when he actually fucks you? it's so different to the usual lust he feels. he's so gentle, he's holding you close and damn near crying because he's so happy to have you. he's so glad to be around you. and he's so delighted to have someone to be this intimate with.
the only words that spill from chuuyas lips are kind ones, he won't degrade you in these times, the most you'll get is a cuss word under his breath. he adores you. he wants you to know that and know it straight today.
he can't help when he tears up when he cums either. holding you tight to his chest and whining at how warm you feel as he spills into you. he'll apologise for it, telling you he doesn't know whats gotten into him. but he knows, and you probably know too.
chuuya isn't used to these intimacy levels. he's used to hate sex, being rough to get where he wants. he's not used to having someone to love so thoroughly. and here you are. in his arms. and he couldn't be happier with where he is in life.
maybe he'll retire from the mafia and settle down with you tomorrow. but today he'd like to focus on the warmth of you in his arms.
it's Halloween month and we get the fivbe nights at Freddie movie soon !! :3
- zai
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chuuyaswifeirl · 2 years
chuuya struggling to open an elevator is funny to me lol (i still love him tho)
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chuuyrr · 10 months
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╰➤ CW(s): NSFW (soft + detailed smut), MDNI, f! reader, unprotected sex, slight overstimulation, praises, chuuya constantly calls you sweetheart, baby, and good girl.
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which chuuya finds you freezing cold in the middle of the night and provides you warmth
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being able to sleep close to you every night is something nakahara chuuya could not ask for more.
he's already been away and busy for nearly an entire day thanks to his work as a port mafia executive, so returning home to you no matter how late it is a must to be with you again.
chuuya finds himself waking up in the middle of the night, just a few hours after he had gotten home from work, and realizes how freezing cold the temperature was in the dimly-lit bedroom as the soft sound of rain could be heard outside the penthouse.
he blinks slowly, his eyes a little dazed from his half-asleep state as he notices how the blanket ended up at the foot of the bed and how his arms were lacking a warm body to grasp.
chuuya's voice was low and raspy from sleep as he called out for you, "sweetheart?"
he rubs his eyes and discovers you sleeping on the opposite side of the bed, further away from him, since you had most likely moved in your sleep.
when he realizes this, he shifts in bed and reaches for your figure, reaching out his arms to pull you back into his embrace. however, chuuya flinches as soon as he touches your arm, saying, "shit, sweetheart. you're cold."
chuuya instantly wraps his arms around your body, drawing you back to him while hushing and coaxing you sweetly in your sleep, both from the unexpected movement and the temperature of the room.
"shh, shh... it's okay, sweetheart. it's okay," he says softly, snuggling your body back to his chest before drawing the blankets back over your bodies and caressing your arms for extra warmth while kissing the top of your head.
you continue to whine softly as you awaken from the cold and the sudden movement. the blanket was insufficient, as was his arms. you were still shivering from the room's cold temperature.
chuuya's hands moved slowly from your arms to your waist, carressing you over your sleepwear as a thought occurred to him.
he moves in closer, pressing his lips to your ear, "you're gonna be okay, sweetheart. i'll warm you right up."
chuuya then plants his lips on the spot behind your ear and begins trailing kisses all the way down your neck. his hands rise up your sleepwear and begin caressing and stroking your skin, massaging you more firmly yet sensuously now.
"c-chuuya.." you gasped softly with a hitched breath as his hands and breathy sighs warmed your skin to the point where you found yourself leaning in closer to his touch and embrace for more warmth as you clung onto him.
"easy, baby. let me take care of you, okay?" chuuya whispers, kissing the sensitive regions on your neck, nibbling and sucking on your skin, and slipping his hands inside your sleepwear, feeling up the soft flesh of your breasts.
you sweet yet soft moans were like music to his ears, and he couldn't help but groan as he felt how hard and sensitive your nipples were from the cold, and his fingers as he slowly massaged and felt up your supple breasts in his hands as he kissed and suckled on your neck.
chuuya's hands then trail lower, finding their way to the waistband of your pajama shorts.
you find yourself whimpering into the corner of your pillow in need and desperation as you feel chuuya pull down your pajama bottoms completely along with your panties, but he doesn't remove your top, not wanting you to grow colder from the room's temperature.
"such a needy baby, aren't cha?" he chuckles softly, his breath tickling the skin of your neck as he feels you eagerly clamp your thighs and grind down on his hand the second he discards your pajama bottoms.
chuuya pushes his fingers through your folds to rub your delicious nub as he resumes kissing and nibbling at your neck, leaving you a moaning and shuddering mess. as he continued his efforts, your soft little moans became increasingly audible.
he then slides his middle and ring fingers into your entrance with a wet squelch, since you were already moist from his touch earlier, and chuuya groans once more as your inner walls clench around his fingers that were going in and out of your entrance.
"so wet for me, baby.. such a good girl.." chuuya hums, pumping his fingers, kissing and biting at your neck with a sigh while firmly holding your waist and carressing it to keep you in position next to him, just beneath the warm and cozy blanket, while you squirmed and moaned.
"come on, good girl... cum for me, won't you?" chuuya asks breathily against your neck, moving his fingers rapidly in and out of you while stimulating your clit.
your legs twitched and trembled from his fingers, you moaned softly, "c-chuuya.. ha.. ah.."
"come on. you can do it, baby.." chuuya chuckles softly, encouraging you further with his words.
it doesn't take long for you to utter a short cry of ecstasy as you orgasm on his fingers with a shudder, grasping the sheets and pillows.
"good girl.. such a good girl for me, [name]," chuuya praises, pulling his middle and ring fingers out of you which were connected by your wet slick. he kisses your forehead as you pant lightly for air, recovering from your high.
but he doesn't stop there. chuuya can still feel how cold you were, and he was equally cold. he needs you as much as you need him right now.
he slowly pulls away and moves to hover over your body beneath the blanket that had been covering you two. chuuya plants many kisses on your lips while softly caressing your cheek with his other hand while simultaneously removing his sweatpants and boxers in one swift motion.
he kicks them off and discards them, along with your pajama bottoms and panties earlier, stroking his fingers up your waist, hips, and finally your thighs, giving them a squeeze before gripping them to widen them apart as he presses them farther down the matress.
chuuya takes one of his hands and strokes his own cock, which was already dripping with pre-cum. he strokes the tip first before rubbing against your wet opening, pushing in slowly.
"h-haah.. god, you feel sooo good, [name].." chuuya groans in pleasure as he stretches you out with your inner walls clenching around his cock as he inches it slowly inside your entrance the same way he did earlier with his fingers.
the warmth of your pussy was comforting, enticing, and addictive all at the same time, and it was enough to keep you and him warm together on this cold night.
"a-and you are such a good girl for me too.. taking me so well while i warm you up all nicely just like this.." chuuya sighs shakily, praising you once more as you slick up more and more both from sensitivity and pleasure.
"c-chuuya!" you voice out between your soft gasps, holding onto his arms as he moves his hips a bit faster now, inching his cock deeper and deeper into your wet core.
chuuya's voice becomes shaky as he speaks and thrusts himself into you at a quicker pace, "feels nice and warm, baby? y-yeah?"
you nod your head, a shaky yes spilling from your lips, as he thrusts deeper into your pussy and brushes up against a sensitive sweet spot, causing you to moan more loudly with your legs wrapping around his waist. you slam down into him, colliding with his thrusts in sync as he continues to guide your hips.
"hmm, looks like i found it," he smirks a bit before his lips brush against yours, kissing you passionately with such tenderness as he lifts your waist a little for a better angle and begins hitting that sensitive sweet spot over and over, intensifying his thrusts.
chuuya tightens his grasp on your hips and syncs them with his hip movement, all the while kissing your lips with such passion and care, and soon enough, both of your sweet moans and grunts fill the bedroom with warmth, the bed creaking intensely from chuuya's thrusts.
with his cock hitting that same sensitive sweet spot over and over, his lips feeling so warm against your own as his tongue dances with yours, and his hands holding and carressing your hips, everything was warmer, sensitive, and feeling all good in the right places.
"c-chuuya.. c-close.. a-am really close and s-sensitive.." you softly gasp this in between the kisses, your eyes already watering from the immense pleasure you were nearing.
"that's my good girl right there," chuuya chuckles softly in a shaky breath, drawing away from your lips for a second before returning, thrusting harder and faster as he feels your inner walls clench and tighten around his cock.
"come on right here and then.. cum for me sweetheart.." chuuya moans against your lips, grinning as he feels you tense up and moan louder as he begins caressing your clit all over again, as he did before while he thrusts.
"c-chuuya.. w-wait, p-please.. s-sensitive!~" you cry, your legs writhing and spasming against him as your movements to keep up with him become sloppy. "s-sensitive right now.. a-ah.."
"shh, i know, baby. it's okay, you're okay. almost there," chuuya tenderly hushes you, continuing to rub your sweet little nub with unwavering thrusts, "just let me make you feel nice and warm."
you slurred your words, unable to express yourself correctly because of how good and warm everything feels right now, especially with your thoughts clouded in such pleasure.
"shit.. c'mere, baby.." chuuya moans as he buries his face deeper into your neck, his thrusts becoming more sloppy and urgent. he grips you tighter than ever as he bites the delicate sweet spots on your neck all over again.
he, too, was growing closer and chasing for that intense pleasure and warmth with you.
chuuya lets out a grunt and a deep groan as he orgasms with you, his hands immediately carressing and massaging your hips and ass to comfort your body as it spasms and shudders from the extreme pleasure.
as you come undone with your nails digging and scratching chuuya's back as he fills you up all nice and warm with his cum profoundly, painting your inner walls white, you let another cry of pleasure leave your lips, which was louder than when you initially orgasmed from his fingers earlier.
both of you pant and breathe heavily for air as your bodies became heated and sweaty, no longer freezing cold by the room's temperature.
chuuya sighs relievedly, thrusting his cock a bit again, coaxing subtle yet sharp gasps from you before pulling out, letting his hot cum drip and roll out of your stuffed and sensitive pussy.
he then kisses you again, this time more softly but still with the same passionate affection as before, pressing his forehead against yours, his soft, warm, and shaky breaths tickling your face as he wipes the bead of sweat rolling down your brow and cups your cheek before stroking it with his thumb.
as your breathing eventually evens out, you speak out between quiet breaths, "chuuya.."
"yes? are you okay, sweetheart? are you still with me?" chuuya says softly and considerably, while peppering your face in gentle kisses.
"a-am okay.. i'm okay.." you respond softly, leaning into his touch and tenderness.
"good," chuuya tenderly smiles when he hears your response before lying back down on his side in bed, right next you, adjusting the blankets to better cover both of your bodies.
he draws your body back to him, his arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly. chuuya kisses you on the lips one more time before you bury and nuzzle your face into his neck as you cuddle up to him and he comfortingly rubs your back. you find your eyes becoming heavier as a result of exhaustion and the newfound warmth from earlier.
"we'll clean up when we wake up in the morning. i'll give you the nicest bath, and that's a promise," chuuya says softly as he begins to yawn, his eyes becoming heavier as well, "but for now, rest up, sweetheart. you deserve it."
"i'll keep you nice and warm," he adds.
chuuya then buries his face in your hair, tenderly rubbing your back once more before the two of you fall asleep in each other's arms, the sound of rain outside the penthouse still audible through the bedroom window.
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[ author's notes ! hi, there. okay, so this was my first time writing nsfw/smut, as well as writing for something other than a series fic. tbh, i was pretty hesitant about posting this, but here it is, and i hope you enjoyed reading it ! (⸝⸝ >⤙< ⸝⸝) ]
p.s. ! i tried a new writing style for this writing by the way. please let me know what you guys think. reblogs and likes are highly appreciated and shoutout to chuuya lovers 🥂
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hiddenlife-manager · 1 year
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Chuuya Nakahara NSFW
Chuuya Nakahara × Fem reader
Extra: nsfw, praise kink, fingering, oral, moans, squirt, make out session, fluffy, cute chuuya
Authors note: Honestly, it could be ooc chuuya, but let's be fair, he would do this to someone he cares for. Maybe I'll do a switch story, hehe. Seriously, I was doing a scantron test and I messed up, so here I am begging to retake it. Like I wear glasses for a reason!
Good Read
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Your arms held him tightly, gently resting your head against his chest. You missed this. You missed his distinct cologne and his company. You couldn't let go of him; everything about him made you so happy.
"What are you thinking?" He mumbled as he stared out towards the television, showing a stupid love story.
"I missed you." Silence filled the room after you said those words. He let out a content hum, placing his lips on your forehead. You raised your head to look at the face you fell in love with. He tenderly kissed your lips there; he drew you up and closed in on the kiss; your hands wrapped around his neck, kissing him tightly.
He pulled away from you, breathing heavily, and in only seconds, you pulled him into a heated, less tender kiss. His gloved hands grabbed a fistful of your hair, and your arms wrapped around his neck, slightly pulling at his red hair. Both of you couldn't pull apart from each other, wanting nothing more than to be one.
"God, you are everything to me." He placed his hands at the hem of your shirt, lifting it above your head; your breast bounced at the motion. His hands lowered again, this time grabbing the back of your bra and unclipping it. Your hands were raised out of instinct to cover yourself.
His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you towards him. You leaned against his frame, his lips slowly kissing every inch of you. He kissed your neck and lowered himself to your breast. His kiss started to turn into him sucking at your skin and biting you. He bit into your shoulder and neck, and slowly he started to bite around your breast. It was clear that you would have to wear something to cover up the marks he left.
He sucked at your left nipple, handling your right nipple with his index and middle fingers and rubbing. He flipped you around, with your back against his chest, your head between his neck, and his hand back on your nipples. The entire time, whimpers left your precious little mouth.
"Care to remove my gloves?" You nodded eagerly. His hand made its way to your lips, your mouth held the tip of the glove, and he pulled his hand away, removing the expensive leather glove. "Use your hands and remove your shorts." You did as he asked; finally, all the clothing you had on was your underwear, while he kept his clothes on, with the only thing removed being his one glove hand.
His ungloved hand tickled your body gently, lowering his hand from your mouth to your thighs all the way to your warmth. He tapped your thigh, indicating that he wanted you to open your legs for him. You did as he asked, you always did that; that was what made you perfect. His hand pulled your underwear aside and rubbed his finger against your clit, immediately a gasp left your lips. Your body tried to pull away from the feeling.
"You're dripping." He placed his two fingers on your slit, rubbing you as you continued to pull away. His fingers got coated in your slick, and he pulled his hand back up to his face, opening his mouth and taking his fingers into his mouth. With a pop sound, he grabbed your jaw with his gloved hand, opening it as he placed his fingers into your mouth. "You're doing great."
Once more, he placed his hand back towards your cunt. His finger teased your clit eventually tapping down your cunt reaching your entrance. Sliding into your hole, your slick squelching being forced back into your hole. You threw your head back, moans escaping your lips.
His lips embraced yours, muffling your moans as you attempted to kiss him back. Your back arched through the pleasures the way he slid his slender finger in and out of you. Your body squirmed, grinding against his fingers.
His fingers quickened the pace as he curled his finger against the top of velvety walls. In the heated kiss, your moans vibrated each other's mouth as your arms wrapped around him behind you. Chuuya kept your chin up with his gloved hand, pulling your lips apart.
"Chuuya-" you breathed out, "I'm so close!" He chuckled.
"Don't hold back, darling." Your head nodded as your breath wavered. As his fingers pumped into you, a scream pierced the dark living room, drowning out the television. The sound of your slick slamming into the couch hit both of you hard, while your body shook from the ongoing orgasm. Chuuya continued to move his finger, going up and down, causing you to push out your squirt even more from the pleasure.
"You did great, darling." You smiled weakly, placing a kiss on his lips.
"Your turn."
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yuecrown · 7 months
[ 5:42 AM ] — nakahara chuuya
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chuuya x gn!reader. fluff. warnings: swearing. 0.5k wc.
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it isn’t until you hear chuuya come up behind you that you realize it’s already morning. you’re nursing a cup of now-cold coffee in your hands, and you’re amazed that you haven’t dropped it even though you’ve been zoned out for the past hour.
“you okay?” chuuya’s voice is thick with sleep as he wraps his arms around you.
you nod. “i just woke up a little early.”
chuuya lets out a quiet hum, and rests his chin on your shoulder, before shivering. “it’s fucking freezing out here.”
the sun hasn’t risen yet, so the balcony is still cold, but you were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t feel the chill. chuuya goes back inside before returning with two hoodies. he pulls one on and chucks the other at you.
it’s one of his, an old, faded grey thing that you’ve ‘borrowed’ from him more times than you can count. he pretends to get mad about it, but he’s not. not really. that’s just how chuuya is, grumpy and sharp-tongued, but kind nevertheless. attentive even though you don’t ask him to be.
the two of you sit in silence for a while— not that it’s ever really quiet when you live in the middle of yokohama. even pre-sunrise, the air is filled with sounds of traffic and the howls of stray dogs. you don’t mind though. you’ve grown to like the sounds of the waking city.
eventually, you turn to go back into your shared apartment, calling out, “want some coffee?” as an afterthought, because you know chuuya hates the way it tastes. as expected, he shakes his head, so you simply make yourself a cup, and return outside.
chuuya’s sitting quietly, gazing out at the city as sunlight starts to hit the buildings, coloring the previously dark sky shades of blue and yellow.
“how’s the hangover?” you ask, a teasing lilt to your voice. he glares at you, before massaging his temple and muttering, “what hangover?”
you hold back a laugh and drape yourself over his lap, setting your cup down on the table carefully.
“good morning,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his neck. the faint emerging sunlight tinges his hair gold as he sleepily kisses you back, still smelling faintly of alcohol and last night’s cologne.
you thread your fingers through his hair, gently playing with the soft locks as he lets out a content hum and relaxes his body.
his fingers still bear last night’s rings, and his many piercings reflect the light whenever he tilts his head, but he’s wearing fluffy pompompurin slippers. that’s just like chuuya, you think to yourself with a little smile. mean and scary and so, so cute.
he spots your smile and grumbles, “makin’ fun of me in your head, aren’t you.”
“maybe,” you say, taking hold of his hand in yours and linking your fingers together.
he huffs, but his face is relaxed. chuuya doesn’t always smile when he’s happy, but you’ve learned to pay attention to the other things— the way the crease between his brows disappears, the ways his eyes crinkle up ever so slightly, the way his ears get tinged pink when he’s flustered.
“brat,” he says, tightening his arms around you, making you smile and lean into his touch.
you used to wake up alone, but now, mornings are synonymous with chuuya.
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notes: constantly thinking about domestic life with chuuya 😵‍💫😵‍💫 also i’m a firm believer that chuuya loves sanrio & u cant convince me otherwise
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rusmii · 1 month
mmmkay this has been on my mind but CHUUYA IS SUCH A GUARD DOG BF YKNOW??!??!!?!?? LIKE HES SO PROTECTIVE OF U N ITS SOOOOO SWEET AUGH like this man wouldnt let anything happen to u :((
(wow red isnt yapping abt dazai for once what a shock)
wedywed bby this is me rn AND LMAOO no dazai yap🥺⁉️ send me some of ur dazai yap 😞🤞
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warnings — protective!chuuya x fem!reader, mean girl >:(, cursing, NOT PROOFREAD/EDITED
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“the hell are you doin’?” chuuyas voice pops into the conversation. breathing a sigh of relief, you step closer to his side, not wanting to entertain any more gossip. “oh wow!” your new friend gasps, interested in chuuyas choice of attire. “is that what i think it is?” staring at his wrist watch, your friend suddenly has a friendly face — much unlike her snappy one just a moment ago. chuuya nods, an awkward smile saving him from having to say much. wanting to drag him without being rude, you politely excuse the two of you. “hey - we’re gonna head over to the cuisine area. if you need anything, you can find us there -” — “oh!” she rudely cuts you off, a gasp emitting from her fake shock that has chuuya narrowing his eyes. “what?” he asks, not bothering to fix his slightly bothered tone. remaining ignorant to cues, she goes on a rant on how ‘people with weight shouldn’t be eating so much so they’ll explode like pigs!’ 
what she said didn’t bother you one bit. ever since meeting chuuya, your appearance has been the least of your concerns. chuuya himself hated when you were insulted — even if it was coming from yourself. that’s why he vowed to always bitch-slap anyone crossing the street who he happens to overhear say something degrading about you. and now? oh sweetheart, he was about to plummet this girl straight down to earth’s core if she didn’t shut up. “and then -!” — “holy shiiit! do you ever shut up?!” chuuya snaps, grabbing your wrist with as much care as he could and drags you behind him — shoulder checking your new friend hard. you watch her scream as she spills her wine and stumbles over herself, falling straight to the ground.
over the manic screaming of her, chuuyas voice drowns it out. “[name]. i don’t give a damn who it is - don’t ever endure shit like that again. ‘kay? — yeah, love you too.. stop laughing.”
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angelltheninth · 1 year
Impatient Chuuya Just Needs to Have You
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If there is one person who doesn't have the patience to wait until you get home to fuck its Chuuya. This man isn't patient at all and when he wants to fuck your pussy he will find whatever solitary, empty place he can and absolutely rail you. The idea position would be the one where he can see your face, flushed, eyes looking into his, your mouth slightly parted as moans escape it. Chuuya loves seeing your face, so really dark places are a bit of a mood killer for him, there has to be at least one light source there so he can see not only your face but the beautiful way your pussy accepts his cock. If he's allowed to he would love to finish outside in a way where his cum will stain your clothes. Your clothes looks beautiful with blood stains after a mission, so of course Chuuya appreciates this too. Of course there are other options too but as long as you both finish he's fine with whatever, he's not very picky when it comes to where he finishes as long as he does. Now in case that its inside you then you need to take the after pill when you get home because as much as Chuuya loves it when you ask him to finish inside you neither of you are ready to become parents just yet.
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