#wacky writes
🌈 ☔
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
She got the pill into the villain’s beak, making her swallow through her sobs. “This will put you to sleep, you’ll wake up in a minute more relaxed. I can better explain this to you then.” 
Her hand then found Heron’s and she held it tightly, knowing the F.O.W.L. agent hadn’t truly heard a word she’d just said. Getting her comfort across in actions rather than words would work best now.
Beakley leaned down, softly kissing Heron’s forehead. “Rest now, love.” 
She felt Heron’s breathing slow, her sobs drifting off and her muscles stopped twisting. The hand in Beakley’s went limp, and the spy took a moment to check her pulse. 
Normal. She’d wake in a moment with a calmer mind.
this one is goinggggg to get fluffier I just. haven’t written those parts yet sldlflfld no fluff only angst rn
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
ohhhhh this is a fun question. I did have one fic I started ages ago that idk if I’ll finish- it starts off as a cute donro fic but goes through each of their perspectives as the Spear of Selene thing happens, then as they meet again later and talk about stuff. It’s a fun idea but idk if I’ll ever get enough motivation to finish it with it having to be quite long 😔
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help I've got to hurry and post a fic slkdsjflkdsjfdslkjfdlj XD
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luxaofhesperides · 4 months
Soulmate AU: First Words + End of the World ; requested by @justwannabecat!
Duke has long since accepted that he doesn’t have great luck. Most things in his life tend to go wrong very quickly, or complicate situations he was already struggling in (see: being a meta and getting his powers in the middle of a fight). Having an incomprehensible soulmark is an unpleasant discovery on the morning of his nineteenth birthday, but not entirely unexpected.
He had been hoping for something simple, a common one like hi it’s nice to meet you or sorry, didn’t mean to bump into you.
What Duke gets instead isn’t even words. 
Scrawled across his left hipbone is a string of symbols glowing a faint green. They’re not in a language he recognizes, and the symbols seem to move, shifting ever so slightly so they look different every time he blinks.
“Well,” he says after a solid five minutes of staring into the mirror, unable to rip his eyes off his soulmate’s words, “I hope theirs looks nicer than mine.”
He spends his birthday in a bit of a daze, enjoying time spent with the Waynes and his friends. It’s hard to be fully present when he’s all too aware of the soreness on his hipbone flaring up each time he moves. It’s hard to keep his mind off of it, wanting nothing more than to search for answers, unravel the mystery of his soulmate’s first words.
“Something on your mind?” Jason asks, as the attention shifts off of him for a brief moment as Harper and Cullen get ready to leave and everyone rushes to give their goodbyes,
Duke shrugs, carefully keeping his hands still so they don’t drift to where his soulmark is hidden beneath his clothes. “Yeah. Nothing you need to worry about, though.”
Jason looks him over critically, then nods. 
Duke resigns himself to being investigated by the rest of the Bats. If he’s off enough that Jason had to comment on it, then that means everyone’s noticed and are trying to figure out what’s happened. They’re not going to ask him, because they think he needs space to work through whatever’s got him so distracted, but they’re also not going to just do nothing. 
This won’t be the first time they’ve done this. Duke expects it. Frankly, it would be stranger and much more concerning if they didn’t try to dig up all his secrets the moment they caught wind of him hiding something.
He’ll tell them about getting his soulmark soon. Soulmarks can appear on any birthday between the ages of thirteen to twenty five; they might suspect he got his, but they won’t be able to confirm.
For now, Duke can keep his soulmate’s first words (whatever that gibberish means) to himself.
He makes the decision then and there, as his birthday party winds down, to tell them in a week.
And because his luck is abysmal, a world ending threat hits five days later and suddenly there is no time for soulmarks and first words.
Duke is the last to arrive at the Fortress of Solitude, hitching a ride from Superboy to get there. The biting cold and the harsh winds keep the place far from the reaches of the rest of humanity, surrounded by nothing but deadly white. 
Desolate as the landscape is, it’s still in better shape than the rest of the world.
Things would be better if it was alien invaders. It would be more bearable if some sort of cosmic colossus tried to eat their solar system. At least then there would be something physical that they could fight.
Instead, the world is breaking apart, the sky and earth both fracturing to reveal glowing green faultlines. Timelines are getting mixed up and muddled; just yesterday, Duke had to evacuate a building that had been demolished forty years ago, then stop a gang leader who wouldn’t be born for another eight years from taking over a neighborhood block and holding the residents hostage. Strange creatures are appearing out of nowhere, crawling out of shadows and tide pools and from beneath the roots of trees, all horrible, monstrous things that go after people with teeth and claws. 
The Flashes and the rest of the speedsters are nowhere to be found. The last time anyone get communication from them, it had been Impulse sending Red Robin a glitchy, barely audible video chat saying something along the lines of “trying to fix—unstable—keep us here—never been alive before.” All things that are very concerning to hear, made worse by the fact that no one had been able to contact them at all. 
The quiet loneliness of the Fortress of Solitude is a welcome change from the constant screaming, death, and destruction that’s taken over Gotham as well as the rest of the world. Last he heard, even Justice League China was at the end of their rope. 
“In here,” Superboy instructs, guiding Duke through the halls. There’s no time to look around at Superman’s secret base. All his focus is stuck on staying conscious for another few hours to see if this gathering of heroes is able to find a solution to the world breaking apart.
Batman stands besides Superman. Both nod at Duke when he enters the room. Wonder Woman is watching over John Constantine as he writes something on the floor, muttering under his breath. The rest of the Justice League lean against each other, visibly exhausted as they wait for Constantine to finish up what he’s doing. A few other heroes are here too, and Duke goes to join them where they lean against a wall, fighting to keep their eyes open.
“Hey,” he greets, voice low. “Hanging in there?”
Wonder Girl sighs. “Somehow. I don’t know how much longer we can do this. There’s just too much…”
“We’ll get through this. I mean, even without us out there, plenty of civilians have formed rescue and relief groups to help with keeping things under control,” Speedy says, gently knocking her arm against Wonder Girl’s. “We just gotta keep going. No giving up.”
“What’s this plan, anyways? I just heard that they needed me here to some attempt to fix things.”
“Well, without the speedsters, you’re kind of the only one who can help with time and power related stuff,” Speedy says.
“That’s definitely a stretch. My powers don’t really have anything to do with time. It’s all just light and shadow.”
Speedy shrugs. “Well, you’re here, aren’t you? Too late to complain about it now.”
Duke doesn’t get a chance to say anything else when a loud clap catches his attention. The entire room goes still and silent as Constantine stands up and surveys the circle and symbols he’s written, taking up an entire corner of the large room. 
“Alright,” he says. “Time to get started. Remember, let me do the talking. If you have to speak, it’s only to back me up or when a question is directed to you.”
Batman nods to the other Justice Leaguers, and suddenly everyone is falling into formation behind Constantine. Duke hurries to join them with Wonder Girl and Speedy, taking a place on the edge of the group where he’s a little closer to the circle than the others. 
Constantine begins chanting. His voice is steady though none of the sounds make any sense, refusing to form themselves into recognizable words, and the air the in the room feels heavier. The chalk circle glows a blinding white and Duke can see magic swirling through the air, his power kicking in the let him watch as reality tears and a glowing star in the shape of a boy comes out of it.
Duke blinks, forcing his power down. The hypnotic swirls of magic fade from sight, but the boy still glows, bright and terrible as he floats above the circle and surveys them all. A crown engulfed in blue flame hovers above his head and the fabric of the cosmos is draped over his shoulders as a cape. 
Just from presence alone, Duke can tell that this figure is now the strongest existence in this universe. He hopes this boy king is kind; no one, not even Superman, would be able to beat him in a fight.
The boy king opens his mouth and speaks, but it’s not words than comes out. A strange static like sound emerges, but light and almost melodic. 
His left hipbone burns.
Duke gasps, hand flying down to it, and the boy king’s gaze snaps to meet his.
The world stands still. No one moves. No one dares to breathe.
And then the boy king drops to the floor and walks out of the circle.
“I thought you said that would hold him!” Batman hisses at Constantine, who is looking more and more distressed.
“It was supposed to! I wrote it specifically to hold the King of the Infinite Realms!”
The boy king glances at Constantine. This time, when he speaks, it’s in smooth English. “Did you name the king in your circle?”
“Yeah, I named Pariah Dark… Bloody hell, you ain’t him, are ya?”
“No,” the boy king smiles, “I’m Phantom.”
The cape and crown fade away, and suddenly it’s not an all powerful, terrifying king standing before them, but a young man with white hair and green eyes who looks Duke’s age. Like he could be any other new generation hero in the room. 
“Phantom,” Duke repeats lightly, just under his breath, but it makes Phantom look at him again.
He walks forward, ignoring the other heroes’ aborted attempts to stop him, coupled with Constantine’s frantic back off motion happening behind him. Phantom leaves the circle and the Justice Leaguers behind to stand before Duke, a soft smile on his face.
“Hi,” he says softly, “I dreamed of you.”
“I dreamed of you. I have for years now. To think that being summoned was what made us meet—” Phantom breaks off into a breathless laugh.
Duke swallows, then drops his had from where it had been pressed against his hip. “So we’re really—? You have my first words too?”
In the corner of his eye, he sees Batman stiffen up. Maybe he should have just told them the day after his birthday, but in Duke’s defense, this is the definition of extenuation circumstances. 
“First words?” Phantom repeats, “Is that… Do we have different soulmate connections?”
“I think so. Here, everyone gets the first words their soulmates say to them appearing somewhere on their body.”
Phantom’s gaze darts down to Duke’s hip, then back up. “Oh. I get dreams. Where I’m from, we dream of our soulmates, and the closer we get to meeting them, the more we remember the dreams.”
“And you dreamed of me.”
“I did.”
“As touching as this is,” Constantine interrupts, and Duke gets to watch as Phantom rolls his eyes, “We summoned you here for a reason. Our world is falling apart at the seams and we need someone powerful, from the Realms, to help us fix it.”
“...What do you mean ‘okay’?”
“I’ll help,” Phantom says.
“Just like that? No deal to be made, no price to be paid?”
“Just like that. I’m not one for deals anyways. If I can help, then I will. But I do want to see what the problem is with my soulmate by my side, if you don’t mind.”
Batman steps in, fixing Duke with a steady gaze, a barely noticeable tilt of his head. “Signal?”
“Yeah I’ll go with him. Of course I will. The sooner the better, in fact, because everything’s gone to shit.” Duke turns to Phantom, taking hold of one of his hands. “It is really bad out there,” he warns, “If you need help—”
“I’ll ask for help from others in the Realms,” Phantom says. “No offense or anything, but if it’s really that bad, I doubt living mortals will be able to do much to fix things. It’s why I was summoned, right?”
“Right. Let’s get to it, then.”
There’s a flash of mischief in Phantom’s eyes, and cheeky grin stealing across his face for a moment, before he says, “Aye aye, captain!” and picks Duke up like he weighs nothing and flies up through the ceiling.
Duke is able to hear everyone’s surprised, panicked shouts before they’re outside the Fortress of Solitude and Phantom is flying them away. He only needs a few directions from Duke before he finds the first of the large fractures in the sky.
“Yikes,” is all he says, which is not a great thing to hear. “I think I know how to fix it, though. We’ll need to do a little investigating as to who, exactly, started messing around with reality, but once we find the source, it’ll be an easy fix.”
“That’s the best news I’ve heard all week.”
“Even better than meeting your soulmate?”
“I haven’t slept for more than four hours all week. Knowing there’s an end in sight beats everything else.”
Phantom laughs, throwing his head back and Duke can’t help but drink in the sight of him, so ethereal and bright and full of life. “Fair enough! Got any ideas as to where we should start?”
“I’ve got an entire crew of detective vigilantes,” Duke replies. He’s not taking any more chances. No more waiting to talk about important things; he messed up by keeping his soulmark to himself, so he needs to make sure everyone meets his soulmate before shit goes south again. 
“Let’s go find them, then!”
They take off again, soaring through the skies that are barely holding themselves together. 
The world is still ending, and every hero is being stretched thin, but held carefully in Phantom’s arms, racing head first into a solution, Duke can’t help but feel that everything’s going to be alright now. 
He’s had enough bad luck. Now, his soulmate with him, bearing the title of King with grace, things are finally starting to look up.
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ghostly-cabbage · 19 days
We need to talk about the worst thing about making AUs....
The fact that then when you inevitably think about crossovers you don't want the crossover with the canon you want it with your specific AU. Your brain worms, your circus, but THEN WHAT?
Oh, yeah, to understand this crossover you need to go read this entirely different fic/series? Girl help 😭 you can't do that
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Danny regrets every decision he had ever made to lead up to this moment.
“Why the fuck did you bite me?!! Jesus fuck!”
“Oh god it’s seared onto my tongue- why why- when was the last time you bathed?!?”
“Aye fuck you! I didn’t ask for you to bite me in my own house! Why does it fucking BURN?!!??”
Danny gagged as he tried to scrape at his tongue with his nails.
Jason’s head was filling with fog with only the searing pain of his arm seeming to cut through.
The door slammed open as Tim made his entrance.
“Hey Danny everything alright? I heard- what the…”
“I think I’d really rather just drink from the Gotham bay-“
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lemonlinelights · 10 months
Summary: The turtles are worried about Casey Jr's recent behavior.
A short fic based off of somerandomdudelmao’s Cass Apocalyptic series 
   Casey Jr!” Mikey yelled. It was a type of shout heard on long car rides when a cow was spotted. Casey froze, his hand hovering over the door knob. 
   “Hi?” Casey asked. He turned around to face Mikey. Then he immediately regretted doing so. It wasn’t only Mikey that was there. Donnie and Leo had appeared quietly, flanking either side of Casey. It reminded him of that dinosaur movie they watched together to have him “better understand pop-culture”. 
   “Well um,” Casey turned around “I’ve gotta go-” he tried to make a break for it only to be met with the wall that is Raphael Hamato. Casey was surrounded. 
   “What, what is this, an intervention?” Casey joked. He was the only one who laughed.
   “Precisely.” Donnie said. Casey’s eyes widened. 
   “We’re worried about you.” Raph said, hand on Casey’s shoulder. Reassuring, but also stopping Casey from bolting. 
    “Me?” Casey asked. 
    “Yes, you!” Leo exclaimed. “Who else would we be talking about?” He waved his arms around. 
   “…not me?” Raph’s brow furrowed. 
   “You haven’t been home at all.” Mikey said, officially opening the floodgates. 
   “We haven’t seen you eat.” 
   “You won’t talk to us.”
   “Have you been sleeping at all?” 
   “You’re skittish.” 
    “And I know you’ve been stealing from my lab!” Donnie shouted. 
   “Also, you’ve been lying.” Leo finished. Casey rocked back and forth. 
   “Psh, me, lying?” Casey waved his hand as if to dismiss the idea. 
   “Does saying you have an uncle of all things ring any bells, Casey?” Leo asked, hands on his hips. Casey felt his heart sink. 
   “What Leo means to say is, we can help Casey, whatever it is that’s bothering you, us, April, Splinter, and…even Draxum.” Raphael explained, he squeezed Casey’s shoulder. Donnie rolled his eyes, but he didn’t scoff. 
   “Yeah!” Mikey exclaimed. “I can use my pizazz!” He said while finger gunning at Casey. 
   Casey couldn’t do this. What felt like an eternity to Casey looked like a blur to the others. He yanked himself out from under Raph’s hand, dodging Mikey trying to grab him. 
   “No!” Casey shouted. “No, you can’t help!” 
   “Yes we can!” Leo shouted back and God the way he tilted forward, arms opened wide, a determined look on his face. Casey choked back tears. 
   “You can’t bring them back!” 
    Everyone stilled. 
   “You look just like them.” Casey whispered. But that also wasn’t the full truth.
    Sure Leo did what Uncle Tello called the mom stance but he didn’t do it with the same caring grin. Smile lines and crows’ feet missing from his face. Donnie rolled his eyes but it wasn’t the same playfulness. Mikey did finger guns but there wasn’t the same spark, literally and figuratively. And this Raph couldn’t hold him the same, they weren’t there yet. He wasn’t there yet with any of them, where an embracing hug was the default. They were so much alike but they were not the same turtles he knew. They were not his senseis. 
   All he wanted right now was a genuine Hamato hug. His Hamatos’ hugs. And Uncle Tello could do that. Uncle Tello was here. Uncle Tello was working towards a day where all of them could hug Casey again. Casey could do that. Casey could be here with them, his senseis. 
   “I can fix it.” Casey said. His hope poured out like a squashed oozesquito. Sad and beaten but still going. 
    “Huh?” Mikey said. 
    “Just you wait!” Casey exclaimed, running out of the lair, heels on fire. 
   “Casey, wait!” Leo started to go after him. One of Donnie’s mechanical limbs reached out and grabbed him. 
   “What would you even do?” Donnie asked. Leo didn’t know. He didn’t know. None of them know. 
   But Casey? Casey knew. Casey knew exactly what he was going to do. For once in his life he knew exactly what he wanted and he knew exactly how to get it. 
   Casey Hamato knows.
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tubborucho · 4 months
Don’t worry guys, Madagio will not hurt anyone. Tubbo will create 8930 chainsaws which is enough to pop 36130 totems of undying through prot 4 diamond armor and then he also will use another 1000 chainsaws to lag the shit out of Madagio and in case it doesn’t work DEEPSLATE CHEST TIME TRAVEL BABY
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
i'm so relieved that people like my retrobat stuff bc i can tell tumblr definitely prefers two very specific batmans: Tortured Diesel DILF and Edward Cullen But Cooler. meanwhile i'm out here like
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sorrelpaws · 1 year
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thatharringrovehoe · 2 years
I'm thinking of an AU where Billy wasn't involved in the shenanigans/horrors of season three at all. He worked at the pool, picked up extra shifts ever since Heather stopped showing up, went to scoops every chance he got just to see Steve Harrington's fat ass in those tiny shorts. He has a night off for once and decides to go and see that new sci-fi movie playing at the mall. Near the end he swears he can hear Harrington laughing like a lunatic with some girl down in the front row, but when the movie ends Billy doesn't see him in the que to leave, just the girl he works with huddled around a bucket of popcorn and giggling to herself while she wanders towards the water fountain. He needs to piss, so Billy makes his way to the bathroom, stopping short outside the entrance when the sound of someone wretching up what must be all of their internal organs filters through the door. He debates just going home, but he actually *really* has to go. So.
Billy pushes open the door, ignoring the painful vomiting sounds three doors down and takes care of business. It's not until he saunters up to wash his hands that he notices a pair of very familiar Nike's sticking out across the floor. And there sits Harrington, hugging the toilet like a lifeline and panting into the crook of his elbow.
"Harrington? Shit, you alright?"
And normally he'd poke fun. Pretty boy is obviously on something, evident by his blown out pupils and glassy stare. But he's also sweating buckets and shaking, tears and snot running down his face. And Jesus ever loving *fuck*, whoever worked over pretty boy's face wasn't pulling any punches.
Steve squints, eyes traveling slowly from Billy's boots up to his face. He smiles, dopey and high and Billy winces at how it pulls the purple black swelling of his cheek.
"Yeah, I feel way better now."
Which. *Okaaaaay*.
"I'll bet. What the fuck happened to your face?"
"I was integrated-..inter...interror-...I was tortured by Russian spies"
Billy snorts, amused despite himself.
"Oh yeah? That why you weren't at the counter today, sailor?"
Steve scrunches up his nose, and damn, Billy's gunna have to ask Harrington what he took when he's a bit more sober. It's some potent stuff if he's not even flinching moving an obviously broken nose like that.
"You know my shift schedule?"
*Shit*. Billy feels the tips of his ears go hot. Clearing his throat awkwardly as he glances down at his boots.
Time to change the subject.
"Why were you being *interrogated* by Russian spies, pretty boy?"
Steve sucks his teeth.
"Cuz the monsters came back and Robin cracked Dustin's code and then we went under the mall in an elevator to a secret Russian Army base and got caught and then they beat me up and shot me and Robin up with truth syrup and-...umm....I think that's it."
Billy blinks.
And. *Huh*.
"That right?"
Steve nods, swaying dangerously forward before catching himself on the stall doorway.
Whatever he's on, Steve obviously *believes* what he's saying. There might even be something to that 'truth serum' element considering how he's answered all of Billy's questions so easily. And Billy never once in his life claimed to be a good person.
"Why were you with my sister at the Byers' house last winter?"
Steve's head shoots up, eyes wide as saucers and for one horrifying moment Billy's sure the guy is going to start crying. Thankfully he doesn't, just slumps even heavier against the toilet with a sigh.
"Because there are monsters in the dark. And I was supposed to protect them. I *had* to protect them. Hopper said to *stay*. And then you showed up and Max said you were gonna kill her and I was supposed to keep them *safe*"
Billy tries to parse through whatever make believe bullshit Steve is spouting before getting caught on the whole *killing his sister* part.
"What, and you believed her?"
Steve gives him a considering look. Barring the rest of *whatever the fuck* Steve is talking about, Billy isn't sure he wants to hear the answer the guy is obviously mulling over.
Finally, he settles on "I don't anymore", and something sharp and hurt in Billy's chest settles.
"Hmm. Alright. If you've been *shot up with truth syrup*" Billy huffs a laugh "tell me a secret. Something you specifically don't want me to know."
Again, Billy's never claimed to be a good person.
Somewhere under all that blood and bruising, Billy thinks he sees a flush creep up Harrington's neck.
"I'm the one who keeps stealing your photo from the pool corkboard"
"That's-. Uh. Not what I thought you were gonna say."
Steve shrugs, embarrassed and looking anywhere but Billy. And Billy *has to know*. Has to ask.
Harrington looks up at him, not a trace of a lie in his eyes.
"Cuz every time I go to the pool to ask you on a date I chicken out."
Billy can't feel his fucking *face*. He has no idea what to say.
It's at this exact moment one of Max's nerd friends kicks down the bathroom door, holding Scoops girl by the shirt while Sinclair's little sister levels Billy with a challenging glare that has shame curling hot and acrid in his gut.
"STEVE! We've been looking *everywhere* for you! C'mon buddy, we have to get outta here before the Russian guys find us."
These hicks are fucking insane.
After helping Steve up to rinse out his mouth in the sink, Billy walks out of the bathroom with Harrington hanging off his shoulder when a bullet whizzes past his nose to embed itself in the cement wall.
Henderson is screaming "Shit, they found us!" while two men in black combat gear come charging up the escalator, armed to the teeth. They bark orders out in what is obviously Russian before a show car *flies through the air* and crushes them against the wall.
After Billy is introduced to a little girl with God damn *superpowers*, he's given a bare bones explanation while Steve plays with one of Billy's stray curls like it's the most interesting thing in the world. And monsters are real and there's a spider made of people out to get them and apparently Heather is possessed and all Billy can hear is
***Cuz every time I go to the pool to ask you on a date I chicken out***
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chase-ing-shadows · 1 year
AU where Atreus gets stuck as a bear and him and Sindri have to go on a brother bear style adventure to make him human again.
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also open to the idea that this happens after Ragnarok and this is the story of how Atreus and Sindri reconnect
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okay it’s wednesday and I’m going crazy over this snippet so here <333
The F.O.W.L. agent squinted in the darkness, trying to make out the massive shape looming over her, choking her. “T-Twenty-Two?” 
22’s voice was a low, terrifying growl. “What did you do to my granddaughter?” 
The grip around her neck lessened slightly, giving her the ability to finally, finally gasp for air. “Wha- you- you have a granddaugh- auh!” 
Pressure was immediately reapplied to her throat, and Heron’s one hand scrabbled helplessly at the fist around her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut as 22 leaned in closer, her voice the deadliest whisper Heron had ever heard. “Don’t play dumb, I know this was your doing. What did you do to her?” 
Heron managed to swallow. “Who-” 
22 sat up slightly, allowing the F.O.W.L. agent to catch a glimpse of the rest of her body in the darkness. There, curled against 22 with her face buried in her large shoulder, was a small white duckling, dressed in pink. Though Heron hadn’t seen the child in years, she recognized her immediately. 
besides if I don’t promote my beakheron fics or drag more popular characters into them then they probably won’t do well so uhhhhh hope you’re intrigued <333
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Huey has a monster living inside him. One that he's learned his peace with, one that he's learned to control.
But what happens when Huey gets bullied and that control suddenly starts to slip? Who can help him with the brought-to-life angry feelings inside his head?
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indilaras · 2 months
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Hachapre-sona for my heart and soul! She doesn't have a set name for now, but I'm thinking something like Cure Wordy because she focuses more on my love of language as her powerset.
ID: drawings of the artist as a Cure from Happiness Charge Precure. She is a medium-dark skinned hijabi with brown eyes and dark brown eyebrows. She wears a dark vest with gold accents over a pale turquoise shirt with long puffy sleeves. Her hijab is a vivid turquoise, same as her belt, and she has a long soft turquoise skirt that only covers behind her as well as dark green pants. Her boots are white with gold accents and turquoise bows. She has gold earpieces with green hearts on them.
On the left is a fully colored full body of the design, standing with turquoise rectangles in the background. On the lower center is her with a wider stance, with her fists to the sides and covered in pale green magic fists. Lower right corner is a close up of her face; she is smiling. Top right is a chibi of her with fists up, yelling. A magic pale green speech bubble crushes the two Choiarks before her. End ID.
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honestlyvan · 2 months
I do kind of wonder if the implicit assumption that Door is mad at Alan for involving Saga should be re-examined a little bit.
The game is very careful to not frame any of Saga's relationships as paternalistic. Like, repeatedly, with emphasis, especially among the relationships with people who are close to her and have reasons to act protective over her. Having Door primarily be motivated by a sense of righteousness over someone messing with his protectorate goes against theme with her, and would single him out as the only male character whose help Saga does need.
Furthermore, we know Freya didn't seem to think that highly of Door, never telling Saga anything about him and being firm in not wanting to discuss the topic. Her considering Door a potential danger to Saga just like her powers and choosing to hide the truth to protect her wouldn't make sense if she, too, could use her seer powers to confirm that Door did have Saga's best interest at heart, and with Door existing outside of time, I don't think there's adequate signalling that this would be something he would have had a change of heart about.
Furthermore, while Door is very likeable and definitely not a villain or even an antagonist... he is very trickster-like, and seems very cavalier with how he chooses to interfere and when. From his interactions with the Old Gods, spending fourty years on kill-on-sight terms with them only to happily fanboy over having them on his show and collaborate with them to mess with Alan, to the way he almost deigned to let Alan create a hint for Saga about how to use her powers rather than letting Saga and Tim just work it out amongst themselves, he's playing the long game in every situation and seems to enjoy making the story take twists and turns because of his involvement.
So Door is in a weird superposition of meddlesome/hands-off largely because I almost got a sense that with Saga, he's keeping his distance on purpose. Keeping himself concealed and out of the conversation, despite much of her story being discovering her origins and discovering her own supernatural influence. Outside of letting Alan create a single manuscript page about him, he doesn't even hint at his own existence while Saga is in the Dark Place, theoretically right there for him to reach out to.
And if Door does ultimately think that surely any daughter of his can handle herself, there is one another innocent that has been involved in this all by Wake I could see him getting worked up over instead.
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leliesblou · 2 months
Clara Entwhistle (reader of books on taxi regulations) would get along with Mina Harker (train fiend) so well <3
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