#v&a: a royal love affair was actually good
hobicakess · 1 month
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summary: Despite your arranged marriage you are coming to love Emperor Kim Namjoon and you surely do hope he's falling just as hard. Though in times like this you wished you never came to the Korean court, but Kim Namjoon sure does have a way with words and his coc-
rating: 18+ (I'm not your mother you're in control of what you consume)
pairings: Emperor!Kim Namjoon x Empress Reader
warnings: porn with a pretty plot , husband Namjoon, unedited, arranged marriage to lovers , period typical misogyny / ideals / themes , slight angst, minor violence , MC shakes the table , talks of having children, reader has a 'not like other girls moment' sorry , smug namjoon 'i want to eat his face' SMUT, Namjoon a emperor and a Dj? , clit pinching, fingering , nipple play, breeding kink no no no , very tame choking, big body tanned namjoon im seeing a pattern in all my namjoon fics.. love confessions, p in v, Namjoon loves his wife and MC loves her hubby 🫶🏼
authors note: Howdy hotties! this is my official apology for all the times i said i was going to update but i don't lol. this has actually been in my docs for a year… don't jump me pls have mercy!!! this is heavily inspired by Bridgerton and The great because i love a good hood jam!! anyway, hope you enjoy it and if you're new to my blog check out my other works xxx
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Since you've come to the Korean court to marry Kim Namjoon, he has been nothing but a gentleman.
Taking his time to get to know you as a person never forcing you to do anything you didn't want to do. You rejoiced that he didn’t take you on your wedding night instead holding you until you fell asleep in his warm arms. In your months of getting to know Namjoon you were coming to love the emperor and you hoped that he was falling just as hard. Though as of right now in this moment you wished you'd never come to this court.
Never married, never taken the time to know and love the royal that is your husband.
The Ladies of the court made you want to disappear. They were gossiping geese who didn't even read, they didn't know anything actually, only thinking of the latest hats from France or Russia. 
Aara was the leader of the flock and from what your handmaids had spilled– Aara and Namjoon used to have nightly affairs together before the two of you were married. You guess that's why she was so uppity and spiteful because she's bedded him, and you have yet too.
 “When will you and the emperor have children?” Aara asked, raising her glass teacup up to her thin lips.
“I am not ready for children nor is he''  
You and the emperor haven't even committed the act to conceive children, but she was the last person you'd tell this information to.
“When me and the emperor were intimate, he always said he'd put a baby in me. He's very vocal during lovemaking. That is too bad empress" all her geese cackle like witches while you sat in embarrassment. 
Your jaw tightened, fingertips starting to shake as you blew out a loud breath attempting to calm yourself down. You didn’t want to act out due to the fact the court saw you as a cruel person all because you were a foreigner who looked nothing like any of the ladies in Korea. Apparently, half the court believed you were the spawn of Satan or a witch, some rumors spread that you weren't even of noble blood.
All they needed was one good excuse to try and have you dethroned as empress and executed, but you couldn’t just allow her to walk all over you and talk to you in any kind of way anymore. You were still her superior. Standing from your chair everyone except Aara followed. 
Smoothing out your dress, you wait for her to move. Mockingly she looked around before she stood. “Oh, please forgive me for your grace. I did not notice you-"
The loud sound of the back of your hand making contact with her face echoed throughout the room. The music stopped playing and everyone went completely still and silent. Her geese tried to help her off the ground, but you raised a hand halting them to stop.  
“Aara. Ever since I stepped foot in this palace you have treated me with the utmost disrespect. I have spared you multiple times from my wrath because I am the empress and it’s simply not lady like” watching in satisfaction as her face reddens. 
“I do not care about your past relations with my emperor because at the end of the day. You were his whore, and I am his wife.” 
“I will bring him success; you will bring him disgrace and illegitimate bastards who will never run this country. Disrespect me again and you will be thrown into the slums and forced to work in the fields” Nodding at the ladies you walked out double doors with a newfound confidence.
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A Few Days Later
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“SHE'S SAID WHAT?”  you court maids' wince at the sound of your voice bouncing off the walls of your bathing room.
“Please do not be an angry empress.” Se-eun tried to reason by lightly pushing your shoulders back down into the milky lukewarm water.
“It is only a silly rumor.” Ye-Eun reassured you with a smile. 
You settle your back onto the stone behind allowing Sumin to softly brush through your thick coils. While Yoon, Isa, and Si-Eun looked for fragrances to add to the water. The girls have been your only friends since you’ve stepped foot into the castle. Sighing you let yourself relax just a little bit “What if the emperor hears of this? Surely, he’s heard that I striked her only days ago” 
“Yes, I’ve heard.” your emperor's deep voice echoed throughout the bath hall. Your Handmaid's scramble to bow but he simply raised his hand towards them “You’re dismissed.”
The girls bow toward you rushing off, now it was just you and your husband alone, and you were naked, but he couldn’t see your body through the creamy water. He walked towards you slowly moving into the spot behind you. 
“I apologize for interrupting your bathing time, but I have been busy, and this seems to be the only place we can be left alone.” 
“Of course, I understand my lord” you hum when you feel him brush through your hair. “I was gone from the palace for only six days' and yet you've already caused trouble.” He snorted, placing the brush down to lean on the tub's cold stone railing. “May I come in with you?”
You swallow hard, breathing heavily, nodding your head. You watched him wide eyed stand to his feet and start to unbutton his dress shirt showing off his golden chest, thick and toned. When he began to remove his pants you turned your head away placing your hands to your bare chest feeling your heart beating rapidly.
He stepped in leaning on the other side of the wall, “I've heard of you striking Aara, the whole noble country has” you sigh, sinking deeper in the water.
“You did well holding your own. I know she can be a.. nuisance.” he blew out a breath, thick arms stretching out to lean back on the marble. 
“Because you used to fuck her no?” The emperor sputters, eyes widening at your word.  “I have to get used to your vulgarness.” 
You hummed feeling a creeping pettiness enter your body. "Just like I have to get used to your whores." 
He stared at you with a playful glint in his eyes, "Are you jealous wife?" 
 You huff standing angrily, water dripping off your naked body, biting his lip tight, the pit of his stomach twisting in arousal as he stared at every curve and dip of your body.  “I am not a commoner; I do not get jealous.”
He swallowed trying to find the right words but she they’re not leaving his lips. You continue on your angry rant as you leave the tub grabbing your own towel. “I came here all the way from ten buck two, married a man whom I have never met, and everyone has failed to inform me on how to deal with having a husband who likes to share his seed with women who will never-”
You squeaked as a strong arm wrapped around your body. Your bare back was pressed onto a wet chest and the warmth of his breath on your neck gave you goosebumps as you shiver. “Let… me go Namjoon.”
He hummed as his hand roamed your stomach embarrassedly kneading the doughy flesh. “You won't even let me say how proud I am? My empress, my wife who speaks her mind and lets her power over her subjects be known.”
You felt hot all over as his other hand softly wrapped around your neck then trails lower and lower to your center. “I wish I was there to see it” he pressed himself into your back and you felt it. 
He was thick , and hot against your back as he groaned. “Tell me to stop and I will .. tell me please.” In front of you both there was a large mirror where you two stared at each other. He took your silence as a go to continue his touches on your body. He turned your head to him, pressing his lips to yours.
Roughly the two of you kisses tongues dancing over one anothers as his hands groped your breast, and nipples. When you both felt dizzy you part with a string of spit as you both panted. He smiled lazily  brown eyes hazy as he partied your sticky thighs with his large hand. Finger swiping the essence that drips from your core. 
“You squeal embarrassed, closing your eyes as he runs his finger effortlessly through your slippery folds, then taunting your clit. He effortlessly slipped his thick cock in between your folds, his hand gripping your hips tightly as he held your jaw in his other hand. He thrusts his hips into your pelvis smacking against your ass, your wetness coating his cock while he wildly fucked your thighs. 
“Do you know how tempting you are?” He grunts in your ear while you gasp and wither under his touch. “I must hold myself back every night from pinning you down and fucking you worth an inch of your life.”
Your stomach began to twist from the pressure of his thumb stroking your clit in rough circles, “Joon-” 
“There you go cum for me” You gasp, thighs quivering, feeling your knees wobble but he holds you up, thrusting quicker between your thighs. you fall apart in his hold shivering and gushing over him. 
He pulls his cock from between your thighs hand wrapped around himself as he uses your essence to jerk his red and leaking tip. He cums with a deep groan, white ropes landing onto your ass. Namjoon's head falls onto your shoulder breathing you in.
“Lets clean up, hm?” 
nodding weakly you allow him to bring you back into the now cool water of your bath. He cleans you without a peep only letting out soft deep rumbles 
When the cleaning is done, he brings you to your shared bedroom that is connected to the bathing room laying you softly onto the soft fabric of your bed. You watch him busy himself grabbing the oils, and lotions you always applied after bathing. His hands started from your left foot rubbing you lovingly. The aching between your legs starts again, too aware of how close his hands were to your cunt as he makes his way use to the crease of your thighs. “I do not fornicate with. . . horses.”
Wow what a way to set the mood.
Namjoon chokes on his spit, a deep laugher bubbling from the depths of his chest.
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discluded · 2 years
some people think the new mileapo movie would not be a love story 💀💀💀💀 have they confirmed that it's a love story tho?
*MUFFLES SCREAMS* I wrote the entire reply and it got swallowed by Tumblr. This is the 5th time I've made this mistake because I am a FOOLE (though more likely it's because tumblr's editor sucks). Anyway, here we go again.
Formally, the film's genre is historical. And its working title is #ThaiPeriodMovie while they tease us about the movie title.
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However, several things stood out to me in the way this film has been discussed (potential spoilers, but mostly fan theory!)
Here's Apo speaking about how the film came about at Kis x Farger and how Pond contextualized Mile's role in the film. Please note the conjecture is one of the translator's theories, not what was explicitly said. But the part about Mile was what was said 🤗
Pond then came up with the idea that it would be so gorgeous if Apo could perform a Thai dance. Pond also said that Mile has a personality that goes well with Apo* so together they should make a movie that celebrates Thai culture.
[*they may be a couple lead in their movie]
Also, this LGBTQ Thai youtuber was able to identify cultural details in just the short trailer. He starts talking about some of the important details around 6:27 (which I am not retyping again)
Basically, he was able to identify that Apo was performing a Lakhon Nai, which is performed in the royal court and traditionally only had female dancers even for male roles.
However, he noted that because Apo was a male dancer in the royal court, the movie likely takes place in the period of King Rama IV-V, which was most likely validated by BOC's production staff recently!
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He also theorized that Apo and Bas were were performing Inao (Punji), which is a Lakhon Nai epic that had queer elements. I can't find a good English source about this epic, so watch the video to learn what he has to say about the story.
He mentioned the possibility that in the movie, there might the duality with a reflection of Apo's character having a stage life in an epic with a queer story while the character's real life is embroiled in a love affair with the handsome Taphon player 😝
Actually, I was rewatching the Leslie Cheung and Hong Kong LGBT Cinema video essay a couple of weeks back and this part really stood out to me as what they might be trying to do with this film.
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The film cleverly ties homosexuality to traditional Chinese art, making an, at the time, unfamiliar topic much more approachable to a Chinese audience, allowing the audience to feel the loss, pain, and persecution LGBT people had been feeling.
But its contribution to inclusivity is, perhaps, even more direct than that. The casting of Leslie Cheung in the role creates this feeling that we aren't looking at a fictional character, we are facing the real struggle of Leslie Cheung. Leslie was sympathetic, so his characters, and by extention LGBT people, were sympathetic.
Anyway, this is all speculation! I want to point out again that historical LGBTQ films don't need to have a romantic plot, AND even if a romance between characters occur it's often interwoven with the characters' other struggles and drama/tragedy of the period. Don't expect KPTS episode 8 😭
I'm less bothered by whether or not Mile and Apo's characters will be queer than the fact that so many people are openly dismissing that they can't be queer in the film because it's a historical film (what). As @cookiedoughfiesta mentioned to me, some idiots have said that they can't be gay because it's a historical film and gay people didn't exist then (THE IRONY OF SUFFERING HOMOPHOBES EVERY DAY IN THIS FANDOM 💀💀💀)
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I will admit, I am not very knowledgeable on the enlightenment era stuff, besides getting some giggles at the posts of my friends and was never really interested in it aside from the stuff with Catherine the Great that was going on around the time. But now after scrolling your blog and actually witnessing the sheer amount of DRAMA QUEENS, I've gotten somewhat curious 🤭
If you don't mind me asking, can you please describe the relationship of the "two toxic old men" to a person like me, who doesn't know much, but is willing to learn?
Fritz and Voltaire? With pleasure!
So, in 1736, Frederick, then the crown prince of Prussia, sent some fanmail to Voltaire. Being the attention whore he was, especially when it came to royalty, V responded with great enthusiasm and the two struck up a correspondence full of mutual flattery. At one point V enlisted his friend Thieriot to help send literary news (he was supposed to be paid: he wasn't, ever) and he...sent a lot of gossip about Voltaire. Another important thing is also that Émilie du Châtelet, V's long-term lover, and Fritz HATED each other. And it's also generally agreed that Fritz was gay.
1740 comes around, Fritz's awful dad finally croaks, and he becomes king and wants to, in his own words, possess Voltaire. He and Voltaire met in person for the first time in September, briefly, then again in November where V spends his birthday in Prussia. Party time. The correspondence from during that visit is amazing, V wants to leave, Fritz begs him to come back and says he'll kiss him on Friday, V tells Fritz he loves him more than Émilie, they call each other mistress, Fritz complains that V is expensive behind his back but he'll win over Émilie because he can pay him more, V says he's not interested in Greek affairs (read: gay stuff) despite the flirting but he is there for Fritz, Émilie begs V to come back saying she's sick and gets V's friend Cideville to send him a poem about how hot she is, etc etc.
At some point, Fritz tried to force Voltaire to come to Prussia by spreading gossip in France that'd force him out of the country and iirc succeeded, but I don't remember which visit was that off the top of my head.
They briefly meet again in 1742. In 1743, Voltaire was sent to Prussia as a spy, at which he was hilariously godawful (Fritz answered most of his diplomatic questionnaire with jokes). After Émilie died in 1749, V moved to Prussia in 1450, which went fine at first, but they slowly started to realise they really can't fucking stand to live with each other. Voltaire got involved in a financial scandal and also royally pissed off Maupertuis (Émilie's former lover, president of the Berlin Academy) and with that Fritz, culminating in Fritz burning all copies of Diatribe du docteur Akakia.
V resigned and left in early 1752, but he was (unlawfully, Fritz had no authority there) detained by an agent of Fritz's in Frankfurt because he took a book of poetry in which Fritz satirised other European leaders. What followed was a very entertaining mess of miscommunication (please do yourself a favour and read the correspondence from that time, google translate does the job fine) and theatrics on Voltaire's part, who kept insisting he was just a sick old man who only wanted to go take the waters. He writes to everyone, his niece and current lover writes to Wilhelmine, V at some point pulls a gun on someone, Freytag writes to Fritz like "he looks like a skeleton, is he really sick or does he always look like that?," eventually V's luggage in which the book was in gets delivered, he coughs it up, but he still isn't let go, eventually Fritz himself has to write to Freytag like "yo, wtf is going on." It's a disaster and it ruins their relationship for good.
Voltaire is so pissed off that he writes a memoir about his experiences in Prussia where he outs Fritz (...and also his brother Henri) as gay in no uncertain terms several times and also edits a few letters to his niece in the vein of Richardson's Pamela, painting himself as a poor victim of the seductive king. Which...lmao, really, V? Really? I translated the first one here, currently working on the second. Though those letters weren't discovered to be edited until 1991, so many older biographies just take them as fact.
Anyway, the two stopped writing to each other for a while. They reconnected at the urging of Fritz's sister Wilhelmine when the Seven Years War was going badly and Fritz was suicidal, and it went well on the surface, but Voltaire kept writing to his friends about how he's totally over Fritz, he hates him, he wishes he was hit by a cannonball, he ridicules his suicide letter behind his back, etc. Fritz also keeps shit-talking Voltaire behind his back the whole time, but is overjoyed when he gets a letter. As an example of later correspondence, here's a translation of an excerpt from the "it's good that you're such a colossal dick or your perfection would embarrass humanity" letter. Either way, they slowly reconciled and kept writing to each other until Voltaire's death.
I know I left a ton out and I wrote it pretty much all from memory so could be that I fucked up the details, but I hope it helps. Wish I could include some more letter excerpts because they're fantastic, but it's long as it is.
If you want a good intro on these two, read the bios by Nancy Mitford - she has the fatal flaw of not citing shit but they're short and fun and easy to find and she's one of the few who are able to see that both of them were a total mess. For more academic sources, there's Aldridge (pro: cites letter numbers in-text, very balanced when it comes to Fritz, con: impossible to find) or Besterman (pro: most comprehensive, dude compiled his letters so he knows his shit, con: big bias against Fritz) for Voltaire and...hm, I'm trying to think of a Fritz biographer that'd have any info on those two. Blanning hasn't much and I've yet to get around to MacDonogh, so I can't say where that one is good and bad.
There are also letters here and here that you can googletranslate and I really wish Electronic Enlightenment wasn't paywalled (if you know someone who has a NYPL card to lend you their login info…I recommend) cause it has like all of V's letters and an AMAZING search.
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hanjeongrp · 1 year
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Welcome to Hanjeong, Princen Yujun. You are quite the merfolk. At 100 (27), you have quite a claim to being a royal for the merfolk monarchy and merfolk species liaison at town hall.
Enjoy paradise.
Name/Alias: krys
Pronouns: she/they
Age: 25+
Timezone: cst
Biography Information:
OC Name: Yujun [Cheong Yujun on land]
FC: Kim Taehyung, BTS V
Species: merfolk
Occupation: being royal, merfolk ambassador
Residence: Ocean
Gender: demi boy
Pronouns: he/they
Age: 27, [100 yrs old]
Claim(s): merfolk species liaison, perennial other royal
Biography: (150+ words)
It’s said, that Yujun was born under a kind moon. On that night, there had been no clouds in the sky. The tide was gentle and kindly leading those it needed to and from the shore. His parents were kind, but unknowingly doomed. But for ten wonderful years, they were a family. a love for the sea they lived in and the world they knew. Their father always took the treaty very seriously. Instilling a respect for it and a want for peace to grow and be true in the younger merfolk that would last a lifetime. Their mother, just as conscious of the politics was careful about making connections with those on land and in sea. Her highest connections she could boast were ties to the royal family and the council on land.
Perhaps that is why they disappeared when Yujun was eleven years old. So young in merfolk years to lose a family. for some time, he was alone. That was until that royal friend turned out to be a cousin of the royal family. Kija was a cousin and not often involved in the affairs of the family but called upon when things mattered most. She had not had any children of her own but was happy for those that had. Once she figured out her long-time friend had disappeared and left a child behind, there was no one she could simply leave Yujun to their own devices. It was almost in a blink of an eye that she swooped in and took him with her. uprooting him for his relatively simple life into one that could still be considered simple in royal standards… but not in other’s eyes.
That’s where he was introduced to Matteo and Serenity. Koralia and him were the closest in age and for all of her wild, he was her calm in whatever fun storm she was making. They were certain that Kija always hoped the two of them would hit it off as a couple but as much as he loved her there was no such connection.
That didn’t mean he didn’t connect with the family at all. Matteo was someone they looked up to while they avoided the siblings that had been in the main part of the royal family. so many of them were against the treaty, pushing for closed borders and other various things. It was something that never sat right with Yujun. The voice of his parent’s always in his mind when anything like that came up. Maybe, they weren’t very sad when Matteo suddenly took the throne.
Maybe they didn’t necessarily care where the others went to when they did. Kija bowed out quietly, a kiss on the forehead and retirement was for her. she wanted to travel more of the ocean, he couldn’t blame her. but Yujun stuck by the other’s side. Offering to help with whatever they could. Which is what lead them to being the merfolk liaison with the land above. It was something they were passionate about and fully capable of assisting with.
But it wasn’t just the humans and nymphs he wanted to make sure they had a good relationship with. It was also the sirens. Despite the rift and many other situations that seemed to occur between them, they were still of the ocean. They were cousin creatures and deserved to be seen as such. That was what Yujun was pushing towards when the mayor died.
No, not died, was murdered. But unlike so many of the other merfolk, he wasn’t willing to instantly blame someone. There was a reason investigations happened and he hoped something would actually come out of the one that would be conducted… but one thing was certain, Yujun would not simply allow for the humans to lay it at their people’s feet without proof..
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aleksander-alina · 5 years
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Okay so I made a little review in this ask  by the lovely @juliacaesaris​ 😍 but I will put some more extense thoughts behind the cut:
So the few good things first:
I liked that you can Imagine Jenna Coleman in costume which was the thing that got through the book really.
I liked Skerret she didn’t appear much but it was nice to have her in the background.
Some Albert moments when we could actually see how much his parent’s divorce affected him and his view and relationships. That was actually not so bad:
“Perhaps. But it is not so simple. Tonight, yes, I felt that we could understand each other, but she is so … so fickle, as the English say. I am not the only person she likes.” Ernst held his brother at arm’s length and said with uncharacteristic seriousness, “You have nothing to fear, Albert. Victoria is not like Mama.” Albert turned away. “I hope you are right.”
I wanted to hug him so much, and I love how Ernst is such a good brother. Those moments were nice.
The vicbert parts were so great! surprisingly the were not that horrible and were cute. The last Vicbert scene was really nice, cute and romantic, another thing that made it all worthy.
Now the bad things 
The v**bourne plot I just skipped the first time because I knew it was going to be horrible but holly shit that was still DISAPPOINTED.
Because first I couldn’t shake out the feeling that most of it it was Victoria kind of having daddy issues, and it was kind of gross. Then it involves a plot in which he buys a teenage prostitute because he wanted to fantasize about Victoria because he being so “dutiful” couldn’t really be with her, but even grosser when I learned from one of my mutuals that Daisy named the prostitute after her daughter. I’m not saying that that was a self-insert… but yeah that is exactly what I say.
We don’t speak much about the fact that Victoria always needed a father figure and that romanticizing someone that much older than her, really speaks volumes about that need of a father figure. She even starts her proposal with and I quote:
“At the beginning I thought that you were the father that I never had…”
I found really hard to ship people with this kind of dialogues especially when one of them was a teenager and the other one was a man over fifty. In the show, I only recognized that Jenna had amazing chemistry with everybody and that’s it.
The second one is the Duchess of Kent. Something I realized from the show as well is that we have some really nice mother-daughter moments, but that relationship didn’t evolve at all which is unsettling.
For example, we have some bonding with little Bertie and all that back in season 2, but in the Christmas special Vicky called “the woman who always mama cross.”
And in the book they had the cutest scene after Conroy left, but when Victoria was walking with Albert she doesn’t go to her and is implied she doesn’t think her mother needs kindness, I do understand that the relationship mended after her marriage, but I didn’t get why she would put these scenes and them do a total regression out the blue. Are they good or not good Daisy? made up your mind.
In general, is not that horrible read, is actually a quick easy read (maybe was bc I wanted to get to Albert´s parts lol) you only need to take the awful v*cbourne plot and i would have been pretty decent.
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pyroaress · 2 years
you know what it's a headcanon day, let’s discuss the big crux on on this blog and her personal feelings on Lysandre and it’s a whole thing of mental baggage from personal and outward trauma and radical idealism/blindness rather then Lysandre himself.
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Buckle in ya’ll
She undoubtedly loves Lysandre
she knows this and it’s a driving factor for her motivations and putting in her all to the point that it’s harmful to her physically, mentally and dangles her whole livelihood by the thinnest of threads;; 
      -- and it’s not romantically inclined.
Malva at the cusp of Flare was already exhausted and very hurt from her incredibly strict upbringing. Estates and money and fancy royal titles is all well in good until you realize it also comes with the price of being perfect right out of the womb. Her family are a duchy with some 800 years history behind them and with Malva being the sole heir after her father was caught in a scandalous love affair overseas and booted. Their reputation was stained in the eyes of petty socialites and elites so an already harsh upbringing was double that to save face.
Needless to say she’s got a lot of trauma she refuses to part or recognize even when she moved to inner Kalos, not to get away from it, but because its just another part of her family’s lifeplan for her. Schooling, battle career, high-paying job, make face with the big names, get married to someone with incredible credentials, have a baby to pass the crown too, etc. 
Malva curses what her mother and her upbringing did to her but doesn’t recognize she’s following it through because it’s so a part of her. 
Lysandre and this radical plan of his soon after became her salvant in a way; an ideal in the form a person. What drives her throughout all of Flare’s timeline is unkept complexes and a corrupt view of putting in your all for absolute perfect results even if its to the point of exhaustion. She offered this ideal her whole career, person and livelihood and would offer more if she could or if possible and hoping it recognizes her back.
Incredibly she doesn’t know if she’s following through because its something she actually wants or it’s what her trauma is telling her she wants. By POST verse Malva is battling with recognizing the differences and hopefully realizing she really needs help while she stubbornly holds to Flare.
Though note this is not on Lysandre’s part at all and how this plays out as either incredibly toxic in relationship with him ( again does not have to be romantic ) or not depends on the partner. I’ve rp’d and plotted with Lysandre muses who either put their hands on her shoulder and be like: “hey I recognize you and you dont have to work so hard for it : ). girl you need help and maybe a 6000 hour nap ” and muses who rebuff her efforts so she’ll continue to work to get approval even at her disposal. 
Both are v’ good plot wise. 
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valentinesparda · 2 years
here is a rough bit of info for anyone coming to send in f/o letters!! i don't expect a letter for everyone on the list but it's a bunch to choose from and it also gives me an opportunity to outline relationships
the prince and member of the royal guard dynamic, yasha didn't believe he ever had a chance with callistus. they both spent years dancing around the subject until finally the two became secret lovers and ultimately secretly wed. though not an official wedding by any means amidst turmoil on gaea, the two are the only happiness each other has for the short bit of time they have left. that's okay, reincarnated, they find each other millions of years in the future.
[ callistus and yasha are married but the only people who know are asura, eventually mithra.
callistus's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
spike and raine started off on the wrong foot, and being an assassin from a warring space gang isn't the best thing to tell to your new partner in crime. raine becomes a member of the bebop crew through happenstance and the two bicker around the others while maintaining a secret affair behind closed doors. neither would admit to being in love, but jet and faye are pretty sure that they are, what with the longing lovesick stares they give each other when they think the other isn't looking.
[ raine and spike are in a will they / won't they kind of dynamic, but they deeply care about each other.
raine's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
after several years across the series as being "workmate "friends"", almost lovers, and eventually reuniting, vergil and gabriel get married after the events of dmcv. gabriel actually fell hard for the remnants of vergil as v, as well, which v was not expecting but accepted happilyin his own way. when reunited, as lovers, they are reserved and tend to keep their feelings to themselves, and very rarely actually express it. instead, they spend their time together bickering like old married couples with the few moments between of genuine happiness and love for the other, much to the dismay of the demon prince that has been co-using gabriel's body as a host for decades.
[ gabriel and vergil are happily married but refuse to be sappy about it.
gabriel's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
vine is the previously petrified pact partner to verdelet who has seemingly caught the eye of the mute prince and his own pact partner. an ancient dragon in human form themself, vine feels just as awkward about their feelings as you would expect, with angelus forming a protective bond with the other dragon that extends beyond simple pity, and caim feeling furiously protective of them for how small they seem to him. both agree silently that the best they can do for vine is to love them as they wish to be loved.
[ vine, caim, and angelus are in a newly budded poly relationship. caim is embarrassed by his emotions and angelus is fascinated by them. they all three love each other in their own way.
vine's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
formerly a cia agent who suffered through the events on rook island, isaiah met ajay shortly after returning to california and became fast friends - and both of them fell even faster in love. they refused to admit to their feelings until deep into kyrati territory. they are both stumbling into a relationship as it is the one good thing they both have to hold onto, and ajay could not be more glad that izzy is with him during this time in his life.
[ izzy and ajay are in a fresh come-to-terms relationship off of the tail end of two years of close friendship. have fun with that. they have a young wolf named banana.
izzy's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
LA74, now known as lav, is a shinra automaton experiment who functioned as SOLDIER's guard dog during the first class glory days. the mako that powers their body connects them to the lifestream and thus forces emotional growth onto the poor thing, and sephiroth watches with fascination and pity as they fumble through it entirely. by the time he learns his true parentage, he's hopelessly endeared to this being who has become something close to human throughout the years.
[ lav and sephiroth, while not dating in a formal sense, are close with each other and love the other in their own way. lav is still unsure about emotions and sephiroth has been pining for years.
lav's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
amelia is the grandchild of walter with no family left but him. they were kept in the dark about monsters and myths for their whole life, and alucard was (and still is) incredibly amused by the fact that they shrugged off his abilities in trying to scare them as theatrical tricks. alucard saves their life on the whim of walter and seras when they die in the valentine attack, but some small part of him would have liked to have a bride. he loves them dearly in his own way and amelia is coming into their own as a fledgeling vampire.
[ amelia and alucard are functionally morticia and gomez addams, technically married by circumstance but incredibly in love.
amelia's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment preferred. ]
the crownless king of santa destroy himself did not expect to fall in love with sylvia's closest assistant, but ass beatings be damned, if they aren't the cutest, sexiest, most feral little assistant he's ever seen. killian is mute but their actions definitely say more for themself than they ever could with their voice. rumor has it that travis has a little trick up his sleeve that he would like to pull, as the saddest and loneliest assassin this side of the ward....and he hopes that killian will say yes.
[ killian and travis have been together for a few years after a messy confession, and travis is toying with proposing.
killian's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
the prince of small heath did not expect to fall in love with this former war nurse turned artist, but seeing the love they put into their paintings and the lengths they would go to to protect and heal the blinders and members of his family, thomas found himself deeply enamored with them. which is good news for aubrey, who had been pining for him for several years after moving to birmingham after the war and suffered through what they assumed to be an arranged marriage between the two just for their family brewery. thank god their service dog likes him.
[ aubrey and thomas, married, finally accepted their love for each other after being 'officially' together for a year or two. the shelby family love aubrey as one of their own.
aubrey's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
vasily has been at deaths side since they parted ways with arachne 800 years ago. one of the first witches turned into a demon hunting weapon and subsequently possessed by a demon, vasily asked to be collared for the safety of others and death is the only one who can remove it. the only ones who know about the two are death the kid and dr. stein, and vasily is loyal to the lord for reasons even beyond their love for him.
[ vasily and death have secretly been lovers for 800+ years but front to everyone as lord and....secretary?
vasily's pronouns are they/it. masculine and neutral terms of endearment only. ]
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beckydoesthings · 3 years
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various fics of hxl that i adore reading! this list is quite lengthy, but feel free to message me if you have any questions!
*will continue to be updated. also, if i mistagged you, i apologize, i do not know how to tumblr*
Love Is a Rebellious Bird
E | 134k | @100percentsassy and gloria_andrews
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
i think this tickled every bone of my musical self and also made me cry (are you seeing a theme here??) one of the first fics i fell in love with and one i keep coming back to.
E | 226k | @tequiladimples
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
the world building in this one is insanity - so much good mythology mixed in and it made me screech with joy. i think i can firmly say that i did not expect where the plot went, but that made the story so much better.
Flour and Chocolate
M | 145k | @danosphere91
It was nice, for a bakery he supposed.
Then he approached the display cabinet.
And the foreboding slammed into him. Because every product had letters next to it. Letters. GF, DF, V, O, VGN.
What. The. Fuck?
Lifting his eyes to the chalkboard menu spread across the back wall Louis felt physically ill. ‘Gluten-free’, ‘organic’, ‘vegan’, ‘paleo’, ‘dair-…’ Wait, what the fuck was a paleo? He had entered some hipster-trash establishment and it was more than time to get out.
Louis is a single dad and Harry works at the newly opened bakery down the street.
the miscommunication in this fic is SO REAL and makes for a good read. the rest of the flour and chocolate series is also fantastic. i thoroughly enjoyed both the ziam and ed/niall arcs that bring the whole story together.
run away home
E | 106k | @hattalove
Louis stands, in the middle of a clearing with his hands in his pockets, and stares. This boy—God, this gorgeous, gorgeous boy. He seems so clumsy, confused at the best of times, but there’s a wisdom about him as he speaks, a maturity that belies his age.
Louis is hopelessly, wildly attracted to him.
or, louis is a successful jockey down on his luck, struggling to get his life back on track after an injury. harry has a horse, a house fit for a prince, and a broken heart.
it takes them a while to figure out that they need each other.
this makes my inner horse girl extraordinarily happy - even if i don’t know anything about horse racing. louis’ story in this is beautiful and makes the whole piece worth a read.
waiting for the tides to meet
E | 60k | @nauticalleeds
Louis lets out a deep breath, thinking about Harry’s soulmate. Thinking about how Harry’s soulmate is probably as beautiful as Harry, some person that Louis cannot compare to, and how the universe has chosen them to be Harry’s. Fuck the universe. “Fuck you,” he calls out to the universe. He’s aware of how crazy he sounds.
Maybe he is crazy, with how he’s falling for Harry. And fuck that, too.
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
Featuring a lovely cup of OT5, a road trip down the coast, and a scene where Harry eats a whole head of lettuce. Don't ask why.
gorgeous soulmate AU that gives me summer cruising vibes. worth the read for the lettuce scene alone (i kid, i kid)
Do Not Go Gentle
E | 70k | @afirethatcannotdie
“This is all a game to you, isn’t it? Well, it’s not for me. This is a real life or death situation,” Louis says, spitting the words at him. “And I just don’t think you’re cut out for it.”
For a moment, they stare at each other in complete silence. Harry can feel his blood thrumming between his ears, can see Louis glaring at him, feels red-hot anger. And then all he feels, oppressively and desperately, is lust.
Suddenly Louis is surging up to him to press his lips against Harry’s. Harry walks the two of them backwards, pressing Louis back against the door. Louis oomphs in surprise and brings his hands under Harry’s scrub top, scratching at his lower back.
“Lock — oh — lock the… fucking door,” Louis mutters.
When Harry Styles starts his first day as a surgical intern, he expects a lot of things: to treat patients, to observe a surgery, to feel a bit overwhelmed. What he definitely doesn't expect, however, is that the handsome guy he kicked out of his bed this morning is also an intern.
A Grey’s Anatomy AU where tensions are high, Harry and Louis are hooking up in secret, and no one has time for love. Or do they?
okay i’ve watched maybe 3 episodes of Gray’s Anatomy, but i feel like this encompasses the vibe of the show: medical stuff with a hefty dose of angst and sexual tension
Falling For Me Won’t Be A Mistake
M | 58k | @all-these-larrythings
Harry is married to his job and so overworked that he doesn't know how to stop. All it takes is a forced Hawaiian get-a-away, the warm tropical breeze of the island, and the most beautiful, elusive man he's ever seen to make him remember what living is like outside of work. Well, that, and the little souvenir he accidentally takes home with him.
one of my favorite mpreg fics so if that’s not your cup of tea, then don’t read it. i love surgeon harry with a vengeance, but honestly Gems and Niall are iconic in this one.
Watching the World Fall
E | 11k | @crazyupsetter why won’t it let me tag :(
This segment has been going on long enough that Louis knows what’s coming before James starts in on it, trying to sell him on something he knows that Louis wouldn’t normally be buying. But there’s four cameras surrounding him, and an audience watching him expectantly, so if Louis wants to continue convincing people that he’s doing just fine, he’s going to have to go along with it.
“We have a whole host of single men backstage waiting to meet you, Louis,” James tells him. “We want to help you find love tonight, on Late Late Live Tinder. Is this okay? Do you want to play?”
It actually kind of makes sense that his first date after the break-up is going to be just as public as said break-up. Something like coming full circle.
“Alright, James,” Louis agrees, hopping down off his stool.
“Okay, come down to the stage,” James says. Louis can’t even tell whether the excitement in his voice is genuine or not. “Right now, come on down!”
i have a soft spot the size of Antarctica for Late Late AU fics (we stan James Corden) and for exes to lovers so this checks all the boxes.
autumn leaves
E | 27k | @suspendrs
“Brave?” Harry frowns, caught off guard. “No, not particularly.”
“You seem brave,” Louis decides, pushing off the wall and stepping on the butt of his cigarette. “You are strong, and you are not mean. That’s good,” he assures, touching Harry’s arm gently.
“Thank you, but that’s not true,” Harry smiles ruefully. “I’m really not anything special.”
Or, Harry is an American soldier in France during World War II, and Louis is a French waiter that doesn't mean to fall in love with him.
love love french AUs and while this one isn’t sunshine and rainbows, it’s a beautiful yet heart wrenching piece. warning for period typical homophobia
caught up in your love affair
NR | 8k | @disgruntledkittenface
“And the corgis took to you straightaway,” Harry remarks.
“That’s true,” Louis chuckles.
 “I’ve spent the last 29 years being barked at,” Harry deadpans, jerking his hand toward Louis, “this one walks in, absolutely nothing.”
Louis outright giggles at that, saying, “They were just lying on my feet during tea.”
“Wagging tails,” Harry says, shaking his head.
“It’s because they don’t understand flirting,” Louis tells him, “you can’t charm them the way you do everyone else.”
Royal AU. Prince Harry announces his engagement to Louis Tomlinson in an interview with longtime friend and BBC host Nick Grimshaw. Inspired by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
just. 8k of royal fluff. that’s literally it and i adore it so much.
Apples Always Fall (As I Do For You)
M | 54k | @rainbowsandgucci
”Due to unforeseen circumstances, help is needed here at the orchard for the impending apple season. Looking for someone able to start within the next week or two at the most, is willing to do whatever miscellaneous tasks are needed, such as picking & packing apples, running the cash register, and other handywork that may need to be done. Must be good with customers, and able to lift up to 50lbs. Help will be needed until at the least the end of October. Please contact the number found on this page, or come out to the orchard and ask for Harry. All the love xx” --- Louis is staying at his Aunt's farm in a small town in Minnesota for four months. To deal with the boredom that sets in a week into his stay, he starts working at the local apple orchard, owned by twenty six year old Harry Styles. Louis quickly finds himself falling in love with the orchard, and he finds a family in Harry's friends Niall, Liam, and Zayn. He also starts to fall in love with Harry. Falling in love with him turns out to be the easy part.
i never thought i would enjoy an apple orchard fic?? but it’s so good?? farmer harry makes me laugh to think about, but the heartbreak in this fic is so. real.
Mine Would Be You
E | 114k | @crinkle-eyed-boo
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
exes to lovers drama but make it extra sad. the fact that we see so many facets to this story just makes it all the more painful, yet beautiful. this fic also reminds me of how much i love one mister niall horan.
One for Luck
E | 96k | @leavingonatrain
The very first time Louis remembers hearing Harry Styles' deep, deep voice, he's just won gold at the World Equestrian Games and he's officially back on Great Britain's Olympic team. He's also three sheets to the wind, drunk on victory and champagne, and there's a gorgeous boy whispering in his ear. Life's grand.
(AU: Louis and Harry are professional riders on the British Olympic team.)
again, i know nothing about horses, but i like to pretend i do for the sake of this fic. it’s beautiful, it’s smutty what else could you ask for?
Nothing But You On My Mind
E | 83k | @absoloutenonsense
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again.
i absolutely. definitely. sobbed tears at this fic. it’s just so beautifully painful to read. don’t want to spoil anything, but this is a must.
Adore You
M | 67k | @isthatyoularry
“We invited our new acquaintances from uptown. You’ve simply got to meet their oldest son!” said his mother with a flourish, and suddenly it became abundantly clear as to why his parents had so adamantly demanded he join them in Deansville for the entirety of the summer.
Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. Harry doesn’t want to get married, but Louis does. They don’t fit, but then again they really, really do.
Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.
i strongly relate to harry in this one! one of my favorite historical AUs and honestly i love the thought of louis in well fitting suits.
leave it to the breeze
E | 81k | @hattalove
Louis couldn’t be prouder of his bake, but there’s something—there’s something. Something about Harry Styles and the earnest way he measures, pours, mixes, scrapes. Something about the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth as he knocks the air out of his batter.
or a great british bake off au in which louis cares about winning and winning only, harry is made of sunshine and rainbow sprinkles, and niall sticks his nose into other people's business. also featuring liam as louis's best friend-slash-concerned mother, and zayn as a macaron connoisseur.
i. love. the. great british baking show. baking + h&l is amazing. and another reminder as to why niall is the absolute best.
Paint The Sky With Stars
M | 62k | @icanhazzalou grrr let me tag
On 10 April 1912, Harry Styles boards the finest ship the world has ever seen. Still grieving the death of their mother, he and his sister are being sent to America to live with a callous uncle who cares more about his business connections than family. Harry prepares himself for a long, disappointing voyage alone in his stateroom.
Louis Tomlinson has borrowed and saved, and finally has enough to purchase a Third Class ticket to America. With all of his belongings in a single ruck sack, he boards the Titanic filled with hope for a brighter future. Never one to sit still, he can’t resist exploring the massive ship, and soon goes sneaking into First Class in a stolen steward’s uniform.
By a twist of fate, Louis finds himself in Harry’s stateroom, entranced by the most attractive man he’s ever laid eyes on. He keeps returning day after day, even if he doesn’t understand what it is about Harry that continues pulling him in. That’s all right; Louis has a week to figure it out, and Harry is plenty willing to help.
Except they don’t have a week. They have four days. Because on 15 April, their entire world will be turned upside down.
Or, the historically accurate Titanic AU with a happy ending.
gorgeous historical fic that’s so accurate and painstakingly written. i keep coming back to it!
When It’s Late At Night
M | 25k | @all-these-larrythings
Louis has zero interest in an ex-boybander turned solo artist when his appearance on the show gets announced, but that's exactly who he gets stuck with when Harry Styles shows up at the Late Late show to promote the release of his debut album. For an entire fucking week.
The Late Late prompt that we all need to get through this excruciatingly hard time.
remember when i said i love Late Late AUs? yeah. i love that louis gives absolutely zero shits in this fic until he gives all the shits.
Chasing Empty Spaces
E | 79k | @domestic-harry
The year is 1934 and Harry Styles was to inherent the largest tobacco firm in the south. His parents have picked out the “perfect” girl for him to marry and he has the privilege of receiving the highest education possible. The problem was, Harry hadn’t realized he didn’t actually want any part of that future until he met a mechanic named, Louis Tomlinson.
gorgeous historical AU that goes through Harry’s struggle with his sexuality wonderfully. this one also made me cry.
Resist Everything Except Temptation
E | 100k | @domestic-harry
The lethargic sound of heels clicking against wood resonated across the sea. Footsteps descended the staircase, every assured step creating a menacing aura as it grew closer. Perspiration gathered along Louis’ palms as the rhythmic sound halted in front of him.
“Captain,” Malik greeted.
Louis watched out of his peripheral as Malik’s boots shuffled back a few steps. Sweat matted the hair along the nape of Louis’ neck as he waited for something to happen. He felt as if a sharp blade was twisting his gut as the silence became tangible. There was a metallic slide of a sword being pulled out of its sheath, the sound startling Louis out of his cocoon of sterile shock. His shoulders jumped as the tip of a blade flattened underneath his jaw. Louis’ distorted reflection stared back at him in the polished metal. Engraved rose petals twisted his appearance as they crawled up the length of the sword. The sword lifted and took Louis’ chin with it.
Standing in front of Louis was Captain Styles.
The one where Louis is the commodore's son who is forced to become a part of Harry's crew when he is captured.
love this pirate AU that’s got one badass gemma styles. also, harry as a super cool pirate in gorgeous clothes makes me super happy!
i’ll make this feel like home
E | 49k
Harry to groans himself and then takes a deep breath. “Okay, well. Here’s the thing. I peed on a stick.”
Louis isn’t able to get more than a shocked “What!” out before Harry’s steamrolling on.
“I peed on a stick and it says it’s positive, but you always prattle on about how it’s best to go to the doctor’s before you get excited, you know to confirm it because sometimes hormones are off or you have like a tumor or some shit and get false positives and what if I’m dying and-”
“You’re pregnant?!” Louis shouts out, stomach dropping as the words leave his mouth.
“Um, yeah… maybe.”
[the one where Louis' hopelessly in love with his best mate... who just happens to be pregnant with another man's baby.]
baby momma harry with hot mess!Louis is a recipe for disaster, but this one has plenty of fluff to make up for it.
Hands Clasped Tight
E | 44k | @afirethatcannotdie
“What am I looking at here?” Harry asks.
“This, my friends, is a ‘proof’ Instagram account, run by your students,” Liam announces.
“It’s got all this stuff about how the two of you are together,” Niall adds.
“I heard about that,” says one of the math teachers. “Confiscated a kid’s phone today when they were looking at it. I have to say, the evidence that you’re dating is pretty damning.”
“Really,” Louis says dryly. “Do you think being married for three years might have something to do with it?”
Or the one where Harry and Louis are high school teachers and their students have been playing matchmaker for over a year. Little do they know, Harry and Louis are already married.
love love teacher harry and louis that’s mostly funny fluff with a little angst. just a teeny amount. reminds me of my own experiences with meddling students haha.
*updated 2/16/21*
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scarlettwitcher · 4 years
Úlfur Minn Part Two
Request: by @laneygthememequeen: Hello lovely! I just saw that youre open to requests and are itching to write something for soft boi geralt! If you’re open to it, can I request a geralt x reader where reader seems like super innocent but is like an actual warrior/badass and he’s just like in awe. Or maybe where the reader is in like a dress for some reason and she usually doesn’t wear dresses because they’re inconvenient for fighting and ends up having to fight in the dress. take care and I hope you have a wonderful day💖
Summary: After Jaskier is finally able to convince Geralt to be his bodyguard for Pavetta’s betrothal dinner, shit goes down and Geralt has to make the decision of whether or not he should tell Y/n how he really feels.
Characters:  Geralt, Reader, Jaskier, Calanthe, Eist, Mousesack, Pavetta, Duny, mentions of secondary characters in the show.
Word Count: 3140
Warnings: angst, fighting, mentions of blood, cursing, slight fluff, canon typical warnings
Author’s Note: HOLY CRAP! The love I got for this series was crazy! Thank you all for your support. I’m getting this part out earlier than I usually do since I am going to be busy tonight. I really hope you guys like part two as much as part one. As always, shoutout to my home girl @queenxxxsupreme for being the amazing human she is for helping me! My requests are open, so challenge me and make me write angsty fluff. My taglists are also open so just send me a message if you’d like to be on any list! Happy reading and as always, feedback is always welcome! Love all y’all!
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Previously on Úlfur Minn...
“You're not a prude Y/n.” You stood and took a deep breath as you walked around the room with pensive thoughts clouding your head. “Look, I was able to get you a rather beautiful dress and I might've bedded a hairdresser...She agreed to help.” You frowned at Jaskier as you quickly shook your dress.
“Dress? Oh no, no, no. I don't like dresses. You know this Jask.”
“You're gonna have to deal with it Y/n. If Calanthe can wear a dress, then so can you.” You groaned loudly at him as he laughed softly. You nodded at him to show you the dress and thus, you all prepared to attend the dreaded event.
If you weren’t so occupied trying not to trip on your dress, you would’ve noticed the way Geralt was staring intensely at you. He would never say it to the Bard but the dress he picked for you was perfect. It was a deep red, almost maroon color with a tight corset in the middle. The neckline plunged dangerously close to your chest and the shoulder straps we're hanging to the sides of your arms, the long sleeves skin tight until they reached your hand where it attached to a ring you placed around your fingers. The hairdresser had curled and picked up your hair on the sides, with small jeweled clips holding your hair up. And for jewelry, you opted to wear a small simple necklace Geralt had given you years before. He couldn't help watching you every second he had. 
Jaskier walked in and watched everyone before nodding towards Geralt. “Right, so stick close to me, look mean and pretend you’re a mute. Can’t have anyone finding out who you actually are.” 
“Geralt of Rivia, the mighty Witcher!.... And Y/n of Skellige!”
“Oh, shit.”
Mousesack walked towards the three of you and smiled widely. “I haven’t seen you since the plague.”
“Good times, Mousesack.”
Mousesack started laughing as he looked at Geralt, shaking his head. “I’ve missed your sour complexion. I feared this would be a dull affair, but now the White Wolf is here, perhaps all is not lost.” He looked at Geralt’s clothes and frowned. “Why are you dressed like a sad silk trader? Geralt looked at Jaskier with irritation.
“And Y/n, darling! Where have you been hiding yourself?” You blushed softly and shrugged as you hugged Mousesack tightly. He pulled back to look at you but kept you in his arms. “You always get more beautiful every time I lay my eyes on you especially with that dress." Mousesack took a second to let his eyes wander over your form and you felt yourself cowering just a bit under his gaze, your cheeks flushed.
You could never get used to the way men looked at you. "My oh my, thank the gods for it.” You blushed darkly and giggled as you shook your head. 
“It's nice to see you too, Mouse. It's nice to see you never change.”
“Don't tell me you've been traveling with this grumpy man.” You giggled as you looked at Geralt. The way he was looking at you and Mousesack confused you. He looked…. angry, almost jealous.
“He’s actually great company. I enjoy traveling with the Witcher.” Mousesack looked at you before looking at Geralt and then returning his gaze to you, a knowing smirk appearing on his features.
“ Witcher, walk with me.” With that, you took your leave with Jaskier as Geralt watched you walk away. He grunted quietly at Mousesack before reluctantly following him, not wanting to part from you. From the moment you entered the room, the men’s eyes were following your form. He didn't like the way they looked at you. Eyes full of lust and admiration. In Geralt's mind, only he could look at you so but he could never act on his jealousy. He had to step back and watch you alongside everyone else.
“....gen crown for years. A tad rough around the edges, but they’re of the earth. Like me.” Geralt's mind quickly caught back up to the conversation, listening to Mousesack as he spoke.
“Old and crusty. How long before this horse trading is done? I find royalty best taken in…” Geralt looked visibly uncomfortable as he watched all of the royals with caution. “small doses.”
“I wouldn’t count on leaving before dawn. These suitors will vie all night for Princess Pavetta’s hand. Marrying into this monarchy is a mighty prize. Who wouldn’t want to be king of the most powerful force in the land?”
“Hm. So, which one of these little shits is your coin on?” 
“Come with me, there’s much for you to see. It’s not a fair bet. That red-headed scanderlout over there, Crach An Craite, will marry Pavetta. The Lioness has already arranged it with the boy’s uncle, Eist Tuirseach. No one would dare make a move on an alliance that powerful.”
Geralt's eyes drifted to Eist before a small smirk painted his lips.“Handy with a blade.” But soon it dropped and was replaced with a scowl as he watched the man make his way to you, watching you laugh at something he said. “And with women, too.” Mousesack followed where his sight was set and laughed, shaking his head.
“All an act. Queen Calanthe refused his proposal three times after King Roegner died, despite the two of them gliding around each other like courting swans.” Geralt watched as you finished speaking with Eist and made your way over to Jaskier as he was cornered by one of the lords. You immediately moved in front of Jaskier, defending him from the lord. The lord grabbed your arm roughly and pulled you away from Jaskier. “No, no, no. She was not living in her husband’s shadow again.” Geralt watched angrily and left Mousesack hanging as he made his way over to you and Jaskier. He reached you first and checked you over silently for a moment before moving to Jaskier’s side.
“Something about you reminds me of a scoundrel I once saw fleeing my wife’s chambers!"
“Um, well…”
“Drop your trousers.”
“I didn’t get a proper look at the little shit’s face, but that pimply arse I’d remember anywhere.”
“Well… uh, uh… Ah, Geralt.”
“Forgive me, my lord. This… happens all the time. It’s true, he has the face of a cad and a coward. But, truth be known… he was kicked in the balls by an ox as a child.”
“Well, that’s…tr- true.”
“Apologies.” The lord pulled out a coin with shaky hands and tossed it at the bard. “Here, drown your… sorrows on me, eunuch.” The lord turned to look at you and nodded softly. “And praise you for… sticking with this bard.” You looked at the man wide eyed as he walked away.
“Oh, wow. Thank you. Thank you so much. First of all, you hog all the fanfare, then you go and ruin my courtly reputation.”
“I saved your life. You’re on your own from here on. Try not to get any daggers in your back before dawn.” Geralt took a step back and you joined his side. It was the safest place for the night and you had noticed how uncomfortable he had been since the beginning. You slowly reached up and held his arm as he looked down at you. He clenched his jaw, watching your sweet eyes try to read his. Your presence alone was all the comfort he needed. He grunted at you and moved a tad bit closer to you as his eyes drifted back up to watch the lords. Some were watching the both of you and Geralt glared at them. He felt you shuffle next to him and he knew you hated the attention and decided to distract you and keep your mind off of it. “You look...nice.”
Your eyes snapped up to look at his, wide with surprise. “R-really?” Geralt nodded as he reached up to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear. He bit his lip before moving to look away from you. 
“Thank yo-”
“You lie, you little shite! You never faced so much as a bad meal in your life, never mind a manticore.”
“I’ve had manticores thrice as fat and ugly as you perish under my steel!”
“Under your bullshit, more like. How many stings has it got, then?”
“Two.” You felt Geralt huff a snort next to you and you smiled before whispering. “Are you going to say anything or should I?”
“You? The Y/n wants to say something in a room full of lords?” You mock glared at Geralt and bit your lip.
“Hah! Go away and shite! It’s five. I know.” 
“Don't taunt me Úlfur minn. I would when it comes to defending those I deeply care about.” You whispered. You didn't notice the way your words took hold of Geralt's heart and the way he looked at you, too busy at watching the lords argue.
One of the servants alerted Queen Calanthe of Geralt's presence and noticed the both of you in the corner, whispering and laughing with each other. She smirked and dismissed the servant. 
“I’ve actually killed one.”
“You-” Before the men could fight, Calanthe’s powerful voice echoed across the room, commanding the attention to her. “Enough! We have a renowned guest here tonight. Perhaps he can declare which esteemed lord is telling the truth.” Everyone’s attention had turned to Geralt and unfortunately, you. You cowered under everyone's gaze and Geralt moved enough to be able to shield you behind him. He hated the way the men looked at you as much as you did.
“Are you calling me a liar, old man?”
“Aah. The Butcher of Blaviken bleats utter nonsense.” Geralt felt the way you tensed at the title and he knew you were about to defend him. Geralt looked up and caught Jaskier’s eyes. Jaskier shook his head softly as his eyes drifted to you. Geralt swallowed thickly as he clenched his jaw. He slowly reached his arm behind him, out of everyone’s view for you to hold. You held his hand gently as he spoke.
“Perhaps the lords encountered… rare subspecies of manticore.”
“Perhaps our esteemed guest would like to entertain us with how he slayed the elves at the edge of the world?” There were loud cheers and even some men raised their mugs towards Geralt.
“There was no slaying. I had my arse kicked by a ragged band of elves. I was about to have my throat cut when Filavandrel let me go.” Everyone groaned as they looked at the Witcher in disbelief. 
“But the song..”
“Yeah, the song.”
“At least when Filavandrel’s blade kissed my throat, I didn’t shit myself. Which is all I can hope for you, good lords. At your final breath, a shitless death.” Geralt raised his cup towards the room as he heard you snort behind him. “But I doubt it.” You couldn't help yourself and you lost yourself to a fit of giggles and Geralt found himself smiling as he took a drink of his ale.
“It would have been your blade at Filavandrel’s throat had you been there, Your Majesty. Not that any elven bastards would crawl from their lair to meet you on the field.” Calanthe’s eyes left the rather intimate scene in front of her to briefly glance at Eist before they returned to Geralt. She smirked as she watched him be protective of you. She found it interesting and wanted to know more.
“Any man willing to paint himself in the shadow of his failures will make for far more interesting conversation this night. Come, Witcher. Take a seat by my side while I change.” Geralt tensed next to you but you rested a hand on his back before whispering for only Geralt to hear.
“Go. Don't worry about me Úlfur minn.”
You watched as Geralt was escorted to the Calanthe’s royal table. He kept his eyes on you as he sat. You looked around nervously. One of the lords approached you and tried to flirt with you. You were kind and respectful but tried your best to not lead the man on. “Damn this cursed thing. I’d as soon see this night out in armor.”
“As would I.” Geralt grunted out as his eyes never strayed away from you.
“Indeed. Tell me how does a witcher finds himself at my daughter’s wedding feast dressed like a…?” Calanthe laughed before nodding towards you. “And with such a fair maiden like her?” 
This made Geralt look away from you and at Calanthe but chose to ignore the latter part of the question. “I’m protecting the bard from vengeful royal cuckolds.”
“Hm! Idiots, the lot of them. Still, I’m glad of your company, which could prove handy. I have no doubt blood will spill here tonight.”
“Ah, save the good Queen’s breath. I’m not for hire as a bodyguard.”
“You were hired just so by the bard.”
“I’m helping the idiot free of his coin.”
“And he’s the idiot? I’m simply saying, surely if all goes to hell here tonight, I can count on you to strategically remove certain irritants that may present themselves? I’d do so myself, only I’m bound to uphold an artifice of decorum and… fairness."
“Hey. I can’t help you.” Geralt’s eyes returned back to you. You were now alone as you looked around the room, feeling lonely. You always hated being alone at events when both of your guys got occupied. You couldn’t go with Jaskier and Geralt was busy with the queen who didn't invite you to sit at the table with them. It was enough to tell you you weren't welcome. You looked up and your eyes locked with Geralt’s. You watched how his face softened as he looked at you. 
“So perilously direct. As Queen, I could command it.”
“If I were one of you subjects.”
“I could torture you so very slowly into compliance.” Geralt looked away from you and at Calanthe as he smirked and you easily could've taken it for heavy flirting.
“Her Majesty will do as she wishes. I’m not for turning.”
“Oh, come now. Everyone has their price.” You felt a painful tug at your heart reminding you that he wasn't yours. He was only making sure his friend was okay. As you looked away, Geralt's eyes were back on you and he willed you to look back at him. Calanthe saw this and licked her lips, about to comment again on you when she was presented with Lord Peregrine of Nilfgaard.
You had decided you didn't want to watch anymore of the queen’s shameless flirting. You looked around for Mousesack and made your way over to him as Jaskier started singing one of your favorite songs. You tripped over the dress as you cursed quietly. God, how you hated dresses. Geralt felt his jealousy punch him straight in the face as he watched you laugh at something Mousesack said, obviously teasing you about your dress as he grabbed it, holding in his fingers. You were too innocent and wouldn't have noticed the intense flirting Mousesack was trying to do with you. It was one of the things he loved about you. You were always so innocent, everything was constantly going over your head. He knew it was due to how you were raised and ever since he met you all those years ago, he wanted to protect that innocence.
“How much more of this peacocking must I endure? This… All this because male tradition demands it. If I were a man, I could simply tell the whole lot of them to fuck off, declare outright who Pavetta should marry and have done with it. Or, better yet, let the poor girl decide her own fate.”
“Something tells me this isn’t the first time you’ve navigated the vagaries of male tradition. In fact, I’d wager you thrive on it.”
“Spoken as one who has navigated his own share of fools. Speaking of.” Calanthe pointed towards you as she watched Geralt glare at the druid who held your attention.
“Tell me, Witcher, why are there so few of you left?”
“Hm.” Geralt sighed as he looked down at the table, knowing that distracting himself with conversation with the queen was better than to watch you with someone else. “It is no longer possible to create more of us, since the sacking of Kaer Morhen. Tell me, Your Majesty… why do you risk your life on the battlefield when you can rest on your throne?”
“Because there is a simplicity in killing monsters, is there not? Seems we are quite the pair, Geralt of Rivia.”
Geralt only grunted in response as he took a large sip of his drink. The silence was interrupted by a knight fighting a few guards at the entrance. Geralt watched with a scowl as the knight made his way to the center of the room, getting down on one knee.“Forgive my late intrusion, Your Majesty, and for the misunderstanding with your guards. Please! I come in peace. I need but one moment of your time. I am Lord Urcheon of Erlenwald and I have come to claim your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
“A knight… of no renown… from a backwater hamlet… who dares to enter my court without revealing his face?” You glared at Calanthe’s words. You didn't really like the queen but at the moment, you couldn't contain your detest with her. She was hardly ever kind and it bothered you to no end. 
“I apologize, Your Majesty. A knight’s oath prevents me from revealing my face until the sounding of the twelfth bell.”
“Bollocks to that.” Eist took a step forward and tugged off Duny’s mask, dropping it in disgust. Everyone gasped as Calanthe stared at Duny, repulsed.
“Witcher, kill it.”
“Whatever the price.”
“This is no monster.”
“I order you.”
“This knight has been cursed.”
“You’re as useless as the rest of them. Slay this beast!” Two guards stepped forward but Duny easily beat them as he turned back to Calanthe with desperation.
“Lioness of Cintra, I come to claim what is rightfully mine! Pavetta. By the Law of Surprise.” Before anyone could speak more, more guards appeared and attacked Duny. He carried himself easily as he defeated the guards around him, slashing at them. But as more guards entered the room, he became overpowered and was hit roughly in the face. He fell and rolled onto his back as he stared up at the guard holding a large axe over his head. He panted as he stared up at the guard with fear as he dripped blood from his lips. You growled out in anger at the queen’s disregard for the man’s life. You ran and grabbed his discarded sword as you stood over Duny. “NO!” The guard swung the axe and you swung the sword at the same time, cutting it in half as the axe fell into Duny’s hands. You swung your sword again, slitting the guards throat. He looked at you and nodded, before getting up and looking at all of the guards that surrounded the both of you. Geralt growled in anger at you for putting yourself in such a compromising position. You looked over at him and shook your head, telling him it wasn't the moment for him to scold you. He made his way to your side, almost hovering over you. 
“Kill them all!”
Forever Tags: @iwantthedean​ @authoressskr​ @sorenmarie87​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @goldenolaf25​ @giftofdreams​ @winchesterprincessbride​ @chelsea072498​ @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian​ @itakeawfultoawholenewlevel​ @fictionalabyss​ @gabby913​ @angelkurenai​ @sea040561​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @carryonmyswansong​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @evyiione​ @supersassyprobablysad​ @sofreddie​ @sis-tafics​ @nitelotus​ @trexrambling​ @dancingalone21​ @manawhaat​ @mermaidxatxheart​ @winchest09​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @just-another-busy-fangirl​ @lovebodymindstuff​ @backseat-of-deans-67chevy​ @chook007​ @akshi8278​ @evansrogerskitten​ @bringmesomepie56​ 
The Witcher Tags: @alwayshave-faith​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @queenxxxsupreme​ @stretchkingblog97​
Úlfur Minn Tags: @laneygthememequeen​ @saint-hardy​ @uncoolcloudyhead​ @katiejmac​ @justlovetoreadfics​ @writingthingsisdifficult​ 
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takurotan · 3 years
FEH Book V, Chapter 10: Howling Descent
Part 1: Passion's Madness MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Fafnir: Go, Gullinbursti! Trample them under your iron hooves. Return the people to the ground they so cherish! Otr: No mercy! Spare no one! My brother demands all tremble before him and perish! Ah-hahahaha!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Veronica: What is he doing here? Why attack out of nowhere like this? Bruno: Veronica! Veronica: Brother?! You've...come back? Bruno: I've brought you reinforcements. Alfonse and his companions. Veronica: Oh... Just them? Sharon: Wow! And after we've come to help you and everything! Alfons: What is the situation on the field, Princess Veronica? Veronica: See for yourself... It's not looking good... He has strange soldiers at his command, and we can't compete. And as for Fáfnir himself...he must be some kind of monster. Alfons: It seems he has regained his strength then… For now, all we can do is try to force their withdrawal from Embla!
Part 2: Serene Adherent MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Otr: Heh... There you are, Summoner. How predictable of you. Now let's not mince words: DIE! This land will be ours! Reghin: Ótr! Listen to me! We've just come back from the Tower of Niðavellir. There's something I must ask you! Otr: ...What? Did you go inside? Reghin: We did. And after what we learned, I've been thinking that...maybe Fáfnir isn't from Niðavellir after all. Or did you know that already, Ótr? Otr: ...Yes, things are just as you say. And now that you know that, all the more reason for me to end your lives here and now! Alfons: Ótr, wait! What were you and Eitri planning?! I need to know! Is there some connection to Fáfnir's true origins? Otr: That is my concern, and mine alone! You lot... Always prying, digging into others' affairs. I'll show you where you belong! Beneath my heel!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Marianne: Please, Goddess... Lend me the courage I need…
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Otr: ...Damn it! I have to retreat. I'll pull back and regroup with Fáfnir. ...Where have you gotten to, Brother?
Part 3: Pledged Restorer MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Eirik: I learned how to wield a spear from my brother.
Part 4: Nothing to Report MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Gatekeeper: No matter where I'm stationed, my only concern is protecting the gate.
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: Fafnir: ... Loki: Welcome back, King Fáfnir. Fafnir: This is it, then? This is what you were after? Loki: Yes, it is indeed... To think they were hiding it here all along. I am unable to enter this temple, so you've done me a great service. Fafnir: If you have what you want, I'll be leaving. Loki: Now, now, don't be so impatient. You don't want to leave just yet. ...Do you know what exactly it was that you laid claim to in the Emblian blood temple? Fafnir: I don't care. Wait—no... This design is familiar… It looks like the tool Askr's summoner carries... Loki: Yes, that's right. This is the summoner's divine weapon Breidablik...or a fake, anyway. There is only one of those in this world and it is held by Askr. This, however, is a mere trinket pieced together by a pathetic sage lusting after the power of the gods. Fafnir: A...sage, did you say? Loki: I caught wind of the little scheme of Eitri's and went to take the weapon for myself. Unfortunately, I was found out too… And that's when it was hidden away in a temple warded against my entry, you see, and… … ...Ah-hem?! Are you even listening to what I'm saying? Fafnir: The sage...created a copy of the summoner's divine weapon? No... It can't be... But if that's true, then...then... That man from my memory! From when I arrived! Tell me who he is, Loki! Loki: To be perfectly honestly, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about... Some man? Fafnir: Don't play innocent with me! Loki: Even after all that, I still have no answers for you. I simply do not know what you're talking about. Isn't there someone else you could ask—someone who might actually have the answers you seek? I wonder… Fafnir: Rrr... Otr: Brother! There you are! ...And who is this? Fafnir: Never mind. We're leaving. Otr: B-but, Brother, what about Embla?! Fafnir: It doesn't matter. I have business with Eitri! She will tell me what I want to know. They always do...eventually. Otr: But...why Eirtri? Wait, Brother! What happened?! Loki: Heh... Things seem to be going according to plan. *sigh* I suppose since this fake is no longer of any use to anyone, I ought to destroy it. Oh, Niðavellir, with your seiðjárn… You tried to fly a little too high. You sought to imitate Askr, to add their power to your own. But such power would be too much for any one realm. That is not part of Alfaðör's design...
Part 5: Prince of Light MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Marth: Anri won his battle all alone. I, on the other hand, rely on the strength of my friends.
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Alfons: Niðavellir's troops are withdrawing… Did something happen? Sharon: Whew... They are incredibly strong. Bruno: We made it through thanks in part to your help. For that, I thank you. Reghin: He's gone? No! I still have so many questions! Sharon: It's no use, Princess Reginn! We can't follow them. Reghin: B-Broth...er... Alfons: Princes Reginn? ...Are you all right?! Anna: She's burning up. The shock of what's happened must be setting in. Sharon: Is there a place we can take her where she can rest, Princess Veronica? Veronica: You may bring her along… Just this once. As a token of my appreciation. Alfons: Thank you, Princess Veronica. Fall back, everyone! We need only hold out a little longer!
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: Otr: Brother! Wait! Fáfnir! Fafnir: Show yourself, Eitri! I'll level this whole "sanctum" of yours with you in it if I have to! Eitri: Ah, King Fáfnir. What lovely timing. I have some matters I'd like to address with you as well. Fafnir: Your affairs don't matter to me. Tell me what you know! Eitri: "What I know"? You'll have to be more specific... Fafnir: Don't play the fool! The false divine weapon you made! The imitation summoning tool! Who used it?! He...he summoned me here, to this world, didn't he?! Otr: Brother! Wh-what are you sayi— Where is this coming from?! Eitri: I'll admit I'm surprised you were able to get that far by yourself. Rather impressive, actually. Fafnir: ...Eitri, if you— Eitri: Of those summoned here before you, you have been the only one to maintain any semblance of sanity. Again, truly impressive. I would go so far as to say praiseworthy, even. Alas, you did lose your memories, so, ultimately...just another in a string of failures. Fafnir: I won't be your puppet any longer! I will strangle you with whatever strings you've bound me with! Where did I come from?! Answer me! Send me back... Send me back where I belong... Otr: Brother, no! Don't say that! Fafnir: I understand now...what I've been searching for all this time. It was on the other side of that summoning gate in Askr... That's why I— I only wanted to go back...all this time... All this time! I wanted to go home! Eitri: Oh, do you really mean that? You're likely to hurt Ótr's feelings. He's your brother, after all… And after he's made so many sacrifices to keep you here! He even helped create a weapon to destroy gates all to make sure you can never return. Fafnir: ...What?! Ótr, you— Ngyahh! Otr: You can't leave, Brother. Without you, what am I? What will I become? Fafnir: What is... Is that Gramr?! Eitri: It had to end at some point, Fáfnir… Perhaps the time has come. Oh! And I will answer your question before I erase you. The answer is something you will find...compelling. That man, the one who summoned you.... It was me. Fafnir: What?! How do... Explain yourself! Who are you?! Eitri: Someone who loves Niðavellir. More than you can imagine. The zeal that beat in the heart of the realm died with the royal bloodline... And yet… It seems our god has not yet abandoned us. *sigh* Now, Fáfnir...you will become an offering on the altar of Niðavellir's next king. Fafnir: Gyaaahhh! The crown... What is it about this crown?! What dvergr curse is— No! Stop! I...don't want to fight anymore! I don't want to kill! Hrrgg... Nyaargghhh! Uwaaghh!
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viktuuriangstbang · 4 years
Viktuuri Angst Bang 2019 - Masterlist
Here is the extensive list of the incredible and angsty works created for the Viktuuri Angst Bang. Thank you to all our beloved participants for seeing to the success of this event. 
If you participated and you do NOT see your work here or have found an error, please email corrections to [email protected].
Open the ‘Read More’ to check ratings, warnings, tags, and summaries.
The Affair by Clarinda. Art by  DyeingDoll.
Danse Macabre by AurumAuri. Art by Bectara
By Chance One Turns by Louciferish. Art by Izzyisosaki.
Bound by you by KuraiOfAnagura. Art by R-Tengu.
Our Time, Gone Forever by  AJ Wolf. Art (1,2) by Elianthos.
Body of Evidence by Revampired. Art by Eli Grey.
And all pieces fall right into place by cottonee. Art by mferret9.
Faceless by allollipoppins. Art by Heavy Henry. 
embedded in my chest (and it hurts to hold) by Ace of Japan. Art by Baph.
Can You Hear My Heartbeat? by SchalaDresdan. Art by Bectara. 
you're with me (not someone else) by Adrianna99. Art by Kathe.
Conventionally Yours by Songbirdsara.
I See the Light by black_tea_blue_pens. Art by Bectara.
The Cost of Winning by Daffy. Art by Diem.
Find me in me (Act 1) by LenaLawlipop. Art by Clarinda.
When We Collide by topcatnikki. Art by Clarinda.
Under the Midnight by Mazarin221b. Art (1, 2, 3) by Elianthos.
Genie In The Bottle by PaintingWithWords. Art by smolkristen.
All That We Hold of Heaven by Kazul9. Art by Purin.
Appalachian Harmony by Heavy Henry. Art by cupromantic.
over the oaks by owlishann. Art by Hecate Mist.
The Truth About Agape by Kastuuki. Art by Purin.
Red Cuffs of Fate by Gabzjones. Art by Cerisebio.
strange as angels by astudyinrose. Art by Bullsfish.
The Brightness of Gold and Silver by Katineto​. Art by Ace of Japan.
Drag Your Soul to Shore by LinneaKou. Art by Baph.
Trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday by Briapia @briapia95. Art by DyeingDoll.
To Love And To Honour (Esp version) by Midnight_Luna. Art by Caramel.
When You Really, Really Miss Me by cleverlittleradiator. Art by Caramel.
Sing to me like steel by Ravensmores. Art by Impatvish.
Pleurosis by SnarkyBreeze. Art by rettlecake.
Whiskey Lullaby by Rae. Art by Andi.
*Summaries are trimmed to fit better; please visit fics on AO3 to view full details.  **Chapter counts are as of January 16th.
The Affair by @clarinda0110 . Art by @dyeingdoll
E, 20k, Complete, Series. Canon AU - real world. Yuuri sits down to be interviewed for a retrospect of the career of Viktor Nikiforov. He has quite a story to tell.
Danse Macabre by @aurum-auri​. Art by @bectara​.
E, 110k, Complete. AU - serial killer. Warnings: Violence, Non-con. When Yuuri finds himself in the clutches of an infamous serial killer, everything he thought he knew suddenly is called into question.
By Chance One Turns by @louciferish. Art by izzyisozaki.
M, 90k, Complete, Series. Canon divergence - Kid fic. In 2011, Victor Nikiforov disappeared from the world of figure skating. Desperate to send money home, Yuuri looks for a job in the US. (...)The last thing he expects is for Victor to be the one who opens the door.
Bound by you by  @kuraiofanagura​. Art by @rtengu​.
M, 4/5, WIP. AU - historical arranged marriage, omegaverse. Warnings: Violence. Victor was so much weaker than this omega. Because he was escorting his brother Yuri to marry the love of his life, Yuuri, the alpha prince of the land of the Red Sun.
Our Time, Gone Forever by @ajwolf84​. Art (1,2) by @bowldeepfannish​.
T, 5/6, WIP. AU - Archeology, time travel. It's the archeological find of the century and Viktor still can't quite believe he's a part of it.
Body of Evidence by @revampired. Art by @unicornsovermyrainbow.
E, 44k, Complete. AU - Jack the Ripper, omegaverse. Warnings: Violence. Lost and alone upon arrival in London, omega medical student Yuuri is rescued by and befriends a famous local prostitute, Victor Nikiforov.
And all pieces fall right into place by @v-katsuki​​. Art by @mferret9.
M, 4k, Complete. Canon divergence - after Barcelona. After the Grand Prix Final, Viktor and Yuuri go separate ways for the rest of the season. They try to make their long-distance relationship work while both prepare to win a gold medal.
Faceless by @allollipoppins. Art by @snarkonice​.
T, 1/10, Hiatus. AU - Werewolf, soulmates, dystopia. Warnings: Violence. A beast roamed the streets of Hasetsu come nightfall and preyed on all whose face it looked upon. (...) A new disappearance gives Yuuri an opportunity to get to the heart of the problem, and face his own - not without consequences.
embedded in my chest (and it hurts to hold) by @theliteraryluggage. Art by @anonbaph.
M, 105k, Complete. AU - Artists are millennials, hanahaki disease. In which Yuuri falls in love, then falls apart, one petal at a time.
Can You Hear My Heartbeat? by @schaladresdan. Art by @bectara​.
M, 7k, Complete, Series. AU - Androids, temporary character death. In this world, androids are commonplace. At 18, people of this world can choose whether they want to be ‘transferred’ to an ‘transfer androids’ or not when their human bodies die.
you're with me (not someone else) by @iwritebetterthanispeak​. Art by @mandolinearts.
G, 2k, Complete. Canon divergence - Injury. Yuuri falls on the quad flip. He and Viktor end up kissing anyway 
Conventionally Yours by @songbirdsarawrites.
T, 10/11, WIP. AU - Artists. Yuuri Katsuki is fascinated by charming young artist Victor Nikiforov when he encounters him behind an artist booth at a convention. Nearly two years later, with a table of his own, Yuuri gets the chance to meet his hero.
I See the Light by black_tea_blue_pens. Art by @bectara​.
T, 15k, Complete. AU - The Little Mermaid AU. Warnings: MCD. Victor is the Crown Prince of the abyss merfolk. In order to escape from his work and obligations, he makes trips searching for something. He discovers the surface and a young boy who likes to dance at the beach.
The Cost of Winning by @narcissuspseudonarcissus. Art by Diem.
M, 1/10, WIP.  AU - Fairy tale curses. Warnings: Violence. Everyone on the continent of Bayuria could see the storm clouds on the horizon as they watched the King of Leroy stripping his lands of resources, and his people of their dignity.
Find me in me (Act 1) by LenaLawlipop. Art by @clarinda0110.
M, 5/6, WIP. Canon divergence - suddendly supernatural elements, character study, isolation. I was at the banquet, wasn't I? At Sochi? My head hurts a little bit. I think I need to get up and figure out what's going on. It's... probably for the best.
When We Collide by @topcatnikki​. Art by @clarinda0110 .
M, 24k, Complete. Canon compliant - post series, relationship problems. Days laid in bed with their fingers twined and their lips connecting had turned into hurried kisses to the cheek as Yuuri rushed out of the door. Hours of conversation late into the night had become muttered 'goodnights' and waking up to empty beds.
Under the Midnight by @mazarin221b . Art (1, 2, 3) by @bowldeepfannish.
E, 2/5, WIP. AU - Fortune teller, magical realism. Yuuri Katsuki is a ballet teacher by day and fortune teller by night. Thing is, he is actually a real fortune teller. Into his strange little life he's built for himself walks one drunk figure skater, getting his fortune told on a dare.
Genie In The Bottle by @paintingwithwords. Art by @smolkristen.
E, 5/14, WIP, series (3). AU - Epidemiology. [Zebras among the horses followup] Things are going well for Yuuri Katsuki.  But danger looms on the horizon, as it always does for someone in his line of work.  When people start getting sick, Yuuri must race to find out what has been set loose... and if there's any way of stopping it.
All That We Hold of Heaven by @kazul9. Art by Purin.
T, 20k, Complete. AU - Fallen angel. Falling—the act of it, the emotion of it—means a lot of different things to different people.For Yuuri, it means everything.
Appalachian Harmony by @snarkonice. Art by @cupromantic.
Not rated, 15k, Complete. AU - Apalachian trial. Warnings: MCD. Newly sober and almost forty, Viktor Nikiforov realizes that he has to make a change. Never a fan of half-measures, he quits his job in corporate law, rents his swanky Manhattan condo to his younger cousin and takes off to hike the Appalachian Trail.
over the oaks by @owlishann. Art by @hecate-mist.
T, 27k, Complete. AU - Spacetrip, time travel. Books have always called Yuuri, ever since he was a child. So when he gets the chance to answer the call, he does, even if it implies crossing the milky way in a tiny spaceship with Victor Nikiforov —the man Yuuri has been pining after since they met— by his side.
The Truth About Agape by @kastuuki. Art by Purin.
M, 2/7, WIP. AU - Superhero, temporary charactter dead. Looking at the picture in the newspaper, the superhero is carrying Victor in the most cliché way they could ever find themselves in: a bridal carry. It has become an iconic photo and the city just ran with it. Everyone loves a good love story, even if it’s not entirely true.
Red Cuffs of Fate by @gabzjones. Art by Cerisebio.
E, 38k, Complete. AU - Crime and police, soulmates. It was his first job as detective; hunting down the ever elusive Mercury, a thief who got his kicks from simply getting away with the crime. Yuuri had gotten close. Really close. And then he noticed the mark of the soulmate bond on his hand.
strange as angels by astudyinrose. Art by @bullsfish.
M, 1/?, WIP. AU - Just like Heaven AU, apparent MCD. Yuuri has a traumatic fall, and he's absent from the rest of the series. After Victor's fifth straight title at Worlds he feels strangely despondent, so he decides to leave St. Petersburg. The first night in his new apartment, he's haunted by the ghost of a beautiful Japanese man he's never met before.
The Brightness of Gold and Silver by @katineto​. Art by @theliteraryluggage.
M, 7/16, WIP. AU - Royal, medieval monastery, omegaverse. After the death of his husband the king, Viktor—childless and powerless—finds himself relegated to a small convent far removed from the royal court and its political games. As he struggles to adapt to convent life, he begins to notice how desperately he desires one brother's compabullsny—even to the point of sin.
Drag Your Soul to Shore by LinneaKou. Art by @anonbaph.
M, 36k, Complete. Canon divergence - supernatural, curses. Just before Katsuki Yuuri advances to his first-ever Grand Prix Final, the skating world is sent reeling when a stranger destroys Viktor Nikiforov’s life in more ways than one, resulting in him being banned from competing and gaining the hatred of everyone he knows.
Trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday by @briapia95. Art by @dyeingdoll.
T, 1/?, WIP. AU - Kyoukai no Kanata AU. The youmu stops and Viktor, vision blurred and confused, notices something he never thought he would see again. A sword, slightly curved to the back, red, and clearly made of blood is emerging from the youmu’s front. He knows who that kind of power belongs to, but he can’t bring himself to believe.
To Love And To Honour (Esp version) by Midnight_Luna. Art by @caramel-draws​.
T, 1/?, WIP. Canon compliant - Disney's Coco AU. Warnings: MCD. On the day of the Obon, Hikari Katsuki'll have to embark on a journey without precedent to the Land of the Dead, uncover the secrets that shattered her little family and find the real reason why her father never let her go near a skating rink.
When You Really, Really Miss Me by @cleverlittleradiator. Art by @caramel-draws​. 
M, 2/4, WIP. Canon compliant. Warnings: MCD. In which Yuuri dies, Viktor lives, and he's not the only one left to deal with the aftermath. 
Sing to me like steel by @ravensmores​. Art by @impatvish​.
E, 2/2, Complete. AU - Hospital.
“I just know I’d hate myself even more if I didn’t tell you.” Victor’s voice is surprisingly hesitant as he wipes his face, hand still resting softly in Yuuri’s. “If- if I didn’t ask if there was still a chance.”
“You killed people Victor.”
Pleurosis by @kingfisherunion. Art by @rettlecake.
T, 1/?, WIP. AU - Hanahaki. 
Viktor doesn't take Yuuri up on his offer at the Sochi banquet, but someone else does. Depersonalized, depressed, and doubting that he'll make it through another season of marketing himself to an uncaring public, Viktor finds himself ill at Worlds, and nothing he does seems to help. When Yakov takes on a new skater, Viktor's health takes a turn for the worse and he's suddenly faced with a dire choice.
Whiskey Lullaby by @justrae2010​. Art by Andi.
E, 8k, Complete. Warnings: MCD.
The divorce papers had come through a month later. Yuuri didn’t come back.
Victor needed a drink.
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polyamorous-mysme · 3 years
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Really fucked up that i got 3 asks ten days ago and literally didn’t get notified about them until 1am this morning. fucking bullshit. 
anyway did y’all know in korea christmas is more akin to valentines day than western xmas. i didn’t but.
Jumin x V x Zen
“Have the documents for the bistro deal been dealt with yet?” the Chairman’s voice crackled through the speakerphone, the sound of papers rustling in the background.
“Yes, sir. They’ll be posted first thing in the morning. Jaehee will be taking care of it on her way home tonight.
“Tonight? Don’t she and that lady friend of hers have dinner plans tonight? I know Christmas Eve is less chaotic than Christmas, after all, I figured Jaehee to be the type to prefer that.”
“Yes, they have a reservation at eight. My gift to the two of them this year.” Jumin knew, in fact, that both had devised separate proposal plans for the evening, to the pure delight and entertainment of the other RFA members who’d agreed in secret not to let either of them know about the other’s respective plan despite numerous chat rooms helping them plan speeches and dinner and other details. Though, Jumin didn’t think his father needed to be privy to that piece of information. 
“At somewhere nice, I hope. That woman deserves a nice night out, after the last few months.”
The interest Jumin’s father had in Jaehee wasn’t new. He still held hope that Jumin would follow in his footsteps, even down to sleeping with his secretary, though he’d never say so out loud.
“And you, I hope. You have Christmas plans?”
“Yes, dinner with friends tonight, as well. And a small gathering afterwards with the RFA. I should probably get going myself. My car is waiting.”
“Oh, yes, of course. Merry Christmas, Jumin.”
“And to you as well. Merry Christmas.”
He hung up the phone with one hand, the other holding his half-tied tie’s position around his collar. It was a simple royal blue, small silver polka-dots. Zen liked it best for the season. He said it looked like snow. He conceded to a small, corner-mouthed smile at the memory, where Zen’s slender fingers grazed the front of the tie before loosening it to remove it from Jumin’s neck, leaning in for a kiss as he did so. His other hand had reached around Jumin’s waist, soft hand gripping it lightly to tug himself closer. 
That was last Christmas. The three of them -- Jumin, V, and Zen -- hadn’t made real plans due to the storm that had taken the power in the penthouse for the night. They’d stayed in, eating the cake Jumin’s chef had prepared the night before and sipping mulled wine in the candlelight. Despite the lack of grand planning, it had been quite romantic -- perhaps not as romantic as a double proposal, but it remained one of Jumin’s favorite evenings in living memory. 
He slipped the three envelopes with Saeyoung, Saeran, and Yoosung’s gifts in the pocket of his suit jacket. The three of them were expected at the cafe after dinner for the Christmas party to exchange gifts and listen to carolers in the plaza. Obviously, congratulations were in order for the future engagement, but V and Zen were in charge of that. 
Even now, only half an hour from their dinner reservations, Jumin’s heart ached at the thought of them. He longed for them every moment they were out of his sight, craved their conversation and laughter every second he wasn’t listening to it. Christmas held a special place in their relationship, after all, as it was three years ago tomorrow that the three had made their relationship official and come clean to the other members of the RFA. Two years since the first real disastrous fight of the relationship. A year since the favorite night of Jumin’s life.
Three years of the most love and worship Jumin had ever given anybody, and he wouldn’t change it for the world. 
V, of course, was early. He was seated on a bench outside the restaurant, listening to the bustling sounds of the city, feeling the soft, cold flakes of snow fall on his upturned cheeks, completely at peace. While not particularly religious himself anymore, Christmas remained his favorite. He loved the spring and summer, of course, but he took the winter months as a chance to reset, to reevaluate what he wanted from the next year to come. And, of course, the holiday itself served as a reminder of how much his life had changed over the last few years. 
Though he’d be terrified to say it in as many words, that Christmas three years ago, and the two men he’d shared it with, genuinely saved his life. He’d been quietly setting all of his affairs in order for months, ready to simply disappear with the end of the year, no plans to return. No escape plan. He’d listed Yoosung and Jumin as the trustees to most of his assets, with instructions to the RFA on what to do with the rest. He’d written a letter to Saeyoung to be delivered posthumously, as well, with explanations and plans and last known whereabouts. 
He really hadn’t expected to make it to the new year, until that Christmas. Until the explosion of vulnerability that had been building for months finally forced him to face his issues head-on, to ask for help. Even now, he could be quite the locked box, but it was Zen and Jumin that made him feel safe enough to entrust the key to someone else rather than hide it away in yet another box. 
“Well, hey there, stranger. You out here all by yourself?” a musical voice asked, interrupting V’s dramatic reflection. 
It took quite a few moments for V’s vision to focus onto the character, as focused as it could get, anyway. He knew who it was before that, of course, Zen’s sarcasm was uniquely recognizable, even in a crowded stadium.
“Actually,” V started, stretching his neck, “I’m waiting for a very handsome man to sweep me off my feet. Maybe you’ve seen him around. He’s the most beautiful man on the planet, about six feet tall. A bit self-absorbed, but his musical talent is unparalleled.” V could sense the smirk on Zen’s face, feel the air stir as he stood a little taller with the praise. “His name is Jumin Han. Have you seen him?”
He heard Zen’s melodramatic gasp at the insult, and stood to embrace him, wrapping his arms around Zen’s neck and giving him a small kiss to the cheek. “Really, though, have you seen Jumin? I expected him here first. You, after all, are chronically late to anything remotely important.”
“He’s right here, you two. Sorry, there was an accident on the road.”
At the sound of Jumin’s voice, V broke away from Zen to turn and smile. Jumin, quite frankly, sounded exhausted. It always worried V, when he had big projects and deals to navigate at work that took up months of free time and proper sleep, but Jumin wasted no time in moving closer to the other two men and giving them an entirely appropriate embrace. Fair enough, of course, one could never be sure of what opportunist was around to gather the gossip on three fairly well-known men.
“An accident? I’d blame it on my astounding beauty and rockin’ good looks, but according to V here, that’s your area of expertise now,” Zen huffed. V might not be able to make out the finer details in sight anymore, but it didn’t take eyes to tell Zen was gearing up for the eyeroll of a century.
“Well, Astounding Beauties, I have been sitting out in the cold and wet for far too long waiting on your fashionably late selves. Shall we go inside?”
Zen truly did admire Jumin’s taste. In most things, at least, it was impeccable. Fine dining was definitely no exception. When Jumin made reservations, they rarely ate at the same place twice, at least not together, yet somehow the experience never failed to exceed expectations. 
Their real plans didn’t fall through, so much as got transferred. When Jumin heard Jaehee and MC had planned their proposals on Christmas, he immediately called the other restaurant to alter the reservation as a gift to them. Zen never would have expected it from the Jumin of three or four years ago, or perhaps even the Jumin before this year, but lately Jumin seemed to have melted into quite the romantic. He insisted that a proposal was much more worthy of the experience, and he had no shortage of strings to pull to find another. It gave Zen an odd mix of pride, awe, and sentimental mush to see how much effort Jumin had personally put into the night, for both V and Zen, and Jaehee and MC. 
Zen never put much stock into Christmas before. His family would always attend a Christmas service together growing up, and he’d done it the years he lived alone, but he’d never done the big romance aspect of it before.
Well, not until V and Jumin, at least. That Christmas three years ago, it was like someone had given him glasses, corrected his vision. The whole ordeal sharpened into focus, and Zen finally understood why it was considered such a romantic holiday, why his parents would go out to dinner and come home flushed and laughing and more in love than he’d ever seen them. They’d give him and his brother a to-go box with two perfect pieces of Christmas cake, even though they’d never get home until hours after their usual bedtime, and they’d all sit in the kitchen laughing and making jokes long into the night. Now, those nights no longer seemed like a slightly better than average night, they were full of love and care Zen hadn’t seen or experienced anywhere else, until three years ago.
Last year, they hadn’t gone out or exchanged gifts or anything, but it was still the best night of Zen’s life. He hadn’t said it at the time, but the simple pleasure of sipping a warm drink, sitting in the candlelight talking and laughing and telling stories had meant more to him than any fancy dinner or gift. They spent the night completely present with each other, no distractions, no work, as though they’d found themselves on their own little planet, completely untethered to Earth and its day-to-day, and had fallen asleep in a tangled mess on the floor as the fire slowly died. 
He’d have settled to have done it again this year, but Jumin felt as though he needed to make up for the sorry excuse for dinner he’d made last year. That, of course, and the party afterwards. Zen was looking forward to hearing the story of Jaehee and MC’s accidentally joint proposals, drinking champagne, and seeing Yoosung and the twins for the first time in a while. 
Mostly, though, it was the look V had given him while cracking his joke earlier. It was the way Jumin’s entire body seemed to have been relieved of ten tons of weight as soon as he laid his eyes on the two of them together. V’s small peck still burned on his cheek, just like it was the first and not the thousandth. At the end of the day, Zen didn’t care if it was in a crowded restaurant, a room full of friends, or on the thick carpet on Jumin’s hardwood floors in front of the fire while the world around them was buried in snow, Zen was most at peace, most loved and loving, most humbled and worshiped in the presence of the two men he’d bore his soul to three years ago, nearly to the date. 
“Zen, are you coming or not?” V’s voice called from the door of the restaurant. His lips were red, cheeks flushed from the cold, blue eyes wild with anticipation and the remnants of laughter. Zen could see Jumin waiting inside through the door, his dark eyes peering around V’s head to look at him, one smug rich boy eyebrow cocked and the corner of his mouth turned upwards. 
“No, the two of you don’t even need me for my looks anymore. What use could I possibly have for you inside?” he mocked, though his feet had already begun walking, one arm outstretched to grab the door from V. catching their collective reflection in the door window as he did so.
Well, if nothing else, he could agree that Jumin had impeccable taste.
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Chapter Twenty: Tales from the Darkside
We don’t that much of Veronica in this episode, but that doesn’t stop her from wearing some great outfits, let’s jump in!
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We start this episode with another letter from the Black Hood, and see Veronica in this navy zip up top with these little eyelets. When her and Betty’s segment of this episode starts we see it in more detail.
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This is a pretty different look for Veronica, we haven’t really seen her in anything like this before. I like the top but there’s something about this skirt that’s kind of me throwing me off. The rasperry colour is nice but it’s incredibly poofy. That being said, it’s a pretty new look for Veronica but that fits as she’s entering into some new terrority in this episode. She goes full sleuth at the Kellers, a role usually reserved for Betty.
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Foreshading Griffons and Gargoyles?
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Another Veronica sleepwear set. This purple satin combo is cute and brings Ronnie’s usual classy flair to the occasion. I like the subtle white lining on the top. This also really makes me think of Rizzo from Grease doing Look at Me I’m Sandra Dee. I myself was actually gifted a satin sleepshirt recently and I would highly reccomend, it makes me feel like a 1950s bowler, a la Stanley Kowalski.
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I like Veronica’s eye mask.
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Now this top should be familiar to us, Veronica wore it’s sister in black in 2x03. When Veronica wears yellow, particularly mustard, there’s often a significant storyline revolving around issues with her family, here she’s uncovering Sheriff Keller’s affair. Is it possible that a more pastel version reflects the ties to family,except this time it’s somebody else’s?
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Love a good Seven reference. 
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Another sleepwear look, that’s two this episode! This royal blue dress and lacey black robe is pretty risque, but she looks cute. It’s worth noting that this isn’t a colour we see her in often, in fact the last time we did was the graduation gowns in Fred’s dream sequence.
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Now this is a look! Another ring pull polo, a brocade floral skirt and some thigh high boots. This look is very similar to the drag race outfit from 2x06, which comprised of a floral mini and the sister of this polo in blue. This is a great outfit, she looks the part of a badass detective.
Total: 5 outfits, not too bad for less than 15 minutes of screentime. 
Cape Count: Despite V’s extensive snooping in this episode it’s nowhere to be seen.
Teardrop Pearl Count: Not today
Favourite Outfit: Thigh Highs, Polo shirt and Mini Skirt.
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See you for the next episode!
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 years
1/2 if you've already discussed this please feel free to ignore! but what are your thoughts on historic mary queen of scots and her whole rivalry with elizabeth? I should disclose that elizabeth is a huge favorite of mine, but I've been trying to expand my horizons by reading a biography about mary. Kinda hurts my brain though because, while mary definitely deserves sympathy, it frustrates me to see the nuances applied to mary's life that is rarely extended to elizabeth's...
2/2 in particular, the bio i'm reading just gives me weird vibes. maybe it's just me but i feel like this dude wants to go back in time and fuck mary and that it colors his whole opinion on the elizabeth/mary rivalry. i'm gonna try a woman's book on the whole affair next and hope for a little better but who knows. anyway, sorry for rambling! would love to hear your thoughts on it all, if you are up for it
For sure I’m up for it!
The thing is that there is an inherent bias towards Mary or Elizabeth when historians discuss this rivalry, no matter who is talking. It is impossible to be objective.  Even if you prefer one over the other just a little bit, I don’t think that anyone views them totally objectively.  You either have historians who love a tragedy and subscribe overly strongly to “the winners write history”, assuming that means that everything the winners say ever is a lie, therefore siding with Mary; or you have HARDCORE VIRGIN QUEEN WHOO WHOO GLORIAAAAAANAAAAAA Elizabeth fans. 
 With that being said, I think that the BROAD bias has been in Mary’s favor because fiction also loves a tragedy.  The favorability of fiction towards Elizabeth kinda depends on how fuckable she is at the time that the store focuses on.  If the story focuses on Elizabeth when she’s young and pretty and the underdog, branded a bastard and at the mercy of her TOTALLY UNFUCKABLE sister, then Elizabeth is the beauty sexy virgin (or issss sheeeee).  If the story focuses on the true climax of the Elizabeth v. Mary conflict (which began as soon as Elizabeth took the throne in the grander scheme, but obviously comes to a head, haha, when Mary is executed) then by then... my god... Elizabeth is NOT FUCKABLE.  She is middle-aged.  She’s been through it, perhaps even suffering, egad, blemishes, from smallpox.  Marriage is a purely political question now; there is no way that she’s going to be spirited away by Robert Dudley at this point.  And her rule is no longer in question as much.  I mean, of course it was, it really was for most of, maybe even theoretically all of, her rule.  But Elizabeth is no longer an underdog at that point.  She is fully installed as queen, England is solidly in its “Protestant but I guess we aren’t like, gonna kill AS MANY Catholics haha” phase and people accept that even though she’ll probably never produce an heir of her body, she’s what they’ve got and they’ll come up with someone to succeed her.
The thing that bugs about this is that Mary was never an underdog.  And so this re-branding has to do not with the actual circumstances these women were under, but rather with the fact that Elizabeth was not sexually available and was broadly powerful, openly powerful, in a way that Mary was and wasn’t.  The fact is that Mary had every advantage compared to Elizabeth.  She was crowned a queen in infancy; her mother was a very powerful, very intelligent woman who came from a equally powerful French family; she was betrothed to a dauphin who would become king, and raised within a court that was not only powerful, but actively home to women aside from her mother who would stand as examples of politically strong femininity--Catherine de’ Medici and Diane de Poitiers.  This is not to say that Mary necessarily would have been able to learn from them.  But it’s not as if she was in some backwater wherein royal women were shut out of the room where it happens, is what I’m saying.
Now, the death of Francois obviously threw the game off.  But Mary was still a Catholic queen, in an overwhelmingly Catholic Europe.  Her legitimacy was not in question.  She was a Scottish queen that did not know fuck all about Scotland, but she was still young enough for there to be an opportunity to learn, though this certainly was never meant to be her role.  She was meant to be the mother of France’s next king more than an iron lady for Scotland.  And really, Mary did not have to be THAT savvy, right?  She just had to be able to take advice and work with the right people.  Stay in Scotland, play in England, choose a strong consort for the purpose of alliances ORRRRR perhaps none at all.
Elizabeth, who is so often painted as the mighty woman who did not have the grace to be kind to her cousin... did not begin as a mighty woman.  She was never meant to be queen of England.  Her mother was murdered by her father when she was a toddler; she was rendered illegitimate; her mother’s family was not powerful, certainly after Anne Boleyn was executed.  Elizabeth had to regain her legitimacy and then wait for two (three, if you count Jane Grey) people to die, all the while living under political and religious terror.  Elizabeth was not raised to rule.  But she was canny as fuck, and she did work with the right people.  She made the call that there was no way to safely marry without giving up power or potentially causing further strife in an already wrecked England and she stood by that.
And when you look at their communication, Elizabeth did not have this evil eye set on Mary for life.  She actually gave Mary plenty of warnings when Mary was playing with the idea of potential husbands.  She did give her options--which of course, would have put Mary and Scotland more under Elizabeth’s power, for sure, but also likely would have left Mary safer.  I doubt that Elizabeth ever was like “awwww we’ll be besties”.  Mary seems to have been genuinely naive about their relationship at some point.  I don’t think Elizabeth could afford that naivety--nor was she capable of it, perhaps.  She’d been through so much by the time she became queen that I think that she was fully aware of Mary’s status as a rival, and most importantly, as a Catholic rival and therefore a much more legitimate rival in the eyes of many both religiously and politically.  She had to know, and certainly her advisers let her know, that Mary could become a severe problem later.
Elizabeth was always paranoid, and with good reason.  Did this paranoia inform the way she handled Mary?  I’m sure it did.  Was Mary reckless, and furthermore somewhat arrogant?  Yes.  Mary never should have married Darnley on a political level, and I believe that like most rulers she likely believed that she had a divine right to rule, and based on precedent alone, was extremely unlikely to ever be executed.  Sovereign rulers just weren’t, typically.  It was shocking enough when a consort like Anne Boleyn was executed, and she was not “born” to rule.  Elizabeth--well, I’m sure she did believe she was divinely chosen, as a religious queen.  But she also had the practical experience of having to claw to her throne to war with that.  She knew that she could be killed.
The execution of Mary was a consolidation of power, but I’m not entirely sure, based off of Mary’s past behavior and tendency towards recklessness, that she wasn’t involved in the conspiracy of which she was accused.  It’s difficult to know, and it’s debated to this day with good reason.  Just as it’s debated whether or not she fully consented to the Bothwell marriage.  But we do have a precedent to go off of that leads me to believe that while she could have been a total victim, she wasn’t against making moves against Elizabeth.  No matter what, she made some exceptionally bad calls that Elizabeth just didn’t.
To me, historians have this issue with the fact that Elizabeth did wield hard power and did make active moves, whereas Mary relied more on her birthright and did follow a more conventional life path. You can really see this in the recent Mary Queen of Scots movie, which depicts Elizabeth as this ugly, repressed crone whereas Mary is sexually liberated and romantic.  Elizabeth is depicted as jealous of Mary’s maternity and beauty, when in reality--Elizabeth had plenty of men lining up to court her, was a practiced flirt, and held immense power that could very well have made up for that lack of a child thing.  It’s a very sexist viewpoint to absolve Mary of her mistakes because she’s romantic~, while holding Elizabeth accountable for every decision she made, many of which were made in the name of political consolidation and survival.
I don’t think Elizabeth wanted to kill Mary.  That was a woman of her line, a fellow sovereign queen, and yes, quite probably designated as queen by God in the viewpoint of that era.  Furthermore, Elizabeth didn’t want to set that precedent.  It wasn’t GREAT for her.  But she made that call for a reason.
(And though I find both women fascinating and tragic in different ways, I do admit my own bias towards Elizabeth.  Like, of course.)
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Reinventing the Royals : 1997 -2005
Charles went to court to try to have this BBC documentary banned. He lost and it was aired. Why did he want it banned? It exposed the lengths he went to rehabilitate his image and selling Camilla to the public. It discusses how he threw his entire family under the bus, including his sons, to improve his own image and that of Camilla. It discusses many of the news headlines from the era eg Harry’s drug taking, Edward exploiting William etc and shows how the headlines distorted the truth and sometimes outright lied. It has ex-Palace staffers, news editors, journalists, paps talking candidly about the strong arm tactics of Charles’s office to get him and Camilla a positive image. Relationships between family members deteriorated so badly during this period because no one trusted Charles’s office and knew that he would exploit everything about them to make him look better. This is why the public has such disdain for the other members of the family regardless of what they’ve actually done. Charles planted / sowed the seeds during this period. 
This was the guardian’s review of the revelations which in my view best sum up what Charles did.
Thank you! I love this documentary. 
There was also a blind that came out in 2017 about it.
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Charles will be a king with no moral authority over anyone in the family and no trust either. That’s not good.
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noblehistories · 4 years
Queen Anne Boleyn
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Anne Boleyn was the daughter of Thomas Boleyn (the later Earl of Wiltshire and Earl of Ormond) and his wife, Lady Elizabeth Howard, the daughter of Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk. Although her birth is not recorded, scholars and historians believe Anne was born sometime between 1501 and 1507. She is known to have two siblings, Mary Boleyn and George Boleyn. Again, it is assumed Mary was older than Anne since Mary’s children took the title of Ormond in 1596. George was born around 1504 and therefore may be older or younger than Anne himself.
Thomas Boleyn had a diplomatic career under Henry VII and continued this through his son, Henry VIII. His charm extended to Margaret of Austria, the daughter of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, and so she offered Anne a place in her household. She remained with Maragret from spring 1513 to October 1514 when her father arranged for her to attend Henry VIII’s sister, Mary, who was about to marry Louis XII of France.
Anne was a maid of honour to Queen Mary and Mary’s new stepdaughter, Queen Claude. She completed her study of French, developed interest in art, fashion, literature, music, poetry and religious philosophy. She knew the French culture, the dance, etiquette and more. She had gained experience in flirtation.
Intended to settle a dispute over the title and estates of the Earldom of Ormond, Anne was recalled to marry her Irish cousin, James Butler, who was several years older than she and who was living within the English court. However, the negotiations came to a halt when James Butler later married Lady Joan Fitzgerald, the daughter and heiress of James FitsGerald, 10th Earl of Desmond.
Mary Boleyn, Anne’s sister, was recalled from France in late 1519, ending her affairs with the French king. She married William Carey in February of 1520 at Greenwich, but she later became Henry VIII’s mistress. It is disputed whether Henry was the father of one or both of Mary’s children born during her married to William.
Anne’s début was at the Château Vert (Green Castle) pageant in honour of the imperial ambassadors on in March of 1522. She was established as a stylised and accomplished woman of court, which had many young men competing for her. She was courted by Henry Percy, the son of the Earl of Northumberland, and entered a secret betrothal with him. It was soon broken off when Henry Percy’s father refused to support the engagement, in turn, causing Cardinal Wolsey to refuse the match. Anne was sent to her family’s countryside estates while Henry Percy married Lady Mary Talbot, a woman he had been betrothed to since adolescence. When Mary returned to English court, she was in the service of Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII’s first wive.
Sometime around 1526, Henry VIII became enamoured by Anne. He pursued her. Some say Anne resisted the King’s attempts and refused to become his mistress. But within a year, Henry had proposed marriage and Anne had accepted. Henry’s love letters to Anne suggest that their affair remained unconsummated for much of their seven year courtship, right up until shortly before their marriage. Henry sought after an annulment for his marriage to Catherine on the grounds that she could not produce a male heir, that her marriage to his brother, Arthur, had actually been consummated and that Pope Julius II had lied about Catherine being a virgin.
In 1528, Anne retreated to Hever Castle, the Boleyn residence, as the sweating sickness broke out in severity. Anne contracted the illness but soon recovered.
Henry VIII sent William Knight, the King’s secretary, to Pope Clement VII to sue for an annulment of his marriage to Catherine, on the grounds that Pope Julius II had dispensed the bull allowing him to marry Catherine was obtained under sale pretences. However, the Pope was a prisoner of Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor as a result of the Sack of Rome in May 1527. Charles V was loyal to his aunt, Catherine of Aragon. The Pope forbade Henry from contracting a new marriage until decision was reached in Rome.
Anne and her family profited from Anne’s relationship with Henry. After a conference in Calais, which was something of a political triumph, Henry and Anne married in a secret ceremony on 14th of November in 1532. Anne soon became pregnant. Because the first wedding was not technically legal, they held a second, and again private, wedding on the 25th of January in 1533. On 23rd of May in 1533, Cranmer ruled that the marriage of Catherine and Henry was null and void, and five days later, the marriage of Anne and Henry was declared valid.
Anne was crowned queen consort on the 1st of June in 1522 in a magnificent ceremony at Westminster Abbey. Unlike any other consort, Anne was crowned with the St Edward’s Crown, which was only ever used to crown a monarch. Henry required his subjects to swear an oath that recognised Anne as England’s Queen. Those who refused would be placed in the Tower of London.
Born prematurely on the 7th of September in 1533, Anne welcomed a daughter into the world. Her parents and Henry had expected a boy. Nevertheless, she was given a spending christening and was named Elizabeth. As Anne feared her daughter would be threatened by the newly labelled bastard, Mary, daughter of Catherine and Henry, Henry sent Mary to Hatfield House to live with Princess Elizabeth. After a stillbirth or a miscarriage around December of 1534, Henry was discussing the possibility of divorcing Anne, but by October 1535, Anne was pregnant again. She was aware that she must birth a son.
Henry was unhorse in a tournament and knocked unconscious for two hours. Anne believed this incident led to the miscarriage of the pregnancy which occurred five days later. Another possible cause was believed to be when Anne witnessed Jane Seymour sitting on Henry’s lap. With Catherine’s death in January of 1536, Anne believed that Henry could divorce her and remarry without any taints of illegality. The baby was believed to be a male. As Anne recovered from the miscarriage of what would have been her saviour, Henry declared that he had been deceived and seduced into a marriage with Anne, and began to move his new mistress, Jane Seymour, into the royal quarters.
By the end of April, a Flemish musician in Anne’s service named Mark Smeaton was arrested. He denied being the Queen’s lover but later confessed. Sir Henry Norris was arrested on May Day. He denied the accusation and swore that Anne was innocent. Sir Francis Weston was arrested two days later on the same charge, as was Sir William Brereton, a groom of the King’s Privy Chamber. A poet and friends of the Boleyns, who was reportedly infatuated with Anne before she married Henry, Sir Thomas Wyatt was arrested and imprisoned for the same charge but was later released. Sir Richard Page was accused of the same charged but was acquitted when no investigation to implicate him with Anne. The final person to be accused was Anne’s own brother, George. He was arrested on charges of incest and treason.
Anne was arrested on the 2nd of May, 1536, and taken to the Tower of London by barge. Weston, Brereton and Norris mainlined their innocence while Smeaton pleaded guilty. Three days later, Anne and George were tried separately before a jury of twenty seven peers. She was tried on adultery, incest and high treason. Anne’s former betrothed, Henry Percy, sat on the jury that unanimously found Anne guilty. On the 14th of May, Cranmer declared Anne’s marriage to Henry void.
All accused were found guilty and condemned to death. George Boleyn was executed with the accused men on the 17th of May. Henry commuted Anne’s death from burning to beheading, and brought in an expert swordsman from France to perform the execution rather than with an axe.
On the morning of the 19th of May, Anne was brought to a scaffold area erected on the north side of the White Tower, now known as the Waterloo Barracks, rather than on the site of the execution memorial. She climbed upon the scaffold and addressed the crowd with a short speech.
“Good Christian people, I am come hither to die, for according to the law, and by the law I am judged to die, and therefore I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak anything of that, whereof I am accused and condemned to die, but I pray God save the king and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never: and to me he was ever a good, a gentle and sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul.”
She bid farewell to her ladies, requested for their prayers as one of her ladies tied a blindfold over her eyes. The execution was quick and had consisted of a single stroke of the blade. She was buried in an unmarked grave in the Capel of St Peter ad Vincula. Anne’s skelton was identified during renovations of the chapel during Queen Victoria’s reign in 1876, her grave now identified.
Source: Wikipedia
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