#urdu supremacy
maihonhassan · 2 months
When i read this line;
"Haina mujhe ghalat fehmiyaan, Tujhe jub bhi likha , apna likha
My eyes got into tears
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sunshiinnne · 1 month
Kitna dil-kash h vo, kitni dil-ju hu mai.
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mvjerbs · 9 months
NEW GOLDENHEART CHILD! have been planning to add him but didn't have a slightest idea on what type of person he should be.
When @long-distance-muse shared her idea to me, it all started to come together.
Meet Nectar Goldenheart
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The youngest sibling who loves wreak havoc with Nimona, chill and tease his sister Grethyl, making sure his parents knows he loves them, playing jazz (much to Ballister's dismay) and most importantly, admiring his crush, Kyno Shieldblade. A fan child made by @goldenheart-supremacy between Todd and Aerin. Good stuff I tell you good stuff.
Some facts about him:
Nectar loves bees, to the point that his aesthetic is bees.
Nectar plays the trombone.
Has bad eyesight like Ballister but prefers to wear contacts instead, thus the yellow eyes.
Can speak Korean and Urdu but prefers to speak Urdu while Grethyl likes to speak Korean more
Both will rant in their favorite languages.
Absolute simp for Kyno.
There were more but I forgot what they were, so have this for now :)).
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deesi-academia · 2 years
Finally got to watch the new episode of Ms Marvel, prepare thyself for my fawning-over-rant.
5th episode spoilers ahead!!!
1. This was basically a historic episode. (Wordplay here hah). WE GOT TO KNOW SO MUCH.
2. India's history was shown so well. The riots, the hate, the divide-and-rule, the trauma!!! I'm so glad Marvel didn't sugarcoat it, and displayed actual events.
3. I FELT Kamala in that scene where she walks around the station hopeless and in despair. The tears the shouts the urgency the chaos the hope the well-wishers - I was so close to crying </3 </3
4. A very minor thing but I love how they use 'British Occupied India' and not 'British India' like yeahhhh it was India. And wrongly occupied. It wasn't British, no sahab ji.
5. Aisha, my love, she found a new home outside of her origin and I'm just so sjdkdksjsjsjs for her <33333
7. The desi actors speaking hindi/urdu was more wholesome and connecting than them speaking English. It's a universal fact.
8. Najma had her whole character arc aaah I went from ugh-najma to ohmygod-wtf-najma to SHE-DID-NOT-JUST-NAJMA within 20 minutes i-
"There is only 1 way. I can close it. Kamran-" *heart cracks*
9. And now Kamran had powers yeeeesssss!!!
10. Kareem better return in the next episode, I like that guy (*_*)
11. LASTLY, yes ofcourse Muneeba being a desi mom MUST KNOW about Night Light or its just....not desi. "Spyware for parents" is a desi mom's blood.
Muneeba and Sana and Aisha and Kamala and basically the whole Khan family supremacy. 👑
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
Zeb-un-Nisa, Aurangzeb’s eldest daughter, is born in Daulatabad in 1638 when Aurangzeb is governor of the Deccan. While Daulatabad fort dominates the horizon from a hilltop, Aurangzeb is building a new capital at Khadki town, stronghold of Jahangir’s old nemesis, Malik Ambar the ‘rebel of black fortune’. Malik Ambar is now long dead, having never allowed the Mughals to claim the Deccan while he lived. Zeb-un-Nisa, daughter of the Persian noblewoman Dilras Banu Begum, grows up in this provincial capital, far from the intrigues of the Mughal court. In the Deccan, the supremacy of her father is unchallenged and Zeb-un-Nisa is given a rigorous education under the supervision of Hafiza Mariam, a scholar from a Khurasani family. Zeb-un-Nisa is an excellent student and excels in the Arabic and Persian languages. Her father is so delighted when she recites the entire Quran from memory as a child that he gifts her 30,000 gold mohurs. In her erudition and her quick wit she is very like her aunt, Shahzaadi Jahanara, whom her father respects above all the other women of the court. When she is fifteen years old, she visits Shahjahanabad with Aurangzeb’s zenana as they return from the doomed Kandahar campaign. She is enchanted with the sparkling new city, the elegant women with their refined tehzeeb, their every gesture studied and full of grace. In the travelling court of her father, in these wildering years, it is a more pragmatic and pared down zenana but in 1658, when Zeb-un-Nisa is twenty years old, Aurangzeb deposes Shah Jahan and his household moves to Shahjahanabad.
Dilras Banu Begum, the somewhat haughty senior wife of Aurangzeb, is now dead. Even Aurangzeb, when giving marital advice to a grandson, will later admit that ‘in the season of youth’, he ‘too had this relation with a wife who had extreme imperiousness’. Since the other wives of Aurangzeb have less illustrious backgrounds, the senior women of the royal zenana are Roshanara and her eldest niece, Zeb-un-Nisa.
For twenty years Zeb-un-Nisa will be one of the most influential women of the zenana at Shahjahanabad. Her particular area of interest is poetry and literature. She collects valuable manuscripts and books and her library is one of the most extensive in the country. When Aurangzeb begins to retrench imperial patronage towards music and poetry, it is the royal women, the shahzaadas, the noblemen and then, later still, the wealthy middle class of Shahjahanabad who will continue the patronage of the arts. The governor of Shahjahanabad, Aqil Khan, is himself a poet and writes under the pen name Razi. Indeed, despite Aurangzeb’s later disfavour, Shahjahanabad fairly pulses with music. It tumbles from the kothis of the courtesans, the women thoroughly trained singers themselves, who bring Delhi Qawwali singing to mainstream attention. It vaults out of the large mansions of the newly wealthy, who prefer the lighter Khayaal and Thumri styles. In the gloaming of a tropical evening, it throbs out of the immense havelis of the princes and the noblemen, in the tenuous hold that Dhrupad still has amongst the elite of the Mughal court. And the poets keep gathering at Shahjahanabad, despite Aurangzeb’s dismissal of them as ‘idle flatterers’. They come from very far, like Abd-al-Qader Bidel, whose family is Chagatai Turkic but whose poetry so defines a phase of Shahjahanabadi poetry that he becomes Abd-al-Qader Dehlvi. Some will come from the Deccan, like Wali Dakhni, and some are born in the narrow, winding galis (lanes) of Shahjahanabad itself. They will write in Persian, in Urdu, in Braj and later in Rekhti. They will write in obscure philosophical quatrains, in flamboyant ghazals or in erotic riti styles but many will glow with the high-voltage mysticism of Sufi thought, for the ghosts of Shahjahanabad’s Sufi saints will enchant all the poets of the city.
Zeb-un-Nisa, like Jahanara who returns to court as padshah begum in 1666, is instrumental in supporting the work of writers and poets through her patronage. She supports the scholar Mulla Safiuddin Adbeli when he translates the Arabic Tafsir-i-Kabir (Great Commentary) into Persian and he dedicates the book to the shahzaadi—Zeb-ut-Tafasir. She also sponsors the Hajj pilgrimage of Muhammad Safi Qazwini. Qazwini will write an extraordinary account of his voyage, the Pilgrims’ Confidant, unique in its genre and magnificently illustrated and will dedicate it to Zeb-un-Nisa. For a few years, the courts of Jahanara and Zeb-un-Nisa will nurture this eclectic maelstrom of a culture, which has much more in common with Babur and Humayun’s camaraderie of artists than it has with Aurangzeb’s increasingly austere one. When Aurangzeb bans opium and alcohol, the easy complicity that the noblemen and padshahs shared in the ghusal khaana or the Deewan-e-khaas while drinking wine, is now forbidden. The imperial women, however, continue to drink wine, often made from grapes in their own gardens, flavoured with spices.
In 1669, Zeb-un-Nisa attends the lavish marriage ceremony of her cousin, Jaani Begum, to her brother, Muhammad Azam, at the haveli of Jahanara. There will be other weddings too: her sister Zubdat-un-Nisa will marry Dara Shikoh’s youngest son Siphir Shikoh and Mehr-un-Nisa will marry Murad Baksh’s son Izad Baksh. But for Aurangzeb’s oldest daughters, there are no more cousins to marry. There is an understanding, also, that these oldest daughters, like their aunts, possess a powerful charisma as Timurid shahzaadis and must be kept within the controlling orbit of the imperial zenana. The decades pass and still Aurangzeb rules, as resolute and restless as a young man. His sons, meanwhile, are growing old and impatient. Muhammad Akbar is Zeb-un-Nisa’s youngest brother and she is particularly close to him, as their mother Dilras Banu died soon after giving birth to him, when Zeb-un-Nisa was nineteen. The other sons are middle-aged men, and there have been skirmishes, the shahzaadas jostling for power, always subdued immediately by their unforgiving father. In 1681, when Muhammad Akbar decides to challenge his father, with the support of a Rajput alliance including the Rathors of Jodhpur, Zeb-un-Nisa is in a particularly vulnerable position.
In 1681, Jahanara dies. The imperial zenana has glowed with her ambition and talent for more than half a century. If the shahzaadas are uncertain about the future leadership of the Mughal empire, then the stakes are almost as high in the imperial zenana. Zeb-un-Nisa believes she may become the next padshah begum. She is a woman of letters, like Jahanara, with the same Sufi inclinations too. She is the eldest of the Timurid shahzaadis and presides over an astonishingly talented salon. It is time, surely, for a shahzaada to ascend the Peacock Throne as Aurangzeb is already an old man, sixty-three years old. So Zeb-un-Nisa sides with the young prince Muhammad Akbar, hoping to ensure her legacy in the next court.
But Aurangzeb is able to defeat Muhammad Akbar, using a mixture of duplicity and treachery. In the process, he discovers letters which incriminate Zeb-un-Nisa, demonstrating her ardent support for her brother. ‘What belongs to you is as good as mine,’ Muhammad Akbar writes in a letter to Zeb-un-Nisa, ‘and whatever I own is at your disposal.’ And in another letter he writes: ‘The dismissal or appointment of the sons-in-law of Daulat and Sagar Mal is at your discretion. I have dismissed them at your bidding. I consider your orders in all affairs as sacred like the Quran and Traditions of the Prophet, and obedience to them is proper.’ Muhammad Akbar is exiled to Persia, and Zeb-un-Nisa is imprisoned at the Salimgarh fort in Delhi. Her pension of four lakhs rupees a year is discontinued and her property is seized.
Very soon after this rebellion, Aurangzeb leaves Shahjahanabad for the Deccan with an entourage of tens of thousands, all of his sons and his zenana. He will never return to Shahjahanabad, which will slowly be leached of all of its nobility, craftsmen, soldiers and traders. Zeb-un-Nisa will live more than twenty years imprisoned in Salimgarh fort. She will grow old here as Shahjahanabad empties of its people and becomes a shadow of its former self. But the poets and the singers do not desert Shahjahanabad, their fortunes and their hearts are too inextricably linked to the great city, to this paradise on earth. Other patrons take over the role of the nobility, humbler people, so that a critical poet will later write:
Those who once rode elephants now go barefooted; (while) those who longed for parched grains once are today owners of property mansions, elephants and banners, (and now) the rank of the lions has gone to the jackals.
Not only do the poets remain but their poetry becomes saturated with the haunted longing and nostalgia which becomes the calling card of all the great poets of Delhi. This city of beauty and splendour, abandoned and then desecrated, and then bloodied, will inspire reams of poetry on the twin themes of grief and remembrance. In the future, one of these poets will court eternity when he writes:
Dil ki basti bhi Sheher Dilli hai;
Jo bhi guzra usi ne loota
As for Zeb-un-Nisa, she waits for Muhammad Akbar to claim the Peacock Throne but he dies, in 1703, outlived by his father. From her lonely prison on the Yamuna, the shahzaadi can see Shah Jahan’s magnificent fort. The Qila-e-Mubaarak remains locked up for decades and the dust and ghosts move in. The bats make their home in the crenelated awnings and sleep as the relentless sun arcs through the lattice windows. Bees cluster drunkenly around the fruit trees in the Hayat Baksh, the overripe fruit crushed on the marble walkways like blood. Moss skims over the canals and the pools, though the waterfall still whispers its secrets to itself in the teh khana (underground chamber) as Zeb-un-Nisa waits. Zeb-un-Nisa writes poetry while she waits for a deliverance that will never come. She is a poet of some repute, and writes under the pseudonym Makhvi, the Concealed One. This is a popular pseudonym, however, and it is difficult to establish which lines are truly written by the shahzaadi but it is likely that the following wistful and delicate lines are hers, written in the grim solitude of Salimgarh fort:
Were an artist to choose me for his model—
How could he draw the form of a sigh?
She dies in 1702, unforgiven by Aurangzeb, and is buried in the Tees Hazari Garden, gifted to her by Jahanara.
- Ira Mukhoty, “Daughters of the Sun: Empresses, Queens and Begums of the Mughal Empire”
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digitalanivipracticeb · 4 months
Lala Lajpat Rai
Lala Lajpat Rai was a prominent Indian freedom fighter and a key figure in the Indian independence movement. Here are a few key factors approximately him:
Early Life:
Birth: Lala Lajpat Rai was born on January 28, 1865, in Dhudike, Punjab, British India.
Munshi Radha Krishan Agrawal, a Persian and Urdu teacher, and Gulab Devi, a pious lady, were the parents of Lala Lajpat Rai. After obtaining his law degree, he commenced his legal practice in Hisar, Haryana.
In Hinduism, Rai believed in the potential of Hindu principles to foster nationalism and envisaged a genuinely secular nation founded on these ideals. Concurrently, he engaged with the Hindu Mahasabha.
He studied law at Government College in Lahore, where he came in contact with fellow freedom fighters like Lala Hans Raj and Pandit Guru Dutt.
Role in the Independence Movement:
Lajpat Rai played a crucial role in the Indian independence movement and was a part of the Lal Bal Pal trio, along with Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal.
He was associated with various socio-political movements and organizations, including the Arya Samaj.
Leadership in Punjab:
Lala Lajpat Rai was an ardent advocate for militant anti-British nationalism within the Indian National Congress, simultaneously being a prominent leader in the Hindu supremacy movement.
Lala Lajpat Rai, famously known as the Lion of Punjab, was a stalwart in the Indian independence movement. He earned the moniker Punjab Kesari, symbolizing his fearless spirit
Lajpat Rai also served as the President of the All India Trade Union Congress.
In 1886, Rai founded the Hisar branch of the Indian National Congress and later shifted to Lahore in 1892 to practice law at the Lahore High Court. He actively contributed to various magazines and newspapers and initiated political agitation against the government.
Deported to Mandalay in 1907 without trial, he was released due to insufficient evidence. In 1914, he abandoned law practice to devote himself to India’s liberation from foreign rule.
Living in the USA from 1917 to 1920, Rai founded the Indian Home Rule League of America to garner moral support for India’s independence struggle.
He petitioned the US Senate, depicting the dire state of Indian administration under British rule. Upon returning to India, he joined various INC movements.
Protests Against Simon Commission and Death
Lala Lajpat Rai led a protest against the Simon Commission in 1928. During the protest, he sustained injuries inflicted by the police baton charge. He later succumbed to these injuries
His death led to widespread outrage and contributed to the anti-British sentiments during the independence movement.
During the Simon Commission’s visit to Lahore on October 30, 1928, Rai led a silent march protesting its exclusion of Indian members. The Superintendent of Police, James Scott, subjected him to a brutal lathi charge. Despite the assault, Rai declared to the crowd, “I declare that the blows struck at me today will be the last nails in the coffin of British rule in India.” Martyr’s Day is celebrated on November 17 in his honor in India.
Lajpat Nagar, a prominent locality in Delhi, is named after him.
His contribution to India’s freedom struggle is remembered and honored nationwide.
Lala Lajpat Rai’s commitment to the cause of Indian independence and his sacrifices for the nation have secured him a revered place in India’s history.
Lajpat Rai’s notable works include:
The Story of My Deportation
The United States of America: A Hindu’s Impression
Arya Samaj
England’s Debt to India
Unhappy India
birthday life Indian freedom fighterlajpat Rai's notable works include Lajpat raileadership in punjablegacyprotests against the Simon Commission and death in the independence movement
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adoginthemanger · 3 years
कुछ अल्फाज़ अधूरे,
अनकहे से।
कुछ तुम्हारे थे, कुछ हम थे।
वे कहते होंगे कि, तुम्हारे बिन कहे,
सब सुन लिया, उन्होंने।
हम तो न बिन बोले, सुन पाते हैं, न जान पाते हैं।
दो शब्द कह कर,
न तो शायर बनते हैं,
न कवि कहलाते हैं;
हम तो बस, जो मन ने कहा,
उसे पन्नों पर लिखते जाते हैं।
-simrum boi <३३
hindi wali kiss supremacy <३३३३३
Haye Haye Haye Haye Haye Haye Haye Haye Hayeeeeeee simrum maja hi aa gaya yaar :')
Bohot khaamosh ho kar tumhe dekha karte the
Kehte hai na, ibaadat mai bola nahi jata.
Ab naraz hai khuda meri ibaadat dekh kar,
Kehta hai mai paanch waqt aur wo har waqt?
Ibaadat ho ya musibat, har waqt saath the wo hamare
Jaane anjane mai mile the
Jaane anjane mai kho bhi gaye
Ab to guzarish bhi hogi, ardaas bhi hoga
Dar pe jaake uske darkhast bhi karoge
Jaane se mere pachtawa bhi hoga,
Mere jaisa mile tumhe zindagi mai, aisa dobara nahi hoga
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magicwithineleteo · 2 years
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learnsharehelp · 4 years
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2020, Still trying to solve Racism Race as a culture, uniqueness, identity is fine, unless we start to discriminate one over other and worse demean others based on race.
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maihonhassan · 2 months
When Maulana Tariq Jameel said;
“Zameen tumhara kuch nahi bigaar sakti agar tumhara asmaan se taaluq mazboot ho.”
I felt that !
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sunshiinnne · 1 month
No matter how much i listen to "The Tortured poets department", I'll ultimately go back to "Open Letter" at the end.
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studykorean101 · 3 years
Condemning Anti-Asian Violence
Friends, this post comes from a heavy heart. TW: racism, violence, violence against women, anti-asian violence, d3ath
I am going to be as blunt and honest as possible. Please understand where I am coming from. 
I am sure a majority of you are aware of the anti-Asian violence that took place earlier this week in the Atlanta Area. If not, please read the provided link that gives a basic understanding of the situation. 
When learning a language that is predominantly spoken in Asia, you cannot stand by and be ignorant when racist acts are committed against said groups of people. When you learn Korean (as well as Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Urdu, etc.), you are not just learning the language, you are learning the culture, history, customs, politics, and more.
To not learn would be ignorant. 
The Atlanta spa shootings were an act of White Supremacy. The shooter, Robert Aaron Long, is alive today because of his white privilege. I will say it again:
Those Asian women were targeted because they were Asian. 
No. Other. Reason. 
If you do not see a problem with this, here are a few things you can do:
get fucked
unfollow me
At times like this, I think of my boyfriend and his family. I think of how precious this family is and how amazing it is to be loved by them. 
My heart goes out to the families that lost a piece of that beautiful love in the shootings. 
Here’s how you can help:
educate yourself on decolonisation and white supremacy
reach out to minority groups at-risk in your community
donate to a go-fund-me/reputable organization
use your voice (no matter how big or small)
To be ignorant is to be a part of the problem. 
This blog is a safe space for BIPOC, trans/enby, LGBTQIA+, and all types of abled bodies. If anyone threatens this space, they will be removed.
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wannabewritersposts · 2 years
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Sahir Ludhianvi supremacy!✨❤️ #urdupoetry #urdu #urdushayri #sahirludhianvi https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtQJf6OSeM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rmftjin · 3 years
TIGHTROPE SUPREMACY BABY... the part where he belts out the urdu in the bridge.... cries
TIGHTROPE SUPREMACY ECACTLY BABY... the way he says chaudvin ka chand... SOBS and the whole song is so soft im heart eyes
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creampiecashton · 4 years
tags glossary
I noticed that my 5sos tags are hella wack and I'm the only person who understands them so here’s a post showing what means what:
frivolous sauces - self explanatory, 5 seconds of summer is the lengthier version of 5sos, which many Americans say sounds like 5 sauce. I can’t hear it because my accent doesn’t let that happen, however, it did birth frivolous sauces, simply via relation.
lone - superbloom is a solo project, solo is singular is alone is lone.
fashion - this one means Ashton because not only is he insanely fashionable but his name also sounds like it
miguel - I stole that from an interview the guys did where they were playing tennis (???) and Michael referred to himself as Miguel and I was like aight
lewk - Luke is a lewk. periodt.
caltex - yes this is an oil company. no I do not care. this one’s for Calum, mainly because I had never seen Calum spelt with only one ‘L’ and I was like “huh. Caltex is also spelt with only one ‘L’. they must be the same” so yeah.
soup - okay so i LOVE kaykay but hear me out,, her name is literally kay kay which is KK. like the letters of the alphabet. alphabet soup. now it was either this or white supremacy you guys.
skates - okay this is a long one so buckle up. crystal, is gems, is spirituality, is chakra, is chakla (the punjabi/hindi/urdu word for a rolling board), is rolling board, is roller skates, is skates. love you crystal have a great day.
chickpea powder - yet ANOTHER long one. aight so sierra sounds like tierra (I could have said tiara but whatever) sounds like tiers sounds like cake tiers. what cakes have the most tiers? wedding cakes. ‘but i’m indian, weddings have many stages!!’ you may hear my brain complain, well no worries because we can pick one of the coolest ceremonies, vatna (it’s about being clean and getting ready for the wedding). vatna’s main component is the vatna (obviously????)...an all natural body scrub mixture that mainly includes chickpea powder!! wow!! anyway the punjabi word for chickpeas is also the same word for balls lol. but the english way of saying chickpea actually sounds super cute so sierra deserves this.
teacher - roy english looks like the closeted lesbian english teacher i probably had a crush on when i was 8. you cannot change my mind.
charcuterie - moodboard=foodboard=charcuterie board=charcuterie
cleaning solution - gifs=some people pronounce it as jiff how dare you=an australian cleaning solution called jiff which smells delicious but it’s a cleaning solution so don’t eat it please.
pain :) - I love hands. hands have veins. i also love veins. vein sounds like pain (which is also in fact what hands and veins cause me). therefore, any hand/vein posts are tagged as pain :)
rumplestiltskin - reserved for the DIMPLES. majorly an ash tag but occasionally the others join. this one is dimple becomes rimple (a name, depending on who you’re talking to) becomes rumple becomes rumplestiltskin. also, much like rumplestiltskin the dimples terrorise me and ask for my first born child as collateral.
giuseppe - harry giuseppe, the italian harry potter, sounds like bicep!! therefore, bicep!
silence - alright buckle in buckaroo this is another long one! what do noses have? snot/mucus. but thats already a tag. what for, you may ask? for muke. now, it'd be hella annoying if I tagged nose posts with ‘muke’, so what’s an alternative? muke can be pronounced as moo-k as well, which in hindsight, I could have made the tag about cows but no. I decided to scrap moo-k and go for muke, which also subsequently sounds like mutuals, now it’d ALSO be hella annoying if I used that as a tag for noses. so? I call my mutuals cuties because cuties sounds like muties, but I cant use cuties because im already using that for my mutuals and general people I love! so? muties sounds like muted which is like quiet! the opposite of quiet? noise! a ruckus, even. and the more DIRECT opposite of noise? silence. I also think that its a cool contrast that my nose tag is a word pertaining to one of the OTHER senses. anyway.
twink - this is my eye tag (?) i don’t remember what my train of thought was here because i procrastinated adding it here and now i’ve forgotten but it exist, okay? i think it might have been eyes blink and blink rhymes with twink although i don’t remember so let’s just go with that
lippen- this one is my lip tag and is also the german translation for lips. i actually thought lip becomes blip becomes blimp which was in both world wars which were both blamed on germany and the german translation for lips is lippen
wow... - this is my thirst tag. what more do yall need.
awee - this is my absolutely adorable tag!!! anything that makes me go “aweeee” goes under that tag, relatively self explanatory, actually.
fruit - fashion icons?? but fashion is reserved for ashton and it'd be annoying if i tagged fashion as ashton, so what rhymes with fashion? passion. which can be branched off to passion fruit. shortened to fruit. :)
art - art was going to be fart but i thought people might take it the wrong way, so its the only normal one :) which i think is kinda dope because it adds to the chaos that is my tags :)
fave - this is another version of my thirst tag but it’s more aesthetically pleasing as opposed to horny
disk-sauce - discourse. also 5 Sauce. im australian, it works with my accent.
recs - recs=recommendations!!
cuties! - this is my asks/mutuals/people I love tag. mainly because mutuals becomes muties becomes cuties. listen, it was either this or mutants.
pie - Luke and Calum is cake, what else is almost cake? pie
mammaries - Michael and Calum is malum, honestly im just getting lazy now but they’re kind of related. sidenote: the two do have nice tiddies tho.
mashed potatoes - Michael and Ashton is mashton, or mashed potatoes. also because they’re softies and most likely delicious
money - Calum and Ashton is cashton, cash cash money babeyyyy
eyelashes - Luke and Ashton is lashton, also they both have gorgeous eyelashes so I should not be convicted of mass arson thank you
snot - Luke and Michael is muke. is mucus. is snot. I promise I dont hate them its just how my brain works.
harlem shake - Michael, Ashton and Calum is mashlum. i thought of mashed potatoes, then the mashed potato dance move, then the mosh dance move, then had a separate thought of harlem as in the city, and then i combined harlem and “dance move” and got the harlem shake. 2011 stays winning.
carlton draught - Calum, Ashton and Luke is caluton (?? i think i don’t remember the specifics that i thought of) anyway it sounds like carlton which i could have gone in the footie direction and named them the blues or then gone ahead and called them RNB for rhythm and blues, but instead i went in the alcohol direction because these three most definitely belong in a frat.
sins - Michael, Luke and Calum are Maluke! Horrible! Sounds like malpractice! Which is wrongdoing! Which is sins! Also! Sinful looks! Beautiful boys! Hell’s most devilish soldiers! I hate that I said That!
chandigarh lite - moose moose is moose. is canada. is kaneda. is where majority of punjabi kids immigrate to for a good life. the capital of punjab is chandigarh. love you moose for supporting immigrants!!
north east west - southy but the opposite.
the real mvp - petunia is almost peonie. she’s also significantly more superior to luke. the real most valuable peonie.
my fave scotsman - Duke, duke of edinburgh, edinburgh is in scotland, calum’s half scottish, therefore the baby is my fave scotsman
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suhanasiraj2003 · 4 years
Canadian Sources:
1. https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/opinion-addressing-far-right-white-supremacy-1.5488378
( found on instagram #islamophobiainCanada)
Islamophobia has become a rising issue in Canada. This post is regarding the mosque shooting in Quebec and how the muslims started to protest. This event is an example of racism against muslims and it portrays how the people in Canada are accepting of other religions. When I saw this post it reminded me to be more aware of my surrounding as I am a muslim, even though I have not been discriminated by anyone personally.
2. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2019/09/28/rally-to-be-held-in-response-to-anti-lgbtq-christian-group-march/
(found on instagram #lgbtqrights)
I came across this post a few days ago while I was scrolling on instagram and this caught my attention. The members of the LGBTQ+ community have looked down upon and been judged for their choices many times. In Canada we are known for accepting everyone but certain groups being discriminated against is just a shame for our country.We are in 2020 and the times have changed so our society must change as well and accept everyone.
3. https://www.cp24.com/news/aboriginal-leaders-protest-in-ottawa-demand-change-1.1088856
(found on instagram #aboriginal2020)
This is a recent event that led all the aboriginal and indigenous groups of people that came to a protest. It was about how the pipeline was going through their territory and was causing interference. The protestors really got triggered and blocked roadways in Canada. The protest was nationwide and some of the protestors even got arrested for standing up for their own rights.
4. https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0WQHuFOwU/
I found this post while I was scrolling through instagram from one of my favourite beauty influencers who is Canadian. The blogger posted a video of a little Black girl who is talking about how she feels in this current situation. It is very sad to watch this video and see how black people are getting discriminated against around the world. Although this did not take place in Canada, I found it interesting how such a small influencer from Canada posted it and brought awareness to this issue using her platform.
5. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtX-xfhdcB/
There has been an issue with using a racial term in Canada , the term is ‘Karen’. This term does not only offend white people in general but also to those that have been called ‘Karen’ and are not white. There was an incident with a Canadian woman who called the police on a Black man in the US, she was not racist in terms of calling him the n word or saying anything else that is racist. She had used the term African American to hide her racism that she was feeling and later claimed that she might have been scared. This is so disturbing to hear because the Canadian woman who was in the US was from Canada and she brought a bad name to Canada when she was in the States. This is what our society has gotten into, we blame ourselves for hearing racial terms directed towards us but we do the same indirectly. Racism needs to be put to an end as everyone in this world matters not just you and I.
Other Sources:
When I first came across this post, I found it relatable as soon as I saw the first pic. As we know with the crisis that is going on in America there has been protests for black lives. Right now the black population is very vulnerable as they are getting picked on and attacked easily. This post highlights what a South Asian person can do to bring attention to this topic and speak up. ‘Kaala’ in Hindi or Urdu means black and in the indian community people miss using this word very frequently and use it as a racist term. If you hear someone saying ‘Kaala’, correct them and tell them why it is wrong to use this term in an inappropriate manner.
I found this post on this on #blacklivesmatter and it talks about how people are still quiet even after how bad the situation has risen. There are some people that are aware of the situation that is going on and still are silent and won't speak up. This is not acceptable and our society needs to speak up more. At the same time there are people that are ignorant and will just watch the injustice that is going on and pretend like nothing wrong is happening. I found this post interesting because it draws attention to the population of people that are quiet.
(first found on 6ix buzz via Instagram)
This article talks about the black lives matter that was held in Ottawa a few days ago. I found this first on 6ix buzz then I looked at the whole article. I found this post interesting because it highlights how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau kneeled down with the other protesters in solidarity. Usually people who are in high positions such as a Prime Minister would look at status and prestige but our Prime Minister was among the crowd and didn't look at himself any differently.
(found on instagram #2017)
I found this post interesting because it shows importance for the youth of Tamilnadu, India. Jallikattu is a sport that shows bravery in a youngster. There was a protest held against this when the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi said that this sport is a form of animal abuse. This was when the people of Tamil Nadu objected to this statement and stood up for themselves and the protest became a success and Narenda Modi allowed for this tradition to continue.
(first found on 6ix buzz via Instagram)
Islamophobia has been going around for a few years now and recently an incident occurred in India which caused the two main groups, Muslims and Hindus to clash into one another. This incident happened when US President Trump was visiting India and the Indian Government refused to give its Muslim Indians citizenship. This caused the muslims to get furious and the Hindus started to beat them and the violence became worse.
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