#urban axe throwing
Axe Throwing
Hatchet Harrys prides itself on excellent customer service and axe throwing techniques in an enjoyable way with an emphasis on safety. For more info visit here.
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apollo-cackling · 11 months
urban fantasy never has been a very compelling setting to me idk. it can't (or in my experience doesn't ever) go as achingly real as literary/contemporary fiction (the death of vivek oji, ocean vuong's books, bloom into you), but it can't go as fully fantasy as proper high fantasy (malazan, this one MG series I remember loving... the Tapestry?, etc.) so it's like ehhh?
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anim-ttrpgs · 29 days
"All our projects" so there's other ANIM projects in production? anything you're able to talk about?
Yes, we plan to have a long-running career in the TTRPG space, and have several backburnered!
I’m just gonna rapid-fire these off the top of my head. We don’t know exactly which one of these is coming after Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is fully released, because it is actually our patreon subscribers that vote on that.
Mastadon(title pending)
Yes, this is intentionally misspelled though we might change that in the future in case it hinders search results and stuff. This is a world where dark fantasy and 90s retro-futurism collide, literally. Think of knights with machine guns, space marines with enchanted swords, high-calibre rounds leaving dents in mythril breastplates, and men-at-arms on cybernetic horses. In the distant future of 2016, a scientific experiment on a lunar research station opened a portal to another world. At the same time, in a dimension of sorcery and feudalism, a council of wizards opened a portal to another world, and explorers from each land found themselves in the same mysterious place.
Cultures and technologies have clashed and mixed in these mysterious lands since. The PCs are mercenaries, taking odd, usually violent, jobs to get by.
Gameplay-wise it’s largely a combat-focused dungeon crawler emulating retro-FPS combat in TTRPG form, with an emphasis on making every type of gun feel totally unique by tying them to entirely different dice mechanics, which in turn makes warriors using these guns strategize entirely differently.
Bone Grinder
Bone Grinder is a “dumber” game, but still with an emphasis on combat. It has a notably more punk and metal aesthetic. Imagine a rocker with a mohawk and leather jacket killing a demon with an axe guitar that is also actually an axe. One of the core mechanics is that players will “bone” the game master by “throwing the bones” at them, which means literally trying to hit them with dice. A successful hit will add a bonus to whatever dice roll comes up when the thrown die lands. When it is the monsters’ turns, the game master will throw that same die right back at them. So if you throw a D6, that’s a D6 attack coming back at your PC next turn. If you throw a D20, that’s a D20 attack coming back at your character next right, so you better make it count, better kill ‘em in one shot!
(We recommend using plastic dice for this one, no metal dice!)
Death Bed
This is another working title, and it is a very serious attempt to emulate Dark Souls and Dark Souls style combat in a turn-based TTRPG in response to the abysmal Dark Souls: The Role-Playing Game that was just a lazy D&D5e book.
This game will be a bit more OSR-y, with D20 roll-under mechanics like old-school D&D for skill checks, and very simple attack determinants. It will have an emphasis on predicting enemy movement, stamina management, and choice between blocking or dodging attacks. It will also feature a system whereby the PCs are not permanently dead after being killed, but do “hollow” after each death. There are several stages of hollowing, each with downsides and upsides. Fully alive PCs will be more nimble, alert, and powerful, but stand out more to mindless hollow enemies, drawing more aggro. More hollowed PCs will have stat debuffs, but hollows are less likely to attack other hollows, giving them less aggro priority. Of course, if a PC dies too many times without restoring their life force, they will become a mindless hollow themselves, becoming an enemy that the party must slay if they want to recover that PC’s equipment.
Untitled Mushroom Game
A working title of course. This game takes a lot of inspiration from the earlier Paper Mario games, and like Bone Grinder, it will have actual physical things you can do with the dice to gain bonuses to your characters’ attacks, which is meant to emulate the “action commands” from Paper Mario in TTRPG format. One example would be building a larger dice pool for an attack based on how many D6s you can stack into a tower before they fall down, with the tower falling down constituting the rolling of the dice.
Eureka Adventure Modules Vol. 2
(Vol. 1 is the set of adventure modules that are coming with the Kickstarter.) Eureka fully releasing won’t mean we’re done with it. We plan to support all of our games for as long a time as possible with new adventure modules and other supplements. (But expect the other supplements to be very cheap if not outright free. We don’t want to make Eureka a game where you have to buy 15 $50 books just to have the full experience.) This will be a set of 5, 10, maybe more pre-written adventure modules for use with Eureka. For a few teasers, one of our ideas features the PCs getting stranded in the Mojave desert, one of them features the PCs getting trapped in underground drainage tunnels with a mysterious creature stalking them, and more horrifying mysteries.
The Eureka Mobster Manual
Another working title, but it’s pretty catchy. This will act as a “monster manual” for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, featuring prémisse stats and GMing advice mundane NPCs like cops, mafia enforcers, hapless bystanders, etc. and also actual monsters, both human and inhuman. One of the monsters I am most excited about introducing is actual demons. Not just some red guy with horns, in fact they’re likely to be completely invisible. I know this term gets thrown around a lot by people who don’t know what it means, but in Eureka demons will be more “biblically accurate.” Think more The Exorcist and less DOOM. A demon doesn’t want to go “blahrarawa!” and kill you, a demon wants to gradually talk you into killing yourself. This also may feature additional playable monsters, such as the gorgon and dullahan(Kickstarter stretch goals for the main rulebook that I don’t think we’re going to meet unfortunately), plus others if we can come up with more.
A working title again. This will be a large collection of “drag-and-drop” tactical combat encounters for Eureka, for when a GM needs a fleshed out and challenging final showdown between the PCs and the bad guy goons. These will feature plenty of cover, alternate routes, and “woo roll elements”(stuff that can get knocked over, exploded, destroyed, etc. by stray bullets, thereby changing the environment in exciting and unexpected ways.). All of this is so that the GM doesn’t have to come up with all the complexities of a good Eureka combat encounter on the fly.
That’s about all I can think of right now. After Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is fully released and the dust is settled, we will hold a vote with out patreon subscribers to find out what the fans most want us to work on next.
However, all of these things that I have mentioned are in a very raw state of completion, or even just in the idea stage. If you want to see all these projects, and more, release in the coming years, then RPG-making needs to be a long-term viable career for us. I, personally, am disabled and have a very hard time finding regular, sustainable work at “real jobs,” so this is especially important for my financial future. It’s about the only (marketable) skill I’m good at, and it’s something I enjoy doing, so I’m making this push now for my future.
The best way you can make this a viable long-term career for us is to support the Eureka Kickstarter (only 24-hours left at the time of posting this), buy our games, and subscribe to our Patreon.
The more successful the Kickstarter is, not only does more art and stuff get added to the Eureka rulebook and adventure modules, but the more buzz it generates, and the more buzz it generates the more journalistic support and more financial support we get. Even if it’s just for charity purposes to help me pay future bills when I can’t hold a normal job, pledging $10 is enough to get your name in the Eureka rulebook, and if you can’t give anything, we totally understand—we’d rather you put food on your table than go broke supporting our dreams. If you can share the Kickstarter to discord servers and the like in the last 24 hours of its crowdfunding window, or just share news of the game with people after the Kickstarter closes, that is a huge huge help on its own.
We, and especially I, am thankful beyond my ability to express in words for how much support the Kickstarter has already gotten, and the patreon subscribers whose support paid for all of our advertising budget to get Eureka as well-known as it is. This is a project of extremely professional scope and calibre, and I’m proud to say that we probably shouldn’t have been able to pull it off with as small a team as we are, we’re just that talented and persistent, but no matter how talented or persistent we are, it is the fans and supporters that make it possible for us to pursue a creative career. Thank you all.
24 hours left on the Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy Kickstarter, crowdfunding closes at 2:00 PM CST on Friday, May 10th! That’s mid-day tomorrow! Please support it while you still can! If you’re reading this after the Kickstarter has closed, you can support us through ko-fi or patreon, and if you’re a $5 subscriber or more to our patreon, you will get regular PDFs of increasingly finished beta versions of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and its adventure modules as we continue to work on finishing it using the Kickstarter money.
You can also help us by checking out our merchandise!
If you just want to play, you don’t have to pay. You can get a beta PDF of the Eureka rulebook plus character sheets and adventure modules FOR FREE from our website or itch.io page.
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Join our TTRPG Book Club We nominate, vote on, and split into groups (based on schedule compatibility) differnt indie games, then discuss, just like a book club! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
The babies losing Jack’s PG ring
“Baby girl, have you seen my PG ring?” Jack asked while coming over to you and leaning down to kiss you. You were currently in the kitchen trying to make your mother’s famous banana pudding cheesecake.
“No, last time I saw it was yesterday and it was on the dresser.” You said quickly answering him before starting to work on the crust.
“So, you didn’t mysteriously take it like last time and had me about to lose my shit thinking that I lost it?”
“No, baby. I promise that I didn’t take it, but I’ll help you look for it. Just give me a few minutes.” 
“You need any help?”
“I mean there’s not many ways you can mess up a cheesecake so why not? Combine the cream cheese, vanilla, and whipped cream in the mixer for me.”
“I…. not you throwing shade at your husband who is only trying to help.”
“I love you smush and I appreciate you for everything you do for me.”
“Especially when I’m rearranging your guts.”
You immediately scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Look for the damn ring yourself.”
“Oh, don’t act like you weren’t trying to rip my clothes off earlier.”
“Jackman, cut it out. And I’d do it again too.”
It had been about four hours and the two of you had searched the house from top to bottom looking for Jack’s ring. 
“Baby! I set it right here on the dresser!” Jack said to you clearly stressed.
“I believe you but now I have a thought.”
All three of them came into your shared bedroom, Axel eating his cake pop, Autumn dragging her doll behind her and Ivy sucking on a lollipop which you had no idea how she got.
It was probably Urban.
“Babies, have you seen daddy’s ring? The one he wears all the time?” You asked pulling up a picture of it and showing them.
“Yes!” Axel immediately said and you and Jack let out a sigh of relief.
“Okay, bubs. Where did you see it?” Jack asked and then Axel shrugged.
“I don’t remember, daddy. But I did see it.”
All Jack did was shake his head in disbelief and you were trying not to laugh.
“Ivy?” You turned to look at her and she was looking everywhere but at you.
“Um, I put it in my toy chest yesterday, but it’s not there no more.”
“WHAT?!” Jack exclaimed and you immediately put your hand on his chest to calm him down.
“Ivy, what do me and daddy always tell you? Before you take things, you need to first ask if it’s okay.”
“Jackman, I know because I bought it. But relax babe and breathe. Ivy, do you not remember what you did with it?”
She simply shook her head no while you heard Jack muttering beside you, ‘gentle parenting’ over and over again.
“Autumn, have you seen it?” Jack asked her.
“I need five dollars if you want me to talk.”
You and Jack then did a double take to look at her.
“Imma kick your little…” Jack started to say, but you immediately cut him off.
“Jack, baby….”
All he did was sigh and began to mutter underneath his breath.
“Autumn, I’m not giving you five dollars if you took something that wasn’t yours without asking. Now where is it? Mommy is not going to ask again.”
She sighed before reaching into her pocket and pulling it out.
“Here, daddy. Next time put it where Ivy can’t get to it.” 
“Me? Ax was the one who took it!”
“We’re raising three thieves. I need to set up an account for bail money instead of a college fund.” Jack said only loud enough for you to hear before you started laughing.
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nellasbookplanet · 2 months
Book recs: fairies
Fey, fae, fairies, faeries - pick your spelling, the fair folk are an undeniably popular trope in fantasy, and can be portrayed in wildly different ways, from cute pixies, to terrifying creatures of lore, to handsome and romantic beings of fairy tales. This list is a wild mix, all of them featuring fae or fae-like beings as central characters.
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For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
If you want more book recs, check out my masterpost of rec lists!
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Borderline (The Arcadia Project trilogy) by Mishell Baker*
Urban fantasy mystery. A year after a failed suicide attempt that cost her both her legs and her film-making career, Millie is recruited by a secretive organisation that works to control traffic to and from Arcadia, the land of faries, and given the assignment of tracking down a missing nobleman of the Seelie Court in Hollywood. Bisexual main character, excellent if you like me enjoy reading about deeply messy women.
Phaeton by Rachel Sharp*
Jack and Rosie, couple and hackers, just got their hands on a brand new device: the phaeton, a phone which, despite its crappy parts, is seemingly capable of doing the impossible. Utilizing their skills, they quickly realize it works not through technology, but by being remotely controlled by a living creature - a fae. This revelation throws them into a war between the fae of old and a new type of fae, able to withstand iron and looking to exploit their fellows through this advantage.
Rosemary and Rue (October Daye series) by Seanan Mcguire
Urban fantasy mystery. October "Toby" Daye is a changeling, half human and half fae, who, after having been burned by both sides of her heritage, has retreated to a "normal" life, away from the faerie world. But the murder of Countess Evening Winterrose pulls Toby back in, a curse forcing her to take on the mystery and find the murderer. While I found the first book a bit weak, the series does get better from there on, with engaging characters and interesting mysteries.
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Knife (Faerie Rebels trilogy) by R.J. Anderson
Young adult. Young Knife is a Hunter, providing for a group of faeries living inside an oak, their population slowly dying. Long ago, their people lost almost all their magic, and without it they are doomed. But Knife isn't one to give up; recruiting the help of Paul, a human boy living nearby the faery oak, she is set on discovering the secret of - and solution to - her people's missing magic.
Among Others by Jo Walton
Magical realism. Growing up with a half-crazed mother, Morwenna found solace in two places: reading science fiction novels, and playing with the spirits of Wales alongside her twin sister. But after their mother tried to twist the spirits to her own whims with deadly consequences, Mori is sent off alone to private school, where she attempts to come to terms with what happened. This is less "teen girl on big adventure" and more "what happens after the trauma of adventure", with it being partly left up to the reader whether the fantastical elements are read as real or not.
Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino
Centuries ago in Ireland, Chairiste Ní Cummen was trained in the secrets of music and magic. But her pride was her downfall, trapping her and her lover in the land of the Sidh. Only Chairiste escaped, hoping to one day win her lover's freedom in musical battle with the fairy that holds her captive. Now she is Christa Cruitare, harp teacher in the modern world and all but resigned to her loss. Until she comes across a great new music: heavy metal. Taking one last chance to win her lover's freedom, Christa sets out to gather other skilled musicians and bring them with her in her final battle.
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In the Jaded Grove by Anela Deen
After years of war, pixie soldier Simith is tired of bloodshed and secretly sets up a meeting to discuss peace. But he’s betrayed and forced on the run - right through a door to another world. Meanwhile, Jessa is on her way home when she encounters a man about to be killed, and intervenes to save his life. With that simple act, the fate of the two - and that of the war - become interlinked. While I found the general execution of this one a bit weak, the concept and characters are interesting, and it’s a fun take on the portal fantasy genre.
Under the Pendulum Sun by Jeannette Ng
Catherine Helstone's brother Laon has traveled to Arcadia, the dangerous land of the Fae, and has since lost contact with her. Worried sick and desperate for news, Catherine embarks on the perilous journey herself, but on arrival she fins herself isolated and in danger of the Queen of the Fae, who is hard on her brother's heel.
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett*
Historical fantasy. Emily Wilde is a professor who prefers the company of faeries, dangerous but bound to rules she can understand, to that of humans, who she finds inexplicable. Working on her faerie encyclopedia, she travels on a research expedition to the faraway Hrafnsvik, hoping for some solitary months of study. Her hopes are dashed when Wendell Bambleby, rival scholar and possible faerie in hiding, arrives on her doorstep. But Wendell's aggravating presence is far from Emily's only problem, as the Hidden Folk of Hrafnsvik turns out to be far more dangerous than expected.
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The Watchers by A.M. Shine
Horror. When her car breaks down, Mina tries crossing a forest by foot. As the sun goes down she finds herself lost with something dangerous closing in; at the last second, a woman appears and urges her into a bunker. Inside is a room with a mirrored wall, in which a group of strangers, stranded just like Mina, huddles through the night. Outside in the dark, something malevolent watches them through the glass. Will the group ever be able to escape the forest? While I found the characters somewhat unconvincing, this is a spooky story with fascinating lore.
The Call (Grey Land duology) by Peadar Ó'Guilín
Young adult horror. After having scorned the fae, Nessa's nation has been cursed: every teenager will, at some point, be called into the Grey Land for 3 minutes and 4 seconds before being returned. 9 out of 10 are returned dead. Trying to keep their country alive, children are sent off to training schools to prepare them and better their chances of survival. Her legs having been twisted by polio at a young age, Nessa's chances are worse than most, but she is determined to make it through her call alive.
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher*
Horror. When her grandmother dies, Mouse takes on the task of clearing out the old woman's home. But as she arrives at her grandmother's home she realizes her mistake: her grandmother was a hoarder, and Mouse has her work cut out for her. As if this wasn't bad enough, among the things left behind Mouse finds her step-grandfather's journal, describing various horrifying encounters. All nonsense, Mouse, assumes - until she starts making her own encounters in the dark forest surrounding the house.
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Faebound (Faebound series) by Saara El-Arifi
Elven sisters Yeeren and Lettle have grown up in the shadow of a forever war, one as a soldier and the other as a diviner and teller of prophecy. But when Yeeren makes a fatal mistake and is exiled, the two leave their familiar world for the first time - and end up with the mythical, and believed extinct, fae. Here they must juggle their own loyalties and hearts with political intrigue as they try to find a way to survive and return to their home. While I didn’t personally dig the romantasy vibes of this and found the elves and fae could’ve been more interesting, if you like epic fantasy with heavy romance, both f/f and f/m, you will probably enjoy it.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik*
Historical fantasy with strong fairytale vibes. Miryem's father is a moneylender, but his inability to collect on debts has left his family on the brink of ruin. Desperate and ruthless, Miryem steps in to take his place, and suddenly the family's luck has turned. But Miryem's reputation of being able to turned silver to gold catches the attention of the Staryk King - dangerous creatures who seem made of ice body, mind and heart. In her schemes to survive the King's demands, Miryem's actions ensnare a local farmer's daughter as well as the new wife of the tsar. As their fates are bound together, the three girls may change their land forever, for better or for worse.
An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson
Young adult romance. Isobel is an artist with a particular and dangerous set of clients in the fair folk. The fairies cannot create art on their own, and her portraits are highly coveted. But as she paints a portrait for the autumn prince, Rook, Isobel makes a mistake: she paints human emotion into his eyes. This weakens Rook before the fairy court, and in his fury he spirits Isobel away to stand trial for her crime.
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Stardust by Neil Gaiman
In a desperate attempt to win the heart of the beautiful Victoria, Tristran Thorn makes her a promise to fetch the falling star they both saw crash one night. But to do so, he must enter the land of Faerie, where nothing is as it seems, least of all the fallen star, who isn't very keen on being given away as a gift.
Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey*
Young adult. Ellie cares mostly about hanging out with her friend Kevin and pining after her crush Mark, but when a string of grisly murders - all the victims missing their eyes - starts taking place in her town, it’s the start of something ancient and dangerous, as vengeful fairies battle for immortality. Set in New Zeeland and based on Māori mythology.
Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower by Tamsyn Muir
Novella. When Floralinda was first locked in a tower by a witch, princes kept coming to try and save her. But none of them made it past the dragon on the first floor, let alone the monsters after it, and now the supply of willing princes seems to have dried up. Starting to grow desperate, Floralinda captures and makes a deal with a small fairy for it to assist her in escaping the tower.
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A note: all these Holly Black books are set in the same universe and do on occasion cross over, but can be read independently.
Tithe (Modern Faerie Tales trilogy) by Holly Black
Young adult. Sixteen-year-old Kade, used to traveling around with her mother's rock band, has just found herself back in her childhood home town. Here she meets up with old acquaintances - not all of them human. For Kade has always been able to see the faeries invisible to most humans. Among them is a handsome faerie knight she finds injured in the woods and chooses to help. In doing this, she becomes embroiled in a struggle between two rivaling and highly dangerous faerie courts.
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Young adult. Siblings Hazel and Ben live in Fairfold, a strange town where people leave out milk for the fairies and tourists come to look at a fairy prince locked in an enchanted sleep in a glass coffin in the woods. But things have been getting even stranger in Fairfold; the fair folk are getting more agressive, and the glass coffin in the woods gets shattered. As unrest spreads throughout the town, Hazel keeps a secret that may unravel it all.
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of The Air trilogy) by Holly Black
Young adult. When Jude was seven, her parent's were murdered by a spurned faerie lover of her mother's, while she and her sisters were stolen away to be raised at the High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong in this dangerous land. Her struggle is made all the harder by Cardan, handsome faerie prince with a knack for pestering her. As she strives for some semblance of power in this dangerous realm, Jude gets involved with a conspiracy that may change Faerie forever.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Sinners (The Fae Feast series) by Eka Waterfield
Niavin isn't just a sidh Lord, he's also a drug lord, providing the fae's drug of choice: toxic human pollution.
Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana
Romantasy. Lore Alemeyu's village is under ruthless Fae rule, trapped within a forested prison. To protect her village, Lore makes a deal with a Fae lord to organize an enchanted library which only a human can enter.
Black Sun Rising (The Coldfire trilogy) by C.S. Friedman
On a planet far away, a priest, an adept, a sorcerer, and an apprentice are drawn together to fight against the evil fae which preys upon humanity.
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That Self-Same Metal (Forge & Fracture Saga) by Brittany N. Williams
Young adult historical fantasy. Joan Sands works as a stagehand for William Shakespeare's acting company. Secretly, she’s also blessed by the Orisha with magical powers, and the ability to see Fae. And lately, the Fae are up to something...
Euphoria Kids by Alison Evans
Three teens - one cursed to sometimes be invisible, one who grew from a seed in the ground, and one who has yet to find his real name - find themselves sharing magic and the ability to speak with dryads and fae.
The Wind City by Simmer Wigmore
Old forces are gathering in Wellington, as the displaced iwi atua of legend reappear and decide to make the city their home, and not all of them mean well.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist, Malice by Heather Walter, Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll, Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones
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animentality · 1 year
Yes, these are all characters from my newest assassin romance/urban fantasy: 7 Deadly Habits of the Modern Demon Summoner, available here.
Full description below:
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Twenty-three-year-old CEO Don Francisco wants one of the richest women in the world dead. Which one? Daphne Oakland: actress, model, heir to the Oakland financial empire, and unbeknownst to the general public, talented demon summoner. But since Francisco isn’t nearly as rich as the established Oakland family, he hires the only assassin he can afford: Sebastián Monterey, a down-on-his-luck, struggling demon summoner, the cheapest and lowest ranking one there is.
But Monterey is nothing like Cisco expected. He’s high-spirited, reckless, relentlessly cheerful …and worse, he’s a bit of a slut. The CEO is horrified to find out that Monterey has not just one, but seven angry exes in the killing business, who will stop at nothing to get in the way of an already impossible hit. Not only do they have personal reasons for wanting to see their former lover dead, they also have professional reasons: they are all currently employed by the Oakland family members!
To make matters worse, Monterey finds out the Oaklands are each protecting a demon ritual artifact for Daphne. When brought together, all 7 can be used to summon a demon more powerful than any currently contracted on earth. If he is to carry out this hit at all, he’ll have to interfere with the summon by stealing every artifact, and maybe even summon the demon before Daphne can.
But that's only if none of his exes kill him first!
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moonami · 2 years
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Scenario VIII: Witness among birch trees. ...
Theses days seemed not to end, one after another they were fading along with your hopes of getting out of here…
You had made it out of Alfred's and Yao's areas, however it wasn't that the area you entered was any less dangerous.
Especially since you noticed "A Certain Little Person" following you from a distance with a smirk on his face and a slight blush.
He looked happy for your visit, while he uselessly hid behind a tree, he surely knew that you had noticed him, however it was fun for him to annoy you by pretending to hide.
You weren't in the mood to deal with him right now, especially considering what… had just happened…
Alfred had exploded because he found the ribbon that Yao gave you…
And Yao made the situation worse by mocking the American saying that he was too innocent if he thought you would choose him sincerely and not since you depended on his strength.
I mean, it was partially true but… He shouldn't have said that…
Those two idiots had started to fight and the scandal attracted several monsters, they had separated and almost killed you for the foolishness of who loves whom.
So right now, you didn't wanted the situation to escalate by talking too much with the Russian, you already had some knowledge of what "They" are like… And due to the friction between these 3 nations, it was best to keep quiet until everything was resolved.
However, when you come out of your little moment of reflection you hear a derisive giggle.
Realizing that the Russian was right behind you, bending down to rest his head on your shoulder, you do a little jump and point your ax at him.
-“Hu hu ~ I didn't expect you to give such a high-pitched screech ~” -He laughs softly, he really enjoyed bothering you.
-"W-what do you think you're doing?!"-You shout somewhat irritated by the familiarity with which he treated you.
-"Uh? But if I just wanted to greet you up close~, is that something really bad?"- He says and pouts slightly.
You hadn't seen each other since he had infiltrated the urbanization, which didn't bring back very nice memories.
-"Tsk…"-You click your tongue with annoyance, but you sigh…You had to keep walking to see if there was a way out, supposedly…There was a gigantic wall surrounding the three zones…Maybe if you found it...you could …
Before you could delve into that thought, Ivan cuts you off again.
-"Does it bother you that I'm here with you~? Uh hu hu~"- He laughs tenderly, although, it was obvious that the question was not very serious.
-“…Please don't follow me”- You say and you walk again trying to leave him behind, but because of you being shorter than him, it didn't really help.
-"I know they treated you badly, but don't worry, I'm your friend, you can count on me" -He says with a smile on his face, this time he was already serious… But…
How did he find out about what happened?…He was supposed to be away at that time… Perhaps this bastard…Saw the whole thing and didn't help you?!
Your blood begins to boil, you try to calm down and think of something more "logical"…Maybe he was referring to other times when the boys had been rude…But, you still had the feeling that he was talking about exactly what happened two days ago
It was better to cut him off now so he wouldn't gain as much confidence as usual.
-"I don't care what you think we are, I don't exactly like you, so stay away from me and what doesn't concern you"-
You said those words, the white landscape full of birch trees, becomes silent and only the wind can be heard roar softly through the trees.
"W-what did you say?… You don't… like me?… Aren't we… Friends?…" He said with a somewhat trembling voice, it was the first time you saw him like that.
-"No, we are not"-again you throw blades out of your mouth.
-“… I see… That's… kind of rude…”-He averts his gaze to the side, somewhat embarrassed and hurt…
He turns around his back to you, and you can see that his legs are shaking.
-"Y-you're not cute when you say things like that...”-What face would he be making?.
Acting like a child even while being so old because of you…
This was your chance to leave him behind and continue on your way in search of the wall… However, you did not expect that your words would have so much weight on him.
Should you apologize?
“The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.
Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.”
Proverbs 17:27-28
I can't believe how cruel you guys were to Russia, I'm disappointed in you guys 🙃 ok no ahskahaka, well guys, two new parts in one day, not bad right? ,(edit: the background were generated with wombo when the AI problem wasnt that big, i am really regretful about using said tool so much back then when i ran out of photos to edit for this au, but im not sure about deleting all of them, please dont kill me over this)
Remember to put the option you would choose in the tags, share and comment if it's not too much trouble~! I want to see you all excited after almost making Ivan cry!
In addition to this I wanted to tell you that my friend @alfiefiefie-draws-stuffs has an emergency regarding school, so he is doing emergency commissions, I would be very grateful if you would review his Comm info and commission him something pretty to help him.
Take care and check out the rest of the blog~!
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2802mi · 1 month
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After the release of MK12 the similarities to Injustice franchise were so apparent that people have been wondering if MK12 is a scrapped Injustice 3 game (In all honesty Shao Kahn with horns and axe resembles Steppenwolf more than Shao Kahn himself). Even if it's not true and MK12 was not supposed to be I3, it certainly gets blended with Injustice in terms of art, gameplay, general feel. I am both MK fan and Injustice fan, so I want these games to be as separate as possible, otherwise it becomes just a MCU slop.
How to achieve that? Here is my recipe:
Defining what franchises are: Mortal Kombat is a fighting game based around martial arts tournament, Injustice is a superhero fighting game (why it's so important you will learn below)
Atmosphere of the game: MK should have dark, gritty setting, with fantasy elements, sometimes sci-fi - IJ shold have dark, also gritty setting, with heavy sci-fi influence and dystopian hopelessness, as well as the feeling that nothing is like it should be (something that IJ2 did not deliver)
Soundtrack: MK should have industrial, dark techno, metal and oriental soundtrack - IJ should have dark synthwave or just like Dark Knight Returns soundtrack
Arenas: MK should have more empty, spooky and dark arenas - IJ should have dystopian, mostly urban arenas with several levels of destruction like IJ1
Fighting in general: MK should be based around fists and kicks, so every single punch and kick should be animated in a way it's so real you can feel it. Special moves should not be flashy, use of magic and technology should not make it look like anime. X-Rays straight to the point like MK9. Fight 1v1 (or 2v2 if tag team). No interactibles (apart from stage fatalities). After the battle both characters should look like they fought for their life due to insane battle damage. IJ should be based around superpowers, gadgets, superhuman feats, it should have the feel of a fight that might as well level the city to the ground. Interactibles should be designed in a way you get to feel that you can throw basically everything at your opponent. There should be explosions, lot of them. Special moves should look like you could reduce your foe to atoms. Supermoves should look like your character is ready to blow up the whole continent just to get this sweet 35% damage. The insane battle damage should be shown in the destruction of a city.
Gameplay mechanics: MK should forgo assist mechanic completely in favour of tag, IJ should be like it was, please let there be no assist mode please please
Artstyle: MK should have dark fantasy, oriental (in case of Earthrealm), mystical and mysterious (in case of Outworld), horrifying and soulless industrial (Netherrealm), retro dark sci-fi if Special Forces or Cyber Lin Kuei are involved. The skins should be either martial arts oriented (if tournament skin) or majestic but not futuristic. Injustice should go back and double down on the soulless industrial feel, with alien architecture and skins (some of them in Injustice 1 were very cool, like Damian Wayne's IJ1 Nightwing outfit), with leaning heavily into futuristic, dark sci-fi or cyberpunk design, with inspiration from regimes be it fictional or historical.
General feel and atmosphere in story: MK is a game where honestly only the chosen know and participate in the story, so there should be a mystery surrounding the events. Average Earthrealmer and Outworlder does not know about the tournament, Elder Gods, or the existence of other realms. Absolutely no other timelines/dimensions/whatever you want to call it. Also no massive battles outside of skirmishes, no 'good team vs bad team' but many wild cards, personal vendettas, 1v1 conflicts, which get resolved in Mortal Kombat tournament. Injustice should feel like a world where everything is wrong, a nightmare, where the whole world is enslaved, where you are your only hope. In this dystopia whatever happens in the world, there are massive battles, city leveling, where you are forced to take a side: either you fight along with tyrant Superman or you fight against him. Use of other dimensions/characters from other dimensions allowed. Generally whole world takes part in the effort.
I hope I addressed enough issues and that NRS listens to me and stops making ass of themselves.
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the-goblin-cat · 2 months
re: the emojis ask
THE WHOLE HOG @ my good personal friend neville da factor factor
One whole hog for Neville D. Factor coming up (that is not his middle initial) (he does not eat pork)
✨How did you come up with the OC's name?
I started with the lamest name I had learned in history class, Neville Chamberlain, and then changed the last name
🌼How old are they (or approximate age range)?
Neville is currently fifteen as of the stories that exist. I plan for the filmverse stories to follow this generation into at least their early 20s though so they will age and change and become taller and grow facial hair sorry @jin-kies
🌺Do they have any love interests?
Yes, Cherise Martel who I did the other ask barrage about! There are others after his heart (Mindy exists/blonds cling to him like weevils) but they are endgame
🍕What is their favorite food?
Actually I don't think I've thought about this. It might be McDonald's fries.
💼What do they do for a living?
Well at the moment he is a student at the Scholomance. He wants to follow in the family business (theater management) and will wind up becoming a sort of detective/troubleshooter for the hidden community of San Francisco (and briefly, emperor)
🎹🎯🥊Combining these asks about hobbies, being good at things, and liking things, because the answer is the same. Neville's main hobby is tinkering, with both devices and with magic. He loves to make things and to have things he has made. He took piano lessons when he was younger and can occasionally bang out a tune as well. In addition to this, he is also really good at throwing things. Mostly this has come up for the purpose of gags. Neville also hates getting dragged into situations, yet frequently his good heart forces him to intervene. On a more physical note he hates excessive physical exertion.
❤ What is one of your OC's best memories?
Attending a performance of the Nutcracker at his grandfather's theater. Grandpa Moishe is also a magical tinkerer. The nutcrackers and tin soldiers were actual automatons.
✂ what is one of your OC's worst memories?
The breakup with Mindy was extremely messy and semi-public; it happened backstage during a rehearsal for a school play.
🧊 Is their current design the first one?
Neville's design has changed a lot in detail but not much in design. Originally he was the most regular anime boy there could be (albeit he had brown hair instead of Kirito black) and wore a green coat. As time went on he got taller and ganglier, then I changed him from being fully white to a white-passing mixed race jewish boy (hispanic on a grandmother's side). He also originally had a signature scarf but I realized I was making too many scarf boys at around that time so I axed it.
🍀What originally inspired the OC?
I wanted Neville to be a perfectly generic guy for a homestuck fanfic I was writing. I had wanted audience participation but no one gave me anything so I just decided to create a very normal boy with a lame name.
🌂What genre do they belong in?
what a curious question. I can tell you what genre he's *from,* urban fantasy. But if he had a choice he'd be in a scifi.
💚 What is their gender and sexuality?
I make a lot of cishet characters and lemme tell you, he is the most cishet one of all
🙌Do they have any siblings?
Neville has an older sister, Dolores, who is adopted, and a twin sister named Nancy; their parents have hidden which one was oldest (they also look and act nothing alike)
🍎What is their relationship with their parents?
Neville's parents are really nice! but they have such different personalities from him that they have trouble understanding each other.
🧠what do you like most about the OC?
I like how Neville revealed himself to me in the writing. I had set out to create a wholly uninteresting character but he wound up becoming very well liked by my friends, and I realized that part of his arc should be realizing himself that he is a cool, capable and interesting person.
✏ how often do you draw/write about your OC?
I can't draw but I love to write. I've written a number of stories starring Neville or otherwise set in Neville's world. PM me for links
💎do you ever see yourself killing the OC?
Probably not. I may do a distant future story referencing his death but otherwise no.
💀 does your oc have any phobias?
His bad break up left him with a discomfort around women and girls that he doesn't know. Unfortunately he must interact with them constantly
🍩does your OC have a nemesis or rival?
No but he should. closest he has is Gabriel, a character who is romantically interested in Cherise. However Neville doesn't know Gabriel feels that way or even dislikes him.
🎓 🍥These are the same question actually
I created Neville a little after Cherise entered her princess incarnation, so 20-21. They were made for different projects and didn't originally have anything to do with each other! Not until much later when Cherise entered her knight phase did I think Neville would be a fun partner for her.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
SAN JOSE — A high-profile downtown San Jose venue, weighed down by a sour California business climate and burdensome city rules, will shut its doors within days in a fresh blow to the city’s frail urban core.
Axe-Men Throw House, located near the corner of South Second Street and East Santa Clara Street, will cease operations this month, according to the venue’s principal owner and operator and a Facebook post.
The shutdown looms despite some bright business metrics for Axe-Men Throw House.
“Business was improving,” said Sarah Sed, principal owner and operator of Axe-Men Throw House. “We had a great product and there was a lot of interest. Our patrons loved that they got customized coaching on ax throwing. Coaches would be there during a session.”
Ultimately, the revenue improvement over two-plus years of operation didn’t suffice.
“We could never make enough money above and beyond the high cost of doing business in California and the high rents in San Jose,” Sed said. “We could never be consistently profitable.”
Even the high-profile location at 14 South Second Street in the old Voodoo Lounge building wasn’t enough to bolster the long-term success of the axe-throwing venture.
Ax-Men Throw House publicly announced its decision to close in an April 12 post on its Facebook page.
“After much consideration, we have made the difficult decision to permanently close Axe-Men Throw House on April 21,” the company stated in the Facebook post. “We want to invite all our amazing customers to join us during our regular business hours until our last day. Enjoy one last throw with us!”
Sed decided not to renew its lease in the building. The ax-throwing venue opened in 2022 and its rental agreement had reached its final stages.
The start-up costs and ongoing regulatory challenges contributed to the decision.
“The permitting process with both Santa Clara County and the city of San Jose was very difficult,” Sed said. “We ran into a lot of hurdles. It became a question of whether it was worth it to put more money into it.”
On top of the local permitting difficulties, the sour business climate and byzantine regulatory requirements in California were also factors behind the upcoming closure of the ax-throwing venue.
Sed stated that she believes significant differences exist between the bureaucratic restrictions in California compared with Texas. Sed also operates an ax-throwing outlet in Houston.
“Of course, it’s harder to do business in California than in Texas,” Sed said. “Commercial real estate space costs more in California. There are a lot more restrictions. Everything is just more expensive in California.”
The company issued a heartfelt farewell in its public post on the Facebook platform.
“We appreciate each and every one of you who has supported us throughout the years,” Axe-Men Throw House stated in its Facebook post. “Let’s make some final memories together before we say goodbye.”
Another ax-throwing venue is slated to open, potentially by the end of the year, a few blocks away on the ground floor of the Paseo Building at 201 South Second Street.
Unofficial Logging is the name of this planned venue. The new ax-throwing venture will be located near Urban Putt, a miniature golf course venue that opened its doors in February and is drawing healthy crowds.
As for Axe-Men Throw House, the departure is a fresh blow to San Jose’s urban core, which is still battling to recuperate from the coronavirus-spawned economic maladies that still afflict downtown districts in the Bay Area and nationwide.
Despite the ongoing economic woes in San Jose’s urban heart, Sed regrets her venture didn’t become a long-term success story in the city’s downtown.
“I wish it had worked out,” Sed said. “San Jose is a great city.”
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Axe Throwing UK
Are you find a Axe Throwing Uk? Hatchet Harrys provides excellent outdoor axe throwing services and teaching in an enjoyable way. For more info please visit our website and contact with us.
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dailyretrogames · 2 years
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Undercover Cops (アンダーカバーコップス) is an arcade-style beat 'em up video game developed and published by Irem, originally for the arcades in 1992. It is Irem's first attempt in the modern beat 'em up genre that was founded by Data East’s Kung-Fu Master. Players control "city sweepers", a police agent-like group who fight crime by taking down thugs in New York City in the year 2043.
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The video game is notable for its detailed backgrounds and grimy futuristic setting. For its time, it was relatively gory, featuring crow-pecked skeletons in the midst of its urban wastelands and forcing players to lose a life by being crushed by a garbage compactor during the first boss battle. While the gameplay is inspired by Final Fight, some of the enemies are unique. Besides the usual human thugs, players fight strange mole creatures and mutants with jet packs and blades for hands. Players can never use enemy weapons, but the stages contain objects that can be picked up and used instead such as burning oil drums, steel girders, long concrete columns that shatter on impact, boxes of hand grenades and fish. The characters eat mice, frogs, birds and snails to restore their health (many people in Japanese society eat these for their nutritional value but also attribute the development team's sense of humor later seen in the Metal Slug series).
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The Japanese arcade version differs from the World version in several respects. The characters have a number of moves not seen in the World version, including dash + jump attacks, up to two different kinds of throws, and a powerful airborne special attack. The backgrounds and graphics are also different, especially at the start of Level Two and the end of Level Three. The music in the Japanese version has a more electronic feel and includes more voice samples. Some enemies carry broken bottles, knives and axes (in the World version these are replaced by planks and clubs). The mole creatures are weaker, taking only one hit to kill. Players' jump attacks do less damage, but their wider range of attacks makes them much more versatile.
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The appearance and functions of the police car seen at the end of Undercover Cops exactly resembles the appearance and functions of the tank from Moon Patrol, another arcade game by Irem. The boss from Stage 1 of the first R-Type, also by Irem, can be seen on the screens of some red television sets. Undercover Cops was later advertised on a blimp seen in the arcade flyers of Irem's other beat 'em up, Ninja Baseball Bat Man.
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Due to its small success in Japan, Undercover Cops also got its own manga by Waita Uziga, which was published in the Gamest Comics series by Shinseisha in 1993.[4] The game was later followed by a Game Boy spin-off titled Undercover Cops: Hakaishin Garumaa, and a more accurate translation called Undercover Cops Alpha (アンダーカバーコップスα), which retains the details of the original arcade version.
A few years later after its release, a lot of the team (artists, programmers, composers, designers, etc.) who made Undercover Cops went on to form the Nazca Corporation, who created the Metal Slug game series. The team have also worked on the Hammerin' Harry series, Superior Soldiers, In the Hunt and GunForce 2.
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mercless · 1 month
🌌 - Does Talon change their type of weapon (dagger to axe) or style of fighting (from melee to ranged) across verses?
Canon & Headcanon
Their armoury doesn't particularly change much (until i start progressing 'canon' verse and Talon maybe gets access to new toys but anyway) Their custom-made armblade, numerous throwing blades, and personal collection of knives (like in canon verse keeping the broken blade of Katarina's old pair...) I also count a few other equipment; the blade cape is a weapon as well as defensive item, The metal plating on their glove fingers and boot covers get sharp to make scaling buildings easier, but also not something fun to get hit by. Styles of fighting involve hand-to-hand, knives and throwing, their arm blade and using their blade cape defensively & to keep opponents at bay. But their best known technique is watching their target from above and dropping on them at the perfect moment in one fell swoop.
Having gone through Dreadnova corp. training, Talon knows how to use standard assigned soldier equipment. They don't like using firearms though, and have curated an armoury to their liking with ray-blades and the blade that works in tandem with their exosuit components. For as bright and damaging as these weapons can be, they are far more suited for espionage than an alerting round of bullets. Their training covered hand-to-hand combat too, but Talon much prefers covert takedowns. When in a fight, they'll rely on their installed augments to help find their enemy's weak points, and using the exosuit's invisibility features to keep out of enemy visuals, and keep them confused.
Talon is outfitted with a throwing blade dispenser on their left forearm, which carries multitudes of the small, searing blades, and a larger arm blade that relies on concentrated light to cut. Their cloak is also fashioned with these blades, but it is less so a weapon than to keep their back protected. Besides counter-espionage, Talon's main operatives are to gather intelligence and stalk targets. They are to wait until a target has been locked on to before throwing blades for maximum efficiency, and they have non-lethal and lethal modes for their combat.
Zombie Slayer
Talon doesn't rely on any one kind of weapon and will take anything they can get their hands on - even shards of glass or even particularly sharp, broken metal. These DIY 'weapons' made of scrap found around the city have gotten... less so refined than made efficient, as they survive for longer. Something like survival gear, a small hand axe or even the coveted swiss army knife would be like winning the lottery. Learning basic engineering, chemistry and wiring has given a boost to their damage with blowtorches, acid, and even electrocuting. The makeshift blade on their arm stump is replaced whenever necessary too, though usually with metal. Rather than a fighting 'style', Talon avoids conflict at all costs. Avoiding other groups of people whenever possible, using the urban terrain to keep the undead away. But when it does get hairy, they aim for the quickest kill possible. Their 'go-to' move is to stab the side of the head.
Star Destroyer
Talon relies on the power Umbra gives them to create weapons, usually in the form of sharp, dark matter feather knives and arm blade. Though their aim is inately good, there is a lot of room for skill with the armblade. But given the whole 'unfettered by space' part it's not that big of a drawback.
High Noon
With fiendish magic Talon can produce weaponry, and prefers conjuring blades to be up close and personal with taking souls. Closer to the height of their power, these weapons would be summoned with as much thought as becoming one with the darkness on a moonless night. Now it takes concentration, so when there's no longer a need of words Talon needs to be prepared. The blades first appear as iron fresh out of a fire, and will slice and sizzle most things they come in contact with. After a brief time, they will smoke and cool slowly. When they have completely cooled, they're brittle and if disturbed, crumble. The fighting style includes never taking a fair fight, pinning down prey with thrown blades before finishing the kill with the blade on their wrist. The fear glistening back at them used to be fun.
Crimson Elite
weird hybrid child again so mostly just canon, I can imagine the beginnings of magic influences added in or like runic weaponry too but idk.
Out of the game, Talon doesn't really have fighting skills. Self defense classes are attended to stay healthy, but they know the dangers of knives all too well. In games, they'll go for the most important target on the enemy team, usually the squishy carry or the enchanter support keeping the opposition safe. Otherwise, they'll play the nuisance just too close to the backlines, or force the enemy team to send too many people to deal with them to stall out the game, or help their team secure an objective.
Rift Quest
A homebrew, retractable arm blade Talon made along with a hesitant GM, and numerous throwing blades that are all enchanted to return to the wielder. Their combat style plays around sneak attacks and their, again, homebrew playstyle of bleeding enemies out with damage ticks in case the handful of dice from the sneak attack wasn't enough.
bonus Modern verse I've not made officially
Talon's been trained to know hand-to-hand combat, and has combined it with their street smarts. They carry a knife on them at all times for protection, and has made playing with butterfly knives a hobby of theirs. If they ever get in a tussle, their first priority is to dodge their opponent, and then take them out in the smallest amount of jabs and hits possible. Knives are only brought out for intimidation, or if they really mean business.
compared across the verses
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Smoking On My Ex Pack
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, latto777, mariahthescientist, arilennox, sza, and 645,098 others
yourinstagramname: happiest of birthdays to my love and my forever smoking partner urbanwyatt I love you even when you give me a headache 🥴🙃
urbandjackupdates: sis, delete this. he doesn't even claim you. you deserve better 😭
yourinstagramname: that's funny since he just got finished eating my ass like it was his last meal 🥴
druski2funny: I knew those damn twitter likes weren't far off
yourbestfriend: oh so you can smoke with the dude who looks like he could be a walking advertisement for head and shoulders with that long ass hair and not your best friend?
yourinstagramname: yourbestfriend your birthday was two weeks ago, please act accordingly. it's my favorite pisces turn
jackharlow: y/n, did you forget my gift? did it get lost in the mail? and the role of your favorite pisces is ME
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you got a nip slip from me once, that was one gift to last you a lifetime. don't ask me no more. and you iight, you not my favorite tho
cozane: 😭😭😭
jackharlow: yourinstagramname that's funny because you act like me and urb didn't share you that night but imma leave it alone
2forwoyne: I KNEW IT
urbanwyattsource: NOT THEM SHARING Y/N
yourbestfriend: urbanwyattupdates she likes all of her holes to be filled at the same time, urb in the back while she's riding jack lmao
urbandjackupdates: yourbestfriend but, one hole isn't spoken for?
yourbestfriend: urbandjackupdates yes it is, that was the night I sat on her face 🤭🤭🤭
urbanwyatt: all of yall talk too damn much 🙄
urbanwyatt: but I'd do it again too
druski2funny: urbanwyatt lemme watch next time
urbanwyatt: druski2funny no.
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Liked by yourinstagramname, jackharlow, yourbestfriend, cozane, druski2funny, champagnepapi, nemoachida, and 803,462 others
urbanwyatt: best birthday gift that I could ever ask for. Love you baby 💕
urbandjackupdates: I never thought that I would see the got damn day. HE ACTUALLY POSTED HER 😭😭😭
yourbestfriend: lemme eat that ass
urbanwyatt: yourbestfriend back the fuck up, me first
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt love you my urby
jackharlow: not yall fighting over who gets to eat her ass first, goodbye.
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you mad that you didn't get another nip slip? it can be arranged
urbanwyattupdates: Y/N IS FOR THE STREETS!!!!!
jackharlowsource: I mean I'm not mad at her, but how did she bag BOTH jack and urban? me when?!?
yourinstagramname: jackharlowsource this pussy got them in a trance oh and my throat game but I just bagged urban, yall can have the other one. but if I get tired of urban, I might have to switch
jackharlow: 👀
yourinstagramname: jackharlow don't start because I will call your ass out
jackharlow: yourinstagramname I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING
yourinstagramname: jackharlow is a liar yall. 'I don't cum from head, but you can try though' headass. I HAVE DEBUNKED THE MYTH. I TRIED AND SUCEEDED.
urbanwyatt: yourinstagramname this was a post talking about I loved you and your ass just causes chaos underneath it 🙄😐
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt I'll suck your dick to make up for it
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Liked by theshaderoom, arilennox, mariahthescientist, latto777, estgee, nemoachida, and 239,754 others
siennawatts: late birthday post for my baby daddy urbanwyatt 🥰
can't wait to meet this little girl we created and I hope you see many more birthdays. Love you 💕
druski2funny: ahhhh shit 👀
jackharlow: somebody better hide urbanwyatt from y/n because....
druski2funny: jackharlow ain't you his best friend!?!
jackharlow: druski2funny look y/n goes axe throwing and her aim is good. I don't want NO PARTS.
yourbestfriend: urbanwyatt ain't enough ass eating in the world you can do for her to forgive you for this
cozane: urbanwyatt SHOW YOURSELF
yourbestfriend: and jack is right about the axe throwing part, I almost got in the line of fire and she woulda knocked my head clean off
urbandjackupdates: Y/N! I TOLD YOU! STAND UP BITCH! STAND UP!
urbanwyattupdates: I mean at this point y/n needs jack to get her pregnant
claybornharlow: jackharlow urbanwyatt I can take y/n off of both of your hands because when she sees this, she's coming for blood. jack you may not have had a hand in it, but since you're the best friend, you're guilty by association
Two weeks later, you heard the door to your apartment open and you had a vase in your hand ready to go to throw it at Urban's head. He had you fucked up and you couldn't believe he thought that he could get away with cheating on you.
You were hiding behind the couch and when you heard Urban's footsteps coming closer, you stood up and threw it at him.
"OH SHIT!" Urban exclaimed and jumped out of the way before it hit the wall.
"NO!" You said looking around for something else to throw and your eyes landed on the lamp that Urban had gotten you from Australia and you made a beeline for it which ended in him ducking to try to not get hit.
It shattered against the wall behind him and all he did was look at you in disbelief.
All you did was take a deep breath and slowly lowered it and Urban took this as an opportunity to snatch it away from you.
"She's doing this for attention because I haven't been texting or calling her back."
"Why does she still have your number is the question. If I talked to all of my exes, your ass would have a coronary."
"I- it wasn't the best idea."
"How am I supposed to know it's not yours?" You questioned while raising an eyebrow.
"Because I haven't slept with her since we started dating."
"Hmm, don't believe you."
"What is it going to take for you to believe me?! I only want you!"
"Even though it took you over a year and a half to fucking post me on social media, but the only one you want is me?! I fucking love you, but it only seems like you keep me around in order to keep your bed warm and at the end of the day, I don't mean as much to you as you say I do. I deserve better than that! I see the way you look at other girls when we go out and only pay attention to me when it's convenient for you."
"That... that's not true."
"You don't sound so sure, so until you are, get the fuck out of my apartment and out of my life. Find someone else to suck your dick as good as I do."
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Liked by yourbestfriend, jackharlow, latto777, 2forwoyne, quiiso, nemoachida, urbanwyatt, and 906,524 others
yourinstagramname: I miss my old boo, but I ain't gonna tell him
jackharlow: 👀
jackharlow: I mean you could always call him....
yourinstagramname: jackharlow who said I was talking about urban?
jackharlow: yourinstagramname uh you did when you text me last night
yourbestfriend: well damn jack, just throw her under the bus
urbandjackupdates: not urban liking this pic, he got some nerve
druski2funny: has the baby been born yet?
urbanwyatt: druski2funny fuck off and y/n come on and answer your phone
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt I don't speak to cheaters and I know you see what that cake says above. go be a daddy to that baby because you aren't mine anymore
cozane: y/n! lmaoooooooo
urbanwyattupdates: but can y/n really get mad? she fucked his best friend
yourinstagramname: urbanwyattupdates yes I can get mad because he approved of it and was there the entire time. I never homie hop without approval.
yourbestfriend: no the fuck she didn't lmaoooo CITY GIRLS UPPPPP!
yourinstagramname: selenosunni you up next my boy
selenosunni: wait, now why am I in it? 👀
yourinstagramname: urbandjackupdates and then it's cozane. trying to plow all through PG too by the end of the year. actually give me a month.
urbanwyatt: real mature of you 🙄 do me a favor and check your phone in five minutes
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt sure I'll open it right after I open the dick pick that jackharlow sent me
jackharlow: NO I DIDN'T!
yourinstagramname: jackharlow love you my new boyfriend 😘
yourinstagramname: yourbestfriend no. I like the new me who doesn't give a fuck because clearly my ex boyfriend didn't
You rolled your eyes as you went to open the text message that Urban had sent you. You hovered over it for a few minutes before finally deciding to click on it.
Urban- I admit, I did fuck her but it was only once. Let me make this up to you.
You wanted to stop reading right then and there, but you decided to keep going.
It was a DNA test.
And it was negative.
You- No thanks, I'll just fuck all your homies instead. City girls up 😘
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hattatourindubai · 7 months
Hatta Mountain Tour from Dubai in 2023
 Hatta is a picturesque mountainous region located in the eastern part of the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It's known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the Hajar Mountains, wadis (valleys), and rocky terrain. Hatta has become a popular destination for both tourists and residents of Dubai who seek a break from the city's hustle and bustle to enjoy a more tranquil and natural environment.
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Here are some of the attractions and activities you can enjoy during a Hatta tour dubai:
Hatta Dam: The Hatta Dam is a beautiful reservoir surrounded by rugged mountains. Visitors can go kayaking, paddleboarding, or take a boat ride on the dam. It's a great spot for picnics and enjoying the scenery.
Hatta Pools: These are natural rock pools formed by the Hajar Mountains. Visitors can swim in the crystal-clear waters, making it a refreshing and scenic experience, especially in the warmer months.
Heritage Village: Hatta Heritage Village is a reconstructed traditional mountain village that provides insight into the history and culture of the region. You can explore old buildings, watch craft demonstrations, and learn about the way of life in the past.
Hatta Hill Park: This park offers fantastic views of the Hatta region and the Hajar Mountains. It's a great spot for a picnic or to simply enjoy the scenery.
Mountain Biking: Hatta has developed into a popular mountain biking destination, with several trails catering to various skill levels. The rugged terrain and scenic views make it an exciting adventure for biking enthusiasts.
Hiking: There are many hiking trails in the Hatta area, which vary in difficulty. Hiking allows you to explore the natural beauty of the region up close.
Hatta Wadi Hub: This adventure center offers various activities, including zip-lining, axe-throwing, and archery, making it a fun destination for families and adventure seekers.
Camping: There are several campgrounds in the area, allowing you to spend the night under the stars and enjoy the tranquility of the mountains.
To visit Hatta, you can either plan a day trip from Dubai or opt to stay in one of the resorts or accommodations available in Hatta for a more extended experience.
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The drive from Dubai to Hatta takes around 1.5 to 2 hours, and hatta tour mountain is a scenic journey that takes you through the desert landscape and into the mountains. Hatta provides a refreshing escape from the urban environment of Dubai, offering a unique blend of adventure, culture, and natural beauty.
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propelaxe · 11 months
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Unleash the axe-pertise at your next corporate event! Propel Axe offers an extraordinary urban lumberjack experience within our expansive 5000 sq. ft. space. Prepare for an unforgettable adventure by hosting your very own private event with us. Feel the surge of adrenaline as you engage in competitive team building games that will ignite the spirit of camaraderie. Our thrilling activities are designed to bring out the best in your team, pushing boundaries and fostering connections like never before. Get ready to witness the power of teamwork on overdrive!
Under the guidance of our skilled Lumberjacks, your team members will collaborate and compete in a captivating array of extreme and social games. It’s not just team building; it’s a turbo-charged, axe-swinging extravaganza! So, loosen those ties, raise your axes high, and let the cheers reverberate through the halls of Propel Axe.
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