#unusual videos compilation
palace1964 · 22 days
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alessiasfreckles · 4 months
is it cool that i said all that? (alessia russo x reader)
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request: reader makes her debut for her national team against england and alessia is just in awe but didn’t end up talking to her. that is until a few months later, reader transfers to arsenal and alessia’s being a nervous wreck when reader’s around, not knowing that reader has had a huge crush on her since the euro’s??
warnings: none
a/n: really pleased with how this turned out, i hope you like it! longish at 4.3k words. also: consent is sexy, people
When you stepped out onto the pitch, it was like everything stopped. All the noise, the roaring from the sold-out stadium, all of the nerves, everything melted away. You could hear your breathing, your own heartbeat, the sound of the grass beneath your boots as you ran onto the field. Then the whistle blew and you snapped out of it. As you were making your debut, you honestly hadn’t even thought you’d be playing. 
And yet, here you were. You’d been subbed on in the 78th minute, and so far, your team was 1-0 down. You knew what your role was, as a striker. You were there to score a goal and try to equalise the game, if not help win it. Your opponents were making it hard, though. Playing against the Lionesses was something you’d dreamt about, having looked up to a lot of the players since you were a teenager, but you couldn’t let that shake you. Neither could you let the fact that you were playing against Alessia Russo shake you. You’d known who she was for a while, but ever since that back-heel goal at the Euros, you couldn’t get her out of your head. 
You heard your name being shouted by one of your teammates and snapped out of it to see the ball heading towards you. The next few minutes were a blur, as you ran up the field, passing and running with the ball at your feet, and it was only when the ball hit the back of the net that you realised what you’d done. You had scored. You had managed to score the equalising goal against the Lionesses, making it one all. You couldn’t let it get to you though, not yet, not when there were still 6 minutes left on the clock, plus extra time. 
The shrill sound of the whistle came as a shock. You hadn’t even noticed the clock steadily ticking onwards, barely even registering the announcement of 3 minutes of extra time. Each side was desperate to get possession of the ball, to score that winning goal, but ultimately, the game ended in a draw. Still, it was thanks to you that it was a draw, rather than a loss for your team, and you couldn’t be more proud. 
Your teammates weren’t the only ones to be impressed by the equalising goal. Alessia had heard your name be mentioned, which wasn’t unusual, as you were making your international debut. She’d looked you up, telling herself it was research - after all, it’s important to know who you’re playing against. She liked what she saw. A lot. After the third fan edited compilation video, she put her phone down and tried to forget about you. When she saw your name on the line-up as a sub, she didn’t know whether to feel excited or nervous about the prospect of playing against you. And when it came to the game itself, and your number was called out to be subbed on, well, she would never admit it, but it felt like her heart skipped a beat. She ignored the feelings and thoughts as best she could. 
Until the 83rd minute, that is. Only 6 minutes after you’d been subbed on, in your international debut, you scored the equalising goal. And what a beautiful goal it was. It was the kind of goal that Alessia had dreamt about scoring. You were so nimble, so quick with the ball, manoeuvring it through the defensive line so easily, and shooting it straight past Earps’ outstretched arms into the back of the net. 
She watched your face as you realised what you’d done. A look of shock that transformed into a smile that lit up the whole pitch. Despite the fact that you’d scored against her team, Alessia couldn’t help but be pleased for you. 
The chance for the two of you to talk came and went before either of you realised it. You, so caught up in celebrating despite the draw, your teammates thrilled with you for scoring the equalising goal. Alessia, distracted by everything going on, team talk with Sarina, her teammates, what this meant for the next stage of the competition. 
And so, you both were forced to move on, still without having talked to each other. You in awe of her, her in awe of you, and neither knowing about it. All either of you could hope for was the chance to play against each other again. 
At least, until the transfer window began to approach. You were scrolling on twitter when you saw a post claiming that Arsenal was interested in an international player - you. At first you rolled your eyes. After all, you hadn’t been told anything. Then again, your contract was coming to a close, and you weren’t sure what the plan was for you next season. Was there a chance that this could be real? Surely not, right? There was no way Arsenal were actually interested in you? 
They were. And in true Arsenal fashion, news of your transfer was leaked almost as soon as it was official, with one of the players liking a fake post about it (which had you rolling your eyes - come on guys, three times?). 
Nevertheless, it was true, and fans were excited for your arrival, as were your new teammates. Alessia couldn’t believe what she was hearing when Jonas announced it, her brain going a million miles a minute. What would she say to you? How would she act around you? Would you even remember her? The two of you hadn’t even talked, after all. There was really no reason for her to be so nervous, and yet, here she was, with butterflies in her stomach at just the thought of your presence.
When your first day in London Colney arrived, your teammates were already gathered for training. You were only meant to meet everyone and be shown the ropes, before starting training the next day. 
“Oh my God, what do I even say to her?” Alessia groaned, hiding her face in her hands.
“Just be normal?” Lia suggested.
“Yeah, like that’s so easy,” the blonde scoffed. “Hi, I’m Alessia, I’ve been thinking about you for months ever since you scored against us in that game? I don’t think so.”
“Okay, well, that’s not exactly a normal thing to say, is it?” Lia said, rolling her eyes. “Normal would be ‘Hi, I’m Alessia, nice to properly meet you.’”
“I guess,” Alessia grumbled, folding her arms. 
“Look, there she is,” Lia pointed out, nudging Alessia and nodding towards you. You were walking out onto the training field with Jonas, heading towards the group. Alessia felt her breath hitch when she laid eyes on you. 
As you approached the group, you immediately started looking for the blonde, which was easier said than done, considering the number of blondes on the team. When you found her familiar face, you could feel some of the tension you were holding in your shoulders ebb away. 
“Okay, guys, I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our team, y/n,” Jonas said, clapping a hand on your shoulder. “Some of you know her already, some of you have played against her, she’s even scored against some of you. She’ll be joining us for training starting tomorrow. Y/n, do you want to say a few words?”
“Hi everyone, I’m y/n,” you started, then realised Jonas had just said that. “Oh, I guess you already knew that. Um, I’m really happy to be here, I’m super excited to play with you all and to be a part of the team. I can’t wait to start training with you all tomorrow. Thank you for having me!”
Some of the girls clapped and let out whoops, and you blushed lightly. 
“You already know who most of the team are, I’m guessing,” Jonas said, and you nodded. “But I’ll let everyone introduce themselves to you tomorrow. For now, do I have any volunteers to show y/n around the training centre?”
Lia nudged Alessia, who just glared at her. 
“Alessia will do it!” the Swiss player called out, grinning. 
Jonas nodded. “Great, thank you, Alessia. You can take the rest of the morning to show y/n around, but I want you back in training after lunch, okay?”
Lia gave Alessia a small shove forward, as the striker was rooted to the ground, stomach churning at the thought of essentially being alone with you for the next hour until lunch. The push from Lia snapped her out of it, and she hurried over to you with a nervous smile. 
“Okay, back to training, everyone!” Jonas called out, clapping his hands. 
You felt like you could combust. Not only were you now on the same team as the girl you’d had a crush on for over a year now, but that same girl was the one who would be showing you around. 
“Hi,” you said shyly to her. “Um, it’s nice to meet you. Again, I guess.” 
For a second you felt a flash of fear - what if she didn’t remember playing against you? What if she had no idea who you were, or that you’d technically met on the pitch just a few months prior?
“Yeah! It’s nice to meet you, properly this time,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief that you remembered her. “I don’t, um, think we got to talk last time? But that goal you scored was amazing!”
“Thank you,” you said, blushing. “You played really well too. Oh, that sounds like I’m just saying it because you complimented me, I’m not, I promise, you really did play really well-”
“Thank you,” she cut you off, a pink tinge on her cheeks. The two of you walked in silence for a few minutes, both of you desperately trying to think of something to say.
You both started talking at the same time, then laughed. 
“Sorry, you go first,” you said.
“Oh, um, well, this is one of the other training pitches. We usually use the one the others are on right now, or this one,” she said. “Sorry, that’s not particularly interesting, um, what were you going to say?”
“No, it is interesting! Well, maybe not interesting, but useful to know, at the very least,” you insisted. “I was going to ask what it was like for you, when you joined? This is my first transfer, I wasn’t really sure what to expect.”
“It was much easier than I thought it was going to be,” she admitted. “I was really nervous about leaving Man United, and my friends there. But the team made me feel so welcome, it was like I was instantly a part of their family. Honestly, now it kind of feels like I’ve always been here, you know?”
You nodded. “That sounds nice. I hope it’s like that for me, too.”
“I’m sure it will be! Everyone’s been excited about you coming since Jonas told us.”
“Really?” you asked, blushing.
“Yeah! I- um, a lot of the girls are looking forward to getting to know you.” she said, quickly trying to cover up what she’d nearly admitted. You’d heard it though, the way she’d said ‘I’. You were tempted to push it, tease her a little, see if you could find out more about what she thought of you, but figured that maybe you should give it a couple of days, see if she let anything else slip.
“That’s nice. I’ve been looking forward to getting to know everyone here, too.” 
Especially Alessia, you thought. There was a lot you wanted to learn about her. You wanted to know what her favourite books and films were, what her go to comfort meal was, what the first thing she did when she got home from training was, but you also wanted to know what she would taste like if the two of you kissed, whether she was the big spoon or the little spoon, what she looked like under her clothes.
“This is the medical and rehabilitation centre,” she said, gesturing towards the building in front of you, wrenching you away from your thoughts. “Oh, actually, what did Jonas show you already? I guess there’s no point in me showing you places he already showed you.”
“Not much,” you shrugged, like you hadn’t just been thinking about what she looked like naked. “I basically just saw his office and then the route to the training pitch.”
She laughed. “Okay, so he’s just getting me to do his job.”
“Seems like it,” you grinned. “Sorry, I’m sure you’d rather be training.”
“What? No, not at all, really, I’m, um, more than happy to, um” she said, stammering a little in her rush to correct you, before taking a breath. “I’m happy to show you around, really.”
“Thanks,” you said with a smile. She was cute when she was flustered. Really cute, in fact. Despite the fact that you’d just told yourself to wait at least a few days before doing anything, you couldn’t help but tease her, just a little. “I really appreciate it,” you said, putting a hand on her arm and leaving it for a few seconds before moving on.
You watched her face as you touched her, eyes flitting to your hand and back to your eyes a couple of times, blush quickly rising to her cheeks. When you removed your hand, she snapped out of it, running a slightly shaky hand through her hair.
“Oh, um, anytime,” she said. Her mind was racing. Were you flirting with her? Surely not, right? It was just a hand on her arm, that didn’t mean anything. Right? 
“So, is this the gym?” you asked, gently prompting her. 
“Yeah!” she said brightly, trying to shake any thoughts of you flirting with her out of her head. “Yeah, this is the gym. We usually train in the mornings, but Jonas gives us a plan for the week on Mondays based on performance during the previous week’s match, if we have any games coming up, how many, that sort of thing.”
You nodded whilst she spoke, taking it all in. “Similar to my old club, then.”
“Were you sad to leave?” Alessia asked as she led you down the hall to whatever was next on the tour. “Oh, sorry, if that’s too personal it’s okay.”
“Nah, it’s okay. Yeah,” you admitted. “I was sad. I basically grew up there, you know? As soon as I was 18 they signed me, it’s pretty much all I’ve known. But it was time for a change, something new. I’m happy to be here, really. There’s a lot of players here that I really admire and have looked up to for a while. ”
She nodded thoughtfully, and you couldn’t resist the temptation to keep talking, see if you could make her blush again. 
“Actually, you’re one of the players I was most excited to meet,” you said, keeping your tone light, not looking at her as you said it. 
“Oh!” she giggled nervously. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you said, smiling. “I think you’re an amazing player, you know?”
And really, really pretty, and ridiculously attractive, and sweet, and kind, and so much more than a good footballer, you thought. 
When you glanced over at her, her cheeks were bright red and her eyes wide. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times, and you nudged her gently. 
“You okay there?”
“Uh, yes, sorry!” she said, not meeting your eyes. “Thank you, um, that really means a lot to me.”
You smiled, satisfied with the blush on her cheeks. 
By the time she’d finished showing you around the training centre (which, you had to admit, was much nicer than your old club’s), the rest of your new teammates had come in for lunch. Jonas wanted to chat with you again before letting you go for the day, so you waved goodbye to the girls, already eager to start training with them tomorrow. 
“So, how did it go?” Lia asked Alessia as the blonde slumped down in the seat next to her.
“Oh my God,” she groaned, covering her face with her hands.
Lia sat up straighter. “What, was it bad?”
“No, it was, ugh,” Alessia started, and then sighed. “How am I meant to just act like everything’s totally normal around her? She touched my arm and I felt like I was going to explode.”
Hu,” Lia said thoughtfully. “Did she do anything else?”
“She said that I was one of the players she was most excited to meet. And that I’m an amazing player,” Alessia said, blushing at the memory.
“Interesting,” Lia said, smirking.
“Well, it kind of sounds like she might be flirting with you,” she shrugged.
“What? No way, don’t be silly,” Alessia said, biting her lip. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Oka-ay,” Lia said in a sing-song voice, raising her eyebrows at the blonde, who just groaned again. 
After a couple weeks with the club, you’d settled into a good routine. Alessia had been right - everyone welcomed you with open arms, and it didn’t take long for the club to feel like your new family. You’d made friends easily, especially with the other non-English players, like Vic, Lia and Laura. You still spoke to Alessia a lot, too, but you were worried about going too far with the teasing. You didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. So, you dialled it down. Not completely, though - you couldn’t help but see how much you could make the taller girl blush simply by putting a hand on her waist when you had to squeeze past her at the gym, and it was just too easy to catch her looking at you as you got changed. When you noticed her looking, you’d catch her eye and smile, and the speed at which she’d look away, cheeks burning, made you giggle. 
One day at lunch you were sat with Lia (or Wally, as you’d learnt everyone affectionately called her), Vic, and Alessia, when Alessia suddenly jumped up, looking at her phone.
“Shit, I forgot that I have physio in 5 minutes, sorry guys, bye!” she called as she hurried out of the cafeteria. 
“Typical Lessi,” Vic grinned rolling her eyes. Your eyes on the blonde as she left, you didn’t notice Wally watching you.
“So, y/n,” she said casually. “How’s your crush on Less going?”
“What?” you asked, startled.
“You haven’t exactly been subtle, you know?” Vic chimed in. 
“Ah,” you said sheepishly, then grinned. “Well, cat’s out of the box, I guess. Or bag. Whatever the saying is.”
No point in hiding it anymore, then. At least, not from them. You’d never been good at keeping secrets, anyway. 
“Are you going to do anything about it?” Wally asked.
You thought about it for a minute, then shrugged. “I don’t know. Do you think I should? I don’t want to make her uncomfortable,” you said, frowning. 
“Oh, you should absolutely do something about it.” Wally said, smirking.
“Yeah,” Vic chimed in. “She likes you anyway, so what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Wait, she likes me?” you asked. Yeah, you’d hoped she did, but it was different to hear someone confirm it. 
“Vic!” Wally said exasperatedly, looking at her.
“What?” she shrugged, then frowned. “Wait, should I not have said that? You basically just said the same thing!”
“Yeah, but not like that!” 
“Well, too late now,” the Dutch player said, then turned to you, her eyes cleaning mischievously. “So, are you going to do something about it?”
“I mean, I might as well, right?” you said, as though your brain wasn’t already racing, trying to come up with ideas. 
“Need any help?”
“Nah, I’ve got this.”
You started slow. When she helped you up after a tackle in training, you let your hands linger on hers just a few seconds longer than necessary. You spent a little longer getting changed, and once, when you noticed her watching you, you winked at her. You asked her to help you stretch after training one day, claiming your hamstrings were tight, and you had to force yourself not to laugh at the look on her face as she stood between your legs, desperately trying to keep her eyes from wandering. 
Then, you started to get a little bolder. Not too bold, you didn’t want to scare her off - and besides, you were having fun, teasing her. During lunch, when she was sat next to you, you let your knee rest against yours. You shifted in your seat a couple of times, moving, but your leg would somehow always end up pressed against hers. When you put your hand down to rest on your thigh, your pinky brushed against her leg, making her cough on the water she was drinking.
“Shit, you okay?” you asked, a hand on her back as she coughed. You hadn’t meant to make her jump that badly. 
She nodded, still coughing, and you rubbed circles on her back, trying to soothe the coughing. After a few seconds she stopped, face red. 
“Yeah, I’m okay, water just, um, went down the wrong way,” she said, clearing her throat a little. You moved your hand from her back and your leg away from hers, worried that maybe you were pushing too hard. She glanced at you, and let her leg rest against yours.
You weren’t convinced. Despite the fun you were having, you obviously didn’t want to go too far, ruin whatever this was or could be before it had even started. When the group of you headed out, towards the changing rooms, you hung back, as did Alessia. 
“Can we talk?” you asked her, and she frowned. “Maybe in private, somewhere?”
“Um, yeah, okay. One of the physio rooms is probably empty. Only one of the physios is in today, so we should be fine to use this room,” she explained, knocking before opening the door to an empty room. 
When the two of you were inside, the door closed, she looked at you, biting her lip nervously. “So, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to check whether all this was okay with you?” you asked.
“All of what?” she asked, confused. 
“All of this,” you said, stepping closer. You heard her breath hitch when you placed a hand on her waist, and watched her cheeks get pinker when you tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear with the other hand. “Is this okay? I just wanted to check. If it’s not, I’ll stop-”
She nodded her head first, then quickly changed to shaking it when you talked about stopping. “No, no, it’s- it’s okay. I promise.”
“Yeah?” you asked, relief washing through you. “You sure?”
She nodded again, blushing, and put a hand on your arm. “Yeah. Please, um, don’t stop.”
“Okay,” you agreed easily, letting her pull you closer, until your bodies were almost touching. “You look really, really cute when you blush, by the way.”
Her eyes widened, and you could see the pulse in her neck throbbing. You wondered what it would feel like beneath your lips. You could find that out later, though. You watched her lips part slightly as she breathed out, nervous, and you could feel her breath against your skin. 
You leant forward at the same time she did, your heart racing as her soft lips touched yours. You had wanted this for so long. The kiss was impossibly sweet and gentle, until her hand found its way into your hair and tugged lightly, making you moan into the kiss. 
Still worried about pushing too far, you pulled away from her, ignoring the way your body protested. She rested her forehead against yours, eyes closed.
“Was that okay?” you asked.
“That was more than okay,” she said, smiling, and you breathed a sigh of relief. “Except… why did you stop?”
You let out a small laugh. “Because, unfortunately, we should probably get going. Everyone is going to start wondering where we are.”
“Ugh,” Alessia pouted, and you couldn’t help but lean in to kiss her again. You could feel her smiling into the kiss, and you wanted nothing more than to stay there forever, kissing her, when her phone buzzed. She pulled away with a sigh. “Okay, I guess you’re right. But how am I just meant to go back and act like everything’s normal?”
“You tell me, pretty girl,” you said, and she blushed. “I’ve been dreaming about doing that for a very long time, and now that I finally get to, I have to stop in the middle of it.”
“Wait, a long time? How long?” she asked, a confused look on her face. “You’ve only been here a few weeks.” 
“Honestly?” Now you were the one blushing. “Since the Euros. I was watching, and when I saw your goal, I just thought, holy shit. She’s incredible. And really fucking gorgeous.”
Alessia was bright red now, and brought her hands up to cover her face. You quickly grabbed her wrists, gently pulling her hands down. You heard her breathe in sharply as you took a hold of her wrists, and decided to file that away for future reference. For now, you just wanted to see her face.
“I can’t believe you’ve been thinking about me for so long,” she admitted. “I’m nothing special, I’m just boring old me.”
You shook your head. “You’re so much more than that. But don’t worry. I’ll make sure you see how amazing you are. I can be very persuasive,” you said with a wink, making her heart skip a beat. 
Just then, both of your phones started ringing. “Shit, we should probably go,” Alessia said, and you nodded, sighing wistfully. 
“Just… one more kiss?”
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famous-healty · 2 years
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bangtannism · 5 days
i am so damn tired of so many army refusing to let jikooks bond be considered special. and i am tired of them trying to gaslight people into believing that theyre not doing it. this isnt about viewing jikook romantically. so many army will not acknowledge jikooks friendship and how close they are and when they do they make it an ot7 thing.
- compilations of jungkook with other members (like them being on his live streams, him copying them, etc) which are suspiciously low on jimin content.
- comments under jikook videos saying they love all of bts relationships or "jungkook loves bts" which is true but why do yall have a habit of flooding jikook videos with these comments and not other pairings?
- the constant downplaying or ignoring of stuff jungkook does and says as if jikook is a one sided bond. ex: jungkook being called jimins cook, jungkook saying he is always watching jimin, jungkook doing a live to watch jimin content, baby jungkook saying he teases jimin because he likes him so much, jungkook going to jimins room all the time when they lived together, etc. its god damn crickets about this stuff outside of jikook shipper spaces.
- people hyping the fuck out of other duo content but being unusually silent or outright hostile to jikook duo content. why did i see so few ot7s excited about jikooks travel show? why do i see so few ot7s calling out solos and other shippers making terrible comments about them when they do things together?
- people being totally okay saying jungkook had/has a crush on nj, that th and jimin are soulmates, that th and jungkook are twin flames or two sides of the same coin, that x member has a soft spot for x member as long as its not jikook. jikook are not allowed these sorts of comments which are inherently counted as shipping when other pairing comments are not.
like you are not allowed to acknowledge jikooks bond in this fandom without catching some sort of flack. why do i have to go to jikook specific blogs just to see them being appreciated? most ot7s wont acknowledge that this is happening and act as if jikookers are just being crazy shippers. and its ridiculous because appreciating jikook doesnt have anything to do with shipping! it drives me crazy seriously.
jikook are best friends. this should not be such a hard fact to accept.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I just know Eddie goes all out on April fools day! I’d love to see a Eddie munson tiktok saga post about April fools day to boost my mood x
(Thank you for all your amazing posts, they always make my day)
Saturday April 1st 2023, 7:32AM
Eddie is awake when Steve wakes up, which is not unusual so it does nothing to further the process of his senses coming back online. Steve doesn’t notice the mischief in Eddie’s smile or the camera when he mumbles a g’morning and stumbles his way into their ensuite bathroom.
Steve immediately comes back into the room with hands on hips. Eddie zooms in on the unimpressed look on his face and laughs when Steve points to his cheek where a crudely drawn dick is and states, “Get this off me.”
Saturday April 1st 2023, 11:06AM
Eddie posts a Tiktok from where he’s sitting on the kitchen island. Steve opens the fridge and a bunch of rubber snakes pop out at him. He is not fazed by it, but nearly jumps out of his skin when he turns around and sees the fake spider Eddie sat on the counter.
This video ends with Steve saying “Enough!” while Eddie is laughing his ass off.
Saturday April 1st 2023,  2:53PM
Eddie sets his phone up at the end of the deck in their backyard. He then proceeds to climb up on the railing next to the door leading into the house with a gigantic water balloon. The video speeds up to show that he was standing there for a long time before Steve opens the door.
Steve freezes, having spotted Eddie. They just stare at each other – Eddie with his giant water balloon held over his head and Steve who was letting Ozzy out for a bathroom break. Steve finally says, “You realize I’m not walking out there.”
“You don’t need to,” Eddie says and throws the balloon at him anyways. Steve yelps as he moves away, and you hear him laugh from inside the house.
Saturday April 1st 2023, 4:15PM
Eddie posts a compilation that starts with him holding a tiny remote. When he presses a button, you can hear the sound of a fly buzzing around the room. The video is then spliced with clip after clip throughout the day where you’ll hear the fly sound followed by Steve looking around and saying “Is there a fucking fly in here?” with increasing frustration.
Saturday April 1st 6:01PM
They’re eating dinner. Eddie dumps a bunch of broken pieces of uncooked noodles onto Steve’s plate of spaghetti and mixes it up while Steve messes around in the fridge. When he gets back to the table, he takes a bite and there’s an audible crunch.
Steve swallows hard and then starts coughing, wiping the smile that Eddie was trying to hide off his face. The smile is gone completely when Steve starts coughing up blood.
Eddie’s face goes white, “What the fuck? It was dry pasta!”
Steve gives up the act immediately and stops coughing. He gives Eddie an unimpressed look as he tosses a pack of blood capsules at him and says, “Yeah, I know. Stop fucking with me.”
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uwabbittuwabbit · 3 months
Eterna's Iceberg of Race Replays
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I keep seeing people asking about how to watch MotoGP race replays in a financially responsible way, so here's my guide on where to find them!
TIER 1: MotoGP YouTube Channel Playlist MotoGP is probably one of the better racing series in that there are race replays readily accessible on their YouTube channel. They also do have some replays on their Facebook if you have the time to do an archaeological excavation, which I forgot to put on the iceberg (for example the 2014 Qatar GP). Since it's on their official accounts, it's at the top.
TIER 2: Motomundo Many a motoheads' trusted source for replays! Motomundo also has various documentaries, as well as practice, qualifying and testing replays. Motomundo also has a VKVideo account that which you can use if you are so inclined. Unfortunately, it has been reported of late that many of the videos have stopped working, with most of the older races not accessible at all. On the second tier since it is widely recommended and an open secret.
TIER 3: BiliBili (1) (2) This one is kind of unusual! Some endeavoring fans have done a great work of philanthropy by uploading entire seasons of MotoGP replays onto BiliBili, which is basically the Chinese equivalent of YouTube...but more. It can be overwhelming (they have a function where users can write comments which then are displayed on the screen while the video plays, for example) and maybe when I have more time, I could write a guide. Another circumstance of these replays being Chinese reuploads is that the commentary is also in Chinese, and there are some really very ugly watermarks from the broadcast itself that cannot be readily edited out. However, the archive is VERY extensive, although it only comprises of races. On the third tier since BiliBili is very popular in China, but more obscure in the West, and I only found this because I am Chinese and already had knowledge of the platform. The first link leads to a collection in which all the races from 1979-2019 have been uploaded. The second is from the same user, however it is just footage of 2020 testing. Unfortunately it seems that their uploads have paused there, at least for now.
TIER 4: This suspicious ass looking website If you've ventured this far down into the iceberg, I'm assuming that suspicious looking websites that have the potential to give you a virus don't phase you. But nevertheless, as a disclaimer, this website is a little hard to navigate. However, not only does it provide MotoGP coverage (in English), it also covers the feeder series as well and includes them in their race weekend compilations. There are options to view the race in varying resolutions, as well as links to various other uploads on Meta (not THAT Meta) and the like. Unfortunately around 2018 are where the uploads become a bit spotty, with many of the videos being unplayable and the links also leading nowhere. A very warranted tier four rating.
TIER 5: ArchivoGP (1) (2) (3) The reason I placed this one so low is not necessarily because it's better than the rest of the sources (in fact, at time of writing this post a good portion of their videos have been taken offline) but because the story in finding it was actually pretty funny. For context, I was on the hunt for a clip of Marc Marquez giving reigning world champion Pecco Bagnaia the thumbs up at the end of Mugello Q2 (thank you tumblr user suzuki-ecstar for replying to me about this...) and none of the sources I was using (so, any of the above already listed) had that clip. I was gnashing and gnawing my teeth in pain. So where else does one go to find something that is presumably lost? Internet Archive! I really thought this was the end of the road and I would have to clip that moment from a shitty vertical YouTube Short or something. Pain. But then I happen upon a full MotoGP replay. It wasn't of the session I wanted, but when I looked into the user a little further, I saw that they had uploaded various other full race replays. In their bio it was stated that they had a Telegram channel under the same name (ArchivoGP), so I did a Google search and found that they indeed did. Happily, their uploads (which are DAZN broadcasts consisting of pre-GP, practice, qualifying, sprint, feature race, post-GP and also cover the feeder classes) DID have that moment and that is the story of how I finished a fancam with the help of Internet Archive, which once again has saved my life. The three different links above lead to their old site, their new(?) one, and their video archive in question which is hosted on TokyVideo. Unfortunately their archive only dates back to 2020, and as I have stated previously some of them have been taken down.
MISCELLANEOUS: (1) (2) These are some assorted Internet Archive sources which I found while trying to backtrack how I found the previous source. I haven't had the time to actually sort through and vet the videos except for one, the original ArchivoGP user uploads (which is the first link, though I'm not entirely sure because they have since changed the name of the channel).
I hope with this masterpost I have saved you guys a lot of time that you (and me, to be honest) do not have. If you want to know where to watch races LIVE, user kingofthering has a very handy dandy masterpost here which you can go check out.
Psst: in general, if you want to very legally watch something, this is a good resource that I recommend. Cheers! ;)
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yuurei20 · 4 months
Jade and Floyd Info Compilation part 23: Being Mermaids (pt2)
Azul says that merfolk have some innate cold resistance and both Floyd and Jade can outpace brooms in their true forms.
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We see these true forms for the first time in-game during Book 3 and it seems that it is not unusual for Floyd to transform back, doing so during summer swim classes, Halloween and Vargas Camp.
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Azul says that Floyd will sometimes forget to take his transformation potion at all: "And then I hear things like, 'Hey, my ears are fins again!’ or ‘My fingers grew some webbin’!”
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Floyd explains, “Morays are cowards at heart. We don’t take a shot unless the shot’s guaranteed to be a winner. We wait…and then we go in for one clean killing blow. That’s how morays hunt.”
Floyd had issues with using his legs, at first, but now his human body lets him do things like basketball and dancing that he can’t do underwater.
When asked what it is that he likes about having magic, Floyd says that he’s glad it enabled him to come on land.
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Jade also used to struggle with his legs, and while he is more accustomed to them now, he is not the most skilled at flying (“I’m not nearly as bad as Azul”).
Floyd seems to be the most adept flier of the three mermaids, but when asked if he is any good at flying he says he isn’t sure: sometimes he is able to clear a flying obstacle in one try but other times he can't at all, such as when the task is to fly straight ahead at a set height, which bores him.
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Ortho (his interviewer) observes that his moods may affect his flight performance.
Floyd says that even when he isn’t in the mood to fly at all he is still better than Jade and Azul (Ortho says that he has come across data on how mermaids are often poor fliers), and that he was terrible when he first started.
But it was so thrilling that he would watch videos about flying and imitate what he saw.
Vargas has said that Floyd has improved faster than any other mermaid student, possibly because Floyd just isn’t afraid of flying.
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Despite their mutual struggles with flying Cater says that Floyd and Jade work so well together on the Spelldrive field that people don’t know how to counter them.
While there are many differences between the novel and game, Spelldrive might be similar in both: in the novel we learn there are athletes on foot during Spelldrive games.
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matan4il · 5 months
I was going to refer to this Newsweek op ed, written by Doctor Qanta Ahmed, in my daily update post, but when I was looking for which part to quote, I found that it was ALL too important to leave out. So here is all of it:
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I was in scrubs from the wet morgue at Abu Kabir when I learned Queen Rania of Jordan questioned whether Israeli children had verifiably been killed by Hamas on October 7. Hugely appealing to the West, ranked among Forbes's 100 most powerful women, among the top ten most followed international leaders on Instagram, dressed routinely by Valentino, Schiaparelli and Dior, and of Palestinian origin (her family is from the West Bank's Nablus), Queen Rania is undeniably a global icon. And her powerful voice became the opening salvo to a chorus of innumerable deniers, a further barbarism dehumanizing the victims of Hamas' atrocities targeting women and girls.
Hearing her strident tone, even as I was surrounded by Israeli Jews, Israeli Christians, and Israeli Muslims still reeling with shock, cut to my core.
Days after the attacks, as a Muslim woman committed to combating Islamism and a physician, I traveled at my own expense to the Gaza envelope to view the aftermath of Hamas' butchery. I examined the cadavers of the murdered and defiled; the corpses of the decapitated and immolated. I spoke with the victims of Hamas, including a former hostage—a Muslim physician—and numerous witnesses to Hamas' express barbarity against women, children, girls, and infants, brutally violated in life, in utero and in death.
I inspected bodies that had been repeatedly stabbed, shot, and crushed. I examined mutilated bodies, restrained with cables, electrical cords, and zipties, still in place post-mortem, and those that had been decapitated and incinerated at temperatures approaching 3,000 degrees Celsius.
Back in New York City, Israeli criminal prosecutor Ayelet Razin Bet Or shared with me evidence compiled in Israel's ongoing investigation into Hamas' crimes. Michal Yaniv, Head of Foreign Affairs on Israel's National Security Council, provided me testimonies recorded by Israeli security officials.
One account, far from unusual, is especially harrowing: A woman who survived the Nova music festival in Re'im witnessed a young woman encircled by Hamas, stripped naked, violated, and manhandled by multiple Hamas terrorists as they gang raped her, repositioning her by the waist and hips, moving from one rapist to the other.
Shuddering at the memory, covering her face, with difficulty, the eyewitness continued: One terrorist pulled the woman's long hair, forcibly arching her neck backwards, fully exposing her naked torso, only to sever both her breasts from her chest with his commando knife. Her entire torso fell backwards, slackened in agony. She may have fainted, though she lived through the mutilation. The disembodied breasts fell to the ground, where terrorists casually played with them.
Sergeant Major Natah Katz from the IDF Rabbinical Unit at the Shura base near Ramle described to me cadavers he received with breasts and genitals hacked off, one with a knife impaled directly into the vagina. The mutilation of sexual organs and breasts, "seemed to be an obsession," he recalled. Dr. Chen Kugel, head of Israel's National Forensic Center has confirmed to me the same.
Indeed, Hamas arrived with orders to mass rape: Phrasebooks belonging to Hamas found in the Re'im area listed phonetic Hebrew commands in Arabic "Take your clothes off!"; " Spread your legs!'; "Get down!" Terabytes of their own video data confirm Hamas raped, amputated breasts, mutilated women's genitals, and committed systematic sexual crimes on both the living and the dead. Necrophilia has been explicitly reported.
Despite all of this, almost two months would pass before the U.N. denounced the October 7 sexual violence during hearings. Congressional and Senate Hearings must urgently follow.
Silence ensures Islamist antisemitism overrides human morality. Silence also grants open season for Hamas to continue these obscene crimes with impunity, as they likely still do this hour upon the remaining 129 hostages in captivity.
Genocidal rape has no context. Contextualization is contemptibly antisemitic and pure misogyny, if not open Islamist sympathy.
Repudiation must reverberate globally. In the meantime, I will not rest until Congress, the Senate, and the U.N. speak in unison on the international humanitarian values protecting women, for only then can the decapitated screams of the tiny girl in Abu Kabir can at last be granted silence.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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wordbunch · 1 year
GREAT MIDDLE EARTH BAKEOFF: the fellowship edition
aka this is what happens when my mind runs free
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Aragorn mixes unusual flavors but somehow makes them work
However, making aesthetically pleasing cakes isn't his strong suit
Legolas, on the other hand, has the most beautiful and intricate decoration
Sometimes mixes interesting flavors, but the rest of the time his stuff tastes just a bit too bland; he will give a very poetic detailed description of why it is the way it is
Merry is there mostly for friendships and having fun (and trying others' recipes) HOWEVER he becomes ambitious and actually quite quite good
Frodo is the one who seems very put together until like the last 5 minutes when something goes terribly wrong (just imagine those compilation videos of like, cakes utterly falling apart and stuff)
Gimli as inspiration always uses flavors and traditions from back home (why is it spicy)
Also his ultimate goal is to just be ranked higher than Legolas but they're both pretty mid-tier
Boromir has a relatively weak start, but eventually gets gradually better and better; however he plays it pretty safe
Gandalf seems to be working extremely slowly most of the time and everyone wonders how he always manages to get everything perfectly done on time; and he has random smoking breaks and just wanders off to who knows where
Pippin is there because his cousins are there, but he turns out to have very whimsical, creative and Unconventionally good ideas; sings to himself while working
Sam makes the most calorie-rich stuff with really good quality ingredients, but he has to work on the presentation and the visual aspect
at the start he is unsure of himself and feels a bit inadequate but his confidence grows over time
He always jumps in to help anyone who needs helping
The judges are Eowyn, Arwen and Bilbo (I will not take criticism) + guest judge Elrond??
do i even tag people in this bs?? i guess so YOU WILL SUFFER ME
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings​​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​​​ @averys-place​​​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3​​  @wisheduponastar
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comicaurora · 1 year
Hey I'm getting into DnD, do you have any podcast or series of a DnD campaign to recommend? I know there is critical role, but wich one of those should i start with? Is there a better beginning than critical role? I am lost here, please help
This is gonna very much depend on your personal preferences and attention span! I recommend sampling a range of DnD podcasts to find your personal tolerances and what parts appeal to you. I'm not the most widely-read person in this space because frankly most DnD podcasts are on too slow a boil for my attention span, but I've got a few you could check out-
Critical Role is the biggest and most well-known one for sure, but pacing wise I personally can't get through it. I love it in concept, but it's slow enough and huge enough that my brain zones out in the downtime and I lose track of important details when things speed up again. I think my first successful exposure to it was a brisk two-hour video that's just a Best Moments Of Grog compilation. That's also why I've been really liking The Legend Of Vox Machina, which keeps all the biggest and best moments but paces them like an actual story instead of a game. It's not representative of the experience of playing a TTRPG, but it is a lot of fun.
I personally enjoy limited-run miniseries a lot more, because they work better for my limited attention span, and on the critical role front that means I recommend EXU Calamity, a Doomed Heroes far-distant prequel to the modern setting of CR. Only four four-hour episodes and it's on a bit of a slow boil for the first three, but because everybody involved knows how the story's going to end, there's an endless drip of dramatic tension along the way. The DM, Brennan Lee Mulligan, is going to show up a lot more on this list.
On the subject of short miniseries DM'd by Brennan Lee Mulligan, Escape From The Bloodkeep is my personal favorite and the one I revisit the most. Six two-hour episodes, deeply unhinged and intrinsically comedic as it's a full-series parody of Lord of the Rings. I recommend it for a lot of reasons, not least of which being that Matt Mercer, who is an excellent DM, gets to play, and his playstyle is a great example of how to roll with the punches and the dice, since his extremely menacing nazghul captain is afflicted by a string of hilarious failures and he kind of just owns it, to the point where his character arc becomes accepting his worth as an individual with the power of friendship. It's a great example of not taking yourself or your character too seriously, which is a vital skill for players to learn in order to handle the whims of the dice sometimes (or often) not cooperating with your narrative wishes. If CR isn't working for you but you're interested in what you can pick up from this extremely talented DM, this is a good way to get that!
Dimension 20 (Collegehumor's DnD branch) has several series I really like, most of them DM'd by Brennan Lee Mulligan again. His DMing style really works for me, and he takes an approach to pacing that I quite like, so they're generally a safe bet for me. One I categorically recommend is The Unsleeping City, an urban fantasy DnD game set in New York City. This one is 19 two-hour episodes, so longer than the other miniseries but still much shorter than CR, and it can give you a bit of a sampler for (a) the genrebending you can do with DnD and (b) a longer-form story with a less rigidly determined finale than the previous examples. Brennan's DM style is very cool, and he puts an unusual amount of focus on characters getting solo vignettes, which is sometimes considered a bit gauche in DM circles because it means the other players don't have a whole lot to do during those solo conversations, but it works for him and his players and the effect is very cinematic!
But if you want to see a different DM's style in the same space, A Court Of Fey And Flowers is run by Aabria Iyengar, one of the EXU Calamity players, and she has a very different but also cinematic DMing style! The game is also a hybridization of DnD and a different system for facilitating Jane Austen romances, which is dope. Only the first episode is up on Youtube, but that should probably be enough to let you determine if you want to check out more.
I'd be remiss if I didn't at least mention the two DnD Actual-Plays I'm in, Rolling With Difficulty and Heart of Elynthi. Rolling with Difficulty is subdivided into three seasons of 8-10 four-hour episodes each, with each season having one overarching plot or threat but mostly being composed of episodic adventures - it's a Planescape series, meaning most episodes take us to a completely new plane of existence to deal with its unique geometry, fun denizens and wacky threats. It's also a lot more edited than some actual-play podcasts, with an effort to avoid the slow parts and the dice-rolling, mental math, "what am I gonna do this round," etc. Heart of Elynthi is an ongoing series that's only about five or six episodes in, with an overarching mystery in the background and a "collect the things to save the world" plotline in the foreground. It also streams new episodes on Twitch on (some) Wednesday afternoons, so if you'd benefit from a live chat to hang out and talk with during games, that might be worth checking out to see if you like it! Elynthi also has had some pretty cool behind-the-curtain stuff about how the players can handle in-character disagreements without them turning into IRL fights, which is something I don't think I've ever seen another DnD actual-play explicitly unpack but is also extremely important for players to consider, so that's fun.
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ratherbefangirling · 3 months
Mi casa (3)
Previous | Next
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: omegaverse, Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Summary: Revelations are made. Maybe every dark cloud does have a silver lining.
Warnings ⚠️: Reader is mentally unwell.(past abuse) Suicide ideation. Dark thoughts. Discretion advised.
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You sat on the counter, your legs dangling. The sun was setting. The house was unusually quiet, it was just you and Jin.
Your alpha.
Being around Namjoon was one of the best feelings he was your soulmate, your other half, your omega.
But being babied by your alpha? It made your heart melt.🥰🥰🥰
You loved being the little alpha. It meant you could both boss around the omegas and hobi (even though you were aware it was just them spoiling you) which you only did when you felt too lazy or too bored and have the alpha's praise you when you decided to be helpful.
It was a sweet deal.
Jin was busy cooking your favourite stew.He stood by the pot using a ladle to taste test, he added salt and some other Spices and gave it a little stir.
He had learnt the exact recipe your mom made. Him and Yoongi had searched and compiled the list of food you ate. They had even gone as far as to ask your family friends and made a recipe book and cooked up a feast for your birthday.
You had sobbed and hugged them. Never did you think anyone would care for you so. It had been lovely you had essentially wrapped around Yoongi and held Jin very close so they were both stuck to you, refusing to separate from them the whole night. Thus Jimin had resorted to carefully spoon-feeding you dinner.
That had been the first time you had fallen asleep in the living room without weighted blankets or complete silence. Under the smell of the feast was a scent of sweet chocolate.
You hug Jin from behind as he stirs the pot.
"Hey little bird." He greets you.
"Alpha." You reply not feeling very vocal.
"Can you chop up salad for me?" He asks softly.
You nod and go to the fridge to get the ingredients. You wash them and start chopping with the chopping machine Hobi had bought (for Namjoon so he didn't hurt himself whenever he decides to enter the kitchen and help). It felt like playing almost. The thump as you put your weight on.
"Good girl." Alpha complements you when he comes to check your progress. "Do you want to snack on the baby carrots?"
You nod as you transfer the salad into the salad bowl and wash the contraption. Jin grabs the baby carrots and hummus dip.
He puts on your favourite cartoon on TV as you both sit on the couch. You nuzzle into him as he feeds you and himself. It's cozy.
Taehyung is the first to return home. He spots the two of you noting the snacks and a cartoon he greets the two of you and hops into the shower, changing into his pyjamas he lies down on Jins lap. You take over the role of feeding him.
Namjoon is the next to return along with Jungkook who he had picked up. Seeing Jungkook, Taehyung decides its time to finish the video game challenge they were both doing.
Namjoon crouches infront of you.
"Hello baby." He greets you
"Hello joonie." You greet him from Jins side. "Welcome home."
He smiles at you.
"I'll take a shower and be right back. " He informs.
You hear Namjoon's singing. You remember the first time you'd heard Namjoon sing in the shower you'd thought the dvd player was malfunctioning until you'd turn it off and still heard the noise. It had dawned on you that the voice you'd been hearing had been Namjoon's all along.
You giggled.
"What are you thinking of princess?" Jin asks.
You tell him. He laughs loud too.
All is well.
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When Namjoon arrived from camping the house is quiet. It's early morning. As much as Namjoon enjoys meeting up with his friends and camping. The pack is his home. He tries to be careful not to make much noise. He goes to take a shower. Comes out to make himself a bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast.
I wonder what y/n likes to eat.
The thought naturally comes to him and he finds himself smiling as he spots his reflection in the window.
"Having a good morning?"
Namjoon turns to find Jin. He nods in return.
"How was Jackson?" Jin asks as he starts making breakfast.
"Good. It was nice to meet him. Its been a while. He was complaining as usual that I totally don't make time to meet him. But it's just busy. Life that is."
"It is.." Jin has questions on the tip of his toungue but he is not ready to break the peace of this moment. Not yet.
They are both quite for a while. The only sound coming from the clanking of utensils. Till the omelette is ready and plated. Jin takes out some rice and miso soup then takes a seat beside Namjoon who has already taken a bite of the rolled egg omelette.
"I think I want to ask Y/n to join the pack." Namjoon says so softly that Jin would have missed it if they weren't sitting next to each other.
Jin nods.
And they both finish breakfast.
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Jungkook doesn't like the the troubled expression all his hyungs are wearing. He wants to beg Namjoon to stop to not go to not leave them. He can't imagine a day without Namjoon. He wants to ask his hyung. What's hurting you so much that you're ready to leave and the words tremble at the precipice of his lips.
When Jin had called the pack meeting his blood had gone cold. It was lucky that Taehyung was the one driving them back from the staycation. Jungkook would have crashed them. When he had looked at Jimin from the rear view mirror Jimin had tried to smile reassuring but he could tell it was a weak attempt. Taehyung had quietened. Gone inside detached himself. The tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife.
"There's something you should all know. Please listen carefully. Namjoon has something to tell you."
Before Namjoon could say anything a sob sounded.
"I'm sorry hyung." Jungkook apologised trying to wipe his tears.
"What's wrong Jungkookie?" Namjoon asked hugging his fellow omega and trying to comfort him.
Jin too was concerned. Hobi brought tissues and Jimin began to wipe Jungkooks tears. Meanwhile Taehyung had successfully trapped Yoongi in a hug. Yoongi didn't have the heart to tell Taehyung to move. Taehyung had seemed to be feeling down earlier.
"Please don't go. Please don't leave us 😭"
"I'm not going anywhere what made you think so"
"I heard" sniffles "You talking to J-jackson hyung" lip wobbling" you said you'd leave the pack" Jungkook says and proceeds to blow his nose.
"You said what?!" Anger is evident in Jin's voice.
"Calm down, hyung " Hobi says rubbing the back of Jin's neck soothingly.
"I have no plans of leaving the pack."Namjoon sighs. "Its just. I have a mate. I found my mate. "
"A mate? Who when where?" Jimin asks.
"She's the alpha at Yoongi's workplace."
"How do you know she's your mate and not scamming you?"
"Jimin." Namjoon almost growls in warning.
"Jimin don't." Hoseok stops.
"No hyung. What if she's scamming him. He's ready to leave the pack for a person he barely knows."
"Do you think I'm that dense that I won't know my own mate?'
"I'm just saying it could be a scam. You're a catch. Some people are real pieces of work. They are greedy and ready to do anything.. mates are not all that great. You can live without them if you don't bond with them. You can't be too sure. She could try to mooch off of you."
"That's enough Jimin." Jin warns. Jimin huffs but quietens.
"Let me make one thing very clear. I will not tolerate any disrespect against my mate. From anyone." Namjoon's voice is cold.
"Is it y/n?" Jungkook asks.
Namjoon softens and nods.
Jimin feels a little guilty about accusing you. He's done it before. Maybe he needs to reflect on himself. It's just he knows how painful mates can be his bestfriend in highschool was abused by her own mate. While it was pretty rare it wasn't unheard of. He'd have ended up hating Alpha's if it weren't for Taehyung. Warm hearted and soft Taehyung and Jin hyung. Kind caring nurturing. Not the textbook definition of alpha but alpha's all the same. He himself didn't see himself as much of an alpha but he tried his best to be a good one.
"So it's decided we'll welcome one more person into our family." Jin exclaims trying to be a bit more positive.
"We'll need a bigger house hyung." Taehyung points out.
"Yes. Yes we will. Its about time everyone get their own room."
"I'll talk to realtors." Yoongi says.
"It's settled then." Jin says happy the conversation is over with minimal damage.
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It was a peaceful evening. You had been feeling better. You knew your time was almost up. You had been informed the shelter only had resources to help out for 3 months. Two of which you'd already spent in silence other than occasional prodding. You had a week or so left. You were told though you'd found your soulmate. He already belonged to a pack. You'd understood the subtext. You were truly abandoned. Now that you were better you had the chance to look at your file. You read how everything was classified so simply. Ptsd, generalised anxiety severe depression. You'd been given a referral document by the shelter psychiatrist. Who informed you you could come for checkups till you found a new doctor.
"Miss Y/n, the warden is asking for you." One of the workers informed you. You nod.
You go to the office knocking.
"Come on in Y/n. Have a seat."
You take a seat.
"How are you doing these days?" Kang Inha the warden asks.
"I'm better." You answer.
"That's good. As you know we have to limit stays for three months. And I hate to break it to you that I'll have to ask you to leave by the weekend but I'm glad you're doing better."
"I know." You reply your voice is hoarse and weak pathetic to even your own ears.
"That being said it's not why I called you. I have something important to inform you."
You look up at him. It couldn't get worse could it?
"Your uncle has died."
You laugh. You don't know why you laugh. You try to stop but your whole life feels like a joke.
I wish he rots in hell.
You think to yourself. The fury that was buried resurfaces but it has no place any longer.
Inha looks a little disturbed but doesn't say anything till you stop.
"His lawyer called. He'll come to meet you tomorrow. I dont know the details but you're most likely the sole inheritor from what I understand."
You nod.
"Is that all?" You ask
You leave you wonder what will happen to the inheritance if you died. Maybe you could put your soulmate into the will. Maybe they would agree to spend a day with you in return. Its fine if its pity even. Just a day you can pretend you too are alive. It would be nice.
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Author's Note: I have no clue how shelters work I'm so sorry if I did anything wrong .
And yeah it's pretty dark. I'm sorry if it was off putting. Please let me know your thoughts. Very much appreciated.
Permanent taglist : @exfolitae ; @cryingpages ; @outrobtsnd
Taglist : @kaceypdf ; @ghostlyworld ; @thelilbutifulthings ; @hijabae2019
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dreamaze · 5 months
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.⟡. 2023 Year in Review .⟡.
cc year in review — every month in 2023 : link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year
tagged by: @shorelinnes, @xiaojuun, & @gnanii, thank you lovelies! ♡ tagging (no pressure, & the gifs were extra!): @ye-xiu, @eggheons, @nervousnotion, @honeyimissjoo (if you’ve already done this, feel free to drop the link! ♡)
Hello!! A brief(ish) recap before the actual list. It’s been a pretty wild year in wingsland, mostly thanks to finishing up my second master’s degree in December (finally, BYE!). Looking back, I’m surprised at how much content I actually created, but this has been a refuge and source of comfort for me while running on fumes between work and school and general adulting. 2023 also marked some changes in my listening and sources of inspiration. I fell more out of interest with txt (apologies to all followers who were here for them… this is the second time this has happened, oops?) but fell even more in love with Monsta X while discovering some other new or new-to-me artists (more on that in another post). Reason was my first official comeback with them, and it really lit a fire in my brain. I have a few ongoing series that I intend to continue, whether they’re gifs or audio compilations. I giffed a LOT of besties (minhyuk + hyungwon, the soulmates of soulmate besties). It brings me so so much joy to work on those sets and the various audio edits or just being excited about musical details in my music box tag. I also managed to squeeze in a few angsty mv sets along the way, because tbh I feel like I am thriving most as a creator when something is pulling at the heartstrings. I know mbbblr has been quiet lately (and must seem exceedingly so to those who were around years ago), but I will keep being noisy about them until mx6 is reunited and beyond. Thank you for sticking around with me ♡
(P.S. I am calling these my favorites and audience favorites because what even is popularity on tumblr, and also I am horribly indecisive and can rarely stick to one. Please enjoy the occasionally unserious post descriptions!)
January ⟡ My favorite(s out of an unusually prolific month): ‘Beautiful Liar’ lyrics + reflected shots, control imagery, & Minhyuk/Changkyun choreo; besties livestreams ft. minhyuk about to get his ass kicked by an indignant noodle & besties again not fighting ⟡ Audience favorite: Reason concept ver.3 (where did all those notes come from) followed by Hyungwon in Love Killa/Gambler/Beautiful Liar
February ⟡ My favorite: Besties Lone Ranger recording, Honey PD ’괜찮아’ Recording (ft. bonus honey threatening offering to kiss minhyuk on the lips), Hyungwon ‘Beautiful Liar’ mv + photoshoot behinds, & the following ⟡ Audience favorite: Unofficial art director Lee Minhyuk
March ⟡ The (only) favorite: Hyungwon FRED x Marie Claire (my favorite photoshoot coloring of the year)
April ⟡ My favorite: Minhyuk in Reason era & besties ft. not-very-tsundere hyungwon ⟡ Audience favorite: Hyungwon John Varvatos x GQ
May ⟡ My favorite: Besties All In mv + filming (for the 7th anniversary of All In) & the following ⟡ Audience favorite: Lights album preview
June ⟡ My favorite: Overdrive & “always you and me” besties ⟡ Audience favorite: Minhyuk x Singles
July ⟡ My favorite: Hyungwon x MV water imagery ⟡ Audience favorite: 1/2 of besties enlists (sobwail)
August ⟡ My favorite: Fighter performance video (…ft. besties), besties massage (fail), & the following ⟡ Audience favorite: Changkyun x Marie Claire
September ⟡ My favorite: Jaechan ‘Time’ ⟡ Audience favorite: Minhyuk vs the prop pear
October ⟡ My favorite: Besties with or without mx ⟡ Audience favorite: A pretty Joohoney
November ⟡ The (only) favorite: Minhyuk x Floun
December ⟡ My favorite: Giuk 'My Blue' & the consequences of putting besties next to each other in dance relays ⟡ Audience favorite: Hyungwon Givenchy Beauty x Singles
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
time for a story. same disclaimer applies. i saw this going around wb and i can’t verify the source and why it’s printed lol. so treat it as fake. ❎
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This is the source i’m putting here cause it’s where I first saw it. If you’ve been here long enough, you know the most unreal things turn out to be true. Then there’s casual stories like this that seem to be from unofficial bts or something that we have noticed before.
There's one more routine that makes our jaw drop.It's just that once W’s phone was out of power, it was placed far away and charging. X is sitting there playing with his phone. W is carrying clothes, he strode over, stretched his hand in front of X, and said the sentence "I'm out of power" X's subconscious action is to put his hand on his ( W’s) ... and then W was a little flustered, and again after saying "my phone is out of battery", X suddenly realized — ( he meant ) pass your cell phone to W. Everything happens so naturally....
you mean this kind of subconscious wanting to hold hands?
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( source of almost holding hands video compilation is here, i just made them into gifs for better viewing. )
The two of them sharing a phone is not a secret, it’s one of those well documented moments that we have. I swear, there is a whole CPN post you can make about them and cellphones. from the WYB slapping GG’s hand away from the phone, using one’s phone to watch something, playing mobile games, being okay with the other looking at their phone and the infamous teasing each other about chatting with men and women. While this is not an automatic proof of something romantic, it is an indicator of trust. A kind that is unusual for two people who only spent time together for a few months. It’s so fascinating to me the routines these two developed by being around each other and the fact that some of those lasted years later.
As with the fake rumor, what gets me is GG interpreted what WYB said as, I need your strength. Is this something they did? Hold hands like a human power bank when one is already so tired? They talked about being so sleepy / exhausted at times during filming so this is a sweet addition to that if ever. I can imagine holding each other’s hand as some kind of comfort. everything around them may seem chaotic but they have each other to keep themselves grounded. It’s so interesting too that they have little boundary that GG will just let WYB use his phone however he wants. WYB is so spoiled. It’s something we don’t usually get to talk about, but he is. GG can’t and won’t say no to him. 🤍
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yuurei20 · 11 months
Leona Info Compilation part 15: Leona, Riddle and Idia
Riddle says Leona may be “ill-suited” to being a Housewarden due to being born into a wealthy family (a point that was removed from NA), but whenever the two overlap they seem to get along well:
Riddle compliments Leona’s stage management during Book 5 and they interact quite comfortably together during Vargas Camp and a vignette, without any insults or back-handed comments, which is unusual for interactions at NRC.
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During Book 2 Riddle even says that it pains him to see Leona in one of his collars (which he has never said about anyone else whom he’s collared in the game—Riddle usually seems to enjoy it).
Riddle even recommends that Leona tries to calm himself down in his own room after Leona nearly kills Ruggie which is a very lax reaction for Riddle.
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The two Housewardens seem equally unamused by Crowley during the first Tsumsted and during Fairy Gala IF, and in Book 6 Leona lets an unconscious Riddle use his lap as a pillow for three hours.
Fairy Gala IF begins with Leona actively baiting Riddle into nominating a Heartslabyul student for the event by insinuating that Heartslabyul students are “herbivores with zero initiative who’re totally helpless without their housewarden.”
Riddle takes offense and proudly nominates Ace in order to best Leona’s nomination, Jack.
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The exchange concludes with Riddle extremely pleased with the situation while Azul reflects, “Leona just played Riddle like a fiddle.”
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Idia is afraid of everyone, up to and including Leona, but this does not stop him from mumbling disparaging things about him during Halloween.
After Idia trips in the forest behind the school and blames Leona mumbling “I bet you’re just skipping out on your dorm duties” to his face Leona reveals he can hear everything he says.
Idia claims he was joking.
Idia’s costume gets tangled with Leona’s tail (after Idia falls on him), and Leona cuts a part of the ivy on Idia’s outfit rather than his own fur as Idia incorrectly assumes.
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Idia reacts with “This is why I hate Savanaclaw students. They’re just a bunch of hooligans.”
Despite this, however, even Idia admits that Leona is objectively attractive.
In a line that was removed from NA Idia blames Leona’s long legs on being in his way in (“Are you just bragging about how long your legs are?”), and during Phantom Bride he says that Leona and Malleus’ faces are both “mega-striking.”
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Idia is very fond of cats and it seems he would likely be a fan of Leona’s for this reason, if only Leona were more “docile”.
Neither Leona nor Vil are interested in saving Idia’s life during Phantom Bride, and they call him out for trying to sacrifice them to Eliza in order to save himself.
While considering Idia to be a “blubbering coward”, Leona seems very much aware of Idia’s strengths, saying, “These ghosts are no match for your magic and smarts” when Idia gets possessed.
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Despite his presumed dislike of children Leona seems more patient with Ortho, saying that he is not at all like Idia.
Ortho has a voice line about trying to tie up Leona’a tail, “…but he noticed me. I’ll do better next time!”
Leona also does not become upset with Ortho during Book 6 when he presents Leona with a video game that has been proven to be popular with house cats, despite how it leads to directly to mockery from other students like Vil.
He excuses himself from the situation with the reasoning, “They’re absolutely right. I’m beholden to my feline nature, so I get REAL sleepy during the day. I’d love to play more, but I know I’d conk out before long. Go ahead and let someone else play.”
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rslashrats · 3 months
i need a compilation of screenshots of “weird” / “unusual” youtube comments but specifically of the ones left on video game ost track uploads
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krii-bolts · 10 months
NEW TEASER. HOLY HELL- Im gonna have to scavenge around the other episodes and compile posts together due to this teaser, HUH.
Aaaa scew it, Quick Observation post / Murder Drone Theory rant time LETS GO-
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Big open Hallway from an Elevator, with it being all Old Hotel looking vibe. Very much "The Shining" type beat
Considering Ep 4 and how the Golden Roach mentioned a "Cabin Fever Labs" and corresponding elevator, along with Ep 5's TBC.................... y e a h.
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Main Hall AND OH DEAR.
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Nanite Tails, Disassembly Drone legs and.. a glitching screen? Too zoomed out + Blurry to see the words it flashes in between Glitches, but its symbol is a simple "Triangle Alert" kind
Like so vvvvvvv
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Yeah We're getting all the JC Jenson stuff now. More Nanite Tails and Accompanying bodies
It might just me being me but... it looks like the bodies are partially submerged in oil. That or Neatly sliced in half
Text reads "Don't Look" with Don't being repeated next to it
DON'T LOOK WHERE??????? (also matches Video title lol)
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Typical office. Nothing unusual at first glance, might have some lore significance ON that computer though, who knows-
. . .
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First off.
Baby Giggling is heard during the Transition from the Computer to THIS SCREENSHOT.
That combined with the Blue Loading Symbols / Wheel of Slowness or Death and that previous teaser of a BLUE ABS SYMBOL...
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Dress and Hair. HM. That and this screenshot is in a Office Setting.
We're getting lore drops on Nori and Yeva, huh.
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DINOSAUR? IN THE SERVER ROOMS (or what appear to be server rooms)
I do notice a bundle of wires behind its head, connecting between the Upper top of the head and Bottom of neck. Interesting
Also Considering the Clawed hand at the Thumbnail, combined with The Blue Coloration... THIS MIGHT BE A GLIMPSE INTO THAT HAND'S OWNER. Or well
Perhaps a Warped version of them
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Not much to say here other then Some cameras are offline. Wonder what their supposed to view / record..
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However, unlike baby giggling, this is more Mature sounding. Im PRESUMING ADULT, But Who knows. This is ONLY giggling after all
Who wana bet this "Giggling" is from NORI, at different stages of "Development" or whatever she was going through.
The only problem to that notion is the repeating Blue Coloration from the Teasers and Office Area so Who knows. Might as well put my Thoughts to the wind
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More Cameras but MORE IMPORTANTLY..
B o x. Box with oil on it.
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but hey at least we know what their looking at (HELL.)
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