#uhm. map lol...
lancelotslair · 1 year
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sorry ibve been makin a map.. lol...
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vote2 · 23 days
playing so much eo luminous the last few days i tetris effecting fish swimming in the corners of my vision at all times.
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lucky-draws · 11 months
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orcelito · 1 year
I take back... SOME of my negativity about fe:engage. Now that I'm out of prolog hell I have decided the fun eclipses the annoyances. For now.
#speculation nation#engage spoilers/#i still think the ring emblem thing is cheap#... but it also brought me a lot of joy to see and hear Celica again. same voice actress 😭 even if her sprite looks different (worse)#the real separating moment tho was when i went to the side summoning thing and mae showed up. i gasped a little ngl.#apparently i couldnt give less of a shit about marth or sigurd. but celica and the Valentia crew... 😭😭😭😭😭😭#i mean itd probably just be better to play echoes instead of engage if what is bringing me the most joy in this game is Valentia Crew#which. god i wish echoes was longer than it is. it's Easily my favorite fire emblem game#in characters. story. art. music. tactics (LOVE the battle maps)#there is not a single thing i dislike about echoes. aside from the length i guess. but really i just obsessively play it anytime i play#so it feels so short but i do dump a good 50 hours per game. so not Long but not short#ive replayed it like 3 times at least. and god i miss it. i always wanna play it more.#maybe my next game i should play on hard. i enjoy the challenge more lol#uhm. well. ok so engage is still incredibly lackluster in comparison to echoes. but really that's an impossible standard for it to meet. so#other thoughts: i HATE HATE HATE this princess' dress SO fucking much. i though alfred's fucking panteloons were stupid#but her fucking bulb dress is so much worse. and she's not even a healer!!!!! another squishy mage but with a sword too >:(#she came with celica which made it obvious she's meant as a celica copy. but at least celica can heal >:(#i wonder if alm is somewhere. probably in the land of strength??? if i had to guess at least.#ok but the princess' retainers... i actually kinda like them... their voices are actually decent! and that pegasus rider is... 😳#i desperately need another monk. current girl is decently useful as a healer but she is weak as FUCK#the punchy stuff seems cool but i never see it cause i gotta keep her off the front lines bc she's SQUISHY#im warming up to the twins. still hate their voices & i hate when theyre fanboying.#but removed from the protag theyre kind of sweet. plus passably useful in battle.#god i need another healer tho lmfao. pls @ the game give me another healer soon...
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the-fluff-piece · 6 months
I love ace a ton and your stuff is really perfect! Anyway can you please do something on how ace would react to the modern world? Like the pirate ace finds himself in modern world. Like how would he react to phones and cars lol
I @acpola01 , thank you for your fun request! I am sorry it took so long...I hope you still like it! Of course I made it a bit x reader because that's my jam
Ace gets isekai-ed to the modern world - headcanon
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Ace fought a really strange uhm...thing(?) that seemed to barf colours that shouldn't exist - until he stepped in a pool of that stuff and fell for a looooong time until he passed out
He wakes up on hard stone. He looks around. Strange. He never heard of such an island - the floor is all paved, the houses are really tall and there's a shitload of people. Since he's still groggy, he'll just follow his nose, stumbling into the small cafè where you work (it smelled too delicious)
He orders almost everything the menu has to offer - until you want to close up and realize that that guy has no money you can put in the register. After a short argument and giving him the slap of his life, he gives in and promises to work off his debt
Since he seems clueless and absolutely adorable, you take care of him. Everything is new to him, like he doesn't know modern electronics at all. You offer him a place on your couch. When you get him to your car, he is at first confused what you want with that tin box. He holds on for dear life when you leave the parking lot and drive your usual speed through the city, but he loves it as soon as you drive through the illuminated streets. Completely silent, he stares and stares, occasionally asking about thinks like traffic lights, neon signs or strange people roaming the streets.
He marvels at your phone - he loves all the things it can do! Especially playing cute animal videos, he'swatching tiktok the whole night, laughing his ass off. "OMG Y/N DID YOU SEE THAT?" he wants to show you EVERYTHING he finds. Your previously well-trained algorithm is ruined.
As soon as he finds the food videos, he drags you to every fast food and trend food restaurant he can think of.
Cinema is one of his favourite activities, he loves superhero movies and science fiction. Even though he often falls asleep, head crashing in his popcorn bucket
He doesn't get public transport though - the subway map is too much for him, he also chats up people sitting next to him, a lot. He always has change for the musicians, because he loves to dance on the poles
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kekaki-cupcakes · 9 months
Hi uhm sorry if I bother you: could you please write Percy x daughter of Disciplina (minor Roman goddess of discipline) who’s very uhm well rules-oriented, similar to Jason and cold and military though secretly loves cute and chaotic things (though doesn’t partake) so it’s kind of a rival to lovers situation please? And they meet when Percy arrives at the camp Jupiter? Thank you so much and feel free to decline ofc! Bye bye! Ps: loved your Nike series and I can’t wait for the Hypnos piece too! Take your time though, ofc!
This was a cute idea <3 and I liked writing about Camp Jupiter I haven't had any roman demigod requests before! sorry it took so long I'm multitasking so much haha but this ended up as 2.1k words lol <3
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rules orders kisses instructions---Percy Jackson x roman child of Disciplina
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-First of all, it wasn’t your fault that you managed to bring the most chaotic, rule breaking, cute, carefree, demigod into Camp Jupiter.
-You were posted just inside the borders, watching for monsters and the like, and though you’d never admit it, it was one of the quietest and therefore dullest spots for patrol. Nothing ever came through, and you spent most of your time sharpening your weapon and spotting cloud animals. Until something did come through, namely, the bane of your entire existence. 
-He came running over the hills with a panda pillow pet and a bronze sword, followed by a hoard of screeching monsters, telling ‘Perseus Jackson’ that today was the day he would die. At the time, rescuing this random demigod was the right thing to do, but looking back, if you had just let him be trampled by the contents of Tartarus, it would have fixed a lot of your problems. Instead you opened the gates to Camp Jupiter and let him in.
-Both of you stood beyond the gates, which were made out of some solid metal that the Trivia kids had installed. They had never disclosed what it was that vaporized the monsters the second they touched it. You should probably check in with that, now that you think about it. 
-Perseus had made quite the fuss when the first cohort and the praetors showed up, making giant hands out of one of the rivers that ran along the edge of the city and then being introduced by a god. He took it all in his stride, and even had the nerve to back-talk Octavian [something you’d never admit to wanting to do yourself]. 
-You hated him immediately.
-Well, maybe not hate, hate was a strong word for simple feelings. You would just rather if Percy [he had corrected the use of his name immediately. You were grateful. Perseus was a stupid name.] had a bit more respect for the way Camp Jupiter worked, and stopped teaching the younger soldiers swear words during meal times. 
-A few days into his stay, he approached you in one of the large canvas tents set up. You’d been mapping out which of the hills you were going to use as a base in the next war game with Dakota, when he tripped on his shoelaces and righted himself, grinning at both you and Dakota. 
-Apparently he wanted to thank you for not leaving him out the border to fight off the army of monsters on his tail, and volunteered to help out on your team during the war games in return.
-You told him you would consider once he learnt to tie his shoelaces properly.
-You’d then assumed that would be the last of it, thankfully, [although for some reason you’d scan the fifth cohorts section sometimes for a mess of black hair, but you were just trying to keep the younger soldiers vocabulary appropriate. Obviously.] and spent the rest of the day taking poisonous bows and quivers off the children of Mercury, and explaining to the daughter of Pluto that she wasn’t allowed to ‘have a go at summoning a horse skeleton for funsies’.
-Reyna marched between the canvas tents with her metal dogs, barking instructions and sending out a few Helios kids and legacies as medics.
-Ten minutes before the game officially started, when the opposite side were posted up too far away to see their silhouettes on the mountain ridge, and the children of Mars were untying the war elephant from its posts and readying it for battle, Percy burst back into the tent. One of the leopards getting a spiked collar attached to its neck growled, but settled back down when Dakota spoke sharply to it. Lavinia went to shoo Percy out, but something about the easy grin on his lips made you wave a hand, and Lavinia went back to instructing the Vulcan children. 
-Percy ran to you, and in quite the untimely fashion, kicked one of his feet up onto the battle plans, mud and dirt smearing across the maps and charts. Before you could yell at him, you spotted his shoes. 
-“How’s that for being allowed to fight?” Somehow, in the few hours he’d had spare, Percy had acquired a pair of purple velcro sneakers. 
-You stood there for a moment, and then narrowed your eyes at him, folding your arms as well, just to make your point. “If you left Camp Jupiter I will have to report you, you know that, right?”
-He just smirked. “You like me too much. And don’t worry, I traded Octavian's diary for them, some Venus legacy guy had a spare pair. Purple isn’t really my color, but watch!”
-Thankfully, he took his feet off the table, but a moment later he was running across the cramped tent, and threw his arms out for balance as small wheels popped out of the soles of his shoes. A coat of shields crashed to the floor, and the leopard in the corner jumped to its feet and scampered out. Someone yelled and Percy proceeded to spin in a circle and then slip and fall.
-For the first time, you became annoyed that your reflexes were so good, because Percy was sprawled out in your arms, which were under his, keeping him from becoming impaled by a stray electric spear. You held your breath for as long as you could, pulling your expression into one blank of emotions, but then you couldn’t hold it any longer. 
-You laughed.
-Pery turned around, pulling his shirt down and skidding a little on the floor. His green eyes you only just noticed were the same shade as the lake near the stables were wide, and he was slack jawed. 
-Your stomach started to hurt as you giggled, “what?”
-“You can laugh!”
-“Of course I can laugh, Perseus, I am a person.”
-“I didn’t know you could laugh. And it’s Percy, don’t make fun of me.”
-You went back to glaring at him quickly, and he visibly dulled. You just rolled your eyes and began brushing mud dewy grass of the battle plans. He peeked over your shoulder, hair tickling your neck, so you planted one of the little markers Dakota liked to use to show where people would be patrolling. 
-Percy pouted, and you quickly looked away from his mouth [why were you even looking at his mouth?], “can’t I be the horse?”
-“The Pluto girl is the horse, she’s making sinkholes along the tracks to our base, trying to dilute the flow of soldiers. You can be the dog, it’s cute.”
-“You think I’m cute?”
-His smile when he said that was in fact, cute, but you didn’t tell him that. Instead you picked up another of the little coloured markers, and moved it to where you’d initially put the dog. “Fine, you can be the toucan, because you’re an imbecile.” 
-“No wait, I wanna be the dog now... And what did toucans ever do to you?” 
»»————- ★ ————-««
-You became quite accustomed to the sound of smooth clicking, a scrape, and then Percy yelping and bumping into the back of you over the next few days. 
To the north, beyond the gods, lies the legion's crown. 
Falling from ice, the son of Neptune shall drown.
-You didn’t see him off. 
-You knew it wasn’t polite, the entirety of the army stood on the shore as Percy, the Pluto girl, and the boy who cared for the war elephant waved them off. But you stayed at your post by the border instead, watching cloud animals and pretending not to see someone sinking to their death in each one.
-But the army didn’t sit with him at every meal because technically, you were a superior and didn’t have an assigned legion, you had just usually sat with Reyna or Jason. You’d eat the breads and nuts and fruits the satyrs and harpies brought while Percy ate everything in sight that was even slightly blue. 
-The army wasn’t given a daisy chain as a crown when you showed Percy through the gardens, the trees and flowers acting as borders to the paths leading across the city in the direction of the universities and shops. The army didn’t find an old basketball in the weapons shed and learn to play with Percy, because he couldn’t remember playing before, but he was good. 
-The army didn’t sneak him into the stables because really you weren’t allowed but somehow the rearing black stallions calmed him when his breathing got too fast and uneven. 
-The army didn’t sit at the edge of the river bed while he ducked under and splashed around like a happy duckling. That stopped when the prophecy was first spoken. Percy skirted around puddles on the last day.
»»————- ★ ————-««
-There was blood. Lots of it. Smoke wafting from the scattered fires and screams piercing the muggy air. 
-You held your weapon tightly in your hand, back to back with Dakota as he brandished a baseball bat wound tight with thorny vines that curled and writhed like snakes. 
-Monsters crawled over the mountain ridge in waves, at least half of them squashed by the giant stomping in circles and roaring, creating miniature earthquakes with each step. Alcyoneus was forty feet tall, his skin a metallic sort of color that shone like the sun Helios was bringing into the middle of the stormy sky. 
-The fifth legion ran into places, maps and diagrams you’d drilled into them, finally being put to use as they worked effortlessly. The war elephant had doubled, somehow, and both charged at the violent giant currently ripping the roof off the stables, knocking him sideways.
-For a short moment, you assumed maybe a finger had been cut off from the monster, as a bronze sort of color streaked across the horizon, but then it came to a stop in front of Lavinia, who was dragging an unconscious demigod across the battlefield in the direction of the hidden medic base by the university. 
-Hazel, the Pluto girl [you’d finally learnt her name] sat atop a stallion, her cavalry helmet over her curly hair. You made eye contact, and her shoulder sunk, but you weren’t sure if it was with relief or disappointment. You couldn’t see her expression from across the bloodstained distance, but you could see the blue harpy foaming at the mouth behind her, talons outstretched. 
-You turned to Dakota, but he was already kneeling a little, bracing himself as you stepped on one of his hands, and then he launched you forwards and up, up into the smokey air filled with screams and wails. 
-Time slowed a little as you positioned yourself, wind whipping your eyes and making them sting. Hazel ducked as you flipped over her and landed on the Harpies back, rolling it away and further down the hill. Talons raked your cheek, and you whacked it over the head, hard.
-The bronze streak was gone already. Somehow the horse was running vertically up the side of the giant, and then began circling its neck.
-The sleeve of your purple shirt was ripped free and you held it to your face, the deep cuts dripping down your neck and already staining your skin in dark red blotches. Pain prickled, but you felt a chill down your spine, and by the time you had turned, the horned snake’s jaw was already unhinged, fangs dripping with something dark and oily and ready to bite.
-Your heart slowed, or maybe it sped up, all you knew was that it was the only thing you could hear.
-You held your arms in front of your scratched up face and tried to roll, but the snake's tail was already heavy across you, pining you to the blood stained cobblestone ground. You reached for where your weapon had been lost in the wrestle a moment before, but then there was a dragged out squelching sound and a ‘shing’. 
-The snake froze, and then its head slipped off its body, landing by Percy’s feet.
-He launched forwards as quickly as the snake had, only he pulled you from the cocoon of scales, panting. Your hands shook, and Percy’s eyes widened when he spotted the splatter of blood on your neck, his face going pale.
-You shook your head weakly, “just my cheek, it’s not bad.”
-He nodded, and then you were once again wrapped up tightly, this time by Percy’s arms. You noticed vaguely that he was actually pretty buff, but then you felt your eyes prickle with emotion.
-He stepped back quickly, ducking his head, “sorry, I..”
-“You didn’t drown.”
- “I technically did but it’s all good now-” 
-You cut him off with another hug, your face buried in his shoulder, probably covering him in your own blood as well, but Percy didn’t seem to mind when he hugged you back, chest heaving. You sniffed, trying not to cry, hands tight around his hoodie, “you smell like incense and hay.”
-“That, yeah that explains a lot of it actually.”
-“You don’t get to go on another quest without me, that’s an order.”
-“Yes please.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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the-ellia-west · 1 month
For the ask game, how about ❌📙⭐️💚💤 for whatever character you’d like? :)
(I also hope this isn’t too many items to ask about… lol)
Thanks for the asks @artsandstoriesandstuff (You're good, I love doing big asks >:})
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
💚 Talk about some of the traumatic events in your OC’s life. These events can be ones that have happened to them or a loved one. These events can be minor or major.
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
Uhm... To Avoid too many spoilers, lets just go with our Villainous Shade Duo for this one.
The X
Viasaki draws the line at abuse. If you mistreat him he will fire back with just as much power unless he's already loyal to you. He was traumatized by what happened to his family and doesn't want to have that happen to him. He would only accept someone like this if they made it up to him in some way and he knows they'll never do it again.
Kila's only dealbreaker is someone being weak. Because everyone who is weak in her life has died or been taken from her. She would only take a weak person back, if she's convinced they are worth protecting or they prove themselves to not be weak.
Viasaki can ramble about maps, politics, nature, and science forever. He's a little bookworm. He also loves card games, hunting, chatting with his soldiers, and flying. He could also talk about other people and nature forever.
Kila loves talking about mundane things like food, daily activities, stories, myths, and nature. She also loves card games and fighting, but she also loves flying and stargazing.
Viasaki is afraid of ice. He hates the cold with every fiber of his being, just as much as loud noises, bugs, and being hit with just hands. He can take blades, but not blunt force trauma. He is deathly afraid of these things, and will curl himself into his wings to hide when he is afraid, freezing up and praying. Hot drinks or kind words help him calm down, hugs, blankets, stuff like that. Kasi and Sokuna think he's fucking terrifying. Sokuna fears him for his intelligence, and Kasi for how he can switch from kindhearted to psychotic in a second. Eventually after Kila and him become lightly trusting of one another, she's afraid his temper might snap and he might hit her.
Kila is deathly afraid of blunt force trauma just like Viasaki, as well as snakes, spiders, being restrained, the ocean, broken glass, slipping up, or anything with sharp teeth. Unlike Viasaki who freezes, Kila fights. She lashes out at anything she finds scary in an attempt to hurt it before it hurts her, unless its someone she sees as strong, whereas she will beg for mercy. Everyone other than the generals fear her because she's unpredictable, but she can't hurt the generals without being killed.
Viasaki losing his first soldier was a nightmare to him, as it was the first time he realized that the blood of everyone he's in charge of is on his hands. He's responsible. He's in charge, and it's his job to keep them alive.
Kila has never forgotten what happened that night. That night the monster escaped its binds and ate her mother. She never forgot the feeling of watching someone so powerful and capable of causing so much hurt being torn apart piece by piece. She never forgot watching someone she saw as perfect and kind beat the tortured monster over the head with a spiked club. She never forgot watching her innocent uncle almost kill a monster then fall to a trap as she ran.
(No I will not explain wtf this means yet - Enjoy your spoilers)
Viasaki was hopeful and optimistic as a baby and a young child, clinging close to his father as they were forced to hide, a hybrid and his father. As a teenager he was scared and on the run until he found a place among the shades. He regrets all the people he's killed and not being good enough to save the ones he didn't. He misses the naivete of being young.
Kila was a secluded and scared toddler, before becoming even more terrified and traumatized as a child. Her teen years were spent kicking and screaming, on the run and beaten bloody every other day. She regrets only leaving her uncle behind, and misses nothing other than him from her childhood.
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mikalame · 7 months
Can you make a manzini oneshot?
Pick of the litter
Manzini oneshot- lol i havent written for him in AGESSS im trying to at least get one story out a weekend soooo yeah
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"Baby this house is so quiet when you're away, could we maybe get a pet- not anything too big but maybe like a cat?" you beg your boyfriend. This had been the 3rd time this week having this conversation and you could tell Kristoffer was getting annoyed.
"____ how many times do i have to tell you, we just don't have enough time to look after one- having a pet is a big responsibility and i just dont think we're ready okay" he groans tilting his head to make eye contact with you. His eyebrows scrunched together in an unfamiliar way, this has been the first disagreement in your guys relationship, but neither of you were gonna give up.
"Oh, please Kris, I'm home all the time with work and everything and I only have to go in once a week- just" you scoff trying to find words to use other than frustrated groans and mumbles.
After a few awkward minutes of silence Manzini speaks up "Cats are expensive you know that right from food, toys and other things" "Yeah ofcourse i know that, i've counted everything up and i've already got the money put aside i was just planning on asking you then going to get her" you mumble head down.
"Her,? you already have one in mind?" he looks up, giving you his full attention now. "Well yeah, like i kinda said before i was betting on that you would agree" you look up your frustration growing by the minute.
More minutes pass and you turn the door and walk out the shared room you have, grabbing your phone from the bedside table and you go down stairs and flop onto the couch. The mood of the evening being the complete opposite of what you were planning.
Flipping through the photos on your phone of the kitten litter you were supposed to be picking from and then bringing home the one you wanted instead you get a text from the person planning on selling it to you asking if you were still keen on looking. Opening up the app and typing up the first couple words of the sentence you didn't want to send you hear your boyfriend speak from the hallway.
"Thought you wanted a cat?" he questions, looking at your slumped behaviour on the couch "Yeah but you don't seem to think it would be good fit for the house so no we're not getting a cat" you scoff rolling your eyes thinking about how stupid it was of him to say that.
Arms wrap around your waist and pull you off of the couch. "KRISTOFFER BOLVIG HYLDGAARD YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT" you yell having up to here with him. "Nah, we're going to get a cat baby," he teases, opening the door and walking you to the car in a bridal carry.
"What?'' Your anger diminishes and confusion takes over as Kristoffer buckles you into the car and turns the engine on, pulling out of the driveway and onto the road.
"Wait so this is for real-like were actually getting a kitten" you ask, still sceptical about the whole ordeal but keen nonetheless. "Yes baby, can you google maps the location of where the cat is? I'm not too familiar with these roads yet" Kristoffer jokes, one hand on the steering wheel other on your leg.
"OMG, we're actually getting a kitten! ahhhhh!" you scream in excitement quickly whipping out your phone and google mapping it. Kristoffer and you giggle excitedly about adding a new member to your family, you talk about family photos and what Christmas gift you are going to get her.
As your car pulls up the driveway you're met with a sweet old lady and a small little girl beside her holding a cat crate and some other goodies. The little girl sees your car pull up and tugs on her grandmas dress.
Stepping out the car gave you a new rush of excitement as this was happening right now, the little girl looking at you with a hint of nervousness before stepping over and introducing herself.
"Uhm, im Lizzie uhm- do you want a kitten" she asks lifting her head up slightly, "Oh Lizzie come here love- you too as well come along" The the lady says waking over to the box in the garage where you assume that the kittens are in there.
Lizzie grabs Kristoffres hand and pulls you toward the garage, her initial shyness gone and is now hopping around excitedly while Kristoffer and you look at the kittens they have.
"So i've named them all but you don't have to keep the names- so that one that's Sunny, this little black and white one is Storm, and that full white one is Crystal" Lizzie rambles on about the names of each one but the one that stood out the most to you the most was the kitten you fell in love with when you was the advertisement it was the kitten with dark grey spots that looks like a cheetah pattern and was rolling around the box.
"How about this one?" You say pointing at the small kitten, seeing how she looked back at you. Her big doe eyes contrast heavily with the sharp pupils that blew out and were big full moons now.
"Is this the one you saw online? '' he giggles, reaching over to pat her but she ends up biting his hand with her little sharp teeth. Lizzie continued on talking before noticing you were looking at one in particular.
"Oh that one is so cute, i named her Cutie because well she is cute, would you like to take her home with you?" she asks, waiting for your guy's response then skipping off when you both nodded at her with smiles on your faces.
You reach over and slowly lift Cutie out the box as she paws at you trying to get you to let her go but it comes to no avail as she locks eyes with you before and deep purr rumbles through her chest, licking your hand softly with her rough tongue.
Kristoffer gets up and pays for the kitten, talking to Lizzie and she tells him the likes and dislikes of cutie, how she only likes warm milk and loves cuddles and how she sits in the sun and lays there forever. She hands Krisoffer the kitten crate and the goodies as well before kissing Cuties head goodbye with a soft but enthusiastic hug.
As Kristoffer and Cutie hop in the car and buckle up, you hold onto her tightly as Kristoffer backs the car up. Lizzie watches you from the garage waving wildly with a big smile etched onto her face. Sticking your arm out the window, you wave back at her with a small smile on your face.
"So what made you agree to this?" You are still unsure about why Kristoffer was okay with this when not even an hour ago he was arguing against it. "I think having you around more is much more important than me holding my ground, plus now you won't be so lonely" he laughs and you giggle playing with Cutie the whole way home.
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bluebudgie · 2 months
Anyway... we did it lads.
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Still got a few sidequests to do and apparently there's also a new battle that opened up after the credits. But that's for later.
In any case I can safely say this is the game of the year.
Is it flawless? ....no.... Story's pretty shallow and very predictable, character writing isn't amazing either for the most part (think GBA FE era), and most importantly the designs of some female characters are.... oof. This game is very much the epitome of dudes in plate armour vs. girls in bikinis on the battlefield. Can't deny some of the breasting boobily wiggly animations are mesmerizing to watch though. And there are nice female designs as well. Still the gap is uhm... yeah.
Other than that though?
-Gameplay is absoluely solid, lots of costumization and choices. Map design and mechanics are very memorable imo, at least for the main story quests. Lots of smaller filler battles but I actually enjoyed those for when you don't feel like getting into a long battle.
-Difficulty's definitely on the easier side, but I also didn't have the balls to commit to the highest difficulty setting. Think I should give it a go on another playthrough.
-GENIUS whoever put the crest/emblem editor in the game. That's what gamers want. Also loved the option to dye character outfits for cohesive unit formation fashion lol.
-Obviously the presentation of the game is outstanding. So so SO beautiful. Not just the character and background artwork and animation, but the UI as well. Visually an absolutely stunning game.
-OST is great! I was unsure at the beginning since ironically I think the starting area has by far the weakest music choices (prologue battle aside obviously), but starting from Drakenhold onward the music is banger after banger. Been listening to the OST a lot the past weeks outside of playing the game.
-And despite the sort of meh writing overall, I do think the cast is very endearing. I grew attached to a good handful of characters. And I definitely did get hyped up during some of the bigger story battles. Atmosphere's great when the music and animations have the right oomph.
Ogre Battle and Fire Emblem came together to have a great lovechild here. 100% recommend if you're into SRPGs and can look past the writing and some of the outfit designs. Visually, aurally and mechanically an amazing experience.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᵈᵗ ʸᵘ ᵏⁿᵒ ʷʰᵒ ᵐᵉᵉ ᶦˢ-
to say you is speed is an understatement- i too, get excited when i see you posting croc man content- your writing is just muah 💪💪💪💪
Also- yes i would like a nickname :D, dats hec COOL-
✨Helicopter anon✨
Bc ykno- it goes brrrr and brrr is good for health 😌
I hope im not spamming requests- you can take your time of course 😤
These are just ideas for you :)
Ok business time 👹
👏Crocman dad👏trying👏to👏protect👏his👏child's👏innocence 👏
Like crocodile has bad habits right-: smoking (a l o t o f s m o k i n g), mafia business, cussing, angery and stuff like that.
To start- He wont smoke around his child, if his child appears out of nowhere he would most prob like yeet his cigar somewhere HAHAHAHAH
Doesnt talk about his underworld business when his child is present, imagine his agents or his clients coming in straight up with details of his work like "sir i got rid of tha-" *croc staring daggers at dem with his kid playing in his office*
Also, since he spends alot of time with his wife and child, when there is a needed time to k e e l somebody he just hands his child that he's holding, to his wife c a l m l y and the wife who knows whats abouta go down and just goes "whoops lets go buy ice cream shall we" *walks away* bc queen knows 😌
He just avoids everything possibly bad
I hope this gave you some ideas-
Again, you can take 1% of these or add and its still foine
Thank youuuu
OH MY GOODNESS, i was waiting for you to put in another request lol. i love your requests so much they give me so much writing inspiration! seriously though, your requests are amazing. And helicopter anon is literally perfect, when i tell you me and my sister were cracking up when you chose that name. I love it. and i love these croc as a father writings, they are so good! now onward! i did what i could, so please enjoy and have a great day helicopter anon!! <333
Croc as a father part 4!
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 550
Notes - again, thank you for the request helicopter anon! i love these and now my requests are finally open so you can request another if you're down!! have a great day and i really hope you enjoy!!! stay hydrated!!! <33333 (image not mine)
and now requests are OPEN!!! please check my pinned post before requesting!!
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“Dear,” you played with the collar of Crocodile’s button up trying to ignore the cigar smoke flying around your face. “I've been meaning to talk to you about…” you flicked his cigar and he giggled, kissing your neck. “This.”
“Huh?” Crocodile moved from his neck looking down at his cigar. “This? What about this?”
“Uhm… It's just… our son. I don't want-”
“Oh, I haven't been doing it around him.”
You tilted your head, trying to think back to the times of all of you hanging out together. “You haven't?”
“Nope. You think I want my six year old to know what I do for a living?”
You giggled and played with the bottom of Croc’s hair. “I don't know why I ever doubted you.”
If Crocodile was being fully honest with you though, it was the most impossible thing he had to do. Hiding your mafia identity from a sporadic child was hands down the hardest thing in the world.
For example, one time, he was just in his office working when his six year old burst in the room making airplane noises as he ran back and forth with a toy plane. Crocodile has never thrown something so long and far, but his cigar ended up on the other side of the room while his child turned to him with a goofy smile asking what that was.
Or when Crocodile was teaching his son how to use a map and one of his employees walked in.
“Sir, we took care of the body you wanted us to hi-”
Crocodile had never stared at someone with such force. He pointed to his child who was coloring the map with sharks and fish and pointed to the door, forcing his employee out.
All Crocodile’s son knew Crocodile to be a big teddy bear. Someone who would help him whenever he had a nightmare. Someone who loved his momma with all of his heart and soul. Someone he looked up to.
Crocodile knew that eventually he would have to tell his son about his business, hopefully have him take it over when the time came. But for now he was learning. Trying to figure out the world. The last thing he needed to know was Crocodile’s grudge against Monkey D. Luffy and the fact that he had been to jail and that he had committed multiple crimes. That was for another day.
Whenever he was curious though, it was always your job to step up.
“Honey,” Crocodile handed you your son, his employees standing behind him. “I have to go take care of something. Take him out to go get some frozen yogurt and get yourself something nice, love.”
He placed a kiss on your head and your sons, walking out of the room with that evil, but sexy look on his face that made you swoon.
“Momma?” You set your son down and grabbed his hand. “Where’s daddy going?”
You just smiled and rubbed the top of his jet black hair. “He's going to work dear.”
“What does daddy do for work?”
You grabbed the keys off of the wall and smirked. “Daddy takes care of business, buddy.”
You kissed him on the forehead and took him out for frozen yogurt while Crocodile did just that.
Take care of business.
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ffgallery · 11 days
oh hey uhm THIS blog exists gee whiz, it's almost like it's been in the back of my mind nonstop,
right so this won't be very formal but iv'e been meaning to write this for some time now; i originally put this blog on "hiatus" because of some engine issues with the game which resulted in graphical bugs regarding cubemaps ( models in HDR using LDR cubemaps which for whatever reason had a gigantic exponent making every metallic model glow like the sun, the game refusing to build/pack cubemaps for different dynamic ranges, other jank ) and other things. the issues COULD be manually fixed but at the time i didn't want to bother with every map i'd go over, having to spending hours fixing one bug.
howEVER, Fortress Forever has recieved an engine upgrade to SDK2013CE, which fixes many graphical bugs, and with like zero extra work makes SDK 2006 compiled maps look like 2 times better. the beta branch on steam has been live for like a week now & is intended to go public tomorrow ( as of me first writing this ). the update introduces some graphical issues of it's own ( namely, the engine versions handle alpha channels on shaders differently, so transparency looks quite different where it's used, especially on water, which is either almost invisible or almost fully opaque ) but it's LIKELY to be patched while in beta.
this means that MAYBE this blog will return to operation. when? idk lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but there's a high chance it will. i'll probably queue up like every map i can so the blog just coasts on it's own without chance of me fucking something up again, but i'm not sure on that yet. when i start with the "new wave" of posts i'll probably private the old SDK2006 posts.
i forgot what else i wanted to say with this post oh right Yes, people still play this game. Every day. :) we wouldn't have a new steam beta & an engine port if nobody played it dumbass. you can know when ( & how ) to play in the official discord, everyone is invited to join in on the fun, we've got both pubs and pickups organized nearly every day, most if not all timezones are covered.
okay i actually can't think of anything else to say now
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csprslvt · 10 months
you and i, and her. pt.14
Chapter 13.
Summary: Reaching the beginning of the end, Ellie looks for Nora and comes back with a part of herself left behind in that hospital. Reader does her best to comfort her and finally hates Abby for what shes done to the girl she once knew.
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood. I have writers block and you can tell lol, panic attacks, hurt/comfort
Jesse had settled onto a couch, he was in bad shape. Exhausted out of breath, in wet clothes and injured. You tended to his wounds while Ellie sat on the floor with the map, a grimace on her face as she searched for answers in its many lines and figures. You could practically see the gears turning in her head, wondering where the next lead would be, where Tommy was, where Abby was. She was a force to be reckoned with. And at times like this, you could feel her pulling away from you into another world. A world created when Joel was killed, a world of pain and traumatizing sights. A world where for once, she couldn't save him. 
You wondered if you could save her from falling too deep into this revenge plot. Would the effects of it all take away Ellie, your Ellie? What would happen then?
Jesse’s concerned eyes connected with yours and the sudden eye contact brought you back. You finished patching him up and sat up, brushing off your damp clothes. 
“Thanks y/n.” he offered you a smile and you tried to return it.
“Of course, get some rest.” he nodded and walked off into another room, looking for a couch to rest on.
You took the opportunity to sit by Ellie, watching until she acknowledged you. Eventually she did look up from the map, her features softened a bit when you reached over and brushed her hair behind her ear.
“Hey babe.” she spoke softly, as if recovering from being lost in thought which was highly likely considering how focused she was a moment ago.
“Hi Els.” you called her affectionately, “Anything good?”
“Uhm well, there's a few other places they could be. There's a hospital and an aquarium.”
You knew exactly what Ellie was talking about from your time in the WLF Abby and Owen were often stationed at the aquarium while Nora was at the hospital. Now this was an actual issue, you wanted to go with Ellie but if you did, every truth would unwind the moment you were recognized. You managed to avoid it before but Nora knew you, Abby knew you. You wondered about your reputation in the WLF. If you seeked out Abby by yourself and told her you no longer could be stuck on her would that change a thing? Or would Ellie automatically see you as a traitor?
“Jesse’s in bad shape.” You brought him up, hoping to be an excuse to stay somewhere that wouldn't cause problems for you. Ellie nodded, taking the bait.
“Yea, you should… stay here with him. I want to find Abby. And I wanna do it now.”
“You're leaving right now?”
“They could be gone if I don't. I need to go.”
You took Ellie in, watching her movements, her shoulders rising and falling, her freckles, her green eyes, her auburn hair. Soaking her in as much as you could as if to take a photograph with memory. Wanting to savor the moments with her if something happened while she was out. You reached out and grabbed Ellies hand, holding it like a lifeline. 
“You come back safe.”
She smiled and leaned forward,tilting to the side and gently kissing your lips for a moment.
“I will.”
“I promise.” She said, giving your hand a light squeeze before separating from you.
She was gone that night, when you settled to sleep she crawled in beside you for a few minutes, holding you and doting on you as if she wouldn't see you again. The thought of that scared you more than words could explain. But it prepared you to be alone, and for that you were a little bit grateful. When you fell asleep she kissed your cheek one last time before getting up and leaving. 
She didnt return for 10 hours. For 10 hours you sat, waiting and waiting and waiting. Until you were a familiar knock on the door.
You opened the door without hesitation.
“Ellie.” you said her name like a prayer, pulling her into your arms. She was covered in blood, dazed and shaking.
“Christ.” Jesse mumbled
“Are you okay?” you asked, she only nodded, with a lost look in her eyes.
“Is that your blood?” Jesse asked, after that you have him a look that said “Shut up” and he stopped talking. 
Ellie walked in, she was trembling and breathless, she seemed smaller as if she was an abandoned child.
“She is hiding out in this aquarium.” 
You looked at Ellie, the furrow in her eyebrows seemed almost permanent, as if she was stuck in this pained expression. She was hurting.
“Okay…” you spoke softly, as if not to scare her. Ellie didn't look at you once, she stared downwards. She was stuck in a headspace she desperately needed to be pulled out of.
“Let's get you cleaned up Els, c’mon.” You lead her to the bathroom, sitting her down and grabbing a wet washcloth. As she sat, she subconsciously rocked back and forth. She was trying to self soothe. And it wasn't working.
“Arms up, Els.” You whispered, helping her take her shirt off. The sight of her broke your heart. Bloody, bruised, scratched up. You sat behind her, facing her back, washing away every blood stain, cooling every aching, burning muscle. When she seemed to be struggling even more, you wrapped your arms around her bare body, pulling her into your chest. She gripped tightly onto your arm and leaned into you entirely. 
Then it hit you, that you hated Abby, you hated that she had indirectly and directly made Ellie into this frail, fragile girl. The same one who appeared in the early days of Joel's death, crying in her bed as you consoled her.
You kissed her shoulders, her neck and her hair softly. Only to comfort her further.
“I don't wanna lose you.” she spoke, barely audible.
The sound of her voice, shattered you inside. You were overwhelmed by the urge to love her and keep her safe. To keep this part of her and heal it.
“I’m right here. I will always be right here.” You responded,trying to alleviate her fears. Because it was true, even when she left you, you would always be right there.
You stayed there for a bit before taking off your hoodie and putting it on her, zipping her up and taking her to a couch big enough for the both of you. You grabbed a sleeping bag and used it as a blanket. This time, she was in your arms. Her body's weight resting on yours,her head on your chest while you stroked and kissed her hair. Shushing and mumbling;
“You're okay. I got you, you're okay, it's okay Ellie.” 
She fell asleep with tears in her eyes, she hid her face in your neck, but you could feel her crying. You didn't say anything after that, simply holding her through the night was what she needed, so it was exactly what you gave.
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lollybliz · 2 months
oh dear
thank you @aromanticannibal for the tag, you gremlin
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your wips folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and tag as many people as you have wips.
so. most of what i consider to be my wips are not much more than brainstorming sessions in a friend's dms at this point. but i do have a few. and uh. well. couple notes. a few of them are not much more than bullet points, atm, and i havent touched Any of them since november. and uhm. well many of them are vore. like. very. so. beware, there be monsters in this map, yada yada, ask at your own peril
that being said, in no particular order, have at it
We're Swallowing Light 'Til We're Fixed From the Inside
There are a number of medically recommended ways to warm up a hypothermic patient. This is not one of them.
Wriolette ideas (this is more a collection of concepts and significantly less than bullet points lol)
Involuntary Exploratory Laparotomy (a bullet point wip)
notes and outline for i dont think this counts as cuddle therapy actually (this is technically for we're swallowing light, i have like. 5 different versions of that wip floating around this folder because im an indecisive bastard and the plot holes keep fucking me)
bits and pieces of Fi
Excuses to feed venti's gnosis to Aether
spelunking (NSFW NSFW NSFW i forgot about this one, shit. this was a babbling in dms that escaped containment and has a doc to compile said babbling)
felt feelings about this youkai man (part of a drabble i didnt finish)
anything else is either abandoned or so nothing that it doesnt seem worth sharing. there's a few of these im v reluctant to include as-is, am Embarrassed:tm: fasdhklfhasjldfhajlsfhjlasfl
i will be tagging...... who do i want to inflict this on. hm. @phoenixislost @roryka @no-one-told-you-life-was-gay ... who else of you do i know have wips in your pockets... @teatops @pufftheminidragon go forth and spread shenanigans!
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amypihcs · 7 months
Hello! Part two of this nice story! Let's begin the actual investigation! (we have even a little interruption by Holmes - aka our @jabbage who i thank greatly for letters from Watson.)
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Uhm, not many clues... That's such a pity! Holmes gets his map and of course goes into Watson's room, where he can examine it comfortably with his Watson there to offer his own observations! Oh, he likes this case!
Agìh, good Watson, drawing us the map!
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AAAnd yep. Holmes took Watson's computer for a moment and added the little note! His Watson has many qualities, but he's a doctor. He's tends to write in hieroglyphics. Watson will only discover it after sending the mail, lol.
Ah! people knocking!
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Ah it's our anxious headmaster, hope he'll get a chamomille or something. But he honestly cares so much about the boy... and yep, i could've lived without the very typical 1800s-like racism. bah.
At least Holmes is NOT abused by the efforts of the local cops
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Ah he has a place where he can search for tracks. good.
Now, to bed, my dearest, i'll wake you up
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-the next morning- -kiss- wake up my beautiful Watson, time to go, i got you chocolate. do hurry a bit, i've been out a bit already
This time Watson gets woken up with nice, sweet care, a hot chocolate and maybe a kiss and he's very bi and very in love as he enjoys the sight of his husband!
Today it shall be a great day of nice investiga-
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no. maybe not.
Damn, we've been walking for HOURS and nothing. Let's keep checking, damn, it isn't working
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HEY! is that a bike track?! YAHOO!
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Yeah, it IS a bike track, but not the one i'm looking for! This is... INTERESTING.
Watson is very familiar with Holmes' familiarity with bike tracks, he read that particular monograph or series of articles when he was in quite bad pain and/or couldn't sleep. He was asleep in 5 minutes, Holmes' writing NEVER fails! But back on track... They keep following the track but... THINK... Whose this bike could be?
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Now, now, Holmes has intellectual honesty, he recognizes a job well done, but doubts this is one. Well, let's follow this track a bit more HEY! this is OUR bike!
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FOUND THE BIKE! And Watson obv gives Holmes a 'good job' kiss! Holmes must have one of his grins now, let's go, let's go!
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The rider's running, Holmes can see it from the track! DAMN! A fall!
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Ops! blood. A lot of it. bad, bad, bad. Let's see if we manage to find... well, his body. At this point it's not much of a possibility, that to find him alive
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And in fact. Dead, killed by a blow by a blunt object to the head. DAMN. this is BAD.
-sigh- What to do now? Holmes DOES remember that he should also attend to this body
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But of couse he can't do without his Watson! He NEEDS his husband to stya with him for their investigation... AH! Ah, good sir, do bring this to the school, thaaaanks you <3
And now on with business. these are the facts we know.
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but we have problems, here.
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Why did german prof get his bike? well, few theories in and our conductor of light strikes again.
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Now that you actually helped me in seeing that i'm wrong, my darling, any ideas?
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I meant FUNCTIONING ideas, Watson -sigh- But i guess we can solve it together, don't you?
Watson of course agrees and will tell us how in the next letter!
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deeeshka-14 · 8 months
hey guys, name's Dishka. Or Gregory if ya want. or just Disha or just Greg or whatever of those names forms. he/they, still minor
in this blog i am mostly uhhh posting my silly drawings!!! and reblogging cool guys(mostly my friends) –з–
sometimes my English is shitty bc it's really different from my native language so feel free to ask what the fuck do i mean when I'm saying something
my main fandom now is Homestuck/Hiveswap, so i mostly post about this. some of another fandoms I'm in:
-heathers(only musical, I don't like the movie}:()
-pizza tower
-does lemon demon or gorillaz count as fandoms? i guess so.
-nnsg(unironically lol)
...but there's more, I'm just dumb and can't remember.
my two most relatable characters is tavros and mituna so I'm kinda, uh, ermm... you get it if you're into HS.
also has my own characters and setting!!! you can try and find something in this blog, but I'm kinda shy abt my English knowledge so there's not really alot of info.
DNI: uhh base things like racist/homophobic/transphobic/MAP's all of this shittt... also please don't interact if you're like furry hater or something like this because I'm into this alright
feel free to interact with my posts/draw my OCs/send sketch requests to my askbox/etc
i hope i wrote all of this right?... sorry uhm
well uhh if you're into this – I'm the knight of hope};)
....andd my trollsona that are actually not literally me is the page of heart
yeah this is really important to me. really.
and yes I'm using tavros' smileys because i can ALSO i can have some pretty mature content on account sometimes bc im on my damn puberty yknow edit 2: big simp of marvus xoloto and bro strider and and and-- shit no theres ALOT sorry and im fixated on st peter from hazbin
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systemtermz · 1 month
System infodump!!
So we’ve been working on makin sure everyone has a role rn and we made cards to show our friend who’s fronting at any given time also been working on a journal especially mapping out the inner world which is goin good. Uhm considering coming out as a system to some other friends too
Honestly thought i had more then that lol
Wonderful!! All those are good things! It’s okay if you don’t have much to infodump about, sometimes it’s hard :)
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