#uh yeah that'd be because I'm fucking RIGHT
arashi-no-saxlphone · 1 month
You know I constantly apologize for yapping but honestly I show a godlike amount of restraint; every time I listen to "The Gravity" I get inspired for a new essay on Asuka. Do you know how often I listen to "The Gravity?" I'm actually very reasonable. We could get YEARS of mileage of off "As the universe turned black / did the sun ever defy fate / beyond it all do you recognize me?" and we've already gotten so much off of it as is. If I had the brainpower I'd be playing Asuka. That Man my beloved...
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jusmango-shake · 18 days
Erm, I see requests are open ehehe :)
2012 Raph x reader who is a generally pretty calm person, but one day is involved in a fight with them and just goes absolutely apeshit crazy? Like his reaction or whatever. I don’t care how you interpret it. I just wanna see. :)
🥭: yES HELLO!! Congrats on uh being my first requester ion kno what it's called h, feel free to pick an emoji so yknow. You could be those emoji anons cuz, I think that'd be pretty cool
I hope you enjoy it though!!1!1 (love the 2012 turtles)
12!Raph x calm!Reader
Fictype: Normal
Mood: fluff
WARNING: reader scolds Raph for being reckless, one instance of Raph being called a good boy, cussing, Injuries/Blood, stitching/needles
🥭:I'm sorry for it being so short!.
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Raph always liked the fact you were so cool. no matter the situation, you always made it seem as if it was just like any other day. He admired that about you, it rivaled his own hot-headedness in a way only you could.
But now as he sat on the toilet, all bloody and bruised up. He wondered where that side of you went.
He understood where you were coming from but it's like his ego prevented him from accepting it, any time he tried speaking up was immediately shot down.
He faked an annoyed sigh as he looked in the opposite direction, trying to ignore the stinging pain on his right bicep.
He nearly shivered at the heavy sigh you let out, the hot air tickling his skin.
“Raphael.” you spoke sternly, the mere tone of your voice enough to have Raphs heart pounding inside his chest.
He coughed, trying his best to keep up the bravado.
"Yeah.?" He felt your eyes bore into the back of his head, wincing at the slight pain of the needle penetrating his skin.
“look at me.” you ordered.
He gulped before shakily turning to look at you. not because he was scared, hell no! It's obviously because of the large gash you were currently stitching up. Yeah, definitely.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Did you seriously think you wouldn't get hurt? God, Raph. Sometimes I swear your ego makes you fucking stupid.” You stared daggers into Raph's eyes before continuing to stitch the gash.
He flinched once more, "But i-"
You turned your head sharply, glaring at Raph with the usual twinkle and calmness from your eyes completely gone. His breath hitched, it wasn't like you to be so...
“no 'Buts' Raph, what you did was fucking idiotic. if it weren't for Leo, I'd have to fix up more of your wounds. All that just to impress me?” you turned back to focus on finishing the stitch, the thread was severed with a quiet 'snip'
Raph's eyes widened at the last sentence, you couldn't have possibly known right? He never told anyone, he even tried his best to hide it.
"What?" Was all he could manage, staring at you with wide eyes. He followed you even as you knelt down to get the bandages from the cabinet under the sink.
“dont play games with me Raph, I see the way you act around me. The shit you pull off was practically upped tenfold, even your brothers could see that.” a faint blush making its way onto your cheeks, to which you promptly hid by applying alcohol on the cotton balls.
Raph's heart sank. if you knew all along, why didn't you say anything? Did you not like him back?
As he stared at the floor in thought, he only slightly registered the fact you were once again kneeling Infront of him. He hissed at the stinging pain of alcohol on the other cuts, you reacted by simply glancing at him.
You sighed, putting the used cotton balls in the trash, standing up. You cupped both of his cheeks, gently having him look at you. Your gaze still tense and sturdy, but a hint of empathy comforting Raph just a little.
Raph stared up at you, shock and guilt written all over his face.
“you worried me half to death, Raph.”
He felt himself shrinking under your stern gaze. Looking off to the side in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
You took the bandages and wrapped them tightly around his arm, just tight enough to keep the wound closed.
You kissed the top of his head.
“next time, don't be such a dumb fuck. Be a good boy and stay safe for me.”
Raph sat there with wide eyes and rosy cheeks, barely registering the fact you had already left the bathroom. His fingers grazed over the spot you kissed him at, his heartbeat getting more and more prominent in his chest. But this time, it was accompanied with butterflies in his stomach.
Maybe he did have a chance.
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reareaotaku · 8 months
Hello it's me Rachel. Listen um sorry for the bother you but can you make a yandere losers club headcanon movie it 2017 ?
It's no bother! Of course I can!
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
Characters: Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom [Also, I looked up the Jewish stuff for Stanley, so if I got anything wrong lmk]
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Bill Denbrough
He gets really shy around you
Stutters a lot and he never really gets over it, no matter how he tries
You're way out of his league and he's surprised when you ask him out
But oh my god, you really want to date him
"Do you want to go out with me?"
He looks at you shocked, his mouth on the floor. At first, he thinks you're trying to pull a prank on him or making fun of him, but you're dead serious
"Oh- W-w-what?"
"Do you want to go out with.... me?" You gesture to yourself at the end, your confidence quickly fading in fear you were about to be rejected
"Uh-uh-uh, um...y-ye-yeah. I'd l-l-l-love to."
Now it's your turn to blush and you smile, "Great. That's great. So what now?"
"I don't know..."
It's a little awkward at first, but you both eventually get over it
His friends tease him, but Bill always brings up about how they're all single [It usually ends the teasing]
He always dresses up whenever he's going to see you
He just wants to look his best
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Eddie Kaspbrak
You meet at his favorite place, the pharmacy
He knew who you were and you vaguely knew who he was
He had a huge crush on you and when he saw you, he nearly shit bricks
He quickly put the stuff he was holding back on the shelf, while accidentally knocking stuff down
"Uh, you're Eddie, right?"
He awkwardly laughs, his face turning a light red, "Uh, yeah. Y/n?"
"Yeah. What are you doing?"
"Nothing!" He's quick and nearly yells it at you, causing you to flinch back. He instantly felt bad about it
You only knew two things about Eddie; He's a germaphobe and his mom is crazy
"You're that germaphobe, right?"
His eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head, "No! I'm not scared of germs. That's crazy," He laughs it off, moving his hand back and forth. He blushes when hearing you laugh and he looks away from you
"You're really cute. Do you want to hang out?"
"Hang out? You and me?"
"Yeah, there's actually a diner close by-"
"Of course. I mean yeah, that'd be cool"
You start hanging out more after that and Eddie is secretly losing his mind
You're hanging out with him
Wow- He feels like he's dreaming
When you ask him to be your boyfriend, he's sure that he's dead and in heaven
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Richie Tozier
You both fucking hate each other when you first met
You bully the hell out of each other, trying to get the last word
"Why are you late?"
"Sorry, I was fucking your mom."
"Well, I'm glad you could enjoy someone's mom since you don't have one"
He rolls his eyes, mocking you, because he has no insult to throw back without sounding like he was offended
Things change when he gets older and he realizes that he likes you
it started when he'd see things in his everyday life that reminded him of you
At first he was irritated and he wanted to destroy those things [Flowers, rocks, tree bark, a cloud, the way his food is placed, a game/game character, etc]
But then, he realized these things made him happy. You made him happy, even when he tried to fight it
He began to cherish these things and anything he could preserve and keep, he would
He has a shrine dedicated to those things. Nothing ever directly linked to you, but just things that make his mind go to you
Neither of you will ask the other out, because you two are two prideful- Actually, it'll be an accident when one of you confesses
You two will be fighting and one of you will comment about how the other is pretty/handsome as an insult and the other turns around and is like "You like me?" You'll be blushing and the person who insulted the other will deny it, but whoever was insulted will be like "I like you two."
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Stanley Uris
Stan is very mature for a boy his age and that's what attracts you to him
He doesn't really notice you at first, because he doesn't have time for dating and he's more worried about keeping his things in order
You try approaching him multiple times, but you usually get shrugged off
You can go to the temple and wait until after Prayer hall, Shacharit, or the morning blessings, but he'll probably spot you and avoid you. If you're not Jewish, you'll approach his father, the Rabbi, telling him about your interest in the culture
"You can't just be Jewish. You know that right? It's a long progress-"
"I'm okay with that. I'm interested in the culture, language, and history"
He's impressed with your knowledge and interest that he's willing to take you under his wing
Stanley then becomes jealous, because you're becoming closer with his father than he ever was
You get progressively better at speaking from The Torah
"There's this girl who keeps coming to the Temple. I've been avoiding-"
"Wait, there's a girl who's actively seeking you out and you're avoiding her??? Because???"
Stanley rolls his eyes, "It-"
"Is she ugly?"
"Are you gay?"
"What? No-"
"Then why are you avoiding her?"
"It's stupid-"
"Spit it out."
"Well, she's not even Jewish, but my dad treats her like she's been going to the Temple her whole life. So, she learns a little Hebrew so what? Anyone can do that."
"Oh, you're jealous and have daddy issues. Got it"
His father acts kind of like your dad. Tries setting you up with a good guy so you'd be set for later in life. Get you incredible connections
When you'll finally get him alone, he busts. He yells at you and he realizes all his anger about his father out on you
Though, when he sees you cry, he quickly stops and he feels so bad
He didn't mean to make you cry. God he felt so bad
He quickly apologizes and this creates a friendship between you both
You can tell him any secret. He'll never tell a soul
You can depend on him for anything. You're the only thing his father likes about him
"Why can't you have Y/n's dedication? She wasn't even born into a Jewish family."
He complains to you about his father, and you're always open to listen to him
Though, he's scared of nearly everything, so you usually are the braver one in the relationship
You have to beg him to go anywhere with you, because he doesn't like being around people
He just sticks with you the entire time
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Beverly Marsh
She was very confident when approaching you, but it was fake
She's the type of person to lean on some boxes and then they fall over
She loves brushing and playing with your hair
She thinks it [your hair] is so pretty
She'll hum to you while she brushes it/plays with it
She asked you out. She was very bold about it
She goes after what she wants and she wants you
She'll make sure the moment is perfect
You're alone and the night is beautiful [Though nothing like you]. The wind is blowing just right and the light from one of the post is shinning your face like a halo
If you ever get into a fight with her, she'll avoid you for days/weeks
She doesn't want to, but it's a tactic she knows will get you crawling back
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Mike Hanlon
He puts your needs before his own
He's sweet and whenever you have a problem he's always there to listen
He's a smart kid and will always help you with your homework
And by help, I mean he'll do it for you
Hope you like band music, because that's his favorite type of music
He does have a tiny little issue where he lies to make you happy. He's scared of losing you and just wants to keep you close
He doesn't do it on purpose, it kind of just happens
When you find out, you're livid and he understands, but he doesn't apologize. He think he's doing the right thing
You can be mad at him, but you'll always get over it, because you can never be mad at him for long
He doesn't gaslight you on purpose, but he does do it sometimes
"So what, you don't love me anymore?"
"Of course I love you!"
"Well, you're sure not acting like it-"
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Ben Hanscom
He's really insecure about himself and his weight, thankfully you make him not feel like he's a pig
In fact, you don't mention it all; It's not something you notice
You always pick up when he's sad and always do whatever it takes to cheer him up
You try and help him cope with it healthy
Though, as he gets older, he starts to work out and you go with him. You don't want him to feel like everyone's staring at him or something
Whenever he's feeling like people are judging or staring you'll always divert attention to yourself, whether it's wearing something crazy or just making yourself look different and wild, you're willing to have people judge you as long as he doesn't feel judged [Does that make sense?]
He never judges you. In fact, he thinks you're way to good for him
Everything you do for him just makes him realize you're to good for him
If you're ever insecure, he's surprised
"What? You're like the prettiest person in the world! " He's absolutely flabbergasted
Absolutely adores you and follows you like a puppy
Practically attached to your hip
Bro's a little dependent on you ngl
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Ok this is a little self insert but i couldn't stop thinking about this all week, C.C with a reader who thinks they're undeserving of stuff even tho they work hard ( you can see I'm going through it )
Let me explain, like they'll walk through the mall and see something that they like and would phisically have to turn away cause they think they don't deserve it and everytime they do this they look like they're in pain and stuff cause they are , emotionally.
Another thing they don't let C.C buy them stuff even if he offered with the excuse ,, but what are you going to buy me on my birthday" cause their birthday Is the only day that they cant say no
( sorry if it was a little but long )
It's his fifth run of the week. The incubus complained about forgetting to by a belt to match the new skirt he bought when he probably had a dozen in his horde to go with it. Exploring the mall, you stuck to your boyfriend's- not that he'd let you go far; complimenting every impulse buy and keeping your eyes on him to avoid gazing at shop windows. Still, you couldn't help but look at look around as you waited for him to exit the dressing room. You immediately regret the decision as you catch sight of a jacket that'd go great in your imaginary wardrobe. It's just take up space in your real one, so there was no point in dwelling on it.
"Hey babe, star buckle or heart?... Hm?" C.C marches over to see what's for you in a trance, bending with his hands to his knees as he whispers - "so - what are we staring at?"
You snap back to reality- eyes pointed down at his skirt. " Oh - uh, looks great, C."
He frowns. "This is the one I came in here with."
"..Still looks good on you."
He bounces to his feet with a sigh. "True - but this skirt just doesn't agree...." He trails off as he catches sight of something over your shoulder - sprinting of towards the mannequin wearing the same jacket you had noticed and tearing it off it's arms.
"Oh my gosh, isn't this just the cutest??? I was needing a new coat too so it's perfect timing. Think it'll look good on me, baby?"
Your shoulder slump. "Yeah....I'm sure it will."
C.C pays for his items and skips merrily out the mall with his task complete; bags in one hand and your hand in the other. He walks over to a bench and takes out his new coat, tearing off the tags and placing them and the receipt in the cigarette tray above the trashcan. He whips out his lighter and sets both ablaze as he faces you.
"Now I can't return this.... Alright, you little shit - how much longer are we going to play this game?"
"What are you talking about?"
C.C stomps over to you, shoving the jacket into your chest. "You want this fuckin' thing and don't try to deny it. It's true it would look amazing on me, but it would look even better on my boo. You are mine, right?."
"I-I guess, but-
"But nothing. You deserve every fucking thing your beautiful heart desires and it's my job as your man to give it to you." He pulls the jacket away, walking over to a puddle by the road. " - but if you really don't want it, you should have no problem with me throwing it away."
"Don't!" You run over to stop him - his fingers losing hold only when you're in range to grab the coat as it falls. The demon sports a grin as you discover the jacket is in your exact size. He pulls you in with an arm around your waist, nuzzling and placing a kiss to your cheek.
"Don't feel bad about wanting things, Y/n. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and material objects are just another part of it. If it'll make you happy then let it. Plus, it's sorta my job to lead you down the path of temptation as a demon and all - but I'm your boyfriend first and more importantly.
You shut an eye as he kisses near your lids. "Thank, C.C..."
"Don't mention it. Now c'mon - we gotta get back before the deliveries get there."
"You order more things when we we're literally still at the mall?"
"Pfft - you think I'm blind? Baby, I watch you literally every second we're in that place because if I don't some little tramp might try to snatch you up. Guess you'll be sitting pretty on my lap tonight cuz it's Christmas time for you~"
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detonade · 2 months
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Good morning and happy birthday to Isagi Yoichi. Rambling under the cut :
Hello hi uhh hey, yeah this is my very first post. It's been a while since i started editing panels from mangas i like and uh, i decided to do one for Isagi's birthday!!! I definitely could do better, but i had 2 days to finish this and this is the longest time i've ever spent on an edit let alone a personal project. I think i did alright. Maybe. Idk the standards (well i do, kinda, i think)
Like, the overall sillhouette of the first panel, especially Kaiser's arm position and hand is kinda wonky, idrk how to do Isagi's hair sprout and i think i failed him (on his birthday too??? I could've done better), shading's awful but i did consciously refused to learn how to shade soo, also the abibas, bastard munchen's sword thingy and Kaiser's rose tattoo is, lmao. Kaiser's hair is also a bitch fuck i forgot his rat tail.
But this edit is not for Kaiser!!! This is dedicated for Isagi Yoichi!!! This is for the blue lock mascot birthday!!! The egoist himself!!! I might fix it later though, haha, who knows. (God i hope i don't have any more motivation to do so, because i am exhausted)
I don't even have a banner yet, why am i this dedicated to Isagi, he's not even on my fav list??? (Might as well add him to be it at this point, because he's one of the major reasons i enjoyed a sports manga to it's fullest) Why is my first post about some blue man's birthday, my whole blog is a mess (of nothingness, because it's so empty) right now, the only thing you'll find is just, this
Anyway this year's april fools joke is actually me!!! I spent hours on this and i look at it and go 'eh'. I don't, know, if i'm, proud, of this, like at all??? For god sake i forgot Kaiser's rat tail and i don't feel like adding it now, this took me 16 hours, which is longer than actual art that i made from scratch???
There should be a version where Kaiser instead said 'How does it feel, to forgot to add my rat tail? ... You clown' to me. That'd fit too.
And uh once again, happy birthday to Isagi. I can't believe i mentioned Kaiser's name more than his in a post that's supposed to be about him and his birthday
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syn4k · 1 year
Well damn, Mumbo was back.
Evil Xisuma didn't have a comms device of their own. They figured this out because the man himself flew up to them asking about diamonds.
"Uhh, hello, X?"
"What?" they asked, turning around to see a very nervous Mumbo (oh, who were they kidding, he was always nervous) standing behind them, holding a shulker box.
"Oh, you're not- my bad," he said, stepping backwards. "Sorry. I thought you were Xisuma."
"That's a first," muttered EX. "How the Hels did you fuck up that badly?"
"Right, you can swear," sighed Mumbo. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I just- do you know where X is?"
"Okay," said Mumbo. "Do you think you'd be able to help me with-" [he waved his free hand vaguely] "diamond stuff?"
EX had zero idea how this man found them, or what the hell he wanted, or even why he was talking to them at all. Most Hermits just avoided this part of the Nether, and let them do their thing. But here Mumbo was, just standing there, diamonds in hand. Sure. Why not.
"Elaborate," they said, leaning back against the wall.
"Okay," started Mumbo. "I left the server a few months back to go on a trip, right?"
"When I- when I left, I was the richest Hermit. And then I got back, and I thought well I'm definitely not the richest Hermit anymore, but then I checked in my vault and there was substantially more diamonds in there than I remember?"
"What does any of this have to do with me or X?" asked EX flatly. At this point, they were just considering telling him to shove off and let them continue building this wall. This was a waste of time.
"I was wondering," said Mumbo, looking anywhere but their face (did this man go to therapy for anxiety? EX sure hoped he did. This was embarrasing.), "if you had perhaps lost any?"
What the fuck?
"I know you haven't been around," said Mumbo with a sigh, "but this is why I was looking for X first, and I just got really lost on my way there, and maybe there might be a chance that you-"
EX paused him with a wave of their hand. "You are smoking warped mushrooms if you think I have been anywhere close to the Overworld," they said, walking closer. "If this had been any other person, or any other situation, I would have said that oh yeah, I took your puny little diamonds, but this? I'm not even going to pretend that I have. Come on. Seriously, how did you get all the way out here?"
"I thought it was worth a shot," said Mumbo, stepping back two paces and almost tripping over a dint in the netherrack. "Since, y'know, that was sort of your whole thing in season 8-"
EX sighed. "We don't talk about season 8."
There was a dead silence of about 10 seconds in which EX turned back around and continued building the wall. Hearing no footsteps or rockets, they turned back around and raised an eyebrow. "X's portal is about three thousand blocks southwest of here. If you want to make it before the sun goes down in the Overworld- maybe it's already set, who knows- you should probably get on it."
Mumbo cleared his throat. "Uh. Yeah that'd be good. Thanks?"
"Do you go to therapy for anxiety?"
"You need therapy. Get out of my swamp."
Mumbo nodded and, almost dropping the shulker box, flew off in the direction that EX had specified.
They watched him go for a while longer, hands on hips. What a guy. What a weird fucking guy.
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sleepy-gee · 3 months
more of Sejanus corrupting innocent Coriolanus, please! *begs on my knees* You are so talented.
aw thank you <3 and of course!! loving this dynamic tbh it's so interesting
sooo let's say this is a sequel to my previous drabble.. the two have a weird friends with benefits situation that they kinda refuse to label because that'd just complicate things and they just wanna get their dicks wet.
coriolanus.. is fucking obsessed unfortunately. now he understands why his other male peers talk about sex so much. it does feel fucking incredible. sure, they're talking about fucking girls and his only experience is getting absolutely railed by his best friend.. but it's still sex, so...
they're back at sejanus' place for the night. sleepovers have gotten a lot more common between the two.. wonder why. sejanus' parents are out on some business trip, leaving the two boys alone.. you already see where i'm going with this.
they've already fucked once and are now just kinda lazily making out, tracing each others bodies. coriolanus is a very, very quick learner, they've come to find out. so, naturally, it comes up in conversation.
"i want you to ride me." sejanus blurted out. coriolanus pulled away from him, obviously caught off guard by the sudden request. "i think you'd be good at it.. based on everything else i've seen."
"i– that's, uh.." coriolanus laughed nervously, trying to ignore the ball of fire building up in his stomach. ".. i mean i can try.."
"i'd like for you to.." sejanus kissed his shoulder. "think you'd look so pretty on top of me.." another kiss. "so goddamn pretty." praise was a weak spot of coriolanus', something the brunette knew all too well and took advantage of whenever he could.
"mm.. fine.. but you're gonna have to show me how.." coriolanus sighed.
"always do." sejanus kissed the tip of his nose before laying back. carefully, he grabbed coriolanus by his waist and brought him on top of him. "still feeling ready from earlier?" coriolanus nodded.
"alright.. quite simple really.. first, we gotta get you down.." slowly, he guided his legs to the side. "then you just– ah, like that, yeah.." coriolanus sank down onto him with a breathy sigh, eyes already half lidded. "you're a fucking natural.."
"then.. comes the riding.. you need me to help or-?"
"no, no.. think i.. i should be able to do it.." coriolanus gave a tentative shift of his hips, groaning when he felt just how damn deep he had sejanus inside of him. he gave another shift.. then another..
his rhythm was a little uncalculated and clumsy, but it felt good.. that's all that mattered, right? he tried to focus on that, anyway.
and sejanus just had to open his big fat mouth. "look at you.. bouncing on me like a whore." he managed between grunts. "i've really ruined you, haven't i..?"
"you– you love to hear yourself talk, huh?" coriolanus shot back, earning a sharp thrust from the other. fair.
"don't act like you don't love it." sejanus dug his nails into coriolanus' thighs, leaving angry red marks in his pale skin. "you know i'm right.. turned you into a little whore, huh? just can't get enough of this.."
he'd never let sejanus get the satisfaction of hearing him say it, but.. he was right. he was hooked. coriolanus felt his legs begin to ache from all of the bouncing and reshifting, the pleasant ball of heat in his stomach beginning to extinguish. sejanus noticed too. "something wrong, baby?"
coriolanus shook his head no, sucking down a deep breath. ".. 'm fine."
"you don't look fine.. you're all red. need me to take over?"
".. you can if you want." was all he'd give him.
"only if you admit how much you love this."
touché. ".. and if i don't?"
"this is all you'll be getting, then."
coriolanus groaned. ".. fine. i love this. happy?"
sejanus grinned, giving another sharp thrust upwards of his hips, eliciting a whimper from the other. "what was that? i didn't hear you."
"sej-! shit– i love this-! that what you want?" he whined. thank god they were home alone.. his voice was at an embarrassing octave now.
"good boy. that wasn't so hard now, was it?"
and within seconds, sejanus had coriolanus laying on his stomach, face down with his back arched in just the right way to hit all of the right spots. it was nearly pitiful how easily coriolanus was reduced to a sobbing mess, begging just for the sake of it.
"getting dicked down by the district boy.. what would the others think?" sejanus taunted him when all was said and done.
"don't act like you don't love this." coriolanus shot right back.
dude i wrote this while listening to sex metal barbie by in this moment and holy fuckkk it was an experience. also sorry if the.. anatomical proportions, so to speak, are a little iffy? again i have no idea what im doing.. used other fics as reference lolol
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camels-pen · 2 months
completely unrelated thought to literally anything i've been doing today:
canon Sanji getting swapped with a Sanji from a genderswap AU. key point is that everyone's p much the same personality wise
there are crises going on. but mostly for canon Sanji lmao
this includes:
Luffy still likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
Franky also still likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
Usopp, guess what, also likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
granted, Usopp at least wears crop tops sometimes
Brook looks pretty much the same except for speaking mannerisms / voice pitch; startles the hell out of Sanji bc he keeps expecting it to be his Brook until a Skull Joke comes out of those chuckling teeth
The knee jerk reaction to Robin and Nami keeps crossing wires- one moment Sanji will just register a guy in his peripheral but not who he's speaking to and cuss and complain and shit. then the realization will kick in and he'll be caught up trying to apologize, but then wondering if he does need to apologize because uh, Nami and Robin are guys here right?? and they're not his Nami and Robin, but at the same time he can't just be rude to Nami and Robin-
he ends up staring into space for a while thinking in circles about it
Zoro is now of the gender he typically dotes on
"H-Hey, Moss-chan-"
"Don't call me that"
"Right. You want a smoothie?"
"I'm not gonna fuck you."
Usopp is the easiest to dote on, followed by Chopper, Franky, and Luffy. funny thing is, aside from Zoro, none of them have complained about/refused said doting. Sanji is reassuring himself that his list doesn't mean anything. he's not falling for Usopp just because of a pair of tits. that'd be ridiculous. after all his Usopp has got plenty big tits already-
he slams his head into a wall trying to forget that thought
also. he has no outlet for any frustration/anger/overwhelming feelings because he's got his code of chivalry thing. so he can't fight Zoro and he doesn't want to fight Robin or Nami. he starts smoking more to compensate, but then he either runs out or Chopper intervenes and gets him to promise to limit his use
in short. suffering.
This Nami and Robin do notice though & while Nami very much does not want to fight Sanji on account of, yknow, not wanting any broken bones or terrible injuries, Robin on the other hand-
He knew it'd help Sanji and it'd be nice to have a sparring partner to practice the more deadly things he can do on someone who can handle it, so he's kinda like "if it'll help, i don't mind sparring"
Sanji is caught between "oh fuck yes, finally someone to kick" and "I CANT HURT ROBIN-KUN"
the sparring ends up very pathetic on Sanji's side of things- think his fight with Kalifa but without him trying to bluff and looking openly stressed- Usopp listens to Sanji's woes about it later while she tinkers on inventions lmao
Usopp is also oddly clingy with Sanji, more so than his own Usopp. However, Sanji doesn't even bother thinking about it, just happy to soak up all the affection. He always has some sort of crisis thinking about his own Usopp later though.
Zoro, and I cannot stress this enough, is a woman. a buff, sweaty, mossball of a woman.
so yeah, suffering.
fem sanji, on the other hand:
having the time of her life
proud bisexual woman going "dear god, so many hot guys- wait shit, is that mosshead"
starts getting "overly friendly" with Usopp- laying his head in her lap, playing with his hair, carrying him around, calling him pet names, making him special snacks, etc.
everyone else puts it together real quick, except Usopp. who doesn't realize the answer until fem Sanji gives him a goodbye kiss on the cheek before going to prep for dinner
The answer: fem Usopp and fem Sanji are dating
fem Sanji: he's Usopp, therefore he's my partner in this flipped world, therefore I gotta treat him right while his own Sanji isn't here
Usopp wants to tell her the truth. but also. doesn't.
he is a mix of guilt and happiness every time he doesn't speak up and gets some gesture of love from her
in conclusion: one way or another, there is suffering all around <3
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mcbeetlebeeb · 5 months
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I'm currently getting into a fandom that isn't homestuck, but I can't turn down a request :3
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these will still be headcannons and- uhrm- yea
Gamzee Makara
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He is, talking about some mystical shit dude
I think hed appreciate someone who just listens too him blabber
don't ask me why but he'd like to naw on you
not full fledged biting a chunk out of you
I think he's too aware of how sharp his teeth are to go biting down that hard, but yknow
nipping at you gently, but not before he was smothering you in sloppy clown kisses
this is real specific but I think hed have the type of eyes that you can't seem to keep eye contact with
he's just so much taller and just has this lopsided shiteating grin, that shows most of his sharp ass teeth
I'd like to think his eyes are always that half lidded gaze, especially when it's at you
but no intent behind the looks he gives, fuck- probably no thoughts either
lights on no one home
don't get me wrong, he's not dumb,
in the simplest sense hes a big ol airhead
yknow a dingbat, a bit of a scatterbrain
but he's not like- vegetable for a brain dumb as hell
and thats another thing, it's definitely really convincing to probably think that he's yknow, not all there
but it throws you off gaurd x2 when he'd get all close and murmur and mumble certain things too you
he looked like he had a maximum of 3 thoughts floating around in his brain
but here he is, mumbling in a low almost gravely tone, right by your ear
I love to think he's one of those tall people to rest his arm playfully on your head if your shorter, which you most likely are-
can't recall if I mentioned the last time sense I have a rubber ducky keeping track of my memory
but I think hed be cold all the time
not like, bothersomely fridged
but enough to make you shiver and squirm if he were to press his hand to your skin, noticeable enough for you to verbally go "Damn-"
also!! I think hed be a huge sucker for you just holding his face with your hands, letting him relax against you, eyes shut
still grinning a bit and letting that low rumbling purr come from him
and this also means playing with his hair,
pet him damn it he demands it
no, not really more like laying and being in your space, following you round until you pay attention properly too him
sense most trolls can't- yknow- go out in the middle of the day because of their intense asf sun, trolls are nocturnal
so like if you ever took a photo with him with flash his eyes would do that reflective thing that cats have
or for another example, yknow how in the dark the first thing you spot about your black cat is its eyes?
yeah that
like I said in the other headcannon thingy, he's just always lurking and looming, he likes knowing what your doing even if he's not involved
and this comes with him trailing around you like a dog that sees you have food and knows you'll give it too them at some point
wether it be from afar or close, don't assume he's not close by, him being a purple blood im sure he's well aware of how violent trolls can be,
but with you around! oh he can't let you wonder off too far- Alternia's atmosphere is dangerous and the fauna is even more dangerous-
so don't expect to go very far without him trailing behind you
but he'd understand if you explained too him you wanted time too yourself or with somebody else one on one
I dont think hed be a jealous person, maybe a lil possessive! but he's not overbearing with it
he just wants you safe and content, and he wants you too feel that way around him
have a song I think fits his uh? vibe towards? significant other? because 🎉
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Dave Strider
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mm have I said he's a genuinely a big goof?
but I think that'd be something someone gets right off the bat
if you can pick up on someone trailing off on tangents of meaningless words that can go on and on without someone actually ever responding
than it's pretty visable
I think itd be pretty adorable though (I know I'm gay, whatever)
like if he were to start talking about something, anything, and you gave a simple short response, he's gonna take that and run with it
especially if he likes you
I think hed definitely be one too stare
but how could you tell? he's always wearing those shades
probably a good reason why he wears them other than ironic purposes
so no one sees what or where or in this case who he's lookin at
constantly staring though, wether it's you having a conversation with you or, you doing something random he's just watching
no actual thoughts id like to say
just observing
watching you be you, do your own natural thing, picking up on the way you talk or gesture at stuff
I cannot urge this enough but I still firmly believe physical touch would be a very special thing too him
it's not impossible or looked down upon too be able to hold his hand or lean against him
but he'd be mentally noting each touch, each expression you make, listening intently too your tone, hoping your doing the same
but with these actions he'd be straight faced as always, but he can feel his hands tremble ever so slightly, he recognizes his heart beat picking up
unfamiliar with these feelings with how they're being presented yknow?
most times he ever feels this way he's in danger
but he knows he couldn't be safer right now, like he wants to believe that, it's not hard for him to believe it
but his body is just hardwired to tense up, clench his jaw and steady the shakey breathing
but being patient and respectful would melt those feelings away really easy I'd like too think
just sitting there and slowly showing affection, brushing thumbs against his knuckles, tracing over fingers
you focus on his hand, flipping it over and thumbing at his vaguely sweaty palm, hand still shaking faintly in your gentle grasp
he'd just stare at you, in disbelief and adoration, and realization that he doesnt need to be poker faced round you
that he doesnt need to put up a front to protect himself, the squishy parts of him he learned to shove away to get along with life
a big sigh of relief to say the least,
but once he realizes he doesn't need to be someone else for you, he can just be him, no expectations or demands, he can rely on someone else for once
you ain't ever gettin rid of him after that, he's not clingy but he's no longer keeping you at arms length, not now, not ever again
AND HE GETS MUSIC THING because he is my favorite right next too the crab man <3
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author note: I feel this sucked a big booty buttload but I was already half way done with it when I dubbed it that, so have this anyway!!!
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empty-movement · 1 year
sorry but please... post your akio plastic covered couch tweet here... the world needs to know...
Warning: pics of gross shit happening on the couches
I'll do you one better and include the STORY! So, I, Vanna (note: Yasha mostly does the Tumblr and I mostly do the Twitter,) was smoking enough weed to knock out a large horse or put a very tiny dent in my constant back and shoulder pain, as one does when when they're a middle-aged Registered Nurse in the year 2023. (I'm 39 but it's an old 39, lmao.)
Scrolling through Twitter, I stumble on a fanart of Suletta from Witch of Mercury sitting goofily on a white couch. Now I haven't seen this show yet, but the white couch....looked familiar, and I know the show is very much a descendent of Utena in terms of creative teams. For those that don't know, the series is written by Ichirō Ōkouchi, who also wrote the two Revolutionary Girl Utena novelizations...which if you didn't know about before, you know about now, and can read translated on our site here! (Warning: Touga and Miki uh, in the novels...)
Anyways, so I hop onto my own website and start downloading the images that will constitute receipts, before realizing 1. these images are all on multiple computers feet away from me, 2. the couch isn't an identical match, 3. that'd have been weird anyway, and most importantly, 4:
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The edges of the armrests have sloppier upholstery than the blanket I have covering my computer desk. I took the time to tuck seams at least. What is this??
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Now it could absolutely be leather, I thought. It would absolutely track. But leather upholstery doesn't look like this. It doesn't wrinkle quite this way. It would have cleaner seams.
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No. No that's too shiny for leather. So here I am, presented with this strangeness I'd never really considered in how Akio's couch is drawn, and having spent the last few months learning about my Italian-American family history, my chemically altered ass came to the only reasonable conclusion:
Akio Ohtori has plastic coverings on his white couches, like he's a depression era American in poverty.
Fuck yeah, I though, A HIT TWEET, there, at the end of all Tweeting things. (Yeah I'm working on that, stay tuned, lmao. I of all people know when to bail on stupid men with stupid power.) Because I am me, I framed it as semi serious by pulling a context to explain it out of my ass:
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I was joking.
But the replies? They were not. And then I thought about it some more. And I've kept thinking about it. Do I seriously think Ikuhara and Co literally are intentionally drawing a plastic covered couch? Doesn't that feel, Vanna, like a bit of a stretch, even for Utena meta?
Listen to that CRONCH when Akio sits down in episode 31, before Anthy is seen by Nanami. Look, the buttons on the back rest don't quite fit, but the rest? Yeah it kinda does. I was high, but not wrong!?
Akio *does* surround himself with a bizarre hodgepodge of Americana as an aesthetic. The arm garters. The piping and cut of his cowboy-ass shirt. His American car. His mullet. His miniature fucking golf. Why not the plastic covered couch? It's a trope of American poverty that would absolutely have fallen neatly into the diet of American pop culture that influenced Ikuhara. (He makes references to E.T. and The Godfather and Suspiria and all kinds of things in his other work, Utena itself is a little less obvious with individual references but inherits HUGE amounts of vibes from the same content--Ikuhara and Co watched Lost Highway in theaters during the production of the Akio Arc and I will not be convinced otherwise.)
So yeah. That's the story, and that's the theory. Do I seriously believe it was deliberate? Maybe. Probably. Possibly. But it fits so well it's headcanon for me, and in the Utena fandom, pretty much all canon is kind of headcanon so enjoy this one.
What an asshole.
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blackstarchanx3new · 28 days
FSR Rambles 21
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Hah. Green seeing through Vio's eyes his past mistakes haha.
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"Now, onto the human towns! We'll burn them all! Spread darkness to the horizons!"
True to his word that's what he did.
Vio is uh. Rather sickened by this.
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Yeah blame it on altitude sickness Vio.
Riding on Shadow's lack of knowledge of humans was a good play though.
It's been awhile since we touched on Vio masking around Shadow to save his own ass. But dude had to have been going through it during these events. And I feel like if FS had a longer run time and a T rating we could have actually seen the affects of playing evil had on him.
It couldn't have been easy.
I just like the idea he struggled a LOT more than the og manga gives us any hints towards.
Like he said to Green in the previous flashback he had to watch Shadow no doubt MURDER people and stand by and do nothing.
That'd fuck with his head.
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Yeah Vio's thoughts became consumed by how little he wanted to die.
I've always had the personal head cannon that he decided to shatter the mirror after the dragon ride SPECIFIFCALLY because he'd reached his limit on how much he could allow Shadow to do and just, stand by and watch.
He'd been complicate in almost killing Red and Blue, which would fuck with somebody enough.
Had to presumably face vaati in cannon (And in FSR actually did)
Like I've brought up a few times: Why would he even BOTHER making a plan with Shadow to free Zelda if he didn't intend to act on it? Literally outside of giving Shadow hope it served no real purpose...
UnLESS that was his plan but he couldn't follow through.
Which is what I personally go with here.
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Vio just fully cracked. Being so stressed out he stress vomits oomf.
Poor guy. Still being consumed by the thought he needs to act normal after EVERYTHING he's been through.
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Paralyzed with fear regret and self loathing Vio just crumbles to the floor.
His main thought here is that he doesn't HAVE to kill shadow if he can just hold onto the plan he made.
But as we'll see, his resolve is crumbling faster and faster.
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Vio placed so much burden on his own shoulders he crumbled. Trying to do this mission entirely by himself utterly destroyed him.
Vio's been COMPLETLY ALONE here. As much as Shadow thought they were buddy buddy Vio could NEVER fully confide in him and has been ALONE since the forest. Perhaps things would be different if he had someone by his side who also knew of his plans. But he hasn't been able to be honest or had an outlet for all his feelings for DAYS now at least. Possibly longer.
I think I've ranted before about how HIS arc was about learning to lean on his team mates and I wanted to feed into that.
Except Vio doesn't really come to that conclusion now but rather decides he just needs to get out of this scenario right the fuck now.
Which is why since I'm trying to build off the manga: he acts VERY RASH.
Because imo that scene where he gets pissed is just, so badly written due to the manga's context and shit but I digress... (I don't like Tingle's inclusion much at all tbh he doesn't add literally anything to the story and instead fucks up Vio's arc. Bla bla I've went on this rant many times.)
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It finally just hit him.
He's unable to keep this up.
As he steels his resolve to do what he's about to do.
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Vio's monologue here really dips into how I think he'd end up in a LOT of denial.
He's just telling himself lie after lie to justify the situation he ended up in and his new choices he'll make.
And it all culminates to.
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And we know the events of the manga haha.
I liked portraying just how desperate Vio was in these circumstances since again: I don't think the manga portrayed it at maximum capacity cause of the A rating and left most of it up to interpretation.
I like adding Vio's thoughts where we otherwise have no real clue what he was thinking at the time. It's a lot of fun. XD
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"What's sitting on me"
More like WHO Green. XD
Apparently showing others things takes a bigger toll on Dark compared to just viewing it by himself.
He's very unenthusiastic even when saying "Yay Dark Link" XD
Green just, stares in utter horror soaking in everything he just witnessed through Vio's perspective.
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Oh boy someone cracked like an egg.
Funny how your eye glitched there Green.
Dark Link's "Wtf is wrong with YOU?" Face never ceases to make me smile. Dude's so weirded out by Green just breaking here.
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Green's self hating outburst is so jarring to Dark he tries to interrupt him.
Though Dark's nervousness could be for a LOT OF reasons:
He could just be genuinely shocked and worried for Green. Which I think is valid since Dark hasn't really seen someone act this way before.
But also, whenever anybody is angry (Vaati and Shadow): They tend to take it out on him physically.
Dark's reactions is straight up like "Fuck did I break him???" X'D
It's funny how much Dark's perspective on making them suffer has changed.
From delighting in Vio's terror to being disturbed at Green's mental breakdown.
Green's rant is pretty self evidently aimed at his own actions. Thinking he couldn't ever relate to what Vio went through, and considering himself worthless garbage which. oomf ouch buddy.
Dark does quite frankly the funniest things he could do by just, aggressively rubbing his face against Green's like a cat.
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Mmm. Darkgreen.
Okay but seriously I just love these two's dynamic. XD
Green's practically BEGGING this "evil dude" to reprimand him and tell him he's an awful leader and horrible at everything he's tried to do and he's just NOT getting that energy from Dark at ALL.
Dark's made his thoughts on Green pretty clear, he thinks Green's a good hero even with his mistakes.
Specifically the fourth panel where he's got the star eyes you can really tell the dude has admiration for Green. XD
I just love Dark's face after Green blurts out that he doesn't do enough too.
It's like he had to really think about what he was going to say in response to that.
Usually when Dark thinks someone is wrong he'll call them stupid in some capacity, but here he takes a different route.
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Dark's response is really, simple.
A genuine question.
"...When will it be enough Green?"
Dark's standards for what a hero are and what he deems a good hero or person are rather...tilted but he's accurately called out Vaati and Shadow for shit and he's not afraid to be brutally honest.
I think the brutal honesty of this statement is showing just how vacuous and large the shit Green has put on his own shoulders that he nor Dark know the end of what he's truly signed up for.
And that realization makes Green just break further.
Apologizing that he shouldn't even be able to confide in Dark someone who thus far hasn't even really complained about Green's breakdown at all.
Green's dialogue in the last panel is telling about how he's facing a lot of guilt in breaking down in front of Dark because technically: He should be protecting everyone FROM HIM.
He's breaking down in front of someone who's for all intensive purposes their ENEMY and their current biggest issue.
The guy Green has to decide whether or not to KILL.
And Dark's the one giving in his own way comfort to HIM.
This scenario from Green's perspective at least is all sorts of screwed up.
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Poor baby's so stressed he reverts to his manga design
Green further goes onto say that telling Dark his insecurities was a mistake.
Which, is a fair thing to say lol. Dude essentially trauma dumped on Dark XDDD
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Literally when I was drawing this scene I thought of this meme lmfao.
Which is awful but I have shitposter brain.
Smth I like about panel 3 & 4 is how Dark goes to wipe away Green's tears. Which is something Green did for him earlier.
Dark can and will reflect positivity if it's given to him.
People keep only feeding him negativity but Green showed him unconditional kindness and he gave it back.
I like how they have a positive effect on each other despite everything haha.
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Again peeking into Dark's twisted idea of pain and pleasure.
He's just happy to be suffering WITH someone for a change. Misery loves company.
Green kinda asks a kinda dumb question here. But him asking if Dark feels "hurt" isn't a completely weird question...Like. This thing is a monstrous curse wearing your face it isn't far off to try to clarify some stuff. XD
Dark's response is just, kinda sad.
He's always suffering and always in pain.
Green's quick to try and play off his avoidance of an answer to Zelda and SHadow as Dark keeping him in the head space but ahhh...
Green buddy...You're choosing to stay here with Dark. XD
Dark's quick to point that out too lmfao.
I especially love how he immediately gets disapointed Green is saying smth stupid by asking if he "got hit with the same stupid" which just is a hilarious way to word saying something dumb.
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I just like that he can flip from cute to intimidating evil guy in a blink of an eye. XDDD
So Dark's monologue here I got stuff to say haha.
Dark immediately isn't a fan of the idea of being by himself, by his continuous emphasis of being LEFT alone, "By MYSELF...ALONE" The idea Green would be abandoning him in some way if he left.
Also him just aggressively gripping green's face like he's trying to hold onto him in some capacity to keep him there. Oomf.
Often times Dark's "Evil villain" mannerisms like grabbing people isn't him being purposely space invading and sinister but his desperate subconscious pleas for SOMEONE to stay close to him. He's not going out of his way to make people uncomfortable.
He's so unintentionally stereotypically evil and I like that about him haha. He knows to an extent he's intimidating but isn't TRYING to be.
I think that's a fun contrast with Shadow who goes out of his way to invade people's space to MAKE them uncomfortable (like Vio in the woods hah)
Back to his dialogue. He points out Green doesn't want to leave either.
Which is true.
"Cause if you leave...you'll have to return to responsibility. Pretending the sorce of your problems is in the hands of some horrible demon that ensnared you... Instead of a product of your own misgivings and foolishness"
This is in reference to the here and now but ALSO when Green was hunted in the pyramid. He got himself into that situation too haha.
Dark referring to himself as a "horrible demon" shows that he's HIGHLY aware of how Green is perceiving him to a degree.
Green in a way wants to believe Dark Link is pure evil. Which would make the choice he has to make whether or not to spare him easier. Like Shadow said. if he was mindless this would be MUCH EASIER. It'd a a no brainer. But he's NOT and that results in a lot of pain over what to do about him.
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A lot of Dark's questions have been rhetorical. He KNOWS Green is pretty much USING him right now to avoid responsibility and is KINDA fine with that?
He makes a light hearted (At least in his opinion) jab that Green's being selfish and taking up his time when he "promised" Blue earlier he'd spend time with him. (Which is funny considering time doesn't really exist here) Being visibly embarrassed Green in a round about way WANTS to spend time with him.
On the HORRIFYING realization about what Dark confessed to planning Green PANICS.
Reasonably he knows what Dark considers "Fun" even if he's not being outright malicious.
Also not so fun visual fact: Dark flinches when Green grabs him.
Which is just sad how he's just used to getting the crap kicked out of him that he fully expected Green to hit him.
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Okay I'd be totally skimping out on dumb FSR facts if I didn't tell ya "Love like mine" wasn't a song I listened to on repeat while drawing this scene.
Very strong DarkGreen vibes XDDD "I'll make ya scream and I'll make you want it! You can be my ride or die" mmm delicious. Give more more. Finally some good fucking food.
Anyway page lol.
Dark realizing Green is holding his hand is just kinda cute. Like of course that's what he'd care about lmfao.
Meanwhile Green's full panicking about Dark confessing he was gonna go mentally fuck with Blue later. XDDD
Like dude's on his knees begging Dark not to, even offering to trade places.
I mean, what'd really be the difference after all?
He's gotta bear all the burdens...Doesn't he?
Link's put that pressure on him at least.
It kinda just shows how self punishing Green is at this point. Thinking he fucked up so bad he needs Dark to take it out on him.
Which isn't the POINT of what Dark does. Dark only really haunts them as a means to an end to keep them split and Vaati safe, but also as his own selfish desire to connect with them. Like how he spoke to Vio after Blue ran off.
Green seeking someone to hold him accountable for SOMETHING is just, oomf.
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I think it's fun to dive into the idea Green REALLY doesn't know if Dark is faking being kind to him.
I mean, their biggest adversaries lied to them via transforming and using their loved ones MUTLIPLE TIMES. (Vaati shifting into Zelda, using their dad against them, even Vio 'turning' on them, trust would be something VERY HARD TO DO at that point I think.) Deception on the enemy's side isn't unexpected at all.
That he's hinging on the slightest chance Dark IS being genuine with him that he'll listen and not hurt the people he cares about. Whether or not Dark has Free will AT ALL.
He is a curse, it's not far fetched to think he just... CAN'T NOT do what he's designed to do.
Dark for his part is at first, contemplative.
Green's really showing just how AWFUL what he does to people is in a lot of ways. Dark has a certain cognitive disconnect in the sense he struggles to accept in a lot of ways how he truly affects Link.
Though reading Green's mind he distracts himself with "Lol wtf are you doing and what does it prove?" When Green makes the assumption that if he can change Dark's mind than he really is a person who can be reasoned with.
People can be reasoned with, mindless program following curses can not. UwU
Turns out begging is smth Dark's into lmfao so Green's pleading tickled a nerve.
I fucking love Dark's wrong word usage to describe things.
The idea Green WANTS HIM for him to STAY with Green just fills the guy with joy. Even if it's just because Green's being self hating and desperate to save his team mates.
Dark Link likes being wanted.
Green is WANTED by people, and being wanted by GREEN specifically just makes the guy just so happy.
And Dark struggles to really fully describe what he's feeling in the moment because genuine JOY isn't something this guy is getting very often.
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Baby is so happy he cries.
Dark's just such a sad dude.
Expressing he's just happy Green cares about him. Mentioning Blue here too but Green is showing compassion for Dark in the sense he doesn't WANT to hurt him.
By HOPING for Dark to be able to be reasoned with, by wanting Dark to be someone he could talk to he IS caring about Dark's safety which isn't smth the dude has gotten from ANYONE ELSE so far.
he even confides he wishes he could stay with Green forever and just be happy with him which is just all sorts of sad.
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Ooomf these pages fuck me up man.
Dark LOVES the idea of being with Green. Someone he not only idolizes but the ONLY person so far who has given a single solitary shit about him.
He's so lonely and SO sick of being a conduit for sadness that this sounds infinitely more appealing to him. (Who could blame him lmfao)
Smth to note is how Green is kinda hesitant to fully wrap his arms around Dark Link until it truely sets in for him that Dark truly is just a sad lonely individual who's in a lot of ways a fellow victim as well.
Dark being the one to push Green away, to reject the idea they'd just stay together is pretty telling.
He HAS to "Work"...If he doesn't...
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The thought of Vaati dying is just, too distressing for Dark to even fully consider abandoning his mission to do something he'd personally like better.
I just, LOVE the dialogue in panel 3 here.
It's so blatantly ignorant in it's childishness but honest.
It's the kind of thing a child would say about their divorced parents or something lmfao.
Just a simple want without thinking of the greater picture that goes with things and WHY things are the way they are.
Dark Link just can't fathom why the people he loves have to hate each other so much. Why they can't just "get along".
Why he has to work at all.
It's just Dark being bluntly honest about how he feels about this entire situation.
Unlike Green, in the final panel Dark finally steels what little resolve he has and states "I don't wanna do anything either...but I have to"
Both are EXAUSTED and at their wits ends and that's smth I like to this dynamic.
If either were more set in fighting each other they'd both BE fighting. For all intensive purposes THEY SHOULD BE.
But because they're both so exhausted they're actually able to talk about how they feel.
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Dark once again compares Zelda to Vaati.
In how his devotion is similar to Link's devotion to Zelda.
Protecting Vaati IS what is most important to him.
And he knows he's doing something wrong on SOME level because he apologizes to Green. His hat curled against him defensively.
Green is once again in panic mode since what little leverage he had is slipping through his grasp as Dark steels himself against Green's attempts at persuading him.
Also Green lmao Dark has big dick back pain disorder watch were you grab him-
But he does make a good point in his frantic pleads.
Protecting Vaati doesn't necessarily mean hurting them...
That was Dark's approach as a mindless curse...but now that he is a person with a sense of morality, a sense of heroics. Will he still abide by that strategy?
Green's frantic ramblings are just funny as hell but also his diplomacy should get a sticker or smth. Dude's fighting for his life rn. XD
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Dark starts to crack under Green's onslaught of LOGIC.
Smth I like to add to that is how Dark's hair faded out of being green while he talked about his feelings before but switches BACK to being green as Green talks.
And then he rejects it to think for himself for a second to really ponder Green's words.
My favorite bit of his "STFU" dialogue is just to tell Green to "STOP MAKING SENSE!!!" which is so funny to me.
SO much about Dark's original purpose has been thrown out of whack due to the progression of things. Vaati's demands are rather nonsensical.
He comes to the realization that things HAVE changed and he needs to adapt accordingly.
To some extent: Dark is just COMPELLED to act heroic and he even considers himself failing in the regard that he's been NOT acting heroic lately.
The more Dark becomes sentient. The more he feels the need to act heroic. Which is curious.
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Green's diplomacy worked Yippieeeee!
Also Dark's hair continues to be grey here which imo was always just to show these really were his own thoughts and he wasn't just mimicking Green.
Dark's willing to "Try" things Green's way.
Smth I like is his act of making a pinky promise with Green. Smth just so blatantly childish in it's innocence.
But Green's compelled to believe him due to just how dang excited the dude is to give it a try.
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Lmfao. Him acknowledging up front he's not sure how well things will go is just extra "Dark trying to be honest" flare. Which I find fun. He's willing to try his best but won't lie and pretend it'll go perfectly. XD
Green framing Dark going to get Blue as "A mission" was simultaneously stupid as fuck but also smart idea. XD
He doesn't know where Blue ran off to...but DARK LINK DOES.
And Since Dark was going to speak to Blue anyway, might as well tell him to bring him home. XDD
On the other hand: Trusting Dark Link is probably a bad idea. XDDD
Green's gambling hard but doesn't have much of a choice.
Green adding on "I'm trusting you" while looking Dark in the eye is just the cherry on top.
MMMGH I wanna continue ranting but we reached the image limit.
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randomsloredrops · 25 days
Random's Lore Drops - Papaya the Grate.
(I said I wouldn't post today, BUT I LIED) Alright Nyehers, Hehers, and people that only see Papyrus as the type of guy to never say a single mean thing, here is...
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Papay- I mean, Papyrus, the Great Papyrus. So anyways, I usually see Papyrus depicted as this guy that'd never even so much as insult someone, let alone say something is bad. But, uh... He outright tells you that you're a 'freaking weirdo' in the Genocide route, and he also tells Undyne, RIGHT at her face...
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Although, there are a few 'childish' things about him, like how his favorite food is Dino Egg Oatmeal, calling swear words "CURSED WORDS", and also being read childrens books to sleep by Sans. But then again, he's also a master of psychological manipulation (/j). He uses reverse psychology against Undyne, as well as using a psychhological technique found in "Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive" (yes this is a real book. I found out about this book through this post.) against YOU, the player, in the genocide route. Not only that, but he's MUCH stronger than he's made out to be, as well as a slight confirmation to having blasters (not specified to be Gaster Blasters though) through aborted genocide, where, during the "date", he says...
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There's also the fact that, in the pacifist pre-boss cutscene, where Flowey arrives, everybody has 2 vines around them... Everybody except for MOTHERFUCKING PAPAYA BENEATHSTORY
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WITH A WHOPPING FOUR FUCKING VINES AROUND HIM! Now, would this be because he's tall? Nah, explain Asgore, Undyne, and Toriel with their 2 vines? EXACTLY. Now, note that it is canon that Papyrus is "friends" with Flowey, and presumably has been for many MANY resets, so Flowey knows Papyrus' true strength. Not just that, but Undyne calls him "Pretty freakin' tough!" And it's just because he's so much of a BITCH (pacifist) that she won't let him join the guard. After all, it'd be too dangerous... (WOMP-FUCKING-WOMP, he still joins in post-pacifist as the last guard (because it's not the royal guard anymore)). So yeah, he's brutally fucking honest, he's most definitely not some weakling, he's just a bit childish and naive in his interests. He also canonically tries to avoid sleeping, or sleeps an unhealthily small amount based on the phone call of "room-fire-1", or the first hotland room, where you get to see Sans as Undyne hunts you down. He also, uh... Within "room-fire-rpuzzle", or that weird wacky vent room where each jump puts you on a pressure plate and changes the places that you can jump to, and you have to find the right pattern to head forward, if you call him (after hanging out with Undyne), Papyrus first tries to hand Undyne the phone, before telling you to call Alphys, who made the puzzle, with the exact dialogue: "WELL, ALPHYS MADE THE PUZZLE, RIGHT? YOU SHOULD JUST CALL HER UP... AND SAY IN A HOT VOICE... ALPHYS... I NEED HELP WITH A... (AUDIBLE WINK) PUZZLE..." before Undyne basically goes "wtf no????", and Papyrus offers to do it himself, with another resounding "NO????". Anyways I did this despite needing to do hw because lmao idk I just, uhh...... procrastination lmao. Anyways, I'm not scheduling this for shit. BUHBYE.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
"they frantically shoved another handful of swedish fish in their mouth"
rhhrhrhrh i had trouble with this but now i got it all figured out! i also switched the characters so many times and we eventually ended up with bedrockbros so yippeee ! ?
blinded by imperfect form
wc: 589
cw: intrusive thoughts, uninvited vore-related instincts, swearing
Light from the television hung lowly over Tommy's face, which Techno had only noticed because....well, because he was watching Tommy. Not stalking him, or plotting his murder, just, Tommy was in eyeshot, and he was small, and Techno happened to have rather entitled voices holding Tommy and his fragile form captive, and he found it soothing to watch the way the tiny moved.
The tiny was propped on a pillow supported by Techno's legs, who laid along the couch with a blanket keeping him warm from the winter air. The rest of the blanket had ended up around Tommy, who leant into it like he owned it.
And that was partially true, because some part of him had picked apart a sewing hobby over a boring coarse of life and decided it was worth it to present the boy with a gift.
Only, again, because of his voices.
Normally he wouldn't indulge in the activities his voices prompted, but this seemed harmless enough; it's not like Tommy was bothered by giant gifts and the occasional prowl.
Speaking of which, Tommy had seemed to tear his attention from the screen (which was playing Moana on a very convincing three-step plan that Techno had ended up giving into on account of his own pity of Tommy) to ask Techno for another piece of food.
Instead of asking, he stopped short and tensed at the intent eye-contact from Techno.
"Uh, Techno?" Tommy asks.
Techno's eyes never falter around Tommy as he responds. "Hh, yep?"
"Any reason you've decided to stare at me 'n shit?"
Techno shrugs. "You're unusually small, if you haven't noticed. Don't wanna lose you, Phil'd have something strong to say about that," he says. Okay, it had been made up on the spot, but it's not as if Tommy was anything unfamiliar with his voices, although admitting of his instincts only dug an opportunity for embarrassment.
Tommy blinks. "Wh– Techno I'm not gonna fall or something! I'm not fucking stupid," Tommy says, defensively.
It would be much easier for him to not fall if he was somewhere safer, a voice muses as his eyes drift onto the floor; more importantly the tumbling fall that'd injure the tiny without a second thought.
"Whatever, 'Creep-no-blade', I want food," Tommy demands, just as Techno had assumed.
"Yeah? And what food would that be?" he asks, eyes finding the various bags of snacks that had accumulated near Techno.
"Uh..." Tommy trails off as he gazes over his options: popcorn, Swedish Fish, M&M's, chip's, and... oh, well, there was a bag of donuts.
As Tommy decides, a voice chimes in with an peskily persuasive reminder as to what he wants for a snack.
"Techno? You with me, big man?" Tommy asks, pulling him out of his thoughts. He swallows, for the first time in a long time feeling genuine uncertainty.
"Ah, I hope so. What'd you say?"
"Popcorn," Tommy repeats.
He obliges, digging into the bag of popcorn and grabbing a piece, then handing it over to Tommy. The tiny's hands grab at it, two needed to support the almost air-like weight of it.
How easy it would be to grab Tommy right there and put him where he needs to be.
Techno's throat swallows impulsively as he imagines Tommy travelling down his gullet and finding a soft spot in his storage.
Instantly, upon his now-troubled self, he ignores his impulsivities and grabs at a bag beside him, frantically shoving a handful of Swedish Fish into his mouth to try and dampen his urges.
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drifloonz · 2 months
I also wanna see hcs of Steven with an autistic reader (dating hcs ig, I'm also a Strangled Red simp and I'm autistic)
remember me. im alive . Im here to heal the drought . i am too tired mentally to do the whole format shebang maybe ill dress it up when i wake up ( it is currently 6:21 am for me and im not tired yet )
Actually i dont think i do anything that extra or fancy with my formatting other than the title which i added right now. so . Enjoy
steven x autistic reader!
♡ he's autistic as well ... like that "I hate people" type'a autism. at least nowadays! i think he used to have trouble with volume and tone before the incident and just generally get easily overwhelmed... and either freeze or start to go on a walk to take his mind off of things. stuff like that.
♡ He's also insanely autistic about battle strategies and its his special interest of sorts . like... not that much, he did ( in my interpretation and what is kind of implied? ) sweep everything with miki because she's a special charizard who just kind of. Is stronger in all ways.
♡ BUT! i think i mean this in the more pokeani style of battles - he's crafty and very observant of his surroundings and how to "Cheat" battles with it. wink
♡ anyways yeah autistic reader . hi . You came for dating hcs right .
♡ he tends to just live in his house, lurking, stalking, barely moving out of bed to eat - so you might have to help him with that. ... buuuut, if you're similar, then you two will simply just sit in bed staring at the ceiling all day . napstablook core
♡ he hasn't had much stimulation outside of taking care of his basic needs and like. i'unno. being alive in general. so if you have an interest he isn't too aware of, he's always very happy to listen.
♡ he's an extremely good listener- he'll be nodding and mostly silent, but he may ask questions once he's more comfortable with you. he is actively trying to engage with your interests, although his own autism makes his tone a little stagnant- if he sounds uninterested, it's not intentional. his voice just comes off like that.
♡ he particularly likes games and music although the interests and energy for them have wavered a lot for him personally - so if your interests align with those sorts of things, he'll definitely be on board. you being into something in a genre he used to like definitely gives him enough energy to try again.
♡ this eventually does end up with him having more energy to engage with things that used to give him joy in a similar way . mostly playing games... like, a pokemon stadium or battle revolution game if those existed in-universe? because he can't exactly uh. Battle for real anymore without hurting those around him. of course, he always has charizard on his teams front and center. it's not Her. but, it'll suffice as long as he distracts himself.
♡ truly, it's just like this. introduce things to him and he'll be eager to try or listen or talk to you about them.
♡ if you get overwhelmed anywhere, he is quick to move you out of the area and also maybe take away the overwhelming Element. if it's a person, well. he'll just basically glare at them. a silent 'Fuck Off'
♡ also he will personally appreciate it if you get him more clothes. having just a few sets is fine for his depression, but the more he realizes it, the fabric feels awful sometimes. mainly, his trainer outfit he usually goes outside with - it's very worn and torn and the material was always a little cheap... if you get him a replacement, he'll be all the happier for it.
♡ he'd also give the old one to you if you cared about that sort of thing, but he'd be tentative because. well. it's worn and torn...?
♡ unless you fix it up and sew it somehow. that'd be nice. Im getting offtrack
♡ if you draw, write, or do creative things - he's always happy to see them. he likes to simply wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as he looks at what you're doing now and again... it's, calming? like, really calming. to be honest, he could do that forever and ever.
♡ until you two get hungry of course. but, until then.
♡ he does also of course engage and ask about things like your OCs ( if you have them ), worlds, writing, dynamics, headcanons - anything, everything.
♡ generally things like this are what he's happiest with . watching something with you or watching you do something as he lays back and relaxes. seeing you enjoy the things you like makes him feel a lot better even though its something so simple .
♡ ... S!3v3n is also similar, he's just much more quiet- basically nonverbal - about how he goes about it. those red eyes will always be watching intently though .
sorry if these were barebones i didnt rlly know what to Go off of but yeah . he is autistic too !!!! the Tismry
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howlingday · 1 year
Qrow: So there I was, back to back with bitches. Bottle in my right hand, hundred lien in my left, and ready to bless these thots with my divine sauce.
Jaune: What the hell is divine sauce?
Qrow: Oh, well, I'm glad you asked.
Cinder: Has anyone seen Karen?
Jaune: You mean Cardin? I saw him over there arguing with the DJ.
Cardin: Look, I'm telling you! It's a simple request; "Explain This Feel"! It's a fucking cult classic!
Neo: (Shrugs)
Cardin: The fuck do you mean, "Meh"?!
Jaune: Ooh! I know this song!
Cinder: Well, it looks like someone recognizes you.
Jaune: Huh?
In front of Jaune, Qrow, and Cinder, danced a beautiful red-head with the most gorgeous emerald eyes they had ever seen. Wearing a wry smirk, she swayed her hips side-to-side in a hypnotic rhythm. With a wink, she licked her lips at the three.
Jaune: Is... Is she looking at me?
Qrow: Pfuh! As if! She's looking at the Harbinger, baby~!
Cinder: Yeah, that's not as sexy as you think it is.
Qrow: Watch and learn, kids. (Walks over, Chuckles) OH SHIT! (Flies backwards)
Jaune: ...So, she is looking at me.
Cinder: Well don't just sit there! Get up and go talk to her!
Jaune: W-Well, what do I say?
Cinder: Try one of your annoying pick-up lines.
Jaune: Uh, okay. Like, "Hey, beautiful. Are you my shield? Because I'd like to slide my sword into you~."
Cinder: Ugh, gross. Definitely not what you'd normally say.
Jaune: Uh, okay. "Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice you're dancing alone, and thought you might like some company?"
Cinder: Somehow, that'd even creepier.
Jaune: "Hi, my name is Jaune"?
Cinder: (Sighs) And that's too fucking formal.
Qrow: Look, kid, just go up to her and be yourself.
Cinder: No! That is the exact opposite he needs to be!
Qrow: Shush! Listen, kid; a man is only a man if he's as comfortable in his own skin as the armor he wears. Being able to talk to a beautiful woman the same as you'd talk to your friends is the true mark of a huntsman. Now go on, my son. Spit your game!
Jaune: Yes, sir! (Gets up, Walk over)
Cinder: You really think he has a chance?
Jaune: Uh, h-hi! I'm, uh- I'm Jaune Arc. What's your-
Qrow: Fuck no! If I couldn't get it, what makes you think he's got a shot.
Jaune: Oh! You're hugging me! Oh! O-Oh, that feels nice...
Cinder: Not gonna lie, that's totally fucked up.
Jaune: O-Ow! Did you just bite me?! Why did you- Ow! Ow!
Qrow: How is it fucked up?!
Cinder: Because, he- Oh shit! He got it!
Qrow: What?!
Jaune and the mysterious woman were now entangled on the floor, with Jaune pinned beneath her. He thrusts his body into hers, dry humping as she moans. He screams as she buries herself deep into his neck, catching the eyes of numerous patrons around him.
Pyrrha: (Sucking on his neck) Mm~!
Cinder: Well, color me surprised. The knight has game.
Qrow: This is bullshit! That should be me macking with the hottie on the dancefloor!
Cinder: Oh, spare me...
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Okay two ideas for Toxic!Sona x Miguel
The first being Venom!Moche:
Moche is infected with venom by the Spanish Army and passes out. When she wakes up the voice in her head is unknowingly replaced with Aia, so she basically accepts the symbiote right away without second guessing
A Potential New Sona that's just evil in general without venom
The Widow:
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A sona named just The Widow.
Her husband (not Miguel) worked for Alchamax but died, leaving her a widow. Since she was alone with no kids Alchamax decided to secretly experiement on her. Since no one would really notice or miss her.
So they tested on her the spider that turned her from a widow into The Widow
She meets Miguel and joins the Society and they get together. And she feels really safe and proud of herself.
Because in her eyes she went from a 'lowly widow' to, basically what she sees as ruling everything everywhere all at once
Going from alone in her empty house drunk on wine, to overseeing the most powerful beings in the universe.
She LOVES canon events. Canon made her a fucking queen.
She's on her Jobu Tupaki shit
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She's finally happy cause nothing can catch her off guard ever again. She can always be one step ahead. They're the canon now. SHE'S the canon now.
She went from nobody to the one of the only two who gets a say.
All thanks to Miguel - who she actually likes but is also of course gaming cause she sees him as unbelievably thoughtless and soft in a lot of bad areas.
She's not evil. She understands his loss. She actually empathizes. That's what they bond over.
but If SHE can't be with a variant of HER HUSBAND because he says she can't, then she will make damn sure he is running everything as militantly.
If she has to put up with the grief so does everybody else including him.
She's the one who he sends to deal with members like Gwen who cause an anamoly for any reason. Even accident.
She does the 'uh huh, oh is that so?' thing he does. He gets it from her.
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After he sends Gwen home and he's all angry she just goes 'So how he'd know two days?'
And Miguel goes silent.
Because he was the one who told Miles.
And she just smiles and goes "So this is your fault? This is because of your stupidity. Your thoughtlessness. And you're here, throwing a fit like a child? Is that how you want me to treat you, like a insulate, incompetent, emotional CHILD?"
And suddenly it's all flipped on him. It's not Gwens fault or Peter's or Jess's or Miles' it's HIS
That'd hit him like a TRAIN.
So uh yeah.
Widow kinda became her own thing there. Ahem. But imagine.
I can ship two OCs with one character and have them exist on two different timelines in which the other does not exist who says I can't
OCS JUST BE SPAWNING IN MY HEAD I'M SORRY I'm promise I'm not doing this on purpose like excuse me y'all this is not a Fortnite lobby
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