#twst jinlong
liviavanrouge · 4 months
Favorite Vanrouge Family Ships
Golden: I think we’re close enough
Vil: *Looks at him surprised*
Golden: *Hugs him, leaning against Vil* Could I lock in your love, baby?
Jack: I think we’re close enough
Livia: *Looks at him surprised*
Jack: *Hugs Livia, lifting her off the ground* Now I got you in my space, I won’t let go of you...
Silver: *Wraps his arms around Jinlong's waist* Got you shackled in my embrace
Jinlong: *Perks up surprised*
Silver: I’m latching on to you
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queensharotto · 11 months
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DCA Classics: 2020 Era Wallpapers
Free to Use
Characters belong to @phoenix-manga
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phoenix-manga · 4 months
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Jinlong Esi
CV: Kawasumi Ayako
Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: July 27
Starsign: Leo
Height: 184 cm
Eye Color: Atlantis Green
Hair Color: Copper Rust & Gold
Professional Status
Dorm: Dragonstone
School Year: 3rd Year
Class: 3-B | Student no. 16
Occupation: Student | Dorm Leader
Club: Aviary Club
Best Subject: Magic History
Fun Facts
Favorite Food: Various Teas
Least Favorite Food: Porridge
Dislikes: Unorganized spaces
Hobby: Forging
Talents: Acrobatics
Idol Stats
Performance: Has excellent vocal range used for traditional songs and Chinese opera. Prefers to sing a story rather than just sing out her emotions.
Choreography: Mixes cultural dance with modern choreography. Sometimes incorporates fighting styles
Styling Jewel Outfits: Cultural | Cool | Gothic
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Jinlong tends to try new things along with a sense of adventure, in which often gets her scolded by her father about how unladylike it was.
It doesn’t help that she was stubborn and she always ends up getting punished if she defies him. It took quite a lot of punishments for her to realize she had to keep everything she does a secret from almost all the men in her family.
Due to her unfavorable home life, Jinlong has developed a sharp tone towards the opposite gender. This may be judgmental on her part but growing up in a place where the men all think you should be placed in a box made her assume that she would be looked down upon even outside of the Valley of Clouds.
But she is much more toned down towards the girls. Although, she feels weirded out by the fact that there were girls who chose to embrace femininity.
After some time at DCA, Jinlong took a while to be a bit more accepting of the daintier girls and the fact that some women don’t like to be adventurous as her.
Jinlong was taught proper etiquette so much that it shows through her body language and habits. The lessons were hammered into her since childhood and are not easy to change.
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Hometown: Valley of Clouds
Family Life
Jinlong grew up in a community where women are expected to be elegant and fragile. Their role in society was to be pretty and give birth to offspring. This kind of strict tradition was not for Jinlong, she’s been different from the other girls in the valley.
She wanted to do things that boys usually would, like climb trees and roughhouse. But her father would put a stop to her “outlandish” behavior by physical punishments such as kneeling on the floor for a few hours or being struck.
He even employed strict tutors to engrain etiquette into her. The tutors themselves were quite harsh and Jinlong couldn’t confide in anyone about her troubles.
Jinlong has 3 elder brothers and 2 younger brothers. The eldest often argues with her because he is the family’s golden child in terms of martial art strength and intelligence. He would agree with whatever father said, at times even using his strength to push his other siblings around to follow what he thinks is right for the family.
It didn’t help that when Jinlong snuck out, she was snitched on by most of her brothers. Especially the eldest brother who threatened the second eldest if he didn’t tell on her, but Jinlong didn’t blame the second eldest, Ying was scary strong that her father would probably take his side all the time.
She becomes less trusting of her brothers because she knows they’ll snitch on her, with the exception of the youngest and second eldest brother. She often ignores them and makes sure they don’t know what she’s doing behind her father’s back.
She started to keep secrets from her father, she sneaks out when no one was looking. She’s learned to memorize all their routines and is always back at the house on time and doesn’t look disheveled at all.
Jinlong’s mother tries to pretend she doesn’t notice her daughter doing what is considered to be “boy’s activity”. Knowing that it can be suffocating to constantly be told what to do.
Childhood Memories
Jinlong remembers the furious look on her father’s face the moment he saw her all muddied up and trying to play swords with boys. He harshly scolded her and ended up grounding her for weeks, she wasn’t allowed to play inside or outside the house and must be with an etiquette tutor. Ying taunted her for being so “unladylike” and even had the gall to try and rile her up to get her to act out and be punished some more.
One day, while out in town, she meets an old man who was known for being a lone wolf and is always cooped up in his smithy forge. Jinlong was curious and purposely let go of her mother’s hand while they were nearing a crowd to go see what he was doing.
She’s heard how this old man was rumored to be a warrior who fought in the Great War against the enemy who tried to invade the valley but not a lot would believe that rumor. Ever since that day, she secretly came to meet up with the old dragon and learned a lot from him. The most prominent skill he taught her were marital arts and blacksmithing.
As Jinlong grew up, she manages to perfect her skills in keeping up with her etiquette lessons as well as her secret training. Often times she is left alone by most of her brothers but she has also developed a hobby of nitpicking her eldest brother for every little mistake to try and knock him down a peg.
It’s petty of her to do so but she’s spent her life being told she can’t do this and that due to her gender, this was her way of getting back at him for telling her to stay in her “place”.
One day, the ivory carriage came to her house and everyone in the neighborhood was curious. Usually there were ebony carriages but here it was at her house, at first they thought it was from RSA until the coachman announced that Jinlong was chosen to attend.
The neighbors were happy for her but her father insisted that her education is perfectly fine at home. Of course, he had something to say! If it was the ebony carriage he’d had her brother’s packing already.
The carriage didn’t leave though, her father just had everyone stay in the house until it leaves. But Jinlong knew better, she had enough of this life and secretly packed all her things to leave for the academy.
She panicked when she heard her name being called, it was her mother. To her shock, she let her go and even covered for her. There, her mother confessed that she felt caged like her but there was nothing she could do for herself, but she didn’t want this life for Jinlong.
That night, she left the house for the academy, on her nightstand is her declaration of rebelling by leaving the floral pin that she was gifted by her father on her coming of age ceremony, as a way to tell him that she will no longer be told what to do by anyone.
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 Jinlong is a 3rd Year Dragonstone student and is the current dorm leader.
At first, she wasn’t comfortable with other girls seeing as how most of them dress rather doll-like. But upon realizing that the pastel walls of the academy are merely aesthetic and that the education system allows for almost any field of study regardless of whether it was feminine or not, Jinlong loosened up and was able to embrace her athleticism.
Soon enough, she felt freer especially when she is allowed to go all out during her PE lessons. It felt refreshing to be praised instead of being chastised for it.
She slowly opened up and became a model student amongst the students who find her determination inspiring.
During magift tournaments, Jinlong is considered the ace player due to how she is able to come up with a plan on the spot. Sometimes even using her opponent’s strengths against them.
Though she had quite a hard time learning new subjects that are usually reserved for men, or were just not taught in the valley at all, she took the opportunity to focus and gain more knowledge than her brother ever could achieve back home.
She has high grades in most subjects, her performance in etiquette were also exceptional but she dislikes such class due to how she is reminded of the etiquette classes she took back home, even though this class wasn’t as restrictive. It just had too many rules and details to keep track of.
School Relationships
Jinlong would be often seen around Cerule, Rozeline, Evonie and Vidya. She’s felt really close with these girls throughout her school years of studying at DCA.
Cerule was the first mermaid she has met and Jinlong almost mistook her for a sea dragon when they saw each other. The two share sentiments of wanting freedom, though she does envy Cerule a little bit seeing as how her father was just worried about his daughter, something her own father reserved for the golden child.
Rozeline was a curios case for Jinlong, she can sense that she has tremendous power but for some reason she keeps it sealed away which cannot be healthy for her. Though she doesn’t pry since it would be too forward of her.
She admits that Rozeline has quite the extensive intellectual library and she would always consult her on historical objects. Jinlong appreciates the gift basket she gets from her on occasions. Her eyes were opened to the taste of foreign food that her father always thought wasn’t even worth tasting. He’s missing out on so much!
Evonie and Vidya are the girls she can admit would be worthy of becoming rivals with. Evonie was tenacious, though her determinations gets her to be a bit rash sometimes. But she’s got sprit!
Vidya was clever and will catch her off guard if she doesn’t pay close attention. She’s beaten her a few times during sparring matches.
The three started their friendship through rivalry but they do hang out when they aren’t sparring during PE. The three like to vent to each other about their issues whether it be about school or at home, they needed to vent their bottled up emotions.
Cinder has a fierce but clumsy personality. The fairy is strong, no doubt but she tends to trip over her own tail a few times. But this does allow Jinlong to let down her guard and enjoy life as it is. Cinder’s form is from Jinlong’s desire to live and laugh to her heart’s content.
Cinder, despite her clumsiness, has her wise moments too. She has lived for a long time after all, it wouldn’t be surprising if she spouts words of wisdom when it’s needed.
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He is a Komodo dragon that Jinlong found in the wild, she begged her father to let her keep the little guy. Her mother managed to convince him by simply stating that Komodo dragons fit quite well with their dragon-like appearance and it technically follows the draconic image they have all over the valley.
Unlike normal humans who can have fatal injuries from the Komodo dragon’s saliva, Dragonkin are immune to poisons and fire. So, having Rongyu was not a problem.
Rongyu’s pampered life at the valley made him docile and have more refined tastes for culinary cuisine rather than just raw meat. He’s grateful for Jinlong and so he knows who she likes and dislikes, he often goes potty in Ying’s room and he can’t do anything about it because it plays dumb and does his “business” in places one wouldn’t notice.
People would just assume it was mold, painting Ying as someone who has a moldy room. Jinlong cackles internally at the sight of her brother gagging in disgust.
When Jinlong was away, Hou is the next person that Rongyu goes to. Hou always wanted a pet lizard, so getting to look after him for a while is always welcome.
He is a Holsteiner horse and Jinlong actually bought the horse from the stables. Horses aren’t kept in the Valley due to the steep terrain, she was curious about riding horses.
Yinglong used to trek through hills and rocky terrain. But Jinlong loves to use him in an obstacle course. With how fast and flexible he is, he can jump high enough.
Yinglong is a fan of gossip, anything he hears he wants to share with everyone. Better keep secrets away from this horse if you don’t want the stables getting noisy afterwards.
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Her Unique Magic is called, “Gold Dragon Fire”, she can melt her target but not the surrounding area in gold fire. Recently, she’s learned to control her temperature and she would use this technique in smelting ores and fixing antiques that are made of minerals.
Magic usage is rather minimal outside of showing off in competitions or festivals compared to the Valley of Thorns.
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Guang Esi
The father of the Esi family, he is a traditional man who will not tolerate breaking the concept of what he considers normal. He views the world outside of the Valley of Clouds as inferior and uncouth even if they had high standing. He shows favor for the eldest son, Ying and casually compares the other brothers to him.
Liling Esi
The mother who was engaged to Guang by her parents. She tries to stay out of his way and tries to live comfortably, but when Jinlong was born she realized that she didn’t want this life for her daughter. So, from behind the scenes, she helps keep Jinlong’s secret within her authority.
She was like Jinlong, a headstrong girl who was pushed into a box by rules and was forced to follow.
Ying Esi (26)
The firstborn son and the eldest sibling. A very strong martial artist who is prideful of his skills. He would remind Jinlong to know her place as a daughter of the household, he thinks that going against tradition is equivalent to bringing shame to the family.
While he wasn’t violent all the time, he does use a bit of force to get his point across, he injured the second eldest when he dared to raise his voice against him when he tried to stand up for Jinlong.
But despite his skill, he is rather immature where he will complain if he happened to lose fairly. Choosing to blame the opponent rather than reflect and be better.
He admires his father and would stick close to him rather than his mother.
Ushi Esi (24)
The second-born son. He doesn’t possess a slim yet muscular figure like the rest of his brothers, he is more buff and heavy with toned muscles. He works as an architect, building houses and fixing gardens.
He’s friendlier to Jinlong but is a bit of a coward when it comes to confronting Ying since he was injured by the eldest when he dared to go against him one time.
He has a soft side he hides away from his brothers and father, he wanted to make hairpins ever since he was young. He just finds the beauty of them so mesmerizing. He tends to stick closer to his mother because she was so understanding.
Gou Esi (20)
The third-born son. Although he is quite charming to the girls in his hometown, he is also a cunning lad. Jinlong doesn’t trust him since he’ll ask for favors in exchange for his silence.
He doesn’t pick sides but will take the opportunity to find entertainment even if it meant instigating drama. And Jinlong is careful not to let him catch wind of what she does in secret.
His flirtatious habits and penchant for causing drama stems from his insecurity for not meeting his father’s expectations. If he can’t get his approval, then he looks for it in women who easily give it to him.
Tuzi Esi (17)
The fourth son and fifth sibling. He is known for being quick on his feet. A bit of a troublemaker in the family, always running fast without a care in the world. He would skip out on lessons when he’s bored.
He is neutral with Jinlong and he thinks she’s boring so he barely interacts with her. Jinlong knows not to judge but she can’t help but be frustrated that he takes a lot of things for granted because he a boy, while she has limited options and her future is held in chains.
His unwillingness to cooperate with educators also stem from his father’s favoritism. If he can’t compare to Ying then why bother, was his reason.
Hou Esi (15)
The fifth son and sixth sibling. He spends his time reading books and holds discussions with his teachers about philosophy. He looks up to Jinlong when she took care of him while he was sick.
He decides to support Jinlong using his privileges to make sure that she no longer has to feel sad. He doesn’t care about his father since he was more of a momma’s boy. He plans on becoming a scholar instead and of what his father wants for him.
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The character’s name, “Jinlong”, derives from the word “Golden Dragon” while the last name, “Esi” was taken from a name generator. It does not have a Chinese meaning tied to it. The artist took notes from Leona’s last name and named the character in a similar manner.
Jinlong is another fusion idea like Rozeline, she is both Mulan and Mushu.
Just like how Mushu is looked down upon by the ancestors, Jinlong is also looked down upon my most of the males in her family.
The names of her brothers derive from the temple guardians from the movie, the statues represent an animal guardian and the artist tried their best to figure out the names to fit the brothers. Some of them aren’t based on the statues due to how it didn’t sound right.
Ying – means “hero” but half is only used in the Chinese word “Yīngxióng”.
Ushi – means “cattle” in Japanese. The reason for Ushi’s name being Japanese just sounded better.
Tuzi – means “rabbit” in Chinese.
Gou – means “dog” in Chinese.
Hou – means “monkey” in Chinese.
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rosietrace · 2 years
🗣 Anyone with Lorelei and Amane please
Got it-
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Lorelei and Finnigan
Having a typically normal day in her time at Scepter Hall, Lorelei didn't find anything out of the ordinary for the most part. Especially since most of Animania still hate her for eating that dead bird-
She was just having a pretty normal day until...
"Ooh~ Finny's got a crush~?"
Lorelei paused, Finny? She assumed it was Finnigan, since she was very much aware that no matter how much Clark teases anyone, he won't give you a specific nickname unless you're really close to him. And Finnigan, is basically his best friend.
As much as she didn't wanna pry and invade Finnigan's personal life, Her curiosity got the best of her and she ended up listening in on them anyway.
"I don't have a crush..."
"Oh really~? Then why have you been acting less like a sleep deprived donkey and more sophisticated as head of security?"
As Finnigan fell silent, Lorelei hummed quietly. Wondering who the girl(or boy) Finnigan might be interested in.
Well, that's what she thought until she actually found out.
"Haha~ Finny's got a crush on Lorelei Arachne~" Clark exclaimed, dancing around Finnigan as he continued to tease him on his crush on Lorelei.
Until he ended up getting thrown across Bystro Letayuschiy's forests.
Lorelei did what any natural person did and quietly walked away from the scene. She now feels INCREDIBLY guilty that she knows this information since it was a definite invasion of Finnigan's privacy.
Amane and Yuuta
Amane was just having a pretty casual conversation with Jinlong, not much was happening outside of that. Especially since he didn't really bother to notice his surroundings.
Humming to herself, Jinlong decided to mention Night Raven College's Ramshackle resident (aside from Valerie). That, managed to pique Amane's interests quite a bit.
"So who are they?" Amane asked, curiosity leaking out of his mouth. Jinlong sighed.
"Sumeragi Yuuta, Ramshackle resident. He's currently Ms. Valerie's only other roommate other than Grim." She stated, her voice neutral.
Amane raised his eyebrow. Only other roommate huh? It's likely that he heard about him from Valerie at some point.
"Hey Jin, did he say anything about me?"
Jinlong placed a hand over her chin, looking up as she began trying to remember if Yuura had mentioned Amane at some point.
"We aren't exactly very close, he's very closed off with people who aren't in NRC. Though he did mention you because of how Valerie described you."
Amane hummed, a smile dawning on his face.
"What did he say?"
Jinlong quietly snickered, earning a confused expression from Amane as her snickering became somewhat louder.
"He said you're a nuisance."
"Well... He's certainly... Interesting.
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chanella121 · 3 years
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Jinlong and the Quan sisters wears Diasomnia uniform.
From left to right : Yue, Di, Jinlong esi, Shai
Jinlong character belongs to @phnxart @phoenix-manga
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roseberry-memories · 4 years
given by 💚Rozebelle Adoria🌹
NRC Boys
Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, & Scarbia
Pomefiore, Ignihyde & Diasmonia
DCA Girls
(characters by @phnxart /@phoenix-manga )
🍎Evonie Apfel - Chevalier aux pommes (Apple Knight)
👠Ella Glaciel - Verre Fashionista (Fashionista Glass)
🐰Allison Liddel - Petit lapin (Small Rabbit)
💖Briar Auroria - Princesse endormie (Sleeping princess)
🐠Cerule Oceana - Dame de la perle (Lady of the pearl)
🌹Rozeline Pierrette - Dame de rose d'or (Rose gold lady)
🌙Vidya Nazari - Princesse de la lune (Moon princess)
🏹Elu Sorrel - Gardien de la Terre (Guardian of the Earth)
🐉Jinlong Esi - Guerrier Dragon (Dragon Warrior)
🐸Perrine Bousquet - Princesse du banquet (Banquet princess)
👑Sophie Fascinare - Princesse de l'amulette (Amulet princess)
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lotusglass · 4 years
Do you ship any of the ocs with the other ocs or even the characters in the game? If so, can you say some of the ships..? Thank you again!!
Indeed I do, but HOOO there’s too many to count so I’ll just go with the ones I’m most definite with! 
Leona and Anyu - I have a lot on them, but just to be brief: enemies to lovers! They hate each other, but they also care each other! there’s still also a lot tension between themdgasdg. 
Trey and Clarice - Trey is one of the many people who takes Clarice seriously and encourages her dreams. While Clarice, who knows what it’s like to overwork yourself, helps him relax. It’s a companion kind of relationship; storge if I’m correct!
Azul and Pearl - Although Azul is smooth and suave, he’s got insecurities and Pearl knows just how to ease them Though, Pearl is a little naive and Azul takes full advantage of it, and not that she minds turning into a clown 🤡. 
Jamil and Elena(twst version of Esmeralda) - more mature and reliant, she can rely him for so many things and Jamil finally being with someone who acknowlegdes his potential. In fact, they tease each other too much
Kingsley and Riddle - the king and queen, or rather the flirty one and the serious one. Kingsley irritates him and Riddle collars him, but nonetheless they look our for each other!
As far as other ocs, Zhanjia and Jinlong ( @phoenix-manga)! I can see a clam, soft dynamic, but also dangerous considering their both well adept in sword wielding and god knows what HAHA. Also he can tend to her wounds should she get hurt 👉👈
I really wanna do more ships with other ocs with more people though! ;0; 
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
My Favorite Twst x Oc Ships
Jack: If you dance-
Livia: -I'll dance
Ekeko: But if you don't-
Ruko: -I'll dance anyway
Silver: Give Peace-
Jinlong: -A chance
Golden: Let the fear-
Vil: -You have fall away
Azul: I've got my eye-
Evonie: -On you
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
Matchmaker pt 2
Livia: *Beams, dragging Silver after her* Come on big brother! My friend is waiting!
Silver: *Smiles in amusement* Alright, alright..
Jinlong: *Stares at her book then looks over as the duo approached*
Silver: Jinlong, hello..
Jinlong: *Smiles warmly* Nice to see you Silver!
Silver: You as well...
Livia: *Smiles, noticing the way the two were staring at each other*
Epel: *Runs over right on cue* Livia!
Livia: Epel?
Epel: You gotta hide me! I angered Vil and he sicked his dog on me!!!!
Livia: Golden's after you!
Epel: YES! The golden retriever is coming this way right now!
Livia: I know where we can hide!!
Epel and Livia: *Bolts away, silently giggling*
Silver: They're gonna get caught..
Jinlong: Most definitely...
Silver: Would you like to join me for lunch?
Jinlong: *Smiles and nods* I'd actually love that
Silver: *Smiles, his cheeks turning pink* Alright..
Livia and Epel: *Grins watching them from a pillar then high fives each other* Alright, plan success!!
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
Golden: *Rushes into the room, almost crashing into the doorframe* Yes?!
Vil: *Chuckles, recording the male* Wanted this video for later~
Golden: *Sighs* You had me worried, don't do that ever again
Vil: No I wanted you
Golden: For what?
Vil: *Smiles and pats his lap* I noticed you've been sleepy lately, that is not good for someone with a handsome face
Golden: *Walks over and sits on his knees, resting his head on Vil's lap*
Vil: *Smiles, stroking Golden's hair before turning his attention to his makeup*
Golden: *Smiles slightly, falling asleep*
Lilia: Thea, my love, please calm down..
Thea: *Snarls at Lilia, her ears flattened back*
Lilia: *Sighs* I came to visit to see how your pregnancy was going, and you're snarling at me, that hurts
Thea: *Pouts and looks away*
Lilia: *Chuckles and smiles at her* I love you~ I'm sorry for not writing~
Thea: *Glares at him* That won't work...meanie
Lilia: *Chuckles and lays on his side beside her* I was thinking of names for our baby boy~
Thea: HMPH!
Lilia: *Chuckles and presses a kiss to Thea's hand* Please forgive me~
Thea: ....I want cuddles...
Lilia: *Smiles, Thea leaning against him* Anytime, my dear~
Livia: *Twirls around in her new dress*
Lacey: it looks great Livia!
Jack: *Stares at Livia, his tail wagging behind him*
Livia: *Giggles* Jack likes it too!
Jack: Huh?! When did I say that!
Livia: *Grins at him amused* Your wagging tail says it all~
Jack: *Sighs then smiles slightly* You do look amazing in that new dress..
Livia: *Beams at him laughing* Thanks Wolfy!
Lacey: *Smiles teasingly at how obviously smitten the wolf was* Can I call you that too?
Jack: No. Only Livia!
Livia and Lacey: *Laughs as Jack's face grew red*
Lacey: HAHA! Did that yourself!
Jack: *Sighs then chuckles* Whatever, you got me
Malleus: Aura.
Aura: *Beams up at him* HEY MAL!
Malleus: *Stares at the wilted flowers* Your flowers have wilted
Aura: I'm gonna plant more, no big deal!
Malleus: *Frowns then points to the wilted plants, regrowing them*
Aura: Wow!
Malleus: There and they'll never wilt..
Aura: I wanted to plant different ones but-
Malleus: *Points to the flowers, growing new ones with the old ones* There.
Aura: *Blinks in surprise then laughs amused* Thanks Malleus...
Jinlong: *Reads a book as Silver practiced*
Silver: Jinlong, how'd I do?
Jinlong: *Looks up confused, Silver staring at her with lit up eyes* Hm?
Silver: *Sighs* Nevermind
Jinlong: Sorry Silver, I've been trying to finish this assigned book for class tomorrow
Silver: *Sits beside her* It's alright..
Jinlong: *Stares at him, then rests her head on his shoulder* I'm glad your sister matched us up, I couldn't imagine a life without meeting you Silver, even better since I might have Livia as a sister in law
Silver: *Smiles slightly, resting his head against hers* Yeah...
Cerulan: SEBBY!
Sebek: *Blushes* Cerulan! Not in public!
Cerulan: *Giggles in amusement* Sorry but Sam has a new snack item in stock! We should go get some!
Sebek: Master Malleus and Princess Livia are missing! I cannot until I find them!
Cerulan: Oh, sorry...I'll go alone then..
Sebek: *Flinches then grumbles and grabs Cerulan's hand* M-Make it quick!
Cerulan: *Stares at him startled then smiles slightly* I will promise!
Sebek: Then let's go!
Cerulan: *Beams, dragging Sebek after her*
Sebek: *Smiles, following Cerulan*
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Crowned Princess pt 2
Livia(18): *Sits at her desk, working on documents*
Isabella: Princess!! Please take a break, you've been working since two in the morning!!
Livia: *Looks at Isabella* I made a break through~
Isabella: *Gasps and rushes over, her eyes sparkling* L-LET ME SEE!!
Livia: *Hands Isabella the paper* I decided that most of the trading ships would get sunk, so I sent a message to four dear friends of mine, they've agreed to help the ships!
Isabella: *Hugs Livia beaming* HAIL OUR CROWNED PRINCESS!!
Livia: *Laughs* Isabella!
Isabella: Shall I take this to the king and queen!!
Livia: Yes, I'm going out today~
Isabella: Yes, I remember! You have fun!
Livia: Don't I always!
Livia: *Laughs and twirls, dancing with the townspeople*
Harrison: *Smiles and twirls Livia, before switching partners*
Livia: *Smiles and takes a childs hand, twirling them*
???: You're enjoying yourself..
Livia: Hey!
Silver: *Waves, Jinlong beside him*
Livia: *Walks over* How're you both!
Silver: We're good
Livia: Sebek?!
Livia: *Rushes past him, Sebek following behind her*
Malleus: What do you mean they popped out of nowhere...
Kuro: We didn't know they were there, these people leaped from the bushes and trees and took down half of the squad
Vex: They injured Nex badly, he might not be able to use his dominant hand after today..
Aura(19): Oh dear!
Livia: *Walks in* Sounds like that brat has made a move!
Malleus: Beastie...
Livia: Leave Young Master Victor to me, he's gonna regret messing with my people...
Malleus: Very well...
Livia: Kuro, take a squad of invisible Rainforest Natives to that spot, arm them with spears and tranquilizer darts
Kuro: *Nods and rushes away*
Livia: Vex! Tell the Black Mages to gather in my office or else!
Vex: Of course, anything else...
Livia: Yes. Tell them to set a Chaos Barrier around that brats mansion...
Vex: *Grins and nods* At your command
Aura: Liv? What're you planning?
Livia: *Grins, her eyes glowing* What I'm the greatest at planning...ways to bring my enemies on their hands and knees to me~
Nilo: ....she is indeed the half reincarnation of Meleanor Draconia...
Scratch(Livias pet black panther): *Bounds in, and crouches down*
Livia: *Grins* Ready for a feast?
Scratch: *Growls, lashing his tail readily*
Livia: Then let's go~
Malleus: *Watches Livia leave* She scares me sometimes...
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liviavanrouge · 1 year
Grandpa Lilia
Lilia: *Yawns, sleeping beside Thea*
Lilia: *Chuckles, opening one eye* Hey kids..
Clover: Come on Grandpa! Lets play!
Lilia: Grandpa and tired and getting older, let him sleep a little while longer
Ramona: Clover...stop that, it's embarrassing...
Hina: *Stares at Lilia, Cedar beside her*
Lilia: *Yawns, his grandchildren squeezing between him and Thea*
Livia: Kids?
Jinlong: Here they are!
Cedar: *Yawns, sleeping soundly, Hina sleeping beside her*
Clover: *Sleeps with her head resting on Lilia's arm, Ramona curled up behind her pressed against Thea's side*
Livia: Oh they're so cute!
Lilia: *Opens one eye* Shhhh, let the kids sleep...
Livia: We're leave them to you then dad, call us if you need us
Lilia: *Smiles and closes his eye, going back to sleep* Being a Granddad...is fun...
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Character Asks are Open now!
Winning My Sister Over Masterlist
Feel free to ask my Twst Oc's anything you want
Askable Characters:
Royal Sword Academy
-Eliza leech
Noble Bell Collage
Outside characters
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liviavanrouge · 2 years
Twst Ships theme song part 2
Silver x Jinlong
Epel x Eliza
Kalim x Virva
Livia x Sebek
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chanella121 · 3 years
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It's so been long i haven't post lately. Here's Jinlong and the Quan sisters interact. DCA and Jinlong character belongs to @phnxart @phoenix-manga and the others created by me.
Yue really respect Jinlong is like the version girl of sebek
Shai can be the onee sama character for everyone
While Di is like the child who could do anything she want
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
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Esi Family Headcanons:
Guang Esi - The father of the Esi family, he is a very traditional man who will not tolerate breaking of tradition. He views the world outside of the Valley of Clouds as inferior and uncouth even if they had high standing.
Liling Esi - The mother who was engaged to Guang by her parents. She tries to stay out of his way and tries to live comfortably, but when Jinlong was born she realized that she wouldn't want this life for her daughter. So, from behind the scenes, she helps keep Jinlong's secret within her authority. She was like Jinlong, a headstrong girl who was pushed into a box by rules and was forced to conform.
Ying Esi (26) - The firstborn son and the eldest sibling. A very strong martial artist who is very prideful of his skills. He would remind Jinlong to know her place as a daughter of the household, he thinks that going against tradition is equivalent to bringing shame to the family. While he won't outright strike at a woman, he does use a bit of force to get his point across, he injured the second eldest when he dared to raise his voice against him when he tried to stand up for Jinlong.
Ushi Esi (24) - The second-born son. He doesn't possess a slim yet muscular figure like the rest of his brothers, he is more buff and heavy with toned muscles. He works as an architect, building houses and fixing gardens. He's more friendly to Jinlong but is a bit of a coward when it comes to confronting Ying since he was injured by the eldest when he dared to go against him one time.
Gou Esi (20) - The third-born son. Although he is quite charming to the girls in his hometown, he is also a cunning lad. Jinlong doesn't trust him since he'll ask for favors in exchange for his silence. He doesn't pick sides but will take the opportunity to find entertainment even if it meant instigating drama. And Jinlong is careful not to let him catch wind of what she does in secret.
Tuzi Esi (17) - The fourth son and fifth sibling. He is known for being quick on his feet. A bit of a troublemaker in the family, always running fast without a care in the world, always running fast without a care in the world. He would skip out on lessons when he's bored. He is neutral with Jinlong and he thinks she's boring, he barely interacts with her. She knows not to judge but she can’t help but be frustrated that he takes a lot of things for granted because he a boy, while she has limited options and her future, is held in chains.
Hou Esi (15) - The fifth son and sixth sibling. He spends his time reading books and holds discussions with his teachers about philosophy. He looks up to Jinlong when she took care of him while he was sick. He decides to support Jinlong using his privileges to make sure that she no longer has to feel sad.
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