#trying to kill me in a car
gunkbaby · 1 year
it’s mother’s day
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wholecakes · 5 months
zoro who is so caught off guard by sanji’s kinder actions towards him is one of my favorite tropes. sanji crafting him specialized post workout snacks personally adjusted for him but still down to fight and call him names. he’s still the biggest asshole zoro has ever had the displeasure of knowing, and he’s horribly considerate. he’s a little confused but doesn’t reject any of sanji’s specialized treats. it’s not like sanji is fawning and doting over him like he does nami, so zoro feels like he can cross off sanji actually liking him from his list of reasons as to why sanji is acting like this. but it’s still fucking strange..
meanwhile sanji is in his kitchen wondering how zoro hasn’t taken a damn hint yet
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whollyjoly · 2 months
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i just have a feeling / you're better off than you think you are
(song insp.)
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m-o-o-n-f-i-r-e · 3 months
help i’ve fallen for another ship comprised of two insane autistic queers that want each other dead despite also being willing to do literally anything for the other even at risk to themselves
#nygmobblepot#i literally never gave a shit about the penguin and the riddler#but the moment my brother makes me watch a show where they are portrayed by theatre nerds who care about the characters#i become obsessed instantly#i would watch the show out of the corner of my eye while my brother and dad were watching it and see oswald and id just think#that little weirdo is the only thing that makes me like this show its so fun when hes on screen#then ed starts showing up more and i start to love his autistic ramblings and general energy#then ed kills a guy and i think fuck i love this show so much#then i see them interact and find out that they are semi canon???#like oswald is canonically in love with ed but the show seems to want you to think that ed just doesn’t reciprocate#but he obviously does and just doesn’t realize at the beginning because he thinks hes straight#but by the end that man is NOT hiding how much he loves oswald#like what the fuck was that hallucination scene if not his concince trying to make him realize how much he loves oswald#and there scene in the last episode in the car???#like that man has finally accepted that hes in love and is finally ready to act on it#anyways rant over they are just like hannigram and danbert and i will never change my mind#also their actors fucking killed in their rolls i love them#and fun fact: edward was cory michal smith’s first role outside of theatre and it fucking shows in the best ways#him being a mostly theatre person just adds so much to edward and makes him just so enjoyable to watch#now the rant is actually over#gotham#gotham tv
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goatpaste · 10 months
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everyday i wake up and!!
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stvlti · 9 months
Jaime Reyes sucks at driving and here's why
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... What's up, Jaime? Is that your girlfriend? Why don't you have a car?
His old man runs a garage and he doesn't have a car ...
(Panel from Blue Beetle (2006) #26)
Throughout the 2006 series we seldom see Jaime drive. He's always carpooled with Brenda and Paco to school, and even after he becomes Blue Beetle full-time it's Paco who drives him around on missions. Which makes sense, considering he got the scarab at 16, leaving him little incentive to learn to drive and drive well when he could just fly. In issue #26 we see him do exactly that: he commutes to a family gathering by flying in in his bugsuit.
So Jaime is not the best driver. He probably drove Once™ and is barred from the driver's seat by everyone from El Paso to his Titans friend group. But no, it's not what you're thinking. He can drive. He just drives like a grandpa. Three miles an hour below the speed limit at all times, uses his blinkers religiously, and waits way too long to make turns because he doesn't trust that the gap in traffic is long enough. He gets to a busy junction and starts sweating bullets. The Scarab is screaming in his head about imminent danger. He's trying to read signals and Khaji tells him to just floor it. Everytime Jaime gets into a car the scarab is screaming about the stupidity of right of way in traffic laws.
The first time Jaime borrows the family car after the scarab fuses to his spine it goes like this:
Jaime: If you were driving we wouldn't have enough car left to arrive in!!!! not to mention all the pedestrian casualties!!!!
Jaime can't even help navigate the road with the scarab's built-in GPS system because roads don't make sense to Khaji and it never maps drivable routes.
Khaji: turn right in 500 feet
Jaime: khaji theres no road in 500 feet
Khaji: turn right in 200 feet
Jaime: khaji theres no road, reroute!!!
Khaji: turn right in 15 feet
(dialogues courtesy of @lemontongues )
In conclusion, Jaime absolutely sucks at driving, thanks for coming to our ted talk
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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Stop flirting....
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hood-ex · 8 months
I have seen you talking about Dick & Dami's relationship and Dick & Tim as well,but what are your takes on Dick and Jason actually?
Like how you wish their relationship should be portrayed today and where are them missing when it comes to making those two acting like siblings?
Do you think in the past their dynamic was better?
How Dick views Jason and how Jason views Dick?
This is difficult to answer because there are like 8 different stages to Dick and Jason's relationship with various dynamics. They also view each other a bit differently depending on which stage we're talking about.
The way I would like their relationship to be portrayed today isn’t necessarily possible thanks to Jason’s integration into the family and acceptance of the no killing moral code. For me, their ideal dynamic is portrayed in Outsiders #44-46. And I know people are gonna find that regressive as hell but, tbh, that dynamic is far more interesting than the kinda awkward thing they have going on now.
Although, I don't mind that they acknowledge their brotherhood in a serious manner now. Like before they'd kinda be like, "Eh... I mean... we were adopted from the same guy but... brothers? Eh..." And now they're more firmly in the, "We're brothers," camp. So that development is interesting.
Character progression wise, it wouldn't feel right for for them to be super close in the way that, say, Dick and Tim are (unless we saw a lot of trust and relationship building between them), but at the same time, there is part of me that kind of wants them to have that older sibling bond (except Jason is closer in age to Tim than he is to Dick sooo actually let's just leave older sibling things to Dick and Cass... not that Cass is much older than Jason though so LOL this is why Dick has to lone the oldest sibling thing by himself... which is funny because Dick is technically no longer the oldest sibling, he's a baby brother now... except Dick and Melinda's relationship really hasn't progressed much sooo you could say they share blood but don't consider each other family yet, in which case, Dick is still the oldest... I mean, regardless, Dick is the oldest sibling of the Waynes... god why did they have to make all of this so difficult 😫).
#jason's like blerghhh dad always loved you best. but also hey we should work together bc you're a killer like me#and then jason's also like hey dick you were the most amazing thing i've ever seen and idk you're cool but i won't say that to you#and then he's also like hey dick i've got girl advice for you and i also need your opinion on my hair. oh now bane is trying to kill us#and then he's also like oh you got amnesia? i don't give a fuck about you and maybe i'll kill you#and he's also like oh you trust me? okay well... we're brothers and i'm gonna save you#and then dick's like oh hey kid call me if you need me. oh you died? i am literally devastated i'm so sorry#and he's also like wow you're very good at what you do but i don't trust you... okay but i trust the intel you're giving me sooo....#and then he's like why the fuck are you dressing like me and killing people?? quit doing stupid shit!!#and then he's like jason what the fuck are you doing--let me help you!!#and then he's like kinda indifferent to jason but jason is still Ugh this family is stupid why am i here#and then dick's like ofc i'm gonna come help you if you need me but also this is awkward af and things are weird between us so bye#except not bye because i'm staying here to help you and your team#and then dick's like i'm being controlled by joker so i'm gonna kill yoooou#and then he's like eh i trust you and i'm gonna help you bc we're brothers but you literally wrecked bruce's car you numbskull#and then he's like you're doing dumb shit and i have to take you down but oh thanks for not letting the train kill me#and then they're both like meh we're doing shit w the batfam even though neither of us should be here rn#and yeah that's how it goes. that's. literally it. writers cannot keep their relationship consistent in the long term#Dick Grayson#Jason Todd#relationship analysis#anon
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colorstormx · 6 months
remind me to update this later but. pwyw commissions are very much open right now lol :')
all the usual money stuff (ppal, vnmo, cshapp, kofi) is Colorstormx, send a ref with anything over like $5 and I'll draw you something
you can also reply here, dm me, or email me at colorstormx @ gmail if you want to plan out something more specific. my art tag here is #colorstormxart, I need to post more stuff+ get things set up properly but hey! better to post now while I'm thinking about it than to leave it to rot in a forgotten draft, y'know?
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sidetongue · 1 year
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Whilst taking the dogs out for a swim, my car got swarmed by this herd of very curious brumbies. They have people out there who feed them, so they’re very confident and brave. I know nothing about horses so was nervous to be around them - but could not pass up the opportunity to snap some pics! 
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z-ppy · 22 days
generation kill civilian vehicle headcanons
ray: ancient blue tacoma that used to belong to his aunt gertie or sth
brad: his yamaha. borrows his sister's car when it rains
nate: prius :)
trombley: dodge challenger
walt: a giant, jacked up ford with deer lights n shit
-> ray: WALT, BABY, NO! walt: what? you don't like her? ray: she's... it's... *breaks down into tears* walt: i'm sorry, ray, you know i'm not a chevy man *pats his back*
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anaalnathrakhs · 13 days
love this part of my life where the things that are difficult but challenging and good for me are things i can stop and skip and halfass, but the things that are difficult and painful and pointless are the things i have to live with no matter what
#school and home life are too much to handle so i skip school#because i cant kick my parents out#and appartments cost money#and i dont have a car to sleep in#i could maybe try to dig up my old childhood tent but that brings a whole host of logistic questions + im scared and it's difficult#anyway. it's fine. it's cool. i just have to hold on until i graduate high shcool and then ?????#find a way to live without my parents money OR scholarships#all for some nebulous end goal of having a job (the only field i'm interested in and good at offers two options:#to become an academic#or to become a freelancer#i do not have the fortitude to be an academic and being a freelancer is convoluted and pays like shit)#i might've spent 24h without my parents occasionally if i spent the night at a friend's place once or twice recently#but besides that the last time i've gone 48h without my parents was when the mental health center organised a week camp uhhhh...#two summers ago#incredibly good for my mental health as you can see#god i remember like... years ago. around 13yo maybe or 14. a guy. i dont know if he was a mental health professional or like social cases#but anyway he told me ''you're too afraid to be away from mommy and daddy'' and it made me want to rip his eyes out#several other people have implied or suggested that too over the years and it's just#am i too dependant on my parents? yes. will it be difficult to take my independance? yes.#does it means i don't both rationally recognize and feel that this is really fucking unhealthy and hindering for me#on top of being unpleasant?#FUCK NO#i want out my guy. there's just not many opportunities for an already mentally ill teenager#now that i'm eighteen i have to grapple with the logistical problems of the money needed and how to continue my education#and im sure a billion more if i start searching a little more seriously#perhaps i should kill myself that way i don't cost anyone any more money#broadcasting my misery#vent
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mrschwartz · 2 years
Alex Turner opens up about The Car, Arctic Monkeys' 20th anniversary album
The frontman of the British band that performs at Primavera Sound, in São Paulo, invests in more abstract lyrics in new album
Published October 16 2022, by Rodrigo Salem
Alex Turner is not satisfied with the lighting in the room chosen as the setting for our interview. It's a small, cozy hipster hotel in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, one of those above a cafe with tables occupied by young people at the computer, and no lines at cash registers that don't accept cash.
The frontman of Arctic Monkeys, the biggest rock band to come out of the UK in the last 20 years, flips the switches until he finds the perfect balance of light. "Is this okay for you?" he asks, but doesn't seem to care too much about the answer.
Turner likes to have complete control over his environment. "Where do you want to sit? This will be the best place, right?" he asks, coffee in hand, already standing in front of a small beige table below the lamp that insisted on not emanating the adequate light.
Shy to the point of never completing a full sentence, as if his mouth didn't keep up with his fast brain, Turner is acutely aware of his obsession with control and attention to detail, something that has only grown bigger in the last few years at the helm of the band. But the singer, guitarist and songwriter lived something different in the creation of The Car, the group's seventh album, which will be released worldwide this week.
After composing the piano demos alone for much of the pandemic, he was reunited with the rest of the band over the summer of last year, in a secluded house that was part of a 12th-century monastery in Suffolk, on the east coast of England.
"We hadn't done that since the first album. I had extra film rolls and I took my 16mm camera to film everything and keep myself busy during the recording. At first, I just wanted to record the memory, but it seemed to help in the work environment, because I stepped out of the process a bit and gave everyone more space," he says.
"James [Ford, record producer] was delighted, because I wasn't looking over his shoulder all the time and being a twat."
The musician's hobby as a filmmaker was not the only novelty in the three weeks of work in the makeshift studio, complete with a piano borrowed from a resident there and the technological arsenal brought in from London. The period was essential for Arctic Monkeys to remember that they are still a rock group formed by friends.
"We had a lot of laughs and watched the Euro Cup together. It was important to have that band energy again," says Turner, revealing that Body Paint, The Car's latest single, only took its final form because of this camaraderie. "The distorted guitar at the end just came about because I wanted to do that solo with them. It sounds obvious, but being together changes the dynamics of how I play."
Ironically, the album's main theme seems to circle around characters that don't seem to fit the environment they're in. In Body Paint itself, which wouldn't be out of place in one of George Martin's orchestrated productions for The Beatles, Turner sings that he's "keeping on [his] costume and calling it a writing tool."
Jet Skis On The Moat, played on a sultry guitar and with a broken rhythm reminiscent of U2's The Playboy Mansion, brings a Hollywood psychedelic mood—"jet skis on the moat / they filmed everything in CinemaScope, but this is the last time you will ride them, though".
"I was imagining this perception of us living like rock stars in a fantasy castle on a mountain, riding jet skis, disconnected from everything," says Turner.
In I Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am, he seems to describe a strange trip on a luxury yacht off the coast of France, a country where he usually goes with his girlfriend, French singer Louise Verneuil, since he moved back to England from Los Angeles. "I spend less time here, but I love this city. It's where I have my friends," he says.
Extremely protective of his privacy, Alex Turner does not confirm any theories that could refer to his life beyond music. However, he admits that feeling like a fish out of water is one of the themes of the record. "I've definitely written this time about someone who doesn't fit in," he says as he pulls out of his green jacket two folded sheets of paper filled with his lyrics and assorted notes.
I question the reason for keeping this material around and the singer lets his guard down. "I think that this way I can have these conversations more easily, and stay on the same level as other people. You've read the lyrics, listened to the record, and I thought I should do the same to meet you in the middle," he says, soon bringing back up his good-humored defenses. "And it also serves to intimidate people."
Not that he seems to want to intimidate anyone. Turner can barely look up, more concerned with focusing on some object and finding the right words for his answers. Keeping the lyrics in your pocket serves to rediscover the words of the songs.
One of the most brilliant songwriters of modern British rock and someone who has managed to portray the yearnings and feelings of an entire millennial generation, he says his lyrics come out of the space between the conscious and the unconscious.
In The Car, they seem even more abstract. "I love leaving space for lyrics not to be fully understood and to become more interesting as the years go by. I like to explore things that are difficult to talk about."
Does that mean that Alex Turner, who, two decades ago, rehearsed in a garage with Jamie Cook on guitar, Andy Nicholson on bass, later replaced by Nick O'Malley, and Matt Helders on drums, in Sheffield, is finally noticing the inevitable passage of time?
"Funny, it's hard to accept that it's been 20 years," he says. "But we're alive and active. That happens a lot when I'm singing the old songs now. I remember something, not necessarily the lyrics, but the environment, a person and the sensations of the past."
A rich past, we must add. Arctic Monkeys have gone through several phases in these two decades. It began with the confessional hip-hop-enamored rock of the first two albums, a formula that propelled the group into the stratosphere of fame. It gained weight with the stoner rock of Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age on 2009's Humbug and the stadium hard rock of 2013's AM. And it culminated in the journey away from Earth in 2018's jazzy Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.
The Car continues the sonic exploration of their previous work, but brings guitars back to the songs and a Turner interested in using his voice as an instrument. "I don't know if Alex from 20 years ago would like this sound," he wonders. "Secretly, I wanted something along those lines then, but it wasn't within my reach at the time. On second thought, I think he would like it. But if he wouldn't like it, then fuck it," he jokes.
He admits that he changed his way of looking at music and even composing. On previous albums, he wrote the lyrics and then thought of the melody. The music now comes first.
"I made an effort to put the lyrics in sync with a melody that gives me permission to use certain words," says the musician. "I didn't focus on that in the past, I think it started on AM, when I started to change the lyrics as I was influenced by the sound in the studio."
Back on stage since a few weeks ago, Turner believes the pandemic has changed the relationship between band and audience. "The first time we performed was powerful," he says. "There's a new energy that encourages me. I'm trying not to behave the same way on stage. I think some of that comes from the younger crowd."
Brazil is going to feel this in a few days. Arctic Monkeys closes the first day of Primavera Sound, in São Paulo, on November 5th, already oiling the show with a new repertoire. "When we arrive in Brazil, I want to test two new songs and leave some old ones behind," says the singer, who already says that the next album may come out faster than expected after the long gestation of The Car.
Unable to play shows, the group spent a year polishing up the album in post-production. "We had more time to work on the record and I like to think that this had a positive influence on the final result, as we had more space to hone, think and fight for certain ideas", says Turner. "I love the idea of doing something different, like writing, recording and releasing in a week. Maybe it's a fun idea for the next project."
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kingprinceleo · 7 months
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Oh fuck me fuckme fuck me
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bunnihearted · 1 month
#im glad i went today to hang out with my friend c:#it was nice to just hang out with another person and talk and stuff#i also just like how considerate she is#and she's accepting and chill. i can like tell her that oh im sorry if im low energy now im just overheated bc of the weather and im feeling#sad. and she'll be like dont worry thats ok! and it also is ok she doesnt get annoyed or anything#plus she doesnt look at me weird when there's awkward pauses and i cant express myself properly lol#i overanalyze too much i know :c but anyway it is always nice talking w her so it was nice today#we walked to a sushi place and then to the library#i only stayed for like 30min at the library even if i wanted to stay longer#i realized that it's bc like she had sushi which gives her energy#but i cant afford to buy things out lol so i never eat and refresh my energy#so after 3hrs i got so low energy and just wanted to go home#i should try to find smth easy and cheap i can bring to snack on so i can stay longer!! T-T ugh.. next time!!#we also met a dog! :o she was just standing alone outside a house and stared at the gate#and we came by she walked up to us and looked at me and was like 'get me inside :)'#so my friend went around the house and the owner came and was like omgggg she ran away again!!!#im glad it was so easy to help the dog bc i could not have left her alone by a street w cars and stuff#but she was so sweet and cute and let me pet her 💗#hmm yeah! then i walked home in the heat that killed me... and now im sitting in front of the fan ^-^#im not cut out for summer!!! anywaysss it was just a nice time#i wish i could've stayed longer. i'll make sure to bring a cheap snack next time so i can hang out more
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