#trying to figure out how i want to draw these guys *grip*
kazumahashimoto · 1 year
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if you give a grump a kwookie....
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munariplans · 6 months
36 hours | natasha romanoff
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synopsis: set between civil war and black widow, your love for natasha, and her patience for your return, is tested beyond what the both of you had ever gone through before.
natasha romanoff x spider!reader
word count: 3.9k words
a/n: this is a bit messy but i felt the need to draw a general timeline for the characters of is there someone else? and your sweater. i admit i have grown a sort of attachment for the two from there, but i also wanted to know if you guys want more stories / blurbs / headcannons for these two, or whether i should try new things. let me know?
36 hours. 36 hours to bring in a known fugitive, a possible terrorist, and his dear accomplice steve rogers. it was barely enough time. 
and here tony was, making you wait outside of a window of an apartment in queens, waiting for the perfect time to, in his words, swing in and show the kid what he’s made of. you remembered telling him that you would show him what you were made of if he didn’t make it quick. 
you dared to sneak a look into the bedroom the moment tony managed to sneak the kid away. he was barely fifteen. but the impressive speed that he caught his jumbled, homemade suit with when tony opened the attic door showed skill no normal fifteen year old possessed. 
“you’re spider-boy?” 
“...spider-man.” the boy replied, and at tony’s snap of his fingers, you slipped in, standing behind him for support as the boy gawked at your entrance. 
“mm,” tony remarked, “this is our spider. you see her in a onesie like yours?”
the boy took time to rake his eyes through your advanced technical suit, crafted through years of precision and “user”-testing in the fights and missions you had managed to get injured from. every flaw was covered, every inch of space for injury accounted for. 
you looked past tony to the video of the boy saving a car from crashing onto a bus, before swinging away at lightning speed. “how’d you figure out the perfect formula for the tensile strength?”
“i like the goggles too,” you snatched the suit away from tony’s amused smirk, “good attempt at keeping the focus. sensory overload, right?”
the boy nodded. “you’re just like me. you get me.”
“i get you.” you replied, “but you’re in dire need of an upgrade.”
you stepped back this time, and watched as tony began his over-explanation, oversimplification, of the situation at hand. the kid watched with wide eyes, clinging on to every word he said, while you rubbed the material of his homemade suit between your fingers, wondering how you were going to teach him every single upgrade and function of the new suit you had designed just for him in 36 hours. 
36 hours to capturing steve and bucky, and 36 hours to fixing things with natasha. 
you couldn’t wait. 
“i still think tony’s going a little overboard,” natasha muttered to you, arms crossed at the back of the quinjet. 
you approached, the low hum of the jet preventing you from hearing her clearly earlier. she continued, “he’s ridden with guilt. he’s not thinking clearly.”
“but he’s still right.” you sat next to her, the atmosphere tense. you had been having this argument even since the idea had popped into tony’s head. “and you’re still here.”
“because i think the other side is more mistaken, not because he’s right.”
“steve is the one going overboard. he’s blinded by the love he has for his friend.” 
“...weren’t you blinded by love before?” natasha accused, “for me, all those years ago?”
you were stunned for a moment. natasha knew she made a valid point. but then, you reaffirmed, “it’s different. steve made a mistake, we shouldn’t be the ones deciding who lives and who dies. i should’ve forced him to sign the accords when i had the chance.” 
the sight of the airport drew nearer and nearer. in front of you, you saw peter fidget nervously in his new upgraded suit. 
you were wrapping webs round and round the suddenly enlarged ant-man, one of his hands gripping rhodey. with an agreement for peter to strike ant-man’s legs, the giant soon fell to his knees with his entire lower half webbed, groaning when the war machine broke free from his hold. 
in your peripheral vision, you saw natasha running after steve and bucky, her words ringing in your mind as you instructed peter to finish off ant-man from getting back up again. a thumbs-up was sent his way when he did, the smile on his face reaching his ears. 
weren't you blinded by love before? 
you hoped she would do the right thing, as you returned your attention to helping tony take down wanda and clint.
but even as you fought, her words kept coming back to your head, and by the time steve and bucky were mere seconds away from the quinjet, you made up your mind to zip to natasha to check in on her. 
weren’t you blinded by love before?
you watched in horror as she stunned the black panther, him spasming and dropping to his knees. you watched with even more horror as she let the fugitives go, steve helping bucky climb into the quinjet and starting the engine. when steve shut the latch of the jet, he made eye contact with you hanging off the hangar, and nodded in thanks. he knew you were letting him go, too. 
mostly, you were even more horrified at your automatic reaction to catch t’challa from lunging at her, forcing him to the ground as his claws barely missed her face. in consequence, his own claws tore through your suit instead, the vibranium stronger than the nano-technology defences you had designed the suit with. 
you seethed in pain as the claws came back doused with blood, the burning on your back sure to leave a definite scar as it hit the cold air. 
you struck a web to his face, before throwing him off of you and quickly webbing him to the wall of the hangar. 
natasha felt your hands shaking her just moments later, still in shock that you had jumped in to help, and save her. 
“the webs are not going to hold him for long, nat,” you said when her eyes managed to refocus on you, “and you just obstructed justice. you need to go, now.” 
“i…i couldn’t let them…” she stuttered. 
“i know, i know,” you assured her. behind you, t’challa was breaking loose. “i’ll stay here and explain everything to them. but you need to run, and hide, for a while. tony told me he was planning to send anyone helping them to the raft. i can’t let you go there.” 
“what about you?” her hands tried to stop the blood seeping through her fingers from your back, but you were firm. 
“i’ll be okay. i’ll come find you after i’ve settled everything here and it’s safe for you to come back.”
“promise…?” natasha knew you were right, but her heart was saying otherwise. how could she possibly bear to leave you behind and deal with her consequences? how could she go anywhere without you by her side? how would she know you’ll come find her again?
“i promise. i love you.” you left room for no argument. 
she was gone by the time the black panther broke free, the ghost of the feeling of her lips against yours still replaying in your mind. 
ross’ face was possibly on the verge of exploding, listening to tony’s recounting of events and your, arguably non-convincing reasoning, of why chasing natasha would be a fool’s errand. 
“her hand slipped. she was supposed to stun bucky, hit t’challa.”
“that’s not what t’challa said. and that’s why you’re handcuffed to the table now.” ross called through your bluff, “you’re lucky you’re not sitting in a cell in the raft at all.” 
the chains against your handcuff clinked the table as you sighed, waiting for your own course of beration and punishment from the team.
somewhere out there, you hoped natasha was safe, and that she had successfully escaped ross’ team sent out to arrest her. 
years ago, a few nights after you and natasha had made your relationship official, she had asked you where you would live, if you could live anywhere in the world. 
“norway,” you replied. 
“i don’t know. seems like a nice place to be. it’s calm, quiet, relatively crime-free.”
“then you would be out of a job, you know?” natasha teased, her heart skipping a beat as you let out a laugh. 
“i’ll find something else,” you assured her, “i’ll survive.” 
you turned to her then, prompting the same question she had asked you. she had replied, “anywhere with you.” 
now, you were currently hinging on the sole fact that all roads and clues pointed you to her being in norway. 
it had been six months since the events of the team’s civil war, a week since you had begun using a fake passport to get on flights, and three hours since you have been driving along the gravel road where her trailer was supposed to be. 
truth be told, you were nervous. you were afraid of natasha’s safety, and you worried whether she was blaming herself for losing the family she had grown to love in the past few years. and selfishly, you were mostly nervous if she had forgotten you and started a new life altogether. 
but natasha no longer lived in the trailer by the time you got there; you found out upon hiding and attacking the first person that entered the trailer that wasn’t her. when he choked out bitterly that she had left just an hour before you arrived with another woman, your heart sank. 
they had boarded a jet and flew off to find someone. he had been helping her throughout her being in hiding. he bothered to mention that she talked about you all the time. he told you that she was losing more hope of you coming back day by day
doesn’t matter. she has someone else now. 
“is she…is the girl she’s with…” you stuttered for the first time in your life. the man across from you removed the ice pack he was using to nurse the bruise you gave him. 
“i don’t know. didn’t seem like it, though.”
you nodded, at a loss of what to do. now what? you came to find her, she’s gone, you don’t know where or how else to look for. and she likely has someone else now, too. 
what if natasha didn’t want you back?
mason looked at you then, almost in pity. you felt very bad for punching him to get information out of him. 
“for what it’s worth, with the technology you have in your suit, i’m sure i can help link it to the approximate whereabouts of the aircraft.” 
you looked up to him with hope, nervousness bubbling in your stomach again. “a-are you…?”
“fuck it, i’m sick of natasha bemoaning about missing you everyday. i’m going to help you find her.”
natasha sat by the oak-coloured bench as she stared across the table to yelena, equally donning a new getup as she. downing yet another bottle of beer, she wondered if yelena deserved to know about you, or whether she was only putting you in more danger. but then, she wondered selfishly, if you were even bothered to come find her at all.
it’s been six months after all. six months without her must have been pretty peaceful for you, with all the storms and misfortune she felt she had brought into your life. maybe it was for the better that you had chased her away. maybe you had wanted her to go, so you could move on with the life you had always wanted for yourself. 
fuck. the alcohol was making her want to cry. everything about you made her want to cry. natasha missed you so much. the coldness of the spot in bed beside her each night, one less coffee mug she shared each morning, the empty space beside her when she needed someone to hold her. 
she never knew how dependent she had gotten on you, until you had to be separated. you have truly changed her, inside and out, and while natasha could complain about it otherwise, deep down in her heart she knew she would not have it any other way. 
how long more did she have to wait?
yelena gave her a weird look, and natasha excused herself to the bathroom. she couldn’t let her sister see her like this. 
but in the five minutes that she was gone, natasha came back to an empty bench, with the shop she had bought the beers from deserted and the shutters shut. it was as if the owner had suddenly upped and ran.
upped and ran. fuck. they found her. 
grabbing the gun holstered to her side, natasha called out slowly, “yelena…?”
silence. “yelena?”
nothing again. her aircraft was still there, and when she approached slowly, wary of her surroundings and any widows, the crunch her boot made with a branch underneath triggered the loudest scream she had ever heard. 
in the next second, a blur of two figures landed before her, wrestling to get the upper hand. yelena was screaming with all her might, and above her…above her, natasha could recognise that suit anywhere. 
it had her initials carved in the inner lining of the heart area, after all. 
“where is she?!” your voice sounded raspier, deeper than she remembered. you sounded tired and wary, too. 
but the hands pinning yelena down said otherwise, your strength overpowering hers as yelena tried desperately to free herself from under you. “where is what–asshole–!”
“where is natasha!” you pressed down on her neck, and at the choke yelena let out, the switch finally flipped in natasha. 
she screamed your name, from metres away, and at the immediate recognition, you faltered, and shot your gaze to her direction. she knew you couldn’t see her clearly under the low light of the broken street lamps, but it was her. 
the next thing you knew, though, the woman under you had wrenched a hand free and shot you in the neck with a widow bite. you cursed at the sting from the shock, but then all at once, darkness ensued. it definitely wasn’t the same widow bites natasha had designed over the years. 
“you nearly killed my wife, yelena!”
“how was i supposed to know that was your wife? i didn't even know you had a wife!”
when you woke to, it was yelena, the woman who nearly tried killing you, that was by your side. when the world stopped spinning for a while, you recognised that you were in the very aircraft mason had told you about. 
“hi,” you groaned lowly, fingers reaching for the spot that the blonde had shot the widow bite at. it was wrapped in a bandage.
“welcome back, my sister-in-law.” 
this time, she offered you a hand, and you took it gratefully to shake it. “sorry i shot you earlier. to be fair, you did try to kill me too.”
“fair game.”
the door slid open then, and at the sight of natasha entering, holding onto a pile of makeshift medication and bandages, your heart managed to stop beating for a while, if possible. 
her hair was longer, face a little more tired, worry lines etched into skin that was not so taut anymore. but still, she was your natasha, and she never looked more ethereal than in that moment. 
yelena had to step out of the room at the ferocity and aggressiveness that natasha engulfed you with, the squeals that left her sister’s mouth one that she would never have imagined hearing. 
“you came back, you came back!” natasha said in between tears of joy, as you hugged her even tighter. the nights with her pillows never replaced her body pressed against yours. 
“of course, i promised you,” you reassured, “i’ll come find you.”
“i thought–i thought–you’d given up, or i should give up,” she said between hiccups, sobs leaving her now at the incredulity of it all, “i thought you finally realised you were better off without me and–”
“nat,” you pulled her away to press a kiss firmly to her lips, “i would never do that.”
“i know. but you were gone so long and i waited. i waited and waited and…it was a long six months.”
you laughed, letting her lips chase yours once again. “it really was.”
when the two of you finally settled down and came back to earth, you snuck a glance at yelena, who you currently wished you had met in better circumstances, rather than nearly killing her to get to natasha. 
“guess i didn’t get on the best footing for meeting your sister, huh?” you whispered to natasha.
she nudged your side, prompting you to smile at yelena. she gave you a weird look, but awkwardly smiled back. “yeah, and you know what’s even crazier?”
“you’re about to meet my parents, too.”
you sat awkwardly beside natasha at the dinner table in melina’s house, shifting uncomfortably as yelena just burst out screaming that the “family” natasha had always told you was made up of red room agents, was always real to her. 
you thought she looked like a child throwing a tantrum. then, you bit the inside of your cheek and berated yourself for thinking so, because yelena of all people, was a woman who never did get a childhood at all. she deserved at least this. 
under the table, you felt natasha hold your hand for support. you squeezed it gently. she’s got you. 
you soothingly wrapped around her trembling fingers, still. because as strong as natasha was, biting back and spitting at her “parents” then, she was still hurt, and a teardrop had fallen to the side of her face that she had quickly wiped away. the teardrop no one would have noticed, except you, who had been wiping almost all of her tears away in the years that you had been together.
later on, when your spider-senses overloaded with the impending arrival of dreykov’s men, while natasha and melina argued over their plan to finally take him down, you found it hard to ignore the crying coming from yelena’s room. and you felt even worse for what you were going to subject her to later. 
natasha entrusted you to deal with taskmaster, while she handled the big man himself. you were about to argue, fearing for her safety and protection, but with a warning glance from her mother on your possibility of doubt over natasha’s own skills, you kept quiet. you had to trust your wife. 
but what natasha failed to tell you, however, was that taskmaster was more competent, and dangerous, than all the other widows involved. she had told you that they would be difficult, sure, but you hadn’t expected difficult to include you struggling to catch your breath, making up new moves on the fly to prevent the human weapon on copying your combat style almost perfectly. they had used your agility and swiftness against you, and you were convinced that had they had your webs, you would almost certainly be done for, too. 
“i don’t want to kill you,” you wheezed as you managed to sneak a move to tumble them to the ground, but the way in which they glared back at you and aimed a launcher right at your face, told you all that you needed to know. the feeling wasn’t mutual. 
with the help of natasha’s father in finally locking the taskmaster in a cell momentarily, you took the opportunity to find her, even as explosions rang through your ears and the shaking of the base showing the impending signs of doom. 
you held her as the both of you free fell through the skies, natasha’s fingers holding on to you as if you would disappear from her once again. 
“i’ve got you,” you murmured into her skin. she nodded slowly, telling you she understood. 
you deployed the parachute when you reached closer to the ground. natasha had gotten very good at getting over her fear of heights, as she latched on. years ago, she was still screaming in fear each time you brought her swinging through the city after your dates and missions together. now, only a small exhale left her lips as you landed her softly, safely, on the ground. you smiled to yourself at the change you only noticed now. 
“i still have…i have to…” she gestured towards dreykov’s daughter, the taskmaster, behind you. you wish you had known. 
you nodded understandingly. natasha was kind, kinder than anyone you knew. she was just like that. “go. do what you have to do to set her free. i’ll stay behind, in case you need help.”
“after she almost knocked you out?” a hint of a playful smirk, you jabbed her side lovingly. 
“i was pulling my punches! you told me not to kill her.”
natasha snuck a kiss on your cheek. “i know. my hero.”
you and natasha exchanged quiet smiles throughout the ride back to ross’ prison, or custody, wherever it was. it didn’t matter. she had taken down the demons of her past, and she had gotten you back. you had found her, and you were never letting her out of your sight ever again. 
weren’t you blinded by love before? nobody else mattered. not what ross had to say, not what tony had screamed at you for, not what steve or anyone else tried to convince you to do. being blinded by love for natasha was never a bad thing for you. 
“i never told you, but i like your new suit,” you whispered, holding her hands through your handcuffs. 
she hid the blush appearing on her cheeks. “i know. your hands said enough.”
“and your family too. your dad’s a character, and your mom’s really strong. stronger than me, that’s for sure.” 
“and yelena? my sister?” she found a way to interlace her fingers with yours, to the disgust of ross’ agents. you didn’t care.
“i like her the most. she reminds me of the best parts of myself. she’s humble, kind, funny, and sensitive, not in a bad way. and she’s like you, headstrong and stubborn.” natasha suddenly felt you slipping something into her fingers. a piece of paper. she kept it skilfully from the prying eyes of the agents in the car.
“just the way you like it.”
“you bet,” you leaned back, feet “accidentally” kicking ross and causing a momentary distraction for his guards to aim their guns at you all at once. natasha took it as her signal to open the note. 
there, scrawled in yelena’s handwriting, was an address that she had picked from the many safehouses you had so many years before. it was in new york, not far from where you and natasha lived. you had slipped her a burner phone before she left, too, as you informed natasha in your cells later on. 
“i know it’s all real for you, too,” you reassured the redhead, “and i never got to apologise for leaving you, and your avengers family, for so long. i wanted to make it up to you. we’ll make sure yelena is never far, and you will always have her by your side from now on.”
natasha felt her cheeks hurting from the smile she was sporting. “you know, i have spent my whole life trying to go home. to go back to how things were, to undo all that i have done in the past. and i managed to do just that, just a few days ago. take down dreykov, come back to my family, go back to my childhood home. but somehow, all of that was not home anymore. at least not the home i envisioned myself to go back to.”
“and what is the home you envision now?”
“you. i come back to your arms, and it is home now. nothing else compares.”
your fingers ghosted the wedding band on your ring finger subconsciously, scrunching your eyes and trying hard to fight back the tears from falling as you listened to her declaration.
36 hours or six months. the timing never mattered. you and natasha would find each other, and come home to each other's love, regardless.
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adoregojo · 29 days
∑ foolish fondness ➛ reo.m
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reo was definitely, absolutely, entirely, not jealous.
not when you called this guy ‘cute' 一sure he clenched his fist into an aggressive ball shade, but nothing crazy. not when you dubbed him as you 'bodyguard’一as if reo can't secure you a whole army to watch over you like hawks 24/7. 
and definitely not when you called that ‘mister x’ handsome.
Maybe his looks were enough to kill an entire generation, but no, he wasn't jealous.
to be accurate, he was burning alive.
yet reo forced himself to smile, despite the flames eating him to bits, it was all worth it for you. swallowing the lump that was clogging his throat, trying so desperately to not let out a piercing cry when you keep up on ranting about him when he一your boyfriend, was right there!
“he seems fun to be around, I guess.” uttering ever so bitterly, the words left stains of venom on his tongue.
“very, I also feel safe anywhere near him.” you went off giggling, while reo was on the edge of letting the earth swell him down, because witnessing hell freeze over with everyone dancing flamenco would've been something he could cope with more than hearing you say that another man was making you feel safe一and no. he wasn't being dramatic, at all.
“He even scared a bunch of creeps off my back yesterday, isn't he just the best?”
that's all? well, reo could easily ban them from 12 countries. ‘mister x’ has to get his games up.
He also has a large backyard, but that's for another story.
“Sure he is. ‘mister x’ seems like the most interesting guy to ever exist.” he spat out, hands shaking deep in his pockets. At this rate, he thinks he's all ready to cease a running train with one hand. 
“just because you refuse to acknowledge his name doesn't mean you can call him ‘mister x’, it's mr fuji.” you pointed out, as if reo had offended you with his misspelling. oh now you were defending him? just marry once and for all一please don't. 
“Anyway, I gotta meet him for lunchtime. you wanna tag along?” 
to be bland, reo was infuriated. he wanted to be mad at you, but oh一how could he when you looked so happy? with the most enthusiastic smile and he swore he could define preciousness underneath it alone. Unlike him, you never liked to swim between a myriad of people, always drawing a line when it came to your own personal space. so it's safe to say that reo, aside from being your boyfriend, was the first one to be this adjacent, the one that tackled your personal space wholly. then he wouldn't have to worry about sharing you一all for him to love and cherish. 
even if it hurts seeing someone mimicking his steps to your warmth, where he wanted to be the one and only there. Even if it meant wounding himself, reo didn't have the strength to stand up against your glee for his own gluttony of your attention. 
“of course,” reo would utter undertone, concealing what he had of dreads with a tight smile.
and yet, reo can feel your glances of doubt on him. He wasn't trying hard enough to hide his grimace when the first thing you snatched was a warped up raw meat, was he taking reo’s spot of being the first one on your mind?一and seriously, raw meat? what kind of epoch did this man colonize? when cannibalism was normalized?一 Still, he acted nonchalant. including two warped up sandwiches and just paid with his lips pressed on to a thin line. 
Even when the grip on the card was unyielding to the point he might just twist it if it wasn't for your hand to pat him up on the arm一he found himself easing up. just a little. and maybe his heart skipping a beat for the shortest time possible.
halfway walking, reo had to fight the urge to turn around and take a step back. Perhaps cry himself to sleep while he's at it. although, he found it in himself to straighten up. walk by your side with a stiffened shoulders and a heavy heart.
and when you two stopped, a nearby ditch, he figured that you two were in the place一the place his greatest nemesis of all time settled in. 
unwittingly, he asks, “Can he fight?”
“I asked, can he fight?”
you shot him a look, tilting your head to the side in confusion. “You can say his name, y’know?” 
“only if he won.” 
you had to palm your mouth, suffocating your laughter. your boyfriend narrows his eyes at you, “what? you think I'd lose?” reo ranted, now you had both hands to stifle your chortle. and he could feel neck crimson sheepishly to a shade of red, whatever it was embarrassment or pure bashfulness under the tune of your laugh.
“Since when were you after someone's blood?” you managed to let out, wiping your fake tears. leaving reo to wonder how you directed to shone like clockwork一 glistening a smile he’d go to war for一dammit, this wasn't the time to act like his usual lovelorn self. 
“I am not. but if he wanted to dig a hole for himself, I'd be the last thing he'd see.” 
and before you could make out a witty response, a low bark echoes throughout the ditch. deliberate steps of an old dog come to view一if reo may guess, it was a Newfoundland dog breed. 
he sees you leaping up to the senile dog as if he was your longtime aibou. ruffling the feather black fur, the animal leaning lazily against your affection. reo almost awed at the sight.
“reo, this is mr fuji. mr fuji, this reo. my boyfriend.”
reo blinks. 
“it's.. a dog?” he slips out, ever so hesitant.
“not just any dog, the cutest, most handsome dog in the world.” 
Suddenly, he's able to breathe again. He felt like the world's burden just lifted off his chest. He inactively watched as you unfold the raw meat and fed the aged dog. giving it a gentle pat in his head before standing back up to your boyfriend’s side. 
“So it was a dog all along.” he acknowledged once again, a relief chuckle came from him as a soothing spring’s breeze. 
by his side, you lean onto him till your arms are touching, reo could feel your warmth against him一or maybe that was just his body heating unintentionally. “Is that why you were jealous earlier?” you asked, sloping your head to the side as you observed him. his face painted in the slightest hints of red. 
“I wasn't.” he tried objecting, tipping his head to the opposite direction of you. 
“you were.”
“see? even mr fuji agrees.” 
you knew he was a terrible liar when he was around you, it's always his cheekbones, ears and neck betraying him to unfold the chaste truth. with you squeezing the flesh of his arm gently, eyes keening on him. you were so unfair, you can't pull the ultimatum cunning he cannot find it in his heart to turn a blind eye on.
“So what if I was? Is it bad that I ache to be the only person you could consider?” 
there it was, it was a mythical pull一with all his three spies flushing out. “you know that's almost impossible, right?” 
“ the only man then.”
“go easy.”
“fine, the only man that'll get eulogized by you.”
“only if it's mutual.”
“trust, it has been biased for a while now.”
with that, you take his hands in yours. weaving farewells to mr fuji, with reo just side-eyed him while muttering something along the lines ‘geezer’ leaving you to question if it was your own mirages playing tricks on you. dog or not, reo will still count him as his rival of all time.
yet when you tend towards him, interlocking your hands as you walk side by side. from the corner of his lilac hues, he could tone your affluent reddish skin when tucking a lost lock of your hair behind your ear. his knuckles would linger on your cheekbones to flavor the warmth till you had to force him away.
reo would observe you for a while before saying, “I won.” circulating to the world, and to himself. with the stupidest, lovesick smile glued to his lips. you ought to kick his leg slightly, while he would let out a long, fake whine. asking you to kiss it better.
and you would, despite the grimacing peers around you two. it was hard to tell the one who fell harder.
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
The Pudding
Barou Shouei x FemReader (Ft Isagi Yoichi)
Barou was acting like you’d been winding him up to brat tame, however you’d been on your best behaviour since Isagi came to crash with you guys for awhile, who knew he’d be such a homewrecker and not even release it was his fault. That pudding Barou was obsessed with do be good though!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI • DomBarou • smut • Barou being Barou. • dirty talk -filth • this do be spicy get your face fans out• 5 years after Blue Lock • Isagi temporary house mate causing arguments • crack • established relationship • the ending tho 💀 isagi you homewrecker.
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Frantic, aggressive and a borderline bully -Barou Shouei was showing all these traits when he’d stomped his way over to you, red eyes glowing as his figured shadow drew closer.
Normally you’d do something to warrant this kind of a reaction from him, brat taming you was something he enjoyed and something you found amusing to draw out in him.
Today however? You hadn’t done anything, in fact since Isagi came to crash a couple of days ago with you both for a few weeks you’d been pretty good. Barou only allowed it because Isagi was easy to live with, he knew this from his days in blue lock, collecting laundry and at least trying to aid his level of OCD with cleaning. He was respectful and he, unknowingly to you or anyone else owed Isagi a favour.
Why? That secret would die with Barou -and with Isagi if he kept his word on not telling anyone. Barou had actually asked him to try find out your ring sizes, which he had successfully done -fuck knows how he pulled it off and fuck knows how Barou bit his pride to ask. He wanted someone outside to get the job done, he himself or his sisters would be way too obvious. Apparently he took you shopping with Bachira who you had a soft spot for, the guys eccentric personality made it easy to fall for, he made you try on a load of stacking rings and Isagi remembered the one for your ring finger, clever little shit Barou had to give him that.
“W-wait Barou, s-slow down-“
You tried to tighten your thighs together in an attempt to block him but he’d only pushed his weight by his hips further into you causing you to spread them.
Normally Barou would prep you, much needed considering how thick and long this guy was, he was built like a god head to toe and taking him was always a stretch.
You were actually a little worried at how fired up he was, but equally excited by his sudden attitude shift, he was fine this morning but he was borderline feral at the moment.
Barou snorted a laugh, red eyes looking up to you as he held himself over you. Hands planted by your sides as you gripped onto his forearms to brace yourself, his huge biceps bulging as he held his own weight above you. His shoulders looked fucking huge, pure muscle hovering over you as sweat dripped from his body from his wound up he was getting not even cooling down after he finished a work out. His cock rested hard on your stomach, leaking at the tip.
“Huh? Where’s that cocky attitude gone, girl?”
Eyes returning down he watch himself as he lifted his hips, flexing his thick, heavy cock to hit his stomach watching the pre cum link between him, before dropping it down to press the thick tip to your entrance. You clenched around nothing as he pressed against you, easing the head in.
His deep voice making bumps rise on your skin, there was nothing unmanly about this guy, he oozes testosterone and gruffness, but that voice? God it got you every time, especially when he was threatening you.
“I’ll warn you now-“ he glanced up at you, his gaze harsh as he kept eye contact “-I’d find something to hold onto if I were you. You’re getting devoured, teach you to stop pissing me off.”
You swallowed and he was drinking in how vulnerable you looked under him, eyes glazed and doe like, it sent his ego soaring. The growl that left his chest was feral, eyes flashing as he tried to control himself from pushing himself in with one thrust.
Barou was mean, but not a complete sadist.
You moved a hand to press against the headboard behind you, the other remaining on his forearm.
He felt the tight ring of your cunt protest as he pushed the head in, you were so tight he couldn’t pull the head back as it gripped onto him and it was game over for you when he felt it sucking his cock in.
He pushed through to the hilt, bullying this thick cock through your velvety walls as they gripped him, milking any precum he had crawling up his dick.
“Fucking hell s’fucking warm, how you stay this tight huh? This cock not fucked you enough times?” he breathed out, not once dropping that gruffness his voice carried. He pressed his forehead against yours looking down at his cock buried in you. Barou was big, he had the length and the thickness but this man knew how to roll his cock into you.
“B-Barou s’too much please just -“
“Tch, thought you knew what you were in for? Acting cocky and now whinin’ cause you can’t take me? Suck it up princess, wanna help yourself? Reach down and play with your clit as I fuck you, it’s the only mercy you’re getting.”
You whimpered under him, your hips twitching to try angle yourself better as your pussy clenched around him.
Despite years of being together he was still a stretch to take especially when he’d been away for a few weeks for soccer and you’d not had him. This time, it was because he’d remained rather tame while Isagi was crashing at your place whilst he moved into his new one.
You had no idea why Barou was so pissed off, he only got like this when you’d been teasing him or winding him up until he entered his brat taming mode.
This time though -you hadn’t.
You pussy was soaking, drooling to your ass and over his cock and balls, he tilted his hips so the hilt of his dick rubbed your clit and you threw your head back with an unholy moan.
He withdrew slowly, a deep groan leaving him as he watched his thick dick slide from you covered in slick.
“You’re a mess, acting like you can’t handle it but she’s drooling for me-“ he thrust sharply, hitting that spot in you that made your breath hitch, your mouth fell open as you looked down in slight worry, your hand on his forearm quickly pressed against his six pack.
“Found it already huh? Tch, too easy thought you’d put up more of a fight.”
He rolled his hips beautifully into you, setting a pace that was borderline cruel -hard but not quiet fast enough to build your orgasm as quick as you’d want it.
Barou watched your tits bounce with each thrust into your pussy, hugging him begging it to fill you with his cum, but he wasn’t done yet.
Your vision blurred as he shifted you, only to focus again as he looked down on you folded beneath him. He had hooked both arms under your knees to push you upwards under him, folding you in half as his hands grip the head board behind you to stabilise himself.
Your eyes widened at what he was about to do, tears gathering in your eyes as he moulded you into his own version of a mating press. Mounting you like some animal as he stared down at his prey.
“You’re fucked now, woman.”
His first thrust hit so deep you almost seen stars, head kissing your cervix as he pushed to the hilt whilst rotating his hips in circles.
“Your safe word, you got it?” You nodded dumbly and he pressed a kiss to your leg, a fleeting moment of showing his softness before his annoyance for whatever triggered this took him over again.
Your hand moved to press a finger to your clit and Barou’s eyes followed to watch you rub circles into it, matching his pace to each round.
He was impossibly deep even he could feel resistance to how deeply he’d managed to bury himself into you -actual pride swelling in his chest at you being such a champ and taking him like this. Your clit was hard and burning under the pad of your finger as you eased towards cumming for him. Each squelch of his cock bullying into you, each slap of his skin as his balls hit your ass every moan that left your throat as you begged and spurred him.
Slurring words of adoration for him as he drank everything you gave him, his ego soaring with his heart as he started to rut into you violently. Knuckles turning white as his gripped the head board, sweat dripping from him onto you under him as he pushed himself physically.
“Fuck,” a frustrated growl left him, “-fuck you’re too fucking good.” His words through grunts as he kept up a feral pace. “-you’re fucking made for me.”
“Yeah? You made for this king? Made to take this dick?”
“M-made for you- Ngh-Barou I’m gonna- hah- please I’m cumming, Barou- y-yes there, please-“
“Yeah? Keep fucking begging n slurring all dumb like that, makes me wanna devour you.”
He felt you start to roll your hips under him, your spare hand blinded reaching for his on the head board, finding it you gripped it, fingers laying over his. The finger on your clit started stuttering, picking up a fast messy pace.
“Cummin’ f’you- Bar-King, fuckfuckfuck!”
He smugly watched you lose it under him, body tightening and your toes curling, feeling your pussy clamp around him made him buckle slightly, edging him towards his own release. He didn’t ease you down, instead Barou shifted another gear as his pace turned fast and hard.
“S’Kings gonna fill that pretty cunt up-“
He flipped his hand, twisting it to lace his fingers through yours and planting beside your head, letting one of your legs lower. Barou pressed his lips to your leg still held up by his other, placing wet kisses between bites, panting through his nose as he groan into your skin holding between his teeth.
His thrusts turned sloppy but kept their hardness fucking into you like an alpha fucking his mate through a rut.
“Take it all -fuuuuuck!”
He hunched over you pressing his hips to yours as he spilled into you, cock flexing inside you as he moaned into your leg, red eyes half hooded and glazed. His hips twitched against you as you clenched around him, stomach muscles flexing in little spasms as he came hard emptying into you.
The room was filled with both your panting, coming down from your highs and Barou released you, sitting back onto his folded legs spread. You whimpered as his cock pulled from you now half hard as he softened. Your legs bent up and still spread, shaking as you felt the tremors start to inch up your body. Hands shaking you sat up onto your elbows, Barou was still breathing heavy, red eyes fixed on your swollen pussy starting to leak out his cum and he groaned again. It was the only kind of mess he deemed somewhat acceptable. Running a hand through his hair you could see him shaking lightly, a smug smirk made it’s way to your face.
“The fuck is with that smug smile? Knock it off,”
“You’re shaking.”
“I fucking wouldn’t be if you hadn’t ate the last pudding!”
“What?” You deadpanned at him, “-I didn’t.”
“Don’t bullshit me, I didn’t eat it and it was there this morning.”
“-wait, Barou did you just fuck me like that cause you thought I ate your last pudding?!”
“Hardly the first time, you act like a brat to get fucked like one. Got what you wanted now go out and replace it!”
“I can’t fucking walk! You literally just beat my pussy up!”
“Yeah? I’ll do it again until you stop stealing my shit!”
“I didn’t eat it Barou!”
Meanwhile Isagi sat in the spare room listening to you both from across the hall. -completely forgotten about that he was currently residing with you guys and was actually in the building.
An impressively raging hard on at the inspirational rough sex he’d just heard whilst looking down at his hands, one with a spoon and the other holding an empty container for pudding. He’d been eating it whilst you guys fucked like animals in your bedroom. Like popcorn at a cinema.
Man, Barou really liked his damn pudding, Isagi didn’t think he’d heard him that angry since he called the king a donkey back in Blue Lock 5 years ago.
He shrugged and cleaned the spoon off, ah well Barou didn’t know it was actually him who’d stolen the last pudding, ‘sides it was worth it listening to that.
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© pharix 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
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halfmoonshines · 1 month
soft spot
damon salvatore x reader
summary; you're injured in a fight with a rogue vampire who breezed into town, and Damon is being weird about it
You tried to stay hidden in the shadows outside of the streetlight, but your rapid heartbeat probably would've given you away either way.
"Who the hell is this guy?" You heard Damon mutter from the spot he was tossed just a few feet away from you, dusting the dirt from the trash cans he'd squished like cardboard. His ice blue eyes spared you a quick glance but didn't say a word, trying not to draw any attention your way.
Damon intervened as Caroline was struggling to grapple with the stranger. In the span of a moment, she was on the ground groaning with a broken arm and he had launched the assailant to give them a chance to regroup - right toward you.
You couldn't help the little gasp that you emitted, no matter how much time you spent around these creatures this was a vampire. One in particular who would have no hang ups about snapping your neck.
Per their supernatural hearing, it didn't take long for the mans vicious senses to find you, and took half as long for him to have a bruising hand around your neck.
The sound of Damon yelling your name was distant in the background, you were focused on the threat literally snarling in your face.
"Don't you smell good?"
That was as far as the stranger managed to get before Damon had the broken handle of a broom protruding from his back. His grip slipped off your throat as his body slid sideways and you toppled to the ground, heading bouncing off the pavement hard enough for you to see stars.
Damon's voice was faint to you again, but you could hear him begging for your attention. Caroline was in the background too, in panicked discussion with someone over the phone. You couldn't get your eyes to focus though, hair becoming wet and warm.
The eldest Salvatore's touch on you was feather light, his mouth still moving with words he wanted you to latch onto but you had already lost the dance with consciousness.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
The first thing you were aware of when you woke up in a bed was that it was decidedly not yours. The next thing you noticed was that you weren't in any pain, just a bit stiff when you went to sit up from the bed. Someone had definitely given you blood, which was against every rule her and her friends had discussed, but from the smell of the sheets behind you - Damon wouldn't have cared either way.
You made your way out of the room and down the stairs, vaguely knowing the layout of the boarding house from your handful of times actually coming inside. Over the last few months you had become dangerously intertwined in Elena's grapple with the supernatural, despite Bonnie's vehement advice to go as far as possible. You were emancipated, you could switch schools and move to Pennsylvania.
No, you couldn't. Once your conscious had been opened to everything around you, once you were aware of the dangers of the dark - you could never ignore that. Better the evil you know.
Speaking of.
You came upon Damon in his favorite spot, a tumbler of bourbon in his hand while he leaned up against the fireplace. The suit jacket he had been wearing earlier that night was discarded on the couch behind him, a small amount of blood on the collar of his shirt still.
"You always look so broody." Poking fun at him might not be in your best interest, but you figured you'd give it a go. Over the last few months, your and Damon's relationship had morphed into something you couldn't quite understand, but moments like these had seemed to become more comfortable between you.
"I believe you're confusing me with my much broodier younger brother." Damon's words were laced with sarcasm, but his tone didn't have a hint of amusement.
You felt suddenly awkward, in his space and home. Just because you had gotten kind of comfortable lately didn't mean he wanted to be around you.
"Well, thanks for the whole life saving thing." You began to babble nervously, a faint pink glow to your cheeks. "I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for taking your bed, I don't even know what time it is-" You had begun turning toward the door, making to just leave and find a way home. How you could this age and still flustered in front of attractive men, especially murderous ones was beyond you.
Damon appearing in front of you almost made your heart stop, hair stirring at his incredibly fast movements. He was barely a foot away, his piercing gaze holding your confused one. From this close you could smell just how much he had probably drank.
"Are you... okay, Damon?" Your voice wavered a bit under the heat of his stare and you saw the muscle in his jaw working overtime while he looked like he was debating whether or not he wanted to actually say anything to you.
"You don't have to thank me for saving you when you were in danger because of me." His eyes had drifted from your eyes to your neck, voice whisper quiet.
Vulnerability was the last thing you expected from the man standing over you. "What do you mean? It wasn't your fault. Just wrong place, wrong time and I so happen to be the weakest link." You hoped your voice conveyed even a bit of humor.
His eyes snapped back up to yours, head tilting slightly while he assessed you. Damon's hand rose to grab a lock of your hair, twirling it around his finger in thought. Your breath caught in your throat, feeling like you were on the precipice of something.
"My weakest link, maybe. Have I told you how much I like your hair?" His voice was still quiet, an innocent lilt.
Your mind was reeling, half drunk on his closeness and hazed by confusion. Where was this coming from? Had he drank a small liquor store and now he was confusing her for her much more appealing best friend?
"Damon, I'm not sure how much you've had to drink, but I'm happy to brew you a pot of coffee. Does that even work for vampires?"
You had started to pull away, making to turn toward the kitchen but Damon was infinitely faster than you. His drink was discarded, one hand going to your upper arm and the other to your waist, tugging you back into his vicinity.
"On the contrary, I don't think I've ever been so sure minded, sparrow. I'm sorry for not protecting you tonight." His voice was tight now, the warmth of his hands tingling down your body.
"It's not your fault, or job, Damon." Your voice had quieted to match his, all humor leaving. You didn't know where this guilt had come from, but it was misplaced. Since you'd met Damon he'd made some bad decisions, but you had also seen his sacrifice so much for the sake of the team. Even if others didn't acknowledge it, he didn't need to add anymore to his plate.
"I'd like it to be. My job." His reply was lightning quick, eyes pinning yours in place.
Were you dreaming?
Damon's signature smirk was visible for a split second, telling you that your confusion was written all over your face. "I think that I'm asking you, in the most coming of age movie way, if you'd like to go steady?"
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
send any fic requests here!! all comments/criticisms/requests welcome
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heartlesscorpse · 2 months
Sleepy Cuddles w/ Pyramid Head 🩸🔪 △
Pyramid Head brainrot goes brrr. Pyramid Head brainrot is forever eternal, anyway — yeah I have yet another post of Pyramid Head because I’m bored, my brain had ideas, and I NEED him so I feel like catering myself once again w/ Pyramid Head. That’s all I can say. OH YEAH might I add, rather than Silent Hill’s PH like my last few posts this time I decided this time around I’m gonna do DBD Pyramid Head. Also a heads up for the small nsfw warning in this post.
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Doing back to back trials or maybe more is always tiring. Leaves you all sleepy asf, grumpy, and really not wanting to be thrown into another trial for the entity’s amusement.
Usually you’d try sleeping around the campfire or take short naps, literally whenever you have the chance to do so before the entity drags you off to another random map, and it can get pretty annoying when you don’t get no breaks to rest. >:((
And what’s better than looking for none other than your favourite tall killer, the Executioner for some cuddles???
If you need cuddles or sleep, Pyramid Head’s always there in Midwich waiting for you whenever he’s not busy with any trials of his own. :))
He loves earning small visits from you while the both of you have some time to spend when the Entity isn’t calling for either of you for the next trial.
The two of you meet up usually in the halls of the school or some random classroom if Pyramid Head happened to be looking for you first. The nurses office is where the two of you kick back and relax in each other’s company most often, because that’s where all the old mattresses are left on the rusted metal bed frames.
The beds are way too small to fit with Pyramid Head’s large figure so the both of you would settle with stripping off all the mattresses from the bed frames, lie them all on the floor stacked atop each other by 2 by 4 for bigger space.
Cuddles w/ the big guy are the fucking best. And he enjoys cuddling you too.
Because of the huge height differences between the both of you, he thinks you’re the perfect size so he could gently squeeze you in his arms while you’re all curled up with him.
And don’t forget about them man tiddies, his tiddies are the best for a pillow but in the end, you’re waking up with a sore neck. But it’s fucking worth it. >:))
It’s also soothing listening to his breathing from his rusted helmet or the soft growls rumbling from his chest, which kind of reminds you of thunder rolling through the sky in the distance.
As I mentioned the last time in one of my other hc posts with Pyramid Head, he’s a fuckin’ walking heater and all that body heat radiating from him while you’re pressed against him with his arms around you is just pure bliss.
Feels so nice to pass out in his arms especially with all that exhaustion and the multiple trials you went through still racking your brain, and he likes it how easily you conk out the moment you get comfy with him just in a matter of seconds.
On some small occasions there’s times where Pyramid Head is also hornee and wanting help with finding some relief, once granted consent he’ll keep in mind how tired you are after all those trials you went through of course, this time around he’ll restrain himself from going too rough on you and will opt to fucking you gently and at a slower pace. Getting some relief out of this and also helping you destress, a small little reward for doing such a great job. <33
After cuddles and naps with Pyramid Head you’re feeling all rejuvenated and energized to keep pushing on through more trials the entity has yet to throw at you.
Sometimes it’s not enough and Pyramid Head will decide to keep you for a little while longer, drawing the entity’s attention in some instances and having to fight with them in order to prevent the entity from ripping you away from his grip.
Few minutes wasn’t enough he wants more time with his precious. Fuck off. >:((
Besides the exhaustion or stress from everything in the entity’s realm, you still visit Pyramid Head whenever just for more cuddles or naps to give the big guy some company and spend more time with your beloved Executioner.
🥩⋆♱✮♱⋆🔪 🩸
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messylustt · 11 months
ok heres my req!! don't worry sbt how long it takes darling writing is a hobby not a job <33
but i was think if an Ethan fic where maybe its sort of a 'who did this to you' vibe where the reader gets hurt. maybe he goes a lil apeshit who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️ and smut (because ethan smut is delicious and ur writing is scrumptious)
pls I need this in my life and thank you, my love ur so sweet <3
✫ ;: .. I’D KILL FOR YOU
ethan landry + fem!reader
18+ smut fingering; mention of abuse :( ; mention of injuries (cigarette burn marks, bruised eye); praise (it’s my thing)
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“What?” Ethan’s voice is lower than you’ve ever heard it before.
“But I’m fine.” You console with a small smile. But Ethan’s still moving closer, his gaze locked on your face.
Then his hand is reaching out and lightly brushing the bruise that sits just under your eye. You try not to flinch, but it seems even the softest of touches makes your body twitch.
Ethan’s jaw is clenched, his own mind practically turning red—figuratively—though at this point Ethan’s starting to want to see the colour in a more solid form. Maybe dripping out of your stepdad’s stomach.
You back away from him, shaking your head. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“No you’re fucking not.” Ethan growls, pulling you back to him, making you hiss in pain. Ethan quickly looks down to where his hand is holding your waist. And as he pulls your shirt up—ignoring your protests—he sees littered burn marks across your skin. Raw and cinched with black.
You slightly push him off you. “Ethan, it barely hurts.”
Ethan meets your gaze with disbelief. “How long?” He pulls you back to him, slightly pushing you against a table, as he draws your shirt back up, keeping you still by the pressure of his legs against your own.
“How. Long?” He meets your gaze, leaving no room for argument.
You narrow your eyes briefly, before looking away, clenching your jaw. “A few months.” You whisper.
Okay, now Ethan sees red. “A few months?” He reiterates, his teeth almost now visible at how much he snarled the words out. “And you didn’t think to tell anyone? You didn’t think to tell me?”
“What could I say?” You shift your gaze back to him, slightly shifting under his body weight. “That my stepdad beats me when he’s stressed?”
“Yes! Exactly that.” Ethan is breathing hard, as he has the urge to touch your face again.
“No.” You slightly hiss. “Because if I say something, my mum will find out. She can’t find out.”
“Why the hell not? The guys a living piece of shit.” Ethan lowly states, part—no, most of him wanting to get rid of the ‘living’ part. Your stepdad can remain a dead piece of shit for all he cares.
“Because she’s…she’s finally happy.” Your voice has grown quieter.
“Happy?” Ethan still looks in disbelief. “You can’t be serious. She’s happy with him?”
“Yes! She’s finally happy and I really don’t want to see that go.”
Ethan’s hand has moved to grip your shirt a fraction tighter. “How can she be happy with someone who beats—“
“He doesn’t beat her. He doesn’t…he’s never layed a hand on her. He wouldn’t.” You say, gnawing at the inside of your cheek.
“So, just you then?” Ethan asks, eyes still narrowed and practically gleaming with a want to kill. Though you can’t catch this in your worried state. “And you’re fine with that?”
“I’m sure it won’t continue—“
“I don’t give a fuck if you think it’ll continue or not. It’s happened.” He brings your shirt back up, revealing your burn marks. “Cigarettes burnt into your skin.” He grabs the back of your neck, redirecting your head to look at him. “His fist into your…” he tries to take a breath, because he’s slowly loosing it. “Into your face.”
He meets your gaze, tilting your head up, his fingers slightly sinking into your hair. Because he didn’t want to let go. He wouldn’t let go. No. For one, you were certainly not going back home. And two, Ethan needed to keep you close as some form of confirmation that your stepdad wasn’t going to lay a finger on you again. Ethan’s already made a promise to break every single one.
“Ethan, let me go…please.” You say, because he’s still your friend, and you know that he’s just concerned.
But Ethan just shakes his head. “You’re not going back home.”
“I have to—“
“No, y/n.” Ethan pointedly says. “You’re not going back home.” You can feel his heaving chest against your own—Ethan having brought you even closer, careful to avoid the wounds on your side.
“I appreciate your concern and everything…but you were never meant to know. It would have fizzled out and—“
“Stop making up excuses for your situation.” Ethan cuts in, his breath now over your face, making your own hitch a fraction. “Stop acting as though this is fine, just because you want your mum to be happy.”
You hold your breath as Ethan’s hand gently brushes your uninjured cheek. “What about your happiness?”
You gulp, shaking you head—the reason not really clear to you. Ethan just grabs your chin, leaning even closer, so that his breath now tickled your lips, making your entire body heat up. “Listen to me.” His gaze is darting.
“You are not going back home. You are not ever seeing him again.” You go to cut in but Ethan quickly continues. “And I don’t care if he’s good to your mum, because he’s not good to you. No one can treat you like that.”
Now he’s extremely close, making your heart thump, and pound in your ears, each of his words now hitting your open mouth, your lips wet with your own spit. Something Ethan instantly takes note of, as his eyes glance down, a second desire forming. Not just the one for blood, but now for you.
“And y/n, if I see another injury on you…” Ethan’s lips are almost touching yours. “I’ll kill him.” And Ethan meant every ounce of those words. Whether or not you did come back with more injuries Ethan was determined to kill him anyway. But you wouldn’t be ‘coming back’. Because you’d be staying here. With him.
Your eyes keep darting down to his lips, and just as your breathing stutters, Ethan can’t help but lean even closer. Now his lips are just barely brushing yours. Without much thought you lean forward, pressing your lips completely against his.
It’s as if a fire ignites in Ethan’s veins, as his hand at your neck tightens. And once you slightly lean back from your delicate kiss, Ethan’s mouth is swiftly reaching for yours. You slightly gasp at the intense switch.
Your kiss was hesitate and gentle, his now is determined, lust filled, and permanent. He wasn’t going anywhere. Your head knocks slightly back as Ethan laps at your tongue, exploring your mouth, as your head moves with his.
Then he’s lifting you onto the table, making sure your legs spread around him, as he doesn’t give you air, finding your lips a little more addicting than initially expected. “Eth—“
But your words are drowned out by Ethan’s mouth. Then he finally moves down your cheek, and jaw and neck. You’re entirely flushed, as Ethan pulls you even closer to him by your thighs. You can feel him entirely, as his hips slightly move a fraction, earning a small sound to spill from your lips, making Ethan grin against your skin.
“Mm…fuck, y/n…you taste good.” Ethan mutters out, almost unheard by how he just isn’t backing away from your skin. “So fucking good…”
Your head lolls back as your eyes have the urge to roll as Ethan leaves a lot more pleasurable bruises on your skin. “Only I can give you bruises…” he says, licking your neck. “No one else can, no one else can touch you.” He’d muttering anything and everything on his mind.
And then his hand is unzipping your pants, sinking past your panties as he finds your arousal. Your hips slightly jolt. “Shh, don’t move. I don’t want you to do anything. Just lay back for me…” Ethan is moving on top of you as he begins to draw circles over your throbbing clit. Your mouth is open in a pant, as Ethan coos at your expression.
“I knew you’d look good like this—fuck.” He continues to rub your pussy, as pleasure courses through you. “That feel good?” He breathes, and you partially nod, kinda out of it. “Good…, cause that’s all I want you to feel.” He’s now placing kisses by your jaw, as two of his fingers graze your dripping hole.
“Oh god, Ethan…” you whisper out, as you bite your lip. Ethan breathlessly chuckles as he begins to thrust his fingers in and out of you. “You’re gonna stay…right?” Ethan watches you closely as he finger fucks you.
Your nods are quick and mismatched making Ethan’s smile grow along with something else straining in his pants. “Yeah…you’ll stay right here…with me, you’ll be alright, you’ll be safe.” He breathes almost to himself, as he leans down to kiss you, finding your tongue quickly, as his thrusts quicken, feeling you clench around them.
“Are you gonna cum?” He speaks to your lips. “Yeah?…mm, that’s it…cum all over my fingers, I want to taste more of you.” He keeps kissing your swollen lips, as his thrusts pick up to a pace almost ungodly.
“Oh—Ethan—god.” You manage as your hands grip at his shirt, your body twitching with pleasure. And as your orgasm rides through you, your lips finding Ethan’s eagerly, his other hand has begun to soothe just by your burn marks.
“You’re so pretty.” He breathes, finally pulling his fingers out of you, as your eyes shut, savouring the feeling. “Let me help you feel even better…” Ethan kisses your cheek, as you open your eyes. You can hear the click of his belt as you feel your core heat up again.
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
Across the common, three suspicious figures freeze, glance behind them, and then resume walking as casually as they can.
“I said halt! Do not move! Cease all function!”
Milling nervously towards each other, Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest pause, shifting the three massive cardboard boxes they hold each.
“Hi, Annabeth,” Will says, smiling innocently. Cecil and Lou Ellen match him, eyes wide, expressions angelic.
Annabeth stomps over to them, arms crossed tightly over her chest. She is entirely unmoved by the cherubic display in front of her. Nico stays right where he is, hidden by the shade of Cabin Eight.
“Explain yourselves,” Annabeth orders.
The three stooges exchange a look.
“Whatever do you mean,” Lou Ellen asks, shifting the boxes to free up her hand only to place it delicately over her chest. “Why, we are only helping our dear friend William —”
“Our dear, dear friend,” Cecil adds.
“— carry these many boxes of medical supplies, so as to lower his great burden —”
“Massive burden,” Will says sagely.
“— and free up his evening in order for him to spend his limited time with us, his most cherished friends.”
“Especially cherished,” Will and Cecil chorus together.
Unable to bite back a smile, Nico rolls his eyes so hard his skull hurts. They’re not even trying to not get caught, at this point.
Clearly agreeing, Annabeth scoffs. “Yeah, right. Boxes down, all three of you. You’re being detained for suspected illicit substances.”
“Annabeth!” Will cries, mock outraged, “after all I do for this camp, you would accuse me of being — illicit?! Me?! The outrage! The insult! The impugn, the —”
“Can it, Solace. Open the boxes.”
Huffing in perfect unison, the three of them carefully lower their boxes to the ground.
“Tape off.”
Intentionally slowly, they run a nail along the edge of the packing tape.
“Flaps open, guys, c’mon.”
With flourish, the trio fling open the thin cardboard panels. Inside each box is rows of bandages, packaged syringes, sterile bands, tongue compresses, and more that Nico can’t name.
“See?” says Cecil, gesturing grandly. “The shipment just came in from my dad.”
Annabeth’s eyes narrow. “Your dad is in a conference with the rest of the Olympians right now, Markowitz.”
“Well,” Cecil says, and then nothing else.
“He meant it in the royal sense,” Lou Ellen pipes up in his silence. Cecil nods frantically. “You know, ‘just’ as in, like, recently, as in this morning —”
“Do you three think I’m stupid —”
“It’s just medical supplies! You can look through them if you want —”
Even if they weren’t acting like criminals, Nico knows his friends. He knows his boyfriend, especially, and recognises that damn look on his face. He can also physically see Annabeth’s stress ulcer coming back.
Closing his eyes, Nico fades into Cabin Six’s shadow. It’s a quick jump, so the stretch is easy, and the darkness bows easily to his hold. He reappears silently behind the group, taking advantage of the setting sun, and darts out to grip Lou Ellen’s arm.
“Boo,” he whispers.
She shrieks at the top of her lungs, jumping three clean feet in the air. Coincidently, the boxes of medical supplies flicker, turning into a truly baffling amount of instant mashed potato boxes as her grip on the Mist loosens.
“I knew it!” Annabeth shouts.
On cue, all three doofuses turn to Nico, jeering and complaining about ‘ruining the fun’. Nico’s glare is ineffective on Doofus #1, but the other two can be cowed. He focuses on channelling the flames of hell to reflect in his eyes like his father showed him until they look away, muttering at the ground.
“We still don’t have any illicit substances,” Will insists, glaring right back. Nico sticks out his tongue. He crosses his eyes like a four year old. How immature, honestly. “So we’re just gonna take our stuff and —”
“Absolutely not, Golden Boy. Put that hand away.”
Wisely, Will draws slowly back from the boxes, tucking his hands in his pocket.
Annabeth stares, hard, at the three of them, flicking her dark eyes from the potatoes and back. The tips of her worn-out converse tap slowly on the packed grass, tip-tap-tip-tap, as they all squirm.
Understanding suddenly dawns on her.
“It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, for the strawberry plants.”
They squirm harder.
“Oh, you godsdamn bitches.”
“It would’ve been really funny,” Cecil mumbles, staring at the ground. “Rain making the ground turn into a sea of mashed potatoes. Like Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs.”
“The only meatballs around here are the ones clogging up your skull!” Annabeth shouts, which doesn’t quite make sense but sounds clever coming from her anyway. “Who was gonna clean that up, huh? Magic?”
“I mean, probably,” Lou Ellen says, promptly shutting up at Annabeth’s glare.
“And you, Will! I cannot believe! Where is that responsibility you’re known for, huh?”
Will pouts. “I can be responsible and do fun things.”
“Fun, he says. I’m going to fucking kill you. The one day I’m left in charge, I cannot believe —”
“If it helps, it’s less about you and more about April Fools being tomorrow,” Cecil interjects tentatively. “Like, we were going to do this whether or not Chiron left.”
Annabeth glares darkly. “Of fucking course you were. It’s always you three, I swear to the gods. I should have known.”
“It’s honestly kind of embarrassing for you guys, stopped before you’re even started,” Nico adds. He smiles smugly at them, relishing in their rolled eyes and mocking hands. “Like, everyone expected this. You did this to yourselves, honestly.”
“Boo, you jag,” Lou Ellen protests. The other two knuckleheads joint in the booing, Will taking it an extra stop forward and blowing a raspberry, both thumbs pointing down. Nico responds with a bright grin and two middle fingers.
“Enough,” Annabeth says, rubbing her temples. “Extra chores, all three of you. Go help the cleaning harpies until sundown. And not another peep of complaint or I’ll have you on chores tomorrow, too.”
Without another glance at them, she turns around and walks away, muttering at least you caught it early at least you caught it early at least you caught it early over and over to herself.
“Pretty sure you guys have physical labour to do,” Nico says brightly when she disappears into the Big House. “I’d get started on that, if I were you.”
“Butthead,” Cecil mutters.
“Kiss-ass,” Lou Ellen agrees, making a face.
“Traitor,” Will whispers, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he walks past.
Nico watches them go, standing guard over the boxes in case they try to come back for them.
He can’t help but think that they all look a little too jovial for having their plans ruined before they even started.
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tojisbbg · 1 year
𝙤𝙝, 𝙞 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙣
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❝oh.. cara mia, how i love him.❞  
♡ rin itoshi ♡
a/n: first time writing for blue lock!! ugh, guys, the brainrot is very severe. they’re all my babygirls fr.
content: rin itoshi x reader, sprinkle of sae in it (if you squint), fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, childhood friend to strangers to lovers, rin’s a little mean, unresolved feelings cause sudden confession, small little tweaks of events, not edited.
“rinnie!” your six-year-old self screamed loud and proud for your best friend in the entire world as you ran inside the itoshi household. your parents were left behind at the door, chuckling with the itoshi’s parents because of your excitement. 
you tightly gripped the coloring set to your chest, climbing the stairs as fast as you could upstairs to rin’s play room that he shared with his brother sae. you opened the door, seeing the familiar ravenette sitting on the child size chair, focused on drawing. 
“rin! you were supposed to wait for me.” you whined, your smile now becoming a small frown as you sat in front of him on the empty chair. rin looked up at you, finally acknowledging your presence. 
“ah! y/nie, you’re here so soon.” he gave you a bright smile, his eyes shimmering at your company. suddenly, you even forgot that you were mad at him in the first place, his smile being so contagious as you returned one yourself.
“look! papa got them from his business trip last week and it has crayons, markers, paints and so much more!” you showed him the coloring kit, making him awe from amazement from the variety. 
“so cool! hey, can we share?” rin asked and you eagerly nodded your head, laying out your coloring supplies on the table freely. 
“who are you drawing for the project?” you asked, beginning your masterpiece, which would consist of cutely drawn stick figures. 
“i’m gonna draw big bro, i wanna be just like him in the future. he’s just so cool, he’ll become the best striker in the world and i’ll be the second best.” rin spoke with such passion in his tone, his eyes holding a loving adoration at the thought of his brother. 
“nice, i wanna become like my mama. i want to make food as delicious as hers so that i could feed the people that i love.” you chirped, dipping your paint brush in a little bit of water before swirling it inside the watercolor paint palette. 
“even me?” rin asked, making you look at him with a slight dust of pink shading your cheeks. 
“of course, rinnie. you’re my best friend and i’ll always love you. i think you’re more awesome than sae.” you whispered the last part, making him giggle as he shook his head. 
“hm? talking about me?” you suddenly hear a voice behind you, your eyes being covered as you yelp in surprise. 
“sae!” you finally peeled his hands away from your eyes, eyes meeting another pair of emerald ones. sae chuckled before ruffling your hair. 
“hey! you’re messing up my pigtails.” you huffed, trying to fix your hair that slightly ruined, straightening the bows that were a little crooked. 
“sorry, sorry, cutie.” sae raised his hands in defense, making you hum as a response of accepting his apology. he sat on the ground, eyes watching what you and his brother was doing. 
“look, big bro! this is you and me when we win the world cup together.” rin eagerly showed his finished drawing, earning a proud grin from his brother as sae ruffled rin’s hair. 
“we’ll be the best of the best, together.” sae said, warmth spreading inside rin’s heart from satisfaction. 
“yup!” rin nodded. 
“hey, what about me? i don’t know how to play soccer.” you pout, feeling left out from the itoshi’s conversation. 
“i offered to teach you but you didn’t wanna.” sae replied, pinching your cheeks teasingly as you winced. 
“yeah ‘cause soccer is for boys not for girls.” you fake gagged, making sae roll his eyes from your overdramatic reaction.
“you can cheer us on, you’ll be in the front seats watching us.” rin suggested, making you think hard on if that’s the job you wanted to play in the itoshi brothers dream. 
“okay! i’ll be your good luck charm.” you gave them a thumbs up, making them both agree. 
“my, my! aren’t you three just so cute. let’s take a picture!” rin’s mom cooed, pulling out her phone as she ushered both brothers to stand by your side. you dropped your paint brush, holding your colorful hands up with a bright smile that made your eyes disappear. 
you felt rin and sae bent down, placing a kiss on either of your cheeks as a pose. 
“1...2...3... awwww!” your parents were in the middle of having a stroke from cuteness overload. on the other hand, you were combusting with happiness from how lucky you were to have two of the greatest friends ever. 
change is something inevitable. 
seasons change and so do other forms of life such as plants, animals and humans. it’s just the cycle of life that we must go through. 
the world was still too big for your liking at the age of sixteen, afraid to dip your toes in waters that seemed too cold and foreign. 
you were afraid to change.
and perhaps that was one of the reasons why you let the two most important people in your life slip out of your grasp. sae became a hotshot in a small period of time, hitting the news which spread like wildfire. of course, this alone made your and rin’s hearts soar from happiness. 
but that was two years ago. 
things were different now, so different that you don’t even recognize the itoshi brothers anymore. sae was absolutely no longer in the picture, frequently traveling to places like spain and his visits back in japan lasted no more than a couple of days. 
and your best friend, rin, has become nothing but a total stranger. he still lived within close premises, yet his aura felt like someone splashed you with cold water. that warmth that once resided within him was gone. 
you quickly barged into rin’s room, your face now becoming pale with horror as you saw him go berserk. his eyes were dark, smashing every single trophy, medal and picture frame him and sae owned. 
“i hate him! i hate, hate, hate, itoshi sae!” rin bellowed, not even caring about your existence that was terrified by the door. your shaky hands went behind you, closing the door as you slowly tip-toed your way to him. 
“rin?” you meekly called out his name, trying to catch his attention as he was heaving from frustration. he looked at you with a sharp glare, making your throat go dry. 
“what.” he spat out with so much venom, making you mentally wince. 
“sit down and talk to me.” you grabbed his arms, pushing him back until he sat on the bed and you stood in front of him. your hands were on his shoulders, grounding him on the mattress to make sure that he wouldn’t get up to do anything else. 
“there’s nothing to talk about. itoshi sae ruined my life by teaching me soccer, and i will get my revenge on him.” rin spoke with so much hate in his voice it made your stomach churn. 
“that’s crazy talk, you both are supposed to become the best together, remember?” you frowned, cupping his cheeks as you tried to somehow make this hateful glint of his disappear. 
until he swatted away your hands. 
“we’re not kids anymore, y/n. it’s time that you grow the fuck up and realize that this stupid dream the three of us dreamt of was never going to become reality. even seeing you makes me angry now.” rin harshly spat out, making your mouth agape from shock, looking at him with glossy eyes. 
“rin, the hell is that supposed to mean?” your voice croaked, your heart feeling like it was on the verge of cracking into two. 
“i hate you too, y/n.”
those were the last words that were ever exchanged between you and rin, the last time you both were even near each other. every time the both of your parents would try to organize an event together, you would make some lame excuse to not join them.
but, today it seemed that no matter how significant or desperate you tried to make your excuse look like, your parents didn’t buy it. 
“what happened between you guys? you all used to be such good buddies.” your dad asked out of the blue, looking at you through the mirror as he drove. you shrugged, playing with the hem of your dress. 
“we just grew up, i guess. besides, the both of them are pretty busy people so i don’t wanna butt in.” you quickly dismissed, not wanting to talk about this whole sibling rivalry they both had going on which eventually wrapped you into it as well. 
“yeah, it’s a shame. but, the itoshi brothers are doing very good. sae has gotten into nationals and rin got into some bootcamp place called blue lock. we’re going over for dinner because the brothers are gonna be off on their own path tomorrow.” your mom informed you, making your eyes go wide like the size of two full moons. 
it was bad enough that you’d be seeing both sae and rin after two years, but the fact that now even more distance was being created left you unsettled. there was no more hope in restoring whatever friendship you guys had. 
you didn’t care much about sae, but rin? he was your best friend, your person, the only person who could actually turn your frown upside down. 
what probably hurt the most was the stupid crush you had on him that never died down. you know him like the back of your hand, and you know that the itoshi rin right now is not the sweet rin you befriended and fell in love with as a child. yet, a piece of your heart knew that somewhere in those ferocious green flames of his, your rinnie was still there. 
the dinner party was like usual, a bunch of rich people all in one place. you felt stuffy and suffocated, deciding to go up to the balcony to get some fresh air. you noticed a tall figure leaning on the rails, peering down. 
“shouldn’t you be hosting your own party?” you snickered, standing beside him as your voice rang a bell in his ears. rin straightened his posture, easily towering over you as your mind couldn’t process how tall he has gotten within the span of two years. his body was more fit and muscular, yet his face was stoic and bored like the last ever time you had seen him. 
“tell that to mr. famous, he’s the hot topic of the table.” rin grumbled, stealing quick glances at you with a side eye that you failed to notice. he couldn’t help but notice how you’ve gotten even prettier within the years, his heart fluttering upon the sight of you. 
you grew up so well, yet you still reminded him of the old y/n he knew. 
“hm, well, congrats on getting in blue lock.” you awkwardly said, rubbing your bare arms as you avoided eye contact with him. 
“thanks.” he dryly responded and silence fell between you both. 
“so, you’re gonna go away for a long time?” you asked, trying to stir up a conversation with your best friend whom your heart ached and yearned for. 
“don’t know.” rin simply shrugged, his resistance making your blood boil. he was acting like it was your first day meeting him and that every single memory between you both never existed. 
“alright, i’m fucking done.” you said through gritted teeth, making rin look at you with a cocked eyebrow. suddenly, you grabbed him by the collar, pulling him down to make at eye-level with you. 
“the fuck is your problem, huh? i don’t know what went on between you and sae, but that shit does not involve me. i don’t give two flying fucks about soccer, i just want my best friend back. so stop being such an asshole!” you screamed in his face, your eyes pooling with tears that began to sting. rin looked into your eyes, his lips thining into a line before his larger hands peeled your fingers away. 
“are you fucking deaf or dumb, huh? that weak and pathetic version of rin itoshi you so dearly hold in your heart is dead. my dream is no one’s but only mine. only i will become the best of the best in the world, the best striker. i will defeat itoshi sae and make him eat his damn words.” his hands balled into fists, making you crouch down as you held your face in your hands, sobbing. 
“then why.. why am i looped into this shit?! did you mean what you said to me last time?” you asked, praying to whatever god up there that you overthought everything those past two years. 
“of course i did, y/n. you mean nothing to me, right now, the only thing important to me is soccer. hell, i’ll even put my life on the line for it. anything and anyone who gets in my way is nothing but a fucking pain the ass.” rin glared down at you, each of his words feeling like a few hundreds of knives stabbing your heart. 
“you fucking jerk. i hate you, itoshi rin! i hate you, i hate you, i hate you! go to fucking hell.” you yelled, getting up with tears in your eyes as you ran inside the house. you tried to navigate yourself to the bathroom to fix your face which was probably streaked with black remains of your mascara. 
you bumped into a hard chest, making you groan in pain as you mumbled a quick ‘sorry’. 
“y/n?” the familiarity of the voice sent chills down your spine, looking up to see none other than sae. his hairstyle changed completely, his eyes dull as he looked at you with an undecipherable look. 
but for some odd reason, his presence made you furious. a part of you couldn’t help but blame sae for the reason why everything went down the drain for the three of you. you roughly shoved him off, catching him off guard. 
“do me a favor and go back to spain so that i don’t ever have to see your face again, itoshi sae.” you said in a monotone, not even wanting to look him in the face as you walked away. 
a beautiful friendship that you once molded with both brothers turned nothing but into puddles of sorrow and agony. 
“come on, y/n! it’ll be fun, i promise.” your friend whined, trying to convince you to attend soccer match between u-20 and blue lock today. 
“eh, i don’t know. i’m not really a soccer person.” you nervously laughed, trying to shoo her away. but, your friend was persistent. 
“come on, pretty please? didn’t you say someone you know goes to blue lock?” your friend narrowed her eyes, making you look at the side as you tried to come up with a lie. 
“well, uhm, yeah? but like, i don’t know if he’s still playing in it.” you scratched the back of your neck, trying your best to decline her offer as politely as possible. 
you knew that these tickets were hot and porbably costed a lot of money, yet her friend who is playing in the match gave her two. 
“well then, i guess you’ll find out!” she said and you sighed in defeat. 
“fine.” you mumbled, taking the ticket from her hand. 
you both were now outside of the stadium, the lines were making you feel all sweaty and suffocated. you texted your friend, getting annoyed that she was running late and you felt a little stupid standing in the middle of all of these die-hard soccer fans. 
“ah, sorry! i’m here.” you friend waved to you at the distance, running over as you rolled your eyes. 
“i was gonna go home if you didn’t show up within the next minute.” you gave a small empty threat, making her chuckle. 
“hey, no worries. getting inside won’t take too long, let’s get jersey’s!” she sang out, dragging you the stand where they were selling the shirts. 
“i’ll get number eleven for blue lock please.” you friend said, pulling her wallet to pull out the money. you read the name on the shirt: isagi yoichi. it was most likely the friend that gave her these tickets. 
“what about you, y/n?” she looked at you and your eyes scanned the shirts for both u-20 and blue lock but the summer’s heat was making you feel dizzy. so you just went with some random number that popped inside your head. 
“uh, i don’t know, number ten?” you asked more than said. the man gave you a judgemental look which made you a little embarrassed. 
“for which team? u-20′s number ten is itoshi sae and blue lock’s number ten is itoshi rin.” the man informed you, making your heart drop as those two names rang loud and clear in your ears. 
no way that this could’ve all just been pure coincidence. you were broken out of your thought as the line grew, deciding that no one would even see you anyways from the distance. so, you’d cheer him on behind the scenes. 
“blue lock’s number ten, please.” you said with a small smile. 
after purchasing the jersey, you and your friend went to the bathroom to change into it. after you both were done, she guided you through different doors in which security people guarded it. 
“vip tickets.” you friend eagerly showed them both your and her ticket to the man before they gave her a brief nod. they opened the red rope barrier and allowed you two to enter. 
“hey, this is so close to the field.” you said in awe, looking at the huge green field before you. 
“of course, dummy. we have first row seats.” she gave you a wide smile, making your heart thump. you both took your seat, waiting for the match to start. the announcer people did their little speeches, making you bored. until, the doors opened and the players began to walk in. 
you watched how u-20 walked in, the familiar red head leading the team. your gaze fell on his jersey, it was number ten, itoshi sae. the door on the opposite side opened and the blue lock players walked in and it felt like time had stopped when your eyes fell on the person’s jersey whom you were wearing. 
itoshi rin. 
you noticed how rin’s eyes held a different glint in them, it was filled with determination and the will to devour. he was finally going to play against his brother whom he once dreamt of playing together with side by side. the more you remember that old childish dream that you three dreamt of, the more your heart ached. 
you could only wish that it could go back to that. 
the match has been going for what felt like an eternity, but you couldn’t help but have your palms get sweaty. it was intense, both teams filled with bery talented and skilled players. this was your first time watching rin and sae play soccer, as you’d always skip out on their practices in the past because it was boring to you. 
but now after witnessing it live, you were nothing but dumbstruck from amazement. their speed, intellect, strength, stamina and overall talent was unremarkable. you would be liar if you denied the fact that you were proud of both of them. 
yet, your heart was rooting for blue lock to take home the victory. unfortunately, things weren’t going towards your liking as u-20 was in the lead. one more goal in for u-20 sent the whole crowd roaring and cheering for none other than itoshi sae. 
however, your eyes not even once fell on him. you were more focused on rin, his every move was sharp and hypnotizing. you watched him pant from exhaustion, until a different aura replaced him. 
you looked at him and your heart dropped to your stomach, recognizing that look from before. it was a look as if a demonic entity has taken over him, his eyes darkening as his tongue slipped out in focus. 
you watched him go berserk, zooming past all the players and strategically knocking down everyone’s skills with his own. that was until he was now head on head against sae now. 
you noticed how his movements waivered for a little, but he shrugged it off and continue to get in his shooting range without being interrupted by sae. the crowd grew quiet as they began to whisper and murmur about the sibling rivalry. 
you heard them badmouthing rin, taking sae’s side just because rin wasn’t as well known like sae. you couldn’t take it anymore, leaning over. 
“you could do it, itoshi rin! make that fucking goal, rinnie!!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, your voice catching both brother’s attention. rin looked at you with shock, sharing the same look with sae. you gave rin a hopeful smile, giving him a thumbs up. 
“i believe in you, rin! you can make that goal!” and with that being said, it was as if his mind was being possessed by your voice, your words guiding him as his body acted on its own. 
rin surpressed sae, who didn’t even notice because he was startled by your sudden appearence amongst the crowd. and in a matter of seconds, rin’s leg swung and like fire the ball hit the net. 
“fuck yeah!!” you jumped from your seat as the announcers flooded everyones ears with compliments towards rin. 
blue lock won. 
“holy shit, that game was insane!” your friend babbled, making you chuckle as you nodded your head in agreement. 
“yeah, it was.” you smiled, the events of rin’s amazing goal and overall play rewinding in your mind. 
“hey, i’m gonna go catch up with my friend. i’ll text you when i get home.” you friend quickly excused herself and you nodded your head, wanting to leave as soon as possible to avoid bumping into either brothers. 
you were finally able to leave the stadium, now outside as you saw the sun was slowly setting. you leaned against the fence, taking in the breathtaking sight.
“running away from me so soon?” a voice spoke out, sending chills down your spine. you turned your head only to see the 6′1 striker walking towards you while drinking water. he was out of his uniform, now wearing nothing but sweats and a t-shirt. 
“rin..” you said under your breath, your voice already half gone from your screaming. you haven’t seen rin face to face for a while now, especially after that night. he made your heart tremble, your knees weak and you always grew nervous. 
“never expected you to show up to one of my games.” rin blurted out, making you scoff. 
“why? ‘cause you think i don’t know anything about soccer since you’re a hotshot player and i’m not?” you taunted, making his lips curl a little upwards into a small smirk. 
“you’re the one who said soccer was boring.” he argued, making you tsk. 
“well, it’s not as boring when watching you play it.” you mumbled under your breath, but your words were as clear as day to rin and it made his heart swell with pride. 
“is that so?” rin asked, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. his skin softly grazed your face, making your cheeks grow warm. your eyes remained on the ground, not being able to meet his intense eye contact. 
rin let out a sigh, grabbing your chin before forcing you to look up to him. he looked down at your flustered face, looking over every feature that he has memorized in his mind. you were still the same, the only difference is you’ve matured as you’ve grown. 
your adorable doey eyes that would look at him like he’s the most interesting person ever to exist, your cute button nose that would scrunch up in excitement, soft and chubby cheeks that would blush whenever he kissed them and plump lips that would say the sweetest things to him. 
you’ve never left itoshi rin’s mind. 
“why did you come today?” he asked, looking into your eyes like he’s trying his best to search for the truth. 
“my friend had extra tickets.” you admitted, watching his eyes droop a little and lose their shine. 
“oh.” his voice sounded disappointed. 
“the man in the jersey stall asked me if i wanted u-20′s number 10 or blue lock’s number 10. i chose you, rin.” you said before cupping his face, getting tired of knocking on this hard wall rin has built around his heart. 
rin could feel his heart hammering against his chest, the unfamiliar feeling of this weird fuzz made him confused. you were rooting for him from the beginning? 
“but why? sae is still a better player than me, i got that goal in by luck because he was distracted.” rin frowned, dropping your hands from his face as you heavily sighed. 
“even if everyone in that entire crowd cheered for sae, i would still be your number one supporter and wear your number and scream for you loud and proud. whether you won or lost, you’ll always be the one that i would root for, rinnie.” you gave him a ceshire smile, that beautiful shimmer in your eyes returning just like how you’d have it when talking to him as a child. 
suddenly, you grabbed his neck before pulling him into your chest, hugging him tightly. you didn’t want to fight against your feelings anymore, you no longer cared. 
“i’ll always choose you, rin. i love you, i love you so, so, so damn much that it hurts. all these years of being away from you made me become nothing but miserable. come back to me, rinnie, please.” you begged, tears streaming down your face as you sniffled. 
and it took only those few words to have that wall itoshi rin built around his heart to come crumbling down. he tightly wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“i missed you so much, y/n. i’m so sorry. i-i don’t even know what to say.” he stammered, as you felt him sniffling against your chest. your hand came down to his cheeks, wiping away his tears as you shook your head. 
“it’s okay, i know it was hard on you. you suffered a lot on your own.” you kissed his forehead lovingly, feeling him tighten his embrace. 
“but still, i was such an asshole to you because i was so consumed by my hatred. i’m so sorry for hurting you, y/n. i felt so guilty, i couldn’t even face you because i knew my feelings would conflict with me.” rin admitted, making your heart skip a beat. 
“i love you too, y/n. i always have and i always will.” he said, leaning away from your chest to meet your gaze as his eyes softened. you giggled in content, your hand going behind his neck to pull him into a kiss. 
it wasn’t anything too much, a soft yet savoring kiss that you both shared. rin could taste the sweet fruity gloss you used on your lips, humming at it’s sweetness. you smiled against his lips before pecking them multiple times. you cupped his cheeks, squishing them as a pout forcibly formed on his lips. 
“ahhh, you’re so cute, rinnie! i just wanna eat you up!” you squealed, continuing to pepper his face and pouty lips with smooches. rin’s face noticibly grew warm and red, but he liked getting this kind of attention from you. 
you both spent the next few minutes just hugging and pecking each other, enjoying each other’s close company that you both ached for all those years. 
“we got the whole week off, so uh, do you wanna go on a date?” rin asked, averting his eyes from you. a teasing grin danced on your lips as you decided to play with him a little. 
“hmm, i don’t know. let me think.” you pretended to think hard, making him scoff. 
“y/n!” rin whined, playfully smacking your thigh as you chuckled. 
“just kidding! of course i’ll go on a date with you, rin. but, only if you first ask me to be your girlfriend.” you asked with a cheeky smile, making him pinch your nose. 
“now you’re asking for too much.” rin teased, making you scoff. 
“hey, i was your lucky charm that helped you make that goal. the least you can do is ask me to be your girlfriend.” you roll your eyes, sending him a small glare. 
“now why would i give you any credit for that goal.” rin tilted his head, making you huff. 
“jerk, fine, then go on that date by yourself.” you said in a petty tone, squirming out of his release before walking off. rin chuckled to himself, knowing that you were right. your voice was the only thing that put him in that trance to make that goal, so yes, you were his lucky charm. 
rin lightly jogged behind your before engulfing your figure into a back hug. he snuggled his face in the crook of your neck before kissing your temple. 
“be my girlfriend and go on that date with me.” he said, pressing a tender kiss on your cheeks. a girly smile was now plastered on your face and you hummed. 
“if you insist, okay then!” you exclaimed, your stomach filled with butterflies. 
“good, i can’t win my games without my lucky charm.” rin breathed out in content, wrapping an arm around your waist as he held you close while you both walked. 
from a distance, the other itoshi watched, tightly clutching onto his duffle bag. an overwhelming amount of sadness washing over him as he watched his once beloved brother and childhood friend walk away together. 
sae let out a heavy sigh, walking in the opposite direction as a bitter smile was on his lips. in a way, the dream you three have dreamt came true today. 
the itoshi brothers played together in an intense soccer match while you were in the front rows cheering. only difference was the molten sea of hate and complicated feelings that made things more different. 
you only cheered for rin, completely ignoring sae’s existence and perhaps that why this feeling of tightness in his chest prevented him from even caring about what rin had in plan next during the match. 
although you and rin found each other once again in the same world, itoshi sae realized that he was way far gone from you both. 
he could no longer dream the same dream as you and rin. 
itoshi sae has lost his brother and his childhood best friend and he knew that he couldn’t blame anyone else but himself. 
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greythemed · 11 months
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ lovesick ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1936
he looked unreal, all tanned with his beautiful eyes half closed as he looked down, full lips unconsciously forming a pout. his chest was bronzed and openly displayed for anyone with two eyes and a drooling mouth.
you wanted to eat him alive.
it was supposed to be a peaceful morning at your parents' beach house on the coast but, apparently, your boyfriend chose violence that day. with sleepy eyes and a drowsy appearance, you immediately realized that you accidentally fell asleep while trying to get tanned by the summer sun in the morning. luckily, the book you were reading fell from your grip at some point and didn't leave a funny mark on your stomach for woo-jin to laugh about later.
how can one person be so beautiful, inside and out? was he even real, or will you inevitably wake up to find the space beside you empty, his presence fading with your dreams?
you get goosebumps just imagining it.
feeling your eyes on him, gun-woo looked up from his drawing, a big smile forming on his pink lips.
"you look like shit, babe".
oh wow, what a day to feel loved.
"fuck off". you grumbled while sitting up and picking the book from the floor next to you, gun-woo's eyes never leaving your bikini form. "what took you so long to get here?". you asked him pouty.
"your mother asked me to move the sofa three times so she could do her pilates session in the living room". gun-woo couldn't help but laugh at his answer, never imagining he'd be in this position someday.
it was your first family trip as a couple, and also the first time gun-woo went on a plane and traveled since his school's excursion in 9th grade to say the best. you were happy to see him happy. it was thrilling to see the man in another setting, different from the usual gym clothes or café outings you guys first got to know each other. you considered yourself a good girlfriend, providing these opportunities for both of you while so young, even if gun-woo was paying for basically everything other than the house you were staying. you were a good girlfriend, right?
so why the living hell was he acting so mean towards you?
"i'm sorry about that". you grimaced embarrassingly because of your mother. "just because you have an insane amount of muscle she thinks you're her personal guard". gun-woo laughs. that bright innocent smile that makes his eyes disappear.
fuck you kim geun-woo for being so mean.
"my mom used to say we should never neglect help from others, including offering help in the first place". he tells you with innocence, a sudden wave of sympathy running through his veins strong enough to make him vocalize his thoughts. you were too accustomed with this side of him, being together for almost 6 months. “she also used to say that we always must look for the best in people”.
he was too pure. so why could you only think other things like what was this man saying? and why wasn't he kissing your mouth right now?
you embarrassingly found yourself in this predicament more times than you could count with your boyfriend.
the sound of his voice didn't shake you out of your sleepy daze, looking up at him with eyes full of love and wonder. like a lovesick puppy whose brain didn't seem to register the spoken words, too caught up in its own reverie.
when he didn't get the reply he was hoping for, gun-woo finally put down the pen and paper and leaned closer to you, your knees now touching and you almost choked on your saliva.
you loved him too much. and he was so hot.
“y/n?” he asked softly, placing a hand on top of your lap, the feel of his surprisingly cold hands against your warm skin almost making you shiver.
"i was so worried when i woke up and didn't see you, figured you'd be reading here". his smile continued to be nothing other than soothing, comforting, and exclusive.
exclusive for you and only you.
"woo-jin tried facetiming early this morning but i was still sleeping, i kind of feel bad for him not being able to come this time". he rambles. "and i also feel bad for sleeping so late, i hope your parents don't mind it. yesterday was a good day".
of course it was a good day. it was gun-woo's first ever private flight and you couldn't put your mind around the fact that this man's whole life was a huge unfair exposure to only the bad in life. you wanted to cry suddenly. cry for everything cruel that happened to him. cry for his still pure but poorly scarred heart. cry for his smiles and goodmorning pecks. cry for his fucking six-pack and spy reflexes.
cry because he was yours. exclusively.
without saying a word, you gently pulled his hands away before wrapping yours around his shoulders in a much-needed hug, the love you felt for him overwhelming all your senses. his arms found their place around your waist immediately, pulling his body closer and pouring all his love into you in return.
it was his fault for dating such a crybaby and he knew it, because the second he touched your waist and ribs, the boxer knew you were about to cry because of your uneaving breathing.
gun-woo hesitated for a second, giving your body another squeeze before finally speaking.
"are you okay, princess?" his voice was calm as he gently stroked your hair, knowing damn well you got emotional in the mornings sometimes. his 'bedroom voice' - that's what you called, don't judge - was enough to make your eyes sting, causing you to snuggle closer to his neck with a nod.
"'m okay".
you loved his bedroom voice - again, don’t judge the name you came up with -, it was special for you. it held something ethereal in the fact that he dropped a few octaves to talk to you and only you. the intimacy he could bring only by speaking more calmly to you, everywhere you both were together and tangled in each other's arms like right now.
everything was different. the setting, the weather, the clothes - it made you realize for the very first time in the six months of your relationship that dating itself shouldn't be overwhelming, tiring, or burdensome.
dating should feel like the books you grew up reading and the movies you grew up watching. anything other than that, it didn't belong to you in the first place.
you felt so comfortable in his embrace like you were floating on a fluffy cloud as the sun was slowly disappearing, so warm and safe. it was just the best, being with the man you loved, and nothing could come close to how you were feeling in his presence, surrounded by his unconditional love and care.
fuck, you were sounding like a corny teenager and it was embarrassing.
"y/n, you're going to tell me what's on your mind, aren't you?". the sound of his concern was evident in his voice, reminding you that - even if this man's thighs were the size of your head -, he still was worried and soft on the inside type of boyfriend.
you were his first girlfriend. gun-woo didn't know how to do things usually.
without missing a beat, you looked him in the eye for the question.
"i love you, gunwoo-ya". you started to pour your eyes out for no reason. you blamed the hormones, your mom would blame the weather and woo-jin would blame the books you read but you didn't care.
the corners of his mouth turned up in response, a soft, sincere smile stretching across his face because he was also just that: a lovesick puppy.
"i l-love you too". gun-woo wasn't expecting that, you could tell. he was too nonchalant for his own good sometimes.
like who the fuck wears pink bright shorts at his parents-in-law’s beach house? WITH NO SHIRT ON.
his eyes were full of love as he looked at you, the sun making the already beautiful landscape even more dazzling as time seemed to stop once more, everything but him disappearing at that moment. not being able to wait any longer, gun-woo then leaned his head up, pouty lips brushing yours teasingly for a moment before connecting in a proper kiss.
his touch was soft and tender, brushing against your mouth as he had so many times before, your tongue darting out to meet his briefly as his arms around your waist pulled you even closer. the sudden change in height since you got up from the bench was a different angle for both of you.
a silent moan escaped your lips as your barely clothed breast brushed against his, giving your boyfriend the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue properly inside your mouth for another taste.
his hands squeezed your sides lightly, applying just the right amount of pressure to feel good, and just as you were about to pull him even closer to deepen the kiss, he slowly pulled back, making you want his lips more.
a smile appeared on his face at that, the smugness behind it pouting in response. you straddled him so your faces were on the same level and suddenly the boxer went exe.error404
"jagi, your mom-". he spoke, his hot breath hitting your face with each exhale. you smirked at him.
he was so mean.
"how can you act innocent right after sucking my mouth dry a second ago, you monster?".
"b-but-". oh no. his cheeks were red, wide eyes searching for one of your parents to pop up from nowhere suddenly, hands finding no safe spot to grip at your sides, finally opting to put them in your waist, almost engulfing its whole circumference because of the size of his hands.
when a few moments passed and you still remained in the same state, he finally relented and sealed your lips once more in a quick kiss, one of his hands moving up from your waist to gently caress your swollen lower lip afterward.
“is that what you've been thinking about all this time, baby?". he asked embarrassingly, eyes avoiding your brown ones for all that was worth.
you nodded, your eyes roaming all over his face before reaching out to move some of the hair away from his eyes, gathering his attention.
"sorry, but yes". you pouted, a small smile starting to appear on the boxer's mouth. you could tell he was embarrassed to hear you confess he occupies your mind 24/7 as if he didn’t know that yet. "and that you are so irritably sexy".
not even one second after, gun-woo's hand is covering your mouth with his eyes wide open and a laugh escapes your lips. he instantly mouths for you to be careful.
"i didn't even say anything wrong!". you defend, automatically tracing his scar on the right side of his face like you are already used to, brushing his hair at the end.
"you want sexy time, i know you!". he whisper-shouts, now completely avoiding your gaze. you laughed.
"sorry". you were not. "it's not my fault you're wearing pink shorts! you can't do this to me, you're mean!". you whined on his lap.
"you were crying seconds ago, what happened?!". it was his turn to pout, looking genuinely confused at your change of emotions. "woojin-hyung said you were crazy when you guys first met".
"aish- that old f-". gun-woo covered your mouth again, warning you. "he's lucky he didn't make it here".
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this one is for my crybaby girlies i got you don't worry, gun-woo is here to wipe your tears and fuck your brains out - in a loving way. loved imagining beach!gunwoo a little too much.
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lainiespicewrites · 7 months
Coach Sy Part 5
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I'm so sorry this took so long!!! Here it is! I feel like this is all over the place but I kind of just wanted to get a feel of them spending a day together. I love it. And I just wanted to give you guys something while I plan more of this out!! Enjoy.
Warnings: Cursing, Smut!! Oral,(f and M receiving), Mentions of sex
“So are we gonna talk about that?” I asked, shyly. I was lying with my head on Sy’s shoulder absentmindedly drawing shapes on his chest with my fingertips. 
“Talk about what baby?” He met my gaze, raising an eyebrow. My throat went dry and I flushed trying to find the words to describe what just happened. 
“The way we… you were so…I liked it, a lot! But I’ve only ever read about it being like that, and It's so hot but I didn’t think that it was a natural thing and…No one’s ever been like that with me… God, I sound so stupid.” I groaned, pressing my body closer to his and hiding my face against his chest. Logan chuckled. He ran his fingers through my hair, tightening his grip at the back of my head and tugging softly, letting me know to look up at him. I bit my lip and sat up a little, lifting my eyes to meet his. 
“You’re so fuckin cute,” He leaned down and captured my lips in a gentle kiss. “I’m gonna need you to be a little more specific, baby girl,” He smirked. He knew I was embarrassed about saying it. 
“You’re so…in charge and dominant. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not much different than when you’re coaching.  I just didn’t expect all of that. The spanking and dirty talk, the manhandling,” I blushed. 
“You like me throwing you around like that?” He went back to slowly dragging his fingertips up and down my spine.  I loved this feeling. He was so warm. And he felt safe. Even after how rough and aggressive he was, He was still loving and gentle and kind and caring. I’d never experienced that with anyone else. Like I knew he was going to take care of me. No matter what it takes. And I didn’t feel so shy anymore. 
“Yeah” I spoke finally, and  pressed my lips to his chest and left a trail of kisses up his neck. He groaned softly. “I liked it a lot.” I smirked when I met his eyes again. 
“What’s gotten into you little girl?” He purred, rolling me onto my back and pinning me to the bed. 
“You, Sy. I’m so stuck on you, I can’t figure out what we’re doing but I don’t want this to end.” He was straddling me now. He sat back on his knees and brushed my hair out of my face, giving me a big smile. 
“This is just the beginning baby, and if I’m being honest,” He paused, looking me over and letting his hand trail down my chest resting it on my hip. “I’m planning on forever baby, I’m not going anywhere.” He bit his lip meeting my eyes again. 
“How can you be so sure?” I asked, feeling my insecurities bubble up again. Logan sat for a second, still straddling me, trying to think. God he was trying to find a way to break it to me gently. Of course it was just pillow talk. Just something you say… He probably didn’t mean it and I was being so ridiculous. 
“Some people say when you know you know.” He explained simply. 
“We’ve only been on one date, Logan,” I chuckled. 
“You wanna know when I knew?” He asked, ignoring my last statement. I smiled softly and nodded. “My second  month teaching. I sent you an email, about a girl in my class I was concerned about. I had to be honest with you. I just wasn’t sure how to pick up on signs of mental health and eating disorders and all that. But I knew something wasn’t right. You remember that?” I nodded. I did. It was an everyday thing answering emails about students that teachers wanted to recommend I speak to or may need further help. So I didn’t think much of it. But he asked if he could come down and talk with me about what to look for as far as when they are troubled. Which was so unexpected. I’ve never forgotten it. 
“I knew that day. You cared so much. You were so detailed. But I really knew when we talked about your friends and people you knew. How personal it was to you. We talked so long I was late to practice.  I understood why you were doing your job. I admired you. But from that day on I wanted to know everything about you. I started finding excuses to drop in. Find reasons to see you. Have lunch with you. It took me over a year to get you where I wanted you baby. This isn’t gonna be some temporary thing.” I sniffled softly. I hadn’t realized I was tearing up. Sy leaned down to kiss me softly. 
“You’re not gonna get bored of me?” I asked. He laughed. Literally belly laughed. 
“What’s there to get bored of baby? I love learning about you, and doing things with you and just being with you. Hell no, I’m not gonna get bored of you, Darlin,” He smiled softly and shifted, holding himself up on his arms and kissing my jaw and down my neck.
“Promise?” I bit my lip softly. He looked up and met my gaze and captured my lips again. 
“I promise sugar. You’re the only woman I want, I know I’ve been laying it on kind of heavy but I just think it’s kinda silly to deny ourselves of something, we’re grown, I know how I feel about ya. I don’t need to waste any more time, sugar.” I kissed him again, holding his face as if in my hands. Smiling softly as I pulled away. 
“Sy, I..” I stared up at him but the words got caught in my throat. I felt it, at least I think I did. I just couldn't say it yet. He pressed his lips to my forehead. 
“I know, baby.” He said, then continued to kiss his way down my body. I felt his hands on my thighs as he pushed them apart. 
“Mm, sy, what are you doing?” I asked keeping my eyes on him. He started to kiss my thighs and the bruises he’d left on my hips. 
“You know what I’m doing baby,” He smirked, biting at the inside of my thigh. I arched my back, moaning softly. “Nope, never gonna get bored of that.” He pressed another kiss to my thigh before he pinned my hips down and attacked his lips to my clit licking and sucking relentlessly. 
“My God Sy!” I moaned pulling at the sheets beneath me as he continued his assault on my clit. He shifted lower licking past my folds pushing his tongue inside me lapping at my juices. “Fuck don’t stop!” I felt him grow against me sending vibrations through me bring me closer to the edge. He hooked his arms under my thighs dragging me closer, holding me against his mouth. I was completely at his mercy. I was shaking, and a complete mess as he fucked me with his tongue. I whimpered letting my head hit the pillow when I finally fell apart against his mouth. He drank in all my juices before pulling away with a smirk. He kisses back up my thighs and stomach and kissed my neck before he laid next to me again. 
“How the hell could I ever get bored of that?” He teased. I bit my lips softly trailing my hand down his chest. 
“Okay you’ve proved your point cowboy,” I pressed my palm flat against his stomach feeling  his muscles tense beneath my finger tips as I slowly dragged my hand further down. Logan grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I whined softly and lifted my eyes to meet his. He chuckled. 
“Easy sugar, I’ll gladly let you return the favor another time. But this was about you baby. It ain’t always gotta be 50/50 sometimes I just wanna please my girl.” He pulled me closer, sliding his hand over my hip to squeeze my ass. 
“But,” I started to protest. 
“Shhh  go to sleep, it’s 2 am baby, you need rest,” He smiled and kissed my head softly pulling my thigh over his waist as I laid my head on his chest. “Good girl,” He mumbled. As he rubbed my back softly. God this man was something else. I couldn’t wait to learn everything about him. 
I woke up to the feeling of a cold wet nose against my hand. And… was that a tongue? 
“Aika” I heard Sy call and then whistle, “Come here, leave her be.” The bed shifted as the dog jumped up laying at the end of the bed as Sy walked in the room. “Don’t be difficult.” He said to her, I tried to hide my giggle as he argued with the dog. Who sneezed at him and laid her head down  resting on the bed. “I heard that,” he smirked. I smiled and sat up stretching a bit. 
“Good morning handsome,” He watched me for a moment. Eyes scanning my body as I let the blanket fall to my waist. 
“Morning trouble,” He smiled leaning in the doorway. Standing there in a pair of black sweats, still shirtless, a cup of coffee in hand. He looked so good. I looked down at the beautiful German shepard laying at the end of the bed. 
“So this is the famous Aika,” I smiled and reached out my hand for her to sniff before scratching her ears. He nodded and walked over holding out the coffee for me to take. I accepted the mug and he smiled sitting beside me on the bed. 
“Yeah, looks like she likes you too. She ran right in here after I fed her, jumped right up next to ya on the bed. Where she knows she’s not supposed to be.” He looked at her sternly. She just stared at him and laid her head on his leg. He chuckled. 
“She’s a sweet girl,” I smiled. I took a sip of coffee and sighed content. I scooted closer, cuddling into his side. He grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
“Did you sleep well?” He asked. I nodded resting my head on his shoulder. 
“Mhmm, did you?” I asked. 
“Like a baby,” He smirked. We sat like that for a minute. While I drank my coffee and woke up. Finally after a few minutes we got out of bed and he handed me one of his T-shirts to put on. 
“I have clothes Sy,” I giggled softly. 
“I know, I like it when you wear mine.” He pulled me in by my hips and kissed my forehead. I blushed softly. I slipped on his shirt that just barely fell to the top of my thighs. Logan smirked. “Yep, I like this better.” He said as he followed me out of his bedroom.
“You’re staring at my ass aren’t you?” I laughed. 
“Hell yeah!” He chuckled. We walked out to his kitchen. Sy poured me another cup of coffee and offered to make breakfast. I offered to help but he wouldn’t let me. The second I turned to grab something out of the fridge for him he grabbed me by the waist, lifted me up, and sat me on the counter. 
“Sy!” I pouted trying to hide my giggle. 
“Sit still and let me cook for you,” He scolded before he playfully smacked my thigh. 
“Yes, sir,” I mocked, rolling my eyes. He paused letting his eyes roam again, growling low in his chest. My thighs involuntarily clenched and he smirked. Finally he turned to get the eggs out of the fridge. I don’t know what it was about him. Why do we naturally fit so well? Or Why I trust him so much. Everything about him in moments like this feels so …primal. But At the same time he’s so gentle and intelligent and ..strong. So damn strong. Whatever was starting between us. It was like. Electricity. Or Magnetic. There was some kind of pull. I could sense whenever he was close to me. And it set my senses into overdrive. 
We ate breakfast, just some simple eggs, bacon and toast. Sy let Aika back out to run around the land. She has a doggy door and just comes and goes as she pleases. That makes perfect sense for them. Very low maintenance. Both of them come around to check on each other every now and then. It’s cute honestly. 
“I think I’m gonna shower,” I said when we’d finished breakfast and finished cleaning up the kitchen. I rested my hand on his chest and looked up at him, I could see the mischief in his eyes. 
“You want company?” he smiled softly. I chuckled. 
“Are you gonna behave yourself?” I raised an eyebrow. He just laughed and shook his head. 
“You know I’m not, Sugar.” I rolled my eyes. 
“Come on cowboy,”
As desperately as I wanted him I couldn’t handle anymore after last night. He made sure of it. I turned back just in time to catch his smirk when he saw the slight limp I was walking with. Sly bastard. But, him, I would gladly take care of.
I sank to my knees in front of him in the shower. He smiled down at me brushing my hair back. “You sure about this darlin?” He lifted my chin to look him in the eyes “I don’t wanna hurt ya.”  He said brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. 
“Mmhmm, you promised I could return the favor, and you had no problem being rough with me last night,” I smirked. He growled softly and grabbed my jaw 
“I can’t promise I can control myself baby, can you handle me fucking your little throat sugar?” He had no shame. He stared right and my eyes with that cocky smirk on his face. This man drips confidence. The things I’ve done with him in the last 2 weeks I never knew I would do. But I loved it.  I reached up wrapping my hand around him pumping slowly. He groaned resting his head against the tile. I licked up his length slowly before I took him completely in my mouth I held eye contact and answered him. 
“Don’t hold back, Daddy,” Before finally wrapping my lips around him and taking him all the way to the back of my throat. I started to bob my head slowly. I watched his face and saw something hungry flash in his eyes at my words. He tangled his fingers in my hair pulling it back away from my face and holding it in a ponytail. He started to guide me on his cock moving me faster and pushing himself further down the back of my throat. He moaned cursing, feeling me gag around his head. 
“That’s a good girl. Fuck you take it so well.” He moaned. I pulled back gasping for air. And smiled. 
“That all you got? “ The shower was hitting his chest and flowing down down his abs. He looked like a God from this angle. 
“I don’t wanna hurt you,” His eyes were soft as they held my gaze I gripped his and bit my lip. 
“I trust you Logan, “ That was all it took. He was guiding me back on to his cock and holding my head still. I twirled my tongue around the head and moaned around him and he pulled my hair softy. 
“Fuckin tease. Hold still darlin, Gonna fuck that pretty face.” I hummed sending vibrations around him and tugged at my hair harder. I met his eyes again and he smiled. “That’s my good girl, you like when you I take charge don’t ya?” He moaned and started thrusting into my mouth. His cock hitting the back of my throat everytime. I knew he was enjoying this. I slid my hands up to his stomach and felt his muscles tense under my fingers. He had his eyes closed his head tilted back agaisnt the shower wall and his jaw was slack. I loved making him feel good like this. He didn’t let me take care of him often. I moaned around him he pushed me down further holding me down taking him down my throat. I tried as hard as I could to swallow around him as he held me down. I felt tears stinging around my eyes as he let up and and I pulled back to take a breath coughing hard. “Fuck are you..?”
 I didn’t let him finish his sentence before I had him back in my mouth bobbing my head teasing him with my tongue. He groaned loudly tightening his grip in my hair. “That’s it baby don’t stop.”  He was close. He held me still again thrusting into my mouth erratically. He growled gritting his teeth. “Fuck yes,” he moaned as he released in my mouth. I swallowed it all licking him clean. He shuttered and shook his head with a chuckle before extending his hand to help me back to my feet. He held me close to his while he caught his breath. 
“Was that good?” I bit my looking down at the shower floor. He lifted my chin kissing me passionately. 
“Jesus, baby you are, full of surprises,” He smiled. “Fuckin Incredible.” 
We finished our shower and got dressed for the day. But we’ren’t in a hurry to go anywhere in particular. We stayed cuddled up on his couch all afternoon. Watching some old movies. We talked a bit about nothing in particular. Getting to know each other some more. Although it felt like we already did. This felt really normal. 
“Do you wanna take Aika for a walk with me?” He asked. I think it was almost 5 or 6 o’clock now. I nodded. 
“I’d love that,” I said. He called her in and got her on a leash and we set out down the road. 
“Can I be honest with ya?” He said as we started to walk. 
“Of course you can,” I smiled. 
“This has been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time.” He said. I stopped walking for a moment. 
“But we haven’t really, done anything.” I said. He smiled and took my hand in his and lead me to keep walking with him. 
“I know, but I got to spend good quality time with the woman I care about. That’s all I need.” He squeezed my hand softly. I met his eyes again. 
“I really enjoyed this too. I’m kind of sad that you’ll have to take me home sometime soon.” I admitted. 
“No I don’t,” He stated. “I don’t have anything going on this weekend. I ain’t in no hurry to get you out of here.” 
“No?” I asked “What are you trying to say Sy?” 
“Stay the rest of the weekend with me.” He smiled pulling me closer. I squeezed his hand blushing slightly. 
“Answer something for me first,” I said. 
“Anything,” He said. 
“Are we together now? Am I your girlfriend, I know it’s kind of fast we’ve only been on one date, but the way we’ve been talking. It just seemed like that’s what you’ve been trying to say and..” 
He kissed me softly on the lips. 
“Sugar, I thought I ….Maybe I wasn’t completely clear.” He chuckled. “I want you as long as you’ll have me baby. You’re mine. I wanna take you everywhere with me. Stay with me this weekend?” I smiled and nodded. 
“Yeah, I will” I smiled. He kissed me again and we continued our walk. Back at the house we settled in on the couch again. Cuddled up for another movie. “How are we gonna do this at work, Keep our hands to ourselves, behave?” I chuckled. 
“It’s not like people aren’t expecting it.” He laughed.  I raised an eyebrow. 
“Am I really the only one that didn’t know how you felt all this time?” I asked. 
“I mean… The boys know baby…” He chuckled. I groaned. 
“I’m sorry baby.” I blushed realizing what I said. 
“I’m not, I got you now. I’m not complaining.” We finished our movie and I stretched yawning.  “Tired?”  I nodded. “Come on sweet pea. Lets go to bed.”
@summersong69 @carrie80reads @identity2212 @caramariehurst @redheadrouge @warriormirkwood @kingliam @gummydummy19 @deandoesthingstome @starfirewildheart @foxyjwls007
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ihatealimore · 4 months
Honey Whiskey
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(word count: 2,135)
As Kurapika sits beside Leorio at the bar, he observes his friend chatting energetically while downing a mug of beer quickly. Occasionally, Leorio flashes a wink at the bartender or any woman who approaches the general vicinity of the bar.
Initially having no intention to drink himself, Kurapika finds his resolve wavering when Leorio brings up how (Y/N) would often join him for drinks. Perhaps indulging in one or two beverages wouldn't be such a bad idea after all...
"How's your drink, Kurapika? Do you like it?" Leorio prods him after finishing his beer and setting the glass back down on the bar.
Kurapika picks up the glass of whiskey his friend had ordered for him, examining the transparent liquid with an indifferent gaze. He takes a small sip, the drink burning down his throat and making his eyes water slightly, "It's strong."
Leorio easily became distracted by the bartender taking his empty glass and walking away. He turns in his chair to face Kurapika, hopefully asking, "Oh, do you think she would give me her number?"
The blonde-haired man casts a glance towards the bartender then back at Leorio who keeps trying to make flirty eye contact with her. He sighs lightly and takes another sip of his whiskey, "Leorio," He starts in his usual stern tone, "Your chances would be better if you behaved more maturely."
"You're so mean," Leorio pouts, crossing his arms petulantly, which was really only proving Kurapika's point, "Girls like me! I haven't gotten anyone's number yet but-"
Kurapika interrupts him with a smirk, "Failing to get any numbers isn't exactly convincing evidence in your favor, is it?" 
The alcohol was starting to loosen his normally iron grip on his composure.
"You'll see!" Leorio chugs down another mug of beer, earning a chuckle from his friend, "What about you and (Y/N)? What's going on there?"
Kurapika's laughter quickly fades at the mention of your name and his gaze drops to his own drink, "There's nothing going on," He responds stiffly, avoiding Leorio's teasing gaze.
"But she talks about you a lot and it seems like you guys spend a lot of time together," Leorio is quick to point out to him.
The Kurta takes a moment to process Leorio's words, his grey eyes flickering with surprise. He had never realized you talked about him outside of work, let alone 'a lot.' 
"She... Talks about me?" He questions slowly.
"Yeah, all the time!"
"Really?" Kurapika's eyebrows went up, a rare show of surprise on his normally impassive face. He takes another sip from his drink to hide the sudden flush on his cheeks.
As the night progresses, Kurapika indulges in a few more drinks, thinking he knows his limit. He was wrong. He finds himself thoroughly intoxicated, while Leorio roams the crowded bar, talking to anyone who will look his way.
A presence in the seat beside him and an all too familiar voice draws his attention, "Kurapika, I didn't expect to see you here."
He turns to see none other than (Y/N) smiling at him, your eyes twinkling with amusement, "(YN)," Kurapika greeted, a bit too enthusiastically and louder than he had intended.
His mind is swirling but he's able to recognize your voice instantly. How strange. He needs to regain control of himself before you realize how drunk he is.
"Leorio dragged you here, huh?" You remark with a chuckle, flagging down the bartender to order a drink, "Is that whiskey? I'm surprised."
Trying to regain some sense of control over his inebriated state, Kurapika responds a little more defensively than he meant to, "Leorio wanted company and... It's not bad."
"Let's agree to disagree. Whiskey is disgusting," You say as you take your own drink from the bartender, thanking them before taking a sip.
Despite his drunken state, Kurapika finds himself chuckling along, playfully stating, "Then I suppose it's a good thing I'm the one drinking it."
"We can agree on that. I figured you weren't much of a drinker," You muse with a teasing grin.
"I'm not... Usually," He admits as he lets his gaze drift towards you, "But it seems there's something about being around you and Leorio that encourages such behavior."
You can't help but let a laugh slip from your lips, "Mostly Leorio though, right?" You wonder as your eyes scan the bar, trying to spot him, "He wandered off and left you here, huh?"
Kurapika nods, more as a confirmation to himself than to you, "Yes, typical Leorio," He mutters with a faint smile on his lips.
"Very typical," You finally make eye contact with Leorio from across the bar, offering him a friendly wave.
A sudden, unexpected pang of jealousy flares up in Kurapika's chest. It's a new and confusing sensation that he quickly tries to dismiss, "(Y/N)," He finds himself blurting out without thinking, "I don't want you to look at Leorio."
He surprised himself with his burst of possessiveness. It seems the alcohol is revealing parts of him even he wasn't aware existed. But it also feels genuine. He wonders if this feeling has been hiding somewhere deep inside all along.
"Eh?" You tilt your head in confusion, your brow furrowed, "Why's that? Did he do something stupid?"
"No, it's just..." He hesitates before leaning in closer, his inebriated mind deciding to spill everything, "I want you here with me," He confesses, his eyes locked on yours.
Your eyes widen in surprise before a knowing smile forms on your lips, "Oh, I get it. You're drunk, aren't you?"
Caught off guard, he blinks at you a few times before laughing weakly. His face flushes more than it already was from the alcohol as he admits, "Hmm, maybe."
A chuckle escapes your lips at his hesitant admission, "I never thought I'd see the day."
"Neither did I," He replies, finding himself smiling back at you, "It's strange but not entirely unpleasant."
"It's cute, you know," You begin, "To see you act more open. And maybe even a little jealous?"
"Cute?" He echoes, his brows knitting together at the unfamiliar word. At your insinuation, his face turned a darker shade of pink, "I... Maybe."
No one has ever described him as cute before. And you noticed the jealousy too. Maybe it was more obvious than he thought.
"Don't worry," You reassure him, setting your hand on top of his, "You have my full attention."
He stares at your hand on his, his mind swimming in a heady mixture of alcohol and emotions. With a small nod, Kurapika responds softly yet sincerely, "Thank you, (Y/N)."
You take another sip of your drink, adding, "I'm all ears. We can talk about anything you would like."
He blinks at you, feeling a slight sobering effect from your words. He isn't sure why but he trusts you in this moment more than anyone else, "I want to talk about us."
Is this what people call 'liquid courage'?
"Us?" You contemplate, "What about us?"
"Well..." The Kurta begins, fumbling for words. His inebriated mind is struggling to find the right ones until he finally manages to say, "I suppose... How we feel about each other."
You're caught off guard by his words, speechless for a moment before nodding, "Sure, but are you okay to talk about this while drunk? I don't want you to say anything you'll regret."
"I... I think it's okay," He mutters, not quite trusting himself but feeling like he needs to say this, "I want you to know how much I appreciate your presence in my life."
Even if the words are slurred and uncertain, they come from a place deep within him, one that holds enormous respect and affection for you. It doesn't matter if it's alcohol-induced or not. These feelings are real.
You find yourself smiling at him reverently, the next words falling from your lips easily, "The feeling is mutual."
Hearing those words from you, Kurapika can't help but feel a sense of relief washing over him. He offers you an appreciative smile in return and whispers softly, "I'm glad," Watching you take another sip of your beverage, he bites his tongue in vain, unable to stop the next words from slipping out of his mouth, "(Y/N), I feel more than just appreciation for you. Much more."
"Much more?" You question him, echoing his confession. 
Kurapika takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the dizziness brought on by his sudden admission, "I think I might have feelings for you."
The words are out in the open now and there's no taking them back. As terrifying as it is, part of him feels relief, maybe because they were so long overdue.
Silence hangs in the air around him for a lingering moment until you look up from your drink, your eyes boring deeply into his, "I'm glad it's not just me then."
His heart pounds loudly in his chest as he digests your words. A smile slowly spreads across Kurapika's face, visible relief wrapping around him, "You feel the same?"
He never allowed himself to entertain this possibility but you have feelings for him too? It feels like a dream, too good to be true. Yet, it's real.
"Is that surprising?"
"A bit, yes," Kurapika admits, his honesty shining through even in his drunken state, "I didn't think someone like me could evoke such feelings."
You raise an eyebrow at his statement, wondering, "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean... Someone who is so focused on their past, and vengeance, and," He pauses momentarily before murmuring, "Someone who doesn't know how to love or be loved."
He has always been aware of his shortcomings when it comes to emotional connections. But having them brought to the surface like this makes him feel vulnerable yet eager at the same time.
"But those things don't define you, Kurapika. I like you for who you are," You explain, setting your drink down to take both of his hands in yours, "You're intelligent, stubborn, annoyingly so sometimes. But most of all, you're caring and kind."
His heart warms at your words, a genuine smile tugging at his lips, "You really think so?"
"I know so. You're someone that means a lot to me," You confess, squeezing his hands gently while maintaining eye contact.
"And you..." Kurapika begins, his gaze softening, "You're strong, resilient. You have this knack for understanding people that's truly remarkable. Despite your own stubborn nature," He gives a small chuckle at the thought, "You are incredibly patient and kind-hearted."
"That's very sweet of you," You respond with a smile, feeling touched by his words.
"You're beautiful, (Y/N)," He adds hesitantly, his heart pounding in his chest, "Not just outwardly but your soul too. The way you handle situations with grace and understanding, the strength that shines through when times are tough. It's all incredibly captivating."
It feels both invigorating and terrifying to be this open about his feelings towards you. But seeing you smile at his words makes it all worth it. You've always been his pillar of support when things get tough, someone he deeply cares about.
"I like seeing this side of you," You muse softly, "Drunk Kurapika is a real sweet talker."
Kurapika gives an amused chuckle at this, nodding in acceptance, "Well, I can't promise this sweet-talking version of me will stick around once the effects wear off, but it's nice to know you aren't entirely opposed to it."
"Not at all," You reassure him, "Though I do wonder how much of this you'll remember in the morning."
Kurapika lets out a hushed sigh, raking his fingers through his blonde locks, "I'm not sure. But if I forget... Would you remind me of this conversation?"
"Of course, I will," You agree with a nod before teasing him with a small smirk, "If you weren't so drunk, I'd be inclined to kiss you."
Kurapika feels his heart skip a beat at your words. He blinks, stunned and somewhat hopeful as he responds weakly, "I am... Not that drunk."
Your suggestion brings an unexpected flutter in his stomach. A mix of excitement and nervousness floods over him at the thought that you might want to kiss him too, just like he has found himself wanting on multiple occasions since you and him started opening up about your emotions towards each other tonight.
You snort out a laugh, "Oh, is that so? Can you say your ABC's backwards?"
"Z, Y..." Kurapika begins before stopping and groaning. His mind is too clouded to think clearly enough for a complex task such as this, "You're asking the impossible, (Y/N)."
"That's adorable," You reach out to ruffle his hair playfully, "I appreciate your attempt."
He gives a wry smile at your comment, swatting your hand away gently from his hair, "You're enjoying this too much."
"How could I not?" You muse with a laugh, adding, "How about this? I'll owe sober Kurapika a kiss."
Kurapika heart flutters in his chest, "Then I'll make sure to remind you of your promise when I'm sober, (Y/N)."
Even in his increasingly intoxicated state, this one promise from you holds a significant importance for him. A vow that brings forth an exciting anticipation within his chest. Maybe drinking wasn't such a bad idea after all. 
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Silver Lining 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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After some correspondence, you agree to an interview. It feels a bit shady but the potential employer agrees to meet in public. Conveniently, you're given the choice and there's no argument to the cafe by the bookstore with its delicious seasonal treats.
You resist the draw of the bookstore as you approach, gripping tight the folder with your printout of the sample you submitted. You enter and think of ordering but figure it might be better to focus on the task at hand. You check your phone as you felt a message buzz only a minute prior.
'In the corner, blue plaid jacket.'
Their message is straight and to the point. You can appreciate that. You lower your phone and look around, blue, blue, blue.
You see a head of silver hair above the plaid collar and near them. You hug the folder, your purse dangling from your elbow as you come to the table. You summon a greeting but it dies on your tongue before you can let it out. Oh no. Your shoulders slump as the man's blue eyes find you, they're a shade brighter than his coat.
"Oh," you let out the single syllable.
"Oh," he grunts and stands. You try not to cower as he does. "You're..."
The timbre of his voice turns your blood cold as he says your name. You cringe and nod. You sway and look through the window.
"I-if you w-want to cancel--"
"Sit," he ignores the suggestion, gesturing to the other chair as he waits.
You obey, too stunned to come up with any resistance. You sit with your back to the window, feeling the cold seeping from the glass. He lowers himself and stares at you. He's equally as speechless as his face creases. Disappointed, just like everyone else.
You push yourself straight. You told Lisa you're going to try. Even if you and this guy got off to a bad start, you've worked with many people you didn't get along with.
"James," you begin, "I-I th-think maybe we g-got to a b-bad start."
"Bucky," he corrects you and looks down at the brown leather folder in front of him, "let's just go over the script."
"U-um, okay, I--"
"Are you alright?" His eyes flick up, "you cold?"
"N-no?" You're taken aback by his concern.
You frown. Oh, he's asking about your stammer.
"J-just how I t-talk," you shrug and swallow tightly. You're not ready for this. You're stupid for even trying. "I--" you look around, no, you won't let him scare you away. You might have to put up with him but he also has to put up with you. "I'm g-gonna grab something t-to drink, is that a-alright?"
He nods and sits back. You leave your folder on the table and stand as he opens the folder, his eyes scanning the page. You hesitate before you pass him. Despite his age, he's not entirely repulsive. You imagine when he was younger, he was probably a catch. Maybe less grumpy too.
You join the line and wait your turn. You think of ordering more of the candy cane hot chocolate but opt instead for the toffee latte. Your drink pops up quickly at the pickup and you return to the table, still not ready to face this man.
You sit down again and hug the cup between your hands. You can be normal. It's not about whatever happened before, it's about money. It's about moving on. Lisa says that's most important.
"S-so, I'm open to n-notes--"
"I have a few," he says discerning as he slides a pair of glasses out of his front pocket and unfolds them. He puts them on and you try to ignore the snarky comment needling in your brain, "first of all, you make the argument that the Tiger tank is mistakenly branded as the most effective tank in the Second World War but I'd argue it is. No mistake."
"W-well, you'll see from my argu-m-ment that there i-is no b-best tank. Overall, tank w-warfare was more a l-liability. The discussion isn't w-which is best, it's merely an examination o-of t-tanks in b-battle."
"You know, I have a degree in this. Several. I've studied Tigers, Shermans, Panzers. Your script, it's well-crafted by your evaluation is off."
You blink. Your heart is once more thumping away. You look down at your cup and take a sip from the frothy top.
"I d-disagree. I d-did my research. Every tank had substantial p-pitfalls. E-even the t-tiger. M-maybe better th-than the e-end of the First W-War, b-but still a d-danger in the field. A-Again this isn't t-to say they w-weren't useful--"
"And what background do you have to make these statements? What degrees?"
"I know h-how t-to r-read," you eke out.
"Mmm, oh, you read and drinky cutesy drinks. Got it."
"I-It's coffee."
"Doesn't look like coffee. Smells like pure sugar."
You resist rolling your eyes. You look away. You don't even know if finishing your drink is worth staying. Clearly this isn't going to pan out.
"Th-thank you for meeting w-with me," you say at last, "s-sorry to waste your time."
He lifts his cup and slurps noisily. He lowers it again, the porcelain clinking, "you didn't. You've submitted the most coherent script I've received. I'll send you my notes. Fix it and we'll go from there."
"R-really?" You perk up.
"Sure, why not? I've wasted enough time trying to get this done."
Your cheeks twitch but you don't let yourself smile, "th-thanks."
"Yeah," he grits out and stretches his neck, giving a long look around the cafe. His eyes focus on the door before he faces you again and clicks his tongue, "I'm not that old."
"Wh-what?" You stutter.
"You called me an old man. I'm not." He puffs out and shakes his head, "whatever, doesn't matter."
"Okay, I t-take it back."
"You what?"
"I t-take it b-back," you repeat, "Lisa s-says it's g-good to admit w-when you're wrong a-as much as i-it is to b-be right."
He squints and takes another gulp. "Lisa?" He wonders.
"M-my therapist," you explain.
"Ah," he accepts crisply and sits forward, draining the last of his coffee. "Well," he slips the glasses off, "I'll head out. Got work to do."
You nod as he stands. He buttons up his plaid coat as he looms. You finally get the nerve to look up at him. His brows draw together and he dips his chin again.
The curt farewell allows no response as he twists on his heel. He's halfway to the door before you can react. You stare after him and lean over your cup. The world has a strange way of throwing you curveballs and you're not very good at hitting them.
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Hi hi! I just stumbled onto your blog and I saw the Vash writings you did and oh my god my heart 💖😭 thank you for this blog!
Totally an optional request, but could you do one where the reader is a bit reserved on her feelings with Vash, but once she hears people bashing him for being a menace or a crybaby the reader goes absolutely feral in defending him on how he’s done so much for people, and starts to realize how much they genuinely cares for him. And if Vash confronts them on it the reader gets so flustered to where they can’t even look them in the eye or just melts with how he is
Again completely optional! Just thank you for all you do and I hope you feel better! 🥹
Aww I'm glad you’ve enjoyed my fics for Vash, I'm so in love with him it's not funny ;p; I hope you enjoy it! I left it a little open-ended :) ;) So who knows what that can mean :) And thanks! I'm currently having some good soup, so hopefully, I get my voice back ;p; Also ya'll have two Vash x Readers today for Stampede Saturday <3
edit: I DID IT AGAIN FORGOT THE LAST SENTENCE, I cant even blame sick brain on that ;p;
‘Those hardest to love need it most’
Vash X Reader
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You're going to blame the alcohol, or maybe you are just an idiot? Everything about today was fine, or normal well as normal as it can be when you are traveling with Vash the Stampede. You entered a small town, hoping to stay out of trouble easier for you than for Vash.
Vash wanted to come to this town and said he knew the sheriff here. You crossed your arms as you looked at him, “And you’ll stay out of trouble while we’re here, right?” Vash rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh, “Oh come on! You know I try to! It’ll be a quick trip, honestly!” He clasps his hands together, giving you a pout with those big puppy dog eyes.
Who are you to resist? With a ‘tsk’ and an eye roll you let him drag you into town. 
It's barely been five minutes since you’ve entered the town when Vash gets roped in on helping the local sheriff, you offer to go with him but he just dismisses you and says he’ll find you later. You are about to argue when he gives you a gentle smile and a pat on the head. At that point the argument ties on your tongue, and before you can embarrass yourself you just agree and run off. 
Which leads you here sitting at the bar of the local saloon, enjoying a drink or two. You sigh, leaning your head down on the bar, being alone with your thoughts is never good. Lately your mind has been drifting off to warm and fuzzy feelings of Vash. You're scared to figure out what that all means, so you’re choosing to ignore it. 
You hear two men sit down at the bar; you glance at them before ordering another drink. You hold the drink in your hand, swirling it around as you start to zone out.
“Did you hear that Stampede guy is in town?” One of the men says it draws your attention, but you keep your face passive. “The Humanoid Typhoon? That guy is nothing but trouble.” answers the second. Your grip tightens on your drink, you hate that nickname it's so unfair when they call him that. They have no idea who the real Vash is, you know you should just let it go. Vash always wants to see the good in everyone. You, on the other hand, have a much harder time with that. 
“He's got a bounty too; 6 million double dollars. I say we go for it before he destroys the town.” You slam your drink down on the bar counter hard, startling the two men next you. With a glare you look at them, “If I were you two, I would stop talking.” 
So, you were a little protective over Vash, someone had to be. “A stranger like yourself shouldn't stick their nose in other towns' business.” You roll your eyes, “That man is a danger to us, brings nothing but unfortunate everywhere he goes.” 
Your heart aches for Vash, you stand suddenly grabbing the man closest to you by the collar of his shirt, “You have no idea what you're even talking about!” You snap, anger taking over. “Vash does everything in his power to protect people like you, scum that doesn't even deserve it. You’d be lucky to meet someone as incredible and amazing as he is.” You know that you certainly felt lucky to have met Vash.
You drop the man suddenly, eyes wide, taking a step back. Oh God you were an idiot, truly and deeply. Your heart rate picks up, how could you have been so blind? Clearly, the man didn't like being manhandled by you, because he lunges for you. But before he can reach you, you are suddenly pulled back, your back hitting a firm chest with a hand on your shoulder. 
“Whoa, now fellas let's take it easy!” Vash’s cheerful voice breaks the tension, you look up shocked to see Vash’s easy-going smile, but something is off about it. His jaw is set tightly and his hand trembles on his shoulder. Your face heats up, how long had he been standing there?
The man scoffs, “You should keep this one on a leash.” He points at you as you sneer at him, moving to take a step forward. You're stopped by Vash’s hand tightening on your shoulder, you glance at Vash, as he narrows his eyes. “Funny, I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You're about to snap something at Vash, but he swiftly begins manhandling you to throw you over his shoulder, you let out a shriek of protest at the movement. Gripping the back of his jacket like a lifeline, as he carries you out of the saloon
“Vash put me down!” You yell at him; your heart is beating way too fast and your face feels out. He does put you down, he does it so suddenly that you nearly lose your footing until he places his arms on your biceps to settle you. He doesn’t let go, but instead hangs his head. 
You are still angry, “You should have let me handle those guys, who do they think they are talking all that nonsense-” 
“Stop, please.” Vash interrupts you, his voice quiet and sad. “It doesn’t matter.” His voice breaks a bit, you can tell he's probably going to start crying. The anger melts away quickly after that, “Well it matters to me.” you admit softly, 
He looks up at you, tears forming in his bright blue eyes and your heart skips a beat. “Why? You don't need to defend me; I’ve heard it all before. Honestly.” He says this with a light laugh.
“Well, it doesn’t make it okay!” You snap, and he flinches back startled, dropping your arms but you don't let him get far as you grab him by his biceps taking a step closer. “You give so much to everyone you meet, your kind, you see the good in everyone even when they don't deserve and you give people hope, me included. So yeah, I'm going to defend you every time no matter what, Because I care about you!”
Vash’s eyes widen, and you feel like you’ve maybe overstepped, also did you have to throw in that part at the end? Your face heats up, and you’re looking everywhere but at Vash’s face. Dropping his arms, you turn around, “Okay, I'm going to bury myself in a hole bye Vash.” You turn around quickly, ready to run off but before you can Vash grabs you from behind slamming your back into his chest and hugging you around the shoulders. 
He rests his face in the crook of your neck, “I don't deserve you.” Vash mutters into your neck, you blush brightly, and you sigh smiling softly, “You do you really do Vash.”  You’re not sure on how long Vash holds you, but you’re not complaining. You’re a little embarrassed to have been so open with your feelings, Vash can be a little dense so you doubt he’ll look deeper into your words. 
Which is fine, just being like this together is enough. Your whole-body freezes, when you feel Vash place a gentle kiss on top of your head, “I care about you too.” You were going to die, your pretty sure you blacked out or at least your legs gave out. “Whoa!” you hear Vash cry out moving his arms to keep you steady and, on your feet, “Are you okay?” 
No, you really weren't, you let out a yelp as Vash spins you so you’re facing him. He leaned in close, too close! You shoved him back, leaving your hands on his chest and bowing your head. “Just… hold on.” You focus on composing yourself, you look up as you feel Vash place his hands over yours and he’s looking at you with such a sincere smile it makes you want to cry. 
“It's okay I get it, you’re okay…” a pause, he looks unsure, “We’re okay.” Your eyes widen, and then soften he's giving you an out. You relax, you need to work through these feelings first by yourself and then you two could figure out where to go from there. 
You smile softly at him, “Yeah, we’re okay.”
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I was wondering whether u were taking requests for The Other Half.
Can u pls write a fic where the shop girl and bruce have an unplanned pregnancy or something along the lines of it.
I luv u and ur fics sm
Hav a great day
I opted for a pregnancy scare rather tan a full-blown pregnancy; hope that's okay! also the form of this chapter is a little different.
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; angst! ! Much angst.
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You have a bad, bad headache.
“She awake yet?” 
Almost an entire week late. That was a lot of late, way more than you’ve ever been before. You’d taken a test and it turned up negative, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be positive in a day or two.
A baby?
Are you even ready to have a child? Is Bruce? You’re hardly seen with one another in public these days.
“Not yet.” 
The possibility has caused complete and total distraction—to the point of…Well, what would you call this. A severe mishap? Failure? 
“We get anything back from Wayne?” 
A messy, messy morning. 
“Maybe he’s not really fucking her.” 
A spilled cup of coffee, a favorite blouse completely ruined. 
“They were in all the papers together.” 
“Yeah, but that was months ago. I told you we should’ve gone for Liz Wyatt. No one knows who the hell this bitch is.” 
You'd had a biting, short-tempered conversation with Bruce before you’d stormed over to the elevator and insisted that you’d get yourself to work and back.
“Maybe he’s not really rich.” 
“Please. The guy’s turds are worth more than what we make in a month. Bet they’re gold-flaked and shit…Anyway, it’s only been a few hours. Don't panic yet…Fuckin’ pussy.” 
A bad day at work, a really, really crappy takeout lunch, and a stupid, stupid move as you’d come out of the office building to head home. 
“Don’t call me that, shithead.” 
An unfamiliar car, the blur of a face before a cloth had been pressed over your nose and mouth and someone had yanked you close form behind. Panic, tight breaths, and then—
“Alright, wake ‘er up.” 
Darkness. Darkness and silence that slowly gave rise to—
“How do you want me to do that? Slap her?” 
Two nattering voices volleying arguments, questions, commands back and forth for the past half hour—
You gasp, sputtering as water is poured over you. You cough roughly as some of it catches in your dry throat, hinging forward as your throat and chest ache with the force. You draw in a deep breath as soon as you’re able, blinking rapidly and trying to get a better look at your surroundings. When you’d first come to, you’d realized how tightly your arms were zip tied behind yourself to the beam that you’d been propped against, and your ankles were zip tied in front of you. The floor beneath you is hard as hell, and you kind of have to pee. You've spent your time awake feigning unconsciousness in the hopes that they'd leave you alone.
Your gaze catches on two sets of steel-toed boots, and slowly travels up, up—You wince, squinting against the harsh overhead light illuminating the dank warehouse. You recoil at their faces, your whacking against the wide pole behind you. The two laugh cruelly, making embarrassment curdle in your stomach. One crouches down, roughly gripping your jaw and turning your face toward him. You can’t squirm away like you’d like, and you’re forced to smell his acrid breath. 
“Why don’t you get comfortable, honey,” He chuckles. “We’re waiting on your boyfriend.”
“Will you be dining alone this evening?” 
Bruce glances over at Alfred, trying not to grimace at his pointed question. He shifts on the couch, sinking down in his seat a little under his guardian’s scrutiny. 
“She should be back soon.” 
“Have you heard from her?” 
Not one word, all day. Bruce had checked his phone almost obsessively throughout the day, looking for missed calls or texts, but there hadn’t been a thing from her. Bruce had considered reaching out first, but he was still sort of pissed. He’d spent the day trying to figure out what the hell he'd done wrong, what she’d gotten so damn worked up about. He couldn’t think of a single thing. 
“Perhaps you ought to call and let her know that we’re at the mansion,” Alfred hedges again. Bruce considers it for a moment, glancing at his blank phone screen. Maybe he could…No. 
“She needs her space,” He insists. “She’s mad at me.” 
Alfred hesitates for a moment before he turns away. It may be overstepping his bounds, but he fishes into his pocket for his phone. He sends two texts—one saying that he hopes that she’s had a good day, and another asking if she needs a ride home. He sends them, and waits…And waits…And frowns. Neither message delivers. He turns back to the couch just in time to see Bruce reaching for his phone, then going still and ultimately leaning back in his seat, sliding even further down like a moody teen. 
Perhaps Alfred ought to simply take a look for himself.
He asks the first woman coming out of the Wayne Enterprises building—someone that Bruce recently had him run a background check on. 
“Pardon me, Ms...James? Rose James?” He smiles, as the young woman stops in her tracks. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could ask after a friend of ours.”
Rose’s brows raise as he offers the name. 
“Oh,” She laughs, “She left hours ago. In this huff, too, like a funk? Like not a smelly funk, like a mood kinda funk.” 
Alfred fights to keep his composure, his hands still clasped in front of himself. 
“Ah, of course,” He forces a laugh, “I must’ve confused my days. My apologies, Ms. James—and thank you for your time.” He turns away from her, fishing into his pocket for his phone and eyeing his messages. They still haven’t been delivered. 
Something does not feel right. 
You close your eyes, letting your throbbing head rest back against the pole. You have to distract yourself from your aching arms, and the sharp tingling of your legs and feet falling asleep. You’ve got to think of something else. 
What would you even name a baby? 
Your stomach flips at the thought, and you wince a little. Of all things to think about right now…Then again, what else have you got to do? 
Does Bruce want kids? The two of you have never actually discussed kids…Or marriage, or officially moving in with one another. Maybe you would’ve had those conversations if the two of you hadn’t been photographed kissing in the lobby of Wayne Enterprises, or leaving the vacation house of your Valentine’s retreat. Maybe you’d have had the conversations if Bruce wasn’t…Bruce. 
“Anything?” You hear one of the thieves say to the other. 
You draw in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself as the same slim man leans in toward you. You get a better look at him this time—at his cold, grey eyes, pallid skin and yellowing teeth. 
“You better hope that Wayne answers soon,” He warns, drawing a knife out of his boot. You flinch as he raises it, lightly tapping the tip of it on the underside of your chin. “If he doesn’t, you’ll be leaving here in bits.” 
“Did Rose say what time she left?” Bruce asks, practically bounding off of the elevator and over to the computers deeper in the cave. Alfred follows as quickly as he can, shaking his head. 
“She didn’t, and I neglected to ask.”
Bruce yanks his chair back, reaching down and hurriedly tapping into the security camera feed around Wayne Enterprises. His eyes scan the screen studiously as he winds the security footage back to when she typically leaves work. He stops it there, then skims through the footage a little faster. 
“Wait, there—” Alfred points, “Go back.” 
Bruce rewinds again slightly before he presses play on the footage. His heart leaps into his throat as he watches a man put something over her mouth, her body going limp as two men drag her into a van and take off. He hurriedly changes the camera angle and pauses the footage, zooming in on the license plate. 
Bruce glances over as he sees something move out of his periphery, and frowns when he spots someone leaving something on the front door step. 
“Go grab that, would you?” 
“You just dropped it off?” 
“Just now, you just dropped it off? Oh, for fuckssake!” 
You peer warily over at where a third man has hurried in and joined the first two. 
“I got stuck in traffic!” 
“That’s some weak–ass excuse, Frank.” 
“Hey, don’t use names,” The new guy nods over his shoulder toward you, “In front of the girl.” 
“Oh, you worried about her knowing your name? Knowing your face?” 
“Good point, Frank.” The shot rings out, and you can’t hold back your rough, dry-throated scream as the man raises a gun without hesitation and kills Frank, sending the man sprawling to the ground. He lowers the gun, turning to look at you and gesturing toward Frank’s body. 
“I known Frank twenty years. I do that to him, can you imagine what I’ll do to you?”
“The van took a route through downtown before it crossed the bridge into the Narrows—What’s that?” Bruce asks, glancing back as Alfred approaches again with a small envelope
“It’s addressed to you, sir.” 
Bruce takes it hesitantly, frowning. He takes hold of it, looking over it before he flips it over and opens it. His blood runs cold as he draws out a photograph of her—unconscious, and tied up. His other hand crinkles the envelope, unable to help it as his rage builds. He turns the photo over, frowning when he sees the untidy, scratchy writing. 
“What’s it say?” 
“There’s a phone number.” Bruce tosses the envelope aside before he turns back to the console, punching the number in.
“You’re calling?” 
“It’s probably a burner.” He only has to wait a few moments before someone picks up, and watches as his system traces the signal. 
“Took you long enough, Wayne.” 
“I called the moment I got the envelope.” 
There’s a pause, a grumble on the other side, and his heart stutters as he hears a gunshot. 
“What the hell was that?” He snaps. 
“Don’t worry about it. Listen,” The man sighs. “Two million in cash. No cops.” 
“Where is she?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
“I want to talk to her.” 
“You’ve got twenty four hours, Mr. Wayne. Call when you have the cash. I’ll send you an address.” 
Bruce opens his mouth to argue, but before he can, the man hangs up. Bruce clenches his jaw, fighting the urge to punch a hole through one of the screens. He tips his chin up, eyeing the spot on the map the phone signal came from. 
“Take one of the cars, one with heavily tinted windows. Drive into the city, take as much money as you can at an ATM, from tellers, wherever you can get it.” 
“What for?” 
“After that, I want you to come back, use the number on the back of that photo and call it. Get an address.” 
“And bring it to them?” 
“They might be watching the house. I want them to think I’m doing what they said. Don't worry,” Bruce turns away, striding toward the suit. "I'll get there before you do."
Names. What would you even name a kid? You’d probably want to give them a normal name…Well normal as in a typical spelling, and not some over-voweled, extra-consonanted monstrosity, like Mickayleigh or Jostlelynn or Redgeena. 
What were his parents' names? You furrow your brow, trying to remember. You haven’t spoken to Bruce about his parents much, either. Fuck, the more you think about it, there’s so much that you haven’t talked about, that you don’t know...That you may never get to find out.
“He’s got the money.” 
You glance back toward the triumphant whoop of one of the men. 
“Wayne?” He asks.
“Nah, the old guy. He's heading to the drop-off point.” 
Alfred? Your brow furrowed as you tipped your head back against the pole. You had no idea why Alfred would be the one getting cash—
You suck in a shocked breath as the room is suddenly plunged into darkness. You hear the two men tripping over one another, followed by a scuffle and a curse. 
“You alright, man?” 
“Tripped over Frankie—Ugh, he’s cold—”
You wince as the lights suddenly flicker back on, and your heart leaps when you see Batman standing over the fallen robber. The man looks up, and before he can fully get out his yell of, “Oh, shi—”, you see Bruce lifting his foot. You wince, turning your head and squeezing your eyes shut as you hear the man yowl in pain. 
It’s like being in the middle of a horror movie. You can hear what’s happening, and you desperately want to look to assuage your own morbid curiosity, but you’re worried that what you’ll see will be so much worse than you’re imagining. You hear gunshots, grunts, yelps, the cracking of bone, and then—
Nothing. You hear nothing. 
It’s another few moments before you hear the thudding of boots approaching. You dare to peek a single eye open just in time to see the edge of his cape as he rounds the pole. You hear a snick, chased by the feeling of your arms being untied. You groan as they fall limply to your sides, feeling about as heavy as a ton of bricks. He rounds you, crouching down in front of you and untying your ankles as well. It takes you a few moments to reach out, your arms weary and weak from their stretching, and the lack of blood flow. Bruce takes your hands in his gloved ones, easing you off of your feet and shushing you softly when you whimper and stumble into his chest. 
"Are you hurt?"
"—They didn't hurt you—?"
"No!" You swear, forcing your pained arms up to wrap around him. He turns his head, lips brushing against your temple.
“It’s alright,” He murmurs. “I’ve got you.” 
"You didn't recognize either of them?"
“So what you've told me, that’s all you remember?” Commissioner Gordon asks. “No names?” 
You shake your head a little, eyeing the floor. “Apart from the one guy…Frankie? They were pretty careful about not saying who they were when I was awake.” 
“Frankie was, uh…” He checks his notes, “The one that was shot twice, laying on the floor?” 
“Did Batman shoot Frankie?”
“What?” You frown. “No. One of the other guys did that. The, uh…The thin-ish one, with really bad teeth.” 
“And the other one?” 
“He didn’t say much to me.” 
“So…Batman came in and got you out.” 
“And dropped you off here at the precinct.” 
Commissioner Gordon’s brows jump before they lower again, and he jots something else down. 
“How much longer is this going to take?” Bruce grumbles.
Gordon’s gaze flickers over to where Bruce is still pacing behind you. 
“We’re nearly through here, Mr. Wayne.” 
You hear Bruce huff, followed by the thud of him slouching against the door. It’s a moment before Gordon is shifting in his seat, redirecting his attention. 
“Remind me where you were, Mr. Wayne?” 
“At my mansion.” 
He reports it flatly, and even in your weariness, you have to bite back a smile. 
“We have footage of your butler driving around and taking out money.” 
“I don’t keep that much cash on hand.” 
“And you were just going to pull as much money out as you possibly could?” 
“Whatever it took to get her back.” 
You lean back in your seat as some of the fear, panic, and anxiety well up again. You can feel tears prickling in your eyes, your chest tightening. Commission Gordon sighs, nodding. 
“I think that’s enough for today. I may have a few follow-up questions in the next few days.” 
“Of course,” Bruce answers for both of you, and you’re grateful for it. He comes closer, taking hold of your hand and helping you up. You still feel a little woozy, and you lean heavily against him. 
“I’m sorry to tell you, but there’s a lot of press outside. We, uh…” Gordon rounds the desk, opening the door to his office for you. “We set up barricades to get you from the door to your car without too much hassle.”  
“There isn’t a back exit?” 
“I’m afraid they’ve got the building surrounded, Mr. Wayne.” 
Bruce pushes a heavy sigh through his nose before he mutters quietly in concession. You don’t meet anyone’s eye as he leads you through the bullpen to the elevator, or as Commissioner Gordon gets on with you. 
“Are you driving?” You murmur. Bruce shakes his head, lips brushing your forehead. 
“Alfred is.” 
Alfred. It’ll be nice to see another friendly face. Bruce leads you off of the elevator, fishing into his pocket and drawing out a pair of sunglasses. 
“Put these on,” He orders, “And keep your head down. I’ll get us to the car.” 
You nod, putting on the thick, chunky sunglasses. They practically obscure half of your face. 
“Ready?” Bruce asks. You nod again, tucking yourself more tightly into his side as Commissioner Gordon opens the door. You don’t even have the chance to step a foot outside before you’re bombarded by the flashing of cameras, and yelled questions coming from all directions. It makes you want to run back inside and find some quiet corner to curl up in, but Bruce wraps his arm tightly around your shoulders, steering you to the car. You almost stumble trying to keep up with the pace he sets, fighting to keep your steps even and quick as he guides you down the path that the cops have set up and into the car.
As soon as the door is shut behind you, you sag down in your seat and draw your sunglasses off, peering through the heavily-tinted windows at the mob of press. The sound is let in again as Bruce gets in on the other side of the backseat, and as Alfred gets into the driver’s seat. It’s not a clean peeling away from the curb—a few press still crowd around the front, trying to get shots of you and Bruce through the windshield—but Alfred finally pulls away, and it feels like you can breathe again. 
As you strip down to shower—as you suddenly feel an acute cramping in your lower stomach—you start to cry, the full weight of the day crashing down around you. Bruce turns back from where he’s been turning the knobs to heat up the water, and through your kaleidoscope of tears, you can see his expression melting from confusion to sadness. He reaches out, drawing you into his chest, and you go willingly. You don’t even care that his hands are wet from checking to see if the water is warm enough. You just bury your face in his chest and let every bit of your fear and worry drain from you. 
“...Thought you had it already.”
“Hm?” You hum softly.
“Your period.” 
You wince at the comment, focusing on the steady rise and fall of Bruce’s chest. You’d thought that you’d have to have this conversation at some point in the next few days, but right now, tucked into his side in bed, you can’t think of anything you’d like to talk about less. Still, you trail your fingers along his side, weighing your words before you admit: 
“I was late.” 
“How late?” 
“A week.” 
Bruce is quiet for a few moments, and you can practically hear the gears turning in his head. 
“Did you think…?” He hedges.
“...Is that why you almost took my head off this morning?” 
“Yes…Sorry, by the way.” 
Is it? 
You let it hang in the air for a moment. You could let the conversation pass. You could just move—
“Would you have been happy?” You hedge, “If…I was?” 
A few moments of harrowing silence as Bruce’s fingers skate over your bare back. 
“I don’t know.” 
It’s honest, at least, but it doesn’t feel good. Yes was what you’d been hoping for. But I don’t know? You can feel yourself tearing again, and you bite down on your inner cheek, just nodding when you feel him looking down at you. He sighs heavily, murmurs, “Sweetheart,” But he doesn’t get all of it out before you’re pulling away from him and pushing yourself to sit up. You draw in a few deep breaths to steady yourself, raising your hands to swipe away the few tears that escape. To his credit, Bruce gives you the space that you need, sitting up and staying on his side of the bed. 
“Look at what happened to you today,” He points out. 
“That could’ve happened to anybody,” You grumble.
“Not like this. It happened because people know that you’re with me. It’s dangerous for you. And if it hadn’t just been you, if we ever…” It takes him a moment. “If we ever had a child, they would be a target, too.”
You sniffle softly, tucking your arms around your middle and fisting your fingers in the fabric of your sleep shirt. You know that he’s right, and you want to hate him for it.
“Is that why we never talk about that stuff?” You ask. 
“What stuff?” 
“Our future.” You turn your head back toward him, watching him in your periphery. You can see his lips pressed into a thin line, his gaze set ahead. 
“It’s not an easy conversation to have.” 
“Is that all we can have? Easy conversations?” 
“That’s not what I meant. Don’t put words in my mouth.” 
You sniffle again, turning away from him and looking down at the sheets. You feel Bruce scooch a little closer, sliding his hand along your lower back before he gently draws you back against him. You lean against him, pouting a touch as your cramps flare. Bruce nuzzles against your hair, dropping a kiss there. 
“Today was a lot,” He murmurs. “Can we just…Can we get some sleep? Talk about this tomorrow?” 
You nod, letting Bruce steer you to lay back down. You rest your head on his shoulder, fingers absently tracing shapes on his chest. 
“...For the record,” You offer softly, “Those men did what they did because they were greedy. I’m safe because of you, Bruce.” 
Bruce’s grip tightens on you, and you snuggle closer, sliding your leg over his and pressing as close as possible despite the twinging in your belly. 
Next Part
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Thxxx! To the anon that asked about Erin wearing a skirt! because what if he found out his darling has a thing for tough guys in skirts!💖 I don’t know what type he buys tho? Like a long black maxi skirt? A cute one (that’s your favorite color) with ruffles and bows? Or a super short skirt (of any one you want) that barely manages to hide all that BADONKADONK 💖💖
Also maybe some nsfw if your up for it!
Erin getting sucked off while on top of a counter? (Or anywhere else if you prefer) you making him hold his skirt up as you stare at him while sucking him off. Legs on you shoulders and hands on his thighs! Just incase he tries to close them! 💖
Pegging Erin in the skirt (obviously) it allows you to easily give his ass a good smack and keeps him looking cute. Does he (fake) complain? Yes. But once you start praising (or degrading) him, how cute he looks all dolled up, only pretty sluts get fucked, and how would everyone that he bullies react if they found out their tormentor likes to wear cute skirts and get fucked like a cheap whore. He can’t help how much he loves it!
Thank you for reading my ask btw! Hope you like it!
(So I saw this ask after yesterday's post, but I felt that this would be a good continuation)
Erin runs three yellow lights on his drive to your place. He's already half way there before you send him your address. He knew your address due to the harmless act of following you home on weekends and when he wasn't hanging out with his click. At stops he's unable to past he adds a second coat of lip gloss and draws under his eyes with the eye shadow he picked up from a drug store on the way. His heels clack loudly against concrete as he marches to your door. It opens right as he raises his fist to knock.
Erin quickly brushes his hair over his shoulder. "Hi."
"Hey. Heard you coming."
"Yeah... Just got a little excited to see you is all..." Erin trails off. Fuck, was that too far? He was desperate for you, but he didn't want you to know he was. That, amongst other things would probably scare you off. Was he trying too hard? Too little? God, he just wanted you to kiss him already.
"So what are we going to-"
Grabbing Erin by his collar, you drag him into a kiss and your home as you slam the door behind him. The pressure on his neck makes his vision fuzzy, but he parts his lips as your teeth and tongue abuse the soft flesh. He feels your hands going up his skirt as the muscle violates the back of his throat; palming him through the panties he wore. You pull back, lifting his skirt to see the lace fabric in your grasp; the tip of his cock peaking from it band.
Erin forces a shakey smile. "Like what you see?"
"Thought I was jumping the gun at first, but you were hoping this would happen, weren't you? I figured last week in the cafeteria was to get my attention, but- wow."
"Been trying to catch your eye for a while. Do anything for you at this point."
"Guess I should make it up to you." You bring him over to the couch and dive in for another kiss as you lift his shirt over his chest, stealing those last bits of lip gloss clung to his lips. The initials engraved into over his heart should bother you, but he looks so pretty that you can ignore it for now.
Erin's cock twitches at the insult. You peck his cheek and catch the drool falling from his open mouth before sinking to the floor. You free his length from its restraint, skirt blocking the view.
"Lift up for me."
Erin rolls his skirt up his legs, thighs clenched as you pump his cock. You push them apart with ease and get into position as you take the head of his cock into your mouth. He whines, spreading his legs more rather than trying to close them as you swirl your tongue around his girth. He wants to hold the hand gripping his thighs, but prioritizes keeping his skirt out of your face. Your nails dug into his skin as your mouth closes around him. Whether intentional or not - Erin throws his head back with a drawn out moan.
"Y/n, s-shit, too much- I cant-"
He weakly taps your shoulder, but you pay no mind as you take him down to base. You stare up at him with a look that ties his stomach into knots. Pulling back, his cock shines with your saliva and the gloss you had sucked off his lips minutes ago. The tears in his eyes leave messy, black streaks down his face as you edge him; kissing and slowly rolling your tongue over his cockhead as you lick the drops of pre-cum. His body tenses, knuckles as white as sheets gripping the hem of his skirt. Your nails go over the red marks in his skin once more and he sees white.
"F-fuck..." Erin shutters and moans through his release, shooting his load directly on your tongue as you stroke him through his high and stick it out to catch it all. His cock falls limp against his stockings which you tuck in it as you climb up his body and into his lap. Dazed, he licks his now dry lips and lifts his head signaling for a kiss. You comply, the taste of his release fresh in your mouth as you plant another kiss on his lips. He could hardly care less as he allows you to spit in his mouth right before you tangle your tongue with his. You give him a moment's rest before sinking your teeth into his neck, groping his thighs as you lead his hand to your waist.
"Up for more, pretty boy~"
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