#tropical wedding cakes
merrybrides · 1 year
Flamingo Inspired Wedding Cakes
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canaryinacoolmine · 5 months
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Got married to my best friend of 13 years back in July, and wanted to show off our Mothzilla themed wedding cake!! The cake itself is supposed to be like Monster Island, all tropical on on side and volcanic on the other.
I'd been dreaming of the Mothra & Godzilla cake toppers my whole life 😭💕 KandECustomWerks did the best job in the world 3D printing them, and my husband and I will treasure them forever 💝
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cranberrv · 7 months
when i was your man
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ in which dallas winston wants you back
(warnings: mostly fem!reader but can be read otherwise, just a few remarks towards the reader being fem)
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tulips were your favourite flower. dallas never remembered.
you had spent what seemed like forever trying to get dallas to be what you imagined to be a perfect boyfriend. get him to be the kind of guy you see in movies, the boy who isn’t afraid to be with you in public, the boy who takes you on fancy dates and the kind of boy who buys you flowers. but he never did, not once. love letters never showed up at your door, he never put his hand around your waist or took you out on a date.
you got over him quickly. he broke up with you because you got ‘too attached’, and he hates commitment. you were just one of the many girls who fell for his boyish grin and charm, who’s gaze went blurry and blind when any red flags seemed to uncover, ignoring every horrible attribute about him.
a new boy came into your life about a year after the breakup, a soc, someone who treated you with the respect you wanted and gave you the life you needed. he had the money to take you to fancy restaurants, and he always bought you roses, the most romantic flower there is.
when he got down on one knee, you had no doubt into your mind and said yes. his proposal was too good to be true, everything thing about him was. he proposed on a vacation in the tropics, by the beach. there were tears in his eyes. you had never had a man cry for you. not dallas, not anyone.
planning the wedding was easy. you were having red velvet cake, the venue was in your backyard, keeping it close to home, and you were going to wear the most beautiful and expensive outfit. your fiancé was in charge of deciding who to invite, and he invited everyone you wanted to be there for your special day.
simply put, you were in a pure state of bliss. what every little kid dreams of is a perfect lover who will give you everything you want and more, and now you have that.
there was one topic your fiancé did avoid, though, and that was dallas winston. your lover did not like him, not one bit, he became bitter towards dallas after you opened up about how he didn’t treat you like you mattered, which was all you wanted. you felt it was a bit excessive, if you even dared to utter his name, he’d interrupt and change the topic. and dallas certainly was not invited to the wedding.
at the end of the day, you shouldn’t care about that. you spend a lot of your time convincing yourself that it doesn’t matter that your lover is being rude to your ex boyfriend, it’s not like dal treated you right, anyway. it doesn’t matter, right? it’s better he’s not in your life.
on the day of the wedding, something felt off. you saw your reflection in the mirror as your friend did up your dress, and you didn’t see a girl who was tearing up with joy, ranting to your friends about how perfect your fiancé is. you should be, your lover was perfect and life was magical. you felt ungrateful for the gift life gave you. yet, in the mirror you saw a confused and unsure person looking back at you. someone who didn’t know what they were doing, someone who didn’t know the difference between love and lust, a scared kid who rushed into a decision purely out of the need to feel wanted after a past relationship.
as you’re standing, staring at you and your outfit in the mirror, your friend goes up to the vanity (which you’ve yet to sit at), and picks up a small bouquet of flowers.
“what’s this?” she says, holding it up and examining it. “did your boy give this to you?” she teases.
you look at it. “oh,” you hadn’t noticed that before. it’s not roses. he always gets you roses. this time, it’s tulips. tulips wrapped with light parchment paper and a lace bow. “yeah, i guess so.” she hands you the bouquet, and a small smile spreads across your face. so he did remember.
your friend talks to you for a bit longer, and eventually leaves the room to go grab the hair stylist from downstairs. you’re then stood in the room alone, staring at the bouquet of flowers with a smile and rosy cheeks.
a few minutes later, the door creaks open. you perk up. your face falls, eyebrows raising every so slightly with surprise. cold umber eyes and a smirk that never quite reaches his eyes, a sentence that perfectly describes dallas winston.
shock turns to frustration. how dare he just sneak in here on your special day? he’s probably just planning on ruining it, maybe he’s already got into a fistfight with the groom.
“jesus, dallas, what’re you doing here?-“ your voice is still quiet, not wanting to alert attention.
“you look cute.” he interrupts, eyes not leaving you for a second, drifting across your hair and your pretty outfit. they stop at the bouquet of tulips. “d’you like the flowers? they were expensive.”
your eyes fall onto the bouquet, and you look back up at him. you ignore both of the shocking statements, trying to get him out of here. “you’re not supposed to be here—“
“i was wrong.” he interrupts again. “i was wrong for everything. look, you know i’m not one to say this, and i’m sure as hell not one for these romantic gestures, but i messed up. i thought i could get over you, i mean, broads are easy enough to get over, but i just can’t. your name loops my mind all day and it’s fuckin’ stupid. now you’re with someone ten times better than me, and i know i’m probably too late, but please, don’t say yes. i can treat you how you should be, i promise. i know i don’t have a good history with girls, or with you, but i can try. i’m willing to give it my fuckin’ all for you, i’ll remember your middle name and i’ll take you to the movies, i don’t know. but you’re my gal, y/n, i can’t let my gal run off with someone else now, can i?”
there you’re stood, staring up at him with the bouquet in your grasp, hands shaking and tears silently streaming down your face. your mouth keeps opening and closing, at a loss for words. “why now?” you say after a few antagonizing long seconds. “i mean- i’m stood here on the day of my wedding, and- and you chose now to tell me this?” your voice is breaking a bit, but you’re doing a good job at keeping your cool.
“i’m telling you this cause i know you’ll make the wrong decision otherwise.” he answers.
“well what am i supposed to do now? god, you can’t just do that, dal, i don’t wanna walk down the aisle with another boy on my mind,” you sit down on the chair by the vanity, feeling lightheaded and trying to gather yourself.
“i want you to walk down the aisle and know there’s another boy who loves—“
sometimes you wonder what he was gonna say, but you decided to interrupt him. “we’re not sayin’ that word again, dal.”
maybe you’re just in denial. the word ‘love’ associated with dallas seems so right, and you’d rather die than admit that.
he goes over and kneels beside you. this kneel feels more important than your fiancés was the day of the proposal. “y/n, i’m just being honest. you think you’d be cryin’ if it was some other guy? you wouldn’t. i may not know the little things but i sure as hell know what you’re feeling right now.”
his words hit you like bricks. you don’t want it to be real that you’re crying because you still love him, crying because you love another boy more than your very near future husband. “i’m an awful person, dal,” all your emotions come out at once, small sobs that you try so hard to contain so people don’t notice. “please just go, dal, i can’t do this.”
“and then you go off and make some stupid decision with some guy that ain’t me? don’t think so, y/n.”
“he doesn’t deserve this,” you start speaking about your ex. “he doesn’t deserve me loving another guy.”
you’re speechless after that, crying in your vanity chair. his hand grabs yours as you break down, sitting there in this hurt. you hold his hand so tightly, never wanting to let go.
he’s there for you. he’s always been there for you. lurking in the background, spending his time loving you and watching how quickly you got over him. you knew it was too good to be true. you knew the decision was too rushed, that there was a reason why you instantly moved on. now you knew exactly why.
“i think i’m still in love with you, dal,” you say softly after you recollect yourself enough to speak.
he chuckles. “you think?” he says sarcastically. you did just spend the time you should’ve been getting ready for your wedding crying over him.
you furrow your eyebrows, not in the mood for jokes. “lay off, dal, i mean it.”
he releases a small breath. “you wanna get out of here, then?”
you hesitate, thinking back to your now heartbroken fiancé and your loved ones that will be extremely disappointed in you for leaving without a word, but you nod. dal always had a way of making you do reckless things.
maybe the guilt will always haunt you after you leave, and you’ll find yourself always thinking back to the day when you were just a young and dumb kid who hurt so many people by wanting just one, or maybe you’ll find yourself with a version of dallas who is trying, who is more open to commitment and to spending time with you, a version of dallas who remembers tulips are your favourite flower.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about How to Pay off Debt
Understanding debt:
Let’s End This Damaging Misconception About Credit Cards
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
Dafuq Is Interest? And How Does It Work for the Forces of Darkness?
Investing Deathmatch: Paying off Debt vs. Investing in the Stock Market
How to Build Good Credit Without Going Into Debt
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
It’s More Expensive to Be Poor Than to Be Rich
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Paying off debt:
Kill Your Debt Faster with the Death by a Thousand Cuts Technique
Share My Horror: The World’s Worst Debt Visualization
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche
The Debt-Killing Power of Rounding up Bills
A Dungeonmaster’s Guide to Defeating Debt
How to Pay Hospital Bills When You’re Flat Broke 
Ask the Bitches Pandemic Lightning Round: “What Do I Do If I Can’t Pay My Bills?” 
Slay Your Financial Vampires
Season 4, Episode 3: “My credit card debt is slowly crushing me. Is there any escape from this horrible cycle?” 
Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt 
Student loan debt:
What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: “The Government Put Student Loans in Forbearance. Can I Stop Paying—or Is It a Trap?”
How to Pay for College without Selling Your Soul to the Devil
When (and How) to Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
Season 4, Episode 4: “I’m $100K in Student Loan Debt and I Think It Should Be Forgiven. Does This Make Me an Entitled Asshole?” 
The 2022 Student Loan Forgiveness FAQ You’ve Been Waiting For
2023 Student Loan Forgiveness Update: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 
Our Final Word on Student Loan Forgiveness 
Avoiding debt:
Ask Not How Much You Should Save, Ask How Much You Should Spend 
How to Make Any Financial Decision, No Matter How Tough, with Maximum Swag
Your Yearly Free Medical Care Checklist
Two-Ring Circus 
Status Symbols Are Pointless and Dumb 
Advice I Wish My Parents Gave Me When I Was 16 
On Emergency Fund Remorse… and Bacon Emergencies
Should You Increase Your Salary or Decrease Your Spending? 
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
The Magically Frugal Power of Patience
The Only Advice You’ll Ever Need for a Cheap-Ass Wedding 
The Most Impactful Financial Decision I’ve Ever Made… and Why I Don’t Recommend It 
3 Times I Was Damn Grateful for My Emergency Fund (and Side Income) 
Buy Now Pay Later Apps: That Old Predatory Lending by a Crappy New Name 
Credit Card Companies HATE Her! Stay Out of Credit Card Debt With This One Weird Trick 
Ask the Bitches: Should I Get a Loan Even Though I Can Afford To Pay Cash? 
The Bitches vs. debt:
I Paid off My Student Loans Ahead of Schedule. Here’s How.
I Paid off My Student Loans. Now What?
Hurricane Debt Weakens to Tropical Storm Debt, but Experts Warn It’s Still Debt
The Real Story of How I Paid Off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years
Case Study: Swimming Upstream against Unemployment, Exhaustion, and $2,750 a Month in Unproductive Spending 
That’s all for now! We try to update these masterposts periodically, so check back for more in… a couple… months??? Maybe????
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mysticmellowlove · 3 months
Can we have general sub yan wedding hcs with a fem reader? She wanted a medium size wedding not to many people where she feels she has to perform but enough people so word will spread
warnings; sub yan, fem reader, male yan, mentions of oral, mostly fluff, some NSFW,
What do you mean a blood rite isn't what you wanted when you said you wanted to join together?
This man has no idea what a wedding is or how to do it
He's a little sad that you wanted something more conventional, I mean why can't he just devote himself to you every night instead?
Is the intricate bondage not enough, do you want a vial of his blood to go around your neck... he can add more carvings of your name into his body in more visible places if you want.
He'll do it though, just tell him what to do and he'll get it done.
Wait... does that mean he'll get to meet your family? He's so excited.
He'd probably go up to your guardians and thank them for raising you.
He's a bit shy so the wedding can't be that big anyway. I mean he also doesn't want to share you with the world as well so...
Instantly falls in love even more when you try on wedding dresses.
He somehow manages to sneak into the changing room with you and insists on eating you out under all that fabric.
Just try to stay too quiet or he might have to slice off everyone's ears!
Only if you want him to though! If not then he can sneak into their houses at night and try to knock their memories from their head with a metal bat!
Despite being the human equivalent to a clingy puppy he does have an absurd amount of money so the wedding is going to be lavish.
He'd much prefer it if it was only your family, his are... unconventional, but if you wanted to invite friends as well go ahead.
He doesn't mind them after all... they know he loves you and only you, he proved as much to some of them... they'll never forget it (that is if they're still friends with you after what he did)
He loves to go cake shopping as well, all of the best bakeries are on his list.
Won't admit that he wanted to eat them all... he has too much of a sweet tooth sometimes.
If you get samples he 100% wants to put the frosting on you and lick it off (he might cum too fast if he did that though.)
Oh well, his body belongs to you anyway so who is he to argue!
Venue is also important to him, somewhere secluded... maybe you two can organise a getaway or something. While everyone's enjoying a local beach you two could just hang out alone!
It sounded so perfect to him that he did it anyway and now your family and friends are going to some tropical island (who don't ask weird questions like why do some of the guests keep looking at him weirdly? Why is there a knife in his underwear section... why does he have so much sex toys?)
He wouldn't be a fan of distant relatives or extended family coming along though. Close family only please!
He gets pouty when they want to come along to the planning, he only really wants your guardian's input. He has to please his inlaws!
Hen parties are his worst nightmare but you said that you weren't interested in something as showy as that so he's happy that you settled for a drinks night with your friends at their house.
The day goes off without a hitch, delicious food and good company make for a happy bride. And being by your side (eternally by law) makes for a happy husband!
Aren't the newlyweds so cute?
What was that flash of metal under his suit though...? Surely not a collar right... right?!
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panlight · 6 months
Breaking Dawn has always read like a fanfiction to me. I'm aware this has probably to do with the fact, that Forever Dawn was written before New Moon and Eclipse, and SMeyer just rewrote some pieces of it.
But this made me think - most fans probably have an idea of how they would have liked the story of Bella and Edward to end and those endings might all be a little, or even very different. What would your perfect ending for the Saga look like? You can place it after any point of the story - just after the first book, in the middle of New Moon, around the end of Eclipse, wherever you want.
It really does have a lot of fanfic-y tropes. The big wedding. The over-the-top tropical honeymoon. This is an 18-year-old middle class girl getting married here. Sure the Cullens are rich but she's not an actual princess or something, this always felt hugely over the top to me in a fanfic-y way. And then the baby, of course. It does tick a lot of boxes of the sort of fanfic that imagines what happens after the book/movie/show where the main couple get married and have a kid.
For me, vampirism without consequences is just completely uninteresting. Bella getting to have her cake and eat it too not only undermines all the themes in the earlier books and makes Edward's brooding about being a vampire seem like unnecessary whining, it's also just boring.
So my ideal ending is an actual follow up to Eclipse. Bella and Edward follow through on their compromise plan: wedding, sex, and vampirism in that order. There's no baby; Bella is turned on Isle Esme and spends a few months there on a secluded island with no people (the groundskeepers are given time off FFS Edward can clean the house) eating wildlife and adjusting to vampirism.
But she actually has to like, adjust. It IS has hard as people told her it was. She can still do well at it, but with struggle. I mean, Carlisle never killed anyone either but he did it by banishing himself to the woods and starving to the point that he unthinkingly attacked some deer. I believe it was hard and he struggled and so his triumph feels earned. Bella can still control herself better than average but I wanna see her struggle with it, versus like, one tense afternoon with Charlie and then totally being fine around humans and going to see lawyers in a sexy outfit, no problem. That felt anticlimactic.
Also there should be some fallout with Jake, and she should probably have to cut ties with Charlie and Renee. She MADE this choice to become a vampire knowing she was giving these things up, so for Breaking Dawn to be like "Nevermind! Haha!" about it was deeply unsatisfying. It killed the conflict and tension for Jacob and Charlie to still be part of her life and accepting of the weirdness of it.
For me, the whole point was Bella was sacrificing a lot to be with Edward. That is where the romance and angst lies. Getting to be beautiful and immortal and rich and powerful AND with the person you love AND keep your father and best friend AND get a perfect baby who never cries and sleeps through the night AND conquer the bloodlust in like 2 seconds was just . . . boring. All the stuff I had been interested in seeing how it would resolve was resolved in just the easiest, least interesting way possible. A perfect example: the wedding. We're told that Renee is going to freak out about this early marriage and even THAT relatively unimportant conflict is just instantly resolved with "actually, Renee's totally on board!!!!" Snore!
So yeah. Bella is turned on the honeymoon. It's hard. She cuts off ties with Charlie; maybe she fakes her death, maybe she just disappears. Jacob refuses to talk to her, but Sam is like "whatever she made her choice we're not going to start a war over this." And in this way Bella is actually cut off from her human life and has to start over with the new family and new life she chose. We probably have to resolve the Volturi situation somehow; maybe a trip to Volterra to prove she's been turned and some conflict with the Volturi comes into play.
But ultimately I just want an epilogue where she comes back to Forks with Edward to check in on Charlie and Jacob from a distance. She watches Charlie with Sue (or someone else) playing with step-grandbabies, she sees Jacob, who has stopped phasing and is aging and married with kids of his own, and it's hard. It's sad to see them going on without her. And Edward looks at her like he's about to apologize for the 239470242th time for robbing her of a human life and she's like, "No, the life I have with you is worth it," because THAT's the vibe! That's where the romance is! Her being happy in BD means nothing because it was all so easy for her! Her being happy despite the downsides of vampirism is where the romance lies!
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leelei1980 · 6 months
Loving Mr. Munson - Part 14- Just for Us
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Dilf!Eddie x Reader
TW: This one is an emotional roller coaster guys, tiny bit of smut but not really, plenty of angst. Eddie being amazing as always❤️
Taglist: @tlclick73 @fairymunson @micheledawn1975 @elegantkoalapaper @goth-cowgirl-03 @bmunson86 @retrorage86 @hideoutside @veemoon @emmyshortcake @oneforthemunny @erinekc @babyloutattoo89 @amberolivia666 @eddiesxangel @liminalpebble @eddiesacousticguitar @munsons-mayhem28 @munsonsmullet @imyourdaninow @skyline4446 @maskofmirrors @blainetiberiuswinchester @bexreadstoomuch @harrywavycurly
Eddie POV-
Jesus.Fucking.Christ.Last night was fucking amazing. The show, the proposal, the sex, ah , the sex had been fucking incredible, we fucking went at it all night long, until the fucking sun started coming up. It started out soft and sweet, then ended fucking feral. By the time we were finished we were both exhausted, satisfied and elated. I fell asleep with the love of my life naked, in my arms, her body draped across mine and I had never been so content.
I rolled over to a cool , empty bed and opened my eyes. My Sweetheart had left the bed but had not gone far. I smiled and rolled onto my side, propping my head up. I must have been passed the fuck out not to have felt her slip out of bed or heard her filling up the giant tub in the corner of the room.
There she was , her face the only thing visible ,surrounded by a sea of bubbles, hair piled on top of her head ,resting back against the tub ,eyes closed and a bottle of champagne fisted in one hand.
That's my fucking girl.
I propped my head up and smirked. "Whatcha doing Princess?"
She jumped and smiled than opened her eyes." Care to join me for a soak, Mr.Munson?"
I hopped out of bed and casually strolled over, buck ass naked.She smiled then drank straight from the champagne bottle, offering it to me as I stepped into the tub. I lowered myself down into the warm, fragrant water. I rested my back against her chest , the back of my head nestled against the crook of her neck ,and I brought the bottle to my lips and drank. This was the fucking life right here, we needed to get a tub like this for home.
She moved my curly locks away from my neck and kissed me as she wrapped her warm arms and legs around me.
" I could stay here all fucking day." I sighed , cozy and comfortable as she ran her fingers lazily up and down my chest .
" I would let you my love." She whispered and nibbled on my ear. "You rocked my fucking world last night Baby."
A smile slowly spread across my lips. "My fucking galaxy was fucking rocked last night Princess. Best fucking night of my life."
She pressed light kisses down my neck, my collarbone, my shoulder." That sets the bar pretty high baby. If  last night was that amazing what is our Honeymoon going to be like?"
" Fuck, even more amazing and maybe tropical?"
" Jesus Eddie, I don't know if I could handle seeing you with sunkissed skin and beachy , wavy hair."
I chuckled, god I was so fucking happy ." It's going to be a total fuck fest."
I heard a laugh rumble in her chest. "Most definitely." She sighed. " When would you want to get married?"
As soon as fucking possible was what I wanted to say, but I could wait. I wanted my girl to have the wedding of her dreams, the wedding that she deserved , even if it meant a year , two ten ,from now. " How long does it usually take to plan a wedding? I want it to be everything you have ever wanted, Darlin."
She leaned her chin on my shoulder, ran her hands up and down my abs. " I always thought I would want some big extravagant wedding, but honestly Eds, I would be happy going to a courthouse and getting married there if it meant I get to be Mrs. Edward Munson that much sooner."
" But Sweetheart wouldn't you want the dress and the cake-"
" My Mother would want- Fuck, I have to tell my Parents." I felt her rest her forehead on my shoulder." My Mom will be excited, my Father on the other hand..... well you know what? Screw him if he can't accept it, he doesn't need to come."
" But Princess-"
" I'm serious. Eddie, I won't let him ruin this for me. I love you so fucking much and I want to be your wife. I have never been so sure of anything in my life. " I felt her arms tighten around me.
" I want this too, Angel, more than anything." I took one of her hands in mine and brought it up to my lips.
" I want to tell them in person. I want to do it soon so I don't have to keep thinking about it."
" Do you want to stop on the way home?"
" Yeah, my mom would be pissed if I waited to tell her, especially since the whole town of Hawkins knows. " She kissed my neck again." I can't believe you asked me infront of everyone! "
" If news is slow it might make the Post." I chuckled." I can see the headline now,'Former Cult leader and outcast Eddie "The Freak" Munson proposes at show and she says.. yes?' "
Her sweet laugh was music to my ears. " Your all mine Baby. There were some women there last night that wanted a piece of my studmuffin. Did you see them in front of the stage?"
" No! "
" Yeah, they were shaking their old titties at you trying to get your attention!"
I laughed." The only tits I want to look at are yours. They are fucking perfect."
" Awww, baby your so sweet!" She ran her hands up and down my thighs and I felt my dick stand at attention.
" Damn Eddie, your ready to go! Your fucking incredible baby, I'm one lucky girl." She slowly stroked my cock, and nibbled on my ear. " Why don't we slip out of this tub, and you can slide into me?"
" Uh, yes please."
We both exited the tub, slipped on our robes and she giggled as I chased her to the bed.
We met up with the guys from Corroded Coffin later that morning at The Hideout so that they could collect their instruments and equipment before the general population was able to get in, they all seemed to be reeling from the show last night too. The boys tore things down quickly while us women sat at the bar chatting with Rodney and enjoying our complimentary mimosas that he gave us. He was a gruff looking old man but he had a soft spot for the guys and an even softer spot for us girls. We laughed and joked with him and he convinced us to make sure that the band considered playing a show at the hideout once a month for ' Ole times sake.' We promised him we'd do our best.
After the Hideout we went to visit Wayne.
" I heard you were in town." A smile spread across his weathered face and he pulled Eddie through the door. Eddie gave his old man a hug then Wayne came over to you and pulled you into a tight embrace." Always happy to see you Beautiful."
" Glad to see you too Wayne." You kissed his cheek and smiled.
" I heard you were playing at the Hideout last night, I'm much too old to go out and stand around in a crowd-"
" It's fine. It was packed. We put on one hell of a show though. " Eddie smiled. "It was fucking awesome."
" My Grandson came over this morning and had breakfast with me. It was nice to see him."
" Did he tell you about the show?" Eddie asked one brow raised.
"Said he was real proud of his old man, also told me that he hooked up with one of your old high school friends-"
Eddie groaned." No he didn't...Goddamn that kid, always thinking with his fucking dick. Was is Chrissy Cunningham,Carver?" Eddie ran a hand over his face and you knew your mouth was hanging open. How did you not see that Robbie was such a slut before? Blinded by love? Jesus.
" Yeah. Hey wait a minute, isn't her husband-"
Eddie nodded." Yup. Well, he's made his bed, now he will have to deal with the repercussions. If Jason ever finds out.....I'm staying right the fuck out of it. I love the kid , but this is on him. " You watched as Eddie crossed his arms infront of his chest."What did I do to deserve thisWayne?"
" You didn't do anything wrong Son."
" I thought I taught him better than that. She's married!"
" It takes two to tango. She made a poor decision too."
" Jesus, they both should have known better." Eddie tilted his head at Wayne." And what the fuck is he doing telling his grandfather about his sexual conquests?"
Wayne laughed." That boy tells me everything, whether I want to know or not. I live vicariously through him."
You felt your face get hot. Shit, hope he hadn't told Wayne anything about you.
" He also told me that something else happened last night.."
You watched as Eddie's body relaxed ,and he slid and arm around your waist. He looked at you and smiled. " I don't know, did something else happen last night Princess."
You smiled back and lifted up your hand, putting your engagement ring on full display.
Wayne smiled." It's about time! " he walked over and pulled you both into a hug." Welcome to the family Sweetheart."
You blinked back tears, it meant so much to you knowing that Wayne accepted this relationship for what it truly was. " Thank you Wayne. I can't wait to be a Munson."
You spent the next hour or so drinking coffee and telling Wayne all about the show, the proposal, and your fears about telling your family about your engagement.
" I wish you didn't have to worry about all that Honey,but just know that no matter what you have a family here in Hawkins that's happy for you."
You got up off the couch and went over to hug Wayne." I know it. Thank you."
Eddie also stood. " On that note Sweetheart, we had better get going if you want to stop to your parents house."
You nodded and sighed." Wish us luck Wayne, we are going to need it."
The car ride to your Parents house felt long and quiet,both of you mentally preparing for the potential shit hitting the fan moment that could happen when you walked through the door.
Your Mom had come around, called you and actually came to visit you at Eddie's house. She was starting to see just how loving and sincere and real your relationship was, how happy you were, but your Father, being the stubborn ass that he was hadn't really acknowledged you since the blow up that you had had months earlier.
The blow up that occurred after he tried to brake you and Eddie up. It had worked, the mean things that he had said to Eddie, he had convinced him that he wasn't good enough, would never be good enough and that he would never be able to" Give his Daughter the kind of life that she wanted and deserved."
Your Father couldn't have been farther from the truth. The months that you have spent with Eddie have been the happiest months of your life. You hated how one of the most exciting moments of your life was overshadowed by anxiety. That's why you had to tell them now.
" It's going to be alright Darlin, I'm right here with you. We are in this together, remember?" Eddie said calmly, quietly as he rubbed your leg, the two of you sitting in his parked car in your parents driveway, preparing yourself for what might lie ahead.
" I know Baby. Regardless of what happens in that house, I am marrying you Eddie Munson. I just want you to know that. "
Eddie looked deep into your eyes." I know Angel. " He cupped your face in his hand and leaned in for a kiss. This, this right here was one of the million reasons that you loved him. When you pulled apart you sighed, drew a deep breath in and then opened your car door before you lost your nerve.
Eddie held your hand tight as you walked down the walkway and up to the door, than softly kissed your cheek before you rang the doorbell. Had the circumstances been different you would have just given a little knock and walked inside, but now, after everything, you almost felt unwelcome in your childhood home.
Your Mother answered the door, eyes wide with surprise, but a smile on her face." Honey! What are you doing here? This is such a nice surprise! " She pulled you into a tight hug then released you and then drew Eddie into a quick embrace." I'm so happy to see you!"
You both stepped fully inside and she closed the door behind you.
" Come on in! " She hugged you once more than quickly looked you over. " Let's go sit in the kitchen, we can chat there, I'll make some tea."
Ok, so far so good, zero awkwardness with your Mother, almost like old times, almost, except the little bud of anxiety your felt inside knowing that at any moment your Father could potentially walk out and then you would have to face him.
" Soooo, what brings you guys here?"  Your mother asked as she filled the kettle with water and put it on to boil.
" We , uh have some news."
You watched as your mother's head whipped around to face you." Oh! Good news I hope!"
You looked at Eddie and smiled." The best news. Mom, we are getting married!" I flashed her my ring.
She gasped." Oh my god! " She took ahold of my hand to get a good look at the diamond." Oh my god! " She screeched than hugged me so tightly I almost couldn't breathe." My baby's getting married!" She pulled away than hugged Eddie. " This is so exciting! Congratulations!"
" Thank you, we are pretty excited about it ourselves, as you can imagine."
" Eddie proposed last night, his old band was performing at a bar in Hawkins and he got down on one knee infront of everyone and asked me to marry him."
" That sounds so sweet! Honey, I can't believe it!"
" We wanted to come right over and tell you, and Dad."
I watched as my mother's smile faltered just a little bit." I'm so glad you did. Let me go get your Father so you can tell him the news."
Your stomach churned as you watched your Mom walk out of the room.
Eddie came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist . "It's going to be ok Sweetheart, we got this."
You felt all of the confidence that you had from your mother building you up dissipate when your Father walked into the room. He casually glanced at you, no 'Hello," or "Nice to see you," just an expressionless look.
" Hey Dad." You started. No response, so you kept right on going. " We stopped in because we wanted to let you know that we are getting married. We are so excited-"
" Are you pregnant? Are you getting married because you have too?"
Your stomach dropped." No! Not at all, Dad, we are getting married because we love each other, because we want to be together forever-"
" What are you feeling guilty about living in sin?"
" No, no I don't feel guilty about a single thing. We're not doing anything wrong-"
" You don't see anything wrong with," he waved his hand at us."This."
" Honey-" Your Mother started, placing a hand on your Father's arm.
" Mom it's fine, I can take care of myself. " You couldn't believe that after all this time he still hadn't gotten over it. It hurt your heart to see the man whose face used to light up when you would walk into a room look at you with such distaste. " No Dad, I do not see anything wrong with 'This'. 'This' happens to be the most loving and caring relationship I've ever been in, a relationship where I feel special and important and loved. I don't know how you don't see it. You choose not to see it." You felt Eddie's arms tighten around you."
Your Father smirked." What I see is an older man taking advantage of an impressionable young girl-"
The sadness you felt instantly turned to anger." How dare you say that, like I am some child that can't make decisions for herself! You keep conveniently forgetting that I am older than Mom was when she made the decision to marry you, and you also seem to forget that you are quite a bit older than her. Was she young and impressionable when she decided to marry you, or have your first child, by the way, still younger than I currently am?"
" Things were different with your mother and I -" he started.
" How? You were young and in love and you wanted to be together. Did Grandpa give you shit and tell you that you were taking advantage of his daughter?"
" Things were different then, times were different, your not as mature-"
" Not mature? No , I only went through high school with high honors, got a scholarship, made it through college, had my own apartment and got a good job on my own. What could I possibly know about making good decisions and taking care of myself?"
" Your making a mistake, I will not stand by and watch you ruin your life."
" Than don't." You threw your hands up in the air." Don't watch me 'ruin' my life by marrying the man of my dreams or 'ruin' my life by starting a family with him. I cannot believe that you would completely write me off because of this. You used to tell me that you admired me for my determination. Now that had all just disappeared?"
You watched as your Father's eyes flicked from you to Eddie. He crossed his arms infront of himself." So your just going to stand there silent, hiding behind my daughter this whole time?"
Your breath caught in your chest as you felt Eddie step out from behind you and then step infront of you now shielding you from your father.
" Actually Sir, I was trying to be respectful by not opening my mouth because I knew that if I did you were not going to like the things you are about to hear."
Your Father smirked." I can't wait to hear this."
Eddie's face softened as he glanced at your Mother, a worried look on her face." First of all I want to thank you for opening up your mind and giving me a chance, a chance to show you how I really feel about your daughter despite the opinions of your husband towards me. I hope that you can see that your daughter means everything in the world to me, I hope that what you see is the real love and affection that I have for her, I hope that you see that there is no brainwashing or manipulation in this relationship. One of the things that I love most about your daughter is her strong will, it is her strong will that kept us together. I also love her wisdom, her kindness and how she loves with her whole heart. She must have gotten that from you." He paused, and I stood beside him clutching onto his hand, my stomach in knots. He looked back to my Father.
" I am a man of my word and I promise you that I will never do anything to hurt or harm your daughter in any way,  that includes leaving her and breaking her heart, I care for her too goddamn much. I have always and will always treat her with love and respect, that is why I let her say her piece before I stepped in, because she deserves to be heard, her thoughts and beliefs and her opinions matter, at least they do to me." He squeezed your hand." It is sad that you can't be happy for her , because you are so far in your own thoughts , your own feelings that you can't consider hers."
You watched as the smirk on your father's face disappeared, as Eddie looked him right in the eyes not faltering one bit." As a Father I can honestly tell you that I would never in one thousand years treat my son the way that you have treated your Daughter the past couple of months, to treat her like she was nothing because she didn't agree with you, because she didn't bend to your will, because she didn't give up on us even though you so desperately wanted her to. All because of a fucking age difference? Nevermind the fact that I love her and treat her like she is the most precious thing in the universe -"
" You had better watch yourself-"
" I'm not finished." Eddie said calmly. "If You want to talk man to man, than you need to let me finish. " He paused and I pressed into him, letting him know that I was there."My son has made his fair share of mistakes in his life, he is far from fucking perfect, I will be the first to admit that. I will also be the first to admit that I am not a perfect father. But I would never, ever, stop loving my son for having a different opinion than me or even making the mistakes that he has." He spread his hands out in front of him."We are all fucking imperfect human beings, with our own thoughts and own feelings, but the difference between you and I is that I am willing to look beyond differences of opinion and mistakes and just fucking love my kid. Regardless of what he does I will love and support him because that is what Parents are supposed to do. And if someday, your daughter and I have more children are you really willing to miss out on their lives too? That sounds like a sad fucking life to me."
" Get out of my fucking house, now." Your father said through gritted teeth. You had never seen him this upset in your entire life. The truth hurts. You watched your mother put a hand on his back, trying to calm him down.
" Come on Sweetheart, let's go home. "
You nodded goodbye to your Mother, then Eddie lead you out to the car. Once you were outside you felt Eddie's arms wrap around as you crumpled into him, sobbing,your body shaking.
" It's ok Princess, I've got you." He said, quietly, kissing the top of your head. "I'm so sorry that this had to be this way. That such a joyful moment had to be turned to shit. I'm sorry if I did anything to hurt your feelings-"
" No Eddie, you didn't. The way that you stood up for me-" You squeezed him. " It makes me love you even more."
You could feel him run his hands up and down your back." Always Sweetheart, I will ALWAYS have your back." He pulled away and held your face in his hands, wiping your tears from your cheeks.
"Thank you." You blew out a deep breath." Can we please just go home Baby? I just want to curl up on the couch with you and relax. Today's just been a roller coaster of emotions. From the highest high to the low."
He kissed your forehead, than the tip of your nose, than your mouth. " Let's get the fuck out of here." He pulled you in for one more hug than opened your car door for you. You crawled inside and buckled up than picked out a CD to listen to on the way home.
The two of you sat quiet , processing the events of the day, Eddie holding your hand as he drove home, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. You watched him as he watched the road, he was so incredibly beautiful and he loved you , and he was yours.
" Eddie Munson, "
He looked over at you and smiled . "Yeah, Darling?"
" I love you so fucking much. I don't want to wait to marry you, I want to marry you as soon as possible."
Eddie looked at you with wide eyes. " But Sweetheart-"
" I don't care about all the fancy wedding shit. I just want to be Mrs. Edward Munson. We could have just a small private ceremony, just to make it official. Then if we want we can have a bigger more traditional wedding later."
" Are you sure that is what you want? "
" One hundred percent. Like I said we can do something bigger later."  You reached over and ran a finger down his cheek." Let's do it, just for us."
Eddie smiled." I would love to. There is just one thing... I kind of promised Steve he could be my best man, well actually, he and Dustin were kind of fighting over it-"
" That's perfect, he could be our witness, I could have Lisa come, we would each have someone there. Then wedding round two, you could have Dustin be your best man. But Steve would have to promise to keep it a secret."
" He would." Finally Eddie pulled into the driveway. Home, your real home , where you were happiest.
" When can we do this Eddie?"
" Just say the word Angel."
" Friday? Can you take the day off?"
Eddie chuckled." Do you even have to ask? Of course."
You smiled." I will request the day off. I will call Lisa and see if she can come," You knew your old roommate would happily be there." That would give me a couple days to find a new dress-"
" We're really fucking doing this?" Eddie asked smiling.
You took his face in your hands." We are really fucking doing this Baby!"
He crushed your mouth with his, kissed you hungrily. When he pulled away he smiled again." I'm going to go call Steve."
You both got out of the car and ran into the house. When you got inside Eddie picked you up and spun you around.
" I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Munson."
" Friday Baby." You kissed him. " Now go call Steve!"
Eddie grabbed the phone off the receiver and quickly punched in the number he knew by heart." Hey Harrington, got any plans for Friday?”
As always thank you for reading, comments and re-blogs are ALWAYS welcome! I love you all, thank you for your kind words and support❤️
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cyborg-franky · 1 month
\o/ Franky, this looks so fun - I hope this is all the parts needed, thank you for doing this =3
Character: Marco Dress/Outfit : loose dress? No suits and ties, but nice clothes, kind of, idk like a flowy formal beachwear vibe? Pick two colours: silver and blue Big or small wedding: small Season: [fall wedding? Summer?] spring or late summer/early fall Food and drink? tropical - lots of fruits and sweet drinks
Today is a rough day for me, so even if someone else already beat me to the Marco punch, I still had fun just filling out the form =D Lookin' forward to seeing what comes of these ❤️
Yesssss. I hope you like the below <3
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You both wanted a small wedding, but you knew it would be near impossible with a found family as big as the Whitebeard Pirates, And that was when Marco came up with a plan. You’d have a big celebration, a ‘pre-wedding-wedding’ to which everyone was invited. It was drinking and eating, and the cake Thatch and his division had made was enough to feed the fleets of people that the crew consisted of.
The day after, though, was when you had your much smaller and more intimate gathering. The real wedding. Flowers of blues decorated the beach, the tables, and the chairs. Silver garlands and ribbons tied neatly around everything, Izou had been the one to decorate. Izou hadn’t been sold on a beachfront wedding until he was given control of the event and went wild.
It was early fall, and there was a slight nip in the air, but it was pleasant. Those you considered your closest friends all gathered for the ceremony. Everyone dressed in nice but casual beach-themed outfits: blues, silvers, and whites. The colours were classic and elegant, even with the pineapple centrepieces and garish touches.
Your outfit was cute. Friends teased Marco about his choices, but he’d never been the best at finding things that matched. He just liked what he liked; he still looked so damn handsome though. 
The wedding was lovely, and everyone had a good time. They ate fruit, and spit-roasted meat, and drank numerous neon-coloured drinks that were sweet and spicey.
Afterwards, when the sun had set, everyone sat around the blue-flamed campfire and toasted to the pair of you, wishing you lifelong happiness as you watched the blue flames dance in the firepit.
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[I gave you options of outfit <3<3]
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A cake for your cozy and intimate wedding in a tropical destination!
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rock-dove-radio · 6 months
Fun Fact I am affected by heavy synesthesia and decided to document a few silly things! When i read certain words / letters / numbers i see colors and taste things! As well as with listening to music i see visuals and taste things etc Feel free to ask questions i love answering!
Long post but basically i list brain associations so stuff under cut if you care to read
Anyway to the interesting stuff 😋😋
Color Flavors
🔴 - spicy and bitter with some sweetness. Makes my chest hurt
🟠 - Not sweet or sour it's like a uhh a snow cone
🟡 - frostingless sugar cookie
🟢 - butter
🔵 - steak
🟣 - those little mini cake things they have at weddings
⚫ - sweet and crunchy but has a dust residue like a handful sprinkles
⚪ - pineapple gummy bear
💗 - Walmart birthday cake
Colors / shapes i see when listening to artists
Lemon Demon - navy blue trapezoids and red triangles
Tally Hall - yellow circles and white diamonds
Will Wood - green squares and purple spiral circles (?)
Marina - pink bubbles and white sparkles
Lovejoy - light blue arrows facing downward
Penelope Scott - black semicircles
Mitski - slate colored trapezoids
TV Girl - gray rectangle
Weezer - green boing boing dog toy idk how to describe it
TMBG - orange semicircle really stretched
Oingo Boingo - green circles
Letter and Number Color Associations
A🔴 B🔵 C🟡 D🟢 E🟡 F🔴 G🟤 H🟤 I🔵 J🟣 K🟣 L🟣 M🟤 N🔵 O🔵 P🟣 Q⚫ R🔴 S🟡 T🟣 U🟣 V🔵 W🟣 X⚫ Y⚪ Z🔵 0⚪ 1🔵 2🟢 🟡 4🟡 5🔴 6🟢 7🔵 8⚫ 9🔴 10⚫
Day of the week Equations
10 x 0 = Sunday, 100 - 46 = Monday, 25 - 11 = Tuesday, 4 x 4 = Wednesday, 7 x 7 = Thursday, 5 x 5 is Friday, 10 x 5 = Saturday
Day of the Week Colors
Monday is Black Tuesday is dark blue Wednesday is dark green Thursday is dark purple Friday is yellow Saturday is lavender and Sunday is gray I don't make the rules
School Subject Colors
Math is red, Science is green, social studies is blue, literature / English is purple, art is also green
Number Flavors
0 - the chemicals you blow bubbles with when you accidentally get it in your mouth
1 - plain cracker you get in restaurant baskets
2 - gummy worm that's really old
3 - Doritos
4 - hamburger
5 - giant hot apple left in the sun 2 hours
6 - green apple
7 - steak fajita
8 - grape juice
9 - Hot Dog
10 - seat belt
Smells and Tastes regarding Music
Lemon Demon - lavender candle smell, taste like burger
Tally Hall - rusting Metal smell, taste like cold butter just taken out of the fridge
Will Wood - old church carpet smell, tastes like communion wine
Marina - tropical car refreshener smell, taste like putting a pen in your mouth
Lovejoy - smells like sea salt, tastes like sea salt chocolate
Penelope Scott - smells like rotting wood, tastes like Coca Cola
Mitski - smells like soap, tastes like Christmas cookies
TV Girl - smells like perfume drowning out body odor, tastes like ham sandwich that got ketchup on it
Weezer - smells like hamburger, taste like banana
TMBG - smells like antique store, taste like Olive Garden bread
Oingo Boingo - smells like barbecue, tastes like those big ass erasers people would poke with their pencils in elementary school
My Name - smells like vanilla perfume from bed bath and bodyworks, tastes like cheese pizza, is the color gold
Five Nights at Freddys - smells like cigarettes, tastes like burger (WHY DOES EVERYTHING TASTE/SMELL LIKE BURGER), is the color purple
Electric Dreams 1984 - smell like a city in Mississippi i went to 7 years ago, taste like red velvet cake, is the color hot pink
The number 999 tastes like watermelon
Pinterest app smells like nail polish and popcorn
Spotify taste like Gatorade
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stayatiny · 1 year
Little Dolly Chapter 10~ Yandere!Seonghwa
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Pairing(s) – Killer/Yandere Seonghwa x Virgin! Reader
Series warnings – Violence, Daddy kink, mentions of murder, TW- beating, swearing, blood, smut and lose of virginity (later on), yandere behaviors, Stockholm syndrome (seriously this is darker than my other fics. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read.)
Chapter Warning(s) –things that regularly goes with Mafia, smut, daddy kink, creampie, please let me know If I missed anything.
Tagged Lovelies - @mirror-juliet @aikyubi @babybunnyalien @mingkisbitch @chonsayeosang @jodidan @cheline @hapapino-cake @ateezsadist @t4elor @soft-teddybear @beomnoi @chronosavrus @thenamesdarcy @teezers99 @whatudowhennooneseesyou @thefandomlife-221b Please let me know if you would like to be tagged ^^
“Let’s get married,” I say looking over at Seonghwa. His eyes bugged.
“What do you mean? We are planning a wedding; it won’t be much longer until then.” I dried my hands on the kitchen towel then sitting next to him on the couch. He still couldn’t get around very much but a lot better now.
“I don’t want to wait anymore. After you getting shot and then me getting taken, it just made me want to marry you sooner. I don’t think that I can be away from you if something were to happen to you. So, let’s get married.” Seonghwa kissed me hard wrapping his hands into my hair.
“Let’s get dressed.”
~A week later
“You know Hwa. Your mom’s going to find out that we ran off and eloped right,” I say holding my passport close to my chest. I see the smirk on his face as he parks his car next to the airport hangar. He has a private jet ready for us.
“True she will but I do believe that I owe it to you after everything in the past year.” Oh yeah, I guess it has been about a year or so now. I don’t know, time’s hard to keep up with now a days. He gets out then stretches. I get out then walk over to his side of the car. He wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close. He kisses the tip of my nose.
“Fuck you’re beautiful,” he said. I smirk, kissing him grabbing the collar of the crisp white shirt he was wearing. Seonghwa pushed up the shirt touching the skin of my hip. We hear another car pull up breaking us apart. It was Mr. Kang.
“You’re late.” He pulls out his luggage and smiles.
“I’m not late you’re just early.” I chuckled as Hwa rolled his eyes at the man. I greeted him and bowed.
“I’m glad you’re alright, Y/N. Seonghwa was worried about you that night.”
“Thank you, Mr. Kang.” By now the pilot and a stewardess have shown up to get the plane ready to go. The pilot and Mr. Kang took our bags while we got on the plane and got settled. Seonghwa hasn’t told me where we were going but at this point it’s probably better not to ask. After all that had happened, he was right we needed the time away from the city. Although that last time that we were away from the city, I was taken by him and then he shot me a couple of times. I know that I’m fucked in the head about actually caring for him and maybe even loving him. I know that in the end things will more than likely end badly for us. But having someone that genuinely cares for my well being and mental state is nice to have. I know that everyone has their special someone…and I think I found mine.
“Where are we going or is that a secret?” He smiled before taking a drink from the stewardess.
“I was thinking somewhere tropical for our honeymoon.” He smirks. I pouted stomping my feet a little. He instantly frowned. He grabbed my hand, jerking me over to him.
“You little brat. Keep that up and I won’t let you up from the bed for the rest of the week,” he says as a breathy whisper. I feel a shiver run down my spine as the space between my legs became hot. I whined looking to him for some relief. He hushed me kissing my temple.
“Aw is my little slut horny for me?” I whined louder feeling my cheeks heat up. He drags me into his lap with one arm. Damn it, he’s strong. Almost immediately he bites and licks my neck like it was the last time he would taste me. I clutch his shirt in my hands as his hands grope my ass.
“Pull out these off I need you. Now,” he growls. I pull off my underwear. In hindsight I shouldn’t have to begin with. I hear his zipper and the shuffling of clothes. I climb back on his lap kissing him hard. He pushes my skirt up to my hips. Seonghwa finally slips inside me. I feel breathless and so full. I let out a breathy whine.
“Hush baby girl. I know it’s so much for you to handle.” He rubs my clit with his thumb while his other hand tugged on my hair at the base of my neck.
“Ahh daddy stop teasing me.” He chuckled. He bucks his hips upwards almost making me cum.
“What’s wrong baby? Can’t handle my fat cock?” I kiss him as he throws me down on the couch we’re sitting on, now currently fucking on. Seonghwa pins my legs at the knee. He pounds into me. I cover my mouth to keep from anyone hearing me. I’m not sure if it works at this point. I whine through my hands as he repeatedly hits my g-spot with the head of his cock. He lets my legs wrap around his waist then leaning forward on his arms caging me between them.
“Fuck you’re so tight. Cum for me,” he moaned. I let out a soft moan burying my face into his shoulder. I feel his cum flood my pussy as he panted for air. Seonghwa kisses me again before pulling out. He grabs a wet towel from the restroom, cleaning me up.
“Get dressed we’ll be taking off soon.”
We made it to the villa when I realized we were on some private island in the tropics that his parents bought him for our engagement. I pulled back the drapes looking out at the ocean. The water was a bright blue, and the air was warm compared to the winter in Korea. I smile feeling Seonghwa hug my waist.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I nod, happily as I turn to kiss Seonghwa. He kisses me back, holding my cheeks.
“Come on let’s get some rest before dinner. I wasn’t expecting us to arrive so early in the day. I need you rested before tonight,” he says, finishing off with a smirk and a wink. Damn this man. I laid down on the bed while waiting for Seonghwa to join me. He climbed in behind me letting snuggle into him. We had the doors open, listening to the waves. Seonghwa was softly singing in my ear like a lullaby.
“You know that me going to sleep won’t be such a good idea.” He scoffs before turning me to face him.
“True you slept almost the whole way here, but we can always talk if you don’t want to sleep.” I tucked his hair behind his ear before caressing his cheek with my thumb like he’s done to me so many times.
“Why did you choose me? Besides you saying that I need to me taken care off.” His small smile that he had faded away.
“I chose you because I knew that you were different. There was something about you that I wanted to have for myself. Looking back at it I shouldn’t have stalked you or kidnapped you. I used my power to get what I wanted instead of being an adult and for me being a little bitch, I’m sorry.” I didn’t expect a real answer nor an apology from him.
“Seonghwa, I didn’t know you felt that way. Maybe in a different life, things would’ve started differently between us. But…stuff happens for a reason, right?” I gave him a little nod before laying my head on his chest. I didn’t know that I would love someone as much as I love Seonghwa. Despite everything, I wouldn’t change anything in the world for this.
I placed the last curl into my hair when Seonghwa walked in to fix his tie.
“Don’t you look all fancy,” I say looking at him. I unplugged the curling iron and set it to the side to cool.
“I always look fancy. I just haven’t been able to dress nicely with healing from getting shot.” I fixed the back of his collar.
“I know but it’s still odd for me not seeing you in sweatpants and a t-shirt.” He turns to face me, his hand touching my cheek before loosely draping around the base of my neck. I wanted to squeal but I kept it in.
“Let’s get to dinner before I change my mind.” We headed down to the beach where a candle-lit dinner underneath a canopy was waiting for us. He planned this out to a tee.
“Seonghwa, when we get back can my parents come to visit us?” He set down his silverware before answering. I know it must have thrown him off.
“I don’t see a problem with it but why do you ask now?” I shrug.
“I’m not sure why I asked so suddenly but it does seem kind of weird to be married without having my parents and siblings here to meet you.”
“I guess you do have a point about that since you have met my parents and brother. When we get back, I’ll make the arrangements for them to come here. I just hope they don’t get too curious about how I make my money.”
“They usually don’t care about that kind of thing or at least they didn’t when my brother and sister got married to their significant others. They would be more interested about how you are as a person.” He took a few bites of his steak before Mr. Kang approached our table. He sighed before looking at the man.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but the Bang syndicate has made their move. Your father is overlooking the counter measures over the dock incident.” I swear Seonghwa was smiling, almost laughing.
“I hope that Christopher has more sense than to mess with our money, but it seems that he doesn’t or has a death wish. Keep me informed no matter the time please.” Mr. Kang nodded and walked away.
“Christopher Bang, isn’t he the one that kidnapped me?” His head darted toward me. He caressed my cheek, lovingly.
“Don’t worry my little doll he won’t hurt you again,” he says before kissing my forehead. His words comforted me knowing he would protect me. We continued to eat and talk.
“Come on let’s walk around the beach.” He stood up and stretched out his hand for mine. I joined him as he led me to the water. I take a deep breath of the salty and crisp air of the waves. I let go of Seonghwa’s hand going into the water. I pull my floor length dress to my waist letting the water to up to my knees. I laugh kicking water toward him. He smiles before splashing me. He took off his shoes and joined me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Why are you still holding the dress?” He tries to take the skirt of the dress out of my hands.
“I don’t want it to get wet, Seonghwa.” He popped my ass lightly. I yelped, jumping forward into his arms. “I’ll just buy you a new dress.” He finally wrestles the skirt from me letting it hit the water. I huffed as he laughed. Seonghwa buries his face into my shoulder. My heart pounding loudly in my chest. We listen to the waves as they crash against our legs. I didn’t want to move but it was time to go back to the house before the waves went to high. He held my hand tightly as we walked up the path. Life for us was now perfect. I want things to stay this way.
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secretsofiety · 4 months
Idk if it’s a tropical Virgo/sidereal Leo man thing or man thing in general.. but i noticed men with this placement will make up a lie(s) when they don’t want to do/be with someone instead of just being real.
i was watching married at first sight, and one of the men made up an excuse about not liking his new wife because he wasn’t into the “glamorous, extra, ig model type” or something along those lines and just kept reiterating how he likes average and normal women. He was telling everyone who would listen on his freaking wedding day, how disappointed and not attracted he was to his new wife because she wasn’t his “type.” Mind you, he was lying his ass off because he also made sure to express how his wife’s mom was the kind of woman he would usually go for and the mom was LITERALLY the epitome of the women he claimed wasn’t attracted to. The mom had her boobs pushed up, short party dress, makeup caked on, etc. Not even gonna lie, she looked better than the bride, her own daughter lmao. And it was obvious but instead of just saying he wasn’t attracted his bride and leaving it at that… he had to come up with a bunch of bs about how he didn’t like her because of how she presented herself when she was only dolled up cause it was freaking her wedding day and you can tell she wasn’t the “ig baddie” type. His name is Mitch and he’s on Season 15 of MAFS so check it out if you can to see what I’m talking about. I know he’s a Leo but i couldn’t find his exact birthday so idk if he’s just a tropical Leo sun or sidereal. he was really big on saving the planet so i know for a fact that he has trop Virgo placements.
Another example i have is Michael, Ashley’s husband, on The Real Housewives of Potomac. Michael is a tropical Leo with + trop Virgo placements that turn into Leo in sidereal. He told Ashley that he didn’t want to have kids with her cause he was cautious about her turning out like her mom. Sorry, let’s back track. First he said he wanted to wait until they broke even on the restaurant they just opened and when they did, he changed it to “idk if i want kids with you cause you might turn out to be a bad mom.” Mind you, this man gets accused of sexual assault or cheating literally every season I’ve been watching (I’m on season 6) and he even revealed information about his past and how his dad wasn’t a good dad at all! Before they got married, he knew she wanted kids and he agreed but suddenly changed his mind when she was ready. The reason for him not wanting kids was most likely because he’s an old ass man and just wanted to enjoy his young hot wife but he kept pulling bullshit reasons out of his ass instead of just being real!
Anyways, watching this happen twice on tv triggered tf out of me cause it reminded me of a past situation-ship i had with a trop Virgo/sidereal Leo moon + Venus man. When i told him i wanted to be exclusive with him he told me he didn’t want to be with me cause he didn’t cuff girls who smoked weed lmao. At the time, i knew it was bs and knew he probably just didn’t want to be with me cause i was already giving up the 🐱 and realized at that moment that’s all he wanted from me. And i later found out he had a gf that he was probably dealing with while we were messing with each other.
Has anyone else noticed this?? If so, is this a MAN thing in general? Or a trop Virgo/sidereal Leo man thing??
Cause i know Virgo energy can make one selective and critical of ppl
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channel4sims-cc · 2 years
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TS4: KOKORO ISLAND - Tartosa Objects Override
Sul sul ^^
Japan has some really beautiful scenary: the cyberpunk/futuristic big cities like Tokyo, the countryside with farms and mountains, the traditional places like Kyoto and the coastal area with beaches and a more tropical vibe, like Okinawa :)
I absolutely love all these kinds of aesthetics, and I believe you do too :)
I really wanted to have a Japanese coastal world, that's why I created this mod.
Tartosa is probably the most, or one of the most, beautiful worlds we have on TS4 at the moment. I didn't want to modify it at all, but it was the only place that could match the project's concept.
Anyway, I'll explain the changes and the download instructions down below :)
You can check how it looks on THIS VIDEO :)
If by any chance you want to download the Sims that appear on the video, they will be on my gallery. ID: channel4sims ^^
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- It's not a World replacement, but an objects override. I replaced a few items of Tartosa to give a "Japanese vibe".
- How I made this: I chose an object that was used just once and edited it.
For example, this wall sign appeared just once. So I edited the mesh and added 3 more objects on it (picture). I made 1 object become 4 objects (picture). It was really difficult to know where to position everything and where they would be in the world. I made infinite tests 😅 But it ended up working ^^
- The things I could edit were a little limited and the neighborhood would become too laggy/heavy to load.
- As said above, some objects of the world were replaced. Unlucky they mostly decorative only (for example: the vending machine near the robot).
- The food stall employees' uniforms were also edited.
- The food stall at the square is still a flower shop. Only the visual was changed to match the japanese world concept.
- The pastry shop was conterved into a ramen store, but it also works normally (with the cakes).
But to the "order food" option I added a lot of japanese food and drinks you can buy :)
- Tartosa still works normally, with all the wedding options. I just added some japanese elements and visuals.
- I did not change Tartosa's icons/images in the World's menu. But I did change the name to Kokoro Island. In portuguese it will appear as "Ilha Kokoro" and in Spanish "Isla Kokoro". The name won't be changed for past gameplays, but once you start a new game/save the new name will show up :)
- Once you remove this MOD from your game's folder, Tartosa will go back to normal :) Important: the gameplays you start with this mod installed will keep the name "Kokoro Island", even if you delete the mod.
- The lots and families of Tartosa were also not edited. I recommend you to change all lots to japanese houses/community ones, so they will add up to the city's visuals :)
- Would anyone be interested in a more pastel/wooden recolor of the buildings? I kept most of them in their original colors.
- You can tell me if something is not working properly :)
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- There will be three zip files below to be downloaded:
* "channel4sims - kokoro island - tartosa objects override": with the override objects.
* "channel4sims - kokoro island - tartosa flower stall override": with the replacement of the flower stall -> japanese stall. Maybe you want to keep the original flower stall as it is, that's why I decided to post it separately.
* "channel4sims - kokoro island - tartosa name override": with the file that replaces "Tartosa" name to "Kokoro Island".
- Download all files, or just the ones you want :)
- Important: Don't put the files inside more than two folders, or they won't work.
Example: *Mods/Tartosa replacements: (two folders) CORRECT.
*Mods/Replacements/Tartosa: (three folders) INCORRECT/won't work.
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I hope you'll enjoy this a lot!
Happy Simming ^^
*-* DOWNLOAD (early access/free on December 1st, 2022) *-*
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
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Understanding debt:
Let’s End This Damaging Misconception About Credit Cards
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
Dafuq Is Interest? And How Does It Work for the Forces of Darkness?
Investing Deathmatch: Paying off Debt vs. Investing in the Stock Market
How to Build Good Credit Without Going Into Debt
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
It’s More Expensive to Be Poor Than to Be Rich
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Paying off debt:
Kill Your Debt Faster with the Death by a Thousand Cuts Technique
Share My Horror: The World’s Worst Debt Visualization
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche
The Debt-Killing Power of Rounding up Bills
A Dungeonmaster’s Guide to Defeating Debt
How to Pay Hospital Bills When You’re Flat Broke
Ask the Bitches Pandemic Lightning Round: “What Do I Do If I Can’t Pay My Bills?”
Slay Your Financial Vampires
Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt
Student loan debt:
What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: “The Government Put Student Loans in Forbearance. Can I Stop Paying—or Is It a Trap?”
How to Pay for College without Selling Your Soul to the Devil
When (and How) to Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
Avoiding debt:
Ask Not How Much You Should Save, Ask How Much You Should Spend
How to Make Any Financial Decision, No Matter How Tough, with Maximum Swag
Your Yearly Free Medical Care Checklist
Two-Ring Circus
Status Symbols Are Pointless and Dumb
Advice I Wish My Parents Gave Me When I Was 16
On Emergency Fund Remorse… and Bacon Emergencies
Should You Increase Your Salary or Decrease Your Spending?
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
The Magically Frugal Power of Patience
The Only Advice You’ll Ever Need for a Cheap-Ass Wedding
The Most Impactful Financial Decision I’ve Ever Made… and Why I Don’t Recommend It
3 Times I Was Damn Grateful for My Emergency Fund (and Side Income)
The Bitches vs. debt:
I Paid off My Student Loans Ahead of Schedule. Here’s How.
I Paid off My Student Loans. Now What?
Hurricane Debt Weakens to Tropical Storm Debt, but Experts Warn It’s Still Debt
The Real Story of How I Paid Off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years
Case Study: Swimming Upstream against Unemployment, Exhaustion, and $2,750 a Month in Unproductive Spending
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vitaminseetarot · 5 months
Hello! My first time participating in an tarot game like this. I am looking forward to it.
My tropical sign is virgo ♍
My favourite colour is red❤️
My emoji of choice is 🌧️
Love your pacs btw!🤗
How's it going 🌧?
For your shuffle I pulled the cards VI Lovers, Celebrate, and The Grind. If you've recently undergone some kind of major accomplishment in your life like a busy job quarter, exhausting school semester, or an eventful wedding, give yourself a major pat on the back for a job well done. Even if you haven't done anything this big, it's likely you aren't giving yourself the credit you deserve for the work you've done. Your Opal card says, "celebrate life and just how far you have come on this journey." Give yourself a special day or treat to celebrate whatever kind of milestone you've passed, because it's clear it didn't happen without overcoming hurdles and occasionally making difficult choices along the way. Rewarding yourself for a job well done is a form of self care, and if some people don't show up to celebrate, then all the more cake for those who do show up for you! Your Opal card is red and the Lovers card features a rose, and I channeled the image of roses before drawing. The scent of rose, rosehip tea, or rosewater may be beneficial to you at this time; it will draw in feelings of self-reward. I find it really helpful in baths.
Thank you for playing! I'm really glad you enjoy my pacs!
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puffkins2000 · 1 year
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Oh boy--where do I begin with this one? XD Alright, so this was a project that I decided to make for my friend as a gift for her Sims. And by no means am I a builder, so I pilfered a wedding lot from the exchange or MTS.... I don't even know to be honest (( DISCLAIMER: this lot is not up for public download )), made it a 40x40 lot, changed a ton of things, built a few random things on it.... and made it beachy. XD I'm going to be honest--this is the best thing I've ever made. XD It's just great! It does use some items from the store, but a lot of it is either from @aroundthesims or @bioniczombie, mainly anything tropical or wedding. Alright, so let us begin the "tour" (( speaking of which... those damn tourists were annoying me AND my Sims )) with my pirate couple getting married. How many times are they going to marry in my Sims games? Yes. XD These are a copy of those pirate Sims however. They were for testing purposes only--but they are just so bloody adorable! As you can see, there is a bar, a dance hall, the wedding gazebo, bathrooms, and a little snack shack in the corner. Everything was tested by them. Everything. The wedding gazebo. The dance hall. The cake. The Woohoo Bush (( XDDDD They tested out at least fifty times, lol )). ...not entirely sure what she's wanting--do you WANT him to use protection or NOT use protection? Like, make up you mind! I did try to get her pregnant several times without success. *rolls eyes* Mind you, I worked on this while I had no internet. It's been done for well over a week. >__>;;; The brighter screenies are my tiny changes I made, such as adding a new wedding cake and adding effects that were bloody giving me trouble, even with help from the Sims Community. x__x Thank you guys for the help though! I really appreciated it! I did finally get one to work though, so I don't really care how "off" it looks. IT'S FINE. REALLY. Note: there are a few things on the lot that I wanted to be a surprise for my friend, that's why certain things are cut off or angled weirdly. ;D She already knows of one, but it's up to her to find it. Ehehehe. Anyway, I HOPE she enjoys this lot that I did especially for her. ^^
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