#transgender writer
kaceypink · 5 months
Check Out Leah!!
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If you were reunited with your lost love would you pet her? Even if she smelled like wet dog?
Checkout my Novel Sanctuary: Crossing the River here: pinkkacey.itch.io/sanctuary-crossing-the-river ((The uncensored image is there too, done by Adabear_Bones)) Obviously based on this image you can expect an adult content. Its a romance novel, featuring werewolves, trans bodies, and lesbians.
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evren-sadwrn · 19 days
𝒔𝒆𝒊 𝒎𝒊𝒐 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 ( 𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒊 𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆 )
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paura di uscire, anche se non accade | trans mtf!gianna d’antonio
⟢ a/n: la mia prima volta a scrivere in italiano scusate se ci sono errore :[
version on ao3 for quick translation | wc: 1090 | divider by @/benkeibear
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Il buio gelido della mezzanotte che albeggia sulla casa della Famiglia D'Antonio, l'odore della polvere depositata su ciottoli e marmi, la puzza di un qualcosa di dolce, l'odore del mare che circonda l'Italia. Un mare freddo di notte. C'è un sentimento, quello disgustosamente opprimente dell'empatia. Non essere spietati per qualcuno, nientemeno che per Gianni stesso. Gianni D’Antonio. Il figlio d’oro. Il favorito della famiglia.
Santino è avido, è sempre stato un uomo avido, avido. Tutto quello che voleva, e anche di più, lo pretende da tutti gli altri. Lui è così.
Vuole tutto e ancora di più. Lui, è avido. Ma mantiene una facciata di elequonza.
"Gia", chiama Santino bussando alla stanza del fratello. La risposta? Silenzio. Santino bussa ancora, prima di decidere di aprire la porta a se stesso. “Gianni?” La stanza è buia, fredda. Molto freddo. L'odore del profumo—
Profumo? Santino si guarda intorno nella stanza del fratello. Profuma di ciliegie e di odori dolci e femminili. Qualcosa che Santino si aspetterebbe dalle sue ragazze— e non dalla stanza di Gianni. Oro e ornamenti finemente lavorati sono sparsi ordinatamente per la stanza. Alle pareti sono appesi quadri, la collezione d'arte privata di Gia.
Santino invidia Gianni, da cose semplici a una comprensione molto più complessa. Il suo aspetto, la sua sicurezza, il suo carisma, il modo in cui si comporta; Santino vuole sentire che, la falcata sicura di Gia.
Un’altra cosa: è differente. Più morbida. Le coperte che drappeggiano il letto sono morbide, foderate di pizzo insieme ai cuscini. Fiori in vaso: sul comodino, nell'angolo, accanto all'armadio.
Ora che è qui, forse può rubare l'auto di Gianni per un'ora o due. Santino apre uno dei cassetti di Gia sulla scrivania per le chiavi dell'auto. Lo trova quasi subito, ma sotto c'è un piccolo quaderno. Suscita il suo interesse, così lo raccoglie rapidamente e si siede sul bordo del letto di Gia."Non gli dispiacerà se ho dato un'occhiata ai suoi pensieri,” Santino pensa che mentre sfoglia le pagine. Le parole non lo interessano, poiché si tratta soprattutto di come Gia racconta la sua giornata e le cose che ha fatto. A Santino non importa nulla della sua vita.
Ma c'è qualcosa che cattura lo sguardo di Santino.
‘Non mi piace essere un uomo. Vorrei essere una donna. Prima a Roma ho comprato degli oggetti che mi aiutano a sentirmi meglio.’
“Santino!” Santino ha appena il tempo di accorgersi che Gianni è tornato nella sua stanza. Rapidamente, Gia strappa il taccuino a Santino. “Cosa hai letto?”
“Niente!” Santino promette, mentre prende le chiavi della macchina e le infila in tasca. “Posso avere la tua auto?”
“Non dirlo è papà, per favore, Santino.” Gia sa che Santino sa. “Qualunque cosa leggiate qui, non diteglielo.”
Santino è silenzio, la sua lingua diventa secca. Gia espira pesantemente.
“Perché?” Santino chiede. Santino ridacchia a mezza voce. “E’ uno scherzo, vero?” Gia è silenzio stavolta. “No..?” La voce di Santino si disperde mentre guarda Gianni, osservando l'espressione del volto del fratello.
“No, Santino.” Gianni dice. “No. Vorrei che fosse uno scherzo. Vorrei. Così posso ridere con mia madre quando chiedo di andare in altri posti. Ma non. Fa male desidare qualcosa che non si avvererà.”
Santino guarda Gianni con attenzione, in attesa di qualcosa. Non si sa bene cosa stia aspettando, ma tra i due fratelli c'è silenzio. Sorella? Forse.
Schiocca la lingua prima di passare silenziosamente davanti a Gianni per andarsene. Santino non aveva intenzione di fare nulla. Ma ora lo fa. Gli costerà molto, ma non gliene importerà nulla.
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Sono passate quattro o cinque ore da quando Santino è tornato alla villa e ora è di nuovo qui!
“Quello stronzo ha preso la mia macchina.” Gia sussurrò sottovoce mentre vede Santino scendere dalla sua auto. “Cazzo,”
Quel coglione sta tornando a casa dal garage con le borse in mano. Probabilmente un regalo per la sua nuova ragazza. Esibizioniste.
Gia ha un sapore amaro in bocca mentre guarda Santino che torna verso la porta d'ingresso della villa. Il palmo della mano sotto il mento, guardando con i suoi occhi verdi. Gia sospira, la mano gli accarezza la testa mentre lui sbuffa per lo stress. È in difficoltà. Il suo cuore batte forte e i suoi pensieri corrono più veloci dei cavalli in fuga. E se Santino lo avesse detto al padre? E se lo avesse detto a tutti? No, no, no. Cazzo. Non avrebbe dovuto scriverlo, non avrebbe dovuto—
“Gianni!” La voce di Santino è forte dall'altra parte della porta bianca. Bussa, con forza.
“Vattene.” Gia grida dall’altra parte. “Vattene, Santi, Vattene.”
“Le chiavi…?” Santino dice di entrare. Si lascia convincere e Gia ci casca. “Le chiavi dell'auto, le ho prese io. Se non apri questa porta, la tua macchina è mia!”
“Questo fastidioso parassita…” Gia borbotta sottovoce. “Mio dio,” Gia apre la porta, ma Santino entra a forza con un sorriso fastidioso. “sei irritante, Santino.”
“Sì, lo so, cara sorella.” Gia deve ammettere che quelle parole di essere chiamata sorella le hanno dato un po' di felicità.
Santino ha in mano delle borse. Gia è un po' preoccupata per l'interno delle borse. "Santino, che cazzo hai in quelle borse?" Gia chiede, indicandole.
"Sei molto eccitata, Gia." Un'osservazione sarcastica e sciocca di Santino, che si siede sul letto di Gia come se fosse suo. Santino apre la borsa che ha, prima di richiuderla e lanciarla a Gia perché la prenda. “Ho graffiato la tua auto. Non voglio pagare i danni.”
“Certo che hai danneggiato la mia macchina, insolente, disordinato, irritante stronzetto....” Quando gli occhi di Gia guardano la borsa, le sue parole svaniscono mentre elabora ciò che sta vedendo e che suo fratello le ha appena comprato (sacrificando la nuova verniciatura della sua auto). “Cosa?”
L'incredulità colpisce Gia.
“Cos’è questo, Santi?” Gia chiede a Santino che sta scegliendo delle scarpe di Gia che molto probabilmente vuole portare con sé.
“La borsa, Santino.”
“Sì, è?”
“Gli abiti di seta sono per le donne.”
Gia dice, mentre Santino raccoglie le scarpe— "Non toccarle.” Lei dice severamente.
“Non ti ho ancora comprato un vestito o dei tacchi. Dato che potresti dover iniziare dal primo livello. Bisogna entrarci lentamente.” Santino fa spallucce.
"Non so cosa dire" Dice Gia mentre si siede e guarda l'accappatoio.
“Grazie mille?”
“Benvenuti,” Gia dice che è un modo per colpire Santino.
“Dovrebbe essere il contrario, Gia.” Santino dice.
“Hmmm….. no.” Dice Gianna prima di lanciare un paio di scarpe a Santino. "Ora vattene"
“Hey!” Santino osserva le scarpe. “Puttana.” Sussurra prima di andarsene, posando le chiavi sul letto di Gia.
( wickblr pride anon if you see this i love you )
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redflagwriting · 3 days
Hazbin AU;
After the fall
Michael and Sera talk alone after Lucifer's fall.
"That wasn't right." Michael glared, shutting the door to Sera's office.
"If it wasn't you wouldn't have needed to do anything, and he wouldn't have fallen, and neither would have Lilith." Sera sat while fixing her hair. "There would have not been a fight to begin with."
"You didn't need to banish Lilith. Adam and Eve weren't banished to hell."
"They were kicked out of the Garden, that was enough." Sera folded her hands in front of her.
"Is it? Why would Lilith not just get the same treatment?" Michael was barely able to contain his anger. Lilith didn't deserve any differing treatment, that much was true. But he was pretty sure she would have argued to stay with Lucifer even if it hadn't been ordered that she also fall. Sera looked at him quietly, as if knowing exactly what he was thinking.
"Michael, your job is to make sure Justice is done. You've done that. What more do you really need to say?" She said calmly.
"You shouldn't have done that, to Lucifer or Lilith. Forcing Gabriel to intervene was just adding insult to injury." He said firmly.
"Is that not what your abilities are for? Gabriel's Judgement is the final verdict. His messages herald it." She said, "And you carried out that in a just manner. None of us have full choice over when we are needed, when our power is needed. If we had that choice, would that really be fair?
There were several points Michael wanted to argue there. But the first was- "They."
"You said 'he' for Gabriel."
"... still."
"Sera stop this. You've hurt them enough. Using their Judgement against Lucifer and Lilith instead of just relying on a vote was cruel. And holding off on Judgement for Adam and Eve WAS unjust. That was not equal treatment." Michael almost growled.
"Was it? They were tricked. They have been given a chance to use that 'free will' that it was so important to Lucifer that they have to make the right choices." While ordering papers on her desk Sera did not look up at Michael. She knew exactly how his abilities worked, and was being very careful with her wording, lest he catch her in a lie.
"That was not fair."
"But Just. You said so yourself." She looked up.
"It was, but unknowing wrongs shouldn't have had such a heavy handed-"
She cut him off, "If not then why did you act?"
"I HAD NO CHOICE." He glowered at her. Her face remained calm, but it was clear she had relaxed a bit. Especially now that he had admitted he had acted under his divine constraints and not because of any personal feelings on the matter.
"You know that if all of you were allowed to use your abilities as you please, one outburst could be devastating. There's a reason free will was not supposed to be gifted to anyone. Especially not us."
"One of these days you are going to regret having to choose Order over compassion Sera." Breathing slowly he tried to calm down.
"I doubt that." She replied without hesitation, "As the Keeper of Justice the actions you take won't be easy. That is why you and the other Archangels were given the edicts you were. It's why Gabriel's Judgement is final. As messenger they have the final pronouncement. It's why Raphael is charged with Healing. It's why Uriel is our new light and safeguard of Knowledge. And now you've seen exactly what happens when one of you fails."
"Lucifer is Light, he was meant to be creative and bright and you left him out." Michael barely kept from slamming his hands on the table. "His fall was not just the product of one bad decision. You and the other Elders ignored his ideas."
"It was his choice to do what he did. Honestly why can't you see that?"
"Nothing happens without something else to trigger it. Rules are not that simple, interpreting them shouldn't be that simple." Michael was grasping at straws at this point and he knew it. Sera was nothing if not Order and presided over the tribunal for a reason. He might know the truth or what is just but he was not the law.
"Then how were we created?" Sera sat back away from him, just as Michael took a step back. Threatening her was not really what he wanted. But then what was it he did want?
"I don't... we just are." He knew there was a little more nuance to that but it wasn't his purview.
"Yes and when we needed a new light did that job not pass to Uriel?"
"That's unfair, he's the youngest of us."
"You clearly have enough on your plate." She responded, steepling her fingers. "You don't need yet another burden. Uriel will learn. Besides clearly this shows there are reasons, and there is an order to how things happen."
"You all could have passed the ruling yourselves without adding in a call for Judgement. Why would you do that to them? If the Elders job is creation and the Archangels are meant to protect then why would you call for Final Judgement on those two now? Why not wait?" It was hard to keep from sounding like he was begging for an answer. But he was.
"And constantly let them argue for a retrial? Consistently have other's have to deal with the doubt Lucifer's decision caused? No we needed this to be final. This needed to end." Sera for once was the one starting to look upset. "Would all of you not have continued to argue had we not done that?"
"Yes, but there could have been a discussion. All that was said in there were accusations, not discourse." Michael felt his shoulders drop. There was some truth in what she said, even if it wasn't everything.
"Was there anything more to be said? He broke the rules. As much as he had grand ideas and plans he still committed a wrong." Standing now she had her own hands firmly planted on the desk.
Looking away Michael folded his arms, "Gabriel refuses to pass Judgement on anyone again. You realize how much you've broken them to have them questioning what they can do?"
"They will if we need it. You know none of us can just choose to not do our jobs." Sera had started to look annoyed.
"I mean it. They said they will not attend any further tribunals or council meetings. No matter the summons." He looked back at her, "You have any idea what you've done?"
For once Sera stood quiet and still. "None of us can just stop doing our work. Their abilities won't wait for them to just decide."
Turning back to look at her he shook his head, "Do you really think you can out-stubborn Gabriel? Especially after they made a promise?"
It was Sera's turn to look away, unsure. Behind the quiet grace he could see the doubt building in her eyes.
"If you had allowed for a longer trial. For more time and actual conversation, this may not have happened. You said you didn't want others to doubt. Well you just invited it in yourself. Even when they begged you still voted a majority to force them into making a decision. How much do you think they doubt all of you now? What's going to happen now that you no longer have an Arbiter? Because that job can not fall to me. You know that."
Michael turned to leave, her silence was all he needed right now. There was nothing comforting about it. He doubted she understood just how much this was going to affect all of them. Honestly he didn't know either, and he wasn't sure he ever wanted to find out.
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worldbeyondzine · 1 month
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today's writer spotlight is @jojotier!
for ease of reading:
Laurel thinks to count the dead but can only count so high. There are hundreds of them. Thousands. They stretch off so far into the dark that Laurel thinks they might cover the whole of the ocean in legions of beautifully drowned gore.
There is a ringing in her ears and Laurel knows she is being called home.
Slowly, she lowers the light. The drowned ladies are once again rendered as shades bulging under the cover of the silent sea as Laurel’s throat burns with the salt.
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Astrin, the Silver Assassin
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First two visuals made in picrew, not by me, but I am not able to find the picrews again
Pen drawing made by @trippygalaxy
Age: 22
Race: Synal, blue elf
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Astrin mood board:
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viktheviking1 · 8 days
The emotional confliction of starting a podfic or podcast vs my gender dysphoria around my voice (T^T)
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umabreakdown · 27 days
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Late for tdov but it's just short of my 2 year hrt anniversary (which is 420) and after a pretty horrible period of low self estime this is the cutest picture I've got of my self in a while. Thanks to my partner for making the slacks, and the low sun at this latitude.
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whatthe4355 · 29 days
Hello! This is a collective novel me and some of other plural folks have been working on this story, here's the first chapter of Egg Hunter: Cluster Headache!
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the-bisexual-bitch · 5 months
Writing a story called Sanctuary Love about two gay kids falling in love in an asylum in the 1960s (ish)
Would y'all be interested in the... all of it? Like, the updates, the chapters, all of it?
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queercarolina · 1 year
I'm Evie.
28-year-old transgender novelist, poet, & book critic.
I like to share educational content to help beginning creative writers access craft tools and resources.
I'm the author of a few books including the young adult novel "Heathens and Liars of Lickskillet County" (PRA, 2016) and three poetry chapbooks "Skinny Dipping with Strangers," "Glitter Husk," and "Buggery." The final chapbook "Buggery" is the recipient of the 2020 BOOM Chapbook Prize from Bateau Press.
I'm working on a second novel & submitting a full-length poetry manuscript.
If you dig books, let's link up.
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tommy2020 · 4 months
I’m a boy and I kiss other boys.
I’m a boy and I was not born a boy.
I’m a boy and I use unconventional pronouns.
I’m a boy and I want to live as a boy.
I’m a boy and I want to be free to say that out loud.
I’m a boy and I want to live without fear of being hurt.
Just like the other boys.
My friend is a girl and she likes boys.
My friend is a girl and she was not born a girl.
My friend is a girl and uses she/her.
My friend is a girl and she wants to be called a girl, not a slur.
My friend is a girl and she should be allowed to live as a girl.
My friend is a girl and she shouldn’t be assaulted because she is a girl.
Just like the other girls.
My sibling is nonbinary and they like every gender.
My sibling is nonbinary and they were not born that way.
My sibling is nonbinary and uses whatever pronouns they feel like.
My sibling is nonbinary and wants to be perceived as a person too.
My sibling is nonbinary and should be allowed to choose what they call themselves.
My sibling is nonbinary and shouldn’t be shoved under the rug because their gender identity “doesn’t make sense”.
Just like other people.
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worldbeyondzine · 19 days
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let's start the week's spotlights with our next writer, @benvoolioo!
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Shade, King of Death
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Age: 22
Race: Demigod
Gender: Male(ftm)
Pronouns: he/him
Shade mood board:
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motherbookerblog · 10 months
Book Review - Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. It won’t be the first time I’ve said this but this book has sat on my shelf for ages. Obviously, this book was getting all the attention on its release but I just didn’t want to go near it. The more awards it was nominated for the further away I got. It gets to the point where I just get too scared to pick it up at all. I’m the same with shoes. I can buy a new pair of…
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umabreakdown · 8 months
Here is a quick test build of Low Estate now most of the assets are done.
I work back to front because I can't really write narrative and room sequence until I've got enough finished assets to get a sense of what the finished game will look like.
This is a bad way to work, but all decisions just seem arbitrary before I have the artwork so I end up redoing all of the planning anyway once the artwork is made of I try and plan without it.
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sairesteld · 1 year
Launched another series on Scribble Hub! Good little series on the side to let my brain rest and write at the same time when I need to. It is called Dylan! And it is about Dylan. Who is Dylan? He's just Dylan. Check him out, if you're interested, and maybe read Wiisegaate too. I am so proud of both my stories and can not wait to continue.
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