#trans women are trans women
queerism1969 · 1 year
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miawilsonnn · 1 year
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I love this 🥺🥺
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elenarobot · 1 year
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Hey guys who missed me 😍😍
I have something for you tonight 🥰🥰
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Been a while🏳️‍⚧️💖💕
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hysteriamodes · 1 year
TERFs in my notifs arguing that men don't suffer any type of disparity while society as a whole still disparages men from:
- custody cases favoring women more than men and there are some instances the mother is actually an awful parent
- men being conditioned not to express themselves to the point that they don't seek help for depression and mental illness.
- on the same topic, men as a whole are more likely to commit suicide
- men who survive rape, CSA, or sexual assault are less likely to report it than women because of stigma.
- men are shamed if they take jobs that are traditionally held by women, like teachers and nurses.
And, of course, the disproportionate amount of black men in prison.
But yes, please do continue to tell everyone how men can't experience any type of disparity and how it's only cis white women.
Protip: feminism also includes freeing men from toxic masculinity and racism, not just women. If your "feminism" only extends to only women and doesn't acknowledge these situations, then you're not much of a feminist.
But what can you expect from TERFs? They're so self-obsessed and self-centered.
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asialonnie · 1 year
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I am scary transgender. something the media warned you about 🥰🥰
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Can someone explain to me why some people claim that Dylan is a “fake” trans women/that she’s transitioning for clout?
Today I came across a video talking about how Dylan Mulvaney(she/they) is faking being trans.
Their reasoning were because Dylan was “comfortable in their male body” in a video back in 2017 and that she was always “fame hungry”.
These statements upset me because I’m a trans man, and have followed her transition somewhat closely. I feel as though her videos are filled with genuine happiness and are definitely not “just for clout”. And they have brought joy to me and other trans people I know.
However, the video creator claimed that “most trans people” were offended by Dylan’s videos and claimed that she was a mockery to “actual” trans women and peoples.
I will also add here, at the end of my statement, that the video creator kept using terms like “natural born woman” and claimed that children are trans due to media, which are very harmful ideals.
Please spread this, I would like to hear others opinions. I would like to say here that I am not questioning her identity, and do not believe she is “faking”.
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hjellacott · 5 months
I used to say "Trans Women are Women" until my friend Dani transitioned
I'd say it all the time, I'd put it all over my Tumblr, I'd argue people about it. But I was in my late teens and I didn't know any better. I thought I was doing the right thing. And then my friend Dani who's a bit older than me and with whom I'd been close friends since I was like 15-16, and always known as a black man, told me they were actually a trans women and that they'd begun to transition. I was so stunned because I'd always thought they were a very confident gay man. And then I started having all these long chats with Dani about what being trans meant and what changed for them, what their next steps would be, what their hopes for the future were (specially because back then Dani had been planning their wedding to a gay man) and I credit Dani for most of my learning. Yeah sure I do my own research later and go to medical research essays and speak to detrans people and all that, but Dani's the one that made the greatest impact.
Firstly, Dani's the one who said to me "don't say Trans Women are Women, because you make it look like you and I are the same, which isn't true. Calling me a woman would erase the unique struggles I've gone through as a Trans Woman, struggles you don't have to go through, like hormones or surgery or figuring out how to tell my gay fiancé I'm a woman. And it also makes me look like I know what your experience growing up as a woman has been like, like when you first had your period or experienced hormonal changes, and I don't, like, remember when we were in school and you girls' periods got synchronised and you were all a bloody nightmare? I'm never going to understand that".
I never forgot Dani's words, because they destroyed all my preconceived ideas about being trans in one single blow. Later, Dani would end up having to break up with his fiancé, which was heartbreaking but also deeply inspiring, because Dani did so with so much love. When I asked what had happened (I live abroad so we have long catch-up sessions when I visit and then I make all the questions) Dani explained that they knew their fiancé fell in love with a gay man, with someone he wasn't, someone who wasn't their real self, so they understood if their fiancé suddenly didn't know who they were any more and didn't want to marry them, but an actual gay man. I thought, fucking hell, that's being grown-up. I mean yeah they're older than me so I expect more mature statements, but I was completely stunned. I thought Dani was really brave, and I still do.
There's been a lot of learning since, and as friends, a lot of it has been done together. I was there for comfort when Dani realised they'd have to learn to live with their penis, because the surgery to remove it didn't have good enough chances of leaving them in a way that sex would still be enjoyable (and Dani's like Barney Stinson, they love sex very much so this was important). And they've been there to continue to teach me and continue to inspire me.
So when people insult me or call me transphobic or whatever bullshit... the reason it doesn't get me down is Dani. Because I think, hell, Dani's brave. Dani's strong. Dani's guided trans children to figure it out, Dani's spoken in schools, Dani's stood up against men dressing as women without even being trans (sex fetish). Dani grew up fighting homophobia, came out to their parents as gay and trans, and now has to fight misinformation and protect vulnerable trans youths, because that's who they are. So surely I can take a bit of bullying to help people like Dani in their fight. It's not a big deal. I might be miles away and maybe we only meet face to face twice a year but Dani's one hell of a friend and I just wanted to say it.
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i think there’s something so beautiful about teans femininity/masculinity/androgyny. trans people, including myself, will find such euphoria in the simplest things, like having body hair, or getting called sir/ma’am, or even just having enough confidence to present how you want. its such a goddamn magnificent concept that we find ourselves beautiful in ways that other people find simplistic and that they had never acknowledged before. have a good day, trans men, women, nb people. you belong in this world as who you want to be, and i promise, one day the sun will shine on you.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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purplerabbit92 · 1 year
Sighs I dont get these people.....
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elenarobot · 1 year
Hey Dear if you want something Hot tonight Chat me up on my Telegram (@Allietyson) . Google Chat ([email protected])
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robynish · 1 year
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I have to go back to work today after like 6 days off and it's a real bummer 😭 at least I got new shoes though!
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spideylilparker · 2 years
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lifeonkylesfarm · 2 years
One of my very good friends has become homeless and needs money. Her situation is very difficult. Any money is greatly appreciated!!
She is an intersex lesbian trans woman who previously lived in an abusive situation
Please donate (if possible) and share!
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