#trans language
fixing-bad-posts · 4 months
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sylveon for trans rights and miso soup also
Submitted by @legateamelia
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auroramosaic · 23 days
truly I am sick of the phrases "stop dating men" and "men suck". LIKE come on. we've moved past this terfy shit.
demonizing masculinity is such a cold take. like would you say men suck to a newly transitioning trans man? hell if you did he might even agree like "yeah I know haha", but that shit leaves imprints in you. If you start to feel like the queer community, your home, hates/doesn't trust/thinks they're better than men, why would you want to be one??
It's not that I don't understand where people who say this are coming from. I used to say shit like that when I was young. But I've read too many trans people nervous to be men or who dampen their expressions of masculinity to not be seen as a creep or just to not be avoided by people who should be welcoming to them.
PLEASE tell me I'm not insane for thinking this
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Text: decoupling pregnancy from femininity means accurate and more inclusive language and treatment, but it also allows cis women to refuse motherhood without refusing womanhood, which is great for feminism and terrifying for misogyny.
--THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS. As a sterile cis woman who doesn’t want to have children anyway I feel this is every ounce of my being. “Define woman” types tend to do so in a way that excludes me too, so I got to stand with my trans sisters.
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chrissy-kaos · 19 days
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Cuddles anyone?
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dkettchen · 29 days
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she would've told them unlike her canon! version who decided not to be an ally smh
#one piece#trans!sanji#sanji#kiku#yamato#ワンピース#I'm practicing my japanese shhhhhh#(日本語のペラペラ人:俺は文法とか書く方とか間違ったら教えてください😅ありがとうございます)#translation:#Yamato: I'll be able to get as strong as Oden?#Sanji: Probably... 🤔#[meanwhile Kiku is remembering the time in the hot spring]#(Sanji: Nami-chan!!!)#(Nami: Shut up!! The women's bath is supposed to be a peaceful place!)#Kiku: I am also ⚧️ ... o.o#(y'all english speakers had me all to yourselves for a decade it's about time I start to also sometimes make stuff in my next language lol#notably for media *from* that language#same as it made sense to make fan content in english for [american superhero franchise we don't talk abt anymore] back in the day#(happy seasonal reminder that Ren Is Not A Native English Speaker and This Is My 5th Language hi 😅))#while looking up reference for this I learnt that the straps to tie back the kimono sleeves are called tasuki#also I decided yamato get big muscles cause he got them kaido genes in im (I also gave him his dad's young-man-facial hair)#the more I do transition projections for one piece characters while tryna adhere to the style the more I learn that sometimes stylisation#uses bones less as literal determinants for where things go and just kinda exaggerates shapes based on vibes alone instead#meaning trans characters' bones wouldn't literally stay looking the same in that stylisation in the way they do irl#they'd get exaggerated differently based on what the surrounding stuff is doing#I still think oda's transition demonstration when we first met iva was unreasonable even with that in mind tho
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switch--blades · 3 months
corruption brain go brrrr
someone new to sex not knowing how to touch themselves, unsure of themselves and worried they are doing it wrong, almost to scared to submit to anyone for fear of disappointing their partner. I coo at them, assure them that I'll take care of them perfectly if they just trust me and allow themselves to feel the sensations, blindfold them and get them just high enough that they can't get caught in their head while I explore their body.
I slowly find the perfect way to push all their buttons, slowly making them gasp. As goosebumps start to rise on their skin I press my warm body against theirs, feeling them try to press in closer against their restraints. They soak through their underwear so easily for me, and their shaky breaths are just begging for me to show them just how good sex can feel.
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
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Losing my shit about this article in which a transphobic Tory was so busy panicking about existing in the vicinity of a Trans that she almost certainly misheard "jeans" as "penis" and decided that not only was this a problem with the other woman, but also that the world must be informed of this pressing danger.
"a trans woman! I had to stand directly behind her....I thought, 'this is going well', I'm handling The Situation fine'..."
translated: I saw a tall woman with broad shoulders. How would I get out of this alive? I thought. she has a PENIS. PENIS PENIS PENIS. through some force of PENIS I mean will I managed to PENIS behave normally towards her. My hands were PENIS PENIS PENIS shaking as I tried to dry them. summoning up all my PENIS courage I said 'dryer's crap innit'. she turned to me and said " yeah I'm just goiPENIS PENIS PENIS"
It's been a week and I'm still shaking. This proves trans women are the problem and I'm not weird. I'm fine. It's fine. If you think about it I'm the hero hePENIS!!!!!
very this
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#red said#it's just. I'm obsessed.#everyone on Twitter is saying 'never happened' and i think they're wrong#this absolutely did happen and she's been obsessing over how vindicated it made her feel enough to WRITE AN ARTICLE ABOUT IT#because she MISHEARD SOMEONE IN A CASUAL CONVERSATION#i lay out my reasoning thusly: if you were INVENTING a scary trans woman in bathroom story out of nothing. why would it be this?#why would you go with 'we had a banal conversation until she said a sentence that makes no sense and that no human has ever uttered#but which does coincidentally sounds almost exactly like a mishearing of a very NORMAL thing to say in the circumstances#then she left and nothing else occurred'#if you were going to INVENT a story you would probably make it MAKE SENSE or SOUND THREATENING#i truly believe this is a very authentically told account of what she thinks happened#because who would. by means other than mishearing. think 'I'm going to wipe my hands on my penis' makes any sense at all.#a) 'I'm going to dry my hands on my genitals' says the presumably fully clothed woman#b) who then proceeds to leave without doing anything threatening#c) WHO SAYS PENIS THREATENINGLY? sorry it's writing out 'penis' repeatedly that made this jump out to me but like. who says that?#you might hear someone talk casually about their dick or cock but i stg it's only doctors and TERFs who casually use the word penis much#it's so. clinically descriptive. it's a weird use of language. but it IS. something you could plausibly mishear from 'pants' or 'trousers'
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namechangesurvey · 6 months
Would YOU like to contribute to my thesis project?
I'm working in the linguistic field of onomastics, the study of proper names. For this, I've designed a survey (linked below). It takes about 10-15 minutes to do and participation is anonymous.
I'm looking for participants, especially ones who
are genderqueer/trans* (transgender, nonbinary, genderfluid, agender, or anything in between!) and/or
have changed their first name (legal proceedings not mandatory, you just need to be using one that's different from your birth name in some capacity)
Please note that you are more than welcome to participate if these criteria do not apply to you! The bigger and more varied the sample size, the better! :D
And it would be super neat if folks would reblog this post and pass on the link to people they know who might be interested in participating!
(Reblogs are off because I did not expect this enthusiastic of a response - which is a wonderful problem to have, love y'all - and this original survey is no longer active. There's a new and more streamlined version linked in my pinned post if you'd like to participate!)
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The weirdest double standard is trans people can only ever "identify as" and cis people just "are," and the more time goes on and people start realizing this, I hope this will change
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tepli-mravenci · 11 months
The other day I was on a walk in the evening with two of my friends (both girls) and we were talking about how safe or unsafe we feel in different places at night and one of them said she always carries a pocket knife with her and the other one said
"See now I feel pretty safe, you have a knife, I'm tall and" she turns to me "your gender presentation is weird enough to confuse a potential attacker."
I've never felt more gender validation in my entire life.
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ghostbsuter · 8 months
Magicians way [part 1]
.・゜-: ✧ :-
It's not often that he finds himself in such position, but it does happen.
John Constantine never would have thought he'd scratch the "tied up by a cult to be used as sacrifice to summon a powerful ghost" spot on his bingo card.
He doesn't even feel threatened by the cult, hell, all he will receive from this day is pure embarrassment if the summoning circle is really the one he thinks it is.
Great, it's glowing.
Little bastard knows and is on his way here.
"Oh all mighty King of Ghosts! We summon thee! Appear!"
If he has to listen to that badly scripted American movie summoning ritual one more word, he's gonna do some serious damage.
The circle lights up in sickly green, the ectoplasm flooding the insides of the portal as it opens.
And there he stands, the boyprince of the Infinity Realms.
"Hey, dad!" The being greets, swinging a swift fist against one of the cultist.
The rest are frozen and now that they're alone John sees the shit eating grin on the gremlins face.
"Danny." He greets back, watching as his kid swipes some invisible dust from his hat and putting it on back.
"Man, this is so embarrassing for you. Let me just—"
To make matters worse, Danny pulls out his bloody smartphone and takes a picture of him tied up.
"I'm sending this to mom." He's fiddling with the rope, smug smirk on him that John would love to flip off if his hands weren't bound.
Ah, here comes the blackmail. A kids after his own heart.
The little shit.
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Visual picture of Constantine being embarrassed. (Yes, he's tied up with a RED RIBBON for funnsies.)
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ian0key · 4 months
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I have the headcanon that Alice has on her back (and her entire body in general) the most randoms tattoos in the world.
( I love her)
"it's a complete mess" I know, she knows and she loves it.
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tervaneula · 16 days
PSA: Transphobes will NOT be tolerated here, I will block you. Thanks for the follow but ew no thanks, actually, and do not give me that "I support the LGB community" shit. It's LGBTQIA+, purposefully excluding any of the letters is a red flag and you're an asshole.
Sorry not sorry, fuck off kindly please <3
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happy day for paper mario ttyd remake releasing here's a bunch of vivians
protect her at all costs
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obsob · 2 years
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a redraw of ‘lament for icarus’ by herbert james draper ✷
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microwave-core · 14 days
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my god i don't think i have ever seen a ratio this terrible. i am so proud of this community
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