#too hot? Dude gets practically shoved off the bed
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Normal Teenage Things
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contents: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader warnings: bad writing (jk...hopefully🥲), language, allusions to sexual themes but nothing too bad in my personal opinion?? author's note: hihi, soooo i've never done this before but i've got ~180 pages of one shots just collecting dust in my docs, so i figured i'd put them out into the world and see what happens !! feel the need to note, i'm dyslexic and also would rather die than proofread so i can promise you that there will be spelling errors but oh well. i'm actually super excited to see how this goes and i guess this means my requests are open?? Mind you, i'm still a new baby to all of this so be kind, pls and thank you!! anyways, enjoy 😌🫶
there was a loud and constant rapping of fists against the poseidon cabin door. it awoke both of the siblings, who were quick to dive under their covers and hope the person would just go away. there was a pause in the knocking before it started again, more insistent and louder. y/n huffed, shooting out from under her blankets, quickly adjusting leo’s shirt to ensure that it covered all of the parts it was supposed to. it was a shirt that had been a stupid gag gift from percy, which read ‘i heart my hot boyfriend.’ the moment leo pulled it out of the wrapping, y/n knew it would become her new sleep shirt. and leo was more than happy to oblige, only getting it back every few weeks when y/n shoved it into his chest, claiming he needed to make it smell like him again.
“the world better be ending,” percy called to y/n and the person at the front door.
“i second that,” y/n told percy before whipping the door open and glaring at will, who still had his hand raised to knock again.
“what? what could you possibly want?” y/n huffed, holding the door open with a raised brow.
“you’ve got a license, right?” questioned will and y/n’s eye twitched. percy started manically laughing in the background, trying to dig further into his bed
“you better be joking,” y/n managed to get out, staring the sunshine boy down.
“look, travis got shot in his foot by an arrow while training and we’ve got to get deliveries out, the infirmary is in desperate need of more bandaids, a few of the little kids birthdays are coming up-”
“okay, okay, breathe, dude. let me get dressed and a little brekky, then i'll take care of it,” cut in y/n, waving the boy off with a small sigh. there goes her plans of spending the day with leo.
“yes! thank you, y/n, truely,” will cheered, smiling brightly.
“yeah, yeah, sing my praises when i get back,” y/n told him before they waved their goodbyes, the daughter of poseidon marching back into the cabin. she glanced over, noticing percy was asleep again before chucking a pillow at him, causing the boy to shoot up and look around in a sleepy haze.
“if i gotta be up, so do you.” “you suck on, like, a major level.”
y/n quickly changed into a pair of carpenter jeans that leo always complimented, murmuring things about her ass into her ear. she then tugged on a navy blue tank top with a ditsy white floral pattern. she swiped her purse and sunglasses off her bedside table before making her way to the dining pavilion, quickly grabbing a breakfast bar and snapping it in half, tossing one half into the fire with a comforting sizzle. she took a bite out of her half before feeling arms wrap around her waist, the girl squealing with a laugh as she felt familiar curls settle against her neck.
“you’re out of dress code, mi amor. gonna have to punish you for that,” he muttered against her collarbone, y/n huffing out a laugh before pushing him off her, looking over her shoulder with a wide smile.
“i’ve got my reasons! travis got hurt, so i’ve got delivery duty today,” y/n informed him, noting the small pout that settled over his lips. she quickly cupped his face, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “i’m sorry, lee, i know we were supposed to hang out today.”
“who says we can't?” leo prompted, smirking, as y/n could practically hear the cogs in his brain beginning to turn. she squinted at him before he quickly grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her off and towards chiron, who looked up at the pair with a raised brow.
“hey, i’ve just come to get the keys for the delivery truck? travis shot his foot earlier so he can’t drive,” y/n stated, glancing at leo out of the corner of her eye, but figured he’s got his part of this operation covered. chiron nodded, passing the keys and a list off to y/n before turning to leo with a suspicious look.
“oh! you’ve got delivery duty, y/n? perfect! the forge is, like, depleted. we are in desperate need of probably three yards of sheet metal- ah, no, make that six. oh, we also need fourth of an inch bolts, not a third of an inch like last time. definitely need more screws, those fancy gold ones, nyssa’s picky,” leo started to list, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as y/n was desperately trying to follow, knowing what he was playing at, but not necessarily needing to act like she was confused. she was definitely confused.
“you should probably start writing this down,” leo added with a wink, watching y/n’s face fall as she started patting her pockets for a pen she knew she wouldn’t need.
“how- how about you go with her, leo? make sure she gets the correct stuff?” chiron offers, having seen the girl’s panic. leo smiled widely, his plan working just like all his other plans.
“yeah, that’d be best, wouldn’t it?”
“now, no funny business, you two. this is a lot of trust i’m putting in you. if you’re not back by 4 pm, don’t come back at all,” chiron threatened, though they both knew they were empty. leo faked a solute while y/n pulled him away, saying her thanks as she went. she dragged leo all the way to cabin 9, following him into his room as he tugged his camp half-blood shirt off. y/n practically drooled at the sight, a blush quickly settling over her as she tried to avert her eyes and pretend like she hadn't been staring. leo shot a smirk over his shoulder as he picked up another shirt, one of the few normal shirts he had, and tugged it on.
“sorry, babe, shows over,” he told her, watching the blush spread with a smirk.
“whatever. you’d cream your pants if i even thought about lifting my shirt up,” y/n huffed back, shoving his shoulder as she spun around and began making her way out of the cabin.
“correct! you know what your bras do to me.” “don’t talk about my bras.” “you know, i thought they’d be made out of seashells the first time.” “no! leo, baby, why would i-” “i don’t know! daughter of poseidon and all, figured it was, like, in the handbook or something,” leo argued as y/n wheezed a laugh, leaning against him for support. he rolled his eyes at her amusement at him, wrapping his arm around her waist as they made their way to the truck. y/n went to open the driver side door but leo quickly shut it again, looking at her like she was crazy.
“leo, i know you like to open my doors and all-” “if you think you’re driving, you’ve lost your mind,” leo told her, rolling his eyes at her as he swiped the keys from her hand.
“i need to tell will to start harassing one of the many other people who have licenses at this camp,” y/n huffed as she clambered into the passenger seat.
“hmm, maybe, but this is the price you pay for being head camp counselor,” leo mused, giving the girl a cheeky smile. y/n groaned, lulling her head back against her seat as she buckled in.
“ugh, stop reminding me i have responsibilities.” “alright, alright. i’ll make it up to you,” leo started, causing y/n to squint at him in suspicion. “how so?” “iced coffees on travis?” he offered, holding up the son of herme’s credit card. y/n’s eyes instantly gained back the glimmer that he loved so much, making the pickpocketing so worth it.
“all is forgiven, my love!” she cheered, leaning across the middle console and tangling her arms around him with repeated kisses to his face. leo laughed, leaning into the affection without a second thought. y/n pulled back before pressing a kiss to his lips, more solid then the ones before. leo leaned even further, chasing after her lips when she pulled away.
then she reached into the glovebox, producing the one phone that chiron allowed near camp. the hephestus cabin tweaked it the best they could, making it nearly monster proof and demigod safe. it worked well enough for deliveries, gps being needed and all. plus, travis and connor managed to get spotify on it, disguising it as some puzzle app that chiron paid no mind to. y/n had to fork over twenty bucks just to be allowed to use it, as she wasn’t willing to drive around without music and the idiots put a password on it. y/n typed in the password - trav&conrule11 - pulling up her playlist as leo started to drive. she then pulled up the gps, checking to see the first place for deliveries and typing in the address of the small diner a few miles away. they liked the strawberries from camp best, feeling like they were supporting a small business when it was anything but. y/n listed the directions out for leo, knowing he’d just tune the robotic voice of the gps out. his fingers drummed across the wheel, his other hand playing with the rings on y/n’s hand, his thumb twisting the promise ring he’d given to her a few months ago, which caused his lips to twitch upward. eventually, they pulled up to the diner, y/n hopping out and moving towards the restaurant, the owner cheering as she greeted the girl, who she knew very well, leo trailing behind.
“y/n!! it’s good to see you, honey! they keep sending those rambunctious boys, we’ve been missing our girl,” the woman, mrs. ferrara, greeted, pulling the girl closer by her cheeks and kissing both of them. she was a short and stubby italian woman, but she held a kindness in her eyes that made her popular with the camp half-blood kids. she loved all of them, most itching for a chance at delivery duty to see the woman who’s become like a grandmother to a lot of them.
“you love those boys,” y/n mused as she passed her the clipboard, which needed a signature. she threw a glance over her shoulder at leo, smiling brightly at him which he returned tenfold.
“yes, but you’re my favorite,” mrs. ferrara replied with a wink, easily signing her name like usual.
“hey!” leo argued, crossing his arms with a frown. mrs. ferrara laughed as she walked around the counter, patting his cheek as she went past.
“much love to you, dear, but my y/n holds a special place in my heart,” the woman continued propping the door open so leo and y/n could easily bring the boxes of strawberries in. well, leo. because the moment y/n went to grab a box, he smacked her hands away and shot her a glare. she rolled her eyes with a huff, going off to hang out with mrs. ferrara who was more than happy to indulge the girl. they left soon after, though not without more kisses to both of their cheeks and breakfast sandwiches shoved into their hands.
“mmm, perks of delivery duty,” leo all but moaned, munching happily on his sandwich, which y/n plucked from his hands so he could turn the truck. “one of the few,” hummed y/n in response, finishing off hers and throwing the tinfoil into her purse to toss out later. she returned leo’s to his outstretched hand as she crossed out mrs. ferrara’s diner on her list, following down to the next stop.
“ugh, we’ve got to go to that stupid stuck up office,” y/n groaned, leaning her head back against the headrest, her lips set in a deep frown. leo looked at her for far too long before returning his gaze to the road, one of his hands leaving the wheel and smoothing over her jean clad knee. “it’ll be quick and i can talk to mr. stuck-up,” leo replied, earning a snort from y/n, a smile slowly growing on her lips before she shot across the middle console, her lips pressing against his cheek.
“my knight in shining armor,” she murmured again his cheek and a blush rose to his ears. “hm, no. don’t like how i looked in the armor at camp,” he smirked back, feeling y/n’s laugh bubble out of her.
after a few directions from y/n, they pulled up outside a bland looking building, the gray brick walls hiding one of those artsy-fartsy office buildings for some small newspaper. they liked to keep a ‘chill work environment,’ the place being filled with ping-pong tables and snacks, which included strawberries from camp. it would probably be fun, if the manager wasn’t so dreadful. y/n basically hid behind leo the whole time, glancing at her watch like they were in a rush while the guy ranted about immigration or whatever racist thing he had to say in that moment. leo’s eye twitched every now and then, but he kept a tight smile on his lips before swiping back the clipboard and slamming the boxes of strawberries down on some pool table. the two scrambled out of there, repeatedly pressing the button for the lobby in the elevator. they practically ran all the way back to the truck, snorts of laughter falling out of their lips as they jumped in.
they did a few more uneventful deliveries before finally reaching the little drive-thru coffee shop, y/n practically buzzing in her seat. typically, people with adhd tend to avoid coffee since it has the opposite effect on them. y/n, with her adhd being slightly less than standard, was an avid coffee drinker. leo couldn’t handle it, he’d be asleep at the wheel in seconds. he tended to stick to sweet tea or lemonade, occasionally an energy drink. the tea reminded him of sticky texas heat, which always brought a soft smile to his lips. leo easily ordered for the two of them, knowing y/n’s order better than his own. he proudly presented the coffee to the girl, who squealed as she took it into her hands.
“thank you, my sweet boy,” she cheered, her lips wrapping around the straw. leo laughed as he pulled away, waving kindly to the worker as he got back on the road.
“anything for you.” “don’t get sappy on me, valdez. gonna make me fall in love or something.”
their next stop was home depot. leo wasn’t completely lying to chiron when he said the forge was depleted, it was actually getting pretty empty in there. y/n took a long sip from her coffee before leaving it in the car and jumping out, going around the car and taking leo’s outstretched hand, wrapping her arms around his one. leo then pulled her closer to his side, pressing a kiss to her head before walking into the store. he knew his way around, almost like it was ingrained in his mind, and y/n liked to imagine that all children of hephaestus were just born with a map of home depot in their head. leo started grabbing things as he went before looking down at his full arms with a sigh, looking over at y/n. “could you-” “i told you we should have grabbed one at the start!” y/n huffed at him, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“i didn’t think we needed this much stuff,” leo called after her as she went to get the cart, the girl waving him off over her shoulder. he stood there inspecting the screws while he waited. leo frowned as he leaned closer to inspect a type of screw, muttering under his breath. after about twenty minutes, he was starting to get worried about y/n before she finally came back into the aisle with a cart. “lee! i had to walk across the whole store and i got lost, like, twice. you cannot leave me in here or i’m never getting out,” y/n laughed as she walked towards him. leo's eyes seemed to get caught on something, his attention being held elsewhere.
“leo? you good?” y/n asked, her brows furrowing at the lack of his joking response. “huh? yeah, yeah, no, i’m good. i’m…i’m great, yeah,” leo replied, finally pulling his eyes away from where the man had been and turning back to y/n, a smile stretching over his lips as he dumped the contents of his arms into the cart.
“you wanna do something fun?” he asked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye in the way he knew she loved. y/n nodded instantly, leo always brought a fun side out of her that no one else did. he shoved the stuff to one side of the cart, pressing his foot against the wheel to keep the cart still, before turning to y/n and holding one of his hands out. y/n took them, still not completely sure what was going on before leo moved his other hand to her hip and helped her into the cart. giggles instantly left y/n’s lips as she sat down in the cart, her leg’s spilling over the side. leo laughed with her, pressing a kiss to her lips before pulling the cart behind him. y/n proudly took stock and organized the cart, always knowing what they had and what they needed.
“hey, no, come on!” a voice shouted, y/n and leo’s head turning from the leather dye in front of them to the angry worker marching towards them.
“you two!” he called again, pointing at leo and y/n. “us?” leo asked, his brows furrowing as he pointed into his own chest. “yeah, you. come on, twelve and under are allowed in the carts. you’re, like, twenty,” the worker huffed, crossing his arms and tapping his feet. “ouch,” y/n muttered, shooting a glare at the man as leo helped her out, his hands firmly against her waist, “do i really look twenty, lee?” “nah,” leo mused, shooting a look at the man. “thank you. have a good evening folks, but if i catch you doing it again, i’ll ban you,” he stated, pointing at the two before marching off. y/n leaned up to leo, who leaned down to her. “do you think he gets more money if he tells a certain number of people off in a day or does he just take his minimum wage job too seriously?” she whispered and leo laughed. “definitely the latter. a fun person does not walk like that,” replied leo, causing y/n to giggle into his side.
finally, y/n managed to drag leo out of the store, though not before paying an arm and a leg. y/n refused to look at the cost, turning away with every beep of the scanner. leo rolled his eyes at her, seeing as neither of them had to foot the bill, but it rather came out of the camp expenses card. they lugged their copious amounts of metal and whatnots that y/n didn’t see the need for, shoving it into the back of the truck where the strawberries had been. y/n then bounced into her seat, rubbing her hands together in excitement as she looked over at leo, who got into his seat with a strange look to the girl beside him.
“off to target, my fine chariot!” she cheered, pointing off into some direction with a laugh. leo shook his head at her, laughing at the pure stupidity.
“yes, m’lady!” he called back in response, getting more joy out of the giggles than he ever thought possible.
y/n led the charge at target, leo basically being dragged behind the girl, his hand firmly shoved into her back pocket, something about not losing her. she rolled her eyes at him but walked slowly enough for him to keep up with her. she stockpiled chocolates, stuffed animals, and little gifts into leo’s arms. each collection was specified to the child, y/n always determined to go above and beyond for the younger kids. she then grabbed a bag of peanut m&m’s and salt and vinegar chips, winking at leo so he’d know those were her special treat to them. they left the store, leo proudly carrying the bags without even giving y/n a chance to grab them.
the drive back to camp was relatively uneventful, y/n just letting the music play as she started signing cards for the kids, leaving specific and heartfelt messages for them. then she’d pass them around camp, letting others leave notes until the paper was overflowing with love and birthday wishes. leo focused, to the best of his ability, on driving though it was all in vain. he’d glance over at y/n, the girl being perfectly framed by the vibrant pink and orange hues of the sun setting and just get lost in it; the sight of her, the heavy feeling of love in his chest, the way she’d wrinkle her nose at him when she caught him staring. he’d return his eyes to the road, a smile gracing his lips as he knew he must’ve done something right with his life, y/n being with him proof enough.
author's note cont. : ahhh! I'm actually so proud of this anyways- if you hate it, ya'll i need you to lie to me because i cannot handle not being perfect actually. anyways, i will admit this was kinda thrown together but i'm still happy with it. wish all of you who made it this far the best of days!!
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runa-falls · 25 days
*raise hand violently* PLEASE CAN I ASK ABOUT sub!miguel headcanons?!?!?!?!?!
What makes him whine, how pretty does his whimpers sound like?!?!?!
How gorgeous does he look when his eyes get all shiny and wet with tears because you won't let him come yet.
sub!miguel headcanons
basic summary: miguel is the whiniest, most pushy malewife and you are his protector, comforter, and safe space :3
a/n: OK BETTER LATE THAN NEVER RIGHT? (im so sorry lmfaooo) also does it count as headcanons if i have random scenes in between them?? wtvr *shoves fic in ur arms and sprints away*
content: suggestive + fluffy
bed habits (I'M TALKING AB SLEEPING YOU DIRTY BASTARD!) -- miguel is a sleepy, cuddly boy
he never has trouble falling asleep when you're around (except for when he - adorably - forces himself to stay awake so he can spend time with you)
this man is 6'7" but he still tries to curl up on your lap when you're lounging on the couch just so you can play with his hair as he dozes off
miguel owns a king sized bed, big enough to fit five people comfortably, yet he's adamant to take up all your space
it gets hot (i mean, he's hot -- literally, like his internal temp is higher than the average human) but even when you try to shove him away, he only pulls you closer to him
if you do, somehow, get away from him, he wakes up immediately with a sleepy groan, blindly reaching across the mattress for you:
you try to dodge his hands, laying precariously at the edge of the bed, hoping he would give up and go back to sleep. unfortunately, it only makes him whine like a spoiled child, "baby, closer. need you...come here" god -- he has such a cute sleepy voice...
but you don't let it sway you. you're already laying on top of the comforter, desperately trying to cool off and get back to sleep.
"it's too hot, miguel"
"but...i can't sleep without you" you can hear the pout in his voice
"just hold a pillow and pretend its me"
he sighs -- actually sighs like the dramatic man he is, "but it's not the same!"
you don't respond, refusing to continue this 3 am argument that you'll never win, and pretend to fall back asleep. maybe he will practice self-soothing or something and sleep by himself? maybe he'll be an adult about this?
silence settles in the air for a few minutes and you're nearly lulled back to unconsciousness. and then you hear the sheets rustle as he sits up next to you, suddenly fully awake and stubbornly staring down at you.
"mig, no amount of 'pleases' will convince me to sleep against your volcanic body"
"...how about just until I fall asleep?"
"but when I move away you'll wake up again."
you hear a quiet 'hmph' before you're promptly tugged back against his body. his face presses against your hair as he situates himself to engulf you in his warmth. "exactly, so don't leave me."
it's a common misconception that sub!mig likes to be the little spoon but actually he likes to cling onto you like you're a living teddy bear -- face nuzzled against your neck, legs intertwined with yours, and one large hand on your tit
you often wake up in a tangled mess, your neck stiff from the contorted positions he maneuvers your body into during the night
but you don't mind it anymore, especially on those rare morning swhen you wake up before him and you get to see those worry lines on his forehead soften as he sleeps soundly next to you
miguel is a soft and eager man:
it's his life mission to provide for you, to hear soft words of praise whisper from your lips
as soon as you're alone in a room, he drops the tough guy act and immediately searches for your warmth
miguel sticks to you like velcro when he isn't fighting crime in the city
and when he isn't with you, he's absolutely thinking about you
(of course he makes sure that you're thinking about him too with all the texts he sends you throughout the day -- adorned with cheesy emojis...)
this dude is so needy and desperate for your love, praise and approval that he's the one asking "would you still love me if i were a spider-mutant worm and i looked at you like this: 🐛 to say 'i love you'?"
would he call you 'mami'? debatable.
but he loves it when you call him honey, sweetheart, baby, bubby/bubs, hubby (he wants to marry you so bad), and puppy (WHEN HE'S KINKY BC HE'S A HORNY SOB)
you swear he whimpers a little when you tell him what a good man he is -- when you confess that he's your hero, even when he's not swinging around the city and lifting up buildings with his bare hands
his warm brown eyes search your face, a desperate quest for truth in every gentle word you speak. he's never been spoken to so softly in his life -- this tenderness, it's new...too good to be true
as time passes and your love deepens, he begins to realize that it's all true, that everthing about you is genuine, that he is loveable after all
miguel worships you:
he is definitely a worshipper when you let him be
on slower, more sensual nights, he makes sure to paint your body in kisses, from your ankles to your forehead it's almost tortuous
(maybe even bites if it's been a while since he's seen you)
he likes to kneel for you, make himself smaller so he can look up at you and appreciate everything you've provided for him
he's really whiny and pathetic though...
he wants to be told what to do, when to do it, and how. it helps him let go of this thoughts, anything that's weighing on him
it could be his heightened senses or just his desperation, but he needs to touch you all the time -- even just the light feeling of his hand against your thigh gives him a euphoric feeling.
so you deny him because you know how much he loves the delayed gratification and humiliation when you tease him for it.
"baby, you're acting so needy right now~" you decided to withdraw from the heated interaction to keep him at the edge. his eyes are dark, blazing with heat, as you speak to him with a syrupy sweet voice.
he pouts from the spot where he's kneeling for you, already achingly hard from the thorough petting session you just gave him.
"i'm not trying to be...just really need it." he's whining with a mixture of shame, frustration, and exasperation in his voice.
"It?" you tilt your head, a small smile gracing your lips.
"..." he doesn't elaborate. you can see a hint of pinkness creep up his neck as his eyes avoid yours.
he can get so shy sometimes. it's endearing. it makes you want to destroy him then put him back together again.
"honey, i can't give you what you need unless you tell me." you know what he wants, but you want to hear him say it.
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transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
Steve and Jonathan go setup the cabin before they start unpacking.
Steve opens the windows, takes off the couch covers and dusts off the coffee tables while Jonathan takes care of toiletries and then they get the bed sets and start making the two bunks and the big bed in the main room.
Steve has mostly shaken off his freak out about Eddie saying all that stuff about him and Steve reacting by practically shoving his fingers in his mouth.
Robin helped. She always does.
She's been telling him to make a move on Eddie for months, but Steve keeps overthinking it.
He likes Eddie so much, it just feels impossible Eddie could like him that way too.
So, whenever Eddie says something like what he said in the car, Steve's head cannot compute it.
It doesn't make sense. Steve came out to them all ages ago. If Eddie thought of him like that, surely he'd have made a move by now, right?
He's the loudest, most unashamed person Steve has ever met, he's so unapologetically himself, he sticks by the stuff he likes no matter what, of course he would've made a move.
But he hasn't. And so he doesn't, Eddie doesn't like Steve like that. He's just nice.
He's so nice.
Of course he's not gonna make a big deal of what Steve did in the car. Steve's still a little embarrassed but he knows Eddie would never give him a hard time over something so silly.
Robin reminded him of that too, as soon as they got out of the car and Steve made mortified eyes at Eddie's back as he watched him go stand by the lake.
"You're kinda drowning in a glass of water there, man," Robin said, ruffling his hair.
Steve laughed, escaping her hand and glaring at her.
"I bet he didn't even think twice of it!" she offered, then when he didn't look convinced, she added "He said a bunch of stuff about you, did you think it was weird?"
Steve shook his head "Of course not. it doesn't have to mean anything"
"Exactly." Robin agreed then, rubbing his back. Steve sighed, leaning his head on her shoulder.
So, Steve is mostly over it now. Robin is right.
But, that doesn't stop Steve from stealing glances at the grill through the bedroom windows, where Eds and Nance are making hot dogs, as him and Jonathan make the beds.
Jon must notice, because when they switch to the second bunk, he comments "You know, you can let him down easy. it doesn't have to be a big deal"
Steve immediately drags his eyes away from Eddie and looks at Jonathan.
"What?" he asks,
"Eddie" Jonathan presses, Steve stammers,
"Oh come on, he obviously has a crush on you, man." Jon says, "And it's fine if you don't feel the same you know? you can talk to him as your friend, he's a cool dude- I don't think he'd be-"
Steve finally finds his words and interrupts Jonathan.
"Wait, no. Back up. Eddie doesn't have a crush on me." Steve states.
Jonathan scoffs but when he looks at Steve's face his half smile fades,
"Are you serious?" he asks,
Steve looks around them like his answer is written on the walls.
"Didn't you hear what he said in the car?" Jonathan demands "I thought that was the whole reason you were freaking out!"
"I'm not- I'm not freaking out." Steve excuses "And he doesn't have crush on me, if he did he would have made a move by now" he explains.
Jonathan gapes at him for a bit before he answers.
"Okay, one: you have not stopped looking at him since we got out of the car;" Jon notes, "And two: you flirt with all of us except him, you shut him down when he gives you a compliment and you always refuse to dance with him when we go out. Why would he make a move?"
Steve feels his eyes go wide and his stomach drop.
"Shit. Do I?" he asks "No, I don't flirt with you guys" he adds,
Jonathan snorts and gives him a non-plussed look.
Fuck. Okay maybe he does, it's a past-time of his, sue him.
"I-" Steve scrambles "How do I shut down his compliments? I don't do that" he tries,
"You cough and redirect or you laugh and deflect," Jonathan supplies, apparently had those at the ready, damn.
"I didn't do that in the car" Steve counters,
"Robin changed the topic. And you two share a brain" Jonathan states,
Steve covers his eyes with a hand. He hoped it hadn't been that obvious.
"Ohmygod. Fuck. And I do refuse to dance with him" Steve remembers, he's afraid Eddie will figure him out if that ever happens,
"Uh huh, but you dance with us," Jonathan reminds him,
So Eddie had made a move. Several, if Jon's to be believed.
"Fuck. Fuck. Eddie thinks I don't like him," Steve realizes, "Eddie might be attracted to me and he thinks I don't like him at all" Steve despairs,
"I mean," Jonathan placates, "you do spend a lot of time together, I'm sure he knows you like him"
With this realization, at the sight of the tiniest possibility, Steve feels his despair dissolve every excuse he's ever had to hide his feelings.
"No," Steve explains, dragging his hand down his face "No, he thinks I don't like him like that. He doesn't know I'm attracted to him!"
"Wait. You are?"
"Yeah!" Steve confirms, "It's the reason I freak out around him! I can't trust I won't throw myself at him if we dance and I'm always embarrassed of my reactions to him flirting or complimenting me cause I don't want him to find out. I don't wanna ruin our friendship" Steve explains
"Oh." is Jon's helpful reaction.
"Yeah, oh." Steve says,
"How are you so sure he has a crush on me?" he asks Jonathan after a bit,
"Well," Jonathan starts " First of all, who doesn't?"
Steve laughs despite himself "Shut. Up!" he says, balling up the sheet in his hands and throwing it at Jonathan's head, he dodges it easily and picks it back up.
"Second of all," Jon continues, like there was no interruption, "everything Eddie said in the car. And third, just how he generally acts with you." Jonathan shrugs, like it's so obvious, "He shares his songs with you first, he always lets you pick the movie, he cooks your favorite meals, he makes us buy your favorite dessert, I could go on, it's no very hard to tell,"
"And yet-" Steve interjects, laughing a tad bitterly.
"Give yourself a break, Steve." Jonathan tells him, "Nobody thinks straight when they have a crush,"
"Har har" Steve deadpans at the pun.
"That was completely unintended, I swear." Jonathan defends, "I meant it's not hard to tell from the outside. I bet if you really thought of it you could come up with signs you've missed too",
"I don't wanna assume-" Steve muses,
"Then don't." Jonathan tells him, "That was more or less what I was gonna tell you anyways, only now its the opposite"
Steve gives him a confused look.
"Just- You don't have to go ask him out this second," Jonathan explains, "you can just start letting him see that you find him attractive. You said your reactions embarrass you, you keep hiding them, I bet he'd love to see them if we're right about how he feels." Jonathan goes on,
Steve thinks about all the redirecting and hiding he does with Eddie, just so he doesn't find out Steve feels this way about him. If he has a chance to be with Eddie he knows exactly where to start.
"And if we're wrong he won't be an asshole about it." Jonathan says, "I'm 100% sure of that. You can have a big conversation if you want but I know that can be hard, so you can do easier stuff first"
"Like flirt with him" Steve supplies, maybe a little too excited by the prospect.
"Exactly." Jonathan smiles, "Helps that you're not bad at that",
"I'm not the only one" Steve shoots back with a wink.
Jonathan laughs, "There it is" he says, throwing the balled up sheet back at Steve.
Steve chuckles and catches it easily, "Okay. Alright, then. This- I can do this" he states.
"Yeah." Jonathan agrees, "Don't think of it like a huge change, just remember you're only letting him in a little bit, trying to figure out if he feels the same, and if he doesn't, that's cool," he reminds him.
"Yeah." Steve repeats, "Yeah you're right. That makes sense." he agrees,
"I mean it doesn't." Steve adds, "I can't believe he might be attracted to me but- thanks, man. I really appreciate it"
Jonathan smiles and reaches out to clap his shoulder "Anytime, dude. You're my friend, you can talk to me whenever, I'll be happy to listen." he says. Steve can't help thinking Will is so lucky to have him as a brother.
"You're really good at this." Steve tells him, "But, you know, I'm here for you too man, anytime." he offers.
"Thanks, Steve" Jonathan smiles,
Steve smiles back and untangles the bedsheet in his hands, and then they get back to work on the second bunk.
part 4
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bb-eilish · 9 months
i was just on janitorai and I NEED TO WRITE THIS DOWN(not proofread so u know it’s good)
-fratboy!anakin inviting his gf to his frat’s anual halloween party
-goes as a sexy pirate, like tight leather pants, a little bandana, and a white flowy button down shirt, the only buttons that are buttoned are like two at the bottom so his boobs and abs are out
-you went as a sexy nun, short dress that has slits in the side, your cleavage is entirely out, cute high socks that have crosses on them, a cross necklace that sits perfectly in your cleavage, and a coif(headpiece) that sits on your hair, paired with some heavy eyeliner and black pumps
-anakin nearly blacks out when you open your door, you the same, he looks so hot with his chest out in that white shirt and the PANTS you can practically see the outline of his cock through them
-you both go to the party and totally dominate some beer pong before going to the kitchen
-you ask him what drinks he has “Beer, white claws, i can whip up a screwdriver for you, or if you’re feel in’ fancy a nice, refreshing screw-anakin”
-so after laughing ofc now you’re making out on his bed when he gets a good idea
-“what if we role-played a little? You could confess all your dirty sins to the priest?”
-now that intrigues you
-“Okay, father, i’ll confess my sins” you lean on your elbows looking up at him hovering over you
-“Father, i’m afraid i need to be forgiven, every night I think of you and- i know it’s a sin- but i touch myself thinking it’s you. Do you forgive me, ….father?” you say with big eyes
-he’s been hard but now he’s throbbing
“I see, sister, i think we must..understand the seriousness of this sin so i’m able to forgive you”
-then he finger fucks you until you’re whining and moaning out
-so you thank him by shoving his cock down your throat, you make it a little dirty too
-like you pull off of him to spit on his tip a mixture of his pre cum and your spit, then you spread it around it with your tongue and it’s all sticky and shit
-he’s about to cum after seeing that so you jerk him off until he’s painting your cheeks and tongue
-you climb up next to him “Father, i’m all messy” you say with black tears of eyeliner and mascara running down your cheeks, his cum on your cheeks, and the remnants of the concoction you made escaping the sides of your lips
-he takes his thumb and wipes off his cum, sucking it off before kissing you
-the kiss tastes like his cum and it’s unbelievably sloppy and wet which turns you both on even more
-as he teases your puffy and wet pussy with his cock you play into the part for him
-“You’re so big, Father, are you sure you’ll fit? I’m a virgin after all” DUDE EXPLODES
-“Sister I know you’ll take it so well for me”
-After coming inside of you, you still haven’t finished so you lean over and kiss up and down his sweaty neck and chest, nipping at ear
-“Father, i need you to eat my pussy, make me cum” omg omg
-goes absolutely crazy and you end up squirting a good amount, dude just swallow everything he possibly can
-he has a kink now and is ready to actually go to church if this is what the lord brings him
-“So, am I forgiven, Father?” you ask absolutely fucked out to all hell
-“For now”
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tachimichishrine · 7 months
Please I am begging, I can’t get over just how perfect Tachihara would be with the whole ghost face trend. Please please please
<what. what if I told you I wholeheartedly agree. throws my headcanons and love at you>
"scream for me"
tachihara michizou x fem! reader {ghostface trend} hcs
warnings: nsfw ; kitchen sex ; knife play ; intended lowercase ; cursing; unedited so unedited i wrote this half asleep thinking abt being pussy drunk on tachi pls forgive me
manz is a SPY. he's done undercover work and wears a disguise 24/7 (his disguise is a goddamn bandaid but he's hot so we let it slide) he adores getting dressed up
I think he'd be really bad at taking it serious though
100% he gets very childish about things like birthdays, holidays, halloween bc he didn't get that kind of experience with his family when he was younger (womp womp :/)
the hunting dogs obviously don't have anything to do with halloween so imagine his surprise when he caught the port mafia hq covered in spider webs and blood.
the blood was likely real
elise was the one who insisted on it, and if she insists, everyone is wearing cat ears and fake vampire fangs.
chuuya was a vampire the dude definitely had practice
he was definitely in the spooky scary spirit when he had his head on your lap, one hand sliding under and up between your thighs like a pillow and watching scream
i KNOW he felt just the teeny tiniest insecurity when you started calling certain scenes really hot but he tried, really hard, to ignore it.
got a little too comfortable and sleepy when you starting running your fingers through his hair and found himself letting out a yelp at the stupidest jumpscares
you teased him for it all night
"do you think I'd survive in one of those horror movies?" you asked later that night, curled up in bed.
"your dumbass would probably trip and kill yourself on a kitchen knife while making breakfast."
"well, fuck you."
"only if you insist" said with his trademark grin.
you got him back by playing into his jumpiness and hiding around every corner, even when you're on missions
you sprung out with a dramatic ghost-like scream (holding back laughter) on one important mission and the man almost shot you
like he pulled the trigger and everything and had to use his ability to keep the bullet from drilling a hole in your stupid skull.
you toned down the pranks after that.
however, it did give him an idea.
he started using his ability to set up the mood for payback by making metal doors creak or scraping chair legs on the ground slowly
a chill physically ran up your spine when you were walking hand in hand and the front door of an empty "for sale" store slammed open, then shut.
maybe he liked it a little how you squeezed his hand when he did that
maybe he liked it a little when you punched him on the shoulder as you realized it was just his antics
but he sure as hell liked it when you roughly smacked his naked ass and shoved his face into the sheets later that night to teach him a lesson
you liked his screams more like that anyways
tachihara was nowhere to be found after you disappeared into the shower trying to wash off all the smeared cum he'd left on your body. you already thought it was strange that he didn't join you even when you offered, but it was even weirder when you came out in nothing but a towel, and the bed was empty.
"michi, I know you're tryin' to be cute or whatever and scare me, but you're not very subtle about it," you giggled, ditching the underwear to just put on some shorts and one of his shirts. your body bounced onto the mattress that was still warm from your bodies, still smelling like sex and gunpowder. the covers were thrown over you and snuggled into and you waited patiently.
it was amusing, at first.
it was annoying after 10 minutes.
you'd gone on your phone, scrolling listlessly to pass the time while you waited for him to finish up whatever stupid prank he was planning so you could get back to sleep, but a whole half hour had passed and it was beginning to feel a little wrong. you weren't worried (he kicked your ass in training too many times for you not to know how strong he was), but sure as hell curious as to what was going on. it was the spooky season, after all, and there was no harm in indulging a little bit; you dialed his number and heard it ring from somewhere in the apartment.
he was really trying to set it up for you, huh? cute. you figured you'd play along.
the phone was vibrating from the kitchen counter, and you picked it cautiously, glancing around you to find out from where your boyfriend was inevitably going to try to jump at you. you heard a chair move, and your eyes darted to look over in that direction out of instinct.
of course a hand clasped around your mouth and another pulled your waist backwards. you bit his gloved hand playfully to get him to let you go and just giggled, shoving your hips back onto him teasingly and trying to flip around to get a look at him.
your entire body got slammed onto the kitchen counter, hair pulled back in one harsh movement
oh fuck.
you didn't think you'd be bent over so fast, his hips already grinding into your ass while the thin, cheap plastic of his mask rubbed against your cheek, his husky voice laying out every lewd thing you both knew you were thinking. from the way his body was leaning onto you, you guessed that he was shirtless and wearing just about the tightest, low-cut pants known to man being held up by a belt (there was definitely a thick belt; you felt the buckle poke into your lower back every time he'd grind too hard)
"michzou..." you didn't have any problems with what he was doing, but loose fingers were touching your body all over and the thin shorts you'd thrown on previously without a second thought were soaking with every word he'd rasp out. "michi, stop playin' around, I-"
it seems your simple ask got you manhandled again, and both gloved hands were now on your thighs, lifting you up to sit you down on the counter so he could rub against you from the front. it was hard to take it seriously and you let out a giggle when you watched him loom over you with the ghostface mask on, trying to be serious. your fingers went to dig into his shoulders as your hips rolled, back arched trying to feel him better.
he sighed, groaning and trying to slip off the mask when he realized it wasn't having the effect he wanted, but you flicked it back on.
"just because I'm laughing doesn't mean I don't think this is fuckin' hot," you reassured him, ironically chuckling again, and this spurred him to grab your hands and pin them above your head on the cabinets above.
"can't believe you liked gettin' fucked by a masked man this much." his voice was deeper than it usually was but god did it get you throbbing. your legs wrapped around his hips, trying to regain control without your hands.
you quipped back with a sly grin. "would be better if you actually fucked me."
shit, you knew just what to say to get him riled up. he let your hands go to pull off your useless shorts which already had splotches of your arousal, and you seized the opportunity to unbuckle his belt, slide your fist into his pants and pull him out.
getting fucked senseless by your masked boyfriend on the kitchen counter at 3 in the morning was not on your schedule for halloween.
"you know," you mused, your pace slowing once the build up had passed but still rocking yourself on him, "usually the victims try to fight back."
"the fuck does that me-"
the cold metal of a knife poked and teased the exposed skin on his neck, and you felt a little irritated you couldn't see his shock through the mask. "c'mon, you've had your fun, baby, it's my turn."
he wanted to play the part, he really did, but before he could try to resist you had him gently sliced into streaks of red, teeth marks coating his body and his tongue gagging on blood-stained fingers from under the mask. your legs were still secured around his hips, fucking into him slowly and deeply, and every guttural groan that echoed out in the hollow apartment was good enough to keep you going while his body tensed up with rigid muscles and heavy breaths.
he couldn't take it anymore once the searing sting of you smearing his blood on his skin mixed in with the pleasure of dragging against your tightly clenched walls, and he murmured a curse before discarding the mask, messily kissing you with groaning lips buried into your neck once he finally got enough air to pant your name.
ah, the dumbass. he really tried to get you to play along but it was hard when you had him under your thumb. maybe next year, he'd try again.
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tell me more about being maid of honour with best man Nathan Bateman… 👀
Warnings: Tipsiness, nudity, skinnydipping, Nathan being a flirty little shit
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oh my god
this fucking guy
You've heard your friend's fiancé talk about him (and your ex, a tech-bro who practically lives in Elon Musk's jockstrap, also used to talk about him).
You don't meet him until the engagement party.
Nathan barely meets your eye until your friend tells him that you're the Maid of Honor, and then he offers, "Aw, cool. Best Man."
He shakes your hand, holds your gaze, and smiles.
"Hey if you need help, just, uh...Ask someone else."
Your friend and her fiancé laugh. Nathan grins like he'd just told the joke of the century.
You pull your hand from his in favor of going to the bar.
You'd done as he asked, leaning on the bride and groom's family and other friends to help you with the few wedding duties your friend asked your help with.
You're doing pretty damn well, too.
At least, you are until Nathan emailed the wedding party that he'd be flying everyone out to Vegas for the bachelor and bachelorette parties
He's be footing the bill for the hotel stay, too.
Fucking show off.
But when you board your flight and get seated in first class...Fuck, dude, you can't even be mad.
Look, he's kinda hot, alright?
And him leading the festivities for the weekend, lording his wealth and influence over you? Incredibly annoying.
But also kinda hot.
"You don't like me very much."
It isn't a question. Nathan just says it with matter-of-fact bluntness, eyes slightly glassy as he watches you from the other pool chair.
You turn back to the pool, pursing your lips. You're the only two left on the rooftop; the others went to bed at least half an hour ago.
You don't ask how many he's had; you know it's a few, but you don't think he's completely drunk.
"I'm the one doing all of the hard work," You sniff, "And you just swoop in like a frickin'...Guy who swoops and dazzle everybody."
"Including you?"
He's grinning as he asks, and you sigh, nodding grudgingly.
"Including me."
There's a moment of quiet between the two of you.
It's not dead-silent—not in the least. You can hear the honking of car horns on the streets below, and the shrieks and crows of partiers walking the strip. You watch the light lapping of the water against the sides of the pool.
"C'mon," You hear.
You look up to see Nathan standing. He wobbles a little before he draws his shirt off over his head.
"What?" You frown.
"You ever been skinny-dipping?"
You balk—at the question, and the wide grin on his face.
"What? No!"
"You've gotta release your inhibitions—feel the rain on your skin. Or the pool water. Whatever. C'mon," He nods you back toward the pool.
"It's the hotel's pool, Nathan," You point to the sign by the railing. "Skinny-dipping isn't allowed!"
"Do you always follow the fucking rules?"
He sounds so annoyed with you. He has no right—
"No wonder you're so boring," He adds, taking a couple more steps back.
Heat flares in your face. You shouldn't allow yourself to be taunted, or lured into a such a bad idea—
But you're already standing and trying to ignore the thrill that you feel as tug off your shirt and shove down your leggings.
Nathan grins, gaze sweeping your body as you near him, wearing your bra and underwear.
"All of it."
It's a little heavy on his tongue, bu he doesn't sound drunk—he sounds turned on.
You swallow thickly, confidence waning.
"You first," You deflect.
He chuckles and reaches down. Your eyes drop, watching him unfasten his pants, and then—
You're not prepared for the speed with which he shoves them down. Your mouth goes dry as you take in his entire body.
He kicks the shorts away with no shame before he nods to you. You reach back and find your fingers fumbling with the hooks on your bra. You'd typically be able to do this in a second, but goddamn, this man makes you nervous.
Before you can unfasten it, Nathan's front is pressed against yours, his fingers whispering against your back as he undoes the hooks. The cups hang limply around your breasts, straps sagging. You shiver, nose-to-nose with the man that's loosening you up.
His hand drifts down your side, fingers hooking in the waistline of your panties and giving them a tug.
"Those, too," He murmurs.
"Seems like you've already got a handle on them," You answer primly.
He just chuckles. Your body washes with heat as you shrug the bra off, flinging it toward where his pants were kicked. He lowers his gaze, openly oggling your chest.
When he begins to tow you back toward the pool, using the hold he has in your underwear, you follow step for step. He stills at the edge, fingers sweeping along your belly.
"I paid for this weekend, sweetheart. I'm not doing all the fuckin' work."
With that, he lets go, taking a step back and into the pool. You suck in a gasp, watching his disappear before he reappears, swiping the water from his eyes.
You hurriedly shove your panties down, kicking them away before you join him.
The water is cold, and as you bob back to the surface, you draw in a frigid gasp. It's like you've been snapped out of a waking dream.
"Oh, my—god, oh my god!" You shriek, turning and making for the steps of the pool.
Before you can get far, Nathan's arms curl around your middle, and he draws you back against him.
Your brows raise, mouth falling open as you feel his broad torso and hot, hardening cock. The feeling is so dissonant, so separate from the cool water lapping over your body.
"Already back to your fucking rules?"
It's a low, almost hypnotic murmur, coupled with a slow, teasing roll of his hips.
You hesitate before you shake your head, reaching back and pawing at Nathan's side. When he turns you, you find a darkness in his eyes.
His grin grows as he backs you up against the side of the pool, his tongue swiping along his lips.
Anyway, that's how you get caught making out with the best man and almost get the entire wedding party thrown out of the hotel.
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existslikepristin · 2 years
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Queen of the Ball(s) (and Other Sexy Bits)
Tags: TheLounge, NSFW smut, Itzy, Lia, going solo, get it because she’s masturbating, all of the sexualities involving at least one girl which is Lia, various mostly-still-usable sex toys, fucking fans for fantasy functions, vaginal masturbation, anal masturbation, oral masturbation, if looks could cure cancer I would put Lia’s smile in a bottle and develop the most corrupt pharmaceutical company in the entire world just look at this shit it’s a health care gold mine:
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Lia collapsed backward onto her bed with a heavy sigh. It had been a long fanmeet, and she was rather pent up. The ratio of excessively hot Midzy to average, everyday fans had been too damn high. It didn’t help that she wasn’t picky, like at all. So when she thought about "excessively hot" Midzy, she actually had quite the range in mind. Jacked dudes, porky guys, slender girls, chubby chicks, cut jaws, homely smiles, and so, so much excitement all centered on… well, mostly the other members, but no small portion of excitement was directed at Lia!
She had lost count of the number of times where she had slipped into a daydream of signing a fan’s album with her phone number, then inviting them to come backstage, their fingers tangled in her hair as they kissed her fiercely, stroking her body, whispering about how she was their bias. The fantasy had to escalate extremely quickly through the foreplay arc to get to the part where they fucked before a manager would move the target of Lia’s desire to the next chair where they would inevitably swoon over Ryujin.
Sometimes, to keep involving her favorites, the fantasy would become a threesome. Sometimes it could be a foursome. Sometimes she got pulled in a hundred directions as Midzy ran fucking trains on her for hours at a time.
Lia bit her lip and rubbed her thighs together. She didn’t have to follow the no-fan-fucking rule in her mind, and nobody was going to stop her from… She jumped off the bed and locked her bedroom door. Nobody was going to stop her from riding the fan gangbang fantasy to its completion!
She tugged her jeans down and let them fall to her ankles. The lacy white thong she had tugged on all day followed. Bottomless, she was free to rub her clit as she dug through her underwear drawer and tossed her collection of sex toys to the bed. It was a good, medium-sized collection to be sure. A straight glass dildo, a silicone vibrating one, a vibrating capsule, some anal beads, and a nipple clamp on a chain that used to have another clamp at the other end but it broke off at some point.
Falling back onto the bed, Lia closed her eyes and lost herself in her lustful thoughts, licking the tip of the vibrator and slowly running her tongue around it before taking the first couple of centimeters into her mouth, sucking slowly up and down, getting a little sloppy to coat it with spit. She imagined a whole line of Midzy in front of her, looking so anxious to have their turn with her that every one of them already had their hands on their cocks and clits, while she sucked the first one for their entertainment, slowly and sensually.
Her desire for immediate pleasure took over though, and she was already throating the vibrator desperately and blindly groping around the bedsheets for the glass dildo. Lia choked and accidentally flipped the vibrate function on full blast, tickling her throat. She gagged, launching the soppingly slobbery toy out and onto her stomach.
Embarrassment washed over her before she remembered she was alone. Even so, she glanced from side to side sheepishly before sliding the vibrator down a bit further and pushing it inside herself. Years of very regular practice meant she found her g-spot and shoved into it right away. She bit her finger to hush her scream of ecstatic agony down to a still-loud groan.
In her imagination however, no such embarrassments occurred, and Midzy circled her as the first one pounded into her pussy. Their hands all fell onto her, holding her, caressing her, so warm and loving.
“Oh go’,” she muffled over her knuckle, “Oh go’ w‘idzy you’h fo good ‘o w’e.” (Translation: “Oh god. Oh god, Midzy! You’re so good to me!” but without the exclamation points so that Ryujin wouldn’t hear her through the wall.)
With her pussy comfortably filled, Lia reached instead for her beads, drooled all over them, and hastily pushed the first five out of the seven inside her ass, shuddering with each one. Immediately after, she threw off her shirt and bra, grabbed her chained nipple clamp, and hovered it over her right breast. The spring in it was a little worn out, so she had to open it wide and pinch until it slid out from between her fingers to get a good snap. It was a (genuine and intentional) pain to operate, but the way it made her twitch and gasp and grab onto her headboard while she convulsed was extremely sexy. At least, she figured it was, since she always thought that about the submissives in the porn she liked.
The pain in her nipple dulled after the initial snap, just enough that she was able to focus on her fantasy again and go back to pumping herself with the vibrator and anal beads. It was a delayed thought, but Lia imagined a particularly mean-looking girl who’d been mostly silent at the fanmeet gripping and twisting her nipples, and then sitting on her face. Lia whimpered, “Yes, baby… My mouth is just for you… I’m so sorry I made you messy… Let me clean you up…”
Of course, Lia couldn’t just leave the rest of her Midzy-stand-in sex toys go to waste. She picked up the straight glass dildo, licked the tip, and clamped down on it with her lips to keep her hands free. Next, she set the vibrating bullet against her clit and moaned hard. Though the logistics of this arrangement were quite unrealistic, she now had a clear image in her head of exactly what her fans were doing to her. A chubby college futa was underneath her and had her small dick up Lia’s ass. A ripped dude with a sensitive personality was between her legs, gently stroking his giant dick in and out of Lia’s pussy. A foreign girl, perhaps from Egypt, was somehow alternating between licking the ripped dude’s cock and humming on Lia’s clit. The absolute bitch from earlier was still squeezing Lia’s right nipple and muttering explicit words into Lia’s ear. A skinny, lanky guy was kneeling over her head, slowly thrusting his thin but diamond-hard dick into Lia’s mouth, silently encouraging her to let him throatfuck her.
The vibrating dildo’s battery was running very low, which explained why the big guy was being gentle in her mind, where she would normally imagine him going wild.
Double A failure aside, Lia clenched down on her toys to free up her hands so she could squeeze her B’s (on a good day) and C her first orgasm of the night coming faster than D’eez nuts pounding her from every reasonable direction… EZ…?
One final shove of the sixth and seventh anal beads, the yanking off of the nipple clamp by the end of the chain, and a gagging press of the glass dildo set Lia off. She quickly pulled the dildo from her throat to avoid suffocating herself and tried to clap her hand back over her mouth to hold back her scream of ecstasy. She even squirted a little… or she peed a teeny tiny bit, but really who was keeping track of her liquid output?
Lia moaned as she rolled her hips back and forth, pushing the beads’ handle and even the vibrator slightly harder into her with each desperate thrust. “M-Midzy, oh my god. You really love me. You’re… you’re all so cute and nice to me…”
The high of orgasm sparkled at the back of Lia’s eyes. “Oh Midzy… I love you too!”
Then the high went away abruptly. A few nearly and/or actually broken toys weren’t all that satisfying in the long run when they made her cum with so little build-up. Lia briefly wondered if she should cut down on the masturbation, or just play with her clit.
But the mental image of a round, thicc, barely legal boy caressing her pussy lips with his soft fingers caused Lia to immediately give up on the idea of a slow build up. She flipped onto her stomach and propped the glass dildo up between a couple of pillows so she could give it a proper blowjob, encouraging him to do well on his college entrance exams with her talented tongue. “Mmm, we love to see our Midzy getting educated.” She pretended to seduce the dildo, rubbing it against her cheek. Simultaneously, she popped the seventh bead in and out of her butt. “I know you just graduated high school, but you need to be a good boy and go to college too. Don’t worry, we’ll still be here for you and your glorious cock when you gradu—Holy sh—What the fuck?!”
Every possible fantasy of Lia’s shattered when Yuna sat on the bed next to her.
“D-do you want a hand, Lia?”
Lia stared, stunned and startled. Yuna’s hands were already busy down her pants and up her shirt.
“No! Get out!”
“What?!” Yuna stared back. “But you’re so horny!”
The vibrator fell out of Lia as she jumped to her knees and shoved Yuna away. “You’re a fucking child!”
“I’ve been eighteen for months!” Yuna complained as she was battered out through the open bedroom door. “And you were just fantasizing about a high school graduate!”
“Get outta here, fetus!” Lia shouted as she heel-kicked Yuna’s butt and slammed the door behind her. She leaned against the door frame and clutched at her chest to catch her breath, pulling the anal beads out and tossing them back to the bed. She stayed there for a good fifteen seconds, then flung the door open again to chase Yuna through the dorm.
“How did you get in here?!”
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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4 - Skies More Blue
cw: gender dysphoria
Year: 1985
Steve and Eden continued dating, much to the surprise of all the teens in Hawkins. Throughout their six months of being together, Steve had tried to move their relationship further, but Eden kept pushing it off. Steve was respectful and always listened to her, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little annoyed.
One afternoon, once Wayne had left for work for the night, Steve and Eden were making out on the bed. Steve was trying to undress his girlfriend, but she nervously pushed him off.
“Okay, okay, sorry, sorry…” he sighed. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Eden said. “Sorry…”
“No, it’s okay,” he lied.
“No, it’s clearly not. What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing, Ed, just drop it.”
“But, Steve–“
“I said it’s fine, Eddie. Please, just leave it alone.” Eden rolled her eyes before placing a kiss on Steve’s cheek and getting up from the bed. “Leaving me?” he teased.
“I have band practice, dingus, you know that.”
“I thought you said it was cancelled this week?”
“No, Steve, that was last week.”
“Oh… sorry…”
“It’s fine,” she huffed as she threw a sweatshirt on.
“Aren’t you gonna be hot in that? Well, hotter than you already are?”
“Thank you,” he smiled proudly.
“I’ll be fine. If I get too hot I’ll simply take it off. Not the end of the world, Stevie.” Steve quietly giggled. “What?”
“Nothing, I just like it when you call me that.” He got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around Eden.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah…” He kissed at her neck, making her quietly hum. Steve began to suck a mark into her collarbone, but she quickly shoved him away. “What now?”
“Dude, Wayne would kill me if I had a hickey.”
“No, honey, he would kill me.”
“Yeah, but then me.”
“He wouldn’t have the guts to kill you.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because, Eds, you’re absolutely and completely, utterly terrifying.”
“Don’t you forget it. I gotta go.” She kissed him on the cheek, grabbed her guitar and headed for the door.
“Uh, Eddie, wait!” She stopped in her tracks and raised a brow.
“I know it’s not really your thing, but do you wanna go to prom? O-Or at least consider going?”
“Yeah, Steve, I figured we were going anyway. No way in hell you’d ever let me live down missing prom.”
“I’ll be at Gareth’s if you need me.” She kissed his soft lips one last time. “Bye.”
While it was short notice, Eden still managed to get herself prom-ready. Despite Steve never properly asking her sooner, she always figured they were going regardless. After all, she wasn’t about to deprive the most popular guy in school of going to prom—that would just be cruel.
She was searching the thrift stores for weeks on end before she managed to find the perfect dress. It was a black, floor-length dress that hung off her shoulders with shear sleeves cuffing partway down her arm. The gown was A-line, ruffling near her shins all the way to the floor, showcasing the red ribbon detailing on each ruffle. On her own accord, she added a thick red ribbon around her waist as a makeshift belt, and to compliment the details on the lower part of the dress.
Eden had stolen some of Steve’s hair supplies, and over the coming weeks, learned how to properly maintain her hair. She took the time to section off her hair and tended to each ringlet that fell from her head. While she was tending to her curls, her bangs sat in curlers with the hopes to gain a little more volume.
Her make-up was simple, similar to the Snow Ball. She applied eyeliner, mascara, and blush, but instead of gloss, opted for a red lipstick. It wasn’t much, by any means, but it was enough for her. Regardless of what she did, she knew Steve would love it.
Before Eden stepped into her dress, she spent a grueling amount of time binding down her chest. Steve still didn’t know how she felt about herself, for several reasons. For starters, she wasn’t able to properly articulate everything or fully explain why she did some of the things she did (like binding down her breasts or withholding sex because she didn’t want him to see said bound chest). Then, on the other side of the coin, she thought he would leave her.
Eden couldn’t bear the thought of losing Steve, especially over something like this. While she couldn’t control her own thoughts and feelings, she could control what her boyfriend saw. As far as he was concerned, he’s dating Eden Munson—just a ditzy freak who likes to play Dungeons and Dragons and make music with her band. He didn’t need to knew she preferred being called Ed or Eddie, he didn’t need to know she bound her breasts, and he certainly didn’t need to know that she identified as a man.
Once she secured her bandage, she put on her dress, adjusting it accordingly so the Ace wrap wouldn’t show above the seam. She popped on a pair of red flats, clipped on all her jewelry, slid on all her rings. She was ready—as much as she despised staring at herself, she forced herself to be ready.
Around five, Steve pulled up in his car and let himself into the trailer. Wayne had just woken up from a nap and greeted the young boy at the door. Steve was holding the corsage box in his left hand and a bouquet of poppies in his right. Soon, Eden emerged from her room, bringing tears to Steve’s eyes.
“Wow…” he whispered. “How do you get more gorgeous every time I see you?”
“I could ask you the same,” Eden smiled, heading for the fridge to grab Steve’s boutonnière. “Hi, by the way.” She quickly pecked Steve on the lips before giggling and wiping off the lipstick residue. “For you, dingus.”
Eden retrieved the red rose from the clear box and pinned it to the lapel of Steve’s black tuxedo. Steve did the same with the matching rose, sliding it onto Eden’s wrist.
“Oh, and for you.” He handed her the bouquet, smiling fondly.
“Thanks, honey. Wayne, would you mind putting these in some water?”
“Not at all, E. Have fun tonight, you guys.”
“We will!”
“Harrington, back by–“
“Eleven, I know the drill.”
“Good. Have a great time. Stay safe!”
The two went to the dance, where it was more or less a repeat of the Snow Ball. Eden encouraged Steve to go with his friends, he said he wouldn’t dare do such a thing. Billy pestered Eden, just to get under Steve’s skin. And the lovely couple only danced to the slow song of the evening: Love Me Tender, by Elvis Presley.
Steve held his date close as Eden’s cheek was (willingly) smushed against Steve’s chest. Eden’s arms were linked under Steve’s, forcing him to stay close to her. Steve’s eyes were closed as he rested his head atop of his girlfriend’s, smiling into her hair. The world melted around them, as it always did when they were together.
That night, when Steve drove Eden home, he followed her inside where the two began making out on Eden’s bed (a regular occurrence for the past few months). While Wayne said he wanted them home by a certain time, he knew he would be out at work by the time they got home. He trusted Steve that he’d get his niece back on time—he had never given him a reason not to.
Steve had thrown his jacket to the wind as he hovered over Eden, hands resting on her hips. Her hands were laced in his hair, hips on either side of him. Steve pulled her closer, hand snaking under her dress, slowly traveling up her thigh. In a panic, Eden pushed him off and sat up on the bed.
“Is it me?” Steve spat.
“Is it me?”
“Is what you?”
“Why won’t you sleep with me, Ed? Huh? Are you worried that I’ll give you something? Genuinely, what is it?”
“No, that’s not it at all.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s me, Stevie. Okay? It’s me, I’m the problem.”
“How on earth would you be the problem? You’re perfect, Eds.”
“I’m far from it, Steve.”
Eden’s eyes began to tear up. She bit the insides of her cheeks as she refused to make eye contact with her boyfriend.
“Do you ever feel like… like you’re not yourself?”
“I used to.”
“I don’t know, I just felt like I was hanging out with the wrong people. Being someone I wasn’t, y’know?” Eden slowly nodded. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t…” She let out a frustrated huff before wiping her tears away. “I don’t feel like I belong in this body, Stevie. I don’t feel like I’m myself.”
“Are you okay? Did you take something when I wasn’t looking?” He placed the back of his hand to her forehead, quickly being swat away by Eden.
“No, I didn’t take anything, idiot…”
“Then why do you not feel like you’re in your own body?” Eden gently tilted her head at the naïve boy, eyes soft and glassy.
“Steve…” She barely croaked out, moving down the neckline of her dress, revealing her bandages.
“Oh…” His eyes widened.
“Oh…” She adjusted her dress and wiped her damp cheeks.
“Come here.” He had her stand up, turn around, and began unzipping her dress.
“Steve, what on earth– did you even hear what I said?”
“Yeah, I did. Slide your dress off.”
“What? No.”
“You need to take the wrap off… it’s cutting into you… let me help.”
“Ed, for Christ’s sake, let me help you get this shit off.”
“You don’t… you don’t care that I’m not a girl?”
“Why would I care? I love you and I just want you to be happy.”
“You love me?” Eden turned around to face her boyfriend in disbelief.
“Duh. Spin, come on.”
“You-You don’t wanna break up with me?”
“God, no.” He unraveled the stretched out material and threw it to the ground, carefully averting his eyes from Eden’s chest. “Ed, if this is why you didn’t sleep with me, you could’ve just told me.”
“It’s not exactly an easy thing to tell people, Steve.” She had thrown on one of Steve’s basketball shirts he had left behind ages ago.
“You look sexy in my shirt,” Steve said, trying to lighten the mood. “And thanks for trusting me enough to tell me…”
“Thanks.” Eden rolled her eyes before involuntarily chuckling.
“So, Ed…” Steve stepped closer and rested his hands on her waist.
“Since you aren’t a girl… what should I call you?”
“I like Ed and Eddie…”
“And how should I introduce you?” Eddie pursed his lips, knowing exactly what his boyfriend was getting at, knowing what he wanted him to say.
“However you want to introduce me, big boy,” he replied, pushing Steve’s buttons.
“Oh? Big boy? How would you know?” he teased.
“I’ve heard things, Harrington.”
“Good things?”
“Oh, very good things.”
“Yeah… you know, you should show me, sometime. For scientific purposes. I need to confirm or den–hey!” He chuckled as Steve playfully tackled him onto the bed. The two began sloppily kissing in between giggles.
“I’ve been trying–“ Kiss. “To show you–“ Kiss. “For the past–“ Kiss. “Six months, stupid.” Kiss.
“Pardon me–“ Kiss. “For not wanting–“ Kiss. “To get attached–“ Kiss. “To someone who might leave me.” Kiss.
“Leave you?” Steve sat up. “Why would I leave you?”
“Because I’m a dude? Keep up, Stevie.”
“Oh, wait, you were serious about that? About me breaking up with you?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“You didn’t… you didn’t know I’m bi?”
“How on earth would I know that?”
“I don’t know, I-I thought it was obvious!”
“Well it’s not!”
“Okay, well, regardless, can we fuck, or are you gonna hold out until we’re married?”
“Married? Hmm, I like the sound of that, Harrington.”
“Jesus Christ, Steve, yes! Trust me, it’s been killing me as much as it’s been killing you!”
“Oh, thank god.”
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dannythedog · 2 years
THE FLUFF 35 my bad bro
Prompt list here
35. "You didn't think you'd be able to get rid of me just yet did you?"
*I apologize in advance for this being ass
The day had finally come. Sammy was being jetted off to another state to start his new tour. He'd been home for a few months and to say it was Heaven would be an understatement. You two spent the days wrapped up in each other, never separating until you absolutely had to, hiking through beautiful Tennessee trails, cute lunch dates, and plenty of lazy days spent in sweats and gorging on junk food. Your own personal oasis.
Your reminiscing was interrupted by Sam slapping his thighs and standing from the bed. "I guess it's time for me to head out. Are you sure you can't drop me off at the airport? I hate getting on a plane without one last kiss," he pouts.
"I'm sorry, Sammy," you frown and gaze into those big brown eyes that were so hard to say no to. "I really wish I could. You know I'm there every chance I can get, but I can't get out of this shift. My boss has been coming down on me hard since I've been taking so many days off."
Since Sam was home, you took off as many days as you could to spend time with him. Your boss was really understanding and you truly enjoyed your job, but she'd been getting strict with vacation time since numbers were down as of late.
Sam gives you a sad smile and picks up his bags. He'd been begging you to come with him on this tour, even suggesting that you quit your job and let him take care of you. That wasn't something you'd consider because it would feel too much like mooching.
"Well, give me one last kiss before I go. I'm gonna miss you so much." You arms wrap around his neck as you lean up to kiss him. You held him there as long as you could, tasting his coconut chapstick and threading your fingers through his silky tresses. It's too soon when he pulls away and sluggishly moves to the front door.
"Hey, the time will fly by and we'll see each other soon, okay?" you say, trying to remain optimistic for his sake. "You're gonna have the time of your life out there."
The way he's looking up at you through his lashes and his head tilts downward reminds you of when you leave for work and your puppy watches through the window, silently pleading to go with you. "I know. I'll just miss you so much. Call me every single day, okay? I love you, y/n."
"And I love you so so much," you coo and place a quick peck to his cheek. "I'll call when I can. Have fun!" With that he slips out the door and into the Uber that was surprisingly patient. You watch as the car pulls away, excitement building in your chest. The plan was in action.
You dash to your bedroom to throw items in your suitcase that you couldn't put away without Sam getting suspicious. You had been lying to him for weeks now. Work wasn't being strict at all, in fact your boss had given you three weeks paid leave to go travel with him for all your hard work and you couldn't be more excited.
It felt like your heart raced the entire car ride to the airport. Security was slow and your adrenaline made it feel even slower. The building was stuffy and hot, hoards of people were shoving and getting grumbly, but that didn't deter your mood. You were so close to seeing those beautiful eyes light up.
Luckily the gate wasn't too far away so you wouldn't be out of breath from practically running to him. He was sat in a corner with his brothers, headphones in and full lips pulled into a pout. The sight nearly made your heart burst. You knew he was upset about leaving you and your lack of response to his texts was upsetting him more, but it was about to be so worth it.
Calmly, you made your way to him and stood directly in front of him waiting for him to look up. After about thirty seconds of no reaction, Danny reaches over and tugs an earbud out of Sam's ear. "Dude, I think someone wants to see you."
Sam slowly looks up, surely expecting a fan, and nearly drops his phone at the sight of you. His mouth opens and closes a few times making him look like a fish out of water. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing here? I thought work was going to be mad if you came?"
"You didn't think you'd be able to get rid of me just yet did you?" You grin, plopping in the empty seat next to him. "I'll be traveling with you for a while."
"Oh, you little shit!" He playfully growls and scoops you into his arms.
"But I'm your little shit!"
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shaunsummers · 1 year
Some Sluts Move In
"Sounds hot, right?" Rebel cackles with laughter but in hearing the shouting of that voice, she stops in her tracks completely. Practically launching herself from the bed with an elated scream, she starts sprinting for the stairs, "FRIEND?! FRIEND!!!!" Heavy stomps travel down each step as she makes her way near; and as soon as she meets Tek's eyes, an instant beam perks at her features.
"Sugaaarrrr!!!!" Rebel instantly wraps her arms around her to pull her in for a tight, warm hug; but...there was a something in the way of Tek doing the same. "Get that shit outta here!" She parts only for a moment to take the box from her raised arms, quickly tossing it aside and hoping there were no breakables within before returning to her.
Six boxes and all light weight. It was all Siren had. Mostly newly bought clothes, really. So, as she glances within the stacked to the brim U-Haul, she couldn't help but to let out a sigh. There must have been so many fucking pairs of shoes in there. To make it worse, the weather was doing them no favors. It was humid as hell. Just what she needed during withdrawals, surely.
"Tell me about it." Lilith grumbles, sipping her coffee as she glances over at Shaun through her sunglasses. Though, surely, Tek's energy didn't have anything to do with the lavender-haired dork that lived upstairs. Surely, not.
"YeaaAAAHHH! Let's get this moving party started!" Already blitzed off her ass, Devin jumps out of the driver's seat of the U-Haul. Did she have that much energy this early? Oh, hell no. But she did overhear Shaun and Lilith bitching with the courtesy of the window being rolled down.
A flash of worry crossed her face—she, too, hoped nothing in that box was breakable—but getting to see Rebel after six whole months washes that feeling in pure joy. Giggling, Tek squishes her tightly against her sweaty bod. She had on her He-Man tank top for added strength, hence the entrance. "Suuuuugar!!!!" She chirps, lifting Rebel off the ground to twirl her around in her glee. "I missed you!" Tek grins, still swaying her airborne body in little wiggles. "Your hair is so cute! Sorry I'm so sweaty, I've been helping the ladies." Of course she would lend her teeny little arms to the cause, but truthfully, part of the lure was knowing Rebel was going to be here, too. They hadn't been in Williamsburg at the same time since Christmas, and she'd missed her like crazy. "They have so much stuff, though. I've never seen so many shoes in one place, except a shoe store. But that's a hub for shoes. Lilith probably uses all of them to make an insta-portal to Macy's." Even through her idle rambling, she couldn't stop the growing, goofy smile on her face; and fearing her cute-aggression would reach high enough levels to end in Rebel's snapped neck, she squishes their cheeks together with a high-pitched groan. I'm so happy to see youuuuuu!
Meanwhile, upstairs, Quinn lagged a little behind to internally prep herself—and to get on some pants. Seeing Siren was going to be a part of this whole deal, and while Quinn was hurt that she never did get that call back, they were going to have to figure out how to share the same space eventually. And while quiet—as she usually was—Quinn still trudges over to Sam's door to give a knock. Hopefully she heard it through the Enya. "They're here, dude!"
"Gotcha, gimme a minute!" Sam calls back.
"Aight." She replies simply. And blunt still in hand, Quinn takes a deep calming breath of smoke and starts to head downstairs.
"Tek on her own makes me tired." And just to add to it, Shaun's eyes meet the goading jackass dangling out of the window. "You're such a fucking ass." She still can't help but laugh. "Get over here, we'll see how much of a party it is once you start carrying this shit in." Tossing the tie-downs aside, Shaun airs out her cut-off t-shirt for some brief respite before beginning to shove boxes to the edge. She was ready to push through and get it over with. Every box was one step closer to a beer.
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pashminalamb · 1 year
BELLEEEEEE!!!!! I’ve missed you so much 😭😭😭😭😭!!!!! Typing this as I’m sitting in my car after getting out of my last class. FINALS. ARE. FINALLY. OVER. And I passed all my classes with As!!!! Final exams went really well too!!! I feel like I’m gonna fall and pass out for 12 hours. Which I actually did yesterday because I had finished all my exams/classes but I had one more class to go to today.
BUT ENOUGH ABT ME HOW ARE YOU MY DEAR SWEET BLUE PUNK FAIRY FRIEND??? Have you been eating and drinking water?? Resting??? Taking breaks??? Isabelle. If you haven’t. *gently bonks head* Oliver would reprimand you too yknow? And not the fun bedroom scolding. TAKE BREAKS LOVE!!!! 😭😭❤️ Taking regular breaks is a responsibility to yourself that everyone forgets sometimes when they get lost in all their other responsibilities. Multitasking writing different works too much can cause headaches, speaking from experience sweetheart. And going to the gym is great but your body needs to relax and rest too. Water and a good meal and a hot shower/bath do wonders after a long session do wonders trust me. So please rest okay?
CONGRATULATIONS ON 1.6K 🎉✨🥳!!!! The numbers keep climbing so fast and all these milestones are amazing!!!! I’m so proud of you love 🥹✨❤️!!!
I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHOS WATCHED KUROKO NO BASKET. Seriously the fandom is almost completely dead 😭😭💀. I knew it was a oldie but a goody but I didn’t think it was dust and tumbleweeds out here 😭😭. So glad you like it too!! Haikyuu will always be my favorite sports anime and one of my top favorites in general, it holds a really special place in my heart, but KnB was still a really fun watch.
ASFKKFFKJFHKHJG. THAT OLVER ART. Pls he’d hate getting out of bed and just become a complete octopus in the mornings. You gotta wake him up for practice and it’s such a chore. He’s such a big baby pshhhh. But there are some upsides like him saying the only way he’s gonna get up is if you place exactly 100 kisses all over his face, more than half of them end up being on the lips when he actually starts to get up, and you relent every money with a roll of your eyes and and huff and a fond smile he misses cause his eyes are closed. The first thing you do is wipe off that smug smirk from his face. Also hc that Oliver is actually really ticklish and it’s your weapon. Don’t get up even after the kisses? His sides are looking very open rn. Wont get off after flopping on you on the couch? You’re in the perfect position to reach his armpits. Wont stop clinging to you while you’re trying to do a new eye makeup style for your guys’ date? His neck is literally wide open cause he loves smushing his face into the crook of your neck.
What video? Did you post it on your other account? Because I couldn’t find it. Dangit I wanted to simp for Oliver too 😭😭.
Seriously I’m an introvert what are you gonna do? Lock me inside your house? Great free access to your clothes. Still me seeing friends? What friends babe? Take me everywhere with you? Nice let me grab my book and coffee and we’re good to go. Adjkgfhnjhhhv 💀💀.
That girl shoving into you was so rude. All it takes is a simple excuse me dude. And ISTG PEOPLE WHO SPOIL THINGS WHEN NO ONE ASKED 😤😤😤. They seriously piss me off and ruin the experience. See it’s different when I intentionally spoil myself because I’m too impatient. Someone else doing it? Oh heck no. Its the same feeling as someone taking the last of your favorite snack from the vending machine.
Also just a heads up. I’m gonna sending in multiple asks cause there’s just too much I wanna talk abt and breaking it into parts sounds better. So this is the first one. *sends aggressive virtual hugs that feel like they squish all the exhaustion out of you*
- ✨ anon
Starry! Omg- All As! That's great! And it's a good thing you took rest too- ik that i'm bout to pass out when i finish exams. I hope you're doing alright tho! Sorry it took me long to get to your ask; tumblr is being weird cause i can only see it when i get on my pc... and not on the app. yeah no I'm moving to ao3. i saw the rb of which character i would interpret the best and you said- Oliver Ofc. he's my husband but he doesn't know it yet ૮꒰ ˶> ༝ <˶꒱ა Well, I've been doing pretty good! I finished a jar of nutella (in 2 days) and i'm planning to buy a bigger one; i did drink a lot of water, ate some pasta, taking rest too made a wedding playlist for me and aiku and lowkey enjoyed it *the way i laughed when i saw : And not the fun bedroom scolding.' I'd like to see Oliver reprimand me (truth : he can't. Cause he knows at the end of the day even if he's bigger and stronger than me, he is gonna be beneath me) but yeah he'd probably say something like "you're gonna get sick, doorbell." But yeah i've been taking rest, dw starry! i'm actually giving myself a treat. with ao3 i can take things slow and easy tbh, which is another reason i'm moving there. The blog will be up ofc; to answer asks and for anons who wanna talk to me abt my work, but yeah my activity on ao3 is gonna be very irregular... THANK YOU!! 1.6k is such a big number, past me would have been like 'huh... never thought i'd make it this far.' BUT YEAH I DID ! T.T But actually it’s you guys who got me there so thank you everyone 💓
I think everyone thought that they were the only ones who watched knb; me included. I used to have the BIGGEST crush on aomine, i even found an asmr of his. (and yeah i do listen to asmrs btw) And yeah the fandom is almost dead (。 ́︿ ̀。) and I didn’t even get to read that many aomine works too…but yeah I really liked that anime! Haikyuu made me cry after clannad and also made me laugh the hardest, does hold a special place in my heart as well, Bokuto was my fav and rn… no one really. I like all of them cause they’re so unique yk?
As for the Oliver art, pretty sure he would hold you down to the bed. He would demand kisses! He is such a smooth talker- but since I’m me. When he expects a kiss *places hand on his lips before you kiss* “good morning. It’s time to get up” and he just groans when you have a tiny smirk and walk out of your shared bedroom, and his brain just going ‘god woman. You’re gonna be the death of me.’
How- I think I’m getting too predictable with my writing cause I do have something to do with eye makeup in Ocean hues… 👁️ *but we don’t talk abt that cause no spoilers!*
The video! Starry. I BLEW A FUSE CAUSE OF THAT REEL. so story time, I was checking my insta in the morning after I woke up and this gym based reel popped on my feed. And the moment I saw it - I thought of Oliver. Like alright fineeeee this is a guy Idek on the internet just doing his own thing and posting fitness reels but his body. IT LOOKED. LIKE. OLIVER. AND HIS HAIR WAS LIKE AIKU’S TOO! I’m not even joking - The shaggy hair down at the back minus the green highlights - it’s like the way I imagined Oliver’s body to be like. And- I really wasn’t expecting to see THAT in the morning. So it was a really great start to my day- and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for a whole day so I had to save it. I posted the link for a bit so that blue (💙 anon) and other Aikuists could check it out and we were just fawning over this guy. I took the link down soon after cause I didn’t want anyone reblogging it and creating chaos. I’ll put the link again and take it down in 10 mins. I’m telling you though. IT. WAS. FUCKING. HOT. (i'll be putting up the link in a bit and taking it down too you should totally take a look at it- cause the content is not mine neither do i know the guy but FUCK. THAT LOOKED LIKE OLIVER.) The free access to clothes 😭 Happy relationship = yandere bf + a very introverted partner oliver stealing my oversized clothes in the corner I'm an introverted person as well introverted enough to terrify a yandere as well istg- idk who that was, but it was rude to push shove someone and not apologize for it or even an excuse me. and the girl who spoiled wednesday, never saw her again. i get that someone's enthusiastic about a show, but at the same time... some consideration for people around you 😭 anyway, that times gone and i got a lot of better things to move onto like movies, working out and just overall, making myself happy and having a good day yk? *Sending hugs back*
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neopuppy · 3 years
Boom (M). Part 4.
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Preview: “Look at me baby. Keep those pretty eyes on me.” Cupping your cheeks gently, he sweeps away sweat rolling down. Burning hot under his hold, Renjun swears steams fuming off your forehead. “Can you tell me how you feel? What do you need?”
“Need..feel..hurts..” you croon, splaying your legs open further. Three pairs of eyes take you in, quietly groaning. “Hurts right here.”
Jeno soothes a hand over your thigh trying to remember everything he read about heats. A light bulb going off in his head, lifting his hand with wide eyes- “I think buns in pre-heat. Her first heat would be worse than this.”
Renjun and Jaemin nod, continuing to pet you softly. Mentioning to keep trying to get a hold of Haechan.
Pairing: 00’line x female bunny hybrid reader
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Hybrid AU, PWP, idolverse, M/F, smut- a lot of smut, series
Smut Warning: loss of virginity, oral(F receiving), multiple orgasms, multiple partners, daddy kink, the nasty one eats cum, it’s basically all smut
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
“Haechan’s not answering.” Jeno huffs irritated.
Renjun shrugs at a loss, more concerned with your skin burning under his touches.
“Look at me baby. Keep those pretty eyes on me.” Cupping your cheeks gently, he sweeps away sweat rolling down. Burning hot under his hold Renjun swears steams fuming off your forehead. “Can you tell me how you feel? What do you need?”
“Need you..feel..hurts..” you croon, splaying your legs open further. Three pairs of eyes take you in, quietly groaning. “Hurts right here.”
Jeno soothes a hand over your thigh trying to remember everything he read about heats. A light bulb going off in his head, lifting his hand with wide eyes- “I think buns in pre-heat. Her first heat would be worse than this.”
Renjun and Jaemin nod, continuing to pet you softly. Mentioning to keep trying to get a hold of Haechan.
“Daddy..” you croak out, hands opening and closing asking for Renjun. Jaemin and Jeno pause, dicks rising to life hearing you so wanton, needy. Jaemin lifts a finger pointing to himself in question. Renjun smacks him down quickly, moving on his knees to settle between your thighs.
“Bun means me. I’m know baby, I know. I got you.” His fingers interlock with yours, kissing across your knuckles between soft husky words. Jeno nearly drops his phone, jerking back in surprise as the ‘Me So Horny’ ringtone blares out of the speaker. Renjun’s eyes fall shut annoyed, concentrating on your thighs closing around him. Jaemin shoves Jeno off the bed to go answer, biting back a laugh. Having changed Jeno’s ringtone after listening to him jerk off three times in a row.
Jeno jogs out to the hallway swiping open Haechan’s call- “Dude.”
“What’s up?” Haechan questions raising his voice above the sounds of multiple shoes scuffing. Taeyong in the background directing Johnny to the center for whatever choreography they were preparing.
“Bun’s in heat, or something. I think it’s pre-heat. She’s..” Jeno sighs pacing up and down the hall. Tugging his hair into a mess. “She wants, dude…she just said daddy. I think she was talking to Renjun but..”
“WHAT!” Haechan shoots up stepping further away from his group members. Jungwoo jumps up following after him, pressing his ear up to Haechan’s phone.
“Hey Jeno!” He pipes in, earning a shoulder to his chest from Haechan.
“Jeno listen! Do not let Renjun fuck my bunny!” Haechan squeaks loudly. Everyone in the practice room halts, directing their attention to him. Some erupting with laughter. Jaehyun punching Taeyong about how they need to invest in an hybrid too.
“Dude, I can’t do anything about it! She…she’s hurting!” Jeno protests. Stopping at his door peaking in watching Jaemin help strip your top off.
“This is bullshit!” Haechan groans, shoving Jungwoo away harder when he suggests inviting him over to meet their bunny. “At least record it for me, oh please. I can’t believe I’m not there!”
“Haechan, I can’t record her! That’s….no! She’s vulnerable..” Jeno trails off. Eyes widening clutching his phone tighter. Your neck falls back on Jaemin’s shoulder. His hands cupping around your breasts, rolling your hardened nipples. Jeno grunts, tempted to drop the call and rush back in.
“What’s happening?! Please, at least a picture! Ugh! Don’t fucking cum inside her!” Haechan beats his head against a wall. Dick aching as images of you strung out fighting off heat flash past his mind.
“I’ll…I’ll try alright! I gotta go!” Jeno shouts bye over Haechan’s garbled shouting anger. Silencing his phone and tossing it on Jaemin’s bed. He crawls returning back to his prior spot.
Your arm extends toward Jeno, fingers slowly moving down his chest. He draws in a deep breath taking a hold of your hand. Renjun kisses the velvety skin between your thighs gently working his way lower. You gasps out baited breaths, bouncing off the walls throughout the small room. Rapturous thoughts float around your mind blurring your vision. Head losing to a haze of pre-heat.
“Daddy..” you sob. Thighs locking up around Renjun’s grip keeping you held in place. Itching for him to do more. Different pairs of hands cover your body igniting heat further down your core. A craving need for more, to be filled.
You hole violently opens up dripping out gobs of slick with each pass of his lips. Each tweak of Jaemin’s fingers over your chest. Jeno fascinated watching you unfold under the pressure of arousal. His fingers tracing over the lines drawn into your palm. Thirsting to be the one in Renjun’s position.
“Are you sure baby?” Renjun leans over. Lips pecking timidly over your chin. Nerves spiking in his gut with an audience present to watch what you’d no doubt be asking for next.
Your head nods rapidly, plump lips calling to him. Planting a passionate kiss full of adoration, lightly passing his tongue over your cupids bow. Cautious hands grip your panties trembling around your hips as he begins pulling them down. Jeno assisting in removing the soaked cotton tossing it to the side landing in a lewd wet plop.
Jaemin groans reaching for your knees wrapping around the backs holding you open.
“Don’t be shy bunny, open up. Show Renjun how wet that little pussy gets.” He purrs nuzzling into your ear. Lower half twitching up, staring at the two others fall into a trance like state. Renjun licks over his lips, chest tightening as his fingertips brush down the backs of your thighs. Your hole convulses making Jeno curses under his breath. Leaking out wetness creating a puddle on the bedding beneath you.
“Fuck, do something Renjun. My dicks gonna crawl away and fuck her if you don’t.” Jaemin orders. Face dropping into your neck squeezing his eyes shut. Adjusting his hold behind your knees to not hurt you. “Comfortable bunbun?”
You slowly nod, arching up whimpering. “Please Renjunnie. Want you, want you so much daddy.”
“Fuck baby..” he rumbles out. Thumbs massaging over your outer-folds. Soothing touches calm you momentarily, focused on his every movement. Renjun shifts back, scooting down the bed onto his stomach. Hands never leaving your body. His face dips in kissing your swelling bundle of nerves. Lips instantly glistening coated in your arousal.
“Renjunnie” you plead. Lower half jolting up encouraging him to touch you where you need him the most. “Kiss me more.”
Renjun groans, chin lowering. Tongue lapping up all your juices hungrily. Burying in deeper, circling around your entrance. Your heat burns up his cheeks, languidly inching the tip of his tongue inside. Nearly combusting from how tight how wrap around him. Slowly wiggling in his tongue. Handprints burn into the backs of your thighs. Your head drops back shouting for more, imploring him to slide in deeper.
Jeno watches in a daze, snapping back to reality when your hand balls up fisting around his. Jaemin trapped behind you suffering in horny anguish concentrating on your face. Your eyes roll to the side staring at Jeno, tugging him in closer. His pupils dilate excitedly, setting up by your side. Kissing your up jaw to your ear, hushing words for only you to hear- “Doing so good bunny. Good good girl.”
Renjun pulls away dragging his tongue up. Gently nipping around you clit, flicking it with firm pressure. Pretty moans cascade from your lips. Heated body struggling under his and Jaemin’s holds. Renjun hotly licking over your entire mound. Forcefully shoving your folds side to side with the weight of his tongue. Growling hungrily diving lower to you pulsating wet entrance.
Sucking in an audible heavy breath of air, Renjun plunges in. Tongue hardening gliding past your hole clutching around him. Your hips draw up from the sudden surge of pleasure arching up off of Jaemin. Strength nearly pulling you free of his harmless weak hold. Jeno shushes your cries, swiping fingers down your tense flexed stomach. Eyes stuck on your bundle of nerves like a laser.
“Ne-need…need to…” you break off wailing. Jeno tapping your clit, firmly pressing down circling around you. Nerves shoot up to your chest down your spine. Jerking back falling into Jaemin’s chest shouting out cries.
“Cum bun, come on baby.” Jeno whispers softly into your fluffy ear. Working figure 8’s over your clit faster. Renjun fucking his tongue in at the same speed. Too lost in his own world between your thighs, forgetting Jeno and Jaemin’s presence.
The rough combination sets off your orgasm. Ripping through your chest wildly at a new level of intensity. You scream reaching behind tugging on Jaemin’s broad shoulders, he grunts in pain. Boner shoving into the dip of your back. Still doing his best to calm you with praises. Reminding you how good you’re being for them.
Renjuns wet lips slurp up your release. Audibly groaning inhaling the powerful sweet scent mixed in your slick. Hybrid slick much sweeter than human, almost too sweet. Addicting even, he laps over your sensitive folds greedily. Craving to suck you up whole. Jaemin soothes your legs down, placing fingers over your lips with a ‘shhh’. Snapping his other hand at Jeno, distracting you licking down your heated cheek.
“Make him stop.” He commands nodding to Renjun lost in a daze between your thighs. Driving you to a second orgasm, weakly lifting up. Numbness running throughout your veins tingling to your fingertips. He moans eagerly pressed to your clit. Vibrations from the back of his throat travel up your spine. Your eyes falling shut as Jaemin coo’s, head shaking in disbelief watching you cum again so quickly.
“Dude chill.” Jeno grimaces, yanking Renjun’s head away from your swollen core. Your lower half twitching up, chasing after his mouth for more. Renjun swallows, throat bouncing, face shining covered in your slick. Eyelashes stuck together, clumped with your wetness. Jeno’s nose scrunches releasing him, telling himself he’s disgusted. Mostly jealous.
“More!” You squirm, grabbing at Renjun. “Like the other night! Please daddy.”
Jaemin’s eyes widen in shock, shooting Renjun an evil glare. Jeno double taking before doing the same. Voicing out in unison ready to accuse- “The other night?!”
Renjun waves them off, fully succumbed to his desires. Pushing off his bottoms swiftly, he grips your thighs pulling you closer. Length resting on your mound, bending over pressing tender kisses upon your cheeks. “You okay bun? You want more?”
His hips grind down, cock head prodding your entrance to emphasize the question. Wrapping around around his neck, your head nods quickly again. Appreciative he’s taking it slow, frustration winning over the longer you wait. Your fingers play at Renjun’s nape, scratching gently over his scalp. Dragging the tips of your fingers between sharp cuts of hair and smooth skin. You drone, whimpering- “Please daddy, wanna feel you.”
Lowering his face, Renjun’s nose rubs over yours swallowing down a gasp. Your thighs lift around his narrow hips clinging like a vine. Slowly guiding his length in inch by inch. Your mouths fall open releasing silent moans. Renjun’s eyes tightening up slowly seeping into your wet gripping walls. Eyes fluttering open quickly, attentive to your reactions as he enters half-way. Your eyes flash red with elation, ankles locking together at his lower back.
“Daddy, more, more!” You gasp unable to close your mouth. Jaw hung open in awe, finally filled. Finally what you’d dreamt of becoming reality. Renjun nods, pecking your lower lip with wet kisses. Neck tossing back as he seethes in balls deep. Head shaking, tremors roll through his back. His arms sink beneath your shoulders pulling your body closer to his. Hips stilling to give you time to adjust to his size. Heavy cock thrumming inside your vice like clutch.
“Baby….oh fuck, my baby. My bunny.” Renjun croaks distressed. Spine tingling holding back from brutally fucking you into Jaemin’s bed.
“Renjunnie..” you breathe out, hair framing around your face perfectly. A vision right out of a dream wet enough to ruin three pairs of boxers. Bunny ears cutely flopped back, eyes gleaming brightly. Relief, anticipation, pure joy painted over your features. You mess with his hair, tugging tufts of strands between your fingers. Stuttering with another arch up- “Don’t…don’t hold back anymore. I’m ready.”
Renjun bucks forward crooning softly, turning your face to his. Hips working in meticulous grinds, rocking in and out of you slowly. It’s too much for him, too good. Too hard to hone in on how amazing it feels to finally be inside you. Whimpers spill between your lips, sharing grazes of kisses with every thrust in.
“Ugh, daddy..” your eyes roll up, reaching out aimlessly besides you for something to hold. Jeno and Jaemin each take one of your hands squeezing. Both uncomfortably watching in silence, fuming with jealousy. Your hands find purchase in theirs, cutting sharpened nails inside their palms with your tight grip. “Daddy please..”
“I know.. fuck baby. You feel so fucking good bunny. Ugh, I’m not gonna last.” Renjun’s voice cracks. Face dropping into the crook of your damp sweat coated neck. Huffing harshly into your skin, he reaches for your thighs. Pulling your lower half up. You scream moans as his pace quickens, hips piston faster. Ass burying deeper into the wet cushion beneath you. Cunt sucking him in ferociously with every draw back.
Renjun kisses you messily sucking down your cried moans. He sits up on his knees, shoving one of your legs forward. Thrusting fully into you, speeding up his pace. Your eyes flutter watching him fuck you down faster, chest pulling up. Wheezing on thick gusts of air, shaking head to toe with impending orgasm. Jeno slips down returning to your side, pressing soft kisses to your hairline.
“It’s okay bun, cum for daddy.” Jeno sighs out on your skin, rubbing his lips back and forth on your ear. “Let go, don’t be scared.”
You nod into his cheek, Jaemin sneaking his other hand to your lower half, winding his arm between your bodies. Renjun cries out rutting forward harder. Bed shaking under you adding to the overwhelming feeling.
“Oh fuck bun, love fucking you, love it so much” Renjun can tell he’s close. Thrusting in sloppy, stuttering with every tight draw back. Jaemin presses two fingers on your clit roughly. Rolling your bundle of nerves side to side. You shudder all over, yelling as you arch up high.
“Fuck! Fuck!” You breathlessly fall back. Head slamming down on the bed. A strong dizzying white heat building in your chest, coiling down to your stomach.
“Like that bunbun? Tell daddy..” Jaemin whispers harshly on your cheek. Licking up a tear rolling down. “Tell daddy how good he’s fucking you.”
“Daddy! Oh fu…” you stammer out, convulsing around Renjun’s cock. Falling back gritting your words out. “You.. you fuck me so good! I’m..I’m cu-cumming!”
The orgasm rocks through you harder than any other you’d experienced so far. Evaporating oxygen from your lungs momentarily, choking on nothing. Renjun loses it, fucking through your convulsing heat. Slowing down spilling cum deep in your womb. Stomach filling up full of his load. Sighing as the room spins above you. Three sets of lips kiss over your sweat soaked flesh. Praising how good you did, Jaemin nuzzling your nose with his.
“My bunbun did so fucking good.” He smirks despite his own aching arousal. “Made to take cock.”
Your eyes fall shut, soaking in the relaxation of finally reaching euphoric peace. The need to be filled and fucked full subsiding enough to catch your breath. Renjun slowly pulls out watching his cum drip out hypnotically. You hiss when fingers press to your entrance keeping you filled.
“Love you so much bunny.” He kisses your forehead. Slapping his hand over your mound. “My baby loved getting fucked didn’t she?”
You shiver, agreeing with a nod biting your lip. Jaemin shoves Renjun aside with a glare.
“No round two’s, daddy. Go make bunbun something to eat. Jeno and I will clean up here.” He snickers. Snapping fingers directing Renjun to leave the room. Jeno scoops you up while they go back and forth. Smoothing your hair and ears back off your face.
“You feel okay bun? Can you-..” Jeno starts to ask. Cut off by you sitting up straight throwing your arms around his neck. Littering kisses over his nose and cheekbones.
“Jeno, want more. Do that thing again.” You urge rolling your hips into his lap. Painfully hard cock straining under his sweats, instinctively thrusting up meeting your movement.
“Bun..” Jeno stutters caught off guard. Jaemin comes up behind you meanly pinching your waist.
“What about me bunbun??” He tsks, pressing his cock into your backside. Your eyes shut in sigh, face dropping into Jeno’s neck inhaling. Jeno cradles you closer, fighting with Jaemin behind your back. Slapping at his chest to back him off. Serious expression mouthing ‘fuck off!’, coming to a halt when you groan. Shoving your core into his stomach.
You reach under Jeno’s sweats growing tired of waiting. Fingers circling around his raging length freeing him from his sweats. Eyes opening up pleased when you see his angry cock.
Jeno gasps in shock falling back, pulling on your hips. You sink down on his size too eagerly. Your mouth hanging open groaning, head tossing back grunting lewdly. Jaemin circles your waist from behind, annoyed, but amused.
“Oh slutty little bunbun needed more cock so fucking bad?” Jaemin roars, bucking against your backside. Freeing his dick, rutting between the crevice of your ass. Jenos teeth grind together, pinching your hips. Veins pulsate up his arms willing his self control to not thrust up. Jaemin easing you down Jeno’s massive thick size. Mockingly baby voice egging you on- “Can my bunbun handle that fat fucking cock? Hmm?”
At a loss for words, gulping and nodding you force yourself down lower. Jeno face contorts throwing his head back. Jaemin continuing to encourage you. Jeno’s head shaking as he seethes in half-way, stretching you open so full. Jaemin’s hand snakes down, tapping your clit teasingly.
“Ride his dick. Fuck him baby, fuck him ‘till you cum bunbun.” Jaemin bites the burning roundness of your cheek. Tears springing free from your eyes throttled past your point of pleasure. Orgasm threatening to break through too quickly. Attempting to slow your glide, savoring every inch of Jeno’s size.
His hands grip you firmly, helping you take his length. Your hips jerk together back and forth. Slowly allowing in more of his thick size. Folds gripped tightly clinging to his thick cock, beautifully wrapped around him with every lift.
“So fucking slutty bunbun. Fuck..” Jaemin’s eyes roll shut. Ass bouncing back over his cock faster with every swivel of your hips. His fingers pinch and roll your clit messily. Concentrating on the swell of your backside clapping back against him. “Feel good bun?”
“Fu-fuck…Jaem….Jeno….” You sink down bottoming out on Jeno’s length. Mouth pulling back in a scream. Core clenching around his cock too tightly. Jaemin roughly stimulating your bundle of nerves. You arch forward crying out, slick splashing out on Jeno’s tight abdomen. Dribbling out as you cum again. Your eyes shoot open cross eyed. Falling back landing into Jaemin’s sturdy chest. Wind completely knocked out of you. Jeno trembles beneath you, near his breaking point from the second you touched him. Cock thrusting up once your orgasm settles.
He lays flat, weakly jerking. Cock thrumming, pulsating violently inside your cunt. White ropes of cum shooting out painting your insides. Warmth filling your gut, satiating you at last. Wheezing broken airy breath’s below you, Jeno cries whimpers softly. Embarrassed he couldn’t hold it in longer.
Jaemin grunts, slowly lifting you off Jeno’s softening cock. Laying you down, jerking his dick off angrily over your used pussy. A mess of Renjun and Jeno’s cum spilled over your thighs, leaking down to your ass.
“Fuck me” he falls over holding himself up with one arm. Shooting cum across your swollen core, some landing on your bellybutton. Jaemin falls to your side panting, chest rising and falling. Rubbing hands over his face growling, cock twitching wanting more.
His neck lifts, taking a look at Jeno recovering by your other side. Jaemin shifts crawling between your legs. Lifting your thighs over his shoulders. Your eyes meet, mouth hung open amazed watching as he laps your center clean. Laving between your folds, kissing over your hardened sensitive bud. Tongue covered in slick and cum, a lot of cum.
Jaemin sighs pecking kisses down your inner thighs- “Can’t leave my bunbun messy.”
“Can’t believe you assholes fucked my bunny.” Haechan pouts. Arms crossed across his chest. Foot tapping on the kitchen floor annoyed, listening to the shower run. Waiting for you to come out for his chance to pounce.
“Our bunny, as if you wouldn’t have done the same if she was in pain like that begging for you. She needed us.” Renjun rolls his eyes. Cutting up carrots to blend into a juicer for you. Pre-heat had you extra sensitive to certain foods. Haechan scoffs, flicking loose strands of hair away from Renjun’s face.
“Easy enough for you to say that. Daddy.” Haechan’s brows wiggle, stealing a carrot to munch on. Renjun’s cheeks warm up, ducking in his chin with a shake of his head.
“Maybe if you guys weren’t trying to fuck her at any given moment, she would have been asking for you.” Renjun tosses out scraps. Cleaning up the mess left behind, Haechan lifting a hand ready to debate. The sound of the shower turning off snaps his head toward the hallway. Cheeks lifting happily listening for the sounds of the shower door sliding open.
“I’m gonna need your room.” Haechan nods, tapping Renjun’s shoulder. “Don’t interrupt, I think I deserve to be alone with bun. You all had your fun, now it’s my turn.”
Renjun throws Haechan a look of dismay, shoulders shrugging. Shaking his head, pointing in the direction to his room. “All yours. Be nice. Don’t make a mess.”
Haechan’s smile widens bending over lifting up a large gift bag. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder. Heaviness of the item dragging his arm down. Puffing out a sound of satisfaction as he remembers why it’s so heavy.
“No promises.” Shooting Renjun a wink, he spins on his foot. Stepping up to the bathroom door waiting for you to exit.
The door opens covering him in foggy clouds of air. Haechan’s fans away the moist humidity exiting the bathroom. His eyes squint catching you by surprise. Jaemin standing by your side wrapping a large cotton towel around your shoulders.
You cutely bounce forward clutching the towel around your body to your chest. Beaming ear to ear throwing arms around him- “Haechannie!”
Jaemin grunts behind you, locking eyes with Haechan. Chest glistening in the aftermath of taking a shower. Haechan’s mind puts two and two together running hands up and down your spine through the soft cotton material of the towel drying your skin.
“My bunnies all clean now?” Haechan whispers, planting light pecks on the shell of your ear. “Did Jaemin help?”
“He always helps me!” You pull away sharing a smile between the two of them. Jaemin smirking, wiggling his brows at Haechan. You look Haechan over, lighting up spotting the pastel pink bag in his hand held together with a large white sparkly bow.
“What is that??” Your question breaks Haechan’s death glare. Grin spreading across his features lifting the bag up.
“A surprise for my bunny.”
Part 5–>
a/n: taglist closed
tag: @seuomo @unknown5tar @sunoosi @ahsshilee-me @nabi-nono @nc-teen @if-i-like-i-reblog @johnjaespeach @nohyuckieduckie
🐰: @safariria @sapiowoman28 @jwi-pwark @resceluwu @d1nne @cookydream @renchinworld @jen0zen @sunbaechokemeplz @sy-ae @luvlyjaemin @jenorenle @nanascupid @coolkimchijoy16 @rdflare51 @gomjohnny @lauraneuuh @lukheixi-wong @tulipatethic @cznniethis4u @hufflepanda221b @jaeminne @fairyofshampoodosii @eyesonxiu @aeridaisy @pewpewpwe00 @pinkynana @meowniee @suh-insane-main @ijuuy @whathamelon @haechans-sunflower @scruffiejelly @babyksworld @dreamlesswonder86 @jungwoosswhore @boulevardk @gu8ki @johnnys-keratin-bonds @amieatingkiwi @parkthothwa8
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jeontaeil-archived · 3 years
the feeling's mutual //
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pairing: heeseung x fem!reader x sunghoon
genre: smut, threesome, fem receiving, male receiving, unprotected sex
words: 2.36k+
warnings: 18+ content, read at your own discretion
summary: both your fuck buddies turned out to be roommates. but of course you wouldn't find out until one of them walked in on you fucking the other.
~ requested by 🌻 ~
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it was a regular shmegular weekend. you had nothing better to do with your time so you texted heeseung, asking him if he wanted to come over to have some fun.
he replied to you saying that he couldn't come over since his roommate was borrowing his car. bummed, you texted your other fuck buddy sunghoon, asking him the same thing.
sunghoon replied to you in a similar manner, sharing that he was out running some errands and wouldn't be back until another hour at least.
just when you were about to lose all hope, heeseung texted you saying that you could come over to his place instead. since he was home alone you had no concern of disturbing his roommate or getting some privacy. overjoyed, you agreed and got ready to make the trip over to his apartment.
you hadn't been to heeseung's house even once in the entire time that you'd been sleeping with him. there was no specific reason as to why that was. you simply just hadn't found a reason to.
when you got there, heeseung led you straight to his room, promising you that he'd give you a house tour once your 'business' with him had concluded. it was exactly like heeseung to jump straight into action.
as soon as his door was shut your lips were on his and his hands were struggling to rip your clothes off as quickly as he possibly could. you stumbled towards his bed, plopping down on it in a not so flattering way. laughing it off, heeseung rid himself off all his clothes too so that you two were now naked and ready to go.
he started by laying wet kisses down your body, going slow and steady so he could rile you up. you whimpered and sighed, feeling relaxed. when he reached your core, he paused, making sure you were anticipating his next move.
"just get on with it lee," you urged impatiently, though with a hint of desperation. heeseung licked a stripe up your folds, groaning at the taste of your wetness. it had been a while since you'd last met up with him. it was reasonable to say that he missed you. he toyed with your clit, knowing you hated it when he teased. you bucked your hips against his mouth. "don't get ahead of yourself or i swear i'll make you pay for it."
heeseung snickered. he loved being a pain in the ass. though now he chose to stay quiet and give you what you wanted. if he didn't he knew you'd stick to your word.
he sucked on your clit, pulling your hips closer to his mouth almost greedily. you moaned and tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging on his roots gentle. "fuck! that feels so good," you praised, moving your hips with his tongue. heeseung loved when you did that. there was nothing like some team effort to really get him going.
the harsher he sucked on your clit, the wetter you got. your arousal was starting to pool at his chin. heeseung decided to push a finger into you. of course it slipped in with ease. he curled his digit upwards, making you mewl. continuing to nip on your clit, he began pumping his finger in and out of your needy hole, not stopping until you realised that you were going to cum.
if it was up to heeseung, he would have kept going, wanting to taste every drop of your essence as it flooded down his mouth. but you had other ideas. you didn't want to cum just yet. and if you were gonna cum anywhere, it was going to be on his cock.
heaving, you pushed yourself up and yanked his head to your level. he seemed more deprived than you did and that only showed how much he loved giving.
"let me have some fun with you too lee," you said, switching your positions. heeseung excitedly leaned against his headboard. you gripped his cock, pumping it avidly before releasing a ball of spit onto his tip. spreading it around, you leaned down and licked his tip, looking up at him mischievously.
"you said you wouldn't tease if i didn't tease!" he whined playfully, bucking his hips into your mouth. you pinched his thigh, making him settle down. "patience my boy."
he rolled his eyes and pushed your head down on his cock, bobbing it up and down at lighting speed. choking, you gripped his thighs, caught of guard by the action. when he finally let go of you, snickering his head off, you scowled and caught your breath.
"now shut up and suck," he said bluntly, letting you take the reigns again. you opened your mouth and started moving your head up and down at a steady pace, licking his length every now and then. heeseung groaned in satisfaction, more than pleased.
"are you ready to fuck me now," you asked, pulling away from him to get some air? he shrugged. "are you ready for me to fuck you now?"
unamused, you crawled onto his lap and angled his tip at your entrance. "you're gonna have to work on your humour lee."
heeseung held your hips, kissing your neck while you sunk down on his cock. you bit your lip, rocking your hips gradually.
"you feel so good y/n," heeseung praised, marking your exposed skin. moaning, you sped up a little, needing more friction.
heeseung wordlessly laid you on your back and threw your legs over his shoulders, slipping into you without wasting a minute. he started pounding into you, giving it to you just the way you liked it. the bed began creaking because of how powerful his thrusts were. you were happy to know that he wasn't half assing anything.
his breath was hot and heavy against your skin. they way he grunted in your ear turned you on to the max. your nails dug into his shoulders, a reaction to the immense amount of pleasure he was making you feel.
the two of you were so preoccupied with your steamy activity that you failed to hear the front door open. normally, the footsteps that were coming down the hall would be audible to heeseung. but in this case, even as they approached increasingly close to his door, he was unable to pay any mind to them.
the door swung open abruptly followed by a distressed shout. heeseung froze in place and looked behind his shoulder steadily. the intruder had his back facing the two of you, but you could tell by his expression that heeseung knew who he was.
"what are you doing," he asked, coming off rather annoyed? by his tone you guessed that this wasn't the first time he'd been interrupted by his roommate.
"nothing, i was just checking to see what all the commotion was about," his roommate spoke, slightly alarmed. you furrowed your brows on hearing his voice. for some reason, it sounded oddly familiar to you. then again, it could have just been because he was speaking very restrictedly.
"commotion? fucker you knew we were having sex," heeseung said. the fact that he hadn't asked his roommate to leave yet was alarming you. why was he so relaxed after knowing that the boy had seen him pile driving you while completely naked? they must have been close.
"but you never bring anyone here man! how was i supposed to know," his roommate whined back, peeking at heeseung carefully. you covered yourself with your hands, staring at him wide eyed.
his eyes locked with yours and that's when it struck you.
you knew this guy. you'd seen him before. heck, you'd even slept with him.
what the fuck was park sunghoon doing in lee heeseung's house? why was your fuck buddy standing in your other fuck buddy's door?
sunghoon seemed equally as surprised to see you. he stared at the two of you like a gaping fish. heeseung didn't understand what was going on, and if you were being honest you were pretty sure none of you did.
"y/n? what are you doing here," sunghoon asked, finally finding the words to speak. you had no idea what to tell him. heeseung looked between the two of you. "you know her," he asked sunghoon.
sunghoon nodded and pointed at you. "yeah i do. she literally texted me this morning asking if i wanted to come over."
heeseung looked at you. "you asked me the same thing. what's going on here?"'
suddenly you felt like you'd been backed into a corner. "please don't hate me but," you began, hesitating a little, "i'm sleeping with both of you."
heeseung and sunghoon looked at each other in bewilderment. you felt a little relaxed now that they weren't paying attention to you.
"dude that is so fucking cool," heeseung exclaimed. you blinked, wondering if you'd heard him correctly. "i fucking know right? i can't believe we both got the same girl," sunghoon said, marching over to your side.
were they seriously not mad at you? you were grateful but at the same time, why were they so excited?
"is it alright if i like, join you guys," sunghoon asked, looking at your for consent. heeseung was grinning at you like a madman, eyes practically begging you to say yes. you took a second to see what was in it for you.
two guys with nice cocks who knew how to use them as opposed to one. that sounded like a nice offer. besides, you didn't know how to say no to sunghoon when he was already drooling over your naked body. so you agreed with a nod, laughing in disbelief when the two boys gave each other high fives.
"i can't believe i'm doing this," you muttered to yourself, sitting up so you could reposition yourself. sunghoon took of his clothes and made you lie down on your back again. only this time your head was hanging off the edge of heeseung's bed.
"don't tell me you're gonna make her deep throat you," sunghoon said in shock. heeseung smirked and scoffed. "i always make her do it. hasn't she told you that she loves it?"
of course you'd done this before with heeseung. you opened your mouth wide, relaxing as he pushed his cock inside. shutting your eyes, you waited for him to start bucking his hips forward.
"holy shit y/n we've gotta try this next time," sunghoon said, shoving his cock into your pussy.
you'd never felt so stuffed before. but they way the two boys were fucking you, entering and pulling out at the same time, felt oddly satisfying. letting them do all the work, you simply basked in the pleasure sunghoon gave you, whimpering against heeseung's cock.
sunghoon wrapped his hand around your throat, making heeseung's cock feel even more prominent as he pushed it deeper inside you.
the harder heeseung went, the quicker he was able to pick up from where he'd left off. "fuck i'm gonna cum soon," he warned you, going faster.
trying your best not to gag, you ran your tongue over his cock, helping him get to his climax sooner.
meanwhile sunghoon seemed almost dazed as he fucked you. he wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing, more focused on the sight in front of him. it was like a live porno, exclusively for him.
when heeseung finally reached his orgasm and cummed down your throat, sunghoon swore he would have busted a nut right then and there. but then he looked up at heeseung's face and let out a muted snicker.
"you look like a little bitch when you cum," he said, unable to hold back his laughter. hearing him, you choked on heeseung's cum. heeseung glared at sunghoon. "well we'll see what you look like once y/n's done with you."
sunghoon raised his hands defensively, pulling out of you so you could come to his side. getting on your hands and knees, you pumped sunghoon's cock, making him groan. heeseung spread your legs, playing with your pussy.
humming, you brought your lips to sunghoon's cock, teasing him by laying soft kisses on it. he watched you keenly, not an ounce of impatience visible in his features.
just as you took his cock in your mouth, heeseung pushed two fingers inside you. moaning against sunghoon's cock, you clamped your lips shut around it, making him groan.
"that feels nice," he praised, pushing your hair out of your face. you closed your eyes and focused on sucking his cock, walls clenching around heeseung's digits.
heeseung slid underneath you and pulled your hips down on his face, attaching his lips to your clit. pulling off of sunghoon's cock for a moment, you screwed your eyes shut and bit your lip as he sucked on the sensitive nub. tightly pumping sunghoon's cock, you bucked your hips against heeseung's mouth, cursing at how good the pleasure felt.
"ah fuck i'm gonna cum too," you moaned, squeezing sunghoon's cock. he hissed and grabbed your jaw, bringing his tip to your mouth. "let me finish with you," he said, prompting you to suck him off again.
you took him in and resumed bobbing your head up and down, groaning against his cock. heeseung started fingering you again, only pushing you closer to your orgasm. sunghoon too began thrusting his hips forward, pushing his cock deeper into your mouth.
both you were desperate and restless to reach your highs. heeseung was working hard, curling his fingers into you diligently. the vibrations of your moans bounced off of sunghoon's cock, making his knees feel weak.
"oh my god i'm cumming!" you exclaimed as your much desired orgasm finally hit. you continued stroking sunghoon's cock as fast as you could, squirming about as heeseung lapped up your juices. sunghoon reached his climax unannounced, cum shooting out onto your face. heeseung crawled out from beneath you, still fondling with your pussy, just so he could see sunghoon's face.
"wow i must admit, you really cum like a man."
sunghoon snickered, emptying the last drop onto your tongue. "well you eat pussy like a champ."
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・⋆ ・・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆
taglist: @byeongsung | @jayvoir | @jisungismymom | @lqsience | @jakesavocado | @giveortake | @choijwiss | @treasuretaeil | @bts-txt-ateez | @heeslily | @sunoosi | @dong-hyuc | @borrovvedyoongi | @uwusforateez | @haechanswhore | @abdiitcryy | @minspalette | @jjbeansies
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thesolferino · 3 years
Hell On Earth
⤷ dream x f!reader.
⤷ genre: fluff
⤷ word count: 3.2k
⤷ requested: yes, by this lovely anon!
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— summary: you barge into clay’s office to complain about his broken air conditioner, unaware that he’s streaming.
Florida was hell.
You liked to say it as a joke, during October when the rest of the world was freezing, during December when the insane temperatures finally went back under control, and the sun granted you its blessing of a refreshing gust of wind every now and then. You liked to say it as a joke, mostly, but God, did you mean it whenever summer would creep around the corner and you’d get reminded of why you told your boyfriend so often that the devil must’ve left hell, came down to America, and bought himself a nice penthouse in Florida.
It lived up to its title of the hottest state in the US, by far, considering the hellish temperatures that constantly made you dizzy whenever June rolled around. You had great air conditioning in your apartment, though, and as soon as the sun started burning skin, plants, water, and everything in its way, you and your college roommate would lounge at your place as the air conditioner blew cold wind and thank the lord (and the person who invented AC, bless his heart) for providing you with at least one blessing during these trying times.
So, of course that as soon as summer came about, your air conditioning conveniently broke.
Your roommate was out of the apartment within two days, flying to her family in Wisconsin, bidding you farewell as she left you to cook like a raw chicken in your shared apartment. Thankfully, you had a boyfriend - and what a boyfriend he was.
You don’t like to brag, but at these moments, you feel grateful to the universe and whoever else is looking over you for providing you with a rich boyfriend, with quite a big, echo-y house, and air conditioning made of pure heaven. As soon as your roommate packed your bags, you packed yours too, - if one backpack filled with makeup, your laptop, meds, underwear and hopes that he’d let you steal all of his clothes could count as “bags” - locked the apartment and left, ready to leave the AC on snowman temperature for two days minimum and ignore all his complaints.
Bad luck seemed to follow you everywhere, though, because you were there for merely three days when the air conditioning started stuttering.
You were sprawled on the cold sheets of his bed, listening to the low hum of the AC as you scrolled through your phone, his white T-shirt sticking to your back, the cold air cooling the sheen of sweat that covered your body, leaving goosebumps all over. One of your fingers started lazily petting Patches’ stomach, and you could faintly hear Clay talking in the background, the sounds coming from his office.
“Thank you for the gifted subs! Um, yeah, it’s really hot here, I can barely, like, breathe in here. I have the AC on at highest, but all it’s doing is giving me a headache. Even-even my water bottle is completely hot.” You heard him rant and chuckled, turning on your side and continuing to scroll through random videos.
You sort of tuned out his talking, knowing he’d most likely be cooped up in that office for hours before your shared dinner, and started watching random YouTube videos, ignoring your surroundings as you shoved your earbuds in your ears. 
The longer the videos lasted, the more you felt like you were suffocating. The heat crawled up on you slowly, sneakily, almost unnoticeable yet undeniably there, hand made up of pure fire gripping at your throat tighter and tighter. It started off seamlessly, with you rolling around, trying to find a new cold spot on the sheets, to pulling at the shirt, trying to create cold air to soothe you, to wiping the sweat that basically covered your entire forehead, when your eyes finally peeled away from your phone and you realised you were basically choking in the heat, feeling like you’re breathing fire. 
You lift your head off the bed way too quickly, head pounding, and look at the one thing meant to save you from this madness - just to see it leaking water down the wall, barely coughing out any air. Your head miserably falls back down on the bed, hands rubbing at your face, dangerously close to both crying and screaming in distress. After a few moments of self-wallowing, you get up and make your way over to your boyfriend’s office, being met with nothing but silence as you walked to it, happy he ended the stream so you could complain and wail to him, possibly cool down using the AC in his office. 
You slam the door open, seeing him hunched over in his gaming chair, Minecraft open as usual, and as soon as he takes one headphone off, turns around and sends a surprised but oddly panicked gaze your way, you start ranting.
“Babe, you won’t believe what just happened.” you said, rubbing a hand over your face again, eyes closing as you feel the coldness - in comparison to the living hell that was his bedroom right now - of the room wash over you. You don’t even let him speak before you continue.
“The fucking AC in your bedroom just broke. It’s leaking right now.”
Clay looks like he wants to say fifteen words at once, and the first one that comes out is: “What?”
“I swear. I was watching something on my phone, and I realised it’s crazy hot, so I looked up and realised it’s broken. Why does this happen to me!” you complained, and he tried pulling his headphones off for a second but instead pulled the cord out of the computer entirely, letting you hear everything that goes on in his headphones.
It’s silent for a second or two, before you hear a familiar voice.
“Dream.” you hear a British man with an awfully posh accent speak, and your eyes meet Clay’s in pure horror and realisation, when you slap a hand over your mouth. He looks as equally terrified as you, but also disappointed, because oh, that’s why he looked so panicked when you stormed in.
Then you hear another voice, equally British, but higher pitched. They laugh. “Is that Drista?”
Clay seems to snap back into reality, turning around towards the computer and adjusting his mic before speaking. “No- it’s- Tommy she said babe, why would Drista call me babe?”
“You’re so stupid, he was trying to help you.” You hear his long-time friend, Sapnap, deadpan, and you can practically feel all of them freaking out, while you stand in the doorway in horror, cheeks heating up despite the fully working AC.
Another laugh. “No, I wasn’t, I was genuinely asking. Why- Sapnap, why would I be helping Dream?” 
“Dream, you are so stupid.” you hear George laugh into his mic and your boyfriend immediately starts stuttering, trying to defend himself.
“How-how am I stupid?! She’s the one who walked in, what was I supposed to do?” you lean against the doorway as he defends himself, head buried in one of your hands.
“Mute!” you hear Sapnap borderline yell, almost mad. 
“Wait- I don’t get what’s going on- Does Big D have a girlfriend?” you hear the British boy, Tommy, ask, and all of them go silent for a few seconds before a loud, screeching laugh breaks out through the speakers, and when Clay turns around to look at you, all you can do is mouth an apology as you almost break out into laughter at how ridiculous the whole thing is.
“Oh my God, chat is going crazy right now.” George says while Tommy is laughing his lungs out in the background, still.
“Did you actually- did she actually- oh my GOD, Dream has a girlfriend! I can’t believe this!” Tommy keeps on laughing, coughing between sentences. “Dream stans, I am so sorry, this must be just a terrible, terrible day for you all.” 
“You’re probably already trending on Twitter, dude.” Sapnap adds, sounding more worried than your own boyfriend did at the moment.
“It was bound to happen at some point, I guess.” he huffs out, turning around to look at you every so often, gesturing for you to close the door and come in, which you did, guilt weighing you down as you moved.
“Are you serious? Can I- Can I speak to your girlfriend, Dream?” you can practically hear the grin in the boy’s voice and Clay doesn’t even turn to you before replying.
“No, you can’t.” 
“Oh, come on! You let me speak to your mum but not your girlfriend? Just for a little bit, please? I just- I just wanna see which lucky woman managed to get the attention of the Minecraft God, Dream himself. That’s it.” Tommy asks and you don’t even have it in you to laugh because of the anxiety that eats away at you, but then Clay sighs. 
“...Fine, I guess.” he looks up at you. “D’you wanna speak to Tommy?” 
You’re not quite sure what the expected answer is, but you shrug, gaze darting from his eyes to the computer, and then back to him. “Um… I don’t mind, I guess.” 
You hear him sigh and plug the headphones back into the computer, handing them to you. “Alright, she said yes. Here you go.” he stands up out of the chair and lets you sit, placing the way too big headphones on your head as your heart races, standing closely by your side as you roll the chair further towards the desk and microphone.
“Um… hello?” you shyly speak, and you hear something like groans of mixed annoyance, confusion and nervousness coming from George and Sapnap as Tommy starts laughing immediately, greeting you loudly. 
“HELLO, DREAM’S GIRLFRIEND!” you hear him yell in response as your shaky hands land on the keyboard, moving his character left and right. 
“Is the AC really broken?” Sapnap asks and you hear George laugh in response, considering how unimportant that information is right now. You know both of them, obviously - you’ve talked to them more than a few times, joining in on their jokes when Clay talks to them on speaker, growing as close as one can with their boyfriend’s friends.
“Yeah, it is. The AC in here is really good, though. Maybe I should stay and just take over the Dream channel.” You joke and they laugh.
“Yeah, I mean it would probably be better. A woman owning the Dream channel would make it so much better. The views would skyrocket.” Tommy says and you see his character walk up to you before he randomly laughs again.
“I can’t believe- I can’t believe Dream actually has a girlfriend. Is he, like, paying you to do this, or are you really…” he trails off and you giggle at his question, switching tools in the hotbar as you try to figure out how to play the game again.
“No, he’s not. We are dating, yes.” you confirm with a nod, and you feel Clay’s elbow sink into the chair, almost trying to listen.
“Say 1 if he’s keeping you hostage.” he says and you laugh again, shaking your head.
“No, he’s not- he’s not keeping me hostage.” you reply and you hear Clay go “WHAT?” right behind you.
“Well, of course, of course, I mean, who could ever pass up dating the great Dream. With all those subscribers, and Twitch primes, and Minecraft skills. Did- did his Minecraft skills get you?” Tommy asked, but before you could even respond, Sapnap jumped into the conversation.
“Oh yes, absolutely. She loves it. Yes, Dream, speedrun faster!” he sarcastically replies and for a few moments the whole call is blown into loud laughter, screeching and yells before it quiets down.
“Yes, what Sapnap said. I was so impressed, he just blew me away, with um… with his, um, Manhunt skills? I dunno, I don’t play Minecraft.” you hear him laugh at “Manhunt skills” behind you as the rest of the boys start laughing too.
“Dream’s girlfriend doesn’t play Minecraft?! What?! Dream- how could he allow this, seriously…” Tommy argued dramatically, his character staring at yours - or rather Clay’s.
“I can’t imagine if we were both Minecraft players, that would be a nightmare.” you replied.
“Why?” you heard George laugh through the headphones.
“Who do you think peels him away from the damn computer? If I was just like him we would never get out of the house, probably.” you argued.
“Dreamfriend, what is Dream like, you know, in real life?” Tommy spoke up and you heard George giggle again.
“Dreamfriend?” you repeated, a grin forming on your face at his stupidity, finally deciding to move the character around and switch back to the sword in the hotbar.
“Yes! Dream’s girlfriend, Dreamfriend, Dreamgirl, Girldream, whatever you like.” Tommy said and you laughed.
“Dream girl… if I wanted to get clout off Dream I’d use that, that’s genius.” 
“Thanks, I know I’m a genius, everyone tells me so.” Tommy claims and you shake your head, checking your boyfriend’s inventory to see if there’s anything interesting in there.
“Alright, I’m gonna check on the AC, I’ll be back in a second.” Clay says to you, before lowering himself to the mic so the boys could hear him. “Tommy, don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“Oh you know it, big man! I’d never!” Tommy yells back, despite Clay being unable to hear him, and he leaves the office with one last, quick kiss to your temple.
“Is he gone?” Tommy asks, and you nod and hum, despite him not being able to see you.
“Okay, so you don’t play Minecraft, right?” he asks.
“No, I don’t.” you reply.
“So there’s this really cool thing, right. If you just go in and type /op tommyinnit, there’s this thing that’s gonna-” Tommy doesn’t get to finish his sentence before he’s cut off by Sapnap, whose character suddenly appears in front of you.
“No, no, no, no, don’t trust him, you should-” Sapnap cuts in, but Tommy still loudly protests in the background.
“BE NICE TO OUR GUEST, SAPNAP! Let her do what she wants! She is Dream’s girlfriend after all, the most powerful woman.” Tommy claims and you laugh, sort of blushing from all the attention. You don’t even dare to check the chat or the donations that come in from Twitch, because it must be blowing up by now. As if he can hear your thoughts, George speaks too.
“Oh my God, Dream’s already trending on, like, five different spots on Twitter.” he says, and you instinctively grab your phone to check, before you can even think about it.
“What?” you and Sapnap both say in sync.
“Yeah, ‘Dream’ is trending #2 worldwide, and ‘Dream girlfriend’ is #4.” he lets out a shocked laugh.
“Oh my God…” you mutter out in both excitement, nervousness and dread as you open Twitter and confirm that George is indeed correct. You don’t even dare to press on either of the trends, simply turning off your phone with a sigh and moving back to stream.
“Wow, you’re famous now! How does it feel?” Tommy asks and you let out a quite dry laugh.
“Amazing. I can feel my value as a person increasing as we speak.” you respond sarcastically and hear George quietly laugh in the background.
Just then, you hear the door to the office opening again, but you ignore it because Tommy starts speaking.
“Okay, well, I’m sure that must be very fun and exciting for you, but I really will need you to type in /op tommyinn-” 
“No! I’m not listening to you, Tommy! I’m not about to type in some stupid command and get yelled at!” you cut in, but he keeps on whining.
“Come on, we know Big D would never yell at his… beloved girlfriend! Listen, just do it, I promise he will not be mad.” he argues.
“What does /op even mean?” you ask out loud, and suddenly Clay is yelling behind you. 
“Who is asking you to op them? Give me the headset!” he says, one hand already tugging at the headphones as you laugh while Tommy panics.
“Well, it was fun talking to you guys, but I have to go. Bye!” you bid them farewell and heard George and Sapnap say goodbye as well while Tommy yelled, and you took off the headphones and passed them to Clay who immediately put them on and adjusted them, plopping back into the chair. You left, moving to the living room to process everything that happened and abandon your phone for the next few hours because you were not ready for that type of attention in the slightest.
You laid in front of the TV, watching random shows on Netflix and grabbing a few snacks from the kitchen while you could still clearly hear him yelling and streaming, wondering how he’s still going as if nothing happened. The temptation to check what people were saying was overwhelming to the point your hands were itching to grab your phone and open all social media - before you even realised it, you were on the trending page again, thumb tapping on the “Dream girlfriend” tab. 
You braced yourself for the worst, but that’s not what came at you - sure, there were a couple of tweets telling people to lay off you, and delusional shippers getting ratioed, but they were mostly positive, lighthearted jokes, from single people making jokes about how a Minecraft YouTuber can get bitches but they can’t, to people calling you cute/funny. One hate comment obviously stings more than a million positive comments make you happy, but they were mostly misogynists calling you annoying for the roughly five sentences you spoke on stream or shippers disappointed that their favorite YouTuber isn’t gay, so you didn’t really let it get to you. 
When the house finally quieted down the sun was lowering itself into darkness and melting into a pot of blinding orange and golden honey, and you heard Clay’s footsteps when he finally turned off the stream, stepping into the living room a few seconds after you heard him. He sat down on the couch next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to him, sitting there in silence with you.
“So… that was something.” he finally broke the silence and you nodded.
“It really was.” 
Another beat of silence passes.
“I’m sorry, baby, but I really need you to stop breaking all these ACs.”
“Sorry, but I’m noticing a pattern here.” he wheezed, obviously just trying to get you riled up as you pulled away so his hand gets ripped off your shoulder.
“Shut up. You better have called someone to repair that damn thing, cause there is no way we’re sleeping in there without an AC.” you huffed, and he shuffled closer to you, arm wrapping itself around your shoulders once again.
“I did, they’re coming by tomorrow.” he assured.
“Tomorrow?” you asked, looking at him in disbelief. “How are we gonna sleep tonight?”
“Who says we have to sleep?” the glint in his eye and the stupid grin plastered on his face tells you everything you need to know, and you roll your eyes.
“If we fuck, I’ll actually die of overheating. Absolutely not.”
“Well in that case, I need to get that AC fixed as soon as possible.”
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
SVWUAGAGAG DUDE DUDE BRO I KNRW YOUD COME BACK LIKE - how about deku and bakugou in a 'threesome'? For the inbox thing hehe
threesomes are always good. also i may have indulged myself whoops
pairing: bakugou x male reader x deku content tags: threesome, spitroasting, soft(?) facefucking, praise and degradation, dom/sub elements, light choking word count: 1.4k
It’s hard to tell if you’re being given a punishment or a reward. The behavior of your lovers tend to be the polar opposite of each other. When one of them is sweet, the other one is harsh. They always make you dizzy with how they act around you, especially in private.
“W-wait, am I in trouble?” 
Bakugou has already torn your shirt off, biting along your neck and shoulders with aggression. You know for a fact that he’s biting enough to draw blood- he always does. He loves to leave marks that you can’t hide. He loves it even more if they’re marks that take a long time to go away. 
It’s a stark contrast to the way Midoriya is gently peppering your face with kisses and leaving light touches on your chest. His hands nearly cover your entire chest, lighting a small fire within you. Fingers circle your nipples a few times before pinching them, rubbing them gently. 
The different approaches have you confused as usual, mind racing to figure out what exactly is going on. 
“Did you do something that’ll get you in trouble? Don’t tell me you did something bad, baby?” Midoriya’s voice is soft, but you know better. He’s testing you, waiting for you to slip up. You keep quiet. That’s not a good idea. Bakugou’s hand comes to wrap around your throat and give a light squeeze. It’s only enough to be threatening, enough to get you to speak. 
“No, I didn’t!” A little too eager. “I mean- I’ve been good... I’ve been good, right?” 
Your reaction is adorable. They know you didn’t do anything, they just like seeing you squirm. The way you look at them with such pleading eyes and hold onto each of them with one hand makes them want to swallow you whole. 
“Hm, I don’t know.” There’s something about the way your green haired boyfriend looks at you that makes you feel like you’re about to be eaten. “What do you think, Kaachan?” 
“I think...” Bakugou’s hand squeezes a tiny bit more as he nibbles your ear. “He’s going to have to prove it.”
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Your hands are holding onto Midoriya like he’s your lifeline. And well, he is. 
Bakugou has your ass tonight and he’s never gentle with you. Two fingers, the only lube he’s given you is the spit you managed to coat on them when they were shoved in your mouth. They’re already curling against your prostate with ease. Both of them know exactly where it is. 
“You’re doing so good for us, honey.” Midoriya kisses your forehead and gently begins to stroke your cock. He’s doing his best to distract you from the pain, but Bakugou isn’t having that. A harsh, hot slap against your ass makes you cry out and curl against Midoriya even more. The coos and praises he gives you are drowned out by another slap and a growl.
“Shut up, Deku. You know he loves it.” Another intense curl into your prostate coaxes out a moan. “That’s right. You love it, you love it when I treat you like a bitch, huh?” 
His words are so mean. Tears well up in your eyes, which Midoriya quickly kisses away. You whimper and try to urge him to stop the blond. It’s a lost cause when the hand gently stroking your dick goes harder, squeezing a little. A small cry and your legs give way, hands falling from his shoulders to the bed. It’s too much. 
More coos come from the man in front of you. You don’t realize that you’re at the right level to nuzzle against his clothed erection until it actually happens. Just by looking up at him, your cheek brushes against the fabric barely containing his cock. His hand comes to push your head further against him. Midoriya looks down at you with adoration, using his other hand to hastily release himself. It practically slaps against your cheek. It’s hot, heavy and thick- the same cock you’re addicted to. 
“Don’t forget about me, dammit.” 
Bakugou’s cock rests on your ass, just as hot as Midoriya’s. That’s all the warning you get before he slams it deep into you, bottoming out in a single thrust. A load moan comes out of your lips. You nuzzle your head further against the cock in front of you, eyes closed. 
“Open your mouth for me, honey.” Through the shock of Bakugou suddenly entering you, you do what the green haired hero asks of you. You open your mouth and let your jaw go slack, tongue lolling out. The head rubs onto your tongue for a moment before a hand gently forces it all down your throat. You gag and try to pull your head away, but it’s being held in place. 
“You’re doing so good, honey. Breathe through your nose for me, okay?” 
“Shut the fuck up, Deku.” Whatever clarity you had with them both staying still is shatters when Bakugou pulls out slowly and slams back into you. A mix of a moan and a sob is muffled by Midoriya’s cock. 
You can hear both of them groan. It fills you with pride that you can bring those noises out of him. Well, it does until they begin to move. 
Midoriya’s pace is gentle as he fucks your face, petting your head and smiling at you. Each time he’s fully in your throat, he tells you how good you feel and how you’re doing so well. Bakugou, however, is aggressive as usual. The hands on your hips are holding tight enough that you’re sure he’s going to leave bruises. Hips slam into yours and they way he fills you up is just the slightest bit overwhelming. 
“You’re so fuckin’ tight. Really milking me... You want my cock that bad?” 
His words start to get muffled inside your head. The blatantly different ways they handle you has you confused already. Your hands tremble as they hold onto the bed, trying to ground yourself in some way. It doesn’t work. 
You’re unraveling before you know it. Eyes shut tight and body tensing as you cum, your boyfriends watch you with careful eyes. They love the way you lose yourself and become a mess once you’re down from your high. You tremble and whine, hands pushing weakly for them to stop. The way your ass clenches around Bakugou’s cock and your whines vibrate against him perfectly- it’s heaven. 
They’re nowhere near done. 
“You can do more. I know you can, honey. You make us feel so good, honey.” Those pleading eyes of yours only spur Midoriya to praise you more. He wants to see you greedily drink up his cum like it’s the best thing in the world. His free hand goes under to rub your neck. There’s the feeling of his cock stretching your throat open each time he forces your head down. It’s intoxicating. 
“Don’t get too carried away, Deku. If you’re not careful, you’ll actually fucking choke him.” Those words don’t mean much when he’s fucking you at a ridiculous pace. He’s similar to Midoriya in wanting you to beg for him to cum in your ass. You can’t do it with a cock shoved down your throat, but he’ll find a way to get it out of you. 
Soon, only the sound of skin meeting skin and groans are filling the room. No arguing, no comments- just the focus of bringing your body further and further past your limit. They have so much more stamina than you, so much more restraint. 
You barely notice the stutter of Midoriya’s hips and the way his cock twitches in your throat as he cums. Only, “Honey... Swallow it all for me,” before he empties his balls down your throat. Without much thought, you gulp it down. Your head is too clouded to really think. 
Bakugou follows soon after, stilling himself deep inside you and filling you with his cum. It’s warm and now that your mouth is free, a whimper is clearly heard. With reluctance, the blond pulls out of you and watches you completely collapse onto the bed. You sink into it, exhausted and spent. 
How many times did you cum? You’re not sure after the first one. It melted into a mess of pleasure and pain before long. And now you’re barely awake, holding out your hands as usual. Bakugou holds your right, Midoriya holds your left. It’s a gentle reassurance that they’re still with you after it. 
“I’ll run a bath.” 
Those words don’t reach you but you do feel your left hand being left empty. A concerned whine leaves you and Bakugou flips you over to hold you in his arms. 
“The nerd’s just going to start a bath for you. We’re not going anywhere.” A content hum from you and the blond picks you up. He kisses your forehead, “You did really good, Y/N. We love you so much.”
Ah, those are your favorite words.
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gojosoath · 2 years
Wilted Grace — Nanami/Gojo Fic
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pairing: nanami kento x gojo satoru x fem!reader (uses she/her pronouns) x poly relationship
genre: romance x angst x smut x polyamory x AU (no sorcerer stuff in this au, nanami and gojo are just normal dudes living in a normal world, lol)
warnings: SA x smut x a bit of an age gap (everyone is a consenting adult fyi) x explicit language
Summary: (AU) The story follows Y/N, Nanami and Gojo in a polyamorous relationship; the three of them navigating the new dynamic relationship for the first time in their lives. The three of them begin exploring aspects both emotionally and sexually, finding themselves on a complex journey of facing their inner demons and also healing themselves.
Table of Contents
a/n: I overthought this chapter way too much. No matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to be 100% satisfied with it. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy it. Feedback is deeply appreciated! :) 
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Part 2: Reservation for Two (wc: 2.4k) 
Nanami had practically spit out his coffee when he saw you already suggested the two of you meet up in person. He wasn’t sure if this is usually how fast dating app messages go. He reminded himself, then again, the whole point of dating apps was about getting together in person and getting to know each other. He couldn’t pinpoint why exactly he was freaking out about setting up a date with you when he’s been on blind dates that were set up by his sister, mom, and even Gojo. Nanami always went to those blind dates feeling like he needed to get them over with, he always left them with a weight off his shoulders. 
Nanami set his coffee mug down, he already opened up your message and felt he needed to respond now instead of later. He didn’t want to leave you on read and think he wasn’t interested anymore. What was the difference? Getting to know someone through a screen or in person. He preferred to meet someone in person and responding to your message would be to go down that path. Nanami braces himself and types out a response to you;
Nanami: Thank you for sharing your hobbies. Sure, we can set aside a time and day to have dinner together. When are your free times?
1 week later
“Do you think you two will end up fucking tonight?”
You gave your roommate a wide eye look, “Chloe, we need to make sure I don’t get kidnapped first. One step at a time.”
Chloe is applying their liner in the mirror, pausing to take a look at the process so far, “Okay, but if he doesn’t kidnap you, do you think you two will have sex or no?”
You finished putting in your earrings, “I don’t know!” You exclaimed, moving over to your bed and shoving last-minute items into your bag like your chapstick, wallet, and a pocket-sized mirror. “I usually like to take things slow and let stuff happen naturally, you know?”
Chloe turns around in her seat to look at you, “The pictures you showed me of him, he was so fucking hot.” 
You couldn’t hold back the smile appearing on your lips, “He is very hot, yes. But, you never know, he could be a misogynistic, narcissistic psychopath.” 
Chloe comes over to your side and hands you one of their perfume bottles, “We’ll find out tonight, then.” 
Nanami decided on a plain gray tie to go with his black button-up shirt. He opens up the drawer in his walk-in closet and chooses his favorite wristwatch, one he had last year as a birthday gift from his mom. He had his blonde hair gelled and combed in his usual business attire, and he decided at the last minute to go without his glasses and put his contacts in. He was always slightly conscious of the way he looked without his glasses as his dark circles were much more noticeable without them. 
Nanami had made a reservation for the two of you at a restaurant that was a ten-minute drive from his place. You told him during the planning of your guys’ messages that you’d be able to make it to the restaurant on your own. Nanami appreciated your already assertive and clear communication, telling him your available times to meet up with dinner that fit your class schedule and that you’ve already got the transportation covered to go back to your place.
Nanami double-checked everything, his outfit, hair, cologne. He’s used to having the jitters before dates, but this one seemed amped up. He knew the reason being that you two met through a dating app and the eight-year age gap. Plus, it’s been four years since he was in a long-term relationship, and that was with Julia. He couldn’t help but feel he was getting too old for dating, for meeting new people. After most of his dates the past years that never went anything beyond a first date, he couldn’t help but drown himself into his office work. He’d always stay overtime at the office, head stuffed between paperwork and multiple computer screens, overloading on caffeine. He wanted to keep himself busy, it’s why he would usually fall asleep while reading something on his tablet or a book in bed. 
Nanami slipped his wallet into the pocket of his blazer and grabbed his car keys. He didn’t realize he had forgotten his phone back in his room until he had made it to the elevator. As he walked back to his room, he said to himself, “Get yourself together, Nanami.”
Nanami arrived at the restaurant early. He did this intentionally, as his nervousness put pressure on him to not mess this first date up. He arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes earlier than the original set date time you two had decided on. He told the greeter that he had a reservation for two and he was guided to his table. The restaurant had cozy fairy lights that went around the ceilings, and tall plants placed in the corner of the room. The tables were covered with a white cloth and in the middle were several fake candles and vines. Nanami wasn’t much of a drinker, to begin with, he only drank when it was at employee dinners when the boss was present. And even then, he’d only take a few sips and call it day. The waiter offered Nanami wine but Nanami kindly refused as you were still not of age to legally be drinking. 
A few minutes after the planned date time and you arrived at the restaurant. Nanami was looking at the menu but not reading anything. It wasn’t until Nanami heard the waiter by him that he realized you had arrived. Nanami immediately stood up and greeted you with a small bow of his head. 
“Good evening, Y/N,” He lowered his gaze. 
You extended your arm out to him and Nanami took it, giving you a gentle handshake, “Hi, Nanami. So glad to see you,” You gave him a confident, pretty smile and sat down in your seat. 
The first thought that came to Nanami’s head seeing you for the first time in person was; She’s much more beautiful in person. He thought you looked stunning in your simple dress that came down to your shins. The dress had spaghetti straps and was a deep purple, it hugged your figure in all the right places. Nanami wanted to hide his face behind the menu when another thought crept into his mind; She’s got nice tits.
Nanami shoved the thought to the side, and cleared his throat, “You can look through the menu and see what you want. Take your time.”
You set your chin in your hands and continued to give him a pretty smile, “I already know what I want. I have a habit of looking at the menu before eating somewhere.” 
Nanami gives you a small nod, “Sounds wonderful. I’ve eaten here before, I usually stick with the same thing.”
“So,” You gushed, “I’ll be honest with you, you’re very handsome, Nanami.”
Nanami looked like he had just seen you transform into an angel, “Oh, uh…thank you, Y/N. I apologize…” he slightly tugs at his tie, “I wasn’t expecting that comment, but I appreciate it.” Nanami flips through the menu and then adds sheepishly, “You’re very pretty yourself, Y/N.”
You didn’t seem shy from his compliment at all, “Whatever you want to know about me, just ask,” you lean back in your chair, not breaking eye contact with him. The waiter arrives and asks if you two are ready to order, the two of you do so. Once the waiter leaves, you’re the one to resume the conversation. “How long have you worked in an office setting?”
“Since I’ve graduated college, I majored in business and marketing.”
You raise your eyebrows, “I get the feeling you’ve got too much personality to work in an office setting.”
Nanami was thrown off guard by your comment, “How so?”
You lightly shrug your shoulders, “I don’t know, you just give me the feeling that you chose the easiest career choice. Is there anyone out there that actually enjoys business?”
This earned an unexpected, small laugh from Nanami, he couldn’t help it, you were right. There’s no way anyone would enjoy such a corrupted and depressing subject. The business was all about selfishly bringing as much profit to the company you worked at as possible; no matter how dirty the process is to get there. 
“What about you?” Nanami asks, “What are you majoring in?”
“Graphic designing,” You said, “I know there’s a heavy business to graphic designing, but I enjoy the freedom of expression you’re able to do digitally. Well, when you’re able to have the freedom of expression.”
Nanami nods his head and then says, “I feel that we should address our age gap.”
“I agree.”
Nanami begins, “I’ve never been with anyone as young as you. The youngest I’ve been with someone was only by a year.”
“You’re my first.”
“What?” He asked, blinking. 
“You’re my first date, ever.”
“I thought you said you’ve had experience with dating apps.”
“I’ve been on dating apps,” You clarified, “but it never went anything beyond messaging. Didn’t seem to go further than that. I wasn’t allowed to date in my household.”
Nanami is panicking on the inside by what you just revealed to him; this was your first ever date?! He had to make sure it was a good date, no, a perfect date. But why would you choose someone this much older to be your first date? For your first date, you were pretty damned charismatic and seemed relaxed. Nanami remembers his first date that was when he was a sophomore in high school and he was a nervous wreck. No, Nanami felt terrified, if this was your first date, it shouldn’t be with someone like him, it should be someone in one of your classes. Someone you meet at a frat party or someone your friend sets up with.
“Are you sure you want someone like me to be your first date?” Nanami finds himself asking you.
You think for a moment, “Hmm,” You set both of your elbows onto the table, “I mean, I’m already here, might as well see how it goes.”
Nanami feels like the room is getting smaller, feeling appalled with himself that he even went through with this. Why did he even decide to get on a dating app in the first place? He suddenly wanted to get up and leave, pretending this never happened. He had never swiped on your profile when you came on his feed or messaged you back. Before Nanami can open his mouth to suggest the both of you head on home, you’re inquiring more about him.
“You said you like to bake, you like sweets?”
Nanami nodded his head, “Yes, I do.”
“What kind?”
“Cupcakes, pies, brownies…those are several I can think of off the top of my head.”
“Do you like living in the city?”
“I do, do you?”
“I love it, I want to do more exploring. I’m not from here.”
“Where are you from?” 
“About several hours from the city.” 
“What made you want to come to the city?”
“The beautiful city, I can’t do small towns like the one I’ve lived throughout my whole life. They’re boring and feel suffocating. Do you do a lot of exploring?”
Nanami shrugs his shoulders, “I mostly work.”
“Work? But don’t you get weekends off?”
“I do.”
“What do you do then?”
“Clean, cook, sometimes I’ll go for walks.”
“You and I should explore the city, get you out there more.”
Nanami feels his stomach flutter lightly, he cannot pinpoint why. You don’t look away from him, from the looks of it, you don’t seem nervous at all. He thinks back to what Gojo said, asking him if you were into older men. 
“Are you attracted to…older guys?”
You take a sip from your drink, “No, I never imagined myself swiping on someone your age. To be honest…” You set your drink down and for the first time in the night, you seemed flustered, “I was hesitant on going through with this date.”
“I don’t take any offense,” Nanami reassures you, “I was very nervous, myself.”
You let out a soft chuckle, “Well, it’s good to hear that we’re both being cautious with this. Don’t worry, I’m not looking for a daddy or anything like that with this.” 
Nanami looks down to hide his smile, “Noted.” 
The rest of the date goes smoothly, the two of you eat your food and talk about other things that come naturally. Nanami likes that you’re talkative and that you ask a lot of questions. When it comes to paying for the meal, Nanami insists on paying for both of you, but you don’t accept it. In the end, the two of you end up splitting the bill. When it’s time to say goodbye, the two of you are outside of the restaurant. You have your coat on which you pull to wrap around yourself and Nanami can’t help but find this cute.
“It was a pleasure finally meeting you, Y/N.”
You smile at him, “You too, Nanami. I had a really good time, thank you for giving me such a sweet first date.”
Nanami feels his cheeks become warm at your comment, “Thank you for a good dinner and date as well.”
You tilt your head to the side, “I’ll message you, okay?” 
Nanami nods his head, “Let me know when you get back to your place safely.”
You bite your bottom lip and look away as you ask him, “Can we hug?”
Nanami is surprised by your question, he responds with, “Yes, if you want to.”
“I do,” You stay in your place and realize just how stiff Nanami is. So you’re the first one to spread your arms and he finally steps towards you and wraps his arms around you. His arms get wrapped around your shoulders, your head coming up to his chest. Your arms are linked around his torso, and you’re engulfed in his cologne and scent. He smells fucking amazing, for a split moment, you think you’re seeing stars. The hug is brief but still cute. You notice the way Nanami seemed nervous hugging you whereas you gave his torso a light squeeze before the two of you stepped back. 
“Talk to you later!” You call out to him as you make your way to the parking lot where Chloe is parked in their car waiting for you.
Nanami waves at you and sheepishly goes to where his car is parked as well and when he finally gets into his car, he covers his face with his hands hoping you didn’t notice the way his cheeks had become a flushed pink. 
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