#to display the things i enjoy outside of just my room
webshooterrr9 · 6 hours
Dating Ushijima Wakatoshi as the Club Manager
Headcanons + fic for male!reader
Commission for @crashgrav1ty
w.c: 2k
content warning: none!, fluff, cheesy highschool romance with ushiwaka
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I feel like Ushijima would be a soft dom when dating you, not like in a sexual way, but in a romantic way. He’s just so kind and smart and he would be so gently protective of you. He would pull you closer by the waist if you were walking through a crowded area, not to turn you on, just to make sure he doesn’t lose you. He would 100% be the one to walk on the outside of the sidewalk, he follows the sidewalk rule by heart.
He would also be an incredible listener. Ushijima is a very quiet guy and I don’t think that would change when he’s with you, but if you’re a big talker that’s a good thing. He’d sit there and listen to you yap with a small smile on his face, just admiring the gleam in your eyes when you talk about your little anime crushes and current video games you enjoy. He’s lowkey very oblivious to any fandom culture, but he’d let you chat about the drama all you want.
As far as volleyball goes, he always wants to impress you. Which isn’t hard, given that he’s one of the top three hitters in the nation, but whatever. He’s always giving it his all during practice and at games because he knows you’re watching. I think he took very good care of his health before you started dating, but after you started dating and became the club manager, he was taking any opportunity he could to hydrate and stretch - because he knew that meant that he could be next to you, even if you don’t talk. He loves just holding you after games, silently hugging you close to him and resting his head on top of yours. Ushijima would stay like that forever if he could.
As far as PDA goes, I don’t think he’d be super into it, but not necessarily against it. I think it would mostly be just small displays of affection like hand holding. As a guy who doesn’t say many words, I strongly believe that his love language is physical touch and gifts. Ushijima would leave cute little notes on your desk, sometimes with nothing more than a smiley face and a heart, and he’d share his lunch with you everyday. You’d never be lonely at school, and he’d always help you with homework that you struggle with.
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Today is the big day! Well, not really. It’s just another practice game against some other school in Miyagi - but still! Even if it’s not a part of an official tournament, you were always excited to see your boyfriend do what he loved most.
Ushijima holds your hand in his as you two walk through the hallways. Your last class, Art History, just ended and now you’re both heading to the locker room to get ready for the game. He doesn’t say much, but you can see in the quick glances he keeps giving you that Ushi is very happy that you’re here with him. You don’t always make it to practice games due to family stuff, so he’s excited to know that you’ll be there to support him - even if he doesn’t do a good job at showing it.
“Hey, Waki?” you say, turning your head up towards his. His ears perk up at the nickname and he turns to look back at you while the two of you walk. “Do you think we’re gonna do good today?”
He pauses for a moment to think. “I assume so. Nobody on the team is injured.” he turns his gaze back to the direction in which you’re walking, but he’s still listening to you. “Why do you ask? Do you think we’re gonna do bad?”
“No, no! That’s not what I’m saying.” you quickly defend, waving your non-held-hand around. “You just seem a little down, that’s all.”
“Yeah. Down as in sad, not as in syndrome.”
“Oh,” he replies in that same monotone voice as usual. “I didn’t realize I appeared that way, my apologies.”
You two enter the locker room, and he lets go of your hand for a brief second to open the door, immediately returning it to its rightful place after you two have entered. “No need to apologize, I just want to make sure you’re okay is all.”
“I’m alright. Don’t worry.”
You both head over to your lockers, which are conveniently next to each other. Your eyes wander to the floor as he changes from his school uniform into his practice clothes. Even though you’ve been dating for a few months now, you’re still shy about changing. Ushijima sees you avoiding his gaze and lets out a small laugh, speeding up the process of putting his new clothes on so that you don’t have to be awkward for any longer.
Once he’s done changing, he puts a hand on your shoulder to signal that it’s okay to look. “Hey.” he says, trying to get your attention. You look up at Ushiwaka, and your cheeks flush when you see him. Maybe it’s the way he’s towering over you, or maybe it’s the quiet confidence he exudes, but something about him is just so appealing to you. Handsome. That’s the only way to describe him. His short hair is neatly styled with hazel eyes softly looking into yours. There’s a gentle smirk on his face, one that would be missed by anyone but you.
“Yeah?” you ask, trying to be nonchalant. I mean yeah, you’re dating, but you still don’t want him to know that you’re crushing on him hard. Is it even possible to crush on your boyfriend? Or is that just love? Love. Woah. Big word. Not yet.
“I was wondering if maybe, after the game, you wanted to go get some taiyaki with me.” he took his hand off of your shoulder, but still maintained the eye contact that made your knees weak with joy.
A smile creeped up on your face. You jump up in excitement. “Duh, of course! I love that stuff!”
He chuckles at your excitement. You were always known to get a bit aggressive when passionate, and he found that cute. The way your face lit up when he mentioned food is a sight Ushijima will never get tired of. Ever.
“Great,” he smiled, putting his hand back in yours. “Let’s get out there then. To the game, I mean.”
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You watch intently as your boyfriend and his teammates score point after point in the practice game. There were a few moments where they slipped up, but all in all, the match was a success for the team. You’d always be amazed by just how not tired he seems, even after running and jumping everywhere. You wonder if this guy even has the ability to sweat, or if he’s some sort of superhuman, volleyball machine.
The game was winding down, with the current score being 24-20 to Shiratorizawa. You were happy to cheer your boyfriend on, making sure that his water bottle was always full. After the visiting team got back on their bus to go home, you walked over to Ushiwaka.
“You did it, Waki!!” you beam, bouncing over to him with a spring in your step now that you two can hang out one-on-one. He smiles at you as he grabs his bag and water bottle.
“Ready to go?” he asks, and you nod your head excitedly. The two of you walk out of the school, getting on your bikes and riding down to your nearest Taimu to get those yummy desserts you were promised. By the time you two arrive there, the sun is already starting to set. Ushijima pays for your taiyaki and you both take a seat on a bench out front. You dig into the fish-shaped confectionery eagerly, not wasting a single crumb. Ushiwaka eats with you, although much slower.
You two talk about anything and everything, with most of the words being spoken by you. He watches the way your dark eyes seem to shine in the light of the setting sun, and the way the high points of your skin gleam. The way your smile stretches across your face, and the loud laugh you give when telling him a funny story. All the while, he has his hand on yours, lightly rubbing over your knuckles with his palm.
The pink and orange sky starts to fade into purple, with the cotton candy clouds clearing the way for the moon. You notice the streetlights turn on, and decide to wrap up your outing before your parents get mad at how late you’re staying out. “We should probably head home. I don’t want my parents getting mad at me.”
“Yeah. We wouldn’t want that.”
Ushijima goes to stand up, but you grab his wrist to stop him. “Wait.”
He turns back to look at you, with a quizzical expression on his face. You stand up with him, letting go of his hand for a moment. “Was this a date?” you ask, somewhat timidly.
Your boyfriend takes a moment to think before smiling, and even laughing a bit under his breath. “Of course it was.” he smiles, leaning down to plant a small kiss on your forehead. You blush furiously at the gesture, but try to play it off. “Right. Cool. Thought so.”
He smirks again at your reaction, but says nothing more. The two of you bicycle back to your house, and he walks you all the way up to your front door. When you step inside, your pets are all there to greet you. You wave goodbye to your lover, blowing him a little kiss goodnight - something you cringed at yourself for later. Ushijima waves back, waiting until you’re fully inside before he heads home.
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As Ushiwaka returns to his small farmhouse, all he can think about is you. When he sets down his bag, all he thinks about is you. When he returns the animals to their pens, all he thinks about is you. Even as he’s drifting off to sleep, you’re the only thing on his mind.
He just can’t believe how lucky he is to have you. Someone who understands him, someone who supports him unconditionally. He doesn’t need to speak for you to know what he’s thinking, and for that he thanks you. Listening to the crickets outside his bedroom window, all he wonders is if you’re asleep already. Probably not. And honestly, he’s more than happy to be there for you in the morning when you complain about how tired you are. He’s already prepared to pack a lunch for you.
And as Ushijima finally slips into unconsciousness, all he can think about is how much he loves you. It’s cheesy, he knows, but he’s so grateful to be able to experience teenage love with you. And one day, he’ll show you just how much you mean to him.
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this was a commission for a friend!
my commissions are not currently open, i only accepted this one because i've known this person for years
in the future, i plan to open commissions for those who want a personalized fic!
the original fic was more detailed to the commissioner's life, but i edited out the private details for security.
hope you enjoyed!
much love to all my supporters mwah
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dilfpassing · 2 years
one day im gonna live in my own house with my own yard and my own decorations and my own furniture and my own kitchen and surround myself with only the people i want to be with and i’ll be able to sit on my porch and watch the sunrise and the sunset and the seasons come and go and things will be better
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Mel for the unhinged character bingo!
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#ask me#so Mel is in the unenviable position of being a very strong character whose rights I support and whose wrongs I also fully support#BUT the way she's treated broadly in the fandom is so pervasive and so consistent and so frustrating to me that#I am in full -must protect my blorbo- mode with her at all times#-Mel's story is over so the only thing left for her to do is die-#-if Mel dies then J can get together with V and they will appreciate her for her sacrifice bc she died a hero who rejected Ambessa-#enough! enough I say!#what about proving to ambessa that she can take the throne for herself? what about the angst of defying her mother and her home country#and opposing those in Piltover who DO want war and want to raze the undercity#what about the magic that she's heavily foreshadowed to have and how it's different from hextech#and how it directly opposes but also parallels what is happening to Viktor#what about her -friends- abroad and the plot Mel was cooking through all of season 1 that has not been revealed yet#there's so much potential for her to have to confront the fact that J was slowly becoming a monster through season 1#and that she can't ignore the undercity forever#also what if whoever Ambessa says killed her brother comes after Mel too!#it is very frustrating to see Mel get dismissed as dead or evil or irredeemable or whatever when she is consistently#the most interesting person in the room in every single scene she's in and the character who shows the most conviction and change#so yeah i will take a bullet for her she is my blorbo I will despise any character who hurts her#and I would cradle her in my arms if she gave me a chance - which she would never! - but a girl can dream#however I also enjoy leaning into the idea that Mel is perceived as being a devil from the outside - Mel leans into it too when it serves#but it's in direct opposition to her ironclad values and the personality that she keeps hidden a layer down#I genuinely think that Mel will have a happy ending - or at least as happy an ending that an Arcane character can get lol#like I fully believe she will take the throne (Piltover) in the end but I can only guess at this point what that will cost her#I love putting Mel in situations but mainly to play with both how creative she can get and also how fucking far she will go to win#which is ANOTHER thing we know is probably true about Mel but has not been put on display yet#also Mel has already done a great job at separating what she wants for herself as a person from just being Ambessa's daughter#but Mel still deserves to get plenty of great therapy for that situation because OH GOD THAT CHILDHOOD FLASHBACK#also Kino is dead? maybe dead?? at least Mel fully believes he's dead so she needs therapy and hugs for that too#I am super normal about her can you tell
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inkskinned · 8 months
the thing about art is that it was always supposed to be about us, about the human-ness of us, the impossible and beautiful reality that we (for centuries) have stood still, transfixed by music. that we can close our eyes and cry about the same book passage; the events of which aren't real and never happened. theatre in shakespeare's time was as real as it is now; we all laugh at the same cue (pursued by bear), separated hundreds of years apart.
three years ago my housemates were jamming outdoors, just messing around with their instruments, mostly just making noise. our neighbors - shy, cautious, a little sheepish - sat down and started playing. i don't really know how it happened; i was somehow in charge of dancing, barefoot and laughing - but i looked up, and our yard was full of people. kids stacked on the shoulders of parents. old couples holding hands. someone had brought sidewalk chalk; our front walk became a riot of color. someone ran in with a flute and played the most astounding solo i've ever heard in my life, upright and wiggling, skipping as she did so. she only paused because the violin player was kicking his heels up and she was laughing too hard to continue.
two weeks ago my friend and i met in the basement of her apartment complex so she could work out a piece of choreography. we have a language barrier - i'm not as good at ASL as i'd like to be (i'm still learning!) so we communicate mostly through the notes app and this strange secret language of dancers - we have the same movement vocabulary. the two of us cracking jokes at each other, giggling. there were kids in the basement too, who had been playing soccer until we took up the far corner of the room. one by one they made their slow way over like feral cats - they laid down, belly-flat against the floor, just watching. my friend and i were not in tutus - we were in slouchy shirts and leggings and socks. nothing fancy. but when i asked the kids would you like to dance too? they were immediately on their feet and spinning. i love when people dance with abandon, the wild and leggy fervor of childhood. i think it is gorgeous.
their adults showed up eventually, and a few of them said hey, let's not bother the nice ladies. but they weren't bothering us, they were just having fun - so. a few of the adults started dancing awkwardly along, and then most of the adults. someone brought down a better sound system. someone opened a watermelon and started handing out slices. it was 8 PM on a tuesday and nothing about that day was particularly special; we might as well party.
one time i hosted a free "paint along party" and about 20 adults worked quietly while i taught them how to paint nessie. one time i taught community dance classes and so many people showed up we had to move the whole thing outside. we used chairs and coatracks to balance. one time i showed up to a random band playing in a random location, and the whole thing got packed so quickly we had to open every door and window in the place.
i don't think i can tell you how much people want to be making art and engaging with art. they want to, desperately. so many people would be stunning artists, but they are lied to and told from a very young age that art only matters if it is planned, purposeful, beautiful. that if you have an idea, you need to be able to express it perfectly. this is not true. you don't get only 1 chance to communicate. you can spend a lifetime trying to display exactly 1 thing you can never quite language. you can just express the "!!??!!!"-ing-ness of being alive; that is something none of us really have a full grasp on creating. and even when we can't make what we want - god, it feels fucking good to try. and even just enjoying other artists - art inherently rewards the act of participating.
i wasn't raised wealthy. whenever i make a post about art, someone inevitably says something along the lines of well some of us aren't that lucky. i am not lucky; i am dedicated. i have a chronic condition, my hands are constantly in pain. i am not neurotypical, nor was i raised safe. i worked 5-7 jobs while some of these memories happened. i chose art because it mattered to me more than anything on this fucking planet - i would work 80 hours a week just so i could afford to write in 3 of them.
and i am still telling you - if you are called to make art, you are called to the part of you that is human. you do not have to be good at it. you do not have to have enormous amounts of privilege. you can just... give yourself permission. you can just say i'm going to make something now and then - go out and make it. raquel it won't be good though that is okay, i don't make good things every time either. besides. who decides what good even is?
you weren't called to make something because you wanted it to be good, you were called to make something because it is a basic instinct. you were taught to judge its worth and over-value perfection. you are doing something impossible. a god's ability: from nothing springs creation.
a few months ago i found a piece of sidewalk chalk and started drawing. within an hour i had somehow collected a small classroom of young children. their adults often brought their own chalk. i looked up and about fifteen families had joined me from around the block. we drew scrangly unicorns and messed up flowers and one girl asked me to draw charizard. i am not good at drawing. i basically drew an orb with wings. you would have thought i drew her the mona lisa. she dragged her mother over and pointed and said look! look what she drew for me and, in the moment, i admit i flinched (sorry, i don't -). but the mother just grinned at me. he's beautiful. and then she sat down and started drawing.
someone took a picture of it. it was in the local newspaper. the summary underneath said joyful and spontaneous artwork from local artists springs up in public gallery. in the picture, a little girl covered in chalk dust has her head thrown back, delighted. laughing.
#writeblr#warm up#this is longer than i wanted i really considered removing that part about myself and what i went thru#but i think it really fucking bothers me that EVERY time i talk about being an artist#ppl assume i just like. had the skill and ability to drop everything and pay for grad school.#like sir i grew up poor. my house wasn't a safe space. i gave up a FREE RIDE TO LAW SCHOOL. for THIS. bc i chose it.#was it fucking hard? was i choosing the hard thing?? yes.#but we need to stop seeing artists as lazy layabouts that can ''afford'' to just ''sit around and create''#when MANY - if not MOST - of us are NOT like that. we have to work our fucking ASSES off. hard work. long and hard work#part of valuing artists is recognizing the amount we sacrifice to make our art. bc it doesn't just#like HAPPEN to us. also btw it rarely has anything to do with true talent.#speaking as someone with a chronic condition i hate when ppl are like u have it easy. like actively as i'm writing this my hands r#ACTIVELY hurting me. i haven't been posting bc my left hand was curled in a claw for the last week#this isn't fucking luck. after a certain point it's not even TALENT. it's dedication & sacrifice.#''u get to flounce around and do nothing with ur life'' is a narrative that is a direct result of capitalism#imagine if we said that about literally any other profession.#''oh so u give up 10 yrs of ur life to be a doctor? u sacrifice having a social life and u get SUPER in debt?#u need to work countless hours and it will often be thankless? well i wish i was that lucky''#we should be applying that logic to landlords ONLY#''oh ur mom and dad gave u the money to buy a house? and all u did was paint it white and rent it? huh.''
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skywalkerslvt · 4 days
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Bra Shopping With Ellie
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❥Pairing: Ellie Williams x F!Reader
❥Summary: You had been hitting on Ellie for a while, but she was too oblivious to realize you liked her. So, you took matters into your own hands, and made her help you go bra shopping. Things ensue…
❥CW: 18+, smut, semi-public sex, fingering (reader receiving), oral sex (reader receiving), pet names (the name 'baby' is used once), dom ellie, bottom reader, Ellie is oblivious as fuck at first lol, 1.8k words
❥a/n: Everyone clap I've been very productive and actually finished one of my unfinished fics woohoo! First Ellie fic hope you enjoy <3 NOT PROOFREAD
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You were fed up. So fucking fed up. You had been hitting on Ellie for what felt like an eternity, but she was completely oblivious, unable to get it through her pretty little head that you wanted her. It didn't matter how many times you complimented her, or how often you found excuses to be around her, to touch her, Ellie just didn't get it. She was endearing, but her cluelessness was driving you insane. So, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and in this case, it meant dragging Ellie to the mall with you to go bra shopping. Surely, even she couldn't miss the signals this time. 
As you entered the crowded mall, you grabbed Ellie's hand, beelining for the first frilly lingerie shop you could find. Ellie trailed behind you, a puzzled look on her face as she glanced around nervously at the delicate fabrics and lace-adorned displays. 
“Uh, are you sure this is where you wanna be?” she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. 
You gave her a sweet, innocent smile, determination in your eyes. “Of course. I need a second opinion, and you're the perfect person for the job.” 
Ellie's cheeks flushed a slight shade of pink, but she nodded, letting you lead her further into the store. As you started browsing the store, you couldn't help but steal glances at her. You intentionally picked up the most revealing bras you could find, asking her if she thought you'd look good in them, to which she nodded, averting her eyes to avoid looking at them for too long. 
As you finished picking out your bras, you grabbed Ellie’s arm, dragging her to the dressing rooms. “I'm going to try these on. Come with me?” you asked sweetly.
“Y-yeah, sure. No problem,” Ellie stuttered out, scratching the back of her neck. 
You stepped into the dressing room, leaving the curtain open slightly, just enough for Ellie to see you. As you began removing your shirt, you peeked out, hoping to find Ellie’s eyes on you. Much to your dismay, her back was turned to you, not wanting to make you uncomfortable with her watching eyes. God this girl was oblivious. You were done giving her not-so-subtle hints. You were turning into a desperate whore, and you needed her now. 
So, as you removed your own bra and reached for the most revealing bra you picked out from the store, you held the cups up to your breasts and called out to Ellie. 
“Ellie? Can you help me with something?” you called out softly, back to the curtain as your front faced the mirror. You heard her feet shuffle. 
“Yeah, of course. What do you need?” she replied.
You smirked to yourself, hoping that she would finally break through her obliviousness. “Can you just come in here?” 
“Uh…A-are you sure you want me to–” the rest of her sentence was cut off as you held the bra to your chest with one hand, reaching outside of the curtain and dragging her into the dressing room with you. 
“Yes, I'm sure. Now, will you help me clip this bra?” 
Ellie flushed deeply, her eyes raking up and down your half naked form, eyes lingering on your barely covered breasts. Unable to form words, she nodded hastily, still staring at your chest. 
You smirked as you turned around. Was she finally starting to see your flirting? Her fingers brushed against your back as she grabbed the straps of the bra, clasping it together. Her fingers ghosted along the straps, sending shivers down your spine, but as though she realized what she was doing, her movements abruptly stopped and she stepped back. 
How was she still not getting it!? 
You turned around to face her, and her eyes immediately drifted to your chest, then made their way back up to meet yours. You fiddled with the lace, still playing innocent. “What do you think?” you asked, tone husky despite the innocent look in your eyes. 
Ellie nervously glanced down to your breasts again, taking in the sight of the lacy pink bra pushing your tits together. The way she was looking at you made heat curl low in your belly, arousal beginning to pool in your panties. “Looks good…” she replied with a shaky exhale. 
“I don’t know if I like the fabric,” you said while still playing with the lace, taking an impossibly close step to her. “Here, feel it.” You reached for her hand, bringing it up to cup your breast. Ellie inhaled sharply, but made no move to remove her hand, instead stroking the fabric with her fingers. She squeezed your breast slightly, eyes meeting yours with a silent question. 
“Maybe you should try on another one,” she said, voice low and sultry. You nodded, biting your lip. “Help me take this one off.”
Ellie, now finally taking the hint, pulled you flush against her body by your belt loops, your breasts now pushed up against her torso. Her hands found your waist, slowly sliding to your back and unclasping your bra. 
She pulled the delicate fabric from your form, letting it fall to the ground as she took in the sight of your bare breasts. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you pushed her up against the wall of the dressing room, lips crashing onto hers. She kissed you back hungrily, hands squeezing your hips as you ground into her. 
She spun you around so that your back was flush against the wall, and stuck a thigh between yours, your clothed cunt now flush with her leg as she began groping your tits, mouth trailing down your neck, leaving dark purple marks. Your fingers tangled into her hair as you tilted your head back, giving her more access to your neck. She began pushing her thigh into your cunt, encouraging you to begin grinding against her. You complied, letting out a breathy moan. 
“Fuck, Ellie…took you long enough,” you whined, eyes closing at the pleasant sensations. Ellie hummed against your neck, fingers tweaking with your sensitive nipples as her tongue soothed the marks on your neck. 
Her fingers trailed down to your pants, fumbling with the buttons as her lips met yours in a sloppy, open mouthed kiss. She pushed your jeans down your hips, fingers swiping over your pussy through your damp panties. She hooked her index finger in the side of your panties, sliding them to the side, and pushed her middle finger inside of your sopping hole. 
You sighed at the feeling, cunt clenching down as she slid her ring finger in alongside her middle finger, scissoring them as her palm ground down on your clit. Her deft fingers curled, finding your g-spot, and your back arched off against the wall, pushing your tits forward. She couldn’t hold back any longer. Her hot tongue found one of your nipples, circling around the pebbled flesh before taking it into her mouth and sucking. You babbled out a series of curses, the pleasure all too much. 
She released your nipple from her mouth, coming back up to whisper in your ear. “Quiet, baby. Don’t want anyone to know what we’re doing in here, do we?” Her breath was hot against your ear, and you nodded before she kissed you, then returned back to your tits. 
As the pleasure built to an almost unbearable intensity, a wave of heat surged through your body. Your breath hitched, coming out in shallow gasps, and your muscles tensed, coiling tightly. The world around you seemed to fade away, your focus narrowing to the overwhelming sensation radiating from deep within your cunt. 
A moment later, you were swept away in a powerful release. Your body trembled, quivering with each pulse of ecstasy. The sensation washed over you in waves, pussy gushing all over Ellie’s fingers, leaving you breathless and utterly spent. Your mind went blank, consumed by pure unadulterated pleasure. 
She removed her fingers, bringing them up to your lips. You opened your mouth, circling your tongue over the digits, moaning at the taste of your arousal. Ellie’s pupils were blown wide, her teeth worrying her lower lip as she slid her fingers out of your mouth. She wanted more. 
Ellie dropped to her knees and propped one of your thighs over her shoulder. Sticking her tongue out, she licked a long stripe from your hole to your clit, all while maintaining eye contact with you. You moaned and bucked your hips forward at the delicious overstimulation to your poor abused clit, only further encouraging Ellie’s ministrations. Her lips closed around your clit, sucking harshly as her fingers found their way back to your dripping hole.  
Her tongue flicked against your sensitive nub, alternating between quick, teasing licks and slow, deliberate strokes that had your legs shaking. You clung to the wall behind you, struggling to stay upright as Ellie devoured you with a fervour that bordered on desperate.
"Fuck, Ellie, just like that," you moaned, your voice barely above a whisper, mindful of the other shoppers just outside the dressing room. The illicit nature of the situation only heightened your arousal, each muffled moan and gasp making you feel like you were on the edge of being caught.
Ellie's fingers worked in tandem with her mouth, curling inside you to hit that perfect spot over and over again. Your body tensed, a familiar coil of heat tightening in your core. Ellie seemed to sense your impending orgasm, increasing the pressure of her tongue and the pace of her fingers, driving you relentlessly toward the brink.
When your orgasm finally crashed over you, it was even more intense than the first. Your thighs clamped around Ellie's head as your body convulsed with pleasure. She didn't let up, milking every last wave of ecstasy from you until you were a trembling, gasping mess.
Finally, she pulled back, her chin glistening with your arousal. She stood up, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, letting you taste yourself on her tongue.
“Get dressed. We’re heading back to my place to finish what you started,” she said boldly, squeezing your hips before handing you your jeans.
You quickly dressed, your hands trembling slightly with anticipation. As you adjusted your clothes, you glanced at Ellie, her eyes dark and intense, filled with desire.
Before stepping out of the dressing room, Ellie pulled you close, her lips brushing against your ear. "You were amazing," she whispered, her voice low and husky. "And trust me, this is just the beginning."
You shivered at her words, feeling a thrill of excitement shoot through you. As you both exited the dressing room, the crowded mall seemed like a distant reality, knowing that the next time you were alone, things would get even more intense.
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endlessthxxghts · 7 months
no outbreak!Joel Miller x afab!reader || W/C: ≈1.8k
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Summary: You're trying to prep for Thanksgiving dinner when Joel asks if he can pull you away for a minute.
Warnings: Implied established relationship. SMUT 18+ MDNI. Oral sex (f recieving). Edging (briefly). Squirting. Desperate!Joel. Pleasure Dom!Joel. An extremely thankful, pussy drunk Joel...✨Mirrors✨! Cumming untouched (Joel's a bed humping mess, what can I say?). Pictures are for aesthetic purposes; no physical description of reader.
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a little Thanksgiving drabble with a domesticated, pre-outbreak Joel for y'all. I left it kinda open, so you can view him as a boyfriend or husband, entirely up to you, but y'all do live together! Anyhow, if you are celebrating Thanksgiving, please be sure to acknowledge the land that belonged to the Indigenous people first. I say this because we can enjoy Thanksgiving and the general themes it stands for while decolonizing the white-washed version. All my love! Hope you enjoy Joel being a thankful, horny menace.👹
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“Happy Thanksgivin’, baby,” Joel says, sliding up behind you, his big arms around your waist caging you between him and the kitchen counter. He places a kiss on your neck. 
You smile in his embrace, loving the warmth radiating from his body. “Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, handsome.” 
“Do you have a minute to step away?” He asks, voice low. 
“Depends, baby,” you say, knowing you might know where this is headed. “Gotta finish prepping the sweet potato, so I can throw it in the oven. I can step away then?”
“This is for dinner later tonight at your parents, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah. Why?” You turn your head up to peer at him. He already has a big fat smirk on his face. 
“We have so much time, baby,” he kisses you once more. “I just need you for a minute.”
“Joel,” you say sternly, though you feel your knees already buckling.
His hands are at your waist, guiding you to the kitchen sink and guiding you to wash your hands. As soon as you’re done, he’s twisting you in his hold, so your body is flushed with his. Your neck angled back to look him in the eyes. Within seconds, his hands are on either side of your face, lips smashing into yours, tongue immediately darting out to tangle with yours. His hips push harder against you, and you can feel his hard length against your lower belly. 
Too lost at his sudden horniness, you don’t realize his hands leave your face and make their way to your thighs. He pulls away from you momentarily, letting out a breathless up as he taps the outside of your thigh. You lift your legs up to wrap around his waist. 
He’s walking you to your shared bedroom, lips still on yours. As he reaches the threshold of the room, he tells you to close your eyes. 
“Darlin’, just do it,” he says, amusement in his tone at your hard-headedness. One of his favorite things about you.
A small fine leaves your lips, and soon he’s throwing you on your bed, your body doing a little bounce at the fluffiness of your mattress. You squeal at being airborne, loving how he always manhandles you so perfectly. 
Your eyes are still closed even though you’re dying to open them, and you start to feel Joel unzip your jeans, kissing every inch of your now-exposed lower belly. Once your bottoms are completely off, he settles himself between your legs, putting your thighs up onto his broad shoulders, keeping you completely open to him. 
“Open, baby,” he says, kissing the insides of your thighs.
You peer through your lashes slowly, but then your nervousness fades. Nothing looks different. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. Until you look at Joel’s hand wrapped around your thigh. His one finger is pointing up to the ceiling. You look up. 
You look up and see your reflection staring back down at you. A complete view of Joel’s body between your legs, his broad back on display with his cute ass you love so much. Your jaw is on the floor. 
“You like?” you hear him ask, a bit nervous. 
“When?” you ask, still a bit shocked (and crazily aroused) at your room’s new feature. 
“You were so busy in the kitchen all day,” he responds, “‘N I remembered our conversation a month ago, and I’ve been wantin’ to do it since, but never had the chance.”
You look back down to his own eyes. “I bought everythin’ for it after the conversation, too,” he adds. “Thought I’d make myself useful today in the way I know best.”
You think back to that conversation. 
“Baby,” you yell from the couch.
“Hm?” he grumbles from his place in the kitchen.
“How would you feel,” you pause for a second, easing your own nerves about your request. Sure, Joel is just as freaky as you are, but it’s a natural human reaction to be unsure about new things. “About putting mirrors in our room?”
He’s in the living room within seconds. 
He raises his eyebrow. “Mirrors where?”
You look at him for a minute. “...above the bed.” 
His eyes flash something dark. 
“Okay,” he says. 
“Okay?” you ask, shocked at his quick agreement.
“Okay.” You swear you see the one side of his mouth flip up in a smirk as he walks back to the kitchen. 
You reach your hand down to caress his cheekbone, wanting nothing more than to kiss him but waiting because you know what he’s about to do. “I fucking love it,” you tell him. 
“Good,” he says. His eyes look back down to your glistening cunt. He’s about to taste you when you speak up again. 
He looks back up to you. 
“Take your shirt off. Wanna see you,” you say with a smirk as you point back up to the mirror above you. 
He sits back up on his haunches, a smirk identical to yours spread across his face. He unbuttons his flannel slowly as he maintains eye contact with you. What a tease, you think. Two could play that game. 
As soon as his chest is in view, you let out a little exaggerated moan, “Oh, fuck, baby.”
Your hand that was resting besides you moves to your chest. Slowly, you drag your fingers down your sternum, down your belly. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
His eyes are watching your hand like a hawk. He speeds up his unbuttoning process, but only by a millisecond, trying to keep his act and not fall under your siren spell. 
Your fingers reach the top of your mound, coursing through the patch of hair down there. You shift your hips for added effect. As he gets to his last two buttons, the two pads of your fingers make their way to your clit, circling soft and slow, pulling the softest but neediest of moans from you. “Fuck, baby,” you drag out, pained. You bring your fingers lower, dipping into your wetness. You pump in and out of yourself for a few moments, letting him hear how wet you are. “See what you do to me, baby?”
“Fuck,” he growls out, the brown of his eyes completely gone. His act is done for as he rips off his flannel, the last button flying somewhere with a soft clack landing. He’s back between your legs at an instant, his hand grabbing at your wrist and bringing it up to his mouth, sucking at the slick on your fingers. His quickness mixed with his roughness sends you in a frenzy, a lewd gasp leaving your mouth at his actions. 
He releases your hand and his one hand situates itself at the top of your ass, angling your hips more forward, putting your cunt directly in line with his mouth. His other arm situates itself over your belly. 
He licks a wet stripe through your seam using the flat of his tongue, and you swear you saw Heaven flash through his eyes. “God, ya taste so fuckin’ good,” he says. 
He places an open-mouthed kiss to your clit, pulling off of you with suction. Your hips try to chase him for more, but the hold he has on you has you going nowhere. “This right here is what I’m fuckin’ thankful for,” he whispers at your pussy before he completely dives like a man starved. Like it’s his Thanksgiving meal. 
His actions are focused on your sobbing entrance right now, his tongue lapping up your juices and entering your fluttering hole every chance he gets. The deeper he fucks his tongue into you, the more his thick, hooked nose nudges at your clit, providing the perfect amount of pleasure that sends you screaming. 
“Fuck, Joel-!” you yell out. “Please, don’t stop, just like that, baby, please!” Your back tries to arch as much as it can with his heavy arm weighing you down. He opens up his eyes, looking up to check on you. A smile forms as he licks at you: your head thrown back in pleasure, eyes tightly shut. He keeps his exact pace and pressure, pulling you to the very edge just like you so sweetly asked for. Then, he’s pulling off of you. 
Your eyes shoot open, immediately searching for Joel’s. You’re thrashing against his hold. “Baby, no, please,” you whine in frustration. “I was so close, please.”
He points back up to the mirror. “Don’t let my efforts go to waste, baby,” he says with a condescending inflection. “You said you wanted to watch me. So, watch. Or I’ll stop.”
You whimper at his words, nodding your head frantically, babbling to appease him. “Yes, baby, yes, I promise. I’ll keep my eyes open. Promise. Please, baby, please,” you beg.
Your words leave your tongue as his returns to the place you need him most. He angles your hips just slightly higher, giving him the perfect position to put all of his wet muscle into your pussy as his nose perfectly hits your already sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hands fly to his curls at the contact, your eyes threatening to roll back in pleasure. 
You use all your strength to bring your eyes up to the mirror, and the sight of his back muscles flexing and twitching with every movement he makes has the fire in your core burning brighter. The next thing you notice is what sends you over the edge. His hips are rutting into the mattress, easing his hardness as though he’s a dog in heat. The thought of his desperation for you — his primal crave for you — that ends you. 
You’re nearly ripping his hair out of his scalp as your eyes clamp shut, a stream of moans and gasps for air fill the room as you soak his entire face with your slick. At your finish, he’s moaning into you, and you can feel his body begin to vibrate. You open your eyes as best as you can, and you can see his hips are still rocking, weak and shaky. 
He came. 
He looks up from your pussy, the bottom half of his face soaked with a devilish grin gracing his features. He looks more fucked out than you, and if you’re remembering your tiny glimpse of your reflection as you came, you also look utterly fucked. 
He wipes the wetness of his face on your thigh only to lick it all back up, sucking a few marks to bloom later tonight. 
He places one last kiss to your clit, causing you to yelp in overstimulation. 
“Yeah,” he breathes, as if he’s reminiscing about the things he just did to you. “I’m fuckin’ thankful,” he says as he heads to the bathroom to grab a cloth to clean you up. 
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Tags: @javierpena-inatacvest @katiexpunk @janaispunk @farmerlarrry @mellymbee @jobee403 @soavenuepenguin @rainbowcosmicchaos @untamedheart81 @lilynotdilly @babygal-babygal @pedritoferg @pedrostories @akah565 @getitoutofmymind
EDIT: As of the new year 2024, I no longer do taglists!! Follow @endlessthxxghtsnotifs and turn on the notifications to be updated when new stories come out!!
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 months
so ready: l.hamilton.
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pairing: lewis hamilton x pt fem!black reader
summary: you’re his trainer, he’s him, the chemistry is undeniable.
warning: 18+ mdni, EXTREME SEXUAL CONTENT, pwp, fast paced, teasing, dirty talk, degradation kink?, unprotected sex, guys, I’m a slut - we sucking and fucking over here.
notes: I put a break on working on endless melodies, this picture called for my attention and here we are 😩. I also don’t know where the 3.5K words came from 😭 this was meant to be short.
w.c: 3.5K
tags: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @hersinsarescarlet @emjayewrites @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @felicity-x0 @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy
buy me a kofi.
You sighed as you walked through the underground garage of the building. You were mentally preparing yourself to be in your client’s presence. You wish you could have rejected his contract but it was such good money to resist - a resource that you needed at the time - and he was a good man. Refusing to train him would have not made sense outside of the biggest con being that you were attracted to him.
Deeply attracted to him.
Every session was a fighting battle and today would be no different.
It had been seven months since you started working with him. Lewis was very serious about his physical health but he was so flirtatious and it made it hard to concentrate on your job. But today, you promised yourself that you would be serious and not give into his little games.
On the elevator ride up to his penthouse, you trained your mind to block his advances and not give into his charm. However, whether you intended to or not, your outfit choice for the session was along the lines of cute and practical. The grey headband keeping your hair away from your face was matching the gym shorts that you were wearing. Your physique was on display without it coming off as a little desperate. It’s not like you needed to put in any type of effort anyway, you were beautiful enough on your own but the outfit was just a greater temptation for Lewis.
Even though you lied to yourself that you didn’t enjoy the game of teasing that you played with him.
“Lewis! I’m here!” You yelled as you walked through the lobby of his penthouse. The patters of Roscoe’s feet against the marbled floor rang through to your ears. The aging dog ran towards you and it brought a smile to your face. You bent down and grabbed the pup’s face into your hands and caressed the deep folds of his cheeks.
“Hi boy!” You spoke with a high pitch to your voice. “You’ve been good for your Dads when I’ve been away?” He licked the palms of your hands as he wiggled his tail.
“Yeah! Because you’re a good boy aren’t you? It’s your Dad that’s the trouble maker.” You said to Roscoe before standing up straight.
“Oh I’m a trouble maker now?” His voice was the first thing that you heard before you saw him. As you walked to the kitchen to wash your hands, you caught sight of him leaning against the living room area wall as he watched you.
Dressed in a dark grey fitted t-shirt and matching grey shorts with black thermals beneath. His locs were braided away from his face, forcing you to bare witness to his beauty.
“You’ve always been one, don’t act so surprised now.” You replied as you watched your hands. You may not be able to see him but you could feel his eyes on your back. You bit your lip as you wiped your hands and then turned around. Your hands were on either side of your body on the counter as you looked at him.
“When have I ever caused trouble for you darling?” He asked as he stood to his full height and moved closer to you in the kitchen area, stopping by the island and leaning fowards against it.
“Do you really want me to answer that question? Because I have a list of examples.”
He laughed at your response instead of answering. He knew exactly what you were talking about.
“Anyway. Are you ready for our session today? I don’t want any problems this time around. You have somewhere to be and so do I. So no funny games.” You stressed the last part of your statement - more to yourself than to him.
Lewis’s eyes were drooped low, his long lashes nearly touching the apple of his cheeks as they hung low before he trailed them from the exposed skin of your thighs to your flushed cheeks as you held in your breath. His teeth trapped the flesh of his bottom lip to restrict his smile from spreading as he stood up straight.
“I’ll be on my good behaviour. I promise.” His voice was an octave deep and laced with temptation. You knew then, that this training session would be anything but smooth sailing.
A good sparring session was a great way to end a productive session. Lewis stayed true to his word for most of the time but he’d throw in a flirtatious jab here and there that had you flustered. As much as you tried to hate it, you revelled in the way that those comments made you feel.
One last sparring session and you won’t have to see him for another three days.
You needed that breather.
“Come on baby girl. You can give it to me harder than that.” He teased as he bounced on his feet as he moved away from you. You rolled your eyes as you flexed your arms.
“I’m your trainer Lewis. I’m not supposed to be harder on you.”
“I can take it.” He shrugged. “That’s something you’re supposed to be saying in the right circumstances.”
“You’re a cocky little shit!” You stressed as your fingers flexed in the punching mitts before you began to run after him.
“There we gooo. Give me that fire, show me what you got baby.” He smirked at you. You fumed as you stopped chasing him and took off your punching mitts.
“Beating your ass would give me the greatest pleasure.” You said as you threw the mitts down before pulling the bandage wrap out of your open bag.
“I can do many things that can bring you pleasure that don’t involve us boxing.”
“Prove it.” You spat at him.
Before things moved forward, Lewis did the one thing that he knew would disrupt your focus.
He took his shirt off and kicked it close to the edge of the floor to ceiling mirror. All of the witty comments dried in your throat as you took him in. The defined muscles of his abs, the deep pelvis lines, the rich tan contrasting his tattoos and most of all, the budding chest hair.
Involuntarily, your thighs clenched at the sight.
He licked his lips as he watched you struggle for words. He could see the fight in your eyes as you were determined to not fall into the trap of your attraction but your body was failing tremendously.
Fine. You thought. Two can play that game.
Without warning, you grabbed the edge of your top and pulled it over your head. If Lewis thought his naked chest would disrupt you then you could pull the same card. Left in just your padded sports bra, you watched as Lewis became as speechless as you had been.
You were not going to make this easy for him.
Lewis finished wrapping his hands. “I’m ready.”
The both of you put up a good fight. Physically and mentally. Every hit, every jab, felt like a victory in the war of desire. Both of your bodies damp from sweat with how much energy you exerted during this ‘friendly’ sparring session.
You were winning. He asked for your all and you gave it. This was something just to prove to yourself that you could resist him. That you could withstand his charm and that your attraction didn’t lead you blind.
Then he grabbed your wrists and pulled younclose to his body. You gasped as he tightly held your hands behind your back trapping them by his torso as his other arm wrapped around your waist.
“Aren’t you tired of playing this game sweetheart?” He whispered in your ear.
“You started it. Of everyone, you should know how crucial professionalism should be.” You hissed back as you struggled to get out of his hold.
“How could I focus on staying professional when every part of me wants to explore every inch on you. And don’t try to deny it either. I see the way you look at me, the way you desire me in a way that would disgrace the gods.”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he spoke. His words were the apple from the tree of knowledge and his voice was the serpent in the garden of Eden.
“I can’t pretend anymore.” He confessed. “I want you YN. I want you so fucking much.”
“Now you admit it.” You say as you squirmed. Lewis held onto you tighter.
“I never denied it darling.” He chuckled in your ear. “You did. We wouldn’t be having this back and forth if you had just admitted that you were into me the way I was into you.”
“That wouldn’t change the fact that I was compromising a client-employer relationship and my reputation just for some dick.”
“This dick would change your life baby.”
“You’re so fucking annoying!”
“Turn around and say that to my face.”
He spun you in his arms before another word could be uttered. You stared at each other with no words spoken as your eyes ventured from their eyes to their lips. The action causing you to lick your lips.
“Cat got your tongue?” He teased as his hands dropped to your waist and pulled you closer. The smile on his face held the promise of everything that he had teased and taunted you about. Wicked and sinful things that had your mouth watering at the mere thought of them.
Body to body like this, the wall that you had been building in your mind had come crumbling down. Not that you had put up that big of a fight anyway but the effort that had been exerted up to now was too much and you were giving it up.
You were ready. You were more than ready.
“You’ve been trying your hardest to break me. And for a while I forgot that I too can play this game very well.” You said as you hooked a finger around the strap of your bra and brought it down your arm.
“I want you Lewis, I do.” You finally admitted. “But you want me just as much, if not more.” You unhooked your bra and flung it across the room. He fought to push the bandages away from his knuckles before embracing you with his big hands running up and down your back.
“If you had just given me the chance, I would loved on you the second I knew that you felt the same.” He whispered as his hands trailed down your back and settled on your ass. He kneaded the flesh of your ass cheeks, drawing you closer so that you could feel his breath on the top of your lip.
You leaned forward and kissed him with all of your might. All of the pent up desire you had been holding at bay for the last seven months burst out of you. You pushed your body into his as he moved his lips roughly over yours, opening your mouth for the sweet intrusion of his tongue as he deepened the kiss. Your nails dug into his back as you wrapped a leg around his waist as you felt the lower part of his body pressing into you.
Lewis moved his hand from your ass, trailing it up your spine before cupping the back of your neck and pulling you inwards. You gasped as he nibbled on your bottom lip, pulling the lip into his mouth. Your pussy creamed at the realisation at just how hard his dick was as it rested against you.
“Let me taste you.” You said as you pulled your lips away. “Please.”
“Do you think you deserve it? After the way you made me feel for wanting you? You think you deserve my touch?”
“Lewis … please.”
“Take these off.” He growled as he tugged at your grey shorts. You made light work of them before stepping back into his embrace. Your small cotton panties were digging into the flesh of your hips but Lewis quickly tugged at the material and shoved them down the length of her legs.
His eyes focused back on your face as he felt your hands move down the back of his head and edge him closer to your core. He pushed your legs further apart as his fingers teased your hot skin. His eyes soaking in every reaction that he drew out of you.
“You have spend the last seven months playing hard to get but here you are, ready to crumble at the touch of my fingers.” Lewis whispered as he pressed kisses onto your stomach.
“You’re talking entirely too much for someone who has pussy staring them in their face.”
“And this pussy is glorious, believe me. But I need you to suffer a little bit.”
He gave you an inch by running his fingers teased along your slit but did not settle his fingers where you needed him the most. Instead of shoving his digits into your cunt like he wanted, he brought them to his lips and licked them clean.
“So good.” He said and then stood straight and buried his face into the crook of your neck. He licked at your flesh before sinking in his teeth. The way he drew your skin into his mouth caused you to moan.
“Lew, please. Please.” You begged before he claimed your mouth yet again. He kissed you hard with his tongue lashing against yours before his teeth sunk into your bottom lip causing the sweetest pain to shoot up your spine. You pushed your body against him as far as your standing position would allow.
He wrapped his hands in your sweated out hair which was reverting back to its natural curl pattern. He pulled away from your lips and stared down at you with the darkest look of arousal tainting his beautiful eyes.
You watched as a cocky smirk etched on his face. You knew Lewis had you. Once your inhibitions were shut down, it was very easy for you to turn to your desires. And that lust had you falling to your knees as you looked up at him as his cock swelled in the confines of his thermals.
You pushed the fabric further down his thick thighs until his cock was revealed and … holy shit.
You knew that Lewis had the inches and the girth to work with but you weren’t expecting it to be so … heavy? His dick was so big and thick but it was nothing you couldn’t work with. Especially with the smugness glazing his eyes, you took it as a challenge.
His legs were spread, standing tall and proud as his dick bobbed in front of you. Heavy, leaking and begging for your oral attention.
“Open your mouth.” He said as he held his cock by the base and pointed it towards your plump lips.
Your mouth quickly hung open and your tongue darted out to lick his tip. You swirled your tongue around the head before you slid most of his dick into your mouth and sucked. You were extra as fuck as you licked and slurped, wanting him to understand the sloppy, messy head that awaited him. That you had been fantasising about this moment for a long time and now you were going to show to show him what you were about.
“Sucking this dick so fucking good.” He groaned as he held your head and tipped it back before moving his hips so that his tip was brushing back against the back of your throat.
“This is what you needed huh? My dick in your mouth to turn you into a little slut for me.” You moaned around him as you stretched your hands out on his torso, feeling his chest hairs prickle against your palm.
You don’t answer him as you continue working your head up and down his length. He felt so good in your mouth. The muskiness of his scent was all that you could think off as your saliva pooled in your mouth the more he worked his hips, fucking your mouth.
You were so eager to suck his dick. You pushed your head down further, taking him deeper down your throat which caused his knees to buckle.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Lewis groaned as he fisted your hair tighter, looking down at you as you moved your head fast, spit bubbles building as your nose brushed against his pelvis before your hand came up to fondle with his balls.
“Just like that. Keep sucking me just like that baby.” He gasped as you continued sucking on him as if you were trying to take his soul. Sure, Lewis had brought you down to your knees but you were making him regret ever thinking that he held all of the cards. There were no words to describe just how good you were sucking his dick. Your hands cradling his balls, his tip repeatedly hitting the back of your throat - this was more than otherworldly.
When you pulled your lips away from him, Lewis felt like he could breathe as you moved your hand around his length in tight, circular motions.
“If I didn’t want to come inside of you, I would have come all over your beautiful face.” He spoke with a hoarseness to his voice before he manoeuvered you underneath him. The gym mats were harsh against your skin but you were past the point of caring.
“Fuck me.” You whispered as Lewis shifted your legs into the crooks of his arms as his dick rubbed against your opening. You reached up and claimed his mouth. His saltiness lingered between each entanglement of your lips. You tasted the remnants of your sweetness in his mouth the longer you greedily moved your mouth against his.
You didn’t care for the way the hard mats were biting into your skin. All you cared about what the surge of lust that burst through you as Lewis rubbed his cock against your cunt. His hand travelled up to your throat and squeezed as he positioned himself in between your legs. Every single gasp and little cry that he pulled out of you pushed him closer to the edge. His lips sought your earlobe as he raised your leg to his shoulder before he finally sunk into your pussy.
You were so soft. So sweet. So tight. So wet. You accepted him like you’d been waiting for him all this time and then clenched onto him so hard that Lewis so felt lightheaded before he could complete his stroke.
Lewis needed to regain his composure but you were a withering mess beneath him. Your scent like a cocoon around the both of you, he couldn’t find his bearings as he found a rhythm to his strokes.
Slow and deep as you arched your back and dug your nails into the skin of his back.
Your lips parted as you struggled to catch your breath with the sexy sounds of your pleasure reverberating through the room, bouncing off the equipment back into his ears.
Lewis let your legs fall back to his waist as he dropped to his forearms so that his body, slick with sweat, pressed against yours. You immediately wrapped both of your legs around his waist, pulling him even deeper into you as he resumed his slow, deep thrusts coupled with circular motions that always pulled a sharp, little cry from you beneath him.
For months he had dreamt you like this. Underneath him, begging and crying for him as he deprived your body of pleasure.
Your nipples grazed his chest as he moved. You trailed your fingernails down the length of his back as you pulled him in for frantic kisses as the both of you moved towards the inevitable conclusion.
Lewis pressed his forehead against yours as your pussy started clenching rapidly around him.
“That’s it, baby,” he demanded through his teeth. “Cum all over this dick.”
You screamed his name and it was the sexiest thing he’d ever heard. He covered your mouth with his, swallowing your cries of pleasure, thrusting hard and fast into you as he chased the orgasm building in him.
You scratched at his back, gripped the sheets and bit into the pillow even as you started moving your hips up to meet his dick.
“Lewis!” You yelled as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your orgasm plummeting through your body.
“That’s it sweetheart. Come all over this dick.” He growled into your ear as he bucked his hips hard and fast before the force of his climax had him tensing and twitching in between your legs.
You hummed softly as Lewis returned to himself once his muscles had stopped twitching. All that pent up energy had finally been released and the both of you were butt naked in his private gym.
So many lines had been crossed tonight but either of you cared. Especially when he kissed you senseless and promised you more orgasms than you were ready to give.
London fashion week be damned ….
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pinkmirth · 8 months
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𝒮𝒴𝒩𝒪𝒫𝒮ℐ𝒮 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ you’ve fallen for your darling bodyguard, and you’re over the moon to discover that he feels the same. but this feels borderline forbidden . . . for just how long can you keep what you have with reiner under wraps?
𝒞𝒪𝒩𝒯𝒜ℐ𝒩𝒮 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ( 5k+ words of . . . ) bodyguard!reiner x fem!reader (black coded), fluff, nsfw, modern au, scion!reader (descending from a rich family/influential bloodline), hyperfeminine ‘girly-girl’ reader, reiner’s german, mutual pining, secret relationship / sneaky link, public display of affection (pda), food play, car sex (unprotected), slight dacryphilia, creampie, use of pet names ( e.g. mama, baby, honey, princess), reader calls reiner ‘ papa, ’ explicit language, lowercase intended, minors shoo!
𝓂𝓎 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁ℯ 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓁ℯ𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ this post is an answer to an anonymous ask: ‘ what about secret dates (turned sneaky links) with body guard! reiner??? ’ oh. my. goodness! nonnie, you’re a sexy genius and you should know it. tagging the amazing @ramonathinks! she’s the one who even introduced this bodyguard!rei-rei concept to me, and for that i’m so grateful :) ramona my love, thank you again for all the delicious reiner thoughts you always send my way! now enjoy, xoxo ♡︎
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reiner’s your bulking shadow, never trailing too far behind.
he’s been hired by your parents to ensure your safety. nothing more, nothing less. he’ll follow your every step and drive you wherever you please; after all, it’s what he’s paid to do.
things started off the way they should— professional. from the very beginning, reiner knew to keep his distance, and that he did. but he soon realized just how hard that would become . . . you’re effortlessly gorgeous, sharp with your words and caring to a fault. his growing affection was only a matter of time.
nowhere on the criteria for the job does it say that he should be developing feelings. observing your habits, committing them to memory and predicting your behavior is the only thing he’s got any business doing. yet, he loves to feel the softness of your palm in his hand when he helps you into the backseat of your car, even if the contact is just for a split second at most. he finds himself peeking glances at you from the rearview mirror, soaking in how pretty you look when you’re unaware of his gaze. in truth, reiner wishes you didn’t have such an effect on him; that would make work-life much easier on his poor soul. well, love isn’t known for being simple, now is it?
it takes about four weeks on the job for him to grow a soft spot for you. reiner’s always been a hopeless romantic, oh-so quick to fall. he’d willingly lay down his life for the sake of your own, and not just because he’s getting a paycheck for it. thanks to the job description, his devoutness isn’t questioned.
before long, reiner can tell you’re becoming attached to him as well. on a fateful night, he even overhears the phone call between you and your friend, something about ‘ mister braun being so sexy that it hurts . . . ’ your bodyguard is nothing if not a man of dignity. he never meant to eavesdrop! it’s just that he's stationed outside your room for night patrol. he’s now especially glad about being up at five in the morning; he wouldn’t have been able to hear this otherwise. your confessions pry a subtle grin from his lips. there he stands, smiling to himself in the dimly lit hallway where nobody can see him blush like a schoolboy.
‘ nuh-uh, i can’t! that man works for my parents . . . he’s completely off-limits. it's a damn shame, isn’t it? ’ you release a sigh, one so exasperated that he can hear it through the other end of the door. call reiner crazy, but it sounds to him like you’re yearning to have him all to yourself. in a sudden moment, you're emerging from the room, donned in a tiny pink nightgown. cute, but thin as fuck. leaves nothing to the imagination, even. it’s the flimsiest thing he's ever seen you wear.
reiner’s cheeks burn so red that is downright embarrassing, thankfully you're unable to see him. he’s quick to lift his head and look towards the ceiling instead— much more suitable than ogling the tits of his very own client. you wouldn’t be able to catch him staring regardless, considering how the entire corridor’s tainted with darkness, but he wouldn’t dare try to steal a peek anyway.
what he can see, though, is your leisurely smile as you tell him you’re headed to the kitchen to grab a cool glass of water.
“would you like to escort me there too, mister braun? or can i go do something by myself for once?”
you’re playing with him, he realizes. just mere teasing meant to be absolutely harmless. your voice sounds much sweeter at this hour; soft and casual, coated lightly with fatigue from a busy day’s schedule.
“as long as we’re indoors, you can go anywhere you like, madam.” says reiner, “i’ll be here if you need me.”
you make your way to the refrigerator, prancing down the mansion’s luxe spiral staircase, and reiner’s rampant heart finally begins to calm. he wonders if you’d meant for him to hear you on that call. (by now, he knows just how cheeky you can be; it was definitely purposeful.) nevertheless, he's got a job to keep. neither your mother or father would respond kindly if they were to find out that he's become attached to you, or vice versa. he can hardly imagine playing the boyfriend when in reality, he’s supposed to be making sure nothing suspicious comes anywhere near a mile-long radius of you . . . it’s laughable! he’s sure your parents have more than enough money to make him disappear in the blink of an eye— that chilling fact alone puts him on his best behavior.
reiner decides to conceal it; the way he feels for you. keeps his back straight and arms folded to portray the unapproachable persona that got him hired in the first place. you eventually decide to question him over why he so-often wears that solid expression, ‘ like he doesn’t know how to smile, ’ is how you put it. it’s the very first time that you ever hear him laugh, and you turn out to like the sound. rumbly and full of bass. he couldn’t bring himself to admit that in every waking moment, it takes everything to suppress his smile whenever he sees you.
eight months of being in his company brings you to notice that reiner’s a decent listener. he makes for a great conversation, too. sure, he’s just your bodyguard, but he’s got a good ear and a smooth voice. your talks with him are always so lovely; he gives you the comfort to open up about things you’d never be able to tell your parents. pride washes over him when you admit that he’s the only one you genuinely trust. and in these moments, reiner allows himself to get vulnerable too. he tells you of his love for football as a youth, how he takes combat classes five times a week, and that he’s got tons of sisters, brothers and cousins back home in the countryside. the pair of you are so different that the contrast could almost be considered terrible. though, the longer you stay in each other’s presence, the less you can bring yourselves to care.
you and your bodyguard have grown . . . close, to say the least. the way you’re always latching onto his brawny form seems much more than friendly, especially to your parents. ‘ i feel secure with him! ’ is your claim. they’d beg to differ, but your wellbeing is enough to keep them satisfied. reiner excels at his job, and more importantly, the big blonde lug makes you happy. nobody they’ve hired in the past was ever able to get in your good graces; you utterly hated all your former bodyguards. they were much too controlling, lingered too close.
but mister braun was able to differentiate himself. he listens to your dreams and fears alike, treats you like a capable woman instead of some spoiled brat. it also doesn’t hurt that he’s incredibly easy on the eyes . . .
reiner can no longer take it. the woman of his dreams is right in front of him, and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it. the smoothest advance he can make is standing at your right side and slinking an arm around your waist, with claims of it being for your ‘protection.’ but the both of you know it’s only the proximity he’s chasing after. the way he looms beside you was always more self-indulgent than it was for safety. he just liked the closeness of it all.
he feels so much for you, and he’s virtually dying to tell you. but there’s countless reasons why he shouldn’t— particularly the risk of losing his job. every now and again, reiner chooses to be a little bit stupid, all consequences be damned. he works up the nerve to release his confession with slow and careful words. you quickly reciprocate, arms thrown around the back of his neck and tugging him into a cozy hug. he takes you by the waist and pulls you closer in— god, he’s been wanting to do this for so long. reiner hums when your manicured fingers ghost his nape, nails grazing the ends of his hair, with your tits pressed to his own chest. the pair of you fit better than he ever could’ve imagined.
you don’t know whether to call yours and reiner’s relationship ‘ official ’ — can it really be deemed as such when you’re the only ones who know? you dare not mention this to your parents, ‘cause he’s got a job to keep and you couldn’t possibly bear him not being around.
so, you’ve both decided that it’ll be a secret. shared only between you and him, so nobody’s able to intervene. dating your bodyguard is fun— brief kisses being shared when you’re the only ones in the room. the way he snugly hooks his arm around your body when escorting you feels tighter, a little more intimate. in a way, keeping things under wraps feels exhilarating.
your particular relation with mister braun isn’t verified to the outside world, but people are catching on. whenever you go out, reiner’s sure to follow. paparazzi-taken photos of you are occasionally uploaded to the internet, and it’s always a given that he’ll be included. after several months of being seen together time after time, it’s typical of people to assume that this so-called ‘ bodyguard ’ of yours is more of a boyfriend. they aren’t too far off, but you clearly won’t go out of your way to confirm their suspicions. you’re always captured in a picture of you clinging onto his burly arm with a glossy smile. your sweet expressions contrast nicely with his forever-furrowed brows. he’s handsome in this intimidating way, the tabloids say.
it’s a slow-moving thursday when reiner decides to take you on your first date with him. he waits a good hour and forty-five minutes for you to get ready. he’s used to this, of course. by now, he’s got nearly a year’s experience of waiting on you hand and foot. but tonight, his nerves get the best of him. you finish up when he least expects you to— for fuck’s sake, you even catch him pacing in the goddamn kitchen. the sight of you melts his concerns, just a little. you’re done up glamorously from head to toe, and reiner can’t contain his smile, nor hold back his stare. your light lashes are curled and wispy, with blush scattered along your cheekbones. your plush lips are pink with tint, and you’ve got on this figure-hugging outfit that he’d love to tear off of you.
you scan your surroundings, peering at every angle of your spacious home in search of your parents. after ensuring the coast is clear, you engulf him in your arms, wishing you could kiss him but you’re all dolled up and your lips are lined and glossed. reiner nuzzles his nose into the crook in your neck, inhaling faint traces of your most beloved vanilla parfum.
“god, you look so fuckin’ beautiful,” his whisper is soft against your warm flesh. you rub your hands along his broad shoulders, then slide them down his firm biceps. “and you look sexy in black,” you perk up at him, eyes round and gleaming. he loves you, he’s come to realize. and the last thing he wants is to screw this up . . .
he’s thinking too damn much. you can easily tell. it’s obvious in the way his thin blonde brows wire downwards like something’s wrong.
“reiner . . . stop it.” you order, voice serious. you only ever speak that way when you want his utmost attention. to that, he fixes his posture and stands tall as if he’s on patrol.
“stop what?” is his vague response, hands loosely positioned at either one of your hips. you lift your palms to cup his face, feeling the definition of his high cheekbones and firm jawline beneath your fingertips. he’s gorgeous, you think.
“for one, you’re clenching your teeth,” you mention, caressing his rigid jaw line until the tightness lessens. his stubble’s rough and scratchy, but it fits him so damn well. “and you’re frowing, baby.” next, your thumbs trail up to his brows, gently kneading at the creased arch. “relax.”
“m’sorry,” reiner lets out, tone low and pleading. his hands rub at your sides in an anxious pattern. “it’s jus’ that you’re so important to me . . . i wanna do this right, y’know?”
“i bet you will, rei. no need to worry, hm?” you shoot him a soft smile, and he returns it; one of the rare times you catch a glimpse of his nice and shiny teeth. “now show me a good time, papa.”
right before taking your leave , your parents have questions for you— almost too many. you don’t have any business meetings or mall trips on your schedule, so where on earth is he taking you to? rei-rei claims that he’s bringing you to a new restaurant that you’ve been meaning to try. he’ll drive you there and stay on patrol; or so he says. they decide not to question the unusually neat way his blonde hair is slicked back, or how his black dress-shirt and slacks look sharper than usual. hell, he smells amazing too. it can’t be denied that mister braun cleans up nicely.
see, reiner told a partial truth to your family. you’re on your way to a new german restaurant that’s about twelve minutes out, it’s just that you wanted to try it out with him in particular. on the drive there, you just can’t seem to restrain yourself from gazing at the man. reiner looks so put together like this, in a strapping black outfit that‘s snug against his arms, chest and thighs. his side profile’s flawless— he’s got a perfectly defined nose that slopes down to his lips, and you yearn to lick on his protruding adam’s apple. he’s got one hand on the wheel, merging into lanes and making u-turns, while the other that’s unoccupied intertwines with your softer, smaller one.
upon reaching a red light, he takes the opportunity to lift your hand up to his face, trailing his lips along the back of it. “lieblich . . .” he murmurs something in his native tongue that you can’t seem to understand, though you know its meaning is a sweet one. your grin makes him forget all about the risk he’s taking.
upon reaching your destination, reiner’s back in bodyguard-mode. that’s how he gets whenever you’re in public. yes, you’re on a date, but your safety will forever be his number one priority. he escorts you in with a large hand fit snugly into the small dip of your back as he confirms the reservation. his touch never leaves you, not even for a second. he does that thing; where he takes a brief one-over of the area, scrutinizing his environment before making the next move. you go one, two, three stories up, to the VIP floor where your dinner seats reside.
it’s a lot, he knows— the velvet floors, fancy cream-white seats and glass-like walls that showcase an aweing view of the city. you’re more than used to the finer things in life, so the only thing he wants to give you is what you deserve.
you’re raving on about how nice everything looks, leaning back into your seat as you sip on a flute of sheer-pink rosé. he’s relieved to know that he was able to make you smile tonight. a waiter presents themselves, and reiner effortlessly engages with them in german conversation. his words are smooth and fluid as he translates all the entrée and sides you asked for. even when placing a simple order, he’s still the sexiest man on earth. would now be a bad time to kiss the hell out of him?
the next three hours go by quick. you’re chatting and laughing and trying bits of each other’s platters ( though, it's mostly you eating a over half of the food from his plate . . . ) you got yourself salted-caramel ice cream for dessert, and reiner’s mischievous enough to lean close and lick the dripping residue off the corner of your lips. you gasp at him and deliver a playful kick to his foot from under the table.
“what? you had somethin’ there.” is the given excuse for his rascal behavior. naughtiness twinkles in his golden-brown eyes. there aren’t many people up here on the expensive floor, apart from two other occupied tables located on the other end of the room, and a handful of waiters that leave the kitchen every now and again. he’s lucky there isn’t anyone to catch you both.
“you’re crazy,” your laugh is infectious, “don’t make me return the favor.”
in a quick motion, reiner swipes a finger into the ice cream, his touch meeting a subtle cold. before the caramel gets the chance to melt all the way down the length of his digit, he smears some across his bottom lip. his tongue juts out to lick up the rest of the treat from his index finger.
“oh, please do.”
being away from probing eyes has made reiner bold as ever. you take him up on his request, tilting forward so that your tongue can eagerly swipe over his lips and wipe them clean. mostly sweet, just the tiniest bit salty. you want more of him already.
there’s isn’t a soul watching, so reiner escalates it. in an instant he’s got your lips merging, his hand squeezing your thigh from under the table, hot puffs of air escaping you both. “oh my god— you’re g’na get me in trouble, rei!”
“so be it,” reiner mumbles in reply, his words ticklish against your lips. from underneath his fingertips, reiner senses how tightly you press your thighs together, hungry for friction. he’s even beginning to feel worked up himself. but, the pair of you haven’t gone that far yet. the most you’ve done are hour-long makeout sessions on your king-sized bed in the earliest points of the day, when you have enough privacy to get away with it. but you wouldn’t mind feeling him in a new way tonight . . .
“you wanna get out of here, don’t you, mama?” reiner coos, cheeks rosier with his eyes slightly lidded. “mhm,” you’re quick to agree. so he puts the payment for the meal on his tab, takes your hand in his and leads you back down to floor one until you’re out of the building and back inside your window-tinted g-wagon.
mister braun is big. you’ve always known it from his appearance alone, but fuck, it holds a much greater meaning when he’s got you tucked into the backseat of your mercedes with his slacks pulled down to his ankles and your dress strewn sideways, making a slow attempt to press himself into you.
“fuck. let me in, princess,” reiner’s grunt is low, throaty enough to make you clench. your flesh feels hot and your pussy’s leaking all over the coffee-brown suede seats. he knows well enough to play around with your clit, reveling in the noises you make when his pressure increases. simultaneously, his lips suction at the smooth flesh of your neck. it feels like you’re burning up, and he’s the only one who can quench your fire.
experimentally, his hips tilt forward, and another two inches make its way in. he’s only got his fat tip and then some past that dripping hole of yours, but it’ll take much more to stretch you wide open for him. he’s groaning and muttering all sorts of profanities— about how tight you are, how good you feel, how fucking nasty this is of you.
“c’mon, woman,” reiner sucks a sharp breath into his lungs, goading you on, “lemme fuck this tight pussy.” he’s got you dangerously aroused, done by the effort of a few dirty words. wetness dribbles down from your slit to the place you and reiner carnally join, slicking up his girthy shaft as he continues to break himself past your tight rings of muscle. you claw at his solid arms, basking in the stretch. his size is imposing, forcing you open to accommodate all of him. it burns in the best way possible.
“m—more, papa,” you make out a pretty whine, knowing just how he loves your begging. you’ve got your lips agape, kissed raw from reiner’s earlier advances. you grow restless and begin to rock your hips, aching to take the entirety of him.
“mm, don’t worry, baby. i’ll give it to you so good,” it takes a little more of reiner bucking his pelvis, movements careful and shallow, for him to finally make it in. he’s bottomed out, and you can feel the throbbing from his underside. having you wrapped around him feels so incredibly right. you clench rapidly, enveloping him in an incomparable warmth.
by the time he’s made everything fit, you’re a darling little mess. your hair’s gotten frizzy and your eyes are all big ‘n glassy, with your lower lip tucked underneath your teeth. one moan after another escapes you, streaming into his ears like liquid gold. reiner throbs at the sound of every little mewl. he licks away your tears which you hadn’t even known began to fall, catching them before they can roll down the apples of your cheeks. you love the feeling, it’s just that there’s so much of him to handle at once— his fat cock, searing-hot tongue, large roaming hands . . . he's this close to consuming you whole, and you want him to.
reiner’s attentive with the way he fucks you. out, in, the pattern goes, hips drawing back before he slams back into your shaking frame all over again. he hits so unbelievably deep every time, like the width of him can’t help but prod against every spot you have. he manages to stimulate every inch of your walls, bumping every crook and ridge possible. not a part of you goes unattended to. reiner dips his head low to catch your beaded nipple between his lips, while his cock drives further inside and impels you to make more room, just for him.
as gentle as he may try to be, reiner’s undeniably a hefty man. taking it slow won’t make any difference; every deep plunge he makes into your cunt has the car creaking on its very own wheels.
“i fuckin’ love you,” he drops the heated words, punctuated with drilling thrusts; but the dick’s got you goin’ all dumb on him. it’s cute, he can’t deny, but reiner needs you to know exactly what you mean to him. so he grips at your chin from either side and lightly squeezes your cheeks together, tender with care but steady enough to make your eyes uncross and focus on him alone.
“you hear me? i— goddamnit, love you more than anything. love you so much,” the deeper he pushes in, the less you can manage to breathe. you feel the pulsing of his cock in your tummy, and it’s like the tip snags so deep that it nearly lingers in your throat. you feel yourself bounce against the seat, tits jiggling whenever he sinks inside, draws out, and snaps right back into you. your gut feels tightly wound up, and your pussy’s become impossibly more sensitive.
you’re close, he can feel it. your walls flutter with more ardor than before, squishing against the base of him with a tightness gratifying enough to spur moans from deep within his chest. you even bring your hands down to claw at his asscheeks, firm and round to the touch; the perfect source of leverage.
“r— reiner!” you cry out to him, and he’s sure his name hasn’t sounded so good up until now. he wonders if you can actually hear yourself and just how slutty you sound. “you’re close, aren’t you, baby?” to that you nod, head bobbing desperately. you don’t have to tell him, he knows. reiner’s knowledge is keen on the topic of you. what you like, what you don’t, and when you’ve had enough. now he’s truly taking his sweet time getting to know you from the inside out.
he presses a consoling peck to your forehead, maintaining that undoing pace of his. the repetitive ‘plat’ of his heavy balls smacking into your sticky cunt is dull compared to the huffing, panting and whining, but it’s there in all its vulgarity.
“ooh, i know exactly what y’need, princess. papa’s g’na take care of you . . . ” reiner doesn’t even say it above a whisper, just declares his devotion in the softest way he can. he slips a hand down the middle of your sweat-streaked bodies to bring some attention back to your precious clit, lewdly slick and much puffier than earlier. he gives swift strokes using the pads of his fingers, combined with the fluid roll of his hips, until you're arching into his broad chest and snapping your quivering thighs closed, trapping his wrist in between them.
reiner can unravel you with such ease, like he lives for the sole purpose of your pleasure and nothing else. you convulse against him, so he slows. but reiner hardly lets up. not completely, that way he’s able to ride you through it. he continues on, feeding you shallow thrusts to near his own high. his movements turn borderline erratic; thighs trembling, cock throbbing. he’s so close, “gonna cum,” his warning comes off as a groan, straight from the depths of his gut, erotic and primal. he’s clenching his teeth again— this time, for good reason. “where do y’want me?”
not a second is wasted before you plead, ‘ inside! ’ and with that, you’ve officially fucking broken him. never did he think his wildest dream would’ve come true by the very first date. lucky mister braun, getting to fill you up— especially when it’s what he’s been stroking himself to the thought of every other night. now, you’re practically crying for him to give it all to you. undoubtedly, he will.
he comes through one final, sloppy jerk of his hips. with a breathy grunt released into the car’s stuffy atmosphere , his warm seed spurts into you, tainting your womb. once reiner slips out, his thick cum pours down to present the most obscene view. it’s all so slippery, seeping down until there’s a wet puddle of your and his making beneath your ass. reiner’s body goes lax, thoughtfully balancing himself over you with his face propped onto your boobs. it’s only now that he realizes, legs cramped up, that he’s a bit too large for the backseat.
“ . . . i meant what i said earlier.” reiner’s voice comes off muffled, with his face stuffed between your tits and all. he looks adorable this way, gazing up at you with his lips curled into a slight pout. his arms loop your waist, snug and secure.
“mm, you said a lot of things earlier,” is your soft laugh, recalling his crude mouth and how worked up it made you. he allows you to rake your nails through his short blonde fringes.
“applying for this gig is the best thing that’s ever fuckin’ happened to me,” reiner makes an attempt to sit upright and show his conviction, but he ends up with his back hunched over in the restrictive space. he disregards his comfort and reaches for your hands, clasping them in his own. “i said that i love you . . . and i mean it.” his words are airy. he’s still winded from the sex.
“and i love you,” you mean it, too. with all your being. you love him in a way you've never loved anybody else. mister braun keeps you safe, sprinkles you with compliments, slips on your heels for you, puts you first. he makes you feel like this pairing has a chance, like you don’t have to hide it. besides, he deserves your all. you should be proud to call him yours, and that you are.
reiner always wants your kisses. in the morning when you wake, right before dinner, and as you’ve recently discovered, after sex too. you’re always eager to receive his lips pressed to yours. “i love you,” reiner adds in between pecks. he now says it like it’s second nature— he loves you. it makes your heart leap from beneath your chest. he kneads your bare thighs in his palms, slowly gliding his tongue into your mouth. without shame, you moan against his lips. slivers of spit tether you both even after you part.
“i want everyone to know that we belong to each other, reiner . . . my family, too.” you admit, peering up at his handsome face through your curled lashes. you’ve got your hands planted at his chest, feeling at the solidity of his pecs.
“tonight?” he asks, tone unsure.
“yes, tonight, rei!”
he adores your sudden zeal for honesty. he truly does, but—
“maybe another day would work better, princess,” reiner muses, “when your parents wouldn’t kill me for all those hickeys on your neck.”
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©PINKMIRTH! . . . all rights reserved! do not steal, plagiarize or repost any of my works. please and thank you! ୨୧
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smutoperator · 1 month
How about a fic about Chaeyoung and Somi swapping partners with their boyfriends? I think it could be a good idea for a fic.
-Sana's husband-
Wild Swingers
Son Chaeyoung, Jeon Somi x Male Reader, Somi's Boyfriend
Tags: (lots of) A2M, (lots of) anal, (a little) armpit play, boyfriend swap, catfight, couch sex, creampie, (lots of) deepthroating, (lots of) dirty talking, (lots of) double penetration, griding, jealousy, lesbian, mating press, multiple orgasms, P2M, orgy, rough sex, squirting, spitting, standing DP, titfucking, tribbing, wet pussies
Word count: 7462
Somi and Chaeyoung were having a joint date with both their boyfriends, enjoying themselves as they took them to many places in the city to have fun. Eating, drinking, playing—everything. The two girls were truly having a great day as they were about to head back to Somi's room, until Chaeyoung brought up a question to her best friend.
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"You find my boyfriend hot, don't you? Do you wanna fuck him?" Somi got caught by surprise when Chaeyoung suddenly asked this without any filter. "What? No!" Somi got caught by her bestie's boldness. She knew Chaeyoung was a little wild girl, but not to the point of offering her own boyfriend to her best friend. "Well, I mean..." Somi started to hesitate. "You want him; I know you," Chaeyoung replied.
"The plain is fairly simple," Chaeyoung continued. "You can fuck him if I can fuck your boyfriend; done deal?" she asked. "You want to swap?" Somi asked. "Let's tease them, and once we get home, they'll fuck our brains out," Chaeyoung said. "I like the way this is going," Somi said.
The two girls entered a photo booth as the final activity of the day. "Wait for us outside," they told their boyfriends. Somi and Chaeyoung took increasingly naughty pics, with Chaeyoung even sharing one on Instagram with their underwear exposed. But their boyfriends got to see even more, as they later took it off and photographed themselves with Somi's boobs and Chaeyoung's pussy fully on display, as a tease for later in the day.
"Holy shit, you girls have no shame," you told your girlfriend. "We love to tease," Chaeyoung replied to you. "Guys, come to my house; the fun is far from over," Somi continued. "Sure," you told her. "A little extra fun won't be bad at all," you continued.
You four arrived at Somi's house, following her boyfriend as he took a couple beer cans out of the refrigerator. "Girls, do you want some?" he asked. "Maybe later," Somi replied to her boyfriend. "We need to chill a bit here on the couch," she continued. 
Chaeyoung doesn't seem to want to stop at any moment, finger-fucking Somi's pussy into oblivion. "It's better than your boyfriend's cock, isn't it?" she asks. "You have no shame saying this in front of... fuckkkk." Somi can't even finish the sentence; as Chaeyoung fucks her so fast, she decides to join her; after all, two hands stimulating a wet pussy is definitely better than one.
Somi's boyfriend and you took a few snacks to eat and drank a couple beers, roaming around the kitchen in just your underwear and bragging to each other about your girlfriends and feeling lucky about having a pair of hot and wild idols willing to share a date. Both of you were ready to drink more beers until low-pitched screams coming from the living room interrupted you.
Both guys couldn't process the insanity that was ensuing on the couch. Somi and Chaeyoung had started a catfight between them, dropping to the floor. When the guys arrived, Chaeyoung was already yanking Somi's bra and unveiling her naked tits. You two almost intervened, but let the two girls fight a little. Such best friends wouldn't start doing such things without a plan, after all, would they?
The guys stayed watching as the girls slowly took their clothes off of each other. Chaeyoung may be the smaller one, but her strength was clearly no match for Somi, who at this point only had her tiny panties on, and just barely, with her long legs and huge chest already fully exposed. Chaeyoung picked up a bit of water from the adjacent table and poured it on Somi's bare body, making her best friend already wet.
Chaeyoung tripped herself up as she tossed the water into Somi, laughing while doing so. You two just decided to sit, watch, and enjoy it, as it proved to be quite entertaining to watch them fight. As soon as Chaeyoung got back on her feet, she tossed Somi to the couch. "Oh my God, you're such a naughty bitch," the tall Wasian said as Chaeyoung got fully on top of her.
The two kept fighting and laughing on the couch, but Chaeyoung was more effective at taking her friend's clothes off, pulling Somi's thong all the way down to her thighs, and exposing her bare ass, allowing you to catch a glimpse of her anus and pussy as well.
Somi tried to take Chaeyoung's clothes, but the little spinner resisted as hard as she could. Instead, she managed to strip Somi fully naked and give the guys a full frontal view of her best friend. "I knew you were no match for me; you are just tits on a stick," Chaeyoung said, talking trash to Somi. "If I'm just tits on a stick, how about you suck them, little bitch?" Somi responded, topping little Chaeyoung and shoving her massive milkers right into her friend's face. Chaeyoung pushed back, and the two shared a hot kiss, their bodies hotly bumping into each other.
"Oh shit," Somi moaned as Chaeyoung started massaging her naked body, first groping her tits, then running her fingers into Somi's pussy, before running her hands all over her body. "Now let me suck those titties," Chaeyoung said as Somi dove them straight into her mouth, letting her bestie lick them harder than a baby searching for its mother's milk. Chaeyoung kept moving her naughty tongue up and down, left and right, turning Somi on and getting her wet with ease, then spltting and groping them. 
Somi tried to follow and took Chaeyoung's bra off, exposing her own little tits as the tall wasian grinded her pussy against Chaeyoung's fabric, which was followed by stretching her hands right onto Somi's cunt. "Take those off," she told Somi, who proceeded to pull Chaeyoung's panties down as the two started rubbing their pussies against each other, and Somi dove onto Chaeyoung's point nipples to suck them.
"Spit on them, nasty bitch," Chaeyoung ordered, and Somi followed. The little cutie took advantage of Somi stopping her tit sucking and got up the couch to suck the blonde's massive honkers, placing her small head between them. "Oh fuck, you really want those tits all to yourself, cunt," she told Chaeyoung. "Yes, I do; give me all of it," Chaeyoung replied as Somi's big boobs muffled her words.
Somi helped Chaeyoung take her boots off, leaving herself wearing just a pair of sexy red fishnets. "You've got a foot fetish now?" she laughed as Somi started kissing Chaeyoung's little legs and tiny toes. The two then started a little game. "Let's see who squirts first," Chaeyoung said, as both put one of their hands in their pussies and fingered them nonstop, Chaeyoung making sure to grab Somi's boobs while she did it.
"How about we do this together?" Somi said, locking her pussy against Chaeyoung's as the two started a hot tribbing session. Somi moved her hips as she sexily moaned. Her soft and slim slit felt quite overwhelmed by Chaeyoung's meaty cunt rubbing against it. Somi is usually straighter than a pole, but that friction against Chaeyoung's throbbing folds was really turning her on, making her push harder as the tribbing went by.
"Work my pussy," Chaeyoung demanded as she spanked Somi's ass in approval and licked her chops, their clits fully interlocked now. "You're going to get that wet before even getting fucked," Chaeyoung said. "HAHAHAHA!" Somi let out a massive laugh, the two interlocking their legs and squirting fountains from their pussies.
"Let me lick it," Somi demanded as she dove her head into Chaeyoung's core. "If you want it so much, then take it," Chaeyoung said, grabbing Somi's head and dunking it into her folds. Even though Chaeyoung was the one being eaten out, it was Somi who was moaning. "Hmmm, you love that wet, sloppy pussy; let me print it all over your face," Chaeyoung said. "Taste me; let me cum all over your mouth. Put that tongue all over my pussy," she continued.
Somi follows Chaeyoung's orders and quickly drives her little bestie over the moon. She always bragged about being a good tongue-kisser, and it seems like those skills translate well into eating pussies. You feel a little envy, as it feels like you are no match for what Somi is doing and that making Chaeyoung cum just with your tongue is so hard to come by. Meawnhile, Somi can do that with such ease.
Chaeyoung lets out lout moans as Somi's tongue sends shivers down her spine. "You dirty fucking girl," she tells her, laughing. "You never told me you could eat pussy like that," she said. "I didn't know that either," Somi said as she slapped Chaeyoung's cunt after she cums, letting her best friend squirt out further juices.
"My turn," Chaeyoung says, flipping Somi around. "Dirty bitch already spitting on that fucking pussy, such a dirty girl, Somi says as Chaeyoung outs her whole hand inside her mouth. "Get this pussy wet for my boyfriend," she continues. You overhear it but feel confused, thinking she was talking about Somi's own boyfriend.
Chaeyoung makes a mess of Somi's pussy, fingering it in an insane way. "Ahhhhh fuck," Somi says, unable to handle the pressure from Chaeyoung's magical hands. Without even using her mouth, she makes Somi cum with ease and turns her into a moaning mess, finishing the job with lots of licking into Somi's throbbing clit that makes her friend squirt a river.
At this point, you and Somi's boyfriend can't contain yourselves and start jerking off at the sight of your girlfriends fucking the shit out of each other. They are just too hot for you two to handle, and even better when they combine forces, as you two really start pondering why they haven't done this earlier.
Chaeyoung doesn't seem to stop finger-fucking Somi's pussy nonstop. "Better than your boyfriend's cock, bitch?" she asks. "That's bold of you to say it in front of... fuckkk." Somi can't even finish the sentence, as Chaeyoung keeps plowing her fingers deep in her cunt rather than joining her best friend, as two hands stimulating a pussy is better than one. "OH FUCK, OH YEAH, AHHHHH, GOD, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH," Somi turns into a screaming mess as Chaeyoung gives her an evil laughter, enjoying her big tit friend cum like a big whore.
"Come on, come on," Chaeyoung says. "I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, OH SHIT." Somi screams as Chaeyoung's hands stay obliterating her pussy and as Somi starts trembling in orgasms, she finishes her with more licks all over her clit while burying those fingers even deeper into Somi's cunt.
"I see you guys are ready to join the fun," Chaeyoung says. You run in her direction as she smiles at you, already noticing your throbbing erection under your panties, getting up as you kiss her. "We are going to do something different today," she says. "You'll take Somi, and I'll take her boyfriend," she continues. You hesitate a bit, as you have never done a boyfriend swap before. "Are you sure?" you ask Chaeyoung. "Yes, we already set everything up; we are ready and wet," she responds.
Somi moves in your direction, still trembling from her orgasm. Her fully naked body is truly wonderful. Just her tits alone would make her extremely hot, but she's got great legs, a beautiful face, a sexy tummy, and a pink, peach-shaped pussy. The two girls kneel on the floor, and Somi starts with a slow but hot sucking of your cock, which contrasts to Chaeyoung's frenetical blowjob to Somi's boyfriend, where she's already taking his shaft deep in her small throat from the start. Somi, on the other hand, likes to build things up calmly, adjusting as she finds the best spots to suck your cock.
"That feels so good," you tell Somi as she moves her mouth further down your shaft. Chaeyoung, on the other side, shows no mercy to Somi's boyfriend's cock, twisting it hard as she bobs her head on it as fast as she can. If just a little deepthroat is enough to make Somi gag and go back to your tip, Chaeyoung just takes any cock balls deep in her throat until she runs completely out of air.
"That's a good whore, spitting all over that cock," Somi's boyfriend tells Chaeyoung, who is already getting extremely loud and sloppy, with some of her saliva landing on his hips. Meanwhile, Somi tries to stay focused and do her best work on your cock, slowly jerking it off. Their styles may be very different, but both are more than satisfying to their partners.
Somi's pretty face is too hard for you to resist as you puush your cock up into her throat, testing her to see if she can take it full speed. Somi slows you down a bit, managing to get the perfect pace for her pleasure. On the other side, it would be incorrect to say Chaeyoung is getting her face fucked. With the way she keeps bobbing, it's rather her face that is fucking Somi's boyfriend pole.
Their contrasting styles really create a hot sexual atmosphere in the room. Somi is like a slutty princess, enjoying herself as she slaps your cock into her big tits, while Chaeyoung is just a nasty, dirty whore, trying to take the life out of the cock she's sucking, putting her best friend's boyfriend on the edge as she bites his cock as if she's an electric eel, shocking her target.
"Ohhh shit," Somi's boyfriend screams as Chaeyoung makes his cock throb hard. "Put it down my fucking throat," she demands, wanting it more. You watch it and get flashbacks of when you two started dating and you filled her mouth full of cum after one deepthroating and thought you had literally blown it with her. Now you see her repeating the same moves on another guy.
You just let Somi take her time. You're very enamored with her; she just oozes sexiness, and the methodical way she works on your cock leads to great arousal. If Chaeyoung just straight up swallows any cock she sees on sight, Somi likes to savor them.
Somi gets rewarded with a hot facefuck for her great blowjob as you two slowly build up more chemistry. She naugthly stares at you and signals she's ready for more, giving some love to your balls for the first time. Chaeyoung and Somi's boyfriend fill the room with all the noise as you and Somi opt for silent work and get to know each other better. 
"Holy fuck!" Somi's boyfriend screams as Chaeyoung continues to attack his cock nonstop. "My dirty boy loves this dirty girl getting down that cock, doesn't it?" she asks. Somi herself decides to get a little sloppier, starting a louder blowjob as she spits on your cock and pops it in and out of her mouth, making sexy sounds.
"Suck that pipe, suck that pipe." The order comes from Somi's boyfriend to Chaeyoung, but his girlfriend also follows suit with it. Both girls are now deepthroating their opposing boyfriend's shafts. Chaeyoung handles it with ease, giving commands like "Look at me while I blow your fucking cock, and don't ever think of cumming," but your hard thrusts into her throat end up being a struggle for Somi, who decides to bring out her not-so-secret weapon.
Somi places your cock between her boobs. It was what you had been dreaming of the moment you saw her. And it blew even your highest expectations out of the water. Her tits are just perfect sized for your cock to wrap around them, squeezing it at the perfect spots, but also to slide up and down them, making banging them more pleasurable than fucking a lot of pussies out there.
Somi licks your chest as you fuck hers, then you two kiss each other and enjoy yourselves. You never thought it was going to be this good, but barely five minutes in, you're in love with her. Meanwhile. Chaeyoung just wants to be as nastiest as possible to Somi's boyfriend, throbbing cock, making a mess of it, and licking its balls to tip like there was no tomorrow.
"God damn it!" Somi's boyfriend screams as he tries his best not to blow his entire semen on Chaeyoung's slutty face. Meanwhile, it's all about kissing and fucking her tits between you and Somi, who grabs them with her hands and squeezes your cock even further as you get more and more addicted to her massive fun bags.
"Ahhh, fuck, please don't stop fucking my titties," Somi says as she enjoys every time your throbbing tip emerges out of her knockers, diving down to lick it a few times, her hands wrapping around them even further. Your cock and her boobs seem like a match made in heaven, to the point you wouldn't be opposed to going all day just banging them.
Chaeyoung feels a little jealous watching you and Somi have all that boob fun. It's truly the thing she envies her best friend the most, as her small tits are a huge contrast to Somi's big melons. But she gets creative and finds a way to have Somi's boyfriend's huge cock rubbing on her body, mimicking you two's titty fun using her armpits instead. This is something Somi's boyfriend isn't accustomed to, but he enjoys it a lot. "If you think it's very tight, wait until you see my pussy," she brags.
"Then let me see it," Somi's boyfriend replies. As his girlfriend is still busy pleasing your cock with her knockers, he and Chaeyoung are ready to move towards raw and animalesque fucking. They work together to bring the couch to the other side of the room, as she wants both couples side by side. It takes a while for you and Somi to notice, as it feels like her chest has placed some kind of enchantment on you. She licks yours while you suck hers. By the time you do, Chaeyoung is already sitting on Somi's boyfriend's pole and getting her cunt impaled.
Somi decides to do something different and sucks your cock a little more before getting it inside her. It's good that her sexy mouth at least tries to distract you as you watch Chaeyoung riding her boyfriend's cock and making some of the craziest facial expressions you've seen. "She never did this to me," you start thinking. Meanwhile, you won't be seeing those reactions from Somi or her big tits bouncing as she decides to sit on it in a reverse cowgirl position.
All that jealousy goes out of the window the moment your cock enters Somi's warm folds. Her pussy tightens so hard that as soon as you get inside her, you have to hold yourself back, not to cum. Also, you finally get time to appreciate the backside of Somi's body. Her tits may be her best-known asset, but she's got an amazingly fit and toned ass that makes the perfect clapping sound every time it descends down your hips. Soon, Somi's delicious body and perfect pussy make you forget about the loud noises from Chaeyoung on the other couch.
"You like how I ride your fucking cock like that? You like your fucking cock in my tight little pussy?" Chaeyoung asks, as Somi's boyfriend can only groan, with her attacking his cock in full force and getting increasingly louder. "FUCK" Chaeyoung scrreams as she fingers her pussy, looking more and more like a crazy nymphomaniac.
On your side, Somi places her hands on your chest and keeps bouncing on your dick, slowly increasing her pace. She spreads her ass a little to ease up the pressure your massive cock exerts on her tight holes, twerking on it once she gets adjusted. The way her ass moves is amazing. Somi may not have the fattest butt, but she knows how to move it up and down a cock.
If Somi's pussy has full control over you, with her start teasing you and rubbing her entrance against your tip, on the other side, it's her boyfriend that treats Chaeyoung like his fuckdoll, pumping his cock up and down her pussy as a rough punishment for her for being such a whore. The more she moans and screams, the more he attacks. "AHHHHHHHH, FUCKKKKKK," is all Chaeyoung can say as Somi's boyfriend prick bulges under her belly and hits her cervix until it makes her cum.
Somi tastes her juice out of your cock, while her boyfriend's is getting creamed by Chaeyoung's squirt. "Give me your pussy one more time," she tells her, showing no mercy for the little spinner still recovering from her orgasm. Somi, standing up a little while jerking your throbbing cock, gets a privileged view of watching her best friend turn into her boyfriend's fleshlight.
"You've been so good to me; you deserve to see my tits bouncing as I sit on your cock," Somi says, switching to a regular cowgirl position and mirroing Chaeyoung, who moans so loudly it hurts Somi's ears. She presses on to your muscular chest and sets them free for you to enjoy the bounce and grope them as she rides you, trying to do her best to concentrate as Chaeyoung has turned into a screaming mess.
The two girls compete for attention. Somi lets her bouncy boobs do the talking, but Chaeyoung's shaking orgasms are entertaining to watch. In the end, both of you are feeling blessed to have such sexy beauties and masters of fucking bouncing on your cocks nonstop. Both girls keep challenging each other, seeking both men's approval as they engage in a grinding competition and put both throbbing cocks on the edge. But unlike in their early catfight, it's Somi who comes on top this time, rotating on your cock with her body floating in the air in an extremely sexy way that puts you over the moon.
Somi keeps teasing you and starts rubbing her folds in your shaft, her boobs getting louder than ever. You can't help but want to satisfy her appetite even further: "I want to fuck your ass right now," you tell her. "Ooooh, you want to fuck my ass?" Somi naughtily asks. "Yes, didn't you hear it?" you reply.
Chaeyoung hears you two talking and asks Somi's boyfriend the same thing. You put Somi sideways on the couch and entered her tight asshole. "Oh, fuck yeah," Somi says as you slowly bury your shaft in her anus. You start with very soft pumps, not wanting to break her, but you quickly notice she is well accustomed to anal sex and start pumping faster. Chaeyoung, trying not to lag behind, pushes Somi's boyfriend back down the couch and goes back to sitting on this dick, this time anally and in reverse.
If you and Somi opt for passionate spooning anal fucking, Chaeyoung goes straight for the kill, manhandling Somi's boyfriend's cock while she fingers herself, tightening her hole even further. "My ass is so fucking tight," both girls repeat almost at the same time, as Somi also gets increasingly aroused by her butthole being stretched out."
"I want this cock so bad; I want you to fuck me so hard," Chaeyoung says. Meanwhile, Somi is all about moaning as your cock keeps stabbing her clenching asshole. "FUCK MY ASS, FUCK MY ASS!" Chaeyoung screams as she starts squirting all over Somi's boyfriend's hips. 
Chaeyoung finds a way around Somi's body and kisses you while you're still fucking her best friend. "Do you enjoy watching me get fucked in the ass, daddy?" she asks, but you ignore your screaming whore girlfriend and focus on Somi, leading her to bounce even harder on Somi's boyfriend's cock. Meanwhile, Somi's own ass got so tight that you struggled to get halfway inside it. God, you never knew she could be so tight.
The more the assfucking goes on, the bigger of a whore Chaeyoung gets. She lies on Somi's boyfriend's chest now and lets him pound her in a pearly gates position while groping her tiny tits. She now squirts once every five seconds. She looks to your side, her body limping and itching as she gets pounded to oblivion, but she can only see your ass as you put Somi under an anal mating press and treat your slutty girlfriend with indifference.
You pound Somi's ass hard, finally managing to carve up her tight hole and making her moan and scream in a loud way for the first time. "Fuck me balls deep," she demands of you. On the other sofa, Chaeyoung gets placed under a full Nelson, making her asshole gape even further and forcing her to hold herself by Somi's boyfriend's knees. "God damn it, it feels so fucking good; pound my fucking asshole; fucking give it to me, deep in my asshole," she says while getting ragdolled.
"Let me suck my ass off your fucking cock," Chaeyoung says as she stands up and throats Somi's boyfriend, enjoying her dirty anal juices and twising his shaft. Somi follows suit with your cock, taking it deep in her throat. While she does it, you call Chaeyoung with a request.
"I want to fuck your ass too," you tell her. But Chaeyoung is too focused on a different cock to listen to you, performing a 69 on Somi's boyfriend. "You want to fuck my asshole? Tell your girlfriend to allow it," Chaeyoung finally responds, leaving the answer up to Somi. "Fuck her asshole," she says immediately.
You never had an easier entrance to Chaeyoung's butthole than today. Her hole is already massively gaped from the previous fucking, unlike her usual tight self. As you easily stretch her butt out, Chaeyoung reminds herself of how much she has missed that thick cock of yours. Somi and her boyfriend just watch as Chaeyoung gets her anus further gaped. You show her no mercy after seeing what she just did minutes before, and with this pounding, you have a feeling of revenge over her being such a slut.
"Put that fucking back in my ass; fucking give it to me." Chaeyoung demands, as your cock slides out just for a second. She is thirsty even after a rough pounding. The more you fuck her, the more she wants it and talks dirty. You start spanking her. But she's unfazed. This whore is truly insatiable, to the point where you start wondering if just one cock will be enough to satisfy her.
"You like that?" you ask Chaeyoung as you keep slapping her ass. "Yes, don't ask those stupid questions and slap my butt," she replies. You pull out a bit to admire the gape in her anus, but you think it can grow even larger. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung reaches her hands out to Somi's pussy as her best friend sits her ass on her boyfriend's cock. "Oh, that's a tight asshole," Somi says, and you attested to it just a few minutes ago.
Somi gives Chaeyoung a naughty stare as her pussy gets fingered. She truly wanted to ride your cock like that in the ass, but after you pounded her so hard, she decided to take a little break and get back to the safety of her boyfriend. But in the end, her hole was already so sore that she quickly started to feel the burn after a few rides.
"Ride his dick like a fucking whore; let him stretch your ass," Chaeyoung told some, who suddenly left the pain behind and got naughtier, roating on her boyfriend's cock. "Keep going, keep going," Chaeyoung said, which could be an incentive either to you or to Somi. You took it, switching her from the doggy position she found herself in since you penetrated her asshole and putting her under a rough, pile driver that made her squirt all over the room as you pounded her balls deep.
"I'm ready to be filled with two fucking cocks in my holes," Chaeyoung said after a while. Your answer was just to put her on the floor and lift her leg up, forcing Chaeyoung to cling onto the couch as you further manhandled her asshole. "I guess your holes are so used up that one cock or two cocks won't make a difference," you mocked her.
Somi cleaned up her boyfriend's cock, preparing Chaeyoung to sit her pussy on it. You immediately filled the void and didn't let the gorgeous Wasian go without anything to do, grabbing her by the boobs and shoving your cock on her face for her to suck. Somi took it to the fullest, enjoying the new anal flavor from Chaeyoung in your cock. "That tastes so good," she said.
As Chaeyoung prepared to sit once again on Somi's boyfriend, you two were still busy. Somi just didn't want to let go of your cock, even as Chaeyoung's asshole was almost begging to be filled up, winking at each thrust she received in her cunt. But Somi was addicted to the taste of Chaeyoung's butthole and missed your cock very badly, deciding to be a little selfish.
Chaeyoung got a little upset with her best friend, craving your cock. "You're taking too long, bitch," but Somi just couldn't listen. Just after a while, she gave the green light: "Ready to fuck your whore girlfriend's ass again?" she said, finally freeing your cock. "Yes," you answered her. "Then give it back to her ass," Somi continued.
An impatient Chaeyoung continued to bounce on Somi's boyfriend's cock harder than ever, making loud noises on the couch. She stopped as soon as she saw your cock coming in her direction, but you still teased her a little, missing her hole intentionally. Somi slapped Chaeyoung and asked her, "Ready to take two at the same time in front of your best friend, slut?". 
The scream of joy Chaeyoung gave when you finally inserted your cock back in her ass was enough to answer. She rested her head on Somi's left boob as the pair of cocks started working on her holes together. Somi loved watching it, especially your cock at the top pumping in and out of Chaeyoung's ass. She quickly found out you two would be relentless to her, splitting her tiny body up with no regard. Chaeyoung got clingier and clingier to Somi, fingering her best friend's pussy to endure the scorching pounding she was taking.
"OH FUCKKKKK!" Chaeyoung screams. "Fuck her," Somi told both you and her boyfriend. It turns out that very few things are hotter than a short girl being double-stuffed by a pair of cocks. Chaeyoung started breaking apart, but you weren't going to lift off. "You said you could take it; now there is no going back," you told her, giving her a little tap in the ass.
"Get your fucking cock back in my hole," Chaeyoung said when you slid out. She slowly rose up to the challenge, but you showed her who was in control, increasing your pace and destroying her asshole, turning her back into a screaming mess. "Suck my fucking titties; they want some love from a tiny little slut like you." Somi poked fun at Chaeyoung as she reached to lick her melons.
"Keep fucking me like a dirty little slut; get deep inside both my fucking holes; come on guys," Chaeyoung demanded as you two got the perfect sync to hit her holes. "Ride those cocks, come on," both of you told her. Chaeyoung kept getting stretched out, her face now on Somi's lap, who was now spanking her back, enjoying watching her best friend become a cocksleeve.
Chaeyoung almost teared up when you two finished fucking her, but tried to show some strength by going right back to riding Somi's boyfriend's cock. You, still behind her, quickly put her back in her place, mounting on top of her and giving Chaeyoung the roughest assfucking of the day yet. "Who owns you, bitch?" you asked her. "It's you, baby; you own me; you own my fucking asshole; your fucking cock was built to destroy it," she answered.
Somi kissed Chaeyoung and tried to provide a little relief for her bestie, but the more she watched her getting double penetrated, the more she wanted it for herself. But it was all a ploy. As soon as Somi offered help, you pumped Chaeyoung even deeper, and when Somi offered her tits for Chaeyoung to suck, you got even rougher.
"Give it to me; give it to me harder," Chaeyoung said. You followed her orders to the fullest, manhandling her ass in a way you had never done before. "I FUCKING WANT IT HARDER... OH MY GOD," Chaeyoung collapsed on both your cocks, completely out of breath and panting. "Damn, you're looking like this, and it's not even an airtight one," you mocked her.
"Taste your dirty ass and your fucking pussy," you ordered her, as Chaeyoung crawled and dove first into Somi's boyfriend before maniacally cleaning yours. "Is this the taste you like so much, Somi?" she asked her best friend. "Yes, I hope your pussy tastes just as good," Somi says, taking her boyfriend's cock to do the cleanup.
You fucked Chaeyoung's face with the same intensity you did to her ass, while Somi kept tasting her boyfriend's prick and jerking it off. "You want to feel two cocks inside you too?" you asked her. "Yeah," Somi gleefully answered. And you knew if Chaeyoung could do it in her tiny frame, it wouldn't be a problem for a girl of Somi's stature.
Chaeyoung made sure to get your cock as ready as possible for Somi, spitting all over it and shaking it hard. You kept teasing Somi. "Ready to get fucked by two cocks at the same time?" you asked again. "Yes, I am," she smiled. "When?" you asked. "Right now," she replied. "Then come here," you ordered her.
Somi sat her pussy on your shaft. "God damn it, your pussy is so fucking wet," you told her. Somi promptly answered the praise for her cunt by twerking it on your cock. Her boyfriend suddenly joined; his hard thrusts up her ass were perfect to you, making her tits bounce right at your face. "You like two fucking cocks filling you up right now, since you asked so much for it, slut?" Chaeyoung poked Somi, who could only pray to God now.
Chaeyoung spat on Somi's boyfriend's cock a lot; she knows taking on her best friend's tight asshole is always a hell of a challenge. You just gave her pussy slow pumps, enjoying her tits to the fullest in your mouth and making them your personal playground.
Somi's holes started queefing as the fucking continued, and she clenched them, enjoying the bliss of getting double-stuffed. At the bottom of the pile, you were having the best life, torn between Somi's massive knockers and your girlfriend's wet pussy. "Fucking cum all over them," Chaeyoung demanded, grabbing Somi's hair as you two fucked her harder, staring her best friend down and giving her a sexy look.
"It seems like our boyfriends are punishing us with hard fucks in the ass for cheating on them; maybe we should do this more often," Chaeyoung said as Somi endured the same as she did before. Another queefing sound came out of Somi's holes. "Stop farting, bitch, and take those cocks," Chaeyoung mocked her best friend's tightness.
"I love watching your tight holes get obliterated," Chaeyoung said. Somi didn't answer her, focusing on just taking those cocks. "Just like me, you're a dirty slut now, getting stretched out like that," she continued. "Fuck yeah, I am," Somi said.
"Then show me." Her boyfriend came out of nowhere and pumped Somi's ass even deeper. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! FUCK ME! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Her screams filled the room as Somi got massacred by her boyfriend's throbbing cock. "Come on, give me your cum," her boyfriend said. "Follow him; do it, Somi," Chaeyoung followed.
Somi releases her orgasm as you give her ass a little tap. Her DP was perfect for you to rest as you let her boyfriend do most of the work and got to enjoy eating and sucking her and Chaeyoung out. But even after cumming, her boyfriend doesn't seem done with her. After all, jealousy goes both ways, and he saw her being all clingy to you and worshipping your cock with her tits and pussy in a way she hadn't done to him in a while.
Somi finally gets a break after a long DP. She can barely walk, and her head is spinning, but both cocks are already lined up for her to taste her holes. It is what this selfish cunt likes the most; she already tasted Chaeyoung's but wanted hers too, alternating between both cocks. Then Chaeyoung chimed in and took Somi's boyfriend cock for some more nasty ass-to-mouth, like the dirty whore she is.
"Your ass tastes so good in this fucking cock," Chaeyoung told Somi, who was focused on your cock above all else. "Oh my God, you're such a good cocksucker; keep going; worship my dick." Somi's boyfriend praised Chaeyoung's blowjob skills, wondering to himself if he hadn't cum yet despite all her efforts.
You two weren't done, and you got addicted to this double penetration thing. "Give me that pussy," you told Chaeyoung, carrying her tiny body and stuffing your cock in her cunt. Somi sat on the couch, recovering from the pounding she had just taken, watching Chaeyoung get lifted in the air as her boyfriend followed suit and stuffed her best friend in the ass.
"Come on, right there," Chaeyoung invited the challenge, riding both cocks while mid-air and performing a hot standing DP. Somi couldn't help but  watch as she got on her knees and took a look at both those massive cocks taking turns pumping little Chaeng like nothing. "Holy shit, you guys are filling her up well," Somi said, getting even closer and staring right at Chaeyoung's stretched-out fuckholes.
"Bounce up and down those cocks, baby," you told Chaeyoung, who quickly obliged. "There you go," you praised her as she clinged one arm to each of you, screaming as she got stretched out. You put Chaeyoung back on the ground, noticing Somi's return to the frame as you fed your girlfriend's pussy for her to taste. Meanwhile, in the background, her boyfriend took Chaeyoung's sore asshole all by himself and manhandled her.
Somi pulled her boyfriend's cock out of Chaeyoung's ass to taste her favorite hole once again. Chaeyoung took sloppy seconds of her pussy, gripping your cock as soon as Somi left. You could see how much Somi was obsessed with the taste of her best friend's butthole by the enthusiastic way she sucked her boyfriend's meat, which even resembled some of Chaeyoung's high-octane blowjobs early on.
"You look so good sucking his cock," Chaeyoung told Somi, who replied in the same way. The two girls knew this wouldn't go on for long; they made sure their boyfriends would be ready for the final stages of this whole debauchery. Their sloppy blowjobs had both your cocks reinvingorated and harder than ever, ready for even more even after such a long fucking, as both of you rewarded them by slapping your hard meats into their needy faces while they stuck their tongues out.
Chaeyoung climbed back into your lap as you carry fucked her once more, with Somi still busy with her boyfriend's cock, before letting it go so Chaeyoung could enjoy a couple extra minutes of standing DP that she loved so much, with Somi going down low to massage both cocks balls as you two thursted up Chaeyoung's fuckholes.
"These two cocks are doing a great job; I want to try them together again," Somi said down low. If Chaeyoung did something, she was going to follow. This time, they swapped cocks, with Somi back to sucking yours while Chaeyoung took Somi's boyfriend. "I'll take your ass this time," you told Somi, putting your thumb in her mouth as she jerked your cock off. You two kissed each other and went straight to the couch, with Somi quickly sitting on your meat.
Somi got her asshole plowed from the start, with Chaeyoung giving her pussy a little fingering before allowing Somi's boyfriend to take it. All three of you attacked Somi hard, making sure she would feel completely overwhelmed. Her boyfriend is pumping her pussy, you are taking her ass, and Chaeyoung is groping her big tits. "Tell us how much you love it," Chaeyoung asked. But Somi couldn't answer, as the pumps got faster and the groping got harder. "AHHHHH. "YEAHHHH!" was all she could scream, sandwiched between two horny men destroying her tight holes and a slutty friend who couldn't help but follow everybody else into their addiction towards her tits.
Chaeyoung sat her pussy on Somi's beautiful face and grinded on it while you two kept stretching her out. Somi had turned into a fucktoy for all three of you, the perfect stress relief. The top cumslut. "Look at your boyfriend, Somi; tell him how much you want those cocks filling you up," Chaeyoung said, lifing her best friend's head out her pussy. "I want every inch of it," Somi said. "Then, are you gonna cum all over them?" her boyfriend replied.
"Yes, I will. AHHHHH. FUCK YEAH!" Somi screams as her body twists in orgasm after orgasm. For some seconds, it feels like she died and ascended to heaven, even if three devils were fucking the shit out of her and just couldn't stop. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!" she screamed as a squirt dropped out of her pussy. 
But that wasn't enough, and it only made both of you pump her harder and Chaeyoung grope her harder. Tall, blonde, gorgeous, and full of milk in her chest, Somi was the perfect woman to get double penetrated at every possible turn. Chaeyoung enjoys it a lot, as she has her best friend's big boobs all by herself and gropes them nonstop. "Are you gonna fucking cum again?" she asks Somi. "YEAHHHHHHH, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME," Somi answers, unleashing even more juices from her cunt.
Somi quickly jumps to taste her ass from your cock, while Chaeyoung scoops her best friend's pussy juices. "We aren't done yet," she says as the two continue to suck both guys cocks sloppily. "You're so nasty," Somi's boyfriend says about Chaeyoung before putting her on the couch to fuck her pussy. "Lick my pussy while he fucks me," Chaeyoung orders to Somi, who dives down it. You, seeing Somi on all fours, stick your cock in her pussy as she sucks Chaeyoung's tits and massages her pussy.
Both guys now just want to finish. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung puts Somi's tits in her mouth as the Wasian beauty gets on top of her. The guys pump the girls out until Somi's boyfriend is the first to finish, dumping his long-awaited load into Chaeyoung's meaty pussy, with Somi licking it at the top. You soon follow, filling Somi's pussy full of cum, which falls right into Chaeyoung's waiting mouth.
All four of you are exhausted at this point. After a long hour of crazy fucking, each of your girlfriends is filled with cum from the other guy, which is the perfect way to end this great day. You and Chaeyoung take a shower after and head home. Somi's boyfriend follows suit. "See you tomorrow, baby.".
That day becomes a living memory in Somi's head. She thinks about it at night, masturbating herself as she remembers your cock doing wonders for her, from fucking her tits to finishing inside her, all the way to all those times you fucked her holes or let her savor Chaeyoung's ass from your cock. Somi knows she needs another day like this and will make sure to set it up herself next time.
The next day arrives, and this time, Somi is with a different friend, talking about some regular stuff until she changes the subject of the conversation.
"Giselle, I need something from you,"  Somi says.
"I'm all ears," Giselle replies.
"Can I have sex with your boyfriend? You can fuck mine too," Somi continues.
Giselle makes a shocked expression. "I'm not sure; I don't know if he's going to accept it.".
Somi tells her about her day with Chaeyoung, leaving Giselle in awe.
"I'll see what I can do."
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hoshigray · 1 year
Having thoughts about Toji crushing on a cutie little cinnamon roll. Maybe they go on a few dates before he finally gets her home with him, and just as things are heating up he realizes oh, she’s a virgin. That doesn’t mean he’s not interested, but it changes how he wants to go about it.
Noonie, yeeeeeeeeessss!!! I had the dumbest grin while reading this in my inbox teheheee~ Longer than I intended but what the hell lol hope you like it!!
Cw: dom! Toji x fem!reader - age gap (the reader is at least in their 20s and in college; Toji is around mid-30s) -missionary position - unprotected sex (PSA: wrap it up, or get the fuck up) - ass grabbing - pussy eating - biting (Toji bites your ears) - edging (fem! receiving) - pet names (angel, baby, cutie, sweetheart, mama, princess) - clitoral play - light comedy bc I do[n't] think I'm funny. Wc: 2k
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"Ready, baby?"
Your body goes rigid, fingers playing with the hem of your shirred frilled cami romper. A shaky sigh seethes from a wary smile. "Yes." The man in front of you grins before opening the door to his place, and you enter to your doom.
Toji has been courting you for quite some time. It started with small greetings when he visited the café where you work for his usual order of black coffee. Then those greetings slowly evolved into casual chit-chat, prompting Toji to ask you out because he couldn't resist your kindhearted aura.
How could he when his day instantly brightens when you flash your gorgeous smile every time you see him? Or when you always give him a call or text anytime you return to your dorm after hanging outside campus grounds. And when you're done with work, you let him drive and drop you off at your dorm. But that's because he always stays at the café until you get off: watching you welcome customers who enter the space, offering free treats to kids, or giving him a tiny smile from the other side of the shop whenever you catch him staring. Makes him snicker like an idiot.
But his favorite moment with you was the first time you two kissed on your third date. Oh, Toji could replay the scene all fucking day. With your eyes lidded, lips quivering and gripping onto his leather jacket as the man peppered you in kisses, he adored your display of pleasure. And it was even more adorable when you nervously bid him goodnight before entering your dorm room.
It was entertaining how he was the only one that made you — his cute little darling — so shy whenever he came too close. So much so that it turned him on, his desire to have you under him waxing inside him day by day. Except he doesn't, choosing to wait for the perfect time.
And now, when he finally has you where he's been dying to have you, Toji's allowed to indulge in your charm personally. There are shudders of anticipation around him as he kisses you on the couch, his big hands roaming over your form. A deep chortle vibrates his throat when he bites your bottom lip, resulting in a shivering whimper from your swollen lips. Oh, he's going to enjoy every second of this.
But as someone on the other side of the makeout session, you found yourself in an unpleasant position. Not because you didn't want to be here smacking lips with Toji, oh no. He was a great kisser, taking your breath away simply by his lips. No, the real problem was more personal.
Something so personal that it has your brows trench as Toji's hands snake down to your butt, kneading it like putty. Wait a minute...
"Mmmm, Toji, please wa—"
"Shhhh," he hushes you with kisses down your neck. "Taste so good, angel."
Something very personal that your eyes are towed shut when he creeps a hand inside through the bottom of your romper, a warm palm groping the soft flesh of your ass. Wait, wait, wait!
Something extremely personal that you gasp sharply when you feel two fingers sneak past your panties. WAIT!!!
You push Toji off you in haste, and the older man stops with his hands up defensively. He looks at you with confusion, tilting his head to examine what's wrong. You squeak and throw apologies his way. "I'm so so sorry! I'm-I'm just...umm...."
It takes a few seconds for Toji to piece everything together, with the way you're talking in quiet mumbles, your hands fidgeting with your romper again, and your eyes downward to avoid his gaze. His head straightens with eyes slightly wide. Is...Is she a—
"Are you a virgin, sweetheart?" Another muffled squeak confirms his suspicions, and you nod with hesitance.
What were you thinking pushing him off!? If you're gonna have your first time with anyone, why not be the man you're attracted to? But then again, it is YOUR first time!! In humiliation, you cover your face with your hands, the phone call you had with your best friend earlier replaying in your head ("Get it, girl! You either die a virgin or live long enough to get some good dick in your life." "That's the worst way to reference that movie!" "What-the-fuck-ever, go get that dick!!")
You can hear a chuckle from the man, and your eyes shut as you descend further into embarrassment. Oh God, I should've taken my dumbass home so I didn't have to deal with this later and cry myself to—
Your train of thought grinds to a halt when Toji pulls you into his chest. "Oh c'mere, ya cutie." He rubs circles on your back. "Did my lil' angel save herself up fr' me to deflower?"
"No, you perv!" He barks out a laugh above you, not helping this situation. "I just...I-" You try to retort, but the way he looks at you with a sly look and playful grin has your stomach flip. Why's he so goddamn handsome!? "I was just....never ready."
He hums pensively, still rubbing your back. He stays quiet for a while, and you don't bother fixing that while resting on his chest. He doesn't say anything until a minute later. "Think yr' ready now?"
"I don't know? Kinda scared..." You're honest. "But I...I really wanna do it with you, Toji."
"Then, do ya trust me?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Well, in that case," Toji carefully pushes you off him before he hoists you up bridal style. The swift motion catching by surprise as you hurriedly wrap your arms around his neck before he starts walking. Amused, he kisses your cheek. "Don't worry a thing, princess. Gonna take care of ya real good."
You gulp as your face goes hot. Oh, I definitely should've stayed my ass home...
Yeah, you definitely should've.
Fifteen minutes in, your senses are already clouded by the lapping motions of Toji's tongue on your vulva. You're lying on his bed, your figure writhing and back arching from the commotion between your legs. You tried to contain yourself by concealing your moans, yet your lips let the pornographic noises fly.
The last fifteen minutes have been spent preparing you for the big event. Toji started by fingering your hole, making you adjust to having a foreign limb within you. When you were wet enough, one digit became two, and you grabbed ahold of his shirt as he did his expert work on your soaking chasm.
Now in your nude, you let the man continue to prep you, his hands holding onto your legs with your pussy out for him to see, for him to toy with his wet muscle between your folds and drinking your essence.
"Ahhhh-Haaaah! T-Tojiii," you look so out of it, your head squirming around the pillow beneath you and your words slurred. You've already come two times; what more does this man need for you to be ready? "Oh God, it's too much fer mee, 's too muuch!"
A sharp cry exits your mouth when the man licks your clitoris, his deep forest green eyes peer up to look at you. He snickers, "C'mon, mama, you know I gotta have my girl ready to take in all of me." He flicks his tongue on your bud, and another yelp escapes your lips. "Lemme finish up here, 'kay?"
And he goes back to finishing you up, his hands grabbing you by the hips to bring you closer to his ravenous mouth. You clutch tufts of his raven hair, and his name comes out in incoherent babbles.
Your eyes start to water as your head gets dizzy with the raunchy noises from down south. Your cold sweat contrasts with your hot bare form, and the throbbing sensation between your legs festers under your skin.
Beads of sweat scroll down your forehead. You're close to release. "Hngg! Toji, I'm gonna cu-cummm!"
Suddenly, Toji removes from your legs, leaving you and your pulsing slits to the substituted cold air. You whine for your neglected orgasm that withers away, propping yourself up to beg him to give you what you want. But your breath hitches before you can make a complaint.
Toji is off his bed, withdrawing his shirt and jeans, freeing his cock from his boxer briefs. You can't help but stare at the member before you. Following the trail of hair from his lower abdomen, his erection sprung up with precum oozing out. Compared to your fingers or toys, his dick is way beyond your comprehension in length and girth.
Oh, to die from the first dick you've ever taken. How poetic.
Toji notices you ogle at his shaft, sneering as he returns to the bed. "Like what ya see, cutie?" You chew on your lip when Toji props your legs around his waist, a hand used to position his shaft to your leaky entrance. "Gonna start real slow, so take some deep breaths fr' me, 'kay baby?" You nod, internally bracing yourself for what's about happen.
The head of his cock touches your slit, and you jolt. "Relax, baby. It's gonna hurt if you're tense like that." He coaxes, your breathing securing you from the intrusion. He watches you; with each exhale, he pushes himself. The unfamiliar limb prying in your vagina and the pain you're experiencing is like no other. But you bite down on your lip to push through.
When the tip makes it in, you gasp. Gradually, Toji pushes his member further into you, stretching your tight hole to accommodate his girth. You try to compose yourself with even breaths, but you shriek when you feel his length brush against your G-spot. When the base kisses your cunt, Toji gives you a few minutes to adapt to him. "How ya feelin'?"
"So full..." You look at him with brows scrunched, eyes hooded, and tears streaming down your pretty face.
"Hmm, I bet." He wipes your tears with the rough pads of his fingers before slowly thrusting into you. You grip his shoulders for support, your pussy tightening around his length while your legs cage him. "Oooooh, Christ, you're so tight, mama. Drivin' me fuckin' crazy."
And you're about to be driven crazier when his hips pick up the pace, his dick hitting your sweet spots with precision. It's so surreal finally experiencing your first time, especially with Toji. Maybe it's because he's older and more experienced, but whatever expectations you had up until this point have been blown out of the water. The slap of his pelvis on your slick-coated folds fills his room, his throaty groans sound way too good to the ears, and his hot kisses on your lips make you melt. It all feels so electrifying.
Just when you thought you were undergoing it all, Toji slithers a hand down to your clitoris and swipes up and down on the pearl with his thumb. A choked sob leaves puffy lips, "T-Toji, I'm so close. Please, please, please, let me—Oh God."
"Hnnmph, oh shit—" He's close, too. He bends down to nibble on your ear yet licks the pain away. "I know, sweetheart. Come on me." His thrusts then go faster, a merciless tempo you were unprepared for. Shrieks go higher as your orgasm climbs up, and it hits you hard when Toji's fingers play with your clit again. Your climax sends shivers up your spine, your tender walls pulsating on Toji's cock.
And the older man pulls his dick out of your sensitive cunt, letting his come spill onto your stomach. It looked so lewd yet deliciously attractive, especially with him heaving on top of you with his black bangs sticking to his forehead.
When you two calm down, Toji scans your disheveled appearance and chuckles. "Damn, yr' gonna have me addicted to ya, princess." Your stomach was wiped off with a towel that Toji had on hand as you giggled aimlessly.
"Wanna go again?"
"......yes?" You avoid eye contact and turn away bashfully. He chortles and kisses your cheek once more.
"So fuckin' cute."
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yourdoorisunlocked · 2 months
Frisky Kitty - Alastor x Cat!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: Back with another one! A request from @karolinda007-blog :)
➺ 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬 | 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐜𝐚𝐭!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬, 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ;) ➺ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 𝟏,𝟎𝟔𝟒
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A consistent stream of radio static buzzed softly against your fluffy ears as Alastor’s uncovered claws, tipped with crimson and gleaming ominously in the candlelight, tickled down your spine, occasionally reaching up to pet and ruffle your hair before sending shivers down your back once again.  
The Radio Demon was handling you, his darling, ever so gently, with hands that others would only find merciless terror and brutality. The same hands that Alastor was petting you with, now. 
Nuzzling your face into Alastor's lap, you enjoyed hearing random recorded blips of one of his broadcasts through the calm static, accompanied by the crackle of firewood and your spouse’s absentminded humming as rain pattered against the windows outside. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, my dear?” Mirth-filled crimson eyes flickered to you as you nodded and snuggled against Alastor’s lap further for emphasis, purring softly against his waist. 
The radio host’s warm chuckle bounced off the walls of the room, eyes dancing with both fondness and humor. “I can tell, how receptive you are to me, darling,” Alastor laughed and set his book down beside him, both of his hands running through your hair and rubbing against your temples.  
It was surreal to think that, once upon a time, the thought of showing weakness with another, sharing something as damning as vulnerability, simply left a bad taste in Alastor’s mouth.
The Radio Demon was many things, but he was no romantic, much less a clingy one. 
But from the moment Alastor allowed your relationship to evolve, you couldn’t keep your hands off of him, and he never found himself complaining.
Where others would’ve been brutally eviscerated into a puddle of blood and gore on the street for cannibals to feast, you were free to snuggle, nuzzle, kiss, and display your affections – in private, strictly – however you wanted, and Alastor would return the favor tenfold, almost shocked at how he craved to touch you, after a near century of being depraved of such a luxury. 
And you had always respected Alastor’s boundaries, and so nothing ever got so out of hand with your affections. Though, the heated kisses that left one another breathless, lingering touches promising phantom tingles of pleasure, all of it teased the radio host to no end whenever you reminded him of how you craved him so. 
But that could wait for another time. Right now, all Alastor wanted to focus on was the warmth of your body flush against his, and how your oversized pajama shirt shifted ever so slightly away from your neck that he could proudly view the claiming mark imprinted on your nape. 
With a soft whine, the fur on the back of your neck suddenly stood on end, and you reached up towards your lover’s collar as your pupils, pure voids and blown wide, focused entirely on Alastor’s ears, how fluffy they were, how they enticed you and called to more buried instincts. 
Alastor raised an eyebrow. “Getting a bit frisky, are we? Perhaps we should’ve gone to bed a bit earlier,” chuckling, Alastor’s left ear flicked, and your own twitched in response. 
With wide eyes, your hands grabbed for his ears, messing and playing with them as you continued your affectionate assault up his neck, burying your nose in his hair and nuzzling against his neck with urgency. 
“Now hold on, now-!” Your lover went absolutely rigid while you made a mess of his cherry-colored locks, fluffing up his hair an
Alastor’s ears immediately perked up, straight and at attention atop his head when your tongue caressed a particularly sensitive spot just beneath his jaw, and he abruptly stood up with you clutched to his chest. 
The screech of a record player wasn’t enough to deter you, and you continued to preen against him, rumbles of content softening his soured heart greatly.
“I believe that’s enough playtime for one day!” To Alastor's slight disappointment, you finally yielded to that, though you pouted softly in his arms, making grabby hands for his ears, and he chuckled huskily.
“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, ma chère,” he sighed softly into your ear. "You're going to rile me up, if you keep this up."
Alastor stood and began to carry you out of the small parlor and into the hallway, making a beeline for your shared room as you continued to rub your nose and neck against his, scenting him with a deep purr that spurred on his own instincts. 
It was only when the marked side of your neck rubbed up against Alastor’s, pure pheromones pouring from you, a mix of your scent and his mingling together, calling to him and begging him to give into you.
"Oh, chère," Alastor leaned into you just then, nearly falling into your bedroom as his hands wrapped around your waist in a possessive grip. He supposed that a little quality time with his darling wouldn't hurt. After all, what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't tend to all of your needs?
And perhaps you'd cater to some of his, as well.
. . .
Once the door closed behind Alastor with a soft click, he let out a soft sigh of relief and slumped against the hardwood, his hand still gripping the knob. 
The few moments of peace the exhausted radio host spent collecting himself – and trying to calm his inner urge to return to his mate partner and satisfy her properly – were, to his chagrin, a short-lived blessing. 
“Woah-hoh! You look like shit, Al’!”  
None other than Angel Dust had sauntered into the hallway, clearly caught in the middle of retiring from Husk’s bar as he slurred out some of his words.  
“I could say the same for yourself! Don’t you have anything better to do, than stalk around the hallways like a lightweight drunkard?” He snapped back with a poorly plastered-on grin.
Angel pouted defiantly. “Heeey! You’re out here, doin’ the same thing, ya’ strawberry pimp!” 
Alastor bristled at the insult and fought to keep himself together as he squared his shoulders, brushing past Angel with his ears pointed backwards, while Angel gave Alastor’s disheveled look a once-over. 
Smug realization dawned on him, and the porn star made an obscene gesture with his hand and called back to the disgruntled, pent-up radio host. 
“So, uh- Did you an’ the lady finally, uh, ya’ know-” 
"ꞨĦɄȾ. ɄꝐ!" 
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𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Just wanted to post this last request before going on a little trip! Gonna go see Hadestown and go out for dinner, so enjoy this little fic!
Thank you for being patient with me while I'm trying to build up a better post schedule :)
. . .
➺ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @starsformydarlingmazel, @chitter-chatter, @hazzbindarlingg, @darkangel582, @matrixbearer2024, @prosciuttosblog, @frog-fans-unite, @mysterypotatoink, @burgerflipper72, @chibikochannumberone, @strawberry-gothic, @roboticsuccubus83, @lulurubberduckie, @fangirlanxiety74, @viviannagiorgini, @localmsifan, @justtnat, @karolinda007-blog, @mglawwica, @wonderlandangelsposts, @saitisfied, @repostingmyfavs, @weirdflower2024, @montis-posts, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @theperfectmangovoid, @slytherin4ever, @i-love-jafar, @itzlochnessie, @mariaclarade-la-cruz1, @susvale, @valentique, @twismare, @robin-the-enby, @v3n7s, @forbidden-sunlight, @leathesimp, @matemor, @groovybear99, @frompeach, @moonmark98, @nyxnightshade7656, @sushigogo, @crowleysthings, @zombiesnips-blog, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @impulsivethoughtsat2am
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some-bunniii · 2 months
My Charming Red Savior [5]
・❥ You make a deal with Alastor, uh oh?
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
x: i actually enjoy alastor’s room a lot, esp that little pocket dimension he’s got going on. thought we’d take a chapter and play around with it!
~ 6.1k words
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When you stepped into Alastor’s room, the last thing you expected to see was the opposite wall divulging into some swampy void of tall, dark trees as fog rolled across the grass. You swore you could even hear the faint sounds of bullfrogs calling across the flooded expanse.
A bayou in the middle of the hotel? Alastor must have done this, no doubt. Stopping just past the threshold to the large room, you pointed a questioning finger towards the swamp. 
“What is that…?” 
“Just a place to test my powers,” Alastor brushed past you, and the soft, orange lights nearby flickered to life as he entered beside you, “Somewhere the consequences of my actions won’t affect the outside world.”
“Correct,” Alastor seemed to be enjoying educating you on magic and what he was capable of, as he continued to undo his coat near the doorway as you explored, “The limits of my powers continue to expand, and anyone with a good head on their shoulders would do well to understand the potential risks involved when playing around with demonic forces. This is a sanctuary I can do that without causing chaos inside the hotel… and a quaint little view as well.”
“Is it real?” Your gaze skimmed across old black-and-white photos of demons you didn’t recognize.
“An illusion carefully crafted with years of work. I’ve fine-tuned it to display scenes closest to my memories from before.”
“It must remind you of home,” you said softly, eyes tracing an alligator skeleton nailed to the wall, a string of small, flickering lights snaking around its ribs and up its tail. 
Even if Alastor never mentioned it without a little prodding, it seemed as if his old home on Earth was something he continued to keep close to him. He still had a passion for music, for southern food, and his drive to keep everything the way it was only further displayed his fondness towards his life on earth. What wasn’t there to miss when you’d end up in a place like this for eternity?
“Indeed,” Alastor nodded slowly, and you watched his signature red suit slip slowly down his back. Underneath, a crimson dress shirt shimmered softly in the ambient light. Thin, leather straps hugged tightly across his chest and back, before wrapping around his shoulders for one and down his sides to latch tightly on his dress pants. 
The chest suspenders accentuated his slenderness, shaping the pointish frame of his suit to lovely lines like the noticeable curve of his hips. His thin, feminine waist was as prominent as ever with the straps keeping his shirt nestled tightly against his skin, revealing a more sophisticated figure than what his tuxedo suit had to offer.
You prayed Alastor would turn around to face you, only so you could see how yummy he looked from the front while he placed his signature red coat onto the hanger next to the door. You struggled to keep your eyes up as they traveled farther and farther down his firm back until—
Wait, a second. Was that small, dark red tuft of fur that was nestled against the small of his back, actually what you think it is? 
It jutted out from the top of Alastor’s pants, relaxed against the tight fabric. As the demon walked towards the bookshelf, arm raising towards a vintage radio, it swished cutely behind him. You zoned in on the ball of fluff, mouth slightly agape.
Heat instantly crept onto your cheeks, your fingers twitching, itching to reach forward and wrap your fingers around the plush fur. Alastor’s tail looked as soft as his ears, and that made your face only boil hotter as you imagined how his hair must feel similar. The thought of burying your face in him like a pillow made you smile dopely, before the realization of what you were thinking made you clamp your lips into a thin line.
Smacking a hand over your face, you tried to hide your embarrassment as Alastor moved a few feet further away, completely oblivious to your flustered figure ogling him.
What was wrong with you?! Here you were supposed to be helping him with his wounds but instead you were too busy drooling at how pretty he was!
Alastor’s tail was much more reactive than his ears, and as his fingers fussed with the radio dial, the increasingly audible jazz tune that began to waft through its speakers had that tuft of fur beginning to rise. White peaked from his underfur, as it slowly lifted in a silent expression of pleasure from the demon, as the music began to pour from the radio crystal clear.
You could understand why he was so intent on keeping it hidden underneath his suit. It didn’t seem like Alastor had complete control of his tail, and there was no doubt he saw it as a ‘weakness’ that other powerful demons could use against him somehow.
You thought it was adorable, and somehow, you’d convince Alastor of that too. 
A gentle jazz beat with words you didn’t recognize wafted through the air, as Alastor turned to face you with a satisfied grin. Your eyes instantly shot up to meet his own, but not in time for the demon to notice your strange, heated demeanor and the way you cracked a quick, innocent grin. 
He definitely caught you staring at his ass, and now you had other things to stare at with how snug that leather strap was across his upper body, and the way it seemed to only make his chest puff out even more. You definitely weren’t having a hard time controlling your gaze as Alastor sidled to the desk, a playful glint from his monocle as his eyelids lowered slightly. 
“Find something of interest?” He hummed, cracking a charming smile as he slid his claws gently across the oak desk’s surface, tracing lines downward until he landed at the top drawer. Pulling it open as you averted your gaze, eyes searching for anything of interest.
“Why, yes,” you nodded, putting a hand to your chin in dramatic thought as your attention landed on the bookshelf Alastor had just moved away from, the rows of books on full display, the titles unreadable in the dim light.
“You love to read, unsurprisingly.” You smiled as Alastor pulled a small medical kit from the drawer, turning to face you slowly, “Do you have a preferred genre?” 
“Murder mysteries are a favorite of mine,” He nodded, striding over to the twin vintage cushioned chairs that sat next to the fireplace, “The fear and the adrenaline that spikes through the protagonist as they try to find the killer before the killer finds them, a thrilling hunt from both sides.”
Alastor giggled at that, placing a hand to his mouth as if recalling a fond memory as you slowly joined him next to the fireplace. It flickered with bright green light, licking at the metal railings keeping its size in check as Alastor stood beside the chair, gesturing you to sit.
“You’re the one injured,” you frowned, plopping down into the chair as you took the medical kit from his free hand, “It should be me doing these things for you.” 
“Manners don’t go out the door just because there is blood present, I am still a gentleman,” Alastor replied with a waggle of his finger, before he took a seat near you, his claws tapping against the chair’s arm rhythmically with the jazz music. 
The warmth from the fire had your eyes drooping slightly, exhaustion tickling the back of your scalp. Even though it was technically still early afternoon, almost getting blown up multiple times, meeting the king of Hell who also saved your life, and being in the center of the two power demon’s bickering had drained you. 
Alastor’s room was very serene, the soft jazz lulling you into a tranquility that had you sinking further into the chair. The deep brown, neutral tones of the antique furniture that framed the room, along with the orange lights that flickered softly along the walls were easy on your eyes, and you smiled softly as you unclipped the medical case’s lid and opened it slowly.
With invisible hands, Alastor’s chair moved forward without effort, scraping softly against the dark red carpet beneath before stilling right as his legs were about to brush against your own. Skimming through the contents of bandaids, your attention landed on packaged tiny alcohol wipes and thin white gauze. Placing the two items on your lap, you leaned over and placed the medical kit on a side table nearby. 
Lifting a hand towards Alastor, you beckoned him forward and he slid his fingers into your palm. He leaned forward as you pulled his hand into your lap, one elbow against the arm of the chair, a hand cupping his chin as he watched you tenderly dab his cuts with the alcohol wipe. The smeared blood against his skin was cleaned off as you worked, and Alastor only silently judged you on the strange, affectionate behavior.
Why would you care so much about a few scratches on his hand, when it meant nothing in the long run. It's not like the rose was made out of angelic steel, yet you fretted simply because he could still feel the sting of the thorns on his tender skin.
For any other demon, Alastor would have slapped them across the face with a tentacle for suggesting to look after him in this way. Why would he reveal any kind of weakness to someone who could use it against him, or view him as what, fragile, delicate? That was not something The Radio Demon could have for his image.
Except, your intention was nothing but pure since the first time Alastor had met you. Even Charlie, the sweet and naive woman he’d come to grow fond of, still had her reasons for treating Alastor with great kindness. He was beneficial to her hotel’s success, and as long as he felt welcomed, he’d help her turn her dreams into reality. Since he began climbing the political ladder of Pentagram City, anytime someone wanted his presence was to use him. 
You, on the other hand, had no ulterior motive. Even when you learned from your friend the terrible things they claim Alastor committed, your curiosity and kindness towards him never faltered. 
You had never asked for his help, even going so far as to deny his assistance when it came to putting that snobby boss of yours back in line. Every time the two of you had crossed paths, it had been him initiating the meeting, him making the first moves for you to notice his presence, him seeking you out. 
And now, even seeing Alastor in any kind of vulnerable state, your soft and gentle demeanor didn’t waver, didn’t dull knowing he wasn’t a second-to-none overlord that could take on any threat as he’s so valiantly demonstrated before.
You didn’t value him any less for his injuries, and in truth, your image of him only improved knowing he was just a man in demon form. Someone with insecurities, human emotions like pain and jealousy, and a good eye for flora.
Except, Alastor wished you’d be paying less attention to his grievous wounds, and instead of focusing on the question you were rudely interrupted trying to answer this morning. 
“Come to a decision on your stay at the hotel?” 
Your hands halted in mid-air, the gauze between your fingers while you had been finishing up wrapping his fingers with the white tape. You had been thinking this whole time about different haircuts to subtly introduce Alastor to improve the only slightly lacking feature on his figure.
“Well–I, um, about that…” you started, grimacing at the way the words fell out of your mouth were scrambled under his intense gaze, “I have been thinking, but I mean, there’s a lot to think about. First off, while I believe Charlie really has something going on here with the hotel… I don’t think I fit the criteria.”
“Of course you do!” Alastor chuckled, as if you had just said the silliest thing to have graced his ears, “If a harlot and that slithering simpleton have a chance at leading a virtuous existence, then I'd say the cards are in your hands for that too!” 
You were about to open your mouth, before he leaned back into his chair, slipping his bandaged hand out of your grip and back to his side to inspect it carefully. 
“And, I’m quite confident you could find a more fulfilling job here at the hotel, instead of under that spineless wretch of a man,” Alastor continued, reclining back into the chair as he tilted his head in thought.
“Not to mention, complimentary room and board? My, you’ve got a very tantalizing offer right in front of you, any sorry bloke off the street would be jumping at the opportunity you’ve been given.”
Was that true? Alastor was really selling this to you, and you reached up a hand to soothingly scratch your neck as you thought. Would it be so bad to stay here? 
Your thoughts from earlier this morning replayed in your head. There wasn’t anything specifically keeping you from denying the offer. You worked a dead-end job around people you were uncomfortable with, the place you were renting was small and falling apart, and you had nobody holding you back. Your friends were there, but weren’t close in your circle. Which kind of meant you didn’t have a circle… except these new demons at the hotel. You were warming up to them, and they weren’t too bad.
Did you really have a shot at redemption? Were you worthy of eternal happiness?
What if having such made you a laughingstock, what if joining these people made you a target of Heaven? That wouldn’t be good, and you were a nobody with no power that 
“Al…” You sighed with a groan, placing your head into your hands. Why did you have to be so indecisive?!
“Why don’t we make a deal?” Alastor's smile cracked wider, the curves of his lips becoming sharper as an unreadable expression crossed his eyes.
“A deal?”
“Just a simple thing,” He smiled innocently, leaning  “No contract or handshake necessary, I believe you are trustworthy to hold up your end with just words.”
God, he was super close to you now, practically nose to nose as he looked at you expectantly. A playful glint shimmered in his red monocle, and your breath hitched at his proximity. 
“What kind of deal?” You finally whispered, heat creeping onto your cheeks.
“You want to learn my interests, want a peek into my life above, hm?” He inched closer to you, smile widening as you leaned backward, “If I take you directly to the source, show you life as I lived it, then you must move to the hotel and stay for one month.”
‘Source’? What did he mean by that? And, if you agreed, you had to stay for a month? But, he was going to open himself up and share his past life with you, which meant a lot to you. 
His eyelids lowered again, something you had noticed earlier when he caught your ogling. Were they lowered in amusement? Some amateurs attempt at bedroom eyes? You could hardly think straight with how close he was to you, a hundred routes of where things could go next skimming through your mind.
Maybe that was just a delusion of yours, wanting Alastor to show more interest than just pretty flowers and a ring that he seemed to sport on you just for show. You barely knew the man, but his kindness and, oh, and that voice… you were just so impatient.
Alastor wasn’t a big physical romantic, you could tell. Which meant you needed to take things slow, respect his space and his pace. He flustered so easily when you complimented him, obviously new to the whole romantic thing in general, and that only made you want to do it again.
Which meant, it would be you that would have to make some moves this time. Even if they were small, it seemed any act of affection would send the deer demon into a tizzy. A kiss on the cheek? Too brazen. A flower crown for his antlers? A little too cottage-girly for him, perhaps.
“I enjoy your excitement at my proposition,” Alastor broke you from your thoughts, as he smiled widely at your dopey expression again, “But I’ll need you to agree with words, darling.”
You really needed to learn to keep your facial expressions in check, it was embarrassing how easily Alastor had been able to catch you mid-daydream so easily. 
“...Okay.” You finally whisper, and energy crackles inside the room right as the words leave your lips.
“Wonderful!” Alastor beamed, rising from the chair in one smooth motion, his good hand wrapping around your forearm suddenly before pulling you up beside him.
Blinking, you felt him slip an arm around yours before tugging you across the room. The jazz from the radio seemed to increase in volume the closer the two of you stepped closer to the pocket dimension a few feet away.
You halted right at the edge, the croaking from the frogs, and distant calls of the owl grew louder as you lifted your head towards the looming trees. The sky was starless, a large, dark blue shadow masking the scene at night as the fireflies danced. What was Alastor planning?
“Just a moment, I need to grab my cane,” he left your side, walking back to the fireplace as your gaze stayed frozen on the swampy atmosphere ahead. 
You leaned forward, trying to get a better look around the weird little pocket-dimension. Even the air inside changed, you could practically taste the humidity in the air as it began to stick to your forehead.
Did the grass still feel like grass, even in a powerful illusion like this? You had no idea Alastor was capable of this kind of magic, especially such vivid scenery. Slowly, you lifted a foot over where brown wood melted into greenery, still hesitant to touch the strange grass.
You held a breath as you crossed the threshold, the sounds of grass crunching beneath as you walked into the wetland. You could feel the water in the soil squelching as you walked slowly, towards nowhere in particular as you twisted your head at the unfamiliar area. 
Thick, swampy vines curled around large trunks and snaked into deep, mucky waters. The way was illuminated by the flickering bodies of fireflies as they danced almost rhythmically to the soft jazz in the background. Sometimes, the surface of the water nearby would ripple, and you swore the shadow of a long body of something stalking underneath the surface passed right next to you.
When you turned to face the line of trees in the distance, two pairs of glowing, yellow eyes met yours. A silhouette of a four-legged creature, tall with branching antlers that tickled at the leaves above its head. The two of you locked eyes for a few moments, and you opened your mouth slightly in awe as it stood elegantly before you.
“My, you are quite a wanderer!” A chipper voice exclaimed behind you, and you pivoted with a yelp to face the static-laced voice smiling softly toward you.
“This place is really amazing,” you laughed, twisting your head to find the buck had disappeared, “It actually feels like we’re back on Earth, almost.”
“It gets better,” Alastor hummed beside you, extending a hand that you accepted with gentle fingers as he grasped you softly.
“Well, how do I look?” He leaned closer to you, puffing his chest slightly as you skimmed across his pretty figure.
Your hands tentatively lifted to adjust the slightly angled black bowtie near his collar, and Alastor only watched you carefully as you fixed it back into place. 
“Perfect,” you sang with a smile, and he mimicked your expression with glee.
“Always a charm, my doe.” Alastor winked, before he slid his arm through yours once more and stood shoulder-to-shoulder beside you. 
His smile was playful, as he glanced at you standing tense beside him. You had a sneaking suspicion he was going to teleport you again, or do something magically stomach-twisting that had you wishing for a paper bag on the side.
“Now, close your eyes…” 
You followed his instruction, squeezing them shut with a deep breath.
You barely had time to exhale before the wind around you turned to a deathly chill, and the humidity was zapped from the air as that familiar feeling of weightlessness had you tightening your hold on Alastor.
You felt him shifting beside you, although you couldn’t imagine into what as your eyes stayed shut tight, cold gripping at your shoulders. It felt like the ground was alive, transforming right beneath you with barely a tremble as you held your breath tightly. 
Then, your ears popped and you felt the grass beneath your feet shift to firm, rocky pavement. There was music, jazz again, but this time the words were audible as women's voices sang with the bumping rhythm. 
‘I’m just a little Jackie Horner,’
‘Since I met my sugar cane,’ 
“Are you going to keep your eyes shut the entire time?” Alastor prodded beside you, his tone laced with amusement as you relaxed slightly at the sound of his voice. 
Taking a deep breath, you crack an eyelid, the darkened atmosphere easy on your vision as you slowly open your eyes to reveal a scene straight out of a history book. 
You were standing in the middle of a cracked, paved road, illuminated by a stretch of tall lamps that cast warm orange tones across the street. Buildings with tall shutters for windows beckoned an invisible finger for you to follow, as spicy, southern food hit your nostrils and the sounds of riled entertainment reached your ears.
‘I left a light lamp on that old corner,’
‘For the moon in lover’s lane,’ 
They all held porches that spanned the entire front of the house-sized buildings. Darkened, silhouetted figures laughed above your head, as you stood there in awe. 
There were a few cars parked on the sides of the street, with thin, flimsy wheels reminding you of distant times when vehicles were just starting to reach the public eye. 
It really felt like you had stepped into the past, everything reminisced to a world before TVs, social media, and WiFi. When newspapers and radios ruled supreme, people came together and danced on the streets instead of dancing behind the camera on silly apps. 
‘When I take my sugar to tea,’ 
‘All the boys are jealous of me,’ 
“Welcome to New Orleans in Roarin’ Twenties!” Alastor beamed beside you, gesturing to the long row of storefronts, the air humming with lively energy and pulsing with vibrant rhythms of tunes long forgotten. 
You jumped at the sound of a baritone horn blaring from beside you. A steamboat filled with flickering lights and singing, boisterous voices chugged past you, its large wheel churning as water cascaded from the paddles. 
A figure turned to you, masked in shadows before they raised an arm and waved across the water towards you. Your lips curved wider with a smile, before lifting a cautious hand and returning the gesture.
‘When I take my sugar to tea,’ 
‘All the boys are jealous of me,’ 
You felt someone bump into your shoulder, another one of those mysterious figures that filled the street. 
“‘Scuse me, miss,” the stranger tipped his hat apologetically to you, bowing slightly as he brushed by.
‘So I never take her where the gang goes,’ 
‘When I take my sugar to tea,’
You twisted your head to finally get a good look at the strangers around you, before your eyes widened at the sight of a doll-like man, his mouth sewn into a wide smile. Black buttons glinted at you from where his eyes should have been, as the man placed his hat back on and turned away. 
You didn’t have time to process the sight before Alastor was pulling you down the street, a live band played outside one bar, the paint mashing keys to a much faster rhythm as two women swung each other across the sidewalk with laughter and the clicking of heels. 
Alastor pulled you along until the two of you stopped at a bakery storefront. Shadowed puppets flowed around you, as your eyes landed on a steaming plate of deep-fried goodness sitting patiently on a table right outside the doorway. 
“Beignets,” He hummed, handing you a pastry, “A cultural classic in these parts.”
‘I’m a rowdy dowdy, that’s me,’
It reminded you of a tiny pillow, sugar coating its surface as you squished the crunchy delicacy before lifting it to your lips.
Taking a bite, the warmth of the bread bloomed across your body as the food traveled down your throat. Your tongue reached out to swipe at the leftover sugar hanging on your lips, as you smiled with pleasure. 
‘She’s a high hat baby, that’s she,’
Alastor only watched you with a soft expression, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he watched you fill your mouth.
“You seem to be enjoying that,” he remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.
You nodded enthusiastically, your mouth still partially occupied by the delicious treat. “It’s amazing! I’ve never tasted anything like it before,” you exclaimed, your words muffled by the pastry.
“Well, there’s a lot of things you have yet to experience, my doe!” He sang, before tugging you along with a static-laced chuckle.
As the two of you strolled down the bustling street, your eyes caught a small crowd surrounding a man in a tall, black hat as he smiled charmingly at the audience.
The magician, dressed in a dapper suit adorned with intricate patterns, stood before a small crowd, his hands moving with precision and finesse as he dazzled onlookers with his feats of magic.
Curiosity piqued, you and Alastor paused to watch the spectacle unfold. The magician’s fingers danced across a deck of cards with effortless grace, manipulating them in ways that seemed impossible. Cards vanished into thin air only to reappear in unexpected places, leaving the crowd gasping in amazement.
Alastor only glanced at you unamusingly, and you laughed softly at his facial expression. Magic card tricks were nothing in comparison to what he was capable of, and you were sure he could wow this illusionary crowd in a heartbeat.
The two of you turned, halfway down the street now, as Alastor pointed at a few different sights. He even introduced you to instruments you’d never heard of before as the two of you continued on. 
“Have you ever performed?” You turned to him, another southern treat in your hand as you kept pace underneath the gas-lit lamps above. 
“On the streets? No, not like this,” Alastor shook his head, his nails clicking against his cane rhythmically with the music wafting from a bar nearby as the two of you stood near the edge of the river. 
You had gotten your hands on a small cup of Duchess Potatoes, a light, creamier version of the classic spud. Placing a small spoonful in your mouth, you swirled the flavors across your taste buds as you watched Alastor stare out at the open expanse of water.
“Once in a while, I’d stop at an old friend of mine’s jazz club, and on the nights I had a few extra drinks in my system, I'd lend my voice to the flappers as they danced.” 
“That sounds like fun!”
“It was,” He nodded, recounting the memories with amusement, “Mimzy would always tease me that I'd make better use as a flapper than a radio host. Sometimes, I think about life if I would have 
You laughed softly, imagining such a scene of Alastor dancing in a high skirt and fishnets. 
It wasn’t until the doors to a bar at the end of the street burst open, and large instruments were dragged through the threshold and out into the streets. Men gathered, readying their musical weapons for another nightly show as onlookers turned their attention to them. 
“Do you hear that?” He asked with a large, devilish smile as he turned to face the small crowd gathering. Couples glided in, teasing each other as they paired around the pianist and his band of stringed instruments. You watched his ears twitch slightly, twisting towards the rising noises.
“It looks like they are all going to dance!” You replied next to him, and Alastor turned to see interest gleaming in your gaze. He watched you for a few moments, before his crimson eyes landed on a trolly that was moving its way down the large street and towards the band.
You felt fingers lace around your wrist, and the gentle tugging from beside you as you met Alastor’s mischievous gaze.
“Let’s make sure we don’t miss it, then!” He winked, before he pulled you towards the lumbering vehicle. 
With wide eyes, you watched Alastor take a running start and gracefully leap onto the back of the trolley, hanging tightly to the railing as he beckoned for you to join.
You watched for a moment, before taking a deep breath and running to catch up with the trolly. Laughing, you reached out a hand to grasp Alastor’s as you closed in on the back of the vehicle.
You felt a sizzle of magic drag you an inch forward, and your fingers laced with Alastor’s as he pulled you beside him. He snaked one hand securely around your waist as you leaned out from the side of the vehicle, the wind whipping against your face as you watched the street lights flicker past. 
“I used to time myself on how fast I could make it on,” Alastor’s voice broke you from your awe, and you turned your head to meet his gaze, “I’m not sure if I've improved since my younger days.” 
You only smiled softly, the proximity of his touch hot on your mind, but you didn’t speak a word as the trolley continued on its path, the bar’s lights flashing with life as you beelined towards it. 
The trolley was fast, as it sped by the large steamboat, which honked as if in greeting to the passing vehicle. The trolley replied with a jingle of its own, before the boat disappeared farther down the river.
The trolley began to slow a few feet from the band, which you were thankful for, unsure if you had the physical form to tuck and roll successfully had you needed to make a quick exit.
Alastor landed on the pavement with a thump, twisting his grip so he could help you down with both hands firmly placed at your sides. 
“Let’s hurry before we miss it!” He sang, before pulling you along towards the crowd. The pianist thrummed the keys, inciting the dancers to twirl faster and they were lost in a hypnotic bustle of bodies fluidly maneuvering against each other. The sounds of shoes hitting pavement echoed along with the drumming beat, twisting in a tune of its own creation as you and Alastor moved closer.
But, why did it look like he was going to pull you in the center? Weren’t the two of you just going to stand back and watch? 
You didn’t have time to answer your own questions before you were in the center of the dancing couples. You froze with the spotlight on you, the jazz ringing in your ears as your shoulders softly pumped to the music.
Alastor took your hands carefully, his legs beginning to move in practiced motion as you stood there awkwardly.
“I can’t dance!” You squeaked. 
“It’s the Charleston, darling!” His voice cut through the romping rhythm, sending you a charming grin as he began to move his feet, “It’s not too hard, just follow my lead!” 
Taking a deep breath, you tried to steady your nerves as you focused on Alastor’s movements. His feet moved with precision and fluidity, his body swaying effortlessly to the beat of the music. You tried to mimic his steps, clumsily at first, but with each passing moment, you found yourself growing more confident as you fell into sync with his rhythm.
As the music swirled around you, you lost yourself in the dance, allowing Alastor to guide you with gentle precision. His hands were warm and reassuring against yours, his touch sending shivers down your spine as you moved together in perfect harmony.
The sounds of shoes hitting pavement echoed in time with the drumming beat, creating a hypnotic melody that seemed to envelop you in its embrace. The world around you faded away as you focused solely on the dance.
With each step, each turn, you felt yourself letting go of your inhibitions, allowing the music to flow through you like a river. You spun and twirled with glee, lost in the intoxicating energy of the moment, a smile spreading across your face as laughter bubbled up from deep within your chest.
As the song reached its climax, you and Alastor moved as one, your bodies intertwined in a symphony of movement and sound. In that fleeting moment, there was no past or future, no worries or doubts – there was only the here and now, the exhilarating rush of the dance, and the feeling of Alastor’s touch against your skin. 
As the music faded into the night, you found yourself breathless and exhilarated, your cheeks flushed with exertion and excitement. You turned to Alastor with a grin, your eyes shining with newfound confidence.
“I can’t believe I just did that!” You exclaimed, the thrill of the dance still coursing through your veins. Alastor chuckled softly, his gaze warm and affectionate as he tilted his head towards you. 
“You were marvelous, my dear,” he replied, his voice filled with pride. “But then again, I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone as extraordinary as you.”
You returned the smile, a breathless laugh escaping your lips as you swayed next to him. The music was beginning to die, the scene slowly falling away as the grass began to replace the tiled, stone pavement under your feet. 
Never did you imagine you’d find yourself dancing near glistening waters, eating the delicacies that the human world once had to offer. 
Never did you imagine, Alastor would be such a good dancer! And, dancing with you, no less! 
“I think my hunger for information has been quenched, for now,” you smiled playfully, eyes locked onto Alastor as the world around you shifted. 
“Good,” Alastor smiled satisfactorily, before a mischievous glint reflected through his monocle, “Now… I believe it's time to hold up your end of the deal.” 
Right. The part where you had to move into the hotel. One month. Not a year, not forever, just one month. Couldn’t you decide by then? 
Yes, you could. You could come to a decision now, honestly, but something else was itching at the back of your mind. An act of affection that would no doubt get a reaction from the demon in front of you. 
“I think you’re onto something…” You nodded slowly, pulling Alastor's hand toward you with a sly smile.
Alastor’s eyebrows furrowed at your behavior, as his fingers lifted closer and closer towards your lips. 
With gentle reverence, you pressed a soft kiss to each of his fingertips, your lips lingering against his skin for a moment longer than necessary. Alastor’s breath caught in his throat, a startled look crossing his features as he watched you with wide eyes.
Finally, the roles had reversed. 
For a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still as you held his hand in yours, your lips leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. The touch of your lips against his skin sent a fire igniting inside Alastor, one he was struggling to contain. 
A flush of color spread across his cheeks, a rare display of vulnerability that took you by surprise. His usual composed demeanor faltered for just a moment, revealing the depth of emotion hidden beneath the surface.
“Y-you…” Alastor stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he searched for the right words. But before he could find them, he was interrupted by the sound of laughter echoing in the distance, the moment broken by the world slowly shifting around you.
Clearing his throat and regaining his composure, Alastor withdrew his hand from yours with careful movements. 
“Well, I suppose we should be getting your things,” he said, his tone carefully neutral. But the faint blush on his cheeks betrayed the lingering effects of your gesture.
Behind him, the fireplace illuminated the non-magical side of Alastor’s room, the vintage clock displaying arms that had barely moved an inch since you left on your little adventure. 
“Seems so,” you replied with a honeyed tone, batting your eyelashes at him as he adjusted his bowtie with clumsy fingers.
If you had looked down while flustering the poor man, you’d have noticed his tail high, white fur on full display behind him. Instead, you brushed past him and back into the confines of normalcy.
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awwww man, we made it, alastor finally has his girl staying at the hotel! and a lil kissy kiss :3
i hope you guys could understand what was going on lmao i spent like an hour or two looking up pictures of new orleans, southern food, and steamboats 😂
thank you with your patience on this part, have a great day! 🤍
tags 1/2 🏷️
@the-tortured-poet @anonymousewrites @coleisyn @froggybich @chewbrry @watchinthestarz @mechanicalmari @luxmessorem @kottenox @cherry-cola-100 @the-shark-named-sharon @rae-pottah @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @corpsebridenightamare @pweewee @nijiru @ourfinalisation @anuttellaa @nonetheartist @bunnypeew @cryptidghostgirl @hxzbinwrites @lunaramune @enigmatic-blues @thytorturedpoet @vanhelsingsbigtoe @mixplara @blue122 @zardward @loser-bby @sirens-and-moonflowers @diaouranask @luzzbuzz @theredviolets @the-attention-whore @girl-nahh-two @moonmark98 @asianfrustration13 @fairyv-ice @missam @beezgobuzzbuzz @valentique @dory-98 @mo-0-o @willow404 @karolinda007-blog @nightreverie @luujjvi @amoraneuro @kimmikreates
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fangirl-dot-com · 4 months
Chapter 21 - Collision of Worlds
feels like forever since I've updated and I am so sorry for that. I had so many projects but thankfully I passed them all! So little celebration chapter!
I added a bunch of past ideas from you readers as you wanted to see a few more things before the work wraps up (like media day and one of the incorrect quotes from that chapter).
Happy news is that Chapter 22 is already done and written as well so that will be out soon as well!
Like always comments, questions, concerns, messages to my inbox, reblogs and likes are always appreciated!
Please enjoy!
Wednesday Afternoon:
You were hunched over laughing as you saw Max walk into the Paddock on Wednesday afternoon. The blond wig was definitely not on correctly, but no one seemed to care as cameras flashed on his figure. A shy grin was displayed on his face as he walked closer. 
“Happy media day?” he questioned as he met up with you. 
You took one more look and started to wheeze, which in return made him laugh as well – almost making the wig fall off. 
“Trying to look like the better Red Bull driver?” you asked, pulling at the blond strands. Max quickly took it off. 
He let out a dry laugh, before speaking in a sarcastic tone. “Sure. That’s exactly what I’m doing.” 
“What are we even doing today?” you managed to ask through your giggles. 
Max looked around with a questioning look. “Christian told me that we’re have a driving competition.” 
Speaking of, Christian suddenly appeared with a team of videographers and other employees. Two of them behind him were pulling contraptions that made you start to laugh even harder. 
Somehow, they had gotten their hands on two children’s cars and had painted them in the RB colors. You walked over, slapped the plastic, and started to laugh harder once again. Max could only giggle watching you lose it over something so simple. But, then he guesses that you might not have had a smaller toy car as a kid. 
Max stood next to his. He was lucky that his car was opened roofed or he would have never fit inside. 
The media worker spoke up once the two of you stood next to the respective cars. 
“The game is simple. Just a lap around to that tree.” 
He pointed at a tree in the distance. Thankfully the entire way there was paved. Well, you were racing in the paddock. 
“The bottom of the cars are cut out so you’ll have to use your feet to get going.” 
You gave Max a smirk before sticking one foot in and then the other. It was a tight squeeze, but you weren’t one of the shortest drivers for nothing. You were thankful the floor was cut out or your head would be in between your knees. You looked over at Max and lost it once again. 
You couldn’t even see his body, just his head sticking out the open top. You leaned your head against the mini wheel. 
Max lifted his hand and called out, “Can I have a head start since she can’t stop laughing?” 
You looked over at him. “Be quiet. Not my fault you look like a giraffe.” 
Christian was the one to tell you two to go, and it was on. Since you were smaller, your feet had more room to move back and forth. But, you sadly wore sandals for media day, and they didn’t have much traction. 
Whereas Max had little room to move his feet, but his tennis shoes were much more grabby on the concrete. 
You were able to take the inside of the tree while Max had to go far around the outside. Coming out of the turn, you went a bit wide to cut him off and bumped his car. Max bumped you back and you retaliated with a bigger bump as the finish line was approaching. Well, you never looked back and missed that his car tilted over, with him still in it. 
Once you crossed the finish line, you got out and finally turned to see him still knocked over. You crouched as you began to wheeze once again. Christian had to go over to him and set the Dutchman upright. 
The video people swarmed around Max once he got out. 
One of the men smirked as he pointed a microphone at Max. 
“Max, what happened with the race?” 
Max looked over at you still hunched over and smirked. 
“Ah it’s so unfair. I’m leading, she pushed me, I push her back, and after she pushed me off the track. It’s unfair?” 
Everyone around him was giggling into their hands at his statement. Even before you had bumped him, Charles had somehow gotten close to watch it. He was also hunched over with hands on his knees, laughing his ass off. 
You had stood upright and were wiping off tears from your eyes. The man who “interviewed” Max had come over to you as you stepped closer. 
“Y/n what happened with Max?” 
You quickly pulled your hair over your eyes a bit before speaking. 
“Nothing. It was just an inchident…on the race.” 
That did it and everyone started to laugh out loud. 
Now it was time for Charles to walk over to the duo. He had somehow gotten a hold of the blond wig as well, and it was sitting on his head. 
You looked over and tried to compose yourself. “Why is everyone trying to be me today?” 
Charles had a sassy look on his face. “Well, if you can be me – I can be you.” 
Your eyebrows raised before you yanked the wig off. 
redbullracing has posted
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redbullracing just an inchident...
tagged: maxverstappen1, y/n.89, and charles_leclerc
liked by redbullusa, landonorris, box_box_express, and 205,204 others
y/n.nation the entire video had me rolling
lestappenlove not y/n pulling out "the inchident" - had me in stitches
y/n.89 I wanna know why everyone was trying to be me today, obviously I'm the best blond here
maxverstappen1 do you not see the pictures? I'm pretty sure I look best charles_leclerc back away peasants, we all know who looks best here landonorris I hope you're not meaning you and your ramen noodle hair
formula1fan where did Red Bull even get the cars (are they available for purchase?)
redbullcan no fr I want one
best_rookie89 Silverstone always brings out the best in everyone
Thankfully after that you were done with any games. Yet, to yours and Max’s chagrin, you had lots of interviews to go to. 
Max gave you a thankful look when you took the podcast while he took the live interview. You knew that he really did have a distain for podcasts. You made him promise though that he’d bring you a can of Red Bull after you were done. It was easy enough. 
You were led to a small room with the host already sat down. He stood when you entered and shook your hand. 
“I’m so glad that we’re able to do this today. My name is Sam and I’ll be asking you a few questions today,” his British accent rang out. It was a nice comfort as it was the Silverstone Grand Prix this weekend. 
You sat down and put the headphones on. 
Sam pulled out a few note cards and then did the intro. 
“Hey everyone, it’s Sam back with the ‘Stay In The Box-Box Podcast’ and I am graciously joined by who everyone is dubbing the greatest rookie to every enter Formula 1, Y/n L/n.” 
He gave you a cue to speak into the mic. 
“Hello everyone! I’m glad to be here today!” 
The questions were simple enough. How has Red Bull been treating you? What are your aspirations for the team? What is it like having Max Verstappen as a teammate? And so on. 
A question though, caught you by surprise. 
“I know that you, along with anyone who watches F1, have been waiting for your first win. What track would you love to win at and why?’ 
You thought for a moment before you gave an answer. 
“Well, to be honest, I’d be happy with anything. But, if I had to pick anything, I’d go with Monza or Las Vegas.” 
Sam leaned into his mic. “Wow, the home of the Tifosi. You really have your ambitions.” 
You quirked an eyebrow. “Doesn’t everyone? Winning at Monza, especially winning in my godfather’s country, would be a privilege. I know that Ferrari fans would love to see Charles or Carlos win there, but that track seems to be an open door for a lot of racers. Take Pierre for example. Monza was his first race win. Daniel won there in his first year at McLaren and gave Zac Brown his first win as a Team Principle.” 
You took a sip of the water that they had given you. 
“And then you go back to Charles who won his second ever race there, earning him the nickname of Il Predestinato. It seems to be a track that likes the underdogs. It’s fast and relatively shorter. They don’t call it the Temple of Speed for nothing. It’s a track that you have to earn respect for.”  
Sam looked genuinely happy with your answer, and moved on to the second track you mentioned. 
“Ah Vegas. I don’t know. There I drove the RB19 for the first time and was introduced as part of the Red Bull family there. It would be like a homecoming for me if I was able to win there. And it’s Vegas, who wouldn’t want to win. I know that Danny would be sad to lose.”
Sam nodded, taking your answers in. There were a few more questions before he announced a game – guess that tune. 
The first tune came and you immediately pressed the button. 
You leaned into the mic. “August by Taylor Swift.” 
A ding sounded, letting you know you got it right. 
The next was also almost immediate. 
“Monaco by Bad Bunny.” 
A few of the songs you didn’t know, but most of them were immediate. 
You shrugged when Sam asked how you knew so many. The answer was simple. 
“I listen to a lot of genres and I’m chronically on TikTok. Other than like hard rock or heavy metal, I’ll listen to it.” 
A few more sounded. 
“As it Was by Harry Styles.” 
“In the Kitchen by Rene Rap.” 
“Feather by Sabrina Carpenter.” 
“Beautiful Things by Benson Boone.” 
The last song, you knew it but didn’t know the artist. 
Your eyebrow raised. “I know it’s the credit song from Cars 2. Uhhhhh, Collision of Worlds?” 
Sam smirked at your hesitation. “Do you know who it is by?”  
You shook your head. 
“It’s by Brad Paisley and Robbie Williams.” 
You threw your hands up before pointing at Sam. “I’ve been trying to tell Logan that it is legit the song that perfectly sums up his and Oscar’s friendship.” 
Sam leaned back for one more question. 
“Who do you think will win this weekend?” 
Your head tilted. 
“Lando Norris. The McLaren’s have been super-fast the past couple of races. I have a feeling about this one. Place your bets now, Lando is going to get pole.”  
“Thank you so much for your time today.” Sam stood up to shake your hand. He also gave you some sheet of papers. You thought they were just pre-scripted questions for captions. 
redbullracing has posted
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redbullracing ah, nothing like finishing media day with a can from our stocked fridge
liked by stayinthe_boxboxpod, redbullcan, y/n.nation, and 248,029 others
y/n_updates the middle is a live picture from inside y/n's house. girl was drinking it like water before she even signed
verSTOPpen max looked so uncomfortable, glad he didn't get signed to the podcast lol
maxmaxmax_super he always looks miserable on media day
y/n.89 how did a picture of my apartment get in here?
arthur_leclerc and where is your water? y/n.89 no comment.
stayinthe_boxboxpod it was lovely having you on the show! hope that our notes are sufficient :)
y/nxarthur did the host know that she's a TAKEN woman yn/&co I know right? she honestly looked uncomfy when the dude wouldn't take a hint
silverstonecircuit see you all on sunday!
You shook his hand and left to meet up with Max, who was waiting for you in the garage with two cans of Red Bull. You graciously took one and snapped the can open. Max took the papers from you and looked through them. 
“What are these?” he questioned. 
You shrugged, not fully involved in the conversation as you had your phone out, texting Arthur who couldn’t make it this race. 
Max suddenly started laughing, making you look at him. 
“What is it?” 
He turned the papers around. There, on the top of the second page was a phone number with a note and badly drawn winky face. The note said, “Call me if you need a break from your ‘boyfriend’.”  
Your mouth was wide open as Max kept laughing. You grumbled to yourself as you plucked that note from the stack and walked into Christian’s office, not knowing that Toto was in there for a meeting. 
You didn’t even look at the two bewildered men as you looked around the floor. 
“Where’s your paper shredder?” you questioned, walking around to the back of his desk. 
Christian gulped before answering, “To the left.” 
A soft ‘ah’ left your lips as you finally found it. It left out a weird noise as you booted it up, still completely oblivious to the other team principal in the room.
You had a fire in your eyes as you watched the number be ripped to shreds by the machine. You would have let out an evil laugh, but you didn’t want to bother Christian more than you already were (even though you completely missed that he was in a meeting). 
Once you were done, you stood up and left. As you walked out the door you simply said, “Thanks dad,” and shut the door. 
Only when the door shut completely, you realized what you had said. Your cheeks heated as you quickly walked back to Max. 
Behind the door, Toto was staring straight at the Briton. Christian had a shocked face as Toto smirked at him. 
Christian breathed out. “Wouldn’t be the first time a driver to do that.” 
“Tell me about it. George just started.” 
“I need to tell Geri.” 
Your face was buried in Max’s chest as you poured out your sorrows to him. He smirked as he rubbed your back, knowing that he’s done the same multiple times before. 
“And I called him dad.” 
Toto had left and Christian was talking to Geri. 
“And she called me dad!” 
y/n.jpg has posted
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y/n.jpg his
liked by kellypiquet, francisca.gomez, arthur_leclerc, and 403,295 others
y/n&co baby girl has to show that she's taken
rookies_secretbf I bet he makes her feel so good
olliebearman mom, there are children on this app btw
y/n.jpg sorry son, but boys need to know that mom has a man
maxverstappen1 I would say take it down
y/n.jpg but? maxverstappen1 GAGGED HIM (did I do it right?) y/n.jpg perfect
francisca.gomez hot
y/n.jpg learned it all from you
y/n.nation that middle picture tho
Sunday Afternoon:
You basically tried to ignore Christian for the rest of the weekend, but he eventually pulled you to the side to talk to you. 
“Kid, I couldn’t count the amount of times that Max has called me dad on my two hands and feet. I’m more than fine with it.” 
“Promise?” you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. He gave you a kiss on your forehead (in place of Arthur because he knew you missed him). 
“I promise. Not get in your car. It’s race time.” 
Starting Grid: 
Lando Norris 
Max Verstappen 
Y/n L/n 
Oscar Piastri 
Carlos Sainz
Charles Leclerc 
Lewis Hamilton
Pierre Gasly 
George Russell
Daniel Ricciardo 
Fernando Alonso 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Alex Albon
Esteban Ocon 
Logan Sargeant 
Valtteri Bottas 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Zhou Guanyu 
Lance Stroll 
Turns out Lando did get pole and you and Max were basically a McLaren sandwich. You knew that every move had to be strategically done. The McLarens were on another level. And with Oscar’s defensive moves and Lando’s overtaking skills, you and Max were in a pickle. 
Throughout the race, it was like a dance. You’d be overtaken, or Max would overtake – and then you’d switch. Along the way, someone spun out, scrunching everyone up during a safety car. 
You were on fresh tyres while Max went in to pit. 
Mitch came over your radio. “So they’re cleaning up the mess that is Daniel Ricciardo and Logan Sargeant. You’re on new tyres and ahead of Max. Keep position.” 
“There’s only like 10 laps left right? Do you think I could get around Lando?” 
“Negative. We’re just going for a 2-3. This is plan 2-1.” 
Your heart raced at the thought of having a pit of priority over Max. 
David Croft voiced his opinions. 
“Looks like Red Bull has given their drivers the 2-1 plan with rookie Y/n L/n having priority for a P2 position. In just under 10 laps left, Max Verstappen needs to gain 2 positions to be on the podium. And there goes the safety car with just 10 laps to go.” 
You kept your head straight as you defended against Oscar. Max had Charles to go around and then the Australian. 
Lando was slowly pulling away from you, so you needed to keep pressing. It wasn’t the photo finish like in Austria, but it was close. 
Y/n L/n comes in with her 8th podium finish of the season. Max Verstappen follows her in to make it a Red Bull 2-3 and completes the podium for Silverstone 2024.” 
Race Results 
Lando Norris – 26 points (+fastest lap) 
Y/n L/n – 18 points 
Max Verstappen -  15 points
Oscar Piastri – 12 points  
Charles Leclerc – 10 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 8 points 
Carlos Sainz – 6 points 
Alex Albon – 4 points 
George Russell – 2 points 
Valtteri Bottas – 1 point 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Zhou Guanyu 
Kevin Magnussen 
Pierre Gasly 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Fernando Alonso 
Lance Stoll 
Esteban Ocon 
Daniel Ricciardo – DNF 
Logan Sargeant – DNF 
Champions Standings 
Max Verstappen – 259 points 
Charles Leclerc – 212 
Lando Norris – 181 points 
Y/n L/n – 142 points 
Carlos Sainz – 97 points 
Oscar Piastri – 80 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 79 points 
Alex Albon – 43 points 
George Russell – 38 points 
Fernando Alonso – 35 points 
Logan Sargeant – 29 points  
Daniel Ricciardo – 23 points
Lance Stroll – 15 points 
Pierre Gasly – 12 points 
Yuki Tsunoda – 8 points 
Valtteri Bottas – 1 point 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Kevin Magnussen 
Zhou Guanyu 
Esteban Ocon 
Constructors Standings
Red Bull – 401 points 
Ferrari – 309 points 
McLaren – 261 points 
Mercedes – 117 points 
Williams – 66 points 
Aston Martin – 50 points 
Alpha Tauri – 31 points 
Alpine – 12 points 
Alpha Romeo – 1 point 
HAAS – 0 points  
You watched as Lando climbed out of his car and just stood on the nose, hands outstretched and pointing at the crowds. Your eye caught the Union Jack and you raced over to grab it. You lifted it high as you tapped Lando’s leg before handing it to him. You could see his blue-green eyes lighten up at the prospect of waving his country’s flag. 
You took a couple of steps back and went to congratulate your own teammate. 
Your hands met in a clasp. 
“Glad to see you made it to the party.” You grinned as you slid your helmet off. Max followed in suit. 
The Dutch driver’s hands started to wave around. “Yeah. Didn’t think I had it but then Oscar left just the right amount of space,” his fingers nearly pinched together. Your head leaded back as you laughed. 
Max watched as Lando jumped into the arms of the McLaren team but then watched you watched them as well. He nudged your shoulder. 
“It’ll be you soon enough.” He heard a huff, but he knew you were listening. 
You took one last look at Lando before heading to the cool down room. Your water bottle was immediately in your hand and brought to your mouth. Lando and Max walked in a few moments later. You gave Lando a side hug as he stood next to you. 
Whispering, you told him, “You drove so well today. Knew you could do it.” 
“Thanks bug.” 
When the three of you were called to go to the podium, Max told the Briton, “I’ll try not to break your trophy.” 
Lando’s head leaded back as he let out a groan. 
“It was one time! One time Max!” 
landonorris has posted
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landonorris words cannot express the feelings that I have right now. I've been waiting for this moment to arrive and I never thought that it would be at my home race of all places. thank you to the team and to Oscar who held off two of the strongest drivers I have ever raced against. and thank you max for not breaking my trophy
liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55, and 703,204 others
mclarenfan silverstone 2024 winners merch when??
lanno_norris I knew this day would come!!
lando.norizz lando win before gta 6 and before the next ferrari champion ferrari&mclaren_fan that was harsh bro
carlossainz55 congrats cabron, sorry I couldn't be up there with you
y/n.89 great job lanno! so so proud of you :D
landonorris thanks bug
lewishamilton congrats mate!
lanoscar I needed this today
redbullracing has posted *guys pretend that the third picture is reader ok???*
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redbullracing from past to present, lando has been there. congrats landonorris - we'll get you next time
liked by y/n.89, mclaren, papaya_fan, bothshades_oforange, and 503,204 others
redbullcan stop stop stop not a post making me sob
y/n.nation no way that is y/n - look how much younger she is
y/n_on_top what the heck? she knew lando??
redbull+mclaren what in the? my favs on the podium and they all were connected some how??
y/nand_taylor some might say...invisible string? y/nxarthur yeah he is not the boyfriend, but keep dreaming tho :D
y/n.89 ohhhh so you're the one that spooked my horse
landonorris so you're the one that hit me coming off the elevator y/n.89 I plead the fifth maxverstappen1 he just needs to admit that he's our biggest fan
bestrookie89 this weekend was a whirlwind - what even
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
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tarjapearce · 11 months
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Miguel O'Hara x GN! Reader
Summary: An outlet is what Miguel needs. ~
WARNING: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Oral (Male receiving), Rough Sex, a bit of Manhandling, nerd talk, stress relieving ~
Thanks for the request dear anon ♥️ Hope it's what you wanted~
Requested here
Enjoy ✨
The constant whirring and beeping from the screens, alerting him of possible anomalies, was a sound that Miguel had grown used to. Silence had turned for him a bit too dull, not that he didn't enjoy it, but it was a nuisance whenever his mind was berating himself about what ifs and what nots about the canon.
The whirring kept his mind going, as if reminding him his purpose, and the beepings only distracted him enough to focus on what his mind though important at the moment. It kept him grounded. A little peace for himself.
Until you showed up in his floating bay.
"Can see you tensing up from here, Miggy" your quiet giggling earned you a deep sigh from him.
A silent 'Not now' from his end.
His fingers traced and mapped new information, but something was off. The information he had created didn't match the algorithm. A large hand rubbed his features, trying to ease the simmering anger below the surface.
"Whatcha working on?" Your steps echoed closer, his eyes drooped emotionless, bored and quite sick of the same displaying message on his screen he had been seeing for the past hour.
His jaw clenched, his claws digging so ever softly at his palm. Muscles so rigid you thought any movement would break him. He was tense. Despite his calculated movements, stress oozed from each pore of his skin, as if waiting for the screen to show up that pestering message again to finally snap.
His fist went across it. Sending shrapnels of glass across the room. Your eyes only widened slightly as your lips pursed, amused.
"Well, at least it means you can focus on something else?" Your mocking voice offered, he plopped on his seat. Legs manspreading as his nose bridge was pinched.
"What do you want?"
His gruff voice echoing in the bay, your voice disrupting the list of frequent sounds he was used to.
"Just a report delivering, but seeing you're about to snap, just watching."
He grunted in response. His head leaning on the chair.
"No puedo más" he exhaled. (Can't do this anymore)
"Glad you finally notice. We're still humans, y'know. We need rest."
Your steps came closer, he lowered the brightness settings from the outside windows. Standing behind him you ran your fingers through his head, rubbing in small circles
"¿Qué estás haciendo?" (What are you doing?)
The anger laced in his voice only made you to chuckle.
"Taking you haven't body slammed me against the wall yet, means you like it."
Your hands moved to his nape and then spreaded on his shoulders. It was like trying to make a block of concrete soft like putty.
"I'll take my guess and say you were working on some new algorithm."
He shook his head softly and sighed quietly as you worked on his broad shoulders. The warmth of your hands trying to soothe the built up tension.
"Fucking shit doesn't work."
One thing you had noticed is how much of a potty mouth he was when he was angry, frustrated or stressed.
"Nada de esa mierda funciona bien." (None of that shit works properly)
"You're thinking too much, Miggy."
Your hands stopped and his brow furrowed impossibly deeper.
"I meant for you to stop calling me that, not your hands." You smirked and raked your nails softly on his chest to then guide them up his shoulders.
"Just relax" you whispered to his ear. His hand gripping tighter the arm rest of the chair. A new idea popping on your mind.
"Why don't you tell me more about it?"
You removed yourself from him and sauntered over the keyboard.
"About what?"
Your fingers deactivated the main link to his suit. He growled but was too tired to even argue.
"About what you think it's making the algorithm to fail."
Your eyes darted to his groin, even limp, it was a sight. A pinkish hue at his mushroom engorged tip, followed by a thick body that fit just perfect in your already salivating mouth.
His eyes darted upwards, as a tiny, almost imperceptible smirk adorned his sharp features.
"I don't even know where to start." He huffed as you kneeled before him. Dainty fingers running up his thighs to finally take a hold of his cock. He inhaled
"Let's try something simple. What does the algorithm do?"
Your hand pumped him a couple of times as your mouth kissed up and down a trail on him.
"It's just..." He trailed off ad your mouth focused on his tip, "Just a patch to..." Blood rushed to his cock, springing it back to life. The quick response of his body just signaled how much of an overall release he needed thanks to the pent up stress.
"To what?"
"T-To..." you took him whole and he clawed at the plastic arm chair. "To fucking fix a five second information delivery delay" He blurted as his eyes finally focused on you.
His red eyes watched as your mouth swallowed him whole with ease, to reach the base. Your throat muscles constricting against him made him shudder. His breathing hitched as you bobbed your head up and down, big eyes looking at him curiously, as if telling him to keep talking.
"T-That way we could have a more immediate response to-" he choked as your tongue swirled all over his cock but again, paid special attention to his tip. Pouty and full lips shaping themselves in the form of his girth, his eyes followed your peeking tongue that slid to the sides and flattened once more, preparing to take him again.
"Any anomalies that show up." His voice tried to remain even, but he couldn't help but almost whimper the last two syllables. His hands reached for your nape and held a fistful of your hair.
"But that... fucking thing won't work." He guided your mouth up and down on him, "I don't know if its-" A hiss as your throat was again constricting him, "A fucking issue with the code or the code itself." The squelching and sucking sounds you made were engraved on his mind, the two were added to the list of sounds he was getting used to.
"I'm fucking making it work. One way or-" He rasped I between soft pants and growls, "Another" He held your head still as his hot seed spilled in. Tears prickled at your eyes as he had made you deep throat him, a bit rougher than intended.
Swallowing, you couldn't help but cough softly, to your surprise his cock was still hard. Liking your lips clean, you tapped another button and deactivated your own suit.
"So that's the reason we are having issues with the comms?" His hands held you by the hips and guided his cock to your core, sheathing you ontop of him. It was your turn to whimper. The good stretch of him made your back arch as you smacked your hips against his once, pushing him as deep as the space allowed you.
Big hands grope each side of you, making you to grind and squeeze him. He felt so snug and comfortably embraced within your moist walls.
"Probably, de todos modos muchos hacen lo que quieren." (Many do as they please anyways)
Your legs spreaded, allowing a tighter grip. He growled as his hips smacked yours upwards, sending electric jolts all over your body. You hissed when his claws sunk a bit deeper, holding you in place.
"No sabes cuánto me frustra eso." (You don't know how frustrating is that.) His hands made your hips to slap rougher and faster, if it wasn't for the keyboard before you, you would've been on the floor by now. Your grip on the sturdy material tightened as he pounded his way into you.
Your mewls and needy pleas was something he'd definitely need to hear again.
"M-Maybe you should be-" You choked a moan as he pressed you closer to him, one of his hands secured you in place, as the other one held you by the neck, squeezing softly.
"Should be what?" He breathed, the constant slapping of your flesh made the chair to bounce.
"A bit more chill" you whimpered and nearly came undone as he poked repeatedly at that spot that made you sputter an array of lewd curses.
His cock twitched, a bit too drunk on the sensation you provided to his relief. He bit your shoulder as his thrust turned slower and sloppier, you came first, and he just followed. Your walls were painted white as he squeezed your throat and then he released you.
You whimpered and exhaled, soft raged pants turning into a small giggle.
"What?" He breathed and looked at your shaking form
"Nothing. Feel better?"
His eyes drooped in exhaustion, the good sort of tiredness and chuckled.
"I might drop by more often, to see if you're stressed."
"You must. That's an order."
"Yes, sir."
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concreteangel92 · 4 months
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Acting up
Noah Sebastian x fem!reader
Warnings: spanking, clit spanking, dom/sub relationship, oral (m&f receiving) PiV sex, over simulation, aftercare of course
A/N: so I got this idea into my head last week and just had to bring it to life!
Apart from the small writing I uploaded the other day, this is my first proper one shot and deffo the first smut I’ve done in about 7/8 years so I felt incredibly rusty and have prayed that this turned out ok haha I’ve re-read and changed things so many times in the last week 😂 but after finally feeling more or less happy with it, here we are and I hope you enjoy!!
You knew you were in trouble, you’d been winding Noah up all day at an important work event.
Noah hadn’t long been home from yet another tour, but he’d hardly paid you any attention over the last couple days, he was either sleeping or working in his studio and although you love and support everything he does and you understood work has to come first sometimes, you were feeling incredibly needy now.
So you started off small, you wore a dress that left little the imagination. I’m talking bending over too far and everyone sees everything kind of dress to which Noah wasn’t impressed.
“You’re not wearing that to the event.”
“Yes I am.”
Noah’s eyes locked with yours and he had an irritated expression on his face.
“No, you’re not! I’m not having every persons eyes on my girls ass all night because she can’t be bothered to dress appropriately. The car is already outside, I’ll meet you in there. Go change, now.”
You turned away and headed to your shared bedroom with a small smirk on your face, he was too easy to wind up. Instead of changing the dress, you put a long coat over the dress to give the impression you’d changed and jumped into the car.
Noah, having been on his phone texting the whole journey, didn’t seem to notice anything until you arrived at the party, it was full of his management team, the rest of the band, friends, crew, you name it and they were there. Drinks were being served, music was blasting out and everyone appeared to be having a good time already.
You slipped your coat off when you walked into the main room, all eyes were immediately on you but Noah’s became dark.
“What did I say back at home?”
“Can’t remember to be honest”
Noah stood very close to you and put his hand firmly on your upper arm. “I need you to behave yourself tonight.”
All you heard in your mind was “test me more.”
You smiled up at him sweetly, playing the innocent and said “I always behave baby, especially at such an important event.”
Noah gave you a firm look but relaxed his grip on your arm and he let his fall around your waist to guide you around while he mingled.
The night seemed to go well, Noah became a bit more relaxed and was enjoying himself and never strayed too far from your side, often you felt yourself leaning into him, his hand always rubbing small circles on your side absentmindedly. Noah wasn’t someone who displayed massive amounts of affection in public but he loved to always have you in touching distance. And he probably wanted to hide how short your dress was from prying eyes as best as he could.
You let Noah do his thing for a few hours before you started to become impatient, and you knew Noah better then anyone and knew he would be drained by now, he doesn’t do well in big crowds of people and avoids them unless he has to for work, so you decided it was time to start upping the game.
A few throw away comments or jokes at his expense is how it started, your particular favourite was when you offered to grab a drink for him and Jolly but only returned with two and you started to drink one yourself.
“Did you get my drink babe?”
“You have legs right? Do what comes after February….March”
Noah tensed next to you every time and then when you both walked over to both the Nick’s and Jolly who had excused themselves to the sofas, you knew it was time.
You said hello and sat yourself right next to Jolly and Folio which meant Noah had no choice but to sit with Nick opposite you on the other sofa, Noah looked a bit disappointed as there was room for both of you but that look didn’t last long.
After glancing around and making sure that Ruffilo wasn’t watching, you uncrossed your legs and opened them up just enough for Noah to realise that you hadn’t got any underwear on tonight. Noah’s face instantly hardened and he glared straight at you, you couldn’t help but smile and giggle quietly to yourself as you knew this was it, Noah would never let you get away with this, you could feel yourself growing wetter just at the thought of what he’s going to do when you’re alone.
Jolly turned to you after hearing your giggle and said “what’s got you giggling?”
You crossed your legs back over and replied with “oh….erm I was just thinking that if it rains tonight, I don’t have a hood or umbrella so I’d end up getting very wet tonight”
Jolly looked ever so slightly confused but commented back that he didn’t believe it was forecasted to rain. You looked back over to Noah with a smile and you watched as his jaw clenched and his eyes were dark, he gave a very menacing look in your direction at the comment you’d made, he suddenly cleared his throat and jumped up.
“On that note guys I’m not feeling very well, I think I’m going to call it a night now, come on y/n.”
Ruffilo looked concerned “you alright man?”
Noah didn’t take his eyes off you “bad headache”
You stood up and fixed your dress, you smiled at the guys and said goodbye, Noah made certain to pass you your coat and grabbed your hand very firmly and said under his breath “we’ll talk about this at home.”
The ride home was silent, Noah’s grip hasn’t left your hand, and although it was starting to hurt slightly, it was simply causing you to ache elsewhere. You knew Noah was extremely angry, you’d technically crossed a line and was playing up in front of his friends which he doesn’t like but you couldn’t help it, he looked very attractive to you right now.
Not a word was said until you both walked into your house, you went to turn around and then found yourself pinned up against the door with Noah’s hand wrapped around your throat.
“What the fuck was that?”
“What was what baby?”
“Don’t play innocent with me, you knew exactly what you were doing, you’ve been acting like a brat all day and at one of my work events, are fucking serious?”
You stared up at him with big eyes, between your thighs was already wet and his hand became just that bit tighter which made your breath hitch.
“I just wanted some attention off you for a change.”
Noah ran his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly.
“Is that so?”
Without any warning he stuck one of his fingers into you and your mouth fell open with a silent moan, head falling back onto the wall.
“You’re so wet for me baby, been thinking about this all day eh?”
“You want me to make you feel good?”
You nodded while he moved his finger slowly but then removed it, take a moment to clean it off with his mouth.
“Too bad, you think after your performance tonight that you can just get what you want? I don’t think so. Get up those stairs and into our room, only good girls get rewarded.”
Your brain felt fuzzy with excitement as you followed his orders, you went up to your room, Noah not far behind you closing the door and then he sat himself on the edge of the bed.
Noah then stretched his neck from one side to the other, as if preparing for what was about to happen and watching him do that, you practically came on the spot.
“Lay across my lap.”
You went to remove your dress but he stopped you
“Leave it on. You wanted to wear it so badly.”
You walked over to Noah and got comfortable across his lap and he pulled the dress up so he had complete access to you.
“Now for your punish today, I think 15 will do, count each hit and if you miss then we shall start again, understand?”
You nodded in response.
“Use your words angel”
“Yes I understand”
“Remember your safe word?”
Your heart swelled at that as he asks every time he knows he’s about to be rough.
“Yes I do”
“Good girl”
That phrase made your pussy throb, as much as you love being a brat, you also adored his praise.
Noah ran his hand over the back of your legs, he gently parted them slightly and saw the slick coating on the inside of your thighs. Your heart rate increase and you could feel yourself clenching around nothing.
“My dirty girl is looking forward to this huh?”
You were going to respond when out of nowhere he spanked you hard and you let out a deep groan.
He spanked you again, on the opposite cheek, making sure to keep his hand slightly cupped and not to go to high up so not to hit your lower back.
“Are we starting to learn our lesson yet?”
You smiled even though he couldn’t see it. “No.”
“Very well”
Noah was then smacking your bare behind multiple times in a row and you done your best to keep up calling out the numbers with his fast pace, all while you could feel the beautiful stinging pain begin the more he spanked you.
“That’s my good girl, you’re going a beautiful shade of red baby, shall we take it up a notch for the last 5?”
“Yes sir”
Noah hummed in approval of the name you used, the pain was coming through more now but Noah started to rub you down to soothe you. His hand pulled away briefly and you felt it be replaced with your leather paddle that you didn’t even realised he’d got out ready.
“5 hard smacks angel and then it’s over, you’re doing so good for me.”
You squeezed your thighs together more to try and get relief from the aching you felt, you prayed Noah would reward you soon.
He smacked the paddled down extra hard then he normally did and you cried out and called out “el..eleven!”
“You know what that was for, you get your reward when I say so.”
You nodded and moaned and your body jolted when he then continued the last 4 smacks on you.
You relaxed down on his lap, your backside feeling hot to the touch and was no doubt bright red but you felt his soothing touch as he rubbed over his work for a minute.
Noah gently brought you up and gave you a soft kiss
“You took that so well baby, almost made me feel bad seeing how red you’ve gone, that will definitely bruise later.”
You leaned in and kissed him harder, now straddling his lap and feeling how hot your whole body was. You could feel his erection through his trousers and you started to grind yourself down until his hands stopped you.
“Oh no you don’t angel, we haven’t finished yet”
You stared at him and he brushed your hair out of your face.
“You may have taken your punishment but I don’t feel like I’ve had a proper apology yet”
“I’m sorry Noah…”
“On your knees.”
You dropped down onto your knees immediately, wanting nothing more than to please him however he wanted.
“Suck my cock baby and then maybe I’ll forgive you for acting up today in front of my friends, show me how sorry you are.”
He pulled his boxers and trousers down his hips and legs, just enough to give you access. You watched as his dick fell back onto his stomach, a small amount of precum already leaking out. You wasted no time and licked up his shaft before taking him completely in your mouth and hollowing out your cheeks
“F-fuck baby that’s it”
You grabbed his base with one of your hands while you bobbed your head up and down, no teasing tonight, you cupped his balls with your other hand and gently massaged them making Noah throw his head back letting out guttural growls that you’d normally only hear on the stage while his hand came to rest in your hair guiding you up and down on him.
Next thing you felt was Noah pulling you off him and he brought you in for a kiss, while lifting you onto the bed and pushing your thighs apart so he could rest between them.
“You really are so perfect for me angel”
Noah gave no warning before he dived straight in. A choked cry fell from your lips and he sucked onto your clit and parted your lips with his fingers, to then move down and push his tongue straight in for a taste. Noah was the type of guy who could be between your legs for hours, he was like a thirsty man in a dessert, and he was very smug that he was the first man to ever make your legs shake uncontrollably while eating you out, man is a munch for a reason.
You reached your hand down into his hair and pressed his face into you, trying to grind onto him as you felt yourself getting closer, Noah pulled back and slapped your clit which caused you to jump and moan out.
“Don’t forget your place tonight baby”
You nodded in response but clearly that wasn’t good enough as he delivered another spank down.
“Yes Noah, I’ll be good I promise”
You were desperate to cum now, you’d been on the edge for ages and those last two spanks nearly sent you over but you had a feeling Noah wasn’t done with you yet.
Noah kissed your shaky thighs gently, he then gripped your hips down and went straight back in, his face being literally buried in your warmth and your hands are gripping the sheets beneath you while he groans against you, still licking and sucking all over you like you’re his last meal
You could feel your orgasm building up again, your thighs started to shake more and as Noah was sucking on your clit, you felt his fingers at your entrance. Your back arched as he pushed one in, your walls finally having something to hold onto, your cries getting louder and louder. Noah continued as he was, almost with no need for breath, his mouth and fingers working together while he grounded your hips down on the mattress.
“I’m so close Noah”
Noah then pulled away once more with a devilish smirk while you let a choked gasp.
“Have we learned our lesson yet princess?”
You had tears in your eyes, he couldn’t be serious, you were nearly there but Noah loved to edge you as a punishment, he loved to see you beg for him.
“Noah, please I’m so sorry, I won’t ever be a brat in front of your friends again. Please, please let me cum, I’ll be so good for you I promise!”
Noah leant forward, wiped a tear away that had slipped out and gave you a sweet kiss.
“Shhhhh it’s ok baby, I’ve gotcha you”
Noah ran his hands down your sides and settled himself back, he licked a big strip from your opening up to your clit and attached his mouth there while he pushed two fingers back in, Noah wasn’t playing this time, he relentlessly brought you back up to your high, legs shaking, back arching and tears forming in your eyes as you cried out
“Please don’t stop Noah”
And he doesn’t, the arm that’s been holding your hips down, he moves his hand onto your lower tummy and pushes down while he curls his fingers up inside and that’s all it takes for you to feel your orgasm wash over you with a scream.
He doesn’t pull away from you until you’re whining and crying from the overstimulation, you push his head away as the aftershocks are still shaking your body every few seconds and Noah crawls up from between your thighs with his face drenched in your juices. He held you while you came back around, placing small kisses around your collarbone.
“Green, so green”
Noah let out a small laugh “ok baby, you ready for me?”
You could feel him hard against your thigh, you nodded and leaned up to him for a kiss which he returned. He pulls away and gently removes your dress up over your head and quickly removes the rest of his clothes.
“Turned around, ass up for me.”
You rolled onto your stomach and Noah helped positioned your hips up for him, he ran one hand over your cheek which was definitely sore now but that was forgotten when you felt his head at your entrance. Noah pushed in with no resistance and bottomed out straight away with a loud moan.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good”
Noah held onto your hips and then started a fast, unrelenting pace which caused you to cry out and push back into him. You swear you could feel his tip hitting your stomach with every thrust and Noah wasn’t shy about letting out his own growl’s and groans. You felt your walls closing on him again, your head pressing into the sheets as you called his name. You could only imagine how beautifully sinful he must have looked right now. Noah reached around and started rubbing your clit again.
“One more angel, give me one more, I know you can do it”
Practically screaming you felt yourself crash over the edge and Noah soon followed, his body coming down onto yours, both sweaty and breathless.
You felt Noah pull out gently and rolled you into him, he held onto you as you snuggled into him, your body sore but beautifully spent.
“You ok baby? I’ll be back in a minute ok?”
You nodded as you curled up on the bed, Noah came back in a few minutes later with a glass of water and a warm wash cloth. He gently cleaned you up in between your legs, made you drink some water and then got some cream out of the draw and he rolled you back over to gently rub it over the bruises that were already starting to appear.
You scrunched up your face a little bit, something Noah didn’t miss.
“You done so well for me tonight princess”
Noah got out a comfy t shirt for you and he put on a pair of sweats and then got you both under the covers.
“Is there anything else I can get you baby?”
“No, all I want is a cuddle”
Noah smiled “I think I can manage that”
You curled up into side and he wrapped his arms around you, you felt so warm and safe with him.
Thinking back to the last few hours you let out a small giggle.
“What’s funny?”
“I should play up in front of your friends more often.”
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utahimeow · 1 year
to bind a god — satoru gojo
summary — satoru gojo lets you tie him up.
pairing — satoru gojo x f!reader
warnings — nsfw content. minors dni. bondage, femdom, sub!gojo, established relationship (reader and gojo are married), degradation, praise, edging, choking, slight dacryphilia, handjob, oral (f receiving), implied subspace, creampie
word count — 6k
author’s note — this was not supposed to be six thousand words long
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To most, the idea of restraining Satoru Gojo seems inconceivable.
A being so powerful that he’s as close to omnipotent as a human can get. One who can bend reality to his will. Even to touch him, to come close enough to make contact with him– an impossible task.
So how does one restrain Satoru Gojo?
You ask him nicely.
Play with his powder-white hair as he lays in your lap, scratch at his scalp until powder white eyelashes flutter shut and he’s humming, content. Get him right where you want him to be. And then, dangle his undying love for you over his head. It works every time.
“Baby?” you muse.
“You know how you love me so much? In sickness and in health? Till death do us part?” It’s not entirely uncommon for you to remind him of the very words you had repeated to one another the day you became forever bound to one another. And before you had made your vows to one another, it was some other twisted way of getting exactly what you wanted. In truth, however, batting your eyelashes at Satoru was usually enough. 
Your husband’s eyes flicker open and he gazes up at you, one thin white eyebrow raised pointedly. He sighs then, even rolling his eyes a little, ever so dramatic. “Yes, my dear wife, you know I'd do anything for you.”
“So then, you’ll let me tie you up and edge you, right?”
He barks out one of his booming, obnoxious laughs. As if you’ve just said the most impossible, unfathomable, unimaginable thing. 
He sits up, still laughing, searching your face for a sign that you’re joking. He doesn’t find it. 
“I’m being serious, Satoru.” 
His cerulean irises, the very ones that hold an ancient power so immense that it seems like a myth, widen. He audibly gulps and his Adam’s apple bobs. Yet amidst his off-put reaction, something else lingers. Something that tells you he just needs a little extra push.
“Come on, I mean… think of all the things I let you do with me, baby,” you reason. Not that Satoru’s particularly into anything obscure. Rather, the intensity of the way he takes you usually leaves you recovering for days– because you love when he does. Naturally, he’ll use toys, or a blindfold, or handcuffs, but never anything as ‘serious’ as bondage. And sure, he assumes the dominant role, but that’s only because you enjoy having him in charge of your pleasure. It’s never any kind of formal dominance or submission, either. No titles, no punishments– outside of being playful, that is. 
The final blow is, in fact, when you bat your eyelashes and pout at him. 
Of course, he agrees. Because you’re you, and he’s him, a man not immune to a little sweet talk from his wife.
And of course, he does point out the elephant in the room – he’s the strongest human being in existence. What’s to stop him from slipping out of the ropes? He could do so without so much as blinking an eye.
“Just pretend, dummy! No teleporting, no breaking or dissolving the ropes into thin air, no nothing,” you tell him. Without a doubt, you assure him that these come with the exception that if Satoru needs to escape, by all means he may escape – an alternative to a safeword. 
Thus, two weeks later, Satoru kneels in the centre of your shared California king bed. He’s bare as the day he was born, his body sculpted like a divine statue, the manifestation of years of sorcery displayed in the way each muscle has been carved to perfection.
A tiny smirk sits on his face as he observes your concentrated state. Your lip is trapped between your teeth while you weave strands of rope together into neat patterns over Satoru’s chest, torso, arms, thighs. His arms are pulled behind his back, bound together by delicate knots. His steady breathing orchestrates your movements, and when you catch his gaze you pause just to admire him for a moment. Your heart swells with warmth, with debilitating affection for him.
Before long, you’ve weaved the rope into perfection. You take a step back from the bed, away from his kneeling form, to drink in your masterpiece. 
The rope slithers over his body, milk-white skin tainted by sanguine red. It’s not tight enough to squeeze, yet his biceps seem to swell between the gaps. The strand that runs down the middle of his chest and underneath leaves his pectorals bulging and you’re filled with the urge to bite and mark him. To claim him as yours. As if he’s not already wrapped up like a present for you. As if he’s not wearing a ring that pledges his soul to yours.
You’re rather impressed with yourself, too. It’s not bad at all for your first time, although technically you’ve spent weeks practising on anything limb-shaped whilst your husband was out of the house. None of it is particularly intricate, yet somehow you think that, had it been any of the more detailed patterns you’d seen on the web, he would not look so breathtaking. 
“Well? Is it everything you imagined?” Satoru quips, pulling you from your trance.
You narrow your eyes, questioning why you presumed that being tied up would ever stop him from running his mouth when even a ball gag would be useless on him. You nod though, humming in affirmation. It’s the last bit of satisfaction he’ll get from you. 
“You look pretty, Satoru,” you say, and it’s genuine, yet there’s a flutter in his belly at the teasing edge in your voice. “It doesn’t hurt anywhere?”
“No, ma’am,” he grins.
“Good. I’ll be back in a second,” you tell him before you prance off to your walk-in closet where two little pieces of lace await you. 
Satoru can’t be the only one all dressed up, after all. 
When you return, you’re in a bustier top, with lace and frills and tiny ribbons, and a matching thong– red, to match the ropes that decorate your husband’s body like ornaments. Satoru’s grinning like a pervert, devouring you with his eyes, his cock twitching and leaking as it hangs between his thighs. 
“Oh, look at you,” he says with a gaze filled with awe. Heat crawls to every corner of your body, but you swallow the urge to melt from his words and maintain your composure. “You got yourself a little outfit?”
You nod, mischief flashing across your face. “Since you were so kind and generous to let me tie you up, I thought I’d treat you a little.”
“Fuck, I’m lucky, heh?”
Tilting your head, you step closer to Satoru once more, his eyes like rhinestones glimmering with far too much arrogance for your liking. He has no idea what you have in mind. Or maybe he does, and he’s naive enough to think it won’t have any effect on him. 
You kneel on the bed in front of him, leaning in until you’re mere millimetres away from his face and your breath is warm on his lips. 
But you don’t kiss him. And when he sways forward, trying to catch your lips with his, you pull away.
“Aw, come on, baby. I can’t even get a kiss?” He’s pouting. Unfortunately for him, it’s a habit of his that you’ve grown resistant to.
“Say please,” you say.
His smile only grows, devilish and knowing. Then, a “please?”
Your hand lands at the base of his neck when you press into him, your lips meeting his softly, tongue dipping into his mouth just barely, just enough to keep him wanting more. The hand that sits on his clavicles begins inching down, sliding over the rope you so carefully placed. 
Feather-light, you brush a single fingertip against the head of Satoru’s dick which now stands upright between his legs. He shivers instantly, ever so sensitive to any touch, but especially sensitive because it’s you.
He did grow up with no choice than to be self-indulgent, after all. To cling to anything remotely good, even if he has to be a little selfish about it. So he clings to pleasure. He clings to your sighs and moans, to the way you wrap around him, to your hips and thighs, to every part of you. It’s made him far too spoiled. 
Your finger traces down his shaft, over the unforgiving veins, along his flushing skin. Your hand wraps around him then, fingertips hardly touching, and he groans into your mouth. 
“Eager?” you taunt. His eyes dart to your lips as you pull away from his face, watching the way they’ve become slick with honey-like spit. 
“You really can’t blame me,” he replies. 
You chuckle, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip and settling onto your knees in the spot next to him.
Satoru’s gaze drops down to the way your first wraps around his cock. Just as quickly, you lift his head back up, fingers under his chin until his eyes meet yours.
“Eyes on me,” you say. Something behind his irises bubbles, clawing at the surface. Still, he’s grinning.
When your hand starts to move, he sucks in a breath. Even if it’s achingly slow and barely enough to cause any stimulation, the relief that lies in being touched by you is enough. 
“You always take such good care of me,” you tell him, batting your eyelashes so sweetly at him. “Let me do the same for you, won’t you?”
He hums, long and drawn out, and your thumb glides over his tender tip. As you smooth over the slit, you shouldn’t be surprised when your fingers become damp with his arousal. 
“Already wet, huh?” 
“Well, you know what you do to me,” Satoru says, with a slight drawl in his words already, cheeks heating.
Maybe that’s part of it, but you also have no doubt that the ropes that frame his arms and torso are starting to coil around his mind too. Promising to take him to a space he’s never been to before.
So soon.
You drag your fist up and down, inch by inch, having no intention of speeding up. Not for a while anyway. He’s much too used to getting anything he wants from you.
He’ll try to pretend he’s patient. That’s fine. You’ll work him until he’s no longer pretending.
You ghost your lips against his jaw, along the column of his neck, nipping at his marble-white skin until there’s a mark or two left behind. Your teeth graze at his earlobe and he shivers. Something in your brain clicks when he does– the thought of him writhing beneath you makes you dizzy. 
You’ll get him there, you assure yourself. The slower the better.
Ever so slightly though, you pick up your pace, pumping him a little quicker now. 
“How’s that feel, Satoru?” you ask, a mix between taunting and the genuine desire to hear his affirmation.
“Feels real good,” he breathes, still grasping onto steadiness, refusing to let his tone waver.
The next time your hand slides up his cock, you squeeze a little harder, like a reward for his surprising lack of sarcasm. His breath hitches slightly when you do, leaving you grinning.
Every pearl of precum that drools from the slit of Satoru’s cock gets smeared along his length by your palm. It doesn’t take long until he’s covered in a layer of slick, aiding the way your hand glides up and down at a speed that’s finally enough to light a fire deep in his abdomen. 
His jaw clenches and he gulps, yet he remains practically silent– much to your disapproval.
“Wanna hear you, baby. Go on,” you coo, catching his gaze as you tighten your fist around him for a split second. It’s not like him to keep his noises to himself when he feels good, anyway.
His mouth drops, and a breathy little whine falls from his lips, and it becomes clear why he needed your encouragement. The noise makes your own clit throb, painfully unstimulated.
“There you are, such a good boy,” you say, stroking your hand faster. 
From then on, Satoru doesn’t resist letting out his whiny noises, mixed with his panting. It’s a complete contrast to his usual grunts, growls, and groans that are always so low, coming from deep in his chest as he takes you exactly how he likes, how he wants, how he needs. Now he’s all breath and high-pitched, sweat building on his temple, helpless as he sits wrapped up in the palm of your hand.
His cock is near-purple and painfully hard as you jerk him off, twisting your hand at his tip with a slick noise. His hips are starting to buck, the hard ridges of his abdomen starting to ripple. The ropes stretch, like they’re breathing, and then they come to life.
“Tell me when you’re close, Satoru,” you say, stern compared to how sweet you’ve been up until now. When you look at his face, his eyes are half-lidded and clouded over, his eyebrows pulled together. Your hand slows to a near halt and he whines pitifully. “Look at me.”
It takes him a second, but he blinks and then his glazed irises meet yours. 
“You’ll tell me when you’re close, won’t you?”
“Y-yes,” he moans, hips rutting slightly into your fist, begging for friction once more. “Please.”
You smile, satisfied. He’s been so obedient thus far, you have no reason to not resume the cruel jerking of your hand– with even more haste this time.
This time, you pump your hand with determination, lip caught between your teeth as you watch him eagerly, soaking up his reactions. As Satoru starts to near his edge his head falls back, his name on your lips as his veins start to burn with a familiar sensation.
“Close,” he breathes. “I’m close.”
And everything he’s built up comes tumbling down the second you take your hand off of him. 
“No, please,” he cries, voice cracking, him squirming in his restraints. It’s pathetic. It’s adorable. “You can’t do this to me, baby.”
You giggle, watching his eyes brim with tears. “I just did.”
“I’d never do this to you,” he says, more desperate than you’ve ever heard him. 
“Because you can’t control yourself, baby. Maybe now you’ll learn,” you tell him, smiling so sweetly. Your fingertip brushes against his raging, red cock and he flinches, near-shrieking. “Deal?” 
“Fine- please, just touch me again, fuck,” he begs, his voice sending bolts of pleasure to your core and you’re suddenly aware of the slick pooling in your own panties. 
Your hand wraps around his dick again and falls back into a steady rhythm, dragging up and down the hard length in a way that has Satoru whining again instantly. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whimpers over and over.
Within mere minutes, he’s throbbing into your hand once more, hardly muttering the word “close” before you take your hand off him.
“Ple-ease,” he mewls. “Need to cum, please let me cum.”
You have Satoru Gojo under your thumb. There’s no doubt about it.
Your chest aches with sympathy for him, truly. You are doing this for purely selfish reasons, after all, to soothe a sadistic, power-hungry instinct inside you. He’s done nothing wrong. But God, the way your brain buzzes from being able to get him like this in no time at all.
“Just hold out a little longer for me, Satoru, yeah? I promise it’ll feel so good,” you tell him. Your original plan was to see how long you could keep working him up for, but your pussy is starting to become restless. Between your legs, a pulse begs to be relieved. 
He replies with a moan and a twitch of his hips up into your hand that’s tugging at his cock again. You didn’t think it possible for it to be this red, this swollen and hard, veins bulging, his tip leaking so much precum that it almost looks like he already came. You drool a little, shivering at the thought of it stretching you out. 
The next time Satoru warns you of his impending orgasm so you can take your hand off of his cock is much sooner than the last few times. His entire body squirms, his arm muscles tensing against his restraints, and he sobs, tears slipping down his blood flushed cheeks.
From his swollen lips comes a stream of pleas and whimpers, ones that make you want to give him the world. You’re not sure how much of this you can take, let alone him. 
“It hurts,” he whispers. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows hard. 
“It hurts? You can safeword if you need,” you remind him, scanning his eyes for any signs of panic, but you’re only met with a blissed out haze. 
“No,” he says, shaking his head with determination. “I’m the strongest.”
Despite his dazed state, he manages to give a stupid, insufferable smirk like he just told the greatest punchline in history. 
“And here you are, crying like a little bitch because I won’t let you cum.”
You thrive off of the cry he lets out when you squeeze his cock, hard. In the blink of an eye he returns to whining pathetically and begging for release.
“Please… please,” he sniffles, tossing his head back in frustration. 
Frankly, you’re amazed that he hasn’t teleported out of the ropes. You doubt he can truly keep up the act– that the ropes are really binding, that he can’t simply tear them apart without so much as lifting a finger– so why hasn’t he?
For a moment you peer up at him, at the desperate sight of him wriggling and squirming, at the straining of muscles that are packed with immeasurable strength, and a chill runs down your spine. 
He thinks he’s truly restrained.
It shouldn’t surprise you that the second he’s put under a shred of control, he gives in instantly. The moment he can surrender his power he’s forced to carry, he does it without hesitation. There is no one else he would ever be so vulnerable for, but you. No one else whose hands he would feel so safe and secure in. No one else he would ever rip open his chest and show his heart to.
The least you can do is put him out of misery, for now.
“What do you want?” you ask, dripping with honey, dragging your hand up and down, up and down. Every movement gives a shlick, shlick, shlick from the way his cock weeps.
“Wanna cum,” he whines, arms twitching behind his back, desperate for some kind of leverage. “Please, I-I need to cum.”
And so you succumb to his pleas. Finally, you give him exactly what he wants, working your hand over him so fast that his whimpers turn into a stream of incoherent cries. He twitches and throbs in your palm, until at last, with a choked sob, he cums.
Streaks of warm, white seed splatter over Satoru’s chest and abdomen, his entire body wrought with tremors as pleasure sinks into every muscle and every fibre that he’s made up of.
“Good boy, there you go,” you murmur, keeping your slicked up hand stroking him at a gentle pace to get him through his climax. “Did so well.”
His entire body trembles as he breathes through the aftershocks of his orgasm. Your clean hand soothes over his hard thigh, over his shoulder, squeezing softly as you crane your head to slot your mouth against his. He barely has the energy to kiss you back, yet still his tongue moves against yours like a natural instinct, albeit weakly. 
You pull away, hovering a mere inch away from his face and cradling his cheek with your hand. “Doing okay?”
A dopey smile makes his features light up and any blooming anxiousness within you gets put to rest. “Yeah. It felt so good.”
In turn, your own lips curl into a smile of satisfaction. Then the heat pooling between your legs makes itself known once more, and your brain sparks with an idea. “Good. You think you can help me out now?”
Satoru nods, ever eager, drool forming at the corner of his lips. It’s adorable how whipped he is. 
Your fingers hook into the knot in the centre of Satoru’s chest, guiding him to turn so that he faces the headboard. You crawl up a little, splaying yourself out against the pillows, spreading your legs with your bottom lip between your teeth and the confidence of the entire world.
Satoru watches you with galaxies in his eyes as you push your little thong down your legs and toss it to the floor. His tongue nearly lolls out of his mouth when he finds the glimmering slick that dribbles out of your hole. When you bring two of your fingers down and drag your fingertips through your folds, you think he might start panting like a dog. 
You make a show of dipping your fingers into your soaked cunt, rolling your eyes back and arching a little as you moan, sweet and soft.
“Baby, please,” Satoru croaks out, wriggling in his ropes a little. 
“What, Satoru?” you tease, the sound of his begging sending heat straight to the growing bubble of pleasure in your gut.
“Can I have a taste?”
You grin devilishly as you pull your fingers from your dripping hole. Rising to your knees, your arm snakes behind his head, your hand settling on the back of his neck. The other hand, with your fingers covered in your nectar, hovers by his puffy lips. 
“Open for me,” you say, voice low and, without meaning it to be, sultry. 
Satoru’s mouth drops without a shred of hesitation. Your fingers sit on his tongue, your eyes locked with his as you say the word, “close.” 
He does, and then he’s drinking in the flavour, suckling on your fingers as though they’re an oasis and he’s been in the desert for his entire life. 
How you wish you could savour the image of his eyes as you push your fingers further into his mouth. White lashes flutter and tears well up, threatening to spill over his lash line, your grip on the back of his neck tightening as your fingers sink deeper into his mouth. When they reach the back of his throat, he mewls softly, swallowing around your digits.
“Such a good boy,” you say. Saliva webs cling to your fingertips as you withdraw them from Satoru’s lips slowly. “Now why don’t you eat my pussy like the good boy you are?”
“Please, please, let me,” he practically garbles, drooling and slobbering at just the prospect. 
You lay back, opening your legs so invitingly for him once again that he nearly lurches forward this time–that’s his place, after all, his home. Between your thighs. 
As you grasp the centre knot once more, Satoru allows himself to fall forward, diving straight into your cunt. 
He makes no effort to tease, or take his time. He’s hungry, and having his hands bound behind his back makes his face grow hot with pure frustration. He needs to feel your soft, velvety walls clench around his fingers. Craves it, in fact. 
Then his tongue runs up and down your folds, lapping at the sweetness that spills from you, and his mind floods with the single desire to make you cum with his mouth. 
Both of your hands fly to his head, weaving into the roots of his snow-white hair as moans start to fall from your lips. Your thighs tighten around his head when he latches onto your clit, swollen from neglect and aching to be touched. 
It only takes a few seconds before your belly starts to fill with a pulsing warmth that has you keening for more. As Satoru slurps at your cunt, your hips rut against his face in tandem. You’re selfish, shamelessly so, allowing yourself to indulge as Satoru always does with you. Something gleams in his eyes when you catch them with yours– bliss, thrill. His head is swimming, pure liquid, as the thought of you using him purely for your own selfish pleasure sinks in and makes his dick grow hard all over again. 
Over the lewd, wet noises of Satoru’s tongue flicking and suckling at your clit, your sweet, airy moans harmonise with his own grunted ones, muffled slightly by your pussy, but they’re still so loud. His voice vibrates against your core, and it sends pangs of bliss shooting straight to your gut. 
The sight of his huge, hulking body, bound and bent over, is breathtaking. Thick thighs keep his body from collapsing to the bed. If it were you, your abdomen would have long given out. Yet he stays upright, his head between your legs, his mouth never once faltering in the way it ravages your pussy. 
“Satoru- fuck,” you whimper, pressing your hips up into his mouth, your greed fuelled by the way he moans in reply and licks at you without any mercy. 
Spit and arousal pools on the sheets beneath your ass. Satoru comes up for air for half of a second, his cheeks and chin shining with your saccharine essence. The pure mess–the carnage of it all makes your head spin. His tongue swipes over his bottom lip, and in the blink of an eye he’s flattening his tongue against your clit once more. 
Your head sinks further into the pillow beneath you as you claw at his scalp and press his face closer into you. He’s ravaging you now, drunk on the sight of you being torn away from sanity as you near your climax.
Then, with nothing but your whimpered warning, that pulsing warmth in your belly erupts, washing over your entire body in a violent wave. Your muscles tighten, your mind numb from the overwhelming bliss, and Satoru wishes he could devour you whole. 
He waits until you tap at his shoulder to sit back on his shins with a smirk tugging at his lips and slick dripping down his jaw. Your legs tremble as you rise to your knees and shuffle closer to him, heartbeat still thudding in your ears as you crane your neck up to his face. Your lips are so messy against his, yet your kiss is so tender and full of affection when you wrap your arms around his neck. 
Between your legs, Satoru’s erection grazes against your thighs. You giggle into his mouth, and there’s a smack when you pull your lips from his. 
“So needy, aren’t you, Satoru? You like eating pussy that much?” you tease, reaching between him and you to stroke at his length. He gasps when your hand wraps around him, twitching into your palm.
“You know I do, baby, love your pussy so much,” he says, breathy and rasped. His jaw strains when you scratch at his undercut and bite your lip, your eyes no doubt glinting with mischief. 
“Then get on your back and I’ll let you fuck it,” you tell him. 
He throws himself to the mattress comically fast, inching up the bed, laying there, all wrapped up and patient for you. 
You giggle as you throw one of your legs over his waist and straddle him, bringing your hands down to his chest. Slowly, your palms run over each ridge and knot once more. Satoru revels in the brush of your flesh over his, in between rows of rope where his caged skin blushes. It glitters, too, with a sheen of sweat that matches yours. 
“You look beautiful like this,” you tell him, reaching up to stroke your thumb over his warm cheek, looking straight into the oceans of his irises as you say the words. 
His features turn soft, flashing with so much affection that it makes your heart soar. 
Taking his cock in your hand, you love the way he shivers as you drag the head through your dripping wet folds. Then, unable to hold out even a second longer, you line him up with your entrance and let him plunge inside of you. Both of you hiss in tandem, you sinking down on him, taking every last inch all at once. 
Satoru is already whimpering as you seat yourself on him, your hips flush to his. Your eyes roll back into your head, the delicious stretch of his cock making your brain turn fuzzy. 
The first bounce of your hips has him nearly crying. As though he’s been punched in the gut, Satoru gasps at the way you squeeze around his achingly hard, overstimulated cock. He feels every crevice of your walls, how the soft warmth sucks him in so sweetly that the ceiling above him starts spinning even though barely a minute has passed.
“Satoru,” you giggle, not caring that you fail to hide the breathlessness in your own voice from the sensation of being speared on his fat cock. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were a virgin.”
His dick twitches and his eyes grow round, his mouth dropping as you start to move in a steady rhythm. “I-it’s too good, I- fuck.”
“It’s too good?” you tease, dropping down on him a little harder now. Your hands wander along the patterns of rope absentmindedly, toying with him. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna cum already.”
“‘m not, I promise,” he whimpers, sucking in a trembled breath, his gaze fixing on your face. 
“Good boy,” you say. Then, you abandon all mercy. 
Fucking yourself back onto him, you let a chorus of shameless moans spill from your lips, feeling every ridge and vein of his cock rub against your walls. Satoru is even noisier, struggling to contain his high-pitched whines and whimpered moans as he struggles against his restraints. 
Your fingers curl around a knot on Satoru’s abdomen for balance. The way you move your hips is relentless, the skin of your ass smacking against his thighs, wet and sticky with sweat and arousal. Utterly lewd.
Satoru’s cock pounds against your sweet spot effortlessly each time you bounce in his lap. Brushes against your cervix when you lean forward just a little. It makes your eyes roll, the way he’s carved himself out inside you after all these years, the way your cunt moulds itself around him and clings to him so perfectly.
He looks so sweet beneath you. Taking everything you give him. His jaw is slack, his hair a tousled mess. His eyes are blown out, with nothing but dazed bliss behind them. His skin– hot pink and dewy. You’ve never seen him like this. So dishevelled. So ruined. And in the deepest corners of your brain, something has been altered. Something that makes you yearn for more of him just like this. 
It’s almost subconscious the way your hand traces up Satoru’s hard abdomen and sits on his neck. He shivers at the touch, his gaze flickering with something dark, before your fingers start to press softly into the sides of his neck. Ever so slowly, his moans turn to strained breaths. For a fleeting moment, the corners of his lips even quirk upwards.
What a slut.
You bend forward, your flesh warm against his ropes, your clothed tits pressed to his chest. Your lips slot against his, sloppy, your love spilling into him as you kiss him hard. Inside you, he throbs, just as a pulsing heat bubbles inside you from the constant friction of his cock brushing your sensitive spot. 
You pull away from his face, gazing into his irises to watch him slowly unravel. To let him watch the way you’re slowly starting to fall apart, too. You’re growing closer to your edge by the minute, refusing to falter your rocking hips despite how your thighs are trembling and starting to ache. Despite how pinches of pleasure run through your veins and make your head heavy.
When you gently loosen your fingers around Satoru’s throat, his chest blooms up against you as he gulps down the oxygen you’ve deprived him of.
“My little slut,” you whisper into his lips, pressing a quick kiss to them before straightening your back and pushing yourself upright. Suddenly, the urge to make both him and yourself cum is detrimental. 
One of your hands grips your tit over your bustier, squeezing at your own mound until your head falls back and you sigh. Your other hand travels between your legs, and you jump when your fingers find your swollen, sensitive bud. Still, the bliss that shoots straight to your core as you start to rub rapid circles into it has you moaning– loud.
From the sight alone, Satoru’s hips start to buck wildly up into you. His moans become never-ending, his cock jumping, balls tightening like they’re ready to be drained. 
“Fucking- gonna cum, can I? Please?” he huffs, squirming helplessly. You’re just impressed he still remembered to ask for your permission.
“Yes, Satoru, cum for me. Fill me up,” you tell him, breathless as you ride him with determination, clenching around him like you’re going to milk him– and you are milking him.
Satoru’s cumming, his back arching into the air as he sobs out, almost like he’s in pain. Your walls turn white, streaked with seed as his cock pumps you full. 
Still your hand works your clit relentlessly, your other hand flying to Satoru’s abdomen to steady yourself because before long your own orgasm hurtles towards you. Deep in your gut, the bubbling heat finally boils over, sending searing pleasure to your very fingertips. Satoru moans in unison with you as stars dance in your vision and your pussy tightens around him like a grip. 
A moment later, once you’ve come back down from your high, Satoru’s voice comes out in a rasp. “Let me see it.”
You lean backwards, bracing yourself on his thighs so you can lift yourself up off of him, letting his cock slip out and watching his sticky cum follow. It drools out of your hole so obscenely that you almost want to hide your face, until you remember that it’s your husband who’s staring at you. 
When the sheets are stained with every last drop that Satoru had emptied inside you, you collapse forward, heaving as you collect your breath. All at once, your aching thighs, your fatigued muscles, and your fuzzy head hit you like a punch to the face. The side of your face is pressed to Satoru’s plump chest, where his heart pounds against his ribcage so hard that you hear the way it races. 
“Did so good, baby,” you hum. Sleep calls you, wrapping its tendrils around you, but you fight it off in favour of clambering off of his lap. Something in your mind urges you to be gentle with him, like he’s glass– even though he’s anything but. Still– the blissed out, empty look in his eyes almost makes you sob. “Doing okay?”
“Yeah,” he replies, chuckling softly like he knows it’s exactly what you need to hear. 
“Can I undo the rope?” you offer, running a hand through his mussed up hair.
“No need,” is all he says. He sits up, stretches his arms to the sides, and the rope splits, falling off of his body in a crimson heap on the bed sheets.
You shouldn’t be this surprised; still, your mouth hangs from your husband’s display. Somehow it’s easy to forget just how strong he is until he reminds you once more. However, the ropes have also left their own reminder in snake-like imprints in his skin.
“You know, I was gonna offer to rub lotion on you, but apparently you don’t need it,” you huff. It’s not like he can’t just use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal himself, anyway. “Also, what if I wanted to use those ropes again?”
Satoru’s hand glides softly over your thigh, his face genuinely apologetic. “We can always get more, baby. And by the way, you were really good at that, you know.”
“You think so?” you question, leaning into him. “So, you’ll let me do it again, right?”
“Well, I didn’t say that.”
His words are void of any genuine objection. 
We’ll see about that.
to my wonderful beta reader @tetsutits <3 reblogs and feedback are much appreciated!
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