#to balance out the evil or sm shit
sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 170
Citizen Fang/The God Complex
“Citizen Fang”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean are at odds after sM asks a hunter named Martin to keep an eye on Benny without telling Dean
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I’ll tell you one thing, I wouldn’t dare try to hit on someone Benny said was like a little sister to him. That’s how you end up dead
Omg Sam leave Benny alone. You cannot compare the couple days or whatever you had with Amy to what Dean and Benny had for a whole year in Purgatory
This little mom and pop drive up diner looks so cute. I wanna go.
What’s that one ability Magnus had in TAZ Balance where people in small towns just loved him and wanted to welcome him in and whatnot? Dean’s got that. He’s BARELY told this girl enough info about Benny (going by Roy now) to prove he knows him, and she’s just about given him Benny’s address
Now, I don’t believe Benny’s actually the guy killing these people. I think he’s doing clean up, but nothing he’s doing is helping his case. I just hope he makes it out of this episode alive
It IS hard to believe Benny’s not always been this cute and cuddly, what with his Louisiana drawl and his crystal blue eyes
Benny’s little sister figure is actually his great-granddaughter??
Martin wtf.
Ok you know what? As long as Sam is looking to actually investigate and not just kill Benny, I appreciate what he said about going to find him with Martin
SAM!!! Just leaving Martin out in the woods like that. Ok. I’m good with it.
God Dean and Benny have such delightful banter between them, especially now that their lives aren’t CONSTANTLY in peril, just most of the time
Oh no Dean. Look. Benny didn’t actually get tempted enough to feast but…you’re…you’re gonna have to deal with that at some point, aren’t ya?
Oh. Sam’s going to Amelia, not to Dean and Benny
Sucks that Benny can’t stay in his home town ☹️
Oh Martin can absolutely go FUCK HIMSELF for threatening Elizabeth to get to Benny
WHO’S THE ACTUAL EVIL ONE HERE, MARTIN??? Because I’m pretty sure it’s you.
Oh Benny. Just…so willingly so docilely laying down your own life for Elizabeth’s sake and safety. They cut away from how it ended but doesn’t mean it looks good for him
Sam. You disappeared and she had a whole ass husband who had also disappeared and came back. What did you think was gonna happen?
Oooo we DO get to see what happened in the gumbo shack. Well, Martin’s dead (GOOD.) but Benny’s no where to be found
Omg…DEAN. That’s just mean to do to Sam. Yeah, no wonder he doesn’t want to listen to you about what happened with Benny. YOU CAN’T PLAY WITH HIS FEELINGS MAKING HIM THINK AMELIA WAS IN TROUBLE AND THEN BE SURPRISED HE DOESNT WANNA HEAR SHIT ABOUT YOUR FLING FROM LAST YEAR
“The God Complex”
Plot Description: the TARDIS lands in a hotel that contains the darkest fears of every visitor
Morbid that there’s this whole wall full of photos of beings and their fears as they get picked off
“It’s okay, we’re nice” roryyyyyyyyyyy
Why do we have two episodes back to back where we go places with confusing landscapes? I wouldn’t be mad at in the same season or with the same Doctor, but back to back??
Joe….is certainly something.
(I just had the thought “do I have season three of sherlock on dvd?” And I don’t know if I want that answer to be yes or no)
Oh this poor dude whose species has never had a moment’s test from invaders…
Joe you are not helping
Ok but who is “He”? He who will feed? Him who those who “see the light” praise??
You can REALLY tell this is an overlap year with Sherlock from the way this is filmed.
I forgot it was a minotaur-like figure, which makes this labyrinthine hotel makes sense
It does kind of look like the hotel from the shining. They definitely took inspiration from, not a one to o r comparison
It’s really good when the Doctor comes up against something also extremely old. This creature has been around so long even it’s name is lost, it’s pure instinct now, and all it does is prepare beings to be taken by [???]
Ah, Howie, you idiot. RIP, my lad
Not to be like “I don’t trust this guy who’s seemingly afraid of everything” but I don’t trust this guy who’s seemingly afraid of everything
Oh no, Ritaaaaaaaa. Not you, too.
Guy whose name I don’t remember is acting VERY suspicious
I hate thissss. I hate watching Rita succumb to whatever is controlling the hotel. It was heartbreaking hearing her say that she could feel herself losing the faith she’d grown up with and loved and having it replaced with just “Praise Him.”
Yeah. This is the kind of episode that weighs heavy on him. He hasn’t been able to save anyone but Amy and Rory, and Rory’s just because he hasn’t found his room (and the guy I’m suspicious of, but I hardly count it as saving if he’s behind any part of this)
Oh interesting. And kind of sad. See, turns out the WHATEVER preys on faith not fear. And so it will show you what you most fear in order to force you to dig deep to find what keeps you brave. But Rory has nothing he believes in that much? Nothing he holds so dear to keep him brave? I’m guessing for Amy, it’s the Doctor but in a childhood hero kind of way. But you know how much I’ve seen Rory move mountains out of his love for Amy???? And that’s not something that keeps him brave??? I don’t believe it
Mmmm, the Doctor lies. And he’s lying to Amy right now to save her. Making her lose her faith in him so [???] can’t feed off it anymore. Well, maybe it’s not ALL lies, but I hope it’s PARTIALLY lies
So…apologies to that guy. He had nothing to do with it
I didn’t realize this was when they were supposed to say goodbye. I remembered there was a split at the end of season six because Amy and Rory were on the edge of divorce at the beginning of seven but DAMN
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amethystpagan · 3 years
Supernatural is this type of toxic partner who will fuck you up, be homophobic racist and controlling (tell you you're not allowed to ship those two characters) but then once in a time throw you some scraps (i.e. some shipping content) and you'll come back running hoping they've changed. But they never change. Even after the show's over.
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riphimopen · 2 years
i'm watching the Halloweens for the first time these days (skipping the third one and the sixth one bc fuck off obviously) and you're the michael expert in my eyes i wanna know EVERYTHING you think of him and how do you feel about the rob zombie version etc etc <3 thank youuuu
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IM THE EXPERT????? OH BOY IM SMOOCHING YOU no youre making the right choices FUCK 3 6 and FUCK rz. ok here we go let me just talk abt the movies first
west coast best coast first movie best movie PERIOD obv im all for expanding on mikes character and shit etc but 1978 said THERE IS A FUCKED UP GUY PERIOD. THATS IT. and i really admired their dedication to lack of detail. like if i was just gonna watch one and done? first movie has mike, jamie lee curtis, and murders, and thats really all you need. plus obv cinematography and soundtrack
H2 is where we get BALLING its got explosions doctors MORE JAMIE LEE CURTIS and ofc...... my favorite plot twist on da planet lol <333 personally i love the sibling twist bc its funny as SHIT. h2 is a good one. ending wild as shit
h3 not real #girl
h4 and 5......... UGH ok i love jamie lloyd sm she a baby fr and one of the best things to happen to the franchise. WE DO NOT TALK ABT THE THORN CURSE OR H6 THEY R NOT REAL overall 4+5 as a package deal are solid and have some good moments, if you can get past the stupid druid shit and the man in black theres lots to expand on mikes character and make you HATE sam loomis
h20 is the FUNNIEST SHIT on the planet. PERIOD LMAOO LIKE??? this was really the Laurie Off Tha Shits movie and i think they were SO brave for that i personally dont keep it main cannon in my little brain but its extremely funny and i love the emphasis on sibling dynamic. its so good and by the end ur yelling like YES thats what horror characters SHOULD have done
resurrection................... GOD well. i wish jlc couldve done the whole thing but she didnt. and mike gets electrocuted in da balls by Busta Rhymes so thats really all there is to that one
now on the rob zombie shit. asides from the EXTREME amount of nudity and sex scenes in that shit, asides from all the other things that dont work w those movies, THE THING THAT IRKS ME IS THAT HE TRIED TO REMAKE JASON. he tried to make michael into a hulking sympathetic giant with an abusive childhood who can talk to his mothers vision and is heavily motivated by his grief trauma and emotions like. We Literally Already Have Jason Thank You. myers is meant to be some batshit 5'10 dude completely off his gourd and ASIDES FROM ALL THE WEIRD MISOGYNY AND VIOLENCE of the rzs, they just do a shitty job of recharacterizing mike
AND LASTLY THE 2018 TRILLOGY..... ok so 2018 was solid. kinda dumb, but we get laurie for the lesbians and bald asf myers. kinda stupid asf to be hyping him up if they're picking up right after the first one, and im bummed they didnt keep the sibling plot, but whatever
KILLS, however. this movie is true to its name and has good kill scenes but thats ALL i can say in its favor. it's muddled commentary on mob mentality and policy brutality completely overshadow any point it may have made about ableism within the horror genre and it ultimately ends up advocating for the police to murder unarmed citizens while simultaneously being extremely preachy in condoning mob violence, encouraging the public to leave things to the cops and encouraging cops to be more violent. BUT: mike takes out all those firefighters and it fucks hard so its ur call to balance
and u want 2 hear what i think abt mike..... ugh i luv u ok. so ive said it before and ill say it again i LOVE two dimensional evil characters who are just SHITTY and villainous and nothing behind their eyes. but since michaels establishment in the very first film, we are given too much of his background to properly categorize him as one of the above. this is a medically abused severely drugged young adult breaking out of a decade and a half of serious trauma and going off the shits one night; one can hardly take a character one meets as a helpless child and condemn it to the label of monster. my design and interpretation of michael are heavily based on my experience with mental illness because, when u really boil him down, he is a mentally ill person who was never given the help he needed and was in fact exploited, abused, and mistreated, and went off the rails bc of it. its largely a critique of the medical field: i hate doctors. the way i see michael is as literally just some guy, some complete rando, who was dealt shitty mental health at a young age, handed over to abusers, and was able to achieve the catharsis and vindication of becoming the monster theyd told him he was bc. well i love rage killing and excessive violence lol
deep sigh anyway thank u SO much 4 asking dont take any of this as law and make sure to formulate ur own opinions ofc donate a billion dollars to ur local mentally ill person AND REMEMBER: horror movies is for laughing and going "AH!" and thats all there is 2 it.
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paddingtonfan69 · 3 years
Poison Ivy in the Harley Quinn animated series
Why I like them —
Oh man where to begin!!! I feel like Poison Ivy as a character across all media has aged remarkably well, like her philosophy is “fuck men and fuck billionaires they are destroying the planet” like... ahead of her time. I love this particular version of Ivy sm because she also has this sharp and biting sense of humor, and love the idea of this infamous supervillain being the sole voice of reason amongst the chaos of the Harley Quinn crew. Also she has that perfect balance of sort of sardonic humor but also so clearly cares immensely about Harley that she’s willing to change her whole life for her from the start.
Why I don’t like them —
Girl could learn a bit more emotional communication! And put herself first once in a while! She deserves!
Favorite episode —
Oof so many but I think 2x06 is such a good one for that backstory and just seeing the origins of how she opened up to let someone in, and that first instance of the Harley and Ivy relationship, which has been the central relationship of the show long before it’s romantic, oof it gets me!!!
Favorite season —
Like, season two for gay reasons but season one is also so good for Ivy as both the comically dry commentator and the emotional heart of it! Mayhaps season three! A girl can hope!
Favorite line —
Honestly I feel like I’m not going to do her justice, and I wish my memory could accommodate all the ZINGERS, but one that sticks with me is when she’s a bit possessed/evil and says -
“This is so dramatic. It’s like a CW show if the cast was less hot.”
Which is so funny on several levels, especially this inner franchise burn of all the DC CW shows, it gets me! I’m sure Ivy has even better lines though, truly everything she says is gold!
Favorite outfit —
Though she wears the same out fit ninety percent of the time, I gotta love that baseball tee that says “tree hugger”
Harley ofc and I thing a really love is just how from the start they have been each other’s ride or dies and the first season was about Harley learning that Ivy has always been there for her and that she more important than any ex than any accolades — and then the second season is about Ivy learning that Harley has grown into someone who will love and prioritize and cherish her and it’s okay for Ivy to have that. ANYWAY I fucking love these two, love the emotional heart of this show being the evolution of the love between two queer women in a show that also makes jokes about sharks shitting underwater. That’s high art!!!
Brotp —
Okay I kind of love the idea of Ivy reluctantly becoming best pals with Clayface and King Shark and I would like to manifest that for season three!
Headcanon —
I have a half a fic on my google drive about Ivy pulling off murdering j*ff b*zos and I don’t know if I will ever finish it, but that idea warms my little heart.
Unpopular opinion —
Idk if it’s unpopular but I kind of love how it took a season and a half for Ivy and Harley to become romantic! I just love the deep regard and respect for their friendship and then using that as a foundation!
A wish —
I want her to fully become a member of the team which also has to do with my brotp answer but her sort of detached attitude combined with the earnestness of Clayface and king shark and then the utter chaos of Harley is SUCH a fun dynamic and I want Ivy to be a bigger part of that next season.
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen —
Kind of obvious, making Harley and Ivy break up, after all they’ve been through! I sincerely doubt that will happen but that would be just a big ol gut punch
5 words to describe then —
Deadpan, superior, revolutionary, secretly soft
My nickname for them —
Not mine, but I do love her being called “Ive” an iconic shortening of an already short name!!
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ivcsisms · 4 years
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new york’s very own ives serrano was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to danna paola ! you may know her as @poisonivy or hitting the front page of tmz as social media star joins top 1% of only fans earners after just one day on the platform. according to tmz , she just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being manipulative , but also alluring . things that would paint a better picture of you would be strawberry champagne, rose petal blunts, and red glossy lips paired with gold jewelry . ( cis female + she/her  ) 
    ♡ — ›   𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 / 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬    &   𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬    &   𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬    &    𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 
hi cuties !! i missed u guys sm !! i was around before the revamp so some of u already know me / ivy but to those that don’t hello i’m tay !! i can’t wait to meet y’all n ur muses soo i’m jus gonna get into it and give this a like if u want me to come bug u for plots !! or if u wanna hmu on discord u can find me at tay#6638. if u want a very long-winded, overly detailed account of everything in her life u can read the bio / stats page i linked above but if u don’t want to read all that shit here’s the basics: 
okie so the first thing u need to know abt ivy is that she is literally always lying like.. her name isn’t even rly ives ! it’s her middle name but still. she started using it when she was a stripper ( which she started doing like on her eighteenth birthday ) and her stage name was poison ivy, and then she created her online persona using the stage name and everyone just knew her as ivy so she went with it
she wanted to hide her real identity at first for like safety reasons but then as she became more and more popular she kept lying to hide her shady ass past bc she’s definitely been arrested a few times for like possession and petty theft/shoplifting type shit and also she doesn’t want anyone to know that she grew up poor, and that all of her money doesn’t come from a trust fund like she says it does
and that’s because most of her money comes from scamming and blackmailing rich men ! also from being a sugar baby but generally most of her money comes from being manipulative and using her looks for evil. she always jokes that her job is literally jus being pretty !
she got most of her ‘fame’ from instagram and other social media, and she’s done a little bit of modeling but more than anything it’s just like being the face of a campaign or a brand ambassador or smth bc she’s too short for the runway so u know like mostly print stuff. 
but most recently she’s been in the news for blowing up on only fans which honestly is the platform she’s probably most excited about being popular on bc u know.. money. she started the account like... mostly as a joke just like ha ha what if i had an of and she posted some pretty tame like lingerie pics and made a bunch of money super quick and just decided This Is What I Do Now bc she was a stripper for a while so it’s not like it’s anything that new to her
definitely spends too much time on tik tok !! social media in general tho too, she’s like always on her phone and is one of those people that can’t just hang out without posting selfies/videos on every social media site and then not-so-secretly obsessing over the engagement on it 
since her fame doesn’t really come from like ... talent ( i might make her a singer again later but for now she’s just Pretty ) she’s always doing crazy shit to keep her name in the press, whether it’s feeding into dating rumors or starting public fights with people, she’s always just trying to stay relevant and get attention ( plus the insta engagements lead to more sponsorships and brand deals sooo... all press is good press to her ) 
she is so selfish, and will always put herself first in any situation. she literally will throw u under the bus or take advantage of u without even thinking twice ok she’s so used to being manipulative and self-centered that she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it sometimes 
that being said she’s super charming and tries to keep a bit of a balance with her reputation, like people expect her to be pretty erratic and unpredictable, but she tries to at least seem nice most of the time so that she isn’t just like... universally hated. she’d much rather be hated by a small group of people that have a reason to hate her but have a mostly ok public reputation, ya know ?? 
and some people definitely have good reasons to hate her bc she takes advantage of / steals from her rich friends a lot ( not her good good friends but like acquaintances ) 
if you actually manage to get through her walls tho she is a super loyal friend and will literally do anything for u, it just takes a lot to get there like she doesn’t open up to a lot of people and is super super selective of who gets to see her be vulnerable and express her true emotions. like how she’s really feeling bc she can fake cry on command so she can be tricky and make u think she cares when she rly just wants something 
she’s also a huge partier and much more pleasant when she’s drunk or on drugs, except for the times when she gets too drunk and will pick a fight with anyone who is unfortunate enough to cross her path. 
she’s very toxic in relationships and therefore never seems to stay in them long, but also dating people / making people think she might be dating someone more famous than her is one of her favorite techniques for getting attention, so she tends to jump around a lot and have those awful on again / off again type relationships 
she’s also bi so her ass is rated e for everybody 
a lot of times she pretends to be dumber than she really is so people don’t suspect her of being the manipulative mastermind that she is, and also she’s so good at lying that sometimes even she believes her own bullshit. she also purposefully keeps an air of mystery about her, especially when it comes her her childhood/background type stuff, she’s just really vague and will usually change the subject when it comes up 
she wakes up every day and chooses chaos, that’s the gist of it really !
so i have this connections page from before and i’m still fixing / updating it BUT it has a lot of rly good ideas on there but here are just some like general ideas i would love !!
pr relationship / flirtationship / fake enemies ( like they pretend to hate each other or fight on social media for the attention ) 
exes on bad terms ( ig they could be on good terms too but i like drama ok ) 
someone she stole from 
someone that hates her for some other shady shit she did
party friends !!
mom friends that will make her Chill tf out 
bad influence friends ( either they bring out the worst in her or she brings out the worst in them / peer pressures them to do things ) 
on again / off again exes !! 
fwb / casual hookups 
friends to lovers or even better is enemies to lovers,, pls 
nd of course just like general friendships !! fake bitches need friends too !!
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Welcoming the new Social Movement/Platform/Political Party in the World
Official Name:  Blue Dog Bite Mafia 888 *BETA*
Owner/CEO/Founder/Dealer/Player/Delivery BAD B: 
Current Name:  Monica Gill   FUTURE Name: Mercedes Lynnette Giovanni
Current Financial Status:  $0.00     ---- You may DONATE by using CASH APP Cash Tag #$bluedogbitemafia888
I will dumb it down a little bit. I am taking advantage of my position of power, now that I am a Celebrity in the World. Its the greatest feeling in the world, feels better than good sex and that is a hard thing for me to admit because I love some good, hot, sweaty sex and I’ve been going without for several weeks. I almost fell like a Nun because I cannot even pleasure myself because I was molested as a child by Lovie Price’s boyfriend “Frank Parker” a gasoline man from an early. I told Connie Price about it when I was 15 and her name at the time was Connie Dunford. It was the same day Brandie Ann Thompson said Curtis Triplett tried to rape her in the bathroom at the house In Frayser, Memphis TN. Brandie Ann in her hayday, resembled a youthful Cameron Diaz. Cameron Diaz dated Justin Timberlake once upon a time. She played in the move “The mask” and the mask was green. At the end of the movie, the dog put on the mask. You all know, when you wear that mask---you become a Shape Shifter, transforming into anything/anyone you think will grab the Hot or Not Rated #10 Woman’s ATTENTION/HEART/LOVE and will do anything, I mean anything to get it. The secret to my success is a compilation of everything good, bad, dirty, evil and let’s call it “The Struggle” or the “Human Experience”. 
Old School (OS) Operating System (OS) Back to Basics (B2B) Brandie Thompson (BT) Barry Thompson (BT) Blue Tooth (BT) Brandie Smith (BS) Bull Shit (BS) Rent A Center (RAC) Roger Adren Crawford (RAC) $1K (RAK) Rags to Riches Richard Abernathy (RA) **secret boyfriend shh!!** Douche Bag (DB) or Douglas Belknap (DB) Thomas Jones (TJ) County Road (CR) Danny Thomas (DT)  Deanna Thomas (DT) ... Trying to show you how I think period dot. In ya’ll are slow, period dot also equal two dots. You must have two dots to play connect the dots and draw the lines to illustrate inspiration into a masterpiece. The best pieces of Art are very old, have a solid reputation, and is properly curated to ensure it maintains its value for infinity times three.
Basically, you can get with my program, drink my Kool Aid, swallow your pride, do the right thing, if you have done something wrong, you really need to return to your basic religious beliefs what they may be, get right with yourself, because what you have done will come to light, exposed, we are moving on from there. We are, as a society going to change and deliver the children and the children’s children: a brighter future with more options, a limited amount of privacy, give them the world and see what they can accomplish with living in a world of positive vibes, beautiful colors, great music, entrepreneurship, dreams, and now, the little girls if we get married will truly believe in fairytales. This right here is whats up because we have an opportunity, once in a lifetime opportunity, to fix society, establish unity and peace, competition is good but everyone needs a chance to win sometimes to boost their confidence and pride. When there is monopoly or kingdom, it fosters the seven deadly sins, seven capital sins, and the seven cardinal sins, which is systemic to original sin. 
Genesis clearly explains that certain things were created on certain days and back time was measured. You cannot just create a man or a woman. First, you need the Universe. Then, you need the Galaxy which creates Space. In Space, you have the moon, stars, sun, planets, black holes, asteroids, comets, shooting stars, orbit, gravitational pull. Here we are on planet Earth with 7 continents and 7 oceans. I like the number 8 because it represent a number, a symbol, and no limitations--infinity. My son was born on 3-8-03 weighing 8 pounds, 8 ounces and 19.5 inches long, color: BLUE, life: No sign of it. It took 10 minutes and PLEADING WITH THE LORD AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS SCREAMING PRAYING TO PLEASE GIVE HIM LIFE, I DON’T WANT TO HAVE GONE THROUGH 35.5 HOURS OF LABOR AND 7 HOURS OF HARD PUSHING WITH NO PAIN MEDICINE, NO EPIDURAL, GAVE BIRTH TO A STILL BORN BABY NATURALLY AND THE GOOD LORD ANSWERED MY PRAYERS AND THAT BOY CRIED AND WENT TO THE NICU AT BETHESDA NAVAL HOSPITAL IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND. ITS ALSO REFERRED TO AS “THE PRESIDENTS HOSPITAL”.
He is 17 years old, already a MASTERMIND and a Professional Gamer. He is so smart like me, that he had to design/build/code his own computer because there is not a computer on the planet that can keep up with his level of gaming. I saw a photo of it. Its a desktop computer with the case taken off the side--lit up with blue LED lights
It’s Confession Time and Holy Communion Time that means confess your sin, wrongdoing, break bread, eat bread, drink wine, not whine. No days off, no excuse, no immunity, no setups, no blame game, no liars, no stealing, checks and balances, no absolute power because absolute power fosters absolute corruption, which is why were in this position right now with COVID-19, Corona Virus.
I think one person needs a pardon because he has stayed on the job, even though he was originally lied to by the Feds. He deserves a pardon, record expunged, and an opportunity. I see great potential, just needs an opportunity, believe in himself, and have the courage to escape his own prison of gold diggers, groupies, fans, and whores.
In this triad, it is a rags to riches story times three. There is only 1 TRUE VERSION of ME, and its right here in Memphis TN, age: 41(Birth Cert).
To succeed in any sports game, you must be fit, educated, content with yourself to include your pros/cons/demons and knowledgeable & intelligent enough to know that I am certified True OG, I got your back no matter what because to me money ain’t a thing, fame fades just like stars, but loyal dogs do not turn on their master unless they are abused or hungry. I am a Blue AKC Royal Bloodline Pitbull, Staffordshire Terrier. Pitbull is the image you need to have in your mind when you think of ME.
At the end of the day, who do you want to be with? 
Woman - Wise can deliver the world or drop the world, age 41 -- looks better than 20 & 30 year old GIRLS. Does not care about money, fame, status, power because the game was scheduled and unfortunately, unaware of the OP -- she walked, ran, sprinted STOLE the Flag, and won the game. 
Everyone wants to still run their mouths, try to control a man, and those hos, have no power, position, fame, etc. They are with or around you because of who you are, what you have done, and what you can give them---in my opinion that is abuse of power and targeting someone to manipulating them to do what you want them to do.
I like structure, things to be done a certain way because I like cleanliness, organization, faith, love, hope, trust, and loyalty. 
I would not cop an attitude with everyone, if  I did not feel like the world was against me. Hint, hint -- I don’t trust authority figures because I was molested, abused, targeted, almost died several times, lied to, cheated on, setups, smear campaigns, gossiped about, bullied, beat on, yelled at, called names, jealous women everywhere so dumb they forget I have a hunger against Human  Trafficking. People are on this RACISM BULL SHIT. 
Basic belief system of Karma, it is a metaphysical/paranormal reality that is mixed with real, artificial, and soon-to-be virtual reality. It is what it is. 
What you set your mind, what you do and the thoughts and actions you put into the world will either grant you your dreams or come back times three by the of karma, what goes around, comes around.
I want/will do good and be a good role model for everyone. I am going to teach, help you, do what I want, when I want, how I want because I know my worth, my value, and what I can GURANTEE/DELIVER.
Greed, jealousy, laziness, and all the ugly things that are in the world
 get you no where but hungry, lonely but free, penniless, candy-less, eliminate sports.
                                        COMMIT OR QUIT
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⁂ Hero (NCT Dreamies)
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Genre: Comedy, Fluff, Friendship ☁
Word Count: 2,041 ☁
Pairing: Reader, Dreamies ☁
World: NCT Dream ☁
You’ve been working for SM Entertainment for the past five years and you absolutely hated it. Having friends that worked at other companies made you realize early on that SM was a horrible company to work for. All they cared about was money. They treated their employees like trash and, in turn, the employees treated the idols like trash.
The foreign idols had it the hardest, in your opinion. Although it wasn’t technically a rule that the members had to speak Korean when they were doing shows or vlives, the managers were never happy when they didn’t.
To you, it seemed like the more money SM earned, the more they stopped caring that the idols were human beings, not machines. You were one hundred percent ready to leave the company and go work for a better company, like JYP. But you weren’t a quitter and you kept telling yourself to give it some more time, which eventually turned into years of time.
Finally, you set a time limit for yourself. You would stay with the company for one more month and if nothing changed, you would finally move on.
The next day, you were assigned to help manage one of NCT’s sub-units. They were called Dream and it was a group of seven boys all under the age of eighteen. You had already met the oldest member of the group, Mark, as he had debuted in a different unit. To your understanding, he was meant to debut in every single unit, which was just insane to you.
SM fully intended to work that child like a dog until he broke in half and it made you sick to your stomach. It was then that you came to the realization – this was your sign not to quit your job.
That night, you met up with your best friend, Seunghoon, who managed the group Got7. With everything on your mind, you ended up having a bit too much to drink, but it helped you make up your mind on what you needed to do.
“I’ll become a hero and protect the Dreamies from the evil of this world!”
“Ma’am, please don’t stand on the table, you’re disturbing the other customers…”
“Ah, I’m so sorr – ” Your apology died when you lost your balance and collided face first with the ground.
Seunghoon had to apologize to the owners before carrying your drunk ass away.
Despite the hangover and the painful throbbing of your nose, you went to work the next morning filled with determination.
The Dreamies’ parents put their faith in the company to watch over and protect their children and you’d be damned if you let that faith go to waste!
Maya, the current assistant manager, brought you over to where the boys were getting their hair and makeup done for their MV shooting. “Boys, this is Y/N. She’ll be taking over for me when I move on to NCT U. Be on your best behavior for her, okay?”
They chorused their agreement before taking turns hugging her, seeming sad that she was leaving them. You realized that you had big shoes to fill.
She smiled brightly at you, “Don’t worry! I leave them in your capable hands.”
Swallowing down your nerves, you watched as she walked away. Kids had never been your strong suit in life and standing in front of seven teenagers made you feel older than you actually were. You cleared your throat, trying to sound as confident as possible. “Hello! My name is Y/N and I’ll be taking care of you from now on. Let’s get along!”
You were pleasantly surprised when they smiled and greeted you politely. You listened carefully as they introduced themselves, finding yourself smiling at how adorable and innocent they are. Suddenly, the years of SM hell seemed worth it.
“Noona~” Chenle pouted, resting his head on your shoulder. “Can we go get ice cream after our interview?”
“Of course~!” You patted his head when he hugged you as thanks.
“There’s a new game that just came out,” Jisung scratched his cheek, shyly. “Can we… maybe go check it out?”
“We can stop by on the way to the ice cream shop. I’ll buy you a copy.”
“Really? Thank you so much, noona!”
Haechan waddled over cutely, showing you a finger heart to win you over. “Noona~ Can I get the new Air Jordans that just came out? They’d look amazing in our new music video!”
“Go ahead and order them.”
Jaemin shook his head as he sat on the couch beside you. “Don’t you think you’re spoiling them too much, noona?”
“Nope,” you grinned, happily. “I ordered you some new headphones, by the way. They should arrive tomorrow!”
“How did you – ” he followed your gaze to Haechan and sighed, “Should’ve known.” He then offered you a thankful smile. “I appreciate it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Nana.” You ruffled his hair, feeling your heart flutter with happiness. Since you had been an only child growing up, working for Dream was like having a bunch of adorable baby brothers to spoil and make happy.
“You’re late!”
Hearing the manager yell, you looked up. He was pretty angry, that obnoxious vein popping out on his forehead. In front of him stood Mark, breathing heavy as he bowed his head in apology. He was upset, but not because he was being scolded – it was because he had taken so long to arrive. Rather than resting after his schedule with NCT U, he had rushed over to practice with Dream, only to get screamed at for his efforts.
You stood up and approached them, resting your arm around the boy’s shoulders. As much as you wanted to scream and insult the man, you had to keep your job if you wanted to protect the boys. Clearing your throat, you put on your best fake smile. “With all due respect, sir, perhaps we should let Mark rest instead of scolding him. He’s working very hard!”
“Not hard enough!” He bit back, turning his glare to you. “And you have no say in this. You work for me, so your opinions mean nothing. Don’t forget your place, Y/N.”
Your grip tightened as anger coursed through you, making Mark look up at you with concern. Even so, your smile never faltered. “Of course, sir. My apologies!”
When the manager walked away, Mark turned to you with a grateful smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Thank you for standing up for me, but… I don’t want you to get into trouble.”
‘This kid can’t be real’, you rested your hands on his shoulders and your smile turned genuine. “I’m an adult, dear, you don’t have to worry about me. As your noona, it’s my job to protect you. You work harder than anyone I know and I’m very proud of you, Mark.”
This time the smile did reach his eyes.
You threw yourself onto the wooden chair angrily, eyes burning with determination. Seunghoon looked over at you with a raised brow.
“Sometimes, in order to beat the evil you’re facing, you must become evil itself.”
“Did you grab a drink on your way here?”
You slammed your hand on the table. “Miss, one mug of beer, please!”
“Coming right up!”
By this point, he had become convinced that SM had stripped you of the small bit of sanity you had left. How bad were things there that you were talking about heroes and evil? “Whatever you’re planning, I don’t want to know. Just… don’t get arrested, I don’t have the money to bail you out.” You gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up and he sighed. “I’m going to the bathroom.” He headed to the back, internally questioning why he was friends with you. It was bad enough that he had to deal with Got7’s crazy antics, but he also had to deal with yours. Seunghoon definitely was not getting paid enough for this.
Deciding to use this time to put your plan into action, you pulled out your phone and called up your old compadre, Lucile.
– “Hello?”
“Luci! I need a favor.”
– He scoffed, “It’s been three years and I don’t even get a ‘hi’?”
“Hi, Lucile! Long time no speak! How ya been, buddy? Good? Great! I need a favor.”
– He sighed deeply, “What can I do for you, noona?”
“Glad you asked! I need you to find some dirt on someone.”
– “Oh? Are you reverting to your old self?”
“Only a little bit… but it’s for the greater good this time!”
– He hummed, “Name?”
“Chul Kim,”
– “Consider it done.”
“As payment, you can come over and spend time with Mittens~”
– “…”
“…you already do, don’t you?! You broke into my apartment, you little shit?!”
– “Gotta get to work, bye noona~”
“Oi, don’t you dare – ” click. “Son of a – ”
Seunghoon slowly sat back down, trying to ignore the last bit of the conversation, but it worried him. Despite himself, he questioned, “Should I be worried about someone breaking into your apartment?”
“Yes,” you answered, confidently. “The evil is strong, Seunghoonie.”
He sighed once again, convinced that you were, in fact, insane.
You were sitting in the waiting room with the Dreamies, impatiently checking your phone. Lucile was taking his sweet time to deliver the dirt you requested and you were starting to feel anxious. Although you did your best to hide it, intuitive little Jaemin noticed.
He took the seat next to you, playing on his phone. “What’s wrong, noona?”
“Nothing! Everything is perfectly fine~”
He deadpanned, knowing that you were lying. “Noona…”
You changed the subject, “Let me ask you something, Nana. You have to answer honestly, okay?”
Jaemin nodded, putting his phone into his pocket as he turned to give you his full attention.
“Do you like your manager?”
His body tensed at the question and he immediately looked away, glancing at Mark. “He… does his best.”
You hummed at his answer, getting all of the information you needed.
The door swung open and Mark rushed inside, breathing heavily. Their manager glared at him, ordering him to hurry up and change. You felt your anxiety growing as you scowled at your phone, ‘Luci, so help me, if you don’t hurry up you’re never gonna see Mittens!’
As if hearing your thoughts, your phone vibrated as Lucile sent various pictures and snippets of information. You quickly scrolled through it, feeling your lips tug up. This was absolutely perfect!
When the Dreamies went on stage, you approached the manager, tapping his shoulder. He glared at you, demanding to know why you were bothering him. You smiled brightly, showing him one of the pictures. His eyes widened and he grabbed you, his voice harsh and low.
“Where the hell did you get that?!”
“I have my sources~”
“What do you want?”, he growled.
“From now on, I’m in charge. If you even think about being rude to those boys, I’ll make sure every media outlet sees these pictures. You’ll be ruined – no one will ever give you a chance!” You grinned, feeling satisfied as he grew angrier. “The Dreamies deserve the world, and you’re going to give it to them. From now on, you – ” you pointed your index finger at his face. “ – will be their slave!”
“That’s ridiculous! I would never stoop so low.”
“Okay, then~” You pulled up your e-mail, getting ready to send the pictures.
“No, wait! Stop!” He grabbed your wrist, looking desperate. “Fine, fine!”
The next few weeks were wonderful. Their manager was treating them like kings and he stopped scolding Mark, instead praising him for working so hard. Everyone noticed the change, but only Jaemin realized that you had something to do with it.
You sat off to the side, watching the manager bringing bottles of water to the boys after they finished practice. You felt proud of yourself and you were even tempted to return to your old ways because of how amazing it felt.
The couch dipped as Jaemin settled in beside you, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“You did a good job, Nana.” You pulled him into a hug, patting his head.
“Thank you, noona… for everything.”
You tilted your head to the side and he smiled brightly.
“You’re our hero~”
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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burnededens · 4 years
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   ( avan jogia, trans male, he/him, assassin’s creed: syndicate ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, jacob frye, after not surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like jacob "jake” fowles, a twenty-five year-old bartender at dragon’s breath brewery & fighter at the ring, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as charming as you are reckless, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : neutral through and through. ( hylia gets assassin’s creed on main )
   SO FUN FACT - I have been wanting to write this character in this group for months and it is absolutely a crime that it took me this long to pick him up but here we FINALLY are ! I’m genuinely shocked he’s the first Assassin’s Creed character here because I personally think all of the characters are phenomenal and it was either gonna be this character or the protagonist from two games before ( Edward Kenway of Black Flag ) but I have a slightly greater preference towards Jacob so !! Behold the living embodiment of chaotic good !! Obvious tws for death , violence , and murder under the cut because this is a series about assassins , but also gang stuff ( and a very small bullying mention in the post-snap portion ) too. I hope this is easy to understand !! 
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S’OKAY again I will always try and explain the games’ history and Syndicate’s specific plotline in the simplest of ways - and especially because AC can get very confusing very fast. Thankfully Syndicate is one of the more straightforward entries , but before I get into that , I have to give a basic rundown of the lore since... it will not make sense if you haven’t played any of the games.
A long long long time ago , there were these people called the Isu , and the Isu crafted something that the AC franchise refers to as Pieces of Eden. The Pieces of Eden ultimately has access to control other living beings , and they were extremely powerful.
Flash forward a little bit where you have two forces - the Knights’ Templar and the Assassin Order/Brotherhood - that struggled for these Pieces of Eden for two very different reasons.
The Templars valued order and wanted to use them to control others to achieve a utopia - believing that human corruption & essentially free will were what caused most evils of the world.
The Assassins valued freedom & wanted to preserve the free will of the world , believing that control would do them no good and a mutual understanding under this freedom would be what created a utopia.
So basically , Templars wanted peace via control and Assassins wanted peace via freedom.
Templars wanted the Pieces of Eden to control , and the Assassins knew this was Not Good and often sought to keep the Pieces the fuck away from the Templars ( at least , that’s always how I saw it. )
Of course , because we’re now on like ten main games and seventeen spin-off games it’s OBVIOUSLY way more complicated than that , just that’s the most nutshell way to explain everything. That being said , let’s jump more into Jacob & Syndicate. 
SO JACOB. Jacob is one of the two protagonists of Syndicate , the younger twin to the other protagonist , his sister Evie. They were born in Crawley , raised by their Assassin father , but while Evie was always more . . . into the Brotherhood and assassin ideals , Jacob always was more of a rebel & a free spirit. But nevertheless , he grew up an Assassin like she.
Flash forward years later where the main plot of Syndicate starts , during the Industrial Revolution in 1868 , where the twins are set on heading to London , which is pretty much entirely under control of the Templars ( namely Crawford Starrick and his network ) & their syndicates ( ha ha hA ).
This . . . is sort of where Jacob & Evie separate in terms of goals - Evie’s well-aware of the Pieces of Eden and aims to collect them before the Templars do. However , Jacob’s more so intent on taking down Templars & liberating London from their control. He goes as far as to even starting a gang with his sister - known as the Rooks - to combat the Templar-controlled gang that has London’s boroughs in its grasp known as the Blighters. 
Evie’s basically like “okay we’re going to collect the Pieces of Eden so the templars don’t have them bc Starrick will be more powerful if he has them” but Jacob says to her “fUCK YOU I’M A MAN WHO’S GONNA FREE THE PEOPLE” and. Yeah.
Throughout the game , Jacob’s the twin that exhibits a more impulsive , reckless , yet well-meaning approach to problems - and that sorta kinda . . . means that when he solves problems , he also accidentally makes other problems , and his sister has to clean them up because hey , you killed this Templar leader and angered a bunch of Blighters and we are fucked and Jacob can’t really. Grasp that because he’s too focused on freeing London NOW and taking out Templars NOW and [ Sleeping With Sirens vc ] do it NOW and remember deal with it LATER.
There’s a few cases where Jacob has even so ( both unintentionally and intentionally ) teamed up with Templars because he thought they could help him accomplish his goals in taking London back from them.
He teamed up with Pearl Attaway ( a businesswoman who controlled most of London’s transport and wanted basically a monopoly ) and didn’t find out until later that she was a Templar and had to assassinate her since she was the exact type of controller he wanted to rid London of
But also he struck a deal with Maxwell Roth ( basically a Blighter gang leader who had a shitton of power ) to work with him - but Maxwell saw this as let’s cause as much chaos as possible and fuck the consequences where Jacob saw it as more let’s fix problems by any means necessary and he had to shut down the deal when he saw Roth really just . . . didn’t give a fuck about anyone , including innocents. Jacob’s whole goal was to free and protect the innocents , he just didn’t care how as long as nobody got hurt.
AND THAT’S HONESTLY WHAT I LOVE SM ABOUT JACOB LIKE ... Jacob. Is the epitome of chaotic good like he cares so much about people and protecting the innocents & saving them from control that yeah he doesn’t really . . . consider the consequences of his actions especially when his actions are so chaotic but his primary goal is to free the people of London by taking down Templars and he doesn’t give a fuck how he’s going to do it , he just operates on his code of making sure none of the good people get hurt and the bad guys go down. 
Eventually in the game he did come to realize the errors in his own work and way of thinking - he didn’t think much of the consequences , and therefore caused more of a wreckage than he aimed for. He loved the idea of freedom , but drew the line at absolute careless anarchy like Roth.
Basically be a REBEL not an ASSHOLE.
I love this kid tho like he’s so witty and rebellious and chaotic but also good-hearted and will still help even tho he might complain a lot about it ( looks at Abberline and Darwin ) and he !! He honestly acts before he thinks but I find those characters so refreshing esp bc he’s very emotional and adamant about acting on how he feels and his ideals and it’s honestly so. Idk I really like that about him.
He’s also canonically bisexual and that is something I will never shut up about but if you fucking even tHINK ABOUT ROMANTICIZING ROTH & JACOB’S RELATIONSHIP ( like it’s p much confirmed Roth had a thing 4 Jacob but it’s not. That’s not a Good Thing ) I will personally throw some hands with you. 
...Jacob and Ned however-
But honestly anyway TLDR; Jacob is a Victorian chaos-bringer who doesn’t really think much about the shit he does but has a heart of gold he’s just. He’s A Lot. He’s a lil bitch but a good kind of lil bitch.
ALSO ALSO ALSO I AM,,,, not exactly entirely sure where I’m pulling Jacob yet like I could pull him from the end of Syndicate’s main story but also there’s the Jack the Ripper DLC which makes me... feel things, but Jacob’s also significantly older than and a good bit of that DLC’s a bit triggering - long story short, we love and will protect Jacob Frye with our entire lives. 
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So PERSONALITY WISE - Jake isn’t much different from his past self ; the only thing is he never grew up with his twin sister , raised an only child , and because Jacob & Evie are meant to balance each other out , he essentially grew up without an entire part of him he isn’t even aware of.
He was adopted - adopted by a working-class family from London that moved to Castle Town , and that was where Jake was raised.
Now , he was always a bit of a rebel. Always a problem child from the start. There were hundreds and hundreds of cases where he was reported either talking back to teachers , misbehaving in class , sometimes even getting into fights with other kids whether it be they were picking on him or someone else.
And he always liked the thrill of being that rebel - being that miscreant that earned a reputation ; never a mean person , never a bad dude , just somebody who . . . acted out. Acted out for whatever reason - mainly because he never liked the idea of obeying or because he taught the rules were stupid or because the rules meant some people were gonna get inconvenienced. Like , if you see someone getting bullied , why just tell an adult where you can solve the problem right then and there and sock the bully in the jaw ??
That was it. That was Jake’s philosophy.
His parents sent him to multiple hobby & art & educational camps & stuff to try and see if he could find some sort of hobby that would sorta get him out of this ‘problem child’ thing - but it never really worked. He always either got sent home earlier or was asked to never come back because hey , you can’t start a rebellion in the boys’ cabin because you didn’t like the way one of the counselors instructed you about knot tying. 
Never worked out , his parents thought he was smart and would make a brilliant lawyer or doctor or something - but nope , he graduated high school , attempted college but dropped out after two years , and when his parents kicked him out , he crashed with a few friends and made a living on odd jobs before he scored working as a bartender at Dragon’s Breath.
And also . . . both fighting at The Ring and also underground matches for some coin.
It’s sorta-kinda through this he ALSO became aware of the other people who had to resort to means like this to survive - eventually starting his own gang of people who operated on sorta-kinda Robin Hood like terms - protect the less fortunate , combat the gangs who caused way more problems than he’d like , and also to basically uhhh flip the bird to the rich.
You guessed it - they’re called The Rooks and they’re not really . . . big , they’re just kind of. There. And nobody knows Jake’s the leader but it’s not like he’s really pressed if anyone finds out. 
It’s overall not entirely different from his pre-CT life other than obvious modern differences and LACK OF EVIE sooo. Yeah !!
I’ll hopefully work on a WC page for him soon but as of rn I just kinda want to get some threads going - hope y’all enjoy my dumbass kid xoxoooo
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amuelle · 4 years
Let that man/ woman/ girl / boy SUFFER!!!! Part 1.
We had fought that morning. I woke up, made him breakfast and as he ate I asked him coldly why he was sleeping with other people and lying about it. He was writing an exam that day and for some reason that morning the demon in me had risen, sat on my shoulder whispering evil into my heart and I loved it. I had decided not to double down, the tension between us was already palpable, we needed a resolution
To calm the waters I sent an sms to apologise saying we needed to talk and that I was ready to be mature. I wasn’t. It was a trap. When he arrived I opened with an apology saying I wished I never invaded his privacy and to that he said he understood. His comfort in my presence began to return. His shoulders rolled back and he exhaled. I let the moment linger. I think he thought for the first time in weeks he was safe, that I had come to my senses, believed his lies and things would go back to normal. Id cook, clean and encourage him like I used to. Perched on the bed in my purple dress I looked at him as he started to put down his bag and get comfortable because he thought I was done. The cruel denouement followed. Being his girlfriend was too hard for me. I wasn’t mature enough. I simply could not do it anymore. He could stay till the holiday break started later that week but he had to go. He wasn’t welcome anymore.
He froze and in an instant he had tensed all the way up. It felt like I had just taken off a pair of uncomfortable shoes or a jacket when its too hot and you’ve been seating. I was free. I WAS FREE OF HIM!!
He dragged out our breakup and kept popping up where I lived and I ultimately had to change my locks. The point of the story is, don’t bring cursed people into you blessed life.
I’ll say it again
If I took a moment to tell you about how I even go to the point where I was living on campus with my course load manageable with no toxic friends looming and generally at peace, I would shed a tear. From late night buses to bad jobs and walking dangerous routes back to my granny flat when I first moved to Durban. Its was a difficult journey.
I spent a year praying to move out of my first res because it was off campus and they bused us to and from campus. It was in Sydenham between an informal settlement and a coloured community riddled with drugs and gangsters. Many of us learn how resilient we are in varsity especially if you don’t have the finances not to worry about feeding and clothing yourself. Then there are social pressures. Partying when you should be studying. Resisting the temptation of older men with money putting you in compromising situations. The self-doubt that rises when you are struggling with your studies and you don’t even have enough money to call you mother to cry. Your young stupid friends who have childhood traumas and unhealthy relationships influencing you to do dumb shit. Having many people in the administration treating you poorly and because they don’t believe that “girls” should be in any form of engineering and to top it all off RACISM…..
After the initial shock and two painful years adapting, I toiled and toiled, made friends with SRC members and housing staff resident assistants and finally….FINALLY on the verge of collapse, when I started my honors one of my classmates was moving out because she had gotten a job and a car and she whispered in my ear. I had done the leg work so when I went to go cry at the head of housings door he was already tired of me….”Mosotho, you are back here again?” he said that morning. That was the last time I would see him because after he authorised, I would move to campus and enjoy living in the land of milk and honey. I’m not gonna lie, it was incredible. I remember going to the orientation parties  for the first time as an honours student and realizing that this was HOW life in university was supposed to be. And after all that suffering and toiling the first thing I did when I got a chance because I thought I was doing something good was bringing a cursed person into my blessed situation.
Granted its not like he could have done anything to ruin my life, I had already created an incredible life for myself. My marks were good, I had a part time research assistant gig with six months left on my honors and ONLY my dissertation left to write but I managed to somehow go out and get the bed bug and then cried about it when it BIT me!
I’m talking to you, you reading this right now don’t you dare forget how awful your life has been and how hard you have worked for it to be less awful. REMEMBER, you are the sum of all your mistakes and triumphs, all the times people didn’t believe in you and your own betrayed you. All those times luck struck like lightning and you were prepared to conquer the small victories. When you kissed your own booboos, bandaged them and pushed on through your tears. You did that alone and don’t you forget it. I’m not saying don’t share your life with someone worthy. By all means, do! Sharing your life with someone is incredible but there are some people that you don’t need to be entertaining AT ALL!!!!
I could smell the curses on that mans life a mile away but I was young. I didn’t have a definite dating style or boundaries. He had too much going on for one person and I thought sharing my blessings would somehow help him. All I got in return was trauma and a deep desire to never live with anyone ever again. The upside was that I learnt that I cant date a man who doesn’t get the double bind of womanhood and doesn’t want to learn about it. The fact that it didn’t work out between us was also a blessing. So take it from me, protect your peace. Don’t go looking for trouble. If someone is a hot mess they wont stop being a hot mess till they decide that’s what they want. There is NOTHING you can do about it. Don’t bring them into your home to disturb your peace and ruffle your feathers. LET THEM SUFFER (insert evil laugh)
I’m joking but I’m serious, don’t bring curses into your blessed situation. It will throw you off, upset your balance and briefly make you forget what you prayed and worked hard for. Don’t play with your blessings. They didn’t fall from the sky and you still have more to do because your life is meant to be phenomenal.
Take my advice, let people suffer with their curses, offer them sympathy from the comfort of your couch with your doors and gate locked and them on the other side.
Ps. Read part two for a full circle moment...
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✿ ▲★♫☪☁ (the thing with SCIENCE is that you have to repeat experiments for VALIDITY 😂)
Trust me, y’all want that read more there.
✿  five times my muse almost texted yours, and the one time they did.
[UNSENT] to Starry Knight : I can’t sleep, please come over
[UNSENT] to Starry Knight : I stole your shirt hope you don’t mind
[UNSENT] to Starry Knight : I can’t forgive you
[UNSENT] to Starry Knight : I hate you
[UNSENT] to Peter Quill : I can’t even say your name right now
[SMS] to Starry Knight : I am sorry. Come over.
▲  five time my muse thought about kissing yours, and the one time they did.
1. The first time they danced together.
2. When they saved the world.
3. “An accidental lapse of judgement and the distance between them.”
4. When Peter was teaching her about PRIDE.
5. When Peter helped with her dress.
All these times, she’d thought about them, and the strange force that had overcome her thoughts and tried to drag her in closer. Now was never a good time, just like with all of those times. Gamora felt that pull again, but this time they were just sitting, empty mugs sat on the coffee table from their morning brew. He asked her to dance, and even with as many times as she told him no, her body pulled itself up along side his. With the coffee table and the chairs pushed back to make room in Peter’s faculty housing his hand took hold of hers. The old radio they had acquired sat on the tv stand, a tape of Peter’s placed inside as songs played back to them in the room. Something about the proximity of it all just sent waves through the woman causing her green skin to darken and her body to go rigid. She wanted to push away the thought, to be rid of the feeling that only made her want to be closer, but this time she didn’t. She let herself be overcome with that feeling, and she allowed it to take hold and to bring them together. Gamora’s eyes locked on to Peter’s and without so much as a second thought she captured Peter’s lips. If only for a moment before the warmth of it all had shocked her to the point of losing her balance and stumbling back a bit. What had she done just now? She criticized herself inside her mind, and even in the moment found herself holding back a grin. “Shit.” the mumbled word fell and she tore her eyes away from Peter as she reevaluated herself.
★  five times my muse thought yours looked breath-taking, and the one time they voice it.
1. Fixing the Milano
2. Dancing around the ship
3. Wearing that stupid jacket
4. Singing along to music
5. Sleeping in bed
All times that Gamora would never admit that she had been watching him very very intently. But something about seeing him in his suit, checking his bow-tie in the mirror before the gala had her struck. “You look amazing Peter.” She stated under soft breath, and then he’d turned and it took everything in her body to keep her cheeks from darkening at the face he gave her. “So stop being so vain and let’s get going.” Smoooooth Gamora. She said, trying to cover up the obvious adoration she had just shown for the male. “Your bow-tie is crooked.” She smiled.
♫  five times my muse swears it’s not a date, and the one time it maybe is.
1. Going to get coffee? Innocent
2. Watching movies on a compact computer? Not a date
3. Going to a gala together? Still not a date
4. Making breakfast for the gang? Nope
5. Going out to drink? Definitely not
So what made this any different? She wondered as she threw on her normal garb of black on black. The pants were normal for her, but it was the deep v of the silky top that threw her off from her normal appearance. Her boots were laced up and she swore she heard Rocket asking where she was off to today. “Date with Peter.” She halted, and her eyes met those of the small furry being. “Dinner with Peter.” and a movie, but Rocket didn’t need to know that. Sher cursed herself, swearing that it wasn’t a date. It couldn’t be, but it most obviously was. Though for once the thought didn’t bother her, as much.
☪  five times our muses almost hold hands, and the one time they do.
1. When people stared at them.
2. When she became even the slightest bit uncomfortable in social situations.
3. When they were alone and she was sure no one was watching
4. When their conversations got just a little bit too deep.
5. Every time they were dancing.
Gamora lays in the bed beside him, her eyes locked on his hand that is reaching across her side of the bed. She shakes her head and draws herself over. Another rough night. “It wasn’t the same this time.” She explains her dreams in vivid details, her fingers intertwining with his own as she goes through the horrors of the night. “He was here this time, he had you and all the others.” She feels a squeeze on her palm and she turns her gaze to his. “If he finds us here, it’ll be a battle, it’ll be harsh. He wanted to kill me, you, the others.” She let her voice fall soft. “He had you, Peter. He had you, and I couldn’t get you back.”
☁  five times my muse has thought about yours, and the one time they do something about it.
Every single moment.
She hates to think of it like that, and even so as she’s laying in her bed, the time on the clock blinking 3:01 a.m. she still can’t help it. Gamora lays with her blanket pulled up to her chin, the warmth still not enough to keep her from shivering every few minutes, but the worst part is the dreams. Every time she closes her eyes she’s back in space, back with Thanos. Her mind plays these evil tricks that beckon her back to a place where she does not want to be and it holds her there as she tries to catch her breath but she can’t. She can’t because one wrong move could break her, because if she says the wrong thing he could snap. So she lets the nightmares grab hold until the cool, brisk air of her room jolts her awake and she returns to her empty room. This chasm that she calls a home but her feet are too bare to touch the ground and her eyes are wide and filled with the dried tears of her memories. She moves. She drags herself out of her bed because Peter is the only other person who knows. The only person that has dealt with her nightmares and so she goes. She drags her bare feet, her bed now a mess behind her, and she forgets to grab her key so she just doesn’t lock the door. Instead she makes her way through the dark corridor, her mind flashing those painful images behind her eyes when she blinks. His door is unlocked, always open because
he knows.
He almost expects it by now and that’s why he is her first thought. She’s shivering when she finally reaches his bed, and climbing in next to him she feels him stir.“nightmare.” is the only word she mutters, and that’s all she has to say before the blanket is draped over her and she finds herself settled in the presence of the body beside her; very real, very quiet, and very warm.
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Cuomo ran the group of new patients claiming to have not gone out and it is determined they lied.
Now his team has only hand viewed to double check 39% of the patients to ensure the accuracy of,the SMS which is great. The National Guard is his team he is using. And in that now 42% they all have lied and had gone out at least two times in the last seven days to shop in a grocer or bodega or big box store. It appears they have been hoarding.
So we just wanted to update. This is live information.
And so no worries about unnatural poisoning
They are naturally getting COVID activated by going out.
So, he asks me "well what do you want to do?"
"Well they're going to be dying so..."
They've punished themselves. Thankfully we can waste our time to find out they are liars. Had they not lied we would have A lot of people doing something else. However SMS: BrightGady is so new it's great practice so it's just kind of a balanced out situation.
I'm not quite sure how we have done... Because this reminds me of taking what the bodies stolen had accumulated and saving it for the victims that the bodies were stolen from.
Tree says he has a Master Website for Government and Officials only including Military. But true humans only can access.
The hoarding and thinking about my old house in Brooklyn where Blue was murdered... It reminded me.. Little flashes of memory...
So I don't recall fully the discussion we had but we felt it right that the lives were stolen as the bodies were so the goods and livelihood should remain for the victims provided the thief made an honest living. Like having a job and paycheck like normal. Not human trafficking. Although we made provisions for those victims for $20/hr full tome 40 hours for 20 years and retirement accounts. So they get all that cash to buy homes and etc. Start fresh.
See some aliens kept baby pictures and birth certificate and keep sakes from childhoods of the victims and so we wanted those to be returned.
And we decided to use magic if,necessary if,items were destroyed. Like we would also find the items from the dump and magically restore them to brand new or to their perfection.
Because as we play with toys we do things to destroy or alter them
Like I didn't have a cabbage patch doll. But that's all Heather had. I only had handmade dolls. And a Rainbow Brite... So I wrote on the ass of my dolls and drew belly buttons to make them more like Heather's...
I thought it would make me happier.... Because I was always sad to leave her house. It did not. But Heather was supportive and so was her mom... Although i knew they weren't the same. They told me my doll was good enough and i should chill out because my doll actually looked like Heather and I said "well im glad i did it then because all Heather has is cabbage patch dolls and so now when I look And i am reminded of Heather then i look at the butt... I don't see this as a pervert thing or aliens cause look at how stiff the legs are, it's like when we we're abducted... Now I see how we have healed and so i see how now we can play and move about freely unlike this doll" and i slammed it on the table... And Bobby talked to me... And ....
So, that doll. I don't have it Any more. I put it down the garbage shoot one day because I was afraid of aliens and I felt it gave me some power and freedom. Like it was a voodoo doll i got rid of. To stop the pain and the hurt. My friend wasn't a doll. She was real. And I wanted to keep my friend real.
Yet I would want that doll back if we were magic returning shit to all humans. Because that doll was my childhood. And I would want her ass all drawn all over m because that is what made it mine. It how I owned my feelings,about being abducted into UFOs.
So I had dump truck we got at a garage sale... Beat up.. Rusted... Metal edges that would,cut the shit out of you -- but Bobby she fixed it. She put band aids on the sharp edges. "So you won't need one, we give one to the truck"
I loved that dam thing. I would want it all rusted and old.
But other things we would want brand new. Like carpet. Not that it was a toy but... I liked the carpet..m I definitely would want it fresh... That's all I could think of that day...
So this is a different topic. But...
So liars and breathing life into things in landfills...
I'll seem like a liar for awhile... Because it will take so long... But wait we will.
Cuomo gives us refreshing bad news.
Tree could have told us... But man we keep them busy
I'm thankful they created the SMS: BrightGady
Elon Musk keeps complaining as well as the Trumps that their spy satellites do not work. And keep asking me how to make them work. That makes me happy. Joyful and filled with peace
I forbade them to send them to space. They did not listen. I demanded myself to break them all using destructive magic. I ordered them to be broken. I was violently angry.
So it gives me calm peace they ask me how to make them work. Because I know they never will. Not while their souls exist.
They're living up there. They made space station... That is why they're connected. They're homes.
But they have weapons and they have kidnapped babies and bodies. They can't take their human bodies with them. Its too late for that.
COVID will kill them. The North Korean leader is aboard as well. Others have plans to join. They're All going to die.
They had to return to their home planet. They keep attempting to attack Mars.
They don't belong to Mars. When they go to attack Mars They are bounced or thrown back to where we see them in the sky. Because it is the responsibility of Earth to ensure those Alien souls are surrendered and disposed of.
They can't have our bodies and go destroy other planets in doing so will cause MORE interplanetary wars. More alien invasion to revenge what they do.
So they can't leave.... They will continue to return to our atmosphere until they die.
It is our responsibility to destroy the evil that exists upon it. Otherwise danger can occur to our planet.
We must keep it safe.
And so Elon Musk sure as Hell isn't going to spy on us either. Nor be able to use the weapons he thought he could. Everything he thought he could do our want to. He will not. He will simply continue to live while he waits to die. That is all.
The baby be just had was "adopted" it is not his
He can't have kids. It is not an illegal alien privilege.
Your planet must be accepted by Earth to have the right to give birth, to procreate. To live.
We have accepted 32.
Frowned on 89, four remain to attempt to take over.
The other 89 planets, we just killed them all. Everytime they came. So they just quit coming.
We provide land and housing for them. They have a community, they must remain in that section of land only and we observe them, their rules and behavior. If they don't enrich the ways of Earth or have the same basic boundaries of human concept, we "frown upon therm" and we release them from the Earth's atmosphere. If they refuse to leave the same way they arrived, then we kill them and send their souls home. Then we kill any UFO that is from that same entire solar system that attempts to land on our planet.
And now because of these 4 planets. We will never allow another alien ship to enter our solar system.
We will not ever rescue another planet. Not the way we have in the past.
They have damaged Earth so much that it is HELL to live here on just any regular day. And we hate them.
We want our planet back. We have to save ourselves and never allow destruction again.
I have learned how to destroy other planets with magic. So when a planet attempts to destroy ours or another, simply one must notify me. And I will destroy their entire planet.
Some I do make better... Because they just want what we have .... We frown on them as humanity goes.
But what they want is creation... So I can magic pyramids and trees and Magic Men onto their planets. And we can see if they have anything we admire on their planet and alter it for our own.
Its called working together.
That's why we have the space stations that we do have. To look at other planets and talk to each other without invasion. Without being on the planet of others.
So we have the right to attack and kill anything that attempts to land.
Elon Musk's satellite systems are UFO because he has not properly identified what is on board to the people of the Earth.
So he may not land.
He's not wanting to anyway
But makes me super giddy with laughter. Something is gonna happen...
We will wait and see...
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