#tighnari. can i talk abt tighnari.
erabu-san · 16 days
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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trashcanfills · 2 years
When u somehow get Zhongli with no pity even though u have complained abt him out loud while playing his quests :^)
Ok as much as I shittalk abt him, I do find a good amount of stuff that he says very interesting (when he isn’t that absent-minded of course). Sometimes I wanna pick at the information and opinions he shares with us. I esp love intellectual stimulation.
Like that discussion whereby he and some archaeologists talk the origins of the first Mora in Zhongli’s first side story quest was fascinating. One of the archaeologists was adamant that the first Mora was used to create/refine a powerful sword and shield due to Mora doubling as a catalyst and his assumption that Rex Lapis had prior knowledge of Mora being a catalyst. In his eyes, Rex Lapis was a powerful and very knowledgeable god, so how would he not know that Mora had such a capability?
Zhongli however said that rather than anything spectacular, the first Mora was just an ordinary coin used for trade, as a way for Rex Lapis to measure value within established contracts. He also adds that it is highly likely that the same coin is somewhere still being exchanged in the lines of commerce.
It was funny when the archaeologist (who is an uppity little fuck imo) was like excuse me what kind of argument is that and then Zhongli replied with oh no Im not arguing any point Im stating facts lmao ok ceo of geo technically you are correct since you WERE literally the fucking geo archon and YOU LIVED THROUGH the damn shit but look these people dont fucking know that and of course won’t believe u even if you know its a fact like cmon bruh
But yea to be fair I would have sided with Zhongli on that the first Mora being an ordinary coin used to pay for shit as it has done hundreds of years later. Heck I even have a good supporting argument for this thanks to history/logic of sorts. Often we assume that the first existence for a particular invention would be a grand and spectacular affair. More often than not, it’s not the case.
When you look at first inventions, of the first plane, the first motorised engine, the first wheel, it always starts off with a “hey what if I create sth like this to help me and others with this problem?”, along with some trials and errors to make it work, usually in a makeshift laboratory, or out in open space, or just anywhere in the spur of the moment. There is never a grand affair, simply because not many would think abt much it until much later in the course of history where such inventions have inspired greater and grander ones to come abt. It’s an assumption that being the first in something would be celebrated, which is only possible if it is expected or anticipated like being the first in a race or sth.
Except creating a first novel invention is practically impossible to anticipate because the high risk of failure, and even then such a new creation may not necessarily create huge impacts later in the future. How the conception of the first novel inventions came abt is only realised way later in hindsight when ppl decide to trace down the origins of successful ideas or inventions. Plus, it is often that the simplest and most boring explanations are most likely to be true.
Plus, Rex Lapis, even as a “god”, is not that all-knowing or powerful even if he does have a great amt of knowledge and power. (Pls skip the rest of this paragraph if u dont want to be bored by my explanation of why I dont think he is that way) He was unable to cure his dear friend Azhdaha from the erosion, ending up having to seal him to stop him from rampaging the lands. If he knew how to save his friend, yet chose not to do so, it would paint him as someone malicious to withhold aid or someone who was not powerful enough to do so or someone who did not have the knowledge to help. We know that Rex Lapis himself has a benevolent nature since many actions of his helped the people of Liyue, and he himself did grant Azhdaha the gift of sight to witness the beauty of the land on his own, so we can safely say that he is not truly malicious, and conclude that he is not all-powerful and/or knowledgeable as a supposed perfect God.
Why in the absolute fuck did I write that entire paragraph to say that The Geo Archon isn’t actually all mighty stronk and/or smort? Its so I can say that even if regular humans see his incredibly feats as godly, it’s highly likely that the archon wasn’t really as godly as Liyue portray him to be, but rather a person just with great power and knowledge compared to humans. A person who is flawed and capable of making mistakes or not knowing certain things. Hence not knowing the impact he would have when establishing contracts and creating the first Mora coins to represent a ubiquitous form of value.
Of course if I were to say all that in front of all the archaeologists I would get kicked out of the table and even the boat lmao for saying the geo archon isnt that amazing.
But hey I made my stand and explained it the best I can even with some holes in the explanations that I could prob address but it would just make this wayyy longer and look this post is long enough and Im sure not many of u have bothered to reach up to here anyway so.
In the very least I like to think Zhongli would have been very amused, entertained and intrigued by my ramblings. We would have be great conversationalists if we ever met and talked and I would poke fun at him being a bit dum and being shit with Mora on that occasion. We would be good friends.
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swordmaid · 11 months
still thinking about the haikaveh 13 going on 30 inspired au .. like imagine kaveh going home drunk and upset after a bad meeting with a client. he’s presented his 8th draft of the project and there’s still something wrong with it. kaveh doesn’t want to compromise his own vision, and the client is adamant with his own, so they ended up just arguing instead of working on a compromise. then he goes to the tavern to cheer himself up but after a few drinks the bartender refused to serve him anymore since he still hasn’t paid his last tab and the bartender had been putting his current one under alhaitham’s. so kaveh goes home, drunk and upset at his client and also at the thought that he’ll owe alhaitham even more.
and when kaveh goes home alhaitham is lounging on a sofa and the books kaveh asked for him to clean isn’t put away yet. that little detail ticked him off - here’s alhaitham who doesn’t have any work to do at home and yet he doesn’t even bother to do the one thing kaveh asks him for. meanwhile kaveh has to go home late from a meeting that didn’t earn him anything and he’s even more in debt after alhaitham finds out about his tab. so, kaveh’s already drunk and upset and NOW annoyed he starts to argue with alhaitham. first it’s the fact that alhaitham hasn’t cleared away his books yet. then, alhaitham points out that he’s over-exerting himself for a client that’s not even paying him (he doesn’t need to be reminded of that!) then, kaveh argues that instead of trying to point out his failings why can’t he just console his clearly upset and stressed roommate like everyone else and if he was more compassionate about other people, maybe he’ll get along with other people better!! then cue the petty argument exploding into something bitter. kaveh is upset, drunk, and rambling, going on and on about how he doesn’t want to keep sacrificing his artistic integrity, and why can’t people just appreciate his art, and it would’ve been better if he never met alhaitham to begin with so he won’t be indebted to him and maybe his life wouldn’t turn out so badly. the argument only ends after alhaitham goes into his room clearly upset – the kind of upset kaveh was all too familiar with all those years ago — and now kaveh feels shitty and hurt and drunk and he wants to vomit so he passes out on the couch.
then, he wakes up in a room clearly different from their house.
the architectural style of the room is a marriage between the tumbling vines and glass windows of sumeru and the rigid structures and flow of fontaine’s. the couch he’s sleeping on isn’t the green divan alhaitham is fond of ; it’s a blue chaise with velour fabric that’s half as soft.
kaveh panics, looks around the room, then finds achievements displayed on the wall: articles and papers praising his name, pictures with the liyue qixing infront of a renovated and expanded golden house, one next to the fontaine archon besides an opulent theatre. there are articles of his latest creations, interviews with the man himself headlining the steambird, written papers and thesis about architecture published in the akademiya. kaveh learns that he’s not the light of kreshrarewar anymore ; he’s the most famous and accomplished architect in all of teyvat.
but alhaitham is not here anymore.
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thatdeadaquarius · 10 months
That language SAGAU but the Reader can only communicate writing on paper.
Either the Reader is mute and they (characters) don't know/understand sign language or they somehow lost their voices on their transmigration to Teyvat and can only write now. But the characters are left trying to decipher what the Reader wrote.
Kaeya: "I may say, that was very unexpected your grace. One such as yourself should be more aware of who you are."
Reader: "wat, y u sayin dat?"
Gorou: "Oh, your grace! Careful now. I am most certain that you stepped on something unsightly right now. Let me clean your feet, your grace."
Reader: "r u srs rn? Fml"
Ooooo, this is nice, this is niiccceeee /ref
this would be the energy⬇️
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Man I love this show, I gotta finish it (it’s Komi Can’t Communicate for those who want to see it) where she basically is too shy/introverted to speak (non-verbal neurospicy it seems like to me actually lol) and really wants to make friends and do normal things despite not speaking, her main way of communicating is writing (and her first guy friend who can just read her facial/body language really well lmao)!!
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them)
Planet: Headcanons-ish?
Stars: dashes/mention of most characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Reader/”you” are mute/lost their voice, & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
This kinda falls into that post I made abt texting lingo, abt us being nigh incomprehensible when using texting lang. (its basically a code lol)
but i think it’s always neat to see nonverbal rep so here we are (also i think imma go ahead and say it is both selectively mute but also enforced by video game laws!)
u know a good explanation would be for this is actually abt how we technically are only allowed to freely communicate when we’re in chats,
so I could see that still being the only way we can commnicate in Teyvat (look am i little excited abt taking “video game world” a little too literally in every genshin AU ever- maybe.)
tbh i could see so many allogenes having to either learn to make room for you in convos and u also having to get wayyy more expressive in body language/facial expressions
tbh i think itd be pretty easy to get ur meaning, like in a battle or smth fast-paced where u couldnt write, like how Tinker Bell can?
if u dont know what i mean just search “tinkerbell scenes peter pan” on youtube and u can see ppl just having a full conversation with no words with her, which i think would deffo happen with ppl like Kaeya, Lisa, Lumine, Venti, Heizou, Ayato, Yae Miko, Thoma, Beidou and Itto surprisingly i could see it (ppl in the distance just think theyre all talking to themselves sometimes when ur not as visible hehe)
OMG they get u nice gifts for writing all the time, like the newest compact pens from Fontaine, the finest small, medium, and large notebooks from Inazuma,
like a little compact pocketbook so u can easily fit it in pockets!
u know Im absolutely sure you could literally start the texting appreviation trend in Tevyat like this-
like just so it’s easier to communicate with you, a lot of people are willing to adapt/take on abbreviations like “ttyl, gtg, wth, lol, lmao” even stuff like “etc”
lol u start a whole trend in the writing letters business, hehe silly medieval Teyvat is silly and medieval
yknow I think the quieter vision users would definitely find you to be peaceful to be around and easy to understand just with writing (also deffo most likely to adore the soft moments together of just ur pen scribbling and the sounds of nature or a cafe or something around them),
tbh i also think these ppl would be motivated to talk to you alone, or get you away to just talk the two of you for all the reasons above, like Xiao, Aether, Kazuha, Ayaka, Chongyun, Zhongli, Diluc, Sayu, Ei, Sucrose, Eula, Ganyu, Ningguang, Tighnari, Alhaitham omg he might literally be able to take his headphones off around u bc youd be in such quiet spaces all the time, and bc u dont talk he doesn’t have to worry abt u getting loud either lmao
…and then ofc, there’s the bitches that try and guess what ur writing ahead of timeeee 😭
bein all like, “Uh… you.. would like.. to go to… a restaurant… to get some- OH OH I got this one this time! Some pita pockets! …Oh. A drink. Right. Sorry, again.”
definitely Itto, Cyno, Heizou, Xingqiu, Fischl, Amber, Collei, Dehya, Wanderer, Childe, Venti, Keqing (she just used to being fast ok), Kaveh lmao
I hope my reply was a little fun!! THANK U FOR SENDING THIS I LOVE THIS SM!! Man it’s so hard to make you feel my appreciation for this idea thru the damn screen
like how do i send a virtual hug
ANYWAY, if you or anybody else had an idea for celebrating 1000 followers lmk bc i am STRUGGLING with this same issue for that,
like how to make u guys feel my love 😩 ❤️‍🔥
Safe travels ignihideous,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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jinkicake · 1 year
~ ♡ Dear Lover ♡ ~ 
a tiny peek into your relationship
(( Day #3 )) Diluc, Kaeya, Tighnari, Xiao x Reader
A/N: all i know abt this is that when i wrote it i desperately wanted fluff.... as you all know im not good at writing it but here is my attempt.... i love love love these four T T why am i soooo obsessed w fluff rn i dont knowwwww
WC - 2,839
. . .
Diluc R. treasures his intimate time with you. 
The man has always enjoyed a quiet atmosphere, it brings him comfort that is akin to a warm blanket. Whenever he is in your presence, basking in the hushed ambiance of the winery, he feels the most at peace. 
For a second, Diluc lets his eyes leave the book in one of his hands in search of something more intriguing. His hard eyes stare at you while his fingers continue their light strokes against your calf, your legs currently draped over his lap. You’re reading your own book and biting on the inside of your cheek at whatever is happening within the novel. Diluc can’t tear his eyes away. 
There’s something about the way the afternoon sun is hitting your face and painting your body with a gorgeous golden hue, one so bright that Diluc thinks he needs to soon look away. He can’t, he’s always been selfish with you. His eyes find the subtle rise and fall of your chest and watch as you quietly breathe in and out, he’s certain he’s addicted to you. 
“How much longer are you going to stare at me?” Your lips quirked up as you continue to stare at your novel, you don’t even have to look at Diluc to tell that he is staring. Almost instantly, his eyes dart to a random spot in the room as if that will erase his piercing gaze. “You’re distracting me, my love,” 
Diluc’s breath almost hitches in his throat, he knows how much you despise being interrupted while reading. He almost starts to feel ashamed but then you close your book shut. 
“Good thing I need a distraction, I’m bored with this, it’s a shame.” You face him with a pout, a deep expression that Diluc just wants to kiss off and his fingers twitch at the opportunity to touch you. All he can do is wordlessly watch as you get up and shuffle your position on the couch. Now, your head is in his lap as you play with the ends of his long hair. 
Diluc’s book from earlier is now long gone. 
“(Y/N),” Diluc murmurs quietly as his gloved hand traces your jaw, his thumb rubbing your chin lightly. There’s something that shifts in his features, almost darkening, as you tilt your head back with a smile. Your throat, bare for him, has always been something of a weak spot for Diluc. 
He ignores the teasing glint in your eyes in favor of tracing one finger down the front of your neck. Before he knows it, his entire hand rests across the span of skin, his thumb now on one side of your throat with his other fingers resting on the opposite side. 
“How was work today?” You hum and Diluc starts to find it incredibly difficult to focus, he doesn’t understand how on earth you are managing to keep a decent conversation with him right now while his restraint is slipping through his fingers. 
“Work,” Diluc repeats, his low voice dragging the mumble out as he starts to gently squeeze his gloved hand around your throat. 
“You know, the thing that you do every day? What did you do today?” Your teasing is getting the better of him, not that he would ever admit to it. 
“What did I do today?” His words trail off as he lowers his face. Before he can stop himself, his lips find a home against your own without a second thought. 
. . .
No matter who he talks to, Kaeya A. always saves his gossip for you.
“That’s why Hertha left him.”
The time that you spend gossiping with Kaeya is time well spent, time that you deeply cherish. You can’t help but hang on to his every word, practically in his lap as you eat out of the palm of his hand. It’s a simple exchange really, priceless gossip for some sweet company. This time around, it’s Kaeya’s revelation that makes your jaw drop, and, despite his sultry voice, the rumors he shares are all you can focus on. 
“You’re kidding,” Gasps leave your lips as he continues to spill exactly what he knows and who told him. 
If only everyone loved hearing petty rumors and took them as if they came from the morning newspaper. Sadly, it can’t be the same for everyone. 
Diluc feels his eye twitch at the two familiar voices, hushed whispers that stand out amongst his crowded bar. He doesn’t even have to look over to see you and Kaeya with your bodies pressed incredibly close to one another. You’re nearly seating in his lap. The owner makes an exception, of course, because he’d do anything for his family. Family being you, not Kaeya. Diluc tries his best to stay on your good side, he’d hate for his brother’s partner to hate him. 
“Well, I heard from Donna that Hertha was the one who cheated-”
But if Diluc has to listen to the two of you gossip any longer, he might just rip his fiery hair out. Day in and day out, almost every night the two of you come here and talk for hours until he has to kick you both out. 
“Aren’t you a little busy bee? Did you find this out before coming here?” Kaeya softly coos into your ear, grinning at the embarrassed flush washing over you as you lean into his side. You place your chin in your hand as you lean over the bar, trying to wave down either Charles or Diluc for another drink. 
“If you want to hear my next story, you’re going to have to finish that,” You point at Kaeya’s drink, almost as if you’re offended by its presence. Your husband is pacing himself too much for your liking and you don’t want to be the only one off your ass.
Diluc notices Kaeya’s full glass too as he slowly pours you another, the owner isn’t a fool. He knows his brother better than anyone and knows that Kaeya is a gentleman through and through. You don’t often drink heavily when you spend time with either of them but, when you do, Kaeya is sure to keep his drinks lighter than usual. It is a show of affection that warms the redhead’s heart, not that he would ever admit it. Especially not to you and your loud mouth. 
You look so far gone that Diluc immediately scratches the idea of giving you another round. 
“Diluccc,” Your whine makes the older man sigh as he pulls back the wine bottle from your grasp. Despite your efforts to reach over and grab the liquid gold, you fail because of a certain someone. Someone with strong hands who tightly grip your waist to keep you from falling over and despite their cold touch, you start to feel incredibly hot. “Kaeya!” You’re drunk as shit.
“You’re cut off.” Diluc takes away both glasses of alcohol before moving on to another pair that is sitting at his bar. He ignores you despite all your cries. 
“No, but Diluc, you have to listen to this!”
. . .
Tighnari is an early riser and thoroughly enjoys getting you up in the mornings. 
This habit of his is not by choice but, is instead something that he can’t avoid. Every morning he wakes up just before the sun rises and stares at his ceiling before any existential dread kicks in. Even when he doesn’t need to be awake for patrol or for anything of importance, the man cannot sleep. 
Every morning, Tighnari gets a few seconds of peace before his entire body starts to ache. When his heart starts to feel a little too heavy, he simply rolls onto his side and looks at you. 
You’re always buried under the blanket, tugging on the material that is laid neatly across his lap. Each morning your face is pushed up against the many pillows you have so generously decorated his bed with and, Tighnari’s favorite aspect of your sleeping form, there’s always a little bit of drool spilling past the corner of your lips.
He lifts his bare hand to wipe away at your mouth, gently thumbing over the spot before catching it with his thumb. It’s cute how your nose twitches at the slightest touch, Tighnari almost coos. Once he finishes staring at you and tracing your features until his heart is content, the forest watcher will force himself to get up. 
His morning routine is very simple, get clean and ready for the day. Since Tighnari is the earlier riser of the two of you, he always does the favor of making breakfast. When he has the time, he’ll force you to eat a ka’ak or two before handing you your coffee. He’s not a fan of the smell but, he’ll do anything to see the excitement in your eyes upon the sight of your favorite mug in his hand. 
Tighnari doesn’t shy away from the fact that he adores you. Why would he?
Almost like a ritual, Tighnari fills up your cup with hot water, mixing in the coffee powder, before sprinkling in a natural enhancer. It makes the drink sweeter and easier to drink in his opinion. 
But sometimes, the sweetness gives him a toothache. He simply prefers not to drink it at all but that never stops him from bringing it back to your shared bed. 
With a light hand, he places the mug on your side table before sitting on the edge of the bed. Tighnari places his touch against your lower back before softly pressing his fingers into your skin. It wakes you up just enough that you start to squirm but, you are not fully awake yet. The smell of the coffee will inevitably wake you up, it always does. 
“(Y/N),” Tighnari and his soft voice call out to you like a light in a pitch-dark space. You instantly shift out of your slumber. “wake up.”
You swat at him with a groan and refuse to open your eyes. Every morning, it’s a battle with you. 
“Wake up.” Tighnari tries again and this time, it is firmer. You blink the sleep out of your eyes and force yourself to sit up in one go. Almost instantly, your facial expression morphs into one of a frown and Tighnari matches your glare. He’s not going to let you get off easy. “Come on,”
He gently tugs on your wrist and tries to help you up, to shake any lingering effects of sleep that still have a hold over you. You ultimately ignore him and choose to instead place a gentle kiss on his shoulder. 
Oh, how Tighnari loves his mornings with you. 
. . .
Xiao cherishes his shared evenings outdoors with you. For as long as he has known you, the yaksha has enjoyed being by your side and always finds comfort in your presence.
Today, the karmic debt that looms over him like an angry cloud doesn’t feel as demanding because of you. Sometimes when you touch him, it’s as if the pressure is gone and Xiao can finally breathe. But then, he has to protect Liyue all over again. 
And he’ll continue to give his life to it in order to keep you and the various others in his area safe. 
So incredibly safe that you can walk around at night with no worries, you’ve always admired the stars. 
“Are you ready?” You’re holding your hand out to him, a loose jacket hanging around your shoulders due to the night breeze. Xiao blinks and hesitantly places his hand in your own before you proceed to drag him around Dihua marsh. “Isn’t it nice out?” 
In his thin attire, Xiao wordlessly nods. The weather never matters much to him, he doesn’t feel too cold or too hot but, sometimes he gets uncomfortable. 
Right now, the air is perfect. The yaksha can admit it to himself and he almost closes his eyes to focus on the feeling. Whisps of wind fly past his ears and the feeling is too freeing, the burden on his shoulders feels lighter because of it. 
Under the delicate touch of your hand, the duty almost feels nonexistent. 
“What do you think?” 
Xiao almost forgets that you had been talking. You were explaining some situation about your coworker, how you think that she has a secret partner and refuses to tell you. Regardless of whether or not he was listening, Xiao has no idea what to say.
“Think?” He repeats and you can’t help the way that you start to laugh. You squeeze his hand (and by association, the strings of his heart) as you almost start to double over due to your laughter. Maybe it’s the clueless look on his face or the slight furrow of his brows that has you so amused. 
“You’re cute,” You gently wrap your arms around his bicep and press the muscle against your chest, both of your hands wrap around his own as you cuddle into his side. The new display of affection is nothing new, you always touch Xiao openly like this but, that doesn’t mean the yaksha is entirely used to it. Xiao nearly trips over his own two feet when he feels your cheek press into his arm. “well, do you think Yuhua has a boyfriend? You always know everything,”
Xiao bites on his own tongue to stop himself from admitting that he does not, in fact, know everything. Far from it but, he hates to let you down. In truth, he hasn’t been paying attention to the waitress closely. He has no idea what’s going on with her or her love life. 
“I’m not sure.” Slowly, he answers you as if he is gauging your reaction. To his surprise, you inevitably sigh before bringing your eyes up to the night sky. 
“That’s okay,” You comment and Xiao wants to ask if you really mean it. “I’ll let you know as soon as I find out. It will be soon!” He’s sure of it, with your determination, nothing stands in your way. The longer he stares at you and your soft features, the more Xiao feels something inside of him stir.
Under the bright light of the moon high in the sky, Xiao finds himself squeezing your hand back. 
. . .
2023/02/05 ♡
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noellefan101 · 10 months
They Steal Your Hoodie-Genshin
Characters: Xiao, Cyno, Albedo, Tighnari, Venti, Wanderer/Scaramouche x gn! reader
Summary: They steal your hoodie and wear it, what do they think abt the act of doing so?
Warnings: Reader is taller, modern au(kinda)
Note: i did write one were you steal their hoodie instead, there the reader is shorter too, its here. and it deleted my venti one im so sad, wtf tumblr just WHY! anyway, love ya´ll
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he didn´t know what was so special about it, isn´t it just regular clothes. he also didn´t understand, why you were sad about being taller than him because you couldn´t wear his clothes. it just didn´t make sense to him, why was it different when wearing your partners' clothes instead of your own? he maybe thought some of your clothes were pretty but didn´t think about him wearing them instead of you. and yes, perhaps he thought about it a little before, but only did it because some of his friends asked if he had done that before(sry had no ideas). then one of the days you weren´t home, he had maybe gotten a little bored and thought about trying your hoodie on. he would have asked but of course, you weren´t home that day. so he just took a little look in your closet and picked out a hoodie you wear a lot. and just tried it on. for what he thought would just be a little bit, then turned into hours, where he was just lost in the softness of your hoodie. and then you got home... you thought it was cute, but he should just ask next time.
he wasn´t exactly someone to do this, but it was cute anyway.
he didn´t think it was anything special and also didn´t think about doing it himself. until you had to go out for a few weeks because of some work. and oh my he missed you doing those weeks. he asked Tighnari about it, and if there was anything he could do to miss you less. of course Tighnari listed some things he could try, but the one that stood out to him the most was wearing a piece of your clothing. he hadn´t really thought about doing something like that, and definitely not without your permission, but he wanted to at least try. so a day were he was missing you an extra lot, he just took a little look into your closet. there wasn´t that much since you were out for some weeks, but there was still some of your hoodies you wear a lot. so he chose that and put it on, and it was so comfy and good to wear, he loved it. and then he also wore that for at least a few days. therefore when you got home, you got the site of him, in your hoodie, just sitting there chilling. you just said he looked cute in it, and went to your room to unpack, leaving Cyno blushing in the living room.
he was certainly strange, but you don´t mind, you like that.
he doesn´t understand the act of doing so, therefore he decided to do some research. the first thing that he thought of doing to find out was asking people about it, but it didn´t seem like they wanted to talk about it. the second thing was doing it himself so... he may or may not have ended up trying on one of your hoodies/without your permission/and "forgot" to take it off afterward. but i mean you can´t really blame him, can you? it was so comfy, it smelled like you and it was way to big on him, witch only made it better. but the thing was you were coming home in a few minutes, and he hadn´t thought about how you would react. you of course didn´t have anything against it and just laughed it off, telling him he could just ask next time(like the good person you are ;D).
he didn´t think he could fall more in love with you, yet here he is.
he thought it was stupid, but he didn´t really mind it. i guess he just didn´t get why. like you have your own perfectly good clothes yourself, why steal/borrow your partner's clothes. this lead to him wanting to find out why it was such a special act. so... he looked in your closet and found you favorite hoodie, you wear it all the time. so he would just be "borrowing" that for the next few minutes, or so he thought. he didn´t actually think it would be this comfy, and then there´s your scent just stuck in the hoodie. he didn´t realize its been a few hours now and he´s still wearing your hoodie, its only when the front door opens and you step inside he remembers that´s he´s wearing it. you (being the best person on earth and teyvat)didn´t mind and left his red face alone/after kissing it a few many times/.
he didn´t think it would be that comfortable, maybe he just had to try it to find out why.
he thought it was cute, but didn´t quite understand why people did it. wasn´t it the same as wearing your own clothes, maybe it was the size difference, but then you could just buy oversized clothes. yeah, he didn´t get it, but that's okay, we all have to learn right. so he wanted to test it, and he didn´t really want you to know, he thought that would be either weird or embarrassing for both of you. so the day you weren´t going to be home all day he just maybe "borrowed" one of your hoodies. and he now understands how it is, and how its different. first of all it smelled exactly like you, it was kinda like you were hugging him. second, it was way too big for him, it was already big on you so on him, it was massive. third, it was so comfy he forgot time, and he only saw the time when you walked into your shared home. and uhm... it was something to come home to for sure, and he got really red after you asked whether was wearing. but it was fine in the end, plus you let him wear your clothes/with your consent this time/.
he looks like a tomato when you tease him, truly adorable.
he thinks it's pathetic, why would he need to take your clothes when he has his own? for short, he thought it was so fricking stupid. but he was kinda interested in what was oh-so-special about it, and may have thought about taking a hoodie from your closet. so the one day he knew you weren´t going to be home most of the day, he tried it out. and he thought it was great, but still didn´t really get it. it was so big, comfy and smelled so much like the perfume you use. he liked it but the only problem was that he didn´t have as much time as he had wanted. reason being that he was way too hesitant about trying it on, he didn´t realize the time. and he had then wasted so much time, because you were a few minutes away from your home, and had texted him the same. when you came home, lets just say you were shocked. reason being, he had complained a few nights ago about how ridiculous it was to borrow your partners clothes, and said you could just buy your own clothes instead. but maybe it was little cute(don't tell him I said that, I will die at least 10 times. pls)
Although he said it was pathetic, he still did it, wonder what else he´s doing then.
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Thanks for reading, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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rizsu · 1 year
loverboys. kaveh, tighnari, cyno, scaramouche.
sum. short drabbles abt your love with him
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if you zoom into sumeru's city, you can see two young adults exiting the grand bazaar. the lanky male talks, hands moving everywhere to add exaggeration in his speech. beside him stands a girl, though she holds a bored expression, she's listening to all the details from him.
“i'm telling you even if i DIE i won't say i was wrong!” kaveh finishes, holding up a finger and sliding it across his neck to mimick a decapitation. he rolls his eyes, immediately sour at the thought of the altercation earlier.
surprisingly, kaveh's argument did not include alhaitham but on the not-so-surprisingly note, he got himself involved in another argument that he totally didn't instigate. you see.. his problem is unconciously saying his thoughts out loud which gets him places—places that are sometimes good (results may vary).
focusing on your lollipop, you nod your head for the umpteenth time at whatever he's going on about. you lost interest ever since you guys reached the adventurer's booth. melting into the sugary flavour, you close your eyes with a little smile—that is until someone boldly yanks your lollipop.
“well, excuse me kaveh?!” looking at him, you make sure your expression shows what you think about his sheer audacity. how can he just confiscate your snack like that?!
“you focused on this thing more than you did with me!” as if it's illegal, he dangles the lollipop in front your face to inject guilt into your system (not like it'll work..)
all it took was one simple glare from you tells kaveh that he needs to run before he becomes a punching bag. gearing up his long legs and holding a secure grip on your lollipop, kaveh runs through random directions in the city. with a childish grin on his face, he looks back at you and taunts, “catch me if you can!”
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nothing's worse than suffering a migraine at the ass crack of midnight after a long day at work. you're practically dragging your body against the wall for support as you walk home. since your home's a small distance from work you walk but god, you should've taken up your co-worker's offer to drive you home.
groaning again, you move your hand up to support your head. with the intense pain that blurs your vision, your let out a line of curses but stops once you see a pharmacy in the distance. as if an angel heard you, the pharmacy's opened twenty-four hours all week and it's just two steps away—maybe even four..!
pushing open the door, your steps stutter until you reach the counter. slapping your palm on the platform, you hurridly request for painkillers before your migraine can get the best of you, “can i get something for a migraine? preferably something strong. thanks.”
blinking twice, tighnari accepts your request and slides two packets of pills, “here you go. they're both drowsy pills.”
muttering a “thank you” you give him the amount of cash needed and pop out two pills from its packet. seconds before you can swallow it, tighnari speaks up, “there's a vending machine with water. you can take one.”
turning slightly so you can see the vending machine, your lips shape into an ‘o’. walking to collect your bottled water, you turn to smile at tighnari before leaving.
like destiny once again, both shared the same thought, “how cute.”
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hot, sweaty and tired: three words to describe what you feel right now. for whatever reason needed, cyno convinced you to come on a some “business adventure” with him out in the desert—specifically, around king deshret's mausoleum. apparently it's for a report/investigation but who cares? you don't. you never listened to a word he said other than “come with me.”
you look at cyno who doesn't seem affected. in fact, he looks like he can move on and traverse the other two areas left in the desert. furrowing your eyebrows, your intertwine your hand with his and lean your head on his back.
“can we rest? sorry, i'm tired.” “mhm, let's go to an oasis.”
pulling you to his side, cyno wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you in closer to his shoulder. he feels guiltly, he knows you're not that heat resistant yet bothered you to come with him.
after what felt like eons, you guys finally reached the oasis and cyno sits down first. dusting off his pants, he gently pulls you down to sit on him and snakes one hand over your waist as the other positions itself to shade you from the sun.
“feeling better?” “yeah, thank you cyno.”
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strapped down, scaramouche feels a cold substance splatter on his face. fear lingers down his body as the substance spreads further. against his will he's having all these things happen to him.
“stop moving your face!” “let me go, woman.”
twisting and turning, scaramouche doesn't care if he gets the pillow stained with it. he wants it off his face. it's a foreign feeling that does not mix with him.
and what's the substance you might ask? a skincare mask—a peel off mask to be exact. it's a sleepover night and you're bored until the idea of skincare night with your boyfriend. he didn't agree and even called it a “stupid idea” so you strapped him down with random clothes and took control.
squinting his eyes at you, scaramouche feigns annoyance but in reality, he's all giddy inside. lighthearted stuff like this makes him blush like a seven year old boy falling in love at first sight.
but scaramouche's never going to admit that. he has a reputation he needs to keep up with and he will do it—even if you already know he's just faking.
“can it come off yet?” “no, it's barely been two minutes.”
scaramouche groans, his lips forming a pout as he looks at the line of skincare products on your desk. it's going to be a long night for him.
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Hello! Greetings, it's me again! 🌙! Idk if I sent this request because I think I didn't finished it and accidentally deleted all my questions so I'm redoing them rn.
1. What about Rosaria, ga-ming, Dehya, Candace, Cyno, Tighnari, collei, Chevreuse, Diona, cloud retainer, Charlotte, beidou, Noelle, mika, and Xiao? What do they think ABT reader? Btw idk if I saw Tighnari or Cyno in your posts so-
2. Was there ever a time where the genshin impact wasn't self aware at first? Or did they already knew about creator before fake creator was there?
3. Who is more powerful? Fake creator or Reader creator?
4. What powers do the creators have?
5. Are there any more other reincarnations besides, fake creator, and reader creator?
Questions about your works:
6. how many requests do you have rn- if you don't mind me asking that is
7. Do you allow gore, self-harm, dark topics? (Not talking ABT nsfw, incest or any other than that
8.Which do you prefer for readers gender? Male reader, female reader, other reader genders?
Well that is all! Do take some breaks, btw you got lots of motivations I see. Also good job!
Hi, 🌙 anon!
Thanks, I am taking breaks from time to time.
She is on Fake Creator's side.
Rosaria didn't like, that Fake Creator returned. For Rosaria, it means more work. Yet, she remains loyal to Fake Creator.
Fake Creator gave Rosaria a permission to punish anyone, who is a Danger to Mondstadt.
Reader arrived.
Fake Creator ordered to capture them.
Rosaria was the one, who chased Reader to an abandoned cottage.
Venti and Knights of Favonius almost burned Reader alive in this cottage.
And Rosaria, knights and Venti looked delighted, when they saw flames.
The same day, it was discovered, that Reader escaped.
After that, Rosaria was searching for Reader. She couldn't find them. Barbara treat Reader's burns, Bennett, Razor and Fischl get Reader to Dragonspine and Albedo got Reader to Liyue.
Diona (+ Klee)
Diona is on Reader's side.
At first, she wasn't planning on joining anyone, but Klee told her a 'super-duper secret' about Reader, that Klee heard from Alice. That Reader are a good person who was being treated unfairly.
Diona is a kid, and she can't do much to help. Fake Creator insisted on keeping kids close. Diona can't be really active.
But, she and Klee can keep Fake Creator's attention occupied by pulling little pranks and behaving like kids.
Noelle is very hesitant.
The scene of a burning house and Knights' grins horrified her.
She believes in Fake Creator. But, when she saw Reader, scared, with some burns, she can't bring herself to attack.
She let Reader go.
Noelle doesn't know what to do next. The whole situation became too awful, too unreal for her.
Mika is another one, who was scared of the burning cottage situation.
The cruelty in Knights' gazes... It's not how it should be.
Mika secretly helped Reader escape the burning cottage. After that, he gifted Reader his best maps, so they could find a way in a wilderness.
Gaming is on Reader's side.
Yunjin was the one, who made him see, how horrible the whole situation was.
Gaming helped Yunjin with the destruction performance, that helped Reader to get to a ship to Inazuma.
She was on Fake Creator's side, at first
But change side after Kazuha ran into Reader and realized, that Reader are Real Creator.
Beidou and her crew were the ones, who secretly get Reader from Inazuma back to Liyue and hide them with Baizhu again.
He is on Reader's side.
He immediately knew what kind of monster Fake Creator were. Xiao can't stand near them, his karma goes awry.
But, when he saw Reader, he knew, they were the Real Creator.
He and Adepti were with Morax, when Reader were trying to escape Liyue.
When Zhongli was ready to strike Reader's boat, Xiao plunge his spear right into Zhongli's side.
Xiao gave Reader the chance to escape.
Zhongli survived.
Xiao is captured.
But, he feels content. He saved Reader.
Cloud Retainer (and adepti)
She and all adepti (minus Madame Ping) were on Fake Creator's side.
But, after Xiao's betrayal, and talk with Madame Ping, Yaoyao and Xiangling, adepti realized, what kind of monster they were listening to.
Unfortunately, Zhongli is still blind to that fact. After Xiao's betrayal, Zhongli became paranoid. He started loosing trust in others.
When Reader returned to Liyue, Cloud Retainer, Moon Carver, Madame Ping, Mountain Shaper and Ganyu protected Reader during their journey to Sumeru.
She is on Reader's side.
When Nahida was captured for helping Reader, Dunyarzad was devastated. She asked Dehya to help Reader. Dehya agreed.
She helped Alhaitham and Kaveh in getting Reader to Fontaine through the desert.
She is neutral, but not friendly.
She asked Dehya and Reader to leave Aaru Village when they reached it.
Don't get me wrong, she feels sorry about Reader's situation. But, after Nahida was arrested, everyone from Sumeru, who dared to help Reader, will be in even more trouble, than before. She doesn't want to risk villagers lives.
Still, she let Dehya and Reader get water and food.
He is on Fake Creator's side.
During it, he attacked Reader, and if it weren't for Aranaras, Reader would be dead or captured.
And Nahida's imprisonment made him even more loyal to Fake Creator. Cyno will think, that Reader bewitched an archon.
He will follow Dehya and Reader, making sure, that their trip will be safe. And observing Reader's behavior.
During his observations, he noticed, that Reader didn't do anything wrong. They were a normal, tired person. Cyno heard, how Reader cry themselves to sleep, missing their home and friends.
Cyno is conflicted.
He helped Dehya fight with a group of eremites, who tried to capture Reader.
He left Dehya and Reader without the word. He has many things to think about.
He is on Fake Creator's side.
Fake Creator gave Forest Rangers a good sum of mora, arranged lectures about forest. They also gave Tighnari permission to arrange any sort of research and publish results.
So, Tighnari is loyal to Fake Creator. He arranged patrols. He tried his best to capture Reader.
But, somehow, Reader managed to avoid every patrol.
She is on Reader's side.
She was so devastated, when Fake Creator gave Dottore a title of Personal Physician. She can't understand, why someone like him wasn't punished.
So, she wasn't sure, that Reader did something wrong. Maybe, it's an opposite, and Reader are a good person.
Nahida gave Collei instructions on where to take Reader, when she met them.
Collei managed to get Reader away from Forest Rangers patrols. Thanks to Collei, Reader's 'trip' to Vanarana went almost peacefully, except a run in Cyno.
She is on Reader's side.
She, out of curiosity, talked to some Fontaine citizens, after Fake Creator got to Teyvat. And she learned, that not everyone are happy for having Creator back.
Charlotte even managed to talk to Furina about Fake Creator. And, let's just say, even commas in Furina's speech were swear words.
When Charlotte met Reader, she almost interrogates them for an interview. Charlotte learned everything about Reader's journey so far. She decided to keep the information for now. If time comes, she will use it.
She is also on Reader's side.
She does observe Reader's behavior. So far, Reader didn't break any of Fontaine's laws.
When Neuvillette became more restless is searching for Reader, some people from Fleuve Cendre wanted to hang Reader. This way they would escape Neuvillette's wrath and Reader won't suffer through torture. Chevreuse stopped them, saved Reader and started a meeting with everyone, who lived in Fleuve Cendre. The same meeting, that end in Navia and Spina di Rosula (and Furina) took Reader to Melusines' village.
Genshin Impact was always Self-Aware and knew about Creator. Their self-awareness are different from BSD Cast's self-awareness.
BSD Cast are characters, that one day became self-aware and connected to a random reader.
Genshin Impact Game was a virtual window to another world.
Right now, Fake Creator. But Reader reached half of Fake Creator's powers when they were captured. If Reader spent more time in Teyvat, they will become stronger.
From basic to advanced
- Longlivety
- Stopping Monsters from attacking. Not working on smarter monsters. (Abyss Order)
- Dragon Whisper (described here) In a nutshell, making any dragon 'imprint'on anyone, who have Creator's powers. Because of that, Dvalin, Azdaha, Apep, Neuvillette and, at some extent, Zhongli, are on Fake Creator's side. Vishaps are on Reader's side.
- Plant manipulation (can make plants grew and cover their tracks).
- Water manipulation (can get water from anywhere they wish).
- Stronger bodies (it will take many efforts to kill Creator) [Reader gained this right before they were captured by Tsaritsa. The last power they got before returning home].
- Regeneration.
- Destruction (can turn anything to dust) and Creation (can make anything, even the most bizarre plant and animal combination).
- Mind manipulation
- Bringing dead to life (lost ability, current Creator's powers aren't enough to do it)
No, for now, only two.
There is a possibility of third reincarnation being born, but, they won't have even echoes of Creator's powers and, will probably only have a similar voice or physics to Creator.
Good question, I wish I could answer it.
I am currently looking through my inbox, searching for purely question asks I missed.
Soon, I will post another list of requests I have. Maybe, will open requests for a few days.
Yes, I allow dark topics.
Note! I won't describe it in too many details, will try to keep at "T", or PG rated.
I don't have any preference.
But, most of my requests are about Gender Neutral Reader. There are some Male and Female Reader requests.
All requests are equally interesting for me.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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ababyrasberry · 1 year
Sumeru men and habits they have!!
alhaitham x reader, kaveh x reader, tighnari x reader, cyno x reader, wanderer x reader (seperate)
Alhaitham has a habit of always touching you in public, but not in a bad way! I mean as in holding your hand or having an arm around your waist while you go on a walk or something. Although he claims, to not like physical affection, it’s his way of showing Sumeru that you’re his. In his massive brain, he sees it as not going overboard like some couples, but still letting society know that both of you are in a relationship .
You and Alhaitham walked down the streets of Sumeru city, arms linked together and looking at the various specialties being sold. It was one of Alhaitham’s very few days off, and he planned on spending all of it with you. The different names of items being called out by vendors allured you, and without even knowing, you were practically dragging him along out of excitement. Sure, maybe going out wasn’t Alhaitham’s first choice when it came to spending his free day, but he would rather be alongside you than anyone else.
Kaveh has a habit of showing you off or talking about you to anybody with two ears and a beating heart. He can’t help it, he just feels so lucky to have you!! He will legit meet a stranger and be like “-oh and also i have this amazing parter and they light up my word and-“. Sometimes ppl get tired of him for it, but they also have to agree with him cuz like, you’re pretty awesome. With or without you around, he just always seems to drift the conversation to you and your coolness.
You and Kaveh were supposed to meet up for a weekend date at a nearby coffee shop, which is why you were currently getting ready to leave. You left your house and walked in the cafe to see Kaveh there, sitting at a table talking with the traveler (we’re gonna go with Aether), and Paimon. Kaveh doesn’t seem to notice you walk in, so immersed in his conversation with Aether, but Aether notices you and sends a look of help. Walking closer, you could start to make out their conversation.
“ No Aether they’re actually so pretty and guess what they got me this gift and it made my day because its handmade and-“
I guess Kaveh just loves you that much.
Ok, Tighnari loves to give you those little flower bookmarks he talks abt, and its adorable. His face is almost hesitant, wondering if you’ll like it (of course you will 😀🔪), and for once, he isn’t the confident, sassy fox you know so well. He puts a lot of effort into picking the right flowers and making sure that they are pressed correctly, so make sure to thank him with hugs and cuddles.
“Hey, wake up you lummox, we’re going to be late for patrol if your don’t get your lazy ass up,” whispered Tighnari, who was somehow gentle yet demanding with his words. You got up and started to get ready, You were both ready to leave, but Tighnari stopped you from opening the door. “I have something for you. I know you started a new book, so I thought you could use a bookmark to help” he said, looking in your eyes for any form of disinterest or dislike. All he saw was adoration in your eyes as you took the bookmark from your hands and stared at it.
“It’s perfect, thank you my love” you whispered, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his shoulder.
“OH SHIT WE’RE LATE-“, he shouted, making you realize the time. Both of you bolted out the door, grateful for the one peaceful moment you had.
Cyno has a habit of being really clingy when the two of you are alone. Like anytime he sees you doing something besides giving him affection, he makes you stop whatever you’re doing for a hug or kiss. You’ll be writing an essay for the Akedeymia and he will just pull you out of your chair and then sit with you in his lap. That’s his compromise, you can do work, and he gets to snuggle w you.
You have been working really hard on your essay for the Akedeymia, hoping that your writing technique and knowledge on your subject will get you recognition from your boss. You wrote and wrote and wrote, hand cramping up from the nonstop movement, and neck hurting from looking down. You didn’t notice Cyno sneaking up on you, ready to attack you with love. In one swift movement, he lifted you off of your seat and sat you down in his lap. He hadn’t seen you in a while, and he missed you.
“Cyno, I know you want some loving, but I have to finish this” you said.
“You’ve been working on that for hours, its time you take a break” he said while picking you up again and leading you to the couch. You didn’t deny him, knowing that nothing would come in between him and loving you.
The wanderer (Kuni), has a habit of teasing and pestering you. He knows it, too. The little pokes on your check or the pinches to your shoulder make you annoyed as hell all the time, but he loves it. He likes the way your face scrunches up in annoyance or the side eye you give him when he gets on your nerves. He can’t help it, you just look too peaceful, and he’s ready to wreck that.
“Kuniiiiiii, stop poking me!” you whined, trying to take a nap. You were so tired, and all you wanted to do was to crawl in bed. Kuni had other ideas, and he wasn’t going to let up until you gave in to his pestering.
“Why should I? I spent all day waiting for you to get home, and the first thing you do it try to nap, how boring.” replied Kuni.
Even though he was trying to get you up, he noticed how tired you were when you walked in, so he eventually crawled into bed with you. As Kuni got under the sheets, he immediately snatched the pillow you were cuddling and wrapped his arms around you. You snuggled into his shoulder, and both of you drifted off to sleep.
pls follow if u liked it!! requests are open!!
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boykissr · 2 years
tighnari x gn!reader
cw: character has not been released yet !!!!! i know nothing abt sumeru or tighnari i just rly wanna kiss him. ooc character !!!! nonsensical ramblings basically ( keep in mind that this is my first fic, please be nice <3 ) unedited :)
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ur probably either a forest ranger or an adventurer
ygs spend like 24/7 together. not that you're complaining, but,,,,,
u two are basically attached at the hip
he is. so sweet to you??? always looking out for the both of you, too, as well as collei. after all, the forest is a dangerous place
oh, you're definitely a plant parent. you have so many plants in the house, sometimes it feels like you're still in the forest itself
he teaches u abt all the plants!!!! all of them!!! he jus wants to make sure that you don't poison yourself foraging, that's all... definitely not bcz he's excited to share so much knowledge w/ u.....
lunches!!!! in the rainforest!!!!! tighnari cooks, ofc. malewife material fr
he's made u learn so much abt the forest.. you dont even kno how u still remember it all tbh
after living together for a while, u begin to cultivate a love for all the things he teaches u abt. seeing him so excited makes u excited too <3
ima be honest when ygs started dating you weren't even sure if u were official or not, since he just. never addressed it???
after maybe your fifth or sixth date you finally asked. he said that he thought u both had already been in a relationship for weeks
"don't eat that"
he worries for u when ygs go out in the forest together
he rants abt his day to you <33 its amazing when he gets all sassy when talking abt something/someone that annoyed him
he was kinda hesitant abt u touching his ears n tail for a while..
like, it took quite a long time for him to trust u w/ that
when he does tho!!!!! he absolutely loves it
starts complaining if u dont brush his tail for him before bed
you give each other little presents u found in the forest. a shiny rock one day, a pretty leaf the next. every gift seems sweeter than the last
being w/ him u either have a lot of connections as well, or you're like completely oblivious to who ppl are
when you're sad, he tries to make u happy by making jokes or distract u by telling a story
most of the time those succeed in cheering you up
if that tactic doesn't work, he'll ask what he can do to help u, and is v quick abt it once you say what you need
silent evening moments where u 2 sit outside and just listen to the sounds of the forest <3
so many. books. everywhere.
u better love reading and learning when ur w/ this guy
on that note,,,, your birthday.
first thing, he'll give u a pretty potted plant <3 it probably does something as well- like perhaps it has healing properties, or it grows edible fruits. smth like that
u think that that's his only present to u
he then takes you to the market / bizarre and lets u pick out one thing- anything you want
then later he might take u to the forest to maybe look at cool plants and stuff!!!! to maybe calm down from all the noise n being around so many ppl
when he takes u back to ygs place, there suddenly a cake on the dining room table!!!!! omg haha when did that get there
he tells u that tbh he didnt know what the hell a "birthday cake" was.
he had to ask around a bit, and go thru some books. and then bake it himself, and successfully hide it from u and keep it preserved for the whole day
after cake you guys just sit porch / veranda and talk while the sun sets
i love him sm guys :(
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erabu-san · 16 days
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I enjoyed every second of this quest This art has platonic intention, please don't tag ship
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bell4lan · 2 years
Quality Time
Genre: Fluff and crack (?) idk it's silly
CW: mentions of heats, suggestive dialogue, very dialogue heavy, hickies (only suggestive thing that happens i promise), talks of sex, mpreg mentions but its not canon, breeding mentions, i swear this is a fluff fic they just had some talks abt dirty things
DNI: NON-MLM/NBLM, fujoshis, mlm/nblm fetishizers
Character(s)/Reader: Tighnari and GN reader but I wrote it with men and non-binary people in mind, 1 Kaeya mention
The sound of your backpack hitting the floor filled your bedroom as you flopped onto your bed. You were wiped from the class you just had, not even because it was hard, but because of how far it was from your dorm. It started snowing right before class ended, which meant you had to tread through snow for a long distance. It wasn't like you could've drove since Tighnari took your car to visit his family.
Speaking of Tighnari, he was coming back today. You wish you could get excited, but you were exhausted. The snow really did a number on your already sore legs.
You heard the front door jiggle as someone unlocked it. Only one other person besides you had a key, so you weren't panicked. You heard the front door shut and things shuffle around for a while. You knew it was Tighnari getting unpacked and changed.
You heard footsteps coming towards your room and saw your gorgeous boyfriend walk in, dressed in a hoodie and shorts since the heater was on.
You turned on your back and held out your arms to him. "Hi baby, I missed you." You said to him as he laid down on you.
"I missed you too (Name)." He kissed your lips passionately and you gladly returned it. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled away asking him about his trip. You played with his hair as you listened to the stories he told about his family. You couldn't help but smile when you heard him stumble over his words when you started petting his ears.
He stopped talking after a bit and relaxed on you, almost falling asleep from how comforting your pets were. He started nuzzling more into you when suddenly, his head shot up and his ears laid back.
"What's wrong?" You asked while rubbing his lower back. He glared at you and put his face in your neck, licking and biting it.
"Wh- Tighnari what is up with you." You squirmed slightly from the feeling of him sucking on your neck and saw his tail wagging more than usual. He was never usually like this, he usually waits for you to initiate stuff like this.
"G-gosh are you in heat or something?" You joked as you felt him leave more marks.
"That's not til June." He mumbles, completely serious with his answer. You pulled him away from your neck so you could be face to face with him.
"Wait...you actually have heats?" You asked sort of wide eyed.
"Y-yeah..." He looked off to the side, ears still down and tail calming down.
"But you said no when I asked you before." You faked a pout when you realized he lied to you.
"It's embarrassing to admit every once a year you feel this primal need to breed." He said as he laid back down on you.
"Need to breed? Gosh Tighnari you're so dirty." You teased as you went back to rubbing his back. He glared at you again, though this time it was paired with a red hue on his face.
You started petting his ears again trying to get him to calm down. "Can you tell me why you decided to attack my neck?" You laughed out.
"I smelled someone else on you..." He mumbled a bit shyly.
"Huh? Who?" You asked. You had been hanging out with your friends a lot, but it's not like you had done anything with them (iykwim).
"That one blue haired pirate guy." He growled as he gripped onto your hoodie. You started laughing at his spot on description.
"Oh my god, Kaeya? I guess that makes sense, I did have to carry him home when he was drunk. That wasn't long after you left though and i've taken so many showers since then. Can you really still smell him?" Tighnari relaxed as he heard your explanation and started explaining that he had a way better sense of smell than non-hybrid people. You already knew that of course, but you didn't know it was that much stronger than non-hybrids.
"Did you think I did anything with him?" Tighnari shook his head.
"No...I just hated smelling someone else on you." He confessed, not looking at you. You smiled and gave him a kiss on the head. You started teasing him about his jealousy and possessiveness earning a defensive Tighnari in return.
You both had calmed down and cuddled with each other for a bit. It was relaxing, until you broke the silence.
"Sooo...when you're in heat do you feel the need to breed others or be bred?" Tighnari's faced became a bright shade of red and he hid his face in your chest, flattening his ears again so they don't bother you.
"Ughhh I knew i'd regret telling you." He groaned.
"Hey i'm just curious!" You defended in a light hearted tone. You kept encouraging an answer until he finally responded.
"I...don't have a preference. It depends on how I feel at the time." He said, voice shaking from embarrassment. You nodded and asked more questions about his heats, making him even more flustered than he was. He knew you were genuinely curious under all the teasing, so he answered your questions the best he could.
"Can you be bred?" You jokingly asked. He didn't seem to get your joke until a few seconds after.
"Are you asking if I can get pregnant?" He hissed.
You just giggled and he stared at you like you were the dumbest person alive.
He sighs, "Of course not you dummy." He flicked your forehead and you whined out an "ow". He kissed the spot he flicked, making you smile at him.
"Could I ever help with your heats?" You asked in full seriousness.
"What? No."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to bother you or depend on you. Plus, I might get used to it and who knows what will happen if we ever break up." He explains. When he said the last sentence, he got a sad look in his eyes.
"Hey if you think you can get rid of me you're wrong." You said as you attacked his face with kisses. Tighnari couldn't help but smile and laugh softly. Once you stopped, you flipped the both of you over so you were hovering over him. His ears twitched in curiosity.
"I love you." You whispered as you admired his looks, lips almost touching his.
"I love you too." He breathes out and connects his lips to yours. You both kissed each other lovingly, not wanting to break the beautiful kiss.
Eventually, you did pull away to catch your breath, making Tighnari frown.
"Now it's your turn to get marked." You said playfully. Tighnari's ears twitched again at your words.
"I guess it's only fair." He said with a smile and exposed more of his neck.
I had to look up when foxes go into heat for this fanfic so you guys better like it.
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henkoukazue · 1 year
Meeting you was a Blessing...
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Summary: When polar opposites meet, everything becomes chaotic. Does coexisting will be just fine…. or rather much more difficulty?? We'll never know unless…
WC: 5.0k (not quite edited tho, and this will be quiet long so ready some snacks and tissues if needed ehe~)
Pairings: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader (*and slight Cynari<3)
Warnings: MDNI 18+, NSFW, suggestive/explicit content, possible mentions of SH (slightly??), Trauma (reader), Panic and Anxiety Attacks, Mild Depression, (...will add some after i complete this or y'all can give me suggestions huehuehue)
Tags: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader, Fluff, Smut, Angst kinda heavy??, miscommunication?, established relationship, slow burn (unsure), arranged pairing, mutual pinning, crack!fic, marriage (at fisrt you agreed to marry him bcs of your parents and... "of his high salary and stable job" but...), whipped!Alhaitham, slightly jealous!Alhaitham??, modern au (kinda.. idk), Kaveh and the other Sumeru boys and girls cameo, exploratory ff, might be ooc on the latter (yes.... I'm talking abt Haitham here BASHAHSHASHA idk tho, not sure)
a/n: This is my first time doing something like this and idk if this'll be successful, but I'm just doing this for fun and also like a stress-reliever (abt stuffs from school & at home😭😭 ....GOSHH i hate it here /jk) lmaoo and this is kinda like a self-indulgement ff sorry abt that I guess... I hope you all will also enjoy my writing. TYSMM!!🖤💚 ouhh and also, bfr I forgot, English isn't my first language sooo~ if there's any mistakes or errors lemme know my cinnamons <3
>> and also 'here' is a dabble of their domestic life awiee enjoy!!
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There was a point in your life when you fantasized about having or being in a romantic relationship with someone, but... you learned through time that love isn't the only thing in the world. You relished the freedom and independence that came with discovering yourself. A soft sigh left your lips ‘It felt like ecstasy being out of the cage,’ you mumbled. Walking down the streets of Sumeru city, you spotted your closest pals since college. There were Candace, Nilou, Dehya, and Tighnari.
Candace noticed you and waved softly, saying, 'Looky here, our bachelorette is here!' Little chuckles escaped their lips. 'Heh, what are you guys talking about and giggling there?' you pouted and hugged them behind their back. You noticed your friend Tighnari blushing, looking at his phone and you inquired, "Eyy, are you and Cyno going out now?" eyes sparkled, and the others turned to look at him. He smiled nervously, then said 'Uhh yes, we are now officially going out now, but, please don't announce it to others yet. It's pretty embarrassing,' he says, straining his eyes shut. You were surprised that they were going out now, and the girls were as well, so you guys cheered 'Congratulations!!' ' to your best friend Tighnari, gaily. 
You and your friends now bid farewell to each other. Now alone, a sudden call from your parents came. 'Uhm, hello? Mom, Dad? ' you answered. 'Why hello our dear sweetheart, have you found a man you'll mar----' your father interrupted what your mother was about to say 'Uhh hahahaha my, don't worry about that my child.' clears throat 'How are you doing now? ' He expressed concern. You let out a sigh. 'Oh, I'm doing well and.... You no longer need to be concerned. I'm an adult now, and I have a great job, even though I'm still living in that leased apartment'. 'Ohh, I see,' your father said, before the call fell silent. 'Darling—-' you cut off the phone before your mother begins to whinge about your love life once more (if you ever have...).
When you got closer to the apartment, you noticed your friend Tighnari's flower shop, where he and his lover Cyno were all lovey-dovey, and a faint smile slipped your lips. But after a minute, you felt a sharp pain in your chest, you came to a halt and sighed heavily. 'Man... I shouldn't be feeling this,' you said as you resumed your walk.
Now that you're inside the apartment, exhausted and sluggish, you just throw yourself in bed. 'I guess I'll go visit them and consider about that marriage they're talking about, and blah blah,' you muttered, closing your eyes shut. Dawn arrived, feeling the beams of sunshine on your face, you got up and started your just-so-normal daily routine and headed to work. 
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After an hour of dedicating yourself to your job, you rewarded yourself with some sweets and a cup of coffee at Puspa Café, which is also pretty close to your place. Knowing you as a regular, the owner immediately listed your orders and awaits you if you ever want to add something. 'Well then, mister, I'd like to take out some of your freshly made Padisarah pudding!' you said warmly. The owner then chuckled and said, 'All right, dear, your order is on its way!' Then motioning his hands a kind-of-salute gesture.
While you were leaving the café, you noticed that your phone was not in your purse, and as you looked around, you observed an ashen-haired man motioning something with his hand and muttering something. 'Miss! Miss! I believe this is your phone.' …..
'Miss umm, here, your phone,' he said slowly, motioning his palm over your face. You shook your head, 'Ohh! Ahh yes, thank you very much.' you nodded modestly and bid farewell to the man. 'Yes, you're welcome,' he mumbled under his breath, watching you with his bright teal eyes motioning out of the café.
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It's that time of year again, summer. Because of that one phone conversation, you decided to pay a visit to your parents' house. 'Ughh, seriously, your mother? Why can't she leave you be? You're all good now and doing great, the fu---,' Dehya exclaimed, only to be cut off by a piece of bread Nilou shoved into her mouth. 'This woman! Aish,' Nilou sighed and glaring at Dehya with an expression saying 'What? What did I do wrong?'. Candace and you both laughed.....  'Well, then, what can I do? They're old and such, I assume they're simply worried about me.' Candace and Nilou gave you a pitying glance.
You were apprehensive about your journey to your parents' house because you knew your mother would nag you all day and all night about how you didn't have a relationship. As you arrived at the front door, you were debating whether to knock or go back when your father abruptly opened the door. '..... Oh. Ohh! Dear, goodness you're here. How's the trip?' He hugged you and you just plainly stated 'Well, it's summer and I'm on a break, so I decided to pay a visit since…. It's been a long time... I suppose?' an awkward silence filled the doorway.
The only thing that broke the silence was your mother clapping her hands. 'Hey, the two of you come on over here now, and how's the trip, my darling, how about a boyfriend?' You gave her a deadpan expression, indicating that 'Please, just shut up, I'm tired!' to only earn a small chuckle from the elderly man, your father.
Sitting at the dining table, memories of the past came rushing. You recall how this home and its people made you feel horrible as a youngster, how they used to control and mistreat you. You smiled bitterly at the memory. While you didn't notice it, your father, looking at you and clenched his fist under the table and kept saying, 'I'm so sorry, my dear,' who knows how many times. Breaking the awkwardness, your mother started. 'So, would you mind if we do an arrange pairing?' You shoot your heads up and look at your father and mother to only mutter, 'What?'
After some minutes have passed, your mother smiles, 'Well isn't it why you came here too?' …..your mother isn't wrong. You cleared your throat, 'Yes. I'm also here to discuss that arranged pairing and marriage thing you're so eagerly asking me for.'
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A month later, a matchmaker was dispatched to your place, accompanied by your parents. Still can't process what is happening, although you agreed to it that you’ll do the arrange pairing, you let them in.
The session was then initiated by the matchmaker. She asked you quite numerous questions, and some of those were; 'What do you wish for in your life to be my dear?' gently staring at you... 'I want a tranquil life where I can exhibit my independence, value space from each other, and the partner who will be partnered with me is also committed,' you gulped, ending with a shaky voice. The old lady giggled softly and delicately wrote it down on her vintage paper. Then she again asked another one, 'What is the thing that interests you the most?....it might be from the past or currently.' She smiled again, assuring you to be true to yourself. 'I-- I like books and anything that I think is very valuable,' you looked down, turning pinkish-red. The old matchmaker then pursues you to say it. You inhale, regain your confidence, and continue, 'I also adore deep sea creatures...... if that makes sense.' you awkwardly smiled. She then resumed her writing.
You hurriedly go towards the elderly matchmaker and, of course, your parents, as usual. You grumble in a low tone upon seeing them. The matchmaker then motions with her hands for you to enter the room and address the matter, but this time your parents are not present, so you feel relieved.
You noticed the man standing near the furniture set reading something about literature after slightly opening the door. He then noticed your presence and politely nodded, as you do so too. The matchmaker then instructs the two of you and tells you what topics you will be discussing before leaving.
'Oh, um... Hello, pleasure to meet you,' you said as you extended your hand in a handshake. The man then accepted it and said, ‘Same here, I'll be in your care then, my partner?’ Your body became stiff by hearing his voice. He then felt your hands stiff, so he released your hands gently and said, 'Are you alright?’ looking straight at you with eyes which remained neutral. You, startled by his stare, so you shifted your sight to the window and murmured something. Him the observant he is, noticed you again but didn't do anything and let you be. He's not sure as to why he gave in to his deceased grandmother's will that at that age, he'll go to meet a matchmaker and be paired to the person he'll remain for the rest of his life, love, and cherish him.
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A day turned into a week, a week turned into months, and then those months turned into a year. Now, him helping you move out to his house, you asked midway at the entrance door. 'Umm, about the wedding ceremony, when was it again?' looking at him neutrally, like you have no any interest in it whatsoever. 'Hm, I think it will be expected 8 weeks from now?' He looks up at the sky, then yours. '..... Alright, do you have any guests you'll have invited? Moreover our wedding will only take place in the government office.' He looked at you blankly for a few seconds before saying, 'No. I don't,' he says as he walks inside….
The time then has come, the two of you then recited your vows and filled out the papers prepared by the clerk for both of you and your parents. Of course, no honeymoon occurred; instead, you and him organized some of your belongings and the entire house now that it is occupied by two people.
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After three years of marriage, you've gotten used to each other's habits and company. He occasionally notices you dancing while cooking and humming a song, noting mentally that you're having a nice day, just to elicit a small genuine smile, noticing it and contemplating at himself why he did that.
You also had the impression that someone was watching you from behind while you were cooking, so you stopped whenever you noticed your husband's presence in the kitchen or when he took a sip of his coffee nearby.
'.......' sips coffee, 'What are you cooking?' he said. Startled by the man you yelped and said in return, 'You! You almost gave me a heart attack there! Ohh, I'm cooking Sabz Meat Stew, the one you said is your favorite.... yes?' only to receive a blank expression from the man and one brow slightly raised. 'Hmm~ okey.' then leaves the room.
You pondered, 'Huh? The hell??'
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Alhaitham grumbled after he woke from his peaceful slumber. He recalled that he had a job today. He then got up lazily and looked back at the bed to only see you snoring (not that loud), although from the looks of him, he thinks you are cute.
As usual, he didn't feel tired or anything in his office corner, but it was quickly shattered by his senior approaching him, and a former housemate, Kaveh, the star of the firm, renowned as the passionate designer with exquisite taste in arts and romance. Alhaitham scoffed, 'What?' glaring at the platinum-blonde haired man. 'Ugh, save that glare for later, will you!?' Kaveh exclaimed. Putting a bunch of papers at his desk. 'Here. This needs to be approved today so do it now, alright?' The man earned a minute of silence, then Alhaitham spoke up, 'Alright then. Now go.' Kaveh, being used to his antics responded, 'Bah! Alright, alright I'll go now~'
'Great. Now I can have peace,' Alhaitham whispered as he walked to the nearest café in the company. He then spotted Puspa Café and, shortly after, he noticed you with your friends. But he didn't approach you, he simply chose to observe you from afar.
After finishing your job at the library, Tighnari, your friend, messaged something at your group chat, saying that 'Guys, I'll have you all meet my boyfriend today, of course if you guys are free.' You smiled at your phone and waited for others to reply, then you saw Nilou's message, 'Yes we are all free today, where do you want us all to meet up? ^^ .' You then added, 'Me too, just concluded my work.'
You met Dehya first and welcomed her after all of you agreed to meet at Puspa Café. As is typical, Dehya has always tried on make-up with you and the girls since your college years, as she is doing just now, claiming boredom while waiting for the others. After a few minutes, you two noticed the other three and waved your hands where you were seated. 'Eyy, Tighnari, where has your boyfie gone? 'Dehya said. 'Hahah, Dehya, wait a minute, I'll go fetch him outside,' the man said as he ran out of the café.
After a minute of waiting, you and the girls see a tanned man joyfully conversing with Tighnari, all lovey-dovey. 'Yuck,' muttered Dehya in another hand. ‘I wish I was too sheesh, good for them I guess?' She shrugged, glancing at us, only to get a nudge at her side from Nilou. 'Oof-- the hell?'
Tighnari then waved and exclaimed, 'Guys! This is my boyfriend Cyno. Hope you all will be well acquainted with each other! ' smiled. Nilou approached Cyno first and enthusiastically handed him a handshake adding, 'I am very delighted for the two of you, that you are now officially going out!' Cyno then nodded and chuckled. ‘Thank you~’ said Cyno. Candace and you then bestow your blessings on the pair. Finally, there came Dehya, who looked at them with critical eyes. 'Hey, is there something wrong?' Tighnari said, tapping Dehya on the shoulder. Then Dehya looks at them both. 'No, nothing. I'm just happy for the two of you. But. BUT! If you Cyno--' pointing her index finger at his chest, 'I won't forgive you, okay? Don’t hurt my bestie.' Then Cyno chuckled and said, 'Heh, you can trust me lady,' and grinned silly at her.
Your husband was observing you guys from the other side of the café when he noticed a familiar figure. Slowly closing his eyes. Not sure whether he's seeing things correctly, but after repeating it a few times, he seemed astonished (although, actually kind of shocked lol). He then tried to go in your direction, only to be halted by his senior. 'Ugh...' Alhaitham exclaimed in his mind.
'Alhaitham!! I've been looking at you everywhere in the office. Remember how you agreed to have lunch with me today? You also said that someone's cooking delicious food for y----!!' Alhaitham then shoved his hands in his colleague’s mouth to show how annoying Kaveh is to him. He sought to hide somewhere when he noticed your presence approaching him. And silly Kaveh, left there standing, questioning what the hell is going on with his junior.
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Alhaitham returned to your shared house and discovered that the lights were turned off and the room was chilly. Traversing the living room, he noticed a loud thud in your shared bedroom on the second floor. When he arrived, he noticed you weeping and.... you have a cut on your wrist that seems to be quite deep.
He embraced you ever so delicately as if you were about to crumble at any minute, trying to calm you down before asking any questions. Hearing your sobs go down, he then caresses your locks.... very soft locks. Didn't have the time to question what happened seeing you calming down and noticing you about to fall asleep in his embrace, he carefully lifts you up and places you on the bed. Looking at you, his heart breaking as he saw your state, he got up and cleaned and bandaged your wrist wounds.
Morning came, you noticed something on your hands. It was your husband, Haitham. You were taken aback by the sight, carefully releasing his calloused hands, which were securely entwined with yours. You were startled by your husband's unexpected motion and questioned, 'Uhh.... What- what happened?' face turning pale, smiling awkwardly.
'........., well aren't you the one who needs explaining here? My wife?' eyes widened by the sudden call of a familiar address. You gazed at his eyes, dazed, still taking in what he had just spoken. He softly bumped his forehead on yours, while you, bobbing your mouth open and closed. 'Take your time, anytime you are ready, my wife.' Again, your eyes widening, oblivious to a torrent of tears exiting your gorgeous eyes. You wept incessantly and were put back to sleep.
Alhaitham then began informing your coworkers at the library that you will be absent today due to you not feeling well… called Cyno to inform Tighnari and some of your friends.
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You were back at work a few weeks after that event. Your coworkers begin to wonder who the man who contacted them that day was and what your relationship was with him. You ignored their queries and just stated, 'Enough of this chit-chat, remember we're at work, keep it for later,' before continuing to arrange the shelves. Quite embarrassed, you asked the Chief Librarian if it was okay to take your leave early today. The elderly then kindly nodded and waved you goodbye.
Alhaitham is waiting outside the library. He then glanced at Cyno and said, '.... What exactly do you want to know? ' while he was reading his book. Cyno, on the other hand, peered at him for a few minutes before saying something. 'I've been meaning to ask you this question, Alhaitham.... My lover claimed they didn't know you, and his friends wanted to know what your relationship is with her.' declared unequivocally.
'I-- we are married.... that is all I have to say.' Then continue reading where he last left. Cyno was taken aback, his mouth agape slightly, by what he heard from the man who is reputed to be distant, intellectual, dislikes small talk, and is difficult to engage with. '.... Cyno, please stop being so animated, you're not funny.' he said flatly, without glancing at the tanned man. 'I know you're joking. It was a great one, but—-' ,Cyno utter, only to be cut short by an impending disaster that Alhaitham despised oh so much (lmao sorry my bbg).
It was none other than Kaveh, his senior.
'Hey! What are you two talking about leaving me for? 'Kaveh remarked, not entirely aware of the very kind-of-awkward situation happening at the moment. ‘Huh? What?’
You, on the other hand, witnessed the scene. Ears turning flushed pink. 'What? WHAAAT!?? 'You exclaimed in the back of your mind as you walked straight to where your husband was, Haitham.
'My~ hello there Cyno.' you stated, smile feeling forced. '.... Oh. Ahh! Hello.' he nodded and glanced at you and Alhaitham, dazed. Kaveh, taking in what is going on. 'OHH!! Wait, wait, wait, wait!! ' shooting a surprised and uncharacteristic kind of glare at Alhaitham. Kaveh trying to connect the dots as to why you, a very beautiful— no, ethereal lady— would marry this man whose only interests are books and knowledge.
Two men are astonished by what is happening right now. Alhaitham then smoothly held your hands and excused, 'Uhh, apologies but me and my wife have to go now.... Bye.' walking out their way, the two men stilled on that very spot, gaze following you both, mouth twain agape.
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The next day, you were greeted by your friends at the front door.
Flabbergasted by Candace by abruptly holding your shoulders and shaking you, 'Waaaaah our- our baby is married! Since when? AAAAA!!' Dehya in the back restrains her snickers since it's uncharacteristic of Candace. Then you gaze at Nilou, tears welling up in her beautiful blue-ocean eyes.
'Uhmm, I--' stopped by Dehya, 'NO! Let us in first.' then eyeing every corner of the house, finding where your said husband is. '..... My husband isn't here. He's at work right now.' Suddenly Dehya turns around and runs in your direction, exclaiming, 'Whaaat!? You're not lying, are you?' gasped loudly and animatedly. Nilou and Candace both chuckled at her sudden reaction.
You and your friends were seated at the sofa. Calmly explaining what and how it happened, then there's Dehya asking. 'Sooo, did you guys do it?' The other two women were stunned by what Dehya said, and Nilou responded, 'Sorry about that,' she smiled at you and smacked Dehya on the head.
You gave a forced smile and responded, 'Heheh, however we did not. And we don't even have feelings for one other...' you gaze down, a familiar aching in your chest welling up. Nilou notices it and pats your back. 'Actually.... I- I think I have feelings for my husband, however..... I think if I say it to him and announce it, he'll be appalled by the concept.' Tears well up in your lovely eyes. The females listened to you and offered words of sympathy.
When night fell, you were alone, waiting for Alhaitham. Thoughts from a while ago flooded your head, and thinking about them just made you feel upset again. So you went to your shared bedroom, covering your mouth to prevent sobs from escaping your soft lips, duvet covering you.
Alhaitham was drained after working overtime, now on his way home. He sluggishly put his shoes on the rack. Afterwards starts waltzing to find you and notices the bedroom door is slightly ajar. Alhaitham heed the quilt trembling; he then patted it. You, startled, you stopped moving and tried to make your voice not too strained from crying. 'Ohh! Welcome home Haitham. I'm sorry I wasn't able to cook for you, I wasn't feeling well.' Then the next thing that happened is that silence fell upon the room.
'........ Umm, Haitham?' you said still under the quilts. You tried to peek since you weren't receiving any reaction.
Alhaitham, being the person he is, saw an opportunity as you attempted to peek, a small smile escaped his lips. 'What are you doing? Hiding there and all.' looking at you with an unreadable expression. You gasped by the sudden touch at your hands by his. Flailing from his iron grip, but can't unfortunately, you accept defeat.
'I have a question.... and I'd want to say something to you.' Upon hearing that, your thoughts are clouded with pessimism, and you begin to wonder what he is going to say. Him observing your figure under the quilts, shaking. Without any further ado he started, 'I know you didn't want this kind of life, and that…. your parents made you do it..' He sighs, then says faintly, 'but—' suddenly a sob escapes your trembling lips. Surprised by it, you swiftly cover your mouth.
Alhaitham reacted quickly, pulling the quilts down to see you weeping uncontrollably. When he saw you in that state. His heart were shattered into pieces seeing you in that condition.... He hates it, he hates seeing you cry. 
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He daintily wiped your tears away and kissed you on the temples and next your forehead, also cupping your cheeks. You, on the contrary, are at a loss for words, mustering the confidence to speak up, 'Hait—-!!!' a quick sweet kiss pressed against your plump lips.
'Ahh!' You gasped, both lips parted, and the expression on his face was lustrous, though he kept the neutrality in it. The abrupt realization of what is happening causes your cheeks to heat up. 'Ahhn, Haitham! AH!... Wait, no, please!' squirming out of his towering figure.
Hands began to trace your contours, as if in adoration. Alhaitham then pulls your skirt's waistband...... and then your undergarment. A moan left your now swollen lips from the kiss as you felt his cold fingers under your skin. The ashen-haired man grins, the hue of his eyes darkening by the second.
'Hah~ Ah! ahh.... Nghh.. Haitham.' you looking at him eyes half-lidded. The gaze you gave him drove him over the edge. He couldn't wait any longer, so he began to slip his digit into your aching folds. 'AHHH! ' left your quivering lips, body trembling from his penetrating satisfaction. The way you called him in your angelic voice has skewed his judgment.
The unexpected stretch made your honeypot tighten even harder as he inserted another two of his digits. 'Hah~ so good for me.' Alhaitham can't contain his smirk from making you feel good. He then began to pace his digits faster, motioning where you felt the most ecstasy.  Mind becomes hazy, don't know what is right and wrong. 'Hahh, please....' you said ‘I- I want it inside.. AHH!.. nghh mn... of me now.' The thrill has caused your eyes to close.
Alhaitham drew away, as if taking mercy on your predicament, or perhaps his desperation had reached its limit. Tears welled up in your eyes as he positioned his length with your thirsting cunt. He slowly pushes it inside then outside of your sobbing cunt. 'Aghh! S- so tight and... hah~ warm.' You can hear him growl near your ears, feeling the closeness and warmth of each other's bodies.
Shaky hands grasped their lover's toned back. A growl broke from his chest as he dove into your arms, his length thrusting completely into you. 'OH!' you mewled out from the stretch of his length, nails digging at his back and his shoulder blades.
Alhaitham feeling your walls clenched violently at his length, merciless pistons and teases your cunt with slow and deep thrusts. Nothing interrupted the pistoning of his hips as he fucked you through your orgasm. Slapping of skins and the thick musky scent of your both filthy actions filling the room.
Feeling the knot in your stomach starting to form, you attempted to move your hips only to be halted by Alhaitham's unrelenting grasp on your thighs and hips. When he became aware of your foreboding knot, he drew his length out at your sobbing folds. Holding your thighs up, positioning unto his shoulders, he started to lick the honeypot that was presented to him.
‘Ah-hh ahh~’ Alhaitham kept slurping all those liquids out. You whined loudly at him, vocalizing your exhaustion, as you felt his warm breath on your folds and his tongue tease ruthlessly.
‘.... no.’ Left his mouth. 'Huh?' You exclaimed, your consciousness beginning to waver. '....... I'm not done yet.' hazy scarlet eyes, now noticeable.
His pace was suddenly much faster, harder, and deeper. You clung on to dear life by strengthening your grip on his shoulder blades and your thighs on his enticing hips. He bit at your delicate neck, feeling his locks in your neck, as he neared your release and his. Squelching noises and moans filled the entire room once more. Eyes now rolling back from the overwhelming pleasure, back arching, mind went blank, limbs were limp, and nerves fried.
Alhaitham panting steadily at your shoulders, length still buried inside. You felt him stir, straining against the bed to unpin you from his frame, after a few more coarse pants and feverish breaths. ‘Hnn~ ahh-h… Hahh~’ you utter.
Pulling out his length, you could feel a thick string of mixed slick connecting through his tip and to your hole.
Your consciousness started to drift for real amidst the exhaustion you two had experienced a while ago. Alhaitham then shifted gently your sleeping form to the side, covered you with quilts, and walked out of the room.
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As you awoke, you felt a sharp ache in your chest. When you tried to move your numb body, tears began to stream from your eyes, and then it turned into loud choked sobs.
Alhaitham was sipping coffee in the living room when he heard you weeping. He dashed into your shared bedroom and held you with great care, assisting you to sit up at the edge of the bed. He holds your hands softly and gently strokes the back of your palms, you still crying.
He inquired as to whether you were in pain or experiencing breathing difficulties, only for you to look away from his concerned gaze. Alhaitham felt that pang in his chest again, and after overcoming his guilt, he asked you again what you wanted.... him suddenly remembering, that you like your personal space. You didn't even spare a glance at him, just straight up responded, 'I- I.....' you then started to cry uncontrollably again.
His warmth in your hands disappeared, and his blurry figure walked out of the room. It makes you feel hopeless, but then he returns a minute later. You asked about seeing the shining thing on his palm, '.....what- What is that?' with a lethargic tone of speaking.
Alhaitham then queried with a breathy sigh; despite the fact that you can't see his face well due to your tears, you can tell he's nervous. '.... This.... is a wedding ring.' Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. He grinned now that he had your attention, you looking at him. 'I want to be your husband, not just legally, but also until we grow old and witness our child have a blissful life.'
'........ Wahh!? 'Not knowing what to say in response, you tried to move and hug (??) him, only to stumble. Yet in a breath of the wind, he caught your numb naked body. You then began to cry again at his embrace, nodding enthusiastically. 'Yes, yes! I- I'll marry you and make you my lawfully married husband and life partner… I do!!' You exclaimed, tears streaming down your cheeks, the man earning a smile from you ear to ear.
Truth be told, the sight was very silly because your clothings were all over the floor and your mattress was a mess. Yet, love triumphs when two individuals declare their adoration for one other.
©️henkoukazue DON’T PLAGIARIZE, MODIFY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE ANY OF MY WORKS. exclusively only to read on Tumblr. thank you.
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s/n: huaaah~!! now that it's finished i can now rest heheh :'D also hope you all enjoyed my fic,, and sorry again for the errors & everything. bahh! this was really hard to do (although it just took me 2 days😑lol), my brain was really jagged making this heuhusehu.. well that's all for now and the drabble for this will be updated who knows when (very soon) >v^)//✨✨
QUICK NOTE...!! QUICK NOTE! QUICK NOTE!!! yep this fic (some parts) were rushed, i'm very very sorry abt that fr and judgements or criticism even are accepted, feel free ;-) i take it as advice to further improve my writing skills, vocab and such tysmm!!
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
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So ya know how paimon has been kinda sus in sumeru right? Down right bashing their culture 🤨
I NEED blunt readers reaction of that
Like,, we love her and all but sometimes she just need to be put back in her place ',:/
In the case that she is not familiar with the our "ancient"/blunt language, she would be just DUMBSTRUCK !
Anywayysss just a thought.
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My genuine reaction when getting into Sumeru at first:
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Like im so happy u sent this bc this gives me an excuse to write all my rants and comebacks for every Offensive Racist Paimon Line!
also omg, i couldnt find ANY of her rough lines abt pronoucing Sumeru names or something, like no google searches showed ANYTHING- wtf- paimon trying not to get cancelled out here in??
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: Language Shenanigans
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, tiny scenario
Stars: Paimon, slight mentions of traveler (aether or lumine), Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: cussing, slight racism/culturally insults, Paimon-bashing & Trigger Warnings: slight racism/cultural insults
Bascially if you don’t know, Paimon’s had a lot of weirdly slightly out of character/insulting lines about the names of Sumeru characters/Aranara/and has insulted Sumeru food too. 💀 And she’s never said any of that about any other country that we’ve been to before, like it’s especially weird PAIMON of all people insulting FOOD.
It’s givingggg… racism. Or at least culturally offensive.
So anyway, these are all from memory or vague impressions of what she’s said, as I can’t find the exact voicelines!
“Ararana- what?! Goodness gracious, must all these names be so great in length and difficult to pronounce!”
“Your name is probably pretty shit for them to say too, Paimon, don’t worry.”
Literally can feel the jaw drops of the Aranara that was trying to introduce themselves, and Paimon herself as she sputters,
the blonde traveler has like, completely turned around to, y’know, cough (laugh their ass off)
Oh you never let that shit slide, much to the amusement (and honestly a little respect) from all of Sumeru residents
When Paimon struggles to pronounce names, you just immediately start sounding it out reallllyyy slowly, to the point of like- taking a couple of seconds for each syllable lmao
“Don’t worry Paimon, I’ll help you out since you’re brain is too little to understand words. Alllll- TTTTTTeeeeee- nnnnaaaahhhhh- rrrrrriiiiii-” (Al-Tighnari)
Tighnari was seconds away from launching a nuclear war of a comeback before you just did this again, and he just crossed his arms and smiled happily and waited on you too lmao
it drives Paimon up the wall (up in the air?) bc u refuse to be interrupted by her or stop sounding it out until she stops talking lol
(which took about 3-4 shitty comments from her, which almost ruined peoples’ first impression of you guys, before she stopped completely thank fuck)
She’d also been a little shit about the food??!!? Paimon??!!! Of all people??!?!?!?!
Which is honestly insane to you, and you genuinely thought something was wrong with her for a minute when she looked a little disgusted at the Pita Pockets
You guys had been eating with a couple of allogenes, Alhaitham, Kaveh, (who took some time off to hang out) Tighnari (who was visiting for the day), and Cyno, (who’d also made some time off to hang out with you)
Tighnari just continues to eat his food, and barely twitches an ear at Paimon’s comments, he already knows what’s coming lol
Kaveh starts to get a little red in the face, and Alhaitham and Cyno don’t change expression at all, simply watching
Right as Kaveh begins to say, “Listen here-!!!”
You just interrupt quickly, snatching Paimon’s plate from in front of her and dumping it on yours,
“Paimon if you ever make another disrespectful little comment about the food or anyone’s names or any other shit about Sumeru, I will clap you so fucking hard out the sky you’ll be crawling through Sumeru City trying to keep up with us. Shut up.”
And just drop the empty plate back in front of her, and continue to eat, best not to give her too much attention actually, in case thats all she wants
The traveler was just like 😭😭
doing that thing where you LOUDLY sip the last of your drink in the silence LMAO
Alhaitham just like, turns away to laugh into his fist, Kaveh’s still in literal shock, mouth open and everything 😭 that was the fastest comeback he’s ever heard, yknow obviously, so he’s like- still processing-
Cyno just smiles a little and his eyes are nearly sparkling as he watches you lol
It’s a unanimous thought that nearly every allogene who hears your speech, especially the Sumeru ones who’ve heard you sass Paimon already,
want to watch you just destroy someone verbally so they can hear more of how you’d say it/how clean a cut simple speech can be, just downright violating the opponents lmao
(and never wanting it turned on them)
Sorry this was short!
it was such sweet revenge on Paimon to write this, and have actual consequences rather than just 😭 having to STEWWWW in anger while she made all these comments while playing 😭😭
tbh i was worried it was giving “white savior” energy so i hope it doesn’t-
lmk if that did happen! :/
and thank u guys for being so patient with ur asks and patient with me answering them!
Safe Travels 0rah,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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jinkicake · 2 years
Also yeah we need that old Tighnari draft 😏
A/N: hmmm... i contemplated for a while about actually posting this or not but I suppose i will... for you! i wrote it and it's not like im going to finish it ever soooo here!!! heheh i wrote this back in like august(july??) when he was getting info revealed abt him and all we knew was that he had cute fuzzy ears LOL i barely edited this so.... please bear w me #freeballingit
OH! also, I plan to post the childe and heizou smut you asked for tmr!!!! (and the other smut that I have)
light tighnari smut draft where you unintentionally rile him up :-)
Tighnari x reader
SMUTT /// NSFW (reader w a pussy)
WC - 1.1k
“I was just kidding, it was a joke!”
“Well, stop running then!”
Against your better judgment, you ignore the warnings from your boyfriend. The wind flows through the strands of your hair, nipping at your cheeks as you continue to run away from the forest watcher. Lush green grass smushes with every heavy step that you take, pushing yourself forward and further and further away from him. 
Note to self, don’t provoke Tighnari. 
“(Y/N),” He calls out from behind you, a low growl reaching deep within his throat. The sound alone vibrates throughout your skull and you nearly stop in fear altogether. You know the warning tone that he is using, one that he uses before he pounces on any unlucky individual who has to face his wrath. 
You glance over at him and screech as his hand roughly grabs onto your shoulder, pulling you into his chest. The impact of your two bodies colliding sends you flying to the ground and luckily, your boyfriend tightly wraps his arms around your waist to brace the fall. 
The lush green grass now feels soft under your touch and the blue sky above you almost seems peaceful. That is until black and green tamper with your view. 
Tighnari frowns down at you, his nose scrunching a bit as his fists clench the grass on either side of your head. There is a lecture waiting to spill from his lips and passion deep in his heart, ugh, you know you’re going to be stuck here for a while. 
“Don’t run away from me.” His pout deepens, eyebrows bunched together as if deep in thought. Right now, it is a little difficult to read him. There is a light blush dusting over his cheeks and the tip of his nose, his pupils are blown out and his lips are slightly parted. 
You can’t figure it out yet, why he seems so embarrassed, but he knows what it is. 
Tighnari loves the chase. The feeling rivals some primal urge that rests deep within his chest, that takes over and spikes up well into the forefront of his brain, it screams at him to catch you and use you until you’re no longer conscious. 
Even with his master of control, not even Tighnari can fight the primal urge to hold his lovely angel down and fuck her. 
“Running away will have consequences.” He tries to keep his voice light and airy, but the usual hint of sass is missing. You can tell he’s having a hard time maintaining a steady choice of words as his breathing becomes heavier. 
“Are you okay?” You ask, reaching your hand up to cup his cheek. Tighnari pins your wrist to the ground quicker, before you even get the chance to touch him. He grits his teeth. 
“No.” He solemnly confesses, might as well get it off of his chest. Quietly, the scholar sighs. “When you run away it-,” He pauses and looks away from you, glancing up at the sky as he thinks about his next words. “it riles me up.” 
“Riles you up?” You mimic and find it difficult to understand what he’s talking about. “Gets you excited?” Tighnari recognizes the teasing smile resting on your lips, this causes that primal urge to expand and bloom from the pit of his stomach to the tips of his fingers. 
“It makes me want to hold you down and fuck you.” He snarls, narrowing his eyes slightly to ensure that any fight in you dissolves quickly. Tighnari groans in the back of his mind and feels mildly embarrassed by his actions, he’s at least still conscious enough to acknowledge his primal urges are a joke. 
But, he still desperately needs to mount you like an animal. Fuck you until your thighs are shaking and tinted with his cum, until your belly is full from him and him alone. 
You recognize that look in his eyes. 
“Tighnari,” Slowly, you call out his name. You drag each syllable between your pretty lips, making him shiver and squeeze his eyes shut. 
His hips drop between your own and you finally feel just how riled up he’s gotten. The touch of his center makes you gasp as you suck in a deep breath of air, his swollen cock pressing against your clothed cunt. The light contact causes him to hiss and dive for your neck. His lips are already attached to your sensitive skin while his nose pushes your head to slightly tilt back. 
You lift your chin into the air and allow him to mark the smooth area. 
He moves your wrist above your head, holding both of them there with one of his large hands. The other falls down to your thighs and not so innocently pushes your leg up, bending it so that he fits more snuggly between your hips. The light stroke of his hand against your inner thigh only causes you to grow wetter against the ministrations of his soft lips. 
Over and over, he kisses your skin and inhales deeply. Tighnari licks a path to the junction of your throat, hovering over the pulse point before biting down and puncturing the skin with his sharp teeth. 
You let out a mild whine at that and shift your hips a bit, squirming to get into a more comfortable position. That little fight causes Tighnari to press against you tighter. Your shapes will be pressed into the ground and molded by the damp earth by the time you’re done with this. 
“No moving,” He orders within a breath, sucking in air for a split second before swallowing the taste of your skin. He carefully licks up the bead of sweat that rolls down your throat and stiffens a bit when he gets it on his tongue. 
Tighnari knows that once he starts, he will not be able to stop. 
He knows better than to fight his instincts. 
For a brief moment, his hips rock against your own. The motion is slow and gentle, almost as if he is getting a taste of the pleasure. Then it ends and Tighnari is nearly shaking above you, holding himself up with his bare strength until his hips ram into yours again. Only this time, it’s harder and quicker. 
Growls leave his throat as he dry humps you relentlessly and had it not been for his tight grip on you, you’re sure you would have been pushing up the grass he has you pinned against. 
His moans are quiet, little noises of pleasure that are being voiced whether he wants them to or not. You gasp at the realization of how badly Tighnari wants you. 
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noellefan101 · 11 months
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Bakery Love
Genshin impact, modern baker au, reader´s family owns(and works at) a bakery + reader works there, gn!reader
characters: Tighnari, Albedo, Kazuha, Cyno, Nilou, Xiao x gn!reader
Warnings: kissing, baking(duh), romantic relationship (+ planoinic in some but not with the main), kissing, , tell me if i missed anything
Note: I'm sorry if there´s any mistakes, english is not my first language and this is not prof-read yeah enjoy ;) and it feels so weird to write for Nilou when the rest is men, i didn´t think abt that. luv you all, mwah ;)
i feel like he would be there to get a birthday cake for Collei, (im sorry it just sounds too cute) and you were at the front desk in your apron talking to a customer, when he walked in and ordered. you looked at him, asked what he would like and wrote a note down so you could remember - he ordered a "healthy" cake with green frosting on one side and red on the other with Cuilein anbars on the green side and baron bunnies on the red side. and then he also leaves his number woth the order bc he thinks your cute so you start to become friends. anyway, thats how you met onto when you start dating
you would come over to his house after your shift, or when you both have time, and bring him some baked goods for him and Collei/i feel like they would live together in a modern au, like Tighnari would still be her caretaker, just like in the game/. you and Tighnari would definitely bake together, and you would teach him how to bake certain pastries and stuff, and Collei/+Cyno maybe/could join if they wanted to (it would be so cute wtf). i also think he would be like a florist or smt, like he owns a flower shop, so he would bring you flowers or just plants in general. so the bakery would have a lot of plants that he´s given you. and your family (lovingly) hates him because where tf are they gonna put all these fricking flowers and stuff he gets you every week. tho their happy for you and they also got free decor for the bakery so they don´t really complain.
to him you´re like a rose, beautiful, even if sometimes you sting, he adores you just as much
he was just there to study at first, maybe get some coffee and a piece of cake, when he saw you behind the counter he kinda.. uhm.. fell in love at first sight, yeah... anyway now/because of your beauty/he is there studying more often or when you´re there to be exact. your sibling or parent called it out but you denied it and didn´t think much of it. and then he finally asked for your number
when you finally start dating, he would still study at your bakery but it´ll be a little more often. and not only on your shifts but on other family members too, mainly bc he wants to get to know them better. he also brings his little sister, Klee, with him more often so she can meet you and your family + see the bakery. he also would make some artificial things for you, like flowers and stuff, you could either put in your room or around the bakery. yk the flower he makes in his idol or whatever its called, so like one of those or just anything you want really. he could also paint there, but he´ll just start painting you and he doesn´t want other people to think he´s stalking you.
to him you´re like a painting, pretty in many ways, and perfect in his eyes
he would visit the bakery once in a while, finding it relaxing to be there and finding great inspiration for his poems and stories. and something he has noticed is the beautiful person that is sometimes behind the corner/you hehe/and starts to slowly become his muse. he couldn´t help it its like keeping a secret from someone, but sharing it with the world at the same time. he finds himself going to the same place over and over again, only wanting to see your face one more time. (wtf happened to me) while he was unknowingly falling in love with this new muse, you were falling for him. (ok i need to fricking stop, omg)
when you two finally started dating, he still kept you as his muse, but this time you were both aware and laughed a little together because of it. anyway he would be there even more to just sit and write about something, then later in the day/or week if you both were busy/he would read them out to you. and at some point you would start giving him notebooks every few months just so he could write his poetry on something other than the tissues from the bakery(omg that would be so cute and hilarious at the same time). in return he would gift you your favorite flowers and try and learn to bake, even tho its not perfect he tries and you love it. sometimes you´ll bake something with him and teach him properly how to do something/or do it the way your family does it/and then after you eat it together.
to him you're a miracle, your his love, his life, and his muse, he doesn´t know what to do without you now
he´s a policeman (the hot kind) and there was an incident with your neighbor bc their store got robbed/in my mind it's a jewelry store but let your mind go wherever/so you got a few questions since you were on your shift at the time they came in. but you then after went into the back/your home to get your parents. and then after he started showing up more both because of the situation but also because he generally liked your pastries and cakes. even after the case ended he still came over on a lot of all of his breaks, maybe it was sometimes to see you but you ofc didn´t need to know that ;)
so when you guys started dating, he would ofc still come over but also look out for you, your family, and the bakery. also in his free time/even tho its not often/he would "help" you with baking. aka your teaching him how to bake bc he can´t for the life of him, but he brags to his friends abt it "cough". anyway, he would love to try some new recipes you find online or in your family cookbook, and help as much as he can. if you made him some pastries for him to take with him to work, he would fall even more `head over heels` in love with you, seriously do it. he would definitely stop anybody that tries to steal anything from the bakery, and get them arrested immediately.
to him your love is like a drug, addicting, but even if he knows it he will still love you for eternity
yk the cake she eats in game, that would definitely be the reason you two met. like it would be in the bakery´s window or smt and she would order that with a smile, while you where on your shift ofc. and she would get all exited and stuff. + she thinks the way you and your family make it is much better, so she´s basically a reguler bc she orders at your bakery so often. and then she starts to fall in love with one of the bakers there (you), and so she tries to find out when your shift is and stuff. (my brain couldn´t stop sry, that was a lot)
anyways, when you start dating she would definitely want to try and learn the recipe and bake it with you, but ofc she needs practice so she´ll eat your portion at the start, but you can´t complain you´ve literally done this your whole life ofc you´re better. she´d also want to meet your family early on bc you told her about some baking days when you test new recipes and stuff, so she´d be the taste tester and give tips if she could. aand you would give her discounts for some kisses. she would also dance in the bakery, with you and your family´s content ofc, so she could attract customers with her beautiful dancing.
to her you´re like cake, has many flavors, not all perfect but to her you are too perfect to enjoy only once
i see him getting dragged there by some friends/yk aether, venti, kazuha, heizou and then scara is getting dragged there too. so basically 6rezze(sry if thats wrong) or 5wirl, but they aren´t famous/and they drag him to your bakery. bc they wanted to try the cakes and stuff. and your the one behind the counter(idk if thats a good thing or not, but ig it was?). and so you had to deal with some boys yelling at each other while one of them was completely silent/xiao/he just ordered and explained what the rest/but not for heizou, kazuha cuz i feel like they would already have ordered/you just got the pastries and cakes they ordered, and they then sat down seeming to calm down.
after you started dating he wouldn´t come to the bakery often, but he´ll definitely come over like once a week/before was like once or twice a month/and he won´t order much but is just there to support you. otherwise, if he comes to the bakery he´ll just go straight to the back to see you/they know who he is ofc, but for first-time workers that might be weird/and he would be a little sad if you were too busy to give him attention. if you give him some non-sweet cake or pastries he´ll love you even more(i swear thats impossible). he´ll also feed you, and let you feed him in return. if you want him to learn how to bake he´ll do it, but only if you teach him ofc. so there you are in your kitchen with xiao, trying to teach him to bake the non-sweet cake he likes.
you´re like the cakes you make, sweet, although he doesn´t normally like sweet things, he loves you more than anything else
Author: the sweet things at the end of each one, omg how tf did i come with those aaaaahhhh i´m freaking out right now. also if you want me to do more of these pls tell me + the characters you want in it.
thank you for reading, luv ya-Masterlist
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