#this would make the coolest print
supercantaloupe · 1 year
looking back at some of the art i did in high school. i am still so proud of what i made back then some of it was genuinely really good. i'm also a leetle bit pissed thinking abt the fact that i have yet to actually successfully monetize a single one of my creative endeavors
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miaclemeverett · 2 years
Summary of Dream's livestream with Techno's father if people can't or are unable watch:
Most importantly, please support Techno's family and the Sarcoma Foundation by buying merch here: (You can also donate directly to the Sarcoma Foundation here)
Dream is streaming with Techno's father & staying with the family
Techno's father met Skeppy, for the Sarcoma Foundation Gala he asked for Skeppy's favorite video with Techno and Skeppy said it was the "skeppy tries to troll me but i troll him first" video
Techno's father has been intentionally pulling up memories and stories of Techno's whole life which was "a speedrun" and full of joy and happiness, rather than just focusing on the last week
When Techno and his younger sister were diaper age, she fell down the final 2 steps of the staircase (completely fine) and while their father was trying to explain to their mother what happened, Techno walked in and said "baby fall down CRASH"
The first message that Dream sent to Techno was trying to Trojan horse his way into Minecraft Monday by playing with Techno. Techno's reply was "maybe next time" and Techno kicked his ass in Dream's first MCM. Sapnap thought Techno was overhyped but then Sapnap watched the next Techno MCM and changed his mind
Techno's father didn't really watch or understand Minecraft, he watched Techno 1v1 tons of people without losing any hearts and asked him "Do the other players even know you're there?"
Techno vs. Dream $100k duel: Techno's father never saw him stress about anything in his career except for the duel. Techno's father was competitive on Techno's behalf like "who is this green smiling man gaining subscribers faster than my boy?!" Techno texted his dad as soon as he knew it was at least a tie and he couldn't lose.
Dream saw Techno release "death merch" and thought that was the coolest, most Technoblade thing he had ever seen
Techno's entire family loved the "no one took the news harder than my health provider. they're the real victim" joke
Dream did an elbow reveal in honor of Techno
Techno's father made a joke to Dream about getting ready to do his (Techno's father's) own face reveal
Techno's father made this joke: "This video today is sponsored by cancer, without which this video would not have happened" and Dream called him an idiot
Techno's father thinks Techno would have done a proper face reveal. There were a couple of months where doctors were saying the next step would be to amputate his entire arm and shoulder. Techno joked that it was going to be the most epic elbow reveal ever and that they'd "traumatize millions." Techno's father was as positive as he could be without being fake and he got Techno a present ahead of the surgery (which never ended up happening), a 1st edition printing of Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms."
Dream and Techno teaming in MCC: This is when they really started becoming friends, before that they had been more rivals/frenemies. Techno also never said or joked about giving Dream his first MCC win.
Techno was whitelisted for way longer before he actually joined the server, back when it was just a few people (Tommy might have asked him to whitelist Techno).
Techno had a Minecraft account called "Whitelisted" when he didn't want to be recognized, just to make the joke "You can't do this if you're not whitelisted"
Techno's dad has GOTTA tell dad jokes
When Techno was young, he would always talk to his dad about being a gaming Youtuber and Techno's father would tell him "no one would want to watch someone else play a video game" lmao
When Techno was young and he'd be building for hours in Roblox and they'd have a power failure, Techno would complain to his dad about all of his work being wasted and Techno's dad would say "all of that PLAY wasted"
Techno talked to his dad about what circumstances would lead to him face revealing, he would have wanted it to be funny and memorable but he never had a clear plan for it
Techno had a front bedroom with a TERRIBLE desk. Techno's dad told Techno to come to the studio to pick out any chair he wanted, Techno went into his dad's office and picked his dad's chair LMAO. Techno's dad offered for him to work on a soundstage because their house had horrible acoustics but Techno said "eh." At 2am when the family was trying to sleep they'd hear him screaming and yelling, it was so annoying when it happened but so painful when it stopped
Techno's dad would text him a meme and Techno would call him a loser, he'd ask him to watch Hunter x Hunter together. Techno couldn't eat without watching TV at the same time
Techno's dad sometimes sees posts on Reddit and his instinct is to send them to Techno. Techno's dad has come close to making a reddit account, he said hello and thanks to Techno's subreddit and he reads their posts a lot when he can take it.
Techno's dad knew Techno had a big audience, but he didn't and still kind of doesn't understand how he meant a lot to people in ways that have nothing to do with PvP or funny jokes. He's proud of Techno and grateful to everyone. The executive director of the Sarcoma Foundation told Techno's family they haven't seen anything like this before with regards to fundraising, she told them that a little kid ran a lemonade stand and raised $150 for the Sarcoma Foundation in honor of Techno.
Techno's dad: "If we do the call-to-action (to donate to Sarcoma Foundation) 10 times, I should get 6 of them" (referencing Techno beating Dream in the duel 6-5). Dream: "I see where he got his humor from"
There has been a refresh today of the merch store so GO BUY THE MERCH!!!! Techno didn't like when there were delays in people receiving merch, so you can only order when it's in stock so GO BUY NOW
Dream will be signing some unreleased merch concepts to include as an extra in some orders
Techno's father thanked Dream and he appreciates everything Dream did for them, he also loves Skeppy
Dream wants to get everyone together and do a massive fundraiser
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missmists · 1 month
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First bookbinding project a success. I think that my cat approves because he would not stay out of my photos. Five months in the making, but I couldn't be more pleased with the results.
I started with @armoredsuperheavy's amazing fanbinding tutorial to create a typeset of each work in @erisenyo's Burning Bright AU published on Ao3. Then had to reread the works in the new format and edit as I went to make sure everything was formatted correctly, (combined word count somewhere around 1.3 million) that took over a month all by itself.
I picked up a copy of Introduction to Bookbinding & Custom Cases by Tom and Cindy Hollander from my local library, to look at some detailed how to images and get multiple perspectives on construction methods. Excellent book, I do recommend.
My hunt for materials included a trip to Detroit with a side stop at Blick to look at decorative papers in person. Blick and the fine people at Hollander’s ended up having everything I needed to make covers. So between my brother kindly 3d printing me a punch cradle, making a DIY sewing frame of my own invention (courtesy of scrap lumber and a trip to the Lowe's hardware department), and three reams of late night printing, I managed to amass all my supplies.
Folding three reams of paper into signatures (the little bundles you sew together) takes about five days if you don't want to lose your mind or your place, and longer if you discover you need to fix things because that definitely happened. Then you get to unfold them to stab holes in them which is as terrifying at first and therapeutic by the end as it sounds.
Next came weeks of sewing books together, a magical process. I learned three new knots, repeatedly stabbed myself (because all forms of creation forcibly demand blood sacrifice) , and felt like I was roleplaying a monastic librarian from the time of Gutenburg. That's 600 years ago, 24ish generations, over 8million ancestors since then (by geometric progression, which excludes the possibility that any of my peasant ancestry is from small towns which is you know likely but I digress) and here I sat sewing pages together in a basement because story is the most sacred of human arts as it binds communities together and shapes perceptions of the self and our brethren, of outsiders allies and enemies, of the world as we know it and as it may come to be. Did I mention sewing books felt magical.
Then came the glue. So much glue. Multiple types of glue. All sticky. all stuck to me. I smeared glue with my fingers like a child.
At last it was time for the covers. Choosing combinations of the decorative papers and bookcloth and making sure I could get enough out of each material for what I needed. Precise cutting so many thanks to the architecture school professors who showed me how to properly cut chipboard. Then measuring and gluing, and more measuring, and more gluing. At last press a little groove by the spine and repeat eleven times.
Then I get to impress all my people with my latest and possibly coolest maker skill unlock, I am a book binder.
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Bottom to top in the stack or left to right at the bottom are: These Things Written  These Things Unsaid with Without Consent These Things Known with A Third Chance (or a First) Oh, The Way Your Makeup Stains My Pillowcase That Love You've Been Looking For  All I Need Is To Be Struck (By Your Electric Love) To Open Every Door to Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun (my favorite) Love Is In the Hair (fanart of this one originally lead me to read the series, thanks @ash-and-starlight) Lessons in Proper Asset Management Tangled Up With You  To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved)
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carionto · 6 months
Accurate Reenactments Based On Facts
Most cultures across the Galaxy do their utmost to preserve and remember their history, both the great achievements, and the terrible mistakes. Humans go a few dozen steps further.
They introduced us to a concept called "Historical reenactments" - accurate recreations of the situations and conditions of ancient events, usually battles, played out with prop equipment by real people. They also said they sometimes do these just for fun and don't care about being 100% accurate.
This particular reenactment was of a battle called Thermopylae. Using numerous historical records, they recreated the location, printed slightly lighter versions of the armor (well, helmets only for some) they wore, and dull weapons with embedded stun shockers that would create a kinetic "bump" upon contact to prevent actual injury by pushing the person back instead.
Once everyone was geared up the atmosphere changed, both visually as the holographic projectors did their thing, and from the Humans themselves - their demeanor became that of... wilderness. Ferocity. Deadly focus. It was quite fear inducing even from afar.
Then the defenders in red, the "Spartans", created a sort of spiky dome with their shields and spears. Then the attackers in blue, the "Persians" unleashed a terrifying volley of arrows, the sky hologram went darker, then a bright beam of light shone upon the defenders as they swept off arrows stuck to their shields in dramatic fashion before proceeding to charge towards their assaulting foes.
We noticed the "Spartans" were all much larger than the "Persians", and actually were equipped with subtle and very modern exoskeletons. Perplexed by this we asked if these Spartans had a very particular technological advantage for their time:
"Well, not as far as we can tell, but based on the materials we have, Spartans were, like, really buff and super strong compared to the average person of the time. Plus, according to the feats of strength they supposedly displayed, we suspect they became an extinct branch of Humanity at some point, so the exoskeletons are there to mimic what we think they were like. Anyway, look, this is the coolest part."
As they spoke, the artificial gravity was lowered slightly and there was a spike in the power output from the exoskeleton equipped Spartans. Now they were flinging the approaching Persians dozens of feet into the air, a single bare-chested man kicked three of them at once backwards at a whole group, knocking the wind out of them.
This sort of extreme violence continued for several minutes.
Suddenly, an incredibly large Persian man on a throne was carried to what was effectively the center stage. Him and a heavily bearded Spartan exchanged a dramatic dialogue, the Spartan threw his spear at the Persian, who dodged it with a single turn of his head, then proceeded to summon a massive horde of small Persians who quickly began to overrun the Spartans.
There were bodies and shields and spears and pieces of armor flying everywhere, but gradually all the red became engulfed by the blue, and only one remaining Spartan managed to wriggle his way out of the carnage and make a run for it back to their city in the distance.
Seemingly satisfied after plucking out the bearded Spartan from the pile, the giant Persian roared in triumph and this is when the reenactment ended and everyone gathered for a feast.
So this is how ancient Human Battles went, huh.
"Well, not all of them. Usually it's between more equal forces in large open fields, or prolonged sieges, which can be a bit boring to recreate.
You should come back next month, we'll be doing an old naval battle between the British Empire and Independent Pirates Lords. It ends with a really sweet whirlpool showdown. Man, what are the odds of that happening, eh?"
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The one thing that everyone seems to know about Eddie Munson is that when he's not out touring the world with his band, Corroded Coffin, he makes a point to be as invisible as possible in order to spend time at home with his family. Eddie, along with his wife Chrissy of seven years and their two young children, graciously invited Vogue into their Hollywood Hills home that's about as secluded as you can get while still having that coveted Los Angeles zip code.
Vogue: I have to admit, given what I've seen of Corroded Coffin on stage, I think I expected your home to reflect a bit more of that personality.
Eddie Munson: [laughs] You can thank Chrissy for that. She's the brains behind this whole operation, I just do what she tells me.
So there's no hidden dungeon in the basement?
Hate to burst your bubble, but nope. I've been trying to get a sacrificial altar for the backyard, but I haven't found one I liked yet.
[laughs] I'm kidding. But I had you going, right?
You really did. But that's what you've always done, right? Leaned into the mania of Satanic Panic and made it work for you?
Yeah, I guess so. I mean, people are gonna believe whatever they wanna believe anyway so I might as well give 'em what they want, right? Plus, [laughs] it's a hell of a lot of fun.
What's it like having that devil-worshipper stage persona with two young kids at home? Do either of your kids know what their dad does for a living?
Oh, yeah. They [redacted] love it. Wait, can I say [redacted]?
We can't print it, but you can say it.
[Redacted] yeah. Our little one doesn't really get the whole stage thing yet, but she sure looks cute in those big-ass headphones.
And your other daughter?
Oh, if she could be on stage with me every night, she would be. On our last tour, we had this gimmick where Gareth rigged a bunch of blood packs to his drums to explode during the encore and she thought it was the coolest [redacted] thing in the world. He even offered to let her do it when we were in rehearsals!
And did she?
From the look on your face, I'm guessing she did.
[laughs] Don't tell Chrissy.
Scout's honor. Until this article comes out, anyway.
[Redacted]. Is it too late to say off the record?
Way too late.
[Redacted]. Oh well. Worth it. She had the biggest [redacted] grin on her face when she was covered in fake blood, it was priceless.
Seems like you might be raising a mini version of yourself. Would you support your kids following in your footsteps and joining the music industry?
[Editor's note: At this point in the interview, the eldest Munson child came running out of the back door and pounced on her father, who took it in stride and continued answering questions as though he didn't have a six-year-old hanging over his shoulder.]
I mean, if that's what they wanna do, then hell yeah.
[gasps] Daddy said a bad word!
Daddy did not, Daddy said hell.
Mommy said hell's a bad word.
Mommy also said you were supposed to stay inside, didn't she?
Pip was crying. She misses you.
Do you need a moment?
[laughs] Believe me, if I took a moment for every time I wanted to be with my kids, I'd never get anything done.
Because you love us so much?
How much?
To the moon and back.
That's a lot!
Sure is, kiddo. Now shush and let the nice lady ask her questions.
Ooh, ask me! Ask me! I got lots of stories.
If you don't mind?
It's your funeral. [laughs] She'll talk your ear off if you let her.
What do you think about your dad being a rockstar?
[shrugs] It's okay.
Wow, thanks for the endorsement, kid. You heard it here first: being a rockstar is just okay.
Would you rather he had another job?
[shrugs] What other job?
I dunno. Playing music's the only thing I've ever been good at.
Nuh-uh! Daddy's good at lots of things.
Like what?
Telling stories. Playing with me. One time, he built me a big castle out of pillows and chairs and blankets and we played in it all day 'til Mommy said it was time for dinner. And then we all went to bed in it. Like camping!
Camping? When did you go camping?
Mommy let us sleep outside and said it was like camping. It was when you were gone. I don't like when you're gone. It makes Mommy sad. And then I'm sad. And Pip's sad. You're not going away again, are you?
No, baby. I'm staying right here with you.
Good. [to Vogue] Do you wanna see what Daddy brought home for me last time he went away?
I'd love to.
[Editor's note: just as quickly as she came, Munson's daughter ran off to go fetch the present from inside the house.]
Do you need a minute?
Nah. It just… [sighs] never gets easier, you know? Hearing how much they miss me when I'm gone. I miss them all the [redacted] time.
I'm not surprised. Just from the last five minutes, I can see how much she adores you and I can't imagine what it's like to leave that behind, even when it's to go on a worldwide tour.
It's tough. I love my job, don't get me wrong. It's what's given us this house, all the [redacted] that the girls need, anything they could ever want, but… [shrugs] I dunno. Sometimes giving it all up doesn't sound half as hard as leaving them is. Maybe that's just me being ungrateful.
I don't think so. I think it means you're human. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, you know? Torn between two worlds.
[laughs] Now there's an idea for an album. The dichotomy of being a rockstar and a father.
I'd listen to it.
Hell, so would I.
(might continue this with a lil follow-up fic of chrissy and eddie reading the interview before it goes to print... thoughts? 👀)
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tossawary · 2 months
I think SVSSS as a 2D cartoon would be the best moving medium for it imo.
I mean, personally, yeah, that's how I'd enjoy seeing it as well! My ideal slightly pretentiously artsy SVSSS screen adaptation would probably look only a little more detailed than linograph prints (2D or shaded 3D?) (someone hit me up in like two weeks to draw an example of what I mean, if I don't remember on my own, I don't have access to art stuff right now), very stylized and vibrantly colorful, because that's one of the art styles that I particularly enjoy.
I'm not a personally a fan of the 3D SVSSS show because I find the characters a little too doll-like and same-facey for my tastes? It's fine! It works! It's serviceable! It's just all, backgrounds included, a little... safe? I tend to like over-the-top bright colors and intricate details and impractically weird shapes and yet also coherent world production design in my fantasy, which is a lot to demand of any production, perhaps especially with animation productions, which are always squeezed for time and money.
(EDIT: I know the SVSSS show was under heavy constraints and the results are impressive considering their resources; it doesn't change the fact that I just don't like the art style and nevertheless find the results underwhelming. I don't like a lot of "realistic" modeling / rendering styles, not just "anime" ones, even if they are extremely technically impressive. Believe me when I say that I know the vast majority of the entertainment industry is overworked and underpaid and creatively restrained.)
Slightly tangential general note: I don't think 2D is inherently superior to 3D (EDIT: NOT trying to imply asker is saying this, just having some general thoughts), especially because, with the realities of production, each have their advantages. 2D has a lot of stylistic advantages still, but 3D shaders are catching up and doing some incredible things these days! More advanced puppet controls and particle effects and such are doing some beautiful things for 2D shows as well these days. A lot of stuff has been subtly mixed media as soon as 3D became possible. It is potentially possible (note: not saying any studio would actually greenlight this) to do an equally slightly weird and artistically stunning 3D SVSSS show, given the freedom to work. (Good boarding and writing is also sooooo important in both mediums, obviously, it's not just about the art design. You can get away with incredibly limited animation with good boarding, writing, and art design.)
Another slightly tangential ramble: both 2D and 3D have the potential for stiff animation and poor character acting, which also comes down to production limits and animator skills? (I often think of character animators as a type of actor!) There are a lot of 2D shows that I don't really like because I find the animation incredibly stiff, both puppet and handdrawn (there's great 2D puppet stuff out there these days), which pretty much always comes down to production limits (deadlines and budget and software, saving up their animation for the coolest scenes). One of my favorite things about Studio Ghibli films (which as features get a lot more space to focus on art compared to the demands and restraint of television) has always been the squash and stretch in otherwise relatively realistic action, making things like hugs look SO nice for example. But 3D stuff is getting better at that these days! The ways characters slumped into each other in "Nimona" for example was great. And it's just fascinating to look at the elasticity / stylized sculpt of expressions in "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish" compared to the technical limits of the models / rigs in "Shrek" or "Shrek 2".
Adding these side notes because I want to be clear about my respect for both 2D and 3D artistically! A lot of video games are doing cool stuff in 3D that looks very close to 2D with stylized shaders, which you can sometimes spot by the large or small rotations in character action / acting, which is difficult (and therefore often expensive) to do in 2D with all of those extra drawings / angle poses. Also, I think the current push towards funky shaders in 3D is so cool and it's hard not to gush about them!!!
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piratefishmama · 1 year
For One Night Only | Part 2
Eddie remembered a lot about Steve Harrington, so to get this fresh new perspective on him… it was wild. He remembered a jock, the king of Hawkins High, the king of Hawkins in general, women wanted him, men wanted to be him, or in some cases men also wanted him. Rich, popular, kind of a jackass at times but never mean enough to warrant dislike. Would have never associated with Eddie’s kind, but yet there he was, comfortable on Eddie’s hotel bed, one long leg crossed over the other as they moved on from pleasantries to business.
Steve wasn’t there as a social call, no matter how fun it might have been to catch up. He had a job to do, and Steve was good at his job.
“Alright, considering our history, or what little of it we have, it might be a good idea to use it if asked on the carpet how we met, I can spin a story about us being secret high school sweethearts who recently reconnected as friends if you want, really big you up to the paps.”
“As lovely as that idea is since high school me would have been thrilled to have been your secret sweetheart” Steve grinned “shut up, I was a nerd with a crush leave me alone” the snigger that followed only made Eddie smile, it wasn’t a hurtful laugh, and Steve’s smile was just to radiant to be mad at. “I said shut up!”
“Shutting up” the smile stayed though as he mimed zipping his lips. Adorable bastard.
“Anyway, as lovely as that idea is, too many people knew us in high school, if the press got word that it was a lie from one of our mutual past acquaintances, eh it’s a hornets nest I don’t wanna poke. Too many what ifs, but we could say that we went to school together, it’s true, we could say that we reconnected recently and… y’know, hit it off…”
“We are hitting it off.” Steve mused, tapping his finger to his chin in thought. “I like it, easy, close to the truth, very little room for mistakes. So I’m to be your date, not just a friend joining you for the evening?” That was what the invite had requested but… Steve was clearly amusing himself by making Eddie squirm a little.
“Mmmhm, yep. Steve Harrington, my date, Can time travel just exist already?”
“Haha, why?”
“Teenage me could do with a visit right this second to tell him Steve Harrington is gonna be our date someday.”
Steve covered his mouth as he laughed so sweetly, the picture of perfection as always. His nose scrunching just a little as he laughed. “Were you always this cute, Eddie?”
“Mmhm, once upon a time, I was even cuter, I swear.”
“I’ll believe you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“I know, thousands wouldn’t, but I’ve always been a sucker for cute brunettes with big ol Bambi eyes, can't help but believe everything they say.” Eddie hadn’t felt his cheeks warm in years and yet there he was, hiding behind his hair, his complexion turning as red as a fire hydrant, stupid pale skin.
Speaking of brunettes, and incredibly convenient subject changes for the safety of his own composure. “Wait, YOU’RE who Nancy knows!”
“You know Nance?”
“She’s our manager now, man, gets us all the best shit! I met her in a bar after she totally blew off the journalism thing, something about sexist work environments and bosses who wouldn’t know a real story if it slapped them directly in the face. They kept giving her fluff pieces.” Nancy Wheeler, a fluff writer, the audacity of anyone who ever made that assumption. “Now she’s the most badass manager in metal history. I swear to god she’s made many a producer pale in fear at the very mention of her name.” She read all the fine print, with a goddamn magnifying glass. She’d made a grown men cry multiple times, it was badass. “She’s the coolest.”
Steve’s smile was so fond Eddie could have swooned just having it aimed at him, even if the fondness wasn’t for him, it was beautiful enough for it to be swooned over anyway. “She is, cool. I’m glad she found her people.” Even if they no doubt made a funny looking group, little not so primp and proper Nancy Wheeler among a bunch of metalheads. It fitted, in a strange kind of way, she’d always wrangled Mike easy enough.
“How did you uhm… y’know… it’s probably none of my business and I keep changing subjects so stop me if I keep jumping around I’m still a little flabbergast from seeing you at my door but uh… how’d you—y’know… what’s this uh… the whole thing like?” Steve tilted his head like a confused puppy and Eddie just kind of wanted to melt into the floor. “The escort thing.” He added on, for clarification.
“Oh, uhm. Chrissy? Chrissy Cunningham, cheer captain of ’86?”
“I know her, she and Gareth have this—”
“Thing! Yes, she talks about him regularly with Robin.” Robin? He doesn’t think to ask, Steve and Robin, Robin… who would be associated with Steve a Robin whom Steve would just mention as if expecting him to know. He only knew one Robin from those days, and he didn’t even really know her.
Just kind of… existed near her in band for a few months until his style of music pissed the teacher off enough to kick him out. Couldn’t be that Robin, right? Not important.
“Oh my god don’t tell me that and expect me to keep it a secret that’s brutal of you.”
“God, tell him, please, I didn't even know who he was but she keeps talking about him and waiting for him to ask her out. Eventually she’s just going to pin him against something and kiss him so—”
“Tell her to do that but god wait until I have a camera please!” Eddie Munson was not against begging, his grin wide and eyes shimmering with gleeful mischief. “It’s reciprocated, totally and completely one hundred percent reciprocated, he is so gone on that girl, it’s adorable.”
“I will let her know, at least now I know he's one of yours and a good guy." Gareth was the best guy in Eddie's opinion, like a brother to him, not that the others werent too, but... Gareth had known he was gay since Hawkins High. Just him and Uncle Wayne in the know, and he'd always been there to support him, Gareth was good. "Anyway… we ran into each other in this café that I’d gotten a part time gig at in Indy, she looked good, healthy…” he didn’t need to say that Chrissy had had a problem. But she had, and that problem began with ‘M’ and ended with ‘other,’ hers to be specific. “She was already doing it, loving it, I was dubious, asked if she was okay, if she needed help, but no she was loving it, thriving actually, and well… I like making people feel good, both emotionally and physically” oof that was a tone that went straight to a place it shouldn’t do “why do it for free, y’know? She got me set up and the rest is history.” He enjoyed himself.
He loved his job, his love language had always been acts of service, he liked making people feel good, liked making them feel wanted, feel loved, feel seen and heard. Eddie couldn’t help himself “ever do anything… y’know…?” He really wished he could help himself sometimes.
“Sex related?” The red in his cheeks only deepened, Steve didn’t seem offended, or upset, in fact his smile only warmed, eyes crinkling at the corners, gods above and below he was beautiful, how did anyone survive after a night with him, having to let him go? “Sure, like I said, if I’m good at something, why do it for free?”
“Even with…” Eddie motioned to himself
“N-No! No, Men—wait sorry—that’s—that’s none of my business” he turned away to move, to pace, so much energy in his body suddenly there with nowhere to go “none of this is any of my business, I don’t usually ask these kinds of—I mean it’s really wrong of me to even ask this sort of—" Steve was just there so fast, hands on Eddie’s biceps, holding him in place, Eddie hoped he couldn’t feel him almost vibrating out of his skin.
“It’s okay, Bambi” Eddie’s eyes snapped up to meet Steve’s, his wide and unblinking, like a deer in headlights in the face of Steve’s so warm and understanding, Bambi really did suit him, Steve thought, his left hand lifting to rest on Eddie’s cheek as if to ground him, it worked. God it worked. “Ask all the questions you like, but maybe save some for later, we don’t have long before we have to go.”
“…Later you’ll be leaving though...” he didn’t want Steve to leave. He didn’t want his next time seeing Steve to be part of a lottery, would he come next time? Would someone else who Eddie didn’t recognise appear in his place?
“We’re hitting it off, remember? I’m sure there’s going to be an afterparty we can both be caught sneaking away from to hang out, right?” Eddie kind of felt like he was flying. He felt like a teenager again, a nerdy, virginial teenager. He refused to acknowledge that little goblin voice telling him that Steve was actually probably just doing his goddamn job, he was on the clock dammit. He just wanted to have this. “You can ask me questions then, I promise I’ll stay.” He didn’t have anywhere else he needed to be.
“…Yeah… if that’s okay with you.”
“More than. Now how about you introduce me to the rest of Corroded Coffin, we all need to be on the same page before we get there.” Work now, catch up later. “Sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can ditch the after party to hang out.” Eddie giggled, an honest to gods little giggle. He really did feel like a teenager again, only Steve was looking at him. Holding him. Grounding him. Steve Harrington was seeing him.
Teenager Eddie would have shit a brick.
“Alright, I’m warning you though, I think you let Tommy H. stuff Jeff into a locker once so don’t expect a warm welcome.” Steve grimaced a little but nodded. He was a different person now, but that wouldn’t erase the mistakes he’d made as a stupid teenager. Plenty of bridges to rebuild and apologies to give. Jeff wouldn’t be the first or the last.
“Bring it on, Bambi.” Eddie could only hide behind his hair again, bashful and flustered.
Part 4
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sunflowertherian · 1 year
Therian journalling prompts/ideas
make up or learn a secret cypher (i use an altered version of greenrune), find the coolest looking journal you can or make one yourself, and write everything you want, your secrets, your dreams, your therian experiences all without having to worry someone will read it. seriously. it's incredibly freeing!
doodle and describe how you feel yourself. a human? an animal? a mix? do you see an animal on two paws, or perhaps a human on all fours? get as creative with this as you want
make a scrapbooking spread. make it messy or neat, all to your preferences. add everything you possibly can think of in there that reminds you of your kintype, be it dried plants, colored paper, pictures of nature, or maybe even scraps of fabric. draw the paw/feet/similar identifying trait of your theriotype over it all. make it yours
do you have any gear, or want any? why or why not? delve into that thought, and see where your mind takes you. it's always alright to get off track
dedicate a page or two to your theriotype(s), with information you know, things that remind you of them, perhaps add images or drawing of the, as well.
what was the best/most fun shift you've ever had? why? what caused it? try to replicate it and see how it goes!
do you like to/want to do quads? make a tracker for what days you try, and keep notes of what you do well and what you need to practice more!
in similar suit, track your shifts, along with what kind of shift it was, what animal you were, what you believe triggered it, and how long it lasted. it can help you learn more about what kind of shifts are typical for you, and predict shifts a little more
territory. do you have any? do you remember any from animalistic memories? would you like some? plan ahead! scout out areas nearby, print pictures of it, and draw over areas you'd like to create. think that mound might look nice with a den right next to it? want to have a quads obstacle course? maybe an area where you can sit and do homework or relax? note all the ideas down, plan how you'll mark your territory, and draw any elaborate plans you may have!
list a few meal ideas for yourself that work with your theriotypes! if you make them, write about how they tasted!
Feel free to suggest more ideas!
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nwarrior777 · 1 year
you know what. we need physical copies of art.
I drew so many cool things as a child. I drew in MICROSOFT WORD! Do you want to see this??? Me too! Too bad computer i drew it on is broken
And the one i drew on as a teenager is broken too
But it was before internet! In internet things are forever! Right? WRONG!
What if you have art twitter and you are banned? What if the entire website you posted your works on is not working anymore? All of your art life history is gone
Rules of every social media is changing with wild speed. Today you can draw straight up porn and post it on your art blog and tomorrow your art account can get banned because algorythm thinks that this pink dot on your art is a female nipple. Rules of the world is changing too. Things can get terrifiing. I live in a country there politicians are going to ban every lgbt mention everythere including media by the end of this month. So it is just not safe to have open accounts in local social medias with queer art. So, people will probably delete their art from their accounts. And if they not - they will be banned (and in this situation its not even the scariest part but we are here not for this). So a lot of art will dissapear.
So what should we do? Will 21 century digital artists legacy be forgotten?
Good news guys, we can save it!!
I mean. First step is to have usb flash card (is this how it called in english?) with all of your art. Maybe multiplay flashcards. Maybe some cards can be given to your friends.
But the coolest thing that you can do is
Print it. And make a zine.
It doesnt have to be size-to-size. You can sort art for themes colors, make it like magazine, whatever. I mean it can be in literally any form you want to.
I wish we all would make that into tradition as our parents did with photo albums.
This will bring you so much happiness in the future. Belive me, your art worth saving. It's history.
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fishrights69 · 1 year
My top 5 coolest fish
5. Lionfish🦁
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Ah yes, a classic fish found in many books, video games or even in your bathtub if you're tripping hard enough. The only reason I placed this fish here is because the lionfish is very nostalgic to me. Back in the day my mom would sometimes take me to her office where she had one single video game installed: Feeding frenzy. Sadly it was only a demo so if I quit the game, the whole progress would go away :( (which would make me play it for like 5 hours straight as my mom worked). One of the levels had this cool looking mfer and it got printed into my brain from a young age. This Fish gets a 7/10 for looks, 10/10 for reminding me of a simpler time where depression was a foreign concept to me. 4. Galapagos batfish💅🏻
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At first you might think ''yo what the fuck is wrong with this thing, is it even fish?'' and yes, it is VERY fish but at the same time it looks kinda fishy. To give you some facts about this little thing, not only does it look like someone put lipstick on it, but it also apparently cannot even swim right. This fish can't even fish and because of that, it is my number 4. 6/10 appearence 9/10 for personal abilities. It reminds me that even if I fuck up at something meant to be ''human'' it s oki , cuz this fish can't even do the one thing it's supposed to do and somehow it's still alive. 3.Flying fish🐦
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Now this, this thing is magestic as fuck. Without it's wings it looks like a typical ass fish, but I can still appreciate it for what it tries to be! Imagine how dramatic it can exit boring conversations, or perhaps show up all of a sudden and creep up on you! It makes me summon my inner bad bitch fish self. 8/10 appearence 10/10 I wish I could fly away from my problems as well as this fish can. 2.Pufferfish🌵
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This fish is a proper shapeshifter. Imagine being able to adjust your shape on the spot. No stupid diets to make you skinny or fat. Just swallow some water and that's it. On top of that, the spikes are amazing. I wish I had spikes like that in case someone would try to get too close to me on the playground. Their mating ritual is as amazing as it gets but sadly their toxic self cannot be ignored. 8/10 appearence(11/10 if baby), 6/10 too toxic for me tbh but I can still admire from afar 1.Longhorn cowfish🐄
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This yellow blob over here is fucking adorable. Not only does it have cow in the name(I love cows too) but he also looks like he is about to give you kisses. Now he is apparently hella lonely which made me feel sorry for him, therefore he is at number 1. because I too was once lonely, smol (still am) and looked like a blob(still do). I fucking hate the colour yellow but this tiny thing makes me like it a little bit more every time I see a pic of him. 10/10 appearence 10/10 resilience, combating loneliness and removing the stigma associated with it. BONUS FISH!!!! Seahorses. Any kind. 🐴
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These beautiful things tie super well with my previous fish. You see I really like animals pretending to be other animals and these babies are just that. On top of looking cool as hell, my favorite seahorse fact is that some males can also give birth! Love me some genderbending so keep slaying it babes. ✨ 10/10 looks 10/10 attitude That was it. Follow me if you wanna hear about my top 5 GARBAGE fish that suck.
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txttletale · 7 months
bundletober #12: greetings from ______
alright technically this counts as 'earlier' than yesterday. tomorrow i swear to fuck i'll put this up at a normal time. and also reblog all of the last couple ridiculously late night bundletobers. but anyway today i'm looking at greetings from ______ by c.r. legge, a clearly wise and intelligent user of the classic 'two initials' naming schema.
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so the coolest fucking thing about this game is that it's a map-making / worldbuilding game that can be printed out and folded into the shape of a brochure. how fucking cool is that! what an incredible, inspired use of format. its colours are ugly and weird in a very 70s way, which gives it a wonderfully dated travel brochure feel. A+ for layout.
the game is pretty simple: you start with a 6x6 grid, put each player somewhere on that grid, and then take turns moving to new squares and describing what's there. there's a really ingenious use of space here--the game uses a set of descriptors to prompt you, and while in the one-page version of the game they're all inelegantly piled into a big unappealing square, in the brochure version they surround the map on all sides, outlining the edge of one side of the brochure. it's a really neat touch that pushes the brochure version of the game out of being a format gimmick and into being, imo, the superior version of it.
if i have one criticism of greetings from ______, it's similar to what i said about locum tendons yesterday--that when you use precious space in your single-page rpg's layout to make a table to roll on, that table better be all hits. i see what c.r. was going for, with the table (designed to be rolled on with 2d6) putting less remarkable landmarks on the numbers that are easier to roll. but the job of a table should be to prompt you to say something you might not have otherwise--"a place where people live" is a boring and bizarrely vague result.
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i think this table could have leaned heavier into being more evocative and vague or more specific and interesting. it's in an akward middle space between the two. that said, the concept of walking around the map creating things and saying what's there is really good and the layout makes it a real standout. if i ever run this, i'll probably try and narrativize it a bit--this seems like it would be a standout game to play in epistolary format, in-character travels and postcards flying back and forth. honestly something i might consider hacking for the next time i need to worldbuild for a longrunning campaign!
so yeah despite my criticisms i think it's fair to say any game which i'd consider hacking has done something very very right with its design--or at least, very very interesting.
greetings from ______ can be purchased as a digital download through itch.io
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x--ghost--x · 1 year
Hi, can i request HC platonic little sister (female reader she/her), who wants to make her 4 brothers happy?
Like she knows mikey wanted that famous rare cooking book that got sold out years ago and she comes up to him saying " hey mikey, close your eyes and give me your hands, i swear it's not a prank! " and when she gives him he gets so shocked he almost cry and scream of joy at the same time.
She do the same with her 3 older brothers because she loves going so far to make them happy.
( in case you couldn't find a thing that may make the brothers so happy may i suggest; a poster of leo with lou outfit back when he was fighting in BNC, for Donnie a rare computer chip, and for raph she sew a ghost bear - she hates him btw - teddy bear big size for raph).
If this request is too much then please feel free to ignore/delete it.
Okay that's honestly so cute, I love that idea ♡
Little presents
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• you never thought you'll find yourself considering four mutant turtles your older siblings
• but it did happened somehow
• and you were really grateful for that
• there wasn't any boring moment with them, always having some sort of fun activity going on like Mikey teaching you how to cook, Leo showing you his favorite Lou Jitsu scenes or doing tricks with his blue portals that you had no idea how they worked, Donnie explaining to you how he build his inventions even tho you didn't understand any word he said or Raph showing you the best ways to protect yourself in the dojo
• they cared for you deeply and you cared for them
• that's why you decided to repay them for their kindness, you really wanted to make them happy just like they made you
• it wasn't easy but being a really determined kid you went on a mission to get your brothers some presents (April helped you get some of them because she was a little concerned you could get in trouble doing this all on your own and almost got a heart attack more times she wanted to admit)
• when you achieved your task successfully it was time to deliver the items to each of the turtles
• first on your list was Mikey
• and when I tell you he was extremely happy I mean he was absolutely delighted when you handed him that super rare cooking book that got sold out years ago and no one was printing it anymore
• he definitely picked you up spinning around and giggling saying "thank you" repeatedly with the biggest grin you ever saw
• he did question tho were did you get that and you started to tell him a story about that cool old book shop you found somewhere in a weird alley where cashier looked like a big owl, how she was very nice too and helped you look for this book
• Mikey thought he would pass out because how the hell did you get into the Hidden city- oh, you ran off already
• the next turtle was Leo, who you were able to find doing tricks on a skateboard
• when he saw you he momentarily stopped and asked what's up and why you and Mikey were so loud earlier, he stopped when he saw you handing him something
• he thought he would cry when he realized it was a poster - with him AND Lou Jitsu
• that was, like, the coolest thing ever
• he didn't even asked where did you get that, just thanked you million times and went to the first person he saw (which was Mikey, going to kitchen with his new cooking book) to brag about him being your favorite brother because "have you seen what cool pesent she gave me? none of you got something this awesome-"
• your next stop was a lab, so you knocked in a irregular pattern - a code that Donnie taught you so he knew it was you
• when the doors opened you went straight to the chair he was sitting at, tinkering with things you did not recognize
• not wanting to interrupt him, you slowly slid a little square to him, finally catching Donnie's attention, he lifted his mismatched goggles and examined onject and upon recognising what it was he let out a verbal "gasp!"
• Donnie isn't very good at expressing his gratitude but the excited sparkle in his eyes resured you he really liked that computer chip that he tried to get a grasp on for quiet some time now and even though you may not understand what exactly was so special about it, seeing the turtle so happy was enough to make your efforts on getting it worth
• and speaking of that "I am grateful for this thoughtful gift but, uh, could you enlighten me on how did you get into a possession of something so-"
• you, again, decided to disappear into thin air
• finally, the last one on your list, the oldest big brother, Raph
• finding him was easy, it was the time of the day for his training, so you headed to the dojo, already hearing him from afar
• announcing your arrival, not wanting to accidentally get hit, he greeted you with a smile and pat on the head
• the gift you had for him was probably the only one you did yourself (okay, maybe not entirely by yourself but for the most part that was true) - a Ghost Bear plushie, almost as big agroun
• your heard that he liked him, you not so much after hearing about his evil doings, but if it's what would make your older brother happy then so be it
• maybe for you it was not perfect, in some parts steaches were visible, but for Raph it was indeed perfect and he couldn't dream of a better present, which was clearly indicated by the loud thumping of his tail repeatedly hitting the ground
• "it's really amazing! and it's detailed too, just like you have seen him while sewing!.. wait-"
• let's say, you did end up with you making your brothers extremely happy
• and extremely concerned at the same time
• good luck with explaining where did you get all those gifts ^^
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Hope you liked it!
Have a nice day/night ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕡ
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stayinhellevator · 3 months
If Seventeen had a fan account:-
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1. Seungcheol:-
Would be a Jeonghan fan account gradually turning into his own.
(But would never admit that)
Posts simp edits and pictures of hannie
Compiles thirsty comments about himself and makes a post on it.
(bc he's like that)
Up to date with all the tea all the time.
Wouldn't hesitate to jump in fan wars.
Prepare to get slandered if you say/post/comment/interact/breathe against sebongs.
Prepare to actually d1e if you tried anything against hannie or Wonwoo.
Has an insane following.
Flirts a lot with his followers. Teaser™
2. Jeonghan:-
With his pattern, you'd never know anything about him or the purpose of his account.
Posts so many memes, jokes and sarcasm that you'd never know if he's kidding or genuinely a hater.
You'd also never be able to guess his bias. One moment he's posting a simp edit about Hyungwon, another moment he's threatening fans to not bully Mingyu anymore.
Also likes to post ship edits of himself with his members.
"You wish that was you huh?" is a mandatory post with edits of himself getting princess treatment.
Has a tendency of randomly beefing with a teenager
Has a love hate relationship with his followers.
3. Joshua:-
Bold of you to assume he invests time on his phone when he can't even text for his life.
His account is like a random Street that becomes your favourite hangout spot.
The pretty boy you are sure you know that he is and desparately hope for so and pray that he's yours. All without having even seen his face.
Likes to post audio covers of his favourite songs.
And that alone gains him a lot of followers bc his voice resembles a lot to that of Joshua of Seventeen 👀
Fans are convinced a pretty boy owns this account.
He randomly shares DIY hacks and ideas
One day he shares a beaded bracelet that he made and fans get suspicious.
Conveniently lies that he searched about Joshua and picked up that hobby since he liked diy anyway.
Anyway, he has a friendly relationship with his followers but also teases them a lot.
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4. Jun:-
The most random and weird fan account of the century
Cats cats and a lot of cats
Cat memes, cat aesthetics, cat language, cat clothes, cat tips JUST CAT
He breathes, speaks, posts, edits in cats only.
Throws in a bit of dirty jokes, food and Minghao.
A simp for his Chinese friends
Sometimes, seriously shares recipes with his followers. Might also share weird food combinations that taste good (read to him)
Honestly speaking, you're never truly prepared for what his next post could be.
Is it going to be a conspiracy theory of cats being an ancient God or a serious Minghao presidency campaign. Who knows?
5. Soonyoung:-
The biggest Shinee enthusiast that there ever is.
Up to date with all shinee news, schedules, choreography, songs, lyrics even their clothes.
Promotes and posts various dancers and choreographers on his account
Might randomly put a cheat sheet on various dance forms, trends, tips and tricks to easily learn them.
Constantly posts about Seventeen too.
Any news about Seventeen, he'd be the first to post about, only second to Seventeen themselves of course😏
Engages with his followers regularly. He's that random internet stranger that's now best friends with a lot of people.
Thirst traps(pictures and comments) of DK and Woozi
Can't edit for life.
Also not very good with SNS.
His internet friends have to guide him through a lot of the features
The only thing that gives him away? His love for tigers of course
Can't help it.
Tiger prints, aesthetic and tigers themselves
At first, his followers were confused if he's being sarcastic or he is a furry
His followers thinks he might be a Hoshi biased. He doesn't deny
Horanghae is his catchphrase. Also a seal that confirms he's a Hoshi biased.
6. Wonwoo:-
Coolest, grungy dark bad boy vibes
His page is a cyberpunk aesthetic
On trends with the latest games, lores of his favourite games, his own theories of unfinished games or parts.
Posts gameplays as well.
Likes to subtly drop hand pics👀
Flirts a lot through comments
Wanna be editor
Thinks he makes collages and his fan girls eat it up {I'm the fangirl😔}
Beefs with children, teens and adults alike. Bc he takes his games very seriously
Book recs if you like
His followers think he also biases Mingyu but who knows?
All in all the book boyfriend vibes which is why he's so popular amongst his followers.
7. Jihoon:-
Anime fan account
Anime Recs
Might even host a watch party
Song recs too
Sometimes drops an instrumental cover of his favourite songs or his original music
Either chronically online or disappears off the face of Earth. Nothing in between
His internet friends nicknamed him 'Coconut' bc of his cold but soft persona
Once got into a debate with a teen over diet soda being unhealthy and safe to say that teen deactivated their account
He and his followers look like an emo punk cult group.
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8. Seokmin:-
Most aesthetic, delulu and the brightest account on the internet
Jokingly calls Joshua his husband, Mingyu his lover, Hoshi his boyfriend, Minghao his Soulmate and Wonwoo his twin flame
But is it a joke?🤨
Also jokingly flirts with fans bc "if you can't have idols then marry their fans"
But also is it a joke?🤨
Posts a lot of puppies and flowers and sunrise and nature in between too
Promotes covers of Seventeen songs
Makes a lot of friends through his account
Genuinely talks to them and hears them out
Known amongst his followers as a sunshine (if only they knew)
Posts a lot of aesthetic pictures that he clicks himself
Is also good at editing stuff.
All in all he loves his followers and they love him even more
9. Mingyu:-
Either simping or being simped on
Seriously, the way he has no filter as he shares his extreme😏love for Wonwoo, Seokmin, Jeonghan, Jungkook and Minghao
He also has no filter as he teases his followers
Flirt pro max
Swinging his legs and giggling while reading all the thirsty posts about himself
If his fans are delulu then Mingyu is delulu-er.
If he reads a Mingyu thigh appreciation post, you best believe the next time he goes live he's manspreading
And when the caratland is going bonkers, he casually posts in his fan account "Who's the imposter among us?"
The most professional editor and photographer out there
His followers are convinced he's a film major or something when they watch his recent Wonwoo edit that has 1M likes.
Has a decent following bc of his professional edits.
10. Minghao:-
Does he hate his followers?
No one knows
Known as the Anti Delulu Pill of caratland
And makes sure he lives up to the name
Never hesitates to bring fans back to reality when he sees their delusional comments and posts
Even if it means making a teen cry
Only follows Jun and Minghao fan accounts
Posts a lot of thoroughly and professionally edited stuff for Jun
A professional Jun simp if you will
But also blushes and giggles while reading not to innocent stuff about himself
Anti-delulus them while giggling
So why does he even have followers?
Even they don't know bro how will I?
They say it's bc of the quality of his edits. Who knows though 😏
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11. Seungkwan:-
The best account out there hands down
There's no winning against him
Has everything you could possibly imagine
Series, songs, movies, gossip, fashion, trends, reviews, recs and edits; you name it, he has it.
Is updated with all the tea, be it celeb gossip, his followers love life or his internet friends confessions
Is entertaining and makes sure he entertains
The biggest Vernon enthusiast that there ever is. Come fight him
His day begins with a Vernon post and ends with a Vernon post. And it's now a part of his layout
Never hesitates to put down a hater
Also never hesitates to judge you and your mama and grand mama
Sometimes, you'd think he's a mean girl™ but he's a sweetheart fr
His internet friends love his no bullshit just straight up advice, his warm and comforting words and his fun aura
The highest amount of followers
As my king and his fan account rightfully deserves.
12. Hansol:-
Random. Weird. The most Gen-Z page
Honestly, what's going on?
He doesn't even know it's a fan account
He just dumps whatever's on his mind
The most random and funniest memes
But he wasn't even trying to be funny though
Gives songs, movies, anime and games recs
And they're seriously the best type of shit out there
The most Gen-Z lingo you can possibly imagine. Fr fr
But he swears he's just lazy to type out the whole thing. Bfr
Posts the most random thoughts at the most random times
"What if Ronald McDonald is alive and not a statue and is watching us eat" posted at 3:47 a.m.
Is he being serious or is he being funny? Who knows? Who cares
You could only wish you were as cool as Vernon and his followers.
13. Chan:-
Dance lover™
Dino biased™
He's cool and his followers know he's cool
But he's like an old man from the 80s given the latest technology
Puts up simple posts
Reposts a lot of memes, edits and pictures of himself ofcourse
A lot of those "What it's like having 12 useless hyungs"
But doesn't even take a second to berate a hater
Reposts and lauds a lot of dancers and Seventeen covers
Half of his followers found him through his hilarious comments on posts and stayed for his humour
Has a tendency to abandon his SNS and come back with a random dance cover post and disappear again.
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©stayinhellevator2024:- Please don't repost, translate or copy my work.
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sendpseuds · 2 months
WIP Wednesday: Perfect Spiral
In honor of everyone being so helpful in my quest to find Anakin's perfect ass tattoo, we've got a pretty long snippet from the beginning of chapter three [Practice].
Extra special shout out to @amadwinter and @palfriendpatine66 whose suggestions I combined for the final ass tattoo design.
Enjoy 🖤
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It’s not difficult to understand why the locker room is so often a setting found in porn.
A room full of men in peak physical condition, shamelessly stripping down to nothing but their naked flesh, standing beneath the steaming spray of the shower to wash sweat and hours of excretion from their skin.
On paper, it sounds downright erotic.
In reality, there is nothing even remotely sexy about a football locker room.
There is nothing seductive about several dozen flaccid dicks parading around. 
Nothing arousing about catching an accidental eyeful of a teammate’s hairy ass crack.
There is absolutely fucking nothing enticing about that smell.
There is, however, something strangely, stupidly, unexplainably comforting about the whole sordid situation.
Already, the little cubby emblazoned with Anakin’s nameplate feels a bit like home.
Already, this team feels a bit like family. 
It’s part of the reason, Anakin assumes, that even professional locker rooms — which are otherwise decked out in all kinds of luxuries like TVs, couches, gaming councils, etc. — still have communal showers. Because if hours of training to play a sport that is, essentially, the modern equivalent of a gladiatorial game doesn’t bond you with your teammates, showering together sure as fuck will.
A form of forced vulnerability to balance out the violence.
It’s all part of the game.
And it’s always the same.
Confidence is, obviously, extremely important, but it’s never good to tip over into arrogance. Being surrounded by men who look as if they should be on display in a museum makes humbling oneself a bit easier, but overcompensating is not hard to do, and no one gets put in their place faster than a cocky rookie.
So far, Anakin has managed to fly under the radar for the most part. There were a few pretty predictable whistles that first day, and more than one mention of fattening him up from Jabba and the other linemen — whatever the fuck that means — but most of the comments have been about his tattoo. 
Not the tattoo on his arm — the one that extends from his right elbow to his knuckles — black ink in the broken blistered pattern of burnt wood turned to coal, cracked and carved apart by flame. The one that had taken months to design and three multi-hour sittings to complete.
Most of the comments have been about the tattoo on his ass.
The one he got his first year at Mos Eisley State because when the five coolest guys on the football team tell the scrawny redshirt quarterback that something is a great idea, it’s very easy to believe that it is, in fact, a great idea.
As it turns out, it had been a terrible idea.
The next day in the locker room, the same teammates who had encouraged him to get his own lip print tattooed in bright red ink on his left ass cheek tore him to pieces in front of the entire team. 
Anakin had gone back down to the tattoo shop as soon as the lips healed to add BITE ME in big black letters. 
None of them could have known the monster they created that day.
He knows better than to shy away from it — honestly, he’s grown quite fond of the little tattoo and the way it seems to disarm people — but trying to cover it up would only draw more attention to it in the end.
It’s not that modesty is an issue, a lot of guys are certainly more on the reserved side — a wrapped towel is totally normal, no need to strut around bare-assed just for the sake of it — but hiding, turning away, avoiding the showers altogether — that will draw attention and comments faster than just about anything else.
There is one thing that is almost guaranteed to make someone the butt of every locker room joke.
There’s always one guy with a big dick.
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thecolorblockcurator · 3 months
✨Art Ask Game✨
What painting would you want to live in?
Have you ever seen an art piece or installation in person- that moved you so much you cried?
What artist do you wish people knew more about?
What art work or artist got you interested in art history?
Share a photo of your favorite renaissance artwork
Share a photo of your favorite rococo artwork
Share a photo of your favorite impressionist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite pre-raphaelite artwork
Share a photo of your favorite art nouveau artwork
Share a photo of your favorite post impressionist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite art deco artwork
Share a photo of your favorite surrealist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite abstract expressionist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite Modernist artwork
Share a photo of your favorite contemporary artwork
What museum or gallery do you want to visit?
Have you ever been to a museum’s archives?
What is the coolest or most memorable art exhibition you’ve ever been to?
What is your favorite book - non fiction or fiction about art?
You suddenly have all of the money, space, inspiration, & time to start learning a new medium - what would you choose?
Would you rather make & sell your art for others to connect with, or keep your art private & just for yourself to enjoy
What is your advice for creative block?
What do you find more visually interesting, color or texture?
You can only use one color in your artwork for the rest of your life- what color (and its shades) would you use?
Share the hex code your precise favorite color or color combination.
What art medium is the most challenging for you?
Share a piece currently working on- in any medium. If you’re not working on anything share an idea for your next project
When decorating your home- Would you rather find a bunch of eclectic art from an antique store, or paint a mural on your wall?
What is your favorite thing you own that was made by an artist? (Could include prints, stickers, painting, sculpture, handmade ceramics, portraits) share a photo of it!
Share an art piece that you’re really proud of.
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catchyhuh · 5 months
Sometimes what people wear as pajamas is a weird indicator of personality so... What’s your opinion on their pajamas?
it took less than a second for me to go “how do pjs indicate personaliOhhh wait yeah that does make sense” as I realized I was folding up multiple adult size cartoon character onesies for my own pajama drawer. let’s get into it BUT UH DISCLAIMER i mostly talk about patterns in canon i’ve noticed with just… tiny personal thoughts in here. less headcanons more breakdown. NOW let’s get into it
two modes-- soft, fuzzy button up set, or just his underwear. somewhat depending on weather, DEFINITELY depending on mood. i mean you don't wanna get COLD and he got those nice purple heart pajamas with an actual, legal purchase, so it'd be stupid to waste them ALL the time!
there could be a joke here about how he’d probably just sleep naked if the gang weren’t constantly groaning in annoyance, throwing pillows at him begging him to put on some damn pants, but the reality is… he can’t really sleep like that. it’s uncomfy :( he tried :) but it’s uncomfy :(
you aren't ready for this. or you are. you likely are, given i had to choose between like 3 different pictures i have of him in fits like this
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and i’m dead serious. big ass ankle length nightgown with matching cap. no, really. these are his actual pajamas. they’re comfy to him. i can’t fathom why, maybe the fabric is just equal parts breathable and warm, maybe he did this once for the bit and realized it was the best sleep he ever had, WHATEVER, these are his pajamas, and no amount of teasing by now will stop him from changing into these before going to bed
i have to respect them for committing to this bit, because you think, oh, he’s the coolest. he wouldn’t have lame pajamas. no he does. very lame. hilariously so. arose such a clatter type shit. nighty night scrooge
now, she would LIKE to say big, fluffy, fancy nightgown… but the texture feels bad scrubbing against your skin all night, so she usually just opts for a simpler nightgown. or, like lupin, just her underwear. obvious fanservice aside she’s clearly comfy bundled up like that so you show em how its done fujiko
no matter how cold it gets, she can never really sleep in pajama pants. shorts, maybe, but anything that reaches past her knees feels restrictive, hence why she normally just goes for the nightgown. she doesn’t even kick in her sleep idk why it’s such a big deal!
i had to look through a bunch of stuff because i was like. wtf. what DOES he wear to bed. he can’t just be wearing his usual clothes all day and night, it would be uncomfortable. so i’ve come to the conclusion that these virtually identical clothes here are just made of a softer material, designated as goemon’s jammies
or he just. sleeps in his underwear. it really is comfsorry the mental image of the camera panning across three beds where they’re sleeping in their underwear vs jigen still rocking the victorian fit is killing me a bit
have you noticed he sleeps with his hat on more than jigen does. isn’t that fucked. jigen has a special sleeping hat but the alleged NON-hat-obsessed guy is the one sleeping in it. due to his… hectic routine, he never really has a default type of pjs. either he just sleeps in what he was already wearing (c’mon, man) or he’s packed like, some pajama pants, or (take another shot because this series loves this gag) just hits the hay in the heart print boxers. jigen really is a scientific outlier.
USUALLY if he’s bothering to actually change, it’s just the undershirt he’s already got on and some comfy pants, the kind you can get at like walmart for five bucks, so if he’s forgotten to bring them it’s no biggie. damn anon was right this IS a personality indicator!
as we have oft discussed, yata is a man we have all met at one point in our lives. so, yata has the basic boring man pajamas. t-shirt that’s too big for him but he forgot to return it, and seasonal pajama pants. the pants always seem to mismatch the season, he wore the snowflake ones during summer, and now he’s wearing the halloween ones in winter?
the shirt itself is also mundanely mysterious. nobody can really place the logo on it, and he doesn’t really remember where he got it from either. it doesn’t bother him too much until it’s pointed out to him
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