#this is very interesting to me
shootingstarpilot · 29 days
What do you think Anakin Skywalker would be like if he were trained by the Jedi from birth? What would his personality be like? Because I believe that as a baby, Anakin would have a difficult temperament, but the Jedi would be able to help him with that if they could start when he was a baby.
Oh, gosh. This is a very interesting question!
@antianakin has given some thought to this, so I recommend checking them out if you haven't already, but I could see this going one of two ways. The one I prefer is that Anakin parts ways with the Jedi in a kinder manner. I could maybe see him still falling in love and wanting to marry, but in this universe where he was Temple-raised, he has enough maturity to know he can't pledge himself both to an individual and to the Order. It wouldn't be fair to the people he would be supposed to serve as a Jedi Knight, nor would it be fair to his spouse. Maybe he chooses to leave. He comes back to visit frequently, because these are his friends and his family and just because he left doesn't mean that stops, but he no longer serves as a Knight.
Alternatively, I could also see a Temple-raised Anakin remaining a Jedi. He's certainly one of the brasher ones- I don't think he'd follow Obi-Wan's footsteps as a diplomat- but he has control and compassion that he lacks in canon. I think he'd prefer non-political work. Something he can do with his hands, something where he can see the results of his work immediately- something where he can indulge in his desire to be the hero, because I don't think he ever quite loses that. First-stage disaster relief, maybe? His raw power would be very useful in an area like that, and I could see him finding satisfaction in a very physical job well-done. Shelters constructed, infrastructure repaired, areas cleared- things like that.
Thanks for asking this, anon, this provoked some Thoughts! If anyone else would like to share their opinions, I'd love to see what other people think!
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daisy-mooon · 2 years
Guys I'm trying to figure out the massive web of the MCYT multiverse (if anybody could help me continue it I'd love the help :D)
Obviously: Seasons of SMPs take place in the same universe unless stated otherwise.
Hermitcraft is canon to Empires SMP, hence the Solidarity stream where Grian took a tour, also with the existence of False, Gem and Pearl in the series.
Hermitcraft is also canon to the Afterlife Modded SMP because of Pearlescentmoon being a goddess/angel and vibing with Sausage in his last episode of the series in her Hermitcraft season 8 base.
Afterlife OG SMP is canon to Afterlife Modded SMP because of LDShadowLady appearing there once her final life was over.
Third Life in specific is canon to Empires SMP because of Smajor referencing it as his past life.
Area Unknown SMP is canon to Empires SMP because Smajor has heard of Xornoth and bloodsheep.
Kingdom Craft is canon to Empires SMP because of LDShadowLadys reused banner.
X Life I think is canon to Empires SMP because of the reuse of Jeremy.
Origins SMP I'm assuming is canon to Dream SMP or visa versa I just can't remember any quotes to reference it.
MCC is canon in almost everything.
Only now realising that this was a mistake on my behalf lol but it's interesting to me how different SMPs are fandoms in the way that different Marvel films are considered fandoms instead of being their own separate stories.
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fishy-xp · 2 years
throwaway musing but i don’t particularly think that timetay are part of the mafia like kinn but they obviously know what kinn does. but i wonder if they’ve ever gotten their hands dirty before.
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kinn - kinn has killed a man, kinn has killed several men. and he intended to do so. kinn uses a gun because he knows how to and because it’s efficient: murder with intent
tay - tay may or may not have killed a man but if he ever did it was out of self defence. or maybe his husband just died under mysterious gun shot circumstances. either way, no one suspects the grieving widow, well at least not to his face. he knows how to use a gun because he knows it might come in handy one day: murder using self defence, acquitted
time - time only knows how to shoot a gun at a shooting range. he does so because he thinks it’s cool and a fun hobby. time lives in a land of gold opulence and no consequences. that drunk driving incident? covered up by his father and uncle korn. that wasn’t the first and that wasn’t the last time something like that will happen, it won’t be long before it’s not a street light crushed by the front of his car: murder with reckless indifference to life
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beca-mitchell · 1 year
If you’ve ever had doubts about whether reblogs matter (hint: they do), tumblr’s new reblog tracker lets you see the impact of individual reblogs. It also kind of gives insight into whose blogs have some pull. You can click individual dots to see the blogs at the center of their own networks.
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minecraftdog · 11 months
oooh sapnap said that "patches DNA sucked" I am still trying to piece together what when wrong and why they couldn't clone her. and I have two theories:
- patches is very lucky and despite having some genomic illness isn't actually ill but cloning her could mean the kitten could not be as lucky
- they contaminated the sample. idk what were they using, if it was her blood or saliva, but either our boys didn't took the sample properly or the people in the lab messed up their job
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milfyspamton · 1 year
I dony know why but i had a dream where you messaged me going "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS???" with no context on what it was about and it took me seeing you on my dash to realize it was a dream..
HUUH??? milfyspamton dream???
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
[⚠️The Amazing Digital Circus SPOILERS] This episode was interesting!
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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mangozic · 2 months
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archivist be upon ye
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oobbbear · 5 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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breadandblankets · 7 months
au where the bats manage to stay urban legends, sure other heroes know of them, but they help largely from the shadows, they aren't put on display and they're hardly known at All outside of the strange circle of gotham's goons
that changes when duke thomas stares batman down and says on no uncertain terms that he's working day shift
the signal is Gotham's first confirmed superhero, and he wears a bat on his chest
social media goes Wild fighting over whether the Batman existed all along or if someone finally got the tech and powers to make the bat (or a bat) Real
suddenly the world of superheros feels a lot more real to the citizens of Gotham who got used to horrible disasters being either ignored or neatly cleaned away from the public eye, now there's a guy getting thrown through windows and helping grannies cross the street and the war between gotham and metropolis gets even more cut throat
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shootingstarpilot · 1 month
Re: your last reblog, it's wild to me that people look at stats, but like. I feel like it's mostly people who got very recently into fandom who do that. (Not that this kind of people are really in a fandom, they simply consume content of a fannish nature and don't give anything back to said fandom)
That's a good point- might also have something to do with people's prior experience being mostly algorithm-driven, maybe? I get sorting by kudos and all, even if I'm usually too lazy to bother with that- @tocourtdisaster made a very interesting point about sorting by kudos when they get into a new fandom "to get the lay of the land-" but I really don't get why people decide whether or not to click into a fic based on the stats. Part of the glorious fun of fandom is stumbling onto that niche fic that checks off every one of your boxes, and you're gonna risk missing out on that because your boxes weren't identical to someone else's?
I don't know. Maybe there's a little bit of internalized peer pressure; can't risk your tastes varying too much. But hey- we're all on AO3. Welcome to the devil's sacrament. Won't you join in the dancing?
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smokestarrules · 11 months
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bixels · 4 months
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Just gonna have to wait and see, right? Just wait and see! Just gotta wait and see! Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see! It's anybody's guess, we'll just have to wait and see! The future is exciting, we just gotta wait and see!
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compilation of ace attorney law school struggle tweets. please send thoughts and prayers while i wait to find out if i get to graduate so i can throw my textbooks directly into the fucking sun
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bakudekublogblog · 22 days
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i’m sorry but izuku offering another gay blond man his hand and kacchan going wide-eyed is so funny
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