#this is truely a nonsense post
kawarikisaki · 2 months
While the fandom is a mess because of The Spoiler, can I just take a moment to fixate wildly on something that changes nothing? I can? Cool. So...... Kaito is left-handed.
Hear me out-
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I understand that this is meant to be a show of Midoriko's keen observational skills however;
It's so amazingly specific.
The fact that it includes other people that come to this house means that other common guests are being considered in her data set, so we can exclude the possibility that there's some kind of household rule against leaving a torn bit.
But even then Kaito is supposedly the only one that it rips on the right edge for, so there's got to be a fundamental difference in how he's tearing it compared to everyone else. And so being left-handed is less common than being right handed so that fits actually.
Also just overthinking it but if the tp is gonna rip it's gonna do it on the far side from where you started tearing.
But anyway that impacts nothing really, since he's a magician he's probably trained to the point of being functionally ambidextrous, but maybe he favors his left a little in situations where there's no need to calculate his movements.
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lepidopteragirl · 7 days
okay so theres this ANNOYING ass guy on my schools yikyak. spam posts nonsense when hes drunk and also when sober obnoxious unfunny etc. posts hillary memes type of gay person. im like ninety percent sure i know him in real life too bc there are like twenty people on my campus and he is truely the most obnoxious person on that campus by FAR and including those lacrosse frat dudes. and anyways he keeps posting about when he gets dick. his words not mine. uhhh theres not really a a moral of the story. its twofold i guess. you can be littearlly the most annoying person alive and not even hot and still get bitches. and. inspiring! gay people. dont give up. despite great opposition any one of you CAN become the most annoying person youve ever fucking met in your life. dont give up. happy pride month
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nugget-of-terror · 1 year
Hello all,
I've decided that I might use this as a space to put any of my drawings and various nonsensical doodles that may find it's way on paper or my drawing app.
I just ask that the 2 of you following this page be kind as they are definitely a long way from perfect. A lot of my sketches end up half formed and abandoned out of frustration. If and when those end up on this page, I apologize in advance XD
If you do happen to like what you see, feel free to heart or reblog. Just make sure to give my page credit for my work wherever it ends up. Also, if you feel inclined to look at some amateur nail art by yours-truely, please feel free to visit my side blog: @nailartandsuch
Edit: While this is still a doodle blog, there are and will continue to be many reblogs on here from other more talented artists that have blown my mind. Also some posts that sparked joy in my heart or made me giggle. My interests are sporatic and multifaceted so be prepared for that! One day it may be TMA, the next it may be SPN, and then five seconds later it may be Invader Zim with cats sprinkled into the mix. This blog really has no theme except fanart, doodling and a having good time 😅
For navigational purposes, I consistently use about 3 or 4 tags:
#nugget draws for my art(whatever media)
#nugget paints for my paintings
#nugget rambles for non art related musings
#nugget reblogs for whatever I have found of interest in the Tumblr Wilds
#nugget answers for any asks that are tossed my way
Thank You for stopping by, Tumbl in peace!
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Alright one last post and then I'm done for the night. I think it's so fucking funny actually how these people will try to drag hardened Tumblr users into Twitter and IG drama. Like yeah I have Twitter, yeah I have IG. I use them so infrequently that the algorithm doesn't feed me the niche harassment cases that you've gotten vortexed into. Of course I didn't know about the Twitter doxing or about L/Stede Anon having an ig. I'm on this webbed sight posting Jack/Ed rim jobs. All I'm seeing are anons doing what anons do, which is nonsense, and a whole lot of whining about people """""maintagging""""" whatever that means. Like truely not my circus not my monkeys.
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theiyah · 1 month
My little fanart doodles getting interactions and comments and shit but my personal art, which shows much more emotion and skill, getting 0 traction is the reason so many artists are relying entirely on producing fanart for their hobby. this sucks ass honestly. I find so much joy in other people's ocs but original art almost always gets less attention than fanart.
And some of you wonder why artists are all bitter as fuck. They can't create what they love if they want to make a damn living from it. This era will have so little good, original and inspiring art in the future. Look at the amount of art every era has! We have more people than ever, yet so little original art will be famous enough to inspire future artists. It sucks. like truely. We gotta find a way to appreciate art again and also raise up those, who don't have access to the channels we spread art through. We need more affordable local art exhibitions for smaller artists, better support for marginalized groups, and a tighter bond with other artists instead of some parasocial nonsense or quick interactions that don't last. I don't even post my traditional art on here. Noone will ever see that shit except my small circle of artistic friends, who I support and interact with. But if I don't ask they rarely show me what they create. I wanna see your stuff! Send your art to me in asks or DMs. Ask me to repost if you want me to do that. I'm not super big so I don't really have anyone who asks me stuff at all.
We gotta interact more. That's what this whole platform is about!
Art was essential to humanity in the past and nowadays we just consume and consume and don't even appreciate the art anymore, because we don't create. Most people don't create at all! That's unimaginable to me...music, poetry, writing, painting, drawing, sculpting, carving, woodworking, baking, sewing etc. There are people who don't do any of that! That would have been unimaginable in the past. I want you all to create for yourself. And if that means fanart, that's great! But I also want to see what YOU can come up with on your own. No matter how "bad" it is. Because creating is gifting a piece of yourself to the world. And that's scary but if we all did that, I think we'd be kinder to each other.
Anyway, thank you to all of you, who create. For themselves or for others. You're making the world a better place, one piece at a time.
Also fuck A*I, you're not included in this if you don't create something that shows a piece of you. Even fanart shows a piece of the creators soul. A*I art is just scraps of a bunch of different artist's souls taped together with the cheapest tape you could find. That's not art, thats theft and I would honestly prefer you committed to the necromancy branch of playing with people's souls.
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weeklywritings36 · 10 months
I'm feeling real sad and disheartened today. My dad and I have had this joke about his company. Because they go above and beyound to do all these amazing things. So I'll say something about work and he'll say but this! and I'll say " your company. doesnt. count!" It's been this fun running gag. He works from home. His company's leave policy is a as needed honor system. He works in tech and they have hiring policies that are so inclusive. They actively work to have diverse teams because different people bring unique perspectives and ideas. He works with people all over the world. They switch off pager duty for when there are system errors so there is someone on call but it rotates.
His company just decided everyone needs to come into the office twice a week. No one wants to. They've been productive from home. The company said it's if you live near an office but has yet to define what that really means. My dad has unknown cancer. He finished chemo 4 months ago but the scans have been inconclusive. He might have it still he might not. He's immuncompromised at least until october even if he doesn't have it. They want him to sign an ADA form because they're saying his cancer is a disability.
I'm just sad. He told me and I looked at him and said I'm so sorry. Your company after years has decided to be just another corporation that doesn't care and doesn't listen to what their employees truely want. It counts now. I'm so sorry.
As I struggle with my own work nonsense of refusing me reasonable accommodations for a bunion foot surgery that went wrong with post op complications. Being told I'm not eligible for remote work. Then when I come in being put on personal leave against my will because I could be a hazard. And now that I'm back it feels like a game where anything I do could lead me to be ejected from my job. again.
Meanwhile sag and wga are still striking. Rent is stupid high. Don't get me started on car loan interest rates and the lack of new cars even available.
This corporate hellscape is a nightmare. And now, even my dad's job counts.
I'll hold on to hope because what else can I do.
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Why are people that go so hard out for gender identity always so nonsensical? I made a brief post about the double standards of behaviour women are held to using JKR and Mel Gibson as an example, but I could have used any number of women vs men. Nicki Minaj vs Chris Brown or Taylor Swift vs Ed Sheeran or even Meghan Markle vs Prince Harry. These are just some recent instances off the top of my head where women (regardless of how good or bad you personally think they are) are routinely held to a higher standard of behaviour than men.
My point was, that regardless of whether you agree or disagree with JKR (or even if you dislike her) her opinions are extremely tame and mainstream as the vast majority of people believe there is some difference between biological males and females regardless of gender identity. The nonsensical argument that this belief is inherently racist or sexist that I think several adolescents or perhaps emotionally immature adults were trying to stick me with (they need to learn to write a better argument because I’m still not entirely sure what their point was) is completely unsupported. My step mum (a Tibetan minority) and dad live in China and weren’t allowed to find out the sex of my youngest sister before she was born because sex specific abortion is so common- to refuse to acknowledge the suffering of females worldwide because of their biological sex is truely sexist (and yes often racist)!
Whatever your personal opinion of J K Rowling it’s indisputable that the reaction to her opinions about gender, that she has formed after being a victim of male violence and a lifetime of misogyny, is extremely disproportionate. When you look at the sheer number of violent, graphic, and sexually degrading threats she has been inundated with compared to literally any man guilty of the most heinous crimes the comparison is so stark it’s absurd. How come when you’re ranting about the evil monsters of this world it’s the children’s author that believes in biological sex, not Harvey Weinstein an actual monster?
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ajoloart · 3 years
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lemme start by saying, i absolutely loved seeing all your characters and their stopries and everything theyre all so neat!! nerding out about ocs’ with others is truely one of life’s greatest joys. and thank you everyone saying all those kind words i cant express how much that meant to me 🥺 🥺 as  some of yous may know i lost my mom recently, and instead of spending the holiday seasons dwelling on it  i got to fill my time getting to know some really cool characters!  💙 💙 💙 these were really fun and we will def have to do this again sometime! i collected these refs in the most chaotic way possible i cant even tell you how many times i had to come back to the notes on my post like “whos kid is this!!” ANYWAY before i start rambling again here we go
@oodlife​ this is a very stylish hunter!! torian is very lucky 💘 i wish them  good fortune and by fortune i mean fortune i hope theyre getting the credits they deserve
@blueburds​ if we had more sith like this fellow the empire might get some more work done 👏 also he has such a LOOK so bonus point to you
@cabalrive​ ahfkgf idk where to even start?? i think he mightve been my favorite to draw.  love this sassy sniper this agent is an 11/10 very spicy. i, too, play a sniper and its the funnest thing. nice tunes, btw 🤘
@queen-scribbles​ what a cutie!! i hope she is having a good day 💚 give her orobird a little smooch for me
@dragonheart-swtor​ lmaooo the peanut gallery. you can really tell how much love youve got for this character and i think thats very heartwarming, ive got some characters that have a special place in my heart too, no way i wasnt drawing this wonderful gal 💕
@empireswraths​ absolutely wonderful and this song is a jam for sure. also thank you for this 👁️👄👁️  bc it made me laugh so hard i will now be using it all the time. i saw you looking at my bounty hunter but this is me looking respectfully at your sith 👁️👄👁️
@outcastcommander she is is serving looks AND attitude and i respect that so much 😡   i hope she and her wife are having a fanttastic day
@sith-shenanigans​ poor inquisitors cannot escape the nonsense can they? i love her description  😂 also  ive seen a bit of your writing and your swtor jokes are very funnny keep up the good work  👌
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cannibal-witchh · 3 years
Reader(Fem) x Alcina Dimitrescu
(PART 2)
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Written by cannibal_witchh
Part 1
⛓Trigger Warnings⛓
Story contains: Gore, sexual elements, vulgar language, violence, elements of sub/dom behavior, and captivity.
Notes: This is the 2nd part of the story and it will progressively get more sexual, and the elements between the reader and Alcina will become more dom/sub. It is a little bit of a slow burner so bare with me. It will get juicy soon! I want to add, I do not support in any fashion abuse, and or non consensual actions. ⚠️ I have clearly placed trigger warnings to indicate there may be elements that are not for every reader. I heavily gravitate with dominance and submission/gore so thats where the relationship in the story will go ⚠️ Again, limited information so nothing in the story really is canon.
The reader is referred to as:
Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
She/her- in italics and bold
Her blood boiled as she felt the weight of humiliation and rage filter through her. She was in poor shape, bloodied up, bruised, and very little hope could be found within her. She stared at Alcina with a hateful expression, but the vampress had full awareness beneath that thin surface of loathing was absolute fear. "Don't be foolish. I will not say it again.", she continued a smirk as she rested her elbows up on the edge of the bath. Even in absolute indecency she was wicked and intense. Her body at full exposure, water glistening off her porcelain skin, and gentle beads of water trailing down her breasts. The moon was illuminating off her soft tall figure, as she tipped her head back and relaxed it on the edge. "I think I've been more than patient with you."
Y/N, had so many emotions cycling through her, there was disgust, hatred, and anxiety. But she had concluded that there was no point in stalling. Alcina would grow tired and eventually kill her if she wasted anymore time. She began to strip, peeling an article of clothing at a time, trying desperately to cling on to every second. Her hands trembling as she slid her panties down her ankles before the wicked vampire.
She submerged her body in the warm water, blood began to scatter out from her knee, and she watched fragments of the water become crimson. Fuck. "Relax, I'm not a shark. I can smell your wonderful nectar but I have no need to feed at this exact instance just because you're coloring my bath water red.", she teased pulling her head up. Loose black waves stuck to her wet skin, spreading out like a small web on her smooth pale skin. Her intense bright eyes focused on Y/N, her eyes looked so preditorial, and so hungry. Those eyes burned deep in Y/N's soul, it was haunting.
After about forty minutes of soaking and cleansing, Alcina decided to privilege Y/N by showing her the cellar room. She held a lit candlabrum guiding them deep inside. It smelled foul, there were variations of fresh corpses everywhere, limbs lost in other areas of the large hallway, and it was incredibly dark. The walls and floor were built with thick cobblestone, and there were numerous cellars with rusted bars. " Now, I believe I have treated you kindly with allowing you to stay in an actual guest room.", she said as she continued to lead Y/N deeper into the cellars. Abruptly, an incredibly dry groan echoed through the cellar, it sounded as if it was in absolute suffering and pain. Y/N darted her head in the direction she believed it came from but it was too difficult to really distinguish actually where it sounded. " Relax, I won't allow them to touch you.", she assured as she stopped and turned to face her. "Those are family.", she stretched a pearly grin, her fangs teasing under her satin red lips. Alcina instructed with just her hands for Y/N to come closer to her, and she obeyed the demand. "You look much better being cleaned up, pet.", that name alone flooded a pool of humiliation in her, being stabbed, bitten, and beaten countless times to this nonsense- it just delivered a wave of embarassment to her. Alcina let out a soft giggle, and for moments there wasn't words being exchanged.
Thud! With swift impact, there was a heavy hit that landed to Y/N's head, and she flew several feet back away from Alcina. She tried to gather herself but her vision grew blurry, and her knee still in poor condition to make quick movements. Dwindling in and out of clear vision, the sounds of agonizing groaning reverberated through the corridor infront of her. She felt shivers, hair raise, and another dose of adrenaline greet her. What could this be? Within moments, a strong smell of decay flooded through the damp cobblestone hallways, and echos of pain continuing to sound. A group of corpse like creatures swayed in, their bodies detierating, bones exposed, long sharp aged nails, and hollow dark eyes. Her family. Absolute horror welcomed Y/N, Alcina had lied, she wasn't going to protect her. The creatures began to hobble towards her, surrounding her, their stench choking her, and their groans ringing in her ear. She was fucked, no available escape was present for her to attempt. She closed her eyes and she felt the stroke of long thin nails brush against her face and arms. Felt the cold breath of their hissing near her ears, as she tried to control her panic. This was it. "Enough!", Alcina screeched, and immediately the creatures shrieked and fled away in the tunnels. She relaxed her hands on her hips and walked over to Y/N with a pleased expression. " This is what will become of you but worse if you do not submit to me. Do we have ourselves clear?", Alcina watched as Y/N nodded trying to control her panicked breaths, and maintain her shivering. "Good."
Without effort, Alcina had carried Y/N in her arms all the day back to her captive room. When they arrived, she locked the door, and rested Y/N on the sheets. Y/N felt some release of tension the moment she establish this was her room. She spread her arms out, tracing the creases of silk that collected under her. The presence of the fabric brought her slight comfort. "Honestly, you truely are pathetic.", she sighed as she sat the candlabrum on the wooden nightstand beside the bed. Y/N felt beside her sink, Alcina had sat beside her and began to run her fingers through her hair. Despite the cruel treatment, this minor kindness felt relieving to Y/N. She let out a small sound of relief as Alcina continued to lace her fingers through her hair. "I feel despite some tension, you have gathered an understanding of your place as my feeding pet. I appreciate that submission. I have mutually contributed. I awaited feeding until you were cleansed and in the comforts of your room.", a sharp spike danced in Y/N's stomach, she felt acidity well up, and her knee twitch with discomfort. It was time.
This time, Y/N did have opposition towards the situation this time. She fully gave in to the unfortunate circumstances. Her pants were removed, revealing a blackened knee with blood stains feathering out from the site. "I'm quite surprised how quickly you've adapted to your position to me. I have to admit, I am pleased with you.", Alcina leaned to her side, hovering over Y/N's wounded knee, her large breasts nearly spilling out from her nightgown. The closer she leaned towards her knee, the more her alluring breasts pressed gently against Y/N. "Despite my daughters, I have control over my hunger. I will treat you well, and I will know how to savor you slowly.", she looked down at her knee and let out a sound of disappointment. "So much for being patient. Its scabbed. I suppose I will make a new feeding site."
"My f-femoral atery?", Y/N muttered as she felt her cheeks grow hot. A major artery, not even her daughters had fed on. The violent feeding they did more than likely would've killed her if they attempted to. " Yes, now please relax. I have fed in this location before and no one has ever died. I have lived a long life and acquired quite the knowledge on self control.", she began to move close to her upper thigh, her nose brushing lightly against her skin, and her mouth leaving light streaks stained from her rouge. The sound of skin break was heard through the cold air, Y/N let out a pained moan and held her breath. The pain was unpleasant, it was like having a canine bite but with small thin teeth. She tried focusing on the candle wicks, watching them sway and dance softly in the distance. The warm occasional crackle it did from time to time. It was the closest thing to resemble peacefulness during this taxing time. Alcina began to feed, siphoning Y/N's blood, she made sounds of utter bliss as the sweet flavor danced along her desperate tongue. Her body stiffening in surprise as pure satisfaction greeted her mouth. Her nipples growing erect through her night gown, brushing against Y/N's leg. Y/N felt light headed, feeling blood leaving her as she grew quickly cold. Strangely, she had no presence of panic, perhaps, the loss of blood delivered her brief emotional insensitivity. Alcina stayed down there for quite sometime, muttering muffled sounds of bliss, occasionally latching off revealing a bloodied chin, teeth, and lips. She met Y/N's eyes and immediately flashed a wide smile, it was almost sickening but in a way bewitching. Maybe the lack of blood was making Y/N confused. " W-why am I so relaxed?", she muttered feeling a heavy weight of tranquility possess her. " Shh...its the lack of blood. Soon I will stop.", Alcina whispered as Y/N felt her tongue lick her inner thigh. Her long tongue tracing and prodding the bite marks. Desperstely trying to drain whatever was left of the site.
" I believe, I am full. Thank you for the meal.", she wiped her crimson stained lips and chin with the back of her hands ,now tarnishing it with red. " I believe, I owe you a thank you, pet. You have been surprisingly obedient the whole time, and quiet too.", Alcina slowly adjusted herself until she was on all fours above Y/N. Her large smooth breasts draping down reaveling down her well tailored gown. She began to crawl slowly towards Y/N's face, her chest lighting brushing against Y/N's body. It was incredibly soft yet cold. " I am going to need you to open your mouth, won't you, pet?", without hesitation, Y/N dropped her mouth open for her. Alcina licked her lips and pressed her right fang into her plump bottom lip. Blood began to trickle out and run down her chin and onto her chest. Her hand traveled slowly up to Y/N's neck, gentle gripping it, and holding it against the mattress. Her opposite hand, explored under her shirt, and rested on her heart. Y/N, felt the a wave of heat flush away the cold that was residing in her. What was she about to do? "Can't let my obedient food die on me, yet.", Alcina leaned herself forward, pressing her lips against Y/N's. Her tongue inviting itself into her mouth, brushing metallic crimson inside. The flavor was terrible but Y/N did not seem to object. Alcina continued to kiss her, muffled sounds escaping between their lips as a warm blanketed feeling continued to lay over Y/N. Blood had managed to escape their lips, trickling down Y/N's chin, it was incredibly cold as it traveled down. Alcina ceased the kissing, her face revealed itself to be flush and pink. Strange for a creature of the undead. She moved her long delicate fingers along Y/N's blood covered lips and chin. Collecting whatever escaped under her finger tips. "Don't waste it.", she whispered softly nudging her fingers against Y/N's lips, as they slipped their way inside her mouth. More of that bitter flavor met Y/N's tongue, and she felt her body grow warmer and warmer. Alcina took her fingers out after a few moments, examining there was no trace of remaining blood present. She made a sound of approval that trailed with a small smile. An overwhelming amount of insatiable hunger found Y/N, she felt her body perk with energy, her senses incredibly alert, and her heart accelerate as if it was injected with caffeine. She brought a hand to Alcina's cheek and drew her to her own. Lips reuniting again, her tongue pressing its way into Alcina's mouth, and Y/N biting her lower plump lip. She was hungry, the introduction to Alcina's blood was intoxicating, addictive, and restoring. It brought her energy and she needed more. A small line of red flowed from Alcina's lower lip, and Y/N quickly licked it from her face. Her tongue returning back to Alcina's mouth the moment she collected all of her crimson. Alcina muffled a small moan, as her hand tightened around Y/N's neck, the opposite hand no long resting on her Y/N's heart but traveling down her stomach. Her incredibly sharp nails dragging into her sternum down to above her navel. She felt blood seep from those insicions, and she let out a pained moan. She buried her lips against Alcina's for a few more passionate moments until she broke it. Her lips pressing against Y/N's neck and her tongue dragging down her neck to the freshly bloodied cuts on her sternum and navel. She kissed and licked the bloodied wounds hungrily. Little delicate moans left her mouth as she glanced up at Y/N with her appreciative smile. Still continuing to clean the newly made cuts with her tongue. "Dont act as if this is an invitation of making love, foolish one. Vampires have restorative blood that gives humans the ability to briefly recover, replenish energy, alertness, and on some occasions enhance their libidio.", she rolled her eyes, " In this case, you acquired all of it. What a headache. I just wanted to make sure you didn't die of blood loss.", She sighed. " I suppose I will find more uses for you, pet. But don't think it will entirely feel good."
To be continued...
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
so to expand upon this lets go in some ideas on what helscraft is like
i like to think that helscraft is a weird glitched copy of the overworld and the nether mixed together. for the cannon of my hermit duplicate’s AU (of which i will be referring to within this post) the dimension of helscraft isnt really a full dimension that always appears in every world like the end and nether. it only spawns into a world after a year or so of players putting all of their love and care into the world. the world builds up enough of all that good energy and then causes a opposite opposing Force to form. thus helscraft spawns into existence. in a way you could say the whole dimension of helscraft is a duplicate as well.
now one thing that kinda throws a a wrench in the works of this idea is that every year or so the hermits move into a new world, though since its normally has been roughly the same amount of players in each season we can go with the hermitcraft dimension of hels is carried over with each world jump. the world of hels change to match the new overworld but its still the same helshermits. though for the hermits that leave the server their hels counterpart disappears.  this may also work in reverse as well. only have one example so far so who know :) cOUGHCOughNHOcOUGh
with the the hows and whys on helscraft existence out-of-the-way let's get into some worldbuilding!
as ive already mentioned, helscraft is somewhat of a glitchy mix of the overworld and nether. what i havent mentioned is that a good bit of the April Fools updates and removed features for the overworld ended up floating over to helscraft but unlike the overworld in which these features disappear pretty quickly they ended up sticking around in helscraft, for better or worst. 
heres a list of examples of this, of which i then expanded upon them to make them more fleshed-out. 
the list got really long so the rest of the post is under the cut! :D
Pig and cow sized horses, if fed too much will cause the animal to grow dangerous mutations that can not only kill the animal but make its remains toxic and unedible. You can make a green book via using toxic leather (the crafting book)
A common spell is to summon flame that then can be used for new crafting recipes. one such recipe is flaming barrels, if someone walks too close it will explode, another is chainmail armor
if you put too much fuel into a furnace it will explode.
torches burn out an hour or two after being lit
chickens are deadly, do not provoke them. it is extremely rare but the is a very small chance spawn in a blue chicken. only able to spawn via throwing eggs. it drops lapis and diamonds instead of eggs. beware tho, all chickens in the immediate vicinity will protect the blue one with their lives and will attack anything that gets too close.
eating or feeding an animal a god apple will cause it to float upwards for five minutes before slowly descending back to the ground. 
Wheat if not chopped after fully grown will go bad and die, same thing with other crops. though you can make Iron infused melon and pumpkins, it insures that the stem won't die over time after its first produce
Powered Redstone causes redstone bugs to spawn, it can be stopped by combining lapis and redstone dust together to make bluestone dust. asifhfsssdhv only a noob uses redstone.
Redstone wire, another alternative of redstone made with redstone dust surrounded by cobwebs. it insulates the redstone and stops bugs from spawning. pretty much the same thing function wise but is a pretty cool thing to use to flex on others
Villagers are instead piglins, not the tanned ones added into the nether update but rather pink skinned ones.
Glowing obsidian, a glowing red version of obsidian. Only found in trades with piglins
In helscraft there are lava oceans instead of water, water can only be found deep underground. Lava instead of water is infinite, water is no longer infinite. 
The world of hels first looked like the indev world theme of hell, with following updates to the overworld helscraft changed and evolved as well. There is no sun nor moon, just a forever floating layer of lava that acts to light up the dimension. 
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Frostwalker is instead, Magmawalker, turning lava into magma blocks shortly before melting back into lava
Boss fights arent the same in helscraft as in the normal overworld and its closely neighboring tied in dimensions of the end and nether. Not found in helscraft are Guardians, the ender dragon, and technically the Wither as well. Instead you can find Giants, the red dragon, the four horse men(much more difficult to defeat)
Giants unlike the ai less ones you can spawn using commands are living and breathing monsters that roam the land. During their travels any ghasts they cross will join them on their wandering
Ghasts can be somewhat tamed in helscraft. If you can successfully capture a baby ghast from its parents and raise it yourself the ghast will be malleable enough, somewhat like foxes but just a bit more wild. If you happen to accidentally harm them it will turn on you and fight you to the death, be it your’s or theirs.
It's a very very rare find but huge brick pyramids can spawn into the world. in season 7 helscraft’s cubfan took up residence within one that spawned in Incredibly Close to spawn
There are alot of different nonsensical potions that can be brewed for interesting drinks. some have a use, most dont tho. all of em have amazingly different tastes and smells
instead of honeycomb there is crystallized honey, it functions as pretty much the exact same thing. has its block too, call the wax block.
Killer bunnies spawn in more often than normal bunnies
Og stonecutter, can cut blocks into half. Not only used for stone. can cut doors, beds, and much more into halfs
Nether reactor core, could be the key on how to jump between the hermitcraft and helscraft. will need to think on this idea some more though
Petrified Forest, a biome within helscraft that has wood as hard as stone and a texture reminiscent of a mix of acacia and crimson planks color wise.
unsure as of yet on what to call it but the volcanic biome the Rempirer had Rendog make is a biome within helscraft as well!(the Rempirer is ren’s helscraft counterpart... he wasnt always evil as he is now) 
the mobs that lost the vote found their way into helscraft, not just the moobloom all of them. the three mystery mobs from the 2017 and the ice illager. (i voted for the glow squid and while i do still stand by my decision it is truely a shame we might not see any of them all in the game ever )
Studded armor and plate armor, alternatives to leather and chainmail. studded armor is made with leather and stone and plate armor is made with smooth stone slabs
stained glass looks a bit like this
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and colored wool like this!
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and thats everything for now. ill probly be working out some more ideas since theres a surprisingly large amount of features that have been added to minecraft either hidden away in the background or removed.
 also if anyone wants a some links to where i found these old and mostly forgotten facts ill post em in the notes when i get the time to do so. theres a lot of them tho so i might forget a few
hey also if you like these you might also like my Discord! i made it for this au and i tend to share my ideas a bit more over there than over here. theres a lot to see :DD
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thespamman24 · 3 years
I think it's a very interesting subject. You see, modernism emerged as a reaction to traditionalism. It depicts the world through an augmented lens, but through that augmented lens we can truley perceive the world. You see, we human never truely comprehend reality. We comprehend reality, and then our brains change it and morph it in our heads. Modernism attempts to capture that by changing reality with it's own perception and bias. This is an attempt to show the world in a more true, abstract sense depicting things as they seem as opposed to how they truely are. That's because we never see things as they truely are, only how they seem.
Post-modernism rejects that, along with most other things. Post modernism goes beyond logic and throws away every scrap of reality in order to portray something beyond what we can see and know. However, there is no true way to portray that. So, every post-modernistic piece is aware that it will fail in it's effort. But, through this failure a sort of flawed beauty emerges. We will never ever truely be able to show things in how they really are, but we will never truly be able to show things as we perceive them. Instead, we should stop trying to show things at all and merely show concepts.
Meta-modernism, also known as post-post modernism is a little hard to define, since it's so recent. Essentially, it breaks down the basic idea of art. Why do we even try to show things? And can we ever try to show things? Meta-modernism rejects the cynicism of post-modernism in favor of a more optimistic, inquisitive view of the world. It seeks to try to find the meaning in the nonsensical, whereas post-modernism tries to find the nonsensical in the meaningfull. Meta-modernism explores how showing things in certain ways makes us feel, and how exactly we perceive reality. Meta-modernism embraces the in-ability to answer questions, and treats questiosn less like things that should be solved, but things that should be explored.
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My little mischievous partner ~ Part 1
So before I start I just wanna point out that the main idea of this story came from @tomtenadia and I simply transformed it into a little Elriel ff with the IC. It was originally planed as only a one-shot, but it turned out way too long so I parted it.
And I just wanted to say @tomtenadia that I really am sorry that I post it this late, but anyway hope you enjoy. 
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It will be an peacefull evening they said. It will be relaxed they said. It will be fun they said. 
But all of this was the least from the situation right now.
Azriel, who had taken his first week off in decades, actually only wanted to spend some time with the seer. 
Just being around her and enjoy the last warm breathes of the summer air together with her, but of course did he get carried away as Mor and his brothers presured him into an evening with all of them. 
Instead of just him and Elain. 
And honestly Azriel didn’t know why he had agreed. Thinking for the fracture of a second that it was a good idea, but that thought had crossed his mind before his second glass of wine, or was it already the third? Maybe even the fourth? 
He honestly did not know how many it have been until now. 
The spymaster only learned that he would never trust his family when it came to peacefull evenings ever again. 
Knowing they would end up with two tipsy or drunken Illyrians, arguing over a topic they had been arguing over for the past five centuries. 
Their voices way too loud as to be tuned out as he continued listening to them. The warmth of the fire on his wings right now the only thing that kept him seated in the plush armchair.
“What do you mean by that you idiot?” roared Rhys, half slurring, at his brother, who had a smirk displayed on his face. “I mean by that, that Nesta would agree with my opinion.”
“You have no right to say that! Feyre knows I put best use to what I have!” 
Cass smirk grew at that. “I would say that too if had 10 inches to defend.”
Rhys huffed, chest puffed out as his violet eyes practically pierced his brother “Are you talking about yourself now or what?”
Azriel could only shake his head at the two Illyrians. Trying to tune out again, but the try was only of succes for a little amount of time, as suddenly a crash was heared. 
The lamp, that stood next to the seer that sat on the couch and absentmindly nibbled at one of her blueberry cookies, crashed to the floor. Causing the innocent fawn to almost jump to her feet. But that still didn’t change the fact that she chocked slightly on the cookie bites she chewed with such intesity that looking alone hurt. The intensness of her far away gaze prove that she, too, tried to stay with her mind as far away as possible from the arguing.
But that didn’t work as Rhys flared out his wings. Knocking over the lamp and almost hitting the innocent seer in her face. 
Elain, who already drank a good amount of wine too, dared to glare at Rhys back. A crack heared as she aggresivly bit off a piece of her cookie again. 
Azriel was amazed how the mood of the seer could change so easily. Normally all sweet and nice - even while she was drunk, but somehow she seemed allergic to loud bussy bodys. His two brothers shivering for the amount of a second, in which they had the full attention of an icy glare from the middle Archeron- that would have even made Amren proud. 
Causing him almost to laugh out loud and forget his aching skull. 
But his brothers were a literall pain in the neck. Their boaming voices a hammer to his head whenever they spoke. 
“Get a measuring stick and I will show you whos bigger! Or just ask Feyre!” 
Now Cassian was mocking him with a cooing voice “Do you really think you need a measuring stick? Don’t you think an ruler is more than enough for you?”
As Rhys loud voice already wanted to start arguing back - something in Azriel snapped. Causing him to jump to his feet, move swiftly past  the few couches in the sitting room and reach for his brothers. 
Taking each of their massive heads in his scarred hands as he clanked their heads together. Their skulls meeting with great force as a dull thud was heared. 
Both of his Illyrian brothers groaning as he let them go. Their hands rubbing the spots where they had collided with the head of  the other one just a moment ago. 
Cassian was the first to recover, still groaning as he rubbed his forehead “What the hell was that about?!” but his pissed tone soon vanished as he saw the fire flickering in Azriels eyes. 
Knowing even in his drunken state, to not piss off his brother further than here. 
The silence of his threats a cold blanket around them. 
Rhys was smart enough to keep quiet as well, hissing whispered curses of pain under his breath as he rubbed his forehead too. 
Everything felt right, now. Peace having settled, but only temporary. 
The strong head of the High Lord finding the better of his brother again, as he whispered to his comander, as they started to walk out the room, “I will still get the measureband!” 
Azriel sighed and lifted his hands in defeat. The seer, that had watched the scenario in quiet amazement, giggled at the silly gesture. Her tipsy state probably getting the better of her. 
Causing the pissed but tipsy Shadowsinger to smile genuinely at her, before he stormed up to his brothers. 
His cold presence in their backs making them turn around with their heads ducked in. Their hunched form remembering him of the time were Rhys mother had scolded the two of them for breaking her favourite vase. 
Azriel tried to cover them up back then, telling that one of his shadows had accidently knocked it over, but the Illyrian Lady of the Night court knew better. 
And right now Azriel would gladly be the one to scold the two, but his patience was already worn thin, so he quickened the whole process a bit. 
Pointing, with his scarred index finger, up the winged staircase. His voice not allowing any arguments “Go to your rooms! Both of you and I don’t wish to see any of  you two drunken idiots all night again! Got that!?” 
He grumbled at them. His brothers obbeying as they walked up with heavy steps the withe stairs up, Cassian not able to control his grumbling “Stupid mother hen! Always ruins the fun!” 
But the Spymaster only sighed. Trying his best to get the air out of his lungs.
Azriel was no speaker, that all of them knew, but sending a shadow to whack Cass at the back of his head was something he did with satisfaction. 
The head of the commander whiping around at the cool, stinging sensation on his skin. His fiery eyes widening in shock as he saw the cold promise that layed in Azriels pissed eyes, as he watched with crossed arms over his chest,  how his two brothers hurried up the stairs. 
A final sigh escaping the shadowsingers lips as he turned towards the sitting room again. Abondening the plush armchair and taking a seat beside the lovely flower grower instead. 
Her honey eyes glowed with something he had never seen before, as her normaly bright, head turning smile grew into a wide stretched smirk that made his heart shiver. “These two sure are a handfull.”
Azriel could only nod, rubbing his throbbing temples. 
This was clearly not the time of day he whished to put up with their nonsense, but they never seemed to have mercy with him. Mor,Amren and Feyre the only ones that even tried to allow him some peace, next to Elain of course.
Never would he have guessed that even the friendly seer could give him a troubling time, but he clearly mistook her. 
Elain was a fae that could send his entire body, with a soft touch, soaring up into the sky far,far above them. Which she did. The brush of her soft fingers on the heated skin of his forearm, making goosebumps appear all over his body.
The warmth of the fireplace infront of him, once again, the only thing that kept him seated. But then again, was it the warmth that kept him still or the quiet michivous gleam in Elains knowing eyes? 
Those warm doe eyes that never seemed to miss a second of the day, those eyes which were a calming ancheror to his raging thoughts - were now gleaming of a dangerous dark brown. 
A wicked smile stretching her lips, as she flashed him her white theeth. 
The sight alone of her, making his heart stutter. 
Those warm eyes reflecting the fire, as her hair cought the hue of orange and gold. Those golden curles of hers, suddenly looking like an river made of fire. Elains softness seemingly all gone, as that wicked smile and the hand on Azriels forearm kept him still.
Making him take in the rare sight infront of him. 
But it seemed that the tipsy seer was full of surprises this evening. 
Her petite form leaning in to whisper, in a sinfull voice, in his rounded ear. That wicked smile on her lips spreading on his own like a wild fire, as she explained her plan to him. 
A plan he would truely have never expected of her, but that made the smirk grow even wider. 
The sight of the two smirking figures on the couch would have made even Amren shiver, as they discussed a plan, that would not be forgoten by the Inner Circle, for the next centurie at least.
“Az sure isn’t as fun as a centurie ago.” slured Cass at Rhys as they strode through the large hallway on the second floor. The white wall to the commanders right, a pleasent companion on the way to his chambers. 
His brother could only nod as he, too, made the way to his room on wobbly knees and legs. 
The two drunken Illyrians not carring at all that, below them, the Spymaster could still hear them.
But both did not have the braincells for the thougt of carring rigth now. It was already hard enough for the two to remember the way to their bedrooms. 
A turn of the hallway to the right was Cassians reminder of where his room was, sadly for him he noticed the turn too late. The reminder hiting him like cold marble - quiet literally, like he needed to find out. With a groan, escaping his dry throat, he rubbed one of his temples - where his stubborn skull hit the cold floor. 
Rhysand could only watch. The look on his face not clearly readable. It seemed like he was torn between lauhing like crazy and helping Cassian get up. He decided for the first, as a howling laughter echoed through the empty white hallway. 
The sound too shrill, as the loud,booming midnight voice of his brother hit the commanders sensetiv ears. Making him cover them up with a light growel on his lips. 
He wasn’t quiet sure how long he sat there - or how long Rhysand laughed. But what he knew was that they both layed on their backs on the cold floor afterwards, probably because Rhys wasn’t able to hold his balance as he reached for Cass.
 The flickering faerie lights only a dimmed hue.
Weird. Hadn’t they been brigther before? Like really bright. Cassian remembered, that when they reached the top of the stairs and the light turned imideatly on, that it hurt his eyes so much he had to close them. 
The commander only shrugged as he looked into the hallway infront of him with furrowed eyebrows. Maybe he had just imagined the light so bright, since the light downstairs was even more dimmed.
But the temptation of giving in to this thought was taken away from him, as he saw the shadow. A shadow that looked like a pillow of needles. Sharp claws looking like cresent moons that wanted to slice the Commander and the High lord open. The high Lord that hadn’t even noticed the shadow behind him, since he was on all four trying to get up on wobbly feet - his back turned to the shadow. 
A cold shiver ran down Cassians spine as he noticed the twisting silhouette of claws and sharp teeth. Suddenly not so sure if it was just a shadow or the cloud of black  mist that was the creatures body.
With plate wide eyes fixed on the twisting thing on the wall - he shook his brother, that almost made it to stand, but was dragged down again as Cassian shook one of his wobbly legs. Making him fall with a loud thud as the commander  hissed at him “Rhys! Look behind you!” The high lord only threw daggers at his brother as his tan face colided with the white floor again. His cheek flat against the cold stone. “What is it Cass!” 
Cass had only looked for a moment at Rhys when he fell, but now - as he gestured to the wall. Everything was normall. His eyebrows furrowed as he mumbled to himself “I could swear I saw something ...” as Rhys crawled on all four to the next wall - so that he could get up safely- he only grumbled “Yeah sure.” 
Cassian could only shake his pounding head. The drunkness suddenly lifted by the shock, but as he turned his back to the white long wall opposite him - he could have sworn to have heared a hissing laugh. A sound that came close to swords clanking together. 
He shivered again, but got up on wobbly feet. His chamber was only afew steps away and Rhysand already started to walk to his own chamber, so there was probably no reason to be worried at all. 
“Night Brother.” was Cass last good night. Rhys grumbled as he took the way, closest to one of the walls , back into the main hallway “Night, short inch.” at that Cassian needed to laugh as he, too, made the short way to his door in a far too long time “You wish. We both know it’s not true.” 
The only answer was a slammed door and Cassian was left alone in the hallway his heavy hand already on the doorknob to his room as a cold breeze turned off all the faerie lights. Making him blink in the dark.
“Hihihihi.” There! Again that sudden laugh. Louder and clearly audible, as if someone was next to him. A cold breath on his cheek strengthening his theory. 
Cassian was never one to run away, but if that laugh belonged to the one he suspected. He would feel no shame tomorrow for having swung his door open and having stumbled into it. The door, that flung wide open at the force of stregth that was used on it, seemed to close itself again as the commander fell onto all four again. 
Slightly panting in fear, he turned on the dimm lights and only saw a black mist lick at the side of the lock, before it fell shut. 
The shiver increased as he felt his face go chalk white. The louring sound of sleep now the only thing that could make him forget abou these incidents. 
And so he went to bed. The thick blanket, that normally suffocated him, now too cold for him.
Cassian didn’t know how long it was what he slept, but all he knew was the reason why he woke up. The sticky warm breath on his cheeks the complete opposite to the cold licking at his feet. Shivers waving through his paralyzed body, as he oh so slowly - turned on his back to look at the source of all this. 
Sharp yellowish teeth gleaming at him, as his eyes looked into the dark. The fullmoon light coming in through his window making his fears only worse as they made the thin yellow teeth look like little sharp knives. 
And for one of the few times of his life, did Cassian feel afraid of knives. 
But as he layed there - motionless- his brain started to catch up on him. A roaring scream escaping his lungs as he shoot up - hitting his head on the dark creature he so feared. His clumsy feet hurrying to get out from beneith the blanket.
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doolkat · 3 years
overall review of eurovision this year? i can tell you hated moldova and switzerland and said maneskin looks like the type of group to do drugs (which is... weird) but other than that what did you actually like
Good question anon! Also wow people really still read my esc posts from may.. huhu bit embrassing looking back at some of my reactions but I was in the moment ahahah. plus they are justified in my eyes pftt
Maybe I expressed myself too strongly on some things so they came off as very negative.Oops well I got a change to clean that all up now.
I didnt hate maneskin tbh I just dont get the hype.
Only one I truely hated was Moldova lmao cuz the song was geniuely so bad it shouldnt been in finale at all.
Switzerland was bad to me cuz of extreme sensory over load and I dont like french language. Idk I guess I dont have romantic ear but I honestly just dont like the language.
Also I enjoyed almost all songs besides the ones u mentioned!
Personal favorite song and unpopular af opinion is that I enjoyed Australias song technicolor. Also I somehow enjoyed Azerbaijan mata hari, idk it was catchy af!
I felt emotinal connection to Australias song and Azerbaijan was just catchy and kinda funny to me. Idk why it reminded me of Floppa lmaoo
Best stage performance with intresting song to me was Ukraine!Really cool visual and dance. SONG SLAPS WITCH ENERGY
Cool movie like performance and touching entry was by Norway to me.
Finland had some good emo rock song imo. I liked it much more than Italy actully maybe I dont like Italy that much cuz Im bitter that Finland didnt get super high place lol.(Im half finnish so I stand by my finnish emo rock boys)
Lithuania my fellow baltics friend did good performance too this year. I enjoyed their funny performance. If u want some thing funny check Germany and Lithuania. Germany seems kinda like troll entry this year. Lithuanias song was good plus it was funny too kinda.
Speaking of funny DENMARK! they didnt do very good but I loved their song and its catchy af and doesnt take itself too seriously plus if u read the lyrics its a NONSENSE. xd
Hosts this year - absolute ass. My least favorite part about esc this year. Nikkitutorials was there.. yeah but I feel like the hosts didnt make any funny comments and I felt like all the songs came on so so fast cuz there werent really any breaks. My ass had Hard time fully focusing on all songs because of that. I think some people can relate to that. I dont know if I didnt understand the jokes but the host imo didnt have any connection with the audience or viewers. Too many of them anyways to me. I missed Jon Olan Sand too.
Visuals and performances-
very cool and OVERWHELMING. I had at least 3 moments where my head hurted a bit. Could be cuz of the visuals itself being so flashy or just how eyes couldnt catch a break cuz the pauses this year were nonexistant or very very short so for my brain and eyes it was hard to progress. Nothing too Crazy happend on stage tho this time. Giant finger and Greece performance.
Greece performance was pretty cool btw. viusally at least. The song imo was alwful. lol
Voting - AS usual with few suprises. Our estonian host told us in begging of esc that fortune tellers say Italy will win.. and then quess what. So that was kinda boring maybe thats also why I cant seem to like their song. I wish the fortune tellers would be wrong sometime or I wouldnt know but our host Marko Reikop literally always tells us who fortune tellers will think will win so yeah. That always comes AS dissapointment if they are right.
Opinion on Italy : Typical rock stars who happen to bisexual so tumblr and other lgbt communities can pump them up but this time the song happens to be good. Thats what I think please dont take this AS offence but the hype is so overrated like yeah their good and HOT but like we get it.I havent seen this much hype over a winner in a while I dont know why they are so different from every other winner. I just feel like some of this is queerbiting.. idk some thing about lgbt community going so Crazy about bisexual performing is Crazy to me. I just dont get it. IT was good song tho ill give them that but not that much better than other songs in contest.
Over all it was good eurovision imo! I dont rember having this much songs that I liked and saved in my playlist in many years.
I liked the songs and performances I feel like lot of them were high quitaly this year with expection of few countries. The crowd was really seemed to enjoy esc and everyone here on tumblr and on esc reaction communities really seemed in the element! Which made me more hyped and excited to watch esc. IT was very enjoyable event to enjoy with other people from all over the world this year and everyone felt connectef after the pandemic! Thats whats best about it this year imo. Every really seemed to. enjoy themselves and I did too. Eurovision is connecting people and everyone was happy to have it back after last year it didnt happen.!
I dont know anon if u wanted me to do review on all the countries performances too. If yes please do let me know. U can be anonmyous. Illl gladly tell and can even make different post about it.
I know my Italy comment probaly is controversial but I just wanted to get it out.
Thanks for the ask! 💓IT was nice reflecting back on esc!!
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squidsy24 · 4 years
Please Be Here
A Good Omens bus ride that I made and am proud of enough to post here
Aziraphale lost track of what was exactly happening after he separated from Madam Tracy. He was there for it all and responsive but sitting on the bus next to Crowley caused everything that had happened in the past couple hours to come in waves. Was Crowley even there with him? He knew his bookshop was gone, now in ashes to never return. Even the clothes on his back weren't his when he thought about it. So was his best friend still here after it all, or did he too burn up with the demon's bentley? Aziraphale had to be sure he had to know that SOMETHING of his still was his, still HERE, so without much thought otherwise he reached his hand out over the demons. The angel looked at the demon who, dispite the darkness of both the sunglasses and the night sky, maintained a gaze out the window that was so focused that surely a touch wouldn't stir him too much. Right? He didn't stop himself he reached out and took hold of Crowley's hand that was resting on his thigh and let out a deep exhale he is here I didn't loose him at the end of this. HE IS HERE. The etheral being felt one of the weights lift off his shoulders, and still refused to let go of the hand he now clutched has hard as he could without hurting his friend
Upon the hand reaching out Crowley lost all train of thought he had. All the debates of: What will he say about Ligur? When did I last clean? Will he even want to stay with me? were now lost. Because the look Azirphale had on his face was one of a broken being full of remorse and lost as if all his hope that heaven still cared had been set a flame. Crowley supposed in the end it did. "Are you okay Angel?" Crowley said maintaining the same soft expression he had since he and the Angel had been alone. "No. No my dear boy I'm actually quite tried. Do you by chance have a place I could sleep? At your flat of course." That was it. Thats what changed Crowleys face though only for a second. Sleep? since when does Aziraphale sleep? He has only slept the equvalant of 24 years in all 6000 that we have been here. It was true Azriaphale only slept on the rarest of occasions things like Y2K or other times when humans got extremely hysterical and he couldn't deal with the nonsense. Crowley knew it something was wrong. Something was VERY wrong. He needed to be here. He needed to be here for his best friend a title he has now accepted as his for the past hundreds of years. So with that thought came a brand new bedroom in his condo, it was a king sized mattress and the room had a single bookshelf that had most every book Aziraphale had given him, along with a nice chair with lamp placed behind it and a tartan blanket slung over the arm of it. "you know I think a whole room is currently being dusted off as we speak" Crowley cracked a small smirk and looked down at his hand still in Zira's fingers carefully interlaced. Had they always been like that? to be honest with himself Crowley didn't care he was just happy to see the angel agian. "We still have a while til we get to London if you feel the need to rest you can lean on me. If you want, probably more comfortable." Zira flexed back on his shoulders slightly before responding back with " Would you be okay with that?". Rather then saying the obvious 'of course would be fine angel, I wouldn't have offered other wise" Crowley thought aganist it and instead squeezed Aziraphales hand and said "I'll wake you when we get there". The angel took the answer as a yes and placed his head on the demons shoulder refuseing to let go of his hand as if he would leave the second he did.
--1 Hour Later--
Crowley doesn't remember when Aziraphale exactly changed positions on him and moved so that Crowleys arm was wrapped around him and his left arm was under his head on the demons shoulder and his right was slung around his torso. Quite frankly Crowley's brain was short circuting still. KNOWING it was real but believeing it too good to be true. At this point Crowley and Aziraphale were still 15 minutes away from Crowley's flat because of a small non fatal accident between two cars both that had a Mr. and Mrs. Jonson in it, they were not it the same car. As luck would turn out the Angel sleeping caught the attention of one of the fellow bus riders who thought it smart to tell Crowley this " You two make an adorable couple God Bless you both" Crowley, whose face was nothing if not filled with adoration for the angel in his arms froze the bus rider then thought it best to appologise and flee to the front seat Did God really do any of this? Burn down his shop? Discorporate him? Make Him tolorate SHADWELL for hours? Ruin everything he holds dear to him? thats when it hit Crowley. God didn't take him. Crowley MEAN'T something more then friendship to the angel. That had to be it right? you don't just cuddle your best friend the way said best friend cuddled the body pillow he ' bought on accident'. With that thought Crowley then began to stroke up Aziraphale's arm trying to wake the angel gentle, so as he wouldn't be shocked when he woke up.
Aziraphale was calmly pulled out of a very helpful dream to find himself clutching on to a supposed occult being. But he wasn't, at least not with him, NEVER with him. Crowley had always been good to him. Maybe it was still some of Madam Tracy in his head but something about this moment made him say it " I, Crowley I think I'm in love with you, cause just, Yes I am." Aziraphale lifted his head and took off the shocked Crowley's glasses and looked into his eyes "Anthony J. Crowley, I am in love with you, and I'm sorry I never told you before I've known sinc-" the Angel was cut off by Crowley reaching out with his right hand to cup his cheek. They both sat there like that for what felt like a century condensed into a moment that was cut off by Crowley's lips on the Aziraphale's. Crowley then pulled away and started " I love yo-". Aziraphale knew the end of that sentence and so he lost no time in grabing Crowley and kissing him. This one was nothing like the last one this wasn't a ' you go to fast for me moment' it was a ' we just stopped the apocolapse and 2 hours ago I had a fake senace worker scream at me to just kiss you and tell you everything' kind of kiss the kind that dispite being at their location the bus driver waited calmly till they could even think properly.
Crowley thought it best that the mystreious room in the flat go back to where it came from but the shelf and blanket stayed and was now looking at HIS angel carefully wrapped in the bottoms of a pair of black silk pajamas ,dispite being able to miracle his own, with the tartan abomanation wrapped around him going into the details of how tomorrow would occur according to Agnes who just so happened to be in his dream. By the end of the careful planning the two had already exchanged mulitiple kisses and touches just to ensure that the other was truely there even though they knew. They both knew it all in there hearts.
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radiovisual · 3 years
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(( *inhale*
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(( Im not done talking about Alastor yet, time for more bullshit
(( SO. About what i was saying in the dash com post! I.... prefer to see my Alastor in situations that hurt him. Emotionally, physically, psychologically--anything, really. BUT. I fear that since i talk about it so much--it comes across as me 'saying' that that is where Alastor USUALLY is.
(( this is not the case.
(( my Alastor has struggled, to be sure--but ultimately? He lived a proud, fulfilling life where he got the things he wanted by cheating, manipulating, blackmailing, and yes, indeed, murdering people. He GOT HIMSELF the things he wanted, by any means necessary--and he kept himself SAFE. By any means necessary. And up until the very end, this WORKED for him. That is why he never changed. That is why he never sat back and thought "hey, maybe I shouldnt be insulting my friends" or "hey, maybe I shouldn't be killing people just so that I can get the job I want". his methods got him what he wanted, so there was no incentive to change.
(( his outburst when he first fell into hell tipped this method if his on its side. Sure, physically he could keep himself pretty well off--people gave him what he wanted, and no one tried to hurt him, bc they were afraid of him. B u t. No one would talk to him, either. Hes a people person--tho he often treated others poorly, they stuck with him due to lack of optioned and pressure up on the surface--and when they stayed on his good side, he WAS a fun friend to have. But now, no one will truely give him a chance. There is too much terror shaking other sinners minds for him to lay an insincere foundation of trust like hes used to. He still tried, but he often failed--the relationships were nit the same. There was TOO MUCH fear. This exhausted him--and it no longer gave him what. He. Wanted.
(( this forced him to change!
(( this forced him to step back and look at more successful relationships and try to figure out what they had that he needed to emulate--it was genuine kindness, sincerity, and respect! And though he still struggles to combat the lingering fear in sinners minds, changing tactics proved SUCCESSFUL for him!
(( its not easy, but he can change--he just NEEDS a tangible reason to do so. No amount of moral preaching or intervention would convince him to change a behavior he has If that behavior is beneficial to his lifestyle--he doesn't care how others see him, or what they think of him. He cares about, for the millionth time im saying this, getting! what! he! wants!
(( now, "jack," u must be thinking, "that was a really long tangent. What does that have to do with your fetish for making alastor cry???" Well, IM GLAD YOU ASKED! the answer is i lost track of my train of thought--but its ok, i got her back again--and the ANSWER answer is that AAAAALLL that nonsense means that Taking Power And Control And Choice away from Alastor forces him into an i n c r e d i b l y facinating mindset!
(( like i said, hes a proud guy--hes PROUD that he was able to lead his life entirely on his own. His father couldnt control him, nor could his mother, and he never got married so neither could a hypothetical Husband--and the percentage of the public of New Orleans who knew him by name knew much better than to Try. He values the control he has, so, SO much--which means that Taking It Away, in any method or form, would do SOMETHING to him. It can steer his character in the most UNEXPECTED directions and i find this bubbling volcanic crater of potential fucking i r r i s i s t a b l e
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schizoleonkennedy · 4 years
ALRIGHT it's late and I'm exhausted so all of this will be near nonsense but I'LL MAKE A POST WITH ACTUAL THOUGHTS AND DETAILS IN THE MORNING OR SOMETHIN. Anyhow I'm 100% shamelessly stealing from the movie Byz.anti.um (tw for sexual violence, would not reccomend if that's a massive trigger or you're having a low spoons day)
So the idea is that Ke.igo is something immortal, something vaguely dark, even though he does his best to be a good man. He's been alone for hundreds of years, and even though there are people he finds that interest him, he cant stay long. Eventually it becomes obvious he isnt aging. He ends up moving to a coastal town and meets my insert, who seems to be the first that truely draws him out of his solitude
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