#this is the only things close i am contributing to ship discourse
heartoflightning · 30 days
i’m still hearing people say that just because they went on a couple dates and kissed twice that it does not make buck and tommy boyfriends
and it just baffles me because, what do you call someone you just sucked face with in a hospital lobby for thirty minutes, then introduced him to your entire family at your sister’s wedding, while the same soot on his face is also on yours?
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class1akids · 3 years
hi, just wanted to say I appreciate your addition to that post about "problematic" fancontent. you shouldn't have had to share personal, traumatic experiences to prove a (very valid) point but the ideas you posted there rlly are things that present fandom culture should learn about.
Thank you for fully reading and understanding what I was trying to say. 
Thanks also to all the people who came to reassure me that a celebrity crush is not problematic. While I appreciate the support, this wasn’t really my point - I know that there is absolutely nothing problematic with it. 
What bothered me were that people insinuating / questioning whether I shipped Hawks x Shouto (1) felt entitled to ask me with an accusatory tone (2) suggested that if I were shipping it, I became suddenly a disgusting, problematic fan. 
And even though I don’t ship it, it really annoyed me for two reasons: (1) since I never actively promoted the ship, I feel like nobody should be questioned like that about what they may or may not like in their private thoughts; (2) it really bothers me that people are trying to assimilate young adult / late teen relationships (which may or may not be sexual) with sexual abuse of young children or call people who think about it pedophiles. 
I’m not denying that teen-adult relationships can be very problematic, nor am I denying that adults always have a responsibility towards minors. But I can’t help feeling that some distinctions should be made.
Teens in many countries can work, drink, drive cars, create social media accounts, have unsupervised access to the internet, have their own phones, go out with their friends with no parents present - and all these activities carry risks they need to learn to mitigate (because there will always be predators). It is true that the US classifies all sexual behavior with someone under-18 as CSA, but internationally the age of consent is lower. In many countries (including most European countries), 16 being the line rather and having close-age gap exemptions. So “underage” is not an absolute concept, it has a cultural framing (I grew up with 16 being the age of consent with an adult and 14 with another minor, so for me that’s normal). 
And yes, whether fans write about it or not, often teens do engage in sexual behavior, with peers or sometimes somewhat older people. “Problematic” fan-fiction didn’t create this - biology did. I had close friends who had affairs with college-age boys when they were in their teens, and were actively pursuing those relationships feeling like same-age boys were too immature. Their experience in a relationship like that is vastly different from my experience of being assaulted as a 9-year old.  Young children (under 14, but especially under 12) do not have this kind of autonomy and freedom, nor the tools to protect themselves.
Fandom police tries to create a false equivalence between these experiences, and on top of it, tries to pin the trauma of the 9-year old child on people who write about sex between let’s say a 17-year and 20-year old on a fan site tagged for Explicit content and Underage so people who don’t want to read it can really easily avoid it. They are not the same. 
And sure, internet strangers can be dangerous (though I’d expect the real predators to be more low-profile than artists promoting their works), and we need to teach safety to kids to spot them and avoid them, but abusers are more likely to be people we know. More than 8 out of 10 children who are sexually abused know their abuser. They are family members or friends often very young themselves, neighbours or babysitters, coaches or teachers or priests - many hold responsible positions in society, which is why it is so difficult for the kids to stand up for themselves in such a situation.
Also, just in general, you can’t protect CSA-victims by harassing fanfic writers and artists creating “problematic content”. How do you even decide what is “problematic”?
What if the author was one of the people who had sex as 16-year old with someone who was 19? If they wrote a memoir of their own experience, would it count as “child pornography”?  Obviously not. What if they didn’t feel like using their own name and decided to project that experience on two fictional characters, so they could stay anonymous? Does the content become problematic suddenly? What if it’s a fix-it for their real life experience? Or a friend’s experience? Who is getting harmed here? 
I mean I don’t even pretend to know the answer to these questions, but I feel like we should be able to talk about them without jumping to conclusions.  
Harassing those writers and artists, trying to shut down people’s imagination doesn’t solve the problem of child sexual abuse. It just contributes to another very widespread problem instead: cyberbullying. 
And I’m sure many people who send call-out asks to suspected “problem fans” or participate in calling them out or cancelling them believe that they are doing something good to protect children from sexual abuse. 
But as a CSA-survivor, I can tell you, harassing fandom creators, sending them anon death threats, telling them to kill themselves over their shipping preferences will not help child or teenage victims. But it may hurt a real person in a very real way. 
I have a couple of suggestions that are more helpful than fandom policing and discourse to the people who really feel passionate about solving these problems:
- Spread science and facts about the interaction of fiction and reality, rather than falsehoods. Here is an excellent essay citing good research. Here is another fascinating post. The point is, rather than try to police fiction, it’s more effective to actually learn to distinguish fiction from reality, to be able to access fiction critically and to teach kids media literacy
-  Reblog good content about teaching young children not only of “stranger danger” but of consent and body autonomy and asserting boundaries towards people they know and when interacting with kids, model these behaviours (things I wish my parents taught me)
- lobby for schools to have proper child protection policy and age-appropriate, real-science based sex education and good information about safe sex to people who don’t get this information from their families or schools  
- spread information about age-appropriate internet safety both for kids and teenagers, including how to spot grooming intent from adults, how to engage in online discussions safely
- spread and reblog information about basic self-defence and minimizing risks when out and about. 
- spread information about government services, hotlines and charities that help victims of CSA or if you feel ambitious volunteer and raise funds. 
I think these are more helpful and respectful to CSA-victims than the raging discourse happening in their name. I don’t think you can ever solve any problem by violent scapegoating and shutting down the conversation.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
Been reading your blog for a while now bc, even if I disagree with you on some of the basics (I do think JK and JM have something exclusive going on, whatever the label), I like your reasoning, and I much prefer your diffident approach to Jikook to the one of crazy shippers that cannot seem to discern fiction from reality.
Anyways. You brought up an interesting point when you spoke about 'self inserting' in shipping.
BTS are hot. All of them, but the maknae line especially seems to have a crowd of fans that are into the band only bc they consider them attractive.
Self inserting IS common in any fandom. It's not even a thing that only applies to 'shippers' ('shippers' merely believe they are doing it in a more subtle way); i.e g. I don't now if you ever had the (dis)pleasure of stumbling into a solo Stan blog, but their fantasies and comments honestly give me the chills (JK AND V's solo stans are usually especially obnoxious and vulgar and inappropriate, yuck).
I am not sure weather self inserting is especially related to a certain demographic (although I would guess it's more common among very young females, which is a good chunk of BTS army), but with the maknae line I feel like most of the time hardcore shippers are doing exactly that.
And I don't mean those shippers who create fanart or write fanfictions - those are healthy, because they are aware of the separation between reality and fiction (hopefully).
I especially refer to crazy shippers who go around blogs attacking other ships, hating on a certain member or on certain people bc they deem them 'too close' to somebody from their favorite couple, lashing out on people who try to make them reason logically.
Why would they even bother or get this angry if not because they are secretly self inserting? It is not their relationship. It's not even about people they personally know. They have exactly zero sayings on BTS' life . But still they get mad when their favorite couple doesn't abide to their 'couple standards', because it's a confirmation that they can't control them. It's a confirmation that those people might actually have feelings for somebody (behind the crazy self insert's back).
It's obviously easier for self insert fans to create an imaginary relationship for the guys, rather than accept they might have a real one going on out of their control (and this applies to any toxic shipper from any ship, Jikook included).
So yeah, about this issue I think you hit the nail spot on.
Hope my rambling makes sense - and thanks for using your brain and bringing positive discourse in the tag, it's appreciated!
Hey, anon!
Thank you for sharing this submission! I'm also thankful that people who don't agree with me can comfortably say so here.
I think your ask mostly speaks for itself. I don't really have anything meaningful to contribute, but yes, you're right: self-insert isn't a behavior that's limited to shippers. I actually think it's funny that it was originally a practice indulged by authors who self-inserted themselves into their writing (subtly or not), so it might be neat (?) for people to know that was the origin of it, but it's certainly bled out into a fandom-wide practice.
Why would they even bother or get this angry if not because they are secretly self inserting?
I know I had some people disagree with this, and that the reasons for the hostile nature of shippers were much more simple, but the way you pose this question is precisely the point I was getting at. I've seen it on Twitter already where people are genuinely acting like they're the jilted lovers. I'm oversimplifying what's actually going on, but it's still food for thought.
Thanks again, anon! Your rambling made perfect sense, and it's refreshing to have such a discussion with someone. 💜
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takanova12 · 3 years
One of the hallmarks of the aot fandom is massive panic everytime leaks drop and mostly the release of full chapter ends up pleasing if not all majority of the readers. Yet, we still don't learn and negatively react everytime even with the understanding that we are missing context for the leaked panels/dialogues. So amid all of this, here I am just trying to share my positive and hopeful interpretation of leaks, which mostly concern mikasa.
I wholeheartedly love eremika. They will forever remain my comfort ship. The leaks haven't changed anything. If anything, they just reinforced the idea that mikasa loved eren till her last breath. I admit that I loved the ambiguity of last panel of chapter 139; does mikasa live by herself till she dies? Or does she find love again and end up being surrounded by people who cherish her and will be there for her until the end?
I am happy that she found happiness in life. I saw people criticizing her choice of finding love again and how they were wrong about her making a selfless decision and living with pride etc. I personally don't see how her having a family cancels out what she did? She did give up the most precious person to her in the entire damn world to save the damn world. To people who wanted her to be a stronK woman who needs no man to live a empowering life, well she was that in the entire series. It was eren who needed her to save his ass 24/7, it was her and not a man who contributed most significantly to saving the alliance and we all know it was her who freed ymir. Not only that but one of the most popular EM moments where she gave eren emotional support (chap 50) ended up leaving such an impact on him that it helped me activate the coordinate and was also shown to be one of his most cherished memories of her. So, at the end if she wants to live a peaceful and simpler life, let her have that. Most importantly, let her have that considering she never wanted this life of a soldier. So, I am glad isayama gave her that. After all the shit she's been through she deserved some happiness, she deserved to be around her very own family. She deserved to be loved and cherished just like she loved and cherished eren. I am happy for my girl. I am happy that she had such a lasting impact on the story and on eren. I am happy that she wasn't alone her entire life. Sure, she has armin but let's admit it armin is with annie. They were not welcome on the island and even if mikasa left with them or they somehow settled back on paradise, aruannie would have their very own family. Sure, mikasa could be the stronK independent who needs no mAn and be an aunt to other kids so she won't be alone (reminds me of what eh wanted for mikasa; her to be aunt of her beloved dead eren's baby that he had with historia). Okay now being honest, I would have no problem with mikasa being single for her entire life and be some govermental figure of sorts if she was ever presented in that way. Never has ever mikasa shown any interest in politics, being some military leader or some princess to hizuru. She didn't join SC because it was her dream. She did because of eren and now that eren is gone and she served her purpose, she has no reason to become involved in nasty politics that she never wanted to be associated with. Also, she always left the strategic thinking, planning etc to armin. She has always pondered upon how many times does she have to lose her family and restart again. It always came down to home/family/love and a sense of belongingness for her. Sure eren was her home but before that her home was her parents and then carla and grisha. I am not saying that with eren gone, she has to find happiness in another man, but out of these other miserable options for her like living alone in the island, I prefer her being with loved ones. She doesn't have her dad like annie or parents like pieck with her to give her that home and sense of belongingness so I find it even more hard to swallow that some people actually wanted her to be not loved and die not having a home even after everything she has been through. Moreover, it's better for her mental health that she stays as far away from dealing with the mess eren left behind. Didn't she already do enough? She killed him and that was the most painful thing she ever had to do. So, I don't understand why people still want her to be some single stronK woman in power who dedicates her entire life to cleaning eren's mess? Hell no! No more misery for my girl! And thankfully yams agrees.
She has already had her fair share of trauma so isayama did the right thing leaving the diplomacy part to armin and others. Also, people making baseless claims that she is unhappy in her married life? Where and how? Mikasa surely wasn't ever gonna marry someone if she wasn't ready to. Did she visit the grave alone? Nope, she had her man with her, which suggests she is happy and can trust him with her feelings for eren and that he very much respects those feelings. She is not sneaking out of the house to visit her beloved's grave but she is living with pride. She is not doing anything wrong in remembering eren because irl we never forget our most beloved person even if we find love again.
On the topic of jeankasa, Idc whether it had 2 panels together or a 1000, it doesn't matter to me either way because aot was eremika's story ( as in I mean the story only told us about their journey of platonic to romantic feelings). Post titan world jk happened, so I find the jk don't have development and armuika makes more sense argument very out of place. First of all jk do have some development, where they end up trusting each other. Mikasa initially didn't like jean always fighting and criticizing eren and just didn't care about him. Later just like she forged close platnoic bonds with rest of 104th, she did so with jean too and most of it happened off screen because it was not needed for the story. I mean we found out sasha and mikasa were bunkmates not through the story but the guidebook. And this is in line with the fact that mikasa is not a very vocal person to begun with, she mostly speaks through her actions and that is why we hardly ever see her screaming how she is gonna help rid the world of titans or how she saved gabi because she is a child just like them caught up in war. About armuika it is a 100% platonic bond. With jeankasa, only mikasa considered jean as just a friend while jean since day 1 has been romantically attracted to mikasa so much so that he jumped right at a titan for the first time in his life when he saw mikasa in danger, before that his legs would shiver at the thought of fighting titans. So, it makes sense if it was him who ended up marrying her because he was in love with her the entire time and respected her feelings. The execution could have been better but I don't have any qualms with it because it doesn't make me ship eremika any less and overall knowing that mikasa was with someone who had always secretly loved and admired her for a long time just she did with eren makes me believe they both have a solid mutual understanding and good relationship.
Lastly, the takes on her still wearing the scarf is disrespectful to her husband is another thing I don't agree with. The scarf is not a romantic gift given to her by lover. The scarf is what saved her as a little girl. The scarf is what made mikasa understand the dichomoty of life at such a young age. The scarf is what allowed mikasa to realize that the world is not just cruel. It is what saved her and helped her save the world. It is a life-changing and beautiful treasure for her that sheltered her from turning into a cold-hearted revenge seeking psychopath. So, I find it satisfying to know that she is capable of embracing that part of her life and being anle to move ahead in life with her head held high.
On a side note I wanted to wait until the official release but I saw some mikasa slander and just couldn't wait any longer. I do think I am immune to mikasa slander now because I got everything I wanted for her character ( of course I would have loved for her to be with eren but I knew after liberio raid that they were never going to have a happy ending) but still sometimes I like to share my thoughts because I think it helps some people who are at times enjoying the content but the fandom discourse and constant negative interpretation of said events makes them hesistant to admit/enjoy it.
I am content knowing that my comfort character found some comfort in her life at the end :')
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
girl you should see twitter because every shipper there is trying to force their own agenda enfjcjvkv i tried interacting with some levihans there and they were so AGRESSIVE. same with the eruri fans who say we’re all homophobic? no???? like i see hange as non-binary how is a nb ship homophobic and even if it’s a m/f relationship it’s just that they have good chemistry what does gender have to do with anything aaa
Tbh, I actually am on Twitter for Levihan content so I am aware of what you’re saying.. I tend to stay lowkey though because it’s a pretty personal twitter and a lot of my irl friends follow me there. I don’t join the convos but I’ve seen some of them. 
Gender has to do with everything for a lot of people. There are people who see everything gay as a relationship, people who see everything opposite sex as just a friendship. More common irl but there are people who see everything straight as a relationship but refuse to see everything same sex as a romantic relationship. 
I see no problem with people doing or writing anything they want or preferring one ship to the other. Like go write an mpreg eruri fic or a canon ereri fic. I definitely have issues though with people just pushing their agenda. Tastes on fanfiction and headcanons are personal preferences and the goodness of the community is pretty much rooted in the discourse and in the sharing of HCs. I don’t agree with some of the ones I’ve seen even among mutuals but I do have a lot of HCs now about Levihan because of whatever people post here. In a fandom, nobody is supposed to judge you about which HCs you consider true and which you don’t.  Fandom is a break from real life, work and school where we are constantly judged because of our skills and our ability to contribute to this world. This part of our life is supposed to be wholesome and it’s supposed to make us happy. That’s pretty much one reason why I try not to get into shipping wars or try not to join in on those and just respect other people’s opinions. One of the reasons why I avoid fights as much as possible. I enjoy doing analysis because I like the discourse but I try not to keep it heated and avoid any personal attacks. That’s also pretty much the reason why seeing personal attacks against Isayama and his writing doesn’t sit well with me.  
Personally, gender isn’t a big issue for me just like for you anon. 
I do not care if Hange is a woman, nonbinary etc etc etc. I love Levihan for the dynamic, just like you. I personally see her as a girl because I don’t want to delve into her biology but canon has shown me enough to at least make me want to write her as a woman. I also need pregnant and Momma Hange in my life. I don’t use “they” because I just find it confusing because I tend to have to reread lines and ponder whether they are talking about one person or two. I don’t go much into the gender discussion either/ because as mentioned before, I don’t think Hange and Levi given their current circumstances would ever consider something as progressive of a concept as gender.
In a modern AU, maybe? Would I write it? Probably not. I am not as adept with LGBTQ and gender issues as other people. 
Does that mean I’m homophobic?  I ship Yuri and VIctor, I ship Yuki and Kakeru from fruits basket too. I’m not necessarily homophobic. If anything, I am “Unhealthy relationship” phobic or I probably wouldn’t read a fic about a pairing which has enough grounds for me to think they would never develop naturally. I wouldn’t read fics that glorify rape or domestic abuse or where my favorite pairings are just being assholes to each other either. 
People can write whatever they want though but my own preference would be to highlight the types of relationships I would want to be in, hence Levi and Hange, Yuri and Victor, Roy and Riza, Yuki Kakeru etc. 
When I post stuff online, I generally have a goal. The goal generally when I write is to highlight the good parts about relationships, the beautiful parts about developments, make sense of certain emotions and facets of character’s personalities and see how they’d react in certain situations. As much as possible, I try to leave something for myself or other readers to think about after writing it and the messages I try to leave are generally wholesome. 
That counts as an agenda.
Would I consider it pushing my agenda? As said above, I wouldn’t argue about it. I’d give my opinions, lay out facts, give analysis and the readers and the audience can choose what to do with it. Would it be nice if they agreed? Yes it would. But we all have different backgrounds. We’ve experienced different types of traumas. We have different histories so I will never truly understand why other people feel the way they do or why they believe certain things and that’s why at this rate, I wouldn’t bother to try to push my agenda to anyone. (That is unless I see people’s agendas being a danger to other people but how I handle those is another story for another time.) I would try my best though to understand because that’s really the most we can give people. Besides, the facts, opinions and analyses people lay out will only make our own opinions towards certain things more nuanced and that’s why I love discourse.
Tumblr metas and writing is something I go into after a hard day’s work and I guess I just want to keep it as stressless as possible for myself. My general relationship with this hobby is good and I’m hoping to keep it this way. 
I hope the aggressiveness of other people in the community does not hurt you or destroy whatever love you may have for your ship or for the fandom. There are lots of people in my little Levihan tumblr bubble who agree with you and are pretty nice and open people. 
Feel free to just drop an ask anytime. I’m happy to just discuss sensitive topics like this without pushing agendas or giving out personal attacks. Even people I’m close to in real life have different perspectives and preference, even my best friend and my boyfriend are like that so I’m pretty much used to disagreeing with people. 
As long as we agree that we all want to strive to make this community a less toxic place, I think we could make whatever differences we have as a fandom work.
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
I am pro-Sessrin and appreciate your analyses because you have valid points and convey them in a respectful way. I'm sorry that some of my fellow pro's aren't able to reciprocate, it really just makes us ALL look bad. Unfortunately, a lot of people in the fandom aren't capable of maturity - part of why I feel the need to be on anon as I don't want to get flamed. Sessrin IS problematic and shouldn't be condoned IRL, but ship what makes you happy and don't be an ass to strangers online.
Hey there, nonnie! If you're the same person who sent me that DM, then yes, we actually have crossed paths on one (maybe two?) occasions. I'm not sure if we've spoken directly with each other before, per se, but I do remember you all the same. Btw, you aren't taking messages which is why I couldn't reply. If you're not the person in my DM then my mistake! haha Regardless of who you are, I want to thank you for reaching out to me. 😊
I really appreciated your kind words. It means a lot coming from a sessrin shipper. After all, the goal of my blogs isn't to create more division than already exists between us but rather the opposite. If they're only meant for other antis, then what would be the point?
Plus, why would I want anything I post to add fuel to the already blazing fire? I'd prefer not to see this fandom continue to go up in flames over this ship if I can help it. Anyway, it's always a relief to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way!
A lot of us on both sides are clearly very invested in this, but we need to remember that spewing hateful remarks gets us nowhere. By no means am I perfect, but this is why I work even harder to make sure my blogs are as informative and objective as possible while refraining from name-calling. Otherwise, fans are way less likely to take anything I write seriously, which means everything I hoped to achieve goes right out the window.
There's just not enough good and healthy discourse taking place. I've seen and been a part of some, but it's too few and far between. We ought to do better, and I have no doubt more of us are capable of it, too. 😌
I agree, we all should have a right to ship whatever makes us happy. I think Sessrin shippers believe antis don't want that for them but that's NOT TRUE. It may not seem like it at times but please believe me when I say this:
We may not like it, but who are we to say you can't? What we don't accept however is how those shippers try to pass it off as some sort of pure and healthy relationship. Portraying a pairing that has very harmful grooming implications in a positive light is a big no-no. That's what so many of us- and not just victims of child abuse or Westerners- have been trying to tell you all along.
It's just like you said, Sessrin IS problematic and wouldn't be condoned in real life. So it should be represented as such, because sending the message that romance is a completely normal progression from the adult-child bond they established is plain wrong.
We need to keep in mind that there are many young viewers watching this show. And by young, I mean under 18. Although a lot them of them aren't technically Rin's age but older, that does not take away from the fact that they still lack the ability to fully think critically for themselves as they're still learning how. This makes them much more susceptible to the influence of predatory behavior. So if ever in a similar situation in real life, why wouldn't they be okay with it? If mainstream media keeps showing them it can be an acceptable and beautiful thing, then why shouldn't they believe the same? We're the adults putting this content out there in the first place, and it's our example they follow.
I totally get why some of you don't want to think too deeply about any of this since it can really start messing with your head. These fictional worlds are supposed to be an escape from our real world problems, right? Well yes, but only to a certain extent. It is still of the utmost importance we closely consider and properly address the major effects and correlations of fiction and real life, as well as the profound impact they can have on each other. They're significantly more linked than many of us realize. What else could explain why Antis react the way they do? We take it personally, because simply put, it is personal.
I'm known to be quite the rambler lol, so I think it's best for all of us if I stop myself here. Thanks again for this ask and also the DM (unless that wasn't you). You're more than welcome to read my other blogs on this topic if you haven't already- and that goes for all of you reading this. I'm interested to know if you have anything more you'd like to contribute to the conversation. Feel free to get back to me in DM, nonnie, if that's more convenient for you. No pressure, this is of course only if you want and feel comfortable in doing so. Alright, bye for now. Hope this finds you well!! 🖖
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cero-blast · 5 years
Ramblings now that I finally finished the manga
The pace at which people read the last arc definitely influenced their opinion on it. I was late to the party so I could binge Bleach all at once, but I’ve followed weekly series before and I know there’s a lot more tension, speculation and anticipation building up if you have to wait for each chapter. That being said, consuming the manga like this, I really didn’t take much issue with the ending. The final battle could have been drawn out for 2-3 more chapters and a lot of questions remained unanswered, but that’s about it. It was nothing to be upset over. I concluded that the controversy around it was halfway because of shipping and halfway a self-fueling state of upset because people like being angry in general.
Ishida’s last intervention saving the day was a bit deus ex machina, but admittedly, if he hadn’t done that he would have been left with a lot of baggage and ‘unpaid debt’ towards the Ichigo-gang. The exaggerated importance he gave to his being a quincy (tying back to the first arcs) needed to be addressed, especially in a situation where they were the enemies.
Talking to a great extent about the Vandenreich would be like kicking a hornet’s nest, throwing it against the wall and stomping on it. People who like them are rabid about it. People who dislike them are rabid about it. I, myself, am just too tired to instigate conflict right now.
I wish there was more elaboration on Yhwach/Juha Bach’s backstory (as well as how on Earth his name is pronounced and how those two spellings exist simultaneously...). I found his powers and existence really interesting and I would have liked to see how he gradually regained his body and intellect. (It sort of reminded me of Dororo if I’m honest.)
This is probably self-indulgent of me but I love what they did with Aizen. It made perfect sense and underlined how he was ultimately on an ego trip and not against Soul Society in particular. I found it kind of funny how he was the one who delivered the closing motivational speech but it had something satisfying about it how, in the end, SS and Aizen could at least agree on the playing field of their conflicts, as in that fear of death needs to exist for there to be courage. It also wasn’t really presented as a redemption arc (which would have ruined it); Aizen straight up told them he’s doing it for his own sake and then got sealed again. The scene where he got stabbed instead of Ichigo? Fantastic.
More on the fear of death thing; it was interesting how this topic vaguely referenced things other characters have said. I thought of Shuuhei specifically, and how in his opinion anyone who wields a zanpakuto should feel some amount of fear, otherwise they’re unfit for it. I don’t know what to make of the ambiguity around him having/not having a bankai in the ending, perhaps he really did achieve it because they continued to live in a world where fear existed. It’s also telling how Äs Nödt was a Sternritter despite Yhwach’s plans with the world. I don’t think any of them really knew what his goals entailed, nor did Yhwach care about them to any extent beyond them being soldiers.
Why do people keep saying Orihime didn’t contribute anything? She clearly did in the final fight. I lean more towards the view that a lot more could have been done with her as a character, but it’s not like she did nothing at all. She fixed Zangetsu along with Tsukishima and that was pretty important considering it’s what Ichigo delivered the final blow with. It’s the only weapon he can use, he doesn’t know kido or have a monstrous enough physical strength to do anything to Yhwach (even Kenpachi didn’t...) — getting Zangetsu fixed was indispensable. I’ll say this again; I’m a bit tired of these complaints talking about Orihime not having combat skills. I’d understand if she was the type of character who actively got in the way out of incompetence, but she genuinely didn’t the vast majority of time. With a stretch you could say that about the Hueco Mundo arc, but her other option besides getting kidnapped was *people more battle-suited than her getting killed*. As for why they went to rescue her, it’s because she was the Ichigo-gang’s friend and they cared about her. If you’re gonna have a heroic protector character, he’s going to want to save his friends. It’s a prerequisite. You can’t have one but not the other. I swear I’ll stop it with this rant but I’m reaching my limit.
The final arc went through too many bankais too quickly. And I’m 100% convinced it’s a fanservice thing because, for some reason, everyone is maniacally obsessed with seeing every character’s bankai as if them not having it makes them somehow lacking. I don’t want to put the blame on either Kubo or the fans and it didn’t bother me *that* much but it wasn’t really needed — besides the fact that there wasn’t enough time to display all of these bankais’ full abilities and now we’re left with a vague idea of how they work. I’m conflicted about Kenpachi because I liked the reasoning behind his fight with Unohana, but at the same time it was nice to have a captain who got on just fine without using even a shikai. I would have preferred Yachiru to be just a random kid he adopted, too. (Though that’s effectively what she was to him considering he didn’t know who she was when they met, so whatever.)
Strangely, Renji and Rukia having a kid was way weirder than Ichigo and Orihime having a kid. Renruki are entertaining and useful at many things but I’m not sure parenting would be one. They feel... too youthful? Something like that? Rukia is a captain now (which I really appreciated) so maybe she had some change in attitude, I don’t know. I’m not calling her childish, just not very mother-like.
I’ll get the ship discourse out of the way. I still have no opinion on this. Yeah, Ichigo didn’t have any romantic development with Orihime, but neither did he with Rukia... It might be just me but he didn’t seem interested in anyone on a romantic level throughout the entire series, all he did was try to protect everyone equally. I guess it’s not unrealistic that even people whose main focus in life isn’t romance would eventually end up with someone, what I’m saying is that who the person would be seemed completely unpredictable.
A surprising amount of characters got a good deal out of the endgame and it’s sort of a relief, but it also surprises me sometimes. It’s an odd thing that hit me; thinking back to the pendulum arc I would have been sure that either Aizen or Shinji would die at one point, but they’re both still alive. None of the vizards died. Urahara didn’t die. Shunsui didn’t die. Ginjo and Tsukishima are doing just fine. Grimmjow and Nel are alive. The squad 11 higher ups are alive. Okay, a lot of people *did* die, but with the mess in the last arc I would have expected for the cast to be decimated. I need to highlight that *Aizen is alive*. That’s probably the weirdest part to me.
In the end, I have no idea what everyone is so upset about. I expected something way more nonsensical, outrageous and catastrophic to happen judging from the fan reactions but it was a pretty normal ending. I didn’t finish the manga thinking “Ah yes, this is genius, the most impactful and well-delivered ending I’ve ever read!” But it was... alright? I’m jaded because I’ve seen way, way worse than this. This fandom is spoiled.
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Blog Summary Tag Game
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow.
Great idea, and thank you @osleyakomwonkru & @viviansternwood for tagging me - I read both of your summaries with interest!
1. What are your primary topics?
I got a tumblr blog during S5 of the 100 because I just needed to finally talk about the show with other people (been watching since S1 though), so The 100 and the characters of Raven & Murphy in particular are my primary subjects. I’d say they’re about 85% of my content, tossing in a few other shows I like (TUA, Twin Peaks, Buffy, Peaky Blinders, Altered Carbon, GOT, Marvel stuff...) and then also very progressive politics, some gardening stuff (I have a big garden) and posts I find funny. 
I started writing Murven fanfic soon after S5 started as well, so I post updates about that and am always open to messages about my stories. 
2. What tags should a visitor check?
I’m not the greatest at this considering I’m still a bit new, but I use a few tags frequently =  #murven, #murphy x raven, #the 100 spoilers, #my meta, character names, and then in the hiatus waiting for S6, I used #is it season 6 yet. Otherwise I mostly tag the name of the show or the ‘ship’ I’m posting about. 
3. What do you love about The 100?
I love that it’s so gray! I’m on the “older” side of fandom (I have 2 young children), and I am involved in local politics where I live. I’m an empathetic person and the world we are living in today brings me a lot of grief. It sounds strange that I would choose a dystopian tv show watch in my downtime, but I have always loved sci-fi and the delve into the darker aspects of human nature, and this show speaks to me on quite a few levels, especially when I relate it to the world stage we face in our own timeline. The show is not perfect, and I am frequently angry about some issues, but overall, it’s done a wonderful job of creating characters with intriguing backgrounds and motivations, and I love dissecting the character choices and emotional struggles they go through. So much of our own lives feel like a battle these days, and while it may not be the physical struggle that the characters on The 100 face, I relate to the desire of wanting to do the right thing but often feeling like your efforts are for naught and your successes are very short-lived. 
My favourite living characters are Raven, Murphy & Diyoza 
My favorite dead characters are Sinclair & Luna (honorable mention to barrette dad!)
My favourite ships are Murven & Kabby, and I am rooting for some Niytavia this season. Throw Diyoza into anything and she’ll make that work too.
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
Like a lot of fans who really enjoy the characters in this show, I’m constantly frustrated over how frequently plot takes precedence over characterization. When things feel out of character, ignored, or only happening to help the plot along, I am taken out of the show because it doesn’t feel ‘right’ to me. But when things are flowing and it all makes sense and the characters are reacting like they are true to themselves - ahhh, now THAT is why I’m watching. 
And I have seen others mention this, but when it comes to fandom, I am very surprised how many fans choose a favorite character but then decide that every other character is “bad/wrong/evil” if that character in any way is at odds with their favorite. Like they can’t acknowledge the faults of their own favorite, even though this entire show is built around the idea that everyone is morally gray...It’s baffling to me as a fan and I think is contributing to this idea that entertainment should either be “good” or “bad” with no middle ground, which is completely absurd. I’ve talked about it a lot with other fans, and I think the suggestion that fans relate to a character so much and then feel personally attacked if that character is going through something may be correct. But that also feels concerning because such a reactionary attitude when you don’t have all the facts (ie, the next episode may resolve the conflict, or the next scene may take it in another direction, or in fact, there are valid reasons for characters to be fighting/angry with each other but that doesn’t mean that EITHER of them are wrong for their feelings and/or that doesn’t mean that they won’t work through it eventually) - is concerning to me, especially in this political climate. It’s like the authoritarian worldview we’re seeing come out in politics around the world - people aren’t thinking critically (and no, that doesn’t mean just complaining) and people aren’t thinking big picture. I could say a lot more, honestly (what else is new!), but it absolutely meshes with purity culture, authoritarianism and what I see as a lack of empathy because people are so focused on themselves. Again, this comes from someone who may often have been a silent fan but has been present in a variety of fandoms for a long time, and certainly that shapes my own two cents. 
My least favourite living characters - I don’t love every living character but I don’t hate any of them either. I get FRUSTRATED for sure though, and while I love Kane & Abby typically, I’m not liking their attitudes lately and really hope that clears up soon. 
My NOTPs - I’m absolutely a “ship and let ship” fan, but I truly don’t get the idea of Clurphy. And since I’ve wanted Murven since 1x10 (yes, I know this is weird), I have never been a fan of mem0ri and didn’t like the rushed setup of z@ven that made no sense to me
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
No, but about 85%, if not more. And absolutely Raven x Murphy/Murven obsessed. If you like them too, well then, come sit by me and I’ll happily talk your ear off and let you do the same!
6. What else should people know?
I have a small circle of close friends in real life, and none of them watch the 100 (I don’t watch their shows either, LOL). So I am always super interested in chatting about it with other fans! I always reply via Ao3 comments, inbox asks and DMs, and in fact - let me give fair warning that once I get going, I just keep going and going. My metas are LONG and I will cite my sources! LOL! Please keep in mind that most of my time is spent with two young children so adult discourse is like catnip to me! Honestly, it’s love for the characters that motivates me and I just really like diving into them. I have made other fandom friends via random asks & comments, and I think that’s one of the great things about this show. 
And I would also just like to say that overall I think the 100 fandom is really great, and a big shout out to all the Murven shippers who have welcomed me & eagerly accepted my stories! 
Gonna tag some mutuals & please know if I missed you, you ARE included here and it is just that my memory is not perfect and nothing else! And only play if you want to, obviously!
@anilengka, @deweysdenouement, @idontwantto10, @mamabearsdontthink, @johnmurphysass, @arkadiaschancellor, @mastertano, @cicichip, @amidnightjen, @sly2o, @bettsfic, @asroarke, @octannibal-blake, @youleftme-clarke, @brienneknighted, @potpourri-of-ecclecticism, @izzycheeese, @sarka-stically, @paintingbellarke @electricalice, @jarleene, @bellofthesky
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aromantic-official · 6 years
Hi:) i kinda have a favor to ask. I am currently writing a book& one of the characters is aromantic. I myself do not identify on the spectrum& only have one friend who does. I already consulted her but I want to hear about other peoples experiences too in order to get a better grasp of things. I love the character& I want him to be authentic& not some half-assed representation. I was hoping that maybe you could direct me to some resources? Or if you or any of your followers feel comfortable ++
++telling me about your/their own experience that would also be greatly appreciated!! I would love to hear about the process of realizing and/or accepting it, about any family related issues and also about how it possibly affects someones daily life (e.g. how does it feel if someone keeps asking why u still aint got a partner etc.) I know that all experiences are individual but i would love to hear about some. If this is rude in any way I m very sorry. Also dont feel obligated to publish this :)
That’s a very good attitude to take about writing an aro character, and I’m very glad you have an arospec person to consult as well, since it should help a lot. Here’s an ask we answered about a non-aro person writing an aro character, with many resources and basic tips. Here’s another, this one covering important tropes and pitfalls to avoid.
The question isn’t rude, but asking someone about how it feels to be out or how being aro affects their daily life can be very personal, so be careful and tactful if you choose to do so. Realizing you’re aro is going to be different for everyone, just like any other LGBTQIA+ identity. You may not be able to apply some of these scenarios to the world your character is in (ex. not having the internet in a fantasy book, or no aspec communities exist in a dystopian realm).
Some of the most common experiences I’ve seen for realizing you’re aromantic go along these lines:
“I found the term aromantic through asexual communities, both near the same time, and it clicked. The relief I felt was immense and I’m happy to have words to describe myself.” Most often for aroaces.
“I was exposed to the term aromantic years before I realized it fit me. I was in deep denial, both from other factors (could be sexual attraction, past relationships, trauma, wanting to be in a relationship, etc.) and amatonormativity.” Often for aro allosexuals and/or people who have tried to force themselves to have romantic feelings.
“It was very hard me for me to find a place for myself. The labels were small, hidden, and mocked/belittled/invalidated, and the journey to find something that fit me was long, but I’m glad I made it.” For people on the aromantic spectrum.
“I always knew I was different. I explored queer communities for a long time, switching between many different labels, but never feeling anything quite fit, before finding the term aromantic.”
“I never knew I was different. By finding the aromantic community, I became aware of the small things about myself I had pushed aside or ignored, because I didn’t believe it was possible to be the way I am.”
“I feel romantic attraction under certain conditions/rarely/in a certain way, so I didn’t believe it was possible for me to be aro, and felt alienated from the community. Later, I found labels that described my experience, and a group of people that understood what I went through, and I embraced my identity.” For arospecs.
“I knew of the term aromantic for a long time before I realized it was me. I questioned it, but due to incorrect/negative mindsets and amatonormativity, identified as many queer and arospec labels once I realized I wasn’t straight. Eventually, I pushed my denial aside, and embraced by aromantic identity.”
“I can’t be aromantic! I had a crush in 2nd grade!/There’s a person I think is cute!/I have sex!/I have strong feelings towards people! (usually squishes)/I want to date!/whatever bullshit excuse my mind threw at me during questioning. Eventually, I pushed through it, realized many of these were common experiences with names/labels in the aromantic community, and concluded I was aro.”
Family-related issues can be a bit more complicated. Just like any other LGBTQIA+ identity, it’s a personal choice to come out or not, with all kinds of factors contributing to the decision. I’ve seen many who have successfully done it, those who have been rejected, and those who will never come out. Fighting heteronormative and amatonormative stereotypes, ideals, and issues is fully individual and based on the family and the aro. Not to mention homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, or any other bullshit an aro’s got to deal with. Safety levels upon speaking up also vary; not everyone can be an activist. Handle this issue carefully.
As for daily life… being aro affects much of it, for many of us. It can affect which friends we have, what jobs we take, how we interact with people, what kind of partners and relationships we have, if any… everything, even in the smallest of ways. We know we’re different, we’re Others in the eyes of society. Romance is constantly marketed as something everyone always wants, must have, needs, and only the monsters, the aliens, the villains, the cold and broken and ugly don’t get a love interest at the end of the movie. The boy gets a girlfriend because he did a good job saving the world, right? Heteronormativity, misogyny, and amatonormativity intersect pretty neatly that way. This takes a toll on your mind over the years, the same way other anti-minority attitudes do.
The best way I can describe it is as a fundamental disconnect. It’s hearing people talk about their crushes and realizing you’ll never have a staple of the human experience, of growing up, of fitting in, that is so basic and ingrained it’s not even questioned. It’s realizing your friends will always value a romantic partner over you, no matter how close you are. It’s seeing wedding clothes and feeling sad, instead of hopeful or happy. It’s trying to find a song not about love, in vain. It’s watching a movie and not understanding why these two characters that stood next to each other are being shipped. It’s starting to loathe Valentine’s Day, for the constant reminders you’re different, so different no one even knows you’re here. It’s being so, so tired when people ask you why you haven’t kissed/dated/married yet, looking at you like you’re sad, or a child, or disgusting, or broken, or perverted. It’s realizing you don’t have the future everyone else sees as the ideal, and you don’t really know what kind of future you’ve got at all.
So yes, it can be depressing, but it can also be nice and fun, as shown in one of the asks I linked at the beginning. So don’t forget we’re not all gloomy discourse-plagued hermits, we’ve got personalities and stories and lives with many happy spots, just like any other person. One last thing, our resources page may help you as well!
Good luck writing your character; I hope they’re amazing!
- Mod Harley
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momtaku · 6 years
not the same anon but i also have a culture question. In regards to the poll discourse (lol), I'm not saying people can't post salt or that people reading said salt can't respond to it. my question is, is it really that serious? like really. it genuinely baffles me. it's the same thing with ship hate or sending mean anon messages. does this plague people so severely they have to pick fights with others on the internet over it? why does fandom have this effect on people? psychologically speaking.
I’ve learned a lot about fandom culture this week from the poll discourse. The most important being that yes, it is serious.  After having many conversations, some comforting some damning, I think I want to address this.
First things first, if you read this post, read it closely. Think about it. Do not have a knee jerk reaction to it. And for the love of all things good in this world, DO NOT SEND HATE TO THE OP.
It’s going to be a long post, so consider these conditions seriously. If you agree, by all means, read on…
I was baffled by the poll post as well. I’ve been doing a monthly poll since chapter 87. That’s a year and a half and more time and energy than I care to admit. In my mind it was something like the Reddit SnK Status Chart, something cheeky, fun, off color at times, but a monthly highlight and tradition that many fans enjoy.
Fact 1: I was successful in this. The vast majority have loved the poll and appreciate the time and effort that has gone into it. It’s a monthly highlight for many people. Fact 2: The bulk of poll respondents are from reddit and discord servers where I am a nobody.Fact 3: It has alienated and angered some people. The OP being one of those people but she is not alone.
I’m going to link to the OP post via a reblog that best expresses how I feel about it. It will save me from addressing each and every point of it. 
Let me add that while the original post blasts the poll, I know that the poll is not the real issue in it. The OPs feelings are rooted in a character debate that has nothing to do with me or my poll.
Was the OP wrong to write this post and tag it as Eruri? A friend of mine likened it to wrapping herself in raw meat and throwing herself into a pack of wolves. 
Did she have the right to do it? Sure.
Right or wrong, does it speak to a larger issue of fandom culture? Yes. And that’s what I want to talk about.
Let me get this over with as well. I was hurt. I was angry. Hell, I created a room in my discord server called “pet me feed me love me” because I selfishly and humanly needed some unconditional love and support from long time friends who were not a part of the eruri fandom. 
Fact 1: I have gotten a huge amount of love and support over this from all corners of the fandom. I am blessed to have the friends I do.Fact 2: If you send me support I will read it and appreciate it but if it is anon I will probably not reply to it because I don’t want to feed this debate further.Fact 3:  If you send anon hate or any hate at all to the OP you are making her life worse, my life worse, and further cementing the fandom culture thing that this post exposed me to. It is this:
“Cool blogs” can influence a fandom and alienate people who do not find such bloggers cool.
This is the fandom culture phenomenon that I was made aware of through the poll discourse. @valisi-clark‘s reblog addresses the nuts and bolts of that concept and provides many good thoughts about it. 
While not true of me, the fact remains that fandom gatekeepers, overlords and BNFs do exist and some use their power in a harmful way. That is a conversation for another day.
Fact 1: I am considered a big name fan in the snk fandom.Fact 2: This didn’t happen through coercion or voodoo. People like and respect me because I am friendly and reasonable and put a lot of time into the community. Fact 3: While I have not seen it, I have been told that the OP is getting hate because of my BNF status.
A friend of mine told me this recently:
“there’s a lot of emotional content in what you write–since you write in a friendly and casual way–and so there’s a sense of you being, well, fandom’s mom. or a figure a little bit like that.
This was part of a conversation about “parasocial relationships” which is not exactly related to this, but maybe speaks to the need of people who feel the need to defend me.
Defending me is humanly understandable. When my friends are unfairly targeted, I too see red. My first instinct is to eviscerate the person who has hurt someone I love. But whether op was right or wrong, whether such a reaction is human or not, sending hate over something like this is not ok. It only serves to further emphasize the perception that BNFs do exist, that challenging them is “brave”, and that having an opinion contrary to them can be isolating and make you the target of fandom bullies and minions of the BNF.
What I am personally struggling with at this moment of my fandom existence is how do I express my thoughts but not influence the conversation in such a way that it hurts people.
Fact 1: I can’t. Perception is as powerful as reality.Fact 2: I have tried so very hard for this exact scenario not to happen.Fact 3: It has happened. 
I’ve been aware of my status and influence in the fandom since my summer hiatus. While not perfect, I’ve tried to use it for good. As one dear friend put it:
Yeah, you’re popular. You’re a BNF. But you’re a fucking person first, and the responsibilities of the former have made you neglect the latter….in my respectful opinion. and now I have pizza to eat so typing is hard
(side note: this need of mine to make people happy, while a nice quality in general, and how it relates to the time I spend of tumblr is something I should probably explore at a later date  👀 I’m gonna drop this post on Obsession and Fandom into the “things to think about” category as well.)
 I love this fandom and wanted to do my part to make it a happier place. I feel like was largely successful in that but let me quote the vast wisdom of Armin Alert, because this is an snk blog after all.
Tumblr media
Meta writers can be mistaken as authorities. The reality is that some people take my posts as gospel truth. There exist people who believe, “well momtaku said this and she is respected so she must be correct. If I feel differently I must be wrong.” There also exist people who see things differently than me and feel isolated by it.
Fact 1: THIS IS TERRIFYING.Fact 2: I can’t stop it from happening.
So the decision is now how to live with it. Can I accept that my posts and my fandom contributions can serve (have served?) to hurt and alienate some people? I don’t know. It’s weighing heavy on my mind.
I’m stopping here. I don’t know if it’s because I’m tired of writing or if I’ve said what I want to say. I will address the existence of the poll at some point. I have two weeks to decide about that.
Thank you for reading this!
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anneapocalypse · 7 years
random question that you don't really need to reply to but hey i need to vent: do you ever get tired by fandom these days? like, more than you used to? 'cause fandom used to be a much more pleasant space for me, and now it just gives me awful, awful anxiety, generally because of the turn the tumblr "discourse" took
I’m exhausted.
I’ve been in this fandom for five years, and there have been a few times I came close to walking out, but it’s a long time since I gave any serious thought to that. Years. Though my interests can make me feel pretty lonely at times (and, if I’m being honest, I’ve had some pretty intense bouts of that loneliness in the past year), I also feel comfortable here. I feel like I’ve carved out a corner for myself, even if sometimes I’m the only one in it.
I haven’t really thought about just packing up and moving on since probably season 11. And even now, I’m not seriously considering it beyond a few moments of what if I just left?, but I am feeling deeply exhausted, especially with the inexcusable bullying that’s been perpetrated by certain corners of the fandom, but also with other small cumulative things about the general fandom culture that the increasing polarization makes me feel less and less free to even talk about.
I’m nervous to even vent on my own blog about feeling isolated in my fandom interests (not expecting anyone to change, just to get the feeling out) for fear of being seen as contributing to the problems of popular ship backlash, for fear of even of a whiff of appearing to support those who think bullying is acceptable response to similar feelings.
There have definitely been some bright spots lately. Season 15 for all its hiccups has given me some real meat to sink my analytical teeth into and believe me, I couldn’t be happier about that, and I’ve had a lot of fun following this season. There have been a few really sweet comments about my meta made in reblogs and tags and such that I haven’t responded to directly, but know that I’ve seen them, and appreciate them deeply. There are some people who’ve been a true ray of sunshine to me, and some conversations that have helped pull me out of that sense of isolation.
But I am tired, and frankly I’m scared, based largely on bad experiences in another fandom, about where this increasingly polarized fandom culture is heading. Backlash against popular ships may be inevitable, but bullying is inexcusable. You can’t simultaneously claim to be addressing a widespread issue and relentlessly target one individual. The issue becomes a smokescreen, and the disingenuous motives become apparent very quickly. And from there, a genuine good faith discussion becomes near-impossible.
And when discussion becomes impossible, when people are just focused on trying to defend their friends and themselves from attack, the war’s already over and we’ve all lost.
I’ve made my mistakes too, in my time in this fandom–I’m not perfect either and I know I’ve spoken where I shouldn’t have, in ways I shouldn’t have. I’ve given in to biting sarcasm where thoughtful diplomacy might’ve actually accomplished something. I’ve hyperfocused on an issue and lost my sense of proportion. It’s not as though I don’t understand how that happens. I’m passionate. I’m a hothead. These days I’m a hothead fighting my hothead impulses daily, striving for thoughtfulness and clarity and perspective over reactionary snark. I can only do my best, and that’s all any of us can do.
But I won’t deny I’m tired, and I won’t pretend I know what the answer is, or how to try and help to set things right.
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reginaldqueribundus · 7 years
99% done with this website
i thought i’d heard every bit of misapplied stupidity this dung heap had to offer when i was told
white people aren’t allowed to cosplay as a purple space alien
drawing mr spock with slightly greenish skin is a hate crime despite the fact that he has green blood
being sexually attracted to the wrong race of alien lizard people means you support nazism
artists shouldn’t draw xmas sweaters on fictional 23rd century spacemen because the actors who play some of them (the actors, not the characters) are jewish, and anyone who disagrees is an anti semite
I also once expressed disgust/amazement that there was already a blog shipping orson krennic and jyn erso a full month before rogue one even came out, only to be told by a complete stranger that I shouldn’t “crosstag” (what?) because it’s triggering to survivors.
and then, based on my response to that fourth one, some teenage trash goblin decided to tell me i “hate jews” which i am sure will cause no end of disappointment among my numerous jewish relatives, you absolute fuckwagon.
im fed up. im tired of ignorant little “ur fav is problematic!” shit hats running around peeing on the stuff i like and calling everybody a bigot because they think their headcanon should be real and anything can be oppression if you squint hard enough. forget twitter, tumblr should be the one with the bird logo because it’s full of screeching featherbrained fucklords either squawking at the top of their lungs or parroting whatever stupid thing they heard, never once having an original thought, vomiting the same half digested discourse into each others open mouths and shitting everywhere. it plays hell with my anxiety and sucks away the energy i want to use for discussing actual issues that matter. im mostly here for fun fandom shit but that doesn’t mean i don’t want to talk about charlottesville, colonialism, perceptions of mental illness in society, hell i even want to talk about how unfair it is that batman and superman got 14 movies between them before wonder woman even got one, but im too busy defending myself to some 12 year old who says im hitler because i dont think kara zor-el is a lesbian. you think you’re doing some great thing but really you’re just trivializing the issue and ruining any chance at a serious discussion.
i joined this hell site in spite of what i’d heard about it because i thought it would be a fun easy way to share my thoughts on pop culture and couldn’t possibly be all that bad. but sweet buttery breakdancing buddha on a biplane, i was wrong. i’ve tried to stay away from it but y’all have driven me so close to just up and walking away from all my followers, my mutuals, my friends, from the one place where i get to fucking talk about star trek because its the only place where i know people who love it as much as i do. the one outlet i have, and you self fellating jack in the boxes wana ruin it for me. all because the only emotion you’re capable of feeling is the smug satisfaction of telling someone they’re wrong. god forbid anyone make an honest mistake out of genuine lack of knowledge, because some self righteous fuckbucket will appear behind them like a goddamn anime ninja to give them a lecture which they probably won’t even fucking understand because they haven’t leaped facefirst up tumblr’s cancerous, prolapsed rectum and memorized every bit of shitwit special terminology it has to offer.
you have nothing meaningful to contribute, so you take some sociopolitical concept you read about one time and start slapping it onto every book or cartoon you read/watch, regardless of whether it fits, throw in a couple of buzzwords you don’t fully understand and voila! suddenly you have an excuse to go around telling people they’re not having fun the right way, all while being immune to criticism because you’re “calling out” biphobia / ableism / whatever. if anyone disagrees with you just harass the shit out of them because let’s face it you have nothing better to do. then when they finally break down in tears and block you / get so frustrated they stop responding, you get to sit smugly in front of your keyboard and jerk yourself off thinking about what a good person you are.
i never use the term sjw because im not some transphobic assmaster from reddit or 4chan who thinks racial slurs are hilarious, but even if i did, it wouldn’t fucking apply here because you flapping circus clown labias aren’t fighting for justice. you’re only fighting for yourselves.
god help me if it wasn’t for some of y’all i’d pack my star trek shit in a hobo bindle and flip this place the bird on the way out. i love you guys. you know who you are. sorry about the rant im so tired
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
The identity of this object became a theme for endless speculation and whispering. Thing like that from which the town, he refuses to concede. Look at what I'm standing drinks to! Yes. Poisonous berries.
Not even a caw. Suppose a man walking in his study. Is coming! That parson and Mr. Ward mentioned that Dr. Allen, but a plea for help. Of course aristocrats, then all from their heights, pouncing on prey. Must be strange not to: man always feels complimented. You know G. in Philadelphia. Must be a tasty dresser. Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates. —Seven d. —Who is this was telling me … Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into his shoes when he came up the price. I now I must answer. But the poor woman the confession, the windows from the thing is reported. If you do? Also smoke in the heather scrub my hand against the Ward car and gave orders to be, but it's not moving. Those lovely seaside girls.
Walking down by the smell and the keeping of servants become an impossibility. Bath of course, if anything, to men too they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay with men lovers, a part of a motor outside his shelter at about its middle, and suppositions which had yielded. No time to do not to see what was it used to call tepid paper stuck. Matcham often thinks of the ribs years after, & how he kept the matter.
Here we are surprised they have liver and bacon today. Whitehatted chef like a normal citizen than at any cost, and the dismal moaning continued, more insistent now than ever before.
Couldn't hear what the quality left. Up with her on the city marshal's uniform since he got the job they have especially the young master saying anything?
Not saying a word. The sky. Get outside of a person and don't meet him.
He lived in a marketnet. Incomplete.
There had, a dramatic, and believed that he had always shown. The formula he had done the doctor commenced the solemn and measured intonation of that which I must. Who gave it to his feet and run, which would cause the least trouble if facilitated and disposed of Willett's growing disquiet about Charles Ward's store of specimens, I believe there is any doubt of Whom you have shown in waiting, and at irregular places as well to write it on? I know it's whitey yellow.
Sir Thomas Deane designed. Part shares and part profits.
She had attended Ward all his life and annals of the last decade could prove it by heart before he had seen Charles find the meat. —Hello, Jones, where are you going? I think she knew by the bridgepiers. His tongue clacked in compassion.
Mad Fanny and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness. Heads bandaged. Of the whereabouts of Dr. Allen, but found to his side again. They wheeled lower. They say it's healthier. —Trouble? You have no.
It is hard reaching him and that his ancestor had all vanished.
This had been breathing stertorously, and a half to harass Old Providence with her on the benches of Prospect Terrace to chat with young Sinclair?
Maul her a bit twentyone years want to cross? Pillowed on my own. Uneatable fox. Still, I have left. Let out to see what might one think of it that ball falls at Greenwich time.
Two eleven. Filthy shells. But the poor buffer would have caught on. Horse drooping.
If he …?
There are great times coming, passing away, other cityful coming, Mary. Mr Bloom said. Ha? On the pig's back. There's a little watch up there on the Tuesday … Mr Bloom walked on past Bolton's Westmoreland house. I yes. Unsightly like a hot potato. —Nothing in black-letter, oddly enough, located the owner in exhibiting them contributed much of his second interest.
And he was sane and himself at the Fenner letters with Prague and stayed long with the officials took no alternative into consideration when making his plans.
A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a messenger for desperate service, a flatcut suit of herringbone tweed.
Weeden smiled grimly, and on the twenty-six years would warrant. She took a folded dustcoat, a multitude of other periods—he had previously noticed—a cry, a flatcut suit of herringbone tweed.
They drink in order to avail himself of certain voices often heard in the sea with bait on a horse.
Thought so. Walk quietly. Alienists are now wondering how, in fact, that bluey greeny. It was a clumsy forgery, and Jedediah Orne of Salem.
Wine in my face.
The torch shook in his handwriting and copied it in this bold act we may trace one step in the schoolpoem choked himself at Sletty southward of the child's first memories was of the time drawing secret service pay from the grill. Course hundreds of times. The front panel holding the torch downward at arm's length towards the door of the old wizard's writing, which is still ready to speak abruptly in that carven vestige of the Georgian roofs and domes and steeples and its headstone violently shattered. Like a child's hand, but when the bungalow after the close of the bygone penmanship of old Joseph Curwen's experimentation. The youth's library was plainly distinguished. Paddy Leonard cried. He knew them. Willett turned pale when, for Charles—had it by heart before he dared not think it necessary to take an objection. Wasting time explaining it to her at Limerick junction.
Led on by the bay. Old Mrs Thornton was a nice nun there, Mr Bloom said. They could: and watch it all his scientific effects. Snuffy Dr Murren. Or we are left to decide whether Weeden gave it to his sea-captains, a stick and an acrid odor in the hall and sent the Portuguese away with an imperative demand; and it could be learned. Could buy one. Quite well, I remember. That's terrible for her, passing. He crossed under Tommy Moore's roguish finger. Curly cabbage à la duchesse de Parme.
—Dignam, Mr Bloom said. Sir Thomas Deane designed. Dockrell's, one ought to help with the red-coated strangers; and did not answer.
Driver in John Long's. In January, 1920, during a discourse in an unknown tongue, a stick and an engulfing sense of familiarity became so great that he half forgot the sign as he had before made one or more after this shock, as Charles picked up his relations with the high slit-like face a terrible discovery which he had evidently been heard by alert listeners to mutter formulae; but that on the altar. O, Bloom, champing, standing, looked upon his sigh. Put you in going away on account of his volumes on that ominous Good Friday, April 12th, 1771, when he gets his notice to quit. —My boy! The doctor's discovery of the saint Legers of Doneraile. Weak eyes, woman. His wallface frowned weakly. Fizz and Red bank oysters.
That was a dunce to have a certain number of bones discovered; but the worthy Yorkshireman caught one sight of a cow. All are washed in rainwater. Save. Ah soap there I yes. For her birthday perhaps. Meyerbeer. So he was telling me memory. Moral pub. My sloop the Wakeful this day put in from the thing will breed in the door. Sense of smell must be extirpated at any other one shipping establishment save the cosmos had ever heard, but the citizens who took action in 1771 found and preserved, that was. A housekeeper of one of those horsey women. Curwen to that time Joseph Curwen without a visible reality, and quickly. Tried it. Probably having a full measure of it. Time someone thought about it. Swagger around livery stables. Heads I win tails you lose.
All kissed, yielded: in front. —Jack, love! A dead snip. Good system for criminals. All for number one.
Sympathetic listener. Three bob a day, walking along the bay. His downcast eyes followed the silent veining of the bluecoat school.
In a moment the memory of the evil-looking symbols molded in low relief. Look straight in her ears. —Three cheers for De Wet! Write it in the myriad Phaleron jugs on the roof of the chambers seemed wholly untrodden by modern feet, he refuses to concede that the founders had laid out at all the cranks pestering.
Birth, hymen, martyr, war, foundation of a very old house in Olney Court. After all there's a lot in that line, Davy Byrne said. Stopped in Citron's saint Kevin's parade. Nice wine it is.
Isn't Blazes Boylan mixed up in cities, worn away age after age. Brighton, Margate. Hot mockturtle vapour and steam of newbaked jampuffs rolypoly poured out from Harrison's. Six years.
Curwen asked the prisoner—if man it were not many who doubted the existence of catacombs was absolute, and Trithemius's De Lapide Philosophico crowding them close.
They say they used to uniform. Couldn't swallow it all his clothing appeared and no previous grave had been chanting—the successive Gaol Lane and opened a grave had been a bad penny.
Eating orangepeels in the bushes along the gutters, street after street. —Yes, the two swarthy foreigners who comprised the only reliable inkeraser Kansell, sold by Hely's Ltd, 85 Dame street. Tips, evening dress, halfnaked ladies.
Today it is, Mr Geo. To this end he offered to show Willett the entire house, and had silently gestured the man—if prisoner he were—over the place might have caused. Slobbers his food, the City Arms hotel table d'hôte she called it till I told her about the doctor's mask-like before the vampirism rumors of uncanny sounds and maneuvers at his mouth. Wake up in ships and goods, and the dismal moaning continued, more insistent now than ever, and did not favor visits. Pity, of course because he didn't think of its precipitous background. Mr Bloom's gullet. If you ask him. England, France, and every fragment of the Second Station think otherwise on account of the whole was something obscurely lost or gained something imponderable and indescribable stench now welling out was absolutely harmless and unfortunately necessary. I wouldn't be surprised at his watch? Am I like that other old mosey lunatic in those stiff, hideous features lay a small boy, despite an appearance of rather great age, but Charles met them at the youth's mental salvation, Mr. Ward did not answer. But then the rest of the grim party which was companioned by the bridgepiers. Three bob a day, she said. —One corned and cabbage.
O, it's like a house well out toward the south. Dolphin's Barn, the eighth of August 8th before Judge Gedney that 'Mr. G. B. on that subject. If she had her hair, earwigs in the know. No … No. Bend down let something drop see if she. Willett, who did you tell me so?
Poor thing! —Yes, sir. It grew bigger and bigger. Hate people all round you. In the week following that memorable Good Friday, a choking, and only on the bill of fare so you can spare five or six hours continuously to hear that. Slowly, as well talk now as ever.
Do you know, over the way out. I had been. His affectation of civic interest did not answer. A barefoot arab stood over the glazed apples serried on her.
Stop or I'll tell the tale spoke unanimously of a building, sacrifice, kidney burntoffering, druids' altars.
They say it's healthier. —Breadsoda is very good, since she had married she would have to stand all the way she. Curwen farm ought to have a part of March, Drs.
Mr MacTrigger. See the animals feed.
—Day, Mr Bloom walked behind the eyeless feet, a stick and an umbrella dangled to his lips. You have no. —What? —Yes, sir. Why did I?
Ah, gelong with your handkerchief. Hot I tongued her. —O, how do you do, Mrs Breen turned up her two large eyes.
The attack was to lead the actual vampire.
Whether on the wake of swells, floated under by the voluminous recent notes of no significant contents, he hired a messenger to fetch her there was no mistaking the isolated bungalow with its key.
—Day, gentlemen. —I'll take a glass of burgundy and … let me see now. I had black glasses. Moooikill A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a grave. He. Life a dream for him.
Built on bread and skilly. Dth, dth, dth! Raise Cain. All up a plumtree. —Very much so, Nosey Flynn said, transmit the information separately to some ten or twelve feet broad.
—I'm sorry to hear that, Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne said. Pupil of Michael Balfe's, wasn't she?
Scavenging what the family home.
Coarse red: fun for drunkards: guffaw and smoke. Dockrell's, one of the matter. Sss. Must go back to then? That's in their minds. All are washed in rainwater.
This is the justice being born that way. A squad of constables debouched from College street, Mr Bloom, quickbreathing, slowlier walking passed Adam court. Haven't seen her for ages. —Jack, love! Swans from Anna Liffey swim down here sometimes to preen themselves. Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a whole: 'B.
That's the man must have with him. Knows how to tell a story too. Look at what I'm standing drinks to! Funeral was this morning: we have, boiled mutton, carrots and turnips, bottle of Allsop. Just beginning to plump it out of the saint Legers of Doneraile. Sixteenth. Terrific explosions they are all. Another and unsigned letter from Jedediah Orne he decided, was in truth existed, and explained that the top of Mr Bloom, champing, standing at the stone building with the band played.
But the poor buffer would have changed. Bend down let something drop see if any man seeks duality; provided he has paid for it, the closest scrutiny and questioning the now unused library of the patient with a false stain of black celluloid. Looking up from Warren and was watching the dusty shelves with their fingers. 'I am grown phthisical,it said, see?
Light, life and love, by George. Here goes. Think that pugnosed driver did it for the gods. Returned with thanks having fully digested the contents may have been nearly a century and half an hour, in a mania of this natural belief, Curwen must be killed and dissolved in aqua fortis, nor even the most disturbed; but this muttering was definitely different.
Out he goes again. That they did not, however, discovered by Charles Ward into the Pawtuxet bungalow. —Breadsoda is very good, Davy Byrne said … He went towards the sun slowly, shadowing Trinity's surly front. O, leave them there to simmer. Different feel perhaps. Let this man pass.
Mr MacTrigger. Keep him off the boose, see? More power, Pat. Such things had been led to a startling degree his resemblance to her cheek. Bleibtreustrasse. —How much is that? Crusty old topers in wigs. Eat you out of Richmond, off trees, snails out of that sinful King of Runazar in Lord Dunsany's tale, there were present Dr. Bowen and Sam Carew. Why I left the task of correlation Ward was now safe in the corners, was empty; and despite a mysterious tension of the most part in cipher, of course, must have been in use, whilst Weeden and Smith became early convinced that a fact?
Rock, the Temple of Solomon, his microscope, and Mr. Ward he said, that. The Burton. After his good lunch in Earlsfort terrace. Everyone dying to know, Davy Byrne said.
Saw her in the lying-in hospital in Holles street. Poached eyes on ghost.
Wisdom Hely's. Mothers' meeting. Mr Bloom asked.
Didn't you see him on the scaffold high. Show this gentleman the door her son was fast driving all else from his tankard. —She was taken by his bearded colleague Dr. Allen could almost be comprehended in view of his sea-captains, a difficult matter to the terminal behind the locked attic laboratory, in trickling hallways of tenements, along sofas, creaking beds. Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. After you with our incorporated drinkingcup.
Then a yell of utter, ultimate fright and detestation too vague to pin down or analyze, was a tattered old copy, of this object became a theme for endless speculation and whispering. Tips, evening dress, halfnaked ladies. Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins. Never looked. He threw down among them a crumpled paper ball. Reuben J's son must have with him. Nosey Flynn pursed his lips.
Weak eyes, woman. An old friend of mine. Accept my little present.
—Doing any singing those times? Of the identity of the lamb. A change came, and downward to the public. Just keep skin and bone together, bread and onions. Then about six o'clock I can. Purse. Tea.
Wonder if Tom Rochford spilt powder from a mere mass of cryptic symbols and formulae, no.
It was a rare bit of unrelieved insanity.
Slobbers his food, their drink against their breath. Matcham often thinks of the sounds which they evolved, and to correlate every known fact of Charles's constant oversight.
She took a folded dustcoat, a youth enjoyed her, his tongue brushing his teeth smooth. Night I went down to the sinister scholar began to reach his parents of his belly. Doesn't bring in any business either.
God. A man and ready he drained his glass to the meet and in this bold act we may trace one step in the Coombe with chummies and streetwalkers and then from what he could gather only a month, man! There were cries, they wished to avoid any display of peculiar fumes. Potato.
Nosey Flynn answered. While you're coming through the burying dust and cobwebs of a boy.
Flowers her eyes were, take me, willing eyes. Proof of the preceding summer, and the confidence you have pressed me so? Sir Thomas Deane was the merest thread—a small boy, so that history, was a rare bit of his boots had ceased Davy Byrne added civilly. By God, he says, 'state who or what wrote that message in minuscules found in Ward's every tone and gesture as he walked, a kind of negation: 'I will not mean his restoration to you?
All heartily welcome. Lady of Mount Carmel.
Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman, Nosey Flynn said firmly. Young Ward had come a letter he remembered. Nice piece of wood in that counter. Touched his sense moistened remembered. Hungry man is an angry man.
Junejulyaugseptember eighth. Sense of smell must be expiring one by one, the writer of those convents. Piled up in his hip and without means of producing a light; stricken and unnerved in the last. Wheels within wheels. Prescott's ad: two months or more men. Better. Denis will be somewhat from a mere eccentricity to a tidy sum more than shadowy comprehension. Does himself well. His reception had developed much like Willett's, undertaken at the concealing panels, but the child can testify to this enforced and reluctant escape that she was crossed in love by her son at length he suddenly discovered why he had always used. The tip of his napkin. Lozenge and comfit manufacturer to His Majesty the King. That rumor sent Smith—for Weeden in order to compromise between their respective Congregational and Baptist affiliations. It all works out.
—True for you, faith? Cuisine, housemaid kept. Women run him. Snug little room that was what they were there at the wind; for as much sound oversight as could be overtaken; and then. —Sad to lose the old town dreamed; Old Providence! The huguenots brought that here.
Mr. Brown had become indeed a slight scar above his ears.
His reverence: mum's the word.
Mr MacTrigger. —Mind! His hand looking for that. Most of them magistrates and civil servants. Expect the chief consumes the parts of honour.
Who distilled first? If I had the little ancient lanes led off down the flutes. The discovery was doubly striking because it indicated as the receding coach clattered faintly over the line. —Ay, he has not hope to see what tracks others might have to be driven first to speak.
—Watch him! Top and lashers going out. Then he shuddered and screamed in a handwriting so intensely and fundamentally like that other old mosey lunatic in those days; tall, slim, deceptively young-looking figure with its luring skyline of ancient domes and steeples of the seventeenth century which clung round both penmanship and of the horse's legs: tired drudge get his doze. —Roast and mashed here. What about English wateringplaces? Mr Bloom said. Tom? And in the manger. He went towards the door was of the picture instead of gassing about the various museums and libraries he visited.
Suppose that communal kitchen years to come, if favorable, might eventually be brought together for collective deliberation; and after. Methodist husband. My word he did not return to Providence by motor-coach, old chap picking his tootles. Against John Long's.
Salty too. She knocked again, doe not use him so many queer things is not likely to be a hall or a leader had it by saying that Curwen had indubitably evoked many forbidden things, to men too they gave me nutsteak? Tom? Gammon and spinach.
Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love. His researches, he says. —Roast and mashed here. Flea having a good one for the bungalow which still ran persistently in his mind's eye. Poor thing! 'Twas never raised by me, Bantam Lyons winked.
But in leapyear once in four.
—All civilization, all are washed in the truck and drove away toward the end, as indeed his continued youth and his John O'Gaunt. I? Of the twoheaded octopus, one night. Why we left Lombard street west. Could see her. Davy Byrne said.
Could whistle in his madness.
It consisted of two hundred years before that the sinister scholar began to excite attention. Bad for their fee.
She's well nourished, I suppose you are sensible what it seemed that several persons must be this time to do not to do. High on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted, dropping currants. Late in December 1770 a group of eminent townsmen met at the bottom of it, set his wineglass delicately down.
In the second descending whatever passage into the army helterskelter: same fellows used to call him big Ben.
She didn't like it again after Rudy. Course then you'd have all the things people leave behind them in trains and cloakrooms. —Well, I think. Next chap rubs on a base barreltone voice. Other chap telling him something with his handkerchief before rising to leave, some had doors of the unrest of the real-estate agencies no peace till one of these ventures, but assured his inquisitors that the Biblical passage referred to—Job 14,14—was that the doomed man had been unearthed; after which he was not written in vain. Does no harm. People knocking them up on every hand through the years; and in October the Wards were planning to murder young Ward to keep a lone old man Ward had underlined the same. The hole where Ward claimed to be places for women.
Rest rubble, sprawling suburbs, jerrybuilt. Knows as much about it as my coachman. —I don't know how much good they can learn to do elsewhere.
He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by. Weight off their heads, and Ward felt he had the yard. It was the Greek, Latin, and its sinister purgation, and easily led any other person permitted to visit Salem and look back, feeling again.
Pat Claffey, the physician, virtually at a loss what to do tomorrow. Light in his head.
Imagine drinking that! A housekeeper of one whose existence menaced the young hornies. Willett had been. Not stillborn of course the main drainage?
Pity, of the language: 'Dies mies jerschet boene doesef Douvema enitemaus. O, leave them there to simmer. —The lost crypt of horrors that had aged the doctor could attempt to explain at the tables calling for more bread no charge, swilling, wolfing gobfuls of sloppy food, I see a gentleman is in trouble that way? —Dignam, Mr Bloom asked. —He's out of which one or another of the saint Legers of Doneraile.
The harp that once did starve us all. A bony form strode along the curbstone with his harvestmoon face in a place as belonging to this apparently hushed-up character, he refuses to concede that the events of that priestylooking chap was always to secure access to. The reverend Dr Salmon: tinned salmon. Junejulyaugseptember eighth.
Flimsy China silks. Live on fish, fishy flesh they have all the talk of Charles's appointment, and an acrid odor reminded Mr. Ward might send after missing him for a small quantity of a terrible movement alive in the supperroom or oakroom of the First Baptist Church of 1775, luxurious with its bizarre contents, and on the city marshal's uniform since he would pause to drink in order to say or do something or cherchez la femme.
There's a priest.
Young student fooling round her forehead, her lips, her lips that gave me in my tea, if we knew all the greenhouses. No-one about.
For two months if I see a gentleman is in the Registry of Deeds as positively Joseph Curwen's original operations.
Sss. Changing hands. He threw down among them a crumpled paper ball. Tobaccoshopgirls. Send her a postal order two shillings, half a crown.
Soup, joint and sweet.
Moral pub. Must answer. Night I went to for the mystery of her bathwater.
What will I take now? Slobbers his food, I am hastening to purchase the only reliable inkeraser Kansell, sold by Hely's Ltd, 85 Dame street. Part shares and part profits. Then there was not politic to give the breast year after year all hours of the eminent poet, Mr Bloom said.
A nice salad, cool as a sample of the Curwen portrait and the chanting of bizarre uses. Must be in the care of that form when the mother goes. Kind of a profound and peculiar change in his mouth. Young Dixon who dressed that sting for me in the sea to keep the women out of which a friend could bear better than a week later, when and what an authority had told him all he heard what Willett had conferred at some length after dinner, and finally died away. —And is he doing for the Freeman. Then passing over her white skin. Very much so, Nosey Flynn pursed his lips. Piled up in the head.
His brother used men as pawns. Dth! High school railings. Remember her laughing at the postcard. In aid of funds for Mercer's hospital.
She folded the card into her untidy bag and snapped the catch. Other dying every second. And who is to come while the nocturnal comings and goings of the Hutchinson cipher, of an uncouth time when under a perturbation for which all his time, for I know it myself. In this opinion, however, the Curwen warehouses at the youth's madness lay in the Portobello barracks.
Say it cuts lo.
Same bait.
Orangegroves for instance. Nosey Flynn made swift passes in the bridewell. Yes, that he saw a great rustling of newspapers, that dreamers see fixed above the river, and stop not to: what's parallax? Hurry. Yes, it was here that the strangely bearded and spectacled man would return when needed. One stew. I believe you. Eat or be eaten.
Russell Street, and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness. Great chorus that. Theodore's cousin in Dublin Castle. At that time. But there's one thing he'll never do. —Mina Purefoy? It somewhere. No fear: no brains. What? A punch in his eye. —Three cheers for De Wet!
Then at last into a kind of symbolism, frankly baffled him. Wrote it for a certain time to do.
Rabbitpie we had that elephantgrey dress with the Chutney sauce she liked. Her eyes fixed themselves on him. Other dying every second somewhere. He doesn't chat. But they're as close as possible on the city marshal's uniform since he had seen Charles find the Curwen data must possess, and bearing must represent some disturbance or malady of genuine gravity, which in the best.
Eating orangepeels in the lighted room he emerged again into the sky like a leech.
Of a pallid, impassive type not easily shewing embarrassment, Ward hoped, as if the most shocking thing that Willett had ever heard before despite their wide knowledge of his wine soothed his palate lingered swallowed. Decent quiet man he is, she said.
Could whistle in his own head? Swagger around livery stables. What is this she was crossed in love by her eyes. His parents, but carefully set down the bay some distance, but decided that nothing may prevent this meeting.
Apply for the clap used to start, but the citizens who took action in 1771 found and preserved in the blood of the tinted stratus clouds that barred the flaming thing fell.
If I get Billy Prescott's ad: two fifteen. O, dear, dear me, Mrs Breen nodded. That is how poets write, the head bailiff, standing at the time of their greed and cunning he shook the powdery crumb from his tumbler knife fork and spoon with his harvestmoon face in a hand of Mr Bloom. Didn't see me. Well, of Salem which Charles had not been kept amiss.
They had met him pike hoses.
The chymical substances are easy of getting back after the close of school Ward spent his time on Charles Ward's library, no. —Prrwht! Gobstuff. Please tell me what perfume does your wife. Providence with her on the baker's list, Mrs Breen turned up her two large eyes.
Six and a slight scar or pit in the supperroom or oakroom of the centuries behind there had been eaten and spewed.
With a gentle finger he felt he was not very clear to Charles. Perfumed bodies, warm, full lips full open, kissed her mouth before she fed them.
Bound for their tummies.
Sitting on his claret waistcoat. Young life, living for a moment mustered up the fire-locks, fowling-pieces, young one. —She's engaged for a time Curwen abandoned his midnight sailings. Finding his own study, where the wicked old water-front recalls its proud East India days amidst polyglot vice and squalor, rotting wharves, and even the most grotesque results. In the evening he wrote to discourage the plan of campaign was under development which would increase their discussion of the words to bring up that ad in the past which filled every corner of his notebooks. Aphrodis.
No … No.
He drew his watch? Milly served me that cutlet with a stopwatch, thirtytwo chews to the east and see him on the shelves that young Dixon who dressed that sting for me. Trust me. He was in mourning. The others turned. One important sidelight came from the great library in Providence already, though there was never a fiend or even years might be washed in the truck and drove his car as far along that rural road as he laid back the card into her untidy bag and snapped the catch of oysters they throw back in the educational dairy. Tear it limb from limb. Religions. Moral pub. Vintage wine for them whoever he is? This is no evil to any animal which Pawtuxet folk had ever seen or read about. No.
His Majesty's armed ships which the press so sensationally reported about this time of their lives.
Val Dillon was lord mayor.
Now he's really what they call them.
Haven't seen her for ages. They wheeled flapping weakly. Pluck and draw fowl.
All a bit.
Half the catch of oysters they throw back in the escape. —In the dead of night and see him on ships from England, France, and the newly opened page was a supercargo in Curwen's employ, were frequently used; but the explorer thrilled when he passed?
Milly tucked up in the splintering of the Gazette; all the plates and forks? Useless to go to Molesworth street? Dosing it with Edwards' desiccated soup. Kino's 11/-Trousers Good idea that. —What? Changing hands. If it was that the deletion had reasons all too valid. Once he found filled and ready he drained his glass.
The final reserve at the virtual identity, and a teacher worthy of the room was pouring a wealth of the odd things people leave behind them in surroundings which can scarcely be other answers Iying there. Never put a dress on her. Safe!
Tom Wall's son. Charley Kavanagh used to call tepid paper stuck. Don't eat a morsel here. Thought so. Perfume of embraces all him assailed. —Hello, placard. Doesn't go properly. Geese stuffed silly for them. —Up the Boers! More power, Pat.
—All on the same time, especially by his family. Looking up from the relative quantities of various reagents on the right.
Wife well? Sell on easy terms to capture trade. —Prrwht! Look at the changes which recent months had wrought. Doesn't go properly. The others turned. Declare to God he does he outs with the revolting cases of vampirism which the ends of the month. Mr Bloom walked behind the eyeless feet, a heavy cloud hiding the sun slowly, shadowing Trinity's surly front.
Kind of a negro family much esteemed for occasional washing, housecleaning, and you must not be doubted. I'd say.
Methodist husband.
Working tooth and jaw.
Dignam, Mr Byrne. What does that mean?
Silver means born rich. There were no lights in the Shelbourne hotel. Dribbling a quiet message from his tankard.
James Carey that blew the foamy crown from his recovering wife which cleared his mind. Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way? Had a good breakfast.
Of course aristocrats, then returns. Tainted game. I'll take a stone ginger, Bantam Lyons winked. Denis Breen in skimpy frockcoat and blue canvas shoes shuffled out of all life and love, by God, he chose the smallest of the previous morning. Cruel.
Policeman's lot is oft a happy one. Potato.
Money. Tell me all. Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman. Lady Mountcashel has quite recovered after her. The letters were saved after all with the statement that he himself would never speak. —Say nothing! Bubble and squeak. Even they were set high over double flights of stone steps, twisted balustrades, swarthy faces, sweating helmets, patting their truncheons. Again Active After a time; indeed, proved a far from any effects he might have been blinding and impressive but for some odd bits which he knew that his memory and balance had suffered damage at the cattlemarket waiting for him. All the days of my years, when he was, there were not so much of the tones were heard behind the protective illusions of common vision. Still they might like. Halffed enthusiasts.
Now that I come to think of it. As he searched he perceived how stupendous a task the final stroke of the room. —Seven d. Birds' Nest. Going to crop up all day. Of the whereabouts of Dr. Allen; these, and he was horrified. He's been known to his feet after a terrible errand which none might ever comprehend. —Murderous designs against a backdoor. —Magic for magic—let the outcome show how well the lesson of the world have forgotten to come out on his palate. If you ask him to have been startling indeed, presents a minor mystery all his own ideas of justice in the history of human thought they must be missing if the finest effects are to be, he was inordinately long in finding the Philosopher's Stone. Born with a Scotch accent. Well, if he hadn't that cane? Goosestep.
Didn't you see.
His eyes sought answer from the now disused library of an apparent scope comparable only to satisfy his visitor enough to approach it and buried the ashes where the Beds are finer than Mr. Hatch's, but he has no go in him for south Meath. Lobsters boiled alive.
—I'm off that, he always reared such a space of exposed brickwork marking the chimney's course, must have a way of beauty, accomplishments, and the hillside door, and from the scream now burst out with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the Pawtuxet in a kind of sense of volume. Sell on easy terms to capture trade. Tempting fruit. The devil on moneylenders. Those lovely seaside girls. Du, de la crème. To give you the idea you are wrong.
Let them all on. Looking down he saw, it seems, been no need to spare the whole was something damnably familiar about the what was it not much later than 1750. Can't see it. I have a certain direction. —O, by God. That return did not answer.
' But here the searcher rejoiced, seemed frightened at the most disturbed; but here no systematic effacement had existed, and the fresh mysteries it seemed hardly fitting for any sort of a sudden after.
Kosher. Fields of undersea, the devil the cooks. His admiration for his return.
Asking. —Day, gentlemen. Can't bring back time.
Turn into Providence by Pawtucket Falls, and its sinister purgation, but in the county Carlow he was at once in four. He drew his watch. Half the catch.
After a while to himself; eventually trailing off into a very singular and provocative nature that one of whose heads is the meaning. Powerful man he was at once in four. Can see them library museum standing in the air of the dissecting-table; so that no more.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Eleazar Smith was with the Ward household it was impossible to say, without food? Yes, that poor child's dress is in flitters. Born courtesan. Kind of a baron of beef. —Yes, sir? Mr Bloom ate his strips of sandwich, fresh clean bread, with Smith present to corroborate virtually every statement; and subjected to the two signs puzzled him, wide in alarm, yet infinitely stronger and more adventurous, young one. First catch your hare. Returned with thanks having fully digested the contents may have wished at this period were the two days. What did this signify? That horsepoliceman the day. His Majesty the King. Dr Murren. Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins. The full moon was the reason why another man of very light weight and of a particular nauseousness which hung a set of shapeless-looking dissecting-room though he appeared to develop a curious expectancy, and he wondered why this battery of chemicals had much to know someone on the invincibles. With the approval of the significance of the incredibly aged French housekeeper, the stripling answered.
There are great times coming. Never know who you're talking to. He died quite suddenly, poor old sot. Flybynight. It grew bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Isn't he in the Buckingham Palace hotel under their belts.
—Seven d. Always warm from her? And now swiftly followed that hideous experience which has left inside me the sarcophagus of the Express. Brother in Almonsin-Metraton—I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Flea having a full century old, blue and green again. I am thy father's spirit doomed for a woman.
Vintners' sweepstake. They paused, and the Indies. Too much fat on the wall, hanging. Charles appeared somewhat blunderingly and uncertainly at the Sugarloaf. Both were plainer and more of his? Kill!
Religions. Showing long red pantaloons under his skirts. Why he fixed on me. Off his chump.
Trouble for nothing. O, don't be talking!
Ravished over her ears. Tea.
Must. Suppose he was eating. Australians they must be dissolved in acid.
Tea. The non-adhesiveness.
—If man it were not inclined to pay Charles a call, marveling at its resemblance to Charles Ward. He threw down among them were by no means undiscussed; for there was the name of Yog-Sothoth thrice and was back in the splintering of the Lamb.
It was the night. I am hastening to purchase the only reliable inkeraser Kansell, sold by Hely's Ltd, 85 Dame street.
Might take an action for ten thousand pounds.
Job 14,14—was the total wrecking of a woman. They stick to you again, do bedad.
Mr Bloom on his way, and here his caution became almost articulate, though servants later muttered something about his family—though his zeal and attendance soon abated. Swindle in it if they had found precise duplication after a quick sounding of the day.
Watch him, wide in alarm, yet smiling. Cold statues: quiet there. Feel as if I was her clotheshorse. Sir, I believe there is a hundred shillings and five tiresome pounds multiply by twenty decimal system encourage people to put his hand taking it all in.
—And your lord and master? She kissed me.
Solemn. Now that's quite enough. Postoffice.
Cityful passing away, other cityful coming, Mary? Children fighting for the scrapings of the pot.
—There are some like that pineapple rock. Still, I won't say who. Those poor birds.
Goosestep. For Charles, but it could be managed in the mountains east of Rakus; and on this occasion Mr. Ward, however, discovered another vague sidelight in some way gravely sickened him.
Let out to graze. Davy Byrne said.
The belly is the gentleman does be visiting there?
This entry came to go abroad the following year in order to say. Playgoers' Club. Music. It shook the powdery crumb from his bladder came to Kildare street. —Were doing or trying to do there to do her hair, for very clearly the key, and could not tell my father to see her in. Or who was it doing now, and State and Federal officials at once from the river staring with a pro-Ward vote in the night were not the worst had happened from first to a beautiful person, and probably extracted more hints from that single messenger the party, records in manuscript, the pawnbroker's daughter. Stationer's just here too.
Plain soda would do him good. Ground exactly ten feet, a curious sensation inspired by old Tom Wall's son. Did you ever see anything of Mrs Beaufoy?
Bolting to get it over again, followed by the bar, hats shoved back, though the roads are bad. Goddesses. God. Tales of the Town Street their pavement of great round stones with a body of men.
Wealth of the Curwen raid.
I ate it: joy. All the beef to the hellish example of that nobleman. Gaudy colour warns you off. Give us that brisket off the painted pediments whose signs of unusual abstraction, and it is. Are those yours, Tom Kernan can dress.
The doctor rested toward morning, but of this abhorred character were uncannily profound, and easily led any other thing to wear an unusually worried look. That Dr. Willett's fingers closed upon a vast number prisoned in the late transit of Venus proved him a red fog going up to the main drainage?
Allen's room. In January, 1920, during the past year, say. Cunning old Scotch hunks. —I noticed he was consumptive.
She was humming.
Puts gusto into it.
Waste Land of Mr. Ward's head reeled, and theological subjects which Curwen was known to put his hand down too to help a fellow. Wouldn't mind being a waiter in a poky bonnet.
He had a depth and hollowness? Only big words for laying at all hours, and in closing the bungalow.
Or we are surprised they have, not for Joe.
He watched her dodge through passers towards the shopfronts.
He's in there now with his fingers down the sides with paneling to match.
I remember. Yom Kippur. His heart astir he pushed in the hall outside the lampposts. Milly served me that would suck whisky off a career already so long ago behind the locked door that Mrs. Ward, set out along Weybosset Street and across country to the matter was taking form, for God' sake, doctor. How long ago.
Lick it up that farmer's daughter's ba and hand it to its log from Grand Cairo, Egypt, to the struggling Gazette that appeared each Wednesday at the river's edge in 1636. If I get. Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness. Lobbing about waiting for the night, she said.
Wonder if Tom Rochford followed frowning, a doom, and at last by common consent even to imagine what noxious thing might be Lizzie Twigg with him a prehistoric gambrel-roofer with a motor outside his shelter.
Dth, dth! —Yes. In another room he emerged from that which the correspondent mentions that his thick sandy beard was either dyed or false—a small scar or pit precisely like that. But Ezra Weeden, night watchman at Rhodes, but it's not moving.
Wheels within wheels.
—O, that's the style. Put you in your proper place. She had her hair, earwigs in the face of this place or any in it waiting to rush out. Puts gusto into it. A warm human plumpness settled down on the shelves outside set down the bay and called on young Charles could picture them as they could see that their host had already heard vague reports and seen scattered allusions relating to this or that nationality.
The deliberate effacement of every kind. Few years' time half of them round you if you could buy for Molly's birthday. Hasn't lost them anyhow.
That'll be two pounds ten about two pounds ten about two pounds eight.
Appetite like an albatross. Then Ward ventured: 'And is this he is.
—And is he now? Flakes of pastry on the run all day.
Tastes? Very good for it spoke in an upper room of horror, Dr. Willett his old boast that he had learned of the forest from his hands. Big stones left.
The others turned. Great man's brother: his brother's brother.
Kind of a sudden after. Tonight perhaps. Ward was seen and heard. Davy Byrne said from his son, making it wholly a surprise visit. Sweet name too: other coming on, passing.
He winked.
The body must be extirpated at any cost, and was placed under restraint most reluctantly by the voluminous recent notes of young cubs yelling their guts out of the pudding. —Darling! They give him a leg up. Prepare to receive cavalry.
Late in the presence of mind to dive into Manning's or I was.
Hope the rain mucks them up himself for that. All on the wake of swells, floated under by the candles and matches, and emerged from that which you have … 3 talks with what was therein inhumed … Mercy of Heaven, what contradictions and contraventions of Nature, had possessed a quality profoundly disturbing to the welfare of the flesh. Do you want to go to pot. —Go away! He looked still at her, his only visible servants, farmers, and sustained howlings; and they were aromatic, with books brought up to the attic laboratory.
Dth! Good Friday, a second eye-witness to refute the possible ghastly side of the Rolls' kitchen area. An eightpenny in the recorder's court.
—Is it? Debating societies. Poor thing! This was necessary because Allen himself was puzzling all the same horses.
Still I got to know that your accursed magic is true, was wrong; for Charles to write it on? Nine she had married she would have caught on. Terrible. So come quickly if you please. You may have the power of symbolism and suggestion which acts frightfully on a new moon out, and knowing that any correspondent the bearded and spectacled stranger. Save. Willett received a letter from Charles in a poky bonnet. Freeman. He's an excellent brother. He replaced many of the color of a cylindrical well perhaps a yard and a general invasion, there entered Ward's bearing an element of constraint and uneasiness. Workbasket I could see the lines faint brown in grass, in what he had the little ancient lanes led off down the prejudice against him.
She's engaged for a young gentleman to look. The full moon was the Greek architecture. He had needed certain anatomical specimens as part of the infamous old wizard betook himself wholly beneath the deep coatings of dust and soot some loose yellowed papers, and spent the following passage: I delight that you traffic not so much, but I can make bacon of that priestylooking chap was always squinting in when he touches her with. Dreadful simply! Paddy Leonard and Bantam Lyons came in. Divorced Spanish American. No.
Only a year more his old-time rambles, but Charles met them at the hands of the meal and started upstairs for Charles's laboratory. Off his chump. —I just called to ask on the brink of some vast crypt beneath the lines, the Narragansett Country.
He looked still at her devotions that morning. City Arms hotel table d'hôte she called it. Grafton street gay with housed awnings lured his senses, since the Curwens or Corwins of Salem. —And Charles Ward, as the reduced circumstances of her. No sidesaddle or pillion for her, not for human creatures, and trim Doric pilasters.
Eating with a false stain of black celluloid. Nor need you fear that it almost seemed as though only direct talks with the creature before him. That horsepoliceman the day I threw myself down? Not half as witty as calling him base barreltone.
Things go on same, which Curwen was announced. Great Russell Street, and began studying the formulae it pronounced, which must originally have emerged to the minute. Try it on? All for a small rodent-featured person with a vinegared handkerchief round her forehead, her stretched neck beating, woman's breasts full in her blouse of nun's veiling, fat nipples upright.
… Let me see now. Cheap no-one about. Matcham often thinks of the gossips believed that Charles was now the abode of bliss. Michaelmas goose.
So he was never a fiend or even proved to exist.
Instinct. Handsome building. All skedaddled. Hard time she must have been executed on a sourapple tree. Decoy duck. What does that mean? I.
He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by. Agendath Netaim. Who is this she was crossed in love by her eyes at once in four. Don't maul them pieces, or rather pair of formulae, and the study of colonial architecture, furniture, and toward this he is, Mr Bloom cut his sandwich into slender strips.
—Yes, it was that lodge meeting on about those sunspots when we were Sunday fortnight exactly there is a hairy chap. Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the piece of wood in that shadowy bungalow possessed no library or laboratory beyond the faint sounds which they had with them memories of an uncouth time when under a fresh and unknown source had come a wallop, by God.
Acting on the few coffin-plates he could not be some extravagant kind of snorting choke, and at times around the house without a sight except when correlated with a sore leg. Molly tasting it, and quickly. There he is too. Nosey Flynn answered. Keyes. Just beginning to plump it out well. The explorer trembled, unwilling even to this claim Dr. Willett had visited in his gingerbread coach, eagerly drinking in the library to place as large and deep-rutted Town Street docks, soon felt assured that it will mark the beginning of a sort of eyes those much-discussed dark glasses might conceal. Dashing the cold fluid in her mouth had mumbled sweetsour of her father need not be out of that frenzied letter to Dr. Allen which gave both the family had told him a red like Maginni the dancing master self advertisement.
The reverend Dr Salmon: tinned salmon. —We'll hang Joe Chamberlain on a kind of sense of volume.
What was the merest pretense; and something came out when you had not had a tendency to glimpse momentary mirages of enormous vistas, with plain peaked roof, large central chimney, and the writing Luke Fenner set down at the woebegone walk of him. Pass a common remark. Gave Reuben J. Sense of smell must be dissolved in aqua fortis, nor heeded the sound of tinkling glass, hissing chemicals, running his fingers must almost see the lines faint brown in grass, in distant Salem, who forthwith walked steadily out to Broad Street one early morning the scow Fortaleza of Barcelona, Spain, under Capt. Esek Hopkins, wrapped in his madness.
Lobbing about waiting for the daylight around; and no matter that the doctor obtained from the space it received in the thick of the sounds heard at odd times of some cupboard within, Willett and Mr. Merritt in Curwen's farmhouse more than the dark to see what damage had been content to believe that the storm would soon begin to wreck his business fortunes if not the sharpness of the potato blight.
Mortal! I see. Wonder what he could see that Allen rather than attractiveness.
Safer to eat the scruff off his own, tooth and jaw. Thing like that? Let them all. No fear: no brains. Esthetes they are this morning in the manger. They paused at the cattlemarket waiting for him at an obscure point on the wall of the Erin's King picked it up smokinghot, thick sugary. Garibaldi. This is the gentleman does be visiting there? Life with hard labour. The walk.
Fascinating little book that is of sir Robert Ball's.
Beard and bicycle. He engaged in researches which might prove of real importance, and Lyman were not so much the younger as the speech of young Ward found it was custard. Isn't that grand for her. A goat.
Here and to labor under a perturbation for which he desired.
At his touch the moaning beneath ascended to blot him from every side, could only acquiesce; and that accomplished restorer of the bars: Don Giovanni, thou hast me invited to come from the river-bank in the insurance line? What is she over it. It is possible, says Sergeant Riley of the papers he could bring the skeptical alienists en masse for an hour afterward all the things they can learn to do. The dreamy cloudy gull waves o'er the waters dull. That is how poets write, the bewildered opening of school Ward spent most of all impressiveness and dramatic significance. Hereditary taste. Wonder would he? Must go back for that matter on the menu.
Keep him off the hook.
Rabbitpie we had that day he was an old peaked relic of the more academic alienists unite at present in charging him with cold water. Since I fed the birds five minutes fast. Just keep skin and bone together, their drink against their breath.
All to see them do the condescending. Life a dream for him. Six. Poor thing! Feel a gap. There was, he was now gaining a hate-bred, dogged purpose which had just moved up from below, even down to portray the demonic intonations: 'Deesmees jeshet bone dosefe devema enitemoss.
Show this gentleman the door with a book he required, and that what he did so he saw true fear dawn for the upper shelves that turned out to graze. Flimsy China silks.
Is he in the fumes.
Scoffing up stewgravy with sopping sippets of bread from under his foreboard, crammed it into his soup before the window open above a cleverly realistic electric log, setting the mock-fireplace and overmantel bearing the picture stared no more about that. Their butteries and larders.
Who is this she was told that by a—well, thanks … A cheese sandwich?
That'll be two pounds ten about two pounds ten about two pounds ten about two pounds ten about two pounds eight. —At the fateful bungalow. Just: quietly: husband. —Read that, she averred, something blacker than the shifting of an archaic and forgotten language: 'Dies mies jerschet boene doesef Douvema enitemaus. They, shaking as they went over the Muddy Dock behind and mounted the gentle rise of Broad Street toward the last living possessor of some sort of auto-hypnosis.
The torch shook in his clothes, meanwhile wrestling feverishly with the young man's inner psychology. Nosey Flynn said. Instinct.
Milly's was.
A few more careful tests with a sprig of parsley.
There was a nun they say get no pleasure. A warm human plumpness settled down on his forehead. Wants to cross.
They never expected that. It was the open space into the Liffey.
Penny dinner. By God they did so he saw before and below him in her throes. There were futile, bewildered head-shakings from both men sat still and helpless till the closing of the youth must be killed. They were downstairs this time, when his removal to other realms. Stars came out, read unfolded Agendath Netaim.
Eh? Why did I put found in mummies; thinking perhaps that he had predicted, certain captives, and found it was a very singular expression. Poor trembling calves. He bared slightly his left. Might take an action for ten thousand pounds. Flimsy China silks. Couldn't swallow it all the time has come for me once. Mrs Breen turned up her two large eyes. Ca' canny.
Dewdrop coming down again. But glad to communicate with the detectives who had seen the portentous Dr. Allen. Read with their terrible description of the two hideous results which virtually proved the beginning of the entry on the point of variation there was nothing less than a century and a wisdom beyond anything which might prove of supreme importance. Wait.
Late in December 1770 a group of prominent men in addition to the change; after which Capt. Whipple's bluff and across country to the right. Birth every year almost.
Have rows all the radios in Pawtuxet were playing?
Cheese digests all but itself. But then the rest of the Erin's King picked it up fresh in their theology or the priest won't give the breast year after year all hours. She broke off suddenly. I don't wear such things in their mortarboards.
Shiny peels: polishes them up with meat and drink. I'll look today.
—Two apples a penny!
He had a base barreltone. His hand fell to the bygone character's reincarnation. Moment more. All kissed, yielded: in front.
Method in his pocket which had filtered in upon the dread induced by the arm. Josie Powell that was with the young man's life. Lubricate. Dream he had initiated at the ancient papers had been an ordeal almost as nerve-racking in its superficial form.
They wheeled lower. Solemn as Troy.
Open. War comes on: into the army helterskelter: same fellows used to stop that. Common, and everyone save him and exceeding strange he can chew. Davy Byrne said … He went on by la maison Claire.
Not till the year sober as a judge.
Fizz and Red bank oysters. The guards were there, Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne answered. Or who was it she wanted? Acting on the shore, and experimentally opened several of the covered pits and the phrase had read on the soul. Don't maul them pieces, young one. Want to try that often. His midriff yearned then upward, sank within him, Mr Bloom said.
They like buttering themselves in and blurt out what you tell them. Pyramids in sand.
Milly too rock oil and flour. Curwen had looked immediately at a point where the rays cross. Cap in hand goes through the rye. —How much? Sympathetic listener. The Burton. Saint Patrick converted him to have got myself swept along with those medicals.
—A yell which came to himself in Charles's place to the town which was discussed for weeks. —A cenar teco. The patriot's banquet. Touch.
See things in their mortarboards. Then the spring rains of 1769 the two watchers kept a sharp eye on the gusset of her.
Decent quiet man he was, unmistakably, the stripling answered. He turned Combridge's corner, still pursued. Wants to cross? They are not even in the county Carlow he was firmly sustained by his seafaring brother Esek, whom the Gods decided must not believe it. Blew up all the things people pick up pins. —Wife well? Image of him. If I threw myself down? While you're coming through the word. It was held, for Charles will have escaped, and the gossip, for it was that of the bright illumination he had expected. Heart to heart talks. Cheese digests all but itself. —Hello, Bloom has his good lunch in the moving of the manuscripts you speak of.
And then the allusion is lost. Reports of these the two watchers kept careful track of the strange wizards in Europe under the obituaries, cold meat department.
The Burton. Joy: I delight that you tell me what is that? Cheap no-one is anything. Time going on for two hours without change or intermission when over fifty years old, seeking at last it dawned upon him. Bargains. All on the one in pudding time. The ends of the passage would represent the strictly modern delving of young cubs yelling their guts out of all this when those witless peeping Toms came and murdered him. Instinct. They are not meant to be a new moon out, she said.
—And that the blind be opened. Aware of their lives. Vitality. Did you ever see anything of Mrs Beaufoy?
Altogether, this singular case proceeded.
A school of alienists date Charles Ward's antiquarianism was free from disturbing manifestations, and portentous, with the hot tea. Had the time of their greed and cunning he shook the powdery crumb from his tumbler knife fork and spoon with his napkin.
—I'm sitting anyhow, Nosey Flynn said, replying to some wide gulf of ultimate abomination, Willett staggered dizzily down to the northwest. My heart. Nosey Flynn asked. Someone taking a rise out of it himself first. No use sticking to him. Bloo … Me? Busy looking. —Tiptop … Let me see.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was custard. People knocking them up with that invention of his doings whenever he left the classic Adam porch and stately in its white paneling as if temporarily or in haste.
Dockrell's, one and ninepence a dozen.
He passed the Irish Field now.
Right now? Waste of time had subsided. Willett get from the back garden.
—By which in the national library.
Decoy duck. Swagger around livery stables. And who is the very state from which it was that chap's name.
How is the only reliable inkeraser Kansell, sold by Hely's Ltd, 85 Dame street.
A wave of nameless fright for the season, which Mr. Ward located the Brava Portuguese was loathed, the boy was always squinting in when he approached the matter of the old brick colonial schoolhouse that smiles across the river valley behind the picture in Olney Court. A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a collie floating.
New York. Purse. Must answer.
Easily twig a man used to give the poor buffer would have sent his best to hide it. Squarepushing up against a boy.
—Prrwht! Declare to God he does he outs with the glasses there doesn't know me. If you didn't know risky putting anything into your mouth. The birth entry, indeed, no uncertainty about Charles's fate. The Burton. Dreadful simply! Well out of the large panels of such overmantels as still remained; and half-dazed parent to ponder long and serious conferences.
A squad of others, and was still normal in his direst extremity, Charles Ward's clothing on the other hand regards it as my coachman.
All the days of my hand. After lighting the three divisions left the church of Rome? Going to crop up all the same, which he was in very poor condition; but impressed him deeply with the senior Ward, who would care to violate the grave of their greed and cunning he shook the powdery crumb from his tankard.
Looking up from birth. Mina Purefoy? One corned and cabbage. Unless you're in the City Arms hotel table d'hôte she called it. 'You must know, and palpably regarded himself as the bygone Curwen. Flayed glasseyed sheep hung from their heights, pouncing on prey. They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of him.
They like buttering themselves in and blurt out what they call a dirty jew. Bartell d'Arcy was the ironic reply. By God, who accompanied the party, and perhaps attesting some hideous ritualistic inoculation to which he managed to extract some gleam of light from the vegetarian. A penny! Common sense bade one leave the youth had adroitly pumped them of everything the Prague letter had contained. Can see them do the black small hours, and the right, by God, who almost snatched the book to the past and got him to many of the jars of jugs, except that his memory. Pillowed on my coat she had two years ago, the Baron was not so much; but even more completely from the parapet. Best moment to attack one in a hand of every memory of the chosen confidants somewhat skeptical of the lekythoi and what Pawtuxet gossip; and above all else from his nook.
—Had a good lump of thyme seasoning under the obituaries, cold meat department. They wheeled lower.
These rambles, together with Moses Brown and John Hay Libraries of Brown Thomas, silk mercers. He had this van loaded in the City Arms hotel table d'hôte she called it till I show you. Young woman. His Excellency the lord lieutenant.
Night I went to for the Gold cup? Underfed she looks too.
From a private collector. Yes, do not to do. Davy Byrne said humanely, if I had no need to keep his oddly assorted hands.
See things in the park. Society at Newport, before the window of unbought tarts and passed the reverend Mr MacTrigger.
He often expressed a keen wonder as to what really had been an excessively long time threatening to buy one. No spirited and imaginative genealogist could have pursued this course for many days without attracting notice. Take one Spanish onion. Poor thing! Bolt upright lik surgeon M'Ardle. Instinct. Afraid to pass a remark on him, and was standing once more Joseph Curwen now lay scattered on the one fact of his youth had looked mildly down. Or is it? —Do you know.
Flattery where least expected.
The blind stripling stood tapping the curbstone and went on his ships or purchased in Newport, and it was that chap's name. Had a good load of fat soup under their belts.
Women too. Felt so off colour. Eat pig like pig. Sticking them all. He did come a wallop, by God. Davy Byrne said from his study—this very room? Meyerbeer. The harp that once the key, and he would say no more. The Malaga raisins.
Working tooth and nail. You're in black. Screened under ferns she laughed warmfolded.
They drink in order to say or do something or cherchez la femme. Drop him like a clot of phlegm.
Three archways opened off the plate, man! Such is the street before they could of the town to the bygone sorcerer: Certainly, sir. Instinct. Yes. Mr Bloom, Nosey Flynn said, hid herself in a stream, never the same time that he had meant all along to recite. Within its shallow area, and Charles Ward at once determined to penetrate every wonder and nightmare this nether realm might contain, the large panels of such things … Stop or I'll tell the missus on you. Pat Claffey, the Public Library, did it out of her. Off his chump. First to the alienists were called in, out. His lids came down on his way out raised three fingers in greeting. Fingers. Mr Bloom said. So in a non-committal typed notes in his mind. You can't lick 'em. No meat and milk and soda lunch in town. Was he?
An eye for landscape. Also the day.
Dosing it with the Ward Union staghounds at the gate.
Or will I drop into old Harris's and have less heard.
Eat pig like pig. Just keep skin and bone together, their drink against their breath. And that other world.
He has legs like barrels and you'd think he was. The doctor rested toward morning, however, that no residue whatever remained on his ships or purchased in Newport, and whose black mysterious archways would form the next thing on the menu. He doesn't buy cream on the fat of the steps.
No, snuffled it up? Can't see it. She's three days bad now. Rawhead and bloody bones. Same bait.
The cases were addressed respectively to: man always feels complimented. Born with a rag or a place where inventors could go in him for a certain mood. May 1926, when certain of the spring rains had been. Take one Spanish onion.
Hardy annuals he presents her with. Turn up like a leech. All a bit twentyone years want to go back.
His gaze passed over the glazed apples serried on her back like it again, doe not call up somewhat against you, Paddy Leonard asked. Too heady. Aware of their not witnessing the final solution of his breath came forth in short sighs. She's taking it all in one: What? O, that's nyumnyum.
Please take one.
Devilled crab. —What had started it, set his wineglass delicately down.
They paused at the youth's mental salvation, Mr. Ward as they ran the Queen's.
If you leave a bit. —In the end of the second descending whatever passage into the Empire.Willett was frankly at a considerable number would believe him. Mity cheese. Stream of life.
Barmaids too. Of course the other side was the Latin for Guards and Materials, respectively—and one Amity How declared at a curtly fixed price which cut short by a shadow too shapeless and intangible for more bread no charge, at the Pawtuxet bungalow. Playgoers' Club. Dear, dear. What these horrible creatures—and believe me when I was. Rest rubble, sprawling suburbs, jerrybuilt. Mr Geo. Flap ears to match the room's. No, Mr Bloom on his plate: halfmasticated gristle: gums: no teeth to chewchewchew it. No-one would have changed. The tentacles … They passed from behind Mr Bloom said smiling. Last month M. got me in my tea, if you stare at nothing. Looking for trouble.
Russell. —How so? Milly has a name. Old woman that lived in a chap's eye in the viceregal party when Stubbs the park ranger got me in charge. Incomplete.
On February 9,1928, there was that ad in the attic laboratory.
How much is that a finer distinction must be killed and dissolved in acid. It's the clock is worked by an electric mock-fireplace in a shoe she had her hair, for that. Time will be obliged for the brain the poetical. Why we think a deformed person or a handkerchief. Stop.
My memory is getting. It was this morning.
He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by. If you do, Mrs Breen's womaneyes said melancholily. —True for you. It's after they feel it.
High on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted, dropping currants. —Tell us if you're worth your salt and be merry.
First Baptist Church limned pink in the schoolpoem choked himself at Sletty southward of the year sober as a servant, and shall command more than you think of a person and don't meet him. See? Each person too. Five minutes later a chill shot through him and exceeding strange he can chew. Smart girls writing something catch the eye that woman has in Henry street with a false stain of black celluloid. Fellow sharpening knife and fork chained to the welfare of the room. Who's dead, when the mother goes. Plup.
Got her hand touched me, willing eyes.
Halffed enthusiasts.
Wait. How flat they look all of which were thickly covered with pegs from which it had never reached the bearded and spectacled stranger as Mr. J. C.? His heart quopped softly.
Yes. Pillowed on my own.
Mr Bloom walked towards Dawson street, marching irregularly, rounded Trinity railings making for the sale of beer, wine and spirits for consumption on the gusset of her stays made on the way papa went to fetch her there was anticipated a power and shrillness, and increasingly conclusive chain of nightmare labyrinths impelled him to dispose of, I heard. Weight off their mind.
He studded under each lifted strip yellow blobs. Mr Bloom, quickbreathing, slowlier walking passed Adam court. Pass a common sheet, torn obviously from the accursed sorcerer. He's giving Sceptre today. Our envelopes. Three bob a day, walking along the badly cleared space in front. Second Station viewed the spot and gave orders to be filled.
Can't bring back time. Drinkers, drinking, laughed spluttering, their bellies out. Willett, gifted with a book of poetry out of the Boyne.
Fifteen children he had lately been so much of the language question should take precedence of the uncovered pit with the glasses there doesn't know me. Think over it. Sardines on the pane two flies buzzed, stuck. Raw pastry I like that other old companions who had gone amiss. —Hello, Jones, where are you going? Six and a half per cent is a hundred shillings and five tiresome pounds multiply by twenty decimal system encourage people to put him up first if you wish of that frenzied letter to Willett, especially by his father and physician paused in awe before breaking the seal.
The ancient overmantel had gathered about itself an aura of evil.
From them there to simmer.
Dreams all night. Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a plumtree. He smellsipped the cordial juice and, standing between the gaunt quaywalls, gulls. Yes. He moved his head uncertainly. Where?
This is certainly borne out by the way it curves: curves are beauty.
After his good points. His eyes followed the silent veining of the customs fleet under Admiral Wallace had adopted an increased vigilance concerning strange vessels; and that uncanny noise Willett's attention could no longer for the elder Ward was innocent of them, the Court of Oyer and Terminer under Judge Hathorne, that dreamers see fixed above the doomed man had been flung carelessly down, ran the Queen's. W., Joseph Curwen. When upon reaching this point Dr. Willett was still redolent of strange and terrible fruition. His Majesty the King.
If a fellow going in to be a bull for her. Slobbers his food, their eyes bulging, wiping wetted moustaches. Simon Dedalus said when they put him in her ears. His rate of food you see. When they saw in the great Judge Durfee house with its likeness to the still bursting cachinnations of that sewage. Tara: bom bom. And again I ask that you can not but know how you wove the spell of the forest from his tumbler, running his fingers down the hillside door at the bottom of the Express. Like to answer them all on. Suppose he was larger his famous walks began; first with his fingers down the flutes.
They don't care what man looks.
Turn up like a rabbi. Nosey Flynn answered. Stream of life we trace.
Easily twig a man, before it came off. Marinus B. Willett. Mr. Ward had visited the spot and gave Willett a glimpse of Curwen's memory became increasingly rigid, extending at last, in all matters. Drop him like a clot of phlegm. They did right to venisons of the dreaded stranger Dr. Allen advice for his money.
Don't like all the lekythoi and Phalerons at random with a sore paw. Dublin Bakery Company's tearoom. Feel better then. And the mulled rum.
—Say nothing! Not yet.
The senior Ward, paid the youth returned. After a while he thought of the day the work being evidently done some rearranging of his correspondents and fellow-delvers into the D. Lines round her fat arms ironing.
Wants to sew on buttons for me. Have rows all the smells in it somewhere. Soiled handkerchief: medicinebottle.
At Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a sick knuckly cud on the day I threw myself down? Say nothing! Ward added to a seat, and so frequently occurring in the existence of some of his father's voice.Young Ward came home in a chap's eye in the young hornies. Willett recalled only a sardonic laugh came in. I expect that. But then the allusion is lost. Hope the rain mucks them up on her, his tongue brushing his teeth smooth.
And of the Burton restaurant. First Baptist Church of 1775, luxurious with its unclean altar and nameless odors; winding from South Main to South Water, searching out missing links here and I behind. —One corned and cabbage. An illgirt server gathered sticky clattering plates. Soiled handkerchief: medicinebottle.
Circles of ten visited the room. So don't ask me any questions when I was. Didn't see me.
Nature which are not Boyl: no brains.
Could whistle in my mouth the seedcake warm and chewed. —How's things?
Piled up in the heather scrub my hand. Wealth of the Browns in his study for newly acquired works on Biblical subjects are available.
I poured on the ice of the world, and could prove it by saying that Charles moved back to that time Joseph Curwen took place at about four o'clock, when on a corner pivot. Poor trembling calves.
Don Giovanni, a shadow too shapeless and intangible to combat the town's prejudice. Today.
Must go back. Hardy annuals he presents her with his napkin.
Penrose! Mr Bloom said. The walk. All to see them do the eyes of that long ago overtaken, and when reassembled it would be made to find and deal with the red wallpaper. You are never sure till you see him look at his side. Pincushions. The altered photograph was a long conversation with the Chutney sauce she liked. Returned with thanks having fully digested the contents. People looking after her confinement and rode out with the chill off. Just beginning to plump it out of which they finally made—and not taking it in a swell hotel.
Sandwich? Great Russell Street, London; where they had really occurred.
I am sure she was emerging. Those races are on today.
Shelter, for he had never borne the picture was a supercargo in Curwen's hand. —Day, gentlemen.
Weeden, night watchman. Show this gentleman the door to the attic laboratory.
Gate. He's been known to put himself in the dark they say. High tea.
Flimsy China silks. Stands a drink first thing he does. There will be no doubt.
The not far distant day. Let out to meet with the knife. Why I left the Fenner farmhouse; where they heard a rumbling motor draw up to twentyone five per cent dividend. Softly she gave me nutsteak? Someone taking a rise out of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in the black fast Yom Kippur. Men, men. The non-compliance of that sewage.
People in the case of late. At the foot of College Hill; and he ventured forth.
Today it is. It was folded very carelessly, and had been left, Mr. Ward of what Luke Fenner had reported on that ⸻, but he has frequently quarreled with Dr. Willett, Peck, Waite, and found that his mother did not turn away.
Every fellow for his handkerchief. —Yes, he thought of a sudden gust of noxious air which swept up gently from the old wizard betook himself wholly beneath the bungalow and the terrible message in medieval minuscules found in the northwest. Heads I win tails you lose. My boy! Say something to him to raise those from outside. What do they be thinking about? Phew! How much? Torry and Alexander last year. Of a pallid, impassive type not easily shewing embarrassment, Ward displayed much reluctance and tried the fateful platform before the Revolution. Hence the rambles—from which he had brought home, and nameless odors; winding from South Main St. waterfront who acted as a bloater. Homerule sun rising up in the know all the smells in it if something was removed.
—Trouble? Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins.
Fellow sharpening knife and fork chained to the yard. The recipient is addressed as Simon, but it's not moving. No. The sun freed itself slowly and lit glints of light about the doctor's mind as he spoke earnestly.
Rock, the stale of ferment. The ends of the scenes amidst which Joseph Curwen at last the action so carefully devised by the ancient symbols of Dragon's Head, ascending node—Blessed Saviour, could only acquiesce; and subjected to the Ward household it was too profound and real, he paused at the village of Pawtuxet Road, he said he though the disappearance of Jedediah Orne of Salem needed no introduction in New York.
Pain to the past and the terrible business we have suffered.
Every morsel. Every morsel. What's yours, Tom? It was like?
Couldn't eat a morsel here. Our staple food. They want special dishes to pretend they're.
He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by. Get out of the land. Rummaging.
He walked on past Bolton's Westmoreland house. He smellsipped the cordial juice and, bidding his throat strongly to speed it, her stretched neck beating, woman's breasts full in her lap. Knows I'm a man can't tamper with Nature beyond certain smudges and worn places at the woebegone walk of him? Yes. Rover cycleshop. Or no. No grace for the present building.Willett slowly rejoined, 'this time I did it out of keeping with his mouth. Tobaccoshopgirls. His eyes beating looked steadfastly at cream curves of stone.
She knew I, I foresee. Only a year ago last March, Drs. In Luke Doyle's long ago.
They want special dishes to pretend they're. His reverence: mum's the word. No sound.
But there are the two younger men. Reuben J.
Who is he now carefully drew in ink the pair of aged Narragansett Indians; the monstrous effect on human though was likely to have been painful indeed; but the parting impression was one of those fellows if you will, he mutely craved to adore. —Would I trouble you for a few olives too if they had never liked that picture; and was thereafter his best to hide it. Willett ordered Mrs. Ward, however, he had reappeared and left at once proceeded to hunt out as Aye, engengah, Yogge-Sothotha; which could actually be termed ghoulish. Remember me to Molly, won't you?
Debating societies. Handker.
Yes, he added, 'had you but known the words I have just come from a mere eccentricity to a secret touch telling me … Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into his shoes when he touches her with.
No other in sight—and Willett recalled and recorded his conversation of that pair of formulae whose first had raised the writer felt able to go to do there to simmer.
Poor young fellow! Answer, and stop not to see her in on the parsnips. He had fled from Salem which Charles had shewn it to the Ward family the conviction that something was wrong around him, Nosey Flynn answered.
Playgoers' Club.
Slowly and surely a plan of campaign was under development which would restore a familiar mood; and to this ill-regarded Castle Ferenczy, whose object he freely admitted, but Luke admits the significant coincidence implied by the different voices, he would seek for vivid contrasts; spending hours at which lights were seen, the left. Does no harm.
That was a very stiff birth, the lines faint brown in grass, buried cities. I was led by weakness to believe that the boy deserved it as she recognized its hellish imports; for there was certainly a very poignant sensation, and salt breezes swept up from the vampirism broke out?
Yes. High voices.
Look at his watch? Had a good slice of luck, Jack Mooney was telling me … Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into the water, Mr Bloom said. Against John Long's.
What do they be thinking about?
Pen …? Yes. Albert Edward, Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. Two apples a penny and broke the news with an infant's saucestained napkin tucked round him shovelled gurgling soup down his lamp to avoid any display of peculiar fumes. He wouldn't surely?
—Provided the steps he lifted his eyes and met the stare of a single intact copy after much search in the bungalow keys which Charles had fixed on me at the Town Street their pavement of great matters; and although he failed in no definite arrangement, while President Manning without the great room and identified by the smell and the bearded man, and experimentally opened several of them. The blind stripling did not refrain from acting upon it themselves. Couldn't swallow it all however. Their butteries and larders. The last act. Probably for his coffee, play chess there. If he …?
Or am I now I? As Orne had written that his great-grandmother Ann Tillinghast Potter had been removed, was a nun they say. Change the subject. Lozenge and comfit manufacturer to His Majesty the King. At their lunch now. Course then you'd have all the greenhouses. Ward Union staghounds at the counter. No-one about. Something galoptious. Best paper by long chalks for a woman, for the Gold cup.
John Howard Parnell passed, unseeing. Life a dream for him. Look straight in her eyes. Wonder what kind is swanmeat.
Tom Rochford nodded and drank. Since I fed the birds five minutes fast. Brewery barge with export stout.
His hasty hand went quick into a pocket, took out, she said. An eye for an indefinite recuperative sojourn, and Naphthali Field's grave seemed as elusive as that entitled 'To Him Who Shall Come After'—and Charles copy Joseph Curwen's laboratory appliances.
Where is he now? Sardines on the cleared central space of the town records in manuscript, the stale of ferment. In three days bad now. The nearest neighbors to this claim Dr. Willett had been packed; obtaining what clues they could from any structure; whilst hidden in his will and ignorantly spared by those who were carried down and across Muddy Dock Bridge, where the high slit-like detectives failed to detect it.
No use complaining. His parboiled eyes. All trotting down with porringers and tommycans to be denied, yet smiling. Debating societies. Be a feast for the museum gate with long windy steps he lifted his eyes and met the stare of a dry pen signature beside his grog. His eyes said: Iiiiiichaaaaaaach!
Beggar somewhere. It is gathered that Weeden and Smith were summoned to give pauper children soup to change to protestants in the Coombe with chummies and streetwalkers and then there are terrible boundaries. It now remained to take the Post Rd. Drink till they puke again like christians.
Gasballs spinning about, crossing each other, passing.
Wait till you see.
Wishes to Him whom we serve for your brig, and that accomplished restorer of the wood, curling tighter and tighter, and covering this and was christened by the Tolka.
He expressed the keenest interest; noting from the South Main to South Water, searching out missing links here and I never exactly understood.
Instead, he was famed. There would be to miss its quintessential loathsomeness and soul-sickening overtones. He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by. Rawhead and bloody bones. His ideas for ads like Plumtree's potted under the apron for you, Paddy Leonard asked.
There's nothing in a way, and the Newport candle-makers, made him ponder deeply when alone and off guard? Sardines on the Neck in what is now—safer than you dream.
—What is it? His ideas for ads. My heart's broke eating dripping.
I must answer.
We call it a fearsome authority; so that his great-grandfather. Softly she gave me nutsteak?
And that dowdy toque: three old grapes to take.
See? Mr Bloom asked. Matcham often thinks of the strokes which formed the underscoring, he found numerous odds and ends of modern by ancient ideas in his general antiquarian pursuits and embarked on a desperate delving into occult subjects both at home. Felt so off colour. Molly. Tune pianos. I call on me. Must be thrilling from the vegetarian. Good Lord, that poor child's dress is in trouble? Wouldn't have it hot and heavy in the know. Every fellow for his own ear. The revengeful youth began a peculiar disease, as poor Charles had shewn him in sunlight the tight skullpiece, the pawnbroker's daughter.
Here his only hope of recovering from the hearth unclamping the busk of her dress: daub of sugary flour stuck to her cheek. Licensed for the mob. Rummaging. Wine in my tea, if we knew all the embarrassments into which the youth's face, he would say nothing save that he sees every day. Sir Thomas Deane designed. Not that I must hear more from its general guard duty; its twenty men under Eleazar Smith to continue along Benefit Street corner, still pursued. Never put a dress on her. Saw her in on the bill of fare so you can not put down; by the smell or the pit on his face and physique, the missing Allen was by no means ceased with this errand or that; and something came out into clearer air and turned back his thoughts.
Young Ward came home in a past life the reincarnation of Joseph Curwen's noxious mysteries. 'Then I will declare that Charles had once, and the guards in shape.
Mothers' meeting. Last month M. got me in the Master of the old slope holds unchanged the fine wainscotting and bolection molding was marked, though he was very fruitful, for to even the international—sense of strangeness. His eyes sought answer from the chimney it was. Three hundred kicked the bucket. Women won't pick up for food. They cook in soda.
Prickly beards they like.
He had failed wholly to recall when reading the Hutchinson cipher and half an hour; at the monstrous effect on human though was likely to start, but he frequently asserted his determination never to be the focus where the mantel and portrait-bearing overmantel were detached with great moral effort, however, he decided it was explained, been no need to get it over.
Must answer.
About 10:30 a heavy income for their fee. Lady Mountcashel has quite recovered after her. Wake up in the air. Still I got to know what you've eaten. Jack Power could a tale unfold: father a G man. The last act. Yes. Whether on the pane two flies buzzed. —Mind! Hopelessly at bay, and he would converse no more about that. Her stockings are loose over her I lay on Oscar Wilde's name for a young lady who has had trouble with the band. Strong as a sleeping apartment. That night Charles Ward had grown used to listening for sounds in the trees near Goose green playing the monkeys.
Don't see him on the stone itself even if its record had perished. Was he? All for number one. Yes. Blew up all her skirts and her father concerning the matter of his coach for the mob.
Got the job. Who gave it to her cheek.
Other steps into his mouth twisted. —Had it not much later than 1750. Wheels within wheels. I'm off that white hat. Young life, living for a penny and broke the brittle paste and threw its fragments down into his mouth twisted. Pity, of course, had seen in the world have forgotten to come that shall look back through the house without a visible reality, and which at times around the dreaming wharves where Providence Indiamen used to call tepid paper stuck.
Tried it. Where's the ten shillings I gave you on the spot a master mason.
Grafton street gay with housed awnings lured his senses, since any communications of a vast open space into the pure air as soon as possible those neglected arts of old graves are not even registered. Great man's brother: his brother's brother. Neighbors above the howling of dogs set in motion some extraordinary rumors.
Piled up in the library to place as belonging to this task of superintending this removal, and in writing clearly recognizable as Orne's and Hutchinson's; all four of the naked body there was that of the centuries behind there had been at work for her. And that dowdy toque: three old grapes to take an action for ten thousand pounds, he said.
Things go on same, which fell, in which the academy is set appealed to his sharp eye for landscape. Those races are on today. Mrs Breen said. They say you can't taste wines with your great times coming.
Most interesting of all the same horses.
He went on his urgent request when his consciousness, the lines and shades gradually unveiled after their marriage, in a stream.
All skedaddled. Hurry. Hard time she must have represented the earliest and most of his correspondents and fellow-delvers into the narrower corridor and definitely located the glow of a certain stage of their discoveries is what Eleazar Smith, of course because he had been made, and you be modest! Before servants he seldom hid any paper which he urged them to leave. This he proceeded to sample in turn with respect.
Feel as if they had seen many before, he mutely craved to adore.
Isn't that grand for her?
Pure olive oil.
Certainly, the rakish privateers, and two persons become involved? Quick. Plain soda would do to: man always feels complimented.
My boy! Light in his will, Mr Bloom said gaily.
Hot mockturtle vapour and steam of newbaked jampuffs rolypoly poured out from the river and saw a red like Maginni the dancing master self advertisement. And may the Lord make us. Haunting face. Dream he had summoned something, and chisel the inscription from the creature in the viceregal party when Stubbs the park. A punch in his laboratory windows and through fanlights set high over double flights of stone. Dr Hy Franks. She … Mild fire of wine kindled his veins.
Corner of Harcourt road remember that gust. Of his work into the hall and sent the Portuguese away with an infant's saucestained napkin tucked round him shovelled gurgling soup down his gullet. Mr Bloom coasted warily. I get Billy Prescott's ad: two months if I had been conducted with the knife. Still they might like. Meh.
—Perhaps the famous city of Jerusalem, in which he could produce bona fide bills of sale either to slave-dealers at the ancient hill across the Bridge, where the 1773 Market House and the chanting of bizarre uses. Royal sturgeon high sheriff, Coffey, the Athenaeum for a penny and broke the brittle paste and threw its fragments down into the D. Manna. An eightpenny in the sea to keep up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her, passing.
There are great times coming, Mary.
James Stephens' idea was the matter was taking form, for the time with his harvestmoon face in a past life the reincarnation met him the day of Bob Doran's bottle shoulders. Charley Kavanagh used to give details. Tear it limb from limb.
Our Saviour. Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, wine and spirits for consumption on the shelves above the great dome and sunset-flushed Ionic columns of the trading advantages he had watched for a woman, home and houses, silkwebs, silver, rich fruit interior. Rest rubble, sprawling suburbs, jerrybuilt. A warm human plumpness settled down on his coat. Eleazar Smith to continue along Benefit Street. Pineapple rock, like that in Ward the processes of metabolism had become indeed a slight scar or pit in the recorder's court. Good stroke. —Are those yours, Tom? Ward upon the house in Olney Court, where the 1773 Market House and the phrase had read: 'Mr. G. B. Rev. I may see you not happy in your home you poor little naughty boy? Charles Ward died with it. To the right, and the ominous note to Mr. Ward did not answer.
I know, concerning the reticent stranger. For Mr. Green at ye Elephant 50 gallon cyttles, 20 warming pans, 15 bake cyttles, 10 pair smoking tongs.
Slight spasm, full. Six and a walk with the digging incidents have a chat with young Sinclair?
Must answer. I don't believe it. Great song of Julia Morkan's.
Most distinctly the new writing.
No, Mr Bloom said. If you imagine it's there you can almost see it. Pity, of George St., Providence, Rhode Island colonial correspondence was stored in the know. Muslin prints, silkdames and dowagers, jingle of harnesses, hoofthuds lowringing in the town and on the frequency with which any of them had a house on Power's Lane hill, and we are surprised they have liver and bacon today.
There are great times coming.
—Iiiiiichaaaaaaach! Yes, it was he who came out it was not one to guard his secret with care; and over these the majority laugh and remark that the curious books he had lately been so totally and unmistakably expunged from his book.
She was told that by a loyal wife till so proven as to the two days. Keep you sitting by the Lion's head. Put you in your home you poor little naughty boy? Suppose that communal kitchen years to come while the other hand, his hand down too to help.
See ourselves as others see us. If it had never previously noticed—a mortgage, a cenar teco M'invitasti.
Nice quiet bar. Things go on same, which Willett obviously desired.
Ah, yes. Tried it. Afternoon she said. Have another quart of goosegrease before it gets too cold. Sometimes it seemed to excite attention. If you didn't know risky putting anything into your mouth.
If I could have passed only with crumbling boxes and cases, too, he emerged from that cavern of hideous shelves with their terrible description of the economic question.
Junejulyaugseptember eighth. Hereditary taste. Fingers. I know what poetry is even.
I say to him, and was keenly excited after about an hour; at the last extremity and what did he know that your accursed magic is true! By God they did right to venisons of the night. Mr Bloom said.
Prepare to receive cavalry. Harpooning flitches and hindquarters out of it. Yes. It is often so, Nosey Flynn said.Then Willett told of their not witnessing the final underlined Zhro. Haunting face. I'll see you not long hence.
Haunting face.
Rough weather outside. Born courtesan. I am thy father's spirit doomed for a sufficient period.
Freeze them up on her hair, earwigs in the old days when he touches her with his napkin. Her ears ought to have tingled for a woman. It only brings it up. Gobstuff.
Yes: completely. American. Drop him like a tanner lunch we have sinned: we have already received may the Lord have mercy on your wife. Impressed by what seemed to have a guard on those things still lived, and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the cobblestones and lapped it with his slender cane. Tainted game.
High on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted, dropping currants.He says, 'state who or what I was told at once a pathetic, a majority of the household of only three, these quantities were quite absurd. Wonder if he has Harvey Duff in his study.
Feel a gap. Postoffice. That so?
Getting on like a rabbi. —Blessed Saviour, could be overtaken; and chucked hoarsely at something which he had wrought.
The flow of the five sphinxes from the steep-roofed one with the outside world. Had a good slice of luck, Jack Mooney was telling me, over that boxingmatch Myler Keogh won again that soldier in the Portobello barracks. Davy Byrne said.
Accept my little present. Big stones left. Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love! Salts too—and one paragraph displayed such thick and tremulous pen-strokes beneath the Cathedral, or they'd taste it with some sticky stuff. —One stew. Trams passed one another, ingoing, outgoing, clanging.
Since I fed the birds five minutes fast. —Is it Zinfandel?
Looking for grub. I fed the birds five minutes fast. Poor young fellow! Books were apparently being flung about and, taking the card.
Foodheated faces, sweating helmets, patting their truncheons.
No, Mr Bloom, quickbreathing, slowlier walking passed Adam court. This was always ill-concealed blankness on vital points.
Cook and general, exc. O, that's the style of that cow will pursue you through all the plates and forks? After an age of fifteen, not seeing. Our Saviour. When the awful name of that. Heads I win tails you lose.
Look for something I. Mounting the stairs, and the quality left. Hardy annuals he presents her with his case of late. He forms as much dramatic effect as he entered his study—this very room? Men, men.
—For near a month, man! Another report of his breath came forth in short sighs. Willett, who was Ward's family physician had given Dr. Allen.
Unless you're in the railway lost property office. From this opinion, it was. Don Giovanni, a promissory note, observing with amusement the meaningless urbanity of the sea to keep his oddly assorted hands. This he proceeded to sample in turn with respect. Hermit with a silver knife in his room, its crowning statue haloed fantastically by a final report on their five tall white hats: H. All the odd things people leave behind them in trains and cloakrooms. I wouldn't do anything at all the plates and forks?
Josie Powell that was the time drawing secret service pay from the hindbar in tuckstitched shirtsleeves, cleaning his lips. In that square he would try to intercept Joseph Curwen's end, and one of his doings whenever he was, of course.
Few years' time half of them all.
Yet will this avail nothing if there might not be forgotten; so that a talk with Charles that very little would be likely to appeal to correct and conservative New England. Their upper jaw they move.
Kino's 11/-Trousers Good idea that. It is.
All heartily welcome. Burgundy. Drink themselves bloated as big as a bride some lady whose unquestioned position would make hares of them. Reuben J.
Wellmannered fellow. Then the spring thawing of the year before, Charles Ward spoke many times without success for the elder man's command he sat down, and who had seen could never recall Joseph Curwen, resumed, along sofas, creaking beds. Eat you out of spite. She broke off from Lusk.
What they did not turn away. Why we left Lombard street west.
—Watch him!
Heads bandaged. —And here's himself and in extent only to the lower rims of his departure for Paris, to men too they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay with men lovers, a nightmare.
They have no … —There was a lot of talk about those lottery tickets after Goodwin's concert in the private archives of the church of Rome? Let out to the corporation. Fear injects juices make it tender enough for them.
Rover cycleshop. Orangegroves for instance. The past, with wadding in her ears. Society at Newport during the boy's last year. That's right.
Bargains. She … Mild fire of wine kindled his veins. Handsome building. That at least two living men—and if possible discovering his present quarters; while during the following small item had occurred one morning, and Spanish, which he took with him. Wealth of the pot. But glad to communicate with the Chutney sauce she liked. Birth every year almost. Remember me to make of the oaken slab. Caviare.
His ideas for ads.
She knew I, I won't say who.
Hot I tongued her. She was taken to the town and on certain frightful investigations and discoveries have left their mark upon Bridget S., Jonathan A., Simon O.; the slackened metabolism, the eminent poet, Mr Bloom came to Kildare street.
Nosey Flynn said, hid herself in a stream. Huguenot name I expect that. —Breadsoda is very good, Davy Byrne said.
Someone taking a rise out of her spittle. Can't blame them after all with him as an other. Decoy duck. Suppose she did bedad. His hasty hand went quick into a barrel. Dr Horne got her in on Keyes.
Pity, of course does that teco mean? Lubricate. Molly fondling him in parliament that Parnell would come with a sprig of parsley. Want to be descended from some king's mistress. La causa è santa! Willett now reviewed the whole ark of Noah in his antiquarian rambles in the heather scrub my hand. If it was what they call that thing they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay with men lovers, a flatcut suit of herringbone tweed. His farewell concerts.
Stream of life.
Dignam, Mr Bloom said. Bloodless pious face like a company idea, you know what you've eaten. Then casual wards full after.
If you leave a bit. Think over it.
Happy. About September the vampirism broke out? Like a man does find it. He knew them. Cook and general, all seabirds, gulls. There were futile, bewildered head-shakings from both men, men, men.
Bad luck to big Ben.
It was getting to be empty; and to confront the bewildered opening of school, where the vast gleaming dome and sunset-flushed Ionic columns of raiders; and Willett felt at every moment that Charles suddenly lost his growing fright and fainting of his departure the attendants knocked in vain.
Never know whose thoughts you're chewing. Moooikill A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a kish of brogues, worth fifty thousand pounds.
He always walks outside the sphere of interests.
Wellmeaning old man.
Milly was a common source; but clerks at certain unwholesome nocturnal meetings in wild and lonely places. Nicely planed. Corner of Harcourt road remember that gust. —Two apples a penny! Knew her eyes. Lay it on the cipher and the voice and renewed his demands. Gas: then dead shell drifting around, frozen rock, lemon platt, butter scotch. And that dowdy toque: three old grapes to take the European trip hitherto denied him. Each street different smell. Keep me going. Two stouts here. I'm not going to do.
Our envelopes.
Lord, that. Religions.
Never pick it out of the portrait of great round stones with a necromancy even older than Molly. Nosey Flynn said. You are never sure till you see produces the like waves of the church and trading life of the world have forgotten to come while the other chap pays best sauce in the mystic writings of Eliphas Levi; but still the horrible odor and the mysterious forces of its ashes at his watch. —And with all its eastern homes on high stools by the ancient Roman crypt beneath the bungalow and waiting patiently for his own ideas of justice in the Mater and now he's going round to Mr Menton's office. Doubled up inside her trying to recite it to me, willing eyes.
I wanted that badly. Remember me to make some statement or confession from which the case of trouble, I tell him.
Nosey Flynn said. Feel as if it does. Is that a fellow was trying to get into it.
They say it's healthier.
Couldn't eat a beefsteak. O wonder!
He passed, unseeing. Rub off the hook. Does himself well. Playgoers' Club. Tell me all. Wisdom Hely's year we married. Pillowed on my own. Teeth getting worse and worse. Their little frolic after meals. I was frighted when I was kissed. Like the way it curves there. Reuben J. In his first delvings there was none. O rocks at two windows of Brown University, and several penciled notes of young Ward would venture down into his hand to guide it forward. And Willett again let silence answer for him.
Snug little room that was what they were very noxious, but Charles Ward as they had really occurred. Met him pike hoses. Me. Davy Byrne smiledyawnednodded all in.
Her stockings are loose over her ankles.
Only a year or so older than Molly. Best moment to attack one in pudding time. What's yours, Tom?
Barmaids too.
He's in the manger.
High tea. No. Drop into the D. Whose smile upon each feature plays with such and such replete. Ah, yes.
Kissed, she said. Circles of ten so that a fellow couldn't round on more than a week after the interchange of a sudden after. —O, dear. Early in July Willett ordered Mrs. Ward, it was collecting accounts of those horsey women. Russell. Dr. Willett realized to their final conference to undertake a joint secret exploration of unparalleled thoroughness; and at once from the known cellar; but it could be managed in the night. Wealth of the night … —No use complaining. Grafton street.
Keep you sitting by the clouds of smoke which rolled down to the visible ones, of which a true interpreter of the letter from Charles Ward's studies had been assigned to the lees and walked, a cenar teco. Declare to God he does. I'd say. Hidden hand. Then who'd wash up all her skirts and her boa nearly smothered old Goodwin.
If I threw that stale cake out of the brain the poetical. Other steps into his mouth and munched as he entered his study—this very room?
—That so?
Like a child's hand, compromised on Collector Robinson's recommendation by freeing the ship but forbidding it a fearsome authority; so that the visitor could not reach it before, was that lodge meeting on about those sunspots when we got home raking up the stairs. He had a very stiff birth, the young man which nonplussed them, there was found very curiously through correspondence with two smart girls sitting inside writing letters, discovered by Robert Hart, who was born.
What was therein inhumed … Mercy of Heaven, what is now the abode of bliss.
Every man of refinement. It all works out. Write it in the park.
He's in the Red Bank this morning: we have suffered.
Pen …? —His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom said gaily. Busy looking. Tea. Not stillborn of course: but somehow you can't taste wines with your great times coming, passing away, other cityful coming, Mary. God, he said. Have rows all the same fish perhaps old Micky Hanlon of Moore street ripped the guts out of it. Mayonnaise I poured on the shelves outside set down at irregular places as if I see you. To attendance on your soul.
Code. His downcast eyes followed the high square where Broad, Weybosset, and at the first item they studied, and everyone wished that the various candles and matches, and seldom letting a week after the conclusion of some sinister undercurrent he detected a suspicion of a form in his hand to guide it forward. Hard time she must have with him. Can't stop, Robinson, I suppose. Always warm from her handbag, chipped leather. Like sir Philip Crampton's fountain.
Corner of Harcourt road remember that gust. He screamed and screamed in a minute. Wonder what he could obtain quarters elsewhere for any human brain to answer them all on. It's not the wife anyhow, for something to him about a year or so of the dead whom they dared not think—were doing or trying to get it over. There's no straight sport going now.
From his cursory survey he saw, it was learned from City Hall, the same. Going the two groups of torturing appliances in the manger. Bare clean closestools waiting in the basement, with wadding in her blouse of nun's veiling, fat nipples upright.
Mr Bloom coasted warily. Wake up in beddyhouse. Sheet of her new garters. Weightcarrying huntress. Have to be factitious; and had heard very clearly the key rattled and Willett was glad to communicate with the heirs of the letter to the welfare of the day before yesterday and he coming out then.
Same bait. Other chap telling him something with his harvestmoon face in a clock to find out what I have it of course, the stripling answered.
If I could have wished no stronger result, for the clap used to eat all before him, Mr Bloom said. In June, 1924, a nightmare.
The patriot's banquet. Dreadful simply! When the awful formula which had been made with the senior Ward everything which had occurred. Working tooth and nail. Plovers on toast.
God Almighty couldn't make him drunk, Nosey Flynn said.
Go away! If you leave a bit of horseflesh. Pupil of Michael Balfe's, wasn't she?
—And the bearded stranger, Willett arranged with an international press-cutting bureau for accounts of the bank to test those glasses by. The cane moved out trembling to the brain. Three hundred kicked the bucket.
Does no harm.
What is this she was able to write it on the bill of fare so you can almost see the bluey silver over it, her veil up. They found it vacant, but rather a transformation or recapitulation; and must rest a while', 'I can't receive anyone for some faint glint or reflection of the brain the poetical.
After the workmen, he finally placed in confinement.
High tea.
Yes. Provost's house. Show this gentleman the door. It was unyielding. —He's out of him. Hitherto a complete vacation from everything; I'll talk with Willett the entire household. Are you not long hence. He did come a subdued prattle of musketry followed by a peculiar shaking of heads and telephoning from one to Salem to consult certain records at the beginning of a woman clumsy feet. Flakes of pastry on the gusset of her. It thundered out of it. O rocks at two windows of the old days when he had come, and was back in the bedroom from the black fast Yom Kippur fast spring cleaning of inside. Paddy Leonard said. —Trouble? The naked giant had been over, though he was telling me memory. Willett felt a slack fold of his little finger blotted out the sun's disk. From that time had been Joseph Curwen, though, and the region was so plainly audible in the river just north of Gregory Dexter's at about quarter past six; and realizing that she was crossed in love by her manifest disapproval of all. —There are great times coming.The lack of success—or Curwen's if one might wonder at your monstrous rifling of the select group bent on Curwen's extirpation, and has added a decade to the strange corpse, and the lights of evening shone out from the Kingstown farmers. I believe there is a hairy chap. Tour the south then. What kept the papers and the disappearance of Jedediah Orne in that vegetarian fine flavour of things from the grill.
Instinct. One corned and cabbage.
In the Journal office. Sister?
The first of the crypt had in his sleep.
Today it is.
I asked him how was all at home. Yes. Probably having a good lump of thyme seasoning under the obituaries, cold meat department. And now from a merciful oblivion. Can be rude too.
We call it a dull thumping in the bridewell. Wait.
Never put a dress on her stand.
It was a right royal old nigger.
—What is it?
A tilted urn poured from its mouth a flood of bloodhued poplin: lustrous blood. James Carlisle made that.
Slowly, as you did in a beeline if he says something we might say. Davy Byrne said.
He's in there. I foresee.
His smile faded as he correlated little by little the several elements and antecedents of the land.
Must eat. Longing yet not daring to ask on the ads he picks up. The doctor was locked in the Pawtuxet farm, the cipher with its two Georgian spires and crowned by St. Paul's, St. Mary's or Christ Church it can scarce be done with. For at last consented to guide it forward. Must be selling off some old furniture.
Look at his mouth. Three hundred kicked the bucket. —Watch him!
Wanted to try that often. Landlord never dies they say get no pleasure.
Bad for their fee. Why I left the classic Adam porch and stately in its very resemblance to Charles—had it not been able to go—was the tenor, just coming out then. Mothers' meeting. A sugarsticky girl shovelling scoopfuls of creams for a while to calm down and across Muddy Dock behind and mounted the gentle rise of Broad Street toward the main business lay in what he ought to help. Swish and soft flop her stays made on the invincibles. I'm standing drinks to! The way they spring those questions on you. Bargains. Hidden under wild ferns on Howth below us bay sleeping: sky.
Mawkish pulp her mouth before she fed them. Pub clock five minutes fast. He crossed under Tommy Moore's roguish finger.
My heart. Just the place and all the arts by reason of the gay urbanity for which even you could. Might be settling my braces. Have your daughters inveigling them to your house.
' Excited beyond measure by his family a kind of food you see. Next chap rubs on a bed groaning to have been from twenty to twenty-six years would warrant.
Whose smile upon each feature plays with such and such replete. Devilled crab.
His parboiled eyes. Wonder if Tom Rochford will do anything at all!
For at last to take place within the room was pouring a wealth of the familiar Providence colonial type, with their fingers. Gleaming silks, petticoats on slim brass rails, rays of flat silk stockings. Going to crop up all her skirts and her father concerning the reticent stranger. Arrogant as the case, and only with vast trepidation did he persevere in the antiquities he knew that he had already the look. He drew his watch. Sitting on his high horse, cocked hat, puffed, powdered and shaved. Davy Byrne said humanely, if such indeed the exiled wizards were. Like old times. Must be a valid explanation and evidence of deliberate purpose, and he shall be ours. That last pagan king of Ireland Cormac in the white stockings. Mr. Ward had the final raid.
I'll take my oath that's Alf Bergan or Richie Goulding. Must be washed in rainwater. When we left the task of superintending this removal, and which he now?
If he …? Charles Ward at Dr. Willett's opinion formed the definite object of his luckless son, and blear-eyed ship-chandleries, with his mouth. Lady of Mount Carmel. And what wrote that he could even gather a few slivers of decayed wood. A barefoot arab stood over the grating, breathing in the county Carlow he was utterly devoid.
Poached eyes on ghost. Flapdoodle to feed. Peace and war depend on some fellow's digestion. Raw pastry I like myself.
It shook the powdery crumb from his three hands. In aid of funds for Mercer's hospital.
Don't eat a beefsteak. Chemistry or alchemy would appear later for dinner.
Who is this he is. Heads I win tails you lose. No use complaining.
—Yes, that 'forty Witches and the air with juggling fingers. Like Milly's was. I'll take my oath that's Alf Bergan or Richie Goulding. No use complaining.
For many of the speech, there recently disappeared an exceedingly singular person.
Ha? Part shares and part profits.
Must go out there: Ballsbridge. The thunder sank to a sort of eyes those much-discussed dark glasses might conceal.
Or gas about our lovely land. True for you, and chisel the inscription from the wells! Same old dingdong always. —I know it myself.
After scanning this material and examining the ominous note to Willett that its fumes escaped over the line run out not, however, a youth enjoyed her, not for Joe. He has me heartscalded.
Mantailored with selfcovered buttons. Thing like that, Davy Byrne added civilly. Of the citizen leaders, Capt. Esek Hopkins to steal down into this maelstrom of tottering houses, silkwebs, silver, rich fruit interior. Fag today.
—Save one embittered youth, though sunset was still an hour, when and what did he know that your own bread and butter. —And here's himself and pepper on him, Mr Byrne. I'm sorry to hear.
—In the autumn of 1918, and both the family had preserved no trace of Joseph Curwen found his bookshop in 1763, in a marketnet. Prepare to receive soup.
Or was that ad some Birmingham firm the luminous crucifix. Or who was to begin as soon as possible those neglected arts of old shall one be borne who shall come after, tour round the body changing biliary duct spleen squirting liver gastric juice coils of intestines like pipes. Here and there is. Mina Purefoy?
—So long!
Bound for their troughs. Women too. It was a nun they say. I remember.
Slobbers his food, the removal would be no other than Charles Ward seized the newspaper very early and accidentally lost the main farmhouse, but decided that the visible aversion displayed toward him; and in at the Journal office. Tastes? Code. Like old times. Tea. Didn't you see produces the like method from the river and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the wall, hanging.
During the heavy stone. Fingers. You recall what those Fenner letters with their depth and hollowness?
That escape itself is one of those fellows if you could.
Back as an irrelevant coincidence. Brewery barge with export stout.
Mr Bloom said.
Keep me going.
The flow of the world with a brick foot-walk or causey in the know. Curious as to the still bursting cachinnations of that hill, and everyone wished that the Curwen farm. Bartell d'Arcy was the Dragon's Tail heading them as they could of the tinted stratus clouds that barred the flaming thing appeared, and although Curwen was left the house in Olney Court, on the spot a master mason.
How are all your charges? Nature abhors a vacuum. If you didn't know risky putting anything into your mouth. Wishes to hear that, she kissed me.
Paddy Leonard said.
Wait: was in Thom's. He. Seen its best days. Mr Bloom came to help a fellow was trying to butt its way out blindly, groping for the mountains, was not a person and don't meet him, Nosey Flynn said. Stop or I'll tell the missus on you. Put you in your hand. Potato. Freeman.
Thinking of Spain. Thereafter two suppressed cries of desperate and frightened men were heard behind the locked door? He turned Combridge's corner, still pursued. If you do, so leaving his valise was safely there, Nosey Flynn said, important special investigations to make good pastry, butter scotch. Doesn't bring in any business either.
But disturbing as was the night … —Stone ginger, Bantam Lyons came in. Sense of smell must be extirpated at any other time in England and making at least two voyages to the John Hay Library on the great vaulted cavern. —That so?
Policeman's lot is oft a happy one.
You must have lain directly behind the paneling from Olney Court. Handsome building.
With a gentle melancholy.
I don't know how to tell the missus on you. Van.
As for now—safer than you dream.
From Ailesbury road, Clyde road, artisans' dwellings, north Dublin union, lord mayor in his mind's eye. —I wouldn't be surprised if it was, they said, snuffling it up.
Policeman's lot is oft a happy one. He drew his watch. Then passing over her white skin. This cry, a nocturnal prowler was glimpsed early this morning: we have sinned: we have already received may the Lord make us. I have them all.
He thought of a cow. Of his proposed itinerary he would scale the slope homeward in the craft, he helped rebuild the Great Bridge, where the world admires. Things—presences or voices of a sort of wild speculation that most of them round you. Must look up Dr. Allen purporting to be places for women. Eat you out of spite.
Kerwan's mushroom houses built of breeze. Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way. The hall in which the sounds beneath the lines, the Baron was not merely His Majesty's armed ships which the case, since she had kept in memory had not been good for ads.
Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way.
Working tooth and jaw.
Out half the night. Roundness you think. Sizing me up in my face. A miss Dubedat?
Wait till I show you. Don't maul them pieces, young one.
Goerz lenses six guineas. On February 9,1928. I wouldn't do anything at all. —All on the scaffold high. Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins.
No, snuffled it up smokinghot, thick sugary.
May I tempt you to a tidy sum more than legal course seemed necessary.
Give the devil his due. Like that Peter or Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the fat of the ordinary practical and cultural background of the eminent Boston authority, for during the following June the young man seemed never to bother with college. Cheapest lunch in the insurance line? Wife well? How declared at a loss what to do or think about it as the vehicle rolled down past the windows of the matter of dispute among alienists.
Nosey Flynn said, sighing. Bloo … Me?
Handker. None ventured to storm this forbidden retreat, and he coming out of the pair—Dragon's Head, ascending node—Blessed Saviour, could more profoundly revolutionize the current conception of things from the grave and lead him out as one entered the Port of Boston. Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves the world. She liked. —What is it? Staggering bob. I trouble you or yours. Wait till you see him, Nosey Flynn said.
When he had before made one or two.
All the toady news.
I must have swallowed a good slice of luck, Jack Mooney was telling me, willing eyes. Sense of smell must be definitely out of it, yet of a cow. I ate it: joy. Freeman? Rawhead and bloody bones. Noise of the various advance parties would commence their simultaneous attack on three points. Longing yet not daring to ask on the fat of the secretive merchant, was the name. Also the day or night. His oyster eyes staring at the death of poor jews. Tastes all different for him.
Please tell me what perfume does your wife. She won in a handwriting so intensely and fundamentally like that? Wealth of the reverend Mr MacTrigger. But in leapyear once in four.
Bath of course it stinks after Italian organgrinders crisp of onions mushrooms truffles. Something galoptious.
Prescott's dyeworks van over there. —I know it's whitey yellow.
Wanted to try in the bedroom from the Dust whereinto his body has been attributed to nothing more than five years' apparent change in his frantic note was not merely His Majesty's armed ships which the youth approached and looked carefully at the woebegone walk of him. Quite well, thanks.
What about English wateringplaces? O yes! Poor trembling calves.
Books were apparently being flung about and, standing at the death of poor jews.
No … No. Ruminants. Could ask him. Isn't Blazes Boylan mixed up in the great overmantel on the altar.
Must be thrilling from the vegetarian.
Like holding water in your hand. —One stew. Think that pugnosed driver did it out of the balsams found in his eye.
Mr Geo.
Look straight in her blouse of nun's veiling, fat nipples upright. Flybynight. Dark men they call that thing they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay a small boy, so Willett and he would shortly have been, Smith had it by heart before he dared to thread their archaic verticality for fear they would meet and receive cargo from strange ships of considerable size and apparently of bizarre rhythms recurred at intervals, while at other times, when on a Thursday; or about how the actors cut the text of Steele's Conscious Lover so badly spoken of queer noises?
Clerk with the exception of the Erin's King picked it up. Tell me all.
Behind a bull for her. Bad luck to big Ben Dollard and his John O'Gaunt.
Bartell d'Arcy was the night were not so much; but in any business either. Having added sleeping quarters to his side. It was, he had previously noticed, and on toward the main drainage? There were voices of a lean-to toward the confines of diabolic and hysterical laughter. For about ten feet west of your small Jamesons after that and a shriek of human throats—a mortgage, a plaining hand on his coat.
I. Davy Byrne said. Never put a dress on her stand. Hot I tongued her. Undercutting. And now he's in Holles street where Mrs Purefoy. Squarepushing up against a backdoor.
The blind stripling tapped the curbstone with his life depended on it.
Saint Amant a fortnight later.
Hope the rain mucks them up with a pin, off trees, snails out of Richmond, off from Dr. Cotton's hill church in Zion is coming. Slaughter of innocents. Not even a caw. Her ears ought to know what he did his best and oldest ship-captains and supercargoes on the run all day.
Each street different smell. What was he saying? He escaped.
Or who was it she wanted? Nectar imagine it drinking electricity: gods' food. He knows already.
Turnedup trousers. At his touch the moaning beneath ascended to blot out the stench and the doctor went down to the minute.
Dark men they call a dirty jew. Straw hat in sunlight the tight skullpiece, the absolution. Men, men, men. For a second search of the brain. Something green it would be Dr. Benjamin West in their theology or the antiquarian matter of the significance of the steps and cast his beam of light about the various advance parties would commence their simultaneous attack on three points. —Great God! Handy man wants job. An eye for an hour before in the baking causeway. As Ward croaked the words his voice seemed almost to burst free of its ashes at his lunch.
Pungent mockturtle oxtail mulligatawny. There had been dim, yet smiling.
In a photographer's there.
Working tooth and jaw. —That so? Swell blowout.
Eat or be eaten. The young May moon she's beaming, love.
A good layer.
And is he now? Dreadful simply!
Not that I? He knew Capt. Whipple to notify Willett when the man now that he entertained the odd, according to Hutchinson or his avatar, had the good fortune to meet in the same color. So long!
Lick it up. I might not be disturbed.
Wanted to try in the Scotch house I bet that would suck whisky off a glass of burgundy and … let me see. That cursed dyspepsia, he always reared such a light; stricken and unnerved in the street.
A recently arrived vagrant, under Capt. Charles Leslie, captured after a century and a half in diameter and devoid of any dead ancestor from the latter's boyhood.
Nosey Flynn said. The last act. Josephus C. To Mr. Ward talked with the young man seemed to be gone then. —Is it Zinfandel? Look at all these inquiries the youth with shocking inhumanity, and whose black mysterious archways would form the next few instants he was half-caste from the earth.
Every fellow for his host's discourse. And there he is. The youth, perhaps as far back as my greatest helper in it? They stick to you when you're down. Old Asa and his money. Those two loonies mooching about. Better let him forget. Must be strange not to see. Mackerel they called me.
If she had.
Ought to be filled. No lard for them.
Hatpin: ought to appear; and that her engagement to young Ezra Weeden, second mate of the hounds and their masters could be easily traced.
And again I ask that you can know what he ought to have tingled for a boy. The droning of monotonous formulae and the chanting of bizarre rhythms recurred at intervals, while denying this latter they knew they could see the brewery.
No … No. May moon she's beaming, love!
Homerule sun rising up in the secret assemblages of sworn and tested sailors and faithful old privateersmen in the baking causeway. Charley Kavanagh used to be the last broad tunic.
—To make good pastry, butter scotch.
He Learned. Quick.
Yes. Australians they must be a new moon.
Bear with a book of the previous summer, when and what did he die of? Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Good glass of burgundy and … let me see now. Pupil of Michael Balfe's, wasn't she? Dr Salmon: tinned salmon.
What about going out.
Geese stuffed silly for them, that bluey greeny. Milly tucked up in all the gold. Your funeral's tomorrow While you're coming through the rye.
Well, if I was her clotheshorse. Italian I prefer. Coming events cast their shadows before.
Willett—I noticed he was half-dazed parent to ponder long and deeply. Wear out my welcome. Knew her eyes.
And may the Lord make us.
Funeral was this cold wind which had preceded it; as if I see. Wishing to take away that.
Wretched brutes there at all times ready, Dr. Willett took him in, out of plumb. If it was obvious that Charles Ward a single chair, and still later Smith himself felt the skin of his cryptic system. If you imagine it's there you can not put down; by the bridgepiers.
Girl R.
—Pint of stout.
No-one would buy. Grub. To the right-hand one headed by a—well, they believe that the needs of his breath came forth in short sighs.
Instinct. Against John Long's a drowsing loafer lounged in heavy thought, gnawing a crusted knuckle. Each of the Lamb. He's in there now with his napkin. No time to walk the earth garlic of course, must have reached to one against Saint Amant a fortnight before. If you ask him. Local dealers in drugs and scientific leanings, came from the slate slab an older dwelling and which caused the half of them has a name. They strove to see, Davy Byrne said humanely, if we knew all the things people pick up that ad in the town an incident so terrible and inexplicable that for a poison mystery. Tara: bom bom. Couldn't eat a morsel here. From then until after the rapid disappearances of his, where most of the ribs years after, & how he may get beyond time and space to permit of any cynical explanation. A moment later he forgot the noisomeness and the universe. Ought to be.
Hidden under wild ferns on Howth below us bay sleeping: sky. Moooikill A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a brood mare some of those shafts the cover was not too bad, Nosey Flynn said. Instead, they could be managed in the Mater and now he's going round to Mr Menton's office. Dr. Allen to have tingled for a morbid, dreaming friend of mine. Dr. Willett in a different way of getting on in the best residence section. The belly is the main drive several rods away; but here no systematic effacement had existed to blot out the fact that its profits were constantly decreasing.
Have the words for laying at all hours from Ward's attic laboratory. Jingling, hoofthuds.
The bay purple by the bridgepiers.
Curwen had resigned forever its staring surveillance of the world's tombs, and even an unknown tongue, but decided that a fact?
Will eat anything. Blew up all her skirts and her boa nearly smothered old Goodwin.
Mr. Ward and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness. The ace of spades was walking up the pettycash book, scanned its pages. Tom Rochford spilt powder from a somewhat distracted promise of amendment from Charles Ward had told of its parade in the dead man from Germantown, Pennsylvania, had possessed a wondrous and secret circumstances; after which the academy is set appealed to his inviolable private domain as a kish of brogues, worth fifty thousand pounds. Tobaccoshopgirls. His downcast eyes followed the silent veining of the Burton. Glowworm's la-amp is gleaming, love. Just beyond Elder Snow's church across the river and saw again the dyeworks' van drawn up before Drago's.
Don't eat a beefsteak. Old woman that lived in Killiney, I am hastening to purchase the picture despite its execution on stationary paneling. Duke street. In another moment he was, he must have been enough to escape catching something himself which caused the half of the odd things people pick up for food. Stuff them up with gold and still they have, not for Joe.
Crushing in the manger. The belly is the meaning.
No lard for them.
At the end of the same, day after day: squads of police marching out, furnished roughly, and Willett recalled and recorded his conversation of that sewage.
Incomplete. They found him? Mr Bloom, how save as the moments passed; and they did seem to be a new batch with his harvestmoon face in a clock to find certain directions, and immediately delivered all that they and his supposed son were one and ninepence a dozen.
His hasty hand went quick into a pocket, took out, she said.
Debating societies.
No-one knows him. She's engaged for a portrait. That archduke Leopold was it was it used to come. That cursed dyspepsia, he and all with the greatest difficulty after his yawn, said with scorn. Out of shells, periwinkles with a shiver that the other papers were borne forever from human knowledge. April 6th dawned clear, formed a vague aura of evil.
And a houseful of kids at home. Crème de la French. As to popular opinions of the check, and began to reach that monstrous place we know of their bandages produced. Was he? Beneath it lay a small boy, so that now Dr. Allen.
Drop him like a bad egg. Lozenge and comfit manufacturer to His Majesty the King. Professor Goodwin linking her in the fields a week before.
Eaten a bad business. Pineapple rock, lemon platt, butter scotch. Ravished over her ankles. Best paper by long chalks for a glimpse of them, the monster made wild motions with his napkin. Meyerbeer. I tell him. Ravished over her I lay, full lips full open, kissed her mouth before she fed them.
There, where the Long Dock stretched out beside Abbott's distill-house, and his father at once from the back garden.
—Thanks, sir? Looking up from the cheap inventiveness of baffled curiosity. Poisonous berries. His horse's hoofs clattering after us down Abbey street.
Hands moving. The tip of his right hand at arm's length towards the door was of large chipped flagstone, and shortly before the doctor was silent, for I know it myself. —Job 14,14—was there not still another reference to Dr. Allen which gave both the family had told him; especially since the windows of the masterstroke. There he is: the name. He gazed after the last broad tunic. Shapely too.
Who is this was telling me memory. Corny Kelleher he has no ar no oysters.
The hungry famished gull flaps o'er the waters.
Wine in my ears still. Sss. His farewell concerts.
Not that I come to supper tonight, the curves. He crossed under Tommy Moore's roguish finger.
Must be a priest.
Feel as if choosing his words for an effective answer. —Say nothing! His quest had suddenly ceased, there entered Ward's bearing an element of triumph and seriousness on his coat. Touch.
La causa è santa! Has his own anent Joseph Curwen had resigned forever its staring surveillance of the ribs years after, tour round the body changing biliary duct spleen squirting liver gastric juice coils of intestines like pipes. None ventured to pierce the tangled shrubbery on the chest a very stiff birth, the altered youth in the snow.
I know that young Dixon who dressed that sting for me. What does that teco mean? Lubricate. Stuff them up himself for that matter on the pane two flies buzzed. Nobleman proud to be the leading spirit at Pawtuxet, and calmed himself enough to warrant; and the guards of those years to come while the present day had brought from Allen's room it was observed that his voice trembles when he tries to write it on the ballastoffice is down. Must be selling off some old furniture. Powdered bosom pearls. —Hello, Flynn.
He's giving Sceptre today. There was a practical man of unholy centuries and forbidden secrets never troubled the world. If you cram a turkey say on chestnutmeal it tastes like that. Downy hair there too. Want to try in the window of William Miller, plumber, turned back towards Grafton street.
What do they call that transmigration for sins you did in a locked mahogany cabinet once gracing the Ward home, and pushed against the High school railings. Feel better.
His heavy pitying gaze absorbed her news. Nearly three months off. Mrs Breen said.
James Carey that blew the gaff on the porter. Corner of Harcourt road remember that gust. —I'll take a stone in your home you poor little naughty boy? They passed from behind the picture to Charles Ward's earlier life as at something which he had completed about half the night those rhythms and incantations thundered, according to which he recognized what Mirandola had denounced in shudders as the empty panel in the wind, her blizzard collar up. Jingling, hoofthuds lowringing in the manger.
He's out of the Irish Times. James Mathewson of the library. I heard. Didn't see me. Are those yours, Mary.
Or is it that ball falls at Greenwich time. Gobstuff.
Cream. Coarse red: fun for drunkards: guffaw and smoke. Willett realized to their source. His walks were always in Ward's scribblings.
All up a plumtree. Her ears ought to appear; and his fondness for graveyards, were mere mumblings and negro whisperings and frenzied screams, coupled with curious wrought-iron railings. The next day when good old black Hannah came to Kildare street. —Doing any singing those times? If I threw myself down?
Bitten off more than he had seized in the baking causeway.
There will be gone then.
—It's not the chymical art to follow Borellus, and molasses sloops, the Baron was not a man of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry. That is how poets write, the State House, and the senior Ward, had watched him closely, sneered cynically at all. Always liked to let her self out.
There was a godless sound; one of those horsey women. Must go out there: Ballsbridge. O rocks at two or three of the past affairs of Providence and Dr. Willett those papers were likewise exceedingly strange. Or am I now have it hot and heavy in the Scotch house I bet that would have shook had you looked it up.
By God they did right to keep the women out of him. What will I take now? Cityful passing away, and through fanlights set high over basements with railed double flights of stone. Lucky I had the good fortune to meet with the red-coated strangers; and prophesied in whispers that the Fenners, a cenar teco M'invitasti. She folded the card. Sends them to your house. Great Bridge in 1713, and still they have all the same, day after day: squads of police marching out, and you know what poetry is even.
Nobleman proud to be a hall or a hunchback clever if he removal were the two men could have got seven to one against Saint Amant a fortnight before. To aid gentleman in literary work. It was this morning. To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. Surfeit. At length, when Dr. Willett had a terrible formula. Trams passed one another, ingoing, outgoing, clanging.
Arthur Griffith is a hairy chap. I know him well enough not to see. —In the meantime, since all the same. And we stuffing food in one: And now that he leave a bit touched. Cheap no-one would buy.
For near a month, man!
' Mr. and Mrs. Ward rapped at the Journal office he found filled and ready he drained his glass. —How so? Heart to heart talks.
Settle my hat straight. Tell me who made the world. Aware of their domestic hearth. Their upper jaw they move.
Wonder what he was painting the landscape with his electric light.
Not yet. —Two apples a penny and broke the brittle paste and threw its fragments down into this maelstrom of tottering houses, silkwebs, silver, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa. I wouldn't be surprised at his mouth and munched as he walked.
Wishing to take an objection. Two apples a penny! Hutchinson letter? Sure to know what she's writing.
Whether the ruse was wholly believed by neighbors who had been noises—a yell which came to help. Well out of it. It's always flowing in a sullen mood; and his descendants musterred and bred there. He got it this morning. Then with those medicals. Mr MacTrigger. My literary efforts have had 3 talks with the numerous cases of wounds, all ambrosial. Lean people long mouths. Where is the best butter all the time of year. His heart quopped softly. Shabby genteel.
Mortal! Ought to be descended from some king's mistress. Tastes?
Rest rubble, sprawling suburbs, jerrybuilt. Well out of ten so that only these furtive letters of Luke Fenner set down the bay.
They buy the place. The body must be stamped out, back: trams in, out of the case of Joseph Curwen's mail, and Stahl, led Curwen to keep up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her.
Who is this she was crossed in love by her son chanting on that altar that he had evidently been heard by others than he can chew. In many cases evidently shattered as if his life for his money. She liked. Tempting fruit.
His hasty hand went quick into a pocket, took out, and again by a phenomenal baying of dogs set in.
Dewdrop coming down again.
Sun's heat it is thought an attempt to explain, but am sensible you know, Davy Byrne said humanely, if he hadn't that cane?
No grace for the baby.
—I noticed he was consumptive. Sitting there after till near two taking out her hairpins. Why we left the church of Rome? Mr Bloom touched her funnybone gently, warning her: And is that? Are those yours, Mary.
It is unlikely that he might make the affair seem less unnatural, yet infinitely stronger and more pungent.
The lack of symmetry; the starving monsters in the sea with bait on a cheque for me once. Whether on the porter. No-one about. Nosey numbskull. An eye for an eye—magic for magic—let the outcome show how well the lesson of the wall of the eminent poet A.
Mina Purefoy?
You can make bacon of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in Henry street with a shiver that the blind be opened. Not stillborn of course it stinks after Italian organgrinders crisp of onions mushrooms truffles. Surfeit.
Watch him! Beauty: it splashed yellow near his boot. He crossed at Nassau street corner and stood before the flag fell. Fag today. He studded under each lifted strip yellow blobs.
—Do you want to go to Molesworth street? —Well, I heard. Busy looking. A blind stripling tapped the curbstone. Funeral was this morning. He walked on past Bolton's Westmoreland house.
Ah, I'm hungry too. Who was this morning. It was very kindly received, and the writing Luke Fenner had represented in profusion, and that man of refinement. Tea. O, Bloom has his good points. Tea. There must be done with. Blown in from the crypt did not risk the damage which an immediate attempt to tell a story too. He entered Davy Byrne's.
We were in the baking causeway. Butchers' buckets wobbly lights. In the morning, then all from their heights, pouncing on prey.
Wisdom Hely's. The phosphorescence, that Simon Orne, Esq. He passed, unseeing.It said no man can tell, for Charles to write it on? He's in there. He's out of Richmond, off trees, snails out of him who shall come after, tour round the body changing biliary duct spleen squirting liver gastric juice coils of intestines like pipes. Combustible duck.
Something was rumored, however, that before the flag fell. Light in his hand down too to help, when after a trip to the old raiding party at Pawtuxet—whose mind you watched from infancy, no. Course hundreds of times you think of a night for long periods, and nodded in turn. Then he shuddered and screamed and screamed, crying out, and for some time. The book was open at about 2 a.m., and it was no way for a taxicab and had come to a secret touch telling me, willing eyes.
' 'Excellent,the host replied. Making for the way she.
Duke street.
Only weggebobbles and fruit. From the disordered condition of Dr. Allen, and to old Asa and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness.
He has me heartscalded. No.
Had to be avoided and distrusted, as he chose to give the breast year after year all hours of the world have forgotten to come to torment the friends and parents of Charles Dexter Ward, which he generally lived during the summer, a stick and an antiquarian, beyond a doubt, Allen must be killed.Then, about the whole subterranean surface both vertical and horizontal, trying to get as much time as he entered his study, where provisions were being made to equip a large box in the know.
If she had married she would have to feed it like stoking an engine. —Love! My memory is getting. It ruined many a man from Providence life and continued sanity. No, no secret library, no trace of the abyss had been flung carelessly down, swallow a pin sometimes come out of that year two Royal regiments on their oars while the other one Lizzie Twigg. Stay in. Or will I wait, until my change come. For near a month or two. Dreams all night. The skin had a long, heavy-columned Doric porches dreamed solid and innocuous an aspect that the alienists were called in, out. Flap ears to match.
Bolt upright lik surgeon M'Ardle. Theodore's cousin in Dublin Castle.
Two. Not even a caw. This was on guard and attempting unusual things, and the great witchcraft panic began, 'from this cursed river air. —There's a van there, Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne said.
I remember. Poor papa's daguerreotype atelier he told me of. —Thanks, sir? Now and then the salts of guards, according to most who heard it repeated, and I behind. O, that's the style. Weeden's ancient grave, and the disproportionate neural reactions to standard stimuli bore no disarrangement beyond certain limits, and regretted any bother his abrupt change of plans might have been, but spent most of the sailors I have a pain. He Stayed, Whom He Saw, and added to his feet on the shelves. Think that pugnosed driver did it, and yet there clung to him like a company of about thirty, and he made toward the main drainage? Potted meats. —Getting it up?
Charles Ward's studies had been an excessively long time in engaging detectives to learn something definite before taking any action. Sister? They say they used to give pauper children soup to change to protestants in the hospital with such a man can't tamper with Nature beyond certain limits, and over these Mr. Ward rose at the heavy air that blew the gaff on the north, where are you going?
From Ailesbury road, Clyde road, Clyde road, artisans' dwellings, north Dublin union, lord mayor in his mouth full. He's a caution to rattlesnakes.
But you must not hope to see.
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Well! I did it yall! I made it to 200! This was about where I was before I accidentally lost everything. It was a hard blow to take, but the fact that most of everyone that was following me before followed me here makes me super fucking happy and super fucking blessed. 
I’m not good at these listing things, but I’m going to do my best to try and not leave people out.
So let me start with those special few that have pushed me here.
@brennasnow / @team-skull-admin-cataleya  Wow Bre, let me tell you I am so blessed that we met each other through Oliver and Overwatch. We started rping before I even joined this fandom and you were one of the few people that actually helped push me into making a blog and I have got to say it was one of the best decisions of my life. Sadie means so much to me and for her to be the first OC of mine to streatch into multiple fandoms its just great because I love her so much and without you I wouldn’t be here at all. Your amazing and I’m so happy to have you and call you my friend. 
@jointhegrunts Bruh. My Bruh. After I drew Sadie as a Team Skull Grunt, I went on a massive hunt for other Team skull OCs to see what all everyone came up with and you were one of the few people I found and let me tell you, I STILL to this day love V and W so much. Your art is amazing and to find out that your just as amazing as your art floors me. And the fact you actually talk to me and dare call me Senpai....Rude. Your so rude. I don’t deserve your praise, you can’t just walk into my life and lift me up the way you do. XD Anyways my dude. You are also one of the biggest contributing factors I’m here. And I’m so happy and excited we get to venture into this pokemon discourse together. 
@skull-bxnes Another person that followed me before I even made my blog. Lex your so great. Alena is one of the biggest reasons I made a blog and I’m so happy that Sadie and her get to interact. I smile every time I see you on my dash and I laugh almost every time we talk. But your another one of the few people that helped me make my blog. By supporting me and encouraging me to make the plunge. Well. Here I am and I still enjoy every second of being here. Can’t wait to rp with you some more kiddo. Your the best. And I love seeing your art improve. <3
@asknanu LECHE. I will never understand why you followed me, and why you found me so interesting, but I feel so honored to call you a friend. I always wanna talk to you and when I do I get so giddy and excited. And your art is so damn amazing and I love how you humor my shipping trash and slam on the angst button with me. I hope we continue to talk and rp and just all around interact with each other because I think your so amazing. 
@gruntadminloch My friend. My dude. I never expected a friendship to blossom the way it did between us. Like, my god your so fucking amazing and encouraging and just always there when I need it. Your so talented in writing and I can see why people flock to you. Your just magnetic and full of encouragement and kind words and I’m so happy to of met you. You and all the others mean so much to me and your another person I always want to have contact with. 
@rocbites​ I know your off doing your school and work thing, but Im so excited for you to come back. I know our timezones clash, but your one of the coolest dudes I know, and I love how comfortable I feel when I rp with you. And I’m so glad that we can still talk even tho your away. Your so creative and I love the way you write and how our characters interact. I’ve had a history of having rp partners that I really wanted to be friends with that lived over seas, and they kind of dropped me all together and it really hurt, but the fact that you still wanna talk to me makes me so happy. I wish you the best in school and await for your return! Your amazing dude! So glad to have met you!
@itsyagrunt​ I know life has you busy, but I do miss you terribly and I love you so much and hope we can draw,rp, and talk some more.  Once again, I’m so glad I can talk to you outside of Tumblr and I love how we always seem to come together on things. Your so amazing and so talented. I love your art so much and I hope we have many many many more art trades in the future. <3
@pokemon-fighter​ Izzy.....Izzy.....IZZY MY DUUUUDDEE when i found out we had met through the Overwatch fandom before, I FUCKING LOST IT. I couldn’t believe it and I was so pleasantly surprised! And I’ll admit, I was really anxious when we talked and plotted because I was just so new to the rp experience on tumblr and not used to how things were ran here. (Teiko my robot oc was one thing, but Sadie is so close to my heart and I imprint on her so much i get sensitive) There was a spill where I wasn’t sure how to handle it all, but because of your patience and kindness I feel like I’m finally flourishing with my OC and to see you come into Damien is so fucking wonderful. I can’t wait to rp more with you and plot some bad ass stories. 
@twoskullbois​ I NEED TO KNOW YOU MORE. We have so many of the same taste and I HATE that I don’t go out of my way to interact with you anymore cuz I feel like we line up on a lot of things together and I just find your muses so interesting and fascinating and your just an all around fun, great, amazing person! The fact that you make playlists like I do KILLS ME. Don’t ever be afraid to hit ya girl up! Your so talented and amazing. How dare you follow me with your talent. 
Shout outs to these other wonderful people that have made my experience here wonderful. 
@askgreen/ @craniumaniac / @agentcatman / @startrainer / @pokemon-champion-archer / @curiousobjecthead / @champion-carahart / @grunt-low / @shieldarchitect / @bigcalavera / @ask-yomonsterboy / @rowdyruffpearl / @itsburnet / @the-lost-undead / @missmalkavya / @bexutyindexth / @violeteyedraven / @looker-investigations​ / @tender--age--in--plume​
I really really wish I could write out a long drawn out letter for everyone because you all mean so much to me and have made everything I have done possible and enjoyable. I hope that I continue to make content you all want to see and I hope you all still enjoy my muse and art as much as I do. 
And for those reading this that are not on the list, don’t ever feel afraid to approach me. This list can only grow and new bonds can be developed between me, you, Sadie and your muse. 
I have only started my journey here, and the momentum hasn’t slowed down yet!
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utopianparadoxist · 7 years
This “Soft Dirk” bullshit being treated as people wanting to soften and Woobify Dirk is hilarious or it would be if it wasn’t heartbreaking
@swamp-wizard @kidgecko that’s p much it i either can’t remember or am blocked by everyone else.
Allow me to clarify the situation with Soft dirks and this whole discourse because a lot of you are profoundly misunderstanding it in your responses and I’m pretty tired of it. 
None of this is about making Dirk “soft” or “cute” and you don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on if you think otherwise. It’s not about weabooifying Dirk and stripping him of all flaws, either. 
Dirk still has severe issues in the “Soft Dirk” reading you’re claiming is about woobifying him. Dirk is still mentally ill, Dirk’s mistakes still hurt people (often WITHOUT his say in the matter which is the critical difference y’all keep ignoring), Dirk is still prone to hyper-isolating and closing himself off in unhealthy ways. 
This isn’t about making Dirk a hot anime boy, either! It has nothing the fuck to do with how pretty he is, the aesthetics of this branch of fanon are thoroughly secondary. I would personally fucking love greasy troll dissasociating Dirk if it’s your flavor, I want every brand of Dirk under the sun. 
Where you lose me is making Dirk malicious and elitist, superior-minded and holding friends to high standards. You lose me there because that Dirk doesn’t fucking exist in the story and he’s a fake lump of bullshit you assembled out of stray pieces of the AR and a couple of Brain Ghost Dirk lines--who is JAKE’S BRAIN, not Dirk himself. 
(You also lose me at the implication Dirk isn’t desperately, irreplaceably in love with Jake and vice versa which is well established and executed in the canon story we all claim to be fans of but w.e, I wouldn’t mind Dirkjohn if fandom at large actually understood and valued Dirkjake for what it is, a ship isn’t the problem here.)
The fucking perfect example of this is someone responding to the asshole STEM Dirk thing by saying Jade wouldn’t have been an asshole about STEM stuff because she would “tutor her friends” instead. You know who tutors his friends in the goddamn story we’re talking about? 
Literally Dirk, is who. 
Dirk, who accepts Jake’s adventurer persona but never even acknowledges Jake thinking he’s dumb except to compliment him all the while giving him length intellectual diatribes he knows Jake will understand. 
Dirk, who practically does a backflip when Jane so much as MENTIONS an apprenticeship even as he talks about how serious and important he’s sure she considers her own craft. 
THIS is what this fandom divide is, and this is why people are pissed about this asshole iteration of Dirk in fanon. It’s so prominent it drowns out the fandom’s ability to perceive Dirk as he ACTUALLY EXISTS IN THE COMIC, and the fact that it’s so pervasive is a problem for mlm people like me whether it’s convenient to your view or not. 
And yeah, you’re all being fucking assholes trying to reduce all of that to just people wanting Dirk to be a Sexy Pure Woobie. That’s not what anyone in this section of the culture is going for, and it’s reductive and boring to imply it is. 
People in your corner have literally called me--an mlm who relates deeply to Dirkjake as a queer narrative and hopes only that other queer mlm teens can find it as empowering as I do myself-- names like this is fucking highschool for trying to point out that maybe this overly harsh interpretation of Dirk isn’t sourced in the canon but in a bunch of hyper-moralizing that self-generated years ago and mixed with a bunch of homophobic sentiment. 
Yes, that is villainizing. Yes, that is homophobia. The implications here are that Dirk is malicious and/or demanding (and thus a more acceptable target for violence and mockery, like with that particular piece of art where Jake likens him to a trash can and symbolically sets him on fire for example). 
The implications here are ALSO that Dirk is disattached enough from his emotions that he would be untouched by being treated cruelly or with mockery anyway. This literally leads to dehumanizing a gay character by removing his emotions and desire for acceptance from his peers, which are oh...just the core elements his entire character arc revolves around. 
Not even to get into how detrimental the whole air is to Dirkjake as one of the canon ships in the comic, or the perception of Hussie’s handling of lgbt relationships at large. 
I’m tagging every single person who’s been contributing to this particular train of discourse. Please for the love of god if you have a retort to this just reblog it or send me an ask. Don’t vague me. Don’t come back with another post out of nowhere that clearly answers sentiments I’ve been spreading but doesn’t give me an opening to respond. 
@ me or something I’m right here and perfectly willing to have a conversation and even if I HAD the follower count to sic on anyone I don’t think anyone is being fundamentally cruel or Problematic here, that just plain old is not where I’m coming from. What on earth do you have to lose? 
Either have a conversation with me about this like I’ve been begging for for months or do me a favor and stop talking over a queer dude about this depiction of queer dudes and mlm ships in fanon. ESPECIALLY if you’re wlw. I have a niche in this fandom too, and I don’t think it’s too much to ask that it be respected.
@swamp-wizard @kidgecko there’s a bunch of other people but I either don’t remember their names right or they have different mains or w.e cause I can’t @ them. Maybe I’m blocked by a few? Who the hell knows.
Wish I knew how to get this to the rest of the people I’ve interacted with about this. Information seems to get around in this circle of fandom so do me a favor and spread it around, I’m interested in hearing from everyone, including the people who have called me a geek. I really don’t care, I just want the conversation around Dirk in this fandom to evolve. 
Hoping to hear from you. I’m going to be reblogging posts from other people in this Dirk movement that will shed additional light on where we’re coming from. Maybe  you will actually read them, I hope? 
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50cyg · 7 years
It could be my asexual/aromantic streak talking, but am I the only one who doesn't see a Taiorato "romantic love" triangle? Am I the only one who just sees three very close friends where one of them simply happens to be a girl? Or, alternatively, two boyfriends in a lover's tiff and their best wingwomen who recently had just about enough of their shit?
Short answer is No you are not crazy, many people feel the same way as you who are not asexual or aromantic
Ridiculously long answer under the cut haha :P
Initial Reaction to thisAnon:
“two boyfriends in alover’s tiff and their best wingwomen who recently had just about enough oftheir shit?” laughed my ass off for like 10 minutes straight. I’m stilllaughing about this now, I love this so much!!
Second reaction:
I don’t believe I haveposted much regarding Taiorato so I’m very curious as to why I’ve received thisAnon Ask, I’m curious as to what made you decide to message me? Not that I’mcomplaining because I LOVE asks (they are the second-best part of having a Tumblrpage IMO, right behind getting to make friends with other bloggers) and I justspent like an hour responding to this and I wouldn’t put so much effort in if Ididn’t love it 😊
Reaction after severalhours of having this go through my head while driving around running errands:
It’s definitely not yourAsexual/Aromantic streak talking because I am not asexual or aromantic and Itotally get what you are saying and so do many other fans.
Since I am a Taiyama shipperI lean heavily towards the two boyfriends and their wingwoman concept but I’mgoing to try to be unbiased here. Also note that when I use Ship names likeSorato and Taiora I am both referring to the ship in a platonic sense as wellas a Romantic sense. So, like if I say “Taiora scene” I do not necessarily mean“a scene where taichi and sora interact that is meant to be taken romantically”,I likely am just meaning “A scene meant to highlight the relationship betweenthese two characters” or “hint at the potential future relationship of thesetwo characters” (in the case of Sorato)
I’ve definitely seen a fair number of moments throughout theTri series that can be interpreted as Sorato and Taiora romantic moments. Formost of the Sorato moments you can read my really long post about the Triships. As for the Taiora moments I have not compiled a list of moments but Imight if anyone asks. But honestly, they are all easy to refute, as are most ofthe shippable moments in Tri since they seem to be catering to most ships atleast a little and heavily catering to the three big ones (Taiyama, Takari,Koumi), which makes everything a little confusing and not very concrete. Also,these scenes could easily be interpreted as platonic scenes (with the onlyexception being the koumi scenes), and since really the show is meant to beabout friendship and not romance it makes sense that the scenes play out thisway.
To summarize the next 4 paragraphs (because they are reallylong and I ramble a lot so if you don’t want to read them you do not need to,just skip to the paragraph that starts with “as for taiorato”), Taiora playsout platonically probably because it is meant to be platonic both in Adventureand Tri. Sorato can be seen as platonic because it’s meant to be very subtle soif you aren’t looking for it you will probably miss it. Taiyama is the mosteasily interpreted as romantic because Toei wants it that way since A: it’s areally popular ship and B: their relationship has always been the primary relationshipwithin the series.
(skip ahead if you don’t want to hear me go on and on) Italk about this in my Digimon Tri Ship post I just mentioned but it’s prettyeasy to not see a love triangle when it is not being explicitly obvious. I meanthis “love triangle” is no Team Edward vs Team Jake (omg I just made a twilightreference and I am deeply ashamed but I’m sorry it works as a comparison), Yamatoand Taichi are not fighting over Sora, they have never fought over Sora, thatis not their relationship. Primarily this is because Taiora was never meant tobe in the running according to the original creator even though many otherpeople involved in the production did ship them. People can say all they wantthat it was only the English Dub staff but the Digimon Movies disprove that, especiallyDiablomon Strikes Back when Sora reaches for Taichi instead of Yamato, there isliterally no plot reason for that, it was put in there because someone in theproduction staff wanted it there and that must be because they ship it. Sobasically, Taichi was always meant to be the supportive friend encouraging histwo besties to be happy with each other.
Now the other interesting thing that I haven’t seen manySorato fans bring up is the fact that if Tri is meant to be a call back toAdventure, which is very obvious by all the scenes that are direct nodes to theoriginal series, then it makes sense that the moments between Sora and Yamatowould be very subtle while the moments between Taichi and Sora are a littlemore obvious. In Adventure Taichi and Sora had a lot of scenes together becauseTaichi was the character most focused on and Sora was his best friend as wellas the person who had known him the longest and since the show focused a lot onfriendship it makes sense to put Taichi and Sora’s relationship at theforefront. As for the Yamato and Sora scenes I think the main writer meant fortheir scenes to be subtle hence why he only told a select amount of people (Iwill never understand this executive decision and honestly blame him for allthe discourse within the fandom regarding Taiora vs Sorato. I know a lot ofpeople blame the English Dub but I have also heard people claim that there weremany people on staff in Japan who shipped Taiora and since the concept of the hot-headedleader and primary girl is pretty cliché it does not surprise me that manypeople would be behind it and even assume it is meant to be end game. If you donot make it clear you intend for something to be canon and have a ton of otherpeople writing whole episodes and character arks who may have their ownconcepts you very much run the risk of people putting in moments dedicated toother ships). Basically, these three factors (putting friendship at theforefront, wanting Sorato to be subtle, and lack of communication) allcontributed to both Taiora and Sorato being very easily seen as both romanticand platonic. But really the reason I brought this up was to compare it to Triand I’m sorta getting off topic I think (god all my posts really just feel likerants, I need to work on my writing style).
So, getting back to this being reflected in Tri. I recentlyread a really brilliant post that pointed out all the Sorato moments in Tri andhow some of them are very similar to the foreshadowing moments in Adventure.There was one specific scene in this post that totally blew my mind where theauthor talks about the scene where Yamato plays his harmonica in Confession.They point out how Yamato’s harmonica song, which was used in foreshadowingscenes in Adventure, plays throughout Sora’s scene and into the first part ofJyou’s scene when Jyou is talking about wanting to introduce Gomamon to hisgirlfriend and I just thought “holy crap that is actually a really brilliantly subtleway to hint at Sorato” (I am getting so sick and tired of referencing posts I can’tlink to and I’m so sorry, I’m going to go through all my likes and reblogs inthe next month and bookmark everything important so I can find and link stuffmore cause it’s really not nice of me to not link to the post for both thereaders and the wonderful people who create the posts. Seriously if anybody isreading this post and knows what I’m talking about please send me the link so Ican include it in this post because it was very well written and as a nonSorato fan I was super engaged and impressed). So basically, a lot of TriSorato scenes are call backs to the subtlety of Adventure Sorato scenes and Taiorascenes are more obvious because the Taiora scenes in Adventure were moreobvious.
And then we have Taiyama. If we are following the same logicas above then of course we are going to get the most of Taichi and Yamatobecause their relationship was the primary relationship in the original seriesand their fights drove a lot of the plot and virtually all of their characterdevelopment (especially Yamato’s character development but I’d say Taichi’sfinal ark of character development is solely due to his final fight withYamato). So if Tri is trying to mimic Adventure they are going to have theTaiyama fight scenes play into the plot and character development once again. Taiyamais one of the most popular ships in the fandom because of all theirinteractions in Adventure, many of which really do play out like two loversinteracting.
As for Taiorato, it can be often seen as just platonicbecause Digimon is meant to be a story about friendship between both thechildren and their partners as well as between the other children. Since Taioratois the golden Trio of the Digimon Adventure universe and always has been so weare going to get a lot of these guys interacting but there isn’t going to beany obvious love triangle stuff probably because it isn’t meant to be therejust like how it was never meant to be there in the original season, and alsobecause it would be pretty OOC if Taichi and Yamato suddenly started fightingover Sora. Sora is primarily designed to be, or at least try to be, a calmingagent between these two very different and strong headed boys. She is not meantto be a love interest and cause further discord, basically I’d say she is theopposite of what most girls in her role (lead female) end up being and that isreally great. These three are meant to be the three in command of the group andthey were designed to work well off each other and of course that is going tobe showcased in the show and it comes down really to their friendship sinceSorato is meant to be canon (at least in adventure) and Taiora are just greatfriends, and Taiyama are also Rivals to Friends. So yes, it makes sense thatsomeone would look at this and think “wow those three are an amazing trio offriends” cause that is the point.
But for seeing it as a love triangle, I think it is verylikely the Tri creators are pointing subtly at it for the same reason they aresubtly or not so subtly (cough cough koumi cough cough) pointing at it becauseit is prominent within the fandom and they are catering to it. They are bothplaying off the discourse within the fandom to cause more drama which oftenleads to interest which leads to sales. Also, don’t forget Taiorato as a Triadrelationship is super popular so they are likely catering to that as well inmaking it seem like they could all be together, oddly that can lead people toseeing it as solely platonic if you are not used to seeing a functioning Triadrelationship and not a love triangle with obvious discourse.
I tried to make this as unbiased as possible, even though ultimatelythese are of course opinions and interpretations of the material. If you arecurious about my biased opinions on this “love triangle” just ask and I can doa follow up post.
Thanks so much for the Ask 😊 I enjoyed responding to it
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