#this is how we're gonna do ask oneshots now
captainslayahoe · 1 day
Let's talk about the whole @Konigsblog tea.
TW: Mentions of SA, pedophilia, politics,
Konigsblog, or Orla, writes fanfiction for the Call Of Duty community on tumblr, her main theme being oneshots that revolve around and romanticize sexual assault.
She is not the only one writing things like this, however, even in the deep sea of predatory authors, she is one of the more popular writers, so we're gonna get into some of her drama first.
I'm not sure how long she's been a writer, but she has a myriad of these fics, and an uprising fanbase, but with great fame comes great shame, because her page is flooded with much understood hate, angry anons, and even people who post about her in a bad light.
It's not surprising to see how much hate she gets considering she's writing about something like that, and I've moved past her page, but it's the way she responded to something new on her page that brought me to write this.
When Orla gets hate for what she writes, she acts pretty confident towards the people, either calling them uneducated on the matter of r@pe fantasies, acting unbothered, or making fun of them.
Orla also claims to have an issue against real sexual assault, and thinks there is a fine difference between her fiction and the actual act of violating someone. Good for her. But not good enough.
While she does have reasonable boundaries, like being against pedophilia, even the worst of people have their limits. It doesn't make her a good person.
She also has stated that writing this is therapeutic for her and the SA survivors that read her works. Bashing someone's skull in may also be therapeutic to someone with anger issues. Just because the coping mechanism works doesn't mean it's good.
And clearly, it's not healing what needs to be healed for her considering the way she's been acting recently.
Even with the hate messages and death wishes, she continued to act boastful and move forward. That was, until she received an anon message the other day.
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In the message, you can see the anon describing why they don't like her fics, but feel like she's into this because of some sort of mental disorder, or trauma. To which, I believe.
However, Orla didn't like this. It was one of few times I've ever seen her triggered by a message rather than laughing it off like she always does.
She usually has a lot to say, and tends to make a lot of points as to why she writes what she writes, but this time? Nah. The best she could think of was "You're a disgusting piece of shit, you don't know me lets keep it that way"
Yeah, that'll show em.
Really, Orla? Out of all the cocky things you've responded with in your history of hate comments, that's the best you could do?
She is, ALLEGEDLY, twenty one years old, and she sounds good for fifteen. Literally NO ONE knows you, you are an anonymous writer on the internet, stating what someone already knows is wild.
It's like she didn't even have a defense for it because maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's true. She didn't even make any more responses until her followers defended her, in which she KEPT posting about the message. She had never done that with any other anon hate posts. Not only that, but she turned her asks off afterwards.
Orla gets death threats by the minute, being told she actually DESERVES to be violated (do not say things like that, it aint helpin'), and still keeps her ask box on, yet when someone actually starts to delve deeper, NOW she wants to turn it off? Suspicious, is it not?
For her to think she DOESN'T have something mentally wrong with her is crazier than the latter. You daydream about getting violated. If that ain't mentally unstable, I don't know what is. Like the anon, I too am not in the worlds best head space.
It's 2024, inflation is beating our middle and lower class asses, Palestinians are suffering and politics are in a state of "fuck it, we ball." Anybody saying they are in good head space right now is lying, or just really chill, and to say there's nothing wrong with you is narcissistic, which is a disorder on its own.
She also replied in one of the few posts about the message saying:
"How are you going to analyze someone you've never met based on what they write about?"
Orla must be living under one mansion of a rock. Police have found terrorists with just that method. If you read a book, you can tell how someone is simply from how and what they wrote.
If you pay attention to any of Dr. Seuss's books, even without knowing about him abusing his wife, you can tell he didn't like women, and more than likely had an experience with them being "nagging" towards him. "Horton hears a who" shows that via the mother kangaroo constantly bothering Horton about how he acts, and how she feels he's crazy for protecting the spec on the flower, alongside another book about a mother bird leaving her egg with Horton while she neglectfully parties around the world, leaving Horton to suffer with wild weather and relentless theives trying to steal it from him.
That was an awful defense. Never use that.
Not to mention in her responses to other hate posts, she claims people are "obsessed" with her while she's living her "best life". Your life sucks if this is the best. Nobody is obsessed with you but yourself. Imagine being so self-centered that you think when people call you out for being nasty, they're "obsessed".
No, you do weird shit and expect people to be quiet. You are not a god, you are not a deity, you are a human. You are not above criticism. People can judge you because you need to be judged. You are not the first to be called out and you won't be the last.
It's crazy how suddenly that attitude dropped when someone stops talking about her writing and begins focusing on her mentality.
"It's just fantasy" is not an excuse anymore, because your brain is you and your thoughts are self reflection. If you often think about setting things on fire, you might be a pyromaniac. To try and detach yourself from your thoughts is like trying to break yourself in half.
Unwanted intrusive thoughts and active enthusiasm towards sexualizing things aren't the same.
If you're mentally ill, own that shit. If you have trauma that's messed up your brain, own that shit.
If you're more triggered by being called mentally disabled than you are when someone says you're a predator that romanticize r@pe, then that's enough to show how you REALLY feel about the victims and the people with mental struggles that follow you.
You just use them as your little white knights to go and attack people who say what you write is bad, and once you've done that, you go back to writing your suffer porn in what you THINK is peace, because there is nothing peaceful about you.
You were all about advocating those who are "coping" through your fanfiction because they are mentally off the wall and need it to get through dark times, but when someone says that about you, you're all of a sudden offended.
An idle mind is the devil's playground, and it must be Universal Studios in Orla's noggin.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 months
the little princess (g.l.)
Pairing: Garfield Logan x Tamaranean!Fem!Reader
Warnings: None i think
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: If the Titans had a nickel for every time one of Kori's sister's, that she apparently had a very bad relationship with, landed on Earth, they'd have two nickels. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice.
A/N: This is just a little ode to the Starfire that was in the OG Teen Titans show because I just love her so much. She's just a little cutie patootie and I loved all of her quirks and antics. I wanted to make the oneshot a little longer and end with both Gar and her getting together but I realized that it would've been far too long and I didn't want to write all that in the same one-shot.
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It was in Dick's poor judgment to listen to the police radio while they were taking the cross-country road trip while getting back to San Francisco. Well, if we're debating Dick's poor judgment, he really should have taken the jet but not like the team could do anything about it now.
They were in Nevada, near Las Vegas when the chatter on the radio went wild. He spared a glance at Starfire, wondering if they should respond but she shook her head. So far, all alerts on the police radio had been insignificant things like disruption of business or public intoxication. Nothing that required their intervention.
So, Dick didn't bother to turn his indicator on for the exit from the highway. That was until they heard something cut through the static, clear as day, "Attention all units, need immediate backup! There's some sort of human flame thrower here! Like that superhero chick!"
They shared a glance and Dick swerved off the road and into the exit, nearly hitting another car in his hurry.
It took longer than it should have to get there, considering Starfire was driving while Dick changed into his Nightwing suit in the bathroom. To say that LVMPD were surprised when an RV rolled up with five superheroes inside was an understatement.
They directed them to the building, the perimeter heavily guarded by multiple officers, all armed.
Once they entered the building, everyone froze, noting how the girl on fire in the middle of the room looked much like the one standing beside them. Her hair was glowing and floating along with her body as she clenched her molten fists.
This never would have happened if they just took the jet.
Before any of them could even come up with a game plan, their target noticed just who was standing there and stopped. When the flames and the nearly blinding glow had subsided, they noticed all that was remaining was a young girl.
"Kori?" She asked curiously, wondering if that was really Starfire or just someone who looked exactly like her. After all, it was a new planet, she didn't know much about the inhabitants here.
"(Y/N)?" Kori breathed out, equal parts shocked and relieved.
The girl's face crumpled, and she broke out into sobs before flying right into her arms, "Kori!"
It was kind of amusing to see Kori attempt to hug you back, considering that you were floating off the ground but once you were consoled, she let you go, and you remained floating a couple feet off the floor at her side.
Kori gestured to the rest of them, and you bashfully hid behind her, scared of the newcomers. Ever since you landed on this planet, they had been nothing but cruel to you. All you had done was use your powers to reheat the tea you were served and suddenly there were men who had pointed weapons at you.
You looked at Nightwing's escrima sticks apprehensively before tucking yourself further behind her back. She spared you a glance before turning to her teammates with a tolerating smile.
"Guys, meet my sister."
"Another sister? Is she gonna try and kill us too?"
"You know Komander?" You asked curiously, floating a bit higher so that your head peeked over Kori's.
"Vaguely." Conner answered and you tilted your head, watching him with a deliberating pout. He seemed a little uncomfortable by your piercing stare, so you averted your gaze before whispering in your sister's ear.
"Are they holding you hostage?"
She chuckled and shook her head before introducing all of them to you by name. You listened attentively, noticing how neither of them bothered to give you smiles aside from the youngest girl and boy named Rachel and Gar.
They had pretty hair. You liked them already.
"Another sister you didn't tell us about?" Dick pressed, leaning over the centre console and Kori sighed, running a hand down her face. You were floating in the back of the RV, listening intently to Tim's conspiracies about aliens and attempting to explain your history and more to him.
"I didn't think I had to. I never thought we'd actually have to run into her." She explained and he gave her a hard gaze.
"Yes, but a little heads up would have been nice."
"Well, I didn't know she was going to be here, now did I?!" She snapped and the RV was immediately silenced. She sighed and turned to give the rest of you a reassuring smile and you reluctantly went back to your conversations.
When she was sure they weren't listening, she turned back to Dick, "She's the youngest. After Komander was born without powers, the public and nobles pressed for my parents to have another child. She was born with powers and also the first one in like 5 generations to be born with the power of flight. She's considered a gem in the public eye. She can do no wrong. And she's too young to assume the throne so she's never pressured like Komander, and I were. I'm surprised they even let her off the planet."
Dick cast an uncertain eye on the woman beside him. It was obvious that she had some unresolved issues with you, although he couldn't exactly put his finger on why. From what he gathered, you were pretty delightful and made a cute first impression, unlike the time he met Jason.
"What's this?" You asked loudly, pointing to a hole in their table.
"Um, it's a sink." Gar answered, flustered that you didn't know about its existence, "It's where we wash our hands and dishes and things."
Your face scrunched up, "Well that sounds unhygienic. Can't you just acquire new ones?"
Kori rolled her eyes.
"What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" She asked, finally acknowledging you now that she had wrapped her head around it.
Your brows furrowed at her tone as you flew closer to her, "Maybe I'm assuming but are you perhaps angry with me?"
She scoffed. Of course, you didn't even know when you upset someone. People back home usually jump through hoops for you, so it was no wonder that you had absolutely no idea of other people's feelings or thought that you could do any wrong.
"Yes! What the hell are you doing here?! You can't just come to a planet like Earth and then go around causing trouble!"
"Excuse me?" You asked cautiously, trying to reason with her. You had come here to find your older sister because you thought she would know what to do. The more you spoke with her, the less she seemed like the rightful ruler and more like Komander, "What was I meant to do, Kori'Ander? Our parents were murdered, the crown princess disappeared. People began looking toward me for an answer. What was I meant to tell them?"
She scoffed once again and you were starting to get very irritated by the sound, "Of course, couldn't even run a kingdom for a while."
This struck the wrong chord. You were never quite close with your older sisters; they both considered you the runt of the family and frequently made comments about how you were too young to join them on their excursions. Kori would seem like the doting older sister to the public, but you never really connected.
And Komander hated you since birth.
It was undeniable that your parents treasured you. I mean, how could they not when you constantly strived for their attention. You didn't have any friends growing up and your sisters scorned you when you did nothing wrong, so you depended on your parents for intimacy and connection.
It wasn't rare for you to be floating around the throne room, giggling when your father teased you by attempting to catch you, even though you were way out of his reach.
The people treasured you as well, you realized that very early, when you were first introduced to them as a young girl. You had been hiding behind your mother's gown, intimidated by the sheer amount of people and held her skirt in a tight fist.
You remember your parents cooing at you as they slowly revealed you to the rest of them and then the deafening sound of the crowd cheering. Your parents watched with pride as you began flying to try and see just how many people were there and they cheered louder.
You were adored.
And even though you did want to spend time with your sisters and play with them, you were eventually steered away from them by your parents after you had returned to their room in tears and inconsolable when your sisters had slammed their door in your face when you had just asked to play.
"I'm not the one meant to be running the kingdom, Kori. You are the crown princess. It was your duty to be take over the throne or officially abdicate it. Not mine." You explained, not quite understanding why she was being so negative. This had been her birth right and her path, way before you were even born.
You didn't realize it when you were younger but as you came of age, you understood that your role in the royal family wasn't one of politics or even running the kingdom. You were nothing more than a symbol to the people. Of purity, peace, and hope.
That had been made clear, so why was she suddenly expecting you to take over?
Everyone stared out the window, trying extremely hard to blend into the surroundings. While all of them respected Kori a lot, they all knew that she was impulsive and often said things without thinking them through. While Kori was excellent at giving advice, she herself was awful at controlling her emotions and lashed out often.
Tim began making prayers that they would make it through without something catching on fire.
"I realize that (Y/N)! But you're still the princess in our absence! You should have done something instead of running away and make someone solve your problems for you!"
You gasped, "My problems?! The kingdom that you're the ruler of is my problem? I'm the one who's running away? You're the one who ran so far that you went to a completely different planet! You—You zarbnarf!"
Kori froze, watching as your eyes glassed over with furious tears. Immediately, she regretted speaking to you that way, feeling panic build in her system. It was probably because growing up, she had learnt to grow terrified whenever you began crying around her.
Because you were the golden child. The fragile flower among molten rocks and you were treasured by your parents beyond anything. If either Kori or Komander had made you cry, they usually faced a punishment. That was something that you took advantage of, as an immature, mischievous child. When had you grown up so much?
She wanted to apologize, take it back but her pride was swelling so big in her chest that it clogged her throat. She was still angry and humiliated and all the things she felt as a child began coming back to her.
How could she be so immature? She had no idea what happened on Tamaran, and she had been foolish to think it was still the place she considered home. But it was inevitable for the people to ask about their ruler. She had been running away from the thought for too long.
She had completely forgotten that you were left behind in the chaos.
"You abandoned our family! Our people! And for what? A servant’s quarters on wheels?" You spat, turning away from her. She expected you to throw open the door and fly out but instead you stomped over to the seat beside Gar, not noticing the way he began scrambling to wiggly himself out of the booth and away from you.
He was too slow, and you ended up plopping down onto the seat beside him and he stared apprehensively at you from the corner of his eye.
Kori scoffed, "Why don't you just leave?!"
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms, "I'm done with this conversation but not with you. If your first response to confrontation is to run away, then I can see why you weren't gifted with the power of flight in the first place."
She swelled, puffing out her chest, "You know what—?!"
When Kori realized that you weren't in the mood to talk anymore, she returned to her seat even though she wanted to keep yelling at you. Why did you get to decide when the argument was over? You both weren't on Tamaran anymore and your parents weren't around anymore to scold her for picking a fight with someone so much younger but still, she fumed silently in her seat.
You turned to Gar with an apologetic pout, "I apologize for calling this a servant's quarters. You have a lovely home."
He chuckled at your guilty face, "Yeah, this isn't where we live, we're just using it to get back home."
You gave him a smile, "So you're not feeling hard with me?"
He blushed furiously, ignoring Conner as he laughed quietly into his hand, "Yeah, no hard feelings here."
Since you were an "unwelcome" guest in Kori's eyes, you were confined to the couch when you reached the tower. She was expecting you to throw a fit or whine about having to sleep like a servant, but you didn't mind, didn't complain, didn't say anything as you sat silently on the couch.
They didn't know what caused the sudden damp in your mood, you had been smiling the entire trip back, asking questions and making conversation but it was like everything vanished the second you entered their home.
Gar came out of his room in the middle of the night for a snack when he saw you sitting up on the couch, knees pulled to your chest. He thought he would just grab whatever he needed and leave quickly but he heard you sniffle.
"You okay?"
You looked up at him startled, and quickly wiped away your tears before plastering a fake smile on your face, "I am fine. Thank you for asking."
He should have just nodded, giving you an awkward smile before retreating back to his bedroom but he seemed unable to get the apathetic words out at the site of you hiding your faltering smile behind your pink hair.
Superman had kryptonite. He had pretty girls.
"Would you like some ice cream?"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Iced screams? What is that?"
He chuckled, finding the way your nose scrunched up absolutely adorable, "Not 'iced screams'. Ice cream."
"Like cold milk?"
"Cold, sweet, hard milk."
You looked mildly repulsed, "I shall decline. Thank you for the offer."
He just breathed out a laugh, sitting next to you with a bowl of cookie dough and two spoons, "Just try it."
You kept giving him cautious glances all while lifting the spoon of the sugary treat to your mouth, watching as he nodded encouragingly and tentatively took a tiny taste (wow alliteration).
Gar had the absolute pleasure of watching your face scrunch up immediately, not expecting it to be that cold but it slowly faded into a small smile at the flavour.
When you had taken another spoon, he glanced at you and noticed your swollen eyes and red nose, "Is everything okay?"
You gave him a small smile and nodded, "I am merely just sick of your home."
He froze in disbelief before reminding himself that you were a literal princess. You were probably very used to luxury and had a literal castle to yourself.
And you're Komander's sister. That part explains a lot.
He shook the thoughts from his head before smiling politely and taking a spoon of ice cream himself when he didn't know how to respond. Luckily, he didn't have to because you continued.
"I know I have been here only a short time, but I miss Tamaran deeply."
The tension in his spine melted away and he slouched with a sigh of relief, "Oh, you're homesick."
You gave him a refined smile, "Yes, I just mentioned about the home-sickness."
"It's not exactly--nevermind."
There was a moment of silence while you quietly ate a couple more spoonfuls of ice cream before Gar spoke again, "No offense but if you miss it so much, why don't you just go back?"
You bit your lip, "My planet is in political instability. I'm unfit to take the throne. So, I vowed to bring the true heir back home."
His brows furrowed, "Why are you unfit to take the throne? You seem smart and powerful."
His compliment had heat raising to your cheeks and you felt a small smile grow on your face before it was dampened by the heavy topic and you sighed, resting your head against the back of the couch.
"My people wish that I take the throne because they see me as a beacon of hope but that is the very reason I am unable. My gift of flight has made me different from the rest of the Tamaraneans, so in a political sense, I have become a figurehead for nobility, equality and neutrality."
He nodded even though he wasn't quite understanding where this was headed.
"Because of this I have been trusted to be a mediator between my planet and others. I am but a symbol of peace. The rulers of other planets trust me because I am not part of the political party on Tamaran. I have never even made my debut into noble society. If I take my place as the ruler, those alliances could fall apart. The common people couldn't possibly understand that."
"So, you're supposed to be this unbiased figurehead but if you acquire any actual power, you think your alliances with other planets will fall apart?" He summarized, wanting to make sure that he actually understood, and you nodded.
"Well, why don't you just tell Kori that? I'm sure she'd understand."
Your eyes drifted to your feet that were folded up onto the sofa, "I was going to, but I lost my temper when she accused me of not taking initiative. She never acknowledged the work I did for my people. I suppose I got defensive."
He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze, "It's alright. Second time's the charm."
Your face scrunched up in confusion and he laughed quietly, "I mean, you should try again tomorrow. Maybe it'll go better this time."
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"Yes, Garfield?"
He offered you a small smile, "If it makes any difference, I really do believe that you did the right thing."
You felt the corners of your mouth tug up, "Thank you, Garfield."
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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runningfrom2am · 3 months
cold nights // part twenty-seven
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summary: you were back in the capitol, and you would be damned if you didn't try your hardest to make it worthwhile.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.4k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: omg we're coming up on the end i could cry :') i finished writing everything and i feel like a shell of a person rn without this fic to plan and write, but i hope you guys are excited! there will be five more parts after this and then the epilogue, which brings me to some really exciting news!!
big news #1: i'm opening oneshot requests for this series!! my normal requests will remain closed but i'd love to see what you guys want for the more of this series! (link is here!)
big news #2: the end of this story is opening the doors to my third coryo series which I've been working on for a hot minute, and it'll be called requiem! (see the original request for it here to get the vibes before i post anything!)
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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The protests caught you off guard, more than anything.
It had only been two weeks since you started your classes and you were loving them, but you hated getting dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. You and Coryo could no longer eat lunch outside, and the previously full lecture halls you had occupied saw more and more students dropping out as people stood outside just to shout at you as you came and went from the school four days a week. To call you an animal, that you don't belong there, that you should be "put down" for crimes against the Capitol. What they were? You had no idea.
Suffice to say, parents were not happy that you were there.
Generally, Coryo said that people had loved you in the games. You were "harmless", and "sweet", you gave them someone to root for- but now that you were walking freely among them instead of being kept behind the bars at the zoo or trapped inside the arena awaiting your death, you were suddenly a threat.
"They... they think I'll hurt someone?" You sniff, watery eyes overflowing as you look at Coryo lying beside you in his bed.
He bites his tongue, nodding as he wipes away your tears with the hand he has resting just under your cheek on top of his pillow. "They're afraid. That's all, it's not because of anything you did."
"I won't." You cry. "I would never, you know that, right?"
"I know, love. I know that." He promises you quietly.
"I don't want people to be afraid of me. It's not fair to them... If they feel unsafe I should just drop out."
"You're not doing that." He insists with a slight shake of his head. "We'll figure it out. Okay? Don't worry about them."
You just nod softly, wiping your eyes as he pushes his arm under your neck. "C'mere." He mumbles rolling onto his back and you move closer, laying your head on his chest as he pulls you closer to his side.
Coryo did figure it out, for the most part, which is how you ended up standing in Capitol TV's studios, awaiting an interview with Lucky Flickerman, someone you definitely thought you would never see again after the games. You didn't know how Coryo did it, who he had to talk to in order to convince them to let you plead your case so publicly. Apparently, the Snow name came with more power than you knew.
"You're gonna do great, love." Coryo whispers to you. "Just be yourself, but remember what I said about your essay, right? Be honest, but think about how you word things. I know you can do it." He assures you quietly, hands resting on your shoulders.
You nod, giving him a hopeful smile. "Thank you."
"I'll be right here, I'm not going anywhere." These types of reassurances were becoming less and less necessary over the month you've been here, but still, you don't like it when he's far, and he doesn't like it when he doesn't know where you are. It worked nicely for you both.
"Miss Y/L/N, whenever you're ready." One of the crew directs you, pointing to the comfortable chair they had set up in front of a homey-looking backdrop. It was fake, but it was meant to look like you were in someone's house. The idea of it was confusing to you, but you supposed it was also unimportant. You had much bigger concerns.
"Thank you." You smile at them and give Coryo another quick nod before making your way over to the seat that they said was yours.
Coryo watches as you carefully brush your hands over the front of your dress, smoothing it as you sit down. You looked so elegant as you did it, if he didn't know better, it looked like the habits of the people you were now surrounded with were rubbing off on you quickly. He had watched you rehearse how you would carry yourself and how you would speak and act with Tigris just this morning, after she fit you into the dress she had made for the occasion. Clearly, you had been paying attention.
When you draw your hair from your back and over your shoulder so your meticulously styled curls wouldn't be crushed against the chair, Coryo thinks he might need to sit down. Especially so when you look back at him again, subtly waving at him with your hand from where they are placed in your lap. The dress Tigris had given to you was red- a deep red silky material that complimented the red of his coat and mimicked the shade of the Capitol's flag but still had you standing out on your own. Seeing the way that dress fit you and hugged your form in all the right ways even as you were sitting, he was sure he had never been more grateful to his cousin and her talents.
"Y/N, it's so good to see you again." Lucky smiles at you as he sits down across from you, adjusting the small device attached to his lapel as crew members come up to you and fasten the same thing to the front and back of your dress.
"You as well." You grin, trying the best you can to mask your nervousness.
"Are you ready? Do you need anything?" He asks and you shake your head.
"I am ready whenever you are." You confirm, looking around as some more lights flick on, bright in your eyes as the man behind the camera starts counting down.
You look over at Coryo one last time and he nods at you. It was just like your first interview all over again- you had to sell yourself to the people. To prove that you were worth trusting.
"My name is Lucretius "Lucky" Flickerman," You smile as he flips a coin up into the air. You've seen him do it before, but you still weren't sure how the trick worked. "Amateur magician and your host for everything interesting on Capitol TV, and today is certainly no exception. Today, I have a familiar face with me who I know you will all recognize as well, the Victor of the Tenth Annual Hunger Games, Miss Y/N Y/L/N." He looks over at you and you keep your eyes on him, certain that all cameras are watching you now.
"Y/N, I am so happy to have you back. How have you been?" Lucky asks you and you're already fighting off the need to fidget with your hands.
"I am very well." You smile at him. "How about yourself? It has been a while."
"I'm great, thank you! You know, I was not allowed to bet on the games, but anyone who was there can tell you that I predicted your win from the beginning. You certainly are something else."
"Oh, well thank you." You giggle. "Though, I can't fully be credited for my win. I have to thank the sponsors who allowed Coriolanus to send me food and water. That made all the difference in my game."
"Oh, most definitely." He agrees. "But you shouldn't deny your own role in that. Hiding in the vents, that was genius!" Lucky claps. "Truly, that was a jaw-dropping moment for all of us watching. I remember thinking 'wow, how did she think of that?' It was incredible!"
"Yes, well, I saw the grate and knew it was worth a try." You shrug, slightly laughing. "I had nothing to lose."
"Yes, well, I'm dying to know- what have you been up to the last few months? You went back to Twelve, and then what?"
"Oh! Yes, I did. I've been spending time with friends and family, I got a job at the local library, catching up on some reading, that sort of thing." You grin, glancing at Coryo for only a moment and he gestures for you to continue. "I got home and I really realized for the first time how much we should be appreciating everything we have- even out in the Districts where sometimes life is tough, it's key to remember how privileged we are to be alive. The games were truly eye-opening for me."
Coryo gives you a quick nod of approval, and you smile, training your view back on the man across from you.
"Yes, I agree. Live life to the fullest, that's what they say." You just nod at his response. "Which also begs the question, if you were happy back in Twelve, what brought you back to the Capitol?"
Let the lies begin.
"Well," You laugh nervously. "When I was given the opportunity to come here for the games back in July, I was so interested in everything. The people who I got to talk to, the things I got to see, it was all amazing and I was just dying for more."
"So you decided to come study at the university here, is what I've heard."
"Yes, exactly." You grin. "I just think that the Capitol has so much to offer as far as education goes, I am already learning so much and I am having so much fun doing it."
"So really, your focus is just on your education." He prompts you and you nod.
"Definitely, considering the course load I don't have time for much else, but that doesn't really bother me. Like I said, I just want to learn from the greatest minds in the nation. Even the other students, it's amazing! Everyone has earned their spot there and I can see why and all the work they have put in to be there. It's a privilege to study among them, and I am so grateful that I was given this chance."
"You say 'all the work that they put in to be there', but you didn't attend the academy, so how is it that you were admitted?"
"I filled out the same application that all the other students did, I went through all the same testing." You confirm, nodding at him. "Although," You laugh slightly. "I was only given one day to complete it all. I was locked away in my room working on it all night. I hardly had time to blink, it was tough."
"Wow!" Lucky laughs. "One day? I remember when I applied to the university, my application took months to get just right. You must have aced it all."
"I am very proud of the work I did to be admitted, yes." You smile.
"From what I hear, you should be." He agrees. "So, you're really not in it for the sake of making friends."
"Well, I certainly would love to, but it is not my priority." You nod. "But, if any of my classmates are watching, I promise I am good at proofreading and if you need a second set of eyes on your papers, I'm happy to help. I'd also love to have more people to discuss our readings with." You joke, looking into the camera for the first time.
Lucky laughs. "You've heard it here, everyone. Y/N's pitch to make some friends!"
"Yes, I suppose it was." You chuckle, smiling at him.
"Now on the topic of friends while we're getting to know you better," You tilt your head at him while he begins the question, unsure where it is going. "Back home, do you have a boyfriend? Surely he must be missing you."
"No, not at home..." You laugh, catching in the corner of your eye as Coryo shakes his head at you, his face flat of emotion. "I don't have a boyfriend. Again, that's really just not where my priorities lie at the moment. I've... I've had a very busy year, you could say." You explain hesitantly.
"Wow! A beautiful girl like you?" You laugh nervously at his response. "Capitol boys! She's smart, pretty, and single. Just saying." He says, raising his hands.
You knew his job today was to help you, to make you more likable and more normal, to humanize you, but it was still uncomfortable to hear. "Oh, please." You laugh nervously, waving a hand at him. "Like I said, I'm just here to learn. I'm not after anyone's son."
"No? Not even all the handsome boys in your classes? I'm sure there are at least a few." He teases you and your cheeks flush red.
"I wouldn't know, I'm watching the lectures." You shrug jokingly.
Coryo is trying not to lose his mind while you talk about how single you are. Not that you were much of a willing participant, and to be fair he did tell you not to indicate to them that the two of you were together. You technically weren't, if he was being totally fair, but just because it hadn't been said doesn't mean it isn't real. He knew you knew that, though. So why was he getting so mad?
He doesn't even realize how little attention he was paying after that until you're standing up and shaking Lucky's hand. It was over, you'd done everything you could have to ease the minds of scared and angry Capitol parents.
Lucky gives you a quick hug, wishing you good luck in your classes before you're allowed to rejoin Coryo. "Ready to go?" He asks and you nod.
"How did I do?" You ask as you walk out of the studio and into the hall, aiming for the elevator to take you back to ground level.
"Amazing, love. You were perfect." Coryo confirms, still noticeably tense as he walks next to you.
"Are you sure?" You ask as he presses the button to call the car up to your level, unsure since he still hasn't really looked at you.
The door opens and you both step in. "Yes." He tells you again, quickly tapping the door close button.
"Oh, good. I was really nervous..." You laugh slightly as the doors slide shut, and as soon as any light from the hall ceases to enter the elevator his hands are on you and his lips are pressed against yours.
You let out the slightest squeak out of shock, but quickly relax as Coryo rubs familiar small circles on your hips with his thumbs. How he could be so gentle as he backs you into the wall of the elevator you don't know, but you're grateful for it as you hum into his mouth. But still, something was different.
Spending so much time with you only made him want you more. He loved you, he knew that, and someplace deep in the corners of his mind, he had always wanted you in a way he never thought possible when he first fell for you before the games. Now, with you curled up under his sheets almost every night, seeing you step out of the bathroom with damp hair after a shower in pyjamas that don't fit you quite right, he thought about it more than ever. Thoughts of you plagued him more than usual, and the best way to describe the accompanying feeling was guilt. Guilt that he couldn't show you off given the circumstances- at least not yet.
He trails his kisses away from your lips and across your jaw, pulling you tighter against him. "You're so beautiful, my love..." He mumbles into the skin just below your ear, leaving a kiss in his wake that has your head spinning.
You giggle, eyes fluttering open. "What has gotten into you?" You ask, hands sliding up over his chest to rest on his shoulders.
"I can't tell my girlfriend that I think she's gorgeous?" He asks, shaking his head slightly as he looks down into your eyes.
"Oh, so I am your girlfriend." You giggle and he nods, kissing you again.
"Of course you are, and don't forget it." He chuckles, pulling back from you as the elevator stops moving, waiting for the doors to open.
Your skin is flushed down to your chest as the doors slide apart and even though he's not touching you anymore, you can feel the ghost of his hands on you. You look up at him, a lingering smirk still on his face as he looks straight ahead and leads you out of the car.
The phone rang at the time you were eating dinner, and you quickly asked if you could be excused to go answer it. Coryo and Tigris both just nodded at you, but you could still feel their grandmother's eyes burning into your back as you quickly walked away. She still wasn't fond of you, but she tolerated you. For now, that was just enough.
You grab the phone off the receiver as the small round screen flickers to life. "Hello?" You answer, hopeful that it would finally be your family you see on the other side.
You had answered every call that came to the Snow's apartment for weeks, waiting anxiously to hear their voices again.
"Y/N, is that you, honey?"
You gasp with excitement when you get a clear enough view of your ma. "Ma! Hi!" You smile, leaning in a little closer to get a more clear view as the camera on their end begins to adjust. This was likely the first time it was being used.
"Oh, honey, how good it is to see you!" She smiles, and out of nowhere, you feel hot tears welling up in your eyes.
"You too, Ma." You nod, biting into your lower lip. You didn't want to cry so quickly into the call. "How are you? How's everything at home?"
"Same old." She shakes her head with a slight laugh. "I'm much more interested in you- how is everything? How is school? And how is Tybalt settling in? How are you settling in? My goodness, I just have so many questions!"
You laugh, quickly wiping a stray tear. You had told them about all of this in letters, of course, but she just wanted to hear you say it all. "Everything is good. School has been so lovely, Coryo walks me to all my classes and we eat lunch together between. And Tybalt just loves it here! They have a garden on the roof, and I take him up there as often as I can. Tigris won't stop giving him treats either so he couldn't be happier."
You look down at the animal as he brushes against your leg, looking up at you.
"That's amazing. I've been so worried, it's just so good to see your face again. God, we've been missin' you..."
"I miss you too." You agree, careful not to choke on your tears. "How is Len? And have you seen Lucy Gray and the Covey?"
"He's... He's doing alright." Your mother looks off-screen, and you assume he must be there. The look on her face, one of nervousness and hesitation tells you he doesn't want to speak to you. "But Lucy Gray has been around every day, she and Maude Ivory come over and they help me with hanging the laundry and such... It's been good to have them around."
You smile sadly, nodding slightly with the receiver pressed to your ear. You felt bad about that aspect of leaving- you spent as much time as you could before the games helping out around the house, but even in the summer when you came back you weren't much help. Your mother wouldn't let you do dishes all summer, for fear that the sight of a knife might set you off. She knew you came back a different person, and she wasn't taking any risks. All she really allowed you to do was hang laundry and "keep her company" while she did other home chores. But now, she didn't even have that.
"Can I speak to him?" You ask, referring to your brother who you knew was there.
She nods, waving off camera and holding her hand over the wrong part of the phone. "Lennox, come over here. Y/N wants to talk to you."
His response is muffled, but you make out the gist of it. 'I don't want to talk to her'.
"She's your sister, Lennox. You can't ignore her forever."
'If she wants to talk, she should come home.'
Your heart clenches in your chest and you chew your lip. You have to pretend you couldn't hear, but you just felt so horribly guilty. You shouldn't have left, but he doesn't understand you had no choice. He wouldn't be able to understand until you could come home and see him again, likely not until the summer. Coryo had told you to be mindful of what you write in letters and what you say on the phone, it's possible others were listening. The Capitol was always listening.
"He's just a little busy right now, honey." She smiles at you, but you can see right through it. "But tell me about your day! Did you have class?"
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore , @strawberryflavouredkisses, @cascadingbliss
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
Hi! Soooo I've read a lot of amazing Joel Miller fics, but Lavender is seriously my all time favorite. Doc and Joel's story just made me so emotional. Here's my request for a drabble/oneshot- a sneak peak into Doc and Joel's relationship when they first get together pre-outbreak. Specifically, Joel takes Doc out on a nice dinner date for the first time and she feels super special and they are starting to catch so many feels for each other. Thank you!!!
OMG Hi Bestie!
So you sent this ask in like... 1.5 million years ago and this isn't EXACTLY it but... I think it fits the vibe. I hope. So here's Joel and Doc's first Valentine's Day together. I hope you like it!
You and Joel spend Valentine's Day together. A Lavender one shot. Can be read as a stand alone with the understanding that Joel and Reader have an established relationship.
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^We're gonna pretend that's Joel for this, OK? OK.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (From Lavender)
CW: Smut :) Just some fluffy, fun, p in v smut. They're in love and we love that for them. Pre-Outbreak. Age gap but not the focus of the fic (11 years, reader is 22 Joel is 33.) No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ Only.
Length: 3.8k
Wednesday, February 14, 2001
You’d never had a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day before. 
The thought made you oddly nervous. Not that Joel had given you anything to be nervous about, of course, but you were. Valentine’s Day had always just been another day for you. Sometimes Nan got you one of the little boxes of chocolates but, otherwise, it had never been something you had a reason to celebrate. You were just so used to ignoring it that, until Saturday, you hadn’t even thought about Valentine’s Day. 
You’d been in bed with Joel. It was late and your bodies were pressed close together, his skin on yours, your nose nuzzled into his throat, your head still a bit fuzzy from the orgasms. 
“How do you feel about goin’ to dinner Wednesday?” He asked softly, his fingers trailing over your side, lips in your hair. 
You frowned against him. 
“Doesn’t Sarah have practice?” 
“Canceled,” he said. “Besides, I was gonna get Tommy to take her, anyway. He’s already taking her for the night so we can have some privacy.” 
You frown deepened and you felt him chuckle against you. 
“Did you forget?” He asked. 
“No,” you said defensively. “I just… didn’t know there was something to forget.” 
He laughed a little again. 
“It’s Valentine’s Day baby,” he said. “Fully intend on takin’ full advantage of any holiday that lets me romance you.” 
Joel seemed to mean it. By Wednesday night, you didn’t know the details of what he was planning - you didn’t get to see him on Tuesdays, Sarah had Girl Scouts across town and your classes ran too late to see him before her meeting - but he’d sent flowers to your apartment the day before your date, timed when you were home for lunch between classes with a card that said he loved you and told you to be ready to go at 5:30 Wednesday night. 
You weren’t sure if you were doing your part in this right at all. You’d spent a good chunk of Sunday shopping and cursing yourself for not remembering freaking Valentine’s Day. It’s not like there weren’t heart shaped boxes of candy sitting out every time you went to the grocery store, it should have occurred to you. It just hadn’t even registered that it would apply to you now. 
You at least had an idea of what you wanted to get him and weren’t going in completely blind. You’d been keeping an eye out at thrift stores for vintage shirts from his favorite bands, never exactly hunting for them but always checking the men’s section when you went in to find something for yourself. You also had a picture from a trip to a museum of you, Joel and Sarah had made that you’d been keeping to give him at some point, wanting to frame it for him. 
It took a few hours - and stops at four different thrift stores - but you eventually found a Fleetwood Mac shirt that you thought was from the 70s and was wearing thin in a few places but you were sure he’d like it. You found the perfect frame, too, the wood cracking at the sides but you had a plan for that. 
You fixed the frame, coloring the glue forest green so it was like vines were growing on a tree and put the picture of the three of you in it. It was off center, you’d been holding the camera away from yourselves and hoping that you were all in the frame. You were looking at Sarah, she was looking at you and Joel had his perfect, crooked smile that made his cheek dimple and his eyes shine. 
You made brownies that afternoon, covering them in pink glaze and red heart sprinkles before piling them on a plate and sneaking a bite of one before getting ready. You took a curling iron to your hair and did your makeup and painted your nails red before slipping into a dress you’d found when shopping for Joel’s shirt, black and form fitting and you tried to not feel like an imposter as you tied the red ribbon around the half ponytail at the back of your head. 
There was a knock at your door and you took a last look at yourself in your bedroom mirror, breathing deep and trying to calm your thudding heart before you answered it. 
“Jesus, baby,” Joel said, a look of almost awe on his handsome face as you opened the door. “Should warn a man before you show up lookin’ like that…” 
“Is it too much?” You asked, looking down at yourself. “I can change…” 
“Don’t you dare,” he said, looping an arm around your waist and pulling you against him. “You look fuckin’ amazing.” 
You put your arms around his neck and kissed him, smiling against his mouth, before stepping back from him. He’d dressed up, too, in black jeans with a white button down shirt that he’d tucked in and worn with a belt. He even had on a tan blazer, one that looked almost too small for his broad shoulders.
“You look so good!” You were practically giddy, hands going over your mouth to keep from sounding too excited. Joel laughed a little. 
“Don’t know if it warrants that much of a reaction. But figured I’d at least try to look like I belonged out with someone as pretty as you,” he teased and you rolled your eyes. “C’mon, we don’t leave now we are in very real danger of not making it out of the house, you are too damn tempting.” 
Joel led you to his truck - which was almost shockingly clean, water from the car wash still dripping from his bumper - and opened the door for you, offering you his hand as you climbed in. 
“So,” you smiled as he started driving. “Where are we going?” 
“You’ll see,” he smiled back. “Believe it or not, had something cookin’ for a minute.” 
His hand found the inside of your knee, the callus of his thumb stroking the skin there. You tried to figure out where you were going as he drove but you were still caught totally off guard when he parked in front of a French restaurant you’d been dying to try. 
“Are you kidding me?” You gasped. “Joel!” 
He laughed and took your hand, kissing your  knuckles. 
“Know you’ve been wanting to try it,” he said. “Turns out a guy on my crew’s sister works here so I could wrangle a reservation…” 
“This is amazing!” You were practically giddy, going to open your door, but Joel stopped you. 
“Gotta let me try to be a gentleman,” he kissed your hand again. “Sit tight.” 
He got out and jogged around the front of the truck, opening your door and offering you his hand. 
“Why thank you sir,” you said, trying to sound aloof and dignified. You didn’t think you pulled it off, too busy smiling to make it convincing. He pulled you in close and pressed a kiss to your temple before putting his hand on the small of your back and guiding you into the restaurant. 
They sat you at a table in a secluded corner, a white tablecloth and the low glow of a candle setting the scene. The host handed you a menu in a leather book with a gold tassel on the end and you waited for him to leave the table before you mouthed “oh my god” at Joel, who smiled and laughed quietly across the table. 
The menu had was full of French foods you’d only dreamed of trying at a restaurant: coq au vin, confit de canard, gigot d’agneau. There was even boeuf bourguignon. But the prices made your eyes go wide, your newly-painted nails digging into the leather of the menu. 
“Don’t think I can get that beef you make,” Joel said absently, looking at the menu. “Not gonna measure up to yours, don’t care how good the restaurant is…” 
“Joel,” you whispered over your menu. He looked up from his, brows raised. “We really don’t need to eat here…” 
He frowned. 
“Not seein’ something you want?” He asked. “We can go somewhere else, might be hard to get a table but…” 
“No!” You shook your head quickly. “No, the food looks great but…” 
You bit your lip and trailed off and he watched you, waiting for you to finish. 
“But?” He asked eventually. 
“But this place is…” you lowered your voice. “This is expensive. We really don’t have to eat here just because I’ve talked about it, we can go anywhere, we can just order a pizza if you want, I really don’t need all this, this is…” 
“Baby,” he cut you off, a crooked smile on his face. “Don’t worry about the price. Been wanting to take you here since this place opened, set aside some money for it. Get whatever you want.” 
He set the menu down and crossed his arms over the table, leaning over it toward you. 
“You gonna let me spoil my girl for Valentine’s Day or are you gonna give me trouble?” He asked. You frowned a little, thumb toying with the corner of the menu. Joel tilted his head until you met his gaze. “I mean it, baby. Really want to do this. Please let me?” 
“OK,” you said, still uncertain and looking at the menu again, looking for the least expensive entree.
“Swear to god you order the cheapest thing, we’re comin’ back next week,” Joel said as though he read your mind. “You’d better get what you actually want.” 
“You drive a hard bargain,” you said, trying your best to ignore the price column on the menu.
You settled on the duck and Joel got the steak frites and, once the numbers were out of your head, you were able to relax more, savoring the wine and running your heel-clad foot over the inside of Joel’s leg from across the table. 
“You would’ve been makin’ fun of me last night, Baby,” he smiled, taking a sip of his wine. “Remember how I told you Sarah didn’t know what she wanted to bring to school for Valentine’s Day?” 
“Yeah,” you frowned. 
“Well,” he laughed. “She decided yesterday she wanted cupcakes. So we stopped by the store on the way home from scouts, got the themed cake mix, all that. But she really wanted to try and do it herself so I started out just supervisin’… ended up running the cake mix through the pasta strainer to get all the egg shells out of it, that girl was in rare form…” 
“Oh no!” You laughed, loud enough that the table close to you shot you a glare and you tried not to laugh harder when you quieted down. “How’d they turn out?” 
“Alright I think,” he said. “They were kinda lopsided but tasted fine. We split one this morning.” 
“You send her off to school with a sugar high?” You teased. 
“Not from half a cupcake,” he waved you off. “The little box of candy I caved and let her have this morning did that.” 
You giggled. 
“I’m sure her teacher appreciated that.” 
“I’m just hopin’ with the sweets from school it carried through to when Tommy picked her up from school,” he smirked a little. “Think I owe ‘em for loading her up with candy after Halloween last year, as if she didn’t have enough already…” 
The food was incredible, so good you had to set your fork down to focus on the flavor of the first bite, Joel smiling almost proudly from across the table. By the time you were done, you were two glasses of wine deep - Joel ordering a second for you before you could stop him - and he was holding your calf under the table, hand sliding over the muscle to cup your ankle, thumb massaging the tendon there. 
“You’ve been playin’ a dangerous game over there, baby,” he said, voice low. 
“You’re hot,” you said, almost shyly. “Can’t help it.” 
“Thinkin’ I should get you home,” he said. “Get you outta that dress.” 
“I’m thinking you’re right,” you said, heat settling low around your hips. 
Joel’s mouth was on you before you even got your front door closed, your arms around his neck and his hands on your ass, holding you tight to the front of him. 
“I,” you kissed him. “Got,” another kiss. “You.” Kiss. “Something.” 
Another kiss as you nodded. 
“Didn’t need to do that, baby…” 
“Too bad,” you smiled, kissing him long and hard before pulling back from him. “I like doing stuff for you, too, you know.” 
You took his hands and led him to your bedroom, sitting him on the bed before handing him the box with the shirt and frame inside. He opened it almost reverently, a little smile pulling up at the corners of his lips as he did. 
“It’s not as good as what you did,” you said, sitting next to him, twisting your fingers around on themselves as he lifted the lid of the box. 
“Oh, baby,” he said softly, picking up the frame, his thumb tracing the parts you’d repaired. “This is perfect… when was this?” 
“Remember when Sarah and I were on Christmas break and we went to the natural history museum the day before New Year’s Eve?” You said. 
“That was a good day,” he smiled down at the picture before setting it on your nightstand and he laughed as he got out the shirt. “Where the hell’d you find this?” 
“I’ve been keeping an eye out,” you smiled. “It’s well loved but I did wash it already…” 
He cut you off with a kiss before you could finish, dropping the box and the shirt to the floor as he pulled you against him, his lips insistent and needy on yours. He quickly shrugged out of his jacket as you fumbled with the buttons on his shirt and he unzipped your dress. You got each other undressed quickly, his mouth on yours as he lay you below him, his large hand cupping your pussy before he slipped two fingers between your swollen, slick lips, tracing over your entrance before sliding up to tease your clit as he settled between your thighs. 
“Fuck, you’re wet,” he panted against you, pushing his fingers into your tight channel, just up to the first knuckle. “This all for me, baby?” 
You nodded and tried to pull him closer, to bring his body fully against your own, but he stayed just far enough away that you could feel the warmth of his skin but not the softness of him itself. You groaned and he smiled as he trailed kisses over your jaw to your throat. 
“Seems like you might want somethin’,” he teased a little. You just nodded. “Should say what you want, baby, so I know what to give you.” 
“You,” your fingers scrambled over his back, desperate to find some kind of leverage. “Want you, please Joel…” 
He kissed you gently but you could feel the hunger behind it. He needed you, too, you could feel it in him. 
“OK baby,” he said softly, lining himself up at your entrance, the swell of his cock just close enough to start to part your walls without pushing in. “Give you what you want…” 
He kissed you as he pressed into you, a moment of resistance before the thickness of his shaft entered you. You whimpered at the stretch of him, arching into his touch, your pussy already starting to tighten and flutter around him. 
“Oh fuck,” he groaned. “You already close?” 
You just nodded as he pushed deeper, his cock opening you to him until he was fully inside you, his head pressed firmly against the part of you that made you press your hips up against him and your fingers dig into his skin. You felt yourself pulse around him once before going even tighter as he moaned, his head dropping to your shoulder. 
“Goddamn you feel good,” he panted. “Not gonna last once you come baby, tellin’ you that right now…” 
“S’OK,” you clumsily rocked your hips up against his, desperate for that last little bit of friction you needed to push yourself over the edge. “Just… I need…” 
“I got you,” he said, pressing somehow deeper and making you whimper below him. “Give you just what you need. Take such good care of you, baby, promise I will.” 
He started slow but hard, the steady drag of his cock as he pulled back from you followed by the firm, heavy thrust of him as he fucked back into you. You matched his rhythm, moving your body in time with his, his skin warm on your own, his brown eyes warm and soft and deep on yours. You clung to him as his pace increased, your body getting tighter around him, orgasm building until your head was fuzzy and all you could feel was the desperate heat of pleasure deep inside you. 
“Want you to come for me, baby,” Joel panted, one arm slipping below your arched back. He tilted your hips ever so slightly, the angle adjusted just enough that he could press deeper, his hips against your clit, all of him hitting you just right. You gasped at the change, your arms latching onto him tighter, your hips stuttering against him. “Oh fuck, there you go, just come for me, that’s it, c’mon, just give in to it baby, just…” 
You cried out as you came, Joel holding you close and tight, his movements never slowing as he chased his own orgasm inside you, thrusting hard and deep until he pressed against the back wall of you as you throbbed over him, coming undone with a shaky groan. You felt him pulse inside of you, emptying himself deep until he went limp on top of you. He adjusted quickly as you caught your breath, rolling onto his back and taking you with him so you ended up sprawled on top of him, your nose nuzzled against his neck as he held you, his large palm gently tracing over your back. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you hummed happily, whole body feeling soft and hazy as you just focused on his skin against yours. 
“You’re too good to me,” you sighed as you snuggled into him. You could feel him frown. 
“Why’d you say that?” 
“Because you are,” you kissed his neck. “You did way too much for me today, I can’t measure up.” 
“Hey,” he said quietly, pulling back from you just enough that he could look into your eyes. “Don’t say that, that ain’t true…” 
“Yes it is,” you said, running your fingers through his curls. “I loved it, I loved it so, so much. But it’s too much, I can’t do the same in return, I don’t deserve…” 
“Yes you do,” he cut you off, giving you a little squeeze. “Baby, you do so much for me just by existing near me, you realize that?” You looked at him skeptically but he didn’t give you a chance to argue. “I mean it. My life is so much better because of you. Never thought I could love someone the way I love you, you made me understand this kind of thing existed at all. You make me laugh more than anyone else I’ve ever met and you are so damn sweet. Plus you’re so smart, I could just sit and watch how your mind works all damn day and never get bored and the fact that you’d just let me… Not to mention how you take care of me and Sarah. Never thought I’d find a woman who could love my little girl like you do. You’ve given me everything and you do it every damn day. I just wanted to try and give you some of that back.” 
“Joel,” you said softly, tears burning at the corners of your eyes. 
“Never had a ton goin’ for me,” he said, smiling a little. “Always kinda figured I’d fucked my life up at some point but… I wouldn’t have Sarah or you without everything I did leading up to it. Makes me feel like I did something right to get the two of you in the end, you know?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, kissing him softly. “I know.” 
He smiled his gentle, crooked smile at you and you just looked into his chocolate brown eyes for a moment before you sat up quickly, remembering. 
“I made you brownies!” You almost jumped out of bed and Joel laughed, catching your wrist as you untangled yourself from the sheets. 
“Wasn’t done with you yet,” he tugged you closer, kissing up the inside of your arm. 
“I’ll be right back,” you said. “Promise.” 
You went to the kitchen and put two of the brownies onto a small plate and got a large glass of water before going back to your bedroom, Joel sitting with his back propped against your headboard. You handed him the water before you climbed in bed with him, holding the plate out to him. He laughed a little. 
“These look amazing,” he said, picking up a brownie and taking a huge bite, groaning a little in pleasure as he did. “Taste amazing too,” he said, his mouth full. “You’d have been ashamed of those cupcakes…” 
“Next time Sarah has a baking project, just call me,” you said, taking a bite of your own brownie. “I take sex in payment for culinary lessons for the right client. Namely you.” 
He smiled, tugging you against him. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You snuggled in closer. 
“Think we should make these brownies a holiday tradition,” Joel said, finishing his and kissing your temple. “These are damn good.” 
“Plenty more where that came from, Miller,” you teased a little, sucking some of the pink frosting off your thumb. “You know, this was my first real Valentine’s Day.” 
“Yeah?” Joel asked, looking down at you as best he could as you stayed tucked against his side. “I do OK?” 
“You did amazing,” you smiled. “Ruined me for all other men.” 
“Good,” he said, settling back against the headboard. “Gonna need all other men to keep their hands off you, anyway.” 
You smiled a little at that, the idea of being his and he being yours. He nuzzled down into your hair, his lips pressing against the crown of your head. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby,” he said quietly. “First of many.” 
Your smile grew. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”  
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Heyyyy, I saw your requests open and wanna ask for oneshot Zuko x GN!Reader(who is really-really sweet for a firebender), but they're childhood friends(and Zuko had a crush on them) and reader ran away to Earth Kingdom. Then they meet in some village where Reader lives and make something romantic there!
Please and thank you!
Zuko Reuniting With Childhood Friend
Pairing: Zuko x Firebender!GN!Reader
Summary: You and Zuko are childhood friends who grew up together in the Fire Nation.
Warnings: Contain spoilers for some of Zuko's backstory if you haven't seen the show. Also contains badly written kiss scene
Type: Romantic ❤️
A/N: I decided to give the reader a bit of backstory to explain why they fled to the Earth Kingdom. The one shot takes place during season 2 episode 14, "Tales of Ba Sing Se." Hope you enjoy <3
Oneshot starts below cut
Avatar: The Last Airbender Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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You had been friends with Zuko back when you still lived in the Fire Nation. You had grown up alongside him and his sister, Azula, as your father was on of the Firelord's more trusted generals.
As a young child, you were never very interested in playing games with Azula and her friends. You preferred spending quiet time with Zuko around the palace.
Zuko never understood how he felt about you.. Of course he liked you. The two of you were friends, best friends even. But, did best friends make a fiery red blush rise from your face to the tops of your ears? Did a best friends cause your heart to stop beating every time you got lost in their eyes?
Even now, as his golden eyes met yours, his heart felt as if it would beat out of his chest. He carefully studied you as you sat in the corner of the tea shop. You had changed. Your hair was different, maybe a bit longer than he remembered, and you had swapped out your red Fire Nation clothes for a simple green dress -- an Earth Nation staple. Most notably, your bright eyes had remained the same.
You studied him as well. This Zuko was much different than the boy you knew as a child. His hair was much shorter, and his once warm golden eyes had grown dull. You wondered, how had he ended up in a Ba Sing Se tea shop of all places? After his banishment from the Fire Nation, you weren't sure if you would ever see him again.
"Uncle, we have a problem," said Zuko as he approached his uncle behind the front counter, "Don't look now, but over in the corner table, it's (Y/N)."
Iroh swiftly turned to glance at your table. He recognized you in an instant. His mind was flooded with the memories of you and Zuko growing uo together in the palace.
"Uncle!" Zuko scolds, "Didn't I say don't look? Now they're gonna know that we're onto them."
Before Iroh could respond, you walked up to the counter with a small bag of coins in hand.
"Thank you for the tea, Zuko," you said politely, "And you too general Iroh."
Zuko felt heat rise to his ears. He had always though you were pretty, and seeing you up close was starting to make him a but flustered. "But why?" he thought to himself. Were friends supposed to think of each other that way?
"You're welcome," said Zuko with red checks, "But you can't call us that here. I go by Lee. And my uncle is called Mushi"
"Sorry!" you said quickly, as your face flushed with embarrassment, "I didn't even think that you would go by different names here. Speaking of which, what are you doing here anyway?"
"Well," Zuko said, "It's not really something we can discuss here."
"My nephew is right!" Iroh said, jumping back into the conversation, "Why don't the two of you go out tonight and discuss how both of you came to be in Ba Sing Se?"
At Iroh's suggestion, Zuko turned even redder, if possible.
"I like that idea," you said shyly before turning back to Zuko, "I know a restaurant in the city if you'd like to go there."
"Yeah..that sounds...nice," Zuko said quietly, "I can meet you in front of the tea shop tonight."
"Yeah," you said with a grin, "See you tonight."
After it had gotten dark, you stood outside of the tea shop waiting for Zuko. As you waited, you began to hear muffled voices from inside the shop.
"i'm not so sure about this, Uncle," said Zuko hesitantly "What if they end up hating me after I tell them. I don't want to lose them again."
"Do not worry Zuko. They have a god heart, and so do you. Now get going. You're going to be late."
"Hi," you said as Zuko walked out of the tea shop, "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah," said Zuko, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "Lead the way."
The two of you walked in an uncomfortable silence. The tension between you could be cut with a knife. After a brief walk, which somehow felt so much longer than the short 10 minutes, you came to a stop outside of a small restaurant.
"This is it," you said awkwardly, "Do you wanna go find a table?"
"Sure," said Zuko, before you fell into another uncomfortable silence.
"So," you said after you had settled in your seats, "What are you doing here in Ba Sing Se anyway? I thought you were looking for the avatar."
"I am!" Zuko said quickly, "But Uncle and I got a bit sidetracked. Azula's after us."
Your eyes widened in shock.
"Azula? But what could she want from you? She's already next in line to become firelord."
"My father," said Zuko quietly, "He sent her after me and the avatar. He doesn't seem to think my efforts to capture him are good enough."
"Of course," you said in a rare burst of anger, "I should have known your father would do anything to prevent you from returning to the Fire Nation. That's part of the reason I left, you know."
"Really?" said Zuko curiously.
He had always wondered what made you leave the Fire Nation. Although he had already been banished at that time, he had heard through letters from the Fire Nation that you had run away shortly after his father sent him to find the avatar. Selfishly, he couldn't help but think that you had left for him.
"I never really agreed with the Fire Nation's teachings," you said honestly, "I always wondered why we were taught that our way of life was better than everyone else, when, truly, each one of us should be seen as equals. But when your own father challenged you to an Agni Kai, I realized that we really weren't the heroes the Fire Nation said we were. We were the villains. I came out here to try and make a difference. I can't just stand by while our people destroy the world and everyone in it."
Zuko's gaze met you eyes and he saw the many emotions swirling inside of them. Most importantly the fiery determination that he hadn't seen since childhood. As your words sank in, he though about how he and his uncle had ended up in the city. Unlike you, who, through your unwavering need to help others, had worked the make life easier for the people whose life had been torn apart by the Fire Nation, he had spent the better part of a month terrorizing innocent towns on his hunt for the avatar.
"I always wished I could be more like you, you know," Zuko said ashamed, "I always thought I was doing the right thing by tracking down the avatar, but after seeing all the damage the Fire Nation has caused, maybe I've been doing a lot more harm than good."
You smiled at him before softly cupping his face.
"You're not a bad person, Zuko," you said quietly, "I know there's good in you. You just need someone to help you find it."
You felt Zuko's skin burn under your touch, as you look into his golden eyes, which are filled with hesitation. As you leaned closer, you could hear Zuko's breath hitch as his breath caught in his throat. Zuko began to lean in, hoping you couldn't hear his heart beating at a thousand miles an hour.
Your lips finally connected, for a brief second, before you pulled apart, faces flushed.
"You, know," Zuko said quietly, "I missed you a lot after I left the Fire Nation."
You smiled softly.
"So did I," you said before gently pulling him into another kiss.
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jaehunnyy · 1 year
The sound of our tied souls
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Genre: soulmate!au, rockstar!au, kinda enemies-to-lovers but not really, a bit of angst, fluff, happy ending
Word count: 3.3k
Pairing: rockstar!San x fem!reader (feat. reader's best friend x Mingi)
Warnings: swear words (quite a lot), time-skip, kind of a bad guy attitude—San's a bit of a jerk at the beginning but he has a character development :), soulmate rejection, mentions of some jealous fans, kinda slow-burn, one kiss, possible grammar mistakes
A/N: this oneshot is part of @sungbeam's soulmate collab, which i was so proud to be part of; thanks for the opportunity, love 🤍
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You got woken up by that annoying song again, your beauty sleep being thrown away for the rest of the night—cause it seemed like your soulmate had no sleeping schedule. You couldn't understand how he could listen to this all the time, you often wondered if his hearing was still intact—cause the loud growl of what seemed to be an electric guitar could surely manage to make you deaf by now. 
You have first discovered your soulmate bond after your 16th birthday, when you began hearing rock music everyday. Everyone was talking about how sweet their marks were: a tattoo with the letter of their significant other's name, a highlight in their hair matching their future partner's color, and the list could go on. You, on the other hand, had to struggle with listening to something you absolutely despised, without thinking that your soulmate returned the same feeling to your music choice. With a mischievous smile on your face, you made your way to your piano, starting to play one of your favorite songs. God, if only you knew how frustrated your soulmate got. 
"San, you messed up again! Can you fucking focus?" Hongjoong, the leader of their group, Guerrillas, shouted, watching as the culprit lowered his head. 
"I can't, Joong. I can't, because all I hear right now is Für Elise, and it messes my head up!" he shouted too, pulling his hair back in frustration.
The others looked at each other with confused looks; was there something they didn't know? Without actually meaning to, Mingi bursted into laughter, leading Wooyoung to chuckle as well. 
"Since when do you listen to classical music?" he asked San, smirking playfully. 
"I don't. That thing you call soulmate does." 
"You're hearing what your soulmate listens to?!" Wooyoung exclaimed, covering his mouth in shock. 
"Yeah. But you know I'm not into this shit of yours, so let's get back to practice. I'll try and focus." he simply said, taking his guitar again, the strap attached to it hugging his torso perfectly. 
Seonghwa shrugged and signaled the others to start playing, their practice session blooming once again. You could swear that he'd never played music that loud before; it felt like a competition between the two of you, and you smiled at the thought of having him so frustrated. You didn't know who he was nor how he looked, but you were ready to make his life a living hell, as much as he had started to turn yours into one.  
At one point, the music stopped and you managed to sleep a bit, but it was way too little for your liking. You woke up at the sound of your doorbell, your best friend standing behind the wooden door. 
"You won't believe what my boyfriend got me!" she said as soon as you opened the door, barging into your house like it was her own. 
"Do I wanna know?" you sighed, thinking that your best friend's excitement meant chaos. 
"He got me two tickets at his band's concert! We're gonna see the Guerrillas!" she jumped, pulling the two golden-like tickets from her pocket. 
She and Mingi—her soulmate, met a while ago, and since then, she was always talking about him and how much their music grew on her. She must have been so happy now, that her world had finally earned its colors. Her and Mingi's soulmate mark consisted of seeing the world in black and white, until the two of them met. You still remembered how fast they agreed on becoming a couple, and you still wondered how they made it work so well. You knew how proud she was of her boyfriend, mainly because it was the third time she was trying to convince you to go with her, thinking that it would be, somehow, her lucky chance. 
"There's no way I'm going to a rock concert." you protested, crossing your arms. 
"There's no way I'll leave you alone until you say yes." she smirked, shoving one of the tickets in your jacket. 
Nice try, you thought, before taking a moment to actually read the information on the ticket. How bad could it be, after all? Maybe, in this way, you could find more about your soulmate's favorite genre of music. You also thought it was maybe an occasion to meet Mingi's friends; you knew he was in the college's rock band, though you've never met them in this formula.
"Fine. I'm only doing it for Mingi's effort to get you these." you said coldly, side-eyeing your friend when she gave you a bear hug; it was gonna be a long week.
While the two were already making plans for the big day, the boys took a break from their intense practice session, starting to talk about whatever traveled their mind while drinking a can of energy drink. San was absent from their conversation, fidgeting with his calloused fingers, the effort of always trying to hit the right strings showing. The thought of having a soulmate was really burdening him, he didn't want to spend his energy searching for someone he didn't even want to meet. Little San would probably be disappointed, because all he has ever wished for was to grow up and meet his other half. Arts student San, though? He didn't need anything else as long as he had his guitar by his side; a capo and some sheet music could easily solve his problems. But he couldn't stand the thought of someone constantly hearing the feelings he tried expressing through music; it made him feel vulnerable, like he had no personal space anymore.
"San, do you agree with the outfits we've decided on?" Jongho asked, looking curiously at the way too quiet boy. 
"Huh… yeah, sure, sounds great." he replied, avoiding the way Yunho raised his eyebrow at his reply. 
"You didn't pay attention," he sighed, before adding some other words: "Something's definitely bothering you, so talk to us." 
"Is it because of your soulmate? Why don't you just search for her?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the way the elder tensed. "It should stop after you meet, right?" 
"Meeting her means that I have to be committed, and I don't want to commit to her." he spat, putting emphasis on not wanting to do so, and without bothering to spare his friends the slightest glance, he just took his things and left them speechless, in the middle of the studio. 
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The week passed fastly, the not-so-wanted (by a certain someone, 'cause the whole college actually went crazy for it) concert finally coming to life. The boys were backstage, trying to memorize their lines or chords for the last time. You and your friend would be late though; because she couldn't let you wear the clothes you would usually wear. 
"I can't believe you want to wear a coat to a rock concert," she sighed, slightly amused by your antics. "They cover songs like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Sweet Child O' Mine and more, and they will most likely sing their own songs as well. This isn't Antonio Vivanti." 
You let out an offended scoff, grabbing the leather jacket she was trying to put on you and wearing it, despite the ick the weird material was giving you. "And it's Vivaldi, by the way. Pay respect!" 
"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, or else we will be late!" 
Luckily for her (‘cause you tried to lose as much time as you could), you arrived just when they settled on stage, greeting the ones who came to see them. You couldn't say you weren't a bit jealous whenever you saw the way her and Mingi looked at each other—because it did something to you. But you were scared of being rejected, pretty sure that the soulmate thing wasn't as easy as it seemed. 
Your thoughts were brushed off by the loud sound made by the mix of instruments, making you flinch, to your friend's amusement. Not being able to sneak outside because of her hand constantly holding yours, you decided that the least you could do was to pretend you were enjoying it. The others seemed to have fun too, even the boys, who really owned the stage—until something stole the show. San was taken aback by the way his in-ears worked—or so he thought. The same song they were performing was playing in a faded but bothering way in his ears, making him look at the others with a questionable look. He then made a few gestures to the staff, waiting for the song to stop so he could go and see what was wrong. Hongjoong looked at him worriedly while still focused on his bass, meanwhile Mingi almost messed up while playing the drums. 
"We will be back in a few minutes, wait for us, okay?" Jongho screamed, hoping to keep the audience busy for a bit, while the others went to see what was wrong with San; their mics weren't off, though. 
"There's nothing wrong with your in-ears, San. They work perfectly," the staff informed him, a few curse words leaving his mouth. 
"What if your soulmate is at the concert, San?" Yeosang asked innocently, almost like a joke—though the younger boy freezed in his place. 
The audience went crazy; some fangirls gasped and started to whisper several things about San's potential soulmate, meanwhile some of them had the same reaction as San. Some of them even started to run, looking suspiciously at every single girl they saw. "San has a soulmate?", "God, what did she do in her past life?", and so many other phrases that made you scoff. Who was this San and why was he so popular? The influence of his jealous fans spreaded through the whole venue, making the staff finally notice their mics and turn them off, though it was too late—the fuss was already created.
"I don't think that's the case—" Seonghwa tried to protest, but San stopped him. 
"I think that's exactly the case." San looked at them, before throwing his in-ears somewhere. "What should we do now? I don't want to perform anymore." 
"Then… let's wrap it up." Hongjoong sighed, before going back on stage. "Due to some unfortunate events, we need to stop here, darlings. Don't worry, we will come back soon!" He bowed and left the stage, leaving the fans high and dry. In other circumstances, nothing could have made him leave the stage that easily; he would have found a solution. But seeing how messed up his friend was, it made him want to try and understand him, he was going through a quite special phase, after all.
"I will go ask Mingi about what happened, do you want to come?" your friend asked, though your answer didn't even matter, she was already dragging you after her. 
She greeted her boyfriend and the others as if they knew each other since forever, asking them about what was wrong. 
"San hears whatever his soulmate is listening too, and he has only told us a few days ago," Mingi said, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist. 
Your eyes widened at what he said, but you decided to keep composure—maybe it was just a coincidence. 
"And she is into classical music, it's so frustrating. Why would she come to our concert?" San snapped, ignoring the guest his friend's soulmate brought. 
It all made sense to you then. You probably didn't realize the music coming from him because you tried to enjoy the new experience, but it made sense. The two-tone haired boy, the arrogant San everyone was talking about was standing in front of you—moreover, he was your soulmate; and he didn't seem too happy with the idea of being bonded to someone. 
"Who's the lady next to you?" Wooyoung asked, feeling the need to make you feel implied in the discussion. 
"She's Y/N, I dragged her here with me," your friend laughs awkwardly. "She's not a fan, but Mingi got me two tickets so I made use of them." 
"Oh! Do you happen to hear rock music sometimes?" Wooyoung asked, smirking playfully. 
"Uhm… no, sorry." you said, looking at San, who was already looking suspiciously at you. He was really arrogant, you wished to be able to reject him, but he seemed to do it first. 
"Even if she was, I told you guys I don't care. My soulmate can go search for another one." he said, before leaving them, once again. You were the next one to leave, not even caring about the possibility of giving your little secret away.
Even after a few days, you couldn't deny the emptiness you felt the moment you were indirectly rejected by your soulmate—it was definitely noticeable, somewhere in your heart. It was safe to say San didn't feel as good as he thought he would either, even when he rejected the one he was assigned to live his whole life with on purpose. He figured out it was you, because he stopped hearing the once annoying music; but he missed it. And the news about his soulmate was spread in the whole college as well, not helping at all; they were making even the outsiders interested in the tea going on. 
"I'm tired of this shit, guys. I won't come to practice today." 
Hongjoong looked at him once again, nodding, not knowing exactly how to comfort his friend in this situation, words long forgotten. San started to walk in the direction of where the studio was, his ears filling with the melodious sound of a piano playing. Like it was a habit of his, his legs guided him to the door, which he cracked open, just to reveal you playing the piano. Your fingers moved skillfully along the piano keys, Debussy's Clair de Lune resonating beautifully in the room. The sweet melody managed to comfort him somehow; he didn’t know if it was the calming nature of the song or the closure he was supposed to have with you, but he felt relaxed, listening peacefully until the painful silence started to bother him. He then took the matters into his own hands—in such a San way. 
"You’ve got some skills, soulmate," he said, his lips stretching into a little smile, though a little dimple made its appearance still. 
You got a bit surprised by his presence, but stopped what you were doing, to return a small smile and answer him. 
"Thank you. I guess you do too." 
"Was that Beethoven?" he asked curiously, sitting on the chair in front of the piano, next to you. 
"Claude Debussy, but A for effort," you said, smiling at his attempt. 
A wave of silence spread across the room, before you decided to break it: "We got off to a bad start, but we can still repair it. I'm Y/N," you said, sticking your hand out to him. 
He grabbed it, shaking it softly. "I'm San, nice to meet you again." He waited for another reaction of yours, but seeing that you didn't plan on saying anything else, he made the next step: "Let's be friends." 
You spent most of the day with him, sharing tips and talking about your opposite passions—though it was well known that opposites attract. Now, that you've gotten to know him a bit better, you could say he was more than just an arrogant guy. 
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One month passed since your first interaction with your soulmate, and you would have never expected that there would be more; yet here you were, watching as he excitedly got two tickets from his pocket. 
"You're invited to our concert tonight! My treat this time, for you and our friend." he winked, handing the same golden-like tickets to you. 
"I'll be there, Sannie." you smiled, giving him a side hug before running to your class. He smiled softly, not believing the effect love could have on him.
Furthermore, tonight's stage would be an important one for him; it could mean accomplishment or failure, but he was still willing to try. The boys found him smiling like an idiot—but they enjoyed it, they could tease him about how a certain someone made him change. He never failed to amaze them, but someone definitely brought the best in him. He watched as the boys looked at him, his freshly dyed hair glowing nicely into the dim lights. His hands were covered in a pair of fingerless mesh gloves, fingers full of rings, while his t-shirt was nicely tucked in his leather pants. Some chains were dangling on his neck and waist, and a fake lip ring laid on his lower lip, completing the rockstar look he opted for. 
"Where's San and what have you done with him?" Yeosang joked, entertaining the other seven boys in the room. 
"Shut up, Sang. Are you ready?" Seonghwa asked, taking his mic and retouching the last details for tonight's show. 
"Never been more ready." San smiled, taking his guitar and being the first one to get on stage. 
"Hello guys, thank you for coming today too!" Wooyoung exclaimed, getting ready to perform at his best. 
You and your friend were somewhere in the front row, singing along with the other fans who came to see the eight boys. You were bouncing with her, enjoying the genre you softly became addicted to, but it was surely an influence San had on you. You didn't know what happened to you, but you still had hope, that maybe something would change his mind. Suddenly, the culprit's voice was heard in the whole venue, catching your attention and making you stop whatever you were doing. 
"As you all know, one month ago, I met my soulmate at the concert we held in the same place. I'd like her to join me here, please, Y/N?" he smiled, gesturing for you to get on stage, next to them. 
You looked confusedly at your friend, who pushed you in the direction of the stage, playing their game. You got there, finding yourself in front of the crowd and waving awkwardly at them, not expecting to hear their loud screaming. 
"I know I was a bit of a douchebag at the beginning, and that was definitely not the way you wanted us to meet. I messed up, but I hope you can forgive me." 
The fans cheered up louder, while a big smile found its way to your face, making the boy's lips stretch into one as well. 
"I know I rejected you at the beginning, but let me try to fix things. I hope it's not too late," he laughed softly, before continuing: "Have you started your looking for another soulmate project yet?" 
You burst into laughter, nodding as no a few times. His cheeks got colored in a crimson red tone, and you could swear you've never seen anything cuter than a shy rockstar.
"Can I have the chance of being the lucky one, then?" he asked and watched as your expression changed, nervousness noticeable in his voice as well. 
"I thought you considered yourself unluck—" Wooyoung interrupted, but Jongho was fast to cover his mouth and prevent him from saying anything else. "You're screwing the moment, Woo." he said, mouth still pressed on his older friend's mouth. 
You laughed at their antics, taking the mic from San's hand. 
"As much as you've annoyed me, I still like you, Choi San. I always did, which is why I would actually love to give you this chance." 
As soon as you finished your romantic little speech, he cupped your face, pressing his lips on yours softly. The fans went crazy, cheering and jumping as the two of you sealed the promise of loving each other forever with a soft kiss. 
"With these being said, I'd like to announce the title of our next album, entitled The sound of our tied souls!" Yunho said, making the night of every single soul attending that concert, the stars shining even brighter above their heads.
You pressed your forehead on San's, admiring his beauty while your noses rubbed lovingly against each other's. The road you had to walk on to find your soulmate was a tough one, but looking back on it, you wouldn't want it another way; you were too excited for your future with your other half—the arrogant boy you started to love, the one destined to be eternally yours. 
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thebestofoneshots · 9 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 10.3 K Warnings: none Prompt: You finally throw the magical party that you'd been planning for Marlene. The night gets even more bewitching as you engage in a series of party games, including a daring game of Potion Pong and a spirited game of truth or dare. As secrets are unveiled and dares become more challenging, the first sparks of romantic tension begin to ignite. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. THIS EPISODE CAN ALSO BE READ AS A ONESHOT
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Fooled Around and Fell in Love
Thanks to Peter’s retellings of the Gryffindor try-outs, you’d gone from the new girl in sixth year, to a little bit of a quidditch celebrity. Some smaller kids would go see the Quidditch Practice, and according to James, he’d even seen some of the players from other groups trying to get a glimpse at you when you were in the Great Hall. Trying to measure if the stories had actually been real or if it was all just school gossip. 
A smaller Gryffindor girl even approached you once, to ask if it was possible that you taught her how to do the triple backflip you’d done last Friday. You had to awkwardly explain to her that you hadn’t done a triple backflip, but that you would be happy to help her get more confident on her flight technique someday. She’d gone back to her friends with a huge smile, her friends squealing when she told them the news. 
“Peter made me into some kind of celebrity,” you complained to Mary as the two of you walked to the courtyard together. You had teamed up with her for your Herbology project, and you were on your way to the garden to find some dried leaves to turn into fertiliser. 
“No-uh,” she said, shaking her head “You did it yourself, love.”
“I didn’t go around telling everyone about the tryouts,” you responded as a pair of young boys passed the two of you, looking at you with wonder.
“But you slayed those tryouts by yourself! You did that backflip trick, not Peter. And he’s not the only one who’s been retelling the story all over the school. I heard Teddy tell his friends about you a couple of days ago in the common room.” 
“Well, either way, it’s hard to get used to all of this attention. In my older school, I wasn’t so popular.” 
“And you thought coming here and making friends with James Potter and Sirius Black of all people would let you blend into the background?!” 
“I kinda brought it onto myself, didn’t I?” 
“You’re gonna have to take that new-fund popularity and embrace it.” She said “Or you can just do whatever Remus does, he can somehow be a hot shot and still blend in the back when he wants to.” 
You raised your eyebrows, it was true, even when he was with the boys all the time, he tended to stay in his own little friend group rather than talking to everyone the same way Sirius and James did. 
“I’ll ask him sometime…” you said as you crossed the gates with Mary. Then leaned onto her, “Isn’t that Holden Crawford? Next to Alexander Wood?” 
She nodded, “you should invite them now that they’re together.” 
“Yup,” you said, giving her a small pat on the back and walking towards the Hufflepuff head boy. 
“Hey Alex,” you said with a smile. 
He turned to you, and smiled when he identified you “Gryffindor, aye?” He pointed at your tie. 
You nodded “I guess so,” you replied “I wanted to thank you for being so nice to me on my first day.” 
Holden, who stood next to him, raised one of his eyebrows “Ahh.. so you must be the infamous (Y/N) everyone’s been talking about.” 
“Infamous? Hope not!” You teased with a smile and handed him your hand to shake “(Y/N)(Y/LN), nice to meet you.” 
“Holden Crawford,” he replied, shaking your hand. 
“The Ravenclaw… seeker?” You asked with a bit of a smile. He raised his eyebrows in response “James told me all about the other teams. Gotta know who you’re going up against.” 
“And… you’ve done your homework.” You nodded. 
“Anyway, I gotta go…” you said pointing at Mary, and after a couple of steps, you turned back to them “Actually boys–“ you said walking back towards them “–this Friday the Gryffindor Tower is having a party. I’m helping plan it. It’s for Marlene’s birthday.” 
“Your beater…” acknowledged Holden. 
You nodded eagerly, Holden knew Marlene, that was perfect. “Yeah exactly! Anyway, I’m in the planning committee along with Mary over there,” you pointed at your friend “and I think it would be great to have you guys there. You know the more the merrier,” you said that last bit with a smile.
“I’ll come if you come,” Holden said to Alex. Who seemed to be thinking about it. 
“Come on,” you animated him. “It’ll be super fun, I promise! I’ll help pick the music out.” 
Alex finally nodded “Ok, we’ll see you there.” 
“Brilliant! 8 PM, Gryffindor Tower. Don’t miss it!” You chimed “Anyway, I am in the middle of picking up some dried leaves for herbology so I’ll leave you boys to your things,” You said before walking back to Mary. 
“They’re coming,” you said with a proud smile. “And Holden knows Marlene. As in, he instantly identified her as Gryffindor’s beater.”  
“Oh, she’s so gonna shit herself when she sees him at her party.” 
You nodded and the two of you walked inside the small green area to pick out some dried leaves, levitating them from their place on the floor and placing them on the satchel Mary had brought. You then walked together to the greenhouses and started the spell that would turn the leaves into a very potent fertiliser, even if it took some time. Professor Folly would evaluate you based on how efficient the fertiliser was in the end. And you’d found the recipe on an old book in the library, that promised to both potentiate the growth of plants and maintain them. 
September 10th, 1976
When the day of the party arrived, the air buzzed with anticipation. You were in the Gryffindor tower, along with Remus and Beth, attempting to decorate the area. Beth had asked her mom to send some streamers and she was magically sticking them all over the ceiling. You sat on one of the coaches and used your wand to blow some balloons that she’d also gotten from her mom. You had the idea to fill some of the balloons with glitter, and you’d blow them up when she arrived, leaving a trail of sparkly glitter all over her, and everyone else. 
“We’ll be finding glitter in our dreams after today,” said Remus as he sat down next to you with a box of tapes. You finished timing one of the balloons and leaned over the box to take a look at the stuff he had. Led Zeppelin, Bowie, The Clash, Queen, Abba, they had it all. 
“What will you choose?” You asked him, he pulled out a cassette with Sirius’s elegant handwriting and handed it over to you. “Marauder’s mix tape?” You asked. 
“It’s what we call ourselves,” he said “Sirius invented it back in the third year, it’s still a thing now.” 
“Fitting,” you said with a smile. And turned the tape to take a look at the songs. Smiling when you saw Rebel Rebel in the list. “
“He made this one over the summer,” he said pointing at the cassette, “and he brought a music player too,” he stood up “I’m going to go get it now, wanna help?” 
You nodded and stood up, walking behind him towards the boys’ dorm. “Excuse the mess,” said Remus as he let you into their room. He was being silly, there wasn’t much of a mess. Maybe some candy packaging on the floor and one of the beds wasn’t done. You saw a Queen poster on top of said bed. 
“Lemme guess,” you said pointing at the bed “That’s Sirius’.” 
Remus nodded “It was an easy guess.” 
You took that as a challenge and started scanning the rest of the beds, the one to the left of Sirius’ was well done, and it had a hard case for glasses on the nightstand, you pointed at it “James’” Remus nodded, with his eyebrows raised. You kept looking. Now there was a bed lousily made and one that was neatly done. The lousy bed had some parchments on top, along with a bag of chips. The other bed had a nightstand with some books, and a sweater folded over near the pillow, very neatly placed as well. You pointed at the one with chips “Peter’s, and the neatest one is yours, obviously.”
“Almost perfect, I’m next to Pads.” 
“But the glasses case?” You asked confused. 
“They’re for reading, my eyes get tired at night.” He then walked towards a dresser “Mind giving me a hand?” He asked, you nodded and walked toward it. It looked slightly heavy, but you placed your hands on the other side, ready to help him pull “Just make sure nothing from the top falls, m’kay?” He then pushed the dresser, with an ease that had you stunned. Maybe it just looked heavy. Behind the dresser, there was a small hole in the wall, filled with all sorts of things. From hand-rolled cigarettes, to prank supplies, and scary-looking vials with labels on them. 
“You’ve got a secret stash?!” You said surprised, kneeling down to look at it better “How? Does my room have one too?” 
“James blew up the wall while practising bombarda in 4th,” Remus explained “We didn’t want anyone to find out so we rearranged the furniture to hide it. Sirius figured it’d be a good place to hide stuff.” 
“Do you mind?” You asked, nodding towards the little hole, he shook his head and you grabbed one of the bottles “Shrinking solution?”
“We brewed it last year, Prongs and I stole it from Slughorn’s office.”
You grabbed another one “And…” you looked at the label “Vanishing Solution.” 
“Sometimes you gotta get rid of the evidence.” You laughed, Moving some things around, you found some dungbombs, neatly stacked. And behind them found a box of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. “Oh, and you’ve got some good stuff in there too,” you said as you grabbed a Magazine with a very dotted young woman –with nothing to cover her chest–, she had a seductive stare and blew kisses at you. 
Remus snatched it from your hands “Sirius must’ve put it there,” He said all too quickly, throwing the magazine under a bed.  
“Hey! I don’t judge,” you said, raising your eyebrows “It’s a boys’ secret stash after all.” 
“But I don’t–“ 
“–you don’t need to excuse yourself, Remus.” You said and pointed at the back “That’s it, isn’t it? the cassette player?” 
Remus nodded and pulled it out, dusting it off “We left it here all summer.” You helped him put all the things back in their place. Except for the dirty magazine that was still under the bed somewhere, and stood up, going back to the side of the dresser to push it back to its place. 
You tried to push it before he grabbed onto the side. But it was impossible, the dresser was heavy. At least for you, for Remus, who pulled it with ease back onto its place, it seemed like lifting a feather. You stared at him as he turned to grab the cassette player, he was tall, the tallest of the group, and he did have nice broad shoulders. Again, the sexy pirate analogy came to mind, but he didn’t seem particularly strong. He didn’t have thick muscles like James or Teddy. Which completely clashed with what you’d just seen him do. You shoved all those inconsistencies to the back of your mind and followed him towards the door. 
The two of you walked downstairs again, finding Beth still working on the streamers, as Remus went to set the cassette player on the farthest section of the recorder you went back to your balloons, levitating those that were ready all over the common room. As you were doing, you saw Lily and Mary arrive, they both carried snacks and other food things in their hands. Mary had a huge bowl and she placed it on the table Lily was arranging it, and she set herself to prepare a punch. “It’s Mary’s signature punch,” explained Lily “She makes it for every party, everyone loves it.” 
“I’m looking forward to trying it,” you said with a smile. When you were done with the balloons you rushed towards Lily and helped her finish the refreshments area.  
Sirius and James arrived later. Carrying several bottles in their hands. “Are you sure those are safe?” Lily asked, frowning at the bottles.
“Yes Lils,” said Sirius rather exasperated and turned one of the bottles around for her to see the label was still on “They were purchased in Hogsmeade.” 
“By who did you say?” 
Sirius smiled, “Nice try Evans, it’s still top secret.” 
“When is Marlene getting here?” You asked as you helped James with some of the bottles. 
“Tom is distracting her,” said Beth from somewhere. “She’ll be here at around 8:30.” 
“Well then, everything looks ready,” Sirius said with a clap of his hands “Imma go put on some nicer garments.” 
James, who was still wearing some Quidditch gear from practice, also left the room. You’d been allowed to skip after saying you felt bad, that way James entertained Marlene and you could focus on decorating the common room. 
Remus was already wearing casual clothes, while Lily, Mary and yourself went up to change. 
Once in party clothes, with glitter all over your eyes –that Mary had insisted you had to put on–, you went back down, finding some people were already making it to the party. You identified a couple of kids from your classes that were from other houses. Holden and Alexander were both already in the party too, which made you smile, nudging Beth so she was aware too. Then she smiled wickedly and leaned into you “I’ll go make some arrangements for later,” she said before disappearing in the swarm of people.  
“What’s she up to?” Asked Sirius, who somehow had ended up beside you. 
You shrugged in response “I wish I knew,” you said and saw him drinking from a black mug. “What you drinkin’?”
He licked his lips “Mhm.. this?” He asked, raising his cup “Wanna try?” 
You raised an eyebrow and grabbed for the mug, feeling his cold rings as your fingers brushed over him to take a hold of the mug, and pulled the mug up to your lips. You winced once you’d taken a sip, you were not expecting for the liquid to be straight-up iced vodka.
“You didn’t even try to water it down,” you complained, handing the mug back to him. 
He just shrugged “I like it, cools your throat down.” 
You rolled your eyes and pushed him gently “At least put some juice on it or something.” 
“It’s the expensive stuff, you’re not meant to water it down.” 
You rolled your eyes at his remark when Mary came out of nowhere and pulled your arm "Sorry Sirius, I’m taking her with me,"
You raised your eyebrows at that but followed alongside Mary, "What’s wrong?" You asked her preoccupied. She looked like she’d been running and had a blush on her cheeks, well perhaps running wasn’t it, you thought as you noticed her slightly dishevelled stance. 
"Nothin’," she responded casually, "I brought you here because I wanted to introduce you to someone," she pulled you into a corner "he was at the bleachers when you were on tryouts. I got good word he’s been wanting to meet you ever since."
Your eyebrow rose, yes the try-outs had been the talk of the castle for the past week, but someone wanting to befriend you after it… perhaps it wasn’t so incredible "Who is it?" you asked.
You felt a looming presence from behind and the two of you turned around, a very tall boy, probably as tall as Remus, was there, with a huge smile on his lips "(Y/N), this is Minho Yun, Minho this is (Y/N)."
You smiled and held your hand out to shake his, "Nice to meet you.”
He shook your hand “Nice to meet you too.” 
He started to talk again but Tom came rushing through the door like a madman “Everyone HIDE!” He roared as he jumped behind one of the coaches. No one moved, he stood up again “Marlene’s coming you whackheads, find a freaking hiding spot!”
“Shit,” you said before running towards a small closet-like spot hidden behind one of the wall rugs you’d found a couple of nights before after your quill sharpener fell out of your hands. But once inside you found yourself sharing the spot with someone else. “Puppy?” You asked when you smelt the same cologne you’d felt before. 
“(Y/N)?” He asked “What are you doing here? This is my spot!” He whispered-yelled. 
“Well then, move over so the two of us can fit comfortably,” you retorted, he adjusted himself a little, and you managed to fully enter the small space “Shouldn’t be long.” 
You could feel his hot minty breath near your forehead “So… how’s your potions essay going? Remus a good partner?” 
You nodded, realising later he probably couldn’t see you. “Great, he’s brilliant, I don’t regret switching with James.”
“You switched with James?” He asked shrugging “But Slughorn said–” 
“–We switched before,” you explained. “didn’t make a fuss about it like you. Sorry, you got paired with Slime-head tho. How’s it going?” 
“We split the tasks,” he sighed. “That way we don’t have to see each other more than necessary.”
“And quidditch practice today?” You asked. 
“Oh good, we missed you though.” 
You nodded again, perking your ears to see if Marlene had already arrived. Nothing. “Do you mind if I ask you why they call you Pads?” 
“Short for Padfoot.” 
You raised your eyebrows, looking up at him with “Yeah, I remember that was your nickname, but why?” 
“Sort of an inside joke, can’t really tell you without the boys all agreeing on it.” 
“Oh,” you said with a nod, turning your head back to the door, “must have to do with everyone’s nicknames then.” He nodded. You took a deep breath. You did not expect Marlene to take so long to arrive. “Do you still have the–?” 
“–here,” he said, handing over his mug, "you took a sip, and then another. 
You gave him back his mug and exhaled “Sorry to take your spot.” 
He shrugged, you did not see it, but you felt him, that’s how close you were standing “No problem,” he said honestly “I don’t mind you being all over me,” he teased. 
“Sirius!” You reprimanded, he chuckled. 
“But, in all honesty, love, I’m really happy that you came to Hogwarts.” 
You looked up at him again “I’m really happy I came too. You weren’t joking when you told me how amazing your friends were.” 
He bit his lips as he smiled, god he was stunning, even in the dark “They are, aren’t they?” 
And then you heard the portrait door open, giving Sirius a complicit look as the two of you jumped out of the hideout, alongside everyone else, Marlene was taken aback by seeing so many people “One… Two… Three!” You counted. 
“Happy Birthday Marlene,” everyone screamed, you waved your wand and half of the balloons blew up, sprinkling glitter over every single person in the room. You smiled when you realised the stunning shower of glitter. Some of it fell over Sirius's hair, he shook it off, like a dog would, causing more to drop over you. You closed your eyes tightly and nudged him “Sirius! It’s gonna get on someone’s eyes.” 
He gave you a look “Remind me, love. Whose brilliant idea was to have glitter shower over every single one of us?” 
You averted your gaze, annoyed, and nodded “Just be careful!” You said before running towards Marlene, holding her gift in your hands. You’d gotten her a Holyhead Harpies jersey, you remembered she’d mentioned it being her favourite before. 
When she looked at you, all filled with glitter she pointed an accusing finger “You weren’t sick!” You shook your head with a smile. 
Remus, who had walked closer to the two of you, smiled and placed a hand over your shoulder “She helped with the decorations.” 
“And Potter just… let it happen?” She asked. 
“He didn’t have much of a choice,” you said with a half smile “Happy Birthday Mars! I hope you have lots of fun!” 
Both you and Remus hugged Marlene and then retired to allow the people who were crowding her to give her their own hugs and gifts. You walked towards a less crowded area alongside the boy, and when you turned to him, you realised he had a piece of glitter over his lash, so you placed a hand over his shoulder, “something wrong love?”
You shook your head, “Lean down a little, yeah? You’ve got some glitter over your lash…” he complied and bend his knees until he was about your height, you carefully grabbed his head with one hand, to steady him, and used your other hand to take a piece of glitter away from it, looking at Remus so close, you realised how pretty he really was, he had beautiful chocolate eyes, with golden sparkles, that looked absolutely surreal, inhuman almost. He wasn’t pretty like Sirius who had a very ethereal, fae-like look to him, he had a more haunting and enigmatic look. But after a second, he gave you a questioning look, as if to ask if you were done, you nodded and pried your hands off him with an awkward smile “It’s done!” 
After that some girl took Remus away from you and you went to sit alongside Lily, who was talking to Peter. 
“I think we succeeded,” you said sitting next to Lily, who scooted over to give you some space. 
“Totally!” She smiled, “Peter said he’ll bring the cake at 10:00 pm,” 
You leaned over to look at your friend “Need any help with that Pete?” 
He shook his head, “This… This 5th-year girl will help me, actually.” Both you and Lily rose your eyebrows. 
“Oh… Our Pete’s got a date…” you teased. 
He instantly went red “It’s not a date…” 
Now you shared a look with the redhead “Want some advice?” She asked, placing a hand over his forearm. 
“No… don’t worry about it,” he said, almost thinking if he should ask “We’ve been talking a bit, that’s all.” 
“That’s how it starts,” you said. 
Lily leaned back on the couch “Ah… young love, how beautiful it is.”
You laughed “What are you, 80?” You teased, “What about your young love?” 
“I don’t have any young love,” she said, standing up straight and turning towards you. 
“Yeah sure,” you scoffed. “There isn’t a messy hair, hazel-eyed boy pining for you at all.” 
Lily went red now “(Y/N),” she said, dragging out your name “We don’t talk about that!”
“But we should,” you told her, “don’t you like him back? He’s handsome! Not my type of handsome but handsome nonetheless.” 
“Oh yeah,” she teased “I know your type of handsome all right,” she said, eyeing Sirius, who was talking to Remus.
“Evans! Don’t you dare change the subject!”
She laughed at that “He’s just so… sometimes he can be exasperating!” 
You laughed, in the short time you’d known James Potter, sometimes might have been an understatement. He had his mind pretty much set most of the time, he was thick-headed and maybe a little unhinged, but he was kind, and so full of love for his friends it was hard not to imagine him making a lovely couple with Lily. 
“Hm… maybe he can make up for his bad traits in another way,” you suggested, the other way implicit in the tone you used, and she right up hit you with one of the pillows. 
“All right guys!” You heard Beth shout as she came down with a box in her hands “It’s playtime!” 
“Oh no,” you heard Lily whisper.
Beth finally reached the bottom of the stairs and placed the heavy box on a long table that you set out with some drinks “It’s time to play potion pong.” 
“Potion Pong?” You asked Lily, who looked distressed. 
“All right, gather up, we’re making two teams of four people “Marlene Love, you’re the birthday girl, so you’re playing yes or yes.” She then turned to you “(Y/N), this is your first time in a Gryffindor Party, so you’re also in. I’m playing duh, and Evans,” she said to Lily “You playing today, yeah?” 
“Last time I got a vomiting potion!” She complained. 
“No vomiting potions this time, don’t worry about it.” Beth said dismissively “Potter, you’re in, cause you let lovely (Y/N) out of practice to help with decorations, you, Ravenclaw boy,” she said as if she wasn’t well aware that Ravenclaw boy was Holden Crawford, Marlene’s crush “You’re playing too!” She looked around then, “Minho? Where you at? You said you wanted to play last time in the first round, yeah?” She asked out to everyone “He actually holds the resistance of potion pong title,” she explained, “and… Sirius? Wanna play?” She asked last. Sirius nodded, and you all gathered around the table. Beth divided everyone into two teams, She, Marlene, Holden and James, against Minho, Sirius, Lily and you. 
“All right, the rules!” She said as she started setting the table, bringing lots of vials with different colour liquids out of the box, opening and placing them in a triangle position in front of each side of the table “Simple game, each turn a player gets a ping pong ball, and you have to try and make it enter one of the vials with potions by bouncing it on the table at least once. If it goes in, someone from the other team has to drink the potion it fell on.” 
“What kind of potions–˝ you started to ask.
“–Well if I tell you then where’s the fun?” She said placing her hands over her hips in a reproaching manner “The team that drinks all the potions first loses. If a player is disabled, for whatever reason it might be, he still has to take a shoot in his or her turn. There’s no skipping players, and no cheating, so hand over your wands.” Everyone complied with her demand and she placed them all in a jar on the mantel. “Excellent, if we don’t have any questions, let’s get started.” She pulled out something from her pocket and opened her hand in front of everyone “These are magic beans, each of you gets one of them, you can take it if you can’t stand the effects of the potion, but only after you’ve spent three turns with the effect on you. And… you only get one,” she said with a wicked smile “so if you use it up with a potion that’s not that bad, then you’re gonna have to suck it up and deal with the next potions by yourself, sorry.” 
“And how did she come up with the game?” You whisper-asked to Lily. 
“Beth is pretty well known for her party games,” she responded, leaning into you “and she has the resources to make them all happen too.” 
Everyone walked closer to the table and picked a bean from her hand. Since you didn’t have where to put it, you handed it over to Sirius “Mind keeping this for me?” 
He nodded and placed it in his pocket. Beth spoke then “All right! Witches, wizards, It’s time to start. Mars, it’s your birthday, which means you shoot first.” 
Marlene nodded and grabbed the pig pong ball, shooting it towards the table and having it bounce very close to one of the vials, but failing her shot in the end. 
“It’s ok Mars, not everyone gets it in the first round,” Beth reassured her.
Minho took the ball next, bouncing it and shooting straight into a cup with light blue liquid. He smiled cockily while everyone who was watching cheered. “It’s gonna be you, love,” he said pointing at Beth “It’s only fair since you brought the game.” 
Beth shook her head with a bit of a smile and gulped the mixture down in one go. “Hic–“ she started, “I think it’s –Hic.” 
“Hiccup haze,” you concluded. 
James raised an eyebrow at you and mouthed “How do you know that?” 
“I used it on a teacher I disliked once,” you said with a shrug. 
Lily looked at you with her eyes open wide and her hands covering her mouth “Please remind me not to make you my enemy!” She said and you laughed. 
It was now James’ turn. He grabbed the ball and had it bounce against the table twice before it landed right on a cup, he made a small victory dance and looked straight at you, “Bottoms up, darling.” 
You rolled your eyes but picked up the pink-coloured cup from the table and took the potion in one go. Soon enough all the content in your mouth was turned into jelly, along with the liquid of the potion, “Uggh, I hathe thees slimy feelin’. ”  
Everyone laughed, it was your turn now, so you bounced the ball on the table and somehow scored. “It's payback mopherfugher!” You said pointing at James, who took in the yellow potion in one gulp.
Out of literally nowhere, James Potter turned into a cow. You laughed historically as you heard him Mo, almost choking with your jelly mouth. “Thers a coow pothion?” You asked in between laughter.  
Everyone in the room was laughing along, except for Lily next to you who looked mortified and James –the cow– who just mooed pathetically. And he would have to stay like that for a while. 
Beth was next, she didn’t score. Sirius followed, and he didn’t score either. Marlene’s turn came again and he finally scored, having Minho take the potion this time. He got a potion that made his voice come out in a series of high-pitched squeaks and chirps, like a bird. You giggled along with everyone. 
Sirius shot next and scored, having Holden take the potion, he drank the greenish liquid and shrugged, shaing his head as if nothing had happened. But when he opened his mouth a bubble floated from it, popping after it was just above everyone's head “I don’t think It had any effect,” the bubble said, finally letting Holden’s voice out. Everyone laughed. Then it was James’ turn. Beth moved a little to let the cow close to the table and placed the ball in its mouth. He let it go and it rolled pathetically on the table.
You pulled a face to him and grabbed the ball “Zorthy djaaames!” You said with a shrug and shot. You didn’t score. Beth took the ball and shot herself this time, scoring.
“You’ve-hic– been safe so far Lils –hic,” he said “Go –hic– ahead love!” 
Lily looked at the yellow potion with a frown and reluctantly drank it. Then she started staggering, as if drunk “Everything’s spinning,” she complained, so you walked towards her to hold her. Maintaining her steady. She grabbed the ping pong ball and somehow scored, this time Marlene drank the potion and she started glowing, literally glowing, shining like a lightbulb. 
A bubble came out of Holden’s mouth and popped “Wow Marlene! You really are the star of the party!” You laughed, your mouth was finally getting back to normal, and James turned human again, ending up sitting on the floor and mooing as he turned human. 
He quickly stood up, stretching slightly before he grabbed the ball and shot, having it go straight into one of the cups, he then looked at Sirius “You haven’t taken anything, have you Pads?” You exhaled, thinking he would target you after you made him turn into a cow. 
Sirius looked to the side but grabbed the vial with the black draught, drinking It in one sip. His hair suddenly turned red. He looked at James with an extremely distressed face “What have you done to me Prongs? You ruined my hair!” 
Everyone stared quietly and you handed the ping pong ball to Minho, who probably tried to say thanks but chirped instead. He shot and missed. Beth took the ball next, and shot, right into a purple draught. He gave you a look. “How’s the jelly mouth love?” 
“Almoth gone.” 
“All right, go ahead then.” 
You grabbed the mysterious looking potion and downed it in one go. Your face instantly lit up. giggle brew, you thought as a giggle escaped your mouth, you’d felt this before. A ticklish sensation spread all over your body, which caused another giggle to come out. Lily, who was still dizzy, turned to you with concern. 
But her concerned face looked so hilariously amusing, that it caused you to burst into fits of giggles, too difficult to contain. Then, then you saw Sirius, the beautiful Sirius Black with his hair bright red, oh he’d hate it if someone took a picture. Someone should take a picture, you thought and looked around trying to find someone who would. And there you saw it, Alex, your Hufflepuff friend, had a Polaroid in his hands. So you turned to him with a smile and shouted “A picture–“ you said, bursting into a breathy laugh in the end “Take a picture Alex,” you said, turning to him, holding Lily and having Sirius and Minho turn to the camera. By the time Alex clicked on the camera button to snap the shot, you had managed to place Sirius’ arms over yours and Minho’s shoulders, your cheeks flushed with joy, and eyes sparkling with mirth. 
When Alex handed you the picture you laughed again, you felt so much joy. The picture was absolutely hilarious and you laughed again as you looked at it. “Who’s turn is it now?” Asked James. Sirius grabbed the ball from your cup and took a shot, it landed right on a cup, splashing the two other cups left on his table, and you giggled again, finding it amusing. 
“Who’s drinking it?” Asked Minho, he’d finally gotten his voice back, you giggled remembering the squeaks and chirps. 
Beth did, and suddenly she was in slow motion, every movement seemed like it’d been slowed down, which only made you laugh even further. She took a shot and failed. Minho took the next shot and it landed on one of their cups. Marlene drank it and her tongue suddenly transformed into that of a snake. Hissing as she tried to speak. You tried not to laugh, you really did, it was her birthday after all, but you couldn’t suppress the wave of amusement that’d hit you and bursted into laughter again. 
Lily shot and missed. Beth shot, in slow motion, and it hit right on the cup. You laughed again. Minho downed it since he was the only one not affected by a potion at the moment. Well, Sirius only had colourful hair, but he was making a drama about it. Minho started tap dancing the moment he took the drink and you giggled yet again. 
Eventually, it was your turn again, and you landed the shot, effectively finishing the game. Beth walked towards you and placed a potion-shaped pin on your shirt. It said “Potion Master,” you giggled as you imagined yourself in Slughorn’s clothes, you couldn’t help it, all you felt was a state of sheer merriment and delight. 
Everyone started to take the beans Beth had given them at the beginning. Lily went straight to sit down to try and get a sense of stability and Sirius’ hair turned back to normal. You got close to him and grabbed a strand. “It was cute in red too.” 
He rose an eyebrow cockily, of course he would “Was it?” 
“Yeah,” you said in between breathy laughs. 
He grabbed your jaw in between his hands, you giggled when you felt his cold rings against your skin. “Open your mouth,” he ordered. 
“Kinky!” you responded with a smile, but complied “AAAhhh.” 
He instantly put the bean inside. You munched on it. Finally coming down from the high the potion had you in. 
Then Sirius leaned closer, still with his hand on your cheeks “Now love, do you still want me to be kinky?” 
You playfully pushed him back and used your finger to warn him “Don’t play games with me Black,” you said before walking towards Lily on the couch. 
When you were finally sitting down you saw Peter coming in through the portrait with a huge cake in his hands. A girl making sure he didn’t trip accompanied him. 
You smiled and started singing loudly “Happy birthday to you…” 
Everyone started to sing along “Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday dear Marlene, Happy birthday to you…” Marlene hadn’t taken her bean, so she was still glowing like a fairy as she blew on the candles with everyone around her, you noticed a flash from the camera and once everyone was back in their seats as Peter and Remus helped cut the cake, you took the photo they’d taken during potion pong again. 
You stared at it for a while, you looked so bloody happy it was insane “Did you like it?” Alex asked, approaching you. 
“I absolutely love it!” You told him with a smile “ You can really tell I’m drinking giggle brew tho.” 
He frowned, “I don’t think so,” he said, pulling out another picture from his pocket and handing it over. In this picture, you weren’t holding Lily yet, James was a cow and Sirius’ hair was black. Definitely, before you took the potion, but your smile, it was just as bright as in the other picture. You blinked a couple of times, looking at the picture and back at Alex “I regretted not being chosen to play,” he told you “You guys were having so much fun.” 
“I’ll make sure Beth picks you next time. Can I keep this one too?” 
“Hold up,” he said, grabbing it from your hands “Gemino,” he whispered, the picture split in two, creating identical copies. “I need to keep them for the yearbook.” He explained. 
But you looked at him surprised. “You just… you just used a Gemino Curse.” 
He smiled proudly, “You’ll see it in charms on 7th, It’s sooo useful.” 
“I bet! Is it too hard? Could you teach me now?” 
He seemed to think about it for a minute and nodded. Eventually, Mary came looking for you and dragged you to the table to get some more pictures taken along with the rest of the Gryffindor gang. 
Once the party was over, most people were gone except a few of the older kids. That’s when Beth came down with another small box in her hands. “It’s time for the last game of the night,” she said with a smirk and pulled out a potion from the box. 
“Is that… Veritaserum?” Asked Lily. 
Beth nodded “Welcome to truth or dare, where absolutely no one can lie.” 
Your draw dropped in shock “For real?” You asked, and Beth nodded. 
“Come on, we’ll sit in a circle.” she said with a smile “Those brave enough, of course.” 
“HOLD UP! What kind of dares?” You asked. 
Lily turned to you. “Any kind of dare. Last time I had to levitate every single one of the objects in the room.” 
“Yeah, this time might be a bit different. See everyone will write 3 dares and 3 questions on a piece of paper. And we’ll place them in these bowls,” she lifted a blue and a red bowl. “Then each turn you’ll choose truth or dare and pick one.” 
“Aha,” you said and walked towards her “What’s your plan?” You mouthed. 
“I’m playing matchmaker today,” she replied mischievously and nodded towards Marlene and Holden who were talking in the corner. 
“I see,” you said with a smile, you decided you’d become her accomplice, making sure all the dares and questions you wrote were relatively romantic. Little did you know your matchmaking would bite you in the back. “Who else is playing?” You asked.
“I’m in,” said Lily walking to fill up some papers “Mary, Marlene?” 
“We’re coming,” said Mary. Holden stayed by Marlene’s side and took some paper to fill out as well. 
“I wouldn’t miss a good truth or dare,” said Sirius, pulling Remus along with him. 
James and Peter joined you next, and eventually around 12 people had gathered along, all sitting in a circle. You sat right in between Lily and Sirius. Beth grabbed a glass and poured all the veritaserum inside, taking a sip and handing it over to the person next to her so they could do the same. Once everyone had taken a sip, the game started.
“Marlene, you’re the birthday girl, which means you go first,” she said looking straight at your friend, “truth or dare?” 
Marlene, who was sitting in between James and Holden responded “Truth,” and then went to grab a paper from the red bowl “It says, Which Deathly Hallow would you choose if given the chance: the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, or the Invisibility Cloak?” She seemed to think about it for a minute. “Easy, all the other brothers died, I’ll take the invisibility cloak.” She turned to her right “Holden, truth or dare?” 
“Dare,” he said and grabbed a paper “Take a sip from the mystery potion left over from Potion Pong… How do I find that?” 
“Oh,” said Beth pulling something out of her pockets “Here it is,” she handed it over with a smile. 
Holden grabbed it and did what the potion told him “I think it did nothing,” he said, but then Marlene accidentally brushed her arm on his and he started laughing “Oh, stop, please! No tickles!” 
Everyone looked at him confused and once he finally stopped laughing Beth spoke “Oh, Maybe it was Ticklemania.” She then turned to Tom, who sat next to Holden “Truth or dare?” 
“Dare,” he responded and grabbed a piece of paper “Make a floating sculpture with items around the room, All right then, not that hard,” he said and started lifting random objects until he made a floating dolphin. “Your turn Beth.” 
She went ahead and grabbed a dare “Take off a piece of clothing and switch it with the player next to you.” She nodded and took off her scarf, switching it with Lily’s headband.
Lily grabbed a dare “Kiss the player to your right –on the mouth– for 3 seconds.” She then turned to you “To kiss… to kiss her?” She asked, shocked. 
Karma, you thought, you’d written that one. But if you called this one kiss off then all dares could be called off and your matchmaking would fail. So in order to succeed in this ordeal, you would have to kiss Lily. Not that you minded too much, Lily was very pretty, and she always smelled really nice too. 
“It’s what the dare says.” 
She exhaled but nodded “Ok,” she turned to you “Are you sure you’re ok with it?” 
You nodded and you both leaned in, locking lips together. It was over quite fast and all you could think of after, to lighten the mood, was to joke about it “Great kisser Evans.” 
She scoffed and lightly hit you in the arm “And you expected me to be bad? I’m offended!” You both laughed along after that. But it was your turn now. 
Everyone seemed to be avoiding truth so far, and to be honest you also wanted to avoid it, especially since you’d written some of these questions and you definitely did not want to respond them. So you went for a dare. “Perform a spell or charm that can entertain the other players in the room.” You nodded and used a spell to puncture the balloons, causing them all to make a funny sound as they blew all over the room, you leaned down when one of them passed over your head. You smiled when it was done and made a bit of a bow before sitting back down. 
“Sirius, Truth or dare?” 
“Truth?” He said before grabbing one of the papers “Have you ever used magic for personal gain or to break the rules at Hogwarts? If so, explain the situation.” He laughed right after reading “Which one do I even say?” 
“Oh, tell them about the clock,” said Peter. 
“No, tell them about the time you got Peeves to help on a prank.” 
“Yeah guys, go ahead please, continue telling everyone about ALL the pranks we DIDN’T get caught doing. What could go wrong?” Remus said exasperated. 
“I know,” said Sirius “One time, we created a rainy cloud and enchanted it to follow around some disagreeable Slytherin students.” 
Minho, the only Slytherin in the room, laughed first “Oh! That explains so much. Severus was so pissed that day, but he had no way of proving it was you.” 
Sirius nodded, surprisingly, even if Minho was a Slytherin they seemed to be pretty good friends. Maybe it was because they were both beaters. What you didn’t know is that Minho had been the one to help them get the alcoholic beverages, since he was in 7th and had already turned of legal age, all the Marauders had become his friends like that. 
“All right, Moons, your turn,” Said Sirius. 
“Dare,” he responded without beating an eyelash and grabbed a piece of paper “Give a 10-minute foot massage to the person on your left?” 
You laughed when Sirius threw him a teasing look. 
“Who cares? I get a free massage,” said Sirius as he was unlacing his boots. Remus sighed. Finally, Sirius took his boot off, showing a pair of colourful Gryffindor-themed socks. That’s what you call commitment to a brand, you thought. Sirius then turned his feet towards Remus and let his head fall on your leg “Do you mind?” He asked looking up at you, you could see his dark lashes framing his stunning icy blue eyes, but also noticed how he asked after he had already gotten himself all comfortable.
“No really,” you replied, and he nodded in response, closing his eyes as Remus started rubbing his feet. And damn were you a little jealous as you saw Remus pressing his strong hands on Sirius’s feet, he was clearly, really good at massaging. Sirius’ face told you everything. 
Then it was Imogen’s turn, a Hufflepuff girl you’d shared classes with before. She was very smart, you remembered. She picked truth and grabbed a paper “Fuck, Mary, Kill: Slughorn, Kettleburn and Nightshade.” She said, “Ummm… I’d murder Slugorn, fuck Kettleburn and Mary Nightshade.” 
“You’d fuck Kettlebrun?!” Asked Beth shocked. 
“Between him and Slughorn? Every single time!” Imogen responded. 
“And you’d marry Nightshade?” Asked Peter. 
“Who wouldn’t marry Nightshade?” 
You nodded to what Imogen was saying “No, no, Imogen has a point,” you said pointing a finger at her “Seraphina is stunning.” Sirius looked at you with a raised eyebrow, he still lied his head on your right leg “She has this grace to her, she’s like a ballerina.”
“She was a ballerina,” Said James as he munched on something.
“Really? How do you know?” 
“She’s friends with our parents,” explained Peter, and grabbed a paper himself. He also chose truth “Do you like anyone? If so, say who it is.” Peter was instantly red and looked around as if checking if a particular person was still in the room, he took a deep breath once he was sure, and let himself speak “Yes there is, it’s this very pretty Ravenclaw girl from Fifth called Annabeth.” 
“Annie Doxon?” Beth jumped from her seat “You have a crush on my cousin?!” Peter nodded, still shy. “Ok then, you break her heart, I break your nose.” Peter nodded, he knew Beth wouldn’t be too excited about it anyway “But I’m happy, at least you’re a good guy, I’m sure you’ll treat her well,” she cheered “Potter, you’re up.” 
James grabbed a dare and after reading it out loud he tied his shirt over his belly and started belly dancing as best of his ability allowed him. And surprisingly, he was actually pretty good at it, which had everyone laughing. You leaned over to Lily, careful not to disturb Sirius, whose hair you’d started playing with at some point and whispered “Bet he’s got some sick moves in the bedroom too,” she gasped and hit you lightly, turning red as a tomato. Which just caused you to laugh even more, Lily was definitely going to end up with James Potter. And they’d probably have the cutest children. 
Eventually, it was Marlene’s turn again, she chose dare and ended up giving Holden a massage, and Holden had to hold hands with her for the rest of the game when he got his dare. By the time Mary was taking her paper, the sand clock you’d set to measure the 10 minutes Remus would rub Sirius’ feet was over and he shoved Sirius’ feet off his lap.
“Oi, a bit more careful there Moony!” He complained as he finally sat up straight again. 
“Yeah?, well I’ve had enough of your stinky feet,” Remus retorted. 
“Take that back, My feet are NOT stinky!” He then turned to you “Are they Love?” 
“Sirius, no matter how much I appreciate you, I will not be smelling your feet.” 
He pouted and was about to speak again but got interrupted by Mary “Fuck James, marry Remus, Kill Sirius,” she said carelessly. 
“Who put our names in the–“ Remus started. 
“–You’d kill me? But I’m beautiful!” Sirius gasped. 
“I wouldn’t wanna deal with the drama,” she responded simply. 
“And I’m certain I’d be a better lay than Prongs too.” 
“You wish,” James snapped and threw a pillow he had at Sirius’ face. 
“LOOKS LIKE IT’S MY TURN!” Said Tom with his hands extended to the sides to get everyone's attention. He took a truth as well. “Name a teacher you’d hate to see naked and a teacher you’d like to see naked. WHO WROTE THIS?! You guys are sick. I’d hate to see Slughorn naked. I’d like to…” he shuddered “I don’t want to see any teacher naked.” 
“You have to name someone,” argued Imogen. 
“Name it, Name it, Name it,” everyone started to choir. 
“Professor Spellman?” 
“Profesor Spellman!?” Asked Peter confused. 
Tom shrugged, “I bet he’s ripped under those robes.” 
Everyone laughed. On Beth’s turn, she had to do a cartwheel and then it was Lily’s turn, she went straight for a dare “Kiss for 30 seconds, whoever is in front of you,” she said looking up from her seat and discovering it was none-other than James Potter. 
You tried to hold a laugh. And patted her on the back, she turned to Beth distressed “Can’t I just Kiss (Y/N) again?”
“Can’t stop thinking of me, huh?” You teased with your eyebrows raised, Sirius’ personality was rubbing on you. She gave you a reproachful look, as if asking for help. 
“Rules are rules love,” said Beth and motioned for Lily and James to get closer together. She awkwardly did, James just stood in his place, frozen in shock. 
“I– I’m gonna start, m’kay?” She asked James.
He nodded awkwardly, and in an instant, they were locking lips. Their kiss was nothing like yours and Lily’s, just a peck and then done, no, they were kissing. James had even grabbed Lily by the waist and pulled her closer at some point. Those thirty seconds were up, and you were sure they were still kissing. But eventually, Lilly broke this kiss off, clearing her throat and crawled back to her seat next to you. 
You turned to her “You good?” You asked with concern. She nodded a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. You smiled and grabbed your paper. 
“Sit on the lap of the player to your right for the rest of the game.” You read, with a bit of a frown “Seat on the lap of–?” 
“–Sirius Black.” Finished Lily. 
“Don’t you…?” You were about to ask, but Sirius had already accommodated himself and waited for you with open arms and a welcoming smile. Of course Sirius wouldn’t mind, he was Mr. Flirt after all. “Kay then,” you said and moved to his lap. He held you by the waist and set his head on your neck. 
“Mind passing over a dare paper?” He asked. 
You leaned in and grabbed one and opened it for him “Let a player draw something on your arm,” you read. 
He shrugged and handed you his arm. “There you go love, draw me a Picasso.” 
“I could just draw a dick,” you teased. 
He nudged you with his head “Draw something nice, would ya? I’ll leave it on all week if you do.” 
You raised an eyebrow and nodded as you used your wand to bring your quill and ink closer, dipping your quill in the dark ink and drawing on Sirius’ arm. 
“We’re almost out of papers,” said Beth as she leaned over the two bowls. 
“We should probably end soon anyway,” Lily said, stretching her arms, “It’s getting kinda late.” 
“What’s it gonna be Rem? Truth or dare?” Asked Beth. 
“Dare,” he chose again, not even thinking about it, he leaned over and grabbed a paper, looking visibly pale as he read. Not that you noticed, you were very focused on Sirius’ arm. 
“Well then? What does it say?” Asked Beth. 
Remus didn’t say a word. Imogen grabbed the paper from his hand and read it “Kiss the person to your left for one minute straight.” The second those words left her mouth your pen went completely sideways, leaving a straight line in the middle of your drawing, you looked up, alarmed. 
“But… there’s two people on Remus’ left,” Imogen continued. 
“Three people kiss?” said Beth as an option. 
“Three people kiss? What on earth is that?!” Asked Remus alarmed. 
“It’d be too awkward for a minute straight,” said Imogen as she shook her head with a soft tsk, she wasn’t convinced. 
“Pick one then,” Beth said with a shrug.
“Well, it’s obvious, (Y/N), she’s the girl.” Said Peter. 
“But I had to kiss her too, that doesn’t matter in this game,” argued Lily.
“And Sirius was to his left originally,” chimed Holden.
Remus’ eyes darted from one person to the other, looking further mortified at the second. “Let’s just wand, potion, spell it,” you intervened “Destiny chooses instead, how does that sound?” Remus looked at you and nodded. 
“Well then,” you shifted on Sirius’ lap so you could see him directly, “Ready?” 
“Do we do it in the first result or two out of three?” He asked.
“I– I don’t know… Rem?”
“Two out of three.” 
“Well then, it’s settled.” 
The two of you positioned your right hand on top of your left “Wand, Potion, Spell.” You said together. Sirius’ hand turned into a fist with his thumbs up, Potion, beating your extended palm, spell.
“Ok, again,” he said. 
“Wand, Potion, Spell.” You repeated this time you chose spell, beating his wand. 
You gave him a look, Remus was still holding his breath right next to the two of you.
“Wand, Potion, Spell.” You both choose spell. “Wand, Potion, Spell.” You both picked wand. 
“Sirius!” You complained. 
“Not doing it on purpose luv!” He argued back. 
“Ok, this is the one, ready?” He nodded. 
“Wand, Potion, Spell.” Sirius chose spell, you chose potion. 
“(Y/N) Won,” said Beth, “It’s settled then, go ahead.”
You threw her a look “I’m gonna end up kissing the entire circle with this game,” you complained as you tried to move off Sirius, but he tightened his hold on your waist. 
“Gotta stay here till the end of the game, remember?” He asked, not allowing you to budge. You turned to him with a frown. 
“He’s right, if you get off you’ll get a penalty,” agreed Imogen. 
You gave him a confused look and he just shrugged, “Rules are rules.” 
Remus moved closer instead “You sure you’re ok with it?” He asked, sincerity in his voice as he stared at you, faces inches away from each other. You nodded and closed the gap between the two of you. 
As your lips met Remus', you instinctively placed your right hand on his shoulder to steady yourself, Sirius' hands remained securely wrapped around your waist, you could feel his subtle shifts beneath you as you continued to kiss his friend. The nature of the situation made you wonder if you had ever found yourself in such an uncomfortable scenario before. No, not that –it was weird– but it wasn’t particularly uncomfortable, in fact, Remus’ kiss was quite nice.
It was delicate and it was sweet. Remus tasted of chocolate and rum, and you let yourself enjoy the moment, you were sure Sirius was intently staring at the both of you, you wondered what he was thinking as you felt the muscles of his tights tense, and relax. As you explored the gentle rhythm of Remus’ kiss, any apprehension dissipated, replaced by a growing sense of ease, even with Sirius staring at the two, it was strangely enjoyable. The gentleness of Remus' lips against yours seemed to resonate both affection and curiosity, you wondered if he was being gentle because that was in his nature, if he was being gentle because it was you he was kissing, or perhaps because you were in the middle of a dare, and that’s what would be expected of him. 
Eventually, the last drop of sand from the hourglass reached the bottom, and it emitted a soft sound. You and Remus finally separated, looking at each other with breaths slightly heavy, both attempting to regain your composure. Once you caught your breath you decided you had to do something to ease the situation, or something. So you channelled your inner Sirius Black and reacted as he would, you smirked; “Well then Remus, thank you for that delightful kiss, love that you put in an effort even if it was just a dare, anyway, who’s next? I really can’t be the only one who keeps kissing everyone around me, can I?” People laughed at your reaction, Remus was shaking his head with a small smile slipping from his lips, maybe he had kissed Sirius in the end. 
Sirius leaned into your ear, whispering “Smooth way to divert the tension luv,” he whispered as Imogen grabbed a paper, and you gulped as Sirius' breath brushed your neck. 
“It’s me,” said Imogen, still processing how you’d been so brave to kiss a boy while sitting on another’s lap. She wanted to be like you when she grew older “It says: If you could be anyone in this room, who would it be?” She seemed to think about it for a second “I mean… right at this moment? (Y/N), she’s gotten the most action tonight.” 
You laughed, reclining against Sirius unconsciously, “Well, then, switch with me,” you told her as a joke, but you felt Sirius’ hold tighten, as if reproachful. 
Peter leaned in for a paper “Give your best friend a lap dance.” He read. “What?! Who wrote this?” You laughed, at least you hadn’t gotten that one.  
“Get up Jaaaames,” you heard Sirius say in a sing-song voice from behind. He pulled a chair with magic to the centre of the circle and set the record player to “Love to Love You Baby” by Donna Summer. 
James sat on the chair with a smile as Peter stood up, walking in front of James and started to dance. Peter was not vibing with the song or the dare for that matter. But he pulled through, even with Sirius’ constant teasing “Come on Pete, you’re not getting tips tonight if you don’t put in an effort!” 
You eventually joined the teasing too, whistling as Sirius continued talking. Once the song was over Peter went instantly back to his place, hiding his entire face between his hands and questioning all the life decisions that had led him to that moment. 
There was only one paper left, and it was James' turn. He leaned in and grabbed the truth paper “Have you ever had a crush on anyone in this circle?” He read, and then he nodded “Of course I have. But you all know who it is already.” 
Lily coughed several times “Well, game’s over,” she said as she stood up and pulled Marlene towards the fire with her “We should sleep soon, so go ahead, time to open the gifts.”
Marlene raised an eyebrow at her, she just shrugged. You, like the good friend you were, decided to tease her further, finally leaving Sirius’ lap and walking behind her “Wow, Lils, never seen you run from a situation faster than that.” 
“Shut it, luv.” She Told you and pulled you to sit on the sofa, the rest followed you seconds after, all walking towards the comfortable living room-like setup in front of the sofa. Once everyone was comfortable, Beth urged Marlene to sit on the rug in front of everyone to open her gifts. She’d gotten a quill set from her parents, a magical chess set, an enchanted journal, some fun jewellery, the Jersey you’d gotten her and many other things. 
You all sat comfortably in front of the fire as she continued opening her gifts.   
You leaned down next to her when she opened a box with bright red wrapping “Is that quidditch polish set?” You asked with a smile “That’s brilliant!” 
“Thanks,” said James, of course, he would have been the one to give her that “now you can be the fastest beater.” 
Sirius looked at him with a shrug and hit him on the arm with the back of his hand in a reproachful manner “Way to drag your friend down, mate!”
“Hmmm… there’s only one way to find out,” Marlene said with a shrug “A race…” she smirked at the last bit. 
You looked at her and then back at Sirius, eyebrows raised slightly and nodding along with Marlene “AND you know, Sirius Black does owe me race…” 
He looked at you with an amused look on his face, his eyes shining at the dare “You’re on.” 
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A/N: I swear this has been one of my favourite chapters to write so far. What was our dear Sirius thinking when he stared at you? What was Remus thinking? So much drama I love this sm. Some interesting things are coming soon, stay tuned lovelies <3
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kaylinlmfao · 1 year
Okay so you know the Dark!Ethan Landry x Fem!reader where he finds out she pregnant, can you do a part to if it?
the abortion (2/3)
type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark, suggestive
warning(s): smut, rough angry smut, sub space, orgasm denial/control, overstimulation, breeding, pregnancy, ownership kink, dom ethan being a cocky tease, choking, slapping, bondage, just really dirty and nasty in general, RAPE/NON CON, degradation, ethan is super experienced like a fuckboy
pairing(s): dom!ghostface!dark!toxic!ethan landry x sub!shy!reader
A/N: thank you guys so much for all the requests that have been coming in! please, keep em coming. any idea you have, no matter how dark it is, I'll write it. but just know, I'm mainly into writing for ethan (or tara and sam) and the sturniolo triplets so if you request someone or something not those people, it might take me a little bit longer to get to them but they will be written. it'll just take a bit longer. but keep the requests coming, I love them! reblogs are much appreciated but please don't repost my original work on other platforms without giving credit! I might do another part to this but idk yet. enjoy!
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I bang and pound on his back as i scream for him to put me down. "ethan! put me down right now! I don't want to "try again" you idiot! I didn't want a baby in the first place! we're only teenagers. you fucking-" he cuts off my screams by slamming me on the bed, hand gripping your throat. "fucking what, y/n? hm?" my vision was hazy as I stared into his dark eyes. "bitch" I say, spitting in his face and then starting to kick and fight him to get him off of me. I felt his leg buckle as I kicked his kneecap and I took the opportunity to roll off the bed and run to the door. as I were running, he grabbed my ankle, pulling hard causing me to fall. I let out a cry of pain and he stood and walked over to me.
"sweetheart, I want a baby so we can be together forever. what don't you understand?" "I understand that you are a demented motherfucker who deserves nothing in life." "you're making this much more difficult than it needs to be, princess. I was gonna fuck you slow and romantic on the nice soft mattress, but you pissed me off. so now you get a rough hard fuck on the floor. we could've prevented all of this if you would just listen to me" he told me, looking at me in a way that made me almost forget what he was gonna fuck me for.
i back away as he pulled his belt off with one hand, knowing what was coming. "give me your wrists now, y/n" "no! fuck you!" i shout. "what did I say? you're just making me angrier." he grabs both my wrists in one veiny ring clad hand and wraps the belt in sort of a handcuffs thing. "get off of me ethan please. we can't raise a child." he ignores me as he begins to pull my shorts off. I whimper when I see him pull a knife out of his pocket. "ethan please" "you begging just makes me wanna stuff you with my cum even more sweetheart" i hold back a moan at his words as he cuts my shirt, bra, and panties off, laughing at the goosebumps that cover my skin at his touch.
he immediately takes one of my nipples into his mouth and starts roughly sucking and biting it. I barely hold back a moan as he travels down toward my navel and then past, to where I need him most. he chuckles lowly when he sees how wet i am. "oh princess. you're soaked. do you need me that bad? you're awful wet for someone who doesn't want this." "I don't want you ethan" "so you don't want me to do this?" he asks. I gasp as his lips meet my clit and my eyes nearly roll back into my skull as I feel a rush of pleasure.
"or this?" my clit is sucked into his mouth and I make a pornographic sound I've never heard before. "how about this, mhm?" I shake uncontrollably as he sucks hard on my clit, flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth as I get closer to the edge. he plunges his tongue deep into my pussy, in and out so fast that I can't see. right as I'm about to fall over the edge, he pulls his tongue out and backs away. I let out a loud sob as tears slip down my cheeks from being so close to my orgasm and then getting it snatched away. "oh poor baby. don't worry, I'm gonna fuck you. I'll fill my cock in you so deep you won't be able to breathe. you won't be able to do anything but scream and take what I give you. and you'll love it."
"please! please!" he tears his shirt off and I stare at his muscular upper body while he takes his pants off. I see his dick flap up and hit his stomach. I forgot how big and wide he was. at the sight of his cock and the way my pussy was throbbing so hard I almost was crying, every rational thought flew straight out of my head and all I could think of was getting his dick inside of me. "I fucking-" i scream in pleasure as ethan pushes his entire length into my pussy in one thrust. he's pounding into me so fast and I have no time to adjust, it burns. but I fucking love it.
ethan lifts my legs over his shoulders and now the deeper angle he is at he's hitting my g-spot with every thrust. my breaths keep getting caught in my throat. "ethan. please. slow. down." I make out. "oh no, I'm keeping my promise. fucking you so hard you can't breathe and then filling you up so deep with my cum that your little tummy is bloated." I scream as I cum hard from his harsh thrusts and dirty words as he pinches and slaps my tits. he flips me over onto my stomach and re-enters me so quickly I didn't even have a chance to take a breath before he's pounding into me again, his tip kissing my cervix. he's slapping and gripping my ass hard. "please!" I babble, waving my hands around, needing something to hold onto to keep me from passing out. my back is arching so far as he pulls me up so my back is against his chest.
I'm about to cum again when I feel his hand wrap around my throat as he squeezes hard, leaving me with no oxegen as I cum hard again, creaming and clenching around his dick. he flips me back over onto my back again and continues thrusting. I'm sobbing, tears and mascara running down my face as I moan and babble incoherently from the lack of oxegen and the overstimulation. "who's the bitch? any other insults? I can't hear you. use your words princess" he knows you can't. he knows damn well that there isn't a thought in your head except for him.
he's pressing hard on my stomach which is exactly where I feel him. my body tightens and I come again. but this time, I can't stop cumming. and he won't stop thrusting. he needs to stop because I can't breathe and I'm gonna have a heart attack. "please slow" "you can give one more" little does he know I'm still cumming from the last one. he finally slows his thrusts, just a little bit, but enough that I have a second to breathe and stop creaming his dick.
but then he starts pounding harder than he has this entire time. I'm on my back with my arms above my head, my fists clenching and unclenching trying to find something to hold onto as they're still tied. he pinches my clit one more time hard as I squirt around his dick. he thrusts a few more times before he let's out a groan and fills up my tummy with his cum. I take deep breaths as he pulls out of me, carefully making sure all his cum stays inside my fluttering and abused cunt, which is still clenching around nothing.
I lay there as he stares at me with dark proud eyes. my hair is tangled and stuck to my forehead from the sweat. my lips are swollen and my eyes are bright red from crying. my cheeks are red and tear and mascara streaks are running down them. my tits and neck are red and purple from his abuse and the hickeys. my chest is heaving and my thighs are shaking. I can't even imagine how my ass and thighs look from the way he was spanking me and gripping me. but he doesn't care. he just looks at me with possessive eyes as he goes to run a bath and put his clothes on. he comes out of the bathroom, fully clothed as he unties my wrists. ethan helps me stand and climb into the bathtub before gripping my chin and turning my face to look at his.
"if you aren't pregnant, its ok. we'll have sex until you are. but if you are pregnant and you abort my child again, it will be worse than this. do you understand me, princess?" I nod my head slowly, maintaining eye contact. "good girl" he turns and leaves my dorm, leaving me bruised and exhausted in the bathtub with a thousand thoughts running through my head. the first being, where can I get another abortion pill? I'll be gone before he can do anything to me, but I will not have a child with ethan landry.
1.5k words (I went way overboard)
@onedayatatime6 @ilovechickenwings @tommysaxes @layla29sworld @misscaller06
I hope you guys liked it! I went a little overboard I think and I don't really love it but this is how most of my smut will be so I'm sorry if it was too much for y'all! keep those request coming please! expect more fics with ethan and the sturniolo's (mostly dark smut) coming tonight! i am also working on a chris sturniolo ghostface fic (smut), matt sturniolo ghostface (smut), and one with all three of them (suggestive). comment on this post if you want to be apart of my tagslist for my future fics! thanks! ;) -kaylin
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
Summary: Jeonghan ‘sneaks’ away from group activities to spend the day with you.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 1,293
Jeonghan X Reader
Requested: I feel like I *should* be requesting for Pentagon bc who else is gonna request for our beloved nugus but like —--- building a snowman with hannie 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Prompt: 2. Building a snowman together 
You look out your back window, watching the snow come down making the blankets of snow higher. You sip from your coffee and feel at peace. You look over at your calendar to see if you have anything planned. When you hear a knock at your door, finding nothing marked for today, you make your way over to it. You peek through the glass to see your boyfriend, Jeonghan, shivering and waiting on the other side. You quickly open the door, ushering him in, “I didn’t expect to see you today!” He shrugs but gives you a small smile as he says, “I was in the neighborhood.” You squint, “But you live a city away?” He nods, “The boys and I are filming a Christmas video at the abandoned building on the corner of Millerd.” You smile, “So, you snuck away to see me?” He smiles yet shakes his head, “It’s not sneaking away if everyone knows where you’re going.” You laugh, “They caught you?” He pouts, “Yeah…” You shake your head at him and ask, “You want some hot coffee?” He nods, “I’d like that.” You put some water on, “Instant, good?” He nods, “Do you still have my creamer?” You smile, “I always buy it.” 
While you wait for it to boil, you sit at your dining room table. And Jeonghan, out of his winter gear, sits across from you. You sigh, “I wish we weren’t so busy this time of year.” He hums, “Me too. But at least we're together right now.” You agree and hear the water boil. You get up, put three scoops of instant coffee into his cup, and pour the water over it. You stir it before putting the cream in and hand him his cup before sitting back down. He hums as he sips it, “You always make it just how I like it.” You shrug, “It's only two scoops.” He shakes his head, “It means more than that.” You give him a small smile as his hand finds yours. You relax back into your chair, holding Jeonghan's hand while you look out the window. Feeling at peace as you sip away your coffee. He clears his throat, “Why don’t we make the most of the time we have today?” You look over at him, “Like how?” He cheekily smiles, “I have a few ideas, but why don’t we build a snowman together?” You smile as you shake your head before drinking another sip of coffee. Putting down your mug and squeezing his hand, “I’d like that.” 
When the two of you finish your warm coffee, you get bundled up in your winter gear. You look over at Jeonghan, and he comes over and tucks your scarf into your coat. You blush but reach up and tie the strings of his hat underneath his chin. He gives you a small smile, and after you pull on your gloves, you both walk outside into the freezing cold weather. You look at each other as you both shiver, which causes you two to burst out laughing. 
You quickly make your way to the middle of your front yard. You look at him and go, “It’s cold. We better do this quickly.” He agrees, and you move snow together to pile up at the bottom. As you push in another bundle of snow, he asks, “How big should we make him?” You circle to the front, seeing that you both made a rather large base and go, “He’s looking pretty good right now. What do you say?” He nods, “Like we should roll up the middle and head.” You agree, and while he works on the middle ball, you work on making the perfect round head. Satisfied with the size, you get up to see him finishing up the middle, “Want to help me lift it?” You nod and come over, and together, you roll it closer before placing it on the base. You both back up and tell him, “Woah, it’s going to be tall.” He agrees, and you both move over to the head. You both pick it up, place it on top, and position it to sit perfectly before looking over it. You high-five as you move around to sculpt it and make it look pretty. 
Once that’s finished, you pull out a bag you both prepared filled with items to give the snowman ‘life.’ You hand him half and work on the eyes. You stick the carrot nose in and look down to see the brilliant coal smile he gave him. He goes, “He’ll need arms.” You nod and look around your yard for any leftover branches from fall. You find a branch with three prongs at the end, the perfect hand. You stick yours on the right side, and he sticks his two-pronged branch into the left. “We did it!” You both high-five before pulling back to look at it, “It’s missing something…” It takes you both a minute before you realize, “Oh! He needs a hat!” You pull off your hat, and he gasps, “He needs a scarf!” He wraps his scarf around the snowman's sculpted neck, and it finally looks complete. 
You smile as you both back away, and he pulls you into his side. You lean your head against his shoulder. Taking in his warmth, you snuggle closer in. He kisses the top of your head as you admire the snowman you made together. He asks, “So, what should we name him?” You say the first thing that comes to mind, “Oatmeal.” He blinks at you before asking, “Oatmeal?” The two of you giggle, and he says, “Frosty?” You smile, “Frosty is a nice name.” You take a few photos of Frosty and a few of you both besides Frosty. You look over the pictures he took as he looks over yours. When you hand each other back your phones, you tell him, “We did a nice job!” He agrees, “We did!” 
He looks at you and then at the front door, “Let’s get back in! It’s cold!” You smirk, “Race ya!” You both rush inside, yelling the whole way to the door, having taken the cold for too long and wanting to win. He wins by a millisecond and opens the door for you both. With the door finally closed, you both giggle as you take your winter gear back off. He asks, “Tea this time?” And you agree as you both head to the bathroom. He turns the faucet on to cold water. And you both put your stinging fingers under the water, slowly bringing them back to room temperature.
When your hands are finally warm and dry, you ask, “How much longer can you stay?” He looks at his phone, scrunches his nose, and says, “Let me make a call?” You nod and lean against the bathroom door frame as he sits on the counter. He laughs as soon as the other person answers. When he says, “Yeah, hyung, can I?” You realize he’s talking to Seungcheol. He hums to whatever he said before saying, “Yeah, yeah. I know. But I’ll film my parts tomorrow.” He grumbles on the other end, and you laugh to yourself. And Jeonghan winks at you as he says, “Yeah, my cutie wants me to stay longer.” You blush yet continue to listen and hear Seungcheol go, “Okay-” Before he can say another word, Jeonghan goes, “Great, thanks, now, if you don’t mind, the two of us have lots to catch up on. See you tomorrow!” With that, he hangs up and hops off the counter before wrapping his arms around you. “I have the rest of my day with you.” You smile into his chest as you tell him, “I’m glad.”
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 3
A/N: I'm so damn happy, adding that It's Ben' bday, that I'll share two parts of this and an oneshot
Tagging: @bloody-mf-bsc, @augustwithquills
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Liked by benbarnes, jessie_mei_li, blakelively, jennaortega and 7,453,241 others
Y/N Y/L/N: There they are, my beautiful girls!🥹💞
My offer is still on, btw 🤭
View 675,132 comments
User2: The Devil works hard, but no one works harder than Y/N in trying to woo her girlfriends
Jessie_mei_li: She really doesn't have to, we're all very happy to oblige... And so do everyone else, like have you seen her? 🫦😏
freddycarter1: benbarnes, I think you are loosing your woman here...😳🫢
Kittheyounger: I don't want to be a child of divorce! 😭
User6: Now I wanna know what her offer is...
User4: Ben Barnes is being attacked from every corner possible and we are all watching, him loose this Great War.
User1: He still is very much so in love and ready to fight tooth and nail for her... Even though he is usually a dork 🤣
User8: That one time when Y/N ate what Ben made for her on her birthday, though she had allergies for that one food but didn't tell hım about it, and she had to go to hospital with a terrified Ben on her tail?
User5: OMG I feel bad for laughing! Poor Ben and Y/N... I remember hım saying that he was so scared for her and thought he killed her accidently 🥹😭
User4: And when she was asked why she did it, she just casually said: "What do you mean why? He did it, thinking that I'd like it. I'd drink fucking posion if my man came to me with such thing!"
User3: And Ben Barnes, who is usually so cool, got teary eyed and hugged her thightly and apologized? On live? Even though he doesn't like talking about his life? That's who we stan.
User1: It's almost like we are their children, reminiscing about their past... But I'm jealous because I don't have someone like her in my life
User4: My life would surely be different if I had her in my life, not even as a partner. She just is so effortlessly kind...
Y/N's.dimple: Ben Barnes is living the life we want... We're just little gremlins watching them
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Liked by benbarnes, shadowandbone, chrishemsworth, matthewsturniolo and 7,999,987 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Stop making my heart stop with that smile and being cute. Bitch. Who gave you the right? This goes straight to be my New lockscreen.
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User4: Y/N is just our inner voice coming out on social media
User3: Her love is agressive confessions of love, if you aren't gonna put a ring on her finger benbarnes, I will. And I'll do it gladly.
Y/N Y/L/N: Look at hım... So cute, so squeashy, so adorable. He is my handsome babygirl 🥰🤭 (No, I'm not giggling and kicking my feet, the scene would be ruined if I moved the came- Ah, look at that! Suddenly I'm on hım??) Liked by benbarnes
User4: Aight my life didn't matter anyways *dies of cuteness*
User5: I love the way they love each other and show it without caring for anyone, and also how we simp for them 🥹😍❤️
amita_suman: @ user5, you guys aren't alone. We also feel the same way🥹
User7: Ben Barnes is finally being pampered on social media! He finally had his dream come true!
benbarnes.fans: The way she is so soft with others but absolutely a menace with Ben just shows that they are comfortable with each other so much...
User5: And the way he looks at her as she acts like who she really is? All comfortable with him?? I'm crying 🥹😭
User6: You know what's even best? If not for Y/N, we wouldn't have Ben, Amita, Jessie and others.
User3: I swear they all forget their passwords
User2: What's even funnier is that they really do forget their passwords and one time asked her... Y/N literally takes note their passwords and has absolute control over their accounts lol
User3: She wasn't called "the Mommy" for no reason🤣
Y/N Y/L/N: They are all children stuck in grown-up's bodies...It's hard you know? Taking care of them as a single mom😔
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Liked by jessie_mei_li, benbarnes, amita_suman and 9,867,566 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Another appreciation post!
1.Here is my lovely harem!
2. Just so you know, she was looking at me! And big applause for dear @ ambercrombachmua for all those amazing makeups! You guys are amazing!
3. That was the last day of shooting... Did they cry? Yes. Did we cry? Also yes. Did I hide in my caravan because I didn't want to see them all cry? Also yes.🥹
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User11: She is so precious, just like a cinnamon roll❤️
User7: love how she didn't forget to include the makeup department. Everyone needs to take a moment and appreciate them.
Y/N Y/L/N: We need to take SEVERAL minutes just to applaud them 👏
User6: Is she the one who did that amazing bloody, unhinged Kaz makeup? Because if so, I hope they are having an amazing day @ Y/N Y/L/N
Y/N Y/L/N: Yes, she was! And what a masterpiece it was...
Hater1: another cheating post!
User3: the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you here again? Go and cry at the corner.
Hater1: I just know that she banged at least one person there behind Ben's back. She doesn't deserve hım.
User7: Sis, here is your crown, you dropped it 〈⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠‿⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠-⁠→👑
benbarnes: and who do I deserve more than her? You?
User5: our dad hit the nail so nice! Well-said dad, hand them their ass! FANS ASSEMBLE TOGETHER!
benbarnes: I didn't say anything because my girlfriend wanted me to not do anything harsh, but now I'm happy to tell you that by disrespecting my love and me like that, you signed your doom. Enjoy your new hell.
User6: You know It's dead-ass serious when her man gets involved... I wanna see that hater cry.
User9: there is just something with the way Ben defended Y/N that... I can't just get out of my head.
User6: This is what a Man is, girls. Take notes and don't settle down for any less!
User7: The way she just doesn't share the others in the second one... Girl, do you hate the men of the cast?😂
User4: I heard that she actually loves them all so much *whispers slowly*
Y/N: Ahh, here is my secret out in the wild... there is another fanpage dedicated to them, they just don't know it
Kittheyounger: I knew you liked others than Luke! This is the best day of my life! Guys, you don't know how it feels like to be bullied and slapped by your own director😭 Someone who is supposed to love you and care for you, be there when you need and help you...
Y/N Y/L/N: Kit, your inner Jesper is showing itself again and I aint your mama
kittheyounger: what language is that?!
Y/N Y/L/N: American English, you Brit! Not that you would understand... and don't you dare spit your venom at my precious Luke and David...
User2: Bro is desperate lol @ user8
User5: This further proves that, yes Jessie is the favourite one
User3: but look at her and that little scrunch if her nose! How could she not be?🤭🥰
Y/N Y/L/N: another one who understands my point... One day, everyone will ✊🥹
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Liked by benbarnes, blakelively, nickiminaj and 6,789,885 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Same, sis, same...✊🥹
View 897,994 comments
benbarnes: One day, love... Just one day of you not sharing any "memes" about me.
Y/N: But... But they are cute 👉👈 And you are so... Hot. And mine.
benbarnes: the real thing is sitting next to you and you are giggling at your phone??
Y/N Y/L/N: But... But I have to look at your younger pictures. You aged like fine wine and I'm this 🤏 close to just jump on you and...you know what I mean.
benbarnes: Okay, that's enough internet for you today 😑😳🫠
User9: Y/N just realized how hot her man is and now she uses every chance to tease hım and I'm living for it
User6: Like we always say: Live, laugh and love Y/N and her sense of humor
Y/N Y/L/N: It's the same as Gen-Z humour really. There are young people working for me, and they tell me the most bizarre stories ever like... how are you all still alive??
User8: Ben is just so done yet also in love with her that he just can't say no to her 🥹❤️
User9: Her captions are just killing me 🤣 By the way is that hater fine? If not, I can just... talk to her like a civil person🔪
User5: I heard user3 handed that person their ass from DMs so bad that they erased their account lol
User9: Good for her! That shit never gave up on picking on our parents, someone had to show them our power
User12: The way Ben defended her tho😳 I bet my ass dad is planning homicide and I'd gladly help. FOR OUR MOTHER!
user7: by the way they had been all over each other in stories and post... They are probably having a hot session or something 👐
User3: Thank you all for your support! I was just so angry at them for saying such things about probably the nicest people on this Planet! They saved me, and many others, without even knowing, Y/N is the sweetest soul ever with how she supports and is there for everyone who wants her help and she ABSOLUTELY doesn't deserve to get hate!
Y/N Y/L/N: I can actually cry, I'm so grateful to have fans like you 🥹
User12: Girlie pop Y/N also had a crush on Caspian, best Info I had today 😌
User5: The way Y/N just knows her man and how he aged is so mood
User3: Considering she also tried to jump on his bones... Also a mood
User2: girl, did something happen today? @ Y/N Y/L/N Usually she isn't that mushy... Not that I have a complaint.
amita_suman: @ user2 no, except one of the workers we absolutely loathe flirting with him shamelessly in front of her 😒
freddycarter1: and her absolutely roasting her so bad that she quit... And us planning our revenge 🤭
archierenaux3: No one messes with our parents!😡
Y/N Y/L/N: I apologize for the inconvenient shit I'll be right now but... Did the FUCKING Nicki Minaj just... Like my post?
User5: Opps, we lost her again...
benbarnes: Indeed we did... She is blasting her songs inside the house right now.
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hereticdrws · 3 months
Waking up with mizu
No warnings
Summary is in the title
Pls read the bottom, love yall 😊
The sun beamed onto my skin, a soft hue of yellow rather rudely invading my eyes as they fluttered open, a groan leaving my lips at the sun's assault on my eyes resulting in my eyes hammering back shut. A honey like laugh is all I hear as I cover my head with the cotton sheet, my lovers slender hand finding my cheek,
"Good morning hon," her voice raspy, yet so soft against my ears.
I hum back an attempt of a reply, though I don't try hard. My hand leaves the covers finding hers against my skin, weaving my fingers through her calloused ones as I lean up to kiss her.
"G'morning mizu" I whisper against her soft lips, my eyes fluttering open to glance at her, immediately finding her snow blue eyes gazing softly at me.
As we stared at each other, simply basking in eachothers presence we were rudely interrupted by her blaring alarm clock, I laugh as she wrestles the sheets for her phone back, a reminder of today's promise of coffee to akemi and taigen.
"You ready baby?" She said as she rose from the bed, her arms stretching over her head as she yawned.
"Not really," I laughed as I sat up onto my knees, reaching for her waist as I rested my hands on her, placing my chin on her shoulder, pecking her neck as a soft blush found haven on her cheeks and nose, climbing up to her ears.
"Whatcha doing?" She laughed as she rose to her feet.
"Oh nothing just showing my beautiful wife how much I love her" I sighed with a sweet expression on my face, now completely sat up on the bed, swinging my legs over the side as I pulled her body back, her hips and belly flush to my chest as I left a new trail of kisses on her belly.
Her hands finding my hair as she lighted softly, leaning into me.
"Cmon hun we have places to be, you know akemi gets pissed when we're late" She sighed, equally wishing that she could stay in bed with her new wife.
"Ok, ok I'm coming" I laughed as I rose to my feet, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek as I head toward the bathroom to get ready to meet the other couple for breakfast.
A pair of hands found my back as I did a simple makeup look in the mirror, mizus chin resting upon my shoulder just as I had done to her moments earlier.
"I love you so much" She sighed contently in my ear.
"I love you too, more than you could possibly know"
Alright idk what that was but whtvr I've decided I want to write more js bc I will still be doing art so no worries/j idk what to write tho so I'm js gonna do small blurbs/oneshots/headcanons so if anyone has anything in particular my asks r open the skies the limit I hope yall enjoyed have a nice day 😌
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Uh! I'd like to request a JennaxFem!Reader oneshot!
So, I was thinking about Jenna inviting Reader to spend Christmas with her family!
Everyone is actually super cute with Yn, probably even too much and Jenna's mum is like "yeah, you know.. It's just great to see you since Jenna can't shut up about your beautiful eyes and handsome smile and we're happy you're dating now!!
And that's cool... it's nice, really... But they're not dating..
Merry Christmas
Word count: 2.1K
Summary: request above
Warnings: none
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
This was very cute to write! I hope you all like it 🤍✨
Ever since you lost your parents you didn’t really celebrate Christmas. Well you would, but you just didn’t have anyone to spend it with. The only times you celebrated it were when you were on set during the Christmas period and you would spend it together with the other actors, or if they went home to celebrate it you would spend it with the crew or you wouldn’t celebrate it at all. You didn’t even feel the Christmas atmosphere anymore, it had become just like a normal day, but with a decorated tree in the house, which you didn’t even put up anymore. You didn’t hate Christmas but you didn’t even love it. You had almost finished recordings for the year, and you were both chatting over the phone as you both separated from the set of “Wednesday” and headed to your apartments.
Jen (Y/N) I forgot to ask! Did you decide on what to do for Christmas?
You Uh not yet actually. I’m probably just gonna stay home and watch a movie🤷‍♀️
Jen aren’t you going home to visit your family?
You My parents left a while ago so I don’t really have anyone to celebrate it with🥲
Jen oh shoot sorry, I forgot about that🥺
You it’s Okay Jen, I’m used to it now, no need to worry❤️
Jen well do you wanna come spend it with my family? I’m sure they won’t mind and they’ll love you!
The request seemed strangely odd on her side. Jenna inviting you to spend Christmas, with HER? There was no way you would say no. But on the other hand, they didn’t know you, you didn’t know them it was gonna be so awkward. You had to admit you did like her, but there was no way in hell she would reciprocate her feelings… if it wasn’t for the fact that recently she had been spending more time with you. You kept telling yourself that maybe it was just because of the scenes, but even when you all went to dinner together she would sit next to you or walk next to you or snuggle up to you… each time you would tense up because of your feelings for her, and even though she gave you contrasting signals you never understood what she truly felt.
You realized you were taking too long to reply when another notification from her popped on your screen.
Jen you there?
You yes sorry. Are you sure your family won’t mind?
Jen yes I’m sure! Pleaseeeee🥺🥺
You smiled at the emojis
You okay then! Send me the location and tell me what time I should be there
This was how you went to wanting to spend Christmas alone to spending it with Jenna’s family. Well now you just had to buy the Christmas presents… you knew Jenna’s family was big and there were kids, too. You didn’t want to show up empty handed so obviously you had to. You went for Christmas sweaters for her siblings and parents, and toys for the kids, while for Jenna you brought a diamond necklace. You knew she loved Necklaces so it was an easy pick. You wondered what gift she would get you. Probably something simple, since you were just her friend… even if you wished you two were more.
You wanted to make a nice impression on her family so obviously you couldn’t just go wearing whatever you found in your closet, it was just a family dinner but on the other hand you couldn’t even dress up too elegant. So you decided to go with something simple, light gray jeans and a white and red short sweater, so you at least looked decent. You turned on the hair curler so you could make some waves and then you started putting make up on. That was simple too, just some eyeliner, some mascara and a little bit of highlighter. Though you didn’t quite look when you took the curler and ended up burning yourself on your right hand
“Shit, fuck-“ you told yourself as you immediately put the hand under ice cold water. Because of this little incident you were late. Not too late, like 10 minutes late. To say you were nervous was the least. You were freaking out, scared that they might hate you or that you might come out too harsh to them. Aside of that, you were now outside of her HUGE house (of course it was huge, they had lots of money) with two bags in hand, filled with Christmas gifts for all her family. As soon as you got to the door you rang the bell and soon after the door opened, with Jenna looking beautiful as she smiled at her. Your jaw nearly dropped, she was wearing a white blouse with a black mid-length skirt.
“Hi (Y/N)!” She smiled as she pulled you into a hug, you put a bag down and reciprocated the hug with a small smile, the perfume of hers filling your nostrils as you enjoyed every last bit of it. “Hi Jen, it’s good to see you” you say softly and both of you soon broke the hug to look at each other. “What’s up with the bags?” She asked curiously as she invited you in. You scratched your neck nervously and looked down “I uh- I brought some gifts for your family… I didn’t want to come empty handed so I bought gifts for all of you.. even for the kids” you smiled and she smiled back, leading you to the living room as she put a hand on your back almost lovingly.
As soon as you reached the room and everyone took a look at you, they immediately realized who you were and Natalie, Jenna’s mother, stood up, coming towards you as she hugged you. “(Y/N)! It’s so good to finally meat you! Jenna’s been talking a lot about you, I’m Natalie, nice to meet you!” She said smiling. You blushed a lot as you were introduced to her whole family. It was really embarrassing. It was very welcoming, too, but on the other hand it was kind of uncomfortable. You didn’t know how to act around them. “I uh- I brought gifts for all of you… It’s nothing much but, I hope you like it” you said and Natalie smiled at you again. “I’m so sorry we didn’t get you anything… Jenna only told us last minute that you would be coming too” she apologized. She was a very sweet woman, and so was the whole family.
“It’s okay really. Being here is just good, I haven’t spent one Christmas with an actual family and that felt actually like Christmas in years so this is just perfect” you said honestly as you smiled and sat down on the couch next to Jenna. “Honey do you mind me asking you why aren’t you spending Christmas with your family?” God no one hasn’t called you like that in years. You missed how it felt. “Well uh.. ever since I was young I wanted to be an actress. But my parents had bad experiences in this field, so as I turned 16 and insisted on wanting to become an actress, they made me chose. Either them or acting” you knew this would make you look bad, but you couldn’t lie to Jenna’s family.
“I know this might make me look bad, because I didn’t wanna be with them. But I couldn’t give up on my dream just because of their experiences. So ever since I haven’t heard from them and I didn’t actually celebrate Christmas unless I was on set and it has never felt the same. I’m almost 21 now so…” you shrugged “But being here is reminding me of some good memories. Thank you for letting me join you” you said smiling at the woman as you looked around. The house was filled with Christmas decorations and you felt like you were a little girl again. Jenna laid her head on your shoulder and you tensed up a little, why was she being this affectionate? Today it was even more than how she used to be.
“Oh Jen I forgot to give you your present” you said, also using it as an excuse to relax a little. You took a jewel box from your bag and handed it to her as everyone else was opening their presents and gave it to her. As soon as she noticed it was from her favorite jewelry she opened her mouth in shock. “You didn’t have to…” she whispered and smiled, you blushed and looked away, knowing that it was probably too much. Then she opened the small box “did you really get me a Diamond necklace!?” She said as she immediately took it out and put it on. “You have been ranting non stop about how much you wanted it so I got it for you” you said smiling and then she hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and soon enough you were at the table having lunch.
“You know” Natalie started again. You were taking a bite from your food as you turned to look at her. “I was thinking again that it’s so good to have you here. Jenna couldn’t stop talking about how gorgeous your smile is and how beautiful your eyes are too, I’m now seeing she was right. It’s good to see you two are finally dating now” you almost chocked on your food and everyone turned to look at you. Wait, Jenna told them all that about you? And she told them she wanted to date you!? Your mind was going a million ways as you turned to look at Jenna noticing how she was smiling awkwardly. Her cheeks had turned a bit red as she tried to avoid all kind of eye contact with you. Though you didn’t want to ruin the moment so you decided to just go with it, maybe it was a way to tell her what you felt.
“Y-yeah” you tried to go along as you grabbed another bite. Your leg started bouncing up and down nervously. “It took us a while to realize our feelings for each other, but yeah. Let’s say I’m the shy kind of person and I would have never admitted my feelings first so I’m glad she took the first step” you watched how Natalie nodded, and then you turned to look at Jenna. Her leg was shaking too and she was biting her nails. You hesitated, but eventually grabbed ahold of her free hand and held it in your own. Finally, she turned to look at you and you smiled reassuringly before you both went back to your food.
After lunch everyone was basically free to do what they wanted so Jenna took your hand and took you to her room. When the door was locked she was the one who spoke first. “Was that true? What you told my mom, I mean.” She said as she looked at you. “Was what YOU said true?” You asked her, she didn’t reply. “You never told me anything-“ you started and she quickly interrupted you. “But neither did you!” She said and you walked closer to her with a soft look on your face. “Let’s not argue, please… just, do you really feel that way?” You asked in a low voice tone, almost whispering as you hesitantly brought a hand up to her face. At first you wanted to caress her cheek, but then you ended up moving a strand of hair behind her ear.
She didn’t reply. You were focused on her eyes, who looked at both of your own and then your lips and back to your eyes, forming a sort of triangle. She then brought both of her hands up to your cheeks, gently caressing it as she leaned in to meet your lips with her own as they started dancing in sync. You moved one of your hands to her back, pulling her closer to you as she hummed and smiled in the kiss. You soon pulled back for air, foreheads still connected.
“Does this answer your question?” She asked in a whisper. “Yes” you whispered back.
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Leshycatpril Week 3: Nightmares
Oneshot fic for my Nightmares entry. Plus this is set in an au where leshy is the follower and enzo/yellow cat is the revived chaos god,because i can. Also @aniflowers i meant roleswap when i asked about using aus in the ask,i worded it wrong lol. Enzo is yellow cat btw.
Enzo wakes up in the middle of darkwood,seeming to have teleported there despite him not having his crown's powers anymore. He then walks across the area and then he ends up finding some camellias.
'Camellias.. Leshy loves these heh.' the yellow cat thought to himself,and he pushes the thought aside to keep walking in order to find a way back to the cult.
Enzo walks and walks for what seems to be hours until his legs gets tired from traveling for such a long time so he sits against a tree to rest for a bit. He notices it's dark out by then.
"Ugh it's night time. How will i get back to the cult and my beloved worm now?. And i'm too tired to keep traveling by foot." enzo complains,not talking to anyone in particular,just saying his thoughts out loud.
The scenery suddenly starts to become darker and darker as if shadows begun to envelope the forest. Then the yellow cat heard a voice yelling "He's over here!" to unknown associates. And before he knew it enzo got all his limbs tied up.
"Where are you taking me?!." enzo hissed at his captors. The big boar man carrying him then looked at him and opened his mouth to speak. "Don't you remember?,we were your old sacrifices when you were still the bishop of chaos. You had us hanged drawn and quartered,had us burnt at the stake,made sure that we had the most painful deaths possible. So we are going to make you go through the horrible demise to make you pay for doing so." the boar says to the yellow cat,with the other two former sacrifices which are a dog and a fox respectively listening to the two's conversation.
"But that's impossible! You're all dead! I made sure of it!." enzo says to the trio. "And the lamb resurrected us after finding our corpses at the outside of darkwood. Looks like we're gonna have our revenge boys." the boar says to his associates and then they all keep walking to a remote area in darkwood,which has a cauldron boiling at the center.
Enzo then realizes what's going to happen to him and then he starts crying. "Please! Please don't do this!. I have a boyfriend to go to!. Mercy! Mercy please for the love of the old faith!." enzo pleads to the trio tearfully.
"Did YOU listen to our pleas when we were getting sacrificed for you to selfishly gain more power?." the fox says to enzo who shakes his head in disagreement.
The yellow cat is then placed into the cauldron and the former sacrifices put more oil into the fire to make it stronger. Enzo can feel himself starting to burn and his skin rapidly starts peeling and blood gushes out from his now furless skin as he screams and cries for his captors to take him out but he burns and burns until he eventually dies.
Then enzo wakes up crying beside leshy in their tent together,with the cat realizing that it was just a dream.
The cat whimpers and cries softly as he hugs himself to soothe his own terrible nightmare as he doesn't want to wake up leshy with something so embarrassing for the former god of chaos,something that made him become so helpless and powerless. 𝘗𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 as his inner voice chastises.
Leshy then wakes up from hearing enzo's quiet sniffling via his strong hearing. "Hey. What's wrong zozo?." the worm asks enzo who's still crying.
"It's nothing. I'm fine." enzo says to his beloved as his voice breaks even more. The worm hugs enzo and then he kisses the latter on the forehead.
"You don't look fine kitty. You know you can tell me anything right?." leshy says to enzo softly who blushes in response. "I know. But it's kinda silly." enzo says then he laughs sheepishly while leshy wipes off his tears.
"Silly is okay with me. Now what or who made you cry?." leshy asks enzo. "I had a nightmare about my sacrificed followers getting resurrected and then they cooked me alive as revenge for the painful deaths i gave them. It was so scary. I thought it was real." the yellow cat says to leshy and then he cries even more.
"Oh kitty.." leshy says to enzo and then he hugs him a bit tighter,giving him kisses on the head. "It wasn't real. It was just a bad dream. You're safe with me now." leshy says to enzo and then he kisses him softly on the lips,the cat then kisses back and pulls away.
"Thank you lesh. I love you." enzo says to leshy. "I love you too. Also before we go back to sleep,what made you think that the bad dream was silly?." leshy asks. He then keeps hugging enzo.
"Well it's because i felt so helpless and pathetic in it. Because it's so humiliating for a former chaos god to feel that way... I hate being a powerless mortal." enzo explains to his boyfriend and then he frowns.
"Oh. Well at least this powerless mortal is loved by his awesome boyfriend right?." leshy teases enzo and then he wraps his arm around enzo's back. "I guess so. That's one good thing about being mortal." enzo says and then he yawns.
"Good night leshy." enzo says to leshy. "Good night zozo." leshy says to enzo and then he lies down along with enzo,spooning him from behind and hugging him tightly so that he won't have bad dreams anymore.
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dolliebabydoll15 · 5 months
Floyd x Boom fanfic!
this is my first oneshot, i hope you enjoy! 🫶
It was the end of a brodacious reunion concert at Vacay Island, for the crowd had gone their separate ways, as well as Viva and Poppy to spend much-needed quality time with their father. That left only BroZone, who had gone backstage to collect their things before leaving.
"We did it brothers! I knew we could do it!" said an enthusiastic John Dory.
"Finally, some praise." joked Bruce.
"Hey, can't you see I'm trying here?" snickered JD.
The brothers laughed, and suddenly, they saw Branch's buddies, Hype, Ablaze, Trickee, and Boom, who had performed with them. They were also there to clear backstage of their belongings. JD, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd were still just as amazed as they were when their little bro first introduced them.
"Branch...you wouldn't mind it if we offically met them, would you?" asked Clay.
Branch chuckled. "Sure, I have to go pick up the clue board anyway. Gonna take me a rough 15 minutes or something..."
The brothers smiled, and scampered off to get to know the boy band phenomenon known as Kismet.
Floyd suddenly noticed Boom, the rainbow-haired glitter troll whom he had seen before the concert.
"Hi," greeted Floyd.
"H-hi," Boom replied.
"You did great out there." said Floyd.
"Thanks, took me about 3 weeks to learn the choreo," said Boom. "I kept stepping on Hype's feet," he uttered embarrassingly.
Floyd giggled. "So, how did you meet Branch anyway?" he asked.
"Oh, we're childhood buds, we performed with him a lot after...you and your brothers left him." Boom responded melancholicly. Floyd saddened, remembering that woeful night.
"So...what's your story?" inquired Boom.
"Mine?" Floyd asked, surprised.
Boom nodded. Normally, Floyd was the one asking when it came to talking about emotional stories.
"Well, when I left BroZone to follow my heart and pursue a solo career, it got cut short when I was captured by a phony pair of popstars, Velvet and Veneer, for my talent. Every time they sucked up a piece of my talent, I lost a little bit of my life. This went on for 2 months, but I later noticed that Veneer, one of the phonies, wasn't as bad as I thought he was. He was really trying to make his sister happy, despite Velvet not caring about him at all. I told him that he shouldn't be around people who treat him like garbage, and no one should try to change him, but he didn't get the message until my brothers banded together with my little bro's girlfriend and her sister to form a family harmony to set me free. Unfortunately, since I gave the last of my talent to pitch in, I almost died."
Boom looked as if he were on the verge of tears.
"Don't worry, my brothers revived me with family love. Then, Veneer confessed to the crimes he and Velvet had done. He had a change of heart, but had to go the big house to serve his time. I hope he finds people who treat him with kindness. Afterwards, I forgave my older brothers and rebanded. So yeah, that's my story."
"Wow...I'm sorry all of that happened to you."
"It's okay, I only have the present to focus on now," Floyd responded with a smile, and looked at his brothers, cheerfully socializing with the other members of Kismet.
"Hey guys! We should go now," called Branch. Poppy's definitely gonna go looking for me if we don't leave now," he muttered under his breath.
"Bye, it was nice meeting you!" Floyd said as he got up to leave.
Boom suddenly realized he forgot the most important thing to say when you meet someone. "Wait! I...never got your name."
"OH MY GOSH, THAT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAME I'VE EVER HEARD!" Boom exclaimed in enchantment. Just then, he realized he replied in a way that was a tad extreme.
Floyd blushed in a shade of rosy pink. "Thank you," he replied with a grin. "What's yours?"
"Nice name," replied Floyd.
They shared a smile and locked eyes. They were so into the moment that they couldn't hear Kismet's mischievous laughs or see BroZone's knowing smiles.
"Floyd! Let's go!" shouted Branch.
As the two groups dispersed, John Dory put his arm around Floyd.
"Well brother, I think this is the start..."
"...of a beautiful friendship!" Trickee chimed. Boom nodded agreeably.
note: sooo, i've had this idea in my head since last night. if you want to give me ideas on how i could do better, tell me in the replies. should I write more in the future?
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wwwbestgoredotcom · 1 year
Plsss I needed moooore more doodle smutt i LOVVVED the other one 💕🫶🫶
New ideas
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Warnings : smut, sex position "Nelson", nervousness, cussing, unprotected sex, overstimulation, squirting, afab anatomy, roughness
Genre : romance, smut
Characters included : Moe doodle(bop), afab\gn reader
Writing style : oneshot
A\n : I was angry so I did this hella late and anger turns into horny sooooo
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He loved being intimate with you, he truly did. But he felt like he needed to spice things up sometimes ; bring new stuff to the bedroom. But he didn't want to scare you off or do something that might be out of your comfort zone. So he didn't try anything new.
But you felt the same way. Moe was more timid and "fragile" so your fears where way stronger. It wasn't like he was fragile, actually, he's sensitive ; gets overstimulated easily. But one night when you two were getting intimate, it all came out. Both of you told each other you wanted to try some things new that you found.
Moe was so much more relieved that you feel the same way compared to you. You let him go first to "show you what he'd learned".
"I just found some new positions and stuff," he dragged out. "Show me then," you said, massaging his unclothed thigh. You two we're already out of your clothes. He responded by just kissing you, roughly. "Get on me, back to me," he seemingly ordered, although he tried to make it less orderly like (which failed) but you didn't mind. You sat yourself at his lower stomach,your back to him, to where your cunt barley touched his already hard dick.
"There ya go," he said encouragingly. He sits up a bit, snaking his arms under your thighs. "Relax your legs for me, keep your hands on my chest and lean back," he said in a reassuring tone. He asked you if you were ready, like he always does, and pushed his dick into you once you confirmed you were. He brought his hands, which were still under your inner knees, to where they were resting on the back of your neck.
Your legs were resting against your boobs, Moe moved around a bit so you were both comfortable. Once you told him he could move, he started off fast, which you usually doesn't do. The new postion made it so his dick couldn't more of your sweet spots, which has you seeing stars. Because of the new position you weren't able to cover your mouth, so you let everything out. Thankfully you two were alone in the house.
Moe seemed to be enjoying it too. He bit down on your shoulder, and his legs shook more than usual. Both of you were sweating more than usual. "Shit! Fuck, baby! More, more, more, more," you practically screamed at him. He fixed his legs and started going faster and harder, causing your moans to be louder and louder.
Sooner or later you felt your orgasm coming, which you did warn him about. "I'm gonna-" you cut yourself off with the knot in your stomach finally bursting while your legs are still forced to be held open. But he didn't stop, not for a second. He did go slower for a couple seconds before going back to his usual speed.
Tears starting brimming in your eyes and your legs start to shake. Your voice cracked in the middle of moans multiple times. Moe brought a hand down to your clit, rubbing it at a speed to match his thrusting. Now instead of trying to close your legs, you opened them more, inviting him in. Drool escaped your mouth and down your chin as his thrusts and fingers got faster.
"Fuck Baby!" You screamed at you felt your second orgasm coming through. "Come wITh me- dear," he said, his voice cracking. His thrusts got sloppier but his fingers kept their pace. You came around him first, he slowly followed after. It was only when you looked down when you noticed the mess you made. "Damn that was hot" Moe said, breaking your thoughts. He hugged you, taking a not of how limp your body felt. "You're tired already?? That was only the first thing I figured out. And you better get ready because I learned how to last longer too, sweetcheeks," he flipped you around and kissed you and you, too overwhelmed to cringe at the pet name, kissed him back.
Needless to say, you two didn't sleep much that night.
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Allan x Reader Meetcute Oneshot Adventure
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A/N: God gave me the power to write and weed so I’m making stuff. 
Summary: A Allan Adventure redone scene so he can avoid that long-ass day. Really half of this is just the transcript from wiki but I had fun with it. 
Warnings: Mentions of quitting smoking, Smiling Friends shenanigans
Allan had stepped into the local Office Crap in search of some paper clips. He speaks to an employee with six arms who was stocking shelves to quickly ask where he could find the paper clips. 
Allan: Um, excuse me.
Armzo: [interrupting Allan] Wait, wait, wait, hold on man, I'm do- I'm in the middle of something here.
Allan walks up to Armzo while he continues to stack cans.
Allan: I just need some help.
Armzo: I'm warning you right now dude, keep screwing around and bad shit’s gonna happen, man.
Allan scowls at the rude attitude. 
Allan: You don't need to be rude.
Armzo angrily puts his cans down and walks up to Allan. Tapping his foot impatiently.
Armzo: Ok, what's up man, what do you want, huh? What’s going on, what do you need, man? Don't get nervous now, man, what? Ask your-ask your question, go ahead, what?
The two talk over each other, while the armless manager in the background notices the argument.
Allan: Look, asshole, I'm just wondering if you have any-
Armzo: Asshole?!
Allan: Yeah-
Allan and Armzo: Asshole!
Allan: You-
Armzo: Did you call me an asshole?!
Allan: Yes, I did, because you're being an asshole! Why didn't you help me?
Armzo: Bro, you’re being an asshole! I'm in the middle of something right now!
Allan: Fuck you, don't you work here? I'm just a customer!
Armzo: You walk up to me and you literally just start bugging me with stupid questio-
Allan: I'm not "bugging you", I'm just asking- you- you spider, you ass-
Armzo: What do you need?! Wha-
The manager runs over.
Manager: ARMZO! Who told you to stop stacking with your six arms? He wiggles his arm stubs.
Armzo angrily continues stacking while scowling at Allan.
Allan: Sir, do you know where I can find some paperclips?
Manager: Paperclips? No, sorry. Unfortunately, we're sold out.
Allan: Sold out?
 The manager nods.
Allan: Hmm, is there somewhere else where I can get them?
Manager: Hmm, the only place that might have them is that computer repair shop over in Crimeville.
Just then another critter appeared setting down a large box that was blocking them from view.
Y/N: W-wait, boss, what do you mean sold out? I just hauled in all these crates of paper clips.
Manager: O-oh ya did?
Y/N: Yeah for like the last 2 hours I've just been hauling these crates in. You told me to, remember?
Manager: Oh yeah. I thought that was Billy's job.
Y/N: Billy didn't show up today. Only Armzo and I did and since he has six arms and I don't he got stacking. He always gets stacking. We knew we were getting a big shipment today after that last guy bought the whole stock. Look at all these crates. That’s all metal in there. Look at how short I am. I could’ve used some help.
Manager: Uh huh. Look, y/n I really don't want to get into this right now. We have a customer.
Y/n looks to see Allan turn slightly revealing his presence. They mistook him for a load bearing pole painted red. 
Y/N: Oh, didn't see you there, man. My apologies.
Allen: Um yeah. I just needed some paper clips.
Y/N: Oh yeah yeah isle 7. Just over here. 
Manager: And Armzo, if you screw up again you're going BACK TO THE PSYCH WARD!!!!
Armzo starts quickly stacking cans in fear, the manager walks away before he turns back to a smiling Allan
Armzo: Thanks, man. Thanks for getting me in trouble, two armed piece of shit.
Allan: Sure thing. Hey goodbye spider. Goodbye. Keep stacking, keep stacking. Bye bye. Bye. Goodbye.
Armzo: [at the same time] Goodbye! Bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! I will, I will! Bye bye!
Armzo flips off Allan with three of his arms as he leaves to follow Y/N to the paper clip aisle. 
Armzo: Get outta here man.
One of the cans fall on Armzo's head
Armzo: WOAH-
All of the cans fall on and bury Armzo.
Y/n began leading Allen to isle 7.
Y/N: Look, man I'm real sorry about my outburst back there.
Allan: Oh, it's cool.
Y/N: Like I've just had a really rough morning but I'm trying to not project that onto people. You don't need to know about all that. Anyway, here's the paper clips.
Allan: No, I don't. Thanks for the paper clips though
Y/N: Yeah man. I can ring you up when you're ready
They turned to go to the register.
“Hey” said Allen getting y/n's attention. Now walking to the register with them, paper clips secured.
Y/N: Yeah?
Allan: (he looks to read their nametag) Y/N, you were much more helpful than that other guy with the arms. 
Y/N: Oh thanks, dude. Don't worry about Armzo, he's just been super irritable since the psych ward made him quit smoking. Called me a %$^#%$&@#&$^^$@^#^$@(!^&#%@@% yesterday so i put a dead fish in his locker. Anyway, that'll be $4.39, sir.
As Allan handed them the money their hands brushed a second longer than needed. 
Y/N: And 61 cents is your change. Would you like your receipt?
Allan: Sure.
Their hands brushed again as Allan was handed his receipt and his change. Static shocking them both.
Y/N: Have a nice day, sir.  
They waved off with a smile.
Allan: Yeah. You too. I guess I'll see you around.
Y/N: See ya around.
With that, Allen turned to leave with his paper clips. Upon closer inspection of the receipt, allen noticed y/n had written down their number.
Meanwhile in Crimeville, DJ Spit waited outside of the computer repair shop for Allen to walk out with the paper clips. After waiting a while he called up the landlord who hired him.
DJ Spit: (on the phone) Hey man, I don’t think this foo is coming, holmes. 
Landlord: WHAAAT?? But he should’ve been there by Now!!!!?
DJ Spit: Uhhh yeah man, no I don’t see him nowhere around. It’s already been like a couple hours. 
Landlord: OH Woah is me! Now who will I get who is cool enough to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: you got weed man? That’s cool I remeber playing PS2 with my primos after school. 
Landlord: Hey Dj Spit, Would you like to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: Would I still get paid, man? 
Landlord: Oh ABSOLUTELY!
DJ Spit: Oh fuck yeah man, I’ll be right over. My soundcloud about to pop the fuck off with this one. Hey ya want me to bring like beers or anything while I’m out. 
Landlord: No it’s cool. I’ve got the DIET soda. I just have to make a quick call to cancel the other stuff. I might still be able to get my DEPOSIT back. I guess what I really needed wasn’t a smiling friend but a friend who would make me smile. 
DJ Spit: Uh cool, so I’ll see you in like 15. 
Landlord: HEHEHEHe cool. See you in 15, PAL!
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