#this is entirely informed by my own personal music taste
likealizardyousay · 2 months
Julian Devorak is literally Will Wood we have established this it is my agenda however his favorite band would be Mother Mother there is a difference I have strong opinions on this subject
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nymphbroadcast · 4 months
Scarabia x MC! Like Charlie Morningstar
⊹Synopsis ⊹ೃ 🏜⋆The Scarabia boys with an MC! or Yuu like Charlie Morningstar.
⊹Relationship ⊹ೃ 🏜⋆Fall in love / free of interpretation.
⊹Fem! MC/Yuu/Reader ⊹ೃ 🏜⋆
⊹Clarifications: This scenario is based on my own analysis of Charlie in the series, adding some information to give more meaning to the story.
⊹Charlie's Analysis ⊹ೃ 🏜⋆
• Charlie is a kind and generous person, despite her obvious royal status she does not take advantage of it and also finds it "mean" if she used her status to intimidate other people, she tends to be completely disinterested unless she is in a desperate or dangerous situation with their loved ones. Charlie is a sensitive, very artistic and dreamy person who enjoys musicals, plays, shows and entertaining movies. She is a firm believer in second chances and always strives to understand the tastes and hobbies of others even if they are not entirely to her taste. When she hurts someone else's feelings she tends to exaggerate the situation and blame herself excessively even if it's not a big deal and she tries to make up for her mistake. She is quite skilled when it comes to her supernatural abilities and immense power but curiously she doesn't usually brag about it. and notably prefers to be "simple" and act like a less powerful person. Returning to her emotional sensitivity, Charlie is usually a pacifist but will not hesitate to use her immense power to defend her loved ones even if that includes sacrificing herself or hurting her enemy (only hurting because she is incapable of killing) and intimidating anyone if it is necessary only because of her love for "her people" even if she knows that they would not do it for her, it is easy for her to connect with people thanks to her pure heart.
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Kalim Al-Asim
☀️ (Charlie and Emily Interaction 2.0) Kalim is very similar to you, you may be a little less childish but you are both innocent rays of sunshine who like to make others happy.
☀️ Kalim usually drags you with him everywhere to show you things he thinks you will like and you are delighted to see his thousands of animals and all his family's treasures and all the legends that follow them.
☀️ YOU TWO ARE THE LIFE OF THE PARTY, since you are splendid in singing and entertainment activities and Kalim in the organization and planning of banquets and parties... THE DUO IS PERFECT!!! You complement his skills and even help Jamil get at least 5 minutes of rest!
☀️ We all know that Kalim can be a little messy, but on the contrary you have an ENTIRE ITINERARY ORGANIZED IN YOUR HEAD so you usually remind him of certain things he must do and appease many of his extravagant desires with kindness and before Jamil explodes. (Jamil thanks you)
☀️ Kalim realizes some time later that you use your sorcery skills for similar things to what he does! For example, you light light bulbs for Halloween decorations or create fireworks at larger celebrations, it is something that fascinates him because often you hardly use them for anything and he thinks they are very cool!
☀️ At first your little panic attacks surprise him, because he thought you were much more relaxed... Seeing your VERY few moments of pure anger, the poor thing is terrified to see you so angry and your powers almost destroying everything around... fortunately It hasn't happened more than twice and you've never hurt anyone.
☀️ Kalim sees that you are a cheerful and very kind and generous soul like him, you both definitely have certain ideas of "justice" and "redemption" in common.
☀️ The first time he participates in your trust exercises he can tell that you and Jamil were the people he would trust the most, you were too honest to tell him that and Jamil... Well it's Jamil.
☀️ Kalim is a little curious when you introduce him to your two butlers, they look like goats in his eyes but you correct him and tell him that this is just a more friendly and functional way of looking, when you decide to show. Kalim the true form of the goats... THEY ARE TWO HUGE INFERNAL DRAGONS??!!! He is excited and offers to fly with you on his magic carpet, now imagine how terrified all of Scarabia is to see two dragons flying with their dorm leader through the sky... (RIP Jamil viper)
☀️ So you and Kalim are nicknamed "The Sun and the Rainbow of Night Raven College" and you both take care of and cheer up others together!
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Jamil Viper
🐍 Upon meeting you and seeing how naive you seemed he clearly takes advantage of this, using his unique magic on you seeing that you're never particularly as alert as you should be since you arrived at Twisted Wonderland.
🐍 He is surprised by those two goats that follow you and Grimm wherever you go and how they are so protective of you, you explain to him that they are your twin butlers and that your dad gave them to you to guarantee your safety and he doesn't know what to think... why a couple of little goats???
🐍 However, the times he interacts with you while you are not under his control, Jamil can see that in addition to being naive, you are too helpful and kind, offering to help him with his tasks and duties in Scarabia and with Kalim.
🐍 At the time of the Overblot and being sent to the farthest corner of Scarabia, you asked the Octavinelle boys and Kalim to "ride" your two little butlers. Their surprise was pleasant when both goats turned into... COLOSSAL INFERNAL DRAGONS... Floyd he's having fun and Azul is terrified... (I know it doesn't have much to do with Jamil but I had to add Razzle and Dazzle's transformation)
🐍 Also during his Overblot Jamil was able to see for the first time what your anger was like (unleashed by feeling betrayed and Jamil's horrible audacity in controlling Kalim, who fully trusted him) and your powerful chaotic witchcraft, fortunately you have a law of "Not hurting anyone" and you only dedicated yourself to tiring and stunning him until Octavinelle and Kalim's boys hit a final blow.
🐍 After that, Jamil thought that you would be willing to give him some kind of punishment with that powerful "magic" of yours, however his eyes widened when he saw how you extended your hand towards him and talked to him about a second chance.
🐍 From then on he has tried to be as formal as possible, both for your status and for your sensitive personality (He doesn't want to feel a couple of fireworks breaking his eardrums again).
🐍 Every time he discovers more facets of you, your cheerful, almost invasive personality sometimes reminds him of Kalim and he only torments himself thinking that he will have to take care of you too.
🐍 Luckily for him, you are much more responsible and calm than Kalim and you are often the one who gently convinces Kalim to stop his extravagant ideas and he thanks you (not out loud).
🐍 On the other hand, Jamil sometimes doesn't know what to think about you since you listen to him when he starts rambling about his childhood and his desire to be even better than Kalim... And you're also sane enough to remind him that it's not Kalim's fault that Jamil is forced to take care of him 24/7 and that in reality Kalim is just a spoiled child who is too innocent and a bit ignorant to realize that maybe he forgets to give Jamil some space and quiet.
🐍 He definitely takes on the role of your protector out of will, seeing that you are perhaps too pure to be there and be labeled with the "Villains".
🐍 You catch him off guard when you say with the purest of smiles and the most honest words that it doesn't bother you when people call you "Villain" because all of them, including him, are your people... they are your family...
🐍 In the end he appreciates your company and your firm beliefs, he strives to make you understand that sometimes you cannot give a second chance to certain people but you always show him the opposite, you become his refuge and a cloth for tears because you are so pure that he He knows that you will never take advantage of his weaknesses.
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Nymph's Note:
Charlie is my favorite character from Hazbin Hotel, since this is my first writing I hope you will forgive my mistakes because English is not my native language, I hope you liked it... And I have been thinking about doing one of these for Malleus! As the SIMP No. 1 of Malleus, I feel like an MC! like Charlie would be the perfect Yuu to be the darling of the cute dragon boy!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
Remember to tune in, end of this broadcast!
Scarabia Dorm x MC! Like Charlie Morningstar Done! ⊹ೃ 🏜⋆
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moontrinemars · 3 months
Asteroid Pan in Natal and Synastry Charts
Once again, this information is compiled for my use and posted for shared convenience. Read my bio for a disclaimer and practice common courtesy if you're interested in using my words or work.
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To start, we have to understand the context of Pan, whether as a mythic figure, a divine patron, or both.
Pan is a rustic god, whose domain extends over shepherds, hunting, panic, and folk practices, especially of music or prophecy. He is a companion to Dionysus, and travels with his nymphs.
🐑 Often, but not always, he is depicted as a satyr. Other times, he is represented with horns, but no hooves. Still other times, he is shown as humans, but in the company of satyrs, as well as normal goats.
🐑 He is mischievous, a giver of terror, as well as an eager pursuer of love and pleasure. But he is also a guardian of flocks, a practitioner of animal husbandry, so he is not entirely flippant and impulsive.
🐑 Essentially, Pan was a playful, festive spirit who enjoyed toying with the nerves of strangers and engaging in bestial mating rituals, but he also fully committed himself when guarding the vulnerable. He likes to watch people squirm, but he doesn't want to see the innocent flock actually harmed. Thus...
Asteroid Pan [4450] represents teasing, stimulation, excitement, and impulse control (or lack thereof). He also correlates to roles and relations based in pursuit, such as leader-follower and hunter-target.
Copy-text: 4450,3671,2063,771,577,65,69230,875,3360,60
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Prominent natal placements of Pan indicate how such a position as his is fulfilled or obtained by the native.
For others who practice a faith that involves some form of the hellenic pantheon, I have listed how I interpret natal blessings from object-asteroid aspects here and are interested in my approach. You can interweave those basic interpretations with the ones I’ve provided and get a rough approximation of how I'd interpret the aspect.
Tight and significant conjunctions will create a sort of "wildcard leader" aspect to the native, empowering the native to vacillate between solemnity and joy when engaging with that role, while oppositions will invite a tension or controversy (that ultimately contributes to personal growth, if the native is healthy) from either pursuit of desire or acts of guidance.
🐑 John F. Kennedy is a great example of a Pan-Sun conjunction native. A steady leader who instilled feelings of unity, known for his lustful pursuits, maintaining good humor in the midst of strife, but certainly someone who spooked certain contemporaries.
🐑 Fascinatingly, his partner, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, has her own special relevant placement, a Pan-Venus conjunction opposite Pluto. Venus is the planet of values and is correlated to ideals and partners, so a conjunction draws her rational mind and physical needs to Pan-like personalities. Pluto opposition correlates this magnetism to her own generational traumas and transformations. That her Pan-Sun partner was assassinated sitting right beside to her? Worth noting.
🐑 Beyond her connection to her husband, however, Onassis was also a leader of the flock herself in her time as First Lady, mainly in that she became the face of an aristocratic American style. While her status is permanently tied to the tragedy of her narrative and the shock of the JFK assassination, her light, 'tasteful' ensembles contributed to the guidelines of upper-crust American femininity.
🐑 Meanwhile, Marie Antoinette had Pan conjunct Pluto, and we know where her indulgence lead her. Beyond the obvious tie from debauchery to death, this aspect also suggests a dread or anxiety tied to the concept of shepherding, or being in a position to guide.
A few other noteworthy individuals with Pan conjunctions and oppositions include:
Rita Hayworth, Machine Gun Kelly, and Empress Josephine all have Pan conjunct their Ascendant.
Lucille Ball's Pan is conjunct her Pallas-Saturn conjunction.
Pan conjunct Neptune was an aspect in Catherine the Great's chart. Meanwhile, Pan opposite Neptune features in the chart of Fiona Apple.
Pan conjunct Lilith is present in the charts of both Kurt Cobain and Princess Diana!
Marilyn Monroe's Pan was opposite her Vertex, and thus conjunct her Antivertex.
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Squares and trines create relationships between that planet's domain and acts of pursuit and guardianship.
🐑 Like Jackie O, Tobias Forge of Ghost also has a Pan-Pluto opposition, but this is complemented by tight trines with Neptune and multiple Muse asteroids, as well as a square with Orpheus. In this case the aspect with Pluto manifests with an alternative influence on culture, as a frontman for a band which inspires both fanatical devotion and a consistent amount of controversy.
🐑 His project itself is a mockery of the powerful institution that is the Catholic Church, but concerts and fan spaces are a place of comfort, and funds from a certain cover song are literally donated to a charity which organizes safe spaces for the vulnerable (summer camps for trans kids).
🐑 Obviously, Neptune and the Muses correlate to art, which connects those Pan themes perfectly to his music. Even better, Neptune rules spirituality, delusion, and mystery. The band's theme is religious, and all members used to be anonymous until a dismissed court case forced Tobias to publicly identify himself, though all other members retain anonymity.
🐑 Britney Spears's Pan is trine her Vertex, Sun, and Lilith, as well as being opposite her Moon. The trine aspects, especially with the Sun, positions a spotlight on her ability to collect massive amounts of fans (aka followers) by making her own choices, and committing to the honest, unapologetic performance of sensual, intimate power.
🐑 The Pan-Moon opposition further speaks to her past and sense of self being in direct conflict with follower-following relationships. This may reflects her struggle to reclaim personal financial autonomy from her former guardians, but I'd shift focus to her relationship with the public, and how contentious it became when she tried to grow and leave her chaste teen image behind, prioritizing adult expression over imposed responsibility to censor herself to comply with outrage from parents.
🐑 This contention actually fed into and fueled Britney's narrative: the rejection of her after she expressed her wild side empowered her to pursue her desires as a new type of female role model, one that had been slut-shamed but come out the other side all the more iconic and beloved. (There's a lot more that worth exploring there, too.)
🐑 Liam Gallagher of Oasis has his Pan squaring his Sun, Mars, and Midheaven. Anyone who knows the fraught history of the band won't be surprised to see an aspect that promises challenges in how taking a leadership role relates to overall growth, animal instincts, and the personal pinnacle of honor.
A few other noteworthy individuals with natal Pan trines and squares (along with other placements) include:
Megan Fox's Pan is conjunct her Mercury, trine her Mars-Ascendant conjunction, and square her Moon.
Britney Spears's Pan is trine her Vertex, Sun, and Lilith, and opposite her Moon.
Liam Gallagher of Oasis has his Pan squaring his Sun, Mars, and Midheaven.
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Major Synastry: What Synastry Aspects with Pan Mean
Synastry involving Pan indicates a relationship which instills anxiety, lust, and comfort simultaneously.
Conjunctions reveal a focal point of frenetic, kinetic energy in the dynamic. The Pan individual engages with the other's object like a big, red button that is begging to be pressed. They know it will fire up the other's nerves in whichever way, but it's just so tempting...
🐑 For example, two natives with a double Pan conjunction share a raw and mutual lust, a desire to play chase with one another. This can mean quick, stimulating, and playful foreplay. Both also want to see the other person's desire. This placement doesn't necessarily want a hunt - it wants a game, some sort of race or play-fight where both members are equally participatory.
🐑 It also indicates a willingness to play with each other's minds. On some level, both individuals like the idea of having the power to give the other a scare. They each like the feeling of messing with the other's head, no matter how much they care.
🐑 House overlays are crucial for mutual conjunctions. I'm looking at a Pan-Pan conjunction that lands in one of the native's 12th every time, regardless of zodiac and house system. This empowers the aspect of fear in the relationship for this native. It also transfers their pursuit to the realm of fantasy. They may desire to take that role in the relationship, but they are more likely to imagine it than to actually act upon it.
🐑 It also means the other person in the relationship may have no idea the lust is mutual. The 12th house native relegates it too well. This might frustrate the other, making them feel denied or rejected. They may sense reciprocation, but they feel a need to push the 12th house person until they break down and express it. But the 12th house native also won't be able to clearly see the other's playfulness and aggression for what it is: a signal of lust and even care, missed due to doubt.
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🐑 For another example, Pan conjunct Saturn would give the Pan native an easy way to push the Saturn native's buttons. Saturn will clam up at any suggestiveness from or about Pan, mostly because any wildness they exhibit makes them feel less in control.
🐑 Ultimately, however, Pan is a guardian of the flock as much of a member of Dionysus's retinue. Pan can contribute to Saturn's goals and take the reins when necessary. Pan makes Saturn anxious, but ultimately Saturn comes to see the potential for stability there.
🐑 Saturn has major power to turn Pan on, but it takes a while to build. Pan may not consider Saturn that way at first, only to realize after some time that Saturn drives them absolutely crazy, and then they'll be hard pressed to stop fantasizing over them.
🐑 Pan is a follower as much as a pursuer, and if Saturn accepts their advances, Pan will adopt them as one of their own, and be sure to care for them regardless of whatever chaos is going on. If Saturn shies away, Pan may get frustrated and lash out, or may try to tear down whatever stability Saturn relies upon.
🐑 Princess Diana had her Pan conjunct the Pluto of Prince Charles, and Dodi al Fayed had his Pan conjunct her Ceres-Vesta conjunction.
🐑 Diana's ability to garner a following is tied to the tragedies defining Charles personally as well as those of his generation. Diana's grief and devotion connects to Dodi's capacity as a pursuer and follower. If you know anything even generally about these three, you likely immediately understand how accurate this is.
A few other noteworthy pairs with Pan conjunctions in their synastry:
Empress Josephine's Pan was conjunct Napoleon I's Vertex.
Prince Philip's Pan was conjunct Queen Elizabeth II's Pallas-Pluto conjunction.
Nancy Spungen's Pan was conjunct Sid Vicious's Lilith.
Megan Fox's Pan is conjunct Machine Gun Kelly's Mercury-Pallas conjunction.
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Oppositions indicate a more fixed pursuer-pursued dynamic. There's a similar flow of energy, but it seeps out, and is both more confrontational and more indirect than with conjunctions. Pan seeks to provoke the other into revealing that part of themself.
🐑 For example, I see Pan opposite a Chiron-Juno conjunction. This is already made more complex by the involvement of two objects, but essentially, the Pan native enjoys maneuvering the other into exposing their romantic hurts, and even gets pleasure from indirectly forcing them into embodying a spousal or sensual archetype. Chiron-Juno finds the teasing, erratic attention of Pan frustrating, both sexually and emotionally, but also compelling.
🐑 So, that sounds really abstract, but how this plays out in real life, is we have a pair where one is always needling at the other about their experiences with relationships. Maybe the Chiron-Juno native is inexperienced, or has traumas. Once the Pan native learns about this, they find it hard to resist dredging those up whenever the chance arises. Something in them just likes watching the other squirm over their romantic insecurities.
🐑 As for the second part, the Pan native will find it exciting when the other has to fill the roles represented by Chiron and Juno. This is the soul's caretaker (Chiron) and the erotic counterpart in body and mind (Juno). Combined, we see a mistress-as-missus figure, the second wife, or simply the erotic healer. Chiron's link to the 'hurt healer' and Juno's statistical link to infidelity and eroticism may also suggest the willingness of the
🐑 Again, houses play a big role here. In this chart, Pan falls into the Pan native's tropical 6th and sidereal 7th, so the other's Chiron-Juno conjunction falls into their tropical 12th and sidereal 1st. The reason why the Pan native feels the need to push the other's buttons about is because they see the other's pain as something hidden from them that is key to understanding their place in this world, and yet also is a reflection of a crucial part of themselves, and so they feel the need to take control in their day to day interactions and of their relationship, specifically by exhibiting the leadership and predatory traits of Pan.
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🐑 Let's look at another chart. I see Pan opposite a Pluto-Nymphe conjunction. Nymphe is correlated to nymphs, who commonly kept company with Pan in his travels. This looks like a relationship with both natural comradery and tension.
🐑 The Pluto-Nymphe individual may alternate between playfully elusive and intensely confrontational. The individual is both drawn to and afraid of being captured or hunted, and exposes their wilder side when they want to intimidate others. Their visceral desires and bright spirits only make them seem more ethereal, and thus, out of reach.
🐑 However, this only makes for all the more fun a game to play in the eyes of the Pan native. No ethereal spirit is above a good trick and no force of nature is too powerful to chase down, and besides, a target that positions itself as out of reach is only going to be more satisfying to take in hand.
🐑 On the whole, the amusement and protectiveness that Pan brings can provide some much needed levity to the Pluto-Nymphe native's fears, but the opposition and the asteroid involved will make the link a magnetic, if at times humbling and challenging, one.
🐑The Pan native will also encourage the other's sexuality, and may try to provoke, trick, or guide the other in their embodiment of raw sensual power as a natural force. In fact, the Pan native might be most delighted to find that when pushed to the brink, the Pluto-Nymphe native turns the tables and puts them in a position of prey instead!
Some noteworthy examples of Pan oppositions in synastry:
Napoleon I's Pan was opposite Empress Josephine's Lilith.
Prince Albert's Pan was opposite Queen Victoria's Vesta.
Nancy Spungen's Pan was opposite Sid Vicious's Pluto.
Megan Fox's Pan is opposite Machine Gun Kelly's Pluto-Lilith-Juno conjunction.
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I had originally intended to go into sextiles and quintiles in natal charts; squares, tries, sextiles, and quintiles in synastry charts; as well as how aspects to specific related asteroids play out, but I think that's a little ambitious considering everything on my plate right now. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed the post, and as always...
If you're interested in more interpretations of Pan in the natal or synastry chart (or even the divisional/harmonic charts) feel free to reply, message, ask, or reblog! I have a lot of projects I'm working on but I love to chat.
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Reverse 1999 Analysis: Why did Jessica go with Vertin in the Green Lake event?
Note: This was originally an Ask but I feel like posts are easier to find in my messy blog. Also I can fix typos and make edits when new information comes out!
The answer to this lies in Blonney and Vertin’s proposals to Jessica. Blonney offered her a life as a human where she’d be forced to hide and Vertin offered a life as an arcanist where she can embrace her true self. The Green Lake event builds up to this conclusion in subtle ways more noticeable in hindsight. The main theme of the event is embracing your true self. This applies to Jessica as much as it applies to Blonney.
From the beginning of the event, we see how the humans treat Blonney. With limited access to the outside world, this gives Jessica her first impression of humans beyond Green Lake. They belittle and tease Blonney. In Jessica's eyes, Blonney is the most amazing person she knows (not that she knows many) and she still gets treated this way. Not only that but Blonney resented her arcanist blood because of this mistreatment.
If someone as amazing as Blonney is being rejected by humans, what hope could a Changeling like Jessica have fitting in? Instead, Jessica would rather make Green Lake a place they can be happy together. She expresses no desire to see the outside world.
Later, she meets Vertin and the others. She notes they are different from the people she normally deals with. They are arcanists who embrace their roots and the weirdness that comes with it. As the story goes on, the team falls into “roles”. Tooth Fairy is the mediator. Sonetto is the one who gets stuff done. Horrorpedia is an information bank. Vertin is the problem solver who puts all the information together with Horrorpedia's help.
While Jessica was acting the entire time, the team's reactions are genuine. Vertin being the emotional support after she kills the butcher and asking her what her wishes are later are genuine acts of kindness. Jessica even mentions she's grown to like Vertin when they are talking about wishes. This is important because while Blonney is lying to herself throughout the event (hating horror movies, denying her heritage, etc) everyone else has been straightforward and honest (too much in Horrorpedia’s case).
Then we have the ending. What makes Blonney and Vertin's proposals different?
It starts here:
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Blonney tries to bargain with her without truly understanding the problem. Jessica explains that in the time Blonney was away she grew up and changed. She doesn't want to wait anymore.
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Here Blonney tries again, making an offer she may not be able to uphold (parents). She lists a bunch of things she likes to do to try and convince Jessica but Jessica had a taste of the outside through Blonney's colleagues. Jessica brings up the fact one day her true form will be revealed and she'll be treated like a freak. She also doesn't understand a lot of the things Blonney is bringing up. Overall the proposal feels flimsy. Blonney is not only saying these things to try and escape. She truly wants Jessica to be happy too but she doesn't know how to accomplish this. Also, while Jessica loves Blonney a lot, it doesn’t negate the fact that up to this point Blonney has been in denial about a lot of things (though she shows a lot of growth). If Blonney doesn’t believe in her own words, how can Jessica?
Vertin tries another route with similar intentions. She walks Jessica through why it wouldn't work because even if she stayed, things would get stale for Jessica. Keeping people here is not the key to her happiness, it only numbs her loneliness.
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Vertin the problem solver addresses her fears of rejection, loneliness, and boredom. After this, she brings up the crazy things she's seen around the world to entice her interest. She is not using discos or malls to convince Jessica, but instead the dreams she has of music, meadows, and arcanist tomfoolery. She is offering her the life of an arcanist not the life of a human like Blonney did. Blonney is beginning to embrace her heritage, but she still has that human lifestyle etched into her persona. The things she offered are more associated with humanity than arcanum.
Then Vertin says this:
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She promised to give what she can offer. There are no grandiose claims like Jessica who thinks she can be everything someone needs or Blonney who wants to offer things but she doesn't have the means to realize them. Vertin is offering to do what she can. That is also why she is the only one able to make a promise. I don't even think Jessica used the word "promise" when she was making her offers meaning there is extra weight behind the word in her eyes. In Vertin’s department, she can truly be herself without fear of rejection or feeling like a monster.
Note: Jen and Jess are gay af for each other. I don't think Jess choosing to go with Vertin invalidates her love for Jen. Jennifer needs to come to the Suitcase once she graduates! Jess couldn't go to her, but she can come to Jess. It all works out!
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decoy1 · 11 months
Had a dream I was watching season 3 of Rottmnt, it was so vivid and now I’m sad that it isn’t real. So I’m writing some highlights from the dream before I forget.
Draxum and Casey focused episodes on what they were doing during the movie. There were really cool action sequences with original music and everything. It was so cool. There was one scene where the screen divided in half to show both battles.
Music during action scenes. There was a lot of it. I suspect it might have been because I watching Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur before going to sleep tho.
An episode premise: April finally had a good stable job. She was going steady for a whole 2 weeks setting a new record. The turtles got a little suspicious since April can never keep a job for long. Cue investigation, it turns out the job is a front. A front for a cult. April accidentally joined a cult. By the end of the episode April accidentally destroyed the cult in the same way she usually ends up losing her jobs. Alas the curse of April losing her job was too strong.
Another Episode Premise: Splinter and Draxum go undercover for an intel mission at a fancy club. The cover story being that they’re two friends who are trying to reconnect. They’re kinda bad at it since both argue like a married couple. This actually works in their favor tho as the person they’re trying to spy on to get info on is a huge romantic who is super invested in trying to get the two to “reconnect”. Both are forced by the turtles to play along for the sake of the mission. By the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter have performed a proposal, a wedding, a divorce, another re proposal, alongside with a remarriage, but not another divorce because they have to book it away because the turtles got captured. Which meant by the end of the episode Draxum and Splinter were still married.
Over Arching Story: Bishop was hunting down the remaining Foot Clan members. Which included trying to find former Foot Clan members for any information. Of course leading Bishop to Casey. Casey sends him on a wild goose chase as she goes on her own mission to find her former bosses. Being the B plot for a lot of the episodes. In one instance she teams up with Piebald in a gambling ring to win some info.
Running Gag: Casey Jr tries going into the dating world but has trouble since most people who are his age now, were adults during the apocalypse. So if he does find someone to date who he doesn’t recognize they usually end up being some form of “not real”. Highlight examples being: an alien who assumed a human persona to lure specimen to experiment on their ship, a demon with similar motives to the alien except it wanted to eat Casey Jr’s soul, an ai made by Bishop made to find potential Foot Clan members. What was funny was how obvious a lot of them were, like the alien wore a “I believe” shirt but with sharpie added “don’t”, changing it to “I don’t believe” (real master of disguise right here). The demon’s “flirting” was something along the lines of “if souls were edible and had taste, I bet yours would be a delicious meal that would amplify my demonic powers. If I had demonic powers, which I don’t because I’m a perfectly normal human. But in the hypothetical where I do-”. The ai when asked it’s favorite hobby responded with “breathing and being human”.
Bishop had an entire episode where he beat up different clans in his attempt to find the Foot Clan. Making some leave their old clans to join Bishop since he bested them in battle. But Bishop didn’t want a bunch of ninja (idk why not, that sounds incredibly useful) so he sent them on a wild goose chase but every time he did they came back having accomplished the goal. (Again I don’t understand why he kept acting like they were an annoyance when they were getting him things like THE GOD DAMN ELIXER OF EVERLASTING LIFE)
That’s all I have the energy to write. If I remember anything worth adding I will but I think these were all the highlights.
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milkgemini · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka X f!reader
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: smut! 18+ minors DNI. language, fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, the smallest amount of spit play. A/N: collab with my beautiful @babyhoneygvf thank you for your beautiful words, you made this great. Listen
He was the music. Every beat and every strum was made for him. His taste was unmatched, his knowledge unbounded. It was as if he was put on this earth to create. He was an artist. 
Your life partner was an artist. 
You watched him grow into an influential rockstar. His face on the cover of magazines, fellow guitarists commenting on his talent. To you, he was the boy you had fallen in love with at 16. The one who talked your ear off about different riffs and solo placements. You had never realized the utter importance of music until him. 
One of your favorite past times was to sit on the floor of his bedroom in his apartment, and listen as he described in intricate detail the process that went into the music playing on his record player at the moment. He had an entire bookcase of vinyls, ranging from the creation of blues music to psychedelic rock. 
There was only one thing closer to his heart than the music. 
Although his love for music was strong, it ran through his veins, you were the beating of his heart. The reason he pushed to succeed. The person whose reaction he anticipated the most. Through every strum of his guitar, every riff, he carried you with him. He knew you were always there, supporting him in the audience. 
It was a rainy Sunday afternoon. You watched as his fingers plucked through the albums at the record store. His eyes laser focused on the covers. There wasn’t much in the store he didn’t already own. Most of the time his intention wasn’t to purchase something new, but to be surrounded in an environment of his version of art. 
Your taste in music had obviously expanded being with Jake. He influenced you without judgment. He knew you could appreciate hits on the radio from time to time, but he couldn’t deny he loved when you delved into the classics. 
You mirrored his position in the opposing aisle, also flicking through the albums. What caught your eye were the ones that had a unique cover. The “pretty ones”, as you would say. One in particular grabbed your attention. A deep black background with the contrast of a vibrant rainbow. You picked up the album, slipping it from the others it was in between. 
“Ouu what about this one, Jake?” 
He lifted his eyes to your attention, the album facing him over the aisle. He scanned you with a wide grin forming on his face. 
“You’re holding one of the most influential rock groups of all time, you know that?” He informed you. 
“That’s Pink Floyd. You should get it.” He nudged you on. 
He rounded the corner and approached your side. 
“Here. Let’s check out, and go back home. I have something for you.” He plucked the album from between your fingertips and led the way to the cashier up front. 
He placed the album in front of the employee behind the counter as he reached in his back pocket for his wallet, opening it and pulling some cash out. 
“Hey man, how are you?” He greeted the cashier. 
“Great choice. That’ll be $32 today” said the man at the register, who happened to be the owner of the family owned record store. 
Jake placed two twenties on the counter as he reached for the bag that contained the record inside. 
“Keep it. Have a good one” he gave the man a tight grin, and grasped your hand leading you out the doors, heading towards his car. 
As you entered his apartment, you wiggled your jacket off of your arms and placed it on the hook. Jake went straight to his room, and you could hear him going through his things from down the hall. He called for you, and you made your way towards him. 
You entered the room to find him sliding an album out from the bookshelf filled with vinyls. The cover had a white background, a picture of two men in suits shaking hands in the middle. You studied the cover. One of the men on the cover had flames coming from his body. Your eyebrows rose at the sight. 
“Same group. The Wish You Were Here album from the year 1975” 
He held the record between his fingertips and flipped it in his hand, looking over the front and back. 
“Wanna show you something.” 
His back is to you as he delicately places the black vinyl on the turntable. Picking up the needle and carefully placing it back down against it. 
The album begins. The first song starts off slow. You hold the cover in your hands, looking over the titles on the back. 
“So this one is…” you run your fingers over the cover and find the title of the first song, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond?” you ask him. 
“Correct.” he nods to you. 
“Sounds… crazy.” You giggle to him and he huffs a laugh back at you. He approaches you closer and runs his hands along your forearms, while his eyes flit across your face. He pulls you in to rest your head against his chest as you both sway to the music in his room. Your face tucked into the crook of his neck, taking in the scent of his deep cologne. 
“The music is inside you, darling” he whispers to you. You feel the vibrations against his chest and smile to yourself. 
His fingertips find the edge of your jaw, pressing against the bone to angle your face up to his. He immediately presses his soft lips to yours, slow and filled with intention. 
His right palm cups the side of your face as he works his lips against yours, taking in the feeling of your skin against his as the music plays in the background. His left hand finds the small of your back, and presses against you to pull closer to him. 
His feet slot between yours as he inches you closer to his bed. You feel the edge of it hit the back of your knees and he lowers you to it carefully, lips never losing contact with yours. 
With your head resting against his pillows, he begins to deepen the kiss, opening his mouth to invite you inside. His wet tongue slides against yours, licking into you, the feeling alone causes the smallest movement within your hips. You press them against his and he reaches a hand down to hold you. 
The kiss deepens, a sense of rush to it as the beat of the song picks up in the background. He grinds down against you, his length hardening at the feeling of your tongue sliding against his. You swallow his soft moans into your mouth. 
His fingertips curve over the waistband of your jeans and he gives a light tug, signaling he wants them off. You reach down and pop the button as he pulls the zipper down. You lift your hips to assist him in sliding the jeans down your legs. As he maneuvers your feet out of each pant leg, he returns his body to yours. You welcome him back in with spread legs. He places a quick kiss to your lips before scooching his body down the bed, bringing his face closer to your center. 
Now positioned in front of your panties, he slips the fabric to the side, your hips bucking forward in response. His mouth forms a small circle as he blows cool air against your wet skin. A breath hitches in your lungs through clenched teeth at the sensation. 
“Shh doll, let the music guide you” he reassures you, and you place your hips back down against the mattress, relaxing at his words. 
With his pointer finger, he traces a line between your folds to feel your wetness, brushing past your clit, teasing your entrance by circling the tip of his finger around it. 
At the sound of the cymbals crashing in the song, he pushes his finger deep inside you. His head tilting up to catch your reaction. You push the back of your head against his pillows at the feeling of the first stretch. He pulls his finger back out of you to the second knuckle, just to reinsert it, twisting it as he does so. 
As he feels your wetness increase, he adds his middle finger inside as well, the pleasure of two fingers inside you hitting just right. 
“Yes Jake, just like that.” You reach a hand down to place on the back of his head, pushing his face closer to your core. You want to feel his mouth on you. 
Before he allows you, he removes his fingers from you to pull your panties down your legs. You kick them off, spreading your legs and reaching for the back of his head once more. He chuckles to himself at your desperate need. 
He doesn’t make you wait, shoving his two fingers back inside of you, teasing your clit with his tongue giving short kitten licks to your needy bud. 
Both of your hands entangle in his hair as your back arches off the sheets, your head pressing into the pillow. Strained moans flutter from your throat. 
Jake wraps his lips around your clit, sucking at it as his fingers pump in and out of you. He forces them into you to the hilt, the knuckles of his other fingers brushing up against your lower lips. When he can’t go any further, he curls his fingers into you, while flattening his tongue and rubbing it against your clit. His eyes looking up at you from down below. 
You can’t bring yourself to look back. The pleasure being too much, your eyes are shut tight. His fingers continue to curl faster, brushing against your g spot. Your pussy quivers around them. He can feel you teetering over the edge from inside of you. 
He removes his fingers only to replace them with his tongue. He licks up into you, flicking his tongue around the rim of your entrance. His thumb quickly flicks against your clit. 
Come on, you painter
You piper, you prisoner,
And shine
You hit your own climax in tune with the song. Heat rises underneath your skin as the pleasure buzzes throughout you. The muscles of your abdomen begin to spasm as he licks you through your orgasm, bringing you back down to earth. The sound of your soft pants brings him to grind himself against the mattress. 
He lifts himself from his position between your legs and brings his mouth to yours, allowing you to taste yourself against your tongue. Forcing your own taste into your mouth causes Jake’s cock to twitch against his jeans. 
You feel his length press against your inner thigh. Without breaking the kiss, you snake your hands between your bodies and fiddle with the button and zipper. One hand pressing into the pillow next to your head, he uses the other to finesse the pants down, switching between to fully pull them down. 
He wastes no time, pulling his underwear down with them. As his cock springs free, it slaps against the skin of his navel. You immediately wrap your fingers around him and begin to tug, pulling the skin from the base, running your hand over the head of his cock. 
His quick moans pushing into your mouth, you feel him vibrate into you. Your thumb swipes over his slit, playing with the precum, swirling it around the head. He bucks into your touch. You angle his cock down to flit his head through your folds. The feeling of your wetness over his sensitive skin sends a shiver down his spine, a weakening moan falls from him. 
He plays with your pussy using his cock, the sounds of your wetness travel up to your ears. 
“Close your eyes, listen and feel everything that’s happening right now. hear that?” He says to you, just above a whisper. His voice rasps with want. The feeling inside of him passing want. He needs you right now. 
You read his mind by the sounds of his panting breaths. 
“Slip it inside me, Jake” he follows your request with a grunt as he eases his cock past your entrance, stretching your walls around him. 
He pushes himself inside of you to the hilt, you feel the tip of his dick brush against your cervix. The feeling causes a scream-like moan to erupt from you. 
He pumps himself inside of you, his cock sliding in and out with ease from the way you’re dripping for him. 
He fucks you deeper, placing your hair behind your ear to make sure you hear it all, along with the sounds of his shuddering breath in the shell of your ear. 
“The music is inside you, darling” his fingertips trace your jawline. 
The sound of his sweet voice against your ear makes you whimper. He sees your reaction to him, and pulls away from you, leaning against his heels. He watches himself fuck into you, your eyes trained on him. 
He tilts his head down, chin to his chest. You watch as he lets a trail of spit slide off of his tongue, landing directly on your clit. Your back arches at the sight of him, and he can feel your walls tighten around him. 
He plays with his spit around your clit with the pad of this thumb. His eyes return to you as he circles around it, adding pressure to the nerves there. 
“Cum for me once more. Think you can do that? Want to feel you cum with me inside you.” You nod feverishly at him. 
He adds pressure against your clit as the pace of his thrusts into you increase, deeper and harder. Your walls are clenching around him, strangling his cock. He almost can’t take it. 
You feel him twitch inside you.
 “Need you to feel me until the songs over”
You grab his lower back and push him deeper inside you, squeezing out a grunt from his lips. You’re pushing him over the edge and he’s losing this battle. 
“Please darling, cum for me. I feel your pussy clenching around me.” He begs for you. 
You’re almost holding out on purpose. You want to push him. You know he’s holding on inside of you, waiting for your release until he can find his own. 
You angle your hips down against the bed, he feels your walls press against him from inside. 
“No, baby. I can’t. Fuck I’m gonna-“ 
He grabs the bones of your hips and fucks into you fast, his teeth clenched as he sucks a quick breath between them. 
Your hand reaches up to the hair at the nape of his neck, giving the strands a tight tug. Your pull causes his head to angle to the ceiling. 
“Fuck your cum into me, Jake. Give it to me.” 
He loses himself with your words. He releases into you, painting your walls with his warm cum. His thumb never leaves your clit, still focusing on your finish as he reaches his own. 
You start to feel the warm liquid leak of you, dripping down against the curve of your cheeks. The feeling of him fucking his release back into you takes over and you let go for him. Your walls contract against him, a whiny whimper leaving his lips. 
“Yes, baby that’s it.” He talks you through your orgasm. The only response you're able to give him is your panting breaths. 
He stills his cock inside of you as he watches you come back down to him. The palm of his hand strokes the side of your face, you fall into his touch. 
He leans into you, pressing his plump lips against yours, as he pulls his soft cock out from inside you. You instantly wrap your arms around his neck, missing the feeling of him inside. 
“I know, pretty. I miss you too” your heart swells at his kind words to you. 
He climbs off of you to nestle into your side next to you on the bed. You turn to face him and he smiles as he scans over the outline of your face with his eyes. Forever craving your skin against his, he wraps an arm behind you, pulling your chest against his. His four fingers tangle into your hair as his thumb swipes gently against your temple. 
He whispers onto your lips. 
“You are my diamond.” 
Taglist: @gretasimp @writingcold @wowkakashi  @spark-my-nature @babyhoneygvf
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greenerteacups · 2 months
this might seem v random but, if you haven't come across it already, i would really recommend tavi gevinson's latest online zine 'fan fiction' -- not because of the fan fiction element of it, though, but because of your evident love of taylor swift (who it's about) and your impeccable literary taste. and would love to hear your thoughts!
This was an excellent recommendation, and I loved it. I will admit that the RPF segment had me leery (RPF throws me for reasons I have yet to intellectually inspect but believe may relate somehow to the concept of voyeurism) but I'm glad I finished it, because she pulls it together very well. The dialogue in the last segment is especially great, particularly these parts:
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And this:
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And this:
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Because this gets at what I find so Gordian about Internet conversations among even relatively respectful/measured people about Swift's work and presence: we can't seem to figure out what it is we want from her. There is no right way for a woman to be more famous than most presidents. Do we want her to need us or not? Should she care about our approval or shouldn't she? Is the fact that she doesn't "feel" authentic to us the consequence of having demanded authenticity for so long she literally had to shape her personality to fit what "felt real" to millions of people, and in the process, of course, of course, inevitably, produced work that felt authentic to no one?
And then also, like. To what extent do fans use her autonomy/consent as a lever for bad behavior? I.e. does the "invitation" of personal information in her songs license us to speculate about her like she's a character on a TV show? Where is the line of appropriate speculation in an autobiographical medium? I was talking to my friend at dinner just tonight about how it's gross that people can't seem to give her the credit of writing songs that aren't 100% always About Her, and my friend pointed out that she invites comparisons to her own life by teasing names and iconography we identify with her public persona. It's like Brett Easton Ellis writing a book about a character named Brett Easton Ellis. Sure, they're not the same person, but you've invoked a symbol, and people are not being ridiculous for trying to analyze that symbol in the context of the work. In order to do that, they need to understand what the symbol is. Which means the biographical stuff actually is relevant to the text, and Swift's obvious irritation at her fans for failing to just... fuck off a little bit and let her live, while an entirely fair and morally defensible human response, is complicated by the way that her art is produced to resonate best for those who care most. Folklore and Evermore prove even Taylor is on some level aware of this, because she uses the third-person mechanic (and again in "Bolter") to differentiate those protagonists from the narrative construct of "Taylor Swift" in her other first-person work — i.e. pulling apart the Swift who is speaking and not the Swift who is singing (if that makes sense).
And then, finally: "The irony gets a bit tired. You can just say you like music. It's fine." What a deliciously recursive little bit of irony, considering it's a criticism being offered by a character whose ironic distance is itself being criticized. And the fact that the author is putting her own self-criticism in the mouth of a non-existent popstar who's deliberately flattening her take on her subject matter? Mingling valid with invalid criticism to establish a protective distance from her flaws and prove her smarty-pants intellectual self-awareness while also implicitly disowning the faults in her work, an (ironically) childish gesture of insecurity that stands at odds with the mature intellectual persona? Trying to have about seven or eight different cakes, and eat every one of them? "The irony gets a bit tired." Fucking perfect. I laughed.
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m really excited, but I’m getting a bit nervous about going to see The 1975. I’m a pretty new fan, as I only started to listen to them last January. I’m worried about being judged for not knowing the lyrics to all of the songs, cos I do struggle with learning lyrics, and I’ve seen so many TikTok’s slagging off “fake fans” who don’t know the words. I’m also worried about being judged for not being a fan of certain songs that others go crazy for. (I’m not a big fan of People, for example. It’s okay, but I tend to skip it as it’s not really my vibe).
I know it seems stupid that a woman in her 30’s is genuinely anxious about this, but I’m also Autistic, so I struggle with shit like this. It’s gonna be a big thing for me, as this is the first gig I’ll have gone to completely on my own.
Any advice?
oh my goodness I’m so excited for youuuu. 💗💗💗
babe, first off, let me apologize on behalf of the entire fandom. Old fans and new fans. For making your experience anything less than perfect. Fandom politics are fuckin insane and we need to just stop with that shit. I’m not sure if any of this counts as helpful advice but I think, while it is okay for some songs to gain iconic status, generally speaking, everyone related to and experiences music differently. Like, I think Robbers, Somebody Else, About You, etc will always be special songs no matter what because they’ve come to symbolize huge milestone moments in the boys career. But other than that it’s not fair for anyone to decide that if you don’t like a certain song then that makes you less of a fan because we all engage with the art that we like differently and for different reasons. Our subjective tastes are informed by our personalities and experiences and things we enjoy. How boring would it be if everyone liked the exact same stuff and expressed their enthusiasm of it in the exact same way all the fuckin time????
Plus, this is not Harry Styles or Taylor Swift or whatever. The boys make the kinds of music that they do because they know there’s not one right way to be a fan. They’re fans of a bunch of different stuff. What was it that the ad that mads received after her show described them as? 😂 @toomuchracket was it “genre-hopping”?? Lmao. They’re genre hopping!!! So if you don’t like People then you’ll POTB or LIIWMI or Playing On My Mind or Sex or Fallingforyou. Because the boys themselves love emo and punk but they also love country and pop and house music and 70s rock and soul etc etc etc. the idea that you must like certain things to be a fan is dumb and counterproductive. And if I could line these people up against a wall to smack them one by one I would. Cuz all that does is make the fandom toxic and makes newer fans uncomfortable.
actually I highly recommend songs you don’t necessarily like. Before my show, I was okay with Heart Out but it wasn’t like my favorite thing ever. It’s not like the first thing that pops into my head when I think of the 1975 and their artistry. But then they played it at my show and OH. MY. GOD. I am a changed woman now. The drums!!!! George made the floor underneath my feet vibrate. I felt it in the ground first then it went up to MY FUCKIN RIBCAGE. And the guitar??!! Jesus fuckin Christ. I mean I’m sure it’s just that they tune it differently for live shows but it sounded so much fuller and multi dimensional and stronger. Blew my mind. Now I LOVE heart out. Hahaha.
I also just think we need to be better at approaching newer fans because if nothing else they’re proof that the band is still connecting with more and more people and reaching places it hasn’t before and more people joining the fandom means they’re successful!! there’s only one wrong way to be a fan and that’s to disrespect their boundaries like fuckin morons on TikTok and Twitter stalking Matty’s hotel and his house. Or talking about house ATVB used to be fun when he used to be problematic even though that obviously hurt him mentally and emotionally and affected his career. Or like acting as if the 1975 is just matty. That’s the wrong way to be a fan. Other than that you’re literally doing what music was meant for and enjoying what you like nobody has any right to judge you for it and if they wanna be asshole they can get fucked. IM SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU. YOURE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! The fans are generally kind and sweet for the most part I made so many new friends in the queue and in the pit I promise it’s gonna be amazing. please come back and tell me how it all went 💖💖
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acutiewithagun · 11 months
Taglist: @oleander-nin @10yagurlchip01 @purple-flagz
Word count: 1,818
Mic Testing - Chapter Two: Embarrassing Stores
Thursday, the worst day of the week. Every month you had to tolerate another stupid meeting with your publisher. It was always a Thursday, never the same week, but always a Thursday. What makes everything worse is you never knew how many of these dumb events you would have.
They were always shoving sudden things in your face without as much as a few days' notice. You contemplated joining an agency at a point, but at least with your current contract you owned all your songs. And you had a bit more wiggle room than if you just joined an agency. So you tolerated your darn publisher.
You pushed open your laptop, already tired and frustrated. You clicked on the email that would lead to the link for the web meeting. Scrolling a bit you then clicked the link that waited. They never showed up on time so you had to block out your entire day just for this useless waste of time that could just be emails. You backed away from the screen slightly as you grabbed your guitar. Placing it on your lap, you casually slung the strap over your shoulder. You then grabbed a filming camera and set it up on the desk.
Figuring you could just get the music video out of the way while you waited you pressed the record button. You pushed back as you strummed a few notes and started the song. Clear and confident sounds came out from your vocal cords as beautiful strums left your instrument. Putting as much emotion in your performance you close your eyes, knowing your own piece by heart. The melody filled your small apartment room.
The tiny safety space held a bed, a wardrobe, and desk. You had a rug at a point, but you ended up accidentally spilling something on it and had to toss it out. It made you upset as it was your favorite rug in your favorite colors. The haven had been thoroughly cleaned the day prior, as to be a presentable space.
Once you finished the song you quickly stopped the recording, shutting off the little device. And this you returned to waiting as you watched a black screen. Deciding that wasn't worth your time you started scrolling through your phone. You started to read a fanfiction of a character you liked when you heard the dreaded jingle of someone entering the video call.
You look up with a smile, putting your phone in your lap. Then the face of your dreaded producer popped onto the screen. "Hello, so what did you need to discuss with me?" They also looked done with the situation and tapped a pen on their desk. "A local radio station reached out to me and asked for an interview with you. It would be on Saturday at around five pm. I told them to just talk to you themselves but they offered me a pretty penny considering, so I obliged. So will you do it?"
You were shocked a bit, you'd seen your analytics for listeners to your music. It was quite small considering all things. But you quickly nodded and scrambled for a pad and paper. "Could you tell me the address?" They scoffed and dismissively waved their hand. "It's the one five minutes away from your apartment. I don't know why they would want an interview with you." Your face soured at itheir phrasing, but you threw on a forced smile to hide it.
"Thank you, is there anything else you wanted to inform me of?" You did your best to remain professional, the producer did not give the same courtesy. "Yeah, I want the music video done and sent to me by the end of the week." Your fingers twitched in irritation. "I'll do my best to meet the deadline." They scoffed and tapped their pen on their desk. "You better, or I'll be behind schedule."
Oh how desperately you wanted to punch the person on the other side of your computer screen. But alas, you could not. "That's all I wanted to talk to you about. I'll be hopping off now." With those words your producer ended the virtual meeting, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth as they left.
It was still midday and it's not like you could go claim your normal performing spot. So you got out of your desk chair, pushing it in as you left the room. You walked through the one hallway that led to the kitchen and living room. Snabbing the tote bag off the kitchen counter along with your keys, you gripped the front door handle. You figured getting groceries was the best way to spend your wasted day.
Stepping through the threshold, you closed and locked the door behind you. You could use the elevator, but found it useless as you only lived on the third floor. You trudged down the stairs and out to the crowded sidewalks. Tourists and local residents walked in every direction as you joined the fray. Tourism was already a thing people did often, but it really skyrocketed when a certain yokai started tours of the hidden underground city below the bustling New York City. Even you were slightly curious about the world under your home. However, the fees were outrageous and weren't worth your time.
You arrived at the small shopping district you normally performed at quickly. You shuffled your way around people until you entered the first grocery store you would have to visit. As a sign of peace to the many grocery shop owners, you bought at least one thing from each store when you went grocery shopping. This also in turn got you great deals on certain items.
Making your way through aisle after aisle, you went through the process of picking a few things, and pondering over others. Once you went over to the freezer section you felt a chill run up your spine. You turned your head to see another customer opening one of the many freezers that lined the wall. You rubbed your neck and marked it off to being the cold from the freezer, going back to the task at hand.
You finished up your business at that store then paid and left, already on your way to the next one. And the cycle repeated for three more stores. You reached the last destination you had and entered. You knew exactly what you were getting from here, so it should have been a quick in and out. However, the universe had other plans in store. "Hey Superstar! Grocery shopping?"
The grating voice of the shop owner, Solomon, made you turn to him with a smile. Normal human guy, nothing really special about his appearance. Nice person, way to over… reactive. "Hi, yeah, I was almost finished." He grinned and pointed to the speakers. "Well then I've got a surprise for you!" Before you could question him, he ran off into the backroom. You hesitantly shrugged it off and just started making your way to your final item of the shopping trip.
That's when you heard it, causing you to blush profusely in embarrassment. Solomon had put your songs over the speaker. He started playing your most recent one as you rushed to the display with the items you desired. You had to check out before-
"The lovely music you are hearing is from one of our very own local artist." His voice cut off the song and made you even more mortified as you swiftly made it to a line that for the worst reason, had people gawking at the speakers, not moving along. "Now in our little shopping district we all call them Superstar. They are even here today!"
You tapped your foot impatiently as you watched your fellow shoppers look around for the mysterious 'Superstar'. While you just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. "Alright, I'll stop praising them, enjoy the wonderful music they've produced." The click of the speakers turning off was a welcomed noise, what wasn't was your music being resumed. But luckily the lines started moving again. And you happily paid, rushing home before Solomon could find you again.
The support was nice, really it was, but all the shop owners acted as if they were proud parents showing off their kids tiny achievements. You had asked them to stop in the past, but as you can see now, it never worked. But they mean well, so you let it slide.
You rushed up the stairs to your apartment building, stopping at your front door, panting for breath. Running home might have not been the best idea, accidentally bumping into people, being worn out from navigating through clusters of pedestrians. Not your brightest moment, but you were home. You unlocked the door and lugged your haul inside.
You placed it on the countertop and started taking items out, organizing them as you went. You started placing the items away after getting it all out. Checking over at the clock on the microwave, it let you know your roommate would be back soon. Unless of course they had a meeting after work they didn't inform you about. Which happened surprisingly often. You didn't question it, just started on dinner. Simple and easy freezer pizza, you felt lazy, and who doesn't like pizza.
You preheat the oven and slumped on the couch after popping the pizzas inside. That's when the recording you made earlier hit you like a truck. You groaned at the reminder of what your producer said and begrudgingly got up. You went into your room, opening up your laptop. Sticking a cord into one of the slots, you stick the other end into the video camera. You then got reminded to set a timer as you waited for the video to be transferred.
Pulling out your phone you set the timer for the pizzas, then shutting it off, slipping it back into your pocket. You slumped into your desk chair as you gazed at the loading screen. The music video didn't have to be amazing, just good enough people watched it. Still being a small artist, the algorithm for that type of stuff wasn't kind. So you always put half hearted effort to appease your producer.
You noticed a chip that looked like it was from your camera laying on the desk near your computer. You picked it up and wondered when you had bought a new one. You had meant to when you were out but got so busy with that last fiasco you couldn't. You turned it over and shrugged, maybe you just got it a few days ago and forgot.
Shoving it in your desk drawer, you notice the export was done and quickly go to editing the recording. Pizzas only on the back of your mind as you pull the head phones over your ears.
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Dick Higgins, Statement on Intermedia, 1966, «dé-coll/age», Bulletin aktueller ideen, No. 6, Typos Verlag, 1967, page 2 [Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN. Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest]
Statement on Intermedia
Art is one of the ways that people communicate. It is difficult for me to imagine a serious person attacking any means of communication per se. Our real enemies are the ones who send us to die in pointless wars or to live lives which are reduced to drudgery, not the people who use other means of communication from those which we find most appropriate to the present situation. When these are attacked, a diversion has been established which only serves the interests of our real enemies.However, due to the spread of mass literacy, to television and the transistor radio, our sensitivities have changed. The very complexity of this impact gives us a taste for simplicity, for an art which is based on the underlying images that an artist has always used to make his point. As with the cubists, we are asking for a new way of looking at things, but more totally, since we are more impatient and more anxious to go to the basic images. This explains the impact of Happenings, event pieces, mixed media films. We do not ask any more to speak magnificently of taking arms against a sea of troubles, we want to see it done. The art which most directly does this is the one which allows this immediacy, with a minimum of distractions.Goodness only knows how the spread of psychedelic means, tastes, and insights will speed up this process. My own conjecture is that it will not change anything, only intensify a trend which is already there.For the last ten years or so, artists have changed their media to suit this situation, to the point where the media have broken down in their traditional forms, and have become merely puristic points of reference. The idea has arisen, as if by spontaneous combustion throughout the entire world, that these points are arbitrary and only useful as critical tools, in saying that such-and-such a work is basically musical, but also poetry. This is the intermedial approach, to emphasize the dialectic between the media. A composer is a dead man unless he composes for all the media and for his world.Does it not stand to reason, therefore, that having discovered the intermedia (which was, perhaps, only possible through approaching them by formal, even abstract means), the central problem is now not only the new formal one of learning to use them, but the new and more social one of what to use them for? Having discovered tools with an immediate impact, for what are we going to use them? If we assume, unlike McLuhan and others who have shed some light on the problem up until now, that there are dangerous forces at work in our world, isn´t it appropriate to ally ourselves against these, and to use what we really care about and love or hate as the new subject matter in our work? Could it be that the central problem of the next ten years or so, for all artists in all possible forms, is going to be less the still further discovery of new media and intermedia, but of the new discovery of ways to use what we care about both appropriately and explicitly? The old adage was never so true as now, that saying a thing is so don´t make it so. Simply talking about Viet Nam or the crisis in our Labor movements is no guarantee against sterility. We must find the ways to say what has to be said in the light of our new means of communicating. For this we will need new rostrums, organizations, criteria, sources of information. There is a great deal for us to do, perhaps more than ever. But we must now take the first steps.Dick HigginsNew YorkAugust 3, 1966
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excessive-vampires · 3 months
Dealing With Demons Chapter 5: Hope This One's Interesting Part 2: Cee
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump
"This complicates things," Avi said, looking at my Spotify profile.
Maybe it means they're willing to forgive you? I mean they could only have found it through you.
"Or maybe they were just curious and recognized your good taste in music. Now, I have to do an hour of business paperwork."
I groaned internally.
"To make sure I stay filthy rich."
I thought my acquiescence.
"So what podcast do you want me to put on for you?"
Have I mentioned how much I love that I don't have to pay attention to your boring ass business shit?
Avi beamed. They were proud of the system we'd come up with. Then suddenly they closed their eyes and inhaled deeply.
"A summons."
Guess the paperwork will have to wait. Hope this one's interesting.
That last interesting one I remembered was a woman who wanted one of every single issue of a certain comic book from thirty years ago. That had taken some investigative work. Deals were getting more and more rare, honestly, since Avi had refused to do anything too illegal for any reason besides protecting themself or punishing deal-breakers ever since we made our deal. It just wasn't worth the risk of ending up on the run from the law when they had a real life they'd lose if they did. But they didn't really mind the scarcity. Demons were patient, according to Avi, and for now they didn't need any more power to get what they wanted, not when they had me.
They blinked and suddenly we were in a dark room. Probably some sort of basement. It smelled like underground. Stale and damp and earthy. The floor was rough beneath their feet.
Across the room stood a person probably in their early forties. Short dirty blond hair tinged with gray at the temples Sinister smile, impeccably dressed.
Avi wore casual clothes. One of my old band t-shirts and sweatpants. Not even a bra. I felt self-conscious next to their soon-to-be client's suit. Avi felt frustrated that there had been no time to change. But if they don't answer a summons right away the summoner will eventually give up.
"You're not what I expected." The summoner's voice had a southern drawl to it, much thicker than my slight accent.
Avi looked down at their outfit and grimaced. "If you give me a moment I can put on some more businesslike attire."
"Not entirely what I meant. You have a physical body."
So, this summoner knew enough about demons to recognize possession. That was interesting, but not too unexpected. People tended to do quite a lot of research before selling their souls. I'd had only the one spellbook I found hidden in an alley to guide me, but I was in too much of a hurry to bother finding connections in the world of mages before making my deal.
"Yes." They beamed. "Isn't it nice?" They made a show of turning around in a circle.
"Don't you want a skinnier one? I mean, you're not a demon of gluttony." The summoner laughed at their own joke.
Rage bloomed in me, but also shame. It just goes to show, you never completely unlearn anything.
"Not. Interested."
The summoner shrugged. "No need to get angry."
"Now," the demon inhaled, searching the essence of the summoning spell for more information on the person standing before us. "Cliff Mason. Hi, I'm Avi, they/them. What do you desire?" We both wanted to get this deal over with as soon as possible, Cliff seemed like an asshole.
He grinned. "I have a plan. It requires one of each type of demon." He held up seven fingers.
"It will bestow great power upon everyone involved."
"Uh huh, sure. Which lucky demon gets your soul?"
There was a slight pause.
"The power should be its own reward."
There's another red flag.
"Listen, I've kind of got my own thing going on, so find yourself another spirit of avarice."
"No! Having a demon that owns a body will make things so much easier! Now that I've found you I won't let you go!"
I don't know if you can hear this but there are warning sirens going off in my brain right now, Avi.
"Yeah, sorry, this sounds sketchy as hell. I'm out."
"Wait! No!"
With another blink we were back in Avi's apartment.
"That was weird."
Let's hope he gives up on whatever he's trying to do.
"Yeah, it sounds like he'll likely just blow himself up anyway."
I hope so. I got a seriously creepy vibe from him.
They walked over to their desk and sat down to start on the paperwork. "Don't worry, we'll probably never see him again." 
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signedmio · 4 months
I saw you were doing hazbin hotel match-ups and wanted to try!
my name is rin, I normally use she or they because that’s mostly what I present as but I do use he/him as well sometimes. sexuality is very fluid as well, but I would like a male match-up for this!
I’m 5’3-5’4, with shortish black hair, almost touching my shoulders that’s mostly black and partially dyed red. i have brown eyes and a few piercings (several on each ear, septum, and tongue). I also have a few tattoos (behind my ear, hips and thighs).
my style itself is kinda all over the place, I thrift a lot and love either the darker, more goth/alt kind of style or a dark academia look. I wear a lot of rings either way, and obviously earrings, I love wearing jewelry and sometimes make my own as well.
as for my personality, I’m more introverted. an observer rather than a doer. i tend to stay more detached from people but once i do get comfortable with a person i’m hard to shake off. i’m very sarcastic and have a very dark and somewhat dry kind of humour that’s appealing to a very small margin of people. one of my slightly (?) negative traits is that I’m very controlling, not too much in a toxic way but more in a control freak kind of way. I don’t like to take the backseat to things and while I do let others take a lead I am always there making sure things are going the way they should be. i get paranoid a lot of the time that things will go off the rails and feel like I need to hold everything together. maybe because of that i'm the advice friend despite the fact that i’m not very rational and am sometimes the one to suggest doing things we probably shouldn’t but my advice seems to always go over well somehow. 
I love listening to music, although my taste is all over the place, my favourite song depends on the day and my mood. I also love to read a lot, I read over 100 books last year a few of which were audiobooks, i like to stay active, i work out while listening to audiobooks a lot. in addition, I do kickboxing and a few martial arts too.
some of my interests…I’m big on psychology and criminal psyche, I love dissecting the way that people think. I also absolutely love animals, I have two dogs and a snake myself. i think one of my favourite dates I’ve ever been on was going to the aquarium together.
my bad habits are as i said before, a bit controlling. i'm a night owl and stay up really late which leads me to being tired a lot. i also on and off smoke, a habit i've been trying to break for awhile.
my love language is words of affirmation or quality time, I’m not always huge on being touched but I love to tell the people close to me how much I care about them/praise them. with a partner I’m not entirely opposed to being touched it’s just not how I’d primarily show my affection. sometimes I don’t want to be touched at all and like my space a bit more which has been a problem in previous relationships but I do like to cuddle sometimes, I like being the big spoon and feeling their heartbeat (feels a bit creepy typing it out lol).
anyway, I hope this is enough information and sorry if it’s too much!! thank you so much in advance<3
this was so easy for me lmao. i pair you with…
Husk !!
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You and Husk share a lot of main personality traits, which is why you meshed so well together in the first place
Both of you guys struggle with your own individual shit, even if you don’t wanna talk about it sometimes, but you guys help eachother out — especially him, cause he’s the wise, old bartender haha
He isn’t afraid to say it how it is, he loves you, and he’s not afraid of letting you know. Husk tends to have to find a way to say it in his own, grumpy way haha, but he makes sure he knows your loved and valued and he’s not going anyway
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bamthelocalcryptid · 9 months
I made something that’s a combination of an OC creation prompt and a game that pushes your imagination.
I've done this myself a couple of times and it really helped with planning out characters when i had writer's block or needed additional characters in my stories.
I wanted to share this cause it might help others and be a fun little exercise for character creators, artists, writers, and bored individuals!
So, to make the oc imma start with a shuffled list of songs from playlists I like/with an overall vibe I want to incorporate. The trick with this one is that, in addition to the primary character traits, the world building and potential back story are also determined in the songs. I suppose different aspects of the music determine specifications of the world and its central protagonist. Some plots might be clichè or repetitive if music tastes are similar. In that situation, perhaps a new/different/someone else's playlist will suffice.
NOTE: Some parts might take a bit of research to fulfill. You can also use any aspects of the song's for anything. My details simply provide guidance.
1. Determines OC's physical appearance (can be but is not limited to: ethnicity, style, color scheme, humanoid aspects, sex, gender, general physical expressions, facial/bodily/added features).
[The main components of the song to analyze are: lyrics hinting to physical description,  the writers/performers of the song, the cover art, the cover art subject matter, name of band/song/album, genre etc.]
2. Determines OC's emotional/mental expression and personality
(Involves: General personality traits, potential disorders, character mindset, emotional and mental weaknesses/strengths/capabilities.)
[Based on: Song's lyrics, names of album/song, subject matter depicted in the actual music or in cover/album art etc.]
3.Determines the OC's back story/ childhood/ past information
(Primarily involves: lyrics/storytelling in one's own interpretation of the music or, if given outright, a storyline contrived of the song's general story. If one is not present, retry or make something up loosely based on the song that originally came up.etc)
4. Determines OC's relationships with supporting characters/the world around them.
(Determined by: general atmosphere of the song to one's own interpretation, lyrics involving a surrounding enviornment/another character, emotion captured by the music, real life interactions of the writers/preformers/creators etc.)
5. Determines OC's plot progression
(Includes: possible trauma experiences, main events in their life, triggering occurrence to send their current adaptation into motion.)
[Determined by: song's storytelling,  lyrics, cover art, theme of the album/song/entire discography, own imagined scenarios while listening to said song etc.]
6.Determine's OC's primary relationship motivation
(For example: the song might entail an, aquaintence,  romance, platonic friendship, family, enemies, master/student,  lovers etc.)
[Determined by: song subject matter and its portrayal of a relationship, energy of the song, cover art and anything else inspiration can stem from etc.)
7. Determines OC's overarching goal/wish/want/need
(Can involve anything previously mentioned and not mentioned with regards to aspects of the song. Can also be ignored completely and instead be based on the developing plot etc.)
Now for world building:
8. Determines general setting
(Involves: design/style/color scheme of the surrounding enviornment, sci-fi/fantasy/dystopian/alien/historical/steampunk/ etc.)
[Determined by: genre, cover art/colors/subjects, general theme/atmosphere,  descriptive lyrics, etc.]
9. Determines emotions evoked by the world/setting
(For example: laid back, fun, depressing, hopeless, enraged, rebellious, deadly, safe etc.)
[Determined by: Whatever invokes an emotion to compel you to design it.)
10. Determines inhabitants of the world
(Includes: their views of life, their general emotional inclination, their current activities.)
[Determined by: song subject matter, lyrics, invoked emotions,  storytelling (environmental, atmospheric, lyrical) of the song/band etc.]
11. Determines primary issues/plot points/problems that further the OC and developing society
(Can involve subject matter of songs, what the music was originally inspired by, the creator's notes on the song/their personal struggles involved in it, or simple inspiration from the song itself etc.)
12. Determines secondary issues/plot points/problems that further the OC and developing society
(Anything in the song that inspires you/furthers the world that is already made)
13.Determines unique aspects of the world and its inhabitants
(Can be based off of subject matter, lyrics, physical descriptions, cover art, general themes, or simply serve as inspiration for the plot already created.)
This is simply meant as a guide, some songs may not go well with others but that just creates opportunities to mold a unique story from that! None of my prompts are a must and they can be used out of order if you wish. Don't be afraid to go back and change details!
Have fun! Feel free to share results, suggestions, and recommendations if it strikes you!
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smokingtiger · 29 days
Scooter Braun is a rat and will use any connection, including bts, to try and make himself seem important and powerful. No one is saying they like him or want him to stay. I want him out of Hybe just as much as everyone else but I also know how hard it is to remove someone like him from a corporate standpoint. Now if JK used a picture of Braun, that would be a different story. If you want to boycott bts music and merch fine, it's your money to do what you want with. My issue is that a majority of boycotters on twt label everyone who doesn't boycott as zionists regardless of how much they actually support Palestine. As you said, we probably won't get answers from bts until they are out of the military but some people can't grasp that concept and want them to make a statement now, when they legally can't, and it seems they want bts to solve the world's problems, which logically they can't. I personally think boycotters should spend their energy going after governments and companies that actually and actively fund Israel's military and not a South Korean band.
I think boycotting is an effective tool when it comes to communicating with a higher institution about your wants and demands. The boycott against HYBE has been approved by BDS Korea and is seen as a great way to show social support for the Palestinian cause. Like I said, many of my friends in these vulnerable countries (Like Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, etc) have personally chosen to boycott based on their morals and utter distaste for HYBE’s current state.
In respect for them, I have switched to listening to BTS and other HYBE groups on their respective CDs that I have purchased prior to the boycott. So before anyone comes at me for streaming illegally just understand that I pretty much own all of BTS’ music and collabs prior to February of 2024 when I was first informed about the fandom boycott. HYBE also does have financial ties to individuals who directly invest in Israel and Israeli military efforts, so to say they don’t “actively fund” is not entirely the truth. Scooter Braun also uses that HYBE money to fund propaganda.
In my last post, I stated that my stance on streaming was that if you do it, do it consciously about what’s going on and don’t attack others who choose to partake in the boycott. I promise you, the people who are doing it are not trying to be mean to BTS, but are actively trying to steer them away from more public turmoil. The celebrity blocklist was just the first taste of what associating with Zionism does, and yes I understand that it’s not fair, but to the general public who has 0 idea about SK military laws, they might not care to understand the reason.
If you’re not partaking in the boycott I assume you’re doing what you can in other departments: spreading awareness, campaigns, calling your reps, participating in protests, funding food banks and family go-fund-mes, etc…
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Again, BTS are in the military, they have no legal means to voice a political agenda, and half of them enlisted pre-war and genocide. But the company is using them and promoting them between posts of propaganda/islamophobia/straight up xenophobia and racism in their absence, and it’s quite gross. It’s still nice to see BTS partnered with UNICEF (given a RECENT campaign), however, given how aggressive Braun is I was certain he might’ve made a fuss since UNICEF advocates for Palestinian life and support. The UN has been trying to pass resolutions to help the Palestinian people, but of course, the United States won’t have it. Disgusting country.
Also, I think people can do both. They can boycott a company they don’t agree with and contact their representatives. People are multi-faceted and have the time and effort for many things. People are saying they’re not giving money to HYBE but to BTS, but unless you personally write a check out to each BTS member, they won’t see that money first. It’s business 101; if you work a cash register, when people hand you money it goes to the company, who then pays their suppliers and their employees. That money is not given directly to you.
I’ve also heard (however I am being mindful because I have not entirely confirmed the source myself) that one of the alleged companies that holds shares/invests in HYBE is a weapons manufacturer, which if you’ve seen any recent University protests, many students are calling for their institutions to divest from that altogether. Honestly why would you as a company that promotes music for healing accept money from a company that profits from war and slaughter?
I’ve seen a lot of people say that boycotting is useless and that it doesn’t do anything, but when Orbits (LOONA’s fanbase) boycotted BBC for their abuse and mistreatment of their girls, they were able to give the LOONA members the ability to break free from their company. Orbits were so successful with their boycott that they decreased company profit intake by 98% and got an entire comeback cancelled. They would listen to LOONA songs on Roblox servers or watch LOONA mvs on P*rnh*b. To this day, a lot of orbits still actively boycott BBC and LOONA in order to not give the company any profits.
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Apart from Zionism, I think it’s important that we voice our discomfort with the staff that Bang Sihyuk hires and/or associates himself with. Bang Sihyuk is also moving towards A.I and NFTs, and he completely turned the HYYH drama (which had chances of huge success) into an NFT and MLM scam. You have to pay $90+ just to watch the series, which is fucking ridiculous! HYBE announced an NFT project a few years ago and BTS was conveniently removed from it after reports that Namjoon (Mr. I want to be a HUMAN ‘fore I do some art) *allegedly* asked to be set apart from it. Also… Weverse shipping prices, unfair promotional schedules/distribution of merchandise for the BTS members and their solo projects, intentional price mark-ups on concert tickets (HYBE literally held a press conference and discussed how displeased they were with EU regulations bc European countries would not allow them to actively scam their customers)… etc.
There’s many reasons to be upset with this company. Many. And I promise as a fan since 2015, things were not always this expensive. ARMYs have a history of expressing their discomfort with the company but these days it seems like no one has a back bone and focuses on corporate worship. Even Jin, a MILLIONAIRE, was flabbergasted by the price the company set his pajamas at! Bang only knows one thing and it’s dollar signs.
And to briefly touch on the Min Heejin Situation (because it is relevant here in some respects): Yes, I despise that woman, but I don’t think Bang or HYBE is entirely innocent. It’s very apparent that the lack of communication or clear boundaries in the company has led to this mess — and as of today (or yesterday) NewJeans parents have spoken about how HYBE planned to put the girls on the bench for a year and half and Bang Sihyuk purposely failed to acknowledge them whenever they were in the same room,even going as far to act like they didn't exist. Yes, these claims come from one side, but Bang Sihyuk has been known to exhibit this type of behavior in the past. You know who said the same thing? Kim Taehyung.
“‘Who is that person next to Namjoon?’ That went on for one year. Remember my name, please. My name is one letter and it’s V.”
In light of the cult and chart manipulation allegations, many K-ARMY have sent trucks because apparently in the Korean iterations of the announcement, the company used BTS’ name explicitly, whereas in the international announcement, they just used a general ‘We’. It’s another instance of the company changing their wording from one announcement to the next (which has led to confusion and discrepencies between domestic and international fanbases) and placing BTS front and center in a scandal during one of the most difficult moments of their lives.
The amount of defamation these boys take in the press isn’t even the half of it. HYBE even allowed an article insulting Jimin and also discrediting the singer to get into a WEVERSE PUBLICATION! AN IN-HOUSE ARTICLE!! Also the television show regarding Seventeen having to change their subtitle because it completely undermined the legacy and success of the boys... That also wasn't Seventeen's fault, so I'm not going to place the blame on Mingyu, or Hoshi, or whoever for something someone at that broadcasting company did.
These “cute” stories we used to pass around are less cute now knowing that Bang has a pattern of lying or failing to communicate concept/business changes with other people. Lying to Yoongi about what type of group he’s joining is not actually all that great if you think about it. He was someone who took a big risk only to have the carpet pulled out from under him when he least expected it. Luckily, it worked out for him, but that’s not always the case for most people who enter into the K-industry.
So maybe I’m a bit pissed at the company. Seeing clips of TXT’s apparent exhaustion at their concerts is also incredibly disheartening and MOAs are calling out BigHit for failing to take care of their artists after severe schedules. I mean, BigHit worked BTS to the bone in 2018, so even as an independent entity, BigHit's hands are not clean either.
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These are my thoughts. I don't think people should be attacked for simply doing what feels morally right to them. I've never been a fan of the "BTS before morals" movement because it's led to mass cyberbullying and gross behavior from the more toxic side of this fandom. Some people exist beyond internet fandoms and streaming culture, so if this is an issue they think is important, let them allocate their time and energy into doing it.
Perhaps this is one of my more extreme opinions, but I would actually like it if BTS packed their bags and started up their own company following their military discharge, because it has become incredibly apparent to me that the hands that they've been placed in intend to milk them dry of their funds before running to the hills whenever controversy arises. I used to scoff at solos who used to plead for it, but now I'm starting to agree (minus the less soloy and delusional type behavior). Sure, they'd have to go through a long legal process of contract termination, but they've got the money and influence within HYBE's doors to do something meaningful.
It's been a crazy eight months. My patience is running thin.
Thanks for stopping by, anon.
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khuzena · 2 years
Where his loyalty lies
Chamber x fem!reader
Tw: angst, hurt/comfort, dilemma, near death experience, a lot of swearing
Summary: chamber had a mysterious client who offered him a big stash of money and connections in exchange of taking your life, his loyalty to the client or you. He doesn't know who to choose but he knows where his loyalty lies.
Miss me? I know its been almost 2 weeks before i posted good shit and im glad some of y'all still like it, anyways i hope you guys enjoy it
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The soft rays of the sun from the window kissed every crevice in the room, where you and chamber laid in bed, adoring each other as his fingers caressed your cheek.
Chamber would always show his affection to you in grandiose ways, whether it's greeting you with a delicious breakfast at your bedside or a first class ticket to whichever country you liked.
Though simple times like these were loved either way; sadly, he had to go meet with his 'client' since they offered him something he cannot turn down.
You turn to look at him as he fixes his tie infront of the mirror, "So, why'd you have to get up early? You know your client can wait."
He pushed up his glasses, "No dear, I was called immediately by them. They promised a big payment so why let them wait?"
The sweet aroma of brewed coffee and its warmth on your fingertips makes you wonder for a while, chamber must've brought this coffee from a business trip, not that you bother him in his personal work. You also pondered about how this mysterious client always pays him so much for ahem eliminating many of their targets though they've never revealed themselves.
In a few minutes he touches up his appearance then waved you goodbye at the doorstep, though before he left you shouted a loud, "Stay safe okay?!"
"I will, je t'aime mon chou." Chamber answered back and drove off to wherever.
The home was filled with silence once again, it's too early in the morning— it was 7:54 am and you doubt that you and chamber's twins would be awake at this hour. So you decide to just make your way into the living room and prepare breakfast while listening to your favorite music as you wait for chamber to come home early if he could.
Though for chamber, he's arrived at some high class restaurant and made his way into the location. It was a very desolate restaurant though luxurious enough for his taste, his eyes wandered every corner and he was met by a masked man with a small briefcase on his side.
Chamber cleared his throat and sat down right infront of the man, "So, what's your deal?"
"Oh nothing, just some weapon designs I would love to buy from you and also—" the man clicked open his briefcase and shown him a small document of people he needed to eliminate.
"deux diamants et une améthyste" the man chuckled as chamber's eyes widened at the document.
Both his children and you were to be killed.
His heart was pounding loudly through his ears and bloodshot eyes glaring at the man without even blinking, though he kept his calm and tried to get more information out of the man. "Ah mon ami you must be mistaken, you do know that I don't take children as my targets of my dirty work" he nervously laughed off but his hands were trembling because one, someone found out about his family and two, the audacity of such man to make someone turn against their own family.
Although the man's face was not shown, he could feel the menacing glare of the man from the mask as he lightly tapped the documents, "If I'm not mistaken, these are high priority targets of many, am I right?"
Chamber was starting to see red and he was so god damn close to pull this bitch by his collar and strangle him right here and now, this was his fear; his entire family being found out by his enemies and being targeted by many even though you three had nothing to do with the shit he does.
Oh shit oh shit.
The masked man noticed the anger radiating from the man infront of him though he internally chuckles, so this son of a bitch does have a weakness.
"I decline your shitty offer and no matter how much shit you give me don't you fucking dare touch them." Chamber said coldly as he turns his back on the man and took his briefcase with him but before he even stepped out the masked man quickly stopped him.
"But everything you want in life will be funded by me and my entire organization, you could get everything and anything you want and you'll get a shit ton of connections too" the masked man laughed and even mocked him with the sound of your voice. As much as chamber loved you, everything he wanted would be granted. It was all he ever wanted in life, to rule the world. Maybe he could kill you and ask sage to revive you?- 'No, no fucking way think straight chamber god damn it.' he thought as he was paralyzed on the spot.
"I said, I fucking decline."
"Well fine, just kill your useless god damn wife instead, you know you can always get another one-" before he finished his sentence chamber smacked his face and proceeded to pull the man by his collar, "Don't you dare fucking touch any of them or you will not see the light of day ever fucking again. Do you hear me?" Blood staining his gloves while he stared down on the man, nose all bloody and mask destroyed from just one swing but it was like the man felt no pain.
"You know I can always hire another bitch to get to them" Chamber just swung his fist to the man's face over and over and over again before he was left unconscious on the ground, he knew not to mess with the man with a thousand connections all over the world but he'd rather fuck up everything than lose you.
He left the building and lit it on fire, the agonizing screeches of the once masked man and the people inside who were affiliated with him.
This time, he drove back home while going over the speed limit, his ears ringing from anxiety as his mind starts imagining about you and his kid's dead bodies lying lifelessly on a pool of blood or maybe even worse. His mind played tricks on him but he felt pathetic, he was hesitating and even thinking about killing his family for some wealth he'd already accumulated.
He ran into the gates of your home and rushed inside and didn't even take off his shoes. He was met at the sight of you on gun point from another man who looked oddly familiar to the man he just killed.
You were on the ground begging for mercy, your eyes blindfolded and from a small hole you could see the glimpse of chamber right infront of you.
You lost consciousness and it felt like you were dead. Fortunately you've awoken from your slumber and was met at the sight of chamber on his knees and sobbing at your side, pleading you to just wake up and not die right infront of him and another group of cries behind you— here we go again.
"Uh... Vincent.. you good?" You muttered out in hopes of calming them down but they cried harder and your daughter started jumping on your stomach and asking you if you're okay.
"Ohh mon dieu you're alive!" He cried and started going on about that stupid offer contract shit his client gave him and how he only put your life in danger.
You just stared at him with a loving look and kissed his forehead, you decided to just say nothing else.
The silence was loud minus the occasional screeching of children outside the your hospital room but he was glad you were still alive in his arms and nothing bad happened to you and the kids.
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I promised to myself to come out with another banger fic post but all I posted is a flop ffs, thank you for reading it all and not getting bored, if there's any mistakes I apologize since English isn't my first language and I dont proofread ffs. (Here's a little secret, you can send me a request even though it's closed and I'll do it as long as it's a chamber angst request 😈)
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
i’m reading your lovely jenate fanfic rn and one of the details i’ve really been enjoying is the way you characterize the sibling relationship between jenny and dan! and it has me wondering, more generally, how do you picture dan and jenny’s relationship playing out as adults? we don’t really get to see jenny post going to london on the actual show, and i’m curious how things might have changed or evolved between them with them both being on more equal relational footing, so to speak. (i also think i remember you mentioning here that you yourself have siblings, so as an only child i can imagine you probably have a much more nuanced picture of this than i do lol)
ohhhh thank you so much!!! this is something that I actually explore in the next chapter (posting forthcoming), but I'll talk about it now just to get ahead of that lol
I am thinking, in show canon -- and in the canon i construct in this au in which the show ends after Despicable B ;) -- that Jenny sort of...gives herself a clean break from all things New York, including Dan. and Dan, with all his abandonment issues, takes that harder than she probably sees at the time, but completely removing herself is what she needs the most in that moment. and then, a couple years later, they gravitate closer, but virtually.
with their work being so time-consuming and not really on the typical layman's schedule (like, writer and fashion designer lol what free time) they don't really have time to full on talk on the phone or facetime, but they text regularly, often over an inside joke or a link or a meme they need the other to see (because their partner wouldn't find it as funny)
I think Jenny as a grown up would find it easier to talk to Dan first about things over their parents, and vice versa, because their is this sibling kind of thing were no other person quite understands you the same way, and has known you this long and loved you this long. but the love is different from the love you feel with your parents. i'm not sure if this is entirely accurate...but the love feels...more unconditional somehow, because a sibling has more choice in loving you, but less failures of doing so.
and yes! I do have an older brother, our age difference (3 years) is slightly larger than Dan & Jenny's, but my relationship and experience with him informs - consciously and unconsciously - a LOT of how I write Jenny & Dan. Disclaimer: our pasts are not nearly as traumatic as these fake people, and our parents are still together (over 30 years WOOT WOOT), so our life experiences don't exactly line up
but that being said, I look up to my brother so much. and I switched school mid highschool (like jenny but for less fraught reasons) so I went from being "Andrew's Little Sister" everywhere I went to being just Liz, just myself. and that's an adjustment, from always being the little sister to growing into your own person, and I wouldn't have gotten that opportunity without moving schools, and Jenny probably wouldn't have without moving to London.
and my brother and I have followed our own paths and live in different timezones (and regularly different countries, he splits his time between the US and Canada it's a whole thing), but I never don't feel like he isn't there for me. I know with him I always have a place to crash and someone to send me cute pet pictures when I'm sad and someone who is just as worried about my dad's health as I am (again, whole other thing, not gonna get into it bc privacy but yeah). and I am never entirely lonely as long as he is existing someplace in this world. shit I'm gettting emotional just talking about it but,
he's the guy that drove me to my piano lessons and teased me for my music taste and took me to my first punk show and said "that was so good!" after every performance even though he knows nothing about opera. and when I had a 3 month contract in florida and couldn't take my cat with me he fostered Steph and now Andrew is Steve's favorite person and when I was unemployed I crashed in his apt while he was organized for the 2020 Iowa caucus and he crashed on my couch to visit me after I got my job and moved and we smoke weed and recite monty python and joke and laugh together and I can be a version of myself with my big brother in a way that I can't be with anyone else.
so to bring it back to your meta question, lmao, I imagine and attempt to write Jenny's relationship with her big brother in the same way. it's never the same as when they lived in the same house, and that's hard. (because they stopped living in the same house when he was 18 and she 16 and you can never really go back to that), and they each have their own lives and careers and loves that keep them where they are, but they are still always just...their for each other. and, if given the choice, they are the first person to hear the other's good news.
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