#green lake
vestaignis · 3 months
Удивительный парк под водой озера Gruner See (Грюнер-Зе).Amazing park under the water of Lake Gruner See.
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Зеленое озеро в Австрии – одно из 300 озер страны, но это озеро особенное. Расположено оно в горах Хохшваб, недалеко от маленького поселка Трагос на высоте 776 метров над уровнем моря. Это озеро является одним из самых необычных и красивейших природных явлений в мире.Озером оно является только полгода, в весенние и летние месяцы. К зиме вода Зелёного озера полностью испаряется под солнцем. На его дне, покрытом травой и деревьями разбит парк, со скамейками, дорожками и уютными уголками. Всю осень и зиму туристы могут прогуливаться по этому парку, любуясь чудесными видами природы.
Загадка Зеленого озера кроется в том, что с приходом весны, снег на вершинах гор Хошшваб начинает таять, стекать вниз, и уровень воды стремительно возрастает. В этот период он увеличивается от 4 до 6 метров. Озеро разливается вширь и затапливает все, что окружает его: зеленые луга, цветы, деревья, узкие тропинки, лавочки, мосты. Все это продолжает зеленеть и цвести, сохраняя свою первозданность. Водный покров настолько чист и прозрачен, что сквозь него видно ландшафт и водных обитателей озера, которые спокойно плавают между элементами парка Грюнер. Максимальная глубина Зеленого озера весной достигает 12 метров, а температура воды в нем колеблется от 6 до 14 градусов со знаком «плюс». Сказочная красота манит к себе туристов и дайверов. Green Lake in Austria is one of 300 lakes in the country, but this lake is special. It is located in the Hochschwab Mountains, near the small village of Tragos at an altitude of 776 meters above sea level. This lake is one of the most unusual and beautiful natural phenomena in the world. It is a lake only half the year, in the spring and summer months. By winter, the water of Green Lake completely evaporates under the sun. At its bottom, covered with grass and trees, there is a park with benches, paths and cozy corners. All autumn and winter, tourists can stroll through this park, admiring the wonderful views of nature.
The mystery of Green Lake lies in the fact that with the arrival of spring, the snow on the tops of the  Hochschwab mountains begins to melt, flow down, and the water level rises rapidly. During this period it increases from 4 to 6 meters. The lake spreads wide and floods everything that surrounds it: green meadows, flowers, trees, narrow paths, benches, bridges. All this continues to turn green and bloom, maintaining its originality.The water cover is so clear and transparent that you can see through it the landscape and the aquatic inhabitants of the lake, which calmly swim between the elements of the Grüner Park. The maximum depth of Green Lake in spring reaches 12 meters, and the water temperature in it ranges from 6 to 14 degrees with a plus sign. Fabulous beauty attracts tourists and divers.
Источник:/sg59.livejournal.com/143510.html,www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g7087463-d7078255-Reviews-Gruner_See-Oberort_Styria.html,/scuba-divers.ru/category-blog/28-grunersee.html /sad.ukr.bio/ru/articles/7460/,/www.mybestplace.com/en/article/green-lake-the-secret-of-the-submerged-forest
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kanralovesu · 5 months
⛺Recounting the great story of Reverse 1999's Horror at Green Lake so more people can hear it ⛺
We open on a group of college students on vacation in Green Lake Campsite. Blonde beauty Blonney immediately goes off to fool around with the football player, only to find a vicious masked man with a butcher's knife who swiftly murders them. As the rest of the group gets picked off, the virtuous and naive Anne is left alone to fend off the monster. But just as she's about to be corned our main character Vertin and her crew arrive, including Horrorpedia a self proclaimed horror movie expert.
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As our heroes use their magical arcanum powers to fight the killer, they're shocked to see Blonney wake from the dead, covered in blood that smells suspiciously like cherry syrup. "You ruined my perfect shot!" She proclaims, parading her magical floating camera. Turns out we had accidently wandered onto a student movie set! A pissed off director Blonney proclaims that she doesn't even like horror movies, but choose to make one for her film major because "they're so cliched and easy to make!" We even find out the football player who was acting all tough earlier is actually a timid liberal arts major! Anne, however, is just as naive as her film counterpart as they apparently just enlisted her from the local village to replace an actress who got sick the night before.
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But the story doesn't end there. As everyone gets ready for the next take, Blonney is reminded "wait, didn't Greg also get sick? Who did we find to replace him as the killer?" Blonney thought the rest of them had found someone. With the realization that no one knows the true identity of the killer in the mask, the group bolts to the nearby cabin, chased by the supposedly real killer who was among them!
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Hiding from the killer as rain begins to pour, Blonney consoles in Anne that she's actually an Arcanist like the rest of the main characters. In this world, that means she has magical powers but faces discrimination because of it. She tried to blend in to human society, throwing away her childhood love for horror movies and storytelling because emotional things like those are more stereotypically arcanist in nature. She put on an air of "the pretty and stupid blonde" because that's what she thought society wanted out of her. However, as her crewmates (besides Anne) turn on her for being an arcanist, she's shown that the prejudice runs deeper than she thought.
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Throughout all of this, a mysterious entity has been leaving clue and picking off the film crew one by one. Not a singular movie monster, but someone controlling multiple movie monsters, each of which our heroes has to fight off. When push comes to shove, Blonney embraces her Arcanist powers once again, drawing up a creative version to her car with giant teeth and then making that drawing a reality to crush the monsters! Anne also gets her moment, although she dispatches the man with the butcher's knife in a less magical way: whipping him with a large branch, stealing his own knife and then driving him through with it. Horrorpedia, as genre savvy as ever, points out that Anne has true "Final Girl" energy!
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But there is one final twist to uncover: who is the mastermind behind all of these monsters? In a shocking twist presented in a puppet theater of all things, we find out that Blonney accidently willed into existence an imaginary friend when she was younger and visited Green Lake Campsite: a deer girl based on the puppet she had back then. Back in the day, she told so many stories to herself, imagining all kind of horror movie monsters that the team now find themselves up against. It was Blonney's imagination that created these monsters, but her imaginary friend had turned them into reality after she left.
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This deer girl, waiting ever so patiently for her best friend to return, is revealed to be Anne all along! She had been masterminding the monster attacks because in her naivete she believed that it was all just fun and games. Not only that, but she was desperate to not be left alone again like when Blonney left her as a child to pursue the human world. Blonney knows she can't stay with her in the forest like Anne (whose real name is Jessica) wants, but she offers Jessica a home with her instead. After our main character assures her that everything will be alright, Jessica calls off the monsters, transforming the campsite into a beautiful location yet again.
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Horrorpedia is disappointed that the whole thing ended with "love and friendship and a deus ex machina" and everyone lived happily ever after! (With Blonney and Jessica becoming girlfriends of course. I skipped over the details but its barely subtext! I don't care if she's a deer-centaur and she's a human, they're perfect for each other!)
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Please go play Reverse 1999! Its got a few translation issues as you can see with the text above, but the stellar character writing still shines through, especially since its fully voice acted. I still recommend reading this story for yourself even after reading this plot summary because there is so much nuance I missed out on when summarizing it. Particularly the way Blonney and Anne/Jessica's relationship evolves over the story is great to see! There are also plenty of other great stories like this in the main campaign. So far, they haven't missed!
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planetapis · 6 months
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reverse1999 has such good representation they even got a redditor
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Just a moment.
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kacchy · 7 months
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Kirby <3
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
Reverse 1999 Analysis: Why did Jessica go with Vertin in the Green Lake event?
Note: This was originally an Ask but I feel like posts are easier to find in my messy blog. Also I can fix typos and make edits when new information comes out!
The answer to this lies in Blonney and Vertin’s proposals to Jessica. Blonney offered her a life as a human where she’d be forced to hide and Vertin offered a life as an arcanist where she can embrace her true self. The Green Lake event builds up to this conclusion in subtle ways more noticeable in hindsight. The main theme of the event is embracing your true self. This applies to Jessica as much as it applies to Blonney.
From the beginning of the event, we see how the humans treat Blonney. With limited access to the outside world, this gives Jessica her first impression of humans beyond Green Lake. They belittle and tease Blonney. In Jessica's eyes, Blonney is the most amazing person she knows (not that she knows many) and she still gets treated this way. Not only that but Blonney resented her arcanist blood because of this mistreatment.
If someone as amazing as Blonney is being rejected by humans, what hope could a Changeling like Jessica have fitting in? Instead, Jessica would rather make Green Lake a place they can be happy together. She expresses no desire to see the outside world.
Later, she meets Vertin and the others. She notes they are different from the people she normally deals with. They are arcanists who embrace their roots and the weirdness that comes with it. As the story goes on, the team falls into “roles”. Tooth Fairy is the mediator. Sonetto is the one who gets stuff done. Horrorpedia is an information bank. Vertin is the problem solver who puts all the information together with Horrorpedia's help.
While Jessica was acting the entire time, the team's reactions are genuine. Vertin being the emotional support after she kills the butcher and asking her what her wishes are later are genuine acts of kindness. Jessica even mentions she's grown to like Vertin when they are talking about wishes. This is important because while Blonney is lying to herself throughout the event (hating horror movies, denying her heritage, etc) everyone else has been straightforward and honest (too much in Horrorpedia’s case).
Then we have the ending. What makes Blonney and Vertin's proposals different?
It starts here:
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Blonney tries to bargain with her without truly understanding the problem. Jessica explains that in the time Blonney was away she grew up and changed. She doesn't want to wait anymore.
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Here Blonney tries again, making an offer she may not be able to uphold (parents). She lists a bunch of things she likes to do to try and convince Jessica but Jessica had a taste of the outside through Blonney's colleagues. Jessica brings up the fact one day her true form will be revealed and she'll be treated like a freak. She also doesn't understand a lot of the things Blonney is bringing up. Overall the proposal feels flimsy. Blonney is not only saying these things to try and escape. She truly wants Jessica to be happy too but she doesn't know how to accomplish this. Also, while Jessica loves Blonney a lot, it doesn’t negate the fact that up to this point Blonney has been in denial about a lot of things (though she shows a lot of growth). If Blonney doesn’t believe in her own words, how can Jessica?
Vertin tries another route with similar intentions. She walks Jessica through why it wouldn't work because even if she stayed, things would get stale for Jessica. Keeping people here is not the key to her happiness, it only numbs her loneliness.
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Vertin the problem solver addresses her fears of rejection, loneliness, and boredom. After this, she brings up the crazy things she's seen around the world to entice her interest. She is not using discos or malls to convince Jessica, but instead the dreams she has of music, meadows, and arcanist tomfoolery. She is offering her the life of an arcanist not the life of a human like Blonney did. Blonney is beginning to embrace her heritage, but she still has that human lifestyle etched into her persona. The things she offered are more associated with humanity than arcanum.
Then Vertin says this:
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She promised to give what she can offer. There are no grandiose claims like Jessica who thinks she can be everything someone needs or Blonney who wants to offer things but she doesn't have the means to realize them. Vertin is offering to do what she can. That is also why she is the only one able to make a promise. I don't even think Jessica used the word "promise" when she was making her offers meaning there is extra weight behind the word in her eyes. In Vertin’s department, she can truly be herself without fear of rejection or feeling like a monster.
Note: Jen and Jess are gay af for each other. I don't think Jess choosing to go with Vertin invalidates her love for Jen. Jennifer needs to come to the Suitcase once she graduates! Jess couldn't go to her, but she can come to Jess. It all works out!
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stinkydemon · 5 months
Just started with green lake story of r1999 it’s so freaking good loveeeeee friday the 13th inspo I’m sucker for slasher movies I really loved op!
Still don’t have tooth fairy….
Also I got An-an Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anouchan-jpg · 1 year
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maplesphotos · 1 month
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I think this is one of the best pictures I've ever taken.
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lionfloss · 2 years
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vintagecamping · 1 year
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Catching fish out of Green Lake at the base of South Sister Mountain.
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mossy-wanderer · 2 months
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Green Lake, BC (No. 1)
Green Lake is a lake in the South Cariboo region of British Columbia, Canada, located east of 70 Mile House. The lake is a popular recreational residential area frequented by owners from the Lower Mainland. Several locations around the lake are part of Green Lake Provincial Park.
Source: Wikipedia
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My best friends
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christinatravel · 2 months
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Discover the tranquility of 'Akchour waterfall,' where nature's artistry unfolds in a breathtaking spectacle. This captivating image captures a pristine waterfall flowing gracefully into a serene lake, its waters tinted a mesmerizing green by the lush grasses' reflection. Nestled within a scenic mountain river landscape, the scene is further enriched by flourishing plants and an intriguing cave. Each element coalesces to create a picturesque natural oasis, inviting viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the beauty of this untouched paradise.
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
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The new cards for the upcoming UTTU event! Look at the puppets ❤️
Here is the trailer:
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