#this got really long haha
gracelesslady23 · 2 years
ProngsfootWeek DAY 1 - When and Why did you begin to Ship Prongsfoot?  What makes you Ship it?
Sirius/James is without a doubt the ship I have circled back to the most. I have fanfics I wrote all the way back in 2009 for them (all incomplete, and horribly written I am sure, but they are there :P).
I’ve seen it said that friends to lovers is a bit boring, but I beg the differ with these two. Despite the limited page time, I think Sirius and James have quite clear characterisations and are two of the most compelling individuals in the series.
James was a bit spoilt, bigheaded and arrogant, but also charismatic, energic, optimistic, able to find light and humour even in the darkest of moments, steadfast in his belief of right and wrong, endlessly loyal to his loved ones, generous with his wealth, time and own life. He was brash with a cruel streak, but that makes his choice to be who he was (a man who went into hiding with his wife and infant son instead of continuing to fight and ‘hunt glory’) and sacrifices he made all the more compelling. I also believe despite his perceived over confidence he struggled with insecurity at times and used his arrogance as a defection technique.
As the only son of an elderly couple, I believe James grew up loved but longing for stimulating companionship – enter one Sirius Black.
Sirius is not the opposite of James but nor are they simply different shades of the same character (à la Fred/George), but his compliment. Enigmatic, carelessly clever, full of quick biting wit and wicked grins, determined, precise and inquisitive. He had a dark sense of humour and devil may care attitude (concealing a burning sense of loyalty and love for those he cares for). Despite his effort to reject his family, was still entitled and disdainful at times and his moral compass was always a little off kilter. But he fought for what he believed in, no matter the personal cost (and it did cost him enormously). Yes he could be haughty, snarky, apathetic and cruel at times, but he could have so easily have chosen the easy path so many times but he never ever did (even in GoF, he’d successfully avoided capture at the end of PoA and seemingly shaken the Ministry off his tail. He was lounging on a beach somewhere getting some much needed R&R, likely never to be found, but he came back for Harry out of love, loyalty and duty). He also has one of the captivating aesthetics in the entire series… flying motorbike, careless good looks, long hair and a kind of enthralling aloofness (i.e. he is downright sexy 😉).
Together Sirius and James are somehow even more fascinating.
Inseparable, too-clever-for-their-own-good, impossibly handsome boys who are somehow both the most popular boys in the school and complete magical nerds (which I think speaks entirely to their charisma). I completely reject the idea that Sirius is some kind of sidekick to James. My reading is that they are the consummate equals: intellectually, in magical skill and in their leadership of their own school yard gang. They challenged each other to push harder, to be smarter. But they also endlessly supported each other and egged the other on (even when they maybe shouldn’t have). They each have their individual strengths but they never appear to be envious or covetous of what they lack, which I feel is quite unusual in friendships between teenagers, even really close ones (look at Harry and Ron, even they have aspects of the other they are envious of). On a darker note, I think they were entirely too lenient/ forgiving of the others’ flaws and would defend each other to the very end, even when it was S or J in the wrong.
IMO this pairing makes such a fertile ground for fanfiction. Even that first meeting you have this almost Romeo / Juliet-esque aspect with their families on opposite sides of the ideological divide; there’s also that instant connection / meeting your equal / melding of the minds kind of thing going on; and I kind of letting loose for the first time (James letting himself lean into his more cruel arrogant side, Sirius allowing himself to break out of the mould of the Black heir by disparaging the Slytherin house). They would absolutely be the kind of idiots to fake date (or marry) or practice kiss (or more) or try friends with benefits, and then fall in love (or more likely realise they had already been in love this whole time). They’d also entirely be the type to angst over loosing their friendship and try to stop themselves from falling in love/pretend they hadn’t. Or be so obvious about the fact they are already in love with the other (“all people fell this way about their best friends… don’t they?”) that they would go years before realising.
Anyway this got really long so I’m going to leave it here.
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shmaroace · 1 year
don't get me wrong, i love all the positivity around being aro, like "be proud of being aro!! love who you are!!", but we never talk about how hard it is to reach that spot. so here's to the aros who are still trying to understand themselves, who aren't proud of who they are yet, who are still coming to terms with their new identity.
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cj-kenobi · 5 months
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I have no idea how this ended up so long but thank you @vetinarivimesy for this brilliant idea. Grievous is definitely Clam Shaped in Obi-Wans otter brain
Tags under the cut :)
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calmbigdipper · 4 months
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What you mean to me
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sysig · 4 months
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The best! The very best of skeletons! (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Papyrus#Sans#A mix of several things! Some redraws and digital reconstruction and high editing/low cleaning >:3c#This paper Actually makes that possible thank goodness#It's not the best paper but it is better in that way for sure#Quicker is all I can ask for really#Anyhow! From the top!#In looking at the old doodle with a blushy Papyrus it looks like the only thing I ''redrew'' about it was the blush itself lol#And being a bit smiley#He's very cute when he's so distracted in battle haha leave him be he's very busy!#The second one was so fun! I was very stylistic with his lower jaw in the original :D The way he looks like an interlocked puzzle piece haha#I trust him he's definitely got this handled#Colour doodles! Red and blue boys! Tall and short long and stout <3 Love 'em#My two favourite colour tools my blood pen and my blue pencil ♪ I could've gone in with my various yellows but pfsh#A nice clean two-colour is very nice :) Or in Sans' case just blue haha#I was using the same blood pen in the original too! Well the same casing anyhow the ink has since been replaced hehe#Snuggling sleeping brothers <3 Another one that was digitally reconstructed! Hopefully it's not super obvious#Even back them I was doodling them sleeping on each other haha - Handplates was an influencing factor ♪#And now into the definitely-Handplates! I love how even in sleep Papyrus snores in capital letters and Sans in lowercase hehe#It's so cute! Sans will fall asleep at the drop of a hat but Papyrus is so much more obvious with his sleep!#Maybe it's like concentrated vs. evenly spread out haha#Babies!! Love them ;; That one was originally meant to be a comic panel but I got their posing wrong lol I misremembered#But they turned out so cute! Look at them!#I especially like Sans' super-glowing eye in the shade of Papyrus <3 Sweet lads#And a couple sleepy boys to practice skeletal profiles :) Nose? Teeth? They have a subtle silhouette but there are varying shapes!#I defaulted to a more chibi look on Sans tho haha his fused jaw and big eyes just give that kind of appearance ♪
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azaracyy · 4 months
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a lesson on good karma digimon survive week 2024 day 4: supporting characters
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mipexch · 7 months
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there's something so beautiful about rain world's art style that i can't properly put into words
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neunhofferart · 24 days
I was just rewatching camp cretaceous and thinking about the writing and storyboarding process for a show that does silent/physical comedy so well and then I discovered your tumblr! amazing work!
Aw thank you so much!! We were a script driven show so some of it was thanks to our writers coming up with funny material to work with, and then a lot of the physical/visual comedy in Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory was thanks to the direction of one of our showrunners, Aaron Hammersley-- he comes from a storyboarding and directing background himself, and he often did passes on the animatics to punch up the acting and comedy even more. I got to work directly with him when I started out as a revisionist on Camp Cretaceous, and I tried to learn from and emulate his comedic sensibilities (in addition to learning from and emulating all my other incredibly talented coworkers haha).
You can particularly tell whenever Aaron touched a scene though-- like, you can almost see his drawings and recognize his timing even when it's translated to 3D. The shot of Ben falling over and screaming for sliiightly too long from the clip that was released today is one of his revisions that wasn't originally scripted, for example. I think probably the BEST example of his is the scene from Camp Cretaceous when Ben is staring at Bumpy and slowly shaking his head with those haunted eyes as she plops down in his sleeping spot-- that was pretty much exactly how Aaron drew it and timed it haha.
A lot of it comes down to thinking about the character's personality and what they'd do, picking strong expressions, limiting the movement of everything around that expression, and being allowed to let the timing breathe. It's really interesting-- a scene from a script can be made into something completely different depending on who's boarding it/who's directing it/how the interpretation of the script is approached.
Even though we were on script driven shows, part of the process of being a storyboard artist was working with our episodic directors to translate the script visually before it was animated, and troubleshooting any problems that arose while visually translating it. If we were able to pitch ideas that supported what was written in the script but took things further/we came up with good solutions to problems that also elevated the storytelling, we were given a lot of support from leadership in return-- particularly on Chaos Theory!
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manygreetingsfriend · 3 months
i’m sooooooo normal about the god of war series. so incredibly normal i liked it a normal amount and would be so chill talking about it. don’t worry about the sign
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#god of war#i’m so so so so so normal about it it’s so whatever it’s so haha you know#something something when it comes to yourself you’ll let yourself drown before you change. you’ll die before you change who you’ve become#to survive this long#up to and until it affects the ones you’ve come to love in this life you’ve made for yourself and you suddenly have no choice but to change#it’s fine it’s ok it’s chill. everyone does this.#it’s becoming a parent and loving your child so much you HAVE to change. you HAVE to be better#we MUST be better. than they were.#who’s they. our parents. the gods that come before us. yes.#i’m screaming i’m crying i’m wasting away im disintegrating. there’s no coming back there no return#you are on your knees. you are gripping your son’s shoulders like they’re the only thing keeping you tethered to the earth.#you are struggling with who you are and who you want to become. you are promising to be better.#i’m so normal about parent(al figures) taking responsibility for their actions and choosing to do better#i’m not high enough to really express what’s going on here. can you feel it? can you fucking feel it?#this series has destroyed me.#dad of boy. dad(s) of boy. i will never be the same (affectionate)#can’t remember the last time i finished a series and went ‘oh well i’ve GOT to play it again Now That I Know’#AND I HAVENT EVEN TALKED ABOUT THE BROTHER HULDRA!!!!!!!!!#sindri’s face. has not left my memory#i’m dying scoob#gow#gowr
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
Again I know it's supposed to be a haha reference to the turns into a bear when he's too aroused thing, but in again refusing to brush just over the surface of this character: "I must be careful or I'll lose run of myself again. An Archdruid should show *some* restraint." comes across to me as more melancholy than perhaps intended when a. You take it into consideration that several lines imply that Halsin has issues with self control and self servitude, and presenting an "acceptable" version of himself as an outwards facing authority figure, to the point where he brushes over his own feelings, or pushes things that he wants down in the effort to reflect better what others want from him.
And b. Remember that Halsin was essentially just an apprentice when he was forcibly situationally promoted to Archdruid - he wasn't taught *how* to be an Archdruid or trained for it, or mentored; he was thrust into it because they didn't have any other choice. But they needed someone, so he stepped up. Halsin has spent the last century studying and learning things on the fly or through trial and error, and in a position of leadership like that, he is aware that every failure to uphold that mask *counts* and others *are* very much affected. How many times has he muttered that same mantra? Or heard it thrown around? An Archdruid not having control over their own magic is a big deal. Even when he is no longer Archdruid, he still grumbles it to himself. He's been at it over a century and he *still* doesn't feel like he's gotten it right. Even when he is in a place of progression, of trying to gain hold of himself again, those wisps of failure and self doubt still creep into everything. And that's sad to me.
#BG3 Musing#Halsin Posting#haha funny line in response to saucy line that man is about to go feral ooh se- HEY TRAUMA#it's like a med student being promoted to the head of emergency#or an admin assistant suddenly being put in a ceo role#like i know it's a meme scene!! but halsin sounds *humilated* when he accidentally wildshapes during his romance scene#he sounds flustered and embarrassed and is so quickly launching off excuses with a tone that indicates *he thinks it's over*#like he fucked up he fucked this up just when he was *starting* to come into himself again and it never stops#i keep thinking of that one lyric from big thief 'i can't find surrender/and i can't keep control'#and again i'm reading too deep into it but halsin's struggle with failure really is embedded here you just have to...like listen to him#Even when he *says* that there's little point in denying oneself#he does it literally all the time - he did it for a *century*#and i'm not saying he doesn't have fun or not enjoy things but he cuts himself off so early at the root#or buries himself so thoroughly in a self indulgence until it wrecks him and neither of these things are healthy#note that he says as long as others aren't affected - he doesn't say as long as i'm not affecting *myself*#anyway i'm unwell#maybe i was never meant to be archdruid - you weren't! you were meant to protect nature's spirit and roam with the wilds#and yet he still did the best he could and people *admire* him and followed him but he may never come to see it that way#you ruined a perfectly good wood elf - look it's got trauma and anxiety (and larian turned him into a meme and i won't forgive them)
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insufferablemod · 4 months
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I just wanted to say that I really love ur art and Dave ask blog and I get so hype when you like my John ask blog stuff ! Thanks for being one cool dude :B
AAAafdsdsff tysm! and thank u 4 the dave,,, i love him hes so small,,,, qwq)/<3<3<<3<3<3<<3<3!!! your ask blog is really cute and i love your colors! theyre so lovely! your john design is also adorable so heres a lil fanart :)c
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Hi I was wondering if you do art request? If you do would it be alright can I request rise Shinigami from tmnt 12 version
I feel like like her and mikey would get along since in the 12 version she a witch and in rise that’s a place called witch town (a perfect opportunity to show Shinigami 🥺)
if your not doing request, you can ignore this , no worries hope your doing ok and I love how your characters 💗
I'm doing just fine! I know it's been long, but this been on my mind for a long time! I remembered liking the idea! And then forgot about it haha XD.
Rise shinigami here we go!! That one really inspired me. I really wanted to give a good- uuh, accurate design let's say haha.
☆ Shinigami (I'll probably find a better firstname soon and a last name too haha), Shimy (The name she usually go by)
Age: same as April
Height: 5,7ft
Specie: Witch (I consider it a specie yes) of the Mind (that I shall extent later)
Personality/About her: Crazy rich asia-american diva; confidence over the top of her own head; arrogant?? Capricious?? And sly?? Oh for sure.
Heard of the new brand? She already has it (lol)
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Shimy was raised in a strict and very wealthy household, where image and power majorly reigns. As she grows, she became sick of her fathers crazy standards and quickly became more rebellious and caused some troubles.
Her fathers, then transferred her into April's high school during second semester (Yes they allowed it, cuz... rich people), hoping she'll learn from the "normal" people.
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April, being the kindest human soul around, decide to befriended her. Worried that she might feel like an outcast like herself, since their in the same latin class (WHY LATIN?? BECAUSE I SAID SO!).
Oh She has a voice too!
Shellsea from fishhooks, same vibes, same vibes.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Nikolai with a s/o who always has a hand on his chest? With consent ofc, and it’s always to feel his heartbeat. I think of this all the time and it’s always super cute in my head.
Hello! That is pretty cute!
Nikolai Always with Reader’s Hand on His Chest
Nikolai is a pretty laid back and chill sort of man, so he usually doesn’t mind you putting your hand over his heart. Maybe not while you’re walking, though, he doesn’t want you to trip. It’s very sweet to him: You wanna make sure that he’s alive? That he’s still with you? That his heart is still beating? Trust me, not even death could take him away from you. He’d dig his way out of his grave after killing the reaper with his bare hands himself. You can always put your hand over his chest while you’re at home together, though. It’s nice to feel you. After a while it would be reassuring to him as well, feeling that you’re there, that you’re with him. He thinks it’s sweet that you always want to be touching him, because if it was up to you he’d do the same thing with you. After some time, once he’s realized that you’re always touching him whenever you can, he tries to get into positions that facilitate you touching him a bit. Usually lies on his back when you’re cuddling so you have full access to him. Can and will fall asleep like that, but will also want to hold you back. Will also put his hand over your heart as well so he can “get back at you”. In reality, feeling your heartbeat is also just nice and reassuring to him. However, he sometimes might lie on your chest in order to hear it as well, something like it lulls him to sleep, after all. You can put your hand over his chest in public as well, though, he doesn’t particularly mind cuddling in public either. There’s a good chance you’ll be nicely clothed, though, so you won’t feel his heartbeat unless you slip your hand under his clothes. You can do that, he doesn’t care about strangers staring in public. However, once it’s time to continue walking around, release him. You can continue your antics once you’ve found another nice bench to sit on.
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cherrirui-official · 6 months
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 3/7)
PART 3 RAAAAGH!!! SO SORRY THIS ONE TOOK SO LONG AAAH!!!! But it's here now, yippee!!! And just in time for Christmas too, wowie!
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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Designs under the cut!
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The light scars/ cracks on her body were injuries formed while she was accidentally sent through Turo's time machine. Unlike the paradox pokemon/ miraidon, GrAce's body isn't made of iron or metal, so her body wasn't able to withstand the large amount of tera energy used to power the machine as easily as the paradox pokemon were.
Luckily, she was just barely able to hold out against the time machine's energy until she made it to Turo's lab in the present day. Unfortunately, she can't be sent back because she would literally die if she went through the time machine again. Sooooo she's stuck in the modern era.
Very familiar with Area Zero and the various pokemon that reside down there, but moved out in order to continue producing music as well as familiarize herself with current-day Paldea.
She only vaguely know Clavell back when he was a rebellious teenager, though she didn't know his name. Clavell, on the other hand, was one of her biggest fans back in the 50s-60s.
Funny enough, when she sees "Clive" for the first time, she recognizes him! But not as Director Clavell, she just barely recognizes him as the random teenage fan that would occasionally ask her to sign various GrAce posters he had bought. She is also under the belief that he too, was sent from the past into the present, unaware that he simply just grew up.
Likes doing random poses for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
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Believes that everything can be solved without violence, but can and will throw hands if need be.
Everyone in Braidy's family greet each other by playfully ramming into one another. So when Peppy and his team were getting chased down by Braidy's family during their journey, they weren't trying to attack them, they just wanted to say hi!
Braidy is really good with kids due to his experience with being the eldest sibling, as he'd often have to take care of his younger siblings.
Mykyie and Braidy shop at the same clothing store.
Speaking of Mykyie, the lighter parts of Braidy's fur appeared only after Mykyie passed...
As of now, he's still an apprentice, but he has great potential to become an all powerful wizard... someday.
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Artist's note: I couldn't fit their children in the bio sorry girls and gays. I'll probably draw them out later on after I'm finished with everyone else.
Their stomachs are basically voids, so every time they eat the food just disappears, which is why they're ALWAYS hungry.
HIGHLY flammable.
It is speculated that they're poppets, but you don't have any proof of that, do you?
If you listen closely, you can hear soft bell noises every time they walk. It is unknown why this happens, but I believe it is best not to ask.
Aaaaand that's it! I plan on taking a short break from these bc I wanna draw some other stuff. Dw, I'll continue to work on these very soon!
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daffi-990 · 3 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday ✍️
Tagged by @diazsdimples & @wikiangela. Go check out their snippets and show them some love 💕
I’ve been going back and forth between my Fantasy AU and Rival Firefighters this week and am feeling a lot better about my writing than I was last week, which is refreshing.
Today’s snippet is more than seven sentences and I literally just wrote it so excuse any and all mistakes. It’s from Rival Firefighters 🚒 and oh look .. The Well Incident is making an appearance in this fic 👀
The hospital admit Eddie for the night, no matter how much he grumbles and insists he’s fine, that he just wants to go home and see his son. The nurses don’t budge, and it’s not until Bobby threatens to call Athena and have her handcuff Eddie to the bed that Eddie gives up and resigns himself to his fate. After that Bobby heads out, squeezing Buck on the shoulder as leaves, and then it’s just him and Eddie . They switch on the tv and watch late night infomercials until a nurse comes by an hour later, interrupting their argument over the price of a steam mop to inform Buck that extended visiting hours are over and it’s time for him to leave.
He doesn’t want to go, wants to stay right here in the uncomfortable hospital chair beside Eddie’s bed and watch tv until he falls asleep knowing that Eddie is safe and will be right there beside him when he opens his eyes. He doesn’t want to go home and face the nightmares he knows are waiting for him as soon as he closes his eyes. He can still feel the mud under his gloved hands, digging digging digging.
The nurse comes back 15 minutes later and all but drags Buck out, much to Eddie’s amusement. Buck promises to come back first thing in the morning which earns him a soft smile from Eddie that sets Bucks heart a flutter. The nurse, Kathy, walks Buck to the elevator, casually mentioning that visiting hours don’t officially start until 9, but that she’s on shift until 8:30 and is willing to slip him in earlier if he comes bearing coffee.
Buck hugs her before hoping into the elevator, the door closing on her startled and blushing face. On his way down to the ground floor he orders an Uber, thankfully not having to wait too long before it arrives.
When he gets home he sinks down onto the couch, turning the tv on and switching it to the same channel he and Eddie were watching at the hospital. He closes his eyes and pretends he’s still there, Eddie alive and safe in the hospital bed beside him, grumbling about infomercials and how they’re trying to scam people.
No pressure tagging: @tizniz @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @puppyboybuckley @chaosandwolves @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @disasterbuckdiaz @devirnis @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @monsterrae1 @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @shortsighted-owl @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @epicbuddieficrecs @evanbegins @nmcggg @bekkachaos @captain-hen @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @giddyupbuck @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @steadfastsaturnsrings @shitouttabuck @king-buckley @glorious-spoon @athenagranted @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove and anyone else wanting to share something 🥰
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sysig · 3 days
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Even stardust shimmers, darling 🌟 (Patreon)
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