#this also makes me so much angrier at how they treated her in the ending
beetles-and-leeches · 2 years
We all agree that season 4 episode 4 of Stranger Things (Dear Billy), specifically Max's scenes, can be read as an allusion to a suicide attempt, right?
I don't think I'm saying anything new or controversial here, and when I first watched the episode it seemed like such a clear analogy/metaphor/I'm not really sure what the right word is, so then I asked everyone in my circle about it as it's also one of my favourite episodes (if not the best) in the whole show.
But then everyone answered something about the music and the emotional power of it and that it's cool and like, yes, obviously, but that's not what I'm asking about. I'm asking if you found any meaning beyond what the story is saying explicitly. Because I know I project a lot but I know I didn't just pull that whole interpretation out of nowhere;
The letters,
Her mother getting extremely concerned because her daughter is handing out stuff to people and not giving any explanation and Max crying over it because yes, there is something wrong,
Lucas being worried that she is withdrawing from her friends (and Vecna saying she hides),
Hell, Vecna straight up says how she spent nights wishing she could "follow Billy into death". It's not even some subtle, ambiguous insinuations, it's explicitly stated. Vecna doesn't just randomly manipulate people, he knows what they think, he knows what they feel; his words only get to them because to some degree, they are their thoughts. He doesn't talk about them joining him for a greater purpose or benefit, they know they are dying and he knows they are dying and he calls that "ending your suffering".
Also the way some of the lines are written;
"You know you can talk to me, right? (...) Why do you keep pushing me away?" (Talking wouldn't have much meaning if you are just being hunted by a physical monster or a serial killer, it's not like you can change that situation by changing how you feel)
"I'm still here... I'm still here" (okay this one just applies to any near-death experience, but it hit home because that's exactly what I was thinking after surviving, just... Holy shit, that just happened, and I'm still here, I made it through that)
Just. She has this horrible certainty like she is resigned to the fact that things will go wrong, and the guilt, and the fact that Vecna goes after people who are already dealing with baggage (apparently mental illness and more specifically PTSD).
Yes, the song technically saves her but she only gets out when she starts flashing memories of her loved ones. Further on we see that she has to cling to happy memories, but just the song, because it's not just the music that saves her, it's the meaning she gives it. And yes I'm projecting here again because I remembered clinging to the thought of people I love and everything that ever made me feel love in turn after I attempted and realize what a huge mistake I almost made.
I know y'all get it but god I need to talk and vent about this so bad and apparently I'm the only one on my social circle who thought of this but I know I'm not just reading too much into it. I guess I'm just kind of disappointed that the people who I wanted to see and think and talk about this things the most (people who haven't experience suicidal thoughts) are the ones who are noticing it the least.
Anyways I'm tired and emotional goodnight
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shewolf-sinclair · 21 days
I HATE when people dumb down Jason Todd “he’s impulsive/irrational/erratic/brash/dumb/the angry robin!”
let me break it down for you fools because he’s actually like one of the most nuanced and complex characters to ever bless my presence (and he’s the best ((my fav)) robin argue with the wall) (tldr at the end but please read the post)
Starting out as robin they are ALL orphans. because that’s like bruce’s thing. BUT dick and tim had families before bruce adopted them. Jason did not. HE GREW UP ON THE STREETS. (+10 points for truama✨) which led him to grow up to be independent and resourceful. Bruce literally met him because he was trying to steal the bat mobiles tires with the intent of reverse engineering them to sell to the people of gotham because bullet proof tires in that kinda city would save lives source
As for being brash. Yeah. he is. he lacks people skills because HE GREW UP ON THE STREETS. yet he still knows how to sympathize with people and not be an ass ALL the time. he’s cocky sure but it’s a defensive mechanism after years of being treated like he doesn’t have value/having to prove himself. and damien is worse lets bsffr.
He’s impulsive. (likely adhd) Teenager. next question.
He’s the angriest robin! he only ever wants vengeance! WRONG. dick is angrier! he was so petty he left gotham and got a new identity just as a fuck you to bruce. any anger Jason has is not unmatched or outdone by other robins and he is rightfully angry he’s been dealt a crappy hand in life. he’s jealous of dick because bruce was ALWAYS comparing him and telling heroic stories of dicks feats. it’s hard not to push yourself to be as good as or better than the og and not to crack under said pressure.
He’s dumb! NOPE. he is as smart if not smarter than tim. He is BRILLIANT when he wants to be. (see above: resourceful) if you take titans (cw) as canon (why wouldn’t u its as canon as any other tv show??) he is a GENIUS. he taught himself chemistry so he could invent and mass produce drugs. he had a genius strategy to fuck with the titans; the puzzle of clues for which dick needed scarecrow, kory, gar, and conner to solve. Not to mention him finding doctor light earlier in the season. He leads the outlaws bc he is a natural leader and good at handling the details!!
He’s a villain! OKAY AND? SO WAS HARLEY BUT WE LUV HER !! DAMIEN WAS A TRAINED ASSASAIN! he puts so much effort into helping people (see above: resourceful) HE RISKED/LOST HIS LIFE FOR IT. HE IS FIERCELY LOYAL. even as red hood he obtains a strict moral code; no drugs to kids or by schools, don’t kill innocent uninvolved people(depends on which media you’re looking at). serve karma on a gold platter. unlawful but USUALLY NOT unethical. he also becomes a vigilante (and the JL for a bit) and does so much good! none of them are perfect ALL of the time. and considering the other DC villains, he’s not that evil.
strength?? no problem! he almost beat dick and bruce several times in the comics!! source
not to mention his proficiency for new things (see above: chemistry) his whole time as robin he uses bat tech. but redhood uses guns and knives. he just picked that up and was a skilled marksman immediately. (also truama response after nearly dying to death stroke)
so what hes kinda fucked in the head. aren’t they all? isn’t that… the point? it’s justified after everything he’s been through AND it makes hims a better character, more 3D more realistic and relatable.
also for the sake of this thesis partially disregard the wonderful work of art that is WFA it’s a fixit. for a reason. because the it was broken and needed fixing.
TLDR; you don’t have to like Jason Todd, or think he’s the best Robin, but you have to admit, he is a complex, layered, well written character. And stop mischaracterizing him and dumbing him down to this impulsive, angry, weak kid.
bonus: my Jason playlist
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sunandsstars · 1 year
Hi. I just wanted to say that your Yawnetu fic has me in a chokehold. I mean Fuck you Jake. And I know that the reader's love interest are most likely going to be like Tonowari and Ronal but you know I imagined a whole oc character and just wanted to share.
A male love interest who is probably Tonowari's younger brother. And besides being a warrior, he is absolutely opposite of Jake. He's funny, popular, loved, flirty and very charming. Maybe he's a playboy and seeing Reader and her children absolutely captures him.
He follows the reader like a puppy and absolutely adores his stepsons. Always holding them and playing with them and unlike Jake 'Call me Sir' Sully. He's an absolute affectionate Dad.
And I can just imagine that sarcastic smirk on his face as he holds the reader when Jake and Neytiri come to seek Uturu. He's like 'So you were the one that Eywa thought was good for my love. Huh. I guess even Eywa makes blunders sometimes no?'
And in return the boys are all sassy and badass like their dad too.
oh my god. i actually love this so much 🤩
Just the sweet younger brother of the clans olo’eyktan, a fine warrior, flirty individual and cocky na’vi. Beloved by everyone in Awa’atlu, he’s great with kids and likes helping the elderly, definitely the cool uncle.
when the reader ends up in in their reef he’s just like 🤔 who’s this, why has this strange lady come to seek sanctuary. but i feel like Tonowari would make him show reader where she would be staying (he saw the way his brother was eyeing her), showing her and her twins their new home. maybe fetching her the comforts she will need for her stay like food or extra blankets (he’d definitely do so willingly though, she’s a pretty thing after all)
after properly seeing her and the twins, maybe hanging out with her for a few days after her arrival, he would be so hooked! just look at these chubby little babies 🥹 with their equally sweet and doting mother 🥹 he would volunteer to look after them while she recovers from any labours and the babies in turn would take to him! doing that little thing where they reach up with grabby hands omg
tonowari and ronal are scheming 100%, they see how he’s infatuated with the small family. he’s mateless, they gotta set him up with someone eventually 🙄☝🏼
when reader and him DO bond they become one happy family. He would be such a fun dad, showing the boys the waters as soon as they can, helping them with sign language, going hunting with them etc etc. Would also let them have sleepovers with Ao’nung and Tsireya, they’re just super close bestie cousins (also with readers permission, she’s the boss). he would also be a very doting husband, helping reader adjust to life with the metkayina, treating her with the utmost respect and love she deserves. he would give her as many children as she wanted 😏 (they end up having another 2 i bet…maybe 1 on the way)
when the sully’s arrive in awa’atlu he can tell reader is distraught and upset, her home in the forest is in danger again, and jake and neytiri have sought refuge in the place she was able to finally call home and feel safe in with her family, away from them. He’s extremely hostile towards them both, hissing, ears pinned back, standing taller while broadening his shoulders, showing them who’s the biggest bird (or na’vi) and he definitely is a huge man, i mean look at tonowari and the other metkayina men, they’re fucking massive 😏😏😳
and when he sees how jake treats his sons, he gets even angrier if that’s even possible, no one should treat their sons like they’re disposable soldiers. “yes sir” “sorry sir” what is this?? he would never make his sons do that, they happily call him sempul or sempu. he sees the way jake doesn’t bother standing up for Lo’ak too, it’s disgusting, your son feels like an outcast, as a father you should reassure him that he’s not, just because he’s different doesn’t make him any less na’vi. atleast that’s what he tells his twins, they’re darker in comparison, skinny tails and arms but they’re his sons, your sons, he won’t make them feel alienated in their own home.
he would make jake’s training hell, using his old cocky charm on him and purposefully giving him the toughest challenges to master (that tsurak was definitely one of them). all while doing that smug smirk, tonowari is rolling his eyes constantly.
all in all he’s an amazing father and mate and would do anythinggg to protect reader and their children 🫶🏼 i would be happy to make a spin-off when yawnetu is finished
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tojikai · 10 months
Ya I don’t feel all that bad for naomi 🫢 like you said, what did she expect going into a relationship with a guy who broke up with his baby mama a week ago like that situation is just ripe for drama. Also the way she passively let y/n be trampled on by satoru and his demon of a mother. Just going with the flow and smiling pretty when they did the family portrait and holding Yui as if she was hers (like why did she have to hold her? Did satoru lose function of both arms at the time or?). I know some of y’all wanna make excuses for her that satoru enabled her by not putting a stop to it and whatnot but that’s a grown ass woman. She is a grown ass full on adult woman, and you’re telling me that without satoru holding her hand and explaining to her about boundaries and having empathy and treating someone with basic respect, she wouldn’t know how to act?? Come on lmao let’s not be silly now
If she doesn’t know how to act in situations like that, how is she coping with the intricacies of social interaction in her day to day life, at work etc? I’m not buying her whole “I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong” act, therefore the only other explanation is that she knows her actions were out of line and she did them anyway cause she’s an asshole who thought her behaviour could go unchecked because at the time she was favoured by satoru and his mother lol it’s gonna be a bitter pill to swallow when she finds out satoru doesn’t love her and in fact loves y/n
Also we thought miss girly in permanent mark was innocent at first too but she turned out to be a snake in the end so I wouldn’t be surprised if Naomi turns out similar (I agree with the anon that said she’s giving off baby trapping vibes). I think she enjoys the attention and privileges and prestige that comes with dating the Gojo Satoru too much to go down easily. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if satoru’s mother tries to get her to do something shady when they have their meeting. She’ll probably try and paint y/n in a bad light and say she’s seducing satoru or some shit (Which is so dumb cause it truly seems like she thinks satoru has no autonomy of his own like? He’s a grown man but alright go off) Knowing Naomi’s ass, once their plan backfires and satoru becomes aware of their ugly personalities, she’ll say she was only doing what his mom told her to do and she had no idea that she was doing anything bad 👉👈
Speaking of I hope Satoru gets wind that his mother actually physically assaulted y/n because it didn’t seem like he knew in the last chapter when he woke up and interrupted their fight. I feel like he would’ve had an angrier reaction than just pleading with his mom to leave them alone. Yeah that woman is literally the worst. All that money to her name but no class 🙃
ooh, that family picture, i got a little more story about it. i mentioned in part 5 that naomi liked to think about satoru and yui as her own family. even before they became official, it just crossed her mind but it's more of like just her imagining having a family of her own. and when that picture taking stuff happened, they were just starting their relationship that time and that's when she really felt like they were a family, especially with the fact that satoru's mom favors her and thinks she's the better woman for her son :'')) it was a painful memory to yn bc she had to stand there and watch them :(( but anw u got a lot of things right, like his mother badmouthing yn, and trying to get her to do something shady😭 the slap was explained, he saw it when he moved her to bed and fought w his mom abt it. and the only reason satoru couldn't react more then, was bc yui was there :((
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imzadi-caskett-huddy · 2 months
Hell Hath No Fury (16/?)
Okay, I know I said I would alternate updates between this story and It Started With a Kiss, but after the way I ended the last chapter, I really felt this one was calling to me more than the other one, so I’m going to update this one with this chapter, and then hopefully do It Started With a Kiss.
Thanks to everyone for the responses to the last chapter! I know everyone is concerned about our couple having their first fight, but…it was time. At this point they’ve been dating officially for about a month and a half or more…so the newness is still there but it’s not as much of a honeymoon period as it was. And both of them are passionate people. Plus Castle just canNOT help but say stupid things without thinking around her sometimes…and those things get him into trouble more often than not, lol.
Because a lot of people commented on Jim’s sense of humor (positively, might I add!), I want to point out my headcannon for where Beckett inherits certain qualities. Jim has always come off as a little more soft-spoken and level-headed…I think Kate gets her practicality from him. I think Kate gets her dry sense of humor and ability to throw rapid-fire banter, sometimes loaded with innuendo, back at Castle from her dad as well. But I think her tenacity, her fiery personality, her heart, her need to dig her heels in, and (most importantly for this chapter) her temper comes from her mom.
All that said, I still don’t own Castle.
Kate had given up on trying to sleep somewhere around 5. Instead, she had gotten up to shower; she looked through the door that led from the bathroom into the guest room and clenched her jaw when she saw Castle sleeping soundly and heard him snoring lightly. She closed the door louder than necessary and locked it to make sure he couldn’t get in. She was also intentionally louder than necessary as she showered and got herself ready for the day in the bathroom. She had stewed over his words and his decision to sleep in the guest room all night, and coupled with the fact that she hadn’t slept well, she was angrier with him now than she had been the night before.
By the time her dad joined her downstairs in the kitchen, it was 730, and she’d already had her first cup of coffee and was working on a crossword puzzle in pen. “Good morning, Katie,” he greeted, taking in his daughter’s appearance. The fact that she was already completely dressed and her hair was still air-drying despite the early hour was odd to him. His daughter was an early riser as an adult, he knew that…but he’d expected her to be lounging in bed with her boyfriend and not sitting fully dressed at the kitchen island doing a crossword puzzle. “I take it Rick doesn’t share your affinity for mornings?”
“Morning, Dad,” she looked up from her puzzle with a small smile. When he mentioned Castle, her jaw clenched slightly as she turned her attention back to the crossword she was working on.
“No,” she stated simply. “And I don’t care what he’s doing this morning.”
Jim raised an eyebrow slightly. He recognized that tone from his daughter; something had happened between the couple after he’d gone to bed, and she was still upset this morning. He wouldn’t press, though; if she wanted to talk about it, she would. “How about I make some breakfast?” he suggested instead with a smile.
“That would be great, thanks Dad.”
She had finished the crossword she was working on, and just as her dad was fixing his and Kate’s plate with bacon and eggs, Castle appeared from the guest room…which did not go unnoticed by the older man.
“Morning,” Castle mumbled, raking his hand over his face and through his hair. He moved toward Kate out of habit for a good morning kiss.
Before his lips could land on her, she simply slid off her seat on the stool and moved away from him toward the coffee machine without a word, earning a frown from Castle.
Jim watched this interaction silently. The whole thing reminded him so much of the way his wife had treated him when she was upset with him over something. “Good morning, Rick. There are plenty of eggs and bacon if you would like some breakfast,” he offered with a smile.
Castle watched as Kate made two cups of coffee, and then frowned when she kept one and handed the other to her father, completely ignoring his presence, before returning to her seat at the kitchen island with the plate her father had made for her. “Thanks,” he replied, clearly deflated now that he realized his girlfriend was every bit as mad at him now as she’d been the night before.
The older man fixed another plate and a cup of coffee, handing it to his daughter’s boyfriend with a sympathetic look. “So, Rick, do you have another Nikki Heat book coming out this fall?” Jim tried to start a conversation with the man.
“Uh…yeah. Heat Rises should hopefully be out in September or October. I’m waiting on my publisher to send me back the final edits for me to review. As long as I have them submitted by the deadline, the book should be released in September. Obviously, given the recent events, they are being unusually lenient with the deadline. But I’d like to have the edits done so the book can release as scheduled. Otherwise promotional travel for the book will probably extend closer to the holidays than I’d like.”
Jim nodded. “And you always travel to promote your book releases?”
“To some extent, yes,” Castle explained. “This is the third book in the series, so it’s not like the launch of a new series. Nikki Heat already has a dedicated group of fans, so there are some talk shows planned, some book signings. There will be a release party in the city, but there won’t be as much pomp and circumstance surrounding the release as there was when I launched the series with Heat Wave. And it won’t be a lengthy tour…at least in terms of me being gone for long periods at a time. Alexis will still be in school in the fall, and I won’t leave her for that long. So my publisher and publicist will work out a schedule to send me to several larger cities for a few days here and there over the course of a couple months, probably mostly on the weekends or for no more than a couple days at a time where I fly in to a city one day and fly back the next. It’s not necessarily ideal, but I insist on being there for my daughter, even if she is practically an adult.”
“That’s very commendable,” Jim nodded. “Katie told me that you’re a great father.”
Castle smiled at that. “What else did she tell you about me?” he asked, earning an eyeroll from Kate as she finished her breakfast silently.
“That you’re generous and kind. That you’re a good man. But with Katie, it’s also about what she didn’t say. Just the way she smiles when talking about you, that genuine smile of hers I haven’t seen in years…”
“Yeah, well that was before I remembered how much of a jackass he is,” Kate interrupted, carrying her dishes to the sink.
“Kate, can we talk about last night?” Castle finally sighed, gently taking her elbow.
The same fire from the previous night flashed in her eyes when he touched her, and she jerked her elbow away. “Don’t,” she said angrily.
“I’m sorry…” he tried.
She crossed her arms and gave him a glare. “For?”
She clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes, pushing past him to go toward her bedroom. He tried to grab her hand as she walked by only to have her spin on him and angrily shove her finger into his chest hard. “Don’t touch me,” she hissed angrily, her finger poking his chest once more for emphasis before spinning on her heel and walking to her bedroom, slamming the door.
Castle stared after her, gently rubbing the spot on his chest she had forcefully poked. Jim came up beside him and placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. When Castle started to head for
the room, Jim gripped his shoulder a little harder and shook his head. “You don’t want to talk to her when she’s that angry.”
Castle stopped and looked at the older man. “I don’t?”
Jim shook his head. “You don’t.” He gave the younger man a slight smile. “Take it from a man who’s been on the receiving end of that temper more times than I can count. Talking to her now will only make it worse. You’ve got to ride out the wave of anger first…let her get it out of her system. She’ll be ready to talk eventually.”
Castle studied the man. “Kate’s been that angry with you?”
“Nope. Her mother,” Jim told him with a chuckle. “Katie inherited her temper. So trust me, I know exactly what you’re going through right now. The first fight Jo and I had, she didn’t speak to me for almost a week.”
“What did you do?”
He smiled slightly at the memory. “I said something insensitive…that I didn’t even realize was insensitive at the time. But I said a lot of stupid things around her; it’s difficult to get your brain to function properly around a woman who drives you crazy.”
Castle sighed. “I know the feeling.”
“Once I figured it out, I tried to talk to her…only I ended up putting my foot in it even worse and pushing her buttons even more…which is why I’m stopping you from going into that bedroom right now. You go in there, you’re poking a hornet’s nest. She won’t hear anything you say; she’ll only give you enough rope to hang yourself. Take it from a man who hung himself a few too many times. Wait her out.”
“Patience is not one of my virtues,” Castle admitted, staring at the door as though it would make Kate reappear.
Jim chuckled. “You better figure out how to make it one in a relationship with Katie. Otherwise you’re going to be quite miserable, because I can promise you with her temper and strong willed personality, this will not be the last fight you two have…especially if you plan to go the distance with her,” he added the last part with a raised eyebrow, trying to get a read on the writer’s intentions toward his daughter.
Castle turned his attention from the door to the other man at that. “I love your daughter. I can assure you, this is not some casual fling with her. I’m in this,” he answered the man honestly.
“Then I suggest you learn patience. Loving Katie means playing a waiting game sometimes,” he smiled, giving Castle’s shoulder another squeeze.
Kate threw open the door to the bedroom and walked huffily toward the closet to grab her leather jacket. “I’m taking my bike out. Do you need me to pick up anything?”
The question was directed at her father, but Castle opened his mouth to make a reply. “No, Katie, we’re good. Enjoy your ride,” Jim quickly answered before the other man could get a word out. Once the bike engine roared to life outside, Jim gave Castle a smile. “Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll show you around the woods and to the lake. Nature is very calming.”
“You know, I asked Katie to bring you up here with her,” Jim told him as they walked toward the lake.
Castle studied the other man as they walked. “So she didn’t invite me just to invite me,” he nodded his realization.
Jim laughed softly. “No. I doubt she would have invited you without my suggestion. Katie doesn’t typically introduce me to a boyfriend this early into a relationship. I only met Josh a couple of times when he joined Katie for one of our lunches at the diner. But she doesn’t bring them along when she and I schedule time together here at the cabin. I’m honestly surprised she brought you, even with my suggestion,” he admitted. “So not only did she bring you around much sooner than she typically does, she brought you here. You’re obviously important to her.”
He let that information sink in. Kate didn’t bring boyfriends around her dad unless it was more serious. And even then, not to this extent. That spoke volumes to him about how she felt about him, and he felt even worse about making her upset. “Why did you ask Kate to invite me?” he asked curiously.
“I wanted to thank you for saving her life. You took a bullet for her, Rick. She would have been shot…or worse…if you hadn’t been there. You made sure I didn’t lose my only daughter. I’ll never be able to repay you for that,” Jim told him seriously.
Castle stopped walking to look at him seriously. "It's not necessary to thank me, or to repay me." He knew from a father’s perspective how Jim felt, because he knew how he would feel if it were Alexis. But he also was a man in love with the older man’s daughter. "I would do it again to save her,” he told him honestly. It was a fact he was pretty sure would be a hot-button topic between himself and Kate if and when they discussed it, but he absolutely would. “I’m her partner; I’m always going to have her back. And even if I weren’t…I love her. I would do anything…anything…to keep her safe. I would die for her.” That was another topic he felt would be a hot-button topic should it come up in a conversation with Kate. “But, uh…maybe don’t tell
her I said that last part?”
Jim nodded. “I think your recent actions speak for themselves, Rick. You don’t know how much that means to me to know how far you would go to keep her safe.” He smiled slightly then. “Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. I won’t say a word to Katie about the last comment you made. But you know how smart Katie is…I’d be willing to bet she already knows how true that last statement of yours is. And I’d be willing to bet she returns the sentiment. However, that’s a conversation for the two of you to have with each other.”
Castle winced slightly at the thought of another, most likely more serious fight than the one they were currently in the middle of. “I think I’ll wait until she’s no longer so angry at me before bringing up another topic that will also have her anger directed at me,” he stated. He began walking down the path again. “Your daughter is the most remarkable, extraordinary woman I’ve ever met. But she’s also the most maddeningly frustrating woman I’ve ever met.”
“She’s exactly like her mother in that regard," Jim chuckled. "I was married to Jo for almost 25 years. We were friends for 3 years before we ever dated. And those are words I have always associated with my wife,” he told the man. “It takes a strong man to love a woman like that. A man who knows when to push her, when to support her, but also when to let her be herself and have her independence. From everything Katie has told me, I think you fit the bill, Rick. Just don’t let her push you away. Katie has a bad habit of running sometimes when someone gets too close. Keep showing up for her, and I think you two will be just fine.”
“I can do that. I will do that," Castle smiled. "She’s worth it." Because aside from being a father, being loved by Kate Beckett was the most amazing thing he’d ever experienced. He was going to make this work with her, no matter how often he pissed her off by saying or doing something stupid; he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it.
Kate didn’t return to the cabin until late that afternoon. When she did, Castle was relieved to see that she seemed a great deal calmer than when she had left, but he was heeding Jim’s earlier words about giving her space until she was ready to talk. His eyes followed her as she returned her jacket to the closet and moved through the cabin, giving her dad a hug and having a conversation with him in the kitchen about dinner plans before disappearing into the bedroom to change from her riding boots into a pair of more comfortable sneakers.
It was difficult, but Castle remained in his spot on the couch, feigning interest in the TV instead of rushing to her, but he managed. His eyes did meet hers for a few moments before she told her dad she’d be outside on the porch if he changed his mind and wanted help with dinner. She gave Castle another look before heading out the door.
When he didn’t move from his spot and only stared at the door after her, Jim gave a chuckle.
“Son, that look was your cue to go talk to her,” he said from his spot in the kitchen as he started preparing dinner.
Castle was off the couch in an instant now that he had seemingly been granted permission to talk to her and try to make this right. He went outside quietly, smiling as he watched her leaning against the railing of the porch. “Can we talk?” he asked cautiously, his voice soft and uncertain; it was possible she’d still shut him down, he knew.
“Depends on what you want to talk about,” she stated simply, her eyes trained on the view of nature in front of her.
Her voice was level and calm, so Castle took this as a positive sign that he could continue. “I’m sorry about last night, Kate,” he told her as he moved to lean against the porch railing next to her. “I’m sorry I was hesitant to touch you.”
“That’s not what I was so angry about,” she told him, turning to look at him.
“It’s not?” he asked. Seeing the look in her eyes, he quickly continued. “It’s not.” He thought back over everything he’d said, when exactly she’d gotten so angry. “I’m sorry I implied that your feelings or hesitancy about intimacy around my family are or should be different from mine around your father,” he tried again. When she didn’t stop him, he figured he was pretty close, so he continued. “Or that there is a double standard for us…because there isn’t. And that’s not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?” she asked him.
He was quiet for a moment, resting his forearms against the railing. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I was kind of…not myself yesterday. From the moment your dad walked in on us, I…I just…I couldn’t seem to say anything right or think clearly…” he trailed off with a shrug. “I’m a father too…and I just thought if the situation were reversed, and it were Alexis…I know how and what I’d be feeling and thinking, and I just kind of…freaked out,” he looking at her with a small, apologetic smile.
“Ya think?” she arched an eyebrow.
“It wasn’t one of my finer days.”
“No, it wasn’t,” she agreed with him. She was quiet for a few moments before continuing. “It kind of felt like a slap in the face when you said being around your family was different than being around mine…like my feelings didn’t matter, or that our families are different,” she admitted softly.
He reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. “Kate…your feelings matter. I’m sorry that it came out the way it did, and I know it’s a poor excuse, but I still wasn’t thinking clearly last night. I never meant to hurt you or upset you. And I never meant to imply that our families are different. For the record, if it had happened at the Hamptons and been my mother or Alexis who had walked in on us in that position yesterday, we wouldn’t have been doing anything sexual either,” he tried to explain. “It was the way we were caught…it didn’t matter who caught us. My reaction would have been the same. And I’m sorry I made you think otherwise. I promise…there is no double standard, and no difference between our families,” he assured her. “How you feel matters to me. You should expect the same behavior from me no matter who we’re around.”
She gave him a small smile then. “I’m sorry it seemed like I was trying to seduce you last night; I was just trying to get you to relax, and touching you usually relaxes you,” she apologized.
“I don’t think anything was going to get me to relax last night,” Castle admitted with a chuckle.
“And I’m sorry I got so angry. I didn’t sleep much last night…I was too upset. And this morning when I saw how peacefully you were sleeping, even snoring…it only made me more angry. I’m sorry I kind of kicked you out to the guest room,” she wrinkled her nose up slightly as she apologized.
He returned her smile. “Does that mean I’m allowed back in your bedroom tonight?”
“As long as you don’t say anything else to piss me off,” she agreed. “Look, getting caught was both our faults. Just because I didn’t think my dad would show up early didn’t mean it was out of the realm of possibility. I should have never let you convince me to have sex in the kitchen,” she admitted. “But it really was a freak occurrence. And yeah…it was awkward. But my dad and I have moved past it…and nothing we do in front of him now will ever compare to what he saw, so can you please just try to relax around him?”
He chuckled softly. “I think I’ve been pretty relaxed around your dad all day. It’s you I’ve been tense around.”
She studied him for a moment. “You’re sure? My dad isn’t making you nervous?”
“On the contrary. He’s actually given me a few tips into dealing with this little temper of yours,” he chuckled. “And a few other insights about you,” he added with a grin.
“Oh God…what exactly did he tell you about me?” she asked, wondering just what information Castle now knew about her that she might have wanted to keep hidden to avoid embarassment.
“Just the fact that I’m apparently dating a model…” he teased with a slow grin.
Kate hid her face in her hands as it turned red. “He didn’t…”
“He did. He even showed me pictures…”
She grimaced. “I’m going to kill him.”
Castle laughed softly, shaking his head. “Don’t be too hard on him. He was trying to cheer me up. And he said my actions saving your life earned me a little glimpse into your past. But that’s all he told me, I swear. Everything else he hinted at, I pretty much already knew.”
She took a deep breath and sighed before wrapping her arms around him and resting her head against his chest. “I’m sorry I was gone for so long. I just needed to calm down and clear my head. Riding does that for me.”
He smiled, his arms wrapping around her tightly as his chin rested on top of her head. “That’s pretty much what he told me. He told me how much like your mom you are, especially when you get mad,” he told her softly.
She smiled a little and looked up at him. “He talked to you about my mom?”
Castle nodded. “A little bit, yeah…when comparing the two of you.”
“He really likes you, Castle…” she told him softly. “He never talks to anyone about her anymore, except for me.” She wanted him to know how important that was, how special that was.
He grinned at that. “I’m honored. But I’m sure it has more to do with the fact that I made no secret how completely in love with his daughter I am,” he told her. “Even when she’s pissed at me.”
She rolled her eyes and raised up on her toes to kiss him softly. “Yeah, well his daughter is completely in love with you too…even when she’s pissed at you.”
He smiled and kissed her slowly then, his fingers gently brushing along the soft skin just underneath the hem of her shirt when she deepened the kiss, pulling him closer against her.
The door opened, then, and Jim appeared. “Dinner’s ready whenever you two are finished making up,” he said in an amused tone.
The two lovers broke apart at the sound of his voice, but kept their arms around each other, Kate hiding a giggle in Castle’s chest. “We’ll be right in, Dad.”
Once the door shut, Castle did release a soft laugh. “You know, I honestly used to think it was
just my mother who had horrible timing. But I’m realizing that it must actually be a parent thing.”
She laughed and pressed one last soft kiss to his lips before pulling out of his arms. “Come on, before he starts flashing the porchlight,” she told him, tugging him inside the cabin after her.
I know this was a little longer, but I really wanted to put the make-up scene in this chapter and show that Castle was finally able to relax a little so that they can enjoy the rest of the time here at the cabin, hopefully.
As always, I look forward to all your comments, and really appreciate them! I love logging in and reading them all!
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Lily does not deal with Elminster's visit well. At all. SFW.
“I’d hoped to introduce you to him in less dire circumstances, but those are hard to come by these days.”
Lily was not in a charitable mood. Rage was slowly building inside her after Elminster Aumar arrived at their camp and told Gale about Mystra’s request. “He didn’t seem much of a friend, showing up and demanding you kill yourself.” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.
Please, don’t make this harder than it should be. Gale shook his head. “It’s not a demand he wanted to make of me. As Mystra’s Chosen, he had no choice but to deliver her message, however much it pained him to do so. For Mystra to have sent him…The severity of her bidding could not be clearer. Or weigh more heavily on me.” I thought I had more time. Time to learn, to read, to love you… “Time seems so infinite when you are young…a month is an age, a year is a lifetime…it is a strange feeling, to realize how little of it one might have left.”
Her mouth dropped open, exposing her fangs. “You’re seriously considering doing what Elminster said?”
“Of course---he offered the clearest solution to our problem. All I have to do is find the right place and time, close my eyes, and let go…” And think of you. I want to imagine your beautiful smile as I leave this world. “Then the slate will be clean, wrongs will be righted, the Absolute will be gone…and I along with it.”
She was growing angrier by the second. “So that’s it? You’re on a suicide mission now?”
Please. I beg of you. Make this easy for both of us. He smiled halfheartedly. “Possibly the most spectacular one ever conceived, but essentially yes. I am living on borrowed time, in more ways than one. Perhaps…perhaps this is now it must be.” As she began to protest, he raised a hand. “But that remains ahead of us for now. The Heart of the Absolute must be discovered before I can stop its beating.”
“You’re not blowing yourself up, Gale. I won’t let you.” Lily yelled; her fists balled at her sides.
“Let’s save such certainty for the moment such a decision is upon us. You may feel differently, once we know what we’re truly up against.”
“OH FUCK THAT SHIT!” She exploded, throwing her hands in the air. “FUCK THAT, GALE!” Turning, she stomped so full of anger but also very elegantly in her way away from his tent. Their other companions dared not look at him.
He found her not too far away from camp, swinging the Everburn Blade against cursed trees. She was clearly in a rage, her normally demonic purple eyes burning red. And it appears her wild magic has created a barrier of protective lights around her. Gods, she is so beautiful…
Gale’s eyes widened. She…she…she loves me. He cleared his throat and watched the tall, voluptuous tiefling turn to face him. “Lily, be calm. It’s only me.” He held up his hands and smiled gently. “Be at ease, my dear.”
She ended her rage and within seconds, crumpled to the ground and sobbed.
A lady in distress?! MY LADY IN DISTRESS!!! My knees are going to be sore later but needs must! He crouched next to her (oof, that’s my knees cracking) and tried very awkwardly to wrap an arm around her broad shoulders. “Dearest, please dry your tears. It breaks my heart to see you cry.” See and hear. The first few nights when I heard her crying for her mother. Crying when Shadowheart was treating her for some awful wounds. And now she’s crying for me.
Lily sobbed into her clawed hands. “I-I don’t want you to die, Gale! I love you.” She suddenly pulled him into a tight embrace. As if she’s afraid of letting me go. Oh gods. “I love you. Please, please we will find another way. I promise. I don’t know where it is yet, but I’ll find it. I swear!” Tears continued to flow down her freckled cheeks. “I’m a barbarian of Clan Wildheart, and I will protect you damnit. I will fucking save you.” A broken sob emerged from her, making Gale’s heart break even more. “I will save you…”
“Of that, I have no doubt.” He shifted so that she could rest her head against him, and he inhaled her scent. Lavender soap from the Emerald Grove. She bought it from that halfling fellow. I remember her saying her shampoo makes her smell like cookies. Good gods, she’s the perfect woman. “And for the record, I do not wish to die. I’m terrified.” He felt tears in his eyes. “But with you at my side, I so firmly believe that we will survive this. That we must survive this. Do you know why?” My heart is beating at a tremendous rate. “Because I love you too, my darling girl. I wish to spend every day for the rest of my life making you smile. I wish to greet the days with you and make love to you all night.” He chuckled. “All day as well, if I’m being honest.” Relief washed over him as he felt heard her chuckle, her strong yet incredibly soft body rippling. “So please understand that I’ve no desire to end my life prematurely. I will fight for you, alongside you, however you want me…for as long as I can.”
They sat (on the bloody ground---my poor knees) for a few minutes in a comfortable silence. Lily held one of Gale’s hands in hers, caressing the top of his hand with her thumb. “You know,” she whispered. “Da always said everyone has their fish---their ultimate catch. You’re my fish, Gale. I’m not letting you go. Not ever.”
“That is quite possibly the most heartfelt and infinitely strange way to describe falling in love I’ve ever heard, dearest.” He smiled. My heart feels as if it will burst with the purest, most radiant joy I’ve ever known. His fingers gently traced circles where soft, freckled skin was exposed. “I love you.”
Sighing contentedly, Lily closed her eyes. “Love you too, magic man.”
I could stay like this for eons and never grow tired of it. However…there is something else she should know…whether she accepts it is another story. Straightening and tapping her hand lightly, he cleared his throat. “I, erm, there’s another…issue of sorts we need to discuss, darling.” Gale watched her gaze search his as she sat upright. “This earring isn’t simply a fantastic piece of jewelry.” He squeezed his eyes closed as he caused the glamour to disappear. “I-I understand if this is a deal breaker---that I lied. Again. However, I can explain—”
Gale never got a chance to explain.
Because Lily’s lips crashed into his, kissing him passionately and cupping his face in her strong and sexy hands. She chuckled as she leaned her forehead against his. “You’ve got nothing to explain, love.” She wrinkled her nose and giggled before kissing him again. “You’re still very yummy.”
“Is that so? I’m…yummy?” Yummy? No previous lover of mine has ever called me yummy. Am I yummy?
Lily gave him a quick peck on his bearded cheek before heaving herself up to stand and then offered a hand. “I can see the wheels turning, Gale love, and yes, you are yummy. Very much so.”
He very gratefully took her hand and stood. Oof, that’s my knees again. And my back. “I would say the same thing of you, darling, but first things first,” his brown eyes sparkled as he wrapped his arms around her thick waist and rested her head under her chin. “I love you, sweetness. I promise I will do everything to live. To survive.”
Before Lily had a chance to speak, her stomach did for her.
They burst into laughter, and Gale could not help but giving lady love the most gentlemanly tap on her luscious ass. I wonder if she’ll let me—
“To make dinner?” she asked with a grin.
He stepped back and bowed. Again with my damn back!!!! “As my lady commands so I shall fulfill all her wishes, including dinner!”
It wasn’t the finest dinner---a pork stew with potatoes.
But I know there will be thousands more to come…
With my beautiful Lily at my side.
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fanficfanattic · 7 months
Three beautiful red roses for meeeee?
Roy/Jamie, S1, Roy goes to Keeley for advice on handling Tartt but he doesn’t ignore her advice like Ted did:
Back in the locker room after practice, Jamie hasn’t even changed out of his kit or thought about showering. Just goes straight to Roy and asked if he’d been good enough.
“No.” Jamie’s face starts to fall but Roy keeps talking. “You’re going to have to work for it, Tartt. You aren’t afraid of hard work, so I’m not worried that you’ll get there.”
“Okay. Okay, yeah Captain.” And since Jamie didn’t whine or bitch or moan, Roy decides to give him a treat. That will also test how honest Keeley was truly being with him.
“You can have my fingers in your mouth for two minutes. Consider it incentive for tomorrow.” Roy didn’t move his hands, though, and Jamie was as good at reading his intentions in that moment as he was at reading opponents on the pitch. He gracefully sunk to his knees, angled himself lower, and took Roy’s first and middle finger into his mouth from below them.
The instant look of serenity on his face confirmed Keeley had maybe even undersold how effective this would be. Tartt’s gentle humming buzzed against the skin of his finger. Making him think this was going to be a much better experience than he thought it might be even just the night before.
He hadn’t used his watch, so he wasn’t sure how long had passed. But right when he was ready to pull away because surely two minutes had passed, Tartt pulled himself away. But he was cheeky enough to then rest his forehead on Roy’s hip while he took deep, steadying breaths.
Then, like a bubble popping, Roy tuned in and realized that the room was filled with feverish whispering gossip.
“Oi! What did I say earlier? You make shit harder, you answer to me.” And the room went back to as close to normal as they could make it.
Gen fic, S1, family curse story. Georgie and Simon come down as fast as they can to help with caretaking (so Georgie can snuggle her little boy as much as possible while he’s little again):
“Oh, that boy! The only one here born yesterday is you, isn’t that right poppet,” she singsongs at the baby Jamie in her arms.
Then the smile slid off her face as she looked between Ted and Beard. She was visibly deliberating before deciding who to start with.
“Coach Lasso. Jamie told me you have a son of your own, dontcha?” Her tone was carefully neutral which was an alarm bell given how much warmth and playfulness she’d spoken with to her family. Still, he stood up straight and smiled friendly at her.
“I do, yes, Henry. He’s 8 years old and Jamie was very kind to him during his visit.” His tone didn’t change at any point during his response, just as bright at the beginning as the end. Despite the fact he felt the conversation was already fraught.
“Of course he were. Jamie loves kids, always goes out of his way to make them feel like they’re special,” she replied firmly. It was an immutable fact so far as she was concerned. “He’d never take his frustrations with someone else out on a child.”
“Of course not, you’re right.” She raised her eyebrows high at that before cocking her head to the side. He really had no idea how to talk to her, she realized. And it seemed like today had really thrown him for a loop. Like others, he was apparently one of those people who thought they knew her son just from how he played.
Few things made her angrier.
“I’m going to be honest, Coach Lasso. You don’t much strike me as a person who appreciates conflict. Me? I don’t much either but I don’t run away from it. And that seems like your go-to move from what I’ve observed.
So it’s hard to want to show you respect already. But I also don’t much have use for men what abandon their families. And I’m sure you think your reasons are compelling, but from where I’m standing there is no way in hell they could be.
There isn’t a thing on this earth that would take me halfway across it away from me Jamie.”
From nothing solid yet:
The thing is. The thing is, and it’s not fair, he knows. But the thing is that Jamie has spent a dozen years dreading his phone’s screen notifying him of a text from “dad”. So now, even though his dad had graduated from rehab to a sober house, that knee-jerk dread still hasn’t faded.
It feels unfair to his dad. And it is definitely unfair that if he isn’t in a completely solid frame of mind when a text comes in, that it can send him spiraling faster than he can sprint.
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danepopfrippery · 11 months
All of it so good! I spotted the freddie writers i think broken up in a few credits (theyre freelance so makes sense). Clearly death threats worked…dont learn from that.
If somehow ur reading and dont get spoilers coming well they are so its on u at this point. Random thoughts below
*Loved Derek’s fashion choices! Also his lil bat jazz hands flourish srsly a+.
*Nandor…incorrectly…thinking its Guillermo’s bday and throwing him a dinner and buying him a gift was very sweet…despite being book ended between insults about never turning him and Nandor not seeming too worried if he died
*my sis and i clocked right away how he wouldnt let guillermo sit next to him at guillermos special fake bday dinner. Nandor u ho. U make him reas u bedtime stories AND brush ur hair but wont sir next to him cuz horny? I refuse to believe any other reason
*WHERE IS THE HELL HOUND?! I MUST HAVE THE HELL HOUND! And i will be angrier than freddie ep if hes gone.
*is it weird Guillermo went to you…gene and the sire for turning advice after learning its forbidden? Also im choosing to believe this is a new superstition cuz they didnt seem arsed by it
*rip neighbor dude. Ppl are right its plot holey look its still the freddie writers in there ok?!
*sooo much bad turning in these two eps it was srsly keystone cops style and i was laughing my ass off despite being like derek irl
*nadja u bitch. Making nadjita dance and show her pussy is MEAN! You drunken slut. I dis enjoy taint that can write checks tho
*another plothole: it always seemed nandor was as shit at laszlo as hypnosis and i always took it of all 3 he was the worst (nadja the best). Animal control anyone? Well now he gets to be a pig amongst guinea pigs he’ll brag of this forever
*’cuz his brains fucked’ had me rolling. Also laszlo u liar u hypnotized him when trying to kiss him got u nowhere
*i was off my face w drug blood was also a good line
*colin didnt do much here but his waiter job and greek bit were great
*i am glad despite pussy showing nadjita has more movement finally
*laszlo has no god damned right to look that tasty
*the shit and fart jokes were mostly flat. I was waiting for laszlo to say he thought guillermo was hitting on him or something. That said seems we get jealous nandor next week and thats all i want
*poor guide, poor sean. Mikey u cunt
*the quebecois thing delighted my sis who studied there (france ppl hate ice right? But $8 wine is primo so u know)
*poor guillermo. Hes clearly a slayer vamp hybrid and very sad about it. Cant wait to see Nandor learn this. Also u will never convince me he could kill guillermo. Other than his eyes watering Guillermo has beat his ass like a rented mule twice now. Cheating or not (i say not)
*seems death threats also made note of make nandor better cuz hes followed a hippy self help book. Its kinda sweet cuz thats where his minimal kindness to guillermo comes from. I dont believe he ever through benji a bday dinner let alone convinced the others to come along
*colin seems aware hes been out of the job game for awhile but makes no indication if he knows why. Laszlo treats him basically same as always and vice versa
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mtridactyla · 10 months
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image description: an ask from @netisinfin8ty reading "hey, I know you haven't talked about Spider-Man much, but how do you feel about Across the Spider-Verse coming out soon?" end description.
this took me literal months and for that i am so sorry but i wanted to wait until i'd seen it to give thoughts beyond "looks pretty and miguel is there" so!!! we're doing it now
also before i get into it: in the interest of full disclosure, spiderman 2099 is the only spiderman comics i actually read. my brother hates him so i started reading his comics out of spite at like 14 and then never looked back. so i can't really talk about the changes made to other characters beyond visual choices, because i simply do not know enough!
overall, my feelings are overwhelmingly positive! it's a gorgeous movie, the character design changes are all absolutely wonderful. my two main qualms with the movie are regarding miguel's characterization, and the extended sequences of flashing lights.
extended sequences of flashing lights for obvious reasons. i have photosensitive migraines and although i have mostly managed to keep from triggering one (watching in a brightly lit room with low brightness and a saturation filter on my screen) but like. it's not ideal. and i feel like the movie could still be gorgeous without being dangerously inaccessible.
as for miguel. i have been making stream of consciousness posts about this for the last day but im going to try to get this like. readable. and also all in one place.
justin thompson hates miguel and it shows. i was not expecting a 1:1 adaptation, that's just not realistic, but the way he turned out... is not good. making him both darker skinned and angrier and more violent is just racist. miguel is a victim of abuse and i just cannot believe that he would send gwen back to her dad without a second thought. that + the insistence that miguel isn't a "real" spiderman, with the injection of spider... Something, and the technological webs instead of bio ones is just a lesson in character assassination.
if i don't stop now i will literally never shut up, so i'm stopping now. like i said! mostly good. i've watched it three times i will definitely watch it again. but i'm not happy with the way miguel was treated.
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hermit-called-he · 10 months
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Well, here we are again 
I am lamenting about you being the worst of men
Honest to god, what is your goddamn problem? 
One day, you’re gonna see that you haven’t kept me from the bottom
I can’t wait to watch karma eat you alive
While I sit here and thrive
It’s very You First by Paramore
I can’t wait to see what else karma has in store
My plan to destroy you will hopefully soon be complete 
Even if it’s the last thing I do before I hit the concrete 
I might be a bad person but I still hope the world eats you alive first 
It would bring me the utmost joy to see you cursed 
Wednesday was really fucking weird 
My day would have been a tad bit less shitty if you had just disappeared 
Why couldn’t you just fuck right off to Spain again or something? 
It’s beyond irritating 
I don’t hope you live well or happily or whatever 
I, in fact, hope you are in pain forever 
I do hope you think of me while you’re with her 
It would give me the utmost satisfaction to force you to lament what we were 
Watching you watch me gives me a sick sense of pleasure 
In fact, while it feels like a curse, it also feels like a treasure
I used to beg you for your attention
But look who’s looking now, fuckwit 
You’re now the one watching me and I hope it hurts beyond comprehension 
I’ll be over here listening to my playlist about being petty as shit 
I’m going to bring you down even if it’s the last thing I do, 
Me and my large chem E crew 
My sadistic brain often thinks about how I want you to go,
Tortured and screaming for me to be done with the show 
I’ll spoil the ending: it ends with your remains in a bath of acid and being buried six feet below
Fire would give me just as much satisfaction even if it would make a scene 
You’ll see what pissing me off means 
When I told you I wanted to see effort, this was not what I meant 
You haven’t given me anything, not even a cent 
Oh sure, you’re giving me the stare 
But most of the time, I just pretend you aren’t even there 
Don’t you think what you’re doing isn’t the least bit fair? 
I hope you burn in hell, you piece of shit 
I’m angrier on the inside than I could ever admit 
My friends want me to take your balls as trophies 
But honestly? They’re worth as much as a pod of snow peas 
My conscious would let me kill you, I think 
And my brain never lets something like that float around in like bubbles in the sink
I would curb stomp you without hesitation 
And yes I will make the cover up so grand that it will be an inconclusive investigation 
Karma will get to you first 
And when it does, you better realize that the way you treated me was the worst 
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
"I think It fucking sucks that the world has made you question the legitimacy of your own narrative, but even if you did misinterpret it- which I don’t think you did- it doesn’t matter. I think we need to give ourselves the grace to be an unreliable narrator. We believe what we need to believe to survive. That we had to do one thing or another is inconsequential. I don’t think guilt is a necessary emotion like that, not when it comes to people like us.”
“There isn’t any harm in believing that you’re the hero in your own story, even if sometimes that makes you the villain in someone else’s. I don’t blame you a bit for how you treated me at the beginning.” 
jesus christ you don’t know how bad i needed to hear this i don’t remember the last time something hit me so hard
it's crazy to me how it's litterally like- every time i'm like "ooof maybe this section is too much i should edit it out" it ends up being one of the favorites- cuz i was like- seconds away from nixing these lines of dialouge from the whole chapter- i really glad i rarely ever trust my instincts!
one thing that i haven't seen anyone say about these lines is the m/c isn't only talking about hobi here. i think if you think into it a little she's probably also talking about jimin in the sense of "we believe what we need to believe to survive. like i think that the m/c understands that maybe she should be a little bit angrier at him- but she makes the choice to believe he had no other choice rather than confront the alternative.
In the same vein- she can feel guilty all she wants about yoongi in the begining- and believe or not believe that hobi's anger was justified- especially now that she realizes how loved he is and how much she took yoongi away from that and say "this is what i needed to survive" even if her own survival wasn't something she cared about during those times.
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A luke warm review of the live action monster high movie
I pirated the monster high movie last night so i'm going to review it.
Allow me to start this review off with a few quick notes.
1. I am well aware of the controversies surrounding this movie, the racist director, the colorism, ect. with that being said, i wanna judge this movie based on how it actually is rather than the controversy surrounding it. This does not give anyone the excuse to ignore these issues, i just think these points have been said many many times by people who are much better at explaining this than somebody like me, who is so white i am practically marble.
2. I'm the kinda person who's incredibly forgiving to movies, i like liking things, i go into some of the most garbage movies with positive vibes. I also have garbage taste in everything. Try to take my review with an optimistic grain of salt. I'm also not a professional movie critic so alot of my critiques are shallow and not very detailed.
3. This is all just my opinion, you will most likely feel differently and that's okay, no pressure, i will not force you to like this movie be unique be urself be a monster or whatever. I will have some opinions in this post you are bound to disagree with and that's fine.
-Something i think is really underrated about this movie that people never talk about is the set design, it actually looks like monster high, like the actual playset. They could of easily made it look like knock off hogwarts or just painted a normal school purple but they actually tried.
-I know everyone was dunking on the clothes and the wigs and the fact they don't look like monsters enough but i actually loved most of the outfits in this movie. Granted i'm not a huge fashionista and i was always in monster high for the stories than tje clothes but i think they did a good job. I mean they're on a tv budget and they had to make multiple outfits for multiple characters. This movie probably already costed alot with the make up, clothes, and VFX already. I specifically really like frankies clothes.
-The music is pretty nice! I mean it's no classic musical theatre or as iconic as steal the show or the fright song... buuut, i think the music is all pretty good. Coming out of the dark and its reprise is especially sweet, the only song i don't really like is the three of us, i just can't get the groove tbh. I also really like how in monster heart komos has christian youth pastor vibes and how in i can trust you they mixed in the snake sounds. Just be me also is very cute but i swear i've heard it that chorus before. I'm glad they got kids who can actually sing tbh.
-I thought the humor was all around very solid! Frankie was pretty funny at times, speaking of which...
-this version of frankie is very sweet and very very autistically coded, i think cici balgot is perfect for this version of frankie ngl, i'd love to he friends with this frankie irl.
-by herself and not compared to the og i think this version of clawdeen is also quite sweet. obviously she is nothing like her og cartoon counterpart but for what she is in this movie i think she's very cute. Also keep in mind i didn't care much for clawdeen in the og anyways, i found her voice really cringe and like i said, i was never a fashionista so i was always more into frankie or draculaura. If i actually loved clawdeen or wasn't basically a sentient sheet of paper i would probably be alot angrier.
-the acting is all around solid, that's all i have to say tbh.
-the opening scene is very cute.
-i also like the ending where they all float.
-i'm just happy the kids all had a fun time filming this, i know that doesn't actually affect the quality of the movie but child stars are hardly ever treated well and they all got alot of hate during the production of this movie.
-i do like the allegory of racial prejudice against biracial people, just judging it by itself it was a cool take on it that i think it was handled actually better than freaky fusion. Freaky fusion was a mess tbh tho so that isnt saying much.
-the climax lasted like 4 minutes, i get its a short movie but COME ON, AT LEAST BUILD UP A LITTLE MORE.
-I don't like deuce and clawdeen being a couple, i wish they were just good friends tbh and just vaugely hinted at it. I do like what they did with their relationship tho.
-Cleos development was weird, i feel like they made her such a weird character in this movie, although it is sweet that she learned to accept that clawdeen loved deuce.
-i don't like this new draculaura, i don't care that she's taiwanese now, she just doesn't seem all that interesting. She's by far the most forgettable ghoul in the trio.
-Lagoona, Ghoulia, abbey, and heath did NOTHING in this movie. I understand time restraints but seriously, why even have em in there if you already have a limited budget and you aren't going to do anything with them. People might be pissed but at least the plot wouldn't be all bloated.
-This is a problem in the og but i think its weird that frankie was presumabley made by humans and made out of humans but she doesn't seem to care about the human stigma. Cleo also doesn't give a shit yet she used to be human. It's weird that a narcissist like cleo wouldn't be at least a little offended.
-Deuce is so so bland in this movie, he's sweet at sometimes but fuuuuck, he is so bland.
-Clawdeens mom is dead, listen i love the dead mom trope and it kinda makes sense for the story but it feels weird. Idk how you would fix it but just... it's weird.
-The writing at times was a real mess and alot of things made no sense. Why would clawdeen lie about her dads name being pierre? That's a way more human name than fuckin apollo. Why did draculaura say she hates sun when she was wearing a hoodie? Just flip up the hood!
-as much as i like the humor in this movie, the PA announcer is annoying, they used her too much.
-the plot twist about the hand lock thing was so dumb, especially because frankie could of opened it from the beggining.
-ghoulia talks, on one hand i understand if you wanna give her lines because it would work better for the movie, on the other hand, she didn't do anything in the movie so why change it?
-SPOILER!........... Komos is revealed to be hydes son, cool i guess. I'll miss jackson/holt.
.... that's it.
Overall probably would pirate it again. 4.9/10. Wouldn't even mind if they made a sequel, as long as they change directors. I mean whatever you think about this movie i think we can all agree that no matter what, at least it's better than the bratz movie, the winx saga, power puff girls cw, and jem and the holograms.
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ladyjenise · 1 year
The final volume of the Twilight Princess manga is out. I have thoughts. They’re good. I will put them behind a cut because they are spoilery!
What a treat to get this comic a month before Tears of the Kingdom drops! Especially if Ganondorf is in that game as he appears to be (sentient). In the final volume of this manga, he has quite a bit to say about his powers, and how he views the world. But its also in contrast to the entire manga essay that Akira Himekawa have been building with Link and how he sees his own powers.
I’ve mentioned before that this series has been about contrasts and comparisons. We actually have 6 characters with contrasting and complementary roles revolving around the story: Zelda, Link, Ganondorf, Zant, Midna, and the Hero’s Shade. The last is actually Link from Ocarina of Time, and that’s important. Midna and Zelda serve as opposites and friends separated by time and circumstance. They both also deal with very unwanted suitors. Any Zant/Midna undertones from the game are turned up to 11 by the time of volume 9, where its revealed that not only did Zant want to marry her, he turned her into an imp in order to control her physically. Very creepy and makes him a meatier villain than we saw in the game.
Zelda, by contrast, ends up a prisoner of Ganondorf. Ganondorf’s game is much better than Zant’s (maybe cause he grew up surrounded by women). But he still “proposes” that he and Zelda team up. She refuses him, but he uses this conversation against Link in volume 10, literally claiming he “proposed” ruling the world together to Zelda, and lies that she happily agreed (she did not lol).
Zelda herself has the memories of Ocarina of Time Zelda, because we know Zelda reincarnates because of her goddess blood. She actually is still in love with Ocarina of Time Link, which Ganondorf is probably jealous of but, in his words from volume 11, he doesnt let himself get distracted by “frivolous emotions”. One of the great many fun quotes he has in this final volume:
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This quote is actually a great example of how the manga has juxtaposed character’s values. He’s actually telling this to Link after Ganondorf appears to kill Midna. Ganondorf can’t understand why Link would care about Midna dying. Ganondorf personally doesn’t have the time. But Link has said and proven time and again that his emotions are the thing that helps him. Link fights because he gives a damn about something. By contrast, Ganondorf doesn’t seem to give a damn about anything. Except that’s not true. Ganondorf hates Link. And he says so. But he doesn’t understand that this is an emotion: a negative one that ends up rendering him unable to live out his goals.
Going back to Zelda and Ganondorf for a moment, there’s a great exchange in volume 11 thats also a callback to their tea party in volume 7:
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She did warn him lol. The arrows she shoots don’t kill him, but they do take out his magic, which means Ganondorf and Link have to swordfight. It’s a clever use of in game mechanics to further storyline, and it works because Ganondorf really does default to magic whenever he can even though he’s good with a sword.
I won’t touch on Zant and Link here because that’s mostly volume 9. Again, Link talks there a lot about his motivations and how they changed over the story. A great volume.
Link and the Hero’s Shade get some great moments in this battle, where they join forces and make Ganondorf even angrier. One thing the manga clears up is that the Hero’s Shade makes clear that this Link is not a blood relative to him. That’s important to me for Ocarina of Time Link’s personality, as it appears that guy had a really sad, tough life and likely never married nor fathered children. The way the story goes would imply he abandoned any children born, and that absolutely does not jive as something he would do. He is a loyal dude, and if we are talking continuity from the oot manga, Navi says he’s just too nice. Even some accidental one night stand deal seems unrealistic. So that they are not blood but rather OOT Link sees this new hero as his successor and as a son makes more sense. Either way, its kinda interesting to see a take on how OOT Link would be as a father: strict, but loving and extremely protective and loyal. Honest, too.
One last thing for now: I love this line to describe Zelda:
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“Zelda is Hyrule and Hyrule is Zelda”
This is a great, succinct description of Zelda in all her incarnations. If she is Hylia reborn, then this is it. Might also neatly explain Ganondorf’s borderline obsession with her, triforce aside.
Ok thats all I have for now. There’s also the way Ganondorf dies in this manga that I have to think cause it was… whoa!
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
7. List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
//You asking the hard question today likes. Let me think. Okay. So. Favourite character over here or in general? Cause like my favourite character is probably always gonna be Severus Snape. He's my boo.
So, for Sev, he has the following flaws;
1: His temper. He can get angry and viciously so fairly easily and he really lets that take the reigns sometimes and that only ever generally leads to problems. Case and point, the break of his friendship with Lily was because he lost his temper and he wanted to lash out and he chose her because she tried to help and this wounded his pride which just made him even angrier. He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what to say to push her away. The only problem was, it pushed her away permanently.
2: He can't let things go. Look at how he treats Harry because of what James did to him. Look at how he winds Sirius up yet again, because of what he did to him. It's not just others though. He won't give himself a break either, not when it comes to things he has done wrong, like what happened with Lily. He can try blame the Marauders, and does, but deep down he knows that was his error. This is a man who is haunted by his mistakes, haunted by his past, and both Voldemort and Dumbledore use that to get Severus to do what they wish him to, regardless of what he thinks/desires, regardless of the state of his own soul.
3: His fear. He doesn't fear all that much but what he does fear causes issues for him. He fears becoming like his father so much that he ends up being like his father in some regards. He fears becoming the worst version of himself and I would argue, at times, that comes to pass absolutely. This is much more of a fanon based point as it isn't specifically confirmed in the canon material that his father was abusive etc, we just get told neglectful family, but fanon has widely accepted his father as being abusive to him and his mother.
He also fears losing Lily and this fear motivates him to effectively bind himself in service to yet another Master, a Master who demonstrates more than once that he does not care so long as Severus does what he's told. See previous statement about the state of his soul and killing Dumbledore specifically. He asked too much but didn't care and used flat out, bald faced manipulation to get Severus to agree.
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craftingmylife · 2 years
I didn’t wanna clean when she wanted me to,
I didn’t wanna give her love how she wanted me to
I saw that we being together was holding us back,
I became cold, I started to get angrier and angrier because it didn’t seem like she really wanted my best as I wanted her. She kept playing mind games, her arguments started making less sense, like she just wanted to win at all times. I didn’t understand why she would treat me like I’m her enemy, I tried to mold myself so she wouldn’t be mad but at random times she would just explote at me, she said she loved me but I started to believe it less and less because she was taking away my independence.. she would ask me that she wanted me to introduce new ideas or activities but she never wanted to do what I wanted to do, and I was always there to do what she wanted to do. It made me feel alone.
Now looking back I realize that all this was is an adult dating an immature person. She could never meet my ideals but I somehow was supposed to always meet her.
I broke up with her several times but it wasn’t cuz I didn’t love her it’s because it was growing too toxic and too depended and I cared deeply for her to the point that I would neglect how I feel and what i needed to make sure she was not hurt by my actions but that wasn’t the solution.
Yes I was cold and I didn’t meet her needs,
But my needs weren’t met either. I wanted to build with her and I sacrificed so much for her even my health.
I am such a softie tho because even tho I understand the depth and how she wanna make it seem like I hurt her so badly, I never once lied. I always told the truth and everything she agreed with.
Trust me I get it we are all humans we all feel pain but your pain can’t be because another person is not doing what you want them to, but I can assure you if I had being heard I would have never become cold towards her or anyone. My mental health declined because of this relationship I developed OCD, and I mean BAD OCD.. not her fault maybe? But all the toxicity that I had to absorb.
At the end of the day in me eyes I changed for worse due to her hidden patterns and behaviors that then affected her. She showed a lot of love but her actions made me feel other wise. As years passed I saw a lot of dark stuff happening that really made me feel like we needed to distance ourselves from each other to truly grow.
I am angry because she did so many mind tricks which is funny cuz all girls do this stuff..
At the end of the day bro fuck it, I wanna help the world be a better place and I’m actually working at it. If that doesn’t speak waves I don’t know nor I care who will. I do what i do for the universe and I’m not out here trying to hurt peoples feeling based on whatever is it that they perceive. Tbh hopefully she finds what she is looking for, but I know for a fact that it will be extremely hard to find someone like me that is willing to tell the truth even when I’m losing everything in exchange. I tell the truth for their benefits never for mine. 🤞🏼😌
Thanks to god and the universe and devil for all the ladies I’ve meet and are not part of my life that truly show me what a person that has dept of emotion is like. I never felt so loved in my life. I��m also living my dream, many females loving me at once, and being okay with that and all of us being free, and of harm.
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missielynne · 3 days
I'd love to know what you see as the similarities and differences between 1. Sam and Melinda and 2. Jay and Jim. I think a lot of the characters' differences stem from the genres they're in, like of course Jay is more goofy than Jim because Jim is in the more serious show. Jim is more of a "guy's guy" but I'd live for him having a secretly nerdy side that wants to play games with Jay and Pete :) I love the way Jim and Jay both accept and support their wives completely yet still express their own differing views. As for Sam and Melinda...obviously they're both caring and brave and determined, but (to me) Sam is more extroverted and chipper while Melinda is more introverted, sensitive and cerebral. Sam is more achievement oriented and eager to please and impress while Melinda is used to people viewing her as a weirdo from the time she was a kid so more or less ignores other people's views of her lol. And Sam is definitely more oriented towards the future, a 'can do' type who's into lists, plans, goals, milestones etc, while Melinda's antique shop, sentimental attachment to old items and need to help ghosts resolve prior conflicts shoe her as someone who's strongly attached to the past. This is why Jim is the perfect partner for her --Jim is very attuned to his surroundings and lives in the present, so he pulls Melinda out of her head and helps her appreciate the present moment too! I plan to cover all this in the fic I'll probably end up too lazy to write :) Anyway, I love all four of these characters and would love to hear your thoughts on them!
Melinda: I definitely agree with you, especially re the extraversion introversion thing. A big difference though is that we mostly see Mel deal with ghosts who are way angrier and at least creepier in appearance first off compared to Sam. Like, since Mel's ghosts by and large have to have their whole stories solved in an episode (with a few exceptions such as Kate Payne), she doesn't have time to be as easy and chummy with her ghosts the way Sam is (because we know that being sucked off is a goal on CBS Ghosts but it's not as easy to figure out how to make that happen as it seems to be on Ghost Whisperer.)
One thing I wonder is that IF we saw Sam have to deal with ghosts who were naturally harsher and not as immediately friendly (like send her to deal with the dealmart after dark peeps or the ghosts from the asylum for the criminally insane or whatever the heck was on the same ground as that one coffee shop), WOULD Sam become more guarded and serious like Mel? Would she see helping ghosts more as a job or transaction instead of her thinking now, which is "here are these ghosts who are my friends, or at least not people who are going to treat me harshly. Let's work together to get them where they need to go!"
Also I think Sam has it a wee bit easier than Mel when it comes to being able to tell others about what she can do. Sure, Bela had the "Delia" reaction to finding out Sam could see ghosts initially (i.e., you're crazy, sick, need help, etc.) But because Alberta, Isaac, etc. have powers that can engage the senses of livings, it didn't take long to convince Bela that Sam and Jay were telling the truth and there wasn't any time where you looked at Sam and went "Oh, you poor baby, let me wrap you up in a blanket". (Like I sometimes feel when Mel has to reveal her abilities to ghosts' family members so they can do what they need to do.)
Jay: Totally agree with your assessment of Jay as well, especially him being allowed to be goofier than Jim, but I love that both guys support their wives' ghost seeing endeavors so wholeheartedly and love them so much. (And I know that if there was ever a time Sam was in genuine harm from the ghosts, Jay would just save her like immediately, like when that one ghost made Mel's hair get stuck in the garbage disposal and she was so scared she was crying. I can't remember what episode it's in at the moment though.)
I loved the episode of GW where that super model that Jim had known before reached out to him to help her. It was so interesting to see and I think it would be nice if Jay got to have the same opportunity in an episode.
(I think that if GW had been structured in a way to allow Jim to interact with the ghosts the way Jay does, he totally would have been cool with it. And I think he does have like a gamer side and would be up for playing games with Jay and Pete totally.)
I love them all too...so much.
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