#theyre all so fucking GOOD though man thats the THING
qwuilty · 10 months
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hecksupremechips · 1 month
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Girl like. The reason he said "this is how it should be" and faced death with a smile....is cuz he wanted to die. For 2 years he sat there thinking he was worthless and deserved to die. If he hadn’t be shot, his death would’ve been suicide, he was fully planning to die in a gutter somewhere undetected. When saying "this is how it should be" hes literally saying "don’t cry because I’m dying, my death is a good thing actually because I fucking suck and you are better off without me". I don’t think that’s badass even slightly, it’s actually really sad and really shitty. Shinjiro is so convinced that he deserves to die and hates the idea of anyone giving a shit about him because he literally can’t wrap his mind around the idea that he will be missed when he’s gone, that his death is a bad thing actually. And his last words were meant to be comforting because he fully did not intend for anyone to be there when he died, he intended to die alone, so he says them as a reminder that he’s not worth crying over
Personally, if it were me, if I was holding my dying best friend in my arms who was deeply depressed and suicidal and he said "this is how it should be" uh. I wouldn’t admire him for it??? Like am I losing my mind when I say the way this game handles Shinji is bad or is anyone else seeing this too 😰
#its like okay listen i understand the basic math of any persona game they say things and everything they say is actually#very bad when you think about it for more than 3 seconds#like what theyre intending to do with the death of this character is be like oh no your sad friend dies tragically thats so saddddd#but that doesnt mean you cant live a wonderful life full of meaning you cant let grief consume you life is beautiful awagga#and i guess shinji is a specific character whos used cuz i guess its more tragic that he never realized he was worthy of life and shit#and i guess its also like ‘dont be like this guy who let grief consume him and then died you gotta Be Different’#which i dont. love. that last part cuz if you think about shinji and what led him down this road#its like. of course hes depressed! he accidentally killed a woman with a child when he was 16!#he himself is an orphan and he just made some other kid an orphan as well and it happened cuz his persona went out of control#which very much can translate to ‘this must mean im dangerous and can hurt everyone if im not kept under control’#so of course he isolated himself and believed he was evil and became suicidal like who wouldnt feel that way#like am i supposed to be mad he left sees and took drugs cuz uh while i dont think isolation or Evil Drug is good for his mental health#i dont think him continuing to fight in sees is something he can just easily do again given how he killed someone like he shouldnt have to#be a part of this thing anymore like how would he even safely get castor to not do that??? he cant kill more people on accident!#so yeah like using shinji as an example of bad coping mechanisms is already just. a big fucking oof to me like it just feels like the game#is saying he shouldve gotten over it and simply not be suicidal and stayed on the team. idk if thats the intent but uh it wouldnt faze me#cuz persona games are notoriously awful at writing characters who are traumatized and abused#but what makes everything even worse is how the game kinda like. acts like shinjis death is a stepping stone#like we’re supposed to use it as a wake up call and understand the stakes but keep going on anyways#and akihiko and Ken get. ‘great character development’ according to the game telling you they have now developed#but damn all akihiko is is just repressed he cries for 3 seconds and then is like I SHOULD MAN UP and then neglects a depressed child#shinjis dying words are words to live by now even though they piss me the fuck off like girl am i crazy HES FUCKING#HES TELLING ME NOT TO CRY OVER HIM BECAUSE HE SHOULD BE DEAD ACTUALLY AND THIS IS A GOOD THING ACTUALLY#like if the game wants us to still find meaning in life despite losing someone it just really hurts that shinji has to die for that to work#apparently. cuz the character i see myself in is shinji. not some perfect prettyboy who does everything perfectly and has 4 gfs#his death seems like a punishment for bad behavior. the bad behavior being of course depression and drug use. and im simply supposed to be#better than that if i want to live. and we dont get to form a connection with him cuz thats gayyyyy#and his death is like a NOBLE HEROIC SACRIFICE idk its just such bullshit to me i hate it so bad#how is killing a suicidal guy and then treating it as admirable that he said ‘this is how it should be’ supposed to make me feel#makes me feel sick personally and it ruins the entire game’s theme to me because its fucking shallow and the story is bad and im tired
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dreamcast-official · 9 months
oh btw i mentioned zero's dead girlfriend in that ask (iris <3) and i want everyone to know iris is one of my favorite mmx characters and if capcom wont give her anything to work with then i fucking will.
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bl00dw1tch · 1 year
You should become a muslim.
I don't ever plan on joining any kind of organized religion, because i already know that the stuff i believe won't mesh with any specific one. Um. So thanks but no thanks !
#horse.txt#i believe everything has a soul#reincarnation is real#theres no afterlife (good or bad)#so existence isn't about earning your way into a vip club in the sky#it's about collecting as many experiences as possible#good and bad big and small#kindness is natural and so is cruelty--all creatures will be inclined towards one or the other and theres no way to change that fact#so its best to just focus on whatever you can manage. no one is required to try to change the world for the better#that is an opt in activity. the natural way to live is to seek your own happiness--so if thats all you can manage#then just do that#organized religion has never worked for me; i grew up going to christian churches and i hate it#and even doing group pagan events feels off and disingenuous to me--and its strictly a Me thing its not to do with the religions themselves#though i do genuinely hate christianity with a fiery burning passion that grows with every passing day#i do not care that not all Christians are 'bad' because its becoming increasingly obvious to me that even still#being Christian Keeps those people from being as good as they COULD have been#'hate the sin love the sinner' or you could just learn to have compassion for your fellow man and quit being a debby downer#sins don't fucking exist theyre just activities that you don't like. just say thats what it is. applying morality to everything under#the sun is just semantics. you are wasting our time when we could LITERALLY be outside eating fruit and watching the clouds#grow up#sorry didnt mean to get aggressive my train of thought just does whatever sometimes
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tgcg · 3 months
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this is my element (+ album)
asking me to pick my fave album is like asking an orphan matron to pick her favorite baby boy
thats some weird and cruel circumstances to put upon me i feel like it changes every damn week like a rota
i mean what if my beats misbehave and i gotta put 'em in time out i cant play permanent on that theyre too cute
but yknow what i can show you one thing thats been on my mind lately
so when i was a kid we had this skateboard vid by "element skateboards" on DVD
they were this skateboard kit slash apparel company that was all about progressivism and shit and they did these much lauded comp tapes of dudes riding around on their boards and doing the dopest of macho tricks on the shit
flipping it turnways
putting the rock in the house like a big man
we had some of their merch actually
so anyways the one we had back then was This Is My Element
released 2007
mostly clips from cali i think and i mean the camerawork is fucking insane on some of those shots
this is gonna sound lame as fuck but i prob spent so many cumulative hours just peelin through the footage and ogling the shit outta it
that framing was tight
so you may be asking yourself or me
dave you genuine dicksucker i asked about your fav album not your favorite sordid ass display of smooth dudes hardcore riding and grinding them boards in public dude you have a problem
ok well that wasnt a question first of all so jot that down
but anyways to THAT i say
listen to the music
the whole thing has an original soundtrack of ambient beats
got some abstract hip hop jams, got some more indie stuff, lots of acoustic sampling
HELLA underground
and basically every track minus one is done by sampler beast david p. madson AKA "odd nosdam"
dude is my hero seriously
he is the master of the beat machine i shit you not hes always been kinda my idol on this stuff
aside from bro obviously
anyways he had an E-mu SP-1200 which is a really oldschool sampler invented by dave rossum in the late 80s
revolutionary to the hip hop scene
nosdam had this mega distinct sound to his music that i always wanted to replicate on my own beats
still do
i dont know for sure if he used it on T.I.M.E. but he uses some of the same samples from "vol. 9" which was exclusively SP-1200 so im gonna get a lil j’accuzi on that
it couldve been a boss dr sampler SP-202 though idk
he had one of those
so aside from beating the shit out of the pause/resume button to flip my whole cranium at the cinematography or whatever i would also kinda play it on loop to listen to the soundtrack and space out at 2am
the lonely broner seemed to free his mind at night
ok shit broner is good but i didnt mean it like that
that was goofy lets just keep movin
it was the only way i had to listen to it back then but i mean the video is 50 mins long so its basically just an odd nosdam album with accompanying ambient skater sounds and random expletives and whatever
random car sequence
yknow what i dont think people respect enough?
the dude who catches all the "mad stunts yo" on camera
i swear to god at least half the time hes ALSO on a board and that shit is bananas to me
bros gotta be on some whole other level of zen to skate good AND catch all them glamor shots of his fellow skater
thats like an express ticket to the ER imo
the ambulance is already on the scene watching you like an eager crow watches a half dead dog
ok gonna go ahead and lay it out flat
not great on a board myself
kinda dogshit at it actually
so maybe im not exactly an arbitrator of skateboard heinousness
but i always kinda liked watching THEM do it i mean who doesnt?
whats an even crazier layer to stack on the "dave" cake is
and dirk told me this because unfortunately it kinda happened post-2009
he would do all these collabs with one of my childhood favorite underground rappers david cohn aka serengeti
surrounded by daves left and right dude even before all the time travel horseshit
thats like
serendipitous as fuck i think!
if sburb was just a revolving door of artists called dave that i could bump fists with
instead of other mes in various states of aliveness tending toward extremely dead
i wouldve probably given it something higher than 2 stars on my TGN review
so yeah you ask me my favorite album its T.I.M.E. by odd nosdam i guess
bump that shit on a walk your mind will go places unknown to man
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hijackalx · 7 months
yall he would be so embarrassed by how vampires are portrayed in the media. like enraged 😭😭 he feels like they make him look like a joke and would refuse to watch/read anything with vampires in it bcz nobody ever gets it right. but if modern day tav DID ever get him to watch twilight with them he would be like shrinking into his shirt from secondhand embarrassment AT FIRST but i feel like he would eventually get invested LMAO like u know how dads stand in front of the tv and get stuck there bcz theyre too interested lol that kind of vibe
sooo hedonistic and materialistic like he loves all things luxurious, chocolates, expensive fabrics, comfortable furniture etc. he does NOT want to settle for anything less. but this also means he expects the same for tav 🥰 but he's kind of messy too? like it makes sense with being materialistic bcz eventually youll have lots of clutter. his tent has all kinds of unnecessary shit
hes lowkey sentimental. LOWKEY THOUGH he would never admit it. like if tav ever gave him something like idk, a necklace they found or something and said it made them think of him he'd literally keep it forever and ever. dont call him out on it tho bcz he'll get defensive af 😔 HES SUCH A BABY
tav and him will argue A LOT but thats because he purposely pushes ppls buttons. (nsfw mention) its like foreplay to him and if u read the nsfw section youll see why lol
so sooooo jealous but only if he feels like youre getting too close to someone else. like initially i dont think tav sleeping with someone else makes him jealous bcz of his backstory like he doesnt rlly view sex as something that only happens between two ppl that love each other and thats what would bother him the most. and i think hes only open sexually bcz hes conditioned himself to be that way, like maybe after a while of being with tav it really would start to bother him if they were sleeping with other ppl and he'd eventually want to be exclusive.
also he cares abt tav so much. like he pretends like he doesnt but if they freak him out enough theyll see just how much he worries abt them and wants them safe 😭❤️
love language:
giving = words of affirmation. he loves to call tav pet names and comment on how good they are at things and how good they look etc. he LOVESSS it especially if tav responds to it in any way (physically or verbally) bcz he also loves to tease lol. also dare i say physical touch? like just innocently touching tav all the time. this i feel bcz he (spoiler???) rlly enjoyed the hug during his confession scene and also wants to hold tav's hand after. (end of possible spoiler) like he'll prolly do little things like rub tav's back or caress their face randomly while theyre talking to him lol all very sensual tho hes a very sensual man
receiving = words of affirmation and physical touch lol both in the way i described before. i dont think he would like tav teasing him tho most of the time he gets genuinely pissed off 😹😹😹 hes just a lil short tempered
apparently hes 5'9 but i dont know where thats coming from lol i dont get that vibe he looks pretty lanky i would say between 5'11-6' is more realistic like lets be honest a 5'9 man lured back all those victims for cazador? be so fucking for real 😭😭 also decent muscle tone not scrawny but not SWOLE
lets go girls and gays 👯 for starters i dont really see him enjoying being submissive at all like u had to roll a 15 to even get the mf to say 'please'. i think this is especially because he hates having his autonomy taken away from him but he has a controlling personality in general (he was deciding ppls fates as a magistrate before cazador 🧍🏼like HELLO what the fuck was that 😹😹) . he likes to call the shots BUT i dont think hes selfish (kinda feel like hes a giver lowkey?? are we feeling the service dom allegations ??) he just withholds what tav likes until they do what he wants or theyre good for him. he always remembers to reward them tho 😇
he LOVES BRATS (hence the arguing mentioned before) !!!!!!! theyre his absolute favorite like theres something abt putting someone in their place that turns him on so much. theyre also so fun. he usually does it by being mean and degrading them tho lol. but once they submit to him hes so soo sweet. theyll also get bonus points for calling him something that implies hes above them (daddy, sir, master) but he wont make them. he prolly likes to see if he can make them do it voluntarily for an ego boost lol.
hes sadistic in the sense that he likes to “hurt” tav but not in extreme ways. he likes them too much for that. like he'll pull their hair and choke them (bite them) or something but he wont cause them horrific pain if u catch my drift. i still feel like hes into seeing them cry tho lol like if they go to him for a shoulder to cry on he'll try to act sympathetic but he'll also pop a boner HELP HES THE WORST
takes forever to cum like bro 🙄 I GOT RUG BURN ON MY PUSSY !!!! also has a very attractive pp probably 6-7 inches? like its textbook perfect. upwards curve. pink tip. shall i go on.
he wont do this to a one night stand but if he likes tav enough he'll want to mark or claim them in some way. like leaving bite marks and bruises EVERYWHERE or even cumming inside them.
also not as kinky as u would think like keep ur questionable kinks away from this man he will judge so hard. MAJOR kink shamer. in short no u cannot piss on him lmao leave peepaw alone
aftercare with him depends. at first its rlly cold and u get corny rehearsed lines and he cant wait to go sleep by himself 😭😭😭 BUT after he catches feelings hes very attentive and will help tav clean up. also will prefer to stay with them until morning.
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modelbus · 6 months
HII!! I REALLY LIKE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH!! I just read your wilbur soot fic "Radar Detector" and I really LOVED it. I was hoping you could do another wilbur soot songfic cause theyre so good😭 (preferably lover by taylor swift or just any taylor swift song that you'd like.
I'm so excited to do another song fic you have no idea. Also, a confession: I'm a closet Swiftie...
Pairing: CC!Wilbur x Gn!Reader
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We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January And this is our place, we make the rules
The tree in the living room was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes. In your tiredness, all the colorful lights were out of focus and created a mesh of blob colors. It was pretty, in the way that abstract art flows together.
"We really should take that down." Wilbur says from behind you, and you realize that the general warmth around you is him. The arm over your waist, holding you to him and the couch? Him.
"We can leave it up." You answer, yawning. "I like it."
"It's not Christmastime anymore, love." He smiles into your shoulder, making you smile too.
Something about him generates happiness. In your hazy vision, spotted with colorful christmas lights, you can't imagine anything better.
"So? This is our flat."
He laughs. "Point taken."
We could let our friends crash in the living room This is our place, we make the call.
"You're fine, right?" You ask Tommy, giving him a pointed look.
For once in his life, the boy knows how to be subtle and nods. "Yeah, yeah, I'm great."
"We have more blankets if you want them!" Wilbur announces, strolling in with his arms full of blankets. He dumps them all on top of Tommy, eyebrows creased with worry. "You sure you don't mind staying on the couch?"
He nods, rolling his eyes. "I used to sleep on your floor, Wil."
"That was different! And I gave you an air mattress that time!"
"Which is practically the floor. I'm a big man, I can take the fucking couch."
Wilbur turns to you, as if you'll take his side. You may be dating him, but that doesn't mean you're agreeing with him.
"He'll be fine, Wilbur." You assure him.
Tommy was only staying for the night, anyway. One of his vlogs ran late, leaving him here way after dark. And Wilbur wouldn't stand for letting him head home at this time of night. Honestly, you found their brother thing endearing. And it made Wilbur happy, which made you happy.
Besides, Tommy was a good kid. A nightmare at times, but good in heart. Mostly.
Wilbur gives a regretful look at your couch (which is actually pretty nice) before sighing. "Fine, fine. We'll be just down the hall if something happens, so just... wake us. Yeah?"
"Wilbur!" Tommy groans. "Fuck off! I can sleep on your couch!"
"I know! I'm just making sure!"
"Go fucking cuddle or something." Tommy huffs, settling under all the blankets and turning his back to Wilbur.
You laugh softly, flicking off the lights. "C'mon love. Good night, Tommy."
"Night." Wilbur echoes your words, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and guiding you so you don't run into a wall on your way to the bedroom. "He'll be fine, right?"
"Of course he will." You say, leaning up to give him a quick kiss. "Now it's our turn to get some rest. Go do your night routine, or whatever."
"Will do." Wilbur agrees, quietly heading off toward the bathroom.
With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.
You ran your thumb over the inside of his palm, prompting Wilbur to squeeze your fingers in return. The callouses on his fingers are rough against your skin, but you don't mind. They're testaments to his love for music, to his commitment to it.
You love them simply because they're a part of him.
"I promised to teach you guitar one day." Wilbur reminds you, voice soft.
"And I still want to learn." You assure him, a smile gracing your face. "Maybe one day I'll get callouses like yours." You add in as a tease.
"No guitar string scars though." He raises your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your fingertips. It makes you laugh. "I'll teach you how to play guitar safely."
"What, and you don't play safely?"
He nudges you, because you know the answer to that. You've seen too many broken picks and snapped guitar strings. There's a faint scar on his palm where a snapped string cut him, even.
"You'll be so bad at guitar." Wilbur says with a grin. "I can't wait to love you for it."
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover.
"I'm dying." Wilbur announces, draping himself over the back of your chair dramatically. "I've been shot. I'm dying."
You can't help but roll your eyes, laughing. "Wil, it was a Nerf dart."
"Tell my friends and family I love them." He wails, squeezing onto your hand. "I'll miss you."
"You aren't dying."
"Oh goodbye world! I yearn to feel the sun upon my face, but alas, I die in the cold night!"
"Oh Wilbur!" Tommy crows, darting around a corner with a raised Nerf gun.
Wilbur shouts, hands going for his own Nerf gun, finding nothing. In response, Tommy's smile widens into something evil as he holds up a second Nerf gun.
"Who's the bitch boy?" He asks, eyes wide with delight.
You burst into loud laughter as Wilbur runs from the room, sliding on the wooden floors in his socks.
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover.
Hand on the back of the chair, Wilbur pulls it away from the cloth-covered table for you. You can’t help your grateful smile, sinking into it without a second thought. The wedding you two were at was busy, and you had been on your feet for literal hours. He was a godsend at this moment, and judging by his grin he knew it.
“Water?” You ask, holding up a bottle of water for him. You had originally left his side to grab some, knowing he was thirsty but wouldn’t ask for a water.
“Thank you.” Wilbur says, taking it from you. He presses a kiss to your head before pushing in your chair and sitting down at the one next to you, which has his suit jacket thrown over the back. “Almost payment enough for saving your chair?”
“Almost?” The laugh you let out isn’t dignified in the slightest, but his eyes sparkle like it’s the best sound he’s ever heard.
“I had to fight a guy off with my fists to keep it.”
“You’ll never know if it is or isn’t.” He teases, taking a sip of the water. “But I deserve better payment.”
With a roll of your eyes, you lean forward to give him a quick peck on the lips. He cups your cheek, catching your face before you can pull away, just to prolong the kiss for a moment more before he lets go.
“Happy?” You ask, raising your eyebrows.
“The happiest.”
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
man when writing the skills i really do have to make a conscious effort to not like... completely strip them of their surprisingly nuanced properties and just boil them down to easily digestible traits. electrochemistry horny. logic cold and calculating. inland empire daydreamy. composure calm and collected. endurance big and strong. because that's not the case!
when i looked on fayde to do research, almost all of them said something that surprised me. they interact with each other, reference each other, say and do shit that isn't just relegated to their personal field. interfacing makes a slight to harry about honor points. (749) the more brutal skills can have moments of tenderness- pain threshold laments how "Before you is a temple of pain that knew little tenderness in life." (547) even better is what comes through when they don't succeed-- shivers checks can fail, and it isn't always monumentally mysterious and graceful.
half-light isnt just angry. he's scared. he wants to protect harry, he wants to keep harry safe, at any cost, hes a cornered animal. but he also encourages harry to dance in the church. (318) empathy isnt gentle and demure; if you fail a check while talking to sylive, empathy will get it in his head that he is doing the right and caring thing by telling garte that she's "riding the cock carousel". esprit de corps isnt just a radar that plings every time something happens to an officer. there is a sentimentality to the way he speaks, about the precinct, about kim. even though each skill is there to serve a purpose, those purposes aren't as narrow as you may think. they are just as multifaceted and interesting as harry himself, in both success and failure.
i think there's no better example of how the skills are harry during the dream sequence. volition says he's sorry, that he's just as fucked up and full of shit as harry is, that he doesn't know what he's saying or doing. this pillar of morality and hope and goodness, admitting he's just another fragment of harry's splintered mind. reaction speed is heartbroken when dora doesnt accept the figurine. suggestion says he should be put in front of a firing squad.
theyre all parts of harry, and while making them more independent and unique from him is fun (i love to do it and do it all the time) they are all doing what they think is right for him, no matter the given situation. it's easy to just write rhetoric as a flat-out commie and be done with it or have savoir faire be an unequivocally smooth operator (and there's nothing wrong with it either) but I think if you want to write or draw stuff about the skills, do a little bit of digging in their lines. not only because its a treasure trove of content, but because it gives valuable insight into so many things- Harry's mind, how he sees the world, and how to develop these skills as independent characters, if thats your bag.
(and don't be afraid to get weird with it. to quote conceptualization: "You want something *experimental* -- intramuscular puppetry, hyperrealistic vapour-porn, meditation opera...")
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ivanzplaid · 11 months
Feel totally free to ignore this but like Otis, Doomhead, The Grabber and Bo with a preferably male reader who has a huge praise kink and kind of hid it from them but they end up finding out? Thank you as always.
screaming shivering jumping up and down with excitment YES PLEASEEEE THANK YOUUU. all of these men. all of them. and this kink. youre a godsend i love you thank you thank you. i love these kinky requests
requests r open, masterlist is up!!
Slashers x M! Sub!Reader + Discovering a Praise Kink | Headcanons
Warnings: Nsfw undercut, slight obsessivness, sub!reader, dom!slashers, toy usage, cockwarming, edging, slightly rushed towards the end thats mb💔
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The Grabber
you've been kidnapped by him long enough for you two to spend quality time together, more specifically when he lets you up to cook a meal with him, something really hands on
he's guiding you through one of his older cookbook recipes he has, rubbing your arm as you cut up pepper to put into a pan. something quiet and lowkey, just as he likes it
can feel like hes truly connecting to you, just as if you were a normal couple (though he already thinks of you two as that ...even if you are locked in his basement)
"You're doing so well dove, so smart, hm?"
your movements slightly sputter as you process what he said, but you keep going. your cheeks become hotter and a light laugh came out, but letting al know that you have a praise kink would be the death of you
his overbearing nature leads him to know almost everything about you, but you knew if he knew that, he'd never shut up about it, constantly using it against you in all situations, especially in his twisted little games he makes up
his natural vocabulary already makes it hard enough to function in his house, praising you for good behavior, coming up with little nicknames to toy around with, especially with his possessiveness he loves to think everything you do is beautiful, constantly saying things along the lines of
"What a good boy.. too good for anyone but me. You're all mine"
but it was when he massaged your shoulders and brought his head down to your ear that you realized he began to catch on. he was a much too observant man (and way too obsessed with you) to let any part about you go unnoticed
"You like it when I say that.. don't you? You like hearing me praise you, is that it?"
his voice was deeper and smooth, taunting you with his newfound knowledge
he is a very open man with his kinks, only being shy if theyre a bit harder than others. but discovering that you get off on hearing him praise you boosts his ego, he wants to use and abuse this immediately
he likes that this gives him a more dominant dynamic (more than he already has), he likes to know that hes in control, and can manipulate a situation to his liking because youll be at his knees if it means he'll fulfill your needs
he likes to believe that only he can make you feel this good, stroking your dick while saying how pretty you look for him, holding your chin and fucking you, going into detail about how hes so lucky to have someone as cock hungry as you are all for him
will torment you with this knowledge, thats how he is. he'll introduce it into the 'good boy' game, saying how 'only good boys would give in to me' and how youre his best tule follower, which comes with perks of its own
tries to make it so that praise is an even more sacred award, and using it to further youre relationship. good attitude and behavior? he'll fuck your throat while saying hes never felt this good, and how youre his best toy. been having an enjoyable evening upstairs without any suspicious actions? treating you by edging you and encouraging you to hold on for a bit longer, and how he'll make you feel so good if you keep that pretty moaning going
either way, he will use it against you to his advantage to get what he wants, because good boys follow what he says, and they end up getting the best rewards, round after round
"Aw.. I know you wanna cum, but baby just a little longer. You're sweet little moans for me will pay off soon, I promise."
Bo Sinclair
hes the king of most kinks without even realizing it, he says and does mostly whatever he pleases while he fucks you, but he does notice when you start to heat up and hide your face while he says how good youre taking him, and how god blessed him with the prettiest little toy
now bo doesnt jump to conclusions, he likes to wait it out and test it a few times to see if he's catchin all the signs first
his final test is having you sit with him as he works on a car in his shop, helping him out snd just being with him since he likes your company
"Ay darlin', be my saving grace and hand me my pliers right there,"
he'll pause snd wait for you to grab them, then finish the sentence with the bait
"Thats it.. right there. Listenin' to me so well, aintcha."
as a small smile creeps on your face, and the familiar submissive aura creeps up, he comes out from his work space and meets you halfway, walking with a certain confidence to his step, smiling at you like an asshole
"Well is that so.. you enjoy hearing me say how good you are? I see you getting all flustered, can't take it sweets?"
he'll slowly corner you and give you an evil looking smile as he speaks
"Well if this is somethin youre into, youre gonna hafta earn it toots. I don't let anything slip without some hard work out in by your pretty little face."
he wants to see how far he can take this, making it worth its while in the bedroom (or seeing if he can push it to something semi-public as well, teasing you about how good you look, and how its a shame that no ones out here to hear how cute your groans are as he fucks into you faster)
absolutely loves bejng the asshole he is and teasing you while also leaving you once youre needy for him, he wants to see you crawling to him, begging for him, because then he'll reward you for being such a loyal toy for him, praising you and calling you handsome as he strokes your dick painfully slow while keeping eye contact
will have you ride him as he gives you hickeys on your neck, tickling your neck with his hot breathe as he says how pretty you look taking him all in, fucking yourself against him
starts to incorporate the teasing throughout your day. whether it be meeting new visitors, standing next to you snd acting normal, yet leaning over to you slightly and saying how he could display to the visitors what a good boy you are for bo and bo only, making you his prize
like the grabber, is very veryyyy possessive, he rewards you when youre good for him with the praise, because your devotion and submission to him isnt only a need for a relationship, but because he gets so hard when you display those behaviors
realization definitely happened when he got home from 31. hes tired an annoyed and just wants to hold you then pass out to sleep. anticipating this, you set up the bed comfortable and began to run a warm bath for him
when he sees this he cant help but sigh and smile lightly, stroking your hair while showing his appreciation
"Youre so good for me, what would I do without you.."
your cheeks heat up, and assuming he'd be so tired he wouldnt notice, you let out a little deep breath before taking him to the bath
however, even in his most exhausted states, he notices the little things about you, because hes feels he needs to know what your feeling, especially for a peculiar reaction like this
"Somethin' wrong handsome?"
you realize that he caught on and quickly (and suspiciously) deny anything, leaving him wanting more, he knows that youre not sharing something, so he does what he does best, and becomes persistent about it. he knows its something embarrassing, so he wants to humiliate you by having you reveal it
the rest of the night is full of snarky comments and suggestive ideas, he wants to know what youre thinking at all times, and this torture will end sweetheart if you just admit it
some part of him already knows what it is, its just getting you to say it out loud so that he can give you your reward and praise after is the tough part. he wants you to say it snd to see you avoid eye contact and have your voice diminish so that he can bring you to the present with hoe much he'll pamper and treat you (and fuck you)
he is a kinkyyyy man, he loves to know all about you snd what makes you hard for him
when he finally gets you to say it, he cups your chin while making you hold eye contact, before crawling ontop of you snd caging you between his arms, smiling down like the smartass he is
"C'mon baby.. that wasn't so hard. I knew my perfect pet could do it."
he loves to include just a bit of demeaning / possessive phrases while praising you, he loves to flaunt his dominance & how obedient you are to him
will fuck you roughly into the bed while saying how good you look crying, taking him all in no matter what, because youre his, and hes so happy that its like that
will say how perfectly shaped you are for his cock, how his dick fits into your hole so perfectly, like you were made for him and only him. praises you on how tight you are and how your practically sucking his dick dry with how hard your keeping him
"Ohhh... fuck.. good boy. That's right, keep making those pretty little noises whenever I hit the right places. Tell me how good it feels when I fuck you."
very very vocal normally, so now he can channel that energy to somewhere else to heighten both of your experiences
loves to overstimulate you with praise & literal stimulation. guiding you through an orgasm with a vibrator in your ass while he toys with your dick, saying how your whines and moans might alert someone nearby, and why should they get to see his perfect angel all sprawled out, fucked snd drooling, looking all pretty
Otis Driftwood
otis is so great for this because he is so fucking horny and loves to have his dick in you just because, but he also has a more caring side to him during it, so he didnt have a suspicion, you outright admitted it to him in a heated moment
in his bed, late at night, sensual yet stimulating. hes having you cockwarm him while he strokes you, admiring how your body quivers at his touch snd how whiny you are, yet he shushes you and says itll take time, because he dictates your pleasure, but also because he wants to see how long you can hold out for
"Oh look at you baby, being so obedient for me. You're gonna look so nice when I fuck you so hard you won't be able to move an inch.."
that sends you over the edge, the stimulation and the moment, and his hands roaming you cause you to cum all over his chest
hes surprised, he knows he was teasing you snd giving you a lack of stimulation, but his words pushed you over the edge? well he'll just have to test it one more time
"Fuck handsome, cummin' on my chest just by some words? Too good for me, you just needed me so bad, huh?"
will change positions so that he can see how shy yet needy you get while he pounds into you and praises you, using this so that you two can go multiple rounds together, inducing overstimulation once again
he loves that youre into praise, because he loves to compliment and comment on your submissive nature, he feels it builds a nice and romantic feel to fucking
loves to see how much deprivation he can give countered with a shit ton of praise before you become a crumpled mess infront of him, begging him to put it inside you. he loves to see you beg for him, because he believes it shows how well hes trained you, and thats why you deserve to know how good you look when youre being face fucked with his cum dripping down your chin before noticing the hard on you have from it
can and will say how youre his little pet/his good boy, and how nobody elses moans, and no one else's ass could make otis as hungry as you make him
thinks its funny how shy you were with revealing your kinks, because hes very open about his, and is always willing to try more
will comment on hoe if hes gonna keep praising you, you need to stop being so flustered and let him see how cock drunk you are, snd that youre so beautiful when youre bouncing on his dick trying to chase your high, absolutely dumbified
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aristotels · 4 months
croatian political opinions are so funny to me, there is no bipolar nation like this one. you can literally pick a man from the street and he will hold all these opinions simultaneously as true: fuck putin and russia, but also the usa is the worst nation on the earth and should be destroyed, and also its actually good that putin is standing up to them because someone should. usa should get out of middle east but also its good to have a world policeman but also who the hell are they to think they should be a world policeman, why do they think the world is their playground. west is so developed and we should all emigrate there because we can get jobs as plumbers but imigrants shouldnt come here because theyre taking jobs. at the same time west is terrible, but we should be a western country. things were better in yugoslavia but also it was a criminal state and we should kill all communists, but also the government should pay for everything and its ridiculous that it wont. socialism is a travesty but we should all get jobs in the govt offices and we should have more of those jobs, and there is so much bureaucracy but he hired a cousin in the city administration. capitalism is even worse than socialism though and it has ruined our lives, but the solution to it isnt socialism, but we should have a socialist state just not call it that way. in yugoslavia you couldnt vote for a new president but we should end all the elections because they waste money and nobody ever does anything, why are we paying for them. eu is terrible but also we are better than serbs because we are in the eu but also why is eu opressing us and why are we a part of it and why dont we get out, also if you want money you should apply for eu funds. we should all be paid in euros but it shouldnt be a national currency. he loves milanović and votes for hdz at the same time and hates the hdz prime minister because he is a dictator and should be removed, but also he will vote for hdz on the next elections because he wants a job in the city administration. he thinks that this is a third world country but if someone else says that, its not. immigrants should get out, except for his buddy who immigrated into croatia because he is an exception and is a cool guy so thats different. doctors shouldnt get bigger salaries but they should also stop being traitors and emigrating, but half of his family has emigrated to ireland. also ukrainian immigrants should get out of the country, however half of his family left for canada during 90es. we should bring back the mandatory military service, he avoided it because he had anemia. the prices here are too high to survive but we should increase them when tourist season comes and why are people complaining about the restaurant prices, if they cant afford them they shouldnt eat there, also he hasnt been to a restaurant in 10 years. look how developed slovenia is, theyre doing it right, but also we hate them, why do they think theyre better than us.
insane nation
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marrow-minded · 1 year
God, so I'm rewatching the Deathstalker fight right? And I'm just noticing how brave Jaune is??? Like, it's not much and maybe I'm reading too much into it but Jaune's little "Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!" line just tells you so much about him like??? Even though he is well aware that he isn't the best of fighters, he's still so willing to throw himself against this GIANT fucking scorpion monster. It's making me emotional.
I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT YOU *GET* ME!!!!! like he literally JUST SAID "run and live! thats an idea i can get behind" but the SECOND it looks like these other students- because really only ruby is his FRIEND the rest are just his fellow students theyre not even on teams yet- he immediately, *instinctively* wants to protect them and THAT is the core of jaune arc. he just wants to help people. he just wants to protect his friends.
hes TERRIFIED in this moment, by far the weakest member, but he has HEART. people act like him cheating into beacon is something to hold against him but like. this isnt a college or academics course, where hes taking up a spot that could go to someone more deserving, this is a HUNTSMAN academy and to me (and to ozpin i reckon) that willingness to throw yourself on the line for your fellow people? that willingness to take risks just to do some good in this world? that drive to protect people from monsters?? those are all qualities that the best hunters should have; skill with a weapon, control of your semblance? those are all things you can be taught. that drive to help strangers despite the odds cannot
ozpin let ruby in for the same reasons, not just because she can swing a scythe, but because she had that simple soul that makes her a great huntsman. and im willing to bet he saw the same in jaune
i love jaune and i wish people would give him the same chance they give everyone else because genuinely, like a lot of characters, if you look beneath the terrible writing and the surface level propaganda, theres something really interesting and compelling to be discovered :')
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pastadoughie · 6 months
Read over what was going on with anon asks and your posts, and tbh, if you are 16 and you are reaching this kind of critical thinking and actively trying to better yourself through meaningful debates and convos, you are doing god's fucking work from early. I couldn't even begin to form the kind of arguments you are articulating at your age in your posts, so fucking kudos.
I have a similar opinion of sexism being bad no matter the form it takes, patriarchy affects everyone because it imposes roles on everyone, not only women. Breaking those roles on all sides and genders should be the ultimate goal, not try to benefit from the system to become the oppressor.
In any case dude, good luck with the unavoidable influx of people who will misinterpret your posts. Also, your art is hella cool!
i think that alot of ppl just have a rlly hard time like, getting over the gut response to defend themselves when they recieve some kind of serious critisism, like, i think ppl understand on some level that sexism as a concept is stupid, but it can be hard to fully see all the nuances it takes and like, actually recognize it when its subtler
sexism is bad and when i point out that alot of you guys believe ideas that are like, really sexist then thats like, im assuming none of you are like "YEAA SEXISM RUELZZZ!!!! I HATE PEOPLE BASED ON THIER GENDOR" and u rlly rlly dont wanna be lumped into that group
its rlly normal to not wanna be mischaracterized and if you dont self identify as sexist then when someone points out sexist retoric it feels like an unfair and reductive veiw of u
and its like, you really really really need to work past that, im talking abt this stuff because i want ppl to change and be better and if you want that for yourself u have to like rlly chew on these kinds of things
i think what alot of people have issues with is like, relatability in artwork, like "of course im gonna like art with queer women in it more and find it more valueble if im a queer woman" but i think that this points to a really rigid and uphelpful veiw of gender
ive discussed before that, because the mind numbing ammount of biological differences people have theres no actual objective definition of sex or gender, its socially constructed and entirely arbitrary and subjective
i think that labels for sexuality and gender are useful shorthand in our current society though ideally we wouldnt need them, but you need to remember that these things arent rigid
butch lesbian is not a definable group, gay man is not a definable group, they are arbitrary words that mean something different for literally every different person
likewise acting like those meaningless labels somehow make some artwork more or less valueble just points to a bias against people with a certain label
like, the labels dont mean anything they shouldnt change your veiw of a work, if you resonate with a peice of work why does it matter what label is put on it? why does that affect your veiw on the peice?
and yes you are objectively going to relate to some experiences more then others, but i dont think relatability should effect how you value the work, infact id argue seeing perspectives different then your own is incredibly incredibly valueble and, if your disregarding (even subconciously) certain things because theyre made by men then that not only hurts men but it hurts you, it isolates you
maybe i didnt word that perfectly im not always the most articulate but like, i think most of the issues people are having with this are coming from me articulating things maybe not as intuatively as i could or from people refusing to properly engadge with what i have to say
idk, regarding the people accusing me of transmysogeny i just wanna say that like, I AM NOT ALLERGIC TO TALKING TO YOU ABT THIS!! i want to be better and i dont want to be mysogenistic! and if you do see concerning behavior in me i want to be told of it, you keeping these kinds of things to yourself or refusing to engadge with me when i actively am trying to be like, thourough and nuanced about things is just kinda, not productive
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awkwardarmadildo · 20 days
here are my favorite quotes and bits from both parts (m=mariana, s=sherlock, j=john, w=wiggins, a=rich little pissboy) [excuse all the emojis, i think theyre funny and they help me get the tone across better]
m: "whos a beautiful, weird smelly boy? thats right, thats you! uee!🥰😍😙😄"
the entire introduction handwriting bit actually theyre so silly and goofy i love them so fucking much bro
s: "what is this 🤨? some kind of code 😲... a cipher😮... its ineligible but it has patterns😯... similarities in its form😲... what could it mean 🤔?" m: "...its johns handwriting" s: "😮‍💨 ah."
s: "youve taken me to a loud marketplace 😐. full of people shouting and strong smelling foods 😑" j: [allistic sputtering]
j: "youre supposed to be resting" s: "mhmm" j: "you are though ☹️" s: "oh i know that" j: "then dont say it. mkay? dont even think it" s: "dont say what?" j: "😠 i 😠 know 😠 what 😠 you 😠 are 😠 about 😠 to 😠 say 😠" s: "not about to say anything 😇" j: "good" s: "fine" j: "lovely" s: "splendid 🙂" *typing sounds* j: "what are you doing?" s: "sending... a message" *message notification* j: "oh i-... from you 😒... the game is afoot- uahhhh" s: [voice getting smaller as he runs away] "i told you i wouldnt say it! 😁😊😌"
s: "a hunk. a dish. a ssssstud. a certified BeefCake." j: "oh, don’t say beefcake ☹️" m: [whistles] "yum!" j: "oia-! dont say yum! 😟☹️😠"
the bit at about 25:45 - 26:00 in the first part. just imagining a mix of someone chasing after their dog when they hear it chewing on something it shouldnt be and "what d'you have?" "a knife!" "NO!"
s: "watson here is one of the most capable medical practitioners london can offer 😤 i am in safe hands" j: "yeah youre delirious, im calling an ambulance😒🙄"
j: "yeah, well, y'know. id rather you went home and stopped collapsing, but Here We Are 😒😠" s: "fine 🫤😒. ʰᵉˡˡᵒ"
j: "aaaa ow! that-! she pinched me ☹️😣😥! *turning and pouting at the small child while pointing at sherlock* 'scuse me! i didnt steal the swing, he did 😠😤!"
j: "lets go 'nd betray this old mans trust... ✨️ t o g e t h e r ✨️😊😚☺️"
w: "sherlock pal"
w: "i sure did"
w: "hey johnny boy, how ya doin"
w: "nice to meet ya mariana, heard lovely things"
w: "from sherlock"
every word out of wiggins mouth
every noise wiggins makes
s: "the temperature of your bollocks are not my concern. it is alec cunninghams bollocks that i am interested in" j: "*into the mic, likely while making a stupid face* you heard it here first folks"
a: "forrester- get off- call my dad. call my dad right now-" m: "nobody needs to call their dad, alec 😒 were not in the playground 🙄"
a: "NOOOOOO 😨😢😟" s: "yyyyes ☺️🤗😇"
a: [sad little rich man whimpering]
i actually kinda liked colin he was kinda funny to me because i would have to be bleeped just as much as he was lmfao. sometimes people say fuck
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wulvert · 3 months
this post is abt my ocs so they have up to date context on this blog. i genuinely dont remember if ive made this post before, i could have, my memory is bad & i want to talk abt them so i dont mind repeating myself
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& wolf
those r placeholder names but they dont get real ones
selkie is a selkie with no coat & wolf is not a werewolf but they were a werewolf like 5 mins before the start of the story.
setting is pretty generic grimish fantasy world where magic just got fuckign zapped out of existence causing all curses to break, thts probs been done 1000 times before but idc vampires have too let me live.
wolf is the first werewolf ever & theyve just been a giant wolf wreaking havoc full time for a good 1000 yrs or so, all other werewolves have a weaker version of their curse. it only affects them on the full moon bc thats the moon phase wolf (the person) was cursed on wweuueh wolf did stop wreaking havoc once a year on the day they were cursed, this became a holiday where locals vent their frustrations to the giant wolf that usually tries eating them every other day of the year, giving it to god kinda idea but for giant wolves.
now that everyone evers curse has been broken as a byproduct of magic being obliterated, wolf is a person. why doesnt magic being gone make them stuck as a wolf fuck off shut up. magic is what makes them a wolf thats how it works thats how magic works go to magic school idiot,
wolf is a person again, but god** forgot what they looked like before being a giant wolf so theyre kinda just whatever wolf felt like at the time now. despite it being their actual genuine fucking heart and soul and spirit in physical form, they arent super happy with it bc now they have to see their muther (who isnt dead) (despite 1000 yrs passing) who will probably be judgy abt their actual ficking hesrt and soul ajd spirit in physical form & that feels bad. so wolf wants to be a giant wolf again asap to avoid tht mother child reunion.
** there r two gods but one is dead but thats fine so like the world they live in is one massive dead gods head & the other one is like cultivating a mould population on it but the mould is the creation of man. the rest of the body is there too but ppl usually fall off & die trying to get to the neck & shoulders. they dont know its a head they live on though like its massive theyd never know, they just think some landmarks look weirdly like an ear & eye socket & stuff. the god tht is alive is like hes not a guy who glows god hes an unknowable being god but also i imagine the universe is in a shed & they are humanoid shaped so i dont rly . i do think dying and growing tiny teeny versions of your shape on you is cool
selkie lost her coat like ages ago and has been looking for it for years, but now that magic fucked off selkies cant even be seals anymore. so even if she got her coat back it wouldnt work. selkie is pretty bummed abt this, still wants it back but also feels like she wasted years of her life at the same time & wants to move on. relates to wolf on these things.
theres also a vampire who isnt a vampire anymoere but also sort of is but not really & he wants his ex wife back who dumped him for being miserable.
also probs an elf (the elves here are plant based not meat based & very magic based except not anymore)
all the fairies died bc i dont like faries. and i dont kniw how to spell fairies. theyre the only crestures that died with no magic only bc i dont like them.
so i guess the goal is wolf wants to shout at god. its like horton hears a who. watch horton hears a who thats this comic one to one.
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oldmemoria · 7 months
hate the ultimate guide. heres a few reasons why.
reused art: I understand how hard it is to make art, especially at that calliber of detail. I'm an artist, I get it. but the charm of the original ultimate guide was that we had these hand painted, unique pieces of art of these characters, it showed a little personality too.
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How stale and lifeless the art is: This is a complaint that I've had with the current western artist for years, the art is just... boring. the colors are pretty, yeah, like wow hyperrealistic cats. cool. but what else? can we see their personalities? what's the book gonna be like? the old covers had that charm, but not these ones. at all. (also is that even... i could not tell that was runningnose and littlecloud. i mean. runningnose has water in his snout, thats not what cat snot looks like but go off. he just looks a little soggy ig, not in a perpetual state of sick.)
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Lack of Personality: this is a different complaint I promise. I dont like how the art seems to take away the personality of every character so theyre staring stoicly at the camera. some of these characters arent all that stoic. I never liked the firestar art in the last hope because I deadass thought it was mapleshade until someone told me it was firestar. firestar isnt this scary, stalky cat in the shadows. not to normal people at least. if i can mistake your main character as one of the villains in your cover art that isnt fucking good. I don't want to see these cats staring bug eyed at the camera, I want to be able to tell what they're like JUST from a glance at the art. Who is that- harestar?? why doesnt he look nervous?? he looks almost noble here, which is the opposite of who he's supposed to be, he's a wuss and a loser and i love him for it. like girl that is NOT mudclaw thats some random cat i saw at the shelter once, WHERES HIS ANGER? WHERES HIS FUCKING RAGE??? RISE RISE RISE RISE RISE RI
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the Characters are hard to recognize, even with the title cards: Who are these cats. who. who the fuck are they. I can recognize a few cats, sure, but thats if I can pick out a defining trait. Squirrelflights tail, Scourges Collar, Ravenpaw's white chest, those are things that are explicitly told to us that these characters have, but everyone else??? WHO??? Like that was supposed to be leafstar?? HUH?? Wait that's supposed to be Oakheart? I cant even tell if hes red, its so YELLOW OUT I CANT FUCKING TEL WHO HE IS. Sagewhisker is described with yellow eyes, yet she has blue ones in the ultimate guide (i dont usually get pissy about eye color but not only are these cats supposed to be distinct from each other but i really like sagewhisker and i would die for her, yes i will gatekeep her from the artist fucking fight me), Bluestar is barely recognizable, i didnt know who half of these cats were before i read their nameplate. thats not a good thing.
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Red mapleshade. Why she red. WHY SHE RED.
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Leafpool. I didn't even know that was you at first but man they did you dirty.
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sol. dude that is not sol no matter how much you stretch it- why is he a tabby?? hes supposed to be a tortie, why does he look like lionblaze?? and even then he doesnt look that lionlike, even though hollyleaf literally thought he was when she first saw him like what?? HUH???
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mothwing. why she anger. also why she not fluffy
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squirrelflight. i always hated her SE art but seeing the whole thing makes me angrier. like she isnt not accurate to canon or anything i just... hate it. i hate it withe very fibre of my being. ALSO WHERE IS HER PERSONALITY I WANT TO SEE HER BEING ENERGETIC NOT STARING 😐 AT THE CAMERA FUCKING HELL-
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yeah, so im not gonna buy this book. i dont even want to know how they wrorte any of the female characters to make them somehow evil or how they somehow make a completely irridemable male character a sweet uwu baby. and everyone has talked about the ableism to death so im not going to beat this clearly still living horse, im just gonna let you find it yourself.
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hostilemuppet · 4 months
I finished hazbin hotel last night, and while it was mostly not very good, the finale was decent.
This has nothing to do with tdau, but what’s your opinion on the hazbin/helluva boss franchise? (If you have one)
keep in mind i never finished hazbin: i think the majority of it is cheap shock humour like south park except its not even trying to say anything, its just trying to be edgy for the sake of being edgy. one of my friends really likes it and even he admits it sucks at points. we both like sir pentious but ive heard hes literally a caricature of one of vivs ex friends she hates and wanted to make fun off. i hate how the only lesbian is vaggie. i liked vox, and think his musical number with alastor was the only good one, although i only watched the first two episodes. my friend who likes hazbin also thinks all the musical numbers suck, however, so ive got it on good authority from a smart man who i trust the opinion of (love you bestie if you want me to continue watching for you i will xx)
helluva boss, even though i only watched season 1 (maybe an episode or two from season 2), was a lot better than hazbin. it was funnier (i really love brandon rogers' work. when i heard him do the bryce voice for katie killjoy i was excited bc i thought his involvement meant hazbin was gonna be a lot better than the pilot. it was not) the animation was SLIGHTLY less overdone (from what ive seen thats not even true anymore) even though i didnt really care for most of the characters i did like a couple (blitzo is your classic brandon rogers "asshole with problems you sympathise with before they remind you theyre an asshole". fizzarolli and asmodeus were VERY cute and alex brightman is a talented VA)
i think the fact she got kesha, a SINGER, to voice a character, but ONLY THE SPEAKING VOICE, is literally the dumbest thing ive ever heard in my life. it makes me so goddamn angry. if you couldnt afford her to sing, get someone else. dont get a SINGER to voice a character who SINGS but NOT VOICE THEM SINGING. ITS SO FUCKING STUPID. WHAT THE HELL. HOW DOES SHE SLEEP AT NIGHT. I AM SO SORRY KESHA. I AM SO SORRY THE GUY WHO SIR PENTIOUS WAS BASED OFF. IM SO SORRY EVERY GENERALLY RESPECTED VA OR BROADWAY ACTOR WHO NOW HAS THIS PERMANENTLY ON THEIR IMDB PAGE. KEITH DAVID YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER!
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