#they should be awful people together it'd be great to watch
vypridae · 4 months
HI!!! Sorry this might get long but I need read your thoughts on this 💕💕💕
Ok so u probably have seen Viv confirming that Vox and Val are at this point in the story not actually dating, right? I already sorta assumed that because Velvette called Valentino Vox’s boytoy kind of implies they’re closer to being fuckbuddies than being a couple, BUT WHAT I CANNOT HELP IS WONDERING IF THEY WILL ACTUALLY START DATING EVENTUALLY!!!
Because Viv did specify “at this point in the story” (tho arguably she was talking more about how the characters currently are and less about their relationship, but still) so it definitely doesn’t close the door for a future possible relationship.
Like I am conflicted because VoxVal is the only toxic relationship I can bring myself to enjoy in media because they’re BOTH just so goddamn awful. They lack this power imbalance and there is no actual victim like how there is with Angel and Val, but for some reason my brain always imagines how nice it would be if Vox and Val actually like fell in love FOR REAL and became more healthy?? Almost?? And thats just so stupid because why do I want that so badly???
Pls tell me your thoughts I’m actually super curious!
OUGHGH NO BECAUSE EXATCLY !!!! since they're just in a fwb-esque relationship, theyre still in a relationship, and i feel like her wanting to progress the characters could mean that goes further than just fwb!! theyre already close, we can see that (i mean fuckers literally made out at the end of ep 8), and i can imagine that gets to a point thats not just sexual anymore
also viv specifying that "at least in this point of the story" and because she says she's excited to get into their relationship, makes me feel like something more is gonna happen between them (WHICH I REALLY HOPE IT DOES)
but for now they're just two fuck buddies with a lesbian bestie thats going Fucking insane over them 99% of the time
ALSO UR SO RIGHT IN THE LAST PARAGRAPH. theyre so awful and toxic but not to each OTHER. they have an almost equal power balance and that could make them a lot healthier than you'd literally ever think they could be . which is SO something i want
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
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The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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XV XVI - this here and now with you XVII
Y/N felt like she could walk on air, an unwavering sense of gleefulness washing over her as she watched two of the people she loved most in the world walk down as a married couple. After all that River and David had gone through, they deserved, more than anyone else, a happy ending.
“I have a feeling your dress was made by tiny forest fairies that decided you were their new muse, henceforth ending up creating the masterpiece you’re wearing right now.” David's sister-in-law conjectured, with a nasally voice, approaching the doctor and intertwining her arm with hers, obliviously walking right past loverboy.
“Yes, the designers and dressmakers at Chloé do have magical hands.” she chuckled, patting the hand that rested on her arm. “Where were you sat? I don’t think I saw you from up there.”
“In the back. Leo always needs to pee at the worst times, so I figured if he needed to go during the ceremony it'd be the best way not to interrupt."
“Aw, honey…” Y/N laughed. "How are you feeling?”
“The fever’s down.” Sean's wife replied. “I’m on ibuprofen and a pretty strong cough syrup, so the reception should be fun!”
The two women followed the crowd to the venue, where they found Y/N's favorite duo, whose ties were already on their heads and dress shirt’s first two buttons had magically been undone, greeting everyone that walked past them with a goofy, but courteous bow.
“Dudette!” Alex called out. “Over here!”
“What did I tell you about drinking before meals?” Y/N scolded playfully after saying goodbye to Leo's mother.
“Relax, Junior, we haven’t been drinking. It’s a wedding though, so my partner and I are ready to wreak havoc together.” the curly-haired man snickered, rubbing his hands together.
“Are you sure about that?” Y/N smirked, motioning her head towards Trevor, who had quickly stepped away from them to join Jack and Quinn.
“Oh for fuck’s sake… It’s like they’re attached to the hip. Jack bats his pretty lashes at him and boom, I’m chopped up liver! Unbelievable!” he huffed.
The doctor wrapped an arm around his shoulders. She took the tie from Alex's head and handed it back to him.
“Come on, let’s find our seats. You can tell me all about it while I’m feasting on hors d’oeuvres. You’re not allowed to use the tie on your head until about fifty percent of the guests are drunk, though.” Y/N stated, spotting Jack in the distance.
By the entrance, a large gold-plated seating chart divided the guests into twelve tables, each one named after an European capital. Alex scanned through the perfectly designed poster, finding himself and his friends placed in number three, Paris.
“Great, the city of love… When my woman is so far away…” he groaned, his shoulder slumping as he headed to their table. “Just my luck.”
Y/N glanced around once more, fascinated by the beautiful vines hanging in the log trellis where they stood, the ethereal aura of the breathtaking venue standing out more than ever now that the afternoon sun shone upon it. She wondered if she could freeze that moment in time and revisit it as many times as she desired. The doctor loved everything about it: the pond, the reception area, the exquisite view and the company. Joey's presence would’ve made it an absolutely perfect day. Her daughter informed her, during the call Y/N had made after going up to her brother's room, that she had gone to the beach that morning, pretending to be Ariel with the aid of Charlie's father.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear Jack's steps as he closed the distance between them, his hands once again buried in his pockets.
“Paris, hu?”
The coach's daughter smiled up at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hmm, seems like it.” she confirmed, reading the rest of the tables’ names: Madrid, Prague, London, Berlin, Rome, Lisbon, Budapest, Athens, Bern, Stockholm and Vienna.
How convenient, he thought, well aware of the promise he’d made to himself that he’d finally let Y/N know about everything that had been going through his brain for the past month. Even though Jack couldn’t quite explain it himself and it made him feel uneasy, the idea of giving up what could very well be his last change was driving him crazy. Who was he right now? A seventeen-year-old version of himself? He hadn’t been as neurotic about a conversation since his mom and dad had told him it was time to talk about the birds and the bees.
“River wanted each table to have traditional food from the capitals they represent. We’re having… Let me see… Ratatouille. And for dessert… Crème brûlée.”
“Mmm…” he muttered, his trance broken by the beautiful woman’s voice.
“How beautiful was the wedding?” she gushed, the giddiness in her spirit having yet to subside. “How beautiful is this?”
Not nearly beautiful as you.
“It’s pretty great.” Jack agreed, mimicking his temporary roommate, and looking around, pretending not to notice the way her eyes were glistening as she marveled at the sight of the newlyweds, who were making their big entrance.
“Oh, come on. I saw you getting all emotional during the ceremony.” the doctor teased.
“I think that might have been around the time Trevor decided to pinch me. I don’t know what’s up with people doing that today, but - ”
“Why the hell would he pinch you?”
Because I was staring at you like a lost puppy.
“He’s a weird dude.”
That should hold it.
“Mm, yeah, I know…” Y/N agreed, adjusting the tassels of her dress. “But, hey, either we continue discussing how much of an odd duck Z is or we can sit down and eat. I vote for the latter, because I am starving.” she admitted, a growling sound coming from her stomach. “See?”
Jack let out a loud laugh, placing his large hands on her shoulders and leading her to their assigned table, only to be stopped by her father.
“What the hell are you guys doing? It’s photo time!” he announced, grabbing their arms and practically dragging them to the gazebo attached to the log trellis, where they could hear and see the small streams of the pond, the amazing lighting being perfect for the photographs to be taken.
David’s parents were posing for their picture with the beautiful couple, the four of them smiling contently, David's father looking almost like he was about to cry. The pair glanced at each other, admiring how endearing the scene was.
“Okay, now you guys step in.” Coach instructed, on complete fill-in wedding planner mode. “Thank you, Eric and Rachel.”
“Both of us?” the brunette man asked, waving his index finger between him and the doctor.
“Yes, Hughes. Both of you. Go.”
Y/N shrugged, chuckling, taking note of how weddings could turn cool, calm and collected Coach Y/L/N into a stress ball, worriedbabout his son and his husband having the time of their lives. Placing a hand on River's back and another one on his arm, she grinned widely.
Her counterpart stood on the other side, right next to David, trying to dissimulate his amusement at his old Coach's attempt at getting genuine smiles out of them by making faces behind the photographer’s back. He remembered his father doing the exact same thing whenever he took him to get his pictures taken when he was little.
“Okay, now can get one of Y/N and River? Then one of Hughes and Y/N?” Coach requested.
The couple and their guests didn’t dare to deny his request, more like a subtle order, switching positions, with David and Jack stepping aside for Y/N and River to shine. Like two angels that had descended from heaven to grace their presence, the groom and his maid of honor had their own little impromptu shoot, with their father being pulled in halfway through.
“As fun as this is, we need to get everyone’s pics, so… Hughes, get your ass over here so I can release you both from photo duty.”
Jack obeyed his command, taking the groom's spot by Y/N's side. He was slightly taken aback when the woman he’d been admiring all day spontaneously rested her head against his toned chest, an arm snaking around his waist and a hand placed a few inches above his sculpted abs. The Devils' player held her close, rejoicing internally at how, once again, Y/N seemed so comfortable being so close to him.
The photographer gave them a countdown, taking the first picture at one and preparing himself to take a couple of spare ones. As he did, YN's stomach growled, reminding her and her company she was in desperate need of food.
The pair burst into laughter, ending up with a wonderful candid of sheer happiness in result, as everyone around them swooned over the chemistry that oozed out of the two friends.
“That’s it, Lois and Clark. Thank you for your patience and photogenic faces. You’re free to go.”
“Finally!” Y/N extolled, kissing her father's cheek and rushing out of the gazebo, followed closely by Aleksander.
“Tell Quinn and Cole it’s their turn!” Coach called out, ushering a couple of David's relatives in while at it.
Y/N filled a plate with the small entrées five waiters were walking around serving, taking a bite out of one of them.
“So good!” she moaned out of pure pleasure, making Jack chuckle as she took another appetizer from the waitress’ tray and placed it on her plate. “Quinny, Cole, your turn."
"I'm going to look like a kid between his mom and dad in those pictures." Alex groaned.
“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure Coach will make us go together.” Trevor tried to comfort him.
Y/N and Jaxk sat next to each other as if it was a natural instinct, missing the knowing looks shared between their friends when all the seats at their table were finally taken, as they ate their hors d’oeuvres in a comfortable silence, not needing to exchange words to let the other know they were appreciating their company.
The newlyweds roamed around the venue, chatting away with their relatives and close friends, reminding him of the conversation he and River had had that morning. He was right, there was no way he'd get enough to eat throughout the night. He watched as he kissed his husband’s hand sweetly, waltzing to another table.
“Il n’y a q’un bonheur dans la vie: c’est d’aimer et d´être aimé.” Y/N mumbled, noticing the small smile adorning his handsome face.
His attention was brought back to the gorgeous woman sat next to him, facing her with a quizzical look.
“There is only one happiness in life: to love and to be loved.” she translated. “It’s only fitting we speak French, since we’re having dinner in Paris…”
“Yes, of course…” he nodded. “Unfortunately, the only thing I know how to say in French is bonjour.” Jack joked, undoing his bow tie and the first two buttons of his white shirt.
“Oh Rowdy, I’ve still got so much to teach you.” Y/N sighed, patting his head condescendingly.
He raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Oh yeah?”
“Don’t doubt it for a second.”
Mr. Sawyer, David’s father, lightly tapped the tip of the microphone set at the small stage where the live band had been playing instrumentals of the couple’s favorite songs.
“How’s it going?”
All the guests cheered in response, some hooting, some whistling loudly.
“After the meal, come the speeches. You know the drill, right? Keep in mind, the maid of honor probably thought long and hard about what she was going to say, while the best man, my son Sean, to be fair, probably wasn’t aware he was supposed to speak. Anyway… Y/N, you’re up.”
“Oh god.” Y/N said under her breath, grasping her champagne glass with her right hand, while Jack squeezed the other one reassuringly.
A roar of applause encouraged her to address the bride and the grow the few words she had prepared the day River had asked her to be his right-hand woman. Clearing up her throat, she quickly shook off her nerves, beaming brightly at the audience.
“In case you can’t tell… I’m pretty much ecstatic to be here today. Yeah, we’ve got lots of insanely good food and drinks for free, an amazing view and warm weather, but the best part about this specific Sunday is that these two have tied the knot. A round of applause for the newlyweds, everybody!” Y/N chanted, clapping. “I was asked to come up here and give a speech about love. I’ll try to keep it realistic. Love is, undoubtedly, a huge leap into the unknown. You can play it cool and say you’re totally in control of your feelings and every situation that stems from being irreversibly in love with someone, but, in the end, you’re still jumping off a cliff with a blindfold covering your eyes, hoping someone’s down there waiting to catch you. Love isn’t always easy. But it’s worth it. Oh, god, it’s so worth it! Like Gloria Steinem once said: taking to the road – by which I mean letting the road take you – changed who I thought I was; the road is messy in the way that real life is messy. It leads us out of denial and into reality, out of theory and into practice, out of statistics and into stories – in short, out of our heads and into our hearts. She’s a certified badass and I completely agree with her: real life and real love are messy. We only know what it’s really like when we live it. Never be afraid to take a risk and experience everything love provides you. I’m more than certain that you too, like many others before, will beat statistics and make your love story as epic as every great tale ever told.” she concluded, raising her glass for a toast. “Cheers to River and David. May they find everlasting happiness!”
The beautiful woman stepped aside after drinking a small amount of the expensive champagne, blowing a kiss to the grooms, both trying to keep it together, waiting for David’s best man, his brother, to give his own speech.
Sean Sawyer grasped the microphone ceremoniously, saluting everyone with and and motioning for people to remain quiet, leaning in his lips touched the windscreen.
“What she said.” he jested, running off the stage to avoid his brother’s annoyed eye roll, as everyone laughed over his antics. That was Sean for you.
Y/M/N climbed on stage next, tucking a loose strand of silky hair behind her ear.
“Y/N and Sean, everybody!” she crowed. “Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for…”
Back to her seat, Y/N eagerly awaited for her mother to announce the indie singers she had hired to perform the first dance’s song. River had begrudgingly given her permission to surprise him with the person who’d belting out the lyrics to one of his favorite songs of all time while he danced with David for the first time as a married man.
“The first dance! River and David, please step up to the dancefloor. To perform Leather and Lace, Lola Ivy and George Morris!���

River cheered loudly, covering his mouth with his hands as the very talented musician he had been following on Spotify for months entered the log trellis in a navy-blue suit.
Y/N had managed, through Jack, who actually knew them, to get a hold of the duo and begged them to accept the gig, so it wasn’t a surprise when George greeted her with a small hug, getting to the stage as the wedding band returned, ready to play.
“Actually, Lola is on vocal rest and couldn’t make it today, but I heard through a reliable source that the maid of honor is as good at singing as she is at persuading people to perform at weddings so… Y/N, will you be the Stevie Nicks to my Don Henley?” the bearded man asked.
Before she could refuse his offer, she was being pulled up from her chair and all but dragged towards the stage, smiling awkwardly at the very attractive musician leading her to her mike stand.
The reception venue went completely silent as the first chords to the song were herd. It was now nighttime, the fairy lights intertwined with the hanging vines providing the romantic setting for the specific moment.
Is love so fragile and the heart so hollow? Shatter with words, impossible to follow… You’re saying I’m fragile, I try not to be… I search only for something I can’t see. I have my own life and I am stronger than you know… But I carry this feeling, when you walked into my house, that you won’t be walking out the door… Still I carry this feeling, when you walked into my house, that you won’t be walking out the door.
Jack could only stare in awe, for what could be the millionth and one time since he’d known Y/N, as she stood next to his friend, her sweet voice once again raising goosebumps across his skin. He remembered the very first time he had met her: long hair pulled into a ponytail, a thousand-kilowatt smile. Weirdly enough, he was sure right then and there she was one of a kind. As he got to know her better throughout the years they spent together he learned Y/N Y/L/N could not be merely defined by being one of a kind: she was quirky, immensely talented, loving, devoted, smart and the greatest friend one can ever have.
Lovers forever, face to face. My city or mountains, stay with me stay… I need you to love me, I need you today… Give to me your leather, take from me my lace.
David lead River to the wooden dancefloor, their family and friends finally daring to join them as George started his verse. The couple moved in sync, as if they’d been dancing together their whole lives. It’s weirdly poetic and a little bit twisted how life can throw us the craziest curveballs, only to reward us later on after we made it out of the storm. River had set the precedent and Jack was determined to find his way home after being lost for what felt like a lifetime.
Sometimes I’m a strong man, sometimes cold and scared, and sometimes I cry… But that time that I saw you I knew with you to light my night, somehow I’d get by…
Y/N held both of her hands to her heart, pouring every bit of emotion into the duet. She could see the peaceful smile on her brother's lips as he danced with his head on his husband’s shoulder. Jack's piercing blue eyes locked with hers from table number three. The doctor felt something in the pit of her stomach. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think it was his doing. It couldn’t be, though.
The song soon came to an end, prompting the coach's daughter to do as her mother commanded her through hand gestures and proceed with the highly anticipated wedding tradition.
“Alright, all the unmarried ladies and gents head on to the dancefloor, it’s time to throw the bouquet!” Y/N announced. “You too, Z and Turc.”
“Nice!” her curly-haired friend hooted back, raising his empty glass.
The bouquet toss was quick and easy, the flowers ending up on their seventy-nine-year-old great-aunt’s hands, much to the younger guests’ dismay.
A new ballad begun, a Leon Bridges song, taking most of the couples and small children present to the dimly lit area. Alex snuck out to call his girlfriend, leaving a very bored Trevor eating his crème brûlée while the rest of his friends casually talked about everything and nothing.
“I’m going over to Lisbon to steal a couple of custard tarts, I’ll be right back.” Cole excused himself, not taking his eyes off table number seven, a few feet away.
“Custard tarts?” Jack mouthed, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, don’t ask.” Quinn chuckled.
Seeing the blond man huff and puff over his current state of boredom, Y/N felt the need to put him out of his boredom and have him perk back up. Maybe just have him update her on his life. Placing her hands on the back of Jack's chair, she leaned over towards her friend, smiling sweetly.
“Get up, Zegras. You owe me a slow dance.”
“Since when?” he groaned, barely meeting her eyes.
“Since I’m… Your date.”
Trevor instantly perked up, dragging his chair back and taking off his suit jacket. “Are you serious?”
“Don’t make me say it twice.”
Jack laughed, admiring Y/N'a gesture. The Devils' player knew full-well she was intent on making sure everyone had a great time. Getting up, he walked to the sideline of the dancefloor, standing there debating with himself about whether he should ask the beautiful woman to dance or not.
Don't want to get ahead of myself, feeling things I've never felt… It's kind of hard for me to explain…her personality and everything brings me to my knees…
As she swayed graciously to the sound of George's voice, dancing with another man, he wondered if he had missed his opportunity. What if it had come and gone, like the tide that washes over the shore?
I want to take it slow but it's so hard… I love to see her face in daylight, it's more than just our bodies at night…But she's really tempting me… Do you think I'm being foolish if I don't rush in?
Should he take the plunge? Should he risk it all right here, right now? He knew he had to, he was determined to. Jack wasn’t going to back out. He was just… Afraid.
I'm scared to death that she might be it, that the love is real, that the shoe might fit. She might just be my everything and beyond…
The brunette man had met his share of women through his mid-teens and early adulthood, but he was certain that the maid of honor would always be the one he’d wonder about. Did she feel the same? Would he ever get the privilege to love her?
Oblivious to Jack's inner turmoil, the teacher wrapped her rams around Trevor's neck, motioning with her head towards the now empty gazebo.
“Z, what's the veredict on Tiffani with an i?”
“Hmm I thought we were heading into something…” he sighed. “But I don't think she gets me, you know?
“Well, someone will."
"Yeah... But in the meantime..."
"You want to go flirt with David's guests don't you?"
"There's that saying..."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't need to repeat it. Go on."
"Are you sure?"
"Go ahead, you perv. We'll talk about this after the wedding." Y/N urged, releasing him from her grasp and sending him on his way. “Wrap it!” she called out, watching him step out of the dancefloor.
Leo timidly tugged at the hem of her dress as she was left alone. She stooped down so they were at the same height, being careful not to lose her balance.
“Hey, buddy! What’s up?” the doctor asked, kindly.
“Do you want to…?” he mumbled, his eyes set on his new shoes.
“I’d love to, honey.” Y/N smiled, getting back ip, holding Leo’s small hands in hers. “Ready? One, two, three…”
The seven-year-old giggled loudly, counting steps along with his dance partner and being spun around a couple of times in a row.
“You’re a natural, Leo Sawyer!” Y/N cheered, picking him up and holding him on her hip, continuing to step on the imaginary square on the floor.
“Mind if I cut in?” Jack's velvety voice inquired, joining them where they stood.
“I don’t know if you can… Leo here is the best dancer at this wedding.” the coach's daughter avowed.
“Oh, come on. You have to at least check if I’m a fair contender to his title….” he pleaded, winking at David's nephew.
“Mmm…” Y/N pretended to be in deep thought, furrowing her brows before turning to the boy. “What do you think, sweetheart?”
“He can try.” he shrugged, waiting for the doctor to set him down before running off to his parents’ side.
Jack scoffed, facing the maid of honor so they could finally have their dance.
At that precise moment, though, Beyond gave place to The Proclaimer’s I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), making the pair throw their heads back, laughing.
“I guess we’ll have to wait for a slow one, babe.” she stated while taking a break from singing the tune enthusiastically, making different voices as she did.
The Devils' player played along, bringing out his dorkiest side, normally hidden by his quiet and shy nature.
They jumped up and down, shouting da da da at the wrong time, embarrassingly so, looking around to check if anyone had heard them.
Thank god my heels aren’t that high, my feet would be killing me by now, she thought to herself, groaning internally at the prospect of having sore legs the next morning.
If anyone cared to observe them at that moment, they’d think they looked like a couple of young kids, belting out the lyrics to a song, filled with nostalgia for an era that was long gone.
Y/N saw the goofy, laid-back grin on Jack’s face and hers grew twice its size. The untied bow tie she’d messed up earlier, the unbuttoned collar, showing a little bit of his chest, the way he towered over har, made him look even more attractive than he already did. Jack Hughes was a sight to behold.
He noticed how her eyes bore into his own and the music seemed to fade out into the background, the people around them fading into faint blobs of color.
That moment, the dancing, the laughter and the song would stay with him until his heart stopped beating. Taking a deep breath, he stopped jumping, motioning for the brunette to do the same.
“Come on.” he said gently, grabbing her by the hand.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” the brunette man replied mysteriously, looking back at her with a smirk.
“You’re not going to, like, murder me with an axe, right?”
“Of course not. It’s a chainsaw.”
“You’re just full of funny today, aren’t you, Rowdy?” she scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully.
“What can I say, I have a great sense of humor.”
The fairy lights illuminated the way and the reception area could still be seen clearly from where they were when Jack halted his movements, right by four pine trees displayed in a row. He hesitantly let go of her hand, placing his on the bark of one of the tall trees.
“This is The Foursome Of Love.”
“Okay?” she chuckled, a confused look on her gorgeous face.
“I found these when I came out for a walk after lunch while you guys were getting ready. They have hundreds of inscriptions on them. Take a look.”
She came closer to the tree, taking the phone he’d handed her, using its flashlight to be able to read said scribblings. Tons of I love you’s and lovers’ initials were permanently carved into wood, from the bottom of the trunk as far up as her eyes could see. The same applied to the other three beside it.
“I asked one of the waiters about them and he said they represent four of the key pillars of any relationship: patience, respect, honestly, kindness and trust. Apparently, marking these beauties brings good luck to couples.” He explained, crouching down to try to find a sharp rock. “Afterwards, you have to ask for something your heart truly desires, whatever that means.”
“What are you doing?” Y/N asked, clearly amused by his antics.
“Looking for something I can use to carve River and David’s initials here. They deserve a happy life together.
The doctor's heart skipped a beat at his kind intentions, ultimately deciding to join him on his quest for the edged flint.
“Will this do?”
Jack looked up, his lips contorting into a small smile.
“That’s perfect.” he vouched, taking the small pointy object from her hands.
Sure enough, the next song on the repertoire was Perfect. They could easily distinguish George's voice from where they stood, the beautifully written words reverberating between them.
“Woah…” the coach's daughter gasped. “River went all out on the sappy love songs, hu?
Her friend stopped what he was doing, diverting his attention back to her. “Don’t you like these?”
“Yeah, but I think I like upbeat love songs way better than ballads. Let’s pretend we’re dancing in the streets in Barcelona” she hummed softly, raising her arms over her head and doing her best to emulate a Flamenco dancer.
Jack dropped the rock he’d been using to leave a shaky token of the newlyweds’ love on one of Hidden Creek’s most famous trees, pulling her to him. It was bold, yes, but this was the moment he had been waiting the entire night for.
“Coming to collect that slow dance now, I see.” Y/N teased, letting her old friend hold her gently against his body.
“It’s now or never, right?”
I will not give you up this time, but darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own, and in your eyes you’re holding mine…
The moonlight lit her face up in all the right places, making her big, warm, loving eyes stand out even more now that he observed them up close. How could he have lived so many years without the incredible flutter he felt whenever her gaze caught hold of his? Her delicate touch raised goosebumps on his skin and her melodic laughter made its way into his ears.
Billions of stars looked down on the pair, illuminating the Summer sky as they silently let their undeniably strong chemistry do all the talking.
Baby I’m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms, barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, but you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight…
Leaning down impossibly close to Y/N's face, he was surprised to find her staring at him in a complete daze, as if that moment was happening inside a dream. Their foreheads touched, neither one of them moving an inch to gain distance from the other.
“Weren’t you supposed to make a wish?” the teacher half-whispered, not breaking eye-contact with him.
“This. Here and now. With you. It’s all I could ask for.” he confessed, licking his lips slowly as he closed the mere inches separating their mouths from for the first time in ten years.
No Coach. No team. No other people around. This was real. This was Jack and Y/N.
Jack's lips moved slowly against Y/N's, his hands instantly finding their place holding her ace. He knew then he had been allowed to get a glimpse of heaven. How could a mere kiss make him feel like he was on top of the world? The Devils' player had kissed countless women countless times, but those kisses weren’t even half as good as this one. There was no doubt in his mind it was because this time there were strong feelings involved. It was a real kiss. Raw. Passionate. Liberating.
But then, she pulled back. Her eyes were wide open and she seemed jittery, running a couple of fingers through her lips as she tried to regain her breath.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Rowdy.” the doctor stuttered.
“I wanted to…” he admitted, daring to look her in the eye as he did.
The maid of honor stepped back, breaking free of his hold. Burying her hands in her hair, she paced back and forth as she tried to make sense of what had just happened.
“Oh god, please don’t… We can’t… This is wrong… I… Why?”
“Because you’re smart, witty, stubborn, kind, driven, loving, incredibly funny and astoundingly beautiful. When I first saw you today, I couldn’t breathe. Honestly, it happens every single time I see you. You make my heart beat faster each time those brown eyes of yours meet mine and I haven’t found a rational explanation for it yet, other than it means that I have feelings for you. I’ve thought about you every day since the reunion. Lately, every time something good or funny happens you’re the first person I want to tell it to. I know that his is a huge leap into the unknown and it could go terribly wrong, but for once in my life I’m not afraid of the consequences. What I am afraid is that if I let you go again without telling you how I feel, I’ll live the rest of my life wondering what could’ve been. I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. I can’t. I like you, Y/N. And I think I might like you a lot.”
Y/M/N - your mother's name
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Kalim Al-Asim Tsumsitter Personal Story: Part 3
"A Moment with Kalimtsum III"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Main Street]
Kalim: It's almost nighttime…
Kalim: Aw man, so you're really gonna leave us?
Kalim: We were having such a great time, and we gotta say bye already? That's no fun.
Kalim: Ah, I know! Why don't you become my little brother?
Kalim: Hm? You'd be younger…right?
Kalim: Whatever, either'd work for me!
Kalim: I got tons of little brothers and sisters, so one more won't make a difference. So…
Jamil: Stop it, Kalim.
Jamil: That wild… Even though we don't know if it's wild…
Jamil: Animal… Even though we don't know if it's an animal, either…
Jamil: …Uh, anyway, it won't be happy if you just selfishly trap him here in our human world.
Jamil: The best thing for it would be to go back to its own world. I'm sure.
Kalim: Are you wanting to go home?
Kalim: …I see. Yeah, I get it. You got a home back there.
Kalim: Okay! Then, let's have as much fun as we can before you have to go back!
Kalim: So, it's time for a party!
Jamil: We had one yesterday, already.
Kalim: Then what should we do? Is there something you want to do, little guy?
[Kalimtsum gets an idea and rushes off]
Kalim: Where're you going? Alright! I'll follow you anywhere!
Jamil: …That was close.
Jamil: If that Tsum decided to stick around… I shudder to think about how much work it'd be for me to watch over it.
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Kalim: Oh, the Pop Music Club's room? Oh, do you want to perform something?
[Kalimtsum plays the drums]
Kalim: Wooooah! That's some technique you got there! I didn't know you could also play the drums!
Jamil: Seriously, how is it playing with those short arms and legs…?
Kalim: Ahaha. Don't sweat the details. It's so good at playing!
Kalim: Oooh, I gotcha! Let's do it together!
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Kalim: Time for a jam session! One, two, three!
[Kalim and Kalimtsum plays the drums]
Kalim: Awesome. We're totally in sync. Keep going!
[Kalim and Kalimtsum continue to play the drums]
Scarabia Student: Hey, isn't that Dorm Leader? What's he doing?
Savanaclaw Student: Is this a live performance? Looks fun!
Pomefiore Student: This beat's pretty sick. I just want to start dancing!
Heartslabyul Student: Me too!
Kalim: Hey, look! There's a bunch of people showing up!
Kalim: Ooh, yeah! We still have some of that food leftover that Jamil brought, right?
Kalim: Since we got this crowd, we should share it with everyone! Let's eat, drink, and party!
Jamil: Good grief. So it basically turned into a party after all.
Kalim: Ahaha, this is so much fun! But we gotta go harder!
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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madame-fear · 2 years
✨Hello! Could you do a fic with Gotham Jonathan and the reader where they go to the arcade? Thank you!✨💖
A/N: Enjoy thisss, lovely anon! 💞 I barely go to Arcades, so I hope I didn't get anything wrong! 😂
Pairing: Gotham! Jonathan Crane x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff.
Arcade Date
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“Are we there yet?” You said anxiously, as your boyfriend guided you.
“No, not yet. Almost.” Jonathan replied.
Both his hands were tightly covering your eyes as he helped you guiding your own footsteps. The whole motive for this, was that he was about to show you “what a real fun date looked like” by taking you to a surprise date. Jonathan didn't tell you where you were going, nor gave you the slightest clue about what the place. You couldn't help but naturally get anxious because of the curiosity and intrigue he provoked.
You felt him suddenly stop on his tracks, stopping you from walking as well, and slightly shift his body as he seemed to look for something – actually, making sure he was in the right place.
“Aaand, here we are!” Jonathan's voice had a spark of excitement, as he uncovered your eyes; revealing a big building full of people, the place was lightened by big, strong neon lights, and you could hear the sound of faint laughter, and some videogames being played. You mouthed a quiet “wow” in pure amusement at the sight. “We never went to the arcade together, so I thought it'd be a good idea to spend some time together by having fun. Don't you think, dear?” As you stared at the scene with almost widened eyes, he placed a loving kiss on your head. You nodded in agreement at his comment. “You're right. Let's get this started!” Grabbing his hand, you both practically ran to get inside the Arcade, some giggles escaping your lips as you made your way inside.
Both of you looked at your surroundings with pure awe once inside, the bright neon lights hitting your faces. Apparently, you weren't the only couple that had gone into the Arcade as a fun way to have a date – they were excitedly hugging and kissing when they either won points, or small teddy bears at certain bears; the sight of happy couples walking around holding hands was also common. “This was a good idea, love.” You said, placing a quick peck on his lips as both of you explored the whole place. “See? I told you it was going to be a fun date.” Jonathan said, a smirk forming on his lips. “Where should we go first?” He asked, as you furrowed your eyebrows a bit, thinking about your decision.
“What about–” You began speaking, as you took a look at all the available Arcade games. “What about the Pac-Man arcade?!” You exclaimed, as excited as a little child. Jonathan chuckled at how adorable you looked when you were excited, and the way your eyes became brighter. “Sure! I'm totally going to beat your ass, just watch.” He flashed you a quick, teasing wink, as you playfully hit his arm and rolled your eyes at him. “You know nothing, Crane boy. I'm the one who knows how to play Pac-Man better than you do!” Giggling like little children, you ran to the PAC-MAN Arcade game – Jonathan going first to “prove” you his point.
After a while, he failed quite often; always getting killed by the little ghosts.
“Ah, god damn it!” His annoyance at how badly he was failing even if he teased that he was great at it, only caused you to laugh. “Aw, you're not so great at it as you said, then?” Rolling his eyes at you, he sighed in defeat. “Alright, then. Wanna prove you're better than me? And then, we'll see.” You placed a hand on his chest, and made him slightly move aside, leaving you enough space to take control of the arcade game. Crackling your knuckles, you prepared yourself to play with a smug smile. “Watch and learn from the best.” You said, as he stared at you fake-annoyed, waiting for you to play. You started the game, and quickly began pressing the buttons on the keyboard of the Arcade, eating all the little cherries you could find, instantly making the ghosts turn blue and eating them. You practically didn't blink, fully concentrated.
You nearly lost a few times, having being chased by the ghosts a bit, but overall you were the winner, eating all the ghost first and succesfully arriving yo the next level. You turned around to look at Jonathan with a full smirk on your face, his eyes widened in shock at truly how great you were at it. “Who's laughing now?” The smirk never left your face as you spoke. Jonathan clicked his tongue in annoyance, eyebrows furrowed, and he rolled his eyes. “Fine, then. You win. Can we go to the next game?” You chuckled at how adorable he looked when he was annoyed, causing you to playfully pinch his cheek. “Aww, alright. You'll win next time, you just wait.” You cooed at him, placing a loving kiss on his cheek – immediatly improving his mood, as a smiled formed on his lips. The next game you two went to, was the claw machine. The machine had a playful little music sounding, and had bright neon lights as well. In there, he won a bright green teddy bear with a heart on his chest for you. Jonathan was rather proud of that, especially when he saw how happy it made you.
The night was spent laughing, giggling, having fun, and occasionally, playfully fighting. Also, you had gone to the photobooth, where the two of you took some pictures lovingly kissing. Eventually, the time to leave had come, not wanting to arrive home any later. The two of you left the Arcade with your hands full of plushies, and some candies as well – already making your way back home.
“So, what did you think about it, my love?” Jonathan said, not being able to hold your hands with all the things he was carrying: and so did you. “I loved it! Thank you, my prince. Thank you for this!” You said, placing a big smooch on his warm-with-blush cheek, a small giggle escaping his lips as you kissed him. He was rather satisfied with how happy he had made you. “Don't thank me, dearest. We should come here more often, don't you think?” Jonathan asked with a bright smile.
“Totally. Best date ever.”
♡ taglist : ♡
@wittywitchness @anemic-royaltyy @imagine--if @scarecrow-jon-babe
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Hey 👋. It's so nice to see a fellow sleeping dogs fan! I was wondering if you had any headcanons for Wei, Jackie, and Winston?
Hi!! I agree, I was worried to think I was the only simp fan here! I apologise in advance for how out-of-character some of this might be, especially with Winston 😭
Also I feel like this turned into first date headcanons???? Mb lol-
Wei, Jackie and Winston and their s/o
- Okay I know its confirmed that Wei is a player so
- I think in the very start of y'all being flirty and stuff, he'd definitely still be 'in the market' or whatever
- Although, when he met you he definitely did keep back a little bit
- Not to put you on a pedestal, but he was quite charmed from the very beginning
- Anyways, I think he was most enchanted by either your sense of humour, your down to earth vibe or that laugh of yours
- Maybe all 3? Yeah, probably all 3
- We know Wei is incredibly good at flirting so he'd definitely have no issue at all trying to get close with you (the og rizz master)
- Though he might have felt a little nervous the more he became attached to you
- I mean, with all the others he just kind of... liked them and then he moved on??
- You though??? He became rather attached to you :)
- I mean, you're different !! You're so... you?
- It's hard to describe okay, he just likes you alot
- So when he asks you out he does feel a little anxious
- 'Hey, so uh- You wanna go somewhere together? Like a date, I mean.'
- Like, what if you declined and you stopped being friends altogether??? 😭
- Ofc his fear melted when you agreed to date
- He wanted the first date to be something more... casual?
- But also pretty cool ofc bc you deserve something rlly nice
- He decided he was just going to take you to like... this really picturesque spot that had a view of the sea/the city
- Yes, he did indeed plan it correctly so you guys could watch the sunset <333
- 'See? Told you it'd be worth the trip. Best view in Hong Kong, right?'
- Y'all are sitting on a picnic blanket, just holding each other as the sun goes down
- You guys are so cute omg
- Anyway, you definitely stay and watch the starts too
- Y'all be stargazing, lying in each others arms
- Wei definitely felt something then
- Like... not the usual 'they're cool I think I want them'
- He felt like 'omg I love them I want to stay like this please'
- It's quite late when you leave bc ig you lost all sense of time???
- (Same tbh I do this even if I'm not in some muscular guys arms)
- 'Aw shit, I didn't realise it was that late already. Should we go?'
- That last phrase was a question bc honestly, he didn't want to leave
- Okay okay but before y'all parted ways (he'd walk you home or something btw dw) he'd definitely ask you for another date
- 'So, how about this time next week then? If you're free, that is.'
- Eeee y'all are so cute
- Anyways, eventually you guys become partners and everything is great bc yessss
- Whether this is when he's a a triad member/red pole or a policeman, he still gets quite protective of you bc ofc
- Like, when he's a triad member, people don't like him
- When he's a red pole, people REALLY don't like him
- And when he reveals himself as a cop? ALOTTA PEOPLE REALLY REALLY DON'T LIKE HIM-
- This means people might go for you bc they know he likes you
- But then again, do they really wanna go against The Wei Shen??? It's Wei Shen dude, do you really wanna mess with him???
- Still, he worries. He definitely tries to keep an eye on you, or make sure you text him immediately if anything happens
- 'Text me alright? If anything happens, just call me.'
- He's just a little guy
- Okay he's not little
- He's just a protective guy
- He love you ok leave him be
- (The 'ily' can be portrayed as platonic or romantic tbh I just love him)
- He's just a little guy ok
- Anyway, I think he'd start kind of flirting with you bc he does that with everyone he meets that he's mildly attracted to???
- But once you guys actually hang out, he realises he actually likes you alot tbh
- I think it's either how nice you are to him or your laugh/smile
- He gets butterflies thinking about you :)
- That's why he stops flirting with the others, bc he kind of just wants you?
- You always play his flirting as just part of his personality rather than him actually being interested in you
- Which makes it a bit more difficult for him bc now he doesn't really know how to show you he actually wants to date you
- He definitely asks Wei about it when they're just hanging out
- 'You know that good-looking (hair colour), (Y/n)? Uh yeah, that one. I uh... I kind of really like them, but I don't really know how to.... ask them out. They always play off my flirts as a joke or something! I don't know what to do man, I really like them!'
- Wei suggested he just straight up tell you his intentions rather than hint at it
- That did make him a little nervous bc while he doesn't usually beat around the bush, he doesn't want you to like... make fun of him or something
- But eventually Wei convinced him that even if you rejected him, you wouldn't bully him or something
- So one day you two are in the car with Wei (he's driving) and he just gives Jackie a look
- 'Oh! Right... hey, (Y/n)? So uh... do you wanna... go on a date sometime?'
- '....sure.'
- Wei and Jackie share a look like '>:]' bc ofc
- I think he would try do something really fancy??? But then panic bc he can't afford it
- Yes, he texted Wei about it
- Yes, Wei threatened the owners to let you two go in if they saw you
- (Thanks Wei, you a real one fr)
- Anyway, he got you a bouquet as well bc UGH HE'S JUST SO NICE
- It ends up the fancy stuff didn't really fill you up, nor was it that worth so
- (Luckily you guys ended up not paying as much as usual bc of Wei)
- He feels kinda bad bc it wasn't really that good
- But it ends up going pretty good bc you end up getting ice cream and just go on a walk under the stars :)
- You guys end up sitting on some stairs, holding ice cream and stuff
- OK ok anyway after you two become official, I think he gets much more comfortable around you bc he knows you like him back
- PDA bc yes
- And when the whole... buried alive stuff happens, he kind of... clings to you
- He's much more emotional around you and hugs you tight whenever, especially when you're both sleeping together (not in the sexual way)
- He has nightmares often, and feels really bad when you wake up/stay up with him
- 'Man... I- I'm sorry (Y/n)... I don't know... I don't know what to do.... I'm scared, (Y/n).'
- He does these nightly confessions often tbh... he feels so guilty in the morning though
- He's just... he's just a lovely guy please protect him
- I'm ngl I think Winston will not beat around the bush
- At least, not for long
- When he first meets you, he thinks your cool
- He eventually gravitates towards you bc of how nice you are to him
- Like, he literally kills people everyday and here you are just going ':) hi'
- Like okay why don't you just kiss me already (probably Winston's thoughts)
- In the week where he decides to try date you, the others kind of tease him lol
- More specifically behind his back (even more specifically Conroy, Wei and Jackie)
- If he finds out they're dead 💀
- Anyway, one day he just calls you and asks bc yes :)
- 'Hey, (Y/n)? I was wondering if you wanted to go out?'
- 'Sure, looking forward to it!'
- 'Yeah? Alright, good. I'll pick you up.'
- He's happy :) yay dating time
- I feel like maybe you'd just do something chill??
- Idk like if you guys are already good friends you'd probably just chill somewhere like a restaurant like the Golden Koi
- Winston doesn't want you to meet his mom straight away bc uhhhh
- 'Eat more lah, you get so skinny ah...' (Mrs. Chu with literally anyone even if you're healthy)
- If you guys didn't know each other that well, he'd probably take you to a different restaurant??? Maybe BamBam???? idk man
- Yes he might feel a little nervous bc uhhh idk he's just babygirl he gets like that sometimes with pretty people
- He'd probably have to leave early bc you know.... he's a red pole he kinda has work all the time
- 'Now?! I have to go now!? I'm busy with- But- You- Ugh... fine! Fine, I'm leaving now.... fuck.'
- He looks at you and feels rlly bad bc :'( we were on a date
- 'I... uh, sorry, (Y/n). Work.'
- 'Ah, it's okay, I had fun with you anyway :)'
- He had fun while he was with you though, but he might be mad at whoever called him though bc yes
- Okay after y'all became official, he probably just let's you meet the others too
- Most of the time you'll be chilling at Golden Koi (Mrs. Chu approves of your existence now congrats)
- He likes this bc when he's finished with work he can come back to have good food, see his mom and you!!
- Life is preeeetty good for him
- And yes, when he comes back he picks you up/hugs you :)
- Yay hugs with babygirl
- He may be really soft with you, but as soon as someone teases him he just gives a death glare to the person
- He also likes you staying at the Golden Koi alot cuz then he knows where you are = easier to protect you
- OH also unrelated but he gets kinda jealous quick so uh
- Just kith the man and tell him your his
- Okay that sounds a bit possessive of him damn
- Dw, if he goes too far just tell his mom she'll beat his goofy ahh (not actually.... okay maybe....)
- 'OW- Hey- Ma I- OW- Okay!! I'm sorry!' (live footage of Winston being beaten up by his mom with a spoon or something)
- He definitely does get possessive actually... he's working on it (not)
- Like not in a horrible way ig? But if ur not into that just tell him or something ok
- He won't be mad, he almost never gets mad at you (I know, shocking given his usual demeanour)
- I think he's quite soft with you bc... well he can't be mad all the time
- Overall, I think he's pretty nice to you :)
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perexcri · 1 year
hi !! for the ask game, 13, 23 and 37, pretty please~
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
uhhh yeah! not to get too personal on main, but i just like. cannot write about kids' relationships with their fathers. the closest i got was a few scenes with Hopper and Will in irresistible, and even then i wrote them mainly as jokes, but they ended coming across as really sincere to people? like people in general were like "aw Hopper and Will bonding is great!" which is cool, but i didn't know how to explain that i wrote those scenes mostly as jokes to hide the fact that i don't like/can't write scenes between fathers and children at all
easy to write? apparently conversations about "but what's the point of doing these things if it's all gonna go away in the end" since it keeps sneaking into every single thing i write :) it'd be fun if i could learn to talk about something else, but we'll see, i guess
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
picture a walmart desk i bought on discount for $40. picture a loft bed from walmart that i've had since i was eleven. picture said-desk under said-bed. ok? cool. now, behind the desk, there's a bookshelf i put together my junior year of high school, but i'm horrible at building things, so two of its boards are noticeably upside down, but hey, at least i have some stickers on one side of the unit, right? its shelves are sagging with reference books and books i have yet to read, and more litter the floor right behind my chair. oh yeah, my chair - it's not a desk chair. it's one of our dining room chairs that i took over during my covid semester in spring 2020 when i had to come home from school. i have a jack skellington pillow i use with it because otherwise it hurts my back. my desk is cluttered, but my desk has been cluttered every since i was a kid, so what else is new? there's scratch paper and sticky notes all over it, mail from my new job that i should really look at, mail from my beloved friends, and an old candle holder i've repurposed as a pen holder. to my right is my corkboard with all kinds of fun stuff that would take eons to describe, so just picture cards, photos, a couple of tiny bells/windchimes, and art. i've also got some fall out boy and owl city cds i've fastened to the wall to watch over me forever
oh, and pinned up in front of my desk are a few fun things: a BTS poster, a postcard with a Van Gogh quote on it, some art from Chloe Gong's These Violent Delights, an Ouran High School Host Club poster, and a passage from It by Stephen King that I made a photocopy of when I was reading it last year.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
hmmm......i think once i've passed on, if anything i've written gets passed down in any way whatsoever, i think people will be able to tell i liked observing things. like i don't talk a lot, but i watch and listen to as much as i can. so...yeah. perhaps "observant" would be the word i'm looking for (despite my own obliviousness towards lots of things, but that's a different subject matter entirely :^D)
thanks for the ask anon!! i hope you're doing well :D 💜
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Oh zuu! I hope you aren't working yourself to hard! Please do be sure to take care of yourself.
How long did it take them to find a place to stay?
No I didn't know about it! And I'm so sad because it was glorious. I am fan arting it so hard right now because I can't stop thinking about it. Forbidden dreammare is my favourite kind.
The idea of the curruption being a illness is something I've seen before! But never quite like this! The way they wrote it was amazing.
I can't help but wonder about if strawberry noot noot could just be someone in this universe suffering from the conditionnnn
Also dam dream was all up in Nightmare's business! It was refreshing to see dream being the one to start things.
The imagery at the furnal though. It was so hard hitting, even if it was just one paragraph. So impacting. Ahhhhhhhhhehs
I want them to be together so badddddddddddd
The Kross one is an interesting one! It's about cross and killers relationship before the first fic. But dam mmmm it all hurtss
Oh yeah! I think you got it, looking for things second hand. It was such a great hall!
These are my prizes from the last 2 days haha. No more for a while though XD I have to save my pay cheque.
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The trip is the one to Russia next year if all goes well. But I didn't know you needed a visa for going their. So many things to sort outtt ahhh
Oh! Nothings bothering me currently! Thanks for asking. Things have been mostly good in the last week.
Tha k you Zu! I appreciate it!
Oh no koshka XD. Did you have a good time with you family?
Henry is the same as normal, barking during all the most dramatic moments in MAFS while me and mum are trying to watch 😑
Hii Gayfish! Sorry it took me a while—
Yep, thank you so much! (ówò) You too <3
Hmm... hard to say for sure, it'd be quite hard to calculate now XD
For realll ♡ OMG are you?? \(//∇//)\ Can't wait to see the scene you chose to embody! ☆ Strawberry noot noot tho :')) Btw I read Kross part and boi it does hurt ;0;
Oh wow!! What a collection (*゚∀゚*) How many of them do you have now??
Ah— (and here I thought most of countries needs visa xp) Good luck with the preparations!!
That's good╰(*´︶`*)╯Yep, thanks a lot! ♡
Aw Henry XD How's the boi doing? <3 And what's new on MAFS? *^*
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All thanks to you here for such great works! *0* The comic exceeded all my expectations and the artwork can be looked at for a long time \(//∇//)\
How are you doing? ♡
The day's been cold and rainy yet really good and productive at home heheh, thanks! <3 zzz—
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Oh it's actually really easy by making a shape and filling it with numbers *w* Thank youuu! <3
Aw why should you tease me so bad?? (That's fair enough (ùwú) Looking forward to seeing it!)
True ;3; They couldn't foresee it, and Cross did endure many times—we see it—until he just said it out loud, but the fact that it hurt Killer so much it's incorrigible, that this scar will be between them—cause it's true—is unbearable... Ironic indeed, bet it's gonna hurt even more :')
Woah! That's impressive \(//∇//)\
Awww more drama! ;3; I remember watching this kind of shows with my mom when I was a child, everyone arguing and fighting for no actual reason like "why can't they just enjoy their meal??" XD
It warms my heart! (*´꒳`*)
OH yay!! Best of luck to you ᕦ(òwóˇ)ᕤ And much more money heheh! ☆
With Inktobertale as well (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Rain is good indeed <3 And it's even funnier to me and Koshka to watch people chaotic running without umbrellas— XD
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Waddle Dee went to Kirby's house every day after finishing work at Factory Dedede to help aid the search.
"It seems that our president has also started searching for the gears. He’s been walking around town with a map and a magnifying glass."
Kirby nodded. "Not only President Dedede, but everyone in town is searching for them. It's difficult, though. No one knows the shape or color of the gears." 
"Hmm ... Do we have any leads?" Kirby and Waddle Dee pondered face-to-face. At that moment, the doorbell, which rarely rings, made a noise.
"Who is it?" Waddle Dee said to Kirby. "You don’t get many guests."
Kirby jumped up. "Oh! Is it the pizza delivery person!?" he shouted.
"Pizza delivery person? Kirby, did you order pizza?"
"No! But ... maybe the pizza place made a special pizza to celebrate my 100th consecutive victory of the airplane races!" Kirby opened the door in a hurry. There stood someone wearing a large hood.
"That? That’s not the delivery person, is it ...? " 
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"Good evening, Kirby! It's been a long time. It’s Magolor, yo~! " Magolor, the traveling merchant. He traveled often from town to town selling medicine. Kirby, himself, had also once taken Magolor's medicine after he had previously rolled around in the snow and caught a cold.
"Did you come to sell medicine again? But I'm not sick ... "
"No, no! It's different this time. There’s a big story."
"A big story?"
"It's about the search for some gears." Magolor came into the room, put the large trunk he had with him on the floor, and sat down on it.
Kirby was taken aback. "Are you also looking for the gears, Magolor?" he asked.
"Yep, it's my dream to get the prize, build a laboratory, and develop medicine." Magolor spread his hands. "Kirby, we both have our strengths. If we put those strengths together, I’m sure we could find the gears! What do you think about some cooperation?"
"Yeah, sure!" Kirby nodded. Waddle Dee, however, was a little worried. 
"Kirby, is it okay to trust this guy?"
"Eh? Why not? It's easier to find something with three people instead of two." 
"Hmm ... but ... " Waddle Dee didn't trust Magolor. He came out of nowhere—maybe he was trying to use Kirby by taking advantage of his kindness.
Looking at Kirby, Magolor said, "I know a secret method for finding the gears. If you have me, we’ll easily be able to find them."
"Really!? Great, then let’s do it!" Kirby was overjoyed, but again, Waddle Dee was more skeptical. He became more and more suspicious.
"If you know a method, why are you telling us? Why don't you search for them by yourself?"
"I would, but ... there’s a big issue." Magolor took a deep breath and spoke with all his might. "I can’t do it alone. Kirby has a certain something we need." Kirby and Waddle Dee looked at each other.
"Kirby has ... what? Huh?"
"Here’s the thing, listen carefully!" 
"Okay." Kirby and Waddle Dee sat down in front of Magolor.
"I'm nuts about ancient magic, so I’m the only person who understands ... the gears of the ancient machine cannot be found because they’ve been sealed."
"Uh-huh. Once upon a time, the gears were stolen by an evil wizard. It seems the gears had a magic seal put on them during that. The sealed object cannot be seen with the naked eye, however, a special tool can be used to find it. I know the location of that special tool."
"Special tool?" Waddle Dee said. "A special tool that reacts to magic ... Where is it?" 
"I told you, Kirby has it."
"Eh? I do?" Kirby’s eyes widened. "I don't have anything like that! I can't use magic!" 
"You ... you have the Star Compass, right?"
Kirby was surprised. "The Star Compass ...? Yeah, I have it, but, hold on." Kirby rummaged through some junk piled up in the corner of the room and pulled out a small, star-shaped compass.
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"That’s a cute compass. What’s so special about it?" Waddle Dee asked.
"The old man of the Magic Guild gave me this as a present a long time ago, after I defeated a monster in the City of Magic."
"Not the ‘old man,’ the Elder of the Magic Guild. The great wizard Tottemo." Magolor looked enviously at Kirby. "Tottemo … Totteeemooo ... The Star Compass, such a precious artifact. If you study magic, you'd want it even if it were in bits and pieces. When I heard an airplane pilot from Diamond Town got it, I was so jealous!"
"Huh ... I didn’t realize it was so important." Kirby recalled when he received the gift.
("Really? You want me to take it?"  When Kirby asked, the old man of the Magic Guild—no, the Elder, smiled gently.
"It’s a thank-you item. Please, don't hesitate. The Star Compass—if it falls into the hands of someone with a bad heart, it will bring terrifying results. But if it's with you, Kirby, it will be safe."
"Besides, this compass, don't you like it? Ho ho ho!" He waved goodbye as Kirby left.)
That guy that Kirby visited ... Even when he asked what he meant, Kirby didn't understand at all. 
"This compass, it doesn't move. I can’t tell what direction it points because of it. I'm sure it's broken ... "
"That’s just because you’re using it incorrectly." Magolor reached out and received it from him. "The Star Compass is a tool used to search for the power of magic. If it’s not used correctly, it won't move. Watch." Magolor opened his trunk and took out a small paper packet. Glittering, sand-like grains spilled out when he opened it. Using them, he began to draw a mysterious pattern on the floor.
"Like this, if you draw it with magical sand and put the Star Compass in the center ... "  The needle of the compass, which had not been moving until now, began to sway. It emitted a pale light like the glimmer of the stars.
"Ah, the compass ...! " Kirby shouted. 
"Get a map of the town!" Magolor said. Waddle Dee hurriedly brought a map of Diamond Town, which Magolor put the compass on. He chanted a spell. The compass needle spun around wildly, increasing in speed, until it stopped at a particular angle. After a moment, it began spinning again and stopped at another angle, and then another. Magolor nodded.
"Okay, there are three gears in all. Here, here, and ... here." Magolor put three marks on the map.
"Do we know the position of the gears, now?" Waddle Dee said with big eyes.
"Yep! The movement of the Star Compass can tell you exactly where our magical objects are."
Kirby looked at the map. "The first one is ... the field! That field is where the goal of our airplane races is," said Kirby.
"Second is ... around the clock tower in the west," said Waddle Dee.
"Third," said Magolor, "‘The Town of Light.’"
"You can't go into The Town of Light," said Waddle Dee. "’The residents of the Town of Wind must not go into the Town of Light without permission.’ That's the rule."  
"Aw man … The third gear is postponed, then. We’ll have to figure out some other way. Let’s find the other two, first."
Waddle Dee nodded. "There’s a guard at the clock tower that won’t let us in, so we should start with the gear in the field."
"Okay! Come on, let's go!" Magolor stopped Kirby from running out the door. 
"Now, it's too late. You should wait until tomorrow." 
"But ... "
"The night is dangerous. We’re the only ones that know the locations, so don't worry so much."
"That's right. Let's start tomorrow," Waddle Dee said. "The factory will be closed, too, so we can find it together. We’ll all meet in the field, first thing in the morning."
"Oh, actually, I’m sorry. I have something to do tomorrow. I can’t go with you ... Instead, let me give you a thing." Magolor took out a small bottle from the trunk and gave it to Kirby. "These are magical eye drops I made."
"Eye ... Drops ...? " 
"As I said, things with a magical seal on them cannot be seen with the naked eye, however, you’ll be able to see them if you use these special eye drops."
"Wow, that's convenient!" Magolor, again, stopped Kirby from immediately trying to use the eye drops.
"No no no, it doesn't last for long! Only about an hour. It'd be better to use them tomorrow!"
"Okay, I understand. Thank you, Magolor."  
"You’re very welcome! Oh, and one more thing: once touched, the magical seal will melt. It will be so that the gears can be seen even without the eye drops."
"We just have to touch it," Waddle Dee said. "If we find the gears, let's deliver them to Mr. Fugo, together, and get the prize. We’ll divide it evenly!"
"Wow, sounds fun! Good luck Kirby, Waddle Dee."
"Yeah, we’ll do our best. Thank you, Magolor!"
Magolor headed home, dragging his heavy trunk behind him.
"Magolor is really knowledgeable and smart," Kirby said. "I’m surprised!" 
"I'm glad he’s on our side," Waddle Dee nodded. "Thanks to Magolor, we can get the gears. Let's do our best, tomorrow."
"Yeah! Good night, Waddle Dee." 
"Good night, Kirby." Waddle Dee waved and left the room. 
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Meta Knight was sitting on the couch and thinking, of course, about the gears and the ancient machine that was discovered.
(Evil using an ancient machine ... What kind of machine could it be?)
A knocking sound was heard, and Butler Vul's voice soon after. 
"Excuse me, my lord."
"What is it?"  
"It seems ... a strange guest has come."
"A guest? At this time?"
"Well ... I told him to come back tomorrow, but he said that he wanted to speak to you as soon as possible. He spoke of gears—I didn't understand much of it ... What do you want me to do?"
" ... Gears." Meta Knight had also begun looking for the gears, but no one should know except Daroach. Not even Butler Vul should know. Meta Knight stood up.
"Okay, let me through the living room."
"Are you sure?  Somehow, he has a strange atmosphere about him ... "
"It doesn't matter."
"Understood ... " Butler Vul moved to return to the front door, however, he nearly bumped into someone on the way there. "Wahhh!?"
"Nice to meet you, Lord Meta Knight!" Standing behind Butler Vul was a person wearing a large hood. Butler Vul yelled at the intruder.
"Why—! Hey, you! You selfish—! How dare you just, come in on your own! I told you to wait at the door until my lord gave me permission!" But the guest just pushed Butler Vul aside and spoke to Meta Knight.
"I'm a medicine peddler named Magolor—"
"We don’t need medicine. Get out."
"—I want to talk to you, Lord Meta Knight. I have a story I want to tell you—"
"It's time for my lord to get his rest. Get out!"
"—A story about ... the gears of death!"
"Hey, why don’t you listen to a story about my wrinkles instead!" Butler Vul was furious, but Meta Knight just stared at the strange merchant.
"Okay, let's hear the story. Vul, you’re dismissed." 
"Eh!? But my lord ...! "
"I’ll call if anything happens. Don't worry." Butler Vul was so upset he left the living room with shaking fists. Meta Knight led Magolor to the sofa and sat down. Magolor spoke with a smile.
"Thank you so much, Lord Meta Knight. I’m sorry I’m here so late at night, forgive me ... " 
"Let's not waste time. About the matter at hand—what do you know about the gears?" 
" …………… " 
Magolor’s hood shifted and showed his expression. "Right to the point. As I expected from you, Lord Meta Knight!" Suddenly changing his tone, Magolor leaned back on the couch. 
"I know a tip for finding the gears. I want to tell you about it."
"What do you mean?" 
"What I mean is, Lord Meta Knight, I want you to find the gears ... " Magolor rephrased, seeing sharp eyes staring at him from behind the mask. "I’m telling the truth. I'll give you a tip because I want you to find the gears and win us the prize. I want to build a laboratory and develop new medicine."
"Why me? If you know a clue to finding the gears, you should look for it alone." 
"I can’t, it has to be you. You see, one of the gears is in the Town of Light."
" ... What was that?"
"As an aristocrat, you have the freedom to act in the Town of Light. If they see a merchant like me sneaking about, they’ll kick me out. To find all the gears, our cooperation is a must! Your help is needed at any cost!"
Meta Knight stopped to think. This medicine peddler, who called himself Magolor, was more than he seemed. He seemed to know important information about the gears, but Meta Knight was not yet convinced.
"If you need an aristocrat, I'm sure there are others. Why did you choose me?" 
"The aristocrats are a burden. Everyone, they’re sloths, annoying things. Out of all of them, the only one I can rely on is you, Lord Meta Knight."
Meta Knight didn’t believe it was that simple, but Magolor had a point. The aristocrats who lived in luxury had no adventurous spirit or curiosity. Meta Knight was the only one who was interested in finding the gears.
"Let me hear from you. What kind of hints do you know?" 
"Look at this." Magolor opened his trunk and took out a map. "The gear is here." A certain place was marked in the Town of Light.
" ... This is ...! " Meta Knight was shocked.
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"Do you know where this is?" Magolor asked.
" ... Ah, yeah."
"Great! Then, do your best to find the gear. I'm going home ... Oh, one last thing." Magolor pulled out a small bottle. "These are magical eye drops I made." Magolor explained the eye drops and handed a vial to Meta Knight. "Good luck, Lord Meta Knight. Have a good night." He dragged the trunk out of the living room. After Magolor left, Meta Knight was still. He was staring at the map of the Town of Light. The gear—it was in Mr. Fugo's mansion.
"What does this mean?" Meta Knight murmured. "Regardless, I have to let Daroach know ... "
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silentmajesticfox · 3 years
Falling In Love With Chrollo Lucilfer
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Part one:
Part two:
Panic Room
As Fred, Rose, and Daisy made it to the mansion. Rose looked at her surroundings, telling herself, I just have to hold him off til Chrollo's here. What a suicide mission this will come out to be, Daisy I hope you understand I can only save one of us this time.. Rose glanced at Daisy winking her eye and opening the door for her. Daisy would be an actress If she could. She giggled, "Yay!! We're finally home, I can wait to go to bed with my teddy bear!" She ran in, not unusually fast since every time they would get home, she would practically run to her bed. Before Rose could step out, she felt a tight grip on her left arm by her hand, and a few cracks emanating from there. Fred had already planned to confront her. A deadly gaze staring into her ice blue eyes. Rose held in a yelp, sure than the cracking was probably her bones.
"Who do you think you are? Talking to another man, showing him more affection and attention than you've givin me this past year, wish I knew I married a whore. I would like to have a word with you inside, Rosalie." Rose knew this couldn't be good, for he never used her real name, and for however long it took Chrollo to get here, she'd have to deal with it. She could feel his blood lust, and the fact he already had the advantage on her, her nerves kicked up. She just nodded her head, knowing soon this would be all over. She wished right then that she had her book, inevitably he would die if she did.... As she got out the door once he let go of her arm, with a fired up Fred behind her. She looked down the street they had came from. Please don't let me down Chrollo. She turned her head towards the mansion and walked through the doors. She felt his Nen get stronger, a hitch in her breath as she started to panic. He was a minute behind her, but she could make a run for it to her room and make sure Daisy was ready. The deadly aura making it hard to breath, she was going to do exactly that. Once she made it through the door, she turned around and latched the door closed. Soon a hard pounding was heard, but as Fred was a Enhancer, he was going to have no problem knocking that door down. With every hit, she started to feel a whoosh of power with every blow. Rose rushed up all the stairs, nearly tripping on her feet, turning the corner right before she heard a big boom, the door spiraling across the room and a manic laugh coming from Fred. "Aw... Rose, don't be like that. You know I'll find you. I told you I wanted to talk!" He screamed. She ran to her and Daisy's room they shared, busting it open and soon turning around to lock it and push the chair near by, under the door knob. Daisy was sitting on the bed with all her things in a backpack, and her favorite stuffed animal, her bear. Hearing Fred slowly stomp down the hall, busting open the doors as he went by, one by one. Rose realized she had less time than she calculated..
"Daisy, are you ready?" She asked her baby sister, her sister nodded and as about to say something, Rose could tell she had been crying. Rose put her finger up to her sisters mouth, shaking her head and mouthing no. "Here's my phone. You need to leave. Now Daisy.." she grabbed her sisters arm gently after daisy put the phone in her backpack pocket, leading them to the only window In the room. Rose unlocked it, and quietly lifted it open. "Don't let him see you through the window, ok? I love you." She hugged her sister very tight, before hearing a roaring pound at the door now. More tears fell from Daisy's eyes, as she nodded staring at Rose, quickly exiting the room from the window, waving to Rose. Rose waved back and blew a kiss to her, then signalling her hand for her to sit on the specific part of the roof as discussed.
Glancing at the street below, she turned around when the door was buses open. She was thinking quick on what to say and what to do, Fred huffing as he walked up to her. He walked up closer, how hands going to her throat and holding her against the wall. Her hands went to his forearms as she struggled to breath. "Stop.. please.." she pleaded. She had only one option. If she wanted to live, and as her consciousness faded in and out. Memories flashing all the way from when she was little. Chrollo was always by her side. In a way, she knew Chrollo would never love her the way she loved him..
Chrollo and Rose were sitting on top of the garbage pile, the highest one they could find. Holding each other closely watching the sunrise together. "Now wait. Soon the sun will make it look like a city of diamonds and jewels. This is what I've been telling you about, I know you'll love it.." Chrollo's words were happier than normal when he spoke about this so Rose was convinced it was something great if he loved it. She set her head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand. "Chrollo, do you think when we're older, we can be together?" Rose slipped those words out. In the heat of the moment. Chrollo tensed up a little bit, but that went away as soon as the sun rose. Before her eyes, what he said was true, who knew a city so bad, could have such a beautiful view. "You were right Chrollo, thank you for showing me this.." she said lifting her head from his shoulder. He turned around to face her, grabbed her chin, and kissed her with passion. Once they parted, chrollo spoke. "Maybe one day... I know you can find someone better than me when you make it out of here.. realistically I can't see it, us being together. I like you, but who knows how we'll feel years later, you know?" Rose would have cried, but Chrollo stood up, taking her hand and pulling her up. "But there's nothing wrong with having what we have now.." He kissed her again, she wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist, and maybe that's when she fell in love with him.
When Rose came back to reality, she knew she still had things she needed to be here for. She had to fight. She released her hands from Fred's arms, and went for his face. Poking as hard as she could towards his eyes. Kicking as hard as she could. He dropped her and she gasped for air. "please stop Fred.." she quickly came to her feet, cornered and not sure what to do. Glancing around, she looked at the lamp. She quickly darted, fred attempting to grasp her, hot on her tail. She picked up the lamp and threw it at Fred, it stattering at he deflected it with his arms. Just enough time to run. And that she did.
"You're funny Rose.. you think you can out smart me? Take me for my money? You really are stupider than I thought.." she heard him, she ran out the room, running down the hall and going to the staircase, running up all the steps which felt like a million years. She heard Fred's foot steps and felt them rattle the staircase. Rose was now wheezing, but couldn't let herself get tired, not yet. Soon she was on the third and last level. She sprinted as soon as she saw the big doors, in which was the safe where her book was. Rose backed up, and ran into the door to break it open. Yet it did not open. She started to panic, and kept ramming herself. The wood started to splinter, and after four times of brute force, it broke opened. By then, she had seen Fred come around the corner, so she ran over to the vault. She starting pushing in the code, getting denied every time. Fred was walking up to her at this point, a low laugh coming from his chest, gasping she turned around. "I changed it. Unfortunately you won't be getting it back ever. Why do you hurt me Rose?.." He was calmer, but his blood lust was rising.
"Because you wanted to be with her instead of me, you wanted me to give you this so it'd be equal, yet you feel it's okay to hit me when your in the wrong, and you have your nen?" She was trying to hit him on a personal level so he could apologize and maybe this would pass. Not this time.
He walked up to her, "because I fell out of love with you. The instant I saw you never stopped writing him... " She couldn't believe Fred at this moment. This was a new thing he had brought up. "So why should I care to fix this? when every woman I've been with, has been so much better? Fills all my needs, and actually wants me. Also, I could make alot of money for your book." Rose was letting her anger get the best of her, tears started streaming and she went for it. She got a few punches in, before he grabbed her arm.
"Then end it. Since i am nothing to you and this world, take me out of this miserable life!!"  And with that, Fred hit her and she had went flying into the wall. Laying in the debris, she was gasping. Fred had walked up to her, and picked her up by her hair. If she could, she'd scream. But the impact before had broken ribs, so she just stared at him, before being thrown to the wall again. Blood started coming from her mouth, she was ready for this. Daisy crossed her mind and she smiled, knowing she was in good hands.. her life fading and things went black, she heard alot of booms and yelling going on, and someone picking her up.
"Please hang on Rose.. stay with me..." She heard Chrollo say to her softly touching her face. She drifted off into a peacefulness of black, knowing Daisy was alright, and she could finally let go of this life for good.
A/N: sorry it's short and kind of meh, I had a major writers block and this is definitely getting edited. Lucky not alot of people have read this- but if you do thank you for supporting me!! Much love. If you feel open to request something for the story or pitch ideas I'm all ears!! This is the last part I have on wattpad. Might be a minute til I can write the next chapter, of course when it gets a little intense. 💀
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The Sword of the Solstice
Chapter Eight: On the Road to the Warrior Village of Leeno.
They reach the edge of Ghia Forest, where a purple mist stands before them. Eijiro groans. “Well, now what?” Katsuki hops off the horse with a grin. He cracks his knuckles, and runs towards the mist at full force. The Solstice Sword makes a chime in Izuku's head. “NO, STOPPETH THINE FRIEND!” HOW?! Izuku asks. The Sword makes a noise not unlike a sigh. “Presseth the button to activateth mine blade, and tosseth me at the misty barrier.” Izuku frowns, but pulls out the hilt, and squeezes the button.
“Katsuki, look out!” Izuku yells, as he flings the blade towards the mist. Katsuki skids to a halt, the sun-blade flies past him, sending shimmering light into Katsuki's eyes. Katsuki growls. “DEKU, DON'T THROW SWORDS!” He yells loudly. The Sword makes contact with the barrier, landing on the ground with a clatter. A silence takes the woods, then a strong wind blows towards the party. The horses rear up, with a shrill whinny.
Ochaco, with the unexpected wind, and the force of the horse rearing up, falls off, landing on her side. “Miss Ochaco!” Momo says, as she strokes her horse's mane in an attempt to call the horse down. Izuku whispers something reassuring to his horse, as if he were some kind of horse whisperer, and perhaps he is, for the horse relaxes. Katsuki grabs the reins of his and Eijiro's horse, with an annoyed grunt.
“First of all, Ochaco, are you alright?” Katsuki asks, as she stands, dusting herself off. She nods. “Yeah, it wasn't that far of a fall.” He sighs, and then looks at Izuku with confusion. “Great. Second of all; WHAT ON THESKYX WAS THAT, DEKU?!” Izuku dismounts from his horse, and goes over to where the Sword landed. “I am not sure, the Solstice Sword told me you running towards the mist was bad, a-and that I needed to throw it at the mist...”
Izuku reaches down to pick up the Sword, now back to being a hilt, but upon touching it's surface, he feels heat. He retracts his hand, and winces. What just happened, Solstice? Izuku asks the Sword. The Sword shakes on the ground. Katsuki frowns, and motions Ochaco to follow him over to Izuku's side. They make their way up to him, as the Sword's blade reforms.
Only, instead of the golden yellow glow of sunlight, it is a red-ish pink glow, not unlike a setting sun. Izuku swallows, and he looks at Ochaco. “You wouldn't happen to have anything that can help pick up this Sword without burning your hand?” She points her staff towards the Sword. She takes a deep breath. “I have this spell, um, called Prestidigitation. It has many small uses, like cooling things down. I'm not sure how it would work on a magic, sentient sword, but it's worth a shot.” She closes her eyes, and in Elvish chants out the incantation.
A pink light emerges from the red gem on her staff, and it shoots out little specks of ice shoot out of it. They bounce off the Sword's surface, but when Izuku hesitantly reaches for it, he realizes it is ice cold now. He squeezes the button again, in an attempt to turn off the blade, but the red-ish pink blade remains. He frowns, and flips the sword in the air, repeatedly pushing down on the button to turn it off.
“You know, Solstice, when I said it'd be nice for you to have more powerful magic that last longer, this isn't what I meant!” He yells out loud at the blade, hoping to get a response. Ochaco frowns. “What's wrong with it?” She asks. Izuku sighs, and Katsuki groans. “Aren't you the mage here? Shouldn't you know?” Ochaco shakes her head. “I only know bits and pieces of information on this Sword. Shoto would know more...”
Eijiro nudges his horse forward. “S-speaking of him, we should get going...who knows how long it'll take them to get to Loyaci?” Katsuki nods, and climbs on, shoving Eijiro behind him. “I'm steering this horse.” He says, and looks back at the mist.
“That didn't even do anything. I mean, the mist is still there!” Momo says, as she spurs her horse up to the others. Ochaco walks closer to the foggy barrier. She waves her hand over. “Aw, no worries, everyone. I know this spell. It's a poisonous fog.” Momo groans. “Why is that a good thing?” Ochaco giggles. “Glad you asked! It's a good thing because I can dispel it with my magic!” She rubs her hands together. “This'll be fun...” She says, sarcastically.
She raised her hands, her one gloved hand pulled close to her chest, and with her ungloved hand she shoves into the fog, and she grunts, feeling the pain of the poison seep into her. She lets out a cry in Elvish equivalent to “Have mercy on me!” as she flings her other hand into the fog. She grits her teeth, and takes a large step forward, her boots digging into the dirt path beneath her.
With a loud fwoosh, the mist dissipates. She gasps, and falls face first into the dirt. Katsuki laughs, finding that to be a funny end to something that could be described as a powerful and amazing act. Izuku helps Ochaco get to her feet, and smiles. “You okay?” She nods. “Well, that is one barrier that we can pass through.” Momo says, with a sigh. “Maybe it isn't impossible to get into Loyaci.” Ochaco mounts behind her again, and shrugs.
“Well, what are we waiting for? We need to get to Loyaci!” Ochaco says. Izuku nods, and gets on his horse. With Solstice still being fully activated, he had to get on slowly, but once he did, he uses the Solstice Sword to point to the trail ahead of them. “I agree with Ochaco, we need to get Shoto back, and fast. So let's keep going!” They nod, and continue on down to the East-West Road. As the light starts to leave the sky, the five of them contemplate whether or not to rest.
“They will need to rest, because even with their magical teleportation, it takes a lot of energy to go a league, let alone 162 leagues! We can make quicker time if we continue until the moon shines high in the sky.” Ochaco says, with certainty. Kasuki, Izuku, and Momo nod. Eijiro frowns. “Is this a good idea, us riding on the road after dark?” Katsuki scoffs. “Don't be pathetic. We're a group of five adventurers, people will know better than to cross us.” Eijiro bites his lip, with one of his fangs. “If you say so, Katsuki.”
Izuku holds the Solstice Sword, which still hasn’t changed back to being a hilt. “I suppose the Solstice Sword can work as a light for now.” The others agree, and start down the East-West Road. Hours pass, and the moon shines through some clouds overhead. They stop, and decide to make camp. Momo takes first watch, and as they are settling in, Ochaco plants her staff in the ground. She kneels behind it, and grasps it. Her nails dig into the wood, and she closes her eyes.
Eijiro and Katsuki set down their beddings, and Eijiro frowns. “Are you okay, Ochaco?” He asks, and she nods, but doesn’t relax. Eijiro shrugs, and pulls Katsuki aside. “You wanna try?” He whispers to Katsuki, who scoffs. “What can I do that you can’t?” He asks Eijiro, who folds his arms. “Maybe she is right, you are a little dimwitted.” Eijiro says, laughing. Katsuki growls, and rolls his eyes.
“What are you talking about, Scales?” Katsuki asks, and Eijiro chuckles. “Whether you would admit it or not, you are the closest to her. She seems to be more comfortable around you.” Katsuki sighs. “I guess I can try.” He says, sitting down by her. Izuku looks down at the Solstice Sword. He has been periodically trying to communicate with it, but it is either recharging, or isn’t responding.
Maybe I’ve lost contact with it, or whatever made it sentient is gone? Maybe it suicided against the mist... But the hilt was so hot, and the blade reappeared on it’s own...and it was like a sunset. Maybe something’s happened? Izuku looks at the party, and sighs. “What am I gonna do?” He asks himself out loud. “With Shoto gone, I don’t know what to do. I’m lost...” He feels a metal bracer touch his shoulder.
He turns to see Momo standing behind him. “As a leader of a leaderless kingdom for many years, a word of advice.” Izuku tilts his head, and frowns. “What is it?” Momo sighs. “If you have doubts, either be honest with those you’re leading, or keep them quiet.” Izuku shakes his head. “I never really thought of myself as a leader, I’ve always taken advice from others, and just said what the general consensus is.”
Momo nods. “Maybe you are just the final vote in the consensus, but they agree with you and listen to you. Being a good leader is just being able to listen to those around you.” Izuku nods, and sighs. “Well, then what do you think of this mission, is there any chance of success?” Momo taps her chin. “I think it’s a small chance of success, but I know that for me at least I need it to succeed, for my young lord.”
Izuku frowns. “By my honor, I will do my best to get you to him.” She smiles. “I appreciate that.” She says. “I hope things aren’t too terrible with him.” She adds, and Izuku clenches his fist. “We’ll make sure that those villains are dealt with. But Shoto is strong, he won’t bend easily. He’ll be fine.”
With those villains everything wasn’t “fine”. Shoto was tied to a tree without his sword, and Himiko used an evil sigil of Dendar that messes with the Paladins of Light. Or at least that’s what she said it did. Unfortunately Shoto couldn’t see it, because it was carved into the tree behind him. Even if I could see it, I doubt I would be able to identify it, let alone read it. Shoto sighs.
Dabi and Himiko used black magic teleport them and Shoto to wherever they were. Shoto couldn’t identify it, but all he knew was the trip was taxing on both of cultists, so that they just set up camp right then and there. They must have trust that I can’t cast spells... Well, I suppose the worst case scenario, if I die, whatever they want me for won’t work. He channels his power, hoping to cast Call Stead.
All he feels is a stabbing pain in his chest, coming from the glyph behind him. Shoto smirks. “Oh, it’s anti-magic?” He whispers to himself. He knows that these anti-magic runes can be undone if you deface them. Since my arms are tied around the tree, the only way I can undo the mark is by moving. He sighs. I am pretty strong, right? I can do this... He glances back at Himiko and Dabi, and grunts.
Got to do it quietly and fast, but going fast is going to make a lot of noise. He takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing... He inches around the tree, and hears a mumble. He freezes, and having gone maybe a quarter of the way around, looks back at the cultists. The mumbler was Dabi, but he seems fast asleep, and facing away from Shoto. Shoto lets out a relieved sigh, and tries to slide around the tree.
Whether the ropes were fraying, or he got a random burst of strength and dexterity, Shoto couldn’t determine. But he manages to get his hands by the sigil. Right, I need some slight of hand here. Hopefully I can make a deep enough scratch in it to cast my magic. He digs his nails into the tree trunk, in an attempt to destroy it. He feels his index nail chip, and growls. I just got to keep trying!
He tries again, and he feels it scratch a little, but again, he breaks his middle finger’s nail. He grits his teeth, getting more frustrated. They say third time's the charm, so here we go. With a grimace, he uses his thumb’s nail. His frustration and his urgency to break it cause him to apply as much pressure as possible, which makes a deep scratch in the sigil. Instead of feeling the evil magic dissipating, he feels that same jarring pain in his chest, although it wasn’t as strong.
A girl-ish giggle echoes through the dark woods. “Did you really think that was gonna work?” Himiko asks, walking over with her jagged black dagger. Shoto gasps. She smiles, and points the dagger at him. “I wasn’t asleep. Dabi told me to watch to see what you’d try to do if we left you unattended. Although my magic ward won’t be be undone by anyone except me or Dabi.”
Shoto sighs. “So now what? What are you going to do?” Shoto asks, trying to figure out how bad a situation is. “Well, I wasn't supposed to do this yet, but hehe, I'm impatient.” She lifts her dagger. Did she actually say “hehe”? Also... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? What's happening?! She chants in Dark Elvish, and the dark blade glows purple. Shoto looks around in a panic, hoping to find some kind of escape. Himiko giggles. “You think you can escape? Like we'd let Enji Todoroki's greatest dark creation go!” Shoto gasps. “My father? And ‘dark creation’? What kind of sick game are you playing? I am a Paladin of The Morning Lord, Guardian of Light! How am I a dark creation?”
Himiko frowns. “Your father never told you?” Shoto growls. “Told me what, you corrupt fiend?” He retorts. She grins. With the purple illuminating her face, her grin has an eerie glow. “Exactly! Fiends!” She says, placing the dunes of the dagger to his forehead. He grunts. “What on Theskyx are you talking about?” He asks, and she sighs. “You! You have fiendish blood!” Shoto's eyes widen. “That's not possible. My parents were elves!” She nods. “Yeah, but your father was experimenting with fiend blood in hopes of reviving the old powerful demons. He used you and your brother Touya to test it.”
Shoto frowns, remembering what Momo said happened to his brothers and sister. “But Touya's body was burned beyond recognition.” Shoto says. She giggles like she knew something he didn't, but doesn't say anything. She removes the blade from his forehead. “There. That should do it.” Shoto gasps. “W-wait. WHAT DID YOU DO?” She holds up a finger, indicating for him to wait. She walks around the tree, and riffles through her bag. She comes back with a mirror in her hand. She holds it up to his face, and on his forehead is the words that were on the blade.
Before Shoto was sure he couldn't read these Dark Elvish runes, but for some reason, he understands them perfectly. To him it read; “To the long lost Fiend King of Darkness.” He looks at Himiko. “The fiend king? Who is that?” She gasps. “You can read these runes?” She asks, and Shoto bites his tongue. I probably shouldn't say that I can read it... He scoffs. “No, I can't. I just heard you say that.” He tries to maintain eye contact with her. Lying is very honorable, but perhaps it will help me here. Lathander, forgive me.
She puts her knife back into its sheath. “Isn't it wrong for a paladin to lie?” She says, cackling. “You've already done things to darken your heart. Believe me or not, you are part fiend.” He feels a shiver run down his spine. She folds her arms. “The only way you're getting free is if you embrace your fiendish nature. Only a demon has the strength to break free of these magic ropes.” Shoto groans. So even if I had messed up the sigil, I wouldn't be able to get free. But if I truly am part demon, I cannot embrace it. I will fight it with every ounce of my being.
Shoto closes his eyes. “Us Paladins of Light have tons of patience, and I am blessed with a long life. How long can you hold up, I wonder?” She hisses at him. “You'll give in, we know your weakness. That girl paladin...” Shoto takes a deep breath. She's trying to get a rise out of you, get a hold of yourself. “She isn't anywhere close to us. You have no power that could weaken me.” She clenches her fists. “What about Reneumel? I could destroy it.” Himiko says, with a smirk. Shoto nods. “Yeah, you could, but that would break our agreement, and I won't come willingly to Loyaci. And you clearly need me.”
She scoffs. “You'll cave. It's only a matter of time.” She lies down nearby. “Get to sleep, we're going to teleport again at first light.” Shoto chuckles. She was trying to get a rise out of me, but she's the one who frustrated and annoyed. Interesting how that works. But about the stuff she said, how can I be part fiend? They were all but destroyed by in-fighting and the paladins of old. It definitely gives me a lot to think about.
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itswildwinters · 2 years
Hello lovebug and happy December 21st! The day of the great reveal is coming, and it's coming fast so i hope you're ready. First of all, I wanted you not to worry about answering. This happens, and if anything I was just scared you were sick or something. You didn't owe me an explanation but I'm glad to hear you got to spend time with your family.
My exams went decently, I'd say? I don't think I quite aced them but I hope I'll pass, and I'm glad to be free of these awful, awful deadlines. Like I'll still be working during the holidays, but even though it's quite tiring, it is not the same. But the holidays being there also means I have to start looking for a master degree, so it's stressful but I'm trying to enjoy myself, keeping that info in a tiny corner of my mind. Thank you for your kind words by the way, it seems like you always have the right words to say. We have our whole lives to find ourselves, after all and whatever choice I make, will (hopefully) be a step towards something greater.
I finally got to see the Hunchback of Notre Dame and I must say Disney did a great job! Loved it a lot, even though it was less childish than I thought it'd be? i don't think 6-year-old me would have quite understood what this was all about.
I actually love Coraline and you got me super excited talking about it. I'll try to convince my roommate to watch it with me one of these days. Must be one of my favorite movies ever, it's just so magical to watch and I just love the concept. It's quite a shame, too, but I have seen very few of the movies your just mentioned. I'll write them down, though and will absolutely give you feedback if I end up watching them.
Me, a minx? I'm so sweet and I really don't quite know what you're talking about. Guess you'll find out if I really am one soon enough :)
You sound so so lovely! One of my favourite personality traits of yours is your curiosity. It's just so nice seeing how interested you are in so many things?
To answer your question, I don't quite know what my animal would be (reminds me of Brothers Bears, though!). I must say I love wolves but it feels like maybe it's too basic. But I love the idea of packs, of belonging and living together, you know! I loves foxes too. I was quite obsessed with orcas, too, a while ago so maybe that as well.
Anyway, I hope you're doing great and I hope this week has been treating you well. You deserve all the best things in the world, and I'm very grateful for you. Please take care and enjoy your family, I'll wait! I love you and support you, there's no need to worry about anything. You're safe and sound :) Love you and may happiness find its way to you!
Sending frozen kisses and warm hugs your way,
Your Secret Santa
PS: I remember wanting to tell you something but I forgot, that's meh
Hello my favourite human being!!
I know I don’t owe you an explanation but it’s so very nice to know that someone cares about me, I really appreciate it so much!!
I’m wishing you luck with choosing a master degree. I think that’s such a difficult choice to make because it’s a degree to perfect yourself, in a way, and it’s even more years spent studying so I guess it would be nice to get it right the first time. I’m also stressing about what to choose as my master degree tbh but, I’m sure we’ll both manage it!!
You should be proud of yourself for going through all of your exams!! What matters is that you did your best, regardless of the outcome. And I think that what you learn is more important than what you achieved, because a goal can always be reached at one point or another, but the knowledge you obtain over the months, the years — this is more valuable. I wish the academic system would think that way, too. It would put a lot less pressure onto people.
I think you’re so right, Hunchback of Notre Dame isn’t very fit for children because of the violence or the sadness, but that’s why I love it so much I guess haha. I’m so glad you did, too!! Now onto the book 😉
1) FINALLY someone who loves Coraline so much! I love you even more than I did two seconds ago, believe it or not. 2) I cant wait to hear your thoughts on all of them!!
I can’t wait to go see the French Dispatch. I sense a new fave coming through. Ofc, also Spider-Man — everyone is talking about it, it’s insane!
I know you’re the sweetest ever. 1/3 of the time I want to squish you in my arm and the rest I want to spend talking to you. You’re truly the best person I’ve had the privilege of meeting; and therefore the best Santa I could ever have asked for.
Wolves are sooo not basic! They’re such incredible animals, and I love them. I used to watch documentaries about them when I was little. Orcas are kinda terrifying 😳 but they look so intriguing with their mix of black and white so I understand you! It’s too bad we don’t often hear people talk about orcas, or even in the tv, I seldom see any documentaries on them which is so :(((
My trip with my family went well, except at the end when I got into an argument with my grandmother but oh well. It’s fine now, I’ve made abstraction of it. I hope you’re enjoying your break and taking care of yourself, you truly deserve it!!
Do you have any pet? 💝
Sending you love and happiness, wherever you go,
Yours 💓
PS: my mom always says that if you forget something you wanted to say, it was most likely a lie or it wasn’t important at all. Laugh with me because this always makes me laugh. That’s my mom for you!
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sapphicsugden · 7 years
For the request thing, if you're still doing it, I feel like it'd be great to see something about the effect ssw and the whole crash had on Robert so I'd really appreciate it if you could write something like him having a nightmare about it and Aaron calming him down 💖
lIsTEN ok so @bartsugsy was talking about this earlier so it’s for both of you
pillarrobert/aaron, liv, chas
GENRE: angst, nightmares, hurt/comfortWORDS: 1786SUMMARY:  Aaron shakes his head, rests a hand on Robert’s hip. “S’alright. Easy to forget.” Robert’s eyes darken. “Didn’t forget. Just not used to it.”
Aaron's glad to be back home. 
He’s aching and in pain, every step an effort, but he’s not in hospital, so he views it as a win. Robert helps him to the sofa, less clingy than Aaron’s expecting, but his mum and Liv more than make up for it. Liv plays up once, suffers Robert’s glare, and then shuts up for the rest of the evening. Aaron’s surprised; not enough to comment, but enough to watch their interactions. 
They’re comfortable, he realises, halfway through the movie Robert throws on. She’s sat on the floor between them, one arm looped around Robert’s leg, her weight a heavy presence against Aaron’s. She’s tossing back popcorn like there’s no tomorrow, and when she starts to fall asleep, she does so against Aaron’s knee. 
“You two make up then?” Aaron asks, because Robert’s been talking non-stop and there’s no point trying to follow the movie anymore. 
Robert shrugs, drops a hand onto Aaron’s knee, fingers brushing Liv’s hair. “Kinda hard not to.”
He doesn’t have to explain; Aaron’s liver is a painful enough reminder. 
The door to the backroom opens and Chas makes her way through to the kitchen, gesturing at Liv. “Oi, take her up to bed. It’s been a long couple of days for all of ya. Get some rest.”
Robert’s usually the first to complain, but for once he nods, runs a hand through Liv’s hair. “Liv.”
She stirs, and Aaron watches in silence as she stretches, flicks her eyes to his face and then relaxes. “Oh. Is the movie over?”
“Dunno,” Aaron says. “Robert’s been talking so much I don’t even know what it’s about.”
“Oi,” Robert says, over Liv’s laugh and Chas’ snort. 
Aaron takes getting up slowly, waving off Robert’s proffered help. He’s been less clingy than Aaron’s expecting, trying to give him breathing space. It’s surprising, even more so when he sees the look of concern on his mum’s face every time Robert’s back turned. 
Liv’s taking her own time, watching him more than necessary. 
“I’m fine, Liv. Go up to bed.”
She makes a face, tossing the popcorn bowl in the sink and shrugging. “Fine.”
Robert catches her before she starts up the stairs. “Turn your light off before midnight this time.”
“Yes dad,” Liv moans, looking every bit the moody teenager. Aaron doesn’t miss the smile on her face, though, or the one on Robert’s. 
“Is this really happening?” Aaron asks his mum. “Or am I still asleep.”
There’s a ripple of discomfort in the room and Aaron winces. Thankfully, Robert just shrugs it off, though there’s a shadow behind his eyes that wasn’t there before. 
“I told you she’d learn to love me,” Robert says. 
His mum gives Robert a pat on the arm as she passes, another (pleasant) surprise, before she leans in, presses a kiss to Aaron’s forehead. “Night love. I’m glad you’re home.”
Aaron murmurs agreement, eyes on Robert. Everything feels off kilter, a little strange, but Aaron gets it. He knows what it’s like to lose someone you love, and as weird and awful as it is to think about, he died for a minute there. He doesn’t think about it too long, but knows what it can do to people. 
“Hey,” Aaron says softly, when his mum’s disappeared back out into the pub. “Let’s go up.”
Robert’s patient the entire way up the stairs, and through helping Aaron change. “Pretty sure you can handle the bathroom alright.”
“Sure you don’t wanna help?” Aaron asks. 
“You’ve been taking a piss for twenty years, Aaron, don’t think you need help with that.”
It makes Aaron laugh, a lance of pain shooting through his stomach and he winces. 
“Sorry,” Robert murmurs, pressing a kiss to Aaron’s lip. 
Aaron shakes his head, rests a hand on Robert’s hip. “S’alright. Easy to forget.”
Robert’s eyes darken. “Didn’t forget. Just not used to it.”
There’s an awkward silence that Aaron breaks by stroking Robert’s hip and heading for the bathroom. He aches, more than just his liver, and there’s something about Robert, something he can’t quite put his finger on, but puts it down to the last couple of days. It’s been stressful, frightening, bad enough for Aaron. Robert’s put together and calm, protective and patient in a way Aaron’s not used to (he likes it, oh does he like it), but there’s something else, a shadow Aaron can’t put a name to. 
It doesn’t take too long to find out what it is. 
Robert gets clingy in the bed. As soon as they’re settled, Robert shifts closer, presses his face into the crook of Aaron’s neck, a hand to Aaron’s chest. He’s closer than he normally gets, and Aaron can’t see his face, not clearly, but he allows it. If it’s what Robert needs, Aaron’s only too willing to give it, and it’s not as if it’s something he’s against. He’s missed Robert, has been trying so hard to forget the way Robert looked in that damn car.
Aaron’s finding it hard to sleep, in pain and having spent too long in bed already, but Robert’s deeply asleep, kicking Aaron every so often. Aaron likes being able to turn and look at Robert again, being able to hold him and watch him, he even likes having the kicking back because it means Robert’s here, with him, that they’re both okay. Aaron brushes a hand over Robert’s hair, smiling slightly as it falls back against Robert’s forehead. He pulls back enough to see the freckles dusting Robert’s cheeks, the shadows under his eyes. Aaron runs a finger over his cheek, tries not to think about how close they came to-
Robert lets out a full bodied shudder and Aaron frowns. He pulls his hand away, afraid he’s waking him up, but then Robert’s hand clenches into a fist against Aaron’s chest, right leg kicking Aaron in the ankle. 
“Rob,” Aaron says, knowing the signs of a nightmare; he’s had enough of his own. 
There’s a sound from Robert that Aaron’s never heard before, but thinks it’s close to the one he made in the car. A whine almost, and he shoves away from Aaron rolling onto his back. 
He’s not saying anything, he never does, and that always frightens Aaron. When Aaron has a nightmare, when Robert’s there through it all, soothing every ache, he knows he makes noise, knows he shouts and cries. 
Robert’s silent, always so silent. He internalizes even his nightmares.
“Hey,” Aaron says, wincing as he tries to sit up, touching a hand to Robert’s shoulder. “Rob.”
Robert’s breaths come in short, sharp bursts and Aaron shakes his shoulder hard. Instead of waking him up, it causes Robert to shrink away from him and whimper again, his lips working soundlessly. 
“Rob,” Aaron says again, louder, and shakes Robert again. 
“Aaron.” Robert says his name and Aaron breathes a sigh of relief, except then Robert’s curling up on himself, gasping and clenching his fist against the sheets. “Aaron.”
It sounds wrecked, broken, and Aaron shifts onto his knees, ignores the pain thumping through his side and grips Robert’s shoulders, shaking him rougher than he means to. 
“Robert,” Aaron shouts, loud enough to be heard by Robert, but not enough that he’s expecting Liv and his mum to come storming in. “Robert, come on.”
Robert whimpers again, a wetness to his cheeks, but eventually his eyes snap open, unfocused. 
“Hey,” Aaron says, softer this time. He loosens his grip, brushes his fingers over Robert’s cheek. “You with me?”
“Aaron.” Robert says his name again, relieved and reverent. “You’re okay.”
“Yeah.” He keeps his voice soft, thumbs smoothing over Robert’s cheeks, brushing away the tears. “Alright?”
Robert doesn’t say anything, doesn’t nod, just slows his breathing, eyes never leaving Aaron’s face. 
Aaron slides back down onto the bed, keeping one hand on Robert. It’s an effort, still painful, and Robert’s face creases up in concern. 
“Sorry,” Robert says eventually, when Aaron’s settled. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
“Weren’t about to leave ya having a nightmare, Robert.”
Silence again. This time Aaron lets it play out, tugs on Robert’s hand until Robert gets the message; he shifts on the bed, slides up next to Aaron, but keeps distance between them. It makes something ache in Aaron’s chest. 
“Wanna talk about it?”
Robert shakes his head, closing his eyes. “No. No I don’t.”
They probably should, Aaron thinks, because Robert looks like he needs it. He takes a deep breath, rolls over slowly and gently, so that he can face Robert. 
“Stop doing that,” Robert chastises, frowning.
“Tell me,” Aaron presses, “And I will.”
“Blackmail?” Robert says, looking impressed. Aaron shrugs and just stares him down, waiting. Robert’s expression cycles through reluctance, defeat, fear and then back to reluctance. “Will you lie back down?”
Aaron does, but only because it’s starting to hurt. Eventually, slowly, Robert moves closer, settles his head back on Aaron’s shoulder. Aaron knows it’s so that he doesn’t have to look at Aaron as he talks, but Aaron’ll take it if it means Robert talks. 
“You can’t get out the car,” Robert says, sounding as though the words are being forced out of him. His hand fists in Aaron’s t-shirt. “I can’t get you out of the car.”
Aaron closes his eyes, runs a hand through Robert’s hair. When he can catch his breath, he presses a kiss to the crown of Robert’s head. “I’m here,” he says, because it’s all he can say. He’s not good at this, not really, but he wants to help, wants to do something.
“I know.” The relief in Robert’s voice is evident. “Sometimes it’s not even that. Sometimes it’s that you just don’t wake up.”
You died, love, his mum told him that first day. We were worried for a minute there. 
It scares me being alone.
Aaron swallows thickly, presses another kiss to Robert’s head. “Hey.”
Robert shifts, looks up. 
“You saved me, yeah?” Robert makes a face, but Aaron holds him there, thumb to Robert’s cheek. “I’m here because of you, Rob. Alright?”
There’s enough of a pause that Aaron doesn’t think Robert will answer, but he does, eventually. 
“Yeah, alright.”
It’s not enough, not even close, but Robert leans in for a kiss and Aaron can see the darkness has faded from his eyes. He looks soft, content, and Aaron kisses him again, a third time, and then lets him lie back down. 
“I’ll be here to wake ya up if it happens again.”
“I love you,” Robert says, fiercely. 
Aaron smiles, hides it in Robert’s hair. “I love you too.”
It’s not enough to steal their nightmares away completely, but Aaron hopes it’s enough just for tonight. 
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