#they looked pretty sad in the trailer like no mom
byorkewkew · 2 years
Rosalyn but as mother figure for other female harbingers
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runninriot · 4 months
Small Treasures To Keep
inspired by the prompt 'Love is not in the big things but in the small ones' by @sidekick-hero written for @steddielovemonth day 9
wc: 1.472 | rated: G | cw: none | tags: Musician Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington has a crush, just sweet boys being sweet, friends to lovers
   “There were like, at least 200 people there! And they were actually enjoying our show! Can you believe that? It was amazing, Steve! They listened to us play, and banged their heads, and they cheered after every song. Some of them even asked if we had any merch with us and obviously we didn’t but we gave out autographs and- Oh! I almost forgot! I got you something! I’ll be right back.” Eddie nearly topples off the couch in excitement.
Steve watches him with a smile on his face, equally amused and charmed by Eddie’s dorky behaviour, and bites back a laugh when Eddie almost stumbles over his own feet as he hurries towards his bedroom.
Eddie is a menace. So strange and irritating at times but in such an endearing way it’s impossible not to like him.
Steve’s been listening to him talk non-stop since he arrived at his trailer about ten minutes ago. Talking himself breathless while recounting the events of Corroded Coffin’s first real gig, as Eddie calls it.
Steve can’t blame Eddie for being so over the moon, so overjoyed and proud. So thrilled to have gotten the chance to play as substitute opener for some Indiana metal band last night.
It must’ve been a blast, by the sounds of what Eddie’s been telling him. And Steve really is happy for him but somewhere deep down he’s still a little sad. Because he was supposed to be there for the show, to watch his friend perform in a venue four times the size of The Hideout, in front of an actual crowd. But Steve had been caught up at work because Keith called in sick last minute, leaving Steve in charge of the closing shift at Family Video which meant he couldn't make it out in time for the gig.
That really sucked.
Steve had been looking forward to the concert ever since Eddie asked him if he wanted to come see them play. When he told him it would mean a lot if he did. That he’d appreciate to have his emotional support there because he’d been so nervous about the whole thing.
It made Steve feel special, in a way. Like he’s important to Eddie, important enough for Eddie to want him there. For wanting Steve to witness the most exciting moment in the band’s history since Gareth’s mom had finally relented and let them use the garage for their rehearsals.
Steve had wanted to be there.
So, not being able to go was utterly frustrating. Not only because he really would’ve loved to watch Eddie play his guitar on a real stage but also because he kind of felt like he let Eddie down.
It was a miracle he even got a hold on him over the phone to tell him the unfortunate news. Eddie was just about to leave and make his way to the venue when Steve called him. (He would've already been out of the house had he not spilled a drink on his shirt and needed to change.)
Steve was gutted when he heard Eddie let out a heavy sigh, felt a pang in his heart at the defeat in Eddie’s voice when he told him that it was okay.
He felt horrible, like a bad friend. Unreliable and disappointing.
But then Eddie told him he understood and not to worry his pretty head about it. Said he wasn't angry, just sad because he wouldn’t be able to look out for Steve in the crowd when his nerves got the better of him.
    “Promise you’ll think of me?” Eddie had asked and the promise spilled easily over Steve’s lips because-
Well. When is he not thinking about Eddie?
The guy with the unruly mane and chocolate brown eyes. The guy with the cheeky smile and a passion for teasing words. Whose small flirty gestures get Steve’s blood boiling and make his heart jump.
He’s on Steve’s mind constantly because he’s a constant in his life now. A good friend, a kind soul. Annoying, and loud, and wonderful to be around.
Eddie is-
    “Ah, fuck!”
The clattering sound of something takes Steve out of his thoughts and he can’t help but chuckle when he turns towards the noise and his eyes fall on Eddie, helplessly fumbling with the chain hanging from his belt loops that got stuck on the door handle.
When he's finally managed to free himself, he speed walks over to Steve with a big grin on his face. Eddie comes to a stop right in front of him, expectantly looking down at Steve as he triumphantly holds up a crinkled piece of paper, waiting for him to take it.
   “What is that?” Steve asks, confused and unable to identify what he’s now holding in his hands.
Upon closer look he realises it’s a flyer, or it had been one before someone decided to tear it in half. Steve can barely make out some dates and half of the name of a venue, thinks it might be one for the show last night.
   “Look at the back,” Eddie says and his smile widens even more.
When Steve turns it around, he sees the Corroded Coffin logo scribbled on the backside of the paper. Beneath the band’s name, he immediately recognizes Eddie’s squiggly handwriting, thinks he can make out the names of the other band member’s too.
Steve looks back up at Eddie, returning the smile as he realises what this is.
   “You got me an autograph? That’s so cool! Thanks, Eds!”
   “Not just any autograph. It’s the first. When people came asking for autographs we panicked a bit because no one had ever wanted us to sign anything. So we practiced. What you have there is the first piece of paper Corroded Coffin have ever signed. Gareth wanted to throw it away but I saved it because I wanted you to have it. Y’know, uh, because you couldn’t come to the show and I, uhm, I still wanted to share the experience with you.”
Eddie’s face turns bright red and he seems nervous all of a sudden.
And Steve just... stares. Lets his eyes drift between Eddie and the small treasure he’s holding in his hands.
It might just be a piece of paper, some might even call it trash. But to Steve this is something precious. Something he’ll hold onto forever because Eddie gave it to him. Eddie thought about him when he should’ve been buzzing with ecstasy over their successful gig.
   “That’s-“ Steve doesn’t know what to say.
So instead of talking he stands up and pulls Eddie into a tight embrace, feels his heart beating like crazy when Eddie returns it with his own arms wrapped around Steve.
   “I love it,” Steve says, keeps other words hidden inside.
They tentatively let go of each other, still staying close, still standing toe to toe.
   “Maybe it’ll be worth some money if me and the guys make it big one day.”
It already is Steve’s most valuable possession.
   “When, not if,” Steve says matter-of-factly, holding the paper close to his heart.
   “You really think so?” Eddie asks, voice hushed like it’s a secret wish that might come true if he doesn't jinx it.
   “Mhm.” Steve nods. “But I would never sell this autograph. I’ll frame it and keep it forever.”
   “You will?” Eddie asks, a little disbelieving but also...
And for a moment they just stand there, looking at each other wide-eyed and red-cheeked, both flustered and shy. Smiling.
   “Forever,” Steve says honestly, more meaning to the word than he’s ready to admit.
A few months later Steve finally gets to see Eddie and his band play on a real stage, in front of an actual crowd. He’s there in the front row, cheering for Eddie, buzzing with joy and pride.
And when their eyes meet in the middle of a song Steve doesn’t yet know is about him, he decides he’s going to tell Eddie that he loves him.
And when years later a reporter asks Corroded Coffin’s manager – who’s known to have been close friends with the guys forever (there are even unconfirmed speculations about him and the lead singer being lovers) – at which point in life he knew they had made it, Steve smiles and says “When I held their first autograph in my hands”.
The reporter laughs and the other band members roll their eyes fondly at the cheesy response. But Eddie looks at him and returns the smile, unnoticable for anyone other than Steve. And in that moment it means more to him than the gold ring he's secretly wearing on a chain around his neck. It means more than success and what they've accomplished in life.
It's a small thing, a hidden 'I love you'.
Another small treasure to keep.
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
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Soooo headcannons would be absolutely amazing (tbh i'm obsessed with this story-)
Only if your up for it of course, just letting you know that I am interested (and I'm sure i'm not alone) bc you asked :)
Thank you for writing! Your work is amazing!
(I've also lost many drafts that didn't save and it's always so so sad)
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU Headcannons |Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine*
Word count: 840.
A/n: Ask and you shall receive! I have so many personal headcannons and I'm so excited to share it with you all. Maybe I'll incorporate some of these into oneshots one day. Who knows? But I'm really in the mood for Young!Daryl these days, so send in some requests for him if y'all wanna see more!
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
★ Your ages aren't specified, but I headcannon that y'all are 17-almost 18 in this au.
★ As mentioned in Through The Good Times And The Bad, you moved to the trailer park when you were twelve. However, Daryl definitely didn't approach you first. You had to go up to him and start talking to him.
★ You were exploring the woods behind the trailer park when you stumbled upon a river. There you met Daryl, and since he was the only kid there who was your age, you wanted to strike up a friendship, although it was difficult.
★ I also feel like Daryl definitely didn't talk during the first few weeks when you went up to him. With Merle and his father constantly ruining his self-esteem, he was sure that you would recognise what a screw up he was and head for the hills.
★ However, when a month passed with you showing up at the river and keeping him company, he found himself looking forward to seeing you, and with that knowledge, he slowly started warming up to you.
★ The first time he ever spoke a word to you was when you accidentally slipped on a wet rock and fell into the river. He snorted a laugh at your predicament, and couldn't resist the urge to tease you.
★ “Careful. Heard the rocks in the river ain't exactly dry.”
★ You had laughed at him and splashed some water at him, and that was the start of your friendship.
★ Although you quickly became close friends, it took almost two years for him to start opening up about his father.
★ His father's beatings had started to become way worse and he started leaving more visible marks, resulting in questioning glances from you, though you never pressed for answers. That made him feel comfortable enough to gradually start opening up to you.
★ By the time you were both 15, you knew all about his father, Daryl's past with his mother committing suicide and his asshole of a brother.
★ This is definitely the "she fell first, he fell harder" trope.
★ You had started crushing on him when you were 14. However, Daryl only started acknowledging his own feelings for you when he was 16 and you had saved up to get him a gift for his birthday.
★ His feelings had smacked him right in the face, and the rest is history.
★ Moving away from you and Daryl for now, it's pretty clear that your mom is yours and Daryl's number one shipper.
★ She knows about Daryl's abuse, but not to the extent that you do. She only knows the "basics", so to speak.
★ She's offered to talk to social services for him, but Daryl had refused, so she offered for him to stay over whenever he needed to.
★ She totally already sees Daryl as her son-in-law. She knows for a fact that you and Daryl are meant to be together, even if you're only teenagers.
★ This might only be me, but I headcannon that your mom in this was a teen mom—she got pregnant during her senior year in highschool.
★ She's implied to be a single mom, so the dad split when he found out she was pregnant.
★ She lived with her parents to raise you until you were 6. Her parents eventually kicked the two of you out and you've been in and out of multiple crappy apartments before settling on the trailer park.
★ She's the type of mom who tries to give you the freedom you desire while still being strict. Hence the "if anything happens, be sure to use protection" jokes. She knows she can't stop you from doing that, but she can ensure that you don't make her mistakes.
★ She definitely "secretly" buys condoms for you and Daryl.
★ During the first few months of your relationship, she noticed that the box remained untouched. Knowing Daryl's shyness, she knew that it wasn't because you and him were having unprotected sex. The two of you weren't like that.
★ When she noticed after a couple of months that there was finally one gone, she couldn't help the teasing she bestowed on you when Daryl went home.
★ She has met his father a number of times. The man has hit on her more times than one, completely unaware that she knew his son. However, since she was aware of the abuse, she's told him to "fuck off" every time.
I have so many more! If y'all want a part two, let me know!
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Eddie wants to introduce you to his mom, so you go to the graveyard with him.
Warnings: angst, fluff, death of a parent
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It was late evening and the sky was starting to darken when you sat down on the ground, in front of the stone with Mrs. Munson's name engraved on it.
"Hi mom, this is Y/N," Eddie said as he crossed his legs and stared at the faded photo of the smiling woman on the tombstone "my girlfriend."
He had been wanting to take you there for some time, he said that since he knew your family he wanted you to get to "know" his too, only if you wanted too, of course.
"I've talked about her so many times before, I do it every time I come here actually, but I've never brought her here before." He added pulling his hands out of his jacket pockets and playing nervously with the rings on his fingers.
He kept talking without ever meeting your gaze as if he was afraid of what he might read in your eyes.
"She's here because she's really important to me and I wanted to introduce her to you too. Uncle Wayne has already said that she likes her a lot, they're basically best friends, sometimes I think she loves him more than me." He said the last part with a slight laugh but from his expression he didn't look amused.
"You two have a lot in common, you know?" He asked before pausing as if he was really waiting for an answer.
In return you only heard the rustling of the leaves of the trees caused by the wind.
"She's as kind as you were. She always lets me copy her homework even though I should probably start doing it myself if I wanna graduate. Sometimes she brings home-cooked food for me and Wayne, she and her mom make really good chocolate cakes, you would have liked them a lot." He explained, his voice low.
"Sometimes we cook together like I used to do with you. But Y/N and I always end up making a mess or fighting with flour. But it's fun, so we keep doing it even if we have to clean the trailer from top to bottom afterwards." A sad smile appeared on Eddie's face, probably remembering his days spent with his mother when she was with him.
"And she's as funny as you, she can make me smile with a simple joke even though my day has been shit and I just want to sleep for three days straight." He added and your heart squeezed in your chest.
"She's caring. That's another thing you both have in common. Once I didn't go to school because I had a fever and she missed an important test to come and check if I was okay. Actually I wasn't very okay, she had to keep my hair back as I threw up. I told her she could go anyway but she stayed with me until Wayne was back, at night. She stayed there all those hours, making me rest my head on her stomach and running her hands through my hair just like you used to do." At this point you just wanted to cry. You never thought that all those simple gestures that were part of your relationship with Eddie could mean so much to him.
You reached out to him and grabbed his hand which had started to shake slightly and definitely not from the temperature. He fliched at first, then hold it as if his life depended on it.
"She's also a good listener, she never judges when I talk about my problems and always listens when I talk about things I'm interested in . She says she likes to hear me talk about what I like, Dungeons & Dragons, the band and music in general, books. Once I even started reading the Hobbit aloud to her, but she fell asleep after half an hour with her head on my chest. I didn't get mad, she was too pretty. And I could never be mad at her, she makes me happy." If he was talking about being happy, then why did his voice sound so broken?
"When I'm with her I feel good, mom. It doesn't matter if I'm at school, in the trailer or on a bench in the woods, when I'm with her I feel at home. And it feels good. It feels great." He added as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"She's one of the best people I know." He breathed as you reached up to him and wiped it away with your thumb, slowly caressing his cheek.
"You would have loved her, mom." He said finally, before wrapping an arm around your waist and pushing you against him, resting his head on your shoulder and sniffling.
"It's okay." You said rubbing your hand on the fabric of the denim jacket covering his back.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too. And I'm so sorry I didn't get to know your mom. If she was even half as amazing as you are, then she really must have been great." You said leaving a kiss on his forehead.
"She was." He murmured as his arms still held you.
Your lips brushed his temple leaving a light kiss there too, then you turned towards the tombstone.
"Mrs. Munson, I promise I will take good care of your boy."
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Daily Ficlet 7
I’m challenging myself to write a little ficlet every day, using the prompts from this list. Today’s prompt is recipe book.
Steve finds Wayne in the hallway, pulling what items he can from the closet there.
"Need some help?" Steve asks as Wayne struggles with a bigger box that seems wedged in pretty good.
"Sure. Just get yer hands up here and ready to catch," Wayne answers, shimmying the box to and fro while Steve moves to follow his instructions. The box isn't by any means light when it falls into his hands, but it's not the heaviest thing Steve's had to catch -don't think about it, don't think about Eddie's limp body awkwardly shoved through a gate. Don't-
"Thanks, son," Wayne climbs back down the stepladder he was on and takes the box from Steve' hands, walking down the hall to place it on the counter. The front half of the trailer is missing, the gate took it, but a decent amount of of the trailer remains (Eddie's room remains) and the government has finally allowed Wayne to return to pack up what he can.
It's better than starting over completely.
"What's in the box?" Steve asks, because it's the only item Wayne hasn't just demanded he load into the moving truck outside.
"It was supposed to be Eddie's graduation gift," Wayne says softly. "'Suppose it'll have to be a 'glad you woke up from yer coma' gift instead."
"Yeah," Steve says, even if he doesn't believe it. Eddie's been asleep months now. They saved the world, killed Vecna, closed the gates, Max woke up, and the kids have started Sophomore year; Eddie remains comatose. "Can I get a sneak peak at the present?"
"It's not much, and ain't nothin' new," Wayne says, opening the box and beginning the process of pulling things out. It looks a bit like the contents of a hope chest. Things to start living on your own with. Robin's mom has one for her that Steve's seen, and even contributed to. There's an envelope of $500 tucked along the side of Robin's chest.
"This was his grandpa's. My dad's," Wayne says, pulling out a belt buckle. "And my ma made this, not for anyone in particular, mind you, but just because she liked to keep herself busy." It's a blanket, thick and a little scratchy when Steve touches it. "And this. This is the most important." Wayne pulls out a binder from the bottom of the box, handing it over to Steve for inspection.
He takes it carefully even though it looks sturdy. Holding it in one hand, he flips it open. He was thinking maybe it would be a photo album or something but it's not. It looks like a recipe book. All the recipes are hand written on looseleaf paper, with post it notes sticking out randomly. "What makes this special?"
"That's his mom's handwriting," Wayne smiles but he sounds sad. "Eddie lost her when he was five. She got real sick, y'know, and never got better. But she wrote out all them recipes. I'm amazed Al kept the thing, but I guess I shouldn't be. No real value in a binder of recipes 'cept to the people close to the author."
Steve looks back down at the binder. He still has both his parents, however distant they might be, so he doesn't know if he'll ever fully understand the significance of getting this piece of someone back. "Does he not have anything else with her writing on it?"
"No, not writing. We got plenty of things they used to own. Eddie's caseworker let us go through the whole house, after Al'd been shipped off to the penitentiary, to gather anything Eddie might want or need. Was supposed to just be his stuff, mind you, legally speakin', but I think that lady knew if we didn't take other stuff, Eddie'd never see it again.
"So, Eddie's got things that were hers. But nothing that's uniquely hers. There's jewelry, and a coupla blankets, but all that stuff is replaceable and not... Well, I dunno what I'm tryin' to say, but that's just stuff that was hers. But this. This was her. Y'understand?"
And Steve does. There's a difference between having something that belonged to someone once, and something that really feels like them when you hold it. Steve doesn't have anything like that, personally, but he knows there will come a time when the difference matters. When everyone grows up and scatters into the future. He imagines a hand written letter from Dustin will mean much more for him to find after a long time of no contact than it would to find his old Roast Beef t-shirt in the back of a drawer or something, moth bitten and musty.
"I can't wait to find out if Eddie's an angry emotional, or a sad one."
Wayne laughs. "He can be both."
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Steve was probably Dustin’s favorite person in the entire world, not that he would ever admit it out loud. It wasn’t exactly a secret, but it was a little embarrassing for his role model to be a dorky babysitter who worked for minimum wage with his chick-repeller best friend. And when he wasn’t with her, then he was with his brand new favorite metalhead. Neither were particularly helpful in the dating department.  
Now if he was just allowed to add the bit where Steve was a fearless monster fighter with a heart of gold, then things would be a bit better, but certain government NDAs made that impossible. Dustin admired Steve just as much as he judged him, more so really. But all that admiration didn’t stop him from worrying. 
There was something obviously wrong with Steve lately, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what it was. At first, Dustin thought it was just Steve worrying over Eddie’s recovery, because he was a massive worrywart who still looked like he’d faint when Eddie did anything even slightly strenous. Though in his defense, Steve had been the one to drag Eddie out of the Upside Down and got to witness firsthand just how close to death he was. He barely left his side for those first few horrible days in the hospital, always touch and go, doctors constantly warning them to not expect him to wake up. 
But Eddie recovered, has been recovered, for months now. He was back to his theatrical self, slipping into their friend group with ease. Especially when it came to Steve. Apparently having your life saved by someone fast tracked relationships by years. The two acted like they’d known each other since childhood, constantly together.
Steve went to pick him up? Eddie was already in the front seat. He went into the Family Video to bother him? Eddie was already chatting him up at the front counter. Showing up to bother Steve at his house after school? Half the time it was Eddie who answered the door, and the other half he was sprawled on the couch when Steve let him in. 
Now Dustin wasn’t necessarily jealous of Eddie, but their relationship just confused him. At first, he was actually pretty happy about Steve having a new side kick, especially when Robin decided to drop the bomb that she was gay as hell and dating Vicky, effectively cutting the time she spent with Steve in half. Dustin knew that Steve got lonely easily, so he half expected that to restart his attempts at getting a girlfriend, but instead he just spent more and more time with Eddie. Which was fine. Weird, but fine. Or at least, it was. 
But for the past week or so whatever was going on with Steve, shifted. Sure he was acting different before, he was striking out with almost any girl who talked to him and hadn’t been out on a date since forever , but Dustin wasn’t too worried about it, not when he knew he was happy.
Like, weirdly happy for someone who had the life Steve had. But now, Dustin could just tell something was bothering him, something that he refused to acknowledge. Steve had never been a good actor, ever since whatever happened, he’s just had this air of loneliness around him, just an aura of sadness that he was hiding behind the world’s fakest smile. 
But Dustin couldn't figure out what it was. Nothing had changed! No fights with Robin that he knew of, and definitely none with Eddie. Steve’s face still lit up whenever he saw him, and Eddie wasn’t shy about draping himself all over Steve whenever he could. No one was that touchy feely if they were fighting with someone, so that was out. 
Whatever it was, Dustin needed to get to the bottom of it, and he wasn’t the only one. 
Besides El and Lucas, Steve was also Max’s favorite person. Somehow, a random twenty-year old with a beehive for hair became the closest thing she had to a functioning parent in her life. He was always looking out for her, whether it be taking her to and from physical therapy, dropping off groceries at the trailer on his way to Eddie’s, or even taking her freaking mom to AA, Steve was there. 
So of course she noticed immediately when he was upset. At first she thought he got into it with Eddie or something. The two were basically attached at the hip nowadays, so if someone was going to piss him off, then it would probably be him. But they were acting the same as always, sickeningly sweet and bizarrely close for only being friends for half a year. Though on second thought, Max didn’t have much room to judge, considering how she considered Steve like a dad in under two.
Steve just drew people to him, with his stupid handsome face and good nature. He was always too busy worrying about other people, he never acknowledged when he needed support, so of course he just denied anything was wrong when Max asked. 
“I’m fine, scout’s honor,” he had said the last time she tried, with the saddest puppy dog eyes ever. His face only ever brightened fully when Eddie was around, though Max had a feeling that was also an act, just a more curated one for Eddie’s watchful eyes. The guy was obsessed with Steve, but since he was always so nice, Max didn’t think to worry about it. Steve deserved someone who cared too much around. 
Robin, obviously, knew what was wrong, but she was a steel trap when it came to Steve secrets. That was something Max actually loved about Robin, just not when it was used against her. 
She had thought about asking Eddie, but decided against it. If her initial theory was right, then he was hiding something from him too, and hiding it harder. Or if she was wrong, she doubted he’d betray Steve’s trust for her. Not unless she caught him alone and really, really high.
That could stay as a back-up plan. 
But for now, Dustin was going to be her best bet. Steve could pretty easily say no to them separately, but when they formed a unified front he always caved.
They were working with a hundred percent success rate when they got him alone, a power they didn’t take lightly. The two had agreed to save that tactic for only dire circumstances, they weren’t monsters afterall, but Max was going to count this as dire. 
Dustin was pretty easy to convince, he was just as tired of Steve avoiding talking about it as she was.  The two of them set up a plan in no time, Operation: What the fuck was wrong with Steve?
The immediate hurdle was separating Steve from his cronies, which left them with the single option of Friday night. Eddie had a drug deal, courtesy of Max’s admittingly, inappropriate eavesdropping, from the last time they took her to the doctor, pretending to listen to Kate Bush as Eddie promised him to be careful. 
Robin was a different story, and there was a fifty percent chance she’d be there. And Robin was always on Steve’s side, even when he was obviously lying. But they had a plan for that too, one would distract her at the front door and the other would sneak in and coax Steve outside, feigning some kind of emotional emergency that required privacy, where they would then corner him in the woods. 
Max had to admit that plans like this made her think Steve may have had a point to his “personal boundaries lectures”, but if he wasn’t so damn stubborn, then they wouldn't have to be so weird. They pulled up to his house on their bikes, no cars but Steve’s in the driveway. 
“I’ll sneak through the back door, he usually doesn’t lock it.” Max said, hopping off her bike, “You deal with Robin, and if she’s not there just yell.”
“And if she is?”
“If she is, distract her for as long as possible, I’ll walkie you when I get him alone.” 
Dustin nodded. Robin was easy enough to distract, and who knows, maybe they would get lucky and she wouldn't be there. He rang the front door bell, watching Max sneak off to the back in the corner of his eye.
Of course Robin was the one to answer the door, frowning immediately at the sight of Dustin, “Jeez kid, every hear of calling?”
Rude. But whatever. “Where’s Ste-”
“If you’re looking for Steve he isn’t here right now, okay?” she lied immeadlilty, obviously going with the first dumb thing that popped into her head. She looked angry and tired, which was mildly alarming. And super rude. 
“If he isn’t here then why is his car? I know he wouldn’t let you drive it.” Dustin said, crossing his arms, “You gotta get better at lying Robin.”
She rolled her eyes, “He would so let me drive. I have a license now, remember? What do you even want, Henderson?”
“Well now I want to know why you’re lying.”
She sighed, pinching her nose in frustration, “Dustin, now just isn’t a good time okay? Come back tomorrow, he’s off in the afternoon anyway.”
“If something’s wrong with Steve then I should know about it! You realize I was his best friend before you, right?”
“Oh, as if!”
Getting into an argument over who was Steve’s true best friend was as good of a distraction as Max could ask for. Robin didn’t even notice her slink into the house, making her way into the living room with none the wiser. 
She peered over the couch, heart immediately sinking at the sight of Steve laying down, red-eyed and sniffling. Her well curated plans flew out the window at the sight, and the question was out before she could even remember she was trying to be sneaky here, “Why are you crying?”
Steve nearly jumped ten feet in the air at the question, flailing off the couch at the sight of Max suddenly standing over him.
“Where the hell did you come from?” Steve gasped, pulling himself up from the floor.
She shrugged, casually moving to sit next to him, too concerned to be embarrassed over being caught, “You left the back door unlocked. Why are you crying?”
“I wasn’t crying!” 
She rolled her eyes, “Then why were you crying? Was it Nancy again?” Max asked, lowering her voice, “Because I wouldn’t mind putting her in her place if she’s messing with you-”
Steve gave a shaky laugh at the barely veiled threat, oddly endeared despite the fact that she broke into his house, “It’s not Nancy. Jesus calm down.” 
Steve turned to the entryway, calling after Robin, “Just let him in, Robs, the other one already snuck past you anyway.”
That was all the invitation Dustin needed to push past her, immediately frowning when he saw Steve. He turned to Robin, “Did you make him cry?”
“No, she didn’t-”
“Maybe a little.” Robin mumbled, interrupting him. She plopped next to Steve, dropping a comforting hand to his shoulder, “But my harshness is for his own good.”
Max sat on his other side, leaving Dustin to sit on the floor in front of him, “Can you just tell us what’s been going on with you already?” he sighed,  playing with the carpet fibers, “You might be able to trick everyone else but not us. Right Max?”
“Right.” she agreed, “And if you tell us maybe we can help. Without making you cry.” she emphasized, giving Robin a mean look. 
Steve groaned, rubbing at his face, “I’m fine, I swear! It’s just some dumb shit on my end.”
“Not really dumb…” Robin mumbled next to him, huffing when he elbowed her in the ribs to shut her up, “Babe, they’ve already resorted to breaking and entering, they’re gonna find out eventually anyway.”
Steve groaned, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling. This is not where he expected this night to go, but now his two favorite children were staring at him, all wide-eyed and concerned, he didn’t know how to say no to that. The little shits.
“Fine. I’ll tell you,” Steve sighed, completely giving in, again. He was really going to need a better boundaries speech soon, “But I'm telling you with the full expectation that you'll keep it to yourselves okay? And you won't freak out."
“We won’t freak out.” Both kids said in unison, despite the fact that they were very much internally freaking out over what he was about to say. 
"Like seriously, I mean it.” he emphasized, “Remember how many times I've gotten the shit beat out of me for you before you pass judgment."
“And remember that I’m not afraid to hurt children if you cross him either,” Robin added, looking surprisingly threatening, enough to make them double down on the promise to be cool. 
Satisfied, Steve went on, "Well…I'm like Robin, understand? Like…preference wise."
Dustin cocked his head at him, confused, “You mean you like girls? But we knew that?”
"He's gay dingus." Max answered for him, immediately catching on. 
"Bi!" Robin piped up beside him, “He’s playing for both teams.”
Now that was unexpected, at least for Dustin. He stared at him, the shock evident on his face. He was only able to shake it off when he realized Steve was shrinking in on himself, anxiously waiting for him to say something. 
“We love you anyway," Dustin blurted out, just knowing that Max felt the same way, "That’s like nothing. I was worried you were dying or something!"
Max nodded with him, “He’s right, like we won’t tell anyone but I know Lucas wouldn't care either. Or Eddie for that matter.”
Steve only flinched a tiny bit at that, which he was proud of. And honestly, the relief he was feeling was bigger than how bummed out he was about his other problem.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, a grin slowly growing on his face, “Like seriously, that’s a massive load off.”
"And what else?" Max pressed. 
Steve ran a hand over his face, he should have known it wouldn’t be that easy to get them off his back, "What do you mean, what else?"
“There’s obviously something else, because you liking guys wouldn’t warrant a harsh lecture.”
Robin huffed, crossing her arms, "He just has bad taste in guys-”
“Dude!” Steve hissed. His face was going red from how hard he was rubbing at it, or maybe he was just that embarrassed. 
“We won’t stop until we find out,” Dustin warned, “We’ll break in again if need be.”
Steve loved these kids, loved them enough to die for them, but god were they annoyingly persistent.
“Fine! Yes, there’s something else. Just don't be weird about it,” he insisted,  “Like this is a me problem, a Steve only problem, so I don't need you two rugrats trying to go full vigilante for me or some shit, got it?"
They nodded, both knowing that they didn’t mean it. 
“I…I kinda have a thing for Eddie. A very, very uninterested Eddie. Who did nothing wrong by the way,” he said, glaring at Robin hard enough to shut her mouth, swallowing whatever comment she was going to add, “It’s a really stupid crush that I need to get over, and that’s all. I swear.”
Max turned to Robin, “Is that true?”
She shrugged, “In essence, technically it’s true.” 
That…that kinda made sense. Max was suddenly reminded of just how often the two of them were together, let alone how touchy feely. Now that it was pointed out to her, she felt kinda dumb for not realizing before. Those two were all over each other. 
Dustin was even more surprised. At least now it made sense why Steve suddenly had an interest in DnD, but he was having a hard time seeing Steve the “Hair” Harrington, be thirsting after his nerdy Dungeon Master. 
Or worse yet, why was his nerdy Dungeon Master not thirsting after Steve?
“Is he straight?” Dustin blurted out. He hadn’t ever thought about it before, but in hindsight Eddie almost never talked about dating, and when he did it was vague with no actual women being mentioned.
Robin cough-laughed next to Steve, “Oh ya, he’s real heterosexual. Straight boys are just known for calling their friends sweetheart-ow!”
Steve threw a pillow at her face, shutting her up before she could get going, “What he is or isn’t into is no one’s business but his own. I just know I’m not in the ‘is into’ category.”
“How do you know?” Max asked. Eddie could surely do a lot worse than Steve. And if Robin is right and he isn’t straight, who is he to think he could do better? Better than the man who literally saved his life. If anything Steve was out of Eddie’s league, not the other way around. 
“I just do. And I really, really don’t want to talk about it anymore. So now you know. Now promise you won't be weird, alright? I’ll get over it. Like soon , I promise.”
He wrapped an arm around Max, and reached down to ruffle Dustin’s hair, a real smile on his face, the kind they both had really missed, “And besides, you two not giving a shit that I’m a fruit matters way more than any crush.”
“That’s such a lame way to put it.” Dustin whined, even though they were both preening internally. Of course, Steve could trust them. They’d love him no matter what, and at least now he knew that. 
“Okay! Well now that you know, you can go now,” Robin stood, gesturing towards the door, “We have a conversation to finish over here.”
Steve groaned behind her, “Do we have to?”
“Yes we have to!”
“Well can I have a break at least?” Steve leaned over, grabbing his keys off the side table, “Drive them home for me and then I’ll suffer through your lecture in the morning.” 
He tossed her the keys, consequences be damned. If she crashed, she crashed, at least it will be legal now, “But if you have my car I won’t be able to avoid you that well will I?”
That appeased Robin enough to get her walking towards the door, “Then I’ll be back in the morning, Nine a.m. Sharp. ”
She turned to them, sticking her tongue out at Dustin, “Told you he’d let me drive it. Now let’s go.”
Dustin and Max exchanged looks, reluctant to leave when they were obviously missing a massive part of this story, but Steve was already shooing them out the door. 
He waved at them from the stoop, a tired but sincere smile on his face as he watched them pile into the car. Even if his friends were beyond overbearing, it did feel better to talk about it. He just wished he didn’t have to put his petty problems on literal children.  
He laid back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. 
He wasn’t looking forward to the inevitable, and honestly deserved, speech Robin was going to finish tomorrow, but at least he got her out in time before she had even more material to work with. He had never seen her turn so fast and so vindiciatavly against another person before. It made him feel like shit honestly, that Eddie was losing Robin as a friend for his own stupid ego. If she just knew him a little better, then she’d get it. Probably. 
Eddie didn’t have a mean bone in his body, he would never fuck with Steve’s feelings on purpose. All of his jokes, all of the touching and nicknames were just how he showed affection. It isn’t his fault Steve read way too much into it, like a moron. 
And okay, maybe two male best friends don’t call each other baby or sweetheart, but Robin called him babe, so it wasn’t that weird. And so what if they slept in the same bed together almost everyday? It was just helping each other out with nightmares, even if Eddie kissed the top of his head every night, it didn’t mean anything.
Or at least, now it didn’t. 
“Seriously Nance? I’d rather die.”
He groaned, burying his face into the couch cushions at the thought. He was not going to cry again, he refused, but it was still so harsh. From someone who actually almost died, it was quite the fucking statement to make, and maybe Steve should just take it as the obvious no it was. He should be grateful he found out, and didn’t humiliate himself by declaring his everlasting love or some shit. 
If he could go back in time and just not ask , then he wouldn't be here right now. He’d still be in ignorant bliss. But no, he just had to get Nancy Wheeler involved, the queen of reality. Though technically she had wanted to get involved, if nothing but to stop Steve from lamenting about it over the phone. Weirdly enough, distance had been great for their relationship, and now they were closer than ever, talking for hours whenever either needed to vent, Nancy about school or her failed relationship with Johnathan that she still wasn't over, and Steve, consistently, about his almost boyfriend, Eddie. 
It had taken months for it to finally happen, but she was so sick of his pining, she had cracked, “I’m just going to ask him when I’m home next Steve, I swear to God.”
“No you will not. Nancy, that is so freaking highschool it isn’t even funny.”
“He was just in highschool, so it’s fitting. And then you can stop wasting your time whining about him and just make-out with him. Next weekend, I’m doing it, like it or not.”
He should have insisted on the no, but instead he went full highschool girl and went along with it. They met at her place, under the pretense of a small get-together while her parents were out of town. He left Eddie with her in the basement, pretending to go to the bathroom when he really stopped at the top of the stairs, eavesdropping  as Nancy casually asked the questions he was too chicken-shit to do himself, “So, are you seeing anyone?”
Eddie had almost choked on his drink at that, “No? Why Wheeler, you interested? Because I doubt Johnathan or Steve would be too keen on that.”
Nancy rolled her eyes, “No offense Eddie, but you’re definitely not my type. And I don’t think I’m yours either . I don’t think any girl in Hawkins is.”
Eddie stared at her, gnawing on his lower lip, “Good guess. And if you happened to be right, then you can probably understand why I keep that part of my life on the down low.”
She nodded, “I’m not going to tell anyone, believe me. I was just curious if anyone had caught your eye.”
“In this town? No one. There are literally zero options.”
“Oh come on, Steve’s cute, there’s an option.”
He had laughed at that, loud and mean as he shook his head, “Me and Steve? Seriously Nance? I’d rather die .”
Steve wasn’t sure what he had expected to hear, but it definitely wasn’t that. It hurt, it hurt bad, which was stupid considering they were never together, or even close to it, outside of the wild leaps Steve had made in his head. The logic hadn’t stopped the tears from gathering in his eyes though. 
Robin, in all of her ill-timed glory, decided that was the best moment for her to bust through the front door, calling loudly into the house. Steve scrambled to meet her, just in time to avoid Eddie seeing him spying like a creep. It had been a terrible fucking night, but at least Nancy was kind enough to lie about her parents coming home early so Steve could sulk at home in peace. She had apologized to him at least ten times since then, and had jumped straight onto the Eddie hate-train with Robin pretty soon after. They had both been so sure that he felt the same way, they channeled all their disappointment into rage, at someone who really didn’t deserve it. 
Steve shouldn’t have told Robin what happened, wouldn’t have if he’d known she’d be so insane about the whole thing. Even if she had some good points. Was it healthy to pretend like nothing was wrong and let Eddie hang all over him with no future of an actual relationship? No. Was it stopping Steve from doing it? Also no. 
Steve jumped when he heard the doorbell ring, too lost in his own thoughts to realize it was past midnight. There was only one person it could be. He scrambled to get the door, always stupidly excited to see him, already grinning when he came face to face with the source of all of his shitty feelings, and the only person who even slightly made him feel better about it.
“Y’know, I gave you a key so you could use it,” he teased as Eddie stepped past him, right at home, “I don’t know why you always make me answer the door.”
“Maybe I just want to see your pretty face, is that such a crime?” Eddie was doing that thing again, that sweet way of talking that made Steve feel like he was about to melt. That thing that Robin insisted Steve put a stop to if he had any sense of self-worth.
Lucky for him, he didn’t. 
Steve rolled his eyes, grabbing for Eddie’s hand to lead him upstairs, “No, but making me lose sleep is. My pretty face is exhausted from waiting for your ass. We’re going to bed.”
Eddie was laughing behind him, with his stupidly pretty voice. The voice that haunted Steve’s dreams at night, “Whatever you say princess.” 
Steve should have been thinking about what Robin said as he curled up against Eddie’s chest in his bed. This was bad for him, no matter how good it felt in the moment. The nights of Eddie wrapping his arms around him, kissing his head, whispering sweet dreams, in his ear, had an expiration date, he knew that now. 
But that wouldn’t stop him from hanging onto it for as long as he could. 
Part 2!
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 5 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I give you this for being so patient with me when it comes to all the links <;3.
Warnings: Dom Steddie and sub reader and all that that implies ( I regret nothing!) Degrading, spanking with a belt, overstimulation. Eddie briefly talks about his family and his mom leaving. I think that's it.
Word Count: 3453
The boys left a little while after you called your parents to go get your car and grab some much needed essentials. It felt odd being in someone else’s room by yourself especially Eddie’s so you couldn’t help taking a deeper look around. 
You grinned at some photos you found by his bed with him and some of the other kids at school wearing the Hellfire t-shirt you saw on him a couple of times. Another had three of the same boys from Hellfire including Eddie holding instruments in their hands. “Corroded Coffin-1983” was scrawled across the bottom. The next photo made you pause as you really took a look at the people within the frame. 
It was a bright sunny day in the background but everyone in the image looked uncomfortable. “Munson Family Gathering- Mom, Dad, Me, and Uncle Wayne- 1975”. Eddie’s mother was stiff as his father wrapped his arm behind her back to bring her closer. The boy himself glared forward with his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned closer to Wayne than his parents. He appeared angry but his eyes seemed so sad; it broke your heart. His uncle seemed much softer than the other Munson’s in the photo, displaying a soft smile with his hand on Eddie’s shoulder. 
You haphazardly placed the photos back down as you continued to look around. There were notebooks everywhere, some had notes for school and others had lyrics scribbled through them. Browsing through his cassette tapes, you smiled at his collection. Placing his headphones over your head, you pressed play on his stereo and “Shame on the Night” by Dio blared through. Your smile grew as your fingers reached up to gently run over his guitar that hung on his mirror. 
“Fuck me!” You jump when you notice Eddie’s reflection. “You scared me.”
“I can imagine. Naughty girl, going through my stuff.” He places the bags he had in his hands on his bed as he saunters towards you. 
“I was listening to your music.”
He gently removed the headphones from around your neck and pulled out their cord allowing the music to play through his room. “You like Dio?”
“Yeah. I’ve never seen them in concert though…or anyone really. I’d like to.” 
Eddie nods as he takes your hand and guides you towards the mattress, reaching into the plastic bag, and handing you a Styrofoam plate full of food. 
“I guessed. I’m not sure what you like.”
You beam at him when you open the container to find Chinese food from a restaurant you enjoy in town. “Oh, I love this! Thank you. Should, um, should we wait for Steve?”
“You can but I’m starving. Pretty boy takes forever to complete any task.” As you both begin to eat, he notices your eyes fleeting to him every now and then before looking back down at your lap. “Got something on your mind, sweetheart? Maybe something you found while exploring.”
Placing your meal to the side, you rise to your feet, grabbing the picture of his family and placing it in front of him on the bed. His jaw tightens as he looks at the image before glancing at you. 
“Yeah…that’s my family.”
“May I ask, where they are?”
“Well, I am right here.”, he chuckles sarcastically. “And this is Wayne’s trailer but he’s at work. He works overnights.”
“So, you’re alone a lot to? Like Steve…” Eddie cracks open the can of beer by his side, chugging half of it before placing it back down on the ground. “Where…where’s your mom?”
“Good question. When you find that out maybe you can let me know, hm?” You could feel the agitation radiating off his frame. A sudden knock on the door startled you but not him. “God damn it, Steve, IT’S OPEN!”
“Geez, why are you fucking grumpy all of the sudden?”, Steve whined as he strode in and climbed into the bed. “Is one of these for me?”
“Uh, no Harrington. I got Y/N and I a meal individually and then just got one more for kicks.”
The man’s eyes scanned over his friend with concern. “Did I miss something?”
Eddie exhaled frustratingly as he picked at his plate.
“I’m sorry…”
“You’re always fucking sorry. If you’re so sorry than stop pushing and stop fucking up.”
“Fucking up?”, you growled. “How did I fuck up?!”
Both their eyes met yours with anger but you were more than prepared. With everything that happened with Carol and Tommy and just being confused about this whole situation between the three of you in general, you were ready to fight. 
“Are we still in ‘Vanilla’ or does little girl feel ready to play again?”, Eddie asked with an edge to his tone that had you swallow nervously.
“I’m ready. I haven’t done anything wrong to either of you.”
“You threw a basketball at our heads during your practice.”, Steve chimes in as he starts counting on his fingers. “You insulted me, invited yourself to my house, and then went through my dad’s office.”
“Ah, so nosey isn’t new for you. She just poked around my room while we were gone.”
“Not to mention that you fucking give us attitude all the time and talk back constantly. Makes me miss the meek version of you.”
“Oh, so what do you both want? Just a quiet little mouse who doesn’t challenge you at all?!” You voice raised as you got more irritated. 
“We want you to submit and I was under the impression that’s what you wanted to. Submissive girls aren’t fucking brats.” Eddie chugged back the last of his beer before throwing the can across the room. 
“Well, that sounds boring.”, you pout as you fold your arms over your chest. 
The metalhead cackles as he glances at Steve who smiles at him as he shrugs. “Harrington, would you mind clearing the bed for me?” The man nods, rising to accomplish his friends request while Eddie reaches for something in the corner of his room. 
“Ever use these, sweetheart?” When he flashes you a pair of metal handcuffs, you shake your head no. “WORDS!”, he chuckles as you jump. “I’m sorry, sweet girl. I didn’t mean to yell.”
“N-no. I haven’t.”
Eddie sighed turning towards Steve. “I thought you said she was starting to answer properly.”
“She was, at least with me.”
“Maybe it’s because I’m too boring.” This time you sighed, rolling your eyes. Ringed fingers abruptly gripped your cheeks, turning you to look at him. “Roll your eyes like that again and I’m going to spank you with my belt. I don’t care what kind of fucking day you’ve had. Do you understand me?”
“Y-yes, Eddie. I understand.”
He pushes your head back as he releases his hold on you. “Now, have you ever used these?”
“No, Eddie. I’ve never used handcuffs.”
“Hm. That’s shame. Let’s see if these fit around your wrists here. Hold yours out for me.”
You do as he asks, wincing when he tries to click one of them closed. “Ow. It’s too tight.”
Your eyes scan his face as a glimmer of concern flashes through his features as he removes them before tossing them on the floor close to where they had been hanging. His thumbs rub against the imprinted skin and in an equally tender action you lean your head on his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, Eddie.”
“Baby, out of all the things you should be apologizing for, your body isn’t one of them. I’ll just have to find some bigger, more comfortable ones. Steven! Will you be my handcuffs for the time being?”
“My pleasure.”
“Stand, please.” You rise to your feet and Eddie hastily removes the rest of your clothes till you’re naked before him. His fingers trace along some light bruising on the inside of your thigh; looking up at you quizzically. 
“Steve.”, you smile as you point to another set of marks near your waist. “You. You both hold me tightly when you fuck me. Even if I’m not…struggling. It’s okay though… I don’t mind.”
“So fucking fascinating. I swear.”, Steve mused as he climbed onto the mattress behind you. 
Eddie gestured with his chin for you to lay down as well and as soon as you complied, the other boy reached for your wrists, holding them both above your head with his hand. The metalhead removed his shirt and placed himself on the bed between your legs. 
A tiny moan left your lips as he ran his tongue through your folds, holding you open with his fingers. “Such a beautiful pussy, Y/N.”
As his lips wrapped around your clit, you tried to bring your hands down to play his hair but Steve’s grip on you tightened. “Please…”, you beg. “I…I want to touch him.”
His only response was to shake his head as his eyes intently watched your face. You whined; your head falling back against the pillow as you squirmed under both their holds. Eddie’s tongue flicked rapidly against your nub, his face pressing deeper into you as if he was a man on a mission.
Your back lifted off the bed as you tumbled over the edge. When his head didn’t move, you didn’t think anything of it. Eddie had done this before; licking you continuously until you came again. The panic didn’t set in until after your third orgasm on his tongue as he remained between your legs. 
“Oh, he can stay down there for hours…”
“E-E-Eddie…please…”, you stuttered. The man replaced his tongue with two of his fingers as he thrust them inside of your dripping sex. 
“Yeah, princess? Please, what?” You couldn’t respond, feeling yourself hurtling quickly towards another climax. “I mean, from what I’m hearing it sounds like you’re enjoying yourself. Which is good! Definitely don’t want to be boring.”
Your eyes met his mischievous ones as your legs shook and you came again. 
“Do you want a turn, Harrington? Probably a good idea to switch it up so none of us get to bored.”
Your eyes rolled as you growled in frustration. Eddie was on you so fast that you squeaked in surprise when his fingers wrapped around your throat and he lowered his face till his nose was touching yours. 
“What did I say? What did I say would happen if you rolled your eyes like that again?!” He glanced at Steve. “Do you want to punish her?”
“I don’t mind. Can I borrow your belt?” You watch him lean back on his knees above you, unbuckle his belt, and slide it off in one go around his forearm. Eddie grins cheekily down at you as a pleasure filled sigh escaped you at the sight. 
In one fluid motion he flipped you onto your belly and grabbed your wrists to hold them once again above your head. Silence filled the room as you waited. They had been rough with you and spanked you in the past but this was new. Nerves filled your stomach as you anticipated the pain that may follow. 
When the first smack of leather hit your skin, you cried out; the abrupt sting taking your breath away. Eddie’s giggle hit your ears. 
“You doing okay, Steve? You look like you’re about to cum in your pants. Well, my pants.”
“F-fuck, Munson. Her body is like my fucking kryptonite.” They watch you as the belt comes down on your ass again. “Just so fucking gorgeous.”
“Yeah…to bad her mouth and attitude are trash.” His head turns at the sound of your tiny sniffles. “Aw, am I hurting your feelings?”, Eddie asked mockingly. 
“I-I-I’m not trash.”
“Did I say that?” You flinched as Steve hit you again. “No. I said your attitude and mouth are garbage. Talking back, rolling your eyes, going through our things. Why? Why are you acting like that?”
“I want…to…know more.”
“I d-d-don’t know…you.” Eddie’s eyes meet yours as the belt comes down one final time and a mix of a scream and a moan emits from your throat. The belt clanks to the floor as the bed dips behind and you feel Steve’s lips trace along the red marks on your ass. 
You murmur something into the pillow that the metalhead can’t make out. His fingers push your hair out of your face as the other boy climbs up the length of your body, laying his chest against your back. 
“I can’t hear you, sweetheart. I need to be able to hear you clearly.”
“I said…why…why me?”
Steve reaches between your bodies, opening your legs slightly before sliding his throbbing cock into your entrance. The mixture of the pain on your behind, the many orgasms Eddie gave you, and the man’s sheer size had your eyes rolling to the back of your skull in a way they allowed. 
“Yes, fuck, baby. Such a good girl.”
“Why you what?”, Eddie asked.
“Steve, you’re so…deep. Mmm-fuck.”
“Answer me, Y/N.”
“Why…did…did you choose…me?” 
Steve nibbled and sucked on the side of your shoulder that Carol hadn’t hurt as he thrust into you harder. “Why wouldn’t we? You—mmm— I don’t…I can’t explain it. Ed?”
Your eyes found his and were surprised by the darkness within them. “I thought you wanted to be used, Y/N? You said you had never been fucked properly, we gave you that. We give you what you fucking ask for.”
Your vision is blinded by white as you cum hard, shaking underneath their hold on you. Steve grunts as your pussy clings to him, chasing his own high until you feel him warm your insides. 
He groans as he rolls off you and Eddie reaches over to bring you closer to him, flipping you onto your back. 
“Eddie?”, you whine as you turn on to your side to face him. A little whine of his own dripped from his lips when your forehead fell on his as your hand rested on his hips and slid slowly over his skin. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have gone through your things or Steve’s. You said I fascinated you both. I feel the same.”
Your lips capture his as you lift your leg over his waist. The boy doesn’t miss a beat, his palm gliding to the back of your thigh to raise it higher as he scoots closer to you. 
“I know I’m yours. I just want to know more about the people I belong to.”
Eddie’s mouth fell open in a silent moan as his cock entered your sex. His thrusts were slow at first, dragging his length along your tight walls as your pussy stretched around him. 
“Princess, this is why we pursued you. You’re so fucking sweet but—fuck—have this other side that’s feisty. I knew it the first time I saw you; Steve and I both. We knew—mmm—we had to have you.”
You whimpered at his words as he pumped into you faster, hitting every sensitive spot inside you. 
“And now we do, baby. You and your pussy belong to us. Say it, Y/N.”
“I belong to you.”, you responded in strained words. 
His palm came down on your ass, reigniting the stinging pain as you groaned. “You’re not listening, stupid girl. Say it correctly!”
“Fuck, Eddie! Me and my pussy belong—mmm—belong to you.”
“Me and who?”
“You and Steve.”
“That’s right.” Eddie’s palm floated to the back of your head, his other pressing into your lower back as he held you tightly to him, pounding into you roughly. “That’s right, Y/N. Good girl. This tight cunt is ours and only we can make you feel this fucking good. Fuck, baby. Cum for me.”
Tears streaked your cheeks as you screamed into his shoulder, tumbling over the ledge. With a few more sloppy hard thrusts, he followed after you, aggressively pumping his spend deeper into you. 
His breath warmed your shoulder as he panted into your skin, hands still clinging tightly to you. 
“Harrington, my shower…at most only fits two. Since I used yours last…last time…”
Steve nodded as his fingers reached for you, prying you from Eddie’s hold. With heavy eyes, you watched as he got the shower ready and held out his hand to guide you in. The metalhead was right, his shower was relatively small and felt even tinier as the curves of your body took up a good amount of space. The man in front of you saw the trepidation as your guilty eyes looked around wondering if he had enough room for himself. 
“Honey, stop thinking.” Steve placed his palms on either side of your head, tilting it towards his lips. “You’re fine. I’m fine. To be fair, I don’t know how Eddie fucking fits in here let alone his uncle. Have you seen Wayne?”
You smile, shaking your head as his eyes widen and he stretches out his arms. “He’s a tall guy. Probably has to sit to get his entire body.”
He grins as you laugh, reaching behind you to grab the soap and begins the task before him. You wince slightly when his hand grazes the fresh welts forming on your behind and on impulse your arms shoot out to wrap around his waist like a child needing comfort after they fall. 
“It’s okay, baby. You’re ok.”, he soothed. “Did, um… was that okay? I know you went through a lot today so…I tried not to hit you too hard. If you didn’t like it, I can tell Eddie.”
“I liked it. Is that weird?”
“No, pretty girl. It’s not weird. Kinky but…” Your body shakes against him as you laugh and he smiles as he leans down to kiss your lips. 
After cleaning you and drying you off, he guides you back to the bedroom where Eddie had laid out the first aid supplies Steve had bought after getting your car. You flinched as he began utilizing the antiseptic on your shoulder. 
“Hey, your food got a little cold so I heated it up.” The metalhead places your plate on the bedside table with a fresh glass of water before coming to sit beside you as Steve opens the bandages and begins covering the wound. 
Eddie glances at the floor, bending down to grab the picture of his family. He flashed you a slanted smile as he held it up for emphasis. 
“My mom left a little while after this photo was taken. My dad scoured the entire town looking for her but nothing came up. A week after, my uncle got a letter from her saying she needed to get out of the house and away from my father. Said that she would send word when she was ready to come get me.” You tenderly reach out to move his hair out of the way so you can see his face. “I guess she’s still not ready.”
“Eddie, baby, I’m so sorry.” He shrugs before you are suddenly blind sided by darkness. “Ah! What the hell?”
You grin as you feel fingers tug at the fabric over your head, pulling the shirt Steve threw on you further down your frame. “Up, please.” His eyes focus on your legs as he holds out a pair of boxers for you to step into. 
“I thought you preferred me naked?”
Eddie smiles as he leans over you to grab your plate before handing it to you. “We do but not right now. You need to be comfortable while you finish eating. Plus… you’re kinda sexy like this to.”
“Just kinda?”, you ask him sarcastically.
His smile grows as he leans over to capture your lips with his own before playfully pushing at your face with his hand. 
“Now, I was thinking we could watch a movie tonight. I don’t have Carrie but I do have…” He bends down looking over his collection before pulling out a VHS of Evil Dead.
“I don’t know what that is.” Steve sits in bed beside you slurping at the contents in front of him. 
The metalhead head raises his eyebrows inquisitively in your direction. “I know what it is. I’ve just never seen it. I heard it was really gross.”
“Yeah, it is.” He chuckles with giddy excitement you’ve rarely gotten to see from him as he pops the film into the VCR and places himself on the floor in front of you where one of your legs was dangling off the side. 
Eddie’s arm wraps around your calf, lifting it so it’s more over his shoulder as his fingers caress your skin. 
“Munson, do we have to watch something gross while we eat?”, Steve whines.
“Yes, Harrington. We do.”
Your laugh brightens the room as Eddie reaches for his remote and presses play. 
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @local-stoner-bitch
@katethetank @danandphilequalsmemes @luna-munson83
@sidthedollface2 @mandyjo8719 @bexreastoomuch @chelebelletx
@shayeddie @emmalee-01 @anaibis @wroteclassicaly
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somethingvicked · 4 months
X-rated Education
a Tom Grant (Make up 2019) x FemReader story.
(warnings - swearing, some derogative labels, mentions of sex, sexual teasing)
It was the first time in several weeks that Tom had given in and followed Kai and the other guys out to the local pub.
He had felt completely lost since Ruth left, ashamed and not in the mood for the other’s pitying looks or the (what he assumed) judgmental whispers behind his back.
”Tommy boy is so bad at pleasing women that his girlfriend turned dyke!”
That didn’t do wonder for a guys ego.
Tonight Kai had all but dragged him by his neck away from his trailer though, saying that the best way to get over a birdie was to bed another one.
But Tom didn’t even know how to begin? What if he truly was so bad in bed that Ruth turned gay?!
Deep down he knew it didn’t work like that but still his mind wouldn’t shut up about it.
After they had arrived to the pub and gotten seated at a booth Kai suddenly stood up and waved. ”I’ll be damned, there’s Y/N,” he said, gesturing for the woman to come over to them.
”Friend of yours?” one of the guys wondered.
”More like the daughter of my mom’s best friend, but we get along well. Tried to score with her a few times but she’s just never interested,” Kai told them, making Y/N hear the last part and she snorted as she sat down, in between Tom and Kai.
”Trust me, Kai, I’m not the only girl that thinks that way,” she told him with a smirk, making him give her a friendly shove before he introduced everyone.
Tom felt himself blush when Y/N shook his hand. She was a very pretty girl with y/c hair and y/c eyes and a sweet but alluring scent of perfume emanating from her. It was the first time he had felt anything else but sadness and betrayal since Ruth left.
Since the other guys soon turned to drinking games, pool or tossing dart only Y/N and Tom were left at the table. He felt himself tongue tied, like he couldn’t even talk to a girl these days but Y/N took the lead herself, asking if he worked with Kai liked the others, how he liked the work and then told him a little about her own life, that for the time being she was working at the coffee shop in town, taking a gap year before deciding if she wanted to go to the university or do something else. He also found out that she was actually older than him, not by much – merely three years, but it was a surprise. Somehow that made her even more alluring in his eyes, but that also made him more insecure of himself and his predicament.
Y/N was clearly a strong, confident woman. Beside her he appeared even more of a pathetic failure that made girls lesbians.
Y/N then asked if she made him feel uncomfortable – since he didn’t speak much. Tom assured her that wasn’t the case, once again feeling his cheeks heat up. ”I’m just... well, I guess I’m just shy around you,” he told her, chuckling awkwardly.
”How so?” Y/N wondered, her eyes wide, clearly not seeing her own allure.
”Well... I recently got out of a very long relationship and I suppose I don’t know how to be around girls now... being single,” he tried to explain.
Strangely enough it seemed like she understood.
”Oh. So it’s in that awkward phase when you haven’t really grasped the fact that now you are just a ’me’ not a ’we’?”
”Exactly!” Tom agreed. ”But it’s... more than that. She... she cheated on me. And... I don’t know, we’d been together for four years and she never gave any... that she was unhappy. And then all of a sudden she was with someone else.”
And that someone else had been a woman. He didn’t say that though.
”Wow,” Y/N exhaled. ”I’m so sorry. That must be tough.” Then she frowned as she seemed to think about something. ”Wait... four years, you said? And you are... what? 19?”
”20,” Tom replied.
”Was she... was she your first girlfriend? The only one you’ve been with?” Y/N poked, a sympathetic look on her face.
Tom looked down on the floor, once again feeling that shame. ”Yeah,” he admitted.
”Oh my,” Y/N exclaimed, ”then I can understand you’re heartbroken. First love and one that you’ve been with such a long time...”
She placed her hand on his, squeezing it. He felt his heart skip a beat. She comforted him. She didn’t make fun of him, she understood!
Maybe that was why he finally told her everything or maybe it was the booze – how he felt so insecure about his ability to please a girl now, that he was questioning everything he had ever thought he knew, even the limited amount of experience he had. He was a guy with an internet connection, of course he knew there was more to sex than what he and Ruth had been up to. Problem was that they never really experimented, she never seemed to want to – or want him, for that matter. To her it was just something they did because they were supposed to. Kind of like the weekly laundry. And now he just felt he was so hopelessly left behind he wouldn’t know where to begin.
Y/N pursed her lips. What she suggested thereafter might also had been because of the booze but she found Tom so sweet and wanted to help him.
”Hey... what would you say if... I taught you?” she asked carefully, ”I’m currently single and I think I know enough of what makes women tick in the bedroom.”
Tom suddenly had a hard time breathing. ”W-what? You’d do that?”
”Sure,” she giggled, ”you’re cute and... it’s kind of hot that I get to be the one to... corrupt you. We can call this... X-rated education. Or SEX-rated education, if you want.”
Tom would lie if he didn’t admit his cock twitched in his jeans at that.
”O-okay,” he said, not really believing what was happening. Then he decided to simply go for it. ”C-could we... start tonight?”
She giggled. ”Eager are we? Me likey! Of course we can start tonight. If you think you can still... preform with all the booze we’ve had.”
Tom gave an adorable little snort. ”I don’t think that will be a problem, love.”
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tag list: @ficsbypix @melodymunson @eddie-is-a-god
(let me know if you want to be tagged in next chapter)
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kit-foley · 1 year
Nancy Drew Games are 50% off on Steam right now so here are some shitty descriptions of the games for newbies or partners (not in order, also spoilers)
Secrets can kill: dickface high schooler was pushed down a flight of stairs, find out who did it
The Silent Spy: Nancy has mommy issues and cosplays as a spy in Scotland
Sea of Darkness: all of the characters have trauma around a ship. featuring the only canonically queer character.
Deadly Device: tech bro gets electrocuted, who did it oh noooo. Feat: women in stem
Midnight in Salem: Glitch-wise, this is the fandom-equivalent of the first release of FNAF Security Breach but doesn’t nearly slay as hard and they didn’t patch any of the bugs. Haven’t played it but the fandom is 50/50 on it, maybe 80/20 against
Shattered Medallion: off brand amazing race goes wrong, feat. A recurring character who you’re supposed to know
Alibi in Ashes: Nancy didn’t commit arson (this time) so who the fuck did? See also, “I can commit major theft and prod you about your dead mom, but I draw the line at arson.”
The Captive Curse: monster and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus lederhosen.
Shadow at the Waters Edge: ghosts and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus kawaii
Ghost of Thornton hall; ghosts and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus southern people.
The Final Scene: nancys friend who we’ve never met gets kidnapped. Plus magic tricks/Houdini. Plus old man.
The Haunted Carousel: Dead mom plus the most annoying daughter you’ll ever encounter and her emotional support robot. Also you’re supposed to fix a theme park
Danger by Design: Parisian fashion designer with anger issues and also might deny that nazis happened during wwii
Curse of blackmoor manor: British girl says oh no my stepmom is turning into a werewolf
Warnings at Waverly Academy; the trailer for this one said something like “I hang out with teenage girls in this one, it could be my scariest case yet”, basically be prepared to do other students homework. Also immaculate dark academia/fall vibes tho
Phantom of Venice: white boy of the month shows you his seven hour tesserae slideshow and you single-handedly bring down a crime ring while wearing stupid outfits
Trail of the Twister: someone is sabotaging a storm chasing team but Nancy cares more about asking the local general store owner about his dead wife
Secret of the Old Clock: It’s magically 1930 again, this game feels so far off brand from pretty much all of the other ones imo but the music goes HARD and there’s def some homoerotic tensions between a dead old man and his live-in psychic
Legend of the Crystal Skull: make a curio shop owner sneeze, collect glass eyeballs, watch a Gerard Way look-alike cry, and maybe get buried alive
Haunting of Castle Malloy: banshees and letterpress and a pub that conveniently only serves juice. Terrible Irish accents. Try to find a missing groom for a wedding but also enjoy a walking sim that walked so Stardew Valley could run
Creature of Kapu Cave: get stuck in a tourist trap resort by a guy who calls himself Big Island Mike, then get stuck in a forest with an entomologist who makes you do her work for her, then get stuck in a research facility with an angry white guy who makes you do his work and then falls asleep. Music slaps but no idea what the plot of the game is supposed to be. Also do a “freaky friday” style switch with the Hardy Boys every time you call them on your cell phone.
Last train to Blue Moon canyon: picture Paris Hilton inviting you on a train and then she goes missing. Also on the train with you: the worst police detective, Zak Bagans impersonator, and Colleen Hoover-vibes.
White Wolf of Icicle Creek: “I fired. And I missed. I missed again. I got sad. I had a popsicle.”
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
Gathering Side Story: Bonehoard Dracosaur
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Authors note: I'm sorry @okaylikesmomo I'm using your muse for a little bit, but I promise I'll take good care of her. This is probably my most out-there piece and takes my best and (worst traits) as a writer to their logical extremes which works for this specific project so enjoy.
I got a call from Kkura before the mixer. She asked my status on helping with the mixer and I explained to her that Astrid and Emma were “going through a rough patch.” so my status was not currently on priority.
“Ugh ever since she started dating her she's been so annoying.” Sakura Groaned. There was a gap after
“Uh, Kkura Did you need anything else?”
I waited for a moment then heard “Yeah can you babysit Chaewon for a couple of days?”
I pause and think to myself how to respond to this. What would be “tactful” and what would be “appropriate” but ultimately I kept being hung up around the fact that Chaewon was a grown woman. Then I realized maybe I heard wrong,
“Did you mean Eunchae?” I asked patiently
“No I meant Chaewon.” sakura said matter of factly
“Kkura Chaewon is a grown-ass woman,” I responded
“Yes, and you've seen her she so. What does Jen say? Baby coded” Sakura responded
“Kkura I am going to ask this once…why?” I said
“Chaewon will be lonely because we all have schedules and I don't want her alone at the dorm. Don't worry we’ll make you look like staff if privacy is an issue.” Sakura answered
“That's not the… you know what fine. I'll do it but you owe me.” I responded
“I know. See you tomorrow?” sakura said pleasantly. I could almost hear her smug smirk.
The next day was arduous and prolix at work so when I arrived at the fimmies dorm I was drained. When I had finished I made the journey to the Le Sserafim dorm. I arrived at half past noon there time and knocked on the door.
I heard a cute whine of “Who is it?” Before responding “The pizza guy.” The door opened and Chaewon smiled (probably because I brought pizza) and let me in. After I set the food down on the dorm counter Chae held me tight for a solid 5 minutes. Then after breaking the hug smiled and stared at me with those big soft brown eyes, and said “I missed you Sho.”
“Oh, using my middle name are we? I should have never told you that.” I teased.
Chae’s eyes light up with competitive energy. “It’s only us here.” She fired back.
I relented and said, “fair.” Chae’s eyes softened and my heart fluttered with the look she gave as she held me tight.
“I missed you Sho. Why did it take you so long to visit?” Chae asked, and I gave her an honest answer
“I wasn’t invited and I didn’t want things to be awkward between Sakura and I. So I waited for her to reach out.”
Chaewon didn’t like that answer and said, “Why didn’t you ask me what I wanted? We could have hung out like old times!” Her fiery tiger was coming out and if I wasn’t careful she was going to shift on me right here and now.
“Listen palm top tiger if you wanted to hang out you could have called me instead of avoiding me.” Chaewon’s fury didn’t extinguish but was greatly diminished by my statement. Chae scoffed before saying
“You’re lucky you’re so kind.” As she walked away my mind was consumed and confused by that emotional moment. Does Chaewon like me??
Nah there’s no way. I thought to myself as I took my seat next to her. She opens the first pizza box and then turns to me surprised. She happily grabs a slice and takes a bite. Her eyes widened as she said “Mmm so good” before taking another bite
As we eat I ask her about her upcoming comeback. Chae’s eyes light up
“It’s good I’m so glad Fimmes are excited and enjoying the trailers. Also (Chae looks around) don’t tell anyone this but we’re planning a world tour.“
I squinted at Chae then said “I…uh who would I tell. Y’all are pretty much my only friends who would care.” Chaewon laughs and then looks at me with sad eyes.
“Hey, you do film stuff right like Screenwriting maybe my mom could help you get a job out here,” Chae says in a tone that was unfamiliar to me coming from her.
“Okay, Chae if you think it will help I will do it your way.” Chae’s eyes widen in such fervor that she says
“Okay let's visit my mom after we finish eating!” she exclaims
“Wow, there tiger don't you think this is a lot to spring on your mom in one go?”
“No!” Chaewon said flatly. I laughed as she leaned into me as she ate. After she finished her slice she began to sniff me, I turned to her and her eyes flashed red.
“You smell wonderful I bet you taste good too. She said before licking my neck seductively.
*I forgot that Chaewon is a weretiger and that this weekend was a blood moon. So Chae might not be fully composed for the next few days.*
She used her surprising strength and pinned me to one of her dorm walls. Her grin was cute but her energy was ferocious. “You taste so sweet.” she cooed her eyes blood red. She opens her mouth after saying “I want you in my pack.” she bares her fangs as she starts to partially shift. I'm paralyzed by her pheromones, but I know I can't let her turn me because I have no self-control so I try to get her back in control.
“Chae, Chae boundaries,” I say as she nears closer and closer. Before her eyes went back to their normal yellow tiger eyes then to the soft brown. Her eyes stare into mine as she slowly recollects herself.
“So what's going on?” she asked a bit disoriented.
“Oh nothing you just told me you had a crush on me.” I teased.
Chae rolled her eyes and said, “Please you? I'd never, but since you're already close.” as she finished her retort she hugged me again. After that she had me go with her to visit her mom. It was a cold winter day so we both bundled up. Chae as always looked adorable and I got that weird feeling in my heart again. Thankfully for me, the trip to her mom’s house was quick so we weren't in the cold too much. When we arrived her mom was surprised to see me (obviously I'm a random black dude) and joyful to see her daughter.
“Mom!” Chaewon exclaims happily as I follow her in.
“Hey Chae Chae,” Chaewon’s mother said. Chaewon’s mother was smiling brightly till she saw me her smile dimmed slightly. “Who is this?” her mother asked
“Oh this is Percival Showa Carmichael, but I call him Sho. He's my friend who I'm hanging out with this weekend.”
“Um, Chae this weekend is the order Elders’ assembly. You can't “hang out” this weekend.” Chaewon’s mother said. Chaewon’s eyes narrowed then she had to excuse herself as she needed to take a call. Leaving me alone with her mom. When Chaewon leaves her mom’s eyes narrow and she stares at me with furious eyes.
“Why are you here?” she asks coldly. It would have been intimidating if she wasn't tiny like Chae
“As a favor to Sakura mostly but also because I like Chaewon’s company.”
Ran-hee (chaewon’s mom) eyed me maliciously, “Really you're not here looking for a job or any other benefit.”
“Personally no, but your daughter wants me to stay but your daughter came here to ask, and with their being a blood moon. I figured it's best to not give her any issues this weekend. I'm not saying no to anything from her. Going to feed her at regular intervals and make sure she is taken care of this weekend so I'll make it out alive.”
Ran-hee’s eyes flared red as she stared at me, “You know of our condition.” I nod which enraged Ran-hee more somehow. “What's in it for you?”
“Honestly I don't know. I get another favor from Sakura but to be honest I have like 5 of those already and have no idea how to cash in on them.”
Ran-hee looked at me confused then asked, “So you have favors from Sakura, but come to me for help on your account.”
I blinked several times and then said “holy cow you're right. I had been so focused on being a good friend to the Fimmies that I never considered myself in their lives. Especially since Sakura got Connor and Dexter all those Fearless Kkura episodes.”
Ran-hee laughed hearing me go through my thought process before saying, “I see why my daughter talks so highly of you.” now it's my turn to look at her confused
“She's met me 5 times before though”
“Yes, and it was enough to make an impression. She says you're aggressively kind-hearted and an exceptional friend. You are absent-minded though.” Ran-hee proclaims
“Oh yeah, I get that a lot.” I respond “I am a little tired but thank you for the kind words though.”
Ran-hee nods then her tone shifts, “Since you know about my family’s condition I will warn you. She will expect you to go with her to the Elders’ assembly this weekend, and you best watch your back. The other packs may not take as kindly as my daughter’s hand is highly prized.” I nod at her warning. Then I realized the implication.
“Oh uh, Chae and I aren't uh.” I stammered. Ran-Hee laughed at my discomfort like a big catch watching its prey squirm before going in for the kill
“You know you are the first male friend my daughter has brought home singularly,” Ran-hee explained “so she must be comfortable with you. I'm curious what you think about my daughter.” realizing I had been pinned by a woman in Chaewon’s family for the second time today. I stayed silent in hopes of avoiding saying something silly but Chaewon's mom’s gaze was unrelenting. Thankfully as I was about to break Chae walked in.
“Oh, Chae your friend Sho was just telling me how he'd be happy to go with you to the Elders’ assembly.” Chae’s eyes grow bigger than I've ever seen and hugs me.
“Thank you,” Chae repeats while hugging me.
I see Chae’s mom shoot me a teasing smile before she mouths “Good luck” I loosen up in Chaewon’s grip. She in return hugs me tighter.
“So Chae what caused your visit?”
“Oh, Chae Chae you mentioned you had something to ask me before you left what was it,” Ran-hee said as I rolled my eyes.
“Oh, I was wondering if you knew anyone looking for a cameraman because Sho is looking so he can stay in Korea.” the two ladies began speaking in Korean faster than I could understand so I just stood there as Chaewon’s sapient teddy bear listening to the sounds of their voices. After Chae and I left back to her dorm. When we arrive she changes back into a crop top and sweatpants, I sit on the couch while she does this. When she finishes she walks back into the dorm living room. Her eyes are lidded as she approaches. Her pheromones are overwhelming as she sits next to me.
“Hey Chae is everything alright I ask.”
Chae smiles, “You're so sweet caring so much for me.” as she speaks her eyes flicker between a vibrant gold and a vibrant red. “You've been so supportive,” Chae adds as she begins to cling to my body as she does she looks up at my eyes.
“Hey Sho what happened to your eye,” Chae asked. She was the first to ask about it since it happened.
“Um remember that military sans frontier liberates situation a few years ago.”?”
“Yeah, some mercenaries took over California and turned it into a militant war state, but were defeated by a group of guerilla fighters who….oh my God you were a Guerilla fighter!” Chaewon concluded.
“Kind of.” I responded Chae scowled, “What do you mean kind of?”
“Well, I found the Phi Codex Nanite and pushed both Militias out of My home.
“Wait so you're not a nexo?”Chaewon asked
“Nope… I lie because no one believes me when I tell them the truth.” I explained
“But I believe you,” Chaewon said nestling closer
“Well you're the first,” I answered
Chaewon stopped getting closer when our heads touched. She smelled sweet like fruit. Her eyes locked with mine.
“Well, why would you lie? About that.” Chae asked. I nodded at Chae who smiled at me. Her eyes were bright red. She moved in closer. Any closer and we'd be kissing.
“Chae you're close,” I said
“I know but you're not telling me to move.” Chae chides
“Chae. I…” I stammered
“Can you stop thinking for a moment and just feel? I know you “turned your heart off but tell me what do you feel right now?” Chaewon said. Her pheromones overwhelmed me and I kissed her all my rational thoughts were gone. Chaewon returned the kiss with even more fervor. Her fire was only rising as she intensified the kiss. When she broke it a trail of saliva connected us. Chaewon licked her lips before saying “You're mine now.” she said with lidded crimson eyes and then her eyes went back to normal well the regular gold then brown, but her pheromones still bathed the entire room so I was panting as she broke from the kiss.
“Oh, Sho what's going on your breathing is so heavy. Still not fully recovered I kissed Chaewon again. She yelped in surprise this time before pushing me off.
“You what the heck dude, you can't just kiss me like that,” Chaewon yelled. As her pheromones dissipated I responded
“Chae you have been blasting me with mating pheromones for the past few hours.”
Chae rolled her eyes until she sniffed the air and then said “Oh god is that why it smells like…oh that's me.” she said as realization hit her. She looked at me ashamed. “I am so sorry I have been having “episodes”
“Of you blacking out and waking up moments later.” I finished
“Wait how did you know,” she asked
“Chae you're a true alpha,” I say
“No that's just a myth. I'm just a new omega variant” she said meekly
“No Chae. You are a true alpha.” I explain
“But then why do I have all the pheromones and abilities of others…”Chae started
I stopped her before she could get going then interjected “Chae I know it may seem far-fetched but can I ask that you trust me on this.”
“Okay fine. So what do we do now?” Chae asked
“Well, what do you want to do?” I asked Chae
“Can you keep it a secret during the assembly?” I nod but something is bothering me about our dynamic
“Hey, Chae do you have romantic feelings for me?”
“What no why would you think that we are friends,” Chae said stammering
“Chae” I repeated
Chaewon looked at me with misty-eyed tears beginning to well within her big brown eyes which made me feel guilty, “No I don't besides how can I feel any kind of way when you had feelings for Kkura, plus you're never around anymore.”
“Chaewon!” I exclaimed firmly which caused her to yelp and then break down into tears.
“Why did you have to have a crush on Sakura? why wasn't I good enough? Why did you leave me?” Chaewon pestered me with questions as the tears began flowing. She also began hitting me but they weren't hard. I wrap my arms around Chaewon. I hold her tight as she sobs. Something about this felt familiar, but I couldn't place it.
I look down into her big brown eyes. I hold her face softly then kiss her again. This one is certainly less aggressive the the pheromone-fueled one earlier and hopefully established how I felt about her. When our eyes opened and we broke this kiss she looked at me startled and then she regained composure.
“What's wrong?” I asked
“Nothing thought I saw something but probably just a trick of the light,” Chaewon answered putting me at ease.
I nodded and then asked her if she still wanted to date so there was no confusion about how I felt or where I stood whatsoever. Chae smiles and then nods quickly. I smile back we stand there awkwardly in this hug trying to figure out what to do next for a few minutes as I didn't expect this to happen. Eventually, we just sat down and cuddled. I know Skinship was a huge thing for Chaewon and Sakura so I let her indulge to the fullest. Thankfully she wasn't pheromone blasting me so nothing escalated
“Hey, whatever happened between you and Ahin? You went to that party with her, and we heard nothing else.
“Oh right, I forgot to tell y'all. She was dating the CEO of the company she models for.” I explained and Chaewon nodded “She just wanted to let her friend Kim Lip have a +1 for the party.” I added
Chaewon gave me a confused look“So what happened between you and her ?”
“Literally nothing. I tried to make sure she had a good time but the language barrier was a bit of an issue.” I answered along with a shrug.
“Yeah, you're Korean needs work.” Chaewon said smiling, “But it's okay though. I'll help you learn it in no time.” Chaewon smiled
A little while later we both fell asleep together on her dorm’s couch I woke up to a sudden gasp by Chae
“We should build a pair of two-headed giant commander decks,” she said,
I squinted “Chae that's the nerdiest and dorkiest thing you've ever said. Of course, let's do it.”I said as I watched Chae’s face turn from sad and defeated to jubilant and joyful.
“Okay let's start with themes. Do you have any ideas that aren't in the color combinations of Naya, Esper, Jund, Sultai, Jeskai, Mardu, and Abzan Grixis?”
“So you want complimentary Bant and Temur decks?”
“Well, there are limited themes I could come up with; creature combo, creature feature, and Voltron maybe are what comes to mind. What did you have in mind, any commander preference?” I ask Chae
“What's Creature feature?” Chae asked confused.
“Creature feature is a deck centered around mainly one Creature type or subtype that is structured around the synergies of said creatures. Originally it was called “tribal” but that was deemed an obsolete term so they call it something else I'm just going to call it creature feature as that's easier to explain than having to go over the discussion which is the popular term now. ”
“Okay but how did you come up with the name “creature feature”” Chaewon asked curiously
“Well, love (Chaewon rolled her eyes at that sarcastically) around the 1950s or so there were these films in the US that were typically horror films centered around one Creature. These films were usually feature length so the Genre became known as Creature Features. I think it gets the principle across and rolls off the tongue a lot better than Typal Kindred or whatever the new term is.” I said
“Creature Feature. I like it” Chaewon said Smiling. I gave her a thumbs up and Chae lit up excitedly and then said, “Yeah let's do that.” I nod then get to work. I start building a dinosaur deck which Chae laughs at.
“So now we’ll have two dinosaur decks in the mix.”
“Let me guess Dexter is running the other?”
“You got it,” Chaewon said with a smile as we spent the rest of the day testing and adjusting to make sure our decks were a well-oiled machine together. She built Rigo Streetwise Mentor, and I built Owen and Blue. Surprisingly the decks worked well together. Mostly the support pieces but turns out my putting in last March of the ents and Ghalta stampede tyrant was also a big boon to her. Her big walls gave me the resources needed to have some truly explosive turns. She also loved my flicker shenanigans which helped her consistently push ahead since a bunch of jet creatures had impressive etbs. In the end, Chaewon smiled and then said, “Woo finally done.” I nodded and went back to the pizza that was still there
“Mm mashta,” Chaewon said as we finished the rest of the food and snacks. As we finished Chae got up and beckoned for me to follow. She pulled me into a comfortable hug (even though I was taller) and she said, “You know tomorrow you're going to have to fight in our rituals right?” I nod. Chae looks up at me and then says. I know it will be difficult but can you try not to hurt anyone?” I nodded and Chaewon smiled. After that, we got ready for the night. Chaewon insisted I sleep in her bed with her but also on “no funny business.”
“Well then don't Pheromone bomb me and we won't have issues.” I teased. Chaewon hit me lightly and said, “Yeah no teasing.” I nod and spoon her to sleep. I dream I was a dinosaur being chased by a large pale bear, and when the bear caught me it said
“You need to remember” but before I could do anything else I woke up to Chaewon ruffling up my hair.
“You ready?” she asked with a vibrant smile. I nod. As we got ready the other Fimmies entered the room. All but Kazuha were surprised to see me. Kazuha was the first. She walked in and said our greetings before she left. She asked me to keep Chaewon on time which I was more than happy to do. Next was Eunchae who needed eyeliner from Chaewon’s room. I handed it to her which caused her to yelp in surprise.
“Civy Oppa,” Eunchae said perplexed. I gave a silent wave. Which caused her to smile Mischeviously
“Unnie did you and Oppa…” Eunchae asked before trailing off. She didn’t say anything but the implication was there.
“Yah Manchae!” Chaewon yelled which caused the other Fimmies who hadn’t already been in the dorm to enter.
“Oppa?” Yunjin said as she came in. Sakura was the last to come in she saw me and then said “What?” After that Chaewon had me get in the shower while she explained everything to her members afterwards Sakura and Yunjin cornered me before leaving
“Oppa why did you kiss Chaewon yesterday?” Sakura asked
“The first time or the second time or the third time?” I asked.
“The first time duh,” Yunjin asked
“Because Chae has no control over her pheromones and she had to blast me with them throughout the day, but if you’re worried about that being the only reason it’s not. She asked me why I didn’t choose her when I first met you all. So I asked if she even still wanted to date me. She said yes. So I chose her.”
“Percival!” Sakura exclaimed. I knew it was serious because she made the effort to say my first name. “You can’t just go playing with her heart like that.”
“You can’t be this dumb with how smart you are. you can’t use your Chae to get to me.” Sakura said. I was taken aback by that response so me having a response to that was not easy.
“I uh what?”
“Don’t try to deny it you haven’t reached out in almost 8 months and you magically want to date Chaewon now?”
“Um, Sakura what was the last message I texted you?” I asked
“That you needed time and space to work on yourself,” Sakura answered
I groaned and reached to my phone to see if I still had the messages. I did and handed my phone to Sakura
“Dear Kkura I’m good let’s hang out again sent October 27”
Yunjin looked at me and then at Sakura. “Um, Unnie why didn’t you tell us this?” She said confused
“I never got this message,” Sakura said confused
“Well, I hope I’m in the clear because we built matching decks for two-headed dragon. I’m committed to Chaewon now.” I replied to which Yunjin laughed and replied
“That’s so cute.” I gave Yunjin the thumbs up as she smiled. Chaewon eventually finds me and asks what we are talking about.
I grab her tight in a hug before saying, “Oh just telling them about our new decks.” Chaewon pouted before hitting me.
“Babe it’s supposed to be a secret.” She whined. I smiled
“Look honey it will be fine they don’t know anything else except that we built new decks.”
“Okay but no more saying anything else. Got it?”
“Of course love.”
With that weird situation over we left the dorm to meet up with Dexter and Connor. After that, we all arrived at the assembly location. It was a place on Jeju Island that was separate from public access so it would be quiet. Hopefully.
I open the door to the assembly for my friends which draws a lot of looks from them.
“That door can only be opened via the aura of a were person. how did you do that?” Dexter asked.
I shrugged and gestured for everyone to get inside.
As we walk in I see some familiar faces. Well familiar in that I've seen them on a screen it's all of Izone. I watch as both Chae and Sakura squeal before running to their friends. I smile until I hear an oddly familiar voice say “Showa?”
I turn to see Donna and several memories (many of them painful) flood back into my skull
“You did this to me!” I yell as my blood starts to boil and I take a step toward her. flames begin to burn holes in my clothes
“Turned me then left me to die,” I yelled as I took another step. The left side of my face began to bubble pop as my skin began melting off.
“They made me a monster hybridizing me with everything they could find.” another step as my bone extended outside of my regular skin and was replaced with new molten flesh.
“That wasn't even the worst part. they made me hunt others and kill and kill and kill.” my voice trailed off as my skin melted off in molten sludge and then the rest of my human body exploded like a volcano leaving my Dinosaur Dragon form
“Look at what they made me. Look at what you made me!” I growled as the air burned around me. Donna looked at me in terror. Before I could move 7 elders came in front of me
“Halt!” one demanded
“What pack are you with? Who is your alpha?” another asked. I chuckled and turned my head a full 108 down
“My Alpha is right there,” I said pointing to Donna however before I could announce that I didn't have a pack another familiar voice said,
“Stand down he's with me.” every turn around another” Donna approached. I knew this Donna as my boss Voruna.
the elders stood down and one of them said to Voruna, “You'd better keep your beta on a short leash.”
Voruna turned to the Elder and pointed to me, “You see his eyes. Do those look like the eyes of a beta to you?” she said coldly. “Don't forget your place I am still a primarch,” Voruna says. She then turns to me and chuckles. “I'm surprised to see you here Caliban, but it's good that you're here I need your help. So shift back.” Voruna says swiftly. My anger dissipates into the emotional equivalent of a groan. I shift back and turn back to my friends who were looking at me shocked, “Sorry guys duty calls.” I say as I follow her. Chaewon however wasn't pleased with that answer and ran to me.
“Wait Sho (rats she called me that in public) what just happened there?” She said standing in between Corina and I
“Chae it's a very long story.”
“Then shorten it,” Chaewon said unmoving her eyes went red and her pheromones began to flow. These weren't mating ones, however, but submission ones.
“Chae I.” I stammered as the Alpha in me was beginning to come out again at being challenged by a “lesser one, but my heart wanted to talk to her.
“Sorry Mrs Kim I need your boyfriend for a moment I promise I'll give him back to you, and I am in a bit of a hurry.”
Chaewon stood firm, a glimpse of her back to her Izone days as one of the tough-as-nails makes.
“Oh not intimidated? I like it. Okay, I'll throw you a proverbial bone. My sister Donna turned you boyfriend because he would become an ancient. However, before she could welcome him to the circle The Machinist found him. They had him do some very bad things without his consent, but thankfully it was to some very bad people. However, having an ancient unaccounted for was still a mess. A mess my sister made of course but being the kind older sister I am I found him and cleaned him up. Now I need to properly “pack him” As you can see he is an Alpha with no pack.” Chaewon’s eyes widened but she relented on the condition she could come with. Which led to everyone following. Voruna groaned but let everyone follow. Eventually, we came to an Alpha-only meeting. So everyone who wasn't an alpha had to hang back due to the “charm” on the outside. So needless to say Chae got a few stares when she galavanted in with me.
I get stares on the back end when we enter the meeting. I see Karina talking to a guy I don't recognize but they seem friendly. They approach Chae and I (Voruna left to ameliorate some other issues )
“Hi, Daewon. Hi Karina.” Chaewon says as they walk over
“Chae?” Karina says surprised Chaewon nods proudly
The two of them start speaking Korean faster than I can keep up. Daewon approaches me skeptically and says “So you Voruna’s newest clean-up project.” I shrug.
“You're pretty nonchalant for someone who almost everyone is going to be gunning for. I mean going after Chaewon whose alpha abilities despite being an omega make her highly sought after and being Voruna’s lapdog. Everyone is going to be itching to face you in the rituals.” Daewon says
I yawned disinterested and said, “Look boss I know you mean well but I'd just like to put some things into perspective. 1.) Okay so everyone gunning for me, as far as I can tell I'm the only ancient. 2.) I am used to fighting apexes no one else here has probably even seen one. 3.) I've been fighting alone for so long against impossible odds what's another set of em” Dawson smiled then said,
“I like you I hope you win. We need more revolutionary Alphas.” taken aback not expecting to agree with Daewon goes back to Karina when she says,
“Oh honey the meetings are about to start.” as the two of them walk away I point to Karina and Daewon
“Fiancee” she mouths. I nod in understanding. The meeting starts and I can feel all of the hostile eyes on me. I felt isolated Alone like when I was taken by the machinists. I was merely an object of malignant interest to these people. As my rage began to swell I felt a hand forcibly open mine and grip it. I look over to see Chaewon biting her nails nervously. She looked to me for security so I had to push my rage down and offer encouragement. I caressed her hand and Chaewon’s distressed frown became a hopeful smile.
“First order of business. We have a new Alpha to introduce today.” Voruna says. Which causes me to snap my attention to the center of the hall.
“Caliban why don't you introduce yourself to the council of Elders?”
I nod and say, “Hello My name is Percival Showa Anderson. I'm from California…” before I could say anything else a fist slammed on the table from one of the elders
“Why are we acknowledging this monster.” the elder said. I tried to hide my smirk. I reveled in being called that because if I was feared as a monster they'd be less courageous in facing me, and cowards often roamed in packs.
“Ask Donna she turned me,” I reply all eyes turn to the Daylight Primarch.
“Why Donna?” the same elder who's challenged me twice before asked.
“Because I saw he was going to be an ancient and we needed the power. I never expected that any of what happened would.” I look into the eyes of the daylight primarch and surprisingly see remorse and sadness. I swallowed hard as maybe I was too harsh on her earlier. I softened the menacing aura I brought into this and eased my mind. Leaning into Chaewon I smile at her and she does the same back. I can tell she's worried
“Don't worry it will be fine,” I say.
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therealmsdelulu · 1 year
Prince Eric/Jonah Hauer King Masterlist
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💔-Angst(sad ending)
❤️‍🩹-Angst(happy ending)
🤩-author's favorite
🥰-reader's favorite
'My Little Mermaid' (Series)❤️‍🩹🤍
Entanglement *coming soon*
Imposter: Summary: You run away after a big fight with your mom, having no other way to escape, you decide to sneak onto the Prince's ship. A little angst if you squint but mostly fluff. Prince Eric x F!Reader.🤍🤩
Picnic Date: Summary: A super cute fluffy picnic with your favorite Prince.  Prince Eric x Gn!reader. Super short and sweet.🤍
The two times Eric realized he loved you and the one time he told you.:Summary: Basically the title. The two times that Eric realized he loved the reader and the one time he finally admitted it.🤍🥰🤩
All Too Well (Y/N and Eric’s Version):Summary: F!Reader and Eric see each other for the first time after breaking up. They reminisce about their relationship and realise they’re still in love with each other. Inspired by All Too Well by Taylor Swift. ❤️‍🩹🤍
Would you love me if I was a worm: Summary: Its the middle of the night and the reader has a very important question.🤍
Sea sick:You finally agree to go on a voyage with the Prince but you suddenly remembers why it took so long to convince you in the first place. 🤍
Something Bout the Way You Look Tonight🤍🫣
Surprise(coming soon)
The Great War (coming soon)
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Overwhelmed: You get overwhelmed during a red carpet but Jonah is there to calm you down.🤍
Batter and Banter: You and Jonah have a super domestic moment baking and light playful bantering.🤍🥰🤩
Batter and Banter Pt. 2🤍🥰🤩
Trailer Shenanigans: Jonah really missed you and plans on showing you exactly how much.🫣🥰🤍
Can’t Get Enough of You: Jonah and Reader dancing to RnB in the living room.🤍
Eating for Two Reader is pregnant and Jonah is excited to be a father.🤍
Pretty Boy Reader admiring Jonah🤍🤩
But Mommy I Love Him! : Jonah finally meets the readers family but Reader’s mom doesn’t like him (at first).🤍
Dont Forget About Us 🤍
Doc McStuffins 🤍
Swiper, No swiping🤍
Interviews and Intimacy 🤍
Thirst Tweets 🤍🤩
Thirst tweets pt 2 🤍
Smudged lipstick🤍
I can see you 😫
Drunken kisses(coming soon)
Jaffa Cakes and Zebra Cakes *coming soon*
*Requests are currently open*
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estrellami-1 · 5 months
Okay my love I’m sending you a sad and pathetic prompt and then a cutesy fluff prompt (I thought about just sending you the cute one, I feel like all I’m doing these last few days is feeling awful and not being very productive or fun to be around and I think I was just wallowing when I wrote that comment so absolutely feel free disregard this one if you want) this is the sad one, I was thinking more hurt/comfort vibes:
This is just basically self insert except it’s not me I’m inserting it’s my situation lol, one of their relatives passes away (not Wayne) and on top of that they have to find homes for their loved ones pets that they loved the most of anything in the world when everyone is just telling them to euthanize or that everywhere is full and they’re four states and 16 hours away from the pets so it’s not like they can go pick them up easily if at all, which causes them to get sick/throw up a ton from the sadness and anxiety about the situation - enter the other who takes care of them to make sure they don’t worry themselves to death (if anyone wants to come take care of me and maybe just give me about 3000 hugs a day we could make this a live action roleplay situation lol🥺)
(Sorry this is just me complaining pretty much, the other prompt will be cuter)
Oh my love, you’re allowed to feel bad and wallow. I’m so sorry this happened/is happening!! I can’t give you any real hugs but I’ll give you ALL the virtual hugs I can ❤️
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When the World Ends - Part 1
Steve’s voice is trembling when he finally makes the call to Eddie. “Hey,” he manages, letting out a pathetic, airy laugh at how badly his voice shakes on that one word. “Um. Can. Can you come over?”
Eddie’s amazing, so he says, “I’ll be there in ten,” and he is. As soon as Steve opens the door, he murmurs, “What’s wrong?”
Steve bites his lip, invites Eddie in. “Y’know how I never mention my parents?” Eddie hums. “But I always leave in the spring for a couple weeks?”
Eddie nods. “Your grandparents, right?”
Steve nods. Bites his lip again, looks up at the ceiling, trying not to cry. “Um.” He sniffs. “My grandpa passed today.”
“Oh, Stevie,” Eddie murmurs, reaching for him until Steve shakes his head sharply. “What can I do?”
Steve huffs. “What can anyone do?” He wipes his face and begins to pace. “My grandma’s too old to stay on her own now, let alone with all the animals they’ve got, and of course it’s not like her own son would help, not when he could be in Cabo instead, finding new ways to cheat on my mom with his secretary or assistant or her secretary or who the fuck knows. And I want to help but I can’t leave Hawkins, not when everyone else is still here, and there’s still a chance, but it feels so selfish not to go when she needs me-”
“Steve,” Eddie interrupts softly, hands up between them. “Take a breath, man, it’ll be okay. I know you love your grandparents but this isn’t all on you, okay?”
Steve slumps back into the couch like a puppet whose strings have been cut. Says, barely above a whisper, “I’ve got animals out there.”
Eddie hums softly. “What did you say?”
“Animals. Pets. I can’t have them here so my grandparents have ‘em. I’ve got a dog and chickens and a horse and what ‘m I gonna do with them?”
“We’ll figure it out,” Eddie promises him.
Steve groans and stands up again, beginning to pace again. “They’re four states away, Eddie! I don’t have a horse trailer, I dunno anyone in Hawkins who has chickens so I dunno if that’s even allowed, and I can’t bring my dog here!” He runs a hand through his hair, grimacing. “I guess the horse could go back to the neighbor, but they gave her to me for a reason, and I dunno what’s gonna happen to the chickens, and imma have to give the dog away, too, and get my grandma somewhere she can be taken care of, and fuck, there’s still the house-” he chokes on an inhale and a sob, standing still for a moment before he dashes through the house.
Eddie watches, wide-eyed, and follows when the sound of retching reaches his ears. “Oh, Stevie,” he murmurs, dropping to his knees beside him, hand hovering over his back. “Can I touch you? Rub your back?” Between gasping breaths, Steve nods, so Eddie puts a gentle hand on his back, rubbing up and down. “You’re gonna be okay,” he murmurs. “I know how scary this all seems right now, but you’re the strongest person I know, ‘sides Wayne, and you’ve got people who care about you and who’re gonna be here for you very step of the way, okay?”
The puppeteer cuts the strings once again, and Steve sags sideways into Eddie, trying to regulate his breathing, still quietly choking on his sobs. “Want me to call Birdie?” Eddie asks quietly, moving his hand to wrap his arm around Steve’s shoulders.
Steve shakes his head. Says, between breaths, “She’d panic.”
Eddie hums. “And you wanna be okay for her when she panics.” Steve nods. “Okay, I get that. I’m glad you called me.”
Steve sniffles. Eddie hands him some toilet paper. Says, after he’s blown his nose, “Feels like the world’s ending.”
Eddie thrown back into a memory from months ago. “If the world ends again, you know where I am,” he’d said. He hadn’t been sure, at the time, if Steve would call him. But they stayed friends, to the point where Steve calling him wasn’t quite the rarity it used to be, and Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever felt so honored.
“And you called me,” he murmurs, back in the present day, knees sore from the bathroom tile. He knows they’re going to pop like an old man’s when he stands. He decides not to worry about that right now.
Steve nods. “Knew you’d come.”
“And I did,” Eddie nods. Rubs his hand up and down Steve’s arm. “How’re you feeling?”
Steve sniffs again. “Like shit.”
Eddie lets out a soft chuckle. “I probably should’ve guessed. Ready to get up? Or wanna stay here for a minute?”
“Wanna stay here forever,” he says, but shifts to get up.
He stumbles a little when he stands, hissing. Eddie steadies him. “Legs’re asleep.”
“That’s okay, Stevie, I’ve gotcha. Come rinse your mouth out, m’kay? We’re going back to bed. I’m gonna make a few calls, okay?”
Steve won’t look at him in the mirror. “Gonna leave?”
“Not unless you want me to,” Eddie swears. Steve meets his eyes for a brief second. Shakes his head. “Then I’ll stay until you get sick of me.”
Steve manages a shaky smile. “Not possible.”
Eddie sighs contentedly. “Rinse your mouth out,” he gently reminds him. “Let’s get you up to bed.”
When Steve’s in bed, Eddie turns to leave, then turns back just as quickly when Steve grabs his hand. “You’re not leaving?”
Eddie squeezes his hand. “Not leaving. Just gonna make a quick call.”
“Okay,” Steve whispers, but his breathing picks up again, and Eddie changes his mind.
He bullies his way under the covers next to Steve, pulling him in until his face is tucked into Eddie’s neck and Eddie can rub his back. The call can wait until Steve’s asleep, so he can get back before Steve wakes up.
Steve’s world is ending. That’s every bit as important as the world itself ending. So Eddie resigns himself to stand guard over Steve’s dreams, keeping them happy as best he can.
I hope y’all liked this! The fic tag is the name (“#whentheworldends”) and my writing tag is “#starambles”. Remember I’m NOT doing a taglist for these, so subscribe to either to see where this goes next! Send me an ask with the next thing you want to happen in this fic!
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somewosoloverrr · 2 years
max x fem! Reader where yk when chrissy goes to eddies trailer in the first episode? Yeah reader is there and max sees reader talking to chrissy and thinks they are flirting n gets jealous then goes in her trailer but in reality reader n chrissy weren’t flirting nd reader was just comforting chrissy about something, reader then goes to maxs trailers just for max to be lowkey mad n shit, she tells reader how she’s jealous and they makeout or something idk sorry if this doesn’t make any sense 💀😕
Omg I love this, it makes sense dont worry :)) . Thanks for requesting <3
Btw requests are open if anyone wants to request :)
Max Mayfield x fem!r
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Tw: making out, brief mention of ed, drugs, verbal fight
You put your hands in the pockets of your jackets as you let out a breath which quickly condensates turning into a white vapor, it was chilly.
The basketball game had just finished and since your girlfriend didn’t go to it you decided to skip the party after it and instead go visit her.
You where walking through the trailer park you noticed Eddie’s van arrive, surprisingly he went to open the passengers door and Chrissy got off.
What the hell? Since when does Chrissy know Eddie.
You jogged a little to catch up to the pair “Chrissy!” you said gaining both of their attention as the quickly stopped.
Somewhere not to far in the trailer park Max also heard Eddie’s van arriving but then she heard her loved ones voice, y/n. Her interests were therefore peaked as she watched the interaction, you hung around the popular groups a lot so you and Chrissy were good friends. However Max always feared you and her were more than that so every interaction you had she tried to listen to it.
“Can I talk to you for a bit ?” You asked the cheerleader and she nodded in response but you noticed Eddie was still standing there so you added “Alone?”
And that’s when the Munson boy waved goodbye as he entered his trailer mumbling to Chrissy “come in when you’re done”
“You okay? Why are you here?” You worriedly questioned, Chrissy was like the queen, popular girl of the school. It was so odd to see her with Eddie, the outcast, the freak.
The girl opened her mouth to reply but didn’t say anything, she had a look of horror in her face and tears started forming in her eyes. “I- I’m honestly not doing too good y/n” she confessed as her voice slightly broke and a single tear escaped from her eye.
You quickly took your hand out of your pocket and wiped it and then put the same hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve been having like- like these weird visions” the girl said as you nodded for her to go on “they’re like about the messed up stuff my mom has said…” Chrissy finished almost whispering as you sent a sad smile knowing what a bitch her mom was, which caused a huge eating disorder for your friend.
You then quickly pulled her in for a hug as she silently cried a bit and you whispered soothing words while caressing her back with your finger to calm her down.
After she was done crying and both of you were still hugging she started to explain “I’m just here to buy some weed, something to make it go away for a little while, please don’t tell anyone”
“I won’t tell anyone, just- I don’t think the solution is drugs Chris, just be careful” you replied as you squeezed her shoulders and stepped back so you both stopped hugging.
“Thanks y/n, I’ll be careful don’t worry” Chrissy thanked you as she kissed you cheek and started heading inside Eddie’s trailer . “Bye Chrissy “ you waved goodbye as you stood still, thinking about what Chrissy had said, you were worried for her, she was by far the nicest person you knew she didn’t deserve this bullshit.
Max who watched the whole interaction was fuming mad, she couldn’t make out what you were saying the whole time but for her it was pretty damn sure both of you were flirting, especially since Chrissy kissed your cheek goodbye. So she ran back to her trailer forcefully shutting the door which let out a loud bang.
You where still standing outside of Eddie’s trailer but the loud bang broke you out of your thoughts, you looked around to see where it came from but you shrugged as it was hard to see in the dark.
You then started walking rapidly towards your girlfriends trailer, you missed her even though you saw her a few hours ago.
As you approached her trailer you heard the tv on, so you hardly knocked on the door so Max could hear you.
Soon enough you hear your girlfriend shout “Come in” so you turned the knob to open the door and saw her getting something out of the fridge. Huh weird why didn’t she open the door for you if she was so close to it? You asked yourself but shrugged it off.
“Hey red” You greeted as you walked to her and gave her a peck on the cheek.
The girl didn’t reply and shut the fridges door harshly as she went to put herself some juice. She looked mad, like really mad. “What’s wrong?- Are you okay?” you worriedly asked not knowing what was happening to your girlfriend.
Max scoffed in reply while sarcastically smiling as she put the juice box down and turned to you, “What’s wrong? Really?!” She angrily yelled at you.
You shrugged your shoulders innocently, having no idea what was making her so mad.
“Oh my god!“ she exclaimed while rolling her eyes an pulling her head back, and that’s when you knew you were screwed every time she did that it was when someone messed up big time. “You’re so full of shit, I mean you were just FLIRTING with another girl and now you come up and kiss my cheek like nothings wrong! “
“What are you talking about ? I haven’t flirted with anyone Max!” You defended yourself getting a bit frustrated about Maxs accusations.
“Oh really so you’re playing innocent y/n, like I just didn’t see you a few second ago with Chrissy!” She once again raised her voice
You on the other hand tried to remain calm “I wants flirting with Chrissy, she’s only my friend okay? She’s going through a hard time right now, I was just comforting her.” you explained
“Do you really think I’m that naive, like you didn’t touch her face to almost lean in, or like you didn’t hug” she continued as she pointed a finger to your chest and started pushing you back “or like she didn’t kiss your fucking cheek!”
“What the fuck Max!” You shouted as your back hit the door, “how many times do I have to tell you that we’re just friends, okay infact best friends, I would never cheat on you!” You exclaimed somewhat mad but getting where she was coming from. The redhead didn’t reply still looking at you like she was pissed off.
“Just admit it, you’re jealous” you stated as you knew you were right
In return you girlfriend scoffed madly “I’m so not!”
“You so are!” You replied as you smirked, Max looked so hot when frustrated
“Am not!” She shouted back
“Come on… you know you ar-” you kept on insisting but the girl cut you off pressing her lips against yours roughly.
You kissed her back as she pushed you once again against the door, lips molded together as she kept a hand on your waist and the other on your cheek. You on the other hand put both of your arms around her neck. Soon you both ran out of breath so you broke the kiss, now foreheads touching.
“Okay, maybe I was little jealous..” max whispered avoiding your eyes so you put your hand below her chin pulling her head up to met your eyes.
“It’s okay Max, I love you and only you” you whispered back as the girl smiled and pecked your lips.
“I love you too y/n”
Thanks for reading love u guys <3 request are open if you want to request :)
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Once In A Life Time~Eddie Munson
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Summary : You confess to Eddie how you feel, but it doesn't go the way you want it to go
"I like you, I like you a lot Eddie. You know, like more than friends"
" Oh, I'm not really interested in you like that. I like, Chrissy
That was the last conversation you had with Eddie, your best friend in his trailer. You thought confessing your feelings would do you some good. That somehow he would feel the same way about you. He calls you pretty girl and sweetheart. Those were only reserved for you.
Eddie didn't run after you when you told him how you felt. He hadn't called or stopped by knocking on your window.
You felt stupid and angry.
The following morning on your way to school, you had your Hellfire shirt in your backpack to give it back to Eddie or one of the guys. You weren't going to be at the campaigns anymore. It hurt too much.
" Have a good day at school, hunny" your mom say but she could only hear the slam of the door as you walked out. Usually Eddie would pick you up in the morning's but his van was no where in sight. You took your time walking to school, not bothering to care if you were late to your classes.
You had skipped first period and instead just headed towards your locker. Putting the combination in you took out your books and puts your book bag into the locker room slamming it shut.
" Y/N?" Dustin asked as he caught you outside in the halls. You didn't turn to look at him afraid of how he might react seeing the red tear, puffy eyes. But he heard it, your sniffle.
" What's the matter?" you turn to face him and that's when his face dropped. " Y/N?" he hurried to make his way to you, catching as you sobbed into his shoulder. He sighed, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your back. He had no idea what brought this one but he looked at you like you were his sister.
" Can you do me a favor?" you ask him, pulling away from him and opening your locker again. His eyes got wide seeing the Hellfire shirt in your hands. " Y/N, don't tell me your quitting Hellfire" you nodded, holding the shirt out to him.
" Why?" you shook your head, shaking the shirt. " Just give the shirt back to, Munson" Dustin's eyebrows frowned together and a deep frown on his face as he took the shirt in his hands.
" He broke my heart, that's all. Stupid feeling, stupid me" you shrugged and Dustin watched as you walked away with your shoulders hung. He hurried back to class, in anger going to tell Mike.
When it was around lunch time, Dustin walked in with Mike with both trays in their hands to the Hellfire table. Your shirt was rolled in a ball near Dustin's armpit.
They set their trays down and sat down, glaring at Eddie who has been munching on some pretzels. His eyebrow rosed at them and that's when the shirt hit him. It covered his head and he could smell coconut on the shirt. It's yours.
He removes the shirt from his head and it falls into his lap. He watches at it lays there.
" She quits" Mike says to Eddie. Eddie's heart sinks into his stomach. You were quitting Hellfire, his eyes rose to look around the cafeteria at you and that's when he spots you with your hair up, red puffy eyes, sleeve rubbing your nose and he watches as you make your way over to Robin, who gets up and embraces you.
" I'll be right back" he tells the rest of the table and makes his way to you and Robin. He stands there with the shirt in his hands. Robin takes notices of his presence and glares at him mouthing to him, " Go away."
You sniffled and pull away from Robin noticing her glare at someone and when you turn to look who it was, you wished you didn't. Eddie stood there with sadness in his eyes, glancing down at the shirt rolling the top of it with his fingers.
" Don't quit" he says pointing to the shirt. You looked away from him, scoffing turning around and making your way out of the cafeteria. The squeak of shoes hitting the floor behind you making you known that someone was following you.
" Leave me alone" you mutter to them, hurrying to the door stepping outside. The footsteps followed you and you hear the jingle from the chain. It's Eddie.
" Leave me alone, Munson" you tell him picking up your feet making a run into the forest. You ran to the familiar picnic table that you and Eddie spends most days there, away from school and away from people.
You sat on the bench with your arms folded on the table as you cried into them. You didn't even want to be here today, but your mom insisted you didn't miss any tests. You could care less about school when your heart is hurting.
The weight of the bench got heavy as someone sat down. You didn't want to see anyone especially if this was Eddie. You felt a gentle touch at your back, rubbing circles as they waited for your crying to die down. You lifted your head seeing in the corner of your eye, the curls, the rings, the jacket.
" what do you want, Munson?" he winced at how you asked. You never used his last name unless you were upset or mad at him.
" Don't quit Hellfire because of me, sweetheart" you glared at him.
" Don't call me that" you hissed and sliding away from him looking down at the table. The wooden table was more interesting than he is.
" Y/N, we need you there" you shrugged.
" I could always be replaced. Why don't you ask Chrissy?" you wiped your tears away with the back of your sleeve. Your eyes were starting to hurt from how much you've been crying.
" She won't understand like you do" He reached out to touch your shoulder but you pushed him away, standing up from the table.
" There are other sheep you can find" you started to make your way back to the school but Eddie stopped you.
" I'm sorry, this isn't how I wanted to lose you" he says. His brown eyes pleading and glossy. He was holding back tears feeling you slipping away from him.
" You've lost me as soon as I stepped out of your trailer the other day" you angrily spatted, turning around to walk away. Leaving Eddie who hung his head and letting his tears run down his cheeks as he holds your shirt up to his nose with his tears soaking it.
" Come back" he whispers into the air. You can't hear him as you walk back to school with your own tears.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Eddie x F!Reader — I’d just really like to read how Eddie would react if reader joins him in the upside down to perform Master of Puppets. She would be a little delayed because he had demanded her to not go back through the gate with him, and after sneaking through, knowing their plan, she had managed to, with struggle, drag her drum kit piece by piece on the rooftop (she lives like 5 trailers down from Eddie) to join him (probably around “come crawling faster, obey your master” or second verse) and Dustin turns in surprise as her bass literally vibrates under his feet, and tentacles start oozing and slithering around her trailer for the source of the disturbance. She has NO protection up there, and teetering on being louder and more of a target than Eddie.
This is really sad and dark, so if that's not your thing, I apologize.
Warnings: death, blood, language, events of S4 V2 occur
WC: 1.8k
“Look at us,” Eddie tells Steve, glancing at you and Dustin with a somber smile, “we are not heroes.”
Not heroes.
You’d spent the last 48 hours chasing down an anthropomorphic villain in an otherworldly dimension, and Eddie Munson had the audacity to say you weren’t a hero.
You’re unsure why his statement bothers you, why anything he says affects you at all. It was a twist of fate–bad luck, even–that you’d been ravaging around Rick’s abandoned boathouse when Eddie darted in, desperate for a place to hide. 
“Fuck, didn’t think anyone would be here,” he’d panted, wiping his sweaty forehead on his leather jacket-clad arms.
“Me, either,” you’d admitted, pocketing a thin silver chain that Rick had left behind. It could be junk, but it was worth a shot. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” 
He’d cocked his head, eyeing you in a way that made you feel recognized, not unnerved. “I feel like I’ve seen you around before,” he’d said. “You go to Hawkins High?”
“I did; graduated back in ‘84.” It was your crown achievement, being the first person in your family to finish high school. “I, uh, wanted to go to college, but it was too expensive. All my money goes to keeping me and my mom in our shitty trailer.”
Eddie snapped his fingers excitedly, a smile spreading across his pinked cheeks. “You live in Forest Hills!” he’d exclaimed loudly, then caught himself. “Are you the girl who plays drums?”
You gave a small laugh, holding your hands up in surrender. “Guilty as charged,” you’d conceded. “Sorry if it’s annoying; ‘s like my only outlet in this boring town.”
“Annoying?” Eddie gawped, crossing his arms over his chest, “you’re so good! Plus, it keeps me from being the only one bothering the neighbors with my loud-ass music.”
And then it clicked. “You’re Guitar Guy!” you’d blurted out, accidentally using the nickname you’d secretly bestowed upon him. “I mean…you’re the guy who plays guitar…”
“You can call me Eddie; although Guitar Guy sounds pretty metal, too.”
Somehow, that chance encounter had led you here, to a place called the Upside Down, bonded with a ragtag gang of Hawkins misfits.
While Max, Lucas, and Erica are luring Vecna to the real Creel attic, Steve, Robin, and Nancy will creep into the Upside Down version and destroy his body. You, Eddie, and Dustin have to secure the Munson trailer and set up speakers so Eddie could distract the demobats. That’s all.
But you have other plans.
“I’ll be right back,” you tell Dustin in a hushed whisper while Eddie is fawning over his alternate dimension guitar. You dash out of the door, making your way to your own trailer–well, the Upside Down version of it, anyway.
“Wh-wha?” you hear Dustin stammering. “Dude, your girlfriend just ditched us!” He must be speaking to Eddie, though you can’t bring yourself to stick around and hear his response. No, you’re technically not his girlfriend; not his anything, really, but it would still be painful to hear the confirmation. Besides, you have a mission to complete.
You yank off the thin cloth covering your drumset. Slimy vines lay at the base, but have not yet wrapped around the kit itself. You breathe a sigh of relief for small miracles as you shove the drumsticks into your back pocket.
There’s no question what song Eddie will play; all you’ve heard the last week is Metallica’s Master of Puppets blaring from his side of the trailer park. The beat was imprinted in your head, which would now come in handy.
Piece by piece, you drag the bass, then the snare, and finally the cymbals outside. Now the real struggle remained: how to hoist them atop your trailer roof. It would be much easier if the guys could help you, but they’d only try to stop you if they knew. You mimic the makeshift entry to the Upside Down by tying your bedsheets around each part of the set, climbing to the roof and pulling them up. The sound of Eddie’s guitar reverberates through the park, still louder than the screeching bats in the distance.
“C’mon, pull yourself together” you mutter, hands shaking with fear. You hadn’t practiced the song much, insecure about the mysterious Guitar Guy knowing that you’d been listening to him play. It seemed so silly now; worrying about something so benign when there were terrifying things luring beneath the surface.
Eddie’s fingers fly over the strings, his face scrunched in concentration. Neither he nor Dustin have noticed you, and you’d like to keep it that way as long as possible. 
Two, three, four, you count yourself in, right as Eddie gets to the “Come crawling faster/Obey your master” part. You start softly, but the adrenaline kicks in and you soon find yourself playing as though your life depends on it–which, in this case, it might.
Dustin is the first to notice the additional noise. He audibly gasps when his binoculars land on you. “Eddie!” he cries out, desperate for the man’s attention. “Look!” Eddie’s gaze follows Dustin’s pointing finger.
“What the fuck?” he shouts, but he doesn’t stop playing. “She’s gonna get herself killed!” He glances up at the sky at the swarm of bats, headed towards the trailers.
Eddie turns to the curly-haired boy kneeling at his speakers and shouts as loudly as he can. “Turn it louder!” 
Dustin fiddles with the knob. “It doesn’t go any louder!” he yells back. He puts the binoculars back to his eyes. “T-minus thirty!” he announces, holding up three fingers on one hand and making a 0 with the other. 
Eddie acknowledges this with a nod. There’s a pit in his stomach when he realizes that you’re unaware of the countdown to impending doom. 
“T-minus twenty!” Dustin waves his arms frantically to get your attention, but you’re engrossed in the music. The bat shrieks get louder as they zigzag between the dark clouds. Eddie’s fingers are flying across the guitar, strings digging into the pads of his fingers as he plays as loudly as he can. Dustin gives the ten-second warning, biting his lips nervously.
You and Eddie finish the song simultaneously; he and Dustin waste no time leaping off of the roof. “Y/N, let’s go, let’s go, LET’S GO!” Eddie screams, waving you over. You steady yourself as you jump off your own roof, but unlike the boys, you land awkwardly and feel your right ankle give out underneath you.   
“Fuck!” you hiss. You try to walk on it, but you just stumble to the ground. “Eddie! Dustin! HELP!” You’re shouting into the void; both of them are already at the rope.
“Where is she?” Eddie mutters as he holds the rope steady for Dustin. “Henderson, she’s not here yet!”
“She’ll be here,” Dustin reassures his friend as he flings himself into the real Hawkins. “She was a few trailers behind us, remember?”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, no, it’s been too long. She should’ve gotten here by now.” He swivels around at the sound of your voice begging for help. “I gotta go.” Ignoring Dustin’s protests, Eddie grabs his makeshift shield and runs as fast as he can. His heart pounds against his chest as his boots hit the ground, thudding across the damp grass. Your ear-piercing scream makes his blood run cold, and he sprints faster.
But the worst part isn’t your scream. It’s the silence that follows.
Eddie gets to your side just as the demobats fall down, crashing onto the dirt clumsily. They look so unassuming and docile, a stark contrast from their ferociousness just moments ago. His eyes immediately land on your torso, marred and bloodied.
“Oh, no,” he murmurs as he kneels down, hands turning sticky and crimson as soon as he touches you. “No, no, no. Y/N…Y/N, you gotta stay with me.”
“Eddie,” you croak, choking out your words. “Is it bad?”
“‘S gonna be fine, sweetheart.” His voice is brave, but the fear in his eyes give him away. He removes the black bandana from his head and wraps it around your ribs in an attempt at a tourniquet. You grimace at the pressure against your open wounds. “What were you thinking?”
“W-wanted to b-be a hero,” you stutter, offering him as much of a smile as you can. You can feel the blood trickle from your lips and down your chin. “Th-this is g-gonna be your y-year, right?”
His heart sinks. Huddled in the boathouse together, you two had quickly begun trading stories. He told you about how his parents split when he was nine, leaving Wayne as his guardian; you confided that your mom had no clue who your dad even was. When you’d mentioned wanting to pursue a career in nursing, but not being able to pay for courses, he’d confessed that he was on his third go-around at senior year.
“But this’ll be it,” he’d stated confidently, hunched over in the lifeboat. “It’s my year, baby. ‘86!”
“Yeah,” he smiles forlornly back at you. “Yeah, it is. But I want you to be here, too.” 
You reach a hand out to his tear-stained cheek, using what little energy you have to rub your thumb over it. “How d’you l-look so cute even when you’re c-crying?” Your laugh is cut short by a choking fit.
“Save your strength, darlin’.” he tells you, but he knows that you’re far too injured for his advice to matter.
Dustin runs over now, taking one look at the situation and groaning. 
“Eddie, is she–”
“She’s gonna be fine,” Eddie interrupts, a pointed look on his face telling the boy to be quiet. “You’re gonna be fine, okay?” he says, turning to you.
“Mhm,” you manage, “just gonna rest for a sec…” Eddie and Dustin watch as a stillness creeps over your body, and you take your final breath. They stand there for a few minutes, unable to move.
Dustin is the one to break the silence. “C’mon, Eddie,” he pulls gently on his friend’s sleeve. “We gotta get going, get ready for the next phase.”
“Just a second.” Eddie unlatches the guitar pick chain  from around his neck and puts it on yours. He presses on his knees as he stands up, admiring your beauty even in death.
The two of them slowly walk back to the trailer, side by side. Eddie swings an arm around Dustin, pulling him in close.
“I think I loved her, dude,” he whispers, expecting Dustin to roll his eyes or tease him, but the boy just gives him a hug.
“I think she loved you, too,” he replies softly, “actually, I know she did.”
Eddie turns back to take one last look at the realm that claimed the girl of his dreams before ascending the rope.
“Gonna make ‘86 my year, baby. Just for you.”
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strangersteddierthings · 10 months
Steve, Gareth and Chrissy are cousins AU (sad edition) [prologue] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Final Part]
"So," Dustin starts as he falls into step with Gareth, "you were pretty interested in Steve's whereabouts earlier. What's up with that?"
Gareth debates not answering at all. Just ignoring Dustin until he jogged to catch back up to Lucas and Max. That's rude, though, and he has no reason to be rude to Dustin. The thing he has to decide is how honest is he going be? "Just thought he'd be at Chrissy's funeral and he wasn't."
"I wasn't either, but you didn't shove me."
"Should I shove you now to make up for it?"
Dustin glares at him before it morphs into a frown and he mutters, more to himself than Gareth, "the storm comes, and now all friends should gather together, lest each singly be destroyed."
"What- are you quoting Lord of the Rings to me? That's-"
"What, no, I'm quoting it to myself. Were Steve and you friends once?"
This kid is way to observant. Truth it is. "Uh, yeah. But also, he's my cousin."
Dustin processes this, if the silence that follows is anything to go by. "Wait. Like your cousin but- on whose side?"
"If you're asking if Chrissy is -was- also his cousin, the answer's yes. My dad, Chrissy's dad, and Steve's mom are siblings," Gareth spells it out, and hears a gasp from ahead of them. Looking forward reveals the distance between their two little groups has vanished, as Lucas and Max are mere steps away and stopped. Eavesdropping, apparently. Max whips around to look at him with the first expression he's seen on her face since they met at Skull Rock. He's a little impressed that she can look pissed off and concerned at the same time.
"Are you telling the truth?" she demands.
"Why would I lie?" Gareth says. "Ask Steve after we rescue him if you don't believe me."
The kids exchange looks that he can't decipher. Max jams the headphones back onto her head and turns on her heel, marching onward. The three boys have no choice but to follow.
"You've been worried for Eddie and Steve, haven't you?" Lucas asks.
"Yeah," Gareth says truthfully. He's been on just this side of freaked the fuck out since yesterday, but learning his best friend and his cousin were in the alternate dimension has done nothing to calm that. He's going to strangle them both when he sees them again. For stressing him out this much.
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Steve has never been happier to see Dustin than he is now, standing in the Upside Down version of the Munson trailer, looking down at him. Up at him? He doesn't want to think on that too much.
The kids haul Eddie's mattress from his room to below the gate and make a rope of sheets, and soon enough Eddie is volunteering to go first. Steve watches, almost afraid that this easy escape is almost too easy, but Eddie lands on his mattress, looking startled before a wide smile breaks across his face. Eddie should smile more. Happy is a good look on him.
Before Steve can really have to process that thought, Gareth is helping Eddie up and Robin is asking for Steve's assistance to go next.
He watches her land before turning to Nancy. "You're turn."
Nancy's got a look on her face Steve hasn't seen in a long time. It's mischievous, almost teasing. She hasn't looked at him like that since before Barb died. "Steve Harrington. Who would have thought?"
"What?" Steve asks, confused.
"Eddie says one nice thing to you and you can't take your eyes off him?" Nancy says, using the same fake tone of surprise and shock that Carol used to use when she was making fun of someone.
"I don't know what you're talking about but we gotta go. Come on," he gestures for her to step closer, but she just smiles, almost too wide.
"Don't think I didn't notice," Eddie shouts from above him. Steve whips his head back to look up. Eddie, Robin, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Gareth are standing in a circle around the sheet rope, all looking up at him. "You kept looking down at my lips, like you couldn't believe the words I was saying."
"Sure. Or another, less platonic reason," Robin wiggles her eyebrows at him.
"Is this really the time for any sort of conversation?" Steve asks, incredulously. "The heckling can wait until we're back on the right side."
"Was all the shit about trying to warn me to stay away from Eddie so you could stare without consequences? Didn't want a witness to your crime?" Gareth's voice comes out cruel. "Is that why it was so easy to toss me and Chrissy aside? You thought if we weren't close enough, we wouldn't see the cracks in your foundation?"
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"Steve. Steve!" Nancy's shouting grabs everyone's attention, and Gareth scrambles to look up at what is happening. Nancy has her hands on Steve's shoulders, shaking him as he just stands there.
"What's-" Gareth starts to ask but Robin cuts him off.
"Music! Eddie, do you have Tears for Fears!?"
Eddie looks insulted at being asked but that quickly gives way to fear. He takes off to his room, Robin and the kids quick on his heel but Gareth stays. He doesn't understand why they need music. Not that he could take his eyes off Steve anyway. "Is Steve- What is happening?"
Nancy looks down (up?) at him, and says, "It's Vecna's curse. Music can reach part of your mind that other things can't. It helps pull you back, away from Vecna."
"Steve is- like what happened with Chrissy?" Gareth asks, unable to keep the rising fear and panic from his voice.
It looks like it pains Nancy to say, "Yes."
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Steve isn't in the trailer anymore. Instead, he's watching as four gates spread and tear Hawkins apart, devouring the town building by building, slowly creepy towards him but he can't seem to bring himself to move.
"Just one more gate, Steve Harrington."
Steve blinks and he's not looking at the destruction of Hawkins anymore. In front of him is a monster.
"I could have picked you. Instead of Chrissy. Instead of Maxine. But I think I have a better use of you."
"I'm not doing shit for you," Steve spits with more bravado than he actually feels.
The monster, who can only be Vecna, just twists his lip up in a disgusting grin before Steve finds himself rapidly closing in until Vecna is inches from his face. "You will tell Eleven that I am coming for her. You will live to deliver this message. In return, I will let you choose."
"Choose what?"
"I will take one more life for my gates. It can be Maxine, or another."
"Me. Leave Max alone!" Steve screams in his face, fights against the force holding him hostage. He wants so bad to swing his fist into Vecna's stupid face.
"No. No. I took one cousin from you, and now you've only one family member left to might care that you exist at all, Steve. I took Chrissy, and now, perhaps, I'll take the other cousin, too. Gareth."
"If you even try-"
"Maxine or Gareth. Which means more to you? Who would you sacrifice to save the other? I think I know. Or, if you cannot choose, I can take both."
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Everyone watches as Steve drops like a stone to his knees, hands shooting out to stop his decent further. It takes a second for that to sink in. That he's not dead.
Gareth almost cries over it. All his anger at Steve, the resentment, fades into nothing but relief. It feels so stupid to hold a grudge suddenly. What does he gain from being mad at Steve? For something he originally asked for? He told Steve, and Chrissy, to pretend to not know him. He can't be mad that Steve did that, even after graduating. Gareth never took back his request! How was Steve to know he didn't care about that anymore?
And now that Steve could have- that Vecna tried to- it just seems stupid.
There's more fussing and fretting but eventually Nancy and Steve drop onto the mattress and everyone crowds Steve.
Gareth waits just a few minutes before he bully he's was in. He takes Dustin by the back of his shirt, like Eddie does all the time, and drags him bodily backwards. Dustin fights for all of four seconds, until he turns to see who's moving him, then he lets himself be moved. All the kids take a step back, give him room.
Steve meets his eye and he looks so haunted. So hurt. Steve opens his mouth but Gareth beats him to speaking.
"I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry," he says, then launches himself at Steve. Steve catches him easily and hugs him back almost too tightly.
In a barely perceptible whisper, Steve says, "I'm sorry, too."
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Later, much later, Steve sneaks out to get some fresh air. He doesn't go far from Max's home, just around the back into the dark, hidden from the street lamps.
He lets himself break down, for just a moment, where no one can see and keeps his sobs silent so no one will hear.
He's going to hate himself for the rest of his life. Because Vecna told him to choose, and God help him.
He had.
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