#they just opened their career with a kick in the teeth
bateauivree · 5 months
Whiplash (2014)
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gloomwitchwrites · 1 month
hi!!! i literally started reading your blog and FR YOU HAVE TALENT. Got me giggling and kicking my feet cus of that girl dad!tf141 fics.
I was reading one of the links you put in for prompt ideas and I read that one six words sentence from link five: "I can't risk losing you again." hello?? potential angst to fluff?? I couldn't get it off my head and i was wondering if you could write something from it :>
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Thank you so much! That's so sweet of you! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading the Just Like Dad stories. I had a lot of fun writing them.
"I can't risk losing you again" is such an open-ended prompt. There is a lot you can do with that. I hope my humble offering is enough. I certainly went more angst than fluff on this one, but I really do love sad things with twinges of hope thrown in.
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): canon-typical swearing, mild blood, non-graphic mentions of violence, angst, fluff, pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy complications
Simon "Ghost" Riley: An enemy of Simon's harms you, forcing Simon to make a tough decision. (wc: 315) Kyle "Gaz" Garrick: Kyle decides there is only one way to keep you close. (wc: 323) John Price: Price worries after you tell him you're pregnant when the first pregnancy had complications. (wc: 329) John "Soap" MacTavish: Johnny learns that falling in love with a teammate can only lead to sorrow. (wc: 542)
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if series masterlist
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Busted door. Shattered glass. Overturned table.
The lights aren’t working and rain enters through the open patio door. You are safe and whole and far from this. But is it enough? Will Simon be able to keep you safe?
What was once doubt is now cold truth.
It’s not your trashed home but the state Simon found you in. It was your heavy-lidded eyes and bruised face. It was the pools of red that Simon didn’t know belonged to you, the dead man facedown in the carpet, or both. It was your smile of relief when you realized it was Simon drawing you into his arms.
Simon knows the man who did this—no. He knows who fucking ordered it.
And when he finds Makarov, he’ll show that fucker just how trigger-hungry he can be. The lead will burst and fuse to his lungs, and Simon will bathe in the aftermath.
All that’s left is your safety. If Simon knew that his career would lead to this, he would have taken steps to protect you years ago. You are always his one bright spot, that candle in the dark that is his life.
With you, he became more than his trauma. More than his guilt. More than his past. With you, he found peace. He found happiness. You are the sugary candy that sticks in the teeth but is too addictive to give up.
Departing is agony. The return is his reward and his longing.
You are everything.
And that is why he let you go.
Why he said, “I can’t risk losing you again.”
He put his head in your lap, his fingers digging into the sides of your thighs and failed to push down the tears.
Laswell will take you far away. She will keep you somewhere safe.
Makarov won’t find you.
And maybe—perhaps in the future—Simon can return to you.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Kyle is a nervous wreck.
The tiny box sits heavy in his pocket, burning an invisible hole. His plan is not the most romantic, but the two of you aren’t the type to go big. It’s all subtle, and Kyle only wants this moment to include the two of you.
This is his last chance.
Kyle’s final opportunity.
In this relationship, Kyle has kept you second. Not on purpose but out of habit. Work is his lifeblood. It drives him, and every successful mission is a point of pride. But in keeping up with that, Kyle left you behind.
His absences lengthened, and over time, he noticed you were pulling away, closing off. But that isn’t your fault. Kyle created the perfect brew for you to drink. These are the consequences of his actions, and he needs to make it right.
There was a time when Kyle nearly did lose you. When he came home and thought you had packed up and left without saying a word. That broke him. Made him realize just how distant he’d become.
Change is difficult.
But Kyle did it. Slowly.
Your smile returned, and when he comes home, your greetings are full of passion.
I can’t risk losing you again.
Kyle takes a deep breath as the deadbolt on the front door disengages. There is a slight tremble in his hands. Kyle is never nervous. Never. But fuck—taking this next step is driving him up the goddamn wall.
He pushes off from the couch, turning just as the front door swings open.
You step inside, face turned away as you go to shut the door. When you finally glance into the room, all the nervousness inside Kyle’s chest evaporates.
Your smile is so sweet, and you don’t hesitate. Dropping your bag, you rush toward him, and Kyle cannot help but meet you halfway.
He’s making the right choice in asking you to stay with him forever.
John Price
“You’re not happy.”
John is happy. He is. But old worries bubble up, seeping into the joy. It’s tainting everything, and that is clear by how your smile starts to fade.
“I am happy,” he says, but his mouth is a hard line. John knows he’s frowning.
You shake your head, one hand resting over your stomach. “Don’t lie, John.”
This is supposed to be a happy moment. He should sweep you up in his arms. He should kiss you until you’re begging for air. But all John can think about are all the doctor appointments he attended with you, and the grimness of what might not happen.
From that came a daughter. John loves her. Adores her. But bringing her into the world nearly killed you. He grappled with that stress while being as present as possible with you. Growing your family has always been a dream, and John doesn’t fault you for a second. There is no family without you.
John grasps the sides of your face and moves into your space. Your own hands close over his, keeping him from retreat.
“I am happy,” he reiterates. “But we both know what it took to bring our daughter into the world.” John shakes his head absently and breathes deep. “Don’t do this for me.”
“I can’t risk losing you again.”
This time, your smile returns. There is a hint of sadness lingering behind it, as if you too are reflecting on all that happened.
“Everything will be fine.” You release his hand and gently cup his cheek.
John kisses your forehead, his thumb absently tracing your jaw. “Are you sure?”
The decision is ultimately yours, and John will respect whatever you decide.
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” he nods.
John pulls you in, lips finding yours. When you melt into him, accepting all that he’s giving, a wave of peace settles over him.
This is right.
And whatever happens, the two of you will face it together.
John "Soap" MacTavish
Johnny drips water all over the floor. He is soaked through. Shivering. But he could give a fuck.
“Where is she?”
“Where the fuck is she, Price?”
Captain Price sighs heavily and crosses his arms. “She needs rest.”
Johnny swallows down his retort. He’s not upset with Price, and shit like this happens all the time, but he needs to know if you’re okay.
You took a fucking bad fall, and Johnny couldn’t stop to run after you. The mission comes first, and it wasn’t his job. Other people stepped in and whisked you away. But from the height you plummeted from, Johnny feared the worst.
Still does to an extent.
If you were dead, Price wouldn’t hide that from him. But he might hide how bad you’re injured as a way to protect him. Price has always been fatherly in that regard. Right now, it’s driving Johnny fucking nuts.
“Captain. Please,” Johnny clenches his fists and then releases them. “Let me see her.”
Price’s frown smooths a bit and the middle of his brow wrinkles with concern. “For a few minutes. All I can spare.”
Johnny has to keep from rushing to the hospital room doorway when the words leave Price’s mouth. He has Johnny walk with him to your door. Thunder rumbles in the distance and rain steadily hits the large window at the far end of the hospital room.
Just as Johnny takes a step inside, Price’s hand is on his shoulder.
“She’ll make it,” is all he says before he shuts the door.
Johnny lingers right inside. All the lights are off except a small lamp in the corner. Your eyes are closed, and your face is peaceful. There is bruising. A few bandages. The machines next to the bed beep softly.
He was so eager—so determined to get to you. Now, Johnny deflates.
On quiet feet, he grabs a chair and brings it over to your bedside. You don’t stir. Simply sleep. Johnny eases down into the chair and leans forward, his forearms crossed as he rests them on the side of the hospital bed.
Still, you don’t move. And Johnny doesn’t dare wake you.
Rest is important, and all he wants is for you to recover.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “That I didn’t come sooner.” The rain picks up and Johnny smooths back his wet hair. “But I can’t keep doing this. Every time you’re hurt I—” He sighs heavily and rests his forehead on his crossed arms.
“I can’t risk losing you again,” he murmurs into the bedding.
It’s become too much. You’re not supposed to fuck your coworkers and you shouldn’t fall in love with them either. But Johnny did both. With you. And he cannot take that back.
He’d give anything if you’d set this all aside.
Your fingers brushing against his scalp startle him. Johnny lifts his head, only to find you watching him. There is a soft smile on your lips, and his instinct is to grasp your hand and bring it to his lips, kissing each knuckle and then your palm.
The moment your mouth opens to speak, there is knock at the door. Johnny frowns and looks up, finding Price in the doorway.
“Time’s up.”
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
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@suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Check Yes (to go on a date with a dead guy) chapter 5 progress
“Hey!” Duke hollered, as soon as Jason put the key in his door. “Welcome back, loser!”
Danny huffed out a laugh. 
“Hey yourself,” Jason called out, holding the door open and making sure Danny got in before he closed it behind them. “Scruffy little brother, this is Danny. Danny, this is Duke.” 
“Wait, what?” Duke skidded into the room on socked feet, eyes wide and mouth grinning in confused delight. “I didn't know you had any friends!” 
“Oh, we're not friends,” Danny reassured him easily, missing Jason's scowl. “Just dating. So there's still no proof that he has friends.” He winked obnoxiously. 
Jason could see the moment Duke shut down and rebooted twice as excited. 
Christ. He quietly cursed to himself and ducked his head to hide the burning in his cheeks as Danny bounced over to hold his hand out. He was never beating the allegations of favoritism after this, Jason sighed. 
Danny was a little sun spot when he chirped, “Nice to meet you, I hear you're the generous distributor of games?”
“Yeah, that request makes sooo much more sense now.” Duke met Danny's hand with a friendly slap and then went in for a hug. Jason cringed at the familiarity- but apparently it was the right move. Danny went for it, backslapping Duke amiably. They separated. Danny thoughtfully held Duke at a distance, hands on his shoulders. 
“I see. So, you're my true opponent?” At Duke's nod, Danny smiled with a few too many teeth. He leaned in to hold intense eye contact. “Gonna kick your ass,” Danny vowed. 
“You can try, old man,” Duke shot back. They separated with grins. “I’ll set up. Jason, your taste is so much better than I thought it would be.”
Jason made an offended noise. “Wait, what?” 
Duke gestured at him with one lazy hand as he unlatched the top of his backpack and started withdrawing games. “I figured you would exclusively date super serious tough types.”
“... I'm tough,” Danny said morosely.
Jason resisted the urge to cackle. He didn't disbelieve it at all! Size wasn't everything. But the uh, the big baby eyes and slumping shoulders really weren't selling the toughness.
Duke shrugged, brutal and unconcerned with the damage he was leaving in his wake. “I was thinking more like a forensic accountant who collects rocks and cage fights literally just for the fitness benefits.” 
Jason took a moment to consider that theoretical accountant. He would date that person. They sounded well rounded. It was a sensible career, a chill hobby, and a reasonably active lifestyle. What was wrong with that? He frowned to himself. What was Duke even implying??
“I would date that accountant,” Danny reluctantly admitted. He seemed disgruntled about it. “I don't cage fight, sorry to disappoint. You can't imagine how much my sister would kill me if I tried.” 
“It's fine,” Jason reassured, making a mental note of a sister and the potential for quantifiable subsequent deaths. “Me either.” 
He could, though. He thought about it for a moment. He'd kick so much ass. That would be a fun way to give Bruce a heart attack. 
Duke snorted, but thankfully said nothing else. Jason didn't want to hear what Duke thought about his odds in cage fighting. Jason knew what was in his heart and that it was fighting potential. 
The game Duke and Danny settled on was a multiplayer racing game. Jason dutifully tried. His car bounced along and beat out all but one of the computer's characters. He endured two rounds before he bowed out and leaned back to watch the other two trash talk each other. 
Honestly, these games were repetitive and pretty boring. Jason zoned out and stretched. He was laying his arm along the back of the couch before he realized that was a bad idea. 
He froze, forearm just barely brushing against the back of Danny's neck. Danny… didn't seem to care. 
Well. Jason let his arm relax. It was only weird if Danny thought it was weird. 
Duke glanced over out of the corner of his eye and gave Jason a cat-faced smirk. Jason raised his hand just enough to show off his favorite finger. 
“Hey, gimme a min?” Duke said. “I need to use the bathroom.”
Liar. Sneaking liar, Jason thought fondly. He was going to try to spy and see what they did when he left the room. 
Danny hit the pause button and let the controller drop to the sofa. “Yeah, go piss girl,” he drawled. 
Jason cocked his head to the side in confusion.
Duke just laughed, so that must have been some kind of reference. He clambered over the back of the sofa and gave Danny's shoulders a light push on his way past. 
Danny went with the motion and bumped into Jason with a giggle. Jason endured it patiently, bemused but enjoying that they were both happy. 
The bathroom door shut behind Duke. 
Danny leaned further into Jason and contorted his neck at a frankly precarious angle to look up at him. “Are you having fun?” He checked. Danny's ear brushed against Jason's chest in a way that he was hyper aware of. There was line of concern between his eyebrows that Jason kinda wanted to smooth away with a thumb.
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mellowmadds · 4 months
Stressful Situations | Matt Sturniolo
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Dad!Matt Sturniolo/Fem Reader
Summary: After a long stressful day the last thing Matt wants to come home to is an upset toddler.
Warnings: slight cussing, stressed reader, stressed Matt (obviously), and SMUT (if you aren’t comfortable don’t read)
Word Count: 2954
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Becoming parents has caused many ups and downs over the past three years, however you wouldn’t change anything no matter what. Today has been one of those off days where nothing seemed to be going right for you. Firstly being interrupted during your morning shower by Matt barging in to brush his teeth, you just couldn’t seem to get any privacy nowadays.
“You have to brush your teeth right now?” you asked in an annoyed tone while simultaneously rolling your eyes.
“I have a meeting in thirty minutes, you should know that” Matt says as he squeezes the almost empty bottle of toothpaste onto his toothbrush.
Deciding not to start an argument this early in the morning you push past him wrapping the towel around your body and heading into your guys shared bedroom just a couple steps away. After opening the bedroom door soon your sour mood turned upside down as you saw your three year old daughter snuggled up in the bed lightly snoring away.
“She needs to learn to sleep in her own bed” Matt laughs quietly coming up behind you as he wraps his arms around you before placing soft kisses along your neck. You nodded your head in agreement while slowly unwrapping Matt’s arms from around your waist and opening the closet to pick out something to wear for the day.
“I’m going to head out I should be back soon hopefully” Matt rambles on as he crosses his fingers hoping his meeting goes smoothly so that he can spend more time with his family at home.
Lately it has seemed as if Matt and his brothers have been working nonstop. You knew they were at the peak of their career and needed to put out content frequently so that they could continue to gain popularity but they also needed to keep their loyal fanbase happy. You were never interested in becoming a content creator yourself and wanted to keep yourself and your daughter offline as much as possible. Matt very much agreed with you that he wanted to keep that part of his life private and not share his relationship and daughter with the fans. Most of them understood but many of them disagreed and hated the idea of not knowing everything that was going on in his life.
“Mama!” You heard your daughter Eleanor shout out as she threw the blanket off of her.
“Goodmorning Ellie! Did you get a goodnight’s sleep?” You asked enthusiastically, trying to cheer yourself up. She giggled in response as you gave her a tight hug and told her you loved her.
“Where’s dada?” she asked, putting her arms up ready to give Matt a huge hug.
You explained that Matt had some work to do this morning which made your daughter extremely upset, she was the definition of a daddy’s girl. After scrambling to get dressed as Ellie cried on the bed upset because Matt wasn’t there you quickly picked her up and tried to soothe her while walking down the hall into her room.
“Mama no mama no” Ellie screamed while kicking her feet trying to free herself from your arms. If there's one thing she hated the most it was getting dressed and brushing her teeth.
“Well someone seems to be in a mood today” Nick laughed while side eyeing his niece.
“You’re not being very helpful” You sighed while trying to hold it together and not let the tears that welled up in your eyes spill down your cheeks. You knew Nick was just trying to lighten the mood a little, he was your best friend after all.
“You go get her dressed and ready for the day while I make breakfast, okay?” Nick said with a warm smile. You always knew you could count on him for help on stressful days like today. You thanked him while walking into your daughter's room and picked out a cute outfit for her to wear. After getting her undressed you wiped her tears and tried your best to comfort her. Matt was always better at these sorts of things and that really took a toll on your relationship because you constantly thought of yourself as a bad mother. After she had calmed down a bit you quickly got her dressed and brushed through her hair and put it up into two space buns with white bows to tie it all together.
“Oh my goodness look at my beautiful niece looking all stylish” Nick said while doing different funny poses trying to brighten the mood of the three year old little girl that had just walked into the kitchen. He placed down a plate of pancakes on the table while you grabbed a juice box out of the fridge and then grabbed one of your daughters colorful toddler plates and a small fork for her.
“No mama other one!” Ellie screamed pointing to the light blue plate you held in your hand. At this point you have had enough of the screams and demands coming from your toddler but you held your frustration in not wanting to let your emotions show in front of Nick. Instead you nodded your head and quickly went to grab the pink plate instead. You thank Nick for breakfast as he heads back upstairs with a pancake and cup of coffee. As you start cutting up a pancake for Ellie you hear a quiet shuffling coming upstairs and you turn around to a very disheveled Chris.
“Aren’t you also supposed to be at that morning meeting?” You asked confused because you were sure Chris was supposed to be in attendance so he could get ready for the next fresh love launch.
“Matt left without me?” Chris asked, running his hand through his hair frantically looking for his phone to call his brother.
During the phone call you quietly listened and you could tell Matt was extremely stressed out and frustrated so you already knew the rest of your day was about to be shitty. Chris threw on one of his hoodies that was laying on the couch and quickly slammed the door as he ordered an Uber outside. After Ellie was finished eating you cleaned up the dirty dishes from breakfast and walked over to the living room to put paw patrol on and took out a few toys for Ellie to play with. She jumped up and down in excitement while singing the theme song. You took this opportunity to sit down on the couch, put your headphones on and listen to music while you answered some emails for the boys knowing they will be grateful they don’t have to do that later on.
“Hey y/n you did not have to handle that missing space camp order” Nick said while walking into the kitchen. You turned once you realized he was talking to you so you took your headphones off.
“It’s no problem, just trying to help relieve your guys' work load.” You smiled as he gave you a quick hug. He was very appreciative and told you to go take a break so you gladly listened to him. After gathering your things you turned paw patrol off and picked up Ellie who had fallen asleep a few minutes prior and carefully walked to the bedroom to cuddle and catch up on some much needed sleep. While you were asleep you had no idea that Matt had come home, however Ellie did notice. Matt quietly opened his bedroom door and Ellie immediately woke up out of a sound slumber.
“Dada!” Ellie smiled as she held her arms up waiting for Matt to pick her up. He quietly shushed her, not wanting to wake you up he picked up his daughter and grabbed her stuffy and headed out of the room.
“Are you hungry? Do you want something for lunch?” Matt asked his daughter who smiled and happily agreed to having lunch with her dad. Matt quickly made the two of them sandwiches and placed them on some paper towel with a few chips.
“Don’t tell mommy we are having chips okay? It’s going to be our little secret” Matt laughed as he watched his daughter go for the chips instead of the sandwich. After finishing up their lunch Matt wiped his daughter's face that was covered in crumbs from all the chips she had and then went over to her room to grab her coloring book and a pack of crayons.
“Dada is going to take a quick shower and when I’m all done I want to see all of the pages you colored and I want you to choose one to hang on the fridge okay?” Matt told his daughter while giving her a kiss on the top of her head.
“If you need anything uncle Nick is sitting right there on the couch” Matt said while letting his brother know he was going in the shower and to keep an eye on his niece for just a few minutes. Nick brushed it off agreeing to watch her but he was just too busy editing on his computer to care. Matt rolled his eyes already frustrated but he knew he could trust his daughter to sit there and color, anything dangerous was out of reach anyways so she couldn’t get into that much trouble.
Matt got undressed as he waited for the water to turn warm. As he stepped in the shower and let the hot water trickle down his body he let out a huge sigh of relief. While he started washing his hair he tugged on his ends a little harder than usual imagining it was your hands instead of his. Just before his thoughts could go any further he heard his three year old little girl start crying hysterically from the kitchen. He quickly finished up his shower getting out drying off and stepped into a pair of boxers, however you were quicker than him because as he opened the bathroom door he saw you questioning Nick.
“Why would you watch that video knowing she was at the kitchen table coloring” You asked as Nick shrugged his shoulders still not caring because he had work he had to finish.
“I wasn’t even watching the tv it just started playing the next video” Nick said trying to defend himself. Matt walked into the kitchen to pick up his daughter and try his best to comfort her.
“Scary” Ellie cried out, pointing to the tv which displayed the newest Sam and Colby video.
“All I asked was for you to watch her for a few minutes, that's it” Matt looked extremely frustrated and fed up.
“We all have shit we have to get done Matt, not just you. Maybe you should edit and upload today's video instead” Nick told him while grabbing his laptop and heading upstairs.
You turned to Matt and told him he didn’t have to start an argument with his brother over this because it wasn’t worth it. Matt couldn’t care less though as he walked into Ellie's bedroom and quietly tried comforting her by rubbing her back and gently bouncing her up and down while whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Instead of helping Matt you walked upstairs to apologize to Nick. He had told you many many times that you had nothing to apologize for as he hugged you because he could tell how stressed out you were and did not want to make that feeling any worse. The night continued on and thankfully nothing else bad had happened. The sky grew darker and finally everyone had settled into bed Ellie in between both of you snuggling her stuffy as she watched Bluey on the tv. After about an hour she had finally fallen asleep and Matt gently picked her up and walked her over to her own room to tuck her into bed. Thankfully she stayed asleep giving you some time to spend with Matt which was desperately needed. Matt climbed back into the bed pulling you into his chest and kissing the top of your head.
“I’m sorry I’ve been kind of an asshole lately” Matt said out of the blue which made you pick your head up and gently tangle your hands in his hair as you gave him a light sweet kiss.
“You don’t have to apologize, I understand everyone gets stressed out sometimes” You replied before Matt surprisingly flipped you over so now you were laying on your back and he settled between your legs as he propped himself up using his forearms.
“Can I make it up to you?” Matt asked while twirling a piece of your hair with one of his fingers. You looked over towards the clock on your nightstand and it read 9:48pm Nick and Chris were definitely still awake.
“You can be quiet for me, I know you can angel” Matt says, making you nod in agreement. He gently takes one of his hands and grabs your chin while leaning in, giving you a passionate but rough kiss. You knew he had been stressed out recently so you had no idea what to expect from him tonight. His grip on your chin tightens as he turns your head to the side so he could move down to kiss your neck.
“Please no teasing Matt plea-” He quickly interrupts by shushing you then giving you a kiss before sitting up and quickly hooking his fingertips under the waistband of your pajama shorts.
“Are you not wearing any panties?” He asked, smirking as you covered your face in embarrassment. He quickly pulled your shorts down with one swift movement and threw them to the floor. He then quickly pulled down his boxers and kicked them to the floor. Not wanting to waste any more time you pulled him back down so that he was laying directly on top of you.
“Slow down, let me take care of you” He said before trailing his hand down to you rubbing your sensitive bud in slow circles before gently sliding his middle and ring finger inside of you.
“Matt please hurry, I don’t want her waking up right now” You whined as he finally gave in, taking his fingers out and holding them up to your mouth before slowly pushing them past your lips demanding you to suck on them.
“Good girl” He praised as he took his fingers out and used the same hand to grab your chin again while kissing you roughly. You felt his weight shift on top of you as his other hand went down to line himself up and gently push into you. He then let go of your chin and hooked both of his arms under yours and gently held his hands behind your head tangling his fingers in your hair. As he fully pushed inside of you, staying still for a moment so you could adjust, you wrapped your legs around his waist and firmly gripped his shoulders.
“You can move now” You softly moaned as you felt him slowly thrust his hips deeper into you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders slightly scratching his back knowing that your nails were going to leave red scratch marks all over Matt’s back and that his shoulders were going to have crescent moon indents from you digging your fingernails deep into his shoulder blades. You felt Matt’s body weight shift again but this time was different as you watched his forearms give out making him collapse into you before he hid his face in your neck while he let out soft little moans.
“Not going to last long I’m so sorry baby” He slowly whimpered in your ear. You couldn’t care less because you were enjoying yourself a little too much listening to him whimper and losing all the control he had over you before.
“It’s okay babe you can cum, please cum for me right now” you tightened your legs around him even more than they were and that's all it took for him. You ran your hand through his hair as you talked him through it while letting him ride out his high. After those last few slow thrusts he pulls out and you try to get him to face you instead of digging his head into the crook of your neck. He doesn’t give in though and that's when you notice the quiet sniffles.
“Matt, baby are you okay?” You asked, slightly pushing him off of you so you could sit up properly. He turns over to lay onto his back and uses his elbows to hide his face.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t help it, I have just been so stressed out lately. I’m sorry if I ruined your night” He said, barely loud enough for you to hear. You quickly got up grabbing a new pair of pajamas for both of you to wear before wrapping a towel around yourself so you could head to the bathroom. You quickly and quietly got yourself cleaned up and dressed before grabbing a face cloth and soaking it in cold water. You quickly went back to the bedroom with it, sat back down on the bed and gently wiped Matt’s tears away before cleaning the rest of him up and handing him a new clean pair of boxers.
“You don’t have to apologize, I loved every second of it and I love you” You said gently kissing him before throwing the facecloth in with the dirty laundry. You climbed back into bed and pulled him in so that his head was laying on your chest so that you could play with his hair as he carefully fell asleep after his long stressful day.
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A Morning Work Out - Hangman
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin / Wife!Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog at 18+
Warnings: Implied Sexual Content; Married Couple with a Baby; Female!Wife!Reader with no Physical Description, No Use of Y/N, No Names, Baby Seresin is also Unnamed
Summary: Jake goes through his normal morning routine with his son and wife.
Master List
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Jake loved being a dad.
He didn’t always set out to be a dad and for a significant part of his career, he simply assumed that he wouldn’t have the time for a family. But then he met a woman who changed that entire mindset in the span of three months. And now there was a little boy in his life who made any doubt about whether or not he wanted to be a parent disappear.
He loved being a dad. And he looked forward to any moment he could with his son and wife.
Waking up early on Saturday, Jake rose before his wife even stirred. He checked the time and rolled over to press a soft kiss to his wife’s head, careful to not wake or disturb her. He knew that she was absolutely exhausted and needed her sleep. Rolling to his feet, Jake got up for the day. After brushing his teeth and hair, Jake walked down the hall to the nursery.
He gently opened the door to the nursery to find his son already awake. Baby Seresin let out a call as he stretched. Jake leaned over and carefully scooped up his son into his arms. Quickly checking his diaper, Jake rested his son’s head against his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of his son’s head before turning for the door.
“Come on, let’s get you some breakfast.”
Jake walked straight to the kitchen, patting his son’s back to keep him content. Quickly heating up a bottle, Jake fed his son breakfast before eating a quick breakfast himself. After burping his son and getting him dressed in a onesie, Jake moved to start his morning workout.
First, Jake started with a jog around the neighborhood. He strapped his son into the jogging baby stroller and headed out. He always took shorter jogs when he had Baby Seresin with him. The more traffic-heavy roads and roads without sidewalks were all off the list when he had his son with him.
So, he just did loops around the neighborhood.
Returning home, Jake pulled his son out of his stroller and strapped him to his chest. After stretching for a bit, Jake started through his routine. If he needed to, Jake unstrapped his son from his chest and set him on the playmat while he worked out.
But for his pushups, Jake had modified his routine to include his son.
Jake carefully set Baby Seresin on the ground and placed his hands on both sides of his son. He assumed his position and started with his normal set. But unlike when he was doing pushups in the gym, every time that Jake leaned down, he pressed a raspberry kiss to either his son’s belly or face. Baby Seresin giggled, waved his little arms around, and kicked out his little legs every time.
Jake pressed another kiss to his son’s belly, causing him to squeal. Baby Seresin grabbed at Jake’s face as he gurgled and wiggled with joy. Jake laughed along as well and dropped down to his elbows, holding a plank while he enjoyed the moment with his son.
“Yeah, that’s my nose,” Jake chuckled as his son squeezed and played with his nose. “You found it.” Jake held himself up on one arm and booped his son on his own nose, causing Baby Seresin to wrinkle his nose. “And I found yours.”
Jake kept up the game of back and forth with his son until his stomach started to growl. Checking the time, Jake knew that his wife would be up soon. Jake dropped out of his plank and sat up. Gathering his son in his arms again, Jake stood up and walked over to his son’s rocking seat. Jake strapped his son in and set the chair to its usual setting to keep him settled while he cooked.
“You hang out here. I need to make breakfast before your mom gets up,” Jake explained to his son. He leaned closer to whisper, “She gets cranky if she doesn’t get her coffee.”
Whipping up some eggs and toast, Jake was in the middle of brewing his wife’s coffee when he heard her footsteps. She emerged from the hall wearing his shirt and still looking half-asleep, but she instantly perked up when she saw their son in his little chair.
“Good morning, sweetie,” she cooed, kneeling down in front of her. Pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek, she stood up and turned to Jake. She took the cup of coffee out of his outstretched hand and pressed a grateful kiss to his lips. “Morning, babe.”
She placed a joking smack on Jake’s ass before heading for the fridge to grab the milk. After making her cup, she headed to the table to sip at it while keeping an eye on Baby Seresin. Jake finished up with the eggs soon after and they enjoyed breakfast together.
“Anything that we need to get done today?” Jake asked, causing his wife to shake her head.
“Not that I’m aware of. Why?”
“Well, I still need to take a shower,” Jake began, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “And he’ll be asleep again within the hour.”
“And you want to conserve water?” his wife finished, shooting Jake a knowing look.
“I’m just trying to be a responsible citizen,” Jake replied, taking a long sip of his coffee.
“Hmm, well, you should be happy to know that I also need a shower,” his wife stated, unable to help her own little smirk.
“Guess it’s just my lucky day,” Jake responded, leaning back in his chair.
An hour later, Jake’s wife was in the middle of setting up the baby monitor, seeing as Baby Seresin finally fell asleep a few moments before. But just before she could flip the switch, she was swept off her feet and promptly set up on her husband’s shoulder.
“Jake,” she whined, playfully whacking his back. “You could have woken up the baby.”
“He’s a heavy sleeper,” Jake spoke calmly, nicking the baby monitor from her hand. He turned in on and placed it on the table all while balancing his wife on her on his shoulder. Turning towards the door, Jake’s wife could practically feel the added perk in Jake’s steps. “And besides, if he needs us, he’ll scream. He got your lungs, so we’ll hear him.”
That earned another playful smack to his shoulder, which he happily returned to his wife’s ass. She squealed, all but proving Jake’s point.
“Jake!” she laughed, shooting him a look.
“What?” he asked innocently, turning into their shared bedroom.
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boobav · 1 year
Medical Attention
Cole Cassidy x Reader
a/n: why are there so many bj fics and never handjob ones I think we need to start addressing this in the fanfic community...
content: smut (handjob), a bit of blood, un-established relationship, afab!reader
word count: 3.5k
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Bullets spewed from what appeared to be the cliffs themselves, pinging off metal and digging into wood all around your crumpled form; you twitched at every impact, at every sound, and instinctually budged up closer to the man taking cover beside you. Your thoughts were racing at useless speeds- how had you not noticed your attackers sooner? How had someone like you ended up in such a tight situation? It really was a sucker-punch to the ego your career had carefully cultivated up until now. Another bullet smacked into the metal behind your ear and sent it ringing painfully- but you had to think of something unless you felt like fucking dying- which, unsurprisingly, wasn't on the agenda. Your eyes skimmed back over the area as if they hadn't done so a million times, squinting through the riled-up dust and reflections of sunlight. Dilapidated buildings were spotted about the area, 24/7 neon signs dead in the daylight, but no, none of this scenery struck a cord with the escapist spirit in you.
You spoke, words spilling out as liquid, "How the hell are we getting out of this Cass?" His sharp eyes darted to yours, shadowed by the cowboy hat that had to be replaced bi-weekly due to bullet holes. A cigar was notably absent from his parted lips, typical behaviour when he was, for once, taking a situation seriously.
"We're gonna make for that buildin' sugar, after I chuck this," He raised a blue flashbang to your vision as another flurry of bullets ricocheted off your flimsy cover, "Lady's parked up ahead, we can make it, I bet."
You would've scoffed if the situation was anything but this, "Your bike?"
"Uh-huh. You ready?" Your eyes ran to the weighty shift in his hips, and you nodded an affirmative. Whether this was gonna work or not it was the best bet you had, really. Cassidy's sweat-lines brows furrowed deeper, and without another ounce of hesitation he tore the grenade's pin off with his teeth, proceeding then to lob it backwards. Someone shouted, a sound so shrill it almost sounded like a fire alarm, and as the crackling-sound erupted, Cass grabbed your wrist and forced you into a wild sprint across the gravel road. Your boots kicked up dirt as they pounded against the ground, dry air forcing that grime to cling to your clothing in moss-like clumps. Cass didn't break his grip once, forcing you to adopt his relentless pace, and right as you reached your destination, he, with a messy harshness, threw you into the open doorway before himself. A single bullet shot into the open air, whistling like a stock-sound effect, and it forced from your partner a strangled cry as he dove through the doorway. Poisonous panic filled your veins- but it was swiftly knocked out by the cowboy landing unceremoniously on top of you. Every ounce of air was expelled from your lungs in an instant, and your lungs worked overtime to gulp back replacements. Note to self: never, ever expect grace in this job.
"You get hit?" You spoke in an exhale, hands tugging at Cass' belt to drag him and yourself deeper into the wooden building.
"Sure as hell feels like it," He grunted, rolling off you to lean against the wall and examine his left leg; you scrambled up too, wary of the time limitations, and ripped off a strip of your relatively-clean undershirt. Cole's eyes were watching you with an acute intensity, but you were so focused on wrapping his leg that you didn't even notice.
You pulled the shirt-made-bandage into a knot, "No it just skimmed you, lucky since I haven't a clue how to drive a motorbike. Come on cowboy." Upon standing, you tugged Cass up too; in any other moment you would've made fun of the uncharacteristically pathetic whimper that left his throat, but seeing as he'd been shot, you shut up. "You can walk?"
"'Course I can." His gaze met yours as you stood face-to-face, "Whilst it's numb anyway. Come on,"
He lead you out the rustic building's side-entrance, and whilst the wind whipped up the empty town's street, the two of you snuck from house to house until reaching one painted in peeling white. The town itself seemed utterly deserted, a sad old mess really, but it had its charms. That flickering café sign, for example, had a strangely comforting aura about it... Though it was rather hard to enjoy whilst being pursued by a group of bandits. You pressed inside the white building- but Cass grabbed hold of your wrist and held a finger to his lips. There was someone outside, moving as quietly as you, so apparently your pursuers had split up to quicken their search. A smart move. Usually.
You moved on, one tentative foot in front of the other, and when the footsteps outside made it clear that their owner was about to breach the building, you pressed yourself smoothly besides the door, silent, ready. The stranger's cowboy hat poked in first, and with a satisfying 'smack' a moment later, you pistol whipped him into oblivion. Oblivion meaning sleep, of course.
Cassidy flashed you a slightly alarmed smile, "You sure you didn't kill him with that swing?"
"Mm, I'm sure. Maybe next time." He tilted his head in a sort of... Apprehensive approval and pushed you through the door by the small of your back, ushering you along.
"Alright, let's pick up the pace. Not long now." His southern drawl did nothing to add to the urgency, in fact, it did the exact opposite, which tended to be the case so often it had to be purposeful. Sometimes you really did question his attitude to life. It was distinctly casual, distinctly nonchalant as if his life wasn't in danger every week- which it most definitely was. Still... He was skilled, smart in his own way, cute too, if you dared say it. So sticking alongside him wasn't too difficult a task.
The rest of the short journey went quickly and smoothly; the midday sun beat down upon your sweating back whilst objects wavered uncertainly in the distance, but, despite the difficulty scorching heat brought with it, you kept moving. Soon enough you made it to Cassidy's horrendously parked motorbike, wincing as he tested his damaged leg. The dusty cliffs stared down at the two of you, looming but providing little shade, and as the bike spun into motion a figure emerged on a nearby clifftop; your eyes narrowed, your breath stilled, and in a split-second you drew your gun and fired once. The enemy's own bullet skid past your face, bristling past a strand of hair, and they went down with a distant thud as your shot connected with their leg. Your exhale was long as you pressed your head against Cass' back, arms wrapping together around his torso. Safety, you hoped, would come without further fire. Well at any rate, you were much too tired and lazy to pick your gun from its holster again, so maybe you'd be swerving around dodging bullets for the next hour.
"Glad we're on the same side, pumpkin." Cass chuckled, metal arm patting your thigh in congrats, but, despite your laugh, your eyes were trained solely on the dark stain spreading methodically, thread by thread, over your companion's dark jeans.
The ride to the safehouse was calm, breezy even. The wind rushed through your hair, cooling you considerably, a gracious gift in this sweltering heat. Buildings and homes rushed by, each soon becoming a small dot in the background of your picturesque ride. The world and its inhabitants appeared fleetingly, mirages of another life, and you were far more content than you'd like to admit. Freedom encased you, lifted you into higher spirits, and with Cassidy mumbling stupid little stories to the air, this feeling was greatly accentuated. Heaven, in this moment, was completely real to you. Your partner shifted his leg, causing a hitch in his breathing; you looked down through your lashes, cringing against his shoulder as you stared at the drying blood stain. That, perhaps, was not so heavenly.
Luckily, the dusty safehouse was right around the bend. Cass parked outside in his usual sloppy manner, and with his metal arm slung over your sore shoulder, the two of you stumbled inside.
"Alright, sit-" You grunted in exertion, "Right there. I'll grab the medkit." Cassidy collapsed onto the couch, head thrown back in the throes of post-adrenaline-realization. You dashed off, returning near instantaneously, ruby med-kit in hand, and proceeded to settle onto the floor to be in-line with his wound. There was no time to waste, seeing as if this thing got infected it would become a much larger issue. Cass stared down at you through his lashes, watched as you carefully pulled off his armour plating, carefully rolled up his jeans. He hissed through clenched teeth as the reddened edge of the cut hit fresh air.
"Slow down sweet- shit stings more than I thought it would." You obliged, but it's not like you could've kept moving anyway. The bullet had skimmed him at a weird angle, below the knee and not easily accessible. If you'd tried to tug his jeans up further it would probably hurt...
"I think you're gonna have to take your pants off."
"What now?" The instant shock on the cowboy's face was enough to make you double over laughing- and he joined in with that strange chuckle one does when not quite understanding a joke.
Your laughter faded, and you choked out words, "I said you need to take these off," You unrolled the jean leg and pinched it, "I can't get to that cut properly otherwise." You were slightly embarrassed at the words leaving your mouth, but your mind was prioritizing getting this issue dealt with before worrying about strange fantasies. Cass stared down at you, an adorably dumbstruck look plastered on his face, but it was soon replaced with a mild amusement.
"Alright then." His deft fingers moved to unbuckle his belt and the infamous 'BAMF' buckle clinked against itself. "I think 'ure lyin' just to see me half-naked."
"What! You're projecting real hard, Cole." He just chuckled, then shrugged, a wide smile now taking residence on his bearded face. "Stop smiling and take your goddamn pants off!"
"Alright, alright. Yes ma'am." His light eyes flicked to yours with undertones of slight uncertainty, but a sly grin stayed present. It was too infectious- you had to smile back at the stupid man, but, despite all the joking around, you felt an almost teenage nervousness taking hold of your heart.
Cass' belt slid through the loops of his jeans, smoothly, and then clattered to the floor as he discarded it. The button of his jeans came next, popping open with directions from his metal hand, and then his zip slid with a satisfying sound. You realized you were staring, and glanced away, eyes finding perch on some ugly painting you'd never noticed before- Christ it was ugly. Who had thought putting that up was a good idea?
By now Cassidy had shucked off his hat, boots and now stood, kicking off his jeans with all the grace of a three legged dog; he made a low noise through his teeth as the fabric detached from the drying wound. Whilst he was at it he pulled off the armour on his chest, but he treated it with a bit more care than his poor belt. It found perch on the floor, and with that done, he fell back into his comfortable couch position, exhaling in the pleasure of having an un-burdened chest.
He sat now, leaning back with his hands over the back of the couch, in black boxers and a casual undershirt. It's not like you hadn't seen him like this before... You had. Maybe once or twice. But your relationship tended to be relatively professional, relatively business-focused. Whenever, even for the briefest second, it went further, you felt the sharp constrictions of a heart that did not want a 'business relationship'. And that, especially in this economy, was a red flag. A red flag that was on fire and waving around desperately in the desert wind.
His voice pulled you back to reality, "How's it lookin' Doc?"
"Not terrible. Isn't too deep, either." You got up to fetch a little towel from the bathroom, wetted it, and returned to your post. "But it's gonna mess you up for a week or so." The white towel reddened as you brushed it gently over his upper-calf, wetting the tanned skin and blood-speckled hair; your movements were gentle, probably considered by most to be caresses. As you swept directly over the cut he sucked in a harsh breath- but you dared not look up and make eye-contact. You wrapped up the wound after cleaning it thoroughly, round-and-round the bandage went before being tied into a neat little knot. Cass had said barely a word during this process, and, seeing as he usually never shut up, that was rather concerning. Brief, throaty noises of pain were all that came from him; there had never really been a problem of tension between the two of you, but right now, in this odd moment where you lay kneeling on the floor packing up a med-kit in front of a modern-day gunslinger, the air felt thicker than mud. It made you feel something you'd never felt before in this mans presence: self-consciousness. Your kept your eyes to the floor, not looking up once whilst closing the kit- and finally, as you stood and took a fleeting look at your partner, you realized exactly why he was unable to form words.
He was hard.
His entire body was brutally tense. He was no longer slack against the couch but sitting almost completely upright. The only thing giving away his living status was the shallow breathing of his chest. You had no fucking clue what to say or do and, oh god, when he finally met your gaze it felt as though you'd fall right to the ground and pass away. Though, that would be extremely embarrassing, so you avoided it.
You decided to mutter some nonsense, seeing as he was clearly struggling to say anything. "It's... Normal... For that to happen." Was it though? Was it normal to get hard over your friend dressing your painful wound? Probably not.
He cleared his throat, his words coming out strained, "Yeah... I don't-" But he couldn't finish. His head fell, an awkward cringe disappearing with it.
Fucking hell.
You felt a years worth of unrealized fantasy wash over you in a tidal wave; you had to do something, now. Did you want to escalate this thing from a business relationship? You almost laughed at the thought- if this was anything like a business relationship, you wouldn't have been on the floor tending over him like a concerned lover in the first place; he certainly could've dealt with the problem himself. Blood was rushing through your ears and right as Cassidy was about to stand and condemn himself to a torturous bubble of embarrassment- you spoke with stunted words.
"I can help. With that." His face returned from its sullen position, confusion with an edge of shock present on it; his lips moved beneath his beard, attempting to form words, and in this brief silence you were almost overcome with grief at what you'd said. What if it really was normal, and he thought the idea of doing anything with you was preposterous? What if he was chaste as a monk and you had just offended his honour?
"You-" He breathed out a chuckle, finally responding, "You sure 'bout that?"
Relief rushed through you, an antidote to the overthinking, "I'm sure."
Cass looked down, considering something, and returned to your gaze with a newfound intensity. He patted his solid thigh, once, and spoke. "Come on up then, doll."
Fuck it. Everybody's slept with their partner-in-crime-cowboy-friend at least once in their lives.
You were soon straddling the man's thigh; a glint of amusement twinkled in your eyes as his hips shifted, his clothed cock twitching at the two of you making contact. Now inches apart, you slipped your fingers under his shirt and smoothed over the chiseled skin, lust-clouded eyes searching his for approval, and an ocean of it you found. His gaze flicked to your partially-open lips, then back up, then down again, and as your fingers brushed over his needy cock- he pressed his lips against yours with a moan, beard scratching against you in a strangely endearing manner. Images of previous nights alone flashed in your mind, now surrounded by a mocking aura- this could've been yours long ago. You freed him from his confines as his tongue met yours, cock hot and heavy against your palm. Cass' metal hand met your waist whilst the other clenched at the couch, veins flexing at the strain. That was the part of him you loved the most, you thought, his strong hands that treated you and you alone with so much tenderness.
Your own hand begun its motions almost automatically, stroking his throbbing cock at a withheld, teasing pace. Unfortunately, during this, you had to pull from his wild kiss for a gasping breath. His gaze was burning through you, half-lidded and desperate; it was like being in the direct view of a God, a being so important that you felt the urge to dedicate more than you could offer, to offer everything to him. Strings of praises left his pretty lips, 'keep goin', princess' his eyes now screwed up in an almost painful expression of wavering ecstasy. You withdrew your hand from his cock for a millisecond to spit into your palm, and his eyes re-opened to investigate the interruption.
He was so gorgeous you could cry.
The perfect hair, framing the perfect face with the perfect nose, the messy beard and perfectly intense eyes. You pressed against him another chain of brief kisses whilst wrapping your fingers around him, one at a time. On impulse he bucked into them with a shuddering groan that shot right to your core; the look on his pleasure-drunk face was so erotic you truly thought it alone might make you cum. As if hearing your thoughts, he bounced his thigh, a gasp spilling from your lips at the shock of friction against your clit.
You quickened your pace, deft fingers wrapped tight around his cock and moving in quick pumps. Your thumb pressed thickly against the head of his dick, a bead of pre-cum slipping over your fingers as he threw his head back with a indiscernible curse; the pride that filled you over having this strong man come apart at your ministrations was immeasurably sweet, immeasurably tantalizing. You moved closer, pressing against his tanned neck a line of wet kisses, hand pumping his cock desperately fast and forcing from his throat a string of grunts as he grew closer and closer to his peak. More broken words stumbled and fell from his lips, 'jus' like that, keep goin''. He was rutting up into your hand now, apprehension and control gone to the wind; his expression was in the throes of pleasure, eyebrows arched, wet lips parted absently. He met your eyes through his dark lashes, a weak smirk finding perch on his expression; he looked so utterly wrecked by a mere handjob, shaggy hair a complete mess against the couch, and at once it hit you that all those lingering glances and touches were far, far from those of a concerned friends. The thought of him yearning for this, yearning for your touch, made your thighs clench with unreserved arousal; by now your panties were soaked, but not for one second did you think of anything besides Cassidy. You kept moving, hand tugging from the base of his thick cock to the head, and he kissed you again, hard, moaning into your mouth whilst he twitched in your hand. Finally- his firm hips stuttered as he spilled hot cum over your fingers and his own dark shirt. You hummed in approval against his mouth, soon after pulling away for pesky air. Cass meanwhile let his head fall back against the couch, chest heaving against that much-too-tight shirt of his. Feeling rather bold, you raised your hand to your lips as his gaze re-emerged through his lashes and licked his mess from your fingers- his instant response came as a groan and a firm slap against your thigh.
"Can't say that's how I imagined us endin' up in this situation.." He sighed, contently, but tiredly.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, pressing another chain of hot kisses against his neck as he tucked himself back into his boxers.
"Thought maybe I'd rescue you or somethin', have you profess 'ure undying love." He was grinning... But something told you that this was an actual macho fantasy of his.
"Well, there's always next time cowpoke." You rolled off his thigh, settling onto the couch beside him. "How are we gonna explain to everyone that this is how we got together?"
Cass chuckled, mumbling something about the night not being over, and reached over to grab his hat and settle it onto your head. You glanced over, confused- but the look in his eyes said more than any words could.
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kissitbttr · 2 months
hiii, now that we see that frat!Miguel and muñeca had their baby before getting married, do they have him at the beginning of his professional career or still in college?? Would love to see how Miguel reacted to those news
it definitely happened a year after they graduated! where miguel’s career is definitely taking off and muñeca opened up a ballet class for little kids,
they did talk alot about marriage and a baby, mostly on miguel part. it was something that they have always been look forward to. and if you remembered what happened in college when muñeca was having a pregnancy scare and miguel actually being happy if it turned out to be true? yeah. he was far too excited about that one lol.
but that doesn’t stop his girl freaking out over the possibility of miguel not wanting it,
she took five different tests and it all came out positive, having no clue on how to deal with this.
and she broke the news after seeing miguel coming home from practice. a smile on his face as he greets her, dropping the bag on the floor
“missed you, mi amor” he shuts the door behind before tugging her close, kissing her cheek. “how’s work today?”
she looks up at him with a small smile. “really well. the kids were so excited about the recital”
“that’s good to hear. miss those little munchkins” he hums, threading a few strands of hair on the crown of her head. miguel pulls a chair by the counter, taking a seat with a loud sigh.
“how about you, baby?” she asks, trying to get her mind off of what’s troubling her. “practice went okay?” fingers reaching up to soothe his cheekbone, a hand of his still secured around her waist
he nods, pulling her in to sit on one of his thighs, “coach ran us for a bit but other than that it was fine” a soft smile painted across his face, making her mirror his as well,
but that’s when miguel notices how her smile doesn’t reach her pretty eyes. which is so not her. the way her irises keep looking down, finger toying with her nails. something is definitely up.
“hey…what’s going on in that little head of yours?” he voices his concerns, rubbing a hand up and down her thigh,
“nothing—it’s just—“ she pauses momentarily, going back to glance at him. “are kids still on top of your list, miggy?”
“with you? definitely, amor” he answers, brows deepening at your change of expression. “why..? you don’t want to?”
her eyes widen once you hear how he sad sounds. heart cracking at the sight of his features looking like a kicked puppy. “no!—no baby—i do! of course, i do!” the comfort she offer then makes him sigh in relief,
“mierda—you scared me right there. thought for a second you might be thinking about getting married with someone else” the way he rolls his eyes makes her giggle, snuggling a bit closer to his chest,
“and if i did?” it’s a joke,
“i’ll kill him” he answers in a serious manner, glaring softly at you but merely at the thought. “now—why’d you ask all of the sudden?”
the anxiety comes rushing back within her, mind scrambling over how he’d handle the news. her eyes flickers back down on to her lap, the action doesn’t go unnoticed by him,
“hey..” he’s starting to get worried. “baby?”
she exhales a deep breath, looking up to stare back into him. teeth sinking into the softness of her lower lip out of nervous habit,
“i’m pregnant”
two words that rings upon his ears causing his grip to loosen around your waist and hand. the bushy brows that were formed into a frown are now faltering. the whole facade he’s feigning just makes her want to cry,
oh god—he doesn’t want it
but then a large grin breaks all over him. “we’re having a baby?”
she nods slowly with a smile, “yes” she watches how her boyfriend going through a roller coaster of emotions. a good one.
“fuck! i’m going to be a dad? for real this time?! holyshit!” he cheers, cupping her face for a long kiss on the lips making her giggle. “oh muñeca i—is this why you were looking so scared before?”
“kind of yeah” she nods shyly. “your career is just starting miguel, I didn’t know if you wanted it. i don’t want to hold you back”
he gives her a look, shaking his head. “that’s bullshit, you could never hold me back. but the right question is, do you want it? it’s your body, mi amor”
her heart does a somersault at that. “i do—oh my god, i do” eyes welling up with joy as his thumb moves to soothe the tears before it trickles down further,
“this is—“ he cuts himself off, feeling himself getting teary eyed too. “oh my god—i love you so much” he peppers a few kisses on her cheeks, forehead then lips. “te amo, te amo, te amo, mi carino—vas a ser una gran mamá”
for the second time that afternoon, her heart blooms at his praises. and she feels incredibly lucky to have him by her side. no one else she’d rather have.
“the mami to my kid” he mutters gently against her skin. “feels unreal”
“better get used to it, daddy” she grins, hearing him groan,
“shit—i know you meant it in a different sense but I couldn’t help to think you meant otherwise” that earns himself a playful slap on the chest making they both chuckle,
“wait—“ he pauses when a thought comes into mind. “i was wondering though, when did we have—“ his eyes searching for hers who seems to be clueless at the same time, then a light bulb appears in him,
“oh! the hot tub sex!”
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bratphilia · 7 months
would it be a bother to ask for a fic w a tomboy reader and william afton? ive been on such a kick w william afton x reader fics here since i watched the movie and i love all of them but i am not feminine in the slightest so if you could write one id be so grateful!! and age gap and size difference too would also be sooo 👌👌👌. thank you so much!!!
note ✧.*‎ this was a lil hard for me to write considering im on the girly-er side so if anything looks weird in relation to the premise i apologize in advance!! also so sorry for getting this out a lil later than promised.
pairing ✧.*‎ steve raglan / william afton x reader
cw ✧.*‎ age difference (reader is 18-21, william is 45-50), degrading, spanking, approximately two slaps to the face, blow jobs, rubbing through jeans? idk what to call that, coming in pants (fem)
taglist ✧.*‎ @dilfity
synopsis ✧.*‎ while attending yet another meeting with your career counsellor, he has a few choice of words for you.
jeans (w. afton x reader)
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you sit in mr. raglan's office, trying to sit straight up, legs crossed, not bouncing. he slightly shifts in his chair as he reads your file, moving his spinning chair from side to side, as he mentally scrutinizes your report. it's nerve-wracking. anyone in your shoes would feel this way, but the way he's intently reading over every little detail makes you squirm.
the worst part is, this isn't even the first time you've been in this exact position. it wouldn't be so bad if mr. raglan wasn't such a hard ass on you. always practically demanding answers of why you keep getting let go from the jobs he gives you, criticizing the tiniest details. nothing gets passed this guy, and yet here you are.
(there's something that almost riles you up about the way he talks to you, though. he has a habit of talking with those big hands of his in a way that makes your insides twist.)
"so you sit here in front of me..." he pipes up suddenly, looking at you then lifting a brow, "wearing jeans to a meeting, for christ sake, asking for yet another job, so what? you can get 'let go' again?"
"well, yes," you say, a little dumbstruck at his comment on your attire.
mr. raglan laughs shortly. "i got news for you, kid. people with your kinda track record don't exactly find jobs as easy as you think they do."
you hold back from rolling your eyes. your fists clench at your side angrily. you speak through gritted teeth, "look, i just need a job. i'll take anything, i'm desperate."
"hate to break it to you, but things just don't work like that—"
you've had it. "will you just stop being such an asshole and give me my damn options already?! i didn't come here to be lectured."
you're seething, breathless from your outburst. your heart is pounding but nothing can beat the jaw-slacked look on his face. there's a deafening silence that has you on the edge of your seat. then, shortly, "you come here for advice, and i'm giving it to you."
you want to say something again, you open your mouth to do so, but he raises a hand to silence you promptly. "you said you're desperate, hm? want my real, useful advice?"
you stare at him, not liking the direction of this conversation or his weirdly tone of dripping malice. "get the fuck on your knees then."
it's hot, you'll admit it. and he's the whole package too, total dad-i'd-like-to-fuck and all. this isn't your type of deal, but if he's gonna offer it to you, fuck it, you'll take it. you'll take everything this man gives you. "mr. raglan—" you say, purposefully furrowing your brows, trying to act scandalized for godsake—
"get your ass over here," he scoffs with a roll of his eyes.
you shut up, perking up at that, and make way to the open space between his legs. "look at you, you degenerate thing. on your knees for such a cause."
your head swims and the buzzing between your thighs becomes far too apparent to be ignored. but you're willing to wait for that relief. you part your lips expectantly, hoping he'd get the message to undo his pants and he just laughs at you. "filthy fucking thing wants my cock in her mouth so bad."
"uh-huh," you say, mouth still open.
he does away with all the restraints and guides his cock into your mouth. eagerly, you take him and lick up the underside of his dick, eliciting a groan from him. he makes a fist around your hair and guides your mouth up and down his cock, not caring about what you can and can't take and you fucking love it.
the noises of him hitting your gag reflex is music to the mouth of your ears. the way you push him out only for him to slide back in is truly a marvel. and the grunts, groaning, and degradations that come from him makes you want to take him even faster, more than what your body can handle, and he just laughs it off, commenting on much of an "eager, filthy thing" you are.
when you feel his helping hands thrust your mouth more erratically is when he decides to pull you off. he uses your hair to stand you up and practically shove you against the desk, back facing towards him. you yelp in pain, only adding to the ache in your stomach. he stands to his full height and you gulp. fuck, he's so much bigger than you, of course he can just throw you around like that. when you ask him if you should remove your clothes, he pauses for a moment, thinking. then, mischievously, "no, i want to make good use of those jeans."
curiously, you look back at him, but his fingers are pressing against your clothed pussy. he presses hard, letting the fabric grind on you. "oh, fuck," you moan.
"yeah? you like that?" he asks gruffly, rubbing your clit through your pants from side to side. usually this stimulation wouldn't be enough, but fuck you were so hot for him that you didn't care. "fuckin' dressed like a boy," he scoffs.
tears burn in your eyes, partly from his words, the other part from the stimulation. then he slaps you across the face. "i asked you a fucking question."
"yes!" you cry, moving a hand to rub at your stinging cheek. he grabs your hand and then slaps the other side of your face, just for fun. a few tears slip down your face at his physicality, but doesn't change that fact that you, "love it so much!"
"think you deserve to come?" he asks. "after that shit you pulled. you think you deserve it?"
you sniffle, knowing damn well what his answer's going to be. "well, i don't."
he removes his hands then promptly wipes them on his pants. you sob out, grasping for his hands but he pushes off of you. "you better come back with a better attitude if you expect anything more than what i gave you."
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mavrintarou · 9 months
[4:38 PM] Oikawa Toru [5]
I know, you all have been patient with me on this series. Really want to finish WYE with an explosion lol so please continue to bear with me on that one.
Warning: none, just two humans trying to be better...
Fourth part Sixth part
Y/n waited patiently outside their units by the elevator for Toru and Mateo.
At last, their door cracked open and Toru stepped out with Mateo strapped to his chest in a baby carrier facing outward. “Oh!” Toru’s eyes widen, “how long have you been waiting for? You should have come over.”
Y/n smiled, shaking her head. “I wasn’t waiting long, I figured you guys would come out eventually.” She stepped forward and held her hands, “give me the diaper bag, I’ll carry that.”
Toru was reluctant to but gave in. “Thank you.” He turned so Mateo could see her, “say hi, Teo.”
“Hi, Mateo!” Y/n cooed, rubbing his cheek. He smiled bashfully and Y/n spotted a tiny white tooth appearing. “Is that a tooth?”
“Yep, he’s teething and drooling everywhere,” Toru answered, indicating the bib around his neck, was already damp with drool.
She had gone a few days without seeing them but they had made plans to go out to the new restaurant that opened down the street.
Y/n slipped the backpack pack and pressed the button for the elevator, “shall we head down?” Mateo answered excitedly kicking and flapping his arms.
Toru reserved a private room that was closed off from the public area. Although he played professional volleyball for another country, Toru held a large enough fan base in his home country. He was often recognized out in public and bombarded with questions and requests for autographs.
Mateo sat in the high chair patiently waiting to be fed by his dad.
Toru’s phone buzzed for the second time after he silenced the first call. He sighed, “do you mind if I take this call?”
Y/n nodded, setting her chopsticks down so she could take Mateo’s feeding spoon and his baby food. “Not at all, go for it.”
Toru gave her an apologetic expression and exited the room before answering the call.
Mateo immediately blabbered, eyeing his food in her hand. “Okay, okay,” Y/n giggled quickly feeding him. “Yummy, right?” He smiled, showing his gummy smile. “Goodness, you’re so cute, Mateo!”
Y/n couldn’t deny that he held a special spot in her heart. She has always been softhearted for babies in general but something about Mateo, he had her wrapped around his chubby tiny fingers.
She wiped his mouth and continued to feed him when Toru reentered the room, she could immediately sense the irritation in him even if he quickly tried to mask it with a smile. “Is everything okay?”
He hesitated but sighed, he took a seat again and wiped Mateo’s mouth. “It was the head coach for Japan’s volleyball team. He’s trying to recruit me to play for them now that I’m back in Japan.”
“You… don’t want to play anymore?” Y/n grabbed Mateo’s cup, giving him some water.
He remained silent for a few seconds before uttering a quiet, “no.” He inhaled sharply, looking at her before continuing, “with the piano, do you ever have moments where you question your passion? Like you’ve plateaued and don’t know where you’re going with it anymore? That’s where I’m at. I don’t know if I just don’t care for it anymore or I’ve done all that I can and I’m ready to start something new now.” Toru lets out a chuckle, “I never thought there would be a day I would say that,” he looked over at Mateo, reaching over to brush his hair, “until this little guy came along. I want to spend as much time as possible with him because I know how hectic it’ll be if I continue to play professionally.”
Y/n nodded, understanding him. “I feel the same way too.”
Toru’s eyes locked with hers, “about your career?” She nodded to his question.
“For a few months now, I’ve been stuck in limbo contemplating what I want to do with my career now. I was blessed to play alongside some of the greatest and most amazing musicians and traveled for my career,” her voice paused as if she was reminiscing on old memories. “I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
Toru nodded, “that’s exactly what I feel too, got to play for an international team and traveled, played professionally… what more do I want or can I do now?”
“Do you feel like… you just need a break? A breather?”
“Yes,” Toru answered with a smile, understanding exactly what she meant. “To be clear, I’m not saying I’m done with volleyball, I think I just need a break like you said. A long break.”
Y/n looked over at Mateo who was blowing bubbles, she smiled lovingly at him before looking at Toru. “Well, if you’re looking for a sign to take one, I’ll be the sign. I give you permission to take a long break, Oikawa Toru.”
Toru’s eyes water as he looks down, chuckling. “Why are you always making me cry, Y/n?”
Y/n’s eyes widen, “don’t cry! I’m not making fun of you, I promise!”
He shook his head, looking up and wiping his tears away. “No, I know you’re not making fun of me, it’s just… you’ve been saying everything that I just need to hear and it’s so relieving. So, thank you. Thank you for giving me permission to take a break.”
. .
Toru came out of the men’s bathroom shortly after he entered and looked at Y/n with a face she couldn’t quite decipher.
“That was… a fast diaper change,” Y/n’s tone was filled with half sarcasm and amusement.
Toru made a face, “I’m really sorry to ask this but the men’s bathroom doesn’t have a changing table…”
“Ah,” Y/n reached for the diaper bag and took Mateo, “come on, Teo – let’s go change your poopy diaper.”
“Thank… you…” he watched the two of them march and disappear into the women’s bathroom happily.
His heart raced with a mixture of emotions. Gratitude welled up within him, an unspoken appreciation for Y/n’s boundless kindness and loving heart. Each passing day seemed to deepen his feelings for her, as he found himself falling for her even more.
Toru knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t resist letting the scenarios in his mind play out temporarily. Observing how wonderfully Y/n interacts with Mateo, he couldn’t help but envision the possibility of them forming a small, loving family.
He doesn’t have the heart to admit how he has been longing to complete his little family and he knows Y/n means no harm by it but he couldn’t help but just wonder… how does she feel?
Will she be willing?
Can she see a future with him and Mateo?
He knows he’s getting ahead of himself and he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t have such expectations. He should just be thankful that Y/n wants to associate herself with them.
“What?...” Toru mumbled when he felt the ground beneath his feet began to tremble. His balance wavered as he swiftly realized that an earthquake was occurring at the very moment.  
Screams and shouts echoed around him as he scanned his surroundings. Cars had come to a halt, and buildings were shaking violently. The tremors beneath his feet intensified, causing windows to shatter and fall from various directions.
“Y/n!” Toru shouted, deftly avoiding falling debris and frantic people in his rush to reach the women’s bathroom. “Y/n!” he cried out, as a group of women inadvertently surged past him in their haste to exit the restroom. Amid the chaos, he was jostled and pushed back from the women’s bathroom, but he stood firm and pressed onward, still shouting, “Y/n!”
“Toru!” He heard Y/n’s scream, “Toru, we’re still inside!”
With no time to spare, he rushed into the bathroom, pushing aside any concern. He advanced further until he turned the corner, where he discovered Y/n hurriedly trying to get Mateo off the small changing table. He swiftly collected Mateo’s belongings and stuffed them into the backpack. “We have to leave quickly,” he urged.
“I think it’s safest to remain here, the walls are cemented and there’s no windows.” She pressed Mateo close to her chest, a protective hand over his head. She looked down at the changing table, “this table is large enough to cover us, we should get under it.”
Toru nodded and followed Y/n who scrambled underneath the table, securing Mateo tightly in her arms.
“Shh, it’s okay baby. It’s okay,” she whispered soothingly as he started to cry. She pulled him tighter in her embrace, murmuring soothing words to calm him.
Toru’s arms enveloped them protectively, drawing them close as the ground shook even more violently than before. Dust and other debris began falling from the ceiling. The lights in the bathroom flickered and then, with a final quiver, lost their connection.
It was the longest few minutes of their lives holding their breath and praying for the earthquake to pass.
The ground had finally grown still, no longer quaking.
“Is it over?” Y/n whispered, her breath unsteady. She looked down at Mateo who calmed down and suckled his pacifier, staring back at her with wide eyes.
A light illuminated the closed-in bathroom as Toru turned on his flashlight on his phone. He looked at Y/n and Mateo before letting out a sigh of relief. “I think so.” He held his phone up, “I don’t have any signal.”
“Cellular towers must be down too,” Y/n shifted Mateo in her arms and gazed at the baby, “are you okay?” Having no clue what he had just gone through, he spat out his pacifier before smiling brightly at Y/n’s words, his dimples appearing on his chubby cheeks. Her heart melted and leaned to kiss his cheek. Her eyes widened for a split second, realizing what she had just done in front of Toru, and blushed, thankful they were still surrounded by the darkness. “We should… probably wait until they give us the green light to leave, we might be best staying here for now.”
Toru sighed and rolled his neck. “Yeah, I agree.” He reached over and let Mateo wrap his chubby fingers around his, “you are a trooper, not even realizing you just experienced your first earthquake.”
“It’s a story we’ll need to tell him later,” Y/n remarked.
Hearing her say ‘we’ll need to tell him later’ caused Toru’s heart to swell to the point of almost bursting. Those were simple words, but they filled him with hope that maybe she would continue to be part of their lives. He smiled as he watched his son burst into laughter while Y/n made funny noises and tickled him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat before uttering the words he’d been dying to say. “I love your interactions with my son.”
Y/n turned her head, eyes wide before she smiled at him, “it’s hard to not adore him, Toru. I enjoy spending time with you two but I hope you don’t think I’m trying to evade your privacy or boundaries. I do – don’t want you to think I’m trying… to be his mother…”
“Can I be completely honest with you?” Toru murmured, gently tucking her bangs behind her ear. When Y/n nodded her head, he smiled warmly. “You are the most incredible female figure Mateo has ever had, and you’ve never crossed any boundaries or invaded our privacy. In fact, I’m sure Mateo agrees with me that we both would love for you to spend more time with us.” He swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat. “I just want you to know… and I hope what I’m about to say won’t scare you away because I don’t know what Mateo and I would do if you no longer want anything to do with us anymore but I can’t keep it to myself any longer, but God, Y/n, you have no idea how much I wish you were his mother.”
Mateo squealed loudly as if he understood and agreed with his father.
Y/n adverted her gaze momentarily, clearing her throat. “I once heard a quote: ‘Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child,’” she began. Then, she turned her gaze back to Toru. “I won’t deny that what you just said caught me off guard, but it certainly didn’t frighten me.” Her eyes met his, silently conveying that she shared his sentiments. “To be completely honest also, I’ve been longing for a child for a few years now,” she admitted. She shifted her focus to Mateo and playfully wiggled his arms. “That’s partly why I lost my passion for the piano. I didn’t exactly know how I was going to make it happen, but…” she chuckled, feeling a rush of embarrassment. “Let’s just say I’ve been on the baby-fever bandwagon for quite some time, and meeting Mateo… it truly was a blessing.”
Toru shifted, sitting with his back against the wall and staring off into the darkness. “It goes both ways, Y/n. You are a blessing to Mateo and me.” He reaches towards Mateo, who instantly grabs a hold of one of his fingers. “I – I was wondering… are you… seeing someone?”
It took Y/n a few seconds before she answered, “no, I’m not. That man you saw the other day was Woojin. He’s also a musician, and that’s how we became acquainted. But that was the last time I’ll be seeing him, we decided to go our ways.”
A small smile appeared on Toru’s lips, his heart was going through all sorts of emotions but at this moment, it was warm hearing Y/n confirm she was not seeing anyone.
“What about you, Toru?” Y/n inquired, “are you seeing someone?”
“No,” he shook his head, “I am not seeing anyone.” His breath trembled and his heart raced as his mind screamed at him, here’s your chance. “Although… I do want to get to know someone.” He glanced at Y/n to see her reaction before continuing, “if I should be so bold as to ask, are you open to seeing someone, Y/n?”
Y/n’s breath quickened, and her heart raced as her mind grappled with how to respond to him. She couldn’t deny that over the past few weeks since she’d met Toru and Mateo, she imagined and daydreamed about what life with them could be like. She also couldn’t deny that after she heard about Lucia, she had secretly wished she could have been the one to carry and give birth to Mateo, the sweet boy in her arms. The idea of considering a man who already had a child with a previous partner had never crossed her mind before, but in this situation, with Toru and Mateo, she realized she wouldn’t mind at all.
She cast him a shy glance, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. “If I’m allowed to be as bold as you,” she replied with a hesitant smile, “and if it’s you, then yes, I’d be open to seeing you.” She is immediately hit with the idea that she might have misunderstood his question and she quickly adds rashly, “oh my goodness, I just totally assumed you were referring to… you and I… I’m so emba – “
Her sentence was abruptly interrupted as Toru gently pressed his lips against hers, hushing her words. He gave her lips two tender pecks before pulling back, his gaze fixed on her rosy lips before meeting her eyes. “I’m referring to you and me,” he whispered.
“Toru,” Y/n whispered.
“Kiss me again.”
His lips curved into a boyish grin before he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers softly. His hand comes to cup her face, taking it slow…
Toru’s breath hitched with Y/n’s mouth shifted and her tongue teased at his lower lip before he smirked and met her eagerness. He did not peg Y/n as one to take the lead in a kiss but he wasn’t going to complain if she preferred it. Cool chills ran down his spine as Y/n let out a soft moan against his mouth and all he could think about was how he wanted to hear more of it.
The moment was interrupted by their phones dinging with a notification informing them of the status of the aftermath. Seconds later, the lights in the bathroom flickered on.
Y/n was the first to pull away and Toru chuckled at the annoyed and slightly disappointed expression that briefly crossed her face. She then quickly averted her gaze, her cheeks flushed with a blush.
Mateo cooed, reminding the two adults that he was still present. He suckled his fingers, drooling everywhere.
Toru playfully poked his son’s cheek, “sorry son, didn’t mean to make you the third wheel.”
Upon their return home, they found the apartment building’s management making announcements. They explained that the external structure of the building had not suffered any damage, but this assessment did not extend to the interior structure. Each unit would undergo inspection to ensure it met safety requirements.
As soon as the three stepped out of the elevator, Mateo was sound asleep in Toru’s arm.
“That was quite a day,” Y/n remarked, shifting her weight onto her heels. “Get some rest, and I’ll catch up with you…”
“On a date. I’m going to take you on a date, is that all right?” Toru finished her sentence for her.
Y/n nodded her head, a bright smile on her face. “I’d love that.”
“You go in first.” He jutted his chin towards her door, “have a good night.”
Y/n walked backward, maintaining eye contact with him until she gently bumped into the door. “Good night,” she whispered before disappearing into her unit.
She dreaded the idea of finding her place in disarray after the earthquake but to her surprise, when she reached the living room, only a few items lay scattered on the ground. Her piano was not a concern; she had it secure in place specifically for situations like earthquakes, and there was nothing near it that could have caused damage.
She tossed her purse on the couch and turned her heels to head for the kitchen when she froze and turned her heels 180 degrees.
Her hand covered her mouth as she muttered, “oh my gosh…”
A big portion of the thin wall that separated her unit from Toru had completely collapsed, and as Y/n stood there in shock, she met Toru’s mirrored expression of surprise.
. . .
E/n: Will be back to edit.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
A collection of Fey entities
A little different from my usual "a collection of..." posts. Making statblocks isn't my forte, surprisingly; I can, but ADHD Hellbrain kicks in and typically prevents me from actually finishing them, my energy and motivation running out typically by the time I need to select feats. A few of the creatures on this list are victims of that very phenomenon, but rather than letting them languish in my drafts forever, I figure I can share what I DO have in the form of lore and some basic ideas.
So, here's a bunch of fairies!
One of them I was going to write down, the Harvest Lords, are a concept I've developed too much for me to put here; they're a group of Archfey with proper domains and Boons, and thus will get their own post. Eventually.
Warnings: There are unsanitary themes in the Brughyorb Gremlin spot, as well as Totagoda. The final entry (Rotten Crick) deals with themes of animal death and allusions to animal torture, dealing specifically with sea life.
Brughyorb Gremlins (CR 1/2 Chaotic Evil Small Fey) are small, round, filthy creatures that are almost all mouth and stomach, resembling fleshy cauldrons when they fully open their mouths and scamper about on their arms and legs, and are thus also known as Cauldron Gremlins, Burplings, and Bowlbellies. Their grinding teeth and powerful jaws are best suited for plant matter (wood is a delicacy to them), but they won't hesitate to feed on whatever carrion they manage to find, even though the majority of what they eat isn't actually digested.
Brughyorb Gremlins hold most of what they shovel into their maws in the first of their two stomachs, where their pungent gut juices fester and melt their food into noxious sludge so malodorous it's actually acidic. Slow and unbalanced even when they're empty, they lay in waiting for an innocent passerby to cross whatever hiding spot they've holed up in before leaping out with a wet shriek, and when their victim inhales in order to scream in surprise, the gremlins unleash a horrific belch directly into the victim's face. Overwhelming nausea is the most common result of such a sensory assault (though especially unlucky ones may catch the fatal Filth Fever), victims disoriented not only by the scare, but their entire world becoming overtaken by an indescribably vile stink, preventing them from fighting back as the gremlin takes whatever it wants from them and scampers off into the shadows, cackling with terrible glee.
Though they're larger than most gremlins, Brughyorb Gremlins are just as cowardly and prone to fleeing whenever someone even moderately well-armed comes along. If a foe proves especially dangerous and their burps aren't cutting it, they'll loose the contents of their stomachs to form slick, acidic pools that carry an eye-watering reek with them to trip up and potentially even kill their pursuers, either immediately through acid damage or eventually through disease. Being directly disgorged upon is an experience so profoundly unpleasant that most beings subjected to it immediately switch careers into something that will prevent this incident from ever happening again... though the fact a Brughyorb's stench is nearly impossible to scrub away and lingers for many weeks means the horrible little beasts can easily track the scent of their past victims in order to get them again.
Despite their foulness, their gut juice is an alchemical reagent highly prized by alchemists for its ability to break down and, with a bit of tinkering, ferment just about any organic matter, making them highly desirable for anyone hoping to create not just powerful acids, but potent fertilizers, fermented foods, or alcohol. Alchemists desiring the gremlin's gut juice, of course, rarely risk seeking it out themselves.
Tintink Gremlins (CR 1 Chaotic Evil Tiny Fey) are also known as Nail Gremlins, Sharpener Pixies, Hammerlings, Nailbiters, Sharpies, and other such names. While most fey fear the touch of iron, Tintink Gremlins collect the substance in earnest despite being just as vulnerable to it as any other fey. Contact with cold iron burns and pains them, but rather than shrinking away from it, they revel in it, with many of them boldly wearing sharpened points of cold iron for the specific purpose of terrorizing and bullying other fairies, as well as protecting themselves from being bullied or terrorized by others.
Tintinks are obsessed with the collection and the sharpening of metal pins, tacks, screws, caltrops, and especially nails, pilfering such items from workshops, lumberyards, factories, and even homes. Loose items are of course the easiest for them to get, their tiny backpacks and leather aprons full to bursting with stacks of nails they sweep off workbenches, but they're also prone to using hammers, crowbars, and pliers sized for their tiny hands to wrench fasteners from whatever surface they're embedded in. Their hoarding slowly but surely destroys furniture, floors, rafters, and eventually entire structures one stolen screw at a time, fleeing only when the infested building collapses entirely.
Even when they're not destroying buildings, Tintinks are horrid menaces. Their wretched claws, coarse palms, and rough tongues can shave metal with the ease of a whetstone, and they use these to sharpen whatever points they get ahold of until they can pierce the thick leather of most common shoes or gloves... and they lay them out in preparation to do exactly that, cackling in wicked glee whenever someone impales their feet or hands on their sharps collections.
They are quite dangerous for a gremlin, capable of causing terrible wounds and even deaths if they're sufficiently motivated, but they are easily caught and removed by those who can take advantage of their fairy quirks. Their obsession with sharpening borders on an irresistible compulsion, and many Tintinks have been caught and exterminated by fey hunters leaving out piles of dull nails, bent forks, and chipped knives, which the gremlins cannot help but sit down among and work on, leaving them vulnerable to ambush.
Steraba (CR 2 Neutral Good Diminutive Fey) are also known as Honey Fairies, Porridge Pixies, Mice Fey, and other such names. They resemble miniature humanoids with mouse-like features such as dewy eyes, rounded ears, long tails, paws, or combinations thereof (sometimes to the point they're just anthropomorphic mice), scarcely larger than the pests they resemble. Despite their appearance, Steraba are not pests themselves and are in fact one of many helpful fey known as House Spirits, and can be a genuinely helpful force in one's home... if one forgives their tendency to pilfer easily-missed items left in their field of vision.
Steraba make their homes in mouseholes inside occupied buildings, living among families of mice (never rats, they despise rats) which they take great pains to keep safe, healthy, and out of sight of the mortals with whom they share a space. Their lives are spent going on frequent, exciting 'raids' with their mice families (whom they can both communicate with and easily train), scampering unseen through homes like a spy trying to avoid being spotted by guards as they run missions such as 'read the next chapter of a book,' 'steal the button,' 'get to the grain stores,' 'slay the attic spider,' 'push out the rats,' and other such objectives. Between missions, they engage in surprisingly elaborate crafting projects; anything inedible they steal is used to decorate their tiny homes, if not by itself, then as part of a greater project. Unknowing families may have entire miniature art galleries in their walls!
Like most House Spirits, Steraba dislike being seen or acknowledged, and spending too long looking at one or talking about its existence aloud with one's family or neighbors is a sure way to drive it off completely. Even more than this, harming a mouse is a grave insult to the Mouse Pixies, who may respond by pilfering valuable or treasured items with Mage Hand, performing acts of vandalism with Prestidigitation and mundane tools, and even causing painful or humiliating household accidents against repeat and grievous offenders. Treating the mice with the calmness and respect one would treat a neighbor, however, will see a household blessed by the tiny pixies who use their talents--magical and mundane--to slay more harmful pests, drive off more malevolent fey, and provide just as well for their "big families" as they do the "small families." A Steraba can magically turn a single grain into a whole loaf of hot bread or a bowl of nutritious porridge that's filling even for a Medium-sized creature, letting them stretch the most meager of food stores for days or weeks on end, and can conjure small amounts of honey, sugar, and jam each day to assure the meals are never boring. A Steraba who has lived in a home for many years and established a positive relationship with its big family may even begin gifting the mortals with pieces of art it has made, which act as good luck charms so long as the owner takes care to say it was a 'gift from my neighbor' if they are ever asked where the trinket came from.
The Filoxenia (CR 11 Neutral Medium Fey) are humanoid fey with golden skin and hair like stalks of wheat, so rare that it was believed there was only one for quite some time. These are fey many cautionary tales are spoken of, fey for whom the Laws of Sacred Hospitality are absolutes and generosity is the holiest of virtues. These fey take on the shapes of beggars, wanderers, and vagrants of various ancestries as they travel the world in the search of kindness, visiting the lowest muckrakers in their hovels, to the meager homes of farmers, to the mansions of nobles and royals to test their treatment of visitors. How, exactly, they perform their tests always varies, but it almost always begins with a simple request: Shelter, just for one night, and a meal of whatever the host can provide, just enough to let them see the next dawn.
The Filoxenia cannot be identified while they're in disguise, their own magic thwarting magical attempts to pierce it; the most reliable way to tell that you've encountered one is the gentle smell of honey and wheat which accompanies them, a scent they take pains to hide with mud and dusty clothes or, in rare cases, perfumes, but which they can never completely cover. Even if you know, however, it is in your best interest to play along and not allow it to sway your decision! Treating your new guest as you would any other is part of the test.
These fey exist to test mortals in their proficiency with and knowledge of the Laws of Sacred Hospitality, and each one has different means of both testing and rendering judgment. More lawful Filoxenia typically treat their task with the utmost of seriousness, and have a mental checklist they gradually move down during their stay in a mortal's home where failing even one step fails the whole test. More chaotic Filoxenia are much more likely to act as unruly guests, assessing the patience of their host, making gradually more unreasonable requests to see just how far the host is willing to go and rendering their judgment based on the host's breaking point; too soon (strict) or too late (lenient) and they fail.
The reward for passing their test is often simple but always beneficial; they may arrange for a parcel of valuable gems to be delivered to the host, repair flaws in their home, or magically enchant a tool or piece of furniture the host owns in a way which will always be useful to them. Impressing the fey may cause them to perform feats such as keeping the host's food stores full for a year and a day, blessing the host with a boon of good luck and health, grant them a useful magical item, blessing their livestock with health and virility, or introducing a helpful House Spirit into the home... but for all their potential blessings, their curses are the stuff of legends and horror stories.
Providing the bare minimum of hospitality is one thing (which earns the stingy host naught but a bowl of gruel or perhaps a new pair of socks for their trouble), but treating the Filoxenia poorly or, most damnably, rejecting their plea for mercy and assistance at one's doorstep? Such a host would be lucky if the worst thing that happened to them was the death of their livestock. An especially offended Filoxenia, such as one physically harmed by the host, can go as far as to curse an entire household to experience grave misfortune which, eventually, will lead to the death of all within in no more than a year.
Totagoda, the Uninvited Guest (CR 13 Chaotic Evil Large Fey) is a unique fey entity, an object of both scorn and amusement in the First World and a downright blight in the Universe whenever he deigns to enter it. He is a wild combination of a bloated toad and a gluttonous goat, standing on his back two legs as a man does, with three bulbous eyes always surveying the area as he searches for his next meal, the remains of which are added to the breathtaking tapestry of reeking stains over his clothing and skin.
Totagoda is a gluttonous, wretched beast of a fey, his primary modus operandi involving taking the shape of beggars, wanderers, and vagrants, hoping to gain invitation into the home of unsuspecting mortals who do not realize just what's standing at the door. Unfortunately, as one may surmise from his title, he is quite liberal with determining what qualifies as an 'invitation' into someone's home, with even strained conversation or simply holding a door open for too long becoming cause for him to push past his unfortunate host and slip inside. Only slamming the door in his face and refusing to speak will cause him to move on. Once inside, he takes a seat at the kitchen table and bullies his hosts into providing for him, often relying on the victim's fear or good manners (or both) to prevent them from seeking aid even as he wolfs down whatever food (or anything close to food) they can provide.
Victims of the Uninvited Guest quickly find themselves eaten out of house and home as his loud demands for food grow ever more violent and unreasonable, his monstrous form gradually revealing itself as he gorges himself. By the point he's revealed as a true and literal monster, it's far too late for his host, with him threatening their belongings, their health, or their very lives if they don't comply, the foul fey holding their treasured belongings or even their family members hostage to force their hand. When all the food in the house is exhausted, victims are forced into the marketplaces where they're expected to spend all their remaining money on a further banquet for the fey. Victims who can give no more may find themselves ensorcelled and forced to provide against their will, butchering their livestock, pets, or their unfortunate neighbors to feed Totagoda, until eventually he grows bored with the current fare and snaps up his host whole and alive with his massive tongue, moving on and leaving any surviving family members nothing but a destroyed home and horrific memories.
Sending out invitations to a party or celebration when Totagoda is stalking an area is a dangerous affair, because no matter the intended celebration, one can be assured it will end in tragedy and horror; many malevolent fey have, in fact, wielded the Uninvited Guest as a weapon by gifting him invitations to the party of a rival or hated enemy. When feeling especially peckish and shameless, he will use the public nature of taverns, restaurants, markets, and other such spaces where food may be found to barge in and begin stuffing his face, using threats, charming magic, or outright mystic domination against the owners, forcing them to ignore his crimes until they become too great to rationalize even with his spellwork clouding their minds. He prefers the 'thrill' of forcing his way into the homes of helpless mortals who cannot seek aid to feed him, using public eateries as a last resort, as he despises the concept of experiencing consequences (which is why he flees the First World as much as possible; he has made many enemies among Archfey and Eldest). Despite his considerable power and unnatural resilience, Totagoda is a coward and a bully, and at the first sign of any trouble (even trouble he could easily deal with) he is more likely to flee than fight, flinging his disease-ridden, acidic dung and unleashing nauseating belches at any pursuers until he can finally escape.
That Old and Rotten Crick, (CR 15 Neutral Evil Medium Fey), also known as Rotten Old Crick (and variants thereof), the Devil Fisherman, the Demon Angler, the Barnacle, Captain Hook, and a thousand other names with varying levels of fear or vitriol, is among one of the strangest denizens of the First World. Appearance-wise, he is a humanoid being, though not a hint of true flesh can be seen through the coverall-clothing of an angler that he wears; what isn't covered by clothes is studded with barnacles or coral growth. His vest is adorned by countless hooks, flies, whatever equipment he wishes to keep on hand rather than in his beaten up but magical tacklebox (the Artifact known as the Tomb of Karaphas), and extra parts for his Artifact-level fishing rod and primary weapon, the Tidepool Reaper. His face (if he has one) perpetually hidden in the shadow of his fishing cap, and he speaks with the smooth cadence of a devil and maniacal purpose of a daemon.
Nearly an Archfey in terms of power, Rotten Crick does not seek influence and remains outside of whatever political nonsense the others have going on... though his actions have a great many Archfey and even one of the Eldest furious with his very existence. Rotten Crick, you see, despises all life in the sea, especially the lives of any creature which could be called a 'fish.' His absolute hatred for all sealife has earned him a many enemies among waterway guardians and sea-dwelling fey, but just as many allies, though not for the reasons one may think; many stories circulate across many worlds of a mysterious angler approaching a fisherman or sailor with promises of rods, reels, baits, hooks, and nets which will assuredly catch enough fish to feed not only them, but their families and the families of their neighbors as well. Indeed, Rotten Crick has no animosity towards most mortal life, and is actually quite amicable, willing to help any down-on-their-luck man on the coast fish enough to live, or even make a business! There are rare stories of him going out of his way to save fishermen whose lives are endangered by the sea... but it is all for the singular goal of eliminating as many fish as possible and inspiring others to do the same. He will sit with other mortal anglers for many hours, fishing alongside them and making occasional, casual conversation, but anyone who knows what they're dealing with is advised to keep it casual, because any extended conversation with him will gradually turn towards alarmingly enthusiastic diatribes on how terribly fish suffer when hooked and dragged from the water, or disturbingly thorough explanations of the many deaths caused by sea beasts all over the world, in order to justify their torture and extermination.
He doesn't even eat any of his catches, enraged by the very idea of putting a fish in his body. If there is no one nearby to gift them to, he either abandons them on the shore to rot or, if feeling especially spiteful, slices them apart with fillet knives and hooks and leaves the disassembled bodies for the birds. He holds no love for creatures he calls "betrayers," which includes dolphins, whales, and seals, such unfortunates earning swift and terrible ends by his hands. Intelligent sea beings, especially merfolk, are in danger of torturous disassembly while still alive, as he draws sadistic joy from hearing their cries.
Why, precisely, he harbors such irrational hatred for sealife is something he has never explained to anyone who's asked, and likely never will. At the very least, any grand and far-reaching plans he may actually have to depopulate the seas of Golarion are slow going, if they're happening at all, held back by the sadism and hatred which drives him; it has been explained to him many times (primarily by daemons) that he could efficiently depopulate the seas by way of pollution, poison, and industrial expansion, but his hate is so great that he seems to prefer the more visceral, personal approach.
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heyidkyay · 3 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Sixteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: let the drama commence.
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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Everything fell apart in those first few short minutes. 
It felt as though the entire world had just gone mad. Drunk on the very idea of Matty having a family, of growing up, of suddenly becoming this new man, this father figure. As if anything like that had even occurred here at all. The thought of it had my stomach rolling, bewildered by these possible fantasies and the images being conjured up. How idiotic it all appeared, and how incredibly stupid I felt to have figured that any sort of connection to Matty would’ve worked out.
I blinked back the sting of my tears, rolling my bottom lip between my teeth as I slowly set the phone back down onto the settee cushion.
“I’m sorry.”
I frowned, startled by the unexpected apology I’d been gifted, and glanced back up to find Matty still sat there, waiting. For what, I didn’t know. “Why are you sorry? There’s nothing to say sorry for. You didn’t tell people to do this shit. You didn’t take the pictures and post them on the fucking internet.” I waved a frustrated hand out, gesturing towards the phone between us. “So don’t say you’re sorry.”
Matty locked his jaw, as though he was trying to bite back whatever answer that wanted to spew right back out at me. He kissed his teeth quietly though as he dragged his tongue out in thought, still wringing his hands together as though they were a wet cloth he needed to dry.
“Stop that too.” I told him, tilting my head back to heave a sigh up at the ceiling, like that would force the majority of my frustrations out instead of consuming me whole. “I can’t fucking believe this.” I murmured, letting my eyes fall shut.
It was at that that Matty scoffed and the sound of it had me whipping my head back around to catch sight of him.
“What? You can’t honestly believe that I’m overreacting here, can you?” I immediately asked him, so quick to jump on the defence, even though I had only just told him not to apologise for anything a second ago, seeing as he had done nothing wrong. 
“I’m not fucking sayin’ that.” Matty ground out, eyes trained on one of the blank walls laid out before us. He’d stopped his fidgeting but continued to keep his hands in a tight hold.
I rolled my eyes, grinding my teeth together. “Then why the noise? Why aren’t you more bothered about this? This is my kid, Matty. This is his face and his life being plastered all over these stupid fucking magazines!”
“It’s not his face.”
I paused, mouth falling open in shock. “You didn’t just say that.”
Matty turned to look at me then, “What? It’s not! Best picture they got was of us at the til.”
Blinking, I reeled away from him. Hurt by his nonchalance. “Oh and that’s alright then, I 'spose? It’s fine, ‘cause they only managed to get a picture of the back of his head!”
Matty released a heavy sigh and then lifted a hand to rub at his eyes, growing impatient or frustrated now too, I wasn’t sure. “I don’t mean it like that!”
“Then how do you mean it!” I shouted back at him, standing up from the settee in hopes to diminish the ever rising panic that had shaken me to my core. “How the fuck do you mean it then, Matty! Because this, whatever this is, isn’t what I signed up for!”
“Signed up for?” 
His voice was thick like tar, gritting and deep, pulling my attention as quickly as his eyes snapped up to meet my own. Filled with an anger I hadn’t actually expected.
“The fuck is that meant to mean then, Mouse?” He provoked, jerking his chin outwards as he watched me slow in my pacing of his living room, his voice giving off an eerie calm he didn’t truly feel. “No, go on. See, ‘cause I’d honestly love to hear it. Get it off your chest and all that, tell me how you really feel.”
I slumped, guilt washing over me. “I-” I looked away, throat suddenly tight, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
He chuckled, a low and pitiful thing that showed me just how hurt he really was. “Yeah, right.”
But before I could go on, Teddy was suddenly there, in the dim light of the doorway, somehow having toddled his way across the house and into the room with us. My guilt intensified by tenfold.
“Ghetti now?” He asked with a slight pout, staring up at me with those big beautiful eyes of his, brows dipped in utter confusion. What must we have looked like?
“Shit.” I hissed under my breath, turning away from him to keep the tears that had rapidly gathered in the corners of my eyes from spilling down my face. God, how had I managed to fuck things up this bad? Why had I let it get this far?
I sniffed at the thought when it hit me, but only after a moment did I somehow manage to pull myself together quickly enough to put on a brave smile for my son. But it seemed that within the few short seconds I’d stolen, Teddy had wandered his way on over to the settee, close enough to Matty that he was now looking up at the man instead of me.
And Matty was looking back.
“Okay, Matty?”
I choked on a silent cry, shaking my head at Teddy's question before I let it fall into my hands. How, how, how had I fucked this all up so badly?
There was a long stretch of silence before I finally heard him speak, before Matty finally answered. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and then opened them again to glance over and see that the man had gone and done the very thing I should have as soon as I’d seen Teddy walk in, pulled him up onto his knee to comfort him as best as he could.
“I’m alright, monster.” Matty told him weakly, gazing down at my son with the same fondness he had always held for him, that previous anger of his, that hurt, swallowed up whole by his doting need to always put a smile on Teddy’s face. “Just lots of people annoyin’ me today, you know?”
I expected Teds to just frown up at him or blink confusedly at the response, but instead he dipped his chin in a slight nod and placed his little hand on the collar of Matty’s hoodie. Looking up at Matty, Teddy said, “Like when Leo takes my truck.”
Matty huffed out an amused chuckle, smiling down at him with the softest expression I’d ever witnessed.
How had I managed to hurt Matty so easily when all he had done was treat me so kindly? When he doted on my son the way he did, when he went above and beyond?
“Exactly, mate. Just one of them things I reckon. But we’ll sort it, won't we?” Matty replied, thumb stroking along the cuff of Teddy’s sleeve whilst my son continued to toy with the fraying edge of Matty’s hoodie.
“Matty sort it.” Teddy whispered with another nod, so sure of that fact.
The sight broke me, enough that I could no longer just watch. I sniffed again, willing myself not to cry anymore than I already had, and instead moved to cross the floor, ready to tell Matty that we’d be best leaving now. Desperate to get away, to give him some space. Only, he glanced up at me at that exact moment and must’ve seen the utter devastation that painted my face.
“Yeah,” He whispered back to Teddy, although the words seemed to be meant for me. “Matty will sort it.”
It was later now. Much later. The house was quiet even with its current occupants roaming around, the walls just seemed to absorb the sound. Matty had managed to wash up for once, doing it by hand instead of just tossing the plates in the dishwasher or leaving it for the cleaner to get to tomorrow morning. He’d just needed some time is all. To clear his head, he reckoned. 
They’d dished up the spaghetti together in silence, with only the low patter of rain pouring outside and the hum of the record player to fill it. Teddy had moved on from their earlier altercation, more worried over his tea than the shift in mood, but Matty supposed that was just kids. He’d been the same growing up. At least until he’d been old enough to understand, to remember the shouting, the sharp looks, the hissed words.
Mouse hadn’t been able to meet his eye throughout the entire affair. Not when they’d sat down, or as they’d eaten, or even when they’d wrapped up. Teddy had kept up a current of conversation though, talking of their previous trip to the zoo and then to the park, mentioning his recent waltz around the studio as well as the phone call he’d received from his grandmother.
Matty had gone along with it, letting her stew. Her words from earlier had fucking hurt, but not because he hadn’t heard them a thousand times before. With earlier girlfriends, mates, even relatives. No, he could deal with shit like that, this life had fucking hardened his skin. The words had only managed to tear away at him now because they had come from her.
“Cab should be here soon enough.” Matty spoke after a long moment, giving way to the fact that he’d been standing in the living room doorway for a short while now, watching as she fussed over her tired toddler.
She’d made her quick escape whilst he’d started tidying away the kitchen, claiming the need to clean Teddy up, and so he’d just let her go with only a hollow dip of his chin. 
In truth, it had given him the time and space to mull the whole situation over, to see her side of things- a trait he knew he had never really been any good at. He had wondered over the way she’d reacted too, not just to the allegations that had been plastered all over every webpage and news outlet, but to seeing how much his presence could also affect somebody else’s life.
She’d hurt him, yeah. But that was only because all of that shit had scared her, so he couldn’t really find it in himself to blame her. Not when he’d seen the obvious regret on her face the second she had realised what she’d gone and said.
Mouse looked up at him then, a little startled, the lamp that stood in the corner of the living room illuminated the open space, shrouding one side of her face in orange shadows. Teddy was already falling asleep against the settee cushions beside her, wrapped up in his winter coat. 
“Thank you.” She replied after a second. 
Her voice was too quiet, too soft.
Matty pushed off the wall to draw closer to them both, his socked feet pausing only a step or two before her. 
He knew he’d miss her once she was gone, he always did. But now that she’d been here, in his home, he knew that he’d never be able to escape the thoughts of her that would linger. He’d look at that settee now and only picture the way she was currently staring up at him.
He swallowed at the thought. 
“Are we good?” He asked her gently, scared to push her too far, or to wake Teddy.
Slowly, she blinked up at him, and in that moment the shadows danced, cutting pieces of her skin into shapes and framing her tired eyes.
“It’s fine.” She whispered, wearing a sad sort of smile, her jacket laid out to the left of her. “I’m sorry, for before. I didn’t mean-”
He cut her off with a slow shake of his head and moved to sit down beside her, bold in the way he let his hand settle over her own. She shifted, knee knocking against his. “I know.” He told her, because he truly did, “I’ll sort it, alright? I’ll clear things up, talk to Jamie or something, whatever it takes.”
He felt her hand clasp his more firmly and squeeze.
“I don’t want to lose you.” He added, thoughtlessly. Carelessly. 
She squeezed again, pulling their hands into her lap. “You won’t.”
Matty wanted to question it, ask her how she knew and if she was certain, but he couldn’t force the words out. “I’ll sort it.” He said again instead, letting his thumb brush the back of her hand. Retracing the length of it again and again. Whilst he still could.
“I know.”
He looked over to her then, seeing the exhausted smile she gave him in return and the warmth hidden behind her eyes. He wanted to kiss her then. 
“We’ll take it one day at a time, alright?” He murmured instead, unable to tear his eyes away from her, from the way she stared back at him. 
She nodded, hold tightening once more.
Matty wondered what she was thinking at that very moment, if she could see all the messy thoughts and feelings she forced up out of him. If she could feel them, too.
February seemed to fly by. Pancake day came and went with a sugar loaded toddler and too much leftover mixture, and then quickly fell into the next. 
Valentine’s day had never been a holiday I’d favoured, too young, too hungover, too single, too pregnant, too busy. I’d never really celebrated it, and only had very vague memories of the ones my mum and dad had made together. Because they had been happy at one point, a very long time ago.
So it was safe to say I was promptly ignoring it again this year too. Seeing as I had no prospects, no secret lover, and no cupcake covered cupid flying over my head. 
Things felt worse this time around though, and I knew why. Because of course I did. But it didn’t make knowing it any fucking easier.
“Matty come ‘day?” Teddy asked for the umpteenth time since we’d seen him last.
My eyes slipped closed at the question, my back to him, but only for a second before I carried on like normal. “Not today, bub.” I answered, wiping down the kitchen counter before completely changing the subject, “How’s your fruit then, hey?”
It had been a little over a week since I’d last seen Matty. We had texted, once or twice, mostly him asking after Teddy and the show, or me wondering how the album was coming on, but that was it.
The whole fiasco resulting in Matty’s apparent ‘found family’ had ebbed slightly but hadn’t died out. There was still the odd article, the mass of tweets, although none of it compared to those first few days. 
I shook my head thinking back to it. The way I’d been accosted in the bakery near the studio and on the way into work, the nonstop calls I’d gotten to be interviewed, the way the show’s ratings had skyrocketed and its comments had been overwhelmed by the same exact question.
So yeah, I had pulled away from him a little. Or, I guess a lot.
But I didn’t know what else I could do. We’d gotten lucky last time, whatever idiot had snapped those photos of us hadn’t managed to get a glimpse of Teddy’s face. But what if the next time they did? And what if I couldn’t protect him from whatever backlash or fallout followed?
Because I knew how people saw me. Single mum, young and disfigured. I caught the way they watched me wherever I went. How they stared. The looks I garnered.
And Matty, well, Matty was good and sweet, and he was everything I hadn’t known I’d needed. I’d let him in so easily and had hardly even had a second to question it. And now I was left in the ruins of it all, on my own because it felt easier that way. Because it should have felt easier that way.
Like it had before.
Before Matty.
It was only when the doorbell went that I realised I’d been staring off into space again, Teddy happily munching away on his mango whilst watching a new episode of his current favourite show. 
I sighed and dropped the cloth I’d been using to wipe the sides, puttering out into the hallway to answer it.
I paused at the sight of our usual postie, having thought that we’d already received the morning post through the letterbox only a half an hour earlier.
“Package for you.” He said with his accustomed smile, holding out an odd little device for me to sign.
“Um,” I fumbled, trying to remember whether or not I’d ordered anything whilst reaching out to scribble a halfhearted signature for him. “Where from?” I asked, letting him take the pen back and hand me a rather large brown box in return.
He shrugged, “Sorry, love. I just deliver them. But I suppose you can always look for the return address if you’re unsure.”
I smiled in response, shifting the box in my arms with a slight furrow to my brow whilst he descended the few steps, “Right, thank you.”
He waved me off inside and carried on down the pavement to his van. I let the door rattle close behind me.
Standing in the hallway, I frowned down at the package, certain that I hadn't ordered anything to the flat. Then decided to double check it was in fact for me, peering down at the address label, still sort of surprised to see my name written there just like the postie had said.
I guessed that there was no better way to work the mystery out than just diving head first, so I picked at the brown parcel tape on one side of the box and ripped it off in one fell swoop. 
The rest came off pretty easily after that, letting me open up the top flaps of the box. Peering inside, I was confused by the array of items I found.
Socks, slippers, an expensive set of pjs… chocolates, an arrangement full of tea bags and my favourite hard boiled sweets, there was even a pretty watercolour vase safely secured in bubble wrap, as well as a bundle of face masks and a little teddy bear in the form of a cow.
I stared blankly down at the items before the doorbell went once more. Bewildered, I turned on autopilot and unlocked the latch, only to be met by a huge bouquet of wildflowers.
My face must have made a right picture, so startled by the odd occurrence I'd been met with, but the delivery person only beamed at me and wished me a happy day. I nodded dumbly, unable to reply due to the apple sized lump in my throat. 
The door closed quietly behind me that time around and frowning I took the box and the bouquet and walked down the hallway into the kitchen, glad to have Teddy so preoccupied by the tele for once.
I set the box down on the table, as well as the flowers, and then simply stood and stared at them for a little bit.
Dragging a hand through my hair, I knew I couldn’t just stand about all day in confusion and so took a small step, and then another, before I slowly pulled all of the items from out of the box and settled them down. Searching for any sort of message from the sender.
Could it be Adi? Finn, or my mam?
I licked at my lower lip, not finding any sort of hint as to who it could have possibly been from in the bottom of the now empty box, and so, with a small exhale, I then let my eyes drift on over to the bouquet.
It was a big arrangement. 
Actually that was an understatement. It was massive, completely unnecessary and utterly, utterly, beautiful. 
I was scared to even reach out and touch them, they were so gorgeous. Never had I seen a bunch so perfectly well-crafted, they must've been really expensive…
Which only left-
My heart clenched at the very thought, because no, he wouldn’t have. 
I was quick to reach out then, fingers brushing along dainty petals and verdant leaves to find an elegant ivory coloured card buried amongst the colourful array.
Squeaks, Happy Valentine’s Day, love. If anyone deserves anything on a day that celebrates love, it’s you. The one person I know who’s so very full of it. I know this’ll be a bit strange, especially as we’ve not been on typical talking terms as of late, but Teds and I decided on this a while ago, and I couldn’t let him down, could I? Anyway, I hope you got the care package too, it was all the monster’s idea, see, so don’t get too huffy over the price of ‘em, yeah? You deserve it.  Enjoy today and when you find the time, check your email. Matty x
I must have stood there for far too long. Long enough for my fingertips to chill in the early afternoon breeze, which swept in through the window, and for Teddy to wander over in search of me.
I startled at the sound of his excited little voice and the way he was quick to wiggle his way up onto a chair to get a good look at the various items which littered the table.
“See? See it?” He asked me, positively beaming at the sight.
I swallowed thickly and smiled, and although my mind struggled to catch up with what was happening, my heart had not. It beat rapidly in my chest, pounding against my ribcage, demanding to be heard.
“Yeah,” I croaked out, before I cleared my throat and let go of the breath I’d been holding. “Yeah, I do. Did you do all this then, monster?” I asked him, running a hand through his mane of curls and hardly even noticing the use of Matty’s given nickname.
Teddy did though. “Matty, mama! I picks! Matty picks!”
Smiling, I leaned in closer to kiss his cheek. “I love it. Thank you, baby.”
I received an all but beaming grin.
“Call! Call, peas!”
My forehead pinched, “Call?”
“Matty! Call! Can we?"
My heart swelled at the thought before it quickly felt like it wouldn’t stop, constricting in my chest and consuming whatever space my ribs had to offer. 
Call Matty.
I could do that, I could call him.
I should call him.
Shouldn’t I?
Yeah, I had to. Of course I did, I mean, how could I not? When he was mental enough to do.. all this!
God. What the fuck was I even gonna say?
But then Teddy was bouncing in his chair, hands grabbing at everything he could touch and I was swiftly picking up the bouquet and pressing on Matty’s contact.
I was calling Matty.
My eyes widened when the ringing stopped and I heard him pick up. He was quiet for one, two seconds, and then, “Mouse?”
He heard her soft breaths break up the silence that came through the speaker, he let her have a moment. Unsure on what reaction he’d get right then.
Matty had felt confident a little over two weeks ago, when he and Teddy had been scheming and planning. But now? 
Now he had to face the storm he’d called upon, anticipating the questions and the uncomfortable thoughts over whether or not she thought the whole thing had been too weird.
Who the fuck did he think he was? Gifts on Valentines day, what was he playing at, being her boyfriend?
Matty felt the urge to defend himself, or to just brush the whole thing off and sweep it under the rug, and then set said rug alight, but instead he simply rubbed at his forehead to still his shaking hands.
They’d been doing that all morning, shaking. Reminding him of when he had been desperate for a good hit, as well as the few months he’d spent in rehab. The withdrawals had always been the worst bit. They plagued his thoughts even now, a year clean.
“Thank you.”
Matty dropped his hand at the sound of her whisper, echoing in his ear. He wished it would hollow a space out in there somewhere and just settle, live there for a while. If only to soothe him.
He hadn’t realised he’d forgotten to breathe until right then and sucked in a rather deep breath. He then swallowed and felt his lips quirk up into a sheepish smile, thankful that she wasn’t there to see it or the pinking of his neck. “You got it then?” He replied, skipping over the ‘your welcomes’ and other pleasantries. That just wasn’t him, it wasn’t them.
It was like he could feel her smile, even from down the phone. “I did. I,” She paused then and he could hear the slight rustling of paper, he hoped that she was looking down at the flowers, toying with them. “I love them. I love it all. I can’t believe you did this.”
Matty pulled a pack of Marlboros from out of his back pocket, and with one hand struggled to put one to his lips and light it.
“It was all Teddy.” He told her, grateful for the way the nicotine ebbed some of that anxiety he’d been latching onto as of late, though not the shake of his hands.
She chuckled, a light soft thing that he probably hadn’t meant to hear, that she probably hadn’t meant to let escape. “I’ve never been given anything like it.”
The truth seemed to tinge her voice into an octave lower, so quiet too that he struggled to hear each syllable she made. 
His heart constricted in his chest, pulled and stuttered and stretched.
Matty took a long drag.
“Did you check your email yet?” He asked her, his eyes surveying the brick wall of the side street he’d slipped into when he’d seen her call. He knew the area well enough, had been walking around just for something to do until their studio time started. He had lots of spare time as of recently.
“Not yet,” She answered him, her voice softening the chaos that was his mind. “What is it?”
He found himself smiling, blowing out a billow of smoke and squinting around the edges of it. “That would be telling.”
Her laughter warmed the coldness that had seeped its way into his bones the night she’d left. Then he heard the call of a familiar voice, one that seemed so excited and was growing closer.
“Matty? Matty?” Teddy sounded through the phone, a little breathless although Matty could picture his bright grin.
“Hey, monster.”
“Matty! They came!” Teddy informed him, obviously talking about the presents Squeaks had received.
“Did they? Just in time then, hey?”
He chuckled when Teddy started to ramble away, telling him what he’d found laid out on the kitchen table and the ‘big pretty flowers’ his mum was still holding. Matty’s chest warmed at the thought.
“She happy then?” He heard himself ask once the toddler had stopped to breathe.
Teddy must’ve nodded then because Matty heard Mouse laugh and then mumble something or other. “Yeah! Like very much.” Came the actual answer and the skin around Matty’s mouth stretched.
“I’m glad.” He said to the boy, hoping that she could still somehow hear him. Hear the truth in his words, the things he hadn’t said but wanted to.
They spoke for a little while longer, Teddy taking up the majority of it seeing as they hadn’t phoned in a while. Something he hadn’t wanted to linger too long on whilst still on the call. Desperate to understand everything and anything that had happened in the short time he’d been waiting for her to come to terms with things. 
She managed to wrangle the thing back off him when he got distracted by something happening outside of the kitchen window and a part of Matty settled when he finally heard her voice. 
“Hey,” She exhaled, he hoped she was smiling.
“Hey.” Matty mimicked, and he definitely was smiling.
“Hi.” She chuckled again, and he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you said that.”
“Oh, shut it.” 
He laughed, the sound of it echoed down the side street, bouncing off bricks and crawling to the very edge. “I’ve missed you.” He murmured, and as true as that fact was, he wished he hadn’t. Because a second passed, and then four.
But then, “I’ve missed you, too.”
Matty inhaled sharply, licking at his lower lip, feeling how he’d practically chewed it almost raw during the last few days. “Make sure you put those flowers in a vase or something, yeah?” He said, still jittery with her admission, like a little kid on the school playground. “I wanna see them soon.” See you.
“I will.” She answered him, ever so soft. 
“I’ll look at that email, too.”
Matty grinned, although his pulse jumped at the very thought.
“Call me after?”
She went quiet, and he was stuck waiting again.
“Yeah, okay.”
He breathed a little easier at that, having heard the smile in her voice.
“After, then.”
When their call finally ended, Matty went to drop his cigarette and noticed then that his hands had given up their constant tremble. 
He shook his head and wandered back out onto the main street. Everything seemed to come back to her.
It had taken me ages to finally get around to opening up my email. My day had been jam packed full of mishaps, from a giant spillage of Teddy’s doing, to sorting out a mistake in the show’s upcoming itinerary. 
It was only once I’d put Teddy to sleep and cleaned up what mess he’d made of my living room, that I got the chance to grab my laptop and climb into my own bed.
I was met with an email from Matty’s personal account when I logged in, one which contained a single file. 
This feeling (demo).
For a long time I just stared down at the tiny clip, my cursor hovering over the tail end of it, because I knew what it was, what it could have only been. But he’d been so adamant about me hearing the album with everyone else, would even get into a right huff about it whenever I’d accidentally catch him humming or singing a tune he hadn’t realised he’d even been making.
And now this?
It left me feeling all sorts of emotions, a majority of which I couldn’t quite make out. But the one I definitely did was all too obvious. Though it had been a long time since I'd last felt anything like it.
My stomach swarmed with them and as I clicked to open up the file they only grew bigger, distracting me, until finally, I heard his voice.
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Evermore - Part 7
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Summary: It’s been 7 years since the love of your life left you behind for his career. When he decides to come back, is it too late to start anew? Or will you realize what’s been in front of you this entire time?
Chapter Summary: A glimpse into Steve's past leaves him reeling with confusion on how to deal with his own feelings.
Sidenote: There is just a lot to unpack in this chapter. Buckle up!
Warnings: 18+ for future chapters. General angst. Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is given the nickname Peach. Unplanned pregnancy. Manipulation. Cursing. Tension. Heartbreak. Longing.
Word Count: 5.7K
Eddie laid there flitting in and out of consciousness. His mind and body weren’t ready to face whatever fresh hell the day had in store for him.
Somewhere before drifting back off, he felt a slight pressure on his cheek, as if something lightly touched him. He groaned just a bit, adjusting his position pushing his face further into the fabric.
A fabric he realized felt foreign. He breathed deeply, unfamiliar yet pleasant scents filling his lungs. It was something that reminded him of home even though he had never felt quite at home anywhere in the past seven years.  
He heard distant voices. Not overly loud but the way they seemed to speak suggested it was an argument. Hushed, but rushed out tones. He began to rouse more, his head was already beginning to pound, a harsh reminder of what he had consumed the night before.
Then he felt it again, this poke at his cheek, a little harder than before. He peeked one eye open, as his hazy vision began to clear, straining against the morning light coming in from a nearby window.
It took a few seconds to come into focus, a chubby cheeked little girl staring at him with curly brown hair and hazel eyes that sparkled as she grinned with her baby teeth on full display. She giggled at him.
That fully caught his attention, he opened both eyes and sat up in a flurry, throwing the blanket from himself, which made the toddler laugh out louder. His hair frizzy, sticking up. He knew he looked a mess; a wave of nausea momentarily seized him with the sudden movement.
“Hi!” she spoke sweetly.
It all slowly started to come back to him. The Hideout, Hopper, You.
You had come to get him. Even if you didn’t care about him that had to mean something, right?
He sat all the way up, putting his feet on the ground, head falling into his hands. He let out a low groan. Not meaning to ignore the other person in the room, but his hangover was washing over him, slowly dragging him under.  
She sat beside him, pressing her small leg into his thigh. He looked over at her still bleary eyed, she spoke again with a bright smile on display.
“Ugh, hi.” He finally replied.
“Your sock is gone.” He followed where her little finger was pointing. Indeed, his right sock was missing. He turned to the end of the couch spotting it tucked into the end cushion.
“Ah ha!” he smiled, producing the lost item. She giggled again as he bent to return it to its rightful place.
“You wan play wif me?” she tilted her head as she spoke as if trying to figure him out.
“Ugh, where’s your mom and dad?  In the kitchen?” he asked her, not trying to be rude to a kid but he bet you and Steve were ready to kick his ass out as soon as you caught wind that he was awake.
She scrunched her nose slightly as her little eyebrows knit together in confusion. She was about to speak but you came into view and drew his full attention.  
“Maddie, baby, there you are.” His eyes darted to you then to Steve close behind.
“Peach! Daddy!” She squealed in his ear, earning another shot of pain in his already throbbing head.  
You walked over to where they both sat, pointedly ignoring the look Eddie was giving you.
“Come finish your breakfast, then we’re going to do whatever you want! It’s Maddie’s day!”
She immediately hopped down from her place on the couch, taking your hand and happily following you back into the kitchen. Why the hell did she just call you Peach instead of Mom? He didn’t have time to dwell as his eyes trailed after you.
He had to admit, motherhood looked good on you. Even in your pajamas and hair a mess you looked beautiful. You’d never explicitly told him you’d wanted kids but then again you two were still young and had never really brought up the subject.
Steve caught him staring, giving him an overly annoyed look but didn’t say anything, rolling his eyes and turning to join you.   
He sat back on the couch, pressing his palms against his eyes momentarily to collect himself. It was unusual at this stage in the rockstar life that he had a hangover; he knew he had overdone it.
He slowly started to take in his surroundings.
You had been doing well for yourself, your house wasn’t lavish, but it wasn’t modest either. He imagined Steve had some cushy job at some law firm, but Steve was never the type to show out, surprisingly that had been a trait he hadn’t inherited from his parents.
There were pictures of all various shapes and sizes hung on one of the living room walls. It was evident each one had been placed there with the utmost care. He skimmed each photo; most faces he recognized, a few he didn’t.
Max in a graduation gown, your arm wrapped around her shoulders hugging her tightly, faces pressed together grinning ear to ear.
Dustin and Suzie on their wedding day, smiles walking hand in hand down the aisle just after saying their “I do’s.”
Mike, El, and Will in their swimsuits at what appeared to be the beach. Each one sitting on a towel catching some rays.  
Robin and Steve packed like sardines beside each other on a small love seat fast asleep.
Lucas and Max looking away from the camera, but you had captured them holding hands. A rarity for Max to show affection in public.  
You even had a rare photo of Hopper smiling with Joyce in front of a Christmas tree.
Then he saw one that stopped and made him stare a little longer. You were holding a baby looking down at her with the most adoration he’d ever seen but it’s a look he already knew well. It was the same one he saw in you back then, looking at him. Except he knew there was no expectation of this little, tiny being you were holding. It was unconditional love.
He slowly made his way down the rest of the wall, seeing everything that took place in his absence. All the younger teens were now fully-fledged adults. Married, getting married, or even having children of their own. Life in Hawkins had moved on without him.
He was so lost in the faces of his old friends, he hadn’t noticed Steve re-enter the room, standing behind him now. He cleared his throat, momentarily startling him.
“Christ,” he spat, holding his chest for a beat as he looked over at an unamused Steve, who was leaned against the door frame, arms folded over his chest. He didn’t immediately speak, so Eddie broke the awkward silence.
“It’s ugh… it’s amazing what you miss being away. Life really does just go on without you.” Looking away from the other man to finish scanning the wall.
“What are you doing?” Steve was already irritated and wasn’t going in the mood to tip toe around.   
“Uh, I… looking at photos…,” pointing to the wall, like it was the most logical answer ever.
“No, man. I mean what are you doing here? Showing up out of nowhere, interrupting her life?” he shoved off the door frame, standing up straighter as he spoke, squaring his broad shoulders.
“I…,” he wasn’t sure how to answer. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to think of a response.
“I’m not really sure anymore,” he finally exhaled, truthfully. He dropped his gaze to the floor as his shoulders drooped.
“She doesn’t want you here.” He hissed lowly. Eddie snapped his head up at that, tilting his head slightly.
“That so Harrington? Why am I here then? Hmm?” looking the other man directly in the eyes. “Unless…” a moment from last night suddenly came back to him but Steve interjected before Eddie could finish.  
“You’re here because you’re an idiot. You do what you do best, fuck up and she doesn’t have the heart to turn you away. Even after everything you did to her.” Steve stepped closer.
Eddie’s anger was seeping through, though he knew the other man was speaking nothing but the truth. He scoffed.  
“You know I’m betting the only reason you haven’t kicked me out yet is because you don’t want to piss her off. No matter how mad it makes YOU that I’m here.” He paused, examining Steve a moment, “She said you didn’t live here, right? What’d ya do, knock her up and decide a relationship wasn’t worth it? Staying friends would be better for you? King Steve, always looking for the next thrill. Never looking out for anyone but himself?”
Steve squared up to the metalhead, at this point he was fuming. His hands fisted at his sides. He knew he had to control himself for Maddie’s sake. He took a step closer, poking his finger into Eddie’s chest.  
“Back off Munson, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, sure Harrington.”  
Eye to eye, neither backing down until they heard you call for Steve down the hall.
He turned without another word to the metalhead retreating to the kitchen leaving Eddie alone once more with the wall of smiling, happy faces looking back at him.
In this moment, he longed to see his own smiling face staring back at him. At least then, he wouldn’t feel this regret blooming up through his chest threatening to suffocate him.
But he had lived and had a life outside of this place. He was happy. Wasn’t he? Why was it beginning to feel like he didn’t know anymore?
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Back in the kitchen, Steve rounded the corner. His cheeks and tips of his ears tinged pink, jaw clenched, mouth set in a thin line. The way he stalked over to you made you a little nervous. He was so mad it radiated from him.
“What happened?” you asked timidly.
“Why don’t you ask Munson?” he spat, pausing briefly before you. You were stunned momentarily. The way his eyes wouldn’t meet yours, but you could tell there was something else there behind them. He looked hurt.  
He shook his head and walked over to Maddie’s bag, hoisting it over his shoulder.
“Steve?” Asking again, a little more tremble to your voice, worry working over your features.
Choosing to ignore you, he made his way over to the young girl blissfully unaware of the newly added tension in the room.
“Maddie,” he got down to her level, she was in the chair chewing on a muffin she had settled on.
She looked up at him, soft eyes, happy from having her sugar fix first thing in the morning, happily swinging her feet.
“I know you wanted to stay with Aunt Peach today, but Aunt Robin is going to watch you instead. You can take your muffin with you.” He was trying to speak softly, but it sounded forced, as he patted her small leg.  
“But daddy…” she began to protest, her bottom lip forming a small pout as she spoke, crossing her arms in protest.
“Maddie, you’re going to Aunt Robin’s,” he shot back. Her little lip wavered with his harsh tone, eyes sparkling with tears threatening to spill.
You weren’t sure what had gone on in the next room, but there was no use in trying to reason with him right now. His mind was made up.
You leaned down to her as well, side pressed into Steve, who flinched momentarily. You tried to ignore the way small movement made you feel dejected as you focused on speaking to her.
“Hey Maddie,” you spoke softly, but firmly, gaining her attention. “Auntie Peach had something come up but you can come over this weekend and hang out. How about that? We can even go out to Benny’s if you want?”
She looked at Steve, then back over to you.
“Okay.” She still had a small pout, but she was satisfied for now.  
With that, Steve stood, picking her up and taking her muffin along without saying another word.
“Bye Peach,” she waved behind him. “I wuv you!” With an exaggerated kiss to her palm then opening it toward you, trying to blow it your way.
“Love you too sweet girl.”
You watched them leave, without protest, he didn’t spare another glance toward you. There was no tender touch or hug to bid you goodbye. No chaste kiss to your temple or forehead bidding his departure.
He only slammed the door behind him, which made you jump. The house was suddenly too quiet.
You took a deep breath and took a step toward the living room.
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Steve hadn’t meant to leave you like that. He really didn’t mean to slam the door.
When Eddie started spouting bullshit he didn’t have a clue about he let it get to him. All he could see was red. It took everything in him to keep his composure and not go ballistic on either of you. He wasn’t King Steve. Hadn’t been for a long time.
Once he settled Maddie into the back seat and took his leave, he only made it a couple of blocks before pulling over.
He pulled his glasses off, pinching his nose, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down.
“Shit,” he hissed low, pushing his head back against the headrest. He eyed Maddie in the rearview. Luckily, she was still far too interested in the muffin she seemed to be savoring to notice the brief stop and changes in his demeanor.
When he thought he had calmed down enough, he started the drive to Robin’s.
When she opened the door, her smile immediately dropped. She knew something was off. Taking in the sight of his disheveled hair, like he had been running his hands through it. A habit she knew all too well of when he was upset.
“Aunt Bobbie!” Maddie yelled, already trying to wriggle free from his arms.
“Steve? What’s wrong?” she rushed out.
“I… I just need to talk to someone. Can we come in?” he asked sheepishly.
“Of course. Get in here.” She moved aside, ushering them both in. “As if you have to ask, Dingus.”
He sat Maddie down, who bolted into the living room where Vickie sat watching the morning news.
“Vick, can you watch her just a few?” Robin asked her girlfriend.
“Yeah, of course. Hey Steve.”
“Hey Vickie,” he shouted back as they made their way into the kitchen for some privacy.
Before Robin could ask him if he wanted something to drink, he made his way over to the phone. She looked at him with confusion for a moment before he began to speak.
“Hey, yeah, it’s Steve. Something came up, I won’t be coming in today.” A few more words were spoken into the receiver before he uttered a goodbye and hung up.
He turned back to her; she was already squinting at him with more suspicion.
“Um, ok. Spill it. You never call out of work unless it’s an emergency.” She bid him to sit down in the chair beside her.
He sighed. Melting into the cushion, letting the weight of the morning sink in. He suddenly felt exhausted.
Robin slowly rubbed circles into his back.
“Fucking Eddie…” he grumbled, almost inaudible but she caught it.
“Eddie? What… I thought… He’s still in Hawkins?” She was trying to process those two small words.
“He… He’s at Peach’s.” Keeping his eyes trained on the floor, rubbing his hand through his hair yet again.
“What?” She whisper yelled, still cognizant of the fact Maddie could pop in at any moment.
“I thought he’d be gone by now. And what the hell is he doing over there? Oh my God, Steve, did she sleep with him?” She got up and started to pace behind him, getting a little louder and more frantic with each sentence.
“Rob,” he sighed.
“Steve, what the hell is she thinking?”
“Rob,” a little more forceful.
She started to chew her bottom lip just a bit, “What…”
“Robin,” he all but yelled, pulling her back into the chair by her wrist.
“Yes, yeah. I’m here.” Focusing all her attention on her forlorn friend.
“He slept on the couch after a drunken night out.” He thought for a moment, licking his lips before choosing his words carefully. “I… I can’t watch her go through all that again when he decides to leave. I can’t sit back and watch him take all of the best parts away from her. You remember what it was like?”
Her gaze softens, she remembers how it was but Steve, ever the best friend, took the brunt of it. Watching her two best friends being idiots around each other then and even more so now.
“This isn’t really about Eddie though, is it?” she spoke softly.
He didn’t respond, still looking at the floor. He was hurting. It was written all over his face.
“Steve,” she took his hand, wanting his full attention as his soft eyes looked into hers, “you have to tell her. If you don’t do it now, I think you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. You aren’t going to lose what you have, that could never happen to you two, but what if you lose the chance to have something more?”
Even back then, she knew he was in love with you but then Eddie happened. Then once he left, it had taken your heart so long to heal that Steve was scared to lose what you had he didn’t want to mess it up.
You had leaned on him to bring you back from the brink. He’d almost confessed a time or two, but it had never felt right. You had closed off your heart and sworn off love altogether.
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February 1988
Steve had just gotten back to his apartment that afternoon after a long day of classes, exhaustion hitting him like a ton of bricks. Emily would be over soon so they could cook dinner and watch a movie. Friday nights were strictly for relaxing. The rest of the weekend was used for studying. Just one more year and he would graduate and finally start this life he had planned.
What he hadn’t planned was a frantic knocking at his door, jostling him from his momentary daydream.
He stood from the couch, a little slowly. Whomever was at there must have been impatient because they knocked again.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming, I’m coming.” He shouted, reaching for the door. “Hold your…”
As it swung open, the words died on his tongue. He had never expected to see you standing before him. His eyes practically bulged out of his head, taking in your drastic appearance. You were wearing stained pajamas, hair in a messy bun with bags so heavy under your eyes it looked like you hadn’t slept in days.
“Peach, what the hell…” before he could finish his sentence, you practically threw yourself at him, momentarily knocking him off balance. You clung to him for dear life as you started to cry. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you further into his chest.  
He was so worried when you wouldn’t stop crying, he had no idea what was going on. He was panicking on the inside but was trying to keep his composure.
“Honey, you have to calm down. You have to tell me what’s going on.” He spoke softly, cradling your head, while his other hand rubbed soothingly up and down your back.
You had driven all the way to Indy without a phone call. He knew it was bad.
He finally coaxed you to sit down with him on the couch. You were still clinging to his side but calming down.
“Peach, it’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s going to be okay.”
“Eddie left.” You whispered into his shirt, muffled where your face was still pressed close to him.  
“What do you mean he left? I thought he was still in LA?” he asked softly, matching your tone.
You finally found enough strength to pull yourself up to face him. His eyes full of concern, searching yours for some kind of answer.
“He came to visit me last weekend.” Your lip trembled, voice threatening to give out as a fresh wave of tears began to spill but you needed to get it all out.  
“I could tell something wasn’t right. The way he had been acting. I… I should have known this was going to happen. God, I’m so dumb.”
“Hey, hey. Stop it. You’re not dumb.” He grabbed your hand as you threaded your fingers through his.
“God Steve, I was just so happy to see him. He was trying to tell me before… before I told him it could wait. I just… I wanted to have him close to me.”
Steve knew what you were saying without coming out with it. His stomach lurched at the thought. You’d had sex and he’d left you when you had been at your most vulnerable. He stayed silent, letting you continue.
“We didn’t talk, we… and then he… he was gone in the morning. He left me a stupid fucking note that just said I’m sorry. I’ve called him for a week, and he hasn’t returned any of my calls. He’s just gone.”
Steve was stunned. He’d never thought Eddie could do this to you.
“He’s an idiot.” He mumbled, “You want me to track him down and beat some sense into him? I mean what the hell is he thinking?” At least he could try humor, he was good at deflecting.
“Given your track record with fights, I’m not sure how much use you’d be.” You smiled and giggled for the first time all week.
“There she is. At least I can still make you smile. I’m useful for something.” He grinned back.
He had all but forgotten about his usual date night with Emily, until he heard the door open as she stepped in. It startled the both of you, as he jumped to his feet to greet her.
“Steve, I…” she stopped as soon as she saw you, eyes rimmed red looking an absolute wreck.
“Hey, Em,” he kissed her cheek, and took her bags, setting them down. “Uh, I am so sorry, I would have called but uh,” turning back to you as if trying to convey a point.
“Is she okay?” her gaze left you to look back at her boyfriend.
“Yeah, yeah. Well, no. Do you think we can just take a rain check for tonight? Back to it next week?” he smiled that crooked grin that most women couldn’t resist.
“Yeah, sure. Sure.” She looked back at you then and waved. You raised your own hand in a wave back.
“I’ll call you in the morning babe.” He pecked her lips quickly, as she walked back out of the apartment.
You felt like a nuisance, an intruder. Steve had his own life without you barging in unannounced dragging him down with you.
“I’m sorry. I should have just called but I…”
He immediately shut you down, no apologies needed. He ordered pizza from his favorite place, and you mostly spent the night in comfortable silence eating and watching some cheesy horror fic.
He insisted you take his bed for the night, and he would take the couch, but you wouldn’t hear of it. You laid face to face, chatting about nothing and for a few moments it all seemed right in the world.
All of a sudden, it felt like summer break and long chats at night by the pool spending all your time telling your best friend all of your secrets. You had missed him. He spent the rest of the night reassuring you that it wasn’t your fault, and it would be okay. You would get through it.
He woke the next day to find you were still facing each other. You were curled up tightly with your fist under your chin as if on guard even in your sleep. He couldn’t help but feel helpless. He knew he couldn’t make it better, but he could at least make it easier.
He let himself brush the hair out of your face. The subtle touch had you chasing the warmth of his hand. He cradled your face for a moment, his palm resting against your cheek fingers slightly tangled in your hair as your breathing evened back out.
For a moment, he let his eyes trace the features of your face. Your eyes danced slightly behind your eyelids, and he wondered what you were dreaming of. The way your cupids bow beckoned him forward as your lips parted just slightly with every exhale that produced the perfect pout.
He knew it was wrong. Eddie had just broken your heart and his thoughts were selfish. He internally scolded himself and removed his hand, instead opting to pull you close to his chest, kissing your head softly as he heard you sigh. He slowly drifted back off the sleep with you curled into him.
Once you both woke, untangling from one another, the reality of the day set in.
You couldn’t stay here. You both knew that.
He called to check on you nearly every day after; coming to visit at least every other weekend. You felt like he had you on suicide watch. Which, for the record, never once crossed your mind.
All the extra time spent with you began to put a strain on his relationship with Emily.
It’s like she could sense what he wasn’t telling her. What practically anyone from the outside looking in could tell. Steve would never admit it to anyone, let alone himself.
She had finally told him that it was either you or her. Her mistake was thinking that she was even a choice when it came to you.  
Dating was put on the back burner for a while. He instead helped you through the most difficult year of your life.
He stayed in Indy after graduation, landing a good job. You two stayed close despite the small distance.  
He encouraged you to start dating again, even though it was killing him inside. He wanted to see you happy.
“And what about you Steve? You need to get back out there. You haven’t had a proper date in over a year.” You snorted.
“Yeah, well this isn’t about me.” He chuckled back to you.
“I’ll start dating when Hell freezes over.” You shot back.
“Well, maybe I’m right there with you.”
Time passed after that conversation. He never brought it back up to you.
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Steve Harrington could never seem to find the right girl to settle down with. Not for his lack of trying. He had broken numerous hearts, and in turn, had his own broken a time or two.
All he really longed for was someone to call his own. Someone that would stick around after they really got to know him. Get married. Start a family. He had it all planned out in his head.
He still had the occasional hook-ups from time to time. He wasn’t celibate and he got lonely.       
And one day, he got a call from someone he had fooled around with about 3 months prior. She broke the news that she was pregnant, and it was his.
His world literally felt like it was caving in around him and his plans were crumbling before his eyes. He barely knew this woman and yet she was going to have his child.
He remembered the cheery blonde with piercing blue eyes that he knew absolutely nothing else about. They had met at a bar close to his office. They had fooled around exactly two times. He supposed it was a sick joke the universe was playing on him.
He was drunk the second time and forgotten to wear a condom. He had royally fucked up and there was only one person he trusted enough to talk to.
“Hey Stevie! Aren’t you working today?” your voice immediately calmed his rattled nerves.
“Yeah, I am but uh, I’m leaving early. I need to talk to you.” he sounded breathless near the end.
“Steve, is everything alright?”
“No. I’ve got some news and I just need my best friend right now, but I don’t really want to talk about it over the phone.”
“Well, just come over to my place. We’ll just figure everything out. Whatever it is, okay?” you tried to sound convincing, to placate him even though you were freaking out at what he wasn’t telling you.
When he made it to your house, he laid it all out on the line. Everything he knew thus far. You had listened without judgement and reassured him that you would be there the whole way. No matter what. And you had, with no hesitation.
Once his parents heard the news his dad offered to bribe her into getting rid of baby, but Steve immediately shut it down.
“It’s your grandchild, how the hell could you even say that?” But it fell on deaf ears, they didn’t care. They were trying to preserve the Harrington name from any scandal.
He tried to do the right thing. Date her, take care of her. Hell, it’d crossed his mind to marry her, but it quickly dawned on him how truly different they were. It would never have worked out. She was a waitress at the bar where they had met. She wasn’t wealthy by any means, but she knew he was or at least his family was.
He had hoped they could remain civil, but it wasn’t in the cards for him. It didn’t take her long to start asking him for money to stick around.
He didn’t know what to do so he kept her paid and content.
He drove her to every doctor’s appointment making sure the baby was good every step of the way.
They found out they were having a girl and Steve was over the moon. He immediately went to your place showing you the sonogram. The way he traced her small features in black and white still had your heart melting. He was already in love with her.  
It was a beautiful, crisp day when she arrived that October. A perfect day in his mind. You accompanied him to the hospital. Both of you were jittery and anxious. Much to his dismay, she wouldn’t let him in the delivery room. Your heart broke for him. If she wasn’t in the middle of giving birth, it had crossed your mind to punch her stupid smug face.
She arrived without any complications. A beautiful, healthy 7-pound 3-ounce perfect little angel. Madelynn Grace Harrington. Luckily, Steve had been able to name her. Oddly enough that was one thing she hadn’t fought.
You watched him gingerly pick her up for the first time from the bassinet, cradling her tiny head and pulling her tiny body into his chest. His eyes began to tear at the sight of her. It was pure joy written on his face as he looked down at the tiny bundle. He was awestruck.
“I just,” voice quavering just a bit as he spoke. “I just can’t believe that she’s mine. My daughter.”  
He looked up at you as you let out a small laugh. Your own eyes watering at the scene before you.
“Hi Maddie, I’m your dad. I’m so happy you’re here.” He spoke softly, looking down at this tiny little thing that he had a hand in creating.
“Stevie, I think you were always meant to be a dad.” You were settled beside him, your hand on his back, looking down at his twin. Thankfully she hadn’t inherited the looks from her mother with a head full of chestnut locks and hazel eyes just like Steve.  
“You want to hold her?” You quickly nodded.
 You sat down, as he brought her close and laid her gently in your awaiting arms. Swaddled head to toe in pink, with a matching pink cap.
She was the most precious thing you had ever laid eyes on. Your finger gently stroked her tiny cheek, as she yawned, with a tiny sigh.
“Hi Maddie. I’m your Auntie Peach. I already love you more than you’ll ever know.”
Steve silently watched you as you watched Maddie. His heart ached in his chest seeing you with his baby. It also broke a little.
After they were discharged from the hospital, Steve only got to see Maddie on the weekends. He had a sinking suspicion this was how it was going to be from the start.
About six months after she was born, blondie threatened to take Maddie and leave town if she didn’t get more money. Fed up, he finally asked her how much it would take for her to leave for good and not come back.
He had to take a loan out that would cost him a small fortune just so she’d sign over her rights, even though she never wanted their daughter to begin with, that much was evident. But he would gladly do it again. He was so thankful you and Robin were there to help him.
You hadn’t given it a second thought when it came to her. Doting on her as if she were your own. So, it was no surprise when Steve had told you he was moving back to Hawkins you insisted on him moving in with you until he found a place.
At some point, you both fell into a routine that felt so natural. So domestic. It felt like the right time, but his anxiety got the better of him. He was so happy with the way things were he didn’t want to lose you by confessing his feelings that would just make it awkward if you didn’t feel the same. He would keep you this way, even if his own heart was aching for so much more.
He waited, biding his time. Waiting for the perfect moment that never came.
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“Rob, I can’t complicate things for her. If she wants Munson, I’m not going to stand in her way. She can make up her own mind.”
Robin audibly groaned, shaking her head throwing her hands up in defeat. “You two are even bigger idiots than I thought you were.”
He looked at her, puzzled, eyebrows knit in confusion.
“Rob, what? What does that mean?”
The only sound was Robin dropping her head in dramatic fashion to the table with a loud thump.
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avvail · 10 months
You are the love child of 2 very known heroes and you get kidnapped by the villain, it's been 2 weeks already and your parents still didn't even try to save you.
With a clunk, the boot of the car was lifted open. The civilian’s eyes scrunched shut at the assault of the sunlight, and a muffled grunt was soaked by the gag in their mouth.
They felt a hand grip their arm, and they were hurled out of the cramped space. Their feet hit the ground, and even with their hands tied behind their back, they still attempted to pry themselves out of the villain’s grasp.
Fingers tugged the gag out of their mouth, and the civilian sucked in a sharp breath.
“Let go of me,” they snarled, feet digging into the ground as they tried to fight the villain’s relentless strength. They were dragging them towards a large house, a different location as to where they’d been stored for the past two weeks.
The villain offered them a sharp glance. “Keep quiet, kid. It’s not like anyone is going to hear you.”
The civilian bared their teeth. “My parents will find me,” they snarled. “You know they will. You should just give up while you still can.”
Although the civilian hadn’t yet followed their parents in their career path as a hero, they weren’t afraid of the situation they found themselves in. They were confident their parents would do anything to get them back.
“Keep telling yourself that,” the villain sighed. They seemed more dejected than before. Maybe it was because their parents were close; that must have been why they were switching locations.
The civilian put up a grand struggle on the way into the house, enough that they were sure the villain was starting to get a little miffed. They shoved them down onto a sofa in the open living room, giving them a good view of the scenery outside and the big kitchen to their left.
They thrashed and kicked as they bound their ankle to a chain, connected to the table. They jerked violently, but it didn’t budge.
The villain took a seat in front of them, and put the gag back in their mouth. The civilian was sweaty and clammy, but they had enough strength to muster a dark glare. The villain sighed heavily, their eyes tired.
“I just need you to listen right now, kid,” they murmured. “So listen. I don’t really care if you don’t believe me. Your parents aren’t coming.”
The civilian made a muffled grunting sound, making their defiance known. The villain sighed heavily.
“I don’t think you understand me,” they began again. Their gaze was softer this time, voice pleasantly low. “Your parents aren’t coming because they don’t want to.”
The civilian frowned.
“It’s been two weeks, kid. Two weeks, and they haven’t even bothered to come find you.”
For a moment, the civilian felt their heart sink, but they tried to remind themselves that this was villain, their parents’ nemesis. They would do anything to mess with their head. They mustered up a glare, but this time, it was considerably weaker.
The villain was looking at them in pity. Pity that made their heart squeeze painfully. That couldn’t be right.
“It’s not like they don’t know,” they hummed. “I’ve told them. But they haven’t done anything about it. They’ve left you, kid. For a couple that seem to love each other so much, I don’t think they give two shits about you.”
The civilian frantically shook their head. Their parents loved them. They wanted them to grow up to be a successful hero just like they were, to pass on the mantle and watch them thrive. There was no way they would...willingly leave them in the villain’s clutches.
“I know I’m being blunt, but I honestly don’t care,” they shrugged. The civilian could feel their breathing start to thin. “I’m not trying to hide it from you. Here.”
They stood up, switching a prominent news channel on. It was live, footage of their parents dealing with low grade villain and a fire at a bank. The civilian watched them fight, watched them banter, and they had the biggest urge to go home. But the villain’s voice ripped that away from them.
“You’re in a different country, you know,” they drawled, making them sniffle on the verge of tears. They didn’t look at them. “I thought it would draw them away from the city at least, to give some sort of sign they were actively following your trail. But no such a luck. Now I’m stuck with their hard headed brat.”
The villain shrugged lazily, turning to the kitchen. The civilian silently watched them go, before their eyes glued themselves to the television. Their parents were talking to the off-screen reporter, answering their questions with beaming smiles.
When they looked at each other, it was clear they were enamored.
“This is our job,” he heard one of his parents say, arms looped around the others waist. “It’s our number one priority. We wouldn’t give up this city for the world.”
Not even for me, the civilian thought. There was no trace of concern, of fakeness, of urgency to look for their missing child. Nothing. The civilian forced themselves to look away from the television. They couldn’t bear to watch.
The villain returned half an hour later. The civilian had silent tears streaming down their cheeks, eyes flickering towards them when they placed some soup on the table. Fingers jerked the gag out of their mouth.
“This is a trick,” they whispered quietly. There mouth was dry, and the glass of water looked really tempting. “To...To get me to turn against my parents, and—”
“Don’t be silly,” the villain interrupted. “Eat.”
The civilian did, once their hands were untied. The soup was tasty and it was nice to get some water down their throat. They eyed the chain wearily, having not bothered to wipe the dampness from their cheeks.
“Why don’t you just let me go?”
The villain hummed, staring at the TV screen. It was showing videos of their parents. Their seemed to be a crease in their brow, the hatred in their eyes clear.
“Because then you’d run away, kid,” they finally answered, switching the TV off,” and you don’t deserve that.”
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maesterchill · 1 year
with your mermaid hair and your teeth so sharp
(Teen, ~600 words) Inspired by the @drarrymicrofic song prompt "Mermaids" by Florence + the Machine. It just so happened to be World Dracula Day when the prompt was issued, which is nice and appropriate. Dedicated to the lovely, lovely @sweet-s0rr0w on her birthday. Happy birthday, lovely! Hope you're having a brilliant day! Thank you to @nv-md and @tackytigerfic for looking this over for me.
When it comes to what the Employee Code of Conduct evasively describes as ‘personal relationships’, the Ministry of Magic adopts an antiquated policy not too dissimilar to what the Muggle Americans used to call 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. Of course, the kind of social prejudices that once made policies like those necessary have long since vanished, and the policy now has a different rationale behind it: when you're dealing with six hundred and seventy nine healthy adult individuals of different genders, species, immunocompetencies, and levels of mortality working in close proximity for months or years on end, the only sane approach is to let everybody get on with whatever the hell they want to do behind closed doors and not enquire too closely.
It's a good policy, and one Healer Withers wholly endorses.
The only problem is, as Chief Ministry Healer, Withers is the only person who can't follow it. Sometimes, someone has to ask intrusive questions.
He sighs. "How many times, Auror Potter?"
Potter is actually blushing. "Only once, I swear!"
Withers raises a single eyebrow. He's been observing this Malfoy creature that Potter seems to have taken a shine to, and even though Withers doesn’t swing that way, he has to admit the bloke is strikingly attractive—’an immortal sex-on-legs’ his wife once commented, and to Withers’ incredulity she went on to wax poetic about his shimmery hair.
The immortal sex-on-legs in question is currently sprawled out in the waiting room on a plastic chair, and really, Withers couldn’t help but catalogue the dark flush on Auror Malfoy’s face and the claret-red gums framing his incisors as he mouthed an insouciant good luck to Potter earlier. Which, coupled with the current state of Potter’s neck and his sluggish pulse, points to more than Potter is letting on.
"Mr. Potter," he says, "if you don't tell me the truth, then the dose of antivenom I'm about to give you will be too low, and you'll start developing symptoms within a day. First, the infected blood will flood your body, slowing your heart and turning your extremities blue, until finally your heart will stop completely. Once that happens the remaining fluids in your body will coagulate and turn viscous and you'll start to experience intense swelling and stiffening of the—"
"Five times!" Potter blurts out. "Actually, kind of six. He didn't, um… finish that one. God," he practically moans, eyes fluttering closed and mouth curving into a smile, drifting into some kind of cheerful oblivion. Withers clears his throat, and after a moment Potter breathes out through his nose and opens his eyes. "So yeah. Yeah, only five proper bites."
Withers is impressed. He can barely remember what it was like to be twenty-two and have that kind of stamina.
"Right, that means you're going to need at least triple this dose," he says, and turns away to get another couple of vials.
"Will this..."—Potter kicks his heels against the side of the bed, and when Withers turns back to him, he's looking for all the world like a child who's been caught stealing sugar quills—"...cure it?"
Withers takes pity on him. Merlin, everyone in the Ministry has had inadvisable sexual relations with a member of a non-compatible species at least once. Although usually, only ever once. He’s glad Potter’s getting his lesson out of the way early in his career.
"It will. For now," he says, injecting the antivenom potion directly into the puncture wounds on Potter’s neck. "But the next time a sexy vampire colleague asks you to go to bed with them? Word of advice: play hard to get."
Even if he hadn’t been aware of Potter’s reputation for rebelliousness, the look on the young Auror’s face right now tells Withers all he needs to know. The likelihood of Potter following his instruction is slim to non-existent.
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moonschildsworld · 1 year
Omg I’d love a Nagi POV for Regrets 🥹 Only if you’d love to do it though!
author note: I'm sorry, it look so long T^T but at last, here it is! i hope it doesn't disappoint :<
☆ p.s: i got another great plot idea but I'm worried I can't execute it properly but i'll try my best. hint: it's about itoshi brothers wink wink.
♡ for new readers, before you read this, make sure you read the main part!
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We lost. I lost? Me?
I could feel my hot blood running through my vines as I collapsed, my hand fisting the grass my fingers dig into the dirt trying to hold onto something to keep my sanity from slipping away, as the whistle screech out signaling the game was over in our opponents’ victory, ending it with a close call of 3-4. What’s more regrettable and got me feeling like shit is that I was going to propose to her on the interview I was suppose to go on after I win this match. I could finally gather up my courage to do troublesome thing like that, just for her.
I was suppose to win the match, coach said that team was the easiest target, I almost got another goal in and we’d get to do penalty kicks and we’d smash them up then. So what went wrong?
My forehead was facing downward to the grass field as tears surge out of my eyes in frustration. Seriously, what the fuck went wrong? How did I lose? I could taste the bitter metal flavor as my bottom lip was bleeding from my front teeth sinking on it too hard.
I was so stuck on the idea that I was the best, I was unbeatable, the prodigy, the most promising player of the next generation of world class player. Nothing could’ve gone in my way. Nothing should’ve gone wrong when I’m on the field.
“come on man, coach said to gather everyone up” I got snapped out of my hellish thought reo’s voice rings into my ears. I took one deep breathe as my eyes suckle back up the tears. I got on my feet in slow motion and walks to the meeting in the locker room.
As expected, coach was furious. Silence fell as I walk into the room along with Reo when coach was just yelling. The silence and stares were suffocating, it was as the gazes were yelling, ‘it’s your fault’ ‘you were supposed to be the one who got us through dilemmas’ ‘the prodigy lost his touch?’
I couldn’t do anything but bite the inside of my mouth and get seated. After a few more minutes of silence, the coach clears his throat, “what’s up with you, nagi?” my stomach drops upon hearing the question , what’s up with me?, nothing is ever wrong with me so how am I suppose to answer this.
Another suffocating silence as no response were given from me as I kept staring at the tiles floor, the coach lets out a big disappointing sigh, he paces back and forth for a while in the room before he announces, “cancel any prior engagement or schedule, we’re staying here for a month for special training” with that, he storms out of the locker room shaking his head furiously.
Murmurs of complaints, groan and sighs were pour out as soon as the coach steps out, “only if someone had done their job properly” a benched player spoke out loudly in spite. “I know right, that’s why you shouldn’t have love to interfere with career” another spiteful comment follows. “what’s your career? Warming up the bench?” Reo hisses back to them as I kept my mouth shut, my eyes still glued on floor.
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The special training and my pride getting smashed was the least of my worries right now but I couldn’t bring myself to open her message, I wanted to text her, “I won” to her good luck text, how can I face her now? My hand clenches my phone hardly as my head hangs down.
I know she wouldn’t eat me alive, nor tear my down just for one lost, and I don’t know why my feelings are this stubborn to run away from her. I know she would try her best to attempt to comfort me. So why do I want to run away?
I spent hours staring blankly at the phone before I made up my mind to shut the phone off and store it in the cabinet beside my hotel’s bed. I just need a day.
A day turn into days, days turn into a month. The anxiety bubbling up inside me never left and I just want to pierce myself and take it out, whatever is making me feel stuffy.
Training was hell, the constant backhanded comments and spiteful backlashes behind his back, from online and my teammates were really getting to me.
Coach pushing me more than he ever does, the gazes that were once admiring and praising me now turn into something more like a civilian camera that are waiting for me to trip again so they can all jump me.
She would never done that or let anybody do this to me.
Time passes quickly with the training that lasts almost the whole day with 8 hours to spare for mandatory personal business, eating and sleeping. It’s finally time to go back to Japan to continue the usual training and another match coming up in 2 months, I need to be on my best behavior so they won’t catch me tripping.
I am now alone again with my thoughts in the hotel room, I reach out for the phone in the cabinet for the first time in a month.
She must’ve been worried right?
I turn the phone back on, my heart thumping in anticipation for what she has to say.
..Nothing..? No new messages since that day..?
I could feel something snapped as the overwhelmed emotions that has been piling up over the past month came spilling out, I throw the phone across the room as my breathe grows heavier and quicker.
Does she not care about me? What’s the point of this relationship huh? When I’m away training my ass off, getting attacked verbally everyday, she hasn’t checked up on me once? Not mentioning, I haven’t answered her for a month, a month!
I sat down with my arms laying on my spreaded legs, my head hung down low. No, I directed my anger at her. She probably just didn’t want to get in way of my work here. I know that so, why..?
I raise my head up as my eyes turn blank and cold, no emotions found as my heart feels heavy out of the sudden, a voice suddenly flashes into my ears, “that’s why you shouldn’t have love to interfere with your career” it was the fleeting comment one of my teammate made.
That’s right.. She’s not necessary, is she? My mind is already heavy from soccer, why bother carrying any more unnecessary weight..? Come to think of it, she would understand. She probably can live, with her career and things, it shouldn’t be a hindrance to her, right..?
Yeah, she’d understand me. Y/n always does.
That’s how I selfishly broke up with her for my own career under a façade that I think she’d understand when I know she would break down even if she understands.
I broke up with her with a promise to never to lose again in any match, neither friendly—nor a serious match.
The result came to fruition as I have a come back in my career in the next match and I continue to do great the match after and the match after that. I buried myself in my career because that’s all I knew to do, it’s what I throw away everything for and I had a promise to keep, 3 years of full success, no loss.
It’s going great again, people that were waiting for my downfall click their tongue and turn away in defeat. People are again looking at me with praises and admiration. I had move up to join a more prestigious club and many others are offering million to get me, Isn’t this what I wanted? It is.
Strangely, now that I don’t feel heavy anymore, there’s a great amount of void in me. Of course, I have a slight idea of what is it but I choose to live in denial. She has been well, I keep watch on her, secretly of course I know much at least that she wouldn’t want to see me after all of that, at random times and she’s still the same, calm and composed. Going to work and going out with her friends once in a while. I do notice smiles are rare to come by for her. But she’ll get over it right? She’s y/n after all. That’s what I selfishly convince myself so I could look away, for my own benefit.I chose it myself so it’s a given that I chose to live with the void.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
That is until, today after 3 whole years, on a coincidence that I stepped out to get drinks, my eyes spot a familiar build standing outside of the stadium I was suppose to have a friendly match at today. I felt like the world had stopped moving as my eyes laid on her figure.
Before I knew it, my feet brought me to stand in front of her, without permission my voice calls out to her. She looks up in a slightly shocked expression but soon calms down. That’s it? Seeing me after all of this time. I could feel something poking at my heart.
I knew I shouldn’t be acting so familiar to her after all of that but my heart, my mind, they crave her more than I thought. She’s still as calm as ever, why am I the only one whose heart is thumping like some high school boy meeting his crush? This is so unfair. I asked her what she was doing here, I pray to gods that existed in all direction hoping for a slight chance that she’d say ‘I came to see you’
Our conversation was cut short by one of the guy in the opposition team I’m up against today, my heart drops seeing him acting so familiar with y/n, my y/n.
I didn’t know what my expression is shown on my face as I watch them. So she found someone after all..? They act like I wasn’t standing there in front of them, I just want to yell at y/n to keep her attention on me, what rights do I have..?
I bite the inside of my mouth as I try to keep myself in check. y/n finally turned her attention back to me, like a puppy, that much attention had me wagging my tail at her if I had one. That unsettling feeling attack again as she introduced the muscle blonde head as her boyfriend.
I just want to rip my body and scoop out the intestine that keeps developing that feeling. “are you playing against my boyfriend today?” I know I am probably just imagining it but it seems like she emphasized my boyfriend to spite me. “…yeah” was all I managed to get out of my mouth. I soon come to realized that it made things awkward, fuck I didn’t want it to be this way with y/n, after all these years, after finally she can meet me eye to eye again.
The blonde muscle man decided to steal her away again, in excuse of guiding her to her seat. I could feel my heart tightened at how she smiles at him, how she talks, how she jokes, the way she gazes at him. Those all used to be mine, It should’ve been forever mine.
He grabbed her hands and guide her away. No, she can’t go just like this, I need to come up with something— “do you think I’ll do well today?” the question spills out of my mouth before I can think about it thoroughly and I wanted to dig myself into a hole. Seriously man? In front of her boyfriend?
Though to be frank, I couldn’t care much because she turned to me again and flash one of her smile at me, “you always do well, don’t doubt yourself” I could feel myself choking up, that’s what she always used to say but it’s not the same anymore, where’s the loving tone she always uses?!
Before I could say anything more, the blonde almost dragged her away. I could only watch their backs as they disappear among the crowds.
There it is again, the same unsettling feeling but this time, I had nothing to throw away anymore, I have nothing..
My head was hazy, eyes are blurry. It feels like all of senses had been lost. The match starts and ended before I can realized. I had only realized when the same gruel some screeching sound of whistle signaling the match had ended,,, in the opponent’s victory.
It felt like déjà vu, it felt like that day. That day I felt like I had lost everything but no, I had my everything back then. I dropped to my knees as tears spill out of my eyes, the tears blocking my visions as some teammates came forward surrounded me and frantically comfort me and ask me what's wrong.
My eyes were stuck on the two of them as she runs from the sideline and he picks up her and spin her mid-air. I see it, her genuine smile, she’s happy, she’s genuinely at peace. And he was the one who makes it possible..
There’s no me in the picture anymore, I am not involved in her life anymore. It makes sense now, she wasn’t unnecessary. She never was, what she was is an essential, I couldn’t figure that out. I was blinded by guilt, pride & anger.
This unsettling feeling here and back then, it’s regret. Back then, I regret not being able to win the match for her and regret not being able to continue with my plan to propose to her on national TV. Right now, I regret now knowing and understanding the feeling of ‘regret’ until it’s now too late to know.
But one thing that I don’t regret is that, if one of us can be happy, I always had prayed that it would be you.
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atarathegreat · 8 months
ZombieLand Tokyo Revengers
Per Anon request. FT: Sanzu Haruchiyo and Baji Keisuke.
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Plans. You had so many bright plans for the future you were going to have. College, a career, family, even your husband. But everything was shattered when the epidemic swept through. There was nothing else to call it, there was no start, and seemingly no end. All you could do was survive. For years it was you and your husband against it all, until you got separated.
Sanzu couldn't do anything but laugh as he was ganged up on by this group. He was looking for a damn meal, anything to fill his belly while he trudged on. "You dumb fucks! I have nothing left to lose!" He cackled, "I won't surrender!"
And he wouldn't. He would fight until his body gave out and he was given no choice but to pass out.
Fuck, he missed his wife. Her smile, the way she laughed, and the gentle way she spoke in the night. Sanzu could almost feel her fingers ghosting over his scars and her breath against his ear as she whispered her nightly "I love you." It was the first time in years he'd had a good dream about her, and he preferred it to the nightmares he always watched of losing her all over again.
Four years Sanzu had been alone. Four years he wandered desolate towns. Four years he joined little groups for small periods until he separated again. Four years without the only thing that made him want to live. So why did he keep fighting? What purpose did he have to find food and water, shelter and people? He promised her.
"He's fucking crazy, we should be tying him down or something!" A panicked voice woke him, but he stayed still and silent, "He took out some of our guys! Our best guys!"
"Shut up. The boss wants him loose, so he's loose. Just remember what she said, okay?" A calmer voice invaded, sounding younger than the first, "You'll be good, trust in her judgement."
A door closed and Sanzu opened his eyes. The room was dingy, but well lit and smelled nice. He sighed and sat up, ignoring the terrified man who gripped his shotgun.
"Cute decor." Sanzu scoffed, eyeing the makeshift desk the man sat at, "Who made that? A blind grandma?"
Rustling took the place of where a reply should've been as Sanzu stood and stretched. A freshly made and destroyed bed with a milk crate as a nightstand. He stepped carefully around, easily finding his belongings and inspecting everything to make sure none of his things were taken. "What type of prison is this? You morons always let your captives keep their weapons?" Sanzu held up his blade. He didn't have near enough strength to attack, but hopefully he could scare this man who was already shaking.
"Fuck are you doing?" Sanzu raised an eyebrow as he finally noticed the guy standing and holding something out at him. "Fuck is this?" He took the object inspecting it, becoming angry, "Where the hell did you get this?"
It was the wedding band he'd bought for his wife, the sterling silver hugging the pink stone perfectly. "Where did you get this?" Sanzu growled, adrenaline dumping into his veins as he glared at the man and moved forward. How had his wifes ring ended up with this random man? Either way, Sanzu followed him, at the very least he could kick this "Boss" in the teeth.
He was busy staring at the ring when he walked through a door, voices assaulting his brain, so he grumbled and looked up.
"Hey, Zuzu." His wife was leaned over a desk, two men sat before her in abject fear.
Another day without sunlight and it was killing Baji. It wasn't his fault he was holed up, that's what he told himself, anyway. Scavenging never ended well for him, not since his wife disappeared. "Day seventeen, losing my sanity and speaking to myself." Baji muttered, keeping his voice quiet so the walkers wouldn't hear and go back to beating on the door.
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It wasn't all bad, the only silver lining being that he was slammed into a pantry and his wife had taught him to ration early on. Food and water had lasted him this long, but he was going to take matters into his own hands if he didn't feel a nice breeze, and soon.
"You all sound so stupid..." He cursed the dead that stumbled around outside, "Moaning and groaning as if you have troubles anymore. The only thing you want right now is a bite of my damn femur."
Baji despised what the world came to, how it took his wife from him. It had to have taken her. She wouldn't have left on her own, would she?
He decided to lay back and close his eyes, skipping his meals for the day. It wasn't the smartest thing for him to do when he was already malnourished, but he just wasn't feeling like surviving.
Every time he closed his eyes, every time it was silent, all he could hear and see was her. The beautiful blue dress she'd wanted to get married in, her makeup done perfectly to match the deep navy. It was the same thing Baji always saw. Any moment now she would recite her vows, handwritten on the lined paper that would be tear stained in seconds. But, when she spoke, it was wrong.
"I've got you, Baj, I've got you." She sounded winded, tired and weathered, "Please, don't be bit, don't be bit." That voice...it didn't match the beautiful woman standing before him. Her tone was wrong, making her tears look horrified instead of happy. It ruined his wedding day for him.
A cold wash cloth was quickly held over his eyes. Baji would know those hands anywhere, no matter how long he had been away from them. "Y/n..." He whispered, letting his hand swipe up her arm so he could feel her face, "Shit..."
Navy blue filled his vision and he swore he could smell her perfume. Yet, he didn't wake up to the wedding bells or her smile. A faint humming was reverberating around the small room he was in and it helped him to wake up, along with the smell of cooked food. A splitting headache was ripping through Baji's skull, "Damn it."
"Don't stress your eyes, Baj." It couldn't be, it wasn't possible, "You'll make it worse."
"I love you." Baji whispered.
Her laugh, fuck, her laugh was like hell had opened and let him glimpse heaven. "Hold steady, you're too thin. You need to eat." Baji couldn't care less about what she was saying when he could finally feel her smile again.
She laughed again, wrapping her fingers around his, "Eat, Baj, we'll get you strong again."
Man, I got bad writers block in terms of characters to use...
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