#they have to solve it before the time skip because two years later they’re already in college
wheelercurse · 1 year
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peralta-guaranteed · 2 years
Looking for a good home
(An AU in which Amy passes her sergeant’s exam years earlier than she does in the show, and the ensuing promotion breaks everything down into counting off the days)
On the 40th day of their relationship, Amy Santiago passes her Sergeant's exams. 
They'd talked about - about her fears and worries, about the possible risks and changes ahead, a talk so deep and emotional it felt wrong for a six week relationship, but also completely right. 
Jake had supported her, of course, like he always did since they’d started dating, and even before. Had told her it would work out, that this was too much to risk, too big of a milestone in her life calendar to skip. She'd agreed, reluctantly. 
As she stares at her new employment information and the attached relocation plans, she wonders if they were both wrong. 
"I do not want you to think," Holt’s voice is deep and monotone and the same as always, but she does think she can hear a hint of remorse in it. "That this is anything to do with nepotism or similar. I recommended you because you are the best possible person for the job. Please do not ever question this."
"Thank you, sir." Amy nods, and doesn't let on that she hadn't worried about that for one second. She had more than enough else to worry about while she accepted the promotion as graciously as anyone would expect a Santiago to do.
Her two eldest brothers (not counting David, because he doesn’t count) are elated about her move - she’ll be closer to them now, still an hour’s drive or so away, but closer than ever before. She’ll have family there, and the promise of friends via her sisters-in-laws’ connections, and new co-workers - subordinates! - to get to know, and build alliances with.
But she won’t have Jake.
He can’t move, of course. It’d be ridiculous to expect in the first place, after only two months together, and even more ridiculous to actually realize, what with finding him a new position and leaving behind his own family and friends, and everything.
He’s thought about it. She can tell he’s actually planned it, in detail, if not on paper, but in his mind. It took another long discussion to get it out of his head, make him see the truth.
They’re gonna make it work anyway, she assures him. People have long distance relationships, after all.
On the 54th day of their relationship, Amy Santiago watches Jake Peralta cut the tape over her last moving box while she cleans the kitchen of her already rented-on apartment. 
Two days later, she kisses him goodbye at the airport. He promises he'll visit soon, as soon as Holt's scheduling allows him to. She promises she'll call once she's settled in, and every day after that, so they can talk. Keep in contact. Keep together. 
Then she walks through the passport check as he waves. 
And when she lands in Seattle, for her 1st day as sergeant, she fears they were both wrong.
“It’s not fair to either of us, Jake. It’s- it doesn’t work.”
“So that’s it. You’re breaking up with me over the phone.”
“I- I don’t want to.” She sniffs, and the darkness of her bedroom speaks a clear picture of her mind right now. She has to be the responsible one, the mature one. End this before it ends up breaking them too much. “But you- you have to see it too. How we’re hurting each other with this.”
There’s silence on the other end of the line, and she wonders if he’s fallen asleep. The rare times she’s managed to actually call him the past few weeks, after long days at work and stressful readjustments, she’s messed up the timezones a lot, woken him up when he’d just fallen asleep after an equally hard day. They didn’t talk much - he’d been texting her a lot in the beginning, but she’d been too busy to reply straight away, and it tapered off when he’d gotten into a few very serious new cases himself. She wishes she could’ve been there with him to solve them, so she wouldn’t have to lie awake worried about his whereabouts on the other end of the country at night, when Rosa kept her up to date more than her own boyfriend.
It wasn’t working. It never would have.
“I-” Jake says suddenly, softly, and it startles her. For a split second she thinks he’s going to say it, the three words they hadn’t shared with each other yet, after barely two months of dating and just as much time in long-distance. But then he sighs.
“I get it. I mean, I know you’re right, Ames. You always are.”
“I’m sorry, Jake.”
“I know. Me too.” His voice is rough, and it pains her to know that it’s the twinge it takes on when he’s fighting back actual tears.
“Can we-” He coughs once, to clear his rough throat, and she wants to slide her hand along it to calm him, but she can only grip the sheets underneath her a bit tighter. “We’re still friends, though, right?”
“Yes.” She replies without any hesitation. “Always.”
After 120 days, their relationship is over. 
Amy cries herself to sleep that night, and something tells her Jake does, too.
She tries to focus on the idea of things getting better with time. But they don’t.
She doesn’t have friends, neither in Seattle, nor back… home. Kylie is always busy, Gina’s actually blocked her, and Rosa is obviously choosing her words very wisely on every call so she doesn’t accidentally mention Peralta, who she assumes Rosa needs to pamper just as much. 
Her brothers have come up to visit, and brought adorable nieces and nephews, and lovely sisters-in-law with them, and she’s entertained them in her ‘new city’ well enough to not make them see how she tries not to cry whenever she catches them holding hands, or sharing a kiss. 
Her team at work is doing well, and she’s been complimented on her leadership despite some rocky moments at the start. They’re nice, and they’ve invited her for drinks, and she realises when she sips on her beer that she hasn’t got a single story to tell that doesn’t include him, in some way.
After 14 days as a single woman again, Amy Santiago feels well and truly alone.
This is awkz, her phone tells her after it’s buzzed with a new message from Jake. He’d mostly been texting her in memes and funny videos the past few weeks, and she’d replied with smileys.
They were friends. But thinking about that hurt too much.
What’s wrong? She shoots back, waiting with a racing heart as the three dots of him typing appear immediately.
Holt gave me my schedule 2day n i forgot i axed for time off. still got planetickets 2
Amy’s racing heart plummets. He’d promised to visit as soon as possible.
Refundable? she types, hesitantly, and hopes for a different answer.
Hw little do u kno me santiago
of courz not
And her heart is straight back to racing as she types the next sentence.
Come visit me.
u sure ?
Yes. We’re friends. 
42 days after she broke up with him, Amy Santiago jumps into Jake Peralta’s arms at the airport. 
He hugs her back just as tight, and she hears the content little Ames mumbled into the scruff of her coat, but when they both let go to look at each other it’s-
Awkward. Painful.
This is the moment where she would’ve leant in for the kiss, feeling his hands on her back push her up towards him, too, but instead they drop as he turns to reach for his luggage, temporarily abandoned.
They’re friends.
Friends don’t reach for the other’s hand while walking out of the airport to head to a taxi, she realises. They don’t lean over to swipe his wind-messy hair back into place while they’re standing on the Space Needle. They don’t shuffle closer on the Monorail to steal his body heat after a rainy day out.
When he drops his leather jacket on her kitchen chair instead of the entryway hooks and makes a joke about there better being some Orange Soda and not Orangina in the fridge, she scoffs and rolls her eyes as she hands him a 2 litre bottle. He puts it on the coffee table before plonking down onto the couch and asking her which takeout she’d like.
After 100 days in her new place, Amy Santiago suddenly and painfully feels home.
“Seattle is awesome.” He says while washing down some noodles with his soda. “I mean, it’s no New York, obviously, but you got yourself a good deal.”
She nods, and tries to smile, and hides behind a spoonful of rice instead.
“But how are you gonna cope with the winter here? Doesn’t it rain like 470 days of the year, or something.”
“The year doesn’t even have 470 days, Peralta.” She kicks his thigh from her place up high on the other end of the couch, and his grin tells her that he knew that - obviously. “And they sell winter coats here, too.”
“Oh yeah, sure, a coat. That’s gonna be enough for ya, Miss suffocating-under-15-layers.” 
She kicks him again, and he laughs as he grabs her foot to keep her still, and his hand feels burning on her skin even through her socks. Suddenly he’s too close and too far and everything at once.
“I’ll have to find someone to keep me warm.” She blurts out, and it’s the worst thing she’s ever said in her life.
Jake’s hand slides back to his takeaway container.
“Gina set me up on some dates.” He says after a pause, staring at the tv she’s forgotten was even still on. She wonders if he wants to jab back at her with that, or if it’s been spinning through his mind as a bad secret the whole day. “I think she’s punishing me for something, because they were all disasters.”
Amy takes a deep breath as she leans forward to put her plate down, to not look at him, turn away as much as she can-
“Or maybe I’m just holding them to an impossible standard.” He’s much more quiet with that distance between them, but she can still hear him clear as day. “A Santiago-style.”
And then, someway, somehow, she’s not far away from him at all anymore. She’s right there, in his lap, pressing her lips to his, tasting his soda and spicy noodles, feeling his hands rove over her back up to her shoulders to pull her even closer and kiss her back with the same fervor.
She feels his sigh against her as they break apart after what seems like forever, and she thinks he’s going to push her away for a split second before he looks at her. Her heart feels like it’s at its ultimate breaking point, waiting for him to speak.
“Can we-” He swallows, one hand sliding up and down between her shoulder blades, and she realises he’s never going to push her away, never going to let her go at all. “Just while I’m here… just this week… Can we go back? Pretend we didn’t-”
She answers him with a kiss.
On her 101st day in Seattle, Amy Santiago wakes up feeling warm for the first time. 
Jake’s face is planted firmly into the pillow next to her, and his arm lays across her stomach. He pulls her closer with a smile when he wakes up, and something inside her whispers Welcome home.
She reaches for his hand as they walk through downtown. He sorts her hair after the wind messes it up at Pike Place Market. She slips her arms under his coat to warm herself up in the rain-free refuge of the aquarium. He kisses her.
He kisses her a lot.
She kisses him back and thinks 3 words she’s never said out loud to him, and never will be able to.
After 7 days of blissful holidays, she kisses him one last time as he hugs her goodbye at the airport. 
She waves as he steps through the passport check, and he waves back, and the moment he turns around to leave, she finally feels her heart break.
35 days after she thought she knew what being alone really felt like, Amy Santiago comes home to an empty apartment, empty soda bottles in her recycling box, a tourist-snapshot of the two of them stuck on her fridge.
And she realises what it means to feel truly lonely.
“I don’t know what you want to hear, Amy.” Alejandro sighs while she’s shuffling through papers on his kitchen table. “Your career plans are solid. You’re doing good work in your new position. We can go over it a hundred times more, but it’s not gonna change.”
“I feel like- like something could change. I’m not… not giving my full potential. Something’s missing.” Amy mumbles while staring at her notes and reports that she’s thrown herself into so entirely that she has 74 unread messages on her phone she’s refusing to acknowledge.
“Oh, mi querida.” Liza, her brother’s beautiful and wonderful and kind wife says from the side, in a tone that says she’s the mother of teenagers and knows more than she’ll ever let on. “You’re not looking for a change at work. You’re not missing anything there.”
Amy has six glasses of wine at their place throughout the evening, and Alejandro refuses to let her ‘simply get a taxi back to her place’, so she’s packed uncomfortably tight into their spare bedding and the mattress on her niece’s floor. The world is spinning, and she’s never felt more alone in her life, even as Emilia’s head pokes over the side of her bed.
“It’s just a boy. He’s not as important as your work.” the 13 year old whispers and belies herself as a true Santiago. Amy tries to nod, but it hurts. Not just because of the alcohol.
“But I get it.” Emilia continues. “I do, tia Amy. You’re heartbroken, and that’s when everything else seems useless, anyway.”
Amy nods, and it hurts. 
She reads the 74 messages on her taxi ride back to her place.
Well, she reads 70 of them. Rosa is still keeping her up to date on all the 99 shenanigans, often with very incriminating pictures. Charles has shared several food-cart recommendations with her, and Terry has sent her a professional, yet uplifting message, followed by a picture of Sharon and the twins that makes it all feel worse again. Kylie’s apologised for being a bit AWOL, and promises to take her out on a proper Seattle night whenever she gets a chance to visit. Her mom is asking about the care package she sent her, and her dad has found a newspaper article about her new department excelling. 
There are 4 messages left that she can’t bring herself to open, even as she stares at Jake’s name and profile picture next to them. She can only see the last one’s preview, and all it says is sorry.
And maybe that should be the way things end.
When she drops her purse on the end table back in Seattle, her phone pings once more, and she reads the preview of Look who I found! of her brother Julian back in Brooklyn a bit too quickly before tapping on the selfie he’s sent.
He’s got his arm around Jake’s shoulders, pointing a finger at him while grinning wide the way only Julian ever could.
Jake looks… bad. Not bad, but - tired. Scared. He’s trying to smile for the picture, she can tell, but she can also tell his phony smiles from his real ones. He’s not even looking properly at the camera, his eyes shyly darting to the side just a little.
They’re at Shaw’s, Amy deduces from the background with the last bit of willpower she has left. Julian never goes to Shaw’s.
Unless prompted.
She doesn’t answer him. She sends a short, measured thanks to Liza, who replies with a heart emoticon, telling her that her guess was right enough.
Then Amy turns off her phone, drops her notes and reports and career plan and life calendar she poured over with Alejandro on her own kitchen table, and gets to work.
On her 135th day as a sergeant, Amy calls in sick for the first time.
She’s not, but she thinks she might be if she has to go in. Has to see an office that isn’t really hers, a team that isn’t really hers, detectives that aren’t-
She’s been spending her evenings researching. Looking for placements, work incentives, training options for higher-ranking officers.
In New York.
There are none.
Seattle has a myriad of options for her to progress. Her snappiest detective - Rosa had entitled him Amy Jr. during their phone calls - had told her about the different training options he’d already researched for both of them. Her captain - a lovely man, really, not as close to mentor-level as Holt, but admirable - had texted her, just days before, about a new seminar he’d like her to take part in.
Everything in her screams to take these chances, to pick her options, cross off the next few steps on her career plan, follow the route of her life calendar to a T. All but one little, persistent voice. The one that stares at the soft green arrows further up in her life calendar as it hangs over her bed. The ones that point to reminders such as booking a wedding venue at least six months ahead of time, and asking her doctor about referrals to pediatricians.
On her 136th day as a sergeant, Amy wakes up to a text from her new captain, telling her to stay home another day to really ‘cure what ails her’. She doesn’t much believe in signs, or fate as such, but she takes her captain’s words to heart as she picks up a dark green marker to write a new goal on her life calendar, encircles it, and caps the marker with more energy than ever before.
And then she starts composing an e-mail to her real captain.
"I do not want you to think," Holt’s voice is deep and monotone and the same as always, but she does think she can hear a hint of glee in it, a soft smile. "That this is anything to do with nepotism or similar. I recommended you because you are the best possible person for the job. Please do not ever question this."
"Thank you, sir." Amy nods even though he can’t see her on the phone, and grins wider than even Julian could.
“Very well. I was told that Captain Holwitz will contact you for further information, and the signing of your actual contract. I assume you will be flying back into New York for that?”
“Already booked a ticket.”
“A ticket, Santiago? One-way?”
She can hear the sensible chuckle in Holt’s voice, and replies with her own little laugh.
Alejandro has promised to pack up the last few things she hadn’t gotten to during her exam cramming, and oversee the moving truck a day after she’s left. Julian has been texting her non-stop pictures of his tiny guest room getting ready for her indefinitely, you know that, Amelia, mi casa es su casa. He’s put up a hook for her new hat, too.
She’s excited and elated and giddy and absolutely, utterly terrified. She wants to talk to someone about this, someone other than her brothers - Rosa knows, and is sworn to secrecy, because the rest of the 99 would break the group chat if they knew.
And she knows that there’s really only someone she wants to talk to about this. 
Jake’s last 4 messages are still unread on her phone, and she can’t - she just can’t. She could call him, but would he pick up? After all these days, after everything?
They’d promised to stay friends. They’d utterly and miserably failed at that. And she wanted to go back to - before friends. That was her entire modus operandi, getting this whole promotion set into motion, marking Get Back Home on her life calendar in dark green.
Yet now that things were actually moving that way, all her little pieces falling into places - her still broken heart was racing like mad again.
On her 172nd and last day as a sergeant, Amy Santiago waves Seattle goodbye from her window seat on the plane with glee and trepidation at the same time.
She races from the airport to her new precinct a day early, and shakes the hand of her new captain with force and pride. She’s introduced to a new team that seems vaguely familiar, detectives she’s seen working alongside the 99 and whose names she won’t have a hard time memorizing, a sergeant that recognises her from their shared training hours. 
On her way to Julian’s, she walks past her favourite old deli and a new pizza place that wasn’t there before she left, but looks exactly like the million other pizza places in town. 
Julian spins her around as much as his little theatre-working body will allow when she steps into his place, and then stares her up and down with his biggest grin before taking a bow. 
Then he steals her hat to pose in the mirror and take some selfies.
She lies in her perfectly made bed in his adorable tiny guest room that night, staring at the row of selfies he’s sent her and to the Santiago group chat, since she forbade him from posting on any social media before she’d actually started her new position. She swipes left once too much, and is met with the sad, forlorn smile of Jake under Julian’s arm.
Her heart hitches as she stares at him, and he still won’t return her gaze in that picture.
So she taps on his messages instead.
I already miss you, says the first one, sent barely 30 minutes after he’d landed in New York and regained use of his cellphone.
Sorry that was really inappropriate I know I shouldn’t have sent it, he amends not five minutes later, pushing the notification of that first text away before she had any chance to read it back then.
Five days later, she’d been too busy at work again, and maybe too afraid, to read Can we still be friends?
And then, the timid, single sorry after a week of her not answering him tears at her heartstrings as she reads it now, left there and ignored for a good two months.
And she realises she’s been wrong the entire time.
Julian makes her the strongest coffee she’s ever tasted the next morning, shuffles her hat on straight, swipes over her new badge with a glasses cleaner pad and calls her ‘my ambitious little girl’, which earns him a punch and a hug at the same time.
The entire day at work, her ears are ringing from detectives calling her name. Her title.
Lieutenant Santiago.
She knows that she’d probably be just as excited about it if work was all she was looking forward to that day, but she also knows that there is something even better, even greater waiting for her after her shift ends. Something that has no idea what’s coming.
Her knock on his door is firm, stable, the way she’s learned to do it for duty way back when, the way she thinks he might actually recognise.
She might be fairly unrecognisable otherwise, she thinks, in her new uniform, her hat sat on her perfect bun, but when he opens the door and his eyes go wide as saucers as they dance up and down her, she feels foolish for ever doubting anything.
“Amy.” He squeaks, almost, his voice trapped somewhere between crying and laughing.
“Lieutenant Santiago.” She replies with a smirk, and then she takes a deep breath.
“I was finally home in New York, and I really wanted to talk to someone about... us and my new position and the craziness of today, and then I realized that the only person I want to talk about that stuff with is you. So… screw just being friends, okay?”
Jake’s voice isn’t trapped between crying and laughing anymore, because he’s doing both anyway - she could hear his quiet, relieved snort as soon as she started her slightly adjusted speech from their first days, and there are tears in the corners of his eyes as he answers her very differently than he did the last time - by pulling her in and kissing her.
She laughs and cries now, too, as he lifts her up after their kiss and spins her around, longer than Julian ever managed to, making her lose her hat that flies off down his cramped entryway / living room / kitchen mix. 
They stare at each other as he puts her down again, cradles her face in his hand as his eyes shine.
“Lieutenant Santiago.” He says, and she nods, and it doesn’t hurt anymore. “Back in New York.”
“Back home.” She whispers. “If you’ll have me.”
He doesn’t nod. He just kisses her again.
115 days after she broke up with him, 45 minutes after she could finally say those three words that had been burning her tongue for months and hearing them back, Amy Santiago sits in Jake Peralta’s bed, smiling down at him as he stretches up on his elbows to kiss her again.
His tiny loft bed in his tiny apartment should be just as uncomfortable as the various mattresses she’s crammed herself into on her way here, but it’s not. It’s warm and comforting and perfectly right, as he wraps his arms around her to pull her down, nuzzles into her side.
She’ll have to get them up early for work tomorrow, and there’s nothing she looks forward to more. They’ll share a coffee, and half of their subway ride together, their precincts close enough that they could share a lunch break too if they catch the right connections.
Except she might be a bit busy this lunch time, searching for apartments in the area that are close enough for them both.
(Julian had texted her before she even left her desk today, telling her he was not expecting her at his place and would be very disappointed if she were. He won’t be surprised to hear that her search for a one-bedroom has already been upgraded to a space for two.)
Jake is kissing her shoulder and neck while she mumbles something about apartment criteria lists they need to set up, his fingernails on her back sending shivers down her spine. She digs her hand in his hair and receives a soft, content growl in return. There’s not an inch of distance between them, and not an inch of her that feels cold anymore.
173 days after she’s left behind her detective badge and her rent-controlled Brooklyn apartment for something presumably better, she’s finally back home.
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purpleyellow · 3 years
Hide & Seek
NCT 24th member / Dream 8th member
Bee’s Masterlist
“The two times Bee avoided Mark and the one she didn’t”
a/n: Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open!💛
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Growing up, in general, is a pain in the ass, and Bee isn't the happiest about having to deal with it. She doesn't know if it's because of how she was raised, or if it's just her personality, but the girl cannot see herself as an adult.
You see, adults are supposed to manage five different tasks, have most things thought out, and try to handle everything that comes their way. Bee, however, wants to lay in bed at every minor inconvenience and wishes she could freeze time so she can digest what's happening.
She can see herself as those five-year-olds who pout, cross their arms and look away when you tell them they can't have ice cream for dinner. Just like she can see Jeno as those parents who bribe their kids to eat vegetables with a false promise of going to the ice cream parlor on the next day.
"Why don't you want to talk to him?" Jeno whispers to Bee midst the chaos in the van. The first time she successfully avoids Mark is when the members are leaving SM after a long day of figuring out stuff for the comeback. Things were only starting to come together, and the boy knows that if Mark and the girl don't figure out everything soon it's not going to be a fun process.
"I don't have anything to say" She mumbles looking out of the window. Jeno turns her head back to him before continuing.
"Maybe Mark has something. Or maybe he has questions"
"Good for him" She simply states. "I already said everything, so I'm not helpful to talk to"
"And you stand by everything you said almost six months ago?" He asks while trying not to laugh "You didn't think about it anymore? There, you said it and moved on"
"Yes, I stand by everything" She lies. Bee has relived every single conversation she has had with or about Mark especially lately, cringing at some stuff she said, making up better answers, and overanalyzing every little word even if they don't mean a thing. Jeno probably knows she does that, yet she's not going to admit that easily, because admitting means confronting the situation.
"Just maybe think things are exponentially worst when you're trying to avoid the topic instead of solving it once and for all" The boy mumbles and she rolls her eyes. Mentally thanking the manager who happened to pull up next to their building
Trying to escape that conversation as fast as possible, Bee holds onto the back of the seat in front of her, accidentally hitting Jaemin in the head, and jumps past Jeno, who frows as he watches her bolt out of the vehicle.
The girl only stops as she reaches the elevator because of the light feeling on her hoodie pocket. She had left her phone behind, throwing away all the work she just put into getting to her room without speaking with anyone else.
Walking back to the van, Bee keeps her head down to avoid making eye contact and waves off Renjun after he shared a proverb about people skipping a step only to return two. Honestly, he might have said something different because the meaning flew right above her head.
The manager, who had also left the vehicle to check on something at their apartment, throws his keys for her to catch and tells her to be quick.
Bee goes straight to the seat she had occupied and starts searching through the openings where the phone might have fallen from, ultimately deciding it was somewhere on the floor. Patting away underneath hers and Jeno's seat, she finally moves on to the row in front of them, getting scared by a light and the muffled sound of her phone ringing.
Almost like a miracle, she was getting a call from someone who might have saved her a couple of seconds of searching. Reaching out for the device, her smug grin turns to a frown as the name "Minhyung from Canada" shines on her screen. A confused noise leaves her mouth while Bee gets up from the floor, though her debating over either answering or not doesn't go very far due to said Canadian standing at the door of the van.
"I thought if I helped out find it, you would finally listen to me," Mark says, ending the call. Though, it seems like that was the only line he had rehearsed because after it they both stay in awkward silence, making Bee look down at the device in her hands before raising an eyebrow.
"Well, my hand touched it before the call got connected?" She, not as confidently, lies again.
Mark shakes his head adamantly "No it didn't"
"Do you have eyes on the floor?" The girl frowns trying to make that topic last longer but he doesn't fall for it.
"Yunhee," He says in a disappointed tone which Bee copies by saying "Mark"
Mark raises one eyebrow feeling rather playfully. "Mark Oppa?" and she rolls her eyes while planing an escape route.
The boy seems to remember what he was there for and scratches his head, suddenly bringing back the awkward mood.
"We should clear everything up, you know" His tone is back to uncertain surprising her by the sudden change and Bee feels her hands clamming up. She knows he's waiting for her to show any kind of reaction but for some reason, she cannot have any.
"Guys, I have to get the car back to the building. You can keep the conversation going at either of your dorms" The manager pops his head through the driver’s seat before climbing it. Bee hands him the keys and both idols slowly step out of the vehicle. Her mind is still blankly looking for a way to avoid listening to whatever the older had to say when the man magically says something that fixes all of her problems. "Actually, Mark come here, it's about 127's schedule tomorrow, something came up"
And she doesn't stay to listen as she bolts to the elevator that's taking her to her safe and Mark-free bedroom.
The second time Bee avoids him, or gets saved by another person, happened a few days after the van accident when she rapidly types on her phone while running to the end of the hallway where the SM elevators are.
The sound indicating the doors opening on her floor catches her attention and Bee doesn't have to fully look inside the place to see Mark standing on the edge, ready to walk out of it. Almost without thinking, her feet make her turn left into another hallway and she instinctively makes her way to the room she had visited many times before.
Bee knows for a fact Mark is supposed to go to the studio she had just left, so the fact she can hear him doing the same route she is, makes adrenaline pump inside of her and the girl starts sprinting as fast as she can.
She finds it stupid how her brain suddenly read that moment as her being chased by something dangerous, but there's not enough time to let her process the situation. Instead, Bee barges through the door of Kun's studio and throws herself onto the space between the empty couch and the wall.
Crouching so she's hidden by the armrest, Bee simply says "I'm not here" before staring at the floor in front of her, making the WayV leader question why he's even surprised at that point.
A series of three knocks on the door makes Kun get up and go greet whoever had the decency to announce themselves before interrupting his work like half of his groupmates usually do. Keeping the door half-opened, he's half surprised by Mark standing a little distance away while seemingly sorry to be in that position.
"Hyung, my bad for coming here. But I was wondering if I could talk to Bee" The boy says scratching his eyebrow.
"I mean, of course, you can" Kun starts making the girl's heart drop "I'm not sure why you're asking me, though. And next time you see her, let her know I also need to speak with her"
"Oh, yeah. Sure?" Mark says uncertainly tilting his head and closing his eyes. He stares inside the room through the small space Kun allowed and sighs defeated "Sorry about it, I'll just go"
Waving to the boy, Kun waits for him to walk a little before closing the door and turning to the hidden girl. "You know we could see the top of your head, right?"
"Wait, he saw me?" Bee asks with wide eyes, supporting her head on the armrest and the boy rolls his eyes "Probably yes. The kid is just too polite to say anything about it"
Standing up from the ground, the girl sits on the couch to wait for a little before leaving the room. Kun takes the opportunity to throw himself back on his chair and interrogates her.
"Why are you avoiding Mark?"
"I stole his charger so now he's mad" She pouts looking at the ground making the older scoff.
"I'm not buying anything that simple. Don't think I haven't noticed you've been almost daily in our dorm instead of hanging out with your unit. We like when you visit but it became a little weird when we're not even there yet you still go hide inside our apartment"
"It's too complicated" She sighs craning her neck to check the clock "And I'm actually late for something, so you'll have to deal with my stupid high school problems sometime later"
"They're only stupid because you thought over them a million times and began downplaying whatever they are. You can't do that forever and you know it"
"Confrontation makes me cry, so I'll try my best to keep pushing it away" Bee smiles like something uplifting was said and stands up "See you later"
"Sure, good luck with your date" Kun smirks turning back to the table and checking on his work. Noticing she hadn't actually left the door he lets out a chuckle "Chenle told me about it"
"It's not a date. Chenle was literally invited to tag along" Bee rolls her eyes and he shrugs despite not looking back at her.
"Sure, have fun"
Ever since Mark first showed his confusion over how things were going, Bee tried really hard not to make the situation awkward for everyone. She didn't want them to be extra careful around her, nor feel like this big dramatic thing was going on between the group. And to lessen her worries, the dreamies seemed to act the same they had always been.
There is the fact she isn't talking to Mark, but much to her surprise, the girl realized she never really relied a lot on speaking to him. Pretending everything was fine became part of her routine for that two weeks.
But just like Kun caught onto her distancing herself, a bunch of staff members also did. The choreographer who first introduced them to the routine asked her a couple of times if everything was okay, and the producer noticed the idol was out of the room the time she was finished, not really mingling like the rest of the boys.
Those two didn't really say anything about it, since she was still getting work done. That isn't the same for the management team, who not only saw her change in behavior but feared how much of that would be noticeable in videos and the overall dynamic of what they had waiting for the comeback.
"Bee, can I talk to you for a second" One particular manager called for her as she was resting on the corner of the dance studio.
Bee gathered her things in a pile on the floor and got up to follow him out of the room. The man had worked with NCT for a really long time, but he wasn't the closest manager to her, nor had ever taken care of her individual schedules. She knew whatever he had to tell her wasn't going to be very good.
"We don't want to intrude on whatever is going on in your life. But the moment it affects the group I'm afraid somebody needs to step in" The man sighs walking slowly next to her "If you're not feeling well, or something happened to make you not want to be around the members you need to act on it, or tell somebody so no one gets suspicious of it"
"I'll make sure no one notices it" She mumbles playing with her ring and rolls her shoulders "It's not something to be worried about though. Nothing really happened"
"We'll some people started to point out on Jisung's graduation video that you're often really quiet. Considering your personality it's nothing out of the ordinary, but you can't afford it pilling up and fans talking about it. We're aware of what that saesang said last year and don't think the company forgets easily if more fans start thinking you don't want to be in the group or doesn't belong in it, it's going to be a big problem"
"More people are talking about it?" Bee glances once again to the ring Renjun made her wear.
"It's a small number so far, but there are those who think that by Mark coming back and you being a little quieter, your place might be in another unit," He notices her gaze turning down and places a hand on her shoulder"Don't stress over it right now, just dedicate yourself a little more to the group and show you have a place in it. It should pass after some time"
Patting her, he reminds her to 'go back to normal before heading back to his work. Bee feels a slight headache creeping in and sneaks into a smaller room dedicated to vocal training, where she drops her body on a chair and closes her eyes to either sleep or try to gather some courage and face everything she has avoided so far.
The girl ends up doing neither because a few seconds pass and Mark pushes his head inside the room.
"Can we talk now?" He asks and without any energy left, Bee nods to the chair next to her for him to sit.
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formenis · 3 years
Anon asked “Can you do one shot were before the Kira case L and reader were trying for a baby but after he takes the Kira case they agree to stop and after L meets Light reader finds out she is pregnant. L tries to send her away but she refuses and they end up fighting in front if the Task Force and that's how they find out L and reader are married and that she is pregnant “
pairing: L x fem!reader
warning: mention of food play
requested: yes
A/N: I apologise for the mistakes you will find in my stories but English is not my first language. Sorry ^^”
Y/A = your alias
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Y/N sighed placing the pregnancy test on the sink. It was the second one that week with that same result…Y/N started to believe either she or L were able to have a child.
After a little time off, she washed her face, now her S/C skin was flawless and smooth, and then the teeth. She brushed her H/C hair and took a moment to observe her own reflection: the exhaustion in her E/C eyes was clear (and her job wasn’t helping her) and even her skin lost a bit of colour. In moments like those Y/N wondered what someone as the greatest detective in the world found attractive in her.
Her negative thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.
«Miss Y/N? It's Watari, I brought you breakfast» the kind voice of L's right-hand man showed a hint of concern and this made Y/N smile. Watari was always by her side, God blessed him.
«Thank you Watari» before leaving the bathroom she threw the pregnancy test in the bin and adjusted the PJs. Once outside the bathroom she saw Watari serving the breakfast in the cart: fried eggs, sausages, back bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread and a slice of white pudding; it was accompanied by tea and hot, buttered toast. To sum up: a typical British breakfast.
«Watari, you don’t have to spoil me like that…» Y/N told him already drooling.
«Miss Y/N, I believe you need some fresh air and relax. Please, enjoy me this afternoon at the shopping centre, I will need your precious advices» and then the old man placed a hot cup of tea on the cart with the rest of the breakfast.
It was not the first time Watari would make such an offer, he knew very well that being L's wife could be stressful. Yes, you heard right: Y/N L/N was L's wife. Despite the young age, both of them got married few years ago and they couldn’t be happier. Well, actually there was something that would make them happier: a child. Both L and Y/N wanted their own child despite the Wammy's House had many orphans.
«They're not orphans, Y/N. They are all adopted by me» L said few months after the marriage when the topic popped out in a conversation. He considered those children as his own, he loved being surrounded by their presence. Maybe because L was a bit childish himself.
However, despite their strong desire to have a kid on their own, it seemed nature didn’t agree with them.
But back to the present. Y/N was thinking about Watari's offer. If people considered L's life as secretive, his wife's one was twice as secretive but Y/N accepted it when she married him: she knew the risks and the conditions of being the greatest detective in the world's partner. So when Watari asked her to go with him at the shopping centre she seized the opportunity and said yes.
Disguise check. Sunglasses and hat? Check. F/C wig? Check. Y/N was ready to leave L's secret base with Watari.
«Are you ready Miss Y/N?»
«Of course, Watari. Let's go!~»
Unaware of Miss Y/N, Watari hadn’t to buy anything at the shopping centre. It was an excuse to let Y/N leave the base, a chance to get some fresh air. He pretended to buy some stuff for him: a new fedora and raincoat to be precise. He would need them for the new case L was going to take.
«Are you feeling better, Miss Y/A?»  
«Yeah! Thank you Watari! I really needed to leave that place» Y/N was smiling again, her skin had a more healthily colour and all the tiredness in her eyes was gone. Watari smiled too. «However…»
«What is it, Miss?»
«Today's test was negative again and…» Y/N sighed and checked the time on her phone.
«If I could dare an advice, Miss, things will come when you stop looking for them. So don't be sad, it only means it's not the right time…»
Y/N looked at him and smiled. «You're right, Watari»
December 2003. L was going to take part at one of those boring ICPO meeting. An emergency Interpol meeting, with delegates from all around the world, held in order to discuss a rather strange situation that was occurring in Japan. They are convinced that something was happening but cannot be sure what it is.
L was going to take the floor but before that he called Y/N.
«Did you call me?» Y/N entered the private and empty room that was L's personal "office": a desk, a fancy armchair and many many computer screens at their highest brightness level.
«Yes. Please, come closer» L replied. When he was with her, his usual monotone voice would become warmer and gentler, something reserved to his wife only.
Y/N walked towards him, next to his armchair waiting for an explanation. «Y/N, this case seems quite interesting. I think sooner or later we have to move»
«We?» she was surprised. Was she really going to go with him? It would be the first time.
«Indeed. If you agree, obviously»
«Of course I agree. I'll help you as always, L»
He smiled and took her hand, kissing tenderly the knuckle. «So would you agree with me if I say that it's better stop trying to have a baby, my dear?»  
Y/N thought for a while, calculating every scenario. «Yes, you're right»
L smiled again, this time wider. «Thank you, my love»
Y/N smiled as well and L returned to his bright screens. Then she noticed his personal stash of sweets beside him and took the opportunity to steal a Bon Bon Cherry (A/N: they are shortbread cookies wrapped around a cherry and topped with cherry frosting).
«Y/N, those are mine»
She snorted but ate the sweet regardless of L's warning.
«Are you coming to bed, L?»
«Not now, Y/N»
She walked closer to him and hugged the detective from behind. «But I prepared some creme pat~»
At those words L froze. Those words meant one thing: food play. And L couldn’t renounce to food play. «How much?»
«Two bowls…one has chocolate too~» she whispered alluring to his ear. In one swift movement, L was already up with Y/N in his arms –bridal style- leading towards the bedroom.
Japan was so full of life, wherever you turned you would be surrounded by different cultures. And the people was so kind and polite, they had a very high respect of other costumes and traditions. Y/N loved everything about Japan, she wanted to visit each district of Tokyo: from Akihabara (Tokyo's Anime & Gadget Town), to Shinjuku (Culture Clash) and to Kichijoji (a glimpse of Japan’s rural life within the city). She even prepared a tour on foot for each of them.
But at this point a question could arise: what was Y/N's job? Everyone who had the opportunity to work with L knew that each of his "co-worker" had a specific task to fulfil. So what was Y/N's real task? To be L's shadowy wife? Oh no, nothing like that.
Her role was very important in the couple: she "filtered" the information from Watari to L, she represented L in many circumstances and helped him in solving cases. In other words, Y/N was a sort of "Watari 2.0".
Once the couple moved to Japan, they booked a room at the "Imperial Hotel", one of the fanciest hotel at Tokyo. Until the construction of the new Japanese HQ wouldn’t be complete, L and Y/N had to change often hotel for safety reasons. But Y/N didn’t mind, for her it was the chance to visit the city.
"Kira…eliminating those FBI agents has got to have put you on the defensive. What are thinking right now?" L thought while looking outside the window, in front of him a breathtaking view of Tokyo at night but he wasn’t focused on it.
«Ryuzaki, are you still awake?» Y/N entered the room, she was already wearing her F/C PJs.
He nodded and watched her walking closer through the reflection of the window. She hugged him from behind and observed the scenario outside the window.
«Tomorrow you'll meet your task-force, you have to sleep»  
«Maybe later, Y/A»
They stood there, their bodies were hugged together but their minds had different thoughts. Between them, a pleasant silence filled the air, the couple was enjoying each other presence.
However, Y/N had to break said silence. «Maybe I'm intolerant to soy sauce»  
«To soy sauce?» L asked concerned.
«Yes…today I ate the famous Kobe meat but not much after that I threw up»
L stood in silence, deep in thought for a while. In those minutes he was analysing the current situation: what if Kira found out Y/N's true identity? Would he use her to blackmail L? He was so focused on those things that he almost didn’t notice Y/N was leaving.
«I'm going to bed, dear» Y/N kissed his cheek on tiptoes. «Please, rest for a bit alright?»
L smiled at her taking her hands in his. «Good night, my love» and then he kissed first the knuckles and after her lips. From this point of view L was really romantic despite his external cold behaviour.
Y/N smiled at him and left the room, now L was alone again with a new thought in his mind: «Since when Y/N is intolerant to soy sauce?»
January 2004 could be sum up with three major events: Raye Penber and Naomi Misora's deaths and the surveillance at Yagami and Kitamura's households. In particular, L's suspects moved to the son of Soichiro Yagami, Light. Technically he had access to the police's private dossiers and database since his father was the Chief and most importantly…he was too perfect according to L.
«Y/A, I don’t want you to meet Light-kun»
«Do you really think he is Kira?»
«It's not an assumption but a matter-of-fact. Of course he is»
However, it was inevitable. Light noticed Y/N's presence at the hotel and he wanted to meet her. He had to. So he "pretended" to be lost and asked Y/N for directions.
«Excuse me, Miss. I think I'm lost, do you know where room 684 is?»
Y/N, with one of her disguise on, turned towards the teenager: in front of her a young man, standing at above average height with light-brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a school uniform with a bright red tie.
«Uhm no sorry…but if you follow the numeration on the doors it must be easier for you» and with that Y/N left an astonished yet angry Light Yagami in the middle of the hallway.
She hadn’t the time to think about him, she had a more important thing to do. Since December, she missed her period twice: at first she thought it was because of the sudden trip to Japan but it was already the second time it happened. Could it be…?
«Such a bad timing…» she said out loud once in her room. However, she couldn’t hide the nervousness: she agreed with L to stop trying to have a baby before the Kira case and if the test she bought was positive…what would be L's reaction?
«"Get rid of the cause and you get rid of the problem" they say…let's do this then»
The task-force was working quietly in L's room, sharing information and dossiers. However, that atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by someone that thrusted open the door.
«Ryuzaki! Ryuzaki! I have something important to tell you!» Y/N appeared in the room, tears in her eyes and a wide smile on her face.
The entire task-force looked at her in awe and confusion. Who was that woman?
L turned towards her as well. Of course when she barged into the room he was shocked not only because of that sudden appearance but because now the task-force knew about her. There must be a really good reason for that.
He stood up and walked towards her. «Please Y/A, not now. You'll tell me later»
«No Ryuzaki, you need to hear this now!» she was so excited that she couldn’t be still.
«Y/A, it's not the right moment. You have to leave, please» L insisted trying to guide her towards the door.
«Ryuzaki stop! I'm your wife and you need to listen this!»
The task-force behind them stared in shock (and Aizawa almost spilled all his coffee). Did they hear right? Wife? What? Someone like L…married?!
«No Y/A, you have to stop. Your behaviour is highly unprofessional. Moreover, you don’t have the permission to stay here so please leave» L was becoming more and more bothered and it was clear by the tone of his voice, deep and fierce at the same time.
«Ryuzaki, I'm pregnant!»
It was so loud that you could hear a pin falling down.
Heavy and tense air was breathable, even the task-force noticed it. Y/N was there, with her heart in her throat, waiting for a reaction or a word from L. Fear was soon replaced by terror because L wasn’t saying anything.
«Are you…?»
Deducing what he was going to ask, Y/N showed him the test: two blue lines. At that sight L hugged her tightly, starting spinning together. Y/N burst in a resounding laugh, all fears and nervousness were gone.
«Oh my, Y/A. Finally! I knew it was not intolerance at soy sauce» he placed the forehead against her own and smiled widely.
They stood hugged together for a while and in the meantime the entire task-force was complimenting them about that news (especially Soichiro).
«We have to tell Watari too» L added shortly after the hug.
«Yes, he is going to become a grandpa after all»
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transxfiles · 2 years
He Was My Best Friend
Shaggy’s half-asleep in the back of the van when they remember how it happened. The gang’s taking their mystery-solving on the road, this summer – they did a vote, and road trip won. This means that half the time they’re out camping in the desert, sleeping out under the stars. The other half of the time, of course, they’re holed up in whatever dump they could get for free, usually sleeping on some weirdo’s couch. Which means that tonight, Daphne and Velma ended up snuggled up together in a stranger’s guest bedroom, Freddie’s sleeping on the floor of an unfamiliar kitchen, and Shaggy (as always) is stuck out in the van with Scoob.
Not that they can protest. Scoob’s been their best friend for longer than they can remember, and the van is more of a home than they ever had under their parent’s roof. There’s a reason they voted on a road trip this summer. But their mind doesn’t stick with this thought for too long – Scooby’s rhythmic snores in the front seat are a metronome to Shaggy where they lay in the back, sprawled out across a makeshift bed of half-folded laundry and old towels. They fall into time with Scoob’s breathing, and as their eyes start to flutter shut, the memories buzz slowly back in.
It comes to them in glimpses. Same as it always does; Warm brown eyes and lake-damp blond hair and seven red stings across pale skin. They’re thoughts Shaggy’s been ignoring since high school. Thoughts that they tell themself aren’t important, things they swear Freddie’s already forgotten. And yet, in the dark, in the night –
“Like, you can’t just make yourself forget things,” Shaggy whispers.
The smell of the lake.
The sound of the shout.
Hands in hands in hands in hands in hands in –
No. No.
Shaggy twists in their makeshift bed. Tries to rewind their memories, visualizes them moving in reverse like the cheap Vincent van Ghoul tapes they used to rent from the video store in Coolsville, back before Mystery Incorporated was even an idea in the back of their mind. They’ll always remember the first day Daphne gathered them all in the back of the school library, said “I’ve gathered you here because shit’s gotten real, I think, and we’ve got the skills to do something about.” The first time they ever met Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, and of course Freddie – Fred Jones.
The memory they’re trying to forget would come two years later.
Muddy footprints, unsolved mysteries.
Not far enough. Skip back further.
It started in the Coolsville lake, senior year. An investigation and a light through the darkness and a clue and the sting of a wasp and a –
Shaggy tells themself not to think about the teasing. Not to think about the kiss. Not to think about things they and Fred did when Shaggy was sleep deprived and Freddie was loopy on wasp stings and the world seemed like a smaller place where external consequences were barely whispers, where all of the monsters were right in front of them instead of hidden in the back of Shaggy’s mind, trying to devour them from the inside out. Shaggy tries not to think about the first kiss, high on adrenaline. The second kiss, out of fear that this was their last night alive, that they’d never have this again. Their third out of the realization that this was real, this was tangible and beautiful and impervious to damage.
They try to avoid thinking about how it stopped as soon as it started. They don’t think about Freddie – Fred, red in the face, in the back of the van, unable to meet Shaggy’s eyes. They try not to remember “Hey, let’s just forget about this, okay?” the way Fred made the words sound soft and sweet even though they stung deeper than the wasp that crept up Shaggy’s arm, even though they were an end to all things.
They try not to remember what it was like back when Freddie was their best friend, before they ruined everything.
They try not to remember. They eject the tape in the back of their mind.
The Mystery Machine jolts as Scooby kicks one of the seats up front, whimpering – a nightmare, Shaggy thinks, managing an inch of consciousness through the dark.
Shaggy turns over again in their bed. They can hear electricity buzzing somewhere in the distance. Sometimes they forget that they never solved the mystery of Coolsville lake.
They fall asleep as Scooby’s night terrors rock the van. They pretend it’s a gentle current.
They tell themself to forget. It (almost) works.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Vinelle (and muffin since I know they'll see this too~!), I don't know if you guys have made a post ranking the Twilight books and why (including Bree and L&D if applicable) but I'd love to hear your opinions! (also if you could rank the Twi movies from least worst to most worst and why that'd be awesome too! 030 hi key love your rants on the movies and would love to hear y'alls thoughts more on them)-Sw
You’ve caught us out, anon.
And thanks to you, we spent last night watching Breaking Dawn Part 2 so we could rank it. @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin hadn’t seen it at all, while I half-remembered it from years ago. A terrible time was had because that movie was unwatchably bad.
Since this ask was sent jointly, our answer was co-written.
So, without further ado, movies first:
1. Twilight
This is a bad movie, but it’s recognizably a movie. The scenes are connected, there are things it did well, and we could tell you what the plot is. The awkwardness, for instance, is very well done. The weaknesses are glaring, the main one being that the film never sells us on the characters of Bella and Edward, nor on their relationship, relying instead on the audience knowing they’re in love because- well, they’re in love.
Diving deeper into Edward and Bella, there’s an understandable explanation for this. Edward of the books is terrifying, and I don’t think there’s a translation to screen that could have kept the romantic atmosphere surrounding him that we see from Bella’s point of view.
Bella can listen to Edward eating Biology and how he explains that it means how much he loves her and not blink. An actual audience hearing that dialogue will have second thoughts.
Right out of the gate, Twilight has a very difficult task: Salvage Edward Cullen while still producing a somewhat recognizable character who will take the same actions (or near the same actions) that Edward Cullen did in the book.
In the effort to make Edward palatable but save some of his original character he loses his more terrifying lines (as well as his hilarious ego) but becomes weird, awkward, and vaguely creepy. Edward Cullen of the films is that weird, friendless guy in your high school who you feel kind of bad for but don’t want to eat lunch with.
Bella faces a similar transformation. Bella’s insecurity is completely removed (or else the screenwriters somehow failed to notice it). As a result, we get this strange antisocial girl who is too cool for school because she’s a stuck up bitch.
Between Edward, this creepy guy who sits next to her in Biology, and Bella, this girl who enters school too good for everyone else, we see no reason why they would ever be interested in one another.
In an attempt to make these characters likeable they made them both unlikeable and boring. The film series as a whole never recovers from this (indeed, the quest to make Edward look good keeps leading to stranger and stranger places). 
It also forgets to explain why the Cullens live among humans, they’re attending high school… because. It’s a movie that explained to us all those terrible 2010 era memes and “still a better love story than Twilight”. And frankly, those memes were great, better than the movie. Case in point.
Everything is weirdly blue, which is atmospheric but also makes everything and everyone washed out. Everyone is super pale, so you have Mike looking just as vampire-y as Edward. However, it’s recognizably a movie. It introduces the characters, recognizes that the audience needs to be informed of things that are important to the plot, and most scenes are in some way connected to the plot. This is more than can be said for the other films, which is why it lands the top slot.
2. Eclipse
Eclipse earns its second place by process of elimination. The remaining three were worse. Eclipse also features Edward being cuckolded mercilessly, which is hilarious. Oh, and Victoria playing Riley, that was another beautiful scene.
Apart from that it’s just a deeply boring, borderline unwatchable movie.
Special shoutouts go to:
The opening scene of Riley getting turned, a ridiculous and poorly executed scene that served no purpose for the movie whatsoever.
Rosalie dropping her backstory without any context, Bella walks up to her and Rosalie launches into this horrific story for no particular reason. Both her and Jasper’s backstories could have been cut, as they served no purpose to the story and felt really thrown in there.
The many, many redundant scenes. The Victoria chase that ends with the Cullens and Quileutes squabbling could have been cut entirely. So too could the Seattle subplot with the newborns and Bree.
It’s a movie that isn’t about anything in particular, so it throws subplot spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. It dutifully regurgitates the Jacob/Bella/Edward love triangle while also trying to convey that Bella’s about to lose her mortality, while also trying to introduce suspense and excitement with the newborns. It fails to execute either of these, and it also fails to tie them together.
3. New Moon
The movie that wanted to skip itself.
This movie had two jobs, show that Bella is depressed when Edward leaves and convince the audience of Bella and Jacob’s strong friendship. And apart the rotating shots and the occasional Stewart voiceover, the former becomes one of those “just stay with us on this one, guys” failures, and the second is failed on every level. Jake and Bella are much closer at the beginning of this movie than they were in canon, and a montage of Bella hanging out with her buddy is just that, it’s a montage of Bella hanging out with her buddy. It speaks volumes that Stewart’s voiceover has to remind us she’s depressed and Jacob is helping her heal, because there’s no indicator on screen that this is happening.
This, in turn, makes Bella/Jake as weak and unconvincing as Bella/Edward was in the previous movie. We just have to take on faith that these people are important to each other because that’s what we’re told.
There’s also the wolves, who are completely butchered. In the books, there’s this great mystery with bears in the woods, there’s Bella wondering why Laurent ran off, there’s build-up, then when we find out what’s actually been happening it’s a satisfying explanation, all the pieces come together really nicely. This is not the case in the movie. Meeting the pack is just weird in this context, because we never wondered who they were. Bella is randomly invited to breakfast, we meet Emily with the scarred face who won’t ever have a line again, and that’s it, these characters don’t become important to the movie in any way. It’s a pointless scene that could have been cut, much like so many other scenes in these movies.
Apart from that, the Volturi scene from the books is butchered so I hardly recognize it, and Alice, Carlisle, and Edward’s characters are assassinated to an impressive degree considering they were barely in the movie.
It was hard to watch.
It lands third place because somehow, Breaking Dawn was worse.
4. Breaking Dawn Part Two
I’ll just list the positives: the intro was very pretty and promised a better movie. It was also long, which we appreciated because it took away from the movie’s runtime. (This is not at all an exaggeration, a lot of the time watching all five movies was spent looking at the remaining runtime and groaning.) The Tommy Wiseau sex scene in the sex cabin was uncomfortable, but the fact that it would have fit perfectly in The Room made it funny. The Romanians were genuinely, unironically, great, because of all of Carlisle’s trashy friends, these were the only ones the movie didn’t try to convince us weren’t trashy.
This movie ranks above Breaking Dawn Part One because of the things listed above.
Apart from that, something all of these movies, but especially the last four, suffer from is that they don’t have plots so much as they have a check list of things to put in the movie before they can call it a wrap. This movie is the worst offender of that, and it’s made worse by the film’s expectation that the people are fans who already know what’s happening, and therefore don’t need anything explained. I’ll explain what we mean by that.
We get Bella waking up a vampire, and absolutely nothing is explained. If you don’t know what happened in the last movie then fuck you. Bella then goes hunting, we get the hiker, we get the mountain lion, she goes back to meet Renesmée, finds out Jake imprinted on her daughter, we get the sex cabin, the handwrestling with Emmett. The Charlie problem is introduced (poorly), only to be solved a scene later with emotional payoff that had absolutely no buildup. All of these things, and the rest of the movie as well for that matter, feels like we’re just crossing items off a list.
Since the audience is expected to already know the story, the story only bothers to explain about half of what’s happening, if half. Who’s the lady living with Charlie? If you don’t know, don’t worry because it’s not important anyway. When did Kate and Garrett fall in love? If you don’t care, that's understandable, because they’ve barely interacted in the movie. Who are the Amazonian women? Do they have names? Don’t worry about it. Did Alistair actually leave, if so did that have an impact? Well, Bella stared at a window for a few seconds.
Every so often the characters will start quoting the books, and it’ll be completely out of place because these movies veered off course long ago. Carlisle references his great friendship with Aro, a friendship that was only briefly mentioned at the beginning of the second movie. Aro randomly starts talking about how scary human technology is.
All of these scenes feel like Marcus is telling the story, he’s just listing events waiting for the story to be over, and forgets a lot of pertinent details because he doesn’t care enough to remember them. There’s no effort to tie these scenes together, no effort to build up to anything.
There’s also one significant failure, and this is a failure shared by all five films, but it affects the plot (I use the term “plot” loosely) of this movie which is why it gets a special shoutout here. Vampires in these movies look human. The fact that Bella has to ask Edward is Gianna the secretary is human says it all, because in the books you know instantly, there’s not even a question. This makes the Charlie subplot ridiculous, because Bella looks and acts the same as ever. She had a trashy makeover, maybe, but she’s still Bella. Watching her get human acting classes after we watched her act perfectly human is just silly. Now, we’re all for suspension of belief, but this movie just pencil drew a moustache on her and the audience is supposed to go “My god, Bella, I didn’t recognize you!”
We then get to the atrocious fight scene, which was somehow worse than I remembered. It was also oddly long for a giant fake out. This scene took significant run time and it turns out to have 0 effect on the plot. And when we get back to the real world, the tonal shift is extreme. You can’t go from Jane being choked, dragged across the snow and face eaten by a wolf to her standing around chilling. We could have skipped it entirely, just had Alice touch Aro’s hand, and he goes “Ah, I see, cheerio.”
The end credits were pretty funny, “here are these random characters with bit parts in previous movies, isn’t this nostalgic?”. Nice try, movie. The fact this came after an extended clip show of the great romance of Edward and Bella, through blurry montage images that failed to be convincing in their original films let alone this one, just made it even more hilarious. Hope you didn’t completely ruin the director’s career, though honestly you should a bit.
5. Breaking Dawn Part One
As you can probably tell by the above entries, the fact that this is the worst one is really saying something. All the movies were hard to watch, but this one required pure strength of will to power through.
The big issue is that Breaking Dawn shouldn’t have been split in the first place. However, it was, and that meant that we got a movie that was almost entirely filler. (Followed, somehow, by a movie that was also largely filler.)
We get everybody preparing for the wedding. What do Mike and Jessica think of Bella and Edward getting married? What’s that, you don’t care? Well, now you know anyway. We get the full wedding, as in the whole fucking thing, including the afterparty. We get Bella and Edward traveling to their island, and there’s filler in the filler where they go clubbing in Rio. We then get every minute detail of the wedding night followed by every minute detail of the honeymoon.
There’s fanservice, and then there’s this. This was live action fanfiction.
NOTHING that in any way is relevant to the story happens, the closest we get is Irina looking stoned. Too bad the Denali’ refusal to help out in Eclipse was cut from the last movie, in fact I’m not sure they were mentioned at all previously in these movies (I think maybe Edward had a one-line reference in Twilight?) so this means nothing to people who haven’t read the books.
We then get to the pregnancy arc, which could have been Rosemary’s Baby but is instead as outrageously boring as the first half of the movie was. The director must have realized as much, because he gives us Jacob’s alpha plot that should have been cut from the movie (yes, I know it was in the books, but the thing about adaptations is that things have to go. For the record, I think Meyer should have cut it too). That subplot was straight out of an anime, by the way. Jacob claiming his ancestral rights as alpha while listing off his titles and the soaring music, was… every shounen anime, ever. Complete with the shitty voice acting.
It was a soul-crushingly boring movie.
Something that screws over the last four movies is that they were made to feed the fangirls, and generate revenue because the producers knew the fans were coming to watch the books they liked come to life, so they just had to throw scenes from the books and into the movies and let the magic happen. This is a terrible way to adapt something.
Special shoutout too to having to watch Taylor Lautner run around shirtless in four out of five movies. That was very uncomfortable and none of us needed that in our lives, Lautner included.
Super special shoutout to the fact that we disagree with nearly all the casting.
And this isn’t the post for that, but all of the characters were butchered. Some more than others, and some more insidiously than others. It’s the big things, like Carlisle’s character being turned on its head since he thinks all vampires are damned, exactly the opposite of what he thinks in the books, and the little things, like Jasper and Bella being buddies who bicker fondly in New Moon. 
Then the books:
1. Midnight Sun
HANDS DOWN. This is easily our favorite thing to come out of the entire Twilight franchise.
Edward is every kind of crazy at the same time, all the time, and it makes every single sentence packed with delirious entertainment. Reading this book is having a stroke, a psychotic episode, and watching five different true crime shows all at once. We adore every letter of it. (That’s no exaggeration, we even laughed about Edward capitalizing “Son” when Carlisle refers to him as “son” in conversation.)
The book was more than we’d dared to hope for, one of those rare books that makes you go “This was written just for me.”
2. Twilight
The one that started it all.
Vampires are wonderfully creepy. Things like Bella staring at Carlisle acting like the mundane town doctor shortly after learning just how old he is, Alice explaining how vampires kill all, and the uncanny valley perfection of the Cullens all add to the otherness of these vampires, and the general atmosphere of the book.
The love story is convincing. Edward seen through the eyes of Bella is wonderful, the red flags are there but if it weren’t for the books that followed we wouldn’t have decried the ship the way we do.
3. Eclipse
Breaking Dawn is the more interesting book, but Eclipse has less things we outright don’t like. We get to know all the characters better, Edward and Bella are their usual beautiful selves, and it’s overall peak Twilight.
4. Breaking Dawn
Would have ranked much higher, we like what it did. Without it we wouldn’t be in this fandom now, as it brought so much amazing content. The baby plot is fine by us, Carlisle’s friends are great, the Volturi confrontation is a beautiful, if bleak culmination of preventable events. There’s a lot of great stuff in this book.
Unfortunately, and there’s just no diplomatic way to put this, so I’ll just come out with it: there’s too much Jacob.
He no longer had a reason to be in the story, given the way Eclipse ended he had every reason not to be in it. In spite of that we get an entire third of the book from his point of view, and then damned if he’s not shoehorned into the last third as well. He added absolutely nothing to the story, he was just there taking up space and being possessive of a toddler. His POV section was tough to get through, and his presence in book three was just painful. He should have been cut.
5. New Moon
This was the book we had to power through. There are some very good things in it, most notably the Volturi scene, but the Muffin and I enjoy Twilight for the vampires, and that makes Laurent and Hallucination!Edward the highlights of the part of the book where Edward is gone.
There’s also the fact that Jacob isn’t a very compelling character. He has to carry the book now that the Cullens aren’t doing it, and he simply isn’t up for it.
Yes, we’re aware that these books are ranked according to how much Jacob is in them. We don’t even hate him, not at all, it’s just that he’s boring.
(That being said, the books at their worst are better than the movies at their best. Jacob narrating his perfect playdate with Renesmée would still be preferable to… I’m trying to think of a good scene from the movies. Hm, nevermind.)
As for The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and Life and Death, only I have read Bree Tanner and I don’t remember it well enough to give a proper assessment. I was bored with the OCs, though, bored to tears, throughout that book I was itching for Victoria and the Cullens. We have not read Life and Death, but we’re offended by its existence so it ranks bottom.
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Editor’s Note: TV moves on, but we haven’t. In our feature series It Still Stings, we relive emotional TV moments that we just can’t get over. You know the ones, where months, years, or even decades later, it still provokes a reaction? We’re here for you. We rant because we love. Or, once loved. And obviously, when discussing finales in particular, there will be spoilers:
There was a time when Veronica Mars’ legacy was that of a beloved cult show that was canceled too soon by network executives who didn’t understand it. With the arrival of a crowd-funded feature film in 2014, its legacy evolved as one of the first shows to see the benefits of a revival. Now, it simply brings thoughts of sadness, rage, and betrayal.
When Hulu first announced it was reviving the series for an eight-episode fourth season, the news was met with resounding joy from a vocal and passionate fanbase that had never given up hope it would return after the crowd-funded feature film reunited Kristen Bell’s Veronica, a pint-sized private eye with a sharp mind and even sharper wit, with her one true love, the reformed bad boy Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring). But the fire that had burned for more than a decade and twice-revived the show was suddenly extinguished in a single, heartbreaking, and wholly unnecessary moment when Logan was killed by a bomb left in Veronica’s car shortly after the couple exchanged wedding vows.
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I can still remember the shock I felt when I reached the end of the screeners Hulu sent. The whole thing felt kind of surreal, like if I didn’t acknowledge what had happened out loud maybe it didn’t actually happen. But it did happen. And I’m still filled with a fiery rage and a deep sadness when I think about it now, nearly two years removed from the episode in question, because needlessly killing Logan was a betrayal of the worst kind. The character’s untimely demise felt engineered for nothing more than shock value, like it existed only to leave Veronica even more isolated and cynical. But the interviews that series creator Rob Thomas gave in the aftermath, in which he tried to defend the decision, revealed something much worse while only driving the knife he’d stuck in fans’ backs deeper.
“In order for us to keep doing these, I think it needs to become a detective show—a noir, mystery, detective show—and those elements of teenage soap need to be behind us,” Thomas told TV Guide of the decision to kill Logan, noting that he also hoped to take Veronica out of Neptune and on the road in potential future seasons. “I sort of viewed these eight episodes as a bridge to what Veronica Mars might be moving forward.”
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Instead of being a bridge to the future, it was a bridge to a grave of Thomas’ own making. Not since How I Met Your Mother ignored literal years of character development to deliver a half-cooked series finale the creators had come up with several years prior has a show felt so out of touch with its characters, the story it was telling, and its fans. Thomas’ decision to kill Logan is the perfect example of a creator being unable to recognize their own biases to the detriment of their creation.
He wrongly believed that Veronica needed to be hardened by years of nonstop torment and trauma in order to prove she was a great detective whose story was worth continuing. In putting her through the emotional wringer (again) after spending the entire season attempting to dig into her flaws and determine the root of her problems, Thomas swiftly undermined his heroine and her trauma with one misguided act of devastating violence. The fact that Thomas then chose to also skip over Veronica’s grieving process entirely reveals how little he ultimately thought of Logan or Veronica’s relationship with him, which had pushed her to be better and work through her longtime trust issues.
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It is common knowledge by now that Logan was not intended to be Veronica’s love interest when the show debuted, but the fans took to the character more than they took to Teddy Dunn’s Duncan “He Used to Be My Boyfriend” Kane, so the latter was jettisoned from the show after Season 2. And in the end, Logan turned out to be a much better partner and match for Veronica’s personality. So what’s truly unfortunate about Thomas killing Logan, and killing him so violently, is that his thought process during Season 4 has the potential to color everything that happened in the show up until the moment the bomb went off. There is also the issue that Thomas apparently believed that Veronica achieving some level of romantic happiness was a one-way ticket to the grave, as if shows like Friday Night Lights hadn’t already soundly debunked the myth that happy couples did not make great TV.
Obviously an emotional family drama does not play by the same rules as noir, but Veronica Mars had already proven that you don’t need to play firmly within the sandbox of the genre to excel creatively. So why should the more adult version of the show attempt to put itself back in the box to be confined to something more traditional or stereotypical? Furthermore, love and contentment are not character flaws or weaknesses. They are not an element of “teenage soap,” as Thomas put it. In fact, one could argue that by allowing herself to believe that she and Logan could have a happy future together regardless of everything she’d witnessed in her line of work, Veronica had shown more personal and emotional growth in the show’s fourth season than she had in the entire run of the series.
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At the heart of the matter, though, is one simple, glaring truth: Logan’s death was a fundamental misreading of the entire Veronica Mars fandom and what they liked about the show. Storytelling should never be dictated by the fans and their desires—one of the loudest and most common complaints critics had about the movie was that it felt too much like Thomas was just giving the fans what they wanted rather than attempting to tell a good story—but when your fandom has dug their hands into the cold soil of the TV graveyard to raise your show from the dead, you should probably have a grasp on what exactly the fans like about it in the first place. After all, they’re the reason you still exist and will be one of the final arbiters of whether or not you get to continue to exist in the future. And the idea that fans would somehow be interested in watching a version of Veronica Mars in which Veronica was on the road, completely alone, and Logan was blown to bits is just a wild miscalculation.
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This isn’t to suggest Veronica Mars could not ever survive without Logan. That would be to undercut the rest of the show and the woman Veronica has become since we first saw her cutting Wallace (Percy Daggs III) off the flagpole in the series’ pilot. But there is a difference in writing Logan out of the show’s ongoing story arc—his secretive Naval career offered the perfect out—and violently killing him in an attempt to shock viewers and show just how resilient your heroine is in the face of trauma. A survivor of rape who had to solve the murder of her best friend (Amanda Seyfried) while still in high school because the sheriff’s department was too inept to do it (or simply did not care to do it), Veronica had already been through more in her young life than anyone should ever have to live through.
Although Logan’s death led to her finally seeing a therapist, it seemed to be a one-time thing, so nothing has really changed. Veronica is still the same person she was before the show returned, except now she’s also a widow and Thomas has alienated an entire fanbase to the point that many fans, though likely not all, have no interest in revisiting her story. And they’re not likely to either, since Hulu chose not to move forward with another season.
So much for that bridge to the future.
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miraculouspenta · 3 years
I have a request.if marinette is Jon's twin sister and has no power. Marinette contact justice league for help but she end up being reveal her identity to justice league because jon and Clark knows her and can you make it daminette story
Tale of the Girl Kent
One evening years ago, twin cries could be heard in Metropolis. These cries belong to Jonathan Samuel Kent and Marinette Martha Ella Kent, newborn children of Lois Lane and Clark Kent. They grew up together for quite some time, and people around them could swear they never saw one without the other.
Ever since a young age, Jonathan, or Jon as people call him, discovered that he had inherited his father's superpowers. Flight, super hearing, super speed, heat vision, x-ray vision, and etc. Marinette on the other hand doesn't have these superhuman abilities. She does, however, have an incredibly sharp eye for detail, astonishing creativity, unimaginable problem-solving skills, and an IQ that is already considered a genius, 184. Even though she was born without mystical abilities, Marinette never felt jealous of her twin. Howbeit because of this, her father decided not to tell the rest of the league, short of Batman and Wonder Woman.
When the twins turned nine, Lois and Clark felt like they were neglecting their little girl, focusing more on teaching Jon how to handle his powers. Marinette didn't mind and she had told them this repeatedly.  But then again, they're parents, they're supposed to worry. As a result, they decided to reach out to Lois' old college friend and roommate, Nadja Chamack. They told her of their dilemma and asked if she knew anyone who could and would take care of their daughter. Nadja mentioned a married couple whom she has known since high school. She said that they had wanted a child but the doctor said they couldn't have one. Of course, Nadja also mentioned that the couple were really kind people, they would never take their place as parents. They would, however, be pleased to be their daughter's guardian.
And that's what happened. Marinette flew to Paris the next week to live with her new guardians, leaving a teary eyed father and brother behind, not like they would admit it. She soon found her guardians' names are Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. She could've sworn she stared at the sun when they picked her up.
As time went by, Marinette got very comfortable with the Dupain-Chengs to the point she slipped and called them maman and papa. She told her biological parents about this and they were glad she felt safe enough to call them that. Both didn't have anything against Tom and Sabine because of that and Marinette was really glad.
Let's jump to when she turns 13. She finds a mysterious box on her desk and opens it. When a flying creature flew out of it, Marinette wasn't really surprised. She had seen weirder things. Then the creature, who she found out was named Tikki, started explaining that she was chosen to be a hero to save Paris. "Figures that I'm made to join the family business," she said. Tikki just blinked, "What do you me-" she was cut off by a shout. "Kim!" a voice roared. "You can explain this to me later, right now just say spots on," Tikki said.
Once the 'akuma' was handled, Marinette told Tikki of her biological family. "Hey Tikki?" "Yeah?" "Do you think I should call the Justice League? Not to ask them for help, more like... Tell them of they are going to Paris to keep their emotions in control? I don't think I can defeat my dad or my brother." "That's a great idea Marinette! Although I suggest that you ask Chat Noir for his opinion first." And here she is now on the Eiffel Tower with Chat, trying to call the League.
Ironically, Superman answered. "Hello, this is the Justice League. How may we help you." "Hello, my name is Ladybug and this is Chat Noir," it felt so weird using formal talk with her dad, "We wanted to inform you of Paris' new situation as of yesterday." At the word Paris, Superman's froze, Mari lives there. "A supervillain has appeared and it turns people into villains to do the dirty work. It appears that the supervillain transforms them if someone has a negative emotion. Hawkmoth, the supervillain, and us get our powers from the miraculi," Ladybug continued knowing that her dad knows about the miraculi. "We came to ask if any of you were to come to Paris make sure that your emotions are under control," Chat said, "We don't need to fight any of you."
"I can accept that, I have heard of the miraculi and it seems reasonable," Superman said, "If I'm correct, any damage should be reversed. No civilians should be hurt, am I right?" "Figures he'd be worried about me," Ladybug mumbled forgetting that her dad had super hearing and pieced everything together. "My cupcake?" he asked. Ladybug's eyes widened before she started laughing, "Damn it, forgot you had super hearing." Superman grinned, "Looks like you're in the family business anyway huh?" "Seems like it."
Chat stood on the side wondering why are the two so comfortable with each other. "Guess I owe you an explanation huh Chat?" Ladybug said, "Superman here, is my biological father and the current Superboy is my twin brother. Unlike him, I didn't inherit dad's powers." Meanwhile, on the other side of the line, Clark called for his son and told him the news. "Hiya sis!" "Hiya little brother!" "You're only older by 5 minutes!" "I'm still older!" Chat laughed at their banter, "I can see that now."
"Just hold on a minute, I can register your partner and change your name and you can zeta on over to discuss this more," Superman said, "Also, I missed you." "I miss you too." Once Superman gave them the okay, Ladybug disconnected the phone and dragged Chat over to the zeta platform (I have little knowledge of this so feel free to correct me) They ended up at the Watchtower and Ladybug hurriedly ran to her father and brother giving them a big hug. "Superman have you seen-" Wonder Woman stopped when she saw Ladybug hugging her colleague. She ran out of the room to grab someone to make sure she wasn't hallucinating, that person happened to be Batman, and wherever Batman goes, 16 year old Robin follows.
"You are seeing this too right? That's his daughter right?" Wonder Woman asked. "Yes I am, and most likely." Meanwhile, Robin was just confused, who was this girl and... Is that a knockoff Catwoman? But since Batman appeared not to think of her as a threat he let it slide, that is until their eyes met. His heart skipped a beat. Her eyes are so beautiful. Superboy heard Robin's heartbeat picking up and smirked because it wasn't only Robin's heart, but also his sisters. Both speeding up but still somehow in sync. They are going to date each other if it's the last thing I do.
1143 words
Longest one shot apart from my secret Santa. Tell me if you want part two.
XOXO ~𝓔𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓷
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chuggingtonfanatic · 2 years
Chug Patrol GN Headcanons
It took me a while to create headcanons for this team because they aren’t quite as emotionally connected in the show. There is some basis to work with them in the fanon space, but I have to debate how much I can stray from canon so that they can still be recognizable to the fans of the show. Anyways, they won’t be the hardest team for me to work with, but still a bit more challenging than the Chuggineers.
The reason Jackman came to Chuggington and is Chug Patrol chief is because he’s not only more experienced than Calley (which is a canon fact)-he provides an additional wheel for her on the job. Before Jackman arrived to Chuggington, Calley was the only rescue chugger around. At the time, Calley feared heavily of having internal malfunctions herself. If she’s temporarily unavailable and an emergency pops up, the day could get horrific since Vee would have to scramble getting backup help or pray that other chuggers could do a great rescue themselves. After Jackman arrived, her stress levels have been eased. (I may or may not go in depth with their relationship later on)
It took a while for them to develop a mutual workplace relationship since Calley isn’t used to actively working with someone. In face, Calley was initially a little intimidated by Jackman since he’s more experienced in rescuing than her. This was especially highlighted when the two had some differences on how they would solve the same problem. However, these worries eventually fade away when the two became more open to function as a team.
Wilson and Calley already shared a great bond before the formation of Chug Patrol. Before season 4, whenever the two are free of duties for a time, Calley gladly narrates Wilson stories of her own rescues. Wilson loves to listen to her stories and considers her to be the best storyteller ever. Afterall, this is how Wilson got inspired to tell great stories of his own rescues. Even before Dunbar’s retirement, Wilson typically goes to Calley first for personal advice since she’s one of the few chuggers that knows him well than others. Calley have seen potential in Wilson being a rescue chugger like her in the future in subtle ways (such as his growing confidence, problem-solving skills, ect). After the team is made, these two became closer.
To relieve stress from their jobs, all Chug Patrol members know a secret location to a hotspring spot deep within the forest. They obviously can’t get in to swim but, the sounds of waterfall and the sensation of the hot steam puts their gears in ease. Sometimes each of them will go to this location whenever they have a bad day. Calley discovered this location by pure accident while looking for a place to cool down from an extremely rough rescue (about a year before meeting Jackman).
Sometimes when there hasn’t been a rescue for a while, they get together to skip rocks at any large body of water they can find. Jackman is a pro at this and so far, no one has beaten his record yet (45 skips currently)
As Chug Patrol members, they could only leave Chuggington on special occasions. On some Friday nights, they’ll go to the roundhouse drive-in to watch various movies together. Oftentimes, they’ll sleep outside at the theater since they’ll be too tired to go back to their respective roundhouses.
Sometimes on Saturday nights, Jackman, Asher and Calley have a sleepover in an open field. There, they would listen to audio books as additional stress relief with the radio wagon. They’ll usually provide commentary to every audio books they’ve listened too. Sometimes the audio books aren’t suited for a young audience-which is one of the reasons why Wilson is usually absent (he doesn’t know about this anyway).
It took a while for Asher to be emotionally connected to all of his team members since they’re somewhat already a close-knit group before his arrival. He easily connected with Jackman first (due to their similar backgrounds). He has less in common with Calley, but the two eventually got along well due to having a few similar interests. It took a while for Asher to connect with Wilson due to their different background and interests. However, he eventually came around to appreciate Wilson’s admiration for him.
The team members are closer to one member over the other. Here’s the list of the close relationships:
Jackman and Calley are of course the closest to each other.
Wilson is closest to Jackman.
Asher is the closest to Jackman
I may or may not add more hcs in the future. Hopefully you liked what I have so far!
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sadclearance · 3 years
could u do male reader's been friends with todoroki from mha for since ua (they're newly pros now) and tells him ily and is like ik ur not good with that stuff tho so it's no big! i don't expect an ily back! and todoroki's like :O and doesn't say it back but later when reader's hurt during a mission todoroki's like oh dang i do love u but it's too late cuz he died
pairing: shoto todoroki x male!reader
summary: todoroki says "i love you" back eventually. it just happens to be too late.
category: angst
warning(s): death
word count: 1649
s/t - skin tone
italicized - text
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he's not sure how he got to this exact moment.
if you had told him at the beginning of his high school years that not even just a year after graduating, he'd be running around a deserted parking lot with the cold breeze of the night air nipping at the skin that wasn't covered by his pajamas--which happen to be from a two-years-old matching christmas set with the person he's trying to catch--todoroki would've looked at you as if you were a lunatic.
never in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine this.
but he thinks this is part of what being friends is, and back then, he never would've dreamt of having one of those either.
he doesn't notice the warm breath right next to his ear until a steady voices says, loud and clear, "i love you."
he turns his head so fast his face almost smacks into y/n's, and y/n laughs out visible puffs in the crisp air.
todoroki doesn't even speak. he just stares with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.
this is all just too new to him, and this came out of absolutely nowhere.
"glad that got your attention," y/n smiles when the silence continues. "you were so lost in your thoughts you just stopped moving. i was starting to think you didn't want your phone back."
todoroki now remembers the reason why he was chasing his best friend of four years around an empty parking lot at this ungodly hour, where half of his body was uncomfortably cold.
he does want his phone back, but he doesn't go back to running.
"was that why you said that?" todoroki eventually asks. was it only for the surprise factor? because if so, he's both relieved and disappointed--two things that he recognizes as contradictory and doesn't understand. well, todoroki's never been too good at understanding feelings, so that's not really news.
"nope," y/n answers without skipping a beat, and if todoroki didn't know better, he'd think y/n wasn't nervous at all. the s/t fingers playing with the edge of todoroki's phone case lets him know otherwise. "don't take it too seriously, though. i get it."
get what?
that answer doesn't make todoroki happy at all. now his brain's just muddled and confused, and he can barely process his surroundings. what's he supposed to make of that interaction? don't take it too seriously? he gets it?
when y/n's ran a lap or two without todoroki making a move to get his phone back, he lies down on the floor.
todoroki settles on "you're going to get dirty" because he wants to get back to the present. his head hurts, and thinking isn't getting him anywhere right now.
"come look at the stars with me," y/n reaches his hand up toward the skies, and he looks ridiculous, but todoroki complies because he wants to enjoy the time they have together for as long as he can. they won't have time to see each other for a while, being busy growing heroes and all. 
"is this considered stargazing?"
"we're gazing at the stars, so yeah, i'd say so," y/n jokes.
and now todoroki's out of things to say that aren't questions about y/n's confession.
y/n turns his head to look at todoroki, and todoroki instinctively does the same.
"you're taking that thing i told you not to take seriously seriously, aren't you?"
"i'm having trouble understanding everything you've said in the past few minutes," todoroki admits, turning his head back to face the stars again.
"okay, well, i love you," y/n says.
"you've said that, but--"
"but i don't want you to take it seriously because i get it."
"again, you've said that in almost those exact words." todoroki feels like a frustrated child who's getting cranky over a math problem he doesn't know how to solve.
"i love you in the way that i want to kiss you and go on dates with you and maybe do more stuff," y/n's face reddens at his own words, but his voice is firm.
todoroki's eyes go back to y/n's, and he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.
"i know you don't see me that way, and it's all good. i didn't expect anything in return. i just wanted to say it."
"i... i wish i could give you a response, but... you already know that..." todoroki struggles with his words. were these the right ones to say? which are supposed to come out next?
"that you're not good with people stuff. yeah, i remember the first year of me trying to court you into this friendship," y/n laughs.
todoroki wants to laugh while reminiscing the memories too, but he doesn't feel like doing so, especially with how he's pretty sure he just rejected his best friend.
"i told you, no expectations here. just wanted to get that off my chest." y/n rises from the floor and todoroki's eyes follow. "c'mon, we should get going. it's cold, and our schedules are packed for the week. we can't afford to be getting sick."
"yes, it is late," todoroki nods and gets up as well.
the car beeps to signal that the doors are open, and todoroki's about to get into the driver's seat when he sees y/n walking off somewhere else.
"y/n?" todoroki calls out.
"i'm gonna take the bus," y/n answers before todoroki even asks.
"they aren't running at this hour."
"my place is close. i'm gonna walk."
"text me if your schedule clears at all!" y/n waves without turning around to face todoroki.
it's been a week, and todoroki still feels the pressure of having to give a proper response.
y/n said it was fine, but even someone with as little experience with these types of things as todoroki recognizes that it's not kind.
i haven't thought about--
i've never kissed anyone--
human relationships--familial, romantic, platonic, and otherwise are all things that are new to me--
no matter what he types, he feels like the words are all wrong. what's in his drafts are all things that y/n already knows. that's why he said he "gets it".
but todoroki's still so frustrated. he wants to respond properly. he feels like it's only right.
but holy shit is it hard to come up with anything at all.
before he can come up with another poorly worded apology, excuse--whatever it is that he's trying to say--he gets a notification.
assistance required in x prefecture. requesting all available heroes.
todoroki, being the good hero he is, rushes to the sight as soon as possible.
he recognizes the name of the location, but he brushes it off as past experience. after all, within the past year, due to his rising popularity, he's had a lot of opportunities to work in different places.
"what's the situation?" todoroki asks one of the heroes that's trying to stabilize the building that the villain appeared to be in.
"one guy with a geokinesis quirk. he's alone, but his quirk's pretty strong. took out the whole village one town over. we don't know his goal, but the whole building's stone, and we don't want to take any chances."
"is there any way you would like me to help?"
"i'd say ice the whole building, but this guy's got quick reflexes. try going in discretely and trap him in ice when he's caught in surprise."
todoroki nods and is about to enter the building when
"also, try not to ice the other hero in there. i think his name's y/--"
the building crumbles at an incredible speed, and he barely has time to throw both himself and the other hero out of the way.
once the other man is stable, todoroki goes to assess the damage. the rocks are still tumbling down, but they're slower now.
they feel a lot faster when todoroki catches a glimpse of an all too familiar hero costume.
"y/n!" todoroki shouts as he loses the ability to think rationally. he runs with his heart in his throat and a terrible tense feeling that starts to overwhelm his entire body, trying to reach y/n before the large boulder does.
ice spreads from his feet and meets with the chunk of stone before it can fall on y/n's head.
"i'm going to get you out of here," todoroki promises when he makes it to y/n. he calls for help while looking over the pieces of the building on top of y/n's body.
"todoroki," y/n coughs weakly, and todoroki notices a pool of red slowly start to grow on the concrete below them.
"don't talk." todoroki's voice sounds so weak and helpless, and he hates it.
y/n just smiles, but the blood dripping from the corners of his mouth keep it from spreading warmth and happiness within todoroki like it usually does.
todoroki's already seen lots of tragedy in his one year of hero work, but he's never felt so panicked in his entire life.
he tries to shift a rock, but it only makes y/n groan.
"help!" todoroki yells again, but everyone's too preoccupied with catching the villain and tending to their own serious injuries to come and rescue y/n.
"shhh, todoroki," y/n says weakly.
"don't talk!" todoroki yells this time. it's still helpless, but it's loud, and y/n starts to laugh to the best of his ability.
"hard when... when you're just so funny. that's why... i..."
"don't close your eyes." todoroki feels like his heart's stopped.
"i..." y/n's eyes droop.
"look at me!" todoroki shouts with wild eyes.
and so he does. y/n looks at him with tired eyes, but todoroki can tell that he's straining himself to do so.
"i love you," todoroki's eyes feel heavy and his nose burns. "please... i love you, too..."
but it's too late.
the open eyes are quick to lose their life, and y/n's skin loses its color.
"i love you."
deadass i was listening to my discover weekly on spotify and when i was writing the last few sentences i love you by wavves came on
i didn't know what to title it so i just left it
i hope it was satisfactory anon!
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
the moon told me so ☾~
Wonwoo x (gender neutral) Reader | soulmate AU angst | 4.5k words
synopsis: in a world where you and your soulmate share a special marking that appears on one’s body at the age of 18 or later. you were wonwoo’s, but wonwoo was no one’s, and you were the fool who didn’t say a word about it. alternatively:
you are in love with jeon wonwoo, but jeon wonwoo isn’t ready to love yet.
a/n: i uh, feel kinda shy posting this lmao but i hope you enjoy:))
sequel: the little flower on your wrist and the epilogue: kairosclerosis
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“When are you going to tell him?”
“Tell who?”
Seungkwan sighed and gave you a knowing look. “Wonwoo, who else would I be talking about?”
“I don’t have anything I need to say to him.” You muttered into the warm knitted scarf wrapped around your neck. The snow fell gently around you in large clumps — the kids on your street were sure to be delighted when they wake up to that. It wouldn’t be long before you started seeing snowmen pop up one by one, all with little carrots and hats decorating them, giving them life. However, to you, the snow only added to the weight in your heart. The peaceful, yet lonely atmosphere made you want to curl back into your bed and sleep your sadness away. And then you could hope that maybe when you woke up, all of your problems would be solved.
Yes, that sounded like a much better option, compared to standing around in the cold weather, waiting for a late taxi. But you promised him that you would show up today. As much as you didn’t want to, you weren’t one to break the promises you made. Promises were meant to be kept.
And so, you woke up at a horrid 4 am today and dressed yourself with the best outfit your sluggish mind could think of. All to make sure that you were at the airport on time, just for him.
“Y/n... this might be your last chance. I mean, this is already terribly last minute for you to do so, but we also have no idea when he’ll come back.” Seungkwan’s voice softened when he noticed your stressed demeanour.
“Listen, I know, okay? I’ll tell him today, I’ve been preparing what to say for the past week. I just... I just need to get myself together, that’s all.” The words spilled out of your mouth as you tried to get him to stop nagging.
Before you could get a response, the taxi pulled up in front of you, and you busied yourself with getting a seat in the back while Seungkwan relayed the destination to the driver. He then took a seat in the passenger’s side, leaving you alone in the back with the little present you brought with you by your side.
The whole car ride was silent, minus the soft music that played from the radio — some kind of ambient jazz that only made the atmosphere even more awkward. You fidgeted with the bracelet dangling on your wrist and looked out the window, the yellow beads clinking against each other to add some noise to the silence. The buildings passed by with a blur, and every so often you would come across a location that prompted a treasured memory in you.
The mall that you and Wonwoo would visit almost everyday during middle school. Your parents weren’t the fondest of the idea that you guys were going there so often, but you went either way. There was ice cream to be eaten, game demos to be played, outfits (that you could definitely not afford) to try on, and snacks to be bought.
The arcade that you so daringly visited when you were supposed to be in class. It was Mingyu who had suggested the idea, as a joke, but everyone started getting on board with it and soon you were roped into the adventure too. None of you guys were really the type to skip school, the thought just never visited your mind, and you had other things to worry about. On that day though, you decided to let yourself be just the slightest bit free, and with a little convincing, you got Wonwoo of all people, to come along too.
That day was a blast, the thrill of rebellion, the refreshing taste of freedom, even the stuffiness of the arcade was bearable — your uniform was far too warm for the environment. Miraculously, there was no big punishment for your absence when you returned, just a light scolding, and that simply heightened the excitement of the day. You never pulled such an act ever again, but you most definitely held that memory dear to your heart. Because on that day, Wonwoo’s smiles were almost a thousand times brighter than usual.
Your eyes flickered between the trees that trickled their way into your view, and they steadily grew in numbers to paint a forest in front of you. Though their leaves were barren and their branches were heavy with snow, all you could think of were the lush green forests that surrounded the cottage you visited almost a year ago. The one that you and your friends rented out, the one that housed some of the happiest moments in your life, the one that echoed some of the loudest laughs ever, the one that kept you warm under the cool night, as you snuggled into each other’s arms.
The one that witnessed your life fall apart.
You remembered that dreary day, when Wonwoo pulled you aside from the others and into a little alcove in the forest nearby, a nervous look painted on his face. Your friend group had decided to spend the warm weekend at the cottage to celebrate Wonwoo’s birthday and new soulmate mark. They all insisted that it was tradition to host an all-out celebration for the occasion, despite the boy’s refusals. If they celebrated for the others, they had to celebrate for him as well. 
You were all about to head to the beach for a swim before barbecuing some dinner, the weather was a comfortable mix of the warm sun and the cool breeze. It should’ve been perfect.
Let’s put an emphasis on should’ve.
When you finished changing, before you could catch up to the others who were already dunking themselves into the frigid water, laughter getting lost in the vast forest, Wonwoo stopped you at the front door with a gentle grip on your arm. From the looks of it, he’d been waiting for you for a while.
“Hey y/n... could we talk for a minute?”
And that question brought you to a wooden bench in a small clearing, hidden away from the others’ sight. The sunlight filtered through the leaves above, casting a delicate pattern around you. The air of uneasiness between you two was so contrasting to the mood a few moments ago, that you were immediately filled with worry. The last time you saw Wonwoo, he was laughing his head off with Mingyu and Seokmin over a stupid dad joke that someone made. Now, there was no trace of that former carefree personality.
“Wonwoo what’s up? Is something wrong?”
He bit his lip, clearly deep in thought. “You know how I’m supposed to be getting my mark tomorrow?”
You nodded. “Yeah, that’s why we all came here to celebrate right? Is it too much for you? I can tell the others to cool off on the partying, I know they can be overwhelming.”
“No it’s not that, I don’t mind it. It’s just... I’m honestly not so sure about this whole soulmate thing.” His voice was small and his shoulder tensed as he awaited your response.
“Like, you’re worried about the mark not showing up tomorrow?”
“No, I’m worried that I won’t be able to love my soulmate the way I’m supposed to.” He clarified, a bit firmer now.
Your heart stopped.
“Well,” You you pursed your lips as your mind raced to gather the best way to respond. “You could always just tell them right? That you’re not ready for a relationship, I’m sure they would understand.”
“But what if I’m never ready?” His confidence had suddenly disappeared, and you could feel that he was getting panicky, so you rested a gentle hand on his thigh to calm him down. “That feels so unfair to them. Like I’m going against fate.”
You swallowed back the emotions building up in your throat. You were hoping for the already low chance that he would be your soulmate, that maybe the stars would be in your favour and offer you an easy happy ending of some sort. After all these years together, you felt that there was almost no way that you couldn’t be paired together in some way. But now, even if you were soulmates, Wonwoo had just denied the only possibility for you to get together. Romantically, at least. Which was unfortunately, what you’ve been hoping for all this time.
“You could always just be friends right? There’s some people out there who just decide to be friends and there’s nothing wrong with that. Soulmates aren’t always about romantic love.” It was the best you could offer. You were fine with pushing back your feelings for him if it meant that he’ll be happy with his decision. The last thing you wanted to do was force your love onto him. 
“Yeah but do you really know anyone who’s done that? Y/n, everyone around us started dating their soulmate the moment they found them. They’re going to come to me with that mindset and I’m going to have to shut them down.” He paused. “The person that they’ve been searching for all their lives will be shutting them down. Don’t you think that’s harsh on my part? That I should just suck it up and get together with them?”
“Wonwoo, I can’t speak up on behalf of your soulmate,” You choked back the pitiful laugh building up in your throat. “but if they’re supposed to be the perfect match for you, I think they would try their best to understand your feelings, because you deserve to be matched with one of the kindest people in the world.”
He didn’t take his gaze off the pebbles his shoes prodded at, and you took that as a sign to continue.
“With that said, let’s just enjoy today, and all the other days to come as we wait for your soulmate. And when they come along, we’ll take things one step at a time, and work through the problem as it plays along. Worrying about it beforehand isn’t going to do you any good, don’t you agree? That’s what you told me before right?”
Wonwoo slowly nodded and slipped his hands back onto his lap. “You’re right, I’m worrying too much about something that hasn’t happened to me yet. What if I don’t even get my mark this year? I won’t be able to totally forget the problem, but I’ll try my best to put it aside for now.” He smiled softly to himself, and you patted his shoulder.
“That’s the spirit! So you wanna go back to the others and go for a swim? If you’re up to it?”
“Yeah, I think that would be nice. Thanks for listening, y/n.” He got up from the bench and offered you a hand which you gratefully took. Silence settled between you too as you made your way out of the forest and back to the beach. The others were quick to notice you and began eagerly calling for you guys to jump in. Before you gave in to their persistent requests, you paused for a moment and started talking again.
“Oh, and Wonwoo?”
He stopped a few steps ahead of you and turned around. “Yeah?” He looked much lighter than he did a few moments ago, but for some reason, your heart broke a little at his happiness.
You gave him a downcast smile, and if he sensed the dismal tone in your voice, he didn’t say anything about it. “Just know that there’s nothing wrong with wanting to love your soulmate platonically. I have a good feeling they’ll understand.”
Maybe you had gotten a bit ahead of yourself that day by assuming that you were going to be soulmates. No matter how much you felt that connection in your heart, Wonwoo himself never showed any signs of feeling it too. This whole thinking-that-he-was-your-soulmate-before-it-was-even-confirmed thing could’ve just been your mind being a mix of delusional and hopeful. But you said what you said, and it’s not like he noticed any of your hints anyways.
And it’s not like he ever will notice.
The next day, you woke up with a tight arm wrapped around your waist and the sun shining on your face. If it was any other day, you would’ve simply closed your eyes and fallen back asleep without caring so much about what time it was, but thankfully you had enough sense in you to remember the date.
July 17th.
Lifting your head fully off the pillow, you followed the arm hugging you to find Chan, buried underneath a soft blanket, still snoring away. Nudging him lightly, he stirred and moved his arm to rub his eyes, freeing you.
“Morning, Chan.” You poked his nose.
He let out a few incoherent mumbles before opening his eyes and looking at you. “What?”
“It’s Wonwoo’s birthday we gotta wake up and get the others.”
“Can’t we do that in a few minutes?” He whined, and tried to return to his pillow, but you were quicker, and pulled him into a sitting position.
“No we can’t, silly, we have things to do before he wakes up.” After a little bit of bickering between you two, you finally managed to convince him to get up and he left to go take a shower. You let out a quiet sigh. One down.
Turning to the couch nearby you looked at Jun who was still sleeping soundly.
11 more to go...
By the time everyone woke up and the celebration kicked off, it was already late morning and you all settled on ordering some pizza for lunch and a couple of the boys left to pick up the food (being located in a remote cottage made it a little difficult for a pizza guy to come here out of the blue). As you waited for the food, everyone went about and did their own things to kill the time, and you found Wonwoo sitting alone on the porch. Joining him, you gave him a playful punch on the shoulder and smirked.
“Hey there, birthday boy.” 
He returned the smile with little enthusiasm and you could tell a lot was on his mind.
“Everything good? You’re not worrying about your soulmate are you?” You asked.
Wonwoo averted his eyes from your gaze. “I’m just thinking about it a little bit.”
“So...” You tried your best to play it cool. “I guess what we’re all wondering is whether you’ve gotten your mark or not?” 
You could’ve just dropped the topic and not asked him, more for your own good than his, because you would surely lose it if you spent another minute thinking about your soulmate. On the other hand, it would’ve been a little selfish if you chose to completely ignore the whole getting your mark on your birthday thing, but let’s be honest — what were you going to do after seeing it? Some things are better left unknown, and yet, you asked him anyways.
He hesitated for a moment before rolling up the sleeve of the hoodie he was wearing. The sun was bright outside and the humidity was definitely at a high, he must’ve been absolutely melting in that outfit, but now you knew why he dressed so conservatively today. “Yeah, I did.”
He angled himself towards you and you stared at the moon crescent just below his wrist. In place of the stars usually found in the sky, small flowers were scattered here and there. It was a beautiful, yet simple design. 
Unconsciously you crossed your legs and rubbed your ankle, where the exact same design sat, hidden underneath the socks you always wore.
“That design really suits you.”
It was all you could choke out without giving anything away. No matter how hard you tried, nothing could stop the rush of emotions building up in your throat. You wanted to scream out loud, you wanted to cry out to Wonwoo, because what the hell did you do to deserve this fate? Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be you? You were losing it. 
And so you fled. Like the fool you were, you fled.
Giving him a gentle pat on his shoulder, you excused yourself and went straight back into the cottage and into the bedroom. You didn’t leave until Chan came in and asked if you were alright and to that, you spilled everything. You didn’t care about Wonwoo’s secret at that point, because you just needed to have someone to confide with. Someone to understand you.
Though some of the story was quite a shock to him, especially considering the fact that you’ve been keeping your soulmate mark hidden from all of them, Chan listened to you with all seriousness. In the middle of your rambling, Seungkwan also walked in to see what was taking you so long. The tears on your cheek probably weren’t the best thing for him to see, but deep down, you were happy to have another person to talk to. And as you did, he looked at you with empathetic, almost pitiful eyes.
It was terrible, but still relieving.
You promised each other to keep your secret between the three of you. The others didn’t need any extra drama in their lives, and besides, they weren’t supposed to be aware of Wonwoo’s secret until he decided to tell them himself.
You spent the rest of the vacation distancing yourself from him, and instead, you stuck by Chan and Seungkwan’s sides, and they made sure to take care of you, which was something you’ll forever be grateful for. Whenever Wonwoo made his way towards you, one of them would create some sort of distraction or pipe up a new conversation to drag you away from the man in question. Eventually, he seemed to get the message that you didn’t want to be around him and didn’t try to approach you for the rest of the time there. 
You felt bad. So bad for ignoring him. It was his birthday for God’s sake, and you — his best friend — were ignoring him on his birthday.
It wasn’t his fault. It totally wasn’t his fault for not wanting to be in a relationship. Just like how it wasn’t really your fault for falling head over heels for him. For loving the wrong person. But it happened against your will, and now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. 
If you had said just one more word to him on that day, would things have turned out differently? Maybe you would’ve gotten together? Maybe you would’ve come to terms as just friends?
Maybe, at least, you wouldn’t have drifted.
“Happy birthday y/n.”
Wonwoo slid a neatly wrapped present across the table and you ripped it open without much hesitation, too excited to see what was inside. 
It was the sweater you’ve always wanted, a soft royal purple that was decorated with constellations along the sleeves and a moon on its chest pocket. Honestly, you were interested in the sweater because it reminded you of a certain someone, and you wanted to wear it because it made you think of him. You hadn’t told him about it though, and you silently wondered how he found out.
“This doesn’t make up for anything though.” You muttered childishly and took a sip of the cool drink in front of you. You were referring to the news he dropped on you just moments before giving you the gift.
He nervously adjusted his glasses. “I’m sorry. Even I’m unhappy about moving across the world, but at the same time... y/n... this is my dream.”
You sighed and put down the drink. “I know. I’m just upset that we won’t be able to see each other for who knows how long.” You paused to think for a moment. “How long are you going to be gone for anyways?”
“At least 4 years.” He said in a small voice. “4 years for school and if I can get myself a job...” He let out a sigh in defeat.
“I don’t really know how long I’ll be there for.”
“Wow.” You breathed out. “So like I’ll really have to say goodbye then, right?”
“There’s still time, it’ll take a few months for everything to be planned and settled so don’t worry. But let’s just ignore that for now,” He swatted his hand int he air as if it would get rid of the gloomy mood settling over the table. “So much for a birthday gift right? I’m sorry for bringing this up today of all days, but I thought you deserved to know.” He smiled sadly.
“It’s fine. I appreciate you telling me right away.” You fiddled with the tag of the sweater in your hands. Ah, what the heck. Ripping off the tag entirely, you slipped the sweater on top of the clothes you were currently wearing. It was comfy, albeit a little bit stuffy with all the layers you had on, but you didn’t mind. “Thank you for the sweater by the way, I really like it, how did you know?”
“I had to do a little bit of digging to find that out.” He laughed. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been really close to Chan recently so I asked him if he knew anything about what you wanted for your birthday.”
You couldn’t tell if he was hinting something about being jealous of your friendship with Chan, or if he was simply stating what he saw. You also didn’t bother to ask. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes.
After your time at the cottage, things had fallen a little awkward between you two. You didn’t ignore him outright, you still had your usual conversations from time to time, but it was clear that at one point, you fell from best friends to practically acquaintances. Which probably was the opposite of what both of you wanted. While things have slowly been getting better overtime, the awkwardness between you two was still unbearable.
“Also...” He started tentatively.
“I was wondering if you got your mark?”
Right. He still doesn’t know. No one knew really, your own mark was still a secret kept between you, Chan, and Seungkwan. And you were planning to keep it what way, especially now that you knew that Wonwoo was literally going to disappear entirely from your life sometime soon. You knew it was a bit of a stretch to assume that. With all the technology that existed in the world, obviously you’d still be able to connect, even if there was a time difference. And surely Wonwoo would visit you guys once in a while. because he wouldn’t completely forget about you... right?
As much as you hated to admit it, no matter how hard the two of you tried, you were bound to lose each other someday. The man you loved, and still love, so dearly, will ambitiously pursue his dreams on the other side of the world while you, the lover, will miss your only chance to set things right.
You were being given another opportunity to tell him about your mark. Life was being kind enough to let you make up for your mistake at the cottage. And yet, you still looked into the eyes of your soulmate, and lied through your teeth, plastering on that same polite smile you’ve used over and over again, whenever someone asked you about your mark.
“No, not yet.” 
“Oh,” His eyes darted away from yours. “I’m sorry for asking.”
“No, no, it’s alright. I guess I’m just one of those rare cases, maybe I’ll finally get it next year.” You gave him a sad smile, which really wasn’t too hard to muster.
“You’ll find your soulmate soon, y/n. Don’t worry about it.” He gave you a reassuring smile and put his hand on top of the one you had on the table.
Yeah, I won’t worry about it.
The taxi jerked to a stop and you gazed into the windows of the busy airport. All kinds of people were bustling about, carrying their luggages, making frantic phone calls, corralling their kids, reuniting with loved ones. The door in front of you opened, and Seungkwan held out a hand to help you up.
“C’mon, let’s go.”
You took his hand and he gently held onto you the entire time he guided you through the winding hallways. People brushed against your shoulder but you were too focused on your racing heart to bother with an apology. When you saw Wonwoo along with a few others in the distance, your fingers nervously tightened their grip on the small gift bag in your hands.
You weren’t ready to see him yet.
There wasn’t enough time for you to create some sort of plan B, because plan A was really starting to sound stupid to you now. When Seungkwan nudged you to go say your goodbyes, you hesitantly shuffled up to him, opting to stare at his sneakers instead of his face. You felt kind of pathetic, to be honest.
“Here, this is for you.” You placed the small box into his hands and gingerly clasped it before finally letting go. He opened it and pulled out a bracelet, its intricate pattern matched the one on your wrist, except his beads were painted a deep navy blue and white. 
“A bracelet?” He questioned as he slipped it onto his wrist, the small bell attached chimed along with its movement. It fit him perfectly. “Thanks y/n, you didn’t have to.”
“How could I not give you something before you go?” You countered.
“Hey, why are you acting like I’m leaving for good or something?” He joked lightly and ruffled your hair, which was rare coming from him. Usually it was the other boys who did that to you, but it’s not like you were going to refuse it. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Well that was a blatant lie. Though neither of you knew when he would be back, it was guaranteed that he would be gone for at least a few years. And if he ended up getting a job there, you might as well kiss goodbye to any chance of seeing him until you can manage your own work life. Maybe one day, you would be able to gather enough money to pay him a visit.
“I just want to make sure you have something to remember me by.” You answered softly, still refusing to look in his eyes. “In case we don’t get to see each other again.”
In case we drift apart like we already have.
“I’ll make sure to stay in contact, I promise.”
You opened your mouth to reply as the first tear dripped onto your cheeks.
I’m your soulmate Wonwoo. Since day one, I’ve always been in love with you, so please come home soon and we can figure things out. I can wait for you.
That’s what you were supposed to say. Your mind screamed at you to say the words you so diligently rehearsed all morning, but instead you asked him in a shaky voice. “Do you think you’re going to meet your soulmate there?” 
He must’ve mistook the regret in your voice as sadness over his departure, because he didn’t question your tone.
“I just might meet them, y/n.” You hated the way he sounded hopeful saying that. And then you proceeded to hate yourself for thinking that way. 
“I really thought my soulmate would be someone here, but I guess not. The world works in funny ways.” He laughed a little, and it just added to the awkwardness between you two. 
But it’s me, I’m your soulmate Wonwoo, do you not feel it too? 
“I also still don’t know if I’m ready to do anything romantically yet.“ He added.
You simply nodded and looked straight into his eyes, vision was blurry with tears, but you still gave him the warmest smile you could possibly muster.
As of today, you’ve finally made your decision. If you were going to say goodbye to him like this, you were also going to say goodbye to the feelings you had for him. You’ll learn to move on. Like any other problem you’ve faced in life, you’ll eventually move on. And if you were going to say goodbye to him like this, you wanted to at least send him off with the best version of you.
He’d always told you he liked your smile.
“I see, well, I won’t keep you any longer and say goodbye then, Wonwoo.” You squeezed his hand firmly for the last time.
He returned the smile. “Goodbye, y/n. We’ll meet again soon.”
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sexy-bee-juice · 3 years
“I love[d] you”
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Pairing: Tsukishima x reader
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Warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, light mentions of smut??(i am so sorry if its bad but i’ve never written it so-), fighting [karasuno throwin hands-]
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Summary: Tsukki cheats on reader, and the team finds out after you break down.
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heres a song to make it worse. Im sorry.
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“Hmm?” He said, looking up from his book.
You were both in bed, cuddling, you looking through your phone, with your boyfriend of only one year beside you. Sure, it’s only been a year, but you’ve been crushing on him since middle school. Feelings ran deep.
You smiled at him.
“I love you.” He stared at you for only a moment, then looked away blushing.
“I love you too.” Then he reached over and kissed you lightly on the forehead. “To the moon and back.”
It had been nearly four months since you had first said those words to Kei, and you were still head over heels for him.
You were the manager for the Karasuno Volleyball Club, and a third year. You were only making your way to the gym where they were practicing, skipping along, happy because the older third years were coming back to see the team.
Kageyama and Hinata were going to be ecstatic, especially Hinata. Suga, Azumane, and Sawamura were already on their way. Then your phone beeped with a message from Kei.
can’t make it to practice today, head hurts tell evryone else
You frowned. When you had left his house earlier he seemed fine... Oh well. Later you just needed to make him some of that tea you had at your house that your mother always made for you when you had a headache.
alrightyyyyy. see you after practice. i’ll tell the alums u cant make it bby! hope you feel better soon! :)
No reply. You brushed it off, as he usually did this to you. Plus his head hurt as well.
You checked the time, and jumped as you saw you were still ten minutes away from the gym, and you were supposed to be there fifteen minutes before everyone else. AHHHHHHH. Gotta rush, gotta rush, gotta rushhhhh. You thought as you ran as fast as you could to where practice was gonna be.
When you finally reached the school, you saw that Shoyo and Tobio were already there, with Shoyo bouncing around, singing whatever song he came up with, probably mere minutes before, and Tobio aggressively yelling at him, trying to pull him down.
“Hey guys! Stop that sorry Im late lets get inside and you two can start warming up before everyone else gets here oh my god I need water-” You said, out of breath and gasping, dripping in sweat.
Shoyo smiled and offered you his hand to the place where you had fallen on the ground.
“Hey! No worries y/n-Chan! I have some water for you here! Well, it was supposed to be for me, but you can have cuz I don't need it and I’m sure I can get someone else to share with me!” You smiled up gratefully at Shoyo, and took his extended hand, pulling yourself up.
An instant sense of cool relief flowed over you as you swallowed down the chilling water. God, you couldn’t have asked to be the manager for a better team.
Soon, the rest of the team began to minnow in, laughing and talking, carefree as usual, until (as expected) Shoyo nearly jumped on Tobio after giving the loudest screech ever.
“Jeez, what happened? GET OFF ME YOU RUNT! SCRUB! IDIOT! I SWEAR I’LL-” The words died in his throat as he saw who has just entered the gym.
“AH! SUGA-SAN! AZUMANE-SENPAI! CAPTAIN! NOYA-SANNNNNN! TANAKA-SENPAI!!!!” You smiled, looking back to the alums of Karasuno.
“AHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHOYOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Bellowed Noya as he jumped over to Shoyo, Tanaka at his heels.
“BROOOOOOOO WE MISSED YOU!” said Tanaka, tackling both Tobio and Shoyo in a hug, lifting them both off the floor.
“HEY GERROF!” said Tobio, muffled by his jacket.
You walked up to the older alums, smiling greetings and welcomes.
“So? How’s things with you all?” You asked.
“Ehhh, same old, same old. How you managing...as...manager-? I- wait-” stutters Azumane.
“No, no, its fine. These two still fight and bicker but they’re easy to manage nowadays.”
“oh? Jeez, y/n-Chan, you have it easy.” Said Suga. “When I was still here as a third-year, it was definitely harder to manage them, and the rest of the team...”
You smiled, happy to see them, and continued watching the four freaks reunite.
“I miss my children...” You heard Suga murmur, barely discernable from the now probably-not-human-noises the four were making. Daichi and Azumane were trying their best not to burst out laughing behind Suga, who was wistfully staring at his “children”.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Daichi-san asked you the one thing you forgot to tell them.
“So...where’s Tsukishima?” He asked, looking around as if your boyfriend were hiding. As if he would do something so childish.
“oh! Yeah, I forgot to tell you all. He said to tell you all. He said he had to skip today because his head was hurting.”
“Ah, yes. The head pain. An unfortunate enemy.” said Tanaka-san, looking up from the place he was wrestling with the team. You giggled.
“Well, when Kiyoko-senpai arrives i think i might leave for a bit to take care of Kei, then i’ll come back, just letting you guys know, so don’t-”
“SHIMIZU-SENPAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII” You heard Noya and Tanaka yell simultaneously.
“And that’s my cue-” You said swiveling to the door, and sprinting back to the Tsukishima residence.
As the door was always open for you, you didn’t even bother knocking, but entered right away. Nobody seemed to be home either.
As you silently made your way to your boyfriends room, you saw that you were pretty much already a significant part of their lives. They had pictures of you with them all, framed. Sticky notes with reminders for you on the fridge. You even had a spot at the table with them, for the nights you stayed for dinner.
Truly, this was your home.
https://youtu.be/Mhj15W23IjA        [more pain, you masochist’s]
You smiled softly as you made your way to his bedroom, humming along the way, so any other sound went unnoticed by you.
As you reached his door, you smiled at the little dino sticker he had stuck there at the beginning of your relationship. It was worn, but it still stuck there, serving as a reminder.
“It’s so you don’t get lost when you need to find me in the house. It shouldn’t be hard, but knowing you, you can go out for milk then buy a swimming pool.” You smiled as he smacked it on, and he turned the knob to his door, permitting you to enter.
You turned the knob.
“Tsukki? I know I should have come earlier or something but could you help me with-”
“Idiot. Just get in here. I couldn’t care less anyways, what? Can’t solve a simple question?”
“Tsukiiiiiiii, stop being so meaaaannnn.” he smirked at you.
“Don’t call me that.” you blinked up at him.
“uhhhh...call you what?”
“Tsukki. Don’t call me that.”
“oh. um. ok then.”
“call me Kei.”
you smiled up at him, tears swimming in your eyes.
You cracked open the door.
“Y/n?” He opened the door to his room, the dinosaur sticker still on it, only a couple months old.
“Yuppers.” he tilted your face up to him with his thumb and forefinger. “I-oh.”
Then he leaned down and kissed you ever so softly on your lips, eyes fluttering shut.
“I want you to stay with me forever...” He whispered.
“I will.” He smiled.
“Then I will too”
And you opened the door, smiling to yourself due to all the memories you made in this very spot.
Then your eyes widened.
It can’t be real...
Kei would never.
but he.... he did.
And he didn’t even notice you open the door, he didn’t even see you or hear the gasp you let out as you took in what you saw. He only looked up from the girl he was fucking in front of him, sweaty and panting, bites and scratches over his back and on his neck, when you slammed the door.
No tears ran down your face, like most people. You just ran back to the gym, not even really getting tired just...numb.
he promised. He promised to be yours forever.
but he must have crossed his fingers. done something stupid. because he lied. he wasn’t ever soley yours. he wasn’t, he couldn’t be.
But still. You couldn’t cry.
1) You don’t cry. You never cried.
2)You couldn’t let anyone see you weren’t ok.
Fake it ‘till you make it.
“WAIT. Y/N! WAIT, WAIT WAIT, DON’T GO!” But why would you listen?
Everything went by in a blur. you were minutes away from the gym.
Minutes away from safety.
Then you could hide behind a mask and never let anyone see.
“Oh, hey y/n-Chan! That was kinda quick.” Said Daichi. You inhaled, pushing everything away.
You giggled.
“Uh, yeah. Kei had his mom there so I left it up to her, plus he told me to get back to practice.” He smiled.
“Glad to hear he’s doing alright.” You smiled back.
“Yeah. Anyways. Anything happen while I was gone?” He shook his hed.
“Just the usual. Noya and Tanaka with the freak twins are in a two-on-two, trying to kill each other, and Suga and Asahi are kinda trying to stop the death part.”
“Ah. I see. The norm then.”
“Y/n!” You froze.
NO. nononono not now.
Why would he do this if he never really cared?
“Oh, hey look! Its Tsukishima!” Said Daichi, a smile still on his face.
But rather than running towards him, like you usually would, you ran away. Right into the gym, and...
Right into Suga’s arms.
“Hey, slow down a bit or you might be worse than Noya and knock me over!” He smiled at you. But he was just too intuitive for his own good, damn it, and his smile fell immediately.
“Is something the matter?” You composed your expression, smacking a smile back onto your face, and as you opened your mouth to say all was fine, you were cut off.
“Y/n! no no no I can explain!” You looked at Suga. Fear in your eyes. Did he figure it out? But you didn’t want to look at Kei right now. You couldn’t.
“y/n? What happened?” You looked back up at him.
“...Nothing. I’m fine.”
“No! Y/n! You don’t understand! I love you! And only you!”
Oh, he shouldn’t have said that.
Because that’s what broke you.
And soon you had squirmed out from Suga’s grasp and fallen onto the floor, sobbing. You never cried. But if you didn’t just this once, you might have exploded.
“Y/n?! What-?”
Then suddenly the whole team was surrounding. You, some of them kneeeling down to your height.
“...y/n? W-what happened?” Asked Yamaguchi. You looked up at him, tears still streaking down your face.
“I-It was...I don’t-”
“Y/n! Y/n, please listen! Please, please, please I’m begging you!” Called Kei as he finally reached the doors to the gym, panting and gasping.
“Why would I listen to you? H-How am I supposed to believe anything you say anymore?”
At this, he reeled back, your words finally hitting him.
But before anyone moved, Daichi looked between both of you, and crouched down beside you. And so softly, he whispered:
“Did he...Please don’t tell me he did...? He cheated...?” You nodded and started to sob harder, and soon you were wrapped up in his embrace, while he petted the back of your head, whispering consoltations into your ear.
Unfortunately for Kei, the whole team heard.
“He did what to you?” Asked Noya, staring right at you, a stone cold expression on his face.
“He cheated on her.” Said Daichi, looking between you and Tsukki. “Tsukishima cheated on y/n.”
“And in the next moment, before anyone could react, Suga was standing right in front of Tsukki, glaring at him with the most terrifying expression on his face anyone has ever seen.
“You did what?”
“I- I c-cheat-” But before Tsukki could finish sentence, Suga had punched him right in the face.
“HOW COULD YOU?!?! WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THAT TO ANYONE?!?” He screamed, tears now streaming down his face. “SHE LOVED YOU WITH ALL HER HEART AND LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER!” He pointed to you and Daichi.
“I-I didn’t m-mean to-” Stuttered Tsukki, eyes blown wide in fear, tears prickling in the corner, so close to spilling over.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!” It looked like he was ready to land another punch across his face before Noya and Tanaka were there holding him back, and began to bring him back to where you were, still screaming at Tsukishima, tears likewise streaming down his face.
“Hold her.” Ordered Daichi, looking at Suga, who nodded and cradled you, still shaking.
“Hey, hey, calm down, I’m here, i’m here...”
This time Noya and Hinata were standing right in front of the boy who so towered over them.
“I don’t want you to come near her for a while. I don’t want to look at you anymore.” Said Noya, serious as ever. Tsukishima nodded.
As he looked to Hinata, he realized that tears were pricking the corners of his eyes, and he looked mad. Really mad. Then suddenly, he was on the ground, a sharp pain in his back.
Hinata had pushed him. He looked down at him, and shook his head, as if saying no.
But he didn’t say anything, and just walked away.
But, why? Why didn’t he yell? Why didn’t he scream? Why was he so... SO DAMN QUIET?!
Before Noya could do anything, as he was expected to do, Tanaka was there, herding them both away, and completely ignoring Tsukishima. Whatever they were doing, it made it worse.
Azumane couldn’t even go near Tsukishima.
Not only because he didn’t want to be near him, but because he was afraid. Not afraid of Tsukishima, no.
He was afraid because he might lose control. He might hurt him.
Then Daichi was there.
“I don’t want you to even come near her until she’s ready to talk to you. Do you understand me?” He nodded. Daichi glared at him for a minute that could have been an hour, a moment completely suspended in time.
“Then get out of here.” And Tsukishima scrabbled to his feet, not once looking away from Daichi until he was completely up on his feet. Only then did he let the tears fall.
You were gone now. And look what he did.
As he ran away from the Gym, you thought it was laughter you heard coming from Tsukishima, when really, he was sobbing.
You kept listening even as his cries echoed through the clearing, and even when they were gone.
“I loved you, Tsukishima.” You whispered.
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a/n: Makin myself cry here
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satoruvt · 3 years
outside, so chilly
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pairing → kwon soonyoung x reader
word count → 1328
genre → fluff!!!!!!! like a tiny bit of pining, college au
song inspo → chilli by svt and a bit of bulletproof love by pierce the veil
warnings → none!
a/n → longest svt fic yet i think <3 also i’m 98% i changed writing style like the last third of this fic so im sorry HAHAH but i think its kinda cute <3333
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When Soonyoung told you about a party his fraternity was having, you were expecting drinks. Music. A bustle of chatter and maybe food, if you were lucky. 
What you were not expecting was a snowball fight in the park across the street from the frat house.
A part of you thinks you should’ve seen it coming - after sitting next to Soonyoung in your criminology class all semester (in which he introduced himself and then told you the reason he was taking the class at all was so he could solve murder mysteries by himself), you’ve gotten to know him as a… very eclectic person, although lovable. You’re not really sure why you were expecting his frat to be much different.
After the final for Criminology was over and you stumbled out of the lecture hall like you’d been held captive for weeks, Soonyoung had approached you (irritatingly cheery for someone who just spent two hours taking a test) and invited you to a party. “It’ll be fun,” he had said. “You deserve it after all your hard work. The semester’s over next week anyways.”
It took a little convincing on his part - though you already had your answer when he first asked you, not wanting to seem too eager - but eventually you agreed, Soonyoung telling you he’d text you the details as he walked away. 
A few days before the party, he’d texted you to wear something warm. “Probably gloves,” is what he said. You hadn’t thought twice about it. When you actually arrived at the fraternity, later, finding no bass-boosted music nor anyone inside, you worried you had gotten the wrong address. In the middle of a double-check, your name is called from behind you.
“You came!” Soonyoung yells from across the street, waving his arms around wildly. You furrow your brows, watching as a snowball flies through the air and hits the side of his face. Laughter sounds from across the park - you figure the other members of the fraternity - as he brushes the snow off of him with his own chuckle, then gets up from his place behind a haphazardly-made snow wall.
“This is… the party?” You ask him when he gets close enough, and he nods enthusiastically. He’s bundled up in a fluffy jacket and beanie, a tiger-striped scarf thrown around his neck (and you do kind of remember him calling himself a tiger? At one point?). Your brain notes that he looks cute, cheeks and nose rosy from the cold even in the late sunlight. You feel your heart skip a beat.
“Yeah! When we heard it was gonna snow, we figured this would be a lot more fun than having a hangover for the two straight weeks of break.”
You laugh and he starts stepping back towards the park, off the porch of the house. “Come on,” he tells you. “You’re on my team.”
Well, you’re not going to say no to that.
For all things considered, it really is some of the most fun you’ve had in a long time. You quickly get acquainted with your fellow teammates - Vernon, Jun, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jihoon and Seungkwan (who, for some reason, you feel the need to protect with your life, and you have to remind yourself that this is a snowball fight) - and learn to fight like you’re dead if you get hit, laughing and screaming all the while. You learn early on that the winner is whoever lasts the longest, so the game goes on until the sun sets behind the horizon and leaves the sky lingering in color. 
One by one your teammates tap out (you send a playful glare to everyone except Seungkwan when he eventually needs a break, too) until it’s just you and Soonyoung fighting against the other team - who, like yours, has dissipated into two members who you believe are Mingyu and Chan. You’re on your last leg, breath rising into the air and fingers red and raw from the cold, but the universe must want you to win because right after Soonyoung’s last snowball hits Chan directly on the forehead they’re surrendering.
A beat of silence passes before you and Soonyoung look at each other and scream, victorious, jumping towards each other as your other teammates crowd around you. It’s hard to breathe being squished between bodies but you’re not sure you mind, taking a moment to pinpoint Soonyoung’s wheezing laughter and focusing on it until you can’t hold back your own laughs. Eventually the group hug disperses and you breathe out into the cold, high-fiving and hugging your teammates like you’ve trained with them for years and just won a gold medal in an olympic sport. 
“So,” Soonyoung approaches you after much of the excitement has died down, “pretty fun party, right?”
You laugh into the open air and nod, holding your hands up to your mouth to heave hot breath on them. “Really fun. Thank you for inviting me.”
Soonyoung shrugs, a content smile on his face. The other members of the fraternity are all heading back across the street to the house, and you tell Soonyoung you should head home - it had gotten late, and you feel like you need the hottest shower ever.
“Oh!” He says, face lighting in understanding. “Okay. Let me walk you home then.”
You shake your head. “You don’t need to -”
“No, I will. You walked all the way out here, the least I could do is keep you company on your way back,” Soonyoung says, and then pulls an attack pose. “And potentially protect you from a murderer hidden in the shadows.”
You nod at him with a laugh, turning to the direction back to your apartment. He shouts to his housemates that he’ll be back and they all give varying yells of acknowledgement, a few of them waving goodbye to you. You return the gesture before you and Soonyoung start walking. 
It’s comfortable, the way the two of you walk together, talking and giggling in the dark. You find yourself walking slower and avoiding shortcuts to make the walk longer. Soonyoung jumps at a sound and you tease him about protecting you, earning a gentle push on your shoulder in return. It’s comfortable. It’s good. It makes you feel a little more sad about the fact that your semester with him is over, and you’ll probably be scarce to see him again - not to mention the fondness you’ve developed for him.
Even taking the long way home, you eventually end up at your apartment. Sooyoung walks you to your door and you unlock it, then turn around to face him. “Thank you again for inviting me. And for walking me home.”
“And for protecting you,” he adds, and you scoff but don’t deny it. There’s a moment of silence that you’re not sure how to fill, and Soonyoung looks occupied with his thoughts, so you take it as time to say goodbye. 
You open your mouth to speak but don’t get a chance to let any noise out, because suddenly Soonyoung is in your space and his lips press against your cheek. Briefly, unsure, but incredibly meaningful - you feel it. He moves back as quick as he got close, but not as far away. His cheeks glow red, red in the fluorescent light of the hall in your apartment building. 
Before he gets the wrong idea from your stunned silence, your hand reaches for his and curls against his fingers. They’re just as cold as your own. “I expect a date next semester, Kwon Soonyoung,” you murmur playfully, playing with his fingers. He grins so bright it warms your chest.
“You got it,” he tells you simply. The two of you smile at each other, lost in a rose flush, before you eventually take your hand away from his and enter your apartment. A text buzzes your phone not long after you get settled into your bed.
A smile spreads across your lips before you drift to sleep.
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mikkaeus · 3 years
lessons from 1000 hours of tutoring high school kids - a letter to my past self
not all those hours were maths, but this is about maths
Not in order of importance; in the order they came to my head. 
1. Do not trust a kid when they say that they understand something. They understand jack shit. Make them explain it back to you. 
2. When teaching sth new try to prod them to reaching the conclusion themselves instead of just straight up explaining it, if time permits. 
3. Things I have assumed and have been sorely mistaken:
a) If an area is identified to be an issue in the lesson, the kid will go and do some questions and revise themselves to fix it.
b) Kids take notes. (I’m still kicking myself for only realising this more than 6 months in with this kid. I get paid too much to be making stupid mistakes like this.)
c) Kids know how to take notes. (Session 1: Take notes, here is a detailed outline that you can then expand on with examples and stuff. Session 2: The kid has copied my scaffold word for word and not expanded anything on it. Me: You need to actually EXPLAIN how to complete the square for example, not just write “completing the square”. Kid: Okay yeah I get it. Session 3: For each topic he’s googled an explanation and copied entire paragraphs word for word, because he “thought they’d phrase it better than him”. He’s using terminology that I 100% guarantee he does not understand at all. I now understand why high school teachers always said use your own words when making notes - something that I had always thought should be blindingly obvious to everyone.)
4. Not everyone is as obsessed with not making mistakes or not being able to solve problems are you are. (For these kids, being stumped at a difficult question isn’t the end of the world.) They think a question ends at figuring out the answer, whether that be from the help of a textbook, the solutions, their friend, or me. You need to impress upon them that it doesn’t matter what the answer is! It’s about what you learn from the question. How was the way they were thinking about the question incorrect? How can they avoid this in the future? What general advice can they give themselves? And then they need to actually commit to reducing incidences of the same mistake in the future. Some kids I’ve been giving the same damn advice to every problem they get stuck on, and magically they can solve it after I give them the advice. Just remember the general advice!! You’re spending all this time studying but you’re running into the same wall over and over again instead of remembering to take the rope out of your bag. I’m not magic! I’m just sitting here reminding you that there IS a rope in your bag!!  (Not that my method of angry scribbling in red pen across my working and writing that I’m a fucking idiot is something I’d actually recommend, but they could definitely afford to be less laissez-faire about learning from their mistakes.)
5. Actually make good notes during the session; otherwise, the kids probably retain nothing. It is kinda awkward to be sitting there writing away but it is a necessarily evil. Also, you can write while they’re chipping away at a question themselves, and that way you don’t need to be watching them like a hawk while they do algebra painfully slowly. (I feel like kids make more mistakes in sessions than they do normally.) 
6. The key to being able to solve a problem is believing that you CAN solve the problem. I’ve been saying this a lot recently - if you follow the rules for maths, there’s no reason it should be wrong - when I have Year 11s and 12s asking me every step of simple algebra if something is correct, or asking whether you’re allowed to do something, and I ask them, “what do you think?” and they reply, “I don’t know.” (Related: Another thing I’ve been saying a lot is that algebra is about doing the same thing to both sides. They just think it’s magic!) Anyway, I brought this up because of problem solving questions actually, not basic algebra. Of course, you can teach them how to break down the question, or general processes like “if you don’t have enough information, go back and check you’ve used everything in the question”, but all that’s useless if they don’t believe that they can solve it by themselves. That means
a) You need to actually encourage them. Even though you’re not a... fluffy or particularly inspiring person, just try. 
b) YOU need to believe that they can do it too. Think of the number of times you’ve been shocked that some kid managed to make a leap of logic you thought was beyond them. Kids are better than you think (and also worse than you think, but we’ve already talked at length about that). 
7. It’s most of the time more beneficial to force the kid to go through the expanded version of the working instead of the abbreviated version. They’re not you, trying to economise as much as possible on working to save precious seconds for rechecking at the end. Don’t push that obsession onto them when their goals and skill level is completely different. Especially if they’re:
a) making silly mistakes
b) not understanding why something works and just following the pattern for a specific context, and then being completely lost in another context. (eg. not being able to use the null factor law for when the factors weren’t linear with a gradient of 1, because they always skipped straight to x= instead of actually writing out each factor equalling zero, and then rearranging). 
8. Stop lecturing for too long. Make sure you’re writing stuff down, not only for the purpose of notes for them to look at later, but because not everyone’s good with auditory learning (you’re one of those people! and yet you subject others to the same shit you rant about out length about your professors!). Make them do work through a problem or part of a problem or ask them questions or something. 
9. A lot of kids do not know how to study properly. A few important things:
a) Do not automatically look back at past questions when solving a Q. You need to treat every question as completely new, and only look back if you’re stuck. That way you force active recall every question and thus making sure you’re actually remembering what the process is. You don’t get any worked examples in your exam. 
b) I do not know how this is every single fucking kid but knowing how to use your dang calculator saves lives!! It’s literally 50% of your grade and you’re sitting there two days before your exam struggling to graph a parabola??? After all the hours you poured into studying the content? Yes your calculators are gross and unfriendly but they’re your best friend. Not only should you know how to use them, you should be fast at using them, and you should know everything it can do that could be remotely helpful. 
c) Sit full exam papers under exam conditions. That shit is like gold and kids are piddling it away by just leisurely working through one question at a time with the help of their textbook (and me). 
d) Print out the formula sheet, and use it. Know what’s on there and what’s not. 
I don’t know if this is a pretty standard experience for people with a track record of excellent academic results* (by this I mean just assuming some things are obvious to everyone) or if I’m particularly bad because I’ve always only interacted with a very narrow range of people. anyway feels fucking bad for my kids but. im trying. god knows ive come a long way since i first started.
*or as I prefer to state it, a track record of being a huge fucking nerd
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benscursedkid · 3 years
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*title from the song of the same name by mansionair and a continuation of this post* 
synopsis: rebekah and ben’s relationship progression throughout their second year at hogwarts. (plus some bonus of other characters too.)
pairing: ben copper x mc; ben copper x rebekah roberts
genre: angst, fluff, etc. 
words: 5.160
a/n: is it 5am rn for me? yes it is. did i skip the ice vault scene because i’m tired and lazy? you bet. also, i know they’re in second year and thus supposed to be around twelve years old but i’m pretty sure i forgot what being twleve felt like (must be all the repressed embarrassment yikes) so i apologize if this seems slightly too heavy or at times mature for that. but then again, this is hphm so y’know... trauma <3 also be warned, i’m tired so this is unedited as of rn. i’ll come back and edit it maybe tomorrow or the next day but if you’re reading this then i have not done so yet. pls, enjoy anyway!
She woke up that morning with a spring in her step. Her bags had been packed for weeks, her robes already ironed and an outfit laid out for the morning. She discarded it, choosing instead to pull another one out of her trunk and switching their spots. The young girl ran all over the house, picking up anything that had been thoughtlessly left out and almost forgot to take time to sit and eat breakfast. 
It was a thing her parents still tried to insist on. Eating meals as a family despite the fact that they are indefinitely one member short. Their motivation usually wore off by lunch only to be half-heartedly reignited by dinner. 
The effort is just what she’d wanted except…Rebekah hates it, truth be told. They do nothing more than inquire about Rowan and Ben, occasionally touching on the weather before falling silent again. And that’s how they remain for the rest of the night. Disappearing into their room seems to be more habit than pastime for them now and Rebekah is left to her own devices. They don’t watch her father’s favorite movies, they don’t make any plans for the next day, they don’t laugh over old jokes. Sometimes, when the moon is high and her spirits are low, she wonders why they can’t try like she does. To fix their family. Her brother may no longer be around, but surely she is enough to keep them going, right? Surely, knowing that they still have their daughter left is enough...isn’t it? 
Her thoughts often took those turns at home, but today she hadn’t let them get to her. Her parents could be heard getting ready for the day in the solace of their quiet room while Rebekah finished brushing her teeth and gathering some last minute research she had done the night before. Mysteries might be fun, but it’s about time this one got solved. 
They were even quieter on the way to King’s Cross than usual—even by their new standards—but Rebekah didn’t care this time. Her mind was too busy running in different directions to spare a moment to anything else. 
“You be careful, ‘Bek,” Her mother whispers presently into her hair, her thin arms wrapped around her small body in the tightest hug she’s received since she came home two months ago. Her voice is uneven and Rebekah can feel the quivering of her lips against her dark hair. “Stay in one piece, alright?”
“I will.” She promises swiftly, the words leaving her mouth without much thought. 
Her father tries for a smile that even he has to know doesn’t land. “Say hi to your friends for us, yeah? Let them take care of you.”
His voice was gentle, his tone and intentions soft and well-meaning, but Rebekah can’t help but bite her lips to keep back a frown. It is glaringly something he would never have said before and for whatever reason, she doesn’t like the fact that he says it now. 
Her father’s hand reaches the back of her head, his palm cradling her cheek affectionately as she pulls away from her mother. He seems about to hug her himself, but in a move strangely unlike him, he doesn’t. Somehow she knew it wouldn’t come. Somehow her heart breaks just a little more anyway. 
The train whistles and she notices that her trolley has already been taken to the luggage compartments. Sound and perception come back to her all at once as the atmosphere seems to crack. Students mill about them in tandem and the heavy scent of the train’s engine prickles at her delicate nose. Her mother and father find their place again, stuck together like glue, and take a small step back. When they look at her their eyes are tired. 
“Have fun, Rebekah.” Her father offers as her mother struggles to keep up her already thin façade of a collected person. 
She nods at them in farewell, her body already turning towards the train. “I will.” She says again. 
She hated the summer holidays this year, yet turning her back on her parents is still a stinging betrayal that quells the breath in her throat. She makes a point to not look behind her lest she fall apart all together. 
Fortunately, there are still some reunions to be had today, the first of which she walks into before even stepping onto the Hogwarts Express. With her arms held tightly around herself and her eyes cast downward, Rebekah doesn’t notice it when a familiar head of blonde hair sticks itself out the window as she approaches the steps. 
“Rebekah!” Cheers a soft voice, one that is usually not heard over the ring of the crowd. 
On instinct, her eyes follow the sound, landing on the sight of Ben Copper with his neck stuck all the way out a compartment window. Unwittingly, all her claustrophobia melts off of her and a giggle even falls like a trickle from her lips. Her hand comes up to cover it but she doesn’t miss the way Ben’s cheeks flush deep with pink. 
The sight only strengthens her smile. 
“Ben,” Rebekah greets with a grin, moving out the way of the steps to instead walk over to stand directly in front of his window. Her hand still hesitates between covering her mouth and balling into a fist at her side. She swallows the uncertainty down. “What in Merlin’s name are you doing? Doesn’t your neck hurt?”
He blushes again and Rebekah gets the overwhelming urge to ruffle his already messy hair which clearly still shines with product. “No! Well, not before you mentioned it…” 
She chuckles. “Looking for the best view?”
“Not anymore.”
Emotions grips her throat and her smile hesitates between freezing and growing even larger. For his part, Ben simply rubs at the back of his neck shyly, unable to meet her eye now. 
His mouth opens to respond when she doesn’t immediately say anything back, only to be interrupted before he starts by a much higher, much more enthusiastic voice. 
“Rebekah? Is that you?” Rowan gasps, pushing Ben slightly to now fit her head through the window. The blonde grimaces next to her, his nose scrunching up in discomfort and the scene is so comical Rebekah has to laugh. It comes off her chest like a heavy secret she hadn’t known she’d been carrying. 
“You’re here!” Her friend gushes, her lips splitting with a grin so wide Rebekah fears it may cut her face in half. ‘What are you doing standing out there? Come in, the train will depart soon!”
Rebekah doesn’t mention how absurd she looks with her head popping out of a window like a cartoon character. She merely shakes her head and does as she’s instructed. 
It doesn’t take long to find her way to the compartment, even with the onslaught of students now hurrying to board the train. The whistle sounds off again somewhere, but the happy chatter of children and teens mute the sound of it. She’s barely taken a single step into the compartment when Rowan launches herself at her for a hug. Rebekah returns it gently, ignoring the way the rim of the other girl’s glasses press intently into the skin by her ear. 
Rowan releases her quickly, her arm looping through hers and already beginning to speak a mile a minute about something or other Rebekah doesn’t quite manage to catch yet. Perhaps she would, if her eyes hadn’t caught on Ben’s. His own are a warm and welcoming gold with the rays of fading summer sunshine catching on them through the window screen. They cast little squares across his face that Rebekah finds difficult not to count before—
Welcome back, he mouths to her silently, not daring to interrupt Rowan now that she’s started on another one of her tangents. 
Rebekah grins, a slight blush of her own rising to her cheeks. She nods to signal her acknowledgement before turning back to Rowan, barely catching the end of her complaint about the library near her house. 
It’s good to be back. 
I haven’t seen him since we stepped off the Hogwarts Express, Penny will tell her later but only after Ben has already been gone. Why hadn’t she noticed his absence sooner? I’m a little worried, Rebekah. Especially after what happened last year with the cursed ice. 
She tried to bring it to McGonagall’s or Angelica’s attention earlier, but Dumbledore called for everyone to go immediately to their dorms after dinner. No exceptions. 
They were ushered to their rooms like cattle, their prefects doing their best to calmly give them orders. Chester, for his part, seemed to pay her some extra attention. In hindsight, Rebekah knows that he has good reason to be suspicious, but at the time his scrutiny only served to further agitate her. 
How could he have disappeared already? Why did no one see him leave? 
Why didn’t she? 
And why is it always those closest to her? 
Her sleep that night was fitful and her appearance the next morning was even worse. And just her luck, her least favorite person caught her at the door to Transfiguration the next time she tried to see McGonagall. 
“You look worried, Roberts.” 
Rebekah sighs, her usually level temper flaring at the mere sight of her troublesome classmate. “What do you want, Merula?”
The Slytherin smirks, looking nonchalantly at the black polish chipping from her fingernails. “I was just wondering if you’d had any luck finding that cowardly mudblood friend of yours.”
Her eyes snap sharply over to Merula’s. Green meets magenta in a swirl of anger and pride, each of them holding onto both. When Rebekah speaks, her voice is low and measured. “Do you know what happened to Ben?”
“I know more than you,” The other girl mocks but suddenly she doesn’t seem so teasing anymore. She takes a taunting step closer and despite the daylight peeking through the windows, her eyes darken with mirth. “I know that sometimes even when people are missing, they’re exactly where they’re supposed to be.” 
The words are more than just a punch to the gut. It’s bad enough to be reminded of Jacob’s absence, but implying that the world is better for it is…
Merula takes this moment of hesitation to drive her point home. “There are things happening at this school you could never begin to understand, Roberts,” Jacob did. “Trying to uncover those things is going to get you killed.” Like Jacob?
“No,” Rebekah shakes her head, her hands balling into fists she just barely manages to keep at her sides. “Trying to get in my way is only going to end up hurting you, Merula.”
Merula glowers at her, her lips twisting up into a snarl. “You’ll learn everything soon enough.”
“If you’re not going to help me find Ben,” Rebekah snaps, her glare sharper than she thinks it's ever been before. “Then just stay away from me, Merula.”
“As you wish, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Rebekah finally pushes past her, but her words linger in her head far into the rest of the day. 
“Please, Madam Pomfrey,” Rebekah pleads, pouring all of her worry and concern into the five syllables. “Someone should be with him!”
But the healer just arches an unconvinced eyebrow, refusing to move from her place blocking her entrance into the hospital wing. She crosses her arms at Rebekah’s comment. “And you’ve come to the conclusion that a skilled healer is not enough company, Miss Roberts?”
Rebekah makes a noise of frustration that sounds strangled in her throat. “He needs a friend, Madam!” The woman does not budge and Rebekah runs a fraught hand through her short black hair. She’d wrestled her Ravenclaw tie loose earlier and discarded her robes at her dorm the second she’d gotten back from the fifth corridor, figuring that it was only a matter of time until Ben got seen here. 
“I won’t bother him. I won’t bother you. I won’t bother anyone, I promise.” It’s been days since she’s heard from him, she was starting to worry... “Please,” She says eventually, the weight of all her troubles finally managing to drag her down. “I just want to see him.” 
Pomfrey studies her closely for a long time before something close to recognition flashes across her face. 
She steps aside. 
He doesn’t wake up for another four days. By then the weekend has come along and not so easily, might she add. She’d spent much of her time after and between classes sitting in the hospital by Ben’s bedside. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should have been more worried about the notes and the quills and the clues, but every time she thought about that doubt crept into her mind. 
Surely, her luck couldn’t be that bad? How likely was it really that one of her very few friends was conspiring against her? And that it could be Ben? Of all people? 
It wasn’t just unlikely as far as Rebekah was concerned. It was impossible. 
Ben would never do that to her. 
Rowan and Penny had been worried about how thin she was stretching herself. Between classes and clues and uncomfortable hospital wing chairs. After her honesty in his class, Flitwick had given her a small extension on the last homework assignment, given how often—and how commonly known—she visits Ben when she can. Even Chester had taken to checking in on her, not that she was the one who needed it. 
And yet in spite of all this, she was not with him when he woke up. 
She’d been resting in her dorm with Rowan after being kicked out by Pomfrey the day before. The matron claimed her worried frowns and her frequency in the wing were beginning to scare some of the other students and instructed her to take the weekend away from the smell of pumpkin juice and disinfectant. She hadn’t wanted to leave, but she had been able to get Pomfrey to promise to alert her if anything changed. 
The rest of her and Rowan’s roommates had quickly vacated the premises when it became clear that Rebekah was not going to leave. She thinks they’re afraid of her, like many other people she’s noticed. Thinks that she’s mad. Like your brother, some of them say. You’re cursed. 
But Rowan stayed. For a while she tried to distract her with art or wizard’s chess, but eventually they settled on a book. Rowan sat on her bed, the book spread out on her lap as she read it to Rebekah out loud while she sat on her own bed upside down in boredom. Rowan had the better voice for it, they decided, and a longer attention span. 
It was like this that they found her. The poor frazzled student Pomfrey had apparently sent to fetch her. It’s Ben, they exclaimed and she swears the whole common room fell quiet behind the half-opened door. He’s awake. And he’s asking for you. 
Before she knew it, her legs were moving. She wasn’t really thinking—they knew where to go—as they ran her down the corridors. The pale morning sun blinked at her as she passed each window. Until the door came into view and she only just had enough wits about her to slow down, steady her now labored breaths before entering the wing.  
She pushed the door open and Madam Pomfrey was on her immediately. “That was quick.” She says matter-of-factly, her hands folding in front of her the way they commonly do, her shoulders straight and expression relaxed. 
Rebekah ignores her. “Is he alright?”
“I believe so,” She answers quickly without preamble and she heaves a sigh of relief. “His memory is erratic, but I have seen patients in far worse condition in my time as Matron of Hogwarts.”
“You said he asked to see me?”
“Many times, along with other strange requests and proclamations. I believe he’s experiencing some state of delirium.” 
“Can I talk to him?” She asks, ignoring the way her heart flips painfully in her chest at her previous words. She doesn’t want to think about how disoriented he must have been. She should have been there.
“Mister Copper has been through quite an ordeal and still remains in a very delicate state—” She begins but one look at Rebekah’s face tells her that little she can say will matter. She sighs in something that sounds like sympathy before gesturing over to his bed. “Make it fast.”
She smiles briefly in lieu of thanks before she’s moving again towards the familiar spot by his bedside. Pomfrey hadn’t even moved her chair. 
Despite his clearly groggy state, Ben smiles weakly as she approaches, recognizing her immediately. His voice is meek and scratchy when he says, “Hi, ‘Bekah…” 
Her lips pull up slightly at the unfamiliar nickname and she allows herself to fall habitually into the chair beside him. She reaches out to take his hand, but thinks better of it and wrings them together nervously underneath his bed instead. “How are you feeling?”
As she says this, Ben frowns, his whole body slumping further into his bed at the reminder of his condition. Dark spots can be seen beneath his eyes despite being unconscious for the past four days and his skin is still pasty and almost as pale as hers. Not for the first time, Rebekah wonders just what happened in the near week and a half it took to find him in the corridor. 
“Cold. Tired. Sore,” He laments, but his mouth manages to pick up just slightly anyway. “Not that different from usual to be honest.” 
Rebekah wants to laugh at his attempt at a joke—no matter how self-deprecating, acknowledging the effort it must have taken, but she doesn’t quite manage it. Instead, her brows knit together even more in worry for his health and well-being. 
“Are you comfortable?” She finds herself saying, her eyes flicking to his rather flat looking pillow and the cold bars of his bed. “Is there anything I can do?”
Ben smiles and this time it takes. He still looks tired and he still looks ragged, but not so lonely anymore. The sight reminds her of what a twelve year-old boy should look like as his round cheeks wrinkle with the change of expression. 
“Seeing your face is enough,” He admits a bit sheepishly, fiddling with his fingers purposefully, ducking his head down to look at them. “Madam Pomfrey is very helpful, but she doesn’t have the most comforting bedside manner.” 
This gets a chuckle out of her at the truth of it and Ben’s smile returns victoriously. 
Now it is Rebekah’s turn to look away and she nervously crosses her ankles before uncrossing them again. She shifts only subtly in her seat. “She said you asked to see me?”
His face twists in confusion. His head tilts in tired frustration. “Did I? I feel like I’m losing it…” 
A small part of her is left disappointed with his lack of remembrance, but it is far overshadowed by the full force of her concern coming back at his clearly patchy memory. Just what did that cursed ice do? 
Her hand twitches again to reach out to him but this time she listens to it. Her hand wraps cautiously around his wrist in what she hopes is a consoling manner. “What were you doing in that corridor, Ben? How did you get trapped in the ice?”
The Gryffindor shakes his head in anguish. “I don’t remember. I can hardly remember anything at all. Madam Pomfrey thinks it has something to do with the ice.” 
Emotion lodges itself in her throat and for a moment she can’t speak. Ben looks away from her, seemingly in shame, but shame for what she isn’t sure. And she hates that she questions it. This isn’t fair! Why must these things always happen to her? 
Paranoia pricks at her conscience and climbs up her spine. She has no choice but to press further. “I found a letter to you in the artefact room,” She explains and Ben still refuses to look at her directly. She isn’t sure whether to take that as a bad sign. “It led me to another one that told you to go to that corridor…” 
“I’m sorry, Rebekah,” Ben whispers as though he doesn’t have the strength for anything else. “I just don’t remember…” 
Something pulls at her chest. “Ben—”
“That’s enough for today, Miss Roberts,” Pomfrey announces, having snuck up behind Rebekah while she’d been distracted. “Mister Copper needs his rest.” 
“It’s okay,” Ben grabs her hand, his own not much bigger but it still offers her the reassurement that is intended. “I’m kind of tired, anyway.” 
Rebekah frowns half in suspicion and half in confusion. “You just woke up.” 
“I’ll be fine.” 
Pomfrey clears her throat and Rebekah sighs, reluctantly releasing her hold on Ben’s hand and offering her friend in question a wave as she disappears back behind the privacy curtain. 
She doesn’t see him for the rest of the day, but her mind stays stuck on the hospital wing and the missing week and a half of Ben’s memory of how he got there. 
In hindsight, meeting Bill had been, thankfully, one of the only good things to come out of that term. At the time, she couldn’t have ever guessed the way that things would soon be playing out, but one thing that was a constant in her life when nothing else was is Bill Weasley. 
Her surrogate big brother—and arguably the best one she ever had—went on to get her through the worst of times. Even when he couldn’t be there, he always lent her his support. Rebekah doesn’t know where she’d be without him. 
And to think she almost met him for the first time with a book about Patricia Rakepick. She knows now that hindsight isn’t always funny. 
Speaking of older brothers, she never quite expected to find comfort in dry as wood Chester Davies of all people but—What are prefects for?
Rebekah’s grin comes surprisingly easy, all traces of her nightmare forgotten. “Badgering everyone about house points?”
Rebekah groans as her face plants into her textbook, her head feeling like it holds nothing but bricks. Certainly no useful curse-breaking information. 
A light, breathy chuckle is heard from beside her and if she weren’t stressed out of her mind, it might have brought a smile to her face. Her shoulder is cautiously poked as her study companion regards her fondly. 
“You’re not tapping out already, are you?”
She lifts her head just high enough off the potions book to glare at him through the dark strands of her hair now stuck to her face. “Remind me again why we didn’t invite Penny to teach us this instead?”
He hums as though in contemplation, but the smile threatening to lift his lips tells a different story. “Because I need the extra study time and you were just bored enough to join me?”
It’s mostly a lie. She knows that she needed to study some possible potions her and Bill could bring into the vaults and ever since he got out of the hospital wing, she hasn’t been able to see Ben too often lately...but yes, he also did really need the study time. Unfortunately, the hospital wing isn’t the most convenient place to do homework and even though he did every assignment his roommates brought back to him, Ben had fallen a bit behind in Snape’s class. 
Though, really, she doesn’t think anyone but Penny is exactly ahead. 
Still, she frowns as Ben reaches to brush some of the hair out of her face. The tips of his fingers graze over her skin and he clears his throat before looking away. 
Rebekah does the same, casting her eyes around the room. Truthfully, there’s not much to look at. It’s the same potions classroom it's always been: dark, dreary, and slightly dingy. Though, she must admit that the faint green light coming from the dungeon corridor does cast a rather lovely reflection across his face. 
“Well now I’m even more bored.” 
“I’m sorry.”
Instantly, her brows draw together in slight disappointment and surprise at the sudden sad apology. When she looks back over at him he’s already turned subtly away from her, but his eyes are somewhere else. Somewhere distant and far away. 
“Ben, are you sure you want to deal with the cursed ice again?” 
He actually barks out a laugh, but’s hollow and strained. “No, I am absolutely unsure,” He huffs, chewing anxiously at his lower lip. “This potion makes me feel better about my likely injuries, but I’ll learn a new charm to try and avoid injuries and trouble altogether—” 
Without thinking, Rebekah allows her hand to fold over top of his and Ben stares at it for a second, his cheeks going a little pink again before continuing. 
“—s-sorry, Rebekah,” He stutters out for a moment and she finds it more endearing than she thinks it really is. “I didn’t mean to worry you.” 
“Somehow, I find that strangely hard to believe.” 
They laugh together effortlessly, most of the weight from before gone. As always, the expression transforms his face into something more youthful and unburdened—the way she thinks it was supposed to be. The sound of their laughter mixing together like paint sounds like music to her tired ears. 
“But seriously though,” Ben adds as it winds down, all thoughts of potions and textbooks forgotten. “I’m still going to do it.”
She can’t help but ask. “Why?”
And when he answers her, he says it simply. As simply as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Because you need me to.” 
She fell asleep on the train. 
Ravenclaw had a huge celebration the night before for winning the house cup. Rebekah hadn’t the energy to join in on the festivities—the cursed ice had really done a number on her, not to mention that bloody knight—but it was rather amusing to watch Chester run around trying to put out the fires of adrenaline. With all of that joy and creativity in one room, she’s sure he was up all night. 
Her and Rowan had their own secret celebration too. They congratulated themselves—and Bill, Penny, and Ben internally—for making it past the ice vault… and then spent the rest of the night theorizing on what the next one could possibly be. They certainly weren’t left empty-handed after all. 
But her brother’s voice haunted her well into dawn. She saw his face every time she closed her eyes. And she missed him. 
She missed him so much it hurt. 
“Rebekah,” A whisper. A tap to her shoulder. When did she fall asleep? “Rebek—”
“Don’t just poke her like that!” Mocks another voice, one equally as familiar yet in her groggy state she is unable to place it. 
“Well, the train has stopped, Rowan—”
“But you’re not gonna wake anyone up poking them like porcelain china, Ben—”
“Please tell me the two of you didn’t argue the whole time I was out?” Rebekah croaks out, her throat tight from recent disuse, attempting to blink herself fully awake. 
Rowan huffs slightly but doesn’t disagree while Ben remains still and silent and Rebekah suddenly realizes she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder. She sits up to give him his shoulder back and he offers her an understanding smile. 
“I’ll have you know I was perfectly civil—”
“—You threw your muggle studies book at me—”
“—well it’s the one I like the least, so—” 
Rebekah whines petulantly and throws them both a pleading look, her lower lip pulled over her other one in a pout. “C’mon, guys, summer holiday just started. Can’t this wait?”
Their frowns remain on their faces but they don’t object and Rebekah supposes she’ll have to start taking that as a win. 
“Thank you.” 
It doesn’t take long to gather their things and leave the train. Given that it has been stopped for the past few minutes, most students have already left. Only the slow stragglers remain. Ben and Rowan take up a spot on either side of her as they exit their compartment and descend the few short stairs to the King’s Cross platform. 
Immediately, the warm rush of summer air hits Rebekah as her foot touches the ground. With most of the families gone or leaving, it’s not as noisy as it was the last time she was here, but her ears do manage to catch on a voice calling out to them from her left. 
Rowan laughs from beside her and waves at her parents and cousins, her grip on her trunk nearly going white with how hard she squeezes it in excitement. She turns to give the shorter girl a quick hug and promises to write to her frequently, stopping only to throw Ben a hesitant nod of farewell before she’s skipping off to join her family. 
Rebekah takes a look around but does not immediately spot her parents. Or Ben’s. 
His throat clears and she turns back to him. His blue t-shirt ripples a little in the soft breeze, his hair waving with it, and his eyes bore into hers with intent. His brown eyes shine with something that feels like a goodbye and a hello all in one. 
She smiles. 
He opens his mouth but his attention catches on something behind her and she knows what he sees as an expression of fondness and recognition crosses over his features. His hand comes up into a small wave before looking back to her and sending the universal wait gesture. 
“Thank you,” Rebekah speaks before he can and catches him off-guard. “For all your help this year. I...I’m sorry about your memory. I’m sorry you couldn’t get it back.” 
Ben seems to shiver at the reminder before collecting himself. He shrugs in a more nonchalant way than she’s almost ever seen him. “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. Besides, considering where I ended up...I’m not sure I’d want to remember it anyway.”
She tries for a smile at the silver lining, no matter how bleak it is, but it feels cheap so she bites it back instead. 
“I’ll write you everyday,” Ben promises quickly, nodding almost confidently. “That way I wo—”
“Don’t do that,” She shakes her head, her smile half of a tease. “You won’t have too much to talk about if you write to me every day. Your letters will get short. Every weekend should suffice.” 
Ben nods at the idea. “Okay. Every weekend.” 
A beat passes between them. Neither of them speak. 
“I’ll see you later, Ben?” She asks somewhat hopefully and strangely somewhat unsure. Where did her uncertainty come from? 
But he only nods, a smile finally breaking through. 
“See you later, Rebekah.” 
18 notes · View notes
stray-tori · 3 years
Making peace with TPN S02E04 (anime-only)
Post summary: my problems with the episode, possible explanations for why and how to minimize the problems. also some speculation.
The thoughts are mostly based on the anime in a bubble, aside from the segments where I mention otherwise.
#0 - My mixed feelings about staying anime-only
This is strange, because... I’m not really hype for next week? I want more, but not in the same excited way I did before. Because I simply don’t know what to expect anymore.
I want to stick as an anime-only so I can deliver stand-alone thoughts as this... clunky and stumbling adaptation makes its way towards the finish line (obviously it won’t be done this season but, yeah ---- i mean, hopefully not, who knows what they’ll do at this point).
But another part of me is just... more excited to read the manga to see what it is like and what the differences are, after the anime is done (which was always my plan, but I was never really actively excited about it pff-). And I feel like your anime approach has failed when I’m moreso looking forward to reading the source material eventually. I do hope that with ep5 they’ll get back on track and this feeling will fade. That they have a meaningful plan and reason for why ep4 felt so messy and disjointed - a reason why it had to go this way, because I feel like they just wanted them out of the bunker, but this is not the way imo (more on that in the next segment)
#1 - Leaving the bunker - mix of feeling “rushed” and “waste of time”
I feel like where the anime is going, they kind of wrote themselves into a corner in Episode 4. The story setup was leading them to this place (i.e. the bunker), but they obviously didn’t want them to stay there long.
What is the problem? / The way it was setup, we got about an episode of them being there (too few to have emotional attachment to the place) and then being chased out when things went well. In a way it is both too soon, but since nothing really worth the ~1 episode “fluff” happened there in the end, it feels pointless or as if we just wasted time, just for them to leave in the end.
Imo, the bunker is needed for two things, 1) being the first goal for them to go to, so the story isn’t aimless right away and 2) info dumps. Most of the children’s content can be repurposed during their forest time or doesn’t seem relevant right now.
For the record, I personally think that they got found out makes sense in-universe,
WM said he was found out, it’s not unlikely the farm knows that bunkers exist and might even have a vague idea of where they are
that there are multiple could be assumed by the army guy saying, “That’s how shelters usually are” -- If the world has been like this for 1000 years, what other purpose than human survival in a demon would could shelter even have? 
I don’t think the pursuers communicated it back (got lucky, Ray) because if they did, they wouldn’t show up a whole month later.
they could have just observed them, they’ve been on the surface quite a bit.
(though I also agree it should be confirmed how the farm found out)
I’m just questioning the impact it had on me as a viewer (which is little) - the world is rigged against them, they can’t catch a break in a system this powerful chasing them and I think part of the confusion and “wait we’re back at square 1??” (literally) is intentional, to evoke the feeling of something being lost. If possible, I would keep the spirit of this idea (see “it’s a trap” in the next segment)
So what can we do to fix it?
Skipping the bunker / I don’t think we can remove the bunker outright. I suppose they could have had them just go straight for the new location by having the last keyword be another puzzle instead of the phone recording giving it away directly. But that might have too few things happening. That way they also would have gotten more time on their own to be wandering OR Mujika and Sonju might have been with them longer (which would honestly make sense from a meta point, too. I feel like they were a little short-lived.)
Less time in the bunker / if it feels pointless anyway, get it over with quickly
More time in the bunker / stay longer and have them do something else. Maybe they prepped to already go back to GF, time has passed and then they get raided. Problem: why did it take the farm force so long?
To be honest, I’m not sure that would have been much better so I’m personally more inclined to fix it with a very tightly connected problem, which will be the next segment:
#3 - the HELP wall scare was pointless
What’s the problem? / the scare was used in between two segments of “the happy life in the bunker”(TM). The segments are the exact same feeling to me personally, just fluff. The scare changed NOTHING. Nothing that was revealed justifies it existing.
Pre wall scare: WM is an ally, the bunker is for escapees
Post wall scare: WM is an ally, he got discovered, the bunker is for escapees, there were escapees there before (?)
The wall doesn’t even have anything to do with WM. And we didn’t get enough details on the HELP wall, even on its own. Was the book and the “HELP”s from the same person? Why were they going crazy there? What did their siblings die from? It can’t be food, so it must have happened outside. Where they picked up by the Task Force(TM)?
The “don’t give up” is nice, but our crew didn’t need that pep talk I think - i guess with Minerva gone, they lost a hope for allies, but at the same time he gave them coordinates where to get support. If they didn’t get that and now were on their own, I’d get the whole uplifting book more, personally. I guess the tragedy here is that WM is dead? Maybe I’m not emphasizing with the characters enough on this.
. So what can we do to fix it?
Give more details to the wall / i.e. answering the questions posed above. Maybe show more of the diary. Maybe two were left and one killed themselves (they scribbled HELPs and were crazier) and left the other alone, and they decided they’re leaving for the human world. It doesn’t change that the scare doesn’t mean much, but it would at least be a little more personal.
Change the wall / remove the helps, leave the names and the counting. It would be a tragic reveal (instead of a over-dramatic scare) to see that people had died (around) here, making them scared for their own lives (I guess that’s kind of implied to be happening but since it doesn’t linger, I didn’t really notice.)
It’s a trap/they definitely know of the bunker / it’s not “help” but “run” which was a warning someone put there because they figured out the farms knew of the bunker (or they got attacked and one couldn’t leave). It being a trap would make sense because even as it’s now, I’m just assuming they vaguely know of the bunkers’ existence anyway. Then it wouldn’t be “yay bunker life! - scare - yay bunker life! - BOOM” but instead “yay bunker life! - it’s a trap... what do we do?” - you can still have the info dumps & the phone call and then they either realize it’s a trap and just leave (removing the problem of the....... interesting raid scenes), and BOOM (haha) you’re where the anime is now, since the troup got nom’ed anyway and aren’t a threat anymore. The mission would still fail since they’re gone, so Isabella’s plot is in tact too. I think this would also partly solve the bunker problem, because now something actually changed about the setup we know. It’s NOT the safe bunker anymore. It changes a lot about the world too - the farm knows of them so how much more of the WM support net is affected? It makes you think more about the larger scale implications (and ligns up nicely with the “I was discovered” talk from James, therefore making the wall shown at the same time relevant), + the bunker has another reason to be there, to reveal that. Personally, it would change our perception and understanding of the situation, which imo would make up for the lacking investment in the bunker itself. It would also prompt them to leave faster (likely), thus eliminating the “we spent so much time here for nothing” thing. If you really want to you can even have them stay anyway, since it’s the only thing they have and they opt to just leave on the first sign of someone actually being on their back. This requires a better night watch than Don though :D
#4 - The little things
Missed drama - the episode was pretty casual about a lot of things; testing potentially dangerous food (fair because it was a nice segment), their new home being gone (fair because no attachment) and them seeing humans being eaten right in front of them (WHY WASN’T THIS MILKED). It makes it all seem like it’s not a big deal - which I guess in a survival story, it kind of isn’t. But I still feel like there wasn’t really any impactful moment this episode it just kinda went “brrr” and now we’re back to episode 1.
for real, please milk the wild demon eating people / he just kinda goes "nom" and the children are there and run. It feels like the anime itself barely takes it seriously - it's the first time (I think), they see a human get eaten by a demon and I feel like that could have used like a close up shot, and some more disgusted reactions by the children. I get that it's a world where that just happens but I feel like the anime just didn't take or see the change to do something more personal with it. I like it as an element at its core because it makes sense; they shot around, attracting the demon and I also like the irony of being saved by a wild creature. Even if that now chases you.
incompetent soldiers - why do they have guns? they can’t HARM / KILL the quality food, so WHY GUNS? -- People with guns are usually incompetent in anything because they just can’t hit anything, but that at least makes sense here. Still, what was the plan? Sheer intimidation? They’re the farms’ force right? Why don’t they know how to deal with wild demons? Possible answer: to prevent humans with guns knowing how to eliminate their higher ups :D doesn’t change that it makes them look stupid. Bro really got defeated by getting a cup thrown in his face. To be fair this specific one didn’t seem to be the brightest bulb, why the “huh?” when he found Don??? Is this relevant I’M SO CONFUSED.
where’s the character moments? - when they got to the bunker, everyone else kind of got the focus, and the main cast just didn't have any of those character moments anymore that made the previous episodes, especially episode 2, so touching and emotional for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the kind of fluff content with the children a lot but I kind of missed some.... it feels like it's more event driven (#BOOM) than character driven now, and idk how to really attach to that? Especially since with ep4 we didn't even really learn anything new (aside from a name and that he was indeed good and is now dead I guess).
#5 - Why?
Warning: this goes a bit into comparisons (nothing concrete though), and I obviously don’t know more than I picked up from fandom reactions.
My guess is that
“So... I cannot at this point say that we are going to animate the entire story to the very end. We are not at a point where we can say that. Sorry. (Laughs)”
from the MAL interview might be a factor. It seems they wanted to tell their own spin regardless (which I personally respect) but maybe they thought that unless they had a two-cour, it would be hard to keep up the investment the first season set up with what was originally in the manga (I had heard that it would be a weird pacing to do 11 episodes and maybe they wanted to make sure viewer engagement was high).
> “We know that there are viewers who, after they watch the anime, want to continue on and read the manga, and there are viewers who have read the manga first and are now watching the anime.”
(I’m not sure if “after the anime” means after a season or after the the whole adaptation)
Their goal is definitely an “unique” experience. And they seem to at least be aware that some people watch the anime first, so it has to make sense in a bubble.
I can’t say if I would have preferred a slower start into whatever the manga has that caps off at 11 episodes (idk how much rewarding stuff could have fit in there), since they probably fear of not being able to do a complete adaptation too. And I feel like as I’m getting it, they are trying to quickly reintroduce what people cared about in s1 --- in Isabella’s case, maybe a bit too early. there was barely any time to really miss her imo.
But I’m also not sure if whatever they’re aiming for will be rewarding. I hope so, because I don’t want their efforts to go to waste. And I don’t want to come to dislike it.
I can admit faults, ep4 is definitely a lowpoint even without knowing the alternatives. Just that for me, it is annoying little things and not the shocking deviations from the manga.
#6 - Hope
I have hope though because Isabella’s stuff was good, and now that they’re over the no-return divergence point, they might be able to... (meta spoiler) not repurpose manga scenes without any buildup (is what I’m getting) anymore :”D, because they really only set themselves up for disappointed with that. It might seem like a homage but it’s moreso out of place, the people who read it aren’t happy because you didn’t earn it (and of course they’ll compare) and the anime suffers from it because it can create unnecessary confusion forced in just to make a reference.
Ironically I think they’re too stuck in the manga too and could have benefited from a blind perspective.
I don’t really mind anything overall I think (world is against them, that’s fair, being out on the run again is fine, the demon “rescue” is fine), the execution / some details of episode 4 were just... strange. idk where they are going with it and maybe that really was the best way to transition but until I know where it goes, I can’t really judge that. Highly doubt it though.
I really hope they completely just do their own things now with some base elements from the manga.
A lot of what I talked about in this post ended up making me appreciate the crumbs of intention. The realization that previous escapees didn’t make it (not all of them, anyway) and WM being dead, and then having that uplifting message. The message of “you don’t get to rest, you’re on your own again”. The irony of the wild demon being their (temporary) rescue. The past escapees.
Ironically, I wanted to dunk on the anime but really, all I feel is more content now. Would I have preferred some fixes? Yes, but I see some semblance of meaning in it even with the errors.
Thanks for reading this goddamn essay.
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