#they are soulmates in every universe YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND
theredengineapologist · 9 months
So I only recently learned about the existence of the Sodor Fallout AU. Tell me why when I learned that James' mutation caused him to grow three mouths, my immediate first thought was "I sure hope Edward kisses each one so he can feel better".
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moooncats · 4 months
✿ PAC : Love Letter From Your Future Spouse ✿
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✿ Pile 1 ✿
Hello beautiful, did you miss me? I know that everything has been so hectic but I swear you are such a fighter. I love the way you have this no tolerance go getter attitude. You are truly my muse. You transform the most mundane things and make them into gold flecks that flutter into the air and it's just awe inspiring. I have searched all over the world, met many inspiring people in my life and none of them compare to you- you captivated me, lured me into your beautiful unique aura and I can never forget that moment. I knew then, that you had to be mine. I thank the heavens everyday because you are the person I get to wake up next to- what a blessing! I must have done a lot of good in my past life to meet you. It truly is a gift being in your presence! We mesh together perfectly, your hand in mine, our bodies intertwined. I can't believe that manifesting someone as yourself actually worked. Our vibrations match perfectly as we are in tuned with each other. Like a root deep underground, it's vast and everlasting. That is our love, we will grow stronger together and I am missing every second, minute, hour that I am away from you my love. I can't wait to make it back to you so we can start our forever life together, and we can do it all over again in another lifetime. Please wait for me goregous, I love you with all my hearts. Sending my love to you from every universe. I know you can feel its warmth. ♡ Yours truly. ♡
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✿ Pile 2 ✿
Hello goregous soulmate. I can't believe that it's that time of year again. I know you love letters from me and I've made you so many already but just know that every letter I write are my true authentic feelings. There is so much going on in my head everyday and most of it is because of you my goregous soulmate. You have encapsuled my love and intertwined it with your beautiful soul. I am forever grateful of your presence every day. You changed me so much and for the better. Before I was aimless in life, no drive, aspirations, no hope... then you came along. With your sunshine aura and I couldn't get enough of it. You are the light that guides my wandering soul out of the abyss. You are my forever muse. I can't wait to grow old with you and start that family we've always talked about, until then I have only my words to keep you going through these times. My will and determination to get us everything we deserve and need in life. You will never have to ask for more, anything you want you will have it my love. I love you so much goregous please don't ever change. ♡ Yours Truly. ♡
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✿ Pile 3 ✿
You're not mad at me are you? I know I've done a lot of things in this life that have made me feel regrettable, but this- this is the one that tops it all. I am human... we all make mistakes. Please don't fester any bad feelings for me my delicate little flower. You know I had you in mind the whole time and I thought it would be best for the both of us. Everything I ever do, my thoughts, my actions, my feelings; I always take you into consideration. You are my everything, my delicate flower that I must protect. I will do ANYTHING for you baby. You don't know how much you mean to me, the day we met was the best day of my life. I will never forget locking eyes with you for the first time. My heart instantly went into hyper drive, it just wouldn't stop. I knew then that you were the one. The way you move gracefully through the shit show that is life is just mesmerizing. Life has taken so much from you... from us. We are 2 souls who were once lost but when we get together, we become 2 partners intertwined and formed into 1 power couple. I know you know this my love, words can't express how much I feel about you. You are my muse, my world, my will to live. I won't lose you this time, not again. ♡ Yours Truly. ♡
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR STARRY-EYED SOULMATES *  assorted romantic dialogue, adjust as necessary
i feel drawn to you in ways i can't explain.
you're the one. do you hear me? you're it. you're the only one i want for the rest of my life.
you are the most beautiful person i have ever known in my life, and i'm madly in love with you.
i love you entirely. i love you completely.
i'll be here for you forever. i'll never leave your side.
do you believe we were made for each other?
i can't fathom a world without you. i never want to know what that looks like.
so this is what it feels like? true love?
we can't be apart. we can't exist without each other.
you came into my life and changed everything. i'm different now. better. you make me better.
i feel so overwhelmingly lucky to know you and to have you.
it's like we were made for each other.
from the very first moment i saw you, i knew. i knew you were the one.
do you believe in love at first sight?
i hope it always feels like this.
you have become everything to me. you are the most important thing in my whole life.
i'm so deeply in love with you.
i never believed in love until i met you. this made it real for me.
everything i've ever done, everything i've ever gone through... it was worth it. it was worth it to find you.
i waited a lifetime to find you. i'd wait a thousand lifetimes more.
the universe conspired to bring us together. i believe that.
you don't know what you do to me.
i crave the taste of your mouth like nothing else on earth. i need your kiss.
i swear to you right now, i'm going to marry you someday.
my atoms know your atoms. my body needs your body.
there's nothing i want more than to spend the rest of my life by your side, whatever it takes.
i admire the utter strength of you. you never fail to blow me away.
nothing will take me from you. do you understand?
i will never leave your side. i am meant for you. i belong to you.
every time you look at me, i lose control of my body, my lungs... i can't breathe. i can't think. i can't function.
come any closer, and i swear... i'll love you for the rest of my life.
not even death can take you from me.
stay close to me. hold my hand. cling to me.
i think i was created with you in mind.
you are simply the most beautiful person i have ever known. i can't possibly live without you.
before i met you, i never believed in a one true love. you changed that. you changed everything.
i'm speechless. you're remarkable.
i'm drawn to you. i've been drawn to you since the day we met.
there's not a single part of you i don't love with all my heart and soul.
you're my other half. my better half. i couldn't do this without you.
there aren't enough words in the english language to explain how deeply i love you.
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drea-ms · 1 year
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₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆ Because Saiki Kusuo knows that in every universal time loop he creates, that you two will always find each other and fall in love.
warnings. time loop au. implied angst?. fluff. open ending i think... saiki is just hopeless in love. um no use of yn. nothings bad. sappy.
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You don't know what loop you're in at this point, it was the same thing over and over again, a loop you can't get out of. It hurts you every time, because he knows that he can't do nothing to stop it. You know how in each time loop you're with saiki, it ends badly, it restarts again, and your back to not knowing who the guy in your loop was. This time, in this loop you'll find out who he is.
Love is a weird feeling, it makes you feel happy, cared for. It makes you feel like throwing up what you ate previously when you see the person you love. But love can also hurt, it can hurt you, or anyone in this room. Love is sad feeling, because you never know whether to expect it or not.
This time loop is weird though, this time you're in the same class room with saiki and sit next to him, before, you were in another class room and never met him, why was this one weird to you? What was so important about the pink haired boy that brought you two near each other in every time loop? Maybe this is God saying you were soulmates, as if.
"Hi" you whispered at him while the teacher was looking at the board, you weren't hoping for a hi back, it was a habit to say to the person next to you in every loop you always wanted to know every person in each of your loops, you went back and listened to the teacher, until you felt a piece of paper on your desk, "Hi?" he wrote on the note, determined to get to know him better yoy wrote, "I like your pins in your head! it looks nice on you :)" you pass him the note back and smile at him, waiting for his response, "thank you." was all he said once he gave the note back to you. he... he was cute.
Over the following weeks, you got to know a lot about saiki, his friends, the weird people that have crushes on him, and his love for coffee jelly. He was cute, cute enough for you to fall in love with him. "Saiki!" you greeted him at the front of the school, going up to him and start walking next to him, you two began talking about stuff, not minding any attention to the world, just the two of you in your silly little world.
It hurt saiki that in every time loop, you two would meet, fall in love with each other, begin dating one another, but it always ends because of the volcano eruption he can't figure out, it ends before he can say 'i love you' it ends before you guys have your 9 month anniversary, it always ends with him erasing your memory of him so that in every time loop he can find a way to change everything. To make sure he can fix yours and his mistakes. To make sure that in every time loop, universe or galaxy, you two would find each other and fall in love with one another.
Maybe in this time loop he'll find a way to end the volcano, that way you two can live happily for once.
Maybe, just maybe, god will finally be on his side for once.
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NAO SPEAKS? send in requests!! i'm bored rn, also i found some of the requests on my old acc in my notes app... i'm posting them kn here!!! 🤪🤪🤪
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chahnniesroom · 9 months
tenderness | bonus scene: banmal
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: the first time you call chan 'oppa.'
this is a bonus scene taking place in the tenderness universe, but you don't have to have read tenderness to read this fic! just know that the main character is currently a manager for stray kids. she's also chan's soulmate, which explains why she lives in the dorms with him.
chapter word count: 1.6k
warnings: none!
a/n: a bit of fluff was requested by one of the readers on ao3. the term 'banmal' is used to describe informal speech in korean and is usually for casual conversation between friends, relatives, or people younger than you. i can't properly demonstrate the way that the main character's speech level changes since speech levels don't exist the same way in english. i only modified the honorifics that y/n uses to address the members. this was my first time writing fluff, it was surprisingly fun!
tenderness masterlist | read it on ao3
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“Noona?” You and Jisung are lounging in the living room after a schedule that miraculously ended early. You're not sure where the other guys are and you don't really care, it's nice to have one on one time with Jisung. 
“Hm?” You drag your eyes away from the drama that the two of you have been half heartedly been watching to find him deep in thought.
“You called me Jisung-ssi earlier. You always do that. Why?”
“Ah,” you say, flustered. “It just still feels weird to talk to you guys informally. I don’t want anybody to get the wrong idea.”
“But you don’t call Felix, Felix-ssi! I’ve even heard you call him Lixie before! Why is he special?” Jisung whines.
“It’s different!” you defend yourself. “We talk in English mostly. There’s not really any honorifics or levels of speech. It’d be weirder if I did speak formally to him.”
“Sounds like an excuse, but okay. What do you call Channie-hyung?” he asks with a particular gleam in his eyes.
“Chan-ssi,” you say matter-of-factly. You have to bite back a laugh at the disappointed noise he makes at your response.
“Changbin-ssi,” you reply dutifully.
“You guys are the same age! It doesn’t make sense!” he groans.
“I don’t know what you’re expecting,” you say, amused. “I talk to all of you the same.”
“Are you kidding me? You’re hopeless.” He shakes his head dramatically. “You’re soulmates with Channie-hyung! That means you’re basically family to all of us. Listen, at work? Sure, fine, you can be all polite and formal, I get it. But in the dorms?”
“Here, the guys are coming over for dinner tonight. Please please please, can you call Minho-hyung oppa to his face?”
“What? No!” you say immediately.
“Pleaseee,” he draws out the word playfully. He shuffles closer and takes your hands in his, pouting exaggeratedly. “Just once! I just want to see his reaction! I know that all of us have told you at one point to speak to us comfortably. He wouldn’t get mad at you, I promise!”
“I’m not going to do it,” you laugh, trying to disentangle your hands.
“You can tell him that I forced you to! I’ll volunteer to clean the dishes after dinner! I’ll be better about cleaning the bathroom! I’ll buy you bubble tea for a week! I’ll buy you new shoes! I’ll stop changing my mind a million times when we’re trying to decide what to order during schedules! I'll write you a song! Please please please, Y/n-noona!”
“I-” you falter. Jisung immediately brightens, his mouth curves into a heart-shaped smile. “Fine. Only because you look so cute.”
Jisung cheers, jumping up and punching the air with his fists.
“You’re the best!!”
“I’m going to blame you for it,” you warn.
“Of course. Even if hyung kills me, it’ll be worth it in the moment.” He beams.
At dinner, Jisung sits to your left and every few minutes, he nudges your leg in an attempt to prompt you into speaking. You ignore it, continuing to eat as if nothing is happening. Yes, you agreed to follow along with Jisung’s silly idea, but you still want it to happen naturally, otherwise it would be even more out of place. As much as this is kind of a joke, it is starting to feel a bit strange always using polite speech and you're curious to see how everyone will react.
Opportunity strikes when you stretch to grab one of the side dishes that happen to be in front of Minho. You can't quite reach it sitting, but before you can stand, Minho picks up one of the serving utensils and picks out the best piece, placing it into your bowl. He serves himself next, but you know it's just to play off his kind gesture. You're genuinely grateful for his thoughtfulness.
“Thank you, Minho-oppa,” you say, making sure to keep your voice casual.
Everyone freezes. Minho is good at maintaining his nonchalant expression, but his ears betray him by slowly turning red. Your cheeks are flushed to match and even without looking, you can tell the rest of the boys are stunned. It takes a great effort on your part to not turn to glance at Chan, although you can practically feel his gaze burning into the side of your face.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Jeongin elbow Hyunjin in the stomach and mouth "Oppa?" in disbelief.
Finally, Minho recovers enough to clear his throat loudly and say, "it's nothing, I was going to get some anyway."
Jisung, on the other hand, is grinning like an idiot.
“Hyung! You should have seen your reaction, I wish I had taken a picture!” He cries out, laughing loudly.
“What reaction?” Minho tries to play it off.
“Hyung, your ears.” Hyunjin tugs on one teasingly, then instantly apologises and cowers when Minho turns to glare at him.
"Call me oppa too, Y/n!" Changbin says excitedly, standing up to serve you from the dish closest to him.
"We're the same age, Changbin-ah, I'm not going to call you oppa," you tease. He just laughs, delighted to be on the receiving end of your more casual speech.
“If Y/n calls Minho-hyung oppa, does that mean she needs to call Chan-hyung ajhussi?” Seungmin pipes up. Across the table, Hyunjin dissolves into laughter at the thought.
Chan doesn’t mention it all evening, even though the boys continue to tease Minho, calling him ‘oppa’ instead of ‘hyung’ when they address him and taking every opportunity to call Chan ‘ajhussi’. They’ve both given out countless headlocks in revenge, but it’s all in good humour. Eventually, Minho, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin head home, and the rest of the boys drift off into their own rooms.
After washing up, you join Chan in his room, not wanting to hog the bathroom for any longer than required. He’s already set to sleep and had been sitting in bed scrolling on his phone until you had walked in. Through the reflection of the little mirror that you’re using to do your skincare routine, you can see that he’s watching you.
“You know,” he says steadily. “You can- you can call me that too, if you want.” You pause at the carefully worded request. You make eye contact with him through the mirror and watch as the tips of his ears and the tops of his cheeks slowly pinkens.
“Call you what?” you ask, deliberately playing oblivious.
“You know,” he flounders.
“Do I?" you wonder, tapping a finger to your lips teasingly.
“I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable, I just thought that if you were going to talk to the boys more casually then you can do the same. You’re my soulmate, things don’t have to be so formal all the time.  I don’t want to force you to do anything, but I wouldn’t mind, at all! I know Jisung probably was the one to get you to say that to Minho and it was really funny to see his reaction. Uhm. I mean, you can really call me anything that you want! Chan-ssi. Chan-oppa. Chan-ah, actually no that’s kind of weird maybe not that one. Uh if it makes it less weird you can use my English name too! Chris, Christopher, whatever,” he trails off, then buries his face in his hands with a groan. “Sorry, I don’t know what I’m saying.”
You're finished your skincare routine so you put away all the containers and turn in your seat so that you're fully facing him. You take a second to collect yourself, then pitch your voice so it's small and cutesy, a far cry from how you normally talk.
"Oppa," you test. His eyes immediately shoot up to meet yours, cheeks darkening more than they had before. "Do you want me to call you Channie-oppa?" You tilt your head to one side and widen your eyes.
"Argh.” This time, he turns to smash his face in his pillow to hide himself, pulling the blanket over his head for good measure.
"Channie-oppa, why are you hiding? I thought this is what you wanted." You lightly tug at the blanket, but he holds it tight, shaking his head vigorously. You've never been the type to perform aegyo, but it's surprisingly fun and you can't deny that you're enjoying Chan's reaction. After another minute, he pokes his head out looking a bit sheepish.
“You are really cute when you say that,” he admits. “And I really like to hear that you feel comfortable using banmal with us.”
“I am comfortable with everyone, I have been for a while,” you say. “And you’re also really cute when I call you oppa.”
His eyes crinkle as he smiles and you take the opportunity to lean forward and poke one of the dimples that appear. In retaliation, he grips the corners of the blanket and collects you in his arms, effectively swallowing you in the mess of fabric. He pulls you so that you lose balance and fall onto the bed, cradled in his arms. You feel so safe in his embrace and the both of you momentarily fall silent.
“Okay, I think we should sleep now,” Chan says eventually. “Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night… Channie-Oppa,” you respond.
Even though you can’t see Chan in the dark, you know that he’s smiling. It’s enough that you drift off to sleep with a smile as well.
tenderness masterlist | read it on ao3
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maleyhae · 5 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem! Reader
Summary- You have being seeing this trend every where on tik tok, so you wanted to do it but on who? Your ex Simon Riley who you broken up with because of him always being gone.
Warning poorly written angst, out of character Ghost? Idk if I miss anything just let me know
A/N- I'm in my COD era so yay :D based of that 'do you think we are soulmates in every universe " angsty trend enjoy :)
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You were scrolling on tik Tok when you saw this trend that's been all over your for you page, you wanted to try it out on your Ex-boyfriend. Simion Riley better known as Ghost. You and he had broken up due to the lack of communication. He was at Johnny or 'Soap' house. So you texted him.
You: Hey sim I have a question
Simion: Go ahead and ask. And Sim?
You: Yeah sorry habit of mine
You: But, Do you think we are Soulmates in every universe?
read at 11:15 pm
You: Simon?
Simion Riley Pov:
I was hanging out with Johnny. Still not over my ex reader. Johnny is drunk out of his mind. Guess the Scot couldn't handle the alcohol like he claims. My phone vibrate who would be texting me at this hour?
what did she want? I unlocked my phone and read her text
"Hey sim I have a question?"
Sim... Her old nickname for me when we dated. I texted back a
"Go ahead and ask. And Sim?"
She apologizes another bad habit she had always had then she asked her question. She asked if we were soulmates in every universe. We were hardly ones in this one why would she think that now? I left her on read while I got another bottle of the shitty beer he had at his house.
"If we are I hope I was brave enough in at least one of them to make you stay." I sent her and saw that she read it at 11:20 pm.
Simon- If we are I hope I was brave enough in at least one of them to make you stay. How about you
You- I'm sorry Sim, I love you in every universe including this one, Just can't keep you with me in this one
Simon- I love you too my love, Just can't be brave enough for you.
Upcoming fics
Ghost face bill
Stu x reader
Philip graves x Male! Reader
Also if my shit randomly goes to Pierre it's because I changed my name :3 so RAHHHH MERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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skeleton-mischief · 1 month
Y/N who can see Dust!Sans papyrus. Papyrus, aiming to fix Dusts loneliness, lures her to him. (This can take place in a bad sans trio universe where dust just hops AU’s for funsies)
Ohohoho I appreciate the specifics, it helps me with knowing what you want. This'll be fun :-]‼️💥
Be warned, my silly ass actually has a fun interpretation for Papyrus when it comes to Dust and him. And for the sake of some plot hole answers, I'll give you a little treat when it comes to soulmates being involved. So, hopefully you'll like this take on it!
Hm. Something is wrong, very wrong. Where is he? Where is he where is he where is he where- no. no. This is normal. Paps always had a strange way of disappearing occasionally. His magic must be low, he hasn't dusted anyone in awhile. He has Saint and Killer, which keeps him company at least. Sure, Killer is a pain in the ass, but it's better than being alone. It's not like he needed to constantly hear his brother scolding him, but he feels a little emptier now. That's a whole part of his soul. One speck of his dust leaving his soul is a rare occurrence, a rare one indeed. Pap wouldn't use this to disappear somewhere though, right?
Where the fuck is he? It's getting awfully more uncomfortable for him when it's time to sleep, he can't focus on anything other than him. His one true companion, the one last remains of his own universe. For fucks sake he's been even confronted by Nightmare about what has been bothering him. Saint knows. Of course he does. Saint can tell that the absence of-...someone is affecting him. It's not like Paps doesn't appear every now and again, when his magic is strong. It's a small perk for his brother, especially since Dust is usually the only one who can see him. Killer asked him about his brother too, but he couldn't stop himself from walking off when he did.
Where is he? Why has he been gone for so long? Why? Why why why why why wh-
He wants him to come back.
Lately, you've been having strange dreams. Or... hallucinations?? It always happens at night, and you swear that it's not a normal thing for you to see a floating skull talking to you. Papyrus was his name. Ah- yes. That's a name that you haven't heard before, but it's pleasant. He's pleasant. Right now, he is talking to you about what used to be his favorite hobbies.
"Truly, I actually never could master how to cook spaghetti! It's not like it's my favorite food- that's dinosaur oatmeal- but everyone else likes it!! I always ruined it, but somehow my brother would eat it-"
"Brother?" You chipped in, interrupting his ramblings. He didn't seem to mind, his empty eye sockets seemed to somehow gleam when you asked. You were sitting up in bed, and he floated across from you with his gloved hands moving theatrically as he waved away an invisible line of thought. His mandibles opened as he grinned. He always had such a charming yet slightly off-putting smile.
"Yes, of course!! He's my older brother. He's still alive, actually! He goes by a different name nowadays, and he's...changed over time. But-!" Papyrus' skull leaned forward, his hands leaving a strange cold sensation that felt like icy air embracing your hands. You don't know why your chest made a strange feeling bubble up. "He's still a very kind skeleton. I wish you could meet him," He finished, his voice slightly softening from his usual boisterous tone. You smiled at this, tilting your head to the side as you humoured this idea. You wanted to know more about this skeleton and his apparent brother, but it's not like you didn't believe him. It's just that a part of you still clung onto the idea that you just happen to be having multiple strange dreams of the same skeleton with different conversations.
"Yeah? Well...what is he like? How much has he apparently changed?" You inquired, which seemed to cause Papyrus to hesitate. "Ah-...well. He used to be laid-back, happy. I remember how he happened to be quite popular and loved by others, with his charm and all. I found it irritating when he would prank me, spew nothing but lame puns, but nowadays I-....I miss those times. He's more...-"
One gloved hand waved slightly, as if he was trying to conjure up a description.
"Reserved now. He struggles with taking care of himself and connecting with others. He did something really...bad, a long time ago. He hasn't been the same sense, and sometimes it worries me. I think that someone like you could get through to him though!" "Why's that?"
Papyrus didn't answer quickly, and you didn't miss the slight spark of delight in his eyes. "I can just tell." He quipped, the hand that hasn't held yours now placed atop your head. If you were honest, it felt more physically present than before, as if his body started to solidify some more as his appearance becomes less hazy. "You're a good person, I think he needs someone to show him some of the good in things."
You felt your tongue click behind your teeth, a huff of laughter escaping your parted lips. Your ears tingled slightly, his words leaving your chest quivering for a moment as your grip became looser. "Well, thank you Papyrus," You let go of his ghostly hand after not saying anything for a minute, before you leaned back against the safety of your pillows. You rolled over on your side but still facing him as he adjusted himself to the side of the bed. "I haven't...I haven't heard someone tell me that in a long time." You finally settled on saying. Your eyes were hazy, and it seemed to click for Papyrus that you didn't want to explore that part of the conversation any longer.
He also noted the way your soul hummed through your ribcage, a special sight only he could see without complications. Who would've thought that you were his brother's soulmate? It was such a pleasant find, an accidental incident that not even Dust noticed. Thankfully, he caught it, saw the glowing of your soul from so far away. You were truly someone he found delightful to be around, and he knows that Dust would think the same thing, even if he would be stubborn about it at first.
He patted your head as your eyes started to close, his voice now a whisper. "Well, I'm glad that I was able to share my thoughts with you. Get some rest now, okay? I'll be back tomorrow, if that's alright with you?" "Mnh...yeah, that sounds...that sounds nice. Thank you again, Papyrus....Goodnight..."
"Where have you been?!?" Dust couldn't help but shout, his hands gripping onto Papyrus' scarf and aggressively twisting it around. He had been collecting LV to try and get Papyrus back, only for him to now show up after a few weeks. "Do you know how confused I was? Worried?"
Papyrus didn't answer immediately, instead tapping his fingers against where his arms would be if he had any. Right now, he was still mostly transparent. He wasn't the only one though, with how Dust was trembling as his voice cracked slightly. He always fidgeted with his scarf when nervous. "I was spending time with a friend!!" He claimed with conviction. "A friend?" "Yes! And I think you'd love to meet them!"
Dust couldn't believe what he was hearing. A friend? From so far away? He was traveling multiple timelines, AU's, all to find Paps. And yet apparently that's where he has been this whole time? With a friend? He tilted his head to the side, his eyebrows squished together. He quickly tried to look indifferent, or at least more mad than he actually was. Papyrus wasn't falling for it though, he never did. "How did you even meet someone?" "Simple: I met them when I decided to travel back to where our timeline would be!" Papyrus was quick to dismiss, but Dust only frowned further.
"Why would I even want to? For one, we're always traveling, Pap. We're told not to get attached to anyone, you know this." Dust tried to rationalize, pacing now in his room as his hands kept fidgeting with the scarf. He's now resorted to pacing because he has too much on his mind, but he feels a cold touch to his head and it pulls him back momentarily. Papyrus has now drained some energy from Dust, his physical form more solid, visible to him.
"Brother. Please, I am aware. But trust me, this is for your own good. I really think that you simply must meet them, at least once." Dust felt Papyrus placing his other hand on his shoulder, his upper body slightly bent down to be more at eye level. Papyrus knows what will happen if Dust does meet you, but he wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. With the years passing of living with Sans, with who he is now, he's learned how to speak to him. He's no longer the easily swayed skeleton who would do anything on a whim. But, Papyrus isn't the same either.
"....Do they really mean this much to you?"
Dust winced at the name.
"Yes, they do. I really think you'll like them."
"...Fine, fine."
Dust felt the cold touch of Papyrus when he wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him tight with a giddy laugh. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!"
Regret is not the right word he would use. No, regret would imply that he wishes that he never met you or something along those lines. No, he just wishes that he didn't meet you at this point in time when he's who he is now. When he entered an old timeline of his, he found that his soul felt instantly off. Not a bad feeling per say, but more...calm? He's never been too calm ever since the human fell all those years ago. But as his brother spoke, a white noise at the moment, he felt that he couldn't focus. His attention was pulled somewhere else, but Papyrus was able to help him with this.
You were prettier than he expected, but of course he couldn't say anything when you were at the moment losing your shit. Papyrus told him to teleport, a big mistake honestly since he's never been here, but Papyrus has. Papyrus, however, is not of this physical world. So when he teleported, guess what?? He fell straight from the ceiling, mid air. Thanks Papyrus, you're so much help. You had so gracefully been awake already, but you were in a separate room. You had run straight from the bathroom, your hair disheveled and your toothbrush hanging sideways from your opened jaw.
Sadly he couldn't admire you for too long before he had a toothbrush flung straight at his face and directly messing with his vision. Papyrus had to immediately drain him of his magic in order to become more translucent of reflected light and full bodied. Heourgh, he felt less energetic immediately, but at least the floor was quite comfortable. He didn't bother straightening up, not if it meant you'd throw something else at him. It's not a great first greeting with his soulmate, he'd apologize if he wasn't so tired. Papyrus was right, he would like you.
His soul was pumping, singing practically as he was able to feel the wavelengths of your soul. You didn't seem to fully notice, but he did. He noticed since his soul felt calmer, happier, and much more....in love? What a strange feeling, his soul is so used to the LV he has, the motivation, the constant distress and guilt. He's never felt so light, but maybe that's because he's lightheaded from teleporting and falling. You seemed to be calming down since Papyrus was there and easing your panic. Thank the stars he's here. He wishes he met you sooner, or maybe in a different timeline where he was...normal. Would the others accept this? Would they be considered your soulmates too? He's never been great at sharing. He doesn't want to drag you in the multiverse mess that is his life, but leaving you alone after this isn't an option.
Stars above you were so pretty. Your voice sounds like the pluck of strings tied to a harp, or a guitar. Filled with emotion, a world of thoughts and history behind them. He hopes you'll like him too. He doesn't want to be scary to you, but he knows that he is. He could be less mean? Maybe you like things that he likes, he can like things you like. He can try to be better if it means you won't find him scary, if you can trust him. Right now you were coming over to him, apologizing but clearly weary. Hey, at least you weren't dumb enough to get too close, he is a stranger after all.
He is so happy that his brother convinced him to meet you. Yeah, regret isn't the word he'd use. It's just going to be complicated. That's okay, he can wait, patience is a skill on his part. Even if things don't work because you don't end up liking him, he at least met you. This quiet in your presence has been so pleasant, still as a pond and soothing. He's thankful for at least this moment of tranquility deep within his soul. His brother already told him your name, but he doesn't want to be weird.
"...The name is Dust, I didn't mean to fall in your bedroom. Not a great introduction, huh?"
Oh would you look at that, he was talking! He doesn't do that often. He is suddenly insecure about the rasp in his voice. You don't seem to mind though, and in fact you smile. Oh wow. Your smile. You seem less scared, that's great. He'd do anything to keep that smile on your lips, anything at all... Too bad he passes out before you can respond. Great job, Dust.
Closing Notes: This took forever to type but I think I'm happy with it! I was busy, and a little unsure of how I wanted to type this. I hope you like this, vamp, you're so cool and this was fun. Don't be shy to ask for more stuff! I just wanted to write you a little more plot since you asked such a specific request for a skeleton hehe. Thank you :-)
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cosmichighpriestess · 4 months
How to Fall in Love with Yourself and Attract your Soulmate.
We must give ourselves everything we need to be the best version of ourselves. A hard truth you must learn is that some people only want you when you are not loving yourself, some people only want you when you are toxic because that is what they are used to, they only want you when you are feeling not very confident, feeling insecure, low self esteem, needing external validation, when you beg for them and when you are not truly loving yourself. That makes it easy for them to disrespect you and use you. That makes more sense to them, than you being a healthy minded person with self respect and standards. If people want to deal with you then they have to understand you don't identify as the identity they assigned for you.
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You must set high standards for yourself from the very beginning. "This is how I want to be treated and this is what I will accept." But my love, you must not disrespect yourself again even for that instant gratification. It's not worth it. Understandably, society has programmed you to feel shame about yourself in almost every aspect of yourself, never good enough, never whole as you are now ect. but it's a big lie, it's meant to take you off your higher path to keep you locked into the 3D matrix always searching outside of yourself for the love that's already within you. My love, when you catch yourself beating yourself up, stop become aware and say enough is enough. I love every flaw, every part of myself now as I am. I don't feel l need to fix myself. I need to love myself as I am now.
Never expect love from humans, who cannot even love themselves. Look to the higher dimensions for love if you truly need it when you cannot give it to yourself. Everything you need is within you. You just need the keys to unlock the doors to the house of your consciousness and your heart. You've been programmed to believe that you should just accept you'll never be good enough. Question everything forced down upon you. Why are they trying so hard to get you to do something when you are already whole, complete and perfect already? When you already have everything because everything you desire and need already exists. Your internal reality reflects your outside reality, just shift your perspective to already being that, to already having that desire. It can't change without you deciding. "I am simply deciding I am in love with myself. I am simply deciding I have 10,000 dollars ect." Everything else is a lie being sold to you to get you to question your worth and to get you to chase something outside of yourself.
False, illusion and you were also never taught in school, or in church, by society that if you want others to treat you a certain way, then you must first treat yourself the way that you want to be treated. That is the real reason why most relationships do not last. It's easy to say that these people hurt you are to blame and that they just need to become better people. But if we populate everyone in our reality, if we don't realize we have subconscious negative beliefs about men or women or relationships then we will never reprogram ourselves to attract healthy divine relationships with people who treat us with respect and love.
You've been mistreating yourself my love and seeing that lack of self love reflected back. There are hidden aspects of you that you rejected that are completely loveable, even spirit guides within you that you haven't met yet because you reject those parts of yourself. Unaware, unknowingly, unconsciously. We all have done it at some point. Unless your parents taught you self love from a young age and you never knew people walked around feeling unworthy and unwanted. The universe is a gigantic mirror, and it always reveals to you what’s going on inside of you, rather than what you want the world to think or see. For most of us we were taught that if you want love you have to give all of yourself and become a shell of yourself to receive a breadcrumb of love and acceptance. Lies. False. Illusion.
You are already whole, complete and perfect as you are now. Anything else you experience outside of you is just a bonus. Real love is equal give and take, it's an added bonus of the love that you already have for yourself. You will never need anyone to complete yourself. You can be happy forever single. It's true. If that's what you choose but you deserve people who love you. The golden rule is, treat yourself how you want to be treated. Be the love you want to receive. Be the partner you want to attract. Romance yourself. Hug yourself, kiss yourself, tell yourself everything you've longed to hear from another. Treat your body like you would a loved one, feed it, nurture it, water it, spend time with yourself alone. Gaze into your own eyes in the mirror and meet other versions of yourself in the mirror. Supplement and support yourself.
Tell yourself you will never settle for scraps again. This is your story, this is your life, and your book. You will respect yourself from now on and never settle for disrespect again. Disconnect from disrespect. See it neutrally, don't judge yourself for feeling upset. Then release and forgive yourself for creating the experience unknowingly. You were doing the best you could with the information you had. There's nothing wrong with you. It's not too late to flip the script and change the narrative. You know who you are. You know how they made you feel. They don't. They created a version of you they want you to be but you can be more creative and flip the script on them and be better than they could ever imagine.
But it's not about them. It's only about you, your self conception of yourself, how you view yourself, how you view others, how you view the world, how you define meaningless things, how you believe things will workout for you or don't ever workout for you, how you believe things about yourself and my love it's not selfish, it's wise to have self love and confidence. It's rebellious to love yourself in a world where we are programmed to hate ourselves. People must understand that you don't identify with the person they think that you are supposed to be. You are not the same person as you were yesterday.
Who you are at your core stays the same, but how you perceive yourself and the world changes everyday. You are a brand new person every single moment. You get to rewrite your story and write the story you prefer because you simply don't like the book that you were reading before. " Oh wait a minute I forgot. I'm in a library, let me put this book down and pick up the book of my heart." That is the story that you prefer, isn't it?
So, all you have to do is reprogram yourself to attract what you prefer. All of your beliefs are meaningless so you can erase them and delete them at any moment. You do that by embodying who you want to attract, and you do that by changing your subconscious beliefs and shifting your vibration to match the frequency of your desires. " I only attract healthy minded genuine people. I am in amazing relationships with people who inspire me. I meet people who are who they say they are. I only attract Divine partnerships. I am surrounded by a superior support system. I only attract healthy, loving, genuine men and women." Ect. Your internal world reflects your outer reality. Your internal world reflects your outer reality. Your internal world reflects your outer reality.
You can say these affirmations as much as you want, the more you say them and believe them, the more they generate energy and the more powerful they become. Everything you desire wants you more. You always get what you want. You are more than worthy of everything you desire. You are a God or Goddess or however you identify. Whatever you want others to think and say about you, please think those thoughts and say those things to yourselves. You are nothing short of pure magic. You deserve to be confident in every situation. Abundance is what you are, so that means you will always have more than enough of what you need.
Whatever it is that you want, you can have as much of it as you want. Tell the Universe what you want to see reflected back to you. Say, "Show me Universe how unconditionally loved I am. " Because remember, if it has conditions it's not real love. It's fake. You are good enough alone as you are. You don't need another person to complete you. But you definitely deserve a loving partner if that is what you so wish and desire to have. You have so much more to give others when you first feel whole and complete in yourself my love. I love you. I believe in you. You are loved beyond measure by the Universe.
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softpine · 4 months
Gez Louise I'm glad you changed up the story! My boy Finn has hurt enough! It's sweet that in most of the lives we've seen he finds love. I just thought of something Asa and Finn are soul mates right? For the most part they always find eachother? Does the Griffin we saw that's married with a wife and kid does he ever feel like something is missing? Wait a minute! If there's alt Finns there has to be alt Asas right? Do they fall in love in their universe too?
in my mind they're as close to soulmates as anyone can be... the timing is almost never right, and in some universes their lives never even cross paths, but somehow they keep finding their way towards each other under the most impossible circumstances 🥺 and i think baby finn actually answered your question about whether the other griffins feel like they're missing something:
"I get the feeling that my life is missing something. Maybe when I was born, God carved something out of my chest. Maybe he hid it in some corner of the universe and I'm supposed to find it somehow." // "I started thinking maybe God likes to laugh at me. Maybe he hid my missing piece at the bottom of Atlantis, on another planet, or somewhere else I'll never find it. I got the message - I'll stop looking."
at that point, he'd never met or heard of asa, but somehow he still missed him :( so i think the same can be said for any iteration of finn/griffin. we've seen that they're still capable of living their lives and even finding love, but there's always going to be this piece of them that feels just a little too hollow. any version of griffin that marries a woman is a little different because well. finn is gay. and although his sexuality never changes, his circumstances vary widely, which changes everything about how he acts on that.
for example, in the 90s verse, where we see newlyweds griffin and jules and their soon to be daughter, we find out that after griffin nearly died as a child, his parents became evangelical christians and were much more heavily involved in griffin's life. they had to support him physically and emotionally after his attack and even after he became an adult, he chose not to move far away from them, so they had a much stronger influence on him. although he loudly disagrees with their views, he still shows up to church every weekend when his mom tells him to. to me, jules is the most interesting part of this because we find out later (from our finn) that she was one of his neighbors, her family were strict jehovah's witnesses, and that she grew up even more rough than he did. so even though in this universe griffin is married to someone he's not exactly attracted to, who he probably wouldn't have married if it weren't for his parents' watchful eyes, it's clear that they do have a deep connection and they've both been through similar struggles. i wanted to make sure i portrayed jules in a positive light, as she's not an obstacle in the way of griffin's true wishes, she's a person who cares about him and who he cares about. still, that doesn't change the fact that he does feel like he's missing something and he always will. i think jules knew that too on some level...
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i can't really say what happens to them after asa leaves them. it feels like it's not even for me to know. but i do know they're both proud of the family they've built, especially since they were both dealt a bad hand in life, and i hope they'd continue to be a safe space for their kids to land, no matter where their personal relationship ends up!
and..... you're right, if there are alt finns, it follows that there should be alt asas :D :D :D that's all i can say about that for now fjksjds
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chiriwritesstuff · 2 months
... in Every Universe; 1. Let Me In (Sneak Peek)
A Roswell-inspired Modern! Din Djarin x F! Reader Soulmates AU
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Read the Prologue Here! │ Series Masterlist
... and here we go! I'm not going to lie- getting to walk down memory lane watching 'Roswell' has been quite a treat! I want to thank each and every one of you who has read and liked the series so far, I can't wait to explore what is in store for Nova and Din!
What happens when you think you've died, only to be brought back to life by the one man who haunts your dreams? Do you let him in?
Song Inspo for Chapter Title: ‘Let Me In’ - Save Ferris (the song Izzie & Alex danced to in season 1!)
Sneak Peek for Chapter 1 - 'Let Me In':
In those surreal moments just before the brink of death, they say your mind can conjure up some weird shit. Like a movie reel of your life playing on fast-forward. But what happens when those scenes aren't quite yours? When you feel like you're watching someone else's life play out, yet somehow, you're right there in the thick of it? In one moment, my life felt like it was on track: working in my dad's diner, dating the town sheriff, a loyal best friend by my side, and just one semester away from getting my degree in genetics. Everything seemed to be falling into place, like the pieces of a puzzle finally coming together. But then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed. I died. Just like that. And yet, somehow, I found myself being brought back to life in the arms of a man who had always seemed like a figment of my imagination, a constant presence in my dreams. As his touch breathed life back into me, it was like grasping hold of an invisible thread I'd been chasing forever. It's funny how a brush with death can make you reevaluate everything. Suddenly, the mundane rhythms of small-town life felt suffocatingly ordinary. And here I was, thrust into a world where the impossible seemed, well, possible.
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amethystina · 5 months
If you had to put Yohan and Gaon in a parallel universe, what would it be? Bcs I've been thinking about how would they be in a zombie apocalypse scenario (it's definitely very angst)
I can think of several and my brain tends to let the ideas percolate at the back of my mind whether I want them to or not x'D So, at random, it'll present me with fully formed stories complete with a complex plot and everything that's been slowly pieced together while I wasn't looking.
Admittedly, I haven't thought of a Zombie AU, though, probably because I don't like the doom and gloom of it (she says while having written a 100k Zombie AU for another fandom where one of the main characters is a literal zombie x'D ).
ANYWAY. Here are some ideas that have been living in my brain rent-free for a while:
Soulmate AU:
While everybody believes in soulmates, not everyone is lucky enough to dream of their fated other half. Yo Han does, however. They start during his teenage years, as is customary, and he can't say he's surprised when it's Isaac's familiar face he sees. He's quite relieved, in all honesty, since he'd much rather have a platonic soulmate than a romantic one. It's less messy that way.
Fate proves him wrong the day Isaac dies in that godforsaken fire and Yo Han devotes the rest of his life to avenging his soulmate's death. That seems to be the only way to fill the void inside of him.
But then, just as Yo Han is getting ready to set his ten-year plan in motion, everything gets thrown on its head.
He meets Kim Ga On.
Suddenly, Yo Han isn't sure who he's seeing in his dreams. Is it Isaac or this young, idealistic judge — who Yo Han soon realises has been sent to spy on him? And, even if it is Kim Ga On he's dreaming about, does that truly change anything? Everything has already been set in motion and, soulmate or not, Yo Han wants revenge for what happened to his brother.
And what's to say that Kim Ga On — so brilliant and righteous — would even want Yo Han as his soulmate? His despise for Yo Han is evident so, clearly, fate must have made a mistake this time.
Someone that pure could never love a monster like him.
(Ga On dreams, too, and they're always the same. He never sees his soulmate's face, only roaring flames and a crumbling building. Ga On assumes that means his soulmate is dead. Why else would he find himself trapped inside that burning inferno every time he dreams? Surely he would have seen something else by then if the person was still alive?
Not once does it cross his mind that, maybe, his soulmate just needs to find a reason to start living again...)
Black Knight AU:
Joining a group of rebel refugees wasn't so much a choice for Ga On as a necessity. He hates to see the suffering around him, people dying from lack of oxygen and food, their numbers dwindling by the day.
Ga On wants a better future for all of them and he'll fight tooth and nail to get it — even if that means tearing down the old world order and demanding a new one.
Fortunately for the rebels, they have someone on the inside helping them. Ga On has never met this person — known only as the Benefactor — but it's clear that he must be from the core district. Only someone at the very top would have the kind of power and influence that the Benefactor does, providing the rebels with information and supplies through the network of deliverymen and military personnel at his disposal. Ga On doesn't know why someone at the core district would want to bring down the very system that keeps him rich, but Ga On will take whatever help he can get.
And then — as if Ga On doesn't already have enough to deal with — things get complicated the day the rebels intercept what they think is a supply delivery but turns out to be a travel convoy. And the man at its centre is clearly from the core district judging by his pristine suit and flawless appearance. Usually, that would make him a valuable hostage, but there's something different about this man.
Not only does he not seem the least bit afraid to find himself in the midst of a group of armed refugee rebels, but he also fixates on Ga On in a way that's downright unsettling. Ga On doesn't understand why.
Nor does he understand why he keeps feeling an inexplicable and wholly inappropriate pull towards the man. Ga On knows absolutely nothing about him aside from the fact that he's clearly very rich, unnervingly intelligent and, as it soon turns out, incredibly dangerous. How can Ga On be attracted to someone so ruthless and selfish?
The only core district dweller Ga On feels even the slightest bit of respect for is the Benefactor and this Kang Yo Han is the polar opposite. Ga On shouldn't feel drawn to him.
And yet, against better knowledge, he does.
And it feels more like a question of when he'll succumb, rather than if.
(This story has everything! Rebels! Eating of the rich! Delicious identity porn! Explosions! Elijah calling Ga On literal trash that Yo Han dragged in from the gutter!
... it would probably also be pretty long so let's hope I don't succumb to the urge to write it)
Historical Vampire AU:
After Ga On's parents die, he fully expects to end up on the streets and starve to death. Fortunately for him, a local scholar takes him on as an apprentice instead, teaching him how to read and write.
He feels incredibly indebted to Scholar Min and so, many years later, when Ga On is asked to accept a position as assistant to a rich but mysterious lord just outside the city, he of course does so. The position is a mere cover, however. In actuality, Ga On will be spying on Kang Yo Han in hopes of finding out if he's secretly supporting the uprising that's brewing in their region.
More than once, Scholar Min tells Ga On that he must be careful — that the mission is incredibly dangerous. But it's not until he actually arrives at Lord Kang's estate that Ga On understands why Scholar Min kept repeating all those dire warnings.
Not only is Kang Yo Han aloof and deeply unsettling — his gaze filled with something that could only be described as hunger whenever he looks at Ga On — but he doesn't seem to eat, rarely sleeps, and never ventures outside during the day. Only once darkness falls does he leave the estate and, sometimes, he doesn't return until just before dawn.
Before long, Ga On begins to wonder if Kang Yo Han isn't just involved in the uprising, but might also be the cause for the dead bodies that have been found strewn around the city the past couple of months.
And, somehow, Ga On has to find proof to support his theory — preferably without becoming a target himself.
(A.k.a. if you thought Ga On's neck kink in Who Holds the Devil was bad? Think again, bitches)
Aside from these, there are also the two parallel universe stories I have already started: Gravitational Pull which is basically meant to be a series of one-shots that divert from the original canon by changing one small detail in each installment. And then The Devil's Due which is a Different First Meeting AU where they meet when Ga On is still a teenager and that throws everything out of order (because Yo Han accidentally kickstarts Ga On's gay awakening a lot sooner than usual and, after that, all bets are off)
So yeah. I could probably think of several more but let's stop here for now xD
(And don't ask me why I chose to write these ideas as if they're fanfic summaries because they definitely aren't fanfics yet)
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shadowriel · 1 year
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Hi, Welcome! Sending you all virtual hugs!
All my works can be found on AO3. I have several Gwynriel fics, but I write for a variety of ships. You can find details below.
Note: fics with mature/explicit content are marked with a *
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Everything We Could Ever Be — multi-chapter (6/6; 13k words)
Parallel universes, winter solstice, soulmates
On the eve of Winter Solstice, magic is in the air (not that Gwyn entirely believes in it). From kisses with Azriel to sips of mulled wine, everything changes when Gwyn finds herself in the last place she would have ever expected.
The Darkest Remnants of a Soul — one shot (1.8k words)
Hurt/comfort, angst, canon compliant
Following a rough night in the dungeons beneath the Hewn City, Azriel flies home and struggles to cope.
By Nightfall — one shot (1.6k words)
Banter, first kisses, Fourth Wing AU
Unable to sleep, Azriel ends up in the Scribe Quadrant, where he finds Gwyn reading something interesting.
A Night to Rival All Others* — one shot (7k words)
Shameless smut, rivals to lovers, modern AU
Gwyn shows up to a party in her 'Fuck me' dress and her rival, Azriel, does just that.
Rainfall (and other ways to get wet)* — drabble (900 words)
Established relationship, mates, oral sex
Gwyn finds her mate in the training ring. One thing leads to another. OR: Azriel getting on his knees for Gwyn.
For Research Purposes Only* — long fic (38/?)
Friends to lovers, grad school, modern AU
Gwyn has been mutual friends with Azriel for almost a year, yet they've only ever shared stolen glances and minimal conversation. With a wedding around the corner, the two rope themselves into a fake relationship and agree to be each other's dates. Set across a backdrop of wedding shenanigans and grad school work, Gwyn finds herself wanting more. But Azriel can't possibly be falling for her - right?
Out of the Storm* — multi-chapter (3/4)
Academic rivals, sexual tension, modern AU
Azriel is the last person Gwyn wants to spend her Winter Solstice with. But after asking him to drive her home for the holidays, his car breaks down and forces them to spend the night at a nearby inn.
Every Sound Your Heart Makes — multi-chapter (2/5)
Small town AU, friends to lovers, single dad Azriel
It’s been six years since Azriel came back to his hometown, with his newborn daughter in tow. Six years since Gwyn moved away from whatever heartbreak she’d left behind in her previous life and opened up a diner in Starlight Grove. Now, unable to resist the urge to help Gwyn, Azriel volunteers to design sets for their town’s Christmas musical. But what happens when the town grump and the woman he’s fallen for can no longer hold back from the inevitable?
In The Moondust* — multi-chapter (2/?)
Second chances, engagement, modern AU
Before: Gwyn finds herself enamoured with Azriel, sharing hearts, engagement rings, and a new house with the clearest view of the stars. The promise of a lifetime doesn't seem like enough, but she can't wait to spend it all with him. Now: She's not sure when it all changed.
The Blade of Your Tongue, Clashing Against Mine — multi-chapter (2/?)
Canon divergent, enemies to lovers, villain Gwyn
As general to Koschei's army, Gwyneth Berdara wields death with power. It's a choice she made after being rescued from Sangravah—to never be helpless again. Yet, her story rewrites itself when the Spymaster of the Night Court is captured as a prisoner of war and claims to be her mate.
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Only On My Mind* — long fic (5/?)
Second chance romance, workplace rivals, modern AU
Everything in Elain’s life seems to be going wrong — from one failed relationship after another to the listless, draining hours she spends working in biotech. When Lucien, her former flirty, yet infuriating lab mate, joins the company and gets assigned to the same project, Elain can’t help but think that things will get so much worse.
Counting Every Second — one shot (4k words)
Meet-cute, speed dating, modern AU
When Cassian invites one of his friends to Elain's Valentine's Day speed-dating event, she's roped into participating. She's never met Lucien before, and even though she doesn't have high hopes, talking with Lucien for a few minutes can't be too bad, can it?
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Whiskey Over Wine* — series part 1 (5.6k words)
Country AU, workplace shenanigans, shameless smut
As a bartender in the charming town of Windhaven, Feyre struggles to work under her over-protective, bad-tempered boss. The answer to her problem seems to be getting on top of him.
Searching for Starlight — one shot (1.8k words)
Star-crossed lovers, angst, canon divergent
Years after the great war, Rhysand crosses into the Mortal Lands and is reunited with his former lover.
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Filthy Sweet Beginnings* [Elain x Az x Cass] — one shot (6.2k words)
Threesome, shameless smut, porn without plot
Drawn in by the shadowsinger’s bedroom voice, Cassian stumbles upon Azriel and Elain having sex. The rest is simple: Cassian joins.
Shower Me With Kisses [Elriel] — one shot (1.4k words)
Modern AU, roommates, fluff
An annoyed Elain decides to confront her new roommate, Azriel.
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Dancing Like Flames (Nicholas Ruffilo)
Nicholas Ruffilo x female reader
Warnings: Alcohol mentions and a lot of angst at the end. (Sorry)
"You're so beautiful," Nicholas spoke as they lay in bed. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, or perhaps he was just that in love with the captivating women that lay in front of him. She smiled up at him, and his heart melted. No matter how many times he sees her bright smile, it will never fail to make his stomach turn as if it were the first time they had met all over again. She's the only person he has ever felt comfortable being vulnerable around. She has such a calming energy about her. "You're my everything," she whispered to him as if they were in a crowded room and only wanted him to hear. She thought about all the time they had spent together, then thought about the future and how this was her dream growing up.
Four years they've been together, and she still can't comprehend how she got someone as wonderful as Nick. He was perfect in every way; every part of him she loved, and he felt the same. Maybe it was because she didn't have a good example of love growing up, so she sought love from all the wrong people until she found her forever. She thought of all the times they danced in their living room, swaying back and forth to whatever song was playing. She thought of the time he took her out to the middle of nowhere so they could watch a meteor shower. Boy, did he know how to play her heart. By this point, he knew everything about her. Her likes, her dislikes—he knew what turned her on and definitely used that to his advantage, but she loved it, the nights they would spend pushing each other to their limits, ecstasy coursing through their veins before finally cuddling up to one another and falling asleep in each other's arms.
The late-night drives, when neither of them could sleep, Nick was driving and she was in the passenger's seat. Him switching between holding her hand and resting his hand on her thigh. He always gave her butterflies when he did that. Their relationship was perfect. Sure, there was some bickering here and there, but they never really fought. They never raised their voices at each other. It was clear not just to them but to everyone around them that they were meant to be together. She didn't know if she believed in soulmates until she met Nicholas. He changed her mind about that and a lot of other things.
They lay staring at one another. "I don't know how I got so lucky with you," he says softly as he moves his hand to hold her face. She closes her eyes as she snuggles closer to him. "I love you," she whispers to him. He was her escape, the person she knew she could turn to when things got bad. Most times, they'd lie together and just look into each other's eyes, like they could communicate with each other with just one look and know exactly what the other was saying. She could never pinpoint exactly what made her so infatuated with him—maybe it was his smile or his undeniable good looks. Perhaps it was his eyes; it was like they held the universe. She always found his eyes so beautiful. Their relationship felt like a dream, and she never wanted to wake up from him being the first and last face she saw each day.
She had never had the best luck with relationships, but something about Nick just made sense from the moment she met him. Everything just came easy; he made her feel things she had never felt before. "This is what love is supposed to be," she thought often, knowing that this was the love she never received, the love she always craved, the kind of attention she had always wanted but never got. She would have never guessed when they first got together that he could have changed her as much as he did. She was happy now; she was confident.
They lay in bed together, and the euphoric feeling was something she always felt with him. It was a feeling she couldn't really explain; it was like a feeling of pure love. It kind of felt like they were floating high up in the sky, but she never wanted to go back to the ground. How can you love someone this much? Her body was overwhelmed sometimes just from the pure love and joy she got from Nicholas.“I love you so much.” he whispered back to her.
 Even though it was a small moment, it felt like a dream—something unreal, something she wished she could stay in for all eternity. She wanted it to be reality so bad.
But it was not real; she was just dreaming, remembering the moments she once spent with him asleep in the bed they spent many nights in together, alone in the apartment once occupied by two. After a couple of weeks, she decided that even if she didn't feel good, she could try to make herself feel better. She went out a couple of times, but nothing numbed the pain, so she just pretended. Fake it till you make it, right? But even after three months, she has yet to numb the pain; she has stopped trying to fix it with alcohol because the pain would always return. "How could he throw away four years?" She has spent too many nights awake trying to come up with an answer to the question, but she has yet to find one. The nightmares, as she refers to them, were horrible. Not because they were necessarily bad, but because she would always wake up in tears, knowing these dreams were nothing but: dreams. Nicholas wasn’t there in bed next to her; his stuff didn't occupy the shelf space they would always bicker about; they didn't even break up over a fight. Honestly, she had no clue why they broke up; she felt completely blindsided by it and still can't seem to get over it.
She still defended him to no end; she wouldn't even let her friends speak poorly about him because, to her, he was still perfect. No matter how badly he hurt her, he still had her wrapped around his finger, and she still clung to the idea that one day he would come back to her. She clung to the idea that he might realize the mistake he had made and that he still loved her, but so far her hopes had fallen in vain. She could never hate him; he could set a fire and watch as it engulfed her in flames, and he would still have her heart. The memories are probably the worst; they won't fade, not one bit. The dreams of things they did together were so vivid that she sometimes wished she'd never wake up. not in a bad way; she just wished she could stay with the one she loved just a bit longer. She still feels like she is picking up the pieces of another life. How could one love someone so much, then not at all, in so little time? All the years they spent together disappeared like ghosts in the breeze. 
It felt like she had become a shell of herself, a void. All her friends noticed, and they tried to help her feel better. "There's plenty of fish in the sea," they would tell her, but she didn't want anyone else. All she wanted was Nick. She didn't know how she made it this long without him, how she continued to go out, how she was still breathing when he left her, and all she could do was lay in bed. 
“I still love you,” she whispered like he was still next to her, wishing she could hear him whisper it back.
As always feedback is more than welcome
Here is a little something I wanted to put out since I've yet to finish part two of my last fic.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 2 months
Sweetheart!Phil Masterlist
Baby, It's Cold Outside (ao3) - benotafraidofwriting
Summary: Dan and Phil are on vacation. Cue feelings and consummation of said feelings.
Bad Days And Good Cakes (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary: Dan's having a pretty bad day but despite the tears, emergency food orders and forced sweating, he and Phil use their love to get a beautiful cake out of it. Enjoy!
Change Will Come (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: Dan’s a depressed university student. Phil’s just a cute coffee shop barista who writes notes on Dan’s hot chocolates.
Commitment Phobe (ao3) - AlexStandallsSmile, Howlterssmile (AlexStandallsSmile)
Summary: Based on the events after the 4/03/21 live show when Dan reveals he’s scared of commitment.
The story behind why Phil had so many sweet treats after the live show.
Or: Dan has a freak out after mentioning the marriage comment live on stereo, and Phil Lester is a sweetheart.
drunk words are sober thoughts - danhasacrushonphil
Summary:  The opportunity of a life time comes in the form of Phil Lester actually showing up at a party, all tattoos and bright blue eyes. Dan’s been crushing on him for far too long, so getting the chance to play Never Have I Ever with his crush? Yeah, he can’t pass that one up. What could go wrong?
Fighting the Tide (ao3) - NovakSunshine
Summary: Dan hasn’t self harmed in years, so when Phil wakes up with Dan next to him, arms covered in red lines his mind goes the darkest place. Or I write a drabble about Dan using a red pen to keep the demons at bay until Phil chases them away.
Fireworks (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: obligatory 2009 dnp fic featuring blushy!insecure!dan and bold!shameless!phil, manchester eye, and gross fluff
I Asked You To Dance But You Said No (ao3) - AnotherPhanficWriter
Summary: Dan and Phil are Soulmates, they are SUPPOSED to be together, at least that's what all the other angels in The Above tell Dan. And it becomes Dan's mission to make Phil fall in love with him so that the Lords that own him can release him from the hell they are putting him in. Unfortunately, Phil turns him down at the end of the first date in every possible way, despite Dan redo-ing the day over and over so he can get it right. Somewhere along the way he figures out why he can't ever get Phil to say yes at the end of the night.
I Dare You To Stay (ao3) - realityfallsapart
Summary: Dan Howell is a barista working a shitty job, frequenting his shitty apartment, and living a shitty existence, hiding his asexuality and going for a PHD in self-depreciation and depression. Phil Lester is a part-time intern, part-time employee at a local weather station, trying to get experience in his field and make a name for himself, while juggling a second job at the nearby Tesco's to give him some financial breathing room. Their paths were never supposed to meet, but what happens when they do anyways, one rainy day in Manchester?
i'm going to watch you breathe again. (ao3) - ziamilo
Summary: He can't breathe. Dan can't fucking breathe, there's something rooted in his chest and it hurts.
But Phil is there, and he swears Dan's going to be able to breathe again and that he'll be there to see it.
God, it was always going to be Phil.
Jokes, Costumes, and Taxi Fares - placingglaciers
Summary: In which all his coworkers just adore Phil and Dan can’t see why they do. Until, of course, he figures it out.
Right to Exist. (ao3) - phansb
Summary: In a universe where Dan has been questioning his gender throughout Interactive Introverts.
Share A Bed, Share A Life (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary: Having a child is a stressful, time-consuming, argument-inducing process but, naturally, Dan and Phil ride the ups and downs together, ending up just fine. Fulfilling prompts 'age changes' and 'sharing a bed' for the phandom fic fests, enjoy!
slipping through my fingers (ao3) - Gal_tic
Summary: Even though he said he’d never grow up, Phil grew up.
Or, Kath reminisces on how time flies
The Storm (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan is scared of thunderstorms. Enough said.
Those Who Trust - theshyauthor
Summary: (tw) Dan used to be a submissive and now he’s just a broken shell of a man.
Trust Me, I’m Broken Too (ao3) - natigail
Summary: The Lesters – the royal family of his homeland – was nothing like Dan thought they would be. Well, the King was just as horrible as he had heard but the King’s brother’s son, who was third in line for the throne, was nothing like Dan thought he’d be. Dan had been adrift for three years going from one “place of employment” to another, only his life was seen as worthless and he was more property than an employee. He had never imagined he’s end up as the property of Prince Philip.
The Prince had no intention of ever taking on a personal servant, which was a fancy name to disguise the fact a law essentially enslaved people. Phil often had to do things he didn’t want to or risk being removed from the succession to the crown. If that happened, who knew who his tyrant of an uncle would pick as a successor? When pressured into the choosing, he’d wanted to go for the most innocent, young girl, but hard brown eyes caught his attention instead.
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Hello! Can I ask for sterek where one of them plays the piano and this is something relevant in the story?T hank you! You are the best!
Yeah, @poeedamerons!
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Endless Crescendo by apinkducky
(1/1 I 1,039 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek are practising together Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No2. Derek has an epiphany.
sing me a song, piano man by bleep0bleep
(1/1 I 2,223 I Teen)
Derek’s worked at McCall’s for three years, just about as long Stiles has been the pianist, and not once has Stiles ever sung a song about him.
Play it for Me by bioloyg
(1/1 I 5,622 I Teen)
For the longest time it sat in the corner of his apartment hidden beneath a blanket, gathering dust. Sure, every once in a while he'd uncover it, tune it, and clean it off, but that was the extent of it. He could never force himself to sit down and play, get lost in the movements of his hands and the melody of a song. ~ OR the one where Derek is a landlord and plays piano and someone takes notice.
You Don't Always Get What You Want by deadly_nightshade, Nerdy_fangirl_57
(7/? I 6,305 I Mature)
Stiles doesn't understand what he could have done to deserve this. Not only has the entire student body been out to get him since he first stepped foot into Beacon Hills High, but now he has to endure the constant bullying without his best friend Scott by his side. All in all school is survivable, even with all the harassment. That is until he finds out that Derek Hale, basketball superstar and Stiles' most persistent bully, is apparently his soulmate. Fan-fucking-tastic.
Derek can't believe this. It has to be a joke, it has to, because there is no way in hell that a freak like Stilinski could ever be his soulmate. He despises him more than anyone in the universe. So what if Derek thinks he has a cute nose, no one needs to know. Besides it doesn't matter anyway, he still hates Stilinski with every fiber of his being, his cute nose doesn't change a thing.
lost without you by ash_mcj
(1/1 I 8,322 I General)
“Derek,” Stiles whined childishly. He scooted closer to him and grabbed onto his arm to gently shake him. “I need to hear this! I can’t even picture you playing an instrument—never mind singing!”
Derek shrugged him off and nudged him away. “Not happening.”
“But why replace it, if you don’t even play it anymore?” Stiles reasoned. “C’mon, Sourwolf, my life will never be complete until I hear you sing.”
“I’ll do anything! Seriously, Derek, anything. I’ll streak across the lacrosse field during our final match, if you perform for us right now.”
[or: derek made the mortifying deal that he would sing and play the piano for stiles if he graduated college... and it finally came around to bite him in the ass]
The PlayLiszt by dylanssourwolf
(1/1 I 21,570 I Explicit)
Dr. Derek Hale is one of the most qualified musicologists in the country. He’s damn proud to be one of the most sought-after specialists in the world; he’s done his fair share of travelling to colleges all over the country to to give insights on the musical structures of some of the most famous pieces of classical literature. While he can't really play any of those pieces, he does have a particular choice of pianist when it comes to listening. Mieczysław. Derek likes to think he’s in love with the guy, even though he isn’t sure if Mieczysław is a first name or a last name or even a name at all, and he's never once gotten a glimpse of the pianist’s face. It’s about the music, the money-makers, and the guy’s hands are plastered on everything. The only other pianist who may be well on his way to being as talented as Mieczysław is a student by the name of Stiles Stilinski. He's just come back to school after a semester off and is now taking an independent study with Derek, who's trying desperately not to fall for his student. There's one peculiar thing; Stiles always has his hands mostly covered by fingerless gloves, yet still, Derek swears he's seen them somewhere.
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markdelonge · 11 months
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not my gif
. . . .
title: "ready for you"
pairing: toypaj!mark x reader
warnings: a lil cussing
blink masterlist
. . . .
track 14: pete davidson
i thought you into my life, woah. look at my mind. no better place or a time. look how they align. universe must have my back. fell from the sky into my lap and i know you know that you're my soulmate and all that. my whole life got me ready for you. gonna be happy. won't get no crying from me.
. . . .
you sat down on the bed you shared with your boyfriend fiancée, mark. you looked down at your hands that were in your lap, and you stared at the engagement ring that was on your left ring finger.
"i can't believe i'm getting married." you whispered to yourself.
ever since you were a teenager, you told everyone that you were never going to get married. you were always against the thought of cleaning and cooking for a man. you never even bothered to learn how to cook. in past relationships, it only took a simple conversation about marriage to get you to leave. you were scarred from watching your parents slowly break up throughout your childhood. you still could remember how they went from head-over-heels to not being able to be in the same room without arguing, and that ruined the thought of marriage for you. well, you thought it did.
when you met mark, he changed almost everything you believed in. he had taught you that love did, in fact, exist.
you had met mark at some bar when you and your band played a gig after his. he came up to you and complimented you on your bass and your band. it was rather small talk, but it still ended up with him getting your phone number. after the interaction had ended, you told your bandmate that you were going to marry him one day. of course, you were joking, but only if you knew.
a couple of months after you met mark, your band ended up opening for blink, which meant you saw him every single day, and it didn't take long for you to fall for him. you always had an excuse to spend time with him. it even got to the point where you asked him to teach you how to re-string your bass, although you already knew how. it didn't take long for you and him to become unseparable. spending off-days together, staying in each other's hotel rooms until 12 o'clock in the morning. it was only a matter of time before you would sneak away from the other bands to make out.
it was crazy to think that was two years ago. now you were getting married to him. you couldn't believe it, but you were honestly ready to go to the next level with him. he was the one you wanted to spend your life with, you were sure of it.
the sound of the door opening took you out of your thoughts. you watched as mark entered the room. he threw himself on the bed, laying next to you.
"are you alright?" you giggled at his actions.
"you left me." he pouted before moving his head on your lap.
"i told you i was going upstairs." you replied, placing a hand in his hair.
"you told me you were coming back"
"i did?" you questioned as you looked down at him.
mark rolled his eyes and got up off of your lap.
"are you excited for tomorrow?" he changed the subject as he took off his shirt and threw it off the bed and laid against the bed post, which caused you to sigh at his actions.
tomorrow was the wedding rehearsal, and the day after was the dinner rehearsal. you and mark had no idea that the rehearsals existed before earlier that week when your wedding planner had told you.
"hell yeah, i'm excited." you started as you got off of the bed, picked up the shirt he threw, and put it in the hamper.
"i mean, after tomorrow, we have a week, and then we have the actual fucking wedding." you explained as you got back on the bed and sat next to him.
"i'm really excited, mark" you smiled at him before laying down on his chest.
"me too, babe." he agreed while picking up your hand and fidgeting with your fingers
"i can't wait to see you in your dress," he started
"i'm probably gonna cry."
"no, you can't cry 'cause if i see you cry, it'll make me cry, and you know how bad it gets when i cry." you ranted.
you heard him hum in agreement, which caused you to lift your head from his chest and look at him with your eyes furrowed with fake anger
"i'm playing, baby" he defended himself before placing a kiss on your forehead.
"yeah, whatever" you rolled your eyes as you laid your head on your pillow and closed your eyes.
mark turned on his side so he was facing you and placed his hand on your thigh.
"i'm serious, mark. you can't cry 'cause i'll ruin my 200 dollar makeup. " you explained.
"oh yeah, we can't have you crying off the 200 dollar makeup that i'm paying for." mark said with sass in his voice
you opened your eyes to look at him for a few seconds before closing them again
"you know, you're way hotter when you're quiet." you joked
you heard him suck on his teeth
"whatever. that's not what you were saying last night" he teased, pulling your leg on top of his. even with your eyes closed, you could tell that he was smirking.
"don't get too comfortable, it's your turn to turn off the light." you reminded him, which caused him to groan.
it took him a couple of seconds, but he got out of bed to turn off the light. on his way back to bed, you heard him mumble something under his breath
"i'm sorry, what was that?" you asked as you felt the bed dip, indicating that he was back
"i love you, baby." he said and pressed a kiss on your lips before laying back down
"mm, yeah, that's what i thought" you responded as you put your leg on top of his.
"i love you too, mark."
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