#these both happen within the first few days of their friendship
catradoraism · 1 year
i really like that hua cheng never once conceals his bitchiness like from the get go xie lian sees how mean that mf really is (to everyone around them not to xl ofc) and xie lian just liked him more for it. bitch4bitch couple
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
Summary: Everyone at HQ was convinced there was something going on between you and Miguel. Just...no one knew what. But one group of spiders were determined to figure it out.
Warnings: None! Just a lot of goofiness and a whole lot of fluff :3
When you have a superhuman with superior senses, they’re bound to be perceptive to their surroundings. Now when you have an entire lobby the size of multiple football fields filled with superhumans with superior senses, very few things will go unnoticed.
It’s why people very quickly realize that you and Miguel have…something between the two of you. It’s just that no one is quite sure what.
Camaraderie? Maybe, you were one of the first spiders to join the society.
Friendship? Perhaps, but it was known that Miguel wasn’t one to do friends. Not with the amount of loss he has gone through.
A relationship? This one seemed the most unplausible. Miguel was, well, Miguel. Stoick, cold and calculating. Meanwhile, you were you.
You had a light that drew people in, kindness that knew no bounds and warmth like a fire on a cold winter’s day.
Everyone knew the saying ‘opposites attract’, but it was like comparing night and day with the two of you. Regardless, a small little group within the society were set on trying to figure the two of you out.
“Ain’t no way the two are together, she’s too good for him!” Hobie argues, his legs kicked up on the table in front of him.
“I don’t know, maybe that’s why they work together. Because she makes him better?” Miles says, but his tone of voice failed to hide his skepticism.
“I think you should just leave the two of them be. Besides, what happens if you figure it out or not anyway?” Peter says, feeding Mayday as he does. Immediately a chorus of arguments breaks out from the group.
“OKAY! Okay, forget I asked,” he says with a shake of his head, while Mayday just laughs at the commotion.
They spot the two of you walking into the cafeteria making conversation none of them could make out.
“Look at them,” Gwen says, “have you ever seen the guy happier than he is with her?” she asks, and Hobie snorts.
“C’mon mate, you call that happy? Mans got that frown tattooed on his face, can he even be happy?” he says, but they all continue watching intently.
You glance over to the table they were surrounding, and they all brush off your gaze pretending as though they weren’t just studying the two of you like specimens under a microscope.
You wave your hand, a bright smile on your face while Miguel only glances over for a moment before continuing to walk. You jog to catch up to him, grabbing a tray and picking up things you wanted for lunch.
They watch as they see Miguel pick up the empanada, the last one left. He pauses for a split second, holding it before turning to place it on your tray. Almost as though they were straight out of a cartoon, they freeze at the interaction.
You seem to be slightly surprised as you, saying something to him but he only brushes you off before continuing on.
“Did…that just happen?” Pavitr asks. Everyone at HQ was aware of Miguel’s fondness for the food (even if he did hurl one right at Miles when they first met), there was no way he would give one away so easily for just anyone, right?
“Somebody pinch me,” Gwen says, and Hobie jumps at the request.
Miguel never lets anyone help him out when he’s injured. That was just a known fact. He could walk into HQ battered and bruised and wouldn’t even look in the infirmary’s direction once. After depending on himself for so long, he wasn’t going to stop now. Besides, what were First Aid kits for after all?
The only way he was going to the infirmary was if someone dragged his unconscious body there themselves.
Well, unless you were there.
“Miguel O’Hara I swear to god, you better get your ass to the infirmary or so help me I will tie you up and drag you through the halls myself,” you say sternly as you both reemerge in the Lobby. The rest of the Spiders there continued with what they were doing, but their attention was zeroed in on you both.
“I’m fine,” he says, glaring at you as if trying to say ‘Just try’. Had you been anyone else, you would have backed down by now but you didn’t.
“You wanna test me right now? That was a nasty hit, I will not be letting it get infected under my watch,” you retort, and he puffs.
“This is nothing, I’ve dealt with worse,” he scoffs, and in an instant your finger shoots out, making contact with the side that got hit with the anomaly’s flames. Miguel can’t help the sharp intake of breath as the pain from the impact hits him.
Your eyebrow raises, an expression of disbelief on your face before it softens. Murmuring softly, you say something that only he can hear.
For a moment he studies your face before sighing, finally relenting. With a triumphant smile, you place a hand on the man’s broad back, leading him towards the infirmary with a gentle but firm hand.
There, Pavitr is laying in bed recovering from an awry mission of his own. The doctors had ordered bedrest for the next 2 hours at least. Superior healing or not, they were not going to risk it. So there he lay, slinging his golden bangles up and down bored before he hears the two of you come in.
“Mr. O’Hara-" a doctor’s voice can be heard, but he is quickly interrupted.
“She’s got it from here,” he says, Miguel’s tone final. A small “yes, sir” can be heard before footsteps fade away, the doctor’s office door closing once more.
“You know, you should really let the professionals help you,” your voice can be heard.
“You dragged me here, you can deal with the consequences,” he says, and you just laugh fondly before your voices quieten, murmuring too quietly for Pavitr to hear.
Curiosity builds as he recalls the conversation he and his friends had, and before he can stop himself he shifts silently to the side, just enough to be able to catch a glimpse of you both from the small gap between the hospital curtain and the wall.
There, Miguel sat on the bed, a disgruntled expression on his face but his eyes were soft as he watched you fuss over his side.
He only watches for a few seconds before pulling away, this being a clear invasion of privacy, and his boss’ privacy no less.
It wasn’t going to stop him from telling everyone else though.
“This is a bad idea. This is a really, really bad idea,” Miles says, grasping onto the ceiling like his life depended on it.
“It’s only a bad idea if we get caught, so Shut. Up,” Gwen says sharply, hanging from her place on the ceiling as they watched the fight from above.
Gwen had come up with the mighty fine idea of sneaking into a mission between the two of you. It wasn’t often that it happened, Miguel more often than not only went on missions with only Lyla by his side. But when he needed a partner, it was always you.
“Why did you have to bring me with you,” he whispers, “Miguel already doesn’t like me. He doesn’t need more of a reason to.”
“Because I needed backup and you can turn invisible. And let’s be real, Hobie would be laughing his ass off getting us caught, Peter would bring Mayday which would get us caught, and Pavitr is already on a mission, now shhh,” she whispers, turning back to watching the scene below.
You swung from pillar to pillar in the abandoned factory with practiced ease, a carefree laugh escaping your lips as Miguel stands on the ground fiddling with his watch.
“The anomaly’s last known location was here,” Lyla’s voice echoes out, and you let out a sigh.
“Why can’t villains have easy powers. Maybe a giant blob that is easy to take down? Why do they have to be so complicated? What’s this one again, a freaky shadow monster?” you think out loud.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Miguel retorts, glancing up toward you for a moment before turning back to Lyla. “Do a scan of the place, will you?”
“What do we say~” Lyla responds, and you giggle softly while Miguel huffs.
“Please,” he mutters.
“What was that?”
“Please, Lyla,” he says a little louder now, irritation growing in his voice.
“Already done,” the AI snickers, and he groans out loud as your laughter bounces off of the walls, a fist held out for Lyla to bump.
“The two of you will be the death of me,” he says lowly.
“Oh, don’t be like that, grumps. You’d be too stubborn to die,” you retort before tensing up, the hairs on the back of your neck rising with the familiar feeling of your heightened senses at work. The moment you sling yourself up is the moment a loud thud sounds out from where you once stood.
“Oh, I forgot to mention that the anomaly was in the far right corner,” Lyla says before disappearing.
“I really need to do a rewrite of her code,” Miguel mutters to himself.
In your previous spot emerges a dark figure, plumes of smoke emerging and dissipating from its form and allowing it to disappear into the shadows with ease.
With a simple nod, you get to work. Like a well-oiled machine, you work in practiced synchrony, bounding across the walls and slinging webs.
And just like that the anomaly is captured, the force field around it effectively trapping it for the ride back to HQ so it can be sent back to its own universe.
“That was…kinda lame,” you snicker, pulling off your mask
“Told you so,” Miguel says as he opens up a portal for you both, dragging the anomaly behind him.
“Don’t say that to me,” you pout.
“What, can’t handle the truth?” he retorts, a smirk playing across his lips as your bickering voices fade through the portal.
“…was that a smile,” Gwen asks as she watches the spot where they both had stood.
“Was that what it was?” Miles asks, a shudder racking through his body.
It was late at night at the HQ, and at this time everyone else had already gone back to their own universes. The few that lingered were the ones finishing up after a late-night mission.
Or, you were Peter B. Parker frantically searching through the kitchen for a bottle of milk for Mayday after a playdate with a select few spiders that went on for way longer than expected.
Mayday was an easy baby. Always happy and smiling, but that all disappears when she was hungry and you did not want a spider baby on a rampage.
“Alright, alright, give Daddy a few seconds to warm up your milk please?” Peter pleads as Mayday continues to babble angrily, crawling all over him.
She pauses for a moment, attention drawn elsewhere as she hangs off of her father’s back before leaping.
“Hey, lil spider!” You say with a laugh, catching her in your arms. “What are you doing here so late?” you ask.
“Playdate with Miles, Gwen and Hobie. Time really flew and she refused to leave until now,” Peter sighs tiredly, and you pat him on the back before putting her up onto your shoulders. “What are you doing here so late?”
You shrug, grabbing two mugs from the cupboard.
“Working late. Like you said, time really flew,” you say, but Peter knew that wasn’t the full truth.
“Working so hard that you need two cups of coffee?” he asks, holding out the bottle for Mayday to take, which is what she does happily as she snuggles up in her father’s arms.
“What can I say, caffeine doesn’t really work on me,” you grin, pouring the coffee from the machine. “Goodnight, Peter, Mayday,” you say, ruffling her red hair fondly.
And as quickly as you appeared, you disappear.
People didn’t often disturb the big boss man Miguel when he was working. Not if you wanted to stay on his good side.
It was even less often that someone barges into his room full of screens as he monitors the Archno-Humanoid Polymultiverse, let alone a group of them.
“We heard you talking to someone! And laughing,” Gwen says hesitantly as if she couldn’t even believe it herself. But she was invested in figuring out what the deal was between the two of you now.
“Well, do you see anyone around?” Miguel deadpans, his arms wide and gesturing around broadly. You could barely stifle the giggle as you sat on a beam high up on the ceiling, going unnoticed.
“W-well, no…But!” she says, and Miguel raises an eyebrow which makes Gwen shrink in her spot slightly before recovering. “But we heard you. There was someone here, wasn’t there?”
Hobie, ever the perceptive one tracks his eyes along the ceiling before spotting you swinging your legs with an amused look on your face. It seemed as though no one else had noticed though.
Miguel watches Hobie spot you and his eyes narrow in his direction, as if saying ‘I dare you to say anything’ to which the spider only raises his hands in mock surrender.
“No. There wasn't." He says, his tone final. "If that’s all you’re here for, I have important work to get to. So why don’t you go bother someone else, yeah?”
“I give up,” Gwen says, slumping in her chair. “We’re never going to figure it out.”
“Figure what out?” Jess asks, walking up to the group.
“Whether or not there is something going on between those two,” Miles says, nodding towards you and Miguel talking over in the corner of the room.
Jessica only hums, a knowing look in her eyes but she doesn’t say anything. Only asks a simple question.
“What makes you think so?”
“Everyone here knows that there’s something there, even if they want to admit it or not. She’s one of the few people he tolerates, they’re together almost all the time and he actually seems happy around her,” Gwen reasons.
“You could have just asked, you know,” you say, coming up on their conversation with an amused look on your face.
Their expressions range from flustered to simply amused and you can’t help the laughter that bubbles up as you make eye contact with Jess.
“And to answer the question,” you reach down your suit, pulling out a simple chain with a ring dangling off of the end.
“We’re actually married.”
The group goes silent for a moment, eyes wide as they stare at the necklace in your hands, trying to process your words.
Then, all hell breaks loose.
A/N: Hehe, I'm quite happy with this one :3 This is my first attempt at writing Miguel, sorry if I butchered him but I am absolutely hyperfixating on him after seeing ATSV in theatres yesterday.
Based on the prompt by @imslightlycreative though slightly changed :)) I hope you all enjoyed <3
Part two out now!! Read it here.
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goteique · 25 days
are we still friends? + (ren kaji, hayate suo, umemiye hajime, sakura haruka)
cws. | gn!reader, headcanon + scenarios format, sorta character study, fluff, angst, comfort. | redirect to blog navigation.
syn. | How do they react to confession when the feelings are mutual?
notes. | Will there be part two? who knows? but for now please have these. I forgot how to write smut so I'm writing fluff. 
☆ Ren Kaji: Ren does not like talking or listening so he pretends that he can not hear and with his headphones on it's easier to convince but when you specifically ask him to take it off so that you could talk it annoys him. He rarely takes his headphones off since it was a gift from someone. So all he does is to take the lollipop out of his mouth and say, "You can talk. I am not listening to anything," It really irritates you but you do not wish to act on it right now. He has started to grow a little too comfortable with your presence around him and maybe. . .just maybe it's time to create a ripple in his stagnant heart. At the rooftop of the school, where gentle breeze and sunlight prevails you say you like him and watch his eyes go bigger. He takes off his headphones with utmost haste demanding, "Say that again," but now it is your turn to annoy him. All your comebacks are full of: "no." , "Did you not listen when i said once?" , "This is why i told you to take your headphones off," and so on. You are so engrossed in conversing with him that you fail to notice his swift motion of leaning and planting a kiss on your cheek. Your lips cease to move for a while yet it is ever so quick and swift that it happens within a blink of your eyes. "Okay, I'll say it for you then," Ren says. Gulping and continuing, "Y/n likes Ren Kaji. and I like you too." in one breath and just vanishes out of your sight. The next few days he is spotted sleeping at unusual times because he has spent sleepless nights regretting why he did not take his headphones off.
★ Hayate Suo: Suo has known for a while that you like him. Well, he is not too sure but he always had a pretty good idea when it comes to emotions. He has probably known even before you that you could harbor feelings for him so when he hears the rumors from other students he does not react much except with some snarky comments to shut those rumors with his sickly sweet saccharine smile. But hearing it from you, at some secluded place near the bike stand of the school is certainly is out of the syllabus for him. At first, he does not know what to say, what to do, or how to react but when your eyes slowly look up to meet him the first thing he thinks if you did it because of rumors or some sort of dare. If so, then both are wrong. He thinks confession should come when it's time not when it is influenced by others. So, all he says is: "I know." eyes blinking a little too much, unable to consider you as his focal point. " I've known for a while." And then, he asks for some time to think about it which is unexpected because from what you have heard he has rejected every other proposal that came his way. You came prepared to be rejected when you decided to confess but this goes out of the syllabus for you too. So, you end up thinking if this is his new way of tormenting people who like him but he really needs time to properly think because he thought there is no way he thought you would like him back. He does not want to hurt you. That goes against his morals. He could feel his cheeks being warm, ears too, palms tucked behind his back cold, and rapid heart rate. "So, this is how it feels to be confessed."
☆ Umemiya Hajime: Being an older brother to everyone has never been a bother until he developed a gut wrenching crush on you or that is how he would like to put it. Not only that, you have developed quite a friendship with Kotoha ever since you started helping her out in her resturant. You are probabaly same age as her which makes things a little more complicated. Was it not enough that you might be under the impression that Kotoha is his girlfriend? Like most other people; But thanks to Sakura for clearing that confusion up. Still. . .still he feels his heart twist whenever he visits the resturant. All he does is to silently watch you. He could have easily creeped you out if you had not developed a crush on him. When Umemiya's visits became you became a little bold, like talking to him, asking about his day, exchanging numbers but never have been alone with him. He always comes with his band of boys. It denifitely nice to hear him laugh, talk and sometimes steal sneaky glances but it does not help with the wave of emotions he makes you feel. So, one day when the door bell chimed and as usual you said, "Welcome" looking in the direction of entrance ceasing your chores all you could do is stare for a moment since the customer is none other than Umemiya Hajime and he is all alone. So, you repeat again, "Welcome Umemiya-san." tearing your gaze away from him. "Kotoha is busy. Should I let her know that - he cuts you off with," i'm not here for her today." sipping water ever so slowly from the glass you just served on the coaster. Is he nuts? is he really doing this? Right now? why is he not freaking out? or maybe he is, internally, just like you. "I'm here for you today." And, when he confirms you turn around to get a proper look. 
"I see," you say.
"You didn't answer my call so i had to come here," Umemiya remarks. 
"so, you are here to scold me?" Umemiya's heart drops in some bottomless pit. He did not mean it to come out this harshly. He is just tensed, especilly after how you texted last night : "I like you Umemiya-san." 
"did you check your phone after last night?" and to that you just nod. You do not want to and who honestly would after confessing to the brightest star. You are so out of league from him. Umemiya smiles. "I see," he speak softly. He gets up and then he is about to leave but just before exting the door he says, "Please, check you phone."
★ Sakura Haruka: Sakura has a habit of talking, and going on and on about it unless someone interrupts. If possible, he would talk in one breath. So, when you say that you like him he dismisses it as a joke. "quit kidding. Nobody likes me. y'know that. . ." And there goes your probably hundred-and-fifth confession. He never takes it seriously no matter how serious you try to be Sakura manages to bungle up your intentions so quick yet you can not seem to blame him. If anything he is too honest, so often he comes as rude and obnoxious but his intentions are so pure that sometimes it makes you think can a person be this stupid? But this time when you confessed you thought this would go in the usual direction; him dismissing it as a joke but this time when he looks at you he is faced with something new, something he is not good at handling. "you. . . are you crying?" And it dawns on you how heavy your heart has become with his oblivious nature. all those "I like you-s." never reached his heart, only his head. You quickly wipe away your tears and try to cover it up with the most brilliant lie ever to exist. "It's just dirt." given his oblivious nature he is supposed to buy but he is asking questions again. "You. . . all these time. . . were serious?" Yes, you absolute dimwit. You can not even nod to confirm his thinking. You swallow hard trembling lips parting to speak and you are met with his chest with his arms wrapped around you. " I-I ... was told that if you like someone...you can hug them... y'know when they ...say they ...like you," he starts to stammer and it creates a swarm of laughter arises from your stomach. "Whoever told you that must know a lot about dating," you say having a fair idea who it might be.
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belovedcloud · 1 month
Sick Days | Roommate! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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Notes: Been pretty bedbound recently and thought about how Leon would be if he was sick and had his roommate help him out. This is literally just Leon and you being lovestruck by each other but you both are too scared to say it until he does.
WC: 1.9K
CW: Talks of Ada leading Leon on, nervous Leon but cute outcome. He loves you a lot and just can't convey it well. Fluff, maybe a Part 2?
Lazing around in bed was nice every now and again, but that's when you haven't got a tissue shoved up your nose and the highest temperature possible. Leon never meant to get sick in the first place - but when you magically find yourself in a sewer and get stuck in shit-rotting clothes for a good few hours in the cold, it tends to happen. So here he was, trying to breathe properly whilst you tended to him every hour and so. If he wasn't sick he would've thanked you properly by getting you a gift but being bedbound was difficult enough. So his forms of gifts to you were sneezes and coughs as he tried to stomach the pills and cough syrup you gave him.
"Maybe try and not sneeze on my arm..." You jokingly said as he grumbled in bed, wrapping himself in his sheets. "Shut up.." He coughed out as he tried to hide his smile from you, it was impossible to not smile around you. The feelings you gave him were indescribable at the very least. It was like he was a teenager again, fumbling over his words sometimes and not being able to make sense of himself as you would smile at him. Your soft hands swat away the hairs that fell in front of his face as he sniffled, groaning in pain as his head ached continuously. "When can I have my pills again?" Leon asked as his teary eyes travelled up your face, taking in your beauty as you placed down another hot chocolate on the nightstand for him to gulp down any minute by now. "Uhh.. give another 30 minutes, I don't want you feeling even worse because you took your pills too early." You chuckled out as you saw his disheveled state, he really could be dramatic at times. "Fuck.. as if I could be in anymore pain." He muttered, taking the hot chocolate into his hands as he painfully sipped at it, the hot liquid seeping into the cracks of his lips. The lack of hydration causing his skin to dry out.
"Hold on let me get you some chapstick." Seeing you walk out Leon couldn't help but sigh. You were too kind to him, too kind to a man who killed monsters for a living. Yet you wouldn't mind hearing him sob out his monstrous nightmarish stories, you wouldn't mind helping him when he needed help. You would always be there, and that's why he fell in love with you. It took him a while to understand the concepts of love after being lead on by Ada back in Raccoon City. But he got there in the end and he was content with having a crush on you. Even though he thought you would never get with a man like him. Your smile and friendship was enough for him. For now. Your love for Leon was no different. The way he carried himself and his strength mentally was always something you looked up to. He was courageous, no normal person could be like him if they put up with what he was put through a few years ago. His kindness still resided within him - something that you longed for.
Moments later, Leon sees you coming in with a stick of chapstick. The pop of the lid makes him shuffle up from his homemade pillow and blanket mess, his groans apparent as he sat up. "Remind me to not lay down like that again.." He moaned out in pain as he saw you level up the chapstick. "Even when you're sick, you're still funny." You laughed out. "Finally admitting I'm funny now, when I'm on my deathbed?" He playfully rolled his eyes as he put his hand to his head, reenacting how someone would faint. "You are so dramatic Leon." The flick of your finger on his forehead made him yelp. "What the fuck?" Leon chuckled, turning his eyes back on the chapstick. "Red chapstick... really?" He looked at you with tired eyes as he saw your hands approach his head. "It's either this or you can have chapped lips, which one will it be grumpy?" You retorted out jokingly as your left hand tilted his chin up towards you. His face couldn't help but feel warmer... How the hell could it feel warmer when he was ill? A sense of embarrassment overwhelmed Leon as he pursed his lips, a sigh eliciting out his throat. "Fine, chapstick it is."
His gaze wondered over you as the feeling of chapstick replenished the moisture in his lips, slowly rubbing his lips together as you stopped applying it. "Looks like you have lipstick on." He heard you snicker out as your remark slowly made you burst out in a fit of laughter. "Shut uppp.." Leon couldn't help but laugh with you - your giggling made him smile. It was harmonic as he saw tears of joy appear in the creases of your eyes. Laughter slowly died down as you put the chapstick in your pocket - sitting down on Leon's bed. "Does princess Leon need anything else now?" You joked at him as he snuggled back into his fort of blankets. Leon rolled his eyes and averted them towards the side of the room. "You're so kind to me when I'm ill." He grumbled out, a small smile appearing on his lips. "You're welcome." You quipped back as you ruffled his pillows, fluffing them back up to their original shape.
"Thank you..." He hushed out, nervous as it escaped his mouth. Fuck, was that too obvious? "Huh? For fluffing your pillows?" Your head tilted in confusion as your eyes gazed back onto Leon's face. Even when ill, he was so handsome. "No, I mean yeah but.. Thanks for looking after me these past few days. When you could've been having fun with your friends." Leon stuttered out. His heartbeat felt rushed all of a sudden, scared of what you would say back. "You don't have to thank me Leon, it's nice being able to help you out." A soft smile appeared on your lips, he couldn't help but give a weak smile back. "And anyways, you would've done the same thing for me right?" Your hand slid to caress his. Aiding him in some sort of comfort as he mumbled out what he said next. "Yeah.. of course. I would help you with anything."
Leon felt himself get too hot as he hushed out his words. You couldn't help but feel nervous in this situation. His raspy voice hit spots in your heart where you thought it could never be reached. The way he spoke to you, the way he looked at you. Were you both really just friends? "I uh.. Sorry if that came out weird." He broke the silence between you two, feeling scared if he had made things awkward. "No, don't worry. It was really sweet of you to say that." You stumbled over your own words trying to make him think otherwise. The way your soft lips moved as your hand kept caressing his hand made Leon crazy. All he wanted to do was kiss you, hold you in his arms. Make you his. "Leon?" You nudged at him. Oops. He forgot he was mid-conversation with you.
"Sorry." He chuckled out. Fuck it. "You're really pretty." He whispered out meekly. It had felt like you short-circuited. Did Leon just call you pretty? "Huh?" Was all that managed to come out of your mouth as you stared at Leon in bewilderment. "Pretty?" You asked him, as if you were begging him to say it again. A soft chuckle erupted out of Leon's throat as his gaze wondered all over you. "Yeah, really pretty." He made it clear to you his thoughts. "Inside and out, and I'm sorry if I made this awkward I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore." He groaned out as he plopped his head back on his pillow. A subtle smile emerged on your face, looking at the man who just confessed to you. "It's okay, I just didn't think you thought of me that way." A mellow laugh elicited out your throat. "What? Of course I do, I mean look at you... You're beautiful and oh my God.. you treat me so well. I can't help but be in love with you." Leon rambled out, hushing himself as he realized the last part. "Shit..." He mumbled out, knowing he had fully confessed his love to you. He anticipated a rejection, instead he felt a soft kiss press on his forehead.
"I'm in love with you too Leon." She couldn't help but have a wide grin as she relapsed his confession in her mind. Leon on the other hand couldn't believe what just happened. It soon sent him into a coughing fit, with you patting his back and laughing. "Agh.. fuck." His voice rasped out of his throat. "How about you get some rest?" You stroked his face, getting the stray hairs out of his eyes. "Uh.. so we're going to just forget that you kissed my forehead?" He joked as he looked at you with teary eyes, still struggling to breathe from him coughing fit before. "Well I can't kiss you on the lips can I?" You snickered as you pinched his cheek, a small whine escaping his lips. "Yeah.. okay. I'll make it up to you when I'm not dying." Leon groaned out as he melted into your touch. "How are you gonna do that?" Confusion laced in your voice as you asked him that question. "Well if I tell you that'll ruin the surprise." He laughed as he looked into your eyes. Feeling your body leave his made him whine. "Where are you going?" He held onto your hand.
Your lips pressed against his forehead again as you stood up. "It's time for your pills." Leon yanked you back down to him as he rolled his eyes, a yelp leaving your lips. "They can wait." He grumbled out, his arms slowly wrapping around you. "Weren't you just crying about not having your meds?" You snickered out as you melted into his touch. "Hush, I don't need them now." He murmured as he lifted up the blankets, covering the both of you. Leon couldn't care less about the medication if it meant having you in his arms, at least for a bit. "Leon.." You whined out, "You're going to get me sick." You tried to escape his embrace, but to no avail. "We can be sick together." He joked as he kissed your neck, feeling content in his sick body. "Shut up, I'm getting your medicine." Getting up from his tight embrace was hard, but it was possible in the end when he felt you kick his kneecap. "You're really going to leave me when I'm like this?" He huffed out, a small pout forming on his lips. "I'll be back soon with your medicine, it's not like I'm leaving forever." You flicked his forehead as you walked out the door.
He was so in love with you.
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 16: Edging
Pairing: IVE Rei x Male Reader
Word Count: 6,110
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.”
Supposedly, you’ll take an ounce of energy to like her and maybe, it’ll be an audacious move by you to the point that you can probably regret or possible—in the best way of sugarcoating—you’ll get to even appreciate, nonetheless.
But this wasn’t the case, for the both of you. So-called acquaintances that act like they’re cats and dogs in a relationship but they weren’t even in a single one to start with is the best fit of a description when it comes for you and her, Naoi Rei. Well, of course, your relationship with her or in a better term, friendship with her is quite bewildering and an interesting one.
The both of you acting like cats and dogs against each other and then being delighted seeing one’s faces is one of the few ways to describe your friendship, and it was exactly unorthodox in nature—friends acting like enemies and then suddenly acting like nothing happened? Well, that’s a thing to know and grasp but it wasn’t always like this and today, it hits way differently because you can almost feel her emanating aura threatening you but you’re unfazed as you’re not scared of a girl like her.
Yet, with all of these being said, what’s the context? Where did it all start?
Well, it’s something more like, petulant and dumb, knowing how Rei’s words can hurt like daggers on how straightforward she is and you, being short-tempered, causing a negative reaction.
“Can you please stop using that?” Rei pouts and feigns anger right after, as she’s visibly annoyed with the pop-it game that you’re playing which, in your case, you totally ignored her as you continue investing your fast reflexes to advance towards a harder level. Having enough of the ebullient sounds emitted by the possibly-called console you’re playing, Rei grabs it as she hides it from her back and obviously, a perplexed face paints you as you try and grab the game back to you.
“What’s the matter with you?”
“Can’t you see? It’s so goddamn annoying!” Rei grits her teeth, rage boiling within her as she can’t bear to hear the annoying sound of the game, making you ock an eyebrow on her, confused about her antics.
“If it’s annoying, then you can probably shove those headphones on your ears, no? Besides, it’s not even that loud so give it back!” You try to get the console but are deemed unsuccessful as Rei’s skills on dodging your advances and being a step ahead than you are evident, and that’s even making you frustrated because of her petulant behavior.
“I don’t care and stop being so childish!”
If she wants to play a game, then you’ll be the one to lead the way and be the first challenger.
Having enough of her own ways of killing your own fun, you’d gladly kill hers first as you attacked onto her vulnerable position, tightly pinning her wrists onto the wall as it catches her off-guard and with your proactive actions, she almost let go of the console as you look at her eyes with venom. With your intimidating eye contact with just inches away from her own face, she won’t give up a fight as she snarls to voice out for you to let her go as she glared at you like she has murderous intent planned.
“I don’t know why the fuck are you like this lately, but I know for a fact that you’re letting go of that and you’ll do it now.”
Of course, Rei is going to be as stubborn as she wanted to be just to provoke your anger even further and to annoy you, making it a living hell. “Fuck no—and let go of me or I’ll break this shit!”
She would dare to do that but she has limits, yet she won’t bear to do that just because of these childish acts. Rolling your eyes in frustration, you take matters into your own hands as you swiftly let go of your left hand on hers and deftly grab the console, making her whine as your possession has now been out within her reach.
“Hey! Fuck you!”
You scoff and cocked an eyebrow on her, blasting off your hubris as she emanates that resting bitch face of hers again. “Better luck next time, I guess.”
She whimpers because of your win, and she's not having that. With your victory, you tease and mock her with it as not surprisingly, she clicks her tongue and rushes into her room, completely enraged. You don’t know what’s up with her as you’d probably not want to find out now but suddenly, a surge of regret coursed within you, feeling a little bad that she acted that way but you showed no sympathy since she started this childish act.
Yet, you won’t let this mysterious case remain unsolved, and you’ll decipher and crack the code later when things probably will calm down even though the chances will be slim to none.
“Gosh—what’s up with this girl? Unbelievable…”
“Why h-her and not m-me?”
Rei sits on the floor vexed, hugs her legs as she weeps onto the long-sleeves of her top as she feels utter defeat after a specific event happened that she saw and heard with her very own eyes and ears and breaks her heart completely, and here she is, utterly sulky and maybe in the path of being despondent.
If it wasn’t for her courage to just confess and let other things be set aside to fully commit, then this wouldn’t have been more painful and she’s now regretting it, the scar getting worse and worse over time.
Maybe she’ll find a way to mend herself and find herself out of desolation.
You sit onto the couch, browsing the Internet as the blue pixels onto your phone just emits the endless scope of like six topics that almost tiring to see and with that, you turned it off and laid down onto it, finding yourself into a trance of tranquil and relaxation yet a spark ignites something, making you enlightened and act up immediately.
Now rushing onto Rei’s door, you notice that it’s locked as you hitch a breath because of it, yet hope is not lost as you knock on the door, hoping she would answer even though you expect that it wouldn’t always be the case. “Rei, can we please talk? Come on, whatever you’re going through, we can talk it out so please—let’s talk.”
Utter silence ensues and you already expected this, yet you didn’t let your hope die as you knock another time, pleading for her to talk things with you, knowing you can help in whatever she’s maybe going through. “Rei-ah, please, can we talk? I know you’re there so please, give me a chance. Okay, I’m sorry about earlier, okay—so we just talk about this, please?”
Another plea falls deaf to her ears and with the defeat, you sigh heavily and thudded onto the door, sitting down and waiting for her to respond yet no faint sound can even be heard on her room—there can be two reasons behind this complete absence of sound: it’s either she’s sleeping peacefully on her room or either ignoring you for god knows what reason could it be and it you’re really hoping it’s the latter since she’s been acting like this around you for days.
“Okay, whatever you want Rei! If this is what you want, then so be it.”
You rose from your position as you’re just hoping that time will do its job, killing off the vexed mood that she’s been emanating towards you days ago.
Of course, you won’t spend hours just for her own childish actions, more so wait for her answers like you owe something yet there’s one thing that you’ll achieve and that’s mending what has been broken with an unknown context when it all unveiled.
You’re much more of an impatient guy, defining annoyance whenever something’s not being fulfilled in a small amount of time and that’s your downside. Well, now, would be an exception and as Rei's being much of a nuisance and a stubborn individual really doesn’t get you into the mood.
“Rei—come on! Can we please just talk this ou—”
Surprisingly, after waiting for hours she suddenly opened the door, making you thud onto the ground as you stood up immediately, inches away from facing her you’re wholeheartedly intimated with the bitchy demeanor she’s emanating.
“What do you want?” Rei’s tone is evidently annoyed with you being a nuisance, as her face doesn’t seem to be even interested towards you.
“Can we just talk about whatever’s going on, please?”
“Another line—I’ve heard that for like, a hundred times already.” 
Of course, this is Rei but she’s just being a bugbear that’s nigh-unbearable to deal with—if it were the others, they couldn’t left her or something worse, but you’re heart is still bearing to deal with her even though she can literally be the goddess of vex sometimes.
“Hah—o-okay, so, can I come in?”
Rei just gave you a stone-cold stare, before uttering without any emotions, “No.” Then, the door slammed shut, almost hitting you in the face as the lock clicked again, knowing you’re defeated again. You shake your head in frustration and hitch a breath because of how it took so much patience just to deal with her petulant bullshit.
Of course, you won’t give up so easily even though she made your endure a burden down your back—
“I got you some udon, your favorite!”
Silence permeates the air and you patiently wait for the predator to get baited. You have a few tricks up your sleeve that will ensure Rei will come out of her own cage as she bites onto the bait, and you, smiling as everything’s going right to the plan.
Rei quickly unlocked the doorknob and opened the door, asking you. “Where’s the udon?”
Of course, you know she’ll fall for the oldest trick in the book and it’s not even close to doubting it. Her quick movements passing you wasn’t even a surprise as she showed full-interest of one of her favorite meals and completely ignoring you like you didn’t exist. Even with her stern face that shoots daggers within your soul on how cold it is, it’s inevitable to see the delight curving her lips into a faint smile because of your “gift” for her—you wouldn’t buy her anything like this, in all honesty; it’s just the fact that she’s sulking so bad that you need to play the wildest tricks on her game in order to win it.
You pointed down at the table in the dining room and she rushed there immediately, not questioning you anymore as it’s sure a waste of her time and wouldn’t bear to leave her meal cold.
“Got you what you wanted there, since I knew you’re starving trying to ignore me. Beef udon. Spicy. Garlic—”
“Will you ever shut up? I’m trying to eat here!” Her tone wasn’t exactly exuding anger, but by all means, it’s intimidating and thrilling to hear, it almost feels like she’s threatening your life with it. This isn’t really surprising, honestly but deep down, you know how thankful she is for the meal you bought her yet she needs to remain that stern and cold demeanor meant to reevaluate your life choices.
Now, thinking about something like that, what have you really done to make her act like that? All hints were vague enough to crack the code behind her somber demeanor and her bitchy attitude that you despise.
If only you could really punish her for acting like this, then you would but those will be off the charts for now…
“Not even a thank you, Rei??” You feign disappointment as defeat laced in your tone, hoping Rei would acknowledge your thoughtful advances towards her and maybe, it’s working considering how she’s faintly smiling after each munch of the noodles.
“Hah… Okay, thank you for the food, I guess…” Rei’s tone is sarcastic, her head shaking jokingly as she mocks just to intimidate you and with that, you’re not having it anymore and you had enough of this attitude of hers. Rushing towards her as she’s scrolling down her phone, you caught off-guard with the grab of her wrists as you bring her in a wall, pinning her against it with a glare shooting daggers at her this time (thankfully, Rei left her phone on the table as it didn’t fall down because of your aggressive actions).
“You know, if you’re going to act like this for the next weeks I’m going to get fucking tired of you, you know?”
The fact that Rei didn’t retaliate with your harshness and even smirking slightly in front of you, lets you know how much she’s fending off her wants of enraging you as she likes this demeanor of you as you’re gaining control over her and that’s what not you wanted. With an unstoppable force of rage fueling you, you can’t comprehend how you’re going to take this situation lightly as it’s rather worse when Rei mocks you intimidatingly. “Then what? You’re not going to hurt me because you love me, right? If your horny ass could just chill within a single day then I wouldn’t have held this grudge on you for weeks.”
The former, she’s not wrong; you definitely love her and it’s all in a set of confusion on how the both of you portray the image of ‘love’. The latter? Well, that concludes her attitude that cursed her to be her worst for weeks and now you know why—it’s now letting you cross down the fields of reflection, giving you the light of realization on why she acted like this and god, it’s childish but she has a point, nonetheless.
To give context, maybe it was just a hint of jealousy towards someone you’re close with, and it spread like wildfire and letting her hear about it in which, breaks her heart a little yet it’s slow and painful, to the point that she needed to distance herself towards you to bare the pain but she can’t.
She never will because her heart is screaming for you. You only.
Even though the whole school’s talking about you and the popular princess (they refer her with that) being closer together as time goes by, you can’t and won’t find someone like Rei and how she holds a special place in your heart that no one can dethrone her from it—like, no one.
Yet, you wonder why is she taking this pain so seriously to the point that she has to ignore you like it didn't exist in her life and if she manages to talk to you, it’s all in a wrathful manner that you can’t bear?
Well, you probably need to find it out yourself even if it means to fuck it out of her.
“But why are you like this? Do you know how it fucking hurts to me that you’re ignoring me? Holding a grudge against me because I’m just close with her? Oh, so you’re jealous and you won’t talk to me—is that what you are, Rei?” You feel such a terrible and painful concoction of emotions, specifically sadness, rage and surprisingly, denial.
Why would you feel denial? There could be, possibly, limitless ways to express how you’re feeling denial but no, this is a bizarre one since you’re denying your true feelings of being in pain and rage because of her.
She knows how this probably scarred you, but in her mind, it’s to state a point—a point of her own selfishness and jealousy which is just absurd to think about.
“It’s not just that—you wanted to fuck her, I can see it in your eyes too—” Her eyes laced venom as her stare bears the pain she’s also carrying, and the cherry on top, her undying jealousy. “—it’s like you wanna rail her from behind and—”
“Rei!” You grit your teeth in rage as you feel the utter disrespect and the wrong judgment being thrown out between the both of you, mostly your approach and intentions. “Can you just—fucking stop saying that like, I wanna fuck every girl I meet, please?”
Even with the utter rage and uneasiness of you, she can feel the sincerity between every word you’re saying as her demeanor is slowly changing, yet it’s not evident onto your side as you’re being blinded by lust and frustration. 
“Okay, okay—but your eyes are like—” Rei retaliates as she uses such force enough to let go of the grip of her wrists, and you didn’t even bother regaining your dominance and control as she’s doing her own thing, succumbing onto the better grip than what you did earlier. “screaming the ‘horny’ energy so bad.”
If you thought you’re that perverted to be thinking of filthiness all the time, she’s eating up her own words as she slowly kneels down in front of you, before grabbing the hem of your pants to switch positions, letting your body thud and relax onto the wall as she starts her magic.
“And you know what’s the best thing to match that horniness?” Rei looks up at you, cocking an eyebrow as her confidence fuels her to be this daring towards you.
“Whatever you’re thinking—ahh, Rei—just don’t—”
“Is horny itself.” Rei doesn’t let her speech get unbothered by you, as she unbuttons your pants as she disregards any of your pleas of refraining herself to engage in such lustful motives but that was impossible to be resisted.
“You know how much I despise you, right?”
“You don’t even need to tell it—I fucking hate you too.” Rei hitches a breath as she snarls, the little anger deep inside her being vocal around you and it didn’t stop, not even once.
Yet, of course, she knows how insatiable you can be as your body is her weakness and all she can sense within her is need and hunger over you. Even with her undying grudge over you, despising each other with all their might, the both of you won’t help yourselves from being intimately close onto each other’s touches and once Rei has all of your defenses down with a swift motion—she’s really good at this; you could even blink once and you’ll just see everything just going off like she’s precise on meeting the time even though she doesn’t need to. With a tickle of her fingers onto your clothed erection, you could just beg for her to just undress it but you’d want to let her know how you’re still in authority and maintained an unfazed demeanor.
You don’t need to beg nor ask; she has it all down, in one swift motion as she is greeted by your throbbing member in whom she always loved.
“Not gonna lie, even though I hate you and you’re an asshole sometimes—” Rei teases the head of your length with her fingers as you shudder in response, but fighting the urge to fully submit to her. “—you have a nice, juicy cock that I won’t turn down and that’s another upside on you.”
Your breath shudders as your thighs quiver a little due to her touches that makes you a hundred times more sensitive than ever before. “F-Fuck you, Rei…”
She isn’t bothered with that as she smirks and suddenly, her lips part against the slit of your cockhead as she swirls her tongue around it, painting every inch of your head wet with saliva and to make you submit into her even more, her digits strokes the base of your shaft in which, is too pleasurable on your own books. 
“And not gonna f-fucking lie—” You retort as you stammer because of the intense pleasure her mouth is giving, but still continue to voice out what you want to say. “—as much as you’re a bitch who’s acting like spoiled, sensitive brat, your brat m-mouth feels fucking good—ahh, fuck!”
Rei knows how her incredible mouth can be your kryptonite once she laid it onto your swollen head, as she can just think of the numerous ways to fulfill her amorous needs and to probably deprive you because of what you deserve, in her own opinion. With the constant bobbing of her head onto your constantly throbbing penis, you can’t help but just give in to the ocean of pleasure and fully submit onto voicing your animalistic needs yet you fight yet treasure her oral service onto the entirety of your shaft. Saliva inevitably seeps out of her corners of her mouth in every thrust she does onto your length, sheathing every inch with her drool as she savors the musky taste of yours in which, she just can’t get enough considering how she slurps around your shaft.
“Of course, you’re not gonna feel a better mouth than me, asshole.” She resumes sucking you after as her pace is now being relentless, opting to further fulfill her needs of being deprived of the taste of your cock for weeks.
“One m-more ‘asshole’ that c-comes out of your mouth, I’m going to fuck your a-ass crazy enough to make you think who’s the real asshole is.” You retort back, aiming to provoke the sleeping beast inside her but you could only feel her vigorous pumps and frantic bobs getting more pleasurable and fast as she gives what she can in order to serve the best for both worlds (mostly hers, of course).
“I bet you can’t even get past the entrance of my ass, loser.” Of course, she’ll fight back and degrade you but that isn’t even true and it’s just the fact that her rage is just fueling her to say these things to you or better, to unleash your masochistic side.
The last time you had an intimate anal session with Rei was three weeks ago, and you could just remember how she fully submitted onto the entirety of your cock ramming her tight, snug hole and begging you to fill her up but of course, you didn’t fulfill it and would rather paint her enticingly round, beautiful face full of your semen as her hole was gaped enough to be sore as her legs deemed worthless for almost two days—you even got to the point that you need to excuse Rei for her absence due to her having a ‘fever’ but in reality, that happened between the both of you.
Resuming her oral masterclass, she parts her plump, duck-like lips onto the head of your shaft as she takes you deeper, aiming for more for her to take more as she’s getting hungrier the longer she sucks you off, and it’s just going to get better from here. She lets her hands do the utmost work all over your nether regions as every aspect builds up to the promised fantasy that burns the passion of lust: her handiwork of her dainty fingers massaging and stroking your shaft into a rapid pace, her hands fondling your balls to stimulate you further and occasionally caressing your thighs to arouse and entice you further. 
Even though you want to degrade her actions, she knows you would be lying in your teeth, even if it means for roleplay but you know it wouldn’t work on her watch, no matter how hard you try.
“Keep doing that, Rei—fuck, you’re so fucking cursed on how good you are with this, no? Goddamn—fuck!” With your relentless compliments laced with your own deadly venom, it just fuels her to increase the pace further, where you’ll almost give up and grab a handful of her dark locks for leverage yet you won’t give in that far, wanting Rei to know how you’re still worthy to defend against her own frantic attacks.
She keeps her mouth busy with unparalleled thrusts as her hands do wander all over the vicinity of your length and soon enough, the inevitable will soon be in touch with you, signaling your near high as you encourage her to double her efforts with your constant moans and your subtle movements.
“Fuck, I’m getting close, Rei—” It was all getting too much elevated as suddenly, something disturbed the force—it was the devilish deeds Rei has been cursed to do, in an act of vengeance, on her own words.
Pop. It was sexy and hot yet at the same time, it’s fucking frustrating.
“Why the fuck did y-you stop, Rei? I was so close!” You’re bewildered and angered by the fact that she immediately stopped as you were about to blow the biggest load of your life down her throat—guess, that’s impossible now but hopefully, not for long. You can see the devilish smirk printed on her face, as she smirks in delight with your despair and her own pleasure.
“You fucking deserve it, honestly…” Rei’s stone-cold glare intimidates you, aiming to really unleash the hidden fury you’ve been storing as she slowly strokes the base of your shaft, not letting the libido die early for you and hers. With the constant twitch of your cock achingly wanting for a heavenly release, it just puts gasoline onto the flames of Rei’s selfish needs to see you struggling, more so, being edged until your balls ache for days, probably.
“How the fuck do I deserve this?” Your hands went onto your length, badly wanting to stroke it to paint her face white yet Rei fights you and god, she’s surprisingly able to fight back, brushing off your arms with hers as she stands up and pins you onto the wall, her face just inches against you. “You’ll see… Just let me do my thing, alright? You’re not going to cum yet, not on my watch.”
With a confused face, you can’t fathom why would Rei do that and more so, you deserving for such a cruel act but deep inside, it’s turning you on and you can’t help but think of how good it is—it’s a blessing in disguise and maybe, this is what Rei wanted all along.
“We should take this to the bedroom, honestly…”
“Why just not here, Rei?” 
Rei just smirks and gives you that stern stare as she repeats herself again. “I said in my bedroom, now.”
Well, who are you to turn that down and not obey? You’ll never turn her down as both fervor-filled desires are off the roof now, craving for more despite the heart-aching grudge between the both of you—not going to lie, she’s toning down and that alone, makes you happy knowing that she’ll be like her old self soon.
And that's what you hope…
“Fuck, y-you’re good at that—oh fuck, y-you’re cock is so b-big!”
“You’re s-so tight too, Rei!”
Even with the hint of movement, you can’t help but groan as the peak serotonin coursing down your veins is becoming too much to handle, her walls hugging around your throbbing length like it won’t let go—and this is the wonder behind this: her walls achingly gripping around your shaft begging for a load and her scrumptious backside all over your sight makes everything no less onto the point of peak-arousal, and it’s just the epitome of perfection.
Thanks to the added lubrication of the lube you’ve squirted inside her snug hole, it became easier to thrust inside her as every time you do, groans of pleasure escape both your mouths as you opt for better pace and the quality of each thrust doubling. You aim to really fuck the living grudge and bitchness out of her and you know how your cock can make Rei submit onto you as the harsh grip of the bed sheets and her screams of delight says enough. You then peppered her neck with affectionate kisses, maintaining the arousal soaring in the air as you mount your arms under her armpits and grasping her shoulders, wanting the get the better leverage onto fucking her snug hole and to further hear the symphony of moans escaping her sinful mouth.
“See, Rei—if you’re not going to be this harsh on me, this w-would be this damn easy, right?”
Rei, even though with your entire length hammering her asshole, still manages to articulate such words and be the bitch that you’ve been despising her for. “J-Just—gahh—shut the f-fuck up and fuck my a-ass—ahh, it’s too good!”
Constant spanks reverberate around the puny room as her buttcheeks now shades a familiar rosy hue, marking your harshness towards her. You quicken the pace and with every spank you do, her hole clenches and god, it just becomes unbearably tight yet pleasurable as you did that for the next couple of minutes, aiming to give her the best gratification that she’ll ever feel in her whole life.
Your hands didn’t just stay idle under her arms just for leverage, yet instead, it coursed its way onto her constantly jiggling large mounds as you fondle them, showing her how you wanted them for so long as it further sends her into overdrive and soon, it would be all too much for him, and maybe, for you.
“Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum soon—ahh, f-fuck, keep f-fucking me!”
Of course, she would get off with her digits constantly swiping and aiming for her high while you ram her asshole like there’s no tomorrow. With your focus only averted onto fucking her relentlessly and with the point of no-return, you didn’t even got the chance to see her high got off as she sprays all over the place, screaming in every spurt she does and it’s all just filthy, messy and arousing as fuck. You then rub her clit in order to stimulate her further, and extend her high as you find yourself pumping into her harder, aiming to gape her hole open and to let her know who the real asshole is.
“Yeah, see? Now you can’t think straight with my dick ravaging inside this slutty asshole, hm? You’re such a hypocrite, Rei—you really are.”
Even with the constant struggle of her tightness making your brain go haywire, you manage to degrade and retort back to her and maintain the rapid thrusts in her ass in which, took her seconds to respond as the pleasure was just becoming too much and that was all according to plan.
“Just f-fuck me and s-shut up—ahh, oh god—ahh!”
You hammer your hips hard against her porcelain flesh, the constant clashing of it resonating such sinful sounds that can easily turn on everyone that can eavesdrop their ear upon—gladly, it’s just the both of you who can hear these sinful sounds and being blessed by it. You know your high is about to get near soon, as you can feel it tingling onto your loins and she knows it too—the constant throbbing of your shaft inside her says a lot and little did you know, she has more in store and planned with you…
“Pull out!”
“W-What? What do you m-mean pull o—”
“I meant i-it! Pull t-the fuck out!”
As much as it’s painful to pull out of her tight, snug hole and the mental pain to not paint her walls white while rearranging her guts, you did what she requested you to do, pulling out immediately with a grunt escaping your lips, struggling a little because of her unexplainable tightness.
“Then what the f-fuck do you even want, Rei?”
Rei looks over her shoulders, and then faced you with her semi-drowsy eyes and with still an intimidating glare, and enlightened you, “You need to fuck my tits, now—I want it here and you’ll blow your load all over my face.”
Well, as much as you detest her propositions because of her constant denial of your supposedly-heavenly orgasms, that is an offer you won’t turn down as the soft valley of her pillowy mounds are as pleasurable than any of her holes, all in their respective aspects of defining the gratification it can give and titfucking her would be your guilt pleasure.
“Oh god, just let me cum! Don’t blueball me anymore—I swear…”
“It doesn’t matter—you’ll get off anyway.”
Now, positioning on mounting onto her stomach and laying down your raging length onto the valley of her mounds, she spits into her cleavage as you took the opportunity to lubricate your shaft onto it—not to mention the lube sheathed all over your shaft being helpful too at the moment. You’re really not going to waste any time as your hips ensue a wild pace onto her tits, as the hypnotic bounces of it are just mesmerizing to see, marveling at how perfectly arousing the sight is. Between your thrusts, her tongue desperately tickles the engorged head once it emerges onto the pillowy breasts of hers as each thrust is just aiming to chase your long-awaited orgasm, as you’ve been edged onto it for two times now. 
Now holding onto her arms as a leverage onto frantic, desperate thrusts, you quicken the pace like you’re rushing onto something and thank god Rei’s helping you with chasing your own high too—her squeezing her mounds tightly with her arms to aid for the tightness that you always like and the pace of her  ensuing a pleasurable pace that adds up to the delightful trajectory of such an incredible friction between the both of you.
There’s no turning back now; not when she moans to encourage your release and soon, it’ll all break loose and won’t be deprived further as suddenly, without even warning her, your slit wasn’t unable to hold anything back, sputtering multiple streaks of your own seed that landed on her neck, chin, her voluptuous breasts and some even on her cheeks as she moaned gracefully because of the warmth of your hard work. You kept thrusting into the valley of her breasts for a while as you chased to extend your orgasm and stopped once it fell out, you then falling limp onto the bed, enervated with what you’ve done with Rei.
The both of you exchanged breaths, chest heaving up and down for air as she faintly smiled at you, not before swiping a sample on her chin with her fingers and tasting, humming soundly right after as it tasted great, as she always expected.
“Not bad… See, the load is much healthier if you’re edged a couple of times…”
“Fuck you, for that—hah…”
Rei’s hands cupped your cheek, and then made you face hers as her smile is now mending the broken bridge between the both of you and most likely, mending your heart as the air now permeates wholesomeness, and it’s just fluttering to see that.
“Maybe I am the asshole for acting like a bitch for like three weeks, hm?”
“If that’s what you assumed…” Now recovered quickly with your own high, you got out of the bed and stood up, preparing to clean up the filthy mess you’ve been into until a voice calls you, making you turn back to see the gleeful Rei back to her original state—a bubbly, pouty one that you always love and that alone, makes the interaction wholesome despite the painted sin all over the bed and both of your bodies.
“You’re not just going to leave me here! Let me clean up too!” Rei pouts cutely on you as you giggled a little, feeling dumbfounded with her cute actions as you helped her get out of the bed, struggling because of the constant ramming you’ve done on her ass that made her legs feel like jelly. “Gosh—I don’t think my legs are working right now—you fucked me so well…”
“Well, I guess all you need is a cock ready to fuck that living bitch out of you, huh”?
Rei lightly punches your shoulder because of your tease, and knowing it didn’t offend her in any way, you just laughed it off as she giggled back, finding it a little hilarious. “Shut up…”
Well, maybe you’ve now cracked the code—Rei just needs a good fucking, rearraging her guts and her attitude is enough to really make her break that stern demeanor she’s been onto for weeks.
And yeah… “Oh no, the udon!”
“You can finish that later, Rei—” You smirk right after, planning onto another mischievous act that will let her know the primal beast inside you, maybe even feeding her more than what any food can do. “—because for now, you can milk another load from me, in your throat—don’t you want that?” 
If it isn’t even enough for the both of you…
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muffinpink02 · 2 months
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Leah and Lucy have never got on. An event they both attend brings them a little bit closer. Do they start to see things eye to eye? God I hate summary's.
Chapters 1 of 4 part 2 here
Warnings - Smut, all the good stuff
Lucy is a friendly person, she gets on with most people she meets. She’s easy going, she isn’t an in your face kind of person, she keeps herself to herself. She’s respectful to others, and even if she didn’t agree with something, she would still be able to get along with the person in a friendly manner.
But there was one person Lucy didn’t get on with, and her name is Leah Williamson.
Lucy and Leah’s dislike for each other started a couple years back. The hatred started when they first played against each other in Leah’s first over 21’s game.
The girls had never officially met prior to the game. Though Leah had already heard about Lucy, she was becoming a known name within women’s football. Lucy had a couple years on Leah, and if Leah was honest she was a bit nervous to play against her. She had heard how good she was and how hard she was to get past on the pitch.
It had gone half time and the game was getting to Leah. She had barely touched the ball and when she did, the defender was always hot on her heels. Lucys team was up by 3.
7 minutes into the second half and Leah finally had possession of the ball. She was clear, nobody was in her way. She could see the goal keeper trying to work out where she was going to shoot. She could practically taste the goal, until she felt a strong body next to hers. Lucy was able to get the ball back with no issue, she hardly even touched the blonde. Lucy cleared the ball away, and Leah lost it. She didn’t think about what she was doing. She tackled Lucy, hard. She knew the ball was gone. She could have easily stopped herself, but her anger got the better of her. She went in hard with her right foot, against the defender’s shin.
As soon as she heard the brunette cry out she regretted it. Lucy was rolling on the floor, holding her leg, she could see the pain in her face. She knew it was a stupid thing to do. The ref blew her whistle and held up a red card.
She heard the boo’s from the crowd. She then felt someone shove her, it was Jordan Nobbs. “What are you playing at?” She was in Leah’s face now, pure anger in her voice.
Her own teammates got in-between them. The ref came over and told Leah to leave the pitch. It all happened so fast. She could feel the dread in her stomach. She looked again at the brunette. She saw tears in the defenders eyes, the medics were beside her in seconds.
Lucy had to miss two games because of the injury. And she never got an apology from the girl. Leah was suspended for 3 games.
After the game Leah’s manager didn’t hold back. She told her how stupid it was, how it affects the team, even how she could have ruined the other players life with an injury, and everything else to make her feel bad. Even a few of her team mates made a few comments. Lucy had played with these girls in previous teams so they probably had some kind of friendship with her.
Since then they couldn’t stand each other. For Lucy it was the sheer lack of respect Leah had for her. Leah knew she did wrong that day. The shame of what she did turned into embarrassment, that then turned into anger and resentment towards the defender.
Over the years it always got heated on the pitch when they played against each other. There would be a pull of the shirt here, and stepping on an ankle there. It was a known fact that they couldn’t stand each other. Some people joked that they needed to have it out in the boxing ring.
“Yeah the green looks good!” Georgia was on Lucy’s phone screen, the girls decided to FaceTime each other to get the approval of what they were wearing for the charity event.
Lucy and many other players had been invited to a charity event in London. It was a charity to help children get into sports all over the world. A lot of big names were going to be at the event, so she wanted to look good. Thankfully some of the England squad were going, it was always easier at these things when you knew a few faces. She messaged Georgia, Ella, Alessia and Keira to see what they were wearing. And that’s how she came to have Georgias face on her phone.
Lucy stood in her floor length mirror, looking at herself. She knew she could rock a suit, but dahm she looked good in this one. “Yeah I think I’ll go with this one.” She pushed her glasses back up her nose and smiled at herself.
She took a few photos and sent them to the group chat with Georgia, Keira, Alessia and Ella. She got responses quickly.
Ella - Yessss Bronze!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 FITTT
Georgia - 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 DRIP
Keira - Nice!! 👌 ❤️
Alessia - Love it Lucy!!! You look good 😍😍
Lucy was happy to get the approval from her friends. They also sent their outfits photos, to which they all looked good, and Lucy hyped them up just the same.
A few hours later Lucy was in her home gym. The brunette was working out a sweat on her punch bag. Thats when she got a call from her agent. She pulled off one of her gloves straps with her teeth. She answered it, loud speaker on.
“Hey Lucy! Can you talk? Is it a bad time?”
Lucy breathed hard, wiping the sweat from her four head with her arm. “Hi Lisa, no, all good, I’m just working out. What’s up?”
Lisa sounded weird, like she was excited but there was a slight off tone to it. “Oh, great. Well I was just calling to let you know the organisers at the charity event wants you to announce one of the awards.” 
Lucy wasn’t surprised by the request, she was an ambassador for a charity herself.
“Yeah, sounds good. It’s not a long speech is it?”
“No, no. Just a quick award, the usual..”
Lucy could hear there was something else in Lisa voice, she had heard it before when giving Lucy bad news. “What’s wrong Lisa?”
Lisa waited a few seconds before answering. “They want you to present the award with someone.”
Lucy scrunched her face in confusion, why would that be a problem?
“Right, that’s fine? Isn’t that what happens most of the time? Who’s it with?”
Lisa once again fell silent. “….They want you to do the award with Leah Williamson.”
Lucy stopped mid stretch.
“Are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking? Why would they do that?”
Lisa scoffed, “Probably to make it seem like even they can bring two mortal enemies together with the power of charity.” Lucy could hear the sarcasm in Lisa’s voice.
The brunette shut her eyes in frustration and took a deep breath through her nose. “Well I’m just gong to have to do it, I don’t need to talk to the girl.”
Lisa sounded relieved. “Thank god. I’ll tell them you’ll do it. It’ll be fine, you don’t need to be best friends. Anyways, I’ll let you go, I’ll send you more details once I have them.”
Lucy started to fit the boxing glove back to her left hand. “Okay, sounds good. Talk to you later.”
Lisa ended the call. Lucy went back to her boxing bag. At least she’ll have something to focus her anger while boxing now.
2 weeks had passed and tonight was the charity event. Lucy was getting ready in her room. She had gone for light natural make up and was rocking her green suit with a clean white vest top that showed off her abs through the thin fabric and a pair of white Nike air max to finish it off. Her hair in her signature bun.
She was trying not to think about the fact that she was going to have to share the stage with Leah tonight. The last 2 weeks the her teammates had joked about the situation. They even had bets on who would win in a fight, Lucy was more than pissed that 4 of the girls on the team actually picked Leah.
She was interrupted from her thoughts when a text came through.
Alessia - outside x
Lucy had a car picking her up for the event, luckily Alessia lived close by so they were able to go to the event together. Lucy took one more look in her mirror and made her way outside. She was more than relieved to have Alessia with her. She opened the door to see the striker in a beautiful gold dress.
“Hey Luce! Oh my god, you look even better in real life! I love the suit.”
Lucy smiled, she loved it when Alessia hyped her up, it always seemed so genuine.
“Thanks Russo. You look stunning, gold really suits you.”
Alessia smiled at the compliment, she actually seemed shy from the comment. “Thank you Luce. I’m looking forward to tonight, there’s going to be an after party!”
Lucy smiled at her teammate, she loved how enthusiastic she was being, it made her think tonight wasn’t going to be too bad. They chatted all the way to the event, even taking some selfies. They arrived to a sea of photographers, flashing lights everywhere. Lucy would never get used to this part of the job. Photo shoots she could live with, but this was always a whole other world. She was just thankful to have someone with her.
She felt Alessia touch her back. A gentle reminder that she wasn’t alone. They made their way through the sea of flashing lights. They finally caught up with their teammates. They grabbed a sofa area before they could sit at their assigned seats.
Ella was sitting next to Lucy on the sofa, she nudged Lucy with her elbow. Lucy turned to see why Ella was bugging her. She smirked at Lucy and nodded her head to the direction in front of her.
“Eh up, it’s your co-host Bronze. Wow, she looks hot.”
Lucy looked in the direction Ella had nodded to, and she was right. There stood Leah, she was chatting to a TV host Lucy recognised but couldn’t tell you the name of. Lucy screwed up her face at the ‘hot’ comment. “Oi, whose side are you on? You can’t say she’s hot.”
Ella laughed and looked back at the blonde “Na sorry Luce, she does look hot, you have eyes, you can’t say she doesn’t look good.” The other girls had now taken interest in the conversation and looked around to see for themselves.
Keira was first to comment. “Oh yeah, she does look good. I knew she was fit but wow.” Lucy curled up her lip in disbelief. “Erm, sorry did we forget we don’t like her?” A smile crept of her face and the girls and Lucy laughed.
She did take a look at the blonde herself and the girls weren’t wrong, she did look good, Lucy could easily admit that. Leah was wearing a black dress that hugged her at the best bits, a high opening at the top of her thigh, exposing a bit of skin, and gold heels to finish it off. Her hair was down and straight. Lucy couldn’t take her eyes off her.
They were finally able to sit at their assigned seats. All the girls were together, with a few other names on their table. Ella was making small talk about football with Rylan Clarke and Lucy and the others stayed on their phones. They had been to events like this before and they could be a little boring, so no one judged you for having a scroll through your phone.
Lucy had a few glasses of Prosecco to give her some Dutch courage. It’s not like she was shaking in her seat with nerves but it always made it easier having a few bubbles in you, she also wasn’t sure how this was going to go with Leah. They hadn’t even acknowledged each other since they arrived.
Half an hour later a member of staff came to collect Lucy. The girls wished her luck. She was feeling fine, the alcohol was definitely helping, she wasn’t drunk but felt warm and light. She was ushered back stage where she found Leah already waiting. The blonde gave her a tight smile and nod, Lucy returned it. She couldn’t help but notice how good the blonde looked. They had at least 5 minutes before they had to walk on stage. Lucy was listening to the other presenters on stage, trying not to make it anymore awkward than it already was.
“I can’t do it.”
Lucy turned around to a pale looking Leah. She looked like a deer in headlights
“I can’t do this, I’m freaking out. God I knew I should have just said no.” Leah was starting to panic, she could feel her hands shaking.
She bent forward hands on her knees the girl looked liked she was about to be sick. Lucy gingerly stepped forward to Leah, she put her hand out to touch Leah’s back but thought better of it.
Leah wanted the floor to swallow her whole, she couldn’t believe she was having a breakdown in front of Lucy. Of all people.
Lucy wasn’t really sure what to do. She didn’t know Leah, she didn’t have the best relationship with the girl. Now she was having a meltdown, moments before they were meant to be on live television. She would be more than happy to go out alone if she needed to.
Leah stood up she looked like she was about to cry. For some reason seeing Leah close to tears stirred something inside of the brunette. She didn’t like the girl but she didn’t want to see her like this either.
Leah could feel her eyes watering, she was in full panic now.
“Leah it’s okay. You can do this, you’ve had bigger audiences than this, this is nothing for you.” Lucy was sure that would be enough.
Leah puffed out her cheeks, a tear falling from her eye. “God, sorry, I can’t believe I’m crying in front of you.” Lucy couldn’t believe Leah was this nervous. Their history was pushed aside for a moment.
Lucy took Leah by the shoulders. Leah was clearly taken aback by the touch and tensed up under Lucy’s hands. “Hey, look, I know this isn’t the easiest of things, I get it. I hated doing things like this before. But you are Leah fucking Williamson, one of the best football players out there, what do you have to be nervous about?”
Leah wiped her eye and chuckled. “Wow, I did not ever expect to hear those words come out of your mouth.” She could feel Lucy’s strong hands on her bare skin. She was close enough to smell her perfume. It smelt like a perfume Leah had of her own. The touch distracted her for a split second from her worries. She also couldn’t believe Lucy had said she thought she was a good football player.
Lucy smiled, she was happy to see she got the girl to laugh, Lucy once again couldn’t help but notice just how beautiful the girl was up close. She felt her tension leave her shoulders.
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it. Look, if you want I can do all the talking, you can read out the winner? Or you can just come out? I’m easy.” Lucy stepped back, letting go of the blonde.
Leah sniffled and took a deep breath, dabbing the corners of her eyes lightly, trying not to mess up her make up. “Could you maybe do the talking, and we read out the winner together?…If thats okay?” Lucy couldn’t help but notice how weak her voice sounded.
“No, that’s all good with me. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Just breathe through it.” Lucy gave her a small smile.
Leah gave her a genuine smile back. Before any more could be said a young girl from the stage crew came over, with a headset on. “Hey ladies, okay, your cues will be in front of you on the projector with your names. Make sure to smile and no swearing.” She smiled and ushered them over to the side of the stage. She looked to be listening to someone in her ear. “I have Lucy and Leah now, they are clear to go.” Lucy then heard their names being called out on the speakers by a pre recorded voice, the lady smiled and gestured for them to go on stage.
Lucy started to walk, she could hear the audience clapping. She then felt a hand hook around her arm. Lucy looked around to see Leah attached to her. Leah smiled at her almost pleading her not move her arm away, she clearly needed the support.
Leah didn’t realise she had reached out to Lucy. She needed to feel something close to her, she needed something to ground her. Lucy smiled and carried on walking, she pulled Leah closer to her without thinking twice. As soon as Lucy pulled the girl closer, Leah felt like she could breathe again.
Lucy read out all the script, like she said she would, still feeling Leah attached to her arm. They read out the winner together, still noticing how small Leah’s voice was. They congratulated the winner and walked off the stage, Leah walking close by her side.
Another crew member came over, with a headset on his head. “Well done guys, could you follow me please.” They followed the young boy back stage and back down to the floor. Lucy was first to get to her table, and before she could do or say anything, the boy ushered Leah back to her own table. Leah looked like she was about to say something but was quickly rushed by the crew member.
Lucy stood with her back to the table, she watched Leah go to her own table. She turned to see her teammates were staring at her like she had grown two heads.
“What?…is there something on my face?” Panic set in thinking she had done something embarrassing. She slowly sat down, eyes still on her, but no one was talking.
“What’s wrong? What did I do? Did I say the names wrong?”
Ella spoke first. “What was that about?” She nodded her head towards Leah’s table. Ella smiled. “Are you two best friends now?”
Realisation kicked in. Lucy laughed. How was she going to explain this? She wasn’t going to go into detail about Leah’s meltdown, friends or not she wasn’t someone who would talk about someone else behind their back. “She just needed a bit of help. No big deal.” The girls looked at each other, a few smiles and lost looks on their faces.
Georgia laughed. “Well, you looked good together.” The girls all laughed, Lucy laughed with them.
For a split second the comment had Lucy’s mind wonder to what it would be like to be with Leah in more ways than one.
She was interrupted by her thoughts when Keira jumped in. “You did well up there Lucy.” Keira smiled a genuine smile at her and raised her glass. Alessia was pouring Lucy a new glass to drink. The girls all raised their glasses. “To Lucy!” Shouted Ella. They all cheersed and took a drink from their glasses.
“Awww thanks guys.” The girls went into their own conversations. Lucy looked around the room, spotting a few famous faces she recognised, another part of the job she still hadn’t gotten used to. She turned to the right of her, and caught a pair blue eyes watching her. Leah’s blue eyes.
Leah quickly looked away, trying her hardest to act like she hadn’t just been caught in 4k.
Lucy looked back at her drink, smiling to herself as she took a sip of her Prosecco.
Leah kicked herself internally. She had been watching Lucy for a while, and she knew she should have stoped after the first 5 minutes, but she couldn’t help it. When Leah first saw Lucy tonight, she had to pick her mouth up from the ground. Lucy looked really fucking good in her green suit. Leah could see Lucy’s 6 pack through her fitted white t shirt she could have sworn she dribbled. Then seeing her up close backstage didn’t help, she made her more nervous than she already was.
She felt like she could still feel Lucy’s hands on her shoulders, she made her feel so relaxed, just the touch alone calmed her breathing. Don't get her wrong, she knew Lucy didn’t like her or even looked at her in any other way than an enemy. But Leah could still appreciate a good looking woman when she saw one, and she thought that every time she had the pleasure of seeing Lucy. On or off the pitch.
The awards finished and the girls made their way to the after party all in one car. It wasn’t far from the first event. They pulled up to a bar that had a night club underground. They jumped out of the car and were escorted straight in. The DJ was already playing the right kind of music to get you dancing. They were escorted to a reserved table with a few different bottles of drink in ice. They poured what they wanted and made themselves comfy.
More people started drifting in from the charity event and the bar become full. There were a few other girls from different teams on the dance floor. It was mostly athletes at this event as it was a sports charity, so Lucy could spot a few of the other girls out. She also spotted a certain blonde in the middle of the dance floor. Looking a lot more calmer than she did earlier. Ella and Georgia decided they wanted to dance, they made their way to dance floor but not without dragging Lucy down with them.
The girls laughed at Lucy pretending to not want to go, but Lucy didn’t put up a fight, she was the first the start dancing once they got to the dance floor. The other two joined them and all 5 of them were dancing under the strobe lights. After a half hour Lucy made her way to the toilets. She felt the effects of the alcohol hitting her a bit more, after leaving the hot room of bodies.
As she left the toilet stall she was met with Leah’s blue eyes staring back at her in the mirror. She stoped in her tracks for a quick second and made her way to the sink. Leah seemed to be doing something with her make up. She gave a small smile to the girl, and received a tight lipped smile back from Leah, it looked like it hurt her to do it.
Leah nearly dropped her lipgloss when she saw Lucy in the mirror. Lucy was making Leah nervous anytime she was close, she didn’t even have to be talking to her. Just her presence alone was enough.
Lucy wasn’t sure if she should really say anything, it felt more awkward than ever, she preferred it when there was a mutual hatred. The thing is Lucy didn’t hate Leah, she thought she was rude, a bit of a show off but she never hated her. She respected her as a football player, she was being honest when she told Leah she thought she was one of the best. However, if Leah was still going to be cold towards Lucy, even after earlier then she could simply fuck off.
Leah’s brain was in over drive trying to think of something to say. Her mouth became completely dry. She kept glancing at the brunette. Hoping to strike up any conversation.
Lucy gave herself a once over in the mirror before finishing up, and made her way towards the door.
Lucy’s paused in her tracks, hand on the door. Did she just hear that right? She turned to see Leah facing her. Lucy raised her eyebrows. She heard Leah but she wanted her to say it again. “Pardon?”
Leah looked at her shoes, clearly finding it hard to resist an eye roll. Lucy smiled internally. Leah looked back up at the defender and took a big breath. “Thank you for earlier. I’m - I’m not the best with all that stuff. Sorry you had to do it all.”
Lucy was shocked, she didn’t think she was going to get a thank you from the girl. She knew that must have taken a lot for Leah, she wasn’t going to gloat or be a dick about it. She smiled at the blonde in front of her. “That’s okay, I could see it was bothering you, it’s nothing.”
Lucy’s smile was becoming a big weakness for Leah.
Leah looked like she relaxed a little, and looked back at Lucy. “Also, sorry for holding on to you. I don’t really know what happened there.”
Lucy smiled her brilliant toothy smile, almost verging on flirty. “Ah that’s okay, don’t apologise for that, I didn’t mind.”
Leah smiled at Lucy with a shy smile, Lucy once again noticing how naturally beautiful the girl was. An awkward silence fell over them. Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear, looking around the room. Lucy was about to do them both a favour and wish Leah a good night but Leah wanted to keep talking.
“I like your suit by the way. Green really suits you. It goes with your eyes.”
Fuck, fuck. Fuck….why did you say that.
Lucy didn’t expect that, and she must have made that clear on her face. Leah looked like she wanted the floor to swallow her whole. In one way Lucy liked seeing Leah squirm, it wasn’t something you saw often on Leah, it was just fun seeing her little pretty face go into panic mode. She’d seen Leah pull a few of these new faces tonight, and she was secretly loving it.
Lucy smirked, and she made sure it was flirty this time. She looked Leah up and down with just enough tease in her eyes. “Erm, thank you. I didn’t know you were looking at me so hard.”
And for the second time that night Leah was a deer in headlights. “Erm - I - I -, sorry, I just like your suit…and I saw your eyes were green, and - and… yeah, wow.” Leah looked like she was about combust. Lucy couldn’t watch her crumble anymore.
Lucy gave out a low chuckle. “Chill Leah, I’m joking. Thank you. You look really, really nice tonight, that dress is beautiful on you.” Lucy knew what she was doing, and was loving what it was doing to Leah.
Leah gave a small laugh, clearly feeling a little shy, from Lucy’s comment and her own comments. She pushed her hair back once more behind her ear. “Thank you.”
Silence fell over them again, Leah grabbed her bag and pointed towards the door. “I better go, the girls are probably wondering where I am.”
She walked towards the door and Lucy opened it for her. She could smell Leah’s sandalwood perfume, a lot like the one Lucy where’s. Lucy watched as the girl walked past her.
“Oh thanks.” Leah smiled shyly up at Lucy.
Lucy smiled back. “No worries.”
She watched the blonde go past and couldn’t help but have a cheeky look at her arse. She knew Leah had a good arse, but she only ever saw it before in football shorts, the dress was doing wonders.
The night went on. Lucy was with her small squad, all the girls was having a good time, many pictures were taken. Lucy posted a few to her story. She posted a picture of her alone, pouring a drink. Her abs were noticeable even through her white T-shirt. She knew she looked good, she knew her stomach looked good and yeah, she wanted to show it off.
Lucy would be lying if she wasn’t trying to look for a certain blonde in the crowd, but she hadn’t seen her since their toilet encounter. To say Lucy wasn’t a bit confused with the night would be an understatement. To be honest she didn’t hate the change in dynamics, she didn’t really like the rivalry between her and Leah. She hated that the press would even make it a topic to write about.
The night got later and the guest started to leave. The girls also called it a night. They had a car waiting for them outside. The event team had booked rooms for the girls at the hotel back where the charity event was held. It was 2 girls per room and Lucy got the long straw of having her own room.
On the way back to the hotel Lucy scrolled through her insta. She noticed a new name on her notifications. She smiled at her phone, seeing Leah Williamson name pop up. She had liked her latest post.
“Aye up, who’s got you smiling?” Georgia was sat opposite Lucy in their taxi.
Lucy looked up at Georgia, she really was like an annoying little sister sometimes. She closed her screen phone, but Keira had already seen what she was smiling at. Lucy smiled and shock her head. “Nothing, just a funny meme.”
Georgia wouldn’t drop it though. “Oh what a liar! Who is it then?”
“Erm you have a cheek.” Keira jumped in. “Wasn’t you flirting with that netball player all night? Shall we talk about that?”
Georgia smirked, and suddenly the view outside was more interesting than the conversation. All the girls laughed including Georgia.
“Mate, you are so red.” Ella laughed at Georgia. The girls started talking about the night and events that happened, questioning Georgia on her affairs.
Lucy caught eyes with Keira and thanked her with a smile. She loved the girls but they could definitely be relentless sometimes.
They finally arrived at the hotel. The girls got in the lift giggling at something Alessia said. They were all a little drunk, nothing too crazy but the drunk kind, when the most stupid thing is the more hilarious thing.
“Right, this is me. I’ll see you guys in the morning for breakfast.”
Lucy was on the floor below her teammates.
“Noooo, let’s keep this going. Drinks in my room.” Georgia pleaded.
“Night Luce, see you tomorrow.” Keira looked stressed to be sharing a room with Georgia.
“No way, I’m off. Good luck Keira. Night all.”
The doors shut on Georgia’s protest.
Lucy walked the hallway to her room, she turned the corner to see a woman standing with her back to her. As she turned around she was met with those blue eyes again. Once again those blue eyes were in a state of shock.
“Oh my god, what are you doing here?”
Leah couldn’t believe her luck. Katie decided to bring a girl back to their shared hotel room. She saw the sock on the door and nearly lost her shit. She couldn’t complain too hard though, she had done the same thing 2 months ago to Katie and she didn’t complain.
Seeing Lucy in front of her was a bit of a shock. She seemed to bump into the girl a lot tonight. Seeing Lucy made her feel lots of different things, she couldn’t put her finger on just one. But excited was definitely the first word she could think of, but why was she here?
“Going to my room?” Lucy said it with a tone of sarcasm. Lucy wasn’t that shocked to see Leah, most of the hotel was booked for the events guest tonight.
“What are you doing here? Why you standing in the hallway?”
Lucy walked towards her room. Leah was clearly stressed about something, she nodded towards a door down from Lucy’s. It had a sock on the door nob.
Lucy raised her eyebrows. “Oh. I see, who you sharing with?”
Leah put her arms around herself. “McCabe.”
Lucy nodded her head. “I haven’t seen that in a while.”
Leah pulled out her phone. “I’ll just have to book somewhere else. I can’t be asked to get into anything with her.”
The next words out of Lucy’s mouth wasn’t thought through, they came out before she even realised she said it.
“You can stay with me?”
Leah was the one to raise her eye brows this time. She clearly wasn’t expecting that from Lucy. She didn’t want to assume anything either. Lucy doesn’t like her like that, she was just trying to be nice. She probably just felt bad. But she could still feel the butterflies in her stomach.
It felt like a lifetime of silence before Leah replied. Lucy never had so many silent conversations in her life before tonight.
“No, god. I don’t want to put you out. I’ll just wait in reception or something.” Leah put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes, clearly annoyed at the thought of waiting around.
Lucy once again feeling bad for the blonde in front of her tonight, this was becoming a habit.
“No, come on. Why would you do that. I’m sure there’s a pull out sofa in there. You can go to your room when she’s done.”
Leah looked at Lucy. The brunette couldn’t work out the thoughts going through her head. She opened the door with the key card. “Come on, I won’t bite. Unless you like that kind of thing.” She winked at Leah and gave her one of her flirty smiles. She couldn’t help it.
Fuck, Leah nearly lost her legs. Lucy flirting was not something she thought she’d ever be in the presence of. The wink alone made her squirm.
Leah finally laughed. She rolled her eyes and walked toward the now open door. Lucy held it open for her. Lucy was having deja vu once again tonight.
It was a nice room, it had a king size bed and wall length windows that was over looking London. Lucy’s suitcase was in the middle of the room. Lisa would have got that there for her.
Lucy walked towards the windows, she loved the city at night. She turned around to see Leah standing in the middle of the room, looking lost.
Lucy cleared her throat. “So, how was your night?” She sat on the sofa near the window. She didn’t really know what to do with herself. A couple of hours ago Lucy was dreading having to share the stage with Leah, now she was standing in front of her in her hotel room. She seemed to have shared a lot of different moments with Leah tonight.
Leah played her with fingers. “Erm, yeah, bit of a weird one. But, it was good. Yours?”
Lucy chuckled, she had a feeling Leah was referring to all of their encounter’s tonight.
“Yeah, weird is one way of putting it.”
Silence fell over them once more. Lucy didn’t really understand it. Leah was so vocal on the pitch. She had seen her in action plenty of times. Even after matches, in her interviews she was confident and wanted to talk about her thoughts on the game. But the women in front of her seemed, scared.
“Shall we see what the mini bar is offering?”
Leah let out a breath. “Please.”
“Good, something we can agree on. Do you want to sit, get comfy.” She watched the girl take off her leather jacket and sat on the opposite side of the small round table.
She found a few bottles of small spirits and plenty of mixers. Even 4 bottles of small Prosecco. Thank god.
“Okay we have, spice rum, vodka, gin and some Prosecco, what do you fancy?”
Leah was looking out the window. “Oh erm, rums good for me. Thank you.”
“I’ll join you with the rum I think.”
Lucy started making their drinks. Just as she was finishing up, music started playing in her ears. She was confused, she looked over at Leah who had a timid smile on her face.
“Sorry, I connected my phone to the speakers. Do you mind?”
Lucy carried the drinks over to the table. “Oh no, not at all. We’re having our own little party.” She sat down opposite Leah, handing her, her drink. Leah took it, her fingers touching Lucy’s quickly. She thanked her with a small voice.
“So, please tell me this is as awkward for you as it is for me.” It was probably the drink in her system that allowed Lucy to have the word vomit, like she did earlier when she asked Leah to stay the night.
Leah laughed loudly. A genuine belly laugh, Lucy once again noticing the girls beauty was, especially when she laughed or smiled. Lucy smiled, she was glad the girl was laughing and not throwing hands.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m feeling it too.” Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear and took a sip of her drink.
“Look, I know we’re not the best of friends but you can chill. I’m not going to start having a got at you or anything.”
Leah’s a confident person, she’s confident in her football, she’s confident speaking her mind, she’s very confident with flirting and getting what or who she wanted. However Leah wasn’t great at public speaking but, when her agent told her who she’d be presenting with she changed her tune quickly.
For a while Leah has had a crush on the brunette, well since she kind of laid eyes on her. She wasn’t in love with the girl, she had eyes she could appreciate a good looking woman. She also respected Lucy a lot, as a person and footballer. But she never made it obvious, she kept the angry front up as it was much easier than being turned down by Lucy. For some reason Lucy made her nervous and tonight it really showed. She didn’t expect Lucy to be anything but cold towards her as that’s how it had always been. So when the girl was being kind to her back stage it threw her completely off, she couldn’t keep up the coldness towards her, she just nervous instead.
Leah took another sip of her drink, watching Lucy over the rim of her glass. It was the first time Lucy felt like the deer in head lights.
Leah cleared her throat and sat back in her seat a small smile on her face. “Yeah, sorry. I’ve been on a bit of edge today.”
Lucy nodded her head. She could understand, these kind of event days could be a lot. Press, photographers meeting so many people.
“Yeah I get it, you don’t have to explain yourself.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Lucy wasn’t expecting that question.
“Not that I’m complaining, but we’ve never got on. You hate me, but you’ve been nothing but nice to me. I don’t get it.”
“Firstly, I don’t hate you Leah. Yeah we’ve never got on, but that’s because our first introduction to each other wasn’t great.”
Leah winced at that. Lucy wasn’t saying it in a harsh tone but what she was saying was true.
“I don’t know if you even remember but I never got an apology from you and it’s just kind of been tense since then. But I don’t hate you. I really respect you as a footballer and what you do for your club.”
Lucy took a long swig of her drink.
Leah’s shoulders slumped, she looked down at the floor, Lucy could see she felt bad.
“Well, I know it’s been a while since our first game but would you accept my apology now?”
Lucy smiled. “Yeah. Yeah I would.”
Leah smiled an easy smile back. “Lucy, I’m genuinely really sorry for how I acted on that first game. In all honesty I was terrified to play against you. I lost my temper that day and I was childish and stupid. I have regretted everyday since then that I didn’t apologise to you sooner.” She sat forward in her chair and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “I am truly sorry for how I acted that day, and every match we’ve had together since. I really am sorry.” She finished with a deep breath.
Leah took a long swig of her glass, finishing her drink.
Lucy was shocked at the sincereness of Leah, she could tell the girl meant it.
Lucy smiled her famous smile and raised her glass towards Leah.
“To new beginnings.”
The blonde smiled back, more tension looked liked it left her shoulders. She raised her glass.
“To new beginnings.”
They clinked their glasses together.
Lucy took a drink from her glass, looking at Leah over the rim of her glass. Leah looking right back at her. It became quiet again but it didn’t feel awkward. “Hang on, you need another drink.”
“I do. It’s okay I’ll make them. Same again?”
Lucy handed Leah her glass. Fingers touching once again. “Please.”
An hour later and 3 more drinks in. The room was worm. Leah’s music was still playing. It felt like an intimate party between the pair of them. The girls were a lot more comfortable now. Lucy had taken off her suit jacket. Leah had taken off her heels. They were now sitting on the small sofa together. Their knees kept knocking and touching one another but nobody moved to give the other space. Both girls belly laughing over something Lucy said.
“And that’s why I don’t eat pickles anymore.”
Leah wiped a tear from her eye, and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “Oh my god. I can’t believe it. That’s so funny.”
For the 100th time that night, Lucy caught herself staring at Leah. She couldn’t believe this time 12 hours ago she was dreading being near the girl, and now she was cracking jokes with her.
“God, I can’t believe I’m actually sitting in Lucy Bronze’s hotel room at 1 in the morning.”
Lucy put her hand to her own chest and faked a gasp. “Sorry? What’s so wrong with being in my hotel room?”
Leah laughed. Her hand still on Lucy’s thigh. “No, not like that. I know a lot of girls that would kill to be me right now.”
Lucy snorted. “Nope, you’ve hurt me Leah. I’ve done nothing but help you today and this is what I get.”
Leah squeezed Lucy’s thigh, laughing. “No. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now. I swear.”
Lucy couldn’t help herself, her flirty smile came out to play. “Oh is that so? So you do want to be in my hotel room at 1 in the morning, are you one of the girls you’re talking about?” Lucy took a sip of her drink laughing in her glass.
“Maybe.” Leah bit her lower lip, before raising her own glass to her mouth, still giggling.
The girls were tipsy at this point, but not drunk. They knew what they were saying was dangerous but not enough to get them in trouble.
Lucy wasn’t going to stop the flirting, she liked this new dynamic between them. Lucy had been checking Leah out all night, and Leah wasn’t innocent either.
“I bet McCabe isn’t even in there. I bet you put that sock there. You just wanted to be in my room.” Lucy laughed.
Leah now faked a fake gasp. “Right, I’ll go then you clearly don’t want me in your room. I’ll see if she’s done.”
Leah went to sit up but Lucy grabbed her by her waist pulling her back down. “No, don’t go.”
She fell half on Lucy’s lap, half on the sofa, face on, half straddling Lucy’s thigh.
Both girls laughter slowed down. Lucy still had her arm around Leah. She slowly looked up, face to face with the blonde. She no longer looked like a deer in headlights but more like a cat that got its milk. The air became thick. They had been playing on the fine line of flirting most of the night and now she had Leah sitting in her lap.
Leah was the first one to lean forward. Lucy kept her eyes on Leah’s blue ones, and slowly lowered her eyes on Leah’s glossed lips. Licking her own subconsciously. The only other time Lucy had been this close to Leah’s face was at a match when things got heated. Now that took a whole other meaning.
Leah looked at Lucy for any kind of sign to stop. Lucy could feel it. She gave Leah the smallest of nods. The blonde closed the gap between their mouths slowly.
Leah’s mouth tasted like vanilla and mint, Lucy instantly loved the flavour. Leah’s lips felt so much softer than Lucy could have imagined, and she had imagined them a lot tonight. She let Leah control the pace of their movements. The younger girl moved back slightly, just inches away from Lucy’s mouth. “Is this okay? Are you drunk?”
“No, I’m fine, are you? Do you want to stop?”
“No, not drunk and I definitely don’t want to stop.
Lucy nodded, and leaned in to Leah’s lips, she was already missing the feeling of them. The blonde girl shifted her body so she could straddle Lucy properly.
Lucy snaked her hands up Leah’s now bare thighs, her dressed had hitched up to her waist, giving Lucy all the access she wanted.
Leah pushed herself forward and placed her hands behind Lucy’s head, pinning her to the sofa. The brunette squeezed Leah’s thighs causing her to gasp. Lucy took the opportunity to push her tongue deep into Leah’s mouth causing the younger girl to moan.
Lucy could feel Leah smiling into the kiss. Lucy had kissed a few girls in her time but there was something about kissing Leah that made her head spin, every move she made was perfect. She felt her tongue caressing her bottom lip, sucking it into her own mouth. Lucy could feel herself getting wet.
Leah had control over their movements with the position she was in. She started to grind her hips into Lucy’s, this time Lucy was the one to gasp. Leah began to kiss down the brunette's neck, Lucy was more than willing to let Leah take her as she pleased. She slowly kissed every inch of Lucy’s neck before she moved to her throat, sucking hard on one spot. Lucy’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, pleasure taking over her.
“Fuck, Leah.”
If Leah’s tongue felt this good on her neck imagine the other places she would feel better at. When Leah was happy with the mark she left on Lucy’s tanned skin she took one long lick, gliding her wet tongue up Lucy’s neck, gliding to her ear. Lucy’s hands squeezed Leah’s thighs again, not being able to control her movements.
Leah was loving the control she had over Lucy, Seeing the older girl melt for her just over her kissing was making her ego grow ten times over. Leah gasped from Lucy’s touch once again, her strong hands close to where she needed her most. She moved her hands from the sofa into Lucy’s dark hair, pulling her head back with a gentle tug. Giving her full access to her mouth.
Lucy easily let Leah control her. The blonde took the opportunity to lick into Lucy’s mouth. Lucy loved the movements Leah was doing with her tongue. Her hips grinded up into the blonde, Leah smiled down devilishly at Lucy.
Leah was dominating the kissing, Lucy’s head was spinning. She started to rub her thumbs dangerously close to Leah’s very wet underwear. Leah released Lucy’s hair and started to grind with more purpose, though she had nothing to grind on. Lucy could tell she was becoming frustrated, she glided her right hand up to Leah’s toned thigh. She felt the fabric of Leah’s underwear, she could tell it was lace straight away. Her personal favourite.
She lowered her hand right where Leah needed her, she could feel the heated damp patch between her legs. Leah let out a moan from the first touch. Lucy studied Leah’s face, she was even more beautiful up close. Leah started to grind on Lucy’s hand, trying to get any friction that she could find.
Lucy didn’t want to waste anymore time, she wanted to feel Leah, she pulled her underwear to the side and glided her fingers through Leah’s soaking wet lips. The younger girl let out a glorious moan, her hips grinding harder. Lucy couldn’t believe how wet Leah was already, it made her head grow 5 times the size. She glided her finger up to Leah’s clit, and gently back down, wanting to explore the girl above. “Someone’s wet.” Lucy’s voice was low and cocky.
Leah whimpered, hearing Lucy talk in her like this was sinful, hearing the teasing in her tone. Feeling Lucy touching every part of her sensitive flesh was driving her mad. Leah didn’t want to lose the control over their rhythm, she wanted to be the one in charge but that was slowly slipping.
“Tell me what you want.” Lucy was kissing Leah’s neck as her fingers kept playing with her velvet lips, slowly circling her clit every few seconds.
“I want you inside, fuck me. Please.”
Lucy’s fingers were soaked with Leah’s own juices. She slid a single finger in with no resistance. Fuck she felt good.
Leah moaned low into Lucy’s ear, the brunette was loving every second of hearing the girls moan. She added a second finger. Leah was tight, she could feel her pussy walls pulling her in. She started to pump, moving with Leah’s hips. It wasn’t the best position but she would make it work. The blonde was panting hard into her neck. Lucy thought Leah was beautiful before, but seeing her like this was something completely different. She looked like a work of art, a work of art getting fucked.
“Do you know how good you look Leah?”
She kept pumping. Leah lifted her head looking down at Lucy. Her muscular arms were on show, watching her flex from each stroke made Leah’s pussy walls flex, and Lucy could feet it.
Lucy snaked her other hand up to Leah’s thigh, moving past her thongs and straight to her swollen clit, making small circle motions. Leah’s mouth gapped open, Lucy couldn't but stare at the girl above in awe.
“Oh my god Lucy, don’t stop. You feel amazing. Don’t stop.”
Lucy didn’t once take her eyes off of Leah, she was mesmerised by the sight. She took a quick bite of Leah’s neck, causing Leah to whimper. “I got you Leah, I won’t stop. You feel so good, you’re so fucking tight.”
Leah loved Lucy’s words, she could feel her own legs shaking. She could feel she was close. She leaned down and kissed Lucy hard. She wanted to feel her lips when she came.
“Kiss me Luce, don’t stop kissing me.”
Lucy didn’t complain. She kissed Leah back just like she asked, she could feel Leah getting close, she didn’t once stop her movements.
Leah was feeling the glorious coil in her stomach. Lucy’s tongue was deep in her mouth, sucking on her tongue. Leah felt like she couldn’t breathe in the best way possible, she was surrounded by Lucy. She started to make short little gasps, her climax was just on the cusp. Leah took control of the kissing and sucked in Lucy’s tongue, causing the girl to moan in her mouth. It pushed her over the ledge she’d been sitting on all day.
Leah moaned loud as she came. Her pussy flexed against Lucy’s fingers, her body shook hard. Her mouth was still attached to Lucy’s lips. Lucy watched Leah like a hawk, making sure to follow every movement to help guide her orgasm.
Leah’s eyes were closed, she leaned her four head against Lucy’s, breathing hard. When she finally opened her eyes, she was met with dark green ones staring back at her. A shy smile crept on Leah’s face. Did that really just happen?
Lucy slowly pulled out of Leah, the blonde groaned from the loss. She sat back, on Lucy’s legs.
But Leah wasn’t done there. She took Lucy’s hand that had been in-between her legs, she saw her two fingers glistening with her juices. She slowly raised Lucy’s hand to her lips, gently kissing them with her swollen kissed lips. Lucy’s breathing quickened, she knew what Leah was going to do and she could feel herself getting wet.
Leah gently licked Lucy’s wet fingers, gliding her tongue, making sure Lucy could see every inch of what her tongue could do. Lucy didn’t blink. She didn’t want to miss a second of this. Watching Leah’s long tongue glide across her skin was magical.
“Fuck…” Lucy breathed out.
Leah slowly sucked in Lucy’s fingers, she was showing off for Lucy, she wanted to be the one in control. She was loving that Lucy looked like she was about to melt on the floor. She looked down at the brunette, she looked so fucking good, her once neat her was now tussled, her white vest top had ridden up just a bit so you could see the bottom of her abs. You could see her muscular stomach through the white vest top as she breathed. Leah was in a trance looking at the brunette.
She released Lucy’s fingers with a loud pop. She slowly climbed off her thighs and stepped back. She unclipped the back of her black dress, it fell to the floor around her feet.
Lucy’s mouth gapped open.
The brunette had seen glimpses of Leah’s stomach when on the pitch. She knew she had a stunning body but she’s always wondered what the rest of her looked like. The thing is Lucy had a little secret. She had crushed on Leah for a little while. It was a weird feeling to crush on your ‘enemy’ she brought out the best and worst parts of Lucy on the pitch, and it had caused Lucy to want to know the girl more. In many different ways. But to have Leah Williamson standing in front of you, in nothing but a pair of laced black thongs and a a see through bra to match, was breathtaking.
Leah sunk to her knees, in-between Lucy’s spread legs. She reached for Lucy’s trousers unbuttoning them, bitting her bottom lip. She tugged at Lucy’s trousers, trying to make a point that she needed them off. Lucy’s brain finally caught up. She stood up to remove her bottoms but Leah got there first. She slowly dragged her suit trousers down to her ankles, her girl boxers following right behind.
Lucy was wet.
Leah was proud.
She had Lucy Bronze, a woman that so many players looked up to. So many players were intimidated by, standing in front of her, soaking wet for her. Her chest swelled. She gently started kissing Lucy’s thighs, she could hear Lucy breathing above her. She guided Lucy to sit back on the sofa, she got herself comfortable in-between Lucy’s legs.
Lucy couldn’t believe the sight in front of her. Leah Williamson, on her knees for her. She was about to burst, she could feel her stomach tensing from anticipation. She had definitely imagined Leah like this a few times.
Leah kissed Lucy’s thighs some more, wanting to tease her just a little bit. She looked up to see Lucy looking flustered. Just what she wanted. Though, she was just as excited as Lucy for this moment, she didn’t want to wait anymore. Leah stroked her tongue right up to the crease at Lucy’s thigh. Lucy’s body jumped at the touch.
Leah leaned forward to Lucy’s lips, she could see her lips were coated in her juices. Leah’s own mouth watered.
Lucy could feel Leah breathing on her. The younger girl took a long, slow lick into Lucy’s cunt. She moaned at the taste. Her new favourite flavour. Lucys head fell back on the sofa. She was painfully turned on, her pussy was throbbing.
Lucy was more wet than Leah realised. Her tongue was met with her honey like juices. She swallowed the mouthful that gathered on her tongue. She couldn’t get over how good she tasted.
Leah lapped her up, wanting to feel every bit of Lucy on her tongue. The brunette was in heaven, it felt like Leah was on every inch of her. Caressing every spot.
Leah leaned back on her heels, Lucy’s juices still attached to her mouth, creating wet string between both Leah’s lips and Lucy’s lower lips. The blonde stuck out her tongue, greedily tasting Lucy’s juices, breaking the wet string attached to her wet mouth.
“You taste so good Luce. I could eat you out all night.”
Lucy could have came from the site alone, she hoped the image would burn in her brain.
Lucy let out a low chuckle, she brought her hands up to the blondes hair, she gently pushed some of her hair behind her ear. Leah couldn’t believe how delicate Lucy was being towards her, even in this position.
“I would gladly have you in-between my legs all night. Leah, you don’t know how good you like right now. On your knees for me. Do you know how beautiful you are?” Lucy’s voice was low and full of lust, but also sounded so loving.
Leah smiled at Lucy. She felt more bare than when she stripped. She kept her eyes on Lucy’s as she went back to her pussy. She traced her tongue into Lucy’s folds, she could feel the brunette getting wetter. Lucy slowly laced her hands into Leah’s hair. Leah moaned at the contact, she wanted to please Lucy so badly. She captured Lucy’s swollen clit into her mouth sucking it gently.
Lucy hissed in pleasure from the action. She wasn’t going to last long but she was shocked that she even got to this far. Her hips started to grind into Leah’s mouth, she gripped tighter onto Leah’s hair.
Leah was more than willing to let Lucy take control to reach her climax. Lucy’s breathing become rough, her hips kept grinding into Leah’s mouth. Her legs began to shake.
“Leah, ….Leah, I’m so close. Don’t stop. Your tongue feels so, so good!” Lucy nearly shouted the last words. She pushed Leah’s face deeper into her pussy, needing her exactly where she wanted her. Leah wasn’t going to stop, she would go all night if she could, well if Lucy would let her. She sucked and licked Lucy’s clit, loving every sound she pulled from the brunette.
“Fuuuck, I’m coming. Don’t stop!”
She came hard onto Leah’s tongue. Her head fell back against the sofa. Eyes closed. Leah continued her movements, she could feel Lucy’s juices flowing into her mouth. She never stopped.
She was still grinding into Leah’s mouth, ridding out her orgasm as much as she could. She could feel Leah’s tongue all over her cunt. She loved how good Leah was making her feel. She stopped her movements and slowly took her hands out of Leah’s hair she looked down at the girl in-between her legs. She had Lucy’s juices dripping down her chin. Her hair was disheveled. She looked beautiful.
Lucy leaned forward, cupping Leah’s chin. She couldn’t help but smile at her.
“That was amazing. You are amazing. Fuck.”
Leah felt herself blush. Lucy’s words did something to her.
“Thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.”
Lucy chuckled. She brought her hand from Leah’s chin into her hair and guided her to her mouth. She kissed Leah deeply, her tongue roaming hers. The kiss made Leah’s pussy throb.
“I’m gonna shower, do you wanna join me?”
Lucy voice was low.
“Yeah. That would be nice. Oh but I haven’t got any clothes to change into.”
Lucy gave Leah a lustful smile. “You won’t need any.”
Leah was definitely dripping now. She got up quickly and dragged Lucy towards the bathroom stripping off her remaining clothes as she did.
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see-arcane · 2 years
OJ and JJ: Why Jean Jacket Let the Haywoods—Especially OJ—Get Away with More Than Anyone Else in “Nope”
I’ve seen Nope twice now. While everyone I saw it with enjoyed it, I heard a few cries of foul when it came to OJ and the others’ improbable good luck with all their near misses interacting with our favorite terrifying gulch-haunting UFO. I call foul back and say plot armor had nothing to do with it. Some luck, yeah, otherwise we’d have no protagonists. But that was hardly all.
Spoilers for Nope below
To be clear, I am absolutely not painting this as the same delusional ‘friendship’ Jupe assumed he had with Jean Jacket. Neither he, nor OJ, nor anyone else is a miraculously endowed animal/alien tamer with an automatic ~*~special bond~*~. It’s one of many points Nope goes out of its way to illustrate. You can only train (or disrespect) an animal so far before they lash out, especially predators, and especially island-sized UFOs with the munchies. But, insomuch as there is any ‘safe’ way to coexist in close proximity with something like Jean Jacket, OJ Haywood is shown to have pulled it off with flying colors. And he did so almost entirely unaware to begin with by dint of his character traits.
That and a combination of Jean Jacket’s own instincts are what likely put him and the people around him in the tiiiny pocket of special allowance JJ deigned to give them over the course of the movie.
Let’s roll back to the first scene with the Haywood Ranch and the death of Otis Sr. A death by falling nickel that happened six months before the present-day events of the film. Just before this, father and son were curious about the screaming in the clouds—a fresh snack of hikers about to be squelched—followed by the rain of inedible bits. We can assume this was Jean Jacket’s first time flying in the gulch, and he chose the Haywood Ranch as The Spot for Purging; just like the hills next to the ranch were chosen for his ‘nest’/hiding place/resting spot.
While Jupe was methodically feeding JJ fresh horses and imagining the big guy trusted him, Jean Jacket kept going home to his actual favorite spot right next to OJ and his horses—a man and his big juicy animals out training in broad daylight, day after day, without ever pestering them. No missing horses. No missing OJ. Despite JJ clearly having opportunity and a taste for both species by that point. Why?
The obvious answer is that OJ kept his head down. Literally. Eyes always on his work, under the shade of his hat bill, maybe glancing at the clouds now and then…but always too far away to agitate. For all that time, he was unconsciously respecting Jean Jacket’s rules. Plus, he was in JJ’s purging/nesting territory first; yes, Jean Jacket was calling dibs on the whole gulch, but if the locals already there aren’t bothering him, fine, sure, they can stay.
The place’s importance to Jean Jacket, OJ’s head-down habits, and the amount of time spent coexisting with each other sans trouble all combined to put OJ and the alien into as close to a neighborly setup as could ever be expected. Don’t fuck with me, I don’t fuck with you.
Then things start picking up. Too much activity, too many new skyward glances from OJ, too many hackles raised with the Star Lasso Experience. And yeah, JJ did almost vacuum OJ up—he infringed on their ‘arrangement’ and looked! The nerve! And after JJ let him get away with hiding under a roof the night he stared up at the dust devil that took the fake horse! How ungrateful!
…A move that, in hindsight, plays almost like a Strike 1 offense, paid back by slurping up the actual horse. OJ’s staring at the Star Lasso arena was likely Strike 2. After snapping at OJ and causing the accidental knockout against the ceiling, JJ flies off without him or Lucky.
Off JJ flies to the Haywood Ranch again, full of screaming people and detritus and huffy extraterrestrial chest-pounding. And what does JJ do? He drops a big bloody purge waterfall directly onto the Haywoods’ house—OJ’s territory-within-JJ’s territory—like the giant alien version of an animal hiking its leg and marking all over a lower-tier animal’s spot.
This is a warning. This is my place. I rule here.
Then, as if holding onto the statue for last (hell, that may have been the real Strike 1), he moves his big flying Roomba self over to OJ’s truck—which I’d bet JJ definitely recognizes after six months—and just hovers. Hovers. Hovers.
Making sure OJ is paying attention. Then he hacks the statue out like a bad loogie right into the windshield. Assuming it didn’t kill his ‘neighbor,’ it would be a fine lesson:
You are on thin ice. Do not cross me again.
Come morning, what do we find out? Not only is Jean Jacket smart enough to know the humans will react when he moves enough to let the electricity fizzle back on, he immediately moves back overhead to stare down at OJ. My guess? It was a test.
You know better, neighbor. What do you do when I am here? What very smart thing have you done in all our quiet time side by side?
And thank God, it does dawn on OJ in time. Do Not Look. No Eyes On JJ.
So he ducks his head. And, even though he caught a very obvious peripheral glimpse, Jean Jacket still lets that slide. Jean Jacket lets OJ, his sister, and Angel—probably his family/pack in JJ’s POV—scurry away in their silly rolling box. We can’t even say it was because Jean Jacket was still full; the big guy looks like he has whole miles of gut to chow down with.
No, he lets OJ and company off with a few warnings, because the arrangement renewed. And off he goes to settle in his cloud again.
Cut to the run.
I sincerely believe that if it had been any other person on the horse, any other person goading Jean Jacket along the run, they would not have lasted a minute. No, not even with their head down. We’ve seen by now just how fast JJ can move, how quick he can flip from zero to I-Will-Knock-You-Back-Like-a-Shrieking-Tic-Tac. And nobody can say they didn’t clench up when they, like OJ, realized Jean Jacket was hovering right behind him like the world’s most ominous frisbee. Ditto the part where JJ slurped up the TMZ jerk barely a yard away from him and Lucky.
Thiiis close to sucking him up. But no. The dust devil got Mr. TMZ with the precision of a straw.
Then we get to the run—OJ on horseback, JJ being JJ, going fast…but almost at his version of a canter. A brisk walking pace.
That much might be owed to the fact that, unlike all his other prey, the people/horses have gotten a good look at Jean Jacket, then turned to run. With OJ’s staring hoodie, he’s retreating while still looking at/challenging JJ. That’s new! That implies Jean Jacket’s neighbor has his hackles up even as he moves away!
So Jean Jacket gives a comparatively leisurely chase. Then, just when he gets fed up and goes for the vacuum maneuver—surprise! Flags everywhere! Jean Jacket freaks out as expected, twisting away rather than risk gulping up another bad meal. What the hell, OJ, why didn’t you warn JJ you were a statue this whole time?
And, finally, the climax.
OJ looks at Jean Jacket dead on, still sitting on the flag-strung Lucky. This is when Jean Jacket has completely unfolded into what looks like a full intimidation display. These tiny two-legged things have turned into a big flag-covered, barbed wired headache for Jean Jacket. Perhaps even a threat. It’s down to a fight for the territory in JJ’s perspective. Someone has to go. And OJ, the one he ‘knows’ best, the one that had respected and been respected by Jean Jacket most, like two sullen predators in the same cage mutually agreeing not to bother the other, is the one metaphorically baring his teeth first.
Even as he flexes all his freaky jellyfish anatomy, Jean Jacket hesitates.  
Does he think this is OJ warning him away? Or is he really instigating a fight to the finish? …Is there a chance OJ could win?
Even when, finally, OJ does begin drawing him along, away from Em’s bike, we never see JJ strike out with his appendages or make another dust devil. He’ll match OJ’s staring contest, he’ll creep closer, but he does not lash out.
It’s only when Em revs up and takes off for Jupiter’s Claim that Jean Jacket gambles on pursuing what he (mis)takes for the less worrisome Haywood. Simply because she looked at him and fled? Because JJ wants another warning to spit up for OJ later? No way to know.
All we see is that OJ, by a mix of hair-thin good fortune and animal training experience, managed to live with, counter, and psych out Jean Jacket enough to earn the man-eating megafauna’s tolerance and enough respect that it edged near worry.
tl;dr: No, OJ was not a magical horse/alien whisperer. But he did gain enough of Jean Jacket’s esteem to give him the best odds of survival, cohabitation and manipulation, simply by being himself, being respectful of the ‘rules’ once he knew them, and being cool as hell while everyone else fell apart or got slurped.
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kitorin · 1 month
misalignment (n).
the incorrect arrangement or position of something in relation to something else. "in which, mikage reo finds himself both asphyxiated and confined within the unfortunate circumstances of his first love."
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contents. mikage reo x gn!reader, unrequited feelings, no happy ending, right person wrong time (i think), reader and reo borderline drunk / wasted, unproofread misery, tiny implication at gaslighting but nothing like that happens, never written unrequited love nor experienced it (can't get rejected if i never confess !!)
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Despite the intelligence and academic prowess he had maintained throughout his entire lifetime, Mikage Reo is fundamentally a fool; one who unwisely but desperately deludes himself as a means to remain blind to the truth.
The 'wanna hang out tonight?' text was the flame to his moth, effortlessly attracting him whilst having the full capability to incinerate his very existence, to destroy every part of him.
If years of friendship accompanied by unreciprocated feelings could teach him anything, it was that, to spend time with you, lining up was a prerequisite for Reo.
Free time for you was defined by work's leniency (which seldom seems to happen, but at least you enjoyed it), and the occasional period where you weren't obsessing over a drama or book series.
After that section of the queue, was quite literally everyone else. An invitation from you meant that Yukimiya was too preoccupied with modelling, Rin's overseas, Nagi was too lazy to respond and left you on read, Isagi's busy training, Kunigami's at the gym, and Hiori didn't have the time to travel that far.
Finally there was Reo, back up plan Reo, the friend that you could go to when no one was available; the friend you liked enough to spend time with but not enough to prioritise.
He steals a glance at you as you keenly sip from your glass. Self-hatred chews at his conscience, but the livid, and tired part of him shoos it away.
It's not a very nice thing to accuse one of thinking of another so lowly, especially a close friend, however the explicit signs of him holding little significance in comparison to others seemed to validate it. You and he have been drinking for a while now, without much word other than the 'hello's and quiet greetings when you first saw each other.
It's normal, the silence. It's just how things worked between you and Reo. Neither of you were particularly social, words weren't necessary to enjoy time together, that was one of Reo's favourite things about you.
He's always tired of speaking, having to maintain flawless image, that included appearing as someone sociable and eager to speak with others.
But with you, that expectation was nowhere to be seen.
You're now adults, but this is nothing different from the quiet walks to the bus stop back in high school. The ones where he'd do his best to steal a glance of how you look, soaked within the sunlight while smiling.
Chatter permeates the bar's atmosphere gently a few clinks of glasses can be heard which followed hearty laughter and the occasional cheer.
You're first to talk. "How's university been?"
"Good." Was the workload horrendous? Yes, and so was adulthood in general. Reo knows he has it easy; he can afford it easily and could still live comfortably without working a day in his life. But he still yearns for the same feeling high school had. "Hakuho was fun though."
You place your drink down, swallowing. "I know right? Never thought I'd say this, but I miss high school. It sucked most of the time. But you and the others made it so much better.”
Reo nods, as he gulps down more alcohol. “I miss it too. How has studying been for you?”
You huff. “It’s a lot. I feel like I spend more time studying than doing anything else. But it’s good. I don’t mind since I’m actually studying something I’m passionate about, you know?”
“I’m glad, then.” Reo stares at his whisky, swirling the amber in his glass. “Proud of you. I really am. You’ve come so far, and I just know you’re going to do well.”
Growing from a clueless high schooler to a driven, impassioned, medical student. A lot has changed, years pass yet he remains unloved by you.
God there he goes again, lamenting on his paltriness. It must be a relative of masochism; he could be safe and secure at home with a good book and cup of tea, yet he’s here drinking with the source of his pain, while tethering on the border of being intoxicated with alcohol instead of heartbreak.
With each drink, a wave of euphoria swallows him up, licking up his misery as if it were sand on the shore. Rationality and emotion bicker like seagulls quarrelling over food.
You laugh at his sweet words. “You drunk? Thanks though.”
“Drunk or not, I mean it. Seriously.” Reo knows his limits, but doesn’t bother correcting you. His face feels hot, not because of the soju, but because of you.
You’ve always been pretty, to a ridiculous extent. But absurd how a few years changes you so much. Reo can’t even identify the changes, he just knows you’ve gotten prettier; that his heart races faster whenever he sees you.
“Seriously.” You echo, and nod, and smile. “I miss seeing you every day. School was so much fun with you around.”
Another hasty gulp of soju. Reo can’t stand hearing those words.
I hate you.
Is it directed to you, or himself? Not even Reo’s quite sure. He does his best to ignore your kindness, if it were true then he would’ve been addressed you with a smile in the same way you’d speak to anyone else; he would know how his name sounds off your tongue. He would mean more than a last option, and all those texts wouldn’t be left on read, viewed out of genuine care rather than basic manners.
Even though he can go on about unfair this feels, it’s ultimately his fault for still spending so much time with you. You’re supposed to cut off the people who don’t value you. You’re supposed to only care for the ones who’d do the same for you. Reo should’ve cut ties with you long ago, yet he clings onto your relationship as if it meant more than anything else.
I miss seeing you at school everyday. Your words echo, and he does his best not to choke on his drink.
Formalities, not affection. It's not love, it's your way of manners. If you truly did care you'd be spewing those sorts of words out constantly, like when you're with Chigiri, or Anri.
"Reo? You good?"
"Yeah. 'm fine." It's a reflex, he barely had time to register the words leaving his mouth. "Are you?"
"Yah. I'm not the drunk one here am I?" You chuckle to yourself, bringing the glass back to your lips, averting your gaze elsewhere. "Were you always a lightweight? Your face is so red."
"And yours is so pretty."
There he goes, ruining your night with something stupid.
"Yup. Definitely drunk. You're saying weird things now."
And with that, Reo commands, requests, pleads himself not to cry.
"You know." Another shot of soju is swallowed down by you, punctuated with a refreshed gasp. "The me a couple of years ago would've been overjoyed to hear that."
It feels as though every interaction with you accentuates his one-sided love and it stings; time with you is mere salt to the wound.
Neither of you say anything for a bit.
Reo can recall your confession, an awkward text sent after a couple of months the two of you actually spoke. There's an unspoken boundary between you two, to not being up the topic of each other's crushes or of your confession.
A fair rule, but it's harboured questions. Reo hasn't got a clue on your love life and crushes. He knows of your obsession with romantic dramas, always binging whatever's trending, screaming on social media about having to wait a full seven days for the next episode.
If only the two of you were a part of one. But even fiction would probably destine him for solitude woven of heartbreak.
"I think you're the drunk one. Why bring that up now?"
You've finally halted on drinking. "Dunno. That was my first confession."
And you're my first love—he wants to say it, it's at the tip of his tongue yet he can't muster it to say it aloud to himself or even to Nagi; let alone you.
"Well, it was an honour."
It wasn't. Because the thought always intrudes into his mind. What if you had confessed a couple of years later, or even at least two?
Or what if Reo hadn't taken his sweet time to fall in love with you, if he had told you he wanted to get to know you first instead of a simple rejection, would you be in his arms?
"Shut up. I was a stupid kid back then. I promise you, I have absolutely no feelings for you. Not anymore."
Reo scoffs, he can't even fantasise of the potential between you two. You liked Mikage you'd see in the hallways; rich and top of the school; not clingy old Reo who feels ever so slightly too much for everyone he cares for.
Whereas Reo couldn't care less about l/n that just transferred to his class, but would die for the y/n he discovered throughout the years.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Never thought you did." He knew you didn't.
It wouldn't've saved him from his doom of unrequited love, but the timing was terrible. The heavens should've made your infatuation and his adoration align, at the very least. Even if it meant Reo remaining unloved.
A hiccup follows a breathless giggle. "Who did you like in highschool? There had to be someone. Why didn't you ever tell me though? You had so many fans, you must've liked one of them."
Because it's you. "Because you never asked." Reo shrugs, almost impressed at his own feigned composure.
"Now I ammm." Now your words are beginning to slur. "Whooo?"
It's you. And still you. Reo could say it right here and now. You're essentially wasted and probably won't remember it. And if you did, he wouldn't mind crossing an ethical line and fibbing if it meant concealing his pathetic vulnerabilities.
Perhaps one day he'll tell you, if the uninterrupted storm ends, and the skies clear, if Mikage Reo's heart will one day stop aching for you.
"I'll tell ya some day. When I feel like it."
"What?! You're not allowed to add that much suspense—and not tell me in the end."
And perhaps in another universe, he and you can be of the same constellation, instead of being galaxies apart.
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taglist (send ask to be added) : @yuzurins , @pokkomi , @chigirizzz
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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greeenchrysanthemums · 5 months
I’d love to hear anything you’ve got about Pearl from your gg rivals au! Super interesting concept, I’ve been loving the asks you’ve answered so far
Oh, yes! I've been dying to talk about Pearl. She is extremely important to the plot, as well as a favorite of mine.
GG Pearl is a mercenary of sorts. She does whatever you ask of her for the right price, including murder if it is within her skill range. However, most of her jobs include acting as a bodyguard, helping repair buildings, spying for information, things to that affect. It is rare that she has to take a life, but not unheard of.
She never had much of a family growing up, having lost them to war and disease before the memory of their faces could even form properly in her mind. The only lifelong companion she ever had was her dog, Tilly. It was her and Tilly against the world for the longest time.
She is one of very few people who knew Grian when he was a kid. They clicked immediately and were as thick as thieves before he abruptly disappeared when they were barely teenagers, and she was left alone all over again. She only met him again once the resistance was in full swing. It was how she learned he was even still alive, the descriptions of him were too similar to be a coincidence.
She wanted nothing more than to be bitter at him for leaving her without an explanation, to blow up at him and make him feel as hurt as she had been all those years ago, but the second he offered her a place in the resistance, she caved and agreed. She just didn't want to be alone anymore.
She occasionally skips town for the odd job or another, so she isn't always around. She comes and goes as she pleases and has no real position in the resistance. She just helps where she can. She can't help but feel like an outsider because of it.
Now, you see, Pearl is very curious and nosey by nature. She can't help getting herself involved in things that do not concern her. So, naturally, she had to go see what the deal was with her friends so called "rival".
And how did she do this? By breaking into the castle, of course. Well, not all the way in. She planted herself right on the wall of the training grounds and waited. Gem tried to attack her at first, but Pearl said she just wanted to watch and that made her hesitate. Gem was skeptical and warry, but somehow Pearl's innocent smile was enough to make her let her stay. And so, stay and watch Pearl did.
Her little break-in only served to make her more curious, though, so Pearl showed up every day at the same time to watch Gem train. It became part of both of their routines. Soon, they began to talk during these afternoons together and formed a quick friendship. Pearl never told Gem much about herself, only the odd story from her travels/childhood, and Gem never pried.
Pearl never intended to befriend Gem, it just sort of happened. Now she is stuck between two worlds, unsure of what to do. She loves Gem, thinks of her as her best friend, but she's loyal to Grian on grounds of their history together. She tries to tell herself that it's just curiosity that keeps her going back to that stone wall, but it's a flimsy lie at best.
Grian thinks she only goes to Gem to get information. Impulse and Scott think she is just a girl from town who Gem befriended (though Scott has the sinking feeling he's seen her before...).
Pearl isn't sure how long she can keep up either of the facades she has built up: an uncaring informant, and a harmless town girl. Neither of them are who Pearl is, but she's afraid that letting either one go would result in her losing either Grian or Gem. She couldn't handle either of those, no matter how much she tries to tell herself she could.
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meazalykov · 28 days
Good Game, Sal
Salma Paralluelo x Barca!Reader
summary: are they enemies, or lovers?
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Salma Paralluelo and I, both rising stars of Barcelona's Femeni team, shared more than just a common jersey; we shared a rivalry that burned hotter than the Catalan sun on a July afternoon.
Salma, with her quick footwork and innate goal-scoring abilities, was a product of La Masia, Barcelona's renowned youth academy. Her journey to the top seemed paved with gold, crowned by her recent triumph in the World Cup with the Spanish national team. Me, on the other hand, hailed from a humbled path, I considered my talent raw and untamed, molded through sheer determination and grit.
Growing up in the United States, I’ve played through many unknown summer leagues, clubs mainly filled with boys, school teams, and futsal in the winter months before I put the pen on paper with Washington Spirit at the age of 15. 
After four great years with building my talent, creating new friendships, and enjoying my life in the United States Capital, my contract was expiring. 
Washington Spirit offered me a renewal, but Barcelona contacted my agent with a proposal that sent my jaw dropping to the floor. The Catalan Club was my dream club while growing up. I’ve admired Alexia Putellas, Ronaldinho, Messi, and Xavi for years. So I followed my heart and denied another four years in Washington DC, so I can accomplish my dream. 
However, I had to put in hard work when I arrived in Barcelona. This challenge was needed, since the challenge to score on the pitch fuels my passion. However, I didn’t expect a rivalry to happen WITHIN the club rather than the opponents I’ve played against.
First, it was a constant competition for playing time. Overtime, I’ve thought that I harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Salma, envying her success, her effortless grace on the pitch. 
Against Madrid CFF, my debut game in September, I scored a brace that drove the club to win 4-0. Afterwards, I’ve held a record for scoring at least once in a game I’ve had minutes in. 
However, Salma seemed to have the upper hand when it came to having a start. I had to swallow my pride every time I had to be her 67th minute substitute. She always hugged me when she would come off, but my body would tense up everytime. Nobody noticed the small resentment for her, except for Salma herself. She started to piece small things together. 
“You did great today Niña, I'm impressed by your dribbling and speed in training.” Alexia, or my captain Ale, patted me on the back as we headed into the locker rooms after training. A few days ago, we won the Champions League semi-final against Chelsea. Thanks to a goal from Aitana, Fridolina, and I. 
Alexia was a huge advocate for me which made my heart melt. I’ve admired her as a fan but now I am her teammate, so I express my gratitude to her whenever its possible. 
“Thank you. I learn from the best people surrounding me.” I smirked and Alexia breathed out a chuckle. Something the girls noticed when I came to the club is how much I’ll compliment or support people on their skills. Aitana said that I've been a light in the dressing room when it comes to boosting morale. This is a reason why people don’t notice a small resentment I held for a-certain-someone on the team. 
“Well, Don’t get your hopes up when I say this— but Jona might consider you as a starter for the final— Don’t take that as a guarantee, but your speed will be needed against Lyon's defense” Alexia’s Spanish accent poked through as she held onto my shoulder. The Spanish are very affectionate. 
“I won’t get my hopes up— I do take that as a compliment though.” I said. 
“Good. We’ve been looking between you and Salma as the third forward in the finale. Since Frido and Caro will have the left and right wing.” Alexia spoke. I felt my stomach turn at her name. Aware that I will have to work harder in training to start in the final, I know Salma will do the same thing. 
A week later, my “animosity” towards Salma only intensified when I discovered that Salma will start in the final over me as a striker. Back at my apartment, I’ve cried myself to sleep. I’ve worked hard in training. My tears represented the fear that nobody is seeing the skills and potential I have. 
“Hey Y/n” As I walked out the locker room after training one morning, I turned around and saw Salma approaching me. My eyes widened and I turned to walk away in a hurry. 
“Hi.” I said quickly as Salma continued to walk beside me. What did she want? 
“We should go watch The Challengers movie with Esmee on our day off Sunday. I know you both used to play tennis and such, it looks like a great movie.” Salma hesitantly spoke. My eyebrows knitted together at what she said. I did play tennis for a few years in middle school back in America, but as a hobby not a sport. Esmee told me that she could’ve gone professional at tennis in the Netherlands but chose football instead. The Dutch girl is the only person that knew about my old tennis hobby, so she had to have told Salma about it. 
“Um–” I say as we both pushed the glass doors outside into the parking lot. As much as I wanted to say no, express to Salma how much I've resented her, and drive home.. I couldn’t. I felt my heart ache as I looked at the girl who had a shy smile. Wait– huh? Why am I doing that?
“I–I can go with you guys–Just have Esmee text me the details when you guys decide the time.” I said before walking away to my black SUV, my emotions not handling what Salma might’ve said or reacted to my acceptance. 
The last few days before Sunday came along. I’ve talked to my best friend, Isla, about everything. She doesn’t live in Spain, since she plays football for Gotham FC, but she had a clear understanding about the community.
After my rant which lasted an hour, Isla said something which made my heart stop for a quick second. 
“Are you sure that you hate Salma?” Isla asked over the facetime call. 
“Well-No! I don’t hate anybody, I just hate how big of an advantage she has over me.” 
“Oh– because it sounds like you’re in love with her–” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Well the way you’ve talked about Salma reminds me of how I started off with Esther here at Gotham. However it was the other way around. She was in love with me but refused to accept it– so she found reasons to try and hate me instead before she was forced to confront the truth.” 
That part of the conversation replayed in my mind for the last few days. Throughout training, throughout the game against Granada that won us the league, it replayed non-stop. It didn’t distract me but I couldn’t look at Salma without questioning if I am in love with her. A subtle shift began to take place within my heart, even if I didn’t want it to happen.
Salma started noticing the small things too. After the Granada game which granted us Liga F champions, she noticed when I wrapped my arm around her and Esmee as we jumped around in the red-colored locker rooms. I’ve noticed that as I started to slowly accept my possible feelings for her, my “resentment” faded away with it. 
“Good game, Sal.” I whispered in her ear as everyone posed for a group picture in our “Liga F Champions” shirts. She looked at me with widened eyes before smiling softly.
I found herself drawn to the challenge Salma posed as the Champions League final was coming up. Salma always craved the intensity of their encounters, the adrenaline rush of chasing victory side by side with her rival, just like I did.
By Sunday, the day where Salma Esmee and I will go to the movie theaters, I've accepted it—I finally realized the truth that had been staring me in the face all along. Due to past heartbreak, I didn’t want to fall in love again but here I am in Spain. As I stood in the mirror, looking at the nice casual outfit I've put on (imagine what outfit you want, reader <3) I knew with absolute certainty that what I’ve felt went beyond rivalry with Salma, beyond competition.
It was love.
In that moment of clarity, my resentment melted away. I knew that I couldn't keep denying her feelings any longer, but a fear started to grow inside of my heart. What if it's too late? 
Salma did notice my resentment towards her. There were times where I’ve blown her off because of that. I couldn’t blame her if she started to hate me for what I've done to her. 
Four hours later, The Challengers movie ended. I’ve sat in-between Esmee (on my left) and Salma (on my right) in the movie theater. The movie was good but I had the urge to look at Salma at times. Once, I looked down at her hand that wasn’t too far from mine. As much as I wanted to reach to hold her soft hands, I couldn’t do it. What if she pulled away? What if things would’ve been awkward between us? I didn’t risk it. 
When we hugged Esmee as she left the theater, it was Salma and I in the parking lot. I could’ve said bye and left too, but Salma wanted to say something to me. Esmee and her gave each other an unknowing glance, so I believe Esmee might know what Salma is feeling. 
“Y/n, Why do you hate me?” Salma frowned. My heart broke as I bit my lip in nervousness.
“I don’t.” I said I looked at her with a sad smile. 
“Yes you do. Every time I wanted to talk to you at practice, you always ran away to talk to someone else. I’ve noticed that you’re the only person that never congratulated me separately after a goal. I’ve seen the way you’ve brightened up people’s days with your compliments, love, and hugs. Why can I not have that Y/n? Did I do something to you for you to hate me? Just tell me because I don’t want to start off next season knowing that you might hate me for something I might’ve done.” Salma took my left hand and held it with both of her soft, moisturized hands as she looked me in the eyes.
A tear fell out of my left eye as I felt guilty. I’ve fucked up. I’ve hurt Salma and she doesn’t know why— I need to tell her how I feel. 
“Salma, I don’t hate you at all. I am so sorry for what I've done to you. All you did—really—was be great on the pitch. When I came to Spain, I noticed how loved you were by everyone. You had the minutes, skills, awards, and recognition that I could dream of having. However— I’ve admired you more than everyone else at the same time. I know that's hard to accept due to what I've done to you, but I felt like you were too good for me. I look at you more than everyone else. I wanted to hug you and congratulate your success with you but the vulnerability scared me. I’ve been hurt before so in order to protect my feelings, I’ve covered it up with resentment— Salma, I am in love with you.” By the time I told her that I love her, tears poured down my cheeks and Salma held me in a hug, tightly, as she cried too. 
“Y/n, I am in love with you too. That's why it hurt me when I believed that you might’ve hated me.” Salma said through her tears.
“I am so sorry–seriously. I don't hate you. I love you. I will never hurt you like that again, I swear.”  I said. 
After that night, we started over and became lovers. Our undeniable bond blossomed between us. The team adored our relationship and were happy for us. I did keep my promise, I never hurt her again. I’ve found love in giving my love to her without the fear of getting hurt. After the debut game in the 24/25 season, we walked off the pitch hand in hand, my heart fluttered as I know this is the beginning of our longtime relationship. 
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spectres-n-soap · 5 months
You keep The Rain at Bay - Soap x reader x Ghost
Content Warnings - Angst, pregnancy, afab body, MW3 is canon, emotional breakdowns
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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It was late at night. The blistering hot day of Al Mazrah had turned into a freezing cold night. The stars burned bright in the clear night sky. You sat on the tin roof of a flimsy "safe house" on the first watch. Your rifle sat next to you as the minutes rolled into hours. It was nice out here at night. No bullets firing, no commands or yelling. No blood, just sore legs from the long walk.
You turned your head to the left and watched in silence as Soap climbed onto the roof with you. Soap sat down next to you. For a moment the two of you sat in silence, the natural sounds of Al Mazrah being the only thing filling your ears until you finally spoke.
"Aren't you meant to be getting some rest?" You asked and leaned back on your hands to look at him better.
"Couldn't." He simply replied.
You snorted, "Don't go all Ghost on me." You teased, wagging your finger at him before gently nudging him. Soap rolled his eyes but didn't stop the small smile that grew on his face.
"Alright. Ye got me. Thought ye'd like some company." Soap admitted and raised his palms before he moved just a bit closer to you.
"How considerate of you to think about me Soap." You said, a smile on your face. It was hard not to smile when he did. It was hard not to laugh when he did too.
"Ye nervous lass?" Soap asked, his blue eyes on the stars above. Did he know the constellations?
You shrugged before you thought about it a bit longer, "I guess." You admitted. Soap said nothing so you continued, "I don't know why. Maybe it's because Ghost is here."
"He scare ye?"
"No. I'm scared I'll fuck up and make myself look a fool." You said and pushed a few loose strands of hair from your face. "Is that stupid?" Soap looked at you as if you had just committed a cardinal sin.
"No." He said firmly, "Not at all. I was nervous when I first met him too." Soap inched his hand closer to yours, "He might be rough 'round the edges but he has a heart of gold somewhere in that chest of his."
"Sounds like you speak from experience."
"Aye. I suppose I do." Friendship was not in the field manual. Neither was checking up on a fellow task force member in the freezing Al Mazrah night. You look at him and take a moment to really take him in.
Soap had a scar on his chin subtly hidden behind stubble that certainly wasn't within regulation. Honestly, nothing about Soap was within regulation, perhaps that is why you placed your hand atop of his. You didn't join the military and clawed your way into the SAS for safety or security. Thats why you were sat on a roof in the middle east, holding hands with Soap MacTavish in silence.
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Ghost did not like that look your eyes. That glazed, far off look. It was two in the morning, after he had received your call he had broken nearly every traffic law that came to mind to rush to your place. It wasn't your words that made him rush, it was your voice. Normally it was strong and confident, not a waiver in sight. But when you had spoken in that call, you sounded as if you could barely speak. Ghost kept glancing at you as he made tea for the both of you. He set the mug in front of you before sliding into the chair closest to you.
Your eyes are red, tear stains on your cheeks and look tired. Exhausted.  Ghost whispers your name and you pull yourself from whatever trance you are in. "What happened?" He asks.
"I'm sorry." You mutter. "I just- I mean. God." You lean your head back as tears build up on your waterline.
Ghost hesitates, thinks about his next action and slowly, as if petting a spooked animal, places his hand atop of yours. You startle and pull your hand away, "I dreamt of that day." You whisper, head down like you were in a confessional. You clasp your hands together.
"The day he died?" Ghost asks softly: quietly.
You shake your head, "The day I met his family." Ghost stiffens, his breathing stops for just a second before he recovers.
"Ghost, there are no words to describe the look on his mum's face. We both just looked at the bag of his ashes and I don't know. His absence really sunk in." You ramble, placing your head in your hands as you began to cry. "They don't know." You admit at last. "Its eat me alive that they don't know but I feel like I'll fall apart if I try to even enter Scotland."
What was he meant to say? What was he meant to do? You recoil at every touch of his, you only open up when you breakdown and you're ten weeks away from your due date. "Do you want them to know?" Ghost asks.
"Yes. No. Maybe?" A bitter laugh comes from your throat, although it mixes with a sob. "I don't even know why I called you. What can you do?"
"I'd come with you." Ghost says. "To see him family." Silence. "If you'd have me."
You look up at him and wipe away any tears, something lurches in his heart at the sight. "I'm sorry for being awful earlier." You say, "For being awful in general. He- Johnny- I think he loved you too. He never said it out loud but you knew him. Always wore his heart on his sleeve."
"Did you hate me for it?"
He- Simon you suppose, stays that night on your couch. For a while you can't seem to sleep, having another person in your flat, stranger or not, felt like letting a fox into a chicken coop. Your phone let you see the slow passage of time as your body forces itself into a protective mode.
3 am, 3:30 am, 3:45 am. You think you fell asleep at five. The few hours of sleep did nothing to help your mood as you painted the nursery yellow. You left a wall white simply to keep the room looking nice, certainly not because you ran out of paint.
You stare at the text message that had just dinged from your phone. Simon leans over your shoulder to see it as well. "You have an appointment?" He asks, upset clear in his voice, "In an hour?"
You shrug, trying to seem unaffected despite the churning of your stomach. "Its just the last ultrasound. One last check up before the due date."
Simon shakes his head. He grabs his keys and motions to the door. For once, you listen.
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wonbinistic · 20 days
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rated: 18+
pairing: sunoo x fem!reader, jungwon x fem!reader
genre: smut
wc: 3.2k
about; Although it might seem like a sweet innocent friendship to outsiders, you and your dear friends know the total opposite is true; behind closed doors, the dynamics reveal a complex tapestry of shared secrets...
a/n: this was supposed to be posted back in winter as you may notice but my brain went blank and gave up on it im so sorry<3
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Winter had taken its full course, covering the grounds white turning outside into a magical scene. Snowflakes landed softly on the roof inside your apartment where christmas music sounded from the speaker. Everyone moved around the place hitting a few notes here and there. The air was filled with a crisp delicious scent of cookies. The holiday cheer filled the apartment to its brim. Sunoo playfully protested as the youngest scooped a taste from the mixing bowl before gently pushing him aside. Meanwhile, Jungwon and you were engrossed in sneaking freshly baked cookies, only to be caught red-handed by Jay, who promptly ushered you both out of the kitchen. Jungwon, in a playful surrender, left with a mischievous tune, teasing Jay further. "Want to head up to my room?" he whispered to you. You knew the implication and followed, giggling, as you ascended the stairs. Scarcely inside his room, your lips met eagerly. Pressed against the door your hand travelled south, slipping inside of his sweatpants grabbing him. The action caused moans to escape the latter.
“No more than fifteen minutes, they are going to interrupt” Jungwon muttered against your lips before another moan left his lips when your hands moved stealthily on his hard on. “Would that be a problem?”you teased him. His gaze locked onto yours, a profound darkness swirling within the depths of his eyes. Your breath hitched as his grip strengthened on your hips, pulling you abruptly closer. Your lips found one another again, this time tangled in a more passionate
but still eager need. His soft lips felt like the first snow, entangling you in an unexplainable euphoria. Your surroundings were slowly fading away as you were entranced by the movement of his pillow like lips on yours. He's got you right where he needs, wrapped around his finger. His pulse raced in your presence, longing for your touch. It was a desperate kiss between you two. The sneaking around the past days puts you in a rush of adrenalin. Though Jungwon wasn't the only one you were fooling around with. Sunoo and him had a close relationship that allowed them to pass you between them. Your more friendly attitude and clinginess towards the two didn't go unnoticed. Your friends called it “favouritism” and you were just glad they didn't catch on to the rendezvous that was happening behind their backs.
A visibly wet patch was starting to form on the front of Jungwon’s sweatpants. The more heated it got the more leaked from him. You decided to take him out of its confinement without breaking the kiss. Filthy wet noises filled into the void as you used the sticky substance as lube. Jungwon broke off the kiss, inhaling sharply. His head hung low in the crock of your neck and began pressing small kisses on your supple soft skin. His fingers traced your soft skin, leaving traces of warmth that lingered like whispered promises in the air. The sweet vanilla scent he was familiar with filled his nostrils as he ghosted his lips now over yours mewling, “need to be inside you…please.”
“Not now baby, just let me make you feel good.”
Jungwon enveloped you in another heated kiss, holding himself back from crying out loud when you took on a faster pace. He pulsed in your hand and you knew he was near his high. Jungwon desperately bucked his hips practically now using your hand as his very own fleshlight. “s‘close…” he sobbed against your lips. In the hushed stillness, a tightening grip enveloped his throat, as the air took on a weighty resonance, each breath a measured echo. Anticipation hung thick as he felt it coming. But too soon for his liking. Wanting the moment to linger a bit longer he grabbed your hand from his cock, pressing his lips forcefully on yours. You returned the kiss with the same passion letting your tongues come into play. “my turn”he whispered when he disconnected your lips, grabbing your wrists as he pressed your hands above you, pressing them against the door. A cry left your lips as he attacked your neck, mustering it with hues of purple & blues.
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“Sunno, go them upstairs, I need help cleaning up.” Jay said, drying his hands on the apron hugged around his front. He took a look at the timer before getting back to the sink. The kitchen looked like a mess, stained in flour, droplets of spilled milk and sprinkles in all kinds of different forms and colours all over the counter and the floor. It was like children had their fun baking cookies here. Sunghoon tended to a cookie, precisely decorating it with red food colouring. Jake was on the next batch with Ni-ki fighting over the forms,
“We have enough reindeers, what are you making another one for?”
Heeseung took a broom and started cleaning up the floor from its messy contents created by the small flour fight they had earlier. “Shouldn't have done that…”,he grumbled under his breath as the floor was left with a white blanket of flour. As Sunoo approached the room where his friends resided he couldn't help but overhear the muffled suspicious sounds coming from it.
“Jungwon-ah, y/nie stop hiding from cleaning up!”
Jungwon halted his actions, instructing you to not make noise. You gave him a confused glare but soon were in a battle with yourself as he began to insert himself. With a hand pressed on your mouth he began to move at a frantic pace. Nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted even if it meant he would be getting caught at the act. Sunoos' worrisome expression faded when he clocked what was happening behind the door. The doorknob rattled behind you for a few seconds before it fully stopped, only then you were allowed to take a breath as Jungwon released his hand. His strokes slowed down but deepend, leaving you to gasp for air once again. His hands roamed your body grabbing at your skin. Sunoo at the other side of the door thought for a minute before proceeding. The door handle rattled against your lower back as the cold metall grazed your skin.
The room embraced a subtle darkness upon your return, accompanied by the silent shadows of Jungwon and Sunoo, both donning a facade of nonchalance. As your footsteps resonated down the staircase, a hushed acknowledgment rippled through the room, heads turning in unison.
"There's still some left if you guys want," Jake gestured towards the container brimming with baked treats atop the coffee table. Sunoo positioned himself directly in front of it, pulling you along. Jungwon chose to recline, flopping onto Jay on the couch, who escaped a grunt of pain at the sudden weight on him.
As your head gently rests on Sunoo's shoulder, enveloped by the warmth of his presence, he tenderly drapes a blanket over your shoulders.
The movie isn't even in Sunoos best interests as he had kind of his own playing inside his head - an inappropriate one involving you. The blood is already flowing to his dick making it even harder for him. A quick look around behind him where the rest was seated gives him the green flag to go for it. Half of them were asleep and the other rest was going to fall asleep.
Without hesitation he takes your hand in his, guiding it on top of his hard on. You glance at him - panic written all over your face, fearing you would be caught. Sunoo reassures you and you don't wait a minute to push your hand inside his pants palming his bulge pressing against his underwear.
“I'm gonna go sleep, s’fucking tired.” Jay's voice made you still in your actions. Your hand slips out of Sunoos pants , directing him to the couch where Jay left now an empty spot next to Jungwon.
As time went on everyone but you, Sunoo and Jungwon fell asleep allowing it all to be easier.
You shuddered at Sunoos cold fingers grazing on your inner thigh. His fingers disappear under your skirt, way too close to your center. A smirk paints his face letting the fun unravel right in the same room as his friends. In the meantime Jungwon is busy decorating any millimetre of your neck in hickeys knowing you were strict about those. But you were too drunk in lust & need to stop any of it. “Spread those legs, little one.”
You do as told from him as his fingers begin to travel, teasing you by going close than distancing. Sunoo has fun while you're whining in protest, striking your hips forward. He finally gives in eliciting a loud moan out of you when he pinches your clit. Jungwon catches your lips before you give a tone out of yourself again, shutting you up for a while. His mouth is hot against you, teeth clashing as it gets messier.
“Jungwon, look how wet she is…”
Jungwon detached from you but not without a whine from you too lean down to see your glistening cunt. He barely can't take his eyes off it, letting his head fall in the crock of your neck with a view on it.
“you’re practically soaking, is it me baby? or is it him?”
Sunoo snickered at Jungwon’s words, rubbing his finger against your clit before sinking two inside without warning. Your head falls back giving Jungwon more space to spread his kisses. Your body tingled with goosebumps as you absorbed every sensation, overwhelmed by the euphoria coursing through you. And when Jungwon decided to shove his finger up there with Sunoos it was all so intense, you could hardly contain it.
Both moved in different paces till finding a rhythm to stick with. You clenched your teeth, biting down firmly on your lower lip, determined to stifle any sound. But soon enough a moan escaped.
Jungwons finger slipped out of you, covered in your juices. Without warning he shoved it between your plump lips restricting any upcoming sounds. You hummed around it as you could taste yourself. Sunoo could feel your walls around his fingers suck him in when he quickened his pace, plunging deep into you with no plan to stop any time soon.
“are you gonna cum, princess?” He taunted, demeanor completely different from the cheery bubbly guy he usually was. His gaze is dark, burning into your skin as he watches every inch of your being succumb to him. His sadistic self is already imagining how to get this game going till you end up with tears streaming down your rosy cheeks.
You felt him going even faster - which you almost felt was impossible with the way he was going at it. Jungwon grunted when you suck his finger harder, even accidentally biting on it. You feel your orgasm approach, a knot in your stomach building up.
“Let go babygirl.”
And with those words you let yourself completely go, jaw falling slack as you drench the cushion under you. Sunoos fingers slip out of you from the force, coated in your release. He can't help but kick those up himself, moaning at the taste of your sweetness.
Exhaustion took over all three of you and soon you were snoozing it up with the others.
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The skiing trip two ago is what started this dynamic between you three…
“Oh what the hell.” You muttered into the sudden dimly lit room. Your hand goes to your back pocket, taking out your phone to see what was going on. No signal. This couldn't have come at a better time. You clutch your cardigan closer, stepping cautiously into the hallway. A sudden collision with someone sends you both into a shrieking frenzy. "Who's there?" you gasp, your voice quivering with fear as you try to discern the figure in the darkness.
Light shines upon the familiar face in front of you and you sigh in relief seeing none other than sunoo.
“Sunghoon called, they're stuck in the middle of nowhere, it's a snow blizzard.” He informs you.
“Alright then. We should look for candles?”
Together, you ventured down the hall to the storage room in search of candles. Jungwon barely made it in time, arriving safely but heavily coated in snow. You fetched beverages for everyone, handing a steaming mug of hot chocolate to the shivering boy who stood by the fireplace, desperately trying to thaw his frozen hands.
Sunoo fetched blankets, draping one around Jungwon, who expressed gratitude. The crackling fire cast a tranquil glow reminiscent of sunset hues across the room. Sunoo, engrossed in a downloaded drama on his laptop, settled at the end of the couch, tuning out with headphones. You nestled beside Jungwon, resting your head on his broad shoulder, engaging in quiet conversation as your hand gently stroked his back. Amidst the serene ambiance of the crackling fire, your worries eased, though you remained concerned about updates from the rest of the group, exchanging texts back and forth.
“Are you still cold?” You asked the boy next to you who only nod, letting his head fall on yours.
“I need to warm up…” He mumbles.
He thinks for a second before proceeding, “i have an idea how to…if you trust me.”
Jungwon tilted his head to get a clearer view of your reaction, his lips pursed as he awaited your response to proceed with his plan. It was only then that you noticed how close you were, your faces just inches apart. You could already feel the heat rising in your skin, radiating toward him due to the proximity.
His gaze flickered to your lips for a split second before meeting your eyes again, a small, almost imperceptible smirk forming on his face. The room seemed to grow quieter, the air thick with anticipation. You swallowed hard, your mind racing to process the intensity of the moment.
"Well?" Jungwon's voice was soft but insistent, pulling you back to the present. You could feel your pulse quickening, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling within you. The urge to close the gap between you two was almost overwhelming.You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
"I... I'm not sure," you managed to say, your voice barely above a whispery, nervously turning to the other side of the room where Sunoo is, still submerged in the drama he is watching. His expression softened, a hint of amusement in his eyes when he noticed the change in the atmosphere, eyes swiftly looking at you.
"Don't worry about him," Jungwon says. "He won't mind, and neither will you, right?"
You swallow hard, a lump forming in your throat as you assess the situation. Oddly, a thrill of excitement runs through you at the thought of whatever might happen between you, sceneries already flashing in your head.
It seems like you all are on the same page - so why not?
You give Jungwon green light to go which he doesn't complitate for long. Excitement bubbles in him as your lips hover over one another, brushing against. How many times he imagined this moment, being able to feel your lips on him. Your lips meet in a slow, experimental kiss, moving sensual against each other.
Jungwon moves his hand to your cheek, grip festering as he deepens the kiss. From the corner of his eyes Sunoo is able to see the process and decides better now to join in, opting to sit beside you. His touch on your shoulder delicate in order not to scare you. He moves your hair to the side in order not to get in the way before landing his lips on your exposed shoulder.
Sunoo’s gentle touch reaches your waist, his fingers tracing slow, affectionate circles on your skin. Each caress sends a shiver of warmth through your body. Racing thoughts occupy his mind carrying them into reality as he makes a bold move and reaches under your shirt. You whine at the cold hand coming in contact with your burning skin. “you're so warm angel...”
You let yourself loose, getting more comfortable with the two when you pulled out from kiss to press your lips now onto Sunoos.
The air is laced with your moans, sexual tension arising with every touch. Your clothes have taken place all over the place while you remained in front of the flickering flames that shone the room in its calming colours.
“Fuck- i always loved your tits” Sunoo pinched the nub between his fingers before latching onto it. Your whines are like melodies to his ears, intensifying his actions in order to hear more. You can feel your walls contract around Jungwon fingers as he curls them, hitting deeper. “Jungwon- fuck, I'm going to cum.”
“Yeah? Cum on my tongue.”He sped up the motion, slurping away all the slick coming out of you. His tongue pokes at your entrance before entering. His cock feels as if he's about to burst any minute, precum leaking through his boxers already. He tries to soothe himself, bringing a hand down - rubbing over the material.
The knot in your tummy gets tighter and soon enough you come all over his face, adorning the young man in your essence which he happily cleaned from his fingers.
Sunoo lets go of your nipple, standing tall over you as he takes his shaft out of its confinement , the tip angrily red streaming a flow of precum. He gives himself a few tugs before shoving the full lenght into your mouth without warning making you gag in the act. .
“Take it all slut, isn't this what you always wanted.” He grabs a fustful of your hair before pistoning into the warm cavity of your mouth. Saliva is running down your chin, tears streaming down your cheeks while he aggressively continues to shove his cock down your throat. It doesn't take long till he's sounds are coming out of his mouth and he fills up your throat with his seed then pulling out to come over your breasts.
“We should do that again sometime…” Jungwon says from the side before getting up to get a damp rag.
He cleans up the mess his friend left behind on your chest as he cleaned himself up.
Change into new sets of clothes you make yourselves comfortable on the huge sofa awkwardly leaving space between you. Commotion can be heard from the entrance and you can confirm it's the rest of the group as they loudly enter the room.
"EVERYONE COME HERE! FIREPLACE IS ON!" Jake shouts, settling himself in front of the dancing flames that bathe the room in a warm glow.
"Aren't you guys cold?" he asks, turning to the three of you silently sitting on the couch.
"I'm perfectly warm, thanks," Jungwon replies with a smile. He then moves over to where you're sitting, curling up in your lap with a contented sigh. As your fingers gently weave through his hair, a sense of peace and closeness envelops you both, filling the room with a feeling of cozy, heartfelt warmth.
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🗒️author's note: this was written so so so long ago and i went back and forth with, was never fully satisfied and I'm sorry for because there were a few people who waited and i deleted it - before thinking about the taglist some wanted to be , i sadly don't remember who it was so if you want to be on a taglist lmk<3
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f4irys4n · 7 months
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notice me
huang renjun x afab!reader
tags gender neutral pronouns. best friend! renjun. jealous renjun. oblivious reader and renjun. they obviously have a crush on each other. some toxic masculinity (not from renjun). talks of past abusive relationships. renjun is constantly pining. lots of cuddles and fluff. kissing and making out. lots of groping. grinding. fingering. soft (ish) kissy and fluffy sex. renjun is very vocal. kind of vanilla. subtle sub/dom dynamic. unprotected sex (don’t do this!!!)
wc 2.8k
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you and renjun. you'd been best friends for years.
he never thought he'd find himself admitting this until recently, but jealousy was a constant feeling that clouded him throughout your supposed 'friendship.' jealous of all the others you found yourself thinking were more worthy of your time and affection over him.
first, it was your possessive, borderline-abusive ex. you'd dated this said guy for around half of your and renjun's friendship and the entire time renjun was holding back homicidal urges towards him because of the lack of respect this jerk had towards you. constantly belittling you, making you feel unworthy and tearing apart your self-esteem.
and renjun was there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart. doing what any 'friend' would do. and it didn't help that you lived together, so he always had front-row seats.
this was around a year ago. and for this entire year, renjun has idly stood by and watched countless men whoo you, just leave you. resulting in the both of you being back to square one; renjun being madly in love with you, but too scared to say anything because it'll be 'too soon' and you being completely oblivious to this.
and nothing was different this time.
you'd just been on a second date with some guy you thought was oh-so-lovely and the so-called 'perfect gentleman.' but just like the others, you stepped into your shared apartment eyes filled to the brim with tears, causing renjun to automatically be on alert.
it was moments like these where renjun knew he could treat you so much better. as cliche as it sounds, he was confident he could. god.. he would treat you like royalty, as if he didn't already. he wanted to smother you with the love you always found it so difficult to find. and after hearing you complain about hook-ups after hook-ups, he was more than confident he could satisfy you there too.
the concerned look on the boy's face was enough to have you burst out crying, and within moments he was cradling you in a warm embrace. and all you could think to yourself was 'if only he could be one the one that wants me.'
he must have been the sweetest and most caring man you'd ever met in your days, and it was life's cruel twisted fate that had made him your best friend. yes, he could be sarcastic and snarky, even petty at times, but underneath, he truly was an angel in disguise.
"what's happened, pretty?" he spoke gently, hands delicately stroking your hair in a comforting way.
"you know when you think that someone is so sweet, and truly cares to get to know you, but actually just see you as an object.." you trail off, wiping you tears harshly from your cheek. "god.. im pathetic," you laugh lightly "crying over some guy that obviously doesn't value people outside sex."
your words made renjun frown, seeing how you tried to push aside how you were feeling and put on a brave face. "you're allowed to feel things, y/n. you're allowed to be upset."
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it'd been a few days since the awful experience you'd had, and renjun had your mutual jaemin around; telling him he wanted to game together but really just wanted his advice on his ever-growing feelings for you.
renjun rarely asked for advice, often being a pretty logical and forward-thinking person, but when it came to you and relationships, in general, he knew absolutely nothing. all he knew was that he was a fool for you.
jaemin had always been a master when it came to love and relationships, hell, he had people lining up to date him or even just speak to him most of the time.
"so what you're saying, is that you're madly in love with y/n?" jaemin asks, chuckling to himself a little.
"i didn't say that, did i?" renjun whined, "i said i liked them!"
"stop fooling yourself, junnie," jaemin teased "you're so obviously in love with them, you have been for years, everyone can tell."
"what? everyone knows?" renjun panicked "even y/n?"
"relax, idiot, they're just as oblivious as you are." to which renjun looked at the younger boy with a confused expression. what did he mean he was oblivious like you?
"y/n likes you too! you're both too stupid to realise it."
"then why are they trying to date other people?" renjun asks, just as confused as he was before.
"god.. you really know nothing," jaemin sighs, a grin still apparent on his face "the most probable answer is that they're trying to get over you, because like you, they think the other likes them so they're putting themselves out there in the hopes they'll forget about their feelings for you," jaemin spoke as if it was the most obvious answer ever but renjun would have never been able to piece that together or come up with anything like that without jaemin spelling it out to him.
"yeah 'oh'.." jaemin teased, rolling his eyes at his hyung.
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that same night, it was time for your weekly movie night and with the aid of jaemin, renjun had thought of the 'perfect' way to confess to you.
he couldn't lie, he was beyond nervous. what if everyone had read the signals wrong and you really didn't like him back after all? what would he do?
his body shuddered at the thought of rejection, anxiety smothering his entire body, he can't recall feeling so anxious in his life. but surely nothing could go wrong.. he'd picked out a perfect film for you to watch; lady and the tramp. he's not big on romance films (and neither am i lol i literally know non) but jaemin suggest to watch one to create 'the vibe' as he put it.
by this point in the night, you were already wrapped in 10 layers of blankets, you snuggled up to him, his arm relaxed on your waist and chin positioned on the top of your head. he loved the way you smiled at the screen at all the cute moments within the film and how when the iconic spaghetti scene came up all you could say was "me when," and all he could think was "us right now."
he'd been waiting all night to make a move, starting to become a little restless, constantly fidgeting. and this didn't go unnoticed by you.
"junnie," he almost melted away at the same nickname you'd been using on him for years "whats up with you?" you ask gently, snuffling a little to turn around and face him. "you keep fidgeting and it's obvious something is on your mind."
"oh, it's nothing," renjun shrugs off, giving you a small grin.
"renjun, i know you too well.. somethings off.. and not just tonight, there's been something on your mind for a little while now," you reply, softly playing with the front ends of his hair.
"it's nothing, i just-" "it's not nothing, junnie, you know i don't like it when you downplay your emotions or anything you want to say," you scold lightly. but you weren't wrong, multiple times throughout the friendship you had specifically said that you don't want him to downplay or hide his emotions around you because helping each other is what 'friends' are for.
"its embarrassing," renjun whines playing, flicking your nose.
"junnie," you reply a little more sternly
"i just-" renjun starts to fumble on his words "i've wanted to say this for ages, and i've never been able to actually speak it out loud.. and i honestly still don't." he paused, his heart was pounding as a confession was on the tip of his tongue but he also couldn't help but fixate on how you were looking at him. "it's just that-" he starts up once again before taking a deep breath.
"ah.. fuck it.." he mumbles before leaning down and pressing his lips softly against yours, and to his surprise, you moved your lips back against his. the kiss felt like it went on for an age, a euphoric haze clouding his mind at the moment.
"i've been waiting for you to do that forever," you smile up at him and he couldn't even speak from your words.
"yeah? you've been waiting forever?" renjun teased "then why didn't you kiss me forever ago?" he asked.
"because that's scary," you chuckle "what if you rejected me?"
"how did you think i felt?" he gasped dramatically, grabbing a small pillow from beside him and hitting you on the head with it.
"im not sure.. but i can bet i can tell how you feel now," you grin
"and what would that be?"
"that you want to kiss me again," you hum, leaning in to capture another kiss.
"maybe you were right." and with that, his lips were locked with yours once more, this time a little less soft. after a few moments, you gently climbed on top of him, lips never separating from his. despite having the night planned out, this definitely wasn't on his so-called criteria list, but he wasn't complaining, not at all.
this kiss progressively got heavier and steamier by the second, and renjun's hands were starting to wonder. starting on your upper waist and slowly trailing down until they were eagerly grasping at your waist, respectful to not go any lower but also begging to feel more. both of your breathes got heavier, biting and nibbling on each other's lips.
"shit-" renjun cursed under his breath, feeling his length twitch in his sweatpants, looking at you to see if you had noticed, praying to any being above him that you hadn't. but obviously.. you did.
"i'm so sorry.. fuck," he says, becoming flustered, cheeks reddening harsher than you had ever seen before.
"junnie.. junnie... it's okay," you reassure him, trying your best to quieten him but he still continues to babble on about how sorry he was and how he'll go to his room because of how embarrassed he felt.
"i don't want you to think that i only see you as-" "junnie," you interrupt and he hums up at you, waiting for you to finish what you wanted to say. "shut up," you chuckle, leaning down to kiss him roughly once more, becoming bold enough to grind down against the red-cheeked man.
a small grunt came from his lips, and his teeth latched onto your bottom lip. "god.. do you feel what you do to me?" he mutters against your lip, mirroring your grinding. you give him a tiny smirk before grabbing his hand and trailing it down to the waistband of your shorts. "do you want to feel what you do to me?" you ask, becoming more confident by the second.
"y/n.. i've wanted nothing more than to have the chance to show you how wonderful you are and to treat you so well," renjun hums "of course, i want to feel how i do to you," he chuckles, his hand slowly dipping down past your panties and to your core.
his fingers came into contact with your already-soaked hole, causing him to moan at the feeling. "this is what i do to you, love?" he asks, an ego-boost rushing through his body "i make you this wet? huh?"
you didn't even know how to respond, his small 'huh?' had your mind swirling, desperately in need of him to do something. so desperate you now started rutting softly against his fingers.
"desperate?" he teased, thumb going to rub circles on your clit. a smirk plastered on renjun's face at the small whine that escaped your mouth, and how your hips booked slightly at the smallest amount of touch.
"for you, always," you whisper softly, biting your lip gently.
his fingers slid further down, two slowly slipping into your entrance, eyes scoping over your face seeking your reaction. you whimper softly, and he groans in return at the feeling of your walls clenching around his fingers.
"god.. you're beautiful," renjun hums, digits softly moving inside you, curving to reach the exact spot you craved him in. "you have no idea how long i've waited for this moment, to hold you, to feel you and to worship you like no one else can," he continues.
you eagerly start to ride his fingers, the soft sounds leaving your lips like music to renjun's ears, spurring him on to discover more of the beautiful noises that could fall from your lips.
"junnie..." you start up "i need you.."
"you need more?" he repeats, in a slightly more mocking tone "whatever you need, my love," renjun grinned up at you, teasingly pulling his fingers away to undress his lower half.
he quickly fumbled with the drawstrings of his sweatpants, nerves causing him a delay in even getting a hold of them. by this point, he was rock hard and he couldn't recall a time he had ever been harder than at this moment.
"look what you've caused," renjun chuckles, the nerves even starting to reflect in his voice. he honestly hadn't been intimate with anyone in a while and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little worried about being intimate with someone after such a long time; what if you were disappointed or didn't really think much of what he had to offer?
"i guess i'll just have to sort it out, then. won't i?" you chuckle a little, beginning to aid him with pulling his sweats down.
not long after you were both stripped of clothes, and his length was lined up at your entrance, both of his hands either side of his head as he hovered over you.
“are you sure you want this?” he asked, wanting to check one last time for your consent before going ahead with anything.
you not softly; “yes.. i want this more than anything.”
and with those words, he slowly pushed into you, his mouth gaping open as he inched further into your walls. “fucking hell..” renjun muttered under his breath, finally bottoming out inside you. a desperate whimper escaped your lips and your hips hitched up slightly trying to create more friction.
renjun slowly started moving, thrusting his hips back and forth in gentle motions, biting his lip with every move of his hips.
“renjun,” you whimper, looking him in the eyes. he looked back at you, a small smile forming in his face as he leaned in to kiss you. the kiss was sweet but heated, matching the pace of his thrusts perfectly, swallowing all of your sweet sounds.
his hand slowly snaked down to press a finger to your clit, rubbing in slow circles to egg more sounds out of your mouth. “you sound so beautiful.. i can’t get enough, darling.”
when he thought he could please you like no one else could, he was right. you hadn’t felt so much bliss in so long, maybe you hadn’t ever experienced it at all.. you’d never had such an intimate, loving moment before, and it made you feel truly loved.
“you’re doing so well,” renjun praised softly, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear before his hips slightly picked up his speed “taking me so, so well.”
it wasn’t long before you were both gasping and moaning, chasing your high and getting so close to it. “baby.. i’m gonna cum soon,” renjun moans, hiding his head in your neck before trailing soft, wet kisses along it. “cum with me?”
you nod quickly, body subtly shaking at the overwhelming pleasure you were feeling in this moment. “i’m so close.. i wanna cum,” you whine gently “i wanna cum with you,” you continue softly, looking at him with a desperation in your eyes.
“let go, my love, i’ve got you,” he whines, eyes rolling back as he feels you tighten around him, his thrusts becoming slightly messy and stuttered. your whimpers got louder by the second before releasing all over his cock, eyes rolling back as the bliss took over your entire body.
“fuck- fuck-,” renjun moans, biting his lip as he watched you fall apart underneath him. he didn’t think you could get anymore beautiful but right now, you might possibly have. “i’m gonna cum really soon.. where do you want it?” he asks softly, trying hold back from releasing right there and then.
“on- on my chest,” you whine, walls still clenching around him only edging him closer to his high.
“fuck.. fuck okay.” renjun then pulls out of your wet entrance before quickly moving his hand up and down his shaft, thrusting into his hand as he did; slowing reaching his high, white ropes covering your bare chest as he lets out small grunts, pumping himself until he was dry.
“that was… that was.. whoa..” you chuckle gently, chest heaving up and down heavily as you attempt to catch your breathe.
“that was definitely whoa,” renjun giggles a little, bringing himself to stand “let me get you cleaned up, beautiful,” he hums, quickly running to get a wet cloth so he could wipe any ‘unwanted liquid’ off of your body.
renjun eventually was able to lay next to you, comforting you and cradling your body as he continued to praise you, slowly allowing you to both slip off into a sleep wondering where your relationship was going to go from here.
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pinkvenomsstuff · 2 years
Friends don't kiss friends. part 1
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You and Carl have been best friends since childhood, when you were still terribly messy kids. You practically grew up at the Gallagher's, you were next-door neighbors, and when you weren't there, you were at Alibi's with your parents, Veronica and Kevin. You were with him at all times, at least the most important ones. And some it was you who made them come true, like his first French kiss behind school.
You were the first one Carl liked, that's why you were such friends, he really liked you a lot. You were the first one who aroused something in him, sexual or not. And for that, you were the one chosen for his first kiss, his first dance performance at school, the first one he ran to with a can of vegetables with a hundred thousand dollars in it, and you buried yourself in some wild terror. Your favorite weapon was delivered to you in the school bathroom. And the first woman, except Fiona, who saw him when she got back from juvie.
You guys had some disagreements when he came back saying he was black and forcing a ridiculous black accent, acting like a sick gangster. The braids in his hair almost made you kill him. His mother scolded him immediately. He was someone else, not the Carl you knew but who knew he was there, somewhere, but he was. But you couldn't stay away from him long, and within two weeks you were talking normally.
Or the first person he asked for love advice when he started to have feelings for Dominic, he did everything for her, but unfortunately it wasn't enough. She betrayed him and contracted gonorrhea, the sages say: karma is like a kick in the ass. You were the one who took him in, and then went with him to take a test, where he discovered that he didn't have the disease, and the certainty that she betrayed him.
You were the first one he ever told about his shitty parents, not that you didn't know, you lived with him. But it went deeper, he told you how he felt about Monia's death and how he felt like a failure for years, especially after what happened to G-Dog, but you brought him back to who he always was.
And shit, those damn words almost made you choke on the beer you were drinking. "Back to life," what did he mean by that? What were you to him anyway? That was a question you didn't mean to ask. You two have always been best friends, both of you have always prioritized friendship above anything else, you didn't want to risk it and end up losing your love.
You were at his house now, lying on his couch missing him. It's been almost five days since you've seen each other, even though you lived within meters of each other. "Hey Mom. I'm going to Gallagher's!" you yell, she yells back saying it's okay and that she's going to be on Alibi. You leave the house wrapping your headset around your cell phone, shoving your hands in your sweatshirt pocket.
You look around and see no cars, it was a cloudy and relatively cold day. You walk down the sidewalk taking the few steps to Gallagher's house, and surprisingly you still haven't heard any screams, groans or anything breaking. You jump the playpen at the house, sell a Frank passed out - or not, sleeping or dead on one of the stairs. You ignore that old junkie shit and head upstairs ringing the doorbell.
The door is almost always open, but you don't think it's polite to walk in without knocking, especially not to find someone fucking on the couch or in the kitchen. The door is quickly opened by Lip, who has wide blue eyes, but he relaxes as he recognizes you. "Fuck, I thought it was the social worker." she whispers in relief "Hey girl. What are you doing here?" he asks giving you space to enter, so you do.
"I came to torment C-Dog." you say smiling, he laughs with a cigarette stuck to his lips. "Right." he sits on the sofa. "Where are the rest of the staff? This house is insanely quiet and it makes me wonder if no one is drugged or dead." you say, Lip laughs puffing out his cigarette. "No, no. Debbies is out with Franny, Fiona is at the diner, Ian is probably fucking some gay guy and Liam is in school."
"Uh…I thought things between Ian and Mickey were serious." you talk, Lip shrugs. "They're coming and going because of their bipolarity." "Got it. I'm going up." you say starting up the living room stairs, Lip nods turning on the television. You walk down the hall really seeing the empty rooms, you go to Carl's and give a few rings, nobody comes to open it and you don't hear anything.
Then, slowly you pull the doorknob covering his eyes, an immediate action upon entering his room since you found out he slept naked sometimes. You enter the room one finger at a time until you are sure there is no one in the room. "Y/N?" a hoarse voice comes from behind you, and you jump in fright. "Oh shit Carl. You scared me!" you gasp putting your hand on your chest, he laughs walking into the room.
He rummages through your clothes thrown across the bed so you don't know which ones are dirty or clean, and just then you notice a white towel drapes around your hips. Leaving his luscious abs showing, it was a fact that Gallagher came back a hundred times hotter from jail, you'd admit that yourself.
You grab a random playboy magazine from under his bed, throwing his body on the bed you cross your legs opening the magazine as he changes. Even though you've seen each other almost naked a few times, or else in your underwear and panties and bra several times, you respected your privacy. You flip through the pages of magazines, naked women posing or wearing costumes.
"Wow, that's hot." you say smiling, Carl looks at you without understanding. You turn the magazine over to him "Oh, she is." you notice that he has his legs covered by sweatpants, my biceps are still uncovered. You return to the magazine, pushing away any inappropriate thoughts. "I'm dressed. What are you doing here?" he asks sitting next to her on the bed. "I was bored and I have a best friend living next door to me so…" he laughs, pinching her ear. "I understand. What do you want to do?"
"I don't know, man. We can do whatever you want but I'm honestly really hungry so I'd like to stop by Paty's first." you say closing the magazine. "Right." he smiles, you roll your eyes around his extremely disorganized room. "God, Carl. Did you know Fi has a laundry basket in the hallway? Or you could start washing them then." you turn up your nose when you smell one of his shirts.
"Ah... mind your own business girl!" he exclaims smiling and ruffling your hair, you shake your head. "Fuck, let's go to Paty's before I end up eating you." you sigh, feeling a knot in your stomach, Carl looks at you slyly "Oh no! Shit no! Carl fuck you!" you exclaim, closing your eyes tightly, denying it, but - I would like to - was what crossed your mind.
"Wow, ok. I thought you thought I was super hot and all..." he laments pretending to be offended, putting his hand to his chest. "Oh yes- yes you are. I just-" You can't find the words, he laughs with his total fishy face, not even able to think. "I understood. I'm just playing with you. Come on babe." he says laughing and pulling your shoulders to walk with him, you laugh but you're still extremely embarrassed by it.
"Hey, Ian!" Carl walks past him, Ian ruffles his hair. "Hi guys, and hi Y/N. I haven't seen you in like a week?" Ian says it more like a question, you nod. "And Kevin, have you recovered from your vasectomy?" "Yeah, I had to take some time off after I saw Frank fuck a homeless girl in the kitchen." Ian laughs loudly, throwing his head back in the chair. "I swear, it was 'fucking traumatizing!' you laugh along with him, Carl laughs at both of you. "Where are you going?" Ian asks with a beer in his hand. "Paty's, and then some Chicago alley." Carl responds. "beauty." Lip goes upstairs.
Carl walks to the front door, you stop him. "I think we'd better go around the back. There's a Frank passed out in your driveway." you say sarcastically, Carl rolls his eyes. "Fuck that old man." he says walking to the kitchen door, you follow him with a smile on your face.
You walk in front of your house, the truck is still in the driveway. "Do your parents really let you drive?" Carl asks as you turn the keys in the door. "Hm, no. Ve says I might get hurt, but Kev doesn't care. He thinks it's radical!" you say excitedly, Carl smirks at you.
"Too badass. I drive Fiona's car sometimes, it's nice." he comments, you two get in the car sitting on the seats. "Yes, it is. When I get my license, I'm going out at dawn with you to all the car races." you say smiling, which makes Carl smile as he remembers the things you guys did to make it to the city limits for the damn clandestine races. "Uh, great. I really don't want to have to bike to the end of Chicago."
"Right, right." you chuckle at it "Just a year to go or maybe two..." "Sixteen is the new seventeen." he says, you nod turning on the radio. "Birthday Sex" blasts through the loudspeakers, you and Carl singing the lyrics perfectly as if you were at a live show. In fifteen minutes you were already in Paty's, you park the car just before the entrance to the store. Carl walks out the door normally and you jump out of the truck, the two of you enter the diner.
You move to one of the tables facing the street, Carl follows you and you sit opposite each other. A knowledgeable attendant comes to you. "Hey guys, can I take your order?" she asks smiling, you take a good look at the menu even though you know it like the back of her hand. "Hey fely! An x-bacon with double fries and a coke. Please" Carl says, Felicity writes it down on paper. "What about you, Y/N? The same as always?" she asks still with a smile on her face, you think for a moment. "Hm... Same as him. And pancakes. With honey, lots of whipped cream and strawberries. Please." she notes. "Yes, someone had come to serve them." "Thanks." you both say thanks, she leaves to take more orders.
You two look at each other but don't say anything. You start snapping your fingers. "So…what have you been doing?" Carl asks breaking the silence. "The usual. Taking care of the bar, the twins, studying and sleeping. No big deal." you shrug your shoulders. "And have you been seeing anyone? Like a hookup?" you shake your head "No. Nobody. And you?" "Nobody either. But I like a girl." he says low, you're a little surprised. "Oh good Carl. Who is it?" "A girl over there, you don't know..." "Okay. Can you tell me about her?"
"Well, she's quite outgoing. She likes games and has questionable taste in music. She loves riding her old skateboard." he tells you the details, you laugh at the last remark. " She's a good girl so then. I'm happy for you, asshole." you run your hands through his hair, ruffling his strands. "Yeah, she is. She's pretty pretty too, like, awesome." You nod, seeing one of the waiters come with their orders. He puts it on the table, you thank him with smiles. You quickly pick up your burger and bring it to your mouth, taking a big bite.
The incredible taste of the fried bancon, the melted cheese and the grilled meat had you moaning in satisfaction. "Oh, God. This is fucking better than a blowjob!" you exclaim, Carl raises an eyebrow at you. "Have you ever gotten a blowjob in your life?" "No. But I got blown, and I'm sure I say this is way better." he shakes his head laughing, you notice the little bag of ketchup being poured into his burger, you frown at that sinful act. "Bro, are you really using that red sauce in a x-bacon? That's like a crime in Italy, man." you say taking another bite of yours, Carl throws the empty ketchup bag at you.
"Fuck Italy and its pizzas without ketchup! We're in America." he grumbles, you laugh. "That fucking is a godsend honey, there's no reason not to use it." "Uh, ok. At least you know Italy is not an American country." you mock him, Carl looks at you like you've said the most shocking thing in the world, the boy throws two potato in your face. "Hey you shit! Don't throw that at me." you exclaim, an elderly couple next to you complains about the noise. "Can you guys not scream or throw your cockroaches? Shitty ghetto teenagers. They don't know how to behave anywhere." the old woman mumbles the last sentence.
"I'm sorry gentlemen." you smile falsely at they, looking at Carl who was laughing hysterically. You shoot him a death glare. "Old bastards. I'm going to make these fags eat dust." you claim looking at your delicious pancakes. "But I'll get this over with first" "Yes you will." Cal says still laughing.
You finish quickly and compete with Carl to see who eats the most pancakes in the least amount of time, you obviously win with 7 pancakes in two minutes, but Carl is a good competitor with five. You both laugh when you notice that his lips are full of whipped cream, and so is the tip of his nose. The old people from before complain again, saying that you are noises. "Enough. I'm going to make this old woman hear some truths. Shitty South Zone bitch!" You get up from your desk, reaching into one of the pockets of your shorts, placing some bills on the table.
Carl too, with his wallet in his hands. "I pay." you two say together, laughing then. "Hey big boy, I pay. I brought you here, it's ok but next time it's you." you threaten with your lower finger pointed at him. "Right." "Now C-Dog, stand there and watch me fuck these old men." you tell him you're close to the exit. "Oh, go for it girl." he whispers to you, who gestures with your hands to him following you to the elderly couple's table.
"Hey good afternoon." you smile sympathetically sitting next to them. "What you want?" the woman asks arrogantly, looking you up and down. "Ah...no big deal. It's just that I actually heard you complain about me and the boy with me, I had to come here." you say sadist, eating a potato of them. "So what, girl?" She rolls her eyes. "It's just that I was a little hurt, you know? I thought you were pretty, that's fine for such an old age. But then you opened your little shit mouth, saying really prejudiced things. And I thought, I should punch some respect in this bitch." you wink at her, the lady looks at you with a hateful expression. "So, here's my darling lesson."
You pick up your glass of soda, you take a few sips, and then you spit the drink back into the glass. You smile at her before slowly pouring the coke under her head. She starts screaming getting the attention of customers calling you a ghetto rat. "Go back to the south side, motherfucker!" you exclaim, spitting in your food, standing up and feeling Carl proud stares at you. Fiona comes up to you, you think she's going to scold you but you're surprised when she applauds you. "Aren't you angry? Those customers with money never came back here." she denies smiling. "No, really. You did me a damn favor, I hate those old men, they always come here and complain about the food or my people."
"Oh, that's great then!" you smile, she nods throwing a cloth over her shoulders. "We left the money on the table, Bye Fi!" Carl yells opening the front door, she yells back an "ok" you walk out of there with you feeling insanely good. "Girl, I fucking worship you! You fucked with them." Carl exclaims jumping up and down, you laugh at him. "It's no big deal. It was deserved." you get in the car, and you start it. "Certainly." he says putting on his seat belt.
You start the pickup. Carl doesn't stop looking at you for a second, especially his hair flying in the wind invading the car through the windows. He's totally mesmerized by you, and seeing you defend him in a way has only made him more in love with you than he is. He was sure you were an amazing woman when you told him you faced men who were harassing you, but he was even more sure now, seeing your enviable posture up close.
That was the thing you loved most about Carl and that he admired most about you. You two wouldn't let anyone say shit about you, or whoever was important to you. It could be the biggest truth in the world, but the Gallagher's don't let anything go unnoticed. You had a trust that he sincerely always wanted to have for him, Carl was always a bully, stealing food and hitting some carusos when necessary. But you did even worse as a kid, and it's not something you're proud of, but you were just a kid angry about not being adopted.
And when Kevin and Veronica adopted you and welcomed you into their home, things changed, but there are things that don't change. "Where you want to go?" you ask, Carl blinks a few times. "I don't know... maybe in that abandoned terrano of the Díaz's? I heard that there are some people from our school going there to smoke and skip class."
"So that's where we're going, bro." you turn the car around the corner, turning onto the avenue. "Do you have cigarettes there? My dad never leaves them in the car because of the twins." he nods pulling a box out of his pants pocket. "Here." he hands you a pack, you hold it to your lips, Carl takes your lit lighter to the end of his cigarette, lighting it, you thank him.
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cultofdixon · 11 months
Good things come unexpectedly
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • It’s funny. In the apocalypse, you tend to think you’re immune to certain things happening. Then another “heated” night, leads to a bun in the oven • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Unprotected sex / missionary • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / Anxiety / Minor injuries / friends with benefits / Vomiting / Sleep Deprivation
Requested by: Anon
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Mmm…it has been about a week since the Saviors War ended and a few things returned to normal.
A few good things.
Y/N fell back first into the bed with a soft thud it didn’t take long for Daryl to climb on top of her. He firmly presses his lips against hers bringing his big strong calloused hands to her hips. Her hands found purchase on his shoulder blades gripping onto the back of his vest while his tongue pushes past her lips exploring her mouth.
The two have been best friends since the quarry days because it felt natural. Finding another person in the world that understands the horrors you endured way before the real-life horrors of the undead came a lurking. Them getting to this point? Used to be pure stress relief, and still is. But now it was more whenever they wanted a moment when both parties wanted it. Because both respected the other when the other wasn’t in the mood. Their friendship comes before their friends with benefits.
Even if it’s been years…and feelings have changed. But neither said anything.
“Daryl—-“ Y/N moans pulling her lips away from Daryl as he instantly went for her neck when they parted. “Fuck me” She begs resulting in a low growl escaping the archer’s lips.
The man grew excited over those little words making him pull away starting to get his pants off. Y/N pushes herself away to get herself out of her shorts and panties once she was bare, he grabbed her by the thighs pulling her flush against him. Daryl situated himself in between her legs she felt the heat instantly shoot to her core when feeling his cock gather up her slick.
“You always this excited for me?” Daryl smirks watching her body jerk when he’d smack the tip of his dick against her sensitive clit.
“A l w a y s” Y/N emphasizes watching him line himself up and push his entire length in, keeping his eyes on her smirking even more when she threw her head back moaning.
He didn’t hesitate to get quick and dirty with it as he leaned into her, gripping her hips as he started to piston in her warmth. His movements only quickened as Y/N found herself latching onto his shoulders trying not to dig her nails into his vest.
After a long needed relief, Daryl stretched himself out a few hours later finding Y/N fast asleep curled beside him but he knew the second he woke he had to get up and leave. Something they had agreed on. No sleepovers. He didn’t mean to knock out after but he couldn’t help once he finished to admire the woman beneath him and take advantage of the exhaustion they both felt to sleep next to her for a while.
The archer made his way after redressing back to his basement place under the Grimes’ residence.
About a month has passed since that night, and they had a few more rounds within the time…now they had to get back to work on rebuilding the communities and keeping their families safe even if the threats were taken care of for the most part.
“Y/N is going with you right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“She looked tired during the council meeting. More than usual, just keep an eye on her okay?” Michonne informs Daryl, like he wasn’t going to out of instinct. But now he has something to worry about.
Y/N quickly caught up with the group approaching Daryl on his bike about to hop on when she froze for a moment. The archer frowns noticing her still before getting onto the back of his bike.
“You okay?”
“Mhm. Hilltop today right?”
“Yeah, gonna meet Hershel Jr while helpin’ with their new farming plots”
“Yeah I Uhm. Heard from the meeting” Y/N rubs her temple for a second before wrapping her arms around his middle as he felt her tighten her grip. “Just go slow”
Her saying such only added to his worry but he didn’t much of it. He is usually careful and it wouldn’t be the first time if she fell asleep against his back. Which she did for this ride, and thank god the drive to Hilltop was short.
When the bike came to a stop is when Y/N woke but she didn’t wake exhausted or in a normal manner. She quickly got off the back of Daryl’s bike jostling him slightly to regain balance as she made a beeline for the tree line. Disappearing for a few minutes. Rick steps out of the truck with Rosita as they both had witnessed Y/N sprint into the forest and Daryl not instantly chase after her given she came back. But it did spark a few questions for Rick to ask Daryl, even if the archer was clueless himself.
They were in the middle of work, following Tara’s lead in the farming while Maggie rests inside the Barrington House with her newborn. Rick pulled himself away for a second to approach Daryl who was helping a Hilltop resident build the wooden farm plot frames.
“Where’s Y/N?”
“In the woods?”
“And why is she?”
“Settin’ up snares when I asked the second time she ran out there. First time, no clue why she did”
“Is she feelin’ alright?” Rick questions resulting in both of them quickly turning and drawing attention to their action of watching Y/N getting the soil ready for planting.
“She looks fine” Daryl frowns not looking away as he watches Y/N pull away sitting on the ground a second from her crouched position to take a breather.
“Hey!” Rick calls out, drawing Y/N’s attention to the retired sheriff’s calm composure with the archer’s frantic one. “It’s hot, yea better be drinking water”
“The fuck are you? My dad?” She groans getting up and going to get exactly that from within the walls of the Hilltop.
The archer immediately elbows Rick getting a confused look from him. “Didn’t want her seeing my face”
“We’re all worried, she could see the same thing from me”
“Your poker face is failin’ if your daughter can call yea out on your bluff” Daryl rolls his eyes handing the hammer and nails to Rick before following after Y/N to check on her.
Man the girl moves fast Daryl looked around the entire plot not finding Y/N outside of any buildings and he wasn’t about to go on a witch hunt through the trailers so he went for the Barrington House immediately.
The silence that was instantly met, made the archer a bit uncomfortable. He half expected it to be louder given there’s a newborn around and people coming in and out to update Maggie.
Daryl made his way upstairs finding Tara holding baby Hershel while Jesus was talking to Maggie about what the Alexandrians came to do. But no Y/N.
“You’ve seen Y/N, Mags?” Daryl cuts into the conversation when it reached an appropriate time to interrupt.
“She’s sleeping in my room, you can check on her if you’d like”
“Looked pretty dehydrated and y’all have only been around for a few hours” Jesus adds before the archer went to check on Y/N.
It didn’t take much for Y/N to wake out of anxious feeling that someone was around. It’s a terrible habit that develops from the years of being around the undead, so waking and looking like she was about to get grabbed only concerned Daryl when he sat on the edge of the bed.
“It’s cool…uh. Did Rick need me or something?”
“Nah I wanted to check on yea” The concern laced in his voice made her worry. She slowly sat up in the bed brushing her hair back followed with a small yawn. “You feelin’ alright, Y/N?”
“Not really…haven’t been for a few days, just. Knew I had to come today”
“Didn’t have to”
“I’m not—-Never mind” She cut herself off suddenly as it obviously didn’t go unnoticed that there was more to it.
But before Daryl could even ask, Y/N slipped out of the bed turning away from him when she immediately didn’t feel well.
“Y/N—-“ Daryl frowns getting up about to grab her shoulder when she suddenly ran toward the bathroom puking the contents of her stomach. Which wasn’t much. She’s been doing that all day.
Y/N stayed in the bathroom for a while as Daryl stood on the other side feeling himself stress over a couple of thoughts. But the main one took over and he opened the door without another second of stress on the obvious.
Instead of this being met with…excitement and a calming discussion.
Everyone witnessed Daryl chase Y/N out of the Barrington House trying to talk to her when she had zero interest in doing so.
“Why didn’t you fucking say anything?!”
“It’s too early, it could be a false positive”
“That’s very un-fucking-likely given the track record of our group” Daryl scoffs continuing to follow her as the yelling drew a few’s attention. “Fucking hell! YOU RODE ON THE BACK OF MY BIKE LIKE THAT”
“SO?!” Y/N snaps getting up in his face. “ITS MY BODY AND FOR FUCKS SAKE DARYL ITS TOO EARLY”
Rick was about to intervene when Y/N pushed him aside, swiftly taking the car keys from his pocket and heading toward the vehicle which only drove Daryl a bit angrier.
“Nah we gotta talk—-“
“NO!” She shoved Daryl back to give them enough space and the way her face contorted into sadness after anger immediately. He froze. “I’m not arguing with you before I drive off. Or I will actually get fucking hurt in a much safer vehicle compared to yours! I’m gonna get this fucking shit confirmed and when we talk about it next—-You better have checked yourself. Cuz I’m scared out of my goddamn mind if it’s real” and she got in the car and left back for Alexandria.
Daryl stood there still trying to wrap his head around what had happened. They never keep secrets. Or suspicions. Or whatever! He started to get frustrated with himself over something that is going to change his life forever.
It’s time to get his head out of his own ass and tell her how he’s felt since they’ve first met. But like every story like this. He never wanted to ruin the friendship. Neither does she.
As much as others wanted to question Daryl and or go back to Alexandria to ask Y/N. They knew after that public display, neither of them wanted to be talked to about it. Let them bring it up. Which Daryl did three days since that fight.
“Rick, you got a sec?”
Rick was holding Hershel at the time and that honestly felt like some odd sign to Daryl as he waited for his brother to hand the baby back to his mother before leaving the room with Daryl.
“How’d yea find out?”
“When Siddiq came by this morning” Y/N didn’t tell him that she was pregnant because of that fight. She needed the space just for a little while longer and she trusted Siddiq to go straight to Daryl.
“I didn’t even know the two of you were that close. Y’all have always been best friends and no one questioned it further”
“We are usually careful. To avoid this”
“Well, what do you want me to say here? Cuz the truth is? It’s Y/N’s body, if she wants to keep it or not. You can say your peace and she can reevaluate but given Siddiq came instead of her? She’s still thinking about it”
“What should I do? Right now. Not the future or whatever”
“Go to her, talk to her about it. Right now it’s just the future regarding having a baby or not. This is a big change on its own that y’all can talk about your relationship after.”
“Right…” Daryl frowns lifting himself up off the steps to the Barrington House and whistling for the gate keepers to open them up for him the second he got on his bike.
The ride was quick. No traffic’s laws anymore so he was speeding down the streets. He was careful though, because deep down if Y/N found out how fast he was being, she’d lash out that he was reckless.
As the gates to Alexandria open up, Y/N froze on the steps to her place feeling Michonne’s hand leave her back as she was radio’d a few minutes prior by her partner that Daryl was on his way. She had to tell Y/N to prepare her for whatever conversation he’ll have with her. Even if it will be messy regardless. As the bike approaches its stop, Michonne got up entirely making her leave as she gave Daryl a look that was more of a warning.
Soon the two were in the living room and Y/N sat silently in the couch while Daryl stood propped against the wall.
“We’re usually careful”
“Yeah, can’t say that now” Y/N frowns keeping her gaze on the floor as Daryl kept looking at her occasionally. “What do you want to do?”
“It’s your body, I don’t really…got a lot of say in the matter. You’re carrying it”
“But it’ll be our baby.” She states looking up at him watching him relax for once since arriving home. “You get a say…and if…fuck…” She groans bringing her head in between her legs staying like that for a moment.
When Y/N lifted her head once the nauseous feeling subsided, she noticed a bucket placed beside her and that Daryl had moved since she had to take a minute. Which lead her to start tearing up.
“I’m scared Daryl…I…I couldn’t have asked for anyone else…but I’m really fucking scared to have a baby”
Daryl finally brought himself to sit with her gently wiping away the tears that fell. “I ain’t ever leavin’ yea, I’m gonna be right here with yea. Let me take care of you and our baby” he states knowing that she couldn’t help the more tears that fell as he brought her into his embrace holding onto her.
This changes a lot
But Y/N was thankful he didn’t leave her to deal with this alone. Not that Daryl would want that. He’s always seen a future, a future with her. This is simply taking another route to their endgame.
First Trimester
“So are you finally going to talk about it?” Aaron questions Daryl while they packed up the truck to bring lumber to the Kingdom for rebuilding.
“Don’t think there’s a good time”
“Seriously? Okay—-first, I was the only one that knew the two of you were fucking. Now I’m the only one to know that you’ve been in love with your baby mama for fucking years?”
“The second half yea ain’t the only one that knows. Fuckin’ everyone close to me knows except her”
“Man. I wish it was the first one. Why was I the only one that knew the two of you were…intimate”
“You’re the only dumbass that walked in on us” Daryl scoffs closing the trunk and heading to the drivers as Aaron couldn’t argue with the obvious.
The two drove to the Kingdom still discussing the matter as the general census is Daryl should tell Y/N how he feels. Especially when the future plans are out of order. As the two drew close to the kingdom, Daryl noticed the gates were open and Y/N standing outside the walls with her hunting gear making him quickly step out once he parked.
“The fuck you doing?”
“Going hunting with Carol”
“Nah, you can’t go”
“And…why is that?” Y/N crosses her arms glaring at the archer as he only returned the same look.
“You’re pregnant”
“Oh my god….no! NO—-Really?!” Y/N gasps dramatically, causing a laugh to escape from Carol as she watches this unfold. “Are you sure? I couldn’t tell from my swollen breasts and inability to keep a fucking meal down.” She hissed only for Daryl to get a bit annoyed but he knew if he argued further, she might hit him. “I’ll be fucking fine! I’ve got Carol”
“Let me—-“
“No, you made a promise to Ezekiel to help rebuild the theater and that’s what you’re going to do” Carol interrupts taking Y/N along with her, letting her take the lead before turning back to Daryl. ‘I’ve got her’ she mouthed to him.
As the two found a spot to scout out for any game that comes by, Y/N presses her forehead against the fallen tree they were hidden behind trying not to lose the contents of her stomach. Carol instantly sets her bow down, resting a hand on her friend’s back rubbing soothing circles while her free hand went through her bag to get her canteen.
“Yknow. I had it really bad when I was pregnant with Sophia. Tried to use my brain power to stop myself, it never ends well”
“So I shouldn’t…hold back?”
“Exactly” as Carol pulls away to open the canteen she watches Y/N quickly turn away and vomit. “Yeah, don’t hold it in. Only going to make you feel worse”
Once Y/N finished, she flinched suddenly hearing the swift sound of the arrow brushing passed indicating Carol fired at something. Y/N quickly turned to find the deer she had just shot and turned back around staring straight ahead.
“If you want some advice. I’d look up for a long while. Yknow when you feel your eyes strain a little? To avoid crying”
“Thanks” Y/N choked up as Carol sympathetically pats her shoulder before going to collect their game.
Daryl finished his part of repairing and went to check on Y/N in the studio apartment like room the two were given to spend the night at the kingdom. He quietly enters the room even if he did expect Y/N to still be awake and she was, quietly sitting on the bed as she was rubbing her arms a bit. Maybe something on them. Daryl didn’t get a good look until he approached the bed seeing the exhaustion in her eyes as she was rubbing a bit of the soreness out of her.
“Saw the two deer yea brought back. Nice work”
“Even pregnant I can still get the job done”
“I never doubted yea”
“Seemed like it…but before you protest what I said, I know you’re just looking out for me” Y/N got up from the bed as Daryl quickly realized the button down of his she was wearing while the shorts were hers. She wanted to be comfortable.
Daryl slowly approaches Y/N gently brushing the stray hair behind her ear still taking note of her exhaustion even when he admired her features. She did the same to his taking note of every freckle, beauty mark, and scar…all of it that graced his face.
I hope he looks like him
God I want her to look like her
“Yknow…what really sucks…about pregnancy” Y/N whispers listening to the hum of acknowledgment from the archer. She carefully brought her hands to remove vest, setting it on the bed before drawing her hands to the hem of his shirt. “I have these cravings…for some, it’s mainly strange food combinations…but I know what I really want” she looks up at Daryl through a hooded gaze.
“Mm. Well…yea can’t get anymore pregnant that’s for sure” He kept his voice low as he got to work on the buttons of his shirt on her, noticing she wasn’t wearing anything underneath such.
“Exactly” and then one thing lead to another
Which left Daryl contemplating leaving the bed after their moment, but he didn’t want to. It just felt…weird. Does he still follow the fuck buddy rules or are they different because she’s carrying his child? It is different. But he didn’t know what to do until he tried slipping away only for her…
“You can stay…” Y/N whispers to him as she turns on her back watching Daryl settling back into the bed at first in the same position she was laying.
Then naturally the two got comfortable where Y/N was curled up in his embrace sound asleep as for him, he was still very much awake watching her sleep peacefully and without even realizing he whispers “I love you” to her sleeping form. That when he finally fell asleep, she had opened her eyes indicating she wasn’t asleep when he said such. But he’ll never know that.
Second Trimester
“You’re what?”
“Just for a few weeks”
“But you’ll be at the Sanctuary.” Y/N frowns feeling a knot in her stomach tighten as she looks down at her belly holding it protectively. “You’re gonna mis—“
“Nah, nah I’ll be back before that” Daryl reassures, gently taking her face into his hands watching the sadness grow on her. Leading to him to delicately brush his thumbs under her eyes when she closed them to help soothe the sensation where she was about to cry. “I ain’t missin’ anything okay?”
“But you’re leaving…you’re going there…whose idea was that even?”
“Rick’s” Daryl didn’t even bother trying to hide who asked him to watch that dreadful place and the second the name was released, Y/N’s mood instantly dropped.
“But doesn’t he…” She stopped herself when Daryl held his head down and then it was obvious. “D, you shouldn’t do this”
“No one else is gonna”
“Then I’m—-“
“No. You’re not coming.”
“…Daryl, please” Y/N pouts trying to use the puppy dog eyes on him to at least get him to stay because he would argue until he’s blue in the face to not have her go with him.
“Sunshine…” He never uses pet names. “I gotta do this. I’ll be back before you know it”
It’s been about a week and a half since that interaction and Y/N was hating every second of it.
If she wasn’t pregnant she could be with him
If he told Rick what that place did to him, he wouldn’t be there
If the harsher saviors were just “taken care of” then no one would have to watch that shithole
Honestly. The separation stressed Y/N out because she didn’t know what was going on even if for the most part, nothing was happening. She started to nest to try and ease her creeping anxiety but when Michonne came to check on her best friend, she noticed Y/N sitting on the floor of the living/dining room area surrounded by Judith hand me downs, “new” baby clothes, blankets gifted, a basket or two full of cloth diapers, and generally more baby stuff that Y/N knows from the baby book given to her from Maggie and some confusing items that were more like “they’re gonna need this in the apocalypse” which meant they can’t use it until they can stand or at least form a thought.
“Who gave you the knife?”
“Gabriel…he also found a “baby’s first bible” thing and it’s just. A little weird”
“How come?” Michonne asks as she sat down with her noticing the sadden expression.
“I don’t think I can believe in something that’s meant to protect his children but here we are. Living with the walking dead and having one of his kids live in a triggering environment…” Y/N frowns looking down at the miscellaneous items before piling them into an empty basket.
“You want me to radio Daryl to come back? Because I can.”
“Is it really that simple…”
“Sometimes it is. Daryl may have went but he did blow up on Rick about the matter. Plus he has dad guilt.”
“The fuck does that mean?”
“You know how Judith would start sobbing if Rick didn’t do what she asks? He instantly folds. Not saying you should cry in front of Rick but that could get him to bring Daryl back”
“I can’t, Michonne…” Y/N frowns messing with her finger tips. “He said he’ll be back in two weeks…I should just be patient”
Daryl found himself sitting in the loading bay lighting a cig, given he can’t smoke around Y/N. Not like he did before she was pregnant. He kept glancing at the radio by his side waiting for it to buzz or a voice to pierce through.
He really wants to go home
“You feeling okay?”
“Yeah…I think so” Y/N frowns looking at the worry written on Siddiq’s face as her anxiety resurfaced. “Is it—-“
“No! No…well. Your blood pressure is really high and that’s not good for you or baby” Siddiq gently takes off the blood pressure cuff followed by the stethoscope around his neck. “Are you okay? Like really okay”
Y/N couldn’t hold it in anymore and started balling her eyes out to Siddiq who didn’t know what to do in the moment other than hold her hand and wipe away the few tears.
Since Daryl left, Y/N has been stressed. We know this. But it really got to her that she hasn’t slept most nights thinking something bad could be happening to her best friend…her baby daddy…her…yeah. She wasn’t feeling alright and Siddiq forced her on bedrest. And to make sure she stays in bed, Michonne and Rick (plus Judith) have been keeping an eye on her by staying in her home.
Rick being the most recent one on shift to keep an eye on Y/N. Met the short end of the stick really fast.
“Go away”
“Y/N, I’m just getting you more water”
“Then send in Michonne or have Judith give it to me”
“Michonne is on a run and Judith is napping. Please—-“
“No! No…I shouldn’t even be in this situation” She broke down holding herself as she couldn’t look him in the eye. “You have no idea what that place did to my Daryl. It broke him…and it took him til the end of the war to just tell me what they did. You let him watch a place that beaten him close to death, psychologically broke an already broken part of him that took years to repair the first time…I didn’t want him to go…I didn’t want him to go alone…I wanted to be with him I want to be with him for the rest of my life…why would you do that” She balled, now trying to stop herself from crying as she let go of a lot of pent up emotions as Rick brought himself over setting the glass on the nightstand and instantly taking Y/N into his embrace knowing she’d fight at first before holding onto him. “I just want my Daryl back”
Michonne was right. Crying at Rick would get him to fold. But she also didn’t expect all of the stress that Y/N was enduring to spill into her words, and that’s what really got Rick.
“Daryl. You copy?”
The archer was once lost in his thought, quickly picked up the radio after setting down something on his pack. “What’s up Rick?”
“Come back. We’ll figure out something else regarding the Sanctuary.”
“What happened?”
“Did anyone tell you what happened a few days back?”
“No” Daryl frowns gripping onto the radio as he listens to Rick explain that Y/N was put on bedrest by Siddiq and that he and Michonne were watching her. “Why didn’t any of yea tell me this sooner? Why didn’t she fucking tell me?!”
“Michonne told me before we settled in that I triggered Y/N. Which after the confession I just heard, I triggered more than her. But she thought that she would calm down after a day and be okay. Well. Here we are. I made her cry Daryl and she hasn’t stopped”
“I’m comin’ now” Daryl didn’t wait for another word to come from Rick before he holstered his radio and stuffed his new belongings into his pack then immediately leaving the Sanctuary to hurry home.
Again. No traffic laws. The man didn’t stop at anything and went straight to Alexandria.
The archer didn’t hesitate to drop his bike this time around as he wasn’t wasting time on checking Y/N. He quickly made his way inside finding Michonne holding Judith in the living room and Rick started heading downstairs, which lead Daryl to instantly brush passed him not saying a word to any of the three.
“You know he loves her right?”
“Is that right?”
“Y/N told me” Michonne smiles letting Judith run to her dad, only to be instantly brought into his arms. “Let’s go home” she continues to smile on her way out while her man follows shortly behind.
Daryl pushes the door open locking eyes with Y/N as she didn’t say a word while she watches the archer set his crossbow and pack down before approaching her.
“I’m sorry I didn’t—“
“Are you okay, sunshine?” He asks her in the softest tone he could do, and that lead to her crying once again. He carefully brought his arms around her once she sat up holding her as she hides her face in the crook of his neck. “I’m here…I’m here now, babygirl”
Y/N was on bedrest for about a month, to be on the safer side and Daryl hasn’t left her side since he’s returned.
During one of the nights, Daryl had fallen asleep before Y/N. Given if he’s going to be back in Alexandria, he’s going to do some work around the place while also checking in on her…so the man is exhausted from the day.
Y/N lays on her side facing Daryl listening to his quiet snores and watching him adjust every now and then. She gently brushes her finger tips against his cheek seeing him ease into her touch.
“I love you too” She whispers only for Daryl to tiredly open his eyes looking directly at her. She didn’t utter another word…for her anxiety started to get her once more.
“We never had the time before” He whispers bringing himself close, resting his forehead against hers. “But I’m done waiting if you are”
“I’ve been in love with you for forever, Daryl Dixon”
The archer didn’t wait to bring his lips firmly against his woman, carefully towering her and continuing to keep their lips connected. Before she could even wrap her arms around his neck, she paused. The shift underneath him draws him back as he checks her face for any sign of discomfort or refusal but she looked directly at him with shock.
“What happened? What’re yea feelin’—-“ He was cut off by his partner taking one of his hands causing him to shift slightly back onto his side.
For her to direct his hand on her belly, on the right spot. The same shock came to him as he quickly locked eyes on her.
“That’s our baby”
“Our baby’s kickin’—-Ha! She’s kicking” Daryl smiles warmly at her belly keeping his hand glued to every movement their baby made.
“A girl huh?”
“It better fucking be a girl”
Third Trimester
“What are you doing…”
Y/N looks up from folding baby clothes to see the confusion on Daryl’s face as he took notice of the bunny plush he found for their daughter—-stuffed in her tank top.
“One of the books said that our baby can be soothed easier if he or she can smell us”
“Makes it sound like a baby is a dog”
“I’ll hurt you, Dixon” Y/N scoffs pulling the bunny plush out as her smile instantly rose looking at it. “I just. If we want her to get used to her crib without YOU picking her up at every sound she makes…then she can smell me on her bunny and be at ease”
“You just had to pick the bunny”
“Oh don’t be jealous. You’re going to hog our fucking child” Y/N laughs as Daryl brought himself to sit on floor with her in the nursery. “Besides. If you want to do the same. There’s still the Fox plush that Enid made for the peanut. Just in your shirt though”
“I’m not fucked in the head, woman. I know it goes in my shirt” Daryl scoffs taking the Fox plush and checking the cute little buttons Enid used to be the eyes as he smiles imagining their little girl holding it.
His thoughts were instantly interrupted by a hiss that escaped his partner’s lips.
“Is it time?”
“You sure?”
“No! I’ve just been sitting for a while” Y/N sighs leaning back on her hands to stretch her back slightly as Daryl took the folded clothes on his way back up, putting them away along with the plushes before helping Y/N on her feet. “She needs to get the fuck out”
“I can only imagine how you’re feelin’ this far” Daryl frowns watching the discomfort in her face grow as she gripped onto his forearms. “Can I get Siddiq?”
“No. It’s just from sitting down for too long. My back hurts and so do my legs…totally not my abdomen” She took a deep breath only for the discomfort to get worse. “Alright. You can get Siddiq. I’m getting in bed”
“I’m helping yea, and then radioing Siddiq. I ain’t fucking leaving yea”
“Right answer” Y/N winces slightly when they started to go back into the bedroom.
It was hours of waiting.
Siddiq came and checked Y/N out, then it was revealed she’s been having contractions.
But Daryl will scowl her later on the matter.
They waited from 8AM to 12AM for their baby to finally come into the world.
After a few of their family within Alexandria came to visit, and then left to spread the word to their family in the other communities, the two were left alone finally with their little girl. Daryl hasn’t stopped staring at her the second she came into the world screaming her little head off. It was honestly very terrifying to the archer thinking something very bad happened. But Y/N reassured that that’s just babies. Screaming the second they reach the open air.
But this little girl was met with so much love from the two of them, that it didn’t take long for her to calm down in her mother’s arms.
“I really like Robin…”
“Really? You’re pickin’ my choice?” Daryl was a bit surprised given she pulled the ‘Im carrying the baby’ card when it came to her name options. It was a tie between Fallon and Juniper with her. But Robin grew on her…and she liked the idea of their little one being a little archer just like their dad when they grow up.
“Robin is perfect” Y/N smiles gently caressing their little girl’s cheek as she curls up in her mother’s arms. “Our littlest archer”
The archer himself couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him when he heard that. But god he couldn’t wait for when she’s a little older so he could pass something down to her.
To give mom time to sleep and rest after hours of labor, Daryl held his daughter close as they sat on the window bench enjoying the early morning light shining through. He gently presses a kiss to her forehead, pulling away to watch her ease in his embrace.
“I’m so lucky you came when you did…”
You brought us together after all these years and will be the best part of both of us.
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yoyoyokii · 8 days
It all ended too soon
Law x Reader. sadness... 💔
doing this instead of an essay? maybe.
A CLASSIC LAW ANGSTISH MOMENT UHM I CANT WRITE HAPPY ENDINGS SORRY SO UHM... I wasn't even gonna do a decent ending but i got told off for making it too brutal so...
ENJOY (maybe)
1.9k words tyvm 😤
༺。° .ᘛ𓆩♡𓆪ᘚ. ° 。��
You can’t sleep again. It’s 5am now, or so you can assume by a quiet rustling in the kitchen, signalling that Sanji must be awake. You haven’t properly slept for over a week now and it’s given you enough time to memorise the entire crew's routines. Sanji is the first to wake up at 5, Brook also wakes up at this time but just kinda stays in his room for a while. Robin moves out at 6, Zoro and Nami 7, Usopp 8. Franky is the last to walk into the common room at about 9. Then there’s Trafalgar D. Law, the one person on the ship that you were never meant to get so used to, that you were trying so hard to keep unfamiliar.
Key word, Trying.
But how could you not know everything about him? When it all happened so naturally… When one day you were fighting alongside each other as allies, simply as part of a formed alliance, and the next you found yourselves entangled, both in body and spirit, beneath the stars. It was all too much of a cliche for your liking, but you have to admit that it was an enjoyable one.
In a restless fit, you peel the covers off of your body and sit up. Law sleeps beside you. He lays still, undeterred by the bed's sudden movement. You watch with sunken eyes and a heavy heart as his chest gently rises, gently falls, and then gently rises again. It’s unfair how peaceful he looks like this, how he sleeps so beautifully while you suffer alone through the darkness of the night.
He’ll be gone again come spring, but this time you’ll probably never see him again.
It’s not like neither of you didn’t know it was going to end like this, you were aware of it from the start. Law’s the captain of Heart Pirates and you’re a Strawhat, the odds were never gonna work out in your favour.
A soft sigh escapes the lips of the man resting to your right and you decide to get up before your emotions catch up to you. You cringe at the way the bed squeaks as you stand up, as you move to pull on the nearest jumper in your proximity before heading to the door.
Before walking out into the hall, you take one last glance at Law. The bare skin of his shoulders reflect the dim glow of the moonlight that has seeped through a small gap in the curtain. It’s as if he’s sparkling, he seems almost unreal, unworldly beautiful, yet he’s never looked so human. So vulnerable. 
Leaving the room and closing the door ever-so-quietly, you tiptoe to the kitchen in search of some solace. 
“Hey love,” Sanji looks up at you with a concerned smile as you enter. He’s standing by the stovetop boiling some water with a hand lazily sitting in his pocket, “still can’t sleep, huh?”
“Nope,” you move to lean against the kitchen counter, sighing. A frown pulls downward at your lips as you watch the cook move to get a mug, putting together a warm concoction of caffeine, just for you.
Sanji hands you a fresh cup of coffee. It sits within the palm of your hands. It’s entirely too hot and borderline painful, but you’re too drowsy; your mind is too hazy to care. 
This has all become a part of your daily routine; you spend hours being tormented by your own emotions, then when Sanji wakes up, you meet him in the kitchen where he’ll make you coffee and then beg for you to talk about what the hell is up with you. It isn’t the pink pilates princess 5 am perfect IT girl routine you wish it was, but it was familiar enough by now to be comforting. You also simply enjoyed Sanji’s presence. You had a good friendship with him, he never told anyone about your business and you never told anyone about his.
“This is eating you alive, isn’t it?” He poses it as a question as he turns to prepare a coffee for himself, but really, it’s more of a statement.
You nod. It’s like the past few months have been a weird lucid dream and now that it’s almost time for you to wake up, you don’t know how you’re meant to face reality again.
You take a sip of the coffee, it burns your throat on its way down and it’s painfully bitter but it’s your own doing. You told Sanji, the first time you came to visit him so early in the morning, that you wanted it black with no sugar, as if you wanted to use it as a form of punishment. As for what you were punishing yourself for, you never quite knew.
“I’m just so scared of this all ending,” your eyes begin to glisten beneath the fluorescents of the kitchen and you bite the inside of your cheek. The white-knuckle grip on your coffee cup threatens to break the handle clean off.
“Sweetheart, you’re doing a great job of keeping it all together for Law's sake, but you can cry, it’s okay.” He says softly as he steps closer to you, taking the mug out of your hand and placing it down on the counter beside you before capturing you in a hug. It’s gentle, full of concern, and you lean into his warmth, desperately needing the comfort. It’s a gesture of acknowledging that he understands and it’s something that he’d never let the other crew members see. It’s something he’d keep just between the two of you.
“No. I promised myself not to cry until he’s gone,” you squeeze your eyes shut, protesting against the tears threatening to escape as you continue to utter into his chest, “what kind of selfish person would I be? We both knew this could never last.”. He doesn’t respond, he just holds you until your breathing becomes more even. Sanji knows you won’t listen, he’s tried, but god knows you are too stubborn for your own good. Your intentions were always too pure and you always let them hurt you in return.
He comforts you like this for a while, only pulling away when the sounds of someone else waking up begins to echo through the ship’s halls. He takes a step back and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder for a moment before turning away to prepare breakfast.
It is Spring now, and it’s time for Trafalgar Law to return to his crew.
You’ve all stepped off of the Thousand Sunny to say goodbye and you can’t quite focus on what the rest of your crewmates are saying to Law, or how they are even reacting to him leaving. You should probably be consoling Chopper, seeing as he looked up to him so much, but you don’t have it in you to take a single step forward, let alone think of the right words to say to the small reindeer.
You only snap back to reality when you notice everyone has turned to look at you. You still feel detached from your own body as you let your feet take you over to where Law stands. You stop just before him, tilting your chin to look up at him.
You try to speak but every vowel clings to the back of your throat, and with every breath, it feels like your tongue is choking you out.
How are you meant to compose yourself, when he looks down at you with the only eyes in the world that knows the true depths of your heart and soul?
“It all ended too soon, I'm sorry.”
He finally breaks the silence and you force back your tears in an attempt to preserve your own personal vow, opting instead to bite down into your lower lip. As blood begins to draw, and the taste of metallic begins to lace your gums, he steps forward and wraps his arms around you, placing a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
He is soft, he is warm, and he is everything you could never be.
“don’t be sorry, you aren’t allowed to be sorry.” You say shakily into his chest, “I enjoyed every second of our time together, I’ll never regret it.” your words come out as nothing but a muffled whisper but he understands nonetheless, he always understands.
“I wish I didn’t have to go, but there’s nothing we can do about it” he speaks into the softness of your hair, and although you can’t see his current expression, the dread in his voice was enough to alert you of the sorrowful look on his face. 
“I know.”
There’s a brief pause. He clings to you tighter.
“I have to go.” It hurts for you to hear as much as it hurts for him to say it. His determination to stick to whatever complex plan he has constructed in his head was something you always admired, but you selfishly wish that just this once, he wasn’t so damn smart and calculative. You wish that his stubborn and borderline unkind demeanour would falter for just a second, so that you could understand how he truly feels about the situation at hand. Of course, however, there is nothing to be done, Law is not a man that you can change so easily. He loves you, and you know that, but he simply can’t be distracted from taking the correct path.
He finally loosens his grip on you.
“I know.” You whisper as you breathe in his scent for the last time as his arms fall back to his sides. It takes you a moment, but you let go of him and step back, out of his grasp.
Law can’t bear to look directly into your eyes, the sorrowful look on your face doesn’t suit you and he will never forgive himself for doing this to you. He chooses to glance down at your feet for this next part; the hardest part.
“Goodbye.” He finally says with hesitance. This is all too cruel, in any other life you two were endgame. out of all the timelines to coexist, why did you two have to be in this one?
“Goodbye.” Before you can say anything else he grabs your face and presses his lips onto yours. Your final kiss; it’s heartfelt, it’s familiar, and it’s comfortable. His lips manage to say more than you could ever come up with in an entire lifetime and as he pulls away slowly, something lands on your head. You reach your hands up to feel what it is, it’s his hat. You look up at him, questioning his motives as your eyes finally well up.
“Keep it, for me, please.”
Law takes one last sombre look at you and turns around. He walks away and you don’t stop him, this is just how it has to be. He begins to disappear from your line of sight and you fall to your knees in an emotionally exhausted heap, your heart feels as if it has burst inside your chest and you finally let your sobs take a hold. You watch as his figure finally fades into the atmosphere, clutching desperately onto the leopard print fabric of his hat, the only physical thing you’ll ever have to remember him by.
You vow to never love anyone again.
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