#these are the joys of the most difficult semester of all
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
To provide some clarity/as a heads-up: I am currently entering what I have started to refer to as “crunch weekend”. To cut a long story short, I have two essays and a 15-minute presentation to start and then also finish within the next two or three days. This is a lot of work.
This means I will probably not have much time to be around very much in terms of actually posting or keeping up with the dashboard, but I will still try and catch back up with things when I take breaks - I just cannot guarantee I’ll be around as much, for the aforementioned reasons. Especially since I would also like to get some sleep this weekend.
I will continue with everything F/Ovember-related after I’ve submitted the last essay on Tuesday, and F/Ovember asks will most likely take priority over non-F/Ovember asks, so that I can get the event complete before the month is done. My dream is to have an empty inbox before the year’s end, but I have literal dozens of things in there, so.. something tells me that’s not happening considering how much thought answering asks tends to take, ahaha
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grandeoatmilklatte · 3 months
Fire in the Frat House (Modern College AU Ominis Gaunt x F!MC) 🔥
Another mood board challenge from my wonderful friend @ellivenollivander . She sent me another mood board to base a fic off of, with this one being Ominis themed. So I decided to revisit my modern college AU Frat boy Ominis.
Tagging @little-emerald-snake cause you were excited when I posted the snippet to this one! Apologies it's not hella spicy but I have some spicy Ominis on the way!
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but with a brief moment of dry hump!ng || characters are in college and over 18.
Word Count: 1.9k
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The girl groaned as the webpage loaded, displaying a measly 70% on the essay she had submitted last week, the one that had taken her hours of research to complete. 3 months into it, and her first semester wasn’t turning out to be the fun experience she thought it was going to be. Granted, she knew there was more to college than parties, but she also didn’t think her classes would be this difficult, especially having done so well in high school. 
Right now, there were only two things bringing her joy in her freshman life. The first thing being her Sorority - her sisters being some of the best people she had met in her time in college so far. Although the Sorority president, Imelda Reyes, absolutely hated her, she mostly left her alone. The second thing was her relationship with sophomore, popular boy, and campus Fraternity’s president - Ominis Gaunt. 
On the surface, Ominis seemed like the most stereotypical hot, rich, Frat boy - His family donated tons of money to the university over the years, and were friends with the Dean’s family. All of the male Gaunts had attended the school, and they all served as Fraternity president the entire time they were in attendance. Everyone respected Ominis and his social status. Nobody dared to cross him, or even think about making fun of his blindness, which he had since birth. All the boys wanted to be his friend, and all the girls wanted to be his girlfriend (hence Imelda’s hatred). 
Being Ominis Gaunt came with a lot of power, and being Ominis Gaunt’s girlfriend came with a power of its own. She met him on a Friday after her first week, was in his bed by Saturday, and was in the Sorority by Monday. There was no bullying or freshman hazing for her with Ominis on her arm.
Despite the quickness at which their relationship developed, they were very happy. Ominis was an amazing boyfriend - never afraid to show her off, and being supportive during her first semester of college. Of course there were some things he could not prepare her for, and this crappy grade was one of those things. The girl slammed her laptop shut, grabbed her jacket, and left the Sorority house. 
She walked the short distance from the Sorority house to the Frat house, where she let herself inside with her key; another perk of being Ominis Gaunt’s girlfriend. As she passed the kitchen, she found Garreth Weasley, her friend from high school, raiding the fridge. 
She shot Garreth a smile before she made her way upstairs to Ominis’s room, which she found empty. She knew he had a big exam today, so this wasn’t surprising. Between this exam and her essay, the couple had barely seen each other the past few days. She tossed herself on his bed, which was dressed with emerald green satin sheets, and waited, eventually dozing off. 
She wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep for, but she was violently awoken when she heard the sound of Ominis’s room door slamming shut. She sat up to see her boyfriend tossing his school bag on the floor in frustration. 
“Babe, are you okay?” 
Ominis looked up in the direction of her voice, seemingly having not noticed she was there. “Oh, darling! I didn’t realize you were here. I…I didn’t do so great on that exam.” There was sadness in his voice. Despite Ominis’s status, he was incredibly smart and took his studies very seriously, so not doing well on an exam was not easy for him.
“Oh honey, I’m sorry!” She threw her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t do well on my essay either. Why don’t we do something fun tonight, to get our minds off our terrible day!”
Ominis pulled back, a smile now gracing his beautiful face. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, my dear! Let me take a shower and then we can plan our evening.”
She looked on as Ominis began to strip down, fighting the urge to pounce on him right then and there. Her eyes studied his body as he undressed - his toned arms, fit stomach, the trail of dark blonde hair below his belly button, lower. 
She shook her head to pull herself out of her inappropriate thoughts, grateful that he couldn’t see the way she was ogling him as he wrapped a towel around his waist and exited the room. Not wanting to wait around in his bedroom, she headed downstairs, where she found Garreth in the common area, devouring a bowl of pasta. 
“Is everything alright? I saw Gaunt seemed pretty upset when he got here.” he asked with a mouth full of food. 
She rolled her eyes at Garreth’s terrible manners, and went on to explain the horrible day they both had. As she spoke, Garreth continued to eat his spaghetti, and it gave her an idea. 
“That really sucks!” Garreth said through another mouthful of food. “A few of us guys are going to the movies tonight, and then we’re going to get some beers. I know Ominis can’t actually see the movie, but he likes to listen to them. You’re welcome to tag along!”
“Thanks for the offer, Weasley but we’ll pass. We have plans tonight anyway!”
“Well, make sure nobody catches you here after 10. You know you’re not allowed to be here after 10!” Garreth said the last bit in a mocking tone while she laughed, knowing full well that Ominis never followed that rule. 
When she made her way back upstairs, she found Ominis getting dressed. She once again ogled him as he put on a satin black button-down, which he paired with black skinny jeans. He paused for a moment before chuckling. 
“You know, I can feel you staring at me again.”
She let out a bashful laugh. “Sorry baby, I can’t help it, you’re just so pretty to look at.”
Ominis smiled. “Heard that a few of the guys were going out to a movie. Figured we could go and then I can take you to dinner afterwards.”
“Actually, I thought maybe we could stay in. We’ve got the entire house to ourselves after all! I thought I could cook us some dinner!”
She didn’t have much skill when it came to cooking, the roles of house chefs belonging to Garreth and a girl named Poppy in her house, but she was eager to do something fun for Ominis, and she hoped it would take both their minds off their bad day. 
“Oh darling, that would be lovely!”
It was not lovely. Twenty minutes in and she had already shattered a bowl, dropped raw chicken on the floor, and spilled pasta sauce on herself. Despite the chaos she declined help, Ominis having shouted “Darling, are you alright? Do you need any help?” three times in the short time she had been in the kitchen. 
Her luck began to turn around, or so she thought, when she successfully had two chicken breasts cooking nicely on the stove. She then turned her attention to a pot she had filled with water that was starting to boil. She grabbed a handful of spaghetti, not bothering to measure if it was an appropriate amount for two people, and tossed it into the water. Figuring she had some time before she’d need to return to her pasta, she headed over to the common area to find Ominis on the couch. 
“How’s it going, my beautiful chef?” 
“It’s FINALLY going alright!” she giggled as she straddled his lap, her arms coming up around his neck. 
“I’m so glad. I can’t wait to taste what you’ve got cooking for us!” Ominis placed his arms on her back, pulling her against his chest as his lips found hers. Their tongues danced, and after a few seconds, her hips started moving, grinding against his lap. She began to moan softly against his lips as Ominis’s hands shot up her skirt, taking hold of her ass. He guided her as she grinded her center against the growing bulge in his pants. 
Her hands moved from Ominis’s neck to his chest as she began to open the buttons on his shirt when he abruptly pulled away from her lips, sniffing the air around him. “Darling, do you smell that? It smells like - “
“Oh shit!” She shouted as she jumped off of her boyfriend’s lap, running to the kitchen. The fire alarm began to blare as she was met with the sight of her dry spaghetti on fire. She began to panic, frantically opening cabinets until she found the pot’s lid, slamming the lid on to the pot, forcing the flames to smother. It took the pair several minutes to free the room of smoke, the girl bursting into tears once they had finished. 
“I’m so sorry Ominis! I just wanted to do something nice for us after the horrible day we had. I’m so sorry I ruined dinner and made things worse!”
Ominis planted a kiss on her forehead before pulling his sobbing girlfriend into his arms. “Nonsense darling, the effort alone was more than enough. No matter how bad my day is, once I’m with you, it all fades away. I love you, sweetheart! It’s okay! I promise. We can always order a pizza.”
“I feel the same way. You make even the worst days amazing.” She sniffled. “I love you, Ominis.”
One hour and one pizza pie later, the couple was snuggled on the couch watching tv. Drowsiness began to overtake the girl, as she let out a yawn. 
“Do you mind if I hop in your shower? I’m getting sleepy.”
“Of course. Just give me a moment!” 
Without another word, Ominis walked off, walking stick in hand, leaving her on the couch. She thought nothing of it, figuring he just wanted to use the bathroom, or perhaps clean it up before she went in; that is until she heard Ominis calling her name from the bathroom upstairs.
She pulled open the bathroom door to find a bubble bath waiting for her, the smell of lavender and roses wafting through the air, and Ominis already in the tub. 
“Ominis!” she exclaimed, the sweet gesture almost making her cry.
“Get in darling, before the water gets cold! And before the rest of the guys get back.”
She was about to undress when she was hit with another, less dangerous idea than her last one. She left the bathroom, returning a few moments later with a bottle of wine and a carton of strawberries. 
The couple soaked in their bath, playing with the bubbles, drinking the wine straight from the bottle, and feeding each other strawberries. As Ominis began to massage shampoo into his girlfriend’s scalp, she reminisced about the terrible day she had, and how it turned around so quickly thanks to Ominis. She was so grateful for him and she found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him with each passing day. Ominis felt the same, wondering to himself what he would do without her in his life. He loved her more than anything else in the world.
They finished in the bath just in time to hear the sound of the boys returning home. Not wanting to hear their complaints of “why are you allowed to have a girl here after hours and we can’t?”, Ominis quickly brought her back to his bedroom, where they got ready to call it a night. 
After changing into one of his oversized shirts and nothing else, she joined him in bed, nuzzling into him as he wrapped his arms around her. As they snuggled, Ominis forgot about the exam he failed, and she forgot about the paper she bombed. They both just focused on each other’s breathing until they drifted off to sleep. 
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petit ange // leclerc family
this is a soft launch before the main part. maybe it will even grow into a series? I fell in love while I was doing it
it can be considered a kind of prologue. directed more to indicate the relationship between siblings leclerc
enjoy it! and be sure to let me know what you think about it
instagram edit
📍Monte Carlo, Monaco
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Liked by lorenzotl, arthur_leclerc, and 27,934 others
aurelie_leclerc les derniers jours de la maison avant le premier grand voyage dans une nouvelle vie (the last days at home before the first big journey into a new life)
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gg_giadagianni tu me manques déjà beaucoup (i miss you so much already)
aurelia_leclerc like your comments ❤️
arthur_leclerc i can't believe that a part of me will be at a distance of 10 thousand kilometres for most months of the year, disgusting! 😮‍💨
aurelie_leclerc no matter what distance separates us, you are always a part of me, and i am you
lorenzotl fier de toi et terriblement manqué (i'm proud of you and i miss you terribly)
leclerc_pascale mon petit ange ❤️
charles_leclerc come home soon
august 1, 2018
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Liked by leclerc_pascale, charlottesiine, and 35,024 others
aurelie_leclerc I still can't believe I missed his entire first season in Formula One. je suis si fier de toi, grand frère ❤️ (I'm so very proud of you, big brother)
tagged charles_leclerc
View all 67 comments
charles_leclerc You should definitely visit Austin next year, miette ❤️
aurelie_leclerc Of course I'll be there!
leclercfans We are incredibly looking forward to seeing you in the paddock next year!
december 2, 2018
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Liked by lorenzotl, charles_leclerc, and 49,731 others
aurelie_leclerc I'm not the one crying the night before the first class of the new semester, because my older brother won at Monza 😭❤️
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lerlecrfam She's such a proud sister, I can't now I'm crying again
charleslecfans the fact that Aurelia watches all the races live despite the huge time difference. CAN I HAVE A SISTER LIKE THAT?
september 8, 2019
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Liked by valentinesine, leclerc_pascale, and 469,270 others
lorenzotl SHE DID IT! I can't describe in words how proud I am of her, she proved to everyone - first of all to herself that she is worthy of it! And it was worth the tears we endured, the late-night Facetime calls in which she drops out of university and returns home, the terrible and difficult exams. My heart is overflowing with joy for my princess. I love you incredibly much, Aura. Nous sommes fiers de toi! (We are proud of you)
tagged aurelie_leclerc
View all 439 comments
leclerc_pascale Papa est très fier de toi, petit ange! (Dad is very proud of you, little angel!)
aurelie_leclerc maman 😭
charlottesiine félicitations, chérie! tu es si bien (congratulations, dear! you're so good)
aurelia_leclerc like your comments ❤️
arthur_leclerc I always knew you wanted to spray everyone with champagne, sis. je t'aime et je suis très fier (i love you and i am very proud)
famleclerc congratulations on completing your studies and returning home! we've missed you
f1lclercgirl Aurelia who sprays champagne like her brothers. I'm pretty sure that all these years she was jealous of them and wanted to repeat this trick 🥂
aurelia_leclerc like your comments ❤️
charles_leclerc I'm so sorry that on one of the most important days in your life we weren't there. But I am incredibly proud of you, knowing how much you had to go through, miette. my heart is overflowing with pride for you. And I can't wait to meet you at home ❤️
justlecgirl I cried for the second time from Charles' comment. can I have such a relationship with my brothers?
june 27, 2022
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Liked by charlottesiine, felipedrugovich, and 504,761 others
aurelie_leclerc Happy birthday to my soul, my mind, my heart, the male version of me. I was lucky to be born with this handsome man on the same day and to be his pillow sister from birth. From the first second of my life, I'm a fan of his. and I'm incredibly proud of everything he does and was able to do! you are my support, my twin brother 🫶🏻
tagged arthur_leclerc
View all 863 comments
lerlecrfam Happy birthday to the most wonderful twins!
leclercfans this collection of photos! I'M SO EMOTIONAL. happy birthday
valentinesine joyeux anniversaire, bébé. je t'aime beaucoup (happy birthday, baby. i love you very much)
charles_leclerc happy birthday, miette
f1fanmac are we really going to ignore the fact that Felipe liked the post?
october 14, 2022
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Liked by leclerc_pascale, lorenzotl, and 724,049 others
arthur_leclerc I'm so happy because she chose me as her older twin brother. happy birthday 🤍
View all 634 comments
famleclerc I feel that Arthur has deprived us of congratulations this year
mclarengim I think this is due to the fact that Aurelia is finally at home and he personally congratulated her, now there are not 10 thousand kilometers between them
leclerc_pascale mes petits anges, joyeux anniversaire (my little angels, happy birthday)
aurelie_leclerc I wish I had a choice. If I could, I would choose Charles as a twin. happy birthday, Arti
arthur_leclerc A dagger right in my heart on MY birthday
aurelie_leclerc *our birthday
felipedrugovich happy birthday 🎂
asstonmmartin omg Felipe appeared HERE TOO?!
october 14, 2022
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hunxi-after-hours · 6 days
(paper anon) hunxi!! i know ur no longer active but it felt wrong to not give you this (probably final, since i dont wanna spam up your asks) update. first year of chinese finished!!! got the best % in my year for spoken chinese 🫡 written kicked my ass. next semester we have a class for reading literary texts and poems, i think you'd enjoy that haha. and also east asian general history!! all the fun stuff. its hard work but i love it. i hope you're also doing well and im sending you all the positive vibes :) <3
i know ur long non active on this hellsite (good for you!) but i just felt super nostalgic and wanted to send the ask anyway. im halfway done with my chinese degree and ive just finished translating an article about the statistics of tourism economy in china post modern reforms and its just. Huh. Huhhhh since when can i do that. (ive actually thought abt dropping out a lot.) i miss being as excited as i was in your ask box about studying this, but i think my love for chinese language is now a lot deeper, even without the pink glasses, now that i experienced first hand how fucking difficult studying it academically is. easier times dude. anw i hope ur well if u ever relog in and see this ^^^ (paper anon)
(checks time stamp, winces) ok so HOW WAS THE LITERARY TEXTS AND POEMS CLASS??? did the class skim through the literary tradition, or did you linger in any time period in particular? was it a Joy of Life episode 27 best hits of the chinese literary tradition kind of highlight reel? (ty for the excuse to rewatch this scene, I swear it gets funnier every time) and, most importantly — any favorites??
taking classes on chinese literature and poetry was honestly some of the most humbling and 劝退 uhhh disheartening classes to take... because then you really come face to face with the truly massive body of the tradition. what do you MEAN there are so many poets and they all reference each other. how am I supposed to catch up. how am I even supposed to summon the motivation to move forwards, knowing that I've 早就输在起跑线上
and like, I don't have a good answer — as someone who literally dropped out of the field upon graduation (I've flirted with the idea of going back to grad school but quite frankly I don't think it'd be worth it), I don't have any inspirational stories to tell about level-grinding my way up the Chinese tradition or overcoming academic hurdles to attain sagely academic enlightenment. I don't even know if such stories would be helpful, because each person's journey through the Chinese language learning experience/tradition is so unique and personal. all I can say is find that thing that you love, that spark that makes you come back for more, be it this one specific poet or this one archaeological collection, a particularly trashy webnovel or a niche music genre. find that something that sparks love for you, and hang onto it for dear life, because if that spark catches flame, it'll be the light that guides you toward the road that you're meant to walk
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darkstar225 · 11 months
Twice's 10th member looks like Sana's twin
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but end of semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend ArasMar-Sama that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Can I request again? In which 10th member is look like sana. her appearance, Characteristic looks like sana. It will be funny if it's in sixteen like the public reaction : there's two of them
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Y/N stood nervously backstage, heart pounding in her chest as she waited for her turn to perform. She couldn't believe she was here, about to debut as the 10th and youngest member of TWICE, one of the biggest girl groups in the industry. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, her appearance strikingly similar to Sana, one of the group's most popular members. It had been a difficult journey for her. Ever since she was a young girl, she had dreamt of becoming a singer. She auditioned for JYP Entertainment with hopes of joining one of their girl groups, but little did she know that she would end up becoming part of TWICE. The younger girl's resemblance to Sana had caught the attention of the producers during the initial audition rounds. They couldn't believe their eyes, it was like there were two Sanas in the room. The resemblance went beyond just physical appearances, even their mannerisms and characteristics were almost identical. The public was quick to notice, too, and during the televised survival show Sixteen, which formed TWICE, fans would always mention that "There's two of them!".
As Y/N stepped onto the stage, the audience erupted into cheers and applause. The other members of TWICE stood beside her, their excitement palpable. They knew their sunshine was something special, not just because of her resemblance to Sana, but also because of her immense talent. She performed with all her heart, singing and dancing flawlessly alongside her fellow unnies. The crowd was captivated, and the whole performance was electric. Once they finished, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, and the other members of TWICE hugged their baby tightly, their joy evident on their faces.
As the group's popularity skyrocketed after their debut, the comparisons between Y/N and Sana continued. Fans affectionately referred to Y/N as Sana's doppelgänger or Sana 2.0 (lol I wish). It became a running joke among the members, and they would often tease the youngest about it, but she took it all as jokes. An example is when the girls were gathered, exchanging excited whispers and stealing glances at the maknae. They couldn't help but notice the uncanny similarity between her and Sana. Momo nudged Nayeon, a mischievous grin on her face as she became unable to contain her amusement.
Momo - Hey, Nayeon unnie, have you noticed? We have two Sanas now! *giggling*
Nayeon chuckled and nodded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. 
Nayeon - Yeah, it's like we cloned her. Sana 2.0!
As the group prepared to go on stage, the members couldn't help but engage in a bit of playful banter with their child. Jihyo was the next to walk up to her with a teasing smile, seemingly ready to tease the girl.
Jihyo - You know, baby, we're going to have to come up with a secret handshake or something to differentiate you from Sana. We don't want the fans to get confused.
Y/N laughed, feeling at ease with her older sisters. 
Y/N - Maybe we should start wearing name tags! But don't worry, I'll make sure to carve my own path in TWICE.
Sana herself couldn't help but join in the fun. She wrapped an arm around her little "twin" sister's shoulders and grinned mischievously. 
Sana - Welcome to the club, my cutie doppelgänger! Let's show everyone what we've got!
The other members erupted into laughter, and the playful atmosphere continued as they took the stage. As TWICE's popularity skyrocketed after their debut, the public continued to marvel at the resemblance between Y/N and Sana. Fans continued to affectionately call Y/N "Sana's twin" or "Sana's doppelgänger" and the members would playfully tease her during interviews and variety shows. During one particular interview, the host couldn't help but comment on the striking resemblance between Y/N and Sana. TWICE's angel flashed a playful smile before responding the way she always does.
Y/N - Well, I think Sana and I were separated at birth. We're just two peas in a pod!
The members burst into laughter, and even Sana herself couldn't help but join in. 
Sana - That's right! It's like I have a twin sister in the group. We're double the trouble now!
The public loved their dynamic, and the comparisons between the golden retrievers of the group became a running joke among fans. However, as time went on, the maknae's individuality started to shine brighter. She showcased her unique talents, style, and personality, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide. Y/N knew that being compared to Sana was an incredible compliment. Sana was not only beautiful but also an incredibly talented performer. She had her own unique charms that she admired and hoped to develop within herself. So instead of feeling overshadowed by the comparisons, the younger girl used them as motivation to carve out her own path in the industry.
As time went on, Y/N's individuality began to shine through. She developed her own distinct style and personality, winning over fans with her genuine and bubbly nature. While she still shared similarities with Sana, her unique qualities became more and more apparent with each passing day and the nicknames started to fade. Her journey with TWICE was filled with laughter, tears, and unforgettable moments. She became an integral part of the group, loved and cherished by fans worldwide. And though the echoes of "There's two of them" might still occasionally surface, it was no longer just about physical appearances. It was proof of the bond between Y/N and Sana, two extraordinary individuals who had found each other in the chaos of the entertainment industry.
As Y/N stood on stage with her TWICE sisters, the bright lights illuminating their smiles, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the path that had led her here. The comparisons and similarities no longer defined her, they were just a small part of a larger journey of self-discovery and growth. And as she looked out at the sea of fans chanting their names, she knew she was exactly where she belonged. And that made her have only one thought:
I am proud of my chosen family.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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katsukidynam1ght · 10 months
hey everyone! i am back. long time no see and all that.
remember how i wrote Spark Plug, the kaminari angst fic that totaled 140,101 words at its completion? remember how i really like writing angst and how, since that fic was published, i’ve been working on a bakugou-centric angst fic that i’ve promised will be even worse (better)?
it’s happening!
this fic has been just a little bit insane for me. i’ve outlined it, and outlined it, and outlined it — i have five separate outline documents for this and up until the most recent, none of them seemed to click right. but i kept working, and i’ve been working on it since january of this year. and finally, after all that hard work… i’m going to start writing it real soon.
i tried publishing what was then the first chapter of this fic a few months ago, but after several failed attempts that never seemed to feel right. it is currently on AO3 titled “Combat Fatigue”, but will be going away shortly before i post the new fic (that will bear the same title).
i am not sure when the first chapter of this will come out, nor am i sure how frequently i’ll be able to post following that chapter. i’m beginning a new semester of college soon, this time as a creative writing major — there’s no doubt in my mind that my classes will make it a touch difficult to write fic consistently, but please be reassured that i love this fic and i am so excited to write it.
thank you all for your patience and bearing with me as i try to put together the puzzle that is this fic. it won’t be what it was initially, and many details have changed since the beginning outline (so those of you that may have been in on it before, you’re not anymore). i’ve kept most of the details of this fic relatively private, and i intend to keep it that way so the audience is able to feel the surprise and intrigue that i intend to evoke. note though that this fic will still be heavier than Spark Plug ever was, and it will also be much longer as there are many more aspects to deal with.
though i will likely leave this information in the notes when i post the first chapter, i would also like to inform my audience members of a few things:
if you choose, you can read it in the same universe that Spark Plug takes place in. there are enough parallels between the two that it fits. note though that this takes place a while before Spark Plug, and that (since i wrote SP first) all of the minor details may not line up exactly. please use your suspension of disbelief regarding these details.
i will not be tagging all of the warnings involved in this fic. after the first chapter (since the end notes in chapter one move) i will be placing content warnings in the end notes as i did with Spark Plug, so that those of you with sensitivities can be a little more at ease. please know, however, that this fic is quite a bit heavier than Spark Plug, and i intend to avoid spoilers as much as possible. it will be your responsibility to read these notes. again, i will not be putting content warnings in the tags.
it will have a happy ending. this is something i’d hope most of you know about me by now — i will put you through a terrible amount of angst and suffering, but i will always balance it out with fluff and comfort, and i will always give you a happy ending. there will be pain, but there will be joy, too. don’t worry.
this fic is going to be long. my initial outline of Spark Plug was 34 pages, and the final outline was 47 pages. the fic itself was 257 pages and 140,101 words. this fic’s outline is starting at more than double the initial SP outline — 78 pages. it will be a long fic. prepare yourselves for that.
i think that’s all i want to say by way of announcements. thank you all so much for your patience and support, and i really do hope to see you when i begin posting again.
happy reading, and see you soon :)
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lil-melody-moon · 7 months
Hello dear, hope you’re doing okay❤️ I just wanted to know your opinion on the new Beatles song. I can’t stop listening to the song and I wonder how do you feel about it. Love ya 🫶🏻
Hello, hun! <3 Oh God, I didn't expect to get an ask about this song, oh Gosh, wait, I need to listen to it once more - best time of the month for me, let me gather my brain.
*4 minutes later*
Alright so how do I even start with this? It's as melancholic as it could get, I love the melody of it. Piano, drums they are good, especially the drums. Ringo did his best job again, love him for that - the guy is irreplaceable <3 Violins are making the work there too, Gosh I love this instrument so much! But the part that draws my attention the most is the bridge. The guitar even sounds sad, but I'll get to that one moment in a few, because now's the time for vocals and lyrics.
I have one problem with the vocals and it's not John. I actually like how he sounds there - I think I heard his voice breaking a few times? I'm not quite sure about that - it's soft, somehow longing, but the thing is I don't like Paul's harmony in it. As much as I like him and adore him for his music, it just doesn't fit for me in the chorus. Maybe it's his old voice that throws me off the melancholy each time I hear him, but like. The song could be good with John's voice only, maybe even better, but it was Paul's and Ringo's choice to do the song how it is now and I'm fine with that. That's only a detail that I can get used to after listening to it a few times.
Generally what image I get through this song is this: two people on each side of a barrier of some sort. Both can see one another, but they can't get any closer. One of them is alive - that's a woman for me, second is dead - that's a man for me, watching over the alive one. It's just that this one moment let them see each other for the first time this close and this visible. The woman thanks the man for care, for support, for being almost always there in various forms - let it be music, videos, photos etc - for helping her in another hard time in her life and so on and so on.
And now to the lyrics, oh God almighty.
It's one of the songs that got my attention to the lyrics almost right away, that's why I couldn't exactly say that if I like it or not after first listen - I always have it like that if this happens - but they got my attention for a reason. This song, at least for me, is about longing for the other person. Loneliness, tears and crying, this is what I get from lyrics and melody all together. I will not go through each verse because that would take forever, but like I have no other choice but to somehow go through it as a whole and get a little personal here.
With the chorus, and with the line "I miss you" the woman breaks in tears, because even if they didn't know each other she has always felt that a part of her is missing and couldn't be so easily found and yet when she does find it, it turns out that it's out of her reach. Though this moment, which should last for no longer than a few seconds is longer. The barrier disappears with the bridge, the man steps closer to the woman, embracing her, promising her that they'll get together. He can't exactly tell if in real world or in afterlife, but he can keep the promise that it'll happen. The song ends and the moment ends as well, leaving the longing feeling even stronger.
This is how the entire song feels to me and even the timing of it is like a strange coincidence because I'm going through a difficult time. It's nothing too major, but university became hard, this semester is hellish, almost nothing interests me, but I want to finish this degree so I have to go through it and yet, there's this one person who makes all of this better. His music makes it better, generally he makes it better for me - even if he's dead for so long, bringing so much joy that I can't even measure it, let alone word it and you can call me crazy, but I think I fell in love with him. In fact I spoke about soul connections with a dear friend of mine and we both came to conclusion that maybe, just maybe this is what takes place, all of the above, the story that this song caused to appear in my mind.
Could be true, could be not, could be even my chaotic, period emotions going insane over him, but in conclusion, to not make this answer even longer, that song makes me feel melancholic, it hits right where it should, I like it, besides that one detail but I can get used to that.
Thank you for asking, love you too! <3
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puffpasstea · 2 years
I don’t know if you’ve done anything like this before, but I’d like to request a blurb about Matilda dealing with seasonal depression
Hi, lovely. Thank you for this! I've actually never written about this before, so here you go! I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think!! Sorry it's on the longer side.
A/N: Consider this the first Satellite extra :D A little glimpse of their new relationship.
Warnings: mentions of mental illness, including anxiety and depression. Please read with caution. If you struggle with, or relate to this, please be kind to yourself. I'm always here if you wanna chat. I'm literally writing this from bed instead of getting up and starting my day, so, trust me, I get it.
September has always signaled the beginnings a difficult time for me. Even though, as a bookish academic, it’s often filled with excitement and anticipation for the new semester, especially with my job at the library. Getting new books in, watching new students come by for orientation and discover the many wonders of our resources: archived materials, inter-library loan programs, journals, and rare books collections. Whenever work slowed down over the summer, I tended to struggle with my mental health. Without the structure of a predictable routine and a busy schedule to keep my mind occupied, and without the sense of purpose and connection to others that the job gave me, depressive episodes generally took over quickly. So, the fall semester was always a welcome reprieve by the time that it rolled around. But even that reprieve never lasted long enough. As soon as the months got colder, the sun set earlier, daylight savings hours crept in, I would find myself right back where I’d started. Feeling helpless against my own mind.
I have always known this about myself though I haven’t always understood it. Having grown up on the warmer side of the country, I was thrilled when I  finally got to go away to college. Not only because it meant I got to escape the life that has always held me back, but because I was finally going somewhere snow would actually fall. My first ever winter was exciting. In a historic blizzard that shut down the entire state, I was living my dreams. My Jane Austen course kept canceling classes cuz campus was shut down. I got to start a fireplace, curl up on the dusty couch that  I’d bought second hand when I moved out, and look out the window as inches of snow pilled out the driveway, coffee in one hand, and Austen’s Persuasion in another. For a socially-anxious introvert, that was the dream. Or so I thought. Unexpectedly, though, the novelty of it all soon wore off. And the depression set in. I’ve dreaded it ever since. 
Even when the sun was shining and everyone was out and about, it still took a lot of effort and energy out of me to actually try and live my life. So with below freezing temperatures, mostly gloomy clouds for months on end, depression followed me around even from the beginning of the day when I would wake up and the sun would still be down at fucking 7 am. When my first ever therapist used the term “Seasonal Affective Disorder,” I was both surprised and relieved. Surprised to learn that this was a scientific phenomenon that was proven to happen, and happened to others too, and relieved that I wasn’t just dead inside, incapable of experiencing joy. Even with my growing understanding of my mental health, though, deep down inside, I always held onto a naive idea that my self-inflicted isolation was partly to blame; that the reason I failed to get out of bed most days and brave the elements for five minutes of sunshine and a brisk walk that would "do me wonders" is because I had no one to do that with. No friend I enjoyed the company of enough to MAKE me want to go out, no partner to go out with. As any mental health professional would tell you, that’s not a healthy way of thinking. And I would soon find that out. 
Harry, on the other hand, LOVED winter. He has loved it ever since he was a kid, but, I think, his appreciation for this time of year grew exponentially as he got older and became a world-class rockstar. The holiday season was the only time of the year where he was forced to stop working. Even, or especially, when he was touring. His tour schedule was always jam-packed year round. If Harry was on tour, you best believe he was on tour for the majority of the year. Starting in the spring or summer, and going non-stop until the holidays. So, by the time that mid-November rolled around, he was always thinking about going back home to see friends and family, buying Christmas presents, disappearing from public life for a few weeks, getting to be a normal person again; decorating the tree with his mom and sister, making tea and watching holiday movies and eating his mom’s cooking while curled up under a pile of blankets in front of the tv in his mother's living room. It was a time he relished in and looked forward to every year. 
I supposed I should’ve expected our differences, even before we got together. But it was one thing to know that we had different experiences about this time of year, and another thing to experience it. 
“You wanna go shopping with me this week?” Harry climbed back into his now cold and empty spot in our bed, kissing my forehead and handing me a cup of coffee to subtly inform me that it was time to wake up. 
I groaned in acknowledgement, my fingers peering from under the covers to receive the warmth of the drink he’d brought me. This was it. This was my person. The person whose company I’d enjoy enough to put myself through the winter weather, right?
“I saw something at this boutique that I wanna get for Gemma. You know, for Christmas.” 
I took a sip of my coffee, avoiding his eager eyes, and mustering a small nod.
This is what I’ve always wanted. I can’t fuck this up now. “S-sure, Harry. I’d love to.” Forcing myself to look back at his expecting face, I willed myself to smile. 
“Great! Thanks! We can browse for you too, if you’d like.” Harry shuffled under the covers, throwing an arm around me and pulling me to his side. I didn’t have anyone to buy presents for. 
This whole thing was already wearing me down. I’d made a deliberate effort to change my attitude around this time of year. To will myself into becoming the sort of person who loved the changing of the seasons and celebrated every little thing. It seemed doable at first. September was fine. I enjoyed the back-to-school rush, especially with my new job as a college professor. It was an excuse for me to indulge in old habits: back to school shopping, new stationary, elaborate pen collections, pretty notebooks and highlighters. Plus, the first half of September is technically still summer. Even when the weather did start to change, it was changing from unbearably humid and warm, to tolerable and breezy. I could go for runs outside. I could walk down to the coffeeshop to get myself and Harry some coffee in morning. I found that I handled it okay. This sense of control gave me some hope that perhaps all needed was the motivation to do things differently.
By October, things felt a bit more challenging, but, determined to be the dutiful and supportive girlfriend, I participated in the pumpkin-spice-everything craze. Got Harry a pumpkin pie scented candle to take on tour with him, bought the Halloween decor, assisted in the Gucci meetings for Harryween, watched and took pictures of Harry carving pumpkins with his god-children. But all of that had soon burnt me out. Thanksgiving was in a week, and Harry was determined to celebrate with me and with his American friends, even though, I know for a fact that he has no sentimental tradition attached to this holiday; he couldn't possibly; England doesn’t even have thanksgiving! And we still had Christmas and new years to get through. I didn’t know if I could keep faking it much longer. 
Truthfully, I knew that if I told Harry, he’d be understanding and supportive. But I desperately wanted this to be the start of a new chapter of my life. Plus, I didn’t want him to be self-conscious about the things that he enjoyed just because I felt differently. Besides, our relationship was still new. I wanted to get to know his friends and spend time with the people who are important to him, even if it meant getting out of my comfort zone. Perhaps that's what I need to grow into a winter-wonderland-loving person. I just need to push through it all and come out on the other side a warm and fuzzy person.
“I don’t wanna push, but you still haven’t given me an answer.” Harry mumbled against the side of my head, his arm still around my shoulder. 
“I just said I’d go shopping with you, Harry.”
“Not about that! About thanksgiving.”
“Oh.” I dreaded this conversation.
“The Azoffs usually have this gigantic party. Catered, people from out of town, that sort of thing. But I know that’s not your scene. We don’t have to do that this year.”
“If you wanna go- I could-“
“Nah. Honestly, I’d rather just do something with the band.”
“Mitch is the only American.” I stated a bit too aggressively.
“Right. Mitch actually doesn’t care.” Harry giggled.  “But it’s an excuse to be together. Plus, what about you?”
Tell him. Tell him. Tell him. Now's your chance. Just tell him.
“W-what about me?” I set my mug down on the bedside table, growing uncomfortable under Harry’s gaze. 
“You’re American. Don’t you care? Come to think of it, you’ve never really told me anything about your holiday plans. Do you usually go back home, or?”
“I usually find every reason on the planet not to.”
It was true, I often worked on thanksgiving, to avoid having to go back to a place where I felt I didn’t belong and had no reason to be. And to avoid staying home in my cold and empty apartment. 
“Cuz, your family- oh-I’m sorry. I should’ve known - I-“
“Stop, Harry. It’s okay.” His concern was always sweet.
“Ready to go?” Harry peeked his head into the bathroom and watched me touch up my makeup. He stepped forward to help me buckle my necklace as he saw me struggle to put it on by myself. Kissing the side of my neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, “I made us a dinner reservation at that French restaurant you like.” 
I saw from his reflection in the mirror that he'd picked up on me tensing up in his arms. 
“You made dinner plans?” I tilted my head upwards to look at him. “Without telling me?”
“This is me telling you now.” Harry’s arms withdrew. He stood up straighter, his presence now felt different, like he was towering over me. I felt suffocated.
“I didn’t know this was a dinner thing! I thought it was just a shopping thing. Now I have to-“
“Have to what, Matilda? Why does it matter what kind of ‘thing’ it is?" I detected a hint of mockery in his voice. Whether he meant it, or I was overthinking, I wasn't sure. "Did you have other plans for dinner? I can cancel the reservation. It’s no big deal. I just thought you might not wanna come home and cook after a long day of being out and about. I was trying to think ahead.”
“Long day? What on earth- I thought we were stepping out to go grab Gemma’s gift! Why would that take all day?” I turned around to face him. He looked baffled.
“Well, we are. But I’m not just buying Gemma a gift, am I? There’s other people I want to buy for. Plus, we haven’t been out, just the two of us, in ages. Figured we could make a day-“
“You make all these plans and you never consult me!”
I squeezed past Harry to exit the bathroom. 
“Where are you going?” He trailed after me, watching me go into the bedroom and begin to undress, kicking me shoes off and unzipping my dress. 
“What’re you doing now?”
"Why?" Harry shrugged.
“I’m not going.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I’m not going. You go. Get a million gifts for a million people, eat French food, make a day of it. Go. Go on. Just leave me out of it.”
“I’m confused. Are you being serious, or is this a joke, cuz if it is, I don’t get it….”
“I’m not kidding, Harry. Go. Hurry or you’ll miss your reservation.”
Harry was gone all day. And it didn’t make sense that I was mad. I was the one who told him to go. But the truth is, I regretted it as soon as the words came out of my mouth. I hated that depression made me irritable. I scrolled my phone through tearful eyes to confirm: under “symptoms of depression,” alongside “loss of appetite” and “mood swings,” there it was, “irritability.”  I knew it. I’ve been living it first hand, for years. It just felt cruel and downright evil when it affected someone other than myself. It wasn’t Harry’s fault. He was being normal; doing normal people things. I’d snapped at him for no good reason. I wished he’d come home already. I wished I could go back in time and stop myself from being such a jerk to him. But the truth is, I have been feeling drained lately, and springing a whole day's worth of plans on me like this made me anxious. I didn't like that about myself. I didn't like that my default reaction to spontaneity was panic. I wished I could be the sort of person who didn't need an advanced warning and didn't need to mentally prepare herself for things before they happened. But this was the reality. I needed to plan things out to feel comfortable. And Harry was okay with not knowing.
I climbed into bed, turning my heated blanket up, and hiding under the covers. This was the only place I wanted to be today. I curled up and closed my eyes, letting tears fall as I felt my sense of failure fester in my heart. I wanted so badly to be the partner Harry wanted and deserved. I thought I'd managed to do a pretty good job of forcing myself into it. But, now, my act was faltering. There's no pretending after the fit I'd thrown over a fucking dinner reservation.
"Wake up, darlin'" Harry's hand shook me gently. "Matilda? you awake?"
my eyes fluttered, blinking away the sleep and looking up at Harry. It took me a second to adjust to the blurry light coming from the bedside lamp that Harry had turned on. When I did, I saw him standing over me, a seemingly infinite number of bags in his hand.
"Oh, you've been crying." Harry's eyes landed on the pile of tissues beside me and the tear stains on my pillow case.
I instantly turned to the other side of the bed, giving my back to him.
I heard the rustle of the bags as Harry set them down, and then felt a dip in the mattress as he sat down down next to me.
"Look at me, honey, please?" he placed a gentle hand on my shoulder urging me to turn around. "Wanna see your pretty eyes."
"sleepy eyes." I mumbled, unsure if he'd heard me.
"Teary eyes?" he countered.
I shook my head, still facing away from him.
"C'mon. You're a terrible liar."
"Don't wanna talk about it, Harry."
"Why not, my love?"
"Cuz I'll just start crying again."
"Aha! so, you admit you've been crying!"
Harry got up and rounded the bed, walking to the other side to look me in the eyes. He crawled onto the bed and squeezed under the sheets, his arms finding my waist and wasted no time in pulling me to him. His lips, locked against mine, felt cold, no doubt from the weather outside. The idea of him being out alone, all cuz I ruined our plans with my mental shit made the regret bubble back up to the surface, I broke down again, crying into Harry's lips, but he didn't budge.
"It's okay, it's okay." his hand traveled from my hips to my back, rubbing it soothingly.
"'M sorry I ruined everything." I squeezed closer, burying my face into his neck my tears staining his shirt, he smelled warm, comforting, his signature cologne clung to the fabric of his clothes.
"you didn't ruin anything, babe."
"yes I did!" I found it easier to speak when my face was hidden from his eyes. " You had this whole day planned for us and I ruined everything."
"S' okay, really. Is' not that important." His hands were still on my back, he squeezed me tighter and it brought me calm. "You didn't feel like goin' out tonight. I shoulda asked first. I'm sorry."
"You did! you did ask, Harry. And I said yes, but-" I felt another wave of tears spill from me.
"But what, honey? What happened? Did I do something? I-"
"No, Harry! It's me. I- I'm tired. All the time I'm tired."
"You work hard. I understand-" He whispered into my ear.
"No! you don't. I'm not tired cuz I've had a long week. I just-"
"Tell me."
"Depressed." Was all I could muster the courage to confess before I broke down again.
Harry's hands momentarily paused before resuming their circular movements across my back when he felt my tears on him again.
"I should've known. I'm so sorry, baby. I can be so insensitive sometimes. I'm sorry."
"I don't wanna be broken. I hate it. I'd do anything to feel normal just once."
"You're not broken-"
"Yes I am! That's why I hate this time of year, I fucking hate it!! It's not enough that I have nobody to celebrate or by presents for and my family isn't the sort of people I want to spend the holidays with, my own brain won't let me have a moment of personal joy, not even by myself!! Everyone loves the holidays, I-"
"You're okay."
"I want to change, Harry. I wanna be better. For you."
"Don't you dare!" Harry forced our bodies apart, enough to look down into my eyes. "don't ever change anything about yourself. Not for me or for anyone else. You're perfect. Just the way you are, do you understand?"
I swallowed, my throat itchy from crying.
"I said do you understand? I mean it!"
I nodded reluctantly.
"Good." Harry pulled me back into his chest, peppering the top of my head with kisses.
"But I wanna work on this. To try and do things differently. I want to." I whispered after a silent moment had passed.
"Fair enough, then. Let's start small. Maybe dip your toes in? with thanksgiving? Doesn't have to be a big thing. Just you and me and Sarah and Mitch. What do you think?"
"I think that's lovely." I smiled, kissing his neck and causing him to giggle. "Can Pauli come too?" I asked and waited for Harry's reply.
"S-sure. If it's not too many people for you."
I kissed his neck again.
"And Ny?"
"If- you want to."
Another kiss.
"And Elin? we can't not invite Elin..."
Harry was laughing now, his chest rising and falling moved me around and I placed another kiss to his neck.
"You sure you wanna do this?"
"Yeah, Harry. I think- with the band- I'll be okay. People I know."
"Thank you for doing this." He kissed my head once again, whispering praises into my ear.
"Sorry I ruined dinner."
Harry slowly wiggled out of my tight hug, rushing to the other side of the room and grabbing a couple of his bags. "You didn't." He said grinning widely and climbing back into bed.
I spotted the French restaurant logo on the containers he'd brought over.
"You got us takeout?"
"Hell yeah. Also don't look in those other bags. Bought your Christmas presents."
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hi! how do you think I should prepare myself for college? im currently in the final year of high school. college's gonna be loads more than school, so what habits should I adopt this year?
Hi, that is an amazing question!
Going to college without knowing a thing is really bad, speaking from experience.
First of all some general tips for students coming to uni:
Don't be scared to not fit in or that you won't be able to make friends. You will!! There are so many freshmen and chances are very high you will find like-minded people.
Find a club or a hobby that really fills you with joy and excitement. Going to uni is hard because the workload is crazy sometimes. Finding a balance is crucial to stay happy and healthy!
Last but not least, my most important tip: Create a LinkedIn profile and text people who are already going to this university and are pursuing the same major you want to choose. Ask them for a phone call and talk to them. I think this would have really helped me and I have talked to some incoming students who had questions. It is also quite cool to know some people in advance and just know your way at uni beforehand.
Going into the habit-topic:
First of all, I am so proud of you that you are already thinking about this. Uni is very difficult and not keeping up with classes and lectures is a very bad idea - and to some it seems inevitable. But it is really not. Still do not forget to always care about balance because you can burn out.
Write yourself a list and plan the semester ahead. I know this seems very drastic, planning days three months in advance, but it has helped me a lot and now I am a straight A student at a very hard university.
Have a consistent sleeping schedule. That is something I struggle with a lot. I really want to go to bed earlier, but then I enjoy studying too much and stay up until 2 am. And always make sure to sleep about 8 hours, maybe even more.
Write notes, even if you think it does't really help. It does, in the end you will be super grateful that you wrote them. And write flashcard and quiz yourself often.
Study from the first day on. Again, pretty drastic, but that has helped my get a lot of A+'s and it keeps my mind from freaking out about exams.
I think this is all I can say. Have an amazing first year and text me if you need anything! <3
Love, Sophia
Feel free to follow my Instagram account for some more motivation <;3 Instagram
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concussed-to-pieces · 2 years
Verbena: Vibrant Once More!
Tumblr media
Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Pairing: College!Mirio/AFAB Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
A/N: Written for @hijackser's Hanakotoba (Flower Language) collaboration event! This is a College AU and contains spoilers for most of season four, so read at your own risk! The flower I picked was Verbena, which represents safety, healing, creativity, and joy. While the flower is not explicitly mentioned, these themes will run through the entirety of this story. Enjoy!
Tag List: @hijackser, @nonstop-haikyuu, @zombiexbody, @buttons-beads-lace, @honey-shippies
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains emotional distress, mentions of past abuse and past character death. Stay safe!]
"More flowers for you, Mister Mirio!" You chirped as you lugged yet another overstuffed vase of blooms and greenery into the room. Honestly, this was the third one today! You were starting to realize, much to your chagrin, that the no-doubt valedictorian posted up in the hospital bed in front of you was very, very popular.
The aforementioned Mirio laughed sheepishly, trying to clear space on the already-crowded windowsill for the latest arrival. "Guess this encourages me to get better even quicker, right? If I don't, soon this whole room will look like a jungle."
"You take all the time you need," was your firm reply as you shimmied the vase in between its fellows. You turned to leave but a hand lightly grazed your own, and when you glanced back Mirio was looking at you oddly. "What?" You asked, a little perplexed.
"Thanks for that." His voice was quieter, very unlike the happy-go-lucky mood he usually affected. "It's…it's been hard, you know? Losing Sir," and my Quirk, you could almost hear in his brief pause, "...it's just been difficult to smile. Not hopeless or anything, but…tough." As if to contrast, he offered you a weak grin. "Still gonna', though. Promise!"
You gingerly patted his hand. "Even if you can't for a little while, that's okay. People are so eager to give heroes burdens to bear, but I promise you won't always have to shoulder it alone." You had seen far too many chewed-up collegiates from the local campus come through the triage area for you to truly believe your own words, but Mirio was clearly searching for some reassurance. "Let the normies hang onto their problems for a few days. Take your time to recuperate."
"I-" Mirio hesitated, his fingers worrying at the worn edge of the thin hospital blanket. "Thanks. Again, I mean." 
A soft chime from your work phone alerted you to the fact that someone was at the reception area and you quickly rushed to check them in, waving goodbye to Mirio as you departed. 
Unbeknownst to you, the young man stared at the door for a long time after you had left.
While a medical professional in your own right, you had accepted an entry level position at the prestigious UA campus' medical center instead of heading directly to the grind of regular medicine. Entry level though it was, it offered you invaluable insight into the current generation of heroes being forged, and you felt more sympathetic towards the young men and women you would see a little too regularly. Panic attacks and academic burnout were incredibly common. There were also fights that occurred between members, dormitory living difficult for some of the students to adjust to. 
Though there were no real fraternities or sororities to speak of, the student body was still not a unified group. Rather, it had splintered into bands of different classes and Quirks, the tight cliques ever-evolving as the semester progressed. 
One such group had come to the center early one morning during your first few weeks of work. It consisted of three twenty-somethings; a blue-haired young woman, a dark-haired young man and their towering blond compatriot. The taller of the two men seemed to be gently manhandling the other while the woman spoke to him, but they all quickly fell silent when you approached the counter to check them in.
"Tamaki hasn't slept well for a while." The blond man announced, writing as much down on the intake sheet. You thought you vaguely heard a noise of protest from the shorter, dark-haired man, but he was making a valiant effort to stare a hole in the floor. The blond carried on, "I think it's because living in the dorms is still kinda' new and it can be pretty unsettling. Especially if you start thinking late at night about why we're all in the dorms and stuff." 
Like magic, you watched the shorter man's shoulders relax back down into a slouch. The blue-haired woman bumped her forehead into his, as if to offer silent comfort. 
The taller man eventually handed the filled sheet back and looked at you expectantly. "I just need to scan your school IDs so I can get your friend seen. And I need the name of the professor that cleared you guys to accompany him." You informed him gently.
"Oh sorry! I'm Mirio Togata. That's Nejire Hado, and our friend is Tamaki Amajiki." The blond rushed to say, collecting his companions' IDs and slapping his own on top of the pile. "We were cleared by Professor Aizawa."
"Alright, have a seat and someone will be with you shortly. Would you prefer to meet with the campus psychiatrist? I can check to see whether she's available." As you carried on speaking you could see Tamaki stiffen back up, though he did nod in reply to your question and mumbled something that sounded affirmative.
His large friend clapped a hand on his shoulder, seeming to half-buckle him underneath the weight. "Don't worry Tamaki, Nejire and I are gonna' stay put! Heck, we can even come in with you if you-"
"That…shouldn't, uh, be necessary." Tamaki hastily cut Mirio off, his voice stronger now. "It's…it's like I told you guys. I'm just tired." 
"Another care package for you, Eri!" You announced, knocking on the doorframe. From what little information you had been privy to, you knew that the child had experienced a fair amount of trauma at the hands of adults, so you did your best to not sneak up on her when you stopped by. "You have so many friends already!"
The pale girl looked up at you from her spot on the floor, a few interlocking plastic blocks falling still in her hands as her expression shifted to one of cautious curiosity. "Is it from Midoriya?"
"Yeah, how did you guess?" You were thrilled when the child bounced to her feet, one little hand wrapped around the IV pole to wheel it along with her. While she had yet to smile, she was showing more interest and enthusiasm every day. Not to mention her body was on the mend, as it was becoming harder and harder to get her to rest. 
You knew you weren't the only one excited with her progress. Midoriya and Mirio were in her room nearly every day, checking up on her. Ever since Eri had vocalized her desire to see the two, she had been allowed supervised visits with them. 
It was difficult at first; she had been healing and was easily exhausted so it was all she could do just to keep her eyes open. But Mirio and Midoriya were nothing if not patient, occasionally stopping by to just sit quietly while she slept. 
"We're heroes, and she's a person in trouble," was Midoriya's reasoning for his visits. You had never quizzed Mirio, just assuming that he felt the same about the young girl. 
The way he looked at her sometimes was enough to break your heart though, all professionalism aside. 
You knew that Eri had something to do with why Mirio no longer had his Quirk, but you were uncertain as to the details and the last thing you wanted was to broach such a delicate and upsetting subject with either of them. Better to wait and see. Your curiosity didn't entirely rule you, after all!
"A new coloring book!" Eri's soft exclamation at her present from Midoriya made you smile, the child rapidly leafing through the pages emblazoned with pictures of All Might. "All Might is Deku's favorite." She informed you seriously, little fingers tapping on one such image. 
"Oh?" You thought back to the backpack Midoriya sported, covered with pins and patches of All Might. "I hadn't noticed."
"Eri should be able to experience the campus festival!" 
Mirio felt like he and Midoriya had made a great case, truth be told. If the public at large wasn't allowed to go to the festival, and the security was already ramped up to an insane level…
Aizawa sighed, rubbing his temples. "That's risky, Mirio. We don't know if she's okay to engage with the gen pop yet."
"Aw c'mon teach!" The tall man wheedled, jamming his hands into his varsity jacket. "She's been doing really well!"
"Please sir, at least speak to the dean about it!" Izuku begged earnestly.
"I fail to see why I should whack that particular hornet's nest," was Professor Aizawa's dry retort. "Besides, we would need someone from the medical facility to assist in case of an emergency. All the pros will be otherwise engaged, you both know that."
Midoriya frowned, clearly thinking hard. Mirio however, smiled even wider. "Don't worry, Professor. I know just the person for the job!"
"Togata has recommended you as Eri's medical chaperone." Professor Aizawa's infamous stare had you all but pinned to your seat. Even though you understood he was just kind of like that, it was difficult to maintain your composure.
The news that Mirio had thrown your proverbial hat into the ring was a bit of a surprise as well. You weren't sure whether to be grateful or start panicking. Nonetheless, you kept your expression neutral and folded your hands in your lap. "If that's what you all think is best," was your calm reply.
Aizawa nodded, startling you. "We do, actually. The dean decided that we should have a pro manning the triage area, at least for the day of the festival. That way if there's an MCI, we'll have someone familiarized with our procedures." His expression softened to something that vaguely resembled apologetic. "You weren't supposed to need to know this stuff, so don't take it personal. It's above and beyond the surge planning you're familiar with. We're working on a new program for the center. Pamphlets and slides, that sort of thing, to bring people up to speed, but we haven't gotten the chance to implement it."
"Everything seems to be moving so fast." You remarked, glad when the pro hero nodded in agreement. At least you weren't alone in that sentiment!
"You have a rapport with Eri; she clearly trusts you. According to your resumé, you've kept up with your con-ed." The professor leaned back in his seat, looking more worn than you expected. "The question is whether you'd be okay with being in the thick of the action, should something go wrong." His already-flinty gaze hardened even further. "Mirio will be with her as well. While his Quirk is, in theory, temporarily inactive, he is still a capable hero in training. The choice is yours."
Temporarily? You wondered what that could mean. To be fair, you had heard about Quirks being briefly rendered useless, usually with experimental street drugs. But those cases had been something measured in minutes and hours, not days and weeks! "Again, if you think it's best, I won't object." You then dared to venture, "I'm glad that the college decided to clear her for this, in spite of the risk. She's a sweet little girl and I just…I feel like she's seen too much."
Aizawa cleared his throat after a moment, straightening some papers on his desk. "In order to avoid additional stress, we're letting Eri explore the campus before the festival. Dean Nezu wants you there with her during both outings, to ensure that she feels comfortable and safe." He leveled you with that fierce look, making you cringe in your chair. "If anything goes wrong, anything, you and Mirio are to return immediately with Eri. Do I make myself clear?"
"Good morning!" Mirio's smile never wavered even while his brain was catching up with how casually you were dressed. He had never seen you out of your uniform before, but looking at your outfit now made him wish he had. He could hardly take his eyes off of you!
You looked…comfortable. Prepared for the day, although you were currently rummaging in your bag to make sure you had the fob to your room. The staff housing was situated diagonally across campus from the student and faculty dorms, so Mirio had taken a few roundabout paths to reach your residence. 
Eri had clung to his hand the whole time, wide eyes taking in her surroundings. She hadn't asked many questions, which was odd for her, but Mirio chalked it up to nerves. This was a lot to handle, after all!
"Does she have any sunscreen on? We're going to be out on the grounds for the most part, I think." 
Mirio was jerked out of his reverie by your question, shaking his head with a self-conscious chuckle. "Nope! Uh, sorry about that."
"It's okay! I have some in my bag. Eri, can I put some sunscreen on your face? We'll be outside for a while." You waited for her nod to go ahead with the application. Mirio had noticed that you were always sure to ask permission from the child before you did anything. He figured you were doing your part to try and give her some level of control back. 
Eri patiently put up with your ministrations and Mirio found himself allowing you to talk him into coating his face and neck with sunblock as well. It was only after he was halfway done that he realized it was a glittery children's brand of sunscreen, and he was now covered in sparkles. 
"Finally! Something that matches my personality!" He joked, warmth spreading across his face when you grinned at him. "Alright Eri, let's show you around! You're gonna' love it here, everyone is super nice!" 
Eri, while still holding his hand, shyly slid her free hand into your own. You looked startled at first but quickly covered it up with another smile, swinging her arm gently as the three of you walked towards the main building. 
Maybe I should have asked Nejire and Tamaki to come along, Mirio thought, shoving his other hand into his pocket to keep from fidgeting. They're a lot better at this kind of stuff. I don't even know what to say! I'm so distracted–
"Mirio? Did you hear Eri?" You asked, sounding a little confused.
Mirio stifled a frantic yelp, quickly jerking his head down to where Eri was gazing up at him. "Sorry, I was thinking hard! Can you repeat what you said?"
"Candy apple." Eri's eyes were wide. "You said there would be candy apples."
"Oh yeah! That will be on the day of the actual festival though. Today's just the warm-up period," Mirio explained. "Everyone is still working hard to get things set up so that it looks nice for you. After all, you're a very important guest!"
"Are you sure?" Her fingers squeezed his hand in what he had come to recognize as an anxious tic. Anxiety already?! I must not be doing a good enough job at explaining things, maybe this was a–
"Of course!" You replied brightly. "Aren't you excited? I know I can't wait!" Eri nodded, apparently satisfied as she turned her gaze back to the hive of activity the three of you were approaching. 
"Thanks for the save." Mirio whispered to you out of the side of his mouth.
"No worries. It's what heroes do, right?" You answered softly, winking at him.
The hallways were already festooned with pennants and banners, uniformed students roaming around carrying tape or even more construction paper. A few students stopped to chat, his peers expressing their happiness at seeing him up and about after his 'break'.
"Hey, it's Togata!" The faces were familiar, but Mirio couldn't put a name to the two young men who called out to him. They were from the business major if he had to guess, though that was mainly due to the colorful lecture flyer that one of them was pressing into his hand.
The other, a brown-haired young man with a large horn on his forehead, gawked at Eri, who gripped Mirio's school blazer and half-hid behind his arm. "Whoa, who's that? Don't tell me your temporary leave from school is because you have a kid now!" He exclaimed, seeming bewildered.
Mirio's mind went entirely blank at those words, leaving him standing there with a frozen smile on his face. A kid? Like, one of my own? Huh. I guess it might look that way. And with the added entourage…
His brain caught up just then, slamming the brakes on that particular train of thought and leaving Mirio scrambling to come up with a response.
"Dude you gotta' say something, now I feel like it's for real!" The student protested. 
You somehow managed to straighten out the situation while Mirio was still trying to recover from the mental whiplash, explaining that the upperclassman was your chaperone for the day. You quickly steered the conversation off of Eri and onto the topic of the flyers the two young men had handed you. Apparently the business majors were having a lecture (complete with PowerPoint presentations!) to show the fiscal impacts that the college had to deal with due to the dormitory construction and housing changes. 
"Sure, Quirks can be helpful, but no labor is free these days!" The brown-haired young man reasoned, continuing, "with a lot of heroes unionizing, we have to make sure that dues are paid and, more importantly, that the hero agencies are offering proper benefits. Like all-inclusive dental, or something customizable in the event of a hero having specific requirements to function at full strength."
Proper benefits. Dental. Customization options. Mirio grimaced without meaning to, realizing that he was vastly in over his head.
You, on the other hand, seemed entirely at ease, expositing about the insurance options that you had seen in your day to day work. Co-pays were apparently on the rise, nearly in sync with the recent increase of villain encounters. There was a clear connection between the two, and you were willing to allege that private companies no doubt had a hand in the current state of the world.
You were obviously passionate about what you did, Togata had to give you that much. Even if he was a little ignorant on the subject matter!
Problem implied that this was a thing that needed to be fixed, and Mirio wasn't sure if that was the case just yet. He might need a different word. Panic-inducing was two words, but that seemed closer to the truth. Baffling, maybe? Confusing. Dangerously close to something, and he hadn't figured out whether that something was good or bad.
You had been great with Eri, so at least he could rest easy knowing he had made the right choice when he suggested you as her medical chaperone. If Mirio was being honest with himself, you had been great in general. You were just as familiar with the campus as he was, and you effortlessly answered a multitude of Eri's questions regarding the preparations in full swing. 
Heck, you had even brought sunscreen! Mirio felt a little foolish over his lack of preparation. He had kind of just…expected things to work out.
At least the three of you had been able to stop by the beauty pageant area so Eri could see the academy's most vaunted ladies getting their steps in. Plus, both Nejire and Tamaki had been there! It felt like a weight off Mirio's shoulders when you laughed along with Nejire, and the fact that you were able to discreetly enquire after Tamaki's wellbeing…
You were a member of the staff. That didn't technically complicate things even if he did come to terms with the fact that he might be crushing on you; you weren't a professor. I'm in my final semester though! Mirio reasoned later that evening. Augh, why is this such an issue for me? It's not off-limits! I haven't done anything wrong, darn it all. 
"You are about a Lemillion miles away, Mirio!" 
The young man jerked upright as Nejire's spoon retreated from where she had rapped it smartly against his forearm. "Ah! Sorry Nejire." He chuckled, rubbing the area she had smacked. "Was lost in thought, I guess."
"Oo, do tell!" The young woman exclaimed, bouncing in her seat. "What's up, Mirio? What's got those gears turning? Is it that little cutie from the med center? Y'know, the one you got to walk around with like, alllll day?" She grinned at him and Mirio wished his Quirk would return so he could just…sink into the ground and vanish. Probably forever.
Granted, Lunch Rush was deserted at this hour; most of the other students had filtered back to their dorms. Aside from the Big Three, there were only a few stragglers. But still! 
Cutie. Was that it? Did he think you were…cute? He did, the young man admitted to himself, oh God he did. You were so cute. Everything about you was just…
Oh no.
Panic officially set in. Mirio could feel his palms beginning to sweat and Nejire was just looking at him expectantly between bites of her dinner, what the heck was he supposed to say-
"Yeah, Eri seemed super happy when you brought her by," Tamaki added hesitantly. "I know she doesn't smile, so it was more…w-well, her eyes looked happy." 
Oh. Oh.
Nejire had been talking about Eri.
Well now he felt stupid and sweaty. 
You dug the broom into the corner, frowning in concentration. After a long day of checking IDs, setting up temporary pro hero accounts on the medical center's computers and dropping off delivered goods to various rooms, it felt good to perform a portion of your normal evening routine. 
Sweeping the foyer, while not required of you, helped your brain settle down from your workday. You were deep into contemplation about heading off campus to get some laundry detergent (as you were nearly out of it), when a large hand waved in front of your eyes. 
"Hey there! Just leaving for the night, wanted to make sure you checked me out so you don't get in trouble." Mirio smiled, looking a little embarrassed. "I uh, I called your name a few times, but I guess you were pretty into what you were doing."
"Oh, Mirio! Sorry, I was thinking about the errands I have to run." You apologized, leaving the broom propped up against the wall and going to scan his ID. 
"Gosh, you too huh? Adulting is tough stuff." Mirio commiserated, leaning on the counter. "I have to go pick up some laundry soap. Drew the short straw amongst the Big Three, you know how it is." He continued with a shrug. "Might grab a snack or something while I'm there, but that depends on whether I'm hungry once I make it down. Tamaki wants some of those…fancy bead things too, the smelly ones. I can't remember whether he wanted the purple or the orange, though. He said something about a light fragrance? He's really sensitive to smells."
"Oh, you're getting detergent too? I know I could use the campus courier service," you then lowered your voice conspiratorially, "but I feel bad about making those guys lug my heavy junk so late in their day. Definitely not when I can use the exercise, and it's a nice night out too."
"Would you--er, would you want to come with me? It's probably not safe for either of us to leave campus alone anymore." Mirio rubbed the back of his neck after putting his ID away. "I know that makes it sound kinda' grim, and I don't wanna' buy into the whole paranoia…"
"No, I get it. You're probably right. Besides, better safe than sorry!" You agreed rapidly, a shiver going down your spine as your mind supplied you with a myriad of unwanted newsreel images. "Can you wait half an hour so I can finish closing up shop and change out of my uniform?"
"Oh absolutely! Take all the time you need. The place I usually go to is open until midnight." 
He wasn't entirely sure what he had been thinking. He had just been on his way out! He was going to go buy some soap! But now, the two of you were leaving campus.
Mirio nervously glanced at you, but you didn't seem to be suffering from the same internal conflict that he was. On the contrary, you seemed more relaxed than usual. Did that mean you were comfortable with him, or that you didn't care if other people made assumptions? Because of course there would be assumptions, word spread like wildfire on campus. 
Mirio found himself envious of your ability to ignore the chatter of the student body. Maybe it was because your job required some certain level of impartiality? What he would give for an ounce of your peace of mind!
The sun hadn't fully set yet, golden light still grazing the tops of the taller trees. You tipped your head back, inhaling deeply. "Ah, what a beautiful day it's been!" 
"It really was." Mirio agreed, "Nejire wanted all of us to head down for a walk, but she's been super busy practicing for that pageant. I told her to take the day off instead. It's her last year to compete, so I get her dedication."
"Oh, is she graduating soon?" You asked curiously. 
"Yeah! We all have our provisionals, so for her it's as easy as passing her finals. She's going to have her associate in electrical engineering, but I'm pretty sure she's still planning on working towards her bachelor and master after that." Mirio could feel himself rambling; it was sort of like watching a train wreck in slow motion. "Tamaki and I are in different programs. I'm trying to get my bachelor in mass casualty incident management via the specialized fire science elective, but after what happened, I'm on a bit of a hiatus. Tamaki is almost done with his associate in bioscience, and he's also debating on continuing to the culinary arts program. He hasn't decided yet."
Your smile was genuine and Mirio breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't seem to have annoyed you. "That's great! I'm glad you guys all have a plan going forward. Times are so weird lately. It's good to have a little stability, right?"
Stability had been the furthest thing from Mirio's mind since he had lost his Quirk and Sir Nighteye had passed away. It had been days of him just barely clinging to some shell of normalcy, trying to keep his spirits up after the somber affair of the funeral. He only vaguely recalled being next to the grave site with Kaoruko, Juzo and Midoriya once everyone else had paid their respects, wearing the one ill-fitting suit coat that he owned. The shoulders had pinched the entire time but it had hardly registered; a fleeting inconvenience. 
Nejire had returned after giving him the time to say his final goodbyes, the young woman gently steering him back to their dorm where everyone had gathered in the central hall. There amongst his friends and peers, Mirio had done his best to smile. But he was emotionally exhausted, physically still in recovery, and he soon found himself hauled away and tucked into his bed by Tamaki.
"Stop pretending that you're fine," Tamaki had muttered, not unkindly, before shutting the door. 
At least he hadn't called it lying.
"Stability is really important." Mirio murmured to you, hoping you didn't notice that his mind had been elsewhere. After what had happened, he found himself spacing out more and more. There were so many things he had to worry about now! Whether he could still pass his practicals without his Quirk, keeping his grades up so that he could compensate for his now-lackluster fieldwork…the academic hiatus was appreciated, of course, but he didn't know how long he could expect that charity to last before the dean reevaluated his usefulness.
You abruptly changed topics to the support majors exhibition and the young man found himself talking, actually talking, not just making polite conversation at the check-in counter. He could talk to people, of course he could talk to people. What kind of hero would he be if he couldn't handle public relations, after all? But this felt different. It was more natural, organic. Like how he felt talking to Eri or Midoriya, that newer sort of friendship. Were the two of you friends? Was it too soon to be friends? 
The rustling in the trees alongside the road snapped Mirio's attention upwards and he inwardly berated himself for letting his guard down. He was relieved when, instead of some skulking villain, he made out the bulky form of Hound Dog. Professor Ryo was a youth counselor and despite being…rough around the edges, he made excellent progress with certain students.
The large teacher emerged from the brush, shaking himself off and nodding in their direction before trotting across the road and back into the woods.
"For being so big, he sure can be quiet." You commented after a few moments. "He's been following us since we left the gates."
Mirio turned his head so rapidly he was sure he had pulled something. "H-He has?" He managed to ask, his voice pitching funnily.
You nodded, like it was to be expected. "Of course. You didn't notice? He's quiet, not silent."
Well, now Mirio felt dumb all over again.
"Detergent, deterrrrrrgent," you mumbled to yourself, ticking back and forth between two large containers. On the one hand, the pods were lighter. But on the other hand, they were expensive, especially compared to the powdered options. The powder came in a cardboard box, which was easy to break down, but you could also rinse the liquid's plastic bottle and put it out with the recycling–
"Hey, can I ask for a favor?" Mirio's voice interrupted your mental quandary and you turned, finding him next to you with three different containers of scent booster beads. "Gimme' a hand. Which one of these smells the least offensive to you? I think they changed the colors since the last time Tamaki got them, because the purple ones don't smell like I remember."
You screwed up your face and obliged. Two of the scents made you grimace but the last one seemed light enough to suffice, and Mirio thanked you for your assistance. "Alright, now you help me out. Trying to pick between heavier but cheap, or lighter but pricey?" You posed the question, waving a hand back and forth between the boxes, bottles and tubs. 
"Pick heavy! I'll carry it for you, so don't worry about the weight!" Mirio reasoned, his easy smile making an appearance midway through his sentence. "After all, you loaned me your nose. It's the least I could do for your heroic service!"
You laughed, waving him off as you slid the box of detergent beneath your arm. "I'll be fine! That's what the backpack is for. This isn't my first trip down the mountain, y'know." 
"Oh sure! I uh, I wasn't trying to imply anything."
"No worries. I appreciate the offer! Any other night I'd probably accept, but I've been dying to get some exercise and this is just what I need."
"Heard you went on a late night walk with someone."
Accusatory wasn't exactly the right word but Mirio still froze up on reflex, nearly dropping his controller. 
Tamaki exhaled through his nose and Mirio caught him sneaking a glance, the dark-haired young man eventually pausing their game to look at him head-on. "You know I don't care." Tamaki finally continued awkwardly, "b-but Hado--er, Nejire, she thinks we talk about…that kind of stuff, and she uh, she wanted me to ask…"
As Amajiki hemmed and hawed, Mirio watched the tips of his ears go a neon shade of red. Finally he decided to have pity on the other man, grinning and explaining, "Tamaki, I went with them when I had to get those things you put in with your laundry. Everyone says it's a bad idea to roam off-campus alone after everything that's happened, right?"
"Still!" Tamaki erupted, cringing a little at his own volume. "I…you should be more careful. Take Nejire or I with you next time, we can at least keep you s–" He paused, shooting Mirio a nervous look. "Uh, n-never mind."
We can at least keep you safe.
Mirio heard his friend's hesitant declaration loud and clear. It was true, he had no Quirk. Neither did you, for that matter! Maybe it had been reckless to go without someone else. Had Tamaki and Nejire been worried about him? "I'm sorry." Mirio apologized sincerely, pressing his hands together in contrition. "I didn't think about it. I'm still not used to needing to be so careful, I guess!"
Tamaki squinted, cautiously asking, "you…you aren't mad? I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have said it like that." A rare half-smile teased at his mouth. "You're really strong, even without your Quirk. But…yeah, Nejire and I were pretty worried when you didn't come back from visiting Eri." He admitted quietly. 
"How about I make sure to keep the group chat updated if I head off-campus? Will that be a little less stressful for you guys?" Mirio threw his friend a wink. "As for the walk, you can either tell Nejire what I told you, or you can make up something!"
Tamaki then sputtered and stammered, dismissing the notion with a scandalized expression as Mirio laughed.
Tensions were growing as the festival approached. It felt like everywhere you went, there was a blanket of steady pressure. Both the students and the professors seemed hellbent on making sure everything went as smoothly as it could, which led to fatigue, shortened tempers and disagreements. 
You had your hands full trying to make sure the triage consoles wouldn't immediately turn themselves inside out once the pro heroes logged in on the day of the festival. Everything else at the college was state of the art except for the CBMS, which seemed to be a relic of a previous establishment. Multiple days during the week before the festival you ended up staying late. At least I'm getting paid overtime, you thought ruefully on Friday afternoon, wiping down the counter and then leaning on it with a tired sigh. A little extra tomorrow too, for my 'supervisory' shift. 
You chewed your lower lip, thinking about what might transpire at the festival. You were absolutely nervous, of course! But you knew you had to stay calm. If Eri picked up on your unease, it might ruin her whole day. That was the last thing you wanted, so you would have to do your best. 
Really put on a…Plus-Ultra game face.
You snorted, shaking your head at yourself. 
"Aw, visiting hours are over already?" Midoriya complained when the tones chimed overhead, the usual recorded message playing after a moment. Eri nodded, not even looking up from her coloring page on the table. 
Mirio rumpled the other man's hair. "Cheer up! We'll get to spend the whole day together tomorrow, right?" 
"Well yeah, I suppose. At least you guys will. I'll need to stick by the group for the tune ups and stuff." Suddenly Midoriya jerked upright, looking perturbed. "Oh no! The rope!" He exclaimed, looking at his watch and then groaning unhappily. "Ugh, the hardware store is closed by now. That means I'll need to go in the morning instead." Izuku gave Eri an apologetic smile. "I guess I won't be able to walk you to the festival with Mirio and your other friend. I'm sorry."
"I'll still get to see you, right?" Eri asked, "you'll still do your dance?" 
"Of course!" 
The little girl gave him a nod, her expression almost laughably serious. "Okay."
"We'll have to find you a candy apple too! That's half the fun of a festival," Midoriya continued excitedly, "all the cool things to eat!"
"You ready for our big date tomorrow?" Mirio asked Eri as he tugged on his jacket. 
She replied with a slow shake of her head, her brow furrowed. "What's a date?" She finally queried.
"Oh! A date is when you go to hang out with people you like!" Eri still didn't appear to understand and Mirio wracked his brain for an example she would be familiar with. "Like what you and I did the other day with our friend from the front desk, right? We got to walk around and see a bunch of things, have some snacks, enjoy each other's company…that's a date!"
"Oh." Eri looked a bit confused. "Okay. Date. Date tomorrow."
Mirio could feel Midoriya staring at him as they walked down the hall, but he figured he would just wait until the younger man posed his question. When Midoriya next spoke, however, it was a statement. "She still hasn't smiled."
"Nope." Mirio agreed softly. "I'm hoping for tomorrow."
"Yeah?" Midoriya cocked his head. "Why?"
"I don't really know." Mirio admitted. "Call it a gut feeling maybe?"
"I guess." 
Izuku still looked a bit dejected as the two of them emerged into the foyer so Mirio nudged his shoulder, giving him a thumbs up. "It'll be fine! Everyone's been working hard. Now go back to your dorm and get some rest, underclassman." He ordered with a grin. "You've got a busy day ahead of you!"
Midoriya returned his smile after a moment, nodding. "Yeah, you're right. Hey, thanks for…" he paused, seeming to be searching for his words. "Well, uh, just for helping, I guess. You did so much during the fight, a-and you've been helping with Eri, too. I wish there was something I could do for you." 
We can at least keep you safe.
"You've already done a lot for me!" Mirio protested, "you and everyone else, you keep people like Eri and I safe. That's a really important job, and it's one that I can't really do at the moment, y'know? So I should be thanking you!"
He had learned early on that Izuku was a bit of an easy crier, so Mirio was prepared for the way the younger man welled up momentarily. "We'll…we'll keep doing our best then." Midoriya managed to say, clearly trying to rein himself in. "Oh! My ID, sorry, I need to-" he floundered at the counter, searching his pockets wildly until he found his student card. 
You took his card while waving off his apologies, scanning him out and handing the card back with a kind smile. "Be careful walking to your dorm tonight. The maintainers were out earlier so the sprinkler schedule may be off by a few hours again." You warned the younger man right before he bolted for the door.
Togata tilted his head, just barely catching the sound of an indignant squawk outside. You snorted, then composed yourself and took his ID. "So what time am I picking you up tomorrow?" Mirio queried, leaning on the counter. "Uh, you and Eri, I mean!" He rushed to amend, mentally kicking himself.
"Well that's…I mean, I figure probably by ten-thirty?" You suggested, seemingly having forgotten that you were supposed to be scanning him out for the evening. Not that Mirio particularly cared! It was just odd. "Are we bringing food, or…?"
"I got some juice packs in town the other day! Went with Nejire. Figured we'll find plenty to snack on during the festival." 
You nodded, appearing satisfied by his logic. Then, you clearly realized that you were still holding his ID. "Oh! Let me get you out of here." You exclaimed, nearly knocking over the counter-mounted scanner in your haste. 
Mirio quickly put a hand on top of the device to steady it but you had been about to do the same, which caused your hand to land on top of his for a moment. You glanced up at him and Mirio found himself staring at you, uncertain of what exactly was going on but not necessarily opposed to it. "Everything okay?" He asked finally.
Like you had just awoken from a trance, you blinked. "Okay? Oh yeah, everything is definitely fine." You insisted, nodding rapidly and then dropping his ID twice before you managed to give it back to him. "Sorry, I'm…it's been a long week. I guess I'm a little jumpy!" You excused yourself with an awkward laugh. 
"Everything will be fine tomorrow!" Mirio assured you. "There will be pros patrolling the grounds and a whole bunch of precautions have been taken. You've got nothing to worry about."
"Ah, yes. It was definitely that that was making me nervous." You said slowly, seeming to pick your words with great care. 
Mirio felt as though he might have missed something, but he wasn't entirely certain. So he simply gave you a thumbs up as he headed out through the sliding doors. He paused once outside the med center, inhaling deeply and then going stiff when he heard a low hiss next to him. 
Mirio abruptly found himself getting drenched by a sprinkler. On reflex he attempted to use Permeation, before remembering with a bit of a gut-wrenching jolt that he no longer had his Quirk. All he could do instead was wipe his face and chuckle ruefully as he stepped out of range of the first sprinkler. 
Directly into the range of the second one. 
"Today's the day." You hummed for the hundredth time, digging into your tiny closet once more. "Today's the dayyyyy." 
You had been trying to put together an outfit for nearly half an hour now. It had never been this difficult before! Why were you so nervous?
You blew out a breath, a bit exasperated, and finally just picked something at random. Pairing the outfit with some comfortable shoes, you gave yourself a once-over in the mirror and smiled at your reflection encouragingly. "It'll be totally fine. There's pro heroes everywhere today. Everything is going to be just fine." You told yourself aloud, checking the time. "It will all be fine."
Everything will be okay.
With every step you took, the words repeated in your head. Down the ramp to the staff foyer, outside to the small courtyard, across the campus to the medical center. One foot in front of the other, pro heroes stationed both subtly and not-so-subtly, students and staff hustling to get the last few things done.
Everything will be okay.
The sidewalks were still a little damp from the sprinklers, small puddles shimmering at the edges of the grass. You recalled Midoriya and Mirio getting caught by the sprinklers the evening before and a smile crept across your face. You had to fight back your laughter, only just managing to keep it under control. 
Eri was waiting in the foyer with a nurse, the little girl already dressed and bouncing in place. "She's had her breakfast this morning," The nurse informed you dryly, "under extreme duress, of course. She wanted to save room for all the food she was promised at the event."
"Candy apple!" Eri proclaimed, grabbing hold of your hand. 
"Let's put on your sunscreen while we wait for Mirio, okay?" You suggested, crouching. "I'm a few minutes early anyhow, so we have the time."
"I wanna' do it!" Eri held out her hands, her expression one of intense concentration. 
"Okay, but I'll get the tips of your ears for you." You bargained, letting her squeeze a liberal amount of sparkly sunblock into her palm before you took it back. The poor child was still so pale from her previous confinement, you knew it wouldn't take much sunlight for her to burn. "Remember to keep your eyes closed, that stuff stings if it gets in your eyes!"
"Well well, looks like I got here just in time!" said a voice from behind you. It was Mirio, the blond waiting to swing Eri up into his arms until she nodded. "Wanna' put some of that on me, Eri?"
The little girl began sliding her hands over Mirio's cheeks, leaving a white snail-trail of sunscreen in her wake. You smiled, stretching over Mirio's arm to get Eri's ears while she was preoccupied. "Don't forget his nose and forehead!" You teased, laughing when Eri dipped her head solemnly and dragged two fingers across Mirio's once-pristine forehead. She even managed to get some of the sunblock in the young man's hairline, but Mirio just grinned and worked it into his gelled strands. 
"There." Eri announced, finally seeming satisfied with her work. "Now we'll be safe."
Mirio tried to ignore his heart thundering in his chest when you rested on his arm to apply sunscreen to Eri's ears. Your face was right next to his, your eyes crinkling at the edges when you laughed and–
And then you pulled back and whatever it was was gone as quickly as it had arrived. The young man felt crushed suddenly, like something important had just passed him by. But there was no time to ruminate on that particular issue, as Eri was clamoring to get moving. So with a few sticky patches on his face and glitter stuck in his hair, Mirio took the little girl's hand and led the way.
Eri squeezed his hand tight, sandwiching herself beside his leg. "Don't be scared! I'm right here with you." The blond man assured her, smiling. She nodded with a determined frown, her free hand seizing yours as if to anchor herself.
The campus was ablaze with color and activity. Mirio wound his way in between the throngs of attendees, his large frame easily clearing a path for Eri while you brought up the rear. He knew he had to be mindful of safety but he also wanted to make sure that Eri got to see whatever she wanted to see, so he did his best to be alert for any tugs on his hand.
"Ah!" Eri exclaimed, halting abruptly. Mirio swung her up into his arms to avoid causing a pause in the flow of people, accidentally pulling you in with the little girl. 
"What's up, Eri?" Mirio queried, doing his level best to play down the knowledge that your body was pressed to his side. Eri mumbled something he couldn't quite hear, pointing towards a brightly-colored food cart. "Wanna' stop for a snack?" The blond man guessed. She nodded vigorously. "Alright! Remember that we need to be careful in this crowd, so don't stop so quickly next time, okay?"
"Even if we walk past what you want to see, we can always double back!" You chimed in, checking your watch. "We can only make this one stop before the show, but after the show we can go wherever you'd like."
"Promise?" Eri asked you, the fragile hope in her voice threatening to break Mirio's heart.
"I promise," was your sincere response. "Now, let's get you your snack!"
Eri munched on a small twist of cinnamon pastry, her eyes roving over the crowd in front of her. You could barely see the stage from your spot next to Mirio, but you waved off his offer of lifting you as well with a laugh. Instead you kept a hand on his elbow, doing your best to maintain your position in the jam-packed area. 
It seemed like the whole college had turned up for this particular show! You were a little concerned. While you didn't exactly need to be alert for threats (that was Mirio's job!), you still found yourself scanning the crowd for unfamiliar faces. 
Everything will be okay.
Your grip on Mirio's elbow tightened without conscious input and he looked down at you, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "You alright?" He asked, seeming to be keeping his tone light so as not to attract Eri's attention.
"Sorry! There's a lot of people here, that's all." You apologized, smiling weakly. 
"Everything will be okay." Mirio assured you, his easy grin making your stomach backflip. "I'm right here with you."
You could feel your face beginning to flush with heat and you quickly ducked, breaking eye contact to rummage through your bag for the set of ear muffs you had brought. "Eri!" You called, getting the little girl's attention so you could hand her the headset. "Can you pop these on? It's going to be pretty loud and we want to keep your ears safe."
Eri donned the hearing protection with zero fuss, Mirio helping to adjust the headband so that the cups fit snugly over her ears. "Man, you think of everything!" The young man praised, the admiration in his words enough to send a frisson of pride down your spine. "Wish I could be that prepared! I'd probably…" he trailed off, his smile fading. "Well, there's no real point to that. I'll do better." He continued quietly.
You opened your mouth to say…something, anything, maybe something comforting? But the lights overhead dimmed suddenly, and the moment was gone. 
You even brought hearing protection. Mirio was downright awed at how prepared you were. But he supposed it made sense. After all, Eri was just a little kid in recovery to you! Little kids needed things like sunscreen, tissues, band aids…
He felt somewhat ashamed of himself for losing sight of the fact that while Eri was incredibly powerful, she was still a child. 
The little girl posted up in his arms had her eyes fixed on the stage as the music began, her hands gripping Mirio's shirt collar. The blond man shifted his weight, giving her a reassuring smile when she glanced down at him uncertainly. "Look!" Mirio exclaimed, pointing back at the stage. "There's Midoriya!"
While the tight frown on Eri's face eased slightly upon seeing Midoriya and the rest of his class dance, it was nowhere near gone. Mirio knew this might not even work, but…
Mirio Togata, pro hero in training, had one goal for the day.
I want to see you smile!
The lights and sounds grew more intense and the crowd around him began to move in time with the music. Mirio found himself rocking back and forth, the rhythm too infectious for him to keep fully still. On his left, your hip gently bumped into his when you began to sway as well. 
Eri's hold on his shirt started to loosen, making Mirio look up at her. Her eyes were bright in the shimmering lights, the little girl clearly enjoying the show. Streamers erupted over the audience, confetti fluttering this way and that in the fitful currents of air. Eri's tiny hands reached to grab fruitlessly for the glittery crêpe paper, her eyebrows furrowed with focus. 
Your mouth brushed Mirio's ear, no doubt so he could hear you through the cacophony around him. "Lift her so she can get a streamer!" You instructed, giving him a thumbs up. 
Mirio made sure that he had enough wiggle room to move safely, then hoisted Eri as high over his head as he could. Her questing fingers finally caught the tail end of a streamer, and he felt her bounce in what he assumed was excitement when she clutched the thin paper to her chest. Mirio lowered her once more, settling her a little higher on his hip so she could still see over the gyrating audience. 
It looked like Ochaco was hard at work, several people closer to the stage beginning to hover above the main crowd. There were lasers sparkling brilliantly through the foggy atmosphere, more pyrotechnics erupting from the stage, were those doves-? It was all so bright, so vibrant, Mirio very nearly missed what happened next.
The music was building to what seemed to be a final crescendo and you tugged on his sleeve, pointing at Eri when he looked down at you. Mirio jerked his eyes back up, feeling Eri's arm slide past his face even as he did.
The small child had her hands over her head, waving the streamer in the air as she smiled broadly in blatant, unrestrained delight. The joy was evident on her face, her eyes alight with what seemed to be a mixture of wonder and glee. 
It was as if Chisaki's shadow had finally released its stranglehold on her, banished in the brilliant glow of that hard-won smile.
Are you seeing this? Midoriya…Sir! Look at her! She's smiling!
Despite his best efforts Mirio felt a sob grip his throat. The young man hurriedly ducked his face into his shoulder to hide his tears, but something soft touched his cheek and he flinched, opening his eyes. It was you, because of course it was you, gently daubing away the moisture with a tissue. You smiled at him, your own eyes suspiciously damp. 
Mirio's heart lurched in his throat. He couldn't help but laugh freely, pulling you into his side and giving you an elated kiss on the cheek without even thinking about it.
"Thank you!" He shouted over the music, trying to enunciate so you would still be able to understand him even if you couldn't hear. "Thank you, thank you so much." 
You simply nodded in reply, wrapping your arm around his waist.
An enormous weight seemed to have been lifted off of Mirio at the sight of Eri's smile. It was a thing of beauty, the large blond man clearly torn between laughing and crying. You found yourself emotional as well, doing your best to rein it in before you went full waterworks. You were only here in an auxiliary role, after all! It wouldn't look very professional if you were caught sobbing hysterically, so you set your jaw and mentally begged your lower lip to quit quivering already!
At least you didn't have to hide your smile, even if it wavered a little.
You definitely didn't mind Mirio hauling you into a one-armed hug, his body warm and solid against your own as he tried to say something over the music. It might have been a thank you but you were unsure, so you settled for a polite nod even as your hand rested gingerly on his waist. After a moment his own hand slid down to your hip, keeping you tucked into his side. 
The show ended with a bang and Eri began clamoring to go see Midoriya once she took off the ear muffs. You weren't sure if you imagined the reluctant way Mirio released you, his hand lingering on your lower back longer than it seemed to need to. 
He had kissed you. 
You froze, the reality of what Mirio had done sinking in. Granted, it was just a little peck on the cheek, but still! Heat flushed your face and you glanced around guiltily, wondering if any of your coworkers had been in the crowd near you. 
Togata's hand grabbed your own, startling you somewhat. "We have to go against the crowd to get to Midoriya!" He explained over the noise. "Stay behind me, okay?" 
Eri waved at you from her new perch on Mirio's shoulders, still smiling even as she smoothed down his spiked hair. You couldn't help but smile back at her, struck once more by how happy she looked.
Mirio trudged through the students and faculty on his way to the stage, occasionally detouring or pausing briefly to let larger groups move past him. At one point the two of you were separated and you called out his name, only to hear Mirio laugh and reply, "Polo!" off to your left. He didn't let go of your hand after that, simply angling his arm so that you were slightly behind him. His other hand rested against Eri's shin, keeping her steady on his shoulders. 
He had shoved the sleeves of his varsity jacket up to his elbows, no doubt in response to the elevated heat inside the gymnasium. In an effort to ignore the fingers intertwined with your own, you studied the scars on his forearm. Some were clearly from whatever tussle he, Midoriya and Eri had been involved in, the healed skin still fresh and nearly purple in hue. Then there were older ones further up his arm, silvered with age and half-covered by his jacket. You wondered at them a bit, but the world had always been a dangerous place whether you had a Quirk or not. 
Your gaze traveled up his shoulder to his face, currently in profile as he glanced around trying to find an opening in the crowd, and you simply watched him. Your mind was suddenly full of the thoughts that you had been trying to avoid, embarrassing you to the point that you forced yourself to look away.
"Hey, good work buddy!" Mirio praised Midoriya as he set Eri down. You hovered a few feet away after he released your hand, which he didn't quite understand. Were you still worried about losing track of him? It was much less crowded backstage!
"That was crazy!" Eri erupted, her grin still in full effect. "At first when there was a loud noise it was scary, but then everyone was jumping with the dance-" she raised her arms over her head and started bouncing in place, "and then there was a flash and Deku, you went away for a little bit, and the guy started flying in the air!"
Mirio had been mimicking Eri's motions while she spoke, his own excitement fueling the childish action. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of Midoriya's expression, the other student looking absolutely overjoyed. 
"-and a bunch of people said 'wow' and you know what I said?" Eri asked Midoriya, her eyes shining with excitement. She didn't bother waiting for an answer, simply exclaiming, "wow' too! It was so fun!"
Deku inhaled raggedly, the younger man using his arm to wipe away the tears that had started welling up in his eyes. "I'm glad you had such a good time, Eri." He said sincerely. 
"All thanks to you!" Mirio clapped the other man on the shoulder. "You and the rest of your class really pulled out all the stops, y'know?"
"Absolutely!" You chimed in, giving Midoriya a thumbs up. "What's next on the Class 1-A agenda for the day?"
"Well, Mineta really wants us all to hurry with the clean up, he's excited to get to see the beauty pageant." Izuku gestured at the smaller young man, who did indeed seem to be working himself into a frenzy. "So I guess we'll head over there once we're done."
"Beauty pageant!" Eri cheered. "Will we see your friend, Mirio?"
"Of course! We should get over there now, we have to get good seats." At those words Togata heard Mineta begin to huff, the younger man scuttling past him lugging a bucket full of ice while muttering curses under his breath. "Watch the language, buddy!" The upperclassman warned him with a smile.
The beauty pageant was…well it was something. Mirio was a little confused by the whole affair, if he was being honest, but Nejire did a fun sort of dance in midair and she seemed like she was enjoying herself. Of course she got his vote. Yours too! You were obviously dazzled by her display. Eri was just thrilled to watch the princess-esque students go through their routines, the show already a clear high moment of her day.
After the pageant Mirio dedicated his time to winning the games at the various booths, the young man determined to send Eri home with a mountain of prizes. His efforts were not exactly fruitful, however. 
Down to his last ball on a milk-bottle game, he surrendered it to you instead. You, to his utter bewilderment, actually managed to knock the bottles over and win! Every time he had tried, the bottles just refused to topple.
"There's a trick to it," was your nonchalant explanation around a stuffed unicorn that was half the size of your own body. "Hang on to this for Eri, would you? I wanna' see if they have a duck pond." You leaned in, the unicorn ending up mashed against Mirio's shoulder. "Eri can win that one easy." You continued in an undertone. 
Mirio nodded rapidly as he draped the pastel unicorn over his shoulder, thrilled that the both of you seemed to be on the same page. 
Luckily, a booth touting the aforementioned game was mere steps away. It was a simple pink plastic kiddie pool, filled with water and a plethora of rubber ducks that looked like they had been scavenged from the student body instead of bought in bulk. No two were alike! There were red ones with devil horns, blue ones with sunglasses, even a few with tiny hats. 
Eri rushed forward, the child seeming elated that a game was actually at her height. She then hesitated mere inches away, fidgeting as the booth vendor patiently explained the rules to her. 
Mirio lingered a few feet back, scanning the crowd a little more fiercely than he meant to. But this was important, and he would be damned if Eri's first carnival game was interrupted by anything less than a world-ending event.
"Okay, here we go." You muttered, and Mirio noticed you crossing your fingers. "She's totally got this."
Eri pulled up a pair of ducks, checking the bottoms for matching symbols. A pink circle and a green star were revealed, however.
Mirio groaned silently, but immediately perked back up when the vendor held up one finger. Okay, okay! She gets more than one try! The young man clenched his fists, leaning forward slightly in an effort to see the ducks a little better. 
Eri took a moment to study the pond, her eyes narrowing in concentration. To no avail though, the next pair she picked was an orange square and a red triangle. 
The vendor held up a second finger and Mirio began mentally debating whether he would be bribing this student. On the one hand, it was a dilemma of ethics and morals. But on the other, Eri really, really needed a win to keep the ball rolling–
"Congratulations! You've won a prize!" 
Mirio jerked his head up, blinking in confusion. Eri held two matching ducks, both with green stars on the bottom. The little girl smiled ear to ear once more as she happily accepted her winnings, a purple pencil case with a variety of ducks on it. "Mirio! Look!" She exclaimed, bolting back to the young man. 
"Gosh, I guess you really ducked out!" Mirio heard you groan at his pun and it only served to widen his grin. He took Eri's hand and then extended his other to you. "C'mon, there's still so much to see and do!"
"I had a great time today." You murmured to Mirio, pretending to straighten Eri's hair out in an effort to avoid eye contact. 
"Hey, that's my line." was the young man's equally-soft reply as he shifted Eri's dead weight in his arms. The little girl had finally succumbed to her exhaustion moments before, heavy eyes drooping and sliding closed even in the midst of such intense stimuli. You had no doubt that she would need a few days to recover from all this excitement.
You too, if you were being honest with yourself! Mirio seemed to have boundless energy, the man darting from booth to activity with all the enthusiasm of a person half his age. It was endearing, if nothing else. You couldn't help but feel a bit sad that after today, things would return to how they were. "I don't want this to end." You admitted quietly, still fidgeting with Eri's long locks. 
A hand cupped your chin and you found yourself looking up at Mirio, the blond man's expression oddly serious. "It…I-I mean, it doesn't have to be over. If…er, i-if you don't want it to be, that is." The uncharacteristic stammering caught you off-guard, your brow furrowing as you tried to piece together what he meant.
Suddenly, "there you are!" rang out from behind you, making you jump and nearly drop all the stuffed animals you and Mirio had won for Eri. It was Midoriya, the younger man's face becoming apologetic when Mirio shushed him. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you, Eri. I made you something though!" He said excitedly, unwrapping the plastic-swathed object in his hand. 
Eri rubbed her eyes, staring down at the bright red candy apple. "What is…what is that?" She asked quizzically.
"A candy apple! You remember, Mirio told you about them. They're covered in super crackly sugar!" Deku explained, picking the treat up and passing it to her. "Be really careful with your shirt, okay? The red will stain it, trust me." With a touch of amusement, you noticed crimson splotches still lurking in the lines of his palms and knuckles. 
The child immediately bit into the apple, the crunch of the sugar coating meeting your ears. "Oh wow." She mumbled into the fruit, not resisting as you rushed to tie her hair back in a low ponytail. The last thing you wanted any of the staff to have to deal with tonight was trying to get red, sticky residue out of her nearly colorless hair! 
"Where did you even get that?! We looked everywhere!" Mirio queried, obviously dismayed that he had failed. 
"I couldn't find any booths that had them, so I improvised and got some help from Sato." Izuku replied, smiling. 
"Wow, that was really…" you paused for effect, aiming finger guns at the younger man, "sweet of him to give you a hand."
Midoriya groaned while Mirio's delighted peals of laughter rang out. "Guess I should have seen that one coming." The underclassman allowed ruefully, quickly smiling once more when Eri thanked him profusely for the confection that was currently staining her chin. "I'm just glad I caught you guys before you left! You must be pretty tired. It's been a long day!"
"Yeah, but I can say with confidence that this has been one of the best days I've ever had." Togata said sincerely, shaking Midoriya's hand. "And it's all thanks to you guys! Your class, you-"
"Whoa, and what about you?! Everything that you did to make sure that we could even have Eri come…you've done so much to help out!" Deku protested, a little red in the face. 
"Guess we all worked hard for this moment, right?" The blond reasoned, tilting his head to offer you a warm smile. "Us, and Eri too!" 
Eri took her eyes off of her apple for the barest moment, her serious nod making Mirio chuckle.
Professor Aizawa meandered up as Midoriya was about to say his goodbyes, the older man looking more weary than usual. "I trust there were no further issues?" He asked, those piercing eyes oddly trained on Deku, who rushed through a farewell and then bolted.
"'Further issues'?" Mirio repeated, cocking his head to one side. 
Aizawa sighed heavily. "I'll explain later. For now, I'm here to escort you three back to the medical center."
"Mr. Aizawa, I got to see a loud show and there were ducks in a pond!" Eri announced, the copious amounts of sugar in the candy apple no doubt perking her back up. 
You were stunned when Professor Aizawa gave the child a thin smile. "That's great news, kiddo. Anything else happen?"
"Mirio tried to win a bottle game, there was lots of food and I saw two people get to fly today! I had a hot dog for lunch, and all kinds of snacks, and I gave a little bird some fries because he seemed hungry-" As Eri carried on regaling the professor with the tale of her very full day, you watched the older man's harsh glare soften. Evidently he had been just as worried as the rest of you, if not moreso! You got the feeling that there may have been an incident earlier in the day.
"Someone tried to attack this morning?!" Retroactive panic washed over Mirio in a cold sweat, the young man clenching his fists as memories from Eri's rescue flooded his mind. There was an attack and I didn't even notice?!
Aizawa grimaced, rubbing his temples. "It's not exactly so cut and dry, Mirio. Technically yes, but the situation was managed. Improperly managed. Midoriya is lucky Hound Dog didn't shake him to death."
Midoriya. So the underclassman had ended up being their first line of defense? Mirio wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that. Talk about having a full day! Midoriya seemed totally unphased when we saw him. I guess that was just a show to keep Eri's spirits up. "I'm glad we still got to go through with the festival." The blond man remarked after sorting out his thoughts.
"That was Midoriya's reasoning. He wanted the festival to happen no matter what, I guess." Professor Aizawa shook his head. "He didn't want to alert the pros because he thought it would risk the festival's cancellation. Regardless, he should have called for backup. He's on campus cleaning duty until further notice, so you may see him a little less."
"I'm happy he's safe." You said, unconsciously echoing Mirio's own sentiments. "It couldn't have been easy to deal with a threat all on his own."
"He didn't have to deal with it all on his own." Aizawa grumbled, obviously annoyed. "Kid's got guts and he's smart, but damn he's stupid." He straightened up after a moment, adjusting his scarf. "Alright, I trust the two of you can at least manage to return to your housing without further incident?"
"Of course! You can count on me, teach!" Mirio assured the older man, and then turned to you. "Well, we'd better get you back safe and sound!"
You nodded, falling into step alongside the blond. Mirio hadn't anticipated the silence that stretched awkwardly between the two of you, and he wracked his brain for some light topic of conversation. 
Before he could think of something, you spoke up.
"You and Midoriya had a really difficult time when there was the incident with Eri, didn't you?" 
Mirio was caught off-guard by your odd opener, clearing his throat. "Well, uh. Yes." He admitted bluntly. "As you know, I lost my Quirk. Hopefully temporarily! But still, it wasn't…" Mirio trailed off, the thought of Sir Nighteye threatening to choke him up. "It wasn't a simple mission." 
"Did today make everything worth it?" Your voice was soft, uncertain, and you refused to meet his gaze.
There was no way. You had never had a Quirk of your own, but they seemed to be so intertwined with someone's personality and sense of self…there was no way you could imagine the thought of losing such an important piece of your identity.
There was just no way that Mirio's hurt or Midoriya's guilt could be erased with the smile of a little girl.
And yet you hoped so hard, with every fiber of your being, that maybe, just maybe, it could. That maybe the triumph of the day had been enough to, if nothing else, ease the pain, even a little.
"Absolutely." Mirio's reply was instantaneous; he didn't even think before he responded. "I wasn't kidding when I said today was one of the best days of my life." 
You couldn't help the way you were staring at him, you just really hadn't anticipated such a quick and succinct answer! 
"What?" He queried, "Is there something on my face?"
"Well, no, I just…I guess I'm confused is all." You fumbled to explain yourself. "You lost the use of something important, and Midoriya…I mean you both suffered pretty extensive injuries from what I remember, and while I didn't have any of the specifics it just…it doesn't seem like it would even out in the end to me." You reasoned frantically, hoping that he wouldn't think you were rude. 
"To me it does." Mirio's smile was serene. "Life is full of stuff like that though! The things that seem little to other people, but to you…" he hesitated, seeming to search for the right words. "To you, it's the thing that brings you happiness in a day. Like sixteen bouquets of flowers crammed onto a windowsill!" He laughed. "Sure, a smile doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but when you think about it, it's the biggest deal."
You cast your mind back to when you had watched Mirio notice Eri smiling, the progression of emotions that had occurred on his face within the span of bare seconds. The grief, the heartbreak, the joy, and the tears that had come with it. Seeing him so emotional had stirred your own heart, but it was also bewildering. 
All this, for one little girl's smile?
Maybe it wasn't for you to understand. His healing was his own, after all, and it wasn't really your place to question his happiness. You hadn't been involved in Eri's retrieval, you had no idea what may have transpired, you probably shouldn't have said anything–
Clearly you had been silent for too long, because Togata quietly said, "I know it seems silly to you." 
"It's not that! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry or be insensitive. If it makes you happy, then that makes me happy too." You rushed to say, smiling afterwards. "It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that, right? I'm happy you're happy."
The tall blond stared down at you as the two of you walked, his brow furrowed in thought. "Today made me happy." He finally said, his words chosen with care. "I enjoy spending time with you."
You blinked. What?
"I'd like to…" Mirio paused, beginning to fidget. "I-I'd like to spend more time with you, maybe?" 
"What, like…tonight?" You managed to croak, nervous laughter bubbling out of you when Mirio's shoulders jolted up around his rapidly-reddening ears.
"What?! No, not like--I-I mean, I wasn't suggesting that!" He frantically tried to backtrack, shaking his head. "I-I just meant maybe we could go get lunch! Sometime! When you have time! L-Like a date!" His voice was getting louder and louder, forcing you to tug on the hem of his jacket to bring him down a notch. 
"I would like nothing more than to get lunch with you." You stated plainly, making Mirio slow to a halt. You took a few more steps and then looked back at him, a bit confused. Was that the wrong answer? "Are…are you okay with that?" You asked tentatively.
"I…Yes! Absolutely! I'm super okay with that!" Togata replied frantically, loud all over again. "You make me feel good and I'd like to make you feel g--wait, no, that came out wrong, I promise I'm not--er, I mean, when would you-?"
"As soon as possible." You interrupted his rambling, laughing at his nonplussed expression. "Tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow! Tomorrow works!" A broad grin stretched across Mirio's face, brightening his entire visage. "I'll see you tomorrow, then!" Suddenly, his smile faded. "Oh sorry, I…uh, I promised Eri she and I would have a lunch date tomorrow."
He looked so crestfallen that you nearly started laughing all over again. "Hey, don't worry about it! Tomorrow night, then?" You suggested. "We can get something from Lunch Rush, if you're alright with everyone knowing about this."
"Oh geez, people are going to talk." Mirio groaned, his cheeks pinking up. "Nejire especially."
"We can always order something to campus, if you're worried about that. Or we could go to Lunch Rush at separate times and eat together in my quarters." While placing a reassuring hand on his arm you gently reminded him, "people will always talk."
"No way! If I'm going to be a pro hero someday, I can't get spooked by public relations now!" Mirio reasoned, his hand landing on top of your own. "Tomorrow night."
"Tomorrow night." You agreed, leaning into his side for the last stretch of distance the two of you had to walk to your housing. "Looks like this is where I'll have to leave you."
"Uh." Mirio seemed nervous all over again, his free hand jammed deep into the pocket of his varsity jacket. "I…er, I-I don't suppose I could give you a goodnight kiss?" He managed to stammer out, his tone hopeful.
"Awesome!" Mirio exclaimed. You closed your eyes in anticipation, but you were met with him giving you a simple peck on the cheek. 
You tilted your head, certain that your disappointment was a little too obvious. "That's it?"
"Oh! Oh, you wanted--oh." Mirio swallowed hard. "You're sure? I…I mean it might not be any good, haven't had much time to practice." He tried to joke. 
"If you'd rather not, it's-" 
"No! I-I do, I have for a while." Togata admitted, stunning you with the confession. "I really…I really like you." He then inhaled, squaring his shoulders. "Okay. I'm gonna' give it a shot!"
This time was…a bit different. 
His hands came up to cup your face and you could feel him trembling slightly. As Mirio leaned in, you closed your eyes yet again in a desperate bid to cling to your composure. His mouth met yours and, instead of immediately retreating like you had expected, Mirio slid one hand to cradle the back of your neck while he deepened the kiss.
When the two of you finally parted you were both flustered; you were panting and Mirio's face was bright pink. "Was that…okay?" He asked hesitantly, seemingly unaware that you were still trying to catch your breath.
"That was way better than okay." You huffed, making him laugh and punch the air victoriously. "Who the hell taught you how to kiss like that?"
"Huh? Uh, no one. I just kinda'...I mean I've seen a few movies, and they always…you know what, that's not important! We have a date tomorrow night and it's already pretty late, I should let you get some rest!" Togata responded in a rush, one hand on the small of your back ushering you through the entryway of your housing unit. "Have sweet dreams, okay cutie? I'll see you tomorrow."
"Hey, wait-!" You began to protest, a bit more than interested in what exactly he had been watching, only for him to cut you off with another kiss. Then, Mirio bolted back outside before you could recover, the blond man leaving you leaning against the wall next to the elevator in a somewhat-rumpled state. 
All you heard over the sound of your heart pounding was an elated, far-off shout of, "power!" which in turn made you burst out laughing.
What a nerd!
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shatterthefragments · 5 months
✨ End of Year Questions ✨
Tagged by @ongreenergrasses 💖
I also didn’t think I created much this year, and. To be completely honest, I didn’t really make much new art, and what I did I didn’t really post here. Most of what I’ve done this year is really continue writing snippets of lyrics/verses/poetry in my notes. Hoping to make more time for a lot of things this year!
What is the favourite thing you created?
A sailboat reduction print (lino style but on a literal disposable plate)
Which work are you most proud of?
Honestly, either that same sailboat print or some of the poetry/lyric snippets I’ve written this year. Or the leather medicine pouch (also created for my class final project)
Is there anything you’re proud that you achieved this year?
I’m proud that I created anything at all outside of class requirements (I took one art centred course at the beginning of the year, which my sailboat print was created in)
Did you explore anything new this year?
Not so much for creating, but I did get stickers made of some of my previous work to sell at fairs and whatnot.
Wait no the leather medicine pouch - I haven’t done much leatherwork yet though I really want to create super long lasting functional pieces and textiles is very new to me and is a way of connecting to my grandmothers’ past. And I also joined a sewing/quilting club at school (which doesn’t seem to be running this year but I have no time anyway this semester so that’s fine) (I have not finished the sewing supply bag project we started)
Which work gave you the most difficulty?
Anything finished haha. I am still striving to fully finish and edit and refine some of my lyrics into songs (eventually to try to record and produce with whatever free and/or cheap software I can find).
Also some of the more unusual custom cake requests at work were difficult to do but they worked out.
And textiles can be. Frustrating.
What was your biggest creative challenge this year?
Finding time to create. I definitely took this as a year to go and do things that I. Had to go to. And while I probably could’ve brought a mini sketchbook with me, I didn’t usually.
Which work brought you the most joy?
A birthday card I did for a friend. It’s a pen sketch of their favourite beach (at least the view I got when I took a quick visit and picture of it)
Which of your works do you think people should check out?
…from 2023 nothing is posted unless you’re on my personal instagram or something. (Unless I did post my year of the water rabbit watercolour paintings? In which case - those.)
Otherwise my Creating Awl Together story/series (once I make time to create more for it 😅)
Do you have creative plans for the new year? Is there anything exciting that you’re working on?
Oh always 🥺💖✨
I accidentally made a new years resolution to record one of the songs I’ve written,, but also I want it to be. Better than the literal middle school vent lyrics I’ve written.. so we are. Trying to write some new stuff and upgrade to… mid twenties vent lyrics… (and some like!?! Joyful lyrics too?!?!) (I’m actually excited and terrified and don’t really play any instruments right now and what I played on flute isn’t really necessarily the vibe for what’s in my head?? But it could have a place so I’ll probably play again and if need be I could probably rent a tenor sax for a day or so.) so. Next up is learning (or throwing together) a bit of music production (I am currently gathering royalty free free samples from anywhere I find them more or less)
I really want to draw a lot more this year!!
And paint more again!!
And of some of these drawings I want to transfer them to be lino cut or dry point and do them as prints!!!
I have several quilts I want to make!! I’m going to start really small though to. Learn how to sew them haha 😅 But I hope my first quilt is a lovely sea turtle themed quilt for one of my best friends’ cat. Or a lap quilt for mum. I. Realistically I don’t think I’ll get to this before the end of the year.
I want to paint more ceramic pieces at the paint your own ceramics place (I have. Several pieces that I just need to finish painting)
More cards that I drew on~ I have a bit more energy than last year despite everything it seems right now so I am hoping I can continue to draw on cards for my friends 💖
This shall be the year I finish my dogs out doodle (barefoot ship life!!!)
Lastly, any words of wisdom or advice to share?
To myself: just try. Just try. Just do. It can be whatever. Just create something. Just create anything. Joy, catharsis, one single line. Anything you can.
Given how late I filled this out I’m not tagging anyone 😬
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pollenallergie · 8 months
at the risk of being a bummer on main…
does anyone else feel like this world just does not work for them? especially in terms of work/the workforce. like all jobs nowadays emphasize speed and getting things done quickly and efficiently and like… that’s never been me. i do things very accurately and precisely, but only if i’m allowed to take my time with them (aka do them slowly), but no one wants that because there’s people out there that can do things both precisely and quickly. like university, the workplace, everything is about competition and how you measure up against your peers and i hate that because i’m not like my peers. i can’t go quickly and i can’t take a full course load and also work part time. at this point, i’m drowning just taking two classes (7 credit hours) and working 17 hours, but i know most people would consider that workload easy and it’s just… it’s not for me, but i feel like it should be? because everyone expects people to do more than that? but i just can’t, it’s destroying me; i’m the most depressed i’ve been in years… like i haven’t felt this way since i was 16/17. i just can’t help but feel like i’m lazy and irresponsible and lacking integrity and like i’m some spoiled child who can’t survive in the “real world,” but like fuck, man, this is difficult! i know life’s difficult, but this feels like it’s maybe more difficult than it should be?? like to the point where i don’t even wanna leave my bed most mornings and the job that i once loved and treasured is now feeling like more of a burden than anything. and i know i should be grateful because i’ve been afforded so many opportunities and privileges that most people will never get, but i just can’t help but be resentful because i’m not happy and i’m not doing well. i keep trying to push myself because i know that’s what i need to do, but that honestly just keeps making things worse. i just wish that the world could slow down a little bit so that i could get a chance to catch up. honestly, at this point, i’m not even sure if i want to finish my degree even though i’m so close (this is literally my last semester at this college, then i can move on to working towards my bachelor’s elsewhere). i feel like i should be doing more, heaps more, but i also wish i could be doing significantly less. i can’t compete with everyone else and i don’t want to. i just want a fucking break, a break that i can take without feeling horribly guilty for it. i just feel like i was never meant to succeed in this world, like i was doomed to fail. why are the things that are normal and baseline for everyone else so goddamn hard for me? why can’t i do the bare minimum? like what’s wrong with me??
the only thing that brings me joy right now is writing (not even fanfiction, just shit for me to read) and i just… i have zero time for that. i don’t have time for hobbies in general because i’m slow (i mean literally slow, like slow-paced, not in the derogatory way), so i take a super long time to do anything and everything. i’ve always been that way with everything. i think i thought it would get better with age, but it’s just not.
i feel like most people out there with adhd are able to live perfectly normally lives, so why do i struggle so much with doing just the bare minimum of that??
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Chapter 3 part 2 Plz
I'm using this specific comment to make a point, so please bare with me:
In the last few weeks, I have been receiving dms demanding me to make very specific art on this blog in a very impolite manner involving the creation of alternate accounts and responses left on irrelevant posts on my personal twitter.
Understand one thing about me: I take my personal spaces very seriously. I don't have to share this story with ANY of you, but because it brings me joy to see people interact with my work, I do. I have no obligation to continue pushing out content, so I think the least people can do is wait patiently for when responses do come out.
I just finished my first two weeks of this semester of college, and it's been proving that I need to dedicate more time to my work, which means responses may be staggered a bit until I can work out a better schedule. If there is one thing that turns me off more about art, it's when some is trying to rush me with comments like these.
I intend to finish the story I started, but it will not be on your time; it is on MY time.
I hold the final say in all things regarding my story and rude behavior in my dms will result in an immediate block.
Most of you know this, but in case some of you don't know, I will say this as clearly as I can:
There is a person behind this blog, and that person is doing all this because she wants to create a fun space for people to interact with her story.
If you have any issues with that, there is no shame in leaving or even blocking me.
Life is too short to be making other people's lives difficult.
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siena-sevenwits · 2 years
1, 5, 6, 13, 17, and 30, for the book asks, please?
What are you currently reading?
Most recently, My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. I have a number of other things on the go, but this is the read aloud with my brother, which is always "the main book."
“My childhood in Corfu shaped my life. If I had the craft of Merlin, I would give every child the gift of my childhood.” - My Family and Other Animals
5. Where do you love to read?
Already answered, but I will add another place. At my parents, there is always a pile of "fuzzies" (throw blankets) in the corner. I love getting a fuzzy and reading sitting on the floor by the black leather couch.
6. What is your ideal reading atmosphere? background noise or silent? alone or with others?
Generally speaking, I like to be alone where it's relatively quiet. Just me, my book, and the stillness.
But it is brilliant when the person you are reading aloud to is as glued to the tale as you are, and you can gasp together and theorize and give knowing smiles. And it means you get to do the voices and be creative in the way you read it.
13. What books make you happy?
Books that were in my life in the formative moments, difficult or happy.
For example, Nicholas Nickleby was my first Dickens I read on my own as a kid, but it came back for me in college when I was in a bad place with mental health, and helped remind me who I was and about joy. It came back again when I got to teach a full semester course on it with the most warm-hearted students ever. I don't even know how much I care about the substance of it anymore - it's so chock full of things important to me by association. The works of Dickens in general are very important to me.
LOTR is in my blood and bones - it probably helped make them.
Twilight Robbery by Frances Hardinge helped me discover who I was as a writer in adulthood.
I don't quite know what my life would look like without all the ways Shakespeare has touched it.
The Stormlight Archive was in my life just when I needed it.
That's not a list of my favourite books, but just random examples of books I needed/helped shape me, and so give me great joy now.
17. Policy on book-lending?
The proper answer trained into me by my family was never to lend books, BUT - I will lend you any book you want. Either it's a book I don't care about, so why not, OR it's a book I do care about, in which case, PLEASE PLEASE borrow it! I will lend you the rest of that author's works too! We can talk about them! TAKE 'EM! TAKE 'EM! I will try not to ask you what part you're at too often.
30. Favourite book this year?
Maybe The Goblin Emperor?
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zjunjie5306056 · 2 years
IDES1262 WEEK 10 - Completing the loop.
This word is a very meaningful word. It feels like taking the first step in the field of design. Before this semester, I couldn't say I had much expertise in industrial design, but now the environment is different. During this semester, I have uploaded many works to Tumble, and after each upload, I habitually refer to the assignments uploaded by other students this week. Going to find something worthwhile for me to learn and improve, it's hard to imagine me drawing, engineering, sketching, 3D modeling and 3D printing in just ten weeks. When I was unable to participate in offline courses, I was unable to communicate face-to-face, and the happiness of completing these projects increased a lot. What impressed me the most was the 3ds modeling in week 8, I found a lot of information and a lot of instructions about the video to explore it. Helped me get acquainted with modeling, but at first I thought it was a bug in the software because the installed version dropped from time to time. Later, I found out that it was my operation error that caused the 3ds to stop running. Later, the teacher uploaded a teaching video in the teams. I really thank him. I was eager to master this skill from the start. To be honest, the early part of the semester was full of questions in my mind, like whether I might actually get used to the new software. How can I fully master these technologies especially when I cannot fully commit to online classes due to technical issues. Sometimes I can't think about this mess because it's confusing me all the time. I need to thank the instructor for recording the tutorials taught by most of the techniques. In this short ten weeks, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge in completing these projects, which will be of great help to me in the future study. It was a great opportunity for me as I browsed through these recordings and replays, which was more convenient than my need for instructional videos and technical terminology online. Confidence is built gradually in the process. It's a difficult term, but it still makes sense. I love the joy it brings me in this learning process, and that's why I keep learning and improving.
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purplenurple777 · 1 year
Happiness Blog- #1
Reading The How of Happiness while enduring one of the more unhappy times in my life seemed a little cruel at first, but now I am very grateful for it. One of the things that makes this book a reliable read is the fact that it is based on empirical research. Beginning this title, I was skeptical of it being another know-it-all author pandering to their audience and spouting claims that they cannot substantiate with anything other than a “trust me bro,” but this book is actually heavily rooted in science. In the first chapter, “Is it possible to become happier?” I was intrigued to read about what determines happiness. While reading through the traits and practices that happier people typically show I found myself nodding along in agreement. The happiest people I know carried a majority if not all of the factors listed. One of the happiest people I’ve ever known is a sixty year old server name Fran who I have had the pleasure of working with for years, she is one of the best coworkers to have because she goes out of her way to help anyone who is weeded, always comes to work with a smile on her face, but doesn’t shy away from more difficult topics and emotions. She will let you cry on her shoulder and cry with you while she is at it. 
In chapter two, “How happy are you and why?” I was confronted with a whopping depression score of 41. I did not want to take this assessment originally because I felt that my current mental state was not a fair or accurate representation of my normal ‘happy-go-lucky’ self. I began the week by breaking up with someone I probably never should have dated, then I tried to convince myself I was over it by “getting back out there” only to realize I am most definitely not over it. When I wasn’t thinking about my ex my thoughts were oscillating between a state of existential dread and self depreciation. The cherry on top of this week was my receiving a call that my family's german shepherd was run over and killed by a car on Thursday. I so desperately wanted to begin the semester on a high note because it is my last one in undergrad, but sometimes life has other plans. That being said, while I sound miserable and pessimistic - employing simple gratitude techniques has helped me to get through this week. There is so much to be grateful for, and in moments like this you have to cling to that. An attitude of gratitude has been one of the quickest ways to halt a spiral for me. I know it was effective for severely depressed people within the chapter as well.
Chapter two delved into factors that many think are synonymous with happiness such as material wealth and beauty. Sonya uses research to debunk the claim that things like money and good looks bring little more than temporary contentment instead of long term happiness. The idea that physical attractiveness does not correlate with happiness is difficult to believe at first. Countless industries make billions of dollars every year from peoples endless pursuits to become more beautiful. Plastic surgery, cosmetics, trainers, diets, et cetera. But as I continued reading, the passage began to remind me of an article from the magazine blood knife titled, Everyone is beautiful and no one is horny. The article examines the idea of toxic beautification and fetishization of the human form through the lens of cinema. While I cannot do the article justice through attempting to summarize it, one of the more impactful quotes is this, 
“A body is no longer a holistic system. It is not the vehicle through which we experience joy and pleasure during our brief time in the land of the living. It is not a home to live in and be happy. It, too, is a collection of features: six pack, thigh gap. And these features exist not to make our lives more comfortable, but to increase the value of our assets. Our bodies are investments, which must always be optimized to bring us… what, exactly? Some vague sense of better living? Is a life without bread objectively better than a life with it? When we were children, did we dream of counting every calorie and logging every step?” https://bloodknife.com/everyone-beautiful-no-one-horny/ 
I believe both the article and book bring about many thought provoking questions, the one at the forefront of my mind being “What is the point of having a beautiful body if you are miserable in the pursuit or achievement of it?” 
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