#there's a few things that look off in this drawing but i'm too lazy to continue rendering rn
itsnotmourn · 2 days
Not ship chart related but I think your art is so pretty!! Do you have any tips? Especially with coloring if it’s okay <] (/nf)
waah thank you very much! i'll try and explain but here’s my colouring-specific tips, or at least how i choose my colours !! <3
unless for stylistic reasons (e.g. greyscale drawing), i personally avoid pure black, greys and white for colouring. go and choose off-colours instead! for lineart, black is okay but i always go for an actual colour anyways heheh. for the background colour of your canvas, sometimes an actual colour (rather than white or grey) may help you pick your palette to be more harmonised!
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following this, i also don't like using pure/neon for colours, unless it's for a certain aesthetic or artstyle (e.g. the character has a "toxic/radioactive" aesthetic; the character is a scenedog (or similiar); or highlights). see below for examples! they may be subtle but sometimes the subtly can make the difference you are looking for... if you're looking for a natural look. if you're aiming for the bright/old 2000's artstyle, then pure/neons may be your friend!
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when i'm casually drawing characters (oc or not), i rarely colour-pick from the reference image. i find that when you're "forced to make the palette", it can come out more pleasing to your style/atmosphere of the drawing! it’s more personalised that way... like yea, that’s my favourite versions of those colours! i'm not saying that my colours are better though, only that "hey that's me! in those colours!!" you can have the reference image on the side or go by memory. here’s me doing this with pride flags:
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nowadays, when drawing the spooky month characters—who have simple designs god bless—i can just imagine their reference and adjust the colours in my head lol example: if i know that Lila's colour palette is purple, and that her winter sweater is coloured lighter than her hair, then i can just go ahead and pick whatever shade i want following that rule!
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(of course, always double check with the actual reference for physical design inaccuracies and skin tone if it applies. my advice above is just for general hair/clothing colours! …because yknow you don't want to accidentally whitewash a character's skin in the name of aesthetics lol. if you’re unsure and want to be on the careful side, please do colour pick the skin at least !!)
moving on... gradient maps and certain blending modes (like exclusion, luminosity and darken) can be a game changer too. for normal drawings (e.g. drawings with no environment), i use darken the most because it changes a few colours rather than the entire piece... (the percentages are opacity levels!)
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oh and as a really basic shading tip without using blending modes: sometimes, you just gotta go for grey. shading a warmer colour? use grey to make a cool tone. shading a cool colour? use grey to make a warm tone. not all the time (because you don’t wanna make your shading seem muddy), just sometimes…
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and that's that! there's always exceptions to rules and often times, your headshot doodle ends up as one big experimental mess (in a fun way, hopefully)!
this is how i choose my colours though most of the time, it is just me going “good enough”
i think we're pretty similar on how we like warm colours! i enjoy going the simple/lazy route and avoid blend modes but then again, shading is a whole different thing…
hope this helps in any way !! <:3 !!! <3
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recountingsheep · 1 year
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steal your heart 🫀
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wombywoo · 8 months
Ok! I've finally decided to put together a (somewhat) comprehensive tutorial on my latest art~
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Please enjoy this little step-by-step 💁‍♀️
First things first--references!
Now I'm not saying you have to go overboard, but I always find that this is a crucial starting point in any art piece I intend on making. Especially if you're a detail freak like me and want to make it as realistic as possible 🙃
As such, your web browser should look like this at any given point:
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Since this is a historical piece, it means hours upon hours of meaningless research just to see what color the socks are, but...again. that isn't, strictly, necessary 😅
Once I've compiled all my lovely ref pics, I usually dump them into a big-ass collage ⬇️
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(I will end up not using half of these, alas :'D)
Another reference search for background material, and getting to showcase our models of choice for this occasion~
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When picking a reference for an actor or model, the main thing I keep in mind (besides prettiness 🤭) is lighting and orientation. Because I already kinda know what pose I'm gonna go with for this piece, I can look for specific angles that might fit the criteria. I should mention that I am a reference hound, and my current COD actor ref folder looks like this:
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Also keep in mind, if you're using a ref that you need to flip, make sure you adjust accordingly. This especially applies to clothing, as certain things like pants zippers and belt buckles can be quite specific ☝️
Now that we've spent countless hours googling, it's time to start with a rough sketch:
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It doesn't have to be pretty, folks, just a basic guideline of where you want the figures to be.
The next step is to define it more, and I know this looks like that 'how to draw an owl' meme, but I promise--getting from the loose sketch above to below is not that difficult.
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Things to keep in mind are--don't go too in-depth with the details, because things are still subject to change at this point. In terms of making a suitable anatomically-correct sketch, I would suggest lots of studying. This doesn't even have to be things like figure drawing, I genuinely look at people around me for inspiration all the time. Familiarize yourself with the human form, and things like weight, proportions, posing will seem a little more feasible.
It's also important at this stage to consider your composition. Remember to flip the canvas frequently to make sure you're not leaning to one side too often. I'm sure something can be said for the spiral fibonacci stuff, which I don't really try to do on purpose, but I think keeping things like symmetry and balance in mind is a good start ✌️
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Next step is just blocking in the figures. Standard. No fuss 👍
Now onto the background!
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It's frankly hilarious how many people thought I was *hand-drawing* these maps and stuff 😂😂 I cannot even begin to comprehend how insanely difficult that would be. So yeah, we're just taking the lazy copy and paste way out 🤙
I almost always prepare my backgrounds first, and this is mostly to get a general color scheme off the bat. For collage work, it's really just a matter of trial and error, sticking this here, slapping this there, etc. I like to futz around with different overlay options until I've found a nice arrangement. Advice for this is just--go nuts 🤷‍♀️
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Next, I add a few color adjustments. I tend to make at least 2 colors pop in an art piece, and low and behold, they usually tend to be red and blue ❤️💙There's something about warm/cool vibes, idk man..
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Now we move on to coloring the figures. This is just a basic block and fill, not really defining any of the details yet.
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Next, we add some cursory values. Sloppy airbrush works fine, it'll look better soon I promise 🙏
And now--rendering!
I know a lot of beginner artists are intimidated by rendering, and I can totally understand why. It's just one of those things you have to commit to 💪
I've decided to show a brief process of rendering our dear Johnny's face here:
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Starting off, I usually rely on the trusty airbrush just to get some color values going. Note--I've kept my sketch layer on top, but feel free to turn it on and off as you work, so as to not be too bound to the sketch. For now, it's just a guideline.
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This next stage may look like a huge jump, but it's really just adding more to the foundation. I try to think of it like putting on make-up in a way~ Adding contours, accentuating highlights. This is also where I start adding in more saturation, especially around areas such as ears, nose and lips. Still a bit fuzzy at this point, but that's why we keep adding to it 💪
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A boy has appeared! See--now I've removed most of the line layer, and it holds up on its own. I'll admit that in order to achieve this realistic style, you'll need lots and lots of practice and skill, which shouldn't be discouraging! Just motivate yourself with the prospect of getting to look at pretty men for countless hours 🙆‍♀️
I'll probably do a more in-depth explanation about rendering at some point, but let's keep this rolling~
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Moving forward is just a process of adding to the figures bit by bit. I do lean towards filling in each section from top to bottom, but you can feel free to pop around to certain parts that appeal to you more. I almost always do the faces first though, because if they end up sucking, I feel less guilty about scrapping it 😂 But no--I think he's pretty enough to proceed 😚
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They're coming together now 🙆‍♀️ Another helpful tip--make sure you reuse color. By that, I mean--try to incorporate various colors throughout your piece, using the eyedropper tool to keep a consistent palette. I try to put in bits of red and blue where I can
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Here they are fully rendered! Notice I've made a few subtle changes from the sketch, like adjusting the belt buckles because I made a mistake 😬 Hence why you shouldn't put too much stock in your initial sketch~
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The next step is more of a stylistic choice, but I usually go over everything with an outline, typically in a bright color like green. Occasionally, I can just use my initial line layer, but for this, I've made a brand new, cleaner line 👍
And the final step is adjusting the color and adding some text:
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Tada!! It's done!
All in all, this took me the better part of a week, but I have a lot of free time, so yeah ✌️
I hope you appreciated that little walkthrough~ I know people have been asking me how I do my art, but the truth is--I usually have no clue how to explain myself 😅 So have this half-assed tutorial~
As a bonus, here is a cute (cursed) image of Johnny without his mustache:
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A baby, a literal infant child !!! who put this wee bairn on the front lines ??! 😭
Anyway! peace out ✌️
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hoshigray · 1 year
I WANT TOJI TO GUIDE ME (like literally almost teach me) HOW TO GIVE HIM HEAD PLZZZZ
Ohhhh, I don't know how tf I'm gonna write this, but here we go!! Hope I did alright on this one hehehe~ *sweats nervously*
Cw: Toji x fem!reader - oral (m! receiving) - it starts off cute but gets dirty, so minors DNI - reader admiring Toji's dick lol - face+throat-fucking (Toji goes at a reasonable pace) - pet names (angel, baby, cutie, sweetie, mama) - heavily detailed descriptions of a blowjob - praise - Toji laughing at you asking him to help bc what are boyfriends for, but you get a laugh out of it too - some humor. Wc: 2.8k
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"You okay, kid?"
"You look lost in thought about somethin'."
"I do?" He lifts a brow and nods at you. "Oh, it's nothing, Toji, honest." The man looks at you for a few seconds as if he doesn't believe your answer, yet he goes back to watching the television, and the big hand on your shoulder brings you closer to him.
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, and you and Toji are watching your favorite sitcom on the couch in your living room. But the show wasn't capturing your attention like it usually does. Instead, your mind wandered to other matters. Other...explicit matters.
How explicit? The two of you have been together for a long while now, and you can honestly say things have been going great. For him to be your first serious relationship — plus him being older and more mature than you — it's nice to know that things have been going way smoother than you'd thought in the beginning.
Although things may seem fine, something has been clouding your head recently. This is where explicit matters come into the conversation.
Through all this time together, it just occurred to you that you haven't given Toji head. Scratch that: you've NEVER given a blowjob, period.
It's always been the other way around. Not that you're complaining, because your boyfriend seems to enjoy eating you out. And he's actually good at it! Like, really good at it. Just reminiscing all the moments he's had you turn into jelly with just his scarred lips and relentless tongue is enough to make you go dizzy.
It's a pleasure how attentive he is to you during sex. And you appreciate that he cares for you in that regard...yet you can't help but feel like you're not a good partner in bed with your lack of reciprocity.
And it's not like you don't want to give him head. Because trust, you would've done so already! The real problem is that...you don't know how.
You've watched videos and read articles on how to do it, even practicing on a banana (per your friend's advice). Nevertheless, whenever you wish to initiate; or the opportunity arises, you just freeze on the spot and force yourself to forget about it. It's as if researching and amping yourself up is way easier than the execution.
Though, you can't just let your man be the only person doing the work — sex is supposed to be enjoyable for both parties, damn it! And you're gonna push yourself to have his dick in your mouth one way or the fucking other! But......where the hell do I start!!??
You release a defeated sigh, bringing your hand up to massage your forehead from the endless banter in your brain. And Toji watches you from his peripheral, his brows drawing downward at your display of frustration. "Alright," his gruff voice snaps you back to him as he lowers the TV volume. "What's goin' on in your lil' head, baby?"
You blink at his question. "Hmm? What do you—"
"Aht aht, don't do that with me." His jade eyes harden, and you hold back from finishing whatever you were going to say. "Somethin's wrong, so tell me. I'm over here watchin' this stupid show that you dragged me on to, and you're not even paying attention."
"Hey! It is not stupid," you counterargue, and use his comment to dissuade him from the topic. "You were very invested last week when my favorite character punched the guy she likes for stabbing her in the back! So who are you to—"
"Y/n." It didn't work. Your name was thrown at you with such seriousness that there was no use in trying to distract him. "Tell me what's goin' on. If somethin' is bothering you, don't be scared to come to me about it." He says it sternly, yet he's still gentle with his delivery.
"Toji..." You can only call him by name before he leans forward to kiss your forehead, and it almost melts all your worries away.
"Tell me."
The two of you look at each other for mere seconds, you searching for any sign of uncertainty before confessing your thoughts to him. You sigh once more and lean onto Toji, his hand rubbing on your shoulder — a silent gesture of him giving you all the time you need before confiding with him.
You told him, "Don't laugh, okay?"
He scoffs. "Can't make promises I can't keep, kid." His smile manifests when you shake your head at his shenanigans. "I won't laugh, angel."
When he uses the pet name on you, it seals the deal. It's now or never.
"I was just thinking that...I might need your help with something."
A brow is lifted. "With what?"
"Umm, it's..." Your fingers find each other to fiddle with to keep you busy from the awkward tension. "It's for......y-you know—"
"I don't know."
"I-ahem-I want," you can only gulp to ease the uncomfortable bob in your throat. ".........Iwannagiveyouablowjob."
No words. No movements. Nothing. Only the noise from the TV gives a sense of life to the silence following your confession. Even the big hand on your shoulder chose to remain completely still. And you can feel the slight quiver of your lips start to come to fruition.
Nothing happens until you feel a jolt on the shoulder you're resting on. Your face blooms hot, and your lips can't fight the uncomfortable twinge. Oh, this motherfucker is about to laugh.
"Is...Is that—ahem," A tiny gust of wind exits through his nostrils, trying to extinguish the beginning of a chortle. "Is that what was botherin' you this entire time?"
Now your ears get hot, and all you can think about is how you'll dig a nice big hole for yourself to crawl in later. God, why me??!
"W-Well, I mean, I notice how you're always doing it on me," another jolt from the older man. "And...I just feel like I'm not doing my part." He lifts his hand from your shoulder and rests it on his face. Fits of chuckles silently enter the air. "But I don't know how to....do that kinda stuff. So, I was just wondering—" He starts smacking his thigh, and with the twitch of your eyebrow, you've had enough. "Toji, I swear to Christ, if you don't fucking stop—"
And with that, the floodgates opened. The laughs he was doing a terrible job suppressing wheezed out, his hand covering his eyes while the shit-eating grin was present with laughter seeping out his system. You cover your face with your hands, shielding away from the embarrassment and not letting him hear giggles of your own.
"Oh shit, c'mere ya damn cutie." Toji pulls you in with both arms, caging you so he can place a kiss on your temple. "Pfft, kid, I'm not laughing at you. But goddamn, you looked so fuckin' stressed fr' no reason."
"But it is a reason!" You chuckle under your hands, only prompting your boyfriend to laugh harder. Once he calms down, you explain yourself further. "Toji, I'm serious. We've been together for this long, and it's always been me getting eaten out. I just think it's unfair that I get to feel good and you don't, ya know?"
He snickers. "I'm always feelin' good when I fuck the shit out of you."
"You KNOW that's not the same thing!!" Toji barks a laugh from you yelling at him, and you can't take this anymore. Removing yourself from him, you get up from the couch before you sink further into the internal pool of regret. "Just forget it. This conversation never happened...I'll just go to sleep." And hopefully, die of suffocation from my pillow.
However, before you could step toward your bedroom, Toji quickly caught your wrist. You reluctantly turn to see him looking at you with a playful smirk and soft hooded emerald eyes. "Not so fast there, sweetie." His hand slides down to fully grasp your hand, engulfing it with his size. "Ya know, you're a real cutie when worryin' about me. But don't go thinking you're not making me feel good, because you do with what you got. I woulda found someone else if you didn't." You briefly glare at him, though you know he has a point.
"Yeah, I know. But I want to do more. You always take good care of me, so...I wanna do the same for you." And Toji knows you're serious about this. It doesn't matter if you can't look directly at him because of your bashfulness; your words are sincere. God, you looked so cute it drove him crazy.
He sighs quietly with a smirk, his thumb making circles on the back of your palm. "Well, if you're really sure about putting y'r mouth on my dick," and before you could fully process his words, the older man spreads his legs for your eyes to observe. And the first thing that corrupts your vision is the outline of his erect cock, the tent prominent through his dark sweatpants. "Looks like ya got yourself a lesson. Up for it?"
You gawk at his erection for three extra seconds before you look at your boyfriend and give him a nod for confirmation. Seems like your plans of suffocation and dying in a hole have been postponed to another day.
Toji grins hard, his teeth peeking through under his scar, and then he points to the floor with his chin. As instructed, you kneel between his legs.
He pulls down the waistband of his sweatpants, freeing his cock from the clothed prison for you. And you're in awe with the sight before you. Of course, you've known his girth to be immense. You've had the damn thing inside you, for God's sake. But now, seeing his length so close, it's hard to believe you had him before. You can take note of every dent and vein of his shaft, how they structure all the way down to the base, and the pinkish-red color of the tip. It all overwhelms you and makes you second-guess what you're about to do...and the throbbing sensation down south flourishes.
"Like what ya see down there, angel?" The heat on your face worsens when you glance up and see Toji sneering down at you, and a hand comes down to massage your cheeks. "Try lickin' it first."
You gulp before following his suggestion, opening your mouth for your tongue to flick on the frenulum of his cock. You can hear him moan from the action, so you proceed and lap around the head of his cock until you feel adventurous enough to take his glans in your mouth. Toji groans from the wet walls of your mouth, and your teeth brushing against his glans makes his body jerk. "Hmmm, be careful with y'r teeth, baby. Relax that jaw and puff those cheeks a bit fr' me."
His comments are taken wholeheartedly, making sure everything goes right for him. Your cheeks go hollow for you to suck his cockhead and take in a few more of his length, his hums of pleasure egging you on. It goes well until the tip hits your uvula, resulting in your gag reflex. And Toji is quick to gently pull you from him, your saliva coating his dick.
"Woah there, sweetie. Don't forget to breathe." He coaxes while you cough. Your eyes start to water as you gasp for air to even your breathing. "We can stop now, don't want you chokin' on— Aisssh!!."
He's unable to finish his sentence when your hand strokes his cock, paired with kisses to the underside of his shaft. "No, I can keep going." You look at him with half-lidded eyes, having the man twinge his lips upward.
"Alright, then we're gonna go slow, okay? No rush." He aligns his cock to your lips, waiting for re-entry. "I'll push, and you breathe."
You give him a nod to signal you're ready, and your mouth agape to take in his returning limb. Toji brings your head in while you remind yourself to breathe, but your body jolts when you feel the tip come almost close to your uvula again. "Relax, mama, relax. Keep taking deep breaths fr' me." He coos at you, and you do as he says. Breathe in, breathe out. Once you slowly move, Toji aids you by gently pushing the back of your head toward him. And a wave of astonishment and relief hits you when you manage to have his dick hit the back of your throat.
"There ya go, cutie." He smirks at you, aware of your tiny display of giddiness. "Now, try goin' at your own pace."
With a few bobs up and down, slowly but surely, you get used to having Toji's cock in your oral cavity, going at your own tempo and enjoying yourself with this. Your movements are filled with confidence, and you whimper every time you try to go as far as you can but not too crazy.
And Toji loves every second of it. Your moans vibrate the walls around his cock, and it turns him on even more when he peers down to see you suck on him so deliciously. Spit covers your lips the more you take him in your mouth, and he groans when he feels your hands stroking him and kneading his balls (something you've learned to do from the articles you've read). "So good...Hmmph! So fucking good..." It's been a long time since Toji's been given a blowjob, and it feels so good to have you — his sweet thing — do it for him.
But then a thought pops into his mind, and the pleasure in his body churns into a different path of want and need. "Sweetie." Your eyes flutter up at him when he calls you, stopping midway through. "Wanna go a lil' further than this?" It takes a moment for you to register, but you give a curt nod with a hum on his dick, which he can only assume is a "yes."
"I'm gonna stand up, okay? So keep taking deep breaths and follow my lead." You don't answer, only gaze at him as you mentally prepare yourself. Toji rests a hand at the rear of your head as he gets up from the couch, keeping you still on his cock in hopes you don't choke. Now he's standing upright, and his sweatpants slide down to his sturdy thighs. He places both his hands on each side of your head. "I'm gonna start moving slowly, 'kay baby?"
And so he does, unhurriedly pushing his shaft into you, and your hands find purchase on his thighs as he does so. His dick that once stopped at the back of your throat eventually finds its way deeper within, and you're senses are clouded with his smell when your nose and mouth meet his pelvis. It all feels so overwhelming that tears start to form.
Toji lets you adjust to all of him for a while, grinding his hips on your lips to fully accommodate his whole girth, prompting more muffled mewls from you. He ruts his hips at your face when he notes your steady breathing. Gradually, every inch of his cock sinks into your mouth. Your head starts to pound as you enter a haze.
The pace of his thrusts eventually goes faster and faster by the minute, and the tears finally come down with every jab to your throat. Saliva runs down your chin with the smack of his balls, the head bullying your insides with the erratic rhythm. Your nails form scratch marks on his thighs from all the stimulation you're going through, but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't feel so fucking good. Having your boyfriend's pelvis smack on your face on par with the sounds of you sucking him off felt like fire to your eardrums. So hot but so electrifying the more you indulge yourself.
As for the older man fucking the hell out of your face? Oh, how he missed this. It's been so long since he stuck his dick on such a pretty mouth. And your throat's tight, velvety walls have him rutting for more. He knew this would make his thirst return, and now he was sure an addiction would form from this. But right now, he can feel the surge of his orgasm arise, and his brows crease with a guttural groan as he thrusts into your face with harsh motions.
"Shit, ahhhhh shit, shit," It's so close, almost there. "Gonna cum, mama, gonna—Mmmm! Haaah, oh fuck, oh fuckin' Christ!" Through his moans of pleasure, Toji releases his load down your throat. And you're in no other position than to just take it, whimpering blissfully onto his length as he gives you a few more ruts to your face.
When he's done experiencing his ecstatic high, the older man withdraws himself from you. Your throat and mouth become empty except for his essence that you swallow. Strands of spit and come connect your wet face to him for a crude yet intimate moment before they break out.
He pulls up his sweatpants and drops down to wipe your pretty face with his hand. "So? Was I a good teacher?"
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richardsgraysons · 6 months
prompt — all the ways jason todd touches you / jason todd x reader
tags — some nsfw
his fingers are harsh, and you wince when he grips at you like. that.he doesn't mean to hurt you, by god, no. he doesn't ever want to see you flinch. and as soon as you do, he stumbles back.
you realize what's happened. he's going to hate himself now. "jason, no—" you call out, reaching for him, but he stumbles back and runs into the darkness of the night where it'll shroud him. and in that night, he basks in his anger and self-loathing for a while before the boy in blue comes to calm him down. you sometimes wish you could, but he'd be too ashamed.
"i'm sorry," he mumbles when he's back in your arms. he holds you, tight, but not like when he was angry. there is a silver tear dancing on the edge of his eye but he never lets it drop. "i didn't mean to." and you know he doesn't so you hug him back and don't say a word.
he grips your thighs as tight as possible, and his face is buried between the valley of your thighs. he's letting out sighs of pleasure through quiet muffles as the only thing you can hear is the sound of your own whimpers and his comments—"fuck, pretty girl, you look so fuckin' good right now. give me another one, yeah?"
your thighs are shaking and you cannot even think properly, not when his eyes are hazy and he looks up at you like that. his fingers are digging so deep into your flesh that they draw out bruises, his tongue swirling around, and occasionally his teeth graze over your inner thighs. you forget that his helmet is to the side, that you're on a rooftop and anyone can appear in seconds and see you two like this. "best fuckin' thing i've tasted in my entire life," he croons, as he shoves two fingers in you.
his touches are gentle, soft. your hands run over the bruises he's collected from last night, and the blood that's dried on his hair or his head or back from last night's patrol and you worry about him. your fingers cup his jaw and you plant delicate butterfly kisses over his face in worry. "i worry about you, jay," you say when he whines at the touch but you know he adores it.
"i'm alive in one piece, aren't i?" he muffles as he flips over to the side so his back faces you. you pout and he knows you're pouting. he flips right back in a flash and he grabs you by the neck and pulls you close before pressing a kiss on your forehead and pushing. yourhead so it lies in the crook of his neck.
"i'm never leaving you," he murmurs, his eyes hooded and lazy. "it's gonna take everything in this universe and more for me to ever even think about not making it back to you." and those are just words, you know, but words have a lot of meaning.
"so that's what i said to him that other day!" that blonde girl laughs, brushing her arm against jason. jason just nods at her, doesn't even mean to say anything ot her and just keeps his blank face. you've been scowling at her for the past five minutes, and for the past four minutes, she's pretended like you don't exist.
jason looks down at where she's touched him and then shrugs. "i have to go get a drink," he says blankly, his face neutral. the both of you turn around in near perfect sync and start walking down together. jason grits his teeth in anger, thinking about something else (maybe how that blonde girl has been treating you), and takes your hand and squeezes it. he squeezes it so hard it hurts a bit.
"jason," you wince, looking at your red hand. it's cutting off blood. he looks down at your hand in surprise and then his eyes widen for a few seconds before letting it go.
"i'm so sorry, i didn't know i was holding your hand, and with that grip—" you shush him peacefully.
"fuck," jason snarls as he pushes you against the wall. there's something in his eyes. jealousy. red is always jason's best color to wear, you've known that for sure. his hand wraps around your throat and he kisses you hard.
"you liked making me jealous, didn't you?" he challenges, raising an eyebrow. there's a glimmer in his eyes as his lips bite down on your neck so hard that there's a faint sliver of blood. you let out a yelp. "seeing me all riled up for a guy whose cock is probably the tiniest fuckin' thing you've ever seen. tell me, did you like me jealous of a guy who can't even please you the way you know i can?"
you open your mouth to answer, but he clamps his hand. over before ou can speak. "don't even fucking answer," he snarls, before ripping your jeans off from your body. you didn't even know anybody could do that. "i'm about to teach you what the right answer is."
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moonstruckme · 7 months
So, obviously you don't gotta do this request if you are not comfortable, and you can totally delete it, don't feel like you gotta, really.
I was wondering if, you could write some like angst-comfort-fluff type thing with poly!marauders? Where they have been dating reader for a hot minute now, but during (and long before they started dating) reader has been on-and-off cutting herself? And the boys don't know?
Like I said you do NOT have to write this, and just like any request do NOT feel like you EVER have to write a request.
Have an amazing day <3 <3
Hi lovely! I appreciate the disclaimers. I was a bit hesitant to do this because I feel like I'm not always sure where the line is between comforting/validating people who experience this and inadvertently glorifying self-harm, but I hope the general message of getting support and help comes through. Thanks for requesting and hope you're having a good week <33
cw: self-harm scars, mention of current self-harm
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
James doesn’t see so much as feel them, hands roving under your clothes as has become his favorite pastime when you’re both feeling lazy. A series of neat, raised lines starting at the skin of your hip. Curiosity moves his hand upward, following the rows up to your waist. It’s impossible to tell how many there are. They just feel like vague ridges to James’ touch. 
His heart takes on a too-familiar heaviness, and he strokes the lines absentmindedly as he thinks of what to say. 
In the end, he doesn’t have to. You’d been on the precipice of sleep, your form lax between James’ legs, but suddenly you’re startling, an almost imperceptible jolt and your hand covering his own. 
“What’re you doing?” you ask dazedly. 
You sound panicked, and James hurries to placate you. “Sorry, I should have asked before touching you there.” Your alarm attracts Remus’ attention, and he peers over the top of his book from where he sits on the opposite end of the couch. James isn’t sure what to do. He wonders if you’d want this to be a private conversation (based on the fact that you haven’t brought it up yourself, he doubts you want it to be a conversation at all), but he can’t just not mention it and have you think he doesn’t care. He does what he can to keep the wariness from his voice. “Do you want to talk about it, lovely?”
Remus lowers his book as you slide down James’ torso, shrinking yourself. “Talk about what?” he asks, concern already infiltrating his tone. 
James won’t speak for you. You’re quiet for a few long, heavy moments, and he can feel you growing tenser with each one. Finally, you say, quietly so that Sirius can’t hear from the kitchen, “It’s okay. I was going to tell you at some point.” 
“Tell us what?” Remus asks again. 
James sends him a look that begs for patience, bringing his hand to your shoulder to knead tenderly at the taut muscles around your neck. “Okay, thank you sweetheart. Would it be alright if I pulled your shirt up a little?” 
He knows he’s handling you in that extra-gentle way that sometimes frustrates you. You resent kid-gloves, and he can’t tell for certain if this situation is an exception or if you’re just too embarrassed to say anything. You only nod, and James pinches the hem of your top between his fingers, bringing it up to just below your ribs. 
The lines look thinner than they’d felt against his fingertips. Remus sets his book down, forgetting to save the page as he leans forward, palm moving up your leg as if to keep you in place while he looks. He fingers the waistband of your shorts, looking to you for permission before drawing it down until the lines stop where your hip bleeds into your upper thigh. 
“When—” He swallows, voice painfully quiet. “When were you going to tell us?” There’s a sound from the kitchen which signals Sirius has finished preparing his snack. 
Your eyes are almost frightened. James can tell there’s a myriad of placations vying to be the first to leave your tongue, but what makes it out is  “Please don’t be mad.”
“Ooh, what do we have?” Sirius hears and comes running at the first whiff of trouble, perching on the armrest and sidling up to Remus. “A secret tattoo or—” You turn your hip into James’ thigh, and he doesn’t try to stop you, but you’re too slow, and Sirius’ voice seems to run out of air. Usually mirthful gray eyes flit up to yours looking almost betrayed. “Baby.” The word sounds as if it’s been hooked from some wretched part of him and dragged forcibly out. “When did…how long has this been going on?” 
James can feel your ribs expanding and contracting faster as your breaths come quicker. You feel cornered. He puts his hand over the marks on your waist protectively, and you flinch. 
“Hey,” he shushes you. “You’re alright, darling. Nobody’s upset with you, okay?” He lets his eyes flit up to meet the other two boys' warningly. Okay? “We’re just a little worried.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, and your tone is so fraught James’ heart very nearly shatters. “You don’t need to worry about me.” 
“We don’t mind worrying, love.” Remus’ voice is still quiet, but the gentleness in it is more apparent now. “But whatever you’re comfortable sharing, we’ll take it. Has this been going on a long time?”
You nod. James begins stroking up and down your side. 
Remus’ lips pinch, but he doesn’t waver. “Is it still going on?”
Your shoulders stiffen and your breathing stops. James’ insides fill with concrete, but he forces himself to peer around the back of your head to see your face. You’re biting down on your lip, hard. 
“Even now?” Sirius sounds devastated. Remus reaches behind him, setting a pacifying hand on his knee. 
Silver lines your eyes, but you take a slow, shuddering breath, and your voice comes out calm. “I’ve almost got it under control,” you say. “I’ve slipped up a few times, but…but I’m working on it.” 
“Alright,” Remus replies, giving Sirius’ knee a squeeze and you a kind, if thin-lipped, smile. “Is there anything we can do?” 
You shake your head immediately, but Sirius shoots you a look. “Don’t,” he says, and his voice is so uncharacteristically stern that even James startles, hand faltering on your side. It’s quiet as Sirius can manage, though still strained with emotion. “Don’t try to shelter us by keeping it to yourself. There have to be things we can do.”
James recollects himself, wrapping both arms around your middle and drawing you closer until the back of your head rests against his collarbone rather than his stomach. “Maybe,” he suggests, “you could let us help by telling us when you think you might slip, and we could try to find ways to distract you. Does that sound alright, lovely?”
You turn your head to look at him, and James steals a selfish kiss to the skin just near your eye. The corner of your lips twitch, and he hits there too, the little peck aiding the spread of your smile.
“That might help,” you say, quiet, tentative. Your smile fades as you turn your gaze to the other two boys. Sirius’ eyes have gotten stuck again on the scars lining your side, but he looks up when you speak. “Are you…do they bother you?”
Remus’ eyebrows stitch together, but he lets Sirius answer. The raven-haired boy looks almost surprised. “The marks?” he asks you, and despite James’ sympathy for the shock of all this, he sort of wants to kill him. He couldn’t make it easy on you, could he? Your hand finds James’ where it rests against your side, fingers worming between his, and he gives them an encouraging squeeze. You nod. “Baby, of course not,” Sirius says, ardent, and James swears he can feel you relax against his chest. “It bothers us—it bothers me that you’ve been upset, and that you’ve been dealing with it by yourself for so long, but I couldn’t give less of a shit about the marks. I care about you, your pain, not how it—how it looks on your body.” 
“I agree,” Remus says, smiling a little as he pats Sirius’ knee like settle down. “Honey, so long as you’re doing what you can—and letting us do what we can—to help yourself feel better, the scars don’t matter.”
“Thanks.” Your voice is quiet, but more bashful now than ashamed, which James considers to be some improvement. “It’s just awkward to talk about, you know?”
“It’s not,” James tells you. “Or, it doesn’t have to be. Listen, we don’t have to talk about it like, every day, but you should be able to tell us when you’re feeling down, okay?” You rest your head against his shoulder, and it feels nice, but James gives you a playful little jostle to let you know his question wasn’t rhetorical. “Okay?” 
“Yeah, okay.” The words leave you in a sigh, and Sirius rolls his eyes amusedly while Remus watches you with a knowing look. You were on the brink of a nap before, and the weight of this conversation has thoroughly tuckered you out. 
“Good,” James says, mock stern as he tucks his chin into the juncture of your neck. Wordlessly, Remus pulls Sirius down from the armrest and into his lap, picking up his book again. Your breathing slows, and James’ thumb strokes at your side underneath your shirt, indiscriminate between smooth skin and scars.
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i-love-scarameowche · 5 months
Yandere Gojo x depressed reader drabble !!
TW: Slight NSFW, reader is insecure, reader has bad hygiene, dubcon(?), gojo is a little freak, chubby reader, harsh words in 2nd person, reader has body hair, fem!reader, reader is suicidal, gojo has a spit kink.
Other Gojo x depressed reader: <33
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Satoru's been so busy lately. He's constantly out of the house, sometimes he doesn't even have time to come back. You can't blame him, it's not his fault. But sometimes you can't help but feel like it's your fault. He's always taking care of you. You feel so so bad for it. You do. You don't do anything. You just lay there and rot.
When was the last time you even brushed your teeth? God you smell don't you? Maybe that's why he hasn't come back. You want to get up and show and brush your teeth. It's so easy. Yet you can't bring yourself to do it. Do you even have depression? What if you're just lazy? You probably are. You can't be depressed if you're still happy sometimes, you still eat normally though you wish you would eat less, you only seem depressed when you have something to do.
You're disgusted with yourself. You just want to die. You hear the front door open, and you pause. You feel like crying, but you can't manage to get it out. You should've taken a shower before. You should've.
You should've.
You're just laying in Satoru's bed. It's basically all you even do at this point. Kissing you would be vomit worthy—just smelling you—wouldn't it? You wonder why Satoru is still with you. Pity probably. You're gross. That's that. No amount of makeup or self confidence would fix it. You're disgusting.
"Babyyy!" Satoru calls out with a grin, walking into the room and noticing your dishevelled state. He quickly strides over—his long legs bringing him to you in record time—and sits on the edge of the bed beside you. He does notice your body oder. But it's you. Satoru's pants feel tight as he swallows the saliva building up in his mouth. "What's wrong?" Satoru asks, leaning down towards your ear as his hands move to both cup your cheek and stroke your head, bringing you to look at him.
"Please..I'm just so tired right now..." You quietly murmur. Satoru sighs and moves to lay close to you, but you scoot away from him. "C'mon doll, I can't fix nothin' unless ya tell me what's wrong y'know." Satoru hums, his thumb moving to rub your cheek. You're so cute.
"It's nothing." You harshly whisper, moving away from Satoru more, drawing a frown on his face. "It's not nothing. Obviously not. So just tell me what's wrong." Satoru huffs, starting to get a little frustrated. He just wants to love you. Why can't you understand? But you just want him to be happy. Why can't he understand?
"Just go away." You mumble, frowning as Satoru tugs the blanket off of you, your legs revealed since you're only wearing shorts. You curl up on your side, regretting putting those shorts on. You hate the fact your legs are hairy. You hate everything about yourself. It was just too hot. Satoru groans playfully, as if you weren't thinking about killing yourself right now, and moves to lay you on your back. His big hands move to rest on your knees, and he spreads your legs to slot himself between them, his eyes flickering to the small amount of scars on your thighs.
He's glad there's only a few, despite him knowing how much pain it causes you, because it means you never hurt yourself so badly. But to you, it's just another thing you failed at, just another thing you couldn't do right, another thing that proves you aren't really depressed, because you couldn't even cut deep enough that it would scar. You can bring yourself to say anything as Satoru leans down, his face against yours. Your mouth is practically sewed shut with metal. Your breath is rancid, isn't it? You don't want Satoru to have to be near you when you're like this. It's humiliating.
"C'mon princess..open up." Satoru hums, his hand moving to cup your cheek again, his thumb on your lower lip, starting to push into your shut mouth. Your teeth are as gritted as they can be. Satoru puts his thumb under the little space of your front teeth and forces your mouth open. You move to pull away from him but you're already laying on the bed, your head on a pillow, so there's not much space. "It's okay, just suck on my fingers for me okay?" Satoru asks with a smile.
You don't know why Satoru wants you to do this. He's going to regret it once he realizes the effect of you not brushing your teeth. You don't want to, but you comply. Well, kind of.
You begrudgingly let your jaw relax as Satoru slips his index and middle finger between your teeth, moving them around to coat them in your saliva. You feel weirded out but you try to ignore it. Satoru grins as he takes his fingers out of your mouth, opening his a little. You pause, realize what he's about to do. That's disgusting. That's going to be horrible. You quickly sit up, moving to grasp at Satoru's wrists.
But his fingers have already sunk between his soft lips, you hear the quiet sound of him sucking on his two fingers, licking off all of your saliva that he can. It grosses you out. The thought of it.
Satoru slides his fingers out with a very light pop, strings of his own saliva connecting them to his lips. "See? S'fine sweetheart. M'gonna love ya no matter what. I like you like this. Waitin' for me n'never leaving the house without me." Satoru hums as he hooks his slender fingers under the waistband of your pants and underwear, slipping them down.
"Satoru that..that was gross..." You manage to get out, feeling queasy. The taste of your saliva must be horrible. Why did he do that? "Mm, nah." Satoru shrugs, moving around a little to fully pull off your lower clothes. Your pubic hair is so bushy. He likes it. But what he doesn't like is how you move to hide from him.
"C'mon sweets, s'just me." Satoru sighs, moving your hands away from your vagina as he leans down again, kissing your lips. "Stop being all embarrassed 'round me."
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Notes: I'm the inspiration for this ngl !!!! Stopped writing it cus I felt kinda nauseous(not from the fic) but yk
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
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@octonauts16 (Post in question) TLDR at the bottom!😅
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Yeah, that was Wally <XD I doodled that on the screen while kind'a forgetting all the stuff I've talked about Welcome Home recently. How I don't wanna join the fandom and such..
But to be honest I've been kind'a torn on Welcome home over the past few days. I recently developed 3 big main reasons why I don't want to join the fandom and draw the characters. But those reasons are quickly starting to dissolve-
Reason #1. Now I don't know if I just saw the wrong side of the fandom, but it felt like everywhere I went there was shipping content. Cannon or not, it was everywhere. And of course I'm known for not liking ships or really drawing any lovey dovey content.. I was worried enough about people tagging all of my Welcome Home art as shipping, that I figured I'd save myself the trouble and just.. not post any art of it all together.
But then I thought about it.. I mean, Undertale was a huge shipping fandom too. And I was able to weasel my way around all of that and come out unscathed. Surly the Welcome Home shipping fandom wouldn't be much harder to navigate.. right?
Reason #2. I wasn't really sure.. what to draw exactly. Everyone seems to have their own interpretation for the story of Welcome Home. Wally's the Bad guy, no House is the bad guy and he's controlling Wally, no no Wally and House are both the bad guys together. Their world is real- no actually its all make believe and Wally is the only one who knows its fake- aaaa so many stories!
I felt like it would take a lot of work and research to make my own version/interpretation of the story and the characters. So I just dropped it and didn't want to bother. I'm still so busy...
...But then its like 4 AM and I have ideas for redesigns of every character, a story is being constructed, angsty situations are being plotted, lore is growing- I hardly know much about Welcome Home truly, yet I already have a whole world built that I wanna start drawing-
But! Its reason #3 that's kept me from drawing anything. Clown, the series creator.
Looking around the fandom.. It seems that Clown is like me. They have certain boundaries when it comes to their characters and what they do and do not approve of others drawing about it. I know about the copywrite issues they're dealing with.. people selling merch of their characters and profiting.. its really sad. But there's more to it.
I saw some artwork for Welcome home and went to the comments. Everyone was like "I'm so glad to finally find an artist that respects Clowns boundaries!" And I'm like uh oh- are people drawing things that make Clown uncomfortable? Has Clown been dealing with that? What are those boundaries? Is anything I would like to draw something that would cross said boundaries?
So out of laziness to not dig deeper to find these boundaries, but also wanting to RESPECT said boundaries.. I just cut off any artwork from being made all together.
But my interest in this series is definitely getting stronger. And maybe sometime after these projects are finally off my chest, I'll look into Clown and see if any of my artwork would cross a line..
For now I'm too lazy, and too busy to make any artwork for Welcome Home <XDDD Maybe someday though!
TLDR; The #1 reason why I haven't drawn Welcome Home fanart is because I think Clown has certain boundaries when it comes to fanart. And I don't know what they are, I am also too lazy to look into it. So I just decided to not draw anything at all until further notice <XDD
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anonymouscheeses · 19 days
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Exorcist gang! (I'm so sorry it took forever to get to your ask. I kind of dropped the au for a long time and just now got the motivation to pick it up again.)
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Right on the money! I just narrowed it down to three because I can't do anymore(lazy ahh). But they can't actually drive motorcycles because none of them have a drivers license so they just try to seem badass by saying they are a biker gang. All christian but they have no idea how it works and do things looked down upon by the christian community. Left Victoria. Middle Stephanie. Right Kamaria. Kamaria got a tattoo of the upside down cross to seem cool but she knows it's St. Peter's cross so it's kind of a double meaning for her. I also gave Kamaria three toned lips because I jst found out that exists and I had to include that in some character. Atleast one.
Maybe one day I'll draw them as angels just to do it.
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For context, they are exes 😫
Are there still feelings? Kind of, they just aren't over eachother yet. Right now tho they are mainly enemies. Valerie(Vaggie) is kind of like Blitzø(relationships wise), but less of an asshole. It was mostly her fault they broke up though. She was uninterested and embarrassed by Kamaria almost all the time so ofc Kamaria doesn't stand for shit and ended it before it got worse. Valerie is like that with Charlie in some ways, but of course that's for growth purposes.
Oh also Valerie dated Lute too before she dated Kamaria so it's just this entire problem within the group bro.. Like, Lute is not over Valerie and not in a "I am in love with u still." Way, but in a "I hate the way you walk, the way you talk, I hate the way dress-" ahh way(and in an i am still in luv wit u way but shh). Lute has no idea why Valerie broke up wit her ass and takes it out on Kamaria. Kama takes no shit and bounced out that place quickly. Good for her ig. She still an asshole too, anger issues ahh, everyone except Charlie(until the vee accident 😏)deserves a kick in the ass.
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Pretend Charlie is in her human form. I'm still workshopping it right now! 😔 so yeah nobody else except Valerie knows she's a demon jst so you know!
Chaggie aren't dating yet! But they will one day 😈
For now it's kind of just pining. On both sides ofc.
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"So it mine el" we say in unison.
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Helmets and glasses off! I think they look pretty nice but im not great at making my own character designs from ground up. Which is why I havent shown my actual own OC's. Victoria is trans because I said so. Kamaria is probably Lesbian but she doesn't know yet, it's kind of a label she uses until she knows for sure (so me). And Stephanie is Stephanie (she don care. She don kno 💀). I FORGOT THE FLAME ON KAMARIA'S JACKET RAAAA.
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They also all have a picture on the back of their jackets that's jst wings and a halo. So do with that what you will.... if u wanna make fanart that is..... pls..... I'm begging..... jk but it would still be cool lmao.
They used to be in a gang with Adam and Lute but after Valerie was beat up real bad by Lute they all decided to just part ways. Not on good terms... So it's just Adam and Lute now who jst act like they are all that when they cant pack a punch at all 😒. I'll show Adam and Lute's designs in the next update (or somewhere) but that's all I have right now. I can't wait to draw the duo ughhhh‼️‼️‼️
(I have also changed a few things from my original idea, so if your a hxd au og from the first like... 3 posts I made abt it then ya... there's major changes. I'll go through them deeper in my next updates on this au!)
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nonranghaes · 11 months
heads up! mentions of a past abusive relationship (for reader). this should really go on wooahaes but i'm too lazy to format it rn and i need sleep so take this ig??? i might repost over there some other time....
there's things that are unfair about having a boyfriend like vernon. you think one of them is how pretty he can look when he's sleeping.
of course, he's still human. he ends up with messy hair, and sometimes he drools, and there's about a thousand other things you can list off about him when he sleeps... but he's still your boyfriend. and thus, every little 'flaw' he has is something you consider pretty on him. he would (and will, when he's in a sappy enough mood) say the exact same about you, to be fair. he shifts a little in his sleep, stretching and reaching for you.
you still remember overhearing him talk to his mom the morning after you slept in the same bed as him for the first time. it'd literally only been sleeping, but you heard him quietly say 'they trust me a lot,' to her while on the phone. he'd been unpacking breakfast. when she asked about it, he merely said "they fell asleep next to me. they've never done that before. i think... i think they trust me," in that pensive way, like he's thinking more than he's actually saying.
(i do, you told him later. trust you. i think i love you, too. and it'd been what made him say that he loves you for the first time--something he didn't expect to hear back without that 'i think' to protect yourself. you said it to him a few weeks later, and he teared up--although he'll always deny it when you bring it up now.)
"you're staring again." he pulls you out of your thoughts with ease, and his eyes meet yours in the low light. "what's wrong?"
you saw today's date. some birthdays never leave you, and that's true of the person who hurt you. the person you only told vernon about a few months ago in full, although he knew of the person's existence before then. you remember what that person said to you, too. that you didn't need anyone else aside from them...
"nothing," you say, and it's a half-lie. it'll bother you a little more, but you don't want to have this talk now. not when you're already starting to drift off, safe in his presence. vernon's good at protecting you from ugly feelings that settle into your bones like an unwanted guest. "we'll talk later, honey."
he gives you a uncertain look. "you only call me honey when you're upset."
(it's a mutual thing: he calls you either by your name or a casual dude any other time, and baby and babe and love of my life whenever he's trying to avoid a topic temporarily. the two of you communicate: vernon's good at making you feel safe in that, too.)
"right," you say. "we'll talk in the morning... homie."
it earns a crackling snort from him, and he smiles that cute gummy smile as he hides his face for a moment. "ah, really... god, you're such a dork sometimes, i swear."
"a dork who landed you," you always remind him. yet when his eyes meet yours a moment later, you feel something warm in your chest that washes away that ugly feeling all too easily. you reach out, holding his face. "i think... i won."
"you won?"
"you love me," you say. "my friends love me... i'm loved," you say quietly, and the feeling still feels a little foreign. you are loved, you repeat mentally for a moment: because they see you as you, not the broken mess you feel you are. "so i won."
vernon gets it soon enough, and he nods. "you won," he says quietly. "i'm glad you're here... homie."
you crack up, too, and he quietly laughs at his own little moment with you. his laugh and his smile always make you giggle, too, and he pulls you in to kiss you happily.
"i love you," he mumbles against your lips, "i love you, i love you, i love you--" and he keeps planting kisses against against and around your lips to punctuate every repeat of the phrase, before he draws back, satisfied after being struck with the need to be overly sappy. "alright?"
gone is that bitter feeling that once flashed through your veins and settled into your bones. all you feel now is love, soft and sweet, as you're so openly reminded that you're not alone. that the two of you shoulder these problems together. you won, you think, because you are alive and being loved and learning to love wholeheartedly again.
"yeah," you settle in to sleep, planning to keep to your promise of talking come morning. "i love you, too, you big sap."
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foxgirltechsupport · 9 months
OwO what's this? A high effort post from me, who could've seen that coming.
So I'd like to share how I made this repair to an old bag of mine in prep for college starting again this year to avoid having to swap bags and to hopefully help with or inspire anyone to repair their old things.
The finished result:
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So instead of buying a new bag in prep for year 2 of college I thought I'd just fix up my old bag that I've had for a few years now. Generally it is just a little scuffed up and any holes or tears were easy sewn shut again however there was this big hole in the netting that used to be a pocket.
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Given that I wanted to be able to use my pocket again I decided that'd be my main task after fixing the few holes.
To repair it I cut some paper in the shape of the pocket. (I'm sure there better ways to do this but I just put a pin at each corner and then connected the dots with a pen before cutting on that line)
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From there I drew around it on some spare material (in my case a really old pair of jeans that had alot of holes and were too small for me).
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Now here's where you could just cut it out and then skip ahead to where I sewn it on however to make it stand out more and to make the bag feel more personal I decided to embroider a design to it before cutting it out.
The design I chose was (as you seen) a flower pattern since I had recently ordered thread and so had a bunch of colours which made me want to make each flower a unique colour.
Step 1 to the embroidery was to mark it out and similar to when drawing the outline I'm sure I could have used something that wasn't Sharpie however it was what was at hand. For my design I made each flower 2 cm apart from eachother and every row alternates in height by 1 cm.
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Next I started embroidering the design. For the flowers I'm using a lazy daisy design which consists of a french knot with the petals stitched around it. I'll make a tutorial on this at some point however they're nothing new and there are alot of tutorials online about how to make them. I know some people don't use the knot in the middle so just a heads up if you make something similar that it's not necessary.
It took way longer to get all the knots tied but once I finally did, it looked like this.
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Next was to add the petals, this was in my opinion the best part of this project since, as I mentioned, I had ordered lots of new thread so basically had like one bundle of every colour to play with. Because of that I made each of the flowers a unique colour. Overall this part was the longest and took me a few days on and off but it was so worth it and made an end result of a lovely mess of flowers.
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Finally all that was left to cut it out and sew it in place. I'll be honest I did all this last part in a night and was excited to just get going with it so I took less pictures of the process.
All I have is how it looked when it was finished but I'll atleast explain the process.
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So once I had it all cut out I sized it with the bag and then pinned each corner in place, from there I got a curved needle out and used some yellow sewing thread to fix it in place. To sew it on I put the patch under the seems of the bag and then used a whip stitch to keep in place. Since my bag has a zip at the top of this pocket I just sewn it right the way around since it'd still be accessible.
After it was sewn in place that was me finished, I'm super happy with the result and it's really helpful as I've been dedicating this pocket to my earphones so when I take them out they don't pull anything else out with them. If you have any questions regarding doing a repair like this yourself feel free to ask them and I'll do my best to help out.
Happy mending!
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ohmymalice · 3 months
Lackluster Tendencies
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Schlatt x f!reader (no use of y/n) kinda slowburn (i dunno tbh im making up shit as I go) Highschool AU!!
She stole peaks at the guy who sat at the back of the class across the room. It's been a whole semester and she's never gotten a good look at his face and the few times she has he's had a blank look, he looked disinterested in almost everything. Jay, that's what his name was. She knew because she rummaged through his desk when he left the classroom.
The girl was charmed. She doesn't know why, but she's compelled to be his friend and maybe something a little more than that
The bell rang, making her squint a little in annoyance, their school bell was way too loud than she liked, or maybe her ears were just sensitive, she couldn't tell. She watched everyone quickly tucking their phones into their pockets, shoving their notebooks that they barely wrote on during class into their bags, and people zipping up pencil cases and exiting with their group of friends except for him.
She wasn't a loner by any means, quite the opposite exactually. She was apart of a lot of clubs, events, and is friends with a lot of people. Keyword friends not best friends or anything, she didn't talk much to anyone in school not because she was shy, she just wasn't the type to stick in one place for too long and she was too busy with her clubs.
Jay, otherwise known as Schlatt online, he wasn't a loner either but it seems his friends were in other classes and he preferred to keep to himself. Once and a while he'd make a joke to the class here and there but he never was the type to go out of his way to make sure people knew his name and the things he did. He gave off a mysterious aura that she weirdly gravitated to.
She walked over to his desk, a bright smile on her face. She sat in the seat in front of him, she faced him and looked down at the random stuff he was doodling on his notebook, he took notes but then lost attention and started writing whatever came into his mind. She chuckled lightly at his small drawings of cats. He looked up at you curiously, raising an eyebrow at you.
Your eyes met and you let out a small sorry that slipped past your lips. "Sorry, sorry! I wasn't makin' fun, I just thought your drawings looked cute. Bell rang by the way, I saw you had earbuds on so I was worried you didn't hear." He seemed to nod in reply and chuckled a little. Clicking on the little earbuds to stop the music.
"Ah yeah I heard. Just a bit lazy right now." He slipped his notebook into his bag, gently tucking it in, making sure it doesn't crease.
"Well, you're gonna be late if you just keep sitting there." She said teasingly, he scoffed. "Wouldn't that mean you'd be late too?"
She shook her head in reply, "Nope, I'm excused. I have a rehearsal for a musical, y'know drama club n' all." She smugly as she took out her excuse slip. He rolls his eyes, mumbling out how lucky she was.
"Why? You hate your next sub?" She asked, tilting her head curiously at him. He nodded but soon after he heard the sound of people approaching the classroom, another class is gonna use the room.
"We should probably head out." They swiftly left the room, walking in the hallway now. Most got to their next subject so it was spacious in the hallway.
"So..." She tucked her hands into her pockets, "You hate your next class?" He nods, you could already see the knot in his brow. Damn it's that bad?
"It's Mr. Smith." That was all he had to say and she immediately agreed, luckily for her she got excused for most of his classes because of rehearsal. "Oh yeah he fucking sucks." She scoffs, remembering all his lunatic outbursts from last year. They sat in awkward silence, not really knowing what to say. They walked to Schlatt's next class. They stood in front of the door.
"Shit, I'm late.." He humbled, looking at his wrist watch.
She smiled at him, "Don't worry, I got it."
Without another word she knocked on the door, slowly opening it.
"Good Afternoon, Sir! I did a quick interview with Jay, our club is just trying to see what we could do better and we're getting opinions from other students. Sorry for the hassle, hope you understand." She gave her best act, trying to convince he wasn't late for some absurd reason (which was the reality).
Mr. Smith gave a cold glare, not saying anything. He gave a quick nod and Jonathan swiftly walked into the classroom and sat in his chair. She gave a quick thumbs up at Schlatt and did a call me motion with her hand. He looked at you confused until he pat his pocket and realized there was a crumpled up piece of paper with a number on it.
Call or text me later!! :3
He looked back up but she was gone, the door was closed and his teacher went back to teaching.
What an odd girl.
Author's note (≡^∇^≡)
Hope this was fun 2 read!! Lmk if you guys want a part 2 tyty for readin'!!
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coyotefang1987 · 1 year
Flower Symbolism in Trigun
Okay so I've been going insane in the last few hours since the new episode of Stampede and I needed to share my very incoherent thoughts.
So here we go: (please excuse my grammar, I'm typing this up in an absolute craze)
Please note, there are major spoilers here
[Plant in context to Trigun will be capitalized btw]
I want to start off by pointing out the whole idea with calling the creatures that Vash and Knives are as 'Plants' and 'seeds' in the first place--that in itself is so much. Not to mention Noman's Land is a desert plant with little to no flora at all.
The idea and symbolism of life and rebirth presented with the idea of plants. Like how flora are usually the first type of lifeform to come back post mass extinction events. How plants are primary producers in the food chain, how life couldn't be sustained without plants giving up oxygen, food, and converting the sunlight into energy/sugar. Despite being giant moth flower humanoid creatures, the Plants in Trigun are doing essentially the same thing. Except they aren't renewable and they might also be sentient.
In addition to that, in media, seeds are usually a representation of hope. And in this case, a seed pod carrying the hope of humanity. I've been likening it to dandelion seeds. I don't think our group of guys were the only space-fairing fleet that was sent out from Earth.
I don't know how much of this symbolism is intentional and how much of it is completely accidental, but boy howdy is it there and am I going to eat it up.
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First off, the most obvious one is geraniums. The flower is very much thrown into our faces. What does it mean?
Okay so there's like 400 types of geraniums out there, they're not like a specific species- and when people say 'geraniums' it usually also includes pelargoniums which are a different genus. But you're not here for me to monologue about flower classification-
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Well, operating under the assumption they're using the most common type of red geranium, which, funnily enough is not a geranium but rather a pelargonium. Pelargonium x hortorum. Commonly known as zonal geraniums or garden geraniums. I don’t know if I even need to expand on the idea that Vash and his story (and the Plants in general) are represented by geraniums. If the red coat wasn’t already a giveaway, I think the newest episode definitely makes it very clear. Well, first off I think it's interesting that they’re not ‘true geraniums’ (different genus, same family). Like how Vash and Knives look human but aren’t ‘true humans’.  
(Did you know geraniums can reproduce asexually via their roots by just…sprouting a new plant? It’s called clonality. Anyways yeah, I’m too lazy to expand on it but there it is. You can probably see the connection I'm trying to draw here)
Furthermore, let’s look a little bit into what geraniums represent. So according to the vast knowledge of the interwebs (I will put the links I used at the bottom.) geraniums are “attributed the powers of love, peace, healing, elegance and spirituality. They mostly have desirable symbolizing meanings, including fertility, health, joy, protection, frustrations passing away, and true friendship.” Red geraniums in particular are attributed to protection and ward against evil., spiritual beings and saints. “The geranium flower was a symbol of prosperity in Egypt, longevity in Japan, and immortality in China”. *Stares at Vash and Knives*. Gods…immortality…saints. Alright Nightow, I see you.
Look, I’m not done here. DURING THE VICTORIAN ERA geranium took on a slightly more negative meaning. Envy, deceit, folly, foolishness and stupidity. Although they were also seen “as ‘horticultural bourgeoisie’ and a sign of ‘crudeness and thoughtlessness of taste’. Geranium became a symbol of industrial mass culture.” This was probably unintentional (and if it is intentional, holy fuck.) but the idea that Earth in Trigun was destroyed by the folly of humans because if mass industrialization? Hello???? OKAY.
There’s just so much history with geraniums. I’m STILL not done. Let’s talk a little about geraniums and Christianity, yeah? You know, the thing that Trigun is chock full of symbolism of.
So first off, tradition. (I am not Christian, nor do I know much about Christianity, I just did some research on the topic so feel free to correct me.) I do believe there is a tradition to buy and gift red geranium on Good Friday? (I can’t find a very credible source about this, just some blog posts so idk) And the red is to represent the blood that Jesus sacrificed for the people. How he was beaten and bloodied because of his love for the people. How…he was given a purple cloak that turned dark with blood while he was mocked. 
Sound familiar?
Do we want to talk about Vash’s red coat turning black in the latest episode? Or maybe how traditionally dying Plants are red and healthy ones are blue? But Vash keeps himself covered in red?
Now, here’s an interesting fact. Did you know, wild geraniums look very different from the ones people like to commonly grow in their gardens? This is the spotted cranesbill (Geranium maculatum), the most common wild geranium. Look, maybe I’m stretching it here, but cultivated Plants vs independent Plants, anybody?
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Anywho, not the point I was trying to make. Did you know another common wild geranium is called the Saint Robert’s Geranium? Robert’s? While no one really knows who the ‘Saint Robert’ the flower is named after, it has a very fun symbolism. Check this. The seed pod of this flower supposedly looks like the beak of a stork, which had people believe that they could help a couple who wish for children with fertility when used as an amulet and placed under the bed. cough Ep 11 pregnancy scene cough. Apparently, medicinally they’re also used to staunch blood flow from wounds. Despite that, in certain regions, it was seen as an ill-omen plant associated with death because snakes would often hide in its leaves. Snakes? Like…in Adam and Eve? Like as in temptation? As in Knives and Vash?
Okay last bit on geraniums. Just a little on the colors. In episode 11 of Stampede we see the giant plant root monster thing blooming flowers. I have assumed that they are black geraniums, aka Geranium Phaeum 
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aka mourning widows. Of course, I could be wildly wrong but the meaning of this is fun so hear me out. While there doesn’t seem to be a direct meaning for black geraniums, we can clearly draw some conclusions on the common name for this flower. Like seriously, mourning widow? They’re also known as dusky cranesbill and black widow. Obviously associated with death (and grief?) and apparently maybe marriage??? Doesn’t help that geraniums can be considered a traditional bridal flower too. I think they’re also associated with melancholy. Anyways, on the other hand, blue blooms usually symbolize calm and peace while purple blooms symbolize royalty, accomplishments and admiration. 
So in context to the blooms we see at the end of ep 11, grieving for the loss of someone (Rem, his memories), rising to his Plant roots (haha get it?) and being ‘at peace’. 
So I remember reading somewhere that he’s named after a singer or band or something but– His name is so close to dogwood that I could not pass it up.
Dogwood is a blooming tree that seems to have a representation in Christianity. There’s a legend about the tree and Easter. So apparently, the cross that Jesus was crucified on was made from Dogwood, because of such it was cursed and blessed. Cursed to be small so it can’t be used to make another cross but blessed to bloom beautiful flowers at Easter time.
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The flowers of the Dogwood trees always bloom with four petals, like a cross, the center like a crown of thorns. Each tip of the petal is indented like it's been pierced with a nail and discolored like it was stained with blood. So goes the story. 
I think it's interesting that Wolfwood’s name is so likened to this flower/plant and I don’t believe this is unintentional. LIke it’s right there. Cursed by the Eye of Michael to grow too fast, blessed to be strong and hard to kill. Is/bears the cross that brings Vash to Knives in the end. 
Lilies (and other Flowers)
So, I personally think the plants look a lot like lilies. And lilies are commonly attributed to the virgin Mary. They typically represent purity, innocence and rebirth. They are often gifted at mourning flowers as well and are one of the most popular flowers at funerals.
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Either that or the blue-eyed Mary flower, which has less meaning attributed to it other than its name.
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Anyways, that's all my thoughts for today. Thank you for reading all the way down here if you make it hehe
If people find more flower symbolism or have thoughts please let me know, I want to hear them!!!<3
Geranium history and meaning: https://www.pansymaiden.com/flowers/meaning/geranium/
Geranium and Christianity: http://www.whispersofhismovement.com/2012/04/05/geraniums/
Mourning Widows: https://gardenersapprentice.com/gardeningtips/mourning-widow/
Dogwood story: https://www.plantmegreen.com/blogs/news/easter-and-the-legend-of-the-dogwood-tree#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20story%2C%20it,cursed%20and%20blessed%20the%20tree.
Lily meaning: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/home-decor/a39982524/lily-flower-meaning/
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hellfirexclub · 2 years
Hello!! I love your blog and writing style, it’s so amazing. Idk if you’re accepting requests right now or at all? But if you are, I’d love to see how you play around with the idea of a “the boys react to” style prompt with Billy, Steve, and Eddie where they each smoke with Reader for her first time and she’s not that great at doing it herself so they individually teach her how to do a shotgun, and then of course things get spicy ;) if you’re not interested just ignore but I keep thinking about how it would play out with each of them and I think you are so good at doing those (the lap stories and daddy stories are imprinted on my brain at this point I’ve read them so much over the last few days lol) and I think you’d come up with something amazing :)
Hello lovely!! Thank you so much for the kind words I'm so glad you've been enjoying my blog!!! I'm a stoner so I really like this prompt, it may be a little less saucy than some of the others bc its lazy high sex but I hope you enjoy it!! also tell me why I wanna elaborate on the Steve one so bad with Eddie joining in too...
warnings: 18+, fem!reader, weed smoking, fingering, grinding, tit play, blowjobs, hickeys.
“Just breathe it in like this, sweetheart,” Billy croons at you, bringing the spliff up to his plump lips and staring at you through his eyelashes as he draws a breath in. You watch him open his mouth as the smoke trickles out of his throat, expertly controlling the smoke that wisps out before exhaling it all into a foggy haze around your face. “See? Not so hard is it?” Billy teases as you nod along innocently, his tongue flitting against his lip as he hands the joint back to you, making sure to brush his hand against yours as he did. He watches your eyes flicker at his touch for a moment, your legs shifting as you try to act unassuming. Billy loved this little routine of getting a girl high, particularly an innocent first timer, then lowering her inhibitions until she let him do whatever he wanted to her. He watches with a smirk as you choke and cough out the smoke you tried to inhale, tearing up slightly from the burn in your throat. He lets out a low chuckle, tutting at you as he takes the joint back off of you. “Here, let me help you out a bit darling.” He coos mockingly, taking another deep draw himself. He nods his head at you and you raise your brows as you realise what he wants, opening your mouth shyly as he leans in until your lips are almost touching. Your eyes flutter shut as he exhales the smoke between your lips, and you find that this time you can inhale it much more easily without feeling the need to cough. You smile in excitement at Billy as you exhale, who smirks and tells you how good you did, making your head sing from his praise. You think you must be feeling the effects already. Billy smokes some more and can’t help but watch the man in fascination at how hot he looks while doing it. His eyes are on you as he slouches into the sofa, head tilting back as he lazily smokes, an amused smirk on his face as he watches you stare. 
“You liking the view there, pretty thing?” Billy coos, chuckling as you try to shake your head and play innocent. With a lick of his lips Billy leans towards you again, tilting your chin to ready you as he draws in some more smoke before blowing it slowly into your mouth. Billy doesn’t move his face away this time and you feel your heart start to race as his lips almost touch yours as you breathe out. You bite your lip nervously as his eyes burn into yours, before moving to look at your pouted lips. He raises his hand to your face, his thumb brushing your lips, parting them slightly as he watches hungrily. You let out a breathy whine at his movements and Billy chuckles darkly at your neediness, knowing he has you exactly where he wants you now. His thumb is quickly replaced with his lips and his hand snakes around to hold the back of your neck to hold you still as he sloppily kisses you. You kiss back just as eagerly, wrapping your hands around his neck as he deepens the kiss with a growl, his arms snaking down your body to grab your waist. He wastes no time in pulling you into his lap, groaning at the gasp you let out when he sits you down on his cock that’s already half hard and straining in his pants. Billy kisses you heatedly again as his hands roam your body, settling on your hips and gently rocking you against him. You gasp and moan shyly as his dick pushes against you, making Billy chuckle in your neck as he sucks a mark into your skin. He grabs the remaining spliff from beside him, lighting it again while you continue to grind on him. You instinctively move your head closer to his, waiting for him with your parted lips eager for him to share the smoke with you. Billy takes your jaw in his hand, fingers squeezing your cheeks as he exhales into your mouth again, his eyes darker this time. As you exhale into the air, you feel Billy’s lips begin to kiss down your neck, earning a breathy gasp of pleasure from you. You feel brave and high enough to take a drag yourself as the pleasure consumes you, moaning as he bites down on your neck again before mindlessly breathing some in. This time you manage to do it with only a slight burn and no coughing, which you thank the lord for as Billy starts to pull down your top, his lips now on your cleavage. All of Billy’s actions cloud your mind, his hand that’s slowly reaching under your skirt, the other that is delicately moving your bra out of the way and his lips that are still on your breasts, now taking your hard nipple into his mouth. You moan loudly, eyes rolling back as you feel his big hand find your panties, whining as he rubs at the wet spot that’s formed in them.
“Fuck, you’re already soaked baby,” Billy growls around your nipple, moving your panties to the side so he can stroke your throbbing clit with his thumb. “You gonna let daddy take care of you?” He grunts, groaning when you nod frantically on top of him, begging him to take care of you. “Good girl.” Billy growls as he slips a finger into your slick heat, groaning to himself as he feels how tightly you're squeezing this finger. You’re going to feel so perfect wrapped around his cock.
Now Steve was no expert when it comes to smoking weed, he’d only had his first joint after befriending Eddie. So when you told him you wanted to try it out with him, he was a little nervous about getting it all right. Luckily for him, when he’d gone to pick up and told Eddie what it was for Eddie offered to roll them for him, saving him the embarrassment of doing it terribly in front of you.  But now as he sparked up the joint he realised he had a different embarrassing problem, which was him coughing sharply as the smoke comes out of his mouth. You let out a small giggle at this, passing him his can of drink and checking that he’s okay. 
“Sorry, I’m still not completely used to that,” He mumbles with an embarrassed smile, cheeks pink as you continue to giggle and shake your head at him. He puts his hand out towards you to pass you the joint but notices your hesitation as you tentatively reach out for it. “Hey, if you’re nervous to smoke it there’s this thing that Eddie did with me my first time, made it much easier to get high.” He tells you kindly, raising his brows to ask if you’d like to try it that way first. You nod back at him gratefully and Steve chuckles, this time taking his time as he inhales less weed than before. He gently runs a thumb over your lip, motioning with his eyes for you to open your mouth slightly, which you happily oblige to. You feel your cheeks begin to burn as Steve’s gorgeous face comes inches from yours, his soft lips a fraction away from touching yours as he blows the smoke from his mouth into yours. His eyes stay on yours the whole time and you feel as though you’re going to melt into a puddle under his gaze, your heart hammering in your chest so loud you’re scared he can hear it. Steve gets lost in your eyes as he watches you inhale the smoke and then blow it back out into his face, marvelling in the beauty of you for a moment until he remembers he has to smoke more for you. He copies his actions, his jaw tightening as he blows into your mouth again, desperately wanting to just close the gap and kiss your soft lips. The look in your eyes is almost sensual now, eyes lidded and dreamy, and it makes Steve question if that’s what you actually want as well. You breathe the next bit out shakily, panting slightly as you keep looking at him with those needy eyes. He leans closer to you, heart pounding as you instinctively lean in to him too, his eyes asking you for permission before he gently presses his lips against yours. Your eyes flutter shut as he kisses you softly, groaning against your lips when your hands wrap around his neck to play with his luscious hair. His hands delicately find the small of your back as the kiss deepens, his big palms on your skin making you feel even safer in his arms. Steve pulls away to moan, panting against your lips as you smile at each other shyly. 
“God I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Steve mutters dreamily, a coy smile playing on his lips that you roll your eyes at, grabbing him by the collar of his stupid polo shirt to kiss him again. This time Steve gently pushes you to lay on your back, not once letting his lips move from yours as he lowers himself over you, his thumb stroking soft circles into the exposed skin of your hip where your top had ridden up. He pulls away panting, eyes full of needy desire and lust as he presses soft kisses down your neck, groaning when he hears your sweet moans slip out at his movements. His hands find your body desperately, raising your top up to caress your waist, slowly stroking up your ribs as he nears your tits. His mouth on your collarbone lowers, breath catching in his throat as he gets to eye level with your cleavage, looking up into your eyes hungrily. “Can I make you feel good baby?” He whispers to you almost pleadingly, sending a shiver down your spine as he carefully slips his hands higher up your top when you nod desperately at him, gasping out a moan when his warm hands gently cup your tits. Steves eyes roll back finally getting to have his hands on your tits, thinking about the countless times he’d just wanted to rip off your clothes and bury his face in them. Now they were his to play with as he saw fit, and that had Steve whining, revering in the beauty of you before him moaning to his touch. He kisses you more fervently this time, propping himself on his shoulders so that he can press his body against yours as he deepens the kiss. You moan into his mouth when you feel his hardness pressing against you in his pants, sending a surge of pleasure into your belly that makes you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist to get him even closer to you. Steve groans at this, kissing down your neck as his hands meet your breasts again earning a breathy moan from you. Steve was really gunna have to give his thanks to Eddie after this. 
Eddie was taken aback at first when you told him you wanted to try smoking, since you’d been friends with him for so long and never taking him up on the offer before.  But he was more than happy to oblige and invited you over to his to chill and smoke. He lit the joint and told you to watch him as he brought it up to his lips, demeanour relaxed as he breathed it into his lungs and then back out again. 
“Think you can try doing that?” He asks you softly, not wanting to push you into it if you decided you weren’t ready. But with a wide grin you nod and gently take it from between his fingers, bringing it up to your own lips. “Remember to breathe it into your throat, not just your mouth” He tells you as you suck on the joint, only to immediately cough and splutter it all back out. Your throat burned as Eddie passed you a glass of water he’d kept on hand for you, as this always happened with first time smokers. 
“How the hell do you smoke that without coughing?” You ask after gulping down some water, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and then rubbing the soreness of your throat. 
“It just takes a bit of practise, you get used to it” He tells you with a wink, his cheeks going slightly pink as you intently watch him smoke and try to copy his actions, only to cough sharply again. 
“There’s something else we could try that would help a bit?” He asks nervously, trailing off when you begin nodding, anything to help you get high. “Um, basically if I inhale it into my mouth and then uh… pass it directly into yours, it makes the burn far less harsh” He says shakily, wanting to squeeze his eyes shut and prepare for you to hit him for even suggesting that. 
“Okay, show me.” You respond quickly, already having leaned closer to Eddie’s face. His cheeks burn more at your closeness, in awe you’ve actually just agreed to this. He takes a deep draw of the joint before leaning his face into yours, lips almost touching yours as he motions for you to open yours slightly. You do and then you feel Eddie slowly blow the smoke into your mouth, much more easily being able to breathe it down your throat this time before blowing it into Eddie’s still close face. “I did it!” You exclaim excitedly, smiling widely at the boy who had a goofy smile of his own on his face. Eddie doesn’t respond, he only keeps staring at you dreamily, and you feel heat begin to creep up your neck at the closeness of him. “Can you do it again?” You say to him gently, swallowing as Eddie repeats the motions of inhaling and bringing his mouth up to yours, only this time your lips gently touch as the smoke is passed between the two of you. You’re both silent as you exhale, watching each other intently for the others reaction to what just happened. When neither of you make the motion to move away, Eddie crashes his lips into yours in a moment of bravery, and you instantly melt into the kiss. He moans into your mouth as you deepen the kiss, his big hand coming up to caress your jaw while the other finds it’s way to your waist. He pulls away from you breathless, a blissful smirk on his face.
“Fuck, if this is what smoking with you gets me I’d have insisted we do it a lot earlier.” Eddie chuckles, his cheeks pink and his eyes adoring as he looks down at you. You chuckle back before pulling him back into a kiss by the front of his shirt, more passionate this time as you carefully push on his chest to have him lay back, your lips still connected. Eddie whines against your lips, pleasantly shocked by your dominance as you straddle his lap and kiss him harder. The effect the weed has already had on you fuels your passion for each other, and you can’t help but to grind on Eddie through his jeans, desperate to feel him now that all your feelings for each other were finally culminating. Eddie moans loudly, mouth agape as he looks up in disbelief at the sight of you grinding against him, his hands flying to your hips to grind you harder against him. “Shit. Fuck.” Is all Eddie can manage to mutter as his wet dreams come true in front of him, still in half a mind that he was just dreaming this. You kiss him again in a passionate clash of lips and teeth and Eddie melts, knowing in this moment he would let you do absolutely anything to him. One of your soft hands meets the straining bulge in his trousers, earning a choked moan from Eddie as you tease his cock with gentle rubs. His cheeks are pink and he is panting heavily as you lower yourself down his body with a smirk, Eddie stuttering as you start to unbutton his pants. He can’t believe his eyes when you pull his cock out of his pants, watching the flicker of desire in your eyes as you see his sizeable cock dripping precum for you. 
“You want me to make you feel good Eddie?” You ask him teasingly, making the boy whine as you continue to tease his cock with slow strokes. He nods frantically, more turned on than he thinks he’s ever been in his life as he watches you meet his eyes and lower your head to his dick, softly wrapping your mouth around it as you keep up your slow strokes. Eddie moans, brows furrowed and his head falling back in pleasure as you start to suck him off teasingly. It’s gunna be a long night for Eddie.
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prolix-yuy · 11 months
I SPINNED THE WHEEL AND GOT HONEY BEAR AND I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS BUT IM EXCITED (I'm not gonna google it to keep the surprise factor lamdovdf) the position name made me instantly think of Dieter so I'll go with him <33
this is just so much fun thank you for the sleepover bby!! ILY
Sil, I would be honored to Honey Bear you! And Dieter is exactly the man I want to get down with, especially in this position!
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
Position: Honey Bear
Word Count: 1084
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, oral sex (m receiving), ass play, sexy wrestling, Dieter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
Notes: I wanted to do another funny-sweet one, and Dieter is just perfect for it. Plus if I was having a bad a day, I would also appreciate being pampered like this ;)
He’s been a little ball of frustration all day today, and enough is enough.
You try not to be too hard on him. His agent interrupted Saturday morning TV with news that he wasn’t getting the part he’d be practicing for. “They wanted someone younger, to appeal to the newer audiences.” He sulked through the next two episodes.
Then his sister called, and he retreated into the bedroom. His voice still carried through the closed door, switching back and forth angrily from Spanish to English. He stomped back to the couch and doomscrolled for two hours, his brows pulled together in a dark scowl. 
His final straw came when you heard him groaning, “You have GOT to be kidding me!” Venturing into the kitchen, cautious of the sourness of his day, you find him tapping his phone with increasing annoyance.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, moving to lean beside him. His whole frame is tight, frustration directed at the world around him wafting off in heady waves. 
“If I’m too fucking old and too fucking lazy to get anything I want, then fuck it, I’m going to order a pizza and not give a shit about the diet. But the fucking delivery app keeps crashing and I just would like one goddamn thing to work today!” He shoves his phone across the counter, your hand stopping it from skittering off the edge to add to his annoyance. 
“How about you go take a shower and we lay down for a little while?” you ask, lightly stroking Dieter’s back. He takes in a deep breath and whooshes it out, scrubbing at his face. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just been a shitty day,” he says, letting you tug him towards the master suite. 
“Everything gets better once you’re in bed,” you say, leading him to the shower. He groans quietly.
“Baby, I’m not really in the right headspace for that.” You cup his cheeks and rest his forehead against yours, tapping the tips of your noses together. 
“That’s not what I mean. We’ll cuddle up and put on a movie and when we get hungry I’ll make something. But right now, you’re gonna try and relax.” Switching on the shower, you usher him in and close the door behind him. He looks through the glass at you in the perfect imitation of a Sarah McLachlan dog shelter commercial, and you draw a little heart in the steam.
Giving him a few minutes to decompress, you turn down the fluffy bedspread and change out of your day clothes. Shuffling around in your drawers, you find the perfect outfit to don before Dieter steps out damp and loose. The towel wrapped around his waist lets you admire his soft broad body, dimples and divots you love mapping with your mouth. He’s slicked his hair back but a few errant curls poke out. 
“That was needed, thank you,” he says, pulling out some neon green boxer briefs and tugging them on. They make his butt look absolutely adorable, and his bulge sizeable. You really should get him more of those. As he approaches, a smile begins working its way across his face.
“What are you wearing?” he asks, kneeling on the edge of the bed as you pose dramatically in the pillows.
“Why Mr Bravo, don’t you recognize the white elephant gift of last Christmas Eve?” Draped over your body is a white T-shirt with a badly rendered line drawing of sexy lingerie where it would fall on your silhouette. You’d won it at a party, and the terrible quality matched with the hilarious design made you keep it in the back of your drawer. 
“I thought we ruined that,” he says, crawling up the bed to hover over you. The weight of the day is smoothing from his face, fingers curling around the hem of the shirt. “You’ve got much better underwear than this.” 
“Dieter, don’t you dare take off the Seduction Shirt!” you crow, squirming below him as he redoubles his efforts to get the hideous shirt off. You nip at his biceps, digging your fingers into his sides to tickle yourself free. He tries to keep up, chasing after your crawling form and yanking you back into his embrace. 
He gets it halfway up your stomach when you manage to roll you both, pinning him on his back with his knees folded over your shoulders. He’s full on laughing now, cheeks a ruddy red and coughing with exertion. You let him catch his breath until he looks down up at you, a warm smile across his face. Pushing his thighs up to his chest, he takes in a small gasp, pupils blow out and hands clenching. Gaze drifting down, you find him hard and twitching in his boxers, your tits pressing softly. Cautiously, you stroke your palm up his length. He throws his head back, stomach tensing.
“Do you want…”
You’re stripping his boxers off in record time, sliding down so you can take him into your mouth in one quick slide. He chokes, hips bucking as your practiced touch massages behind his balls. Keening and hissing, you set a fast pace to topple him into pleasure quickly, adding two fingers pressing firmly at his hole. He’s babbling as your lips slide up and down his shaft, sucking hard and swallowing around the thick intrusion. 
“Oh fuck, baby, I’m…” he begs, and pride swells when he cums down your throat not two minutes after you began. You love knowing exactly what makes Dieter explode, and how quickly you can achieve it. Easing him down, you climb up to snuggle into his open arms. 
“Don’t know why I said I wasn’t in the headspace, I’m always in the right mind for you,” Dieter says softly, lips dragging over your temple. You smirk into his chest.
“It’s the Seduction Shirt, works every time.”
Quicker than you expect he rolls you, pinning your hips and ripping the shirt over your head to discard in a corner of the room. 
“There, no advantage now,” he snarks, rubbing his scruffy face into your neck. Fighting against the ticklish touch, you koala bear around him and pull him down to entwine.
“So if anything happens now, it’s all thanks to my own sex appeal?” you ask with faux curiosity. Dieter pops his head out to bathe you in warmth you’ll never get enough of.
“Damn right.”
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LJ’s Bangathon 2023
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play-on-skinners-box · 9 months
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Others have already been furrying the Raincode characters and doing a phenomenal job, but when I would peruse Danganrompa fanart I really liked seeing different and wildly varying interpretations for the characters' animal choices and now it is my turn, my GOD GIVEN DUTY TO PROVIDE IN THE GENISIS OF THE RAINCODE FANDOM, FOR THE HONOR OF THOSE WHO HAVE COME BEFORE ME.
For all of them I used their pose from the artbook renders. I'll say it's to keep them recognizable but that is actually a lie I'm just lazy.
Secretary Bird Halara:
Halara I did first and they were the one I was most jazzed to do because I love them dearly. I made them a secretary bird and I think it's a PERFECT fit. Ahem allow me to rattle off. Secretary birds are birds, so doomed by the narrative to have to stay away from cats, they are predatory birds and of course Halara would be at the top of the food chain. Speaking of predetory birds, secretary birds are known for their ability TO KICK VENOUMOUS SNAKES TO DEATH, AND THATS JUST TOO GOOD A FIT. They also have plumage that I could easily shape into Halara's kinda smooth swoopy hairstyle, and face markings that could be sort of representative of their glasses! I think the drawing for them is probably the weakest out of the group just because as I went along I improved and started to translate the human designs in less one to one ways, plus the pose Halara has in the artbook doesn't fit perfectly to the really big wing hand things. I still enjoyed making it because H A L A R A N I G H T M A R E but I'm honestly kinda sad at how lackluster it is compared to Fubuki and Viva who got the most interesting details and texture work. NEVER DO YOUR FAVORITE FIRST IT'S A TRAP.
Guinea Pig Desuhiko:
With Desuhiko I was going back and fourth between a few rodents, I just think he kinda looks like one and already had those pikachu cheeks. My first scetch made him a hamster, and while it DID look like him, it felt a little too... Indistinct. Desuhiko's probably my favorite design in the cast just because he looks so distinctive and has a short stocky bodytype I really really love and makes my character designer brain happy, so I swapped hamster for guinea pig. While the guinea pig face doesn't look like him quite as much as the hamster, they are very interesting and distinctive looking which I loved a lot more even with a bit of accuracy sacrificed if that makes sense. Also there are Guinea pigs with spikey wild fur that make it so I could just kinda give him his actual hair and still have it make sense. Guinea pigs are also the perfect size and shape to be thrown like a large softball and out of all the Master Detectives Desuhiko looks like he'd be the most sadisfying to chuck across a room.
Fish Fubuki:
Fubuki was really hard just because it's difficult to anthropomorphize a fish in the same way as a mammal or a avian cause of their structure. She might look a biitttt more like a fantasy creature inspired by a fish than just a fish but she's charming enough I don't completely mind. I got some SOLID advice and looked at some Splatoon NPCs characteristics to try and make her more appealing. So why fish? I got it as a suggestion that I ended up really liking because fish are notorious for their bad memory, live in tanks their whole lives(Fubuki is the definition of sheltered), and they have fins to mimic the shape of Fubukis cloak and hair. I used beta fish for reference, they don't really fit her but just being a fish was good enough for me and at that point I was prioritizing looks. She doesn't even really look like any specific species like the other three to be honest. She's defiantly the outlier of the group but that's fine, she can be special in her own unique way like always. Got a little lazy with making the hair look all that fin-like, but it's kinda the main event of her human design so I wanted to keep it as true to that as possible but looking at it now I think its tooooo copy and paste looking. Her furry design IS my brothers favorite out of the batch so that's gotta count for something!
Flying Fox Bat Vivia:
The vampire looking man was always gonna be a bat, I am but a slave to the whims of fate. I made him specifically a flying fox because they're the largest bat species and therefore can loom ominously. Vampire bat would have been fun too, but they have more of a squished bastard energy that doesn't really fit Vivia. Bats also are known for their weird sleeping habits, ala upside. Viva isn't sleeping upside down or anything like that but he DOES snooze in some weird places so I think comparing him to a bat in multiple aspects is very apt! His drawing and animal design is probably my favorite, I really like the wings, and the bat feet are super weird I loved doing those. I did have trouble incorperating his hair, flying foxes have pretty smooth heads, but they do have sort of a mane thing going on so I tried to put some of his hair texture and shape there instead. Sorry I did not give him is edgy edgy hair cut, I too love it very much but it was simply not to be. I did try to mimic it's vibe with the patterning on his head though, an illusion of his bangs.
I'm very happy with this lineup overall, they're some neat little designs if I do say so myself! I might do more but I have the chronic problem of not being able to sit still for a long time to do a BUNTCH of guys again(though for the record I would make Seth the most delightfully storm drain gutter looking creature). I also kinda wanna do Makoto and Yuma cause someone suggested a REALLY good idea for them, but the concept for Makoto with this idea would be more of an involved design that I wouldn't be able to use all of his normal outfit for so it'd probably take longer than average.
TLDR: Furries amiright?
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