#there arent actually a lot of characters that hate hate mc
rotten-games · 1 year
RoT has a lot of enemies-2-lovers & I wondering who are the 3 that start the story hating PC the most? I’m asking for the top 3 because I’m guessing the #1 & maybe #2 are a given
Maybe not as many as you think. Or more than you think depending on what side of the coin you're on (enemies purely by chance? No hate either way? Still counts as enemies to lovers ;))
For this particular post, I will go by sheer amount of hate and dislike. There's little drama with someone like Lokeira who is apathetic to you at most (though there are other dramas there).
1. Emil
Answer is obvious. You killed his parents. The very thought of loving you is inherently anathema to him. Maybe one day he can forgive you. Either way, you're always on the hook for your misdeeds.
2. Arke
Also obvious. You were once a close friend, maybe more if you pushed it (but you never pushed it, did you?). Now, five years down the line and paying for your mistakes, Arke comes back with an enslaving rage directed solely at you. One day, he'll understand you had to do it.
3. Calyssa
All her misplaced anger is like a disease festering inside her like the very real hex eating away inside you. She doesn't know why she hates you, but she's sure she's right. A pretty butt sitting on the throne while people suffer? You have to be wrong. Maybe you'll redirect that distrust elsewhere. Or maybe you won't.
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proxylynn · 1 year
Lynn, what do you know about Tate Frost? I only know that he does not like liars, cats. He loves gambling.
{I'll be using quotation marks when using Mortis and Bile's lore. Seriously, they are amazing people. I can't thank them enough for making weird and messed-up characters that are also loveable. Lore and art provided below is by the wonderful creators mortisfox & bileshroom.}
[This is a bit of a hard one as Tate is in two projects. He was first introduced in Mortisfox's first game Purple and Frost Bite is set before the events of Purple. WARNING/TRIGGER WARNING (certain themes) Massive TATE FROST LORE drop!!]
"Frost Bite is set in 1995 and PURPLE in 1996. In Frost Bite, Tate is a butcher. In Purple, Tate chops wood and works on cars for a living. Tate is 6'1, his b-day is April 28th, he's 33 years old in Frost Bite and 34 in Purple. He's bisexual."
Why does Tate dislike cats? "he's just one of those cis guys who has never been around cats before and thinks they're weak and stupid. if Tate got a cat, he would hate it at first until it slept on his chest then he would take it with him everywhere and kill anyone who touched it. Tate just honestly needs to have a cat for a while. he'd still be a dog guy though."
"Tate LOVES to grill, but he's not like...the best at it. He sure knows how to heat the meat up enough for him to eat it but just barely, the bloodier the better! Tate would probably love someone who could cook for him though, anything to be lazier and still have food in him. But he's not very picky! He's usually a bit buzzed so pretty much anything you feed him he'll think is really good."
"so Tate would probably enjoy a feisty and rougher MC, especially if they're harder to kill cause he really likes the challenge."
Has Tate ever tried to track down or find out who his father was? "Tate's mom had a lot of partners before he was born, so she's not even sure who he is either. One of those random bar hookups ya know growing up, Tate wondered about it for a while but he lost interest. when he got older and has no desire to figure out who it is, at this point he's happier being independent with no familial ties, that way he can move around the country and not worry about connections. he likes to call himself a 'lone wolf' cause he's a dork."
Since Tate likes drinking, what kind of person is he when drunk? "OH lord he's usually really good at not seeming drunk when he is, but if you get him past that he gets REALLY handsy, very touchy, but after about an hour of that he becomes extremely sad and depressed, he has a hard time hiding that part of himself when he's shitfaced, but it does take a LOT to get him there and more than likely hed just pass out before that. He's not a violent or angry drunk at all though, if anything he gets more silly and nice."
Is Tate just, not interested in a real relationship like at all/ever, or is he open to it but it's just never really happened that he actually wants to stick around? "Tates has been very unlucky in love. he tends to get with people who arent really great people (not that he's any better), and he also struggles with feelings of caring or empathy for other people. I think in the EXTREMELY rare off chance he meets someone that's perfect for him that he doesn't just want to kill, the relationship most likely wouldn't last long cause he'd be the one to fuck it up. Tate's current mindset is that relationships are more trouble than they're worth and he'd rather just fuck around with people, but I wouldn't say him getting in a relationship would be impossible."
Who or what was Tate's first kill? "Tate's first murder (he was 18) was an old girlfriend (whom he lived in a trailer with at the time) who he caught cheating on him, they did not have a good relationship- often having screaming matches that lasted hours, so no one thought much of the screaming while he hacked her up with an axe."
"another bit of Tate's baggage He's always at least 25% drunk, but he gets these very depressing episodes and becomes very suicidal, these don't last too long, maybe a few days to a week, but they're very bad for him."
"anyway lore drop Tate has a younger half-brother (on their dad's side) Dean or 'Coyote' as everyone calls him, they'd never actually meet in canon but Tate would hate his guts lol"
Does Tate eat meat raw? Or does he prefer them cooked? Is he messy when he cuts meat up? "Tate loves meat that's been cooked for all of 15 seconds, the bloodier the better!! he also loves to just eat with his hands anytime he can, he doesn't care what other people think of him so he just does that in public."
Is Tate a cannibal? "yep, and there will be a lot of those themes in the game! we'll be putting a content warning when the game is released, but just in case that's not something you're into heres your heads up."
Is Tate good at aftercare? What does he do for it and how would he react to a mc that cries after sex from all of the brain chemicals and such? "Tate, being the man he is, doesn't think of aftercare all that much mainly because he doesn't have sex in a lot of places that allow it- usually in his truck or a closet or backroom of some sort, BUT on the occasion he does end up in his trailer or your place he'd very much be the "no talking I'm holding you" type of aftercare, if you can really call it that lmao. BUT if the mc was a crier after sex, he might be a bit more gentle, more back rubbing and if you're real lucky some forehead kisses that he won't talk about the next morning. (though he does enjoy the sound of pleasured crying so it might just turn him on again)"
Does Tate enjoy warm cuddles all night long or is he more of the 'needs his space' type in bed with only some cuddles? "Tate is very much a 'grabs onto you and doesn't let go until he is awake' type, even worse is he a very naturally hot person so I hope you can stand sweating buckets all night."
What is Tate's ideal type of partner? "Tate is one of those people that gets very easily bored with any one type of person, he's very selfish and doesn't care much about anyone else's feelings. Like there are certain things that draw him to someone: -shorter -shy timid people -people he reads as prey -small soft hands but he doesn't stick around any one place for too long and he has trouble forming real relationships (not that it's impossible, it would just be difficult lmao he is VERY stubborn)"
Why did Tate become Slasher? "this isn't going to be touched on in the game, so ill answer it since it's not a spoiler! Tate doesn't really have any specific trauma or mental illnesses or any real reason to be like he is, he just does what he wants. He sees himself as an animalistic predator that wants to hunt and he gets excited when he kills people. he hunted a lot when he was younger and grew up doing that and it just escalated into adulthood and it went from hunting animals to hunting people because they're smarter and have a high capacity for fear, which he enjoys seeing. he thinks of himself as a wolf. but this isn't to say he's just a wild animal, he's actually very charming and can convince people to trust him easily. The game takes place around 1994-1995 too so it was a little easier for him to get away with things and he moves around a LOT from state to state. I imagine the state that Frost Bite takes place in is the new england area, but he's originally from Louisiana and he's actually in another game that takes place about a year later and he's living in California in it (Purple) -fox"
[Lastly...We now have pics of not just Tate or that one of his mom, but of his dad and half-bro! Also if you think Tate is huge, think again, because his old man is giant!]
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(Lore and art provided by the wonderful creators mortisfox & bileshroom.)
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wiltking · 1 year
Hi wilt do you have theories as to why so many MM books are shitty? Are my standards too high? Like so many popular MM books are popular based off the sexiness of the characters and the sex alone and so many are just the most basic "I'm serious/edgy guy" and "I'm flirty/funny guy" relationship.
I have to fight for my life to find a good MM book that isn't instant attraction/love (I fucking hate when an MCs first thoughts about the other MC is "I want to fuck him so bad"; it's only good in a few stories), and has a worthwhile plot, well developed characters with serious/realistic problems, and a meaningful romance. I know there's really good MM out there but it's so annoying going thru Goodreads and finding maybe one actually well-thought, not porn-y book out of 13 hockey romances about the same generic, muscley white ppl.
so, i dont read popular books. full stop. i also generally avoid anything marked as strictly 'romance' or published in the past 8+ years out of personal preference (if i can help it). because from my experience what youre describing is an ongoing problem with modern publishing standards and i have zero patience or interest for it.
my advice would be to try reading stuff published before 2015, roughly, and avoid goodreads like the plague. easier said than done because ive been trawling through older and weirder gay books for about a decade now, and they have certainly not all been Good. but generally the good stuff (complex characters, weird narrative styles, compelling and morally difficult stories) isnt what's "marketable", and youre gonna have to work harder to find it. stuff thats out of print, self published indie authors, old abandonned review blog sites - it takes work. but your standards arent too high.
i think publishers these days are too interested in making a quick buck off queer readers (with sanitized YA and smutty plotless shovelware novels) rather than take risks with more challenging, thoughtful, adult gay fiction. older books (from smaller and even shortlived publishers) seem to have been a lot more willing to take those risks because publishing stories with gay characters was already a risk in and of itself. and if they were going to print a book with gay characters the story have better been damn good and worth the investment.
in conclusion capitalism is the death of art, use storygraph instead of goodreads, and take chances on books that maybe dont have many reviews but are just strange enough to pique your interest. good luck and godspeed out there soldier
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one of the most annoying things I see is when people try to pull the but there arent many same sex ships ( that are canon) out there to defend korrasami and try to shame people into being okay with it when no it doesnt matter that there arent many same sex ships or examples of lgbt rep representation isnt more important then good writing they arent exempt from being criticized 
you dont need to support every same sex ship or “example of lgbt rep with a mc   to support the community or  support the idea of there being a mc same sex ship the important thing is whether the writing is good if it has had proper buildup etc
( also its funny how many times they get mad if the lgbt character isnt the character they wanted to be lgbt like ilia  and act like its wrong that she started on the bad guys side  even though she quickly changed sides
( its funny since I have seen people support the idea of azula being bi  given how she was )
or them getting mad if instead of the popular same sex ship  that they wanted one of the girls ends up with a girl outside of the pairing( I dont recall the example they used ( it was in the tags  naming ship names and I dont recognize all of the ship names)
but imagine someone getting mad if freezerburn happened instead of blacksun 
this way we both get what we wanted they get lgbt rep involving two members of team rwby  and blacksun got the payoff to all the buildup that it received ( while bb got nothing which is why I say its forced  direction change to suddenly start heavily pushing it in v7 ( v6 finale at best)
( and to be blunt the fact is the idea that  all members of team rwby
 had to be in relationship with each other  their partner because team jnpr got teased with theirs ( and if neo joins and gets with jaune it will still be the case) is ridiculous   by that logic it would be fair for one of team rwby to die ) heck it would be fine if none of team rwby were in relationships with eachother or were paired with a guy ( it wouldnt be forced if it was teased by the show with the proper buildup) like blacksun
(  I always find it funny that there are people who will genuinely call a straight ship being teased forced just because it was straight  and they wanted a same sex ship to be teased  instead (that isnt what being forced means it means writing wise . the fact they wanted bb to be teased is irrelevant they didnt get anything to hint at bb beforehand )  then will claim its homophobic to  call a same sex ship forced because after years of nothing hinting at it they were pushed and became canon as treated as something that is practically canon like in v7 or v6 finale ( while blacksun received actual teasing mutual attraction and development) there is no doubt if blake was a guy they would claim queerbaiting.  it doesnt matter that there are plenty of het ships that are canon people dont ship blacksun over bb because of the genders involved and when I see people claim that it comes off as projection
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I think my initial disdain for the way Sun and Neptune are written came from how sick and tired I am of straight ships being forced on the audience when lots of us are in the lgbta community. Part of it was because my gay ships were sinking I’ll admit but honestly I’m just sick of forced straight ships especially in one of the only shows with enough well written female characters to /actually/ have believable gay ships. I don’t think I hate Sun and Neptune but I do hate how forced the ships are.
I think this is all the explanation needed(and all you need to dismiss people trying to take moral superiority over liking Bumblebee). Something the toxic side of the fandom loves to do is project and project hard. They cannot understand why someone would not think like them or like the things they do unless there’s something wrong with them or they contextualize it through what they themselves would do.And that’s one of them accidentally explaining how that relates to Bumblebee: wasps like it because it’s a gay ship. They thought Black Sun was forced because it was not a gay ship. Therefore, since everyone must either think like them or be defective, clearly you think Bumblebee is forced because it’s not a straight ship. You don’t like it because it’s gay.“
basically they are just calling blacksun forced because it was a straight ship if sun was a girl they wouldnt make that claim so I cant take anytime I hear someone try to pull the you would ship bb if it was a m/f pairing  or wouldnt be calling it forced if it was a m/f pairing for if sun was a woman and yang a man they wouldnt be shipping bb and would call bb forced
if whether you ship  a ship or not  is determined by genders involved  like say if two ships were paired against the other and what causes you to ship one over the other  the pairing  is genders involved  it is a shallow reason   representation isnt more important then good writing
People need to stop over analyzing every single little detail about Bumblebee. Holding hands and hugging doesn’t mean these two are an item. They barely have any chemistry; in fact, almost every interaction between them suggests how terrible they’d be for each other:
In volume 2 Yang showed concern over Blake’s well being and winked at her while inviting her for a dance (we barelysee that dance btw) which is good, don’t get me wrong, but then everything starts going south after that. Blake was the only one on team RWBY who didn’t believe that Yang wasn’t going crazy, which doesn’t bode well for their relationship at all. Then Yang attacked Adam to save Blake, and Blake ran away after that without so much as a word, and Yang was rightfully upset and continued to be until volume 6. In that volume they do interact and Brunswick farms, and Yangs anger towards Blake briefly resurfaced. They then stabbed Adam and consulted each other after that. Then in volume 7 they complement each other’s looks (dating based off looks is never a good thing), then Blake’s introverted personality gets completely replaced into someone who likes to go clubbing (seriously, does Blake strike anyone as someone who likes to go clubbing?) and we don’t see that either. Then they talk in a van, and not even about each other, you know, something that would result in some good, healthy chemistry? And that’s it!
Yang and Blake barely have any chemistry together, and yet for some reason, almost everyone in the fandom thinks they’re compatible. They aren’t. They’re the farthest thing from compatible. Blake has more chemistry with Sun, and that is no speculation, the two of them spent two entire volume together for their relationship to flush out.
Look, I am not against Bumblebee, but this kind of nonsense needs to stop. We as a society need good, properly developed romance between LGBT characters (especially gay characters, ever notice RWBY’s lack of them?), but since people don’t know what that is, they settle for below subpar stuff. I believe Unicorn of war said it best: “we’ve been feasting on scraps when we deserve a banquet”
( something said around v7 )
All of the BumblBY moments, in my opinion you have to want them to be romantic and interpret them that way. There’s nothing inherently about them which suggests anything other than a close bond, unless you really want it to. The biggest BumlBY moment, when they hug after killing Adam isn’t romantic by nature. It’s simply two people comforting each other after killing a man who has caused the both of them trauma, and who at one point meant a lot to one of them.BlackSun on the other has many moments which you simply can’t deny are romantic. Blake blushes when Sun winks at her, Blake gets flustered when Kali says that she likes Sun, and the two of them go through an arc of opening up to one another and learning to trust each other, which is inherently romantic in nature.You can ship anything you want, but I’m getting a little tired of some BumblBY shippers claiming that ‘ the ship has been developing from day one’, when the truth is, no it hasn’t. If it is developing, it’s much more recent development, compared to BlackSun which now has several volumes to support it.
bb only reall began to be teased in story in v7  they might have intended for the v6 finale to be a romantic moment but it really wasnt
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235uranium · 2 months
seriously tho. joker being Incredibly Chill about akechi trying to kill him was pretty much made canon in royal. like you can argue when he decides it's fine, but it's undeniable that by 3rd sem he doesn't consider it relevant (and actively JOKES about akechi's crimes)
and tbh it only truly makes sense if you max akechi, seeing as that's how you make the promise to him. but it's still built into the plot. the full ending requires specific choices regarding akechi.
as the player, you arent forced to have preferences one way or the other. even with the thieves, the game never outright states joker's personal opinions. there's certainly characters where the plot nudges you in a direction, but this is a silent persona protag
yet. the player has no choice in what joker wishes for. of all the things maruki could've dragged out, it was akechi. and that was joker's personal regret, something he views as a personal failure. it's not like he suggests it was all the thieves- no, he specifically says joker regretted what happened in the boiler room. he says joker and akechi not only don't hate each other, but have a relationship built on mutual respect
like "no ill will" considering akechi tried to kill joker twice, a lot of players do read ill will into akechi's actions. except maruki, who is currently fucking god and knows how everyone feels, directly confirms that there isn't ill will. they don't want to harm each other. joker holds no bitterness over what akechi did. and like, man, that's a massive characterization point to be like "hey you know that assassination attempt that most of the game is centered on escaping? yeah the mc is actually chill with it"
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crystalconfusions · 2 months
bruh under the queens umbrella is so fucking good, this is the first tv show ive actually watched completely in like a year and i was CRYINGGGG.... why was this advertised as a comedy bro i was crying and on the edge of my seat for 75% of it.
ive watched some chinese harem shows before so its cool to see a similar show with korean history, even if its not rlly accurate historically. but tbh this show did a LOT better than many chinese harem shows ive watched - it used some common tropes but subverted a lot as well. generally the characters were a lot more complex than is common in this type of show in my experience, probs a bit bc it was less tied to history and played around with comedy more.
for real its so nice to see 1. a king and queen who arent madly in love or hate each other 2. a king who isnt evil or toxic, isn't super easily mislead and doesn't believe stupid rumors, but also isn't 100% good or moral 3. a queen who has a relatively decent relationship with the other concubines 4. a main character who takes decisive action and is in the 'prime' of her game - she doesn't start out trusting and stupid like many other MCs, those days (if they existed) are long behind her 5. a MC who is likable, moral, and flawed - she doesn't fit the model for a queen's behavior, she can be cocky and distant, but she loves her kids and is a good person
one thing that really pisses me off about a lot of chinese harem intrigue shows is the main character is usually so naive in the beginning of the show, then she either wisens up through some heartbreak (the king fucks her over or some other woman's scheme leads him to fuck her over) or she just lets the others walk all over her. this type of show is good ofc but the model gets old after a while... anyways this show is fucking fantastic
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Because it’s spooky month, here’s a spooky/at least creepy request!
How would the Brothers react to an enigmatic!Not related to Lilith!MC?
Like MC isn’t human but at the same time it’s hard to not believe it yet you can feel the vibes from them. There’s also no history or any information that can be traced back to MC. They have no family, their name is fake yet they never tell anyone their real name, their dna isn’t human; so it’s sorta like they’re just…there. As if they just appeared in existence at random and they’re just adapting wherever they are.
MC is very vague about their past or what kind of inhuman they are (for the sake of messing with everyone) but there’s something very unnerving about whatever dark secrets lies behind MC’s kind face especially since they have an “intimidating” presence that makes even other demons skittish around them. They also choose to not show their abilities since they allowed a lot of things to happen since they were bored (getting killed by Belphie even though they saw it coming, Lucifer trying to kill them but they just enjoy seeing him lose his cool at times, Levi going berserk was amusing to them etc.).
Because Lord knows what really would’ve happened if they actually chose to do damage and it’s best no one provokes them to the point of doing so.
This one took a good second to read for me xdd, also sorry for it being short
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Idk what to put as gif
- he could inmediately tell something wasnt right the moment he checked with detail your info during the process of selecting a human for the program
- the unnerving feeling got worse the moment you arrived in the devildom, even diavolo looked at him and did some movement with his hands to ask if this was a human
- he hates everything even more when you dont seem to be afraid when he tried to kill you, its like youre trying to piss him off
- asks himself constantly if he messed up or not cause you just give him bad vibes, but he also feels like its too late to do anything about for the program
- you definetely gave him chills the first time he saw you and when he was assigned to be your guardian
- protests even more anout making a pact with you and, by the looks of it, mightve actually gotten away with it if it werent because of what lead to him doing so
- something isnt ok with you and if he can avoid being in a room alone with you for too long then he will
- didnt notice something wasnt ok with you until after he did a pact with you, yeah thw bad vibes were there but he was convinced he was just overthinking
- is so confused as to whether youre human or not because you are just too creepy
- watches animes with plots related to off-puting humand to see what he can do, also does some research about not humans to try to figure out what to do
- could also tell right of the bat that you werent entirely human, he has read enough about spooky creatures to recognize them
- is trying his best to figure out more about your history and just what you are exactly, he isnt going to be happy however with the lack of information he finds about you, and of course you wont tell him
- he cant just ask you for help, you wont tell him anything, its time to play the roll of some of his favorite characters and start to play detective
- tries to play it off as just him not knowing you better but there is still that one tiny pain in his guts that tells him that something isnt right
- offers to give you a makeover, tries to get to know you better, etc; but his feelings dont change much for better, you look human but arent human
- if any of his brothers need an excuse to avoid you then they can count of him for help, because he understands why they'd wanna avoid you
- it could just be him overthinking.. or you could actually not be human
- he wants to get along with you but there is something about you that doesnt sit right with him
- doesnt help at all the part where you dont seem afraid at all when lucifer tries to kill you nor when you dont seem faced about seeing your dead body after belphie killed you
- at least youre a good person right?
- didnt notice those vibes until he was freed and was killing you
- something about it didnt felt satisfying for him, you didnt bother to fight nor did you beg for help, nothing, it just felt weird
- will try to use his powers to visit you in your sleep to know better just what you are, he regrets doing so and might lose sleep for the next couple of days afterwards
- continuosly asks himself how you are still here in the devildom, everyone else can tell you are sus, so why are you still here??
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actualbird · 3 years
I got distracted reading 4-04 and 4-05 i totally forgot the actual thing i was supposed to ask you today, what are your thoughts on the kinds of shows the nxx team wouldve watched as kids growing up. MC and Luke have apparently watched animes and even dressed up as characters but i have this need to know the finer details. LIKE. WHAT DID YOU WATCH SPECIFICALLY?? And i remembered you said luke was the one who probably understood most of the terms zangr was saying so like?? Luke do you like these kinds of things?? -Marsh
MARSH, thank you so much for this ask and for the SPECIFIC WORDING "watched as kids growing up." because that makes me have to go back in time and thusly uncovering by far my favorite yet most under-utilized and never-brought-up detail of tears of themis:
the story of this game takes place in the year 2030
DO U HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FUNNIER THIS MAKES SHIT???? AND ALSO HOW MUCH MORE SENSE STUFF MAKES??? let me explain myself by going thru all the boys one by one
luke pearce
YEAH HE SAID HE AND MC WERE RLLY INTO ANIME AS KIDS. luke pearce who is 24 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2018-2021. this period of time, anime started getting more and more accessible, most notably getting on netflix and stuff like this. so like all the anime on netflix rn? yeah luke's watched them.
though because i kin luke, imma say that his fave is fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. ive got no characterization proof for this, i just want to give him this honor
additionally, luke is a HUUUUGE fan of the original Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle novels (ACD Sherlock) and i think this would have pushed him to watch like, just every popular sherlock media adaptation there is. he personally liked Elementary better than BBC Sherlock. he generally just gravitates to the adaptations that dont forget about the heart of all of the characters.
also also also, luke likes action movies ranging from "hey this is "good" to critics" to "this is a shit movie but MY GOD IS IT FUN!!!"
artem wing
artem wing who is 29 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2013-2016. but also artem is a MOVIE SNOB LMAOOO, hes That Guy with the Opinions On Film and you bet that his analytical ass was into just the most extra shit to watch those days because no teenager is chill, every teenager has some kind of ego, i dont know what movies he would have watched at that point to be the Smartest Teenager About Movies, but he sure did watch them
though artem also is very into sci-fi literature and 2013-2016 had a BUUUNCH of huge sci-fi movies. Pacific Rim, Gravity, Interstellar, Arrival. Arrival is deffo artem's fave, dont fight me on this, i can explain further but not in this answer bc it will get LOOONG LOL
artem also is into "classics" which uh. wait artem what do you Mean by that, what is a "classic" for somebody born in 2001??? i dont really know exactly what he means by "classics" so i just take it to mean he's a slut for period dramas which leads me to my closing point
"Once upon a time, when [Artem] was younger, around 17 years old, he pondered identifying as asexual or as one of the subsets under that term, but he put that aside after he first watched Pride and Prejudice (2005). He had then acquired a recurring fantasy in which he would be sensually accosted by Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in a secluded study after months of furtive, charged glances, lingering, split second touches, double entendres classily and subtly masked but still implying a repressed yet voracious—Moving on." -an excerpt from my comedy smut fic where artem goes thru a crisis. yeah. yeah. Pride and Prejudice dir. Joe Wright was his bisexual awakening.
vyn richter
vyn richter who is 27 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2015-2018 but honestly that doesnt help me AT ALL LOL BECAUSE VYN IS A TOUGH NUT TO CRACK.....
like honest to god i cant even imagine vyn as anything other than an adult KJBSJKFS (which is depressing, if i think about it more... but also what vyn would want, i assume he would hate for people to have known him as a child, imperfect and shunned.....which is ALSO DEPRESSING. VYN, U GOOD???)
okay yknow what im not studied enough in Vyn Richter Studies so i will come back to this once ive gotten more of his story and know more of his (what im theorizing to be a SHITASS TERRIBLE) childhood history. so vyn, i guess ur safe from me....ur safe FOR NOW, THAT IS....
marius von hagen
marius von hagen who is 21 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2021-2024. good fucking lord, marius was born in 2009 and that makes him so young that his Important Media Ages arent even DONE HAPPENING IN OUR CURRENT TIMELINE, JESUS....
2021 is an interesting era of entertainment because it is getting steadily more and more apparent that corporate greed is trying to swallow up good storytelling; movies and shows are made as fast food products to be consumed immediately and thrown away just as fast. there are smarter posts and articles talking about this, but my point here is that marius "believes SO MUCH in art and art's capability to make a difference" von hagen would HATE THIS SO MUCH and, through spite, get into a lot of indie medias that dont necessarily sell. smaller movies, tv shows that got cancelled way before they should have.
oh, hey, MARIUS WAS 12 YEARS OLD IN 2021, yeah he could have watched The Owl House and threw a fucking FIT when disne/y nerfed the show's third season. he has not forgiven and he has not forgotten.
regardless of his age, marius, at some point in his teens watches Vincent and the Doctor (s5 e10 from Doctor Who). for those who dont know this episode, it involves Vincent Van Gogh and a bunch of sci-fi stuff but, at the end, a scene where Van Gogh is taken to the future and shown the impact his art has made on people. please watch it, if you havent it, it's very good and no words can do the experience justice.
anyway yeah marius watches it and it makes him FUCKING SOB
yeah so these are my takes kdjbfdsjfs
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wasflypaw · 3 years
Dream was not the villain of season 1
That's my hot take. Dream would partake in chaos a lot (having fun messing around w Tommy and their little wars, escalating fights like the pet war by telling Niki and Fundy where Sketchers was when he had no reason to, burning Tubbo's house, encouraging Tommy to burn the Eiffel Tower, etc) but like, those arent unforgivable acts. Everyone on the server is chaotic and has been involved in wars gone too far, Dream not being an exception.
It wasnt Tommy joining that brought chaos, the server was already chaotic with a lot of fighting, Tommy just added to said chaos by causing mischief and acting annoying which was ultimately harmless
Dream didnt seem like he hated Tommy or anything at first, the Disc Wars being similar to play-fighting with nothing really going too far
He let people on the server do what they want, he never seemed power hungry or tyrannical
Like the chaos Dream was apart of wasnt really any different or worse than the chaos others on the server had been apart of, it was just seen as such bc Dream's the creator of the server. I cant stress enough how nearly EVERYONE on the server partakes in wars, chaos, stealing and griefing
Then L'Manberg happened. Wilbur, with Tommy following his every word because its Wilbur we're talking about, claimed a chunk of land on the SMP for a drug empire, wanting to sell drugs. He told Dream this part of the map was his server and Americans cannot enter. He painted Dream as a tyrannical ruler that they were being oppressed by and built a nation to be free of his rule. When Dream hadnt really..... done anything except maybe be a bit scary (theres something so intimidating about his MC skin) and mildly chaotic at that point
Dream obviously wasnt gonna sit back and let people claim a chunk of the land on his SMP, so he tried stopping them, causing a lot of destruction in the process with the whole "No Mercy!" mindset but not destruction that was ever bad enough that it wasnt fixed in maybe half an hour. Dream was VERY harsh during the L'Manberg war, and I dont agree with a lot of the ways he went about things, but that never really made him a tyrannical villain..
The role of a villain was placed on Dream, and I've noticed I and a lot of OG L'Manberg fans kept saying "we can all agree Dream's the villain here right?" I remember posts like that being posted a lot during the L'Manberg war and after. Wilbur told us he's the villain, so we believed he's the villain. Wilbur is an unreliable narrator, but that does not make him a bad character. We thought Dream was the villain because Wilbur TOLD us he was, and we were seeing the story from HIS side. I'm writing this as someone who was a diehard L'Manberg supporter during the war, and I still love L'Manberg SO MUCH
Dream endorsing Schlatt for fun and then regretting it immediately when he actually won wasnt really villainous. Him giving Schlatt a weapon to shoot everyone was more a dick move than an evil move, I genuinely dont think he expected Schlatt to win when he endorsed him which is why he turned around and tried helping Pogtopia and giving Tommy items
He wrote in the book he gave Tommy that the last time he tried to take a stand for the Dream SMP he was touted a villain which is why he cant get involved this time. And its. It's true. He genuinely tried to help Pogtopia fight against Schlatt, even helping Tommy with random things like avenging his dead cow, and was once again forced into the role of a villain when Wilbur went through his corruption arc
Even during the conversation between him and Vilbur, Vilbur was constantly putting words in his mouth about just wanting chaos, only caring about power, wanting both sides to be weak and such but Dream hadnt actually.... said these things. No matter what he did he would be painted as a villain
Dream HAD attachments, he was never always a villain. He loved his pets (his parrot, Spirit,) and his friends, until he came to believe attachments were a bad thing and eventually grew into the person he became during season 2, doing acts that were genuinely unforgivable unlike season 1
Near the end of season 1, Dream starts to accept the role of villain, and plays into it a LOT during season 2. Because if everyone thinks you're the villain regardless of what you do, you may as well try to fit the role
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hamliet · 2 years
one thing I have always hated in rwby fndm is how some ofmale characters get unreasonable hate that I know wouldnt have happened if they were female. like sun for getting in the way of bb ( I am also pissed for I have seen people try to claim they were forcing it on them in v3 going they have plenty of possible same sex ships which comes off as them complaining that blake is teased with a guy rather then anything being forced and makes the claim that people are calling bb forced because its a same sex ship come off as projection since it seems to me if sun andyangs genders were swapped they would have shipped blacksun and go queerbaiting in response to bb being teased starting arguably in v7 ( at best it can be said that the v6 finale hinted but there wasnt anything inherently romantic) I feel like if you ship something based off the genders/race involved its a shallow reason even if its a same sex ship with the fact that there arent many shows with a mc in a same sex ship ( I have always annoyed by how people in the past tried to go white rose and bb shouldbe a thing because arkos and renora were hinted at which amounts to since team jnpr girls ended up paired up with their male partner team rwbys partner duos should end up teased together which is bad logic (not to mention by that logic that means one of team rwby should die) just because something happened with team jnpr doesnt mean the same has to happen with rwby
Sorry, but I don't agree with a lot of this!
Yang/Blake has been hinted since very early on. I have said before that I do think CRWBY wrote themselves into a corner by setting up both Blacksun and Bumbleby, and they screwed up because of it. I think Blacksun shippers have the right to feel baited, because they were, and that's not good writing. But since Blacksun and Bumbleby were heavily teased... queerbaiting isn't any better writing? I do think Blacksun shippers have the right to be mad, but I also think they should wonder why they expected Bumbleby would have been the one baited instead.
But, I also think there is no other way to understand Yang asking Blake to the dance (nothing about that dance for anyone was platonic!), the loss of the arm where Adam--a former love interest of Blake's--literally uses a universally well-known stereotypical abuser line "I'm going to take away everything you love" and targets Yang. The coding is an ex-boyfriend threatening a potential future love interest. Saying it's just that Adam saw Yang as family is just factually wrong; Adam knew where her family lived, he could have targeted them if that was the concern. It's not about "well what if;" it's about why the writers included such a line and used such framing. Plus, the deliberate imagery mimics chemical wedding illustrations, so there's no way that was intended platonically. Furthermore... Yang and Blake's specific flaws, their pining for each other specifically during volumes 4 and 5... if they switched the genders, I actually think far more people would have picked up on Bumbleby.
I also think that the complaint about people only shipping it because they want a canon lesbian ship is to some degree lacking in empathy. LGBT+ people do not have the luxury of a ton of content out there depicting relationships for them. Why is it wrong to want to see representation? I don't think it is shallow to want this. The opposite, in fact.
However, I also want quality writing, and the baiting of Blacksun wasn't awesome (my guess is they baited Blacksun because they weren't sure what they were going to be able to show--which again, illustrates my earlier point that we need more representation of LGBT+ people). But the set up itself of Yang and Blake's romance is decently done, and the themes explored/character development Bumbleby offers is significant. RWBY is a richer story for it. (Sun, though I love him, is significantly less complex.)
Finally: I do think you made a very true point at the start of this, before you got into stuff I don't agree with: the RWBY fandom is indeed the Twilight Zones where the male characters are held to unreasonable standards and/or dismissed in importance (in every other fandom it's the women held to different standards). Namely, Jaune, who along with Oscar is as important as Team RWBY--and this is directly stated in the guidebook, and Mercury, who is in canon everything fanon!Cinder is--he's the wooby character. The hatred Jaune in particular has received over the Penny incident is... irritating at best and offensive at worst.
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hitoshisbabygirl · 3 years
Author's Notes ♡: okay uhm the more characters I do the more I’m learning I’m a simp-
Anyways welcome to another BNHAREM collab that I had the pleasure to be in! I had fun trying to turn our league of villains leader into a hero/vigilante! A quick side note, his personality here is more of what I think he could’ve been/acted like if he was treated better and taught how to control his quirk without hate qwq without further waiting here’s my addition to the already wonderful collaborators! Make sure to check their stories out too in the masterlist! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : None!! Fluffy and awkward Shiggy for the win! Also please ignore typos if any they’ll be fixed later </3
Word count : 3.5K
Paring(s) : Tomura Shigaraki x F! Reader
Summary : When the city you live in is rampant with villains what happens when your seabed by a cold and off putting vigilante (that’s my best summary I’m sorry </3)
Enjoy ♡
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Turning off the TV [ ] couldnt help the trembling of her hands as she realized the mayhem that had been spurring the last couple of weeks with the new arrival of villain groups wasnt subsiding. life was hard , the struggle of not to take the news seriously and feeling like all hope was lost was a common feeling between each day, the chore of getting up early during the daylight time so you could get what you needed before crime became rampant was adreanline fueld.. It was nerveracking, living your life on the edge and feeling unable to believe the ones in and on duty would protect you. After weighing the options about staying in or hurrying down the street for food before the curfew kicked in [ ] reluctantly got up, grabbing her keys , phone and a light jacket as she headed throught the decrepit streets, hearing the distant sirens that never failed to doing their job of setting her nerves ablaze. As she saw the neon signs of the store ahead of her she was able to enter and grab quite a lot of things, the warm feeling of being safe surrounding her as she heard more and more sounds from blocks ahead. “Are you okay sweetie?”
An older lady with a young man asked the anxious girl, a smile on her face as she answered the woman “Ah yeah im sorry ma’am just trying to find the best way home without being in the crossfire” Shaking her head in agreement the older woman spoke again “Its running rampant out there, its why i brought my grandson with me” ponting to the male beside her he gave [ ] a smile, holding a bag fro the lady “Now you be safe dearie, look both ways and use the lights to guide you home!” Waving to the pair [ ] felt a bit more relived as she started the shorter but dreaded walk back to her townhome. The area was better than most in cities, just because of how it wasnt in the full downtown that was in a disarray. Even so it was still dangerous and hearing a loud crash and explosion from in front of where [ ] was walking could never be a good thing. As she walked further she saw a group of people blowing up a strip that included a jewelry spot, a small back and shopping center she knew something bad would happen if she got any closer. Walking backward she headed to an abandoned alleyway, slowly trying to get herself in a safe distance away from whoever was destroying the buildings. As she got into a corner she could hear the people talk and yell, the sound of glass breaking and another boom. Jumping form the sound of the explosion getting closer she moved into a doorway of one of the undisturbed buildings in the strip.
Soon however she felt a hand on her arm as one of the guys caught her. As [ ] tried to fight them off she head them chuckle, one taking her face in his hand as the others tried to go through her bags “Well well well hello ther girl, whatcha doing in the Scorpions part of town” One of the men, who [ ] presumed was the leader snared at her, grinning when she turend her ace away from his. Pulling her face back to his he tried to get her to talk, pushing her cheeks together as he laughed “I like them feisty , why dont you just be nice to me and my guys huh?” before she could form her lips to try to get a smart response a sound of pain came from one of the destroyed buildings. Catching the leaders attention he called out to someone before they all heard a yell of watch out. The building, which they had destroyed was now falling over and onto them who were in its path. All [ ] knew was that the guy who grabbed her arm let her go and shoved her before everything whent black.
A cracking sound , one of breaking concrete broke through [ ]’s head as she opened her eyes to blackness, everything around her covered in the sheet of night as the same cracking sound could be heard. Soon a faint voice could be heard from above her. Lightly she yelped which mustve been enough for whoever was above her as teh cracking sound got lounder before she could see light from the moon above her “H-hey is ther someone down there?” A voice called out as [ ] yelled back to them “O-oh yes! Please help me im stuck and i cant move!” She yelled as she felt her leg get tighter as she tried to wiggle.
“Cover your face if you can” The now more male sound voice said as she did such, felling pieces of cement and gravel touch her arms as she moved them to see long whitish blue hair appear before a gloved hand reached out “Can you reach?” The mystery male asked as she jumped up bepfre yeliping in pain. Hearing the sound the male took his ungloved hand and seemilngly dissolved more concreate taht held her and her leg in place. “Hold on….Im coming dont move, you could hurt yourself if you do.” Hopping dwon the hole with her the male saw how she was twisted in her spot and pained expression that covered her facial features. Faced with a challenge the male gave her his gloved hand as he used the uncovered one to break up the rocks and concrete that held her still “Just a little more okay? Youre close I almost got you” He reassured. Soon [ ] felt herself slip up and into the arms of the mystery man who she noticed had his face covered. As he brought her out of the ruble and into the light from the mood and streetlights she looked at her savior. He wasnt large in stature but her was fit and quite strong to pull her up with one arm. Feeling the girl he just saved staring at him , the male turned to her and simply stated “You should go home” Before starting to head off “W-wait! Please, let me thank you properly. You didnt have to save me yet you did” She said as he turned to her “......Theres no need to thank me, just doing what the heroes arent” Starting to walk again [ ] couldnt help chewing her lip before running to join his side “Well can i at least thank you properly , or just get your name and be able to find you again?” stopping in his tracks he moved his hair from his face before crimson eyes glanced at her “Tomura” He said “Huh..?” “My name...Tomura..or MC” He whispered as she shook her head “Tomura...okay well thank you Tomura for saving me , my names [ ]”
Shaking his head Tomura started off again, shoving his gloved hands in his pockets, this time heading off for good. As he trucked along [ ] heard the sirens appear closer to the damage that was the destroyed store that covered the criminals that tried to get her before. Starting to walk off her own she noticed a shining necklace on the ground. Picking it up she noticed it was one you could put pictures in it. Peeking inside she saw a woman with black hair holing a little boy with just as black ahir and piercing red eyes, the woman happily smiling as she held the child. Closing the locket she took with her , feeling strangely drawn to it. As she heaaded home she thought about the mysterious Tomura, someone who looked like a normal civilian like her and others seemd to have a strong quirk, and was more than what he seemed on the outside
As a few days turned into a week rolled on [ ] noticed that the streets were still bad, but the men who had cornered her had been captured after the building had collapsed. Feeling herself sigh and relax [ ] headed for the store once again, this time during the day as she needed to replace the food she had tried getting before that was lost during the the collapse. As she left once again she saw a familiar tuff of periwinkle hair go around the corner. Peeking her interest she followed himas she heard him curse under his breath before turning around straight into her “ow, wait….its you again” He huffed as his crimson eyes looked into hers “Yep! Hey tomu!” The quirky nickname caused head to fill in the mans face as he was glad it was covered. “[ ]....hello” He said back as he continued to pace around the old scene that stil had some concrete in the land “Whatcha looking for…?” She asked as he still looked around “Something important of mines” “Well can i help out?” Sighing Tomura turned to the hopeful girl that for some reason, didnt bother him as many did
“Fine. its a silver locket..” pausing [ ] thought about the locket she found when they first met “It….wouldnt happen to have a woman and a boy in it would it?” As soon as she said that the periwrinkle haired boy turend to her “You found it? Where” reaching out he went to grab her hands only to stop himself and put them at his sides. Ignoring the gesture as nerves she gave him a smile “Well..I found it the day you saved me, it was actually in the rubble” looking at the sparkling eyes of Tomura she couldn’t help but let her smile grow before sighing “Only thing is...it’s at my house now” still looking at him he gave her a smile behind his covering before shaking his own head “That’s fine..if you don’t mind me coming with you, or you just bring it I’m not really.,,yeah” Giggling at his nervousness [. ] put her hand ont his shoulder “It’s fine! Uhm..have you ate dinner yet? I can even cook you something!” Holding up her bag Tomura felt his heart thump as he agreed to eat with her, the two headed for her place.
Looking around Tomura noticed how clean and kept together her place was. It was warm, and inviting, something he wasn’t too used to “I’m sorry it’s a mess here! I was trying to move things around and make it look better but..I feel like it’s still weird!” Laughing she turned to face the powder blue haired boy who stood still in her doorway. “You can come in or would you need a helping hand?” She teased as she held her hand out. Hesitantly held his gloved hand out before pulling away slightly “S-sorry im just.. nervous” he said softly before [. ] gave him a knowing smile, before taking a step back “Well there’s no rush, take a seat and get comfortable, I’ll get your locket and I’ll start dinner!” Walking away [. ] went to her bedroom as Tomura sat there looking at his hands. They held so much fear in them, life and death. Over the years he learned how to control his power, even able to touch things without gloves and them not dissolve. But witr him nervous, he was afraid one wrong touch would hurt or even worse...destroy the one nice person he’d ever met in the midst of the all of the mayhem. In the mist of him thinking [. ] came back and saw him.
Feeling bad and not sure of how to approach him she tenderly held the locket and placed it on the table, which snapped him from his thoughts “Here you are! I did clean the silver so it was more shiny and not as dingy from the dirt” taking the piece from her hands Tomura place it down to see it better than he remembered and still having his grandmother and him inside of it. “Thank you [ ]. It means...alot to me, more thna youd ever know” Going into her kitchen she started some rice as she tried small talk with him “So...have you always been a vigilante?” Thinking abut the response her messed with a piece of his hair “ Well no...i wanted to be a hero one day but...my quirk is less helpful and more destructive” starting to get the steaks out she seasoned then placed them in the oven before siting down at the table with him “I think the power to disintegrate things could be wonderful as a rescuer! Hell you even saved me! And think if you didnt have that quirk , how would you get me out? Plus youre strong, you got me out with only a hand, youre really strong Tomu” Crimson eyes barely met her gaze.
Seeing her own energy mads him smile, hidden beind the mask he wore. “Uhm...may I?” Reaching for a hand [ ] looked at his eyes aas he wavered, sliding them away from her own “When i get nervous i feel like i loose control” Tomura said before [ ] just gently place her pinky on the glove “Im not afraid taht youd hurt me , i trust you okay?” Taking more of his hand in hers she rubbed the back of his glove, feeling the way he tensed wehn she traced his knuckles “See? Its okay yknow!” Smiling she got up to check the food, failing to see the way Tomura was going though a crisis under his mask, face flushing as she stirred and turned it off , letting both the rice and steak cool a bit before serving. Turning around [ ] saw how handsome her savior was. A soft , almost baby looking face was hidden under that protective mask , turned in a small frown as he fiddled with his hands “Wow...youre handsome” Scaring him from his thoughts Tomura couldnt hide the red that flushed his face as she giggled “Thanks...Ive never been told that before” Hearing him say that made [ ]’s heart twinge before grabbing two plates “Well they must not know the true beauty under your mask hm?” bringing over what she made she sat in front of him, handing him a fork before sitting infront of him “Here ya go! I wont say im a chief but I enjoy cooking yknow?” Now able to see him smile without a protection over majority of his face [ ] couldnt help her heart speeding up as he did. A comfortable silence feel between them as they ate and finished dinner, occasional jokes and small talk happening between them. She learned more about the powder blue haired male, that he wanted to be a hero but because he could disintegrate , they made fun of him and called him a villain instead. But finding a locket with a note attached from his grandmother changed that. She was strong, and a hero herself. She encouraged him to be one, for them to meet someday when he was older and him to become a great hero. It kept him strong, and its how hes a vigilante now. Happy to know more of his story [ ] explained how she wanted to be one too, but also wanted to make uniforms for them. The two went on into the night, talking about the issues outside and the running rapid of the villains whileist other things. Tomura learned that she liked video games which opened a whole new world of things thye could do together.
As midnight rolled around he started to get up , grabbing his things which caught [ ]’s attention “Your leaving?” Looking back at the doe like eyes he couldn't help but sigh and smile at her “Yeah...should go out and see whats to been seen” before he left she got up and strolled over to him “Well its unsafe out there, could you...maybe..stay?” With each word her voice got quieter before she was just silent, messing with his fingers “You want me to stay with you?” Tomura asked before she shook her head, eyes meeting his “Yknow youre nice..and i am a bit of a drifter..” Thinking over the odds out loud he gave her a small smile “Ill stay”
And that's how it was for weeks, them staying together in [ ]’s home, eating together, playing games, shopping for groceries. It was a comfortable thing between the two, sharing the place together like roomates. Tomura was like her protector, not letting her get very far without him and [ ] took care of him when he was injured or just needed reassurance. All and all everything was good except….he knew he had fell for her. [ ] was sweeet to him, gentle and overall just careful of how she helped him. She didnt rush him to anything, was gentle and gave him time to relax and to be comfortable with her. It was painful, for them to be close but yet have different opinions on how they feel about being close and for Tomura it was harder than usual for him having a crush on her.
Fiddling with a pen in the kitchen, Tomura heard [ ] come down the hall , skipping up to him as she gave him a smile he learned he was smitten for “Hey Tomu whatcha up to?” she asked as he gave her a smile of his own back “Ah just thinking about something….whats up?” He asked as the girl came over and gave him a hug, something he wasn’t used to but something he craved every day more than he’d like to admit. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders he chuckled as she slightly squeezed him tighter “Just wanted to check on you that’s all.” Going to move away [. ] felt Tomura pull her closer, burying his face atop her head “Tomu...whats wrong?” She asked as he said nothing, tightly holding her even more as she rubbed his back, knowing this was his silent way of showing he was worried about something “wh’ nt y be m’ plr wo” the male said, muffled on her head. Laughing, she moved her chin to his chest “What're you talking about?” He reluctantly pulled away , their eyes locking as he soon looked down, scratching his arm “I..nothing...thinking out loud. Don’t worry about it” Beofre he could slip away she grabbed his arm, turnighg him back to her. “Tomura...what is it?” Chewing his bottom lip he sided before taking her hand in his, rubbing the smooth skin with his rough glove “I said..why can’t you be my player two” Blinking almost comically [. ] giggled “Well I can be! What game do you wanna play?” Shaking his head Tomura dropped her hand , stepping back as he barely glanced at her “This game called life [. ]...I want to...have you around me all the time, I..really cherish having someone so sweet to me and who cares about me and how I feel..you make me feel more alive and comfortable in my skin then I’ve ever felt before..and I..want to be selfish and make you mine..” He finished with a sigh before looking out the window “ But I know you won’t feel the same so..it’s quite alright”
As soon as he said that he felt a hand at the back of his shirt, pulling him back to his crush, a woman he couldn’t face and now that he laid his feelings out he didn’t want her to pity him. “Tomura look at me” Hearing his full name scared him but Turning around he was surprised to see [. ]’s small smile growing to a larger one once he faced her “Here, give me your hand” Holding her own out he put his hand in hers. To make him even more disarray she undid his gloved to reveal his hands, damaged and scarred from before he could control his powers. Soon he felt soft lips his the bare skin, which every kiss an electric shock went through his body before he felt her fingers lace in his. Wide crimson eyes looked at soft [. ] ones as she took in a breath “I..I’m so happy you told me Tomu, I was afraid you were gonna leave here aha..” letting out a soft laugh she unwrapped a hand to hold his face “I would love to be your player two, I’ll be here for you as long as you need me okay?” Giving her a slight pout he barely lifted his own hand to trace a pinky on her cheek “But what if I need you forever” laughing again and moving closer she stood on her toes to rub noses “Then that’s what it’ll be” Becore he could stop himself he realeased her hand and pressed his lips against hers, hearing the soft gasp she let out as he pushed his lips harder on hers before he felt her relax, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him back just as hard. As the kiss got from hard and desperate they slowly started to get more intimate, the kiss softening up until Tomura pulled away breathless as [. ] was too, the both of them letting out light giggles “Wow..that was..” “Great..” Finishing his sentence [. ] gave him another hug, the two of them holding eachother in the middle of the floor “Hey [. ]..” he said as she hummed, before he continued “Let’s kiss again” Giggling she moved her head to meet his , lips sealing for another round of needed affection, the Rü them of their hearts drowning out the mayhem that brought them together.
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thekingofwinterblog · 3 years
What was the original ending of attack on titan?
So, there has been a lot of talk about wheter the mess we got in AOT 139 was the original ending.
For one thing, we know at least one part of the story did change, as the orignal final page was reduced to a quick sidepanel you might easily miss.
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and instead we got this as the final chapter.
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Working from the assumption that the ending WAS fully changed from whatever he had planned, lets ask the question. What WAS the original ending for Attack on Titan.
And to that, im gonna turn to the story that the ending was Supposedly gonna take inspiration from.
That being, The Mist, a movie based on a story from Stephen King.
Now, spoilers for The Mist movie below.
The movie’s premise is that one day, suddenly and out of nowhere, a thick, heavy fog rolls into the east coast of america. No one knows where it came from, and we arent given clear answers about its origins. The mist is clearly supernatural in nature though, as monsters stalk through it, causing quite a bit of death and suffering for the main cast.
The entire movie is just about dealing with the aftermath of the mists appearance, as a family struggles to survive, and plenty of people just fucking lose it in the mists.
Lots of stuff happens, lots of deaths, but in the end, the family is driving in a car, until they have no gas left. they hear rather disturbing noises in the distance.
Now the family isnt completely defenceless. they have a gun. with 4 bullets.
Now, with everything that they have learned across the movie, its pretty clear that this is not going to be enough. they ARE going to be killed by these monsters.
So, rather than being painfully torn to shreds by the demonic invaders, the adults make a decision. They have a gun. they have the option of dying quickly instead. only one problem.
The gun only has 4 bullets, and there are 5 of them. meaning someone is going to have to do the deed, and then have to face the monsters alone.
in the end, the father does the deed.
He kills his wife, his son, and two others.
Not surprisingly, he does not react well at the aftermath.
He screams, cries, and jumps out of the car, tries to futilely kill himself in his grief with the now empty gun. slams his hands down on the car, stared hatefully, suicidally off in the distance, and yells “COME ON!” clearly, desperately wanting an end to this as quickly as possible.
However, he is not met by a monster. instead, reality ensues. The sight that greets him is a tank from the american army.
He just stares at it in horror, and, as the mist begins to clear, the army is followed by a more army troops. convoys of rescued civilians. Because of course, the army would actually react to this stuff. monsters are being killed, civilians are being rescued.
And the protagonist finally realises the reality of what just happened. 
He slaughtered his family and killed two more, for absolutely nothing. the movie ends with the MC just having a complete breakdown as he’s approached by soldiers who have no idea about any of what just happened.
Now, this was apparently the kinda ending that attack on titans creator wanted to give the series.
There are two ways to look at this, and two potential endings you could reach. 
either Eren wins and finishes the rumbling, or The alliance wins, and the aftermath is predictable.
Now, i know that a lot of people think the Eren wins ending was originally the ending, but frankly, i dont think so.
I think the original ending was supposed to be the Alliance actually defeating Eren... Only for reality to ensue, and the survivors turning their guns at the now defenceless eldians and mowing them down.
Why do i think this? because this would line up really well with Eren mocking the very idea of humanity teaming up to fight a larger, common foe despite all their diferences early in the story, as well as adress the main reason why people hated the alliance. 
The Alliance... Had no plan. They had absolutely no plans for what to do after killing Eren. they didnt have any ideas for how to achieve peace with the world, how to defend paradis, or anything really. 
they chose to oppose and kill Eren Anyway, because as Henge says, Nothing justifies Genocide.
Having an ending where the guys they have been fighting and killing during the final conflict, that wanted to murder all of them, responding to their great heroic struggle to save the world, by gunning them down and killing them all, would have adressed their complete lack of a plan with the most brutal kind of consequenses.
They did the right thing, and they were NOT rewarded for it. Just like Eddard Stark was not rewarded for his mercy towards the Lannister Children.
It would also just have made so, so much more sense than the non ending to the conflict that we got, and been an incredibly bittersweet note, but withouth any real hope. Just like the Mist.
The alliance did it. they killed eren. they saved the world. they are the greatest heroes of all time. and all it cost was the life of them, and everyone they cared about, as wheter its shown in the final chapter or not, Paradis is going to wiped out as a result of their actions. but hey, at least they stuck to their guns all the way, just like eren did.
The final shot of the manga would have been an ironic flashback, as in the end, Eren’s idea that this conflict would have ended in genocide would have been vindicated, with the most important line of the manga closing out the depressing story of Attack on titan, while also acknowloging and hammering in the the tragedy of Eren’s life.
The boy who sought freedom more than anyone else, was never, ever free.
And it would have ended on a note very similar to The Mist.
A Tragedy where the characters stuck to their guns, and paid with everything for it.
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crystaljins · 3 years
HI ANI IM SO EXCITED TO READ THE NEW SRAVBLE. drabble* pls i cant spell rn. but anyw i was stalking u earlier and i found it so perfect how u responded to this one sweet anon about how whenever jin appears, he HAS to steal the show. because he was LITWRALLY MY FAV PART in my fav fic that u wrote which was "schemes and tricks" i felt like he was such a great backbone to the story. normally, the romantic aspect in fics is focused; but i rlly liked how they had such an amazing friendship as well. yes, ik it was a tae fic but jin was my fav character in it okay. OK IM GNA READ UR DRABBLE NOW BYE BYE!xx
AAHHHHH im so excited for you to read it!
That anon was so sweet i could have cried when i read their message 😭😭😭 BUT YES you have tapoed upon a subject I am passionate about- HOW MUCH LOVE AND ATTENTION KIM SEOKJIN DESERVES.
My man is a COMEDIAN, a GENIUS, and yet still loves and cares for his members in his subtle and silly way if you arent in love with him you’re WRING and i need that conveyed in all my fics!
But I also strongly believe that the backbone of a good romance is not just the romance. I think there’s reasonable proof to show that humans arent meant to be in isolation and that a spouse isn’t actually sufficient to meet all our emotional needs and putting all that weight on a partner is asking for the relationship to breakdown. And so, though I love a good romance, I try and have those things as a given- close friendships, job aspirations, etc. etc. to show that what we want is not two characters in love and separated from the rest of the world, but two characters in love with a whole community present to celebrate it with them! Hence why i put a lot of work into developing my side characters (like jin)! One trope I hate is when every new character who approaches is in love with the mc- how are they ever gonna have healthy friendships if all the authors ever give them is another jaded romantic interest? Plus if they’re only interested as friends then its more happy endings all around.
ANYWAY i hope u enjoy the drabble
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writerice · 4 years
Honestly, South Park is a really good show. Anyone who calls it racist today, fundamentally misunderstood why it makes of fun of busybodies, as well as why remaining chilled, calm and cool is actually a good thing. People complain a lot that South Park is a show where uncaring is cool, and where people who care too much are the butts of jokes. Now, I never want to do this- I don’t want to deny someone else their perspective- But these opinions are built on shaky premises, and misses the mark.   First lets start with Eric Cartman, who is recognized as the source of a lot of the bigotted comedy in the show. Eric Cartman, ever since the first season, had almost always been put in the role of an antagonist/ that one drama queen who no one wants to get involved with. He finds ways to manipulate situations if it’ll mean he’ll receive something out of it, and is a self-centered person to the extreme. When he says bigotted things, we’re supposed to find him disagreeable and hateful, and his being funny will never make what he says to be okay. We’re also supposed to feel refreshened whenever Stan and Kyle immediately admonish him for being a dick, which is also funny, because holy shit, not only do we have a child spouting antisemitic bullshit, but we have children who will actively tell their peer to fuck off! Its wonderous. This is WHY South Park was so fascinating to begin with; Before South Park, there was never a seriously funny depiction of kids using realistic adult profanity while having childlike discussions on topics that were considered political.  Now lets move onto Stan and Kyle: These two are clearly shown to be awesome and cool kids who just want to have fun and enjoy their lives. They don’t want to be roped into things that adults tell them that they’re supposed to be worried about. They’re kids, they live in the present. They live uncomplicated lives, as any 8-year old should, unless its something they’re interested in, like an adventure involving other kids from their class (anyone remember them capturing a paper fortune teller from the girls?). They don’t force themselves to care about things. They understand from a young age that ungenuine about causes can be harmful, and a waste of time and energy. 
When they DO genuinely care about things, we have cool and rich plots emerge that are related to our understanding of them as characters- Stan has successfully helped save the lives of veal up for slaughter, as well as whales. Kyle navigates his Jewish faith and identity while being one of the most compassionate human beings on television. Even better than that, these boys arent’ even particularily strongly identified. Stan isn’t that “animal rights activist”, and Kyle isn’t that “humanitarian child”, they’re flexible and dimensional characters. They have their moments where they’re just being kids and are relaxing and having fun like normal, as opposed to brooding over shit that they can’t control. It seemed like South Park had an accurate depiction of what a healthy attachment to identity/cause actually looked like, WAY beyond this era of neuroticism where people are encouraged box themselves.
It says a lot of sad things about children nowadays, too. Children in the current generation are pushed harder than in prior generations in being perfect students, with mandatory volunteer work pushed onto them and being told that they need to develop their life’s passion in time for college plans. Some of them get pushed into becoming esports stars or child Youtubers by their parents. When do they even have the chance to be children anymore? 
Now, onto the adults of the show: The adults are always screwing things up. They want to ride on causes that they aren’t truly aware of. 
They are their own society’s disruptors; They often neglect to critically examine whether their call for action and change are justified. They don’t check to see whether their actions are necessary, or if their methods are reasonable. Sometimes, their actions create more damage than if they didn’t do anything at all! And this is why we mock them- Not “for caring”, but because they’re busy bodies; Their motivation to act or call for change comes less from wanting to affect meaningful change within their society, and comes more out of a vague desire to want to “better themselves”. 
Its the type of selfishness that we don’t really speak enough about in our current society as we should be- How people get intertwined into causes they aren’t truly thoughtful enough about, because they’re just encouraged to get passionate about “anything” that moves them, or “anything that seems worthwhile”.
And this is both stupid, as well as dangerous, because you want people to be mindful about what the real affect of their “help” is. Some things that people do in the name of “help” either don’t help the people it’s intended to help (the only poor family in South Park, the Mc Cormicks, get a single can of vegetables on Thanksgiving via a gameshow-like contraption, and they don’t even get a can-opener for it), or make matters worse for those it claims to help (Like Bono claiming that Timmy playing in a band was akin to mocking his disability).  People can, and should be encouraged to help make a difference, but you don’t want a culture where you keep pushing people to change things for the vague reasoning of “being a good person”. You want people who are informed, aware, are capable of critical thinking, and who can tell when and where their efforts are actually needed. 
Also, this is extremely important: But South Park is, like literally everything ever, a product of it’s time. This show was made during the 1990′s to early or late 2000′s, when things like media activist groups existed to police and censor stuff for people because of those things being deemed “insensitive”. This was before the internet was fully used on the scale it is today, so people were being limited from being able to watch/read/play or otherwise access media based purely on stupid, petty shitty reasons.
Like not allowing children to enjoy Canadian television because farting or using cusswords is “too offensive”, where you were dealing with Karens who had way too much power and time to spend. It meant telling Karens/Boomers relax and not to deprive other people of their ability to express themselves just because they didn’t think their interests were “appropriate”. Totally a different thing than when we talk about the generalized concept of sensitivity today, when we’re refering to how human beings are made to feel as based on their identity. 
Kyle’s lectures at the end of an episode are meaningful- It doesn’t exist to “undo” any offensiveness in an episode. He’s a voice of reason who brings together the social commentary. I don’t see why anyone would ever have a problem with it. Is it obvious and easy? Yes. Does it put a nice cap on the end of an episode to return everything to status quo in time for the next one? Yes. I loved it. I thought it made for a comfortable, easy viewing experience. It may be considered formulaic, but thats how they made the end of an otherwise edgy episode feel wholesome, or depart a message of value.
Its easy to see this as an “attack on caring”, if you’re applying it directly to today’s movements and stuff, but that requires a lot of willful ignorance, and an even greater lack of understanding the context the show was made in. We all have access to wikipedia, no one has an excuse. 
TL;DR, it didn’t “age badly”. It was extremely relevant for its time. Context matters, and this show was perfect for the context of it’s time. The creators are doing their best to address current modern day topics with new story-telling, so maybe look to the present and be amazed by how much they’ve decided to change in those regards instead of repeatedly making everyone who grew up with the show feel old. Sincerely, a nonbinary pansexual liberal woman of color who just wants to enjoy South Park as the greatest still-running animated satire ever, thank you
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atlasira · 4 years
Rebecca just wants power. The whole reason she chose Angel is bc they are the ones who currently have power. She played a hand in the demons being subjected to prejudice. She also said she wanted war with hell bc it would indirectly benefit her. She’s not a good person that’s why ppl don’t like her
wanting power isn’t necessarily a bad thing tho. rebecca said herself, that on earth as a woman she was already constantly belittled (skip to 5:27 for context and she says it at 6:16) and then when she became an unclaimed, she was belittled again. her wanting power isn’t a bad thing bc time and time again she’s been constantly refused it simply bc of her identity. so choosing to become an angel for power isn’t really a crime imo.
she did play a hand in the demons being discriminated though. thats true. but a lot of people hate her with such PASSIONATE fury, you’d think she created the divide herself. she added to it which is still bad, but the amount of hate she gets doesn’t equal the role she played. people hate her more than they hate fencio, than crowley, than shepha himself who undeniably also played a hand in it. 
can’t remember when she said she wanted war tho? is this during season 2 episode 8 that scene in the garden? i tried looking up a playthrough to see if its the option when you ask “do you want a war on your hands?” but so far the youtubers i’ve found all chose the dialogue option about malbonte so i still have no idea lol
i never said people had to like rebecca. its just the hate against her isnt equal to what shes done, especially when you compare her to other angels who also played a part in discriminating against the demons, the unclaimed, and etc. 
i personally don’t think shes that bad. wanting power after being discriminated against, as a woman and then as an unclaimed, seems fine to me so i dont have any problems with it. and if we’re talking about hating her for being prejudice, than this fandom needs to start hating a lot of characters a lot more. its important to remember that the demons are not the only group discriminated against, the unclaimed are too. lucifer, dino, mimi, the entire friend group, literally everyone that wasn’t an unclaimed belittled them. i remember playing the first few episodes and hating that we were forced to become friends with adi and sammy bc, and mc even said it herself, they see unclaimed as nothing but “pieces of entertainment” and “biowaste shaped like them”  (skip to 5:36). and they say after getting close to her, that they can’t think of her as an unclaimed and thats why they feel like being friends with her. its extremely insulting. 
all this being said, TL;DR: i just think the hate against rebecca is stronger than necessary. like people can hate her, its not like there arent reasons to, but it also seems a little unbalanced with the things she’s actually done and especially when compared to other characters.
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violentviolette · 4 years
@starrystarberry tumblr fucked up and deleted ur ask cause i tried to switch over from mobile to my laptop to answer it so im just making a post lol
also it got a little long so i stuck it under a read more for u guys who arent into seeing fandom stuff on here
oh man okay I'll try to not write a novel for each of these lmfao
Why I like them: hes a cocky bastard but also a giant idiot
Why I don’t: theres actually nothing I don't like about him akshsgsj like yea I know he imprisoned Asra's parents and made him an orphan at like 6 and everything but who hasnt made a mistake or two in their life?
Favorite season/movie: from what we have of his route so far I really like book 9: the hermit. it's got a lot of good hurt/comfort and that's my shit
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I'm a sucker for the steamy scenes so probably the makeout session in the winter woods
Favorite line: honestly all of them anything out of lucios mouth is gold
OTP: ME lmfao but no for real the mc in the game i dont think lucio is right for any of the characters even if i do ship him and julien for the angst
Favorite outfit: i actually really love his piratey outfit he wears in the flashbacks before he lost his arm.
Brotp: Julien 100%
Head Canon: i dont really have any for him
Unpopular opinion: Lucio is a switch and a service top the only True Top in this game is Nadia and i will die on that hill
A wish: none really, im happy with his route and where its been going and im excited to see the end of it!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I really hope his reverse ending is something other than him dying
5 words to best describe them: angry bratty baby boy
My nickname for them: baby boy
Light Yagami
Why I like them: cause he was one of the first really good protagonists whose actually the villian of the story and i love that shit
Why I don’t: Light drinks his own cool aid and is way to arrogant and i cant stand that. hes very much a holden caufield type character and i absoutely hate those
Favorite season/movie: i liked the anime but i only watched it once when it was airing and i never saw any of the movies so i dont know.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): same as above, this is making me think i should toss it in my que and do a rewatch. hmmm
Favorite line:ah man, i dont actually remember any but im sure its something gay
OTP: Light x a therapist
Favorite outfit: doesnt he only have one? that ugly ass tan suit or some variation of? lol
Brotp: light & ryuuk i loved their dynamic
Head Canon: none, i was never super invested enough in death note to have head canons
Unpopular opinion: none that i can think of, tho its probably somthing about misa lol
A wish: none
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: honestly the live action netflix adaptation already exists so like it cant get any worse
5 words to best describe them: someone id never wanna date
My nickname for them: bitch boy
Shaoran Li
Why I like them: omfg i LOVE shaoran cause hes just such a good boy? he tries so hard and he cares so much and he just wants to protect the world and its adorable
Why I don’t: theres genuinely nothing i dont like about Li
Favorite season/movie: while im loving blushy sweet shy Li in the new clear clard arc, i have a soft spot for angry sassy Li who was competing against sakura in season 1
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the episode with the tree and the time card
Favorite line: i dont think i have one
OTP: i mean is this even a question? sakura all the way
Favorite outfit: i lovelovelove his green fighting robes
Brotp: him and tomoyo being #Teamsakura all day every day together is the best thing
Head Canon: none really
Unpopular opinion: what even is an unpopular cardcaptor sakura opinion??
A wish: clear card anime s2 where are u????
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i dunno, this series never betrays me so i dont have many fears
5 words to best describe them: strong brave and loyal boy
My nickname for them: i like to call him Li tho thats not rly a nickname
Haruka Tennoh
Why I like them: oh man. i was in. fucking. love. with Haruka as a young tiny queer. i love everything about her
Why I don’t: there is nothing not to love
Favorite season/movie: their original appearance arc is my fav so S
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the one in crystal where she kisses Usagi
Favorite line: i mean the obvious one is “does it really matter if im a man or a woman” because enby rights but also i fucking love every bit of sass ridden dialog between her and Seiya
OTP: Uranus and Neptune are soulmates and thats that on that
Favorite outfit: oh man she had so many Iconic Looks but im gonna have to give it to her racing gear.
Brotp: I love her and Mars as brotp’s dont ask me to explain it lol
Head Canon: nothing like substatial or series just stupid/crack personality ones
Unpopular opinion: none i dont think? again i dont even know if ive ever really heard an “unpopular opinion” for her
A wish: more crystal before im 90 pls
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i mean once again the dub and the cousins sitation already exists so ive lived my nightmare. because framing them as incestuous cousins is somehow better than letting them be gay
5 words to best describe them: a gay enby queen
My nickname for them: my wife
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