#there are so many other things she could have been and the *valkyries* as a whole could have been
tyrannuspitch · 3 months
re: discussion of anti-imperialism in ragnarok: something i think is pretty striking about t3 in contrast to previous thor films (and avengers 2012) is the total absence of the perspective of any victims of asgardian imperialism.
those three films give us a variety of perspectives, including but not limited to:
jane, a human, as a main character and love interest, and thor beginning to overcome his anti-human prejudice as key to his redemption
jotunheim initially depicted as monsters, but then revealed to be victims, and their demonisation to be part of their victimhood
loki as both victim and perpetrator of imperial violence; a stolen child who was groomed to redirect his self-loathing onto others, now doing exactly that
humanity defending against invasion as protagonists and (in the avengers) the majority of the cast
malekith as both victim and perpetrator of imperial violence; a brutally defeated rival of asgard's returning to exact revenge both on asgard and on the universe they were competing to control
and like, these films are definitely not perfect. but there is always at least one major character for whose life asgardian imperialism has ruined or could ruin during the course of the film.
whereas in ragnarok...
the jotuns, the dark elves, and all of asgard's other rivals and victims are absent - except a brief appearance of surtur, who is treated straightforwardly as a dragon to slay.
one human (bruce) is there, but his humanity, iirc, goes basically unremarked upon, and earth is not important.
loki is still there, but his past is brushed under the rug.
hela is a thematic focal point, but, unlikely loki (who she's clearly meant to mirror), she's only a victim of interpersonal abuse, not of imperial violence, because she's just asgardian royalty and nothing else.
valkyrie is a new character who was traumatised by hela's imperialism... but only because she was a soldier of asgard at the time.
like... do you see the void? the whole film is about how asgard's imperial past impacts the royal family and citizens of asgard. we're told ABOUT violence in a distant, almost mythical past, but we don't witness it. we're told to associate that dark past almost exclusively with hela; we're led to exonerate odin as a good king who learnt from his mistakes; we're introduced to val as a warrior from that exact era without the matter of her participation EVER coming up; and we're almost retconned into believing that thor and loki *didn't* participate in asgardian imperialism (outside of loki's villain arcs) even though that's exactly what we saw in thor 1.
the one group of victims we *do* see are the victims of the *grandmaster's* tyranny, a category which includes thor, loki, bruce and val to various extents... but again, isn't that odd? we see asgardians as victims, but we don't see the victims *of asgard*?
i'm not saying this is necessarily Evil or whatever, just poorly thought-out. but still... once you see it, it's a pretty glaring oversight, isn't it?
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gamarancianne · 5 months
Hi, how are you? I had an idea and I wanted to ask you if you could do an angst with Azriel x reader in which she is friends with Elain and has been in love with Az for some time, but has never told him because they hardly have any contact apart from the Valkyries and Elain's training. Then they get a little closer and she decides to tell Elain all about her feelings for Azriel and pushes the reader to confess her feelings and that's exactly what she does, but Azriel's reaction isn't the most pleasant and he lets out a "How can you fall in love with someone you hardly know? Only fools are like that. So she is devastated and disappears for a few days, until she returns and catches Azriel and Elain in a very intimate moment in the bedroom and realizes that they were already together even before she confessed her feelings to him and they end up drifting apart. So the reader begins to do everything she can to forget Az and concentrate on herself and, in the meantime, becomes friends with Lucien, to the point of braiding each other's hair. After a while, they break up and Az starts to notice the reader, but she's looser than ever and doesn't care much about him. And he chases after her a lot and in the meantime an obscenity occurs to her so that she ends up saying it was just a one-night stand. And the ending is up to you :)
Azriel x reader - In Between part 1
Part 2
Okay first of all thank you so much for this ask it is my first so its precious to me !! And I am really fine and you ?? I love the plotline and I am sucker for angst, especially with our little azzy so it's perfect !!
Warnings : angst, smut allusions, heartbreak, mean Az, mean Elain
Summary : You are in love with Azriel, but you don't know him, that's what he said when you confessed. Heartbroken yes, but you surely didn't think that he would end up being with your dear friend Elain.
Note : well this has gotten longer than I thought so it will part 2 and I am already working on it don't worry. Also I didn't know if Elain knew that it was Az or not so I improvised. I hope it fits your standards and you can all tell me what you think about it in the comments. And I am again sorry for my English 😭💗
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There he was, in all his glory, sweaty from his fight with Cassian, his shadows swirling around him and you had never been more attracted to someone.
Elain had finally convinced you to join her at training and you instantly regretted, looking at how hard the Valkyries were training but mostly feeling your cheeks heaten up at the sight of him. Of his naked torso full of black ink and fight scars. 'Gods, cauldron boil me why did I accept this' you thought. But Elain was quick enough to shove the thought away when she brought you to introduce you to her family. You had already seen them many times when you had picked her up after training for a walk or a tea party, thing that you both enjoyed a lot, but it was never a proper meeting like this one.
"Hey guys !" She exclaimed, full of joy "This is yn, a friend of mine and she's coming to training for the first time so I hope you are all gonna be nice to her. Especially you Az, don't scare her away" she chuckled looking a the main concerned. After quick presentations, she made sure you were okay and went with her sister, Cassian and the Valkyries for their already known exercises while you stayed there, blush creeping up to your face and ears, with Azriel. Because, with your luck, he was the one to train you today to show you the basic exercises in order to not hurt you during the first day.
"Follow me" Azriel ordered and you obeyed, walking to a smaller ring. He showed you some stretches before starting to teach you many combat basics. It was awkward, for both of you. Every time Azriel came behind you to correct your position, you would blush extremely hard and shiver at his touch. And you could tell he noticed it by the way he straightened and did everything to avoid this kind of situation. To ease the tension between us, you engaged the conversation. "they're really beautiful" you said pointing with your head the blue gems on his arms and torso now dressed with his leathers.
"Oh thanks..." he only responded. Elain did already tell you that he was a silent one but you didn't expect him to be that silent to be honest. But you were stubborn so you continued. "And.. where did you buy them ? I think it could be a nice present for my brother for next solstice". And then he froze, stared at you dead in the eye and laughed at your face. Despite the facts that you didn't understand and that you were even more embarrassed you couldn't stop yourself from enjoying the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. His beautiful laugh was clear and ran to the deepest parts of your soul.
"Wh-what is so funny about what I said?"
"They're siphons, I earned them by being a Carynthian, because I am an Illyrian soldier, you cannot buy them !" He bursted out of laughter a second time.
"Oh mother above, I am so sorry if I offended you by saying that, I don't know anything about Illyrians I am sorry. Really" you stuttered, feeling even more ridiculous than before.
He reassured you about it. You had made a fool of yourself but the air was lighter and the training went on with a more smiling and nice Azriel, with whom you had joked, laughed and exchanged soft innocent touches, until it was over. The bubble in which you and Az had been, exploded when Elain came checking on you two.
"How did it go ?" She asked excited.
"Really well" you answered quite proud of you.
Azriel nodded, and you felt his eyes linger on you when you left with your friend.
You came back the day after, and the day after and after... until it became a routine to train and laugh with Az very morning. Now you were also training with Elain and Nesta because of your quick improvements. But one thing was certain, you had fallen completely and utterly in love with Azriel. You didn't know what to do because he was always staring at you from afar when you were coming or leaving but you two never really talked about your life or anything.
While stretching with Elain, she asked about your love life and you decided that you would ask her opinion.
"Speaking of that, I need you to be brutally honest with me El' "
"What are you seeing someone ? Why didn't you tell me ?" She exclaimed.
"No I am not, don't worry I would've told you" she relaxed. "But you know there is this guy that I see almost everyday and I think we get along well. I feel like he is looking at me sometimes but we never really talk to eachother, like about our lives or anything. It's odd, but I really like him and I don't know what to do."
She smiled at your scrunched eyebrows and responded more calmly: "Follow you heart dear, you are so much beautiful and kind, there is no sane male in all Prythian who could resist you. Besides who is this man ? Isn't it the brown hair guy at the coffee shop you work at ? Because if it is he totally has a crush on you!"
"Haha no I won't tell you but thanks for the advice though, you are clearly the best! I love you Elain!"
"Me too yn, a lot. But now go get your lover before I kick you out myself for you to do it! Fly you fool!" She pushed you out the ring while you were laughing with her and you ran as fast as you could to get to the source of your desire, Azriel. He was almost shooting in the sky when you screamed his name. He turned around to see your exhausted figure running toward him.
"Hey are you okay ? What's going on ?"
"I'm fine thank you Az but I got something to tell you if you don't mind"
"Of course not go on", he responded almost too quickly and straightened hearing his nickname coming from your mouth. You always called him Azriel but never Az or Azzy. Never.
"Well, I meant to tell you for a while but I hadn't enough courage so here am I... I love you" you spoke in one breath your head down and your eyes shut.
You waited for an answer and waited again until you were almost shaking with fear and looked back at Azriel's face. What you saw made your eyes well up with tears. He was shocked, in a bad way, even disgusted at your confession.
"You don't want that yn" he finally answered.
"What ?" You asked your voice breaking.
"How can you fall in love with someone you hardly knows ? Only fools are like that". And with that he flew away, leaving you a crying mess on the floor of training.
Your body and heart were sore. You had been crying for hours. After training, well, more after your mean rejection by the love of your life, you had run away to your apartment and cried without stopping, you sometimes just changed the place: your bed, the couch, even the floor.  You felt broken, of course, but above all ashamed at your actions. Your bad thoughts were flooding in your head without stopping. Your anxiety, insecurity and doubts about yourself surfaced once again: he was right, how could you have fallen in love with him without even knowing him ? And then you cried again, this time at your window looking at the stars above you. Two of them were shining more than the others and you just hoped that one day the mother would give you a male, capable of loving you back so that you could both be like those stars, shining together amongst others.
It had been a few days now, and the same routine happened again everyday. You would wake up, your eyes sore from crying not remembering anything, and you would recall your conversation  with Azriel and start crying again all day, only eating ice cream or cookies. Elain had sent you many notes, asking what was happening to you and why you weren't at training. You still hadn't answered yet but, today, you decided that it was time for you to get up your feet and not cry about that lame excuse of a male anymore. You dressed up and went to Elain's apartment near the Sidra.
When you arrived, the door was already open, but when you called her, she didn't answer. The worst scenarios already came to your mind and you entered in her home, scared for her. You stopped in your tracks when you heard noises coming from her bedroom. It was voices, her and Azriel's voices. You didn't want to do anything involving Azriel so you walked back to the door but froze when you heard your name. You didn't want to be nosy, but you heard your name, so it was fair to listen right? You approached slowly and silently her bedroom in which you two had have countless sleepless girls nights, and listened to their conversation.
"What ? You are the one she confessed to ?" Elain then bursted out of laughter and you felt another knife stabbing your heart. Your dear friend, who encouraged you to confess the deepest parts of your heart was mocking you in front of your said love interest. But you weren't supposed to be there, so it was your fault. You deserved it for making a fool of yourself. That's what your thoughts were screaming at you in your head.
"Yeah, but stop it now, I don't wanna talk about another woman right now" Azriel said, his voice low.
You had enough now but still decided to take a look inside yhe room and instantly regretted when you saw them together, naked from their previous activities, tangled in the sheets, now making out with eachother. Your heart already broken in a million pieces, broke again when he said those words you will remember for life "Anyway you know I only love you Elain".
You ran as fast as you could, bumping in the table, and making a big noise in the living room but you couldn't care one bit. You just had to leave the damn place. Tears were streaming down your face knowing your face, and you didn't even noticed it, only focused on the worst pain you had ever felt. The pain of your heart: of a love and a friendship broken. It was too much, too much in just a short amount of time.
And then everything hit you : Azriel had never looked nor stared at you, he was looking at Elain all this time when you were both arriving at training. He was never interested in you, it was always Elain. How could you have been so stupid and think different : the first time you two had ever talked, you had made a fool of yourself and he was only nice to you because you were Elain's friend. For the past month, in need of affection, you had lived in complete delusion of a love that never existed.
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abbyromanoff · 8 months
Can you please do yandere!possessive!gp!valkryie, where her and reader had a huge argument and reader storms out leaving Valkyrie alone. Later coming home Valkyrie rails the shit out of reader in front of a mirror because valkryie followed reader to a bar where she saw a man flirt reader (she OFC kills the dude when he reader leaves.)
PLEASE BRO IVE ASKED SO MANY PPL (no hate to anybody I've asked, I love you all 💞)
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PAIRINGS: Valkyrie x reader
WARNINGS: smut, Valkyrie has a dick, blowjobs, cunnilingus, killing, murder, dark!valkyrie, knives, king!valkyrie, fingering, facials, breeding, noncon, jealousy, possessiveness, think that’s all :)
Run. Keep running. That’s all that ran through your mind as you sped away from the large building where you used to sleep peacefully, that was until you found out the truth, until you realized your lover had been lying to you all along.
She was the king, one respected by many, if not all. Citizens trusted her with their lives yet she kept her disguise, taking away the innocence of others as she cut them short of breathing. The man didn’t deserve that, no matter what he did to annoy her, he didn’t deserve to die. He could’ve had a family, children wondering when their dad would come home, only to have him stripped away to never see again.
You always knew Valkyrie had a jealous side to her, some would even call it possessiveness. But you never thought it would go this far.
Earlier on you had planned on surprising the woman at work, hoping she’d still be in her office for lunch instead of skipping like usual. You always warned her of the health concerns that came with ignoring meals, but she never listened, stating she was often times ‘too busy to remember’. And you wished when you entered that was what greeted you, your girlfriend hunched over a pile of papers on her desk, only it was far from that.
When you entered, a small grin on your face and a container in your hands, you were greeted with the sight of Valkyrie holding a knife to a man’s neck who was begging for forgiveness. Your feet planted in your spot as you gasped, mouth falling wide open while the older woman snapped her head in your direction.
“Please-“ The man cried out behind his gag, only to have the sharp object slit his skin open, causing blood to ooze out of his rapidly until he fell limp to the floor.
“Baby? Baby, it’s alright, he was a very, very bad man, okay? He had this coming.” She tried reaching out for you, handing the blade to one of her bodyguards who took it without hesitation, the rest of them already starting to clean up the mess she made. You backed away, wincing from her near touch alone. You knew she loved you and would never hurt you, but what if that changed? What if she did hurt you someday? She often got mad when she was jealous, what if it went so far one day and she tried to hurt you?
“Don’t touch me!” Your eyes were glossed over and she gulped fearfully at the sight, she wasn’t one to be afraid or scared, but knowing she caused those tears was what scared her the most. It scared her of herself, of what she could do.
“It’s me, love, I’m not going to hurt you.” But how could you trust that? How could you trust that she’d keep you safe when she just killed an innocent person right in front of your eyes?
“Look, he- he deserved it! I had to keep you safe-“
“Don’t you dare put this on me, I am not the one who held a knife to his neck and slit his fucking throat! I don’t even know his name, for Christ's sake!” She seemed to be growing more and more agitated as you continued to ignore her words, and chose to believe your own instead. You didn’t understand, you didn’t understand the things she had to do to keep you safe.
“Do you think I don’t know that? Do you think I wanted to kill him? No, but I knew he couldn’t roam free after what he did to you, what if he tried on someone else, huh? Would you let him have forgiveness then?” In all honesty, she wanted to do it. She found herself being filled with joy whenever she got to end the life of one of her victims. She had no idea what was wrong with her, she knew it wasn’t normal but she couldn’t stop, it just felt so good.
When there was no response spewing out of your mouth, she decided to take the next step and brought a single foot forward, letting her palms caress your face as she smiled, you didn’t pull away. Although, she noticed the small flinch but chose to ignore it.
“Guards,” She called for the attention of the tall men, all of them turning their heads in her direction. “Please exit the premises, and take the body with you.” They nodded and did as asked without question, you wondered if this was a normal occurrence for them.
“Awh, don’t cry, pretty girl, Daddy didn’t mean to upset you.” She pouted at your frightened expression, chuckling darkly when you sniffled.
“See the things I’d do for my little girl? I’d die for you, I’d kill for you, doesn’t that mean something?” You shook your head rapidly, trying your best to escape her grasp until she wrapped her arms tightly around your waist.
“Don’t think you’re leaving me, sweetheart.” You wiggled around hopelessly, knowing deep down there was no chance in hell you’d disobey her.
“Let me go! Please, Val, please!” She groaned, kissing the side of your neck, even when you tried to hit your head on hers as the only option left.
“Mm, I like it when you beg me, baby. Turns me on so much.” She pulled you in closer by the hips, letting you feel the growing bulge hidden beneath her suit. It stopped you in your tracks, shuddering quietly as she grinded against you.
“I know you’re mad, so why don’t you let me make it up to you, okay? Can I do that?” You shook your head with a whine, feeling your body weaken the more you wasted your energy trying to escape.
“Too bad. You have no idea how I need this, I’ve been so frustrated all week, working nonstop, don’t you want to help Daddy?” Trying to disagree took all the willpower you had left because you knew you wanted it, no matter how much you said you didn’t. You wanted her to fuck you deep and raw, showing no mercy on your weeping cunt. It was as if she could read your mind because she quickly turned you around, pressing your back against her front while her free hand ran down your stomach to your core, letting her fingers dip inside your pants.
“Don’t try and run from me, there’s nowhere you can go.” The only place you ever knew were her arms, and each time you’d come racing into them, desperate for her to have any sense of hold on you. She was captivating your mind with her as her fingers ran across your folds, collecting your slick and creating a shiny glow as she pulled them out to show you.
“I think you’ve been lying to me, sweetheart, I think you like me killing in your favor.” She grinned when you struggled to come up with a response, only shaking your head no in hopes she’d believe it. But, truthfully, you didn’t believe your lie either.
“Every lie you tell me is only going to add to your already long list of punishments. So, tell me, did you like watching me slit his throat? Is that what made you this wet? Hm?” You gave in, accepting your fate as you succumbed to the feeling of her skin rubbing onto yours.
“Yes- I fucking loved it, Val.” She slapped the side of your ass and tsked in disapproval, causing shame to rise in your chest.
“Try again.” She hummed, letting a singular digit prod gently at your hole, teasing you with her soft nature that you knew would soon be replaced by something darker.
“I loved it, Daddy..” You muttered, nearly choking on your breath as she entered you. Before you could even think, a second finger joined, causing you to whimper loudly.
“Gotta stretch you out for my cock, baby.” She stated. “I fuck you every day yet you’re still so damn tight, such a dirty slut you are.” Came her spoken words followed by a deep, hungry groan.
“Just for you, I’m your slut.” You seemed to be chasing for her approval by now, blushing from every noise that left her hot mouth. You’ve always been such a good girl for her, that’s what she adored most about you.
“That’s right. Daddy’s little slut, maybe I should mark you with it so you know just who you belong to.” In an instant you were pushed to your knees, her legs kicking the back of yours and causing you to fall as she finally removed herself from your tight hole. She looked down at you with hunger before you turned to face her, pleading with your eyes only while she stroked your cheek, her slick-covered digits seeping into your mouth as you suckled on them gently.
“Aren’t you adorable?” You nuzzled your face against her crotch where her restricted hard-on poked you. She was teasing you, she knew that.
“You want Daddy’s cock? Yeah? Of course, you do, little bitch.” You lowered her minimal clothing when given permission and gasped when noticing a small wet spot where her pre-cum had leaked. You were practically dripping when she finally freed herself of the uncomfortable gear, sighing with satisfaction as you reached forward to pull down the boxers she adorned, freeing her length to the fresh air. You instantly wrapped your hand around it, letting your lips press against the head repeatedly until you dragged your tongue up and down the skin.
“Oh- fuck! Mhm, just like that, take it, baby.” She tangled her fingers in your hair and thrusted forward while pulling you even closer, chuckling at the sound of your gags bouncing off the walls. Your eyes fluttered shut as you let her take control, moving your palms to fondle her balls.
“This is all your fault, Y/N. If you weren’t so fucking perfect, maybe I wouldn’t have had to hurt him. Maybe if you weren’t so goddamn sexy, you wouldn’t have to be choking on my dick right now.” You didn’t want it any other way, this was truly heaven.
“I’m gonna cum down your throat- shit! You’re gonna swallow it all, right?” You nodded as best as you could with her still in your mouth, watching as she threw her head back before releasing her finish, her juices reaching your tastebuds instantly. She held you in place, forcing you to keep still and follow in on your promise. Droplets tended to dribble down your chin and to your neck, but you refused to let any go to waste.
She pulled out soon after, slapping her length against your face and smothering your skin in her release. You licked your lips and tasted the sweet nectar, eliciting a moan from deep in your chest.
“Get on all fours and face the mirror.” It wasn’t a request as much as it was a demand. In her eyes, you didn’t have a choice, you were to follow her lead and trust her every move, which you found yourself doing over the course of your relationship.
“Good girl, you listen so well.” She kneeled behind you and smacked your ass with force, causing you to wince as your body reacted with only a deeper amount of pleasure.
“Daddy-“ You were cut off with a moan, biting your lip to try and stifle the sound but she still heard.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Do it again…please?” She complied, repeating her action and admiring your ass jiggled in response. She left a kiss to the burning skin and you smiled when she didn’t stop, layering each inch of your body until she reached your hole once again. Her tongue drew circles on your swollen bud before dipping inside of you. Your hands balled into tight fists as you watched your reaction through the mirror, glancing back and forth at your girlfriend's already hardened cock. It was so easy to mess with her, she would fall for anything you did and would give you anything you wanted.
“Taste so good, so perfect.” Slurping sounds came from behind you until she was bringing you to the edge, your body already overstimulated from the previous actions.
Right as you were about to sink into your orgasm, she pulled away, lining her length up with your entrance and using your wetness as a form of lube. Your breath got caught in your throat at the intrusion while her eyes squeezed shut at the feeling of your walls clamping around her tip.
“That feel good? Hm? You like it when I stretch you out just for me?” You nodded while screaming out agreements, the fear of her guards hearing you not even seeming to register like usual as you just focused on her. On how she made you feel. On how she bombarded you with overwhelming excitement by just being her.
“You fit so well around me, it’s like you were made for me.” In her mind and soul, she knew it was true. The moment she met you she knew she had to have you as her own, you were made for her as she was for you. You were hers, every part of you belonged to her and she’d never let you believe otherwise. Either you’d spend your life with her or yours would come to a short, she wouldn’t be able to live knowing you were being loved by another.
“Yes! You fuck me s-so good, I need more, please!” Your breasts bounced with each thrust she sent, now being buried deep inside of you while her pelvis smacked against your backside, creating a loud clapping sound that echoed throughout the room.
“Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum, have you leaking just so I can fuck it back into you.” The image made you shudder, goosebumps traveling down your skin. Her fingers came to wrap around your hair as she yanked hard, her other hand finding place on your waist and holding onto you with a bruising grip.
“You close, princess?”
“Mhm, so close.” You whispered, tossing your head back even further until it laid on her shoulder. Her tits were rested against your back, her swollen nipples poking your skin in a teasing manner.
“Too bad.” You were meeting her thrusts as she continued to quicken, causing you to look sloppy and weak compared to her. Her bulging biceps made way to your vision, and you nearly came just from the sight.
“Please, Daddy, I can’t stop it-“ You were close to breaking her most important rule if she kept denying you. You tried your absolute best, but that’s all you could do.
“I wanna hear you beg for it.”
“I’ll do anything, please, just let me cum. I-l promise I’ll be good- ah! I’m sorry, I c- can’t hold back, Daddy.” She whispered a singular word into your ear and gazed into your eyes through the mirror, watching as your orgasm came crashing down over you. Suddenly, you felt warm liquid releasing deep inside of you, but you were too weak to fight it.
“No-“ Whimpers washed over you before you could push her away, your body becoming limp as your legs shook.
“I’m gonna get you pregnant, baby, that way you can never leave me again.” She licked her lips and caressed your breasts with her palms, tweaking your nipples until she had you crying out.
“Now you’ll be mine forever.”
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She let you rest in the bed and when you awoke, you were greeted with nothing but silence. You assumed she was working once again, and instead of being sad, you used that to your advantage. Packing your limited amount of clothes and resources quickly into a bag you planned on leaving, escaping from her wrongful actions and beliefs, and starting a new life of your own, one that would be forced as hidden from the public.
You seemed to be able to sneak past most without them recognizing you or realizing something was wrong. Then, your engine roared as it started and you instantly took off. You hoped Valkyrie hadn’t put a chip in it with how protective she was, but you couldn’t care as you drove far away until you weren’t able to see the Asgardian City sign anymore.
You sighed in relief, thinking you were free. But you didn’t know what was going on back in the large building where your girlfriend sat, watching through the cameras she installed in her vehicle in case something like this ever happened. She smirked, already planning what she was going to do with you in her head.
“Guards,” She started, earning their full attention, “Give them some time to think their free. Then, kidnap them, mask and all. Hopefully, then they’ll see how much they need me to keep them safe.”
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fanwarriorfictions · 2 months
Not Again - Part Six
Summary: Azriel had been avoiding her all day after their last encounter, she was willing to let him brood all he wanted. Y/n may have just found her way home, but it comes with a warning.
Series Masterlist
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-Part Six-
Y/n was finally back to her research, she’d eaten lunch with the Valkyries, all of them starving after training much longer than the two hours they’d expected. They had ended up talking about books, recommending many of their favorites for Y/n to read, Nesta had promised to drop some off by her room later in the evening. She’d told them of the books she read back home, of Dorian’s personal library that he’d share with her whenever either of them visited, of the libraries of Orynth, filled with stories from every corner of the world. Books scholars had saved from Adarlan’s path of destruction, books her family had found on their journeys around the world, books written of their battles, of hero’s and villains, love and loss.
Once they’d gone their separate ways, Y/n had found her stacks of papers and the Walking Dead in the exact place she’d left them the night before. The scratched out notes making less sense now that she looked them over with a clear mind. She’d been trying to make sense of her rambling for hours, her mind going numb, almost ready to give up when she’d felt his presence.
He’d been avoiding her all day, just like she had avoided him this morning. If it was because she’d lain him flat on his back, or from the dark look in his eyes as he’d look down at her when she’d been pinned to his chest, she wasn’t sure, and she wasn’t going to spend the time wondering. If he had a problem with her showing him up, then he and his ego could deal with that on their own, it wasn’t her problem. And if it was the other reason, she had much more important things to worry about than the gorgeous male staring at the back of her neck. At least that’s what she told herself.
“How many times must you be told?” She doesn’t lift her gaze from her notes, “It’s impolite to stare.”
A cool touch caresses the skin of her ankle, a tendril of shadows gently wrapping around her. Usually she’d snap at the little creature, but instead she just looks over her shoulder at the source, at the male leaning against the doorway. That dark and heavy look in his eye was gone, replaced by that mask of stoic beauty. He doesn’t say anything, only stares into her eyes, and she fights the urge to fidget beneath his gaze. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of it, she refused, no matter how her skin seemed to burn everywhere his eyes touched.
“You’re so upset I beat you that you’d give me the silent treatment,” she clicks her tongue, turning her back to him, “You males have such fragile egos.”
Again, no response, and it digs under her skin in a way she’s sure her cheeky little smiles do to him. Fine, if he wanted to play this game, she could to.
“You’d think after this long someone would’ve house trained you.” She throws that exact irritating saccharine smile over her shoulder, “Teach you some manners.”
Something she’d always known about herself is that she’d inherited her mother’s temper, to her father’s eternal delight. Prone to freezing a room or lighting it on fire during temper tantrums. When he didn’t respond again, she could feel her magic stirring beneath her skin, wanting to lash out, but again, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. He could sit there and play brooding, tall, dark, and handsome warrior all he liked.
That little wisp of shadow gently tugs on her ankle, just enough pressure for her to look down at it, to follow it back to the male who’d taken several silent steps towards her.
She suddenly felt to small, to exposed, sitting there before him, her back on display. She’d been here for only two days and somehow she had already let her guard down. These fae weren’t her own, they weren’t friends she’d known her whole life, they were strangers who could just a easily kill her as she could them. Deadly warriors, skilled magic users, dangerous. She stands from her chair, turning to face him, hand in easy reach of her multiple daggers strapped across her body.
“Are you going to just stare me down, like some feral beast,” she snaps, letting that anger slip its leash, a warning to stay back, “or do you have something to say?”
Those eyes are suddenly not so blank, that mask ripped away to show the male beneath. And she saw that look, that darkness, that desire. It’d been the later that had kept him away, that had him coming back now. A predator stalking his prey, those whiskey eyes dipping down and slowly dragging back up, mapping every dip and curve.
That soft touch at her ankle turns into more than a simple caress, harder. Roughly locking her in place, keeping her from flying away even if she wanted to. He steps closer, and closer, and her heart is pounding in her chest in anger, in fear, in anticipation, she’s not quite sure which.
She has to crane her neck back to keep their eyes locked as he steps right in front of her. Gods he was tall, and gorgeous, and so close she could feel the heat of him.
“Where’d you go, Princess?”
Y/n jerks awake and Azriel pulls his hand away from her shoulder quickly. She’d been laying halfway on the table when he found her, her head resting on one of her arms, a pen loosely dangling between her fingers as if sleep had claimed her without warning. If he was being completely honest, he’d for the briefest moment thought it was cute, the way her cheek was smushed up against her arm, the soft snores that left her mouth. It’d taken him longer than probably necessary to lift his scarred hand to her shoulder and gently shake her a few times, whispering her name. Her skin was warm beneath his palm, and he’d hesitated to move when her lips had twitched up at the corners.
Her eyes frantically search the space around her, a pretty flush on her cheeks. When her eyes finally land on him she jolts, hand flying to her chest as if to cage her galloping heart.
“Gods, someone needs to put a bell on you,” she groans, falling back against her chair, hiding her face between her hands, “What time is it?”
“Well past your bedtime apparently.” He smirks at the glare she sends him from behind her fingers. “I just got back to find you like this.”
She gives him a curious glance, “Where have you been all day? Did your lord and lady give you the day off of babysitting duty?”
“Something like that,” he shrugs nonchalantly, “Why were you drooling all over your notes?”
She glares even deeper, the look in her eyes ice cold like the first night they’d met, “First of all, I was not drooling.”
He pointedly looks at the page she’d been hunched over, “Sure, okay.”
“Second of all,” she growls, shoving that paper across the table like it would hide the smudged ink, “answer my question, where have you been hiding all day? Ego a little bruised?”
She didn’t know the half of it, “I was sent out to check on something. I do have a job you know, and before you say it, no, my job isn’t just babysitting you, Princess.”
“I was going to say it was brooding, but close enough.” She gives him that exasperating smile, and it takes more effort than he’s willing to admit to not stare directly at those lips.
“It’s nearly midnight,” he says instead, glancing at the sky beyond the window.
“Is it really?”
She raises from her chair, putting the thing directly between them, a casual move, to casual. He notices there’s a tension in her shoulders, similar to the way she’d been in the garden that first night, like fight had switched to flight and she was seconds away from running straight through the balcony doors and flying away.
He cocks his head, shadows whispering in his ears, her heart is to fast, something’s wrong. Azriel could tell that himself, her heart hadn’t settled since she’d startled awake, and now she almost refused to meet his eyes. Something was definitely wrong, and he couldn’t keep his thoughts from spiraling.
Did she know that he’d spent the day flying just to cool off, that his blood had roared for hours and hours, that his mind had played the image of her below him, looking up through her lashes, over and over and over. Was she disturbed, disgusted, did the tentative bond they’d formed in the early hours of the morning snap and crumble to dust.
“I should go,” Y/n says, her eyes shift to the doorway beyond his shoulder. “Like you said it’s well past my bedtime. A female needs her beauty rest.”
She doesn’t move though, doesn’t take that first step that would bring her closer to him and Azriel doesn’t like the way it stings.
So he nods, takes a step back and waves a hand towards the door, “Goodnight then, Princess.”
She nods once, “Goodnight, Shadowsinger.”
And then she’s gone, rushing from the room. Azriel keeps his shadows firmly at his side, even as they struggle and beg to follow her, to catch her and keep her there with him. He’d already done enough, already scared her off. Mother above he was pathetic, his heart clenching painfully in his chest, absolutely pathetic.
There were more of those revealing clothes laid out on the dresser when she woke the next morning. Y/n noted that they were in the Terrasen green and silver that she had asked the house for. It eased her heart to wear those colors, made her feel like home wasn’t somewhere far across the stars.
Also laid out on the table by her seating area was a tray full of breakfast, it seemed the house knew she was avoiding a certain male. It may make her a coward, but she needed to put a little bit of space between them, that dream had shaken her, and she needed the time to pull herself together.
She wasn’t a stranger to attraction, to dreaming of males and females alike, to waking up in a bed that wasn’t her own. But this was different, Azriel was different. He wasn’t just some male who’d caught her eye, he was the guard who watched over her to keep her in line, he was the one who’d found her, bleeding and vulnerable on the garden floor, he was a stupidly handsome male from a foreign world who she knew next to nothing about. She had no business feeling anything for him, even if it was just lust.
It took her longer than she’d like to admit to put on a brave face and walk out her door. Azriel had left hours ago, she’d heard him walk into the hall, wait for several minutes as if expecting her to walk out, and then leave when she didn’t.
Y/n took the now familiar path to the dining room, where she found Feyre and Amren sitting at the clear spaces away from Y/n’s sprawling notes.
“Finally,” Amren sneers, “how long does it take you to get ready, girl.”
“Amren,” Feyre warns softly, “Good morning, Y/n, how’d you sleep.”
“Morning, Feyre. I slept fine, thank you.” She’d slept like shit actually, but she wasn’t going to say that and have to explain that a certain shadowsinger wouldn’t leave her mind. “Was there something you needed?”
“It took some convincing Amren.” Feyre gestures to the small scowling female, “But we’d like you to take a look at the Book of Breathings. It’s full of those marks and I wonder if you’d have an easier time looking for what you need.”
Y/n glances at the table between them, searching for the mysterious book. When she doesn’t find it Feyre’s hand comes up, snapping once, and all of a sudden a terrible presence fills the room. It’s heavy and old and whatever it is has Y/n’s defenses rising.
It’s not a book in the traditional sense, no paper, no leather, but metal plates bound by metal rings. It thumps onto the table, and the sound seems to echo around the room, through Y/n’s head.
“I’ll warn you,” Amren says, “the thing has a nasty habit of speaking out of turn. Don’t let it get to you.”
Feyre looks visibly uncomfortable in its presence, leaning back in her chair away from it. Y/n was half tempted to turn and fly out of the room, instead she sits before the ancient book.
Hello little stranger, it whispers, and she recoils away from it, teller of many stories, none of her own.
“Hello, creepy book,” she answers, “Do you have any stories to share?”
“Don’t humor it,” Amren snaps, glaring when Feyre shushes her.
I have many stories, it answers, many stories that may intrigue you, storyteller.
“Any on how I may get home?”
Look and see, it says, the answer you seek is already there, though I wonder if you truly want to see it.
Her brow furrows in confusion, “All I want is to go home.”
Ah, home, it sighs, what is home to you, storyteller? A castle, family, books, whiskey, shadows, a lover?
She forces away the image that comes to mind, “Terrasen, thats my home.”
Land of pine and snow, the book seems to take a deep breath, godless, the gods killer queen, the kings flame blooming year round. Why did it throw you out? Why did the stag turn his back on you.
Anger flares through her, “Enough.”
The Wyrd has plans for you, hesitate to turn your back on the gifts she gives you, it says, she will not take the slight kindly.
“I didn’t ask for a gift,” she snarls, “I didn’t ask to be ripped away from my home, from my family. I didn’t ask to have everything taken from me.”
And yet you have so much to gain.
Just like that it goes quiet, presence fading till it was nothing but a book. Y/n wants to scream, to force it to come back and tell her exactly how to get home.
“It hasn’t been that active since the halves were joined,” Feyre breathes, face pale.
Amren watches Y/n with curious eyes, “It’s interested in her, the same way it was with you. I don’t think we want to find out why.”
Y/n lifts her hand to the first plate, cold metal stinger her flesh. That ancient power floods through her, though the book stays quiet. It feels like the presence is weighing her down, holding her in her seat. She grits her teeth and forces the book open, eyes flowing over the words that she could not read, over the marks she could. It was a mixture of them, spells and marks, most she knew, some she didn’t. Those were the ones she focused on, the world seeming to hold its breath.
It took her several moments to figure out what exactly she was looking at, a mark she’d seen before, so similar to the one for unlock that she’d overlooked it the first time, open. It was so simple she almost laughs. Open, to open the rifts between worlds, to open a gate. That ancient presence seems to sigh in her mind, the only confirmation she needed before slamming the book shut and shoving it away from her.
“What is it?” Feyre asks, “Are you alright?”
Y/n nods, “Get that thing out of here.”
Amren snaps her fingers and it’s gone, “What did you find, girl? Did it give you what you needed?”
She nods her head again, “I need some paint.”
Tag List-
@inloveallthetime , @microwaveallthedemons , @nayaniasworld , @thecraziestcrayon , @fightmedraco , @blackgirlmagicforever , @nikt-wazny-y , @fangirlloza010 , @thisiskaylin , @wolfgirl624 , @khaleesihavilliard , @fluffy-bnny , @mariahoedt , @durgenyx , @glitterypirateduck , @byyalady , @amberlynn98 , @ferrarisbitch
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thelov3lybookworm · 9 months
A request for you if you feel so inclined 🥹 this doesn’t need to be romantic unless you want to spin it that way. What if cassian or azriel at one point saved an Illyrian girl from getting her wings clipped and from that point forward she idolizes them. Every time they stop by her camp she’s always there to greet them with whatever sweets she baked that day (she helps out in the kitchens at the camp) and asks them about their missions and adventures, if they’re sleeping well or eating enough and just overall doting on them. (And then if there’s a romantic twist, one day she goes to greet them and the bond snaps and she just fumbles over whether or not to offer the cookies she made that day because wouldn’t that be WAY too soon to accept a mating bond? 👀) Maybe she wants to be trained as a Valkyrie but her parents won’t allow it. maybe the girl is devlon’s daughter? But doesn’t have to be! This was a lot sorry lol (love love LOVE all your work by the way 🥰)
Mere coincidence?
Summary: Y/n never thought she would ever be treated like more than trash. So it's a surprise when one of the most powerful men in the entirety of Prythian saves her.
A/n: hey darling, I love this so much❣️😌. Also, don't worry about it. I love when you all send me asks, especially when it has a lot of things to work with 😉
Also, I mostly try to go with someone who isn't Azriel when you tell me to choose because there's a lot of azzie stuff that I have and not enough for others Bois so I hope it's okay.
I kept this one short because I didn't want to keep you waiting. I'll be writing a part two soon. Please let me know what you think about it!
Anyways, that's all. Enjoy!
Everything was flying downhill, which was not the best choice of words, as in a moment, she would never be able to fly.
She tried again to loosen the bonds on her wrists, all in vain. She'd been tied here since dawn, and it was now afternoon. They did this all the time to females, just to make them feel more helpless. It made them feel like they had time to escape, but they didn't.
There weren't many female who had been able to get freed of the bonds on their wrists, but the few who did? They were shot down before they could even reach flying heights.
Y/n looked around. No one paid attention to her, as if she didn't exist. Maybe for them she didn't. It was common occurrence that a female, sometimes more than one, would be tied to one of the posts in the center of the camp. It was only her today.
Snow crunched behind her, and she stiffened. Her father walked around her to her front, kneeling. He studied her for a moment before standing.
"Get the equipments." He called out to someone behind him.
"Yes my lord!" The Illyrian said before running off as a crowd gathered.
She stared at him.
Her father.
But that's not what people thought of when they talked about him. No, what came to mind when people saw her father was a great warrior. That he was the Lord of the camp.
Lord Devlon.
"What are you looking at girl? Staring like that wouldn't spare you."
"I know. I'm not stupid enough to think that." She lifted her chin. Which was not the right choice, as her father looked on the verge of chopping someone to pieces. That someone being her.
But she didn't care. Being chopped to pieces was preferable to losing her wings. There was nothing she was scared of, because no matter what she did or didn't do, her wings were going to be clipped today.
She could be a brat, or she could be the most innocent and naive female, who would do anything the males asked of her. It wouldn't fucking matter, because in the end, the thing that mattered most to her, she would be stripped of.
When two Illyrians came to turn her around, she stood before they could touch her. She didn't want anyone touching her. Even if she was going to her death, she would go by her own two feet. She will not be dragged anywhere by people who had to belittle and hurt females to feel powerful.
She stood and, maintaining eye contact with her fuming father, and turned away, baring her back and wings to him, flaring them wide.
Nothing happened for a moment, and then a footstep sounded. Another and then another.
She took a deep breath, readying herself for the pain and anguish when she felt the cold press of the tools on one of her wings. She bit her tongue when the tool started slowly digging into her back, awaiting the–
A loud thump echoed through the still and silent crowd, and slowly people started dispersing. She blinked, daring to turn her head to look when the tool left her back. Her father was thrown on the ground, and the people who were still standing next to them gasped.
What the hell?
She turned as much as she could, and she found herself staring into the hazel eyes of the General of Night Court.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice low and raspy. She nodded, not knowing what to do with the fact that this male was talking to her. He nodded, slashing through the bonds on her wrist with a dagger before turning back to her father.
"Touch her or her wings again and you'll be carcass before you can blink."
Hey father snarled, trying to get up but before he could even get one leg under him, the General was on him, landing punch after punch on his face.
She stood there shocked. Why the hell was the General here? And, why in the hell was he saving her?
As she stared, wondering if she should do anything to save her father, totally not enjoying the show, another Illyrian landed nearby. This new arrival pulled the General off of her father.
A hint of disappointment entered her, but she chided herself for thinking that way.
Y/n watched as the two Illyrian murmured furiously to each other, and then the one with the blue siphons turned to her father.
"I believe you understood what he wanted to say. Don't make us repeat ourselves. The High Lord will be here shortly."
"He didn't send–"
"No he didn't. But who do you think owns this place, and, indirectly, your life?"
"Curse you, you bastards." The two Illyrians looked as indifferent to her father's insult as a cat to its owner's affection.
The General then walked to where she stood, his siphons casting a light red glow over his form and his immediate surroundings. "Are you sure you are alright?"
She nodded numbly, staring at the absolute giant of a man.
"Stay away from her you disgusting pig!" Her father spat as he climbed to his feet.
The General cocked his head, sharing a look with the Spymaster before turning away.
"Mind your language Devlon. I'll be back to check on her. And I swear to the Cauldron, if she is hurt or loses her wings, I will act on my promise."
Why the hell would he do that?
Her father barked at her to get back to her duties, cursing and grunting as he left with a few Illyrian men.
But Y/n stared after the General and Spymaster's retreating forms, clutching her left elbow with her right.
Wondering if it was a mere coincidence that they had arrived just before she lost her precious wings.
She didn't know why the General cared enough to threaten to kill her father if her wings were clipped, but she did know one thing.
She would fight. For herself and her life.
She wouldn't just sit back and take whatever the males threw at her, making herself smaller to feed their egos.
She had always tried to not be a nuisance to her father or any others, having always thought that she was worth nothing.
No. She wasn't the one who thought that way. She had been forced to think that way by the ideals and traditions that had been embedded in their minds.
And now, she would fight.
She would endure anything thrown her way, and she would face it.
She will train with the men. Of course, after she finished all the chores assigned to her.
And if she died in the process of her rebellion?
Then she would have died for a great cause.
Part 2
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess
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stainlesssteellocust · 2 months
Concept: What if Sulla’s dull and purple-prosed memoirs are actually just as bullshit at Cain’s official propaganda, and she’s just like him fr fr.
She (wrongly) believes that a Hero of the Imperium has the utmost faith in her and can’t bear the consequences of failure should she not live up to his high expectations (which he doesn’t have) and masks it behind her eager soldier persona so hard that even Cain doesn’t see it. And then when she becomes famous a whole generation of Militarum girls read Valhallan Valkyrie at a formative age and start thinking they need to live up to her. Just an endlessly recursive loop of imposter syndrome.
Like what if in For the Emperor when she leads her command squad in a risky flanking attack and nobody is quite sure afterwards whether she was being brave or stupid and she hyped the whole thing up in her memoirs, what she actually wrote in her private diary was:
Obviously the last thing I wanted to do was leave my nice safe command vehicle, which could shield me from the heretic lasbolts until His Majesty got down from the throne, and head out into the open where they could cut me to bits. But the only reason I had a command vehicle at all was because all the real officers had been torn to bits by Tyranids and I’d been shoved into a position I didn’t deserve. It had been made clear that our commanders were counting on me, and if I showed myself to be unworthy I could expect to be back on the frontlines within a week, if not in a penal legion.
Worse, an honest-to-the-Emperor hero had put his trust in me. How a man such as Ciaphas Cain didn’t see at once through my ridiculous persona I will never know - but if Cain had one weakness, and as a woman who had the honour to fight along side him for many years, I think I know better than most his hidden heart - it is that he was perhaps overly trusting of the men and women in his command. Such a noble warrior could not imagine that a regiment such as ours could hide a coward as craven as myself, and if there was anything other than the Emperor’s own grace that forced me out the entrance ramp that day, it was the need not to bring our company shame in his eyes.
Besides, if I didn’t live up to that utterly undeserved faith there’d be no more commands for Jenit Sulla, and I’d probably dead within the year. The only way to keep myself out in danger going forward was, ironically, leaping feet-first into it today. And so, cursing myself every step of the way, I fixed the old “Valkyrie Warrior” expression back onto my face, stepped out of my Chimera, and gave the order to advance.
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I got a Rwby ask for ya for Yang Xiao long, Weiss schnee and Nora Valkyrie with a Male S/O that's Shy like Kobeni from chainsaw man and seems to downplay himself when in actuality he's incredibly strong. I just wanna see His girly just smother him in affection and won't allow him to talk down on himself
I had a fun time writing this, though I'm not sure If I did all to well on it as I'm not really sure if I have a firm grasp of everyone's characters, not to mention I was half asleep when writing most of this.
Now! Your wish is my command!
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Yang had to admit, she wasn’t really sure about you when the two of you first met.
You floundered every time someone talked to you, jumped at every little noise, and yet you came “Highly recommended” as a temporary replacement for Ruby while she was out with a cold.
She didn’t understand why, at least until the first time she saw you fight a pack of Grimm.
It was… efficient.
That way the only word Yang could think to describe the fight, if it could even be called that.
You cut ligaments and veins, snapped and crushed bone, tore limbs away from the body and as soon as one began to drop the next was being disassembled.
It was an exciting display.
But still, you could’ve left a few of them for her to show off on.
Oh well, it’ll have to wait until next time.
The next group of Grimm was almost instantly cut to ribbons.
The following one was ripped to shreds.
It was around here that you apologized for being so “Slow”.
At this, Yang felt like she should grab you by the collar and shake you like a stuffed toy.
This was you going SLOW!?
What the hell was fast then!?
Needless to say, Yang took a bit of an interest in you after that.
And seeing as you weren’t really a part of your own team, Yang asked to have you as a +1 of sorts to team RWBY.
Things snowballed after that.
Somewhere down the line Yang’s interest in you turned to infatuation and then love.
That being said, your lack of faith in yourself made her want to throttle you sometimes.
You could shred through almost any Grimm with ease.
Yet, you called yourself a “Below third rate hunter”.
She didn’t know if she wanted to hug you or strangle you every time you said that.
Then again, she could probably do both if she put her mind to it…
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Weiss had heard that you had immense talent, an almost unrivaled ability to disassemble Grimm into many small pieces in record time.
You had a reputation that precedes you, even Winter sang your praises as a prodigy.
Needless to say Weiss was excited when she was told that you would temporarily be joining team RWBY to cover for Ruby who ate herself into a food coma with cookies.
On one hand, she wanted to strangle the young woman.
On the other hand, she felt like giving her a hug and thanking her.
It was only when they were on the way that Weiss realized that she had no idea what to expect of you as a person.
Shortly following this realization, they arrived and were greeted by the single most frazzled and shaken creature that Weiss had ever laid eyes on.
Weiss was understandably concerned by this and asked where you were as you were supposed to be the one greeting them.
Imagine her surprise when she learned that this person who looked like they were going to shake apart at any second was the very person Winter had been singing the praises of, not to mention the same person she had been told held the current record for defeating a Grimm.
She was sure that this was some joke.
But before Weiss could properly express her indignation, everyone got to work.
Well, by everyone, Weiss means you got to work.
When the first Grimm made its appearance it was already falling to the ground in a heap of severed body parts by the time Weiss had drawn her sword.
She swore she would get the next one.
She did not get the next one, or the one after that, or the one following that one.
It infuriated her to no end.
After this, Weiss made it her own personal mission to get to a Grimm before you did.
She got some… mixed results.
More specifically, she got to hit one, single Grimm before you obliterated it.
That was still better than she had managed to get throughout the entire day and as such, made her the person to get the second most done.
She was really wondering why in the world they hadn’t just sent you to do this on your own.
Then, when the whole expedition came to an end, you apologized for “Holding them back.”
That’s when it all clicked for Weiss.
The frazzled way you acted.
The fact you had barely said a word to anyone.
The apology.
You lacked faith in yourself.
Despite all of the talent you had, despite the fact you could dismantle a Grimm faster than the human eye could see.
You saw yourself as less than third rate.
Weiss felt a sudden kinship with you at this realization.
After this, Weiss did her best to find a way to spend time with you, to try and get to know you.
It was an extremely difficult process, but slowly, eventually, she came to understand you.
And you came to understand her.
After that, things sort of happened between the two of you.
She, of course, was teased mercilessly by Ruby, Yang, and Blake when they found out.
They were lucky she was nice, otherwise she would have frozen them solid.
That and she was more concerned about you at the moment.
You managed to infuriate her to no end with the lack of faith you had in yourself.
She had done her best to try and get you to believe in yourself more but it was very, very slow going.
But that just meant she had to believe in you enough for the both of you.
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When Nora met you for the first time, her first thought was “Wet cat”.
To be fair, at the time it was a very apt comparison as it was pouring rain and you had just returned from dealing with quite a few Grimm.
That being said, the two of you didn’t officially meet until the next afternoon.
Upon meeting you, she blurted out without any shame.
“You’re the wet cat person!”
Your only response to that was a meek “Fair.”
After this, you and Nora became fast friends.
Well, it's more like Nora just started showing up to chat with you and you didn’t really want to argue with her about it.
Something told you she was a very stubborn person.
Nora also, on occasion, brought her other friends.
It was during one of these occasions, that she learned that you were someone rather famous.
You were the person who could take down a Grimm in under a tenth of a second.
Nora had to admit, she couldn’t really see it.
To her you were a lot like a ball of yarn that was quickly unraveling.
Then again, she has been wrong before.
However, what you said in response to this caught her attention, knocking her out of her musing.
“I’m just a third rate hunter, no one special at all. I’m sure someone could do what I did a lot faster if they wanted to.”
This told Nora two things.
The first being that you actually were the current record holder for the fastest Hunter in training.
The second was that you downplayed yourself more than was healthy.
And seeing as you were a friend of hers, she didn’t particularly like that second part.
So, Nora cleared her schedule.
She was going to make you have more faith in yourself.
By any means necessary.
It took a week before she was ready to either beat you over the head with her hammer or crush you in a hug and smother you in kisses.
How could someone so nice and awesome have so little faith in themself?
What in the world happened to make you like this?
She was going to hurt it.
That or put a rubber band on you and snapping it every time you said something self deprecating.
That or do both.
Both sounded good to Nora right now.
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.⋆。Best Friend's Brother。⋆.
Loki x plus size reader (platonic)
Thor x plus size reader
Loki held her in the highest regards and trusts her judgement more than anything, but maybe not about this
Warnings: smut, secret relationship, fwb to lovers, fluff, overprotective Loki, some nudity, being caught in the act, no use of y/n 
WC: 1k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Loki was the clever one, the smart one who had a silver tongue so smooth he could talk himself out of the most dire of circumstances. Thor was the strong one, a head made of rocks and a body of steel with a determination that never faltered. They were two sides of the same coin, consumed by the arrogance of their own greatness, and perhaps for that reason led to this day.
It was quite a normal day for the dark prince. He dined and then ventured to the heart of the palace where the most precious and powerful books were kept, as well as someone who knew how to use them. Most of Asgard regarded her as the Keeper but the most elite of Asgard’s elite knew her as Loki’s. 
She was a powerful magic user with strength enough to rival even the strongest of the Valkyries but she was also kind. She became the prince’s best friend when they were both mere children, acting as his confidant and a pillar when he and Thor began to grow apart. While there were many who speculated as to whether they were secretly together but it seemed though all their interactions were platonic enough.
The dark corridor was quiet as Loki walked along. He hummed to himself, content with the peacefulness that always settled over him as he made this journey. Yet a sudden moan broke through the silence, stopping him in his tracks. It was only then, when the sound of his own footsteps ceased, that Loki could hear the wet slaps and the chorus of groans and whines that indicated that she was, in fact, not alone.
He scoffed and turned to leave, she could have at least sent word to him if she was expecting company. But a loud moan of ‘Thor’ made him freeze. Loki’s eyes narrowed, he wouldn’t dare. The deep rumble of Thor’s voice confirmed his suspicions a moment later.
The door to her private chambers slammed open, revealing the now frozen couple to Loki’s furious gaze. His best friend in the entire universe, the one person he could wholly trust, sat atop his older brother, who he had complained about more times than he could count, both of them completely naked and covered in sweat. 
“Really?” At least she had the decency to look even the slightest bit ashamed while Thor smiled broadly, sitting up so he could hide her chest against his own. “Him? You could do so much better.”
“Brother! Do not fret, I read your little friend like the queen she is!” But Loki did not look at him, instead his green eyes remained locked on her.
“How long?” She swung her plump legs off of her lover so she could fully sit on the mattress, taking only some of her sheets to cover herself and the rest left on Thor.
“Almost a year.” Loki’s brow raised as the feeling of betrayal washed over him. “We didn’t mean to keep it a secret! It’s just, one day Thor came to ask me for advice and one thing led to another. It was convenient for both of us, we trusted each other and we grew up beside one another so we kept seeing each other. But-“ She looked back at the blond god with a smile that Loki had never seen her wear before. Thor took the hand closest to him, placing a loving kiss on the back of her knuckles.
“But we fell in love.” The pinch in Loki’s dark brows faded as he watched the pair. Thor’s leg was pressed against her back, her free hand sitting on his calf, the fingers of their joined hands intertwining, it was obvious now. They could not bear to be apart from each other, even when being confronted. 
Loki huffed a small laugh through his nose, drawing her attention back to him. “I should have known. You have been happier as of late. But I am quite surprised that the oaf kept it from me for so long.” Thor growled playfully as you bit back your giggles.
“Well brother it seems that I am the sneaky one now and my dove here will attest that I have quite the silver tongue.” He yelped as she smacked him on the shoulder, knocking him flat onto the bed. Yet his smile never faltered, in fact it only got wider. She was precious to Loki, she was an untouchable treasure that he wished to hide from the world in some vain attempt to save her from its horrors but he could never think clearly when it came to her.
But apparently, Thor was the level-headed one here. He curled his large body around her softer one, not trapping her but instead giving her a comforting touch as she looked up at her best friend. “Yet you kept it from me for so long. Do you not trust me?”
Thor was the one who answered. “We both wished to tell you but she was worried that it would shatter your trust in her and that it would destroy any positive relationship you and I had. I also wished to keep our love private so it could blossom without Odin breathing down my neck. I do intend to marry her, brother, but I wished for her to choose when without any pressures from others who have no business telling us what to do.” She nuzzled into his touch with a shy smile, her eyes burning bright with love.
Loki sagged into the armchair across from the bed, his head falling between his shoulders. “By the gods I am an idiot.” There was a rustle of fabric and then, out of the corner of his eye, she appeared, wrapped in her sheets, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You saw what you wished to see, simple as that.” He chuckled and looked up at her.
“I certainly did not want to see that.” But she just looked back at Thor who was now propped up against her headboard, one of her many quilts covering his body, his gaze already fixed on her.
“Then maybe knock next time.”
The princes were two opposite, unstoppable forces, both complementing each other in the best and worst ways but she was the unmovable object that slowed their rage and tempered their hate. Yet maybe, Loki thought, he needed to improve her tastes.
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goldensunset · 7 months
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💎 lokiss
🔁 traumaadcaelum Follow
💎 lokiss
i think a snickers would’ve fixed baldr tbh
🙅 traumaadcaelum Follow
hi! can you NOT make jokes about the worst massacre that’s happened here in centuries?? my girlfriend was murdered that day but i guess people like you just love taking advantage of tragedies for funny internet clout. i hope you lose your heart in another world.
💎 lokiss
she baldr on my dr until i bald
#get off my post i literally lost someone too
479 notes
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💐 my-other-car-is-a-keyblade-glider
my missing brother, brani, is finally back!!!! i’ve been so so worried for forever. thank you everyone who prayed with me 🙏
#he is acting a little weird though if i’m being honest #freya speaks
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🌸 dandelioneater
🔁 the-fourteenth-original-darkness
🍎 valkyrie-of-dreams Follow
sometimes i feel like my taste in men is bad and then i remember there are multiple secret societies entirely dedicated to thirsting after master brain
🔑 its-kee-not-kai
you ever see a post that just looks like someone swinging a keyblade at a flappy bugs nest
#kingdom hearts grant me the serenity to not look at the notes #courage to not look at the notes #and wisdom to not look at the notes
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🌕 tardyfleetfoot
Asking for a friend what do you do when a cable car stops in midair and starts shaking and swaying on the wire while you’re in there up there way high above the ground? Time sensitive question asking for a friend.
3 notes
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🌚 the-fourteenth-original-darkness
🔁 my-other-car-is-a-keyblade-glider
🧜🏻‍♀️ ieatchesspieces Follow
let’s explore the nearby abandoned towns together!
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108500 notes
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🔁 master-odin-retire-challenge
💍 ladyofsilver-fountains Follow
it’s really awful how people are acting like it’s illegal to have a sense of humor anymore. even in the wake of tragedy, humans have always been humans. plus it’s been almost a year now. life goes on, you know?
the context for this post is op lost their job and reputation because they laughed at the funeral of a little girl named vör when the person giving the eulogy couldn’t be bothered to learn how to pronounce her name correctly. please for the love of light stop blindly reblogging things like this.
#oh ewww i hate people
239 notes
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🌘 xehanerd
to the anon who just sent that long-winded ask: my blog is my space. if you don’t like what i post then move on.
#xe.post #delete later
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🌘 xehanerd
🔁 dajokerofscala Follow
🌗 balancewillprevail Follow
It drives me insane whenever people frame it like Baldr 'succumbing to darkness' and going crazy was inevitable. Sure, darkness played a part in that tragedy, but it completely overlooks the reality of how Master Odin failed to take care of that child at every step of the way. The boy was lost in grief, and the adult who was supposed to take care of him shoved him in an asylum-like room alone? Are we really going to leave that part out in favor of pushing the narrative that people prone to darkness are simply evil at heart? He could have lived a happy life being himself if he had been supported and nurtured. It didn’t have to be this way.
🌕 tardyfleetfoot
Right? We could have saved him from his darkness! He was our friend….
🌗 balancewillprevail Follow
That’s… not at all what I was saying, but I suppose a stupid comment like this is to be expected from somebody with ‘darkness dni’ in their bio. Thanks for trying.
🐓 everyoneshutupplease Follow
‘darkness played a part in that tragedy’ not you sugarcoating what happened for the sake of pushing YOUR narrative that the thing that’s been killing people since the dawn of time can possibly be anything but toxic. how many people have to die before people like you get in touch with reality???
🌗 balancewillprevail Follow
Sounds about right from someone who went through the Scala Ad Caelum public school system. Have you ever tried reading a book other than what was assigned for class? Please check your natural-light privilege and ignorance. Thanks.
🪐 fenrir-fanatic
look out lads we got another conspiracy theorist ‘homeschool your kids’ dork lmao
🌗 balancewillprevail Follow
And do you read anything other than sigurd x reader fanfiction, based on the first seven posts on your blog?
📈 whats-your-favorite-staircase-to-heaven Follow
the notes on this post were so toxic staff just axed ‘em
#sent to me #thank you joker
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acourtofthought · 2 months
What would you say are the top 3 (or 5) strongest clues that say Elucien/Gwynriel are gonna happen? The ones that really feel so solid to you.
Ooooh, this is a good question.
For Gwynriel:
That Gwyn is the only character to treat Az's shadows as being separate from himself. It' like a guy who begins dating a girl who has children but he never pays attention to them versus the guy who goes out of his way to get to know the children, proving that he understands the girl and her children are a packaged deal.
That Az is not looking as Gwyn as someone in need of his protection. I'm sure there will be some of that in their book, mates always look out for one another, but there is a big difference between "we can do this together" versus, "I'll do it for you so you don't get hurt".
That Gwyn seems to have a bloodthirsty side to her personality, just as Az does. He can torture in a symphony of pain which means he has chosen to finesse his craft. He's not "let's get this over as quick as possible because I don't like it," it's, "I'm going to draw this out nice and slow and make it hurt in ways you never dreamed." I think he feels guilty about his enjoyment of it afterward because he thinks it makes him a bad person but I think he gets satisfaction from the actual act. Someone like Gwyn who was excited over the thought of the Valkyries cracking skulls and skewering their enemies is well matched for his brutality.
That Gwyn and Az seem to prefer a smaller group of friends over being extremely social, the life of the party. Neither seems to mind their alone time.
For Elucien, there are so many:
That Elain and Lucien share important core values. They are quick to apologize for failing others, they both prefer to avoid violence, they both enjoy being social and engaging with others. There will never be a time where they have to check up on one another, "I'm sorry, is this too overwhelming for you? We can head home if you need".
That Lucien has been loyal to Elain and only Elain ever since he found out who she was to him. No, he did not instantly love her but he chose to respect their bond while he took the time to learn about her whereas he could have easily continued his rakish ways especially after learning she was engaged to someone else. Loyalty to the FMC is sexy.
That Lucien was the one to meet Elain's father and live in the human lands. These are two enormous parts of Elain's past, things that mattered a great deal to her and it will only ever be Lucien who has insider knowledge of who her father was and what being human is about.
That SJM retconned Lucien's father so he'd have the power of the sun in his veins and had Elain constantly by the sunniest windows, as if any bit of darkness was abhorrent, claiming that she needs Sunshine.
That Elain has not yet touched or truly gotten to know Lucien. If the author wanted us to see why they were poorly matched, she would have shown them interacting. She would have shown that despite their best efforts to acknowledge their bond, they were just not fitting. Instead, she has Elain keeping Lucien at a distance book after book and I will never believe the answer to that puzzle is because "she doesn't like him," "she's clearly not interested." An author would more likely prevent two mates from interacting in a major way because she knows there is something there. She knows characters like Elain and Lucien need to remain apart because their chemistry will be obvious the second they start really talking.
Because Elain can hear Lucien's heart and because she is the most beautiful female he'd ever seen. Because he knew she needed fresh air when every single other person in the IC just accepted her being cooped up in her room for weeks. There is a connection between Elucien that is never going away and it would ruin any other romance for either character. No matter what Elain might share with someone else, Lucien is always going to hold a piece of her that the other cannot touch.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 months
RoR x Replacement Fighter Reader, where the arenas, palaces, pools etc are all redecorated & the gods hosts a rave/club like party. And the reader (wearing a full face masks with a suit that covered their tattoos) preforms many tricks & shows that mesmerized them. Like fire dancing with swords, bartending tricks, poker etc, but the gods/humans didn't know it was them until the reader finally takes off their mask. Their reactions are up to you!!
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Gods: Odin, Hades, Poseidon, Thor, Anubis, Susanoo, Beel, Loki & Apollo
Humans: Lubu, Tesla, Raiden & Leo
-It was unlike anything they had ever seen before, seeing your home, your backyard to be precise, where your massive pool was.
-Lights were strung everywhere, all in different colors, tables with glow sticks and jewelry available to all, turning your normally calm backyard into a rave like setting.
-It had started a few weeks ago, with Loki inquiring if you knew how to party and have fun, normally you brushed off comments like that, but this time it bothered you, just a bit, and everyone was stunned when they were invited to the party.
-They hadn’t been expecting what they walked into, music playing, people already dancing, having fun, there was plenty of food, drinks, and live performers entertaining the crowds.
-(Love) was in awe, walking into the party, being greeted by Goll, as the Valkyries were all helping, at least in the beginning to get the party started, as she handed him some of the glowing bracelets, necklaces, and any of the other accessories he wanted, as there were some who took less than others.
-There were even lights in the pool, ones that were floating and some that were on the bottom, illuminating the pool from below as the music filled the air.
-(Love’s) attention had been caught by a performer, an acrobat on a large suspending hoop, bending and contorting in unnatural ways, wearing a black body suit over large, bulging muscles, a black face mask covering their whole face, and wearing glowing jewelry just like everyone else.
-The acrobat was very impressive, seeing how flexible they were while being so jacked at the same time before he easily spun out, leaping dramatically into the pool as the crowd roared with cheers.
-Later on, (Love) found this mysterious figure again at the bar, making him a drink, shaking it expertly, performing tricks, turning his drink into a show which made him grin.
-(Love) did have to wonder however, where were you? This was your house- your party, and even after asking around, nobody had seen you all night! Where were you?
-Their answer came when the popular acrobat performed again, as of the all the different performers and entertainment, he was the most popular, and it was even more exciting when he came out with some swords and began a complex looking swords dance.
-The crowd was cheering loudly, including (Love), who was impressed with the skills as the performer bowed and as he stood up, he removed his mask, revealing himself to be none other than you!
-Jaws dropped all around, everyone in complete shock that it had been you the whole time! You surprised them with a rare, cheeky grin, amused that you had been able to fool so many as the party continued as many jumped into the pool.
-His mouth was still on the floor after your big reveal! He had no idea that it was you and to know that you had been doing so many things during the course of the evening showed how many skills you had. You were so well rounded! As you approached him, a shade of a smirk on your lips, you cupped his jaw, closing his mouth, “You’ll hurt your jaw babe.” before heading into the party. He quickly turned and rushed after you- he had so many questions, with the first being how flexible you were!
            -Loki, Apollo, Raiden, Nikola, Susanoo, and Anubis
-He couldn’t help but laugh as you came over, impressed with your various skills, it made him curious on what else you could do. The two of you headed over to the bar where you made another pair of drinks, for the two of you to share, making it much stronger this time, something he voiced and you gave him a small smirk, almost like you were flirting with him, but he wasn’t 100% sure, “You’re a tough guy, you can handle it.” You were just getting better and better the more time he spent with you.
-Odin, Hades, Poseidon, Thor, Beelzebub, Lu Bu, Leonidas
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climbthemountain2020 · 2 months
Pages Turned (Nesta Week Day 2 - Metamorphosis)
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Day 2 of @nestaarcheronweek
The sun was blinding on the Sidra as Nesta looked out from the balcony of the River House. Her dress swayed around her in the light breeze, swirling around her ankles as she looked out towards the distant mountains. As long as it had taken her to admit it, she truly considered this place her home. In fact, she could see her literal home from here, stretching across the great mountain face overlooking the city.
Maybe she could swindle the house into some lemon-peach tea and another slice of raspberry tart tonight.
She loved Velaris most this time of year, the flowers of early spring popping through the ground, signaling rebirth and things starting anew. She could see the vast gardens surrounding the eastern and back sides of the River House from this balcony. Elain had done a lovely job curating them all by hand years ago. As she grew more and more comfortable in her fae form, she had enchanted them to shift with the seasons, carefully selecting the colors to complement each other and parts of the garden to always be in bloom throughout the year. Nesta smiled to herself–her sister was a female of many talents.
Another warm light breeze pushed against her, causing her to sigh as the lovely scents of lemon and the sea pressed into her skin. She could smell a smattering of other scents below, the remnants of guests arriving for the ceremony taking place today. In amongst them she could just barely pluck out the scent of Cass, somewhere downstairs talking Az off a ledge, no doubt.
She’d only recently left the room where she’d been with all the other females all morning, pinning and zipping and tying and laughing. She’d left to grab some snacks and finish her own preparations for her role as the “Valkyrie of Honor”, as Cass had teasingly called it, neither mate willing to surrender her to the other side for the ceremony.
Her hair still needed styling, so she turned back to the guest room, stepping carefully across the threshold from the porch and sitting primly at the vanity. She’d brought some jeweled pins specifically for the occasion, silver and dotted with tiny blue gems. She laughed to herself at the little joke.
As she looked in the mirror and began to twist and pull her long strands of hair into place, she thought, not for the first time, how thankful she was to have managed all this–to even be here at all.
Nesta had never been one for reflection, choosing instead to plow steadfastly ahead no matter the circumstances, obstacles, or otherwise in her way. She found there had been little time in her life to ruminate on the “what ifs” for whatever reason, and ultimately, she’d mostly broken herself of the very human habit. Even when it hurt, even when she fought tooth and nail, even when it felt as though her still-beating heart had been torn from her chest, Nesta always ended up where she needed to be and not a moment too soon.
Sure, she would have liked to experience a bit less of the heartbreak life had doled out to her, but in her time as an immortal, she’d come to grips with much of that. There would never be a right time for hardships–of course not–but Nesta was at a point now where she genuinely liked who she was for the first time since she could remember. It wasn’t because others had given her approval, it wasn’t because she’d done “enough” to earn her peace–Nesta just genuinely liked herself.
She was, dare she even think it, happy.
The Firstborn.
Nesta might have been happy as a child, but the memories were too hazy to recall. She didn’t remember a time before Elain, barely remembered a time before Feyre, but she remembered her lessons. From the time she could walk, she was in classes: etiquette, ballroom, needlepoint, pianoforte, singing, modern languages, and painting.
Her grandmother would watch as she would plié, jeté, arabesque around the echoing room, thrumming her sharply with a switch any time her footwork was off and harshly adjusting her posture until her chin pointed to the heavens. She knew better than to fight back, knew better than to complain, knew the only way it would ever end was if she did as she was told.
She remembered being jealous of Elain having more freedom and Feyre being able to be loose and free. For Elain, being around others came so naturally. She was outgoing, friendly, and warm. Feyre was wild, always romping about the woods and the streams and the nearby village, covered in dirt and cursing. Nesta wondered all the time why she’d been born first. What had the universe decided that rendered their order so concrete that she’d be eternally doomed to watching her two little sisters live the lives she craved? She remembered seeing them from the windows of the dance studio, wondering why she couldn’t be outside, too.
Nesta, your power is within your station, and your station means absolutely nothing without skill. Your beauty is a weapon–your social skills a knife. If you don’t sharpen it, you’ll be as worthless as anyone else.
So they practiced, and practiced, and practiced until Nesta’s toes bled. Until the smile on her face was as shallow and cracked as a dry lake bed, but muscle memory would deliver it on a silver platter regardless.
At night, when there was no one left to hear, she would cry, her shoulders heaving in the quiet dark, and she would dream every night about flying away from this place, far over the distant mountains and streams. Far away from her mother and grandmother and expectations of a life that would never be lived for herself anyway.
When Nesta’s grandmother died, she wasn’t sad, but she mourned appropriately. When her mother was taken not even two years later, she hated the spark of hope that rang through her chest. Freedom. She could have that freedom.
It didn’t last long before she realized what it meant.
Her father lost their money, her sisters lost their joy, and she lost the last flare of hope as she realized the sacrifices that she would be making. Had she been happy before, then? In that brief moment in between? Hope and happiness weren’t the same, but that small glance of freedom had tasted so sweet. She started having those dreams again of flying–great wings, almost bright red in the light of the sun, gliding through the sky and carrying her to somewhere better, something greater than this.
In those dreams, at least, she could pretend to be happy.
The Sister.
When Feyre was taken, the dreams changed. She was no longer flying high, but being held down, a great beast that shifted between the form of a wolf and a bear and Tomas Mandray in a barn. She woke up in cold sweats in the manor that was haunted with ghosts no one but her could see. As Elain bloomed under this new money, her father became the person she remembered, Nesta withdrew, remembering her mother’s words and sharpening herself once again to be used as a weapon.
The world moved on, but she stayed–the only one who seemed to recognize this for all it was.
So she hardened herself further, and she walked into town with a bag of dirty fae money, threw it at the feet of a mercenary trading pelts, and demanded to be taken to the wall. Three days and nights they trekked through the terrifying woods, her hair standing on end the entirety of the trip. She swore she heard voices whispering quietly from behind the trees. She wondered if, by the time she arrived, Feyre would even still be living.
Each night, she fell asleep clutching a knife to her chest and staring at the stars until her eyes could no longer hold themselves open. She dreamed of a beautiful golden cage, a city by a river, and a low, red glow of light while a man cried nearby. The sadness overwhelmed her so vividly that she woke up feeling devastated all over again.
The trip to the wall meant nothing in the end. They couldn’t find a way through, and so they repeated the whole journey over again, the fear turning to icy resolve in her heart. Elain and her father might not remember, but she would.
Brick by brick on the journey back, Nesta resurrected her walls. They had their money back, but in the end, her circumstances had not changed. She would still be expected to marry, still be forced into the life she was bred for. In the end, Nesta was always made to be a weapon of society meant to serve her family and then another, so she’d ready herself for a new kind of hardness in her demeanor; she would give herself new safe holds within her mind and heart.
When she’d finally seen her sister again, Feyre had been changed–different–and so had she. Feyre was determined and in love, a feeling Nesta had long since given up on. And Nesta was stone cold–her resolve liquifying in her veins like glacial ire. But Feyre was home, and when she painted with Nesta, the patience in her voice nearly tore Nesta to shreds.
She steeled her face, held her lips thin, but her heart, or what was left of it, shattered to bits, leaving her a fragmented mess of nothingness in its wake as she said goodbye yet again to the littlest sister she’d been expected to protect and constantly failed.
The Weapon.
In the end, Nesta was made into a weapon. Not for society, not for a husband, but a true, honest weapon. She’d had everything taken from her when she’d thought there had been nothing left to take, and as she sunk into the icy depths of a childhood fairytale turning into a living nightmare, it tried to take some more.
All her years of training, all the words about her sharpness, every single time someone had called her hard, difficult, cold, unfeeling–she channeled it all. She let her unending rage fuel her, scraping and struggling and demanding.
As the Cauldron took from her, she took back.
Disembodied voices of all ages and genders screamed around her in the dark, fathomless water, but she pulled and screamed and yanked and shrieked until the powers gave way and silence took over. She floated, thoughtless and ephemeral, until the waters began to ebb and flow and she crested to a light above her, the new power humming in her veins as her fingers found arched ears and her eyes found him.
He who had come into her home when she was cold and hard and angry at the world, preening and strutting like some insipid bird-brained idiot. He who called her Nes instead of Nesta. He who acted as though he was utterly indestructible, drawing sneers from her lips as he smiled smugly at her from across the room. He who had taken shot after shot of magic to protect her, shredding his beautiful wings in the process. He whose wings were illuminated by the ward-breaking magic behind him, lighting up and glowing red and stealing her breath as she recognized them from her dreams.
Truly, she didn’t mind being fae. She hadn’t wanted it, hated that the choice had been taken from her like all choices had, but for the first time in her life, Nesta felt powerful. She felt a power in her veins to match the power she’d felt in her stubborn will, her anger, her rage. She liked the arched ears, she liked that she wouldn’t age, she liked that people were afraid of what she could do.
All this scattered to ashes when she’d been ready to die with Cassian, when she took the head off the king.
Power meant nothing to her if it couldn’t save him.
Afterward, when everyone was okay, she thought she might ride the wave of that power forever–might embrace the image of her beheading the king and add it to her collection of things that made her feel strong. But instead, when she looked at her father’s burning body, all she heard was his neck cracking over and over and her steely resolve shattered like glass. All she saw was Cassian being blown from the sky, ceasing to exist as she called his name, and every defense she’d ever built scattered like dandelions in the wind.
Even with all the suffering–even with all the power–she could never protect those she cared about. The only thing she could do for herself was push them all away so it didn’t hurt so much. All she could do was try to feel nothing at all. She was a monster. The words echoed in her head.
I loved you from the first moment I held you in my arms. And I am… I am so sorry, Nesta - my Nesta. I am so sorry, for all of it.
Nesta–my Nesta.
Nesta–my Nesta.
Nesta–my Nesta.
My Nesta.
She’d done this. She’d pushed him away. He’d saved their lives, and it didn’t excuse the years before, but she’d never told him. She’d only tortured him. She’d never told him, and now she never would.
Now, Nesta only dreamed of fires and the cracking of bone.
The Wreck.
Nesta had gone to the beach once as a child. Her mother had allowed her and Elain to swim, though Feyre had been too little. Nesta remembered how the sand pulled in the water from beneath her feet, coming and going with each push and pull of the waves. She remembered being in awe of the power in front of her, the strength in those waves. She remembered being worried if she went under, she may never come back up.
That’s what it felt like in Velaris. Everything was blurry around her, the sounds and sights and smells muffled despite her senses being sharper than they’d ever been before. She felt like she was being pulled under those waves, and every time she tried to come back up for air, something pushed her back beneath.
Cassian tried to speak with her, but every time he did she couldn’t see anything but her body draped over his, throat raw and soul willing to die with him on that battlefield.
Feyre tried to talk to her, but every time she did, all she could see were her father’s features on the face of a fae, his neck snapping like a branch in a storm.
She tried to talk herself out of it, but every day was torture. She couldn’t bathe because it reminded her of the Cauldron. She couldn’t eat because she felt too ill. She couldn’t talk to anyone because her voice might crack, and if they asked her about it, the tight leash she held might snap and she would never get it back in hand.
So Nesta returned to her roots, building that wall up piece by piece until it was even stronger than before.
She spent her nights in her apartment, alone and filling the void with everything she could. Alcohol to numb her pain and quiet her thoughts, gambling to distract her, men–males–to ease the loneliness that ached down to her very bones. It wasn’t enough, it was never enough, but it was all she had.
She knew she could seek out her sister, knew she could even seek out Cassian, but then she’d have to face it all, and she couldn’t. She couldn’t even contemplate the possibility.
But sometimes, at night, as the males snored by her side in a bed that was too cold, she imagined it was Cassian she’d brought home, his hands warm and broad on her body, his chest pressed to her back, his lips roaming her neck. Sometimes, she pictured it was him as she cried, leaned against the door to the bathroom as she let the tears fall where no one else could possibly see.
“It’s okay, Nes. It’s all going to be okay.”
She wanted to believe it, but she didn’t. Nesta didn’t dream anymore.
The Valkyrie.
Nesta wasn’t expecting the recovery when it came. She wasn’t expecting to recover at all.
In fact, the first thing she felt outside of her own despair was rage. Rage and wrath and fury that everyone else was given their space to grieve as they saw fit. Everyone but her, and only because she was embarrassing Feyre.
Everyone had given Elain time to be a useless, depressed, ghost of a person. Everyone allowed her to kick Lucien away like a mongrel on the street. But no, not Nesta. Not the mate of a member of their elite friend group. Not the sister who refused to bend for them.
The world had taken enough from her, and she wasn’t going to let some well-dressed bat and his friends pressure her into feeling the things that she’d carefully shoved away.
But then they did anyway. Every time Nesta thought there was nothing left to take, something else was taken.
Buried in her rage and ignoring her grief, however, she had found something she hadn’t been looking for–kinship. Understanding.
Gwyn and Emerie had not been expected, but for the first time in her life, it felt like she’d been given something instead of forced into giving it away. They understood her in a way that her own sisters never had. They didn’t expect anything of her except for her to wake up and face the day with them as they did themselves. They were all healing in their own way until one day they realized they had been healing together.
Strangely, finding her chosen sisters did not push her farther away from her own. She found, instead, that she respected her sisters and their choices in a whole new light. In learning to give and accept love in the way she’d never done before, she saw how they’d been set up to fail from the start by their family, by their dynamic.
Breaking free from it all had allowed Nesta to heal and see things with new eyes. Knowing that it hadn’t only been her doing everything she could to survive, but her sisters too, let her give freely what she’d withheld so fervently from others, but most of all from herself: forgiveness.
Finding a purpose had fulfilled Nesta in ways she’d never experienced, and finding it with people she loved made the victory so much sweeter. For once, the things she built up brick by brick were not her walls, but her fortitude, her bravery, her trust, and her openness. She found she liked the feeling of pushing herself into something uncomfortable and new, and she stopped leaving claw marks on every part of her she’d had to leave behind.
When Nesta began to dream again, she was afraid that she would return to those nightmares: Cassian injured, her father dying, the fathomless depths of the Cauldron. She wondered if she’d now be greeted by Cassian with a knife, Briallyn with the crown, the swords coming down on her again and again on Ramiel as she fought to make sure her sisters survived.
Instead, when she dreamed, she saw white ribbons, her nephew, and a family that she chose for herself. She was dreaming of wings in the skies again, soft hands on her as the glow of the sun and the siphons bathed her in a warm red glow, and the low words rumbling in her ear and wrapping straight around her immortal heart.
“Hello, Nes.”
The Mate.
Nesta remembered the final step, allowing her guard down enough to let Cassian in to stay. She fought the urge to push him out, to keep that space in her heart silent and cold as it had always been. But his warmth and his joy and his laugh and his love found their way in, nestling within her ribs like a cat in a ray of sun.
She found, at the end of the day, it was impossible to not love Cass. And as much as she’d insisted they hadn’t been well matched, she found every single part of him complemented every single part of her.
Once she allowed herself to love and be loved in return, she was surprised to find that her default actually wasn’t cold and alone. In fact, Nesta found she loved to be held, loved to wake up with that heat at her back, loved to feel his strong hands on her, always–at meals, at training, in passing, and at night. She loved the steadiness of him, of her mate.
The Lord of Bloodshed and Lady Death were only soft for each other and those they loved, and that was how it would remain.
Nesta looked out again to the lovely mountains of Velaris, the Sidra glittering below in the mid-afternoon sun. She could hear the chatter on the other side of the house as everyone prepared for the mating ceremony. She’d been organizing and helping to set this up for months, and she was not about to be late to see her work come to fruition. She was sure Cass was already downstairs socializing.
As if she’d summoned him, his booming laugh bounded through the halls of the house, and she couldn’t help but grin as she pressed one last pin into her hair.
A quiet knock on the door before it opened had her turning in the chair.
“Nesta? We’re all just about set to go. You ready?” Feyre had poked her head through the door. “Oh, you look lovely!”
Nesta blushed. Even after all these years, it was hard to accept compliments so freely from her sister.
“Yes, all set! Just finishing up my hair. Is Az shitting his pants yet?”
“Not quite, but he is pacing a hole in the floor. Cassian has been trying to slow him down.” She responded with a giggle, holding out a hand for Nesta to take.
“Well, we’d best not keep them waiting.” She took Feyre’s hand in hers, the other supporting her swollen belly as she came to stand. She rubbed a hand over it, feeling a swift kick in return. It never failed to make her soul feel like it was about to take off over the peaks of Velaris.
She smiled, feeling the tiny winged babe wriggle around beneath her ribs. It wouldn’t be much longer now and they’d have this little one in their arms. The thought of Cass with their child snuggled into his bare chest while she listened to him tell them stories made her heart swell with warmth, and she suddenly couldn’t wait to get down the stairs to see him again.
The Mother.
Biggest thank you to @cauldronblssd, @witch-and-her-witcher, and @tunaababee for the beta reads! I love youuuu
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Hi, could I request for a Lady Tamayo!Reader paired with Buddha?
This reader was revived by Brunhilde to be the doctor for the 13 champions and she's loyal (not too loyal) to her bc she saved her from her punishment from being a demon.
The scenario would be that they met when she treated him after his fight and they got to know each other after that?
Please and thank you
Here it is! Special thanks to @nixes-noxes for proofreading/editing to make sure that the characters weren’t OOC. Enjoy and have a lovely day/evening!
Warnings: manga spoilers
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Buddha was…a difficult patient. Despite all of the odds that were stacked against him in his fight with Zero, he won. Yet his victory for humanity isn’t an excuse to sneak out of his room to bask underneath the canopy of his bodhi tree and enjoy a passing breeze with sun shining down from the sky.
That is one of the reasons why Brunhilde had summoned Lady [First Name] [Last Name] from Helheim despite being a demon; before she had been killed by Muzan after drugging him with an elixir during their confrontation in the Infinity Castle, Lady [First Name} had been a doctor. Together with her companion Yushiro, she helped as many humans as she could with their alignments,including those who had been afflicted with Muzan’s poisonous blood and became flesh-eating demons.
In retrospect, dying to give the Demon Slayers a chance to destroy the man who had ruined her human life wasn’t a terrible thing…but Lady [First Name] had not expected to wake up in a dark wasteland teeming with demons that were just as dangerous, if not more, than the demon king himself. It was through sheer dumb luck that she had survived for so long until the Valkyrie had brought from her ‘punishment’ and offered her the position of being humanity’s chief physician in the medical wing.
It did not take the young woman very much time to give Brunhilde an answer. At this point anything was better than being stuck in Helheim. Disinfecting wounds, monitoring a patient’s health, and making sure that they are being properly fed? Yes. She can do that.
But the demon did not recall that being the ‘chief physician’ also meant chasing after a stubborn god.
Shaking her head in disbelief, Lady [First Name] walked up the steep grassy hill as best as she could in her [Favorite Color] kimono and zori sandals till she was standing right behind Buddha, munching on snacks that she specifically recalled telling him to cut back on until he was ready for the next stage of his treatment.
“Why am I not surprised to find you here, my lord?”
“Should ya even be surprised anymore, doc?” Buddha snarked back, unwrapping a candy bar and throwing it in his mouth. “Besides, do you really believe I’d miss an opportunity to get some fresh air?”
She frowned. “I never said that there was a problem with being outside, Lord Buddha. In fact, it is supposed to improve your sleep, cognition, and overall well-being rather than being confined indoors all of the time. I did, however, say that you can but it would be in everyone’s benefit to inform myself or the staff that you wish to go outside instead of sneaking out. Lady Brunhilde was quite upset when she came to the medical wing earlier this afternoon to find out that you were…missing.”
“Bruni will be fine, she’s a lot tougher than she looks, believe me. Let her focus on the eighth round. I might have won but we still need more wins if the gods’ll leave the humans alone. More importantly,” He glanced over his shoulder, a single aquamarine orb staring right at her. “Do I even know you?”
Lady [First Name] tilted her head, staring at him for a moment before smiling softly. It appears that Lady Brunhilde was not joking when she had casually mentioned just how laid-back Buddha is…or simply doesn’t give a shit about anyone. The Valkyrie’s words, not hers, thank you very much. But being a doctor secretly researching demonic transformations or performing blood transfusions did not have its own issues. She also had to handle human patients too. Inhaling a deep breath through her nostrils, she calmed her anger before answering Buddha.
“All you need to know is that my job is to ensure the mental and physical health of all humanity’s champions, Lord Buddha. It goes against my oath as a doctor to force a patient to do something against their will. In this scenario, however, I offer…an ultimatum.” She paused, staring at the blonde-haired deity. Since Buddha didn’t interrupt nor look away, the demon took this as a cue to elaborate.
“I will speak to the staff and allow you to lounge outside here or in the greenhouse until a fixed time. When that time is up, you must return to your room and rest. Yes, this is a curfew, but this is the best that I can offer you right now. You may no longer be in critical condition, though there is a chance that your health or recovery might have some setbacks.”
She could tell immediately that Buddha wasn’t too thrilled with this restriction. No one likes having someone hovering over their shoulder or counting down the minutes until they have to go back to their room when all they want is a little time to themselves before running through medical tests for the nth time of the day.
“Is there any chance you can include snacks-”
“That will be taken into consideration once your bloodwork comes back, Lord Buddha.” Lady [First Name] chuckled, witnessing one of the most powerful gods pouting petulantly like a child. Shaking her head, she decided to do something that she hadn’t done in all of her years of practicing medicine: she sat next to him under the bodhi tree, paying no heed to getting grass stains on her kimono as she stared up at the floating islands of Valhalla in comfortable silence.
He did not say anything….that was progress. Maybe?
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Prof. Schnee AU Concept
To be clear this isn't the only Au/ comic I'll put the model in but it is the one that comes to mind for me most often.
All of team RWBY are born into the previous generation. Weiss along with her brother Whitley secured and manage the SDC. Though in truth Whitley takes care of most of the actual work. Though she was far from dull she did have to admit that Whitley was solely groomed to manage the company while her time was decided between it and her combat training.
Weiss herself still had power and plenty of a say but her Huntress duties took priority... And obligations as a teacher as well, yes. She was a instructor at Beacon. Helping to groom the next generation into respectable Hunters.
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Mostly she was pleaded into it by her partner Ruby but still she took her job seriously.
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Which was more then she could say for the rest of her team! All three of them off gallivanting across Remnant taking missions. Honestly sometimes they could be such a headache. But she supposed Ozpin had sent them all on those missions...
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Regardless she was determined to perform no less admirably this year then any other. And considering that Pyrrha Nikos would be entering this year she believed it would be a very worthwhile year given her skill.
But there was always room for surprises like miss Valkyrie, who was frankly a Yang level ridiculous powerhouse.
Yes, this year would've been a valuable one even if those were the only two of note... But they weren't. No, the third would be...
"Please Go Out With Me!"
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Would be Jaune Arc, a paradoxically lacking student and yet one worth her admiration. He was a special case like Blake had been according to Ozpin. A boy who secured counterfeit transcripts to earn a chance to try out Initiation. Though whereas her teams resident Faunus had been a member of the White Fang mister Arc had been a civilian out in one of Remnant's frontier villages. A simple boy with some dreams of heroics and knighthood.
He was actually like her partner Ruby in several ways but with a father who denied his dreams instead of supporting them like Ruby had... That, that was something she could relate to, could sympathize with and it was not all.
He wanted to live up to his family's name, to bring honor to it, to be anything to stop being the one to be protected but to protect others Instead. He was many things, foolish, naïve and certainly stubborn… But he was brave. What else could you call a boy who entered the Emerald Forest prepared to face monsters but courageous.
Jaune Arc had a long way to go, had a tough road ahead of him, if she’d thought catching Ruby up on their studies back in the day was hard this would be a true trial. But, but she wanted him to succeed, she wasn’t the same girl she’d been back in the day, who viewed people so callously, so superficially. She saw how much Jaune wanted this, how willing he was to put his life on the line for complete strangers as he fought the Death Stalker.
Apparently he wasn’t the most studious student but she never had issues, he may have lacked proper knowledge of Dust in her class but he was always quick to learn and put in the effort. Offering to help however he could.
Then he was being bullied, and then he stopped it, she knew how, she saw the recordings, saw Winchester Threaten him with blackmail. Saw her student being used like a lackey and distant from his team… And then she saw him refuse to follow Cardin’s order when it affected someone else. And then witnessed him save said tormentor when his teammates had ran.
Jaune Arc just like her partner embodied what it meant to be a Huntsman, he just needed some help on the way… And then he asked her out.
Flustered, nervous, clearly embarrassed, it was a sight she wasn’t used to, every man and woman who courted her had done so with annoying confidence in their status or family ties, had saw her as a particularly beneficial tool to use or trophy to own or worst of all… A knot on the metaphorical belt.
But Jaune, despite the way he entered Beacon was a rather earnest man, which was why she would do this in the kindest but also most direct way possible. Because she remembered being rejected as well. And wanted him to suffer as little as possible.
"Jaune, I'm your teacher..." He looked sad but accepting.
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"R-right... I'm sorry I know it was wrong t-"
"That's why I don't want you going around and telling anyone." She blinked that the words she said it seeming to finally catch up with her brain her... Wait? That wasn't what she was supposed to say! Jaune seemed to be under the same impression as her thoughts as he spoke with a  dumbfounded look on his precious youthful face.
"Really!" Yes Really!? What was she doing accepting his confession, but once more before her conscious could interrupt she parted her lips again.
"Though it isn't against the rules that Beacon upholds it is heavily frowned upon Jaune." Damn her for studying said rules! No! Stop Looking At His Absolutely Beamimg Smile This Instant! Just Because He's A Cute Boy Doesn't Mean We Could Throw Caution To The Wind.
Honestly she couldn't believe she said yes... Moreso that she felt so, so damn giddy about it! Like she was a girl back in her Beacon Days in her first relationship... Okay so technically she was a girl/ woman at Beacon and this was her first relationship but that was beside the point...
She was his teacher and this was... Well, no it wasn't illegal given that Jaune upon passing Initiation was by all legal means a adult under Remnant's Huntsman regulations... But it was still unprofessional! She'd never do anything others could bring into question... Anymore.
Like going out and taking on International criminals, known terrorists cells and preforming vigilante activities while a student.
But all that was besides the point and in the past! She wouldn't play with this boy's heart! She'd do the proper thing and brea-
"Jaune, I hope you understand that I'm not some trollope to be played with I expect you to take this seriously." NO!!! She Did Not Mean That! Shut Up Subconscious!
And oh dear now he was shooting her a very determined, gaze that made her heart skip a beat.
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"Of course not! I'm serious about you miss Schnee!" Oh dear he was closing the distance, and being so assertive... Was, was he always so tall...
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chapter xviii - gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 5,000+
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The next week consisted of a new routine. 
Y/N would wake up to breakfast being politely brought into her room – despite insisting she could make her own way into the kitchens and save the servants the hassle.
When she emerged from her chambers, there was always at least two hounds waiting outside for Y/N. They followed her around the property, acting as both her companions and guard dogs. The servants and guards around the Forest House seemed shocked to find their High Lord’s blood hounds being pleasant and loyal to someone other than Eris. But Y/N ignored their stares. 
After breakfast, Y/N would train with the Weapons Master of Autumn Court, who did not take it easy on her just because she was his High Lord’s mate.
Though he did manage to compliment Y/N on the first day for the previous training she clearly had been given. But for some reason, Y/N stopped herself from saying she was a Valkyrie. 
The blood hounds would sit and watch Y/N train. And if she ever got knocked off her feet, they would growl warningly at her assailant. She tried to tell them it was OK, earning her a sad whine from them.
After training, Y/N would go to the main library of the Forest House – because apparently there were nearly a dozen. And there Y/N would research mating bonds, as well as the histories of Autumn Court. 
Y/N had asked Lucien to show the library to her. He had quirked an eyebrow at the question, but asked for no further information. And Y/N made sure to memorize the route so she wouldn’t be forced to expose her new habit to any of the servants. Though Y/N doubted that there were many secrets about her in a royal household. 
It had been just over a week of this routine when breakfast wasn’t delivered to her room.
Y/N was relieved, thinking that the servants had finally listened to her request and realized that she could find her own breakfast in the kitchens. 
But as Y/N opened the room to her bedchambers, she jumped when there was a small female standing in front of her, looking up with an innocent gaze. 
She bowed to Y/N, which felt entirely unnecessary. “Pardon the surprise, Lady Y/N. But Lady Leonora hoped you would join her for breakfast this morning.” Then the servant looked over Y/N's shoulder right before a loud thunder struck. “Since the rain will mean you have no training for today.” 
Y/N blinked. She had been so delighted with the servants not waiting on her hand-and-foot that she hadn’t even noticed it was raining when she woke up. 
Was it really a request from Lady of Autumn? Or was it simply the polite way to tell Y/N to do as she said?
“Right. Yes,” Y/N finally sighed. “You will show me the way?”
“Of course, Lady Y/N.” 
She had to stop herself from wincing at the second use of the incorrect title. 
“You needn’t call me 'Lady',” Y/N told her softly as they walked through the winding halls of the Forest House. “I am of no noble blood. Just Y/N is fine.” 
The servant somehow seemed to expect such a comment and smiled up at her. “But you are the High Lord’s mate. It does not matter where you come from. Even without your connection to our High Lord, you are a hero to most here. Calling you Lady Y/N is the least we could do in return for what you have done for Autumn Court.” 
Y/N was taken aback by her words.
Most run from her when they see or hear of her witchcraft. It made them fear and distrust her. But fae were strange beings; they only ever seem enamored with her gifts. 
They reached the chambers of Lady Autumn much quicker than Y/N would’ve expected. With how close her own rooms were to hers, she was surprised she hadn’t run into her yet. 
The servant gestured to the door, making it clear that she was going to remain in the hall. “She is expecting your arrival. Please.” 
Y/N didn’t understand why she suddenly felt so nervous. 
It was obvious both Eris and Lucien loved their mother dearly – and were utterly protective of her. But that didn’t prepare Y/N for the type of female Leonora actually was.
Perhaps the centuries of being forced into a marriage with Beron had made her cold and brutal. 
But how could such a thing be when Eris and Lucien had both been nothing but kind to her? Surely that kindness came from her. 
When Y/N walked in, Leonora immediately rushed to her with a warm smile. 
“Y/N, thank you for joining me. I am grateful of the rain, otherwise I would never be able to steal you away from your training. Eris says its quite important to you.” 
“T-Thank you for inviting me,” Y/N managed to say. Though it came out almost like a question she was so out of her element. 
“I have wanted to come see you and ask how you were acclimating…but Eris is so worried about you being overwhelmed here. I did not want to add to it.” 
“Oh,” Y/N blurted out. “I mean, you are not overwhelming me at all, Lady Autumn.” 
Leonora tried not to laugh at the title. “Please, none of that. I am Leonora. In fact, I am no longer the Lady of Autumn.” 
“Aren’t you still the dowager Lady of Autumn?” 
Y/N truly didn’t know. If it was the mortal realm and Leonora had once been Queen, she would’ve become the Dowager Queen.
But everything was a bit different in the fae realm. 
Leonora smirked. “If I’m being honest, I don’t really care for titles. I never did. Now, I am simply the mother of the new High Lord.” 
Y/N kept waiting to offend, but Leonora seemed to not take anything too seriously. At least not in this moment. 
Leonora guided Y/N to what appeared to be her own small living room. “Now, Eris said you prefer coffee in the morning, saving tea for nighttime.”
Y/N had to hide her smirk at the idea that Eris talked about her so much to his mother that such a little detail of her personality would get passed to Leonora. 
Then Y/N took in Leonora’s dress. There were no greens or reds or rich browns of the Autumn Court to be seen in her clothes.
No, instead she wore mostly black.
Was she in mourning? Or had this place been her prison for so long that she felt sickened by its uniform? 
Servants came out with a silver trey filled with teacups, a kettle, milk, and sugar. But once they set it down on the coffee table before the two ladies, they disappeared entirely. 
Leonora gave Y/N a sad but considerate look. “Is there something I can do to make you more comfortable, Y/N?”
Her face got hot with embarrassment. “No! No, sorry! I mean, you must e-excuse me. I…I get very…umm…overwhelmed in such settings. I was never taught any sort of…e-etiquette.” 
Leonora immediately knew what Y/N was trying to say and gave her a warm smile before she reached over to place on a hand on hers. “If you ask me, such decorum is a waste of time and effort. Coffee still goes to the same place, no matter how you drink it.” 
As if proving her point, Leonora quickly poured herself her own coffee, purposely making it louder and ruder than a polite Lady would. 
“Y/N, I didn’t bring you here as some test or to interrogate you. I was just…Well, I was only hoping I could get to know you.” 
Suddenly a window flew open, and the wind rushed into the room. It was gentle, not disrupting anything in the room. It simply blew around Y/N’s face, fluttering her hair. 
Y/N finally seemed to relax and allowed herself to believe Leonora’s claims. 
Leonora slowly started to ask her personal questions – nothing controversial, and absolutely nothing even so much has hinting at her mating bond with Eris.
Leonora seemed fascinated by Y/N being a witch and asked many things about her craft and abilities. Not once did she make Y/N feel like some sort of freak or monster. 
It became easier and easier to talk to her. 
Now Y/N didn’t know why she expected Leonora to be so stiff and cold. She was the opposite: welcoming, warm, and understanding. 
A couple hours had gone by of them just chatting, getting to know one another. 
And it had made Y/N feel brave. 
“Why do you stay here?” She whispered softly when they found a moment of silence, watching Leonora’s face carefully. 
Leonora’s brow furrowed with confusion. 
Y/N continued, “Why do you not go to him?”
Leonora nodded slowly, somehow knowing exactly who ‘him’ was. “Eris told me you had a way of knowing things…”
Then she gave her a sad grin. “I fear it is much more complicated than that.” 
“Do you no longer love him?” Y/N’s eyes widened, realizing what she blurted out. “I apologize. I am…not good at keeping to my own business.” 
“I do,” Leonora surprisingly answered. “Love him still, that is.” She frowned and her eyes stared into nothingness as she got lost in her own mind and heart. “But much has happened. There is so much between us. Beron’s death did not just suddenly rid of us of the centuries we spent apart.” 
Y/N gave her a sympathetic look. “He loves you still. It’s so strong that it’s all they tell me about him.” She grasped Leonora’s hand. “He’s waited for you all this time…what’s a little bit more? But you should only go to him when you are ready.” 
Suddenly, there was a knock at the entrance of the chambers. 
A servant came out of nowhere to answer it and immediately stepped aside to let them in. 
A male servant entered and bowed to them. 
“Pardon the intrusion. The High Lord wishes to see you.” 
“Of course,” Leonora nodded and stood. 
The servant cleared his throat awkwardly. “The High Lord has actually requested both of you, Lady of Autumn. Lady Y/N is to join us, as well.”
The two females shared a look. 
“It will be quite alright, dear.” Leonora told Y/N with a reassuring smile. 
Y/N and Leonora were escorted to the great hall, where Eris stood around a giant round table with his advisors. 
The High Lord did a double take as soon as he spotted Y/N’s entrance. 
The servant bowed his head to Eris. “Lady of Autumn and Lady Y/N, High Lord. As requested.” 
Eris nodded his thanks. 
All of his advisors stared at Y/N. Apparently they were used to Leonora, and almost ignored her presence entirely after bowing their greetings. 
Y/N shifted her weight nervously, but kept her head high.
Was she finally being punished for helping usurp Beron Vanserra? Despite helping crown Eris, was there consequences for her to face?
She didn't know the laws of the fae realm.
An advisor cleared his throat and looked to Eris calmly. “I believe it would be best for you to explain, High Lord.”
Eris glared at his table. “Would it? Because I have made it clear what my position is on the matter.”
That was when Y/N noticed Eris was clutching a letter in his hand – quite violently by the look of his white knuckled grip. 
Eris sighed and looked at only Y/N, stepping away from the table to get closer to her. 
“The other High Lords of Prythian have finally decided to acknowledge Beron’s demise. When word reached that two Night Court Illyrians and Lady Death had come to our aid, it has made them…concerned.” 
Y/N narrowed her gaze. “It was Rhysand who sent them…why does he not answer for their involvement?”
“He will be questioned, as well. There will be a meeting of the High Lords in two day’s time. But they have…requested that you also attend.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped slightly. “Me?” She looked around at the advisors. “But how…how do they even know of my existence?” 
Eris frowned. “Those still loyal to Beron made sure to spread the news of the witch who cursed Autumn Court.” Then he hesitated before adding, “But the news of my mate has also become…known.” 
Of course it has. That was why she was stuck here, wasn’t it? 
Eris stepped closer to Y/N with a look of determination. “You do not have to go.” 
But Y/N swallowed and glanced at his advisors. Clearly they didn’t agree with that option. 
“I-I have a choice?” She asked so only he and Leonora could hear. 
“Of course you do,” Eris answered, as if it were obvious.
“But…I don’t understand what they want from me.” 
Eris frowned. “They wish to question you about the night of the usurping. The other High Lords are weary about Rhysand’s aid. They see it as a move for him to take over other courts – or at least an effort to force other High Lords to give him something in return.” 
Y/N’s eyes darkened. “You mean they wish to interrogate me. They don’t trust my role in all this.” 
“I will not allow it. I will be there the entire time, as will my mother.” Then he snapped a warning glare at his advisors before once again adding, “But the choice remains your own.” 
Y/N took in a deep breath. “I will attend the meeting.” 
The meeting of the High Lords took place in Summer Court, which Y/N learned still had somewhat of a contentious relationship with Night Court after they stole a forbidden book. 
Y/N had asked the wind to tell her everything it could to prepare for her for this meeting. If she was going to be interrogated – even if Eris promised to prevent such a thing – she wanted to know any secret she could about these High Lords. 
Leonora’s handmaidens had woken Y/N up, insisting on helping her get ready. They did her hair and makeup. Then they put her into a dress that was the colors of Autumn Court, but clearly a lighter fabric to deal with the warm and beachy climate of Summer Court. 
But when Y/N met Leonora in the hallway, she was surprised to find the former High Lady in a gold and white gown. She'd been expecting another conservative black dress. But now it was clear that Leonora was sending a message to her past lover. 
Leonora smirked, knowing exactly what Y/N had figured out. “I think there is no longer a reason for subtly, do you not agree?”
Y/N gave a shy smile and nodded in agreement. 
“Come. Eris is waiting for us in the great hall.”
When the two females arrived, Eris did a double take at Y/N’s appearance. 
“Did we do well, my son?” Leonora asked him teasingly. 
Eris tried to glare at his mother, but it mostly looked like amusement. 
He cleared his throat and stepped towards them, offering his hands to winnow them. “Let us get this over with, shall we?” 
Y/N couldn’t decide which she hated more: winnowing or flying. But the winnowing left her feeling rather disoriented. 
They had arrived at an entryway of a palace. Y/N assumed it was the home of High Lord Tarquin – or one of his homes.
But then she heard the waves and the squeaks of seagulls. And she turned to see one of the most beautiful views she’d ever laid eyes on. 
Immediately she felt a sheen of sweat cover her skin. Yes, the views of the ocean were beautiful. But Y/N was not meant for such a warm climate. Already, she wished to return to the brisk air of Autumn.
“High Lord Eris, Consort Leonora, and Lady Y/N,” the servant greeted them with a bow. “The other High Lords have just arrived. Please, follow me.” 
Y/N was surprised to find Eris’ arm extended for her to take. Leonora walked behind them, clearly trying to show that she was no longer the Lady of Autumn. 
There were seats set in a circle in what appeared to be an open room to the elements, surrounded by high, white arches that offered a perfect view of the ocean. Y/N could still perfectly hear the soft crashing of the waves. 
Y/N hated that they were the last to arrive. She was sure Eris did it as some sort of power move. But it meant that everyone stared at their arrival. 
She knew that Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian, Azriel, and Nesta would all be here. But Y/N couldn’t find it in herself to even so much as look at them. 
Tarquin stood at their approach and gestured to the only empty seat left in the circle. “Thank you for coming, Eris.” 
With a snap of his finger, Eris magically placed an identical chair next to his own and gestured for Y/N to sit in it. Leonora seemed to have no intention of sitting and stood behind them, gently propping her hand on the edge of her sons chair. 
To Y/N, it was a polite gesture for Eris. But really it was a show of irritation that Y/N was not important enough to receive her own place in the circle – despite being a High Lord’s mate. 
Y/N noticed that Tamlin – Feyre’s ex-lover – had even managed to show up. Apparently he had failed over and over again to tend to his duties as High Lord of Spring. 
“Let us not waste time,” Tarquin began, eyeing Eris closely. “You can understand how the recent events in Autumn have made the rest of us weary.” 
“I am not the first High Lord to usurp the throne,” Eris answered boredly. “I was not aware all of you were so allegiant to Beron.” 
“It is not your usurping. It is how you involved the Night Court in your attack against your own father,” Thesan commented. 
“I did not ask for their aid,” Eris answered instantly. “They came to save Y/N, not help with my effort to take the throne.” 
“Ahh, yes. The witch,” Helion hummed with amusement.
The High Lord of Day Court looked Y/N up and down, as if it would solve her mystery for him. 
“We came to Y/N’s aid because she is our friend and a fellow Valkyrie,” Nesta chimed in coldly. “Her gifts sent us a warning that she was in danger, that Beron had captured her.” 
“To cross Court lines to aid in foreign affairs is a risky one at best,” Tarquin answered. 
“Perhaps we should ask the witch of what happened to her that night,” Helion pushed with subtle amusement. 
“The witch has a name,” Eris hissed. “And it would be wise of you to use it.”
Helion’s gaze snapped to Leonora, only for a second. Then he nodded his head. “My apologies. Y/N, would you step forward please?" 
Y/N’s teeth ground together as she stood from her chair and stepped into the circle. 
“Why don’t you tell us about your journey?” Helion requested gently. 
“I lived on my own in the Mortal Realm…until I was captured by fae – amongst other women and children. It had become clear that we were being traded to wealthy fae, who wished to use humans as they pleased. I will let all of your imaginations come up with what exactly that meant. I attacked my captors as we passed through Autumn Court, and told the others to run for their lives. That is when…when Eris found me.” 
With the wave of his hand, Eris magically dropped a pile of papers beside Y/N. 
“What is this?” Rhysand spoke for the first time. 
Eris tilted his head. “Documents, proving that Beron was aiding wealthy merchants from the Continent in trading mortals as slaves. They were being brought to the Middle to be sold to the highest bidder and transported across the sea. Y/N was not the first to be taken – but she was the first to escape and save the rest of the victims in her party.” 
“Everyone here knows this is not the only evil Beron has released onto Prythian,” Eris added for good measure. 
Helion's gaze darkened as it once again flickered to Leonora. Surely he was imagining all the abuse his past lover had endured by the hands of Beron Vanserra.
He was the first to break the tense silence. “No one here believes that Beron was a just and rightful ruler.”
Once again, his gaze snapped momentarily to Leonora. 
“Rhysand aided my cause because I asked him to protect my mate with his life," Eris announced. "Night Court was the safest place for her."
“Why not go to another Court?” Kallias, the High Lord of Winter, asked. 
“The Archeron sisters were once mortals. My brother is an emissary there. The Night Court was well aware of my plans to usurp Beron. They understood more than anyone why I could not leave my mate just anywhere to be protected from my father.” 
“And what did you promise Rhysand in return?” Kallias urged. 
“Autumn’s loyalty and aid – when it would be mine to give,” Eris announced. “But Night Court did not request this of me, I offered it freely.” Eris shifted in his seat awkwardly. “I was a male…desperate to protect my mate.” 
It took all of Y/N’s strength not to turn around to see Eris’ face as he spoke of what he did to protect her. She could only stare at the ground, her hands clasped behind her back. 
“Y/N became one of us,” Feyre spoke for the first time. “We would have protected any innocent with or without the promise of Autumn’s loyalty.”
“And are you innocent?” Tamlin also broke his silence, glaring at Y/N as if she had personality offended him. “You are a witch, after all.” 
But Y/N would not take it. “Careful how you speak to me, High Lord Tamlin.” Her eyes darkened. “Or you risk exposing secrets you wish to keep locked away. I know more of you than you could ever know of me.” 
She couldn’t see it, but Eris grinned at his mate with pride. 
“Y/N is not like the witches we have heard about,” Rhysand chimed in. “She comes from a coven who wished to keep to themselves, only revealing themselves to aid others. That was proven when she risked her life to save our son.” 
“Which was also an attack set by Beron,” Eris noted darkly. 
Feyre and Rhysand sat up straighter.
Azriel and Cassian’s fists tightened at their sides.
Nesta looked…murderous. 
If Beron still lived, Y/N was sure that Nesta would have singlehandedly killed him after hearing such news.
“The slave trade was not Beron’s only evil dealings. He planned on kidnapping Nyx, fearful of the power the child would grow to have. Whether he planned on keeping the child hostage for his own use or selling him to the Continent, I do not know. The assailants were no soldiers of mine, but they were of the Autumn Court.” 
“It would appear it was time for Beron Vanserra’s demise,” Helion declared darkly. 
“It should have happened long ago,” Eris answered back. 
“What power do you possess, Y/N?” Thesan asked with curiosity. “Your coven has hidden themselves rather well. 
Tamlin leaned forward in his seat, eyeing Y/N with suspicion. “The only witches I know of are desperate for power. They will kill whatever innocents they can find, and consume their blood.” 
Y/N had been waiting for such a question – dreading it, actually.
The thing was, she did not even know what she was capable of any longer. A new power had been unleashed inside her. Whether it was during life or death situations only, she did not know. But she feared losing control of it. 
“She is not a subject to be studied!” Eris snapped before Y/N could even think of a response to the question that felt more like an accusation. “Y/N has been through enough, and I will not allow her to be poked and prodded for your own curiosities.” 
Helion also came to her defense and claimed, “She is not the first of her kind. I have met other witches like her in my life. Their hearts are true and they hold no evil.” Then he smirked. “But none were as powerful as it seems you are, Y/N. Curious that the Cauldron chose a mortal witch for a High Lord’s mate.” 
“That is enough discussion of our bond,” Eris interrupted, leaving no room for argument. Then he addressed the circle of High Lords and Ladies. “Are you all content now?” 
“It is clear Night Court has no ploys to take over other courts,” Kallias nodded. “And I for one think Prythian is better off with Beron dead. Leave Eris to handle his court. He has a long journey ahead of him, gaining the favor of his fae.” 
Everyone else nodded in agreement. 
As everyone rose, some started quietly talking amongst themselves. 
Y/N watched as Helion locked eyes with Leonora. It was clear that he wanted to go to to her. He took half a step in her direction, but something made him hesitate. 
She was so distracted with the interaction, that she hadn’t seen her friends of the Night Court – if that’s even what they were to her anymore. Y/N still hadn’t figured it out. 
After Eris insisted he’d promised something in return for them all looking after her, Y/N felt like perhaps she’d been too harsh with assuming they had been using her for their own gain. 
Feyre stepped forward first, with a cautious warmth. “I am glad to see you well after the attack, Y/N.”
Then Y/N suddenly felt a warmth behind her. Eris was right behind her, close enough that she could feel the heat from his body at her back.
He wasn’t going to interrupt or cease the conversation, but he wanted her to know he was there for her. 
“Y/N, you must understand, we never wanted to keep any secrets from you,” Feyre continued. 
“For what it’s worth,” Eris muttered quietly to her. “I forbid them from telling you the truth. I thought things would be easier that way.” 
Y/N nodded slowly. 
Nesta and Cassian looked desperate for her forgiveness. Azriel watched her with a sadness in his gaze that he hid from everyone else quite well. 
“Everyone misses your store,” Cassian chimed in with a gentle smile. “Velaris’ isn’t the same without your witchcraft and medicine.” 
“Velaris isn’t the same without you,” Nesta corrected. 
Y/N took in a deep and shaky breath. “T-T-Thank you for taking me in,” she looked into all their eyes as she said it. “Deep down, I always knew even if Eris hadn’t promised you what he did, you still would have treated me as one of your own.” 
A wave of relief seemed to wash over the five of them. 
“But I wish to stay in Autumn Court,” she continued. “Until it’s safe for me to return to the Mortal Realm, that is.” 
Y/N tried to pretend that she couldn’t feel Eris’ entire body tense at the second part. 
“I hope we can continue to be friends,” she ended softly. 
“Of course, Y/N.” Rhysand answered immediately. “And you are always welcome in Night Court, whenever you wish to visit.” 
Nesta stepped forward. “And perhaps we could…visit you in Autumn.” 
Y/N nodded. But then quickly looked back at Eris for confirmation, as if he would take away such a privilege. 
He simply nodded, as well. 
Nesta hurriedly added. “Gwyn and Emerie said they wish to write to you, as well.”
Y/N grinned. “I would like that very much.”
“Are you keeping up your training?” Cassian asked with a smirk. 
“Of course,” Y/N narrowed her eyes playfully. “Eris has his Weapon’s Master training me every morning. Soon I’ll have mastered the fight strategies of Illyrians, Valkyries, and Autumn Court.” She quirked an eyebrow for good measure. 
“She will be a fearsome thing,” Eris muttered. 
Y/N didn’t expect such a compliment – especially from him and especially in front of such an audience.
Her face got hot from it. 
But when she looked up, Feyre and Cassian all seemed to be trying to hide their amusement. 
“We will send you the rest of your things by the end of the night,” Rhysand told her. 
“Oh, there’s no need. Eris has given me more than enough clothing.”
For some reason, it seemed wrong to take all those fanciful gifts Rhysand had insisted on gifting her after the attack on Nyx. It felt even more wrong to wear such things in a foreign court – and in front of her mate. 
But Eris didn’t seem to think so. “My servants will be waiting for their arrival.” 
Y/N’s brows raised in surprise. “But…if it’s not too much trouble to ask, I’d like my supplies and merchandise from my store.”
“Of course,” Rhysand said with a slight bow of his head. 
Leonora finally stepped toward the group. “Time to go?” She asked her son. 
He nodded. 
When Y/N turned back to her friends, they gave her an encouraging look. 
“We will see you soon,” Feyre insisted.
With that, Eris winnowed the three of them back to Autumn Court. 
Leonora already started to make her way to the dining room, leaving the two of them alone. 
“I really don’t need all those gifts Rhysand gave me,” Y/N insisted hurriedly. “They were beautiful, but they weren’t very…me.”
Eris shrugged. “You can sell them all before returning to the Mortal Realm. Open a new shop without trouble.” 
Y/N couldn’t understand why her heart sunk at his suggestion. Was he really so on board with her leaving and returning to the Mortal Realm? Did he not want her here at all? But that’s what she wanted, right? To be left alone and back in her old life of solitude and secrecy? 
OK. This is quite long. Don't really know how that happened. But let me know what you thought! Everyone be like @pancakefancake
Chapter XIX
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok x Pokemon Trainer!Reader?
Maybe she ends up in the ROR universe or the other way around, but either way I just think it'd be interesting if she tries to explain her world to everyone and just throws out a this tiny, cute pokemon, making the ROR characters not take her seriously at first, but then she just throws out pokemon like Mew, Kyogre, or heaven forbid, Arceus himself, casually saying these were the gods of her world.
I quite literally been trying to make a post about this before so this is fantastic for me also yes a ror request whoo! Also yes with the reader having powerful and god like Pokémon along with cute Pokémon.
It felt too crowded with four legendaries with three being bigger than one of them so I had to switch out giratina for a starter, hope that’s alright with you 😅😭.
Me and them talked and fill in some things that I had questions about so you might see some things that was left out of the request, this is a heads up if you get confused on that 😁.
This might be focused on the reaction and fighting than anything romantic as I haven’t gotten any requests for them to do this but I will try and make some romantic moments the best I can 😁😅.
Warning: noob author, female reader, possibly some ooc, and others.
Characters: some gods and some humans (romantic, they didn’t fully specify who so I’ll do the ones in my masterlist that i think would be more romantic for the reader), Valkyrie (platonic)
You were visiting alola again after battling in galar and becoming champion there; reason why you were visiting alola again was because you have a relative you want to visit and cause necrozma (solgaleo) wanted to visit where they used to live aagain after so long.
You were just spending time with the ultra beast when you heard the sound of a ultra wormhole opening up from behind you and the next thing you know is that you’re in your space suit that can open by a button and that you’re on the back of necrozma growing past many wormholes with speed that you didn’t know it had as it takes them a while to pick up this speed in the wormhole current.
Next you were falling through as necrozma was forced to go back into their pokeball but some forces you couldn’t see but you could see the struggle they had before going into the pokeball. You screamed even though you know that wouldn’t help as you aren’t sure if you can bring out any capable pokemon at the moment with that force pulling necrozma back into their pokeball and all.
(That’’s just for plot convenience at the moment, it most likely won’t appear here anymore, y’know like a one time thing.)
You felt yourself get caught by a pair of what seem to be strong arms with how muscular they are, you trailed your eyes up and met red tinted glasses eyes, you fainted seconds later because of all the adrenaline finally settling down and because of the hot male that caught you.
(Honestly who wouldn’t for Buddha lol)
When you finally woke up you noticed that you were in bed, at first you thought that you were dreaming all of that in a lucid dream but then began to notice the difference between this room and your room back in your time.
Your train of thought was interrupted by the door to this room opening and in came a tall woman with dark blue hair and from what you could tell by the distance between you two, green eyes.
“I’m glad to see that you’re awake, as i would like to discuss something with you if you don’t mind.” The woman says as she watches you sit up on the bed. “But first lets introduce ourselves, seeing as we might be working together from now on if you agree to a favor i would like to ask of you.”
“Ok……” I hesitantly agree wondering where this was going.
“My name is brunhilde and i would like your assistance on helping save humanity from being destroyed by the gods.” The woman now known as brunhilde introduced and explained the favor to you.
“My name is (Y/n)… and about that favor, can i have some time to think about it, y’know with how it’s a lot to take in and with how big the favor seems to be?” You asked wondering what world you’re in for humanity to be pushed to extinction if they don’t win this supposed battle of gods vs humanity.
“Of course, i understand, when you decide come find me in the meeting room.” Brunhilde quickly exit completely forgetting that you don’t know this place like she does and you don’t know where that is.
“He! Wait where is that?!” You tried to call out to her and get her to tell you before she left but seems she already died making you sigh before doing what you said you were going to do until later though that train of thought was quickly broken but something being dropped on your chest.
You uncovered your eye with the arm you previously placed over them to think and see big blue eyes and a pink short furred cat staring right back at you while their tail is swishing back and forth almost expecting something from you……. Until it hit you, quite literally as the creature you know as mew bap’ed their paw at you and you realized what they wanted.
“Fine~….. but after that no bothering me until later, ok? I need to think about this favor brunhilde asked of me.” You got a nod before going through the bag that was on the desk that was next to the bed you were on, and thankfully everything seems to still be in their original place in it anyway back to the task at hand, mew had wanted you to get the poke treat you always make for them and the others, your parent taught you the recipe for these things and like always it was all of your Pokémon’s favorite which doesn’t surprise you as the recipe was all Pokémon’s favorite, and of course there were different flavors for any pokemon with a different taste bud.
You decided to take a walk outside to get a clear head as the room was becoming too stuffy even though it was a really big room and it took many steps to even get to the door of it.
The place you ended up next was what most likely be the garden for this place you appeared in, while walking around there you spot a male laying down on the green grass that you know all grass type would enjoy running around in.
The male looked strangely familiar with the glasses and hair but you can’t quite place where you might’ve seen from though you guess you’ll know soon enough as when you went to get a closer look you seem to have woken the sleeping man up as the next thing you knew was that you hear a deep voice call out.
“Staring is rude, y’know.” You jumped, startled at the sudden noice breaking your concentration and began to panic while trying to push out an apology.
“S-sorry! You just seemed so f-familiar and i wanted to figure o-out why a-and—�� you were cut off by what seems to be a lollipop being pushed into your mouth, and the lollipop you previously sen in his mouth is gone as well……. It didn’t take you long to figure out where that lollipop has gone to which made you blush up a storm and started to look like a (Pokémon name) with how bad you blushed at the indirect kiss you two basically shared.
“Calm down or you’l faint again.” he says which got me thinking on how he knew I fainted before unless…..
“You’re the one that catched me!” I finally figured out who he was and accidentally yelled out a bit as i finally could thank the one who catches and saved my life from that long fall.
“So you finally remember, huh?”
The male introduced himself as Buddha which i responded with my own introduction as well. He soon asked what you were doing here when you’re human and should be in the human realm which you quickly explained your predicament as he thought you fell from their version of human realm by accident and was already ack to your human life after you woke up.
“Well you see, technically I’m from another universe or dimension where there’s these creatures called pocket monster, or pokemon for short, and while hanging around at one of the places i visit to have some alone time, a wormhole opened and one of my pokemon had decided that it was time to go on an adventure again like when i was younger but when getting close to the end of the portal my pokemon was forced back into their pokeball and you know what happened next… sorry about that by the way.”
“Mmm, it’s fine, though you can show me one of these pokemon you have on you.” Buddha says which was alright with you and you guess he got curious on what one would look like with how you talked about them.
You went through your head on which one to bring out to show him before choosing your sylveon who likes getting attention from you and anybody you deem worthy enough to be your friend.
“This is sylveon, one of my Pokémon that been with me since I started my journey.” You say as you pet your beloved Pokémon.
“She’s cute.” Buddha say which made you laugh a little but quickly noticed how sylveon was reacting to that so you hurried to explain before things get out of hand.
“Actually sylveon is a boy, he gets irritated if you call him a girl, the only time he’s alright is when he goes to use to his advantage.”
After a few more hours of you two spending time together it was time for a leave as you still need to inform brunhilde the decision you picked while with Buddha.
(I’m going to speed this along as it’s already long right now.)
It was a few days after you joined the fight for humanities survival. You’ve met some of the human fighters, all with very different personalities and backgrounds.
The only ones who know about you being from another universe and your Pokémon being with you is brunhilde, her sisters, and Buddha, and even then they only know the normal ones you have not the legendaries you have, reason why you didn’t want to share with the others is because you wanted to surprise them within your round which is like a demonstration of what’s to happen though like the others the round is a death match as well.
The god you were facing was a low god to the others gods and goddesses but still strong enough to take down a normal human……. If you were a normal human, but seeing as you came from another universe entirely makes you no ordinary normal human.
“You should just surrender girly! I wouldn’t want you to accidentally break a nail!! Hahahahaha!!!” At that the god of (???) gained a laugh from the others on his side of this battle, he didn’t get the rise out of you like he was hoping for but instead a sweet, sweet smile that seems to scream danger to him but he tries not to be intimidated by a ‘lowly’ human like you.
You had already sent out a Pokémon before the fight, mew, who was invisible and would appear when you call out to it, but for now you’ll hold back on who you chose to send out, the one you send out is a hisuian zoroark that you caught in the past of sinnoh.
“Zoroark! Use shadow sneak!!” You called out a move for your zoroark to use which allows it to move first. A shadow from zoroark’s shadow goes towards the god which confused him on how you and your beast can do that before starting to feel extraordinary pain which made him tilt his head behind him to see what’s going on back there only to see a shadow looming over him being the culprit yo his pain.
Thankfully for him it ended soon enough but he was still littered with long scratches from the attack.
“How?! How did you do that?! And where did that mangy beast come from?!” He yelled out and basically insulted your Pokémon which irritates you when people get like that but make sure to hold that anger for the finishing blow when the time is right.
“I don’t want to reveal any of my secrets so you’ll just have to wait.” You say which makes the gods like hades, shiva, Loki, Thor, Poseidon only shared a small short glance before looking away uninterested in this fight and what happens to the human female, zeus also shared an interest disgustingly enough.
“Hmm, this human is interesting right hades?” Zeus says, hades doesn’t say anything as he saw the same female alone in the gardens one time and also had a interest with her being there and not in the human realm
On the Norse side there was Loki and Thor along with Odin and the two birds that follow him that Loki likes to tease. “Hmmm~ I wonder what she means by that~ what do you say Thor?~” he got no response from him which made Loki pout.
While they were all talking, the battle continued on until you only had three Pokémon left, coincidentally they were some of the legendaries/mythical from your world which theoretically speaking is basically like the gods from your world.
You thought as long and as hard as you could which was only a second before sending out the big one….. the almighty creator of both humans and Pokémon kind in your world; arceus.
“I’m sorry for acting cocky right now buuut….. you’re about to become nonexistent.”
“Huh? What do you mean? It’s just a Llama! I bet it would be like the others, too! Though I wished you let them stay out so I could kill them and make you see that you’re of no match to us gods!!” That sentence right there irritated both you and arceus and made the both of you look at each and nod before you give out the command to end this bloody fool from his embarrassing ways.
“Arceus, could you please use judgement on this poor fool and end his embarrassment.” You say calmly which receives a ‘gladly’ from arceus through your shared telepathy.
And like that the god before you shatters into green shards, disappearing into the place where humans and gods go to after they die in the afterlife.
Arceus returned to his ball as you silently walk back to your side of the stadium through where you had entered, tired and hungry and ready for a shower after what stress that battle brought you.
All of them were shocked before getting interrupted by a big screen came on in the middle of the battle ground of the stadium, the screen had funny eyes and a grin on its face.
“Hello! I’m rotomdex! The Pokémon you saw winning the battle with (Y/n) was called arceus! The creator of humans and Pokémon in (Y/n) universe!! You see, (Y/n) was transported here from a ultra wormhole opening up! Anyway, I need to go! Bye!!” And with that the screen disappeared leaving many shocked beings, wether they were human or deity.
After that you got swarmed by the other human competitors, all complimenting you in their own little way along with the competitors ally’s and friends/family.
You also gained the interest of some of the gods who want to learn about you more after that display you showed them.
(A/n: finally!!!! I hope you guys like it! I decided to try something new, it’s not a bad way to do things, just know I won’t use it for some of your requests as it depends on what you guys request of me, I also wished I could do more with the characters besides Buddha but I just couldn’t think of anything and because I have favoritism for Buddha, I mean can you blame me? Lol, anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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