#there are many advantages to dating a demon lady
i ALSO think charlie should affectionately headbutt her smol gf with her horns- specifically when she gets excited about something- 100% forgetting that vaggie is in fact smol WILL get yeeted fully across the room by this
(not that she minds) (vaggie on the floor giving a thumbs up and adoring look at her demon gf as charlie rushes over to frantically administer first aid smooches of apology)
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desmond69miles · 8 months
Relationship HC’s for trish
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NSFW included. luv u ! submit an ask
[-: Trish has dated around before, experimenting with men and women alike. It’d take her awhile to find someone she connects with and that’s not freaked out with her demonic nature, as well as the time it takes to develop romantic attraction. It would take a good friendship with a strong bond before Trish would consider you as a partner.
[-: Besides the fact that Trish wears heels, she’s tall. I think her canon hight is around 5’11” (180cm) without heels, so she’d most likely be taller than you. I don’t think she’s the type to explicitly place things higher than needed for you, in fact, I’d imagine she’d place things you needed daily on lower shelves. However, she does like to take advantage of her height when you’re napping together. She’d be the perfect person for the bigger spoon.
[-: Trish loves all body types. She’s the type of person to not care about hip dips, stretch marks, cellulite, etc, and in fact finds the imperfections alluring. It’s canon (she told me herself) that she loves dimples, scars, freckles, pigment issues, the little things. She’s literally the definition of a super model and likes the mundane things that make her feel like a human with a normal partner.
[-: Dates usually consist of clothing hauls, makeup shopping sprees, in-home fashion shows, and the occasional dinner away from home. Expect to come back with hundreds of dollars worth of makeup and clothing, then put on a fashion show for the other. You’re not even sure what to do with all the clothes, so most of them are kept at Trish’s place. Trish also loves to do your makeup, practicing looks she wants to try for herself. At the end of your dates, the whole house is a mess and your tired out from changing clothing and wiping makeup off.
[-: I feel like Trish has a certain knack for goths. Besides just liking the culture and music, she’s amazing at trad goth and romantic goth makeup. She could totally fit into a darker scene and by the subcultures definition, she’s already goth! Playing into this more; if you were goth Trish would call you “battie” and know exactly where to get the good goth clothing for cheap. She has so many connections with clothing stores it’s actually insane.
[-: Trish is a tactile and verbal lover. Expect her to ghost a hand up your spine, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and giving an endearing comment; “Your makeup looks good today.” “Oh! I love that shirt on you, you’ll have to let me borrow it sometime.” “You look nice today, babe.”
[-: If you had gotten so far into the relationship where Trish wanted to place a mating bite/mark on you, Dante would constantly tease you both by poking and commenting at it. Trish would respond by gut-punching Dante Lady-style, or hitting the man in the jugular. It would be an intricate golden design, one that Trish would ghost over with her lips and gently nibble on. Mating bites are sensitive! She knows how to toy with you.
[-: Her hands are magic, literally. She gives the best electro-therapy massages ever. On the contrary, she likes to have her hands massaged from pulling triggers all the time.
[-: Loves when you help her clean her guns/other weapons. Often she doesn't have time to fully clean and inspect her weapons, so she'd offer to teach you. Say yes! She enjoys coming back from shopping to see you wiping down a sword or swabbing down a gun, giving you a kiss on the cheek and a meaningful "Thank you, babe."
[-; Most always the dominant roll in bed. She much prefers being able to control and bend your pleasure at her fingertips, leading you to orgasm after orgasm. While she won’t mind being the bottom once in awhile, it gets repetitive and frustrating for her when done often.
[-; Type of woman to say “sit on my face” and mean put your full weight on her. She’s a demon, it’s nothing she can’t take. Adding onto this, she rakes her finely manicured nails across your thighs and butt leaving red trails while her tongue flicks around.
[-; Y’know she has those electrical powers? What’s to say she won’t give you a not so gentle zap while fingering you? Nothing so bad it hurts, but strong enough to make your heart kick up and legs instinctively shut.
[-; Has all kinds of strap ons. Big ones, small ones, clear ones, colored ones, knotted ones, tentacle ones, a shit load. What ever your feeling to mess your guts up she probably has.
[-; Trish has a light degradation kink, but a massive praise one as well. She won't push degradation/humiliation if you aren't comfortable with it. If you are however, Trish loves to make comments on you, mixing in praise.
[-; Adding onto the degradation, I don't think Trish would be into slut shaming or any other name calling. Trish has seen her fair share of lonely, short-dicked men cat calling her and while It doesn't affect her much, the last thing she would want is her partner to think Trish thinks of them in that way.
[-; Loves to be ate out after a long mission. If you couldn't fight/didn't want to fight, there would be nothing better than coming back to her sweet little partner and getting treated. "Good doll, you're doing such a good job." She'd say, raking her nude nails through your scalp. Oh, to have your head crushed between her thighs.
[-; She'd be up for trying public play if you were comfortable. To be more specific, Trish would be up for buying you a remote-controlled vibrator. Those ones that hit your g-spot as well as stimulating your clit? She'd totally have one of those. If she's off on a mission or even just out simply shopping with you, her hands on her phone, gently increasing and decreasing the vibes. If you'd happen to loose your composure and crouch down, trying to look like your inspecting the item shelf, Trish would make a jesting comment. "What? Can't handle some vibrations?"
[-; Likes phone sex while she's on missions. If she's not there to touch and tease you, the next best option is to hear your pretty voice. Just because she's not there with you doesn't mean you can come, though.
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Last minute Virgo propaganda
Voice claim is Eris (Sinbad) They are both hot evil women so it works.
Originally, she looked completely different. She had a more alien appearance, but was also a lot smaller and more blue.
If she had a boss theme, it would probably be this, but I have a lot of potential themes,,,
Ok so i'm just gonna speedrun all of the evil things she did don't mind me-
Created a tower full of demons promising that if any beings made it to the top they would receive any wish they desire. She wasn’t lying, but if you don’t make it to the top, you’ll receive a fate worse than death. Also you have to be,,,super powerful to even t h i n k of making it to the top. And your wish will most likely be corrupted, unless it has pure intentions.
Emotionally manipulated THREE ancient god weapons and somehow made their horrible lives even worse! Just for sillies tho.
Tortured this one guy by giving them everything they desired and then taking it all away and breaking them until they couldn’t feel pain anymore. Then, she gave them what they desired once more until they were mentally stable and,,,just took it all away again. Said person is now convinced their life is a lie and is extremely afraid of physical touch.
Later, she turned said person into a puppet by completely destroying their will and threatening them with horrible pain if they didn’t do what she said.
Mentally destroyed the embodiment of fate just for funsies.
Manipulated this one lady who has never had any human interaction into destroying planets/consuming souls for her. Unfortunately the lady viewed Virgo as a mother figure, and Virgo completely took advantage of that and very much altered the way “humans” were supposed to think. Occasionally Virgo left her alone while telling her that if she destroyed a certain number of planets she would return. One day Virgo just left, never to return and the girl was convinced that Virgo would not return until she destroyed enough planets. So yeah she killed so many people that an ancient hero that hadn’t been seen in ages showed up and forced her to sleep for like 100 years. Even the EMBODIMENT OF HUMAN EVIL (not Virgo, another guy) told her that she deserved better. And yes, she still thinks Virgo is a good/nice person.
Speaking of those ancient heroes, she cursed, corrupted, and broke all of them!
For Jehan, she corrupted his sister and he was forced to kill her, which caused him to be banned from the celestial realm. Then, she cursed him so that all of his regrets would haunt him as long as he was conscious.
For Merodach, a silly little jester fella who started the ancient hero group, she trapped them in an infinite labyrinth with no true escape, despite the ending always being in sight. Also what happened with Jehan. They were kinda dating.
For Indra, she cursed them so that they would be sealed until somebody summoned them with a request. Depending on the request, Indra could be consumed by corruption. (The rules are kinda complicated) He would get some free time, but it’s very likely that as soon as she’s done she’ll get sealed again. Oh and also she kidnapped his brother and Indra assumes that he is dead and it’s his fault. In reality, her brother is suffering in an eternal nightmare! Virgo forced him to fight an illusion version of Indra a bunch of times. Not fun!
Finally, for Asphodel, she slaughtered everyone she ever knew and loved in an attempt to access the astral realm. However, Asphodel didn’t even know how to do so, so Virgo just left her alive in hopes of her finding it out later. She did, becoming ruler of the astral realm, although she didn’t really want to. After cursing all of the other guys, Virgo showed up and tried to corrupt Aspho, but she fought against it and tried to fist-fight Virgo. (I should mention, Asphodel is 5’2, has weak limbs, and her hair weighs more than her body. Somehow this was actually the smartest thing she could have done in this situation) So yeah Virgo cursed her too. L.
She also cursed my only new york oc (yes, new york is canon in my oc-verse. Why? Because its funny.) so that he’s immortal, but is fated to die once every year. He doesn’t know how, he doesn't know what time in the day, he doesn’t know if anyone else will be involved, and he doesn’t know how many years have passed since this happened. Honestly she just did this for sillies too.
There’s also this steampunk Victorian detective guy that got cursed so that every time he dies, which is random, a little bit of his soul is taken away. He doesn’t know how much of it is gone, he doesn’t know how much is taken, but he is slowly losing more and more of himself. He got too close to figuring out the truth about Virgo, so she cursed him, sent him back to square one, and is now waiting to see if he can find the whole truth before his curse consumes him.
This is about it for direct things she’s done, but indirectly,,,,oh my god there’s so much more,,,
If you read all of this,,,wow, thanks. I know this is very long and probably very confusing, but I still hope you enjoyed reading about my evil little skrunkle. Here’s a drawing I kinda scrapped from an animatic that I didn’t like. But hey this turned out okay I think. (And I spent way too long on it lmao-)
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Thanks for reading!!! Have a great rest of your day!!!
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.13--Episodes 6-7.
I have watched through S2E7; spoilers, DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—That nightmare room is super creepy. During episode 6, I expected it to be a situation where there’s a sleep demon that could use the room to get into real life. It’s still creepy as of episode 7, but at least it’s useful creepy and sleep demon-free. Maybe Snow and Emma can use Aurora as a go-between with Henry....Or maybe Snow can talk to him herself. I’m not entirely convinced she doesn’t have that nightmare anymore.
—Turning the giants narrative on its head was clever. It was also very depressing. I would like to stomp on Jack the Giant Killer’s dusty old bones.
—Of course only two people could climb up the beanstalk. How else would there be *tension*?
—Snow full-body tackled Mulan. I have to respect that. Although, I think while OG!Mulan could annihilate OG!Snow White (unless Snow called down a torrent of bloodthirsty critters), I think OUAT Snow is both older and more experienced than OUAT Mulan. She technically has the advantage. Still, Mulan has a sword.
—I love how Snow is the mom friend. To Aurora, and Emma, and basically anybody who looks like they need it.
—Belle also being a bestie to any girl who looks forlorn is great. (i.e., Red.) I stan a supportive princess.
—There’s a lot of people who want to be besties with Red. Not that I blame them; being besties with Red would be awesome.
—Although, there’s also an odd number of people in town who are apparently willing to kill her with *lol* TORCHES AND PITCHFORKS. Seriously, why are there so many people in Storybrooke who think murder is an acceptable option?
—I’m really pleased with the way episode 7 turned out. I was worried for a hot minute that Red would stick around with the wolf group, but it ended well. The wolfs were the opposite variety of oppressive that humans are, and I would’ve hated it if the show hadn’t addressed that.
—I’m not actually sure I believe that woman was Red’s mom. It’s just a little too convenient; also, she had a strong icky vibe.
—Emma’s backstory is interesting. I wouldn’t’ve pegged her for a criminal, which I guess is the point.
—Pinocchio was looking out for her. Good.
—It’s more interesting to have had her guy leave because of *extenuating circumstances* than just because he was a jerk.
—What was in the box? In Storybrooke, it was a typewriter, but it can’t have been the same thing.
—Why did Emma’s guy believe what Pinocchio told him? That’s wildly s u s.
—I can’t believe I have to put up with King George. He’s easily in the top two worst human beings of this show (the other being Regina). Maybe Charming could stick him in jail for a while—after all, he did kill a man—and then I won’t have to look at his stupid face or hear his stupid voice.
—Granny’s crossbow is iconic. I love how it’s a distinct weapon that can still exist in both worlds. Also, giving old ladies hefty weaponry will never cease to amuse me.
—Hook is gonna show up looking for revenge at some point. That can’t possibly end well for Emma.
—Snow said that there’s no option other than her and Emma getting home together. That means Snow isn’t going home.
—I haven’t yet seen Belle and Rumplestiltskin go out for burgers. I’m going to have to start counting episodes until it happens. I am now at 3. Do I believe it will happen? No. Will I accept Belle and Rump going out for any kind of date/friendly hangout at all? ABSOLUTELY. I crave Rumbelle content.
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Hi, it's the guy with the classy gentleman Incubus ask from five days ago could you please add loona as well?
Loona with classy, gentlemen Incubus S/O
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Funnily enough, you met at a party. Although 'met', probably isn't the right word.
It was more like, Loona got insanely drunk and just about passed out.
However, before she could be taken advantage of by any of the sleezy bastards at the party, you swooped in, getting her out of there.
You tried to get her adress, trying to get her home, but she was too far gone, almost throwing up on you.
So, you got her to your guest bed, letting her sleep it off.
The next day you brought her breakfast and a few aspirin, only for her to scream at you, accusing you of taking advantage of her.
You were angry, of course, but you quickly pointed out that you saved her from another demon taking advantage of her.
The girl refused to believe it, calling you a creep. To which you snapped, telling her that of all demons she, with her nose, should have realised you hadn't touched her.
Unless she's accusing you of molesting her, cleaning the scent off of the both of you and then redressing her.
At that, she shut up.
The girl breaking into an embarrassed blush, the Hellhound timidly telling you sorry.
You just sighed, telling her it was fine and giving her her breakfast.
The two of you actually had a pleasant back and forth, the girl quickly warming up to you and you too her.
After she had recovered, you drove her home, the girl asking you if maybe you'd like to go out for coffee or something.
You agreed, telling her of a rather humble coffee place you knew, telling the girl a time and date, Loona meekly telling you she'd be there.
It was only a few days later that you met, you and the young Hellhound having a rather charming time together.
You found the girls crassness very humorous, and well, she found you... alluring.
She knew all about Incubus', they were well known on every ring for there sexual exploits.
But you.
You were... strange.
You were polite, well dressed and not even the slightest bit depraved.
It was almost unnerving.
The two of you had a wonderful time, your cool, calm personality utterly fixating the girl. While you found her to be an absolute gem, the girl getting adorably flushed whenever you so much as complemented her.
After you'd had your fill, paying the bill you would walk her home, the two of you doing this several more times.
Although with each meeting, your time became more romantic than the last.
Of course, Blitzø, being the overbearing father he was, found out about you. And as expected, he was Not happy.
And when he found out you were an Incubus, he was livid. The Imp convinced you were just trying to 'steal her innocence', the young lady almost strangling him for it.
He demanded to meet you and ehile Loona was clearly hesitant, you agreed, Loona anxiously introducing the two of you.
Being the gentlemen of class that you were, you were polite and civil, and Blitzø was not.
The Imp was harsh and rude, seemingly already not liking you.
You just took it in stride, keeping your cool and answering his questions as politely as possible.
But as patient as you were, Once Blitzø made a comment on how Incubus were all sex fiends and would force themselves on others to get their rocks off.
Then you snapped.
You got nice and close. You told the bastard, That Yes, many Incubus were pieces of shit.
But to label all of them as such, was no different then saying something just as deplorable about Imps.
You understood he was just doing what any father should, but you hoped you could be at least be civil, maybe even friendly. But you won't have him disrespecting you for your race, or Loona's ability to choose a partner.
Blitzø sputtered, but was smart enough to shut his trap for once in his life. Not wanting his daughter to hate him anymore then she already did.
After that, he seemed to have some begrudging respect for you, keeping his thoughts to a low grumble.
Although he did take a moment to tell you if you hurt Loona in any way. And he meant in ANY way, by the time he was done with you, they couldn't tell what your remains could have been.
And with that, your relationship bloomed.
You and Loona spending lots of time together, and well, the girl was utterly in love with you.
You were so charming, calm and kind. You treated her with such dignity and respect, treating her like a lady.
And even better, you only had eyes for her, Ignoring every other girl. The girls teenage insecurities being quashed before they could even appear.
But the most surprising part of your relationship, was how much of a gentleman you were. Like all the time.
Even when she, well, was less lady like, you didn't take advantage of that. Even when she was practically presenting, you seemed to hold yourself back.
Eventually Loona asked, wondering why you never seemed to make a move on her.
You were quiet for a moment before telling her you had gone through a great deal to be seen as a gentleman, wanting to refute the stigma towards your kind.
You worked hard to fight against your base urges, and well, she certainly didn't help.
You weren't used to allowing yourself any kind of freedom, always having to keep a tight hold of the reigns.
After all that, Loona became... wanton
Moving back, Loona pounced on you, telling you she didn't like the idea of you holding back, and well, she'd have to get you to 'let loose~'.
It didn't take much teasing to get you to let loose, you eventually taking charge, and well...
Let's say, it was a good thing you had been at your place because, well, You weren't quiet.
After that, well you were far more open with your relationship. Being intimate with one and other had only strengthened your bond, as well as Loona's possessiveness, as you were now her mate.
Blitzø wasn't happy, but, well, loona didn't care.
The two of you had an undeniable love, and held nothing back in your relationship, Loona becoming quite... frisky~
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Daddy’s Struggles (m) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Dad!Baek, domestic au, established relationship (duh), a slice of life, fluff, a lil smutty(!)
Warnings: some friskiness between mom and dad if you know what I mean, mentions of teenagers watching porn (I’m not promoting it, you guys lol), also this gets fluffin’ sweet get a bucket in advance
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Baekhyun overhears your teenage daughter watching porn. You have to handle a small crisis.
Event: the BBH day @supermwritersnet​
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s Note: This… came out of nowhere:D I blame my dear beta @baekshoney​​ – we'd once discussed the idea of Baek being a teenager’s parent (in relation to a different story). Don’t we all love dilf Baek though? lol Anyways, this is a tiny glimpse into his future as a cute af father and husband <3 Let’s name him puppydad!Baek 😊 I hope this lifts your mood a little on a day like this!
On that note – happy birthday to our genius idol (aka mochi-cheeked hyperactive puppy), I wish that he stays healthy and happy and on the radar throughout the next 2 years (and forever)!! Don’t be too sad, guys, he’s hopefully going to finally lead a somewhat normal life for a bit 💞 Ok, I’ll let you get to it already~
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A yawn.
You rubbed your tired eyes and dictated a reminder for tomorrow morning to your AI assistant. It was pretty late and you had your hands full all day with your kids. And while family time was always great, there hadn’t been a spare moment for you to tend to your own business. But two decades of dealing with your hyperactive yet loveable children (and husband) taught you to make the most out of what you got. So you were doing just that, organizing your errands and sorting important emails after everyone had scurried off to their rooms, and your husband — to the shower.
Baekhyun was quite exhausted himself, so you realized he must’ve gotten in the common bathroom by the time you exited the one in your bedroom. He did that sometimes when you locked the door out of habit. Not that he couldn’t come in, it was just… You used to scold him pretty badly for breaking into the bathroom. Picking locks wasn’t something you wanted your juniors to acquire as a habit. They had enough of their daddy’s traits as it was.
The thought made you chuckle. Your eldest son had already outgrown his father by at least five and a half – gotta be precise here! – centimeters (which made daddy very proud, but also a teeny tiny bit jealous). Despite his height, which, you were sure, was going to break the golden 180cm in the next few months, your boy’s build was exactly the same as Baekhyun’s. His shoulders were broad, his hips wide, and his waist was naturally narrow. Legs long and lean, and eyes always mischievous. He was eighteen and already seemed more like Baekhyun’s best friend rather than his child. Being both the hyung and the oppa of the household, he was the most mature out of the bunch, and always a big help to his parents.
Your middle child, your precious daughter, resembled you a lot. Her wavy hair and her big eyes with the longest eyelashes either of you’d ever witnessed. Seriously, that was the first thing Baekhyun’s friends had commented on when they came by to meet your new baby. ‘Is this even normal? Can she see through those? That’s one pretty baby!’ She was even prettier now, at her sweet sixteen, cheeks still a bit chubby, which – just as her button nose – were definitely an homage to her dad. Not to mention her hands that were even more delicate and exquisite than his.
The youngest, your six-year-old son, was a blessing. You weren’t planning to have more children after the first two until you suddenly thought… why not? Cannot say that you weren’t a little bit under the influence at the time. It was one of those rare weekends when your kids had a sleepover at their grandparents’, so you had the whole house to yourself. Deciding to have a domestic date and enjoy shameless daytime drinking, you indulged in a whole glass of wine before both of you were tipsy and giggling, then you added one more to the mix. At that point, all kinds of crazy things were brought up.
‘We should do this more often…’ You informed your partner. ‘This is exciting! We can walk around naked the way we used to before we had teenagers in the house!’
‘I miss our naked Saturdays…’ Baekhyun whined, almost spilling his wine while trying to sip it gracefully. ‘Now I barely even see you naked with your shower locking obsession!’
Pursing your lips, you dismissed his complaint.
‘After that incident… You cannot blame me for my caution.’
The incident was, well, your son needing to use the bathroom while his sister was taking too long and heading to the one in your bedroom. He nearly walked in on… an adult scene.
‘He didn’t even see anything, Y/N-ah,’ your husband grumbled, but you waved him off, downing your drink as if it was a shot of tequila rather than a glass of wine.
‘I don’t see a problem though,’ he blinked at you, not following. ‘We’re alone. Why not… See each other naked again?’
‘Right. We can also- Y/N-ah!’
‘What?’ You eyed his suddenly enthusiastic form with nothing but suspicion.
‘We can create a distraction!’
‘A distraction for them. So that they’d be busy with something else while we’re away.’
‘Hmm?’ You still couldn’t locate the source of his excitement.
‘Lemme show you,’ he slurred, tugging on your wrist to get you up and dragging you to the bedroom.
Let’s have another baby – that was his brilliant idea. Had you both not been such poor drinkers, one of you would’ve thought this through.
Nevertheless, you were glad that you didn’t. Because your little angel, who could sometimes be more of a tiny demon, to be frank, was the single sweetest thing to ever exist on planet Earth. He had his entire family wrapped around his little finger, and you – most of all. How could anyone blame you? That troublemaker was the spitting image of his dad and had a personality to match — just as playful and affectionate.
The chill spring breeze from the window licked at the bare skin of your arm, causing you to shiver slightly, coming back from the land of reminiscing. You stretched on the bed, noticing how protruding your nipples became from the cold even while hidden by the gentle fabric of your nightgown. Pulling the covers up, you grunted under your breath, wondering what was taking Baekhyun so long.
Just as you did, the door cracked open, and your husband sauntered into the room.
‘Ah finally, I thought I needed to go rescue you again,’ you chuckled.
That had happened before. He once used the common bathroom to shower before bed and ended up captured by your daughter, who was around six or seven at the time, in the hallway. She then demanded cuddles, knowing that her father was too weak to turn his precious girl down and send her back to bed. You found them both huddled up asleep on the couch, with your husband’s head tilted dangerously to the side. Terrible sleeping postures always had consequences, so you spared him the agony of the next morning, waking him up mercifully and helping to get your little girl to her bed. This was only one of many occasions – Baekhyun was a softie.
This time, however, he was a bit stupefied.
He didn’t react to your remark and seemed like he was going on autopilot when he came closer and sat on the bed.
You lifted the covers, inviting him to join you, and he followed your lead, still staring at the wall across the room.
‘Yeobo,’ you called, getting slightly alarmed. ‘Are you okay?’
He blinked, the stupor breaking, and looked at you with astounded eyes.
‘I- I think,’ he began, making you shift to face him properly. ‘I think I just overheard our daughter watching porn!’
His voice lowered to a whisper by the end of that sentence.
‘Oh my god,’ you whispered back. ‘How do you figure?’
‘I was walking down the hallway, and I thought I heard something from her room. I didn’t fully register what it was, but now that it processed… It was definitely porn!’
The signs of distress on his face almost caused you to break down in a fit of laughter. You held it in with all you got. Fathers and daughters, the eternal struggle.
‘First of all, ew. Aren’t you even a little bit ashamed to be eavesdropping on your kids like that?’ You didn’t let him protest. ‘Also, how do you even know it was porn, you know she sometimes mumbles and whimpers in her sleep. Like someone else we know…’
Giving him a pointed look, you leaned over his chest to turn the lights to the lowest mode, leaving the room dimly lit. It was always effective when you wanted to help him relax.
‘I wasn’t ea- And you think I can’t tell what porn sounds like? There are some generic… sounds. That give it away.’
‘When was the last time you watched it?’ You murmured, eyeing him curiously.
Of all people, you knew best how short his attention span was. Sometimes it could work to your advantage. Like right now, when you needed to de-escalate this before you could reason with him.
‘I- wh- I don’t know, probably when you were pregnant,’ he recalled. ‘The third one was somehow the toughest on me. You looked way too attractive for a heavily pregnant lady, let me tell you.’
‘Heavily pregnant??’ You scoffed, softening right after. ‘Well, you have a point, he was pretty huge. I swear, if he doesn’t grow up to be taller than Chanyeol, I’d be offended. That boy’s giant head prolonged my healing by at least a month.’
Baekhyun sighed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking back to that time.
‘He was the only one who caused you to tear, right?’
‘Yeah. Which is weird, considering that he was my third one. Ah well, I guess I’m not getting any younger…’
‘Aren’t you though? I’m constantly being asked about my pretty young wife,’ Baekhyun smiled at you charmingly. ‘And you only became prettier after the third pregnancy. I say it’s the hormones.’
Your cunning little plan was working. He was incredibly easy to distract.
‘Tell me the truth, was it the boobs? Or my butt? I did gain the most weight with the little daredevil, that’s for sure.’
‘It was all of you. You always looked so sexy when pregnant, I just wanted to have you all to myself,’ he cooed at you. ‘To feed you handpicked strawberries. And smother you with kisses. My beautiful young wife.’
At some point during this conversation, you shuffled closer to each other, now cuddled up snugly on the bed. Your finger slowly traced abstract patterns on his chest, happily exploiting the access to his skin where his pajama shirt was unbuttoned.
‘Ah, you’re just saying that to get under my nightgown,’ you batted your eyelashes at him, and he shook his head.
‘Maybe a little, but that’s true. And it’s not surprising that people are noticing – you are younger than me.’
‘A couple of years is nothing at our age,’ you murmured, bending your knee and moving your leg slightly up his to get cozy.
‘Well, you know what people say… Small kids make parents younger. Wanna have another one?’ He nudged you gently and laughed at the dirty look you gave him.
‘Yeobo- please don’t make jokes like this. I’d rather look for other elixirs of youth than go through that entire ordeal again.’
You knew that he was kidding, but the thought made you shiver.
‘I know, honey, I know. Like I said, you’re not in need of any elixirs.’
At this you relaxed, melting into his shoulder, and guiding his arm to wrap around you, warming your exposed shoulders.
‘Well, Mr Byun, same to you. Still as charming as two decades ago.’
‘Hey, I’d like to think that I’m more charming now. The experience and all.’
‘Who helped you gain all that experience though?’ You poked him lightly, and a low chesty laugh escaped his lips.
‘Of course, it was my one and only, my young, and beautiful, and smart and sexy little wife,’ he punctuated each compliment with a chaste kiss to your cheeks, nose, lips, and neck.
You squirmed in his arms.
‘Ah, you make a woman go mad,’ you purred into his lips mockingly.
He snickered softly, ready to lean in, but then stopped abruptly.
‘Wait a second- What about-’
‘Baekhyun…’ You murmured as he fussed on the bed.
‘I should probably go in there, and-’
‘And what? Embarrass your daughter?’ You held him down. ‘She’s sixteen, honey, it’s just the hormones. We’ve both been there. Let her be.’ You nuzzled his neck, pressing your lips to his sensitive skin lazily.
His mind was growing cloudy again since your hand was now caressing his inner thigh foxily. He’d probably realized what you were doing by now, but you were right, so he allowed you to sway him into giving the idea of an immediate intervention up.
‘Besides, I’m sure you wouldn’t be nearly as appalled if that was our eldest,’ you scoffed and added in an exaggerated tone. ‘Never took you for a sexist.’
‘But- he’s eighteen, and she- she’s my little girl…’ He mumbled in a small voice, hazed further by your not-so-subtle seduction. ‘I can’t let her- watch that-’
‘Don’t worry, yeobo,’ you whispered soothingly in his ear, slipping your hand into his loose pants. ‘I’ll talk to her tomorrow. Without you. No need to traumatize the poor girl, that’s how daddy issues develop.’
‘You should know,’ he bit back meekly, sighing when you finally wrapped your fingers around his semi-hard length.
‘The sass! It’s almost like you still got it, Mr Byun. Care to impress that young wife of yours?’
‘I sure will, you cunning woman,’ he growled playfully, completely giving in to it and attacking your laughing mouth as he lifted the covers over your head.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! As usual, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments/ asks, and if you’re new – check out my Masterlist ^^
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
i'm waiting (sarcastically and begrudgingly) for the day that i encounter a post, regardless of whether the author supports butch/femme inclusion or not, that reads something along the lines of "i don't trust how the number of bi women identifying as femme is overwhelming in numbers compared to those who identify as butch, it must be because they have or are looking for boyfriends and want to perform femininity the way men expect them to in order to futher help uplift the patriarchy" because y'all know DAMN WELL there are too many biphobes who love to point out that statistically 70-80% (or at least some form of high majority) of bi women end up in opposite-sex/gender relationships and demonize that by assuming we don't put in any effort to finding the right women to date and pointing out how hard it is for lesbians to commit to that but choose to do so anyways, so why can't we? well, here's your answer ladies and folks: you refuse to date us because we're not "full" lesbians and you think every one of us will cheat on you with a man. you won't let us date women who are attracted to other women. would you rather us end up lonely and miserable than take advantage of our ability to be happy with a boyfriend or husband? be honest here, we know how easy it is for anyone to get away with biphobia and escape having to take accountability, so unfortunately you have nothing to be afraid of.
anyways, i'm just doing my part to play my role as a butch bi sapphic by looking out for my fellow femme bi sapphics and challenging the prejudices against them, potential or existing. alongside that, if it adds to my credibility at all (which, fuck you btw, if this actually matters), i am committed to only dating girls for the foreseeable future, that's my personal choice due to both attraction and community-oriented preferences. so with that being said, femmes please kiss me on the cheek or lips and have a wonderful night with pride in the fact that being femme and dating or having dated men makes you neither less bisexual nor less valid!! i love u :) <3
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
Can I request Yandere Inosuke capturing Y/N? Y/N simply deals with him so she can live another day. But there comes a situation where Inosuke question what is a kiss and wants to try it on Y/N. So Y/N gets it over with...Now Inosuke have a new addiction which is for Y/N's kissesn.
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Inosuke Hashibira x Demon Slayer! Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,1k+
✂ Trigger Warnings: Mention of abuse, isolation, forced affection, possessiveness
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission.
Feral boar time! I made him aged-up if you don't mind.
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“Hold you, hurt you, love you, need you, love you, wrestle you down to the ground. Bite you, love you, hold you. I wanna kiss you.” - I Wanna Kiss You [Paula Cole]
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You wouldn’t say that you were afraid of Inosuke, but you were afraid of him. He was simply too unpredictable, too chaotic, and too insensitive. Obviously, you couldn’t really blame his upbringing. He was raised by the boars, after all. It’d be understandable if he didn’t know much about manners or tact, or how to treat a lady properly. There were only so many things Tanjiro and Zenitsu could teach him – or drilled into his head – if he remained stubborn with his old ways.
And everything just got worse ever since he dated you.
… Well, not really. It was more like… he forced you to date him. You doubted what he felt for you was ‘love’, either.
As expected from a feral child, Inosuke was possessive and aggressive as a lover. Anyone who so much as looked at you would earn a growl from him, and you didn’t want to remember the number of times he almost punched every guy that talked to you had his friends weren’t there to restrain him. The two boys, and Oyakata, were probably the only people he allowed you to speak to. And even then, he forbade you from spending too much time with them, especially Zenitsu.
Little by little, Inosuke became the only person you could interact with.
His intense personality and restricting ‘rules’ eventually wore you down. You were stressed, physically, and mentally. Tanjiro had tried to comfort you, and even Nezuko had made a flower crown in an attempt to cheer you up, but none of them worked.
It’d never work unless Inosuke was gone from your life – from this world. However, knowing his fighting skills, you doubted anyone would want to dispose of him so easily.
It was the reason why you were unable to fight and train to your fullest. And it was also the reason for your downfall.
No longer did you fight to survive from demons. Instead, you fought to survive from his rage now.
And no, not the combat type. You were fully aware of the gap between your skills, as much as you hated to admit it. Rather, you stayed compliant. It was the cheapest and most humiliating tactic you ever did in your entire life, but anything was better than enduring his accidental abuse.
Though, sometimes, you wondered if he purposefully hit you. It wasn’t as if he knew how to be gentle, anyway.
But it seemed that life desired to make you suffer even more, because these past few days, you’d caught him staring at your lips for more than once.
You didn’t want to think about those lingering glances, because although you’d never dated anyone before, you knew what it meant – knew what it could possibly lead to.
And you didn’t want to.
You didn’t want to give your first kiss to someone who had taken advantage of your near-death experience to lock you up in an abandoned cabin. You didn’t want to satisfy his curiosity over the taste of your lips. You didn’t want him to touch you more than a long, bone-crushing hug.
However, there was only so much you could do to prolong the inevitable.
“[Name], what is a kiss?”
You almost choked on your spit at his abrupt question. No, not this…! You weren’t ready to hear whatever he was about to say.
“It’s… it’s…” you stammered, cheeks flushing slightly as you racked your brain. What was the right answer that could both sate and deter him? “It’s an act of… pressing one’s lips… to another.”
“What?!” He reeled back, pure distaste contorted his pretty features. It wasn’t a response that you didn’t expect, but you welcomed nonetheless. “That’s disgusting! Why would anyone want to do that anyway?!”
Yes, it’ll be more disgusting if I have to do it with you, you said mentally.
Silence ensued. You shifted a little on your spot, trying to predict his next move. Should you excuse yourself to somewhere else? Should you stay inside? Inosuke looked like he was contemplating something, and you weren’t sure if it was a good thing or not.
“… Can I try it?”
It felt like something had knocked the air out of your lungs. Gaping, you stayed immobile as if hoping he’d forget that you were there. Inosuke was peering at you now, long eyelashes occasionally caressed his pink cheeks. He was embarrassed yet curious. Oh, God…!
“N-no, of course not.” Blinking owlishly, his expression slowly turned sour. Oh, no. Now you’d done it; you made him angry. That… that wasn’t good. You needed to escape if you wanted to retain your sanity and dignity.
But he was fast, and you weren’t even able to stand up before he pushed you to your back, uncaring of your squeak and groan. Firm hands gripped your wrists as pale green eyes bore down to your trembling ones, fierce yet bashful.
“You dare to disobey Inosuke-sama's order?!” he yelled to your sweating visage. 
“N-no! Let me go, Inosuke!” You tried to wriggle and even head-butt him, but it was futile. His skull was thicker, and he was just too strong. “I don’t want to kiss you and I never will!”
Inosuke fell silent. You thought he finally came to his sense and release you, but you were terribly wrong.
A squeak went muffled against your mashed lips as he crashed his teeth against yours. Gradient blue hair tickled your face and pricked your stinging eyes. The tears that you’d tried so hard to contain trickled through your lashes and dripped on to the floorboard; one of the many tears you’d shed later.
After seconds that passed by too long, Inosuke withdrew slightly. He was huffing and panting, the blush had deepened into scarlet that covered nearly his entire visage. Despite being flustered by his own brazen action, he seemed satisfied. Euphoric, even. You didn’t want to see that smug expression any longer, so you closed your eyes and prayed he’d be gone by the time you opened them.
“Heh, that was quite surprising. Who would’ve thought something so disgusting could end up being so sweet?”
You didn’t know, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to know. Maybe you’d feel it when that beloved someone kissed you; the delight, the pleasure, everything sweet that he wouldn’t be able to put into words.
But it was too late for that, wasn’t it?
It might sound pessimistic, but you truly thought you couldn’t be free. Not now, not ever. And unless someone finally took an initiative to save you, Inosuke would always keep you with him.
That was the only conclusion you could gather as he grinned down at you, his pearly white teeth bared and eyes dilated in a barely restrained joy. He was terrifying, then again, when has he didn’t look at you like he wanted to devour you whole?
“Again! Give me more kisses until I’m satisfied!”
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH9
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 9: Resurrection Overture (IX)
{cw: threats of rape via beastiality (I’ve marked the worst of the content in question with  ↓ ↓ at the beginning and  ↑ ↑ at the end of those sections), brief transmisogyny}
This lesson caught him off guard, and Qi Leren was stunned for a while after the file was read before waking up as if from a trance.
Qi Leren, like many others, could easily let down his guard against his surroundings after the danger had passed, and such negligence was extremely fatal in terrible tasks.
"I’ve taken note," Qi Leren said gratefully.
Chen Baiqi snorted lightly and lit a cigarette: "Then let’s move on to the next item to test your physical fitness."
"How do we test it? Running?" With the last lesson of being blindfolded while avoiding throwing knives, Qi Leren’s heart was filled with worry.
Chen Baiqi blew out a smoke ring and sneered: "How can simply running force a person's limit?"
"..." Qi Leren felt that he was finished.
He saw Chen Baiqi insert a skill card into the card slot, and a heavy book appeared in her hand. She carelessly looked at the book as the pages turned automatically, suddenly brightened, and muttered to herself: "This is good, just right!"
As soon as the words “just right” sounded, a three-headed hellhound half the height of a person appeared at Chen Baiqi's feet. The three ferocious heads roared together and its thick canine teeth and dripping tongue made its fearsomeness soar.
↓ ↓
This strong figure, this fierce expression, and that thing under its crotch... Qi Leren swallowed saliva, his face went white, and his legs were weak. 
"This child was caught when I was practicing near Purgatory. He’s still in heat, full of energy, and has a strong desire to mate, and he doesn't mind whether what he’s mating with has two legs or four. He really is a warm and good boy." Chen Baiqi touched its ears and the three-headed hellhound excitedly reared up and looked at Qi Leren eagerly.
Chen Baiqi touched her chin again: "When I first entered this world, there was a very popular saying on the Internet... Oh, ‘it'll chase you, and if it catches you, it will 'hehehe' with you’.”*
*{E/N: A joke by Fei Yu-ching. The general gist of goes something like this: This person wants to go to a shop that specifically helps you lose weight. The cashier offers some packages of different prices. He picks one, enters a room where a lady is waiting in a bikini. She offers, "Chase after me. If you catch me, I'll let you 'hehehe' me". Thank you to Miko for this explanation.}
Although Qi Leren wanted very much to spit on her, this sentence had been out of date for many years and only middle-aged and old people would make such an old joke. However, Chen Baiqi had smacked the three-headed hellhound on the ass and under, her command, the dog growled and rushed crazily toward Qi Leren. Its enthusiasm was like an old bachelor who had been single for forty years and had met his new wife. Qi Leren screamed and started to run. He swore he’d never run so fast in his life!
But even if he had run a new personal record, the three-headed hellhound was still slightly faster than him. Even if he didn't look back, Qi Leren could feel the monster behind him getting closer and closer! He could almost feel its stinking hot breath spraying on his back, causing his chrysanthemum to tighten!
No way! If you continue like this, it’ll soon catch up to you! You can't just run!
I don't want to be knocked up by a dog!
Qi Leren, who was extremely nervous, mechanically pumped his legs and ran hard, and his brain that was struggling to consume oxygen didn’t have enough to think properly. A skill card? Primary Fighting couldn't make him run faster. Devil Etiquette... Stop it, becoming a succubus could only add fuel to the fire right now—he had specifically learned about succubus' data. This demon type with such an exaggerated sexuality would only make a field day for a stick. It was the most unscrupulous creature in the demon world, and the three-headed hellhound would only be more excited to see a succubus. After all, it was also a creature that didn't care whether the mating target had two legs or four, or even if it had legs at all!
↑ ↑
It was coming! Qi Leren felt the wind behind him, but he had already reached the wall of this huge basement. His mind went blank and he instinctively made a sharp turn to the right to continue running. But the three-headed dog behind him was not as agile as he was. Without time to break, it collided with the wall, causing the strong wall to shake.
Qi Leren, who was still desperate to escape, had a flash of inspiration in his mind: Yes, the three-headed hellhound wasn’t as agile as he was when turning, so he could take advantage of this...
Qi Leren looked back. The three-headed hellhound’s middle head had fainted, but the left and right heads were still giving orders to the body. It got up from the ground and continued to chase after him.
Qi Leren, with this train of thought, was much calmer this time. He didn't run around the room like a headless fly. Whenever he felt that the distance between them was close to a certain range, he made a sharp turn, and each time he managed to gain seven or eight meters from his pursuer. Wait until the next turn, when he was about to be caught up with, then repeat this old trick.
The three-headed hellhound, who didn’t have a high IQ, failed to see through his tricks and ran after him blindly. One man and one dog competed for endurance in this bitter mutual torture. Qi Leren’s legs that had surpassed their potential were almost numb. He was afraid the three-headed dog wasn’t much better. When he looked back several times, the three-headed hellhound had its three tongues lolling from its mouths, panting.
This was completely a competition of willpower. It seemed that Qi Leren’s determination to protect his virginity was better than the three-headed hellhound’s determination to mate. When Chen Baiqi finished smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, she’d finally seen enough: "Okay, let's end it there."
One man and one dog fell to the ground, four heads and six legs going on strike together.
↓ ↓
Qi Leren couldn't help thinking that if he was tortured like this every day, maybe one day he would have the terrible idea of "giving up resistance and lying down to accept it", and he really didn't want to do it again.
The three-headed hellhound was summoned back into the book by Chen Baiqi. Qi Leren looked at where it had just been enviously. It could rest, but he still had to be tortured by the head demon here. Yes, Chen Baiqi has risen to be a terrible demon coach in his mind, and he was just like the protagonists in comics who were spurred on, spending each day drowning in their own sweat.
"It's a pity, I thought I could look at 'man and nature'," Chen Baiqi said with regret.
Once again, Qi Leren felt his chrysanthemum tighten.
↑ ↑
"Intuition is okay, reaction and adaptability are barely strong, and physical fitness is still poor. You will report to me every morning at my store’s entrance, run to the steel bridge to fetch me two breakfast servings, and then run back. I’ll give you a watch. If you’re late, you’ll be punished by having to take my dog for a walk outside," Chen Baiqi smiled, speaking demonic words with ease and pleasure.
The dying Qi Leren couldn't help feeling sad, looking at Chen Baiqi with eyes full of bitterness.
"Get up, you can go home and report on time tomorrow," Chen Baiqi said with a smile.
"Surely I’ll be too sore to move tomorrow... No, I can't move now," Qi Leren said breathlessly.
"Oh, really?" Chen Baiqi said. Blowing out a smokey sigh, she walked beside him and raised her foot—the slender high-heeled shoe stamped between Qi Leren’s legs while he was off guard! 
Qi Leren screamed "AH" and rolled, narrowly dodging the foot that would have made him childless. The crisp high-heeled blow behind him scared him into a cold sweat. 
"You missed an opportunity to be a cute girl," Chen Baiqi said regretfully.
Qi Leren struggled to get up from the ground: "Thank you, this opportunity is not needed."
Chen Baiqi raised her slender eyebrows and smiled charmingly: "You’ll regret it."
On the way home, Qi Leren had been stubbornly thinking about Chen Baiqi's smile. He’d almost forgotten to ask her about buying a confidentiality contract. Chen Baiqi raised her eyebrows and didn't ask anything. He readily paid the money for his goods.
As he walked into a roadside public toilet, Qi Leren thought of cherishing his little brother affectionately. He had paid a painful price to keep it.
Unexpectedly, when he pushed open the bathroom door, he was greeted by a beautiful acquaintance. Her long curly hair was draped over her exposed shoulders, her gorgeous red lips were slightly opened, and her eyes were blurred as she swept towards Qi Leren at the door. It was the Illusionist Qi Leren had seen in Chen Baiqi's shop before!
"Sorry, wrong one!" Qi Leren subconsciously flung himself out the door.
The moment the door closed, he suddenly remembered... That thing in front of the Illusionist ... Wasn’t it a urinal from the men's room?
And the Illusionist herself, standing in front of the urinal at that time, had naturally lifted a heavy skirt and put her hand into the skirt to release its inventory.
Qi Leren felt his worldview collapse.
Editor’s Notes:
I’ve honestly been dreading reaching this and the next chapter ε-(~д~”)
I want to give some forewarning that the there does start to be some notable transmisogyny in the series starting with this chapter, primarily in the form of misgendering. I haven’t read Part 3 yet and thus can’t speak for it (I will mention it in an E/N once I have and likely edit this one as well), but in Part 2 it doesn’t come up tremendously often as the character it’s in relation to, the Illusionist, is relatively minor. 
However, the next chapter in particular is unfortunately entirely comprised of an extended joke centered on transmisogyny and sexual harassment. Nothing plot-significant happens in it and the chapter is entirely skippable if you do not want to read that.
As I stated before, as someone who is only working on a translation, I don’t feel that it’s my place to knowingly change or omit content. I do apologize for this. I will be providing the same sorts of warnings and skip-markers as I have previously in order to allow readers the best experience I can give under the circumstances.
As always, I encourage you to message me if you have any further questions or concerns about this or anything else.
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The Coming War for the North, Part 3: The Battle of the Bastards
To see the previous installments of this series, part 1 and part 2 are available to read here and here, respectively.
The idea that Jon and Ramsay would fight has been around for a while, even before the TV show. There are a lot of signs pointing to a similar confrontation in the books, but how it unfolds might be a little different from the show. In this final section, I'll get right down to business on this final battle for Winterfell, and the purpose and themes this plot line.
Two Snows & Winterfell
Jon and Ramsay are two very different, and somewhat very similar characters. Throughout ADWD Jon has letters sent by Ramsay detailing events transpiring in the North, including the retaking of Moat Cailin, and the marriage of Arya Stark (really Jeyne Poole) to the newly legitimized Ramsay Bolton. Stannis also begins his campaign to take the North, and sends letters to Jon detailing his movements and what he is doing. When confronted by Melisandre, Jon learns that Mance Rayder was actually Rattleshirt in magic disguise, and Rattleshirt is actually Mance in magic disguise, and with Melisandre's nudging, agrees to send Mance and six spearwives to rescue Arya from Winterfell.
Then Ramsay sends the pink letter and tells Jon that he defeated Stannis, has captured Mance, and demands Stannis's family and allies or he will attack the Night's Watch. Don't forget that Jon is the one who started this, not Ramsay. He was the instigator, helping Stannis and taking Arya away from Ramsay. Not to say Ramsay is in the right here morally (quite the opposite), but Jon did break his vows for this to happen, and he wasn't really on Ramsay's radar until this happened. Thus, ADWD has set up a rivalry between the two. However, the two characters have a lot in common to be set up as foils to each other.
Both are bastards of a very prominent noble lord of the North. Both resent their bastard status and yearn for approval to be a trueborn member of their House. And both want Winterfell. Ramsay already has Winterfell and is declared the Lord of Winterfell, while Jon nearly took Stannis's offer to be Lord of Winterfell, before rejecting it to keep his vows to the Night's Watch, while still yearning to have Winterfell. However, from there, they are complete opposites.
Ramsay is a demon in human skin, a sadistic serial killer and rapist who enjoys torture and murder, and has no regard for the laws of men. Meanwhile, Jon, as raised by Ned, is a noble and honourable person who tries his best to keep his oath and honour intact (although he does forsake it at the end of ADWD). In the season 4 DVD extras for Game of Thrones, GRRM himself even talks about this.
The relationship between Roose and Ramsay is, in some ways, a dark counterpoint to the relation between Ned Stark and Jon Snow. In both cases, a noble father with a bastard son. Jon and Ramsay are literally the opposite to each other. Jon is very noble and honorable. And Ramsay is none of those things. Roose himself is a cold and calculating man. A dispassionate man. "I placed far too much trust in you." But their treatment of the bastard son is very different. Ned keeps Jon Snow at Winterfell and he's raised with Robb and Bran. For all practical purposes, he is one of Ned's sons. Ramsay gets nothing from Roose.
Given the fact we have good build up between a rivalry between them, and that they are foils of each other, a confrontation between the two seems very likely. And even more so when you look both at the past history and at ADWD. The Stark-Bolton rivalry is the longest and most prominent feud in the North, supposedly dating back to the Long Night. Numerous wars were fought between the Red Kings from the Dreadfort and the Kings of Winter from Winterfell, some of them ending in Bolton victory. At least twice, two Bolton kings (both named Royce) took and burnt Winterfell (and it happened a third time in ACOK when Ramsay did it). The Boltons also were alleged to have flayed and worn the skins of Stark princes as cloaks.
In a way, this rivalry is a very dark, yet still grounded fantasy version of werwolves and vampires. There are quite a lot of stories including werewolves and vampires that have the two be natural enemies, with feuds that go back centuries sometimes. Of course, both the Starks and Boltons take on very clear roles as werewolves and vampires. Starks have warg blood in them (even if not all of them were wargs), and many of them have dreams at night of being a wolf and rampaging around, which sounds very much like old werewolf legends. The Boltons being vampires, on the other hand, is less magical and more implied.
The Boltons have this unearthly, sinister feel and look to them that makes them appear somewhat inhuman, with pale eyes variously described as dirty chips of ice or pale moons, and a look about themselves that is similar to some descriptions of vampires. Then of course there is the Dreadfort, a spooky old castle ruled by a very spooky and yet somewhat cultured man (Dracula anyone)? Then of course we have all the very creepy images of Boltons flaying people, and Ramsay sometimes writing using human blood as ink.
Basically, what I'm saying is that ASOIAF has done what Twilight did but better.
To go back to the future, it makes thematic and narrative sense for the Starks to retake Winterfell from their ancient nemesis. The rivalry began between a Stark and a Bolton, and will end with a Stark bastard and a Bolton bastard, fighting over dominance of the North and of Winterfell.
The Battle of the Bastards
At first glance, it seems like it's a no brainer for how this battle will unfold. Ramsay is gonna lose a lot of support, and Jon will have all the support and completely demolish Ramsay. However, while I do think it will end in victory for Jon (and not without outside help), I think that both are going to be in rather desperate positions, Jon maybe more so.
After Jon's resurrection, there is no question in my mind that he is going to head south. Those were his last thoughts and actions as he died, similar to how Catelyn killing a Frey and her grief of losing her family was the last action and thought before she died, and Beric protecting the smallfolk from the Mountain was his last act before dying. Given the strong implication he is inside Ghost, coming back, we should expect a darker, different Jon, one who doesn't give a shit, is more violent, and more determined. Of course, if he is to retake Winterfell, he should need support.
Fortunately, right before he died, he got all the free folk to cheer for him and agree to join him. Mix those free folk with the giants and mammoths that were recently let past Eastwatch, and he might have a formidable force. However, of the 4,119 or so free folk that are currently south of the Wall, not all of them are fighters. If we take the estimate for 20,000 warriors and 100,000 free folk in total, then we should expect around 820+ free folk capable of fighting. Not a lot. He will need some outside help. Of course, there is already set up for that in ADWD, when he marries Alys Karstark to Magnar Sigorn of Thenn.
He tells a captive Cregan Karstark to send word to his relatives at Karhold and yield to prevent their deaths, but Cregan stubbornly refuses. Alys believes Karhold will open their gates to her, and Alys is thankful for Jon Snow providing her refuge at the Wall and a marriage to get out of an even worse one she did not want. The strength of Karhold may not be the best, but it seems very likely for Karhold to join Jon and his cause, under the banners of Alys.
As for the other houses of the North, I don't expect much more support. Think about how Jon will look to the Northmen. He is a bastard, and those are already quite condemned throughout the North (and Westeros in general). He broke his vows by leaving the Night's Watch, and since the North takes vows and oaths and honour much more seriously than the rest of Westeros, being an oathbreaker who abandoned the Wall is not going to make him popular. And finally, he is leading a band of wildlings south. The North despises the free folk, thinking of them as savages, thanks to centuries of conflict with them. So the picture of Jon painted as an oathbreaking wildling bastard is going to be a major problem for him. At worst, he would be viewed just as evil and treacherous as Ramsay, the other prominent bastard in the North.
In fact, even if Ramsay loses a lot of support from his own actions (more later), he could use this to his advantage. At best, the northerns who hate Jon will remain neutral in the conflict, but at worst, they might even ally with the Boltons. The clansmen have a deep hatred of House Bolton, but they also have a very deep hatred of the free folk, so they may actually remain neutral. The Umbers are another House that deals frequently with wildlings, and many years prior, Crowfood lost his daughter to wildlings raiding south of the Wall. So instead of Jon's presence invigorating the Umbers to fight against Ramsay, their own vehement hatred of the wildlings might lead them to simply stick with Ramsay.
However, that isn't to say everything will go swimmingly for Ramsay. Their hold on the North is tentative, and if Ramsay kills Roose and Walda and their child, it could become even more unstable. For one, Lady Barbrey Dustin isn't loyal to the Boltons, but instead loyal to Roose. Her sister was the former wife of Roose, and Domeric was her nephew, so Lady Dustin has reason to be on friendly terms with Roose. On the other hand, she despises Ramsay, blaming him for Domeric's death, and not even allowing him to step foot in Barrow Hall because of it. In turn, Ramsay also holds her in contempt.
"It should have been you who threw the feast, to welcome me back," Ramsay complained, "and it should have been in Barrow Hall, not this pisspot of a castle." "Barrow Hall and its kitchens are not mine to dispose of," his father said mildly. "I am only a guest there. The castle and the town belong to Lady Dustin, and she cannot abide you." Ramsay's face darkened. "If I cut off her teats and feed them to my girls, will she abide me then? Will she abide me if I strip off her skin to make myself a pair of boots?" "Unlikely. And those boots would come dear. They would cost us Barrowton, House Dustin, and the Ryswells."
If Roose dies, not only would Lady Dustin probably suspect Ramsay, but she would simply not follow Ramsay. So already, just by becoming Warden of the North and Lord of the Dreadfort, Ramsay would lose the Dustins and the Ryswells. Of course, since Lady Dustin does have a grievance with the Starks because Ned never brought her husband home from Dorne, I think she would probably remain neutral in the conflict.
Other houses might leave Ramsay too. Some might stay simply out of fear of retaliation for betrayal. It will depend on the House, their head, their own needs and goals, etc. As for the actual battle itself, who knows what will happen. However, I do think that Ramsay will likely try to lure Jon into some sort of trap rather than give him a direct face to face confrontation. There is also very interesting foreshadowing and even direct confirmation that the battle is going to be possibly more magical than we might believe it to be. Not only are there giants and mammoths... in the final script GRRM wrote for the show, he put in this note:
[N.B. A note for future reference. A season or two down the line Ramsay’s pack of wolfhounds are going to be sent against the Stark direwolves, so we should build up the dogs as much as possible in this and subsequent episodes.]
So the hounds are going to fight the Stark direwolves... wait, direwoves? Not direwolf? Curious...
The Pack Survives
I purposefully avoided the other factions of the North there, because the heart of the conflict will be Ramsay vs. Jon. But Jon won't be alone, at least not entirely. There is Rickon, who is to be touted as the Lord of Winterfell by the Manderlys so they can support Stannis. He isn't even the only Stark who could join in. Sansa is in the Vale under the guise of Alayne Stone. Arya keeps warging into Nymeria, who leads a massive pack of hundreds of wolves throughout the Riverlands. Bran is training his demigod greenseeing powers beyond the Wall with Bloodraven and is definitely manipulating events far south of the Wall.
So, the plural of direwolves makes me think Ghost won't be the only Stark direwolf fighting against Ramsay. We could get Nymeria's wolf pack joining as well, and Shaggydog, or even Summer (if Bran is in the North at this time that is). In fact, the idea that Ramsay will fight against Rickon is something that is heavily hinted at in ADWD.
The next litter to come out of the Dreadfort's kennels would include a Kyra, Reek did not doubt. "He's trained 'em to kill wolves as well," Ben Bones had confided. Reek said nothing. He knew which wolves the girls were meant to kill, but he had no wish to watch the girls fighting over his severed toe.
And then, more directly...
"Stark's little wolflings are dead," said Ramsay, sloshing some more ale into his cup, "and they'll stay dead. Let them show their ugly faces, and my girls will rip those wolves of theirs to pieces. The sooner they turn up, the sooner I kill them again."
Ramsay may be impulsive and unaware of intricate politics, but he seems prepared for what to do should Bran or Rickon show themselves again. This makes me worried for Rickon, honestly. Will Ramsay capture Rickon and keep him prisoner as hold over Jon Snow? Will he kill Rickon like he did in the show? I really, really hope not, but I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen.
There is a line that Ned spoke in AGOT that George says will eventually be very important, that I think perfectly applies to this situation.
"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."
Ned speaks to Arya about this in King's Landing, to get her to understand that the Starks should not fight one another in times of danger, or be isolated from each other, but look after one another, protect each other. Winter has now come, the snows are falling and the white winds are blowing. Who is the lone wolf in this scenario? While Jon certainly fits the bill (he literally is a lone wolf, it's very clear at the end of ADWD he was prepared to ride to Winterfell all by himself until he got the wildlings to his side), I think Rickon could too.
Rickon is very isolated from everyone else, even when he was at Winterfell. He was only 4 years old, and didn't understand why everyone was leaving him. Given the plan to use Rickon as a pawn to reinstall Stark rule of the North being something we can cheer for and expect to happen, I don't think it will happen. Rickon, the lone wolf, will be used to try to depose Ramsay, but it won't go well, and he will die because of it.
Jon will probably find himself in a bad position in battle too, and very nearly die as the lone wolf... but now that winter is here, and everyone is starting to converge on Winterfell at some point, I think that it won't be Jon who ultimately retakes Winterfell: it will be all the Starks. Sansa may be in the Vale, but Littlefinger plans to use her to take Winterfell back at some point (even if it won't go exactly to plan).
"When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright."
Arya is having a lot of wolf dreams as Nymeria, and GRRM has said that her wolf pack will one day be used as a Chekov's gun. Bran may be far away, but he is getting more powerful and beginning to influence events as far south as Winterfell. The pack comes together to survive in winter, to help Jon and the North by defeating their enemies.
So as Jon fights against the bastard he so deeply despises, it won't just be him. It'll be the Knights of the Vale, led by Sansa. It'll be Nymeria and her wolf pack, piloted by Arya. It'll be Bran, skinchanging into whatever is around. TWOW may end up being the darkest book in the series, and the retaking of Winterfell won't be as glorious as we imagine or even as I spelt it out (Rickon's death and the perception the North has of Jon should play very big roles in making it not entirely happy), but this will be maybe one of our only moment of deserved catharsis we might get from it.
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hateswifi · 4 years
No More Second Chances: Chapter Six
I honestly have no idea what this chapter is, in my opinion it’s kinda cracky, but yeah leave what ya think, also ask to be tagged and stuff. Btw u proud of me twice in the same month, it’s a miracle. Also it’s a bit on the shorter side.
The Master: Master List
No More Second Chances: Master List
As soon as she left, Damian left and holed himself up in his room. He spent hours doing research on his cru-- friend’s new sister. He realized she fought hard even sometimes when her partner, who he figured out was a blonde model named Adrien Agreste, who may or may not be her boyfriend, decided he didn’t like Adrien, he left her to fight alone too much. She had won some of Gabriel’s competitions before he was sentenced to life in jail for obvious reasons, she was offered an internship with Audrey Bourgeois but had given it up in hopes of finishing high school, she worked as Jagged Stone’s personal designer, probably one of the reasons why Drake recognized her. 
He sighed and tried to go to sleep, but his thoughts were just filled with her. He wakes up in a daze, still his thoughts were filled with her. He gets dressed and almost falls down the stairs. He stumbles into the kitchen and grabs a cup of coffee. 
“Demon, you good? You hate coffee,” Jason says, opening the fridge.
“Fine, I just didn’t sleep well,” he grumbles into his mug.
“Were you thinking of the magic girl?” Dick asks, entering the kitchen.
“Why would I be thinking about Marinette?”
“Oh? She’s Marinette instead of Dupain-Cheng?” Jason snickers.
“She’s not Dupain-Cheng because she decided she is going by Wang after her parents disowned her,” Damian says, grabbing food.
“Speaking of her being disowned, does she have people lining up to be her parents, or is it like free real estate?” Bruce asks, pouring himself some coffee.
“Bruce, you realize she’s a person, right?”
“Sorry, I know, but I stayed up a majority of the night trying to figure out how to get her in our family,” Bruce yawns.
“The easiest way is Damian to marry her, but that may be as hard as adopting her,” Tim yawns, taking the pot of coffee from Bruce.
“That’s funny and impossible,” Jason laughs.
“What’s so funny about the notion of me dating her?” Damian asks, almost looking offended.
“Do you like her?” Dick asks, looking up from what he was doing, the silence was enough for an answer. “Oh my god! You do like her!”
“I do not,” Damian denies before leaving the kitchen. 
He’s silent as he is driven to school by Alfred. As the car pulls up to school he sees his friend and the girl he may or may not have feelings for, he hasn’t figured it out yet. He gets out of the car and greets the two raven-haired siblings.
“Father stayed up all night trying to figure out how to adopt you and Dick is convinced you’re a magic girl,” Damian says.
“I’m technically a magic girl, and your father has to get in line, there’s Adrien’s aunt, then,” Marinette starts, and Jon cuts in. “My parents are also trying to adopt her.”
“Well Jon, we don’t want a repeat of last time out parents fought, do we?” Damian asks, raising an eyebrow.
“That was before you or eye were here, and also that was for a stupid reason, this would be for a great reason,” Jon shrugs.
“No matter who adopts, if anyone does, I’ll get siblings, but I’m not some doll to be fought over, just remember that,” Marinette says over her shoulder as she leaves the boys to bicker, or whatever an argument including Damian is called. She sighs and grabs her things from her locker, she was exhausted after she left the Manor last night. She ate dinner, did the little homework she had to do, and went to bed, totally didn’t pass out from exhaustion, hahaha. 
When she had woken up that morning, she was met with many notifications mostly from her ex-classmates and Adrien asking how she was doing and stuff. She blocks the unwanted messages, including those from her parents, and chooses to just answer, Adrien and Aunt Amelia’s, she was asking how she was doing and how open she is to adoption, there was even one from Felix! He was checking up on her and made sure she got a reasonable amount of sleep. 
She’s brought back to school by Damian clearing his throat behind her. “So magic girls get tired then?”
“Could you not talk so loud? Just because it’s in European news doesn’t mean people know who I am, also yes we do get tired, we are humans, also I am not tired just a bit distracted,” Marinette sighs, closing her locker.
“I’m not one to be tired or distracted so no, I don’t know. Back to you being a magic girl, as Dick called you, the League will most likely contact you about your situation.”
“It doesn’t matter what they do, they laughed in our faces and practically called Chat Noir and I a joke, well no so much they, more like Green Lantern, that’s not the point they didn’t help us, so why would I try to be on their good side, my team was left to struggle against a mental villain that takes advantage of any negative emotion,” Marinette says, walking to first period.
“You’re being dramatic, except for the terrorist that attacks mental and emotional health more than physical.”
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, they will never know the extension of the damage that they left Paris in, now can we drop it? I just want a nap before first period”
“We can drop it, also this proves you can be tired.”
“I already told you we’re humans and can be tired, in fact Adrien lived on coffee for a majority of out schooling while still in Paris.”
“Your caffeine addiction may be bad, but its nothing compared to Tim’s, by the way, can you come back over today to work on the project? We didn’t finish enough for me to be satisfied yesterday,” Damian asks, sliding into his seat.
“Yeah sure, whatever floats your boat, Dami,” Marinette sighs, putting her head on her desk. She swears that the whole class was silent, so she looked up. Everyone was looking at her in some stage of shock, she looks over at Damian, his face is red. She shrugs and puts her head on the desk trying to get a power nap before class. 
Little did she know during her little preschool nap news would spread all over the school about the Ice prince turned blushing boy, Damian, and the epitome of innocence Marinette and their supposed  “relationship”. She just wanted to sleep and all the talk was stopping her. Heck, what does a magic girl have to do to get some sleep in America? 
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keichanz · 4 years
Move Your Body || pt. 5
@akiza-hades-rose @mcornilliac @jennybean91 @xxracheyxx @inuyashaeienni @ajoy3fanfics @shadykit @myverysweetescape @feudalpriestess98 @eternalnight8806-3​ @lavendertwilight89​ @clearwillow​ @liz8080​ @pinkpigeonstudio​ 
let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
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After rounding the front end of his car, he opened the door for her and found her looking confused as she took his offered hand and let him help her out.
“Where are we?” she asked and he noticed she didn’t pull her hand away from his. He promptly took advantage of it and twined their fingers again.
He shut her car door and locked up before shrugging. “You said you were hungry, right? I could go for some chow myself. This is my favorite little hole in the wall and the owner’s like family. You’ll like it here, I promise.”
As he tugged her forward, Kagome’s eyes brightened and a smile lit her face. “I only said that as an excuse, you know,” she told him but didn’t protest as he ushered her inside a quaint little restaurant named simply Kaede’s.
Inuyasha only offered another shrug as he led her through a dimly lit dining room toward a bar counter with a row of bar stools. Immediately Kagome conceded to his presumptuous words; she did like it. The restaurant was small, cozy, and it smelled absolutely divine.
Kagome was smiling as Inuyasha pulled out a stool for her and helped her up before claiming the one beside her. She didn’t see a menu anywhere and there were no boards on the wall offering different dishes. She was about to ask her half-demon companion about the sort of food served here, but before she could, an elderly woman wearing an apron emerged from where Kagome assumed was the kitchen and instantly the first word that came to Kagome’s mind was warmth.
“Well, how nice of you to finally show up and grace this old woman with your presence,” she said by way of greeting but despite her words her smile was kind and grandmotherly with a hint of teasing. “Shame on you for making me worry, pup.”
Her to never ending surprise, Inuyasha actually smiled at the old woman and offered an apologetic shrug. “Trust me, it’s not by choice. Sesshomaru is trying to kill me with all these damn assignments and jobs he keeps pushing on me and I’ve recently taken on a side project of sorts. What, you think I’d intentionally stay away from the most beautiful, talented, wonderful woman who makes the best damn—”
“Oh, shut up, you, and introduce me to your attractive lady friend,” Kaede interrupted, shaking her head and Kagome had to giggle. She liked this lady.
Chuckling, Inuyasha put a hand on the small of Kagome’s back and did as he was bade. “Kaede, this is Kagome. I’m helping her out with a, uh, school project. Sorta. Kagome, this is Kaede. I’ve known her forever and she’s like a grandmother to me.”
Kaede beamed and shook Kagome’s hand. “I see,” she murmured. “It’s nice to meet you, dear. This pup has never brought a woman here before, you know. How interesting.”
Her kind eyes gleamed mischievously and she ignored Inuyasha’s growled, “Quit it, old woman.”
Blushing at the implication, having no idea how to even respond to that, Kagome nonetheless returned the smile while Inuyasha grumbled beside her.
“Nice to meet you too, Kaede. Um, I love your restaurant. It’s so cozy and personable and please tell me whatever it is I’m smelling is on the menu tonight.”
Laughing in delight, deciding she liked the pup’s choice in company, Kaede nodded happily. “I can definitely arrange that, my dear. What you smell is actually the most popular dish here, and your boy’s favorite. Two orders coming right up.”
Eyes wide and emitting an embarrassed little squeak, Kagome’s face turned five different shades of red as she fervently shook her head. “Oh, n-no, we aren’t—h-he’s not my—”
With a hearty chuckle, Kaede tipped her a wink, gave Inuyasha a knowing smile, and then retreated back to the kitchen while humming a jaunty little tune, innocent as you please.
Inuyasha didn’t buy it for a second and the scowl on his face said as much.  He knew what she was trying to do, knew exactly what she was plotting because she’d tried to do the same goddamn thing with her granddaughter. Thankfully, however, Kikyou had also caught on to what she was trying to do and had put a stop to it fairly quickly.
They’d tried the dating thing and it hadn’t worked out. While he would always love his Peach-Kiks, of course, she had found true love in her husband Suikotsu and Inuyasha was happy for her. Kaede, while over the moon for her granddaughter and having taking in her husband like her own grandson, never let her forget that she was old and wanted to see Kikyou with a family. And unfortunately, that same opinion extended over to him as well, since she saw him as another grandson.
She wanted great grandbabies, goddammit, before she withered away and died, if you please.
Shaking his head, though not without a fond smile, Inuyasha sighed and slanted a look toward Kagome. She was still blushing and looking at the counter, drawing patterns on the smooth wood while avoiding his gaze. Then she peeked over at him from under thick sooty lashes, noticed him staring, and released the most adorable fucking squeak before hastily darting her gaze away again, her blush darkening.
His heart twinged in his chest and he had to fight against the urge to brush her bangs away from her eyes to draw her gaze back to him. Fuck, but she was cute.
“Sorry about that,” he finally murmured and gave a helpless shrug. “She likes to meddle.”
He grinned, hoping to ease her discomfort a little and was gratified to see that it worked, Kagome’s shoulders losing some of their tension as she slowly relaxed. Though her face was still tinted pink, she offered him a shy smile and nodded, accepting his explanation.
“I like her,” she admitted after a minute, her smile widening a little as she dropped her gaze, but this time out of thoughtfulness and not embarrassment. “She reminds me of my grandpa. He likes to meddle, too, and would always scare away any boy that came sniffing around when I was a teen.”
She laughed softly and he relished in the sound, ears straining to hear more of it.
“Yeah?” he queried, genuinely curious as he propped an elbow on the counter and rested his head in his hand. “Where’s your family now?”
With a truly brilliant smile and bright eyes that enchanted him better than any spell ever could, Kagome happily told him all about her family back in Japan. She gushed about her closeness with her mom, her younger brother and his annoying penchant for pranking her, and her stubborn old grandfather who was as protective of her as any father could ever be.
Kagome was regaling him with fond stories she remembered when her father had still been alive when Kaede appeared with their orders, setting two steaming bowls of ramen before them followed by a beer for Inuyasha and a strawberry lemonade for Kagome. Then with a friendly smile toward the younger woman and a knowing wink toward her favorite customer, Kaede whisked away back into the kitchen to start cleaning up, her heart feeling light from the fact that her dear boy had finally found someone for him.
During their meal, Kagome persuaded Inuyasha to share a bit of his own history with her, and so the half-demon ended up telling her about his less than stellar relationship with Sesshomaru. Though they were much better off now than when they were younger – Kagome had been shocked to learn they’d outright hated each other at one point – they still argued and brawled at times, but it was never serious and more out of habit than anything. Inuyasha assured her they’d both matured greatly, and while they would never have a sibling relationship with zero hostility, Inuyasha was more or less happy with that they had and accepted they would never be close brothers.
It was easy to tell Kagome was upset for his benefit that his relationship with his half-brother wasn’t at all like the one she shared with her own. So, he did his best to distract her with questions about her own family, truly touched that she was upset to begin with. Thankfully it worked and soon she was all smiles again, laughing as she told him about the time she’d caught Souta with his first time girlfriend making out on the living room couch.
Soon enough, Inuyasha was paying the bill and unsurprisingly Kaede was refusing to accept his money, saying it was on the house and simply making shooing motions when he kept urging her to take it. He gave up after she threatened to have his next ten meals on the house as well. Despite his grumblings, he was patient as Kagome called back her farewells to the old shop owner waving from the counter with a big smile and wishing them a good night, calling his own fond adieu before ushering her out the door with a hand at her back. He was glad the two women got along so well and it gave him high hopes she’d act similarly with the younger Hidaka woman.
Tucking Kagome into the safety of his car, Inuyasha was quick to hop in beside her and merge back into traffic before anyone recognized him. He was grateful Kaede’s had been more or less empty and the few people who had been there were too absorbed in their meal and company to notice him.
Glancing at the clock on the dash, Inuyasha chewed his lip and thought there was still enough time to head to Jak’s. He’d be a half an hour late, but knew the designer wouldn’t mind, understanding that his schedule was fairly unpredictable and could change at any given time. He was probably caught up in one of his many orders anyway and wasn’t keeping track of the time as he often did.
Mind made up, Inuyasha flicked his signal on and eased over into the turning lane that merged onto the highway. Jak’s Boutique was a little further into the city, but it was an easy drive and thankfully they’d missed rush hour. Perhaps he should have asked Kagome first before taking her with him, but glancing over at her now, the way she relaxed into the plush seat and graced him with a trusting smile suggested that she didn’t mind.
“Alright,” Kagome said when his eyes met hers, smile still in place. “Now where are you taking me? I don’t suppose now would be a good time to scream out the window, ‘Help, I’m being kidnapped’ before opening the door and attempting a daring escape.”
Inuyasha was silent as he side-eyed her for a minute, the corner of his mouth flickering with the hint of a grin. Then a second later the unmistakable sound of the door locks shifting into place echoed in the cab.
Kagome promptly erupted into giggles and Inuyasha allowed a crooked smile to surface on his face.
As Kagome’s giggles finally died down, Inuyasha chuckled and finally admitted, “Just a quick errand, I promise. I hope you don’t mind.” She shook her head, confirming his suspicions, and he tacked on, “And besides, it’s basically for you anyway.”
Kagome blinked. “What? What do you mean it’s for me?”
He simply grinned and Kagome narrowed her eyes at him.
“Inuyasha...” she warned and when still all he did was shake his head, Kagome pouted and crossed her arms, however the twitching of her mouth belied her mock glare.
Chuckling, Inuyasha reached over to catch her hand and bring it to his mouth, pressing a brief kiss to her knuckles.
“You’ll see,” he promised her, noticing the way her cheeks flamed with color, but deigning not to comment as he kept his eyes on the road, an easy smile on his face.
Kagome huffed and mumbled something, wrinkling her nose as she stared out the window, before finally sighing and letting a smile curl her lips upward.
She didn’t pull her hand away and neither did he.
Approximately sixteen minutes later Inuyasha turned onto a quiet residential street just on the fringes of the city and cruised about a quarter of the way down before turning into a narrow driveway to a quaint blue ranch style house. Kagome was surprised when he kept going, but then it made sense when another building came into view behind the house, smaller and painted in the same color with a red neon sign in the window that read Jak’s Boutique.
Inuyasha parked in front of the small shop and cut the engine, gesturing for Kagome to exit before doing so himself. Puzzled but curious, Kagome followed suit and met him at the front of the car. He took her hand, tipped her a reassuring grin, and led her inside the shop.
“Jakotsu,” Inuyasha called out and let the door swing gently shut behind them.
“Sha?” a slightly muffled feminine voice answered from somewhere in the back of the shop.
“Yeah. Sorry I’m late. Lost track of time.”
“You’re always late,” the voice called out and ignoring Inuyasha’s half-hearted “I am not,” it continued, “Be out in a sec, darling, I’m almost finished with this order. Zippers are always a bitch to attach.”
The producer chuckled. “Take your time.”
Tossing him a bemused smile, to which Inuyasha returned with raised eyebrows and a shrug, Kagome rolled her eyes and took the opportunity to look around. It was obvious they were standing in some kind of clothing store, or perhaps even a tailor’s considering the amount of dresses and suits Kagome spotted. Behind the counter to the left were two rows of bagged garments waiting to be picked up, and the far wall consisted of an assortment of gorgeous looking evening gowns, tuxedos, and other formal wear.
Clothing racks, the kind you would see in a department store, dotted the floor and to the right the wall held bolts of fabric that seemed to be in every color, pattern, and texture imaginable. On the long table before it, sewing materials littered the surface; scissors, a sewing machine, scraps of fabric, thread, needles, and other items one would find in an average sewing kit.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome ventured, truly lost on the reason of them being here. “Why are we in a tailor’s shop?”
He tilted his head and glanced down at her, arching a brow with a slight grin. “I know you’re smarter than that, babydoll,” he teased her, squeezing her hand. “C’mon. Think about it. I find that jeans and t-shirts don’t really pair well with heels.”
Kagome stared at him for a second more before realization dawned and her eyes widened, her mouth dropping open with an incredulous gasp. “You conniving little prick, that’s why Sango asked for my measurements last week!”
Laughing outright as Kagome whacked him in the arm for going behind her back, Inuyasha caught her hand. He dragged her in front of him, wrapping his arms around her waist instead and resting his chin on her head.
“Damn, you’re violent,” he told her fondly, tightening his arms when she attempted to squirm her way free.
“Lemme go.”
“No. You’ll hit me again.”
“No I won’t.”
“I would never.”
He snorted.
“Why are you buying me clothes, Inuyasha? You’re already doing so much for me, I don’t expect you too—”
“I know, babydoll,” Inuyasha interrupted her and leaned down so he could catch her gaze. “I want to, alright? I told you I was gonna help you, that means I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get your success, and success includes providing an outfit that I doubt you’ll find anywhere in your wardrobe. We want sexy confidence, remember, not prude librarian.”
Kagome flushed and stuck her tongue out at him.
He screwed his face up and crossed his eyes at her.
She snorted a laugh and slapped a hand over her mouth to smother the embarrassing sound just as an amused voice drawled out, “I have a room in the back that’s free, if you two would like to utilize it...?”
Inuyasha’s ears perked up and he looked hopeful. “Really? Oomph.”
Painted lips twitched and the shop owner couldn’t quite hold back the smile as he said, “If you’ll come with me, honey, I can get you fitted into your new clothes and see if it needs any alterations.”
“Violent,” Inuyasha repeated and rubbed his stomach where she elbowed him, watching as Kagome lifted her nose and strode away. He didn’t miss the pleased smile curling her lips, however, and he shook his head with a sigh, feeling the beginnings of his own grin tugging his mouth upward.
Sending him a look that clearly stated he would be dishing out the juicy details later, Jakotsu ushered Kagome to the back where the dressing rooms were, telling her to disrobe while he fetched her new outfit.
Rolling his eyes, Inuyasha grunted his assent and fished out his cell, figuring he’d pass the time scrolling social media while he waited. He kept his eyes on the screen, however his ears were trained toward the back, easily picking up Kagome’s shocked gasp when she finally got a good look at what she was wearing and Jak’s husky chuckle. He grinned, easily imaging how red her face was right about now.
It was a hell of a leather number, but it wasn’t anything too racy or indecent. He’d had Kagome in mind as he described what he wanted to the designer, and he was also positive Jakotsu was able to come up with something that suited his pretty dancer perfectly. His long time friend had been in the fashion industry for nearly twenty years now and his services were wildly coveted. Of course those services also weren’t free; Jak wasn’t afraid to charge what he thought was a fair price for his time and labor and his prices, while by no means cheap, were definitely fair. Jakotsu was talented as hell, he was fast, and the results were nothing short of stunning, and because of that he was pretty much booked twenty-four seven.
But because of his longtime friendship with the designer, Inuyasha was able to sneak in an order of his own. As always, Jak rose up to the task, always willing to help, and the producer was forever grateful to him. He always made sure to leave a generous tip for the designer, and although Jak never commented on it, Inuyasha suspected the gesture was very appreciated.
Inuyasha was just about to browse Kagome’s timeline on Facebook for the hell of it when he finally spotted the next notification at the top of the screen. Already suspecting who it might be, he brought up his messages with a flick of his finger.
you rang, my secret sex slave?
He snorted but grinned at the text, replying back.
vegas. this weekend. demo. yay or nay
Inuyasha hit send and idly tapped a claw against the screen as he waited for her reply. While her jackass husband was a different story altogether, he absolutely adored Kagura. She was like the favorite wine aunt that everybody knew and loved, only better because she was his sister-in-law and not his aunt. They got along famously because they had the same twisted sense of humor and it always made family gatherings so much more bearable.
Well, bearable for them. He was pretty sure for the rest of their family it was nothing short of obnoxious.
His phone buzzed and he wasn’t at all surprised to read her response, a puff of laughter escaping him.
Grinning, Inuyasha hurriedly sent her one last thing before ending the convo, bringing up the emojis and selecting the bikini, wine, and money emojis.
It was only seconds later he received a reply and he stood there snickering for a solid thirty seconds.
“Love you too, sis,” he chuckled under his breath, shaking his head.
Not so subtle throat clearing had him pocketing his phone and lifting his head. “How does it fit—...uh...”
Just a few feet away from him, standing not in the leather corset and skirt he’d commissioned, Kagome’s slim figure was wrapped up in a deep red lace number that stole the very breath from his lungs and caused all coherent thought to flee his brain. The sleeves were wide and off the shoulder with a neckline that plunged just enough to show a teasing amount of cleavage. The skirt flowed and swayed around her legs at mid-calf and it looked to be asymmetrical, the back being slightly longer than the front. The waist was empire with black laces on either side and holy fuck did she look absolutely breathtaking in it.
Inuyasha didn’t know why she was wearing it and didn’t even care as he gawked at her, amber eyes greedily taking in the vision before him. In doing so he completely missed the dark flush on her face accompanied by the pleased but shy smile at his encouraging reaction.
“Ah,” Kagome said, biting down on her lip when burnished amber flew up to meet starling blue. Her smile widened a bit and she fidgeted, shifting her weight in the borrowed heels on her feet.
“Do I...look okay?” she timidly ventured, twisting her hands nervously in front of her. “Um, J-Jakotsu said I can have it...I guess the sale fell through or something?”
When all Inuyasha continued to do was stare, Kagome’s blush deepened and she ducked her head, wondering if perhaps she’d made a mistake in letting the designer talk her into trying it on.
“I’m sorry, I...guess I should have asked—”
“You’re beautiful,” Inuyasha blurted when he finally found his voice again. It was rough and he cleared his throat, sucking in a breath as he stared directly into her eyes, easily detecting the cautious hope in the churning blue waves of her gaze.
“R-really?” she asked a little breathlessly but then it faded just as quickly and she sighed quietly, staring down at the toes of her borrowed pumps. “But you’re probably just saying that, right? I shouldn’t have—”
“No,” Inuyasha was quick to cut her off, vehemently shaking his head. Kagome lifted her head to meet his gaze again and he let out a heavy breath, his eyes lowered to half-mast. Deliberately he swept his gaze down her figure, taking in every last minute detail before slowly raking his eyes back up to meet her own once more.
“I mean it, Kagome,” he rumbled. “You look...amazing. You’re amazing.”
She must have seen the sincerity in his eyes, heard it in his voice because she finally relaxed and beamed at him, giving a short little spin for him as a light, delighted laugh floated to his ears.
Aaaaand there goes his breath again. Fuck.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Inuyasha managed to tear his gaze away from her long enough to glance at the very smug looking designer standing behind her with his arms crossed.
“How much?” he asked because fuck it if he was leaving without that lace masterpiece.
Jakotsu smirked. “For you, darling, free of charge.”
At the producer’s frown, he shrugged and turned his gaze back to the young woman, his face softening into a fond smile. “Really. Call it a gift. The woman who commissioned it wasn’t able to pay up, and so it’s just been sitting on a mannequin in the back room, collecting dust. Honeybee here fell in love with it when she first spotted it.”
A guilty flush colored Kagome’s cheeks and she shrugged helplessly.
“It’s just dumb luck, don’t you think,” Jak said, sounding way too casual, “that it just so happens to be exactly her size?”
With that, the fashion designer tipped the half-demon a wink and strolled back from whence he came, beckoning his “Honeybee” with a crook of his finger. “This way, honey, and I’ll bag that up for you as well.”
With a radiant smile and one last glance toward him, Kagome nodded and followed after him, her borrowed heels clicking against the hardwood.
Once they were both out of sight, Inuyasha groaned and blindly reached out, catching himself on the counter to his left as he slumped against it with a hand over his heart. He dragged his free hand down his face and then thrust his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes and trying to grow some goddamn balls, for fuck’s sake.
Inuyasha was more or less composed when Jak returned a few minutes later with a knowing smirk on his face, both outfits bagged and draped over his arm. The half-demon leveled him with a look that quelled any smartass comments the designer had brewing. Clicking his tongue, Jak nonetheless remained quiet as he went behind the counter and rang him up for the leather outfit that was the purpose for this visit.
“How’d you do it?” Inuyasha murmured, fishing out his wallet and handing over his credit card.
“Do what?” his friend asked, his tone light, innocent. Inuyasha didn’t buy it for a minute.
“Don’t give me that,” he growled, scowling but it lacked any vehemence. “I can see why she’d fall in love with the dress, but how’d you talk her into coming out here and showing me? Kagome’s shy as hell. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything about the leather yet.”
Jakotsu clicked his tongue and inserted the chip end of the card into the card reader. “I didn’t.”
Inuyasha frowned. “What?”
The tailor paused and dark eyes flitted up to meet his own. A delicate brow arched up into carefully styled bangs and the corners of his lips hinted at a smile.
“I didn’t talk her into it. She wanted to show you herself.”
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It was just closing in on 9 pm when Inuyasha pulled into the parking lot of Kagome’s apartment building and he was relieved to discover that it was one of the newer buildings with updated security. However, paranoid asshole that he was, he was still going to worry about her after he left no matter how new and fancy the alarm systems were. It was always dangerous for a young woman to be living alone, but he supposed short of staying here all night to watch over her, there wasn’t much Inuyasha could do so he dealt with it was best as he could and forced it from his mind.
Cutting the engine, he hopped out and rushed over to the passenger side. Before Kagome could protest, he reached in and stole both garment bags from her. She tossed him a grateful smile and threw her messenger bag over her shoulder before stepping out, allowing Inuyasha to shut the door for her as she dug around in her bag for her keys.
Neither spoke as Kagome led him up the staircase to the second floor and about halfway down the walkway before stopping in front of apartment 23D. Discreetly Inuyasha took in the scents as Kagome went about unlocking the door, gratified when he detected nothing that raised any red flags. He didn’t hear anything suspicious, saw nothing out of the ordinary, and finally conceded to himself it wasn’t a bad place to live.
“Um, would you mind bringing them in, please?” Kagome asked him, looking hopefully over her shoulder. At his nod, she smiled and unlocked the door, swinging it open.
“You can put them on the couch,” she told him as she stepped aside to let him pass, shutting the door behind him and flicking a light on. “I’ll take care of them later.”
Inuyasha grunted his acknowledgement and did as he was bade, stepping into the living room and carefully draping the bags over the back of the couch before stuffing his hands in his pockets and taking a look around. It was your standard apartment, nothing fancy; smallish kitchen to the left when you walked in, living room to the right, and a short hallway straight ahead where he assumed the bathroom and bedroom were.
It was tidy, smelled like her, and Inuyasha decided he liked it. “Nice place,” he commented, turning his gaze to her as she set her bag on the bar counter that separated the two rooms.
Kagome smiled and kicked off her shoes. “It’s not bad,” she conceded with a shrug and she wandered over to him. “It’s affordable and suits my purposes just fine.”
Inuyasha grinned. “I suppose it does,” he murmured and reached out to flick the bill of his hat she’d stolen from him. Whatever. Looked better on her, anyhow.
She giggled and took it off so she could hand it back, but then Inuyasha shook his head and pulled it back down onto her own again. She blinked in surprise, gazing up at him from under the bill of his cap.
“Nah,” he rumbled and gave it a playful tug. “Looks better on you, anyway.”
Kagome’s eyes widened slightly as a blush stole across her cheeks. It was impossible to mistake the delight that flitted across her face and curled her lips upward into a soft smile.
“Good,” she said and her smile turned teasing as she reached up to set the cap more comfortably on her head. “Because I didn’t wanna give it back. I like this hat.”
Inuyasha snorted. “Cheeky brat,” he said and darted his hands out to try and tickle her, but she danced away with a mischievous giggle.  He grinned and released a fond chuckle, shaking his head.
Confident he wasn’t going to try and tickle her again, Kagome edged closer and graced him with a brilliant smile. He was momentarily struck stupid and all he could do was stare and wonder how the fuck someone could be so damned beautiful and not know it.
“Thank you for today,” she said softly, the sincerity in her eyes and voice clear as day. Her blush was completely endearing as she continued, “You know, for...everything. Dinner, the clothes...um, K-Kouga.”
She ducked her head and her scent soured slightly as she recalled previous events. Inuyasha felt his mood momentarily darken as he also remembered that wolf creep who bothered her today.
He hoped to god the idiot had enough brains to stay away from her after boldly claiming that she was his, but he also wouldn’t put it past the shit for brains to try something again. Inuyasha could sense that he was the kind that couldn’t take a hint. Though he was glad she was going to be cautious by walking with her friends to and from class, he still didn’t like the thought of her being on the same campus as the fleabag. Especially when he was going to be about three hundred miles away and able to do absolutely fucking jack shit about it, and didn’t that darken his mood even more.
Biting back a growl, Inuyasha closed the scant distance between them and brushed his fingers across her cheek, prompting her to lift her head with a quiet gasp.
“You’re welcome,” he rumbled. “I wish like hell I could stick around to protect you ‘cause I know I’m gonna do nothing but worry while I’m away.”
Kagome blinked and her brow furrowed. “Are you going somewhere?”
Inuyasha sighed and grimaced before supplying, “I have a demo in Las Vegas this weekend that I can’t miss. My flight leaves early tomorrow morning and I won’t be back until Sunday night.”
He watched in dismay as Kagome’s face dropped in disappointment, though she tried to mask it with an understanding smile.
“Oh,” she whispered and well, hell. “That’s okay. I have clinical anyway, so...” She shrugged and looked away.
“C’mere,” he mumbled and tugged her against him, wrapping her up in his arms and briefly taking his hat off her head so he could bury his nose in her hair. Apparently giving up her front, Kagome’s arms slipped around his waist and he dropped a kiss to the top of her head. He felt guilty, which was ridiculous; he’d had this trip scheduled for over a month and he knew it was approaching.
Thing was, though, he felt like he was leaving Kagome behind and he absolutely hated it.
“Gonna miss me that much, huh?” he teased and felt her smile against his chest as she muttered for him to shut up. “I’d come back Saturday after it’s over if I could, but I have to attend a meeting Sunday morning and go over a bunch of boring shit that’ll probably put me to sleep.”
He was rewarded by her soft giggle. Gratified, Inuyasha pulled away and racked his fingers through her hair, quirking a grin. She returned it with a small but genuine smile
“Text me whenever you want,” he urged, sifting his fingers through her bangs and pushing them away from her eyes. “And on those really lonely nights, you can send a pic—”
“Ohmigod, shut up,” Kagome muttered and swatted his stomach, flushing darkly as he snickered and grinned unrepentantly.  She rolled her eyes and tried to cross her arms but he snagged he around the waist again and brought her in for another hug.
“Fine, no pictures,” he chuckled and felt more than heard her huff. A second later her arms slipped back around his waist and he grinned in triumph. “Try not to miss me too much, babydoll. I’ll be back before you know it.”
Kagome smiled and sighed. “Back atcha.” She inhaled, taking in his scent of his favorite cologne and something earthier, attempting to ingrain it into her brain.
No promises, he thought and almost said it out loud before he caught himself. Selfishly holding her for just a minute longer, taking in her intoxicating scent and committing it to memory, Inuyasha sighed and finally pulled away. Fuck, but he was pathetic. It’s not like he was leaving for a fucking month. It was three goddamn days, for fuck’s sake!
Clearing his throat, he tugged his hat back down onto her head and flicked the bill, staring into twin pools of endless blue.
“Stay safe, babydoll. You call me if you need anything, alright? I’ll do what I can. The studio’s open for you whenever. Sango has a spare key and I’ll tell her you’re free to use it before I leave.”
Kagome actually rolled her eyes at him and tipped him a grin. “I’ll be fine, Inuyasha. I’m a big girl. I’ve been taking care of myself long before you came along, remember.” She winked and poked his chest. “I’m sure I can manage three days without my loyal guard dog.”
The look he shot her suggested her comment was not appreciated and her giggle told him she well knew that.
“Smartass,” he muttered and was just about to turn around to leave, feeling oddly bereft, when a small hand tugging on his arm gave him pause and he glanced curiously down at her.
Kagome blushed and before he could ask if she was okay, she surged up and pressed her lips to his cheek. The urge to turn his head and claim her lips with his own came out of nowhere and he sucked in a sharp breath as his heart kick started in his chest.
“Safe travels,” Kagome whispered, leaning back down and offering him a timid smile. “Text me when you land? So I know you got there safely?”
Expression softening, Inuyasha couldn’t resist bringing her back in for one last hug and she went willingly, tucking herself against him with a sigh.
“Will do, babydoll,” he rumbled and kissed her forehead. “Stay safe. See you Monday?”
Kagome nodded. With one last grin aimed her way, Inuyasha turned and exited the apartment, closing the door and waiting until he heard the snick of the lock and the deadbolt sliding home before walking away. Strangely, as he descended the stairs and fought against the urge to look back, he couldn’t help but feel that he’d just left his heart back in that apartment.
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i plan on compiling all of the text screenshots i created for this story into one post after the last chapter is posted. just for the fuck of it because i had a lot of fun making them haha.
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dented-nado · 3 years
So a little bird told me you were taking Sebwill prompts. I thought I should take advantage of that! May I request something along the lines of SebWill superheroes/villains? Maybe they are mortal enemies by day, and lovers by night?
This is such a perfect combination of my interests, I am so damn here for it. I hope you enjoy it!
This ended up a little long, oops! Lol! I also absolutely kind of made a soup of DC hero/villain origins and mixed them together for this lol. Bonus points to anyone who can spot every one that I made a reference to! :D
Years ago, William had hid in his room after a horrible day. He was only about 15, wishing he could just fly away and leave.
Then… suddenly he found himself lying on his ceiling. It had taken him several long moments of panicking to realize he wasn’t dreaming, longer to realize he could move around as he wished.
And so… he opened his bedroom window, and left home, never to look back.
Anyone who knew him now would be shocked to find that at one point, William T. Spears who stood so straightly and kept every bit of him tidy and proper… had once been a scruffy, scrawny little teenage meta-human wandering the streets of London, getting into trouble and being chased by the authorities trying to take him into and orphanage or foster care… or worse, back home.
William had learned to live off the streets. At a certain point he had even gotten a little cocky, he was so fast that no one would even see him as he stole whatever he needed or wanted. He’d lead cops on a wild goose chase into alleyways that he knew like the back of his hand, only to float away to the rooftops out of sight.
He didn’t really make friends either. He mostly just had a small pack of birds that he split some of the spoils from his day out with when they came to the cracked window of the abandoned flat he had hid in.
He had always heard of heroes… saving the earth from threats both domestic and extra-terrestrial. Hell, he had seen one of them blast through London. On one hand he was curious, if maybe he and that super-being came from similar origins. But on another hand… he couldn’t help but resent the whole idea of heroes.
They certainly never protected kids like him.
That was the first time William had a sort of haunting thought. He had escaped because… he just happened to have these abilities that he still didn’t know the origin of… how many kids out there weren’t so lucky that weren’t being saved??
Well… maybe he could save them but, well when he looked around himself this was a fine nest for himself, but more than one person? Potentially kids even younger than him? How would he even look after them? He was 17 now… maybe he could pass as 18 if he cleaned up a bit, then maybe if he had enough money by then he could buy a better place and own it himself. How much did houses cost? It couldn’t be that much if lots of adults had them right?
He’d start stealing things to sell, he decided. He could get away with it, surely.
Well, his plan had fallen short, when he had been caught, stealing the tires off a rather fancy car since he was sure he could sell them for quite a bit.
The presumed owner of said car seemed oddly amused and calm at a scraggly un-kempt seventeen-year old stealing the tires of her car.
It was then another person came around the corner rambling on her phone, she seemed almost the same age as William, though maybe a little younger. She stared at William and who William now supposed was this young lady’s mother.
William decided now was the time to up up and away out of there, only suddenly, in a red blur, the young girl had jumped up and pulled him back down, she was fast… almost as fast as him.
“Excuse you! You can’t just steal our tires and go!” She scolded.
William had tried to escape, he’d found it easy to lift incredibly heavy objects including cars above his head, but now he couldn’t seem to pull her arms off him.
“Let me go!” He demanded.
“Now young man…” The girl’s mother said patiently. “How about you land yourself right back down on the ground and we can see about helping you out so you aren’t out here on the streets stealing tires.”
William glowered distrustfully, still thrashing in frustration as the young redheaded girl pulled him back down to the ground.
“If you haven’t noticed… we’re like you. We can help you… if you replace the tires and calm down.”
William had bit his lip. He didn’t trust this strange red-headed mother and daughter pair but then again… maybe… it would be nice to meet other people like him.
Begrudgingly he had put the tires back on quickly, and hesitantly sat in the back seat of the vehicle beside said girl who had been grinning at him since she had pulled him down to the ground.
“I’m Grell, what’s your name boy?”
William stared at her like she had grown horns for a moment before finally answering, realizing he hadn’t said his own name in a while.
“William… you’d be rather handsome if you cleaned up a bit.” She teased with a small giggle.
 It was that decision that led him to where he was now. It turned out he had been picked up and adopted by a very, very wealthy family that practically owned half the city. He learned he was a meta-human, and certain supernatural genetics had caused his abilities to develop. While he had flight and a decent amount of strength down, he eventually found his most key ability was telekinesis, allowing him to move around almost anything with solid mass with his mind.
Grell seemed to have both flight and strength as he did, but she also was far faster than him and caused fire to ignite out of thin air. It suited her red hair and personality perfectly in his mind.
Grell and him also saw rather eye to eye on using their meta-human abilities to give more attention to the people trapped in bad homes that needed saving and she became a pseudo-sister to him. He found out her mother had taken Grell when she was only 9 years old and run away with her in the middle of the night. Running far away from the father who had treated them both poorly. Then, Grell’s mother had been lucky enough to find love, not even knowing she was going to be marrying into a vast amount of money, but that had certainly been a nice bonus.
Outwardly of course, they were both celebrities of sorts, especially when they turned 18, they became public figures. Grell flourished happily in the spotlight. William on the other hand… could handle being polite and interacting with others at important events, but he really did hate all the attention – he was relieved when… at night, him and Grell would dawn garments to hide their well known identities, and would do the vigilante style work of trying to find and save kids from bad situations, feed those who needed it, and punch a few robbers and other criminals on the way if it served them.
William did sort of understand the superhero dilemma more now. It seemed as if something was always happening that would distract from the “smaller” work. He had been more than frustrated when a man… no…a demon it seemed that controlled and moved through the shadows decided to make William his arch nemesis. There was no clue to who this man causing chaos could be. His entire face was covered, not only making it seem as if he had no facial features, but it also made William wonder if there was a man under there how he saw or breathed with that thing on. It was also clear when this villain spoke he had some sort of voice filter on that scrambled the tone of his voice, causing it to sound garbled and off-putting.
His only solace between the stress of his daytime persona, and his ‘night job’ – was the boyfriend he had managed to be with despite at all. Sebastian Michaelis. They had met at a gala, and despite himself, after one dance, William could already feel himself being swept off his feet by the raven-haired man with a mischievous glint in his eyes. And so… after that, he had made a point to see him. Grell had teased him that he was absolutely head over heels for the gothic man that stuck out like a sore thumb against the light colors most of the people at gatherings tend to wear. Sebastian was dashing in his own right… and well, William had been called “Goth lite” by Grell as well as their mutual friend Ronald Knox. So they had something in common.
It wasn’t long before William had to admit he was head over heels for Sebastian, and they had begun their romantic outings. Of course their relationship eventually got media attention, they couldn’t go on dates for long without someone recognizing them. Somehow though, while it seemed Sebastian was also someone who reveled in the spotlight much more than William, the way Sebastian would hold him or rub his back soothingly made him feel more confident in handling such attention.
After about a year and a half of dates and nights spent together, William officially asked Sebastian to stay with him in his apartment. It was more of a condo than an apartment, but William didn’t like that word much. It was one of the properties that had been gifted to him that hadn’t been turned into a high-quality rescue shelter for children.
William… hadn’t told him about his night life yet, and Sebastian always seemed to take his word for it. It wasn’t he didn’t trust Sebastian, in fact he was beginning to feel as if he’d do just about everything for this man. Yet… well, vigilante-ing was dangerous business, even if you could fly and move things with your mind. He swore he’d tell Sebastian about his night life well before they got married.
But for now… he enjoyed moments like this, laying on top of him while they slept, ear pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat for comfort. Sebastian would often run his hand through William’s hair, effectively petting him until the stern man slept. He didn’t want these quiet, comforting moments to ever end….
…and he’d be damned if he let any sort of super-villain or threat come between them.
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aelaer · 4 years
Uhh can I ask for BBC Sherlock fic recs? (Preferably friendship and/or familial fics, but romance is okay too)
Ooohh boy are you in for a list. I know you asked this like, at the start of quarantine or at sometime where I decided that I was no longer interested in communicating with the wider world, but hopefully this will still be of interest to you?
Throughout 2018 I did very little writing because I was busy consuming everything offered by the Sherlock fandom produced over 7-8 years. I definitely read well into the millions of words. A lot of them were from specific collections on both ff.net and AO3. I recommend looking in “collections” on ff.net in particular (as I still can’t really figure out how collections work on AO3 and how to find them easily... it’s really easy to find them on ff.net).
To my knowledge, these are all complete.
If there is any romance tagged here, it’s because it’s really, really fucking good as romance is my least favorite genre. I cannot remember all of them, but there’s a lot of angst, definitely humour, and definitely some great canonical bits. Also whumpy ones that are either really really good or a bit ridiculous but there you go.
It’s long, so under a cut. If the cut doesn’t work, I have tagged it as well.
From ff.net (alphabetical order) - NOTE: I did NOT include anything from the authors I recommended because the list was already too freaking long! But be sure to check out the authors, you can sort by “category” on ff.net on their author page and then go down to “Sherlock” to find their works:
Anything by A Wandering Minstrel (sooooo many genres)
Most anything by chappysmom (tons of genres, some are excellent, some I could take or leave, overall good stuff)
Most anything by Dayja (she writes in a ton of genres, so some I *adore* while others aren’t my cup of tea, but overall good stuff)
Anything by Gwen's Blue Box if you want angst up the wazoo.
Anything by ivywatcher for fantastic character studies.
Most anything by Jennistar1 (another multi-genre writer, both friendship and slashfic)
Anything by Radon65 - a mix of stuff. Canon IIRC.
Anything by Richefic for good, canon-friendly gap-fillers
Anything by StillWaters1 for good, canon-friendly gap-fillers
A Brief Account Of Life With Zombies  by Silver Pard Sherlock thinks it's all a bit of a nuisance, John is having the time of his life, and Mycroft is Not Impressed. With anything, but mostly his minions' inability to provide a good cup of tea. Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,384 - Complete
A House is not a Home  by selenityshiroi  This is a prompt fill from the LJ Fic Meme.  John and Sherlock got a flat share because they needed to split the rent.  But when John comes into money, people wonder 'why hasn't he found a place of his own'   The actual prompt is inside the story Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,190 - John W., Sherlock H. - Complete
Annie's Song  by Berouge She has a second engagement with a man and his violin, in the park, at night. Sherlock's not going for it! ONESHOT! Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,869 - Sherlock H., Molly Hooper - Complete
Basic Training  by chai4anne Summary: A death at a boys' school leads to conflict and revelations among Lestrade's team, Sherlock, and John. Set between "The Hounds of Baskerville" and "The Reichenbach Fall." No slash. Rated: T - English - Mystery/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,851 - Sherlock H., John W., DI Lestrade, Sgt. S. Donavan - Complete
Breaking Point  by Haelia  When Sherlock and Donovan are abducted and Sherlock is grievously wounded, it is up to Donovan to get them both out.  "First things first, Freak.  You do not give me orders.  You are going to do everything I tell you to," Sally said sharply, "because we are getting out of here."  Can they both escape with their lives from the most dangerous gang in London? Rated: T - English - Mystery/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Words: 14,401 - Sgt. S. Donavan, Sherlock H. - Complete
Firestorm  by Dustbunny13 Sherlock returns, but his friendship with John is damaged. Nevertheless, they embark on their final hunt to finish off Moriarty's net, but it ends in a catastrophe: Sherlock is shot and lapses into a coma. As John keeps vigil, he reads Sherlock's diary written during the hiatus. Slowly, he begins to understand and finds himself wishing for another miracle. Completed. Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Adventure - Chapters: 53 - Words: 133,754 - Complete NOTE: Probably my favorite novel-length multi-chapter you find only on ff.net for this fandom.
How To Accidentally Summon a Demon  by patster223 Sherlock is possessed by a demon. A damned, wicked soul that uses the kitchen table for blood rituals and experiments. John doesn't even notice the difference. Rated: K+ - English - Supernatural/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,411 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
Kidnapped! A Comedy by scuttlesworth Poor kidnappers. Kidnapping John Watson is like pulling on a thread tied to all sorts of crazy. It's enough to make a bloke get a job and go straight. Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 10,758 - John W. - Complete
Mobile Phones, Rubble and Shock  by prettybirdy979  In the aftermath of the explosion, Lestrade must work to keep Sherlock Holmes alive and make sense of his communications... with only a mobile phone and Sherlock buried under the rubble of the pool. Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,679 - Sherlock H., DI Lestrade - Complete
Mouth of Babes  by Morgan Stuart  Several weeks after the explosion at the pool following "The Great Game" episode, Lestrade visits the recuperating Sherlock and John at 221B Baker Street. He brings case files and food... and a visitor in tow. Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,495 - Sherlock H., DI Lestrade - Complete NOTE: This is a whole series. If you like it, look up the rest under the author. It’s super cute.
Of Surgeons and Soldiers  by EmRose92 Being a doctor has its advantages. He knows how to put people back together, and he knows how to take them apart. 221B is forced into a hostage situation, and John seems to be the only one who has the power to get them out of it. Includes BAMF John, protective Sherlock, and several unfortunate criminals who mess with the wrong army doctor. No slash. Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,695 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
The Empty Home  by chai4anne Sherlock would always be haunted by memories of one particular case. The first body, its once-so-familiar features blurred by the passing of time and death, moved him more than he would ever have expected. But the worst was the skeleton he uncovered later, bits of hair and clothes still clinging to it—which had no effect on him whatever, until he looked up and saw John's face. Rated: T - English - Mystery/Suspense - Chapters: 28 - Words: 150,773 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
The frigid trench  by Nova-chan Sherlock is badly hurt. And alone. And incapacitated. Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 15 - Words: 13,118 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
The Hand You're Dealt  by Lady Sam Mallory Sherlock, John and several others are trapped in a building when an explosion disrupts the crime scene they are working. COMPLETE. Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 12,092 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
The Secret Identity of John Watson  by scifigrl47  Taken out of context, John Watson leads a terrifying life.  You have to wonder what those poor women he dates thinks of it, especially if John decides to try keeping one away from Sherlock, and Sherlock decides that it'd be best if he could get rid of her Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 29,251 - John W., Sherlock H. - Complete
This Is What He Does For Fun  by nyssa123   Sherlock and John go to the pub after a long day and Sherlock realizes that the man sitting next to them is a serial killer. He then proceeds to tell everyone how he knows. Written for a prompt on the LJ kinkmeme.
Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,147 - John W., Sherlock H. - Complete
Totem  by IshkabibbleScribble  Rescuing Sherlock from the clutches of a violent terrorist cell forces John to rely on a long-unused, lethal skill. Rated: T - English - Friendship/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,752 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
War Wound  by SoulfireInc  Set sometime after Sherlock's return, before John's wedding to Mary Mortsan. An old comrade of John's arrives at 221B Baker St, scared and desperate for the consulting detective's help. Perhaps, had Sherlock known the consequences he and John would suffer as a result of this surprise encounter, he never would have accepted the case ... [Written before season three aired.] Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 21,319 - Sherlock H., John W., DI Lestrade, OC - Complete
From AO3 (alphabetical order) - NOTE: Just like the ff.net list, I did NOT include anything from the authors I recommended because these lists are just ginormous.
NOTE: I did *not* include warnings, pairings, etc in these summaries (too many tags to try and organize in the messy copy/pastes). Read the tags if you have any sensitivities/squicks/etc for all links!
Most anything by CaffieneKitty (over 100 shorts, so some I really love, others I can pass. Well worth checking out)
Anything by dragonnan if you want a huge wallop of angst. Also illustrations. Also writes in the MCU.
Anything by Jolie_Black (You thought stories written in script could only be bad? You thought WRONG. Very very canon-compliant goodness).
Anything by sgam76 (another multi-genre writer)
A Freak Adventure   by  dioscureantwins Words:    13,719    Chapters:    1/1    Teen And Up Audiences Sherlock Holmes Sally Donovan John Watson Mrs. Hudson Oh Christ, the Freak will be like a dog with two tails if she turns to him for assistance. Sally can feel her hands curling into fists ready to punch the condescending smirk off his face as she glares at the lift panel, willing the lift to go faster. But this is about Susy, Sally tells herself, not about him or Sally’s abhorrence of the atrocious git. She’s still convinced he gets off on it but he can wank himself into a stupor over Susy’s disappearance for all she cares as long as he finds her.
A Smelly Affair  by  dioscureantwins  Words:    13,756    Chapters:    1/1   General Audiences Sherlock Holmes John Watson Mrs Hudson Greg Lestrade Molly Hooper Anthea Mycroft Holmes Sherlock had published an interesting thesis on the splintering of various woods on his website. As well as an equally fascinating treatise on different types of ropes and knots and the best techniques for securing someone. Obviously, his captors had followed those instructions to the letter; thereby disproving John’s theory nobody took notice of Sherlock’s website. A victory, perhaps, but one Sherlock felt he could have done without. Trust his readership to turn the tables on the author.   Morons.
Constantly      by thesignsofserbia Words:    4,530    Chapters:    1/1    Mature Sherlock Holmes Mycroft Holmes Mycroft and Sherlock have a tenuous relationship at best, but with Sherlock taking down Moriarty's web, they might need each other more than they'd care to admit.
Croatia-Water-Blue      by hollyesque Words:    12,117    Chapters:    1/1 Not Rated Sherlock Holmes John Watson Mycroft Holmes “I…” John licks his lips, twitches his fingers as though he wants to reach out, “I’m here, Sherlock,” he says; “I know I haven’t been, but…but I am now.” Sherlock wrinkles his nose. Haven’t been—? “What on earth do you mean, you haven’t been here?” he asks, “You’ve been living here.”
Getting to Know You      by  Dimity Blue (Arnie) Words:    4,605    Chapters:    1/1   General Audiences Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley Sherlock Holmes John Watson Mycroft Holmes John picked up the kettle.  "Nothing from Lestrade?"Sherlock flipped himself over on the sofa and presented John with his back; John sometimes felt he was living with a cat.Clicking the switch on the kettle, John grinned to himself and, keeping his tone casual, said, "Maybe you could send him an owl."There was silence for a few seconds, then Sherlock asked, "Why would I send him an owl?"
Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus      by CaitlinFairchild Words:    4,572    Chapters:    1/1   Teen And Up Audiences Sherlock Holmes Mycroft Holmes John Watson Closing his eyes, Sherlock allows himself a brief swell of feeling--let’s not put a name on it, just call it a feeling--for his big brother. He knows that when Mycroft opens that steel door again, every man now inside will be a fresh corpse.The East Wind will take them all, Sherlock thinks fuzzily, before the curtain of sleep descends.
London Orbital   by merripestin Words:    13,642    Chapters:    1/1    General Audiences Greg Lestrade Sally Donovan Sherlock Holmes John Watson "I'm driving first," Sally said.  "Guv can take over after me. If we're all still mad enough to be at this after that,  John can drive third shift.  Then the freak, if we decide we can risk it.""John doesn't drive," said Sherlock."Then what's John along for?" Sally protested. Which Greg reckoned had to be just Sally trying to wind Sherlock up.  She knew better.  All night in a car with Sherlock was bad enough.  All night driving round and round the M25 looking for a killer, with Sherlock deprived of John Watson, sounded like a new circle of hell.   
Official Recruiter by Captain_Author Words:    49,469    Chapters:    21/21   General Audiences  Clint Barton Phil Coulson Sherlock Holmes John Watson Stephen Strange Crimes were so simple before aliens, gods, and supernatural abilities made themselves known. But Sherlock Holmes never enjoyed simple and these inhumans and mutants provided quite a challenge. SHIELD needed someone to find the superpowered. Funny how both their needs can be met.
Rigging screws, size 1 3/8 inch, galvanised  by  AJHall    Words:    15,250    Chapters:    6/6    Teen And Up Audiences Sherlock Holmes John Watson "How's a woman supposed to prove her husband's a murderer, dammit?" On the eve of a planned voyage to Brittany, Marjorie Jameson starts her day with no problems more pressing than forcing a boatyard to do an emergency repair to the family yacht.  A chance encounter at the Cowes hi-speed ferry terminal begins to unravel a web of conspiracy and murder, with her charming, untrustworthy husband Julian right at the centre and Marjorie as the next intended victim.But no-one's going to trust the word of an aging housewife whose complaints of abuse the police have previously dismissed as delusions.
Somewhere in the Dinaric Alps      by  drpepperdiva91 Words:    1,735    Chapters:    1/1    General Audiences Sherlock Holmes John Watson Sherlock is caught off-guard by a flashback to his time in Serbia, just before John arrives home from work. Sweet, but still semi-realistic, hurt/comfort.
The Case of the Missing Bus Ticket      by  Unsentimentalf Words:    10,543    Chapters:    1/1   General Audiences Dirk Gently Sherlock Holmes Richard MacDuff John Watson Mycroft Holmes When Dirk and Richard's new client inexplicably fails to stay alive long enough to pay them, their ailing finances mean that a certain amount of subterfuge is required to get them back to London. The sudden death of their client has, however, attracted the attention of another rather more famous (if less holistic) detective and the stage is set for a long distance bus ride of suspense…
The Green Blade   by  verityburns Words:    72,929    Chapters:    15/15   Teen And Up Audiences Sherlock Holmes John Watson Lestrade (Inspector) Mycroft Holmes Sally Donovan Anderson (Sherlock) Mrs. Hudson As a serial killer hits the headlines, the police are out of their depth and the next victim is out of time. With faith in Sherlock Holmes at an all time low, this is a case which will push loyalties to the limit... WARNING: COMMENTS CONTAIN SPOILERS!
The Holiday    by Scriblit Words:    18,962    Chapters:    9/9    Mature Sherlock Holmes John Watson Mycroft Holmes Mrs. Hudson Greg Lestrade Molly Hooper Mary Morstan ACD Canon Characters A month following an horrific, sadistic attack during a case, Sherlock is still physically incapacitated and emotionally damaged. A holiday is suggested, but even stuck out in the middle of nowhere, he and John happen upon a case that could make Sherlock begin to feel like his old self again - or could kill him.BBC Sherlock Reworking of ACD's Devil's Foot, with Illustrious Client in flashbacks. Scenes of violence and implied "off screen" sexual violence/sexual assault.
The Shallow End      by  hollyesque Words:    6,923    Chapters:    1/1   Teen And Up Audiences Sherlock Holmes John Watson Mycroft Holmes "I told you once that I don't have friends," he says to John's back, "Now you know why."
The Silence of the Bees  by  trappedinathoughtbubble Words:    14,169    Chapters:    7/?    Mature Sherlock Holmes John Watson Mary Morstan Mary Watson Greg Lestrade Mycroft Holmes A kidnapped teenage girl. A political conspiracy. Bees. And somehow in the midst of it all, John learns a few things Sherlock forgot to mention about those two years. Note: Not completed, but the author's around and one of the sweetest people ever if you want to give encouragement to take a look again at this story!
The Triple Bluff    by SarahKnight  Words:    28,331    Chapters:    8/8   Mature Sherlock Holmes Greg Lestrade Mycroft Holmes Sally Donovan Philip Anderson Sherlock annoys his landlord at Montague street, grows to hate Donovan and gets into trouble a lot on a kidnapping case involving a woman who bullied him as a child.The events leading up to A Study In Pink. A case fic that answers questions from the first episode such as why Sherlock had to leave Montague Street and find a new flatmate, why he and Lestrade both quit smoking but didn't know the other had, why there's so much animosity between Sherlock and Donovan, and why Sherlock hates traveling in a police car.
Welcome Home    by   thesignsofserbia Words:    3,435    Chapters:    1/1    Teen And Up Audiences Sherlock Holmes John Watson Mrs. Hudson Mycroft Holmes "All my nightmares escaped my head. Bar the door, please don’t let them in. You were never supposed to leave. Now my head's splitting at the seams."
And of course I have my own Sherlock/Doctor Strange crossover up on AO3 if that tickles your fancy, illustrations and all. :D
But if you haven’t delved deep into the fandom, this should tide you over for some time.
This list is by no means an exhaustive list of recs. I didn’t really include anything that concentrated on a romantic pairing, for instance. I left off anything explicit as well. But yeah, here’s a small amount of the overall goodness produced by the BBC Sherlock fandom over the last 10 years.
20 notes · View notes
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 1
T/N: I mostly didn’t translate a lot of the names of the ayakashi/youkai, as well as the proper nouns because uhm... They’re basically nouns. It’s like how some translated manga are done. Plus it irks me sometimes when everything just gets transliterated, it kills off the vibe. But that’s just me. Links to references at the end of the post.
Also if you like this translation, you can share the link, reblog, but for pete’s sake DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. I worked hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just Google-translated this whole sh**..
If you need refreshers on what happened, @kakuriyo-translations​ already had the previous translations. I’m just contributing to this fandom. Also, as previously mentioned in my other post, the 2 seasons of the anime cover volumes 1-5, so if you need a review just rewatch them all. Volume 6 starts here.
OK, here’s the stuff now.
Volume 6 - I got hired as a novice in an Ayakashi Inn** From the back cover: Autumn has visited the Ayakashi living in Kakuriyo's long-established inn Tenjin-ya. Aoi who was kidnapped by the rival inn Orio-ya, finally ended through her cooking the hardships of, and cleared the curse of the Southern Lands. Returning home victoriously, what awaits this lady are her friends in Tenjin-ya, the warmth, and the everyday busy-ness! While thinking of new souvenir products and preparing and pushing for the Autumn Festival, she reopens her Japanese Restaurant "Yugao". That time, she was invited by Odanna-sama to a fruit orchard date. Surely him always inviting her out never changed, as time after the Orio-ya incident passes her by, is she realizing that she's starting to think that she wants to know more about Odanna-sama...?
From the inside front jacket: Yuuma Midori (Author)A citizen from Fukuoka. Her debut publication published by Alpha Police: Marrying my wife is a dangerous circumstance with a giant demonic beast. Changing her pen-name after that, she published Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi, I married into an Ayakashi Inn. Currently  Fujimi Bun-ko's big hit, and is now an illustrated series released by B-s LOG COMICS.
Character introduction page Tenjin-ya: An old-established place in North-eastern Kakuriyo, where Ayakashi dwell. Under the Ogre-god's (Onigami) leadership, many visiting Ayakashi helped it flourish, although sometimes humans make visits too. Odanna-sama: Master of Kakuriyo's Tenjin-ya, an Onigami respected by many Ayakashi. Even though Aoi should be wedded to him, his true intentions are currently unknown, as he watches the lady's speech and behavior. Tsubaki Aoi: College student who was whisked away against her own will in order to pay for her grandfather's debt in Tenjin-ya. Refusing Odanna-sama's marriage proposal, with her talents in cooking she manages her own Japanese restaurant, Yugao.
T/N: The volume title is a pun, it can go like "a new hire gets into an ayakashi inn" or "newly-harvested rice enters the ayakashi inn". No complaints though, but I won't spoil anything lol
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6, Chapter 1: Autumn's Newly-harvested Rice's** Accompaniment P5 "Aoi-san! We're already at our limit!" "Gah, so far, today...." That was in the last days of September in Yugao. I, Tsubaki Aoi, scrunching my face in vexation, took a peep in the refrigerator with hardly any ingredients left. Confronting and attacking the food rations altogether, it seems that they're now all gone. I wonder if in today's opening, will the incoming guests ever cease?
Lately, Yugao's business has been spectacular all over, it has been a very, very busy time. On days when there are so many customers, when the ingredients are all used up midway, the restaurant has to close shop early, and while we're preparing so many ingredients before reopening again, on those days that we have to regulate incoming customers, not many come in and the restaurant becomes bare of people, controlling the number of incoming guests is difficult. I wonder what I'll do if it's just me doing everything inside the restaurant, and I feel like I'm already at my limit... "That matter at Orio-ya, the thing about the ceremony and all the different things have been dramatized and turned upside-down in so many ways, it has become Kakuriyo's hot topic. Aoi-san has become something that livened-up the world, and Ayakashi have been interested and drawn to you, haven't they? Even Yugao has become famous..."
T/N: It's frustrating to translate the term for newly-harvested rice. Coming from a rice-eating culture like Japan and the rest of Asia, it's easy to categorize all stages of rice because there are words that exist for that. Like they say, languages are shaped by the needs of the users. Unfortunately, English has none of those so yeah, from here on end I'll be using the term newly-harvested rice here because to be honest, it tastes a lot better than rice stocked for a long time. That one tastes dry and bland even when cooked, while newly-harvested rice smells fragrant, has a soft texture, and just doesn't taste moldy lol
P6 While on a short break from cleaning up and arranging the place after business hours, Ginji-san and I were eating dried persimmons given to us by a customer as we sat on the counters while sipping tea. "Ginji-san, you were keenly saying that, but I wasn't intending on making a ruckus in Kakuriyo." "Yes, I understand. Ayakashi have been noticing, in their own ways... Thanks to Yugao, our business is booming!" Ginji-san's tired face turned and changed into a very happy one, meanwhile I was getting anxious. As someone who is burdened with a debt I am happy that the restaurant is flourishing, even though the place is getting better overall, there are many hindrances coming out with regards to cooking, and in spite of our efforts, I still feel bad for the customers that come in. Ah, but unrelated to that, this dried persimmon tastes really good. It's center is soft and moist, and sweet, yet a faint aftertaste of the puckery seed still remains, but I love that taste. Even if the people that I hated then are that much, a lot of Grandpa's treasured food makes me yearn for the good old days. "Very soon, Yugao will need to hire new employees, don't you think so?" "New employees? Really? Well, if it's just Ginji-san and I, it's already impossible..." I agreed with Ginji-san's suggestion. Ever since we opened, the two of us had been giving our all. To put it in words, we need someone other than Ginji-san to be designated with a job post. All the more that I think Yugao needs a new staff. "Since it seems that Aoi-san is concentrating on making the dishes, you might want the new staff to bear the task of receiving guests. P7 Would you like to try putting up a "Now Hiring" sign in Tenjin-ya's announcement board?" "I wonder who would come to apply?" What kind of brand-new staff will we hire? "Aoi-sama, you're cruel!" Instantly, from the pendant that contains ogre-fire, popped out Ai-chan. She looks like me, but her cheeks were swelling with annoyance. "Why, you call me your family, and at the same time hire me as your employee! If that's the case, tell me what to do!" "Well now, Ai-chan is very eager to work?" "You haven't spoken to me in a very long time..." Is that so? I tried to recall. When I called Ai-chan out to learn about the basics of cooking, that time she went out and played with Chibi. I think Ai-chan is still an Ayakashi child, and she still haven't got the idea on what it means to be an employee. "But Ai-chan, if you feel sleepy, you can't return to the pendant. Also, on top of that, it would be weird when there's two of us working here at Yugao..." Ginji-san looked at Ai-chan and I. P8 I wonder what he thinks of us having similar faces. "Oh, that, uhm... Aoi-san is most concerned about Ai-chan, and it is that you would want to work, but I think it's surely awkward when there is someone that looks like Aoi-san, won't it?" "Wh.. Why is that...? Young master-sama, I want to work too..." Ai-chan begged earnestly to Ginji-san with her teary eyes. My face tells it all, and Ginji-san also sees that it can turn into a crazy situation, and we stuttered. "Uhm, that's... That is..." Her eyes started swimming in tears. "But we could cause confusion with the customers. They'll think Ai-chan is me, and I am Ai-chan..." "I'm definitely sure that can happen... This is not related to Yugao's business operations, but it's possible that I can swap places with a family who looks like me, but really you are a precious being. With that, won't it be better to hide?" "Really?" "Yes... If my look-alike and I were both working in here, we may have a trump card,but evil people may take advantage of that too. Because of that, Ai-chan who can do things must hide in her favorite place..." Ginji-san glimpsed at teary-eyed Ai-chan who was biting her lower lip like a child and scratching her forehead. P9 "In order for Ai-chan to work in this restaurant, there are two conditions, OK? One, when you're in duty, you can't go to sleep. The other is that you have to change your appearance into someone else's." "Someone else's appearance..." Ai-chan and I huddled and titled our heads. The thing about not sleeping is reasonable and understandable. "About that, how do I change into someone else?" "I'm sorry. That's something that you must learn on your own. Be original, OK?" "O..ri...gi..nal..?" It seems that Ai-chan doesn't understand what that means. "Well, let's see. Let's use Tokihiko-san from Orio-ya as an example.** In the beginning, that person was just made up of many little Youkai flames**, but right now he can't change into anything else, he can only change into the shape he already has. If you change your appearance into someone else, if you change it to look like me, that's a whole different level, but Ai-chan is still a child, I wonder if she can understand?" But Ai-chan yells "I'll do it!" and raises her hand in proclamation. "I'll do my best in making my own appearance!" "Wooooowwww..." Ginji-san and I lightly clapped our hands for Ai-chan who was in high spirits.
T/N: In Volume 3, where Shizuna and Tokihiko meet again, like the episodes before the Orio-ya arc, it was briefly explained that ayakashi are formed from objects, when the consciousness enters the objects and make them sentient. I’ll probably translate that once I finished volumes 6-10, or maybe not. P10 "But because it's sleepy-time, I'll go back to the pendant!" "Whaaat." She immediately returned into ogre-fire, and Ai-chan hid back into the pendant in my bosom. The pendant's flickering light makes it seem like Ai-chan was sleeping and snoozing peacefully inside. "She seems serious, about the whole 'What appearance should I make' thing." "As soon as she wanted to slep, she already entered a new period of growth. In just a short time, I think she's already like an Ayakashi that stays awake late at night... It's because Ayakashi by nature don't sleep that much." "It's not like that, it's just that employes and everyone else just have short sleeping schedules. It's toxic**, it's something I thought of, but it's not really like that..." "No, it's not something like that. It's because Tenjin-ya also considerably receives nice wholesome** citizens of Kakuriyo. And that is why it's always very busy." "What, wait, doesn't that make it mixed**?" Well, whatever, I only sleep 10 minutes everyday, and even though it's a rest day tomorrow, it's not a problem for me. And for sure, when that busy day comes, I'd be very happy to receive Ai-chan's help. Whatever that child's appearance would make, I'll be looking forward to it.
T/N: the original words used were BLACK, WHITE, and GRAY. Black is considered to be the dark side of things aka toxic workplaces, White is the usual nice and wholesome facade, and the Gray was just inserted to complete the pun because in color theory thingy, BLACK+WHITE=GRAY. But that's just me lol You have been warned that this light novel uses a lot of puns P11 "Aoi--- Fooooood---" "Oh, that person's here." That person, is that Yuki-onna. Always, after Yugao's business hours, it's always the same, she always comes, the former Young Mistress but is now the waitress O-ryo. "Now's not a good time, O-ryo. There's none already." "Waaait, again? No rice? Even the rice is gone too?" "Even if I cook the rice, that's just it. Tomorrow is Yugao's rest day, and there aren't any excess ingredients here." "Then as long as there's rice that can be cooked, it's fine. I really love rice. Newly-harvested rice** is the most delicious, isn't it?" If that's the case, then there's nothing else to eat here, Ginji-san and I whispered to each other. But O-ryo just invited herself in the counters, and I had no choice but to stand up and start preparing to cook the rice. Just as O-ryo said, it's already the season of delicious rice. Especially in the land of Ogre's Gate, the rice brand "Onihonoka" is a famous specialty and souvenir, harvested either in the last days of August to the first days of September, polished immediately after harvest and is now back in the market. P12 But, if we use newly-harvested rice here in Yugao, it's distinct grains that contain a lot of moisture can really rake in the positive points. When cooking rice it is common that the little water added will decrease as it cooks, and it tastes all the more better. I wonder if O-ryo can wait for 30 minutes as the rice gets soaked.** "Wait, O-ryo sama!" The next one who came in was that horse chestnut girl, with her signature Tanuki ears and the round, fluffy tail. It was Tenjin-ya's lower-ranking waitress, Kasuga. "We thought we lost the bottle opener at the banquet hall. O-ryo sama, when your duties ended you immediately went to Yugao, and our new-hired waiters and waitresses had to search here and there. I was about to do some deliveries but I had to take charge of our newbies." "Oh, really? Kasuga, why didn't you just remember to let your juniors do it?" "But it's O-ryo sama's fault. All of the juniors and everyone has been doing their best here." "Oh, fine, there, there. Kasuga, you're also giving it your all, OK?" Whether it's because she's tired or she just deemed the answer was acceptable and ran away with it, Kasuga just allowed O-ryo to roughly pat her head. And when the bottle opener that had a bell made out of ice was produced, Kasuga immediately stuck it inside her obi. When the bell chimed, a clear tinkling sound echoed. "Isn't that ice bell lovely?"
T/N: Hot tip, if you're cooking rice, not the instant kind, if you want a less fussy method just soak it for at least 30 minutes before boiling it, it makes it cook faster, especially when the rice is long-grain, brown or colored rice, or the dry grained ones that are better for fried rice because the grains don't stick together. P13 "Yes. I won't give it to you, Kasuga." "I don't have a need for it, and for that reason it's not an important conversation." Kasuga sighed with a dumbfounded expression. In this situation I don't know who's the senior and who's the underling. "Oh, by the way, Young Master-sama, Odanna-sama calls for you." "Wah, is that so, Kasuga-san? Oh, it's probably the matter about the Autumn Festival. Aoi-san, I have to go to the main building for a bit, ok?" "Yes, thank you for your hard work, Ginji-san." Ginji-san's head bobbed as he bowed, and with a quick pace left Yugao. "Kasuga, even today you were asked to do a lot of things here and there, weren't you?" "Yeah, that's true. Everyone was telling me to go here and run over there. Oh well, I'll get used to it somehow." Kasuga meekly and quietly sat beside were O-ryo was sitting. Did this girl also went here to eat some newly-harvested rice? "Aoi--- Is it done? I'm hungry-- Isn't Kakuriyo's pot cooking fast enough?" "Whaaat. Please wait a bit more, O-ryo. Because it's newly-harvested rice, I only had it soaked for a bit." "Ehhh... That's already fine. Whether it gets cooked or not, because I'm hungry." P14 I wanted to choose the best way to cook the newly-harvested rice, so I could relish its delicious taste, but I wonder if I just lost to O-ryo's explanation just like this while the rice was cooking. She seems to be already at the limit of her patience, and she started to violently beat the counters. "Aoi--- Aoi--- Rice! Let me eat rice!" "Hold it there, big woman baby! Stop beating the counters, or else it will fall apart." My table.. Really, O-ryo can really be so selfish... "Yo, is there any grub to eat?" Akatsuki, like the usual routine, came here. O-ryo, Kasuga, and Akatsuki, repeatedly always come here, and were becoming "Give me food, give me food" Ayakashi. "I'm sorry Akatsuki, today there's nothing left. O-ryo said she's fine with just white rice, and that's what I'm cooking right now." "I'm also fine with just rice. Do you have any pickles?" Akatsuki sat beside the counter where Kasuga was, where two people were already sitting at. It has always been like this. "Wherever rice is offered as if for the gods, there's always a line on the counters. One way or another, Ayakashi love rice, don't they?" Finally, the rice on the stove has cooked. Kakuriyo's pots only need five minutes to cook rice, and it's really very convenient. P15 "Akatsuki, you haven't used up your salary and vacation leaves this year, haven't you? You don't have a girlfriend, and you give me the impression that working is your hobby. You're that kind of guy, aren't you?" While doing nothing on an empty stomach, O-ryo started bickering with Akatsuki, who was beyond Kasuga's seat. Even thought it's not nice, O-ryo toys Akatsuki a lot, who was younger than her. Akatsuki's face spells like "Shut up, you're noisy" whenever he's tired after work. "It's better to think about frolicking and having fun, Akatsuki. It's a waste, no matter how much you work, being a guy who looks angry and has no excess time to have some time to have fun." "Stop talking to me already, O-ryo." "Whaaat. How conceited. I'm the senior and you're the junior. I'm older than you and you're younger than me." "And so? You dropped being in the management staff and now you're a waitress. Between being a head clerk and a waitress, I'm higher-ranked." "Arrrghh, this guy is so UN-ADORABLE!" "O-ryo sama, you're noisy!" O-ryo's shrill voice spreads out, and Akatsuki and Kasuga both covered their ears. I opened Yugao's kitchen's refrigerator as I pinched my small ears shut. There wasn't any ingredients left to make side dishes, so I just took the rice out and served it. As I was doing this, I was laughing by myself. Hee hee hee.. "I could hear Aoi-chan letting out a weird laugh." P16 "What meals are she thinking of, at this point?" "Aoi is indeed an Ayakashi that cooks and cooks, isn't she?" Until now, O-ryo, Kasuga and Akatsuki were all whispering and back-biting me. But that's what I felt. After waiting, the newly-harvest rice that we have been waiting for has been cooked. After the boiled rice was done, I opened the lid and a foggy yet aromatic steam was released, and my stomach started to grumble on its own. As I stirred the freshly-cooked rice, I divided it and placed some on the rice tub. Using a wooden rice paddle I tried checking its texture and taste, it was springy, and its sweetness was enjoyable. "OK, there's a lot of rice, so please just eat however you like." In the restaurant's table where the rice tub was placed, in Akatsuki and Kasuga's usual rice bowls, and in O-ryo's favorite and sometimes variable larger bowl, I served them the white rice. I piled a lot of it. Each grain was puffy and glossy, which is due to the rice's freshness. "Yay! Let's eat!" O-ryo speedily and hungrily ate the rice, as she was holding her bowl and chopsticks. Hmph, O-ryo just quieted down right now. "Kasuga, Akatsuki, aren't you two hungry too? Start eating up." P17 "Ehhhrm.... It's hard to eat like O-ryo with just the white rice..." "Aren't there any pickled food, Aoi-chan?" "Tsk, tsk, how about if I place this here?" I placed a jar in between Kasuga and Akatsuki's counters. At first, they just stared at it in bewilderment, but carefully examined the jar's contents. Kasuga seemed to immediately get what it was. "Oh, I know it! It's nametake, enoki mushrooms!" "Yes, I made it from all of the mushrooms collected this Autumn, and I placed a lot of it. I goes great with white rice. I added it to our Autumn's daily specials." As soon as I opened the jar's lid, and scooped the nametake with a wooden spoon, I placed a lot on top of their rice in the two rice bowls. The brown mushrooms were flowing and melting and moist due to being boiled down. Enoki, shimeji, shiitake, these were all seasoned with the mild soy sauce that Ayakashi love. Sugar, mirin, sake and other seasonings were also added as staples, and in my case, there's also a bit of vinegar and some spicy peppers. These were added to give a hint of spiciness and sourness to the mild flavor. To make excellent preserved food, cold tofu, boiled down greens using dashi stock and others can be added and turned into one dish. While the nametake is mixed in with the piping hot rice, Kasuga and Akatsuki heartily wolfed down their food. "Wow... This meal is filling in my empty stomach.." P18 "This is delicious!" The enoki makes a crispy and appetizing sound. O-ryo, who was growing tired of the white rice, and seems to have noticed the nametake that Kasuga and Akatsuki were eating, started staring at it with longing eyes. "O-ryo, if you want to eat some nametake, please have some too." What the.. I have barely finished talking and O-ryo already stole the nametake jar. "Wah, it's my rice's buddy!" "O-ryo sama, it's greedy of you to take it for yourself!" "Kasuga, Akatsuki, don't worry, there are other partners for your rice." The poor things, but because there were other food that pair up well with rice, I brought them out. Toppings such as pickled plums, ground meat mixed with miso and lotus root, daikon pickled in vinegar with kelp, I brought out various preserved dishes too. Because rice goes well with many daily staples, many others were served on the side. "I am pushing this powerful medicine. I stir-fried some Hijiki seaweed that still has its water, along with the gritty and crisp pickled plum with some dashi stock. It really goes well with rice." Deprived of the nametake, Akatsuki tried adding the plum and seaweed mix as a rice topping. The crunchy texture and sourness of the plum, and the strong umami taste of the seaweed was incorporated, and this was a very luxurious and delightful taste. It doesn't need any other side dish, this makes it a full and satisfying topping. P19 When making onigiri, it can be added to the rice. It's excellent for emergencies. After experimenting with both the kelp and vinegar-pickled daikon as well as the meat mixed with miso and lotus root, O-ryo started eyeing at everything again, and I placed some little by little in the saucer that she was using. It' s great that she gets to enjoy a wide variety to pair up with her rice. It's exciting to think like what could be the next one you'll taste, with each bite. Once in a while, it's nice to just enjoy and relish the taste of the newly-harvested rice. After a while, I decided to eat some rice, and went back to the kitchen to get the rice bowl I normally use. "Ah, I just remembered something!" That's it. There were still two slices left in the refrigerator for the staff's breakfast. Autumn salmon. If I defrost that, I can make another rice pair-up! "Hee hee hee. A staple rice accompaniment: salmon flakes!"** I defrosted the salmon slice on the dish with Yokai fire, flayed the skin off, and lightly seared the surface on a frying pan, added salt, dashi, mirin, sake and other seasonings then heated this on a low flame. Sauteing this with a wooden spatula while adding some water to soften it, it's all what I need to do. Hee hee hee... "That Aoi-chan is laughing in the kitchen again..." "It smells like fish being cooked..." "Hold up, Aoi! Why are you cooking fish just for yourself? My nose isn't deceiving me!" T/N: I actually do this with meat, tofu, fish or whatever I add to vegetable dishes to make them more tasty. In Japan, they call this ground meat, fish or tofu that is seasoned and sauted as "Flake". You can just prepare a large batch, and use them as needed. I guess all those hours watching Tokuson Life Hacks also helped a lot lol P20 "Don't worry Kasuga, Akatsuki, O-ryo. Everyone's going to eat what I'm making." That said, it's my last serving. Reduce the water, when the flesh has fallen apart, add white sesame seeds and sesame oil, and lightly saute it. It's really easy. The home-made salmon flake is done. "It 's done! It's done! From kids to adults, everyone will love it, the best to be paired with rice, salmon flakes! Loose salmon topping, is it easy to understand?" "Ohhh..." "That smells really good!" As soon as I brought this in front of them, O-ryo and Akatsuki's voices just sounded with admiration. Since their bowls were already devoid of rice, they both wanted to fill their bowls with another serving. But they started fighting on who should be going to get more rice to add in the rice tub, and Kasuga went up and took the rice tub on her own to refill it. She's really the most adult in this bunch. "Ahhh, I can finally eat some rice too!" Thereafter, I placed some hot, piping rice on my bowl and I could finally eat my supper. For the first time, we're going to partake the crumbly salmon flakes that I made. I can use that for onigiri, and it's going to be a favorite item in bento boxes. P21 We can do the bottling, the marketing, and the selling, as our products are really delicious, but it seems that I'll have to make it and do it all by myself. Slicing, adding water, seasoning.. I'll do it how I like it. The glossy and clean rice due to it being freshly-harvested, when you add the shiny and reddish-brown color of the salmon flakes, eating it with a spoon just makes you gobble it all up. Ah, the autumn's salmon is really tasty and fatty. When mixed and used as rice topping, in one bite the umami and saltiness goes well with the mild, sweetness of the rice. Adding the white sesame and sesame oil's fragrances, the salmon's taste, flavor and aroma improves. "Wah, this tastes so delicious, I wanna have a bowlful more.." "O-ryo sama, if you eat more than that, you'll get fat. But I want a bowlful more too..." "I knew it, it's the autumn salmon. It really pairs well with the rice." It looks like everyone got satisfied with the salmon flakes. Oh no, this is bad. We have quickly eaten the rice... We took in so much carbs..." Even the meat mixed with miso and lotus root, the miso-flavored meat and the crunchy texture of the lotus root, really, really goes well with rice too. When you want to cleanse the palate, munching on the vinegar and kelp-pickled daikon is a fitting and refreshing break. "Aoi-dono!" Sasuke-kun, the O-niwaban guard has come here to Yugao. P22 Sasuke-kun was holding a bamboo straining basket, in his usual ninja-style. And, well, inside that basket were fresh red eggs. "These are the cassowary eggs that I have gathered tonight. The Master and Young Master sent me here to deliver these to you with my life, as it is a pity that there is only white rice to eat. You can now make egg-topped rice**." I bumped into him while running. That was the ultimate, crowning, and appropriate pairing to the rice. This is awesome! TKG has arrived here!** "Wah, I'll eat another bowlful more---" "Hey, that's unfair of you, O-ryo. Me too!" "Me too. It's because eggs are also served now." In the middle of the night, the Ayakashi were eating white rice in reckless abandon. "Please, I would like to fill my stomach with a bowlful of rice." "Yes, Sasuke-kun, please come have some." Anyone can't hide their excitement with egg-topped rice. Hollowing top of the hot, piping rice, when the shell is cracked open, the lovely raw egg is dropped in here. The cassowary's rich egg yolk's color, its shine, its jelly-like appearance, when it covers the rice, it has an irresistable charm. T/N: If you're going to try this, just a reminder that bacteria like Salmonella can contaminate the egg. Only do this with super-fresh eggs from a seller you trust because getting sick isn't worth it. TKG is basically tamago-kake-gohan, or how I wrote it here, egg-topped rice. P23 Ah, just looking at it, I know it's definitely delicious. "For sure, with egg-topped rice, it's Kakuriyo's mild soy sauce, isn't it?" I wanted a simple approach. "Soy sauce is good, but adding a little sesame oil is also delicious." As expected of O-ryo, who is in the majority group. "As a minority, I like mine to have noodle soup base and wasabi." From my peripheral vision I could see Akatsuki grumbling. But that seems to be delicious too. "I always eat it with ponzu. If there's dried bonito flakes and fried onions I'll add those too." For some reason, this was expected of Kasuga. "If there are seasonings, I'll add them." Sasuke-kun is too gallant. "Ok, ok, you can eat your differing favorites, that's good." Everyone's demands were heard, and I took various seasonings and flavorings and placed these at the center of the table. I, nonetheless the simpleton just added a bit of soy sauce over the yolk, and lightly broke it, mixing it with my chopsticks. In that moment, I felt a wonderful, happy feeling. Probably, just adding the egg, I haven't even finished mixing the runny egg in, I already took a bite. "Wahhh, taking the first bite of egg-topped rice is really something, isn't it?" P24 The rich flavor of the egg yolk makes it the best and enjoyable. After relishing the first bite, I completely mixed everything, and ate some more. "Hey, everyone, the meat with miso and lotus root also goes well with the egg-topped rice." Everyone noticed the previously-ignored meat with miso after Kasuga's discovery. Wah, it really does taste well together. This is a great discovery! Egg-topped rice is awesome! Just by itself is delicious, but arranging and adding flavors for variation, it's going to be an awesome feast. "It looks like you are all having fun." "Oh, Odanna-sama." Odanna-sama and Ginji-san came to Yugao together. O-ryo and Kasuga, Akatsuki and Sasuke-kun, who were all until now eating like as if in a stupor, all suddenly stopped and stood up, and deeply bowed to Odanna-sama. "It's alright, continue eating. Those are rare eggs." As if waiting for those words, everyone sat down again and continued eating. "Well, what's up? It's been a long time since you came here. Did both of you came here for some egg-topped rice? If that's the case, we have a lot right now." "No, it's not that, a while ago we welcomed some guests and we sat for a bit and already had our meals." P25 "I also may have drank a bit too much... That liquor was a tad strong.. Uhm.. I will eat some later, ok?" Both Ginji-san and Odanna-sama were definitely tipsy, somewhat. If they received some guests during work, why were they suddenly here? While in the middle of his rapid and nonchalant talking, is he going to suggest something? "Aoi, isn't Yugao on a break tomorrow? If you're free, let's go out on a date." "What?" In an instant. I realized that everyone who was continuing their eating all stopped their chopsticks. The Odanna-sama in question, who was really in a giddy mood continued smiling. "Aoi hasn't had a rest and had always been working hard even after returning from the Orio-ya matter. And I apologize for not taking the time too, for a long while. As a new wife, Aoi has not experienced any hour of fun at all." "It's fine, I have fun every day..." "That's it! Let's go to an orchard park. We can prepare food with apples and grapes, how's that?" While my face holds desperation, somehow Odanna-sama firmly grips my shoulder. "How's that" he says. "Apples and grapes, huh..." Pointing my finger to my chin, an idea popped into my head. For sure, there will be delicious autumn fruits. P26 "OK, let's go, Odanna-sama. I am interested in the orchard park." "I'm happy to hear you say that, Aoi!" With a sigh of relief, Odanna-sama wiped the sweat on his brow. The crowd of egg-topping eaters behind me, once again started moving their chopsticks. "Aoi-san, the orchard park is inside a mountain that connects the northern and north-eastern lands. The autumn leaves in that mountain change early, and I already heard that they're already in full display, so I hope that you can also enjoy the scenery tomorrow." "Ginji-san, you're not coming too?" "Me? I, uhm..." "You also haven't taken a break since the matter with Orio-ya, you should really take a break. Won't you come with us tomorrow?" Odanna-sama invited him, but Ginji-san looked at both Odanna-sama and I, and with a small smile shook his head. "No, thank you. I think I will take care of Tenjin-ya in Odanna-sama and Aoi-san's absence." I think it's the usual Ginji-san answer, but in that time, he wasn't looking at me.
End of Chapter 1, Volume 6. Next - Chapter 2
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
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llendrinall · 4 years
Omg if an adult Draco woke up in 5 year old Draco's body and he wanted to make his father's life a living hell. Id read that, please please tell us the stuff he'd get up to. (as well as the stuff you would get up to at school, please)
It would be a nightmare for all involved. Draco, who had fought so much, suffered so much in order to atone not only for his mistakes but those of his family… and he finds himself back! All progress lost! He had broken his back, literally (it was a really dumb idea and Harry was very angry with him) to get Granger to warm up to him. Longbottom had forgiven him! (And Draco doesn’t even know what exactly he did to merit that). Harry had…
Harry had kissed him the weekend before.
And now he is back in his five-year-old body. Not even eleven, when he could see Harry and make a difference. No, he is five, and Draco cries and rages so much that he develops a fever and is incoherent for a week.
Afterwards… Well, you know how parents pride themselves in their children’s achievements? How parents want their children to be better than them? Lucius has found there is a limit to it. Having his son be more eloquent and advanced than any other child his age is great. Having his five-year-old son tell him with impeccable grammar that he, Lucius, will bring the ruin of their house is not great at all. Draco looks at him with a cherubic face and eyes that are burning grey, accusing him of crimes that even Narcissa doesn’t know about. Crimes that Lucius had barely begun to plan.
It is terrifying.
It is well known that what muggles call “demonic possessions” are nothing more than a wizard having a little too much fun with an imperius. But when Draco grabs Lucius’ wand, goes down to their hidden vault and, and, and opens it! He- he just casts the spell! Draco is five and he is doing magic that many adults struggle with! Oh, then Lucius wants to believe there might be something else.
(Out of all the forbidden things in their vault Draco went straight to the diary the Dark Lord had entrusted Lucius. Straight to it. And he destroyed it that very same night.)
“You failed.” Draco says, hot and angry. He is so pale and soft and full of fire. “You failed at everything and I had to take your place. I was given an impossible task as punishment to you, threatened not only with my death but the whole family, because of you!”
“Tenses, darling.” Says Narcissa softly. Narcissa is blind to the monster they have in the house. She doesn’t see it. She is convinced that there is nothing wrong with Draco, that he is just a very powerful seer who is a bit confused with timelines and verb tenses.
Draco is not a seer. Lucius is sure of that because if he were, then he would know that Lucius is thinking of… cleaning up the line. Narcissa is still young and she can give him another son or Lucius can remarry.
He is not a seer, but one day over breakfast Draco looks up and says “It won’t work. Whatever you are plotting, it won’t work. I can’t recall a single plan of yours that worked longer than a month. Kicking Dumbledore from Hogwarts, bribing the Ministry, bringing back the Dark Lord. It never works.”
So Lucius packs up his things and leaves the country quietly.
Narcissa is… shocked, which means she is furious, betrayed, and briefly terrified that she might lose her income and secure position. But once she is reassured that she still holds the house and the fortune she takes a big breath, internally swears that next time she comes across Lucius she will castrate hex him, and steps up into the role of Lady of the House.
She also listens to Draco. She insists that what Draco says has happened is yet to come, but she listens.
Draco wants to get Harry at once, but it is not so easy to find a seemingly normal muggle family in the sea of actually normal muggle families living an hour away from London. In the meantime, Narcissa visits Flourish and Blotts every day for a week until she finally gets there at the same time than the Weasleys. Then it’s a question of dropping a handkerchief and waiting for the bespectacled Weasley to fetch it for her and then, well, he is so eloquent and polite that Narcissa insists on buying young, Percival, was it? She shall buy him a quill. Any quill he wants. Don’t look at the price and just pick whatever quill you like best, young man. You must have a proper quill to write your letters.  
Molly Weasley would rather drag herself through shards of glass than accept a gift from a Malfoy; but one look at Percy tells her that if she takes this from him, if she takes his once chance of having something New and Fancy and Just For Him, he will hate her forever. So Molly relents (as Narcissa knew she would because mothers are predictable). Two weeks later Draco has a play date with Ronald.
“I think you should play Quidditch, Draco, dear.” She says, because horrendous as Lucius’ attitude was, she does recognize that Draco can be a bit off-putting. There isn’t that much talking with Quidditch and Draco is clever enough to let the young Weasley win two out of three times.
It takes thirteen months to find Harry and by then Narcissa has got a foot in both the Weasley’s and Longbottom’s houses. The latter was an excruciating effort and is still a very much work in progress. Narcissa had to let that bulldog of Augusta Lonbottom seer her crying and even now they are one wrong word away of losing all progress, but the children are talking and that was the goal.
She is weighting the pros of buying a house near the Dursleys and just moving there versus the advantage of frequently inviting the Weasley kids to the manor, when she sees the anxious look in her son’s face, a look of urgency and desperation and…
“Draco,” she cries, softly and sadly. Beautiful Draco, six years and two months and with a face like a silver coin. “Draco, dear, do you love this boy? I don’t mean like you love Mummy. Do you…”
“I know what you mean, Mother.” Draco says, serious, he is always so serious. She supposes he has to be to contain the fire burning inside. “I am not a child, I have told you. And I love him with all my heart.”
“Then, you shouldn’t meet so soon.” Narcissa says firmly, although inside her heart is aching and she doesn’t know why. “Children who grow together tend to see each other as siblings. Why, your Great Aunt Marthia grew up with Gaius Mulciber, her fiancée, and their marriage was very difficult. I think he tried to poison her in order to marry his lover, or the other way around. I can’t remember. In any case, it is better to wait.”
But Draco doesn’t care. He doesn’t want to wait. He doesn’t want Harry to spend a single day more than necessary in that house where he was miserable and unloved. Whatever it takes, he says. Whatever it takes, even if the price is not loving Draco. Let’s rescue him now.
Narcissa explains that waiting would be much better. There are other things they have to keep in mind, like the return of the Dark Lord and the fact that Harry is linked to him. It can’t be that bad, the muggle house. Just bad enough that Harry will jump easily and eagerly to the wizarding world once it’s presented to him, so he will be all the more willing to sacrifice his…
“oh”, Narcissa says, very softly, not even an exclamation mark or a capital.
“oh”, she repeats.
Internally, she thinks “that bastard”. Dumbledore, of course. It is well known that Dumbledore wants Voldemort’s destruction at whatever cost.
“Draco you have to get yourself invited to the Longbottom’s house.” Narcissa says. Something in her tone finally cuts Draco’s unending cries that they have to get Harry, he will do it himself even if he is just one meter and ten centimeters tall.
Draco is a charming b-. Draco is charming, boy, child or adult trapped in a kid’s body. He gets an invitation and a layout of the Longbottom’s house. Narcissa then dons a pair of sensible country boots that she doesn’t mind getting dirty with mud and barely sleeps for the next ten days. Her skin suffers from it greatly, mind you.
By day three she has successfully stolen the rat Scabbers from the Burrow. She was going to switch it with a real pet rat, but it escapes and she can’t go chasing it. Then she begins a ten-days terror program on the Longbottoms. Footprints on the flowerbeds, upsetting the warding charms on the doors, definite signs of tampering in the chimney… Augusta Longbototm is many things, but she is certainly not a fool and by day four she is at the Ministry demanding help form the Auror office. It takes five freaking days for them to send a couple or aurors down. Narcissa is incensed on her behalf.
She waits until Dumbledore sends Moody down to the house. Moody casts extra protection charms and lays some traps and that night Narcissa pushes a stunned Pettigrew into what seems the nastiest of all of the traps. The one Dumbledore told Moody not to use but he still prepared the moment he left. In goes Pettigrew, stunned and wounded because Narcissa is under a lot of stress and she might have tortured him a bit.
Narcissa and Draco are there to greet Sirius, their BELOVED cousin (all capitals so no one dares says otherwise) when he is released from Azkaban. She has him shaved, washed and all set in a nice London house before Dumbledore can even begin to say “unfit for taking care of an underage boy”. At six years and four months Harry leaves the Dursleys and moves with his godfather.  
 And then it’s all nice for a while until Pettigrew escapes Azkaban, meets Lucius in the continent and together bring Voldemort back. There is a war. People grow more and more afraid of Draco and he has more attempts on his life than Harry ever had. Narcissa kills Bellatrix and doesn’t even think about it.
And, one day, a young handsome gentleman with shiny black hair arrives accompanied by a sullen lanky young man with streaks of pink in his hair. Draco labels the lanky young man as the ugliest adult he has even seen. The handsome young gentleman introduces himself as Harry Potter and asks if perhaps Draco remembers him?
The burning fire inside Draco disappears. There is only hot air and ash.
The ugly lanky young man is adult Draco, of course, governed by an eight-year-old who has completely destroyed his hair.  Harry, his Harry, is just amused at Draco’s indignation that they allowed this to happen. Apparently Child Draco was a handful to deal with.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to find you,” handsome gentleman Harry says, and he is so warm and beautiful that Draco wants to cry. He doesn’t even care about how ugly is adult body is because once he is back in it Harry grabs his hands and doesn’t let go until they are back home.
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