#then in M2??? just so weird
inhidingxoxo3637 · 11 months
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Please the stewards are so embarrassing
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I don't get this 1977 villa in Annivitti, Manziana Italy (part of Rome). The design is just weird. 5bds, 3ba, €470K / $503K. I know, there will those of you who "unironically love it," but at least admit it's weird. Calling it "The Transformer House."
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In the huge main room, the fireplace and conversation pit are central and you can see the mezzanine, clear up to the glass rooftop.
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That's some fireplace. It looks like you burn logs and stuff on that flat surface and it goes straight up the flue.
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Also, sliding doors all around the room open to the yard.
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Since it is a mid-century modern home, the kitchen features original cabinetry.
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The tower you see on the exterior is for the stairs.
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At the top of the stairs, there's the fireplace chimney and I don't know if the little ladder is decorative or if it has a purpose.
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Looking down from the mezzanine.
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The bedrooms are weird, but meant to be flexible spaces. Those protrusions on the sides of the house are the bedrooms. This one has a wooden platform for the mattress, and a built-in closet.
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You can put mattresses on the tiers, too.
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Then, at the top is a glass window so you can see down to the property.
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This bath is pretty spacious.
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The bedrooms offer different options. This one has an air mattress on the floor.
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In this one, the mattress is on one of the tiers.
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This bath features colorful MCM tile.
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Stairs leading to the basement.
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Rec room with a fireplace. I don't know what the triangular thing is.
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The basement has glass sky lights along the ceiling. The description says "tavern," so it mean mean the bar on the left.
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I don't know what this structure is.
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Some sort of pyramid outside. Looks like you can go in there?
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It appears to be the top of this roof.
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Bedroom protruding out the side of the house.
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Looks like there's a lot of nice property, approx. 2.47 acres, but according to the description the house needs to be refurbished.
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j-egg-ssica · 11 months
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I made @brooke2valley 's iconic hair clip in real life! here's a picture from her comic if you somehow haven't seen it:
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Here are close-ups of the front and back:
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Unfortunately, I'm not a drawing, so it really fucks up my hair when I put it in, and it doesn't really stay in place. I should really redesign the clip part to actually be compatible with human hair (since it doesn't really matter for looks anyways as it's hidden behind the heart anyways. Also I don't know what it's even supposed to look like behind the heart, so I just mirrored the visible part. Hopefully when I have some time I can redesign it a bit to make it actually wearable for more than the 30 seconds it took to take the photo for this one. Details for nerds: It's printed in two parts in 4 different filament colors (esun ABS+ light blue, white, and black, and PolyMaker ABS in pink) Each different color is a new layer, as it's much easier to print that way, when my printer (Voron 2.4 350mm) only has a single extruder. I left two holes in the heart for two M2 heat set inserts (that's why there's a weird dot on the top of the heart, I pushed too far with one of the inserts), and two more countersunk holes in the clip for two M2 screws to attach the two parts together.
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Riding the high of a resounding Epiphany.
...Did I pull another "Desdinova" purely out of sheer A.B.A hopium? (I kept the lines sketchy, though, because I could not be arsed to try and mimic Strive's linework style again after the pain from last time ahjsdgajhsdgadk)
Yes. Yes I did.
So, those Season 3 character survey results, huh? The A.B.A hopium is real. I really do wonder what they'd do with her if she was brought to Strive, so I decided to try my hand at a "Strive-ified" A.B.A design.
Make sure to check under the cut for the "concept art" I made + their associated information.
So, design background info:
So, she's a... weirdo homunculus, right? An artificial human, created by a mad scientist she never met, so she was alone and never really learned how to... "people". That key in her head also keeps on reminding me of the bolts lodged in the sides of pop-culture-ified Adam's (Frankenstein's monster) head. She's also desperately trying to find a human(oid) body for the demon/magical foci Paracelsus/Flament Nagel, who she is deeply in love with. Artificially-created human, medical themes, artificial human form, deeply in love...
So what if she decided that, with her attempts at finding a body for him repeatedly failing (XX endings don't count, XX's canonicity is completely FUCKED lmao), why doesn't she just... create one herself instead?
In other words, the creation becomes the creator. Lil' bit of "Bride of Frankenstein" thrown in, if the guy making the bride (or in this case, groom) was the monster itself.
So, making her into a key-axe-wielding mad scientist homunculus.
I tried to make her pose reminiscent of a dance move, specifically a "dip".
I hope you like it!
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GG ABA Strive fandesign sheet 01
The first drawing I got done of my design for A.B.A (featuring a base-shapes Paracelsus for scale). Featuring her color palette (F1 is base flesh, F2 is scarring, H is hair, B is bandages, C1 is primary coat color, C2 is secondary coat color, C3 is tertiary coat color, E is "edges", M1 is one of the metal colors, A is "accents", M2 is the second metal color, and the square below that is the eye colors), weird ragged patchwork "lab-coat", boot details, "branding", and some of the text on her design.
- The phrase printed along the front edge of her coat (and the heels of her boots) is "LOCK&SEE" (the "&" stylized to look like/replaced with a keyhole symbol), a spin on the phrase "Lock and Key", fitting with her obsession with keys and tendency towards twisting sayings/phrases into mondegreens. Also implies hiding something.
- The brand on the back of her coat is meant to look like the coffin shape on the back of Paracelsus's head during Moroha Mode, with the nose hole and right eye hole visible. Text above it reads "PARACELSUS" (with the P and R stylized to have curved horns in the back like MM Para), and the text underneath reads "FLAMENT NAGEL" (with similar "horn" stylization on the F).
- The scarring is damage from her not wearing proper protective gear during her experiments (because she doesn't seem like one to wear proper PPE lmao), much of it taking up most of the left side of her upper torso/arm (meant to mirror Strive Faust's stitching).
- She's both grimy and very... "DIY", so her stitching is very hodgepodge.
- The text along the stitching on the back of her coat reads "The More The Moodier.", a play on one of her mondegreen win-quotes in XX (against I-No: "People say "the more the gloomier", but she's just too much to take...") but with the same alliteration as "the more the merrier" which it was derived from.
- The brand on the right side of her shorts is the same as on her back, but without the "FLAMENT NAGEL" and with "PARACELSUS" underneath instead of above.
- The key markings (gloves, boots) all have the same key-blade shape as Paracelsus.
- I had some trouble figuring out some of her colors, as they differed between the sprites (blue metal, glove. and trim) and official artwork (dark brown metal + glove, blue trim), so I decided to have dark brown for the keys and dark blue for the studded trim and left glove.
- The laces of her boots and the buttons on her coat are meant to resemble Para's mouth stitches
- Made her head-key/neck keys have a little skull decoration similar to some of her XX art (it's very inconsistent).
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GG ABA Strive fandesign sheet 02
The second "Strive-ified" A.B.A design sheet I made.
- Both of the large gloves look the same, with the red bands and Paracelsus-blade key markings.
- The dark blue left-hand glove is (mostly) the same. I like to think that it's her "woobie", what with her tendency to get attached to inanimate objects.
- The dark blue cropped tank-top is meant to only be visible in Moroha. The text reads "MOCK&KEY" (the "&" stylized to look like/replaced with a stylized keyhole symbol, the top part of the keyhole meant to look like a coffin), another spin on "Lock and Key" like the previously-mentioned "LOCK&SEE" compounded with her believing herself to be superior to humans. Moroha is what was locked-up.
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GG ABA Strive fandesign sheet 03
Third sheet I made.
- Noting specific design changes during Moroha. Coat opens + key "eyes" gain red glow.
- Design for her head + neck keys.
- Design for her bloodpacks. Text reads "FRASCO". Symbol underneath meant to look like a "flask" shape made out of an upside-down keyhole.
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GG ABA Strive fandesign sheet 04 (Para)
The fourth sheet I made, featuring Paracelsus and his colors.
I honestly didn't change much lmao. His design is already weird by GG standards, mostly just tweaked some things.
- Made his eyes asymmetrical. Right has small iris and no pupil, left has beady pupil. Wanted to make him look "cartoony (western) neurotic/nervous" while hinting at his "main" glowy eye in Moroha being his right eye.
- I blurred/smudged the blood along the bottom edge to imply that A.B.A dragging him around wore away some of it.
- I added some spikes to his collar for a "punk" look, which glow red in Moroha.
- I kept his mouth stitches in Moroha. The mouth-corner stitches remain, while the middle stitches are tied around his left horn.
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GG ABA Strive fandesign sheet 05
The final sheet I made, featuring mechanic ideas, "meta" stuff, and a design for repurposing an older move into a reversal super.
- Non-replenishable resources don't really fly in Strive, so I decided to make them replenishable through an alternate version of Bonding (a.k.a Keygrab). One Keygrab variant for Moroha, one Keygrab variant for a bloodpack. Starts off with no bloodpacks. Max three bloodpacks at a time. Functionality basically the same as XX.
- Turned Altercation (i.e. Enter Goku Moroha) into a Moroha-exclusive reversal super. Goku Moroha is not something that flies by modern fighting game characters, let alone Strive, so GM would definitely get axed. Still keeping Altercation as an absolute weirdo of a move, taking different resources depending on how much she has of each.
- Not sure what to actually do with Moroha's function/moveset, but having an "Install" state is the big thing that defines A.B.A's playstyle, so she'd probably keep at least base Moroha.
- Evidence: Concealment becomes a full reversal that only hits one hit as opposed to three, because most people cancel it after the first hit anyway lmao
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Suzuki Cappuccino :) or other baby roadsters
Oh, I had a post in the chamber about exactly that! :D
So, Japan is pretty densely populated. Let's put it this way: one reason the Tokyo metro area couldn't do a huge and extremely weird cultural exchange where every citizen trades place with someone from Australia, Belgium or Slovenia, is there aren't enough Australians, Belgians and Slovenians combined to do that. So you can imagine it would be pretty advantageous to public life for people to drive small cars - hence the popularity of kei cars, a car class with huge tax benefits and tiny engine and dimensions limits. Those limits, positively minuscule when they were introduced to push bike makers to use their parts to make small cars, eventually increased to a 0.66L engine size and the dimensions below...
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...and in the late 80s there was a "gentleman's agreement" whereby no one would make a kei car more powerful than 64hp, similar to the other gentleman's agreement whereby they agreed not to make cars with more than 276hp - which they cleverly addressed by equipping more powerful cars, like the Skyline GT-Rs, with unusual little devices called lies.
But now it's the 1990s -contrary to popular misconceptions- and Japanese businesses and customers have a problem: what the fuck do we do with all this money?
To truly convey the desperation with which cash was being thrown around like primate feces, Mazda created FIVE sub-brands (Amati, Autozam, ɛ̃fini, Xedos, and Eunos, brand under which they sold the Miata as Eunos Roadster) AND gave the SIXTH sub-brand M2 separate headquarters - these headquarters. In Tokyo.
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M2 only ever made parts and some fringe prototypes, the most it produced were three Eunos Roadster-based limited versions - they cost twice as much as the original (and for good reason - one of them used leather deemed too expensive by the only other automaker to ever use it, Rolls Royce), but because economic bubble, they were so sought after they had to set up a lottery, Andrea was telling us, and as he got to the uber-limited production numbers (a combined 780), he explained that, since of course they were only sold in Japan, there were only five in the whole of Europe. He then raised his finger and, in one of the greatest flexes I have ever witnessed, pointed it around his huge, Miata-packed shed, counting "one, two, three, four, five".
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S'yah, it turns out the world's biggest Miata collection is just owned by Some Guy in the middle of Italy, and if your kid ever gets dumped it is a wonderful place to take him to cheer him back up. Thanks, dad.
So clearly, this was a point in time where even people with no need nor wish nor space for a large second car, or a large car at all, could still be interested in a sportscar, thus spawning some briefly-lived but oh-so-brightly-burning kei sportscars, nicknamed ABC.
One of them being, indeed, the Suzuki Cappuccino.
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Please remember, this car is positively lilliputian. It's 3.30m long. For the yankees in the audience, that's just 0.03 football fields. Here are some fun size comparisons.
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The engine was front-mid and turbocharged...
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...the roof was a fun puzzle that allowed you to have a T-Top coupe (with just the sides off), a targa (with the top part of the roof removed but the rear pillar of the roof still in place) or a spider (by folding the rear pillar and window down)...
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...and it was NOT exclusive to Japan, with 12% of units being sold in the UK!
But since this was clearly asked by someone quite familiar with its generalities, some less-known quirks for the geeks:
It was the first kei car ever with double wishbones all around
The indicators changed between JDM and UK versions so if you've got the latter finding spares is 10 times harder
The hood release is in the glovebox and the fuel release is in the center console storage - the latter locks with a different key than the ignition uses, so if you hand just the latter to the valet you can keep them from siphoning your gas, but I'm yet to hear whether that also goes for the glovebox, so stay tuned for updates on whether you can also keep them from siphoning your washer fluid
Air gets to the engine (well, to the turbo) through the frame. Like, it gets into the frame, it travels inside the frame, and then gets out and is filtered. Now, you may ask yourself why they would do that.
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While most cars had front disc brakes at the time, the less effective but cheaper drum brakes were usually used on the rear, which was fine since when a car brakes weight transfers to the front so the front wheels are the ones that get more grip and can thus brake harder anyway - so not only do you not need the rear wheels to have the same stopping power, you don't even want them to, because then the rear wheels would lock up before the front ones even got to their full braking potential. So when the Cappuccino got four wheel disc brakes, like every other car with four wheel disc brakes, it didn't put four discs of the same size all around. Unlike every other car with four wheel disc brakes, however, they put the bigger ones at the rear. A friend who owns one called the brakes "not amazing".
Then again, let's cut them some slack, it was the second kei car ever with four wheel disc brakes! Second, yes, because the Cappuccino was not the first kei-sized sportscar.
So, remember how with Ferrari, the last car to be signed off by its founder was a mid-engined, rear-wheel-drive, manual, record-setting, no frills two-seater sportscar? Well, the Japanese being famous overachievers, that goes for Soichiro Honda's last two.
Supposedly, Honda decided that its F1 engines hadn't kicked Ferrari's ass enough, so they set out to build a car as approachable, reliable and daily-life-friendly as a Honda yet faster through both straights and corners than a Ferrari. Or a Lamborghini. Or a Porsche- you get the idea. Thus, the NSX, seen here next to it is its test driver, tuning consultant and enthusiastic owner Ayrton Senna, best known for driving the car on the left into three championship wins, a bunch of "Greatest Of All Time" debates, and a wall that killed him.
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But if your second-to-last car is a two seat, mid-engined, rear wheel drive sportscar with Pininfarina design, a 40mm short-throw manual, and a redline past 8000RPM, what do you do for your last one? Easy! Another!
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This little bowl of pint-sized cuteness is the Honda Beat, and yes, that interior is not just factory, but was the only pattern available. Still, if you think the interior is the most outlandish part of this car, you haven't heard it.
Again, this engine was outsized by two Coke cans and the car it's in is no bigger than the Cappuccino, and you already know how... ah, screw it, let's show you a size comparison anyway.
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Some geek facts:
It was the first mid-engine monocoque (as in not body-on-frame, not un-shark-like, you pervs) spider ever made! There were some targas before, but never a full-on spider
The stereo was custom to fit in the super-narrow center console between the two asymmetrical cabin spaces so the cassette slot has the same cute little Beat logo as the "Open Air Motoring!" branded floormats!
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Gathers celebrated its 20th anniversary with a new touchscreen radio for it that is now uber-rare and uber-expensive
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It had two trunks, which is lovely, except that the rear one had the battery and optional CD changer conspiring against you and the front was literally inside the spare tire, so it's good that you could also get a rear rack!
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The rear rims are bigger than the front!
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With how much cooler this is than the Cappuccino (sorry, friend who owns one) it's quite the shame Suzuki decided not to go forward with the mid-engine layout their kei sportscar development started with. At least, Mazda sure thought as much, asking Suzuki to please keep working on that idea and make a mid-engined kei sportscar for them to sell under their brand for the youth, Autozam. And thus we have the ABC - C for Cappuccino, B for Beat...
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...and A for AZ-1. Think of how cool life was in Japan back in the day that this was a car for the youth.
Fun facts:
The spare tire was mounted in the front compartment but crashing made it jam the steering wheel in your chest so they sent owners a little bag and asked them to please put that tire behind the seats
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Suzuki sold a few of them themselves as the Cara
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Sadly, it joined the party (JapaneseEconomicBoomfest, that is) just when it was ending. Hell, the Beat was sold for six years ('91 through '96) and two thirds of Beats sold are 1991s. That's how hard recession hit Japan right when the AZ-1 came out, which indeed sold a fraction of the other two.
But fear not: after decades, Honda blew the dust off the kei sportscar idea in 2015 with the gloriously sexy S660.
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It did cease production last year, but at least it left the Japanese used market a kei sportscar with the modern amenities we (and by we I mean you spoiled pussies) cannot do without, like steering wheel controls and *squints* HDMI.
Oh by the way, remember how I said I was going to post about the Cappuccino? Well, it was because someone posted a picture of one with aftermarket taillights.
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Guess what car was next to it when this picture was taken. Guess.
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"What? Where was this?" At a Fiat 500 meeting, of course. And then people wonder why I love Japan so much.
Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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morphinejunkie · 5 months
Hi! I was wondering if you have any hc’s about what Matt and Mello’s relationship was like back at Wammy’s in the crush universe? Was it less toxic/dysfunctional? Or was there always some sort of power play?
in crush, when they were kids, they were each other’s best friends. mello was always a brute and violent, but not anything as conniving or manipulative as he’d become when he got older. and matt was always a little bit of a pushover, but mello never really pushed him that hard; the worst matt had to deal with was temper tantrums and lots of misplaced jealousy (mello was always territorial).
the best way i can describe m2 at wammy’s is two unsocialized brothers, who formed something codependent and outside of what normal friendship would look like. obviously they’re trauma bonded, but more than that, they were the only stable presence in one another’s lives for the longest time. they weren’t affectionate but they weren’t exactly unaffectionate. the best example i can give of this is, i always thought they would pick off lint from each other’s clothes in the cafeteria, like grooming each other like animals. or they would spend hours at a time sitting next to each other but not talking, just parallel playing, because they didn’t feel right without the other.
they were close enough and attached at the hip enough that near called them inseparable, and other kids at the time remembered them as a unit. it was always “where’s matt & mello?” as if they never existed away from each other. this also led to gay rumours when they were preteens but matt just thought people were being rude to mello (whose sexuality was always up for debate). also part of the reason why matt never thought mello liked him even though mello had feelings for him pretty much since the beginning of their friendship.
i never saw m2 as “troublemakers” (how fandom likes to hc them pranking people and stuff) so much as “outcasts” - kept to themselves, felt sort of different than everybody else because they seemed somewhat more fucked up and weird. somewhat to do with mello’s sexuality which made him into an under-the-surface pariah. and somewhat to do with matt’s contrarian, withdrawn, unsociable personality. but i think they really did come to be a source of comfort to each other. i don’t think they had a conventional friendship in the slightest. it was codependent but not toxic. just really intimate.
specific to crush, as they grew older (mello got really into beating near) they grew more and more distant before mello finally made his departure. so mello had left matt behind, emotionally and literally.
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prince-liest · 2 days
this might be a weird ask to receive but im an M1 (almost m2, i just have to survive next block ;-;) and a fic writer (not for hazbin... yet) who also hangs around the bay! i found u through ur lucifer/angel fic on ao3 (which to this day is one of my favs for the fandom) and when i was reading through the rest of ur work it made my heart so happy to see u had matched!! congrats btw!! i'm hoping to be as cool n successful as u one day, dr princeliest :] sending u the awe n respect of an underclassman!
Omg, thank you so much! Honestly, when I started mentioning more excitedly that I was in medical school, there was a surprisingly large number of people that came out from the various corners of the fandoms I've been in to say that they're also in medical school / residency / etc! [meme voice] There are dozens of us!!
Anyway, best of luck with your last block!! Almost there!!!!!!! You have one last true summer break left after that, haha, use it to relax! (And/or get some things done that need time but that you've been putting off, I say, as someone who didn't bother getting a driver's license until the summer after M1, lol.)
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netherstray · 11 months
Ok so we're kind of getting into Dragonflight now and I'm wondering... Why isn't Wrathion using his new model? Why? There was a theory that maybe it would be an aspect model, but... Honestly, that never held much water in the first place because it doesn't look like an aspect model. It just looks like a better model.
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So what is it? Blizz, you made him this nice, new model with new animations and everything. What's the deal? And it's definitely him. The model is called wrathiondrake2.m2. It's him.
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It's not like it's severely incomplete. I mean, it looks good. It has nearly all of the same animations as the riding drakes. Not all, but nearly all of them. Enough that adding in the rest wouldn't be hard.
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And look at it. Look at it. That's Wrathion. That's not just a dragon stuck on a Vanilla rig made to kind of make do as Wrathion, like... That's Wrathion right there. So what's the deal?
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Colors are way better, too. And even if they weren't, it's just the texture. Textures are easy to change, especially if it's just minor color adjustments.
Again, this model is in the game's files. It functions just fine. And it's not exactly like it's some greater life stage for Wrathion. This doesn't look like an adult dragon; it still looks like a drake.
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And yeah, it has a talking animation. And a laughing animation. It can do all the Wrathion things.
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Of all the weird decisions in Dragonflight, I'd have to say... This is the weirdest one so far.
This guy has existed since the beta in more or less the same form. Not much has changed with him since then. And sure, like I said: some animations are missing that the Highland Drake has. But it's really not a lot. So... What's the deal?
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Why no Wrathion update?
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novankenn · 6 months
Perfection - A Homecoming (Ch3)
Joan: It's in the truck. You have any bags?
Joan eyed the two rucksacks at Jaune and Pyrrha's feet.
Pyrrha: Just what's here.
Joan: Grab 'em and let's get going... it's a long bumpy ride to Perfection.
Jaune and Pyrrha grabbed their bags, and quickly fell into step behind Joan. It wasn't a long walk off the landing field and into the parking lot. Pyrrha stopped in her tracks at the sight of the "truck".
Pyrrha: That's the "truck"?
Joan: Quite the sight ain't she.
Pyrrha: It is... but what is it?
Jaune: This girl here, is a repurposed M113 armoured troop carrier.
Pyrrha: And you guys call that a truck? It has tracks, and a machine gun!
Joan: Best for getting where we're going, and don't knock the M2... it's saved our asses more than once.
Pyrrha: From what?
Joan: Grimm, Shriekers, and that one time with a graboid...
Pyrrha: Shriekers? Graboid? Are those types of grimm?
Jaune: Shit Joan! I was going to try and ease her into it, and you go and drop that on her! You ass!
Joan: Well sorry, Mister I'm too good to call my family, because I ran off like a scalded cat!
Jaune: I had to!
Jaune: really? REALLY? What was I going to do here? Waste away up in Perfection, maybe get in with a local gal from Ansel... knock her up and start a family?
Joan: If you weren't so dense and oblivious you would have seen plenty of girls that would have loved for you to do just that to them!
Pyrrha: Ah guys?
Jaune: Fuck you! I have dreams!
Joan: Screw you and your dreams! You ran out on us! If you had been here like you should have been maybe... maybe...
Jaune: Don't you even TRY...
Pyrrha: JAUNE! JOAN!
Joan / Jaune: WHAT?
Pyrrha: Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. You've both said we have a long trip yet, and it would be a much better one if you two weren't about to kill each other.
Joan: Shit! Shit! Shit!
Jaune: Okay. Okay.
Pyrrha: I can tell there is some stuff that you two need to settle, but and this is just a suggestion, it would be better to do that in private?
Joan: You right. You want your kit Jaune? It's in the back.
Jaune: Okay, thanks.
Pyrrha watched Jaune move around to the back of the truck, and drop the ramp, before climbing inside. Joan took that time to move up closer to her.
Joan: Pyrrha, I'm sorry you had to see that, I am. Things are a little...
Pyrrha: It's okay. This is a stressful time for you all, and I won't pretend to understand, but I'm a good listener if you ever feel like just talking.
Joan: Thanks. Might take you up on that. There is something you really should know and understand, okay?
Pyrrha: Okay, and that is?
Joan: If things start getting weird, and Jaune or I tell you to do something, don't argue, don't question... just do it. Okay?
Pyrrha: Okay? Can I know why?
Joan: You'll live longer, and maybe get a chance to actual snag my dense idiot of a brother.
Pyrrha's face bloomed crimson, and she struggled to will it away before Jaune could notice.
Jaune: You wanted me to drive right Joan?
Pyrrha was a little shocked to see Jaune in his "kit" as he exited the truck. He was now wearing a plate-carrier with a tactical vest over his hoodie, and also had a sidearm strapped to his right thigh.
Joan: You have the keys... remember?
Jaune: Alright. Mount up!
(==[Table of Contents]==)
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mizzmellos · 10 months
M2 sex hc because this blog has turned into a horny dumpster fire:
+ Mello definitely has strategically-placed mirrors all around their bedroom bc he's narcissitic and nasty. Maybe less so post-explosion but still at least one on his good side. He definitely spends the first half just putting on a show/making sure his back is perfectly arched etc but by the time Matt's beet red moaning and drooling on his neck he actually gets into it/is paying more attention to how cute and desperate Matt looks than his own reflection. 😇 (it still circles back around to narcissism though because he's into how into him Matt is <- does this make sense?)
+ So we all know this already since he came in second place on the head poll (even Mello himself would happily concede to L on that) but Mello can definitely make the dick disappear balls and all like he prides himself on having no gag reflex. As @/overkeehl said he can deliver both sloppy and serious style depending on his mood. (<- not tagging in this because I'm ashamed and need to be put down like a sick dog) He kind of likes sucking dick because he knows he's good at it but at the same time he's selfish and gets tired of it pretty quick. <- it's reserved for special occasions and rewards for when Matt's been good 🤧 btw do NOT cum in his hair or on his face (again except for special occasions) because you will MESS UP HIS MAKEUP 🗣 but he's only a 50/50 swallower because half the time he likes to spit it on Matt 🤐 I read a fic with a throwaway line about how when Mello's really horny he tells Matt to finish on him in the nastiest way imaginable like a creative challenge with increasing stakes. <- not even sure what this would imply but it stuck w me.
+ Also as we've been discussing Mello likes weird/nasty positions and places and while Matt doesn't really want to be perceived, he's down so bad he does it for him. He esp likes it from behind so Matt can pull on his hair/scratch his back/smack his ass (<- some of the few 'aggressive' things Mello can actually get him to do. Mello thinks these are just vanilla average sex things). Matt likes cowgirl (obviously) but it's cause he wants to see Mello's face 🥺 <- Mello won't let Matt fuck him missionary cuz he's like "stop kissing me so much jfc I can't breathe 😑" (it's not like they've never done it romantic style but it's definitely infrequent). Mello likes making out but only as foreplay like when it's on it's on, Matt can spit in his mouth and bite his earlobes but that's about it.
+ Matt is a little pornbrained in that he has huge "secret" stashes (both physical and digital) of all kinds of cringe porn <- again as I've said the stuff Mello is into makes this look average by comparison but. He definitely wants Mello to dress up in a maid outfit with cat ears and shit. But I don't think there's a universe in which this would happen. Okay maybe the post-kira au where Matt got shot soooo many times Mello feels so bad he dresses up like a sexy nurse ONCE. But certainly not a maid. (<- he has a real needle and scalpel though and then Matt's way less into it. Actually that's not true he's way more scared but still equally into it.)
+ this one is just because I'm a lesbian who thinks the concept of a penile fracture is so so so funny but Mello definitely broke Matt's dick once 😭
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
I said I would be posting more now that I have a laptop upstairs, and I will. I haven't posted much yet because I was still getting used to the keyboard and trying to get to a more comfortable typing speed that didn't frustrate me.
I actually bought a MacBook Air. I borrowed some money from my dad that I will be paying back over time. It's my first Apple product if you don't count the iPhone I got for my parents. It's a wonderful computer. The M1 chip is super zippy. Battery life is amazing. My former 12 year old laptop lasted about 2 hours per charge. This thing lasts me basically all day. The construction is very impressive. The aluminum body feels very sturdy. The screen is beautiful and gets way brighter than I need. And while they don't have any bass, I can't believe how good these tiny laptop speakers sound. My old laptop sounded like a super quiet AM radio. This thing hasn't gotten even mildly warm yet (though I am not rendering video or anything). It is very light. I feel comfortable taking it with me around the house if I need to. The old laptop was about 12 pounds and I think this is 2.75 or so.
Apple just makes good laptops. They always have, though they weren't always a great value. But I think the M1/M2 models are actually competitively priced as long as you don't get too many upgrades. The upgrade prices are still bonkers.
The OS has taken some getting used to. But for basic functions it's fine. I haven't had any trouble navigating. And the search function is much better than Windows. As is the aesthetics.
I don't really get into those technology pissing contests. I considered a Windows laptop, but there were just so many PC laptop choices and I was overwhelmed with the research required to find a good one. Not only can quality vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but it can also vary from model to model. There are shitty Dells and fantastic Dells. I just didn't have the energy to figure out which was which. But I knew the new M1 Macs were all well reviewed and would serve my needs. So, that's what I got.
One bonus is that all of my friends are on iPhones and so now I can use iMessage and not turn into a dreaded green bubble. I still think Apple should make texting with android not crappy, but I'm happy to have a less frustrating way to communicate with my friends until that happens. If it ever does. (C'mon Europe, force Apple to fix that!)
Choosing tech these days is just about your needs and preferences. Brand loyalty is bullshit. All of the companies basically suck as far as business practices. Google might even be eviler these days. Microsoft has always been shit. And Dell has some of the worst customer service around. In this particular instance, Apple was the least evil choice for my needs and preferences. And anytime I need to do something only a PC can handle, I can just pop downstairs and use my desktop machine.
My only complaint so far is that I don't like how the scroll wheel functions with my bluetooth mouse. I like to scroll 3 lines at a time and Apple has this weird scroll acceleration feature that scrolls really slow at first and then crazy fast the more you scroll. I think there is a workaround but I haven't had the time to figure it out yet.
I'm excited to test out Photoshop, as I've heard the M1 version is about 50% faster. I just haven't had the energy to edit any photos recently.
So, that's my Apple experience so far. It's a good computer that I hope will last for many years. I also like that they maintain decent resale value if I need something different down the line.
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Ask game for Peter Parker and Rick Flag? :)
Oooh thank you!
Send Me a Character and I'll Give You...
You didn't specify which Peter Parker (and I am NOT going through all of them, no offense) so I'll go with Andrew Garfield's since I like his version best
1: sexuality headcanon - oh so bi. the most bi. nobody on the planet earth is more bisexual 2: otp - HIM AND GWEN. One of my favorite fictional couples of all time. 3: brotp - Him and the other Peters in No Way Home. They had such a wonderful brotherly dynamic 4: notp - Him and Tobey Maguire's Peter. It started cropping up after No Way Home and it just... no. It's a little weird to begin with, and they act more like friends or brothers in the movie anyway 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - Knows a few Yiddish swears - Ben would swear in Yiddish instead of English when he was a kid, trying to keep him from picking it up, but he picked it up anyway 6: favorite line from this character - Not a line so much as a moment but in AS-M2 when he's about to go fight Electro and he literally webs Gwen to the car and shouts "I'm sorry! I love you!" as he's running away. It's too cute! 7: one way in which I relate to this character - I feel like the way he talks is relatable to me. I too ping-pong wildly between coming off as very witty or just being an awkward stammering mess when I'm caught off-guard 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - For some reason, the "we have no chimney" scene. It's funny but always gives me a little twinge of secondhand embarrassment too 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - CINNAMON ROLL
1: sexuality headcanon - bi/pan but would only really process it after Harley randomly calls him out on it 2: otp - uhh... does it count if I say Eris? Their chaotic relationship is just so much fun 3: brotp - I LOVE his friendship with Harley (I see a lot of fics with them as romantic partners but I like them so much better as friends) 4: notp - him and Peacemaker. Saw it on AO3 a while back and was just like... why? No shade to those that do enjoy it, I just don't get it 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - Cannot sleep in. It's a remnant from his military days, but the latest he can ever make himself sleep when he's not sick or injured is about 8:30 AM, and that's pushing it. Most days he's up and moving by dawn, even if he has nothing to get up for. 6: favorite line from this character - Anything from the scene on the rooftop when they're debriefing Thinker. It's just such a fun scene, such a good blend of focus and chaos. Or just anything where he's interacting with Harley. 7: one way in which I relate to this character - Big dog energy (looking scary at a glance but being really friendly once you get to know me) 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - they did him dirty with that death scene, that's all I'll say 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Originally a problematic fave, but they fixed his character SO much with the 2021 Suicide Squad and now he's a cinnamon roll
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marcusrobertobaq · 3 months
Big Screen Building Stratford Tower exploration and commentary
⚠️ Tumblr got a limit of images u can use, so i'll separate in 3 MAIN parts: Ground Floor, Floor 47 and Floor 79
⚠️ I'm playing on low setting cuz that's what i got for today. Be aware the quality is AWFUL
First of all lets observe the surroundings
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I really don't know the irl place they took inspiration from, probably around Greektown or Bricktown area. Wiki says it must be around there too (u can look on the holographic map from Crossroads).
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U can enter this building directly from the subway station. Same old scheme of stairs for humans and for androids bs.
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Careful cuz they got 'em eyes on ya 👀 (i bet is AI controlled cuz mfs are so fucking LAZY in this game)
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Something i wanted to point out is how we got some details about temperature in this game. We just got the whole weather forecast week in here (probably in Fº ofc cuz States always being diferentões).
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Some few more details bout the entrance. Nothing that WOW, just some folks having a chat and plants, LOTTA PLANTS - cuz we need PLANTS and golden colors. Also this weird movie poster "After Mankind 3021" here again. Probably a reference to movies where the machines take over the world or humans themselves becoming "machines" cuz the wall between bio and non-bio got weaker, or maybe aliens disguised as humans 👀
Now on the inside...
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Pretty chill, ain't it? These spaces in both sides of the room, really a commercial building vibes. Now take a look in this shit here:
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For some reason i couldn't find any entrance in this "second" floor, i guess the only way of accessing is really by the subway? Idk. No idea what's behind that door but u can see where the elevator is.
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Didn't find any details like this projector manufacturer or anything, it's the average hologram thing highlithing important places. I wonder if anyone can see the floors information, idk, maybe when really close or interacting with it or if it's something from Markus optics.
Some things to list 👀:
They got the fatest elevators in all Detroit - 30 mph (or 48 km/h);
Biggest screen in Detroit - 1000 square foot (basically 93 m2);
Main Entrance: Connection to transport and street;
Floor 10~30: C16 Advertising and Sales;
Floor 31~46: Business and Legal;
Floor 47~50: Channel 16 Studios - Detroit's local news network;
Floor 79: Broadcast Center - Feeds ALL public screens in Detroit;
Now some more details about our girl Elizabeth and her shit
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Old news but i guess all employees would have something like that.
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(rough edit cuz the gui and the images are separate textures)
The computer screen details. Undestable why Markus gotta distract this woman.
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Markus ID. I wonder who's the unfortunate guy that got blamed by the infiltration xD, they'll probably arrest Mr. Peterson too.
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The south elevator. Rules is clear: if there's a south means a north exists. Where? I don't fucking know.
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(STRATFORD - media group)
[To Floor 47]
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twstgameplay · 9 months
Hope this isn’t too weird, I just wanted to celebrate that I got my first ever SSS, on the omni basic exam in EN right now. The advice on this blog was really helpful for it so thank you guys for what you do! I’m f2p and only pull for cards that I like (though there have been many happy accidents) so I’m really glad I was still able to achieve this. My team was dorm Jamil (level 100), dorm Kalim (level 80), birthday Ortho (level 80), Applepom Idia (level 80), and dorm Ortho (level 82). Not exactly an ideal team but I was still able to pull it off so I hope that’s encouraging for someone!
Congratulations! Yes, we absolute love hearing success stories here.
Out of the 6 buddies they had, three of them had their ATK boost, including Dorm Ortho, who, even at Level 82 would most likely be your finisher (especially if you activate his M1 before his M2).
4 DUOs and a good spread of elements in your cards is exactly the way to start on your omni SSS adventure.
Keep it up!
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jakey-beefed-it · 1 year
Thinking about lasguns in 40k.
So others have waxed poetic about what a ridiculously good weapon they are from a logistical standpoint. Absurdly efficient ammunition easily recharged in the field given a brief respite, that still punches as hard as a higher-tech assault rifle (autoguns are notably caseless in the lore despite the appearance; a gun that fires jacketed ammunition is a stub-gun, with a heavy stubber being the equivalent to like an M60 or M2 Browning) than those available in the real world at this time. Hell, they somehow defy entropy by recharging when thrown into a fire. So yeah, of course it’s the primary weapon of the largest military force that can manufacture it. The only reason it’s maligned is that other factions use much scarier (albeit far less efficient) small arms that do things like fire gyro-stabilized armor-piercing grenades.
What I was thinking about in particular however, is that assuming that lasguns use anything approaching real-world laser physics*, they’d be virtually silent and have no discernible recoil.
If you were to fire one at a practice range, you might hear a click, a pop, or a short buzz when you pressed the trigger as the pulse was generated. It wouldn’t be very loud, though, and on a battlefield I have to imagine it would be drowned out in the cacophony. But the ‘recoil’ produced by... a bunch of photons ...would be so negligible that a human being couldn’t perceive it. A pulse would move too quickly to see even if it was in visible light. Even a continuous beam would almost certainly be invisible- the visible spectrum being a minute part (and a relatively low-energy part) of the EM spectrum. So to the person shooting, it’s like practically nothing is happening. You pull the trigger and your target develops a sudden case of pits burned into it with nothing obvious to human senses linking the two. 
If a las bolt struck something nearby, there might be a loud crack akin to a gunshot as the bolt boiled off a chunk of whatever it hit in a microsecond burst of plasma. But say you’re an ork boy, charging a gun line of conscript humans pointing their little toy guns at you. They don’t make any fun noise, they don’t even light up, but suddenly your mates begin to go down, burning holes bored through their scrap armor and vaporizing craters in their flesh. Maybe they even catch fire. Zog me, dat’s weird. 
Anyway yeah, just thinking about how odd it would be to fire a gun that made essentially no indication it was being fired yet did at least as much damage to its target as a caseless assault rifle. 
* There’s really no reason they should; 40k is about as soft as sci-fi gets so they can go pew pew and fire slow-traveling visible bolts like Star Wars blasters if the writers want, or if you prefer that for your own games/armies/stories
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One of the things I've been feeling a lot recently is nostalgia, I have a love-hate relationship with the feeling. On one hand you smile remembering good times but on the other you get sad you can never re-experience that ever again. That's why I try to enjoy so many things in the moment now. But anyway, it's been on my mind a lot. I recently watched a video about a design language called "Frutiger Aero" (video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL7kTMtvebQ) and this is what I grew up with. Skeuomorphism was rampant during these years, which is considered to be a key part of the design language. This design langauge in operating systems such as Windows 7 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard. These are my personal favorites not just because of nostalgia, but I feel these systems were really refined and looked really clean. It also just felt like you were in a different world, especially with some of those wallpapers. I remember as a kid I would just go through the wallpapers on Windows 7 and imagine the kind of worlds they were in. Truly a magical time. Also around this time, I was first exposed to the iPhone, namely the 4. I was too young to care about "antenna gate" and I thought a touchscreen phone was just so incredible. iOS 4 through 6 were definitely the most nostalgic for me. I remember iOS 5 on my sister's iPod Touch 4, another super nostalgic piece of tech for me. She really liked Owl City, and I would then come to listen to a lot of their stuff too. My favorites were Fireflies and then Peppermint Winter, a song I've been listening to a lot recently, with it being Christmas and all.
Enough about tech, another thing I'm super nostalgic for is TV channels back in the early 2010s. You see back then cable was actually worth watching I feel like, and definitely peaked then until Netflix took over in the mid 2010s. I also miss old Netflix from 2011. It was reasonably priced, no ads and had a good library. As far as TV networks go, I would mainly watch Cartoon Network, Nick and PBS Kids. CN was going through a huge renaissance, with tons of new shows, that are super nostalgic to me now, something I like to dub the "Check It Renaissance" referring to CN's branding at the time. A kind of weird interest of mine is channel idents or bumpers that air between programming and commercials. Check it 1.0 from CN (2010-2013) is by far the most nostalgic for me, with cool flipnote like bumpers, catchy music, and skeuomorphism galore. But PBS Kids' bumpers from around the time (and PBS Kids Go's) are also super nostalgic for me. Nickelodeon's branding was already bland af and hasn't really improved since. But I loved spongebob, drake and josh, and icarly as a kid so I would watch it frequently. I think it was just such a good time for me simply because I was a young kid. I wasn't quite aware of what happened in the world, I just enjoyed life, played with friends, and quite a few family members who are unfortunately deceased now were alive and doing very well then. I think people weren't quite as addicted to the internet back then as a lot of us are now, obviously the internet has done a lot of good over the years, getting us through a pandemic and all, but it definitely has its downsides. I just feel like back then people would only pull their phone out if they had a call, or to show it to friends/family because it was such a novelty then. I miss when technology was advancing so fast, everything new was so cool. Each new iphone was a huge improvement over the previous, while now it feels like the only thing that really improves is the battery. The iPad was first introduced in 2010, quad core processors became standard back then too in desktops and high end laptops... and desktops nowadays are STILL shipping with quad cores. I'm not saying there's been no improvements to tech- that is incredibly untrue. VR has matured a ton since the clunky Oculus DK1 from 2013, 100 core processors are now a thing apparently, Apple's M1 and M2 processors have been able to accomplish things unimaginable back in 2010, and tons of discoveries with technology has been discovered to help the medical field and such. I guess I'm just not a young kid who thinks every new piece of technology is the coolest thing ever haha.
In conclusion, I love the late 2000s/early 2010s, it was just a truly special and incredible couple of years for me. Hopefully one day things like the design language from then will make a comeback or something. Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve. Happy Holidays :)
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